Well, Wednesday was one humdinger of a day.
On Capitol Hill, as expected, the legacy representative from Wyoming known as Liz Cheney got bounced from a Republican Party leadership position. That position has yet to be filled, and frankly might be vacant for a while.
Former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller testified before a House committee and dropped a couple bombshells.
Miller also said that President Trump gave him permission ahead of time to give Mayor Bowser whatever she requested in the way of help. Miller felt he didn’t have to talk to POTUS to act that day.
Oh, and Miller claims he changed his mind on whether or not President Trump incited the whole Capitol invasion.
“You said the insurrection happened because of Trump’s speech,” Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) said during the hearing.
But Miller then tried to walk back his original claims, saying he’d had a change of heart after seeing information from the ongoing criminal investigation into the siege and statements from D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee. He said he now believed there was “some sort of conspiracy where there were organized assault elements that intended to assault the Capitol that day.”
“I’d like to modify my original assessment,” Miller said, to which Lynch snarked,” Why am I not surprised about that?”
“We are getting more information by the day, by the minute,” Miller said. “There was some sort of conspiracy… that intended to storm that Capitol that day… I have reassessed. [Trump was] not the unitary factor at all.”
An incredulous Lynch told Miller, “For your written testimony for today, for today, this morning, you stated the following about the president, quote, ‘I personally believe his comments encouraged the protesters that day.’”
Insults using the word “ridiculous” ensued, but still…President Trump wanted the National Guard to protect the MAGA people, not Congress. And…Christopher Miller claims to have changed his mind.

On to Memphis where a suspicious looking fissure in the steel of the bridge that carries Interstate 40 was found.
Being a native of a city a couple hundred miles upstream from Memphis with not one bridge carrying Interstates, but three (out of about a dozen including the rail bridges) over two rivers…this ain’t good, but it is fixable. And it also looks like a natural crack, but without shaving samples there’s no way to prove it one way or another.
However, if this was sabotage, guarding the infrastructure should be a pretty high priority and if the federal people won’t do it, the state and locals should.
Oh, and about the pipeline shutdown:
And then there’s this:
And now the real truth comes out.
So…there’s a “gas shortage” and a fifth of the country is grinding to a halt for nothing?
Oh, somebody’s going to have to answer for this.
Oh, that’s right, there are ELECTION AUDITS going on in Arizona and Michigan.
We’re supposed to be watching those red pill machines, not the side shows that unfortunately are impacting us more immediately even if the audits in the end are far more important.
What a friggin’ mess.
For all the people still placing stock in the mainstream media.
And don’t forget: NOTHING IS AT IT SEEMS
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: aaefa5 No.11115887
Jan 4 2018 00:54:28 (EST)
What makes a movie GOOD?
GREAT actors?
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
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This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
ACTS 18:1-8
1After this he left Athens and went to Corinth. 2And he found a Jew named Aq’uila, a native of Pontus, lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome. And he went to see them; 3and because he was of the same trade he stayed with them, and they worked, for by trade they were tentmakers. 4And he argued in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded Jews and Greeks. 5When Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedo’nia, Paul was occupied with preaching, testifying to the Jews that the Christ was Jesus. 6And when they opposed and reviled him, he shook out his garments and said to them, “Your blood be upon your heads! I am innocent. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.” 7And he left there and went to the house of a man named Titius Justus, a worshiper of God; his house was next door to the synagogue. 8Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed in the Lord, together with all his household; and many of the Corinthians hearing Paul believed and were baptized.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
Thank you, DP, for not leading us into the wilderness of DISTRACTION.
The audits are probably the beginning of the re-taking of the nation. But, they have to play out.
That’ll teach that fish to get in the pupper’s face. Lol.
I was rather sad that the nasty creature escaped.
Me too!
I was like…”No no, drag that fish back up on the bank. Don’t let it go!”
Look a bit smaller than the one who did in my girl friend’s back a couple days ago. I am surprised the dog had the strength to drag it on shore… And the people didn’t grab it for the freezer. GOOD EATING!
That is a lab. She looks a lot like ours did. Labs were developed to pull fishing nets in in the North Atlantic off of Newfoundland. The fishermen wanted a dog with the size and strength of a Newfoundland and an otter like coat like a pointer. And so we have Labradors.
My first two dogs were labs.
(Dog, to fish:) You’ve been RETRIEVED!!!
I don’t know about the “good” eating; that water looked awfully muddy and there’s nothing worse than muddy tasting catfish, imho.
It may have been muddy because of the dog.
I think a muddy tasting duck is worse. I LOVE DUCK, I like catfish.
At first i thought theyd trained him to help fish but he was mad at that catfish.
Ellen is quitting her show, after this next year.
Well after her lockdown wierd behavior, revelations of her oprah esque beeyotch treatment of employees, and her suspicious involvement in the Vegas shooting and interview of the “security guard ” with his handler….. its time shes at least not on camera.
APPROVE of the medicinal use of ethyl hydryl ether, a wondrous derivative of dihydrogen monoxide, and only slightly more deadly, but of great utility nonetheless!

One should mention how important it is to follow dosing and administration guidelines for proper effect.
If I remember correctly, Rhett Butler showed up not long after that and she gargled some perfume to hide the smell, LOL.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!! I’ve seen that movie so many times!!!
Then you probably would have “got” an in-joke at my maternal grandparents’ home.
It has to do with the first spoken lines in the movie, beginning with, “Xxxxxin’ Xxxx!!!”
Starring my grandfather as the foreman.
This was likely popular because when GWTW came out, my grandfather was still working as a projectionist. He probably saw the film dozens of times.
Oh dear! I just remember the opening scene as being the Tarleton twins on the veranda with Scarlett and they are talking about how they’ve left college because war is coming soon. Nothing that fits!!!
There’s the credits, then a preamble explanation, then a view of the fields, then a little dialogue that roughly goes —
Random Person: “Quittin’ Time!!!”
Foreman: “Hey, I’se the foreman ‘roun’ here, and I’se the one that says ‘quittin’ time.'”
Foreman: *Looks around at everyone else biting their tongue.* “Quittin’ Time!!!”
Oh my heavens YES! I’d forgotten all about that little bit. It wasn’t in the book, purely a creation for the movie. Thanks for the memory!
That was a running gag at my grandparents’ home. Sometimes Grandma would start it with “Quittin’ Time!!!”, sometimes I’d start it….
That’s a really cute family memory.

Not in this, erm, condensed [WWTW] version either… though at at 15:09, “I saw it in a window and I just couldn’t resist it”…..
Cuppa, in case you can’t see it…this video says it is “blocked in your country”.
Which I’m assuming means it’s blocked from playing in the US.
Whoa…. for once I can see something that y’all can’t
Drat. It’s also on Dailymotion, but the quality is poooor.
The vid is from the Carol Burnett show where they did “Went With The Wind”, a twenty-minute, erm, condensation of GWTW, with the skit starting 1:50 in.
Wonder if the Carol Burnett show is in syndication on Netflicks, Primed, or some ChiCom networx…
The scene where she comes down with the drapes draped over her shoulders (complete with curtain rod) was epic…
(I’ll bet the ad farms will insert an ad for a VPN service – would be ironic in the case of Google/YouTube)…
Here’s a try at the “curtains” sequence…
Epic show! Never laughed so hard in my life.
Just found out, Carol Burnett has her own YouTube channel. Here’s the official version (starts at 27:44 in if the time parm doesn’t work right):
Thanks, Cuppa!
Look out for when the Union officer shows up asking for some matches
(at 33:50)…
Would anyone under 55 even understand GWTW today? Let alone permit themselves to see what a great movie it is?
And BTW, I received great scorn and mockery in high school when I carried around the book when reading it (personal reading, it was not required). Not because of the slavery thing, but because of a boy reading a “girl’s” book.
I re-read it a couple years ago and confirmed what a great book it is. Although this time I was much better informed about the Civil War, and was amazed how accurately Mitchell beautifully caught the antebellum spirit and times.
As one in that age category, yes.
And as a connoisseur of romance, that thing is a soap opera.
But set in such a rich historical time.
The book is better than the film…and the film is magnificent!
Absolutely! I forgot what a great writer Mitchell was until I re-read. Her insights are perfect and her use of language is often lyrically beautiful, not just boilerplate.
I watched the movie recently and was amazed to remember how magnificent it was. I watched The Searchers right after and had the same reaction.
But during both I thought how younger people might not understand let alone appreciate either because of their (younger persons’) epistemic closure.
The film’s cinematography and costuming are meant for the big screen and as a result epic. The script left something to be desired, IMO. Vivian Leigh made it work, among others.
It’s still a soap opera, and couldn’t finish the book when I tried to read it. I think I still have a copy from the 1930s.
The color cinematography was a milestone in the industry.
Most of the other films at that time, were in black & white.
Filmed in ‘Panavision’ was also something new.
Now THAT is excellent!
Well yes splodey head dimms, TRUMP IS RIGHT!

Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
UPDATE: @FoxNews has confirmed via the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that construction on a 13.4 mile stretch of border wall levee in the Rio Grande Valley will *RESUME* after pressure from local residents & politicians.
The Biden admin previously halted all construction.
What about the rest of it? Just putting up a few miles there isn’t going to stop them.
No…theyre dipping the toe in. Passive placation without really solving the prob. They want those trafficked kids.
Yup. I’m convinced of that now. A tiny fraction of the trafficked kids are siphoned off for these wicked monsters, who will pay any price for their evil.
Child sex trafficking right under our noses. So evil.
Makes you wonder about all those unaccompanied girls a rancher found. I think they were ‘delivered’ to the WRONG ranch.
Border crisis: 5 unaccompanied migrant girls found abandoned in Texas
The farmer said it was very hot so he provided them shelter and gave them some food before authorities arrived. He said he did not believe they would have survived if he had not spotted them.
That is heart-breaking.
Welcome to Hell, courtesy of whoever is running the American government.
I’m not seeing hell, exactly, just people resisting making the changes necessary to restore the Republic. They’re too comfortable.
I was trying to imagine what it is like to be an abandoned child in a strange country, especially those who are here for sex trafficking purposes
Given they are ALL girls under the age of seven from DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, you know they were being sex trafficked.
Just horrible.
There is no doubt, bc they are abused on the way here. We have no idea how many are taken along the way.
I read that they’re not really building the wall, they’re repairing some structure that was going to be torn down TO build the wall. Don’t have the link handy but will look for it
“Wall construction remains paused to extent permitted by law. Per DHS, we’ve started critical work to repair the Rio Grande Valley’s flood levee, which was excavated to make way for border wall. This remediation work will not involve expanding border barrier,” USACE stated on Twitter.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) explained in a statement that repairs will “protect border communities from physical dangers” left in the wake of the construction. The statement claims that “large holes’ were blown into the Rio Grande Valley’s flood barrier system to make way for the wall which, as a result, requires repairing to prevent “catastrophic flooding.”
If NO Wall, then leave the flooding danger. At least that has deterrent capability.
Dang it.
Dan’s retweet of Breaking News:
“The left is pushing so hard because they know how terribly tenuous their hold on power actually is. They know if they can’t push people into eliminating local police who, however many bad apples there are, constitute your neighbors, and replacing them with bureaucrats from afar who will not hesitate to follow orders to arrest or shoot you, their hold is going to collapse.”
HR1 should be dead in the water. Should be…
“Last week, the Gateway Pundit reported about the emergency meeting that was called by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, after the County was reportedly unable to provide passwords to the auditors performing an audit of the county’s 2020 Election results. They also did not provide access to the routers which were requested in the audit as well.
“This afternoon, it was discovered that “the entire database” for the 2020 General election, showing the “Results Tally and Reporting,” has been deleted!”https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/breaking-maricopa-county-elections-officials-deleted-entire-database-voting-machines-including-election-information-main-database/
Heads need to roll. I certainly hope “we have it all.”
So nothing happening to anyone?
I think the pitchforks will come out soon if nothing is done.
Let me put it this way. I am not a violent person, but I could not serve on the jury of anybody who committed violence to get justice in this matter. This is un-American at WAR LEVELS.
I repeat.
This is worth FIGHTING OVER.
Fix it. Or else WAR STARTS.
This is CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT beyond what is tolerable by peaceful means.
Illegitimate government stuff.
How can a government even be dealt with when it destroys evidence?
I mean, it’s one thing for them to evade where it’s legal – I get that – that’s how most of the American legal world operates – at “grade C” honesty, but let’s give them that.
