Cover image: Spring in the Rockies by Kenneth Shanika.

Just in case you missed it….

Please note the Prius and the Subaru in the background. Virtue signaling as a way of life. These people are so predictable.
The waiting continues. Apparently, the leaks have been plugged again and the pipelines of information on what is going on behind the scenes of the never ending Joe Biden Show have dried up. That being the case….
Who cares?
This one, on the other hand, makes the heart hurt.
With all luck, honest and competent physicians will refuse to administer the inoculations.
Or…that big event that the “insiders” keep promising could come soon, and it all gets exposed on RSBN.
And for once, the “fireworks” are in Israel.
And, here is the sort of guy who makes America great.
Max Bialystock would be so proud.
Just a reminder:

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for some mood music:
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
1 CORINTHIANS 1:26-31; 2:1-2
126For consider your call, brethren; not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth; 27but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, 28God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 30He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption; 31therefore, as it is written, “Let him who boasts, boast of the Lord.” 21When I came to you, brethren, I did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God in lofty words or wisdom. 2For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Well, it look as if I am the first to post a comment DP.
Still living in a nightmare here in Canada. It’s not going to go away anytime soon. The cabal has shown their hand, and its a bitter fight to the end… a spiritual fight.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons are threatening to take away the licence of doctors who go against the accepted corvid narrative put out by the government
CPSO – Statement on Public Health Misinformation
From the link above:
“ Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19.”
I pray the physicians stand strong.
Me too. It’s the Hippocratic Oath, NOT the Hypocritic(al) oath! And that supersedes everything else…
First of all, DO NO HARM…
It makes me sad to see the direction Canada has chosen to go. I hope and pray they can find a way to turn it around.
“Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public”
Not any more!
I lost all trust in the 1970s when Strong Memorial Hospital of CIA radiation experiment fame, killed my Mom my boy friend’s mom and my best friends Mom all in the same year.
University of Rochester
That article cleans up the actual tale. Mom had was burn to a crisp by an ‘accidental overdose’ of radiation by a doctor the other doctors on our street called ‘The Butcher.’ I babysat the kids of all three of those doctors but they would not TELL US what was going on.
Re-written as
EPA Used 10-Year Old Children in Illegal Diesel Exhaust Experiments Strong Memorial was again one of the hospitals of choice. One of the kids who had asthma died.
Back-up data from Junk Science FOIA request:
This is now a you have to pay:
The evil.
Oh! Dear Lord, how awful, genuinely horrific.
Done intentionally … and by people who personally knew her and her family?!!
Gail, that has to have been a blow that one just doesn’t ever stop thinking about and that shapes one forever.
My Mom died of a medical mistake, suddenly and before her time and I know how that impacted me.
But a medical mistake, an oversight when perscribing meds, is NOTHING in comparison to intentional harm … and done by known “friends” and neighbors?
I don’t like to jump to nazi comparisons … but that is all that comes to mind. Pure evil with no excuses.
My greatest sympathies
Gail, I’m very sorry about your Mom, and your boyfriend’s and your best friend’s Mom. There are no words.
When I visited my doctor in May or so of 2020 and realized I knew more about the China virus than she did, that was a real wake-up call.
When I visited again a month or so ago and realized I knew more about the vaccine than she did, that was an icy dunk in the North Atlantic. The Titanic had hit the iceberg.
I will NEVER AGAIN blindly trust that a doctor has a CLUE. Modern medicine is an ILLUSION.
Same here .
We are more informed than most doctors or scientists. Unles they are dealing with vaccine directly they have no clue and rely on colleagues who are in the field. They read the scientific articles and that becomes their god.
Yes we are very informed here thanks to Wolf and everyone else who brings information to this blog.
Thank you to all of you I appreciate you
That is what is so great about this site. We all bring something good to the buffet.
That is true
I feel for you all. My dad’s family came through Canada in various waves. I have an affinity for the country being a hockey fan. What’s being done to you all is criminal.
Loved the glitter box guy, DePat! Also, the weekly pledge.
We are winning and…
He’s the one that did the squirrel obstacle course from a week or two ago… pretty creative fellow (I think he works for NASA – obviously not in “Mozzie outreach”
This was quite awesome!
I really liked that they got so many people involved and managed to get those women their money back. Even FedEx was on board with nailing the scammers.
Regarding the glitter-bomb video, I go back and forth between feeling so sorry for the lady being scammed, to thinking how in the world could someone fall for that? I don’t think I’ve been that trusting since I was a very small child.
The sad truth is…..each of us is that trusting at some random time every day. It can be that you trust someone not using their turn signal not to cut in front of you, or when you think you can pass by someone in a supermarket without them stepping backwards into you. You generally believe people are (1) well-meaning, (2) rule-following, and (3) situationally aware, dozens of times per day.
Not the same as a stranger on the phone trying to get me to pay him something I don’t owe and didn’t ask for.
You trust your life to one and your fortune to the other…..which is more important?
Turn signal: I don’t blindly trust people to do what they are indicating. I still watch carefully and take avoidance measures if needed. I don’t trust my life to them. Defensive driving 101.
Someone stepping backwards into me: I tend to be aware enough to watch people’s body language and gauge whether they are stationary or not. Defensive walking, LOL.
Phone scammer: The examples above are far different than having a human being, either in person or on the phone, trying to persuade us to do their bidding. We were taught as children not to trust strangers offering us candy or stuffed toys. As we got a little older, we were taught not to trust strangers who want to give us a ride or who say they found a lost dog or who ask us for help or who want to come in the house when our parents aren’t home. We all learn (or should) from early on not to trust strangers.
But here we have a person whom we don’t know from Adam, asking us to entrust him with our money. It should go against common sense and every instinct to trust such a person.
They start out with false assumptions of responsibility. WE are responsible people. We become easy to fool in that regard.
Not everyone has a BS detector built in. I had to get one of those viewing programs off of my dad’s computer. Fortunately, the online banking stuff is on a different machine, and he didn’t give a credit card number.
Yet another reason not to do online banking.
I wish I could convince Hubby to NOT use the computer to pay bills but he ignores all my warnings.
So does my mother. I told her not to get rid of the land line, just change the number, and she wouldn’t listen. Now, if the cell towers go out, communications is cut off.
My land line is costing me 60 bucks a month now, and I never, ever use the thing.
But I don’t dare give it up.
It wasn’t so long ago, they were $18.
We have a bundled package w/ the internet that costs about that same amount as you are paying for just the phone. When the cost starts climbing I call the company & they Usually end up dropping the price closer to some of their special offers to keep our business.
My parents were grandfathered in to a party line for Many Years, my whole time living there til the ’80’s. Only on a rare occasion would it be a hassle w/ the other party using the line. After I’d gone off to college they got a heavily accented foreign woman who lied her butt off to get the phone usage. My mom said she’d claimed her husband was having a heart attack or she had to rush to his funeral Numerous Times. Mom called the phone company to complain & see if she could get on w/ another party & that’s when she discovered that their service was a grandfathered dinosaur so they bit the bullet & got their own line w/ bells & whistles.
My dad spent All his Summers at his parents’ Northern Michigan cottage (they’d go up the day after school let out & return the day before school started) in an insular beach side lake area community. Apparently many places on Arbutus beach, or at least many of the extended family cottages, shared One Party Line. Each residence had a different ring so whenever the phone rang you would know who the call was for. The nosiest could pick up & listen in on any call in the party line!
We saw some old Jimmy Stewart movie w/ a party line story line woven in. Whenever Jimmy would go to use the phone some woman who never took a breath would be waxing eloquent on some poor sap’s medical issues (probably her husband). We still joke about the scene where he picks up the phone & she’s going on & on about “buckets & buckets of blood”! What a vacation disaster!
Thanks for “In the Mood.” That was a great pick-me-up.
Melinda Gates Apparently had Problems with Her Husband Bill Gates’ Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein
None of this makes sense.
My question is..who cares? Why does it make national headlines ? So what, is it supposed to keep us waiting on the edge of our seats wanting to hear about their divorce?
To me it’s sort of like who cares what Bill Gates says about vaccines? What does he know, anyway? He has placed himself in the national and international spotlights, especially now with COVID, so he gets a lot of coverage.
Well, now that you mention it………who cares what Bill Gates thinks about ANYTHING? I mean really. He’s not an inspirational character, moral leader, or authority I turn to for answers about anything. If he left the scene tomorrow, I’m not sure I’d even notice. Maybe five years from now I’d think of him and wonder whatever happened to that Microsoft dude? But probably not.
Bill Gates’ major contribution to technology was that he went to the West Coast Computer Faire and tried to sell his MICROSOFT BASIC, when everyone else was excited about the synergy available and giving their software away.
By the end of the Faire, someone had picked up his program and was distributing it freely. Maybe they new they stole it, maybe they thought it was free, maybe they just didn’t care.
Led to MicroSoft doing decades of DRM and Windows key stickers.
India cares. IIRC, he’s got a criminal indictment over side effects from some jab with massive side effects and can no longer set foot in the country.
Oh yeah. I remember reading that. Some African country or countries as well.
Fact Check and the rest are busy covering up the Bill Gates polio vaccine mess.
And India Today:
These are the stories:
How is Bill Gates NOT IN PRISON after causing a polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children in India?!
New Eastern Outlook: Gates Vaccine Spreads Polio Across Africa
Judges demand answers after children die in controversial cancer vaccine trial in India
The truth??? Who knows but we are all aware that pressure is brought to bare on those who go outside the Elites ‘script’
This seems to be a reoccurring pattern with these ‘vaccines’ that Gates is involved with.
My spidey sense tells me that they plan to bring Polio back to the US.
Let’s face it…those Polio vaccinations that we got as kids, have probably worn off.
So the illegals pouring up across the border bring Polio with them…and voilà...we have a new pandemic.
And new fear porn and a reason to get another one of the Gates Franken-vaxes.
I’ve read that even Salk’s polio “vaccines” were adulterated with adjuvants (aluminum, and others), without medical cause (health benefit) to do so.
The SCAM has been going on for decades, if not centuries.
Glad I haven’t seen a doctor in a bit …
THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All he knows is the cajillions of dollars he’s making and whatever ego head trip he’s on.
He is another PUPPET! Someone else is behind him just like the Rockefellers were behind Samuel Bush and Maurice Strong….
And the Rothschilds behind the Rockefellers.
**I much prefer ‘Bankster’ or ‘Financier’ to Jew. The book first appeared in 1911 in Germany and then in 1913 by Publisher E. P. Dutton of New York.
Who cares? Why is it making national headlines?
‘Cause the reality is this is a reality show, and there’s a whole lot of signaling going on. Rumor has it she’s been dead for some time, and he may well be also, but I’m thinking he wants to cut a deal rather than hang. Bill should not get one, IMO.
These people are squirrely. Who makes a deal with their DH that he can have a wanton weekend once a year with the old girlfriend? I’m just not that broad minded.
Agree but these people are rich enough that the gross weird details of their divorce papers could most likely never be seen in print. The media only publicizes what their masters tell them to…so all of it seems contrived
Agreed. Gates is moving money to his wife. End of story.
Gates and his buddies KNOW the stock market is about to crash so a divorce is a great way to DUMP STOCK while the prices are still high…
AND not alert the ‘Great Unwashed Serf Class.
AND avoid legal liability for selling with inside info, as that solitary exec from Enron was able to do. They create a legal compulsion to sell, to absolve themselves from culpability for *voluntary* selling.
Bay Zoess did the same thing – weaponizing divorce.
Just like so many of the “marriages” in the BIG CLUB are for power and profit … and loveless.
It was probably an arranged marriage for power and business reasons like Bill and Hillary.
And the old girlfriend is 70 and married.
“broad minded” no pun intended
It’s a scam. That’s why it’s not making sense.
They’re trying to protect money. That’s ALL it is.
Apparently ‘Melinda’ Gates is actually actor Kevin Kline’s brother Alex, but nobody really believed Billy’s ‘wife’ wasn’t a dude, so they made up the ‘old girlfriend’ as a beard.
Seems like it’s all pretty common among these freaks…

