Dear KAG: 20210512 Open Thread

Well, it was Rand Paul vs. Fauci again on Capitol Hill, and little Tony lied his tushy off.

It’s not like this news has not been reported.

And still, the facade is being manufactured…well, unless there’s an air raid. (Seriously, watch this to the end.)

Talk about body re-animation.

Oh, and as a bonus:

Yes, we’re living a dystopian nightmare.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


JOHN 16:12-15

12“I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Even the makers of “Kentucky Fried Movie” knew something was hinky with the JFK public execution, uh, assassination.

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I hadn’t previously known that Brian May had done music for Mad Max. He is a very multitalented dude.

Commercial success with Queen pulled him out of University for a bit, but he eventually returned and got his PhD… astrophysics. Considering that the state of the art in that field had been constantly moving during his Queen years, that was quite an accomplishment.

It is also known that he generally designed and built his own guitars, so you can add “luthier” to those talents. Time was, each Queen album proudly boasted “No Synthesizers.”

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

cthulhu, It was a stroke of good fortune for May that his thesis was on DUST, the one factor which had not changed one bit in the intervening years while he was w Queen.
A marvelous story his is.


Alternatively, he learned a lot about a lot of astrophysics….and when he got to the point of writing the paper, DUST was a subject he could still be up-to-date with.


cthulhu…exactly…such providence!


Let’s see….how might I gild this lily?

How ’bout a short trip in the original Wayback Machine?

[Note: I used to drive by Edward Everett Horton Lane on Burbank Boulevard in Encino when I worked in Encino. I’d always chuckle because I knew who that was.]


I didn’t know there was a lane named for EEH. He was great in some of the Astaire and Rogers movies, and many other films as well.


When you drive by, it looks like the driveway to a condo complex, pinched in between Burbank Blvd and the Ventura Freeway, but your attention is caught by the mammoth street sign. Fortunately, there is some history — — to explain it all.


Happy a fun hump day…🙂

🅵1🆂🅲🅷🅸🅿🅿🅸🅴 new account🇳🇱 (@Bertie23574627) Tweeted:
This makes my day 😁👍🏼🐶❤


That’s so cute.

I loved my Rottie…such a good boy.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

I always shake my head when ignorant people refer to Rotties and Pits as “death machines”. Have they never watched Our Gang comedies? Have they never experienced “Rottie lap dog”?


Mine was just like that…a big giant baby.
You do have to be careful though because they are big and if provoked in some way will react . I always detested people with small yippy yappy dogs that would want them to be best friends while the little one was jumping and yapping underneath him.


Every one I’ve ever known has secretly believed himself a tiny spaniel intended for your lap.

They are big. They can bark and jump up on things. One owned by renters a few doors down jumped up to bark at the mailman and broke a pane of a nine-pane window in the front door. Scared the mailman — not the dog (he had previously been a veterinary assistant), but the broken glass — he was afraid the dog might cut himself on a remnant. Sweet dog. Name was ‘Moose’, but they have since moved away.

Now a Belgian Malinois can easily be trained to just F your S up….they are driven by action. How Rotties got the same sort of rep is just beyond me.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

Some idiots tried to make them into pit (fighting) dogs.

Actually Rotties are classified as WORK Dogs and were bred to pull carts in German cities.

I can’t resist posting this:
comment image

and this:
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

It’s the Staffordshire Terrier that’s the problem in the mixes known as “Pitts.” That breed really does need to be worked on to get the skittishness out of it.

In the Our Gang series, that dog was an American Staffordshire, a completely different breed of dog. They are so sweet. So are Rotties. Big and powerful, though.


I have a Staffordshir -Coohound mix he is a love. He needs a job and has one. He travels where ever his daddy goes. Everyone knows him and he gets a treat from the bank . He is brindle and white. He has a jaw according to the vet. 🙂
He has a memory like I have never seen . Very intelligent dog loves to be trained.
He want to listen in on phone calls if it is my son daughter or granddaughter.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Concerned Virginian


The “sculpture” at Rockefeller Center by the extremely un-talented “artist” actually has two separate and deliberate slams against the United States and American culture:
First, the “lamp” that the “figure” is holding is a badly-rendered replica of the lamp held by the Statue of Liberty.
Second, the “chair” that the “figure” is seated on is a badly-rendered try at the magnificent chair that the statue of President Lincoln is sitting on at the Lincoln Memorial.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy






This thread by JohnHereToHelp is pretty chilling:

“The next attack on men, our military and law enforcement, has already begun. The “polymed” (political medicine) groups are attacking testosterone, male hormones.

These groups have agreed to rewrite what is considered a “normal” level in a man’s body.

They’re going to “across the board lower normal levels” while at the same time vilifying “too much” testosterone.

They want people applying or holding government jobs, military, Etc. To be tested for their testosterone levels to see if they’re within the new accepted limits.”

Here is the whole thread:


They are completely off the rails and don’t care who sees it.


It’s the real life version of the inmates running the asylum.
The more off the rails they go there will be thousands of nodding, clapping fans who in short order become aggressive Karens.


Some days I can hardly stand to read the things they are doing or have planned for us. It’s evil.
Another “reason” they’ll use eventually to tamp down natural boy behavior.

No job is worth being hormonally manipulated.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

“Report: Zuckerberg’s grant program demanded control of elections”

“Amistad Project Exposes a Private Corporate Election Partnership between the “Wisconsin Five” Largest Cities and Zuckerberg funded CTCL”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Zuckerberg deserves PRISON.


Boss, you spelled “FIRING SQUAD” wrong….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


That’s for somebody else to decide. But I could get any of these toads off a death rap, IMO. Sad, but true. I’d have a jury believing Hillary was scared of mean old Trump. Yup. EASY.

They’re all so scared of Trump AND us. Very masterful setup. That is one of the unfortunate byproducts of the Q op. It created all these people on our side looking for some kind of dramatic end to all the criminals – or just joking about it. The leftists just had to generate some FEAR of “QAnons” in their base. I think they did, and it worked.

“Trump must be stopped.” Every one of them thought that crazy thought.


No, boss, they are afraid of…𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖.

That’s why they lie, vilify and try to destroy anyone who tries to bring them to Justice.

They know they are guilty of numerous crimes.
They’ve killed people who are witnesses that are willing to tell the truth about them.

It is Justice that they fear.
All criminals do.
It’s a given.

Any decent prosecutor would destroy your defense tactic of claiming they acted out of Fear.
Their scienter will be their downfall.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would love to agree, but I simply can’t.
After OJ, I just don’t think this happens without changing the whole damn court – INCLUDING the JURY. That’s CULTURE.

It’s going to take time, and yes, I think we can do it, but no magic. That OJ verdict has to be undone culturally. IMO. I have to see a case where the culture – via 12 in the jury box – says “NO” to woke prosecution, before I’ll believe a jury would convince a lone wokester to go along with common sense.

Until I can say “I don’t think I can get these jokers off” – where I have to say “I can only get them an easy death” – I have to be honest. I need one wokester, one blacktivist, one crybaby libtard on a jury, and I’ve saved Cankles from Old Sparky. Doesn’t matter if the whole world has seen her dancing with a knife and a blood-dripping baby corpse outside the Supreme Court – which BTW is also compromised beyond convicting any of these creeps. If I can get one utterly truth-resistant POS on a jury, controlled at the top of the system by Lawfare Scum, there is no way the system functions.

Deplorable Patriot

You know OJ was covering for his son Jason, right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let me put it this way – do you? 😉

Deplorable Patriot

That’s the word on a certain grapevine that’s pretty reliable. The gloves didn’t fit because they weren’t his.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO the glove didn’t fit because of a very sneaky lawyer trick. At the time there were two kinds of common disposable gloves – ones that are massively less tacky than human skin – the others that are much more tacky. They argued against the former (would have slid on very easily) to insure the latter, and voila – hard to put on a second-layer glove. I was multi-gloving in labs at the time. Utter face-palm as I watched them do it wrong. Even worse that they never even openly discussed this. The prosecution was totally distracted. They never realized how they got chumped – OR they wanted to lose that point.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, that is why Q said Military Tribunals.

Our Just-Us system is completely broken even at the county level.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soros DAs are a CURSE on this nation.

Deplorable Patriot


I do not mean to shout, but Soros’s plants are hellbent on wrecking everything they touch.

Deplorable Patriot

From what I’m reading, nooses are being used.


All the bullets should be made from highly compressed Chinese f’g flu shit … poetic justice … and the shooter his “wife” .. ☺️🤚‼️


Is this some kind of a spoof or what ?

[video src="" /]


As they say when someone has a seemingly benign, weird reaction to the shot, or when someone becomes seriously ill, or even when someone dies — “but this isn’t a reason not to get the vaccine.”


When the chicom flu was being discussed in detail wasn’t there something about iron in the blood, carrying oxygen or something.
Not a scientist, didn’t understand it, but magnet–iron, just made some sort of connection in my head.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am skeptical, personally. If people are seriously observing rare earth magnets encountering ferromagnetism at injection sites, that’s really only possible if something other than a vaccine is being injected.


>>”if something other than a vaccine is being injected”<<

First, I’d use “when” instead of “if”. It better carries the meaning, IMO (I’ve become a fan of this word replacement in the majority of my writing …)

Second, “trade secrets”. Only the manufacturers know fully, and exactly, what’s in these chemical dosages, and the compartmentalization protocols severely limit such knowledge to a very, very few.

In the case that these “nano” particles are all made of metal (magnetic, I believe), and that there are millions / billions / more of them in each shot, then I find it reasonable to ALLOW for the possibility that magnetism is at play.

These nano-things have been reported as being “antennae”, under the proper EM frequency.

I’m reminded of what Kew said – that it will become more and more unbelievable as the info rolls out.


Attached to that video that some here are ridiculing is info about EMF readings with vaccinated people registering 800+ and non-vax like 50 or under. Also, that woman was not using a flexible, sticky craft magnet. 🙄


One must always allow for what one doesn’t *know*.

What we’re doing here is, in essence, “brain-storming”.

I won’t *totally* discount ANY hypothesis – in these times especially (the Enemy progressively exposing itself) – until the end.

The proper place for judgment is the END. Not the middle.

Hence, everything is tentative … as true science is / should be.

Thanks G-Mom!

Gail Combs

Well I am now typing this with a refrigerator magnet complete with a plastic decoration stuck to my upper arm.

I went round and round on the micro-chip stuff with Hubby the Physicist when we were fighting the NAIS micro-chipping livestock mess.

The micro chips are PASSIVE! You need a READER that sends a signal TO the microchip. They do not have a BATTERY to generate the EMF (Electric and magnetic field)

Understanding microchips

Although the whole transponder unit is often referred to as a microchip, or chip, the microchip itself is actually the tiny computer chip that contains the ID number assigned to the transponder. The microchip itself measures approximately 1mm sq. Each ID number during the Trovan manufacturing process is encoded onto the microchip by a laser that etches a code onto the surface of the microchip prior to the transponder assembly. The microchip is attached to an integrated circuit that uses a coil of copper wire wound around an iron (ferrite) core. This functions as a tiny antenna to pick up the energy from the scanner, and to send the encoded ID number from the microchip back to the scanner. Between the copper coil and the microchip in some transponders is a capacitor that is used to ensure the antenna transmits its signal at a consistent rate and also aids to boost the signal. Due to the Trovan microchip’s unique design, there is no requirement for a capacitor….

What is a transponder?

A transponder is simply the whole electronic device encapsulated in biocompatible glass. The size of the petDetect transponders are Regular 2.12mm x 11.5mm and Mini 1.4mm x 8mm, both fall under the category of a ‘micro-transponder’. They can be referred to by many names including microchips, chips, PIT tags, transponders and RFID devices.

How do microchips work?

Electronic identification is also referred to as “radio frequency identification”, or RFID. The use of this technology allows a microchip programmed with a unique identification number, around the size of a grain of rice, to be implanted in an animal.

𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗻𝗼 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲 – 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗹 𝗮 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿.

Each scanner has a coil antennae which functions to send a signal to the microchip when the scanner is passed close to it. The radio waves sent by the scanner give the transponder enough power to transmit its 15-digit number back to the scanner. Once the scanner has picked up this signal from the microchip, decoded it and displayed the number, the microchip then remains dormant until a scanner is passed over it again. As the microchip is passive and is only powered when the scanner is passed over the area, it lasts for the lifetime of the animal….


I will defer to Emerald, as that’s who I replied to in the first place. We don’t know in the middle of it all what we will know at the conclusion. It’s ALL just guessing at this point. And ALL our guesses are included.

And how does your claim of having a “refrigerator” magnet stuck to your arm while typing tie in to the rest of the essay? Is it a metal magnet, a plastic flexible craft magnet, or one of those little advertising magnets that stick?

And I would think you’d also reply to rebut DP. Curious, that.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

Ginger, I have always thought they plan to micro-chip us. I also think this ‘CCP-FauXi virus’ and Vaccine passports is the lead up TO that chipping. I just want to make sure we use actual PROVABLE FACTS so we do not get caught in a deep state dis-info trap.

They are certainly ready to roll out the chipping and have been since 2004 when they tried the (NAIS) National Animal Identification System on US farmers. However there was such a major backlash that they backed off and went from micro-chip to ear tags.

If you want to go down the RFID tagged route here are older articles that will help:

2004 — Under-the-skin ID chips move toward U.S. hospitalsVeriChip, maker of subcutaneous RFID tags used to unlock doors or identify people, gets preliminary nod from FDA.

2004 (dec) — FDA approves implantable chip to access medical records

2006 — New Jersey Hospital to Implant Microchips in Patients’ Arms
2009 — Microchip implants ready for use with swine flu vaccine


I’ve already replied.

Although I will say, your actual POSTING (not a reply) referenced someone else’s posting of this video – not RAC’s posting above, which includes an additional example of someone playing with a magnet on an arm.

In closing, I’ve already replied. 👍🏻 HAGD

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

I am not allowed to edit so here is an example of a battery operated implantable called a ICD

An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is a small battery-powered device placed in your chest to monitor your heart rhythm and detect irregular heartbeats. An ICD can deliver electric shocks via one or more wires connected to your heart to fix an abnormal heart rhythm….

How big is an ICD?

ICDs can vary in size and shape depending on the manufacturer, model of ICD, and type of ICD. ICDs typically are compared to the size of a stopwatch.

I hope that clarifies why I am calling this BUPKAS!


Tech has advanced FAR beyond what we’ve been allowed to know.

While I agree with you on the “BUPKAS” of the “refrigerator magnet”, I disagree with you on what may NOW be possible.

OK – no 1mm^2 battery (tentatively, but very likely IMO).

Hubby the Physicist”

Expertise in nano-tech?

Moore’s Law applicability?

Wiki-Poo: “Mathematically, Moore’s Law predicted that transistor count would double every 2 years due to shrinking transistor dimensions and other improvements.”

I think you may be focusing exclusively on the video’s “evidence”, while ignoring tech advancement which may render OLD thinking (even just a few years ago) MOOT.