THIS is well below that. This is destroying evidence that it’s their JOB, legally, to protect.
I know. It’s intolerable. Grinding my teeth.
Feels like my head’s gonna explode.
It seems bottomless. On my local level, the mayor and city council appointed (in a secret meeting) the election officials for the city. It was two city employees, one of whom is related to a CC member.
They did not run the election through the county clerk.
Guess who won? Yup. The incumbents.
Corruption is epic on the local levels in our nation.
Not much of a penalty if you destroy the evidence so there is ZERO REASON NOT TO DO SO!
§20701. Retention and preservation of records and papers by officers of elections; deposit with custodian; penalty for violation
( Pub. L. 86–449, title III, §301, May 6, 1960, 74 Stat. 88 .)
If caught, and proven, though, destruction of evidence is a crime that can be added to the laundry list.
That’s what they are banking on. They will be tried and convicted of this, but not of election fraud.
YUP. There you go. They’ll avoid it, but it’s no sweat if they are convicted.
This is why we will have military tribunals for this, IMO. Treason carries that level of court action.
They need an airtight case, and a judge not on the take. The first one is doable. The second…your guess is good as mine.
I’m ready for the tanks to roll.
This cannot be ignored.
I agree. There need to be arrests, and then they can fight over THOSE.
Even if convicted they only get a slap on the wrist:
A $500 to $1,000 fine with NO JAIL TIME? (Notice the 𝗢𝗥)
Heck it isn’t even worth hiring a lawyer! Express remorse, plead ignorance pay the fine and walk out LAUGHING!
What about some CONSPIRACY to COMMIT xxx charges??
It also says “or both” so they could be hit with the fine, the jail sentence, or both the fine and the jail sentence.
A friendly judge would probably just hit them with the $1000 fine, suspended.
Yup. A LAWYER costs more than the FINE.
They knew they would get away with this, like Hillary got away with deleting her emails.
The penalty is so light it might just as well NOT EXIST. Makes you wonder about the politicians who passed that POS law. It is nothing but a
to the ‘voting’ serfs.
Yep. But, EXPOSURE of the corruption is a big thing. It is facilitating change.
There has to be a copy of it someplace. It’s not like a Word file that’s only found on one PC. Some router somewhere has it.
A router doesn’t store data; only routing tables with various addresses, staic routes, prioritization info, etc. What they need is a database, a backup or snapshot of the data that was taken in real time, stored on a server or backup media. Sort of like the discs from the various “interesting” laptops…
As in “we have it all”.
Someone has to have it, be it the ChiComs, the NSA, or the DEMONRATS themselves.
Seems like the time is approaching for real patriots to rush these dens of iniquity and flush the DEMONRAT deep-state denizens away for good…
It is VERY HARD to completely delete computer files, from what I understand.
Jovan Pulitzer and his like can recover most anything, especially if it wasn’t done by professionals.
If it WAS done by professionals, well then that in itself is part of a crime, right?
I would assume so.
If it was done by professionals it wasn’t some spur of the moment action of an idiot poll counter, and should attract a harsher punishment.
My son would be in heaven to find one of these.
Rob (@_ROB_29) Tweeted:
Megalodon tooth. https://t.co/bEcWwO8BZm
That bit some pretty big critters in its day!
Okay, but what is it really?
Megalodon, meaning “big tooth”, is an extinct species of shark that lived approximately 23 to 3.6 million years ago, during the Early Miocene to the Pliocene. It was formerly thought to be a member of the family Lamnidae and a close relative of the great white shark.Wikipedia
I must say I prefer MAGA-LA-DON.
Lol. Cute.
Its still cool. I bought a mako shark tooth for him for his birthday coming up. Our beaches are barren here! East coast has some really interesting finds.
Decades ago I found the tooth of a bear (extinct dated 25,000 years old) in an Alabama cave. I sent it to a university for dating and ID.
Oh woooow! Did they send it back to you?
Yes, I have it in my rock & fossil collection. I also got some really nice ammonite fossils while in Germany.

They have TONS of these (OK, not that much – tons of stuff to go through to get to them, though) at the Hauff Museum down here in south Germany.
There’s a large visitor center, with “model dinosaurs”, etc., out front, and displays of fossils and other finds inside. Out back there’s a large area where you can “dig your own”. Nice place to visit (though I tend more toward the technik museums in Sinsheim and Speyer – nerdvana)…
There are also a lot of interesting fossils, relics, etc. at the Grube Messel (basically a tar pit). (I used to live/work near there in the 80s, but never stopped in, darn)…..
Kiddo and i read about all the fossils in Germany. Likely an area for having babies for generations and then dried out, trapped them. I believe loads of plesiosaurs.
Neat. Im sure our creek would have something, but i dont know how to find, and it would require diving and digging.
It’s spreading. Audit fever!
Oh Grandma that’s some great news! Thanks for bringing it!
VSGPOTUS was up over 800K that night. Majorest of Major fraud occurred in PA.
I saw something about one in Connecticut too!
Sometimes I wonder if I’m crazy questioning doctors and scientists on their motives and level of expertise when it comes to Covid, and then I remember that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the US and I feel better about my choice.
Love her logic.
And my step-grandson, age 16 and autistic, got his first shot of the Pfizer experimental gene-altering drug (the “vaccine”) yesterday.
I’m sorry. I really am.

Praying he comes through unscathed.
After listening to my one brother last night, the problem is blind trust in the medical establishment. It hasn’t been shaken yet, and needs to be obliterated.
And there’s also the blind trust of the medical establishment in “the science”, in “what the CDC says”, in the opinions of the AMA. I suspect that at least part of that “blind trust” is combined with “I don’t want to rile my colleagues” and/or “I want to keep my job”.
Mostly it is I do not want to lose my STATE license. Remember those bucking the Covid narrative are being threaten with the loss of licence as well as job.
The other threat that is very much over looked is INSURANCE!!!
Believe me the insurance companies DICTATE WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN NOT DO! This goes for ALL businesses.
Never forget the ‘2008 Bank Bailout’ money actually went to the INSURANCE COMPANY AIG that held foreclosure insurance policies that were vastly under capitalized.
Foreclosure Home News and Opinion How the AIG Bailout Could be Driving More Foreclosures?
So the US tax payer bailed out EUROPEAN BANKS…
I added that article because we should never forget what BUSH/OBAMA/CLINTON did to US home owners and tax payers. The ONLY winners in the mess were the BANKS.
May 11, 2019 at 02:28
Here are the other laws signed by Clinton that set up the AIG Bailout – Foreclosuregate:
(I rearranged the order and added comments)
Sorry for the long repeat but we need to remember this recent history and spread it far and wide!
Wow, Gail…I’m honored that you would save an old comment of mine.
Wheatie, you underestimate yourself.
There is discussion that the liability for mandated experimental vaccines is being placed on businesses, and institutions that require the vaccine for employees and customers.
Would this liability shift to insurers that mandate these policies for businesses and institutions whose risk they indemnify?
Seems like a double edged sword, imo.
I’ve read that the insurers will not cover any injury caused by such a requirement.
That might be what it takes to get this to stop.
Easier to blame the businesses, for their unlawful behavior, than it is to blame the gov’t, for theirs.
The gov’t is “off-loading” their culpability to the private sector.
In point of fact, IMO, NO businesses should be doing the enforcement of gov’t rules on their own customers.
Or their employees, for that matter.
Businesses are all “goin’ along to get along” – but it’s a pernicious legal trap.
Going that “extra mile” for (perceived) SAFETY has put the private sector in a TRAP. Fear is the impetus to do so.
And, the kicker is that these virtue-signaling businesses will be hoisted by their own petard … by NOT doing their own due diligence, under the law.
Public Accommodations section, of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Like my grocery store experience, a few weeks ago. The legal “buck” stops with the businesses: it’s been their CHOICE to enforce gov’t mandates (clearly unlawful), rather than putting the burden in its proper place – with the gov’t.
Diabolical …
(Btw, “insurers” are the quintessential “middle-men” – they end up dictating most everything private businesses do.)
It’s looking more and more like the insurers are the “work around” for the inability to pass laws requiring “whatever” or to buttress local building requirements, etc. They’re all in each others’ pockets.
VERY TRUE! If you are a small business person you find the Insurance company takes 10% of your GROSS and then tells you what you can and can not do.
The more I look at the insurers and the county requirements, the more suspicious I get. Building and fire codes, supported by insurance requirements, a lot of which are overkill or inappropriate for the region drive up building and business costs.
Insurance for health, pets, car care, funeral costs, you name it, there’s insurance for it.
Interesting. So it may be back on the institutions and businesses. They’ll drop requirements if no one will indemnify them, imo.
I’m interested in the risk to the endowments of the research institutions that got us into this mess.
Saw this today:
…”At the University of Georgia, community activists want the school to contribute to Athens’ efforts to atone for an urban renewal project that destroyed a Black community in the 1960s to make way for college dorms.”…
What is the risk to the endowments of land grants whose endowments were funded by sale of native land scrip?
What about the endowment of a land grant whose graduate school of architecture and planning shaped the urban renewal plans for cities across the US, and globally, and even had faculty in municipal planning positions during urban renewal?
Can anyone say “institutional racism”? The left will bring themselves down.
Strong Memorial Hospital had such a bad reputation that it made 60 minutes.
The cult of scientism (probably started with Isaac Asimov, or before)… belief that science could solve anything and everything… Eisenhower had a few things to say about that…
It’s coming. So sad, but it will probably come in the form of deaths and sterility of many children. It makes me physically ill to think about it.
I just can’t think about it. It’s beyond infuriating.
More than infuriating when you try to warn friends and neighbors and they think you are a ‘kook’
My daughter told me how wonderful she and her husband feel having had the shots. I am not sure if the University will require my grand kids to get the shot. I am not the parent.
All I can say is that I did my best to keep my kids safe and now it is their turn to keep theirs safe.
How does one stop 50 plus year old adults with scientific background not to take the shot? All three took it did not ask me then why would they ? All I can do is pray and hope all will be ok.
I’m bringing an Ars Technica article in — https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/05/vizio-tv-buyers-are-becoming-the-product-vizio-sells-not-just-its-customers/ — because of some personal wrinkles.
Back a few years, we bought a Vizio TV for the living room “large” TV (47″, I think — we bought it to fit the stand). It wants to be connected to the internet.
Of course, I said, “why?” and the answer was so that it could do all this whiz-bang stuff, like show YouTube videos…..to which, I responded “why?” — and they said, “so we can do software upgrades”…..and if you’re seeing a pattern, yup. They never convinced me to let it see the internet.
Turns out, they were spying on customers way back then, and one of the reasons they needed to update the software was because it was running Ubuntu 12.04 in late 2016. [There was an article where some of the features on its menu ran poorly written shell scripts, and you could escape the shell script and substitute shell commands of your own. Sort of like little Bobby Tables. I did a PoC [Proof of Concept] on this, laughed, and said, “monitor it is, then”.
Sorry, Chumlies, the Vizio is, has been, and always will be a dumb presenter of video and audio — with all special features, switching, control, etc in another box under better control. I think it was a good deal, not least of which because it was among the most forgiving TVs at the price for viewing angle, and it’s been fine for years.
But hook it to the internet? HAHAHAHAHAHaHaHaHaHahahahaha! No.
I should note that one of the things we use to drive it is a blue-ray player that also wants to connect to the internet……and if we were ever silly enough to do so, it would stop playing all regions of DVDs.
I also sent their customer service people a request that they let me update it to 16.04 and use it as a general-purpose computer. Oddly enough, they never replied to that suggestion.
Samsung had a similar “problem”. Seems that Sam-sung far and wide with customer information, and was irritating to the point of infesting channel menus with ads. They got kicked for that (at least over here). Not sure if they’ve improved.
[I have some Samsung NVMe drives, and I probably need to take a closer look at what magic Samsung Magician is working…. So far I’m just suffering with other (ATI/AMD bloatware) drivers]…..
The subject of being a projectionist came up, so I thought I’d put some stuff out there.
A standard film reel for shooting movies was 1000 feet. It weighed about eight pounds, and held about 11 minutes of video. Then you had to change the reel. A standard distribution technique was to send out “two-reelers”, where oversized reels of 2000 feet were used. Unsurprisingly, they weighed about 16 pounds and held about 22 minutes of video. Ever wonder why so many movies are about 90 minutes long? What is four times 22?
