Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot (i.e., paper) Prices
Last week:
Gold $1777.50
Silver $26.05
Platinum $1207.00
Palladium $2834.00
Rhodium $28,200.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1778.20
Silver $26.07
Platinum $1236.00
Palladium $2914.00
Rhodium $28,000.00
Unfortunately, when looking at the prices only on Friday, you lose some things. It looks like gold has barely moved, but the fact of the matter is, it almost blooped up above $1800 earlier in the week. A far cry from the situation just a few weeks ago when it would drop below $1700 and then popped back up again, two or three times.
To really get a feel for what is going on, you should look at a chart.
Here is what gold has done this past year:
The price is moving up and down, but the overall trend is down, imagine a series of sawtooths (sawteeth?). And if you look at the recent rise, it’s still consistent with just being an upward movement in the overall down trend; you can sort of eyeball a straight line through all those peaks, sloping down and to the right, and the price of gold hasn’t broken through that line, not yet it hasn’t. A trader would likely expect it to reverse and drop again.
Palladium on the other hand, is in a slow upward trend, again as seen in a graph for the past year:
And so I would expect it to continue to climb, for now. Here’s rhodium:
Note that it has gone from below $10,000 to almost $30,000 just since last June. Also note at the far right the price is moving up and down, but the height of the oscillations is decreasing. This may be what the technical traders call a “flag,” if so when it reaches its “point” the commodity often breaks out, either up or down, in a big way.
Here’s iridium:
And it probably shows the most stark behavior. Dead flat for months, then suddenly it starts climbing, and climbing, and climbing! That line almost looks like the profile of the Grand Canyon, in fact, complete with the vertical faces and then lines sloping upward to the next vertical face.
Mass (Part I of a Long Series)
Having run out of precious metals to babble about, I’m going to change tacks. If you’ve been here a while, you might remember two postings I did on stars. These were independent posts, having nothing to do with politics (poly = many, ticks = blood sucking bugs) and at least some people enjoyed them. I wanted to go to the opposite end of the scale and talk about a certain sub-atomic particle, but then I realized that the best way to do that would be a very, very, very long post. (And yes, it’s a subatomic particle, but it has a lot to do with stars.) A huge part of it would be explaining where physics stood in 1895, and how four discoveries in the next four years basically overturned things, and eventually led to that subatomic particle, the real star (ahem) of the whole series.
So I decided to break this story up into pieces. And this is the first of those pieces.
And here is the caveat: I will be explaining, at first, what the scientific consensus was in 1895. So much of what I have to say is out of date, and I know it…but going past it would be a spoiler. So I’d appreciate not being “corrected” in the comments when I say things like “mass is conserved.” I know that that isn’t considered true any more, but the point is in 1895 we didn’t know that. I will get there in due time. (On the other hand, if I do misrepresent the state of understanding as it was in 1895, I do want to know it.)
Also, to avoid getting bogged down in Spockian numbers specified to nine decimal places, I’m going to round a lot of things off. I use 9.8, below, for a number that’s actually closer to 9.80665, for instance, similarly for the number 32.
OK so without further ado, mass.
What Mass Is, and Isn’t
Mass is not the same thing as weight, at least not when scientists are using the terms.
But the distinction between mass and weight didn’t become clear until Isaac Newton came along. He tried to imagine what objects would behave like if there were no gravity, and no friction. And he realized that an object under those circumstances would stay at rest unless a force acted on it, or, if were already moving, would continue to move in the same direction at the same speed, unless a force acted on it. It has inertia. But that doesn’t match what we actually see. You let go of an object that’s not on the ground, it falls (or if it’s a balloon, it might rise). An object that’s moving on a flat surface slows down and stops.
But the reason why we see things fall faster and faster, is that gravity exerts a force on them, a downward force, and the reason things moving horizontally slow down is friction, and that, too is a force.
For clarity, we have to ignore friction. Imagine these objects are wet ice on a hockey rink–or cars sliding on ice (yikes!). Or air hockey pucks. There’s still some friction in all of these cases, but not a whole lot. You can imagine, after watching these sorts of things, what it would be like with no friction.
Largely building upon what Galileo discovered (when he wasn’t looking through a telescope), Newton essentially defined the concept of inertia. It’s basically the resistance of an object to being shoved. And mass is essentially a measure of that. If object A is twice as massive as object B, it’s twice as hard to shove around and get the same effect. You need to exert twice as much force.
On the other hand, if you stick with the same object, and apply twice as much force, it reacts twice as much.
You can state this a little more precisely as, acceleration, a, is proportional to the force, F, and inversely proportional to the mass, m. You can increase or decrease any of the three items, decrease or increase one of the other two, and you will see the third item increase or decrease exactly in proportion.
Or to be even more concise, you can write the following:
a ∝ F/m.
That little Jesus fish like thing means “is proportional to” and basically, it means that if you double one side, you double the other side, but they’re not equal.
You can rearrange to get:
F ∝ ma.
And this is the form you usually see this in, it’s Newton’s second law of motion. Well almost. There’s something we can do to get rid of that Jesus fishy thing and replace it with an equals sign. More on that shortly.
Mass is considered to be the ultimate measure of “how much matter” is in an object. Twice as much matter, will have twice as much inertia. And some object, say one of the big weights off of a weightlifting set, will have the same inertia even on the moon.
But the weight of the objects will change on the Moon, because weight is actually force. And the Moon’s gravity will pull on the same objects, with less force than on Earth.
The kilogram is actually a unit of mass. A chunk of metal massing a kilogram (think of it as a one kilogram gold bar if that will put a smile on your face) will still mass a kilogram on the moon, pick it up and swing it around, you will feel the same tugs as you would feel on earth, because now you are playing with its inertia, which doesn’t change–it will take the same force to keep the bar from flying out of your hand as it did on Earth.
But pounds are (usually) a unit of force. That kilogram of gold will weigh about 2.2 pounds here on Earth. That means that the earth’s gravity pulls on it with that amount of force. But take it to the moon, and it weighs about 5.9 ounces, that’s how much force the moon exerts on that one kilogram mass.
[Or–let’s be frank here–for me, and for most of you, it weighs exactly zero both on Earth and the Moon because your kilogram bar of gold doesn’t exist at all except in your dreams. Oh, OK, never mind, forget I said this and return to smiling.]
The one force we can’t get away from in our daily is gravity, and as such in the English system a lot of things are defined with respect to the amount of gravity Earth has. But when you’re doing engineering you have to deal with a lot of forces–the force exerted by a pile driver, the thrust of a jet engine, and so on. So you need a unit of force and a unit of mass, so you can figure out how much your masses will respond to your forces, or alternatively, how much force you’ll have to exert to make that mass move the way you want it to.
The metric system, which starts with unit of mass, has to derive a unit of force, and the English system which starts with a unit of force, has to derive a unit of mass. Metric invented a unit of force called the Newton–the amount of force needed to accelerate a kilogram, one meter per second, for every second it’s applied, and yes, it’s named after Sir Isaac. And the English system retro-invented the slug–it’s the amount of mass that, when acted upon by one pound of force, will accelerate one foot per second, every second.
Once you’ve defined your units, you can change that proportionality constant to an equals sign. But you may need a fudge factor, which I will call k. F = kma. (And yes, Biden can kma.) In metric, as long as you stick to meters, kilograms, and meters per second squared, the fudge factor is 1. The Newton was deliberately defined that way. And in the English system, as long as you stick to feet, slugs, and feet per second squared, the fudge factor is also 1. 1 will disappear if it’s in an algebraic multiplication, so now we’re dealing with
F = ma
Drop a kilogram of gold–it will accelerate at 9.8 meters per second per second, a = 9.8, and m is one. Plug it into the formula above. That means it’s being acted on by a force of 9.8 newtons.
Galileo showed that heaver objects fall at exactly the same rate as lighter ones (once you account for air resistance, which is a force and partially cancels out gravity). So a two kilogram mass of gold, falling at the same rate, which we call g, gives you F = 2 x 9.8 = 19.6 Newtons.
Switch to the English system now. Drop a pound of something else–bananas, say–it will accelerate at 32 feet per second, every second. (That’s the English equivalent of 9.8 meters per second per second…we’re just using a different measuring stick.) But this time we have a weight, not a mass, F, and we have a and are looking for m, so we need to do a bit of beginner’s algebra and come up with:
m = F/a
But this time F is 1 pound, and a is 32 feet per second squared. So our mass is 1/32. And indeed, if our answer is supposed to be in slugs, that’s the right answer. A slug, as it turns out, weighs 32 pounds here on earth, and 1/32 of a slug weighs one pound.
Engineers find it so useful to have a unit of mass, the ones working in the English system (poor sods) actually invented a “pound mass,” the mass of something that weighs a pound here on earth. But when they use the “pound mass” in their formulas they have to put a fudge factor of 32 in. With mass in pound mass, the formula becomes
m = 32 F/a
Or rearranging to the usual form
F = ma / 32
A pound mass will respond to a force 32 times as much as a slug would to the same force, as you can see when you solve for the acceleration (response), a = 32 Fm. Failure to properly account for this has doomed more than one rocket. Metric is cleaner, a kilogram is mass, and only mass.
I got my STEM education entirely in metric, that’s what I’m comfortable with, that’s what I’m going to use from here on out.
OK, so mass and weight are different. How do you measure them? If they are different things, you need different methods to measure them.
A force can be measured with a spring. Your typical bathroom scale, or your kitchen scale, will have a spring inside; the amount the spring is compressed by the stuff you put on the scale is a measure of the force exerted on the spring. Drag your kilogram of gold to the moon and bring your scale with it, it will push on the spring less and therefore weigh less.
A mass is best measured by a balance scale. Your doctor’s scale, for instance, is a balance scale. Take it to the moon, and if it read 100 kg on earth, it will read 100 kg on the moon.
But it’s probably marked off in pounds. If you weighed a hundred pounds on earth…that scale will read 100 pounds on the moon. It’s actually measuring your mass but is calibrated in pounds actually pounds mass. So it only looks like it’s measuring your weight.
A kilogram (mass) weighs 2.2 pounds on earth, the object that exerts a force of 2.2 pounds on earth, has a mass of one kilogram. That 2.2 will change on every different planet, however, since most of us never leave earth, we simply think of a kilogram as equaling or being the same as 2.2 pounds, when it really isn’t. It isn’t the same thing, any more than a gallon is the same as 8.33 pounds. (It weighs that much if it’s water and we’re on earth, but that doesn’t make a gallon the same thing as 8.33 pounds in any fundamental sense.)
With me still? I hope so.
Conservation of Mass
OK, I’ve shown you Newton’s Second Law by way of introducing you to the distinction between weight and mass. It’s called a “Law” not because some politician decreed it, but because the universe works this way.
F = ma
And when you have to use a fudge factor, the fudge factor is a constant. It’s a constant 1 in the case of metric and English slugs.
One could ask what would happen if the fudge factor were to change, and the answer is a bit surprising. Since the Newton is defined as being the force necessary to accelerate a kilogram at one meter per second per second, if it suddenly, tomorrow, took twice as much force to do that, the Newton would simply get twice as big.
Since it’s awkward having your units of measure change (for exactly the same reason that inflation sucks), the fact that scientists set things up that way should be evidence enough that they are sure the fudge factor never changes.
How do we know that? It is an induction, not a deduction. It has always been true, we assume it’s just the way the universe works, until we find an exception, and believe me, people are always looking for the exception. And also for just outright blatant violation of the rule; such as objects suddenly and inexplicably changing their velocity. That would be an a without an F, or perhaps the m taking a vacation and reducing to almost nothing momentarily.
Our whole view of the universe wouldn’t make sense if Newton’s second law weren’t true. Car collisions on icy roads, air hockey…if someone made an animated movie where this rule were blatantly violated, it would look fake to us. Of course if the movie were almost spot on, with maybe the fudge factor changing by 1 percent at random, we’d have a hard time seeing it, but this has been measured in laboratories, and it’s always true. And the fudge factor doesn’t change.
One other thing turns out to be true, at least as of 1895. Mass never disappears into nothing, and it never appears from nowhere, either.
Sure, the mass of an object can change. It could decrease. But that mass always goes somewhere else, it never gets destroyed. Or similarly, if the mass of an object increases, that mass came from somewhere else.
This is one of those realizations that turned science into a form of bookkeeping. The books have to balance, the mass in has to equal the mass out.
Set a two kilogram log on fire. Weigh the ashes afterwards, they mass out to maybe 600 grams. Did the other 1400 grams just disappear? Nope. It can’t, it’s not allowed to. So that tells the scientists they didn’t account for something. In this case, they didn’t capture and weigh the smoke and the carbon dioxide given off by the burning log (whilst upsetting leftists). So if you add that in, are you okay?
Nope, because now the mass after is more than the mass before. That’s not allowed either; you can go back to the bench and re-run the experiment.
This time, count not just the wood, but also the oxygen used to burn the wood.
Once you do that, your mass before matches your mass after. Life is good.
The books balance.
And this was another thing that (as of 1895) was considered to be always true. Every time it had been tested, it was true. And a test isn’t just an explicit lab exercise like I just described, but literally everything done in a lab implicitly follows this rule.
In this case simple arithmetic is enough to do the bookkeeping. And nothing of negative mass has ever been seen, so you will see addition and subtraction, but never a negative result. Real accountants would find this dead easy. The trick, of course, is to account for everything, and measure carefully.
There is one other thing about mass, though, that was (and still is) an important feature of the universe. And that is gravitation. I’ve mostly talked about gravity as something that exerts a force on a mass, so far, but I’ve not mentioned yet that mass actually exerts gravity. Every mass, exerts a force on every other mass. If you double the mass of the object, it exerts twice as much force. If you double the distance between the objects, however, you divide the force by 4. This is the square of the distance, and you’re dividing by it, so it’s called an inverse square relation. But one more thing. If you double the mass of the other object, the force you exert on it doubles too, and it responds with the same acceleration.
You are exerting a tiny gravitational force on the Andromeda galaxy. And vice versa. In fact, it’s the same amount of force in both directions.
The law of gravitation was also first noted by Sir Isaac Newton.
You can write this law as follows, at least as a first cut.
F = m1 m2 / d 2
Multiply your masses together, divide by the square of the distances, and you get F.
Except, no you can’t. Meters, kilograms, seconds, and Newtons go together with F=ma, but they don’t go together in this equation. Two masses 1 kilogram each, at one meter’s distance? That equation says the force should be one Newton. It’s not. It’s a lot less. You need to plug in a fudge factor, and this one is named G. The law of gravitation properly reads
F = G m1 m2 / d 2
And G is a very small number, because in Newton’s day you couldn’t even measure what F was. Without being able to measure F, we couldn’t figure out what G was. And for any scenario where we could measure F, we either couldn’t measure one of the masses, or d, or both. Either way, G was unmeasurable.
But even without that, Newton could see the law was good, because he could check the responses of things to earth’s gravity. An apple, and the moon.
To start this out, in fact, let’s assume we want to measure the acceleration, not the force. Both sides of the equation above are a force, dividing by the mass of one of the objects, the one we want to watch, gives:
a = G m2 / d 2
And you can substitute mass of the earth, me, for m2. So the acceleration of, say, an apple dropped, is:
a = G me / d 2
And if you’re standing on the surface of the earth, d is the radius of the earth. (You can treat the earth as if its entire mass were at the center, so long as it’s radially symmetrical (which it almost is). That’s one of many things Newton proved. He had to invent calculus to do that.)
In this particular case, we knew a, and we knew d, but we knew neither G or me. But we knew what their product had to be! This is called the earth’s gravitational parameter, and is usually written μe. (Greek letter mu, usually pronounced as “mew” in English, though logically it should be “moo.”) This is very handy, in fact, it’s so handy that even today people who work with orbital motion just use gravitational parameters; it saves them the bother of multiplying the same numbers over and over again.
a = μe / d 2
Newton had pretty good information on how far away the moon was. He could compute how much it was accelerating as it orbits the earth (always downward, as if it were on a string being whirled around the earth), and his equation and the data matched. The moon responded to Earth’s gravitation exactly the same way as the apple did. This was the first time we had ever shown that something “up there” follows the same physical laws as something “down here.” And that’s why it’s called the universal law of gravitation.
So Newton knew the earth’s gravitational parameter, and the distance to the moon was known before his time. But what about the rest of the solar system? Well, life was rough for astronomers working out the solar system back then. Because we didn’t know the actual distance between the sun and any of the planets, nor between other planets and their moons. We did know the relative distances; we knew, for instance that Jupiter’s distance to the sun was 5.2 times that of Earth’s. Kepler had figured that out in the late 1500s. We could also see that the inverse square law worked: The acceleration Jupiter experienced was about 1/27th that of earth, though we couldn’t tell what it was because we didn’t know the scale. Newton, in fact, showed mathematically that any inverse square force will cause things to orbit in ellipses, thereby vindicating and strengthening Kepler, and using Kepler as evidence that an inverse square law was involved.
Measuring the Solar System, Massing the Earth
So astronomers didn’t know the gravitational parameter of the sun, much less G and the mass of the sun. And they didn’t know d, in this context the distance from anything to the sun, much less the earth-sun difference (but they named it: It’s an astronomical unit, and is still called that to this day). But if they could figure out what d was for Earth, they’d know it for everything else in the solar system, because we knew the proportions. And if they knew d, they could figure out the Sun’s gravitational parameter, because you can figure out the acceleration directly from d and the length of the year.
Astronomers got the first intimations of d when we were able to triangulate on Venus as it crossed between earth and the Sun, in 1761 and 1769. We could plot its motion and position on the sun’s disk from multiple places on earth, see how different it was, and determine how far away it was, just like when you move your head from side to side, a near object will move against the horizon more than a distant one will. If you measure that apparent shift, and know how much you moved your head, you can compute how far away it is. Multiple parties went to different places on earth, just to measure these transits, the more measurements the better. It was one of the first major examples of international scientific cooperation.
Similarly we now had a good number for the distance to Venus, and because we knew the proportions of the solar system, we instantly had the distance from earth to the sun. We therefore knew a, and…now we had the gravitational parameter of the sun, because it was equal to a times d 2.
The gravitational parameter of the sun is 333,000 times the amount of the gravitational parameter of the earth. Since both numbers are G times the mass, you can see that the sun’s mass, whatever it is, must be 333,000 times that of Earth. Whatever that is. We still didn’t know.
But even better. We now knew the exact distance to Jupiter. And we could therefore watch how far the moons of Jupiter got from it in the night sky, do a quick calculation and get their orbit sizes…and now we could figure out the gravitational parameter of Jupiter! It is 317.8 times that of the earth, so its mass is also 317.8 times ours (again, whatever that is). Saturn has moons, and we could do the same thing for it. Mars has moons too, but they hadn’t been discovered yet.
Then in 1781 the planet Uranus was discovered. And in 1787, two moons were discovered. Shazaam! We knew how many earth masses Uranus was, and six years earlier we hadn’t even known Uranus existed. And we eventually figured it out for Mars, when we finally did discover its moons a century later.
But Venus and Mercury don’t have moons, and we could only make educated guess at their masses…until the 1960s and 1970s when we sent probes to them and could see how they interacted with those planets.
One last piece of the puzzle. Henry Cavendish (1731–1810) was actually able to measure the force of gravity between two heavy lead balls in his laboratory in 1798. This was painstaking work, but he now had a situation where he knew every term in the law of gravity except for G; he had the force, the distance, and the masses. So from that he was able to compute the value of G, and (in metric) it is: 6.67 x 10-11.
Now that we had that number, we could go back to every gravitational parameter we knew, divide by G and get the masses.
Now we knew the mass of the Earth. It’s 5.972×1024 kilograms. And everything else proportionately.
We did this, but we did not have to go “out there” and weigh anything.
Problems with the Law of Gravitation?
The law of gravitation worked really, really well. We never saw anything inconsistent with it…well, almost!
When we tracked Uranus in its orbit about the sun, it was clear it was not following the law, not quite. Was something wrong with the law of gravitation? The law was so useful everywhere else, and I mean everywhere else, that it would make no sense for it to be broken here, so instead of assuming the law was broken, we figured that there was something unknown out there, pulling on Uranus. It was complicated work, but Le Verrier in France and John Couch Adams in England both did the calculations in 1845, and when they told Galle, another astronomer, one who used a telescope rather than being a theorist, where to look…well, Galle found the planet Neptune almost immediately.
Far from it being a problem for the theory of gravitation, the discrepancy with Uranus’ orbital motion turned into a triumph, for the theory of gravity had been used to discover a planet, and had predicted it so well that it took someone who knew where to look less than an hour to find it.
That gives you a really strong feeling that this is the truth!
But I mentioned two problems. What was the other one?
The other was the orbit of Mercury. It’s an elliptical orbit, and if Mercury and the Sun were alone in the universe, that ellipse would never, ever move. But it does move, the long axis shifts 574 arc seconds every century. And of course Mercury and the Sun aren’t alone in the universe. So what we should be able to see is that the planets–and the sun’s slight oblateness–explain Mercury’s orbit precessing.
But when you add up all those effects, there’s still a discrepancy. They don’t add up. There’s still 43 arcsecond per century left over. And this bothered scientists.
But really, this probably isn’t a problem. We know what the answer has to be. There’s an unknown planet pulling on Mercury, one so close to the sun we just couldn’t see it in all the glare. The same Le Verrier that predicted Neptune predicted this planet. We even gave it a name, Vulcan; a perfect name because he was the Roman god of the forge and it gets hot near forges and near the Sun. But despite what you may have heard, scientists usually want to square things away, they want to see that planet, then they’ll be confident they know why Mercury is misbehaving.
But Vulcan was never found, and in 1895, it remained an open question. They expected to find it, they just hadn’t, yet. In truth, it really would be hard to see something like that; it can only be done during solar eclipses.
Well, this turned out to be pretty long. And maybe hard to follow (I hope not). But as I wrote it I realized how much “hung off” the concept of mass, and the law of gravitation, and how much we were able to learn about the solar system and our own Earth, each bit of knowledge building on the prior, with theory used as a framework. And you saw some limitations…we could only estimate the mass of bodies with no moons. This wasn’t even where I wanted to go with this, but it was too good to pass up. (Next week we continue towards our final destination.)
But hopefully you saw some notion of how science is supposed to function. It’s full of humans with their own foibles, of course, but in the end the truth does out. It’s nice when you can use a theory to predict something unexpected; it gives you a very warm fuzzy sense that the theory is correct. But at the same time, there are implicit assumptions; that the generalizations we see will continue to hold true. Sometimes we discover otherwise, and have to adjust; usually when that happens it turns out that the generalization was true under certain circumstances and is still useful, under those circumstances, but that you have to scrap it under others. (At the risk of a spoiler, you’ll see that Newtonian gravity is one of those cases.)
And in so many cases, if we seem to see far, it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants, the men who preceded us, and they stand on the shoulders of the men who preceded them. None of this could happen if we weren’t willing to use information gathered by others and build on it, and in turn that’s a testament to the power of being able to write things down so that knowledge outlives us.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Duchess, that account says it’s a fan page, not an official General Flynn account. I don’t know why Telegram allows people to do this.
Oh, really?
Yes That is true.
The same with Dan Scavino’s https://t.me/s/ScavinoChannel
The official General Flynn is on CloutHub: https://app.clouthub.com/public/1b836e3b-db85-470e-9063-973345e5a43c
Thanks for the link, Eilert!!!
I guess the one for Flynn on GAB is a fan account, too – Yes?
Are you saying Scavino is not on Telegram, either?
Gen Flynn five times.
Oh, you noticed, P?
General Flynn has been on my mind of late – for so long he had nothing to say – and now – he is speaking up strong – and leading the troops in the fight!!!
Sorry for the ‘splat’ I posted – will take my wet noodle whipping – and be quiet!!!
We are ALL allowed to make mistakes – it’s an integral part of the human condition.
I am so grateful for the posters here – you too! – and I consider it an honor to be among you.
I’ve made plenty of gaffes myself, yes?
Think nothing of it – acknowledge the mistake, use that knowledge to improve a bit, and then leave it in the past.
Please ***DON’T*** be quiet! The mistakes we all make serve to inform others to be wary of making the same mistakes, and so we are ALL better off for the experience.
As you once said to me … God bless you REAL GOOD, Duchess!
Carry on …
I did NOT make ANY comment about the wisdom or lack thereof.
Merely noticed the Flynn URL staircase.
Forgot my snark mark, P – no foul
Please don’t be quiet, Duchess! I’ve been taken in by accounts plenty of times before, so you aren’t the only one. You bring far too many valuable posts here to be quiet!
Thanks, Linda – these social media groups are having trouble – Scavino and Pompeo are still on Twitter – but, they do not post often – how can one tell where to look – unless they have a website that lists them?
I agree – it’s really hard to figure out who is real. Social media sites shouldn’t allow people to post as someone else, but most of them do.
For sure, Linda – and these ‘fan sites’ don’t help, either – even though they are fun in their own right – they just make it harder for us to connect with these people.
I wanted to give people the FULL EVENT cited in this tweet.
Here is the full report in FOUR IMAGES:

If you want to get this yourself, the ID is: VAERS ID: 1166062-1
Go to THIS PAGE: https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D8
Then click on VAERS Report Details to enter the ID.
Wow. These poisonous shots need to be shut down YESTERDAY.
You want to hear a mind-bending train of thought?
We know this spike protein is a bit like the pill with the weird clotting effects.
We know that it has aborted kids by the HUNDREDS as identified miscarriages reported to the system – probably many more. Hundreds in VAERS, likely thousands in America, tens of thousands around the world.
We can easily estimate, around the world HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS to low millions of what would be basically “day-after”, “week after”, and “month after” “forced periods” – basically uterine evacuations – basically DAY AFTER PILLS.
I’m pretty confident about those numbers. First month – not easy to spot as a very early miscarriage.
Which is RU-486, right? Also called mifepristone, RU-486 is a steroid with – as I was suddenly reminded by Wikipedia – antiprogestogenic activity.
Oh, what a surprise! That’s exactly the activity I keep saying that the SPIKE PROTEIN seems to have, and I kept talking about. What a coincidence!
But this is even MORE interesting.
RU-486 is typically given with ANOTHER drug, misoprostol, which is what is called a prostaglandin, which is also used to induce abortion or labor, and helps cause uterine contractions to expel the contents. So they usually give these two drugs together to cause abortions.
Note that both mifepristone and misoprostol are on the WHO list of essential medicines. Yeah. THAT “WHO”.
I mean, it just sounds to me like this weird spike protein virus that ended up in BATS IN CAVES – or so is said – is way too much like airborne RU-486 to be coincidence. And even more than that, it sees to be a bit like BOTH drugs combined.
Well THAT’s pretty WOW.
But then PROTEINS are big molecules, and they have a lot of possibility. In fact, I think in humanity’s future, when we’re skittering around the air with a bunch of advanced vehicles, we’ll likely engineer proteins to do all sorts of things.
So let me posit RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW that getting the disease already caused a lot of forced periods and miscarriages, and because “science” would likely say “no way” – and all their doctors said “no way” when women told them that they miscarried or had a period when they got COVID, but because SCIENCE is looking like it’s getting a hold of that darn spike protein……
Well – I’m retired, so they can’t take any funding I don’t have.
But ANYWAY, the combination of “RU-486 the disease”, followed by “RU-486 the vaccine”, sure sounds like something China, WHO, and Democrats would love.
I mean, wouldn’t they just love that?
AND it fits the pattern of “Oh, here’s the problem.”, followed by “Oh, here’s the solution.” And WOW – what a coincidence – it’s the SAME THING.
I really feel like sayin’, “Convince me that I’m wrong.”
Just diabolical.
If we stipulate that the vaccines are biological warfare disguised as a cure what culpability, if any, does President Trump have in this?
Morally? Debatable.
Legally? Zero.
What is this concept of legal culpability for politicians? I don’t believe I have ever read of such an idea.
Trump’s “complicated business” just got squared upon squared upon squared going from 2016 to 2020.
Same culpability as the rest of us who didn’t realize what was going on, and thought a vaccine was the way to go. WWG1WGA, science-wise. Seriously, I’m still pushing the vaccine for some people. Based on the science I know, it’s the best individual choice for some people. They have a right to live, if we stand up for individuals who can benefit from the vaccine.
Science is literally in a REVOLUTION. We are seeing that it is controlled at the top by all sorts of interests which are now affecting science in REAL TIME where we can SEE the deception in time frames which approach the legally actionable and not merely the tragically lamentable.
We are seeing moral complexity with fresh eyes. We are also seeing people who have simply accepted the idea of changing humanity without permission from the masses. I disagree, but – well – my only power is SPEAKING. Easily countered.
Who gets blamed really depends on how hard and how high up the blame “inverts” in the busted conspiracy where all levels are deceived differently and to different degrees. One has to remember – REAL CONSPIRACIES OPERATE BY DECEIVING ALL WHO ASSIST. They’re PYRAMIDS OF MUTUAL DECEPTION.
Some people KNEW we were dealing with an “abortion virus” and an “abortion vaccine” – I’m POSITIVE of that. But it may be devilishly hard to catch them. There are even places this could go that are flat-out MIND-BENDING.
Are pesticides and “fertilizers” or “defertilizers” biological warfare or AGRICULTURE?
Anthroculture. Get used to it. It happens before terraforming because it HAS TO. Creation must become part of creation because it already is. The only question is HOW.
(Edit: Antrho –> Anthro, 2nd even –> flat out)
very good answer Wolf
That is just heartbreaking — the vax made the mother’s milk a poison.
I’m not a mother, and am hardly equipped to be one, but I’ve got to imagine that taps into deep primal horrors. She poured nine months of her life, her essence into a new life, held it in her arms, burbled with joy….and the vax turned her further nurture fatal. She is likely devastated.
And who knows what it took to conceive.
Or if she’d ever be able to become pregnant again or even carry a pregnancy to term. The levels of evil here are incomprehensible!
Yes, I’ve been praying for that woman. I’m sure she is horribly devastated.
I’ve also read that partners engaging in conjugal activities are passing on the vaccine stuff to the other one.
We were joking on Catholic twitter about a dating site for non-vaxxed people. It may be a reality sooner or later.
Snake protein – whoops – I mean spike protein – is apparently pretty feisty stuff. the mRNA for it appears to be even more feisty, and is likely doing some genetic incorporation, thanks to the Swiss army knife protein. But then add lots of ChiCom allegedly inactivated virus vaccine (Sinovac or CoronaVac) that may be less inactivated than others, and I think we’ve got a grade A global scam going on here.
The more I think about the people who have not been vaxxed exhibiting symptoms and bruising, miscarriage, etc., it sounds like you have to be in REALLY close proximity to a vaxxed person to pick up the shedded spike protein. Like, REALLY close.
Are you following that part of the whole scenario?
Not yet, but I’m sure I will, because it will either prove some interesting point of the science, or turn into something that needs DEBUNKING, but which then becomes a weapon of their disinformation which we can GRAB and give a nice hard TUG.
Just remember this – it HAS to be physically mediated by the spike protein. THAT can come from the disease OR the vaccine, and if the latter, then the TYPE of vaccine makes a difference.
Many pregnant women come through the borders are they getting the vaccine and why not? Why are only citizens who get the vaccine?
I guess I see conspiracy
All I can do is pray that poor baby’s death convinced some fence-sitters to finally say “No!” to the vaccine. I hope this senseless tragedy saved many more lives and suffering because I’m otherwise having a difficult time reconciling why this horrible evil is being forced on us.
unspeakable atrocity.
poor little one, poor mother.
they are traumatizing the world with this agenda of death.
I hate them all.
God’s curse be upon them.
Here is the alternative that would have avoided the whole spike protein – but likely would have reduced the contraceptive and abortive activities.
Wolf Moon
It may well be the case that this poor woman, in addition to losing her baby, also will not be able to bear another child due to the contraceptive spike protein elements that apparently are in the CCP Virus “vaccines”.
That is the worst part – any genetic incorporation that keeps cranking out spike protein. BUT – and this is very critical – we KNOW that the disease produces genetic incorporation, and we SUSPECT that the vaccine does, too. So if that is the case, then there is some possibility that the disease is WORSE than the vaccines, in terms of effects on fertility.
And HCQ would have avoided BOTH problems.
And, just like that —
The CDC and the FDA took away the pause on J&J “vaccine” yesterday.
Credit to the WashPost
“Federal agencies lift pause on use of Johnson & Johnson vaccine, saying benefits outweigh risks”
“The officials said the benefits of the single-shot vaccine far outweigh the risks from a rare and severe type of blood clot.”
Which tells one a couple of things:
First, the CDC/FDA/DeepState/Dr. Fauci — all were petrified that We, The People are starting to wake up and say NO to the CCP Virus “vaccines”.
Second, there most likely was pressure brought to bear on the Feds et al, by J&J to get their “vaccine” distribution rolling again — Follow The Money. CUI BONO?
Third, Read the Pull Quote above again. And again. The Feds are saying that it’s OK if one dies from a “rare and severe type of blood clot” after getting the J&J “vaccine”, because of the “benefits” of the “vaccine” for the great unwashed — “the greater good”.
Or how about “the end justifies the means.”
WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY is President Trump RUINING his chances of winning in 2024 with his response to the vaccines?
I just don’t understand!
By 2023, when the run for the Presidency begins, I can promise you there will be so many people who have died or been injured by this vaccine that anyone with anything to do with it WILL NOT be a viable Presidential candidate.
WHY won’t he just shut up?!
What I’ve come to believe is that P45DJT is following the mandate of *game theory*, in order to win IN THE END.
Chess is a hobby of mine – and the chess engines have eclipsed our own understanding of the game, to a point where most of us simply don’t see what the right move is, to win.
To continue the analogy, there are some computer programs (Alpha Zero is best, right now) that make moves that OTHER chess engines “think” are mistakes … UNTIL, that is, they reach a deeper level of analysis.
IOW, when they think only 25 moves ahead, their evaluation of the chess-move is BAD; but when they reach, say, 29 moves of depth, their evaluation is GOOD – and *winning* in many cases.
Humans also can outstrip some of the lesser engines – and it’s rather glorious to see!
I remember when so many here were AGAINST the seemingly “wrong” decision by P45DJT to sign the military funding bill, which included TONS of graft.
By that time, though, I’d decided to support him in the decision, for two reasons:
First, I didn’t have enough info on / grasp of the reality of the situation.
Second – and more importantly – I concluded that having FAITH that he knew what he was doing was the ONLY way to go. I stopped second-guessing, and have been incredibly more sanguine about leaving all the decisions he makes / has made up to him.
In retrospect, his signing that military funding bill / boondoggle turned out to be right, and the ONLY path to victory in the end.
I suspect that the current vax situation, also, will prove to be the same – the only way to reclaim our Republic.
It’s quite a calming perspective!
“Future proves past” … we’ll know in the end.
Hope this helps!
I understand and even agree with your stance. I hope we are the correct ones, and that by then everyone will see it. But it sure looks like a hell of a gamble from the perspective of April 2021!
In the end, the only way some people were going to wake up regarding the vaccine industry was mass deaths from them. It’s horrible to think that way, but it’s the truth given the confirmation bias in place in the culture.
Getting the J&J shot is playing Russian ruled.
Trump was actually right here, IMO. What they did to J+J was to pretend that they didn’t know the problems with the vaccine are STILL in the “acceptable” range that we HAVE been getting – even though it’s WAY more dangerous than the flu vaccine. Stopping the vaccine was ALL SHOW to get focus off the vaccine problems.
This is all Stalinism – but we can convert it BACK to where it should be, by simply having what I call PEOPLE’S CONTRAINDICATIONS.
If CDC, taken over by “whoever”, will not be honest, front line doctors and internet scientists need to contradict them and advise SOME PATIENTS to be very careful about getting vaccinated.
I will still, as somebody who supports the right of individuals to take medicines that THEY THINK could save their lives, to get the vaccine if THEY BELIEVE it will be a lower risk than getting the disease.
The other thing when it comes for forced miscarriage is the ABC link that is denied in public, but very much acknowledged behind hands and under the breath in doctor’s offices. When a first pregnancy is interrupted early, while the breast tissue is changing, it DOES leave a woman vulnerable to breast cancer. The Susan G. Koman people deny it, but I know woman who have been told by their physicians that possibility is VERY real.
It does happen.
And that’s another $$$ cow that has been lied about for decades.
VERY interesting.
Here’s more info from a nurse.
No particular reason, I was just thinking about it —
Impressive, Cooth!!!
Back in the days of sample-playing synths like the E-mu Proteus 2000, I was hoping someone would come out with a ROM for a theater organ……you could have more stops than the Wanamaker [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_of_the_Wanamaker_Organ ] in a little MIDI box…..
Still waiting….
A little tour through the Wanamaker.
My friends who have played it are always in awe afterwards.
To get up into that little balcony that surrounds the console, this is if I recall correctly as it’s been many years, you used to walk through a regular “department” in the store and through some little doorway. Could have even been a shoe department.
Our regular tuner/builder was part of the team there for years. It’s always in the back of my mind – what will Macy’s wind up doing with this situation, when they really go under?
Steve, that Gold chart had some interesting spikes right at the time of the election and around January 6th.
If you’re going to build floating space colonies, why the F*** would you build them to have the climate of Seattle?
Because the kind of people with access to the levers of power and unlimited wealth don’t live in a world that has any relationship with common sense.
Common sense is for people who need to survive.
People who have so much money and power that they could live a thousand lifetimes and never have to worry about money, live in a world of theoretical possibilities which are only limited by their imaginations, not by common sense.
Common sense is for the little people, because they need it.
Bezos… doesn’t.
He can afford to just do stuff because he wants to, whether it makes any sense or not.
We are mere ants in his terrarium.
To keep the inhabitants depressed?
I think Cthulhu’s sarcasm went right over your head.
Bezos doesn’t want the climate of Seattle, that’s the sarcasm. It’s a stupid article title, of course he’ll build it with a pleasant climate.
If, that is he manages to lay his hands on hundreds of trillions of dollars. We haven’t got anywhere near the space travel capacity we’d have to have to do this. It’d be like sending ten people to a desert island and expecting them to build cars and microcomputers starting from scratch.
You have SUCH a sweet way of putting things.
They’ll be working on it for quite awhile. But they’ll get there eventually.
Basically, we would first have to build manufacturing capacity in space and mine the moon. A whole economy the size of ours would have to exist up there before we could take on projects of this scope.
That O’Neill cylinder is four miles across and twenty miles long, and they probably ought to be built in pairs. Imagine what capability we’d have to have “up there” to even begin such a thing!
I’d love to see the day, but it’s probably a century out, at least. (When the concepts first came out it was around 1980, we’ve basically pissed away 40 years already.)
The O’Neill has always been imagined as a “second generation” space habitat. A “Stanford torus” (a lot like the first illustration but smaller) is a more likely first space colony, but even that is probably about a thousand times the size and mass of the ISS. As such we couldn’t possibly hope to boost the pieces up from earth, they’ll have to mine the moon and asteroids, which means we *first* need colonies in those places, colonies big enough to support big factories.
This is our *far* future here. It would be like imagining the interstate system in America, when Columbus returned. Yes, we got there eventually, and it seemed perfectly natural and reasonable every step of the way. But at this point, there isn’t even a Jamestown Colony in existence yet!
The first one pictured, would work as far as weather control.
An O’Neill cylinder, however (as shown in the last pictures), is so big it would have actual weather patterns. It would actually have bona fide rain unless it were dry as a bone.
Shaking my head:
FDA, CDC rules Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine pause can be lifted
I hate to say it, but it makes scientific sense. IF you accept the other vaccines with similar numbers in similar people – if you accept relative risks of vaccines and disease AS ACCEPTED for the other vaccines – if you accept that people have a right to TAKE THE RISK THEY WANT (vaccine or disease) – then they had to make this decision. Trump was RIGHT – they should not have stopped J+J – it was THEATER.
Does not invalidate any of our concerns – it’s just complicated.
Sure would be different if there were ADMITTED CONTRAINDICATIONS.
Now, this is very interesting.
FTA (can’t copy and paste – had to screenshot:

Check those numbers.
This is CLEARLY hormonal, it’s clearly WOMEN of childbearing age, it’s clearly less of a risk PAST MENOPAUSE and NOT TO MEN – this is ALL MAKING SENSE.
The spike protein is more of a risk to women of childbearing age.
Now – that is the risk of this extreme and life-threatening disorder. Imagine this in comparison to similar risks of another drug affecting progestational hormones – THE PILL.
Compare them both.
To me, this SMALL BUT POWERFUL RISK (of this one rare clotting disorder) we are seeing combined with MUCH more frequent NON-LIFE-THREATENING (anti)progestational effects, tells me that this spike protein could have very strong contraceptive effects “for a common cold”, so to speak.
I’m not making any wild claims or allegations about design. Not here. Not yet. I just want to DOCUMENT that this SPIKE PROTEIN looks every bit like the macguffin in a disease AND a vaccine using the disease protein which gives an antiprogestational effect.
Might be worth wondering why some anonymous scientist on the internet and a few other similar but less anonymous scientists on the internet are the only ones talking about it.
How come FAUCI’s not sayin’ nothin’?
Good links from Cthulhu:
“What’s up with the spike protein?”
OMG, I just thought of something. The “crisis” had to happen so that we wouldn’t have the usual contraindications interfering with the purpose of the disease and the vaccine. They NEED it to be taken by women of childbearing age or pregnant.
Oh, this is ALL making sense. That’s why there are NO contraindications to the vaccine. If they let there be one, soon there will be more, and eventually there will be the ones they CANNOT AFFORD, because it defeats the purpose.
Why am I reminded of
That was programming, too, actually, in my opinion.
But I think that there’s clearly a plan to try to reduce fertility
….in women….
Women are the logical long-term biological strike point.
Sort of a Handmaid’s Tale scenario, eh?
Again, you’re just falling for their narratives.
Don’t fall for their narratives. They just seed this crap. It’s ultimately ANTI-HUMAN.
See how those divisionist memes work? They just fill our minds with this shit.
Fight back. It’s THEM. Who’s “them”?
There are women involved in this vaccine development, too, i.e. Moderna. This link also has a gratuitous Fauci mention:
Yes, in women. Without women, reproduction cannot take place.
You could say that of males…but what’s not being said here, at least not explicitly, is you could sterilize 95 percent of men and it would make no difference. The five percent who aren’t sterile would have a grand old time and the human race would go on.
Sterilize 95 percent of women and you’ve pretty much forced birth rates down at least 90 percent, and that’s assuming the 5 percent left decide they want more children than they would have otherwise.
hence why in thoroughbred horse racing, the mare is the more valuable animal.
..and low testosterone .
Gain of function.
We now have ‘programable virus’s.. and vaccine passports..
The megalomaniacs mandatory dream syrup, fought for andlegalized by an nother “unaccountable ” branch of tthe US gubmint. the (CDC) …and endorsed by WHO.
NO THANKS fauxi !!
Young adults are already having significant fertility problems. Between two daughters & DIL six KNOWN miscarriages & one had 2 significantly preterm.(Fortunately all done…with 8 reasonably healthy kids between them)
Friends of theirs having to resort to expensive in vitro over significant time in order to conceive.
It’s already a mess… Pity the next wave of young adult’s issues after all the jabs are done.
Between heavy metal & fluoride toxicity add jabs & the cabal are well on their way to realizing their fertility depletion goals.
Seriously, eating paleo usually takes care of this. It’s the excess gluten, seed oils, and grains that usually messes with the system.
Nutrition is the best pharmacy but this fertility problem is not being addressed in any meaningful way by the medical profession that young people have been encouraged to rely on.
Nutrition is seen in the same light by current medical practice as folk medicine. It’s not taken seriously…
Even if it were…how much of the advice would actually be good?
The “food pyramid” we all laugh at, after all, is part of a nutritionist’s bailiwick.
Don’t think we’re thinking in conventional nutritionists terms…they are usually useless.
And that is so sad.
Yes, this actually makes a LOT of sense. “1000 cuts” is a perfect strategy to bring human reproduction under control of our keepers without letting on that there IS control.
Heard on the news that this was a successful PSYOP.
‘If the people thought that the Govt is willing to shut down a vax after a negative report, then that shows how responsible and caring they are, that they will protect us from harm. Knowing that the Govt is acting in our best interest with our welfare in mind has convinced more people to TRUST and take the vax.’