If you knew some of the people I know, you would know that this kind of thing is mild weirdness. Real freaks are FREAKS.
DP, There is so much going on and so much that is ongoing that I find myself wondering many times a day when we will reach a resolution to all of the issues that are before us now.
When Jesus Christ came He literally turned the world upside down.
Acts 17:5-7 Authorized (King James) Version
5 But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people. 6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also; 7 whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Cæsar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
When Christ came, time literally changed. The world started counting time by making the division between the time counted before Christ came and starting at 0 after Christ came. We are currently living 2021 years after Christ came.
I believe that we are in a major period of change. The old things are quickly passing away. The new things are beginning to manifest. We have to let go of the old things and accept that all things are becoming new.
Corinthians 5 Authorized (King James) Version
5 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: 3 if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. 4 For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. 5 Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. 6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: 7 (for we walk by faith, not by sight:) 8 we are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences. 12 For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart. 13 For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause. 14 For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: 15 and that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. 16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Jesus will do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
Ephesians 3 Authorized (King James) Version
3 For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, 2 if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: 3 how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, 4 whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) 5 which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; 6 that the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel: 7 whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power. 8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; 9 and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: 10 to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 11 according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. 13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Elizabeth, Thanks for posting these passages. They are lengthy enough to think on their continuity. and Wisdom.
piper, I got saved at 12. I had barely ever been to church up until then. When I was saved, I read the Bible. It was the NIV version. It never occurred to me that there was such a thing as theology. I believed Christians were all the same. Over the years, I developed a very close personal relationship with God. I read Scripture in order to better understand and know God. I prayed a lot. I tried to obey God. I was busy raising a family and working.
When I was 50 my daughter was sick and dying. I had a lot of quiet time with her in hospitals and at home for that year until she died. I discovered theology. I studied it. It was very confusing. In the process, I discovered that many people who preached and wrote about God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit would quote Scriptures out of context that fit into their views. After years of study, it became very important to me to put Scripture into context.
I found that a lot of philosophers and secular teachers used the words God, Christ and Spirit in ways that seemed the same as the Bible, but they defined them very differently than Christians define them. That was one of the most difficult areas to sort through until I learned to find their definition of their words first instead of believing it was the same as my own.
As I looked up the Scriptures above, I was only looking for the Scriptures I have in bold. As I read them in context, I discovered how perfectly they fit in with these times we are living through.
When Christ came, died on the cross and rose again as the firstborn, that was the birth of Christianity.
Over the last 2021 years, we have grown in numbers from 1 person to 2.5 billion people. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, reported that the number of Christians in the world edged past 2.5 billion in 2019. Nearly one-third or 31.2% of the world’s population is considered to be Christian.
We have changed the world one person at a time by submitting ourselves to God, asking him to change us into the person He wants us to be and sharing what He has done for us by telling others and living by His example. He has a specific purpose and a plan for each of us. We are unique individuals and together we are the Body of Christ.
Liz – if you have not read The Marshall Report today – please, do – this would be a nice post to share with the group there, too!!! JMHO
Thanks for sharing!!! God Bless You Real Good today and always!!!
Thanks, I will do that now.
Most welcome, Liz!!! You are such a blessing!!! You bring such great things to light here – and now – there – God Bless You!!!
Elizabeth, Thank you for this response. It is always good to hear of another’s personal Journey towards the available Truth.
You are so right in describing how it is biblical terminology and citings are often used in misleading fashion.
I have long been of the opinion that biblical illiteracy is the biggest problem of the Western church. If people knew the Scriptures, they would not be so easily hoodwinked.
As to the growth of Christianity, I look upon this Age in which we now live, as one of Bringing in The Sheaves, an antiquated (read KJV) phrase for a sort of wrapping up.
As you are aware, the majority of growth in the church today is NOT Western, and indeed the church seems to be growing most rapidly in those areas where persecution is nearly intolerable. But, it has always been so.
I am so very glad you decided to respond to my thanks for your postings.
Thank you. I had not seen your reply until today. Liz
Thank you, DP, for successfully dragging a Tuesday post out of Monday’s IRL wreckage.
This one was one of the bigger challenges of late.
Okey-dokey, back to the surplus beer reviews.
Sufferfest FKT — 130 calories, 10 carbs. Pale Ale brewed with salt and Black Currant. 4.5% ABV.
To be honest, I’ve been delaying this tranche because I felt like too many of the prior brews were abusive. This one isn’t bad. It has a bit of darker color — and, yes, if you’re looking, there’s a hint of black currant. But for a “lawnmower beer” (mow a quarter acre, swill a beer, go mow the next….), it’d work. Sort of a “not worse than gatorade” praise.
New Belgium Brewing (“Fat Tire”) has currently released a bottled beer so awful that it’s supposed to make you afraid of climate change.
Most sane quaffers will become more afraid of “woke” brewers.
“Sort of a “not worse than gatorade” praise.”
The perfect example of damning with faint praise.
Gatorade is only good for an illness involving lots of time worshiping the porcelain god.
“Fauci: It May Be Time To Ease Indoor Mask Mandates”
Fauxi is like a Magic 8-ball.
Every time you shake him up and look in his eye, he gives you a different answer.
But it’s a very limited ‘pool’ of possible answers, so while they change from day to day, by now, everyone knows all the variants by heart
One of the few things you’ve posted I agree with.
“One of the few things you’ve posted I agree with.”
Then my work here is complete…
Tough crowd…


My favorite.
Too bad his output rate isn’t faster or he could be used for a cryptographically secure random number generator.
Just assign a numeric code to each of his possible sayings. If there are, for example, seven of them, you interpret the next 20 of them as a 20 digit base 7 number…convert to decimal and voila!
For some reason Data for Star Trek TNG comes to mind here
Your description NOT Faux-Xi!
Pathological and/or ideological liars always trip up in the end.
Executing phone scammers would begin to send a message to ransom hackers.
President Wolf Moon. THE WORLD needs him.
Gives a whole new meaning to “reach out and touch someone” …
Reach out and clutch someone?
Reach out and garrot someone?
Just add a Chemist to the Glitter Box crew.
One wonders if those “hackers” were perhaps related to the Bye, Done Fakeministration, perhaps Perkins Coie or the DEMONICRAT “National” Committee…
Great way to kill a pipeline, with “plausible deniability”…..
and cover for a huge gas price increase…on top of the already rising prices.
and faux bidden didnt win so the Diamonds Must Be Returned!

Ken Paxton is excellent! SANITY. It’s REFRESHING.
NOW if he would follow it up with ACTION!
Reminds me of the parents always telling their kids ‘no don’t do that’ but NEVER enforcing what they say. (Then I am left with dealing with a kid in a ‘danger zone’ and getting cussed out for either telling the kid to move or, if the kid is a toddler, physically removing the child from danger.)
A “bare” post for Sylvia…..
You’re getting to be active in a bunch of places and I don’t want to derail those discussions by attaching this as a reply.
How are you doing, Lady of the Shining Shovel? You had mentioned it’s closed on your leg….how well is the divot filling in? Any long Covid? Are you doing well enough to grace us with your presence regularly?
Howdy, coothie. Yes, my leg is all closed up. The divot remains. Ugly scar. But believe me, I’m too grateful to care about a mere scar.
I think……….I really think……….I’m finally over Covid. I haven’t had any breathing difficulties for a number of months now.
I feel pretty good for the most part. There are some unresolved medical issues related to the whole leg adventure, but I’m working hard to get a handle on things. Meanwhile, I have some vision issues so sometimes I have to shut the screen off and rest my eyes. So I expect you’ll see me around. I like to check in here daily if possible.
Thanks for checking on me!
Do you have any idea where you encountered that flesh-eating bacteria?
I hope you do…so that you can avoid that place, forever!
And counsel others, as well.
Absolutely no idea. When the infectious disease doctors learned I hadn’t been traveling anywhere, they kind of lost interest. They said the bacteria are everywhere, on everything, and sometimes one will get lucky and find an opening in the skin and start to grow. So it could have been a little cut from shaving or something like that.

