Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.
If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this mix of compositions from Emil Nilsson, titled ‘In Motion’, ‘Together We Stand’ and ‘Unite’:
And this composition from Fearless Motivation, titled ‘Watch Me Bleed’:
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
A horologe is a timekeeping device such as a clock, hourglass, sundial or chronometer. It is a word that was used in earlier times, but it is from horologe that the Study Of Time came to be called horology. The word horologe comes from the Latin word, ‘horologium’.
Used in a sentence:
If a solar flare knocks out our satellites that we rely on for telling time, then we will have to return to using horologes again.
Woohoo!!! Monday Motivation!!!
Thanks, Wheatie!!! Angels watching over you!!!
Not sure about Biden – nobody really knows where he is physically, mentally, and/or emotionally!!! But, we do know he didn’t win!!!
That “used in a sentence” shouldn’t be “If a solar flare knocks out our satellites that we rely on for telling time, then we will have to return to using horologes again.”
It should be “if solar flares, EMP, or power failure knock out our modern methods for telling time, we will be forced to use more traditional, primitive horologes again.
I kinda like “primitive horologes.” My mom always loved chiming clocks and had 5 of them in her house. I jokingly told my brother that I bet she wouldn’t miss one if I took it home with me. She heard me and gave me one of them.
I’ve come to enjoy the chiming. And it was the only clock in the house that worked when our power was out 6 days.
EXACTLY. Everybody needs one. Then all they need is a way to synchronize with somebody transmitting over short wave or AM, and a known rate of error of the clock, and they can match the timing of civilization again.
I have Mom’s mantle clock that she got from Grandma. And several wind-up watches and alarm clocks. Being pack rats has it’s uses.

Like this?
I love the sound of vintage pendulum clocks ticking away, very relaxing, I have five plus a sixth that is probably beyond repair. Though I never wind the striking train on them, that would be too much of a cacophony.
Poor little hedgehog.
It found out that the University where it lived had misidentified it as a hamster… the same month the school gave Richard Gere an honorary degree……..
Yup. Every house needs at least one mechanical clock and an EMP-proofed distance radio (preferably short-wave, IMO) to keep it timed properly.
I don’t think you can EMP-proof radios.
Don’t they have those containers you can buy to put stuff in you want to protect from EMPs?
Linda, I think ammo cans work well…maybe provided their seals remain in good condition.
But I have heard many say they have tested them in some mysterious way.
Steve could probably tell us if its possible to adequately test such a container.
If the radio is connected and in-use, EMP protection is hard, though possible — I’ve seen some feed-throughs in bunker walls that were meant to survive EMPs, but they are only sensible as part of the rest of the bunker structure.
Even ordinary thunderstorms are trouble — the Ham-radio club here has a good location for radio use which also makes it vulnerable to lighting strikes — but unplugging the antenna goes a long way to avert damage in these cases. Beyond
that, placing the electronics in a metal box or can for the duration will protect it quite well.
A metal box works as a Faraday cage.
Actually an all metal carport/roll-up garage with the metal support polls going into the gound might work in protecting your automobile and other stuff.

It is certainly worth trying even though the floor is concrete and not metal, although the Re-bar or wire mesh maybe useful.

About Q
I posted this link, before watching it… topics that have been posted on the Qtree since we were all kicked out from otherthere;
Am in the middle of watching it now; in the mid part of it, but because I have been exposed to it by what Qtreepers have posted, it’s still shocking, but not unbelievable.
If you have time, please watch. It’s important.
This site gives a simple summary of Q topics. However, at the very end he asks for monetary support. Q warned people not to follow anyone who asks for money. “Be careful who you follow”. That said, simply reading it will give you an overview.
I have not watched the video yet. I just perused the entire website.
Monetary support isn’t *in itself* a bad thing.
People do need to support themselves.
It’s when they either require this support (paywall), or ask for it incessantly, that the red flag goes up fro me.
I especially like to find those who have been BANNED from (voluntary) income sources – like PayPal (gak!) and Patreon (same!) – so that I may contribute.
Joe Dan is one of the most gracious of all, when asking for his viewers to contribute.
When one cannot, then he says “We may be cousins!”, and instead asks people to share his videos (near-free to do) at the very least.
When one “supports” an independent media outlet only by views, or by clicks, then one is ONLY supporting the channel via AD MONEY.
That’s the killer, IMO.
CFP hasn’t any ads. Joe Dan hasn’t any ads. And Patriots Soap Box hasn’t any ads either. And as far as I can tell, neither does Wolf, nor do the anons – with minimal exceptions (the five ads in a single banner at the top of the threads, and the single one at the bottom).
My take-away is to support those who provide REAL NEWS (and commentary), and who DO NOT take ad money, or who take almost none.
Asking for donations is not a big deal, IMO. Every effort requires funding.
Actually Q relented on those asking for money after he came under attack by many of the small home grown types. He amended his restriction to the ones who were well off in the trade like Jerome Corisi and Alan Jones types.
Always thought that this little detail of Q gave a hint as to whom he might be as it demonstrated a certain level of naiveness or concern for those that wanted to support him. .
Ultimately the little guys were quick to grow and muck things up some though and because many have used alias’s it’s hard to know much about them or their true intent at all. So maybe Q’s first instincts were right after all, but a mixed bag either way. Regardless they certainly helped him grow.
Ah, that first musical video (the trilogy) was excellent! Very motivating!
Glad you like it, boss.
If you’re interested in “buycotting” American brands, there is a group on Gab that is highlighting patriotic buys!
The Patriot’s Buycott Group. Non-Woke American Companies Only
The Patriot’s Buycott Group. Non-Woke American Companies Only
Sound the bells!! We have an American Patriotic company here! Tomato stuff! Crushed tomatoes, Tomato Sauce, Whole Tomatoes, Puree, Ketchup, the whole 9 yahhhdds!! Check out the top of the Ketchup container! Folds of honor! “American Grown, owned and made”.
We’re switching to Red Gold stuff. I’m saying we cause I’m sure you’ll agree with me. If not… then not you…don’t even say it lol. BUT!! WOOO!! CHECK IT OUT GUYS! Buy their stuff! Give them some business!
Tuttorosso works great, use that exact product all the time.
Thanks! Will watch for that one.
When you’re making Sunday gravy regularly . . .
Excellent, thanks!
Joe Thomas has a radio talk show in Charlottesville VA that I hear sometimes in the morning. He had someone who suggested that instead of boycotting, people who have even a share of stock in a company should make sure to vote in corporate elections. Research people on the board of directors and vote out those who are leftists. It seemed like a good way to make an impact. The guy also said that even if you have stock in a 401k that you can still vote. I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t do 401Ks. LOL
Infra Suspicious Cat Side-eye – news that didn’t make national, just local
Missouri – Videos show massive explosion at Missouri propane plant that was visible from space
MAY 14, 2021 10:10 AM, UPDATED MAY 14, 2021 10:30 AM
Iowa – Infra Suspicious Cat Side-eye
Bridge collapse sends freight train off rails in northwestern Iowa
Freight train hauling fertilizer derails in Iowa, dozens of residents evacuated
Hmmmm. Real infrastructure problems.
Isn’t is just fascinating, that just as the Bye-Done admin is trying to pass an infrastructure bill full of bullshit, that all of these “real” infrastructure issues magically arise?

It’s all just a coincidence, right?
Amazing!!! Almost as if it were planned!
What better way to get RCONs to support the faux infrastructure bill.
Yup. Some of it is media. All it takes is a few CIA-bots high up in media management to show interest in more “infrastructure problem” stories, and the rats will dutifully comply. Note that Trump was calling out these problems during his administration, as issues left over from Obama’s mismanagement, and Pelosi did everything in her power to keep Trump from doing anything about them, while the media covered for her. “Look – Russian squirrel!” And during Trump’s first two years, the Demons kept him dodging impeachment so that he could not force a bill. But every time he tried later, Pelosi filled it up with GRAFT, KICKBACKS, and PAYOFFS, and it had to be abandoned.
When the MOB owns the HOUSE, problems don’t get solved – they get EXPLOITED.
All that said, YES – communists will sabotage. And I think the best stuff is done with foreign and IC help.
It’s like the final chapters of Atlas Shrugged.
JUST IN: GOP Senators Tear Into Biden’s Border Policies At Press Conference
Biden is just bringing in the replacements for the Americans Big Pharma is killing off with their Jabs.
Well then – his ‘replacement’ did not work out well – now, did it? I think this is only temporary, Gail – one way to entrap the cabal and round ’em all up like the criminals they are.
God can turn this all around and make it good – I have faith this is only temporary.
If you ever wanted to see bread baked over a campfire while a log cabin is being built – it’s all VERY relaxing.
Very well-bread…
Although…I think aluminum foil might be a better wrap for the bread dough, since the paper burned.
Yeah, a coupla things would make this more realistic and better:
1) If you have a good cast iron pot, the paper or foil is completely unnecessary
2) A pot with a cast iron lid will transfer the heat more consistently than glass
I have a feeling the point of this part of the video was NOT the bread
Yep, I agree.
They seem to have only that one cast iron pot…and used it for cooking their ‘steak’, which looked more like a small pot roast to me.
Still, it’s good to see younglings getting into this stuff.
Yes, that is a good thing. I take it for granted I guess. My boys were in a wonderful Boy Scouting program before PC ruined it. One is an Eagle Scout, but the other is more skilled, believe it or not. And my daughter camps all the time, so she has learned to be a pretty good camp cook.
I was only really concerned about the cabin, so I didn’t see the bread baking
Maybe 38 or 40 reasons the bread wasn’t the focus…
Anyway, I was waiting for that glass lid to break, even if it was Pyrex. For a Dutch oven type of cooker, glass is really not good, as you say, from a heat transfer standpoint, but also a safety standpoint. Since it’s bread, and not a slow-cooker stew or something where the heat leaking out from lifting the lid would be a problem, better to use a cast-iron or metal lid and take a peek now and then…
There are a few vids out there of a fellow, a former accountant IIRC, who went off into the woods and built a cabin and various outbuildings pretty much off the grid, and mostly all by himself. Really interesting, but a little sad, too (can’t imagine being that shut off from everyone). I think he’s Canadian (hmmm….Truedope… maybe reason enough to want to escape)…
Just checking a warning…
I read that, and…it’s myth…not fact.
So I think that’s probably just some clickbait, Duchess.
Edit: Not your fault, though!
A while back I happened upon an article that warned against using aluminum foil – not this particular one – so it was never really settled – Thanks, Wheatie – You the Best!!!
Here’s an answer from Dr. Gourmet, who is both a Cardiologist/Internist, and a Gourmet Chef (hence the name). His site is great…
[end excerpt]
Wow!!! Thanks, Cuppa!!! God Bless You!!!
Story of an historic outdoor bread oven in upstate NY…
This video is just FUN. This guy walks us through the Mariciopa County stuff slowly and very understandably, cutting on some company called “DUMB-ONION” at every chance he can. It’s hilarious!
You can also watch it on Gab here…..
Or Bitchute HERE…..
Found a video of Mike Flynn on January 5!
Horologe… first thought was Heels-Up…
But she’s illogical…
Because the FBI is a Democrat tool.
Wonder how many of those HamAss rockets were paid for by Bye,Done and the DEMONRATS???
Most of those rockets were likely purchased years ago. Trickle down cash from hussein to Iran in the middle of the night. In Sweded?
I loathe Fauci.

