Since there don’t seem to be any good new mask burning parties this week, I would like to address something that came up in relation to the two teenage girls getting into a fight, and one having a knife ready to stab the other.
For those of us who live in close enough proximity to certain neighborhoods, such sights are not, shall we say, shocking. However, that does not mean that the culture itself doesn’t have some underpinnings that are, for all intents and purposes, less than wholesome.
Last week, I wrote about Edward Bernays, and the manipulation of American public opinion via propaganda as practiced using the mainstream media.
While that discussion focused mostly on politics, and the shaping of the political landscape, the entire culture, actually, is subject to such treatment, especially with the amount of time Americans consume mainstream media programming both of the political variety and entertainment.
That being the case, after decades of “programming” from the men in the smoky back room, the culture itself has been impacted by what they want us to be, and not necessarily for the better.
When reflecting on the headlines, and all the violence and just plain anti-social and uncivilized behavior going on, some passages in my favorite psycho-analysis of American culture popped into my head.
I’ve written about the book, The Culture Code by Clotaire Rapaille previously, and his methodology of getting to the reptilian emotions behind certain code words and phrases that represent a cross-section of American thinking on a sub-conscious level. There are those who will think that these code words and phrases are hokum, and perhaps some of them are for the people who frequent this page. However, not all of America does, and they consume a lot more propaganda than some of us, so are subject to manipulation.
What Rapaille outlines in the book is what is seen as an alien culture to others around the world, and one he describes as incredibly adolescent. What it screams to anyone with a 40,000 foot view is the American people have been manipulated into making America really sick, and brainwashed.
Without giving away the store, meaning all of the codes, and how he got to them, Rapaille equates cultural needs as such:
- Cars = identity (this one is a no-brainer for Americans)
- Seduction = manipulation
- Sex = violence
- Beauty = man’s salvation (yes, I’ve felt like an object when a man told me any man would be proud to have me on his arm, at which point, I was done)
- Fat = checking out
- Love = false expectations
- Marriage = unrealistic expectations
- Health and wellness = movement
- Nurse = mother
- Doctor = hero
- Food = fuel
Of course, there are more. Shopping is considered to be “reconnecting with life” and never moreso than in the year of COVID, but the reader here gets the idea. This culture has been manipulated away from what America once was and what many patriots still believe it to be.
Essentially, America was hijacked, although not as completely as the powers that wannabe probably think.
There is still an underpinning of patriotism, and there are still many who do not subscribe to the wackiness inspired by what is truly demonic. In the end, that steadiness will right the ship, but it is going to take time, and a whole lot more people rejecting the world as the propagandists present it.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
ACTS 8:26-40
26But an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” This is a desert road. 27And he rose and went. And behold, an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a minister of the Can’dace, queen of the Ethiopians, in charge of all her treasure, had come to Jerusalem to worship 28and was returning; seated in his chariot, he was reading the prophet Isaiah. 29And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go up and join this chariot.” 30So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” 31And he said, “How can I, unless some one guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. 32Now the passage of the scripture which he was reading was this: “As a sheep led to the slaughter or a lamb before its shearer is dumb, so he opens not his mouth. 33In his humiliation justice was denied him. Who can describe his generation? For his life is taken up from the earth.” 34And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, pray, does the prophet say this, about himself or about some one else?” 35Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this scripture he told him the good news of Jesus. 36And as they went along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What is to prevent my being baptized?” 38And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. 39And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught up Philip; and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing. 40But Philip was found at Azo’tus, and passing on he preached the gospel to all the towns till he came to Caesare’a.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
skunks don’t smell bad. they just make a bad smell 😉
One night, I was on my way home from the city, and was driving past Forest Park (2 square miles of green space, woods, etc.) and SKUNK! IDK what got sprayed, but something did.
Unfortunately, skunks do not comply with the law that says that anyone discharging a firearm is responsible for whatever the bullet does until it comes to rest. Even if they just get a glancing hit on whatever offended them, they may leave an entire area contaminated.
One night last week I thought I smelled something while sitting in my living room. Figured maybe one was in the back yard? When I went to into my bedroom, HOLY SMACKAZOLIS BATMAN!!! 😲😤🤧🤢😷 I was Febreezing almost an hour before I could go to sleep. I still smelled it the next day. Must’ve been a party outside my bedroom window. 🦨🦨🦨 That hasn’t happened in over 20 years. Unfortunately critters have had full reign out there since my doggies went to Heaven. I need to run my sprinklers more often.
I am told that one quart 3% hydrogen peroxide, one cup baking soda, and 1 tsp mild dishwashing detergent will just cut through it.
The guy who originally recommended it had just had one of his neighbors trip over a skunk while wheeling trash cans to the curb.
There were comments about effectively ripping the thiols and thioacetates apart into pieces that are no longer pungent.
Yup. Aqueous alkali hydrolyzes thioesters, and oxidizers convert any present or resultant thiols and the like to sulfinic and sulfonic acids. Sulfides get oxidized to sulfoxides and sulfones.
You obviously continued chemistry classes past where I did.
It was an interesting version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Richard O’Brien turns 80 next March.
Funny little quirk about Riff — his family moved to New Zealand when he was 10, but then he went to the UK for fame and fortune…..but when he tried to “come home” and settle in — they denied him citizenship, saying he was too old.
As he put it, “They build a statue of me and celebrate me as a New Zealander, but I have to go on my knees and do all sorts of things, and I’m probably too old.” That lasted about a year-and-a-half, until 2011.
Note — he went to the UK at about age 22. So he had a dozen developmental years in NZ.
He was born on the same day as Aretha Franklin.
i don’t know all about that – but what i do know is my daughter and i had to relocate to another location for about 3 weeks when in early march one year during the skunks mating season – and while it was still quite cold in my area – two skunks got into it over a female under our back room and the resulting aroma that got sucked into the furnace return rendered the place uninhabitable. no matter how many windows were open, no matter how many cookie trays of cinnamon you cooked with the oven door ajar, and you can’t douse your entire home and belongings in the magic mix unfortunately.
it was an amazing realization of nature let me tell you 🙂
but i do like skunks, often have them walk right by me in the back yard at night. i don’t mess with them, they don’t with me. i think they know when you are a threat and usually i get along with all kinds of animals that way.
I knew someone who had a pet skunk. They had the gland taken out.
The skunk behaved like a cat and was in the house.
Whatcha talkin bout Willis?? 😜
LOL! “Skunk comms!”
… ⏬ …
If I lived where skunks roamed around I’d have one of these … I would look for a brand name knock off though 😜
Yeah, that ones not going to work. Maybe this?![comment image](
That’s the winner‼️😃👍❤️ …… ☺️
Further clarification — he was taking the cans to the curb in the dark…..and you have to rinse your subject within five minutes of applying this mixture, lest you end up with an all-white dog.
We used tomato juice to wash it off.
it kinda works, too.
unless your dog got sprayed by a skunk…in that case, the tomato juice just makes things real messy.
I meant on me…lol. Washed off in a galvanized tub and burried the clothes! We played in the woods a lot as kids.
Disneyland has a number of special experiences available where you have to be there and ask. Depending on how well the day is going, any guest can wake up Jose in the Tiki Room. Any guest can ride the Mark Twain with the Captain. And — provided you embark and debark at the Main Street Station, guests can ride with the Fireman and Engineer on two of the five trains of the Disneyland Railroad.
One trip, the Fireman (IIRC) talked about his pet deglanded skunk. They’re inquisitive, playful, and fearless — and he was besotted.
Key-word: deglanded … very very key .. 🤧😷
I think they’re cute and it makes sense if they don’t feel threatened you’re safe .. don’t threaten them let them fluffy potentially odiferous cuties toddle on by …
like the song … 🎶
If you have skunks in the neighborhood, just remember…skunks have poor eyesight so when taking out the garbage at night, make enough noise to let them know you’re coming. A startled skunk is not your friend. If they know you’re headed their way, they will avoid you.
A friend lives in the country had two terrier. She called them in the evening to come in and they did not come. She awoke about 1 Am and looked for her dogs they greeted her at the door and both had been sprayed by a skunk. She threw some blankets out for them and left them out until the morning. She bathed them every day and aftet two weeks they still had the skunk smell. She used to run a kennel and is expert getting rid of skunk smells. 😷
It’s been real.
I’d been looking to explore “Beauty = man’s salvation (yes, I’ve felt like an object when a man told me any man would be proud to have me on his arm, at which point, I was done)” a bit. I was under the impression that everyone received a certain amount of such bushwa in the normal matter of course, and that it was usually just ignored.
It made me feel like a thing.
The way it was presented is that a woman makes an effort to be attractive for men, more or less to get them to notice. In England, they’re much more provocative, but here, we’re supposed to be beautiful, sexy prudes. Hence why the concept of Victoria’s Secret was successful. The original owner was not into the cathouse underwear, but much more classy merchandise. Les Wexner, OTOH….
Oh, and the other thing about that guy was that he lied to be about something really fundamental. How is that supposed to build trust?
It’s a minefield out there, that’s for sure.
THURSDAY!!! 🤸♀️🤸♀️🤸♀️🤩😍🤩
Yeah. I could enjoy some of that. BIGLY.
No point in admiring it until the rest arrives.
Watch while you can! No guarantee more is coming, especially with this crowd(me)!!😁😁😁
The Great Bacon Riot of 2021.
20 dozen eggs and 200 slices of toast with jam or apple butter 😀
Hash browns.
Yep. Can’t do without those (and Rösti just isn’t the same…)….