Oh great…that’s not disturbing or anything, is it.
I dunno, Wheatie, it sounds a little dubious to me. But then I read on the internet as much as I could and kept hearing the same stories. Some blame their dogs. No one knows.
One of my dogs likes to roll in dirt and grass. Thinking about it yes they could carry a bacteria on their fur. She is not allowed in bed . I brush her out have her bathed regularly every six weeks. I also have some wipes and hope that takes some bacteria off her. As one doctor said we are surroundet by bacteria and normally our immune system takes care of it.
Your immune system was week from covid.
I am glad you are healing and glad to see you here. Have your eyes checked there are vitamins one can take that help . I take everyday for my eyes and it does help.
Just be sure to mist your house with red fuming nitric acid every hour. Problem solved.
Of course, you won’t have the problems of home maintenance and housework, either, and you’ll be getting plenty of outdoor air. (Assuming, of course that you leave the house during the misting operations.)
The divot is a chunk of muscle. Are you measuring the one leg’s muscle thrust v. the other?
No. I’m not very scientific. As long as they still carry me around, I’m good.

You might want to try pure vit. E from capsules and rub it on the scar. I saw a VERY nasty old scar plus scar tissue reduced on a horse’s leg until you could not see the scar at all. The hair even grew back! (It took months of care so it is not an over night cure.)
we used to have a small vial, maybe 2 ounces, of Vitamin E oil more than 2 decades ago for use on the kids’ skin. Perhaps it is still available that way too
A company I worked for decades ago got it by the 55 gal barrel full.
Vitamin E is a mixture of oils known as tocopherols so you can look for that name too.
Here it is in bulk Bulk Apothecary.
tocopherols are usuall soy oil, in full or in part, unless otherwise specified.
If soy is of concern, just be aware.
the one listed above is synthetic from China so maybe no soy involved … ???
We have had good luck with this product and straight “carrier” oils sold by this company for skin issues and healing.
The company is reasonably priced and seems to be good quality from what we can tell.
I recently had a nasty spider bite on my face, near my ear. Really nasty. Used charcoal and clay, etc., made it out of swollen and poisoned phase and through the the healing phase. used the salve and now no scars, just redness. Tissue has filled in. Just my own experience so who knows if it will help with your situation. I have found less scarring – sking more comfortable and healthy.
Thanks Gail, you’re like a living & personalized encyclopedia!!!
Thank you, Gail. I had forgotten about that. The area is not on public display, but it is still ugly even if I have to curl around a mirror with my leg over an arm chair to see it…………so I may very well use your suggestion. Who needs more ugly scars, right???? Thanks again! Vitamin E goes on my shopping list!!!
Absolutely! If someone is going to have to curl around an armchair with a mirror, or similar gyrations, to arrange a private display, they should certainly should see as little ugliness as possible.
Did I just say that these people should JUST be jailed? MY MISTAKE.
Wolfie they are TRAITORS. That means they need a helping hand to Dante’s Ninth Circle.
Seriously that’s true. If the rot isn’t cut off and’s never going away
“IT EXPERT: Maricopa County Officials Refuse to Provide Routers and Passwords to Senate Auditors – They Don’t Want Public to Know Where Data Was Sent and When It Was Sent”
I personally think these obstructors of justice should be JAILED.
For those who were watching music videos yesterday, this can tie a bunch of them together……
I spent the day with my cellphone.
Why on earth would someone do this if they weren’t on-call while their Fiancee had a medical procedure?
I hope the procedure went well, Coothie.
And yeah, a lot of people are constantly on their iPhones.
It’s like a lifeline and an obsession.
I just have an old flip phone, which I use for talking & texting.
But mr. wheatie is addicted to his iPhone.
Same. I have a flip phone and had google deleted. Hubby even has a bluetooth in his ear so he can use his IPhone hands free.
I’m waiting for Torba’s phone to come out.
of the closet
My husband has that also.
Was reading a post on regarding the pipeline hack and how the hackers may have got access. This one comment I thought was an eye opener…….
“What you want to bet it has something to do with all the working from home and remote logins?
Here’s a headline you won’t read: Lockdowns compromise security of the nation’s fuel.”
Most cybersecurity faults are social (through phone calls or emails); next most common are browser faults; Of the remaining small slice, a bunch are inside jobs. The idea that people cruising the internet attack software faults to gain access for nefarious purposes is largely false.
I think that’s what it meant. Find personnel working from home send them an email and get inside their machine.
The infrastructure control systems are also separate from corporate systems etc to reduce access and limit intrusion. None of the plants I have been to allow for remote access from home for example. So I would lean on inside job or gubmint agency before the 12 year old kids with nothing better to do.
“gubmint agency”
The clowns, and clown-helpers.
Everything’s coordinated, IMO.
A lot of plants use computers to control their machinery. As a rule those machines are not on Corporate networks. BUT, those plant computers need software updates, vendor access, and also generate reports that need to be distributed to the business. If plant control computers connect to Internet in any way or an outside machine that has internet access, they become vulnerable to attack. Sneaker net is still the safest way to swap data. Many either do not know/understand this, put other business priorities 1st, or refuse to spend the $$$$$ to completely secure and manage the separation of physical/logical networks with extra equipment and programming. Most plants rely on their software vendors for advice. Many of those vendors only know their own software and either have no clue or don’t tell/pretend not to know the exorbitant cost to completely secure operations and only provide the basics to their customers, which know no better either. Yeah, I’d say most of our infrastructure IS vulnerable. If it’s on a network, it can be accessed.
I had to change the furnace filter, and was thinking of coming back and saying essentially the same thing…..and, here, you already said it.
Agreed. Just getting at the control systems is not as easy as some make it seem.
I like Sundance’s perspective:
The Federal Bureau of Intentional Lying Claims Fuel Pipeline Cyber Attack is Darkside Ransomware
May 10, 2021 | Sundance | 374 Comments
Got this link from the comments there…
Maybe this is why the Biden/Carter picture.
Jenner is a #NeverTrump sellout. No surprise there.
Caitlyn Jenner: 2020 Was Not Not Stolen — ‘We Are in a Post-Trump Era’
California gubernatorial candidate, former Olympian, and reality TV celebrity Caitlyn Jenner declared Monday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that the 2020 presidential…
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Weird-looking cleavage in that photo of Brucie.
It’s like the same weird-looking cleavage in that photo of Moochelle.
And yeah…Jenner is toast after this.
Makes me wonder who were the RINOs that put him up to running?
Hollywood was involved, I’ll bet, but yeah – he got encouragement in the party somewhere!
Ohhh, I said “he”!!! Just caught myself! Yup. “Jenner” just sounds like BRUCE to my mind!
And is UGLY as sin to boot.
There seems to be no greater ticket for Cabal approval / lionization than to undergo trans-reformation (Weinstein, for example) into a living, perverted “reincarnation” of Baphomet.
I think the theme song for this individual should be ELO’s “Don’t Bring Me Down”.
The lyric, just after the title’s admonition, is “Brrruce!”
They’re definitely not “golden globes” considering Hollyweird’s involvement and the “wide-load” Kardashians….. and the ChiComs….
Not for nothing but Bruce looked more like a woman than Caitlyn looks like a woman.
Plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons is NOT an investment that gains anything – it’s a DEBT levied against future appearance.
Unless one has been facially injured, facial cosmetic surgery is never worth it, IMO. The NATURAL look is a blessing in old age.
Post Trump era + Amnesty … well that campaing has ended in a crash and burn
Proof that “Caitlyn” is living under control by the left. Anybody who thinks this is the “post-Trump era” is a China stooge.
ht p.winAn Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals
Retired generals and admirals ordinarily do not engage in political actions. But on Monday, more than 120 retired flag officers released an open letter based on their oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The signers contend our nation is in deep peril, more so than at any other time since the founding. They argue that the republic is under assault from the forces of socialism and Marxism, which seek to undo America’s cherished freedoms.
The open letter asks Americans to look carefully at what is happening to the nation and to take swift action, getting involved at the local, state, and national levels to elect and hold accountable political representatives who will act to our constitutional republic.
American Greatness is pleased to publish the letter and we encourage readers to share it far and wide.
REALPOTUS has made a bold statement and we have to make every Republican BACK IT or WALK.
The Diamonds Must Be Returned
Beautiful post by REALPOTUS. Virginia Patriot MAGA reposted Donald J Trump@realdonaldtrump7h· The major Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched from President Trump to Joe Biden. The number of votes is MASSIVE and determinative. This will prove true in numerous other States. All Republicans must UNIFY and …
As a continuation of a multi-day thought… this from 4:49 —
Trish Sie just bakes it with love. And the band totally nails it.
Love it! although the thing with the parasols and the little motorized jobbies yesterday is still my fave!
Katie Hopkins
British people are being told by Boris Johnson they will be ‘allowed’ to hug their families on May 17
And some are sticking to it.
Katie Hopkins – Since when do politicians to tell you who to hug?
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To DP…I think I found the “bride” for the “Just Vaccinated” car:
These people are sick.
Ever think that this is all part of a subversive ‘Ad’ campaign??
Reminds me of Xi’s 50 cent Army on twitter….
I just hope they didnt breed and they dont force our children to be like them.
That is pathetic.
It reminds me of women who don’t get married, but have a “wedding.”
How sad and small your life must be if this is what you get dressed up for. It makes me remember my own life stories, and be even more grateful for them.
Just recently, I saw a woman – a small business owner – pushing a stroller with her TOY DOG in it.
The first time I visited her store (service), she’d just been “de-fianceed”, and had found out that her prospective husband had instead engaged with someone else … within just a month or two of his calling it off with HER.
Now, IMO, she’s become a spinster.
I don’t go in there anymore …
Btw, I just recently viewed the “Lonesome Dove” miniseries (~6 hours, 4 ~90-minute parts) – if you haven’t seen it, it’s a great diversion, and quite entertaining. A realistic “western”, with great acting. FYI, YMMV, etc.
I LOVE Lonesome Dove, both the book and the series! So fantastic. “I God, Woodrow!”
“I won’t tolerate rude behavior in a man.”
I never read the books, but the movie adaptation was tremendous …
I figured you’d seen it, but in the off-chance that you hadn’t, I thought it best to cite it.
Btw, in re my initial point, I suspect that the guy found out – finally – about her (only rumored, yes) ill-repute as a younger woman.
Had she copped to it, she may have had a chance.
