So, back when I was a junior in high school, a cousin got married. After the wedding, in the dark gloom of the reception venue where those who were not gyrating on the dance floor were seated, I was talking to yet another cousin about where I wanted to go to college and what I wanted to do with my life, and he told me, “Tell your mom that you want to go to the University of California at Berkeley and major in psychology.”
Now, to be plain about the way things were at the time (and to an extent still are), my mother has not had the best experience with trained psychologists, mostly in the social setting, and so when my family piled into the van later that evening, and I said, “Hey Mom, T told me to tell you that I should go to the University of California at Berkeley and major in psychology,” I got a lecture on what a joke psychology was right after my mother laughed at her nephew trying to get a rise out of her through me.
As it happens, in the end, I ended up majoring in communications, which is not lab psychology, but applied psychology along with strategery to get humans to behave a certain way. That’s what happens when marketing takes place in the form of advertising and propaganda. The practitioners use the levers of fear, desire, and social acceptance (itself a mixture of fear and desire) to influence behavior and buying habits.
In the year of COVID, we’ve seen how applied psychology works. Even down to the whole thing being chalked up to a conspiracy theory.

Yucki, one of our participants, brought this excellent video to the group on Wednesday.
The video itself is a narration, to an extent, of passages from a book from the 1960s titled The Rape of the Mind by Joost Meerloo. Meerloo writes of how totalitarian governments use fear in incremental steps to get the people to give up freedoms in the name of the common good, and for what is perceived to be self preservation.

And so, the people who are tied to social media and their devices like a lifeline are in the tank for what is turning out to be lambs willingly going to the slaughter.
Barkerjim brings us a terrifying article from the Salk Institute about the entire mess.
An explosive new study by researchers at the prestigious Salk Institute casts doubt on the current crop of gene-based vaccines that may pose a grave risk to public health. The article, which is titled “The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness”, shows that SARS-CoV-2’s “distinctive ‘spike’ protein”..”damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.” While the paper focuses strictly on Covid-related issues, it unavoidably raises questions about the new vaccines that contain billions of spike proteins that could greatly increase the chances of severe illness or death. Here’s an excerpt from the article dated April 30, 2021:
“In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls. (Note– “Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.”)
The team then replicated this process in the lab, exposing healthy endothelial cells (which line arteries) to the spike protein. They showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented.
Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own.” (“The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness”,
The new research paper is the equivalent of a hydrogen bomb. It changes everything by confirming what vaccine critics have been theorizing for months but were unable to prove.
It seems that the response to COVID is far more destructive than the disease itself.
And that being the case, the people’s reaction to the marketing campaign in the end is going to be one HUGE buffalo jump.
By the way, the audit continues in Arizona and in Michigan. Real data has not been released even if there are reports of what has been found. The actual counts are being held close to the vest at this point.
But, really, Joe Biden didn’t win, and all this waiting for a shoe to drop (at this point we’d take a sock or a jock strap) is by definition one of those step down fear blinkering episodes as described in the video above, only, in this case, the MAGA faithful are trying not to descend into the pit of despair.
And a reminder of what we all need to avoid if we don’t want a fatty liver.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
ACTS 15:7-21
7And after there had been much debate, Peter rose and said to them, “Brethren, you know that in the early days God made choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. 8And God who knows the heart bore witness to them, giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us; 9and he made no distinction between us and them, but cleansed their hearts by faith. 10Now therefore why do you make trial of God by putting a yoke upon the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear? 11But we believe that we shall be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will.” 12And all the assembly kept silence; and they listened to Barnabas and Paul as they related what signs and wonders God had done through them among the Gentiles. 13After they finished speaking, James replied, “Brethren, listen to me. 14Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. 15And with this the words of the prophets agree, as it is written, 16`After this I will return, and I will rebuild the dwelling of David, which has fallen; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up, 17that the rest of men may seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles who are called by my name, 18says the Lord, who has made these things known from of old.’ 19Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God, 20but should write to them to abstain from the pollutions of idols and from unchastity and from what is strangled and from blood. 21For from early generations Moses has had in every city those who preach him, for he is read every sabbath in the synagogues.”
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
Who says dogs aren’t man’s best friend?
That was scary ….both the covid stuff and the cobra killer.
Now that ive had high bp….the idea of being forced to take a “vaccine ” is a no go. Not gonna do it.
That jack russell is incredible.
When you realize he snapped the snake’s spine in two places, it’s easy to forgive the breed’s other quirks. I’ve had bad experiences with Jack Russells. The female of a pair terrified Ying to the point that socialization has been a real problem.
I think he snapped the spine in at least four places. The animate part of the snake was down to about eight inches before it apparently died. And it looked like the doggo never got tagged. Who’s a Good Boy?
That is a darn FAST dog!
Demonstrates that snakes have OODA loops.
My son is on his second rescue Jack Russell. The first was 5 years old when he got him. He was a smart dog but one needs to know how to handle them. Lots of walks and discipline and training. My son was the boss and did not let this little fellow push him around. He took him everywhere. He died at 16.
About 3 moths ago he got another one. He is 6 people did not want him anymore. He is sharp but not quit as demanding still needs his long walks. My son loves to bike and walk so the dog is happy. My son bought him a little trailer for dogs for his bike. He rides his bike then takes the dog for a walk. He loves his new home
Oh dog lives with three cats no problem.
Thank you DP for all you do.
Yes dogs are mans best friend.
Not sure what went wrong in this video, maybe fake news.
If so it’s some danged good acting and should bring a smile to all.
Have a GREAT DAY !!
Yeah, in their younger years, I always picked up Ying and Yang before answering the door. Owners like this give the rest of us a bad name.
The dog wasn’t attacking or even barking. It is the delivery guy who flipped out.
Not surprising. Many inner city blacks have a great fear of dogs thanks to the nasty fighting dogs some of them keep. When we ran a petting zoo we had to do a LOT of calming down of the kids who were scared to death of the lambs and goat kids.
My dogs bark when UPS or FedEx come. I make them sit in the hallway they do not even get to come to the front door. The back door is a different scenario
Big dogs cannot be picked up and there are times I would love too it is easier. So training is the key and needs to be kept up.
Guys…I think think this video was staged.
Maybe a spoof on people who are freaked out by dogs?
But the little dog is not barking or acting aggressive.
He’s just acting friendly…wagging his tail…he even flops down on the lawn, just watching the guy freaking out.
The dog-owner/homeowner doesn’t come out to get their dog and ‘rescue’ the freaked out delivery guy.
This just looks staged to me.
Could very well be staged.
On second thought, maybe you’re right.
I marked that the cobra didn’t seem to be reacting to the differing positions of the terrier, in the first minute or so – but set it aside.
Also, I would never have let any pet of mine engage in such an encounter – it seemed to be for “sport”.
The wagging tail, to me, isn’t a definite tell – but most dogs and cats I’ve witnessed in similar situations put their tail DOWN.
No telling what people will do for moula – catch the snake, drug it, then set the dog on it – get clicks and YT pay. Perhaps isn’t wasn’t the doggie’s first rodeo.
That said, it isn’t here nor there in terms of what we’re up against, and I may very well have been fooled as well, without someone calling it out.
Let it pass?
Heh…I wasn’t talking about the cobra video, Emstar.
I was replying to the video that Chris posted, which showed the delivery guy freaking out.
I flinched away from watching it in case the doggo was hurt.
Nobody is telling me the doggo is ok.
I’m glad I didn’t watch. I’d be wrecked tomorrow.
As it is, I’m feeling a bit sad.
Doggo appears to be fine
I’ll watch it based on that recommend.
Thanks, Grammy!
I feel better tonight and tomorrow will be fine.
Sorry. Just remember that if I’m posting it, the good guy wins.
Although, in the case of shark vs. orca, it’s hard to root for the shark.
Yeah, if you have ANY diabetes or cardiovascular disease, then I think holding off is the smart thing to do.
How long has high blood pressure been a problem for you? I’m wondering if you actually got COVID – maybe asymptomatic at the time – and later you began seeing a problem from it.
The Fiancee has gone for two jabs of Pfizer. She did a rigid medically-supervised weight-loss plan a while back and is completely on the “low-fat” track — I think there are lorikeets which consume more protein and fats.
Which, predictably, has put her thoroughly on medication-dependent semi-diabetes.
Since her second jab, I’ve been getting little subsurface blood-blotches on my arms. At this moment, I have five, two of which popped-up three days ago, and one popped-up this morning.
It would not surprise me a whit if it were vascular damage from shed protein. Wouldn’t be nearly as fun if it were little blotches in my lungs on in my brain.
OMG. That sure sounds like minimal spike protein TTP.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s quite possible that you will build immunity by a kind of second-hand vaccination.
Yup, spike protein vascular reaction. In the skin, where I can see it. Builds immunity…….so long as I don’t have a stroke, heart attack, or lasting lung damage in the process.
That is my theory, as well. I am limiting my contact with “injectees” but I am having some contact. I figure if I give my body a chance it will build immunity to it.
It feels like my best shot at staying healthy.
On another note, doesn’t this vascular injury from the injection explain the mental/behavioral changes we have noted in recipients? I mean, the whole vascular system supports the BRAIN.
I think so.
They are still trying to understand the brain effects of COVID, IMO, but I’m seeing various theories which are noting that brain vasculature IS exposed to serum spike protein. So if you affect cardiovascular, it has big effects on cerebrovascular, which is why all the COVID strokes, brain bleeds, TIAs, etc.
A female Presbyterian Pastor in town had the vaccine and then wound up in the hospital with a stroke.
I wondered about that. My daughter seems different very subdued. She normally is very bubbly. She complained to me how tired she feels and blamed it on weather.
I hope it IS the weather, and nothing else, singing. Poor thing.
I hope so too
cthulhu, Lo-fat is really bad news. They just about killed my Mom with that type of diet. (The fatty sheathes around her nerves started to get metabolized.)
You NEED fats! It is SUGAR that you can easily live without and no harm done.
As another Treeper (?Singing Soul?) mentioned yesterday, I too have been restricting sugar since my teens to avoid Type II diabetes.
The problem with fats is the chemically manipulated fats. Butter, Lard, Olive Oil are fine although some worry about the oxidation of the olive oil.
Simple explanation (Note that Atkins is universally targeted.)
I have lost 60+ pounds over the last 2 decades and my health has really improved. I did best when I had a gig at a farmers market and bought their grass feed beef/chicken/turkey, ocean fresh fish and organic veggies. (Lost 30# in a year.)
Also a while back I did a quick check on a ‘Scientific Study’ that ‘Debunked’ the lo-carb diet. They found NO weight loss.
The catch was in the details. They DEFINED lo-carb as 300 grams!!! that is TEN TIMES the recommended amount of 27-30 grams a day.
, 4.2 grams of sugar equals a teaspoon so that is over SEVENTY teaspoons of sugar a day. Not exactly a restricted sugar diet. Notice that the TYPE of carb also matters it is Fructose as in High Fructose Corn Syrup that is the really bad actor followed by glucose according to this video.
Under 30g daily carbs (5% of total calories) would be a ketogenic diet forcing the body to use ketones instead of glucose for energy…VERY low carb. A paleo diet is considered low-carb with less than 30% of calories coming from carbs.
The typical American diet has well over 50% of all calories from carbs since the 1970s…and that is when we got fat.
They were targeting Dr Atkins diet for weight reduction which is ~30g of carbs a day.
We did Adkins before everyone in my husbands department did when he worked in St Louis. The men all came down with kidney stones. This was after I had three kids and needed to loose 20 lb. Stupid me I struggled ever since the diet ruined my metabolism. I used to be very active hiked a lot swam every day and bicycled . That was a time when everyone wanted to look like Twiggy.
My mother had a relative who lived to her early 90s. About two months before she had to go to the doctor whenever, she’d go on Atkins to keep from having to hear about her weight, etc. She was a hoot. I HATED having to sing her funeral.
JW you sparked my interest in ketogenic diet. Found Dr Erik Berg on YouTube and started his fast. 20 hours fast from 6PM to 2 PM .
Then eat first meal and again at 6 PM. Little carbs no sugar no snacking. I feel great as I posted before no knee pain. Not sure how long I should do this and thought maybe 30 days and skip 30 and do it again. We see
Go for it!
Thomas DeLauer is also an excellent source of info on Keto and fasting.
Thank you will look him up
I fully agree. And HFCS is the worst.
But I can’t tell the Fiancee anything about nutrition, because doctor-monitored nutrition plan.
I hate those “doctor” things especially when they override common sense and readily available information.
Although, the kidney doctor who lives next door agreed with me that an hour walk every day was a GOOD thing.
Gail very good post. I learned even more thinking I knew all from Dr Eric Berg on YouTube.
Fat is a key. My grandmothers ate cooked with lard and goose fat and they were healthy . I put a tsp of butter in my coffee and use olive oil. My olive oil is not around long enough to get rancid.
Was an eye opener from Dr Berg the sugar that is in some fruits. I like fruit. Whole organic milk is better than 2% has more sugar. Also looking at some of the keto cooks I found some foods high sugar. Berg said “hamburger is better than steak concerning fat content. Chicken skin one should eat. Personally agree to some point but not going over board either way. He comments 4-5 ounce of meat. Agree all in balance.
Since I started my fast since Monday my pain is gone even in my knee.
Its possible. Mr gil brings us colds he gets at work that are hard for me and kiddo. I isolate when im sick now and the last time was the previous November 2019..lingering sick for a few weeks. My bp increase started about a year ago, no other symptoms. I just had a full ladies blood workup, everything ok except dhea. Way too low. My single bp med is keeping it under control. My daily checks for 1 month averaged 120/70. From my emergency high of at least 200/100.
I swear they said i didnt have a stroke but there are multiple types of HTN and crises that are mimics or stealthy. Im gratefully aware of my situation atm.
I have a all-black manx cat who would have done just about the same thing. Absolutely fearless. Now I understand why people thought it was bad luck to cross paths with a black cat.
Manx are awesome cats.
I had an all black Manx once. That guy had PERSONALITY and a sense of humor you wouldn’t believe.
Oh, BTW, we have a pgroup update.
Thanks coothie!
For those of us who are dog people or no pets allowed, this is a manx cat.