YES! ES! YES! It was THEATER for sure, and THAT right there is a great explanation of WHY. They were losing credibility.
And of the $44 million raised by the RNC, $44 million of it was intended for Trump, but the RNC used deceptive marketing to make donors think they were donating to Trump.
Does “Save America” still share fundraising with the RNC? As he is no longer sitting POTUS and as the RNC must remain neutral in the GOP primary, I don’t think they do. I don’t think they would share again until after he won the 2024 GOP Presidential Primary.
Trump should NEVER share with RNC based on any set ratio. Never again as it apparently was for the 2020 election. Blood sucking RNC massively took advantage of Trump and Trump supporters.
Where Trump believes in a RNC candidate, funds can then be directed to specific candidates.
Really? Less than a hundred million dollars makes you the center of political power?
This country is for sale for cheap!
Yes I realize that under normal circumstances you could translate that money into support, in particular support at the polls, but does THAT really matter in this day and age when they can just make up counterfeit support on election day?
Those stats are for this year. That’s a lot of bucks to rake in from people who don’t have it to give, after such a demoralizing period of time.
I think the real question is how much skim and kick-back the Dems can get from the trillions they’re dumping out for scraping.
“I think the real question is how much skim and kick-back the Dems can get from the trillions they’re dumping out for scraping.”
All of it.
None of the money in the funding bills they pass ever gets to ‘infrastructure’ or whatever the ruse de jour may be. Not a single pothole gets filled. If any money actually gets down to the contractor level, it’s the brother-in-law of some crony on the city council, who pockets the cash and kicks back half to the city councilman.
Remember those $500 hammers we bought in the 1990s from Lefty’s Ethereal Hammer Emporium?
There were no hammers.
Remember the $600 toilet seats the Pentagon bought from John’s Wholesale Gold-plated Crappers?
There’s no such company. That money just went into a black hole.
The $1.8 billion (or whatever amount it was) more recently, that went to the Pakistani Tranny Academy?
Again, there’s no such place.
There are no trannies in Pakistan.
They’re MOCKING us. Laughing their asses off, brazenly stealing trillions of dollars, right in front of our faces.
If they even bother to go through the exercise (as opposed to direct deposit to a Hong Kong back account), the money is sent to Pakistan, who takes their cut, and sends the remainder back to Pelosi, Schumer & Soros, LLC.
People have lost their damn minds.

Dumb and Dumber – and I am not talking about the dogs, either!!!
They look so cute but hey the mask only applies to humans
Dems won’t post $1M bond, so election audit won’t be paused (azmirror.com)
A brief weekend pause in the Arizona Senate’s election audit that a judge ordered on Friday won’t happen because the Arizona Democratic Party declined to put up a $1 million bond that the judge requested to cover any expenses that the Senate wrongfully incurs due to the halt.
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury ruled that the audit must halt from 5 p.m. Friday to noon on Monday. But that order was contingent on the Arizona Democratic Party, which brought the lawsuit seeking to block the audit, posting a $1 million bond to cover any expenses that the Senate wrongfully incurs due to the delay. The Senate’s lease of Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where the audit is being conducted, ends on May 14.
Roopali Desai, the Democrats’ attorney, said the party won’t put up the bond. That means the audit will continue uninterrupted.
OMG, that is a beautiful test. THAT is SWORD OVER BABY.
The Dems KNOW that if they stall the show, and the audit STILL BURNS THEM, that they’ll be out of that cash.
And the thing is…..$1M is chump change, compared to the TRILLIONS being looted in the name of their fictitious majority.
Now check THIS out.
Linda posted those numbers.
Trump got 85 million
RNC got 44 million
DNC only got 18 million
Now they’re looting a lot with all their infrastructure LIES, but that 18 million ON HAND can’t afford to lose 5.56% on some bail-out of the Arizona problems.
This is getting interesting.
Could this be the start of Biden losing his legitimacy, even with the people who consume the YSM output?
I think we’re going into interesting times.
Start? How about continuation. This one’s a real gem too. Anemia, America??

Biden’s Climate Requirements: Cut 90% of Red Meat From Diet; Americans Can Only Eat One Burger Per Month (thegatewaypundit.com)
This is all so incredibly anti-freedom, anti-American, and DARE I SAY ANTI-HUMAN, that……
How Woke is Micky D’s, BK, Wendy’s, etc. gonna be now??

Oh, the wokesters in boardrooms will sell us freaking ALGAEBURGERS.
So now, not only do I need a garden in my backyard, I gotta get a cow too!!
Better get some bacon while I’m at it.
And a horse to drive.
Lots of firewood to plant
In California, it’s next to impossible to build new wood-burning stoves under the building code.
South Coast Air Quality Management District even wanted to ban lawn mowers.
I do have to hand it to them; the air is VASTLY clearer there now than it was in the late eighties. You used to not see the hills to the north of the Cancer.
I agree. The air in 1990 was vastly improved from when I was growing up. Even in the 80s, there were times I could look out of 16633 Ventura Boulevard and not see the hills immediately south. If only they’d been dissolved once they’d fixed the problem they were organized to address…..
If you hang out in Lowe’s and Home Depots in places like NC or TN, it will eventually dawn on you that some products say, “NOT FOR SALE IN CALIFORNIA.”
Once you see it, you will find that about 10% of the store has that label.
And then you’ll realize how oppressive the CA government is.
There’s a gun brand (XD?) that puts big stickers on their boxes: ‘Not Legal in California.’ One might think that the gun shop would remove the stickers, and in most areas of endeavor they would, but in the gun culture, “Not Legal In California” is a selling point.
That’s why I was talking the other day about the fact that we need to create our OWN economy. Independent, strong, and unassailable.
Let the globalist soy-toys with their dork knots and their tattooed hairy-pitted gothlets eat whatever poisonous pablum they want… We’ll take real food, from real farms, from real MAGA farmers…
You’re prescient Cuppa!!
Do they still use real meat, Butterfly?
Won’t bother them to sell veggie-burgers.
They’ll be reduced to chicken nuggets, nothing but beeks & feet.

Oh, YUK!!!
So, instead of “It’s a treat to beat your feet on the Mississippi Mud”, it’ll be

“It’s only beaks and feet in McChicken Nugget Fud”… (as opposed to food)…
I think you missed my key words there.
“even with the people who consume the YSM output”
WE perceive Biden as illegitimate, His Fraudulency, he didn’t win. I can guarantee you that people like the liberals and leftists in my family do not.
Because as far as they know, the massive fraud that got Joe and Hoe elected is nothing but a fairy tale.
Here (11:38am):
>>”I think you missed my key words there.”<<
— reply to bflyjesusgrl
Earlier (11:29am):
>>”I think Cthulhu’s sarcasm went right over your head.”<<
— reply to Deplorable Patriot
Please follow the rules of CIVILITY here, and avoid using “you” or “your”.
Personally insulting / denigrating remarks are best left to the utree site.
Btw, authors needn’t be held to a “higher” standard … but merely held more strictly to the standard already in place.
I’m disappointed.
Lighten up, Francis.
Ok pgroup2!
I’ll take your advice!
lol! And ty.
This is Epic Sarcasm, right? I hope so
Emeraldstar occasionally feels the need to scold me.
LOL! I miss some of the underlying eddies around here
I’m guessing you can take it all in stride, or like Darwin, shed that old outgrown skin w/ ease.
Speaking of shedding skin, have you ever read CS Lewis Narnian Tale, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”? There is a very apropos analogy using a dragon’s skin about the salvation experience. Given your experience’s with Darwin you might bear unique insight into that part of the tale. Blessings!
Don’t get me wrong, he means well.
“he means well” from all I’ve read of ES’s comments that is pretty much Always True!!!
Oh there is the pattern here. Somehow there are people in the gov’t that has got the idea that they are in a position to dictate all sorts of details.
Micro-managing. Like they can’t just mind their own business, probably because they don’t have a business nor a mind…
And a variation of the classic tyrant stance: «We know what is best for you», and the related «We know what you need»
And that second one is the biggie: Here it is limited meat; everyone needs to stop eating lots of meat because climate. You «need» only 1/4 lb (or 100 g) meat per week… The F. does Biden (who didn’t win, never forget that) or any of the other honchos know much about that?
Not limited to that. Elsewhere there is all the talk about limits to weapons. And again, the argument goes that no-one «needs» particular types of machine guns, or magazines with space for more than 5 or 7 or 10 bullets in them.
Yet another one that is big here is the talk about «necessary» stores, and «necessary travel». Who the hell has any right to decide if any particular trip I take is «necessary» as long as the car is roadworthy and driven in a generally acknowledged safe manner on a road open to the public, and as long as I pay for gasoline and tolls?
Damn nanny-staters… a pox on them all!
Nice rant. A very nice rant.
Did not BLM funnel money to the DNC? Maybe they will no longer instead the leader buys expensive property?
I do not trust the DNC they have money someplace and come out with it when needed.
Begs the question of if that $18 Mil. is even there.
Sound like the DemonNationalCouncil might need some *cough* BLM funding soon… a few Car-B-cues and a Bake(d and burned city) sale or two should do…..
Bet you’re right. They needed a BLM FIX.
Watch Live, 9 Cameras….
Arizona Vote Audit Live Stream (azaudit.org)
Love seeing MASS vs. WEIGHT taken all the way up to PLANET VULCAN.
Here’s my favorite little “meme snippet” on that!
New York Times! Yessirree Bob!

