Another week, another deluge of BS from the White House and from the Controlled Opposition. Not much has really happened, so with that noted, on we go.
On the plus side it looks like the Covid mask is slipping. A lot of places here are now saying no mask if you’ve been “vaccinated.” (And that’s based on the CDC, the governor has not dropped the mask mandate.) The COVIDschina goes on.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
Gold $1831.70
Silver $27.54
Platinum $1257.00
Palladium $2980.00
Rhodium $27,400.00
This week, 3 PM MT on Friday, markets closed for the weekend
Gold $1844.90
Silver $27.53
Platinum $1232.00
Palladium $2949.00
Rhodium $27,600.00
Gold has broken out, but seems content to stay at this new higher level. Silver has not gone much of anywhere, down one cent. Platinum down (and it had to climb to close at this level today!). Palladium didn’t stay above 3000 for long, but perhaps it will punch through decisively soon, it too was climbing today.
Energy and Potential
(Part III of a Long Series)
The general outline of this story is to start off by putting you “in touch” with the state of physics at the beginning of 1895. Physicists were feeling pretty confident that they understood most everything. Sure there were a few loose ends, but they were just loose ends.
1895 marks the year when people began tugging at the loose ends and things unraveled a bit. In the next three years, three major discoveries made it plain there was still a lot to learn at the fundamental level.
Once I’m there I will concentrate on a very, very small object…that ties in with stars, arguably the biggest objects there are (galaxies are basically collections of stars). And we would never have seen this but for those discoveries in the 1890s.
It’s such a long story I decided to break it down into pieces, and this is the second of those pieces.
And here is the caveat: I will be explaining, at first, what the scientific consensus was in 1895. So much of what I have to say is out of date, and I know it…but going past it would be a spoiler. So I’d appreciate not being “corrected” in the comments when I say things like “mass is conserved.” I know that that isn’t considered true any more, but the point is in 1895 we didn’t know that. I will get there in due time. (On the other hand, if I do misrepresent the state of understanding as it was in 1895, I do want to know it.)
Also, to avoid getting bogged down in Spockian numbers specified to nine decimal places, I’m going to round a lot of things off. I used 9.8 kg m/s2 last time for a number that’s actually closer to 9.80665, for instance, similarly for the number 32.
Revisiting Gravity with Vectors.
We now know something about vectors, and in light of that, we can go back a ways now to gravitation and take a look at it again.
The law of gravitation we discussed looked like this:
F = Gm1m2/r2
But force is actually a vector because it has a direction. This formula is full of nothing but scalars, so it only tells you the magnitude or size of the force vector, not its direction.
If you have a magnitude without a vector, then if you use it to scalar-multiply ia vector of length exactly one, you now have a vector of the right magnitude, because scalar multiplication changes the magnitude of the vector. And if that one-length vector pointed in the right direction, the new vector does too, because multiplying a vector by a scalar does not change its direction.
A vector of length 1 is called a “unit vector” and is a very useful part of the toolkit.
Sometimes it’s necessary to take a vector that isn’t a unit vector and determine the unit vector that matches it.
As you might have guessed, the way to do that is to take your vector, call it V, determine its magnitude, and divide it by the magnitude of V, which is to say, to multiply it by 1-divided-by-the-magnitude. (If multiplication is defined, so is division.)
There’s a symbol for the magnitude of V, and that’s to surround the vector by pairs of vertical lines, like this:
If you’re looking at a diagram, you can measure the vector off the diagram, but if you’re looking at something like [5,-12] how do you know its magnitude?
The answer is you square every element, add them together, and take the square root.
In this case, you’ll want the square root of 5•5 + -12•-12. Doing the arithmetic, you’ll want the square root of 25+144=169, which happens to be 13. So ∥[5,-12]∥ = 13.
This also works in three dimensions, consider [3,4,12], whose magnitude is the square root of 3•3+4•4+12•12 = square root of 9 + 16 + 144 = square root of 169 = 13 (again).
If you noticed something eerily familiar about this, that’s because this is also the Pythagorean theorem, the one about the square of the lengths of the legs of a right triangle equaling the square of the length of the hypotenuse. This makes sense, because the individual pieces of a vector are at right angles to each other.

Now that you have your magnitude, you can divide your original vector by it to get a unit vector. So [5,-12], turned into a unit vector is [5/13, -12/13]. That vector has a length/magnitude of 1. A more common example is [3,4] which has a magnitude of 5. The unit vector is a nice tidy [0.6, 0.8].
So a unit vector corresponding to some vector V is V/∥V∥. Usually physicists and mathematicians will write the letter with a “hat” on it (for example, Â) to denote it’s a unit vector, but unfortunately not every letter has a version with a hat on it available in unicode (at least not on this machine), so I’m a bit constrained here. You might have to get used to the V/∥V∥ long form.
So let’s get back to gravity. We have the formula for the magnitude, how do we turn that into a vector? We multiply by some unit vector. Which unit vector? The one pointing in the right direction of course. (OK, smartass, what’s that?) We know that the direction of the force on an object due to gravity is towards the attracting object.
Let’s call the force by body 1 on body 2 F12. (Note the order of the subscripts, the first is the attracting body, the second is the attracted body.) The direction of that force is from body 2 back to body 1. So you can draw a vector, r21 from body 2 to body 1, unit-ize it, and you have your unit vector.
Actually, typically the vector is drawn from body 1 to body 2, the opposite direction, so we will write the formula in terms of r12. That vector is simply the opposite of the first one, it’s equal to -1 times the first vector.
r12 = –r21. Which of course means that r21 = –r12.

So we can write our vector version of Newton’s Law of Gravitation at last. (Edit: found an r-hat character!)
F12 = -(Gm1m2/r2) ȓ12
Notice the minus sign, which points the force vector back at the first object.
OK, so now we’re ready to proceed on to the subject of energy.
This is actually a concept that turns up again and again (and again, and Joe Biden didn’t win), in many different forms, the most basic of which is “work.”
Work, to a physicist, is what is done by a force acting on a body through a certain distance.
If I push on some object (on a frictionless surface, or out in space) and it moves some certain while I’m doing it, the work I’ve done is equal to the force I applied, times the distance.
W = Fd
Note that the distance traveled might not be due entirely to the push I gave the object. If it was already moving in that direction before I pushed on it, I’m still doing work on it by applying a force to it, even if most of the distance it traveled while I was pushing was due to the speed it already had.
(The key words are “in that direction”. If it’s moving at a 90 degree angle to the push I gave it, it has zero effect on the work done. I will have lots more to say about this, further on.)
So as a scalar, that’s just Work = Force x distance. But force is measured in Newtons or kg•m/s2. Working with metric units, that’s N•m, pronounced “Newton meters.” You can break it down further, since a Newton is a “kilogram meter per second-squared”, multiply that by “meter” again for the distance, and show that a “Newton meter” is also a “kilogram meter squared per second squared:
Work is measured in: kg•m2/s2
This is another named unit, the Joule, after James Prescott Joule, who in the 1840s performed a number of experiments showing that the sorts of energy we’re talking about today could be converted to heat (more on that later). The Joule in fact is the standard metric unit of energy.
So here’s a simple example. On Earth, a one kilogram object falling one meter, has 9.8 Joules of work done to it by the force of gravity. Let me back that up with the math. The force of gravity on that one kilogram object must equal its mass times the acceleration (F=ma); the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is g = 9.8 m/s2. (Little g is often used as a symbol for Earth gravity. Don’t confuse it with Big G, the gravitational constant or fudge factor from the first post in this series.) The mass is 1kg, so multiplying 1kg•9.8m/s2, the force is 9.8 Newtons, pointing straight down. (In fact, “down” is defined as the direction gravity pulls, so no coincidence.)
This is acting on the object over a distance of one meter, straight down, so it’s 9.8N x 1m = 9.8 N•m = 9.8 J.
It’s not just gravity. As alluded to earlier, you can push on an object, a rocket can push on an object. So long as it moves in that direction while you’re doing it, you’re doing work.
If you start at a standstill, and continuously apply the same force to an object, its acceleration stays the same. F=ma, or more to the point, a=F/m. The distance covered, d is equal to ½at2 (where t is the time you spent pushing it).
So if a is one meter per second per second, after you’ve spent one second applying the force, you’ve moved that object half a meter (½•1 m/s2 • 1•1s2 = 1m) = 1. After two seconds, you’ve moved the object two meters (½•1 m/s2 • 2•2s2 = 4/2 = 2m). After three seconds, you’ve moved four and a half meters (½•1 m/s2 • 3•3s2 = 9/2 = 4.5m). And so on. Basically, in this case square the number of seconds and divide by two.
If your object has a mass of one kilogram, the work done in the first second is 1m/s2 x 1kg x 0.5m = ½ of a Joule. In the second second, though, you travel one and a half meters (bringing the total up to 2 meters). So now the work done in that 2nd second is 1m/s2 x 1kg x 1.5m = 1½ Joules. So it seems like the longer you push the more work you do every second!
That moving object is now moving at 2 meters every second. And you’ve dumped a total of two Joules into it, working on it.
After three seconds, the total is 3 meters per second, and the work is 4½ Joules.
The work you’ve done on the object is manifesting itself as motion. Work is a form of energy, so is motion. Both are measured in Joules.
So let’s look at this again, cumulative totals:
t = 1 s d = 0.5 m speed = 1 m/s work done and KE = 0.5 J.
t = 2 s d = 2.0 m speed = 2 m/s work done and KE = 2.0 J.
t = 3 s d = 4.5 m speed = 3 m/s work done and KE = 4.5 J.
Notice the KE and speed match up like this: KE = ½v2. But actually, that doesn’t account for the mass. If you were to push a 2 kilogram mass with twice the force, the acceleration would be the same, but the work would double, and the kinetic energy the work does would also double. So the correct formula is:
KE = ½mv2
OK, a quick sanity check. I’m saying that kinetic energy and work are both forms of energy. One way to check that, is to look at the units. Actually, more precisely, the dimensions (distance, mass, time, rather than meters, kilograms and seconds). If the dimensions are different, they can’t be the same thing.
So: Work is force times distance. Force is mass times distance divided by time squared. So, combining, work is mass x distance / ( time x time ) x distance, or more compactly, md2/t2.
And kinetic energy is mass times speed squared, speed is distance over time, so combining, KE is mass x distance x distance / ( time x time ). Gathering things together, it’s md2/t2.
They match, so they could be equivalent.
And indeed they are, though I won’t be proving that here!
One thing I haven’t mentioned is whether energy is a scalar or a vector. It happens to be a scalar.
OK, let’s go back to that other 1kg object, the one that fell one meter and thudded onto the ground.
Let’s lift it back up one meter, back to where it fell from. Let’s do it smoothly.
While the object is being lifted, its speed does not change. Which is to say, it’s not accelerating. So the net force is zero.
But we know that gravity is always pulling down on that kilogram with a force of 9.8 Newtons. So for the net force to be zero, we must be applying a 9.8 Newton force upward.
Since we’re lifting the object one meter, the work we’re doing on it is
W = 1m • 9.8N = 9.8 Joules.
None of this is kinetic energy, though. What happened to the hard work? I’ll tell you presently.
In this specialized case of working against gravity, you can use a fairly simple formula for the work done:
W = mgd
Where g is the acceleration due to earth’s gravity, m is the mass, and d is the distance. But that’s not quite right.
To see why, let’s go to another scenario.
You’re pulling an object, say a hundred kilograms, up a very slick (frictionless) ramp (you’re doing this because lifting the dang thing straight up is hard!).
And you’re doing it smoothly, like with the lift of the one kilogram object, neither accelerating nor slowing down on the ramp.
If the ramp is 2 meters long, can’t you go back to your formula and figure out the work?
W = mgd
W = 100kg • 9.8 m/s2 • 2 m = 1960 J.
But that seems wrong. What if the ramp is almost flat? Versus a ramp that is almost vertical? If those are both 2 meters long, the vertical ramp is obviously more work!
If the 2 meter ramp is at a 30 degree slope, it turns out that the top end of it is 1 meter higher than the bottom end. (Thirty degrees is a “magic angle” in trigonometry. And if that means nothing to you just ignore it, as I’m trying to avoid trigonometry in these articles.)
Intuitively, what matters is the vertical distance traveled. Not the horizontal distance. And if you think about what work is, it’s applying a force. No force is being applied in the horizontal direction, because the object isn’t speeding up or slowing down and there’s no external force in that direction either, gravity points Straight Down.
So you need a way to take your motion as a vector, and use only the component of the motion vector in the same direction as the force to compute the work.
Because your motion and the force you’re countering are both vectors.
So what is the vertical height of the ramp? I just told you, it’s 1 meter. So 1 meter times the force of gravity gives you the right answer.

But there’s another way to analyze this! In fact, it’s probably a bit better. You could instead take the component of the force of gravity, in the direction of the slope of the ramp! After all that’s what you’re actually countering by pulling on the rope.