I had a Manx once…found it as a stray kitten.
They are awesome cats.
They have powerful hind legs and use them in tandem, like rabbits.
Mine walked like a rabbit, keeping his hind legs together.
He could jump straight up about 10 feet.
Impressive horizontal jumping, too…far more than that.
My daughter has one. She is a trip
DP, Here is the video that goes with the Salk article. It may get taken down soon by you tube. Liz
The Novel Coronavirus Spike Protein Plays Additional Key Role in Illness – Salk Institute
15,847 views •May 1, 2021
Thanks. I wish I could post this over at LifeLog and not get censured by both the platform and my circles, but we all know how that’s going to work.
Is Facebook suppressing the Salk Institute study itself? That’s a very hard link for them to argue with.
No idea. I can give it a try and see.
I’m going to do a post on it. The title will be WAY too much for Facebook, but I think a direct link to that Salk study may only get a standard misdirection warning from Facebook Intelligence Bozos.
I put the Burning Platform link there and it seems to still be active. FB only attached the covid informational link to it.
I was put in time out for a photograph of a statue once, but otherwise have a clean record. We’ll see what posting something from does.
Robin Monotti Graziadei: “I hope that you will be able to share this article from the Salk Institute, as far as possible, because now it’s up to us to try and fix this mistake… that they have done.”
They did not make a ‘mistake’.
And he knows it.
It would have to be an incredible string of ‘mistakes’, all of them coincidentally going the same ideological and profit-motive direction.
[disclaimer: I’m just an ape with a keyboard, this is not financial advice, please do your own research, I don’t know anything about medicine, this is probably a set-up of some kind, with unspecified logical fallacies, and without consideration for game theory
Very good, Scott!
The informal fallacy was “Bad Analogy”. colloquially named “Apples and Oranges”.
All analogies, by their nature, are both part false, and part true.
I was focusing on the former …
For “game theory” look up “Pascal’s Wager” – it’s one of the first instances of game-theory (decision-making when one hasn’t all the facts), and likely the most famous.
Pascal and Bernoulli were two of the founding fathers of probability theory – one subset of which is today called “game theory”.
As I said a couple of days ago, TPTB WANT to wipe out most of the human race. The coming glaciation confirmed in the 1970s lit a fire under their rumps.
30 Population Control Quotes That Show That The Elite Truly Believe That Humans Are A Plague Upon The Earth
They are admitting that they do not belong to the human race I agree (S)
We have to remember the companies are all global and think they can get away with things. Maybe in the past but today with communications we are more informed and little is hidden.
Destroying evidence of the drug cartels?
Spooks were so successful with Islamic State’s terror campaign in Syria and Iraq in getting populations on the move that the woke spooks are now doing it down south.
I’d venture to guess someone does not feel America is falling fast enough.
Only story I could find after using several search engines.
Has additional vid.
Did search for “South America Unrest”. Better luck. Pot is being stirred.
Like they stirred the pot in the ME to get the influx of immigrants into EU, now the stirred pot to get SA’s fleeing into USA.
and faux bidden didnt win! (‘faux bidden…forbidden…get it?)
Yes, and they take solvable problems at the local level and find ways to exacerbate them to cover it all up to give them their plausible deniability, but you can still see it coming from miles away.
Getting ahead of the story. A$$hats.
HA! Yeah, things are getting interesting! That’s for sure.
Already partway through my next article.
Trump attorney Jenna Ellis is promoting election integrity
More on the January 6 attempted buffalo jump. The JHTH tweet is part of a MUCH longer thread that talks about Ashli Babbitt being murdered so that the Democrats could scream “LOOK! IT’S A BLOODY INSURRECTION!” and that the planning of the day involved Pelosi and Pence for months prior to the event.
ITA. That’s exactly how and why the Capitol shooter had to fire. There was no violence and little destruction. The show had to have a death.
I really can’t reconcile the strange circumstances around the shooting (mostly the blood or lack of) but I do think she’s dead. The family is doing what a real family would do if a loved one was shot like that.
If it was fake, honestly it seems they’d bluster a bit and then let it go. MOO
I’m less than completely sure she actually existed. But I agree that the Capitol shooter had to fire in order to preserve the show.
I watched the video again last night, from the point just before the “shooting” until they carried her out.
The Gateway Pundit reporter who wrote ALL the Babbitt stories was right there at the scene. Five feet from where she fell. Called out multiple times in the video. So is JHTH saying he was PART of the plan that rounded up someone to die? Is GP controlled opposition?
Nothing makes sense to me unless she’s in on it.
Read JHTH’s thread before making any assessments, please.
I read the thread, but will do so again. I understand how the Sullivan kid winds up there to film, and is part of the deal. I just don’t see how anyone else is there if they’re not inner circle or actors.
I just printed out six pages of JHTH, the tweets from July 21st and May 3rd.
“It was the speaker who told her private security detail to use deadly force when the doors to the speakers area were breached. If you look at the shooting video. You will see them waiting until AB gets in the door. Everyone else in that hallway was an operative.”
Everything he says rings true, beyond true. But if this paragraph is true Taylor Hansen (GP) was somehow in on it.
I remember there being a video taken on 1/6 that showed Anteefa changing clothes into maga outfits and hats…remember the sideways maga hat was a sign of anteefa?
They ‘disappeared’ because they were in the crowd rabblerousing and leading the charge.
This was on GAB. I don’t know how to post it here. It is a 2 minute video.
@SomeBitchIKnow8m posted
Tim Tebow making a strong stand against human trafficking. He shares some stats I had no idea about:
Here you go, Liz:
[video src="" /]
Well, this might explain a lot.
Green New Deal! No new building.
Excuse to send it to CHINA.
The one thing about lumber, though, it’s essentially a crop. A 30-year crop, but a crop. We can grow more.
No new repairs to old buildings, either, or decks or additions…you get the picture.
creates more HOMELESS!
Sounds like price-gouging and profiteering during what the guvermint classified as a ‘national emergency’.
There used to be laws against that kind of thing, back when we had rule of law.
[disclaimer: I’m just a biped with access to the interwebs, I’m not a doctor or a qualified expert on law or youtube. This is definitely not financial advice, as I understand it, financial advice is regulated by what we used to call ‘law’, and I don’t have a license, so please do your own research. Any conclusions or comments were made without consideration of game-theory, could be full of unspecified logical fallacies, and almost has to be a set-up of some kind
This is the EXACT SAME STORY I got from a Trucker during the mid 1970s oil ‘crisis’ He was hauling gasoline and said those big storage tanks in NJ were so full they we close to leaking out the top.
Remember ARAMCO?
From: Modern History Project
Another source:
NEW YORK, NY (Sept. 21, 2020) – Global Thermostat (GT), the leader in direct air capture of CO2, today announced it signed a contract with ExxonMobil that will help bring its commercially-viable CO2 removal technology to the scale necessary to reverse climate change. The joint development agreement follows an earlier contract that produced 12 months of technical evaluation by ExxonMobil to determine the potential scalability of GT’s direct air capture technology. GT’s original agreement with ExxonMobil was signed in 2019″…
Edgar Bronfman jr sits on the board of this carbon capture company.
I haven’t kept up with the Duggers in years but this The thread gives more details
I found this background. OMG.
Okay, going back to Zzzz now that we’ve had our first police drive by of the night. No gun shots to report for the past few nights, but quite a number of motorcycles on the main drag.
In the morning. Later gators.
Sleep well. Liz
After being shot at police backed away and the gunman, identified as 22-year-old Salman Mohamed, came outside the residence with a rifle. Officers attempted to negotiate with him before Mohamed fatally shot himself in the head, police said.
Suicide by cop. Officer shot in arm. Thankfully not worse.
I don’t know what mental process gets you to that sort of result, but it clearly scrambles your logical thinking. To do suicide by cop with a body count of zero is just lame — you should be able to do better than that going full Rambo on a Police Station.
dead criminal’s name is 22-year-old Salman Mohamed.
No motive yet known.
… sure …
If the Nashville PD has any brains, they will RIGHT NOW search this perp’s social media AND search the home for any Declaration of Jihad / connection or communication with Jihadi/Islamist groups / what mosque he attended if any. There may be indications that the perp was in contact with other Islamists.
Unless proven otherwise — this was Personal Jihad..
The perp used Taqiyya (sanctioned lying to the Kuffar under Islam) to lure the cops to the home.
The perp then tried to perform Personal Jihad by killing a Kuffar cop. It didn’t work, thank God.
The perp then killed himself. The cops didn’t take him out, so he wasn’t a “martyr to Allah” under Islamic law. Perhaps the perp conflated suicide with Jihadi martyrdom.
Update on Collin College…
As with all the Texas municipal races on Saturday, every trustee incumbent kept their seat.
Despite how much money was poured into the races by the Democrats – pumping out ads on LIFELOG like crazy to flip the trustee’s blue and take over the college – they couldn’t make a dent.
And the incumbent trustees won in a shock landslide – wasn’t even close.
The Texas political machine, on every level, is formidable.
If you’re elected, to any office no matter how local or small, the machine protects you.
I first read that as “all colorized people” and was thinking it was akin to colorizing old movies.
I don’t even know what “colonized people” is supposed to mean.
Those are the ones you look down upon.
It’s better than thinking they’re the ones in your colon.
That is where the cougars will be putting them this winter….

