Cover image: Paris in the Rain by Kathryn Morris Trotter, native of Mississippi and impressionist knife painter.

Overshadowed by Senator Rand Paul’s confrontation with the increasingly disgraced little Tony Fauci last week was this gem.
It’s too bad that a critical mass of Americans did not tune into that hearing. They missed out on some pretty big red pills which lead to some disturbing questions about the current situation with the inoculations currently being pushed on the population.
A member of our group posted a link to a piece in American Thinker that pretty much lays out the situation.
If these were any other vaccines, they would already be off the market.
In fact, they would have been pulled a long time ago. Usually, a new drug is withdrawn after 50 deaths, which isn’t typical because the FDA has a strict approval process. The COVID-19 vaccines have been exempted from it, instead being temporarily “authorized” for emergency use.
These vaccines have coincided with 3,544 American deaths and 12,619 serious injuries as of April 23, according to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reports System database (VAERS, republished “as is” in user-friendly format here). The flu vaccines by comparison are linked to 20–30 death reports a year, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, and those 20–30 death reports come with considerably more vaccines administered.
This is precisely the kind of thing FDA approval is supposed to prevent.
And, as we all know, nothing is stopping the shot train right now. Although, more and more stories are surfacing from people who took the jabs and now bear the scars of it and the expense of treatment since so many insurance companies are refusing to pay for the effects of an experimental therapy.
Maybe this is what it is going to take to wake people up.

That’s called Stockholm Syndrome and it ain’t no joke. Too many are too invested.

Still, this is what “they” want and what is being refused by the very people that “they” want reduced in numbers.

From the American Thinker article linked above:
Inexplicably, Dr. Fauci was able to look at those data and say, “obviously the safety looks really, really good in well over 140 million people having been vaccinated.” How can he look at the VAERS data in good faith and say the safety looks good?
The updated number of published death reports as of April 30 is 3,837. That’s 300 reports in a week, and those are just the reports: per the studies that show that VAERS underreports deaths, we’re on pace for an estimated half a million COVID vaccine deaths by the end of the month. It’s remarkable that the press isn’t covering this.
They are indeed doing the opposite, insisting that VAERS data are meaningless. They say VAERS reports are unverified, which is always true with raw data, and anyone can make them, so we don’t know that 3,544 deaths have happened.
What they leave out is the correlation between death reports and deaths has already been studied, and one report on VAERS correlates with 10–100 deaths. They also leave out the sheer volume of reports. What they don’t leave out is their customary appeal to authority: listen to the doctors.

What a friggin’ mess.
Although, it looks like there’s some potentially good news out there.
If they can’t meet, they can’t plot for the next move to try to get us to eat bugs, can they.
Anyone want to take a stab at explaining this?

And just a reminder that if the Democrats didn’t steal the last election, they would be in front of the cameras trumpeting the audit just to prove that it didn’t happen.
Still waiting for results.
And one SERIOUS question:
In the Gates divorce, who do you think will get the farmland?

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for some mood music:
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
12Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience, 13forbearing one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 15And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, and sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
LUKE 12:22-31
22And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat, nor about your body, what you shall put on. 23For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. 24Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! 25And which of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his span of life? 26If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest? 27Consider the lilies, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 28But if God so clothes the grass which is alive in the field today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O men of little faith! 29And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be of anxious mind. 30For all the nations of the world seek these things; and your Father knows that you need them. 31Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things shall be yours as well.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Great opener!
Makes me wonder if we can get a FAST CASE on work vaccine requirements to the Supreme Court.
Depends on your definition of fast vs the government!
I saw this just last week. OSHA is warning employers that if the require the vaccine, they are on the hook for the worker’s comp claims:
If I require my employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of their employment, are adverse reactions to the vaccine recordable?
If you require your employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment (i.e., for work-related reasons), then any adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine is work-related. The adverse reaction is recordable if it is a new case under 29 CFR 1904.6 and meets one or more of the general recording criteria in 29 CFR 1904.7.
The articles where I found this:
If employers are on the hook for the comp, then they would be on the hook for the LAWSUITS.
No employer with a lick of common sense is going to require it if you confront them with this info.
This is something I have been wondering about…suing for damages/wrongful death when it is a private sector employer who has forced the shot.
Seems like this should carry over onto colleges and universities too.
You would think so.
But public sector employees are not covered by OSHA. There are state programs in some states for that, but it varies state to state:
This site has a great interactive map of the states that have plans to cover public employees, and shows the states that don’t, like Montana, unfortunately. Just click on your state to see:
Thanks for the links.
On the OSHA map, it shows OK the same as MT…as “federal OSHA” states.
But what I was getting at, is that this OHSA Warning could be used in civil suits against employers…and colleges…for damages/wrongful death.
Not just OSHA claims — individual law suits.
I hope so!
On Market Ticker, Karl Denninger refers to discriminating students on whether they have a vaccine or not, as being a violation of FERPA. So there might be something worthwhile there.
Any idea when n where the kamala green screen photo was taken?
Also, I have another word to add for the week. This is kiddo’s word:
Its a verb meaning to darken or obscure, to confuse.
“The Political History of Obnubilate
The meaning of obnubilate becomes clearer when you know that its ancestors are the Latin terms ob- (meaning “in the way”) and nubes (“cloud”). It’s a high-flown sounding word, which may be why it often turns up in texts by and about politicians. This has been true for a long time. In fact, when the U.S. Constitution was up for ratification, 18th-century Pennsylvania statesman James Wilson used obnubilate to calm fears that the president would have too much power: “Our first executive magistrate is not obnubilated behind the mysterious obscurity of counsellors…. He is the dignified, but accountable magistrate of a free and great people.”
I wondered why the shoes were circled. I seem to remember that sometime ago, could have been months, someone, think it was the Ho, was berated for inappropriate footwear.
I know a guard who got FIRED from the company I worked for because he did not wear black socks!! If you can not follow a simple directive such as wear black socks, WHAT ELSE ARE YOU DOING WRONG???
