This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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How Big Is Your God?
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all. (1 Chronicles 29:11)
Robert D. Wilson (1856-1930) was a Presbyterian scholar who devoted his life to showing the Hebrew Bible’s reliability. In proving the accuracy of the Old Testament manuscripts, Wilson learned 45 languages, including all languages into which the Scriptures had been translated up to 600 AD. He was a Professor at Princeton Seminary and Westminster Seminary.
Wilson went to hear one of his students (Donald Barnhouse) preach and said, “I came to see if you are a Big-Godder or a little-godder, then I know how your life and ministry will unfold.” Wilson explained that people with a little god are always in trouble. Their god can’t create or do miracles. He can’t forgive big sins or help people change their lives in big ways. Their little god can’t take care of the Scriptures’ inspiration and transmission to us. He doesn’t intervene for His people or answer prayer. These people have a little god who is really no god at all.
Others have the great, awesome, almighty, invincible God—the Lord of the Bible—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This God speaks and it is done; He commands and it stands firm; He shows Himself strong on behalf of those who love, fear, trust, and obey Him. Dr. Wilson said, “You, young man are a Big-Godder, and the Lord will bless your life and ministry. He will use you for His praise.”
Christ can save, He can cleanse, He can keep, and He will. Christ can do anything but fail. He’s the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. God can do anything, anything, anything. God can do anything but fail.
Near age 70, Wilson finished a lecture on the trustworthiness of Scripture and said to his students, tears streaming down his face: “There are many mysteries in life I can’t understand, many things hard to explain. But I can tell you with absolute assurance: Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!”
God said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” …And He passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin….” (Exodus 33:19; 34:6-7)
How big is your God? How much is He in control? Does He have the whole world and you in His hands? Is He big enough to win against sin, Satan, death, disease, and all false religions?
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:28-31)
Well, then, if God is a Big God . . .
Why is it that bad things happen to good people?
We live in a world of pain and suffering. There is no one who is not affected by the harsh realities of life, and the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. God is sovereign, so all that happens must have at least been allowed by Him, if not directly caused by Him. At the outset, we must acknowledge that human beings, who are not eternal, infinite, or omniscient, cannot expect to fully understand God’s purposes and ways.
The book of Job deals with the issue of why God allows bad things to happen to good people. Job was a righteous man (Job 1:1), yet he suffered in ways that are almost beyond belief. God allowed Satan to do everything he wanted to Job except kill him, and Satan did his worst. What was Job’s reaction? “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15). “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised” (Job 1:21). Job did not understand why God had allowed the things He did, but he knew God was good and therefore continued to trust in Him. Ultimately, that should be our reaction as well.
Why do bad things happen to good people? As hard as it is to acknowledge, we must remember that there are no “good” people, in the absolute sense of the word. All of us are tainted by and infected with sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). As Jesus said, “No one is good—except God alone” (Luke 18:19). All of us feel the effects of sin in one way or another. Sometimes it’s our own personal sin; other times, it’s the sins of others. We live in a fallen world, and we experience the effects of the fall. One of those effects is injustice and seemingly senseless suffering.
When wondering why God would allow bad things to happen to good people, it’s also good to consider these four things about the bad things that happen:
1) Bad things may happen to good people in this world, but this world is not the end. Christians have an eternal perspective: “We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:16–18). We will have a reward some day, and it will be glorious.
2) Bad things happen to good people, but God uses those bad things for an ultimate, lasting good. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). When Joseph, innocent of wrongdoing, finally came through his horrific sufferings, he was able to see God’s good plan in it all (see Genesis 50:19–21).
3) Bad things happen to good people, but those bad things equip believers for deeper ministry. “Praise be to . . . the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ” (2 Corinthians 1:3–5). Those with battle scars can better help those going through the battles.
4) Bad things happen to good people, and the worst things happened to the best Person. Jesus was the only truly Righteous One, yet He suffered more than we can imagine. We follow in His footsteps: “If you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. ‘He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.’ When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly” (1 Peter 2:20–23). Jesus is no stranger to our pain.
Romans 5:8 declares, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Despite the sinful nature of the people of this world, God still loves us. Jesus loved us enough to die to take the penalty for our sins (Romans 6:23). If we receive Jesus Christ as Savior (John 3:16; Romans 10:9), we will be forgiven and promised an eternal home in heaven (Romans 8:1).
God allows things to happen for a reason. Whether or not we understand His reasons, we must remember that God is good, just, loving, and merciful (Psalm 135:3). Often, bad things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. Instead of doubting God’s goodness, our reaction should be to trust Him. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5–6). We walk by faith, not by sight.
On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Isaiah 58:13-14

Amen, Carl, to the serious BIGNESS of God. Far, far bigger than anything we are currently going through or will ever go through. My mind is seriously boggled at the thought of learning 45 languages!
The way I am always led to “bigger God” is to look at problems and consider the choice of a universe with or without any or all of the things underlying or controlling the problem. Whatever is behind not just THINGS but even mathematics itself and the alternative between what we think possible and what we might not even be ABLE to think possible…..
All I know is that – from HERE – such a thing has to be BIG.
One of my Bible teachers said – “Matter is organized energy.”
And the Bible says, ‘In GOD all things hold together.’
“16For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” – Colossians 1:16-17
Just think of that – the universe, the earth, the elements, the vast array of flowers, animals, fish…. all made of atoms, of micro-nano particles, all ordered, moving, coordinated at GOD’s direction, will, command!
Yes. The Truth: “He who controls the MATH controls the universe.”
Math and Physics are just another kind of theology – trying to figure out how GOD’s creation works/operates.
Thank you Carl. I appreciate the effort to help a cynical person like myself try and understand why bad things happen to good people.
Hope it’s not bad to want bad things to happen to bad people like these~
Good stuff. Looks like this company provided mail-in ballots all over the country.
From Gab:
I love it!
Zuckerberg is in the back seat saying “This soft top is really strong, right?”
Since we’re talking Democrats I’d suspect maybe a Yugo or then again a Prius just to keep it real and not give them false hope.
Where’d they get the electric Jeep?
At least the snow will reflect some more light onto the solar panels on top
I found this all-purpose “MSM won’t like this” meme on GAB:
I look forward to day when the lights go dim on all the self righteous pompous propaganda spewers.
She has that empty, soulless look of Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino…
LOL! Love that “full name”!
Interesting Trump statement on the McKissick win:
Donald J. Trump
6:20pm May 15, 2021
So some props to Lin Wood at the end.
I think I’m seeing what Trump is doing here. He wants to keep SCGOP as a stable term in his equations. Reasons? Because the GAME is elsewhere, and he doesn’t need to be pinned between THERE and South Carolina.
Peggy P Mills
Kay Nixon, “When I was an active member of the Democratic Party in New Mexico I worked as a canvasser in two different state campaigns in the largest county. The Democratic Party’s Vote Smart data base contained tons of deceased voters, empty lots where apartment buildings used to be and people who moved out of the state. I also did phone banking and people who moved out of state or who lived at a residence where a deceased voter lived would complain to me about how the Democrats call or visit their homes every election looking for the people who no longer live at that residence.
Every time that I brought up the fact that the Democrats Vote Smart database was inaccurate and why didn’t the employees update the database, party leadership dropped the subject and they didn’t want to discuss it.
When I offered to clean up the Vote Smart database I was ignored which was another confirmation to me that the Democratic Party is way too corrupt to reform. The leadership didn’t want to clean up the database because they were using it to rig elections.
I quit the Democratic Party in 2016 because I grew disgusted from dealing with the corrupt and stupid Democratic Party leadership.”
As we say in the STL region, the people of St. Clair County, Illinois, might vote Republican while they were alive, but now that they aren’t they vote Democrat.
You think Chicago is crooked? There’s more than one reason why I won’t live on the other side of the river.
Donald J. Trump
12:07pm May 15, 2021
As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!
DOJ Quietly Acknowledges There Was No Sedition At The US Capitol
The sedition is coming from Pelosi and the others. These weren’t Capitol way
The comments on Twitter are excellent!
from that same twitter page load
Kayleigh McEnany
In case you had any question as to where President Biden stands on police, now you know…
Quote Tweet
Rep. Brian Mast

· May 14
Earlier this week Joe Biden announced that flags would be flown at Half Staff tomorrow to honor the men & women in blue who died in the line of duty. Today he “Friday news dumped” that he’d changed his mind: in his opinion, they aren’t worthy of lowering the flags. Unacceptable!
One more…
Word is it was Pelosi and Pence. I’ve not seen any other names come up as part of the brain trust for this. She basically had control.
One of the data points that has ALWAYS bothered me is the Chis Miller video where he went extemporaneous and THANKED PENCE for his help in a very complicated military action…. WTF???
Was this Miller admitting he was part of the ousting of POTUS Trump???
Here is the video: Dec 23, 2020 Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History
I always wondered about that. When I saw what happened after the election it really hit me. Was he in on the January 6 debacle? He was supposed to protect the deplorable according to the order POTUS 45 gave him. Why did he not?
He tried to smear Trump but the backtracked in the hearings on capitol.
Wonder if he realized he fell for a Pence scam.
Notice Pence is quiet at the moment when so much is coming out about election?
To me anyone who ever was in a Bush orbit is suspect. Wray, Barr, Pence they had pictures of Bushes on a table in their residents and admired the family. These people are not loyal to country but to the bush dynasty.
I am sure there were more in the W H who betrayed Trump who worked for Bush at one time?
Also anyone who worked at one time for the CIA is suspect.
It might have been reverse psychology or an act.
Good stuff!
I have a theory that DOJ knows good and well that ANTIFA and various leftists conspired to set up the MAGA crowd, and that both DOJ and FBI and various allies and friends of their in the Bidenazi community all KNEW what was going to happen – which is damn near a conspiracy – both conspiracy to ACT and conspiracy NOT TO ACT.
Thus, what is the best DEFENSE for Dodge and Fib? A strong OFFENSE.
BLAME THE VICTIMS. It’s the evil commie way.
The Coiffured Fop lying for the fbi has a dual inclusive motive.
Blaming “white supremacists” hides&protects the antifa FF
From what I understand, ANTIFA was HIRED by Pelosi and Pence for the whole thing. They wanted someone to die and Ashli Babbitt just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
POTUS spiked the overall plan by being late to the podium. More people were supposed to be at the Capitol by the hour the shooting was supposed to start. The narrative was set and he disrupted it.
What was that video – where three or four BUSLOADS of BLM (whatever) agitants were ferried in to DC just the day before, or the day of?
It was ALL coordinated.
Piglosi orchestrated, IMO, and Mr. Don’t-give-a-TupPence must have signed off on it (IMO was bribed / blackmailed).
Traitors meet their just desserts … and loyal hearts are rewarded.
It always ends the same …
This makes a lot of sense. Even Flynn had no idea why Trump and his people were basically “phoning it in” that morning. Trump likely realized at the last minute that he was being set up.
I suspect that Ashli had been MKed by anti-Trump Air Force elements. It looked like wrong place / wrong time to most of us, but IMO she was compelled to be “leading edge”. They needed a guaranteed, scripted victim, and she was it. She showed up, as expected / hoped, and the game was on. Same with the others in the skit who behaved as expected.
Which is why this thing will be “investigated” and then eventually dropped.
Looking forward to their parting shot detailing how the evil Deplorables got off once again.
However in the mean time many many Deplorables will have their houses broken into by FBI teams, their guns and ammo and electronics confiscated and their lives made miserable.
Catherine Engelbrecht is a good example of this.
Great question!