Of Lo Info Ain’t ma job mons??
In the Rockies??
It is sort of pitiful, isn’t it?
When the snow is six feet deep and the power goes out, will one of them chop wood?
Yeah and the leader is from GEORGIA that gets NO SNOW!
What is even funnier is I have been saying for years we need to drop these commies and Global Warmists in the Rockies with NO CO2 PRODUCING products…
That would be hilarious! Commie Survivor! Maybe Trump could host it, and be the one to throw them off the island!
Maybe cut off the O², too
And DiHydrogen Monoxide, while they’re at it…
Yikes ! this article gives a look into the guy. Colorado watch out!
Gazi Kodzo is a radical social media activist from Atlanta, GA, the self-declared commander-in-chief of his own radical group, the Black Hammer.
I’m sure it’s a coincidence their organization’s initials are ‘BHO’…
[edit / disclaimer: this could be a set-up, riddled with undefinable logical fallacies, has nothing to do with game theory, and may harbor mild agitants, including but not limited to sarcasm, irony or other undesirable humor]
HE’S WEARING WHITEFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cultural appropriation, too…
ANOTHER new Schlichter —
Flag up for pgroup. He was supposed to receive a scary diagnosis 5/5 and let us know how we could help (it was not likely to be good).
He posted 2:24 with update.
Intermediate update on pgroup2:
Have appt with doc at 9:40 this AM. It is not lymphoma. Most likely a bladder cancer. We are going to ‘choose’ which chemo protocol to use to drop the swelling fast, followed by some sort of immune RNA regimen that requires a PIC line to be installed in my body somewhere.
TY for your concerns and for your prayers. I don’t think I deserve it but as long as y’all are convinced otherwise, I accept all with gratitude.
Don’t be too concerned. We’d just have to find someone else to pick on if you up and died, that’s all it is.
*Kicks under table*
Some days he really deserves it.
Thank you for the update! Clearly not good news, but a fast diagnosis is a blessing.
You will have plenty of prayers. And thanks to God for a swift diagnosis!
Trying to get a handle on this — RNA regimen????? Is there a solid tumor to be excised?
Good to hear from you. Still in “thoughts” mode — one does not ask god to unscrew a screw until all human efforts fail.
RNA stuff was sitting in my browser, by chance!
For bladder cancer?!?!?
Theoretically works for any cancer.
There are some top-notch researchers here – perhaps when you get a definitive diagnosis, you could get some help with the choice of protocol.
Btw, thanks for the detailed Section 8 info … it ain’t my area of expertise.
Good luck!
My brother is nine years cancer free. Survivor of bladder cancer. I am praying for you.
Hi Sylvia!
And how are *you* doing?
I’m doing okay. Totally healed up from the surgery. Unfortunately I’ve just gone through some additional testing and a biopsy and am waiting for news on that. I’m VERY hopeful that the one biopsy will be negative and that the second area will just need to be monitored. But right now I’m in that waiting place……
How are you doing???
Decent, considering – thanks for asking!
Health is fine, but I find it very disappointing that so many MA people are just going along with the lockdowns / masks etc.
It’s stunning – both how hypocritical most are, and how compliant they are w.r.t. losing their God-given rights and freedoms.
Arrogance and ignorance is a deadly combo!
Having to interact with the medical folks so much over the last couple months has been an eye opener. So many of them have bought into the China Virus thing heart and soul. Not all of them. There are a few rebels here and there. But it’s a lot easier to pick out the true believers. It’s disgusting. You’d think people who have science backgrounds would be less tolerant of this twaddle, but unfortunately that’s not the case.
I find that medical people, in general, are taught that orgs like the CDC and FDA and so forth are to be believed and obeyed at all times.
You have to give them a ton of other information from other medical people to make a dent in their thinking.
I think we have to completely discredit the CDC. Break that mental/emotional tie and you have a chance.
That said, I have seen a nurse be presented with irrefutable evidence who will admit it to be true, but will then fall back under the spell because of professional and personal relationships within her circle.
It is maddening. We must keep fighting, though.
To break the spell of the CDC/FDA there needs to be a foot in the door, IMO. Dr. Lee Merritt talked about her foot in the door/red pill when she realized that Gulf War Syndrome was caused by a single batch of Anthrax vaccine that had a specific material in it. I think she said something about “squalus” which is dogfish, and once was the genus name of sharks. I may not have what she said correct, though. She didn’t spell it out.
That was a great video. She also talked about how manipulated our reality has been, and how we need to keep grounded.
Yes. She’s one who really gets it. I’m glad she and Mike Adams have teamed up to an extent.
I pretty sure she said squalene.
Sending positive thoughts your way.
Thanks Sadie!

For all the times you’ve met up with him, I’m surprised you haven’t grabbed his scythe and put it up on a rack next to your shovel.
Heh!!!! There’s an idea!!!

Smuchas, bfly!
Of course we’re concerned and definitely Praying for you. One can put a thousand to flight, Two, 10 thousand, a whole TreeHouse, beyond INFINITY.
Hang in there.
Thank you for the update!
Bladder cancer is dealable. I have two relatives, and a neighbor who have survived it. One for…at least 17 years.
Praying for you, pgroup!
I have a friend who had bladder cancer twice, and she is fully recovered now. I know from her case that there are really good treatments for it now.
Thank you for updating us.
Possibly of interest (H/T to Spiritof America commenter at Natural News.)
Beta glucan used to treat cancer, other diseases
There is a video of an interview with a researcher/expert who has written several peer-reviewed papers and has been studying Beta-glucans for more than four decades.
Interestingly WebMed says:
Six strips five days a week = breakfast.
Sorry to be a Debbie Diet Downer, but greasy food is out w/chemo.

So try to get in as much as you can ahead of time.
Thankfully, there is now chemo and chemo and chemo and chemo….all different, and with different side effects.
All of which are unpleasant, so if you were hoping for “continuous orgasms”, you will be sadly disappointed.
I friend of the family had the REALLY rough stuff, and the only thing she could keep down was Korean Jook with a lot of ginger.
Do not forget the medical marijuana for dampening the side effects.
Years ago, one of my neighbors – a very nice retired guy in his late 70s – found that MJ was the ONLY thing that would help his sick wife.
One must eat – AND keep it down – for to live.
And sleep.
That is the first thing the oncologist told my 29 year old son last summer when he was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. He said he couldn’t have gotten through chemo without it.
Not for pigs!
“BREAKING REPORT: Biden DOJ to Interfere with State of Arizona Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Ballots …Update: With DOJ Letter”
From an anon [I reformatted]:
The Spike_SARS2 protein interacts and binds with and blocks or hinders the function of over 600 human proteins:
Disturbing list of Covid Vaccine side effects stages take by ZH commentator.
Theory on the Major possibilities of death and suffering caused by Covid Vaccines.
>>Note: The genetically engineered Covid Vaccines, whether by nanoparticle vector delivery to healthy cells, or by altered Adenovirus vector delivery to healthy cells, forces the body to create at least trillions of fulling functioning Spike_SARS2 proteins and releases them into the body.
They all have full access to the cell nucleus(via multiple Nuclear Localization Sequences) and can damage DNA. There is no place in the body they cannot go. And they are not hindered by being attached to the clunky Covid virus.<<
~Death Stages of Genetic Covid Vaccines~
>Stage 1 (short term):
-> Ruptured Brain or Aorta Aneurysms;
-> Major Pancreas, Kidney, and Liver Damage leading to poisoned blood and neurodegeneration in the brain.
-> Blood disorders
-> DNA damage by fully functioning and intact Spike_SARS2 inside the cell(which does not happen in an actual Covid infection) binding to and blocking DNA repair proteins from repairing natural daily DNA damage. Damaged DNA is passed to daughter cells, creating a tumor cell line.
-> Covid antibodies attack human cells due to molecular mimicry
-> Spike_SARS2 protein blocks nerve cell synapses in the brain
-> Sudden dilated heart failure and strokes due to arterial smooth muscle damage and dysfunction
-> Erosion of Myelin Sheath protein protecting nerve cells, leading to early stages of Multiple Sclerosis.
-> Babies born to vaccinated mothers have serious mental and physical defects;
-> Pharmaceutical Scientists begin collecting data and observing the negative, unexpected, unpredicted effects of genetic engineering.
> Stage 2(medium term):
-> Autoimmune disorder when infected with ANY coronavirus, like Covid19, common cold, etc
-> beginning of serious psychiatric effects, including schizophrenia, hallucinations, senility for the young.
-> Pineal Gland damage leads to dissociation and loss of reality.
-> Kidney and Liver failure.
-> Major Lung and Heart Dysfunction
-> Parkinson like loss of motor controls
-> Retina degeneration and Ophthalamic nerve damage leads to loss of sight.
>Stage 3(longer term);
-> Cancer Roulette resulting from DNA damage in stage 1;
-> Pancreatic Cancer
-> Esophagial and Pharnyx Cancer
-> Pituitary, Cerebellum, Thalamus Cancers and Tumors.
-> Blood Cancer
-> epidemic of Metastatic Skin Cancer.
-> Breast Cancer
-> Colon Cancer
-> Prostate Cancer
-> Uterus Cancer
-> Mystery Diseases
>Stage 4:
-> Anyone not dead after stage 3 is now a Big Pharma patient for life. Big Pharma is now the sole world superpower.
-> Pharmaceutical Companies begin experimenting on willing terminal cancer patients with their genetic engineering/editing experimental technologies, which will lead to major advances in medical science, and possibility a discovery for eradication of cancer, the elites may end up living for hundreds of years or indefinitely…..
This is the stuff….
If Dr. Mikovitz is right, and think she is, the people behind all of this know that there is a reversal antidote, and it might be suramin which is one of the essential wonder drugs that’s DECADES old (over 100 years in this case) and that the government controls once they figured out it cures autism.
THAT makes me SOOOOOOO mad, you have no idea.
I’m sure “they” also know that the heavy vaccine schedule is the culprit, or at least part of the problem, and they aren’t giving that away, either.
Looking at Wikipedia you can tell there may be something to what Dr. Mikovitz says.
Wiki starts out with how dangerous the drug is and its side effects, and then mentions it is on the WHO list of essential safe drugs.