Note in red, the vertical vector is now broken down into an up-the-ramp component and a perpendicular-to-the-ramp component. Because 30 degrees is a magic angle, I know the force up the ramp is half the total, or 490N.
Now it is entirely appropriate to use the 2 meter length of the ramp, because it’s in the same direction as the force you are applying. 2m x 490N = 980J of work.
This is why ramps are useful, by the way. You can counter the force of gravity by applying very little force. In this case, half as much. The price you pay is you have to apply that force over greater distance, in this case twice as much. You could reduce the force as much as you want, if you have room and material for a longer and longer ramp.
Dot Products
Gee, it’d sure be nice if you could do this computationally. Well, you can. You can do trigonometry to determine that 1/2 factor for 30 degrees, or whatever it is for any other angle.
Gee, it’d sure be nice if you could do this computationally, without trigonometry. (After all, you don’t want to have to pester a geek and OMG! make him feel useful doing the trig for you.) Well, you can, if you have the vectors!
We do have them. The force we have to apply is [0, 980]N. The amount of distance is 2 meters, but we need the rise and run from the first diagram to be in vector form: [1.732, 1.0]m
[Trivia note: 1.732 is the square root of three (rounded to three decimal digits). Like I said, 30 degrees is a magic angle, the legs with a hypotenuse of 2 are 1 and sqrt(3). It’s easy to remember the square root of three because its digits spell out Washington’s birth year, 1732. If you’re a coin geek you can remember that because the Washington Quarter we use today began to be issued in 1932, his bicentennial. If you’re just a regular geek, you probably don’t know Washington’s birth year, but you probably do have 1.732 memorized and can use it to remember that Washington was born in 1732.]
OK, we have our two vectors, F=[0, 980]N and d=[1.732, 1.0]m
Here’s what you do. Multiply the first elements together, then the second elements, then the third elements (if you’re working in 3D), and if you’re playing 64 D chess, do the same for elements 4 through 64. Just keep going until you’re out of vector.
In this case, I end up with first elements: zero, and second elements: 980N•m. Done.
Add those numbers (all two of them here, all sixty four of them if you’re Donald Trump) and get, 980N•m.
You didn’t have to do any trigonometry! You didn’t have to break the vectors down into components, not in x-y or even along some cockeyed slant!
What we just did was to take the dot product of the two vectors, in other words we computed F∙d. That’s the real, vector form of the formula for work.
W = F∙d
Now I sometimes use a dot to show multiplication, particularly when I’m showing multiplying two actual numbers, or units. I’m having to use a big fat dot here, to distinguish the vector dot product from the just ordinary multiplier dot. (Note: It shows on my computer doing edits in a file, it isn’t showing up in the post editor, and may not show up as a big dot when it posts. We’ll find out, sometime before you read this!)
There are two things you may have noticed.
One, I’m talking about the dot product, not just the product; as if there were some other kind of product. With vectors, there is. Don’t worry…you’ll find out some future week! (Evil laugh!)
And another thing…the result of a dot product, is a scalar.
Work is a scalar. Kinetic energy is therefore also a scalar. Energy has no direction.
OK, let’s have a little more fun with the dot product. Take some vector, like v = [3, 4, 12]. Let’s take the dot product of it with itself, v∙v
That’s 3•3 + 4•4 + 12•12.
Does this seem familiar? Like maybe we did the exact same thing earlier in this marathon of post, while figuring out the magnitude of that exact same vector?
Except that when getting the magnitude we went on to take the square root. With the dot product we don’t do the square root. So the dot product of a vector by itself is the square of the magnitude. So, here’s a rule:
For any vector v: v∙v = ∥v∥2
Another rule. If two vectors are perpendicular, their dot product is zero!
I’m going to make up a four dimensional vector off the top of my head (I promise, I just made it up off the top of my head):
[12, -7, 9, -15]
I can make up another four dimensional vector and know that it’s perpendicular to this one, without having to draw a diagram. Which is good because my supply of four dimensional paper is a bit low right now. (The COVIDschina has caused all kinds of supply chain havoc.)
OK, let’s just make the first element of the second vector 9, and the second one 9 as well. You could literally pick any numbers for all but the last one. Make the third element -20. Let’s hold off a bit on the fourth one, and call it x.
[9, 9, -20, x]
I can take the dot product of this, it’s 108 + -63 + -180 + -15x, combining I get -135 + -15x, which has to equal zero if the vectors are to be perpendicular. It turns out if the last element is -9, the last bit of the cross product is +135 and the total is zero. (I was lucky, I didn’t end up having to multiply by an ugly fraction at the end.)
So even though I can’t draw a diagram of these two vectors, I know, like I know that 2+2=4, that [12, -7, 9, -15] and [9, 9, -20, -9] are perpendicular, because their dot product is zero.
If two vectors are parallel, but of different sizes, the dot product will be the product of their magnitudes. For example, [3, 4] and [6, 8] are parallel, because the second one is just 2 times the first one. Take the dot product, 3•6 + 4•8 = 18 + 32 = 50. If you do Pythagoras on those two vectors, their magnitudes are 5 and 10, which multiply together to make 50.
And that’s as far as I can take you without trig. There is a rule that tells you how big the cross product will be in terms of the two vector magnitudes and the angle between them…but, trig. (Fortunately the geeks here who know trig probably already know the rule.)
Potential Energy
OK, let’s return to the 100 kilogram block we pulled up the ramp, lifting it a meter, doing 980J of work.
In this case once we stop lifting the object isn’t moving. So our work didn’t become kinetic energy. What happened to it? It became potential energy. It’s basically stored in the object, as if it were a battery. To get it back, we drop the object, pretending to do so on some deserving Deep State puke’s head. (Maybe we can lay their picture flat on the ground.)
On earth, at least, we already have a formula for potential energy. It’s the work we put into it, the mass times the acceleration due to gravity times the distance. Only instead of d let’s use h for height, because that’s in the same direction as the force.
PE = mgh
where h is the height above the ground. Its distance times force, and force is in turn mass times acceleration due to gravity, g (9.8 m/s2).
So the object has potential energy. If you want the kinetic energy back, drop it, but then the object is back on the ground and the potential energy is gone.
(Note that we’ve been behaving as if the ground is the place where potential energy is zero. In fact, your choice of where zero is, is completely arbitrary. Imagine dropping the object down a well. If the potential energy is zero at ground level, it’s actually a negative number at the bottom of the well. As it turns out physicists like to put the zero point at infinity, and you’ll see why in a moment.)
It’s almost as if you can swap kinetic and potential energy freely.
Indeed, in many circumstances you can. If you don’t have to deal with friction, and other objects getting in the way, you can do it. One place where this is true is in space, there you only have to deal with gravity. In our discussion so far we’ve ignored everything else, so it won’t be quite accurate–you won’t quite get all the energy back when you drop the object, because of air resistance, no ramp is frictionless, and so on, but in space, there actually is nothing else.
An object’s kinetic energy, plus its potential energy, put together are called the mechanical energy and in space, for some given object in orbit, this is a constant.
So let’s look at kinetic versus potential energy in space.
Kinetic energy, we know how to deal with. But there’s a bit of a wrinkle with potential energy. On earth we deal with lifting an object a short distance, and the force of gravity is effectively constant over that distance. But when in space, you are not dealing with a constant force. Gravity measurably weakens the further you get away from Earth. So PE=mgh won’t work as a formula for potential energy. Instead, when dealing with potential energy with respect to the Earth, it’s –mmeG/r, with me being the mass of the Earth, G being the gravitational constant/”fudge factor” and r being the distance from the center of the earth. And as always, our object’s mass is m. If r is set to infinity, the potential energy is zero. As you get closer to the Earth, the number becomes more and more negative, reflecting less and less potential energy. This formula is only valid above the surface of the earth. Below the surface gravity again decreases. If the earth were a point mass, the formula would be perfect (and the Earth would be a black hole).
meG is also known as μe, the gravitational parameter of the earth, and that is 3.98×1014 m3/s2. So our potential energy formula is now:
PE = –mμe/r = – 3.98×1014 m/r
The earth’s radius is 6,378 km (through the equator, not elsewhere, but let’s use it), that’s 6,378,000 meters. So at the surface of the earth, the potential energy of a one kilogram object will be -62,402,000 Joules.
So it stands to reason that if you can give a one kilogram object 62.4 million Joules of kinetic energy, it will keep going until it’s an infinite distance away, having traded all of its kinetic energy for potential energy and bringing the potential energy up from looking like a millionth of the national debt all the way to zero.
Whatever that speed is, it’s the escape velocity of Earth. Impart it to an object on the surface, and it ain’t ever coming back!
KE = ½mv2
But this time we know the kinetic energy and we want the velocity. So doing a bit of rearranging:
v2 = 2 KE/m
So simply multiply the 62.4 million Joules by two and divide by our mass of one kilogram, then take the square root. The square root of 124.8 million is 11,171.4 meters/second. That works out to 6.94 miles per second. And that’s our escape velocity, at least as seen from the surface of the Earth.
You can do this whole thing again with, say, a 57 kilogram object. The potential energy on the surface is 57 times as much (a bigger negative number), the KE is 57 times as much, but you divide out the mass. So the escape velocity is the same.
Now, let’s consider an object in a perfectly circular orbit. It will have a certain potential energy. It will also be moving at a constant speed. The sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy, therefore will remain a constant.
But this is true in an elliptical orbit, too!
With an elliptical orbit, one end of the ellipse is as far away as the orbiting object ever gets away from Earth (the apogee, or more generically for any body, the apoapsis), the maximum potential. The other end is as close to the Earth as the object ever gets, the perigee or periapsis. It has a lower potential, which means the kinetic energy must be higher to make up for it. And indeed, if you’re in an elliptical orbit (around anything) you will speed up the closer you get to the object you are orbiting.

And in space, with no friction and no objects getting in the way, provided nothing comes along and disturbs that orbit, the object will go on circling, swapping potential for kinetic energy and back again, with perfect efficiency, forever. The mechanical energy, PE + KE, equals some constant. In fact, it’s zero if the object is moving at escape velocity, since PE + KE cancel each other out perfectly at that speed.
Something that doesn’t occur to most people. If the mechanical energy is zero, it will always be zero, and the object is always moving at escape velocity, no matter how far away it gets from Earth; it’s just that escape velocity is lower the further away you get. It also doesn’t matter which direction it’s going. It could even be going almost directly towards Earth. It’s still never coming back, as long as it doesn’t come so close to Earth that it collides with Earth. The one other thing you can say is that the path it traces will be a parabola.
When someone asks “what’s the Earth’s escape velocity?” they almost certainly mean “at the Earth’s surface.” So give them that 11 thousand something. But it’s different if you’re already ten thousand miles up!
If the mechanical energy is greater than zero, it’s not only going fast enough to escape Earth, it’s got surplus velocity to boot. (And it will travel in a hyperbola.) If the mechanical energy is less than zero, it will eventually reach a maximum distance and start coming back. It’s in a closed orbit, which will be an ellipse of some kind, a circle being the limiting case (all circles are also ellipses). The lower the total energy, the smaller the ellipse.
So under a certain idealized set of circumstances, mechanical energy is conserved.
What about other circumstances? Mechanical tends to bleed off, and decrease, especially that part of it that is in the form of kinetic energy. Think of a pendulum, that’s another “ideal” case of swapping kinetic for potential energy; the pendulum swings fastest at its low point, and is motionless at the top of its swing for a split second. It’s clearly trading potential and kinetic energy back and forth, over and over. But a pendulum is moving through the air, and air resistance will take a little bit of speed off that pendulum, so it won’t rise quite as far on the upswing. Over and over again, the pendulum swings less and less and eventually stops. It would go on longer in a vacuum, but the pivot point introduces some friction, too.
Friction is the nemesis of mechanical energy. The more friction, the more energy bleeds out of the system (unless it has no kinetic energy to begin with, think of a rock on a mountain top).
What happens to things when friction is going on? They heat up. So mechanical energy is being turned to heat.
Heat and Chemical Energy
As it turns out, heat is yet another form of energy. Our friend James Joule helped figure that out.
Heat, it turns out, is measured a bunch of different ways. The amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of water one degree Celsius/Kelvin is defined as a calorie; a thousand of those is a kilocalorie (kcal), or sometimes Calorie with a capital C. That “big C” calorie is what you count when you’re on a diet, a food Calorie, and since heat is energy, it turns out that a Calorie of heat is 4,184 Joules. Chemists tend to use calories and kcal because they heat water a lot, then convert at the very end to Joules. They have 4,184 memorized. (I had to look it up.) It’s easy to work with calories when dealing with water. How many grams of water times how many degrees C you heated it up.
Not only is heat another form of energy, it’s the garbage can of energy. You can convert kinetic energy into heat, like by the energy of impact heating up whatever got hit, but you cannot convert all heat back into kinetic or potential, or any other kind of energy, only some of it. So energy tends to accumulate as heat over time, and this process is not completely reversible, so eventually all energy in the universe will be unharnessable heat. This is a consequence of thermodynamics. We’ll be out of usable energy. That is an energy crisis! Fortunately this is trillions of trillions of years off in the future, so you’d better do your taxes, but still, thermodynamics is the real “dismal science” because it tells us the universe is running down. You can’t win, you can’t break even, and you can’t quit the game.
This is also why any generating plant that relies on heat is not perfectly efficient. You burn the coal to heat the water into steam, you use the steam to turn a generator…but you can’t harness all the energy you put into the water and turn it into electricity, because that energy is all heat. Some is lost to practical use…forever. In fact a coal plant engineer would do cartwheels down the hall if he could get the plant to 35% efficiency. Two thirds of every pound of coal burned is wasted.
There is also energy in chemicals. That should be obvious by now since food contains kilocalories. Obviously, you can get that energy out by burning things. But it comes into play in another way. If you are James Comey, and you finally got your comeuppance and you’re having to make little ones out of big ones while waiting for your date with the executioner, you’re taking a big honkin’ sledge hammer, giving it a lot of kinetic energy, and smacking it into a rock, which breaks.
It take energy to break a rock. And that’s because the rock is full of chemical bonds that have to be broken, that’s a facet of chemical energy. The rock lost energy being formed, you’re resupplying it to break it back apart.
And when you eat bacon, you end up “burning” a lot of that fat for energy, and that is a chemical process.
A huge part of chemistry is tracking the energy through chemical reactions, supplying some where needed, using it where it’s given off. And reactions that give off energy and leave the reactants with less total energy tend to be favored; chemicals like having very little energy bottled up inside them. (There are plenty of added complications here; I won’t trouble you with them, but they are the reason paper doesn’t just burn spontaneously at room temperature.)
Conservation of Energy
OK, let’s take these other forms of energy into account (and others I haven’t even mentioned). What then?
You find that energy is conserved. In a closed system it is never created from nothing nor is it destroyed, though it can be converted from one form to another. So we have our third conservation law. We now have mass, momentum and energy conserved.
And that is another part of the state of physics in 1895.
I want to drop one more concept on you. The concept of potential. Not potential energy, just potential.
Consider a rock at the top of a cliff. It has a decent amount of potential energy, right? Another rock right next to it twice as massive has twice the potential energy. Or you could find a rock of the same size on a cliff twice as high. The point being that the potential energy depends on the vertical distance and the mass of the object.
Sometimes it’s very convenient to divide by the mass. When you do that with potential energy, you get potential energy per unit mass, also known as specific potential energy, or just plain potential. The two rocks at the top of the same cliff have the same specific potential energy, the same potential. But the rock at the top of the other cliff has twice the specific potential energy, because the cliff is twice as high.
You can turn potential into “how fast will that rock be going when it hits the ground, if it falls off the cliff” because that does not depend on the mass of the rock. Gravity accelerates all things equally, because the more massive the object, the more the force increases.
And with orbital mechanics, the satellite is usually such a tiny fraction of the primary’s mass, we divide the mass out of everything, turn the forces into accelerations, the potential energy into potential, and just square the velocity and divide by 2, because the mass of the satellite never changes, and if it does, so do the forces on it, it’s kinetic energy, and potential energy all in proportion. You’ve seen a hint of this in g being the acceleration due to gravity, not the force due to gravity. It’s more convenient to work with since the mass really doesn’t affect velocity, acceleration, or position.
I didn’t bring this up gratuitously. Potential will turn ot to be an important concept down the road, particularly when we look at electricity.
OK, now on to our 1895 mystery:
What makes the stars shine? (Introducing Power)
This is a big one. Almost everything we can see in the universe is a star. The planets here and out there are an insignificant fraction of the visible matter in the universe.
So if we can’t figure out the stars, in one respect we don’t know Jacques Schitt (or Adam Schiff) about the universe.
OK, so let me try to summarize what they had figured out in 1895. The stars shine, actually, because they’re hot. In the same way that embers in a fireplace glow. But stars are much hotter, the light they put out is whiter (true even for “red dwarfs”), and they put out a lot more of it. Physicists had done work on this “black body” radiation and could describe it really well, though they couldn’t figure out just yet why stars (and embers) didn’t radiate more at even higher frequences (bluer light and even ultraviolet)
But something that is glowing because it is hot, is actually shedding heat that way. Eventually it will cool off, stop glowing and assume ambient temperature.
So really, the question is what makes the stars continue to shine.
And that is a very good question. In order for a star to not just go dark, it must be accessing the same amount of energy every second that it puts out in that second. If it’s getting less energy, it will start to cool off, if it’s getting more, it will heat up. Most stars are fairly stable, so there must be a balance: energy radiated must equal “fresh” energy used to heat up the star.
We are talking about a rate of energy consumption, naturally expressed in Joules per second (J/s). That, folks, is power, and is measured in Watts. Yes, the Watts you know from light bulbs. Chances are good you didn’t know Watts are a metric unit!
The sun, to take a well known example, is pumping out 3.828 x 1026 watts. It’s doing so in all directions, so our little dinky Earth 150 million kilometers away gets only a minuscule fraction of it. Some of it hits other planets, the rest just blasts off into space, a ridiculously tiny fraction of it will hit other stars and their planets and maybe be seen by aliens.
Where does the sun get the 3.828 x 1026 Joules it needs every second to sustain this?
Let’s go over the possibilities that people had come up with. Chemical energy? What if the sun were a gigantic sphere of coal and it were being burned?
Well, we know how big the sun is, and we know its mass. We know how much energy coal releases when it burns. (We know that very well, since our economy largely depends on it.) If the whole thing were coal and were burning to pump out that kind of wattage, it would last 1500 years.
Which means the sun wouldn’t last the span of time since the fall of the Western Roman empire. Well, we have daylight now, and had it back then, so…scratch chemical energy. There are things that release more energy than coal, but not that much more; we can’t get from the pyramids to today.
But we already know kinetic energy can turn into heat, so what if a lot of meteors are hitting the sun, continuously? As it happens, if 1.2 x 1017 kg of meteorites were to hit the sun at its escape velocity every second, that would be enough to do it. That’s 120 trillion tonnes of stuff, every second!
But there’s no evidence that there’s that much junk hitting the Sun. Some of it would surely hit Earth and meteor strikes would be a lot more common than they are. Besides, this much mass falling on the sun would add one percent to its mass every 300,000 years. Increasing the mass of the sun increases its gravity, and we, monitoring planets orbiting the sun, would definitely know if this were happening, because the planets would gradually get closer to the sun and speed up in response to the mass change. Each year would be two seconds shorter than the year before, and there’s no way we’d miss that.
Finally, the best suggestion…though not good enough…came from Herman L. von Helmholtz in 1853. He was one of the people who first formulated the law of conservation of energy, so you can be sure he took that into account when making his suggestion. Why use meteorites, when the sun itself could be contracting and not gaining mass? If the material at the surface of the sun is in fact still falling towards the center, it’s converting potential energy to kinetic energy which can heat the sun up.
Helmholtz calculated that if the sun were shrinking 0.014 centimeters every minute, that would actually release the energy needed.
That works out to a mere 560 miles (out of a total diameter of 864,000 miles) in the roughly 6000 years of recorded human history, and again, this does not involve altering the mass of the sun at all. That total is a lot less since the invention of the telescope; small enough we could not have measured it as of 1895. (We’ve had more time since then, and our tech is better. Maybe we could do it today.)
So it looks promising. But running the clock backwards, the sun would have been big enough to swallow up the earth in its orbit at some time in the past, and that was calculated to be 18 million years ago. That’s a maximum age for the sun and especially the Earth, if that’s how the sun gets its energy. If it were any older than that, Earth wouldn’t exist today.
And that’s not nearly long enough. Geologists had plenty of compelling arguments that the earth must be hundreds of millions of years old, if not billions. And evolution needed time to act too. The theory had been put forward in 1859, and biologists were becoming convinced. Those were two independent arguments against a less-than-eighteen-million-year-old Earth.
So we have astronomers saying the sun can’t be that old, and geologists and biologists saying it must be that old. Who was wrong? Well, there was tangible evidence for the old earth, against physicists and astronomers not knowing how it could work; they were basically arguing from ignorance, and they knew it.
So they were willing to believe it was old, but that meant they had no idea what was powering the sun.
And that applied to all the other stars in the universe, too.
What’s powering the sun and every other star in the universe?
No one had any real idea, as of 1895. And remember, most of the visible universe is stars, and we didn’t understand them, so we really didn’t understand much, on a weight basis.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
To conclude: My standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
“There Ain’t No Justice….dealing with WordPress….”
— Little Fish
Code Monkey always asks the right questions.
And then there’s this:
No really, if the Dems won not just the White House and Cabinet, but all those other contests, why DON’T they want an audit? Wouldn’t an audit just prove that their claims of voter fraud and stolen elections being mythical be proven if an audit is performed?
They can’t stand it when their position is questioned. I mean physical discomfort is obvious.
I check Nextdoor once in awhile for local neighborhood news. Today there seemed to be a lot of angry people now that the mask mandates are falling. Post after post from people who just know that only the unvaccinated won’t be wearing masks, so they’re not about to give theirs up. It’s just hilarious how brainwashed some people are. Well, actually it’s really sad. But they’re right about one thing – yes, this unvaccinated woman is NOT going to be wearing a mask. Just as I haven’t been all along, except to go in the grocery store and get my hair cut. I have better immunity than they will ever have with their poisonous shots. Strangely enough, no one was worried about masks two months ago when we had the ice storm and no one had power and trees were down all over the place.
The COVID Nazis at Trader Joe’s are melting down. Lots of salt to be mined on Reddit today.
Heh, heh, heh…..
In general, the more proggy the outfit, the more Karen-y the store.
Ain’t that the truth?
A certain mindset and personality lends itself to those kinds of businesses.
“We had several members have to leave the floor today in tears because we had so many maskless customers and one high risk quit and walked out. Not a fun time.”
The emotion… the drama…
The thrill of victory, and the agony of de feet…