MmMMMMmmMmm! Reminds me, I have to go to the store…
As best I can tell from seven decades of experience – it is IMPOSSIBLE to fill up on bacon.
There is no limit – no place where one can say – I’ve had enough – I’m full, I’m stuffed.
I cannot eat more than two slices of bacon.
That is a curse. 🙂
Maybe I’m weird – I want at least 6 pieces on a BLT.
I give mine to the dogs 🙂
I am just not used eating lots of bacon. I rather eat an Herring 🙂
FIL used to stop at their company store on the way back from hunting excursions in Wisconsin. He’d bring back bags of odd pieces…we all loved it. There are some markets in our area that now carry some of these products but at a premium price. Best smoked bacon 🥓 we’ve ever had.
Goodnight 💤 God bless sweet rest and dreams …
Is it true that Sir John Gielgud is one of the revelers doing the Time Warp?
This video was always important, but now that the BIDENAZIS and even the POST OFFICE are against us…..
🙄 Hard to believe it’s come to that! 🙄
TGP reporting they believe the 15 US Postal Inspectors got Kolfage’s ‘We Build The Wall’ donor list off his computers when they arrested him last year. That is who they’re supposedly monitoring on social media. So if you donated, be expecting FIB at your door.
Absolutely nuts. Freaking Soviet Union stuff.
Just another list I’m on.
I donate where I want and geopolitics Fascists are not going to tell me otherwise. This is America no Nazi Germany.
Well, I have to mail a birthday card today.
… ❤️ …
Take care!!! 😉
I have that SAVED …. Miranda all day long .. 🤨👍❤️
i call my Miranda … Carmen …
… 😑 …
Then there’s always this (for when she went to collage 🙂 ):
![comment image](
and this (BBB):
![comment image](
… 😮👍❤️‼️😃🤚 … totally awesome 🖐😎 … ❤️ty❤️ … cuppa ❤️
Useful! From GAB.
Wolf, This is very interesting. I have been studying Narcissism for the last year. I have been on the receiving end of these relationships all of my life beginning with my Mother. I thought that was normal and ended up marrying a Narcissist.
I have also studied Communism and leftists for most of my adult life.
Until I saw the chart you just posted, I had not realized they are the same thing. The chart describes the Narcissist perfectly. They do not love. They are in a transactional relationship with you. They feed off of you and when you are no longer of benefit to them, they leave you or destroy you.
Here are a couple of the people I have found to be very helpful and educational in dealing with Narcissists. I am finally free of this type of relationship in my life. It is wonderful. Here are some samples of their work.
What is “invalidation”? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships) Dr. Ramani
321,960 views •May 1, 2020
7 Steps To Winning The Narcissist’s Invalidation Game Dr. Les Carter
216,369 views •Premiered Aug 14, 2019
It had not occurred to me that we could use the same types of methods in dealing with the Communists and leftists. It works because they are the same types of people. They control others by manipulation. Edward Bernays is a fine example. Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates etal are doing the same thing to us. Dr. Carter said on one his videos that the best thing you can do when they are attacking you is to just stay calm and say, “Whatever” and continue to do what you know is the right thing for your life. They hate not being able to control you and if you don’t react emotionally to them, they can’t control you.
Great stuff. Thank you. This matches up with observation. NICE.
I have several narcs in my extended family. After years of misery, I now use the Greyrock technique on them. I hadn’t thought about this with the Communists and the leftists before, but it’s the same thing. Control by manipulation. Thanks Liz 😀
.. ❤️🙏🏼❤️ … God bless you holly …
Never heard of that before, but it is exactly right. And it can be applied in circumstances both big and small, occasional and persistent. It is sometimes very hard to do, for instance with family, but it is necessary. We had a discussion on turning the other cheek a few weeks back, and everybody agreed that turning the other cheek does NOT mean enabling.
You never engage a narcissist .. they thrive on that and they want to draw information out of you to use against you ..
I’m going to plant narcissist bulbs this year .. heh heh ..
WOW WOW Elizabeth .. this isn’t a coincidence it’s a God wink 😉❤️
I’ve been following both of these Dr.’s as I have a deep need for the “-hit storm” that has been going on for the last 43 years with a “person”, it’s excruciating but this is life saving to me, Thank you 🙏🏼 .. God bless you, may He keep you safe and comfort you .. ❤️ ..
Both Dr.’s are good 🤨👍❤️🙂❤️
I am a Johnny one-note in saying this next thing. The fundamental psychological reality of communists/leftists, narcissists, sociopaths, and other manipulators, is sadism. More than merely getting pleasure, it is a necessity of their souls to inflict suffering, and to get off on suffering. It is what gives their dead souls a simulacrum of life.
The narcissist in my life is cruel .. but I come from a family that are more like the Marx brothers .. so the narc has some seriously butt hurt moments .. yes indeedy .. 😈👍❤️ .. 😌
Narcissists (all of whom are IN LOVE with themselves), must always denigrate others, so as to feel that they themselves are “better”.
By causing suffering, they can “know” that they aren’t the ones suffering. It’s a very simplistic binary choice – in order to protect themselves against suffering trauma, they make sure – pathologically – that it is OTHERS who suffer trauma.
By their own hands.
It’s really weird – they punish others, so that they aren’t the ones punished.
It’s hard-wired from childhood neglect / abuse, wherein the developing mind / heart is COMPELLED to spend ALL their capacity for loving others … for themselves.
I’ve mentioned before here how the best way to deal with narcissists is to NOT deal with them: don’t do anything AGAINST them, don’t do anything FOR them … just leave them alone, and get them out of ones life.
I understand that this may not be possible (yet) for many, but it’s quite a good grounding / thinking strategy for those still in the ambit of sociopaths / narcissists..
The incidence of narcissism (in Greek mythology, the character Narcissus saw his reflection in a pool, and fell in love with his own looks) has been on the rise for many, MANY years here in America.
It’s quite an accurate measure of our societal decay …
I’m in the midst of life story that would Edger Allen Poe’s stories look like the Magic Kingdom. 43 years, 41 married .. I could not understand/fathom how I got to be such a “bad” person. Now I see through the looking glass clearly … I see him, no more “stealth” mode. It’s sickening. ATM this being is in the process of setting up their “new” life … throwing a ton of shade atm.
But I’m out of the woods and have knowledge enough to see the road ahead for this being will be “awesome” as it appears the newbie has the same personality … this is … justice/biblical
… lol …
Their hook-up story would curl your hair … bwahahahahaha
Good for you, Nikki!
It can take quite a while, for a normal person to understand that the mindset of another (abnormal) person is completely ALIEN to ones own mentality.
Normal people give true sympathy / empathy – that is, we MEAN it. But for sociopaths et al., they’ve learned how to FAKE it … but they don’t know that what they’re doing is fake, and they believe it’s real. So, anyone questioning their “honesty” is attacked relentlessly.
Narcissists believe the lies that they tell themselves, and refuse to believe that they’re deficient in any way.
Years later, they can admit that they were wrong … but this provides even MORE specious sense to them that they’re normal – which they MUST believe.
(I’ll take a pass on the “hook-up” story! lol)
It’s possible it’ll be a “suspense” story … bwahahahahaha
.. spit ..
God bless you and hold you!
So true
Well said, and what you say also has wider application in understanding many things about the human heart.
There is another category the spiritual vampire. I have had experience with them. One needs to be very guarded around them.
The other is when a person is miserable and cannot be grateful for little things they did not control they want the other person to be miserable also. I encountered a person like that. They never can share your joy.
The Spiritual Vampire is very dangerous. They can drain all of your energy very quickly. When I first found out about them, the book I was reading said to watch their eyes because as they drain your energy their eyes start to shine and soon they are smiling. I watched and it was true. Never let them make you angry or afraid. That is how they drain your energy.
I read somewhere later that if you will sit down with your feet flat on the floor and fold your hands or arms across your solar plexus that will block their access. It really works. You can hold their eyes and see their confusion when they can’t “tap” your energy. I try not to get that close to them but sometimes you don’t have a choice.
Very good explanation. Thank you 🙂
I have had the unfortunate experience of knowing persons whose only happiness was unhappiness, yours and theirs.
So do I and it drag one down if one lets them. I salt my house before a certain person enters and then I salt again after they leave 🙂
I felt unexpected sadness immediately upon scanning this chart. I don’t even want to fight such awfulness
We hear that we need to learn how to fight … I just don’t know that I am up to dealing with all of that. Seeing it all spelled out … such awfulness, ugliness and evil. Many conservatives across the nation, and Very true here in TN, are Nice, care about others, want to get along, want to live in the sociatal and Christian norms of yestrday, expectations of public behavor and private ethics, manners, morals and values.
The list on the left, to me, is the worst as it takes away all logical, ethical, rational, moral western and Christian norms to fight the list on the right. We see the left has lost all sense of civic norms.
Gee … this comment is a downer … but that is the impact of seeing the left’s nastiness laid out … it More than nastiness
reminds me of the quotes from our Founding Fathers that our civic structure is built on the morals and ethics of a healthy society, that it only works when rational, good people are our country’s citizens
this brings us to why the morals and ethics, the family and societal norms were so important to destroy first and how that then brings down the entire system to have seveal generations raised in and around depravity, unachored in truth, in western civilization, in healthy families and communities.
How does one stand and fight against this stuff?! Seems like a loosing battle because they control the schools and culture, the media and social media (communications) which all set “reality” for our younger generations?
Glad so many parents are realizing CRT is awful … but why weren’t we fighting sooner for pro American, pro Truth, pro ethical and moral sound curriculum?