The original film stock — the backing that images were put on — was nitrocellulose, also known as celluloid. It’s a beautiful, pellucid substance, as clear as unpolluted air after a spring rain. When ground into a powder, it is also known as guncotton, used in ammunition as “smokeless powder”, and about three times as explosive by weight as gunpowder.
Few people now remember the principles of theater design from that period, and things now seem quirky and strange. If you look back over your shoulder when a movie is playing, the windows through which it is projected are not much bigger than the light from the film, and there are very few windows on the back wall of the theater. That’s because the film would occasionally catch fire and explode, and it was considered bad form to blow up audiences (projectionists, by contrast, were expendable). The wall at the back of the auditorium is THICK. A 16-pound grenade is pretty serious.
The projection booth is over the lobby. The ceiling of the lobby is THICK.
The back wall of the projection booth is over the street……well, the explosion’s gotta go somewhere, right?
So, clearly you were motivated to avoid blowing up the film. The normal reason that the film would blow up involved the arc lights used to project the pictures onto the screen. They run hot. Very hot. And if the film jammed in the projector, it wouldn’t take very long for the film to catch fire….and start running off to the source or takeup reels. If you unjammed the film, you might be fine; you might be able to cool things by quenching the arc light, or you might just have to take the sand bucket next to your seat and suffocate the flame. You’d then use the next several hours picking sand out of the projector’s machinery (which, unpleasant as it sounds, is not nearly as unpleasant as being a carbon smudge on the roof of the theater).
Some of the guys that gramps knew ended up as smudges.
You can probably figure out why reels were kept in a “film safe”, and only minimal numbers were ever in the projection room at any one time.
Now for a fun bit.
Let’s say you’re playing (double-sized) reel #2 of a movie on projector 2 upstairs.
You take reel #1 and tuck it in its film can, then put it in the film safe and pull reel #3 (in its can), then shut the door. you go over to projector 1, load the film in, and get it past its leader. Then you set it ready.
Going back to projector 2 (which has been working flawlessly since the last time you rebuilt it after throwing sand in)….you see that reel #2 is nearing its end. You start intently watching the movie. At about eight seconds before the end of the reel, you see the “motor cue”, and you turn on the mechanism for projector 1. This cue can be a dark blob in the upper right, or a light donut in the lower left, or other things — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cue_mark . It is typically only four frames long, so it flashes on the screen for 1/6 of a second….you have to be alert.
The changeover cue happens about seven seconds later, and you hit the changeover switch that turns off the light in projector 2 and turns on the light in projector 1. Hopefully, nobody in the audience notices anything.
You then rewind reel #2, stick it in its film can, take it back to the film safe and swap it for reel #4, then lock the film safe again….
Learned this on an episode of Columbo.
Yep, that was pretty cool.
I learned it from the projection booth in Buchanan Hall at the University of Casual Sun-Bathing.
Every so often, they had to retime the cue marks (mangled film, etc.) — and they’d usually use a white “donut” in the corner — which they could easily do by taking a little tool and scraping the picture off the film.
Now that made me laugh!! No disrespect to the great Kutulu!
Thanks to you all here, for this little place of sanity.
It used to be an annual tradition that the local fire brigade would get a reel of film from the local movie house, cordon off a vacant lot, put the reel in the middle and pull a strip to the outside, then light the end of the film.
Being oblivious to danger is a danger in itself. They wanted you to know and act accordingly.
Just as little detail here…..celluloid had lamp — film stock — picture — lens — movie screen.
“Safety film” had lamp — picture — film stock — lens — movie screen.
When all the old celluloid got reprinted onto safety film, it all got fuzzier…..because now the lamp’s light had to go through film stock AFTER the picture.
Explosive film celluloid is literally a plot device in Inglourious Basterds.
The cop who killed Ashli Babbitt is a BLM devotee.
I have seen TWO IDENTITIES for the guy, and the more mainstream one I don’t trust. THIS seems like the real ID.
I think so. No denials so far.
Why was this BLM perp allowed anywhere near REALPOTUS 45 Donald Trump?
ESPECIALLY after what happened to Scalise when the dude was his body guard.
Same reason he was allowed near Scalia. I think he’s an MK job.
Not, given the Johnheretohelp thread.
So this is David Bailey, the first name people were tossing around a couple of months ago. The other black guy is a different person? Or perhaps not?
The Forum has now been refurbished and opened, and an explainer post is up:
Thank you, Wolf!!!
You’re welcome!
Thanks, boss!
Sundance has a great video from Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon on what happened to Liz Cheney, and how she is GONE yet NOT GOING AWAY. There will be MORE FIGHTS.
Trump’s TrumpTweet about Liz Cheney is HILARIOUS!
Donald J. Trump
9:36am May 12, 2021
Liz Cheney is a bitter, horrible human being. I watched her yesterday and realized how bad she is for the Republican Party. She has no personality or anything good having to do with politics or our Country. She is a talking point for Democrats, whether that means the Border, the gas lines, inflation, or destroying our economy. She is a warmonger whose family stupidly pushed us into the never-ending Middle East Disaster, draining our wealth and depleting our Great Military, the worst decision in our Country’s history. I look forward to soon watching her as a Paid Contributor on CNN or MSDNC!
She’s no St. Joan of Arc, that’s for sure.
You betcha.
Instead of “Into Orleans!”, Liz Cheney hears “Get Trump!”.
LOGIC – from GAB.
Drama in deep red TN: normal process for election commission was corrupted and a state senator is oing against a state rep and it is a mess. Sharing because each and every county needs MAGA conservatives watching what is going on.
the guy who made the video is a “character” but its the best sumary of the situation I have seen.
Very interesting.
I think the KEY is PAPER BALLOTS!!!
Ward got the change BACK to paper ballots and the UNI-PARTY DOES NOT WANT THEM!
Whether interference from DC/Uniparty or not, local officials don’t like the either.
For a state Senator to go against the Rep for this area on this issue is very unusual.
While the county GOP does not have a statuary role by law in the nomination/selection of who sits on the county commission, by custom it is the county GOP Executive committee (and in many counties, just the newly elected Chair) that submits the names to the rep and then the senator confirms, trusting the rep as the senator covers more counties than the reps do. Highly unusual to go around the county GOP, much less around the state rep.
Also, very unusual to unseat. Usually, just replace if a person steps down, moves, passes away, etc. And to unseat both the Dems and the GOP makes this about more than politics. I have seen some Reps sweep out the 3 GOP (in every TN county since GOP in majority and 2 dems) in a fit of local politics and that usually doesn’t end well for the GOP rep and is a symptom of more division and issues between that rep and the community GOP voters.
Anyway, Yes, something stinks! And it is obvious and blatent. Locals have been holding rallies etc.
The county commission changes this year had more controversy that I ever remember before but this county’s problems seem the deepest.
the chair is a nice guy and seems sincere (I don’t know him well but have met him)
the state rep has had other controversy this year and was stripped of committees during this passed session by our GOP leaders.
Exciting times and never a dull moment.
Again, a reminder to all readers to be involved in your own county (and state if possible) because it matters! If we all mind our own counties the nation would be much more MAGA and much less voter fraud. This little rural county is taking care their business – and getting heat for it! MAGA is strong within the GOP and needs More active MAGA conservatives to support and win (note: the TN senator in this story is GOP and the rest including the state rep are GOP … two sides of the GOP in a struggle! join in and help MAGA win by being involved – not with $)
OK, people – I am using the downtime now to do some updates. The site may go sketchy on you between now and 4 AM. Pay it no mind.
Done. We are fully up to date on WordPress, and we have crossed 2/3 of a million comments.
Well, that was fast!
LOL! It went a lot smoother than I thought. About one second. I was prepared for minutes, although I expected seconds.
I think I got this article from Duchess earlier – or maybe somebody else. I don’t remember how the link got into my browser – but this is a good article out of Claremont World.
Basically – “nice people need to stop playing along”.
Detonating the Base of the Intersectional Hierarchy
Or, Not Playing Nice in Clown World
The American Mind
May 11
I will say that being a nice person invites being trampled upon. Happened to me a lot. Not so much anymore.
After I got fired for exposing corruption, I decided ‘NICE’ got you walked on and quit being ‘nice’ polite and subservient.
I got called a feminist whenever I try to distinguish myself from a doormat. I am not a feminist, I AM AN INDIVIDUAL with various talents!
I had already decided that, given that I am partially Scottish, English, German and Native America (and probably others) that I will no longer check the “White” box on anything. And since I am as “non-binary” as any other person, because MUSS is just that, MADE-UP, I will no longer check the “Female” box either. Under “Sex” I will write “Meh.”
Why should I play by their stupid rules?
I have been checking OTHER or writing N/A since the 1970s. As 1/4 Syrian – Druze. I figure they can just SHOVE their ‘White’ category since I can rightly claim to be ‘North African’ I have a lot of fun with this.
AND I have a solid basis for my claims unlike Lie-a-watha. (Thanks Grandad.)
The Druze religion has its roots in Ismailism, a religio-philosophical movement which founded the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt in the tenth century…
Fascinating stuff!
The Druze are a fascinating and unique group. DNA wise they have unique genetic markers.
Genetics Confirm Oral Traditions Of Druze In Israel
Of course, if was your grandfather who introduced Druze DNA into your family tree, you’d have no shared mitochondrial DNA, since it is only passed from mother to child.
So true. I would love to have a DNA test but I do not trust CHYNA…
Druze comes up on a search at the main website here:
I haven’t read this particular post but find Roberta Estes’ scientific & genealogical rigor as well as story-telling capability to make most of her blog posts I’ve read truly informative & enjoyable.
Given your Extremely Wide info base (!!!) you might enjoy some of what she shares too.
& in echo to someone else’s comment it is a REAL JOY to see you back commenting in the Q Tree!!!
God Bless!
Thanks for the history, Gail. So glad you are back among us.
In the 1980s, the Revd Pat Robertson used to do nightly news updates. Many had a lengthy feature on the Druze in Lebanon. He was very supportive of them.
The Druze are a fascinating group. If I recall correctly they were against slavery and believed in ‘woman’s rights’ centuries ago.
American Druze Foundation — Overview of the Druze
Good people!
Thank you for the links — greatly appreciated.
An excellent plan! And given that every one of those backgrounds is itself a “mixed race”, if we all check mixed race, we’re all correct no matter how they choose to deal with it.
Coronavirus vaccines – the TL;DR version – from GAB…..
what about those who had the infection – same prognosis?
WORSE! According to some medicals I watched yesterday. She even mentioned the role of cytokine storm in dengue thanks to a vaccine. I mentioned the second bout with a different variation being more lethal early on.
It is the cytokine storm that is going to kill you.
Go checkout the vids from yesterday.
It may have been this video or the 2nd one that loads automatically.
Is that similar to malaria ? My uncle was a missionary priest in the Amazon his entire adult life. He would every now and then get malaria again and supposedly died from it many years later. Was he getting it over and over or was it in his body forever and reoccurred ? If you might know
Do not know about malaria except that you never really get rid of it.
Thank you.
My father had recurring malaria and it is a pain. He had fiver and swetting for almost a week.
Sister Toldjah has a great article that is showing how Christopher Miller’s testimony exposes the thing that nobody wants to say – that Trump thought the National Guard would protect his supporters from ANTIFA, when in fact his supporters were attacked by ANTIFA – from the inside.
She takes it right up to this conclusion, but doesn’t say it – just points out that the leftists are now trying to frame Trump as wanting the NG to protect the rioters.
Meaning Trump has sat quietly on that truth all this time, and now it becomes obvious.
While Miller’s statement is interesting, I call total BS on Miller and all of the official narrative.
Wasn’t aware the NG did anything positive before, on, or after January 6th.
NG appears to be goofy props for a BS narrative. The BS narrative pushed by Nanzi, DC police, our so called IC and pushed mightily by Uniparty (RCONS and D-Rats). All validated by fake news, FB, TW, YT…
NG IS part of the problem. Just as DoD is part of the problem.
IF NG were there to protect MAGA folks, why the fuck did they NOT expose Antifa dressed as MAGA? Why did they NOT stop or expose Antifa asshoes? Surely the IC, which includes a military arm, had to KNOW what Antifa was up to.
Surely I missed something key. Don’t know what Miller’s goal, then or now was/is. 100% don’t trust Miller.
WHERE, am I off?