EXCLUSIVE: Dominion Controls Access to Voting Machine – Maricopa Co. Claims They Don’t Have Access – So Did Dominion Delete the Missing Files?
May 15, 2021, 10:12pmby Joe Hoft 362 Comments
New Video from Joe Dan Gorman’s Intellectual Froglegs Dedicated to “White Hats” with Special Mention Given to TGP!
May 15, 2021, 4:00pmby Joe Hoft 55 Comments
Texas Governor Expected to Sign Bill Banning Abortions When Fetal Heartbeat Is Detected (
Texas Senate Bill 8, also known as the Texas Heartbeat Act or “heartbeat bill” was passed in the state Senate 18-12 on Thursday, and awaits Abbott’s signature. The Republican governor has indicated that he will sign the bill on the same day.
“The Texas Legislature PASSES the heartbeat bill,” Abbot wrote on Twitter. “It’s now on its way to my desk for signing.”
State Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., one of two Democrats who voted in support of the bill, told The Dallas Morning News: “I hope that we can continue to do our best to make sure that those soon to be born babies have an opportunity to be born and live in our world.”
The Texas legislation differs from the other states’ heartbeat law in that the state of Texas is forbidden from enforcing the ban on abortion. Instead, private citizens—except for the individual who impregnated the woman through rape or incest—may file lawsuits against doctors, clinics, and anyone who “knowingly engages in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion, including paying for or reimbursing the costs of an abortion through insurance or otherwise, if the abortion is performed or induced in violation of this chapter, regardless of whether the person knew or should have known that the abortion would be performed or induced in violation of this chapter.”
The bill does not include an exception for rape or incest besides in cases where the woman’s life is endangered.
“The Texas Heartbeat Act is novel in approach, allowing for citizens to hold abortionists accountable through private lawsuits,” pro-life group Texas Right to Life said in a statement, adding that the bill did not “punish women who obtain abortions.”
Hey Planned Parenthood, BUH BYE!!
Live-streaming is coming to Rumble!
His show was the lowest of all the low CommieNewsNetwork shows.
Just as VSG predicted, Fake News is tanking without him.
P.S., There’s also a rumor another one of their hosts will be gone before June 1. Fredo?? Fake Jake? Mr. Potato Head??
Lemon announced it on air earlier tonight.
He’s not leaving CNN, but his show is done.
Excellent news. FAKE NEWS – BEGONE!!!
Andrew Torba will not comply with REDCOAT LAWS!!!
Ah, that Marek-el chick sure landed a doozie!
Prince Harry Says America’s First Amendment Is ‘Bonkers’
Prince Harry said in a recent podcast interview with Dax Shepard that America’s First Amendment is “bonkers.”
Prince Harry was discussing his new role at a non-profit called the Aspen Institute with Shepard on his podcast, “Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard.” He will serve on the “Commission on Information Disorder” and will conduct studies with 14 other people on a panel to analyze the spread of incorrect information throughout the country, according to The Spectator.
“As I’ve said, the experience of today’s digital world has us inundated with an avalanche of misinformation, affecting our ability as individuals as well as societies to think clearly and truly understand the world we live in,” Prince Harry said about his new job. “It’s my belief that this is a humanitarian issue and as such, it demands a multi-stakeholder response from advocacy voices, members of the media, academic researchers, and both government and civil society leaders.”
Some comments:
Hasn’t embarrassed himself enough since he crossed the pond – he has to go whole hog!!!
They had to pick a dummy to do his job. Goodness, poor Harry. Will he ever figure out what a tool he is?
Wonder how long and/or how much it will take before it comes out that his last name is “Hewitt” and not “Windsor” (or whatever the royal name is)…
Seems like the Royal Family have their own Ishmael, so to speak…
Interesting article here about Prince Philip’s support of Princess Di, and references to Chuckles’s dalliances (Camilla Toilet-Bowles among them)…
They started calling themselves Windser in 1917, prior to that they were Saxe-Coburg Gotha.
They thought their previous name would be unpopular due to the war.
Ya think???
They think people are stupid, Cuppa!!! Many of us have known this for a long time – did not appear to make on iota of difference.
What a pair of numbnuts – he and his wife are – feel sorry for that child – whoever birthed that child must be getting paid handsomely – did I say that? I guess I did.
Stuff like this gives me a headache.
Hey Harry, if you’re having a problem thinking clearly and understanding your world, STAY OFF THE INTERNET!!! Our 1st Ammendemnt is NOT a Humanitarian crisis, that demands a response from you and your liberal activist ilk. If you bloody think you’re gonna come to our Country and change our Constitution to match British law or worse, you better brush up on American History. We know how to send Brits packing!!
Hey, Harry, I will explain the Constitution to you.
Our FIRST Amendment is PROTECTED BY THE SECOND! Capisce?
At least some faction of them (presumably the ones behind both Harry and the Khan Artist) tried to get US to burn down our own capitol.
That wasn’t nice. The WOLF is PISSED.
Trying to remember when I last cared what British thought about us…
Must have been around 1776
You’ve aged well
No one ever talks about the REAL reason for Harry’s angst, depression, and alienation from the royal family.
He’s NOT legitimate. That man is the product of his mother’s affair. He’s not blind; I’m positive he realizes, even if subconsciously, that he is not really one of “them.”
Stuff like that messes people up. And who knows? Maybe privately within the family, it’s even acknowledged.
>>”Maybe privately within the family, it’s even acknowledged”<<
More likely, IMO, is that it’s not only acknowledged … but used as a lever *against* him.
Blackmail, anyone? Everyone??? (in the cabal)
“The passion of slaves is FEAR.”
One might say, “if you can’t saw it, Hewitt”, or perhaps, “did Hewitt do it”…
On the other hand, Chuckles had more than a few irons in the fire, and Camilla the horse-faced adulteress was but one of them.
I remember an article in Life magazine many, MANY years ago banging on about Chuckles, how multitalented he was, a cellist, etc., etc., etc. It also mentioned about how the Queen and Prince Philip were on to him to settle down (from his dalliances), saying without actually saying it that they were worried that he might never settle down…
[I really wonder what really did happen beneath the streets of Paris that fateful night. I’ve driven that underground ring road a number of times, and it’s no picnic even in the best of conditions. Sort of a cyclotron for cars (in particular, little boxy Peugots that cut off trucks, get hit, roll back on their wheels, and go on. I actually saw that happen, back in the 1980s… Craziest thing I’ve ever seen.]….
Jeez, that sounds like a scary drive!
Yep. There are some who say there’s a curse on that tunnel, at the place Princess Di died, and I wouldn’t be surprised.
When I saw the Peugot cut off the truck, and roll over END-TO-End (!); if someone had said to me they’d seen something like that, I’d have called BS on it, and asked what they drank for dinner.
But I saw it with my own eyes, in real time, and with almost no time to react, so I prayed. I have no idea what the driver of that truck was doing/thinking, let alone the driver of the Peugot, who obviously wasn’t thinking at all… but recovered “nicely”…
Sadly, this was in the ’80s, so dashcams weren’t a thing (and they’d have weighed 10-20 pounds) so no YouTubes were tubed, as it were.
I used to drive all through Europe on business (keeping computers, users, and manglers happy), and I think the most “interesting” things always happened in France. Having said that, some of the kindest people/ business-people (shout out to Hotel Mercure Courtabouef!) were in France, indeed, some of them in Paris… back then, there were still some who remembered WWII and les Americaines, and they appreciated us… now with all the no-go zones (e.g. St. Denis), not so much…
Wow. I was not aware of this!
He does stick out in that family. Everyone other male has a giant schnozz and premature balding.
Harry the estranged royal thinks he can come to the US and preach to us about 1st amendment? We settled that when we seporated from the UK. All he is in this country Harry and no once Prince. He is using his title to preach to us we do not need this guy.
Merkle is just as bad and brought the worse out of this guy.
You know, they have NEVER given up, though. THAT is the real lesson of all of this. They’ve never given up on restoring what was lost in the various American revolutions. Thus, the Orwellian sickness of the Venezuelan communists calling themselves “Bolivaran” when they are in fact creating foreign dependence.
This is where what Gail Combs has said OVER and OVER becomes so richly visible. Communism serves the ELITE CABAL – it is the defective, criminal, lying antithesis of honest popular government, which both communism and its elite masters then denigrate as “populism”.
Once that is seen, it cannot be unseen.
Yes what you wrote is true and also what Gail said.
Same with Nazis they operated the same way and were in bed with the industrialists. Harry is therefore so repulsive coming here and lecture us in this arrogant way. In his case I say go back where you came from.
I want one of these!!!
Went back and got the link for anybody interested!
Tanks, Wolf!!!
FEAR based anything usually has a bad result unless you are using it as a natural instinct to flee from danger. The fight or flight response is given to create awareness into action. Prolonged fear is the opposite effect, it causes poor decisions, poor health, and self destruction.
So now we have those who hoarded gas based on fake news reports and just as we knew there would be some casualties of destruction from the hoarding flammable products, and transporting such in a dangerous way…sure enough there were fires.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Ben Garrison Cartoons
I am so old I remember the days when you put gas in your car and not in a bag…
Ben Garrison Cartoons
The people that can’t figure out which bathroom to use are running the country….
where’s my “bag” of gas?
Another great cartoon from him!

Everybody should be prepared to STAND UP and not to BACK DOWN. Remember – NEVER cower to the WOKE MOB.
American Airlines investigating pilot whose social media posts criticized critical race theory in his school district
Posted at 5:29 pm on May 15, 2021 by Brett T.
THE FIGHT is going to be INTENSE and it’s going to get PERSONAL.
Pretty soon – you will have to show your Social Credit Score (like in China) to travel, get medical treatment or buy food.
Ben Garrison Cartoons
Mock the Mask holes with no mercy- shame them for letting their TV tell them what to think!
Now a Limited edition print! at
An excellent article on the continued relevance of the appeal to heaven – and how to use it correctly.
John Locke’s Appeal to Heaven: Its Continuing Relevance
By: Dave Benner
Published on: Apr 16, 2017
Categories: Founding Principles, Historical Documents
Thanks to whoever published the link to this here earlier. This is a replay!
I hate to argue with Locke, but you START with an appeal to Heaven – God in the Trinity – and for the wisdom to make the correct decisions. Even in the Old Testament, armies carried the Ark of the Covenant into battle for protection from above.
Wow. Will refrain from any further snarky comments so as to not offend anyone, but you might want to rethink “The Enlightenment” as being something other than what it is advertised to be.
The “Enlightenment” was anything BUT an enlightenment, from all that I’ve come across.
It promoted humanism, at the cost of promoting divinity.
I remember the quote from Al Pacino (er, his “character”), in the movie “The Devil’s Advocate”, wherein he avers that he’s a “humanist”.
It was a FALSE “enlightenment”, which served only to darken.
Yep. In many senses it was an “Endarkenment”, to coin a term.
“Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry GOD” comes to mind, especially concerning those of a “humanist” bent…
Oh, I see your point! There is always room for reminders about the mixed bag involved in various things surrounding the founding of this nation.
Is that you, Pat?
That’s hilarious!!!
This is one of those “super-memes”, where almost every iteration of it communicates the idea powerfully, and simply, to all who see it.
Universally applicable, universally understood.
Yup. Much more easily understood than “woman yelling at white cat going meh at veggies”.
Matchmaker, matchmaker, light me a match…
Oh, Cuppa!!!
Remember, the end of that song has
“Playing with matches a girl can get burned”
(Now I can’t get that tune/musical out of my head)…
“HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge Signals He May END Twitter’s Immunity in Dr. Shiva Case – Speech Police in Panic — Watch Hearing Live on May 20”
This would be awesome!