He is a traitorous little asshoe that should be hung upside down and flogged.
Pence does the same thing, just more subtly. Hideous.
Hi Wheatie (Steve in CO and other science folks)
Not being a tech/science person – I thought Satellites were showing us where – via GPS – not when – keeping Time.
I tried to find a better explanation, but this does pretty well:
Wow – thanks, Wheatie!
No Jab For Me
Very much information.
Thank you for this link.
Thanks for posting the link. No Jab For Me
Quite possibly the best “single source” for EVERYTHING wrong with Covid 19 narrative, Covid 19 vaccinations, exposing all the lies, deception and fraud…
I just listened to this Bards of War video with Juan O Sulivan. Juan mentioned the Lucifarians/Osiris Cult consider the number SEVENTEEN sacred.
Hmm…maybe that’s one of the reasons why the Q team chose the letter Q?
Using the number 17 adds to the psyop against the bad guys. (?)
The forces of darkness have certainly been freaking out about Q.
Maybe that’s part of the reason why.
It’s a trolling mechanism.
Yep…there has been a lot of that going on.
Verse of the Day for Monday, May 17, 2021
“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”
Deuteronomy 31:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
L will prolly get kicked off twitter again.
But it doesn’t stop her.
Maybe so, Wheatie – I cannot wait until the day Twitter gets kicked off of social media – and we have a ‘free speech’ arena!!!
Remember – MSNBC was originally named “MS” for “Microsoft” – BG very visible and publicly invested in it.
Later of course he backpedaled that “he wasn’t involved in operations” and that he was “divesting his investment” in the network.
If you believe that, would you be interested in buying a bridge?
Good Point, Michael!!! No, I own enough bridges – Thank You!!!
Hi Micheal!!! {WAVES}
Hey Gail! I have one test to finish Spring classes – and I had to email the professor this morning b/c the test code wasn’t working! Looks like it’s resolved now. But I’m still pretty busy for the next few weeks as I need to study for a certification exam.
Missed you. Hope you do well on your tests.
Aww, thanks! I miss you too. Every now and I then I stumble on another blog post and there is something incredibly good in the comments I want to save and, whoa look! it’s Gail, again!
“And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.” Luke xxiv. 51
We have no corresponding experience to the events in Our Lord’s life after the Transfiguration. From then onwards Our Lord’s life was altogether vicarious. Up to the time of the Transfiguration He had exhibited the normal perfect life of a man; from the Transfiguration onwards – Gethsemane, the Cross, the Resurrection – everything is unfamiliar to us. His Cross is the door by which every member of the human race can enter into the life of God; by His Resurrection He has the right to give eternal life to any man, and by His Ascension Our Lord enters heaven and keeps the door open for humanity.
On the Mount of Ascension the Transfiguration is completed. If Jesus had gone to heaven from the Mount of Transfiguration, He would have gone alone; He would have been nothing more to us than a glorious Figure. But He turned His back on the glory, and came down from the Mount to identify Himself with fallen humanity.
The Ascension is the consummation of the Transfiguration. Our Lord does now go back in His primal glory; but He does not go back simply as Son of God; He goes back to God as SON OF MAN as well as Son of God. There is now freedom of access for anyone straight to the very throne of God by the Ascension of the Son of Man. As Son of Man Jesus Christ deliberately limited omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience in Himself. Now they are His in absolute full power. As Son of Man Jesus Christ has all power at the throne of God. He is King of kings and Lord of lords from the day of His Ascension until now.
Oswald Chambers
May 17th Devotional
A hefty, and directional, link in the power-structure, in a single photo (the guy on the right is Sir Evelyn (of the red shield)):
The Devil’s in Sir Evelyn…
And Chuckie knows it …
Look at their respective facial expressions!
One doesn’t need a body-language expert to see what’s happening between them – it’s patently obvious.
There’s gotta be a poem there!
Perhaps one can add a stanza?
“The Devil’s In Sir Evelyn”
The Devil’s in Sir Evelyn
Says everyone in the know;
And so it is with his devil-kin
Wishing only their power to grow.
He thot he was on top of the world
But little did he know
There was a man with a Trump Card
Who would reap what he would sow
Little by little Trump whittled away
At Evey Roths stockpile
He broke up his friends at play
Exposing all with a smile
So keep thinking you’ve got it made
You weasel of a man
You’re about to do battle
With the great I AM!!!
I hope Cuppa, and Bako, and as many others who wish to, add their creativity to Cuppa’s beginning.
How fun …
Oh, me, too, EM!!! Thanks for making Monday fun!!!
An ocean of tears, for countless years,
They have wrought against God’s creation;
The Inferno awaits the Devil’s prelates
In utter, eternal damnation.
Third stanza:
Their lies have been sown, their evil has grown
To the point where all must take heed;
Their time has run short, they fear an abort
That we must hasten with all mortal speed.
This is a boneyard near Paris, France with hundreds of electric powered cars. Mind you these are only cars used by the City of Paris and not personal vehicles. All of these have the same issue,…. the battery storage cells have given out and need replaced. Why not just replace them you ask? Well two reasons. First the battery storage cells cost almost double what the vehicle cost new, and second no landfill or disposals will allow the batteries to be disposed of there. So these green fairy tale electric cars are all sitting in vacant lots while their batteries drain toxins into the ground.
Still think we need to go green???
Here They Come!
After 17 years underground, this summer Cicadas will outnumber people on the east coast by 600-1
More pics:

The cicadas that hatch out here don’t have the red eyes.
We get a lot of them…but I’ve never seen one with red eyes.
And…17 years…there’s that number again.
The birds feast on them out here. It’s quite the banquet for them.
Dogs and cats, too.

The bugs make that loud critching noise and it seems to be annoying…so they just instinctively pounce on them.
I bet my foxes will have a field day as well as my cat.
Seems we also have a pair of nesting redheaded wood peckers.
And the birds will feast.
How much you wanna bet there will be articles about catching and cooking them as an environmentally friendly alternative protein?
They’re actually advocating for us to eat bugs and worms.
I like that it’s getting SO obvious. Their timeline has been accelerated … to the point of patent absurdity.
Copperheads love them!
The false narrative about the Jan 6th protest in DC being a “violent insurrection” falls apart.
[video src="" /]
Diner Owner Turns Tables on COVID Snitches – PJ Media
Outing the snitches is excellent! Two can play this game.
Howie Carr interviewed him on Monday. Great stuff.
Let’s all say Yikes!
Second Stage Terror Wars – The Burning Platform
After Years Harassing the President of the United States, Donald Trump, the Fake-News NY Times Finally Admits, the Steele Dossier Was a Lie that “Never Materialized or Has Been Proved False” (
This is why they are still so desperate to destroy him:
They are REALLY after Bill Gates right now, and one can only wonder, why?
This is only one article of several I found today:
There are others about his relationship to Epstein.
What is about to happen involving Gates that is precipitating this distancing by media, his wife and others? What are they trying to get ahead of? I can only speculate, but it may have something to do with the China Virus, gain-of-function research, and mounting vaccine deaths. Rand Paul may really have single-handedly pulled us out of the covid nightmare when he cornered Fauxi on the G-O-F.
That’s my current guess, anyway.
I think you’re right, Aubergine.

