Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.
If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:
For your listening enjoyment, I offer these compositions from Andrés Hernández, titled ‘Divine Assault’ and ‘Wildfire’:
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.
I think there may be some physics going on here:
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
Scienter is a noun which means…full knowledge that one’s actions and statements are illegal, deceptive and unlawful. It also can refer to the Intent to engage in especially criminal conduct. Scienter can also be used as an adverb, which means…knowingly, willfully, deliberately criminal.
Used in a sentence:
Feigning ignorance of their scienter, Democrats count on the enemedia to cover up their guilt while they falsely accuse conservatives of breaking the laws that they themselves have broken.
(@LivePDDave1) Tweeted:
Mitt Romney’s long-lost illegitimate son Leland Vittert was canned from Fox News today. They said it was a “mutual parting,” but we all know that’s a polite way of saying he got fired. He’ll land on his feet at Fake News CNN, so don’t feel too sorry for him.
Mutual parting? More like mutual farting.
Side note – he had talent; just never learned how to read his adversaries. Went overboard way too much.
He was a jerk frequently, obviously a nT. He peed his pants running from antifa holding onto his camera guy and producer last summer. He prob will end up at cnn.
Heh…I remember that, Gil.
I thought it might serve to wake him up, but it didn’t.
He was still a leftist jerk afterward.
Hes from wealth and privilege and it shows.
Wheatie, Your memes continue to crack me up. Thanks.
Fading fast. Sunday was awesome. As will our Monday, be awesome.
G’nite one and all.
Yes, Wheatie finds the best gifs. I love the latest dinosaur one.
Yeah, that dino-bouncer done cheered me right up!
Glad you liked it, boss.
Thanks, Linda.
I’m so glad you like them.
Glad you like them, Kalbo.
Nurse Patriot (@LABeachGal1) Tweeted:
Seriously WTF happened to Cindy MCCAIN?
Cosmetic mishap, plus a nose bob job? Fillers in the cheeks?
All plus botox.

Yup. Botox face. “Aaaah caaahn’t smaaahl.”
Reminds me of a certain scene in “Brazil”.
lol with a dash of testosterone ?
And maybe an extra 20-30 pounds. I’m not sure that’s really her. With all the Biden look-alikes running around, who’s to say she doesn’t have one – although they could have picked someone that actually looks like her.
I don’t think that’s her, either.
Agreed. The facial structure is way too different. They do not even look like sisters!
Gail it is the new Cindy I see if I can find the iCNN nterview.
I saw her being interviewed on YouTube by I believe CNN and she looked like that. Two thinks she had surgery or its a double. I wondered who it was.
I did not listen I just saw her and it said Cindy McCain
Her nose looks wider. Why she would have wanted that is a mystery to me. I seem to see fillers in her chin. Her eyes used to be one of her most striking features, but now they look run-of-the-mill. She does not look like the same person, although I do believe that’s her. Just a LOT of work that did not enhance her appearance at all. Instead it took away the features that worked for her.
This is what the progressive Left does. They experiment on the human body and try to “perfect” it. So many times it backfires.
Her nose looks shorter.
A lot of celebrities get their noses shortened…because they’re told that it will make them look younger and ‘cuter’.
But it leaves them with a longer upper lip..!
And it’s that longer-upper-lip that makes them look so different from the way that they looked before.
It looks like a man in a wig.
looks like john kerry in a blonde wig to me.
A transister.
A girl who used to be your brother
Nancy’s doc strikes again.
Nurse Patriot (@LABeachGal1) Tweeted:
Seriously WTF happened to Cindy MCCAIN?
If it wasn’t for the giant forehead I wouldn’t even say it was the same person
Man, those eyebrows have been yanked upward. Less forehead is a plus.
hahah well yeah you’re right.
Between Joe, Hunter, Nanshi, Kamalatoes, Michelle O, Killary….I’m seeing a trend…DemComs are so excited about what they hope will be a very long Marxist run they’re getting more plastic surgery than film stars who stay home and woke us all to death online.
I’m not sure it is her. Look how short the neck is compared to the first picture.
If that isn’t her, what is she thinking to have someone who looks inferior to her, doubling for her? I don’t believe that would happen.
Maybe they pulled it up with her eyebrows…. (yuck)…
The forehead on the right is much shorter in proportion to the rest of the face. It is only 1/3 of the face instead of almost 1/2 of the face.
In the interview she looked to me like she was going bold?
Maybe Hell-the-BEAST’s doc?
The eyes don’t match; also, their gaze in the more recent photo on the right is that “dead look”. My bet is that it’s not the real Cindy. If clips of her speaking voice from several years ago and from within the last couple of months could be found, that would also be a clue.
Thanks Wheatie for another Monday thread.
Thanks, Grandmaintx.
Scienter is actually “knowingly” in a general sense. It is most often used as an element to be proved in a crime, and thus “knowledge of criminality”, but someone can have scienter in non-crimes. One can, for example, direct commands to military units knowing that they will likely perish, but will save 20x their number in the process, “with scienter”.
Found at Marica’s Place, h/t boondocksaint1:
Science Catches Up — And Burns You All*
2021-04-28 07:00 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 22287 references
There is a reason science is a process and until you understand something you should keep your ******ned mouth shut.
Especially when all you have against 40+ years of hard science is computer models.
Massssskss was one of them. I warned early on that physics said masks could not work if the virus was in aerosols or transmitted in feces, no matter whether the feces were manually spread or through aerosols. We knew this was virtually certain when a mass-spread event happened twice in Wuhan and Hong Kong in apartments on the same vertical drain stack where there were no P-traps; the people infected did not know each other and thus any other form of transmission other than through fecal aerosol was wildly improbable. That was ignored. We then had the German meatpacking plant where everyone was wearing masks and yet a huge outbreak took place across tens of feet, a claimed impossibility. Yet it happened and was proved by RNA sequencing; the researchers were able to identify the index and daughter cases and thus conclusively prove that the infections happened in that plant via that route, despite masks.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
YAY! His site is working again!!!
Kentucky Derby 2021: Race Replay, Highlights Analysis and Prize Money Info
New video from WhatsHerFace…
Posted by Kane on May 2, 2021 5:13 pm
Oh wow…guess we can figure out his defense…PTSD from his bro’s “murder”. They’re so quiet about this…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Dejywan R. Floyd Charged With Murder In Connection To North Carolina Road Rage Shooting Of Lancaster County Woman Julie Eberly
WAIT….have to confirm on the brother of George Floyd part. The article doesn’t say this. Going to try and check bbl
Hey, no matter what, it’s news!!!
Aw thanks…takes the sting out of being a dufus
My turn at being the dufus should be any time now.
I HATE when people do this ……………..It’s NOT Geo Floyd’s brother. Please disregard
According to the Washington Post, George was the oldest of five children. His two brothers are named Rodney and Philonise, and his sisters are named Zsa Zsa and LaTonya.
Zsa Zsa. Oh my.
What are they using? The book of Ebonic baby names or what?????
Aside from inviting misspellings (and manglement by machine), they’re inviting ridicule.
No different for Dweezil and Moon Unit Zappa, either…..
One of the brothers is named ‘Philonise’.
Would that be pronounced…’felonies’?
File this in the vault……………
Dang. Something is wrong. Is that really Pelosi?
Maybe not. Rumor has it the REAL Nancy Pelosi flipped. It was probably about the time the images surfaced of her being escorted by armed guards if it really happened.
We’re watching a movie, so there’s every possibility that the masks are hiding features of body doubles.
Earlier today I saw a tweet reported saying that the search for her laptop was because there where five emails to her husband giving advance information to be used in financial dealings. There was however no source.
New Schlichter —
“We’re still doing okay baby-wise, but our ghastly elite is kid-free. That’s fine – the fewer Kadens and Ashleighs the frigid woke wine women of suburbia punch out the better.”
Today was a Roberto day. He did all the work; I’m exhausted. Just took my shower. Place looks tons better. Couldn’t vent out the house very well because air from back and side smells like shredded plants.
After the spring rains, we had weeds springing up in about two weeks that were running rampant. Currently filling three greenwaste containers.