“Space Force Unit Commander Removed From His Post For Decrying Marxism in the Military”
This is not good. Not good at all.
Hummm …. wonder what Dan Crenshaw will say? Askin’ for a friend.
I suspect that his lack of a functioning physical eye extends to the figurative, and not just the literal sense.
“There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
This page remains a real treat. The Philadelphia paper was forced to close comments after the stolen election! VICTORY. Small, but a battle won on the way there.

Why we’re removing comments on most of
The comments on far too many stories are toxic, and have gotten worse as mounting extremism and election denialism pollute our national discourse. Our staff and readers deserve better.
Censorship by another name.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/15/21
The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED! This is illegal and the Arizona State Senate, who is leading the Forensic Audit, is up in arms. Additionally, seals were broken on the boxes that hold the votes, ballots are missing, and worse. Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, will now be forced to look into this unbelievable Election crime. Many Radical Left Democrats and weak Republicans are very worried about the fact that this has been exposed. The DELETION of an entire Database and critical Election files of Maricopa County is unprecedented. Many other States to follow. The Mainstream Media and Radical Left Democrats want to stay as far away as possible from the Presidential Election Fraud, which should be one of the biggest stories of our time. Fox News is afraid to cover it—there is rarely a mention. Likewise, Newsmax has been virtually silent on this subject because they are intimidated by threats of lawsuits. One America News (OAN), one of the fastest growing networks on television, and the “hottest”, is doing a magnificent job of exposing the massive fraud that took place. The story is only getting bigger and at some point it will be impossible for the weak and/or corrupt media not to cover. Thank you to OAN and other brave American Patriots. It is all happening quickly!
The train wreck in the background of the bottom photo was the worst train disaster in the history of Germany, and one of the worst anywhere, ever. 101 people were killed and 88 were injured (Enschede disaster in June, 1998). It was made worse by the fact that some of the carriages jacknifed and knocked out a bridge pillar, with the bridge landing on part of the train…..
Lack of proper maintenance, and penny-pinching (to make better financial numbers) were major causes. Just like Bye,Done and his band of
fairymerry (wo)men… erm, incompetent crooks…..Actually a good metaphor of the Bye,Done Fakeadministration – one disaster begets another… aided by ill intent, lies, and corruption…
Sad, but true, Cuppa!!!
Image by Unpolled Conservative.
Instead of room 222, it’s room 666….
Andrew Thomas blogs at Dark Angel Politics.
Exposure will eventually have to happen. Those who were in total lock down will now begin to be exposed.
Interesting to compare vaccination rates and infection rates.
TN low on both so its not the vaccination rate that is protecting us and making our new cases lower and our death rate lower.
However, we used to be much higher in rankings of total cases, cases per million and death per million. We had more children schooling in peson, more relaxed about “reopening”, fewer masks and we had our surge earlier and now many have seem to have more people have have natural immunity. More people have been exposed a little at a time due to being more “open”.
Another layer of stats is the rate of positive testing. At one point we had 24% positives (Very high) as we had our cases surge and yet remain lower than many states on our tests per million which means to me that we had the sickest and the exposed testing but not everyone excessively testing. Maybe we caught the majority who were really sick v. catching people who were only exposed but because of the high # of cycles even exposures were showing up as positives.
MI has had low positive test rates, more tests per million and had lower cases per million than TN but is now catching up. They tested and tested and their positive test rate remained around 10% or below. Looks like they were testing every possible exposure so probably catching some that were not really sick but had been exposed. At that high cycle rate they were picking up if someone sneezed in the area of the swabs it seemed.
In many other diseases we would count a low amount *with no clinical symptoms* as an exposure. Seems now if a small amount found and no clinical symptoms they call it a son symptomatic “case”. Isn’t that redefining the terms?
Image by Marcus Aurelius.
American Thinker appears to have moved its commenting to MeWe!
Look, for example, at the end of these articles:
Yes, this happeed a while back after some controversy
Big compilation video of magnet people, some language.
i think the ultimate test would be to have a small magnet attached to a length of thread hanging from the ceiling like a pendulum.
Them slowly move the subject toward the magnet and get a shot of when/if the magnet pulled itself toward the subject.
I had suggested yesterday a different test. Take a ferro-magnet. Use a file to make a tiny pile of filings. Use fabric glue to glue a small amount of minute filings to the inside of a shirt sleeve from the rag bag. (Remember you are trying to replicate the nano particles in the ‘Jab’.)
Put on the shirt and see if a refrigerator magnet sticks well enough not to fall to the ground.
My problem is I do not think there is enough iron to generate the magnetic force needed to counteract the force of gravity.
Didn’t the research papers mention something about exotic (“superconducting”) magnetic material, even beyond the Edmunds-Scientific Alnico super magnets?
In that case, the field would be a lot stronger (as well as the problems created). Another thing I wonder about is the need for Cryo storage (-80° or so) for the vaccines, or at least some of them. Could that have anything to do with whatever is being injected other than the mRNA…
Or just another smokescreen to make the MAGA luddites look stupid…
Strangely enough I’d been reading again about those microminiature magnets (Dynabeads) and after following several links came to Superparamagnetism (didn’t understand a word of it), but it said…..
“Superparamagnetism is a form of magnetism which appears in small ferromagnetic or ferrimagneticnanoparticles. In sufficiently small nanoparticles, magnetization can randomly flip direction under the influence of temperature.”
And that made me think of the vaccine cold storage also.
Yep. Many years ago HP (back when they had REAL labs) was working on nanobots(!), i.e. robotic dust…
That sort of fell off the radar, but may it just was *cough* placed out of sight…
Back in the “What If…” years they were doing some interesting stuff… some which didn’t see the light of day was quite interesting…
In the article about Superparamagnetism was this…
Future hard disk technologies currently in development include: heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) and ****Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording (MAMR), which use materials that are stable at much smaller sizes.[9] They require localized heating or microwave excitation before the magnetic orientation of a bit can be changed.**** Bit-patterned recording (BPR) avoids the use of fine-grained media and is another possibility[10] In addition, magnetic recording technologies based on topological distortions of the magnetization, known as skyrmions, have been proposed.[11]
5G Anyone?
From DAN:
45 (seconds) Watch the Water.
Is it just me, or does it look like the storm is rolling in.
(For the Enemy …)
Their time is SHORT!
And I can’t wait. I have too many loved ones who need the red pill very badly.
Carl – thank you for your inspiring, powerful Sunday devotions – !
And thank GOD for people like Robert D. Wilson who believe in a GREAT BIG GOD who study, prove, live in the Truth and Will of GOD!
Wilson’s affirmation of the profound truth in the little children’s Sunday School song reminds me of this:
When I let my problems and hurts get bigger than GOD, I say my ‘ABCs’.
I have listed the Bible’s descriptions, attributes and names of GOD alphabetically in a little devotional book that made to put in my purse when I may need reminders – such as when I’m upset, worried, afraid, staying with my disabled daughter, when she is in the hospital, going to the doctor’s office.
For example:
A – Alpha, Adonai, Abba, Ancient of Days, Advocate, Anointed, All in All, Author and Finisher of Faith, Abiding, Apostle, Altogether Lovely, All-knowing, All-seeing, Avenger, Able, Almighty….
B – Bread of Life, Bread of Sincerity and Truth, Bread of Heaven, Balm of Gilead, Beginning and End, Breath of Life, Beloved, Beautiful, Brother, Burden Bearer, Bridegroom, final and true Blood Sacrifice, Blessed, Bright and Morning Star, Builder of the Church, Baptizer… and so on through the alphabet.
Reading my Biblical ABCs, reciting them in my mind or out loud as I’m driving….calms, restores, settles my heart and mind.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful practice with us. Many Blessings from the Lord be yours!
And for you too, dear sister.
Oooo—–how neat. And each one takes you (after awhile) straight into the Presence /His presence.
I would ask to borrow it, except me thinks it is a great exercise to create one’s own.
Thanks for sharing this
election insights
John Cardillo
Had a prominent Dem donor and fundraiser tell me yesterday, “Have to admit, Arizona looks really bad. Not sure how we spin that one.”
Dr. Kelli Ward
Arizona = Tip of the spear
Quote Tweet
Emerald Robinson
· 20h
The state of Wisconsin authorized an audit of the 2020 election!
CFP called this FAKE NEWS.
She’s isn’t doing her proper vetting.
I’ll stick with Gail on this – almost EVERYONE who’s still associated, or paid by, the legacy corporate media complex is COMP’D.
Independent media ONLY is the Rx for truth (even though it may take a while to vet … such is the nature of Information Warfare!)
Thanks ES!
Very exciting race!
You all know that the CDC lifting their little guidelines out of the blue with no solid explanation proves they lied to us all the whole time about everything, right?
Just want to make sure everyone has processed that correctly.
This ain’t over until the airlines end their nonsense rules.
What kills me is an old friend posted up questions about this on another platform, and there were a number of us saying we never trusted or believed it in the first place. I said follow the money.
And our true blue, dyed in the wool liberal snowflake friend who is gleefully having her sons shot up, chimes in with “I’ve always believed them implicitly.”
That HAS TO BE a learned behavior.
This is probably faked, but many people behave similar:
Trust the science…
[video src="" /]
Dr.Bill Gates??
There is no defense against ridicule and that is LOL ridicule.
Clarice exposes our corrupt justice system today –
Something stinks in the State of Maryland – and other states…..and it originates in the District of Corruption.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, May 16, 2021
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
That’s one of my favorite Bible quotations – because it establishes in very understandable and relatable terms that the World isn’t merely *physical*, as too many physicists would wish us to believe.
Physicists want physics / the physical to be EVERYTHING. Gross subjectivity – from those who virtue-signal “objectivity”.
Physics ISN’T “everything”.
It never was; it isn’t now; and it never will be.
TY Duchess!
Amen goes right there, EM!!!
I like the dark meat too. Can’t call me a racist.
Stewing hens make the best broth. I may have to do that since I’ve seen them in the stores of late.
Hmmm. Dark meat…. isn’t that racist???
Sounds like a thinly-veiled BLM narrative (DMM?)…..
Goes along with the paucity of pale-faced-folks in ads anymore…
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
may 16, 2021 the marshall report
Project Looking Glass Mind Control is the biggest weapon in the Cabal’s war chest. The magic in their sorcery only works when you believe the lies.
Our enemy Cabal has studied us. They call us a “species” in their new psychology lab studies on society. They have spent centuries looking for how to control you. In the last decades they have used all their technology (even technologies we know not of) to study your brain, your mind, how you think, respond, and how you react using all of your emotions. They are masters of pushing your fear buttons and have orchestrated elaborate hoaxes and plotted complicated schemes to lure you into traps of despair, fear, and worst of all complacency.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Reading some of the comments, it’s an old video from either 2016 or 2017.
(not sure how to check the exact date of the original video)
He’s the “Green Prince”. This is September 2017.
Thanks !
(from the link) :
“Ex-Hamas member Mosab Hassan Yousef addressing the United Nations, Sept. 25, 2017.”
Still relevant. The only thing that has changed has been the Biden Bucks.
A video about the planes circling the election and the audit, go in at 31:25
Here it is on YT, and actually, what he was talking about in the minutes prior is interesting as well.
Wonderful post!
Interesting. I am slowly going through a video of a talk from an exorcist and he talks about God allowing sin and demons to persist against the faithful. You could say bad things happen to good people is how that manifests. His explanation is that this is done so that we are purified in our struggle against persistent sin and temptation. This is the method and the instrument through which we perfect ourselves. And rather than let pride come to the fore and we say “I’ve got this” we are to ask for help from Christ and His Mother.