Just like the recently released MIT study – shredding the mask narrative, at first … but then concluding with (paraphrase) “We still recommend wearing one.”
The stupidity is epic.
Mornin’ Grandma!
Btw, in re “crypto”, I’ve never paid it any mind. While some “blockchain” based crypto may be out of the reach of hackers (for now), still it’s merely digital.
Any widespread electrical failure (or EMP overload), and Poof! all provable records go bye-bye.
Yes. Thank you. I have family who dabble in crypto. Good to know.
Oops – I forgot the headline / photo:
Court Authorizes Service of John Doe Summons Seeking Identities of U.S. Taxpayers Who Have Used Cryptocurrency
Wonder how wide spread the tax fraud is with crypto. How many folks checked “no” on their tax returns denying crypto transactions.
Guessing some aware of the Dodge effort to uncover crypto dealing will voluntarily amend their tax returns.
Exactly right! Thank you, Emstar.
It’s not real money.
It is also like a big pyramid scam.
People who buy into it try to get others to buy into it because it increases the value of their holdings.
The largest concentration of Bitcoin Miners is in China.
I discovered this last year when I was reading whatever I could find about the Three Gorges Dam.
And that concentration of Bitcoin Miners is located below the Dam in Wuhan.
Thanks for posting ^^^.
A few years back when crypto, Bitcoin emereged, my immediate thought was, crypto, Bitcoin, ARE a pyramid scheme. Stay the hell away from crypto, Bitcoin.
The China angle surprises me, but it should NOT have surprised me. Both China and crypto, Bitcoin ARE evil. IMO.
Crypto may very well be another way for China to upend the free world.
YW, Kalbo.
Yeah, I didn’t know what the term “Bitcoin Miner” referred to.
So I had to search it out.
A bitcoin miner is someone who sits at a computer all day and works to drive up the price of bitcoins.
So yeah…it’s a scam.
Laughing at the, “Any widespread electrical failure (or EMP overload), and Poof! all provable records go bye-bye.”
Quite intentionally, I know little to nothing about crypto, Bitcoin…
By all appearances, crypto, bitcoin seem like a “con” job that folks are falling for, quite willingly. At some point, the crash is inevitable. IMO.
Slow guy will stick with gold and silver I can hold, and our fiat dollar. Looking into picking up land in a few states.
Crypto always seemed to me a way for the Banksters to get us onto a completely digital currency.
Yea, that thought had occurred to me also. The bastids absolutely want everyone on digital soonest.
All about C O N T R O L the minions.
I, perhaps we, RESIST.
I have told my relatives that if they hit on Crypto they should buy land immediately.
Sounds like you get the concept of “if you can’t drop it on your foot…”
Steve, them there “Tangible Assets”.
Exactly. It can’t be both.
The DS editors are getting sloppy in their haste.
Again from the anons:
[anon comment] “Military Tribunals”
>>Earlier this week we published the English translation of a video in German that Attorney Reiner Fuellmich published with a whistleblower who works in a nursing home where several residents were injected with the experimental COVID mRNA shots against their will, and where many of them died a short time later.
Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will
Since that interview was published, other whistleblowers in Germany who work in nursing homes have also stepped forward, some with video footage showing residents being held down and vaccinated against their wish.<<
^THIS^ is why they trotted out the ANXIETY is the reason for covid vax deaths!
Not sure I get precisely what you mean …
I can posit quite a few reasons (there’s almost always more than one), but I can’t yet pin down what you mean.
Smear elderly (mental illness = handicap – like the LA “Sheriff” force-vaxxing the “vulnerable” … ostensibly for their own “good”?
A predicate for a legal defense for their actions?
Seed the population with a vax “hesitancy” narrative? It’s *their* fault … so that when one denies the injection, one is branded as bad?
Pump up the FEAR smear in general, to make decisions more emotionally-based?
Bunch of predicates here – which one are you referring to?
Dr. Mercola deletes all articles about Vitamin D, zinc and covid after being personally threatened –
In an announcement, Dr. Mercola explained that one of the last straws was when a Bill Gates-funded “doctor” called on terrorists to personally attack Dr. Mercola for countering the pro-vaccine agenda of Gates and other medical fascists who have raked in obscene profits over the past year pushing masks, jabs and small business closures.
Peter Hotez, president of the Gates-linked Sabin Vaccine Institute, recently put out a report called “Meeting the Challenge of Vaccine Hesitancy” that contains a call-to-action for “cyberwarfare experts” to wage war on people like Dr. Mercola who are teaching people to protect their health naturally and cheaply through nature, rather than unnaturally and expensively through Big Pharma.
“Accurate, targeted counter-messaging from the global health community is important but insufficient, as is public pressure on social-media companies,” Hotez laments in the piece.
“The United Nations and the highest levels of government must take direct, even confrontational, approaches with Russia, and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States.”
Hotez’s remark about Russia just goes to show that the vaccine-loving left is still obsessed with the ongoing Russiagate conspiracy theory, which was debunked more than four years ago as manufactured fake news stemming from two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton.
Hotez goes on to call for the establishment of a “high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the U.N. secretary-general” that would be used to “assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures.”
Such experts should be well-versed in how to tackle “complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril,” Hotez writes.
“It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counteroffensive.”
Cyberterrorists target Dr. Mercola’s website, threatening to destroy him
Such hysterical fearmongering and radical extremism are nothing new for the medical deep state. What is new is calling on bomb diffusers and counter-terrorists to take up the fight against freedom-loving Americans who object to permanently altering their DNA with the experimental gene therapy injections that they are calling Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines.
Consequently, Dr. Mercola has already been deplatformed from all the major social media networks. His website was also targeted by left-wing cyberterrorists who launched numerous attacks in an effort to silence him and run his operation straight into the ground.
Despite all this, Dr. Mercola has refused to succumb to these governmental and pharmaceutical thugs and is willing to defend himself in court, if necessary. What he says he cannot endure any longer is the growing threat to both himself and his family, which he says he has “limited ability to defend” against.
“If you can imagine what billionaires and their front groups are capable of, I can assure you they have been creative in deploying their assets to have this content removed,” he writes.
“It is with a heavy heart that I purge my website of valuable information … They’ve moved past censorship. Just what do you call people who advocate counteroffensive attacks by terrorism and cyberwarfare experts? You’d think we could have a debate and be protected under free speech but, no, we’re not allowed. These lunatics are dangerously unhinged.”
Dead give away that the vaccine skeptics are right on the money. Vitamin D and zinc it is. Although, Aubergine says no more zinc than…. If she can refresh my memory, I would appreciate it. I just know that I don’t take a supplement if I have beef on any given day. That’s what I figured.
And vitamin D…it’s overcast here today which is a good thing considering the color of my chest this morning after soaking up some rays yesterday.
I’m no lover of Dr. Mercola per se, but his voice is important. Hence, the targeting.
Hotez is NUCKIN FUTZ! He completely believe Russia Russia Russia.
NATURE publishes insane rant by Texas pediatrician Peter Hotez, who seemingly calls for United Nations SHOCK TROOPS to wage “counteroffensive” against all anti-vaxxers – (opinion) –
Democrat senators wage war on “anti-vaxxers” with shocking HIT LIST of targeted truth-tellers –
Along with Tenpenny, Mercola, and Kennedy, the Democrat duo also names Ty and Charlene Bollinger, Rizza Islam, Rashid Buttar, Erin Elizabeth, Sayer Ji, Kelly Brogan, Christiane Northrup, Ben Tapper, and Kevin Jenkins as problematic influencers who are convincing too many people to skip the jab and take off the mask.
25 mg a day is the recommendation. You can take more, but only for a short period of time, like a week. Too much prevents the absorption of copper.
Your beef is a good source for zinc!
Thank you.
When you said that, I took a look at my supplements and the zinc content in what I eat, and on red meat days…no zinc supplement. I’m getting plenty unless I’m coming down with something.
I have lost some of his videos but thankfully I have been nebulizing 3pct food grade hydrogen peroxide for a bad case of bronchitis from watching one of them. Hoping it works. What’s amazing is some of the other Naturopathic Drs. still have some of the same info. out there. They are definitely targeting Dr. Mercola.
I read where you are supposed to use 35% pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide. The only thing you can actually purchase is 11 or 12% diluted from the pharma grade.
Supposedly it is purer. The stronger it is the more it can burn the skin, so I think more info is needed.
I watched a few videos from doctors and they never said you had to use the pharma grade.
After all that’s come out, I think ONE of several bugs/bacteria is a bad flu. Before the second half of March last year, one was labelled “Influenza A” and that’s what I had. And it is NASTY.
One more from the anons:
Anon1 says:
“An Rh- body will reject any Rh+ cell that enters in to it.
Each vax was based on cells taken from an Rh+ aborted fetus.
Bonus cuz the vax attaches itself to your DNA, so your own white blood cells will attack your own DNA til you’re dead.”
Anon2 replies:
“Those four main blood groups—A, AB, B, and O—can be Rh-positive or Rh-negative, meaning that there are 8 blood groups in total. When the researchers looked at this second classification, there was further good news—people in any blood group which is Rh-negative are also “somewhat protected” from the virus.
“An Rh− status seemed protective against SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the study authors wrote. Additionally, “Rh− had a lower [adjusted relative risk] of severe COVID-19 illness or death.”
“Those who are O-negative may be the least likely to get COVID.
“If a patient was O-negative, they were particularly protected from the novel coronavirus, the authors noted. “Rh− blood type was protective against SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially for those who were O-negative,” they wrote.
“Unfortunately, this is a much more rare blood type. The American Red Cross reports that 8 percent of white Americans, 4 percent of African-Americans, 4 percent of Latinx-Americans, and 1 percent of Asian-Americans are O-negative.”
[Anon2 comment] [“Here is the “source” that failed to source”]
“Joel Ray, MD, of St. Michael’s Hospital, suggested that people with these more resistant blood types may have already developed antibodies that can recognize certain aspects of the novel coronavirus and are therefore better prepared to fight it off”
I don’t understand why Trump endorsed this woman, I’m disappointed, and I’m really tired of being disappointed for the past six months.
Raw politics here. She is a ‘Republican’ in NY.
She has done some very good things, but the swamp still reigns.
Her Explanation.
“‘While I continue to be a strong supporter of securing our border, I believe the president declaring a national emergency that will take funding from our country’s military construction projects is the wrong decision,” Ms. Stefanik said in a statement. “For this reason, I voted in support of today’s resolution disapproving of the national emergency with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. As a constitutional conservative, I consistently criticized President Obama’s executive overreach. No matter what party is represented in the White House, I will stand up against executive action that circumvents Congress. I will continue to negotiate in good faith to fully fund securing the border, and I urge my Democrat colleagues to commit to doing the same.’”
That’s kind of lame, IMO.
The lawless Demoncrats just laugh at Republicans who are like this.
Stefanik represents Upstate NY Disctrict I am guessing. FT Drum. Maybe the wall funding impacted construction scheduled at FT Drum. Dunno.
Regardless, the wall supports a secure border and should have been supported.
Supporting Stefanik IS the lesser of the evils, I suppose. Something I won’t do in the future.
Too MANY of the “lesser of the evil RINOs” got voted into office, then stabbed Trump in the back over his four years in office.
I like Stefanik she is not a Rino. She supported Trump from the beginning though his impeachment . According to Rudy she was very helpful during the impeachment process. Will she agree with everything Trump did no. I do not agree with everything Trump did. She seems honest and that means a lot.
I do not even agree with everything my husband does and he does not agree with everything I do but we do not get divorced.
The point I am making is no one is served with people who agree100% on everything. Just my thoughts.
Exactly. Perfect is the sworn enemy of good. And perfection doesn’t exist in politics. The best we can hope for is an OPTIMUM solution, something that people like VSGPDJT look for; otherwise they wouldn’t be able to stay in business, nor be able to negotiate successfully.
Stefanik has also put some very pointed questions up in hearings that others either would not have come up with, or, perhaps, would not have asked. Best to work with what you’ve got, rather than lose what little you have by holding out for “perfect”…..
So true. Nothing is perfect except God.
She is not my first choice either. But none of my first 5 choices are even in the running.
Of the options that are likely to win or even come close to winning and can be pushed over the top with President Trump’s endorsement, which other potential candidate would you prefer he endorse?
Of the likely/semi likely options she is the best in President Trump’s opinion.
Yes, she voted for the above mentioned items, esp. the farm workers – but Nunes also voted for that as did others that usually vote “right”/the way I want them to. Guess they have laor shortages in farm country. IDK …
But the point is that of the choices in the running, who would be better?
Boy, do I feel that!
And I don’t understand either. Much the same way I don’t understand his support of the poison covid injection.
Disappointed is my perpetual state lately, which I hate.
No matter what I think of whatever P45DJT has said or done, I believe it best to either believe it (he DOES speak the truth), or to allow for future belief.
“Future proves past.”
Also, it’s like going “all-in” in poker. There isn’t any sense in doing anything else – the only alternative is folding. Even with a misstep or two, I’ll take the 95% win – a more realistic percentage – any day of the week.
By going “warp-speed”, P45DJT forced the designation of the putative “vaccine” to be “emergency authorized”, but NOT approved. From what I’ve read, it means the the “vaxes” were MADE TO ORDER – tailored to exactly what P45DJT’s specifications were.
That’s quite hopeful. Perhaps the leverage went FAR deeper than just a request – instead, it was a *requirement*.
Do I *really* think that he’d allow for widespread death and destruction? I think not. (“I caught them all!”)
I recall DePat positing that a good proportion of the injections are benign – what if it’s the vast majority?
Also, even in today’s thread, she mentioned that there are likely cures – even relatively EASY cures (withheld for now).
Pfizer seems the worst, and the flak J&J caught may mean that is was mostly a placebo / saline.
This may only be true, though, here in the USA. Other countries may have gotten a much higher percentage of the REAL bio-weapon, instead of the placebo.
In this posited context, we’re doing ok.
[Perhaps I should here include a disclaimer similar to Scott’s? I LMAO when I read it!]
Chin up!
[PS, The same applies to the Stefanik endorsement …]
[PPS, This ends my cheerleading session for today. lol]
I am hanging with Trump, I just don’t always understand what the heck is going on.
I do get that the vaccine nonsense could be much worse if it was mandatory.
I bet this would make a great meme …
Anon says:
“Reuters actually fact checked this and said, “No a demon wasn’t present at Biden’s addressing of Congress.” Seemed a little odd for Reuters to fact check it so quickly.”
[Enlarged cap]:
There’s one picture where you can see that the “figure” is two different objects that resemble AV equipment carts. From a theater and performance perspective, it looks like there are black drapes on them, sort of like photographers use. If this was the REAL House chamber. those would not be there. Someone working on that set thought we would not notice is my guess.
Meme Caption: “THE RING IV: Samara Comes Home”
It may infuriate the YSM, when it’s shared all around – and we KNOW it’s fake!
“B-b-but it’s been de-bunked!!!”
Just as a side note…..
One of the most important events in the entire Covid farce was when the Cabal realized that HCQ was an OTC medication in France, and abruptly banned it.
Mind you, it was still OTC in the third world, and remains so today.
The TIMING is what was the real tell.
France Banned Over the Counter Chloroquine Days Before First Western Scientific Report on Pandemic
OCTOBER 2019????
A brief anon thread:
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”<<
[YT video from a couple weeks ago]
PM Trudeau Says ‘New Variants are Being Developed’ When Asked About Current COVID Threat
First reply:
Because they tend to mutate backwards.
“Mutate” meaning a change, deletion or addition to the originally modified organism.
Nature doesn’t like artificial changes, that’s why GMO crops fail after the first year or two
if you reuse the seeds (If you even can, some are made to be sterile).
The viruses’ deletions centered on the injected Spike Protein, it was returning back to a state that couldn’t infect humans.
They need new ones in the areas of the world that it reversed.
India may be a different case…
Second reply:
‘Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize HIV Virologist Says CV “Bio-engineered” in Lab – Contains Strings Of Inserted HIV
“This virus was manipulated meticulously, it’s not natural.”
Interesting Points:
–Mutation-Deletions are bringing the virus back to its unmodified state – the HIV insertion is specifically degrading faster than the rest.
–The virus is quickly loosing its ability to infect humans.
-Verifiable proof this was engineered “For Gain-of-function” advances, specifically contains a genetic sequence from HIV.
-China has enormous pressure on any studies or media related to the origins of the virus.
-Source as the Wuhan BioLab confirmed.
-Intentional or not, this engineered virus being released constitutes as a launched Bio Weapon.
-Electromagnetic means of manipulation can be used to neutralize the virus. Which also means they can be used to amplify it.
-Who controls the modulation of the antennas determines the effect
Host: “If we want to reassure ourselves, since you have continued to work on this virus, that virus today it has lost, you say, all its virulence and you imagine that it will no longer be specifically dangerous in the next few weeks?”
Luc: “Yes, what is interesting, if you will, is that my mathematical colleague Perez thinks there’s some kind of harmonization of the sequences, of the genetic information, which is carried as well in our own chromosomes as by the virus. So nature doesn’t accept anything.
That is, we can do anything to nature but if you’re making an artificial construct, it is unlikely to survive. That is to say that nature loves the harmonious things and what is foreign, such as another virus coming from another virus is not well tolerated.
So, what is happening as time goes by, the epidemic is spreading, notably in the United States where there is the largest number of cases, there is an evolution through mutations, right. The sequences will mutate. Mutate means one nucleotide changed for an other, the genetic code is changing.
But it also means deletions that are made: It means that there are whole chunks of the genome, including… what is extraordinary is that, precisely, the region that carries the HIV sequences are mutating much faster than the others. So, it itself disappears by deletions.
So, we have patients on whom we have isolated the virus and sequenced the virus, in the western part of the United States, in Seattle, and this sequence is almost demolished and no longer works.”
Host: “So the HIV is gone?”
Luc: “You’d think if the new pathogenicity if you will, of the corona is related to the introduction of these sequences, that it is going to disappear. It’s a bit of hope.”
>”It was like an aggressive tiger in March and April but now it’s like a wild cat,” Bassetti said. “Even elderly patients, aged 80 or 90, are now sitting up in bed and they are breathing without help. The same patients would have died in two or three days before.”
>Evidence continues to mount that the new infections throughout much of the country are extremely mild, with the exception of some serious cases coming over the border from Mexico.
You’d think a Nobel Prize winner’s word would be respected on this. I hope it is.
Several other top notch scientists from different countries have said this is a GMO virus starting with the study from INDIA that was forced to be removed.
Here are a couple (There was also one Czech and another paper from France.)
Breaking Now: Scientists Confirm Coronavirus Man-Made…Contains ‘pShuttle-SN’ Sequence Proving Laboratory Origin
USA — Lyons-Weiler
Harry Chen PhD
According to Dr Boyle, responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act, it was bio-engineered in North Carolina and paid for by the Chinese AND the USA National Institutes of Health under OBAMA. The Coronavirus was bio-engineered for ”robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. AND so ” SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein.
A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.
It was Electronically Published on November 8, 2015
And LOOK who funded it! The National Institutes of Health under Fauci AND the State Key Program for Basic Research Grants from the Chinese Ministry of Science. Fauci not only funded the initial research but indicated interest in funding further research.
New variants being developed.
Man, these people are stupid. Real actors know not to slip like that.
They’re never going to let this go.
Unless forced, no. They’re going to try to extend the lockdowns and other fascist measures as long as possible.
Good Grief! The news keeps getting worse!
Meet Bishop Garrison: The Pentagon’s Hatchet Man in Charge of Purging MAGA Patriots and Installing Race Theory in The Military
We now know the hatchet man the Pentagon has selected to carry out this MAGA purge of the American defense forces, and the entire operation is worse than you could have ever imagined.
The Biden administration has just put the equivalent of Ibram X. Kendi in charge of vetting the entire U.S. military.
This hatchet man’s name is Bishop Garrison, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for Diversity and Inclusion
Leftists are fake newsing it all over the place, saying things like TN banned teaching on racism …
Verse of the Day for Thursday, May 6, 2021
“But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.”
Psalms 13:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Outrageous blasphemy: Chelsea Clinton claims “if Jesus were alive today he’d be working at Planned Parenthood”
That girl needs a serious reality check.
For one thing, Jesus is alive today…
At times I feel sorry for Webster’s daughter. But the feeling quickly leaves when I see comments like that.
This is what you get when the Easter Bunny replaces the Resurrection.
Chelsea is dumb. Just because she is educated does not make her intelligent.
She has no clue what Jesus would do.
The audit seems to be where it’s at, and information leaked does seem to be head fakes.
>>”The audit seems to be where it’s at”<<
Here’s some info on watching the audit, live (TY anons!):
Help Us Keep Them Honest – Arizona needs more eyes on the Arizona Audit
The Arizona Audit Live Feeds Channel on Telegram has had eyes on the Maricopa County Election Audit from day one, but we need more volunteers to help watch the cameras 24/7. In the next few days the Maricopa County Election Audit will be ramping up their volume significantly (+ 400%-600%) by adding twice as many tables, and two additional shifts per day.
Any volunteers would be greatly appreciated. If you’re interested please go to our telegram channel to help us out.
Arizona Audit Live Feeds Channel:
Arizona Audit Live Feeds Chat:
1) WATCH: Live Feeds of the Audit on ( This website provides full screen surveillance monitoring with built-in time stamp and incident reporting tools. All feeds come directly from
2) DOCUMENT: Screen cap, record, describe concerns, document, etc.
3) DROP: Drop reports into each of the nine camera rooms based on which camera is being documented. There is one group for all nine cameras.
AZ Audit Cam #1 –
AZ Audit Cam #2 –
AZ Audit Cam #3 –
AZ Audit Cam #4 –
AZ Audit Cam #5 –
AZ Audit Cam #6 –
AZ Audit Cam #7 –
AZ Audit Cam #8 –
AZ Audit Cam #9 –
4) REPORT: After posting in the AZ Audit Cam Rooms, please email your report to or
Arizona Election & Audit Channel: or @AZAuditNews
Arizona Election & Audit Chat: or @AZAuditChat
This was one of the tweets beneath the one you posted. I thought it deserved an airing.
That didn’t work out so well this is what I was trying for.×900
maybe it will show this way