And it’s long overdue…I hope he gets vilified!
He’s a ghoul and a murderer.
Man, I hope so. I’m getting tired of the guilt trips.
Perhaps a convenient piñata – a literal Straw-Man (distraction) – to placate Patriots who want to see consequences?
Perhaps to substantiate the “divorce” so that both may keep more of their to-be-split fortune?
Perhaps a sacrifice, because the truth is coming out about him, and the Enemy is “turning into the torpedo”? He’s become a liability, instead of an asset?
Perhaps he’s no longer needed, or wanted?
Whatever the reasons (plural – there are always *multiple* reasons), I’m sure they aren’t for OUR benefit …
Perhaps he’s no longer needed, or wanted?
Sorta like FauXi appears to being cast aside.
Fauci has several bosses that we never hear about.
The chain of command on the GoF funding ban and reinstatement goes straight to the Oval Office. Obama’s WH. They try to make it look like Trump is responsible for lifting the ban, but Navarro has recently pinned that on Fauci as well. (Not that the ban mattered much anyway regarding Wuhan.) IIR, any exceptions to the funding ban needed to be signed off by DoD, possibly Kelly. Office of Science and Technology Policy comes into play, and a high level committee connected to it, IIR.
Separate the money – easier to grab assets – delineate wealth –
Isn’t there an EO that takes care of those pesky assets, EM?
Yes, there is.
The human trafficking arrests seem to be key: not only the ones we’ve heard of, but also the impending arrests from those “pesky” sealed indictments – entered into the court records DURING P45DJT’s first term.
I believe that these sealed indictments establish the predicate for asset-seizure, *whether or not* the EO gets rescinded during JoeHoe’s term.
We’re still in the “dark” part of the movie (the second installment of the trilogy), yet in the third part there is LIGHT (“Dark to light.”)
Amen goes right there, EM!!!
Trial in International Court – Maybe – Crimes Against Humanity – many countries are suing him for what he did to children via vaccines.
All of the rest of this is minor considering what he did to poison children – imho
I agree.
Gateway Pundit has an article too. I’m just glad things are coming out that might make people think twice before hanging on his every word. Anything to cast doubt on his character and knowledge is a good thing because he is a force for evil in this world.
Can’t help but wonder if one of these relationships was with Dr. Melanie Walker.
Funny, she doesn’t mention Epstein in her credentials at the WEF site.
More on her relationships with Epstein and Gates:
And the Boris Nikolik as Epstein’s executor is so strange. Reeks of some form of postumous insurance policy.
More good data on the foolishness of mask-madness:
WE know why the media is ignoring the VAERS data on vaccine deaths, but this is a good article about it.
I am far more worried, however, about the long-term effects. I foresee many auto-immune diseases, cancers, and circulatory illnesses, along with of course fertility problems.
I hope and pray that the current approximately 40% vaccination rate is as high as it ever goes. That’s a LOT of people.
OUTRAGEOUS: Mainstream doctors are REFUSING to see or treat vaccine-damaged patients because they don’t want to get involved in “controversial” diagnoses –
STUDY: Pfizer vaccine causes catastrophic damage to every system of your body –
NIH established a “public health emergency” loophole, enabling Chinese scientists to exploit moratorium on gain-of-function coronavirus research –
barkerjim posted a link upthread, “No Jab for Me”. It’s a must-read. Tons of information.
The article states that Dr. Anthony Fauci holds 1,000 patents.
It’s time to find out exactly what patents related to the CCPFauci Virus he holds — to any SARS-2 variants? To any “vaccines”, either in conjunction with other people, or by himself alone? This information would be public knowledge via the U.S. Patent Office.
It’s also time to find out all about the SARS-2 variant that Ralph Baric, PhD, patented in 2015, the variant he and Dr. Zheng-li Shi experimented with for Gain of Function at his lab at UNC, Chapel Hill — the research materials that Dr. Shi took with her back to the Wuhan lab in 2015 — the Wuhan lab at Dr. Fauci’s NIAID funded and that Sen. Dr. Rand Paul exposed— that became the CCPFauci Virus called “COVID-19”.
The Media Hates You And Is Shocked That You Hate It Back by Kurt Schlichter (
“There is no institution with a more inflated sense of itself than the press….”
“Self licking ice cream cone” comes to mind.
The incestuous relationship between government and press and government and press and government and press…
Digging up dirt on Fauci is happening at warp speed. This is from 1988.
An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci
“You care, I’m told (although I no longer believe it). I’ve even heard you called a saint… But saints have imaginations vivid enough to know how to spend $374 million in a dire emergency.”
Originally published May 31, 1988
The Press of Freedom: A Column Open to Our Readers
I have been screaming at the National Institutes of Health since I first visited your Animal House of Horrors in 1984. I called you monsters then and I called you idiots in my play, The Normal Heart, and now I call you murderers.
You are responsible for supervising all government-funded AIDS treatment research programs. In the name of right, you make decisions that cost the lives of others. I call that murder.
At hearings on April 29 before Representative Ted Weiss and his House Subcommittee on Human Resources, after almost eight years of the worst epidemic in modern history, perhaps to be the worst in all history, you were pummeled into admitting publicly what some of us have been claiming since you took over three years ago.
You admitted that you are an incompetent idiot.
Over the past four years, $374 million has been allocated for AIDS treatment research. You were in charge of spending much of that money.
It doesn’t take a genius to set up a nationwide network of testing sites, commence a small number of moderately sized treatment efficacy tests on a population desperate to participate in them, import any and all interesting drugs (now numbering approximately 110) from around the world for inclusion in these tests at these sites, and swiftly get into circulation anything that remotely passes muster. Yet, after three years, you have established only a system of waste, chaos, and uselessness.
It doesn’t take a genius to announce that you have elected to personally supervise the study of a broad range of new drugs. Yet, two years later, you are forced to admit you’ve barely begun.
It doesn’t take a genius to request, as you did, 126 new staff persons, receive only 11, and then keep your mouth shut about it.
It takes an incompetent idiot.
To quote Representative Henry Waxman at the above hearings: “Dr. Fauci, your own drug selection committee has named 24 drugs as high priority for development and trials. As best as I can tell, 11 of these 24 are not in trials yet. Six of these drugs have been waiting for six months to more than a year. Why the delays? I understand the need to do what you call setting priorities but it appears even with your own scientists’ choices the trials are not going on.”
Your defense? “There are just confounding delays that no one can help… we are responsible as investigators to make sure that in our zeal to go quickly, that we do the clinical study correctly, that it’s planned correctly and executed correctly, rather than just having the drug distributed.”
Now you come bawling to Congress that you don’t have enough staff, office space, lab space, secretaries, computer operators, lab technicians, file clerks, janitors, toilet paper; and that’s why the drugs aren’t being tested and the network of treatment centers isn’t working and the drug protocols aren’t in place. You expect us to buy this bullshit and feel sorry for you. YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH OF A DUMB IDIOT, YOU HAVE HAD $374 MILLION AND YOU EXPECT US TO BUY THIS GARBAGE BAG OF EXCUSES!
The gay community has been on your ass for three years. For 36 agonizing months, you refused to go public with what was happening (correction: not happening), and because you wouldn’t speak up until you were asked pointedly by a congressional committee, we lie down and die and our bodies pile up higher and higher in hospitals and homes and hospices and streets and doorways.
Meanwhile, drugs we have been begging that you test remain untested. The list of promising untested drugs is now so endless and the pipeline so clogged with NIH and FDA bureaucratic lies that there is no Roto-Rooter service in All God’s Christendom that will ever muck it out.
You whine to Congress that you are short of staff. You don’t need staff to set up hospital treatment centers around the country. The hospitals are already there. They hire their own staff. They only need money. You have money. YOU HAVE $374 MILION FUCKING DOLLARS, FOR CHRIST’S SAKE.
The gay community has, for five years, told the NIH which drugs to test because we know and hear first what is working on some of us somewhere. You couldn’t care less about what we say. You won’t answer our phone calls or letters, or listen to anyone in our stricken community. What tragic pomposity!
The gay community has consistently warned that unless you move quickly your studies will be worthless because we’re already taking drugs into our bodies that we desperately locate all over the world (who can wait for you?!!), and all your “scientific” protocols are stupidly based on utilizing guinea-pig bodies that are clean. You wouldn’t listen, and now you wonder why so few sign up for your meager assortment of “scientific” protocols that make such rigid demands for “purity” that no one can fulfill them, unless they lie. And why should those who can obtain the drugs themselves take the chance of receiving a placebo in one of your “scientific” studies?
It goes on. More at the link.
Aubergine’s Razor?
(In 1988 they were holding onto low income housing funds for as long as possible. They weren’t supposed to draw down new funding until previously drawn down funds were spent. The money was in bank accounts earning interest, which was not being repayed to the funding agencies as the rules dictated. The interest went off books into other accounts. This was low income housing money; small potatoes, but very scalable across programs. Image what was happening medical r+d?)
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #455 – Watts Up With That?
FTA: According to the IEA, an average conventional car requires 22.3kg of copper and 11.2kg of manganese. An average electrical vehicle requires 53.2kg of copper, 8.9kg of lithium, 39.9kg of nickel, 24.9kg of manganese, 13.3kg of cobalt, 66.3kg of graphite, and 0.5kg of other rare earths.
Fishers of Men – 20210516
Eric Clapton regrets getting the shot.
‘My Hands and Feet Were Frozen, Numb or Burning’ – Eric Clapton Says He Had a Bad Reaction to AstraZeneca Covid Jab, Feared He Would Never Play Again
I can’t believe he got the second shot after his reaction to the first one. And does no one see the reports of people dying from the shot?
Maybe he didn’t know where to go on the internet to read about what’s really been going on?
All the mainstream nozzles have been dismissing the truth as “conspiracy theory”.
So maybe he was still living in that bubble.
He definitely believed the hype and blames it, so I guess he wasn’t looking for other info.
While I’m thinking of it, that is a great pic of PDJT in your banner!
Glad you like it, TT.

I miss our P45!