The challenges are God’s way of getting people to be on fire for Him…and at the same time punish the demons who pester us at His command. Every time we fall, the demons suffer. They are slaves of Christ, although unwilling slaves. We are slaves of Christ as well, but willfully.
It’s really fascinating.
The heavy handed “get the injection” tactics are ongoing…
Son a merchant mariner working on a prepo ship out of Saipan. Just called. First time off the ship in a month.
Don’t know all the details. Apparently the crew was told get the injection and life is better. Life will be LESS inconvenient with regards to Covid crap. Maybe no mask. Less or no quarantine. They go through significant quarantine days – weeks. Company foots more of the expenses…
So, he got the J&J. No side effects at this point. Guessing most or all the crew got the injection.
They work seven days a week. NO days off. Six month assignments. He gets off the ship for a few hours every couple weeks, usually. No complaints in this area. It IS all part of the assignment. NORMAL. It isn’t an easy life.
The part that sucks is… Their ability to get outside news, Internet is borderline nill. Serious coercion to get the injection. IMO.
FEDS suck!
Could you post the link DP? I’d be very interested to watch it, and to spread it to my fellow Catholics here.
Also, pardon me if this has already been posted…but this website is so important about the scamdemic….
Hi, Catholic!!! How are you? We do not hear much from Canada – but, pray for all of you nonetheless – sad about the Pastor who got arrested.
Thanks for posting that website – agree – much good information there.
Angels watching over you!!! God Bless!!!
Love you duchess! I’ve been doing okay, just very sad that my family is all into taking the “vaccine”… but from the website I posted, the first class action lawsuit regarding the vaccine has been launched in Canada no less. Ofcourse, we won’t hear anything about it in the mainstream media…but as the website will be updated, I hope Wolf will put links to it on the side bar.
Yes, just another past got arrested today. Am praying the rosary daily, and am building a home chapel; churches are effectively closed down in Canada…but we’ll see, there are many people here who are aware what’s going on….
God bless you too.
Good idea to build a home chapel – God is excited about being welcome into your home – I am sure – churches are lost in a maze of confusion – especially, if they have to answer to the government.
Be not concerned about family – nothing you can do to convince them otherwise if they have given into the fear – just keep praying for them – and sending Angels to watch over them.
God can fix anything – you know – and He will hear your prayers for your family – after all He has a purpose and a plan for each of us.
Be as joyful on a daily basis as you can be – because God loves you so much and wants the best for you – Mkay?
Thanks DP
About all the destruction in Israel, etc.
Given some other tidbits over the years, this makes the most sense, that the top of the food chain is destroying evidence of their perfidy. If, as POTUS says, we have it all, it’s too late.
And those buildings falling…sorry, I’ve watched entirely too much controlled demolition to fall for the air raid cover story. They’re blowing up buildings like it’s going out of style.
This brings to mind DP. I have siblings who are movie addicts, all the old tv shows………and of course the “news”.
But for the life of me I can’t get them to turn it off get informed and watch the greatest movie playing out in real time right before their eyes.
Very frustrating, then again all I can do is plant the seed and let God do the rest.
It’s a problem for a lot of us. My parents won’t accept that the “news” is a huge propaganda machine. My siblings are a different story, but breaking that bond of the TV being on all the time and “trusted news sources” is proving to be very difficult.
Thank you Carl for once again a timely post. Constantly have to remember the battle is not ours but the Lords.
Another perspective on untangling the messaging from Angelo Codevilla.
Angelo Codevilla is always worth reading.
Needed this today, bakocarl.
My BIL lost his sister and his BIL (married couple) to the Chi-com Virus this past week. They were in their 70’s. The BIL was in poor health including being an amputee, so COVID was a contributor and not the sole cause. HIs wife, my BIL’s sister, was her husband’s primary care-giver and waited too long (3 weeks) after apparently contracting the disease to seek treatment. She died a week after admission into the hospital and ICU. Age and being overweight were her only contributing causes. Both were devout Christians, so we will meet again in the Lord’s presence. They left a legacy of love and the Lord for their family and friends to remember.
I hope the lesson is not lost on my BIL and sister. They have been hot/cold to involvement in church and in how they live. They accepted the Lord when young, know the right words, but appear to have never sold out to the Lord by the actions of their lives. He has strong masonic influences. Perhaps they will sell out now, at least that is my prayer.
Sad. I echo your prayer.
I’m sorry to learn of this.
So many needless deaths when the cure is known, and suppressed. It’s just maddening.
VERY MADDENING. And the deaths are just part of the destruction wrought upon the American people by the EVIL Oligarchs in their greed for POWER and WEALTH.
And so we PRAY!!!
As a follow-up my BIL and sister ordered our family to take the vaccine. They succumbed to the brainwashers weeks prior to the deaths because they believed they could not fly to a vacation in FL. Both claimed they had contracted COVID multiple times before getting the jabs. I cannot express just how disconcerting it is to deal with supposedly well educated people like them as family.
Needless to say we have not been jabbed. We agree the therapeutics are there to cure and that acting in a timely manner when one becomes ill is important. We even have the Abbot self tests if needed, which we haven’t because we take the preventive approach with our nutrition and supplements. In fact, we have never stopped going places and use masks only if compelled to do so, which is never now. Our SIL had the Johnson jab as a requirement for federal training in his law enforcement career. He had been exposed to COVID continuously without contracting it anyway. He would not have taken it had he any other option.
>>”ordered our family to take the vaccine”<<
It isn’t their place to do so, as I’m sure you understand.
>>”any other option”<<
There is always another option.
Knowledge is the only remedy to fear.
It’s very, VERY difficult, to get someone else to rely on *intellect” (logic) rather than *emotion* (fear). The emotions come BEFORE any higher-function thinking. This is what the Cabal is leveraging – that “feelz” comes before “thinkz”.
Emotions are BEFORE the intellect – that’s why the global fear “spell” is so potent. Too many equate “safety” and “protection” with the masking … and now, with the experimental “vaccines”.
Too many are motivated to press the “yes” button, as though it were a stinking GAME SHOW, where they have to have the answer *right away* … instead of deferring, in order to get the right answer in the end.
It is an EXPERIMENT!!! Those who take the so-called “vax” are lab-rats, guinea-pigs, in the evil game of BIG PHARMA (et al.)
Too any people are unwilling to sacrifice their conveniences (even having a JOB) for maintaining the status quo.
Do any of your relatives understand that we’re in a WORLD WAR?
The “vax” is the follow-up bio-weapon, just as the release of the putative “covid-19” virus is a bio-weapon.
I say again – knowledge is the only cure for FEAR.
Being “well-educated”, book-wise, is VERY different than being well-educated, street-wise. I’ve seen too many examples of the “well-educated” (books / theory) getting snookered by those who know what life is all about (street / practice).
One may only do what one is able to.
Prioritizing a trip to FL, instead of SURVIVING, is a prime example of having the wrong smarts / education.
Many are in the boat you’re in, TradeBait … with family who’ve succumbed to the powerful spell of FEAR.
Don’t blame yourself – just do the best you can.
I hope all works out well …
Emotions BLOCK OUT all logical thought, EM – and FEAR is just about the worst of all – AND
FAITH cancels out FEAR!!!
You got it, Dude!!! Great Advice for Trade!!!
Praying for you Trade!!! Remember – under God’s protection – no weapon formed against you will prevail!!!
Thank you, duchess!
Most welcome, Trade – you are not alone – many parents cannot visit with their children – because they opted out – and their children did not – and now – they must worry about their grandchildren.
I know in my heart God can override anything man does to destroy His Creation – and I am counting on God to make it right – seek consolation and comfort in Him.
Angels Watching Over You, Trade!!!
Outside of the XVII and keyboard army on our side, and the other side’s interior apparatus, no one does. And they are not interested if it does not affect them. They don’t want to connect COVID and the shots with anything political or as part of the conspiracy to enslave us. It’s willful blindness as to contemplate any or all of it will rip those people out of their comfortable cocoons no matter which side they are on politically.
100%, DP.
It’s a complacency that we see in religion as well. Oh, I go the Mass and am generally a good person, so I’m doing alright.
Say a daily Rosary, go to Confession and put the world aside and then we can talk. It’s not easy, but it can be done.
Thank you, Emeraldatar. I’m frustrated because they all support MAGA, but are still so far from understanding the fight. Obviously they are not investing brain cells into developing an understanding. They did not even research the mRNA aspects of the gene therapy shots they took. Got the blank stare – the deer in the headlights look when I asked them if they had researched it. Mr. and Mrs. Average American. But hey, they got their week in FL on vacation.
Hell, my own DOCTOR did not know these vaccines are mRNA, completely new, and experimental. She actually said to me they were just “re-worked” flu vaccines, and worked the same way!
People are so gullible. I’m sorry you are in the middle of it with family. I have one child I haven’t seen in nearly a year because of it.
How could that be?! Millions of us knew about mRNA last year!
We have better sources.
The doctors are listening to the CDC. They are only given enough information to get them to cooperate.
It’s very sad.
YES we are in a WORLD WAR and the USA is THE MAIN TARGET!
As of March 9th, 90.83 million that means ~1/3 of the US population has now been vaccinated.
Now it is approaching 40% LINK
What better way to destroy the USA than to make SURE there is NO NEXT GENERATION!
“As of March 9th, 90.83 million that means ~1/3 of the US population has now been vaccinated.
Now it is approaching 40% LINK
What better way to destroy the USA than to make SURE there is NO NEXT GENERATION!”
On the plus side, a year or two from now, real estate prices should be REALLY low.
And only the intelligent and THINKING Americans will be left.
And we are armed.
My dad is convinced eventually he would have had to have the jab to fly. I figured the whole facade was going to fall apart before it came to that.
It’s stunning how pushing being proactive works when combined with fear.
I have neighbors a young married couple 25-30 yrs. old maybe. Their intelligent with good jobs.
Two weeks ago they both get the “Stab”. Chatted with them and they say “oh now we can fly” because were vaxed.
Intelligence doesn’t = commen sense necessarily.
Intelligence doesn’t = commen sense necessarily.
No it most certainly doesn’t! Often times too high an IQ means NO COMMON SENSE!
Sorry to hear this! Very much agreed – get one’s house in order.
What was the vaccination status of the two who died?
Neither had the jabs. The husband was in no condition to risk it. He was 78 and in poor health for many years. In and out of the hospital for a myriad of issues for the past 15-20 years. His wife, my BIL’s sister, was against taking the vaccine for fear of side effects and religious reasons. Her loss was as a direct result of not going to the doc/hospital for three weeks after catching it. So, she passed due to stubbornness. Their daughter is a RN and stayed on her continuously to go, but she refused until she was at death’s door with an oxygen reading in the 40’s. Too late – the hospital medical staff tried hard, but didn’t have much left to work with to turn her around.
Gotcha! Thanks – all makes sense! Again, very sorry.
I am so full of sorrow at your loss. It breaks my heart.
Thank you, ethulhu.
Sorry for your loss.
Thanks, Sadie.
COVID Deaths Plummet As Excess Mortality Falls To Pre-Pandemic Levels – The Burning Platform
Now that they aren’t rigging the tests, imagine that.
Great article!!!
Well, well, well. Imagine that.
Invincible “Moving From Lust To Purity” | LIVE Service from First Baptist Dallas
9:15 and 11:00 CST
Good Grief!!! Dr. Jeffress said they had a thousand sign up for the vaccine!!!