Please don’t take umbrage! I find you to be one of THE BEST researchers here … and yet, we only have access to whatever info we’ve been *allowed* to have.

(I’ve saved more of your posts than of any other here …)

They ain’t trying to “micro-chip” us … they’re trying to “nano-chip” us. GMO patent ownership. Read-only or not, nano responds to EM and EMF.

As I’ve said – I agree that the fridge-magnet thing is a DEKE. You’re right, in this regard.

Let’s move on, K?

Btw – did you get those “Honda” sized divots filled? Would side-of-road culverts be an idea? (Front-load the work [lots, I grant] today, to save work evermore?)

Glad you’ve got gigs (I don’t – but that’s ok for now).


Would agree. When speaking about micro anything we speak about scaling down. When we speak about nano anything we are speaking about scaling up. Assembling and scaling up from the one billionth of a meter. Essentially if you can conceive of it and write an executable program for it, it can be done or at least tried until you get it right.

When talking about drawing or generating power for these nanotech machines you likely have multiple options and more if you conceive of them.

I seriously doubt that there isn’t a technology out there be it in mechanical, computational, communicative or any other hard tech field that can not be assembled and scaled up to produce a desired outcome.


A key advantage of nanodevices and nano-systems is that they usually operate at a very low power level, in the range of nanowatts to microwatts, bringing nanogenerators for powering them into the realm of the possible. Just think of the potential power sources a human body provides: mechanical energy, heat energy, vibration energy, chemical energy (in the form of glucose) and the hydraulic energy of the circulatory system. Converted into electricity, just a small fraction of this energy could be sufficient to power many types of small devices.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ferrite core is interesting and *potentially* gives something to work with, but let’s set expectations here:

Even the really strong magnetic field of an MRI unit is not enough to make an RFID unit in the center of the field move beyond small forces holding it in place.

Now, also look at this. Is the media manipulated? People can even implant MAGNETS.

Disinformation is cheap. But I only need a trusted researcher to do a simple experiment.


I’m keeping an open mind on this Gail, whilst it may be a spoof there is this long article…

With lots of links, one of which is this…


“Following a series of mergers and acquisitions, Dynal and Dynabeads are currently owned and produced by Invitrogen,[4] part of Thermo Fisher Scientific.”

“In March 2020, Thermo Fisher received emergency use authorization from the FDA for a test for SARS-CoV-2 to help mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic.[4]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. But still not seeing how bulk ferromagnetic behaviors are possible with distributed superparamagnetic injections. Cell-sorting in a strong magnetic field? Sure. Ferrite nanoparticles? Not seeing them exerting back en masse.
Thinking a ferrite-cored chip might be the only thing that would give a detectable force. It would mean people are getting chipped with rice-grain implantables – assuming that those implantables visibly react to rare earth magnets under the skin. I can ALMOST see that, with the really strong ones. But still staying skeptical. I have NOT found anybody showing me what I need that way. The Mythbusters vid came close, but using a big field to move an immovable is not the same as a small but intense field up close to see a small effect.

I need a video of somebody prying an implantable chip off of a rare earth magnet. If I see that, I’m beginning to believe.

Do they have bioimplantables at Micro Center? 😉


I think the the implantable rfid chip, whilst it exists, is in this instance a false trail.

“Dynabeads are frequently used for cell isolation.[4][6] Cell-types often of interest to purify may be specific leukocytes, such as CD4+ T cells, stem cells,[7] or circulating tumor cells (CTCs). Dynabeads may be covalently linked to an antibody that recognizes a specific protein on the surface of the target cell-type. Alternatively, Dynabeads may attach to the cell indirectly, either via streptavidin on the Dynabead linking to a biotinylated primary antibody, or a secondary antibody on the Dynabead linking to the primary antibody. Streptavidin linkage to the primary antibody allows Dynabeads to capture cells with lower expression of the surface protein.[8]

This sounds to me more like the region of work they’re doing in relation to chicom flu. And why would Thermo Fisher need an EUO just for “a test”


Sorry EUA not EUO

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Take a look at what I told Gail. Just run this BACKWARDS to see what they’re really doing. IMO they’re injecting people with what amounts to a serial number via what amounts to a dispersed molecular RFID chip. It’s genius. Each shot is basically a UUID, not by array or by dyes but by something that shows up under RF or MR exam.

Deplorable Patriot

Biomarkers. Yes?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It explains too many things. The disinformation now, the attacks on particular people, the quiet rollback of Moderna array injection tech – ALL of it. RFIDs are OLD TECH – they’re the vacuum tubes of marking people.

Yup. “The Jab” is “The Mark”.

Deplorable Patriot

I suspect we’ll know for sure when/if 5G is ever turned on.


Yes but there is enough juice in the vial for 5 jabs, so if 5 people get the same stuff how can it “mark” an individual.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Two jabs will be unique.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is an example of transdermal ferromagnetism. The forces are enough to motivate the smaller object(s) obviously, NOT the larger one AS PERCEPTIBLY.

Gail Combs

Looked into an EMF Reader. (Asked Hubby who has a collection of electric meters.)

THIS is an EMF reader:

EMF Meter – 𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥 ℍ𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠𝕠𝕝

$65.20 $27.17

-58%This machine is an easy-to-use tool that detects and measures electromagnetic energy.

If there is a sudden change in the electromagnetic field, the machine will catch it. Make sure that when you use it, you don’t change the position or location of electronic devices such as phones, laptops or any kind of recorder so that you don’t confuse their energy with ghosts from the beyond!

comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen AT LEAST three different people demonstrating the same thing. I have an idea that even if the shots don’t contain the blood pathogen agents, they DO have the nanoparticles that will be used as biomarkers. That’s probably what it holding that magnet in place.

Just wait until these people get an MRI and see what happens.


I read it is an old trick. Sticky substance on the arm…


>>”an old trick”<<

Could be.

But maybe not.

It’s worth consideration, IMO, because the consequences of the latter perspective being true (a means to counteract, however slightly) FAR outweigh those of the former (a little time wasted on a “red herring”).

How’s your Wednesday, Grandma?


I’ve got grandkids today. 😄

Hope your day goes well!


Lucky you!

A day full of love, with the side-benefit of activity / exercise.

Betcha you’ll have a glass for yourself when the day (fun) is done … lol!



Gail Combs

I just debunked it.

Main point. Magnetic field falls by the CUBE of the distance! Second point not enough metal in the jab. Third point some magnets come with glue (sticky side.)

So yeah it is PURE HARMFUL BUPPKAS meant to make Deplorables look like anti-science idiots.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that BOTH SIDES are right here. AND LOGIC.

This is grand disinformation. Just follow along.

Yeah, your theory that it’s BUPKAS is more plausible than anything I can come up with as far as the videos PER SE, and I’m working hard to make any myth work.

But that doesn’t mean that they’re not up to something.

I’m not going to quit, because this is potentially fruitful stuff just in terms of understanding surreptitious marking of people. THAT could be happening, and they’re covering up. THAT would explain why they FREAKED when the guy stole the vial of vaccine. If they’re using some kind of residual paramagnetic marker – basically a molecular RFID – then yeah, they would WANT to promote a bunch of BUPKAS as cover. See my point?

Let’s back up to the MYTH that’s being used for COVER.

Ferrites (biologically compatible and yet strongly interacting with a magnet, weakly ferromagnetic in BULK but only superparamagnetic when finely divided but STILL nanoparticulate) are less magnetically inductive than iron filings, so just do this gedanken experiment. Inject a good bunch of iron filings under the skin. Can they hold a rare earth magnet up? Probably not, but they MIGHT generate a weak force that would show up visibly. MIGHT. I can actually hold up a piece of junk mail with a tiny piece of thin steel wire (I mean, like a THREAD – like 1 cm long) using a rare earth magnet. So we can get FORCE with METALS.

Ferrites? Things start getting very sketchy even as nanowires, much worse as dynabeads. BUT wait a second. Why does it need to be that strong for EM ID? Answer – it DOESN’T.

Meaning – we’ve been TRICKED by the disinfo.

BUT – let’s say the goal is really marking of individuals. THAT is very possible, and in order to do that, they need something OTHER than the things we busted, such as “dye injection by microneedle arrays” and the other stuff they were planning for Moderna. Notice how they DROPPED that for Moderna while never addressing the issue publicly. Yeah.

This is “Auschwitz tattoos before the camps are even ready”. This is EVIL GENIUS.

So if we busted that op, and they knew people would NOT get array injections, what next to mark them without them knowing? A MOLECULAR ARRAY. I have several brilliant ideas that I could patent this way, but why bother – I’m sure people already DID. It’s too beautiful – it uses regular injections – nobody will be wise until they get SCANNED.

Now – THIS is the key. These bioinjections would spark up in a manner similar to an RFID chip, when scanned with the right EM frequencies, possibly in the presence of a magnetic field, just like an MR. They would likely have some reactions to magnets as well, but maybe not what we’re seeing on film. They could likely be READ while getting an MRI, or in a less capable MRI, by running it in a different mode.

The disinformation was a mistake on their part. The covered up needlessly, and tipped their hand.

So yes – I think there is a biomarker of some kind in these, and what they’re doing is using the EUA status – VERY INTENTIONALLY – to be able to lie about what’s in them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One more reason to get the BUPKAS out would be that stolen vial. Any ferrite nanoparticles or the like are going to show up like crazy.

Gail Combs

Very interesting theory Wolfie and makes sense. They VERY VERY MUCH want to add unique IDs to ‘their’ property. Take that ‘rice grain’ RFID tag and make it in several pieces like a bar code.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are 1000 ways to skin the cat, too. No way they didn’t do this.

Nope. “Vacuum tube” RFIDs are a scam to limit our ability to track their tracking.

And of course CHINA wanted to get the top nano people working on THEIR side, and then corralled them in by “Thousand Talents of Silver” Judas contracts which demand first fruits, so they would get cream-of-the-crop thinking on this stuff.

But one doesn’t even have to get above baseline tech to create workable injectable bio-tagging schemes that don’t require the obvious pitfalls of “big hulking decepto tech”. One would not even visualize it in lyophilized vaccine powders, or suspended in solutions.

We need more stolen vials! IMO Pfizer and most especially Modena are more likely to have the coding, because Moderna was openly flirting with the criticized and ditched tech.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This also explains why they fed that “suramin” crap to Mike Adams. They knew the shikimic acid stuff would validate against the literature as edgy (the paper where it does modulate immune biochem in the presence of quercetin), but it drags along that debunking suramin payload.

The point being, that if the biomarker stuff gets out, they are in serious trouble for tracking people. When people sign off to get the injections, if they’re signing away any right to complain about tracking and ID stuff, then YUP – that is what they’re doing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AND of course this matches up with passports. They can scan people to make sure their passport matches their vaccine ID serialized into their arm.


The guy doing the Trump impression is really good. 😃



Fauci: “I hate to keep schooling you Senator Paul, but turning a relatively innocuous virus into some seriously lethal shit is not ‘Gain of Function’ research. I mean really.”

Fauci Dances on the Line of a Perjury Charge As He Parses and Equivocates as to Whether the US Funded Gain-of-Function Research on Bat Viruses at the Wuhan Lab”Gain-of-function” is the deliberately anodyne jargon for giving a virus a potent new ability it didn’t have — like altering the protein spikes of a bat virus so that it can infect humans.


It’s been over a year since we watched Dr. Boyle explain (with Gail’s reinforcements) what was happening in UNC Chapel Hill, but pretty sure it went along the lines of, it had become to blatant that they were in violation of Biowarfare laws that Dr. Boyle helped put in place and thus they moved the research out of the U.S. to WUHAN while continuing with some supplementary work in AUS at the Vet University (Dr Shi doing research at all three locations).

Concerned Virginian

It cannot be said enough times:

Fauci’s NIAID funded the Baric Lab at the Gillings Institute of Global Public Health at UNC Chapel Hill (where, in 2015, Dr. Shi and Ralph Baric performed the experiments on SARS-2 virus samples to create a GAIN OF FUNCTION variant on that virus). Baric holds the patent on that variant.
Then Dr. Shi, after her stint at Baric’s lab, went back to the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab with her research materials. Shi had been doing research since 2015, if not before, on GOF “bat virus” variants to be used on human beings.
The Baric SARS-2 GOF virus variant that Shi took her research materials, and possibly samples of, back to Wuhan when she left UNC — is, in all likelihood, what became “COVID-19”.
The involvement of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, PhD, and Dr. Francis Collins (then-head of the NIH) in the creation of the CCP Virus MUST be probed to the bottom.
Perhaps the better moniker for this virus should be THE FAUCI VIRUS.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Thank you very much, Gail.

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs


Fauci = Mengele


[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is beautiful. Rand Paul clarifies all of the sketchy from Bobblehead FauXi!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great Sundance post on the RINOs possibly taking their marbles and GOING HOME to Marx, Engels, and Mitt Romney!

Excellent News, On Eve of Liz Cheney Ouster 100 DeceptiCons Proclaim Threat to Create a Third Party

May 11, 2021 | Sundance | 207 Comments

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The Fiancee keeps knocking the upper spray bar loose in our dishwasher.

This evening, I taught her how to fix it without involving me.


Just as I was typing this, I heard the house alarm register an opening change, so I did a quick census. The whole house fan has been on for a while, the HVAC thermostat still says 72, the kitchen says it’s 62 indoors and 65 outdoors. As usual, the HVAC circulation fan is on. The Fiancee just closed the bedroom window and opened the Master Bath window.

The target is for the entire house to be at 70. The HVAC thermostat is a convenient proxy, though it is (a) inaccurate, and (b) not in the right place to measure.

I have a near infinite supply of cool air via the whole house fan and open windows….but it’s a juggling act to intake the cool air where it may best cool the overall house, rather than overcool certain rooms. The major areas with residual heat are the living room and family room — the kitchen and a couple of bedrooms are cool.

The original HVAC in this house dates from 1955. I’ve done serious overhauls, but I could do so much better with new construction…..

I installed the current thermostat — it’s a Home Depot unit. There were something like five wires. I could run that bad boy off a Raspberry Pi and drive the same five wires.

It would be trivial to report the temp in every room of this house, plus outside temps on every side of the house, and calibrate them against a lab standard so that they could be relied on. It would be trivial to make a plan to optimize the house’s thermal performance….

…..but it’s just torture to think about these things because I’m not going to do them here.


Just buttoned everything up and turned off fan. Thermostat at 70, kitchen at 62 (inside)/63 (outside).


The thermostat for our H&A unit is in a hallway in the center of the house.

Mr. Wheatie replaced it a couple of times because it would keep running when it was set for air conditioning…and it would shut off too soon when it was set for heat.

So it would freeze us in the summer when the outside temps went down.
The A/C unit outside would run so long that ice would form on the pipes running into the house.

It would shut off too soon in the winter, leaving far ends of the house cold.
He thought it was the thermostat’s fault.