Israeli Report Finds Catastrophic Side Effects Of Pfizer Vaccine To Every System In Human Body!
may 6, 2021 the marshall report
Israeli People Committee’s Report found horrible side effects from Pfizer Vaccine – affecting every system in the HUMAN BODY! A civilian body of leading Israeli health experts have published its April report on side effects that indicate damage to almost every system in the human body. The Pfizer vaccine had been linked to more deaths in Israel than to all the deaths in all of Europe from AstraZeneca. These findings were stated as being catastropic on every possible level.
Pfizer vaccine’s side effects indicating damage to almost every system in the human body
“We received 288 death reports in proximity to vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination), 64% of those were men.” Stated the Israeli People Committee , “there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people.” The report is long and detailed.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
And the Israelis making a big deal of this will get noticed, I’m sure.
I thought it was rather foolish to go about the program the way they did, but who am I to say.
Wondered about that, too, DP – but have to remember the DS is in every country – and we know what their agenda entails.
I usually hold my tongue and fingers on Israel. No disrespect to the worka day people living there, who are not part of the government, but I have an idea Israel was carved out of Palestine for DS reasons.
I mean, it’s just a coincidence that the vast majority of Christian holy sites are there, right?
I agree – it is definitely a conundrum – they are probably infiltrated as much as we are by ‘bad actors’ – but, we must support them nevertheless – Yes – of Judeo-Christian importance!
…modern day Israel’s borders are at least somewhat connected to ancient Israel’s borders, the Promised Land that God swore to give to Abraham & his descendants…ancient biblical lands means modern Christian overlap since Christianity grew out of Judaism, in a manner of speaking.
I have A Lot of info on the land & history here…much of it from American Thinker articles…fyi
I am often amazed that almost none of us utilize the Article Rating widget. It is right above the Post Comment box. The circle with a number in it is an average of all the votes. You can vote on the article by clicking one of the stars. The ratings range from one to five stars. Five stars means you love it. One star means you didn’t love it very much. Three stars is a shrug. If you put your cursor over the circle, you can see how many votes were cast. Have fun!
Just found it, Jim – Thanks!!!
God Please Help Us!
Biden’s Brave New World?
This predates Biden by a number of decades. Fetal tissue research has been going on AT LEAST since the 1950s, probably into the 40s. The reason why we hear about it is because in the first decade or so of the 2000s, about 15-20 years ago, the private investment dried up because there had been no progress or victories, especially with embryonic stem cells. Once the private money dried up, the lab heads had to apply for federal grants and that’s where things got sticky. Public money used for ghoulish and immoral experimentation is not acceptable for many of us. Even the fetal tissue used for vaccine development that’s been “immortalized” has been in use since the 60s and 70s.
I’m very glad this is FINALLY getting attention, but it’s been going on for A LONG TIME.
Dana Perino doesn’t look happy about that, at all.
The little Bushie needs to retire.
He is working hard to lay groundwork for 2022 and 2024. He is working on fixes for many of the ways dem controlled corporations were trying to stop or outmaneuver us last time. Communication and other issues to do with running for politics and connecting
+MAGA conservatives time to fix/improve voting integrity in counties and states across the nation. Even in TN we have improved election and voter integrity. Examples include new laws passed adn controversial changes to election commissions, some not over yet, and some counties managed to do it quietly and under the radar. Those changes will continue to yeild results. The county GOPs are (usually) closely involved in the appointment of county election commissioners and therefore new county GOP elections made a difference. MAGA is on the move and making a difference at the county and state level in TN!
Also, in our county and in other surrounding counties, more people are attending meetings and asking about being involvd as officers etc.
Those MAGA attendees are making a difference as to what questins are being asked and wht actions the parties are taking.
When speakers come and those questions are asked it shapes the politicians perceptions of the public. In our county and in others I have attended in the region the attendees are MAGA through and through and are asking Hot and loaded questions – politie but informed and on target.
MAGA members are also learning Right Now how to be poll workers and poll watchers. MAGA GOP counties are putting on “How to run for office” classes. We have had grassroots groups spring up – in Williamson county fighting the school board on a number of issue and now they are more aware of the politics of many of the local elected and appointed people. Same in other counties. A fantastic group has started watching, either live or the recordings, all of the legislative committee meetings in TN this past session and reporting committee votes!
MAGA is preparing to be stronger than ever throughout the counties, states (and therefore RNC) and nation at the grassroots level, in the parties, through conservatives orgs, through loose associations that have just formed. We know what some of the problems are and are determined to fix them and WIN
President Trump is leading by example on this and is fixing things at a MACRO level – huge systems that most of us coundn’t put together.
NEVER seen people so motivated and so many more getting involved just as President Trump has encouraged us to do
Tucker questions the numbers we’re being told about deaths from jabs.
“Fewer than 1% of adverse effects are reported by the VAERS system.”
“It’s clear that what is happening now, for whatever reason, is not even close to normal.”
[video src="" /]
“No questions allowed” is the most hopeful thing I’ve seen in a while when it comes to this. If Tucker is questioning it, Catherine Herridge will follow.
The dam has a crack. Finally.
I haven’t been watching Fox; still boycotting them.
It’s amazing to me that Tucker hasn’t been fired yet.
They have to have some semblance of balance, but, yes. I suspect there may be some reason why he is allowed to stay beyond that.
Fox has recovered somewhat, they are now beating all other networks in the daily time slots for about 5 weeks now. But overall they’re all down. Hee Hee, CNN has retooled it’s morning show like 3 times and it only has 500K viewers and dropping, bottom of the barrell.
Tucker is a smash, he’s a fearless truthbomber, and their cash cow.
Yeah, I can see how Tucker would be getting the highest ratings.
TPTB at Fox probably figure that if they fired Tucker…their ratings would go straight down.
I watch him on YouTube
Fidel Castro denounced Communism…and then proceeded to put it in place, once he gained power.
This was posted on Gab and shows the list of what Castro did:

The Dems seem to be working their way through this list.
They may never come right out and call it “Communism”…and instead come out with their own name for it.
I wonder what their new name for it will be?
Maybe they already have…”The Green New Deal”.
It has the word ‘green’ in it, so how could anyone be against that.
The Castro regime also hunted down and slaughtered the nation’s favorite pet, Havanese breed dogs, because they were a symbol of the ruling class. The breed was resurrected with 17 specimens that people brought with them from Cuba in the 60s. Even leftists are appalled at that action.
That’s hardcore isn’t it…slaughtering little dogs because of their breed name.
He could’ve just renamed the breed.
Not the name, but because they were the favored pet of the upper middle class. Few of them were ever found outside of Cuba before 1960 because they were given as gifts not sold. That was the issue.
Poor little doggies.
What a monstrous thing to do.
As a dog lover that makes me sad to think of it…and furious at Castro.
Yes Biden and his criminals are working to implement communism. They call it New World Order. The old failed system packaged into a new slogan but it is still the failed system.
Warmed over and resurrected feudalism. The elite NEVER accepted the results of 1776 and have been trying to reverse it ever since.
That must be it. Never thought of that.
Fresh out of the ‘Communist Manifesto’
Thank you for the excellent post DP
Had a friend who went to Berkley studied psychology. He is so screwed up and got cough up in the hippy crowed.
It’s all starting to come out. They can’t ignore the connections anymore, even if what is being reported is salacious in nature. Sooner or later the whole truth will have to be reported.
Credit to BANG Showbiz
“Bill Gates transfers $1.8bn in stocks to estranged wife Melinda Gates”
A divorce to protect assets?
Gates is mentioned.
Pepe Lives Matter
Check out the symbolism coming from the G7 summit this year.
Remincient of Ghislaine Maxwell’s Terramar project.
These people are stupid.

The USA has more vaccinated people than any other country INCLUDING CHINA!!!
We have become a compliant society ?
Sure looks like it. LOTS of push from the media, governors, corporations schools and Doctors.
This is how they planned to bring us down.
“A right is not what someone gives you; it’s what no one can take from you.”
Ramsey Clark
Looks like we in the USA no longer have any ‘Rights’
The sad thing is I know people like this.
That’s all it’s going to take…neighbor telling on neighbor for gestapo intervention
Yup, there are plenty of nasty small-minded little hitlers out there who will get much joy in destroying their innocent neighbors.
The schools system with their ‘micro-aggression’ nonsense has been busy training them for decades.
They need to feel more important then they are. Maybe envious of neighbor ?
They need to be sued.
You can not sue when the JUST -US system is very corrupt. My county is CORRUPT AS DC!
Yes you are right. Yes they are corrupt.
They want to feel important … ’cause they’re not.
I’m inclined to think this professor was set up, though by whom I guess we could debate…
That is the strength of totalitarianism that there are people who fink others.
I always think they are little people who need to feel important to rat others out.
God help us they are as bad as the worse in society because the consequences what they do is so damaging.
And WORSE they are SO PROUD of themselves for what they do.
Sooner or later the house of cards will fall. We just do not know when and how.
Frozen for a while at 230.
Then freezes again at 237.
My “likes” go through, eventually.
My looking at “likes” is hit-or-miss.
Server problems, yes – but are they “organic”, or from a DDOS???
Let’s see if this goes through (12:57 EST) …
It did – pretty quickly.
Count is now 244, but the tiny orange circle in the larger green circle at the lower right still says “zero”.
[This info could be of value to Wolf …]
Now 1:01pm EST.
O Solo Mio …
245, with the “zero” again …
Check in later …
Yep…site is kind of glitchy today.
I am seeing comments showing up in orange, like they are ‘new’, that were posted hours ago.
Also seeing comments on Page 2 that are also on Page 1.
And they’re orange.
Just a coincidence, surely.
Her name isn’t Shirley.
Maybe it’s “Wheatie Shirley”.
If by this you mean that when you have both pages in a tab, new comments show up on both…that, unfortunately is “normal” for this site.
If you meant something else, please disregard!
Yeah, this was something else.
Older comments, several hours old, showing up on both pages…in orange, as though they were new.

Sometimes half the comments on the page showing up orange.
I must have missed that.
Yeah, it’s really strange.
It has happened to me before, too…no idea why.
Stuff just blows through sometimes….
The governor spent four full days in Florida – not two as her handlers insist. And she was not vaccinated.
To this day, Whitmer and her staff have refused to provide any details of the Florida trip, citing “ongoing security concerns.” In fact, in a statement, they don’t even mention Florida, only that she left the state “to assist her elderly father who is battling a chronic illness.”
Whitmer’s office did not reach out to the Florida officials or state police to inform them of her arrival, which is customary security protocol, Deadline Detroit has learned.
Dick appears to have made a miraculous comeback.
……reported last week that her father was seen in the parking lot of a Lansing-area mall, getting into a brand new Tesla.
This does not pass the Xi-Deng hair-sniff test!
Xi-Deng says “Mmmmmm, mmmmm, good! I LUVVV Chinese food!”
Dim Son…
(things go better with coke?)…
This little inappropriate ditty from childhood comes to mind
Me Chinese
Me play joke
Me go pee-pee
In your Coke
And from England, long, long ago
Take a little Turkey,
Dipped in Greece,
Served on China…
(can’t remember the rest)….
My Pop (English grandfather) back in the early 1960s said that
1) the “Pakis” (Pakistanis, Moslems) would take over England, if unchecked
2) the “Common Market” (now the EU/EC) would NEVER be any good for England (and, at the time he said that, France was doing everything in their power to keep Old Blighty from joining the Common Market)…
3) if the Chinese ever got organized (Chinese Fire Drill, anyone?), they’d take over the world
It appears that he was right on all three counts…..
Wisdom of the ages…the common man sages!
“BREAKING: Maricopa County Did not Have ‘Admin’ Access to the 2020 Election – This Means They Ceded Ownership of Election to Their Outside System Provider”
This is interesting.
Pfizer exposed by major Indian Tv for extorting military bases and banks in exchange for Covid Jabs
2,536 views •Mar 4, 2021
Yeah, that part was odd as hell.
I remember reading/watching about this kind of activity weeks, or probably months, ago. From numerous countries around the world including in South/Central America, iirc. Not sure how many companies & how many national assets are under siege. Very bizarre totalitarian maneuvers…
There is no thinking going on, there is literally no one in charge with the capacity to think.
The vaccine doesn’t DO anything, at least nothing positive. It’s like they’re offering AIDS shots.
Not only should you not compensate Pfizer, you shouldn’t even let that poison in your country.
But if they’re so completely out of touch that they actually think poisoning their own population is something worth paying for, and Pfizer won’t allow them to poison their own people because of liability, the answer is very simple.
Ban Pfizer from the entire country.
Ban all products, and all products made by subsidiaries and all products with any relationship to Pfizer. Kick Pfizer out of the entire hemisphere.
Let their lawyers mull that over with the bean counters.
Nothing makes any sense anymore.
Rejoice, Citizen! You may now go to Yuma Career Advancement Camp 6. Your billet number is 54827D. Please check in no later than 5:00 pm (local) on May 10, 2021. All supplies and clothing are prearranged — you need only present yourself with ID and
a tracking deviceyour cellphone.
Remember the mistaken ID’d couple raided by the FBI in Alaska? It was because an Alaska Airlines employee in mask dispute with passenger Marilyn Hueper researched social media and maliciously reports her to FBI that she’s the one in their pic near Pelosi’s office. (
Mask Karens are good American Soviets! Report those patriots!
Tables must turn. People like this must be made to feel the same pain they are administering to others. There are ways…
The latest bogeyman. Variants. Get your third injection folks.
Clinical trials showed that getting a Moderna booster shot could be effective against some COVID-19 variants that have experts concerned, the company announced Wednesday.
Boosters to infinity
Has anyone seen this?

Microwaving the White House: Enemies Are Now Sonic Attacking Americans from American Soil :: Gatestone Institute
Unidentified parties have in recent years been directing sonic attacks on U.S. officials on American soil. One such attack even occurred on the grounds of the White House
Sorry the picture is so big
They should carry umbrellas made out of this stuff.
Assuming the attack is coming at you almost horizontal, hold the opened umbrella in front of you and turn round till you get a null.
Need to check that out. Thanks
This is a picture of a consulate overseas.
What can it possibly have to do with attacking Americans from American Soil?
I was not sure ?
I did read of a recent DC attack. Don’t remember if it was WH or elsewhere.
Worse than the Chinese virus is the hate focused on Asians and white people
Over at the u tree MAGA Mom couldn’t get on here and wanted to post this……….
Thanks! That was very thoughtful of you to bring that here.
Glad site is back up and everything ok
The Biden administration seems to make clear that they only go against deplorable
The Biden Administration Drops Dozens of Charges Against
Merrick Garland is China’s errand-boy!
Now that i learned cut and paste and copy watch out.