She was on vogue with them also.
I like it!
Thanks, Gil!
Came across this, tweeter claims it was a film set.
I cringe every time he is called president.
Me too, Dora.
Except when he’s called Nacho President.
Love the header image! Similar works of hers seem to be fast sellers!
Remember that time all the companies we hate sponsored a concert to promote vaccines called “VAX live: the concert to reunite the world”? On the website Global citizen? Yeah.
Dale Sigler
@thattomguy Remember when P&G did that toxic masculinity ad? And we stopped buying…and they lost $8B? Good times!

1 comment
Infographic of WOW.
From GAB, of course!
That’s handy. Is this everything we’re boycotting? Most of it is junk we shouldn’t be eating anyway, but I kinda wish Aveeno and Dawn weren’t on there
Actually, there are quite a few more that should be “on the map” as it were.
For example, Campbell Soup is Pepperidge Farm, Snyder’s of Hanover, Kettle Brand and Cape Cod potato chips, Pacific Foods, Swanson, V8, Pace salsa and Prego pasta sauce.
It would also make more sense if foods/snacks/edibles were separated from health and beauty products (J&J, P&G, Unilever).
I was also amused to note that Nestle currently owns Purina. I have a half-uncle who used to work in a Purina plant. There are far more values of X than people generally recognize when you say “Purina X Chow”. For instance, there is “Purina Monkey Chow” and “Purina Rabbit Chow” (currently called “Purina Rabbit Food Complete Pellets“) and “Purina Goat Chow” (currently called “Purina Goat Feed“).
Another fun thing about Purina is that it used to be the “Ralston-Purina” company. Ralston was human chow. Specifically, you could buy Ralston hot breakfast cereal as an alternative to oatmeal or Cream of Wheat. You can still buy something with that brand and it is just whole wheat, but I vaguely recall that it may have had a bit of rye or barley back in the day.
Yes…the Danforths sold out. It’s been some time ago now. I want to say at least 15 years.
Even Anheuser-Busch is now subsumed within InBev…..
And THAT is still considered betrayal in these parts.
I am realizing what I do not use happy to know they are on the list
The business world’s bloodlines. I mean product lines.
HA! That got a cynical laugh!
One simple way to avoid most of these companies is to eat whole food.
Fresh vegetables from your local farmer’s market, local meat you cook yourself, homemade pasta, home-baked bread, etc. don’t have any connection to a big company.
Processed food is terrible for you, and supports these monsters.
If you have to buy oatmeal, sugar, and other staples, those are the companies to research and find the ones that are decent. Otherwise, stay away from packaged food. You’ll live longer, be healthier, and starve out the behemoth junk producers.
So thankful to finally get taxes off our backs around here. I finished ours last week & assisted my daughter over the weekend & on through today to get hers filed in time. She’s so busy between wedding planning, job changing, & helping out at church that she’s got no time or energy for much else…
My special needs son works minimally & is exempt from taxes but we ended up filing to get $70 back from Michigan. That was my 1st time to work through an electronic filing & assist him in his 1st ever tax return…interesting & challenging, because of his issues.
I don’t get why the state would withhold taxes when the feds don’t…hmmm.
So hopefully time to play catchup around here, perhaps deal w/ my twitter ban, & get some play time in the new forums.
Hope everyone is doing well!
God’s still got “this” no matter what we see, think, or feel.
Hang in there & hang on to Jesus!!!
Good to see you! Yes – taxes – YUCK!
Render unto Caesar…
Our accountant does our taxes every year. Kind of nice.
I’ve always done mine since I was a teenager, & ours since we got married almost 3 decades ago. I’m too cheap & too disorganized to trust the task to anyone else
But nice for you to not have to directly deal with the hassle!!!
I would not know how >
My husband never had the time but he did them for almost 40 years.
I always use the previous years tax copies as a bit of a guideline & order up my forms, directions, & publications from the IRS website. I skim read the directions for each pertinent line & do the calculations needed to get to the “correct” answer. Some of it is pretty straightforward. Other stuff, like Schedule A Itemized Deductions, is where I have the most headaches. I spend as much time Dreading doing taxes as I do actually Working on them, sadly
I know filling out taxes is time consuming.
Yes & very mentally draining for me. It’s always such a Huge Relief when that burden is off my back, finally, each year!!!
Fun little factoid….individuals can elect to have a fiscal year on their initial tax return. Fortunately, it’s an easy horse to dismount — you file a short year to square yourself back onto the calendar year, and continue filing on calendar years.
How do I know this? ‘Cause I took advanced tax classes before I had any income, and actually did it. Why would someone do this? Because if your major sources of income are distributions from partnerships or trusts (or Burisma director’s fees), it helps with administration….and if you’re a CPA, it means you can defer your own tax worries so that your clients can have your full attention during tax season (most CPA firms at the time were partnerships). Why didn’t this work? If your primary source of income is W-2 wages, your paycheck withholdings apply to your subsequent tax year. When it became apparent that I wasn’t going to be a partner or corporate Director within three years, it got too expensive to keep front-running tax liability while having withholdings deferred.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all if many of VSGPOTUSDJT’s kids and grandkids were on individual fiscal years.
You continue to be a wondrous wealth of wisdom–thanks for the info
(1) It ain’t wisdom, it’s experience.
(2) It may not even be possible anymore. I haven’t been keeping up on tax (that’s rant #8b, if you want it some other time).
LOL I recognized the difference between knowledge & wisdom but chose alliteration…unwisely?
Enjoy your rants regardless of how they’re numbered.
How is your fiancée? Recouped from the butt probe? Sorry for the indelicacy, erm colonoscopy…
She has completely bounced back from her dealio. All of the stress and disruption from her deal got echoed with a lag to me….to where I aborted attendance at my BAEM meeting on Saturday.
But all of that is sorting itself out.
She also had to partially repeat a mammogram in the same time period — I guess the plates were not sufficiently refrigerated or the squeezing not quite thorough enough…..