Then I realized…it was happening because of the location of the thermostat.
This realization was made possible because the new thermostat had a display on it which showed the ‘room temp’ of where the thermostat was located.

That section of hallway is the warmest place in the house.
That’s why it runs too long in the summer…and shuts off too soon in the winter.

So now we just set the temp on it accordingly and all is well.


In general, you want the thermostat to be in the center of the house, near the HVAC return, and all the HVAC outlets to be at all the windows. That way, all the environmentally heated/cooled air gets the full treatment from whatever the HVAC is doing, and you read how effective that has been when mixed air gets back to the thermostat.

This frequently breaks down when not enough air is moving.


Air flow is pretty good.
And yeah…the outflow vents are at the windows, except in the bathrooms.

I think the problem is basically that the spot in the hallway where the thermostat is located, is the warmest and coziest spot in the house.

So…when the outside temp drops down around 70° we manually shut off the unit and open the windows.
When it drops below 35° we turn up the thermostat a couple of degrees.


My newest upgrade has remote sensors in all the bedrooms so the HVAC has a better idea of the house temp. Plus I have the house fan run for 15 to 20 minutes each hour to circulate the air. Does a lot better job of keeping the house temp.


PROOF OF FRAUDULENT ELECTION: Trump Won More Blacks, Latinos, AND WOMEN and a “Sizeable” Shift to Trump by Immigrant Populations in 2020 Election — But Beijing Biden Won?
Biden got a record low number of counties in the United States by a supposed “winner” – only 16%.
Trump won every bellwether county except one and every battleground race in the US House.

Valerie Curren

Wow, something very weird is happening in the comments section, at least as it appears to me at 6:15am.  All the fonts are huge & icons are massive, like the stars for rating the post take up nearly half of my screen…hmmm those “gremlins” messing w/ Wolf’s den again???


It all looks normal to me, Valerie.

Sorry you’re having trouble. 😕 

Valerie Curren

I just re-loaded the page again & it’s back to my version of “normal” here too 🙂

Valerie Curren

Oh & there are Huge Black Icons for thumbs up, thumbs down, & an arrow that likely means reply.  Never seen this configuration before…
Huge “Black Icons” ought to make some of those “gremlins” grin 😉 


Have you tried doing a refresh-page?
Might take more than once, I dunno.

Valerie Curren

3rd time was apparently the charm!


Is ocean acidification another climate change HOAX? Scientists blow the whistle on massive, coordinated data manipulation and FRAUD
The “last refuge of the climate scoundrels,” to quote a friend of Australian physicist Dr. Peter Ridd, is “ocean acidification,” a global warming conspiracy theory that appears to be the latest hoax of the climate change cult.
Despite dozens of published papers claiming that ocean acidification is real, a group of whistleblowers has come forward to request a misconduct investigation into the legitimacy of this questionable research.


Leftists have no qualms about falsifying data to support their agenda.

Then when questioned…they get dismissive and say “the science is settled”.

Gail Combs

Is ocean acidification another climate change HOAX? 


The oceans are BUFFERED.

From my old notes:

 The oceans are highly buffered by calcium Ca++ (and magnesium Mg++)


Calcium is the main cation in river water, followed by Na and Mg, then K.


Chpt 4: Major Ions of Seawater…. James Murray, Univ. Washington

grams/Kilogram @ salinity S – 35.000%

Na+ 10.781

K+ 0.399

Mg++ 1.284

Ca++ 0.4119

Sr++ 0.00794

1. <b>Estuaries:</b> The average composition of river water is given in Table 4-2 (from Langmuir, 1997). The concentrations are given in mg l-1 and can be compared with seawater concentrations. The main difference is that HCO3- is the main anion in river water and has a much higher concentration than Cl- (which is the lowest of the major anions in river water). Calcium is the main cation in river water, followed by Na and Mg, then K…..

Ca has small (+ 0.5%) but systematic variations within the ocean. This has been known since the earliest analyses of seawater. Dittmar (1884) used precise analyses of 77 Challenger samples to show that the calcium/chloride ratio was higher in deep water then in surface waters.

When the Ca increase was first discovered by Dittmar it was hypothesized to be due to dissolution of CaCO3 particles. Brewer et al. (1975) showed that the change in alkalinity with depth in the ocean (where Alkalinity ≈ HCO3- + 2 CO32-) was less than that expected for the change in Ca. Actually according to the CaCO3 solubility reaction (e.g. CaCO3(s) = Ca2+ + CO32-), the changes should follow the expression ∆Alkalinity = 2 ∆Ca. Calcium increases by 100-130 μM as deep water flows from the Atlantic to the Pacific (Fig. 4-1) but alkalinity only increases by 120-130 μM. As the calcium data are probably sound, Brewer et al.(1975) suggested that this was because the alkalinity was low due to titration by HNO3 produced by respiration of organic matter in the deep sea. The correct comparison should be of Ca with potential alkalinity which is the total alkalinity corrected for the NO3 produced….

The long residence time of Sr in the ocean could suggest that its concentration does not vary over Quaternary time scales, but in fact the best estimates of the modern Sr budget suggest that it is far from steady state (Schlanger, 1988). And in fact large changes (up to 12%) in Sr/Ca in planktonic foraminifera have been observed over the past 150 ka (glacial/interglacial time scales) suggesting that Sr/Ca was higher during glacial maxima (Stoll et al., 1999). This variability reflects changes in sea level, river fluxes and carbonate accumulation rates.

Lots more info and an interesting discussion:

Dr Segalstad’s paper on ocean chemistry. (Dr Segalstad is one of my heroes)

and Web page that is easier to read:


Thank you, Gail! 😍 


Deplorable Patriot

Let me tell you what’s going on about the “gas shortages.”

This is what I do for a living, maybe I can break it down a bit for you all.

Obviously we have a hacked pipeline that is down, I will give you a quick summary of what that means and what the logistics of it mean. 

These pipelines supply hundreds of different terminals. Each city has specific terminals that their gas is pulled from. Many are just miles from your house, sometimes they pull from 1-2 hours from your house because the cost is cheaper. 

Because the pipeline is shut down the local terminals are running out of gas. So instead of pulling gas from local areas the are now having to go way outside your area 3,4,5 bourse each way to fill just one tanker with gas.

One tanker only carries 7-8 thousand gallons of fuel. 

7-8 thousand gallons is only kind of fuel for one gas station.

So the problem is one truck can only make 2 deliveries a day, instead of 8-15 depending on your area.

There are not enough trucks or drivers to deliver to everyone everyday. It’s simply logistics. 
By the time the are able to get back to your station you have run out of fuel. Most likely stations are not ordering every kind of gas. They are getting what they can in the “cheap stuff.”

So theoretically we don’t have an actual National gas shortage. Obviously we have gas. 
But logistics are that local terminals are out.This is causing shortages because we do not have enough trucks or qualified drivers to get to all stations in a timely manor.

Drivers have to have a special license because gas trucks are a National security issue. A bomb on wheels 
It’s really as simple as that. They are driving hours at a time to get 1 station 1 load. People panic buying are causing stations to run out in hours instead of a few days. Be nice to fuel truck drivers. They are literally not sleeping right now to get you gas.

Oh. More good news. When you have to deliver gas that you are hauling for hours, you have to pay that company, driver and their fuel cost too. So that gets tacked on To each gallon of gas. So their will be sharp increase, no getting around it. 


Yep…there is no ‘gas shortage’.

We’re having a Delivery Disruption.
We have plenty of gas.

I wonder if that little stunt with Jimmy Carter was a ‘comm’ to trigger the disruption for the “gas shortage” narrative.

Deplorable Patriot

Could be. It was just weird enough to make that concept believable.


Unlike now, there actually were gas shortages during the Carter years.

It was a man-made shortage, though…caused by politics.
Oil wasn’t getting to the refineries.

But the term “gas shortage” is associated with the Carter term.

It was even called the ‘Carter gas shortages’.

Deplorable Patriot

I was a kid, but I remember.


My dad owned a couple of gas stations during my growing up years, which were the Seventies. I remember this so well, and we lived in a rural area which had sort of a different experience. He had “gas price wars” with the other stations in the area. That was a very stressful era in so many ways.

Don’t they say if you wore it the first time, you shouldn’t wear it when it comes back in style? Can I opt out of this go-round?


I still wonder about the dress o’ lemons.

State Funeral upcoming?

“Multiple meanings exist.”


Dresses with lemon on seem to be a new stile. I saw a dress with lemon on when I looked at dresses on Internet. The dress was no cheap.
I think at Carter’s age death can be anytime.


“Drivers have to have a special license because gas trucks are a National security issue. A bomb on wheels”

“Be nice to fuel truck drivers. They are literally not sleeping right now to get you gas.”

Anybody but me find these two sentences in the same story TERRIFYING?



First thing I thought of – sleep-deprived explosive-carriers.

What could go wrong? /s

Gail Combs

Those driver would have to get special authority from the Department of Transportation to run more hours. Corporations have ZERO SAY. You can bet your boots a Bite-me administrator is NOT going to reduce the restrictions.

Summary of Hours of Service Regulations
Snippets for property not people:


11-Hour Driving Limit

May drive a maximum of 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty.

14-Hour Limit

May not drive beyond the 14th consecutive hour after coming on duty, following 10 consecutive hours off duty. Off-duty time does not extend the 14-hour period.

30-Minute Driving Break

Drivers must take a 30-minute break when they have driven for a period of 8 cumulative hours without at least a 30-minute interruption. The break may be satisfied by any non-driving period of 30 consecutive minutes (i.e., on-duty not driving, off-duty, sleeper berth, or any combination of these taken consecutively).

60/70-Hour Limit [This maybe where there is some leeway.- CG)

May not drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days. A driver may restart a 7/8 consecutive day period after taking 34 or more consecutive hours off duty.

Sleeper Berth Provision

Drivers may split their required 10-hour off-duty period, as long as one off-duty period (whether in or out of the sleeper berth) is at least 2 hours long and the other involves at least 7 consecutive hours spent in the sleeper berth. All sleeper berth pairings MUST add up to at least 10 hours. When used together, neither time period counts against the maximum 14- hour driving window.

Adverse Driving Conditions

Drivers are allowed to extend the 11-hour maximum driving limit and 14-hour driving window by up to 2 hours when adverse driving conditions are encountered.

Short-Haul Exception (This is also where there is some leeway.-GC)

A driver is exempt from the requirements of §395.8 and §395.11 if: the driver operates within a 150 air-mile radius of the normal work reporting location, and the driver does not exceed a maximum duty period of 14 hours. Drivers using the short-haul exception in §395.1(e)(1) must report and return to the normal work reporting location within 14 consecutive hours, and stay within a 150 air-mile radius of the work reporting location.

Last updated: Monday, September 28, 2020

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

I’m voting for set-up or inside job even if I’ve seen reports that it’s the [DS] flexing its muscles.


Could this ‘cyber attack’ have been an inside job to shove the green agenda down our throats and make those connected to the Biden Crime Family wealthy?

Yes…I think it was!


Considering how gleeful the fraudulent administration and their media hacks are about this and the fact they are using this to prop up their new green deal energy propaganda I’d say Yes, most certainly!


Deplorable Patriot

I wonder if this is the same for transfer from the inoculations.


I wouldn’t count on it.

I am sure I had covid early on. BUT, since the injections started, I have begun to experience the “blood rash” symptoms any time I get any small abrasion or anything. This has never happened to me before. I feel like it has to be injection-related. I avoid being super close to people I don’t know.


If you eat vegetables with lots of vitamin K in it, it thins blood. So does aspirin and look at the vitamins you take or research it. When I take only one aspirin I bruise easy. I know kale has lots of K .

Gail Combs

Hubby is on blood thinners (Rat poison) I have to be careful not to feed him kale or spinach.


My husband is on blood thinners also. Same here I need kale and spinach for my eyes.
I eat my stuff he eats his. 🙂


I do have some kale in my diet. I don’t take aspirin regularly, though. Thanks for the thoughts, I will have to consider where else I could be getting it.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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The below is a 7 Apr article and there are many like it. Basically they all say the same thing. “How Great We (The Bidenese) Are for restoring aid to the Palestinians after mean Mr. Trump cut their aid. We (The Bidenese) know how to do peace better than mean Mr. Trump.

Is there anything anywhere in the world that does not turn to s%#t once a democrat touches it?


may 12, 2021 the marshall report

Has anyone wondered what happened to the child John the Baptist at the time King Herod put forth his decree to kill all the male children age two and under? For John was born about six months or so before Jesus to Elizabeth and Zacharias. How did he survive that evil time?

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…



Please notice: Auto translated from Swedish.

Background to the new Nuremberg Trials 2021 :

A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death – as fraud.

The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% inaccurate at 35 cycles. All PCR tests monitored by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC acknowledges that tests over 28 cycles are not allowed for a positive reliable result.

This invalidates over 90% of the alleged Covid cases / “infections” detected by the use of this incorrect test.

In addition to the incorrect tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention.

Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention.

The “experimental” vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes – which carry the death penalty for those who try to break these international laws.

1) Provides immunity to the virus
This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections.

2) Protects the recipients from getting the virus
This gene therapy does not provide immunity and the double vaccine can still catch and spread the virus.

3) Reduces deaths due to viral infection
This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died.

4) Reduces the circulation of the virus
This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero immunity to the virus.

5) Reduces the transmission of the virus
This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it does not confer immunity to the virus.



The following violations of the Nuremberg Code apply:

Nuremberg Code # 1: Voluntary consent is important

No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent.

Many media, political and non-medical people urge people to take the injection.
They do not provide information about the negative effects or dangers of this gene therapy. All you hear from them is – “safe and effective” and “the benefits outweigh the risks.”

countries use blockades, coercion and threats to force people to take this vaccine or are banned from participating in free society under the mandate of a vaccine pass or Green Pass.

During the Nuremberg trials, the media were also prosecuted and members were killed for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of crimes against humanity.

Nuremberg Code # 2: Yields with fruitful results that cannot be produced by other means

As mentioned above, gene therapy does not meet the criteria for a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that give fruitful results against Covid, such as Ivermectin, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and strengthened immune system for flu and colds.

Nuremberg Code # 3: Basic experiments as a result of animal experiments and natural history disease

This gene therapy skipped animal experiments and went directly to human experiments.
In mRNA research used by Pfizer – a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all monkeys developed pneumonia but the researchers considered the risk low because these were young healthy monkeys from 2-4 years of age.

Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Justice has accepted a requirement that 80% of recipients with pneumonia should be injected with this gene therapy.

Despite this alarming development, Pfizer continued to develop its mRNA for Covid, without animal testing.

Nuremberg Code # 4: Avoid all unnecessary suffering and injury
Since the launch of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system, over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in the United States. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a serious violation of this code.

Nuremberg Code # 5: No experiment should be performed if there is reason to believe that injury or death will occur

See No. 4, based on fact-based medical data, this gene therapy causes death and injury.