But in my limited experience with her, when I gave her some info about what had been happening (her business wasn’t “essential”) … she NEVER offered any thanks, or acknowledgment, in return.
Scammers gonna scam, and IMO, the guy was *lucky* to get away.
Both sexes are susceptible to evil …
I wish I’d located in a State like Montana! Absolutely *gorgeous* country …
(PS, try “Horatio Hornblower”, by poster James Bones, on YT (hold my nose). Use the updated vids, in 4K, first one is called “The Even Chance” …)
Thanks, I will!
And you are right, the guy probably escaped misery.
Another series I really like, if you like historical drama, is “Poldark.”
God Bless the Queen!
She likes REALPOTUS! And she knows her power!!!
On cue!!!
Donald J. Trump
5:58pm May 11, 2021
The Government of the United Kingdom is proposing that anyone who wants to vote in a British election should show photo ID to eliminate any corruption and fraud and “ensure the integrity of elections.” This is exactly what we should do in the United States, unlike the Democrats who want to abolish Voter ID laws with passing their horrible HR 1 Bill. All States should pass Voter ID laws along with many other fair and comprehensive election reforms, like eliminating mass mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, so we never again have an election rigged and stolen from us. The people are demanding real reform!
Interesting that this headline came out a day after the Muslim won another term as London’s Mayor (probably got the Beijing Boost from whatever the UK’s Dominion Voting equivalent is).
I had the same thought, Sadie.
Methinks the Queen believes Kahn’s election was fraudulent.
Me too (or three)…
I mentioned the other day that I think they use Dominion voting machines there (I think Churchmouse confirmed that)…
Dominion is a REALLY odd name for a voting machine company… as if their name reveals their agenda…
There is a whole history. Dominions is a term for realms owned by a monarch…
Also for power and/or subjugation or control (be it good or evil). To wit:
Genesis 1:26:
1 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 27:40:
40 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.
Ephesians 1:20-23:
20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,
21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
I did a Twitter thread on it when the whole thing started.
It’s totally Cabal crap.
Thanks, DePat, for that Phone Scammer Video!
We get those same calls…they leave their robo-message on our voicemails.
There are several different scams, too.
Never even thought about answering one of them, though.
It’s a shame that some people are that gullible.
The people doing the scamming have gotten sophisticated. And they come at you from a number of angles. Even dating sites.
i too watched the video.
Too bad it couldn’t be a grenade instead of a glitter bomb.
Unpacked, so it will play here:
Simply horrifying.
And they’re doing it with masks on.
The kids looked like they were really struggling to breathe.
And it looks like there’s no one in the pews, I wonder why?
…I wonder why?
O B E Y !
And they’re doing it with masks on.
O B E Y !
The only thing they did right was to end it outside where they could gulp fresh air if they had any sense left.
We are experiencing the fall of Western Civilization.
We are experiencing
the fall oforchestrated DESTRUCTION of Western Civilization by enemies both foreign and domestic.Yes! Thank you for the correction.
You are very welcome.
We need to understand it is NOT US it is EVIL PEOPLE who have crept into high places. Get rid of that rot and the problem is excised.
Some fool in the comments said it looks like the recessional, so technically mass is already over. So hey no problem. Might as well just say Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ.
It’s a completely predictable extension of all the other extra-Biblical nonsense many false churches engage in.
Where is the Scriptural Authority for any of it?
For the special clothing, for the music, for the dancing, for the positions and offices beyond deacon or elder, and on and on and on.
The pattern and example for the Lord’s church is described quite well in the New Testament. Whatever we see men doing in church or worship, which is not found in God’s Word, is of men and not of God, by definition.
And this kind of nonsense is where all such error eventually leads.
By whose Authority do they do these things?
Are they honoring God with their antics?
Or themselves?
Are they seeking God’s will?
Or acting out their own?
What “real” scientist think of us regular people:
Praying Medic
US national security and military veterans demand the resignation of Biden’s recently confirmed CIA Director William Burns for lying to the US Senate over his links to the Chinese Communist Party.
Letter to President Biden About William Burns 51021 | Cyberwarfare | Security
Letter to President Biden About William Burns 51021
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Verse of the Day for Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Order my steps in thy word:
and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
Psalm 119:133 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
H/T Florida Bound
(May 10, 2021) The Federal 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta has asked the parties to forward new briefs as early as next week in a lawsuit filed against City of Pensacola by a group opposing the removal of Pensacola’s Confederate monument.
Today, the City of Pensacola gave public notice of a private or “shade meeting” between City Council members and their attorneys May 17 to discuss “pending litigation”.
We asked Attorney for the Plaintiffs, David McCallister, for reaction and why the case has suddenly started moving again in the Federal appeals court. “Part of what we are saying in our appeal is this is a state court issue and should be reverted back to the State.” McCallister said. “The hypocrisy of defending the Bayview Cross and removing the Confederate Monument is becoming more hypocritical day by day” said McCallister. He added “The delay has been related to the 11th Circuit needed to sort out what happened in the District Court”.
The lawsuit originally filed on July 14, 2020 in State Court by the Ladies Memorial Association and others was “removed” by the City to Federal Court and to a federal judge who dismissed it. Federal Judge M. Casey Rodgers threw out the lawsuit saying the Ladies did not have ‘standing’ or the right to come to bring their complaint to court. She based her decision, in part, on a similar, but much different case in Lakeland, Florida. This came after State Court Judge Gary Bergosh, had issued a restraining order preventing the City from interfering with the Cenotaph.
The group appealed Judge Rodger’s decision to the Federal 11th Circuit Court where the case has been since October 22, last year
So Stupid Woke crowd removing historic monuments and ashamed of the City of Five Flags (Five government flags have flown over the city)
Pensacola FL has the claim to fame over St Augustine to be the oldest continuous European settlement, 1559 First City. They used to be proud to call themselves the City of Five Flags, now the wokies want to remove more monuments and change the Police badges because they bear the Five Flags. We took the Bay View Cross all the way to Scotus and prevailed now they keep on with other useless absurdity. Pensacola is swinging left
Removal of William Dudley Chipley Obelisk
RECOMMENDATION: That the city council direct the council executive to work with the Mayor’s office to develop a plan to remove the obelisk to William Dudley Chipley that stands in the middle of Plaza Ferdinand, and that the remaining balance in the unallocated general fund be appropriate to accomplish the removal. Further, that a supplemental budget resolution be submitted to the next city council meeting.
Background to Plaza Ferdinand VII for context.
Sec. 6-3-9. – History of Plaza Ferdinand VII.
(a) Plaza Ferdinand VII has significant historical and aesthetic value for the city. The plaza is named after Ferdinand VII, who was king of Spain from 1813 to 1833. The transfer of Florida to the United States from Spain occurred in Plaza Ferdinand in 1821. In 1960, Plaza Ferdinand was designated a National Historic Landmark by the United States National Park Service.
This in in addition to the one of the Confederate veteran with his hat in his hand. These monument were part of the reconciliation of the defeated south in rejoining the union.
Today, the U.S. Senate will begin debate on federalizing the election process:
The bill is going to be “debated” in the Senate Rules Committee today.
The Turtle and a couple other “Republicans” are apparently going to offer amendments to the bill. Of course, these amendments will be rejected.
Schumer is salivating.
Klobuchar states that the DemCommunists “are all united”.
The only “adjustments” that the DemCommunists will “permit” on the bill are basically to “allow” states “more time” to comply.
Among other atrocities, the bill requires mail-in voting; same-day and online registration; and a 15-day minimum “voting period”.
Senators simply need to remember a basic TRUTH….
Government is NOT the solution.
Government IS the PROBLEM.
H/T JustStevie
“Add to your brotherliness…love.” 2 Peter i. 7
Love is indefinite to most of us, we do not know what we mean when we talk about love. Love is the sovereign preference of one person for another, and spiritually Jesus demands that that preference be for Himself (cf. Luke xiv. 26). When the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ is easily first; then we must practice the working out of these things mentioned by Peter.
The first thing God does is to knock pretense and the pious pose right out of me. The Holy Spirit reveals that God loved me not because I was lovable, but because it was His nature to do so. Now, He says to me, show the same love to others – “LOVE AS I HAVE LOVED YOU.” “I will bring any number of people about you whom you cannot respect, and you must exhibit My love to them as I have exhibited it to you.” YOU WON’T REACH IT ON TIPTOE. Some of us have tried to, but we were soon tired.
“THE LORD suffereth long….” Let me look within and see His dealings with me. The knowledge that God has loved me to the uttermost, to the end of all my sin and meanness and selfishness and wrong, will send me forth into the world to love in the same way. God’s love to me is inexhaustible, and I must love others from the bedrock of God’s love to me. Growth in grace stops the moment I get huffed. I get huffed because I have a peculiar person to live with. Just think how disagreeable I have been to God! Am I prepared to be so identified with the Lord Jesus that His life and His sweetness are being poured out all the time? Neither natural love nor Divine love will remain unless it is cultivated. Love is spontaneous, but it has to be maintained by discipline.
Oswald Chambers
May 11th Devotional
I hope Stevie & her brother Angel Staria/At the Gates of War are doing OK. Haven’t heard from Angel for a while & he was facing some health challenges, I believe, & heavy Warfare…Thanks for sharing & God Bless YOU!!!
Stevie posts at Marica’s place sometimes – maybe, you can leave a message for her there, Val – and one for Angel, too.
Thanks Duchess!
Most welcome, Val!
may 11, 2021 the marshall report
We all agree the Lord is returning in great glory with all the armies of heaven and every eye shall see him. There is and never has been a dispute in that wonderful message. Pastor Jeff Durbin has an excellent way of showing each Christian how to look at what they are reading with truth without scripture hopping (which is not the same as cross referencing). Each sentence spoken by Jesus is clear and concise when you read the Bible with the Holy Spirit.
Jeff presents the timeline as told to all of us by Jesus. He takes it in context and from the mouth of Jesus in our Lord’s own words.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
@Spacecowboy777 Kash posted … “We’ll Be Back!” w/this pic!
Ya gotta admit….Trump looks like he wants to fuck some peeps up!

