Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.
If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Eternal Eclipse, titled ‘Oathkeeper’:
And this from Whitesand, titled ‘Exiled’:
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
Pronounced: duh-FEW-gawl-tee.
Defugalty is a noun and is an obscure word for some people, but I was raised with it. When my parents used it, they meant…a disagreement, an ongoing argument.
Dictionaries, however, say that defugalty means…a great difficulty; a quandry; an inconsistency, especially with regards to communication.
Used in a sentence:
The Democrats in Congress got into a defugalty over how much they would raise our taxes.
The ST:TOS episode is “Arena”.
In Spanish — and presumably in Latin — “arena” simply means “sand”. If you’re mixing concrete, you use “cemento Portland” (Portland cement), “arena” (sand), and “gravilla” (gravel). That it has come to mean “a fixed place for combat” is an interesting twist.
The location where it was filmed is not a Hollywood set. It is a place called Vasquez Rocks — . Most of the photogenic stuff is filmed on various sides of one large tilted rock. There’s a nice pic at wikipoo.
Interestingly enough, there isn’t much sand there.
Should you desire to visit, it is well advised to have a hat and sun protection. If you stick to the main rock, trekking in water is probably unnecessary because you’re never more than a couple of blocks from your car.
It’s also best to watch where you’re putting body parts, as they do have rattlesnakes. Then, again, there is a special technical term for rattlesnakes that sit on top of exposed rocks…..they’re called “bird food”.
I think the wikipoo photo may be from the parking lot. You can walk all the way around it quite comfortably, and they’ll let you climb it as far as you’d like (and fall off), so long as you don’t use pitons or something. As you can see, vegetation is sparse. There is a lesser rock on the opposite side of the parking lot, IIRC, and when you go behind the main rock, there is a lesser rock over there. But almost everything worth seeing and doing is this one rock.
In ancient Roman times, their colosseums had a thick sand playing field.
This is probably where that meaning came from.
I read an interesting thing about ancient Roman cement:
They added volcanic ash to their cement…which is thought to be why their cement has withstood the ravages of time so well.
As my youngest brother put it about the Romans, “Those Romans…they really had their $#!+ together.” He was about 19 when he said that.
Your brother was not wrong.
Researchers discover secret recipe of Roman concrete that allowed it to endure for over 2,000 years
Rome built many of its buildings and monuments with concrete made of lime, volcanic sand, and volcanic rock. The ancient Romans’ buildings and structures, some of the most spectacular in the world, have withstood chemical and physical onslaught for 2,000 years and are still standing….
It’s been known for a while that the volcanic sand used in Roman concrete and mortar made their buildings last for so long. Now a new study by a group of engineers and engineering researchers has discovered the precise recipe that made the Roman concrete endure much longer than concrete used today.…
The Romans knew everything. We wouldn’t have ice cream, wine, bridges and aqueducts if it weren’t for them. I live just minutes away from an ancient Roman road and there is a museum of Roman ruins not so far away. Fascinating.
As for pasta, I saw a BBC documentary several years ago which said that the ancient Romans were given a large ration of flour per household to last them for several months. In order to preserve it, they made pasta, which they could dry and store.
Thanks, Coothie, I had no idea.
And yeah, apparently Star Trek used that location several times.
So have a lot of other shows, movies and even music videos.
Didn’t they also use Bakersfield?
I dunno, sorry.
Maybe Coothie knows.
The Star Trek original series didn’t have a very big budget.
It’s pretty cool what they managed to do on a shoestring.
Yes and most of these areas were not so developed until the past 25 years. It used to be a nice flyover in southern CA. Now its about as bad as flying over Mexico city. Not kidding.
If that’s the case, they probably used Bakersfield.
Yes, lots of areas you wouldnt have thought.
Doubtful — Vasquez Rocks is a day trip from studios in Burbank. Get in an RV to have makeup done, arrive at location by 9:00 am ready to go.
I’m pretty sure the Big Bang Theory filmed in the place at Bakersfield.
Big Bang Theory had a bigger budget per episode that ST:TOS had for each season.
Thanks for sharing that fun little video!
‘That it has come to mean “a fixed place for combat” is an interesting twist.’ Not really.
Arena has meant a battleground — yes, deriving from the Latin word for ‘sand’ — since the Roman Empire:
‘The term arena, signifying the place of combat, is derived from arena or harena, the sand sprinkled on the fighting field to soak up blood and facilitate cleaning. Spectacula, from which our word “spectacle” comes, can signify the seats as well as the events viewed in an arena. Although the amphitheater was developed as the special space for gladiatorial events, it was not the first or only site for them. Fora (public squares) and circuses (venues for chariot-racing) were used first. A theater and stadium could also served, in the absence of an amphitheater or circus, as a site for arena games, especially in Greece and the east.’
The airport gif reminded me of okgo going full Busby Berkeley —
I had never seen or heard of those MODOBAGs before.
So I searched them out…
They sell for $1,495.00 and weigh 20 lbs.

“The bag can travel up to 6 miles on a single charge, at 8 miles an hour. It is lightweight, and can easily convert from motor to pull-behind use. It comes with dual USB charging ports for your electronics and optional GPRS-GSM tracking.”
That’s a hard pass from this traveler. I like to travel light.
Yeah, they weight 20 lbs….empty.

Kind of pricey too.
These adults in business clothes look stupid too….
How ever 8 miles per hour to get from one terminal to another during a changeover is very enticing. Normal walk is 2.5 to 3 miles per hour. I used to jog 5 miles in an hour.
‘… very enticing’: especially at DFW or Miami, where the connecting flight is normally at the opposite end of the airport.
That’s a lot of lithium in cargo – just sayin’!
Imagine what TSA and the baggage handlers would do to it! …
Plus – the batteries may be flammable/explosive and not allowed on board the plane without special permit.
Guessing they are OK for carry on. NO checked baggage of this type.
That started out as a child’s piece of luggage in the UK.
It was on Dragon’s Den (UK) several years ago and was called a Trunki. The Dragons said it would never take off, but I’ve seen quite a few of them in airports. The child had to sit on it and propel it with his/her feet.
Trunki seems to have gone out of business (you can do a search on Trunki for photos), but every child I’ve seen on them looked happy.
What a cool video! So much better than washed-up singers trying to be young and sexy. That took actual creativity.
Okgo’s videos are varied, inventive, and borderline insane. While it’s the band in charge [Damian had a Japanese collaborator who shared director duties on that last], their collaborations with various directors have been phenomenal. I, personally, think the ones with Trish Sie are among their best. Here’s one with her:
And another:
(You have to keep watching White Knuckles until you see the goat.)
(One thing that Trish does is document her work — there are “making of” and “outtakes” of the two videos here…..which are often hilarious, and informative.)
Looks kinda thin for the night crew right now. Hope all’s well w/ all Q-Treepers!
God Bless us, Every One! Have a great day & a glorious week, no matter what the Enemy might throw your way. God is good all the time & He’ll help us get through…
I was at my mom’s house most of the day. Since it’s Mother’s Day, I would bet there are others who traveled or saw family today.
Yes. We were blessed to have all our kids & current & future kids-in-law stopping by to visit “today”, unfortunately not all at the same time.
However I pulled 2 all-nighters working on taxes & my husband arrived home after a grueling 22 mile hiking camping backpacking weekend preceded & followed by 4 hour drives. We were both exhausted but it was still lovely to see the kids! We remain blessed!!!
Yes that was my day Mom’s and on the road 3 hours
I’d already noted that I would likely be scarce.
My original plan was to sack it early, so as to lend the Fiancee maximal support when she was most exhausted. Instead, I seem to be holding vigil.
Hope her procedure & recovery goes/went well for Both of you!
Got back at 4:40 in the afternoon.
That makes for a long & exhausting day–hang in there!!!
I’m worn out from Mother’s Day ! Food coma
Thank you Wheatie for the nice post
My daughter & fiancé picked up some crazy sugar infused over-the-top desserts to share w/ hubby & I at the end of the day. We had Lots of laughs between my messes (I Hate getting food messy, but it was unavoidable as things started melting & falling on me) “son’s” brain freeze & sugar high that resembled drunkenness. What a wild way to end a bit of a crazy day.
Hope you weren’t responsible for making or cleaning up any of that food & had a lovely Mother’s Day!
Your day sounds like a lot of fun .
Mine was an early dinner out with family so nobody had to cook or clean.
My teen grandson has found the sweet spot to start immediate conversation mayhem ! It starts with “hey Gram are you going to get vaccinated” which in turn causes my 9 yr old grandson to take on a bad imitation southern drawl and say ” why should I take that.? If everybody is vaccinated they shouldn’t have any beef with me not getting the shot”
Then my daughter gets all flustered while the oldest grandson 22 sits back and laughs. It usually has to be shut down if Trump’s name is invoked since daughter thinks she a Lib but Biden’s time so far has NOT made her happy. She can’t stand Fauxi, thinks the CV thing is stupid and overblown.