Previous research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current experimental gene experiment. A 2002 study of SARS-CoV-1 nail proteins showed that they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots and inhibit Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this nail protein that inherits all these risks.



Nuremberg Code # 6: The risk should never exceed the benefit

Covid-19 has a recovery rate of 98-99%. Vaccine damage, death, and adverse side effects of mRNA gene therapy far outweigh this risk.

The use of “leaky” vaccines was banned for agricultural use by the US and the EU due to the Marek Chicken study which shows “hot viruses” and variants appear… make the disease even more deadly.

Nevertheless, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC aware that the risk of new, more deadly variants arises from leaky vaccinations. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hotter (more deadly) strains. Yet they have ignored this when it comes to humans

Nuremberg Code # 7: Preparations must be made for even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death

No preparations were made. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments. The pharmaceutical companies’ own clinical phase 3 studies will not end until 2022/2023.

These vaccines were approved in an emergency

Use only action to force on a misinformed public. They are NOT FDA approved.

Nuremberg Code # 8: Experiments must be carried out by scientifically qualified persons

Politicians, the media and actors who claim that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science.

Many stores such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene therapies to the uninformed public.
Nuremberg Code # 9: Everyone must have the freedom to end the experiment at any time

Despite the call from over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists – the experiment does not end. In fact, there are currently many attempts to change laws to enforce vaccine compliance.

This includes mandatory and mandatory vaccinations. Experimental “sprayers” are planned every six months without using the growing number of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment.

These update images will be administered without any clinical trials. Hopefully, this new Nuremberg trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.

Nuremberg Code # 10: The researcher must terminate the experiment at any time if there is a probable cause for injury or death

It is clear from statistical reporting data that this experiment leads to death and injury. But not all politicians, pharmaceutical companies and so-called experts make any attempt to stop this gene therapy experiment from harming a misinformed public.
Legal proceedings are progressing, evidence has been gathered and a large growing group of experts is sounding the alarm.


but there was no actual “emergency” (covid).

they perpetrated that fraud to “justify” these deadly “vaccines”.


The CDC committed MULTIPLE violations of Federal Law, when it *unilaterally* changed the standard for cause-of-death protocol. They “skipped” the public commentary / objection phase.

The Enemy went to GREAT lengths to vilify / discredit time-tested therapeutic remedies (like HCQ), so that the false narrative of “no other treatments exist” could take hold.

The ONLY way that the “Emergency Use Authorization” could go forward was in the case that NO other remedies were available.

Remember the billionaire Canadian couple’s homicide? – their factory produced HCQ. Remember the Taiwan factory’s destruction (explosion) – they also manufactured HCQ.

Note the recent news that “chlorine” – for pools – is now “scarce”.

On Jan 15 – the very DAY that the first US case of SARS-II coronavirus was reported – PeloXi advocated for all to join the public SF celebration of the Shy-Knee New Year.

This was also the day that she walked the impeachment papers to the Senate.

At first, the Enemy wished it to spread, unimpeded; directly afterward, they wished to play “protector”. No masks for anyone … then masks for EVERYONE.

Jan 15, 2020 was ALSO the day that the French “health ministry” took HCQ off OTC availability (as it had been for ~60 years), and restricted it to script only, with tremendously rigorous restrictions against doctors prescribing it.

The dots almost connect themselves …

Gail Combs

“….Jan 15, 2020 was ALSO the day that the French “health ministry” took HCQ off OTC availability…”

I think that actually was in OCTOBER of 2019 (when the CCP-FauXi virus was released) The order went into effect on January 15th.

The story is not clear if HCQ was also included in the October ban directive.

….October 2019, as global protests were raging across the world, an agency no one had heard of made an astonishing decision.

“Painkiller tablets such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen will be placed behind pharmacy counters and no longer be freely available on shelves in France from January 15 2020, it has been confirmed…

“Plaquénil, the trade name for chloroquine, was sold over the counter in pharmacies until January 15, 2020.

‘Today, there are an escalation of directives aimed at restricting its use by the Directorate General of Health and it remains authorized in the context where it is least effective, that is to say in the intensive care units,’ continues the doctor.”

So they say. October of course is when some suspect this corona thing began in Wuhan, with January 15th being just two days before the western scientific community began to start grappling with this thing.

The now famous or infamous Imperial College University published its first report on the 17th of January 2020 where they say “self-sustaining human-to-human transmission should not be ruled out.”…


This is great!  👍 

Big Pharma has immunity here in the US…but what about in other countries?

I’d like to see the ChiComs charged in this too.
But China wasn’t a part of the Geneva Convention, were they?


None have immunity to violations of the Nuremberg Code …

And Shy Nah will have its own MASSIVE come-uppance, I suspect.

Gail Combs

Big Pharma has immunity for VACCINES. Notice how they use the words: ” …a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid…”

So it is NOT a VACCINE!


Excellent point, Gail!😀


Passed along to a nurse friend.

Concerned Virginian

Can Dr. Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and Dr. Zheng-li Shi all be charged with crimes under the Nuremberg Code?


I believe so, CV, yes.

ANY individual – including Governors / Mayors / 3-letter spokespeople – who portrays the injections as “vaccines”, WITHOUT including the qualifier “experimental”, is personally culpable, no matter what “immunity” has been granted to them.

Even li’l Billy the Gates-of-Hell, despite his “absolute” immunity granted by the Swiss government (or similar).

Switzerland is also the protector of the (anti-)Pope (“Swiss Guard”), AND home to the IBS [International Bank of Settlements] – the central bank of ALL central banks. The hub, the center.

And they were officially “neutral” during WWII. How’s that for a nice how-dya-do?

We’re getting closer!


Got a county judge down here that I would like to see get his comeuppance.

He has pushed the jabs relentlessly, as well as masking.

Republican, too.


The only tactic that I’ve come up with is to officially PRESENT the documentation / evidence to these fools, while they’re acting in their official capacity (official meeting, open to the public) …

… so that they *cannot* continue to behave as they’ve done without being liable due to ignorance.

I suspect it will work for local “public health” boards, as well as *State* boards and *Federal* agencies. School boards too – in fact, ANY gov’t agency, at ANY level.

We must REMOVE their “I didn’t know” defense.

Also, it doesn’t matter whether they’ve “read” what’s been presented to them; documented, legal receipt is proof enough.

They ARE responsible for what they’ve been given “good delivery” of.


From several months ago: “Five states — Texas, Mississippi, Iowa, Montana and North Dakota — have ended, or soon will end, statewide mask mandates, despite the looming threat of COVID19 and highly transmissible variants
They’re joining 11 other states — Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee — that never required face coverings statewide.”

Note: Only 3 of the states that never required a face mask are above average for deaths per million: SD @ #10, GA @ #17 & SC @ #20. ALL others including TX and ND had face mask mandates in their states.

Note: ALL other states with NO state wide mask mandate are BELOW average for deaths per million.

Deaths per Million (as of midnight yesterday), Top 20 (Note that TN, TX nor Florida make the top 20 and all are mask free & have been highly critisized for being “open”/not under house arrest. TN never had a statewide mask mandate although larger, Bluer counties did institute them.)

#1 NJ: 2,909 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#2 NY: 2,728 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
# 3 Mass: 2,568 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#4 RI: 2,543 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#5 Miss: 2,543 – Masks Required by the state until 3/21/21
#6 AZ: 2,394 – Masks Required by the state until 3/25/21
#7 Conn: 2,288 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#8 LA: 2,288 – Masks Required by the state until 4/27/21
#9: AL: 2,240 – Masks Required by the state until 3/4/31
#10 SD: 2,239 – Never required masks state wide
#11 PA: 2,239 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#12 Indiana: 1,995 – Masks Required by the state until 4/6/21
#13 North Dakota: 1,971 – Masks Required by the state until 3/4/21 (but stayed “open”)
#14 New Mexico: 1,959 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#15 Michigan: 1,954 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#16 Illinois: 1,943 – Masks Required by the state as of 5/12/21
#17 Georgia: 1,921 – Never required masks state wide
#18 Arkansas: 1,912 – Masks required by state until 3/30/21
#19 Iowa: 1,898 – Required masks until 3/4/21
#20 SC: 1,864 – Never Required masks state wide

Many states are still doing the masks despite obvious #s showing they don’t make the difference the left seems to think they do.

Other factors go into the rankings above including how “open” did the states stay, what treatments were offered & when they began offering them and if infected people were put into nursing homes last spring.

Some states were hit hard early, before treatments were available/known so that would be another factor – when the virus began to spread in a given state. NY/NJ had early arrival and early spread before people knew how to treat & to be careful arround the vulnerable + after they did know they intentionally allowed infected to be put in nursing homes (other states as well).

So, no, masks are not the only factor but it is interesting to see that only 3 of the never state wide mask mandate states are in the top 20 for deaths per million and many of the top 20 just lifted state wide mask mandates recently.

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

Thanks for the hard data, MM!

You do a lot of GOOD work …


thank you.

I never took stats in college but I still like to mess around with them and lookd at the hard data (and yes, much of our data isn’t as “hard” as we would like as we simply don’t know the metrics of many states + the metrics have been tinkered with + states have different metrics)


Another factor I would like to layer on is states that had school closings (of course all states closed down last spring) in the 2020/2021 school year and to what extent.

I have never stopped watching the data (and never stopped hearing from healthcare company’s point of view from H’s work) but did stop sharing.

Plus, in general, all that we have done for wuflu has left me, over all, feeling better from other health issues than pre wuflu (silver lining) so I have less forced bedrest/sit still time to actually type up ideas re data and trends much less post. (why are the supplement changes and teas and so forth that we are changing for wuflu helping with other issues?? maybe retro viruses and unknown viruses involved and some current “diseases” are just labels for a group of symptoms/complications of unidentified viruses? changes helping heal from previous vaccinations and unknown/undiagnosed viruses? we just don’t know)

Anyway, data showing TN’s #s – higher earlier but now lowering, positive testing rates higher than other states, less lock down and lower death rates … all seem to be related when I look at the patterns. Same with other states (although the states that inserted infected patients into nursing homes tends to through off the data, still holds true).

TN had higher #s early and higher positive test rates but stayed somewhat open and opened (gradually) at a faster pace than many other states with lower #s of more people but at smaller amounts over time so now there is greater herd immunity.

States just opening up will have their surges … they have just postponed them. Of course, that is partly planned as they were postponing the surges/exposures until after the vaccine was available and widely used to that there would be no surge and would at least be a surge with a lower death rate. I am not sure they will be correct as those tightly locked down states (thinking of MI, for example) have had their people so isolated that I think (just speculation) they will still see a significant surge.

Low population does not fully explain death per million as TN is #16 in population.

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom
Gail Combs

“…why are the supplement changes and teas and so forth that we are changing for wuflu helping with other issues??….”


The stuff I am taking is targeting CHRONIC INFLAMMATION (H/T Patriot Nurse video last spring)

She listed high blood pressure, arthritis, Type II diabetes, asthma/allergies as chronic inflammation. So if you try to lessen the cytokine storm response to the CCP-FauXi virus you also lessen your chronic inflammation symptoms.

Giving your body the nutrients it actually needs and cutting out as much of the poisons as you can is bound to help your overall health no matter what your age.






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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Cheney Ousted from leadership 👏👏👏
Kinzinger and other RINOS has the SADZ 😁


Catturd ™ (@catturd2) Tweeted:


Here’s that full image, since the tweet cuts off the bottom of it:
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Severe case of tds.
Just stop already. 🚨 (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
Liz Cheney after the vote: “I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president [Trump] never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office.”


Liz Chaney’s next book- “Why I Hate Donald Trump: Letters from Guantanamo”


I guess the interests and values of Wyoming voters have no weight at all.


Shes grown up in a very wealthy political family. Obviously entitled. Like an older more clever meghan mccain.


Liz Cheney sounds like she will soon be boiling rabbits and screeching “I will not be ignored!”


Every instance of Repubs doing the right thing is encouraging.


Running on fumes …

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Oops –

Dora already posted … TY Dora!

Gail Combs

This video brought by to us by mollypitcher5 on May 9, 2021 22:59 has been bugging me. Since it is raining today I thought I would address the issue. I do this as an illustration of how the Enemy uses disinformation to trip-up Deplorables and make us look like scientific dunces. This allows them to say SEE they are ‘Anti-science’

Molly is smart enough to smell the Dis-info even though she doesn’t have the science background to thoughly debunk it.

Molly says: All you vax brainiacs…any ideas about this ? Hoax ?

Here is the twitter with the video.

Here is why this is CRAP:

…Many phenomena of nature, like light, obey the inverse square law. That means as you get farther away from the source of light, the intensity decreases as the square of the distance. The inverse square law applies to light, gravity, and electrostatic charge. And the equation is simple and beautiful: basically it is I = 1/d2 , where d is distance (or I = 1/r2 in the photo, where is distance) and is intensity.

It is often assumed that the strength of a magnetic field also obeys the inverse square law. Researching the Internet produces many complex equations, most indicating that magnet field varies inversely with the third power of distance, in other words an inverse cube law….

inverse cube’ Means the strength of a magnet falls off really really fast with an increas in distance. Think of your refrigerator magnet and how it can’t hold more than one or two papers.

The second point is a refrigerator door is a MASSIVE piece of steel compared to what might have been injected. Try using a refrigerator magnet on a wall made of wallboard held in place with steel nails and you get the picture.

So how was the ‘trick’ done?

My guess is she used an adhesive like that on sticky notes. apply to one arm** and one side of the magnet for the ‘innoculated’ arm. flip the magnet as TarheelGirl

Different side of coin. First time she had to flip it over because it didn’t stick. Don’t believe everything you think you see.

I bring this up because we have to be so careful about the information we see ESPECIALLY on Twatter.

** the arm would have to be ‘degreased’ with soap and then alcohol to ‘prep’ the surface so the glue would stick. Heck you can even BUY magnets with glue already on them!

Custom-Magnets sold them:×600/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/-/1-round-adhesive-magnets-1.jpg


Awww … I have used hundreds of those little magnets in homeschooling as tried to make as much as possible “active” on the white magnetic draw board v. sit down, hold a pencil paperwork.

as to the vaccines … many do contain metals as “activators” and perservatives. Mercury has been a Big concern but so is aluminum.

IDK about the magnetic arm as we don’t vaccinate and I would feel weird asking those that I personally know to try it.


Those magnets (not that they are the point) are inexpensive and great to use to put stuff on the fridge like pictures, art work and encouragement cards. I buy the little business card size encouragement cards at Bible stores (w/nature picture and Bible verse) and add the magnets when I send them to people in “thinking of you” cards so they can pop them on the fridge. Again, I know they are not the point … just a life hack to share that I discovered via homeschooling and still use

Gail Combs

Oh, I love the refrigerator magnets too. I just hate LIES!


TY Gail.

I’ve found that the most insidious LIES are based on at least a *grain* of truth.

Too many people post videos that are SOLELY designed to get clicks ($), irrespective of posting LIES.