For The Love Of Country
@TwoTheMoon @Spacecowboy777 when did he post this?
@resistthemask night before last
REAL POTUS looks like he wants to KICK COMMIE ASS NOW!
Yes he does, doesn’t he.

Because Biden is an Imposter!!! And – Biden didn’t win!!!
It’s also interesting that he’s spending time with Kash Patel these days.
Patel is a formidable lawyer with an international law degree and also with experience at DoD.
He’s the one who helped Nunes figure out the Russia Russia Russia hoax early on. One SMART Dude!
Thanks DP for your continued work you do for us here, may you be blessed.
When I read verses like the one above, I always believe that’s how we are to see PDJT. Not as a wise man but as a man who listened to God and acted how God wanted him too.
Thanks for the cover image!
These days things seem so bleak sometimes that I appreciate reminders of how much I have to be grateful for. I could be living in any one of several places instead of Montana if things have gone even a little differently. I have been blessed.
You’re welcome.
They’re like locusts.
AND they are INVADING North Carolina by the droves. Research Triangle Park is a magnet.
Tucker says that the “Façade has been shattered” and that’s “it’s over”.
[video src="" /]
Interesting that we here at the Qtree pretty much figured this all out over a year ago thanks to Dr Boyle, Alex Jones, Mike Adams and a lot of others as I detailed yesterday.
Largely based on information posted here, and what my lying eyes witnessed, some time last late April / early May, I suspected we were duped.
By June, KNEW it was a hoax.
Daily, I am thankful for everyone here.
The goal always was and remains…Make people O B E Y !
So we, R E S I S T !
At the 13:37 mark in that video, it shows Moochelle with her weird cleavage.
The same weird cleavage that Bruce Jenner has.
Joan Rivers would be pointing at that and saying…”See there! I told you she was a tranny!”
Yes, I saw that, Wheatie – the same ‘smudge’ – who do they think they are fooling? I wonder if that is a Hollyweird Prop – UGH – have you seen them? The Prego Addition?
PS -I think that is an ‘old’ video, too!!!
Yes, I saw that, Wheatie – the same ‘smudge’ – who do they think they are fooling? I wonder if that is a Hollyweird Prop – UGH – have you seen them? The Prego Addition? Tranny Wear?
PS -I think that is an ‘old’ video, too!!! She has said the same thing in a prior video.
Sorry for the duplicate post – my ‘SEND’ button malfunctioned – twice – lol
The site was down for a few minutes. That might be the issue.
Oh – thanks for letting me know, DP – I thought it was my computer – that makes sense because – in my haste to correct – I could not ‘refresh’ the page – had to reload.
BTW, DP!!! This ‘glitch’ has been happening a lot lately – any ideas why?
A few, but don’t want to give the other side any ideas.
Me, either – just wondering
Interesting that 1337 is “leet” as in “elite”… kinda phreaky, as it were…
Shows who put them up to that…
Airbrushing. Like the abs on the chubby guys in the movie The 300.
Well well well.
Anyone who EVER EVER supported this group and dimms is so low iq or corrupt or ignorant that this wont even register. But it does with us.
Steven Nelson (@stevennelson10) Tweeted:
The words ‘Black Lives Matter’ have been paved over on DC’s 16th St north of the White House
Mayor Bowser painted the words in a jab at then-President Trump, successfully changing the topic when protesters were criticizing her
John D ● (@RedWingGrips) Tweeted:
I’m almost convinced that Dr. Fauci’s medical degree is about as legit as Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
FauXI is a LAB RAT!!!
He learned how to be a well spoken well trained bs artist.
The dates of his matriculation are before the Jesuits went off the rails. BUT, little Tony IS a member of the Vatican II generation, and to them everything that is an absolute is malleable. Drives the rest of us nuts.
Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Gas Shortage morning update from @Malcolm_fleX48
The way she cuts the velveeta tho….
Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) Tweeted:
You guys know this looks incredible. Don’t deny it.
Heheh…yeah, I think I’ll pass.
The only ‘cheese’ my mom ever bought for us was Velveeta.
And it’s not even real cheese.
But to mom…Velveeta was cheese.
The only cheese.
So when I left home, I finally got to explore the wonderful world of real cheeses.
Velveeta – the cheese that would not die…
or, nacho cheese, man… better living through chemicals
Why you should never eat Velveeta?
7 Reasons Why You Should Never Eat Velveeta
1. Paula Deen has multiple Velveeta fudge recipes.
2. It’s not real cheese.
3. It has a scary long ingredient list.
4. It’s shelf-stable.
5. It’s bad news for anyone who’s lactose intolerant.
6. It’s inedible unless melted.
7. Queso with Velveeta isn’t that good.
When your young, Velveeta makes everything taste wonderful. Then you grow up.
Same thing w/Kraft Mac and Cheese. As a kid, you adore it, then you learn about ingredients…..


And yet…there are two adults in that video who are loving on it.
Then i need a good,fas, creamy,and easy homemade mac n cheese recipe!
Here’s some:
A classic here in the South. Although American cheese is processed, it still contains real cheese, must be refrigerated, and not near as bad as Velveeta.
Luby’s Macaroni and Cheese
2 cups (8 ounces) dry elbow macaroni
4 tablespoons nonfat dry milk
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon butter or margarine, melted
1 ¼ cups boiling water
3 cups (12 ounces) shredded American cheese (found at deli counter)
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
To Prepare
Preheat oven to 350 F. Cook macaroni 1 to 2 minutes longer than package directions so pasta is soft but not mushy. Drain.
In a large mixing bowl, combine dry milk, flour, and butter. Whisking constantly, gradually add in boiling water. Add 1 cup of cheese and continue whisking until smooth and creamy, about 2-3 minutes.
Fold in macaroni, 1 more cup of cheese and salt.
Transfer to a lightly greased 11×7 inch casserole dish and cover with foil. Bake 25-30 minutes or until sauce in center of casserole is thick and creamy.
Remove foil and sprinkle remaining 1 cup of shredded cheese evenly over top. Return to oven until cheese melts.
Ty kindly!
Same. Thankfully, Dad loved a good cheddar with crackers.
Oh boy. Ya know Velveeta is really expensive now for not even being cheese. The big brick is $7.36 for that 2lb. A regular 2lb colby jack is $6.72, both at walmart.
And the DemComs are still claiming that there’s “no inflation”.
My grocery bill is yuge. Its why all the stock up concern is really difficult. I just bought boneless skinless chicken breast, cheapest price at trustworthy Kroger, $1.99 lb. Mr Gil wants steak and I got 2 big steaks for 6.99lb too. Still $15 for those bone in prime steaks.
Sirloin is $9.99 here. Chicken…depends. Even the pork prices are rising.
And I have to get a lot of basics next time I go. I just hope the power grid holds up. When meat is on sale, I stock up and put it in the freezer. There’s a lot of money in there,
Yes! My freezer is full. Butter has been on sale at 2.50lb so ive been able to get that. The cheapest place to get eggs is walmart $2.36 for 18. Some grocery stores charge $4 a dozen.
Hmmm. Could it be because the price of crude and processed oil is going up?
“Pasturized processed cheese food” probably falls into that category (all those polymers, etc. “long chain cheese”
Then again, there’s “Cheese Whiz” for Philly Cheese Steaks… (because the steaks are too high??? )…..
[snort] pasturized processed cheese food as a polymer. Ha.
I am a huge fan of cheese of all kinds. And I don’t even hate Velveeta, now that I understand what it is best used for. Velveeta is just cheddar cheese blended with more milk to make it more melty.
With some good-quality beef hotdogs, that might not completely suck, if you were feeding a bunch of guys watching a hockey game.
Pure crap food. I would not eat it if I were paid. Just me
Yeah this woman is yuge. No anorexia here.
MikeyS (@mikeys327) Tweeted:
@dailystar She should have gone on longer with the battle
Mental illness is all the rage now. The richer or more famous they are the more they are celebrated over their litany of issues.
Two-ton (ten ton?) Tessie… sad…
Who ya gonna believe, me or your empty gas tank?
I think this was a ‘planned’ even, BFLY – but, yes – when you drive up to the pump – there is a line and/or the station is closed – who are you going to believe?
I still think it will be fixed sooner rather than later – if PT were there – it would have been fixed yesterday – what say you, BFLY?
Shades of the gas lines of the 1970s…
Maybe Bye, Done is feeling nostalgic for the last things he can remember… like when he was elected to Congress… the last time he did any work at all…
Sad, but probably true – the good ole days?
It would not have happened under 45, PERIOD!
TRUE!!! Cause ‘Space Force’ coulda woulda, caught them – gritting my teeth, BFLY!!!
VSGPOTUS would’ve punished the crap out of anyone who messed with us and they knew it! All the bad actors know Creepy won’t do a thing and they’re starting to see how far they can push him. Expect more to come.
Unfortunately, true – I cannot wait until he returns to the fight – and DC is cleared of ALL of the criminals!!!
‘Sides PT said ‘The Best is yet to come!!!’
“No long lines” is fake news.
Very Long lines at Costco in Brentwood yesterday
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Media desperately trying to distract from Gas shortage, border crisis and middle east war… “Oh look, Biden’s cabinet is full of dog lovers! Look at that puppy, look! damnit look!” #BidensAmerica
I think I just converted from a dog lover to a

catnofoxno GOAT LOVER!(My goats would love that toy.)
Haaa…I love this gif, and have stumbled across it in my gif searches.
It’s amazing how they are able to stay on it!
looks like a Lot of Lap-dogs–figures!
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Your Tuesday Montana Moment- Montana safe space!
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Montana becomes 7th state to outlaw men in dresses from destroying women’s sports
Heheh…I don’t think this was actually one of Confucius’ sayings.