I’ll know y’all will appreciate this cthulhu. No more free oil change for the truck, so did it myself yesterday. Well Toyota has an internal oil filter, not a spin on. Crawled under the truck and drained the oil and took out the filter. Cleaned things up and put the drain plug in and filter housing back on. Rolled out from under the truck and what do I see? The new filter I forgot to put in ah s***, well at least I didn’t put the new oil in yet.
You just visited my neighborhood. Unfortunately, I live there.
What’s wrong with the smell of shredded plants?
In moderation, not much. But this was a bit overwhelming.
Why is a spy plane circling the site of the Arizona election audit?
………………From the article:
The best-case scenario is that someone is engaging in domestic surveillance. But there’s a much darker scenario that could be in motion.
There are a handful of protections for the American people that the Deep State wishes didn’t exist. […]
One of the least ballyhooed and utilized protections is the public transponder data available to track aircrafts and ships. Even the vast majority of military vehicles are subject to this type of tracking with notable exceptions under certain circumstances. It was through this tracking that Creative Destruction Media was informed by sources that a government surveillance plane has been circling the site of the Arizona ballot audits. This plane and others have been doing so from the beginning and continue to do so today.
Don’t be fooled by the stock image of the mundane-looking Pilatus PC-12/47E. This is a powerful surveillance tool often used by military and intelligence to collect unbelievable amounts of data with infrared cameras capable of seeing through obstructions and high-def cameras that can read license plates from the sky. It’s a Big Brother tool that would make Marvel’s “Hydra” proud, all wrapped up in a plane that could pass as a charter hop.
The [DS] desperately wants that audit to go away. I wouldn’t put anything past them when it comes to this.
Patrick Byrne put this out on telegram yesterday.
Do those faraday bags/phone sleeves actually work? Just went to to look.
I don’t know…haven’t tried them.

Seems like a good idea, though, more and more each day.
The homemade ones usually don’t work.
Refrigerators can work…
Here’s a decent site to describe them …
“There are a handful of basic questions people have when they first hear about Faraday Cages.”
Thus was born the expression, “Thank God it’s Faraday”…
I have two and they work well.
They’re kind of a pain when you want to make a call, though
Yes, that’s what I’ve read in looking at this today. Trying to find made in USA.
If the voting machines are powered up for the auditors to check them out, could they be got into and bricked via wifi from a plane.
So, yesterday was supposed to be a citywide garage sale day. Didn’t work out so well because of all the BS, so people dumped everything today for free. Got about a 2″ stack of CD’s.
Including one with this song. I’ve heard the song hundreds of times but knew nothing about the band. The vocalist sang on one more album and then died of a cocaine overdose early in the tour to support that sequel.
Mind you, I’ve never seen the video until just now, but I’d wondered who did the song —
Thanks, Coothie.
Yeah, same here…I’ve heard that song before too, but didn’t know who did it.
Seems like it was used in a movie or a show?
It’s been out for awhile.
I want say…90’s or maybe the 80’s.
This album came out in 1993. The vocalist was dead (aged 28) in 1995. They were billed as a “neo-psychedelic take on alternative rock”, whatever the heck that means.
They fit into the same time frame and niche as Collective Soul, IMHO.
So that’s why there were no more BM songs! I loved this one, it’s on my fave playlist.
I like to keep my cheating STRAGEDY
Stay with me and you’ll have it made
Sure, get rid of the police to save the planet. That makes sense. (Sarc)
Green New Deal mastermind claims saving the planet requires total abolition of all police
What these fools don’t realize is that getting rid of the police will inevitably lead to increased production in gardens….
Because anyone from trespassers on up will find themselves providing nutrients to a rosebush.
The composting techniques have gotten much more advanced in recent years, too.
I think saving the planet requires total abolition of all greens…
Pray For Tupelo!
Here we go.
Yep, tis the season.
Although…we’ve gotten tornadoes at one time or another, in every month of the year.
Yeah, recently, one of the worst ones was on New Year’s Eve. The Good Friday Tornado was pretty strong, though. The thing is, even with all the damage it did, no one died. We’ve been so well trained on what to do, once people saw where it was, they went to the basements. And with the airport half empty, they were able to reopen the next day on the concourses that weren’t being used at the time.
And the “vaccine passport” is why my parents got shot up. Fortunately, they got the Moderna, which is turning out to be more saline than not, and both are on high blood pressure meds, so the side effects are probably minimal.
Unfortunately, one thing I read is that the BIG danger for transmission of not just the viruses, but the spike protein, is fecal aerosols, and my mother has MASSIVE GI issues. At least Dad sticks to one bathroom. Mom doesn’t. That’s going to be a problem when she arrives.
My mother got hers so she could play bridge at the senior center.
Dr. Leana Wen is still angry that every American citizen hasn’t already been forcibly “vaccinated” with one of the mRNA CCP Virus “vaccines”.
She’s been mixed up with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, through her being a consultant of the CHINA MEDICAL BOARD, which was taken over by the Rockefeller Foundation. She’s also mixed up with the Brookings Institution, connected to George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.
She was forced out as president of Planned Parenthood when the people there came to realize that Wen apparently wanted to “rule” the organization, only utilizing the “input” from the cadre of assistants she brought with her.
“Power Issues” much, one suspects.
Cultural differences as well.
One would think that, since her parents fled Communist China and were granted asylum here, Wen is smart enough to realize that the Natural Right of individual freedom, a right given by the Supreme Being, is the fundamental bedrock of the United States. Instead, Wen wants that Natural Right erased and substituted with government-granted “rights”, as is the case in Communist China.
However, one suspects that Wen knows full well about the Natural Right to individual freedom — and is just fine with the U.S. becoming a vassal state to Dictator Xi.
I think we probably have a lot of fake asylum-seekers here…people who are actually sleepers for the ChiComs.
The ChiComs excel at deception.
I think they anticipate more and more people here will start wising up to their treachery.
That’s why there is this ‘Stop Asian Hate’ narrative going on now.
They want to be able to declare us “Asian haters” if we speak the Truth about them.
Elaine Chao’s family fits the scenario.
“Elaine Chao was born in Taipei, Taiwan on March 26, 1953, and immigrated to the United States when she was eight years old.” – WIKI
I think her parents were originally from China. Even today her family has close ties to China.
I think you are on to something. I have been telling this to my kids to my husband for a while. Of course what do I know nothing
One recognize them in small ways there is something different about them the way they behave. Drives me crazy when no one else recognizes it . Maybe I should have a job sniffing out spies and sleeper cells 
I think you would be good at it, Sing.

My grandmother used to teach me how to spot communist informants. She was good at it.
In NYC and Chicago I would point out to my husband people who were German and then listened to confirm when they . Maybe that is why I like people watching,
Many Chinese specially those who work in labs spend most of their life in the lab and then they socialize only with other Chinese. They never fully get integrated. My daughter had in her lab some Chinese women who kept to themselves. My son had the same experience. He called it the Chinese mafia.
As immigrant one has to make an effort to understand the society and culture you integrate into. I still have surprises concerning understanding the American culture and have been here since 1964. America is complex maybe because so many different cultures have come together that make up this society.
Interesting…found this on Gab:
Former DoD Intel Officer Luis Elizondo discusses a conversation he had with a commanding officer regarding aliens as “demonic” and that they “should not be pursuing them.”
[video src="" /]
Wheatie: for some reason, the sound does not work for me (?)
Sorry, Duchess.
Works fine for me.
Hmm…did you try doing a refresh page?
Oh, ok – the old ‘refresh the page’ do over – well – just did – will try, again – Sowee!!!
Refreshed the page 2X – copied video addy and opened in new window – still now luck – frustrating, Wheatie!!!
Sorry, Duchess.
Did you check to see if the sound is Muted?
If there is a gray square
in the lower righthand corner…then the Mute is turned on.
Click on that to turn off the Mute function.
Rebooted – and tried again to no avail – so I looked for a video elsewhere – did not find recent – however found this old one so I could discover from where this Luiz Elizondo came…
PS – checked the ‘mute’ – not on – * Sigh *
Anything new in the video above?
Elizondo tells about how he was investigating some strange events he was investigating.
Apparently it was related to UFOs.
A commanding officer came to him and told him to stop investigating it.
Elizondo asks his CO why…and is told, “Well we already know what it is.”