OK – school boards need to be elevated in our sights and curriculum questions paramount for all elected officials. President Trump and his Garden of Heroes (park of hero statues or something like that) was right on target and his focus in the 1776 report. Focusing on our next generations, making sure they are taught our traditional values, civic expectations, how to succeed instead of how to blame and hate …
this is beyond what we want for our own children. Homeschooling is great for our own children … but that leaves the majority of society in the hands of the leftists and therefore the future of our country, of our coming generations being determined by their agenda.
Schools, the next gen and keep battling the cultural as well as political battle.
Exposing the leftists as this chart does is a great way to reduce their power as more and more see them for who they are.
Being angry that a policeman stopped a possible murder is not normal in our traditional society (nor are knife fights among teens). That was shocking. We have a clash of cultures and it is not a clash between white and black but between the fruits fo the left against the norms of western civilization
This is why I believe people are right – this is about AMERICANISM vs. something VERY DIFFERENT.
The dilemma of the day:
OK, another salvage beer. This one is from the Fort Point Beer Company out of San Francisco, is called “Dipper”, and is a “Double India Pale Ale”.
To start with, a bit of a digression. India Pale Ales are originally ales brewed in the UK for consumption in India. Because of long travel times, and the preservative function of hops (and alcohol), they tended to focus on hops, more hops, many more hops and, after that, hops — oh, and high alcohol yield. If you were brewing a Scotch ale, you might have some thoughts on an appropriate grain bill and how to balance your hops against the grain…..but that goes right out the window for an IPA.
IPAs began to be popular in the United States in the Pacific Northwest. Local brewers tended to start with local hops, developed by Oregon State University. And, BTW, you can frequently encounter hop fields driving the back roads around the Willamette Valley.
One of the most well-known (and widely planted) hop varieties is “Cascade”. It was first used commercially in 1975 by Anchor Steam and is a signature Pale Ale hop in the US. “It has a pleasant, flowery and spicy, citrus-like quality with a slight grapefruit characteristic.”
PNW IPA’s also tend to have “piney” notes. It’s a legitimate local style. (BTW, San Diego has a legitimate local IPA style which can go a bit “steely”, and is typified by Stone Brewing, Coronado Brewing, Anchor Point Brewing, and Ballast Point Brewing — which are all very nice).
So this “Dipper” IPA? Oddly, the first think I thought about was bubble gum. You can get banana-type flavors from the yeast….but this was a little different. There were still hops in there, but not the usual hops and not in the usual places. It’s tasty enough, but it wouldn’t be something I’d drive somewhere to get. It’s just peculiar.
But it wasn’t horrid, so I’m counting it as a score.
Next salvage brew — “Cucumber Kolsch Specialty Ale” by “HighWater Brewing — Unique Flavors for the Curious Palate”. Pilsner malts, cucumber, and mint.
You can taste the cucumber, but barely taste the mint.
It’s like a Budweiser, but swampier. Not recommended, but not bad enough to give away. Yet.
HighWater Brewing is out of San Jose, CA.
Gack. The mint is just wrong.
Oops — delete “Anchor Point Brewing”…..
Stone brewery xocoveza. That is really good, but price has skyrocketed.
One year, the Fiancee and I went to San Diego. First night, we went to Stone’s Liberty Station restaurant. Menu had a lot of great choices, but, y’know….you only get to pick one.
Per night.
We had dinner there three consecutive evenings. The only thing I repeated once was the beer-cheese soup — and that included the beers!
Beer cheese soup is yummy. Maybe i should go one time.
Scott Free
Lindell’s latest…Absolute Interference…Posted on
[video src="" /]
Now there’s a thought. GAB.
![comment image](
And Mike Pence is the Parler of politics… 😂
Bringing forward from yesterday…..
“So, the Fiancee got a package in the mail today. It was a phone from AT&T. They’re eliminating their 3G coverage in February, 2022, so they want her to carry a 4G phone. They tell her she’s got 30 days to switch over.
As usual, I’m thinking, “why the squeeze play? Last time I checked 2022 was some months away…..”
Oh, and get this — besides being preloaded with Android and the usual Google crap, it’s also preloaded with Faceschmuck!”
CIA wants into your home.
You can’t get away from the pre-loading.
Tack hammer
Wondering, is there an USPS app?
“10-year-old George Floyd witness says she’s ‘proud’ she helped convict Derek Chauvin”
“Judeah told Robin Roberts that she is now penning a book about her experience, calling it “Judeah’s Walk to the Store.”
They’ve made him into the 21st century Rosa Parks
correction : Judas’ Walk To the Store
👉 they think this is their “Selma” moment.
Angry BLM Mob Forms in Front of City Council After Officer-Involved Shooting Death of Black Man in Elizabeth City, North Carolina (VIDEO) (
I’ve never posted a link so hopefully this works.
We saw the writing on the wall and moved. Mom and Dad refused to leave. The once red county went blue.
Very hard to watch, not sure how the folks in the burning cities deal with living in and near them.
Nice to see you commenting on the Open Thread now too, Elize! 😊 👍 👼
Thank you, atm I’m not having any hiccups with wp. Ty Jesus!
Whoo Hoo!!!
I joke to my husband…
Heels up is waiting to trip Biden down one of the long staircases in the WH.
Jill is trying to keep Joe safe from Heels.
Obama knows he can control Joe more than Heels.
And Heels is trying to get Hitlery to help her Arkancide them all!
Sounds like that board game … who did who in and where …
Fear not .. she will
… 🙂👍 …
New Schlichter —
Verse of the Day for Thursday, April 22, 2021
“For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
Psalms 30:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
🦋 🦋 🦋 🏵 🏵 😍 🏵 🏵 🦋 🦋 🦋
Wheeeee, Butterfly!!!
Baby skunks are sooo cute!
But they have no control over their stinky spray.
They startle easily too.
When startled, they will turn around in circles, spraying constantly.
Since we are in a semi-rural area, it has been a dumping area for people’s unwanted cats.
I know…it’s sad.
At one point we were feeding about 15 cats.
We were putting food out for them in our garage…and leaving the garage door open about 4 inches at the bottom.
This turned out to be a really bad idea.
Soon we had opossums, raccoons and skunks coming into our garage to chow down.
It was a mess.
One night, a family of skunks got into a fight with some of the cats.
I had never smelled anything like that.
The concentrated skunk smell was so strong…it smelled like burning tires.
It took a month for it to subside.
I burned copious quantities of incense in the garage, which helped.
Needless to say, wheatie’s garage buffet was closed after that.
I have found that Tomato Juice + Vinegar = a good way to take skunk smell out of fabrics and dog fur.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Haaa…isn’t that the truth.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
HEALTH AND FREEDOM CONFERENCE- FULL SPEECHES! By all those censored by the fact checking smear squads!
april 22, 2021 the marshall report
Their ratings are through the roof! And the fake news with their newsguards wish…they had just one ounce of the golden influence these folks have. It’s called standing up with GOD using all the armor, and annointed blessings from the Lord! I’m rooting for God’s Team all the way!!! They are all here to tell each of you that you too have the option to call on the power of God and stand. Amen! GOD’S PEOPLE have the power!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above and enjoy the videos…
Dr. Gold is IMPRESSIVE!!!
Give me a break!
Another reason to not buy Coke. Not that we needed one.
I would not drink Coke if they give it away 🙂
Maybe one day more people feel that way and Coke goes into histories dust bin.
Sidney Powell speaks the truth:
I have a feeling he’s not going to survive!
Derek Chauvin being kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours per day at max security prison
‘Safety concern’
Cruel and unusual punishment for something he didn’t do. If he survives this, he needs to file the biggest lawsuit in history against all of them – Keith Ellison, the news media, the funders of BLM/Antifa, Maxine Waters, and dozens of others.
This was a funny scene that never gets old:
When my nephews are old enough to explain just what is going on in this movie, I can’t wait. It’s my fave.
Favorite movie … ❤️
Found on Gab.
Haven’t heard from Jesse Ventura in awhile.
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That’s because Jessie swung the wrong way in the last gale as he attacked patriots. Must be doing a lot of flapping to catch back up with the flock.
Ah. I didn’t know that.
Thanks, Para.
It’s an old story. But in my opinion Ventura had his chance. Nice though when his ilk have to catch up with the flock, they make much more pleasant noise than when in power.
Oh yeah…I remember that now.
Jesse really showed his butt when he did that.
Yes, bad it was, but It wasn’t the only thing. He sounded great as an early Tea Party type but once he became Governor he took the left fork in the road. While we should welcome his voice, as in the statement above he can’t be trusted with power.
Yup, I agree.
Just another opportunist never to be trusted again. IMO.
Well, from the linked article, it appears that RobberJoe’s handlers are consorting at the “Biden White House” with any number of people connected with George Soros’ Open Society through his affiliate, the Center for American Progress.
Also noted is that Stacey Abrams is on the CAP board.
It has to all be exposed painful as it may be.
HEYDONMUSICPAGE Published April 21, 2021
The Interview with Governor DeSantis was great!!! He is a real Hero – imho
Great post! The reserve of patriotism, objectivity, and integrity needed to resist the bizarre alternative reality created by years of demented propaganda is based on actual reality and actual human nature, God’s creation. There is genuine hope in that.
Phillip’s Road to Gaza is similar to the Road to Emmaus, the Road to Damascus, and Stephen’s revelation to the Sanhedrin. Jesus is the Messiah. God entered time and space as a man.