Just pondering bare testicles where mosquitoes would be found.
Hollywood was into tanning their genitals, Is that still a thing?
….and women accuse men of fixating on body parts….
I don’t want to look at them, just wondering where a man would be that they would be exposed to mosquitoes.
There were those 1/2 dozen or more guys from the Raleigh cycling club peeing into the grass at the gas station a couple weekends ago…
(I was tempted to call the cops on them.)
They already have, Sarah.
Edit: Ooops, sorry…that’s not really Sarah Huckabee.
It’s not, but it’s an “on our side” parody, just like Sean Spicier was.
In both cases you get the strong suspicion that the parody was what the person would love to have said.
ISRAEL…TEL AVIV is now under attack by Hamas, just started…
other breaking news/Israel…timelines…
more Breaking, here…
a lot more, here + vids…Tel Aviv…within past hour..
+ BiBi expected to speak tonight on what’s next….?
defense decisions now in Israel are absolutely crucial.
Some interesting background from Arutz Sheva (background which doesn’t seem to get the light of day in the MSM/YSM):
The whole article is well worth a read. As usual, there’s more to this than what is currently in the news…
And from another article in Arutz Sheva, a statement from VSGPDJT:
“Weakness and lack of support for Israel”. We’ve always understood the second part, its been there for a long time. The first part is because Biden didn’t win!
Is there any news available on NeonRevolt’s Gab page? If I remember correctly, nothing new had been posted since April 22nd.
When I refreshed the page the other day, I noticed that there was some white text that flashed for a second before the page (most recent post dated 4-22-21) re-loaded.
So I refreshed the page again, and did a ‘screen print’ to capture the page at the moment of refreshing, to see what the white text said, and it says “This account is private, you must request to follow in order to view their page.”
I figured maybe Neon was having trouble with spammers, so I hit the ‘Request to Follow’ button a few days ago. Now the button says “Requested”, and still does, as of the last time I checked, a few minutes ago.
Does anyone else have access to NeonRevolt’s Gab page, or is he Gone Fishin’ ?
April 22 was the last comments I can find.
I can still access his Gab profile for some reason. Like barkerjim said, his last activity on Gab were some retweets dated April 22nd. I hope he’s okay. He has a bigger target on his back than most in the Q community. Does anyone know if he has social media accounts outside of Gab? Has anyone checked to see if he set up shop elsewhere? I know it’s a longshot, but figure it can’t hurt to ask.
Oh no…I did some digging, and apparently Neon got doxxed by some media outlet in January 2021 (assuming they found the correct person and aren’t just making shit up). I had no idea. I don’t feel right linking to the doxxing article. I really hope he’s okay.
I just did a search and found several articles, dated around January 12th.
And the articles I found are typical anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-Q hit-jobs.
So even if they identified the correct person as NR, he must have been aware of it immediately, but he didn’t stop posting on his Gab account until 3-1/2 months later?
Seems odd.
It is bizarre how this doxxing news came out of nowhere. Even if Neon chose to simply ignore it, wouldn’t the news of his doxxing have circulated among the various Q-related social networks between January and May 2021? Wouldn’t the shills on Gab flood his comment sections and Q group with news about it as a demoralization/intimidation tactic?
On a positive note, this is one of the last non-retweet comments he made. I’m just going to hope he’s on a prayer fast or something, and will come back after the audit.
Yes, very strange, I never heard anything about Neon being doxxed until I saw your post. It seems like that kind of news would have been everywhere in a few days at most.
I hope he’s okay too
Neon Revolt is back on Gab today. He didn’t post much—a Bible quote, a Trump retweet, and an advertisement for some Florida event. At least it’s proof of life.
Dozens dead.

Winter won’t go away and stay away, and this is probably a good thing on net.
It snowed last night. True to “spring snowstorm” form it was mostly melted off by 11 AM, the only driving hazard being the utter slop that it made of our dirt roads.
But I will take this a million times over a summer fire season that destroys hundreds of homes.
We’ve got a little list…..
Yep. Here’s one of them (from a tweet on Arutz Sheva (IDF destroys Gaza high-rise used by Hamas – 13-story building in Gaza City collapses after airstrike. IDF warns residents to leave beforehand.)
Some people just don’t learn (cf Ishmael, like a donkey)…
^^^ M O R E, PLEASE. ^^^
Skyline already looks better.
How about this? (also from Arutz Sheva):
Nice secondary explosions.
Yep. Hamas wouldn’t be, erm, storing weaponry and ammo in a residential area would they????
ho ho ho….
who wouldn’t know…
sooner or later,
it’s all gonna blow…
Down on the housetops
boom boom boom
poor liddle Hamas
ran out of room…
Odd, that….I wouldn’t expect a child’s bedroom to have those….
Maybe they DO make chemistry sets like they used to
Memories of my greatly expanded AC Gilbert chemistry set come to mind. Just missed the radium set (too expensive though)…..
Ron Paul shoves Gain of Function down Fauci’s Throat! Fauci obfuscates.
He’s getting worried. Good.
My feeling EXACTLY. And his very precise answer STINKS. Very legalistic, because he knows something will break on it, and he doesn’t want to get caught up in it.
Follow the money…funding documents.
All funding documents are signed by approving authority. Hand signatures or digital signatures.
IF it took a waiver, then there is a memo, letter, email, approval document of sorts.
Wonder if some or most of his funding came from a *cough* [get that mask on, stat! ] foreign source?????
This is VERY interesting.
Rand starts out by using the Mikovits example of “gain of function” which is based on forced natural evolution of a virus by moving it into different hosts to force adaptations, ultimately making it “take” in human cells. This is important, and I love the way Rand talks about how it’s not easily detectable.
BUT the definition of “gain of function” is actually BROADER, and includes any kind of changes which alter the abilities of the virus. Think of the virus as a function – any way you alter the genetic domain to increase the RANGE of its capabilities amounts to a “gain of function”. Rand is VERY RIGHT that altering SARS-CoV-1 (SARS virus) to infect human cells BETTER is gain of function. Altering another virus WITH aspects of SARS-1 that make it more deadly – same thing.
Fauci gets very touchy when Rand talks about that experiment, and DENIES that it was gain of function. Insert meme of African toddler with suspicious face. Insert meme of Suspicious Cat. REALLY? I’m trusting Rand’s sources more than Fauci on that.
There is some point about Baric collaborating with Bad Lady that stinks here. It seems that he may have been advising her, AND that funding was going to her lab. Are they dodging on a technicality, that the money was going to “something else”?
I think Rand is onto something. Fauci’s answer is very legalistic about “NIH and NAIAD did not fund gain of function research in the Wuhan institute of virology.”
Follow the money. Funding documents. Memo’s, emails…authorizing “exceptions” to funding or diverting already allocated funds. Feds do it all the time.
We’ve had a number of folks post about fed funding shenanigans in the past. But those posts are a ways back in time.
Hero cops save 4 year-old girl in Times Square…
Posted by Kane on May 11, 2021 2:45 pm
Daily Fail are pro-palestinian… and they use civilians as human shields… not to mention the 600+ rockets fired by Hamas into Israel in less than a day… I don’t believe their numbers at all…
Is VA MAGA GOP happy about this win or were you all working for another candidate to be elected? No matter who wins, any GOP has got to be better than what you all have now, right?
‘No matter who wins, any GOP has got to be better than what you all have now, right?’ Fully agree.
That’s what I think about the Conservatives in the UK. I don’t like all of them, but they are on my team, so to speak.
Obama Biden Clinton to Face FIRING SQUAD Treasonous Pedos! Trump U.S. CORP Bankruptcy + New Republic
ChristianPatriotNews Published May 11, 2021
US Defense News, G7 in the South China Sea, numerous ships sent to try to rein in China near the Philippines, per a YouTube Channel my husband gets a feed from. Supposedly this info is from 10 hours ago. Have any of you heard about this?
My husband’s take is that if this is real & current, as purported, this would be evidence that Biden isn’t really fully controlling foreign policy. “Evidence of” Trump still at the helm???
Since January 20th, have never bought into Trump at the helm. Zero evidence.
from today
from yesterday
from 4 days ago
from 5 days ago
older stuff here too
Appreciate the links.
IMO, none of this even remotely suggests Trump is at the helm.
>>> Normal US Navy Ops. <<<
Have posted before about multiple carriers, including three US carriers at the same time in South China Seas. IMO, NORMAL occurrence every few years.
Yes, it is played as in response to China harassing Taiwan.
Yes, China issues press statements they object, protest the provocations.
Two carriers happens every four to six months. Three carriers every few years. MOSTLY a product of long tern Navy planning.
There is an annual Naval Exercise called RIMPAC. Numerous pacific countries participate. – Australia typically sends a few ships.
Have also opined, the US will NOT get into a war over Taiwan. NOT going to happen.
Parallel concept. Carriers operating off the west and or east coast of the US IS 100% NORMAL. Recall the numerous posts last Nov, Dec and Jan that the Navy was preparing to stop the stolen election. It was ALWAYS NORMAL Naval operations.
Thanks so much, KBK, these are very valuable insights & much appreciated!!!
I was never a Q follower, per se, call/ed myself a Q Agnostic. However I noticed a few times in the most recent video where there seemed to be prominent superimposed info, like “I K E” that seemed to have been artificially added to the image. Other times certain numbers were strongly in focus in a frame & these made me wonder if Any of that was some of those “cryptic comms” that it seemed Q believers or Anons would enthuse over?
Since I have Zero expertise in that arena I am curious if you noticed any of that & if Any of it might hold some type of significance in the Q-niverse &/or your viewpoint? Sorry I don’t recall where you fall on the Q scenario & I have Zero Judgement about where Anyone falls on that continuum…
Another thing I noticed in the most recent video (I didn’t watch the other videos, just shared them fyi) was a scene w/ a US Coast Guard vessel prominently featured. Would it be remotely “normal” to have our Coast Guard over in the Orient??? I thought they only patrolled the maritime borders of our country & affiliated territories that we “protect”, like Puerto Rico.
Any thoughts on that? Please excuse my ignorance, I am genuinely interested. Blessings!
Coast Guard for awhile was with DOT. Then got moved to DOD. With all the Middle East stuff they got tasked with protecting forward bases etc. So the bigger vessels will transit with Navy battle groups.
Thank you!
Uh, I believe USCG was moved from DOT to HLS.
“2001 November. President George W. Bush signed HR 5005 establishing the Department of Homeland Security. This was the single largest re-organization of the federal government since the creation of the Department of Defense in 1947.
2003 February. Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta, transfers leadership of the US Coast Guard to the Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, formally recognizing the change in civilian leadership over the Coast Guard and ending the Coast Guard’s almost 36-year term as a member of the Department of Transportation.”
That said, USCG can be part of the DoD in time of war. Probably some other legal aspects. Quite murkey area that I am NOT well versed on.
Unfortunately, ‘wishful” thinking has really screwed me up over the recent past.
I was OK with Q. Wanted Q to be “real”. Q may be real. but all of those proclamations seem to have fizzled to nothing burgers. Almost as if bad guys punked me. Perhaps punked some of us. Any more IF Q resurfaced, I’d internally table it all, until proof surfaced.
CG (Coast Guard) vessels. It is my understanding, to arrests at sea, requires LE. CG can do LE functions. US military typically cannot do LE functions. I believe this extends to stopping and seizing vessels and or cargo at-sea. It’s all LE.
Recently USS Monterey seized lots of weapons from a “stateless” dhao in the gulf. I’d bet money, there was a CG detachment onboard Monterey specifically for LE functions.
Also, earlier today or yesterday there was a report a CG vessel, cutter(?) fired warning shots at some Iranian boats acting stoopid, as in dangerous maneuvers. There are limited CG vessels and personnel in ME.
It is very common for the Navy to shuttle CG LE teams from ship to ship, depending on suspect bad guy vessel actions, USN vessels available, tracking suspect loads for weapons or contraband.
USN also shuttles Marine Corps Squads between USN ships, and also US flagged merchants, as ready security against pirates. US merchant shipping companies such as Matson, Maersk are loath to engage pirates with lethal fire power.
FWIW, my son a merchant mariner has sailed on some Maersk vessels. He has seem Marines embark for short periods of time. They also have drills to repel bad guys with fire hoses, but that is the extent of pushing back against pirates.
Very interesting KBK. The more you know the more you realize you don’t know a heck of a lot (referring to myself here). The Q-Tree brain trust is truly epic!!!
Sorry if I hit a nerve w/ the Q stuff. No offence meant to Anyone. Recognizing my ignorance in this arena I was hoping someone who is better at reading the tea leaves would opine on “I K E”, etc…
Some of what you said about Navy & Marines made me think of Kiefer Sutherland’s character’s snide dismissal of Navy “boys” who would give the Marines a ride, in the movie A Few Good Men…
All is well. Q wise I embraced hopia, beyond reasonable, reason. Should have known better. On the positive side, I was in superb company.