These people are going to need prayer big time – I am sick about this!!!
Was he happy about it?
I think way too many pastors have fallen for the psy-op and can’t see what is really going on. It’s frustrating – they should be the ones right out front telling the truth about this. I was pretty upset when the assistant pastor at my church sent around an email to everyone to tell them where to go to get a vaccine. I’m wondering if it’s even worthwhile to go back once the mask mandate gets lifted. It’s pretty sad that I’m way more awake than they are. How do they serve their congregations when they are falling for Satan’s lies?
Unfortunately, I suspect he was a PROUD PAPA – I love his sermons – and understand his theological teaching – however – when it comes to common sense – his is sorely lacking – I am sad to say.
Agree – how can they lie to their congregations? They are still requiring people to mask up – social distance – and use the hand-washing receptacles – they have a full choir and orchestra – no masks – but, the congregation is still sparse in attendance.
I am sick about this, Linda!!! Shame on them – and who is liable if something goes south?
The choir from the one parish where I sing was invited to get the Moderna shot. I didn’t answer the email.
Now that the restrictions have been lifted, it’s up to the people to mask or not. At my parents’ parish, I hear that the pastor said it was optional, but that he would hope those who are not “vaccinated” would be considerate and wear one. (I will to protect myself against those who are.)
I went to Mass at the Cathedral, and it was about 50-50 while not in the pews. In the pews, people took them off. And, still, the lines for Confession were LONG with three priests available.
“(I will to protect myself against those who are.)”
Exactly. The sheeple don’t even understand the principles and methods of wearings masks and protection, nor do they understand vaccines and risk analysis (and COVID mortality by age), etc.
More than a year ago, now, I posted an article by a dentist who explained what properly “masking” involves, and the massive cost it is for him to keep a sterile (or nearly) environment in his office. He was appalled at what people do with their masks (and how little they do to use/apply them correctly), and what risks present themselves in terms of additional, often WORSE illnesses by mask misuse or overuse…
But the propaganda has set in like Jim Jones’s Kool-Aid Kommunism… sad…..
Seems common sense isn’t…
In choir, we are within spitting distance, and I’m not taking chances on a number of levels.
Carrying over from Marica’s. Talent comes in many forms.
Beats the daylights out of scribbling “Wash Me” in the dirt…
Amazing the things that artists see, when we mortals just see a dusty window. I remember an article about a young Picasso (OK, I know) where he said that people’s noses look like upside-down sevens… not obvious, but true, all the same…
Also like Menhuin describing at a master class about how Beethoven took a D Major scale (and chords) and made it into the perfect concerto (think of the opening sequence with F# leading up to D and then dropping to A)…
Beethoven at master class must have been a hoot.
Master class. Ahh, the memories.
Yep. And it was at Davies, just before it opened officially (SFCM). This was before they diddled with the acoustics, too. But watching Menhuin teach was wonderful. And as a cellist, it was fun watching the violinists sweat
(just kidding). Had my share on the cellist side of things.
If only Beethoven had written that (or a) concerto for the cello. I know there’s the triple concerto, but it’s just not the same. And the Concerto in D is also available as a two-piano arrangement, but then again… (yeah, I know, whine, whine, whine, world’s smallest violin
There are some good YouTubes out there with Heifetz giving master classes (also one of Casals). He was very demanding, but also very supportive of his students.
Imagine being a singer and trying not to forget the words.
That’s why I took up cello and piano
(and trombone, tuba, etc.)…
Then there’s French Horn, and the double reeds, where you have to get them to “speak” even when you’re dying with fright….
(Look up Garrison Keillor’s “A Young Lutheran’s Guide To The Orchestra” – especially the bits about the brass section
There was a story related in Scott Beach’s “Musicdotes” where a violin soloist got lost playing a part in a work of Haydn, who was conducting. After improvising for a while (and sweating and trying to remember where he was), he finally found his place in the music, to which Haydn remarked (not too softly), “welcome back, Mr. xxxx”.
The whole orchestra (and those in the audience who could hear it), broke up… apparently Haydn was quite a character…
cuppa, What a delightful story ab Haydn!!!
The cello is the world’s smallest violin?
Sometimes it seems like that
Cellist jokes:
Q: What’s the difference between a Violin and a Viola?
A: The Viola burns longer…
Q: What a Violin good for, then?
A: To light Violas…
And Lego was there, too
Shades of one of my favorite groups:

The “bazooka” was named after a musical instrument…
As was the Tromboon, here with PDQ Bach:

Of course, PDQ Bach was caught up in his time’s eco-green movement, which inspired him to make some green movements of his own, conserving paper, by the score. A score that was unreadable…

Israel kills 42 in Gaza as Netanyahu warns war will go on
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli airstrikes on Gaza City flattened three buildings and killed at least 42 people Sunday, medics said, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signaled the fourth war between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza would rage on despite international efforts to broker a cease-fire.
In a televised address, Netanyahu said Sunday evening the attacks were continuing at “full-force” and will “take time.“ Israel “wants to levy a heavy price” from Gaza’s militant Hamas rulers, he said, flanked by his defense minister and political rival, Benny Gantz, in a show of unity.
Patrick Byrne:
(The video is only viewable by subscribers.)
I pray they are… because hoping isn’t working.
This is a spiritual battle, hence the victory will be Biblical…
And still people won’t believe.
Liz Cheny is out and Elise Stefanik is in. Difference is as stark as going from night to day. It’s like the Sumerian Sun God Utu/Shamash has returned in the form of little Elsie Stefanik. Great Pick President Trump!
There’s a Rumble vid with her and Maria B. but I’m at at a loss on how to post. Regardless she even talks the Arizona Audit
GOP Chair Elise Stefanik Speaks Out on Biden DOJ Attempting to Block Arizona Election Audit
The Gateway Pundit Published May 16, 2021
Linda: CLICK PLAY on the video – in the lower right hand corner – CLICK RUMBLE – and it will open the video in a new window
COPY LINK – post here – COPY VIDEO TITLE – post here – and that’s it!!!
Hope this helps!!!
Oopsey, Para – this was for YOU!!! Linda and I were talking about vaccines at First Baptist Dallas – and I was answering her question –
Soweee – glad you found it helpful, tho’ –
One last step to get the video here!
In the lower right corner of the video on Rumble is the “EMBED” button – click it.
There will be a pop-up. The top option is Embeddable Player – that is what you want. Change the clicker from JavaScript to IFRAME, which changes the code. Click on the code to highlight it, then COPY that code.
Now come here. Type some stuff in a reply – you need some characters. Then click the { } button at the bottom. You will get a pop-up with all the HTML for the whole reply. PASTE the copied code at the end. then hit the “Insert” button. It changes all the HTML under the reply, and shows you the new reply.
It will look like this:
Then type some more stuff after the video, and hit “Post Comment”. You will get a reply with a working Rumble video in it, IF you are one of the people for whom it actually works.
Gee…Thanks, Wolf!!! I will save that – cause I can post Rumble Links – but, I cannot get one to play here!!!
Yeah, the bare Rumble links don’t work. Most platforms have code that turns YouTube links into video, but it’s a fair investment of time to create solid code that integrates video from a page URL, so most platforms only do it for 1 or 2 top sites.
Hmmm…that is sneaky – seems to me – we have spent the better part of last year and all of this year – finding ways to ‘get around’ their control mechanisms – thankful you know how –
CodeMonkeyZ is raising questions about Runbeck Election Services:
(There are more graphics and illustrations at the link. All text below is by CodeMonkeyZ, except that I’m breaking it up into parts because it is long.)
Raynaldo Valenzuela, the permanent elections chief of Maricopa County, has worked for the Maricopa County elections department for nearly thirty years.
I am really curious about who deleted the Maricopa County election database……
Who is the common denominator over the last three decades at the Maricopa County elections office?
Runbeck, a Maricopa County printing company, was allegedly caught sending ballots to Fulton County, Georgia.
Runbeck lists Reynaldo Valenzuela as their only official testimony on their website.
Guess which company prints ballots for Maricopa County?
Ding ding ding!
RUNBECK made the ballots for Tarrant county that allegedly had a 30% error rate causing the barcodes to be unscannable.
Unscannable barcodes on ballots may cause the ballot to go to digital adjudication where it can be “fixed” by a person.
In the surprise of the century, RUNBECK has partnered with Dominion Voting Systems.
Who printed the mail in ballots?
Who sent out the mail-in ballots?
What happened to the mail-in ballots that were RETURNED TO SENDER???
Were returned ballots ultimately used?
If so, who used them?
They are refusing to meet with the Senate for the hearing on Tuesday and they are doing a press conference on Monday.
They don’t have logic, proof, the law, or God on their side, so now they will focus all their efforts on trying to discredit the audit and auditors.
They are panicked because they know what the auditors likely already have.
Like a cornered dog, they lash out.
What we now know:
Runbeck printed mail-in ballots.
Runbeck gave mail-in ballots to USPS to deliver.
Runbeck received mail-in ballots.
Runbeck sorted received ballots – 40k per hour.
Runbeck has been partnered with Dominion.
Runbeck has been partnered with Maricopa County.
Runbeck was allegedly caught sending pallets of fake ballots to Fulton County, Georgia.
Runbeck was allegedly caught printing ballots with a ~30% error rate for Tarrant County, Texas.
What we don’t know:
1. Who received the mail-in ballots marked RETURN TO SENDER?
2. Were the mail-in ballots marked RETURN TO SENDER sorted away from the mail-in ballots which were filled out normally?
3. Were the mail-in ballots marked RETURN TO SENDER eventually filled out by the sender then dropped into the anonymous ballot drop boxes with no chain of custody?
Runbeck’s ftp server is on clearnet and returned as a google search result.
Dont go to that link. It is easy to hack an ftp setup like that, and you don’t want to be targeted just because you clicked on a google search result.
Interesting document describing RUNBECK’s plan to bring mail-in voting to the masses.
Document includes plans to change laws/rules and information about setting up SORTING EQUIPMENT FOR jurisdictions expecting more than 75,000 RETURNED BALLOTS.
Interestingly, RUNBECK made plans for ballot drop boxes.
Were any anonymous ballot drop boxes run by RUNBECK?
How to steal your vote using a mail-in ballot:
1. Mail-in ballot sent to you by vendor.
2. You arent home, or ballot sent to wrong address, and the ballot is RETURNED TO SENDER (vendor).
3. Vendor fills in ballot on your behalf.
4. Vendor puts your now-filled-in ballot into anonymous ballot drop-box that it also operates.
5. Congratulations, you voted for whoever the vendor of your ballot wants.
Forwarded from
Arizona Conservatives Take Action (Patriot)
Question: @CodeMonkeyZ recently asked, Who printed Arizona’s mail-in ballots?
Answer: Runbeck Election Services printed ALL of the ballots in Arizona. They also mailed ALL of the ballots in Arizona.
@VoteLizHarris and @GailGolec brought this to our attention in mid April in a video that has since been deleted by YouTube (view the summary post).
Runbeck was also mentioned in Jan Bryant’s testimony at the Arizona hearing in November. Bryant testified that Runbeck was scanning the ballots and delivered them to the Maricopa Election & Tabulation Center for 7 days following the election.
Watch @CannCon:
Jan Bryant Video
AZ audit liaison Ken Bennett has said that “subpoenaing Runbeck will be a natural extension of the audit.”
Who printed the mail in ballots?
Who sent out the mail-in ballots?
What happened to the mail-in ballots that were RETURNED TO SENDER???
Were returned ballots ultimately used?
If so, who used them?