E answers, “So it’s ours?”
CO: “No. That’s not why I’m saying. …Have you read your Bible lately?”
E: “Well yes sir, I think I know what it says.”
CO: “Well then you know that these things are demonic…and we should not be pursuing them.”
Oh – Thanks for the summary, Wheatie – really appreciate it – very interesting…
Jack Parsons of JPL (yep, used to be Jack Parsons’ Labs) was into both ETs and demonic activity, which he was convinced was occurring. I posted some links on that and the WEIRD occult ceremony he attempted with L.Ron Hubbard (which scared the daylights out of Aleistair Crowley)…
Strange stuff, indeed… back in the 1940s, and before (in the case of Crowley)…
Verse of the Day for Monday, May 3, 2021
“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
may 3, 2021 the marshall report
Anyone who has ever went down rabbit holes to determine if an event was a false flag or real, and if a person was a crisis actor or real, will love this. Those who are never sure what the other person is seeing will also enjoy learning how these people know what they know. And why they always question if a photo of a shooter was even a real existing LIVE PERSON! Hopefully after reading a bit here, and further reading on the links offered, you will know why people who want the truth always check to see if events were real people or fake. And what all the clamor about a CGI generated video of this person or that person is all about. And when someone says that’s a fake photo…why they say it.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
I did pretty good on the test. Missed the first three then hit the last 8. A good exercise in what to look for.
Did fairly well myself, too, GMT – unfortunately – had to revert back to the ‘instructions’ a couple of times – however – they are quite ‘clever’ in their deception – I would say.
Now – go back to the picture of Cindy McCain – does it look like the same person? I do not think so…
I think she had some awful work done. Sounds very similar in voice. She is very puffed up. It might help to compare photos of when she was younger and quite chubby…around McStain’s first run for prez.
It looks like the dam might be starting to break.
To be clear about this, this is a C_A recruiting PSA.
Recruiting wokesters…and also encouraging them.
She is Latina and proud how much she has achieved. Good that is a dream all parents have that their children have it better and work in a job they are happy with and enjoy. This has nothing to do with color of skin? She is not a different race unless they make being Hispanic a race?
Every one should be proud who they are a child of God.
I always remind myself that we are children of God special and wonderfully made
Many immigrant children made it in this country that is what brings immigrants here. Only in America can someone rise up to be more than they could in another country.
He doesn’t look much like Benedict Arnold, but he certainly is one…
Except without the period of useful service before he turned coat. Because as near as I can tell there was never a time before he turned coat.
It’s not just you.
The other day, I was having a discussion with a friend about the current shortage of housing here where I live. There are almost no rentals, and the ones there are are very expensive.
Her husband is an architect, and is currently working on a house for an out-of-stater moving in. The guy coming here wants to build “affordable housing.”
So I got thinking about that. Our local Habitat for Humanity’s house was built last year for $75 a square foot, which includes no labor. They are built by volunteers, so that is materials and the lot.
The current house is being built at a cost of $150 a square foot, and this is on land purchased last year. Prices on lots are way up now.
This means a 1500-square-foot house would cost $225,000, with no labor. What would you add for labor cost? $50,000? That’s a wag. So now we are up to $275,000. How much profit do you think the builder wants for their trouble? Another $50,000? $25,000?
Conservatively, I think the 1500-square-foot “affordable” house is going to be on the market at around $300,000. Considering that the cheapest house for sale on Zillow in my town this morning is an 1100-square-foot two bedroom one bath for $315,000, I think that is an underestimate, but let’s just go with it.
If you are a grocery clerk, and your spouse is a counter-guy at the local auto parts store (I know the families with these kind of jobs) what the hell is “affordable” about a $300,000 house!? The payment on that at current mortgage rates is $1300 a month before taxes and insurance! For people who make $12 an hour if they’re lucky. With a big down payment ($20,000), an online calculator estimates that this theoretical couple can afford a $214,000 house, but only if their monthly debt is $250 or less. That’s a car payment.
Rentals here are even worse. The rental companies require that people make three times the income of the rent payment. In the scenario above, at $12 an hour, you can afford $1386 a month. Most family rentals here are currently running at about $1500 a month.
You can drive up and down the streets in town and see literally dozens of RVs being used as housing.
We have a real problem, and people just don’t seem to get it. People say the “bubble” will burst, but I don’t know if that’s true. There are escapees from big-money states who are driving the prices up, and short of their deciding that the rural life just isn’t for them, I don’t see this ending any time soon. I don’t know if this is happening everywhere, but I imagine it is in a lot of places.
How the heck are young people supposed to live? We NEED grocery clerks, and the guy at the auto parts store to do those jobs, and countless others that are lower-skilled. Not everyone can be a programmer or a white-collar professional. Not everybody is college material.
Sorry for the long post, but this has been weighing on my mind for a while now. Something needs to change.
Yes, I know what you mean!
It’s happening in the other scenic states that the wealthy people are fleeing to, Aubergine.
States such as Idaho, Wyoming and Oregon are seeing a rapid explosion in real estate prices.
It’s a nightmare in progress.
People are seeing their home values skyrocket, almost over night.
While this may seem like a good thing…it’s not, because their property taxes will skyrocket too.
This is how middle class people become homeless.
Which would play right into the Communists hands.
Middle class people have to sell because they cannot afford the property taxes…then, they cannot afford to buy anything comparable…so they rent.
Rents skyrocket because landlords have to pay the outrageous property taxes.
So…even though they are renting, the middle class is still paying those sky high property taxes.
Our property values are going up too…not skyrocketing, but still…going up.
Property values/cost to buy is skyrocketing in TN. Exciting if one is selling and retiring deeper into the country but so hard for the rest of us who need to live in the same areas as always but see ourselves being priced out.
Worse that I am seeing my son being priced out. Mid teens … prices will be so high in 6-8 yrs it will be very hard for him to buy that starter houses and family homes/2nd house buys will be extremely expensive for the average (and even slightly above average) salaries.
And so many are coming from NY and CA
Same in Texas. Property values are insane in the metro areas.
Right wheatie. And then on the heels of higher real estate prices and property taxes comes the push for affordable housing.
I’m seeing developers (upstate NY) building low income housing in upper middle class neighborhoods and receiving lots of money from the government to do so. I think it’s a way to integrate these areas.
It will drive property prices down in those upper middle class areas…because crime will go up.
Crime goes up — then insurance rates go up.
It’s another way to destroy the middle class.

Ahhh excellent point. One in my area started out as low income apartments for senior citizens. It’s not even built yet but already the future residents have changed to low income families, homeless teens, domestic violence victims, and people with mental health issues and their caseworkers living on site. All this in an established, quiet neighborhood and across from an elementary school.
Sad to say, they probably figured they’d get rid of the Seniors with COVID after getting their money, and then getting the Section 8 crowd and their (read: taxpayers’) money. Double dip…
Many corporate RE owner / management firms have been doing just this – replacing their tenants by raising rents (and changing lease terms “We’re only offering an 18-month (or 24, or whatever) lease now).
The section 8 crowd has their rent payments ***guaranteed*** by gov’t (i.e., the taxpayers), so there isn’t any hassle / cost for evictions of private-pay tenants.
Also, turnover in general is greatly reduced – tenants for life.
Bonus: no need to be fastidious in maintenance, because section 8 can’t complain effectively (they can’t withhold their rent).
Everyone “wins” … EXCEPT the taxpayer.
This is bad for senior who want to down size not have the burden of taking care of a house to move into an apartment. I have known people who had to move every 3-5 years. Used to be one could live all their life in and apartment.
It’s bad for ANYONE who doesn’t have the wherewithal to move, or who isn’t on the gov’t dole.
EVERYTHING is weaponized now.
As I’ve said before, it’s best for us to act as though it’s only up to us (this will maximize the impact of the win, and our post-win power) … but IMO, there isn’t any way to do it (win) alone.
The only way is the military … and I hope and pray that they act soon (lawfully).
I hope and pray also if not for myself but for the next generations.
I am on section 8 and most of what you said is inaccurate. Sec 8 has a cap on rents, and a strict policy about felonies. My landlord constantly tells me how grateful he is for me being here after having to evict three tenants before me. And there is no financial benefit to evict tenants.