I particularly love how the Holy Spirit brought Philip to cross paths with the Ethiopian official at the moment the latter was reading Isaiah. And like the disciples, and like Paul, and like the listeners of Stephen, the truth was overwhelming and conclusive, although the Sanhedrin decided to oppose the truth, and try to destroy the truth.
The official reacted with joy and conviction, and Philip vanished. The disciples reacted with joy and conviction, and Jesus vanished. Paul was converted and went “everywhere.”
Stephen died. Such does the truth affect different people different ways depending on how close they are to their God given human nature.
My New Testament teacher, Fr. S., always said St. Stephen was rocked to sleep.
He was full of that kind of stuff.
That just “hit” … lol … kinda of sorta ..
Now I’ve got “We will, we will Rock You” going through my head….
(They have a bunch of fake rocks at LegoLand with that music playing… can’t take it for granite)…
Stephen was stoned to death (Acts 7):
58 Then they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul.59 And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”60 And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
Dominos has started delivering pizzas in Houston with their new ‘Autonomous Delivery Robot’:
Hmm…seems like it would be an easy target for masked bandits who want a free pizza.
Do robot cars have the right to be on the same roads as us Licensed Drivers?
We humans have to be Licensed to Drive on public roads.
In most states…we have to have liability insurance, to be legal to drive on public roads.
Do these driverless vehicles get Licensed to Drive?
Or do they get a pass on that.
It is hard enough to circumvent crazy drivers – and now – we have to be oonerned with driver-less vehicles, Wheatie?
God Help Us!!!
I guess these things happen when you raise the minimum wage. Wonders if cow tipping is going to become a thing again.
LOL – this is insane, Para!!! And – its frightening for human drivers, too!!!
I went to McDonald’s yesterday as a happy meal day. My eye landed on the price for the big mac combo.
$10.19 for the small.
That’s a sit down restaurant price, not McDonald’s.
I predict major closures next year.
EVERYTHING is over priced and it’s all due to the Biden facade being taken seriously.
Gas is around $4.25 here too. I dont know how some people’s livescare hanging on here. Inflation and CA economy os just too much.
And more price hikes plus inflation are coming.
Credit to The New York Times
41 minutes ago
“Biden Set to Raise Taxes on Rich to Fund Child Care and Education”
NOTE: The new tax bills create new definitions of the words “rich” and “wealthy”.
RobberJoe’s handlers are set to force through a set of bills that will raise taxes on any person / couple in the U.S. that makes more than $400,000 a year of income. That’s the new threshold for the definition of “rich”.
These new tax hikes are on top of the ones already pushed through for manufacturers.
The proposals in the new bills have been pushed by Sens. Cory Booker, Sherrod Brown, and Bernie Sanders.
Top rate for federal income tax will rise to 39.6%.
Capital gains tax for the “wealthy”, now defined as any person / couple who makes $1Million of income, will also rise to 38.6%.
Inheritance taxes will be raised on “wealthy” heirs.
Tax deductions for the “wealthy” will be capped.
The “step-up” provision in the current tax code that reduces taxes paid on the value of inherited assets will be reduced or eliminated.
And, guess what? It’s exactly what was being labeled as “ridiculous” just a week ago, about childhood education and “human resources” as “infrastructure” — the provisions of the new bills that increase the childcare tax credit and make it permanent; and makes community-college education free to all persons — are now called investments in “HUMAN INFRASTRUCTURE.”
And, of course, the dirty underlay of the new bills will be that any and all tax hikes on companies will simply be passed on to Joe Public; the “rich” and “wealthy” will do whatever is necessary to avoid or minimize the tax hikes; and a whole new set of “entitlements” will be created.
And that those “rich” and “wealthy” who are well-connected to, or employed by, the DeepState — will make it their business to not pay any tax increase whatsoever.
Two family income will make sure they stay under $ 400,000.
A personal rocket 🚀 launch should remediate any of that ..
I hear they may come in pastel colors for the fashionable ladies .. ☺️ ..
… launcher … cough 😖
LOL – you funny, Nikki!!! God Bless You!!!
… 😬👍❤️ … 🤫
And, just like in Hollywood, they’ll say, “Let’s do launch”…
(sponsored by Johnny Rockets)…
The COV-Idiot outside alone with a mask on !!! 🙄🙄😬😬😬
What happens when the stoners or crooks take ALL the pizzas out of the car???
It’s bound to happen, too.
I resent having these things on the same roads that we’re on.
They’re a hazard!
A little spray paint on it’s sensors should bring things to a halt, but then we’d end up with flying pizzas and skeet shooting.
Sounds fun, count me in .. 🖐😜👍 ..
Like this? 😀
I wanted to use the term “covidiot” and looked it up in the Urban Dictionary to be sure I was using it correctly, and the entry talked about a covidiot being someone who didn’t wear a mask or take the recommended precautions.
They call us covidiots, we call them covidiots for completely opposite reasons.
My public school indoctrinated sons and I do not discuss the Chinese flu psy op … 😞🥺
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Declaration of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò with regard to the “Fifth International Vatican Conference”
Written by + Carlo Maria Viganò
From May 6-8, 2021, the fifth International Vatican Conference will take place, entitled Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul. Unite to Prevent & Unite to Cure. A Global Health Care Initiative: How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health. The event is being hosted by the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Cura Foundation, the Science and Faith Foundation, and Stem for Life.
This is all about optics and presenting the image that the Church is bending the knee to the globalists, methinks.
The thing is…this is not a council or any sort of meeting that will eventually result in an Encyclical or Anathemas.
It’s just about optics and the appearance of submission.
it’s another step toward the “next step” if you know what i mean. unfortunately each step inevitably gets closer to the “destination” (which is why there has always been people saying “the sky is falling!” but they were just ahead of the game, but as you get closer to the sky falling it isn’t something you can brush off as a ‘those crazy folks been saying that for years and it never happened’)
in a not so veiled description right from the vatican’s own website:
it’s a future of AI, invisible stamps on your hand delivering “health shots” that double as your wallet, using gene editing as normal and if you don’t like it you are holding humanity back. there’s no stopping these people and those that believe in a safety valve coming from heaven better be very very sure of themselves because the deception is deep – especially when all you learned about that safety valve was in a book written by these jokers 😉 and i do not mean to offend – those offended by that trust me i read more of the bible than 99% of “christians” i know, the difference with me is i look for truth and stuff doesn’t add up.
theology aside, i can see what’s happening here, and it ain’t good. i mean in my own state the churches have been falling all over themselves to basically tell everyone to get the jab, they’ve been talking about uniting all religions to fight the evil in the world, and believe the SCIENCE.
can’t see the forest for the trees is at this point a life creed that 99.9% of people are proud to espouse. for the big picture is not their concern.
Just enjoying this song and thought I would share
Stashing this here.
Beijing vows to fight back after Australia cancels China’s Belt and Road project in state of Victoria
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………….From the article:
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has slammed Australia’s decision to tear up the Belt and Road agreement signed between China and the state of Victoria, labelling Canberra’s move a “historic reversal” in bilateral relations.
Speaking on Thursday, Wang Wenbin, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, told gathered press that Beijing intends to “resolutely and forcefully fight back” against Canberra’s move to cancel China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Victoria, calling on Australia to immediately reverse its decision.
“China has lodged solemn representations with Australia and reserves the right to further respond,” he stated, adding that relations between the two countries are already facing difficulties and will continue to suffer because of this move.
……………….More at the link.
Good for Australia!
The ChiComs will sputter and fight this…because they don’t want any of the other countries who fell into their Belt & Road trap to tear up their agreements.
That’s some major cuteness right there. 😊
I want .. two of those, a good pair of running shoes and an oxygen mask ..
This is precisely why millennials are entirely cucked, save for a slim number of patriots.
Peace Promoter Poso (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
The perfect robot for Soy Dads and Wine Moms
Does it come with a kit to customize it/cough … ? …
Just asking for a friend … 🤫 …
Its bizarre and that kid is too old for it as a toy. Its replacement parents.
It’s creepy…and yeah, that kid is too old for it to actually appeal to him.
It’s for wokesters who want to scrape off their parenting responsibilities onto someone — and can’t afford a nanny.
I get the feeling sterility missed some humans and hit the wrong humans …
Maybe Mum and Dad have robots 🤖 too … you know, nudge nudge wink wink … 🤢
Notice how weak and uninvolved the father is?
Yep, I noticed that…and the mom wasn’t much better.
They both acted like they were giving a puppy a new toy to keep it occupied.
Yes. Totally uninvolved. Mom wasnt busy w anything else.
AMEN. Excellent point. THAT is Bolshevik Avenue talking right there. Soy dads that cuck to mom are the order of the day.
DESTRUCTION OF THE FAMILY – starting with “feminism” that makes fathers check with mothers what values are “OK”.
A real dad is in there teaching the kid to PROGRAM the robot to make sure it loves guns but follows Asimov’s laws! 😉
I will let real moms say what MOM is doing wrong in the ad!
Soy dads? Try no dads. They usually aren’t around.
Ten minutes in a microwave ought to do it 😀
Looks like a TeleTubbie…
Probably comes with a Tinky-Winky options for those too stupid (or soyed-up) to know what (or even who) they are…
Of course, it the bot makes mistakes, then it’s “SOP (someone else’s problem) and someone else’s fault. Typical to today’s loco parent(i)s…
Linux Foundation Bans University After It Intentionally Submitted Buggy Patches | Tom’s Hardware
for Cthulhu, how does this effect Linux users?
Now THAT is interesting.