If you have a moment today, please go through and use archive.orgor to archive the tweets from this twitter account:
Runbeck Election Services (@RunbeckElection) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Runbeck Election Services (@RunbeckElection). Runbeck provides election solutions of print and mail, innovative equipment/software, Election Management Systems and cybersecurity across the US. USA
Last October, RUNBECK knew Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin would be election hotspots.
Did you know that RUNBECK prepped about 30 million ballots nationwide accounting for approximately 30% of all the November paper election ballots?
(Their numbers, not mine)
And remember the print shop fire in Rochester NY after the election.
One wonders, however, if the one on the right will even have children… doesn’t seem to be the manly/fatherly type…
No, really?
If they’ve taken the “Stab” they probably won’t be able to. Sadly
Yep. And that’s tragic. Abortion by another name, indeed, abortion by deception, on a global scale.
Talk about crimes against humanity…..
2018: “your grandpa” was a Nazi soldier?
Ha, good catch! So often, there are mistakes in memes.
This one they’d exploit to the hilt! “You approve of Nazis?”
Lin Wood:
President Trump is a genius. He plays chess at a level we will never fully understand.
I was honored by his description of me as a “strong and talented” opponent. Upon further reflection, I understand his endorsement of my opponent, Drew McKissick.
My faith in President Trump has never wavered. He is doing God’s will for our country.
I support President Trump 100%.
P.S. The SCGOP is a swamp. In time, the RINOS will be defeated. Watch it happen.

Methinks Lin got a phone call from President Trump this morning. Wood seems to be a gracious man.
I just had to explain this to my wife. One way to to CAT-scan slice the whole mess is to realize that Trump just raised Lin Wood’s profile by orders of magnitude with zero risk to Lin, to Trump, and to the South Carolina GOP coalition, and with the assurance that there will be WINNING in SC in 2022.
Trump has a BATTLE PLAN. We are seeing the edge of it here.
YES!!! Excellent observation, Wolf!!! Not easy getting into the mind of Trump –
However – you are very good at it!!! BRAVO!!!
Personally, I do not think this job was a good fit for Lin – it may be Trump sees him more useful in another position – what that position is – I have no idea.
Absolutely true. State party boss has the job of trying to get people to all go along with the best plan. An example in Ohio is Jane Timken. That is her strong card in the big race for the Ohio Senate. Josh Mandel is more conservative, and a real firebrand – he’s like a male MTG.
IMO the firebrands have to PROVE THEMSELVES. It’s rough, but it’s proof that they actually have popular backing. Sometimes they need multiple election attempts to do it. The Ohio race has several great people running for it – all MAGA. Hopefully the 2nd and 3rd place will find other jobs in Ohio politics soon!
Exactly, Wolf – they must prove themselves – not a job one can walk into and immediately succeed and/or accomplish – I understand Lin’s compassion – but, politics is a tricky business.
Much easier to put the screws to the Party boss who is already in place and has been for years.
And I agree Lin Wood was a very poor fit. He would be frustrated as heck in that job.
Thanks for the verification, Gail!!!
Well if PDJT has it all…… this may very well be a card played. Get Drew elected then put the screws to him. Turn about fair play.
Ouch! However, I agree, Brave – PT gives them a chance to do the right thing – what happens after that is on them.
At the same time, a spotlight has now been shone on the state apparatus in South Carolina. Multiple objectives achieved with the same operation. Efficient and effective.
Taking a page out of the other side’s play book.
Yup. And the swamp there now seeing a need for some self-correction.
Trump is greedy to save the RINOs, and gives them chances, in a very careful way. It’s very interesting how he does it, too. We can all learn from his methods.
He tries to get them to correct their course. If they fail to do so, Buh-BYE.
Trump has always tried to save RINOs, until they prove to be RCONS.
We watched this strategy for four years. Trump truly tries to work with everyone, even D-Rats early on.
Good to see this. We don’t need any fractures in MAGA – America First.
May 16, 2021
Crrow777 and Alphonse Faggiolo join me to expose this corrupt system which has taught us to forget who we really are – and how to defeat it and save ourselves.
May 16, 2021
From Renew Your Mind
This is an excellent analysis – this woman is brilliant!!! Enjoy!!!
Thank you for posting this duchess. I’ve been a fan of Dr. Northrup for a long time. Much appreciated!
Most welcome, Holley!!! Hope all is well with family – and there are no side effects – praying for all of you.
Angels watching over you!!!
And what is really funny is that she used to be a darling of the left. She’s been on Oprah and other shows any number of times.
I heard/read something to that effect, Linda – however – I am glad she is up there telling the truth in spite of what it might cost her!!!
And I bet sharing the link will get you banned on multiple social media platforms.
Am sure it will, DP – however, if it is linked to a website – as this one may be – one might be able to get around it – I played it from the SGT website – dunno how to view it otherwise.
She’s a member of the disinformation dozen. I love it.
I like the end of her remarks when she says not to follow people into the burning building.
I do wish there was a talk on the transfer issue, though. I suspect it’s droplets, exchange of bodily fluids and toilet plumes.
The next question is how to clean to kill the transfer agent. We can’t avoid the covidiots forever, especially when we are the oldest daughter in a family.
Washing clothing, disinfecting bathroom and kitchen – shower area – antibacterial soap – whatever you would do to kill germs inside and outside of the body.
I think there will be a counteractive agent – I am praying about that – in the meantime – build up immune system – and – PRAY UNCEASINGLY!!!
I think there will be as well along the lines of Sumarin or a counter injection. of some sort.
Gosh – I sure hope there will be some sort of countermeasure – to reverse the curse.
I feel so bad for the kids whose parents made the decision for them not being fully informed. My one friend…she doesn’t know it, but she’s not going to get grandchildren if her boys even survive.
Parents must vaccinate their children for school so they think nothing of this vaccine – since they have trusted what was past experience – they do whatever the doctor recommends.
Parents are the caretakers of their children – God-appointed – and they will have to answer to Him for their bad decisions.
However, if it is true there are cures hidden away – then – there may be a way to reverse the adverse affects of these vaccines – I am thinking this is our only hope!!!
God can raise up a new scientific community that will clarify and counter all of this – He can do anything if we just trust in Him – 2 Chronicles 7:14
Some places allow parents to waive vaccines, as I started doing because of my son’s autism. When he was later waiting on the transplant list we got the kids vaxxed as rec’d by the transplant team. As they were all adolescents then I wasn’t as worried about the shots as I was when they were younger. So they were still able to attend school, sports, & events un-vax’d, at least for a season…
Hmmm…that is interesting, Val – however, some states have strict rules before entry into school – sad, but true – more parents are homeschooling and refusing to comply – Thank God!
I believe our state, Michigan, had/has “strict rules” but they allowed parents to claim exceptions or exemptions to/from them, at least they did about a decade ago in my experience.
Hard to tell, Val – the ‘wicked witch’ is still alive and kicking – she and (4) others need to be sued, charged with ‘crimes against humanity’, and removed.
Agree absolutely, but who wants to play whack a mole…
Not sure – never played, Val!!!
Me neither! LOL
Corona Virus only needs soap – it’s structured as a double-lipid ring, where anything that will dissolve fat will destroy the bonds. Soap, oil, greasecutter, etc. will do it. Alcohol will too, and pure alcohol is a VERY effective bacteriacide as well as virucide.
The thing is, overexposure to disinfectants is bad, which is why simple soap is best against the Chinee virus…
True, Cuppa – just trying to keep exposure down to a minimum with respect to contact adverse effects – that transference is just creepy – like creepy crawlers – you know.
Too bad the soap doesn’t work if the sucker gets into your body.
Neither will a bacteriacide, which is what I was addressing…
True, and correct.
That is not always good. Living with germs is normal and your body learns to deal with them. Killing them, then your body learns nothing and becomes open to infection.
I think nutrition is the answer.
PubMed: Early Nutritional Interventions with Zinc, Selenium and Vitamin D for Raising Anti-Viral Resistance Against Progressive COVID-19
Zinc inhibits virus (RNA) replication.
Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture
Med Sc News: Study shows selenium-containing compounds inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication and assembly
The paper: Discovery of potent inhibitors of PLproCoV2 by screening a library of selenium-containing compounds
The Liver Doctor: Selenium helps your body to fight virusesI have been practising and researching nutritional medicine for over 40 years and if anyone asked me “what is the most important nutrient to fight a viral infection?”- I would say without doubt – whether it is a chronic or acute viral infection – it is selenium. I call selenium “the viral birth control pill”
Selenium acts on the genetic material of viruses (its RNA or DNA) and has three highly valuable effects:
A normally harmless (or low-pathogenic) virus can become much more destructive (virulent) in a person who is selenium deficient. Selenium-deficient mice infected with a mild strain of influenza virus developed much more severe and protracted inflammation of their lungs, compared to selenium-plentiful mice infected with the same virus.
One other quick comment on this, and it has nothing to do with COVID explicitly, but what is really gratifying is to see someone of Dr. Northup’s stature crediting her colleagues for teaching her, and helping to compile information rather than just talking about what she knows. It was really refreshing.
May 16, 2021
from The Waking Times:
“If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go: perchance it will wear smooth–certainly the machine will wear out… but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn.” ~Henry David Thoreau
Obedience is the connective tissue of oppression.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Thank you, Dora.
This came up for debate in Monday’s House of Commons session in Parliament from Robert Halfon MP (Conservative, Harlow).
The Home Office assured the MPs and the public that they and the police are doing everything possible. Four arrests have been made so far.
VIDEO: Arsonists Attempt to Burn Down Brave Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s Home in Canada
May 16, 2021
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundi
Last Saturday, Artur Pawlowski, the Pastor of the Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada was swarmed by police and arrested after holding an “illegal” church service on Saturday.
You may remember Pawlowski as the brave pastor who shouted down police officers who interrupted his church service during Holy Week.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Yup. CHINADA is filled with communists.
Portland Police Union President Says City Is ‘On the Precipice of a Gang War’
May 16, 2021
from The Epoch Times
The president of Portland, Oregon’s police union said in a blistering new statement that the city is on the brink of war.
“We need to talk about the elephant in the room: gun violence. We are on the precipice of a gang war,” said Daryl Turner, head of the Portland Police Association.
Police in the state’s largest city had responded to 357 shootings as of May 9, an increase of over 100 percent from the same time period the year prior.
Portland dealt with a jump in violence in 2020, with both shootings and murders skyrocketing, along with near-nightly riots that regularly diverted attention from 911 calls.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Communism creates gun violence problems.
It is how it works – impregnates the masses – their playbook was written long ago – wonder why it never works – and yet – it still keeps popping up here, there, and everywhere.
Why I never liked Zero – everything he did was geared toward the means to an end.
Osatan wanted the United States of Chicago.
May 16, 2021
from EarthNewspaper (Video)
Here is the video – worth it just for the music!
I wish I knew how to find that music.

Impressive, isn’t it?
It’s a great understanding in a BIG but sorrowful learning chapter in our medical history – sad as it will be that many died.
Vaccines are always a calculated risk – in this case, badly calculated because we were rushed. They are a KNOWN RISK taken against a PERCEIVED GREATER RISK – but our perceptions were MANGLED in order to evict Trump.
Under Trump and Azar, there would have been adjustment, correction, and OPTIMAL use of the vaccines. Under Biden and Fauci, this was not possible.
Oh, this chapter in the history of science is PROFOUND. Socialism’s COST in science is about to be reckoned!