I’ll take Vulcan number TWO please!
Is a Vulcan #2 a logical dump?
Either that or Intel 6.
Interestingly, the same individual who successfully predicted Neptune also predicted Vulcan.
It really wasn’t his fault it wasn’t there.
Was that Josephy-Louis Lagrange?
Le Verrier.
You see why I suspected Lagrange at L3?
But L3 has nothing to do with anything I wrote.
Vulcan was supposedly at L3.
Oh? Which L3? There are different L3s for every object orbiting the sun; there’s an earth-sun L3, an Earth venus L3, etc.
But the key thing to know about L3 is that it is *farther* away from the sun than the planet. Earth’s L3 point with the sun is more than 150 million km from the sun, but on the other side as seen from Earth.
Vulcan can not be at any object’s L3 point, including Mercury’s and be closer to the sun than Mercury.
I was thinking of earth’s L3 w/r/t the sun, 180 degrees opposite in the same orbit (with Vulcan having the same mass).
Mind you, the concept of Vulcan tended to change a lot, being that it was never where it was supposed to be to have a stable orbit in this solar system where it could sustain life. Roddenberry’s Vulcan went to a different system.
Actually they made a point of explaining that in the episode Tomorrow Is Yesterday. The 1960s fighter pilot brought on board the Enterprise was introduced to Mr. Spock, who said he was from Vulcan, and they had to explain, basically, “no, not that Vulcan” meaning Le Verrier’s notion.
I’d never heard of a “Vulcan” at the earth L3 point; it’s a totally different notion, and for reasons I explained in a different reply…extremely unlikely.
There was a movie, I can’t remember the name, back in the 1970s about the discovery of a planet on the opposite side of the sun. They send a mission there, which crashlands. The next thing the astronaut knows, he’s being badgered by his boss (played by the same actor who played Chief Inspector Dreyfuss) wanting to know why he turned around and came back.
It turns out that other planet is an exact mirror image of Earth, down to the people.
But, see, that planet can’t exist either (and not just because our probes would have spotted it). Because we would orbit the sun faster because of it, and vice versa. For the same reason an object at L3 would orbit the sun in a year despite being in a larger orbit than ours…if it could manage to stay there and not drift off.
Any three body solution for an in-system Vulcan was bound to fail when all the other bodies weighed in. Similarly, all the Lagrange points require correction in the real world.
Way, way back in the day, I was a member of the L5 Society. I have a magazine issue with an article from Insty before he was Insty.
L4 and L5 are actually stable, not just metastable. Stable enough you could “orbit” around them (as seen in the rotating reference frame). Try that with the others and you’ll just keep moving away from them. So from that point of view they’re not bad locales for space colonies.
But the big problem is it takes more energy to get there from earth than anywhere else in the earth-moon system. And another problem is that there’s zero protection from solar and cosmic radiation there. Sure, if you big them big enough you can just layer them with ten meters of lunar rock and you’re covered (and an O’Neill cylinder is big enough the atmosphere would be adequate shielding from the other direction).
Oh, and another problem with L3 (as well as L1 and L2) is it’s only metastable. If such a body existed, and it drifted off from its proper location by so much as a micrometer, it’d “fall” out of position. And such a perturbation absolutely would happen, if nothing else due to a neighboring planet perturbing it.
NASA has put spacecraft at L1 and L2, but they must continually station-keep or they will drift out of place irrecoverably. No natural body can do that, so I’d not expect a planet or asteroid ever to be “parked” at L1, L2 or L3, in any system.
And so we know (and can joke upon) today. In the 1700-1800’s, not so much.
Oh, they understood the problem back then.
Hey, that’s SCIENCE. Indeed. stuff that’s predicted and NOT THERE is a great source of advancement.
AND this. I have to say I felt a bit of “Well, there you go – good job!” for the proponents of Vulcan, when we began finding truly extraordinary exoplanets “in very close” to their suns, including those oddball gas giants!
I was like – WOW – Vulcan! It’s BACK!
It’s ironic, but as they find more and more exoplanets, they’re getting a better idea of their…demographics, for lack of a better word.
The first bunches we found were all “hot Jupiters” massive and very close–unsustainably close–to their stars. That’s because those are the easiest to detect.
Now it’s becoming apparent that Jupiter-size planets are actually uncommon on a percentage basis; most systems don’t have one.
Since Jupiter is credited with helping to make this a habitable system, that alone makes life rarer than it otherwise would be.
How does Jupiter help make this a “habitable system”?
It stabilizes a lot of planetary orbits and manages to capture lots of comets and asteroids before they become a problem in-system. Fewer big rocks smacking into Earth is a very good thing (the few that get through are problematic enough).
OK thanks! I knew the moon functions that way for us too, to some degree. Jupiter is large in size but is it also largest in “mass” & therefore does it create the greatest gravity (well?) in our solar system, apart from the sun? In case it’s not self-evident, I’m no rocket scientist, nor do I play one on TV!
You brought up a lot of things in a short post. (Good!)
The moon–it is also credited with making the Earth habitable, but in a very different way. It stabilizes our axis of rotation, which is tilted at about 23 degrees to the angle of the ecliptic. If it weren’t there, it could vary, a LOT, and climate change would be frequent and severe. Bacteria might be happy, larger critters would probably have extreme difficulty adapting.
Jupiter is indeed the second-most-massive object in the Solar System, in fact it’s more massive than all the other planets, asteroids, comets, moons, put together.
One person put it this way (paraphrasing): “The solar system consists of the Sun, Jupiter, and assorted debris.”
Your description of “gravity wells” happens to be spot on. There’s a sort of “rubber sheet” analogy used to describe general relativity (which is post 1895), imagine the sun as a bowling ball on a rubber sheet, it creates a dimple in the sheet and you can imagine a marble (say) moving around it at enough speed not to fall in (or even more speed and escaping entirely). It’s not a bad analogy, really, as long as you don’t think too deeply about it–the dimples, of course, are caused by actual gravity, and real space doesn’t have gravity from somewhere else making those dimples.
General Relativity is hard and one doesn’t understand it without the math–which in my case is just a step or two beyond how far I got in school. I get hints of it.
But even with Newtonian gravity, the rubber sheet analogy is useful for visualizing some things. Imagine the curvature of that sheet at some spot. Is it flat? Then you feel no gravity. Is it tilted? Then you do feel gravity, and you’ll start moving down the tilt. Is it tilted with a curvature to the tilt (i.e., it’s getting steeper depending on which way you go?) That curve corresponds to tidal force; if it’s more extreme you feel more force. Imagine a blob of jelly on the sheet, it will tend to spread out as it falls, because one side of the blob is on a steeper part of the sheet than the other. That’s tidal force.
And your depth below where the surface would be, if there weren’t a bowling ball on it somewhere, tells you how much energy you need to escape; what’s your escape velocity?
Fascinating! I really appreciate how you make these complex concepts somewhat understandable. Once you get into Calculus you’ve pretty much surpassed my math background–I took 2 semesters in college but didn’t understand the concepts so had a mental block w/it being a conceptual learner.
Unfortunately I took calc-based physics in my youthful arrogance so the physics also mostly escaped me. There are still mental blocks in this area that in my younger, “studious” days, should have been overcomeable as I really enjoyed straightforward scientific analytical explanations. Now those analogies Really Help me get some basic clues here.
In referencing the pull of gravity that made me wonder about that theoretical orbital habitat being 20 miles long (I thought you discussed this above) for surely the pull of gravity on that great of a length at such an orbital distance object would be quite variable & difficult to compensate for in the way so that the habitat was designed to prevent materials’ failure…
Ah. OK I lost the context since I’m in the notifier.
The original scheme back in the 1980s was to put those huge O’Neill cylinders far away from anything…the L5 and L4 points are roughly a quarter of a million miles away from either the Earth or the Moon. (They’re as far away from the earth as the moon is, and they are *also* that far from the Moon; L5 and L4 form equilateral triangles with the Earth and Moon.)
Tidal effects drop *rapidly* (inverse cube, not inverse square) with distance. So they’d be pretty safe out there, space is “flat.”
Tidal forces affect spacecraft in orbit much closer to Earth; if there’s a long axis to the spacecraft, it will want to swing so that it points through the center of earth. The longer, the worse the effect. Sometimes it’s a nuisance, and sometimes it’s useful. If it’s a nuisance the only thing you can do is spin a gyro to torque the spacecraft they way you want it to point. But you will have to spin the gyro faster and faster to counteract the constant tug, and eventually you’ll need to fire a retro-rocket (while spinning the gyro back down). Eventually the satellite runs out of fuel and its useful lifetime ends. (Better, of course, to not design a satellite with a long axis on it unless you want that axis to point towards earth.)
One thing though; this isn’t some sort of “chaotic” thing that gets worse or better unexpectedly; we can absolutely design with it in mind and make anything strong enough to withstand the tidal forces wherever it is. Something 20 miles long in low earth orbit would have to concern itself with stresses (not just being turned in a bad way), but then…we are so very far away from being able to do something that big, that it’s not worth worrying about now! (Imagine, though, being able to see it in orbit without any trouble…20 miles long and a thousand miles up, no problemo! Actually, at that altitude, atmospheric drag becomes a very significant concern…even the ISS has to re-boost itself periodically; you can see that on YouTube, it makes the astronauts “fall” towards the back end of the spacecraft.)
Thanks, very interesting. Btw, I don’t know what these “L” #s you & others refer to mean…
Also, if you’ve ever seen the early episodes of the teeny-bopper dystopian show “The 100” (it’s on Netflix) there is a large orbiting habitat that survived several human generations. The design & issues portrayed Might be of interest from a conceptual, scientific, & artistic portrayal of a potential dark human future…
…or it might be so full of ignorant errors I’d cringe. Unfortunately a lot of TV and movie Sci Fi is just…wrong.
On the other hand, the premise is interesting–what would people be like after living generations in space?
Babylon 5, Firefly and The Expanse are better than most at not making a lot of elementary physics booboos, though they all also assume some science we don’t know about yet (to allow faster than light travel in Babylon 5, economical propulsion in all three series, and the protomolecule wormhole in the Expanse). (Star travel as we can envision it with present day physics and “just” engineering advances wouldn’t do well in a movie.)
As for the Ls, check out:
(Some of the diagrams there imply that L3 is on the second body’s orbit; the text has it right. That bears on the convo I had with Cthulhu.)
Thanks for the tips. Loved Firefly, never saw B 5, & in the midst of The Expanse…trying to get hubby into that one so we can watch together…but we’re having Prime hiccups…
I’ve only seen 3 seasons of The Expanse, since I’m having to buy it on DVD. In fact, I’m watching it again, because I suspected I missed a lot of significant things in the first season (and I’ve been right so far!).
Babylon 5 is/was interesting for multiple reasons. It’s pretty much the first TV series that had a story arc. If you remember the old Star Trek, no matter what happened during an episode–even if someone important died or war with the Klingons broke out–things would be set back exactly the way they were at the end of the episode. The Organians would impose a peace treaty, Scotty would be brought back to life, a cure for McCoy’s terminal illness would be found.
Not so in Babylon 5; there was a BIG five year long story underneath the whole thing. Characters who showed up in the opening credits could be killed off! (That was rare, though!) It got a lot of physics right (watch the Earth Alliance ships) though explosions in vacuum were still loud. It has quite a focus on religion as a human phenomenon too, which I suspect you’ll enjoy.
The first season might be a bit slow; unfortunately one of the main characters is as wooden as Al Gore. (He gets replaced.) It might be best to start with the second season, then when you realize there’s some stuff you want to know, watch that first season. (I know I just couldn’t get into it when it first aired, until the second season; then I had reason to go back and watch the first season.)
Thanks for those perspectives, esp the B5 info. Not sure if I’ll be drawn to “religious” stuff necessarily. I have a Lot of skepticism regarding much of the “faith” dynamic, though a strong belief in biblical Christianity. Organized religion, for the most part, is not at all my cup of tea & I recognize how many people through the ages who purport to speak for God are often just hucksters who manipulate the masses for their own personal fame, fortune, & glory. True people of faith are often sedate about their deeply held beliefs…but thanks for that heads up
The guy behind B5 finds the phenomenon fascinating; I don’t really see that he is pushing anything specific.
It is an interesting aspect of the human condition. I enjoyed how Frank Herbert imagined the perversion of “true” faith in the Dune books. Quite fascinating stuff. Sweeping storylines do well to keep that aspect of human nature in their imagined scenarios in addition to sex, money, power, abuse, idealism, etc.
And you can certainly enjoy the series even if you don’t care about that.
No doubt! I’ll have to go looking for it after I finally get our taxes done & off my back!
My taxes were dead simple this year, and I mailed them about the end of February.
The IRS “where’s my refund” site finally acknowledged that they had received the return on April 13.
I was wondering whether they (or the Post Office) had lost the return and I’d get in trouble for not filing. Of course they extended the deadline, but that’s still a scary situation to be in.
(I got the state refund within two weeks.)
(Update: It appears that they have processed it, should be mailed later this week.)
Good for you. I always get hung up on the Itemized Deductions where I work very hard to get us Every Possible legit reduction in money that the gov’t can “legitimately” steal from us…
Well, Trump doubled the amount of the standard deduction, so even a lot of people who itemized before can’t do it now.
Certainly anyone who has paid their house off would have trouble getting to that point.
The thing that is killer is owning a business. The sheer pain of all that stupid paperwork is enough to make me not want to do it.
Yes, I understand. I haven’t had to do Schedule C almost since being a parent so I can feel people’s pain but not relate to the recent changes…
A has been out of my reach for years.
Yup, me too! Since before I was married, & that will be 30 years ago next year
Thanks for the wiki-poo link…very interesting!
So, vector algebra forces a change from weight to mass?
Huh, what?
It does.
Yeah, but vector algebra is the GUN. Who brought the GUN? WHY did they bring the gun?
Don’t blame the gun! The gun didn’t force nothin’.
Somebody with THE GUN and A PLAN did.
Somebody always wants to hold up some new bank in Nature City. And they need a NEW GUN. Or more than one.
So WHAT WAS THE PLAN? We know the perp. What was the PLAN? What was he really trying to do.
People did NOT vote for this. The last election proved the widespread fraud, plus Project Veritas proved that Ilhan Omar’s district is full of fraud.
“People did NOT vote for this.”
It was a hostile military takeover.
While our military watched.
And as it turns out, they make excellent watchers, some of the very best.
The only problem is, that’s not what we hired, trained and equipped them to do.
I think it was strategic. I know the hopium stuff sounds absolutely absurd, but when I look at how badly the left is self-discrediting now, I think somebody had to have foreseen this.
I think somebody said “Dudes – we need to go for a WHITE KNUCKLE ride with Corn Pop, Cryin’ Chuck, and Polident – and they will NEVER recover. If we fight them NOW, it’s just chaos on US, but if we let THEM control things, it will be chaos on THEM.”
I am really thinking we would have never gotten so much REVELATION the other way. Now EVERYBODY knows how BAD they are. I think they did it INTENTIONALLY.
I don’t even know if they told Trump, or gave him a choice.
We’re watching a movie, a show.
The REAL action is going on without cameras pointed at it.
The way the Dems are freaking out about Arizona, tells me they are sure thinking the electoral wagons got circled around THEM by the White Hat Tribe.
And Dodge, FIB and the courts did NOTHING.
Heh. GrammyinD missed each other by moments at Emerson Junior High School in Davis, CA. I got yanked back to
hellNewhall while she went on to graduate HS in Davis.This guy looks good…Joe Kent.
He’s a veteran who is running in the R-primary in Washington state, against a RINO that voted to impeach Pres Trump.
Article about him:
Shane Trejo does a good interview with Joe Kent and there is a video of it in this article.
This is a video that Joe posted in March:
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/069/867/107/playable/5fb3f1cf61621acc.mp4" /]
is the interview with Shane Trejo…I hope it posts.
Regular URL:
Edit: Arrgh, I couldn’t get that Rumble video to post.
EDIT BY WOLF: gotta use the (top) embeddable player code set to IFRAME
Thanks for assist, boss!
This guy is AWESOME!!!
I wish we had a hundred more like him!
BTW, I tried to embed that Rumble video but couldn’t get the {} function to work for me.