Unfortunately, our Polis state still has a mask mandate.
I rejected the whole man-date thing from the get-go.
Just told ’em I wasn’t gay, and they couldn’t make me.
Sorry, I’m in a committed relationship! LOL!
In a couple of stores in Denver area yesterday maskless. Not a peep.
Back in the day, I used to watch Australian Rules Football on late, late, late night TV. One bit of their intro was a guy running across the field to intercept a ball flying towards him. He was putting everything he had into the effort, and had just about matched speed with the ball, when you saw a goalpost come onto the screen from the left.
His attention was fixed on the ball and he was running to beat the band — until he hit the pole. All four of his limbs were off the ground, two on each side of the pole, then he slumped.
I could make a point here about inertial frames of reference…but the physics post is huge enough as it is.
Incidentally, my nose twitched at one point where you dropped something a meter and I suspected you should have dropped it a second…..but there is no realistic way I’m going to check it at this hour.
I skipped the part where the formula for how fast you are going after dropping a certain distance gets derived, but it wasn’t quite needed to get to kinetic energy from work.
I just watched that clip. It was so impressive in the day, it seems cheesy as hell now.
I liked it, probably because of the memories or nostalgia
I haven’t seen that in ages.
Thanks for that video trip back to my childhood.
On another note, I have some experience with the mentality of people who get attached to misery.
Years ago, I worked in a facility that dealt with the long-term unemployed due to injury. Usually back injury, but not always.
These people, who had been out of work up to two years, were attached to their pain. To the point where there was no physical reason for it. Doctors were no longer able to help them. What we did was called Work Hardening, but it might as well have been called therapy.
What we did was gradually introduce them back to their regular work habits, but in a “safe” environment. We had great success. A few people left the program unsuccessfully, but not many.
What we are looking at now is the result of a year-long psy-op. These people who are attached to the misery and the psychological crutch of a mask (and yes, for many people, it is a crutch; the insecure, the ugly, the painfully shy) are going to be a while coming out of this. And some never will. We will see some in masks all our lives.
The best thing we can do is demonstrate for people how HEALTHY, HAPPY, and FREE we all are without the thing on our face. Live your best life, and be BOLD about it. Smile, laugh, and LIVE.
“And some never will. We will see some in masks all our lives.”
Or all their lives, anyway.
Which, between the gene-wrecker shot and the mask, might not be long
That is a sad and likely possibility, Scott. I only feel sorry for the children who have no say in the matter.
Me too, so much so that I try not to think about it.
Me, too.
“If you are not vaccinated, please please please do not use this as an excuse to come without a mask.”
Please, please, PUH-LEASE don’t leave our cult!
We need to go back to the Olden Days when it was a rarity to see only the sick wearing a mask to protect themselves from the Herd.
Even better name… Luciferian Face Diapers…
Luciface Diapers…
In other TJ’s news…. .
I just about choked to death laughing…….
Please don’t do dat, Syl – we have been on pins and needles long enough waiting for you to return – Mkay?
The article is almost a parody of itself (Onion territory
And “Kenya Friend-Daniel“, national director of public relations for Trader Joe’s?????
Suddenly “Moon Unit” and “Dweezil” (Zappa) don’t sound so strange….
Morning Cuppa!
Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, Sylvia! Hope all is well with you, and your shovels are all sharpened and shined (and aimed at the deep state
Hmmm. Do they detect magnetism? (Vaxx finders, anyone?)…
LOL very funny article. The tweets.

I’m shocked at the lack of critical thinking AND commonsense in the world. It’s like no one has read anything – and relies on a government directive to live their lives.
They know nothing about masks giving no protection against “the” virus? Ignorant and naive. Both disconcerting characteristics in our society today.
They can’t figure out all the inconsistencies in the stories – where did all the flu deaths go? How come big box stores and grocery stores were allowed to stay open, but not other businesses – businesses that could practice safe cleaning and distancing just as well.
The saga goes on and on. But this has been a big crime against humanity whatever the “real” virus was, the response was political and not science based. Big Pharma got richer, and people died anyway.
People don’t think anymore. Every time I pointed out that this “virus” contradicted EVERYTHING we know about the spread and prevention of disease, I got shrugs. One woman I know had the NASTY flu bug that was called “COVID” ’cause so many people tested “positive” and she swore she caught it because one day she was in a space where someone had it without a mask even if that person had no symptoms yet.
I was gathering data from her for my own discernment on it all, so I didn’t laugh, but so many people just made fools of themselves and didn’t know it.
Sadly they still don’t know they made fools of themselves. And they never will.
I’ll be nice and not tell them.
If the whole situation wasn’t madding and sad, the meltdowns would be hilarious.
They’re still pretty hilarious, either way…

That put a smile on my face. ALMOST, makes me want to walk in the Trader Joe’s in Carson City, just to piss of the Karen’s and Ken’s.
I forgot all about Nextdoor, they kicked me off (banned me!) when I took on the whole neighborhood, and several surrounding neighborhoods that seem to be part of the same group, over ‘BLM’ yard signs

It went on for HOURS, with multiple zombies taking runs at me, while lots of others took pot-shots from the peanut gallery, even had the race-card played against me so I didn’t miss out on any of the excitement.

The next day, I was banned, couldn’t log in unless I agreed to not start anymore fights by speaking plainly or calling a spade a spade, and there was no way I could agree to anything as underhanded as that…
Same here for me, Not getting the stab!! TBH I probably could get a medical opt out. I’ve never played the mask game with the retail folks. Sir need a mask, nope sorry all set.
But sir you need a mask….. I have a medical sorry…… oh okay carry on then. Usually end of discussion, if not I say okay and give them what I was picking up and leave.
Screw them.
Supposedly Palm Beach Police Dept. is going over the procedures necessary, in case they need to arrest DJT after a potential indictment by the Manhattan D.A.:
Palm Beach Is Preparing To Arrest President Trump
This to me, indicates the Bidenistas know they are completely illegitimate. The drama! The threat!
What sick, pathetic people.
I think it’s a gimmick to draw attention away from the audit results, the timing of when it comes into play will tell.
Indict him for what? Arrest him for what? “Inciting insurrection”? It’s some consolation that they still consider PDJT to be a major threat. They consider us to be a major threat and want to arrest “our leader.” It’s amazing that certain citizens of this country don’t understand the mindset of real Americans.
Heh. Roger L. Simon (formerly of PJ Media) has a helpful suggestion:
Based on the title, they should have done it decades ago.
But the US keeps holding them back.
Well, they’re certainly not wishing them “have a nice day!”
According to the IDF,
“After providing advance warning to civilians & time to evacuate, IDF fighter jets struck a multi-story building containing Hamas military intelligence assets.
The building contained civilian media offices, which Hamas hides behind and deliberately uses as human shields.”
Just who would be stupid enough to put your local HQ in a building full of Hamas Military Intelligence?
The Israelis were kind enough (and skilled enough) to collapse the building in its own footprint.
“…collapse the building in its own footprint.”
^^^ ALMOST as if IDF had already already wired the building with explosives. IDF simply waiting for the right moment to destroy Hamas HQ. The IDF air strike a cover story.
Then we learn about IDF deception nails Hamas in their rat tunnels.
Wiring a building like that *cannot* be done without the knowledge of the people within it. Lots of wire, everywhere.
That’s why I don’t buy the bullshit in re WTC 7
Now you’ve done it. You know they are going to hit you up with “they used wireless”.
Any form of special pleading to save The Theory.
Yep. Got it , and agree.
Knew wires were an issue when I posted. Did not think wireless for RF’s post.
Dropped in its foot print. By air craft dropping bombs or inserting rockets/missiles. Hmmm. I prolly need to locate a videon of that building going down again.
A third alternative? Not that I know of one, but neither of the two we are considering here make any sense.
I would also say, dropping a building constructed in Gaza compared to a building made in the USA is going to be quite easy. Building standards, if there are any, are not going to be very good.
I was impressed by dropping it in its own footprint. Knocking it over would be much easier.
Absolutely. Whatever building standards that may exist there, are quite likely largely ignored.
Dunno IF the building was “wired”. wireless or NOT. But that building largely “dropped”..
IIRC,noticed very minimal impact from “above”, if any. Watched that building video three or four times, looking for impact from above..
Building dropped, falling slightly to the right.
Perhaps a perpetrator, guided to maximize a vertical hit. Minimal lateral penetration. Straight down. Delayed detonation. Goal to drop the building, minimizing collateral damage.
Dunno. Doubt we’ll ever know. IDF knows. Bet they have “local” ground video, in addition to drone.
There’s potential for a third alternative as Steve suggested above.
There’s crazy, precise stuff….that I wouldn’t put past the Israelis.
For instance, shoot a missile through the ground floor into the wall of the basement to impact the foundation. Now do two, so as to hit the basement walls at the front and back of the building simultaneously. And detonate them both so close in time that the building didn’t pitch forward and fall into the street.
Or, far more plausibly, sneak a couple of “filing cabinets” that are filled with explosive into the basement and stash them near necessary supports, then fire any random missile into the basement with enough ooomph to set off the pre-positioned charges.
“woke word vomit episodes”…
Great word painting of the KommunistaReconquistaBarista…
Intelligence Community Keeps a Secret List of ‘Vaccine-Skeptics’ and ‘Election Conspiracy Theorists’: Sources (
Not having read this yet, it seems very much like the PTB are purposely trying to frighten and silence people.
On the contrary, people must continue to speak up LOUDLY.
Not surprised there’s a list, there most likely will be one of everyone who hasn’t taken the jab.
The question is why they need a list.
“The question is why they need a list.”
Because that’s just what Nazis do, they make lists.
And check them twice.
Because they have a burning need to know who’s naughty, and who’s nice

And their patron, Satan Sauros, has long years of experience at this, having started as a Nazi snitch outing his Jewish neighbors for Hitler…
He’s making a list
Checking it twice
Filling the ovens
Makes him feel so nice
Satan(Soros) Claus is killing the town…
Could it be Satan!
I tried to register for that list, but they kept rejecting my application, something about how volunteering to be on their secret list makes a mockery of the whole effort.
So then I applied again…
Nah, nah, nah.
You’ve got it all wrong…
You have to BEG them to keep you off that list…
Then you’ll be on it for sure
..and we’re all on it!
might as well go for the trifecta
And Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself!
We mustn’t have therapeutics. Repeat after me: we mustn’t have therapeutics…
“We mustn’t have therapeutics. Repeat after me: we mustn’t have therapeutics…”
But… but I like therapeutics… even just saying the word therapeutics somehow makes me feel better.
Saying ‘vaccination’, or ‘gene-therapy’, or the commercial trade names like J&J’s Judas Jab, or Moderna’s Magnetic Meat Tenderizer, or Pfizer’s Pfony-Vax never make me feel as warm and fuzzy all over the way therapeutics does.
Therapeutics like the HCQ combo and Ivermectin are cheap, and effective, and they’re readily available, and because of therapeutics, I don’t have to take the horrible, no good and very bad untested, experimental psychedelic Gene-wrecker shot
Me too…I like the word therapeutics!
And I hate it that people are calling it “gene therapy”.
The word ‘therapy’ implies it is something good.
When in reality…these jabs are covert gene manipulation.
Amen goes right there, Wheatie!!!
Google and Blogger are busy deleting posts of Frank Martinez at Catholic Monitor.
He is a journalist, btw.
They don’t like his posts about the covid religion or any CIA involvement in Catholic doings.
Things seem harder to find. Only an hour ago I was reading a european blog about the suspicion that people around johnson had been deliberately infected with the fauccp flu. There was the same suspicion was that people around PDJT had, but a (admittedly quick) search couldn’t get me any of those stories now.
They scrub stuff all the time. I noticed it a few years ago. Now I pretty much do searches at specific sites and forgo the search engines.
But to know they are reaching out and actually scrubbing a person’s blog is infuriating.
This article from late 2019 is a very worthwhile read. The “Google Archipelago” has arrived. It gives a really good overview of corporate socialism.
“The public square outside of the digital realm has become largely irrelevant by virtue of the fact that everything’s happening in the digital square,” he said.
Thus, digital authoritarians have a growing power to delete people from public discourse and even from society more broadly.
“Their objectives are the effective political death and financial and social ruination of their political opponents,” Rectenwald says in the book.” has an informative article on electromagnetic storms:
100 Years Later: The Great Geomagnetic Storm of May 1921
………………………From the article:
May 15, 2021: You know a solar storm is serious when buildings burst into flame. Sounds crazy? It really happened 100 years ago today.
On May 15, 1921, the biggest solar storm of the 20th century hit Earth. Around 02:00 GMT that Sunday morning a telegraph exchange in Sweden burst into flames. Across the Atlantic, the same thing was going on in New York. Flames engulfed the switch-board at the Brewster station of the Central New England Railroad and quickly spread to destroy the whole building. During the conflagration, long distance telephone lines burned out in New Brunswick; voltages on telegraph lines in the USA spiked as high as 1000 V; and auroras were sighted by ships at sea crossing the equator. It was a Big. Solar. Storm.