I’m going to be spending most of tomorrow doing lab work. After years of grief, FINALLY my doc prescribed generic Xanax for lab days. To give you some idea of how much of a problem my phobias are, I went into a lab one time and explained that I was a pleasant person but a difficult patient. I wanted everything to be smooth and nice, but what was on the schedule was going to completely freak me out and short-circuit a lot of controls.
They replied that they were quite capable of dealing with things and that I was far from extreme — they had previously had a patient who went irrational and started talking gibberish before they’d even put the loop on the arm, shook like a seizure immediately prior to the needle, then went completely rigid and did not breathe for three solid minutes when the needle was in. They were sure I’d be fine.
Until I said, “that was me, two years ago.”
The Xanax has been a serious blessing, but the stuff takes for-e-ver to get purged from my system (half-life is like 12 hours). I won’t drive after a single beer, so it pretty much immobilizes me for the day. This also means that I have to walk to the lab (a little over an hour) and walk back (same) afterward. It’s a bit of a logistics pain-in-the-tuchis.
But I’d rather do the Xanax method than the “dry” method.
Oh my goodness!!! that 2 years ago story is priceless. I’m so sorry that you have to battle that degree of fear
I used to do my “labor & delivery” breathing for the regular female checks & once the doc thought I was hyperventilating. I was trying to stay calm during what feels like an extreme violation, even after 3 pregnancies & delivering 4 kids!
Sometimes, for me, bathing an activity in prayer & memorizing certain comforting scriptures & even listening to calming music can provide a degree of relief, but I don’t have phobias just certain anxieties so this might be an inadequate approach.
I really hope your day goes much better than you anticipate. God be with you in both His Peace that passes understanding & His Comfort in your suffering.
It’s a phobia. It doesn’t make sense. In my case, it’s a deep-enough phobia that I don’t even process language when I’m in it. And, knowing this, I had to hold myself together to submit to it (pre-Xanax).
I don’t like Xanax, I don’t like the disruption, and I don’t like walking to a lab…..but I don’t really anticipate it going poorly. With the Xanax, I can go, “oh, look, there’s a needle in my arm.” Once I walk/stagger home, my biggest worry will be waiting for the stuff to work itself out of my bloodstream. I’m really kind o’ pissed that my physician didn’t suggest it himself ten years before — he had an in-house lab and surely knew that I was the “Gold Standard” of phlebotomy freak-outs — but I had to request it. And I’ve only done it the new way twice before.
The first time, I took one and still felt afraid that it wasn’t going to be enough to deal with the panic — but that is an intellectualized concern and not the actual phobia. I took another and everything went smoothly. My original 10 pills went down to 8.
The second time, I didn’t have as much intellectual concern that the drug couldn’t knock-down the panic, so I only took one….and things went ok. My pills went down to 7.
I should point out that the Feds have been on a crusade against drugs with addictive potential and I had to jump through hoops to get mine. Ten f***ing pills.
I remember a few years back my son was post-op after a birth-defect repair surgery in manland & we ran out of his pain pills (& he still had a Foley catheter going). If the pharmacy refilled his script w/ what was on hand (they didn’t have the full amount) they wouldn’t top the script off when they got their shipment, like they used to do back in more normal times. We would need to track the doc down for more meds/a new script…
Fortunately my son has a pretty high pain tolerance & we were able to get by w/ the incomplete refill & pain meds at home, including some tylenol w/ codeine we had from his previous surgeries.
The pharmacist said that the fed rule changes meant they couldn’t get sufficient pain meds for their regular patients, let alone for people like us w/ temporary post-op needs. It’s just another form of torture inflicted on us by the overlords, for our good, don’t you know!
“I’m from the government & I’m here to help!” RUN!!!
I would be wildly in support of a Constitutional Amendment forbidding the Federal Government from ANY action or regulation of healthcare. It’s not like they’ve been a brilliant example of prudence and wisdom.
No doubt. That would likely never fly in this current society. A Much diminished role would be awesome. I’ll hold my breath while they relinquish small amounts of power back to The People…purple is my favorite color!
Do that for the whole effing economy.
They got into it via the interstate commerce clause, which left regulation of interstate commerce to them. It was billed as an attempt to prevent states from raising tariff barriers against each other, but if that was the real intent, they should have just forbidden that.
The real problem was FDR and his NEW deal and a WEAK Supreme Court. — The Commerce Clause: Route to Omnipotent Government“…After President Roosevelt threatened to pack the Court to dilute the influence of the uncooperative “nine old men,” a majority of the justices took to the most expansive definition of the commerce clause like a drunk to drink.
The Court blessed the secretary of agriculture’s power to set minimum prices for milk sold intrastate . “The marketing of intrastate milk,” wrote the Court in the 1942 Wrightwood Dairy case, “which competes with that shipped interstate would tend seriously to break down price regulation of the latter.” Yes, so? What was the Court’s point? Only that nothing — especially not liberty — should be permitted to get in the way of the national government’s power to regulate the economy.
As hard as it may be to notice, Wrightwood Dairy still preserved something of a distinction: the intrastate sale of milk obviously entailed an act of commerce. Did that mean the commerce clause barred the national government from regulating noncommercial activities? Not for long.
Enter Roscoe Filburn, an Ohio dairy and poultry farmer, who raised a small quantity of winter wheat — some to sell, some to feed his livestock, and some to consume. In 1940, under authority of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the central government told Mr. Filburn that for the next year he would be limited to planting 11 acres of wheat and harvesting 20 bushels per acre. He harvested 12 acres over his allotment for consumption on his own property. When the government fined him, Mr. Filburn refused to pay.
Wickard v. Filburn got to the Supreme Court, and in 1942, the justices unanimously ruled against the farmer. The government claimed that if Mr. Filburn grew wheat for his own use, he would not be buying it — and that affected interstate commerce….”
This Supreme Court ruling means the Commerce Clause can be used to interfere with ANYTHING a person does even if it is on your own property and never leaves your home.