Let me know if I am spamming. No hurt feelings
Since I can not type, I LOVE cut and paste!
Why can you not type?
Never learned. I use hunt and peck and that is SLOW.
LOL…hunt and pecker also ! I’m fairly fast though…for a hunterpecker
I taught myself, actually. It only took about 20 years.
Hubby says I am getting a lot faster.
Same here
They’re going to get themselves in trouble with the Geneva Convention peeps doing that.
Just waterboard me, I’m freakin’ begging you.
no doubt!
Had to tell hubby about that one, being the guy that said he’d literally rather be shot in the leg w/ a nail gun (it happened in a roofing project) than get a cold. He’s pretty much like Bring on the waterboarding!!!
homeschooling snapshot – gave him a printed map of Africa (which we are studying right now) and told him to label a list of things including “all bodies of water surrounding Africa”
him: you mean label them water or what their names are?
steam coming from my ears … he is not a stupid boy. don’t know if that was class clown or lazy or teenage boy not engaged …
at least 50% of homeschooling is parenting (if not more)
Time for a glass of homeschool juice …
Mom, are you posting that online? What about my privacy? Don’t I get a say?!
Seriously, son? Yes. Not fb so no one will know you … You want me to let off steam online or should we have a conversation?! Wisdom is calling son, wisdom is calling …
Mom, your eyes are really big and, uh, that’s fine … I’m just going to work quietly on my assignment.
Good choice, son, good choice.
“Homeschool juice” of what percent ABV?
that is about to turn into shots
another instruction on the maps (instruction I carefully and thoughtfully wrote out on maps I took time to find and print) is to use a colored pencil to shade in the Sahara and to shade in the Sahel.
son’s Q: you want me to use two different pencils
me through gritted teeth: yes, since they are adjacent … !!!!!!!!
And now I know he is yankin my chain which is even worse than thinking my son’s IQ is in a completely different location on the bell curve
He is driving me up the wall today on purpose, for amusement, and has such a dry sense of humor I don’t even realize what he is doing sometimes.
You are probably dealing with the far right. That means you have to challenge him to keep him interested…. and from driving you nutz!

Bingo! Yes, I am. Asymetrically gifted but yes, so bright. And SO easily “bored”. He wants to learn as quickly as he understands and yet some skill sets must be developed. There is a difference between really knowing something and knowing about something. Some things come so easily that the buckle down and work hard part is a struggle.
And SO determined, independent and strong willed. First tried to run away at 3 something (was going to go live in the neighbors yard) and told me a 2.5 that he was an American and wanted his Freedom!
(gee, where does he get that from? ha)
I didn’t want him under pressure in school as many gifted children are (Reason 874 that we homeschool) and yet maybe a little more pressure would be a good thing so he might buckle down a little more.
So hard to know the right balance.
Buy him a few books to read.
Martin Garner’s “Mathematical Magic Show”
Isaac Asimov’s “Asimov on Numbers” (and perhaps others in his series – he explains very well!)
Puzzle books; mysteries; riddles – maybe even the original Rubik’s Cube (NO cheat sheets!)
Cryptograms, sudokus, crosswords, and the like. Mystery books and riddles. Anagrams, palindromes, and challenges he’s never encountered before.
Anything to keep him engaged, and interested, and occupied (on his own) for a time (and to keep your sanity!).
Let HIM begin to take charge of his own learning. Let YOU provide the fodder for him …
Is this of any help?
Robinson Self-Teaching Curriculum
Dr Robinson’s wife died suddenly and he and his friends organised the material she had collected. Since Dr Robinson was running his own company the burden of learning was up to the children who wanted to coninue with home schooling instead of getting dumped into a regular school. His two eldest tested out of the first year of college BTW.
(I read his news letters during this tragedy.)
Great recommendation – this is a fantastic program and I have a friend who had excellent results. However, son is asymetrically gifted … writing is a “challenge”. Coming along and making progress but Not a skill set that we can emphasize much less make the cornerstone of our learning program.
The only pressure a gifted child feels in school is to conform.
It might help if you explained to him that you’d rather be having interesting conversations with him about far more interesting things — and, frankly, that teaching this level of geography is tedious for you. Unfortunately, if you tried to have that sort of conversation with him at present, you’d have to do it in a sort of “baby talk”, because you couldn’t assume that he had a certain overall level of knowledge required to keep up. So you’re trying to get him that certain level of knowledge as quickly as possible. You’ll know he “gets it” and remembers it when he can successfully complete the exercises — it’s not that you’re making them up for your own amusement.
Also, he should note that everything at this level is actually somewhat wrong. Take, for instance, the bodies of water surrounding Africa — there’s the Mediterranean….except there’s actually the Straits of Gibraltar, the Alboran Sea, the Bay of Tunis, and the Libyan Gulf, as well. As you “zoom in” and “zoom out” of things, you need to start with something everybody knows and can relate to.
Once he starts to know about the Sahara, you can use common expressions like “sub-Saharan Africa”. He’ll be able to relate to “From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli”. He might understand why people use “Timbuktu” to mean “the far side of nowhere”, and understand a bit more of Casablanca.
You can tell him of the Gulf of Guinea and the Bight of Benin when you can both agree to start on the Atlantic Coast of Africa.
So, yes, this part is a bit boring and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere….but he needs it, before he can even talk about neat places to go.
Excellent … wish I had you nearby and in person!
I understand you comply. Many prayers.
Outsmart him. I had a son like that when I realized he got to me I excused myself into my bedroom and meditated did breathing exercises. When I was doing so I got the vision how to deal with him. My kids were surprised how mom came back with wisdom.
With a child like that one needs to be calm because they know when we are not.
My son who managed to get to me was hyper active and very bright. I only could deal with him laying out what I expected of him and I never promised anything I could not keep. Nothing got past me.
I loved and still enjoy his brilliance and quick wit
You need to be rested and be good to yourself?
Wise words. Thank you.
I ended up calling it a day and put him to work outside killing fire ants, mowing and bushwhacking. Not as punishment but getting some of that male energy out should help him settle down for tomorrow.
He has such a good heart and a tender spirit but doesn’t take school very seriously.
he saw me post the 2nd time and asked if I was typing off some more steam … clever play on words but so he laughed and I typed harder as he was still goofing off!
And I am under outside stress due to serious GOP committments. stressful but its what I can do and I know that is playing into less paitence on my part
I would like to share your post with my cousin on FB who has a young daughter who tugs mom’s chain sometimes. Please let me know if that is okay! Thanks singingsoul1! And yes, it is fine if you would rather keep your words only in this place.
Yes it is ok
Thank you, singingsoul1!
You are welcome.
You could have told him that he could use two different colored pencils, or he could use a mechanical pencil and use horizontal lines for one and vertical lines for the other.
That is a good one
Unless he’s extremely OCD, he’ll be unlikely to do that twice. Especially after you critique his line spacing.
Excellent suggestion.
I have often agreed to what he comes up with but in an unexpected twist. When I begin my answer with, “Good News!”, he knows it won’t be actual good news. He complained Every morning about getting out of bed … Good News one morning was “You Can’t get out of bed” – he was stuck there are day. Stopped complaining about that!
He’s about at the right age to start on the Heinlein “juveniles”.
Speaking of which, I learned from Heinlein that “the slickest way to lie is to tell just the right amount of truth, then shut up.”
Which lead to a discussion on the driveway with my mom one time…. I have to start with saying that my mom is the most brilliant intellect I have ever encountered……she is scary smart…..but not worldly. On the other hand, I’m “smarter than the average bear” but not in the same league as my mom…..but I’m also a trickster and a schemer, which I get from my maternal grandfather’s father, who was a riverboat gambler. So, my mom fixed me in her gaze and said, “I believe that every thing you have told me tonight is factually accurate, but has been carefully assembled for me to draw incorrect conclusions.”
It had, but I did what I needed to — shrugged, did an open hands gesture, said, “it’s all there.”
Before Heinlein, I might as well have been a sample on a microscope slide.
My husband and he read science fiction together and I will ask him about this author.
thank you so much
Teaching him to use his intellect for good and honest purposes only …
We read the Great Brain series when he was younger and I am still not convinced he learned the intended lessons from those books! ha
BTW, the map with body of water was just the very beginning. Also mapping the countries Rome Ruled, countries ruled by Islamic Caliphates in 700s forward, by Ottoman Empire and that had heavy trading with the middle east, India, and Europe. Mapping some of the larger, known African empires – how they expanded and contracted. Then the trade with Europe precolonization. And slave trade discussed through out.
All to lay a foundation for understanding the European colonization and slave trade. Perspective and balance.
Lastly, mapping which African countries were colonized by which European power, for how long and the general pros/cons of colonization (not lessening the harsh treatment but not ignoring the improvements to infrastruction, education, sanitation, healthcare, etc.)
Ending with essay on the differences and similarities of colonization/conquering of one nation over African nations between Rome, Middle East, large African countries and the recent European countries.
Again, designed to bring perspective and balance. All this is mostly done through map work, making charts and watching videos off the spine of a African history curriculum.
I am really not a boring teacher … just ask for the bodies of water just to double check … But today, will add to that map per your suggestion of more detailed names for smaller areas … and he will know *why* he is doing that.
Good News son. Remember how I had you do “baby” work on that map yesterday? Well, that was my fault for asking you to do something so obviously below your body of knowledge … let the fun begin! ha
Michigan meanderings from radio reports during Rush’s legacy show–about the only time I actually hear the “MSM” version of news around here…
Debbie Dingle(berry) MI rep says Trump should be continually banned on Facebook, in spite of some “free speech” concerns, because he is promoting “sedition”…& regarding DC depredations, “all the laws being passed are there to help the American people”…
In other Michigan insanity the mask “mandate” is allegedly lifted today, for the “fully vaccinated”. They won’t “allow” many people back to work until the state has 70% “vax” compliance–it’s only allegedly at 55% for at least one shot. Now they are saying the “vax” rate is “hovering around 50%” & they’ll re-open businesses “2 weeks after attaining 55% compliance”–continually moving goalposts–spit!
State government is debating lifting attendance limits on HS graduations & want them to be outside w/ masks/vax “requirements”. Some dem lawmakers crave the “health dept” being in charge of these “public safety” decisions. Totalitarianism unabated!
Border w/ Canada was “supposed” to open “May 21” but now sounds as if it will be closed indefinitely especially since Ontario only has like a 5% “vax” rate. Son’s hopes of finally meeting Canadian girlfriend of about a year in person dashed
Charlie LeDuff on Guy Gordon’s show discussing Whitmer’s FL trip on someone’s Gulfstream jet & what type of political favors will be owed for this privilege…CLD’s reporting on the incident linked below…
I wonder if any other prominent dems were in Florida at the same time as Whitmer & if her father’s health/age issues were a cover for why she Really was there? Soros? Check on & sabotage DeSantis? Rules for thee & not for me always in play!
Interesting. The 70 percent requirement is the same for the DIA. Your post helps me know that is probably a bureaucratic top-down dictate.
very interesting…
Herd immunity is when 60% to 70% of the population are immune.
China Wuhan Flu virus spread with no ‘herd immunity’
R= 4 or 1 ill person infects four others with no herd immunity. Bottom chart shows 3 out of 4 immune or 75%