There are multiple layers of deception. IMO, the delivery system of these nano-containers ARE responsive to specific EM-frequencies.

And so, what was most likely a fraud … has been exposed as a fraud. But as you’ve said, the real purpose was to “debunk” the entire EM interaction truth.

So this video is a red herring – and when we ONLY pay attention to the LIES, then we’re missing part of the truth – as you’ve pointed out.

The Enemy fears the truth (the injections are dangerous – not just now, but well into the future).

90% lie, 10% truth.

Debunking the LIE is only *half* the job. Finding the 10% TRUTH is the other half – it’s more difficult, but it’s also getting easier day-by-day.

48 hours to conclude we followed a red herring? A small price to pay, in order to be better guarded in the future against the wiles and deceits of the Enemy.

We’re all in training mode …

Thanks again.

Gail Combs

I am NOT saying that metal is not in the Jabs, I am saying a refrigerator magnet would not detect it.

See the catch?
DEBUNK the magnet sticking to the arm and THEN claim there is NO METAL in the shots. Worse, people can do this bogus experiment at home and then use it to claim the Deplorable Anti-jabbers are LIARS.


Yes, I see what you mean. Would not be nearly enough for magnets in one specific part of one’s body, even the injection site.

create a Bigger lie than the actual problem/truth and debunk the fake lie and then claim to have debunked the real problem/truth.

We see that over and over.

Yet one more problem with fake news and why #factsmatter

We can’t let fake news from controlled opposition or inserted into “our side” distract or discredit our side/real whistle blowers/real issues as then the truth gets dismissed

spot on, Gail!


A question. If there were chips implanted, would a magnet make them inoperable, as in ‘not work’? Wouldn’t the magnetic field of a strong small magnet interrupt any radio signals or whatever?

and faux bidden didnt win so The Diamonds MUST Be Returned!




(Bookmark. REALLY easy to use – simply copy the URL of the picture [make sure that the picture – and only the picture – is in a new tab] into Tineye, click search, and one is done.)

Tineye first instance is Sep 12, 2014.

The funeral of Pierre Trudeau.

Commie father, commie son? “Oh, Canada” …

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Emerald, there are Many People who have no question in their minds that Trudeau is Castro’s son.
Trudeau’s Mother took him, while he was an infant, to “check in” w Castro, and Castro held him as if dear to hm.



Glorious. Simply glorious.

I wish I could drive slowly, S-L-O-W-L-Y by those gas lines with a “Do you idiot Biden voters me yet?” Trump banner, while filming reactions to post to social media.





May 12, 2021

(deep state says #WeAreVenezuela as the economy…and the US dollar… implode.)


Thank God these people are fighting.

They must get rid of the county health director and any board members who promote this!

Jude (@Judes_Law310) Tweeted:
Remember when it was racist for law enforcement to ask for proof of immigration status documents?


Mike Lindell on Steve Bannon’s War Room:

Lindell says they have 100% of everything they need and could go to SCOTUS now, but that he wants to make sure everyone in the country sees everything, so he will continue to put the evidence out on He thinks they will be ready to go to SCOTUS in a few weeks and thinks they will win unanimously.

Next video in his series: “Absolute Coverup.”

He says, “I’ll give Dominion a little scare: we have the machines.”
And he says the evidence shows PDJT won Maricopa by at least 80,000 votes.

Lindell says he personally has voting macines, not from Arizona, and his team is doing all of their own tests. There will be a lot of surprises and a lot of great news for the country. “If I worked for Dominion right now I’d be turning myself in…It’s over for them.”

He has hired “white hat hackers” who still work for the government, and they have validated everything he has.


I would love for this to happen, but there is one big glitch: the NOT-SO-Supreme Court. They’ve refused to look at ANY election related cases. So what will make this one any different?


Good question. I don’t know what the grounds would be. Lindell must think it’s a case SCOTUS could not refuse. I seem to remember reading that issues between states have to be taken up by SCOTUS, but I’m not sure, and I don’t know if this would be in that category.


truths…I can see SCOTUS once again saying this is MOOT.
what then?

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the snake Susan Collins, reacting to what has happened to Liz Cheney.


Yeah, all those nasty rinos must be wondering if they’re next.


Cause they are, Linda!!!


5.12.21: Israel, Gas, Rockets, Iran … EVIL distractions “by any means necessary?” PRAY!
And We Know Published  May 12, 2021…-evil-distractions-by-any-means-necessar.html


none of this would be occurring if PDJT were still in the WH.

welcome to Biden’s World.👊


Today is a great day. The responses tell us we got the right one, for certain sure.


Relatedly, it is interesting to note that sometimes one must step away from the forrest in order to see the trees and gain perspective. Here is what I have realized since leaving QTree…

PDJT’s losing the ‘20 election was both planned and necessary.

Today is a perfect example of why this is. It would not have happened had PDJT remained in office, and Cheney would still be slithering along in the weeds instead of exposed for the treasonous snake she is.

A historical analogy to the present would be the Battle of the Bugle during WWII, which began with a surprise German counter-offensive that only one man anticipated…Gen. George Patton.

The Bugle would be analogous to PDJT’s seeming “defeat”.

In truth, the German offensive caught the Allied high command by surprise. However, it proved to be a massive blessing. Why?

A: Because the Allied armies were about to enter Germany itself for the first time in the war. An NOTHING motivates an army more than fighting on it’s own soil in defense of it’s country. The massive amount of German firepower used up (and lost) in Belgium would have been exponentially more lethal and difficult to defeat had Hitler NOT sought to exploit a weakness in the Allied lines and, instead, realized and recognized the psychology of the moment.

”When strong, appear weak. When weak, appear strong.”
– Sun Tzu

Other great examples here would be the Battle of Thermopylae and the Spartans led by King Leonides. Yet another would be the Battle of the Alamo. Did Leonides and/or Sam Houston recognize the moment and the opportunity? In Loenides case, he very likely did and understood he had to use his own death to inspire, and so save, his country. But we know Houston didn’t. Certainly, the Allied High Command in 1944 did not.

But Patton did.

In fact, had Patton, and not Eisenhower, been the Supreme Allied Commander, he may very well have planned and encouraged the 1944 German Christmas counter-offensive, so well did it suck up and destroy irreplaceable German firepower BEFORE the allies stepped foot into Germany. Yes, he was THAT good. He was the only allied general the Germans actually, meaningfully FEARED. It should be noted, however, that Patton was so offensively minded that a move like this would go against his nature, so we cannot say he would have done this with any certainty. We only know he did anticipate the German counter-offensive, correctly.

Today…it may not seem like it….. the enemy is being FORCED into making moves it did not want to make for a long time yet. This has been discussed recently here re: vaccines and PDJT rushing a vaccine to distribution.

For certain sure, Liz Cheney and her ilk did NOT want to be exposed to the disinfectant of sunlight (to borrow a phrase from Sundance), but they were forced into it.

Kew is real. Patriots ARE in control. What Kew meant is that Patriots are pulling the levers and making the enemy dance to the MAGA tune. And one of the primary goals is surely forcing the enemy to expose themselves for exactly who/what they are.

This is precisely what is happening.

PDJT showed America what MAGA looks like. JoeBama is nicely showing and reminding America what it’s opposite looks like….because they are forced to do so. Their timeline has been forced up. It’s now or never for them. This is by design and plan.

Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

Some here won’t be able to. That’s ok. Enough….more than enough, now, do. And more are, on a daily basis.

And THAT is why Liz Cheney has been removed from office, even though pure snakes like RINO Boehner-boy Kevin McCarthy attempted to keep her in place.

Like I said, today is a great day for MAGA.

And it will have far-reaching consequences, which is precisely why the marxist left is going berserk over it.

Have a nice, MAGA day! 😁🇺🇸

Deplorable Patriot

the enemy is being FORCED into making moves it did not want to make for a long time yet. 



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Gail Combs

I was thinking something similar today FG&C

With the Fecal Material hitting the Oscillating Blades (Possible Nuremberg type trials over ‘covid leaky gene therapy’) POTUS is completely out of the line of fire.  😊 

Seems he may have neatly slipped out of THAT trap and left FauXi, the CDC and the DemonRats holding the exploding fecal material.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. HCQ. Trump tried, and showed that he was only being allowed one way to solve it – the vaccines.

Gail Combs

The abuse of kids is a tear jerker for sure but the CCP-FauXi Virus lock-downs, masks, loss of jobs, businesses BROUGHT IT HOME to many many people in spades. If you lost your business and entire life saving you are NO Happy. If it was done with calculation and malice you are going to want JUSTICE!

We are doing TONS of birthday parties now as people make up for the ‘lost year’ When they find out that they lost that year because the POWERFUL were jerking their chains KNOWINGLY in the pursued of MORE POWER and WEALTH — Yeah, they will not be able to walk the streets.

On a happy side note. We did a party yesterday for a sweet little black girl. Her family just moved from Brooklyn NY. One of the young men was from California. I had a chat with him and managed to get him to look beyond white vs black to the people who are pulling the strings. (If they want us to fight what are they hiding?) Mentioned 1913 Fed Reserve, the European bankers, Ron Paul and the 2008 bailout of EUROPEAN banks and the fact JP Morgan bought up the news industry in 1915.

He did not know any of that and was very receptive. So I hope I planted another seed.


THIS. This is how we win. One convo at a time.


Gail, so glad your business has picked up.
a nice little local indicator.


More than this…as Wolf points out… typical Trump fashion, he gave them an out, and they threw it back in his face.

GUARANTEED Kew has the proof of it all, which will be released when the time is right.

“They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.”

Think: Nazis who got away in the decades following WWII. Hunted for the rest of their lives. That’s self-imposed psychological torture. Brutal shit.

Deplorable Patriot

in typical Trump fashion, he gave them an out, and they threw it back in his face.

And in their arrogant self-important narcissism, they didn’t see his strategy.

These people must suck at Chess.


Actually, the truth is they might be masters at chess, but they suck at playing God.


Deplorable Patriot

Okay, yeah, I’ll give you that.


Why PDJT stands in contrast to this is that his policies were/are underwritten by biblical and Constitutional wisdom as well as faith-based tradition. He also readily acknowledged and invoked the authority of God Almighty.

Trump wasn’t trying to play God. He was and is a biblically (albeit flawed, as we all are) based leader.

Kew does the same as PDJT.

The real chess master is the one who knows who the true master is, and pays him his due homage and credit.

More often than not, victory belongs to the God-fearing, as this glorifies God and stands as proof of his righteousness.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. Respecting the skill of the enemy is entry Sun Tzu! But respecting God is always part of a winning move.


“PDJT’s losing the ‘20 election was both planned and necessary.
Today is a perfect example of why this is. It would not have happened had PDJT remained in office, and Cheney would still be slithering along in the weeds instead of exposed for the treasonous snake she is.”

I will grant you that Cheney may not have been removed if Trump were President. However removing Cheney is the PRO side of the equation.

Here is the CON side that the Biden administration brings to the debate.

Mideast: chaos soup
Israel: fighting for survival again
Oil: loss of US dominance, increasing prices at the pump (when available)
East Coast: gas lines (probably spreads to other parts of country)
US Military: becoming social justice warriors and once again headed for OPW (other people’s wars)
Supreme Court: de-legitimized (at the very least)
US Border: breached (again)

Seems a rather high price to remove a Representative from Wyoming.

I understand there is more involved but the debate will continue until History sides with one camp or the other.

I say this not to disagree with you but to place the other side of the question on the table for discussion.

Deplorable Patriot

Sometimes you have to show the people so that they understand.

It’s true. We’re still in the “show the people” stage of things.



We were warned this was necessary. And well in advance of all that is taking place, no less.

Past proves future.

Kew proofs continue to pile up. Kew is exactly who we thought they/it were.

It’s jaw-dropping in so many, many ways….much less to be on the inside “know”, as it were, from so many years ago.

Biden admin is imploding.

The REAL radicals are being exposed…..anyone who supports and excuses exploding gas prices, joblessness, border crisis, war, inflation, etc.

It’s very easy, now.

”So you support Biden? You support exploding gas prices, joblessness, border crisis, war, inflation, etc.? None of these thing were happening under President Trump. How is it that YOU don’t think YOU are the real extremist radical here? Explain yourself.”

Hint: they can’t.

Deplorable Patriot


I would love to be in on writing the book when all of the machinations and maneuvers are explained.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What’s fascinating is that this is all so Dzhimmi Kharterh, but back then we could not SEE IT. He was used very much like Biden to put a reasonable American Democrat face on very un-American BS, but we could not really see it in the wake of Watergate demoralization.

Now, in the wake of Trump remoralization, we can see it all clearly. They’re pushing Green New Deal BS on an America that knows better, and knows not to trust the captive media.


In reply to both you and DP….

If I could go back to being 24, I would be getting my PhD in psychology, and my thesis and future research would be on the psychological aspects of all we have been discussing for these many years.

My goal would be to expose the dark arts of psychological manipulation….means and methods….to the entire world. Create easily recognized names for same, so that it would be said…

”Oh look, Mr. So-in-so is attempting to use the XYZ method to manipulate us.”

Nip that crap off right at the bud.

Deplorable Patriot

That would be most entertaining.


It’s sad, but I agree some REAL suffering must occur among the Millennial generation for them to come out of the delusions and illusions they have been subjected to.

And for them to suffer, we will, too. BUT, we are old and wily and far more capable of survival, so we will lead them through to wisdom.

That’s my plan, anyway.


Yes. And these things can be fixed.

They WILL be fixed…again.




I hope she billed them for the cost of replacing it. Then sued them for emotional pain and suffering damages.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Though WE PAY FOR IT.


Then how about every agent who participated and those above them are fired and lose their pensions and are unable to ever work for the government or law enforcement again.

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda

I agree . I only fallowed orders does not cut it any longer. All who participate in illegal tactics in the FBI need to be held accountable.


Why do county GOPs have current elected politicians speak? Because those people we really want are so expensive!
All without including traveling fees
Candace Owens – $30K
John Rich – $50K
Dr. Swain is now charging $5k in state and $10K out of state (traveling expenses, etc.)
Sec Pompeo – (yes, I really, Really like and want him to come to our little neck of the woods and emailed back and forth + called – why not? all they can do is say no!)
$50K on the Lowest end and usually $75K

Just some examples. Others are lower but still out of reach, far out of reach, for GOP counties for their annual dinners/fundraisers. Elected politicians want that platform and come for free but then some complain that we are promoting “RINOs”/GOPe. Those not yet elected probably would come for free but who would buy the tickets to come hear them v. just having them speak at a monthly meeting?

Have to have a draw to sell the tickets but most draws our Way out of our range as then the tickets would be too expensive.


They should come for travel expenses. Just my thinking.


They are then just trying to get rich. How much do they really want to help?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bidenazis and Bidenistas can agree on this one!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is PLANNED Carteresque phony Green New Deal BS.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Border Crisis outta control? LOOK, No Gas!!