And we have to pay one-third of our income in rent.
Sec 8 is only available to green card holders and US citizens. Not temp visas or student visas.
There’s lots more but …
That is what they do they sell to the community that the apartments are for seniors then they change it to low income families and on and on. They need to rezone that there can be apartments in the community and once that is approved bingo free for all.
I understand people need to live someplace but those who promote this do not want the apartments build in their neighborhood. Churches in rich communities are offenders. They buy property at the other side of city or further out for low income people. The sad thing is there is no bus transportation and no shopping center nothing.
That is exactly what it is. Also, look for charitable institutions to be doing the same thing with church properties. The Catholic Church in NY is really good at ‘repurposing’ church properties and buildings to effect that kind of change.
They “sell” the property to a Church-affiliated charity, which then gets all kinds of redevelopment funding to make low-income housing or halfway houses, which they then manage and continue to get federal funding. It is quite the racket.
At the end of my street was a Monastery. They greedy Bishop moved the nuns to South Carolina and wanted to sell the property to make half way house out of the monastery. Some rich person in the community was offering more money to the Bishop than the worth of the property.
This never happened because we have zoning and people refused to have this community rezoned. Catholic charity took it over and runs a food pantry out of the place.
I hated to see the Monastery go because they held the hours also one could go into the chapel to contemplate.
Very familiar. The Diocese of Rochester was very busy with that type of repurposing when Bishop Clark was there.
I don’t know what Bishop Matano is like except that the DOR filed for bankruptcy not too long ago to protect their assets from sexual abuse claims.
I got all my info from my husband’s secretary who is Catholic. She complained about the situation. The nuns were cloistered. There was a spiritual aura on the grounds. I loved it.
That’s from Øbøzø… he had a plan to basically damage and Balkanize the entire USA…
Take a look at what has happened in Kalifornistan.
In SillyCone Valley it’s not uncommon for folks to live in their cars/motorhomes/etc. despite earning what would be a princely salary elsewhere…
And now, “thanks” to Piglosi&co. , Kalifornistan has exported that (and many proponents thereof) to the rest of the USA.
The only way to break that is to destroy the deep state, the left, and the Satanic globalists (but I repeat myself, twice) and restore the Presidency to its rightful owner/victor.
In a unintended way way they are forcing extended families together.
After my husband and I got married we lived with my in laws for a while and was a good way to save money. Was not so strange because I was used to it and so were they.
We moved when my husband got a job in St Louis. We invited them to live with us since my husband was an only child and there are no other relatives. My mother in law could not tear herself away from NYC. They missed much holidays and being part of their grandchildren. They came to visit every year for 6 weeks but only a little compensation.
She moved into our house after her husband died.
Prices have gone WAY up here with no real reason behind it that I can see. All of a sudden, what is on the market, even renovated properties, is sitting.
I’m not sure what is going on, but it isn’t ordinary at all.
Boy, not much sits here! Houses are on the market for a week or two and are under contract. People are buying over asking price. It’s crazy.
Usually, in this part of town, both fixer-uppers and renovated stuff goes fast. Not right now.
As folks with common sense escape blue states AND big cities, real estate supply and demand will drive up costs.
It’s common sense. IMO.
I also need to get further away from big cities. This summer will be out looking. Likely start with acreage. Build in a one to three years.
Absolutely correct. Rv parks are springing up everywhere. People can’t afford a home so they get one on wheels.
Here in mid NC the lot rent is $200 – $750 for cheek-by-jowl lots. I just checked since I am booting our renters who have refused to pay $50 rent for the last couple years.
NC law is if they SQUAT long enough they get title to the lot and the woman’s Moma is in the DAs office.
We have to think different how people in the old country used to live. Generations lived in one house and one of the kids who took care of mom and dad inherited the house.
Old concept made new. Benefits are grandparents have more interaction with the next generation no need for babysitters. People need to build on to the house where the grandparent move too to have own space.
No that would not work here everyone wants their own house own space no one wants to give up for the next generation.
Families have been fractured into mom dad and two kids.
Lol, that’s how I live now! My daughter lives with her two kids in the main house that belongs to me, and I live in a little cottage in the back yard. It works great for us.
You got it that is how families can survive the madness.
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area is exploding and housing prices are exploding along with that. Most residential real estate is selling very fast.
Residential real estate prices are running as much as 40% higher on the market than last year.
Rents are climbing — a 2 bedroom, 1 bath decent condo will command about $1100. month rent (and the tenant pays for cable and cellphone on top of that).
Another real estate property tax increase may be in the hopper, on top of last year’s increase.
Water rates, garbage collection rates, etc., all are up.
There’s a Stormwater Tax” in Durham that started with last year’s real estate tax. And, get this — a gravel driveway or sidewalk is counted as “non-permeable”, just like concrete or asphalt!
Apparently lots of people are moving to the area from places like Connecticut / New York / Maryland. And they’re also apparently bringing their liberal thought processes with them.
Charlottesville-Albemarle County is roughly similar in terms of residential real estate prices going up and up. Property assessments are higher also, along with the taxes. Again, people are moving into the area from really Blue states and cities, and bringing their liberal ideas with them.
People who own residential rental real estate properties are getting caught in the middle.
Property insurance for rental property owners is going up. More restrictions are being added to policies by the insurance companies — for example, I had to have the fireplace in a rental condo I own, sealed up in order to get insurance on it. Apparently, many insurance companies will no longer underwrite for working fireplaces in rental condos.
When the property taxes go up, the owner passes the increase on to the tenants on a pro-rated basis when the lease renews; or, for a new tenant, the increase is “baked into” their initial lease. Ditto with the HOA fees. “Small” investors (those who own fewer than, say, 8 properties) can’t count on their properties to carry the load for bringing in the income — they need additional streams of income now.
With those prices people will be forced to live together. They better otherwise their kids will be homeless.
Same thing going on in Florida, my house value has increased over 60k in 4 years. If I wanted to make a huge profit now would be the time. But then I will end up paying an inflated price for something else.
It’s a mess, no matter which end of it you’re on.
I was in the area some years ago and was looking at home prices in Cary that were comparable to Silicon Valley.
Reporter beat down.
too funny. AND true…the lying deceptive fake news.
Hope that video was posted on that schmuck’s employers FB and TW accounts.
The Puppet Show
The Big Lie!
President Trump is a master @ branding! Perfect
Melania to divorce former US president Donald Trump? BIG revelation here
I heard this rumor from a friend over the weekend. WTF????
CNN=fake news.
I doubt this seriously.
Eh…I find that really hard to believe.
And it’s CNN. They lie.
CNN’s ratings have fallen off a cliff.
So it sounds like they’re making up sensational stories to get people to come back.
Tabloid trash.
Thanks guys, that is what I thought.
Typical CNN lies.
Thanks, Butterfly!
I was just about to post this.
^^That^^ is going to stick!
Haven’t seen any reports of fatalities…which is a good thing.
Sounds more like the vaccine got them than they got the vaccine.
And wholly unnecessary…
An excellent place where one can find the latest news on audits and calls to action, including the recall for Mark Lindeman in the NH forensic audit that has to be done TODAY!. This has email addys and cut/paste form letters for armchair patriots.
I sent notes to NH and Mich so far…
…because faux biden didnt win!
true statement
so hard to laugh at these “funnies” when they are so painfully true
Well…except when all this is over, the red pilled are going to be the ones who are fertile.
Target rich environment. I’m sure we could all name five more just in the US senate.
Bfly, The video made tears run down my face. I loved it! It was fun and well done and shows how they need to be treated. The best offense is often a good laugh in their face. No fear.
That was great.
Oh, to be that flexible. I never was that flexile, even when I was in what passed for gymnastics.
Don’t know if you noticed, but very early this morning the “gore-fag” was posting on the anons – and that usually means that BIG things are habbening.
And less early this morning, the CP-fag started posting – another sign. But in this case, it wasn’t as blatant as prior times – just photos of those who were very likely to be underage (15-17), but not 100% guaranteed to be underage (they were, IMO – I scrolled by, and waited for a posting anon to report it: it took too long for that, so I disengaged).
Sick stuff.
It’s another sign of catching flak, being over (or quite close to) the target. The enemy is panicked over the AZ audit … and more, I judge.