>>”WHERE, am I off?”<<
The NG were of DC? Subject to a “higher” loyalty (cough!)? Of a gov’t separate from any of those serving the 50 States?
They were “Bowser’d”? Or “NanXi’d”?
DC is a different animal …
I’m with you – something is weird. I agree that NG were not a solution – IMO they were always a DUMB, ABUSED, POLITICAL FOOTBALL in the whole game. PROPS – yes. The only people who might have busted ANTIFA were ALLIED with them, IMO.
Everything beyond that on my part is speculation, and not very solid speculation, at that!
Sure makes me wonder if Bill Gates saw this coming.
THIS is very interesting. CDC was officially confronted about the dangers of the vaccines by this lady scientist who HAS WORKED ON CONTRACEPTIVE VACCINES FOR WOMEN – who made a comment at a CDC vaccine advisory meeting. It’s very interesting to follow along. The TRANSCRIPT of what she told them is pretty shocking.
Here is where I picked up the story on Gab:
COVID vaccines ‘must be halted immediately,’ renowned toxicologist tells CDC
We must halt all COVID vaccine administration immediately, before we create a true pandemic that we cannot reign in,’ warned Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D.
COVID vaccines ‘must be halted immediately,’ renowned toxicologist tells CDC
We must halt all COVID vaccine administration immediately, before we create a true pandemic that we cannot reign in,’ warned Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D.
View Link Feed
Here is the lady at CDC, on YouTube:
First in English:
Then with German subtitles, on Bitchute:
Factcheckers are already jumping on her!
This is big.
This is why DeWine.
This is why they suddenly approved for 15 years old and up.
Nice complete transcript with LINKS here:
Vaccine refusniks will inherit the earth, well there’s a blowback for gates.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer megalomaniacal multibillionaire!
Only applies if PDJT is victorious and the the next several generations keep their kids from being brainwashed by the commies.
Here’s the head of HHS, when the National Biodefense Strategy was delivered to the Trump WH, who was head when a strategy for oversight of GoF research was approved by the Obama WH:
Earlier in her career, she was head of global development for the Gates Foundation.
She joined the Gates Foundation in 2001.
She also had Vince Foster’s trash after his death, according to her wiki.
What the HELL!!!
Must be hitting close to the truth, FB will not allow this to be posted.
They’re getting aggressive. I posted a Reuters piece on the J&J shot and it got a warning label.
Reuters. Establishment media.
I got a fact check warning this morning on social media for a link to the salk institute
Wow, THAT is an excellent metric. We are ON THEM.
And now the dots start to connect.
Evil bastards.
Video is in the queue for watching.
Yesterday DeWine came out offering a weekly drawing for those getting the injection…win $1,000,000.00.
He was on today promoting his lottery and said the vax totally stops the WuFlu.
WTF Ohio??!?!????!!!
I think that boy has a Marxist-in-the-pulpit problem. Something’s funky, and I’m not quite sure what it is.
This is an example of the “old hat spatial” microarray tech that I believe is a distraction from “injectable array” technology.
#BritFam https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f1ec-1f1e7.svg
Source: thelightpaper
This new delivery model for “vaccines” will allow the arm to be scanned by a modified smartphone “embeds invisible dots under the skin, leaving record of immunization”
Microneedle prototype combines invisible immunization record with vaccine
It’s a record that’s invisible to the naked eye, written in quantum dots that emit near-infrared light readable by a modified smartphone.
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Yes, I think you are correct.
As we discussed yesterday, put out something close BUT NOT THE TRUTH add something that is easily ‘Debunked’ (Like that ghost meter + magnets or the Pine needle tea compound mis-written) and then you can apply the ‘tinfoil hat’ label to those who reveal the actual truth.
Sounds like the DEMONRATS have made a pervmutation to Piglosi’s “wrap-up smear”…..
I’m somewhat encouraged by the fact that the Enemy’s strategy has shifted demonstrably toward the “10% lie, 90% truth” tactic rather than the alternative of “90% lie, 10% truth”.
IMO, they’re on the ropes … and they KNOW IT.
I’ve heard that Hopium is an essential element – for spiritual nutrition!
A vitamin for the soul …
Sure beats dispair!
Total Flop: Francis Received 75 Click.
The useless Pontifical Council for Culture hosted on May 6-8 a useless but much advertised “Health Conference” with about 100 speakers.
The videos were published on the YouTube.com channel of the co-hosting New York Cura Foundation. Most of them received between 1 and 200, some 500 clicks.
Tough to take when you throw a party and no one shows up.
Couldn’t happen to nicer people.
Terrible May …
Interesting. These are not intended for the public at large.
They are opportunities to rally their supporters. Low attendance is telling. Are they running for cover?
Alison McDowell has been red pilling the left on the Vatican and their social impact bonds/pay for success initiatives.
They always knew that the number of cycles are screwing up the positive COVID results of PCR tests.
Now they want to try to hinder the reporting of fully-vacinated persons with COVID positive results.
It was always just politics.
CDC will only sequence post-vaccine COVID cases detected at lower test sensitivities | Just The News
New lies and tricks to cover up old lies and tricks.
Joe Biden’s a human pandemic.
Maybe an inhuman pandemic?
EXCLUSIVE: Nephew of Italian Prime Minster Alleges CIA And Leonardo SpA Involvement In Nov 2020 Election Fraud – CD Media (creativedestructionmedia.com)
This is the evidence from Maria Zack / Nations in Action, that from all I have read was brought to Trump in FL. The Leonardo evidence.
agressively & raises security conserns .. smh
Unless she threatened her with physical violence, disagreeing is not a security threat. Some in the young generation are really weak
Yeah, but Sen. Feinstein cornering Sen. Murkowski ahead of the Kavanaugh hearing, was NOT a threat.
You read my mind there (OK, a short read, I know). The DEMONRATS have a ways to go before they can complain!!!
Oh, and Bye, Done didn’t win….
(he got dishonarable mention, perhaps)…
I’ve read that there was a phone present during this confrontation …
XVII actually said that.
Yes, I know …
I’m sure the Barrio Babe Barista Sista’ could use her well-honed skills obtained
in thewith the hood(s) in New Yawk to protect her fragile snowFLAKEY self…Maybe she could use one of her favorite cages around her, for protection. I’m sure the rest of “the squad” could advise her on the wonder and merits of full-body coverings…
Washed-Poo; probably their only staff are floaters anymore…
On the other hand, go get’em, MTG!!! We need a hundred like her, to go along with a like number of Gaetzes, Nuneses. and the rest of the MAGA folk….
I can’t believe it’s 49 years!
oops – 40
Tucker says…”They did this to us on purpose.”
Might be my imagination (wishful thinking), but Carlson seems to be getting sharper and better. I can see him “aging” well.
He’s getting the best ratings of all the Fox shows.
I guess that’s why they haven’t fired him for telling the truth.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, May 13, 2021
“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.”
Psalms 119:2 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Duchess, I’m always surprised — sadly — that the thumbs-up on this daily comment are in such low figures.
Me, too, Church – I was taught to be thankful every day – not just ask for things.
Me too.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Read through the thread to see if the military letter had been discussed. The prior French one was very encouraging, the American one much more so. Will be interested in seeing the commentary here (Scott!)..
These guys know exactly what is going on. Let’s hope it means something (Scott!).
Vox Day thinks the letter is ridiculous:
I did notice the letter was poorly written. The points were right, but expressed poorly.
Whether these guys should be taken seriously is another question, and we can hope.
Vox is an anti-semitic little shit, as well as an angry anti-Boomer.
He comes off as a cynical and sophomoric brat.
I read his stuff but with a grain of salt.
The cynicism of he and his readers is a sign of immaturity.
He makes some good, cynical observations from time to time, and on the whole is more realistic than a lot of people on our side (this site NOT included) who cannot see what is happening.
And I deeply respect his actual success, DOING and not just opinionating, in creating non-leftists platforms and venues. Our side needs much more of Day’s cultural ACTION.
But he needs to be read with many grains of salt. He is similar to the Zman in that respect – – provocative and intelligent, but to be read with a grain of salt.
I may as well throw in Unz Review, with its many writers of different povs, some of which are very objectionable. But that sort of stuff does not put me off. There is often a lot of value to be found even in very objectionable povs if the writer is intelligent enough.
Agree. Which is why I suck it up and read him.
A positive assessments of both letters, though speculative:
I like this take.
Israel Preparing For Ground War In Gaza As Terrorists Fire 1000+ Rockets In 36 Hours ~ Most Severe Attack Since 2014 Rocket War
May 12, 2021
by Joel Rosenberg
I have to say, the Mozzies have always talked about scraping Israel off into the Mediterranean. Looks like it would be simpler (and more effective) to just scrape the Gaza strip clear. End the whining and violence in one swell foop…
Ishmael versus Israel; “he will be wild, like a Donkey” still rings true….
AMEN goes right there Cuppa!!!
may 13, 2021 the marshall report
EVERGIVEN UPDATE ….Evergiven is not going anywhere. Not for a long time. The Captain and all workers are being detained by authorities and have been since they made their way out of the sideways blockage and were tugged to a location in the Suez Canal. Reports from others show they have massive evidence relating to human and drug trafficking, including drug trade like Adrenochrome and climate change weaponry, weapons of mass destruction and other illegal cargo. The ship is still being Investigated and Israeli, Egyptian, U S . Saudi militaries aLL gathered direct evidence.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Hmmm. Evergiven. Sounds like a Streisand song, or Hell-the-BEAST’s code name…
OTOH, wonder where that ship is, and/or the offloaded “cargo” / evidence… Could the current dust-up be the DS trying to cover up (OK, blow up) evidence of their Satanic deeds?????
Whatever the truth … the ship and its cargo appears to be REALLY important!
As far as I know – that ship is dead in the water – dunno if it has even been released – but, yes, Cuppa – evidence of satan’s dirty deeds right there in that ship.
Prayers for both this man and his sweet wife. He is active in GOP politics in Middle TN and that is how I met him. Both infected with wuflu and both struggling
Its such a nasty virus and many people who were older but fine & leading normal, productive lives just can’t fight off the nasty thing easily.
China is an asshole
(real person — https://www.facebook.com/robert.smartt.7 )
Description of him by this friend in a post several down from the top:
Again, met Rick through politics … maybe that is why I know so many people who have had wuflu? because I have a wide circle of casual friends due to political work? And TN had our largest wave before other states, remaining #6 in the nation for cases for a while. Our ranking for deaths per million has been falling as other states have lifted the mask and “let” people reopen/leave house arrest (I don’t know how people in blue cities have survived this lockdown for months)
IDK why but yes, I know many who have been sick with it, some who ended up in the hospital, others who have taken care of 65+ yr old parents and nursed them through and some who have lost them. Yes, some have preexisting conditions but people leave Decades with preexisting conditions. I know of no deaths where the person was on the verge of death/hospice pre wuflu.
Maybe I know more because just know more people and because TN already went through its wave and between higher #s of cases, many being exposed a little at a time and developing immunity because we were maskless (except for cities) and kept “open” more than other states.
When we who know so many &/or have experienced ourselves hear people say they don’t believe the virus is real … it makes No sense. What other virus would make one loose one’s taste and smell + breathing issues + general virus symptoms? Its a real body of symptoms that matches the description of what others are going through too. (when my friend could not smell garlic essential she knew it was wuflu … nothing else does that!)
Yeah the loss of smell/taste is a dead giveaway that is the CCP-Fauci Virus.
Funny that I got it the winter of 2019 after taking a sick friend for a visit to the UNC hospital. This was well BEFORE the virus hit the USA supposedly. We both had it and then she woke up blind one morning. That cleared but she has had seizures ever since…. HMMmmmm
I had the one where the smell disappeared in December 2019 as well. Coughed for two months, and then one day in February was back to full lung capacity to sing. It was glorious.
I remember you were sick for the longest time.
I lost close to six months with three different bugs.
Spend my 30+ minutes in the sun during the summer when we have sun, and I might have had a touch of something in the last couple weeks, but that effort to be in the sun with arms and legs and upper back exposed is the correlative difference for me in being sick at all during the winter.
It’s gotta be the vitamin D.
I have not met a single person who does not believe the virus is real. Not one. Nor have I seen anyone say that on the internet, and I go everywhere.
That is the typical leftist lie which is told about people who question the provenance and potential purpose of the virus, the stark lack of interest in therapeutics and early treatment, the bizarre state insistence on complete silence and obedience regarding vaccinations, and the actual numbers regarding every aspect of the crisis.