Mississippi River reopens after brief closure
MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, US — The US Coast Guard on May 14 reopened the Mississippi River near the Tennessee-Arkansas Border after closing it for several days due to a massive crack in a bridge.
The closure stranded more than 700 barges, cutting off the biggest route for US agricultural exports during a busy time in the shipping season. The New Orleans Port Region moves approximately 50% of waterborne agricultural exports each year, mostly bulk grain and bulk grain products such as corn, soybeans and rice, according to the US Department of Agriculture.
The US Coast Guard said that prior to the reopening, 39 northbound vessels carrying nearly 1,000 barges and 28 southbound vessels with nearly 500 barges were halted due to safety concerns.
The reopening came after the Tennessee Department of Transportation conducted several analyses and determined barge traffic was safe as long as there was no automobile traffic on the bridge.
The Hernando Soto Bridge carries Interstate 40 across the Mississippi River between Memphis, Tennessee and West Memphis, Arkansas.
That’s pretty typical when a bridge needs that level of repairs. At least it was only a few days. During droughts, it’s far worse with the barges stacking up.
An uninformed view follows….
TOTAL over-kill stopping the barges. Simple threat analysis shows the barges are not under the bridge for any length of time. I am guessing, minimal personnel on the barges.
Stopping cars and trucks, no comment either way.
It’s all suspicious, to me.
I agree. It’s suspicious.
However, once discovered, to not shut it down would be negligent.
Remember the FIU pedestrian bridge, under construction, that collapsed killing 6? Same principle. Also highly suspicious, imo.
Similarities, yes. Hugely different FOCUS on my part.
NOTHING negligent from my perspective.
My main beef is the hand wringing over barge traffic, or ANY traffic on the water that is NOT adding weight or stress to the bridge. AND, they are only under the bridge for brief time. People on the barges likely less than a minute. Barges maybe a couple minutes as they float on by.
TN DOT or whatever authority post a NOTAM (Notice To Mariners) or similar, “proceed at your own risk”. Allow commerce to continue, IF they accept the risk.
Cars and pedestrians, no comment either way. TN DOT stop them if they so determine. BARGE TRAFFIC IS my focus.
The Nanny state really needs to go sit in the corner and have some hot cocoa more often. IMO.
Things that make you go HMMM……
By 2022, it will no longer be relevant and/or needed, DP!!!
“The WEF event had already been rescheduled twice and had been moved to Singapore from its usual location of Davos, Switzerland.”
Two of several possibilities come to mind.
1) It is as they say, the COVID crisis is making them hesitate.
2) This could be an attempt to keep the COVID ‘fear’ elevated.
The fact that this is the third cancellation suggests that some circumstance is interfering with their scheduling. What that circumstance might be is debatable.
I think the cockroaches fear the growing light of truth.
They wished for more time, to slow-drip their plans … but the negative feedback they cannot ignore.
We’re keeping them on their heels! Back-tracking, and on the defense!
WEF is deeply tied to the “abortion vaccine” full spike protein fiasco. They are behind CEPI, along with Bill Gates. They were behind Event 201, along with Gates and Bloomberg.
Event 201 backers:

CEPI backers:

Singapore is controlled by CHINA – that sounds to me like CHINA trying to shift WEF away from Europe. SNEAKY and SMART. The center of gravity of globalism is shifting toward the center of gravity of communism and biological warfare.
Wellcome Trust, behind both the Human Genome Project and the Mouse Genome Project, and Jax mice, IIR.
European Commission also funds EMUNI, Eastern Mediterranean University. Joseph Mifsud was it’s first president.
Epstein- Gates ?
Discovery of US election fraught ?
Fear of Epstein – relelations
Fear of being discovered who was involved in the US election fraught
Just a couple of reasons to cancel. “Not everything is Gold that shines.”
I see you had no problem thinking of a few more circumstances. I didn’t think you would.
3) Epstein, Gates, and the Founding Curator of WEF’s Seattle Hub?
5.17.21: We are TRULY up against PURE EVIL! We SEE their PANIC! PRAY!
And We Know Published May 17, 2021
OUTRAGEOUS: Mainstream doctors are REFUSING to see or treat vaccine-damaged patients because they don’t want to get involved in “controversial” diagnoses
(Natural News) Many more people than is being reported are suffering serious adverse events from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” and some of them, including a trio of healthcare workers, are bravely coming forward to tell their stories and warn others.
………………..More at link.
At some point Trump will have to find a way to address this horror. Because that’s what it is.
Yup. Trump needs to use this to show the price of his not being in office to react correctly to CDC and Big Pharma errors. CDC and Big Pharma are out of control under Sleepy Joe Biden. Overreacting on Johnson+Johnson, ZERO contraindications, vaccination of already-immune recoverees and CHILDREN – it’s all MADNESS.
Trump is actually set up very well on this, but he needs to respond at the RIGHT TIME. I don’t think NOW is that time. But at the right time, when he has a strong answer at the CORRECT MIDDLE, he can rip the Bidenistas apart because of their clueless response to the crisis, and how they messed up what Trump gave them.
The contraindications thing is a STRONG face-down card, because SPIKE PROTEIN is a CRUDE WEAPON against the virus – it’s damn close to “variolation” (inoculation against smallpox using weakened smallpox). It should have contraindications all over the place. All the problems with “women’s health” (great term – now a weapon in our hands) due to the vaccine – this is a winner for our SMART side. One has to be careful with a first-run vaccine like we’re using – we were NOT because Trump was kicked out by the same forces that are looking out for MONEY and not OUR INTERESTS.
This is a nuanced attack – don’t launch it at the WRONG time.
And remember – I believe that “WEF on the run” is a symptom of this. There was no thought to the idea that there would ever be widespread awareness of the spike protein gynecological effects.
Are they hiding this under the rug – until it is too widespread to ignore?
That article links to this video of three women discussing this issue and their reactions to the shot with Del Bigtree. I’m still watching the first lady’s account, which is horrifying, and I mean in the sense of humans being experimented on and then labeled as psych patients with almost no one being willing to help. This is a crime against humanity. You can see that the lady still has neurological symptoms.
Now that I’ve watched more of it, all three ladies have serious neurological symptoms that have drastically changed their lives for the worse. Other people they worked with had the same vaccine with no apparent ill effects.
It’s impossible to know who will be adversely affected, and that’s reason enough for me not to get the shots, plus the fact that we don’t know what hidden effects might manifest later.
“ They are calling this a “conversion disorder diagnosis””
Good name as this isn’t just some simple gene edit. It’s a systems edit, an edit of how your immune system functions.
I wondered about that. conversion to what exactly.
I can speak to this somewhat. My 19 year old got the J&J very much against my wishes. I begged him not to do it. I’m heartbroken.
Anyway to my point….he became very ill within a short time. He was trembling by the time he got home from the jab center, in a couple hours he had 103.2 fever, excruciating headache, chills, nonstop cough, nausea which became vomiting, numbness and tingling down the side of his body on which they jabbed him, numbness and tingling that he said he could feel in his heart and lung on that side. The cold cloths I pressed on his brow became warm so quickly that he begged for ice packs instead so I switched to those. This all lasted 48 hours before the fever broke and he finally slept. Upon waking he felt almost entirely better.
On the first morning after being up with him all night, I called his doctors office. Now understand that I am very happy with the level of care he has always received from his doctor. Except this time they wouldn’t see him. The nurse said, and I quote, “If it is related to the vaccine we can’t see him, you need to call the Virginia Department of Health. The only thing we might could recommend is what we call Comfort Care, just try to give him fluids like water or tea, and alternate Advil and Tylenol”. I asked if Advil was safe since it hadn’t been recommended for Covid patients, but she just replied that I needed to contact the VDH. The phone number was a phone tree and I never talked to an actual live person.
They don’t have a f*cking clue what to do about the side effects.
[video src="" /]
This guy is GREAT. He just cuts to the core of issues. No PC bullshit gets past him!
Posted on Gab:
I think there were shenanigans when we returned our ballots to a drop box. Our ballots were taken OUT OF VIEW, then two ballots that were not necessarily ours were brought back into view and placed into the box. Seemed like a slick scam. Lots of room to do other things.
Posted: May 16, 2021
Categories: Uncategorized
A Timeline Of “The Great Reset” Agenda
Authored by Tim Hinchliffe via,
Say it’s 2014 and you’ve had this idea for a technocratic Great Reset of the world economy for some time now, but it only works if the entire planet is rocked by a pandemic. How do you go about selling your idea?
If you are World Economic Forum (WEF) Founder Klaus Schwab, you attempt to sell your vision of a global Utopia via a Great Reset of the world order in three simple steps:
It took Schwab and the Davos elite about six years to watch their great reset ideology grow from a tiny Swiss seed in 2014 to a European super-flower pollinating the entire globe in 2020.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Well, this article and timeline presents some interesting questions:
What involvement, if any, did NIAID, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the NIH have with Event 201 in 2020?
What involvement, if any, did NIAID and/or Dr. Anthony Fauci, with WEF since 2014?
When exactly did the Wuhan Institute of Virology and/or Dr. Zheng-li Shi being experimenting with “bat viruses”, any SARS-2 samples or variants, and Gain of Function elements? — Did these begin in 2014?
What connection or involvement, if any, was/is there between Dictator Xi and the WEF?
I thought Event 201 was in October, 2019? Ushering in the virus.
One would like to know if Schwab, NIAID, and Dr. Fauci were involved in the GOF research, the Wuhan lab, and the release of the CCPFauci Virus in/around the fall of 2019. This would include “simulation exercises” like Event 201 but may go back several years prior.
I’ve seen documents from twenty years ago, and from ten years ago, and from other sources of which I didn’t mark the date … ALL saying the same thing.
This was planned, from long ago, and EVERYONE involved knew the score.
The pattern is crystal clear. The math proves it, even though the “law” hasn’t … yet.
Future proves past.
This is something I’m gonna go with …
YES! I very much doubt that ANY of this was an ‘accident’ and it certainly was not natural.
See my comment. There was a Lanzavecchia A of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, Switzerland, involved in the UNC paper A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence along with Ralph S Baric, Zhengli-Li Shi and Xing-Yi Ge
The paper was funded by FauXi and China.
Here are other publications by Antonio Lanzavecchia. (PLEASE LOOK at the TITLES!!)
Lanzavecchia in my opinion was not a really good ‘fit’ for that lab team… Unless of course you were manufacturing a bio-weapon.
Gail Combs
Thanks for your post here and also yours, above.
It does appear that Dr. Fauci is one of the prime Evil Ones behind the entire CCPFauci Virus situation.
Amazing the stuff you can find if you are willing to wade through the papers.
Gail Combs
So right about that!
Very good to see you here again.
Very interesting find.
What caught my eye is the IRB, Bellinzona Institute, ZURICH.
Bellinzona is in the Ticino; near Lugano, not Zurich.
So apparently, the IRB Institute for Microbiology, founded in 2000, is located in Bellinzona, but it has some relationship, since 2009, with the ETH which is in Zurich.
This is very interesting.
Klaus Schwab studied mechanical engineering at the ETH, earning his PhD in 1961. Later he heads to Harvard Kennedy School for a degree in public administration.
Also at the ETH, in 1961, is this professor of architecture:
And this guy was also there at about the same time:
But I digress.
Back to the IRB, Bellinzona Institute…
From the link:
…”The IRB was founded in 2000 with the goal of advancing the study of human immunology and with particular emphasis on the mechanisms of host defense. Four independent groups set up their labs in Palazzo Fabrizia, at the foot of Castelgrande.
For 20 years, the Institute has been led by Prof. Antonio Lanzavecchia, founding Director of the IRB. Lanzavecchia’s contributions to human immunology include fundamental discoveries on antigen presentation, T cell activation, immunological memory and human monoclonal antibodies. His accomplishments were recognized by several prizes (1988 EMBO Gold Medal, 1999 Cloetta Prize, 2017 Robert Koch Prize, 2017 Sanofi-Institut Pasteur Award, 2018 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine) and elected memberships (EMBO, Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences, US National Academy of Sciences). The methods to isolate human monoclonal antibodies that were developed in his laboratory at the IRB were licensed to Humabs, a Swiss antibody therapeutics company that is now a subsidiary of Vir Biotechnology. Some of the human monoclonal antibodies that were discovered at the IRB are being developed as therapeutics against important infectious diseases, such as Ebola.”…
So Lanzavecchia was it’s founding director.
Here’s the kicker, and a link to Fauci. The institute has a new director that succeeded Lanzavecchio. Check out his credentials:
A native of Ticino, Davide Robbiani obtained a medical doctorate from the University of Bern, Switzerland, in 2000 and a PhD in immunology from Cornell University, New York, in 2005.
(Same medical school as Fauci, during it’s $4 billion Life Sciences Initiative.)
Here’s the rest of his info: may be more to find…
Director of the Institute
A native of Ticino, Davide Robbiani obtained a medical doctorate from the University of Bern, Switzerland, in 2000 and a PhD in immunology from Cornell University, New York, in 2005. During his medical training, he was a research intern at the Theodor Kocher Institute under the guidance of Marco Baggiolini and at the Rockefeller University in Ralph Steinman’s laboratory. Robbiani returned to Rockefeller in 2005 to start his postdoctoral training in Michel Nussenzweig’s laboratory, where he continued as a member of the faculty from 2009 to 2020. Robbiani’s research focuses on two areas of human immunology: the sources of DNA damage underlying the development of cancers of the immune system and the immune response to emerging pathogens, with emphasis on flaviviruses and coronaviruses. Robbiani joined the IRB in 2020, succeeding the Institute’s founding Director, Antonio Lanzavecchia. At the IRB Robbiani heads the laboratory of Immunology and Infectious Disease and he is Professor in the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI).”…
Who were the “four independent groups that set up their labs” in Bellinzona in 2000?
And look who is at the forefront of Covid 19 antibody research: the current director of IRB Bellinzona, Davide Robianni.
(Davide Robbiani replaced Lanzavecchio as director. Was Lanzavecchio forced to step down?
Those others from the ETH that I linked were good people. White hats, imo. Klaus is a different story.)
I think it was.
This was the time for the simulation of the pandemic … which they’d always *planned* for, yes? (Rockefeller Foundation, et al.)
Like the “drills” before so many mass-shootings, when anti-miraculously, these events happened JUST AS they’d planned for.
“We gotta prepare for what we’re gonna do!”
“Hey – let’s call it a ‘drill’.”
Cue the Beavis / Butthead stuttered laugh “He! Hehehe! He!”
Shi had to close up shop at UNC Chapel Hill in 2014 because it was learned then that they were circumventing the Bio Warfare treaty. She then moved her research to China with an intermediate stop in Australia.
Remember, story says “Say it’s 2014 and you’ve had this idea for a technocratic Great Reset of the world economy for some time now…”
Actually the start was in Australia and then they went to UNC.
Dr Boyle (author of the bio-weapon law)n mentions an Australian paper.
Published: June 22, 2010Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entryThe authors are certainly interesting. Sure sound like Aussie names don’t they?
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 was passed into law in 1990. It provided for the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention as well as criminal penalties for violation of its provisions. The law was amended in 1996 and has been used to prosecute several individuals.
Biological Weapons Convention was the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of an entire category of weapons. It currently commits the 170 states which are party to it to prohibit the development, production, and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons. However, the absence of any formal verification regime to monitor compliance has limited the effectiveness of the Convention. As of April 2013, an additional 10 states have signed the BWC but have yet to ratify the treaty.
CHINA is a signatory as is the USA.
The USA – UNC paper A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence. was Electronically Published on November 8, 2015
And just in case there is ANY doubt about what the scientists were doing there is this article in Nature (the same guys who support Global Warming papers and refuse to print papers not supporting that conjecture.):
12 November 2015 Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research (Update note from editors March 2020 denying lab made covid-19)
That 2015 UNC paper I believe is the one that describes the Gain of Function research that was going on in Ralph Baric’s lab. Shi and Ge were both involved also. NIAID (Fauci) helped to fund this research.
I also believe that the SARS-2 variant virus that was evolved in Baric’s lab from this research was the variant that he patented.
Shi took her research materials from UNC back with her to the Wuhan lab.
Fauci visited the Wuhan lab.
Dr. Zheng-li Shi and the trails to SWITZERLAND & FAUCI
From my Notes:
The Chinese, having used ‘Useful Idiots’ here in the USA and elsewhere to help with their manufacture of Bio-weapons and to lay the blame on the USA.
Here is a paper talking about Covid found in bats since 2005 but that is not the really interesting part…
Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus
We will stop right there and look at what that actually means.
China is YUGE and it is HOLLOW. That is caves formed in limestone otherwise known as karst geology. A NASA article says ”…the karst geology … covers some 13 percent of eastern and southeastern Asia….”
The original page linked to 13 percent is gone however I found a new page.
(It links to World Heritage Caves and Karst A Thematic Study AND SWITZERLAND! What’s with all the Switzerland connections? The authors of that UNC G-O-F paper are quite interesting too. Several are from UNC but one is from SWITZERLAND: Lanzavecchia A of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona Institute of Microbiology, Zurich, Switzerland. — Well it looks like my Question from that time has been answered.)
”Land Area (km²) 15,638,629 = 6,038,108 mi²
Includes countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, East Timor, Indonesia (excluding Papua), Japan, Korea (North and South), Lao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam”
MAP: *https://www[dot]
Indeed a paper: Longitudinal surveillance of SARS-like coronaviruses in bats by quantitative real-time PCR says:
”…In previous studies, the authors have found diverse SARS-like coronaviruses (SL-CoVs) in a single bat colony.To investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics of these viruses, a longitudinal surveillance of bat SL-CoV from a total of 431 bat fecal samples collected during 2011 to 2014 from the Yunnan in China…”
431 samples? Give me a freaking break! I helped catch samples of cave wildlife for a grad student studying genetic drift. He would laugh at that few a number of samples and we were only looking at one state!
Ok back to the paper.
FIRST, lets look at the DATE:
Published: November 30, 2017
That is a year after President Trump’s election and about the time the Cabal must have KNOWN Muller was not going to be able to hang anything nasty on President Trump. — CAN YOU SAY a CYA paper??? That Authors Note sure sounds like a MAJOR COVER-UP!
Next, lets look at the Authors.
The authors again include Zheng-Li Shi and Xing-Yi Ge These two Chinese researchers show up throughout the papers IMPLICATING CHINA so as Dan Bongino says — REMEMBER THE NAMES.
If you click the author name, Zheng-Li Shi, it lists:
“Roles: Conceptualization, Funding Acquisition, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Visualization, Writing – review & editing”
This is HER baby she is the scientist behind all of this.
Click the little icon and you get a page telling you:
BS & MS in China and then six years later:
Université Montpellier Faculté des Sciences de Montpellier: Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, FR
1996-10-01 to 2000-05-19 | Ph.D
Identification, genetic evolution and pathogenesis of bat viruses in China
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Grant Number: 81290341
The page is:
So What is ORCID?
Well isn’t that just dandy. An affiliation of GLOBALIST RESEARCHERS.
I could not find that particular paper (Because it turns out it is NOT a paper but the title of a Grant Application.) However in looking I found this:
It is well worth the read since it has links to a lot of other papers out of the Wuhan Labs. (I have yet to go look at those papers.)
FUNDING for the paper below that George Webb used in a video to point fingers at the USA last year. I have added spacing for easier reading.
ZLS = Zheng-Li Shi
This work was jointly funded by:
The National Institutes of Health (NIAID R01AI110964), the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) PREDICT program to PD and ZLS
National Natural Science Foundation of China (81290341, 31621061) to ZLS
China Mega-Project for Infectious Disease (2014ZX10004001-003) to ZLS
Scientific and technological basis special project (2013FY113500) to YZZ and ZLS from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China,
The Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDPB0301) to ZLS
CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program to JC
NRF-CRP grant (NRF-CRP10-2012-05) <b>to LFW and WIV </b>
“One-Three-Five” Strategic Program (WIV-135-TP1) <b>to JC and ZLS. </b>
<b>The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.</b> </blockquote>
OK, so some of the $$$ came from the USA however as seen below the grants were general in nature and targeted at the SARS epidemic and the possibility of reocurrence.
So lets take a look at Zheng-Li Shi’s Curriculum Vitae from the World Society for Virology
(Needs to be archived!)
FUNDING of Zheng-Li Shi
Grants (recent five years):
01/01/2011-12/31/2015 Mechanism of interspecies transmission of zoonotic viruses, National Basic Research program of China, project no: 2011CB504700. Co-Principal Investigator. — 1,300,000 RMB.
01/01/2013-12/31/2017 Identification, genetic evolution and pathogenesis of bat viruses in China. National Natural Science Foundation of China, project no: 81290341. Co-Principal Investigator. — 2,900,000 RMB.
01/06/2014-31/05/2019 The ecology of bat coronaviruses and the risk of future coronavirus emergence. National Institutes of Health NIAID R01AI110964. — 665,000 US dollars.
01/10/2014-30/09/2019 Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT 2_China, United States Agency of International Development, project no: AID-OAA-A-14-00102. Country Coordinator. — 559,500 US dollars.
01/01/2016-31/12/2020 Geographical distribution and genetic varation of pathogens in Africa, Sino-Africa Joint Research Center, Chinese Academy of Science, project no: SAJC20165. Principal Investigator. — 2,400,000 RMB.
01/01/2018-31/12/2021 Evolution mechanism of the adation of bat SARS-related coronaviruses to host receptor molecules and the risk of interspecies infection, National Natural Science Foundation of China, project no: 31770175. Principal Investigator. — 660,000 RMB.
01/07/2018-30/06/2023 Genetic evolution and transmission mechanism of important bat-borne viruses. The strategic Priority research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Principal Investigator. — 8,750,000 RMB.
01/01/2019-31/12/2023 Pathogen biology studies on novel swine coronavirus, National Natural Science Foundation of China, project no: 31830096. Principal Investigator. — 3,480,000 RMB.
This is also interesting:
01/01/2013-12/31/2017 Identification, genetic evolution and pathogenesis of bat viruses in China National Natural Science Foundation of China, project no: 81290341. Co-Principal Investigator. — 2,900,000 RMB
So yes, that is the title of a grant and not a paper.
01/07/2018-30/06/2023 Genetic evolution and transmission mechanism of important bat-borne viruses. The strategic Priority research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Principal Investigator. — 8,750,000 RMB.
Is that code language for Bio-warfare grant?
Xing-Yi Ge is also interesting. She(?) works under Shi if it is bat related but has a lot of other papers.
Here are a couple more examples:
Ebola anyone?
Chemical Targeting of a G-Quadruplex RNA in the Ebola Virus L Gene.
• Shao-Ru Wang, Qiu-Yan Zhang, +11 authors Xiang Zhou
• 2016 (First Publication: 1 September 2016)
Coexistence of multiple coronaviruses in several bat colonies in an abandoned mineshaft
• Xing-Yi Ge, Ning Wang, +11 authors Zhengli Shi
• 2016 (First Publication: 1 February 2016)
Cross-neutralization of SARS coronavirus-specific antibodies against bat SARS-like coronaviruses
• Lei-Ping Zeng, Xing-Yi Ge, +4 authors Zhengli Shi
• 2017 (First Publication: 10 November 2017)
Here is the link on that last one. This demonstrates that CDC and many of the other players were LYING when they said there was no immunity from other coronaviruses. Very likely, based on this, that there would be some cross-immunity between all these coronas.
They do not expect us ‘Deplorables’ to actually LOOK at and read those papers do they Wolfie?
They do now!!!
I am certain we are bound to discover the answer to that question, CV!!!
No, we do not need to decolonise imperial measurements
The decolonisation movement gets more absurd by the day.
Now they’re going after imperial measurements. Yes, the mile, inch, yard, pound and ounce are, according to Oxford University, ‘tied deeply to the idea of the empire’ and may need to be decolonised.
. . . Just because they are called ‘imperial’ and were used in the British Empire doesn’t mean they are stained forever by racism. As one tweeter pointed out, the metric system is hardly without fault either in this regard, given it was spread around the world thanks to Napoleon’s imperial expansion.
The decolonisation movement presents itself as a serious intellectual and political endeavour. It isn’t. It is a project of historical offence-taking that is apparently without end. As the goings on at Oxford demonstrate, if you give these activists an inch they will take a mile.
Everything they don’t like is “racist”.
Or somesuch insult.
Too many cave to junior-high level smears.
No inches, no miles, no nothin’.
Time to stop ’em COLD.
For the WIN …
Glad to see you back, Michael – pass your courses, get your certs, and then engage like never before!
Best of luck!
Wokist point scoring for ivory towers that have nothing more constructive to do.
Just a quick note.. the tiny island of Delos in the Aegean Sea was processing 8000 slaves a day at it’s high point (166-167 BC) before Rome even entered it’s Empire stage and it was only one of countless slave trading sites. Hint. None of the slaves were from Africa.
Point being, slavery existed long long before that point and long long after. By their reasoning we need to abandon the wheel as a mode of transportation and all technology since as slavery has been with the human race since recorded history and is still with us today.
Aren’t the non-metric units (miles, pounds, feet, gallons etc.) called the «US Customary Units»? I’ve known them under that name. I’ve seen them called «imperial» and the first reaction to that is «whose empire?» Not much left of the British, and as noted elsewhere with prince Harry, any closer involvement with that ended long ago, sometime around 1776.
Yes and no.
They are called US Customary Units here. Informally, in speech they’re often called the “English” system.
They are the same as the Imperial units…except for liquid measure. An imperial gallon is quite a bit larger than ours. Our quart is less than a liter, theirs is more.
I was on a totally different site about fifteen years ago and whenever someone would complain about gas prices, this rather snotty Brit would claim petrol was eight dollars a gallon. He was converting liters to imperial gallons (and coming out with too low a number), using that to get a pound price per imperial gallon (higher than it would be for our gallon), then multiplying by 2 to get dollars per gallon. He had it fixed in his head that a pound was two dollars, and didn’t know our gallons weren’t the same as the ones he grew up with, so he was constantly posting too-high British equivalents.
Not that gas was cheap in the UK, but he’d love to zorch people for whining about gas prices when his were higher.
if you give these activists an
inchcentimeter they will take amilekilometer. Give them a MICRO millimeter they will take a light year.
Even better!
Otherwise known as a nanometer.
Or, as Chris Plante says: “If you give a liberal a thimble full of power, they will abuse it.”
I really wanted to find a gif from The Office of Jim decrying Dwight w/ never has so little power gone so much to someone’s head, or something…but no dice
One of the cable channels has been advertising that it is doing a show on the Who and also on Freddy Mercury of Queen. That caused me to sidestep and read about Freddy and listen to his vocals. I also learned that he died from HIV. Wasn’t Fauci involved with HIV Aids too? It occurred to me that one way to wake up the unwokable “woke” ones could be to go back to HIV to identify if the current culprits also caused the deaths of people like Freddy Mercury who apparently had a 4-octave range and I agree was a great vocalist.
An interesting way to pull in the outrage of people who might otherwise never give a care!
They’ll have better luck making Soccer a national U.S. sport (they’ve been trying since I was a kid) than they’ll ever have getting us to stop using the American system of measurement (inches, pounds, etc.), which they have also been pushing on children since I was a kid.
Yes, I know the English started with the American system, but then they gave it up and went full-metric, so it’s ours now
Maybe so, but in school, all of us had to use the metric system at some point. Chemistry and physics, specifically. It’s like being bi-lingual.
And I’ve yet to figure out what the objection to soccer is. Although, I had relatives who played professionally and one who was a World Cup official, so maybe I’m biased.
“Maybe so, but in school, all of us had to use the metric system at some point. Chemistry and physics, specifically. It’s like being bi-lingual.”
Good analogy. It’s foreign.
“And I’ve yet to figure out what the objection to soccer is.”
It’s foreign.
Culture matters, that’s why the Left and the Globalists have been working so hard to destroy ours.
Soccer is not our culture.
Sports is a microcosm.
Multiculturalism doesn’t work in sports, and multiculturalism doesn’t work in society either.
Because multiculturalism, fundamentally, is a foreign culture invading and attempting to displace the indigenous culture.
“Although, I had relatives who played professionally and one who was a World Cup official, so maybe I’m biased.”
It’s pretty fun to play, or at least I have fun memories associated with playing little league soccer when I was a kid, but watching it is a whole different experience.
Like the difference between a classic American action film and one of those foreign films that has no definable beginning, middle or end, it just sort of stops after a couple hours.
Some of those kinds of movies are great, and many foreign films beat the tar out of typical Hollywood commercialism, but foreign films are an acquired taste.
They don’t have the same rhythm or structure as the better classic American films.
In a similar sense, Soccer doesn’t have the same rhythm as American sports do.
Different cultures, different expectations, different tastes.
You can’t just ram an acquired taste down peoples’ throats.
Yet that’s exactly what they did (or tried to do), with soccer and metrics.
The powers that be said “this is what we do now”.
And Americans said, “No, we don’t.”
Actually, football is a child of soccer just as Rugby is. And I really don’t like football. But Rugby is pretty cool. So is hockey. Can’t stand basketball.
Baseball, OTOH, is a borderline religion.
“Actually, football is a child of soccer just as Rugby is.”
Interesting description at Wiki.
We definitely Americanized it and made it our own
“Early historyAmerican football evolved from the sports of rugby and soccer. Rugby, like American football, is a sport where two competing teams vie for control of a ball, which can be kicked through a set of goalposts or run into the opponent’s goal area to score points.
What is considered to be the first American football game was played on November 6, 1869, between Rutgers and Princeton, two college teams. They consisted of 25 players per team and used a round ball that could not be picked up or carried. It could, however, be kicked or batted with the feet, hands, head or sides, with the objective being to advance it into the opponent’s goal. Rutgers won the game 6–4.
Collegiate play continued for several years with matches played using the rules of the host school. Representatives of Yale, Columbia, Princeton and Rutgers met on October 19, 1873, to create a standard set of rules for use by all schools. Teams were set at 20 players each, and fields of 400 by 250 feet (122 m × 76 m) were specified. Harvard abstained from the conference, as they favored a rugby-style game that allowed running with the ball.
After playing McGill University using both Canadian and American rules, the Harvard players preferred the Canadian style of having only 11 men on the field, running the ball without having to be chased by an opponent, the forward pass, tackling, and using an oblong instead of a round ball.
An 1875 Harvard–Yale game played under rugby-style rules was observed by two Princeton athletes who were impressed by it. They introduced the sport to Princeton, a feat the Professional Football Researchers Association compared to “selling refrigerators to Eskimos“.
Princeton, Harvard, Yale, and Columbia then agreed to intercollegiate play using a form of rugby union rules with a modified scoring system.[13] These schools formed the Intercollegiate Football Association, although Yale did not join until 1879. Yale player Walter Camp, now regarded as the “Father of American Football”, secured rule changes in 1880 that reduced the size of each team from 15 to 11 players and instituted the snap to replace the chaotic and inconsistent scrum.
Evolution of the gameThe introduction of the snap resulted in an unexpected consequence. Prior to the snap, the strategy had been to punt if a scrum resulted in bad field position. However, a group of Princeton players realized that as the snap was uncontested, they could now hold the ball indefinitely to prevent their opponent from scoring.
In 1881, in a game between Yale and Princeton, both teams used this strategy to maintain their undefeated records. Each team held the ball, gaining no ground, for an entire half, resulting in a 0–0 tie. This “block game” proved extremely unpopular with both teams’ spectators and fans.
A rule change was necessary to prevent this strategy from taking hold, and a reversion to the scrum was considered. However, Camp successfully proposed a rule in 1882 that limited each team to three downs, or tackles, to advance the ball 5 yards (4.6 m). Failure to advance the ball the required distance within those three downs would result in control of the ball being forfeited to the other team.
This change effectively made American football a separate sport from rugby, and the resulting five-yard lines added to the field to measure distances made it resemble a gridiron in appearance. Other major rule changes included a reduction of the field size to 110 by 53+ 1⁄3 yards (100.6 m × 48.8 m) and the adoption of a scoring system that awarded four points for a touchdown, two for a safety and a goal following a touchdown, and five for a goal from the field. Additionally, tackling below the waist was legalized, and a static line of scrimmage was instituted.
Despite these new rules, football remained a violent sport. Dangerous mass-formations like the flying wedge resulted in serious injuries and deaths. A 1905 peak of 19 fatalities nationwide resulted in a threat by President Theodore Roosevelt to abolish the game unless major changes were made.
In response, 62 colleges and universities met in New York City to discuss rule changes on December 28, 1905. These proceedings resulted in the formation of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States, later renamed the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
The legal forward pass was introduced in 1906, although its impact was initially minimal due to the restrictions placed on its use. The idea of a 40-yard-wider field was opposed by Harvard due to the size of the new Harvard Stadium. Other rule changes introduced that year included the reduction of playing time from 70 to 60 minutes and an increase of the distance required for a first down from 5 to 10 yards (4.6 to 9.1 m). To reduce infighting and dirty play between teams, the neutral zone was created along the width of the football before the snap.
Scoring was also adjusted: points awarded for field goals were reduced to three in 1909 and points for touchdowns were raised to six in 1912. Also in 1912, the field was shortened to 100 yards (91 m) long, two 10-yard-long (9.1 m) end zones were created, and teams were given four downs instead of three to advance the ball 10 yards (9.1 m).
The roughing the passer penalty was implemented in 1914, and eligible players were first allowed to catch the ball anywhere on the field in 1918.”
Wolf has a strong response. RECOLONIZATION. The world is ready!
Well I’ve now switched over (next week) to Ivermectin from HCQ. Easy peasy, through Dr. Pierre Kory’s alliance of docs –
If you’re going this route . . . when you go to the website, there’s a “HOW TO GET IVERMECTIN” button. On the how-to page there’s the main list of docs, or a link to their directory which is international and USA by state. There are a LOT of docs on that list – many that you’ll recognize.
We have seen Dr. Alieta Eck in person (she’s in NJ) and by telemed, and just today had a zoom with Dr. Jim Meehan in Tulsa. This guy is THE man, so uplifting.
The dosage was recently updated, and is now weekly – used to be every two weeks. He explained that with the two week dose there would be 2-3 days where the levels would drop to the point where you would not be sufficiently covered, hence the update. Also said to take it with food because you’re using it as an anti-viral – as opposed to on an empty stomach when you want it directly to the gut for parasites. Same supplements zinc, D, C and melatonin.
My husband is using my Rx from Dr. Eck, along with his own from her – so he has sufficient meds for the new dosage. My Rx is weekly from Dr. Meehan. And there it is.
Excellent! Great information! Thanks!
BREAKING: Supreme Court to Hear Case to Limit Roe v. Wade
[video src="" /]
Somebody is certainly panicking about this.
Hey look! It’s Chelsea Handler. Let’s hear what she has to say.
These people really don’t have a clue.
Eric Clapton Blames ‘Propaganda’ for ‘Disastrous’ Covid Vaccine Experience – Rolling Stone
Chelsea, if you feel sick after your second shot of Moderna, that probably means you need the third shot to feel better.
Remember, when it comes to medicine, more is always better.
It’s science
Chelsea likely already scheduled both the second injection the booster. After all, their are variants out there.