Stealthy submission of sabotage software has always been a problem with open-source. Open source alleges that such bugs are found by the crowd, but in my experience that is largely not true. In fact, I discovered a huge vulnerability once, just by curiosity, and my discovery was IGNORED repeatedly until I made a big deal about it, and started naming intelligence agencies. THAT got some action. Nobody wanted their operatives BURNED.
More to the point, nobody wanted their HACKS busted UNTIL it meant that their operatives might get burned.
IMHO, sabotaging the libraries is far more likely than sabotaging the code.
If you’re talking about the OS, then I would agree.
What I found was almost certainly at least partially in application code, which IMO is even less rigorously checked by non-conspirators than libraries, and even more shielded by silo. However, the level of compromise was significantly greater than just the app. It was, dare I say, ingenious.
Application projects can legitimately drive out skeptical participants who might block nefarious intent, under false pretenses based on skill. Compromise a project lead, and it’s over. It’s a weak spot, IMO.
Yes, anybody can examine the code, but this was a very functional bug, that would only be spotted by an end user or a team member, IMO. Why is had persisted was, to me, disturbing.
Heh. The plot thickens — .
Some idiot faculty member actually tasked grad students into doing it so he could write a paper about it.
And ran into the maniacs at .
Possibly version control was lacking?
LOL. You’re such a wonderful Open Source sheep. There’s no such thing as wolves! I swear! 😉
And as China would say, “How can a great nation [tons of blithering bullshit to make us either self-destruct or go back to being chumps]???” Yes! A great nation knows that Open Source works, just like free global markets! “ 😍 ” LOL
Scoff if you will, but the Linux kernel is the most scrutinized and argued-over piece of software on the planet, all managed by git.
Hubris. It’s AGAR for exploitation.
And, yet, there is little growth to be observed in that medium…..
Not much.
Linus Torvalds actually created TWO widely used programs — the Linux kernel, and the version control system git. As one might expect, Linux is developed with git.
Using git, any idiot can submit patches, but they are tracked and tested and evaluated by a volunteer squad of more than 10,000 people who communicate using the Linux kernel mailing list, which often hits 10,000 messages per week. The patches included in the next kernel release are intensively vetted.
As per the article, Greg Kroah-Hartman made the announcement, but essentially it was the community being pissed that their time was egregiously being wasted.
Incidentally, the kernel is not bug-free. Indeed, one was just found ( ) that was 24 years old! (Note, the Linux kernel is only 29.)
With git, they found exactly how it was screwed-up initially (and never fixed), and patched it in less than two hours ( ).
Linus has said that he is such an egotist that both of his major projects refer to himself, one by name and one by value.
LMAO! Oh, man, you are not getting the same message as me.
I suspect you are unfamiliar with git.
As unfamiliar as possible. I despise it. 😉
I should have figured that, based on the “Geronimo” software development being used here.
Diversity. It’s never what paleface expects. 😉
Llpoh: Narratives – The Burning Platform
Narratives vs Truth
Not good
India Smashes Global Record For New COVID Cases As Hospital Oxygen Tanks Run Dry
THURSDAY, APR 22, 2021 – 07:06 AM
UK Plans To Launch “Vaccine Passports” Next Month
The white hats making their move can’t happen soon enough.
Natural immunity may be the way to go.
Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects… totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.
— Aldous Huxley
barker…thanks for this quote.
I have long believed our msm is FAR more guilty of sins of omission than sins of commission…and this quote says it well.
msm sins of commission are blatant and obvious, but their sins of omission are invisible to those who do not access alt media.
If Americans actually knew anything Real ab President Trump or Melania, their approval ratings would have been through the roof.
Don’t look now, but the dogs are barking.
They’re more LOOKING than barking. But they’re sure looking.
Found this on Gab, thought it was interesting:
More from Gab:
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You can never have too many places for free speech….check out where not only will you not be fact checked or censored, but where you can make a difference too.
[video src="" /]
Good deal! Thanks for that!
Do they ask for a phone number? If not, then they are superior to some of the newer platforms, IMO.
Just your name, email and password
But have a 17 element user agreement. and you need to get a verification email that never came.
YUP. The email verifications don’t work if you have certain email providers who scrub emails from pro-freedom sites. ALL Microsoft email hosts, ATT, and several others will not even let those emails go to JUNK – they will kill them immediately – before you get them – you will never see them. It’s a very nasty form of censorship.
Oh wow. I have a hotmail account, so now I have to try it.
name. email and password to register. So far, ok!
Families of Michael Brown & Breona Taylor Ask Black Lives Matter Where The Money Went
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…………….From the article:
As many of you know, the Black Lives Matter movement raked in tens of millions of dollars, and continues to do so. However when one of it’s founders bought four homes for more than $3 million dollars, and questions are now starting to be asked.
The families of Michael Brown & Breonna Taylor are now asking the BLM group, where did the money go?
Last month a Toledo Man that ran a Facebook page called, Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta, was charged with using $450,000 in donated money to fill his own pockets. Of course, since then, we’ve learned that the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Marxist Patrisse Khan-Cullors, has spent more than $3 million dollars on four homes since 2016.
Black Lives Matter has taken in nearly $100 million dollars in donations in 2020 alone, it seems pretty fair for the families the they are using as Martyr’s to ask, where did the money go?
The mother of Breonna Taylor, a black woman killed by police during a raid in March 2020, charged that the movement in her city of Louisville, Kentucky, is nothing more than a scam.
……………………..More at the link.
BLM stands for Burn, Loot and Murder.
BLM is a mafia Protection Racket.
BLM is run by crooks – thieves and murderers.
Indeed…you have it correct, GA/FL.
“BLM is run by crooks – thieves and murderers.”
Almost sounds like a government agency.
With Bye, Done (appearing to be) at the helm, it IS a govenment agency…
Heehee….although it isn’t funny.
I understand that they’re all “outraged” with that Cullors woman and the real estate. Breonna Taylor’s family settled with Louisville for $12 million and Brown’s family got a million and a half. Please, you’re all BS artists. Just stfu.
Happy Earth Day, comrades!
Don’t forget to turn all your lights on after dark to honor the celebration!
Why stop there 🙂 ? Turn them on the whole day, turn the heaters AND air conditioner on, and then idle the car(s) a bit to make sure they still start and run OK 🙂
And then have a nice BBQ, and fire up the smoker to smoke a bunch of MEAT and watch the veg-heads and soy-toys COWer in fear and revulsion…
The furnace has been running a good chunk of the day. Of course, it’s natural gas, but they want to do away with that, too.
Genesis 1:1 Authorized (King James) Version1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Lenin was a destroyer, deceiver, liar and murderer. He did not and never could create anything. I am beginning to wonder if this type of creature/person here on earth was born or just came up out of hell.
Revelation 20:7
“And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,”
King James Version (KJV)
Revelation 20:7 Context
4And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. 7And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 10And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
The 20th Century was the bloodiest century in world history. Satan knows his time is short.
God wins.
No…I don’t remember that day.
Phony “Earth Day” is one of the best proofs that COMMIES were IN CONTROL of both the media and education in 1970.
Was he board?
(OK, OK, that was knot funny, I know…)
He was feeling shelfish…
Nailed it ! 😀
“yes, I’d like a bag, please…”
He obviously does not buy wood very often if at all or he’d know the price on that piece of wood (all wood) has gone through the freaking roof.
Good GOD. State-enforced anti-Americanism. In VIRGINIA.
Leftism is the NEW CONFEDERACY.
Oh, I don’t think so. Robert E. Lee just rolled over in his grave.
Yeah, I can see that! Lee was a far bigger patriot than damn near all Democrats, IMO.
You know what’s AMAZING about those numbers?
We are looking at OVER 33% BLACK TRUMP VOTERS right there.
This is what the Democrats had to stop. COVID. ELECTION THEFT. CHINA.
Hmm…triangle rings.
Sorry Wheatie. Posted my comment on the rings before I saw yours.
Two people noticing is significant!
What strikes me is the odd positioning of their fingers. Their hands look like claws.
Yeah, I noticed that, too. Those aren’t normal “hand model” hands to begin with, but then the way they’re holding the bottles is funky, too.
It’s likely psychological, like so many small details in advertising, but what exactly it is, is uncertain.
No problem, Ellie.🥰
And the three bottles together make a triangle, and a pyramid as well…
Their symbols (and dark beliefs and actions) will be their downfall…
The knotted cord bracelet seems to be a Wiccan (witches) style bracelet, as well.
Clicking through the tweet to the pic itself shows a lot more, erm, interesting detail:
![comment image](
Click on the pic to enlarge…
I see demons to the left of her hair, Cuppa!!!
The bottles are “light” (with the “t” obscured), “classic”, and “zero”. Then, the gal on the left has a pyramid ring with the bore of the ring going from the top down through the pyramid. Strange. Conjuring up Egyptian deities are they? Or are they saying Cleopatra “did” Coke?
The mystery religions are no mystery indeed to the illuminated effete elite….. zero light for them…..
Of course, Cleo did Coke – she and Mark got stoned, Cuppa!!! Remember, what the original ingredients were?
True – no mystery at all!!!
Yep. That’s why it was called Coke…
No, really? /s
Light conjures the name Light Bringer/Lucifer; and Barry is often called Zero. 😉 😉 😂 Think I’ll keep avoiding Coke.
That’s what I was thinking, too…
The sequence then would be light to dark, which would fit the deep state and Satanists (but I repeat myself)…
Look at the rings on their fingers in this Coke Ad.
