It’s Focus on Good News Friday!

Wolf’s Pub is open for business. We’re gonna concentrate on the good news today and enjoy an Elderflower Fizzy (aka Elderflower champagne or wine) a beloved summer drink in the UK. We’ll get to that in a moment.
Can you feel the change? Our President is BACK and his “From the Desk of” comments are lighting up the political scene again. Thank you, Mr. President! We missed you very much.

The establishment Republicans are going down like bowling pins in a strike. Lib Cheney had her sorry butt kicked to the curb, and wasn’t it so satisfying? Kevin McCarthy is now in line for retirement. Asa Hutchinson, we’re coming for y’all. Your time “serving” in government is almost up. MAGA is here to stay.

Go on and start that third party, UniParty pukes! What a joke.
And yes, Texas RINOs, we are coming for you too! Hear that, Jared Patterson? LOL.
That duplicitous Michigan GOP chair, Heider Kazim, had his clock cleaned the other day. Adios, buddy. Don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.
MAGA is a juggernaut. It won’t be stopped. Nothing can stop what is coming.
Here’s one of our favorite MAGA fighters. This woman has more fight in her pinky finger then a bear. The Washington Post had a hissy fit because Mighty Marjorie confronted that buck-toothed AOC. AOC ran for the hills. See folks, that’s how you do it. CONFRONT THE LIES AND THE LIARS. Call a spade a spade.

And MTG goes all in:

Since we’re in a garden party mood, let’s all lift our pinkies in the air and be extra civil today. The sun is shining, the weather is warming, and the good news is flowing. Wolf’s rules are here. The Utree is here for any brawling, and in case we need to reconvene for some reason.

The Texas Heartbeat Bill passed the Legislature yesterday and Governor Abbott will sign it! We are saving babies! Moloch loses.
Citizens launch a petition to get PA audited!
Election Integrity: Never, ever stop speaking out:
“We are proud to be flag-waving American patriots, and we could not care less about what they say and think. Also, we will continue to recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the phrase “one nation under God.” As Americans, we will not shut up and quit. We will be victorious over the Marxist insurrectionists in this country. We will never wave the white flag of surrender to the Marxist cancel culture movement, but we will keep our God, Constitution, guns, and freedom of speech. To say less than the truth is not the truth. The truth cannot be compromised or negotiated.”
Don’t mess with the McCloskeys!
The NBA ratings nosedive again! Take that! Opiate of the masses no more!
California is full of patriots and they aren’t gonna take it anymore!

The MSM is going down. The proverbial Bucket O’ Water has been tossed on their witchy heads.
The great Van Morrison knows the deal. Enjoy:
The Alternative Media is growing by leaps and bounds. Just a few:
- Revolver News
- Populist Press
- Real America’s Voice News
- War Room
- Lindell TV
- Gateway Pundit
- Corey’s Digs
- Some Bitch Told Me
- The National Pulse
Add to that, a plethora of independent blogs, conservative political sites and websites where patriots are fighting the good fight. Our duty is to pass them along to friends, family and frenemies. I know I’m driving a few people nuts, but I’m not giving up.

- Arizona Audit Livestream
- Arizona Audit documents
- Lou Barletta’s Change Pennsylvania (for cleaning up that great state and it’s run by patriots)
- Amazing Polly
- Amazing Polly on Bitchute
Now to our fizzy summer drink, Elderflower Champagne. This refreshing drink weighs in at a light 3-5% alcohol content, unless you are using an Elderflower liqueur. But today, we are working with the old-fashioned elderflower fizz, which countless UK households have been making for generations:
Good Ol’ Traditional Elderflower Wine (this is a simple recipe although you can find recipes that do NOT use the yeast and nutrients). Many home brewers simply use the wild yeasts present on the elderflowers themselves to begin the fermentation process. Using wine yeast will ensure fermentation and a higher alcohol content. Watch here for the simplest of recipes, using only the wild yeasts on the flowers:
Here’s another video with some different techniques. There is a plethora of recipes to brew your own Elderflower Champagne.
In addition to Elderflower wine (champagne, fizz) there are Elderflower cordials, liqueurs and cocktails.
Here is a nice video by Lady Carnarvon of Highclere Castle (not up on the Fine Folk but she seems delightful) making elderflower cordial:
In honor of our growing gardens, today’s drink special is an English Garden:
St. Germaine is a French Elderflower liqueur that is widely available. Here’s a nice Italian one.
And just for nice, here’s an article about the wonderful things you can do with elderflowers for food and meds.
They are having to give away money, food, hunting licenses, college tuition and gift cards to get people to submit to the jab. Simple desperation. I’m almost embarrassed for them, if they weren’t such evil eugenic jackasses. The side effects up to and including death are turning people away in droves from taking the experimental shot.

Dr. Fauci is headed for justice. He is a murderous traitor. Do you think he’ll turn before he’s arrested, or will he stay loyal to his Big Pharma masters and the CCP scientists?
Lawyers and Doctors the world over file suit against the jab pushers.
Is the government hiding death numbers for the vaccinated?
Here is Dr. Shiva with an excellent explanation of why Big Pharma needs to push their jabs. Yeah, it’s all about the benjamins. Greed is a very deadly sin.

MIT researchers can’t understand why vax-skeptics aren’t just swallowing the BS. Hilarity ensues.
The Social Media giants are on the verge of toppling. Heavy censorship of all negative Covid information is going to cut their legs out from under them. They are committing hari-kari and it is glorious to watch. I used to think we needed to legislate them out of existence, but when their complicity in the pandemic and subsequent deadly shots are exposed, it will be their end.
A respected toxicologist has called on the CDC to halt all Covid shots. More here
America’s Frontline Doctors (here’s a great video on Ivermectin)
More climate hoaxing exposed. The climate cash cow is crashing and burning, too.
Intersectionality has met its match. We just aren’t going to get into the madness with you, and we’re going to TELL YOU ABOUT IT WITHOUT FEAR.
The Deep State is being caught with their pants down…over and over again. Here we find some in the CIA are bedding down with the CCP.
More CIA Intelligence Failures:
“The CIA serves not the United States but its own corporate interests and its partisan vision.”
Let’s get the truth out. Painful, but in a good way.
I think the whole insurrection thing died right there.
The military (at least the retired officers) are speaking out. They are being blunt. Finally. Ya gotta know it’s not just the retired officers. Let’s leave it at that.

The French military has been speaking out, too.
Retired French and American officers oppose tyranny:
“The flag officers take aim at the Democrats’ “tyrannical government,” their “full-blown assault on our Constitutional rights in a dictatorial manner,” and their “population control actions,” including “censorship of written and verbal expression.” After enumerating what can only be called “a long train of abuses,” including the government’s intentional creation of a crisis at the southern border and intentional destruction of America’s newly won energy independence, the administration’s decision to give aid and comfort to Iran’s regime of terror, and the Democrats’ use of the military as “pawns” to intimidate conservatives while coddling Antifa and Black Lives Matter insurrectionists, the retired U.S. generals and admirals warn Americans as bluntly as the French generals warned France: “The survival of our Nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake.”
Epic fail.
The discredited fact-checkers, pretend journalists and assorted Deep State propaganda outlets are lauding Joe’s glorious first three months as Resident of the United States. What buffoons they’ve all turned out to be. They can’t stop lying.
From America First to America Last. Read it and rejoice that the Trump Curse remains powerful. Scroll down for a LONG LIST of Puppet Biden’s strings being pulled every which way but loose.
In order to tamp down the outrage over the Biden-induced border crisis, Uncle Joe had to pretend to start up the wall construction again. LOL. What a guy.
Go here and take a look around. Pretty durned nice, eh?
I’m gearing up to start the Pub Club. The Great Books await. The Iliad first? Meet at the forum one day a week? Suggestions, please.
Last, but not least, our prayers are music to God’s ears. Like a sweet savor that rises heavenward, our petitions and praise please Him. Let’s not forget to keep praying for our nation, the White Hats wherever they may be, and each other. Special prayers for those going through physical, financial, and emotional struggles right now. God bless and keep us and make His face to shine upon us.
And oh yeah:

I will have to try elderflower if i see it.
Fauxi wont turn…hes too wrapped up in himself.
I do hope the AZ and ow PA audits bring the Country justice.
G’night y’all.
Heres a funny 3 little pigs bedtime story Mr Gil sent me. Not for kids…
It is possible for Fauci to turn, given sufficient time and motivation to do so. Accordingly, I would recommend that he be burned at the stake rather than hanged, in that it would give him better opportunity to repent of his ways and get right with the Lord.
Heck, he could just get an immunity deal and rat out all the rest of the bad guys! He just has to make sure he doesn’t get into an “Epstein” situation!
I don’t think he was a fulcrum, I think he was a tool. It is likely that he doesn’t have that much to give.
Tools lead to the people using them, and this guy is a Swiss army knife who not only understands what is going on, because HE is the one who makes up the excuses and lies – he schmoozes with all the right people.

Again, this betrays my preference to find the truth first and foremost, and worry about punishment second.
Do you ever wonder if the virus was only the tool to get the global population to the inoculations ?
That sounds dumb but we all thought the virus was the method for control but really it looks like the vax is what they were really setting as the goal.
Yup. The virus was the PITCH, the vaccines are the SWING.
One step further, the goal is to vax everyone *every year* and they can add tech to each ‘booster’ as they create them.
they are trying because faux bidden didnt win
The Diamonds MUST Be Returned!
Absolutely. I am really thinking that today. I’m almost certain now.
I think the goal is to implant every human with a unique and unremovable but easily scannable means of permanent identification. I think “weaponizing” a cold as a psyop was used to accomplish it. BUT – like all complex events, they use a single giant crisis to accomplish MULTIPLE NEW GOALS. So contraceptive vaccines and universal human scannable ID are both goals. Breaking down constitutional government – closing churches – it’s ALL part of the short list of high desirables by the left. Adding just one more thing to that list – GET RID OF TRUMP – was easy.
It does look like the plan is unfolding. All their enticements now..so obvious.
With this in mind I’d love to know who convinced Trump about warp speed vaccines.
Strategically, I think we may have had to go along with it. Reasons presumably above our pay grade.
The virus is real. Real vaccines can and will be found – what we have are actually working to some extent, but we’re not sure, and the immunity is limited.
There are no simple, easy answers. The left uses answers that are “majority right” to carry the lesser payload into reality.
So what I’m saying is that even the good guys likely said “go along with this – we will make our own vaccine, and if it’s better, no problem – we’ll force better vaccines.
This is a mess. This is war. Battle of the Bulge. Adapt the surprise to a new plan to victory.
Yes, probably so.
It may have even been a hedge in case their Steal failed and DJT remained in office. LOL, then all the MAGA folks most likely would’ve been 1st in line but oops…the scared Karens have gone all in. It actually worked out better.
So much research by black sheep has exposed the ruse.
>>”Reasons presumably above our pay grade.”<<
“Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.”
NCSWIC. (“Multiple meanings exist.”)
I think we’ve got the general idea, even though the vast majority of specifics aren’t yet available to us (“pay grade”).
I trust the plan – and this is *especially* important when one hasn’t sufficient detail to be “sure”.
Comfy …
The virus is real. Real vaccines can and will be found – what we have are actually working to some extent, but we’re not sure, and the immunity is limited.
^^^ At this point, I see no reason for a Covid vaccine.
Covid is 99.99% treatable.
Educate the public.
Take Vitamins and minerals to resist Covid, or any virus for that matter. Eat reasonable and exercise.
IF one catches Covid, treat aggressively AND NEVER listen to the government – feds, state and local. AND certainly, NEVER listen to big pharma…
Admittedly, I likely missed something about why we need a Covid vaccine.
Besides the great video Wolf posted a few days back, the subject of treatment, let alone aggressive treatment, seems to be non-existent. That alone speaks volumes.
People want a “fix and forget it” fix. Big Pharma wants to make money on gene therapy. Genetic vaccines are a plausible answer to the first, and a guaranteed bridge to the second!
In thinking about the obstacles facing the President, being realistic and practical about his circumstances ranked high. Because he was opposed and impeded by McConnell and the personnel McConnell permitted VSG to have, not to mention by TPTB, the President often had limited choices.
The President seemed to be the only official interested in therapeutics, but therapeutics was worse than a non-starter politically. Absurd, but what actually happened.
So the President went along with vaccines, and made the most of it he could.
What an astonishing difference it would have made if Ryan and McConnell actually loved America instead of hating Trump. All sorts of things could have been handled correctly and effectively, but were not.
AND seemingly every damn RCON that supported Mueller and the muh Russia farce had to run its course.
Toss in Ms Lindsey, Cruz…endless list of RCONS hand cuffed President Trump from the beginning.
Turtle not allowing recess appointments.
It is amazing how much President Trump did accomplish, that no one else could have.
Trump was incredibly effcetive, inspite of the unified Uniparty conspiring against Trump. Against America.
Not allowing recess appointments….
Development of, and responsibility for the National Biodefense Strategy was assigned to the Executive, the DoD, HHS, HS, and DoA. The cabinet appointments to these agencies with the exception of DoA (Sonny Perdue) had considerable churn in leadership, with many secretaries “acting”. Ultimate responsibility rests with the President.
Follow the trail of leadership across the agencies, aligned with the required timeline of the strategy, and then add the timeline of the plannedemic.
Obama. McCain, Ryan, the House oversight committees…
The NBDS was the insurance policy, imo.
The implications are huge.
The psychological tools used to get people to oppose Trump were, IMO, quite literally, out of the future.
They have been OPERATING on us all along, but we finally SAW THEM!!!
The National Biodefense Strategy, commissioned by Congress, embedded in McCain’s 2017 NDAA, and signed into law by Obama, established the ground rules, a chain of command, and a timeline for roll out of a biodefense strategy under the Trump administration.
Alex Azar, head of HHS, Fauci’s boss, former pharmaceutical lobbyist, former general counsel for Ely Lily
Alex Azar?
And, as usual, the American Constitution got in the way of their plans. We the People cannot be forced to submit.
They hate that.
You forgot killing off as many old people as possible.
If they could have kept killing us with vents, they would have.
Well at this point it certainly looks like the JAB, that is a sterility vaccine and NOT a covid vaccine, was the end goal. This is especially true if I am correct and they KNOW we are staring at a coming Ice age or at least thousands of years of very cool and unsettled weather aka a climatic “madhouse”!
And the quotes from our ‘betters’
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation
“A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” – Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies
“Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” – Professor Maurice King
grandma…Another wonderful Opener!!!
btw, those us up here in the PNW have elderberry growing wild at the edges of many may forests.
Note: Do NOT eat Raw!!!
Thank you! Yes, elderberries are best cooked.
We make elderberry wine. But this year, thanks to YOU, I am going to make some elderflower fizz!
I appreciate you.
Thank you, Sister.