Another article states:
“….For a century and a half, the Supreme Court took this narrow view of the Commerce Clause. The view was exemplified by Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States (1935) and Carter v. Carter Coal Co. (1936). Both of these cases invalidated acts of Congress as exceeding Congressional authority under the Commerce Clause.
These decisions angered FDR, who threatened to stack the Court with his own justices if the justices refused to go along with his reforms. This led to “the switch in time that saved nine” where Justice Owen Roberts switched his vote and began upholding New Deal reforms. Consequently, the Court issued decisions in United States v. Darby Lumber Co. (1941) and Wickard v. Filburn (1942) that greatly expanded the role of the federal government through the Commerce Clause.
These decisions fundamentally changed the Court’s jurisprudence in the area of regulating commerce. Unlike the first 150 years of jurisprudence in America, from the 1937 until 1995 the Court did not invalidate one law as exceeding Congressional authority under the Commerce Clause. In United States v. Lopez (1995) the Court nullified a federal law that banned handgun possession near schools because mere possession was not commerce. This decision was a step in the right direction but the Commerce Clause has not yet been restored to its original meaning….”
That merely accelerated an already established trend. Actually, it didn’t just accelerate it, it removed any and all brakes and put a JATO rocket behind it.
It started getting corrupted in the late 1800s, and Teddy Roosevelt’s “trust busting” was also a big piece of it.
….that I’m using essentially once per year.
I should note that the doctor that prescribed the Xanax is currently three doctors ago.
Looking back on my childhood, I feel fortunate to have had a mother who threatened us four kids with a beating if we screamed or cried when getting a vax.
“So help me God, I’ll beat you within an inch of your life is you so much as make a peep!”
Thanks, Mom.
Considering what shots might be doing to a lot of people it seems a healthy fear for your life &/or health might now be in order
Yes, especially now. Fifty years ago not as much of a worry.
Agreed. It’s a brave new world…
my mother too !!!! funny
Yes! She understood “child psychology”!
I had a nurse who understood psychology.
“If you laugh, it won’t hurt.”
So I laughed, and it didn’t hurt. And the rest of my life, I didn’t care about injections.
Michigan election.
From Gab.
[video src="" /]
I have honestly had to distance myself somewhat from the audits, the evidence, and the reporting of the stolen election.
My rage at this usurpation of our rights as citizens is white-hot. I feel impotent, helpless, and frustrated.
We are supposed to have representatives in many areas of our government to prevent this from happening, and they ALL FAILED. They are pathetic, and I hate them all individually, though I do not know them. I wish a pox upon all their houses.
So I am quietly waiting, preparing for the worst, and hoping something good will finally happen. It’s all I can do.
You’re holding the line, Aubergine.
It’s what we’re supposed to do.
Along with “Dig, meme, pray.”
“Do not let your heart be troubled.”
Thanks for the encouragement, Em-star.
Aubergine, I too had to step away for a while because my RAGE was over the top. Hubby was getting worried. He may be an atheist but he is a much nicer person than I.
Why is there a “but” in that last sentence?
There is, in my experience NO correlation between how nice a person is and their religious beliefs (or lack thereof). I know absolute flaming raging assholes who are Christians, and others who are atheists.
Most people here are Christian. They do not have a lock on being good people.
Basically it came across to me as if you were affirming the prejudice that many have that atheists are all assholes with maybe very rare exceptions (I’m sure many here don’t consider me an exception, for instance), and that Xianity is the only real route to being a nice person. That”s why I spoke up.
Neither Hubby nor I are Christians but we do respect the religion.
I read about the audit and hand it to God. Cannot afford to waist my energy because it does not help. Waiting patiently for God using good people to uncover the truth.
The people who cheated did not do it in a day. Those plotters were ad it for a long time therefore the audit will not go quickly. This is a struggle between good and evil and I refuse to feed my good energy to evil causes.
Stay strong “All will be well.”
The Light triumphs over darkness in God’s time.
You have the right attitude!
It is practice and I learned the hard way.
singing, yes…the “right attitude” must be learned.
I am in a Bible study group which is reading The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs, one of my favorite Puritan writers.
Right out of the gate Burroughs states that contentment (peace from within), must be learned…It is not our natural state.
Highly recommended book.
Learned and not a gift from God?
The teaching is the gift?
(Learning to give your worries to God.)
That contentment is a LEARNED thing. In Catholicism we pray for it as a gift as that concept is somewhat of a virtue. Virtues are gifts.
DP…apologies for an incomplete comment. Yes, contentment is guided over time by the Holy Spirit. In that sense, it is a gift from God indeed.
My intention was to convey that contentment is not a part of our human nature…it must be acquired, or learned. And, as with most lessons we learn, God is the Best Teacher.
Thank you
I really only glance at this stuff.
Personally keeping a seething cold rage from boiling over.
The audits need to proceed and factually prove the election steal, releasing ALL of the information to the general public. At this point, I’ll fully tune in again.
“We are supposed to have representatives in many areas of our government to prevent this from happening, and they ALL FAILED.”
I share your anger about this. However, they didn’t fail, they were COMPLICIT. They will be discovered and dealt with.
because faux bidden didnt win and The Diamonds MUST Be Returned
I agree that most are complicit. But you would think at least a FEW would not be. But maybe not.
Hopefully this will post
What was this, that item wouldn’t load at the page for me…
It’s a video about the ‘shots’
Thanks K!
I like this pair of memes from the anons …
I must be dense. Not getting either one.
In the top one, note that the left figure (a Fibbie who’s “glowing” [clown / shill]) is trying to provoke the anons (the right figure, Pepe) into doing something stupid. Like the infilTraitors on Jan 6 did to unsuspecting patriots, and like the “protestors” inside a few of the P45DJT rallies.
Over the weekend, the boards were absolutely infested with shills (in re the conflict between Hamas and Israel); this past 12 hours or so, though, it’s shifted to those trying to smear the boards with gun posts and thinly-veiled calls to violence.
The bottom one is similar, depicting a chain of provocation, and invoking the failed defense of those accused – and convicted, mostly – in the Nuremberg trials.