Might red pill her yet
She’s ripe for the red pill.
LOL…not quite yet ! The liberal mind meld is strong. She parrots the usual inane logic. I honestly can’t tell if she actually believes what she says or if it’s the standard talking points most of them it only takes a few minutes and the defensive posture raises. At least she doesn’t bark like those antifa maroons however..the convo is over, finished!
Fine with me. Biden’s admin has been disastrous and there’s no denying..for everyone except illegals. She sees and feels it in the wallet everyday. One day she’ll get there
The old definition:
A Conservative is a Liberal who got mugged.
Esp in the wallet (from me)
Are they doing that because they’re redpilled and really understand the issues, or is it just random mockery? Are they vaxxed?
I mean, the 9yo’s point is totally valid — in a population of 50 people, why should you take the last shot? Is it so some stupid injection maniac can “collect the whole set”? Where he gets the bad southern drawl is bad upbringing…..he should be able to muster fine southern speech suitable for talking to ladies elegantly, and should be ridiculed fiercely when he apes what northerners think southerners sound like.
They (the kids) all are Trump fans and the vax is one of the few “political” subjects that my daughter and I do agree on. She still is prone to obeying if it is mandated and I think the kids pick up on my stance and love to stir the pot and always like teasing me about anything.. It’s okay. They get a bit of right slapped on their mom’s Left
Good, you don’t have to work on their convictions. You should still work on the youngster’s speech, however — he’ll insult the ladies and offend the men if he’s ever there, when he should make the ladies feel at home and the men find him trustworthy.
Although quality impressions done with a good heart ARE hilarious! An old friend was a master. He made us literally drool with laughter at truly obscure caricatures.
I had a friend who was an Army brat. (Lawyer and caver now.) He would duplicate the accent of who ever he talked to. It was completely subconscious and not meant to insult. Given he looked like an angry black bear, few people would point out the habit.
Double parrot gene!
They don’t get all southern for general ridicule or for mocking…they’re joking with me. I imitate their half valley skater boy tone…
Well anyhoo….
That works too, if it’s family.
Incidentally, I used to work at a place involved with semiconductor manufacturing, and one of the sales guys (who I liked) spoke Japanese with a wildly over-the-top SoCal surfer accent. At the time, I was watching a bunch of Japanese-language TV (even though I do not speak the language), and it was just so obvious.
So, in an informal setting, I mentioned that he might tighten that up to help close deals……
And his response was, “what? I speak pure Chiba City, man, it’s totally, like, tight and hip.” [Spoiler: note how that reads in English.]
This very loosely reminds me of some bizarre fashion makeover show my daughter & I watched years ago. The person whose friends or relatives had begged for their televised transformation was Fixated on Japanese anime to the point of dressing like a cartoon character & parroting the random Japanese phrases from the shows or video games she was into, even though she didn’t actually speak Japanese but just mimicked the sound. For some unexpected reason she was having trouble getting asked out by anyone!
Thankfully, Japanese sounds are pretty straightforward for westerners. By contrast, Chinese will drive you absolutely nuts.
The way I had it explained to me is that there are five tones, which can be higher or lower depending on your vocal cords.
If you say the word, “ma-weh”, going from 2 to 5, it can mean something completely different from “ma-weh”, going from 4 to 3. It’s almost like the language is partially sung.
Further, since so many words sound very close to the same, sentences tend to be things like “the dog (like a pet) ran (like motion) around the house (like a dwelling).” [Which explains the often-mocked tendency of a translator to take a 10-second line in an English speech and translate it into 45 seconds of Chinese.]
The Fiancee hosted some exchange students from Taipei, and I went by to help amuse them. And they’d try for vocabulary and wave a pencil and say, “wy-che-na”….and I’d try to echo “wy-che-na” exactly as they had….and they’d devolve into giggles and whisper to the fiancee that I’d said “monkeyf*cker”. It’s funny the first couple of times, but it gets old fast when you literally cannot detect the difference.
I should note that it was not the students’ fault — they were great kids and very eager, and we did our best with each other. If you want to get gut-punched about culture, we asked a couple of “9th graders” to tell us about Chinese emperors and got three pages, two columns, of every emperor for the last four thousand years. There have been 45 US Presidents (and a Pretender) — can you name them all in order?
I had to learn the list of Presidents in 7th grade. Everyone in the class had to recite them individually.
Sounds similar to Vietnamese. Hubby dated a Vietnamese girl for a number of years & he said they had a bunch of different ways of pronouncing “ma” that had like 5 different meanings. These tonal differences were very difficult for Westerners to discern apparently.
Hubby had a buddy vacation in Russia years back & he knew a smattering of Russian. He was out drinking at a bar & had called for a cab but the cabbie wasn’t going to drive them anywhere because they were Americans. So the buddy proceeded to emphatically cuss the guy out trying to change his mind & inadvertently said something like you better take us “or I’m going to give your mother-in-law a good F-ing!” Well this cracked the cabbie up so much that he willingly drove them around town afterwards!
Further, since so many words sound very close to the same, sentences tend to be things like “the dog (like a pet) ran (like motion) around the house (like a dwelling).” [Which explains the often-mocked tendency of a translator to take a 10-second line in an English speech and translate it into 45 seconds of Chinese.]
Now THAT is interesting.
There is another very weird element to the Chinese language.
There is no spoken Chinese, but there is a written one.
China’s writing system was standardized for the latest time around 210 BC. It is comprised of signs representing (generally) syllable-length phonic elements. College-level Chinese speakers should know about 4,000.
A two-sign written Chinese word will generally have two syllables in Cantonese, Hokken, Shanghaiese, or Mandarin….or even Southwest Mandarin…..but they won’t necessarily be the same syllables.
For those of us of a certain age, we well remember when the capital of China was known as Peking. Now it’s known as Beijing, because that fits the preferred pronunciation of the group currently in power.
Mao Zedong (Mandarin, Hanyu-Pinyin) [remember when it was Mao Tse-tung (Mandarin, Wade-Giles)?] was born in a peasant household in Hunan, which probably spoke Southwestern Mandarin.
It’s sort of like if Spanish and Italian had decided to use ‘+’ for “y” and “e” respectively, and just pronounce it differently.
I studied Japanese.
I tried Mandarin, but didn’t get much. Tonal languages are extremely tough for an adult to pick up.
They’re repeating what they’ve heard me say every time it’s brought up. I have a southern drawl. They’re California kids so fine tuning it isn’t in the cards….gotta be there.
Them kids needs “y’all envy”!
You don’t have to be in Italy to recognize if something is a good or mediocre Italian painting.
Have him watch foghorn leghorn cartoons. Funny and not insulting…lol.
Funny I was just think of foghorn leghorn yesterday.
Was never big on cartoons. But, always enjoyed Foghorn Leghorn and Road Runner.
Wow. We’ve got a few pot stirrers here…& I’m one of the best! Glad you got some special family time!
Thank you Valerie…was beginning to slap muhself up one side and down the other for sharing too much! Lesson learned
I thoroughly enjoyed what you shared–thank you for giving us a peek into your extended family life. <3
On our side ironically the future son-in-law wanted to come over since our family is known for craziness. His sugar high had him literally running around the house in circles & dropping to do push-ups w/ a complete lack of awareness of how bizarre he was acting. It actually was a huge crack-up & would only have been enhanced if some of the other kids had still been around to witness it, though he'd Never have been able to live it down if they had!
Haha…families can be so crazy and fun . Things get talked about and laughed about for generations.
We’ve got inlaws and outlaws and friends that are “family”.
It’s kind of like that scenario where family will be tiffing over something and a stranger put their 2cents in and the tiffing family suddenly goes nuts united against the stranger.
Yes such good & crazy times. We had a very good friend visit for a few weeks a number of years ago since he’d been driving his wife Crazy after being hospitalized mentally after some med mix-up sent him into a Bizarre Manic State. He’s an inveterate BS’er (he has the nickname “toe-tag” for one whopper he told in college that he woke up in a morgue w/ a toe-tag on & Everyone knew that never happened even though he swore it did).
We have “caveman culture” around here, telling tales around the metaphorical campfire (somewhat of a dying art in the younger generations but well preserved in hunting camp). Our friend has always had the need to “one-up” people on the magnitude of tales so it can get Very Entertaining. He was keeping all our kids enthralled w/ tales of their Frat-boy days & our kids were eating some of it up. Later hubby pulled the kids aside after his friend had gone back to Texas & explained how many of the highly “believable” tales were absolute fiction, even though how they were told made them seem like fish-that-got-away reminiscences. Maybe those psych meds served to highly exaggerate this guy’s “bishop of BS” traits out the wazoo or something!