Please let me know how it goes. My elderberries are not big enough to provide flowers for a fizz. I may buy two more bushes and put them along the fence line so I can do this in the future.
Yes, I will have to forage for flowers. My bushes are still pretty little.
(1) Due to the unfortunate placement of the YouTube Play indicator, the “Making elderflower fizz” video looks like someone’s foot stuck in a bucket.
(2) I have a supply of Andrew Jackson dollar coins. Every so often, I go nuts and hand them out to strangers on the condition that they read the final paragraphs of the Bank Veto —
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society — the farmers, mechanics, and laborers — who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves–in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.
Experience should teach us wisdom. Most of the difficulties our Government now encounters and most of the dangers which impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of Government by our national legislation, and the adoption of such principles as are embodied in this act. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress [highlight added]. By attempting to gratify their desires we have in the results of our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, and man against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations of our Union. It is time to pause in our career to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit of compromise which distinguished the sages of the Revolution and the fathers of our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.
I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow-citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shall find in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us and the dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let us firmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies of our Republic, and on the intelligence and wisdom of our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and their patriotic devotion our liberty and Union will be preserved.”
Thanks for posting this, Coot!
The command of language possessed by our Founding Fathers, and by those of the following decades, I find to be tremendous. Would that we all had such mastery …
Btw, I call you “Coot”, as in the character from “Dukes of Hazzard”! Also – wasn’t “Cthulhu” an RPG game, introduced as competition during the height of the D&D / AD&D popularity, decades ago?
Cthulhu started as a story by H. P. Lovecraft — https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/cc.aspx — first published in 1928.
My association with cthulhu started in about 1981. At the time, computer-using students would submit batches of virtual punch cards to the IBM 4341 mainframe, then schlep across campus and hopefully find their 11×17 greenbar output wrapped in a rubber band at the computer center in a series of cubbies, “A-C”, “D-F”, etc.
Inevitably, I’d get there and start rummaging around for my output, and someone would be wailing, “where’s my output????” So I’d give them a friendly smile and suggest, “maybe Cthulhu ate it.”
When the chance came to take actual computer science courses on the CSIL system (a VAX 11/780!!! Whee!!!), I used “cthulhu” as my login name.
Indeed. You could change your login name and your process name.
I’ve seen Z Beeblebrox used, as well as “Harmless”
There is no end to the literary (and film) references that can be used. It all depends on the years you were growing up — or, if not growing up, reading a lot of SF.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/074/082/741/original/4c762161f5c0ec5f.mp4" /]
Pull it back just enough so that the barbs engage, then twist it a little more.
I just paid $3.199 and was HAPPY to actually FIND fuel! Now I can do my gigs this weekend without worrying.
G-Ma sure knows how to ROCK the Pub!!! ARROOOO!!!

Three cheers for gmatx!!!!
You should’ve seen me forty years ago.

I will, when we get to heaven!

Hehehe. Amen!!

It drives them nuts that he’s a gay long-haired hippie-freak, and we love him so.
Is he trying to make us gay? Is he shoving his gayness in our face? Does he actually care for the downtrodden? Is he working, with his own hands, to do good? Well, hell — he’s on our side, and we’re on his.
Are we trying to stomp Ric Grenell? Hmmm…..maybe the core GOP isn’t homophobic….they’re anti-stupid-socialists.
I really love Scott,
His heart is in the right place and he is done more for MAGA than any other private citizen.
He’s a real mensch. And doesn’t just talk it — he wades in and shows it.
Nacho President: “The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. The choice is yours.”
And I made my choice.
I haven’t worn a mask since your whole clown show started, you sick %$#&

But now, people will start to think that those without a mask took the Jonestown Jab, when all the fun comes from conveying defiance…
So I guess I’m gonna have to get those T-shirts made after all.
. 100% Natural Born American .
……… and Vaccine Free! ……….
“Jonestown Jab”…
That deserves a meme…
(though Jonestown and the Kool-Aid were quite a while ago, but equally deadly, and borne of a cult (and occult)…)….
[I can sort of hear “The Bristol Stomp” in the background
Hah! I love this.
Yep. And he (and his faux staff) ain’t worth beans… (refried from Øbløwhøle’s s’admin)….
ain’t worth beans… or the odiferous gas that comes after.
But… but…. but…. Gore-Bull warming via methane (and hydrogen sulfide), and some other *cough* odiferous “atmospheric enhancements”
My first thought after seeing BiteME TW above…
G F Y BiteMe.
NO injection.
NO face diaper.
I cannot believe they said that to us.
Prather responded nicely imo.
Yo Fake POTUS, now you listen up…You’re not my dad and I don’t live under your roof, so don’t waste oxygen talking to me like that.
And furthermore Fake Potus…your “rule” is a HIPPA violation not unlike my boss demanding in meetings to know who is vaccinated
When it comes to health, if the government or the medical establishment is saying/demanding it on a hot button topic, as a general rule, do the opposite or at the very least research the alternative information before submitting.
Excellent advice. The food pyramid comes to mind…
I was thinking along the lines of annual mammograms with all that radiation, and a few other recommendations when it comes to breast cancer. Alcohol. Why the push to get people to limit it? Moderation in everything is the key.
Yep. They just want to test and probe all the time.
I worked for a group where the chairman was a physician, and he talked about doctors having to practice defensive medicine. That’s essentially what the tests are. Protection against liability. And then they constantly want to put people on prescriptions when half the “old age” issues can be traced to those “medicines.”
It’s just maddening.
>>”doctors having to practice defensive medicine”<<
They DON’T “have to”.
They’re defending themselves, over their patients.
Again – it’s the middle-men, the insurers, who’ve been running the show, for decades now.
“Wanna be SAFE? Then pay US! We’ll take the burden of risk from you! Just sign here …”
MD’s have been fractured, too. It’s the hospital administrators (and insurers, whom they serve) who run the show.
Divided we fall, united we STAND.
One of the things that POTUS (Trump) wrote about in his books was the lawsuit/health insurance ‘scam’ POTUS wanted to LIMIT the liability of doctors so that their paycheck didn’t go straight to the insurance company.
(Don’t forget the LAWYER GRABS 1/3 of the $$$ awarded by the courts.)
February 3rd, 2011
Just like “hands-on” Bye, Done….
Addiction is a thing. Alcohol, drugs are obvious. But carbs, fats and carbs together can have similar impacts on the brain as drugs. For some people moderation is not possible. We would not tell a heroin addict you’ll be fine if you moderate your use.
People with food addiction are better off going zero on problem foods. It is easier to eat zero pringles then to stop after just eating three. And if moderation was a solution then the obesity epidemic would have been dealt with decades ago.
Yes addiction is a thing, so is addiction to TV telling me to eat all this terrible food and to drink horribly bad things. Which lead to? You guessed it obesity, this is more than people being addicted. It’s people being told (MK) that all this stuff is okay. From the time your a little kid your bombarded with lies. If the parents/ young teens don’t want to follow along their all marginalized by the school and so called friends. When did obesity become a problem? IIRC it wasn’t as much of a problem when I was younger. What changed all that? The way people eat and the lack of getting off their asses and doing something has changed. To much terrible food and to little exercise.
We’ve created another class of individual IMO, the food addict. We’ve taken away the motivation for most of these people,
And worse in that the food scientists know how to manipulate the packaged food to take advantage of these addictive tendency’s. You are on your own to fix this, if so motivated.
Don’t forget there WERE NO VENDING MACHINES IN SCHOOLS in the 1950s. Then you saw whole milk, chocolate milk and OJ in one and apples and pears in another. That gave way to coke and candy machines in schools. I was horrified when I went to pick up Hubby who was substitute teaching and saw the line of vending machines.
On top of that, kids had to walk up to a mile to school or the bus stop. After school the only option was riding a pedal bike. Now kids get picked up at the door and ride ATVs.
At 70 I get more exercise and am in better shape then the average school kid. I KNOW this because our neighbors kids are panting trying to keep up with me when I walk across a field. Also we deal with a different set of kids every weekend. TOO HEAVY is a major problem for us. A four year old SHOULD NOT WEIGH 140 lbs! Picture a beach ball with arms and legs sticking out.
Try balancing this on some poor pony!