I’ve felt the tensions rise, even here, over the past week or so – have you sensed it too?
I wonder about that “120 days” – May 6/7 [from 1/6/21] or May 20/21 [from 1/20/21] (adding a day for the date to scroll).
Here in MA, the insanity continues – only here and there have I come across those who are wise to what’s going on. I fear we cannot wait much (any?) longer for the brainwashed to get a cleansing RINSE …
I’m not on the chans, but on the Twitter feeds, and among other sources, all are in lockstep. We’re there. But, there are many who will not believe it until the whole thing goes down.
My guess is it starts with the Arizona audit results, but anything is possible.
>>”I’m not on the chans”<<
It’s probably best.
Most everything that one reads on independent (-ish, right?) media is sourced from there. Not all, but quite a lot.
I’ve also noticed a consonance of opinion, with shills / clowns attacked mercilessly, on a few sites that I look to to see what’s getting promulgated.
The comments on CFP, and GP, and others are nearing unison.
Time is growing short, for the cabal.
From Tolkien (one of my favorites):
“‘[…] Too long have they escaped the gibbet themselves. But the noose comes, slow in the drawing, tight and hard in the end. […]'”
Interesting that the WEF are meeting in Davos next week (13-16 May)…
[Funny thing, usually when they have their meetings in January, even if it’s been relatively warm, it gets cold and snows, at least near Davos. Now, it’s May, and it’s still quite cold. Wonder if they’re hoping for snow… There are the “Eisheiligen” (roughly, Ice Saints) in mid-May which are the last frosts, but normally that doesn’t portend snow… Maybe Schwab thinks he’ll bring on the Rapture…]
>>”Maybe Schwab thinks”<<
I’ll take the “against” on that bet, Cuppa.
They’re meeting now, I suspect, to figure out how to stem their losses, in re the failure of their narrative, and their fear that the walls are closing in on them.
Dracula and Nosferatu were “stakeholders” themselves, IIRC …
It’s Schwab and his mentally deficient ilk (preying on humanity) who aren’t “sustainable”.
Never leaving Afghanistan.
Note: I know some of you were saying Milley was replaced and was no longer in charge of JCOS so you can skip this one.
HotAir is Salem Media Group, and therefore fake news. They report what their overlords tell them to which is what they want the public to believe.
My bad. I’m sure the AP and CNN reporters who were on the imaginary plane flight with the General will be glad to know that. I know, its just a movie.
Wait…you actually trust CNN and the AP to tell the truth?
Never mind.
Staying in Afganistan is a pro Biden policy, anti Trump. So yes.
I’m now fairly certain this poster is not a conservative. And believing AP and CNN is credible reinforces that, for sure.
This poster…I’ll keep my thoughts off the keyboard.
Lol! Yeah, I’m struggling again.
China will love this. Likely China is behind it.
Out-of-Control Chinese Rocket Could Hit You This Week
…………….From the article:
An out-of-control spent rocket launched by China in recent days is racing back towards Earth and what’s left of it is expected to impact Earth at some point in the coming days.
Because it is out of control and moving erratically, experts aren’t sure exactly where it will land until an hour or two before it does; because it’s moving at speeds of over 15,000 mph, it may be too late to warn people of the impending impact zone.
……………..More at link.
LOL….Did not have that on my 2021 Bingo Card…..:0)
One of the best comments of the day!
It wasn’t on my bingo card either …
Appropriate metaphor…
What stood out in that article:
What comes to mind are Dave Barry’s hilarious articles about Mir, the degradation of its orbit, and its general failures…
No doubt Bye, Done is all in on the US falling behind to Red China on everything. I still wonder, though, what “working space station” really means.
To paraphrase Arthur Dent, “Ah, this is obviously some strange use of the word ‘working’ that I wasn’t previously aware of.”
Gail, I am glad you are back. I missed you. Liz
Nice cover for an attack, yes?
“No – it isn’t ‘in control’ – it’s ‘out of control’!”
“No one is to blame!” [Especially not the Sea See Pee, or the Kibble!]
Maybe it’ll land in DC…… oh wait no one’s there anyway.
She got triggered:
General McInerney
Let her know how you feel.
Liz Cheney
The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.
Liz Cheney — Bought and paid for.
I wonder how much she was paid for selling out her country and humanity?
Yeah, go to hell with your BIGGER LIES, Lizzie Warhead.
Thats the fascist nahzee saying right?
Listen to what this Arrogant Fascist, who sent COVID positives back into nursing homes, has to say:
Kitty Shackleford@kittylists1h
Cuomo: You don’t want the vaccine? Fine! Go kiss your grandmother and kill her!
[video src="" /]
What a nasty person…!
think what that guy is saying. Just evil.
I thought if a person is vaccinated the virus can jump on the person who is not vaccinated.
Bio-weapon 1: the adulterated virus.
Bio-weapon 2: the putative “vaccines”.
They always say the *exact* opposite of the truth …
Yes they do and they are possessed by greed and power. A monster was created and we did not even realize it. We relied on our system of government who would have thought there are people who would try to take it apart. CIA is the evil that is enabling of it all. CIA Brennan is the key stone. I can never vote for Pompao he was CIA so was Barr so were many in key positions. Pompao nice good man I am sure but is tainted.
From the Leftist Playbook … “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”
Oh, my. Back in the day, one of my alma maters did this sort of thing between class periods. I’m glad it was gone before my class got there.
Merry Hill used to hang out in a place called Primark
The lines they made lasted all day till way after dark
All the patrons they criticized them
But all the Karens just idolized them
‘Cause Merry Hill was not a thrill after dark
In the mall of Primark…
(Apologies to Billy Joe Royal and shoppers everywhere)…
I went to ikea 1 time. This reminds me of it. You can just cut a straight line but the forced you through the whole f ing store.
If this mall was worried, theyd want people out quickly, not exercusing a maze going nowhere.
Makes me think of the customer service area, where you can get missing/replacement parts, arrange shipping, etc.
Not sure about over there, but here they have shortcut doors the employees use to get from one section to another. Customers use them too (so far I haven’t been scolded
). Sometimes I just can deal with walking through all that furniture and self-serve stuff when I just want to go to the Fundgrube (scratch-and-dent, returns, and leftovers). Finally found a way to work backwards to it, as it’s just by the registers….
Until they moved it
It’s all about KONTROL… and results in KAOS…. (Schtarker….we don’t xxxxxxx here
I actually think it’s fun. The give you maps and pencils, after all. It’s something like geocaching.
And somewhat like the board game “Clue”.
It drove me nuts just the one time. I think it’s why ikea didnt last here.
Radioactive post now up.
No New Bioweapon Under The Sun
OK – we’re going to have some fun here – but stick with me, and you could learn A LOT. Cue the music! Borrowed from Wheatie! Previous posts helped put both the SPIKE PROTEIN DISEASE and the SPIKE PROTEIN VACCINE into deep perspective. We were seeing that the SOLUTION was a significant part of the …
Just read Wolf’s new post … go there, read it … and just consider the amplifications he’s turning over. Mentioning this for a friend …
I hope this isn’t true!
The “Beast” leans hard left… truckload of salt needed…
Once again Ron DeSantis steps up.
This leaves Russ Tamblyn as the only one of the Seven Brothers left.
Russ Tamblyn was a ballet dancer?
He was more of an acrobat, but one heck of a dancer.
Thank you very much for the information. I had no idea.
Russ Tamblyn was Riff in the movie version of West Side Story.
Once again, many thanks.
Never saw the movie, only stage plays.
“Know your movie musicals” is a category I could win pretty easily.
Good for you!
I’d be a total failure.
Interesting timing. So did she reach a red line with the plans?
Bill Gates (@BillGates) Tweeted:
Just read about this at GWP, and was about to post it here. Bill and Melinda Gates to divorce.
Its very interesting since the only bought that house on Coronado 2 years ago and theyve been doing oh so much for the world….
And how will their “foundation” be divvied?
I don’t know how to bring images from Twitter, but saw a Guido Fawkes tweet at Marica’s where he fixed a picture of Bill and Melinda by putting a man’s hair on Melinda and long woman’s hair on Bill, and Oh My, but she looks like a dude!