In leftie cities, the mayors order the police chiefs, who in turn order their lieutenants, who then order the rank-and-file officers to “stand down” in the face of utter lawlessness. Each of the individuals in the chain has a duty NOT TO OBEY unlawful orders.
Btw, this duty applies to all Americans, whether civilian, LEO / public servant, or soldier.
Whatever happened to that American Hero who was jailed in Kansas for refusing orders from aka BHO because his oath to the Constitution forbade him from acting on an unlawful chain of command? aka BHO not being a Natural Born Citizen (apparently) meant he was only de facto pResident. He’ll always be The Usurper to me, along w/ Joe & Ho, since she’s not an NBC either…
At least Barry had one citizen parent, in the story that was put forth anyway. Harris is someone born here of non-citizen parents. No different than your basic anchor baby.
yes, dems don’t even have to Pretend to follow the Constitution any more & no one seems to call them on it–grrr!
The problem is not defining natural born citizen. I always thought that meant born here of two citizen parents. Easy peasy.
Babies Don’t Provide Anchors!
By Publius Huldah
“Section 1 of the 14th Amendment says, in part:
One of the purposes of Section 1 was to extend citizenship to freed slaves.
This Section does not provide that illegals who invade our Country and drop a baby here are automatically the parents of a US citizen.
The key is “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”:
Consider the French ambassador and his lovely young wife stationed in Washington, DC. She gives birth to a child here. Her child was born here. But is her child “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States? No! The child is subject to the same jurisdiction as his parents: France.
Consider the American Indians: Sec.1 of the 14th Amendment did NOT confer citizenship on American Indians. They were not “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” – they were subject to the jurisdiction of their tribes.
An illegal alien who invades our Country is in the same status as the French Ambassador’s wife. The baby she drops here is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the Country she left.
So the 14th Amendment does NOT confer citizenship on babies of illegals born here – just as it does not confer citizenship on the babies of foreign diplomats stationed here.
Pursuant to Art. I, Sec. 8, clause 4, US Constitution, Congress may make laws deciding how people become naturalized citizens.
But Sec. 1 of the 14th Amendment does not confer citizenship status on babies born here of illegal aliens.
This is important.
For a deeper understanding of this important issue, see Professor Edward Erler’s brilliant essay, Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny “
Unless the 14th Amendment wasn’t lawfully ratified … which seems, IMO, to be a valid issue.
I suspect that it’s just THIS which has allowed the seemingly “lawless” behavior to mushroom.
The rot traces back over 150 years …
Appeals to the Constitution, and to its Amendments beginning with the 14th (13th too?), fall flat.
They were – perhaps – never lawfully ratified.
Lincoln, borrowing $$$ to fund the Civil War; and without enough collateral to do so, pledged the toil of Americans as guarantee for the loan – from the red shields!
“Emancipation” DOESN”T equal “freedom” – it’s merely the transference of ownership from one agent to another (a different “hand”).
Out of (E-) one hand (-man-), and into another (the Crown). Slaves thus gained equal slave-status with all the rest of us.
1871 made it official. (DC – foreign territory) (among other banes).
My code-breaking spidey sense leads me to consider this as possibly – and perhaps likely – true.
Have you encountered this train of thought?
City-State: Vatican.
. (has its own sovereign gov’t).
City-State: City-of-London.
. (has its own sovereign gov’t).
City-State: District-of-Columbia
. (has its own sovereign gov’t).
You maybe correct. Sort of goes along with the 2 presidents prophecy of by Kim Clement and POTUS Trump as Commander and Chief of the Military, while Bite-me is President of a bankrupt corporation, USA inc.
No essay is necessary. It seems I invariably get that sort of response. The reason people show up here illegally (not just at southern border) and have children is because that CHILD is granted US citizenship. RIGHT? I don’t know whether they have dual citizenship or not – I assume that depends on the statutes of the parents’ birth country. The US, Canada and I believe one additional first world country still have “no-restrictions” birthright citizenship.
When I taught (my last 3 years) in a school that was about 75% hispanic, I had access to the personal information of every student in the building, being a related arts teacher. That means addresses, birth info, parents, guardians, employment info, siblings and any special information. Like “the student is to have no contact with . . .” or “the student may only be picked up by . . .” and so forth.
In looking through this info one of the things that struck me was the separate addresses, even for parents that I knew were married. Almost invariably, the mother and father would be listed as living separately. And why would that be? Welfare. Non-citizens collecting welfare and related benefits for their citizen children. The father may not be in the home.
I understand that the 14th Amendment was designed to grant citizenship to freed slaves and their children. But please don’t try to force the idea that kids of illegals living here are not granted US citizenship. They are. Until the statutes are changed.
I think you’re BOTH right … and wrong!
My perspective hinges on the meaning of the term “statutes”.
Statutes aren’t LAWS.
I’ll try to find again some of the sources for this, which I’ve viewed. Hope they’re still there!
But to hit the nail on the head, NEITHER of you are addressing the MAIN problem!
I don’t mean to be a stick in the mud! But NONE of the so-called “legal” arguments hold water, in the case that we’ve been living in an unlawful state for more than a century!
I wish to get to the ROOT of the problem. Above is my best de-code of what that originating problem is.
The brainwashing has gone on for many decades, for many generations. And anyone who thinks that they’re *exempt* from that propaganda … is most likely to FALL for that propaganda. (Ever see the movie “The Sting”?)
Me too, btw. I’ve been fooled many times. And I will likely be fooled again (but not permanently, I hope!)
I wish to aim our ammo in the PROPER direction. The one that will COUNT. The one that HITS the bull’s-eye, in the RED.
Perhaps I’ve spoken enough for today.
Enjoy your afternoon, G-mom! And you too, Gail!
I’ll wait on the morrow …
I was merely answering a yes/no question, or so I thought. I don’t know what combination of laws/statutes is involved, but these kids born on US soil are being granted citizenship. Isn’t that a given in the discussion? Or is everyone in the sensible online universe just wrong? (As opposed to the actual definition of natural born citizen, which needs to be clarified and dealt with.)