Those same machines are also in hospitals.
Sad. Junior version of the Michelin Man…
What changed all that?
Video babysitting because parents need two incomes to run a household and raise a family
Kids become addicted to video and snacking and not playing outside.
“Dr. Fauci is headed for justice. He is a murderous traitor. Do you think he’ll turn before he’s arrested, or will he stay loyal to his Big Pharma masters and the CCP scientists?”
He’s 80 years old, and he’s not going to spend the rest of his days in a prison cell, so he would turn in a heartbeat.
The big problem, of course, is that all of his fellow traitors know it.
So if the tables ever actually turn, I predict Arkancide is going to be following Greedy Little Tony like a bloodhound.
Oh well…if that’s the way he ends up, so be it.
I thought he wouldnt…too narcissistic like obummer.
Moderna boss: mRNA jabs are rewriting the Genetic Code, “We call it information therapy” (Ted 2017) | Andrew (gab.com)
Terrific opener as usual, Grandma. I always learn new things and enjoy the read. Thanks!
Love ya, Sylvia.
I’ve been looking at as many sources on the “magnet” stuff as I can.
Many of them use bad controls, but I still can’t really rule those one way or another.
But THIS ONE – a compilation – has what I would look for myself.
Go to 8:30 and wait for it. Listen to what the woman says.
“I can feel the pull”.
at 10:58, a guy is able to get his METAL DETECTOR to go off at the injection site. No control shown.
I honestly pity anyone who has to get an MRI, either complete or on the jabbed arm….
Gives a whole new meaning to having a magnetic personality…
Here is a bit of a negative control. Great video. This gal is challenging her own data – her own positive result. Good scientific method!
I wonder if more than the usual adjuvants. If it the adjuvants it will disapate over time. If not and it is something being injected (metal chip … but micro chips are metal are they?) it will remain.
I have also seen something about how expectations can vary results – pushing a little harder for instance when applying the magnet to the arm.
Hard for the skeptics to test as most aren’t getting the vaccine in the first place
If it is the adjuvants then eyeopening for all other vaccines
Adjuvants would be a way to try and “lie their way out of things”, but it would fall to pieces in a day.
From one of the links I posted the other day, the micro chip contains ferrite (Iron) wrapped in copper that acts as an antenna.
Pretty much the same as an RFID chip…
At least when they’re in merchandise, we can take them out and cut them into pieces…….
Hey – some questions:
(1) Do you have any of those chips hanging around loose? If so, do they stick to a super-strong rare earth-type magnet?
(2) Where do they typically put the chips on animals?
(3) Do you have any tagged animals? Further, any that you know where the chip is? If so, can you make a magnet stick there?
It is my understanding that dogs and cats are chipped between their shoulder blades.
Oh, expectations can absolutely vary the results. Conscious, subconscious, and unconscious bias creep in easily everywhere in a loose test like this. I notice that very few testers are keeping their shoulders vertical, or even better BEYOND vertical, to really test the hold of the magnets. Only one person said she could FEEL THE PULL. That is somewhat significant – I cannot rule her out yet, although it could be her imagination.
I have already tested my own shoulders for any sign of magnetic attraction to rare earth magnets. NONE. Absolutely none. I get the flu shot every year. Although I would expect them to WITHHOLD THE TECHNOLOGY until now, just so that there is no chance people will spot it.
The magnets I used to test myself are the same magnets that will attract a tiny piece of super-thin steel wire so strongly that it will hold up a thick sheet of paper – specifically a piece of JUNK MAIL. That magnet will visibly (but very weakly) even attract certain types of steel that are not normally visibly ferromagnetic. NO RESPONSE.
That metallic taste in the mouth is interesting. I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced it, a taste like when as a kid you put a battery on you tongue. Well that’s what you get when you’ve had a really bad shock, like wow that could have killed me type shock.
I don’t mean electric shock, I mean a near miss type shock.
I would like to have seen the circle completed, with the magnet and the mini-wrench touching (i.e., whether the magnet sticks to the wrench).
Anons are digging on this, too:
related to the vids showing magnets sticking to the injection sites of the Jab:
2014 national library of medicine report on the use of supermagnetic nanoparticles to increase efficacy of DNA vaccines:
2020 article that confirms those magnetic nanoparticles are indeed being used in Vax:
[ Meant to reply to Wolf’s “negative control” post, below … ]
Wolf, this is some fucked up shit. Apologies for the language, but I just can’t speak of this in polite terms.
The worst part for me is not that the bad guys would do something like this, I expect that. But 40-60% of Americans are foolish enough to run out and take an untested, untried, experimental treatment for an illness with a 99.97% recovery rate. They are stupid, fearful sheep.
Also, the people who are sticking magnets to their arms are laughing. I would have a very sharp knife in hand, and a hole in my arm.
Also, the people who are sticking magnets to their arms are laughing.
^^^ THIS! My first thoughts, IIRC, two days ago the dingbat laughing about the magnet staying on her arm. Where she received had the vaccination. While wearing a mask, with no one around.
The unending ignorance folks display, AND proudly share with the world on the Internet.
Wonder if a TENS device would either disturb/distort the ID pattern presented by the nanoparticles (if that’s what they’re there for)?
A while back the animal-rights leftists were up in arms about “chipping” animals for ID purposes (hmmm…. seems they’ve gone silent lately). A lot of folks reported cancers, abcesses, and other ailments near the chip site, along with the little chip (more like a grain-of-rice tube) unintentionally migrating away from the implant site…
Unwanted migration… whodathunkit…
Maybe Bill Gates bought too much ferrite in his attempt to block out the sun, and is using this to unload the excess inventory…whoops…. excess inventory… that would be us…
Yikes! And maybe, on the TENS. It would be worth a try.
That struck me as well, people taking it as a laughing matter. I was thinking they should be more like cutting it and sucking the poison out which of course wouldn’t be an option. But maybe it’s because whatever the out come they’re stuck with it and it’s a way of coping.
Last I heard, pgroup said he didn’t have lymphoma, but it might be bladder cancer. Has there been word since that I have missed???
I have not heard any news since that!
Thanks Wolfie.
When a story like this, purportedly from stuff that was a while back, I ask why.
“Survivor contestant was one of a number of pretty women hired by ex British spy to discredit national security adviser H.R. McMaster and go on fake dates with FBI agents and State Dept staff to record them disparaging Trump”
Anna Khait in the story.
It’s quite interesting. Sounds like they are looking to see if there was entrapment. Certainly trying to embarrass Trump supporters.
Won’t work.
That’s what I thought, where’s that suspicious cat picture.
From the article:
“But Khait said she was proud of her work.
‘I never kissed anyone during a Project Veritas investigation but fake news gonna fake,’ she tweeted on Thursday night.
‘Investigating and keeping our government in check is what JOURNALISTS are supposed to do. Instead, the New York Times attacks those who are doing THEIR job! Unbelievable.’
And she mistakenly accused The New York Times of claiming she targeted FBI agents.
‘As always the NYT is FAKE NEWS,’ she said.
‘I never investigated the FBI when I worked undercover for Project Veritas.
‘These baseless accusations are LOL.'”
Morning Grandma! Since you mentioned Lady Carnarvon of Highclere Castle, I recommend you try her (and the Earle’s) gin; it is VERY good.
Thank you! I’ll pick some up. Gin is my go to drink on a Friday.
Just checked and they have it where I shop. Looking forward to it!
There’s some bad ones on Gab too. I was blocking and tackling last night!
And white supremacists too.
Although, I suspect that a lot of that is paid trolls posting stuff to make Gab look bad.
>>”a lot of that is paid trolls”<<
Almost entirely paid trolls … and bots.
The smear tactic, to discredit.
Similar to the way they infest 8kun.

And the rally (-ies), earlier this year – and before.
And every other truth the Enemy wishes NOT to be realized by We The People …
I’m having a fun Friday so far – how ’bout you?
So far so good, Emstar.
Glad you’re having a fun Friday.
We should strive to be Happy Warriors!
Smile…make our enemies think we’re up to something.
Aren’t we (up to something)?!
Shhh…I don’t know what you’re talking about.

The Butler did it…..
It was the CCP CHYNESE.
We have a brand ne bought last night weed sprayer. @#$^% thing quit working after the first tank. SNARL!!!
ChiCom phone farms…….
Xi’s $0.50 army.
Documents reveal Chairman Xi’s plans to control global Internet
…In a January 2017 speech, Xi said the “power to control the Internet” had become the “new focal point of [China’s] national strategic contest,” and singled out the United States as a “rival force” standing in the way of the communist regime’s ambitions.
Xi envisions the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlling all content on the global Internet, enabling the communists to wield what Xi described as “discourse power” over communications and discussions on the world stage….
• First, Beijing needs to be able to “set the rules” governing the international system.
• Second, it should install CCP surrogates in important positions in global Internet organizations.
• Third, the regime should gain control over the infrastructure that underlies the Internet, such as root servers, Xi said.
Xi has in past speeches referred to all online content as falling into three categories: “red zone, black zone, and gray zone.”
“Red zone” content refers to discourse aligned with the CCP’s propaganda requirements, while “black zone” material falls foul of these rules. “Gray zone” content lies in the middle.
“We must consolidate and expand the red zone and expand its influence in society,” Xi said in a leaked speech in August 2013. “We must bravely enter into the black zone [and fight hard] to gradually get it to change its color. We must launch large-scale actions targeting the gray zone to accelerate its conversion to the red zone and prevent it from turning into the black zone.”
In 2017, Xi ordered the CCP to develop a larger group of “red” online influencers to shape users’ perceptions of the CCP. He also called for an expansion of the “50 Cent Army” to operate both inside and outside of China’s Internet. The 50 Cent Army was formed in order to manipulate public opinion and disseminate disinformation to the benefit of the CCP….
>Law of War Manual
Has that ever been posted here as PDF?
Original here:
[ Use the entire link, including the question mark and beyond … ]
Updated just prior to PDJT taking over, I hope that is not a bad omen.
Nice …
Great post, Grandma – your words get to the heart of the matter!
It’s Friday – so I’m searching for a bit of humor, presented in dank memes …
Thanks, Emeraldstar.
We need to keep smiling. Looking forward to your dank memes.
Yes, thanks Gmtx for another great Friday thread!
Thanks for all the links and content!
You put a lot of work into this one.
White coat……Names or it’s the cattle prod again.
In re DJTjr’s post yesterday …
“Anon doesn’t have any $1.79 gas for you, but do have a mean tweet. kek”
For whatever reason, I had a halfway psychic moment (I get these from time to time. Gift from my Spanish Great-Grandfather.), and this weekend came to me. I really do think the domino start begins with the audits.
I sure hope your premonition comes to pass!
*fingers crossed*
My hypothesis on these premonitions is that it’s the combination of both halves of the mind / brain (the analytic / derivative / destructive, and the integral / creative) working together.
Sometimes our “sleeping consciousness” processes things on its own … “psychosomatic” thinking, as it were.
I like the thought!
I’ve had a couple VERY SPECIFIC ones over the years that are no joke. One was the inning and pitch count Mark McGwire would have when he hit that 62nd home run. It was hours before the game started and EXACTLY correct.
This one wasn’t quite as strong or specific. They don’t happen very often, but this weekend…we’ll see.
I have had many. I attribute mine to Native American heritage, but who knows? However, I am a believer, because I have seen many of mine and other people’s come to pass. I hope this is one of those times. Fingers crossed.
Me too. Mine warn me of danger normally.
It’s just the sun
Ominous space-weather: A mild Solar CME caused a bigger geomagnetic storm on Earth than anyone expected « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
I read that. Very weird.
Perhaps the shifting of Earth’s magnetic pole (isn’t it traversing Siberia now?) creates a temporarily weaker magnetic field.
Also, perhaps at the moment of the upcoming “flip” from N to S (who knows when, but it’s happened multiple times), the Earth will be at its maximum vulnerability to the Sun’s EM radiation.
Wonder about the movement of the Barycenter of the solar system in relation to the sun. Right now it’s outside of the sun, which maybe could perturb the normal magnetic forces (sunspots, ejecta, storms, etc.).
[IIRC, even mentioning that or chemtrails brought on the ban hammer over at WUWT
Although I’ve been tempted a couple times to visit that site … I never did.
Too many Paytriots, it seems, who wish to control the “narrative”, rather than embracing that the LION OF TRUTH must be set FREE.
My sammich yesterday WAS delicious, btw.
Lightly toasted Italian bread, with some melted cheddar cheese on each slice; generous layers of interspersed turkey and ham, with bacon on top; with mayo and then lettuce and sliced green pepper to finish (I repurposed the “side-salad”).
Language evolves; and as long as what I wrote conveyed the meaning well enough for many others to understand it, then it *succeeded* as a word. New coinages habben all the time, and I find it interdasting.
You make me hungry
Since you mentioned WUWT….
Leif Svalgaard (of Stanford Univ.) whom I think is a wolf in sheep’s clothing got roundly SPANKED by a favorite scientist of mine, Dr Ilya Usoskin. He wrote: A History of Solar Activity over Millennia, a really great paper and not too hard to follow.
Short layman discussion: http://www.co2science.org/articles/V17/N32/C1.php
Here is the comment:
The barycenter being outside the sun is the norm not the exception:
Yep. I was talking about the crossover from one state to the other. I was looking for a good pic that included years after 1994 or so. Would be nice, too, to be able to work backwards to, say, the Carrington or Railroad events to see the configuration then.
Someone has a “simulator” too, but it was late and I didn’t have time to go hunting. The patterns made me think ot the old Spirograph “toy” from long ago……
Just thinking but perhaps the strength of earths magnetic field is partly dependent on stimulation from more frequent solar storms. With less stimulation a non periodic solar event is more likely to get through the weaker magnetic field even though it’s not strong.
That’s a great hypothesis, Para.
See, the so-called “scientists” pretend that they have the skinny on everything that’s going on.
Their “expectations” are either funding-related LIES, or genuine ignorance of what they don’t know, or of what unknowns they fail to account for.
It’s another form of virtue-signaling (instead of virtue-practicing), I think.
I’ve read that 97% of scientists agree with those who fund their research.
And it’s only half – at best – a facetious claim.
Some of the papers from my notes:
Secular variation of the Earth’s magnetic field: induced by the ocean flow?
2003 NASA on Magnetic Field
August 2015 Earth’s Diminishing Magnetic Dipole Moment is Driving Global Carbon Dioxide Levels and Global Warming
A doubling of the Sun’s coronal magnetic field during the past 100 years
Vukcevic did a lot of work looking at the magnetic poles. I can no longer find his site but Chiefio has an article
Vukcevic, Correlation, Mag Fields, and Arctic Temps
Don’t miss the comments…
Like: “…one anthropologist in the UK, analized 250 skulls from men and 250 from men, and found that on the face and nose bones there was Magnetite, much more in men than in women (so they get lost easily)….”
OH GOOD the site is archived. Do not miss these graphs