At least a month or two ago that photoshop (or similar) was posted on the anons – and it was really creepy, how effective the transposition was!
He looked more like a female, and she looked more like a male.
Once seen, one didn’t need the hair transfer to see it – it was burned into memory.
These people are SICK.
Hope you’re well, Ellie. I’m not sure I could stand LA …
Trying to hang in here. It’s miserable! Can’t wait for Gruesome to be recalled or arrested, and our L.A. District Attorney is the absolute worst – a Soros plant. Gruesome released 70,000 violent criminal prisoners, including murderers, on Saturday; as retaliation for our recalling him. Says he wants to make the prisons “safer”. Who cares about us taxpaying citizens? And the D.A. refuses to arrest criminals, so if they recommit any new crimes, I’m sure they won’t be punished. Seems like a powder keg, about to explode.
They didnt need to make that meme. Shes not feminine looking.
True! But it really drove it home, and I now think that individual is a dude.
Asking for privacy? That is very troglodyte of you Bill. Good luck.
He and bezos now.
He has been in our business to long.
Wonder if they divorce to save their assets? The reason I say that is watch when countries sue him.
Or she knows something she cannot reconcile?
That 2nd part. He crossed some personal line.
‘I Have Changed My Mind And Do Not Want A Divorce From This Amazing Handsome Man,’ Says Glossy-Eyed Melinda Gates After Receiving Vaccine
May 3rd, 2021 –

MEDINA, WA—In a shocking turn of events, Melinda Gates has changed her mind about divorcing Bill Gates only minutes after receiving the COVID vaccine.
“I have changed my mind and do not want a divorce from this amazing and handsome man,” said Melinda with a glazed look in her eye. “Bill is perfect in every way. I cannot live without him. Also, Windows is the best operating system and Internet Explorer is the best way to surf the world wide web.”
According to sources, her divorce lawyer quickly jumped in to change her mind, reminding her that Bill was a major nerd in high school and that she would get at least half of his mind-controlled zombie army in the divorce.
“I do not care,” she said. “I live only to serve my wonderful husband, Bill.” She then changed into a 50’s housewife dress and cooking him breakfast.
Bill Gates could not be reached for comment, but his spokesperson released a statement, saying: “Windows is the best operating system and Internet Explorer is the best way to surf the world wide web. All hail Bill.”
I would be willing to bet the REAL Melinda is long gone, and this is some sort of marker.
Yeah, this latest version doesn’t even look like her. Just like with Cindy McCain. They aren’t even trying.
Ol’ Billy-boy is (was?) a true believer.
The prospect of REAL mass genocide prolly didn’t sit too well with her – once she understood (drone or no) that it was to be realized, no foolin’.
I suspect neither of them are the real McCoys.
Gotta be a glitch somewhere, a la WestWorld.
Only the skeeters know …
Bc he filmed the Irish police acting like fascists in a Church,cshaming them, they arrested him….and disappeared his children.
“Home invasion by Irish police of a man who filmed them disrupting Catholic mass, which went viral after it was posted on CFP last week. The police broke down his door at 3am, surrounded his bed, chased and captured his children, who have now disappeared into the infamous Irish foster system.
This happened 2 days ago.”
Maybe these experiences will get the Irish back to Church.
Its been going on for a documented 100 years. Priests, nuns, garda, others, taking kids for bs reasons putting them in institutions…raping, abusing, killing them. Same same, different excuse.
They need to make those in power fear using these tricks, go to Church, and get good people in power fast….
There was no excuse for it. Anywhere.
I think we’ve posted of something very similar going on in California with the CPS there back before Harris was nominated for VP. Hard to find anything now, but did find this story-
Did a search with Swiss Cow and found this site with an article “CPS: Child Protectors or Pimps?” Which is interesting but if you scroll down you’ll find many useful links.
Wondering if this sort of stuff is what the forum is for?
Cps in ca….facilitators but many just are careless. Now the foster homes…..they collect thousands and dont care about the kids. The teens are prostitution fodder, doing burglaries, not in school, etc. The little ones dont get clothes and love and care thats supposed to be provided. Caveat not all but way too many.
I specifically noted one foster that sold the dd male adult to another man who raped him, “married” him to get the $$$$ only authorized knowingly by the foster to get a cut, and then prostituted him to other men.
Family finally filed suits but the dd now thinks its normal and tried to get the interviewing detective to have sex.
Its messed up. The same foster home killed a girl in their care after that. This was the one that got them shut down.
This is what happened in Hitler’s time and Stalin’s, This is what is coming.
How can anyone who isnt evil allow this man to stay in this position?

ROME — Pope Francis sent a video message to participants in the Vax Live concert in Los Angeles Sunday night, urging concertgoers “not to forget the most vulnerable” in vaccine distribution.
In his Spanish-language message, the pontiff prayed that the “Creator God would infuse in our hearts a new, generous spirit to abandon our individualisms and promote the common good.”
I think it’s coming sooner rather than later.
A terrible May …
And the clergy truly preaching the real faith can’t wait.
I believe that there are more good than bad. He is just the head atm…
I’m almost sure that P.F. will be the first public arrest that will shock the world. I think he is long gone, but the public “show” of the arrest will come soon.
I’ve seen reports that he’s been gone for a number of months.
She has zero authority to do this. What a hmmhmm.
Muriel Bowser, mayor of Washington, DC, announced at a press conference Monday that dancing at weddings — both indoor and outdoor celebrations — is now banned as part of the capital city’s strategy to reduce coronavirus transmission.
Bowser, whose Twitter profile depicts her wearing a mask, said, “Standing and dancing at receptions are not allowed.”
I swear she should be riddled with riducule memes on her twitter, at events, everywhere using this:
And this of course
“Standing and dancing at receptions are not allowed.” How can someone dance while not standing up? One assumes standing up and not dancing is still allowed?
I think its sayibg you cant mingle. No standing to greet and congregate. Have to separate, sit, leave.
Thanks for the clarification.
I could think of SO many ways to break this stupid rule! It would be a hoot.
Wouldn’t it just?!
Yes, there was a movie in the 80s where dancing was banned.
She also said you all have to mask up.
Sounds like a great celebration.
The mayor is drunk on power. This is dictatorship at its worse. Shame on these evil people
This x 1000!!
Essentially Trump got the number down from 96,000 a year to 15,000 legal refugees in his last year in office. So Biden has found a way to get the number for this fiscal year boosted to 62,500 and now the contactors are out scouting in your back yard as quickly as they can to see where they can put them. Mind you Biden has made it nearly impossible for towns or cities to resist the emplacements once a location has been chosen.
As the lower link (Ann Corcoran’s site) shows the new normal numbers will 125,000 per year and yes the scouts will be looking for places for them too. Mind you the scouts get a handsome bonus for every refugee they find a home for so there’s much monetary incentive to get this done.
Comment from the Zero Hedge story:
So what’s this mean? You wake up one morning and find out your about to have 5 or 20 or maybe 300 new neighbors if they find a place to build. These neighbors will not exactly be rich and will need help. “First your going to need to feed, clothe and shelter them.” Then Guess who has to help them with their tax dollars? “Schools? Healthcare? Social Services? Law enforcement? What happens when those services are stretched?” Guess how they will be voting? Seed enough of them in a county and it goes from red to blue over night. Seed enough of them in a state and the state goes red to blue over night. This tactic is older than the stories in the Bible. Practiced by the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians and most recently done to Europe with the cleaning out of Syria by the ISIS (Islamic State) who is widely suspected of encouragements by O’s spy minions.
We might want to get a map of our county or town and see how it’s zoned. If any free space is marked as residential without any restrictions on it might be a good idea to rethink that.
We also know that in the past these placement agencies put restrictions in some cases limiting what foster families could do with families or children that prevented these refugees from being Americanized. To the best extent possible demand no restrictions. These placement agencies are not doing you a favor, they are forcing a burden on you. There’s no need to kow-tow to their every demand (hopefully). The quicker you get these get rich quick meddlers away the quicker these refugees can be properly Americanized in the values and traditions this country was founded on.
JohnHereToHelp puts out long twit thread about 1/6 Buffalo Run :
Cut/Paste since this may disappear because faux bidden didnt win.