Anecdotal is the usual means of leftist propaganda; you avoid rational assessment that way.
Wolf has already told us how he was affected (very seriously) and not a single person disbelieved him, nor would we.
When people use leftist means and methods, as well as leftist buzzwords as a means to express themselves, those people, whatever they are, are not seeing things from my own pov.
My impression is that the virus ran its course, and did not do nearly the damage it was intended to. So, a particularly nasty Influenza A strain got slapped with the label. Had that, too.
AND they shoved the infectious into old age homes to INTENTIONALLY kill off older people to up the numbers and add $$$ to the balance sheet.
I think they tried it out in China (prisoners) and found it kill BECAUSE of the lack of Vit D, C, Zinc & Selenium but not knowing that, it fizzled in the target country, the USA.
BEEF is a good source of both Selenium and Zinc, both of which stop a virus from reproducing. Therefore kids (fast food burger eaters) and younger people had mild cases. Older people with poor health and poor eating habits would be more likely to get very ill and get shoved into hospitals who were very free with the killer ventilators.
The United States is the largest consumer of beef in the world. The US accounted for roughly 21% of the beef consumed in the world in 2018.
One thing the low death toll, the TRUE low death toll, is that we’re a lot healthier than it seems on the surface. All the red meat eating is a buffer.
I remember when there was a big fight about the USA joining Codex Alimentarius and having our vitamins and herbal dietary supplements ‘REGULATED’ by the UN. We managed to put a stop to it so ‘mega-dose’ vitamins are still on the market.
I think they wanted Americans more susceptible to disease with an eye towards a ‘plandemic’ in the future.
Amen, Gail. It’s impossible to get a mega-dose of Vitamin C, and all but impossible to get many supplements “solo”, e.g. zinc or iodine.
I used to take 3000mg of vitamin C when I had a cold or flu when I was in the US, no problem to find it at Longs or Payless; over here I’d have to take 10 or 20 capsules (or a ton of that horrid powder) to get that much. At least Vitamin D is available in large doses…
Thanks for validating the info I remember.
It is one time the left and right united to yell H..LL NO! And I am glad they did.
Because of the many reports of loss of taste / smell, one can conclude that whatever the affliction is / was, it was *different* than any which came before it.
And you’re right – the term “anecdotal” is a commie-smear – a “story”, an old wives’ tale – instead of a FIRST-HAND ACCOUNT.
I’ve used the term (yes, a leftist buzzword) as well. It’s time to stop.
Online dictionaries are also in the process of weaponizing language – changing the definitions of “pandemic” (to exclude mortality rate) and other key definitions.
Many of these people aren’t even capable of entertaining a different pov …
FWIW, there are some meds that cause a loss of smell. Ciprofloxacin among them (NASTY side effects, some occurring first months after the antibiotic course has finished). My sense of smell/taste has been impaired. On the plus side, I can eat even hotter peppers than before (from d’Arbol now to Reapers and Savinas)… on the minus side, the rest of my system is not so pleased with the hotter stuff…
Having said that, I wonder which “subsystems” Cipro touches….. (OK, I know, go read the MSDS, Merck Index, etc…. off I go)…..
We don’t have to guess the horror that they are planning for us, because they always tell us in advance!
The COVID vaccine will have ‘done its job on us‘ over the next three years.
Umm, an airstrike isn’t going to drop a building like this into its footprint.
Hmm. It won’t open.
Yeah, it looks like a controlled detonation.
Let’s see if this works:
This doesn’t look natural to me. But maybe it’s just me.
Depends on the weakness points, I would assume.
The straight line across the top looks cut…and also down the side from the top, for a little ways.
The jagged part down the side looks like a natural stress break, though.
But the top part looks cut.
It is also RUSTED…. So it is not new.
Yeah. Makes you wonder how often Arkansas or Tennessee inspects. Missouri bridges are inspected at least every two years. The older ones every year. And we’ve constantly got one shut down for repairs or upgrades.
Good eye!
I hadn’t marked that …
This is extremely concerning. And what they do in the military will be echoed by some cities/counties/states and business. The pressure will continue to grow
This isn’t even how the “vaccine” is claimed to work, is it? Doesn’t prevent from getting wuflu, just suppoed to reduce rate of complications and rate of death from wuflu (if it works as claimed) … right?
“Soldiers who are fully vaccinated should expect more freedom of travel, according to McGee’s update.
“If you are a vaccinated soldier and you’ve received 2 vaccines, you’re at incredibly low risk of contracting the virus and bringing it back. You pose minimal to no risk. For them, they’ll be able take leave unhindered and with no additional requirements. For those soldiers that choose, as is their right, to not take the vaccine, we will prudently apply measures of how we will make sure you are able to travel safely,” McGee said.
A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after having received two doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, according to the Major General’s update .”
Maybe people not understanding how the “vaccine” works leads some to live without precautions and suddenly go out in public a lot more thinking they are protected from catching/becoming infected with wuflu.
If one in a high risk catagory (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, overweight, inflamatory disease &/or 65+ yrs old + any other preexisting conditions which includes the majority of Americans) then the misinformation about the vaccine is dangerous to them. We all need to make *informed* choices regarding wuflu and about the vaccine.
He should be relieved of duty.
He hasn’t done his independent duty of due diligence to protect HIS OWN TROOPS.
Comp’d, IMO.
He lies in that statement he released, too.
No honor at all.
I think JAG has already said it is a no-go.
This may be a psyops thing.
“What a friggin’ mess.”
I don’t care who you are, there is no disagreeing with that statement!
Netanyahu rejects Hamas ceasefire plea after nine of their commanders were ‘neutralised’, as Israel deploys troops on the Gaza border in preparation for possible ground invasion and warns: ‘We will not stop’
Cause they really want kids to start the day in a demented way.
Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) Tweeted:
Woke corporation alert: @KelloggsUS has released a new woke cereal so kids can get a big dose of leftist propaganda in the morning to go along with their sugary bowl of cereal. If you want them to leave our kids alone then you have a duty to stop giving Kellogg’s your $! https://t.co/XZ0sEdc8um
From “The best to you each morning” to “The PEST to you each morning”…
The Kellogg brothers would be shocked…
Its another disturbing marketing tool.
White Hats, a new Intellectual Froglegs: Home
Thanks, Barker!
I always look forward to Joe Dan …
Saw this on Gab…it’s long, and I am only about halfway through it…but it’s got a lot of stuff I have never seen before.
The first ten minutes are off-putting (but worth watching). Too much sounded like a sales pitch.
But 30 minutes in and I have decided to watch the whole thing. It is too intriguing and fascinating. And he is coherent, regardless of motive/accuracy.
It gets better in the second hour.
I visit Vigilant Citizen every month or so, and now I know what he is talking about.
Wonder if MK Ultra plays in.
Yep. VC has a lot of information, and he connects a lot of dots that most people don’t see or just brush by.
His articles on K-Pop, videos, in particular what they’re doing with children’s TV, and the “entertainment” industry in general are valuable (albeit sometimes horrifying) information indeed.
Sinister sites is worth a read, too. Kind of irritating to see what our tax dollars (Euros, Pounds, etc.) are paying for…
I came across that yesterday, watched for around 20 mins and gave up. Likewise, it seemed to me like one of those advert videos that goes on and on without getting to the meat. One to bookmark for a rainy weekend maybe.
It’s getting better past that.
I am at the very least entertained after an hour, but also intrigued.
Yes, this video sure helps explain a lot of the weird stuff going on! The guy is an Australian singer/musician, he discusses luciferianism, and says pretty much all “successful” people must agree to go thru the rituals to become part of this religion in order to be “successful” – and so he too had joined it. But he left it and turned to God after nearly having a fatal car crash. He explains symbols used and spent quite awhile showing examples of people using these symbols to identify themselves as being members. (There are a LOT of them – actors, musicians, politicians, even religious leaders). He then talked about what luciferian doctrines are – basically the total inverse of Christianity, ie Jesus is the bad guy, Lucifer is the good guy, etc. Their hopes of a future world order which they believe is now imminent, and their plans for the rest of us. They are behind the Georgia guide stones. The last hour or so he was more animated and explained why he believes that Jesus will ultimately win.
Also on rumble https://rumble.com/vgg9td-mirrored-altijan-juric-exposes-freemasonry.html
Thank you for posting this, Rosa!
Now one hour in and still intrigued. It certainly makes me think about all those mysterious black eyes we have been seeing.
The 10 minute collage of eye/lip/hand from so many is at least quite the coincidence!
I hate to think that our Founders were satan worshipers.
So I am going to need more proof than just the fact that they were Free Masons.
My dad was not a Free Mason.
I did have a girlfriend whose dad was a Free Mason…and I went with her to a few of her Rainbow Girls meetings.
It was boring.
So I made excuses for not attending any more of them.
But there was nothing strange or weird about their family…they were just normal folks.
How do we know that the Free Masons have always been satan worshipers?
Maybe the satanists snuck in and took over the Free Masons at some point?
Dad was a Mason and Mom Eastern Star. The guy who start me questioning is a high degree Mason. He was even knighted in Scotland by the Masons.
Are there bad actors within the Masons? OF COURSE! But it is like blaming ALL JEWS for what the Rothschild Banksters have done.
Thank you, Gail.
I think it could be like the ‘fasces’ symbol.

For thousands of years, this was an ancient symbol of unity…voluntary unity.
That is why this symbol was used on our buildings and monuments.
Then Mussolini coopted it and used it for cover for his Fascist Party, which engaged in forced unity.
Thus creating the term, ‘fascism’…which is the forced suppression of any opposition.
cuttingedge.org has a number of articles about freemasonry, which, like many secret societies and cults, has a “public face” and a “private face” (similar to Scientology, for one). Here are a few links:
Freemasonry — Two Organizations, One Visible, The Other Invisible
From there, there are two series’ of articles, the links numbered successively (don’t want to put up too many).
First set:
switching over to .htm suffix, there’s
There are many other articles on a site search. He has source (internal) documents, as well as experts he’s consulted.
crossroad.to also has an some articles, e.g. http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/006/freemasons.htm
“Mushroom management” exists in the world of secret societies as well, sad to say, and the Gnostics live on through many of them…
The video is VERY interesting, but it does leave a lot of questions unanswered yet (I am at 2:15), and it is hard to evaluate the evidence, although the evidence IS highly suggestive.
Reagan and Trump were both pictured as giving the secret handshake. Cannot believe they OR The Founders were Satanic.
And it is impossible to know who is doing the symbols seriously or not.
But it is intriguing. Will have to watch the rest later, but will definitely do so.
I have two personal deep-level encounters with the Masons when I was young. I will not recount them here, because those people, when you get past the “public face,” are very scary. I don’t know it they would come after me for these incidents to this day.
I know I am being cryptic, and I am sorry, but I think the hidden heart of Free Masonry is very dark. I also think that only the very highest levels ever really see that part.
Vigilant Citizen has an article about the movie, and a number of linked articles which dig further. There will be another article soon, according to VC.
Here’s the “Jesters” (I can just see Randy Andy or “Ginger” Harry amongst them):
I think that all of these secret societies and “mystery religions” are joined at the top (or at the bottom, in Hell). They all have “secret knowledge” (Gnosticism), secret symbols, “irrevocable” oaths (with gruesome penalties), succeeding levels (or a bridge, in the cast of $cientology) where the lower levels have little if any knowledge of info/teachings presented in the upper levels, or, worse, lies presented to them which then become their opposite, higher up, and sometimes even something else further up again… cognitive dissonance, indeed.
As Admiral Ackbar would say, “IT’S A TRAP!!!!!” ….
A couple books I can recommend on this score without having finished the video (I have a lot of irons in the fire and am trying to get to everything for a bit every day).
Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked http://www.u.arizona.edu/~aversa/modernism/War%20of%20Anti-Christ%20with%20the%20Church%20and%20Christian%20Civilization%20(Msgr.%20Dillon).pdf
Masonry Unmasked: An Insider Reveals the Secrets of the Lodge by John Salza
Freemasonry at the top is all about mocking and destroying true Christianity. The person to call them out on it was Pope in 1738 and Pope Gregory XVI published the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendeta in 1859, the blueprint for destruction of the Church.
That the enemy of Christ would use this instrument of brotherly camaraderie to undermine the Church, the Bride, makes a lot of sense.
Just finished the video. Very intense experience. TY for posting this, Wheatie.
You’re very welcome, Tona.