Now 2nd amendment attorneys best get crackin here
At the same time, he noted that the case implicates “another body of law that petitioner glossed over: the so-called ‘red flag’ laws that some States are now enacting.”
Such laws, he wrote, “enable the police to seize guns pursuant to a court order to prevent their use for suicide or the infliction of harm on innocent persons.”
Although this particular decision does not address those issues, “provisions of red flag laws may be challenged under the Fourth Amendment, and those cases may come before us.”
Given the difficulty I’ve had getting my guns back when they were burglarized then recovered, I wouldn’t rate my chances too high of ever seeing them again if they were to be red-flagged.
Its a guarantee here. And if you did, theyd be heavily damaged. Youd have to sue to get the damages recovered as well.
Actually, insurance has paid me. If I were to get them back I’d have to reimburse insurance.
Unanimous, that’s good.
Saved a lot of police officers’ lives with that ruling
Agreed. Bidenistas were pushing this as a catalyst for civil war, IMO, while being able to blame it on patriots.
Surge in fission reactions at Chernobyl alarms scientists –
The nuclear fission reactions are taking place in a room that is sealed with concrete and contains a large part of the uranium fuel of the former reactor.
Levels of neutron emissions from the room have increased by around 40 percent since the start of 2016, which points to a growing nuclear fission reaction.
Scientists are trying to determine if this surge will fizzle out, as previous spikes in other parts of the ruins have done, or whether they will need to find a way to access the room and intervene.
Ukrainian scientists are now trying to assess whether the detected nuclear fission reactions will die out or create a larger problem that will require some type of extraordinary intervention.
Hyatt views the situation as a “cause for concern but not alarm.” But if the rate of neutron production continues to increase, researchers may need to intervene.
“And our estimation of fissile material in that room means that we can be fairly confident that you’re not going to get such rapid release of nuclear energy that you have an explosion. But we don’t know for sure,” the nuclear materials chemist noted.
According to Hyatt, the higher level of neutrons is a “cause for concern but not alarm.”
However, if sensors continue to detect rising production of neutrons, the site may need an extraordinary intervention, Hyatt said. One approach could be to drill into the entombed chamber and spray it with a substance such as gadolinium nitrate, which would stop the fission reactions.
Fizzle out??