Sounds like the Joe Biden syndrome. I’m beginning to think he’s a pathological bullshitter.
My father told a lot of hilarious tales . One was when the kids were acting up and my great grandmother would tie them to chairs out by the railroad tracks so when the dad was driving the train back into town he could stop and not spare the rod.
lol…can you imagine seeing that in this day and age?
Oh my goodness that is awesome & epic!!! I bet those kids rarely misbehaved after that–way worse than the Dunce Cap treatment that would probably get people locked up if tried nowadays!
My Great Grandfather was a Train Engineer & one of his nephews worked at the same railroad. Decades after GGF had died cousin Bob had stopped by to tell railroad tales. He ended up telling of one that GGF Never had told anyone out of sheer embarrassment.
Apparently gramps had a cushy Detroit to Toledo run that fell to him as being fairly senior in the business. One day the normally smooth roundtrip run was marred by the engine not working properly & the train getting stuck. They opened up the water reservoir (not sure of terms here) & pulled out numerous wheelbarrows full of boiled fish!
Apparently there were places where the train would stop & take on water from natural supplies of adjacent lakes or rivers. Anyway the water intake in question had had the protective grating that normally prevented anything but water being sucked up damaged or removed. So they filled that reservoir w/ fish & water.
Grandpa was so embarrassed by this misadventure that he never told Anyone else in the family. Bob only knew about it since he worked there. My dad was laughing so hard when he heard the colorful description of this faux pas that he had tears running down his face–good times! Apparently it was one of those rumors that people repeated behind GGF’s back because he was so dignified & well-respected, which made that incident that much more priceless…couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!
AHHHhhhh but did anyone eat the boiled fish? That is what I want to know.
My friend just caught a whopper of a catfish out of the farm pond next door. that is what sent her to the hospital with back pain. Since she has the fish and the photos I believe her.
They probably would have been wildly overcooked — temps inside a locomotive boiler can be in excess of 350 degrees.
When boiling water under pressure, the boiling point is elevated well above 212 degrees. 350 degrees would result in a steam pressure of only about 75 pounds.
Not to mention the chemicals they put in the boiler to control scaling and other issues… the fish would’ve been inedible, in any case.
Pretty lucky the loco escaped pretty much unscathed… (C&O descendant here…)…..
I wanted to know that too & honestly have no answer. It sounds like it could have been a major meal to feed the masses though!
That must have been some fish to mess your friend’s back up!
It was a good three feet of fighting catfish. Bit the heck out of her too.
Oh my goodness!!! Hope she’ll be OK, but What a Fish Tale
The age range on your grandsons makes for interesting conversations for sure.
Just keep tossing the ironic hypocrisy and fact bombs around like hot potatoes Molly,
Sooner or later she’ll tire of pulling the shrapnel and applying bandages.. Sounds like the Grands have things well in hand.
I’d bet you were smiling with pride quietly inside.
Spending Mothers day with the family where somebody else cleans up the
whole Mess.
A Perfect Mothers day
You’re very welcome, Molly.

Glad you like it.
And yeah, I’m worn out from Mother’s Day too.

We’ve been discussing what to do about being around people who are shedding spike protein from the vaccinations. Someone mentioned Suramin. I wasn’t sure what that was, but just discovered an article about Pine Needle Tea, which contains Suramin, by Mike Adams at Natural News. Here is one interesting paragraph:
“Dr. Judy Mikovits asserts that globalists are well aware that pine needle tea is the answer to covid depopulation weapons, and they are secretly using pine needle tea to protect themselves from the very plague they have unleashed upon the world, Mikovitz explains.”
Read the whole article here:
I went and read the article, thanks. very interesting. I think I’ll get some star anise caps…the tea sounds hard to do .
We are so lucky that we have people who are working against this CV/vax crud and they share it with us.
When we went to Alaska, all the tourist shops had spruce tip ice cream, spruce tip jam, spruce tip this and spruce tip that…..I’ve just been looking for freeze-dried, blanched and vacuum sealed, or other shippable preparations.
I wasn’t exactly understanding the method the article talked about for making the pine needle tea.
Norway spruce and spruce beer – good to know!
This is where being allergic to pine is not a good thing.
I’m somewhat confused by this article. Suramin is not considered to be orally bio-available, and must be administered by injection. Shikimic acid can be used orally. I am aware of star anise containing the main ingredient of Tamiflu.
What I am not getting is whether this article is implying that the effect of shikimic acid is analogous to the effect of Suramin?
Anybody got any ideas on that?
I didn’t get that either, Aubergine. If Shikimic acid works, then people could just take Tamiflu.
We all need to know about pine needle tea. Eventually (if this crap keeps going) we will be like Cuba. All our citrus will be exported to China and Russia. We will be left with scurvy or pine needle tea!
Canelope melons are loaded with Vit C.
We can grow those!
I just made myself a cup of star anise tea. I started with the whole seeds and pods, ground them by hand with a mortar and pestle, and steeped it in boiling hot water for about 15 minutes. It was delicious! I hope it works as good as it tastes.
This article explains what was bothering me – that shikimic acid (SA) is NOT oseltamivir a.k.a. Tamiflu (OS), but rather a building block used to create OS (a molecular precursor, basically).
This gave rise to rumors that SA was antiviral. These people showed that, at least according to a few biochemical metrics, SA alone was not immunoactive, but SA plus quercetin (QT) was, even at low doses.
Good information, thanks!
It is starting to look to me like a “healthy” diet would already include quite a bit of quercetin naturally from food sources.
Also, suramin is a SYNTHETIC DRUG. Not likely that it’s in pine needles.
Excellent article on pine needle tea and components:
Did not realize how much vitamin C it has. WOW.
I looked for something that might be mistaken for “suramin” – found nothing. I think that person who was originally cited was just WRONG.
Good catch! You’ve got the chemist’s proper skepticism!
Thanks, Wolf. Attention to detail solves many mysteries for me.
New Schlichter —
The subject is false equivalences and ditching bad Cheneys.
Thank you, Wheatie!
The airport mode of travel! Ahhahahahaha!!
You’re very welcome, Gmtx!

And yes…𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧!
This is a lovely blog post by a genetic genealogist as she reflects on her mother, love, grief, & touching other people in service. A timely insight on Mother’s Day, especially meaningful for those who’ve lost their mothers or grandmothers. Blessings!
edit–I forgot to mention the Gorgeous Pictures of many of her flowering plants interspersed…
Glad you enjoyed it. Love & grief that bittersweet combo that keeps us all so complicated…
Indeed. We are rum creatures.
Fearfully & wonderfully made, I know that full well!
Very beautiful and meaningful post. Thank you, VC, for bringing it for us to share.
You’re welcome CT. Blessings
Here’s an old family photo I found at

My grandparents are on the far right, back row (our perspective) & grandpa’s sister is the bride. I love old photos & am so glad that some kind stranger uploaded this historical image there. Apparently this photo was taken in Detroit in 1929.
That’s a beautiful picture! I love it!
Thanks for posting.
YW & thanks so much for for letting me know! <3
That really is a great old photo, Valerie.
What a find!
That painted backdrop is a nice touch…and is a prop that the professional photographer probably used a lot.
It gives depth to the photo.
I wonder if the wedding party had the photographer come to the wedding?
Or if they went to his office for the photo.
It’s interesting that the women & two girls are all holding flowers.
It really adds to the photo.
Cut flowers were sort of an expensive luxury back then, weren’t they?
I would imagine that grandpa’s father spent a fair penny on those.
I love those insights. I think this happened when Detroit was still “the Paris of America”, a status that will only now exist in the rearview mirror & distant memory.
Grandpa’s dad was a mid-Michigan farm boy who went to the Northern MI woods as a preadolescent to work in the lumber business. When the boss’s son came to camp to learn the business grandpa stood up for him against some of the bullying lumberjacks & found favor w/ the boss for this. Thus the boss asked him to manage his Detroit lumber yard which he did for the rest of his working life, well beyond retirement age!
I guess he was quite the character & used to host the extended family clan gatherings even in the decades after losing his wife. With five living kids all w/ spouses & at least 2 kids each that could be quite the gang, & according to Dad every person brought grandpa a gift & he had a gift for every person.