I was a big diet coke drinker, but have shifted to diet pepsi and diet iced tea. At work, we only have diet coke or water in the vending machines. so once in awhile I do get a diet coke there but my purchases have dropped from 24 a week to perhaps 2 or 3.
4.22.21: The WORLD is WAKING up to the DEMONIC PLAYBOOK! Some are still in LAND of the LOST! Pray!
And We Know Published April 22, 2021
These people are not thinking. They should of stuck little peices of toilet paper in there and not call it cow poop.
Being a bigot on any subject might be unseemly, but it is not against the law.
Schumer is a bigot. A HUGE bigot. How ironic.
Yes, he is.
A maggot as well… And a crook since day one.
What is it with New York?
Used to be called “New Amsterdam”, changed the name, but are as depraved and crooked as the old Amsterdam (despite recent efforts to clean it up)…..
What does “New York” mean?
New York was named after the English Duke of York and Albany (and the brother of England’s King Charles II) in 1664 when the region called New Amsterdam was taken from the Dutch. The state was a colony of Great Britain until it became independent on July 4, 1776.
The New York Convention of delegates ratified the U.S. Constitution on July 26, 1788, making New York the eleventh state to join the Union.
Oh, the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men
He’d march them up to the top of the hill
And he’d march them back again.
And when they were up, they were up
And when they were down, they were down
And when they were only halfway up,
They were neither up nor down…
(that’s all that I can remember :), been a long, LONG time)…..
LOL Thanks for sharing, Cuppa!!!
That is all there is, Cuppa – Good Memory
House Approves Bill That Would Make District of Columbia A State
what could go wrong there ?
well of course.
Maybe not, as they’re leaving the 2 sq miles or so around the capitol and white house as federal territory.
I think they should do that, but give the remainder to Maryland rather than creating a new state. I’d even be willing to add one seat to Congress for Maryland pending the next redistricting, and let the house have 436 members from now on so they don’t lose that congresscritter just for lack of “slots”.
Can’t give it to Maryland; it’s already there. Give it back, sure.
I don’t have a problem with giving the non-government related land back to Maryland. What I do have a problem with is circumventing the regular process to get two more seats in the Senate, which is what this is really all about.
Yep, that’s indeed what it’s about. But that has ALWAYS been a consideration when admitting a state. We ended up with Hawaii as well as Alaska, so things would maintain the same balance. Many state admissions were tangled up in slavery, e.g., the Missouri Compromise. In 1889 the first proposal was to admit four states, 2 dem and 2 republican. New Mexico was scratched off that list and Dakota split in two, making it 1 to 3 (and republicans thought they could possibly flip the one democratic state). (Washington and Montana were the other two states. Idaho and Wyoming were admitted the next year.)
So partisanship in the process of admitting states is nothing new.
Making this thing a state would be a joke. Much, much smaller than Rhode Island.
I don’t entirely empathize with their complaints about no representation, to be honest (my proposal would make them Marylanders and they’d have the representation that way). The fact of the matter is, they live entirely off the Federal government, so they effectively don’t get taxed; they live off our taxes.
By the way, if this passes, what happens to the 23rd amendment? Is it deemed to apply to the 2 square miles left over? Who lives there, and why is that VERY small group of people entitled to three electoral votes? THAT to me is the *constitutional* issue here, not the bit about DC being a separate federally controled district as originally specified in the Constitution; the bill is clearly designed to satisfy that, just barely, by setting the 2 square miles aside.
In 2000, the courts rejected a series of arguments suggesting that the District’s inhabitants were, on various constitutional and policy grounds, entitled to voting representation in Congress without an amendment. See Adams v. Clinton (2000). More recently, the courts have rejected efforts to invalidate a congressionally imposed limit on the District’s ability to tax nonresident commuters. See Banner v. United States (2004). In that case, the court noted that, “simply put…the District and its residents are the subject of Congress’ unique powers, exercised to address the unique circumstances of our nation’s capital.
Statehood is now the clear preference of District of Columbia voting-rights advocates, but the proposal has never excited much support in Congress and would, in any case, also require a constitutional amendment since an independent territory, subject to the ultimate authority of Congress, was a critical part of the Framers’ original design for an indestructible federal union of indestructible states.
“Take these Masks off of our children”
Dan Scavino@DanScavino
Appealing my twitter ban rather than deleting the tweet. It’s a hassle that allows very limited input. Here’s what I said in the details box.
The information I shared was factual & ended w/ my opinion.
this is what was on their form
We’re almost ready to send your appeal
You are appealing 1 Tweet and deleted 0 Tweets
We will review the information you provided and respond as soon as possible. As we review your appeal, you will be unable to access your account.
Want to add any additional details?
Twitter Warrior – Val, you can still visit – copy and paste tweets to share!!!
Sorry for your trouble – Angels Watching Over You – Warrior Angels in the fight!!!
Actually if I chose to delete the “offending” tweet I would just be banned for 1/2 day (12 hours) & still have access as you suggest. Because I chose the appeal route then I am banned for 1/2 month (14 days) while they review the appeal & there is no access allowed.
So twit world is definitely strong arming people into cancelling their own speech! 😡
Their links to acceptable Covid info are from the WHO–who I thought Trump removed us from though perhaps the Bidenazis have already reinstated that unreliable globullist & Chi-com puppet organization to overlord status over the formerly free USA!
I did at least keep a visual record of the info & if I get access to Twitter restored will probably share it in a series of linked tweets 🙂
What do you mean by ‘access’, Val?
I believe that while appealing the twit world decision I cannot even see things on twitter. If I deleted the “offending” tweet I would have limited functionality like seeing twitter & sending Direct Messages to followers while in the penalty box. Now I think there is nothing.
Signing in to Twit World to check…here’s all I can see–Period!
Thanks for your appeal
You appealed 1 Tweet.
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
@TheCrimsonWorm @MichaelDeLauzon Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, vitamin D–Dr. Zev Zelenko protocol Ivermectin other treatments shared by AAPS, American Association of Physicians & Surgeons & other patriot doctors all were suppressed deliberately & diabolically!
Apr 21, 2021, 10:10 AM
Please note that while we review your appeal, you won’t be able to access your Twitter account. We’ll take a look and will respond as soon as possible.
If you’d rather just delete your Tweet, you can cancel your appeal.
If you logout, you can view. You’ll have to pull up each account one at a time to do so. WOW, I can’t believe they responded to your appeal. I’ve sent in over 10 and crickets. 🦗🦗🦗
Well so far their response is just that they got the appeal & why don’t you just delete that tweet & get back on twitter the easy way…hmmm
It’s actually making me check my email a bit more closely, something I’ve been Really bad at for quite a while now. & while I got the energy up to engage in the twitter fight I also appealed my Pinterest suspension so we’ll see what happens there too… 🙂
Thanks for the tip on access!
Oh – weird stuff over there, Val! I can see why they want you to delete the tweet – the truth hurts their deceptive narrative.
Yes! But good grief it’s one tiny tweet & nothing controversial to people who’ve been paying attention in that arena. I hope that doesn’t mean that they’ll be watching me more closely. I’m already shadow banned, I think. I’ve been running about 1300 followers lately & getting decent activity, for me, but even w/ that rarely more than a few dozen “impressions” to anything I send out…
There are ‘buzz’ words and/or phrases programmed into their ‘censor system’, Val – some computer world control mechanism.
You chose to engage in their world – and must abide by their rules – it seems – many have had far more followers than you have – like PT – and they have been taken down.
In addition – we have seen the boldness with which you have engaged the lost and brainwashed – for some – it has been a shock – while others could care less.
You struck a nerve – and it just may be you will be banned for life for all of your effort.
You were brave to even try – I think – from here on – it is up to you whether or not it is worth the fight – or if you must go elsewhere to ‘fight the good fight’.
God Bless You and guide you to where He needs you most!!!
Thanks Duchess for the encouraging words & perspective. I’m looking at the current 2 week thing as a back handed benefit of less online to distract me while I need to Finally get our taxes done 🙂
You did what you could to ‘open eyes’ while you were there, Val. Perhaps, God has other plans for you – and will reveal them in His timing – when God closes a door – He opens a window somewhere else – “Go to the Quiet” – and LISTEN to what God has to say to you.
Get what you need to do done during this ‘down’ time – and then – direct your thoughts to God – the Holy Spirit will guide you to where you can do the most good – of that I am certain.
God Bless You Real Good for what you have already done – and continue to bless you in your future endeavors!!!
Thanks for that beautiful advice & perspective, Duchess. God is good so we’ll see what happens! Blessings 🙂
Amen goes right there, Val!!!
* Smiling *
👉 “Situational Awareness Bulletin” (US Postal Inspection Service)
US Postal Service Running “Covert Operations Program” To Spy On Americans’ Social Media Posts, Share With Agencies
Is the US Postal Service Preparing To Censor Our Mail ?
article link…
Which is, apparently, patently illegal. But hey, most of what our govt does lately is illegal so I guess it doesn’t really matter.
Anyone who wants to monitor.
Here are the Arizona Audit life streams:
Arizona Vote Audit Live Stream (
ARIZONA Governor Declares State of Emergency At The Border
article link…
Four Texas border counties did the same yesterday.
Still taking those puberty blockers, I see.
The little twit. “Unlike you, my generation will not give up”…
The narcississtic b!tchlet.
Her generation couldn’t make it more than a couple of hours into a survival hike, let alone pull off an achievement like D-Day, or most of the scientific progress of the 40s, 50s, and 60s, (or later).