Don’t know if this is the real general, but for what it’s worth:

General McInerney

Liz Cheney ousted the same day Christopher Miller set to testify about January 6th.

The Jan 6th insurrection narrative will fully collapse today. Most Republicans know this and this is why Cheney was removed without any hesitancy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT is very interesting.


“17 months later, there are zero approved tests for the Corona. Oh yes, there are unapproved, experimental tests that received Emergency Use Authorization. But in 17 months, none of them have received FDA approval.”


Anyone with reasoning skills should question the hard push for children to get the shots.
They’ve honed in on kids now (who weren’t getting it and weren’t passing it )


“Anyone with reasoning skills should question the hard push for children to get the shots.”


Once people have taken the Not-a-Vaxx™ shot, they are likely to be even harder to reason with, because if it turns out that something might be horribly wrong with the untested, experimental gene-therapy, they would have to admit:

A) that they didn’t figure it out in time


B) if it’s something horrible, it’s already in their body

So “denial” would be a natural consequence, ranging from ‘very strong’ to ‘overwhelming’.

When Uncle Tony / Nurse Ratched says it’s safe for kids, that:

A) alleviates the shot-takers’ fears, reinforces the feeling that they’re not in any danger, because if it’s okay for kids to take the Not-a-Vaxx™ shot, then it “must” be safe


B) makes the shot-takers WANT kids to take it, to validate their own belief that it must be ‘safe’

Which would also explain why they rolled out the Not-a-Vaxx™ shot to adults first, and only began shooting up the little ones after a sufficient number of adults are already psychologically committed, having already taken the Jonestown Jab™ themselves.


Excellent theory


I was at fed ex yesterday. There was a guy in there going on about how he cant wait for all the little kids to get them to protect the teachers. I had to stop and look at him. Ignorance, but if i tried to say anything, he wouldnt have understood the basics. Definitely a dim dimm voter.


Just incredible…

As far as China Virus ‘PCR’ tests go, I have read that the nasal / throat swab has tiny hair-like filaments that are designed to break off and embed themsleves in the mucus membrane.

I have also read that the saliva test is a ‘PCR’-acceptable China Virus test, which is accomplished by spitting saliva into a tube.

Apparently this test can take up to 15 minutes of spitting saliva into a tube, in order to get enough saliva, which seems very strange, considering the State can apparently obtain a DNA sample from the rim of a coffee cup.

So if one needs to be tested, it seems the saliva PCR test is the only non-invasive choice.

Is there any reason NOT to do the saliva test, besides giving Cabal a DNA sample, which they probably already have?


I would think so. If there ain’t no Corona in your saliva then how is it spread.


Baby dies after second jab.


Deplorable Patriot

No no no no no

no no no no no

Not even. That’s a BLATANT attempt at censorship, if it’s really happening and not another smokescreen. Passing a quote past a subject is a courtesy, but by no means required. The president is not a corporate figure where quotes and getting them just right is a matter of good PR practice. Completely different circumstances.


I can see why. A couple of times very recently Biden has blurted out things that don’t make sense or were not part of the cabal narrative. HE must be censored

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5
Deplorable Patriot

That’s the White House’s problem…if this is not a smokescreen.


I presume that’s how the WH intends to fix the Joe problem. THEY will dispense the actual narrative.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s going to go over like a lead balloon.


Already has.

New York Times reporter Peter Baker told Politico that the practice began in the interest of adding more transparency to administration officials’ quotes. ​

“What started out as an effort by reporters to get more transparency, to get people on the record more, to use fewer blind quotes, then got taken by the White House, each successive White House, as a way of taking control of your story,” ​Baker told the outlet.

“So instead of transparency, suddenly, the White House realized: ‘Hey, this quote approval thing is a cool thing. We can now control what is in their stories by refusing to allow them to use anything without our approval.’

“And it’s a pernicious, insidious, awful practice that reporters should resist​,” he added.​

Deplorable Patriot

I hate to say I agree with somebody from the New York Times, but he’s right. It’s outright censorship.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I keep telling people. BIDENAZIS.

Gail Combs

From the NY Post article:

White House reporters are ​seething over a policy that requires them to submit quotes from interviews with Biden administration officials to the communications team for approval, editing or veto, according to a report on Tuesday.  ​

The White House is demanding that reporters who conduct interviews with administration officials do so under conditions known as “background with ​quote approval,” Politico reported. ​

The information from the interview can be used in a story, but for a reporter to be able to attach a name to the quote, ​the reporter must transcribe the comments and send them to the communications team, the report said. ​

At that point, the White House can approve them, edit them or veto their use. 

So even Politico is saying:

If you’ve read a quote from an administration official in a newspaper or a wire story recently, there’s a good chance that the White House communications team had an opportunity to edit it first.

That’s because the Biden White House frequently demands that interviews with administration officials be conducted on grounds known colloquially as “background with quote approval,” according to five reporters who cover the White House for outlets other than POLITICO….

West Wing Playbook must make a confession here. We have participated in such arrangements too. The other week, the White House asked for background with quote approval for an interview with White House communications director KATE BEDINGFIELD for a profile about speechwriter VINAY REDDY. Close to deadline and with our editors giving us side-eye about filing late, we agreed.

The practice allows the White House an extra measure of control as it tries to craft press coverage. At its best, quote approval allows sources to speak more candidly about their work. At its worst, it gives public officials a way to obfuscate or screen their own admissions and words.

The Biden White House isn’t the first to employ the practice. Many reporters say it’s reminiscent of the tightly controlled Obama White House. The Trump White House used it, too.

But reporters say Trump’s team did so less frequently than Biden’s team — which also used the tactic during the campaign — and a number of current White House reporters have become increasingly frustrated by what they see as its abuse. “The rule treats them like coddled Capitol Hill pages and that’s not who they are or the protections they deserve,” said one reporter….

HMMMMMmmmm seems even the reporters are getting disillusioned.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hoist by their own retard, as it were 🙂

Seems Hell-the-BEAST had a “bubble” around her back in the day…

(bubble, bubble, toil and trouble…)…..


This shows that PARANOIA has taken over with the Bidenazis.

Gail Combs

Hasn’t ‘taken over’ they have been paranoid from day one. Think the fence around the capitol.


“The rule treats them like coddled Capitol Hill pages and that’s not who they are or the protections they deserve,” said one reporter….

^^^ The good news is at least one reporter realizes WH reporters are puppets for the puppet masters in the WH.

WH reporters will obey their masters at fake news HQ…capitulate to the swamp’s demands.

O B E Y !


Seriously ? This is an ad for our army !



Unpacked, so it will play here:


Thank you Wheatie

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re creating the army that’s going to put Christians into boxcars.

Deplorable Patriot

Just be sure to keep your sacraments up to date.


On War Room I heard today that we are moving fast skipping socialism to communism Venezuela style..

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1


That’s what they think.

Not laughing at you, but rather the idea that this could possibly be successful.

When the shooting starts, the faith becomes very, very real…and with that, comes true power.

If this weren’t true, Satan would have taken over the world a long time ago and mankind would have already destroyed itself.

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t forget that early Christians were martyred in DROVES. And that went on for centuries.

It’s not like it hasn’t happened before, although with different methods of transportation and execution.


We’ll talk again when…if….those boxcars start filling up.

Gail Combs

FIRST they have to remove guns and no one is going to give up their guns at this point.


I really do not think they give a crap about ANY Americans.

June 2020: China: EMP Threat – A New Report by Dr. Peter Pry

China has long known about nuclear high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) and invested in protecting military forces and critical infrastructures from HEMP and other nuclear weapon effects during the Cold War, and continuing today. China has HEMP simulators and defensive and offensive programs that are almost certainly more robust than any in the United States. China’s military doctrine regards nuclear HEMP attack as an extension of information or cyber warfare, and deserving highest priority as the most likely kind of future warfare.[1]

Chinese military writings are replete with references to making HEMP attacks against the United States as a means of prevailing in war….

Obama REFUSED to harden the grid. On top of that you had ‘Cash for Clunkers’ to drive us into newer vehicles with computers that can be fried.




MAY 8, 2014 [43 pages]

pg 12

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, a Congressional advisory board dedicated to achieving protection of the United States from electromagnetic pulse and other threats. Dr. Pry is also the director of the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum, an advisory body to Congress on policies to counter weapons of mass destruction….





Natural EMP from a geomagnetic super-storm like the 1859 Carrington Event or the 1921 Railroad Storm, a nuclear EMP attack from terrorists or rogue states as practiced by North Korea during the nuclear crisis of 2013 are both existential threats that could kill 9 of 10 Americans through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.

A natural EMP catastrophe or nuclear EMP attack could black out the National electric grid for months or years and collapse all the other critical infrastructures, communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water, necessary to sustain modern society and the lives of 310 million Americans. Passage of the SHIELD Act to protect the National electric grid is urgently necessary. In 2010, after the House unanimously passed the GRID Act, if one Senator had not put a hold on the bill, today in 2014 the Nation would already be protected …..

The single most important thing Congress could do to protect the American people from EMP and from all the other threats to critical infrastructures is pass the Critical Infrastructure Protect Act, which bill is soon or will be before this committee for consideration. Thousands of emergency planners and first responders at the Federal, State, and local level want to protect our Nation and their States and communities from the EMP threat, but they are seriously hindered and even prohibited from doing so because the EMP threat is not among the 15 canonical National planning scenarios utilized by the Department of Homeland Security.

Passage of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act would immediately mobilize thousands of emergency planners and first responders at all levels of government and educate millions of others about the EMP threat and how to prepare for it. Passage of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act would immediately help States that are frustrated with the lack of action on EMP in Washington and are trying to launch initiatives protecting their electrical grids from EMP, as is being attempted now in Maine, Virginia, Oklahoma, and Florida. Passage of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act would educate all States about the EMP threat and help them protect their critical infrastructures. For example, projects in New York and Massachusetts to harden their State grids against severe weather caused by climate change should include protection against an EMP event, which is the worst threat to the grid. If the grid is protected against EMP, it will mitigate all lesser threats, including cyber attack, sabotage, and severe weather.

Given the amounts of money being spent in New York and Massachusetts on grid hardening against severe weather, significant EMP protection can probably be accomplished now within their current budgets, but the cost of EMP protection will increase significantly if they delay and attempt remediation later.

EMP is a clear and present danger. A Carrington-class coronal mass ejection narrowly missed the earth in July 2012. Last April, during the nuclear crisis with North Korea over Kim Jong-Un’s threatened nuclear strikes against the United States, Pyongyang apparently practiced an EMP attack with its KSM–3 satellite that passed over the U.S. heartland and over the Washington, D.C.-New York City corridor. Iran, estimated to be within 2 months of nuclear weapons by the administration, has a demonstrated capability to launch an EMP attack from a vessel at sea. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy commenced patrols off the East Coast of the United States in February.

Thank you for your attention to EMP, which is the least understood but gravest threat to our society.

Do not forget that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Saturday 26 April 1986, showed recovery is fairly fast if you do not care about the long term health of the workers.

 Zbigniew Jaworowski is one of the good guys BTW.
Health Impacts – Chernobyl Accident Appendix 2

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be wonderful if Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” is pre-empted and overruled by THE RAPTURE.

Not being flippant here; I just keep thinking the deep state and their minions have got the horses in the wrong order (i.e. the pale horse should’ve been last)….

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

You’re not wrong Cuppa. My spirit senses it too. The Eagle (USA) isn’t mentioned in the book of Revelation. 6000 years is supposed to be 2033-36?? 🤔🤔🙏🙏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It will break at some point. But they are pushing it as if it will happen, because it’s now or never.


Reminds me of that incident last year in Charleston with the female cadets acting like bratty fools in WalMart.


Cut from the same cloth as that CIA advert the other day, is it real though, or some kind of a troll.

Concerned Virginian

Well, nothing like turning an Army recruitment video into a Disney-like cartoon, is there now?
THIS is the Army that my late father faked his way through the eye test to enlist in 1943?
THIS is the Army that awarded him the Bronze Star?


Yes . My father also scratched and clawed to be a part of defending the USA. He finally was accepted into the merchant marines after being denied other branches due to having had some back surgery.

He passed a couple of years ago and he would not understand what is happening in this country at all.


“Seriously ? This is an ad for our army !”


If so, it’s the traitors running our military who are allowing it.

Thanks, traitors.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not since the LAST TIME SHE OPENED IT, to create her FAKE CRISIS.


comment image



There is a name for this. Like “Angola Method” or some such term, utilizing the name of the African country where it was successfully employed (I believe to overthrow French rule?).



Gail Combs

Algerian strategy by Wictor (His twitter gave a better description)

…. Iran is the arsonist who sells water to the fire department. This is also known as the “Algerian strategy.”

The Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) was predicted to win the Algerian parliamentary elections of January 13, 1992. Therefore the Algerian army canceled the elections. Members of the FIS formed armed insurgent groups, including the incomprehensibly savage Armed Islamic Group (GIA). Its motto was “No agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

From 1992 to 1998, the GIA massacred tens of thousands of civilians in an effort to destabilize the nation. During night raids, the GIA murdered entire villages and dumped their bodies into wells.

And Algerian counter-terrorists aided and abetted the GIA. The strategy was to allow the GIA to become so monstrous that the Algerians would have no choice but to turn to the government for protection. Only when the nation had finally rejected Islamism did the army seriously begin the process of destroying the GIA.

Up to 250,000 people were dead.

The Iranian mullahs have been implementing the Algerian strategy in Iraq since 2003….


Like a competition between psychopaths who all have zero IQ.

Both sides would rather commit genocide, than admit the plain truth that islam is a genocidal belief system which should be repudiated by every human being who ever lived.

Gail Combs

Thomas Wictor went over the method when he was still on Twatter.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Creepy takes a Selfie.comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

comment image


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 😄

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

He even memed her! Take a bow Miss Wheatie 🤩🤩🤩



Thanks, Butterfly.

 😊  💖 {{{{{Butterfly}}}}} 💖 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I cringed when he said this. 1 RINO down, many more to go.

Frank Luntz’s BFF Kevin McCarthy After Cheney Ousted: “I Don’t Think Anybody is Questioning the Legitimacy of the Election… It’s Over With” (VIDEO) (

Hours after Liz Cheney was booted from GOP conference chair, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says this gem:

“I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election. That’s all over with. We are sitting here with the president today,” Frank Luntz’s BFF McCarthy said.


McCarthy REMAINS part of the problem.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Liz isn’t the only scalp we want. She’s just a good start.

Deplorable Patriot

No, but hold fire for now on some of the others. Cheney was an obvious RINO. Some of the others might be playing a role.

I know I’m in the minority with that thought, but some of it is wrapped up just too neat with perfect bows.


Sorry, no.

McCarthy has to go. And the sooner the better.

Even GOP House #2 Minority Whip Steve Scalize is unreliable, having skipped PDJT’s Farewell speech but inviting none other than Donna Brazille to be his personal guest at JoeBama’s fake inauguration.