Apologies for the length:
Let’s talk about January 6th. A few weeks ago I was given information, I would not even discuss it unless I could corroborate it. I have now received corroboration from three different people in two different agencies. I won’t name the people or the agencies.
Violence had been planned for weeks prior to the election, violence to occupy the White House and the surrounding area to demand president Trump leave after he was re-elected. These plans were well known and were prepared for well in advance.
“massive march, protest, riot”
Unroll available on Thread Reader
The DS Dems, managed to steal the election and take the office. So instead of a riot to remove president Trump they wanted an “insurrection” to solidify their win and guarantee no one could question the election results.
The people were already in place for a riot they changed the name to “insurrection” and they did everything they could to ensure a bloodbath. Ordering the national guard to stand down, DC police ordered elsewhere or their forces cut, Capital police not only ordered but helping
Rioters gain access to the Capitol. Heavy machine guns were requested by the speaker and denied. And many more examples. They wanted a massacre, they wanted a deadly insurrection to solidify their illegal “win”.
Ask yourself a question. We’ve seen these rioters for a year now, burning and destroying. Attacking people and officers all over the country. Why weren’t they violent like that on January 6th? Is it because the fix was in and they knew someone was going to be killed?
The word had been passed down that there were going to be deaths and none of them wanted to go first.
What information did my three contacts pass on?
First, it was the speaker who was directing all activities for the insurrection both before and afterwards
Second, they had the help and the knowledge of the vice president, Pence. He was aware of their plans prior to the election
And helped all along. He is being promoted for president as his reward.
Speaker tried for a massacre, ordering heavy weapons, opening up the capital for attack, waiting for the violence to kick off. They were hoping that during an “occupation” when it got dark
That violence and death in the streets would occur. However President Trump stepped in an made a televised plea for everyone to leave. The DS/Dems, Speaker so their window of opportunity closing. They needed death.
A flurry of phone calls and text messages went out. Staff members in the capital we’re reporting what they saw to the speakers staff and it was being relayed to the private security the speaker had. Cause and messages went out to the “go betweens”, The operatives hidden in the
bLM/pantifa movement. Something needed to be done before the opportunity was lost and President Trump was given credit for diffusing the situation.
Ashli Babbitt I’ve been wondering around the capitol for quite some time. Non-violent just exploring and observing. Orders were given for the operatives to find someone that they could “sacrifice”. So these operatives found someone they could manipulate
And they led her to slaughter. Look at AB’s steps through the capitol. Just wondering around observing. Until she was approached by these people and led upstairs to the gauntlet. Once they had her it was a beeline upstairs.
It was the speaker who told her private security detail to use deadly force when the doors to the speakers area were breached. If you look at the shooting video. You will see them waiting until AB gets in the door. Everyone else in that hallway was an operative.
On the video several times they approach the doors that are being breached, several times they back away until they have confirmation that she, AB, is the one. When AB stood in the door they backed off, received confirmation to use deadly force from the speaker again, and fired.
I have been told that the actual shooter is not a capital police officer but someone who looks very similar to him, notice the hairline very distinctive, and that the actual shooter was a member of the speaker’s private security detail and has been rewarded since for his silence.
At this point they had their death and they secured the area just seconds after she was shot. With armed officers on both sides why couldn’t they have secured it seconds before? AB was in a squeeze play and didn’t realize it.
The FB-I SWOOPED all phone, text, email records, of everyone involved, including elected officials in their staff. FB-I was able to secure all communication records and no one has seen them since.
The FB-I is now using this as extreme leverage on their part.
They now have the private communications of our elected officials and their staff planning the insurrection and murder of a young woman. And they will not give up their leverage. At this point the FBI is an autonomous agency able to do anything they want.
Ignore any law violate any right with impunity. The speaker and the false president must support everything they do without question or the false presidency comes tumbling down if these records come out.
The FB-I is putting on a continuous show of looking for people involved in January 6th as a constant reminder to those in power that they actually hold the keys to everything
I was able to confirm that these phone records, text, Etc. Have been sifted through and a minute by minute account of the so-called insurrection from well before anything occurred, until well after her death, is available, and damning.
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Just for clarification:
Other people were approached just like Ashli Babbitt, to be led upstairs. This is why the FB-I is looking for MAGA Grandma’s teenage girls, ETC. They want to find the other people who were approached like AB before they realize what actually occurred.
• • •
Thanks for bringing it over. I saw it earlier, but was in the middle of cooking dinner.
And that “seatbelt clicking into place” sound happens. With one exception. HIs description of the Babbitt incident/scene does not ring true after watching the Wooz News video multiple times. How does this girl get blown away at close range and there’s no blood spatter? There’s no blood anywhere. She falls back out of the window, and there’s no blood on the floor, or the walls or window, or on HER. He states that everyone else on the scene was acting. Does that mean the (Taylor Hansen) Gateway Pundit reporter was part of the show?
The rest of his story sounds 100% correct.
Just a point on the blood splatter. Her back pack was under her and it may of collected the splatter. Not sure that is a valid point but it never seems to get mention.
I understand. But she was shot in the shoulder/neck, from just a few feet away, and there’s nothing on the glass or the walls or the front of her shirt or on the people handling her. I believe I read the cause of death involved arterial rupture. No blood?
Yes, that’s why I said “Not sure if it’s valid”.
There was also the short interview conducted with AB on her walk up to the Capitol where she comes across as a genuine Trump supporter. But that could cut two ways too. That said though and if she was just an innocent that may mean they already had her targeted. Then there’s the family still making lots of noise. No matter how you cut it, dead or not it’s still bad press for Deep State.
AB is another one that should have a forum spot IMO.
When something is shot there’s not “blood all over” necessarily. This isn’t the movie’s. Depends on calicer/bullet type. Hollow point defense rounds shot from a pistol aren’t coming out the other side of the person. No exit hole for blood, the wound channel expands inside the body. Many reasons why you may not see blood.
But wouldn’t you immediately see blood on the FRONT of her neck/shoulder/torso? She was on her back until they carted her out of there.
Here’s the Wooz News video that’s been posted here multiple times.
No not necessarily, I’ve seen wildlife shot with rifle hollow points, which are much higher velocity with only a small entrance hole which will clot quickly. The damage is internal, no exit wound. Equals no blood trail, but believe me their dead.
Wow, never heard of ‘scienter’!
Many thanks, Wheatie.
I learned something new today.
You’re very welcome, Churchmouse.

Ep. 2468a – It Has Begun, Businesses Are Beginning To Accept Alternate Currency
X22 Report Published May 3, 2021
Ep. 2468b – Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “BIG LIE”, We Caught Them All, We Have It All
X22 Report Published May 3, 2021
The push for the great reset is failing, people are rejecting their electric vehicles. Biden has now told everyone that anyone making 400,000 or less will not have to pay taxes. The [CB] is losing the battle, more and more businesses are accepting cryptocurrency. The people around the country are waking up and they are pushing back against the [DS] agenda. More and more will rise up because they hear the calling. The [DS] is pushing everything they have to stop the audit, they have planes flying overhead, they have carnivals setting up next to the audit, they have people sneaking in, nothing will stop this. Trump issues a statement that election fraud will be the biggest lie ever told. The patriots are now on the offensive, pushing the [DS] to expose it all and when they do its game over.
No great surprise that there is no pre-nup as they are married in the Catholic Church, and pre-nups are not the way things are done. Anyway, there is speculation that this is a way for Bill to hide his $$$ by “losing” most of it to her in the divorce. Apparently, that is what the Bezos couple did.
What’s coming down the pike if that is the case.
“If you’re stuck on this stupid 75% population drop plan, I want no part of you. We’d never get invited to the best parties afterward.”
Don’t cut her short. She’s an Ursuline girl. The Ursulines are worst than the Convent of St. Joseph for wackiness.
For a word that means universal the Catholic Church sure lives up to its meaning. The Catholic Church is a bazaar institution.
Don’t sell us short until you REALLY get to know us. And Her. We’re not what people think we are at all.
That’s the first thing I thought too – must be a way to hide some of their money. I think they will both be going down. She is just as evil. I’m Catholic and I can’t believe those Satanists were married in the Catholic Church. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised, what with all that has transpired concerning the Church Hierarchy.