As far as I can tell, it’s not in Siberia yet, but it’s headed there pretty fast. (This was a bit of a surprise.) There’s a distinction between the ‘magnetic pole’ (which is what you were talking about) and the ‘geomagnetic pole’ that I can’t quite make heads or tails of, but the geomagnetic pole is apparently still up in the Canadian arctic.
I commented.
Dr Vincent Pry spells it all out:
2015 House Oversight: EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security: DR. PETER VINCENT PRY. STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD
President Obama denied that North Korea could deliver on these threats, claiming that North Korea does not yet have nuclear armed missiles. (However China does and the USA via Billy Clinton gave them and the guidance systems to them.)
Must read article with links to a new higher education model. THIS IS WHAT WE’VE BEEN NEEDING.
“Named “American Scholars,” the project was started several months ago by Matthew Pohl, former University of Pennsylvania admissions officer. As soon as word got out, résumés started to stream in from academics offering their participation, its leaders said.
Pohl described the project as the fruit of his gradual disillusionment with his career in the academic world, where he drove admissions at several prestigious universities. He noticed that with regard to education, most students weren’t getting their money’s worth, attributing that to the “administrative bloat” of establishment colleges, as well as the spread of quasi-Marxist ideologies that have come to be collectively known as “wokeness.”
So many worthless degrees.
I blame the Student Loan Program.
It has been a lucrative cash cow for the leftist-run colleges and universities.
We’ve had younglings graduating with a mountain of debt…and a worthless degree!
I now think it was a part of the long-term plan to destroy this country.
Yes. They suckered a couple generations into endless debt for POS diplomas.
WHAT!!! You think a degree in African dance and gender studies is USELESS??
Here is a list of SUNY (State University of New York) useless courses:
Hmmm. It is just me, or are guys outnumbered by gals on that directory by about two to one? I know those are stock photos, but really…..
When I took classes at the University I refused to take women studies. I realized what a joke everything was one day walking through campus and quit. That was after I put just shy of one class of 2 years in. My husband was shocked since I had all A and B+.
A degree was worthless to me except to feed my ego at the time.
I always say dumb is good it has its benefits.
My husband agrees having been in University system and still teaches 3 hours a semester. Actually it is disgusting what is going on. The communists and woke are in control.
They are loosing students. I wonder why ? (s)
We are all part of the great experiment, for without a control group their results would be pretty meaningless. I cannot understand why they don’t want us taking our part.
I hope this spreads to other younglings.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/074/073/317/original/d29d63410035fa27.mp4" /]
The “Fauci Ouchie” is priceless!
And, back in Gov. Northam’s Virginia:
“Virginia will officially start vaccinations for kids 12 and up following CDC’s go-ahead”
“Local COVID vaccination effort will move into neighborhoods”
So, back in “Old Virginny”, anybody age 12 and over can now be “vaccinated” against the CCP FAUCI Virus. Persons under age 16 must have an adult with them.
The goal is to get 100% of children age 12 and over “vaccinated”.
The CDC “approved” the use of the “vaccines” on children age 12 and over as of yesterday. The CDC cited studies that “prove” 100% efficacy for the “vaccines” on children ages 12 to 18.
“Vaccination centers” will be set up in Charlottesville neighborhoods, in conjunction with the local Health Department. These “centers” will be set up in schools, churches, retail centers, and other places. The goal is to get 80% of all persons “vaccinated”.
There will be also be more “outreach efforts” aimed at those who are still “vaccine hesitant”.
It is unclear at this time if K-12 public school systems in Virginia will require all students to be “vaccinated” in order to attend in-person classes.
My God, will someone stop this insanity?!
I hope and pray that the truth is getting out to the people.
From Chiefio: Looks like Sky Australia has clue about Baffled Biden:
Epic article GT! So much to unpack within it. Keep up the great work.
Thank you. My great pleasure.
“Speaking of pinkies …”
I’ve never come across that phrase …
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
IMO, that *cannot* be the original Joe Biden.
I took a course years ago wherein it was taught – with some serious back-up – that FACIAL RECOGNITION occupies about HALF of our brains’ / minds’ processing capacity.
In our distant past, it was (and still is now) essential to recognize what facial expressions meant – and first, of course, to *recognize* as soon as possible the identity of someone with whom we were about to have an engagement.
There are too many photographs / stills of this CLOWN which don’t jibe with the man Joe Biden WAS.
IMO, YMMV, caveat emptor, etc.
(Am I channeling Scott here? Sacre bleu!)
Biden was a mean and nasty guy from the beginning.
I used to watch CSpan a lot back when it first got started.
The guys in congress weren’t used to be on camera.
I remember seeing Biden yelling and bullying people, unaware that he was being filmed.
When he did realize it…he immediately changed to his ‘smiley demeanor’.
I never dreamed that this asshoe would be president one day.
He got there the only way he ever could…by cheating and stealing an election.
I never dreamed that this asshoe would be president one day.
And – He is NOT!!!
Verse of the Day for Friday, May 14, 2021
“For we walk by faith, not by sight”
2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Nolte at BB:
“You see, this is the whole problem with our elite, left-wing establishment… I’m talking about the government, media, academia, Hollywood, Big Tech… They hate us. They truly hate us. They hate us because we don’t agree with them, because we make our own choices about how to live our own lives, because we don’t do everything they tell us to do. They hate us so much that when something like this happens, when we’re sitting in gas lines or stressing about running out of gas a hundred miles from home, they enjoy it. In their sick minds — because we dare not live our lives the way they tell us to — we deserve to be punished, to be unemployed, to lose precious hours off our pay, to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere, to be gouged by price increases caused by their own iincompetence.
They don’t even pretend to care.
The Biden administration hates us… They hate us because we just want to be left alone… They hate us because we’re mostly content and happy when they are not… They hate us because we know they’re all full of shit…
It’s okay to hate them back.
I suggest you do.”
I like that so much. Thank you for sharing.
Yep. Part of his short editorial on gas back east but this is the nutshell.
It’s really way past time to be nice with these people. They are trying to kill us.
100%, they really do hate us.
^^^ Have believed this for a long time.
They do. I know this sounds crazy, but I think they are jealous.
The average middle class person has a very good standard of living. We vacation in US. They vacation in Europe.
Our health care is nearly as good.
Our homes are nice, etc.
They absolutely hate that redneck, beer swelling, so-called racist and bigoted ignoramuses like us enjoy a comparable standard of living.
I think it galls them to no end.
And since we don’t deserve this standard they are gonna bring it down.
It’s really a very vicious sense of the popular kids hating on everyone else in high school.
^^^ 100% spot on.
“It’s really a very vicious sense of the popular kids hating on everyone else in high school.”
^^^ B I N G O ! ^^^
Ayn Rand called it the envy of the GOOD for being good.
Again, from Tolkien:
[ Book I, Chapter VIII, “Fog On the Barrow-Downs” ]
[ capture of the hobbits by the wight ]
“Suddenly a song began: a cold murmur, rising and falling. The voice seemed far away, and immeasurably dreary, sometimes high in the air and thin, sometimes like a low moan from the ground. Out of the formless stream of sad but horrible sounds, strings of words would now and again shape themselves: grim, hard, cold words, heartless and miserable. The night was railing against the the morning of which it was bereaved, and the cold was cursing the warmth for which which it hungered. Frodo was chilled to the marrow. After a while the song became clearer, and with dread in his heart he perceived that it had changed into an incantation:”
They expect respect because they are ‘educated’ and believe they are smarter than us and they expect us to do what they tell us to do.
They develop the hate when we don’t respect them, don’t believe they are ‘smarter’ than us and don’t do what they tell us to do.
just like we don’t respect faux bidden who didnt win
The Diamonds MUST Be Returned.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) Tweeted:
Congratulations to the new Chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, @RepStefanik! https://twitter.com/RepLeeZeldin/status/1393195065871327232?s=20
So another I dont understand the thinking here. POTUS didnt want Chip Roy, but she votes this way.
Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) Tweeted:
I mean, there it is.
Perhaps Stefanik is comp’d, and can be over-controlled – by the White Hats.
It’s a thought …
She supports P 45. She is a fighter and I feel she will do well.
Got rid of a neocon only to replace her with a RINO. Can we not do any better?
Sure, Marjorie Taylor Greene! Plus she doesn’t have any committees to sit on she’d be perfect!
Bannon said this morning paraphrased, ” we need Stefanik at this time because she is a fighter and she wants to find out what happened at last election.”
In the position she is she needs to fight and lets see how she does. Roy “is big business rep” according to Bannon.
Right now I rely on Bannon’s knowledge and the people who know Roy better than I do. He was funded by the wrong guys.
Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) Tweeted:
Very scary control tactics.
Joe Biden’s most vocal supporters are demanding QR codes to track you! https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/1393186400657240065?s=20
Someone needs to ask Jill (^^^), why does she care as she has been vaccinated. She’s “protected” by the vaccine, or so she thinks.
Ah the caveat “thinks.” Emotion driven dimms are disconnected from that portal.
Jill is wrong, we have an absolute and Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of travel.
So blow it out your @#$, Jill.
I agree. She’s needs to be on her way to a JAIL in the future for conspiring to deny us our rights.
may 13, 2021 the marshall report
EVERGIVEN UPDATE ….Evergiven is not going anywhere. Not for a long time. The Captain and all workers are being detained by authorities and have been since they made their way out of the sideways blockage and were tugged to a location in the Suez Canal. Reports from others show they have massive evidence relating to human and drug trafficking, including drug trade like Adrenochrome and climate change weaponry, weapons of mass destruction and other illegal cargo. The ship is still being Investigated and Israeli, Egyptian, U S . Saudi militaries aLL gathered direct evidence.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
BAPTISED IN JESUS- Our High Priest Forever After The Order of Melchisedec!may 13, 2021 the marshall report
The importance of Zecharias, the High Priest by the Levitical Order of Aaron, and why he was chosen to father John the Baptist becomes more important when we know the backstory on the appointment and the blessing bestowed upon the Holy birth of John. Zecharias was the last of the Levitical line of Priests and he was old in his age and his wife Elizabeth was barren. In his days Rome had overtaken Jerusalem and governed over them. Caesar had appointed their King Herod, who was not in line to be their King. But Herod was in League to do the bidding of Rome. Politics of the day were corrupt and the priesthood had become more of a political appointment.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Good morning to everyone except the embarrassing world laughingstock in the White House.
I liked the one with the two mice
Our cat caught a mouse, let it go, caught, let go and finally after about 1/2 hour presented it to Hubby… LIVE.
The Fox kits seem to be doing well. We see at least one every day.
“That life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.” 2 Cor. iv. 10
We have to form habits to express what God’s grace has done in us. It is not a question of being saved from hell, but of being saved in order to manifest the life of the Son of God in our mortal flesh, and it is the disagreeable things which make us exhibit whether or not we are manifesting His life. Do I manifest the essential sweetness of the Son of God, or the essential irritation of “myself” apart from Him? The only thing that will enable me to enjoy the disagreeable is the keen enthusiasm of letting the life of the Son of God manifest itself in me. No matter how disagreeable a thing may be, say – “Lord, I am delighted to obey Thee in this matter,” and instantly the Son of God will press to the front, and there will be manifested in my human life that which glorifies Jesus.
There must be no debate. The moment you obey the light, the Son of God presses through you in that particular; but if you debate you grieve the Spirit of God. You must keep yourself fit to let the life of the Son of God be manifested, and you cannot keep yourself fit if you give way to self-pity. Our circumstances are the means of manifesting how wonderfully perfect and extraordinarily pure the Son of God is. It is one thing to choose the disagreeable, and another thing to go into the disagreeable by God’s engineering. If God puts you there, He is amply sufficient.
Keep your soul fit to manifest the life of the Son of God. Never live on memories; let the word of God be always living and active in you.
Oswald Chambers
May 14th Devotional
Beautiful. Sharing with someone.
Denninger lays out the basics of cybersecurity…..
Check Your Obama Privilege
By Michelle Malkin
Former President Barack Obama’s bitter other half is at it again. Just when you think the former first lady’s deep well of racial resentment has run dry, her headline-generating grievances gush forth anew. Gripe springs eternal.
Remember MOOOOoooshell point blank stated she hated America.
“For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is making a comeback … not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.”
‘It’s hell. I can’t stand it!’ Carla Bruni reveals what Michelle Obama REALLY thinks of being First Lady
“Yes, folks, that is what she said, according to an instructor at a School for the Deaf and Blind who watched the video. The video is shown at normal speed, 3/4 speed, and 1/2 speed with no banners obstructing her lips.”
Now isn’t this interesting…
That’s good…let’s make that stick!