Oh what a Beautiful Morning, Oh what a Beautiful Day!!
Just in time for Eid Al Fitr and the end of Ramadan
Oh, what a beautiful morning
Oh, what a beautiful day
I’ve got a mountain of baaaa connnn
And I’m not giving any awaaayyyyy
There’s a grey fragrant haze o’er the meadow
I hope breakfast will last here all day
With waffles and eggs, syrup, hash browns and kegs
Of more coffee, to wash it away
This is concerning as WY is an open primary states which means the Dems can All crossover, vote in the GOP primary at will and conspire with the never trumpers and GOPe Neo Cons who want to return to Bush 1 & Bush 2 + Cheney foreign policy.
Her defeat is not certain.
To celebrate Eid Al Fitr and the end of Ramadan, I am having pork for lunch.
I’m doing a turkey, ham, and BACON sammich, with a side-salad and a bit of soup.
Churchill was right – individually, the moz may be decent (temporarily, be it noted) – but as a collective, they’re intolerable.
I watched that video of the prof who outlined their 1400-year history.
Very damning.
Especially since so many of the self-elite align with their totalitarian anti-ideology, both in WWII, and now, in WWIII.
Yep. They keep proving, whether intentionally or not, Churchill’s quote:
“Monammedanism in a man is like Hydrophobia in a dog”…
(I’m sure he’d have a few choice words for the Khan Artiste)…
Having BACON here (BLTs with Avocado (no G
Just finished a rack of pork ribs for supper! Aloha snackbar!
Alle alle Ochesnfrei (alley alley oxen free)…
OK, alley alley porkies free
(Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean…. I want my breakfast sausage
(Mc Dougals doesn’t have it here anymore, probably they don’t wnat to offend the delicate sensibilities of our “guests”)…….
Barf… ochsenfrei…
more covfefe…stat…
I am confused. Is he talking about POTUS Trump? The REAL Potus?
He probably means the unelected president.
Eating with his fingers in a work situation, paging Fauccp flu.
These people are pigs.
Using food to lure people into taking untested, experimental poison for a bio-engineered virus that can be cured with cheap, readily available treatments?
Having abandoned any pretense of logic or reason, or ‘science’, the Mayor of New York’s best argument for pushing the Jonestown Jab on the public is reduced to asking “You want fries with that?”
Your life, for a pile of fires and a cheeseburger?
And then this ‘D’ grade actor makes a bunch of pleasure grunts, like the cold CDC fries and Fauci’s Mystery Meat samich are almost too much for his sensory input to handle… like he’s selling Omaha Steaks on QVC…

GEE, and here I thought de Blaspheme was against Junk Food.
Bill de Blasio vows to make Mayor Bloomberg’s big soda ban a reality
Esau sold his birthright for a mass of pottage.
“Esau sold his birthright for a mass of pottage.”
And like most of the Jonestown Jabbers, I don’t think Esau quite understood the ramifications of what he was doing, when he did it.
Looking at those “freedom fries” I have a GREAT idea of where to put them……. maybe push them up his nose four or five inches like the COVID tests do…… maybe with Carolina Reaper powder on them…
He is so stupidly condescending. What an embarrassment.
Dang, he could have killed somebody and gotten twice that.
From Yesterday….
Donald J. Trump5:32pm May 12, 2021
A guy named Miles Taylor, who I have no idea who he is, don’t remember ever meeting him or having a conversation with, gets more publicity pretending he was in the inner circle of our Administration when he was definitely not. Some people refer to him as “absolutely nothing.” I hear he is on CNN and MSDNC all the time, but he had nothing to do with any of my decisions, and I wouldn’t even know what he looks like. He is the guy who fraudulently wrote a make-believe book and statement to the failing New York Times calling himself “Anonymous.” That’s right, he, a lowlife that I didn’t know, was Anonymous. Now he’s putting together a group of RINOs and Losers who are coming out to protest President Trump despite our creating the greatest economy ever, getting us out of endless wars, rebuilding our Great Military, reducing taxes and regulations by historic levels, creating Space Force, appointing almost 300 Judges, and much, much more! He is a phony who will probably be sued over his fake book and fake “Anonymous” editorial, which caused so much treasonous stir. Miles Taylor and his fellow RINO losers like Tom Ridge, Christine Todd Whitman, and Crazy Barbara Comstock voted for Biden, and now look what they have—a socialist regime with collapsing borders, massive tax and regulation hikes, unrest in the Middle East, and long gas lines. He is even giving us men setting new records playing women’s sports. What a disaster for our Country it has been!
Donald J. Trump3:46pm May 12, 2021
If there were long and horrible gas lines like this under President Trump, the Fake News would make it a national outrage! Did Joe Biden put Hunter in charge of our energy, with all of his Burisma experience? Even Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is lost!
Donald J. Trump2:27pm May 12, 2021
HA HA HA, Twitter Web App!! This is how VSG tweets and retweets now.

Interesting, went to Hannity’s feed looking for tweet in case it didn’t copy correctly. It DOES NOT EXIST. Did Sean delete it or was it even real?

Hannity can’t even proof his own grammar.
To be making MILLIONS, and not even to have a proofreader in employ.
Another faux persona … a “talking head”.
I bet he’s getting ROASTED by the anons … and rightly so.
Auto-defect isn’t any excuse, for a national figure, IMO.
That’s why I’m wondering if it’s a fake, just like they create Trump tweets now??
Did VSG fall for and perpetuate a con???
I can’t imagine that P45DJT “fell” for a con.
IMO, Hannity is fake, Tucker is fake, and almost *everything* seen on the boob-tube is fake as well.
The fact that they’re all still “on the air” (cabal comp’d) is enough for me.
I’ll stick with the anons, the wonderful patriots here, and those regular Americans who speak the truth in their comments on a few independent websites, in order to glean the truth.
It doesn’t do to contemplate our President as being fooled. I believe we’ll find out JUST THAT (not “fooled” at all), when all the chips are laid out bare.
Again – I simply cannot believe that we’ve been through so much, for it all to be merely a “larp”.
Hold the line … we patriots have done an *extraordinary* job, by not falling for their insidious dekes and traps. Best to continue that strategy, IMO.
For the WIN …
Now, I gotta go make my sammich!
Just make sure it includes pork, bacon or ham in honor of the end of Ramadan.
Taking my first bite right now …
Have a blessed day, Gail!
Same to you….
HAM, and BACON in a sammich… DROOOOL
Can’t do either so I am stuck with the pork. At least it is tasty with the way I season it.
Someobody say Ramadan…100% coincidence…

We had pork last night.
Beef…it’s what’s for dinner.
Aaron Copland, one of, if not the, America’s greatest composer(s). A sound palette and tone colors like no other.
Leonard Bernstein echoes (as it were) a lot of that. An example would be the ballet sequence in WSS… (apparently it’s cut a lot from productions – sad, because it’s a great melody, and VERY much like Copland)…
Stumbled across some George Chakiris gems while lookling this segment up… from the Carol Burnett show (!):
I’ll throw John Williams and Elmer Bernstein in that mix. Williams is HARD. I mean HARD. And both of them utilize an orchestra to the fullest in every measure.
I’ve been on the stage with both.
I know that too, from the orchestral and piano/conductor side of things.
But Lennie had MANY more dimenstions, even if not all of them were good (according to rumours, I’m not THAT old)…..
DP, Always enjoy your music videos. Thank you!
Sammich isn’t a word….
It’s not? Half of America thinks it is.
Argumentum ad populum….
Slang. I like slang.
Uh, another source begs to differ…
I. Sammich: please see following meanings,
Hannity does not post to social media. It is his staff.
Ha! I put that in tomorrow’s thread.
Leave it to Emerald to just say it STRAIGHT UP.
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
OH GOODY….A new CDC announcement. Expected to say vaccinated people do NOT need masks indoors and outdoors anymore. Except prisons, busses, planes, hospitals, etc… New Propaganda – Vaccines are freedom. So what do businesses do now? Ask to see your Vax passport before entering w/out mask? Do non-vaxers need a big yellow star??
Does the public stone us?
Dr. FraudXiStein got scientific w/graphs and introduced the goal of a Universal Corona Virus vaccine for the World, one that protects from all flavors of Corona.

LOL, they took a few questions, but did not address masks for the unvaxxed. CDC is a ClownWreck.
Oh and even if you are vaxxed and come from abroad you still gotta test and quarantine, except if you come in from the Southern Border.
I’m afraid of the possible answers on the questions.
All the insanity used to be relatively funny but it’s getting more serious as they think of ways to force compliance
Here’s the issue for me..I never wear a mask outside. I only will put one on halfway to get in a store.
I have occasionally gotten some accusatory looks in parking lots.
So what they’re saying now is that fully vaxed, ONLY fully vaxed MAY take their mask off outdoors……………. so how will the freaks feelz comfortable that everyone they see actually IS vaxxed ? The $20 bracelet ? A tattoo ?
They can take a hike as far as I’m concerned. The only reason i wear one indoors is to protect myself from the fools who got shot up.
Eggzactly! Papers? Karens at the front door of businesses? If you don’t have a Scarlett V will the mob come after you? The whole thing just needs to STOP! I accidentally paused on Fox and 2 fools were not only slobbering over the vax passport, but they also wanted antibody stamps too!! JUST NO!!!
They can’t let it go
Trump will relaunch rallies with two outdoor events in June as he tries to hit Biden crises | Daily Mail Online
This general isnt a patriot, isnt an American,
and isnt a follower of the Constitution.
He cares about himself and whatever fascist doctrine he has apparently sworn fealty to.
Unvaccinated soldiers should not expect ‘business as usual’ summer leave, says Fort Campbell general
By Casey Williams May 12, 2021 11:32 am
Clarksville Now
CLARKSVILLE, TN (CLARKSVILLE NOW) – Fort Campbell soldiers choosing not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine could find their plan for summer leave affected, according to Commanding General JP McGee.
In a livestreamed town hall event, Maj. Gen. McGee announced that soldiers choosing to remain unvaccinated should not “not consider things business as usual,” when making travel plans this summer.
“It would be irresponsible of me to allow soldiers to travel unvaccinated throughout the United States and bring that back and have an impact on our soldiers, their families and our overall operational readiness. I’m sure that’s not gonna be a popular decision for some, and that’s quite alright,” McGee said.
McGee said he and his staff are considering a range of options, including limited range of travel and increased reporting requirements for soldiers; however, no final decisions have been made as to restrictions.”
More punishments for the unvaxxed.
So full communist for you then, Min. Gen. McGee?
He should be relieved of his command by the enlisted.
Seems to be the case!
There will be people traveling home to funerals and other hardships as well as weddings. While on a case by case basis the military does say no to these sort of events they almost always say yes. Not having a vaccine is not going to work and for those in the military that are worried they’ll say no. They are at no greater risk of catching CV than they are at Ft Campbell then they are at home. They are at no greater risk of catching CV than they were when they sent all their Doctors and nurses through out the US to treat patients. There will be military personnel coming down on orders to go TDY to attend DOD schools and go on missions and unless DOD is stopping that, the General can not. There will be soldiers moving to Ft. Campbell from other duty stations to work at Ft. Campbell as well as soldiers leaving Ft. Campbell to move to other duty stations and all as the custom is will be authorized a thirty day leave in between the permanent change of station where in the majority will travel home. Then their are the spouses and family members who the General has no say over who will travel where they wish and then come back home to live with their spouses. To say nothing of all the people who live in vicinity of the fort and have day to day actions with soldiers not to mention the many civilians that work on the base who he can not restrict. This order is so filled with holes it’s pathetic. Hopes he has a great time answering all the IG complaints as well as the Congressional Inquires that are going to be coming his way. Couldn’t find the bastards date when he got his first star but see’s he was a Brigade Commander (Colonel) in 2014. Puts him in the window for being an Obama boot licking General.
This may be a psyops thing.
Thank you! Expanded detail is fantastic. And, fyi, I know he doesn’t represent any group but the bootlickers.
Fox reporting 3 rockets fired into Israel from Lebannon. Hezbollah is piling on.
Hezbollah will be getting piled up, as in mass graves, if they don’t stop…
So much for operating from a position of strength (and being an ally). From Arutz Sheva:
Heard earlier that 30% of Gaza dead came from their own failed rocket launches.
Yep. Like in the gulf war. More duds than scuds…
I don’t think the Mozzies realize WHO they are really fighting.