When his oldest daughter was widowed she & her kids moved in w/ him & he became the father figure for the grandsons (like Clarence Thomas’ “My Grandfather’s Son”) & imparted the wisdom & work ethic of an earlier time to the then latest generation. One of those grandson’s, cousin Harold, became the family historian & put together a family genealogy book (along w/ significant contributions by my aunt who now passes her family history tidbits to me!) that was extensively copied & shared w/ Each Family at a very extensive family gathering to honor one of the little girls in this picture, an anniversary event put on by her sons at the Amway Grand Hotel in Grand Rapids 2 decades ago. Getting that family history book sparked me being bitten by the genealogy bug a couple years later & helped me get through Josiah’s 2nd heart surgery & aftermath in 2000! <3
Harold included some of the "embarrassing" family stories in the end-papers of that genealogy book & took some heat from certain relatives for doing so. Being of a younger generation so not directly touched by the pain or shame of those earlier events I was Very Grateful that he chose to do so. One such story included the fact that his father had actually faked his own death to skip out on his wife & kids & run off w/ some floozy to Chicago. Apparently he'd killed a cat & spread the blood in a car which then went into the Detroit River. When it was discovered that he wasn't dead but just a scoundrel his "widow" was made to pay back the life insurance money she'd received. I wonder if that's why she & her sons moved in w/ great grandpa…
I love hearing the old stories, especially as told by the men–they just seem to be the better story-tellers overall! My dad spoke of his dad, who was very strong & played handball, who worked in the lumber yard for his father loading boxcars as a teenager. Apparently grandpa would carry 50 pound bags of cement mix (I think) one in each hand gripped at the folded over short edge of the bag & then w/ a powerful flick of the wrist & arm would fling the bags up to stack on top of each other on the train car (my dad would enthusiastically relate this since he'd mostly done office/executive work & couldn't ever physically outwork his own dad, or father-in-law, or even his grandpa for that matter!). Anyway one day my grandpa observed his own dad handling a bout of fisticuffs amongst the lumberyard workers. He stopped the fight by throwing one punch to the face of each brawler & knocking them both out in One Blow–& he was at least 50 years old then! Apparently my great-grandpa was quite the bad ass, but with a heart of gold! His lumbering journey is what brought dad's family out of the farmland into Detroit & a whole new style of living was born in a family line that's been in America since at least 1640!
Sorry for going on so long there but those old pictures can bring out imaginative flights of fancy & "objectively true" family tales. I was so excited to discover that photo at Family Search because I'd only previously seen the grainy photocopied version included in the family history book.
Oh, one last note, my great grandpa was a very generous man & when his grandson asked if he would sponsor a foreign student he knew from college, who was seeking American citizenship, he signed the papers without hesitation. That man, originally from Syria, was present at the Amway Grand event & spoke eloquently & w/ tears of what a great man my great-grandpa was & how he helped to completely change the life of a young man who then became almost like an adopted member of the family.
Great family stories !
Thanks Molly
The same way they treated the virus.
Pure CHINA. Jack Posobiec emphasizes this ALL THE TIME. Their government is obsessed with control of perspective, just like our Chinacrats.
So we flash them one tiger and they flash back three leopards?
“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.” — attributed to Confucius.
All of REAL SCIENCE is based on this!
Good for them!
It’s effing COLD here for May 10. Anyone else?
We’ve had some chilly nights.
The Jetstream has been interesting lately:

That is weird.
Snow forecasted for Denver area tonight.
We need rain. Its cool at night and normal spring in the day.
It is going to get down to 40F tonight and a few days ago we had frost.
IIRC we had temps in the 90s and even up to 100F a decade ago. (Libra office decided to die just now.)
Nope – perfect weather for the Blooming of the Lilacs – God is Great in His Gifts!!!
Very cool here. I’m ready for summer.
Cool, just SO dry.
Rained most of the Winter and now we have a very dry Spring.
Yes, even for Montana, we are having a chilly spring.
Needs to warm up. I’m coming back in a few weeks.
Hubby’s camping experience involved a night that went down to 29! Just a few hours NW from Detroit…
Verse of the Day for Monday, May 10, 2021
“For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;”
Hebrews 3:14 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Looks to me like Secret Service, some of them in civilian attire. Apparently one of them is female.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
It’s Clean Up Your Room Day … how’d I do?
Ah, the secular liturgical calender.
Spotless room!
We do not have CC in TN, only watered down permitless carry. Still a move in the correct direction though…
It is a good move in the right direction but not real permitless carry.
You follow &/or belong to the TFA? Jeff Hartline? John Harris?
If not, you might want to as I think you might like them and the TFA
That’s why I called it watered down. Dissapointing, but better than what we had.
Creepy, the Resident in Grief, is a squatter in the People’s House.
From a TN GOP party member, posted on 1/6:
(I just saw it now for whatever reason)
“I’m going to take a very long break from social media. It may be permanent (except for Instagram. The photos must be shown…
However, before I go, I wanted to give you one last opinion piece on what I see happening in our country.
In aviation, we’ve learned that many of our accidents and incidents stem from a term sociologists call “normalization of deviance.”
The definition of which is “the process in which deviance from correct or proper behavior becomes normalized.” In layman’s terms, it’s when people knowingly do something incorrectly or perform socially unacceptable things, and those actions become accepted behavior because there were no adverse consequences.
Over the past four years, the media and many elected officials looked the other way (or even encouraged it) when radicals on the left burned, looted, destroyed, and vandalized cities. Because of this, what happened today at the U.S. Capitol did not surprise me one bit.
I don’t like what they did, I don’t support it, and they shouldn’t have gone inside. But at the same time, I know that many Americans are frustrated and quickly reaching their tipping point. Our federal government is completely broken.
I don’t know who is responsible for the Capitol incident today, but I am sure we will find out soon enough. I do not believe it was all Trump supporters.
Sure, they were there and shouldn’t have been, but there have been many large gatherings of Trump supporters across the nation since the election. In those gatherings, there was no violence. There was no chaos. There were only flag-waving Americans singing the National Anthem and God Bless America. Though anything is possible, the narrative doesn’t fit.
Even on a day when Congress is not in session, the United States Capitol building is one of the world’s most secure facilities. Today, of all days, it should have been on extra high alert. Yet, it wasn’t. Why?
Last year, I had the honor of being a driver in the Vice President’s motorcade when he came to Memphis. During that two hour visit, military and police helicopters watched from above. In front of me, the SUV’s had rocket launchers, lasers on the roof to thwart shoulder fired missiles (I assume), machine guns, rifles, shotguns, and pistols. Maybe it was because Memphis is a dangerous place, but I suppose it’s because he is the Vice President.
But today, in the U.S. Capitol, when the next two people in line to be President were in the same room, the only real security was a few Capitol Hill Police with standard issued firearms. Yes, there were some rifles, but not the show of force there should have been given the massive amount of people outside. Several of the photos from outside showed they had paintball guns and not real guns. Again, why?
I’ll leave you with this; question everything, and use common sense.
But most of all, be a good human and pray for our nation.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:14
Until we meet again…blue skies and tailwinds.”
Me poking around to learn more about Lee
hope he runs again
He had good sense then – he spotted that it was a set-up. That SHOCK he has – I recognize it. It took a while to dawn on me.
Look at what happened today – they put one of the commie lawfare blog criminals in at the top of DOJ NSD.
What they are doing is basically saying that DOJ is no longer on our side. There are LITERALLY criminals in charge of DOJ. Merrick Garland, apparently some putz toadie of China and Obama in charge – it’s a TRAIN WRECK.
BABYLON and ASSYRIA rule us to AFFLICT us.
Now, (Hi, Dodge and Fib) they can sit there and call me out as some religious nut, but hey, fuckers – deal with metaphor, you pricks. Deal with a little vulgarity, just like your precious ANTIFA kids.
YOU are a pox. Sending “Lawfare” criminals into DOJ? REALLY?
Stoke the fire. Your call. You’re in charge. YOU will be responsible.
Trust me, this bunch will go full Soviet on us when they think they can get away with it. They KNOW they can NEVER allow a fair election again. They can never relinquish the White House. They can never relinquish Congress, except the fake normal of a China Boy riding a phony balanced Senate like what they have now, and Nan or the like in charge of the House.
It’s all a SCAM.
( i think those are clapping hands)
Easier to arrest them if they are all in one place – I say
Thanks for posting that, MagaMom.
The truth will out.
Defining Deviancy Down (DDD) was an expression coined by the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan in 1993. Moynihan based his phrase on the theory of Emile Durkheim that there is a limit to the bad behavior that a society can tolerate before it has to start lowering its standards. In ’93, the senator applied his slogan to the “moral deregulation” that had eroded families, increased crime, and produced the mentally ill “homeless” population.
That same year columnist Charles Krauthammer expanded Moynihan’s point by proposing the reverse — that not only were we “normalizing what was once considered deviant,” but we were also “finding deviant what was once considered normal.”
(Think date rape, political correctness and politically incorrect speech.) In time, the inevitable lower standards and moral relativism brought us the movies, TV shows, fashions, sex norms and web pages we have today. Deviant and normal swapped places.
[Dead link for the above: ]
Link for Sen. Moynihan’s 1993 article:
AAAANNNNND, here it starts:
The Hill is running an Opinion article by Dr. Kavita K. Patel, who worked for Barack Obama and the leftwing Brookings Institution (funded by George Soros’ Open Society), about the “necessity” for government mandates that requires just about everybody residing in the United States to get the CCP Virus “vaccine”. The federal government would “work with” the individual states in ensuring “transparency” and “fair accurate reporting mechanisms” — leading to a federal standard for “immunization proof” (the “Vaccine Passport”).