may 14, 2021 the marshall report
Donald J. Trump calls out fake news for their part in keeping the stolen election facts hidden. They are doing everything they can to not report the facts on the voter fraud in Arizona Maricopa County.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Stay Strong
The High-Pressure Business of Selling Woke Corporate Armor
By Mark Hemingway, RealClearInvestigations
May 13, 2021
That’s exactly how the marxists operate. Cause a problem, then offer the solution – at a high price of course.
Also the definition of mafia racketeering!
Vaccine Injuries & Deaths
Interesting fact. Moderna and Pfizer setting off metal detectors. Johnson and Johnson does not.

Huh. That’s interesting. Really interesting.
If you click on that link to the Gab group, ‘Vaccine Injuries & Deaths’…there are a lot of interesting things there.
Wheatie – you know what is weird? I suspected this would be the case – and I can explain why.
When I postulated that maybe they were using some kind of unique tagging in vials, RAC asked how that would work, if pharmacists and healthcare workers were getting multiple shots off a single vial of vaccine.
I told him that TWO SHOTS would make it unique. If the uniqueness is UUID-level on any one vial (meaning the vial is unique), then TWO SHOTS is almost guaranteed to provide uniqueness, because the chances of two people getting vaccinated from BOTH of the same two vials are extremely small.
Wow it pays to skim through the previous days posts.
I didn’t understand your answer before, but I get it now.
W00t! Who’s ready for another great big TARP bailout for “too big to fail” Big Banking?
JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, and More to Offer Credit Cards for Consumers Without Credit
Under the government-backed initiative, the companies will share information about credit card applicants’ bank accounts.
MAY 13, 2021
Brew writer Alex Hickey
OMG, this is how they’re going to transition to social credit.
I think you’ve nailed it.
This is a big plan. WOW. They knew they were going there a LONG time ago.
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Your #fridaymorning Montana moment- Where the bear grass grows…
Here’s something very very interesting.
I was checking goofle maps to look at reviews of dizneeland since theyve reopened.
Google has completely removed the review section.
You cannot look at or comment on the park at all.
The star rating is still there, and you can look at every other amusement attractions for their reviews.
Disney must be getting so much bad pr that they had Goofle help them!
I just saw something on Twitter that the mouse house lost $600 million in the last quarter.
Go woke go broke, I assume.
ESPECIALLY wen you are pedos…
HuffPost: 35 Disney Employees Arrested On Child Sex Charges In Less Than 10 Years
Disgraced Vice President of Walt Disney Convicted of Child Rape, Gets 6 Years
Police Uncover Massive Pedophile Ring At Disney World
No wonder they do not want comments!!!
Remember Q mentioned Disney cruises stopped at Epstein’s Pedo island too.
Thats disneyworld though. Totally different environment than Disneyland, but certainly similar events have occurred.
Same company. Florida is more likely to catch them. Californicate politicians will just join in.
Whatever, drooling Karen.
Nacho President: “The rule is simple.”
We are a nation of laws, not ‘rules’ by ‘decree’.
Look it up.
So either pass a law, and get all the traitor scum on record, or shut your craven mouth.
Nacho President: “get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do.”
Absolutely not, you have zero lawful authority. Zero, zip, zilch, nada, none.
Nacho President: “The choice is yours.”
It always was, you sure didn’t grant me anything.
And I choose FREEDOM, you Chinese sock-puppet.
Most of those are FAKE.
1st Quarter of 2019 is BEFORE the Great Conservative Purge, they probably have a lot less now. And Creepy can’t manage 11 million??? With 80million votes??
68 million
Total monthly active Twitter users in the United States amounted to 68 million in the first quarter of 2019
How do they know if I am vaccinated or not if I wear no mask?
I am waiting what comes next that I have proof I was vaccinated?
The Mask-Karens will ask you where you got the jab and put a magnet on it. If it sticks, you’re good.
If not, then you go to their gulag (aka “Happy Camp”) for attitudinal adjustments.
Say Goodbye To Your Face Buddies
Ahem Duchess, Call them what they are…..FACE DIAPERS
Words Matter!!
Take this for what you paid for it, but this guy has a pretty solid track record.
General McInerney
Trump had the military watching everything on election night. Why do you think people like Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, and Lin Wood speak so confidently about the election.
Kash Patel and Devin Nunes played a major role in putting together a team of Patriots monitoring everything on election night.
We have it all.
That is excellent news General McInerney.
Umm… now what?
I’m sure someone will write a book all about it. Someday.
Hate to agree, but wouldn’t suprise me at all. And it’ll be for all the wrong reasons. Can say $$$ to cover your behind?
“I’m sure someone will write a book all about it. Someday.”
I’ll gladly
pay you Tuesdaytrade a future book about it, fora hamburgersome action today…Meaningless drivel. We have read this dozens of times if not more than a hundred.
Until the information IS used to trash BiteMe and restore Trump, WORTHLESS click bait.
I’m encouraged when I think about how sure they are about outcomes. It’s the timeline that’s taking longer than hoped for.
There’s never been any doubt that POTUS has the facts and evidence of what the Cabalists did – Hopefully, there are some Trump cards to be played.
IIRC, POTUS was quoting numbers of votes stolen down to the single digits. I think that means THE HAVE THE EVIDENCE.
But that won’t change anything now. The vote was certified on January 6.
Good to see you, milady.
I hope all is well with you and your family.
How true, how doggone true.
piper567 asked me to post this again today, as I posted it wayyyyy late on yesterday’s thread (day late and too many dollars short, as usual
Here’s an op-ed from Arutz Sheva, Bye, Done is helping no-one… (then again, is that a surprise???)….
Sound (or feel) familiar???????
(We’re facing the same sort of DEMONIC terrorism, however presented)
From Arutz Sheva:
Just imagine how the left would’ve react if Trump had sent out a tweet like this.

Does this make Bye-done personally responsible for damage caused by wearing a mask? That should take care of his illegal funds gathered over the years. Spread the wealth – his and Hunter’s.
Can I sue Biden if I get sick from wearing a mask (s) ?
Am physically ill at the moment — found out that my step-granddaughter (just turned 13 years old) got her 1st Pfizer gene-altering experimental CCP Virus “vaccine” injection this afternoon ….her mother (an MD) posted a photo. Said “they couldn’t be happier or healthier.”
Sorry to hear that CV. These poor children.
“Said “they couldn’t be happier or healthier.””
That’s just not normal.
If she couldn’t be healthier, then she wouldn’t have sought the vaccine in the first place, and she gave no apparent indication about any relationship between an untested experimental gene-therapy injection and being ‘healthier’.
So that’s odd enough, but saying you ‘couldn’t be happier’ is just not a normal thing to say, in response to a vaccination.
It may be normal to say when you get married, or maybe when you retire, or when you realize a windfall profit…
But no normal person says “We couldn’t be happier” when they get a measles vaccination, or mumps vaccination, or a polio vaccination, or a tetanus shot, etc.
It’s just not the sort of thing which elicits ‘happiness’, much less, so much ‘happiness’ that you really couldn’t be any ‘happier’. Getting a vaccination shot is generally unpleasant and something to be endured.
So whatever this woman is doing, it has nothing at all to do with ‘happiness’.
The reason why she is using her own daughter as a prop to promote untested experimental shots for Big Pharma is whole different issue… possibly fishing for validation or virtue-signalling.
It’s almost mass psychosis. From the beginning, people bragging about hunkering down, “touching” others through windows and then the actual propaganda ads on all media…”together alone”…then it was high fashion masks..then it was violence against people who weren’t wearing one..etc etc etc
Now this business of getting children injected…recall the FACTS..children were almost immune. I think the rate of infection under 17 might have been.04%. They didn’t appear to get it nor spread it………….but a year later parents are so proud to show off their vaxxed kids.
I wonder how much of it is organic, and how much (I suspect the majority) is orchestrated manipulation.
First the induced fear/anxiety (the virus) and then compelled isolation.
Since the multinational corporate fascist / government partnerships control social, entertainment and news media, it would take only a tiny percentage of the population to ‘lead’ the majority into all sorts of behaviors.
Including the seeming embrace (to the point of obsession) of dystopia that you describe (hunkering down, ‘touching’ through glass, expressions like ‘together alone’, etc.).
I don’t think it would have worked at all 20 years ago, or even 10.
It’s almost as if some ‘tipping point’ was reached, or some ‘metric’ was measured and deemed ‘close enough’ to attempt a successful media ‘push’ into the mass psychosis.
As if it was somehow determined that ‘enough’ people had given themselves over to ‘political-correctness’ (peer pressure) that TPTB could employ institutionalized peer-pressure to literally drive the entire population down a blind alley (or over a Buffalo jump).
Not everybody moves with the herd, but they don’t have to. As long as ‘most’ of the population moves with the herd, that’s all TPTB would seem to need in order to achieve whatever it is they are up to.
^^^ so agree
‘They’ seem to have the psychological metrics regarding how far Western people have succumbed to suggestion or propaganda. They have every outlet at their disposal to validate and employ the ruse. They have all media, “experts”, social influencers and 24/7 graphics, education depts.
Society is at the tipping point ?
If only they could eliminate the over 45 crowd. It would make the completion so much easier.
No, the under-25-or-so crowd has a LOT of people who won’t take the poison. My son’s crowd. And a lot of my daughter’s crowd (she’s 34 this year) won’t take it either. They have the college graduate crowd, like my 26 year old. I haven’t had the courage to ask if he took it yet.
That’s very encouraging
It’s like the low IQs that teach their toddler how to say puck the folice for a video.
It has ALL of the characteristics of a CULT. And that is what it IS.
I feel your pain ConcernedV. I’m fairly sure my daughter won’t get the kids shot up but there’s no guarantee that the social pressure won’t succeed with her. I pray I’ve sounded the alarm enough to scare her..but maybe not
And when the fertility problems arise I wonder if the genius mother will make the connection. It’s just another kind of possession, I’m convinced.
Darwin Award in action.
With these graphs showing kids DO NOT DIE, why in hades would you subject your kid to an EXPERIMENTAL mRNA solution injected into their arms?