It’s a really good interview, so I was hoping people could watch it here.
Joe talks about being in the CIA and the corruption there.
There are TWO IFRAME codes – make sure you pick the top option. Embeddable Player with the IFRAME option on the switcher.
Right, yes that’s the one I picked.
Not the Javascript one…the one below it.
And the video shows up in the comment box, too.
It shows up like ‘mission accomplished’.
But then when I hit ‘Post Comment’…it disappears.
“Below” has two meanings here – there may still be confusion.
I’m going to be assholishly precise, so please forgive me.
This embed option screen offers NO WORKING OPTION.

This one offers only ONE – the top one. The second IFRAME option still does not work.

Yes, boss…the top one has a second option — IFRAME.
That’s the one I’ve been using.
The top one toggles between two options:
JavaScript and IFRAME.
IFRAME option is below the JavaScript option.
That’s what I meant when I said “below”.
I pick the IFRAME one…then put it into the {} function in the comment box.
When I hit “Insert” the video appears in the comment box.
And I’m like…”Yay. It worked!”
Then I hit ‘Post Comment’ and the video disappears.
I had the same issue once with some text formatting.
I never could get it to post superscripts and subscripts no matter how precisely I followed Wolf’s directions. They’d show in the comment box and vanish when I hit Post Comment.
Luckily I don’t have that problem when writing dailies or today’s would have been much harder to read than it already was.
It’s frustrating, isn’t it.
I will keep trying though…maybe I will eventually get it to work for me.
Wolf was finally able to shut off the damn “You have been mentioned in a forum post” e-mails this week.
I’ll count that as a winning week.
Try the subscript test I’ve outlined above. That will tell us that you suffer Steve’s problem as well – one step closer to proving it’s the same problem.
Try this.
Copy and paste: H<sub>2</sub>O = water
into that source code window and see what happens to it.
It SHOULD produce:
H2O = water
H2O = water
It worked!
So did it look subscripted in the comment before you submitted it?
Yes, it did.
And I just now noticed that it didn’t display the same thing after posting.
I thought it had worked.
OK, then it wasn”t just my lying eyes.
What is did is it worked to show you have EXACTLY the same problem as Steve – IMO!
The HTML is getting interpreted back to the text widget, but it is not going all the way back to the page!
I do not see it subscripted in Wheatie’s response.
H2O = water
Interesting. I use two different machines to get here. This one (a laptop) actually pops a window up when I hit the curly braces doodle. The other one doesn’t. (That one uses brave, this one uses some kind of stripped down version of firefox.)
Again, I see a subscript…until it posts.
Yup. I get the window, and it works nicely to make working HTML all the way back to the page.
Does Wheatie’s issue remind you of something?
I.e., the time I couldn’t get super and subscripts to work in a comment, but you could?
Yes it does! Even the point of it showing correctly in the commenting textbox BEFORE you send it back! THAT is weird, but gives a hint about WHEN it is going bad.
Good…maybe that’s a clue that will turn out to be useful.
And I just tried “sub” and “subscript” tags on the forum (of course I used the angle brackets, not quotes) and it doesn’t work there either! I didn’t do any fancy “code embedding” or anything like that.
IIRC, Sylvia is in WA. Wonder if they are in the same neck of the woods, if Sylvia has heard of him and her thoughts.
Well, I’m in WA state and I’ve heard of him.
He’s the frontrunner and he will probably win.
^^^ Good news always appreciated. ^^^
3rd congressional district which include Vancouver, WA.
Yeeps, right across the river from Portland! Probably full of Leftist nuttery.
Is that the break away “Castle Rock” studio wall in the right third of that image???
Even Trudope didn’t have a mask on.
Maybe he was afraid he’d catch (or spread) a computer virus. Then superspreader might become Resident…
Assuming that the “Joe Biden” at the Zoom conference is the real one. Could have been a body double.
Perfect cover – you cannot see his lips move – keeps his programming in tact – and whatever they are feeding into his brain will not engage with his mouth.
Yeah, that’s not going to go over very well in some countries…namely, islamic countries.
Russia probably won’t appreciate it either.
This Fraudulent Administration is making us a laughing stock.
Authorize Vs Require. I suspect it’ll only fly in select shit holes where lgxyz crap is pushed.
Sometimes if you don’t do something that’s authorized you get your ass chewed for not reading between the lines. “You are authorized to wear that medal” means you’ll be questioned if you don’t. Maybe you don’t think you earned it, but you’d better wear that ribbon.
Rudi had James O’Keefe of Project Veritas on:
CNN’s SCHEME To Sell Manufactured Fear For Profit | Rudy Giuliani and James O’Keefe | Ep. 131
That was very interesting, Steve. Thank you for explaining in such a way that a lay-person, like me (though I have a science degree from 35 years ago) can better understand. Tiny suggestion, some of your formulas or examples might be even a bit more comprehensible w/ some images (not necessary but some of us like to look at pictures too, so it can help the visual learners a bit).
I love the way you write & how you keep topics that I never ordinarily consider so very compelling. Thank you very much–you have a gift!!! & you bless us so much!
Thank you for the kind words.
I did think about pictures, but wasn’t sure what to show. And to be honest, this thing ran away from me and I was pressed for time. That whole sequence about figuring out the mass of the sun, etc., wasn’t really part of my intent, but as it helped make some of the points I want to make with this series, once I realized I *could* go there there was no stopping me.
I like how you get carried away
You are doing a great job all around! Very interesting stuff & even when the subject, on its own, isn’t very interesting (to me) your way of presenting it makes it become so. That is still a great gift!
Wowee, Steve!! I’m not a math or physics person but I’m following you and appreciate all the time you put into making this subject easy enough for people like me to follow along. I did find that you could delete the word “is” in the second sentence below. I know you’d want to know for tidiness sake.
One other thing turns out to be true, at least as of 1895. Mass never disappears into nothing, and it is never appears from nowhere, either.
Ahhh, but that depends on what the definition of “is” is
Now, where have I heard THAT before, Cuppa?
Thanks for being YOU!!!
The guy who said that sped through my mind but I thought, ewww and moved on. LOL
Thanks for spotting that.
If that’s the only such flub in that post, then it’s a miracle.
I did go back last last night/early this morning (depending on timezone) and add the bit about Le Verrier being the one who came up with the Vulcan hypothesis. I didn’t realize that, and of course he’s the guy who successfully predicted Neptune, so he had a ton of cred back then.
Steve I read it all! The only other thing I found was a capital B a few lines past the extra is. You did a marvelous job and I’m an editor so it is my day job to notice little things.
Thanks for your piece! It was educational and a fun read!!
LOL thank you.
I have found that just going back to a piece a few days after I wrote the first draft lets me spot all kinds of crap writing, and I’m not talking about little stuff like this, but stuff written so poorly no one will understand it.
Alas this time I started writing about 2PM, and it ran away from me! Pretty much everything after I talked about gravity itself was not part of the original plan.
I did look over it again at about 9:15 (i.e., 45 minutes before it was supposed to post, in my timezone), did a LOT of cleanup, and got it posted half an hour late.
You did very well, especially being under the timeline that way. Congrats, way to go!!
Just found the capital B.
It’s intentional. The missing period right before it, however, is not. So I’ll just fix that.
hahaha! I have always been lucky. Missed one intentional but luckily led you to another tiny dot.
I did a bunch more tiny tweaks subsequent to that so it would read a bit better.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, April 24, 2021
“For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”
Psalms 91:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
@Praying-Medic12h https://gab.com/Praying-Medic/posts/106117015206300832
A new article from General Flynn on the delicate balance between Liberty and Order.
In Defense of Liberty – UncoverDC
Thanks for posting, Eilert!!! So nice he is back in the fight, again!!!
Warmed my heart how well received he is everywhere he goes!!!
Excellent stuff! A must-read. Each individual must be ACCOUNTABLE and VIGILANT.
Video is an on-the-scene report, but…***Language Warning***
Power-Line working Patriot exposes that the so-called public “Demand” for the Covid-Jab is all a HOAX!!
Perched above a Vaccination Center in a large Metropolitan “BLUE” city gave this Patriot the perfect vantage point to expose that nobody’s lining up to drink the Frankenvax-Kool-Aid. It’s all smoke and mirrors people.
Nothing but a media led propaganda mind screw.
Isn’t it a great thing that #WeAreTheNewsNow?
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/072/297/371/original/7b4f47ea13562a8a.mp4" /]
Not surprised – heard or read people are refusing to engage – and – the vaccine damage reports are being suppressed.
I guess some people rely more heavily on medical advise than on their own common sense.
Feel sorry for children who are not only forced to wear masks for long periods of time, but are also pushed to take the vaccine even though they are least likely to get the bug.
When are these monsters going to stop trying to control every aspect of our lives?
Under two circumstances. Dead, or success.
Nobody wants them!!
US vaccination sites closing down in at least seven states amid falling demand | Daily Mail Online
Doing a Happy Dance, Butterfly!!!
Queue the Covid fear mongering machine. The government and fake news strong arm push to get the Covid vaccine.
They gotta get a higher percentage of folks vaccinated to start enforcing the Covid passport.
Hence the threat by RobberJoe’s “decree” that the Independence Day holiday will be cancelled if We, The People don’t obey his “command” to “do your patriotic duty and get the vaccine before July 4th.”
Unfortunately, I know all too many people who are getting the shot, including some whom, I would think, would know better.
The Republican Party is demanding that Governor Ducey of Arizona immediately provide large-scale security for the brave American Patriots doing the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election. Governor Ducey will be held fully responsible for the safety of those involved. State police or National Guard must be immediately sent out for protection. The Democrats do not want to have this information revealed, and they will do anything to stop it. Governor Ducey must finally act!
From the twitter account that got permanently closed?
How do we know it’s him? The picture alone isn’t proof.
That’s from the Gab account…it’s run by Gab itself, to post PDJT’s statements and releases.
And that one is P45’s most recent published statement.
OK, thanks. (It sure looked like his twitter handle.)
Yeah, intentionally so.
The account was set up back when PDJT was active on his twitter account; they would repost his tweets.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
(Thank you duchess)!
Morning, Syl…you doing okay?
I am, wheatie! As of yesterday my wound is completely closed. Two months to the day!!

Oh that is great news!

Completely closed?
Great news!!!!
Now time for shovel rehab!
Fantastic. Im happy for you.
Thanks gil!!!!

Most welcome, Syl!!! Best way I know how to fight in this evil world – glad to see you are still fighting, Syl!!!
Have a Blessed Day!!!
PS – you have come through a strenuous trial – let us know when the Blessing comes – Mkay?
I found this comment over at CFP, responding to the article on the passing of Barry Gibbs’ niece – it predates the Rockefeller plan (promoting the same EVIL idea) by 20 years …
“An old plan, by the usual psychopaths:
“The following statements, which were made in 1981 by powerful international banker and unapologetic eugenicist, Jacques Attali, are taken from Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, which was published in France by Emi Lit when Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand:”
>>“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones.
Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”<<
It really is.
No regard for the sanctity of life, treating human beings as nothing more than a piece of meat, in place only to be a machine for economic gain (mammon).
The *galactically* arrogant host of videos from FermiLab – of which I’ve seen a few – ends his videos with the tag-line “Remember – physics is everything!”.
Physics, of course, ISN’T “everything”. What a tool!
This myopic, and incredibly biased perspective, is shared by way too many physicists, and almost perfectly echoes the unconscionably evil mentality of Jacques Attali and other eugenicists.
One can go to the last 20 seconds of this video to hear this tag-line:
I quit engineering school over 30 years ago, and really don’t want to go back.
I made the conscious decision NOT to pursue a career in analytics – in almost any form – early on in college.
It was my strength … but I decided to work on my *weakness* instead.
I have now found SO many mistakes (of omission, predominantly) in math, that I’m glad of my choice to work on the other half of thinking.
I would have been a great “quant” … and I would have been miserable; I now am a “qual” (actually, a “qual-quant”), and am delighted to be so.
The combination of the two has been very rewarding, personally. I haven’t had any regrets at all …
There’s just no words. Older adults are a treasure trove of knowledge, if nothing else. And they can be and are productive in many ways even if their most productive years are done.
Of course, if the old man doesn’t quit moving my stuff, his days are numbered.
april 24, 2021 the marshall report
What is faith but the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. To grow our faith, we must first grow in hope!
With all the talk of people succumbing to fear, and the confusion created by wicked people who, for whatever their intentions are, create it and stir it up, there have been reported a rise in those who have taken their own lives. The question people have asked many times now and over the years is “What happens to someone that commits suicide?” Many denominations have called this the mortal sin that there is no forgiveness for, but that is not true. That is another falsehood. Listen to Kim Clement as he gives a Biblical accounting for those who have been FEAR MONGERED, and down trodden into hopelessness which led to ending their valuable life.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Moving on…it drives me insane when other people just can’t do that. So many of the people I used to work with just wallow in self-pity after leaving jobs where the boss was abusive. I can understand needing to recover, but we’re talking YEARS later.
To me, this exactly describes President Trump!
Another great comment from a CFP reader, under the “MIT Study – Fauci was wrong” article …
“Don’t Ban Me Bro” says:
>>“My friend’s husband won’t let her visit any friends or family. He has made her stop all contact with them unless it’s on the phone or computer. He reads, monitors and often deletes things on social media.
He makes her feel like she’s going crazy for thinking he’s controlling, and that she is being ungrateful. (After all, he’s only doing this because of how much he cares about her.)
He doesn’t want her going to the gym anymore, so she doesn’t go. He also doesn’t let her go to work anymore (he told her to only rely on him for income and that he will take care of her).
She’s not really allowed to go out anymore, unless it’s for necessities, and when she does, he makes sure to have people guilt trip her about it and shame her for it.
He wants her to have this medical procedure done and tells her that if she does it, he will allow her more freedoms.
He constantly says he’s only doing all of this because he cares… he is just doing it for her own good.
Oh wait….did I say husband? I meant the government.
My bad. You have been conditioned to be outraged if another person did this to their spouse, but be passive & compliant when it comes to our government.”<<
Yes, it is an abusive relationship.
That is fantastic! Strong red-pilling. As you get to the end you are super pissed, and then whammo! It turns around on you.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/072/379/708/original/c69626e91759f405.mp4" /]
I’m thinking that the rate of photosynthesis from those plants, is not fast enough to provide the oxygen that the guy needs.
So unless he’s got some air-holes in that thing, he would pass out before very long.
It’s a great metaphor for (and warning against) “green energy”…
The greens fade out when the need is greatest, as it were…
The slanted panel on our left, that is precisely edge on to us, looks like a dashed white line. I’m thinking that means it has holes drilled in it.
Actually as soon as I wrote that I realized it was a video. Playing it, you do get to see that panel has holes in it.
Apparently the point isn’t to give him his own completely separated air supply, but to “force” what he does take in from outside to be filtered by the plants.
Which doesn’t make it any less retarded.
Hey, you’re right…I put my glasses on and now I see little air-holes all over that thing.