Indeed, her generation (for the most part) knows little or nothing about science and the scientific method, nor what unadulterated data and methods look like. Their “ideals” and motives are rotten-to-the-Kommie-Kore.
Not surprising, though, as Greta-the-greenhearted’s parents are Satanists… her mum said as much on the cover of the Swedish edition of her book…
She has always looked vaguely like she has Down’s Syndrome to me, and their hormones are always somewhat off.
To me, more like FAS. I remember a couple of years ago there was quite a discussion about whether she suffers from FAS.
Yes, she also has that look.
Why is our Government giving that little twit the time of day??
Who knows.
Watch: London Mayor Candidate Laurence Fox Says ‘Get Your Mask Off; Grow Some Balls!’ (Video)
Actor turned London Mayoral candidate Laurence Fox has come up with yet another snappy campaign slogan…
Ha ha ha! I’d vote for him just for that.
Me, too, Linda – Seems to me – he has no problem in that category – lol
Thank you! Sounds like the Biden feds are now dangerous as hell.
Footage of Omar Cueva shooting New Mexico State Officer Darian Jarrot has been broadcast all over the country. At first glance, it’s not entirely clear to the viewer what is happening behind the camera, that Officer Jarrot was actually working with Homeland Security on Cuevo’s case. Attorney Sam Bergman says the federal government did not tell Officer Jarrot about the dangers posed by Cueva and set him up to die. HSI is not commenting.
The blood on Biden’s admin is going to run deep as hell before it’s all over.
Agree – DHS did not have his back at all!!!
Shame on them!!! Who are these people?
This is one of the comments. Wasn’t sure if I should credit it by also copying his name so I didn’t but it’s a good capsule of who these people are, imo
“Just ordinary authoritarian socialist incompetence. They have no checks on their power; therefore they have no accountability for doing insane things like “Fast and Furious” back in the early Obama Administration.
I saw the same “perfurned princes” come into the Pentagon first hand after Clinton took over. I was at an incoming Commanding Officer’s conference, and one of the many new Administration wannabe’s came in (Undersecretary of the Navy, or something, I think there are a bunch of such assistants to SECNAV) and he lectured us on something irrelevant to the Navy, it’s mission, or anything to do with the military. After he walked out, all of us new CO’s were looking across the room at each other, scratching our heads, and thinking almost out loud “WHatt-the-heck was that all about???” It was so out of place, the new guy (an effeminate, supposedly former special forces officer in a $5000 suit with manicured nails and a Rolex watch) was clearly so out of his depth, it was ridiculous. That’s when I mentally told myself, “this is it, this is my twilight tour, I’m outta here”.
The point is, all the levers of power are now occupied with incompetents. Biden’s Administration makes Bill Clinton’s incompetent organization look like German efficiency by comparison. That quickly filters down to tactical decisions, and walla, you’ve got good men and women dying in the streets, while Biden pets his doggy and asks Kamala if it’s time for his apple sauce, yet.”
Department of Homo Security…
Department of Homeland Insecurity, Cuppa!!!
Biden’s collective administration.
Obama’s Redux
It’s not just that the officer was working with HS. Those were HS officers that arrived with in seconds after the perp drove away.
This is the video of the wife’s lawyer suing the state for allowing her husband to be ambushed, being interviewed by an Alison Murrow, laying it all out step by step with additional un masked video.
Hey duchess….I am a suspicious cat :0)…Remember the article that came out about James Comey and the misspelling of the city in Virginia?
The article quotes Attorney Samuel Bergman. When one does a search for Samuel Bergman in New Mexico, the results come back for Attorney Samuel Bregman. And in 2013 Samuel Bregman was the Chair of the New Mexico Democrat Party…
Samuel Bregman is touted as being New Mexico’s high profile case attorney, and I find myself wondering, who exactly, is Samuel Bergman representing? I’m also suspicious of an attorney that all of sudden jumps into the limelight when phantom sourced videos are released.
We wouldn’t know if Homeland Security was involved in any way if Samuel Bergman hadn’t commented that it was so and I’m suspicious of an attorney that all of a sudden jumps into the limelight when phantom sourced videos are released.
Agree, Lite!!! The whole thing is questionable – why and how could this have happened – and what business is it of Bregman’s?
When President Trump was in office – I believe – DHS – ICE – State and Local Police worked together – and now – I cannot make heads or tails what the hey is going on, Lite – SMH over and over.
Posted the Bergman interview. He looks legit but the devil is in the details and we might never find out what this is really about.
If your right something is at play here. His wife has likely been steered onto this lawyer.
The end game I suspect is to bloody HS’s nose and get them to one back off from aggressive stances and two create a level of mistrust with local law enforcement. They likely found a traitor in HS to help do this and set the scene for the ambush.
We may well be seeing shades what really was a foot with Derek Chauvin and the drug junky what’s his name.
there should have been two officers in that squad car.
the dash cams can’t help him.
no country for old men
I agree – this did not have to happen, Smiley!!!
Sports betting appears headed to Florida in deal agreed to by governor, Seminole Tribe
NAMED & SHAMED The ‘Journalists who went on Chinese Communist Party Junkets, Then delivered favorable coverage
Natalie Winters – 04/21/2021
“…CUSEF newsletter from 2009 and 2010 reveal the following journalists:
See List at the link above…
A lot oft this has been out already and we’d think it would make people shocked or mad but the DemComm machine appears to have magikal powers over anyone but America 1st or MAGA people. It’s like white noise.
True, Molly – but, it bares repeating – perhaps, many people missed this – or dismissed it – NOW – it is more important than ever – dontcha think?
Sweet Duchess…I wish that I had your unwavering faith about everything. I mean that sincerely but I don’t.
My inner Pollyanna has gone dormant.
(and that’s not to be taken as don’t bother sharing these things…so please don’t even think that’s what I meant 😟 )
Rev it up, Molly – ‘Go to the Quiet’ – and Listen to what God has to tell you – no noise – no praying – no talking – JUST LISTEN!!!
God is in charge, Molly – He CAN and WILL fix this mess!!!
His thoughts are not our thoughts – His ways are not our ways – His timing is not our timing…paraphrased from Proverbs 3:5-7
Trust in the Lord with ALL of your heart – Lean not on your own understanding – Acknowledge Him in all that you do – AND – He will make your path straight!!!
Be not wise in your own eyes – turn from evil and do good!!!
Romans 8:28
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
King James Version (KJV)
Thanks for the verses.
It’s hard to stop the mind from recalling history of great societies and supposedly ‘good’ empires falling. Do we all, from the beginning of mankind, think that we’re so special that God will intervene ?
I believe that one day everything will right itself but is it one of those things where it’s 200yrs from now ? I don’t believe we can know.
I surely pray that it’s swift and righteously brutal to ones deserving it, hoping for that outcome.
We know how this all ends – the Bible is clear – however – no matter what fake ‘End Times’ scenario satan creates – God is still in control – remember – we are joined at the hip with Israel – no matter what the fake administration does – and God will sustain us so we can help Israel – and I am not talking about the DS part of Israel.
This is a Spiritual War – and if we are not armoring up – and fighting everyday to defeat evil – then – we are not doing what God wants us to do.
We must fight the good fight – lest generations to come will suffer from our ineptitude – America is NOT finished yet – God has not returned what was stolen from us – and He has promised He would.
I look forward to the day when we defeat the DS – and every nation in the world is sovereign again – not under the thumb of TPTB – i hope and pray I will live to see that day – and – that you will, too!!!
Every time you get discouraged – talk to God – tell Him what you are feeling – ask him to send His Comfort Angels to help you – and He will – anything you ask of God in the name of Jesus – He will not refuse – unless it is not for our good.
Duchess, you are a mighty warrior. Love you!
Thanks, GMT!!! Now, if Wheatie would just put up that Warrior Lady, again – we will all be good to go – 🙂
Always remember – God may want to kick us off our asses and make us fight like David – or his kin. As we get smarter – MORE CHOICES.
No worries, Molly – we all have our gifts – and that includes you, too – you are doing the best you can to bring the truth to light – however – it does bother you and trouble you – and yes – at times – it appears to be hopeless = but, it is not –
We need to PRAY more – Go to God – and ask Him sincerely for His Help – because too many of us are trying to do it all ourselves – and – what is happening now is so distressing – so it is only natural for us to want to do something about it – if not – just to expose it – however – the earth belongs to God – and if he can part the Red Sea – He can fix this mess!!!
Bipartisan Bill to Push Biden on Border Crisis
Here we go. Daughter got the vax required letter from her employer. Will be declining.
Was just going to link this one but your post is a good place….say no FGS say no
I’m now wondering about contract and gig workers as well as volunteers. Does the law cover those contingencies, or just employers.
don’t have the link now but…was reading yesterday that Oregon wants to make masks permanent…
What is wrong with these people?
Rain on the brain.
Slight improvement: yellow rain on the brain.
Demonically possessed, Molly!!!
Hmmm…just like Michigan, Smiley – wonder if those two are related.
Another reason to not visit or transit Oregon.
Beautiful state.
Totally Un-American management.
It’s only Portland and Eugene, but it’s an iron vise.
Agree. The ignorance of Salem (capitol), Portland and Eugene permeates the Oregon with stoopid laws.
The ‘rents live in Salem. They have to import the cray-cray from Portland and Eugene — it’s not native there.
Incidentally, this is a problem in EVERY state dominated by one metropolitan area — SLC, Utah; Boston, MA; Chicago, IL; NYC, NY; Baltimore, MD; Atlanta, GA….some states were fortunate enough to move around their population centers and not let one acquire that kind of dominance.