Patel makes it clear that it’s the UN-“vaccinated” who are making all the trouble regarding the CCP Virus “vaccines”. She also makes it clear that it’s the UN-“vaccinated” who would be behind any new “superspreader” incident. Not to mention that “vaccine inequality” is the fault of the “vax resisters”.
They are a day late and a dollar short.
This will not happen in free states.
The side effects from the shots are endemic and have deterred many people.
If they try to force, it will show they have no teeth because there will be widespread noncompliance on local levels and state levels.
The globalists have no clothes.
Amen goes right there, GMT!!!
It may turn into a fight. Not that I’m complaining.
I am in the DemonRat stolen state of North Carolina and there is NO WAY I will take that Death Shot, WHY? Because the chances it will kill me in a nasty painful way are too close to 100%. I rather be shot in the head and be done with it.
RESIST. Stand up to the progzi scum! That Canadian pastor has inspired me.
CHINADA will not happen here. Not if we stand firm. It may get ugly to where the progzis have no idea what hit them, but that’s OK. Judgment comes for us all.
Visualizing What $50k In Lumber Can Build Today Versus Last Year – The Burning Platform
Chinada will now be sending it all to CHINA.
I bet some people would rather see it burn than go to China.
CO2. “Equitable distribution.”
Wheatie: Need help – I cannot expand this – there is a short video, too – Thanks!!!
That’s on Telegram and I don’t have an account there.
So I can’t view the video.
I noticed this embed code on it…let’s see if this works:
<script async src=”″ data-telegram-post=”freedomforcebattalion/4368″ data-width=”100%” data-single></script>
Thanks, Wheatie – me, either – there is text that accompanies the video – someone was taking video in DC to see what was happening there – wrote some text, too – but – I could not open it all – let me try something else, too…
Generally speaking, only embed codes with “iframe” outer delimiters work, and those with “script” will not, but I still keep trying every trick I can!
may 10, 2021 the marshall report
The topic of rapture is touchy and most never go there because it is believed by 90% of the churches. In a previous post I guessed those believing it at 92%, but google says 90%. Today time is short, so I will cut to the quick. How many know who John Nelson Darby the teacher of Dispensations and Rapture is? He is the one funded by the Rothschilds Bank of London to teach people this wondrous interpretation all designed to confuse Christians to help in their end game Luciferian goals. For you see Darby was a Satanist and other things which you will now learn.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Brings to mind “The Burned Over District” of New York.
Saints, Sinners and Reformers: The Burned-Over District Re-Visited
I recently encountered a reference to “The Code of Handsome Lake” which arose in the same neighborhood around the same time.
Handsome Lake was a prophet of the Seneca People.
Born around 1735, nearly the peak of the power of the Iroquois, he witnessed their gradual dissolution over several decades. His personal situation echoed that decay, with alcoholism and sloth.
During a time of illness brought about by these bad acts, he had a series of visions in 1799, where three messengers brought him the message of Gaiwiio, the “Good Word”.
Among the lessons in the Gaiwiio (paraphrased) were, “sober up!”, “get smarter!” (learn English, don’t rely on your “friends'” translations being accurate), “turn back to your families!”, “turn back to your clans!”, “turn back to your people!”, and “turn back to your virtue!”.
Critics maintained that he grafted the Quaker faith onto traditional Iroquois practices. Y’know, with the three visitors, maybe he was grafting Dickens’ Christmas Carol in — but his Visions were founded on personal virtue, family virtue, and civic virtue….and laudable if just for that.
It’s a lot easier to get along with foreigners who carry a ceremonial knife every day to separate the Truth from Lies (Sikhs); one can find common cause more easily with those who practice loyalty and self-discipline (Longhouse Religion); than one can find anything good for people who believe that lying to others (taqqiya) is laudable if it advances the cause.
LOTS of stuff came out of New York state.
I do not have the URL to back it up, but IIRC New York bankers had a lot to do with the start of the Civil War.
NYC is where Lenin lived before returning home to Russia to help lead the Bolshevik Revolution.
10 New York City places that have hidden Russian history
Oh, my – sounds familiar – but, I am at a loss to recall the whole sorted affair, Gail.
A double hell naw!
Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) Tweeted:
I saw a vid of Celine Dion the other day and I wasn’t super closely watching it but she said she’d be back on tour in 2023. The gist I was getting was that it was CV related and she’s such a good prog.
Lawfare blog going into National Security Division?
Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey) Tweeted:
I’m very honored to be joining the extraordinary team at the Department of Justice in the National Security Division. Thank you for all the kind words. (And a huge thanks to the folks at WH PPO, agency WH liaisons and HRs who are working night and day to staff this government.)
A she-demon.
This is not good.
Cant say anything in the bite me admin is good. Nothing. Its all the nazi and stalin players recycled for 2021. Ss, gestapo, pedos. Etc etc. I await the region disappearing of peopke to begin fir covid noncompliance.
Thrown in with extremely subversive sexual proclivities and rayciss “theory” its nothing but toxic sludge.
The effort to drain the swamp has been sealed and capped off. Believe if Piglosi says shes not worried about elections that means its already confirmed to go her way via the steal. She has been right on that so far.
God help us.
It is entirely possible that this nation is being afflicted, as if by the Assyrians or Babylon. Sometimes we don’t get the help we want. Sometimes we get the help we need – and it may not look like anything we expect.
I have difficulty accepting this possibility, but I am starting to see the logic.
I hope he does in a healthy way…
From Gab:

Chris Plante is talking about this now.
NOT supreme court has been exposed as a total fraud.
They are the deep state. All those who promoted them to POTUS 45 to put them on Supreme Court are bad people. We need to know there names.
As disappointed as we are with SCOTUS, I wanted to see why all 9 justices would agree on this case. From the article:
Not being a legal voter is important, but there is always some reason why justice can’t be done.
>>”there is always some reason”<<
Every case must be IDEAL.
No defects, or mistakes, or the like.
Anything less, and they’ve found their “out”.
They LOVE technicalities (man’s law), instead of ethics (God’s law).
According to man’s law, truth has an EXPIRATION DATE.
According to God’s Law, truth is ETERNAL.
Peter Navarro unloads on Fauci…says he weaponized the virus and has killed people:
[video src="" /]
No chance just a distraction. I would never vote for an obviously mentally ill person like this.
Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) Tweeted:
Pro-amnesty, pro-abortion, pro-trans, no qualifications, no relevant experience, no leadership ability, total train wreck in every conceivable way.
What a great candidate you got there, GOP!
So tragic.
I wish and hope and pray that Bruce Gender would just go away!!!
And get professional (Christian) help…
Very nice.
China is now working on a “CIVILISATION KILLER” biological weapon which is genetically targeted to kill all races OTHER than the Chinese!
The PCR tests which are taking place all over the world are generating racial DNA-data which is feeding into this new Chinese research.
[video src="" /]
…………………..These are some of the replies:
@BeachMilk I’ve read where the companies like Ancestry and others like it sell the DNA samples to China when they’re finished with them….think about that…millions & millions of people have unknowingly sent their DNA to these companies while researching their genetic roots. China struck gold!!!
@Hummingbird3519 @BeachMilk while not an expert in research I found this written this year as we know it is hard to trust anyone anymore so that said it’s up to the individual to say yea or nay and read the fine print.
Column: Why spend billions for Ancestry’s DNA data if you don’t plan to use it?
Investment firm Blackstone acquired the genealogical site Ancestry for $4.7 billion. It says it has no plans to mine people’s DNA data for profit.
View Link Feed
Blackstone is a big global equity fund that has dealings with China.
Dial up a rod from God into that 3 gorges dam, that’ll cramp their style.
5.10.21: The TIDE seems to be turning… the AWAKENING is happening. Pray!
andweknow Published May 10, 2021…-the-awakening-is-happening.-pray.html
9th May Update Current News
Posted on May 10, 2021
Fun fiction, even if I don’t believe a word of it!
Wolf, STOP reading my mind. Stop it now. Don’t make me come over there, down there, up there, out there, wherever there is. I mean it this time.
Chinese document discussing weaponizing coronaviruses provides ‘chilling’ information
Book written in 2015 discusses weaponizing SARS virus.
The UNC Lab published electronically NOVEMBER 9 2015: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
The work was done in a Bio-3 lab right here in North Carolina.