Military Veterans Say ‘We Are So Screwed’ As Both CIA And Army ‘Woke’ Recruitment Videos Shows Why Our Adversaries Are Laughing At Us
May 16, 2021
by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline
Back during the Obama regime, when images of cadets, in uniform were widely circulated, showing them in bright red high heels, I thought it seriously offered a horrible image of America and her military, and considered it a very low point in our recent history regarding the image we want our adversaries across the world to see, or not see.
One would think our government would have learned a lesson from the reactions, mostly laughter and disgust, but obviously they did not and are doubling down on “wokeness,” which must have our rivals laughing hysterically at America.
Let me start by saying I thought these videos, one from the CIA as part of their “Humans of CIA” recruitment series and one from the U.S. Army, were satire, or hoaxes, but unfortunately they are not.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Parents Revolt Against School Indoctrination
May 16, 2021
by TheDarkMan, The Duran:
The lunatics running America’s schools may have taken one liberty too many as parents in Loudoun County, Virginia push back against the indoctrination of their offspring. On May 14, Tucker Carlson – the bravest man on television – played clips of an overweight white teacher claiming the book To Kill A Mockingbird is racist, a black mother pushing back against critical race theory, a white mother then a white father quoting what can only be described as the pornographic language their young ones are being fed disguised as literature.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Thumbs up for Tucker Carlson.
We. have. it. all.
Data Files Reportedly Deleted in Arizona Before Providing to Senate Auditors May Have Been Recovered by the Audit Team
Fake news will be working overtime now throwing the first mud.
They should have Faux-Xi do it then…
He’d throw wide LEFT by a mile…..
(And break the Overton Window in the process)…
I had been wondering about that. If the files are NOT there, they wouldn’t have been able to get the listing that they provided in their letter. UNLESS they were using an Undelete/Recovery type of tool which means they can see and access the files.

Bringing this over from Marica’s.

May 16, 2021 at 1:59 pm
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 03:35]
I am realising just how much psychological load we take when we perceive this attempted genocide via medical fraud. When you add in all the other exacerbated stresses of life it is hard to bear. The tragedy of friends and family volunteering for a eugenics program, sold to them as being for their health, is almost too depraved to cope with. If you aren’t coping so well (and it is very understandable right now) then go easy on yourself. This is the moment for self-compassion.
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 03:45]
The enemy we face wants to crush our will and demoralise us. We face situations and struggles unlike anything we have known before. Inevitably it will push on our weaknesses. Rather than condemning yourself for having them, now is as good a time as any to forgive yourself and keep going. Yes, we ultimately need to “man up” and face down our frailties; but we cannot fight every battle at once. If you have made it through to fight another day, then that is good enough (for now).
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 03:50]
I can say from personal experience that censorship is also a health and wellbeing issue for its victims. The violation of our basic rights is painful, even more so when it is celebrated by those who ought to be allies. For the creative mind deplatforming is is a loss like a house fire or car accident.
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 05:27]
DJT says that the secret of success is the ability to withstand pressure. Many of us are under more pressure than we are accustomed to deal with. This is spiritual warfare and the enemy’s primary method of waging war is to get us to destroy ourselves. The deception can be external (the vax is proven to be safe) or internal (one more drink won’t hurt me). The challenge is to recognise when you are at the “too much” stage and recognise your limit on how much pressure you can take and thus your ceiling of achievement. This often only becomes clear in retrospect…
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 05:39]
If you have been feeling like you are reaching your breaking point recently with your family and friends joining the death cult.. it is worth holding in mind that we are being psychologically tortured by these evil bastards, and that their goal is to push you to your break point where you either submit or collapse entirely. As long as you keep turning up as a free human, that’s winning. (Even if what you did with your freedom was nothing to be proud of! Misadventure is an intrinsic part of liberty.)
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 05:40]
Please hold in mind that if I have any wisdom to offer it is because I have explored the unwise path so thoroughly, and thus have confidence that whatever is left might be wise.
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 05:58]
It isn’t so much that they are inverting medical ethics and the burden of proof, but rather than you are regarded as a degenerate threat to society for wanting “first do no harm” and informed consent. Covid fear seems to implant a false conscience: nothing from the past is relevant guidance, long established principles are inverted, the rule of law is applicable only when it suits power, and any violation of norms can be justified. The lack of empirical evidence and rational decision making is taken as evidence of just how dangerous the virus is, and how we must accept even more extreme and absurd measures. If it can be backwards, it is when it comes to Covid.
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 06:06]
The minds of the deceived were already owned by the propaganda merchants. We just didn’t get to see the control for what it truly was. In a paradoxical way it is progress to have the “zombies” mark themselves with muzzles outdoors. Now it’s obvious that we live in a mind control society. A necessary prelude to improvement, as painful as it may be.
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 06:18]
Claiming that a novel medical product is safe when there is no evidence from long term use in humans ought to have everybody going “hang on a minute…”. That something is so obviously an untruth, and yet so many cannot see it, tells us that rationality is easily displaced by fear. The consequence is that as a culture we need to develop a deep skepticism of any fear narrative and the motives of those pushing it.
Martin Geddes Channel, [16.05.21 06:27]
At least there’s no cheap virtue signalling with the vax. You literally have your skin in the game.
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, and FauXi is on the run!
Steiner was a Satanist, and associated with Madame Blavatsky. He developed (deviloped) Demeter (biodynamic) farming and agricultural processess, which depend on crystals, occult chants and rituals, and burying animal parts, etc., to add to the soil’s soul.
He also founded the Waldorfschulen (schools) which are also derivatives of his beliefs and association with the various Theosophical societies (cf. Mme. Blavatsky).
This is another case of something that looks innocent on the surface, but is black as night or the pit of Hell underneath.
And Demeter is all the rage over here, being pushed furiously by the Greens… gotta wonder, until one looks at the origin and beliefs of the Greens… Conservationists? Not hardly… Watermelons, at best….. and that’s a pretty low bar…
These people needed exorcism in the age when it was suppressed.
Immediately brings to mind this video from Sep 29, 2011
Bill Gates Presentation to Pentagon: Vaccine To Kill Religious Center of Brain
That says it right there!!!!!!!
Shows for whom Gates REALLY works…
Great find, Gail.
The date of 9-29-11 parses down to 11-11-11, which then adds to 33. VERY significant number to the Dark Side… and those were the ones in Øbøzø’s military and Admin…..
Some of us remember this video from way back.
(either one should be the same vid, different source)
Most copies have been taken down and there have been “Fact Checks” to debunk saying a. its not Bill Gates and b. It was a joke.
Meanwhile you can ask yourself if they could, would they?
Then you can ask, seriously, how hard would it be for them to deaden a region of the brain or more likely eliminate the gene they claim responsible, that lights up on scans when engaged in some sort of religious experience or talk? Likely not too hard IMO.
Then ask, would it be in this set of
vaccinesgene therapy or would they slip it in gradually in new sets?Those brain images appear to be of the same brain as the structures within & in the perimeter seem identical to me. Are they saying they “vax’d” someone who is now disgusted by a religious text where before they were interested? Very bizarre stuff…
“Exclusive Interview with Dr Bhakdi – “Parents are willingly allowing their children to be killed if they allow them to have the Covid Vaccine”
“This plan was conceived years ago. Once this vaccine gets legally, fully approved, not approved for emergency use, but fully approved, no more risk analysis needs to be done.
“Pfizer are going to submit an application for this in June. And the authorities have already released underground information that the approval will probably be given in October. When this happens, it means that every subsequent vaccine is automatically approved. They have to sign no more application, there will be no more trials, no more risk-benefit analysis. No more notification of side effects.”
This is a devastating interview with Dr. Bhakdi. Well worth reading. I believe he is absolutely correct about the following, among the other statements he makes:
The upcoming approval of the Pfizer CCPFauci Virus being the “foot in the door’ for all the other mRNA “vaccines” to be approved.
The eventual removal of any NON-mRNA “vaccine” from usage, leaving ONLY mRNA products on the market.
The approval of the Pfizer “vaccine” ending all questions about the “vaccines”, ending all objections to them, and laying the groundwork for the real coercion push for “resisters” to get it.
That parents who allow their children to get the “vaccine” are putting them at grave risk on several fronts.
That there is only a small window of opportunity left to stop all this.
And, right on cue, as it were, the director of the CDC is now saying that persons who aren’t “vaccinated” are not “safe”. —
57 minutes ago
“CDC director says the agency was not pressured by politicians to ease up on face mask guidelines for fully vaccinated Americans”
So, now we have Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, being the “human echo chamber” of Dr. Anthony Fauci — that the “science” has “evolved” regarding wearing face masks if one is “fully vaccinated” against the CCPFauci Virus.
But — here’s the kicker: Dr. Walensky drops a hint about how the CDC and the federal government will regard those Americans who refuse to get the “vaccine”:
“If you are not vaccinated, you are not safe. Please get vaccinated or continue to wear your mask.”
Which, of course, begs the question: At what point will the CDC and the government “decide” that the “unsafe people” are a “threat” to the “vaccinated, therefore safe people”?
And there’s this, from Dr. Walensky:
“If you are vaccinated, we are saying you are safe, you can take off your mask and you are not at risk for severe disease or hospitalization from COVID-19.”
Understand this. The CDC has decided that “vaccinated” persons are “safe”. So if a “vaccinated” person gets a severe reaction, or comes down with the CCPFauci Virus and is very ill, or winds up in the hospital from it, can Dr. Walensky be sued?
Some new footage and a dig on a police commander present 1/6.
Joseph Bevilacqua (@joebev49) Tweeted:
Well, if this isn’t the strangest insurrection I’ve ever seen….
The Reckoning
(@sethjlevy) Tweeted:
(@scuba2024) Tweeted:
Cmdr. Robert Glover of the D.C. police
(@scuba2024) Tweeted:
He was there and this is him at some other time. The question is this the same guy. When did Qshaman get in and when was this video.
(@scuba2024) Tweeted:
Glover at 1:15. Trump just finished.
This is so far beyond the pale I would have to find a way to save a child with a parent who did this.
خديجة (@miskhotaaa) Tweeted:
if a little girl thinks her body is wrong and she “needs” this, you as a parent have failed.
this item is not in favor of your childs well-being, this is only supporting and enabling body issue images.
Matthew 18:6:
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 10:26-28:
26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Those “parents” will have Hell to pay…
Yes. The sooner the better. God must protect them until we can.
I clicked on this and one of the comments said even reading this feels criminal. And there it is.
That was my INSTANT feeling. Gross. I couldn’t scroll fast enough.
This is behond sick, and whoever comes up with these ideas is perverted.
One more on the Hamas HQ they shared with AP.
Crystal clear video. Smacks of controlled demolition AND, IDF air strike. Bonus, crappy building standards. ~1 minute video.
Video shows what may be controlled demolition. (My guess)
Below pics show what appears to be a LGB – Laser Guided bomb or sorts…dropping nearly straight down on the building. Likely penetrate the building with delayed fuze detonation.
Ap is so busted.
Sure bet, AP paid Hamas for ‘protection”.
Makes sense. Aligns with their ability to scoop stories.
Now they get to scoop rubble…
Well, AP and AJ, too late to worry about if you left the gas on now…..
(to paraphrase Douglas Adams)…
The Tide Is Turning, The 2020 Election Will Go Down As The Crime Of The Century – Ep. 2479
May 16, 2021 x22report
The people are seeing the true economic agenda of the [CB]. As time goes on more and more people will start to push back at the [CB] economic policies, the people are waking up. The Biden administration is trying to defend it all but it is failing. The economic war is real. The [DS] knows the clock is ticking down, the election fraud audits are now spreading to other states. The tide is now turning and people are seeing everything in real time. The Biden administration is now struggling, the puppet masters are now in overdrive to complete their agenda and the people are now pushing back and showing the invisible enemy who really has the power. The 2o20 Presidential election will go down as the crime of the century, Out of chaos there is also opportunity.