They (and their Satanic, globalist, deep-state “friends”) are pushing to encounter Rods from Almighty GOD, as opposed to just a weapons system…
I don’t always agree with Dov Fischer, but he has some good points here:
<< more at the URL above, well worth the read, as well as the rest of the articles there >>
Pulling out the military sends the wrong message that can only make the situation worse. Kind of doubts that we’ve done that in the many dust ups Israel has had with it’s belligerent neighbors before. If it’s more than nonessential personnel then I’d be expecting to hear from the Real POTUS soon.
Yep. Here’s an op-ed from Arutz Sheva, Bye, Done is helping no-one… (then again, is that a surprise???)….
Sound (or feel) familiar???????
(We’re facing the same sort of DEMONIC terrorism, however presented)
From Arutz Sheva:
Cuppa, Please consider re-posting this on tomorrow’s thread…some might miss it, and its very good indeed.
The patterns of which this man writes are no different than the milquetoast way in which Americans have neglected to confront the marxist invasion of out Country for many decades.
As Arizona Audit Heats Up — Biden Allies in Florida Preparing For Trump to Get Indicted While He’s at Mar-a-Lago (thegatewaypundit.com)
It’s their only chance. And it’s not a chance. They will be crushed.
Give us an excuse, Bidenazis and Bidenistas.
Those fascists, Nazis, communists.
Thinking about it extradition from Florida they want to take out two . Desantis could become the next president if NYC AG takes Trump out. They hope to smear Desantis by this.
The communists are very deranged we just do that.
I just gave that idea of arresting POTUS (Trump) some thought.
Here is the lead-up:
I think they really are getting ready for a Civil War.
This is the event that triggered that thought. We just did entertainment for an Eid Al Fitr festival. (I fortified my self with some of Hubby’s bacon jerky on the way there.)
At that festival was a Chinese guy. When ever we got near he turned his back but he watched us the entire two hours never moving from his observation point and ALWAYS turning his back. I do not think he was a Uighur. He looked more Han Chinese to me.
What the heck is a Chinese guy doing among a bunch of Turks and Arabs?
That’s pretty shady behavior!
They know you’re on this site. Are your electronics secured when you’re away from your farm? How easy is it for strangers to show up there and poke around?
not at all easy.
Marina Medvin
(@MarinaMedvin) Tweeted:
Gen Z is the biggest group of losers imaginable. A complete waste and shame.
Oh but they have feelings.
71% of those aged 17 to 24 are ineligible to join the military because of obesity, lack of high school diploma, or a criminal record.
They’ll be fine for the Brown Shirt forces that will take the place of police
It may be a little harsh to blame them for not recognizing the truth when they have been lied to their entire lives.
Somewhere along the line they have to reach an age where they can reason.
Something simple…antifa or blm…they claim to be peaceful, ethical all that good stuff….but their actions prove something far from that. Even someone who’s been coddled and fed the DemCommie garbage should at the very least be able to acknowledge the lies from antifa/blm.
It doesn’t mean that the truth of that matter would make them anti antifa but only that somewhere in their pea brain they recognize it.
“Somewhere along the line they have to reach an age where they can reason.”
Devoutly to be desired I’m sure, however my experience would suggest that they reason in a way consistent with their indoctrination.
White people are racists.
Conservatives are heartless bigots.
America is a colonial warmongering bully.
I suppose you could add to the list but that is not the point. These kids were taught this worldview by adults (teachers, professors, news media, and even parents) in every area of this country. They believe (based on their reasoning) that their actions are not only justifiable but correct and necessary. Thus they are unlikely to have a ‘red pill’ moment apart from the intersection of the truth and an enlightened adult. They will not reach an age where they will intuitively recognize their error. It frustrates me but it is unlikely they will reason their way out of their error without assistance.
They do not even KNOW what reason and logic is! All they have been taught is to rely on FEEEEeeeelings. This is the result of over 100 years of Progressive Education Dumbing Down America.
They have been taught that feelings are reason. That is how far PsyOps have come.
But even I and Hubby can out run them. Heck before Covid I could out WALK them!
Or all three…
Then they could gather them all together and call them the Kräpernick Brigade…….
Tell that to Vox Day. It might give him pause.
Wow. Not surprised.
(@BobRmhenry1) Tweeted:
This racist loser hater must go.
Whoops. Fake acct. But i still wouldnt be surprised…
Funny though.
Maybe chuck a couple of those chopsticks into a pair of Dremel tools and give him a motorized COVIDiot test up close and personal….
Then again, that would release the vacuum therein…….
gail and cuppa, you made me laugh.
Hi Zoe — WAVES!
Two things. Has anyone had a report on pgroup2? Also, hello to ForGodand Country, and what was that about 17?
Seventeen is quiet now.
Pggroup has not checked in today.
Nice to see you Zoe.
Frikken Loser
Another attempt from today. You’d think his handlers would of called a lid after the first attempt.
He’d probably have had better ruck here (www.engrish.com):

Aw C’mon man…that’s malarky . Get down and do push ups dog face pony soldier
Feisty Cat (@CHHR01)
5:02PM May 13, 2021
Statement by President Biden (@POTUS):
The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do.
The choice is yours.
1:12PM 5/13/2021 The White House
To paraphrase the Couch Commando, “SCREW YOU, BITE ME!”
Going to have fun with this injection or mask BS. My usual, I have a medical OR more clearly, NO, when asked if I need a mask.
May resort to a bunt, G F Y if pushed too much. IN NV worst they can do is ask me to leave. Sheriff’s won’t do anything.
How many times do we have to remind people, no one can LEGALLY ASK if you are “vaccinated?”
HIPAA law forbids anyone to demand your medical information. Also, this injection is experimental, and CAN’T be mandated or forced under the Nuremberg Code.
When will people learn to just IGNORE this idiocy? Don’t wear a friggin’ mask. And if they ask about your “vaccination” status, tell them you’ll have your attorney get right back to them about that, with a lawsuit for a HIPAA violation.
Thats not American or a choice.
Press pool embraces new journalistic tool.
Has he managed to get the pancakes out of the doghouse yet?????
Inquiring minds want to know….
Always so appreciate your updates on things I miss, D.P., and your continued optimism, and then you give your reasons for your views of where we are, and I just like your way of thinking. When I start to get a little discouraged, you give me (and us) a reason to hang in there.
And howdy, Zoe… hope all is well with you and yours!
Hey, Cuppa, you’re another I appreciate. Blessings to you and yours, too. Thank you for your humor and your fresh perspective on thithings from over there.ng
These people live in a vacuum. Pelosi calls for ethics charges against Marjorie Greene after she confronted AOC. Worth posting as this tweeter below nails the filthy nature of this hypocrisy.
Ugh I loathe her and all of her flying monkeys
I’m still waiting for a big bucket of water on her and “I’m melting, I’m Melting, I’m MELLLLTTTIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!”…….
Tide pod Nancy…

Make a big poster of this image and put it on Pelosi’s door:
LMAO! Oh, that hashtag makes it!
It’s moments like these….
So, I put in a refill order for the blood pressure medication I’m taking, and my joke of an assigned “Primary Care Physician” decides to deny the refill until I do an in-office visit. I find out about this on the fourth of May, so I call in on the fifth for an appointment. They had an opening tomorrow, May 14.
Now, I’ve always been told to do labs ten days before an appointment so the results can percolate over to the doctor. At the time I booked the appointment, I specially noted this and said, “so, obviously, I can’t do the labs in advance.”
So, I get this phone call TODAY, 23 hours before the appointment, that having this office visit without labs would be a waste of time, and since I’m refusing to do them the Doctor will not do refills.
Well, I couldn’t do them 10 days in advance of a 5/14 appointment booked on 5/5…and the person who I’m talking to says, “well, we get the labs in about a week…..” So I point out that I sure as hell can’t do them a week in advance of an appointment I have TOMORROW. And then I’m told they could have gotten the results in five days…..
They keep changing their story as the clock keeps ticking. I’m beginning to think that the major reason I have blood pressure issues in the first place is from dealing with these people. So, now the Doctor is going to give me a PARTIAL refill (I normally buy 90 days at a time to save money) just to jerk my chain, and we’re rescheduled for June 1, because I should be able to get the labs done next week.
Glad I went the herbal medicine no salt route to control my high blood pressure given the run around you are getting.
Salt is essential and has nothing to do with high blood pressure.
You want to try that one again? Source?
Sure. There was one study done a few decades ago that associated salt with high blood pressure. And ever since it has been used by the medical community as the go to to lower BP.
Meanwhile salt is an essential mineral that without our bodies will not function correctly. Also, some of the populations with the highest salt intake live the longest such as Okinawans and Japanese.
Try The Salt Fix, James Di Nicolantonio.
Try sodium. Salt is NaCl. Two elements.
There are some people for whom sodium elevates the blood pressure to the point it must be relieved.
THAT has nothing to do with big pharma, and EVERYTHING to do with metabolism.
My son is one of these people. And I know of what I speak. Look up CHF.
Metabolism. Ok then. Whatever works.
The funny thing is that salt has a major effect in some people’s hypertension….but that’s only in something like 5-10% of people with high blood pressure.
So, while you’re not completely correct, you’re more right than wrong.
And, since the medical profession can’t be bothered to actually know what they’re doing before they “practice”, this means that a blanket admonition to cut salt is incorrect in 90-95% of their patients.
And that is why you should check if it does help or not. @ 25-35 bucks for a blood pressure cuff, it is worth buying one and seeing what may add to your problems.
If I could not get my pressure under control I would go to a doctor (reluctantly) but cutting NaCl salt, knocked down the top number (systolic) by over 50 mm Hg within a week. The bottom number (diastolic) came down 40 mm Hg much more slowly after I cut the carbs and lost weight.
I just have to be careful and not eat out. If I do eat out I need to drink 2 very large glasses of H20 before bed then black tea in the morning followed a while later by Herb-Ox no sodium bouillon to replace the potassium I excreted with the sodium. (Have to replace the magnesium too but I take that daily with calcium and zinc.)
I had a heckuva time finding a magnesium that my body didn’t react to like colonoscopy prep. Finally (of all things) found that TJ’s house brand behaved well. That meant that I couldn’t do it with zinc and calcium, so I just take zinc (gluconate, not citrate)….and I figure I eat enough beef and cheese that I needn’t worry too much about the calcium.
Excuse me but I have ten+ years of blood pressure readings that show if I limit salt (NaCl) and use KCl instead I can pull my blood pressure down. For example the last time I ate out I reduced it from 160/91 to 122/70 in two days. Limiting caffeine (It removes K for me) and increasing H2O helps a lot too. The common wisdom is the use of Diuretics to treat high blood pressure but that just makes my blood pressure worse.
If my potassium goes too low I get severe leg cramps and the ‘flashing lights’ signaling the onset of a migraine. Ingestion of potassium (Dr Atkins or no salt boullion) clears the flashing lights and head ache/leg cramps within 10 to 15 minutes. I haven’t had a migraine since I figured out it was low K that was causing it for me.
Remember in today’s world avoiding salt is next to impossible since it is put into just about everything.
For what it is worth, the doctors found my Mom excreted KCl instead of NaCl in her perspiration. What can I say, we have weird body chemistry.
Yes, you have to balance salt and potassium. As long as you supply your body, it will sort it out.
Cutting out the sugar and loosing weight was a great help too. I also added iodine.
At over 70 I now feel better than I did at 50!
Can you recommend a potassium supplement?
I just use the Herbox No sodium bullion if I need it and substitute ‘NoSalt’ for regular salt in my cooking. Bananas are a good source too if you do not mind the carbs. (I put on weight if I eat one a day.)
Be very very careful though. Potassium in too high a dose can kill!!! That is why I just add some to my food if I get muscle cramps. (Night leg cramps are very common for me.)
4 Signs You May Be Consuming Too Much Potassium
Thank you. I get both the leg cramps and migraines on occasion.
I use the Atkins shakes which has a nice balance of Na and K as well as other vit. and minerals. It works miracles for me since I am outside a lot working in the south.
Boy do I HATE those flashing lights you get just before the migraine kicks in full force. You can’t do anything at all until they go away. I can’t even lay in bed and read. I was really happy when I found the Atkins shakes stopped them so fast.
Those Atkins shakes look good. The chocolate seems to have more potassium than vanilla. I get cramps easy too, even while taking prescription potassium. I drink Propel (no sugar) water to ward off and have AMZN drop ship cases at my door. Due to WuFlu, there’s no Propel to be found anywhere this whole year.