TRANSCRIPT: Full transcript of “smoking gun” bombshell interview: Prof. Francis Boyle exposes the bioweapons origins of the CoVid-19 coronavirus
February 20, 2020 by: Mike Adams (Bold is by Mike Adams)
In a REAL Court of Law, the Evidence is BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT
Dr. Zheng-li Shi was working with RALPH BARIC, PhD, in his lab at the Gillings Institute of Global Public Health at UNC, Chapel Hill, in 2015, on what became the COVID-19 virus. They were doing experiments with GOF on a SARS-2 variant to see how the new virus could be used in humans. BARIC holds the patent on the virus variant.
Shi went back to the Wuhan lab after her stint at UNC, taking her research materials and notes with her. She, and the Wuhan lab, had been working on GOF for SARS-2 variants since at least 2014, if not before.
The Baric Lab got funding from NIAID (Fauci) and NIH (Dr. Francis Collins). The Wuhan lab got funding from NIAID (Fauci).
And as Dr. Boyle said that was NOT the start. Shi was in Australia five years earlier working on Gain-of- Function and HIV
The paper Published: June 22, 2010 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry(ALL the authors have Chinese sounding names including the gal from the USA.)
From: SARS-CoV-2 — A Biological Warfare Weapon?
And just in case there is ANY doubt about what these UNC scientists were doing there is this article in Nature (the same guys who support Global Warming papers and refuse to print papers not supporting that conjecture.):
12 November 2015 Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research (Update note from editors March 2020 denying lab made covid-19)
Then you have the guys in India finding that HIV in Covid-19
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
Of course they were badgered into withdrawing the paper.
And from Zero Hedge: Chinese Biological Experiments To Infect Humans With Coronavirus Exposed In 2015 By Italian State Media
Chinese scientists destroyed proof of virus in December
And a bit more on the likelihood this was a lab made virus.
After the Guys in India tried to publish their paper another set of researchers, this time in France confirmed their results.
The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
”….we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs.….”
That is as close as scientists are going to get to saying this virus does not look natural. They are aware of what happen to the Indians and are not about to step over the politically correct line.
From FG&C
Don’t forget about French virologist Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel prize in Medicine in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus as cause of the Aids epidemic…
….who has publicly stated this about the WuFlu Chinese virus…
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, bought a copy of the full Aussie paper and discusses it HERE:
And a Czech Microbiologist Says #Covid_19 Virus Was Created In A Laboratory
Apr 6, 2020
The video has English captions and is 20 minutes long
@ 12 minutes she says the RNA molecule is fragile and UV will harm it.
@ 15 min she talks about mutation and at 16 minutes starts talking about the mutations that are ‘atypical at the very least’ ….
@ 17:50 mins She says <i><b>”They can be done through genetic manipulation…”</b></i> and then says it is something she has done routinely.
@ 18:29 mins She says <i><b>”So mutation is kind of tool for turning something harmless into something very harmful”</i></b>
@ 18:40 min She says <i>”China & other countries where they make designer babies… there was the big problem with a Chinese Scientist who created brand new genetically modified embryos… went to jail… he confessed to it but I can imagine there are many scientists who do this and do not admit to it…”</i>
[NOTE: I want to see if html works]
She goes on to say that only a scientist’s conscious can keep them from abusing the tools now available.
Last you have a paper from South China University of Technology:
The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus
Within the paper the authors say
If wet markets were the source, China would have been wiped out centuries ago.
Humans only started shopping in ‘clean’ groc. stores in 1st world countries within the last hundred years.
Wow!!! Thanks, Gail – gonna save this before it disappears from my log.
Gail Combs
Good to see you back at the Q Tree. Thank you.
There was a report on that the man who took the vials of experimental therapy had been arrested.
All I could find from that was this very scant report says….
“He was arrested, booked, and then released from the Anoka County Sheriff’s office with a charge of obstructing an investigation.”
That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
Ben Garrison Cartoons
#BillGates Bugs the world! LATEST #BenGarrison cartoon for your Monday! billionaire Bill Gates continues to play God. The company he funded plans to release around 20 million genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys this year. read the rest at
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Your Monday Morning Montana Moment-
One Horse Power
A bay horse wearing a rope halter (I can make them) and a one ear bridle. Guess he rides western.
More likely than not he rides Western – beautiful country in Montana – but, a bit too cold for me – cold enough here –
According to wiki – The State University of New York system is the largest comprehensive system of universities, colleges, and
community colleges in the United States, with a total enrollment
of 424,051 students, plus 2,195,082 adult education students
There are MAGA conservatives fighting for MAGA in county & state GOPs across the nation. Here are examples of TN Issues and people fighting (political fights, of course) but there are people fighting in all states.
I am not taking sides on some of these issues as they could be argued both ways by MAGA (example: having stricter limits on who can run as an “R” restricts newly minted “Rs” from running as one can not just ditch/switch and be a candidate. Pros and cons on tightening up the requirements). And more could perhaps be accomplished with honey than with vinegar, by focusing on the bylaws themselves v. making the issues personal to the Chair, etc.
However, I respect what they are trying to accomplish and there is drama because there are MAGA trying to work hard.
These are public posts so sharing:
Not from TN? That is not really the point. The point is that there are surely MAGA forces who have been active since the TEA party days and even more who have been active in the years (can you all believe it has now been years?) since President Trump delcared and ran. Join them to make the GOP great again!
Reminder – those living on the East Coast – just heard from a friend – stations running low
DemonRats doing what they do best – creating scarcity, inflation and crises.
Yes – and we should have expected this – I am concerned with those who do not have enough to eat – let alone extra, Georgia – my neighbors have 8 children – and every week they struggle to put food on the table – too many of them should be in jail!
God is not smiling – at all!!! But – I know He will provide.
I hope they have a garden or space for a garden. Giving them seeds and help in gardening would be a blessing.
Yes – they do – and it worked out well for them last year – we give them meat and veggies n’ fruits until they get the garden planted – God is Good!!!
Now they need to learn to can and expand the garden as much as possible!
Renters cannot garden without the landlord’s permission. It’s THEIR land.
MANY don’t own a home, Gail.
Myself included.
What then?
Raised beds on a patio – or potted plants, Em!!!
You can make a bookcase full of plants with drainage on the bottom – or hanging plants in window.
That’s a good thought, Duchess.
Thank you!
Yet I’m doubtful that this will be a solution that SAVES costs (and time), unless over the long-term.
Still, I’ll check out your link …
You’re a peach!
Well I had over 100 house plants in my apartments. There are also coops and community gardens. Check your local county extension service.
TY Gail.
Get to know gardeners in your area and ask, post an ask of anyone willing to share out space for your to garden.
Look on fb for garden groups, ask anyone you know who owns a house/land and ask.
You will be using their water + their land. Water is not free even for those of us who have a spring or well as it takes electricity to pump it. Just to be aware as renters sometimes don’t think about the water.
But for a share of the garden produce they might be willing to let you have some space.
Also, some who might be older might be willing to trade your help for a share of their produce.
Ask @ church?
Locat/regional homeschool group might have someone or know someone willing and close enough to you to work out…?
When we lived in apartments we focused on learning to preserve v. growing. Now we do both. Back then we learn to order in bulk and can, dry, and freeze. Also, buying in bulk to hav extra. Found a 1/2 size freezer for free on a fb group (freecycle or something like that) than would fit in our 900 sq ft apartment (with a dog, work from home husband and an active boy that I stayed home and homeschooled … all in 900 sq ft … !!).
Ordered in bulk and bought in bulk at farmers markets.
Could grow herbs in apartments and we find summer squash can grow in containers + is prolific. If have room for vines, winter squash can put off a lot of “fruit”.
I think ‘mom’ knows how to do that. Gail – not sure – but, will ask her – Thanks!!!
In case you haven’t seen this article on Ivermectin from 2019:
H/t to
From Ann:
“Final thought, on a positive note. The Streptomyces avermictilis bacterium has never been seen or cultivated in the wild since Omura’s golf course sample. Talk about the Divine Providence. Think about the odds. This bacterium just happened to be present in the exact spot on a golf course outside of Tokyo which just happened to be frequented by a man who just happened to be a bacteriologist, who just happened to be taking soil samples and just happened to collect in the exact place where Streptomyces avermictilis was patiently waiting, doing its bacterial thing.
And it just happens to be a cure for the common seasonal cold and influenza, exactly what the Freemasonic New World Order and Antichurch are using in their global totalitarian putsch and Antichurch construction project.”
Cuomo is now saying he thinks the FDA will give full approval for the vaccine by fall. This is what I have been afraid off. Once the vaccines are FDA approved, what protections are available for those who don’t want it?
I don’t know. I would think the Constitution should be enough.
Why is he even still speaking ?!? He should’ve been yanked out of his position.
Every agency is compromised and corrupt so imo it’s a given that they will rubberstamp it approved no matter the evidence challenging that.
May 10, 1775 – Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold led the Continental Army in the capture of the British Fort Ticonderoga in the first American victory of the Revolutionary War.