40% increase from sealed room in last 5 yrs??? What’s it like inside?? At what % increase do they sound alarm and how long will it take them to address??
Sources nearby were Russian to the site only to find a sign across the door saying “Gone Fission”…..
Somehow I think this is just another attempt by the anti-nuke crowd to claim that “no nukes is good nukes”…..
Same as with Fukushima, a lot of mileage is made out of little content. In the case of Fuku, the GREENS had forced them to store the used fuel rods on site, thereby creating a potential disaster, with their full knowledge and approval.
And then Merde-Kuh used it to shut down nukes here; although the last Tsunami in Germany was the Great Flood…….
The Japs ARE watching, trying to get a clue of what to expect.
Nobody know for sure.
“And our estimation of fissile material in that room means that we can be fairly confident that you’re not going to get such rapid release of nuclear energy that you have an explosion.”
Fairly confident… okay then, good enough for me, nothing to worry about, moving on…
“But we don’t know for sure,” the nuclear materials chemist noted.”
Oh man….
“Fizzle out??”
Had the same thing happen with a firecracker a few times.
“40% increase from sealed room in last 5 yrs???”
It’s government work. The idea is that you never fix it right the first time, or ever, that way your job is secure. Lots of government workers spend a whole career by never fixing the same problem
“What’s it like inside??”
Did you ever see a Roman Candle go off inside an EasyBake oven?
It’s like that.
“At what % increase do they sound alarm…”
Usually the alarm is sounded by a neighboring country, when the radioactive cloud is detected over a major urban area.
Just in time…