But yeah, it’s still dorky.
Imagine, because you’re wearing that idiot box (I guess “idiot box” is not just TVs any more), you cannot see your own feet, and you trip over a curb. You fall flat on your face and that garden gets all over you. If you’re lucky the plastic doesn’t shatter and cut you or put a shard in your eye.
Air holes on the outside, airhead on the inside…
Or asshole, if you decide the second syllable is key.
Everyone who needs links to Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute Interference’, here is one on Bitchute:
Mike Lindell Presents – ABSOLUTE INTERFERENCE | FrankSpeech.com (bitchute.com)
Absolute Interference with Mike Lindell (rumble.com)
Lindell TV,
Please Note there are some Spoof sites of ‘Frank Speech’ promoted by Bing, Yahoo and even Duck Duck Go.
The real one is this:
Frank VIP Signup (frankspeech.com) (https://www.frankspeech.com/).
You can also find ‘Absolute Interference’ on there.
Thanks, Eilert!!!
You are so helpful – was looking for a link to share – and here you are with the assist!!!
God Bless You Real Good!!!
Airing on OAN…all Central times
Today @ 9am, 8pm
Tomorrow 6am, 9am, 8pm
One America News Network Live – WatchNewsLive.tv
Listening to Milke Lindell right now.
Said 200 million viewers have watched ‘Absolute Interference’ up to now.
From Gab:

^^This^^ is a video about how vaccinated people are shedding proteins that are affecting others they are around…and it’s attacking reproductive organs.
I hope it posts.
Here is the regular URL for it:
Let’s see if this works:
[video src="https://seed128.bitchute.com/UPpDNrUDK44i/TWPduQ24rjhB.mp4" /]
This could be why they’re talking about the need for boosters. To keep the shedding going.
Social distancing is going to take on a whole new meaning.
And it might be the end of me being in a choir for a while.
Yeah, this is not good.
And we’re only a few months into seeing what the side effects are from these vaccines.
I wonder what else is going to happen.
I’ll be social distancing and wearing a mask to protect myself from the vaccinated.
Ain’t that the irony!!
In a sane universe, it might (or might not) make sense to contemplate doing that for protection from the unvaccinated.
I am reminded of Bizzaro’s world from the Superman comics
And then I realized I’m living with someone who has had two Moderna shots, although, I’m sure he got saline.
I came across this couple of days ago, thought it was too OTT to pay much attention to.
It might have been nearer the mark than i gave it credit for.
Proverbs 22:6:
6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Until he/she is shot dead by a cop, if you raised him/her to be a thug.
Read the rest of the chapter (or the whole book).
Raising or condoning thugs is the antipode of what it teaches…
…never mind. Deleted.
She was in foster care. One would think she had psychological help?
Amen Cuppa.
More good news in Montana! Governor Gianforte signed a bill that “prohibits state and local law enforcement in Montana from enforcing federal bans on firearms, ammunition and magazines.”
I have never been more grateful to live in Big Sky Country, the Last Best Place.
Praise God, that is AWESOME.
I am very happy with the job our governor is doing. I may have to send him flowers.
I was cheering him on OAN, and my wife said “THAT’S why you’ve been talking about [moving to] Montana!”
It’s hard to appreciate how awesome it is here until you have lived here and moved away. I did it, and I ran home with my tail between my legs.
They’ll pry me out now with my cold dead hands wrapped around the “Welcome to Montana” sign at the border!
When adults do that, it’s called “word salad.”
Joe Biden is definitely regressing.
From Gab:
They won’t let you leave, because the last thing the airline wants is to have to find room for you on the next flight when your destination country won’t let you in without your passport.
“The difference between humans and animals. Animals would never allow the dumbest of the herd to lead them.”
All too true, at least on our end (maybe there are animals who let the dumbest one lead them, as long as he is bigger and meaner than the others).
All it takes, sometimes, is for someone to act confident and people fall in line behind him. When it turns out he was over-confident…well, it doesn’t matter.
This was an one time steal how Biden got to be top dog of the mag pies in DC.
The smartest cat always is boss and sometimes even dogs .
Peri is smart and is lead dog over Woodford. He is precocious that comes across as smart. Peri is quiet observant patient.
The Democrats knowing the Maricopa County recount is HAPPENING
Cheating commies!
In London…big turnout to protest the masks and lockdowns.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/072/435/486/original/ae88001653e768a2.mp4" /]
The “Mask Model” sticks out like a sore thumb. Just makes me wonder like crazy what’s up with that.

President Trump: What CNN Did Was A “Massive Campaign Violation” (thegatewaypundit.com)
Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida posted the following on CFP, within the past hour or so:
>>”I enjoy the site. We are keeping an eye on Arizona.”<<
293 up-votes, last I checked.
Link (first comment):
Whew, what a relief…I saw that headline in the link (“judge orders halt to Maricopa absentee audit”) and said “What the hell, NOW?”
Fortunately that title is old; and is actually the start of the story of the Dems refusing to put up the million dollar bond to stop it!!
Only time will tell how this plays out. I’m confident, as most probably all of us are, that an honest and thorough audit will find all sorts of issues.
But that brings up the question of whether it will be honest and thorough audit. And of course people could obstruct it and conveniently “lose” evidence.
But let’s assume none of that comes to pass, and the audit is done and they find, indeed, massive fraud.
What happens next? Does the YSM succeed in burying this by ignoring it? Or does it fail?
A part of our strategy for dealing with “the Media” is to make a story so big they can’t ignore it, or to trick them into covering it. An example of the latter is the way Acorn got killed. One example of someone doing something wrong (I can’t even remember what, any more) in 2008 was released, and the media ran it and laughed at it. After all, one bad apple shouldn’t be enough to condemn a whole organization (and that’s actually true, if it’s just one bad apple). But then we leaked one more per day and it was too late for the YSM to start ignoring it.
If all videos had been released at once, the story would have been ignored, completely.
Now the YSM is too smart to let ANYTHING through their filters.
I would be hugely surprised if the YSM has even mentioned this audit is happening.
And unfortunately, we are in a situation here where there are two medias, the YSM and the ones on our side. Unfortunately only the YSM media is “real” in the sense that ONLY stuff that appears on the YSM is acted on by anyone in power. If a congressmen is crooked and that’s revealed on the good media, nothing happens. If it is revealed on the YSM, he actually faces consequences.
Hi! Grammar Nitpick here.
Media is plural.
Here’s how the anons do it:
Might as well bring this one out!
Technically true, but I plead the common usage excuse! “Media” has become a collective noun, standing for all those “journalists” reporting “news” on “news programs” and “news”papers.
So there are now two groups of mediums, each a “media,” ours and theirs.
Two medias says “journalism”.
Two media says “art”.
Two mediums says “theosophists” or “new age”.
You made the right choice for this reader.
Two mediums and we can have a seance, or a clearance sale, depending on the variety of medium.
Indeed. And we haven’t even gotten to medium size.
Clearance sale….
Oh, wait. You’re a guy. Nevermind.
And it’s rare that they’re well done…
(especially if it’s a mis-steak… or the steaks are too high)…..
Then there was the case of the diminuative fortune teller who broke out of a high-security prison…
Police were looking for a small medium at large…
If it happened during Super Bowl XL…
Hey, no conflict of interest. Not even. Move along.
The spider webs are in all the corners
CDC was and remains an infestation.
For our bird lovers. You know who you are.
“WOW”, indeed!!
Both on the part of the bird, and the absolute trust the two girls must have in him/her.
i missed this story earlier … wonder who set that up?
I want a Donald J. Trump credit card and then donate to him on that credit card. He will make $ as a businessman and for his 2024 campaign. And what if there was a conservative MAGA businessman behind the company that processes the transactions? Well, that would at least be 2 less businesses that could cancel conservatives.
I am trying to figure the owners/the “about us” for this company. Anyone else know much about them?
april 24, 2021 the marshall report
Humanity is under attack from all sides. Depopulation goals are out in the open and many in the medical community are now putting their medical licenses on the line to tell the public the truth! The front line doctors came forward during COVID lockdowns to tell the truth about therapeutic drugs and then they discovered the truth about the entire COVID RESET HOAX and came forward exposing the lies of the fake science and fake plandemic! They were censored and sought after for every thing the cabal could conjure up. Many have seen the photo of a compilation of doctors who mysteriously died for exposing COVID as a scam plandemic, but the fake news never reported this. It only fake checked and censored those who shared the story.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Yup. It’s BIGGER than we thought.
President Trump will be relocating to NJ in a few weeks to escape summer Fla heat. His Fla resort closes as its too hot to play golf.
Little farther for TN and GA politicians to go but they have been beating a path to his door since he left DC and has been living in Florida. He plans to return to Fla in the fall.
His endorsements have slowed down now … probably more coming in the fall after campaigns have official filed papers and have gained momentum. I would guess he wants to be able to endorse those with a good chance of winning and who have proven they are serious + have support.
So, 15 minutes after I checked on the winter squash plants we planted this past weekend to see if they survived the frost several days ago. Thinking they might not make it but had hope that some might still pull through. And now we just had hail …
Just as I was nursing home that our winter squash might make it through … hail and heavy rain. At least we have some still in the house that haven’t been planted yet.
The “front range” of Colorado is one of the hail capitals of the world. The other is some place in China.
I know someone whose garden was destroyed *every year* by hail.
She finally had her husband weld together these big frames (very light), with some sort of metal mesh on them–about half inch squares. (I think it’s called “hardware cloth.”) They don’t block the light very much at all, because the wire is thin, but hail will either bounce off of them, or the really small stuff will get through, possibly after a bounce off the edge of one of the squares. But the small stuff isn’t an issue; it’s not coming down nearly so hard.
She’s only lost one garden after that and it was her fault–she forgot to lower the shields after lifting them one time to pick the first fruits.
Hail…never buy a new car in these parts until after tornado season. One ding, and you can save five grand.
Incidentally, my sister’s car was totaled based on three hail dings on the hood. There was nothing else wrong with it.
Seriously, hail sucks.
We had LARGE vacant lots here filled with cars that had been totalled by hail.
They’re probably in the third world right now. Driveable but ugly.
To paraphrase General Sherman, “Hail is WAR”….
These days they total cars very fast. My bf had some damage on the underside of the truck bed. Not visible , didn’t effect driving…the repair co and the insurance co (USAA) decided to total it, put in a salvage notice to the State of Cal before he was able to say STOP!
It was an ordeal to get the truck back
I was convinced somebody in the know wanted it, an older (2010 diesel..power house)
“Incidentally, my sister’s car was totaled based on three hail dings on the hood. There was nothing else wrong with it.”
So it had one of those rare Macedonian collector’s hoods, one-of-a-kind, irreplaceable?
It was a car, not a truck used on a Macedonian content farm.
Then shortly after, the roofers come through the hood to let you know your roof is damaged and your insurance will buy you a new one. The standard line is, I inspected three of your neighbors houses and they need to be replaced. My response, well they obviously are not fit enough to inspect their own roof.
And of course the car guy who looked at my car and wanted to fix the damage (there was none) he saw. My response was, it was parked in the garage. He decided to move on.
The SCAM of easy money by getting the mark to think there’s easy money. If things go south with ripping off the insurance company – too bad – the BILL is still there and the MARK owes it. NASTY.
HA! I’m dying.
Lol. Hope it was a cheap frozen one.
The actual gross part is he put it directly onto the bath tray. Not even a paper towel!
No kidding.
Bath trays wash off like saddles and picnic tables – I’m sure it’s OK!
It’s like keeping a wok clean — just carbonize all the old stuff into a nonstick layer.
It can’t be that bad. It didn’t end up stuck to the ceiling.
Spoken like a true guy,
Science can come to the rescue on this, as pizza has 9 lives, but FAST ACTION SAVES LIVES.
Has anyone seen a longer version of this clip?
More troops?!!??