My revolutionary war ancestor, Orringh Stoddard, mustered out of Stockbridge in Berkshire County Massachusetts so some of these events are near old family stomping grounds. Thanks for this interesting history!
Maybe he helped moved the artillery!
I have No Idea. Later he was part of some type of 10 towns treaty w/ the Indians, iirc. He was a Captain during the Rev & later worked up to General. There’s a letter he wrote on a battle report in George Washington’s papers!!!
Wow! It’s great that you are aware of your family history.
I try to learn what I can & share w/ the family. I used to pretty much hate history but now if I can unearth family tidbits it helps to put us into context a bit. My husband’s ancestor(s?) sided w/ the crown during the Revolution so were run/burned out of America & lived in Canada for a couple generations, & proudly proclaimed the honor of United Empire Loyalists so we can be thankful for those who fought on both sides of that earth-changing seismic shift war. Don’t even get me started on our blood on Both sides of the Civil War…
I wonder how many kids in Dorchester Heights today are aware of their history.
Having known past residents of the area, it used to be taught quite well.
VIRAL VIDEO — Texas farmowner is pissed, 5 little girls dumped, no father, no mother…
Posted by Kane on May 10, 2021 3:55 pm
Highlights from America First rally with Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Greene…
Posted by Kane on May 10, 2021 2:21 pm
This man, a former professional male weightlifter transgendered at 40. Spit.
Woman just need to stop competing in these events until the men are kicked out. Hold unsanctioned alternative events when they must. Too compete under these circumstances is simply to authorize tacit consent at the minimum. Woman need to stop with the acquiescing now as these trans things are starting so young and the new crop will be harder and harder to distinguish from with out an actual test.
If this doesn’t happen woman can well find themselves becoming third class citizens.
Amen goes right there, Para!!!
I can’t believe women didn’t protest and refuse to compete under those circumstances from the very beginning. Common sense told us what would, and did, happen.
It’s already happening in Scotland.
There is a new Hate Crime law, which was passed only several weeks ago.
It is too new to know what will happen in instances such as the ones you describe, but it could be that women have no recourse if they complain about a self-identifier entering their restrooms or changing rooms (several ‘gender neutral’ ones up there now) — never mind sporting events.
Even the Left — men and women — are upset by this.
Likely not a good sign. She even had tremors while being rigid.
Yes, Para – saw that – no – not good at all!!!
This made me Literally LOL. Company she keeps … telling
I would say that ol’ mitt has a hilarious sense of humor … but I think he is so deluded that he thinks this is actually true which is pathetically out of touch
So true about all that we earn/work for by the sweat of our brow
And the reason why welfare and communism DOES NOT WORK!
Hmm. If announcements like that are actually happening, what’s going on in the background.
Prepping the masses for one of their sham wars ? Setting the stage for some boogeyman fear porn for the propaganda machine to dispense?
Bidenistas prepping a Navy scandal within the next 6 months to keep them in line. OBAMA will push for it to happen.
As a side note to this, I was never aware we had such a pipe line going from Texas all the way up to New England. Never heard reports on it though I’m sure if we looked we’d know. Tell me again why are we are opposed to the Alaskan pipeline?
Beats me, Para – however – the Green New Deal people are determined to destroy the fossil fuel industry if it is the last thing they will do – all in the 16-year plan to destroy America – and raise oil prices to an obnoxious degree – wherein – they think – we will be anxiously looking for an alternative – not so – you dufuses – not so!!!
I have done inspections at natural gas compressor stations. Gas is piped from Texas to Chicago for example at 850 PSI. There are booster stations every 50 miles or so to keep the pressure up and provide enough volume. I have seen pipeline maps in these offices of the buried pipes. It would blow your mind how much is underground.
The bulk of gasoline once refined is piped to distribution hubs. From there the different companies, Shell, Chevron etc, add their additives, enhancements as the tanker trucks are filled. The number of these hubs is not huge so a definite choke point. But as we know, expanding distribution and production is not on the agenda.
At one point, you could easily get pipeline maps of the US from the internet. I used to show them to credulous idiots who were anti Keystone XL or whatever.
Then, all of a sudden, before I thought to stash one offline…..they disappeared. Because “terrorists”.
So, now the black hats no longer actually look for the physical pipeline — they just cyberattack the control mechanisms.
Oooh! Ask and ye shall receive!!!
Note — those are natural gas pipelines. There are similar maps for crude oil and refined gasoline.
MOAR fun info —
And a big “Howdy!” from Cushing, OK — “Pipeline Crossroads of the World” —
Yep. This is now all secure (in theory) infrastructure and the facilities are physically secured with restricted access.
Very surprising they still have not got their control systems locked down better. I would say some companies better at this then others.
I am All for confiscating guns … from criminals
I want to be careful with that because Patriots have been labeled criminals terrorists.
Democrats ARE criminals, and they PROTECT criminals at every opportunity – including making the GOOD think they might be criminals. THE BIG LIE.
Yes that is how they roll. Criminals in every part of government.
We had a primary in S OH and a conservative run for councilmen and won. We start small. The nice thing the councilmen is my councilmen.

He run against two other the good old boys and they lost
That is GREAT News!
True. I wasn’t looking at it in a thoughtful way … more of a joke.
But yes, we (conservatives) can easily be “made” into criminals based on how they create and interprest law and intent and events. see 1/6!
Again, I was just thinking of it as in they already don’t/can’t enforce the existing laws except for all of us lawabiding citizens because criminals don’t obey the law. Kind of a joke/sarcasm …. but you are right … that could be a dangerous taunt!
Hamas..Antifa….all the same
It was inevitable once they installed Biden…
Biden is the golden goose for the left. Signs whatever they place in front of him. Is so out of it he is incapable of questioning anything that is going on. When it totally blows up will get all the blame. Meanwhile, those running the show in the background go scott free.
Even Heels Up would question some of the crap that is going on. At least she would have to worry about re-election (installation) .
Bidenistas are such crap.
Leftist policies coming back to bite.
And the shows are akin to worship of those involved in acting craft. Sure, there’s talent there, but no, we don’t bow down and, frankly, we can find talent and entertainment elsewhere — and even make our own, as in the days before “motion pictures.”
The whole business needs to burn to the ground. They’ve shifted into full spectrum diversity training and CRT….it’s in your face 24/7.
Everyone saw the Oscars ratings tank. They probably canceled it to save themselves embarrassment, and/or because they couldn’t find advertisers.
Good. Now do sag, oscar, ama, “kids” choice, etc etc.
Evil is self-destructive.
In its beginning, in its middle, and in its end.
Hi, Wheatie! I heard defugalty all the time growing up, too. My parents used it, and their friends. I don’t think I had ever seen it in print before, and I haven’t heard it used in a long time. Thanks for reminding me!!!
You’re very welcome, my friend.
It’s a word that is used in my family…and fairly often as a matter of fact.
MIT researchers discover COVID skeptics follow science.
They say all of this as if it’s a bad thing.
From their point of view (Totalitarianism) it IS A BAD THING! They have spent over a century Dumbing Down America and it HASN’T WORKED!!!
That is one of the funniest papers I have ever seen. I’m d/l’ing.
Excellent! Thank you. REAL SCIENCE on the outside is going to wake up people inside that they are being DECEIVED.
57 leading scientists, doctors, and public policy experts call for IMMEDIATE HALT to Covid vaccine programs | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
Its a bribe.
“Heres some goingvawat money…diesnt make up for the BILLIONS ive squandered and the oncoming trillion or so ALL Ds and rinos have spent….and the lockdowns, but here take a few hundred, go away….forget to vote for my recall.”
Gavin Newsom, Facing Recall, Announces New Stimulus Checks for 2/3 Californians
Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday that the state is projected to have a $38 billion discretionary surplus in 2021 — and that he wants to use it to expand the state’s stimulus program by sending additional checks to two-thirds of California residents.
California has the highest estimated debt of any state, with nearly $363 billion in liabilities in 2019, according to Forbes.
In January, Newsom announced that the state expected a $15 billion surplus, thanks to stronger-than-expected revenues in 2020. The recovery of the economy, and the stock market, meant that the state’s wealthiest taxpayers paid more to the fiscus.
CA surplus is simply Federal dollars printed and sent to states. Three or more stimulus bills, each trillions with billions for each states slush funds.
Quite seriously doubt CA had any true surplus on its own.
Wonder is nuisance has funded CAL FIRE for the upcoming fire season. Or nuisance is counting on Dementia Joe to fund fire fighting in CA.
Good question. The sides of freeways havent been maintained the past year. Caltrans is supposed to cut the weeds n pick up trash. Way overgrown and trash everywhere. We have so many nutjobs who set fires and the past couple months some real jerks ruding dirt bikes and scooters on the street and in our undeveloped park. If they start a fire
we are in trouble.
But, Gruesome disbanded the inmate firefighter program despite a lot of objections. We will find out in a month or so what summer will be like.