One key word is “experimental.” I never hear that part mentioned; it’s all about protecting yourself and others, and being proud to the point of virtue signalling.
As we know, no long term trials have been done on the jab. All the worst case scenarios are still speculation. All you can hope is that the kids immune system will sort things out.
The choice is mine to ignore any and all “helpful” direction and live my life.
Great to see you back, FG&C. Missed you.
Hubby and I watched the clip of Dementia Joe saying this – the guy looks like a cadaver.
Creepy as heck, and a nasty, nasty person.
I’ve seen at least a dozen versions of this . . . like,
The rule is simple: either he gets fired or you don’t get the money.
The choice is yours.
“Just a friendly reminder. There are no blue states, just 15-20 big blue cities trying to tell the rest of us how to live.”

I love my big ole flat state!
And a lot of that blue is only blue because of voter fraud.
So true!
This is an interesting graphic…thanks for posting it, GA/FL.
Heh. News flash —
Sidney Powell Update
Dear Patriots,
The hit pieces we predicted last week are incoming now—in clearly coordinated droves! We note that as soon as Sidney called out Dominion after the election, the company hired Obama’s “public relations” machine, and the smear campaign of lies is going full force!
Multiple outlets are piling on to spread lies about Sidney and her use of funds from Defending the Republic.
The truth IS in the AP article but it is buried in paragraphs nine and ten.
QUOTE FROM ARTICLE: Powell didn’t respond to interview requests, but one of her attorneys said she denies Dominion’s accusations. Powell’s personal legal bills are covered by her malpractice carrier, and her nonprofit has a proper corporate structure with a board of directors, said her lawyer, Howard Kleinhendler.
“She does not have unfettered control over its funds or how the funds are spent,” Kleinhendler wrote in an email. “DTR intends to comply with all federal and state filing requirements when they are due. At that time, you as well as the rest of the world will see the necessary financials.”
These charges are being made by Dominion Voting Systems. Remarkably, Dominion is not only suing Sidney personally for exposing their crimes in the 2020 election, but Dominion is also suing her law firm and Defending the Republic itself. Dominion deliberately is causing Defending the Republic to expend funds to defend itself. The same is true for Sidney. That’s part of the evil game they play: cause diversion of time, energy, and resources of all who seek the truth. And, they coordinate it all with their media powerhouses to brainwash any of the public who listens. Please help us share the truth.
Between suits in separate jurisdictions by Dominion, Eric Coomer who worked for Dominion, and Smartmatic who is intertwined with Dominion, Sidney personally is being sued for more than $4 BILLION for standing up for the truth and the American people.
Dominion is especially panicked now because its crimes are being exposed in greater detail with the Arizona Audit. More evidence of their crimes will be exposed as the lawsuits against Sidney and Defending the Republic progress—that is, unless the case is dismissed on various legal grounds including the lack of any valid claim against Sidney or DTR. To read the pleadings, go to SidneyPowell.com or DefendingTheRepublic.org.
Here is a quote from Sidney: “It is maddening that these allegations have been floated by Dominion to the FAKE NEWS for dissemination. The donations from freedom loving people are held by us as a sacred trust. They were given with the belief and confidence that I, through Defending the Republic, would do all we could to expose vote fraud and help people who have been damaged by exposing vote fraud and protect the God-given rights enshrined in our Constitution. That is exactly what we are doing and will continue to do. Anyone who has supported Defending the Republic can have full faith that their donations are being properly used. My insurance carriers and I are funding my personal defense even though it would be proper for Defending The Republic to do so under these circumstances.”
Once again, we thank you for your continued support and trust in Sidney and Defending the Republic.
Team Kraken
Dominion Voting Systems, Perkins Coie, and the Democrat Party are a pox on humanity.
This really isn’t such a bad place to live.
In Butte, Montana, my favorite “city” in Montana, it is legal to walk up and down the street with your drinks as you bar-hop. It’s cool.
Texas too!
IEA: The Global Oil Glut Is Gone
By Tsvetana Paraskova – May 12, 2021, 12:00 PM CDT
The excess oil inventories of the past year have been all but depleted, and a strong demand rebound in the second half this year could lead to even steeper stock draws, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Wednesday, keeping an upbeat forecast of global oil demand despite the weaker-than-expected first half of 2021.
Oil prices rose after the release of the IEA’s closely-watched Oil Market Report, with WTI Crude trading at above $66 a barrel and Brent Crude surpassing the $69 per barrel mark as of 7:49 a.m. EDT.
Prices jumped even though the agency revised down its full-year 2021 oil demand growth forecast by 270,000 barrels per day (bpd) from last month’s assessment, expecting now demand to rise by 5.4 million bpd. The downward revision was due to weaker consumption in Europe and North America in the first quarter and expectations of 630,000 bpd lower demand in the second quarter due to India’s COVID crisis.
However, the upbeat outlook for the second half of the year remains unchanged, as vaccination campaigns expand and the pandemic largely comes under control, the IEA said.
Moreover, the global oil glut that was hanging over the market for more than a year is now gone, the agency said.
“After nearly a year of robust supply restraint from OPEC+, bloated world oil inventories that built up during last year’s Covid-19 demand shock have returned to more normal levels,” the IEA said in its report.
In March, industry stocks in the developed economies fell by 25 million barrels to 2.951 billion barrels, reducing the overhang versus the five-year average to only 1.7 million barrels, and stocks continued to fall in April.
“Draws had been almost inevitable as easing mobility restrictions in the United States and Europe, robust industrial activity and coronavirus vaccinations set the stage for a steady rebound in fuel demand while OPEC+ pumped far below the call on its crude,” the IEA said.
The market looks oversupplied in May, but stock draws are set to resume as early as June and accelerate later this year. Under the current OPEC+ policy, oil supply will not catch up fast enough, with a jump in demand expected in the second half, according to the IEA. As vaccination rates rise and mobility restrictions ease, global oil demand is set to soar from 93.1 million bpd in the first quarter of 2021 to 99.6 million bpd by the end of the year.
“The widening supply and demand gap paves the way for a further easing of OPEC+ supply cuts or even sharper stock draws,” the IEA said.
The agency’s assessment for oil demand is similar to that of OPEC, which expressed optimism in its monthly report on Tuesday that accelerating vaccination programs and rising fuel demand would raise global oil demand by 5.95 million bpd this year despite the COVID crisis in India.
By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com
America Last is working!!!
For now – but – not for long!!! Hang ‘Em High!!!
ok, for the 20th time this is probably my last post – and many will be happy i am sure!
but i just read through everything today and right at the end got to Concerned Virginian’s post about the 13 year old getting the injection and the proud parent.
right at the beginning i read molly pitcher and wolf’s banter about the “vax” being the end game. but even then, there was insinuation about that the vaccines could be “good” if produced by the right, trustworthy people – and that the virus is real.
last friday night i heard on the “fox news radio” hourly newsbreak how businesses were about to boycott florida because the governor had declared that businesses could not force people to prove vax status. that news right there set off the bells of the next card to fall.
last saturday, again, fox news radio, atlanta braves, new york mets and yankees opening FULL CAPACITY. shocking because it was a quick increase i thought. then came the “free vax at the park to get ticket vouchers, free concessions, discount merch” and then the kicker: SEGREGATED SEATING. vaxxed seating / non vaxxed seating.
an hour later i got more info: biden was doing his speech about working with churches, schools, communities, pro sports teams to offer “incentives”. even supermarkets and box stores were in on it.
i tried to explain this to a couple people who wouldn’t listen. they don’t want to get injected either, they laugh at funny biden memes, they think the democrats are crazy. i said, how will you feel when you go to eat at your restaurant and they say “you have to sit over there”. how will you feel when you want to go grocery shopping and they say “unclean people 8-10am ONLY”. how will you feel? again, i get the stare like it ain’t going to happen.
in the last week of march here in my state they said that my age group would be eligible for the injection in the last week of may. within 2 weeks of that announcement all restrictions were off for those 16 and above. within three weeks of that they were talking about 12 year olds, less than a week later it’s official. they want every child injected by the END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR in this state i live in.
so then yesterday comes the news: no masks for the injected. every news channel is ringing the bells what a joy it is! we are almost back to normal! they can’t wait. well i hate to say, by the end of the day (i had to work at the office until midnight actually, so it was technically this morning) i started to hear on the radio “ok now that we don’t have to wear masks how are we going to know if those not wearing them have been truly injected??? one person not wearing one without the injection can ruin our herd immunity!” so there you have it. by today it’s now pretty well known that they’re going for the “ID” portion of it next. that is why i have posted before about the MIT and Harvard “invisible markings” that track you, your medical history, your location history, your finances. this is not make believe this is actually in place and working in pilot programs according to their own admission. i don’t even have to be an eyeore or a negative nancy. it’s already done.
i am not saying there isn’t a plan. i am not saying don’t wait for the plan. i am not saying trust the plan. i am just saying if you are failing to plan you are planning to fail. guys, i say this from the bottom of my heart – please please please – get ready. if the friggin calvary comes storming around the bend then that is awesome. but where are we at now? members on here getting physically sick because their grandchildren are injected. it’s freaking real. we are now in may 2021. the whole 17 letter stuff started in freaking 2017. anyone with a discerning mind already knew everything years ago with a little paying attention (and i am not saying i told anyone anything – i only always try to tell people things in real life to let them know not to be a jerk) and people still are believing that “there’s a chance”. hey, there may well and truly be a chance, but i am not putting all my eggs in that basket.
until people really stand up and say no more to ALL POWERS and i don’t care what party, or fake organization or ideology they belong to, then we are going to lose. even this china bad stuff – just like russia bad – blah blah blah – ALL GOVERNMENTS ARE BAD. THE PEOPLE ARE SCREWED. THE PEOPLE HAVE TO GET TOGETHER. and i don’t mean on the internet.
i mean, maybe i am wrong, maybe by next week, or next month, or by the 4th of july, or by the start of the school year, it will all be over. but if it is going to be over then a whole lot of serious crap is going to have to take place super fast. is that going to be good? is it going to actually happen all comfy like? why would THEY wait to come to the rescue when our families are injecting their children? is that cool with you? i get the positive spin, but i’m 46 and been jaded since i was 5 looking for the truth and that’s not an exaggeration in the least. if anyone ever meets me in real life we will get along – you will see i am not a depressive negative – i am a super realist who knows when something is not right – and all this is WAY beyond not right.
just to close – keep cheering on the people you think are there to help, but i would only suggest really taking a deep look. and get your affairs in order and have everything you need because it’s so close to the day when you need a phone app to get into the grocery store and that’s only the beginning…
i hate to write this stuff. but my god, i just can’t help it knowing there are people not ready in case something does happen… if i am wrong – then i was only wrong. if i am right then god help us all. i choose to be free and am willing to die for that, but i know that’s a big ask for many people. i just hope i get the opportunity and do not get taken into their trap.
Find hope it 17 but never let it reduce our actual actions.
If all being ok and the “win” a foregone conclusion isn’t true we have left it all on the field and have no regrets.
If all 17 predictions/interpretations are true:
-then maybe our actions are part of the plan and part of making it come true
(Example: GOP needs to be cleaned up and cleaned out and that is happening in many counties, states and even Cheney was ousted. Hopefully the >Primary< will yield a much improved GOP field.)
-then we STILL need to do all we can do. Why? Let’s say all the bad people are arrested and the power structures of world gangs, etc. dismantled and jailed … then what? Evil will not be defeated as this is not the Great Biblical Final. Evil will never be defeated and we must be ever vigilant. IMMEDIATELY after the plan comes together as described/interpreted there Will be new actors to step into the gap left by those arrested. Might take time to rebuild, might take time for enough people to gain political positions but there will be many on the left (and a few bad apples on the right) who will run for election, gain positions in DC, in non profits, will begin new political groups.
In other words we must be ever vigilant and Never forget what lack of action, lack of involvement got us. We must be in positions of power in the GOP county parties, in the state GOP parties, in the RNC, in the non profits and the think tanks, school boards, media and curriculum publishers, school boards and active, aware parents … because it will Never be fully over until Christ’s return.
We must all do all we can to be involved, not just knowers and watchers.
PS: Andrew 1979 … don’t really remember seeing you here that much but you comment as though you have commented many times. I must have terrible brain fog today and need a nap!
To your point… Mask/no mask, injection/no injection….it’s complete chaos and no gov entity will change it
Look at how short that skirt is. Not a good look for a position of authority.
First, do not make this your last post, please. We need all the perspectives we can get.
Second, I don’t have a problem with the segregation. In fact, when choir returns, I will make a big deal of not going back until the antidotes are available. I’m not standing within spitting distance of people who can’t get their heads out of the MSM echo chamber long enough to do their own research. Fortunately, in the one choir, since I am THE anchor voice for the whole blasted thing, they might get a clue especially since the trusted lawyer of the group knows my IQ is at genius level.
Third, I am seeing a lot of lightbulbs coming on. Slowly, and mostly through personal experience, a whole lot of individuals are seeing the light. That proof is in the number of people who got jab #1 and are refusing jab #2. I think there is more of that than is being reported.