Going to reply to RTF below in a couple minutes.
Look forward to you comments there too! I understand the lure of hopium & the intrigue of Q & code-breaking. If they hadn’t stopped posting & the post-2020 election disaster hadn’t kicked in I had plans to dig into Q more directly for myself. Their admitted “dis-info” needs made it never a “gospel” level source to me.
The insights & patterns unearthed by worldwide anons were Incredibly Valuable & I enthusiastically followed (on twitter) many Q-enthusiasts. Quite a gathering of world-wide patriots, “saints”, & super-sleuthy “geniuses”. Whatever Q turns out to be w/ the 20/20 (& 2020) hindsight eventually gained it appears that those that were on that roller-coaster ride were some of the best, brightest, & quirkiest amongst us–all a Net Good in my view!
The Anons have been a clear win. I suppose Q gets credit for that, a very positive aspect uncovering truth.
Amen, KBK!
I wasn’t implying that your remarks were snide…not being from a military family (you have to go back a few generations or consider mom’s birth family or my brother’s son in that arena) please know that I am also ignorant of how remarks about the different service branches might offend people w/ personal backgrounds &/or knowledge of those turf & military culture battles. Please excuse my feet of clay here (& in many other areas!)–Blessings!
Valerie, Every comment taken totally positive. My apologies if I cam across heavy handed or brusque. Unintentionally, I lack tact all too often. Thank you, for everything!
No, after hitting “send” I rethought the Kiefer stuff I’d said & wanted to add a disclaimer, just in case. NOTHING you said implied you had Any level of snowflake…or bully…to this ignorant civvie!!! YOU ROCK!!! <3
[DS] Corrupt House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down,No Deals,No Place To Hide,Rain Coming,Pain – Ep. 2475
May 11, 2021 x22report
The [CB] is pushing their agenda with corporate tax increase, this is an illusion, it will not help the US economy, it will hurt it in the end. The GOP governors are pushing back on unemployment insurance, [DS] panics. NY Times puts out article that there are no gas lines or shortages, fake news. Fuel prices move up. More people are beginning the transition. The [DS] is continually pushing the big lie, they are panicking that the American people will see the truth. What we are witnessing is the show, the patriots wanted the people to see what type of world the [DS] has planned, the people are rejecting their world. The [DS] house of cards is tumbling down, the people are seeing more and more each and every day, rain is coming, pain is coming. The [DS] will have no place to hide. Enjoy the show.
Ep. 2475a – The [CB] Is Showing The World Their Agenda, More People Begin The Transition
X22 Report Published May 11, 2021
Ep. 2475b – [DS] Corrupt House Of Cards Is Tumbling Down,No Deals,No Place To Hide,Rain Coming,Pain
X22 Report Published May 11, 2021
“…NY Times puts out article that there are no gas lines or shortages, fake news….”
Yeah, sure… That is why I saw all those long lines of cars on the shoulder of the road at the gas stations when we went out today. Talked to a couple diesel pick-up drivers (Trump supporters) and they said the other stations in tow are out of diesel.
They did this accidentally on purpose to raise gas prices all the more, Gail!!!
I think we might have to build more jails – they are going to be filled pretty fast with all of these criminals running around.
Technically they are likely right.
The long lines have been replaced by signs that say “NO GAS!”
But you can bet the long lines will return if they can manage to get some gas.
Howie Carr reported on this at length yesterday and today. The doggone gas lines are real.
Painted airplanes to take our mind off the crazy world for a moment.
Pictorial Essay: 20 Awesome Airplane Art – The Burning Platform
Thanks, that was fun
Very cool. The Duracell one was interesting, and I’ve never seen a whale fly. I always liked the WWII Flying Tigers planes.
Duracell an extremely remote Matrix reference?
Order my steps in thy word:
and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.
This is a very useful guidance.
This x 1000!!!
Biden approves massive $2 Billion wind farm off the shores of Martha’s Vineyard…
Posted by Kane on May 11, 2021 7:51 pm
An offshore wind project off Massachusetts that supporters claim would create 800 megawatts of electricity, was approved by the federal government today. The Vineyard Wind project, south of Martha’s Vineyard near Cape Cod, would be the first utility-scale wind power development in federal waters.
The $2 billion project was approved Tuesday.
The project could be completed in about two years, comes after decades of debate about the sustainability of U.S. offshore wind. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland said the approval will create thousands of jobs and is a step toward Joe Biden’s plan for 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030.
“It will create jobs that will support families, boost local economies and address climate injustice. More importantly, it will create a new generation of clean energy jobs and leave a livable planet for future generations.”
President trump commented:
Congratulations to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts for the privilege they will have in looking at massive windmills that have been approved by the Biden Administration and are being built, in China of course, as part of an extraordinarily large wind farm. Wind is an incredibly expensive form of energy that kills birds, affects the sea, ruins the landscape, and creates disasters for navigation. Liberals love it, but they can’t explain why. In any event, Martha’s Vineyard, an absolutely wonderful place, will never be the same. Good Luck!
I love that guy!
Yes, me, too, Molly – and you know Biden didn’t win – don’t you?
Yessssss Donald J Trump was the duly elected POTUS and Biden is a filthy scummy thief
Guess Biden didn’t get the memo, either – now, did he, Molly!
No. It’s pathetic how they chose a mentally declining man on purpose. This is an evil charade
Paging BO for comment. Mo, not the dead dog BO. The other BO, also a dog, hussein.
I hope it’s directly in front of their place
B O …. ”Body Odor” Barack
…. aka BOB … bwahahahahaha … 
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Customs & Border Protection has released new migrant apprehension numbers for April.
April 2021: 178,622
April 2020: 17,106
This is a 944% increase.
It is also a 63% increase from the last surge in April 2019 under Trump (109,415). @FoxNews
CBP conveniently dis NOT tell the rest of the story… Catch & Release in play.
April 2021: 178,622 “CATCH” which EQUALS April 2021: 178,622 RELEASES.
Yes. And its only begun.
Yep. And I believe their “numbers” just as much as their “John Cook”ed election books…. which is to say, not at all…
Just like everything else the TRUTH-phobic DEMONRATS do, they’re throwing BS up against the media wall hoping it sticks….
Better get those brooms ready, Sleepy Joe and Kneely Ho… Hell-the-BEAST probably has a few extra…..
Dr. Rand Paul finally asks Fauci to his face — ‘Did the NIH fund gain of function research at Wuhan bio-lab!’
Posted by Kane on May 11, 2021 4:41 pm
UPDATE — Rand Paul discusses his exchange with Fauci
Senator Rand Paul, M.D., is doing us all a great service in his clear, cogent questioning of the entire COVID-Wuhan situation. I do wish, though, when he swims laps, he would put conditioner on his hair under a latex cap.
Good God, my hair wasn’t in that bad shape when I was swimming 5+ days a week and roasting my locks in Sun-In all afternoon. Whatever pool he’s swimming in must have some serious algaecides.
This is some REAL in your face CORPORATE propaganda.
McD advertising covid on coffee. Partnership with biden… ugh.
Their coffee is really good but lm not using their cups if I get one. Ill have to bring my own and dump it in.
McDonald’s introduces redesigned coffee cups to share COVID vaccine information
Peter Sblendorio, New York Daily News
Tue, May 11, 2021, 9:53 AM·1 min read
McDonald’s will soon be serving up support for the COVID-19 vaccine along with its coffee.
The popular fast-food chain will start in July to serve McCafé cups that feature the “We Can Do This” slogan, which was introduced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase awareness and share information about the vaccinations.
The cups will also encourage people to visit for more information as part of the restaurant’s partnership with the Biden Administration.
Sounds like a good reason to go to MCDs order, get the food look at the cup, say WHAT THE F…. slam it down and walk out!
I buy nothing at McDonnald.
Food marts at gas station have coffee as good as McDs.
When McD came out with their big coffee push against Starbucks a few years back, I thought McD coffee was quite good.
These days, McDs coffee is way too acidic, crappy. IMO.
Truck stop coffee or gas station food mart coffee is better than McD. Or so I think.
Don’t eat McD food at all any more. Too salty. Fries over priced and often, old.
The Covid coffee cup is enough reason to boycott McDs.
OH OH. The L I G H T S just went on….
Betcha McD is getting a kick back from Feds for pushing Covid on the coffee cups.
THis is NOT a coincidence.
McDs in bed with CDC pushing Covid injections.
Its really disgusting. Awaiting a free fauci mini bobblehead in a happy meal.
Their coffee is roasted by the companys who does Joses at costco, don Francisco in the store, and farmer boys.
Their coffee quality has diminished since the lockdowns started.
FauXi bobblehead – NO THANKS, McDONALDS!!!
I do love their caramel frappes though…& they have been a tax-prep staple for me for a few years. Don’t do starbucks & rarely have coffee, except sips of stuff my husband does. Years back we got stacks of Free capachino coupons for Speedway so I would turn those into like a hot milkshake, super sweet w/ all the goodies to add in. If it’s coffee for me it’s like having that w/ my sugar & cream (& flavored creamers!!!) not the other way around for “normal” people
You can do your own shakes or frappes and add Monin caramel syrup, which is available in the US.
I used to go to an American hotel chain that had Monin syrups by the coffee maker.
Thanks for the tip CM! Yum!!!
You’re most welcome, Valerie!
Monin syrup lasts for ages. You only need to use a teaspoon or so per cup. If you need more, add more.
Monin syrups can be found in every cafe and bar in France. Their flavours are excellent.
Appreciate the heads up! <3
You’re welcome! Have fun!
New demoralization campaign. They say this new statue in NYC is to honor “African Culture” but, below the massive head, it shares some suspicious similarities to the Statue of Liberty. There must be a hundred better ways to celebrate African culture than this hideous thing.
hahahaah….I better keep my mouth shut…that’s hideous
I really don’t get it.
Looks like he’s sitting on the loo…
“Sitting on the la-la
Waiting for my ya-ya ah um
(da da da-da, ah um)
Baby hurry
Please don’t make me worry ah um
(da da da-da, ah um)
It may sound funny
But I don’t believe she’s comin’ ah um
(da da da-da, ah um)”
(Been about 60 years since I last heard that [not counting Dr. Demento]
so it might not be 100% correct
Duke, 110th Street northeast corner of Central Park. Not the right sort of culture I guess.
Here’s another one from actual Africa.