The outburst happened during the lazy tail end of Solar Cycle 15, an unremarkable cycle that was almost over in 1921. Sunspot numbers were low–but it only took one. Giant sunspot AR1842 appeared in mid-May and started flaring, hurling multiple coronal mass ejections (CMEs) toward Earth. In those days scientists had never heard of “CMEs,” so they were completely surprised when the clouds of plasma struck Earth. Around the world, magnetometers suddenly went offscale, pens in strip chart recorders pegged uselessly to the tops of their papers.
In response to the pummeling, Earth’s magnetic field swayed back and forth, rippling with energy. Fires were a direct result. Physics 101: When a magnetic field changes rapidly, electricity flows through conductors in the area. It’s called “magnetic induction.” Early 20th century telegraph lines suddenly found themselves buzzing with induced currents. In Sweden and New York, wires grew so hot they ignited telegraph papers and other combustibles.

Above: Headlines in New York newspapers on May 15, 1921.
What would happen if the same storm struck today? A 2013 Royal Academy of Engineering report summarizes the possibilities. Suffice it to say, fire would be the least of our worries. Modern technology is far more sensitive to solar activity than the simple copper wires of 1921. The same solar storm today could black out regional power grids, expose air travelers to radiation, knock out satellites, and disable radio-based technologies such as GPS.
Loss of electricity is often cited as the worst likely side-effect of a solar superstorm, but power systems are more resilient than they used to be. Thanks to improvements made after the Great Quebec Blackout of 1989, many modern grids would bounce back quickly. A more worrisome loss might be GPS. We think of GPS as our main way of finding things: ambulances finding accidents, pilots finding runways, and so on. But there’s more to it than that. GPS tells us what time it is, a service of atomic clocks onboard the satellites. In fact, GPS time is woven into the fabric of modern society.
“What if all these flying clock radios were wiped out, and everything on the ground started blinking 12:00?” asks the author, Dan Glass. Answer: “Nobody knows.”
Space weather scholars routinely call the May 1921 event a “100 year storm.” However, recent research (both historical and statistical) suggests that such storms come along more often–every 40 to 60 years. Either way, we’re overdue.
…………………….More at link.
So…I guess, yet another reason to maintain our preps.
I highly recommend having some oil lamps and lanterns on hand.
No batteries needed and they give off pretty good light.
Makes one wonder how far in advance they can be *reliably* predicted.
Only a few days, I think.
They can see if a big sunspot is about to erupt…and they can extrapolate the probable direction that it will take.
So I don’t think we will get more notice than “It’s on it’s way.”

As I understand it that’s about right. They can say “more likely” and “less likely” but you can’t take that to the bank, because less likely events still happen from time to time, like this time.
A CME at the wrong time would have cooked the Apollo astronauts, because they were well outside the Van Allen belts, which shield us from a lot of the blast.
Oh, and I just decided to check on that last assertion.
Apparently the current thinking is that the command module had adequate short-term shielding.
But if the event had hit while they were actually on the moon, the two on the moon might have been killed, as the command module was up in orbit and couldn’t be reached except during launch windows.
Kerosene lasts practically forever. Make sure you have fabric wicks on hand, too.
You can pick up kerosene in camping section of stuffmart.
Yep, kerosene lanterns/lamps are another alternative.
I’ve never used one, though.
Do they give off good light?
They barely gave enough light to do my homework back in my Little House on the Prairie pretending days.
I’ve only ever known them to be used with kerosene. What oils can be used to give a good light?
I use Lamplight Farms ‘Ultra Pure’ because it is smokeless and odorless.
It gives off pretty good light.
Not as bright as a light bulb, but pretty good.
I’ve used ‘Northern Lights’ (IIRC) oil (paraffin?) before, together with a clam-shell shaped censer, with a mirror on the interior bottom and glass as the top.
Plenty of light!
Thanks Em
Thank you Wheatie
I have used their Lamp Oil for many years…and its much safer (and has no smell) than kerosene.
Being able to read is always my first concern when the power goes out, and two of their inexpensive lanterns are more than adequate for reading…w/o eyestrain.
Much appreciated Piper
Yes. You can use more wick for a brighter light or less for a lower light.
Of course you burn your fuel faster for a brighter light. (See my post.
I topped-off my rental at a gas station in NC where they had a separate pump for kerosene, after which I turned to Toto and said, “we’re not in California anymore….”
Along with the VeggieTale vid of Madame Blueberry
(They have an episode about Stuff Mart, complete with an oblique ref to “2001”)…
This must be physics retaliation for my post.
Hey, not at all!

I got no problemo with your physics posts.
My eyes glaze over after a bit though…but that’s just me.
Yeah, I found myself covering a lot of ground this time. Trying to get it out of the way. Originally I was going to something else first but I realized I wanted potential under our belts first.
In 1859 we had a doozy, too, the “Carrington Event” which caused all sorts of issues with the telegraph network (at the time pretty much the only electrical anything. Something like that today would be…well interesting, put it that way! It was stronger than anything we’ve seen since, including this 1921 event.
I think the reason for this article on the 1921 event was because it was the 100 year anniversary.
But yeah…that 1859 event must have really been something.
I wonder if there was any seismic activity that happened then, too.
There seems to be some sort of correlation to CME’s and seismic activity.
But I don’t think anyone can say for sure what it is.
For example, when that big earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, there was a huge sunspot going on…it was a massive multi-spot cluster, iirc.
Yeah, I wasn’t trivializing the 1921 event, just adding to the seriousness of the general issue.
At least today we can “see” them before they hit even if it’s only 1-5 days warning, depending.
Some time ago, I saw an article that posited that the reason the Carrington Event was so extreme was because the CME acted as a laser and emitted directed energy along its axis.
I wonder how much we can really know about it, to be honest.
We only know that it happened at all because of telegraph operators getting zapped, etc. We certainly couldn’t “see” the thing happen in real time and realize what was going on. Was it just BIG or focused like your article is saying? How can we actually know when the only data we have is telegraph lines becoming electrified?
“What if all these flying clock radios were wiped out, and everything on the ground started blinking 12:00?” asks the author, Dan Glass. Answer: “Nobody knows.”
Hopefully we could find and excavate an ancient sun dial, you know, the way we used to tell time, before satellites became common…

My watch is quartz crystal and provided the battery doesn’t conk out, keeps better time than some of those old “atomic” watches that relied on a radio signal from WWV. If those things lost the signal their accuracy was crap.
All kinds of non-electric help
EXCLUSIVE: Goebbels-style “ministry of propaganda” tactics on display as ad agency promotes deadly Covid vaccines with manipulative, cunning slogans for buttons and t-shirts
Oh, those Nazis were very cunning, that is for sure. The Jews of Nazi Germany were not dumb, they just never saw it coming. Propaganda is a very powerful machine, and the psychology of sales was instrumental in wiping out half of all Jewish people on planet Earth. That was then. This is now:
The new scapegoat “Jews” are everyone who is choosing not to be vaccinated with the prion-creating Covid jabs, and our extermination is being called for in a ‘happy-go-lucky’ fashion, with catchy little sayings about getting vaccinated that are published and printed on everything from coffee mugs and t-shirts, to bumper stickers and brainwashing buttons to wear on your lapel.
Goebbels learned his techniques from Americans who had been using them on Americans for a few decades before he started operating.
I hate it when that man is named as being something other than a copy cat. 1910-1930 were the years propaganda techniques were distilled.
Among others.
I’d love to make Faux-Xi wear it for the whole following day, and then give him the “Q-Tip brain-tickle-test four or five times in a row (just to be sure, doncha know) to see what he’d picked up… then again, he probably doesn’t have any brain to tickle.
Puppets don’t have brains…..
I’d like to see him pinned down on a rough hewn table with ten penny nails or railroad spike and masks super glued to every inch of his body, then open the trachea and surgical masks in there …. and …
Having Transylvanian/Carpathian Saxon German heritage I’m only moderately intense ..

You have Transylvanian/Carpathian Saxon German heritage
the same heritage my husband has . That explains much to me