As for XVII, I really do think we are in the “show the people” stage still, and it’s not completely taking hold because the MSM and big tech are censoring the message(s) the people need to hear. Too much fear mongering to break through the noise is going on. The plan coming to fruition depends on certain events known and unknown actually occurring and we have no idea if they have happened or not.
At any rate, I couldn’t talk my sister out of the Pfizer jab, but a colleague of hers did. The woman is a nurse, and said, “I have a friend who is an executive at Merck and that’s all I’ll say” right after telling my sister she was avoiding vaccines like the plague. That’s what it is going to take, IMO, to save a critical mass.
I feel bad for those who are forced to stand by and watch loved ones make bad decisions right now. I’m in the same boat. However, it’s not over and sooner or later the lid is going to be blown. Unfortunately, a lot of people are going to suffer due to the lies being told and blind trust in various institutions that have been practically deified when they are no where close to the designation.
Absolutely with ya DP. I too have relatives getting the stab and it’s disheartening. The only way I see out of this will be Biblical I am afraid. People are awakening, but slowly. To many will regret they took the stab sadly instead of doing their own research. But there’s a large percentage of people who let others make there decisions for them and if it’s a medical decisions more so………
I for one will soldier on free from the “STAB”
The regrets are going to come when infertility is an issue any number of years down the road.
The tragic part of that is that it will probably be irreversible…
Bill Gates Sr. will be celebrating…
in HELL…..
DP…encouraging that you are seeing lightbulbs ight up.
Even a little such news is good news.
Andrew, Outstanding post. Keep’m coming when you have time!!!
Andrew, I hope you’ll stay and keep posting your perspective. However, I don’t understand why you think a person can’t hope something is going on behind the scenes while at the same time preparing for dealing with everything if it isn’t? I can walk and chew gum. I think both are needed. There is always hope. And there is always preparing for what might come.
Being jaded from the age of 5 is a serious problem.
Having experienced much heartache, disillusionment, betrayal and so on…like EVERYONE does…I learned long ago that hope and faith will sustain you when all else fails.
If you have never read “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankel, I recommend it. He survived the Nazi death camps.
So WHAT is it exactly that you recommend people do, aside from the normal have enough provisions in place and get a generac hooked up to your gas line. As in SPECIFICS. Because the hand-wringing vapors by itself is not the answer.
I have done the above, will continue (have done so for a year+) to take HCQ/zinc for the next couple of weeks until I have enough ivermectin to switch over, and monitor the great shift toward the truth that is occurring if you choose to look in that direction. There will be false flags, just like that pipeline BS. Keep your focus on Arizona. It feels unreal like the twilight zone because it is. It cannot be sustained.
Keep commenting, Andrew, and may the good Lord continue to bless you.
BREAKING: Biden Admin Revokes Trump’s Executive Orders to Protect Monuments and Combat Online Censorship
The Biden administration has revoked more of former President Donald Trump’s executive orders, including the “Preventing Online Censorship” and “Protecting American Monuments” orders from last May and July.
The administration also revoked the Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes, Rebranding United States Foreign Assistance To Advance American Influence, Building the National Garden of American HeroesBuilding the National Garden of American Heroes, and Protecting Americans From Overcriminalization Through Regulatory Reform executive orders.
And, just like that — one can bet the farm that the funds for these good and worthy endeavors will end up going to illegal immigrants.
Didn’t the Supreme Court rule that POTUS (Trump) COULD NOT REVOKE the EOs of other presidents. Specifically the ILLEGAL move called DACA???
Yup. AND BiteMe has been revoking Trump EOs constantly since 20 January.
Special rule to throttle America First.
D-Rat socialist have no rules.
An utter joke.
We all know Congressional investigative committees accomplish…bupkis.
This is her way of letting their failed attempt to take down the Deplorables die a quiet death.
It also ties up Congress for ages.
MORE Dog & Pony show without the fun of watching the animals.
Lol. Thats good. Al8nsky tactics. Ridicule works.
I like that, GMT, “More often than not, victory belongs to the God-fearing.”
If it wasn’t for Soros and Chinese money, the MSM would be out of business. Subscriptions and viewership certainly are not keeping them alive.
I am hoping that POTUS becoming active means movement towards playing his Trump cards.
Scavino’s video posting from this morning, fits your post, GMT. POTUS’ words at the end of the clip:
“The Best is Yet to Come.”
He will run for 2024 unless health changes … and he is Very healthy!
Doesn’t declare – campaign finance laws/rules would impact what he can/can’t do + would make him a candidate v. former POTUS, most recent GOP POTUS and therefore highest ranking GOP leaders/politician and therefore GOP leader of the party. If a candidate then switches as party must be neutral and give all candidates equal time. Better to be seen as the GOP leader and get plenty of stage time for a while longer. Or reasons other than this but these could be some of the factors in waiting to declare while strongly hinting he will run in 2024.
I am excited to see VP – Mike Pompeo? DeSantis? or … ?
He if was already running then GOP parties couldn’t (at least shouldn’t) sell items like Trump 2024 but can now as he is not actually a candidate so its just for fun. If he declared then would have to have hats of all or none. Just one example of changing to an actual declared candidate
Amen, Ladypenquin!!!
Corporate “scientism” at play.
Scott “Liberals are Dangerous” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted:
Stores don’t want to get sued by someone that thinks they might have been exposed to a secondary incident of CoVID by an unmasked patron b/c “science”
Pro tip. I have yet to be challenged in any Kroger or Albertsons owned store with posted mask signs. They definitely are not going to setup a vaccine card screening at each entrance. That just screams, “sue us”.
My ralphs, walmart, etc dont clean the carts anymore. They have the cleaner out only. Walmart is still counting people in and out. Target is THE WORST. A person sitting at a desk as a health monitor and a security guard.
I dont go into target unless necessary dt a specific item.
Targets in UT, WI, CO more relaxed.
Target in TX does nothing.
Target lets men into ladies rooms. So Target is a NO GO!
If you want to REALLY get sued just let a bunch of non-white ID as female rapists follow in a mom with some little girls.
Same. I never wear a mask. Did a few times, but now hell no.
No one says a word. The stores don’t do a thing.
Pretty sure the corporate policy is posted. But behind the scenes the managers are told to handle it locally and don’t make a video go viral.
We are all part of the alphabet club now.
(@CHIZMAGA) Tweeted:
Transvaxxite. I one time told a choir I was trans-sectional and was told that could get me kissed.
Lol. I wonder what theyd say about this one?
A miracle cure for COVID + Scientists against the New World Order
stopworldcontrol Published April 11, 2021
Other videos and information here:
120+ retired military flag officers warn US ‘under assault’ by socialists, Marxists, urges Americans to fight back
may 14, 2021 the marshall report
Okay folks, you can get vaxed and play with magnets on your arm and the arms of your loved ones who also got vaxed, or you can WAKE UP AND REALIZE WE ARE IN A SPIRITUAL WARFARE and the enemy isn’t gonna stop! There are things you can do on a spiritual level, a social level, a human level in the flesh, and a political level in your community, state and on national levels.
There are 120 plus retired high ranking military flag officers who are urging for Americans to wake up and fight back legally!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link ago…
This should tell the normies what is really going on.
I would love to see a breakdown by age, sex, etc. It would be very interesting to see WHO is concerned and WHY.
I went to the dentist today and the new hygienist asked me if ive been vaccinated. I thought it was a wierd way to start. I flat out told her im not willingly changing my dna for experimental treatment. Not sure if she liked that but she said she’d gotten bc she thinks she’ll have to so she went ahead and did it.
There are a lot of factions within healthcare, but this is an obvious tell.
If there was a profession that should have got covid it was dental. With all the saliva and fluids spaying everywhere. But never heard of a rash of cases in the industry.
Excellent point, well made. Thank you.
Yes. Every one is careful. It was and is a bs political disease thats the problem. And theyve murdered 1000s.
I would not want a vaccinated hygienist.
It was a bit odd.
I think we need a breakdown by I.Q.
Guaranteed most of the smart ones “just say no.”
Unless they have been brainwashed by Academia.
Educated idiots are in a “class” of their own.
Darn tootin.
Andrew1979, I read what you wrote, and it is the nightmare I worry may come true. I pray not. Thank you for just Saying It. ConcernedVirginian, I’m so sorry for your heartbreak. I have similar heart-break over young family members, also for not young ones. Love to you alll.
Cruz calls 1/6 a terrorist attack on the capitol
Well now Cruz is out of the closet and showing he is in the CCPs pocket.
I’ve always thought Cruz was a slimy, used-car-salesman, smarmy-acting dick, and nothing he has ever said or done has changed my mind.
Excellent description of him. And yeah he is as slimy as they come.
Cruz was out at least before the last election. He was backed by a hedge fund billionaire just like Rubio and a few others. They’re all compromised somehow.
Frustrating, we have an endless stream of R-CONS falsely invoking “terrorists attacks”, “armed insurrection” on the Capitol, January 6th.
There is no excuse for this false narrative.
They NEVER come to the defense of MAGA folks.
Just as infuriating, these same asshoe RCONS say BiteME won the election, fairly.
^^^ To think these shit heads expect our votes in 22, 24…
What have they done to fix, correct November 3rd?
I didn’t listen to it, but is it possible he’s talking about the actual terrorists (Antifa, etc.) who attacked the capitol?
Changing the topic to finance. I checked with my credit union about getting a mortgage rate adjustment, which would mean they lower the rate but change nothing else about my home loan. I have a fairly high rate so it would mean a nice interest savings. Part of the process requires me to fill out paperwork just like I was getting a new loan. That would not be a problem; however, the credit union has outsourced the form processing to a company called Blend. Blend is located in San Francisco and the CEO is identified as a middle eastern Jewish guy. hrmmm… One never knows. The bio might be BS. I read all their paperwork and decided not to proceed with the request. The privacy and other legal info on Blend made me believe they would share my personal data with whomever they chose in addition to my credit union. They were sending me emails reminding me to fill out the forms. So I called tonight and explained that I don’t want to give my personal data to Blend because I cannot determine if they are being funded by China. Always something. The nice lady I spoke with this evening says all the banks are now using Blend’s services. Somehow I don’t believe that. Blend uses Google Analytics. I avoid Google as much as possible. I don’t check every site’s source to see if they also use Google Analytics, but probably many do. I told the nice lady that I am glad my loan was made before everyone outsourced our data.
Meanwhile, everybody’s health insurance forms and data are flattering about the garbage dumps in India because they don’t understand the concepts behind data retention and protection…
If a company has to outsource because the necessary competence is not available in-house (be it IT, HR, or, horrors, manglement decision support), then that company should no longer be in business as they lack the requisite fiduciary competencies to execute tasks needed for ongoing operations.
In other words, incompetence should be punished, NOT rewarded…….
This isn’t very newsworthy except that not one person from the Thief’s administration appears to be professional and concise. They’re all amateurs
Mad as a March hare…
So we need to send them a calendar?
LOL, we need to send them packing preferably at the end of a sharp object..but since that isn’t going to happen..yeah, maybe a calendar and calculators,history books, copy of the Constitution
The American Age, The American Epic Has Only Just Begun, On The Clock – Ep. 2478
May 14, 2021 x22report
The people are waking up, they are seeing and feeling the inflation, the [CB] is doing everything possible to cover it up, but it is not working. As inflation rises this will leave the people with less currency in their pocket, welcome to the hidden tax. The [CB] are panicking over the choice people have now, [EM] makes his move, is crypto the new gold that the [CB] is afraid of? The [DS] are ready to launch all assets to stop the audit in Arizona, the information coming out is damaging to Dominion, the country supervisors and the entire election procedures. Scavino sends messages, Trump is ready to begin his rallies, the offensive has just begun, on the clock.
Ep. 2478a – [CB] Panic Over Choice, Inflation Fear Soars, The Awakening
X22 Report Published May 14, 2021
Ep. 2478b – The American Age, The American Epic Has Only Just Begun, On The Clock
X22 Report Published May 14, 2021
Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) Tweeted:
The morbidly obese teacher is worried that a vaccinated teenager will make her “get sick and die.”
He poses literally no threat to her. Her own diet will kill her.
In the meantime, she shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a school ever again.
Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) Tweeted:
UPDATE: the teacher has been placed on administrative leave
If that was my kid, that fat loud-mouthed bitch would be out of a job, or the school would be sued. Period.
Also, I would contact the local sheriff to see if I could get a restraining order against her.
AND, I would make it my business to find her wherever she tried to get a new job, and send the school board the video and all the information.
I actually did that last part once already. We had a teacher fired under “suspicious” circumstances involving a student. I found out where he was looking for work, and contacted the school board. He was not hired.
I’m tired of playing nice with these nasty pieces of crap. And I never will again.
They do this bc unions give them cover. Esp as we have seen the abuse via zoom classes.
And why is she bending over screeching to this kid sitting on a floor? Where are the other kids? Unhinged, literally.
I need one of these.
They never enforced it anyway.
This is the new policy and they will not be asking for proof. Got the mask Nazi’s heads exploding.
And it’s illegal to ask if you are vaccinated, anyway. So what are they doing?
Virtue signalling.
Playing both sides.
Correct. They will post the policy but do nothing. They know it is more trouble then it is worth. Maybe NY, CA etc will try something but there population control op is falling apart.
Very nice.
Q news. Dan Scavino posted a video. At 0:26, it shows a fire truck holding up an American flag. This is the same exact image Q posted on 5/14/18 (exactly three years ago to today’s date) in drop #1363 .