Homeschool book company from which non homeschoolers can also buy quality books, most reprints. Recommended to me today. Features many books needed for a homeschool program called Five in a Row but also many others. I used FIAR as a great book list and occassionally did some of the activities although we didn’t do the actual program (my son liked some favorite books read when he was little but to dwell on one story for a full week? Nope, not his style … but FIAR is a sweet program)
Anyway, looks good.
Another that I have posted before but is realatively new
Their prices are reasonable, good quality stories, some new and some reprints, lovely illustrations/book covers
I bookmarked them, ty.
I saved them to pass on to the homeschoolers we know.
rom The Waking Times
May 6, 2021
Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist and Professor Emeritus at the University of California, San Francisco, has written a number of excellent books about health. His latest, “Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine” goes deep into the details of how changes in our food supply have damaged our metabolic health. (The created term “metabolical” is actually a portmanteau of the words “metabolic” and “diabolical.”)
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
That’s what doesn’t seem to get through to so many people I know.
Most people do not know – have not had nutrition education – sad, DP!
I’ve had “nutrition education”. It was useless bunkum.
Updated nutrition education???????
I want to learn how to make honeydew melon sorbet.
I would think that (1) remove seeds, rind from honeydew melon, (2) blend, and (3) freeze in ice-cream mixer would probably work.
We buy frozen blueberries — Dish them out top with heavy cream and call it ‘ice cream’
My daughter did that for her daughter when she was small.
How about this from Fifteen Spatulas?
There are a ton of other desserts there, as well as lots of other recipes and pics/vids… Some good things/people DO come out of Kalifornistan
Lots of good recipes there, also for gluten-free, low-salt, paleo, etc.
Oooh, and this one I’ve gotta try:
There is good and bad in everything, Cooth – not all courses are of good quality – learning is a lifetime process – testing and re-testing what works and what does not.
Sometimes, common sense helps – and yet – for some – even common sense is rare.
That INCLUDES the doctors!
Sad, but true, Gail!!!
DOJ Attempts to Get Involved in Arizona Ballot Audit – As Predicted DOJ Civil Rights Division Cites Lawfare Activists and Media Reports as Evidence of Concern
May 5, 2021 | Sundance |
I saw this – the Dims are just annoying because they know what the auditors will find – I hope and pray there is a remedy to get them to back off, DP!!!
If nothing can stop what is coming – why is this happening?
Sidney Powell: America is now a ‘Communist regime’
by Bob Unruh, WND
May 6, 202
‘They’re feeding lies to the American people very single day’
One of the lawyers who fought, without a lot of success, to have evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential election reviewed by the courts in America has delivered a harsh verdict on the state of the nation under President Joe Biden.
Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor, worked on cases that, had they succeeded, would have been to the benefit of President Trump.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
New York Yankees & Mets to Segregate Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Fans
May 6, 2021
by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
They might not have many fans if they do that.
Agree – hoping and praying people will refuse to put up with this, Linda – then, again – so many people are brainwashed these days – Sad!!!
This gives me a lot of pleasure…………. FTA~ ” All fans will be forced to wear face masks, despite CDC guidelines stating that those who have received the vaccine should no longer have to wear masks outside.”
Hope they sweat their brains out in those masks
These people are sick – who in his/her right mind would put themselves through this?
Most definitely, Molly!!! They bought the ruse – and now they are stuck with it.
If they are attending these events that have been politized to the degree that they have been then I suspect they are already brain dead.
How true, Para!!!
To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield,
“I went to a fight the other day, and a baseball game broke out”…..
Make it stop!
Hello Mudda,
Hello Fadda,
Here I am at
Camp Granada
Life is very
And they say we’ll have some fun
If it stops raining
All the kids here
Have their masks on
Some aren’t breathing
Seems they’re half gone
But the doc says
Fauci mandates
Everything that comes from
Demon Bill Gates
(apologies to Allan Sherman…)…
Who wears a seatbelt on a zoom call?
Somebody that’s actually in their car ?
good catch. STUPID politician.
Zoom suggests speed and something moving fast. So maybe he thought he’d need to wear the seatbelt for safety?
Is this a joke … trying to make a point or did he really do this?
I don’t know, I read every comment to see if anything clarified but with all the zoom shenanigans that get exposed it wouldn’t surprise me
hard to believe that it is true as its just so dumb on his part but seeing it on many other news sites
4chan is looking into vaccine lots. Some lots have many more reactions than others. Some think this bolsters the theory that they’re shipping out saline injections in order to fudge the numbers. If anyone cares to dig any further, here’s the thread (as always, it’s 4chan so expect extreme language, opinions, and images):
Thanks Sadie.
From what I understand from the anons, “4chan” is run by clowns: some honest posters, yes, but far more comp’d than the alternative site (shan’t name), which has MUCH better security.
I’ll check later on, ’cause when 8chan hits on something, it usually migrates to the better boards.
Saline can fudge the numbers BOTH ways, btw.
Whatever the truth …
Clowns are gonna clown, and shills are gonna shill;
Anons see through it all, and shitpost at will.
In and amongst their righteous digging,
They always have … and they always will.
I was banned on /pol/ for over a year because of a comment I made criticizing child drag queen shows. They’ve certainly got their issues, but they’ve also got the traffic and influence. There’s a reason why Q showed up there first.
The current site doesn’t ban anyone, unless what’s posted is against the law.
Don’t EVER post there; don’t ANYONE ever post there.
Just lurk.
Let’s just say their interpretation of what is “against the law” is highly subjective, and depends entirely on how much they want to get rid of someone. Kind of like how Facebook and Twitter’s bans only go in one direction.
Anyways, I’m oldfag from the trollface days of /b/. Appreciate the concern, but I know the lay of the land there.

I figured as much.
I said what I said primarily for others here.
The experience: Leaf, and Gerbil, and MagaRiot / Midnight Riders crap; baker wars, splitting the bread, and omitting true notables while including well-known clown-posts; stealth-deleting past posts, advising to “filter”; trying every trick in their book, even posting 200 times in a 751 bread.
It goes on and on – but the CONTINUED desperation, displayed every day, gives us all hope that the clowns are on the ropes.
It ain’t over – not by a long shot. The Silent War continues …
But still – I like my little ditty, a variant quatrain made up on the spot, to honor the autists and deplorables who have found a place where they belong, digital soldiering for Truth, for Justice, and for the American way.
Kek willed it, doncha know!
This is interesting. Here is the initial post:
“Alright I just found some crazy fucking data. The vast majority of vaccine adverse events (miscarriage, death, etc) are caused by a tiny minority of vaccine lots. See here:
“Here’s the craziest part: the lots are split between the 50 states. So you fucking KNOW it’s the lot that’s the problem, not a particular age group or county.
“Out of thousands of lots, these alone cause 20% of the reactions:
“So here’s the next question. Why? What makes these lots so much more harmful? Looking for some schizo help researching these lot #’s, seeing if they’ve been revealed anywhere beforehand.”
Could be part of their experiment. Isn’t that what happens, give some people the real stuff and others get a placebo.
EXACTLY. you want a ‘Control Group’ and in a good study neither the patient or the doctor knows who gets the real stuff and who gets a placebo.
Thank you
Ep. 2471a – The Rich Are Preparing, They Know, Bitcoin & Gold Counters [CB]
X22 Report Published May 6, 2021
[JB] is pushing the destruction of the economic system as we know it, Trump and the patriots wanted this, this way it creates a crisis, with a crisis you can then make the case of why we need to move away from the [CB] system. The rich are already preparing. The countermeasures are gold and bitcoin. The [DS] panic over the election audit is off the charts. Why would they care so much if the elections were transparent and secure, they wouldn’t. They are now panicking and are trying to get ahead of the results. The people are reaching the precipice, we see this is many states and communities where the people are taking back control. The [DS] is preparing for the fallout, they are ready to black all communications, they are testing a new system and they are continuing the censorship. The patriots are exposing it all.
Ep. 2471b-The People Are Reaching The Precipice,[DS] Panic Off The Charts,The World Must See
X22 Report Published May 6, 2021
Latest from the boss.
Donald J. Trump11:57am May 6, 2021
The Fake News Media, working in close conjunction with Big Tech and the Radical Left Democrats, is doing everything they can to perpetuate the term “The Big Lie” when speaking of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud. They are right in that the 2020 Presidential Election was a Big Lie, but not in the way they mean. The 2020 Election, which didn’t even have Legislative approvals from many States (which is required under the U.S. Constitution), and was also otherwise corrupt, was indeed The Big Lie. So when they try to sell the American people the term The Big Lie, which they do in unison and coordination, think of it instead as the greatest Fraud in the history of our Country! An even greater Hoax than Russia, Russia, Russia, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, or any of the other many scams the Democrats pulled!
Donald J. Trump9:48am May 6, 2021
Congratulations to the great Patriots of Windham, New Hampshire for their incredible fight to seek out the truth on the massive Election Fraud which took place in New Hampshire and the 2020 Presidential Election. The spirit for transparency and justice is being displayed all over the Country by media outlets which do not represent Fake News. People are watching in droves as these Patriots work tirelessly to reveal the real facts of the most tainted and corrupt Election in American history. Congratulations Windham—look forward to seeing the results.
Donald J. Trump12:27pm May 5, 2021
Well things just got weird.
I think I mentioned I have a fox I see often. She had cubs who I have seen three times. The second time they disappeared under a shed so I know that is the den. (Bones, feathers…)
This afternoon both kits were laying in the driveway when I drove out to catch the ponies so Hubby could weed spray the front paddocks. Coming back the two kits were again in the driveway and not inclined to move. So I opened the door, saw one scoot but not the tamer one. I got out only to find a lady behind me.
She asked if I had seen any fox kits. I said yes laying in the driveway in front of my truck a couple minutes ago. She just about hugged and kissed me. Seems she found the mom who got run over a couple nights ago and was still in-milk. She had been hunting for the kits so she could feed them. I told her I knew where the den was and took the food and left it outside where I had seen the kits scoot under the shed. (Among all the feathers and bones.) So it looks like I will be feeding fox kits for a few weeks until they figure out how to hunt. No problem since I have a case of cat food left from feeding my old cat who died this winter.
They look a bit older than these, having gotten to the lanky stage. One is lighter with white markings and the bold one has darker markings on the legs instead of white.
Bless you for doing that, Gail!
I am glad the lady let me know the mom was dead. Otherwise I would not feed them.
OK, the internet RULES!
I just looked up fox kits born:
Fox Babies | Baby Foxes Are Called Kits
Written by Chad Foxin Biology
OK so I now have a pretty good idea of the kits age, about two months which is what I originally thought.
The mother teaches them how to hunt. They do not have a mother what now? They might have to be fed forever or partly.
From that article Dad will also help raise the kits so I hope he is still around. Also I think Mom has already started the hunting lessons. We certainly have plenty of field rice and rats and rabbits.
I think if you had them in an enclosed area and dropped in a mouse or two, they’d probably figure those out pretty quick. After that, it’s just introducing them to larger and larger prey.
Good to know and I know you keep an eye on them
Gail you are a kind person
You love animals I like that.
Some Foxes can become tame like dogs. You might have them hang around you not really leaving
Thank you for looking out for the babies.
I have a soft spot for foxes. They eat LOTS of mice!
That would tend to make me like them, too.
Having grown up in “the country,” I have raised all kinds of things that lost their mom. Good for you for taking care of them!
The weirdest one ever was one day when we looked out our front window and there was a dead possum on the lawn. Apparently hit by a car and tossed pretty far off the road. But the belly was moving. I was young, so I had no idea what it was, but my dad knew. We went out and found five babies, tiny things, in her pouch. We managed to keep three alive to the age to release them.
Baby animals are cute, no matter what species. Even possums.
5.5.21: These “TRUTHS” should INTENSIFY your LONGING to TAKE back FREEDOM. PRAY!
And We Know Published May 5, 2021
Lost in the turmoil…
On the positive side, I have kept this link since DP share it quite a ways back.
And just for fun. Another, that I am unsure who posted it…
Compared to this…
They are fascists
Texas Senate approves bill allowing people to carry handguns without a license
So Joe’s a practicing Catholic?
His god is the State now.
Joe goes to Church, but practice? That’s another story.
Linda, I can’t imagine that any Trump supporter would want Pence under any circumstances. He would be no better than Bye-done. Liz
Pencewill never be President of The United States.I find it amazing that having suborned the soap box with censorship, the jury box through mob rule, and the ballot box through fraud, they seem to think there are no more boxes.
Mao had one more that he’d say aloud, and then there is another.
Actually, I’ve been concerned that they keep doing the Biden farce until January 15, 2023 — then abruptly fold.
They would have poisoned the Presidency for years five and six of VSGPOTUSDJT’s term, yet left DJT barred by the 22nd Amendment for running for President in 2024.
OTOH, if they wait until February 15, 2023, VSGPOTUSDJT might be a ten year POTUS.
According to Insty, Paypal is trying to shut down Rebel News. Oddly enough, they have some pseudo-app thing so that the only thing I see in my browser looks like a blank page — which, to be frank, limits the amount I’ll entertain their entreaties.
We need a conservative Credit Card Company and processing companies so we can’t be deplatformed and shutdown in this way.
SIDNEY POWELL -“WE ARE NOT GOING TO BE INTIMIDATED!”may 6, 2021 the marshall report
Sidney Powell says, “We are going to reclaim the United States of America!”
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…