They MAY be granted citizenship but it does not mean it is LAWFUL CITIZENSHIP. It just means, like so much else, our actual Constitution and laws are Pissed on.
More on ‘Anchor babies’ (Remember Sen Ted Kennedy changed our immigration policies to ‘Dilute’ our European blood and Christian heritage. LINK )
Professor Erler in his Hillsdale article (linked above) goes on to say:
“… during debate over the amendment, Senator Jacob Howard of Ohio, the author of the citizenship clause, attempted to assure skeptical colleagues that the new language was not intended to make Indians citizens of the U.S. Indians, Howard conceded, were born within the nation’s geographical limits; but he steadfastly maintained that they were not subject to its jurisdiction because they owed allegiance to their tribes. Senator Lyman Trumbull, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, rose to support his colleague, arguing that “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” meant “not owing allegiance to anybody else and being subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States.” Jurisdiction understood as allegiance, Senator Howard interjected, excludes not only Indians but “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.” Thus “subject to the jurisdiction” does not simply mean, as is commonly thought today, subject to American laws or American courts. It means owing exclusive political allegiance to the U.S.
Consider as well that in 1868, the year the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified, Congress passed the Expatriation Act. This act permitted American citizens to renounce their allegiance and alienate their citizenship.</b> This piece of legislation was supported by Senator Howard and other leading architects of the Fourteenth Amendment, and characterized the right of expatriation as “a natural and inherent right of all people, indispensable to the enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Like the idea of citizenship, this right of expatriation is wholly incompatible with the common law understanding of perpetual allegiance and subjectship…”
On the McCarran-Walter Act (not sure how much if any has changed through the Patriot Act):
Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:
“I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. … However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies.
Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. … I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation’s downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.”
The Supreme court HAS ALREADY ruled on Anchor babies!
Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment
“…Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:
Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.”
The phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete.
The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.
Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called ‘Slaughter-House cases’ [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk v.Wilkins, the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ excluded from its operation ‘children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States.’ In Elk, the American Indian claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required him to be ‘not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.’…”
So was Kamala Harris a US citizen at birth? Or not? She was born here of two parents who were not (yet?) citizens. They may have been in some process at that point, or not. And being legally here may be the difference. But no one disputes that Harris is a citizen. It seems your argument hinges on the status of the non-citizen parents, not whether kids born here are granted citizenship. Just so I understand.
Yep! They muddied the waters w/ McStain since he was born overseas, allegedly on “American soil” at a military base hospital, though he might have actually been born off-base in town, in Panama, iirc. The Senate did some dog & pony show declaring that McStain was an NBC to their reading.
Clarence Thomas implied the Supremes were avoiding the Q of NBC for aka BHO.
The anchor baby issue comes up too for if babies are born to foreigners here & the parents Don’t Owe Allegiance to America there is an argument that their kids cannot be US citizens. It’s law of soil vs law of blood, I believe. There were Many articles on these topics during aka BHO’s 1st Usurpation, like at WorldNetDaily…
Yes, they only ran McCain through the mill to balance off Obama. Two sides of the same coin.
Yep–treacherous traitors!
Wasn’t she born in CANADA??
Supposedly Heels-up was born on Oct. 20, 1964 in Oakland, California. However her mother was a cancer researcher and worked as a faculty member at Montreal’s McGill University for 16 years.
According to the records I’ve seen she was born in Alameda County, but both parents were non-citizens. She lived in Canada as a child at some point.
Cruz is the Canadian.
Thank you for explaining. They make sense now.
The Sea Hawk is a well-made adventure movie, and Korngold’s music is a great asset!
Error Flynn. I had a terrible crush on him when I was a kid.
Die tote Stadt, an opera by Korngold, has what I consider to be one of the most achingly lovely arias ever written: “Marietta’s Lied”
Here’s a concert performance of this aria by Marni Nixon in 1966 (yes, that Marni Nixon, the voice who dubbed so many songs for Hollywood actresses — she was a respected soprano in her own right!)
That was new to me, and so beautiful! Thanks for sharing it. I was always fascinated by Marni Nixon’s singing for so many actresses, including Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, but I hadn’t heard her sing in her own right. What a clear, beautiful voice!
I found this on Citizen Free Press, but I don’t know if it’s true.
Is Hal Turner credible at all? Searches say he is “far right” and a Holocaust denier.
He’s saying that Connecticut published the Moderna vaccine ingredients, and they include SM-102, which is not for human or veterinary use.
If this is true, people need to know about it. If it isn’t true, patriots need to know so they will not spread disinformation. So I’m looking at it cautiously, advising everyone to do the same, and looking for any enlightenment people can provide.
I wonder what happened to the injection vials that one guy “took” to get tested by several doctors &/or independent labs. I thought I heard or read that the patriot might have been arrested. Can’t have the serfs uprising & thinking for themselves!
I’ve also wondered about that, and whether one could simply TAKE POSSESSION of the filled needle, pre-injection, so that one could oneself bring it to a doctor (the “story”) or to a lab (the reality!).
If one pays for the shot … then one OWNS the shot, yes?
If the syringe isn’t labeled it would be more difficult to “verify” what is really there so “results” could likely be denied (claim contamination, etc). Aren’t the “shots” free everywhere? That’s why the guy didn’t consider that he was stealing anything, iirc…
Yeah – they’re “Free”!
Meaning, WE are the product.
I’d want to get the batch number that the vial came from, and that was loaded into the syringe.
How many people have done that – 0.001%? Fewer?
I’m thinking Real Informed Consent would put the brakes on A Lot of this genocidal debauchery!
We are the parasites to be eradicated, I think.
I am a big fan of Dr Weil fan and saw him yesterday in an interview he gave. He did great with healing through herbs, meds and spiritual. He lost me forever when he spoke of overpopulation, climate change and the virus coming from a Bat.
I was such a fan of his because I believe in herbal plans as meds, I believe that at times medications are needed and I believe in spiritual healing. Spiritual healing is on the top of my list because I feel at this time in history this country needs spiritual healing. I also believe in the power of the mind and of course God.