I had a dream about the number 74 today long before I saw this, too. This is reminding me of the pre-Q days where a bunch of weird Q foreshadowing appeared up in my life before Q did.
You can read without telegram, just click cancel.
This is Flynn’s response to Trump endorsing McKissick in SC for GOP Chairperson. You can hear the livid in the post. It’s not 5D chess, there are times when Trump does things that are a complete FAIL. The election is tomorrow.
I think Lin Wood has finally taken this to heart. He posted a video earlier this evening with a plain flag cap. No MAGA. No coincidences.
Lin Wood has been unbelievably loyal , worked like a dog and taken a lot of hits for doing so. Gotta be a lousy feeling
It may be politically expedient for PT to remain disassociated from Lin Wood, etc.
Optics, if you will.
Agree. That is what many of us posted back when Trump separated Sidney’s legal efforts from his official efforts to stop the steal.
When they are distinctly seperaated, it is more legal efforts aimed at the swamp. Fake news and Uniparty can’t lump them as a single target.
Lin Wood said this himself. He said from the start that he didn’t want President Trump to endorse him because he didn’t want what he is doing to blow back on POTUS. So I’m not sure why everyone has gotten so excited that POTUS didn’t endorse him.
Lin has a role to play and he does it well.
My point is that POTUS didn’t NEED to endorse RINO fraud McKissick to avoid endorsing Wood.
I have read that Trump considers loyalty to be the character virtue he holds as primary in his subordinates. For that reason I find it somewhat confusing that he discards his foot soldiers with such regularity. I suppose he can fall back on the ‘greater good’ argument as a defense.
I adore Lin Wood. A true patriot.
That said, he does not hold back regarding things that people don’t say in polite company.
He is provocative. PT must walk a very fine line.
Do you not consider President Trump provocative?
Carefully so. Just like me!
When Mike Flynn directs a message at Trump about it, it says a lot. Bad decision making on his part. Bad.
Perhaps surprising, I have little thought on this.
We don’t know what has or hasn’t transpired behind the scenes. We read that sentiment here a lot. It’s true.
Certainly I appreciate Sidney, Lin Wood, Flynn, Lindell and others fighting on.
Looking for tangible wins. Looks like something good is going to come of AZ. Even PA. MI? GA? Some post earlier today suggested positive news out of NV. Latter would surprise me to no end. I view NV good news as VERY unlikely. D-Rats have a strangle hold on NV politics.
Always ready for a double helping of crow.
I don’t hear livid. I hear smart. Flynn’s disagreement with Trump is stated with a smile and with the finest of kid gloves, but the audience is not Trump, IMO – it’s us.
Lin Wood is both wonderful and toxic. Act as if that is not true, and we pay the price.
How is Lin “detoxed?” What they’re doing. If Lin Wood wins, those who opposed him are “corrected”. Lin becomes the new reality that we all, Trump included, have to “accept”.
Oh, “darn”.
What Flynn is saying is absolutely right. But it needs an independent Wood win to back it up.
If Wood fails, the fallback is a guy who has performed admirably for Trump in holding certain ground that we almost lost.
Wood, and those behind him, have the PROVE THEMSELVES.
Trump is playing chess correctly here, IMO. 5D or whatever it is.
Same thoughts expressed differently.
A week ago McKissick stated that we should stop talking about the fraud and the election was certified. And this week Trump endorses him? It’s not even something he has to get involved in.
The fact that Flynn would even make addressing Trump by name part of his statement, and that his reaction to Trump’s endorsement is that he STILL supports Lin Wood’s candidacy – is jaw dropping. How about PO’ed with kid gloves as opposed to livid.
Works for me! I like that Flynn is willing to disagree publicly with Trump in a good way. I think that shows the movement is MATURING.
Flynn has a point for the WAR, even if Lin Wood is not the proper BATTLE in which to begin stronger tactics.
Oddly, Trump is helping Lin in some ways. I won’t get into those now, but perhaps later.
After the Cheney ouster, I think this is part of a “cleansing” if you will exposing the [DS] actors in the Republican party. They are setting up a public discussion of sorts.
Makes sense!
“….Trump endorsing McKissick in SC for GOP Chairperson….”
Is he playing a psych game???
This is the ABC story (Grab the salt cellar)
Georgia is VERY IMPORTANT for the election fraud crap and supporting Drew McKissick maybe a bit of back scratching and dead body uncovering. (Has McKissick flipped?)
I love Lin Wood but I think he is too new to the state and too much of a firebrand.
McKissick is joined at the hip w/ Graham and stated a week ago that the election was certified and we should move on. So Trump comes out and endorses him? Nope, bad deal and Flynn knows it. Wood is supported by Lindell and Powell as well. You know, those people laying it all on the line to HELP Trump. Bad deal.
As I said in another comment, in 2015 Trump was the high profile, for-the-people firebrand upstart that had never run for office. And it sure wasn’t for GOP chairman of South Carolina. How about we keep some perspective here. This is bad advice, and a bad look that leaves people nothing but more puzzled at a time when people NEED to see the clear pathway.
If he could not show some loyalty to Lin Wood he should have stayed out of it. Is he weighing in to races like this nationally? I haven’t seen it. In the grand scheme of things it’s small potatoes, and accomplishes nothing with his base. If anything it rubs people the wrong way.
I think they’re setting up a national discussion regarding rejecting the past [DS] Republicans in favor of new people. An open difference of opinion, if you will, by highlighting Wood vs. McKissick who I’m sure is not a household name nationwide.
And what exactly is the upside, because it’s lost on me. That Trump not endorse a high profile, for-the-people upstart that might lose? That Trump not endorse an outspoken loyal supporter that, given the 24/7 GOPe slander operation, might lose? Is it because of the whistleblower and the sick allegations against Pence?
So McKissick won and I guess he can put out his congrat statement. Entrenched old-boy GOPe. Rah Rah. Trump has forgotten that he was once a high profile, for-the-people upstart.
That Trump is setting up the RINOs for the fall.
Sorry, don’t see it. If he is not taking the same interest and weighing in on similar races nationally, he could have avoided this by simply staying out of it. It does nothing but rub people the wrong way.
Just ’cause you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Everything he does, he does for a reason.
And I like that he rubs people the wrong way. Outs them for the sort of people they are.
So It’s good to confound the basic MAGA person who’s wondering why there’s a deliberate 11th hour endorsement of a RINO, over the most loyal of supporters? When he isn’t weighing in everywhere equally?
I was talking about rubbing his base the wrong way. I guess they now need outing.
So very typical
^^^ That’s how D-Rat charities work. Massive overhead. Minimal support to folks needing help.
Party of Criminals.
That is why I prefer DIRECT charity or something well vetted like the Salvation Army. Many,many ‘Charities’ are really money laundering scams.
Don’t let the Salvation Army fool you. They’re not all that different. They just get better publicity.
They also support a woman’s “right to choose”, I believe.
Dissection of the attempt to suppress Ivermectin as a therapeutic.
^^^ Cover for FB, TW, YT…to increase censoring EVERYTHING outside of official narrative.
AND, falsely accuse retired military, retired LE, whites….as right wing terrorists.
Interesting perspective. I hadn’t thought of that angle.
“With an intent to incite violence.”
They do not know this, and they are very poor mind readers.
I spread “conspiracy theories” so that we can find the truth.
So fuck you, Obama-Biden DHS. You SUCK. You LIE.
My belief is, Dodge, FIB, IC, IRS…believe we are, “enemies of the state”.
Their words and actions reflect they are looking to put us in their cross hairs.
Yeah. Idiots. Their depraved ideology has blinded them to common sense.
Maybe next time BiteME folks, D-Rats and fake news, vilify MAGA folks and conservatives for NOT taking the injection, someone will bring up FDA and NIAID not taking the injection.
Wisconsin General Assembly Votes To Investigate 2020 Presidential Election
Good news Friday…
Six year old gets welcomed back to school after beating leukemia
Fourteen second video.
Tomorrow’s thread physics part is written, I just have to assemble it. Within an hour, tops.
Or maybe it will take me longer.
I’m getting a bogus “login” window when I try to edit posts.
It won’t accept my password. I think it’s my old “wordpress” password it’s looking for?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I had to log in, using my *wordpress* password, in order to edit.
Well, it’s rolling now. Have a beer.
Actually, I’ll probably look at the Friday thread. I haven’t read any of it yet.
Behold the awesome power of “AND”!!!!
Well, the real issue is I have that one little thing in common with Trump: teetotaler.
Have an enjoyable beverage (we currently have eight full cases of TJ’s lime mineral water on hand about 18 feet from me).
Insty has been using lines from the song “One Night in Bangkok” as the titles of his open threads for a few days. It’s beginning to feel more like “One Month in Bangkok” now.
New daily is up, exactly one hour late.
Sorry about the delay, I just didn’t have time to write the thing until Thursday evening, then I extensively revised and extended it Friday evening
Another sublime post, GinT.
I noted the Hayman’s gin in one of the videos. Ours is a Hayman’s household — many varieties, all excellent.
I will now try it.
Please keep us posted.