I’ve been taste testing other drinks and still haven’t found a suitable low-cost replacement. Powerade Zero has a punch flavor that’s ok, but it’s made by Coke. Big NO. I may try Atkins. It needs to be refrigerated, does it taste bad warm? Cramps creep up on me w/out warning so I take Propel to the pool for my workouts.
You only refrigerate before drinking otherwise it keeps fine. I drink the chocolate. If I forget to refrigerate I just pour over ice.
Yeah. Part of Obamacare is that prescriptions only run for one year. For everything. I have to get an annual prescription for CPAP supplies, despite using it for 17 years now. I have a friend who discovered he had to keep going to his vet for his dog’s heartworm medication.
That is how they bought off the AMA.
The other thing about these lab-happy jokers is that I finally figured out how to get through them successfully just as my old Doctor left his practice….Alprazolam 0.5mg about 20-30 minutes before the venipuncture. Unfortunately, that means (a) I have to have a lab that I can walk to/from, and (b) the stupid things take something like 12 hours to clear, so no driving that entire day. It just means I have to plan for it and can’t just hop in at a whim.
For those who maybe have missed it, I’m extremely phobic about being punctured. I’ll clench up, start losing thought processes, and stop breathing until the “threat” is removed. It has occasionally scared medical personnel. I consider it a survival adaptation. It’s lead to things like having dental crowns done without anesthetic.
With you on that. Hate needles, would not make a good junkie…lol. Tatoo needles don’t bother me though…
I hear yeah! Blood and needles give me conniption fits!
Oddly enough, It’s the puncturing that gets me. I’m perpetually knocking myself about getting scrapes (wear shorts year-round) doing things like gardening, and then I’ll get scabs and absent-mindedly scratch them off because the skin isn’t smooth….and the next thing I know, I’ve got blood running down my leg into my sock.
And people — even medical people — don’t get it’s a phobia. It’s not supposed to make sense. They’ll try to address it rationally: “it’s only a tiny bit, you’ll hardly feel it.” That’s the exact worst way to approach it — it adds the possibility of vomiting to the pre-show before the main event.
They’d be far more successful if they tried, “we’re going to put this wood clamp on your head like Uncle Fester so we can get in there with a large needle and be out in four seconds.” It’s the insidious nature of the hypodermic that pushes the button.
I’m seriously worried about what might happen if I were in a car wreck and woke up in a hospital with an IV.
Could you be a bit more clear about that?
I call that asshoe treatment. If youve been stable, and you see them every 6 months whats the big deal? If you havent gone in 1+ years then you should be seen. I dont have to go now for 6 months.
I suspect I haven’t been seen for about 20 months. That’s why I’m not fighting or mad about that part of things. But just because the COVID fire alarm that THEY PULLED has made going a special pain-in-the-tuchis, they shouldn’t be taking it out on me. Further, just because their stupid law THAT THEY ADVOCATED is biting them in the ass, they shouldn’t expect me to be happy to pay the freight for why it doesn’t work.
Understand…but you should go in, work it out with your MD for once yearly. Thats actually standard. But yes getting you in then all the changes doesn’t breed confidence.
I hope someone enjoyed that catfish. I surely would have.
That dog had to have been a famous pitcher for the Kansa City/Oakland A’s……
Catfish Hunter… (RIP)…..
Donald J. Trump5:20pm May 13, 2021
Can’t imagine Republican House Members would go with Chip Roy—he has not done a great job, and will probably be successfully primaried in his own district. I support Elise, by far, over Chip!
Totally agree with this. Roy is my district and he went to lunch and stayed there during the election steal. He’s not been there long enough to call him a RINO but he’s no fighter.
Meanwhile the “likes” are now working at the Donald J Trump Desk.
The Hammer Is Coming Down, At This Point They Have It All, They Caught Them All – Ep. 2477
May 13, 2021 x22report
Inflation is coming and the establishment is trying to explain why this is happening, this is why they needed an event, it was to usher in their great reset and climate agenda. They are right on schedule, patriots knew the playbook. How do you explain inflation is gold and crypto are rising, [CB] makes move to push commodities down. The [DS] is in a deep panic, the hammer is about to come down and they are making preparation to make their moves. They are preparing for indictment to come out against Trump. They will do anything to stop what is coming, but nothing can stop this, nothing. The Maricopa Supervisor board is in trouble, a database was deleted.The AZ audit has uncovered fraud and that the numbers are not making sense.
Ep. 2477a – Right On Schedule, [CB] Makes It’s Move Pushing The Great Reset & Climate Agenda
X22 Report Published May 13, 2021
Ep. 2477b – The Hammer Is Coming Down, At This Point They Have It All, They Caught Them All
X22 Report Published May 13, 2021
JE Dyer weighs in on Mississippi River Bridge fractured span…..
“Hard on the heels of the Colonial Pipeline outage (which reportedly ended on Wednesday with service being restored), the Hernando de Soto Bridge on I-40, which spans the Mississippi River west of Memphis, was just taken out of service on an emergency basis due to a cracked beam in an “M” span.”
More here: https://libertyunyielding.com/2021/05/13/big-deal-alert-bridge-across-mississippi-river-on-i-40-is-out/
A lot of the cross-country traffic will likely be rerouted. Yeah, it’s going to add time and fuel to the delivery process, but it will happen. That’s by far not the only bridge over the Mississippi on a major interstate.
And…Army Corps of Engineers? They can fix the one quickly. Four of them is a different story.
My first thought was ‘Chinese sub-grade steel’
That bridge is too old for that. It was built in about 1973.
Steel fatigue. It happens after such a long time.
Yes. At roughly 50 years old, three of the big ones here had to be closed for the same issue. One over the Mississippi and the other two over the Missouri, although, those two have two spans each, one eastbound, one west. The Blanchette’s (I-70) older span from 1955 has been replaced as has the Boone’s (US-40 as I-64 doesn’t go that far west) older span. The Jefferson Barracks Bridge (outerbelt) is being watched. When that went out for repairs two years ago, the NIGHTMARE of traffic was horrible. The closest bridge to the south is in Cape Girardeau which is 100 miles downstream.
Our real President wanted to rebuild our infrastructure – and would have – but the DemonRats want to do it with lots of graft and pocket-lining for their team and cronies.
That’s interesting you should say that, as people known to my family profited BIG TIME when the new I-70 bridge went in over the Mississippi. The bridge itself had been on the drawing board for about 30 years, and they systematically bought up the land where the highway goes and where the approaches are and sold it for a healthy profit.
You have seen political corruption close up and personal.
Washington isn’t the District of Columbia – it’s the District of Corruption.
You’all got me falling off my chair laughing with your rammadammadingdong and your sanniches, especially bacon. Thanks for the fun.
I know there was a lot of talk about this here yesterday, and it is controversial. And maybe hoaxy as hell. But I just found this on Gab, so I thought I’d share. This guy has a lot of followers and seems sane at least:
Rob Colbert@shadowknight412
My neighbor, who received both Pfizer shots, saw a video on Gab of magnets sticking to people’s arms where they got the shot. He doesn’t own a magnet and asked if we had one. I do. We use magnets to hold things on our refrigerator. So, they’re not crazy industrial magnets. And, my neighbor is not greasy or messed up.
A magnet taken from my refrigerator sticks to my neighbor’s arm. It only sticks to his arm. And, it only sticks to the location where he got the shot. It doesn’t stick above it, below it, to the sides, his other arm, or anywhere else. It only sticks exactly where he got the shot.
He’s a private person. There won’t be a video. I – am simply done questioning. I just watched a magnet stick to the spot on my neighbor’s arm where he got the vaccine
Colbert is not stupid. He’s a coder. He knows how to be logical.
Something is going on here. It’s either REAL or they are trying desperately to do something – possibly a distraction from Arizona.
Thank you. Rob Colbert is one of Gab’s heads of I.T. He’s pretty right wing, but he’s not weird or crazy. So if there is strangeness, he’s not “in on it”. That said, this plays two ways.
One is that it’s real. I can almost buy it, but if it’s true, then it’s not “just” a vaccine. My top theory would be ferrite nanoparticles used as a tracking mechanism, to invisibly leave behind a scannable unique tracking number (UUID) connected to the vaccine. I won’t go into the tech, because if I’m WRONG, I want our side to have the tech, not China.
Two is that it’s slick disinformation being used with multiple targets being taken down, including Gab. The other side is VERY likely to set up the people at Gab with fake friends as informants and spies. This is not bullshit – I’ve dealt with this my whole life. Most of my actual friends have either been recruited as informants, approached to be evaluated as potential informants, or were informants before I met them. That’s just life. Remember – informants on the same side keep people on the same side.
Now – THIS shows that both are possible.
THERE you see that iron filings exert a force against gravity. Now use Newton – that same very mild force is working back against the magnet. So if all that CRAP was embedded under the skin – the magnet will show attraction to it.
Some of that dirt is not iron – it’s iron oxide. That can also be ferromagnetic, but it’s weaker than the metal.
There is plausibility here, but NOT just a vaccine. That’s protein and nucleic acids – that’s not going to do anything. ALUMINUM doesn’t do anything.
It’s gotta be iron or ferrite (iron oxide).
This whole thing could be a complete magic act to create bullshit beliefs. That’s option TWO. They have a friend of Rob with implanted metal or a magnet hoax a prominent Gabber. This is totally possible. “He’s my friend – he’s a great guy – he would never do this.”
WRONG. People have no idea.
Notice in that video of the woman’s shoulder yesterday, the FLIPPING behavior of the external magnet. That means that what was under her skin was MAGNETIZED and POLARIZED. That sounds like SHE had an implanted magnet.
Second possibility is that what Colbert saw was real. THAT could very well be TRACKING. Metal or ferrite. Enough to react to a magnet.
I understand about the “friends.”
Someday I will have to tell the story of how I was “evaluated” by a three-letter-agency when I was in college. It’s a doozy. It took me years to figure out that’s what had happened.
Weather presenters in Minneapolis face special challenges….
^^^ She handled the “glitch” incredibly well. ^^^
That was fun.
Other parts of the country can have special difficulties as well.
Some of these temperatures seem a little high….
….but then, again, it is Arizona.
To put this into perspective, you only need a 2350-degree kiln to make porcelain.
Self-cleaning ovens only get up to around 900 degrees. I actually called-up my oven manufacturer and asked.
And I’m going to take a moment here to distinguish between foolish — which I am most days whose names end with “y” — and stupid.
Foolish is a social thing — it’s whether people think you are amusing, comical, your opinions should be ridiculed, and it’s an open question as to whether you are just plain nuts.
Stupid is when you do things that are certain to lead to bad trouble.
I’ll illustrated this with a little project that is quite amusing. You can take a standard toaster oven and convert it to do SMT soldering for prototype circuit boards. It looks funny to be combining the low-tech with the high-tech, but it works well. You’ll get a lot of funny looks and some joking around if you do it…..because it’s foolish.
It would be STUPID to ever use it to toast a slice of bread afterward. Running industrial chemicals (like solder paste) through a toaster oven will undoubtedly coat the inside with toxic and carcinogenic substances that, when reheated, may well condense on your slice of bread. It would be stupid not to label your project “NO FOOD” and “DANGER” on all sides, and to operate it in an area not properly vented.
The project I was considering my oven for was foolish. If it had permanently coated the inside with dangerous substances, rendered it unfit for the preparation of food, and possibly made it fit for hazmat disposal, that would have been stupid.
It’s a dry heat
Gore-Bull warming on Route 666?
(OK, I know they renamed it (thank GOD) )…
Biden voters?
Or be fruitful and multiply?
One-person conga line… she handled it really well, and creatively too!
h/t Marica
Once they prove AZ was a fraud, we need two more. Who’s it gonna be? MI? PA? GA?
When they are in the bag, all hell is quite likely going to break loose.
As a bumper sticker I saw today states…
We The People,
It oughta be EARTHSHAKING, VSG was up in PA over 800,000 votes on Tuesday night. They stopped the count, hauled in bookoo boxes of forged ballots, and took almost a week to wipe out his lead. PA cheating was the worst!!
Yes, it wa. And it was so obvious I don’t know how anyone can think that election wasn’t a fraud.
[…] https://www.theqtree.com/2021/05/13/dear-kag-20210513-daily-open-thread/comment-page-1/#comment-7392… (injectable array […]