“…and how long will it take them to address??”
It’s variable. Fairly confident they could get it on the ‘To Do’ list in less than
sixeight months.But we don’t know for sure.
Well, I hope this has answered all your questions and alleviated any concerns.
Anyone want to take any bets on what the Pope might do?
First of all, the pope does not speak for the world Christian community – Second, Erdogan is not in charge of a worldwide response to what Israel can or cannot do – and – Third, who died and left these two in charge?
Airheadman wants to bring back the Ottoman Empire.
The only thing that Ottoman means to me is “footstool”. Airheadman is welcome to that, as long as it’s durable, inexpensive, and made out of good materials, IN AMERICA…….
Yes, he does – he still thinks he is the Sultan of Sauce – and – he wants to be Emir of Islam – the guy is as delusional as his counterpart – what a pair of airheads!!!
However, they do have one thing in common – they worship another god.
With all luck be removed from the throne on which he is squatting.
Currently at #1 paperback and #3 hardcover, both currently sold out while Mark’s not yet released hard cover sandwiched in between. Mark should have him on his show for an interview. The two books seem very complementary.
Forget a GoFundMe for this guy. Give him the royalties. He earned them.
Kind of funny (and fitting) that “Oh the Places You’ll Go” is right after his book…..
I rather expect that the Øbøzø regime planned to destroy the US military. I think of VSGPDJT saying what Øbøzø did was unforgiveable…
Zero thinks he is the American Pharaoh and deserved a third term!!!
He set out to destroy the US military so he could set up his own Gestapo!!!
The corrupt give each other book deals.
This is bottom up a Patriotic swell.
They were talking about him on WarRoom today. They made 2 passes to select people for Space Force. This guy is so talented and was #1 in so many areas, he’s General material. The marxists really screwed up. Amazon has the book sold out, but go ahead and back order, puts you on the list ahead of others when it becomes available.
The [CB] is pushing the great reset as hard as they possibly can, but failing, it was completely countered by the patriots and now they will try again. But once the people are awake this will be very difficult. [CB] push their agenda to push people away from alternative currency. The [DS]/MSM is now losing, the public is now seeing the truth, the people have a front row seat to it all. The patriots countered the pandemic, the great reset, war, and now the patriots will be going after the [DS] system. Nothing will be able to stop this storm. The election audits are heating up and as each day passes more and more evidence is produced that raises more and more questions. This election was rigged, the [DS] cheated like they always have been and now, the people can see their system very clearly. The clock is ticking down and the [DS] is panicking. The truth will break through the propaganda.
Ep. 2480b – Nothing Can Stop The Storm, The People Have A Front Row Seat To The Truth
X22 Report Published May 17, 2021
Nothing Can Stop The Storm, The People Have A Front Row Seat To The Truth – Ep. 2480
May 17, 2021 x22report
Dave: This is golden – What a fabulous report!!!
A vague thought here, I wonder if anyone is following up on all these people who are getting sick and sometimes dying from the jab.
Checking their backgrounds to see if they share anything in common.
Work environment, where they live city/rural, proximity to cell towers, all that kind of thing.
As hard as they’re trying to cover it up, I really doubt it.
Thing is the majority of people who get the fauccp flu thankfully don’t get sick enough to need hospital treatment.
They say that with the jab one may still catch covid and pass it on, but it won’t be as bad.
Thing is they’ve ginned up the covid fear to such an extent that the prospect of catching it after the jab when “it wont be as bad” is apparently acceptable.
When the reality is that situation could be the same with or without the jab. Or to put it another way the jab could have no effect on covid, it could be a different purpose.
Some cannot get treatment (posted above):
Just went mask free into my city’s walmart.
Zero issues. Employees didnt care.
There were plenty of people mask free.
I must note, the only people I saw mask free were white. But the ages varied.
Im suspecting by the weekend even here in CA people will burn those suckers, unless youre a snowflake.
WooHoo!!! Ain’t freedom grand, Gil?
Its nice. I told people not to wear em a year ago. I only started doing it so that mask nazis would leave my son alone. The worst experience has been at his doctor’s office. Im done, unless his drs office starts up. He must get his care.
Sadly, I bet the quacks continue the mask charade.
They probably will. He has 2 appts next week.
Beware, Gruesome wants to keep them.
Embattled California Governor Gavin Newsom Will Keep Mask Mandate in Place Until June 15, Because Science (
Hes having a field day doing pr on our dime. I think hes dug his hole pretty far. Havent ever met anyone who doesnt think hes a douchebag.
may 17, 2021 the marshall report
I’m just going to lay it on the line here. People are saying they haven’t heard the bad reports, yet they see with their eyes people having side effects, and many have attended funerals of loved ones who were healthy and died shortly after getting their vaccine to help do what exactly no one knows for sure for CDC has openly and publicly told the world, “NO IT WILL NOT STOP YOU FROM GETTING COVID. AND NO IT WILL NOT PREVENT YOU FROM WEARING A MASK OR 6 FOOT DISTANCING.”
THE OTHER COLD HARD FACT IS – NO it will not make nonessential businesses suddenly become essential because the entire point of shutting down non essential businesses is to kill mainstreet USA which all the small businesses combined from sea to shining sea employ more people than the big corporations controlled by the world elite.
SO WHAT IS THE POINT OF TAKING A VACCINE? It is to control, and depopulate. Some say it is a transition into transhumanism…half flesh with nano components to control your brain functions, including your nervous system.
CDC has suggested zero information on how to build your immune systems to fight flu, colds, viruses. They don’t want that. They want their agenda pushed. They are paid to support the agenda. They don’t care about you any more than they care about the millions of children who go missing each year via child and human trafficking.
Johnson & Johnson’s shot has the fewest side effects (WARP SPEED)Across the board, Johnson & Johnson’s shot has milder and fewer side effects than the other two. Some experts suspect that’s because it’s a single shot.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
CREEPAZOID!!! Look how he hid that money – since he will be getting sued!!!
MONDAY, MAY 17, 2021
Scandalous New Guidelines Punish Hard-Hit Bar & Restaurant Owners Based on Race
This kid delivered a clear message. Which the moronic school board ignored. ~3 minutes.
Though he did touch on it a little more on the effects it was having on his learning and he’d of hit it out of the park.
OK, anyone with any knowledge of this —
— can put me some knowledge. Do you have to pass an army physical?
Reads like it is straight out of a spy novel – however – not outrageously impossible
Colleges have recruited certain types of individuals for clandestine operations – as have government contractors – and businesses involved in confidential government contracts requiring security clearances.
The word ‘army’ could be a catch-all for psy-ops from information management to mercenary activities and intelligence operations.
It is a tough job – but, somebody has to do it.
Absent today. Sorry if this has been seen:
Don’t know why it won’t embed…
I don’t know about other countries, but in America, we have a God-given unalienable right to work and travel.
As for play, that’s just silly and undefinable.
So I guess that means take your proof and shove it

Here is a 25-minute excerpt from Mike Lindell’s new video, Absolute Interference. In it, a (disguised) cyber security explains what he looks at and the proof they have of election fraud. They’re saying that there is proof of China’s complicity.
Mike Lindell
Here is some of the evidence for the Supreme Court! This corrupt election is coming down! Biggest crime ever! Share this everywhere!
I really want to know who was cooperating with China to change our election results.
(In early America, that would have been a treasonous, hanging offense.) I have no doubt that Americans as well as foreigners were involved, to try to usher in the NWO. They have to cheat to do it because real Americans, who are in the majority, stand for freedom. 
Yup. But there were SO MANY who helped the cheat – each one doing not enough to really get caught – and NONE of them doing their jobs to stop the steal – that it all worked out. All that had to happen was that a lot of people cheated SOME, and nobody who could have helped stop it lifted a finger to stop it, and nobody who needed to go after it went after it.
Largely sins of omission, with just enough sins of commission.
Great article!
Good guy with a gun stops FF from escalating.
What if CHINA and CDC know that masks and lockdowns INCREASE COVID?
Chyna got busted for scare scamming all the countries to lock down last year. I had thought it was for economic reasons. This motive makes more sense. EVIL RAT BASTARDS!!

CCP delenda est!
That’s why Dems LOVE them too!!
Apr 30
If you’re interested in sending Ben and Jerry’s a flavor suggestion:
Here’s mine.
Lol. Thats a mighty good flavor..
Not thinking I can do any better, but still thinking…..
Mask Karen ice cream:
Squares of Vanilla (73%), Dark Chocolate (13%), Banana (dyed yellow, 6%) and Coffee (8%) ice cream, hidden under a mask of marshmallow creme, sprinkled with tiny bits of ghost pepper.
Ah, for those “surprising” screams!
It wouldn’t be “Mask Karen” without the occasional shrieks.