My primary doctor does not give vaccine injections any longer he quit doing so last year. Always wonder why.
His office joined Kings Daughters for some reason but still has Hospital privileges to the Hospital that works with OH State.
More and more doctors are no longer self employed and that is why many cannot prescribe preventive meds for covid.
Still cannot get over that vaccines were given on University parking lot.
“…Still cannot get over that vaccines were given on University parking lot.”
We keep epinephrine handy when we do vaccines on our live stock. We have had to use it too.
I was shocked when I got the invite to come to the parking lot at the university . We have a nursing school department and wonder how many of the students were used giving the shots?
Well, here is the link on the Connecticut Public Health site. Scroll down to “What Ingredients Are in the Covid-19 Vaccine?, and click on “English.” It will give you a pdf:
Here is the pdf link:
And YES, SM-102 is listed as an ingredient in the Moderna shot.
Here is a page from the chemical company, Cayman Chemical, which manufactures it. Look at the middle right of the page to find this:
“Product DescriptionSM-102 is an ionizable amino lipid that has been used in combination with other lipids in the formation of lipid nanoparticles.1 Administration of luciferase mRNA in SM-102-containing lipid nanoparticles induces hepatic luciferase expression in mice. Formulations containing SM-102 have been used in the development of lipid nanoparticles for delivery of mRNA-based vaccines.
WARNING This product is not for human or veterinary use.”
What the hell is happening? This is INSANE.
This word alone should raise eyebrows no matter what it is.
Yes. They’re laughing at us.
Thanks for doing all that digging! It would not surprise me if we were told that such a small amount won’t hurt, or that it’s necessary for some reason, or that we don’t know enough to be able to evaluate it.
Wouldn’t surprise me, either, but I wouldn’t believe it!
More about the chemical, from the safety data sheet:
“GHS08 Health hazard
Carc. 2 H351 Suspected of causing cancer.
Repr. 2 H361 Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child.
STOT RE 1 H372 Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the
respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure.”
My God.
Hence why the transfer issues have me wanting to keep my distance from the people who have had shots whether they were the real deal or not.
There are various reasons to be concerned, but I don’t believe that secondary SM-102 is one of them.
It’s apparently only “secondary” to the mRNA itself. It’s the second ingredient, a part of the lipids that deliver the mRNA into your cells. That means every cell the “vaccine” enters gets a dose of SM-102 poison.
That’s a reason to avoid the “vaccine”, but not the vaccinated.
Even though it’s my belief that the VAST majority of “shots” are placebos / benign (made-to-order by P45DJT, so it’s likely, IMO), still I think it wise to adopt the position you’ve taken.
I wouldn’t want to roll those dice, even on that “low” percentage. The consequences of losing the roll are too high.
Exactly, although just about everyone I know had little to no reaction, so I’m guessing they didn’t get the real thing.
I don’t know anyone who had a bad reaction to the shots. It is akin to people’s reaction to COVID itself. For some, it was not even as bad as seasonal flu, while others had to be hospitalized. The tremendous discrepancies don’t make sense to me.
With flu, you know what you are getting. Everyone has aches, fever, respiratory symptoms, etc., and they feel bad for a period of time. Some who have other health issues might have to be hospitalized, but it’s pretty predictable.
To me, any injection of the CCPFauci Virus “vaccines” is like playing Russian Roulette.
And the syringe has only one chamber
Exactly what so many of the side effects are!!!
Yes! That is what I thought!
Director’s Cut | Perspective – History Repeats Itself
Just like that video of the local news editorials, with the anchors (actors) using the exact same language in their scripts (across dozens of cities throughout the country), the same is true about the suppression of HCQ in online news outlets.
I think the trick was to use it too late in the patient, and / or to use it ALONE instead of in combo with Zinc.
I hope this pic is readable – perhaps opening it in a separate tab will help:
Not to mention the HCQ/Zinc TRIALS WERE STOPPED!!! We should have had the results by June or July of last year. I kept waiting and waiting for the information on the results of the trials to come out but none ever did.
Bizarre as hell the HCQ/Zinc trilas were discussed so very publicly. Then we waited, and waited and waited…
I, perhaps we KNOW the HCQ/Zinc trial were a success. W H Y ? If the HCQ/Zinc trials were a failure, FauXi and his ilk would have been blathering about HCQ/Zinc trials failing.
Something diverted our attention from the HCQ/Zinc trials. It was a common topic here wondering when the results would be made public.
Instapundit is currently down for me. It insists on running javascript on my computer. I’ll miss it.
Speaking of creeping crud, the number of scripts I’m blocking on THIS site has mushroomed. The page wants to run scripts from (allowed, based on communications with Wolf),,,,,,, and (all denied), and (allowed limited in other ways). I can understand gab, but…..
I suspect that every time one accepts any “update” to ones devices, new blocking code is introduced.
I read that an iPhone update within the past year included a Covid tracker / reporting app, which couldn’t be deleted (at least by most users).
I’ve *avoided* updates for a while now …
Linux updates are generally to be welcomed. Other updates……not so much.
That makes sense – thanks!
I’ve always heard good things about Linux, except that one must be an accomplished techie to work everything out – and that ain’t me!
The update-scam applies to browsers as well, as I’m sure you know …
Can’t delete but can turn off. Unfortunately my devices start acting up if I don’t apply fixes. Always re-check tracking/privacy settings after updates.
Heh. They’re now back up.
Rand Paul: “Social Security Had 6.6M Listed At Over 112 Years Of Age Still Active In The Rolls”
112 wow, I’ll have what they’re drinking
Don’t miss at 1:30 15 agencies and 30 laws dealing with farms/food….
As one UK dairy farmer said during the NAIS fight, he spent 60% of his time FILLING OUT GOVERNMENT PAPERWORK!
Who is getting the checks from social security? I mean there could not be many or any at age 112?
Daughters,sons caregivers…. Anyone still living at the address of the 112 yr old person.