Actions speak louder than words. <—— Reread that.

McCarthy tried his best to keep Liz Cheney. He was former speaker, RINO, and primaried-outted John Boenher’s hand-picked boy. Tucker Carlson did an excellent expo on McCarthy recently, whose bestie is Frank Luntz, a US Chamber of Commerce stooge and, in reality, a leftist. In fact, it was Carlson’s expo that forced McCarthy to schedule the vote on Cheney….in order to protect himself and keep up his charade.

NOW is precisely the time to serve notice on the likes of Scalize, McCarthy, Crenshaw, and all the other non-MAGA, Trump hating sleeze infesting OUR (not their) party.

PDJT’s track record in office….from peace agreements in the ME to record job and wage growth expansions here at home to successfully taking on the Chinese dragon….speaks volumes. Any elected person in the GOP who says the last election was credible…following years of democrats successfully saying 2016 wasn’t… a liar, a crook, a traitor, and has no business being an elected member of the GOP.

And THAT specifically and pointedly goes for Kevin McCarthy (as it does for Mitch McConnell).


Agree 1,000%.

Deplorable Patriot

Where are you seeing that McCarthy tried to keep Cheney. He’s on record saying just the opposite.

I’m still thinking there had to be a mole in the upper leadership acting a part. I doubt it was McConnell, and probably not Scalise.

As for the rest, we don’t know who’s flipped, who’s cooperating and making it look like this or the other thing is happening. Word on one of my senators is he took a plea deal and is cooperating. He’ll be gone at the end of next year.

There’s still a lot going on in the background we don’t know anything about. Who is left standing when it’s all over, I think will be a surprise.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The 1st vote was 3 mos ago, when McCarthy voted to keep her. She was one of the 10 who voted to Impeach 45, they should ALL BE GONE.
Then easily add Mitt the snit, Sasse the ass, and MurCOWski. In recent months Cassidy has onboarded himself to the ouster list. I’ve also had my fill of Susan ‘will she or won’t she’ Collins, And Miss Lindsey too.

Never forget both McCarthy and Turtle immediately spoke against 45 after the not guilty verdict and both have since self-corrected.

Whoever is not MAGA and America 1st is rooting for the wrong side.

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Deplorable Patriot

All the flipping tells me there’s more going on than we know about.

Murkowski and Sasse, I totally agree, along with Blunt, Barrasso, and the rest of McConnell’s clique. Thune. There’s a few others.

There have to be moles. We just don’t know who they are.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Agreed, the Globalist CoC crew are not For the People. We’ve got A LOT of work to do!!

Deplorable Patriot

And don’t forget the number of people who were REALLY high on Mike Pence. I never did trust him.

Gail Combs

Neither did I. He was too…. PLASTIC!

Deplorable Patriot

People forget that Pence was a mole for the other side. He was the [DS] fail safe. There HAVE TO be more double agents in this whole mess. HAVE TO BE. The question is who they are. Who’s flipped. Who cut a deal, etc.

Maybe I read too many novels with that sort of thing in them, but, seriously, one of the trusted sources out there claims that the person who primed and taught Trump about the swamp was Richard Nixon, so who knows which people are in which camp or are playing a role.


Who better than Nixon? He was the one the swamp successfully threw out of office. Nixon had to know all about them.

Deplorable Patriot

Apparently, he did.

Revenge is a powerful motivator. I have no doubt Nixon would see fostering someone like Donald Trump to drain the swamp was his role.

This is why I am not making judgement on a whole lot of people yet. I saw a list not too long ago of people who stabbed President Trump in the back, and one name we’ve been batting around here today was not on it. In fact, he wasn’t mentioned as being in on the insurrection attempt at all. Just Pelosi and Pence.

There’s a lot we don’t know. Actions right now don’t mean jack until the whole thing is straightened out. We don’t know who has what on anyone else other than John Roberts.

Gail Combs

Letters between Richard Nixon and Donald Trump are revealed
Daily Mail:

The letters are being revealed for the first time in an exhibit that opens Thursday at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum in California.  

At the time the letters were sent, Trump and Nixon were two men in Manhattan who craved the same thing: validation. 

One was a brash, young real estate developer looking to put his stamp on New York, the other a disgraced elder statesman bent on repairing his reputation.

That’s how a thirty-something Trump and a seventy-ish Nixon struck up a decade-long, fulsome correspondence in the 1980s that meandered from football and real estate to Vietnam and media strategy.

The letters show the two men engaged in something of an exercise in mutual affirmation….  


I didn’t but then I did for awhile.

I kept thinking PT wouldn’t have a traitor a heartbeat away from the presidency.

That was before I knew just how bad things were.

Gail Combs

He had no choice just like Reagan with BOOOooosh.




By “anybody” he means himself and his live-in bi-friend, Frank Luntz.


All that’s happened in Ca the last few months really makes me wonder just how long the elections have been rigged. Everyone chalked Ca up to fruits and nuts (and there are plenty ) but the recall and anti lockdown and even the boat parades, the LA parades for Trump clearly shows there’s a lot of sane people

Deplorable Patriot

I get the idea elections have been rigged since at least the Civil War.


Tammany Hall, Boss Tweed, Machine Politics… well on it’s way by the 1850’s and while it’s gone underground now and then, when it resurfaces it’s always shown to be bigger, stronger and more slippery than the last time.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Yeah you n I both know we have never seen support like that. Knowing that almost every county uses dominion, its fraud everywhere.

Deplorable Patriot

Carried over from Marica’s:

May 12, 2021 at 2:32 pm

Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter

Think about what Trump did…

He put Fauci front and center.

He paraded him around as the face of the pharmaceutical industry knowing what kind of person he was. The media proceeded to take the bait hook line and sinker.

If it is proven and accepted by the mainstream that Fauci helped fund the creation of the pandemic : The level of 17d chess that Trump played is beyond comprehension.

A trap for the ages.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Not only that, he had that traitor Pence in charge of Fauci.


Gail Combs

AND letting Bite-Me in for a few months GOT RID OF PENCE AND NASTY THE PIG LOUSE!



Deplorable Patriot

Entrapment all the way.


Alien invasion (space aliens) would be pretty sweet though… some real excitement…



the new NYC African statue looks a bit like alien ancestry


comment image&f=1&nofb=1


Or part of the push toward transhumanism…😏


Why am I not surprised you said that, Scott?


Episode 939 – Dr. Fauci’s Big Lie … The Walls Close in on Fauci and Wuhan
May 12, 2021

from Bannons War Room

Elizabeth Carter

I did not know where Polly went. Thanks for linking this. She looks tired but I guess we all do by now.


Me, either, Liz – Think Wheatie found her once – but – cannot recall where.

As with others – she probably got dumped from YouTube.


Jean-Luc Mélenchon has no chance of winning any presidential election.

He’s to the far-left of socialism. He’s also a political ‘personality’, not someone of gravitas.


comment image


Dutifully obeying her overlords…forget the old saying of taking advantage of a crisis…now they will simply create the crisis. These people aren’t only sick, they’re crazy

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually they’re DEMONIC.

The evil that drives them knows no bounds, no restraint, and suffers no timidity.

They will burn for their deeds. But they don’t care, as the Satanic flame into which they gaze and worship blinds them to all else…..

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

People say green energy but its NO energy. They will use what they want, force everyone else into nothing, and if you dont like it, theyll use the compromised military groups to make you like it.


It’s a club and you are not in it…

We all know that one since it’s been repeated so often. To make folks understand the bigger picture of this and other manufactured fuel crisis, I offer the following.

In TN we have been told that Pilot Flying J (largest travel center business in the nation) has ample gas supply. It’s just a matter of getting the transports out there to build inventory at local retail locations. Of course they do since Marathon Oil (Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, HWCM, Invesco, etc.controlled) has been in ownership with Pilot for decades. The RINO/Bushite Haslam family sold majority interest in the company to Buffett/Berkshire a few years ago.

Berkshire wholly owns BNSF and 32K+ of tracks in 2/3 of America. Who transports much of the bulk petroleum products outside of pipelines – trains. 32,000 gallons per rail car on average. Who is connected at the hip with China Joe and Soetoro? So, good ole Warren and his Dem globalist buds are raking it in as the prices go up with the Keystone stoppage/Colonial “hack” since they control a large chunk of the distribution. So where does a chunk of the increased cash go from the date rape on gas prices? Back to the Dems/RINO’s who protect the racket.

Now multiply this by thousands of smaller and larger scenarios through the nation and world.

Nothing can stop what is coming.


We hope that statement is proven true.


Reset and population movement control, commerce disrupted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It has begun and it can happen fast~~~~

Repairs to I-40 bridge in Memphis could take monthsAssociated Press  25 mins ago

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Repairs to the Interstate 40 bridge linking Arkansas and Tennessee could take months after a crack was found in the span, forcing thousands of trucks and cars to detour and shutting down shipping on a section of the Mississippi River, a transportation official said Wednesday.

River traffic was also shut down in the Memphis area until further notice, the Tennessee Department of Transportation said. The U.S. Coast Guard said 16 tow boats hauling more than 220 barges were waiting in line Wednesday.

Gail Combs

I was just bringing this comment over from the Gateway Pundit.

pup  19 minutes ago

The Great Reset marches on. The are also closing I-40 bridge over the Mississippi and the River underneath it for a very suspicious looking cut in the steel bridge truss. This is the next phase of the psy-op. killing infrastructure and transport. The communist Dems are driving this deliberately. (no pun intended)


It’s going to be a nightmare for commuters, shipping and logistics for all those mid south hub warehouses, for people using Memphis healthcare and hospitals

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like there is another feeder bridge not too far from there, so traffic might well be diverted.

The rest that are close are rail bridges.

I can’t imagine any metro region with multiple transportation modes only having one bridge over a major river. And Memphis is like us, they have all modes.

Although, we have quite a few more bridges.


The other bridge is old and narrow. A lot of accidents happen on it and backups are bad

Deplorable Patriot

And the closest Interstate bridge is no where close to there.

Bridge fixes are usually faster than they say. It’s building a new one that takes forever.

Cuppa Covfefe

All of the “environmental impact” crud. As if the Martian sylvan tadpole was not able to figure out an alternate route by which to attract his ladylove (at least that’s how the Greens keep things tied up over here)…

Not to mention all the bee- and insect-hotels they’re pushing on us – funny how they managed for thousands of years before Greta the Greenhearted (and Israel-hater) got involved…

For existing infrastructure, they don’t have a lot of, erm, standing…. yet… with Bye, Done and his Kast of Klowns, who Knows…..

(Gosh, I feel old. I can remember when I-40 was being built… used to go coast-to-coast every summer… good old days… cheap gas, cheap/good food and lodging, and places were clean and not crowded… sigh…..)…

(Oh, and the “please turn off all radios… blasting nearby” or something to that effect… kind of like Andy Griffith and “The Loaded Goat” )…..

Deplorable Patriot

Getting around the environmental impact crud is easier than you might think. We have…three bridges – including the I-70 bridge over the Mississippi – that are relatively new are in new locations. Two other new spans were replacements and are in the old footprints.

Year before last, I guess, one of the outer belt bridges went down with cracks. Talk about a traffic NIGHTMARE. The next bridge south is 100 miles downstream. Thousands were diverted into downtown just to get to work in South County, and the bridge that carries Interstates 64, 44, and 55 was half closed for repairs.

Fortunately, the port authority didn’t have to close the river itself.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not in Kalifornistan, sad to say… or in not-so-beautiful downtown Deutschland (to paraphrase Johnny Carson).

The old joke “Q: What’s fluorescent orange and sleeps six? A: A CalTrans Truck” is not far off the mark. Good that you can get things built quickly out your way…

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, well, when your state is sitting on the backbone of the river transportation system, you can’t be that picky.

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of this old classic we used to sing (or try) when driving along the half-completed interstate system back in the late 1950s/early 1960s… ahhh, those were the days…


At least people had hope then. Something new and better was being built, despite the aggro of detours.


Gail Combs



Pujols told police that the man was a regular customer, was “extremely rude” that day and called Pujols a racial slur, according to the arrest report. Pujols, who is Black, said he asked the man to repeat what he said, and he uttered the same slur. Pujols said he punched the man once in the face, causing him to fall, the report said. The slur is not included in the report.


This is also attributable to having a lack of intelligence and critical thinking ability. Being brainwashed and groomed for use by a political movement overrides patriotism and the ability to think for oneself. I believe this can be reversed, but it can take a long time for some people. Others have a moment of epiphany and suddenly “get it.”


Not according to the majority of the public but according to the majority of black people (13% of the population) who answered this unscientific survey which I am sure is overrepsenting the younger age brackets.

However, that survey is very concerning and does not bode will for our future


Detonating the Base of the Intersectional HierarchyOr, Not Playing Nice in Clown World
The American Mind
May 11

Gail Combs

Just so people do not miss it.

I did a follow up on the magnetic Jab, EMF stuff.

THIS is the EMF Reader the guy in the video was talking about.

EMF Meter – 𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥 ℍ𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠𝕠𝕝
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They are trying to get people to think it is something like a Simpson multi-meter that is used to measure electricity.
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or something like:
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Note that the above meter goes AROUND the wire and uses the magnetic field to measure the electricity ( current, voltage and continuity.)


Seems they really think we are IDIOTS!

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Whatever you do, don’t cross the streams 😀


Rashida can’t keep her mouth shut…(Video)
Posted by Kane on May 12, 2021 2:56 pm

Both groups have received hundreds of billions in U.S. aid over the last 70 years. Israel built a thriving, tolerant Democracy and a 21st-century tech-based economy. Palestine built tunnels and slingshots.


She’s been anxiously waiting for this conflict to happen since the day she was “elected” and called PDJT a motherf*cker.
She and her fellow jihadis live and breathe violence and war


Do not think Omar is unhappy, either – those two have no business in Congress – they are not only Anti-Israel – they are Anti-American.

Can’t like them at all!!!


All of the so called democratic socialists are vehemently anti American. They don’t hide it.

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5
Cuppa Covfefe

They are like their father the Devil: they cannot create; they can only destroy…..


15 minutes
America’s Constitutional CrisisCharles Kesler

Two regimes cannot coexist in the same nation.
Editors’ Note
The following article first appeared in Law & Liberty.

Law & Liberty turned over a lot of space (“Claremont’s Constitutional Crisis,” March 29) to Shep Melnick’s review of my recent book. I wish he had made better use of it. Looking over the dozen pieces he has written for me over the years at the Claremont Review of Books, I find a sobriety and balance that he seemed to misplace in this one.

Perhaps it’s because he can’t help illustrating the thesis of Crisis of the Two Constitutions even as he deprecates it: that American politics grows embittered because it is increasingly torn between two rival constitutions, cultures, and accounts of justice. At any rate, I shall return the favor by asking Law & Liberty for considerable space myself.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


From CodeMonkeyZ, Telegram

Do not get distracted! 

Maricopa County audit needs full focus through its completion.