2 More Infant Deaths Following Experimental COVID Genocide Jab During Clinical Trials In Latest CDC VAERS Report
by Tim Brown, The Daily Caller
That’s right, the unconstitutional agency whose Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System is fatally flawed and only reports 1% of deaths and adverse effects has added a 1 and a 2-year-old to the list of those who have died after receiving the experimental COVID genocide jab.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Just a warning that the suramin stuff is wrong.
At this point we have to be very very careful about the EVIL ONES feeding us crap info.
Yup. I’m surprised that Mike Adams fell for it, and even more surprised that Judy Mikovits fell for it!
Makes you wonder WHO fed them the information. a ‘Trusted’ source???
It would be interesting to debug!
Dr Erik Berg talked about Covid. He said when you get it take lots of vitamin D3 . Forgot I high do not want to poison people but it was way up there more than 8000. Take high doze zinc 240 mg I believe keep warm so you sweat even though you have a fiver. Stop right away eating carbs.
Disclaimer I am not a dr and each person needs to find their own remedy that helps.
‘Stop right away eating carbs’: THIS x 1000!!
Getting a lot of press for something that is not beneficial – I think
One of the reasons that this is getting lift seems to be that pine needle tea is an ABORTIFACIENT. That will help take the wind out of the sails of the ABORTION VIRUS and the ABORTION VACCINES, if they can get our side to promote it.
I bath in Pine needles. It is an old remedy helps with arthritis. Muscle pain. Smells good.
I wonder if that helps?
It does, Sing!!! Thank You!!! God Bless You!!!
Ep. 2474a – [CB] Has Initiated The Inflationary Coverup, Economic Playbook Known
X22 Report Published May 10, 2021
The [CB]s plan is failing, they want the world to suffer economically, their plan has failed, yes economies are hurting but economies are opening up. The [CB] is now exposed, they will use everything and anything to cover up the implosion of their system. Inflation is coming, and they know it, [FF] will be used to mask it. The [DS] is panicking over AZ, their entire case of trying to stop is failing. The patriots are moving forward and the information that is revealed is going to be the shot heard around the world. The violation of the constitution will reveal the truth about the elections, this will happen in multiple states. The [DS] will be a [FF] to distract from this information, this will fail. The cannon is going to be released on the [DS].
Ep. 2474b – Constitution Will Reveal The Truth, Watch AZ, Release The Cannon
X22 Report Published May 10, 2021
I finally got a partial cable cord cut today…bc mr gil has seen the light. No more premium channels…aka hbo, starz, showtime, and some nfl channel.
$30 a month saved and no subversive extra content.
Its not zero but its close!
Excellent! BRAVO!!! Good work. I took that step myself. It only gets better!
Our library is a large system and we can request to borrow dvds online, plus the other channels are enough for now.
^^^ YAY!!! ^^^
Antenna TV will bring in ~15+ English channels. Some HD. My antenna ~$29 nearly ten years ago. Internet searches told us what direction to point the antenna. Worked perfectly when we were in Ridgecrest, (Mojave Desert) CA and here northern NV.
WE him-n-hawed before cutting the cord totally. When we did cut it, we knew we could easily turn it back on with a huge discount. Looking back, should have cut the cable sooner.
100% don’t miss cable/DirectTV.
Antenna and internet are plenty. BONUS, the TV is off most of the time. No one misses even “Basic”. It’s all trash.
Thats what im working toward. Nada thing. Our contract is over in October, just in time to be busier with school. We will see if we cut the rest then.
Beautiful current example of Chinese DEBT SHAKEDOWN to get a presence in Europe.
Military bases? One Belt Around The Neck And One Road Over Your Grave?
Sure looks like it.
Montenegro: Between “Chinese Debt Diplomacy” And Oil Exploration
by Nikola MikovicMay 5, 202111285
Yes calling it a jab sounds like British slang. Never have we ever called injections this in the USA.
Cali-Conservative (@CaliConserv1) Tweeted:
@Born_Free71 They originally workshopped calling it a “small prick” but then Fauci told them not to use his unofficial nickname.
We need to import jab -lingo?
Little pricks have NOTHING to teach US.
No doubt a focus group recommendation, make this thing sound cute and sexy.
Sounds likely.
To be fair, the first time I heard ‘jab’ was from a New Yorker more than 40 years ago.
She was talking about the flu vaccine.
So, ‘jab’ is not an entirely British word.
I agree. My far better half and I detest the word ‘jab’.
I did read recently that ‘jab’ is preferred because these injections are not exactly inoculations, therefore, not clinical vaccinations, rather some sort of treatment.
Unfortunately, I cannot find the article right now.
Jab again sounds like street slang, and most Brits don’t talk like that! But I could possibly see the explanation for word use.
Exactly. For better or worse, that is where we are.
(@disclosetv) Tweeted:
Another TRUMP endorsement!
From The Desk of Donald J Trump!!!

Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) Tweeted:
The drop CNN is experiencing is profound. On Friday, not one program broke 900K total viewers. Prime averaged less than 800K overall.
For comparison, the network averaged 2.74 million viewers in January, so we’re talking about more than two-thirds of the audience – gone.
I think part of it is that they don’t have PDJT to complain about anymore. His Fraudulency is boring and his policies are awful (but can’t be criticized much by the network), so what is there to talk about?
Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Pastor Artur Pawlowski is FREE — but why did the guards refuse for hours to let him out?
Many thanks for the update, gil00 — greatly appreciated.
Yes, yw.
(maybe Zoe would like listening? Audio, no text hassle?)
One of the co-hosts of the PSB 9pm show (handle Coach Clay) – while speaking with the hostess of the 7-9pm show (handle Radix, owner) during the transition – said that while Artur was “swatted” for holding Christian service, all the Mosks were able to congregate for their “holiday” services without any harassment or LEO attention at all.
There were *lines* to get in the door.
This co-host lives only a few minutes from the scene (Calgary, IIRC).
The conclusion of the hosts’ conversation was that the reason for the disparate treatment harkens back to the Nah! Zee! tactics of targeting “thought leaders”.
2017-11-01 “The only way is the military.”
I’m feeling the same way, honestly.

He frequently says things that make a lot of sense. But his gratuitous Trump mocking, and reposting of ANYTHING critical of Trump is costing him already. We’re a third of the way through the month and he’s got exactly 11% of the expenses met. People are all over it in the comments, myself included. He’s more than a little big for his britches, it’s a very bad look.
I think he was expecting Trump to jump on board after the twitter ban and when he didn’t he took it personal. Had Trump joined GAB then it would have taken off bigly and Torba would have been set. You win some, you lose some.
I tried to use it more but it just did not grab me for some reason. I’ll check the news feed but that is about it.
me too – just a place to scan briefly. He has shot himself in the foot – between mocking Trump and Lindell. What an ass.
He’s mocking Lindell? I don’t read there so I haven’t seen what’s going on.
When Lindell had his big Frank opening day and it was nothing but problems, he was jumping on the bandwagon reposting all the people that were calling it old tech and glorified wordpress. People were calling him out in the comments. I’m telling you, he’s going to suffer for this lack of grace.
Acting like a jerk is not being supportive of a fellow conservative. Knowing this, I’m very glad PDJT has not joined Gab.
I can understand why PDJT doesn’t want to endorse any platform after what he’s been through. He is keeping himself separate in many ways, and I think there is a reason for that. Plus, I think he might be launching his own media platform. If Torba is mocking him, it shows that PDJT’s instincts and knowledge were right, as usual.
I’ve mostly held my tongue about President Trump since January because I acknowledge that I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, but I get the frustration. Our election was blatantly stolen, our side barely put up a fight (publicly), a lot of people on our side got burned because of this, and we’ve gotten no answers months later. Meanwhile, Big Tech companies have forced President Trump’s supporters off their platforms and on to Gab. Despite being censored himself and knowing that his supporters have been censored as well, President Trump is still encouraging his supporters to use these awful platforms (the very least he could have done was include a “share on Gab” button on his blog for his censored supporters, but he couldn’t even do that). I get why Torba is mad.
…. And it begins
We’ve had gas stations out-of-gas before, during the 70s Arab embargo.
But having them so proximate to toilet paper shortages is not a good look for a free country.
Yesterday, Howie Carr said that, late last year in Florida — where he now lives — gas was $1.10 a gallon. Now it’s $3.60 and climbing.
Short term this sucks. Long term, a nice wake up call.
Local news here is pleading with people not to panic buy gas.
It didn’t work for toilet paper either.
French patience wears thin.
This is about getting rid of stuff that might otherwise remind people of what life was like pre-Clown World. Can’t let the children access anything that might cause them to question the NWO indoctrination.

Wow, Wheatie, thanks for the introduction to defugalty.
My compliments to your parents for using it often.
Thanks, Churchmouse.
You’re most welcome, friend!