She’s an Ursuline girl. I don’t remember from where, though.
Can you explain what that means?
The Ursulines are a teaching order. They were one of the mighty ones. Back in the 1960s, along with the Lorettos, the St. Joes, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and more, they modernized and are one of the most liberal out there orders that hasn’t died out yet. The Ursulines still own schools all over the country. Melinda Gates is a graduate of one of them. High schools.
Near as I can puzzle out….
Monastic orders (which include monks and nuns) tend toward one of several sets of rules handed down from antiquity — the Rule of Saint Benedict, for instance, gets you Benedictine monks; the Rule of Saint Francis gets you Franciscan monks; the Rule of Saint Augustine (the oldest) gets you not only Augustinian monks, but also Dominicans and Ursulines. The Ursulines were set apart by Gregory XIII in 1572. Their special calling is education.
Oops — I see DP replied. Imma gonna stifle and see if I can larn somethin’.
Ok. Ty.
I could see that as a line in the chorus to an Elvis Costello song.
Yeah. You have a point.
That is what H said to me a few mintues ago … that this was an easy way to protect family and money if he is found out.
However, if he is found out she will be too as she has worked so closely with him.
Real POTUS order said if assets are transferred the still get taken plus that persons assets. Man I hope thats still the case.
Even if so, that’s one more link in the chain that has to be connected before a judge somewhere.
“You can’t take that money, it’s Melinda’s” Now they have to go through the time and expense of proving it was Bill’s ill gotten gain, transferred to Melinda. Plus they get to complain that this law is absolutely positively anti-woman, at least when it’s applied to assets owned by a woman.
Im sure theres plenty of prior court cases of using spouses to hide assets but that its a fight also depends on not being under exec orders etc etc. We can only spectacularly speculate.
Melania wanting out?
Well it turns out Melinda [Gates] wants out.
Similar names, no wonder those idiots got confused.
This seems like a signal or marker. Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but it’s kind of weird to make this announcement out of nowhere.
That could be a reps once to Liz Chaney who said ” that the election was stolen is a big lie.”
Yes, I believe you are correct. At first I thought he was signalling that something would be announced today, but then I saw that Liz Cheney had put out a tweet that anyone who believed that there was voter fraud was spreading a “Big Lie”. President Trump’s statement was after that, so I now believe it was a response.
Check the timestamp :
RSBN Trump statement: 9:50 am
Liz Cheney tweet: 10:27 am
So the Trump statement came first…
A big lie vs THE big lie has a different connotation. What is the nazi propaganda on the big lie do you know?
I nominate this film:
THE BIG LIE | Anti-Communist Film (1951)
5,944 views •Dec 18, 2013
Bright Enlightenment
46.1K subscribers SUBSCRIBE
THE BIG LIE | Anti-Communist Film (1951) – The Big Lie was a 1951 anti-Communist film produced by the US Army. It details how the brutal socialist regimes of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China & North Korea were rapidly becoming as dangerous as the defeated Nazi regime. It begins with the quote by Adolf Hitler: “The great masses will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one”
Thank you for the reference. Now i can understand better.
Youve got to be kidding.
Frank luntz and kevin Mccarthy are roommates
I can see that…
Frank Lutz and Kevin McCarty are roommates….
Along with Ms Lindsey.
OK, so I see the bunk. Who’s on top? Bottom? Yea, Eeewwww.
Charlie McCarthy?
This is unbelievable! What the literal hell?
Mccarthy was long known to be having an affair with a married woman in d.c., while his wife was in CA. Ive no clue as to his current status.
His wife is part Cherokee (and you can tell by looking at her), but no tribal papers, and so when her brother tried to “do the Pocahontas” for a loan, he got burned! Hilarious. A guy with real native background gets in trouble, but Pocahontas gets off! BUT NOT WITH TRUMP!
Gentle, long rain last night…this morning I had four inches of snow!
Yes, I know it’s May. So what? This is Colorado, for the first time in ages behaving as it was when I was a kid.
I had a Canadian acquaintance laugh at me one time for having my snow tires on in early May. A week later we got eight inches of snow. He wasn’t laughing then.
We had an unexpected nice storm last week. Having really cold then hot then cold weather so im not surprised by you having snow!
Well, we just had some idiot do a donut in the intersection where we live.
Shared by Martin Geddes on Telegram:
This is a disturbing and heartfelt message from Dr Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer global head of R&D and Chief Science Officer) who is possibly the world’s most qualified and highly experienced immunologist ….
Still not persuaded? Ask yourself why all governments at once made the same ‘mistakes’ in terms of policy responses, all of which inclined to maximise the number of deaths attributed to covid19. Why they’ve persisted with lockdowns, long after it had been proven that they do not work. Why masks were widely mandated even though they knew they don’t work. Why they deployed a PCR mass testing system which still hasn’t been characterised in relation to false positives.
Why Govts were comfortable with withdrawal of medical services which has directly & predictably lead to tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. Why they’ve lied about asymptomatic transmission, thus causing fear of everyone. Why they’ve spent money on maintaining fear and placing a tight clamp on media, extending to social media & even scientific journals, suppressing alternative medicines. Why they’ve expedited new technology ‘vaccines’ & studiously ignored growing evidence of harms & indeed fatal responses. Why they’ve all but closed international borders based on immunological lies. Why they’ve hugely extended the duration of the confected crisis, even though we know that poverty alone leads to increased mortality. Why they’re so careless about budgets & why they’ve bribed the population with their own money to go along with this. Why they’ve gone to extraordinary lengths to smear, damage experts capable of telling what they believe is the truth & counters official lies.
I put it to you that the kind of person who can give orders which predictably lead to avoidable deaths numbered in thousands have something in common. That attribute is that, having got used to condemning thousands to die, will have no difficulty whatsoever in doing the sand with death tolls numbering in their millions & even billions. As Stalin said: “A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic”.
I’d like nothing better than to be wrong but this is the only interpretation that fits, as far as I can tell, every piece of substantial information.
I still have many questions but be in no doubt, this is the greatest evil that the world has ever faced.
There might yet be time to head this off, but it’s weeks to a small number of months to the point of no return.
If you love freedom with all its flaws more than you could ever have imagined, please fight for it against dark & malign forces. This time there are no Allies & no neutral countries. We fight or we give in & allow not only our own lives but that of our families to be destroyed. These psychopaths regard you as a virus or a cancer on the face of the world.
Please share this with urgency and as far as you can.
With sincere prayers for us all,
Dr Mike Yeadon
I can very much support this……except…..
Society is like a potluck. When you participate, you should bring a bunch of what everyone would like. But you should also bring a little bit of “special me” dishes to share things that show you at your best. Mind you, you may end up taking them home and trying something else later, but if you’re impulse is to share your best, you shouldn’t go too far wrong…..and if your mind can take a hint, it will usually be taken that way — “gee, my ghost pepper curried shrimp wasn’t a hit like it usually is back home. I think I’d better avoid that in the future” is fine.
To tie it back to the sign a bit — if you like 90% of a place and move there, DO NOT SAY BOO to that place. But if you miss something, show it to your new peeps and see if they want to fit it in to what you agree on.
When I move to North Carolina, I’m going to try to introduce a bunch of culinary techniques, traditions, and ingredients from around the world. Some might catch on. I’ll try to let people know about weird Silicon Valley stuff like kanban, scrum, and six sigma — if they don’t want to do it, I’ll show ’em how to play it on people that are doing it. I’ll share playfulness around technology and the MAKE mindset (and may open a junk store).
I will be vocal about all of what ruined the Golden State for me.
And I will laud the people, institutions, and things of the Tarheel State that lead me to move there.
Not sure who will see this alert at this late hour, but it’s important. I tried to post it on Wolf’s latest vaxx thread but could not post there. People who have taken the shots (I will not call them vaccinations) are donating blood. This is very concerning, to say the least. I hope people will comment about this on tomorrow’s threads. I’m signing off for the night.
I have an answer that should relieve your worries on the 5/4 thread!!!
New from ToRE_Says :
Password : BrennanKnowsWhereTheMoneyIs
(NOTE : I could not get the password to work for me)
(Edit : I have no idea how this ended up on this post from over a month ago ?)