I’m working at being nicer, sometimes.. well …. not so much
My ancestry is colorful too. And yet people insist on pissing me off…
I know all about it
Something on the order of
The billiard sharp who any one catches,
His doom’s extremely hard —
He’s made to dwell —
In a dungeon cell
On a spot that’s always barred.
And there he plays extravagant matches
In fitless finger-stalls
On a cloth untrue
With a twisted cue
And elliptical billiard balls!
(from The Mikado, by Gilbert and Sullivan)…
Who elected Fauci and why does he have so much power over little kids when parents are in charge of their children?
Why is no parent fighting this or say not many parents fighting this?
Parents unite and fight this dangerous man.
Good morning to everyone except the mask cultists.
I hope the rumor is true
Don’t forget…the ‘virus’ was used to steal the election.
It was used as the excuse for Mail-In Voting.
So it is a multi-use weapon — for the Commie Dems and their globalist masters.
And…J҉o҉e҉ ҉B҉i҉d҉e҉n҉ ҉d҉i҉d҉n҉’҉t҉ ҉w҉i҉n҉.҉
I can’t tell if this was for real, or a parody.
They are their own parody.
Parody for the sane, reality for the “woke.”
Dual purpose video.
Okay who has the cattle prods …
Verse of the Day for Saturday, May 15, 2021
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
Psalms 133:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Vaccine Virtue Signaling And The Cult Of Woke – The Burning Platform
Good article!
I was going to post this, too! Good article!
This mornings scare story….
“Experts warn vaccines are ‘almost certainly less effective’ at reducing transmission of Indian variant while BMA urges ‘utmost caution’ with easing of lockdown as Boris sends Army into Covid hotspots amid warnings of 1,000 deaths a day by summer”
Deaths per million is the way to compare countries of different size.
Cumulative confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people, May 14, 2021
UK 1884
India 192
And I’ll add to that. If those numbers are incorrect (world wide) then it’s the respective governments shot themselves in the foot for fudging their numbers upwards, they cannot have it both ways.
“That ye may know what is the hope of His calling….” Eph. i. 18
Remember what you are saved for – that the Son of God might be manifested in your mortal flesh. Bend the whole energy of your powers to realize your election as a child of God; rise to the occasion every time.
You cannot do anything for your salvation, but you must do something to manifest it, you must work out what God has worked in. Are you working it out with your tongue, and your brain and your nerves? If you are still the same miserable crosspatch, set on your own way, then it is a lie to say that God has saved and sanctified you.
God is the Master Engineer, He allows the difficulties to come in order to see if you can vault over them properly – “By my God have I leaped over a wall.” God will never shield you from any of the requirements of a son or daughter of His. Peter says – “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you.” Rise to the occasion; do the thing. It does not matter how it hurts as long as it gives God the chance to manifest Himself in your mortal flesh.
May God not find the whine in us anymore, but may He find us full of spiritual pluck and athleticism, ready to face anything He brings. We have to exercise ourselves in order that the Son of God may be manifested in our mortal flesh. God never has museums. The only aim of the life is that the Son of God may be manifested, and all dictation to God vanishes. Our Lord never dictated to His Father, and we are not here to dictate to God; we are here to submit to His will so that He may work through us what He wants. When we realize this, He will make us broken bread and poured-out wine to feed and nourish others.
Oswald Chambers
May 15th Devotional
Van Morrison blacklisted for wrong thinking on his latest album. He doesn’t like the media or lockdowns. A rebel and an artist.
Somehow Van Morrison wasn’t someone I heard or listened to as a kid, among all the other classic rock that I did listen to. My friends and I, practically everybody we knew, listened to 60s and 70s music, not the 80s music that was new at the time. The only song by Van Morrison that I knew was Brown Eyed Girl, and I probably didn’t even know it was by Van Morrison at the time.
But when I was in college, one of my good friends ‘discovered’ Van Morrison, and said I had to come over and hear it.
I remember I didn’t really feel like it at the time, but I went.
Turned out all the lights, turned up the stereo, found the ‘sweet spot’ between the speakers, and I heard the album Moondance for the very first time.
I couldn’t believe I had never heard the album before!
One amazing song after another, the whole first side.
I think Into the Mystic is my favorite
And then I discovered Van Morrison’s other early albums. His Band and the Street Choir album became my next favorite, released in 1970, the same year as Moondance.
Neat, Scott!!! Thanks for the story!!!
It’s crazy to think that when I first heard those songs, they were already about 17 or 18 years old at the time… and it’s been more than 30 years since then!
And it still sounds great, like the first day I heard it
Quite crazy, Scott!!! Music has a way of affecting our lives long after it is popular.
My question:
Who is advising REALPOTUS to make these endorsements?
Is Mark Meadows still part of his team?
Who doesn’t see that this is a SET UP for a public discussion on ditching RINOs nationwide? Read through General Flynn’s words again.
Lastly, it is dangerous enough to have committed marxists and communists seeking to destroy our nation. It is even more dangerous to have long-in-the-tooth establishment politicians who double-speak when it suits them. It only serves their purposes, and confuses the people of South Carolina and our great nation.
A message to President Trump: If the United States is to have a chance of being restored to its greatness (MAGA), we CANNOT continue along with“business as usual.” We must reject the failed policies and attitudes of these BIG-BRITCHES party bosses and politicians. We MUST choose humble, confident leaders who put the needs of their constituents above themselves – just like you have done, Mr. President and Lin Wood is all of this and more.
If the future of our country was not at stake as it is today, maybe I wouldn’t take such a vocal stand for South Carolina or our nation, but sadly it is. We can no longer afford to have the current SCGOP leadership doing the same thing and expecting different results.
This is about more than South Carolina. That’s just the beginning of the discussion about the LOCAL operations.
This is the real shit, this is REAL people talking.
Yes – absolutely.
I barely read articles anymore – I get way more value from the comments.
Like you said – authored by REAL people!
may 15, 2021 the marshall report
This is almost one of those Mean Tweets™ we’ve all been missing!
Personally, I never saw gas less than two bucks under Trump.
The last time it happened was during the Great Recession, the first year of Obola’s presidency. Though of course that was a collapse in demand not an increase in prices, so it wasn’t healthy.
Gas is more expensive in leftist-run states for some reason.
Higher taxes and more regulations.
That’s why it’s higher in Dem-controlled states.
California, for example, requires additives…so it will always be higher there.
When I was actually having to serve my sentence in CA (no I wasn’t in prison, it’s just that living there is itself a sentence) it was typically a dime cheaper there than in Colorado.
Not any more.
Pocket linings. Corruption. No bid contracts to crony donors. Green new deals that turn out to be fancy money laundering schemes….
Same reason public contracts/projects are always so costly in Democrat-run states.
Seasonally. The taxes are 51 cents a gallon from state only.
Funny thing..I know exactly the city and location of that chevron. Thats not the highest i have seen.
Our gas here in Montana was never below $2 either. But part of that is living out here in the West. It is a long way from a port. The delivery of the gas is the problem. It’s expensive.
That makes some degree of sense.
It’s typically a lot cheaper in say, Oklahoma.
I understand part of the issue, too, is that each state imposes some regulations on the gasoline sold, so refineries have to specially set themselves to produce, say, gasoline for Kansas.
If Kansas runs low on gasoline before the refineries get back to making Kansas gas, it will see a prices spike while the rest of the country is drowning in gasoline, comparatively speaking. It has happened here, I know that.
One of the things GWB did after Katrina was suspend all those state regs by executive order; he should have made it permanent.
Pipelines matter, too.
No they don’t, they’re just an arbitrary dead white male social construct.
I would also think the Mighty Mississippi River might factor in, port-wise.
What on earth is a port?
I live kind of far from those things!
Under Trump our gas was $1,78
We saw gas at about $1.20 in Texas during PT’S first term.
Yesterday, I posted this from a source known to be right more often than not:
In the meantime, this popped up:
This is the second report I’ve seen that Fauci’s people are talking. Not sure what they are saying, but if the little fish are rolling, lying to Congress is going to be the least of the charges against the little masonic worm.
Hope easy out is disallowed.
Wishful thinking.
Odds of Dodge or FIB going after FauXi are nill. He and his ilk are in the protected class.
Who says THEY are the ones going after him?
That’s limited thinking.
Yea, I wallow in shallow thinking. So, please do enlighten me.
OK, who might be going after FauXi and his ilk? Seriously, who?
And yes, I am perfectly OK with vigilantes.
To paraphrase an old story; Retired Generals- how many divisions do they command?
If they’ve been reactivated – and Marines can be by a legitimate president – untold numbers.
Yeah. That is likely.
Is that supposed to be sarcasm or not? I’m not asking sardonically, but rather because I can’t tell..
Pure sarcasm.
I should have have labeled as such.
Based on your past-stated opinions I suspected as much…but I wasn’t sure you hadn’t changed your mind.
The bullshit continues to be fed to us.
Good Grief, Steve!!! Just when I was winding down from a very ‘mentally-challenging’ week – you rev up the brain for more!!!
Back in Physics Class – I am – Thanks!!!
Yep. Felt like I was back in college.
So, GMT – you understand my conundrum – Whew!!! Now I feel better – Thanks!!!
God Bless You Real Good for understanding!!!
Aw, come on, I didn’t even hit you with trigonometry.
Trig really isn’t that bad…..if you approach it with analytic geometry in your back pocket. Trouble is, that’s not the way it’s traditionally taught — which inevitably causes reasonable people to utterly loathe and despise the subject.
The very, very basics like “what is a sine” and “what is a cosine” I could cover, but it’d be as much of an excursion as my (simplified) dot product presentation was.
Yeah when you get into those hairball identities it starts to suck but those are rarely needed at this level. (And it was fun learning how to derive many of them from Euler’s eqution, handy when you can’t remember if it’s a minus sign or a plus sign in that identity.)
I find it fascinating that Euler’s Equation (I’ve also read it described as an “Identity”) has been dubbed the “most beautiful equation” in mathematics – by both professionals and amateurs – and yet ALL of their explanations of its beauty miss the mark, IMO.
Trig is all about the number “pi” – using triangles to mediate between linear (translational) and circular (rotational). That’s it.
The other four functions – besides the basic sine and cosine – are all permutations or combinations of the initial two.
There are only a few fundamental trig identities; the half-angle and double-angle ones (and the like) are pretty abstruse, and rarely used unless one is going into math as a profession.
Or, going into astrophysics … or becoming a sniper!
So I’m on my 4th cup of strong tea, breaking your opener down into smaller pieces to “digest”..
I will say that for the first time ever, my brain is not saying, “Physics — bad — go away.” The brown block on the ramp example really helps.
Thank you.
That was sweet of you, Steve – not bragging but, I got straight A’s in Math – took Calculus in HS – did not go well – teacher was out of his league – BUT –
I did get an A in Physics – and so – the refresher is most appreciated!!!
Just so you know – this is second nature to you – not so for all of us – Mkay?
We do appreciate your willingness to educate us!!!
An interesting decode from an anon this morning, in re #2619 :
“Gold shall destroy FED”
This cannot be talking about gold metal because it is constantly hung out as a distraction by clowns. The world reserves are several times larger than commonly understood because true reserves like the Yukon Motherlode are kept secret.
FED cannot refer to the Federal Reserve because it is called “the Fed”. Q did not use an article and used all caps which usually means an acronym. There is an acronym FED for Foreign Exchange Desk. Every bank and multinational has one, creating money out of thin air in the same way that Quantitative Easing does by arbitraging foreign currencies.
This was made possible by the Petrodollar which only exists because oil is scarce. But what if oil was really plentiful, not a fossil fuel, but made in the crust of all planets including Mars.
This all brings us back to Gold. Thomas Gold who proved that petroleum is abiogenic and can be found in very deep boreholes like the 6km+ ones he drilled in Sweden to test his theory. Note that Ukraine’s Burisma is also drilling 6km and deeper.
The Deep Hot Biosphere
It should be read by anyone who supports MAGA because the abundance of resource wealth will totally change the world.
You will see a drastic CLIMATE CHANGE from a climate of scarcity to one of abundance
Haven’t the Russians long believed in abiogenesis?
Dunno, Tona.
I take it you mean ‘for petroleum’?
But I’ve read, separately, that microwave ovens are prohibited in Russia.
(As is Schwartzy-poo the Sore-A**!)
Hmm … maybe they break down the molecular bonds which our digestive system was *meant* to break down on its own? Robbing us of gaining this vital nutrition / energy from our food?
I’ve read before about the psy-op of the term “fossil fuels” – to get the greenies all unhinged!
The power of words …
I just grabbed the first link I found:
Years ago I read an article asserting that the Russians did not believe oil was a fossil fuel. I forget the details of the article, but it was very interesting and was full of detail.
IIRC, the Russians energy policy was built on the belief that oil was a replenishing resource.
Well since we’re talking abiogenesis, (admits I had to look up the term, but when I did found it fits what I’d like to say
) this event or process produced life appox 3.5 to 4 billion years ago. Since then and now, 99 percent of all living species have gone extinct. That’s an estimate of some five billion species that are no longer with us today. One can likely argue well that one of the things that helped keep the other appox 1.2 million documented species still alive today is an ability to be hardy and resist pestilence and disease. With humans its our highly evolved immune system that is largely responsible for this. Yet some how we are being asked to abandon that and go with a gene therapy which is really more of a restructure or large modification in our current immune system. One that has been designed in under a year by people we know practically nothing about, dabbling in a sciences most of us don’t have much information on, all to cure us from a virus with very dubious origins based on the say so from the mouth peices of a cabal that stand against our way of life and whom would prefer that most of us just went extinct anyway. Pardon some of us if we’d like to wait a bit to see how this grand experimentation is going to work out.
I think in this context he’s talking about oil *not* having a biological origin.
When we did not run out in 2020 as predicted in the 1970’s, may have been a heads up that oil ain’t from dead dinosaurs.
I don’t know if *that* necessarily follows, but it shows that we had not found it all (however it was formed) at the time! Predicting based on known reserves means not considering possible future discoveries of oil fields.
The fact we keep finding it tells me we have well exceed the fossil part in fossil fuels. I like the percolate up from the mantle theory. Makes more sense to me.
If we found more in a place we drained, that would be one thing.
And Frac’ing doesn’t qualify; that amounts to getting stuff to percolate out of the rocks that we couldn’t get first time around.
I am not dismissing the hypothesis, I just am saying *this particular fact* isn’t evidence either for or against it.
So no segues?
Abiogenesis – Wikipedia
In evolutionary biology, abiogenesis, or informally the origin of life (OoL), is the natural process by which life has arisen from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds. While the details of this process are still unknown, the prevailing scientific hypothesis is that the transition from non-living to living entities was not a single event, but an evolutionary process of …
Yeah, I went to Wikipedia. If you start typing “Abiogenesis” the drop down has the theory that oil doesn’t come from dead life as the second position; the first being the one you found.
Same word, two meanings, the original topic was the second meaning.
and the Art of War…
Feint By Israel May Have Delivered A Major Blow To Hamas
May 14, 2021
Patton & Eisenhower must be smiling.
Bravo, Israel !
Whoops. 100% covid patients all vaxed.
Israel has numbers of 50-60% of new Covid patients are vaxxed.
Israel such a great country and people. What has Israeli leadership done to its great people. The long term effects of the mandatory injection, maybe the greatest threat to Israel.
Israel is in many ways a European-style lefty welfare state, having to also be an armed camp because it’s surrounded by hostiles. We conservative types tend to like it the most when it shows off those latter virtues.
I do not understand the leadership in Israel for pushing vaccines. Why put their people in danger I never will understand when we have other methods combating the virus.
Unpacked, so the video will play here:
So it will be that new variant from Saturn, or have they not exhausted their list of countries yet.
Let my people go–London!
^^^ That’s both funny AND true.
Would be great if that meme caught on across the country.
I think it just may catch on … just like the “Fraud” meme, with the red and blue election tallies together in one graph.
Both are simple, and both convey the message quite powerfully.
At least the store-owner, and the person taking the video, are in the know.
Hope it’s SOON that the “enough must know” threshold is reached …
His skull? Or your gas tank? (Or both!)
Or our collective *patience*.
(Or all three …)
Show Me Your Papers
Indeed. And Home Depot too.
I went to buy about ten studs once, and every single one of the entire bundle was bent a foot from the end, and it was crown, not bow (you can’t do much with a crowned stud).
If they had just turned the damn tree 90 degrees before they fed it into the saw at least it would have been bowed.
Oh, c’mon — they were just optimized for making rocking chairs. It’s not their fault you were trying to build a wall.
A rocking chair built out of soft wood.
Now there’s a stupid concept, but that, therefore is probably exactly what they were thinking.
In honor of Caturday:

I’d love to see how he did the eyes and whiskers (in fact I suspect a photoshop session).
It can almost always be cat turd day, depending on when s/he decides to post.
Too perfect, would have to see it with my own eyes :RAC -)
The head looks to be a bit different than the rest (the neckline) …
But it’s still a fun photo, shopped or not …
I like the detail of having a “model” behind the ladder.
Dear Slow-Joe the Schmoe…..
The latest from Dr. Mercola.
“ I’m absolutely terrified that the combination of vaccine passports and top-up vaccines is going to lead to mass depopulation, deliberate execution, potentially of billions of people.”
THIS – THIS – THIS – THIS – !!!!!!!!!!
TRAITORS Pence & McConnell – committed the gravest perfidy ever.
Of course it was in democrat localities that the crucial stuff happened, a fact which can be used to obscure what was going on. But the state level people let it happen.
RINOs are a curse.
GOP who does not like Trump because in their way of thinking he was to vile and wrote nasty truth filled Twitters, therefore they sabotaged the election and was more important then turning the country Marxist?
Yes I got it very logical
Those are traitors to the Republic and to the American people they are supposed to serve not the Marxists.
Trump was interfering with their political schemes and scams.
The Corbett Report Extras (Video)
Idiot-in-Chief is at it, again!!!
One suspects that Dr. Fauci may be getting “worried” about keeping his head on his shoulders, perhaps?
And his entrails internal.
I’m all for staking him out next to a nest of fire ants before any of the tried and true methods are undertaken.
Separation anxiety?
5.15.21: The ENEMY is losing LEADERS, LEGAL battles, DEMONIC TV shows and MORE! Hold the LINE! Pray!
And We Know Published May 15, 2021
Team sport? I got the 9MM, if someone can get the petro and plywood.
Pompeo doesn’t hold back.
He talks about Israel/Gaza and the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack.
“None of this happened in the Trump administration.”
I really like the dog one.
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Your #SaturdayMorning Montana moment somewhere over the rainbow…
Ben Garrison Cartoons
New #BenGarrison cartoon #WokeDisney Never say the “M” word and check your “Snow White” Privilege! Read the rest at
Joe Biden Is Not My President
If anyone is uncomfortable with the accuracy of these numbers you can research at Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program — FBI cjis/ucr
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the Washington Post, last year there were 10 million arrests by police…10 Million!!
Out of those 10 MILLION arrests, there were 1,004 officer-involved fatalities.
Out of those 1,004 officer-involved fatalities, 41 were unarmed.
Out of those 41-officer involved unarmed fatalities (now you might find it hard to believe I know), but out of 41 deaths, now hear this…
19 were white – 9 were black.
Now 1 is 1 too many, but to me, 41 out of 10 million is a pretty small percentage! (.00041%)
Now ask me how many police officers were killed in the line of duty… c’mon, take a wild guess…
89 police officers, but where was the news media when those took place????
Just to bring it home, take a guess as to how many people were shot in CHICAGO just this last weekend. In Chicago last weekend 82 people were shot within a 48-hour period.
Of those 82 people 19 people died.
Yes, you got it. In Chicago last weekend alone, there were more black people killed by (wait for it…) black people than were killed by police in all of last year!
The hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Now go ahead, please do the research and see for yourself.
Thank you to Bernard Kerik, former NYPD Police Commissioner for sharing this information.
Services | Federal Bureau of InvestigationThe FBI doesn’t just solve cases and prevent attacks. It also provides a range of services to its many partners and to the general public. These services are varied…
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So then about half the CDC employees are true believers, and the other half know they’re sending people to their deaths, but still happy to get paid by the government to do it.
Clay Clark – The Pandemic Narrative Is Crumbling, Walls Are Closing In On Fauci
Clay is the creator and owner of ThriveTimeShow. Clay begins the discussion talking about the next event which is schedule for June 17-19. Clay then moves into the discussion of how doctors have the cure for covid. Fauci has been working with the Wuhan laboratory on gain of function and now the truth is coming out. It is only a matter of time before the world know the truth. The people are now fighting back.
DEVELOPING: Israel Begins Ground Operations Against Hamas
MUST WATCH: Nashville Gas Station Puts Meme of Hunter Biden on Their Sign, ‘Hope Gas Prices Don’t Get Too High’ (VIDEO)
Good physics lecture this week too. I’m enjoying reading it. It works as a story of suspense too, with the mysteries and whether or how they are solved.
I’ll be looking forward all week now, to next Saturday’s chapter.
All three of the mysteries are understood today, I’ll let that drop.
I am thinking of trying an experiment to prove/disprove the magnetism of the nano particles in the Jab rumor.
I want to take an iron magnet file off some small filings, (weigh them if I can) and then use a fabric glue to glue them inside an old rag bag shirt. This is to approximate the nano particles under the skin in your arm at the injection site.
Then I can use a frig magnet to see if it will stick to a minute amount of magnetized iron.
The QUANTITY (micro grams) of magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) makes me think this is a Xi 50 cent army trick to make Deplorables look like idiots.
That makes some sense.
For a magnet to stick to you with the particles inside of you, the force between the particles and the magnet must be enough to hold the magnet on, even though there’s very little metal. Seems unlilkely.
Try putting the grains on the far side of a sheet of paper. Tape them in place (otherwise, in the next step they’ll move with the magnet). See if you can get the magnet to stick to the sheet (on the other side) even if you hold the sheet vertically.
You probably won’t be able to, but if you can we’re both surprised.
The incredibly rude new neighbors (park wherever they want, use other people’s garbage cans if they feel like it ) are outside taking Palestinian flag pictures. All dressed up in their finest head wraps and neck scarves.
The ‘war’ must be going well
Ugh. Sorry!
thanks . Might have to add a new flag I got some time back…it says 4th kentucky orphan brigade…lol it’s a red cross, white stars on a blue background
Or yard sign saying you support Israel
Lol mebbe
Yesterday was Israeli independence day (as noted on our calendar, not the Jewish one). I thought about flying the Israeli flag, but I only have one flagpole. Bad flag etiquette to fly one country’s flag below another, so I’d have had to fly nothing but the Israeli flag.
Check list.
Mini ground report from the recently liberated St. Louis County.
Went to the locally owned nursery to round out the herbs and annuals, and only one staff member there was masked. The ladies in the cashier’s building were not at all. About half of the customers were.
At the grocery store, everybody was masked.
Oh, and the Couch Commando’s boss overrode the HOA people for the pools they are staffing this summer and told his people not to bother enforcing any mask nonsense.
Today I had to go to the local Ace Hardware. The guy who owns it has made all his employees wear masks all along. Not customers, because he’d lose most of his business, and he knows it.
Today, NO masks for employees required! A couple of hold-out morons were wearing them, but I’ll bet it doesn’t last in the summer heat.
It feels like maybe we are turning a corner.
About ten birthday parties and that muslim festival in the last few weeks — NO MASKS ANYWHERE…. Well one on a Post Awful idiot alone in her mail Jeep.
Post Awful! I love it!
About 2 weeks ago, I went to a hospital for a diagnostic test. My temp was checked at the door, and I was given an N95 mask to wear.
The waiting area for the lab was in the corridor of this older hospital. The test involved a 2 hour wait in this corridor. Multiple patients used the waiting area chairs (with fluid stained upholstery). No cleaning between patients.
Multiple patients used the rooms where tests were being given. No cleaning between patients.
2 techs gave me the test solution to drink, 3 different techs took blood samples.
The next day, they called an asked me to return because they messed up part of the test.
Again, a hospital, 2 weeks ago.
Gross! It sounds like the Third World!
Maybe we’ll get a clue from this on where to do our next protest.
“Will they ignore it again?”
I’ll take that one for the whole nine yards, and all the prizes you keep in the back of the studio, Alex!
What is ‘yes’?
That’s right by the BBC HQ, just out of sight.
Geraldo down in flames.
that was excellent
tried to find it on youtube to share on fb but can’t find it
any details as to what show and when? Tweeted videos don’t post well on fb
Yesterday Fox and Friends.
Full link that I found on youtube
I still can’t figure out who the young guy is who stands up to Geroldo? The 3rd from the left on the picture above … ???
(obviously, I watch much TV and am clueless)
Geraldo is such a prissy little scaredy-cat