Then this video on Jovan Pulitzer’s Twitter of the Dominion CEO, in Venezuela in August of 2017, talking about how the turnout numbers for an election there were tampered with. “We estimate the difference between the actual participation and the one announced by the authorities is at least one million votes.”


Jonathan Turley: CDC Admits That It Miscalculated The Risk Of Outdoor Covid Transmission

The New York Times is reporting that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was relying on a faulty study in declaring a 10 percent chance of the transmission of Covid-19 outdoors. After using the “miscalculation” to support outdoor mask mandates for over 300 million Americans, the CDC now says that it is more like one percent. It is astonishing that such a key and controversial component of our Covid policies was not just based on a miscalculation but never actively questioned or reexamined to discover the error.

Actually, many of us were jumping up and down and screaming to “re-examine” it. We were just ignored or called kooks.

The Times’ Leonhardt noted “There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table.”

The outdoor risk has been a major source of disagreement with many contesting mandatory mask rules for those walking or working or recreating outside. It turns out that, according to the Times, the 10% benchmark is based “partly on a misclassification” of virus transmission in Singapore at various construction sites. Those sites were incorrectly described as outdoor but now appear to have actually taken place in indoor settings. Singapore also classified settings that were a mix of indoors and outdoors as outdoors, including construction building sites.

How many more “miscalculations” are we going to have to live (and die) through?


If “There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table,” then why is the risk of getting Covid outdoors placed at 1%? Is there some rule in science that says you can’t use zero, or even .01%?

Deplorable Patriot



Fauci/Birx entire story was based on a faulty, then retracted, model. Ferguson.

Cuppa Covfefe

Why are we basing decisions on Asian data and not our own?

We’re pouring billions, if not trillions of dollars into the FAKORONA madness, and we don’t have any funding for OUR OWN STUDY?????

Deplorable Patriot

Ha ha ha. Take THAT KC! They think they’re all that. Yeah, Bogart’s, Pappy’s and Sugarfire are all on this side of the state.

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Deplorable Patriot

And I forgot Salt & Smoke if it is still open.


And the food plate picture is 80% not BBQ.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, you gotta have sides.

Gail Combs

You do???
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Deplorable Patriot

Cornbread, mashed potatoes, cole slaw. Baked beans.

It’s kind of a law around here.

Gail Combs

Corn bread or hush puppies maybe but you can hold the rest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry, but Columbus and Wichita over KC? No way. KC is clearly left out. I can see Columbus as representative Ohio BBQ, but KC >>> OH and KC > WT, so JUST NO.


I wasn’t going to get into to this bbbut Memphis isn’t on there ? Home of so many pit BBQ places ?
Now maybe the judges and testers were too scared to go to half of them…and with good reason..but not on the list ???

San Diego is on it which is strange. It’s hard to find decent BBQ here at all and when you do mostly it’s some cheezy place that probably buys the meat already smoked and shredded. I call BS on the whole list   :wpds_twisted: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’ve just doubled my suspicions!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

In my best “Pick up the Pace, NEW YORK CITY???” voice,


List must’ve been put together by a bunch of Yuppies (as Si of Duck Dynasty) might say…..


On that note you abject FOOL,
your services are no longer needed.

The Hill (@thehill) Tweeted:
GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson: “Former President Trump is dividing our party, and so it’s important that we not unite with somebody who is dividing our party.”

Last edited 3 years ago by gil00

No these jerks are dividing themselves from the vast majority of their voting base

Gail Combs

in 2009 a “…. new Rasmussen Reports “generic ballot” poll shows

“Democrats attracting 36% of the vote.

The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%,

and Republicans finish third at 18%.

Another 22% are undecided….”

Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports

President Trump was the TEA PARTY CANDIDATE. He represents OVER 1/2 the GOP voters and that was from a decade ago. I am certain The GOPe has lost even more support. That is why they are so afraid of POTUS.


Yes! It is getting obvious now that President Trump has taken over the Republican Party in the sense that he has the People in his corner. These politicians are outnumbered and hence outgunned. We are awake now.

As they out themselves in a last ditch attempt to rally their fading support it will leave us with the problem of vetting MAGA candidates. Hope the Trump Party has been working it hard behind the scenes.


It’s rather glorious to see them out themselves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Clintonian RINO POS.


may 12, 2021 the marshall report

USA Today has joined the ranks of Fake News. And because they have, people in key states, Florida the main one, is believing they are having a gas shortage now and filling up their cars, gas cans, containers, storage bins, and even have been seen filling up plastic bags with the grocery store Publix on them.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Indian Health Ambassador Gets COVID Vaccine Live on TV to Show Everyone How Safe It Is – Dies 2 Days Later

He had said he wanted to show people there is no danger in getting vaccinated.

The well-known actor and comedian was admitted to a local hospital on April 16 for cardiac arrest after being vaccinated with Covaxin, an Indian coronavirus vaccine, the day prior. The 59-year-old was brought to the hospital unconscious and underwent a coronary angiogram and angioplasty before his death the following morning, GreatGameIndia reported.

The hospital said that Vivekh suffered acute coronary syndrome with cardiogenic shock and 100% blockage of a blood vessel.

Related to blood clotting? I don’t know.

It looks as if he died after taking his first dose.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the guy I talked about earlier. Spike Protein!!!


Per Fox Business – the pipeline is back in service?

Gail Combs

General McInerney asks good questions.

The router story so far:

Dominion allegedly ran the election in Maricopa county. [1] Maricopa county allegedly never had the admin credentials and effectively ceded the ownership of the election to an OUTSIDE VENDOR. [2]

Jack Sellers, Chairman of Maricopa County Supervisors, said in a press release that the network routers used by the elections department are shared across 50 different county departments. The routers contain confidential information and info about classified law enforcement activities. He notes that WHOEVER has access to this router could potentially INTERCEPT SENSITIVE DATA.

In a last ditch effort, Maricopa County Supervisors hold an emergency meeting to find a way to deflect the router subpoena.

The geniuses decide they will ask George Soros’ puppet, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone, to release a statement claiming that THE ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT ROUTER IS USED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT. In said letter, Sheriff Penzone clarifies that ANY PRIVATE VENDOR who has access to the router would be able to expose vulnerable classified data, regardless of any steps taken by said private vendor who may say otherwise.

Now we have a conundrum. It’s alleged that Dominion ran the election and had control of the routers, since Maricopa county never even had the admin password to the machines. Sheriff Penzone confirmed that any outside vendor who has had access to the routers will be able to expose classified law enforcement data, regardless of what the vendor says or promises to do.

Did Dominion, a private vendor allegedly with access to the elections router, have access to the law enforcement networks via the router?

Did George Soros have access to the elections network via his puppet who runs the law enforcement network?

What are the other 49 networks also on that router?

Why do election servers need to be connected to 50 different unrelated networks?

Was election data modified by other networks sharing the same router?

Was HAMMER AND SCORECARD deployed in Maricopa County?





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great strategy here. They’re escalating the problem until an audit is necessary for LE reasons.

Deplorable Patriot

Boss, not to derail the conversation, but there’s a comment needing approval and the screen name is that of a friend, but I can’t verify the rest of the info. Thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll check!

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Should be in now.

Deplorable Patriot


Cuppa Covfefe

The routers contain confidential information and info about classified law enforcement activities. He notes that WHOEVER has access to this router could potentially INTERCEPT SENSITIVE DATA.”


The ROUTERS contain ROUTES, NOT information. That’s why they’re called routers. They connect different subnets or networks and ROUTE traffic between them.

All that anyone would get is the connections between the various networks (IP addresses, MAC addresses, static routes, prioritization info, etc.), NOT any of the data going back and forth. There might have been a tiny bit of data, but that would disappear as other data flowed through, and, at most, would be the size of the buffer(s), not much at all.

Probably the ip addresses and routing tables are what they are afraid of revealing, as they could reveal destinations/sources OUTSIDE OF THE USA… e.g. FFM or Red Chyyyna…..

And, as far as intercepting data goes, they could just as easily ask the NSA or any of its counterparts around the world… or the ISP or backbone provider (AWS [Amazoon Web Services anyone?], LevelOne, or the like)…. There are other, indirect ways of getting the info, anyway. For example, other routers or network equipment, even on the other side of these connections…….


The Mayoral race in London was ‘fixed’ – and flipped – can anyone verify this – Kahn – I think his name is – did not win!!!

Please – Thanks!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Khan Artiste…….


Yes – something happened after the polls closed – and that flipped the vote – he actually lost, Cuppa – voter fraud, again!!!

Then, the Queen comes out with Voter Id – well – isn’t that convenient said the Church Lady.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Commies gotta commie – and that means CHEAT.


Wonder if they are going to ‘contest’ that election, Wolf.


Strange voting sequence – ‘preferences’ – the first round was close – but, the final round was not – widened the gap between the two – however – there was a time lapse between closing polls and election results.


Sadiq Khan has been reelected as London Mayor after beating his Tory rival Shaun Bailey.

It comes after an overnight scare for the Labour incumbent when the race for City Hall proved much tighter than expected.

Khan won by 55.2% to Bailey’s 44.8% when first and second preferences were included.

Khan took 40 per cent of the first round votes, just five per cent more than his Tory rival.

Hmmm…2nd round increased lead from 40% to 55.2% – isn’t that special – probably due to the ‘overnight’ scare.

Cuppa Covfefe

He may well end up dealing with Old Bailey… and he’ll be bound to lose there….


Dan Scavino

The biggest moves are made behind the scenes. And if you don’t hear much on the mainstream media don’t worry, the fight is not over yet!

Deplorable Patriot

Like I keep saying.


Yep. But nice to hear it from a real insider.


And if you don’t hear much on the mainstream media don’t worry,”

Therein lies the problem Dan. If you are waging an information war that no one hears about how effective can it be? If faith is belief in unseen evidence when we gotta have faith. I get that but at some point even the faithful have to see the evidence.


Edit: “If faith is belief in unseen evidence then we gotta have faith.”


Ep. 2476a – Patriots Out Smarted The [CB], Inflation, Tariffs, Boom
X22 Report Published  May 12, 2021


Ep. 2476b – Who Will Be Next, Watch NY, Patriots Planned & Set The Trap, Justice
X22 Report Published  May 12, 2021


The entire [CB] plan is backfiring, more and more governors are doing the opposite of [JB] and the [CB]. Everything is about to change in specific states. Reports of inflation coming, the Biden admin try to down play it. The Energy Sec says it is not a gas shortage but a crunch. Trump and the patriots outsmarted the [CB], it’s happening. Trump and the patriots setup the largest sting operation the world has ever seen, the [DS] is so arrogant they thought they beat Trump at this own game, this is what he was counting on. [JB] is now in the spotlight, he has more happening to him in the first 100 days than any other President. Fauci is now in being looked out for his involvement in the virus. The Clinton Foundation is back in the news. Scavino sends a message to watch NYC. Trump lets everyone know that Justice is coming.




That’s one way to lure people into getting it


How about providing some information instead? I find this abhorrent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll take my 17-year “gold star” immunity, thank you!

I figure it’s worth SEVENTEEN MILLION.


I’m with James O’Keefe when it comes to being offered money:

“I am not for sale.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That should certainly fund a 5 star funeral for some lucky fan.


lol…yes and all vax forms should designate next of kin..just in case

Cuppa Covfefe

Are the surviving relatives eligible to collect?????

Deplorable Patriot

That’s my question.

Do we get the mesothelioma treatment in the future or what?

Gail Combs

Beat me to it… 🤓 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“The Ohio Lottery”. Wait – wasn’t this in “The Hunger Games”?

“District 12”?
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May 12, 2021 at 6:38 pm
1st I was just a sexist for being male.
Then I was also racist for being white.
Later on I became a serial micro-aggressor, for saying “Your hair looks different. Did you get a haircut?”
Now I’m an anti-vaxxer for opposing injecting folk against their will.
I wonder what I’ll be tomorrow, if not oven-fodder.


I’ve found a very useful thread from the anons, in re interactive gaming over the internet – it also applies to covert comms of the DS.

Parents – BEWARE of this gaming! The “monitoring” uses AI, and can map ones home using connected devices like mobile phones, computers, and the like.

[The final post I’ll make shows some frightening documentation, far beyond just the mapping.]

“Calling a lid”

Cracked the “calling a lid” code.
“Calling Aylid”:

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>>continued …

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar

… continued>>


Please remember George Soros bought a huge stake of Blizzard Activation after their Deep State Comms were supposedly cracked in Star Wars; Rogue Squadron In-game Chat.

I have also done a dig into Blizzard being run exclusively by Khazarians and have posted Child Pornography Symbolism within Blizzard Content.

I theorize the Deep State has been using Blizzard’s Battle.Net for secure comms for at least two years now.

Kargath CP inward turning triangle “Boy-Lover” symbolism embedded in video, linked.

[I excluded the above-mentioned link.]


2 years? Lol. Way longer than that. The MuD programmers that worked on the Warcraft system have been around -forever

>>continued …


… continued>>

And now for the frightening part – the documents outlining some of the methods, and purposes, of the euphemism “monitoring” (I hope it’s legible / expandable):

Anon4 (replying to the below pics):

This is good, Thanks Anon


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Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar

They have decided that our minds are their fantasy playground. Who needs a laboratory with a mad scientist ? We’ve opened our homes and lives for them to trample around in.
I’m not a gamer but the kids are.


It’s sickening.

Behavioral modification, purely for profit and control.

It’s one thing to “monitor” the interaction on the computer … but it’s quite another to listen in to every sound in the home.

These aren’t “games” …


Right?! like so many other things that rocked along as if they are innocent pastimes once parents are quite sure they’ve got controls in place..ya find out nothing about it innocent.

I’ve said it before and meant it..crazy Ted Kasinski wasn’t so crazy after all. His method of getting the point across was wrong but…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, you go to the department store and they run this stuff on you.

My wife and I walked through a high-end department store and she started looking at stuff – I got bored and started looking at stuff I would absolutely never buy like skinny-girl torn jeans – just a bunch of “WHUT? Do they really make this? Who buys this?”

We went home – within a few hours, I was getting emails for sales on the crap I was LOOKING AT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow, that’s good stuff!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(As in, some amazing evidence!)


Mr gil is addicted to this game. Nothing else but he wont quit


Does he play the game himself (good) … or join others across the “interwebs” (bad)?

It’s quite common, btw, for executives (esp. finance industry) to need a diversion they like. It occupies the mind fully, so that no “work” thoughts enter in.

It’s therapy …


He plays himself but does quests wit others when he is logged in sometimes.. Has for 20 years. He says the chinese caused a lot of problems with buying n selling in game and the younger generation basically talks a lot of sheet and doesn’t play well with others, so he has done more on his own.
He 100% uses it as his escape, but a lways a little too much.

Gail Combs

I saw that headline the other day. It implies that PDJT did not fire Wray because of Barr. I doubt that’s the case.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This makes sense if both Wray and Barr were in on the plot to contain Trump.