So much better than that other monstrosity. But the Left wants to turn things upside down, and they devalue beauty in architecture, art, music, and even people’s physical appearance.
It has an amusing history.
This is a purely artistic comment, but IMO a jazz guy held up by nine naked women is absolutely spot on!
Yup, and here’s the train.
Love it!!! Big Band, Swing, & Jazz are staples around here! Thanks for sharing this gem
Yes, this older version has a slightly slower tempo from the video from the 60s. Too fast and it just sounds hectic to me.
This was one of my favorites as a teacher – along with Louis Armstrong’s “What A Wonderful World”. We sang that as the closer, along with the audience, at every spring concert.
Beautiful & still true w/ eyes to see, ears to hear, & hearts to understand. Beauty from ashes & all!
Yeah, has to be fake I thought. Then I did a search.
Seriously this is cringeworthy and Right Scoop has more to say.
Winning comment from Right Scoop. Not because it’s funny, it is, but because it’s true.
“The Marxists prefer their black people to be backward tribalists of low barbarian culture.”
The problem is that nothing can appear too “white” or European. That eliminates lots of possibilities for beautiful artwork. Anything realistic like a Michaelangelo sculpture, or even works of ancient Greece, is out of the question. There is beauty to be found in “black” artwork, but now it has to be in-your-face “black” cuz Black Lives Matter.
Never mind that this country wouldn’t exist if it had had to rely on any culture other than the ones who actually founded it. At that point in time, they were perfectly poised for the task, with the right belief systems, education level, and other attributes.
It looks like the Kamala Harris voodoo doll that Big Mike was posing for.
Toss a bad wig on it and it would resemble Maxine Waters
Someone will probably put a mask on it.
I saw a comment that it looks like don cheadle in costume…
It’d be a little too small for that…
Maybe Stacey Abrams?
(There’s a great thread over at BB about Krapernick vs. Tebow wherein the comments ended up on the, erm, Abrams Tank, as it were… epic comments
So they honor ‘African Culture’ by making caricatures of what people from Africa look like?
It’s like a statue honoring RACISM… something the KKK would put up…

It’s made by a black artist, so all of our comments now officially qualify as raycisss.
Biggers is intrigued by the recent scholarship about the academic and historical “white-washing” of classical Greco-Roman sculpture simultaneously intersecting with the early twentieth century “black-washing” of various African sculptural objects. The Chimera sculptures specifically challenge the associated cultural and aesthetic assumptions about their source material while acknowledging the often-dubious origins of the original objects themselves.
I have no idea what that means but I suppose enlightened folk do.
Riiiiight. “Recent scholarship” about a lot of things tends to be more in the realm of rewriting history.
History benefits from new and fresh perspectives, but only when they are HONEST.
It’s not a celebration at all. It’s cultural Marxism. It’s actually a valid point, but it goes BACKWARDS – it’s negative navel-gazing to make American blacks angry, depressed, and mired in the past.
Many memes and stereotypes of “things black” in the early 20th century, BY WHITES, tended to push separatism, difference, whatever – you know the images. BIG HEAD BLACK STUFF. Super black-face caricature.
Add to that, images of blacks were always pushed PRIMITIVE.
This wasn’t just America. Asians are now embarrassed, ironically, by “cute” black images from back in the day. A lot of them were not actually meant to be MEAN, any more than any kind of cultural meeting and adaptation to that meeting which creates weird cruft is meant to be mean.
Meanwhile, images of civilization were always pushed WHITE (or in “wherever”, pushed “WHEREVER”.)
In a lot of ways the liberals are being trained by CCP to not just be horrified by history, but to reason that they have to virtue signal against it.
This is freaking CCP. AGAIN.
Artists are REWARDED for cultural Marxism. Blacktivist navel-gazing on past injustice PAYS in the art world.
It’s a CROCK.
Trust me, in China, there is no socially destructive behavior allowed over race – except – KABOOM – by the CCP.
“It’s made by a black artist, so all of our comments now officially qualify as raycisss.”
Lucky for me, I officially don’t care…

“It’s made by a black artist, so all of our comments now officially qualify as raycisss.”
Seems to me like the black artist must be rayciss against black people then… I can only imagine how much crap a white artist would get (not to mention having to go into a Witness Protection Program) for portraying black people as if they looked like statues from Easter Island…
bamophet in black-face mask?
Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
3 years for felony murder
Too bad Kyle in Kenosha won’t get a deal like this.
Don’t worry, she’ll do something else at a later date and reap what she’s sown.
Radical Left Proven Extremely Wrong by Jay Sekulow
From Peace to Terror: Why Hamas Believes Now Is the Time to Strike
Palestinians have no incentive to stop and with this administration in power they will not.
Why didn’t he speak up over the 2020 election? He could have done so.
Dunno, Church – he may have been encouraged to remain quiet for reasons we are not privy to know.
Ford Fischer is CIA media.
Oh please yes, send the wokest woke social reform graduates.
Someone is probably going to die (including possibly a mental health counselor), especially in domestic violence situations. And then they will change the policy back. What a shame.
Please send them alone. No need to tie up other resources with such a winning idea.
What next ? Liberals are insane
The concept of minding your own business is out the window. They think everything is collective, so they have a “right” to interfere in other people’s business. (They can make you get vaccinated for everyone else’s good, they can take your property or restrict your choices of how to live, etc.) It’s all opposite to our Constitutional founding. We need some serious pushback and re-education.
I’m ready for any level of push-back. The commies are out of control.
… and seriously big sticks … Redwoods …

Where is this? Marina del rey? Somewhere in oc?
He didn’t say
Green New Deal forced upon us by a fake election.
That and I hope these hacks aren’t DS instigated.
They really don’t want us having freedom at all .
I’m afraid they are DS “allied”. In my opinion.
We’re in a bad spot.
We’re definitely between the rock and a hard space
Or, in an “Ayatollic sense”, between Iraq and a hard space…
Is that the Real Jennifer Granholm? She was a former disaster governor of Michigan (I keep calling Whitmer Granholm around here for some reason) & I thought she had a Huge Mole on one of her cheeks…hmmm…

I hope at least one of these images shows. The lighting in the top one reveals at least 3 prominent moles on her face, based on raised bumps, not necessarily color…