I don’t think he is. I think he is a mouthpiece for the leftist agenda. HE LIES about things to promote said agenda.
Yes, he’s trying out leftist
lineslies and isn’t getting any traction. Thus the sad face.If Geraldo is so peranoid then he needs to eat at home and not request other people to show vaccination to ease his paranoia.
I have extreme disconnect to the logic they use…if you’re in a restaurant everybody sitting at the tables have their masks off. Only the wait staff has them on but somehow when you leave, they expect them on while walking through a parking lot.
Do they block their phobic fear while sitting near unmasked patrons but let it fully envelop them once they stand up from the table????
Why are they taking the shots if not to feel safe from a totally survivable virus?
I think they’re just plumb mad dog stark raving nutz!
Restaurant rules make the least sense. You wear a mask in while quickly walking by other tables, but you take it off while seated, when the waiters are leaning over the table filling your drink glasses and delivering food. But that’s okay because the waiters’ masks will supposedly protect them from you.
By the same token, someone who is vaccinated should feel safe even if they are the only person in a room who has had the shot(s) — if the shots work. If they’re not positive the shots work, they need to stop trying to force us to get them!
If the masks and the shots work, then what’s the problem?
News from TN, fixing one election issue after another and hoping, praying, other states are doing the same.
“Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee recently signed into law a bill that ends allowing donations to be accepted for use in elections.
The bill originated after what its sponsors said was a $475,000 donation that one unidentified Tennessee county accepted related to the 2020 election.
The Foundation for Government Accountability said it was a COVID-19 response grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative through the Center for Tech and Civic Life.
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is run by facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. The couple announced $400 million in donations last year to help local governments conduct elections. The foundation said in October that 21,000 local governments had applied for the grants.”
This doesn’t prevent the money from coming in but at least provides accountability and oversight via involvement of the state legislature
Three declared candidates running in TN’s 5th Congressional district to unseat Cooper and flip the seat red.
McKnight has filed his paperwork and is officially a candidate.
GA Rep Vernon Jones spoke at his campaign launch in Nashville this past Thursday afternoon
Robby Starbuck declared he was running in Nov but I haven’t seen his official campaign launch yet
We won’t know the new distric lines until last summer or early fall. Will be interesting to see how the 5th is redrawn.
you have to click to GP to hear it
Wanted me to have a FB, TW or InstaGram account. So, I pass for now.
Knowing the guy bashed BiteMe, IS MAGA, is good enough by me. Gateway Pundit ? I’ve never seen that and I don’t have any of those either.
Yeah, it was a good rant
Yea, occasionally i can’t get stuff on GWP to play nice. Tried two browsers. Likely my laptop or my piss poor computer skills/knowledge.
I use uBlock ad blocker. Because of that, GWP videos will not play, and I can’t see comments on the site. If I disable the ad blocker temporarily, I am able to view those things.
Strange. That vid will probably start hitting’ll be out there soon
Yeah lot click throughs to see it because the tweet takes you to an instagram post.
After a great rant the ending was epic as four jets just happened to fly by in formation and the guy says “I hope those mother fxxxers are going to pick up my president”
LOL … sounds exactly like me with my friends.
On May 15, 1781, the Continental Army captured South Carolina Fort Granby from British Loyalists.
Henry Lee’s son was Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
A mere five months prior to the Battle of Yorktown. Sounds like this helped make Cornwallis’ position untenable!
Interesting and plausible, given that Cornwallis had captured Charleston and was operating in the south in the lead-up to Yorktown.
New Intellectual Froglegs
. I don’t know how to embed it here.
Maybe this is serious and not funny, but

Internet Sleuths Find Joe Biden’s Secret Venmo Account in Less Than 10 Minutes – Causing Potential National Security Issue
What you see happening in the US military at the moment is that if you’re a conservative, then you’re lumped into a group of people who are labeled extremists, if you’re willing to voice your views. And if you’re aligned with the left, then it’s OK to be an activist online because no one’s gonna hold you accountable.
And the military — you know, the people with all the guns and training how to use them — is allowing it.
They could stop it if they wanted to, just like Myanmar did.
Just like Egypt did.
They could restore lawful order, just like the military of many countries have done, throughout time.
Instead, they abandoned the Constitution and won’t defend the Republic against ANY enemies, foreign OR domestic. They won’t even get rid of the traitors in their own ranks.
So I don’t know how to feel sorry for the military.
If their oath doesn’t mean anything to them, if their country doesn’t mean anything to them, then why should anyone care what happens to them?
It’s like watching Mike Tyson get beat up by Potsie Weber, simply because Iron Mike won’t raise his fists to defend himself.
If he wants to throw the fight, if he wants to let himself get knocked out by Potsie, then why should I be upset about it?
Look at that… Potsie hit him so hard, it knocked his hair off!
short video on the woke cult/propaganda
Trump and the White Hats I knew, but this?
may 15, 2021 the marshall report
If this were a movie, this would be a total twist for an ending and one people would be saying, I never saw that coming at all!! So, this is a show and nothing real makes any sense, what if this is really going down? And if it isn’t, then at least this makes for a story more believable than Joe Biden won the election.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Why would a mom rescue/ flee with her daugher but leave her sons?
It may have been the only way to survive a planned death – her two sons were critically injured but, survived the crash – Beau died of brain cancer later in life – and Hunter – well – we know what he did.
The whole ‘crash’ is suspicious – imho – and it just may be – we do not know the whole story – after all – wasn’t the Dr. and the Mr. having an affair?
“Why would a mom rescue/ flee with her daugher but leave her sons?”
Beau was three and Hunter was two. Both were old enough to talk but way too young to keep their mouths shut. Amy as a baby (AND A GIRL) was too young to do much talking and more at risk from the Pedos than the boys.
Also the boys were injured making it harder to disappear them.
Circuit Courts have been Reassigned
Effective November 20, 2020, ordered pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42
MI – Brett M. Kavanaugh
WI – Amy Coney Barrett
PA – Samuel A. Alito
GA – Clarence Thomas
These are the justices assigned to each circuit who accept emergency applications from petitioners. This is important when cases are submitted to be heard in SCOTUS.
In other words, if a case from GA, MI, PA, or WI petitions SCOTUS we won’t have Sotomayor summarily rejecting it.
Smacks of a re-run from a few months back. Guessing we know the, “rest of the story”.
Has me wondering what Mike Lindel has to offer that is different than what transpired before – he is convinced the Supremes will hear his case – Why? How? When?
This movie has not ended by any stretch of the imagination, Kal!! The Fat Lady is still taking singing lessons!!!
The book will be out June 15th. Should be interesting…
Panic Over New Book By Author Charles Murray Whose First Book “The Bell Curve” on Race in America Sent Shockwaves Across Academia
In related news, today I read this! I could hardly believe that the NFL that just loves BLM would be so racist!
“Former NFL players who suffer from dementia or other brain injuries may be entitled to payouts under the NFL’s $1 billion settlement of brain injury claims but the league uses a scoring algorithm that requires former Black players to score lower for cognitive skills than their white counterparts to receive an award which has been called “race-norming.””
Seriously? What in the actual ____?!
Don’t they normally have people take tests for them? Or was that just the talent scouts that offered that service and the players are too cheap or stupid to do it for themselves?
What maroons.
I hope this show…& thanks for the expansive lesson…
LOL, I love that scene because the Sicilian ties himself in mental knots the way some of us do trying to figure out who is a white or black hat.
Nice. Never get involved in a land war in Asia!
And the middle east is part of Asia.
But no doubt the writers were thinking of Vietnam.
& here I was thinking of China & the Soviets
Oh & for sure Death is on the line!!!
BREAKING: Trump Desk Website Down After He Releases Statement Saying ‘Entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona Has Been DELETED!’ (
Site is up but not showing his new message. You can access it here.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America | News | Donald J. Trump (
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/15/21
The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED! This is illegal and the Arizona State Senate, who is leading the Forensic Audit, is up in arms. Additionally, seals were broken on the boxes that hold the votes, ballots are missing, and worse. Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, will now be forced to look into this unbelievable Election crime. Many Radical Left Democrats and weak Republicans are very worried about the fact that this has been exposed. The DELETION of an entire Database and critical Election files of Maricopa County is unprecedented. Many other States to follow. The Mainstream Media and Radical Left Democrats want to stay as far away as possible from the Presidential Election Fraud, which should be one of the biggest stories of our time. Fox News is afraid to cover it—there is rarely a mention. Likewise, Newsmax has been virtually silent on this subject because they are intimidated by threats of lawsuits. One America News (OAN), one of the fastest growing networks on television, and the “hottest”, is doing a magnificent job of exposing the massive fraud that took place. The story is only getting bigger and at some point it will be impossible for the weak and/or corrupt media not to cover. Thank you to OAN and other brave American Patriots. It is all happening quickly!
Git ’em!
It was little Bobby Tables….
Ground report from the Blue prison state. Despite the new CDC guidance, not a whole lot has changed. There were less masks outdoors, and some small businesses removed their mask signs. The national grocery chain store I visited today is still requiring the masks, though.
“It’s a sad thing,” Says Alfie Owner of Seed To Table…HE TOOK A STAND AGAINST ILLEGAL MANDATES FROM THE VERY BEGINNING! Thank God for men like him!
may 15, 2021 the marshall report
“If someone comes in here and they are really, really afraid of bumping their head, and there are actually people who have head injuries and wear a football helmet, I have no problem with that. That’s their right. I’m not going to tell them they’re not allowed to wear a football helmet to come into the store,” said Alfie Oaks, owner of Seed To Table, a 75,000 sq. ft. farmer’s market-inspired store in North Naples, Florida. Watch the video and hear what he has to say about a real pandemic.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
this is just awful …
As seen here:
This discrimination has to stop.
They need to change their name to “UnAmerican Airlines”, with United changing theirs to “disUnited” Airlines.
Get Woke?
Then GO BROKE!!!!!
Former Ambassador on America’s Voice talking about HR1. R’s are pushing back, it so far doesn’t have 60 votes. Senate is marking it up?!?(playing along? Stalling for time?) Expect final showdown some time in August.
Just around the corner is HR1 V2.0, aka John Lewis’ new bill. Designed by Eric Holder
, includes among other power grabs, appointing the incumbent Attorney General as Tsar over the States who must then seek AG’s approval over election laws and processes.
Both of these Dumb Dem Duds are UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!
Israel called and said you got an hour to get out. Unfortunately they seemed to have heeded the warning.
What a SLANTED statement!
Sounds like they paid attention in creative and/or persuasive writing classes. Didn’t have time to take the ethics class(es) though. And they forgot to report the most important target, which they’ve been ignoring all along: their TERRORIST co-renters.
Ooops, they must have flunked logic, too. Not a very smart idea to rent space alongside munitions and prime military targets…
Looks like they have to learn things the hard way, just the rest of the libturd snowflakes…
Hmmm. And poor journalists, at that.
Seems they didn’t bother at all to report that their friends, Hamas, had been attacking Israel, and were the aggressors, i.e. they attacked first.
As they say over here, “Setzen, Sechs!”, in other words, “FLUNK!!!” … (more literally, in my best Gary Radnich voice, “SIT DOWN!!! You’ve Flunked”)
(Six being the lowest grade you can get here, i.e. “F”)…..
AP has had an office there for 15yrs and expects us to believe they had no clue about Hamas
Come on man!
It’s interesting if you think about number ratings. Sometimes “1” is best (as here) and sometimes the higher the number the better. You have first and second lieutenants, but you also have first and third grade in school. (And “grade” also is used to refer to military rank.)
And then there’s
F fine
D dandy
C corny
B bad
A awful
for those who end up voting DEMONRAT…
Yep, over here things are basically rated with the lower the number, the better the rating. School grading goes from one to six (so we have an “E” for effort, I guess, but 4 (“D”) is still the lowest passing grade).
The only different systems being those pushed upon us by the EC/EU, namely the “energy efficiency labels” (even on car tires!) running A through F, and the food ratings, same thing. So, they manage to dumb people down even further, while endangering us by leaving important information out, e.g. hydroplaning and traction ratings on tires.
Funny thing with the efficiency labels. When they killed off incandescent bulbs, they needed letters above “A” to show how great they are (not). So we were rewarded with A+, A++, and even A+++ (sounds like Intel’s process names lately at 14nm
). A year ago we had a “great reset” and A+++ became A, and everything else moved down, with the lowest ratings moving off into outer darkness, so to speak.
Between the Greens killing off our energy and everthing else they can abort, and the Mozzies wanting to go back to the sixth century or before, we’ll end up as Neanderthals. Just in time for a new Little Ice Age… guess I’ll order out for Bronto Burgers…
Damn, and I thought they were going after fake news. According to this self admission/ report by Al Jazeera or AP, Hamas was launching missiles from their building.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/15/21
Wall Street Journal has reported (they finally got something right), that 2020 was the “Worst Presidential Poll Miss in 40 Years.” The public opinion surveys ahead of the 2020 Presidential Election were the most inaccurate ever, according to a major polling panel. This was done purposely. The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election. Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say “Let’s stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can’t win.” And then I would win those states or at least come very close. In one state that I actually won, but the results were rigged, ABC and the Washington Post had me down by 17 points. Even the rigged final result was extremely close. It’s called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal. These are crooked, disgusting, and very dishonest media outlets and they know exactly what they are doing. The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country. The good news is, the American people get it and the truth is rapidly coming out! Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/15/21
As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!
This is the real life version of the “Bourne Identity” scene where the actor Brian Cox says “shut it down.” The tech hits the power switch and the monitors blink off one by one. Fade to black.
Yeah, when I read that the Colonial Pipeline attack was done by a “criminal gang,” my first thought was, “Well, that describes the entire federal government.”
Traffic under the bridge is flowing again.
OSHA Tells Employers They May Be Liable For Any Adverse Reactions If They Mandate Covid Shots
May 13, 2021 Lifesite News and America’s Frontline Doctors
Good news!
The Couch COmmando has a charge wo got jabbed recently, and he knows this is going to be an issue for the president of the company. That guy won’t even allow masks.
Apparently his new job involves reviewing traffic tickets from 5 red light cameras in the town of Davies. Pays 65,000 a year.
Good fit, no doubt. Probably familiar with red light districts
This is trippy….