So they claim, BFLY – you know why they are doing this – they are trying to start a confrontation – a confrontation that will escalate into a conflict.
Question: If Hiden is not C-I-C – how could he be ordering more troops to Afghanistan? Trump made an agreement with the Taliban for a May 1 troop withdrawal – how can they dismiss that agreement as if it never happened, BFLY?
BardsFM – Interview with Juan O Savin
Well, DP – Juan verifies what you said the other day – this is a war against foreign election interference – and their domestic agents.
OANN is absolutely DESTROYING the Democrats on the way to DESTROYING Dominion and their law firms, which will be paying a LOT of court costs, absent a new Chinese ABORTION VIRUS.
Pearson Sharp had a DEVASTATING piece on Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs. That woman is in so much trouble – the Demmunists are sending in PERKINS COIE to help save things. GITMO has no reason to exist greater than holding this woman in CHAINS.
BTW, OANN is now putting their stuff on RUMBLE.
Churchmouse has a new forum discussion of climate change for all who are interested!
Thank you for making the complex more “accessible” to those of us who had a hard time getting through Algebra II in high school.
Many years ago, I had to take a course in Physics for Music Majors when in conservatory. I guess you could call it “Physics for Uninterested People”. The instructor, a physics professor, concentrated on things like the physics of different trumpet mouthpiece bores, and so forth.
And I gather he was a bore himself!
We got to take a chemistry class. Just one. No lab. That was to check a box because we weren’t chemistry engineering majors. Probably a similar situation. It was almost impossible to fail that class; the prof literally raided the workbook for his midterm questions.
Until the final! Then he hit people with stuff they actually had to have an understanding, to answer. I was warned, so I actually studied.
Well, I guess he was a “bore” in class. But — he also played violin in a chamber music group. He actually was a very fine player.
I’ve known a couple of other math/science people who were great players. One was an engineer who was a gifted violinist. Another person, a mathematician, was also a wicked good bassoonist on the side, and a published composer — he actually got hired by a university to teach bassoon and composition in their music department.
Did you know about this? First I heard of it – this article was posted 03/16/2021
Peace Be Still – 20210424
Fishers of Men – 20210425
Nothing to do with any topic, I’m just putting these two videos here. William Warfield’s Old Man River. It’s 3:35. And Leontyne doing the Margaret Bonds arrangement of He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands. No words.
I always used the Warfield video on the classroom jumbotron, even hardened 7th graders liked it. And there was a little intrigue as they were husband and wife.
They were scared, and they should be. They have been abusing and beating the citizens of the uk for a year.
Once they begin to run they will stop. Keep pushing back.
This was momentous.
Zol Neveri (@ZNeveri) Tweeted:
Part 2 https://t.co/thikkmXYCm
Look at the protests. Boris is totally compromised and his tyrannical govt health orders have to end.
Newton Peter Clarke
(@NewtonClarkeUK) Tweeted:
Epic scenes at the pro-freedom protests in Central London.
Completely ignored by @BBCNews etc.
#COVID19 #londonprotest
Globonazis in control of England. SAD!!!
Whatever they did to Boris Johnson when he was in the hospital with covid, he is a changed man.
Agreed. Top shelf MK, IMO.
Indeed. And his female partner is super liberal and probably uses their kid to sway him.
That cop with the raised club is out of his mind.
If that dumbass hits even ONE person with that club, and the crowd swarms like locusts, those cops are ALL dead.
I thought so too. His first instinct was to beat them, and that is the one on film! How much other damage has been done over and over? He will try again im certain and next time he may find a less civil response.
Oh, a bunch of them have their clubs raised in the second video.
No sympathy for Nazis.
A couple got bloodied, crying. The tables are turning.
And this is the difficulty I have with police here in America.
If police choose to enforce unlawful “edicts” or “mandates” because they are “just following orders,” when they are “George Floyd-ed” it makes it really hard for me to feel sympathy for the cop.
I want to support law enforcement generally, and here in my little corner of the world that is easy to do. But city cops? That’s a hard one. They are all sort of tarred with the same brush for me.
The commies are breaking LE. Your SMART governor is getting ahead of it.
It is VERY likely that the Bidenazi FIB and ATF is getting ready to do some horror-show gun crackdowns on Montana patriots, and Gianforte is saying “Go to hell – you guys do this YOURSELVES. We are not part of this.”
He can’t say that publicly, but I can. It’s just a guess, but I’m guessing at unconstitutional and illegal classified stuff, so I would take that move by the governor as a warning for patriots in Montana to get ready for assaults by FIB and FAT when the time comes.
“He can’t say that publicly, but I can.”
Why not?
Does he have freedom of speech, or doesn’t he?
If he speaks his mind, is the fabric of the space-time continuum rent asunder?
Or would it bring clarity, and show the people of Montana that he stands with them, and make him a thousand times more popular with the people of Montana than he will ever be with the criminals running our federal crime syndicate?
Some people truly aren’t in a position to say what they truly think.
For one thing, it’d be bad for the Federal government to, based on what a governor mouthed off, be able to credibly find some state to be in a state of insurrection.
You can argue about whether it’s the state or the government violating the constitution, and you can even be right, but that’s not the point.
The guy with the power to find Montana is in a state of insurrection, and who can order the troops in to arrest the governor, is not on our side of that argument and doesn’t need to be given an excuse to do it that will hold in a federal court before a federal judge (or group of nine judges) who are also, not on our side of the argument.
“Some people truly aren’t in a position to say what they truly think.”
Everybody is in a position to say what they truly think.
The only question is whether they are willing to accept the consequences, i.e., if doing what is RIGHT is more important than doing what is SAFE.
When everybody chooses what is SAFE, that’s the express ticket to communism and totalitarianism.
Or the great beauty of what we have today.
“For one thing, it’d be bad for the Federal government to, based on what a governor mouthed off, be able to credibly find some state to be in a state of insurrection.”
So the federal government wins if you do nothing, and the federal government wins if you do something, ergo the safest political move is to do nothing and point the finger at someone else.
Everybody can point out all the things that could go wrong, all the reasons and excuses to do nothing, to keep one’s head down and go along with the tyranny, to allow evil to succeed by way of good men remaining silent.
Anybody can do that, it doesn’t require any courage.
What nobody seems willing to do, is what is RIGHT.
Everybody plays the angle.
And we’re all the worse for it.
“You can argue about whether it’s the state or the government violating the constitution, and you can even be right, but that’s not the point.”
At some point it HAS TO BE the point, or we don’t have a Constitution at all.
So the first question is “What would it take for you to get up off your knees and actually stand?”
The answer is probably “Nothing, there is nothing that would make [fill in name here] get up off my knees and stand.”
But if there is answer in the affirmative given to that question, the next question is “Would it be better to stand NOW, while you still have strength, or would you have a better chance by waiting until you are weakened and cornered and have no other choice?”
“The guy with the power to find Montana is in a state of insurrection, and who can order the troops in to arrest the governor, is not on our side of that argument and doesn’t need to be given an excuse to do it that will hold in a federal court before a federal judge (or group of nine judges) who are also, not on our side of the argument.”
FFS, somebody call their bluff.
For the love of all that is good and decent…
edit: I didn’t mean you personally, I meant AMERICA get up off your knees.
If that stuff starts happening here, it’s gonna get ugly FAST.
For example, I know a guy. He’s law enforcement himself. BUT, he is also tied in to the “other guys” if you know what I mean.
You can’t get onto his property without risking “Dragon’s Breath” booby traps, and other fun stuff. He’s deadly serious, and so is everybody else like him.
I think after the fiascos at Waco and Ruby Ridge, these guys changed their tactics. I’d bet they’re prepared for tanks. Maybe even air assault.
I will be holed up and hiding for the duration of whatever happens, if it does.
It’s actually illegal under Colorado law to set up booby traps e.g., for the benefit of a burglar.
I hope he’s not taking that kind of risk.
“I hope he’s not taking that kind of risk.”
The only risk there is making things easy for the burglar. The Colorado state government must be crack smoking junkies.
Protection for burglars, and criminalizing people who would defend their homes.
If people think any kind of harsh language or stuff upper lip is even be a speedbump in this tidal wave of totalitarianism, people are out of their minds.
Throughout time, the way to address such grotesque power grabs as we see today, has been the same.
But people today believe they’re somehow different than all of humanity that has come before them, and that tyranny can be defeated by Moms giving tearful pleas at city councils and such.
It’s just sad.
Sad to watch.
It’s as if people have lost all understanding of basic humanity, or history, or how things work.
Not how things work in the matrix of controls and ordinances and bureaucracy and statutes and codes and all that other BS, most people seem to accept and navigate that mess with ease.
What most people seem to forget is the 5,000+ years of reality that came before the insanity.
What came before is the ‘real’, and that is what we will revert back to, when the ‘fake’ is all blown away.
We are not different than all mankind who came before us.
We’re not smarter, we’re not more intelligent, we’re not more cultured, we’re not more advanced in any way, we’re not more wise, and we’re certainly not tougher.
The booby trap law has been around for decades, and historically has nothing to do with the Dem invasion or potheads.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it weren’t law almost everywhere.
If it’s your property, why can’t you set traps to your heart’s content on it?
If you have a dog trained to attack intruders (or a dog who passes on the soy and eats real dog meat, and attacks intruders naturally), and you put a sign on the fence that says “Danger – Dog will Attack”, whose fault is it if you open the gate, walk in, and get bitten by the dog?
In any normal universe, it’s the fault of the person.
Only in our upside down and bassackwards legal dystopia is it the fault of the dog or the homeowner.
I don’t disagree.
A part–a part–of the problem is the whole doctrine of “attractive nuisance.” The example used is a swimming pool that enticed the neighbor’s toddler into drowning because it wasn’t fenced off. OK, that makes some sense because the toddler has no capacity for judgment yet
The problem is too many people don’t think people are actually responsible for their behavior. “Society made him.” So if “society made him” a burglar, it’s unfair to kill him for it, and a booby trap seems “heartless.”
I wonder how long it will be before spikes at the tops of fences are considered equivalent to a booby trap. We’ll be reduced to only being allowed barriers that thwart rather than bite back.
I emphasize once again that I do NOT agree with any of this.
Another argument they make is that the booby trap could kill someone who wandered onto your property by mistake. That one, at least, I can sort of see.
Texas had (and still has) annoying laws regarding the carrying of guns–open carry of a pistol was flatly illegal there until fairly recently, and it took them a while to get onboard the “concealed carry with a permit” bus…which meant that in public you generally couldn’t carry a handgun *at all*.
But it absolutely has the best laws I am aware of regarding how you may defend yourself *and your property* when being attacked on your home turf.
Well, who knows? I know these people are around. I’m sure there are others. I’m not sure what the law in Montana is on that.
“It is VERY likely that the Bidenazi FIB and ATF is getting ready to do some horror-show gun crackdowns on Montana patriots, and Gianforte is saying “Go to hell – you guys do this YOURSELVES. We are not part of this.””
That’s not good enough!
If he believes any such thing is happening, his job is to protect the People of Montana.
As the head of one’s household, do you tell your family you’re not going to help home invaders to assault your family — you guys do it YOURSELVES — I won’t be a part of this?
Or do you barricade the door and stand with your family against the invaders?
If the Guv thinks this is a way for him to slide by without accountability, he’s sadly mistaken.
Nobody gets to straddle the fence and play both sides with a lawless illegitimate government.
Most of our public officials are so pathetic it makes me want to vomit.
That will happen. And its not just city cops. Lower standards plus poor training equals potential danger.
I had wondered about this… WHO was providing the books, and if the HO was getting money for each copy. This is
!!!!!!!! I don’t want to buy the Ho’s crappy book and give to CRIMINALS that are breaking our laws!!!

The communists are just grabbing the cash now.
Can’t say I’ve isolated the exact point where the gal with the knife says what the poster is alleging she says, but WOW – the VISUALS are very vivid from a bystander angle.
Copied exactly as found…..
James “Pinochet” Neighbors
White Protection League
In today’s feel GREAT video, Makhia Bryant can be heard ghetto hoochie mama screeching “I’m gonna stab the fuck out of you, bitch,” just before she got the slugs that thugs need.
#BlackLivesMatter #crime #black #police #Darwin #comedy #FeelGoodVideo
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/072/471/829/original/ec5b409ff32ca8e9.mp4" /]
Who wants to know?
Unless there is going to be a consequence for it, I don’t want to know.
What’s the point?
More outrage for the sake of outrage?
Yes, this is right. OAN is all over the audit.
If I was the enemy, or pretend white hats secretly working with the enemy, this is exactly the kind of thing I would do to demoralize and crush the Patriots.
I would stage a big audit, and the Lefties would fight it (pretend fight, for the show), but the audit would go forward, eventually.
And then the audit would show that yes, there were some questionable things that happened, but the outcome was still the crime family of [JB] winning.
And that would take the wind out of the sails of any other audits in other states.
It’s as easy as if it came right out of the Psy-op 101 Handbook.
So if that DOESN’T happen, I will be amazed.
Until then, as far as I’m concerned, this is just Lucy with the football, part 74,573.
Yep. They’ve had PLENTY of warning this was coming. Plenty of time to alter or destroy evidence.
Where’s RF121?? Home | ICAN – Informed Consent Action Network (icandecide.org)

This is a very good Gab account to follow if you believe the “hopium”, or even if you just think that the Arizona audit is going to create an enormous earthquake upsetting the question of who is actually President.
Like Domino’s
1 comment
“If on falls, they all fall.”
If that is true, then why, pray tell, would the enemy ever allow ‘one’ to ‘fall’?
It’s like watching re-runs of Roadrunner, thinking this time, Wile E. Coyote will finally get him…

It’s best to look at the pics starting with the top row, left to right, and going down.
Too sassy for a Sunday thread. Joe Biden didnt win, btw…
Tracy The Sassy Cupcake
(@sassycupcake20) Tweeted:

How dudes who voted for Biden eat corn.
Not too sassy but maybe too..something for one of the first on Sunday..weird coinkydink
No way… it runs in the family.
hahahahahah right?!
Corn Pops?
So there’s not just one, but TWO!!!
Biden’s Corn Pop should team up with Booker’s pal TBone , imagine the tales they could tell…
Here’s another late night vid/ this dude has it 100% right if you’ve ever worked in retail ( I’ve probably asked a couple of the customer questions LOL)
[…] that is quite unnecessary for the task at hand. Steve is doing a marvelous job explaining (1) mass, force and gravitation, (2) velocity and momentum, (3) energy and potential, and (4) introductory electromagnetism. What […]