Ep. 2479a – The People Are Watching The Economic Disaster, Now They Know
X22 Report Published May 16, 2021
Ep. 2479b – The Tide Is Turning, The 2020 Election Will Go Down As The Crime Of The Century
X22 Report Published May 16, 2021
The Starbucks subreddit is melting down over ending the mask mandate. This is pinned to the top of their subreddit right now:

Salt-mining here:
The brainwashing has worked big time. This is just like those people on Nextdoor angry that the mask mandate is being lifted. The reality is that they are in more danger from the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. A lot of us unvaccinated have already had Covid and are no threat to anyone. I sure don’t see anyone recognizing this in all these new rules.
If they’re vaccinated and believe the vaccine protects them, then they shouldn’t be so scared.
Yeah they need to get ALL the different vaccines plus wear several masks so they FEEEEEeeeel safe.
Thank God I quit them when they turned on Veterans back in 2017. They lost a lot of money from me with that move. I was so mad, I even left rewards(free drinks) on the table!
FYI, Dunkin’s milk has less sugar in it and their coffee tastes much better!
Burnt old oily coffee from low quality beans with way too much sugar. Dunkin i havent had.
Made by kids who probably never drink coffee (especially in this “Red Bull” age)…
I love Dunkin coffee, Gil.
Dunkin Arabica — I buy it by the pound and make it at home.
Most grocery stores around here carry it.
Ive seen it. Its almost more than starbucks. Just never tried it. Ill get some next time to try it.
Yeah, they really F’d up when they mixed the apples with the oranges and now need to sort them back out, but for their justifications will be all the more weaker.
The masks gave them an excuse to go on powertrips and abuse people, and now they’re mad the CDC took their excuse away.
Scratch a Liberal and you will find a little Nazi underneath who wants to run your life or ruin it.
“There’s no proof of being vaccinated means you’re corona proof.”
But here’s Dr. Walensky, the head of the CDC, today:
“If you are vaccinated, we are saying you are safe, you can take off your mask and you are not at risk for severe disease or hospitalization from COVID-19.”
Of course there’s no real proof that people who get the CCPFauci Virus experimental gene-altering injection are “safe”, but the CDC and the federal government are H3ll-bent on getting 100% compliance on “vaccination”.
They may not be corona proof, but they are transferring the shot ingredients to those of us who don’t want them.
THAT I have a problem with.
I went to one of the grocery stores known to be in the “natural” category. A sign on the door said that they “strongly encourage” people to wear masks. Not feeling encouraged by that, but rather free, I went in without a mask. Every other person I saw had a mask on, but no one said anything to me.
My impression is that they need to see a certain number of maskless people in order to wake up. It felt good to be contributing to that process, LOL.
In the meantime, the freak-out on social media is entertaining.
Since one of the local Starbucks has a drive thru that continuously blocks the driveway of the dry cleaner next door, let them all go out of business. I have stuff to drop off.
This article is a warning to “vax refusniks” and “vax resisters” — coming to a street in the neighborhood soon: door-to-door “vaccination visits” by the local EMS, among other things:
Credit to The New York Times
33 minutes ago
“In New Vaccination Push, Biden Leans on His ‘Community Corps'”
Among the places targeted for “vaccination” compliance are: minority and lower-income residential areas; churches; public schools; even street corners.
“Incentives” being offered (in real life, these are called “bribes”) include free Uber rides to the and from the “vaccination” site; and the “assurance” that after getting the “vaccine”, one can travel again.
Good way to get shot.
One bad shot deserves another?
(“Poison The Hood”, to paraphrase the group’s name)…
We don’t have to tell them whether or not we’re vaccinated,d but this is a good heads-up to be armed with facts and data in general, on a number of levels.
I feel sorry for the people they’re targeting, some of whom could be afraid of authority and who are definitely not informed; the media has seen to that.
I see this as a way to get people on record, though, not only to tell them your vax status, but for them to note where the “troublemakers” live. It might be best just to decline to answer.
It’s okay to lie to tyrants. It is morally permissible.
Well here is something to hand to your friends and relatives:
COVID Vaccine Trials In Animals Were Stopped Because They Kept Dying, Revealed In Texas Senate Hearing
Video is embedded of the testimony.
[video src="" /]
Interesting comment on that article:
Steven Fishman May 17, 2021 at 12:41 am
Prions neither carry nor interface with DNA or RNA.
More on Prion diseases.
USA TODAY: Fact check: COVID-19 vaccine not associated with neurodegenerative disease
So that paper is probably where the information came from.
Principia-scientific (DOT) com I am a bit skeptical about since they can be a bit ‘far out’ but the ability to infect humans with prions is certainly there if it can be transferred via medial equipment.
I was eating dinner so I had to one-finger my previous comments.
Prions are misfolded proteins. Proteins are complicated molecules that make up most of the working parts of organisms. They are created using a skein of genetic material (usually RNA), and then sequencing pieces according to the genes thereon. As they are being assembled, there is usually some sort of template around (think of a shop jig) that gets the molecules folded properly (go up to piece 6, then do a 180 and go to piece 14, then do 90 degrees to the side and another 4 pieces before doing another 90 degrees and laying parallel to the previous chains…..).
There used to be a research project where you could play games on your home computer folding proteins to see if you could figure out their natural configuration.
Once a protein is completely synthesized and folded, it is released “into the wild” in order to do whatever it does.
The problem is that there may be multiple stable ways of folding the same molecule into a protein. One may be biologically useful, but the other might just take up space….or worse.
A prion (“proteinaceous infectious particle”) is much worse….because exposing a “properly” folded protein to its prion doppleganger can cause the “properly” folded protein to refold. Depending on what the protein does and how quickly it is degraded in the normal course of things, this can be very, very, very bad.
If there were a prion for a protein found in skin, it gets anchored in place in one spot on your body, can spread around a bit to adjacent spots degrading the skin, but is likely to be shed all too soon along with its other infected friends.
But in the case of “mad cow” (BSE), and vCJD — the same disease in humans — it’s a protein in the brain….which means it sticks around for a long, long time. And it’s like a catalyst, the more prions you have, the faster it spreads.
Now it certainly might be the case that the synthetic RNA causes various proteins to be synthesized in weird places that are not equipped with the proper “jig” to make the good ones….
But “The Messenger RNA also contains PRIONS, the equivalent of Mad Cow Disease in humans” is just a weird semi-nonsensical statement — probably designed to make credulous MAGA types seem like idiots.
I should also note that Wolf’s epiphany that the “spike protein” explicitly coded in the RNA viruses is like a snakebite protein — dangerous in itself — looks more solid day by day. But that’s not a prion, that’s a “properly” folded protein that is dangerous.
I’m still laughing about the MIT paper that marveled about Covid and “vaccine” critics being more scientific than boosters.
So, I went to the paper that Gail brought us (Thanks, Gail!!) and I’m just going to dump excerpts here:
One such potential adverse event is prion based diseases caused by activation of intrinsic proteins to form prions.
Pfizer’s RNA based vaccine against COVID-19 was evaluated for the potential to convert TDP-43 and or FUS to their prion based disease causing states. The vaccine RNA was analyzed for the presence of sequences that can activate TDP-43 and FUS. The interaction of the transcribed spike protein with its target was analyzed to determine if this action could also activate TDP-43 and FUS. [TDP-43 and FUS are two proteins known to have prion dopplegangers.]
Analysis of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 identified two potential risk factors for inducing prion disease is humans. The RNA sequence in the vaccine [3] contains sequences believed to induce TDP-43 and FUS to aggregate in their prion based conformation leading to the development of common neurodegerative diseases. [Aside from not being able to spell “neurodegenerative”, this states that the vax contains circumstances “believed to induce” spontaneous prion behavior in the two genes rather than actually causing it.]
[Remember, the protein can fold the right way, or the wrong way (or potentially other ways), and it is up to the cell’s “shop jig” to turn out good ones. A lot of proteins function by having parts swivel about, then return to their resting phase [
]. This paper’s “J’accuse!” only says that the vax has characteristics that may interfere with the protein’s proper function in a way that may allow it to go rogue. I’m not impressed. A high-carb modern diet with little exposure to sunlight is probably worse.]
Now, if you want some real, actual, scary prion stuff…..
A whole bunch of animals can get the same prion disease. It is named vCJD in humans, BSE in cows, scrapie in sheep, and CWD in deer. Oddly, natural predators (canids and felines) seem to be immune.
The big “mad cow” fiasco in the 90’s was basically produced by the introduction of “MBM” into the diet of cattle. Such Meat and Bone Meal was tainted with material from scrapie-infected sheep. It had previously not been known that digested prion material could make its way to the brain.
It’s not a huge surprise, however, as proteins stay proteins under all sorts of adverse circumstances. How long can you overcook meat before it’s no longer meat?
Because neural tissue is long-lived, prions are preserved in neural tissue. MBM containing contaminants from spinal,neural, and brain tissue tended to be higher in such contamination.
And let’s shift to a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT subject —
Nothing that is done to pink slime will degrade a prion. If there is the slightest chance that said LFTB contains nerve or brain tissue, it can transmit vCJD. Review the Wikipoo article.
More from Great Game India
“…However, the planning for executing the concept of ‘Vaccine Passports’ began 20 months prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. “
(They have a ton of articles on Covid)
“They” do hate that the common people can and do travel. I caught that on one of the last cruises I was on. They don’t like the casualness of the everyday American nor some of the less refined behavior.
Part of this is an attempt to curtail behavior that the “elite” consider theirs, and not for everyone.
This is sickening.
Was posted earlier today concerning post-shot covid cases that wind up being hospitalized.
1359 reported to the CDC, 223 died. A mortality rate of 16%. And you know damn right well that number is low.
We know someone who falls into this category. 65, got his 1st Moderna and came down with the virus. In the hospital for several days, was discharged and died in his sleep.
At least it was in his sleep.
Donald J. Trump7:11pm May 16, 2021
Breaking News! New polling by CBS News on the state of the Republican Party (which is very strong!). “President Trump has a strong hold on the GOP.” 80% of Republicans agree with the removal of Liz Cheney from GOP Leadership and only 20% disagree. The poll also showed that 67% of Republicans said that they do not consider Sleepy Joe Biden to be the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. I agree with them 100%, just look at the facts and the data—there is no way he won the 2020 Presidential Election!
Oh, hell no!!!!!
What a JOY to reminisce!!!


Hope that I am near one of his rallies. Can’t say that i’ll arrive ten and eight hours early as I did two rallies in 202. But, I’ll do my best to be there.
We haven’t seen energy like that since January 20. I miss him!
Some rocks would fix this.
Where’s Antifa when you need them? /sarc
And they probably had a police escort…
“Free Speech”, doncha know…
Real POTUS issues another statement:
“Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!”
Juan O’Savin Military Update Unplugged BardsFM May 16,2021
Seventeen??? Q???
may 16, 2021 the marshall report
Every once in a while I find a stand alone video presentation by a particular person on the same wavelength that I am riding at the time. This person fits that wave. Please enjoy POD CAST PRODUCTIONS, who can be found on Rumble. Please listen to her presentations that will hopefully open eyes wider.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
heh heh from the link I posted upthread in reply to DP:
“What The Q Is Going On In Our World?
Here’s the link….
Simply sublime, bakocarl!
I’ll be borrowing excerpts this week for my website, if that’s okay.
Great rant. Language warning.