Tucker reacts to footage of ‘spherical’ UFO captured by Navy
I believe someone brought us this and better about a year ago with the UFO’s also coming out of the water.
It’s supposed to be ‘new’, but from 2019.

Going by the picture quality, they’re using cameras from before cameras were invented…
Seriously, here’s the quality of photography the military had in 1898, during the Spanish American War:
And here’s the quality of movie camera film that Edison had in his lab, early 1890s:
But this is the best our military can do in the 21st century:
It’s just insulting, they just mock us.
Maybe that’s where they get the expression “mock up” that they always used back in the Mercury and Gemini programs… (does anybody even use that anymore…gosh, I feel old)….
Let’s “fight far with far” and mock them. Though with Bye, Done supposedly at the helm, they do it all by themselves…
The picture was from 2019 so it really can’t be blamed on Biden.
Yeah, that makes it a unicorn today.
1898 was at least 30 years after the first primitive photographs. We have photographs of Lincoln, after all.
In fact we can go back to the daguerreotype in 1839. That tech was so light insensitive you could really only take portraits with it, requiring the subject to stay still for seconds even in sunlight. We have a Daguerreotype of Lincoln from 1848. It was superseded by a faster process in 1860.
And yes even the daguerreotype is sharper than this, but remember you couldn’t take a picture of a moving subject with it.
It’s a damn shame the tech isn’t about 50 years older than that; we could have photographs of Washington as president. (And I could say the same about audio, too, we missed Lincoln by a handful of decades.)
It’s a real shame our military can’t afford color cameras with better resolution than a 1945 TV set.
If that’s the best the military can do with all the money we give them, they should just quit.
A camera on a used cell phone found buried in the sand at the beach is a thousand times better than this garbage…

All their good equipment is being sent to Hamas and Iran…
To be sure, at night, you’re going to get grainy video, and it doesn’t matter what you’re using. You end up cranking the ISO and that gives your pictures a lot of “noise.” (Back in film days it was called ASA.) ISO is simply the light sensitivity of your sensor. Double the ISO, you’re doubling the light sensitivity so every doubling of ISO represents a “stop.” At low ISOs (100-1600 or so) the graininess might not be noticeable, but there’s always a tipping point where you suddenly really notice it.
However, it does seem to be an immutable Law of Photograpy that all pictures of BigFoot, Nessie, and UFOs must be taken at ISOs of 1,000,000 or more.
“To be sure, at night, you’re going to get grainy video, and it doesn’t matter what you’re using.”
Ah, the old ‘They mostly come at night… mostly‘ trope, one of my favorites!
“However, it does seem to be an immutable Law of Photograpy that all pictures of BigFoot, Nessie, and UFOs must be taken at ISOs of 1,000,000 or more.”
This is Gen 3 Night Vision recording capability, available to the public. The military is probably on Gen 7 (maybe Gen 30, who knows):
So whatever they’re showing us in Tucker’s video is a joke.
Tucker: “Tom, what do you think we’re looking at here?”
Tom: “Well Tucker, is looks like someone is holding a quarter attached to a piece of white thread, dangling it in front of a fish tank, with a white backdrop, and then the whole thing was recorded with an intentionally degraded resolution.
Because no company would ever even bother producing a camera with such a ridiculously poor image, I mean, the 30 year old black & white security cameras at gas stations in run down parts of the city have better image quality than this laughable garbage.
You can’t even BUY a camera this bad on Amazon, at ANY price… I don’t think you could buy a camera this bad on Amazon in the history of Amazon, since Amazon went online!

So, you like the video?

“So, you like the video?”
Let’s just say it’s not recommended for home movies… at least not any that you want to ever actually see again…

It ain’t the camera, it’s the photographer OR the conditions or both.
Or the resolution the TLAs decided could be released…
“Or the resolution the TLAs decided could be released…”
Then they don’t want us, the American People, to know OR believe anything they’re telling us.
Because their credibility *&^%.
And the enemy already knows our capabilities better than we ever will… in case we forgot, the enemy is in charge of our military and RUNNING our country!
It’s always the same… we’re always making excuses for them, yet they are the best funded military on the planet.
They’ve had color night vision capability for at least 30 years.
If they can’t get someone competent to operate the camera — EVER — that appears to be an institutional (not to mention national security) problem.
As you pointed out, a guy with a handheld (16mm?) consumer grade camera took footage of Bigfoot (circa 1968?) that was a thousand times better than this.
I mean, what they’re ‘showing’ in Tucker’s video could literally be a guy in a white suit holding a quarter and waving it around…
Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) Tweeted:
In case you had any question as to where President Biden stands on police, now you know…
He’s a manipulated puppet.
I treat every message as coming from Mooch and Squirrel!
Add Brennan, Jarrett and any others in the unholy alliance
Would anyone want to speculate what message, if any, Dan is communicating?
It looks like a [the] storm is coming into shore, with the attendant whitecap waves … here’s an anon’s decode-attempt:
Now I just need someone to decode the decoded message. It is a bit like higher math, I know its useful but don’t ask me to use it in a sentence. I believe SteveInCO is on to something. I’m just not confident how important it is. The lanterns in the church tower is my speed.
Decoder rings would help.
Dan Scavino was (and is still, I believe) in charge of P45DJT’s communications.
Do you remember seeing the video of P45DJT saying “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm”?
A reporter then asked, “What storm?”
P45DJT: “You’ll find out.”
The timestamps are important – sometimes they point to past Kew posts (#514), sometimes they mean something else. Perhaps the video being purposefully stopped at 44 seconds signifies Obozo.
I remember a meme of P45DJT using “I am the storm”.
One of Kew’s posts exhorted the anons to “Learn our comms.”
I remember the video well. That was 4 years ago. When you predict the weather that far in advance it usually is found in the Farmer’s Almanac
Oddly, the shirt I wore today is from The Hermitage and the front reads:
“I was born for a storm, and a calm does not suite me.”
Yes, the lanterns! I love that part of history.
Scavino’s tweet was done at 2:14 PST, which is 5:14 EST. The anon found Q post 514, whose message is “/greatawakening/”.
The anon seems to be indicating that the video is 44 seconds long, which would refer to O, the 44th “president,” but the video says :45, which could refer to PDJT — though the video does seem to stop at :44.
Then the anon found a Q post (#32) which refers to waves: “The initial wave will be fast” and meaningful and will send a signal.
I also thought of “watch the water.”
The use of religious-type symbolic thinking to deniably communicate with so-minded people and NOT with against-minded people is one of the things that convinced me Q was an intelligent and professional psy-op with the obviously intended audience.
Surf’s up?
That is one way of looking at it. It even makes sense in a California sort of way.
Except California water is freezing requiring wet suits for surfers. Which then makes them look like seals, favorite food of the local predator known as Jaws.
The offshore water in California is not, in fact, freezing. It’s merely in the low 40’s — roughly the temperature of a pitcher of lemonade you pulled out of your fridge about three minutes ago.
Speaking from experience it is freezing. When it comes to water, below 70 and my body wants to know what I am doing.
When we’d go on tropical dive vacations, the divemasters would be trying to sort out the herd before the dive — check to see if everyone could clear their mask and stuff like that. So they’d ask, “where do you normally dive?” and we’d say, “Monterey Bay” — and they’d go, “you can go up to the front and play cribbage or something.”
Everyone knows its a pain-in-the-tuchis — we certainly knew that, which is why we were vacationing in Fiji or Honduras or Puerto Rico or Hawaii in the first place — but it does have its compensations. I’ve experienced things off the California coast that were just magic.
The preferred gear for diving in, say, Monterey Bay is an 8mm wetsuit, 8mm wetsuit jacket, insulated gloves, booties, and hood. This puts a centimeter and a half of neoprene over core body areas and leaves little uncovered (cheeks).
This leads you into the First Law of SCUBA — you never actually deal with the problems of being a land animal underwater, you merely add offsetting compensations that don’t quite balance.
The first example is what makes SCUBA self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. If you’re bobbing on the surface, you are subject to one BAR of air pressure, and each passing zephyr is also at one BAR. Breathing is easy.
If you descend to 33 feet underwater, your body is subject to two BAR of pressure. If you had a tube that reached the surface, you’d be fighting 15 lbs/sq in of pressure to inhale.
So, naturally, the way to comfortably descend to 33 foot depths is to have a little machine — a SCUBA regulator — that will inflate you to 2 BAR air pressure. If you inhale at that depth, then rush to the surface without exhaling, your lungs will do their best to double in size — possibly injuring you severely. You balance danger against danger.
Similarly, when diving in cold water, SCUBA naturally does nothing to make you comfortable in that water (or avoid it) — instead, you are wrapped in neoprene — which is essentially foamed rubber. With the proper amount of neoprene for a dive, you quickly become uncomfortably warm on the surface (particularly on the beach).
Then you note the next fun bit…’s impossible to submerge. Being foamed, neoprene floats like crazy. So you strap 30 pounds of lead weight on yourself to counteract the neoprene’s floating, stuff the regulator that’s going to inflate you into your mouth, paddle out to the deeper water, and dive.
When you get to your desired 33 feet, your neoprene suit will have significantly compressed so it doesn’t insulate as well. It’s also not as buoyant. Unfortunately, your lead didn’t compress, so it’s still dragging you downward with just as much as enthusiasm as it originally showed.
Again, we’re in the world of SCUBA — you don’t make it so there is a weight-fade that tracks the buoyancy fade, or eliminate the buoyancy fade, or……no, you get another piece of gear! A buoyancy compensator (“BC”) allows you to inflate an air balloon to compensate for the loss of buoyancy your wetsuit has when compressed at depth, so that it continues to match your weight belt. Really.
And you get to keep track of all this competing hardware in realtime, knowing that a major screwup can easily lead to a painful demise. Oddly enough, it gets to be a very zen thing. Distributed concentration.
If the surfers wear day-glo purple wet suits then Jaws will be a purple people eater. For people of a certain age it sounds like a song is in there somewhere.
Actually, their safest move is probably to wear tiger-stripes of yellow and black.
As you descend in the water column, various wavelengths of light are absorbed by the water and are no longer available for your eye. Red might as well be black at 30 feet.
The colors that stick around the longest are bright yellow and lime green. So lime green tiger-stripes would also work.
Unpatternned purple would probably look like seal about 15 feet down.
It is amazing how much knowledge can be found in a group of human beings.
It can get even more amusing….so far as I know, there are no commercial wetsuit manufacturers that use aggressive patterns to ward off shark predation…..and, yet, it was discussed in a Retief story in 1964 [ “Wicker Wonderland” ].
Sounds like a business opportunity.
And they’d no longer be able to chase those in an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini
Unless, of course, a land-shark is involved
Does ANYTHING make sense in a California sort of way???
(escaped many years ago… just as crazy over here, though… sigh…)….
Communist Overlords at YouTube Delete Viral Interview with Dr. Cole Revealing Covid Jabs Have Killed More People Than All Vaccines in the Last 20 Years Combined
By Cristina Laila
Published May 15, 2021 at 4:30pm
Hope this video makes it into the asinine “commission ” to study the 6th of January
A brief anon thread from a few hours ago (some language):
Anyone else think its weird, you don’t see Podesta, Hillary, the whole gang front and center celebrating , gathering partying etc?
If they won this colossal fight they would be in our fucking faces daily.
This site would be gone , they would be out and all in our faces.
Nothing happening my ass.
Anon2 (reply to Anon1):
They would be on every talk show, front and center.
I would…
Anon3 (reply to Anon1):
Was just on Twitter and mostly Fake News and Government agencies sharing the shit out of their propaganda with alot of responses calling them clowns and wanting the entire nation opened up.
As far as the False Bureau of Investigations who keep “looking” for people from Jan 6, more negative than positive. I really cannot stand Twitter but can’t not be in the messaging war….its a cesspool, it really is.
And in reference to your point as to where are all the actors…i found that strange as well. I do not think this Administration has much interest in the Old Guard, China [CCP] really may be behind it all….waiting for it all to go down at this point.
Anon4 (reply to Anon3):
Twitter can be fun atm.
They had no ‘solid explanation’ to issue the original ‘guidelines’ in the first place!
They didn’t even have a flaccid explanation!
They would have to have been upstanding members of society to have that kind of a solid explanation.
Very, very nice!!! Where’d you find this?
[I know it says it’s from, but I was wondering about any secondary connection, ’cause I’d never heard of them.]
They’ve usually got some pretty good ones.
When I cooked bacon today, I was thinking of you.
#1 is difficult because bacon in the fridge almost instantaneously gets transformed into bacon in the stomach.
That’s why you keep a backup supply in the freezer!
Like that would make any difference!!
Re: 8, if you don’t have a floppy drive, you can always use the card reader, if it’s not blocked by the CD-tray cupholder…
This one’s got a tray for Covfefe, plus two or three slots for bacon (look like they might be zip drives, which work faster and can store Cheez Whiz too)