But the most ingenious solution was done in 1796, when Tennessee became a state. Its Constitution separates the state into three substates (East, Middle, and West) and guarantees one cannot become too dominant without the other two ganging up on it. As just one little example, the Tennessee Supreme Court has five members….only two of which can come from any single region.
Their state flag represents this happy heritage, with three stars inside a circle — allowed to be their pointy little star selves.
Amusingly enough, Knoxville has been the linchpin of power at some times (East), Memphis has sometimes held a lot of political power (West), and Nashville is currently the capital (Middle)….how much foresight was demonstrated 225 years ago when the state’s founders ensured that a single-city majority could never screw up their state!
One finds it ** interesting ** that the letter says the “vaccine” requirement MAY be waived for either medical accommodation or religious belief reasons — and also says that the “vaccine” requirements MAY be “changed” from time to time (presumably to further restrict the waiver reasons or to simply eliminate them entirely).
“MAY” does not mean “WILL”.
My guess is they are trying to leave themselves some wiggle room to avoid potential law suits. Make it required with some outs. But if too many take the outs then tighten the policy some more. It is a small private business and the owners have been covid scared the whole time.
It is one of those where you can fight and probably win but in the long run you will lose the war with them one way or the other. My hope is there will be some big employee law suits with publicity that will back these employers off. Depends on how fast that happens though. She has bills to pay so I have advised her to look around for different work as a back up plan.
The top of the letter states COVID Vaccination Required. You could consider instead of declining right away to tell the you are considering the Novavax one that has not come out yet and would like to see it in use first. You could suggest that it is not an actual vaccine until it is approved by the FDA and that while the roll out was on 12-18-20 for administration of the experimental COVID19 biologic to adults, it is expected to still be in study and the completion of that study is to conclude on 6-30-22. Give them the definition of a vaccine (to produce immunity with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease) and inquire as to if their insurance will cover any side effects, liability, etc from the shot since the companies administering are not liable for any consequences. Could be worth the challenge to buy time and see how the other employees will respond to the demand. Make sure anything you do is in writing.
They should not be able to tell us under what conditions we may refuse the vaccine. Medical and religious are good reasons, but there are others: personal freedom, distrust of the powers behind the vaccine, a desire to wait until there is more information (and more guinea pigs have taken it), etc. It is not their place to tell us to “take it or else, unless you can claim one of two things.” And why should anyone have to disclose their medical condition/reasons for refusal and religious reasons to an employer? This is outrageous.
Do you own your own self or not? That is the question.
And too many people’s answer is “no.”
There is an exception in the letter for “strongly held religious belief.”
I’m pretty religious about wanting to live. I would say strongly. How about your daughter? That would be my line if it were me. Religion.
april 21, 2021 the marshall report
What is up is down, down is up…right is wrong, and wrong is right..lies are now true and truth is now lies. Enter the fact checkers and truth rating sell outs. It’s more like taking an ax to the First Amendment!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Just FYI, this is highly irregular.
Who is he – and how would he know, DP!!!
This guy is so full of himself – he just bores me!!!
He may be running interference…
Funny how the presstitutes hated VSGPDJT; now with him being edged out by the useless usurper, they can’t handle his being away for even a minute…
To Ms. Mattress (Matrice?) I’d reply, NOYDB…..
Well – if he is interfering with the truth – I have no use for him and/or his platitudes – and insider – he is not – * Suspicious Cat * here, Cuppa
There is a lot of irregularity going on right now.
Never saw “The Last Starfighter”?
Grig: This is all highly irregular.
Great news! IF, it were true.
Naval Special Warfare (NSW) (SEALS HQ) is at Coronado, CA.
More than once I read stuff from this guy that is factually out to lunch.
Would be great IF he provided links / evidence of his statements.
See, this is where I start to wonder about this kind of thing.
Does he mean JCOC? Because that can’t be right:
“The JCOC is DOD’s oldest and most prestigious public liaison program. Established in 1948, it is the only Secretary of Defense-sponsored outreach program that enables American business and community leaders to have a full immersive experience with their military.”
Or does he mean JSOC, which would make more sense?
“Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is officially described as a “joint headquarters designed to study special operations requirements and techniques; ensure interoperability and equipment standardization; plan and conduct joint special operations exercises and training; and develop joint special operations tactics” but this description is economical with the truth. Joint Special Operations Command serves as a standing Joint Special Operations Task Force responsible for unique special missions: execution, planning, training, tactics, and equipment development. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) was established in 1980 and is headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It also operates out of nearby Pope Air Force Base, also in North Carolina.”
And if that’s what he meant, why didn’t he write that?
The new battlefront in war is election machines « JoNova (
Forum feedback welcome! Thread up with screenshots and explanations.
Pulled from
If you want your lives to matter, try to stop killing each other.
If you want to bring about real change, stop breeding monsters and criminals that rob, rape and murder as a way of life.
Start raising your offspring to be worthy, and show them how to live and love rather than hate.
You want change? Raise young men with self-respect. Stop them from being a scourge on humanity while blaming everyone else.
This is only your fault, not ours. The police are not their fathers or their babysitters and neither are we. We are done pretending it’s our fault.
If you really want these lives to matter, start raising your children right and quit dumping your never-ending mistakes on the rest of us.
Needs to be in flashing lights, huge billboard in every big city
The FBI would probably arrest you for having the sentiment.
Replacement fan motor came. I was hoping to learn more off the box, but it just said “Motor 24DD” with a bar code for 0 50206 03141 4 .
I’m thinking it’s a custom motor.
Yay! They do that to remain the only source for the motor. Likely others that would work the same, but would take a lot of searching and guessing. And returns. Usually not worth the hassle.
I think it has to do with setting the two speeds.
And, btw, as I set it down next to the old one, I gave the shaft a spin and it was virtually frictionless. New cause of death for old one — bearings entirely went.
Is this it ?
Replacement Motor for 24 in. Direct Drive Whole House Fan
by Master Flow
Shop the Collection
Write a Review
Questions & Answers (23)
Link :
Yep, that’s the one.
Ep. 2459a – Never Interfere With An Enemy While He’s In The Process Of Destroying Himself
X22 Report Published April 22, 2021
Message Sent & Received,This Will Never Happen Again,The People Are Taking Back The Power – Ep. 2459
April 22, 2021 x22report
[JB] is doing exactly what the patriots wanted him to do. Trump made the economy great, [JB] is now destroying it, with their reset/climate agenda. [JB] is now in the process of implementing a 43% capital gains tax, this is exactly what the [CB] wants. The patriots are now leading the [DS] down the path. The people are waking up in droves. People are not getting the vaccine like the elite thought they would. The people are starting to push back, the companies are realizing that they are going against the people. The race card is no longer working. Now the Arizona elections are being audited. Tick tock, the patriots are on the offensive and the people are seeing the [DS] plan very clearly and they are pushing back.
Ep. 2459b-Message Sent & Received,This Will Never Happen Again,The People Are Taking Back The Power
X22 Report Published April 22, 2021
Myron Hammonds – Father of Ma’Khia Bryant – who kicked the minor female victim.
Criminal History:
Open/C Public Place | Obstructing Official Busns | Kidnapping | Open Containers | Assault | Criminal Trespass | Not Specified | Driving Under Fra Suspension | Failure To Reinstate License | Pedestrian Outside Crosswalk To Yield | Dr U/Fra Susp Immob | Flee/Elude Officer In A Vehicle – Failure To Comply | Drug Abuse | Aggravated Menacing | Assault | Petty Theft | Aggravated Menacing | Drug Abuse | Assault | Open/C Public Place.
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[…] Greta-the-greenhearted Thunberg (thanks Cuppa Covfefe!!) was spouting some nonsense the other day about animal diseases […]
Pot lids show your dedication to safety from kungflu! fromGAB![comment image](
I could have so much fun….
Paint handle red, use diagonally.
Leave handle black, adjust until under nose.
….maybe put fake nose above.
Alternative to under nose, see if it can be monobrowed.
april 22, 2021 the marshall report
And if anyone says 2020 election was rigged, or dares to mention scorecard or hammer, remove them promptly. If anyone mentions Dominion….sue them in the fact checker controlled court system.
But first of all, remove all who tell the truth about COVID and LOCKSTEP RESET, and those who spent years in a think tank to devise it. Pay no attention to the foundations that funded the think tanks and pay no attention to the grants and taxpayer monies that went into molecular research, and pay no attention to any of the demonic looking ceremonies performed for heads of state at CERN, Super Bowl halftimes.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Another “gender reveal” bomb blast. I do not believe this many Americans are bringing bombs to gender reveal parties. It has to be code for something.
Remember all of those digs into concrete companies a few years ago? Yeah, this “gender reveal party” happened at a concrete industrial plant.
Had to dig deep into the Q folder to find this old meme.
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Some people ain’t got no sense-a-yuma….
It’s code for “our contraception bombed”?
Not sure if this was posted here before, but it’s new to me.
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picture is real!!!
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You’ll have to click. This is yet another post about Trump pushing the vaccines, and is he controlled opposition? or a wolf in MAGA clothing? and so on. My point is not the post, but that Torba reposted it. There’s a bad vibe from that guy.
I dug into it. It’s a good conversation. Both Trump and Torba, taken together, are right. Too complicated for most people to understand.
People want simple answers – it’s not simple. This is why Trump was President – to deal honestly with the complexity. Now we’ve got China Applesauce Joe. He doesn’t know anything. It’s horrifying.