That bit about the guy complaining to tech support that his cupholder had broken off became such a legend that one day at work I actually extended my DVD tray and set an (empty) 32 ounce cup on it, to see if anyone would comment. I left it that way for several days.
They either didn’t notice or decided to ignore it.
Those look like those 3-1/2 inch bacon slots. They’re not really deep enough, and unfortunately I’ve never seen strips that wide, they typically stop at a couple of inches. Those wanting a bigger block of bacon (as who does not) have to work in the dimension of the thickness of the bacon, not its length or breadth.
Yep. I was just thinking now about how CD drives for PCs had a headphone jack and a volume control so you could use them for music, independent of the PC’s sound system.
Micro$haft’s “Protected Audio Path” and “Protected Media Path” did away with that (WinXp and later). I still have a Win2K system with CloneCD on it, that works MUCH better than it does on XP and later… Funny thing is, there’s nowhere near the amount of bloatware and crud upon bootup. OTOH, it’s completely isolated from any networks… my little PC of history, as it were…
I still have a 7 box, isolated from the world, which I use for stuff I can’t do in Linux, or at least not as well.
For example the software I use to draw the diagrams for my posts runs on a PC. I can’t use Gimp (the very good tool on Linux which has been ported to Windoze) because it doesn’t treat arrows and triangles as objects once drawn (in fact there’s no polygon tool at all); gimp is more like photoshop and paint. So I needed something more like “MacDraw” was (only a lot more capable). I basically spent about sixty bucks and got something that has served me well (though it’s aggravatingly willing to drop context; as soon as you draw something it drops it and you have to reselect it to, say, change the line width or color).
Unfortunately that is a Windows 7 box without Service Pack 1, and I’m running into more and more software that claims to run on Win 7 but turns out to needs Service Pack 1. So I finally just bought a W7 SP1 disk and it’s on its way.
That was available as a patch (free, no less) to download, and I think was in the wayback machine, last time I looked.
There’s also “WSUS offline”, which is a compilation of all patches for W7 up to EOL.
Just realized that’s probably a bandwidth issue for you – 3.93GB… or 4.2 for the folks fooled by Maxtor’s marketing way back when…
SP1 had a lot of fixes in it, but at least it didn’t have all the nagware that came a short while later… (Win10 or bust, etc.)….
Maxtor may have started the trend of treating a gigabyte as one billion bytes, but now they are ALL doing it. It was annoying because disks have a 512 byte sector underneath everything, and the blocks are all powers of 2 as well. Disks *want* to be multiples of powers of 2. At least a billion bytes is 5^9 * 2 ^9.
All was fine, people knew kilo, mega, giga meant something different until computers, until the drive manufacturers decided to be weasels, and now we have to sound like babbling infants saying kibi, mebi, gibi, tebi.
I can see a little terrier running along, muttering “Kibis and Bits, Kibis and Bits, Kibis and Bits”…..
The books of Vance Packard have a lot to say about Marketeers and “felt needs”… “The Hidden Persuaders” and “The Waste Makers” among them…
I just categorize people in marketing as “marketing pukes”
Sometimes they do something that isn’t weasely, but it’s infrequent. Even a genuinely good product has to oversell itself to beat a worse product marketed to seem as good as the good product is when the good product marketing isn’t weaseling.
That just makes me distrust ANY person whose job it is to sell. In fact that led to a lot of my initial distrust of Trump, because he was behaving a lot like a slick overhyping salesman.
I don’t know how he gets his info but I believe this…both parts
Me too!
Have not seen this posted today…
The Trump Lin Wood / McKissick endorsement was the focus of many posts yesterday. Election was today. McKissick prevailed.
Following from OT…
President Trump endorsed Drew McKissick three times for South Carolina GOP Chairman. With that level of support and a track record of success McKissick easily won the GOP election by a vote of 582 to 239.
I know Lin Wood has many fans. I even like some of his stuff. But he also comes out with the bat shit crazy stuff which pretty much precludes Trump from endorsing or him getting votes.
Exactly. Trump knows all the horrorshow stuff, and he keeps a lid on it – EXCEPT when he knows it’s going to come out and he’s riding to the revelation for massive persuasion pick-up. That is an ART. One might call it ART OF THE REVEAL.
Trump endorsement is gold. President Trump endorsing 3x? Zero doubt in SC GOP cirlces that McKissick would win.
Linwood going against President Trump was just absurd. Linwood’s ego is hyperinflated.
A child who once interviewed Obama has died at 23 of “natural causes.” Nothing to see here.
Yeah. Another vaccine death.
Yep. Natural causes and death need an age in the 80 plus range. Otherwise there was a health condition. At 23 suspicious.
Exposure to Obola can be lethal.
Yep, certainly true, 23 year olds are dying of natural causes all over the place. Just like with Covid, the morgues are overflowing and the hospital rooms are filled with corpses, from all the 23 year olds dying of natural causes.
It’s a pandemic mysteriously centered on 23 trips around the sun, must have been something that only affected infants back in 1998.
It’s science!
It all adds up, the math works!
H/T Marica
You all know that the CDC lifting their little guidelines out of the blue with no solid explanation proves they lied to us all the whole time about everything, right?
Just want to make sure everyone has processed that correctly.
This ain’t over until the airlines end their nonsense rules.
^^^ THIS needs to be a recurring theme. Far beyond just the airlines, TSA…
CDC’s evil lying has impacted nearly every every American, if not EVERY American for ~sixteen months. Jobs lost, lives lost, lives turned upside down for no legitimate reason.
Absolutely impacted the 3 November election. MASS MAIL BALLOTS.
WHEN – not IF – WHEN we get control of the government again…… preferably NOT but if necessarily, so be it, on the other side of a civil war….. I hope to see CDC leveled in terms of its power, and reconstituted as a small advisory group with NO POWER WHATSOEVER, since by then ALL epidemics must be treated as potential biowarfare, and handled MILITARY FIRST.
Look for it in Article I, section 8……PRIVATIZE IT!!!
I’m about to blow a gasket over the new edict that children have to keep wearing masks.
It’s cruel and 100% unnecessary.
Yeah, that’s EVIL. CHINA MASKS.
Just so you know, I got here late and am dutifully reading through the Saturday Post (ha!), and am going slowly because I keep getting distracted by cool math that I look up on Wikipedia.
I’ll get through it eventually!
Hopefully you were doing something more fun than here that kept you away.
Yeah. Mixed bag. Some ways yes, some ways no. I have a lot of spring cleaning and chores that are still undone. I often avoid that stuff for health reasons, but also because I’d just rather be here. But I need to do stuff now that warm weather is here. I just have to do it.
Post-COVID health crap has given that schedule a good bash onto its ass. However, SOME health stuff has actually improved now, to measurable extents, meaning I can actually engage in activities I had avoided earlier. So THAT is cutting into my time, and it shouldn’t, but I do get joy from a bunch of things, and I need some of that joy now, too.
It’s all complicated. BUT this is the summer to “get the ya-yas out”, because next summer will be the approach of an election like no other in history.
I can well sympathize. I mowed the lawn today. Half of my recovery time was because I’m allergic to grass. But it’s done now, and I can water the little allergens back into the soil, where they belong.
LOL, was wondering what you’d think about it.
Big rehash of freshman physics but then again if you understood my comment about monopoles, you should know about the vectors…
Just finished! Yes, that was great. I got distracted by your 5-12-13 example, because I had always assumed that the 3-4-5 right triangle was a super-special case, and didn’t realize that there WAS such a thing as Pythagorean triples, how common (kinda) they actually are, or then (your next example) Pythagorean quadruples! So I wandered off on THAT – and then more things going along.
I’m actually kinda shocked that you dared to use dot products IN LIEU OF trig, but that’s actually a pretty nifty idea, so bravo for that!
At first I was thinking (in a kind of “watching the steeply ascending rocket” way) that you might have bitten off too much, but when it all settled into a nice circular orbit at conservation of energy, I was like “Oh, yeah, I’m getting this – great place to leave the problem”, because the ball is exactly where you need it. Everything makes sense…….
I had never seen the problem of “star power” in the light of “age of the earth”, but that really helps me from a history of science perspective. And I’ll just leave it at that, not to get ahead of the story!
I really think Steve is doing a great job at moving the goalposts. Traditional textbooks rely on people signing up for a major where this is a “must-pass” class, and they have used this to become incredibly lazy and obscure. Steve is writing for the crew here and has been doing a great job of keeping things interesting and intelligible.
This could become the core of “a physics class for people who want to test past their college’s awful physics courses” or something.
University math, physics and chemistry have turned a lot of people off to such things! I think it’s great that people can just enjoy it in a low-pressure environment like this.
It is neat stuff, and people really want that level of understanding, but colleges try to beat their interest out of them with the same level of fervor as they attempt to inject toxic CRT….and, to often, succeed….
As I am flipping through my college freshman physics book I am realizing I am leaving 9/10ths of it out.
Also the book didn’t even bring up gravity until after angular momentum, which (you will note) I haven’t gotten to yet!
There are literally an infinite number of Pythagorean triples, in two directions. First off, you can always multiply 3, 4, 5 by a positive integer and get 6, 8, 10 and so on. That’s trivial, though, and those aren’t considered “primitive” Pythagorean triples.
But second and more subtly, remember that if you take the sum of a string of odd numbers (starting with 1) you get square numbers. 1, 1+3=4, 1+3+5=9, 1+3+5+7=16 and so on. (If you think about making squares out of tiles, 1 tile is a square, you then have to put one tile along one side, one tile along an adjacent side, and one tile in to fill in the corner, repeat the process for a 2×2 square and you end up adding 2 tiles + 2 tiles + 1 tile = 5 tiles, and every successive square has to add 2n+1 tiles to get to the square of n+1.)
Pick any odd positive number; there is a pair of square numbers (whose roots are n and n+1) whose difference is that number.
So you can generate a Pythagorean triple using the odd square (of an odd number). E.g., 9, being the square of 3. The two square numbers whose difference is 9 are 16 and 25, thus 16 + 9 = 25 and you already know those are all squares. The next odd square is 25, but you have to go all the way to 144 and 169 to get its triple. You could then move on to 7 x 7 = 49, but you’re now looking at 576 and 625 as being the other two squares (24 and 25 squared).
These aren’t terribly interesting visually because they’re increasingly long and skinny triangles, but there are an infinite number of them.
Doing some research I found that 8, 15 and 17 is also a triple, not derivable by this method. I gave it a few minutes of thought and realized there’s a way to get to it, too, using my trick of adding successive odd numbers to generate squares.
Even numbers, after all, can be broken down into a pair of adjacent odd numbers. Take an even square like 4×4 = 16, it’s 7+9. You can go to a sequence of squares and find a pair of squares, the small one and the large one being *two* apart, and needing 7 and 9 added to them. You’ll end up with the squares of 4-1 and 4+1, 9 and 25, because 9 + (7+9) = 25. But that’s our 3,4,5 again. Move on: The next even square is 36, break it down into 17+19, go back to your list of squares separated by odd numbers, and it turns out that 8 and 10 squared are 36 apart. But this is 6, 8, 10, just 2 times our 3, 4, 5. The next even square up from that is 64 (=31+33). Take 31, divide by 2 and toss the remainder; it’s the number you have to add to 15 squared to make 16 squared, and 33 is the number you have to add to 16 squared to make 17 squared. So the other two elements of the triple are 15 and 17. 8, 15, and 17 make up a new, totally independent Pythagorean triple.
On Wikipoo there is a list of no less than 16 Pythagorean primitive triples less than a hundred, and I could probably figure out sneaky ways like this to get all of them:
(3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (8, 15, 17), (7, 24, 25), (20, 21, 29), (12, 35, 37), (9, 40, 41), (28, 45, 53), (11, 60, 61), (16, 63, 65), (33, 56, 65), (48, 55, 73), (13, 84, 85), (36, 77, 85), (39, 80, 89), (65, 72, 97)
(3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (7, 24, 25), (9, 40, 41), (11, 60, 61), (13, 84, 85) are all findable from the first method (the largest two numbers are one apart, use an odd square in the sequence of squares)
(8, 15, 17), (12, 35, 37), (16, 63, 65) are findable from the second method (the largest two numbers are two apart).
(20, 21, 29), (28, 45, 53), (33, 56, 65), (48, 55, 73), (36, 77, 85), (39, 80, 89), (65, 72, 97) could not be found with either of the two methods I just outlined, which isn’t to say that they probably couldn’t be found by a similar method.
Great stuff! And I’m sure you’re right that there is a CLASS of such sensible explanations (something of a meta-conjecture typical of the field). Number theory is very beautiful – easy to see why people fall into that “black hole of mathematics” and never come out!
Thanks for these explanations!
There’s a great little book “Curiosities of Mathematics” which discussess number theory and some mathematical history (although being “A Little Blue Book” number 625, it’s not too long). It’s by Edward Condon (yes, THAT Condon!) and is from 1925, but still relevant, and available on ebay and elsewhere, and quite interesting nonetheless. Things like the history of pi calculations, duplication of the cube, curiosities about hine, prime and perfect numbers, etc.
Sort of a mathematical “Music for the Millions”…
Sounds great – will keep an eye out for it!
The un-attributable ones break down into three classes.
(20, 21, 29), (28, 45, 53), (48, 55, 73), and (36, 77, 85) all have largest pairs separated by eight. So I decided to test the first one. 20 squared is 400. Divide that by eight, get 50. Sure enough the sum of 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, and 55 is 400, and the number you’d have to add to the square of 21 to get the square of 22 is 43. So the method likely extends; I didn’t try it but I suspect the other three work the same way.
(33, 56, 65) and (39, 80, 89) I would suspect work similarly, and indeed the square of 33 is 1089 and dividing that by nine gives you 121…Subtract 8 from that to get 113 (the start of a sequence of nine odd numbers), which is what you’d have to add to the square of 56 to get the square of 57
Which leaves, finally, (65, 72, 97) where the last two numbers are separated by 25! That breaks down to a sequence of 25 odd numbers centered on 169, starting at 145. Guess what? 72+73 is 145, so you’d have to add 145 to the square of 72 to get the square of 73. So the general method seems to be used in all cases here, though it appears to be “sparse” only generating a unique triple a small fraction of the time (for instance, in no case do you get a triple from big numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 apart, just 1 apart, 2 apart, 8 apart, 9 apart and 25 apart). Perhaps you can from much larger numbers; this list is confined to numbers less than a hundred.
1 being “1”, prime or not, 2 being legit prime, 8 being 2 cubed, 25 being 5 squared, I think you’re onto a generality!!!
The groups of eight have to start with a number whose square cleanly divides by eight. That seems to be every fourth number 4, 8, 12, etc. So that you can construct a sequence of eight odd number centered on it. 4^2 16 and dividing that by 8 gives you a sequence that starts below zero, 8^2 divided by 8 is eight again, so your sequence starts with 1 and ends with 15, but that just means your triple ends up being 0, 8, 8. Duh. 12 means you need the odd numbers centered around 18 (11, 13, …27), but that is 5^2 at the bottom and 13^2 at the top, an already known triple.
Similarly the gaps of nine, have to have smallest numbers whose squares are cleanly divisible by nine, which would be the square of any multiple of 3. But again the number can’t be too small.
I suspect what really happens is that you can find triples with other gaps in them but they’re either way over a hundred, or they’re redundant.
For example, let’s try to find a gap of seven: 28 squared is 784; divide by seven to get 112, but that fails because a sequence of 7 odd numbers centered on 112 is impossible; you need it to be an odd number here.
So try 21. Square 441, divides by 7 to get 63. Sequence of 7 odd numbers centered around 63? 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69. You get 28 on the low end and 35 on the high end. But these numbers ALL divide by 7 to yield…3, 4, 5.
I suspect a gap of seven can be found, but at least one of the two large numbers would have to be over 100 so it wouldn’t be on this list.
That would break the generality you’re thinking of, I believe, plus you skipped 9.
Going back to the wikipoo, there is a further list up to 300, and I have found gaps of 15, 18, 32, 49, and 50 on it (and quite a few more 25s).
No sevens. Does that mean they don’t exist?
Check this out!
All primitive triples appear here.
Also, the article on pythagorean triples has a general formula (two of them actually) for generating triples further down.
I like this proof:
Yup – math is the deadly drug of scientists – the siren on the rocks. Number theory is the worst – it’s KING KRACK.
“Come! Spend your life addicted to numbers!”
Another aspect of 3, 4, 5 is that if you take enough tests you learn to recognize it hidden in story problems (just like learning to recognize 60 and 30 degree angles hidden in problems), which makes them a lot faster to solve. You’d even see .6, .8 and 1 (the same triple actually, just divided by 5; that one gets used in relativity a lot). I was lucky enough to know about 5, 12, and 13 even back in high school, and could sometimes smell it out when a problem-writer was being a little more clever.
LOL! Yup. Those combinations would have been a real “tell”!
Ahhh. Story problems

I am convinced that if you can’t do story problems, you really don’t understand math. (Exceptions for people who have some sort of reading disability, etc., and therefore can’t understand the question.)
Picture on the left is a German soldier so you might not want to spread this meme. I get its point, but you probably want a picture of a US soldier or sailor.