After all who would expect the person to show their face outside the home? It is certainly easy enough to forge a signature esp. if you have been doing so for a long time. A friend’s wife forged his signature so often that the bank would no longer accept his!
What a scam!
My husbands mother forged her husbands signature all the time too.
So there have been dog comms, and giraffe comms, and now there are OWL comms …
The House of Orange, perhaps?
House of Orange, princely dynasty that derived its name from the medievalprincipality of Orange, in old Provence in southern France. The dynasty was important in the history of the Netherlands and is that nation’s royal family.
[DDG search “House of Orange”]
House of Orange-Nassau
The House of Orange-Nassau is the current reigning house of the Netherlands. A branch of the European House of Nassau, the house has played a central role in the politics and government of the Netherlands and Europe especially since William the Silent organised the Dutch revolt against Spanish rule, which after the Eighty Years’ War led to an independent Dutch state.Wikipedia
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Germany Orange, Nassau
Parent house:
House of Nassau
King of the Netherlands, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, Sovereign Prince of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Duke of Limburg, Prince of Orange, Fürst of Nassau-Orange, Fürst of Nassau-Orange-Fulda, Princely Count of Nassau-Dietz, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, Stadtholder in the Netherlands
Isn’t the owl some type of satanic symbol or one of child trafficking…can’t keep the evil straight in my mind…
A quick DDG search (“owl symbolism”) landed this – a very short read:
duck-duck-go —
Thanks CT. some things are (should be) obvious, but I still don’t necessarily “get” them–blush emoji!
interesting read…thanks
This site is GREAT! I had been looking for the symbolism of the various animals that appear in Church art, and they all seem to be there. And the traditions go back to the Great Doctors of the Church, long before most people consider Church history to exist.
Glad you liked it …
I remembered from Greek mythology that the owl meant “wisdom”, and so it was associated with Athena.
So it goes back quite a bit, as you said.
Funny, I had a whole thing about that for last week’s opener and then ditched it.
Maybe I should use it this week…
Sounds like a timely training! Thanks for ALL you do GMa–awesome!
Somewhere I came across a tidbit that all of the current crown heads of Europe are descended from the house of Orange. I think it was in a Eustace Mullins book. It goes back centuries, but all other houses that were not related were taken out of power.
I’ve come across similar info – and one can bet that the Brittanica and Weaky listings are leaving out a ton of intel and truth.
Switzerland is heavily involved, if not the center – and there’s little mention of it, except for the Swiss Guard protecting the Pope. It seems a vital connection, IMO.
Many of the “Royalty” may have been dupes / replacements of the original nobles and their descendants. The shell game of power has been going on for centuries …
I will say this about not finding information on the internet, if you can’t find anything on a person who seems to be connected, they’re involved somehow.
And, yes, Switzerland is at the center with their famous neutrality. It’s supposed to be the refuge for these people.
We’ll see how it all shakes out.
I had a book at one time, written by a respected biographer, about Queen Victoria. The author appears to delicately hint that Her Majesty was not the daughter of the union between Edward, Duke of Kent, and Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld — that, in fact, Edward was “unable” to father a child, so a “stand-in” from another noble house was found.
Tip of the iceberg.
Potent or no, Duke Edward was cucked.
The anons call it “fuckery”.
I deem this language to be appropriate …
Look at Bohemian Grove, and their “Cremation of Care” ceremony, with the HUGE Owl at their, erm, “Owltar”…
The owl has a great deal of meaning to Satanists and the illuminati (but I repeat myself). VigilantCitizen has a series on it…
I think, that they think, that it represents humanist (material world) wisdom.
In sacrilegious lieu of DIVINE wisdom.
The owl stalks at night … and all that jazz.
Here are some articles from Vigilant Citizen about the illuminati, their symbolism and organizations, Minerva the Owl, and a brief exceprt from the first link below.
[Begin excerpt]:
When a Novice proved to his superiors to be worthy of advancement, he was initiated to the grade of Minerval.
Minerval seals of the Bavarian Illuminati. These pendants, worn around the necks of Minerval initiates, featured the Owl of Minerva . Also known as the Owl of Wisdom, this symbol is still found today in powerful places: around the White House, hidden on the dollar bill or on the insignia of the Bohemian Club.
The term Minerval is derived from Minerva who was the Roman goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic, and the music. She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl, which symbolizes her ties to wisdom. An ancient symbol of the mysteries, Minerva is prominently featured in places such as the Library of Congress and the Great Seal of California.
The second grade of the Illuminati was one of indoctrination. The initiates were lectured on the spiritual principles of the Order but had little information regarding the true aims of Weishaupt and his close circle of administrators.
Minervals were permitted to meet some of their superiors (Illuminated Minervals) and to engage in discussions with them. This privilege alone was a great source of motivation for the new initiates.
Illuminated Minerval
Selected from among the Minerval, the Illuminated Minerval were given specific tasks to accomplish in order to prepare them to take action in the “real world”. Most of their work consisted in the study of mankind and the perfection of methods to direct it. Each Illuminated Minerval was entrusted with a small group of Minervals who were scrutinized, analyzed and lead towards specific directions. Lower-grade members of the Order, therefore, became test subjects for techniques that might be applied to the masses in general.
From this basic structure, the Illuminati began its expansion. Everything was in place for Weishaupt to achieve an important goal: the infiltration of Freemasonry.
[End excerpt]
(He’s referencing Vernon L. Stauffer, “The European Illuminati” )
Where I grew up the superstition was that owl was a sign of death.
See lyrics @ 2:56
I’ve seen this graphic before, but I haven’t seen any sourcing for the figures / claims.
I wonder whether it’s true, and how one would go about substantiating it. There must be an intricate MAZE of proxies …
Wouldn’t the Commonwealth lands technically be the Queen’s? We have family friends w/ property in Canada, but they technically don’t own it just lease it from the crown, iirc. So all of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, & who knows what else contribute to the QEII’s land it would seem…
Yes, They belong to “The Crown”, not the Queen, however. And whoever the Monarch is (hope and pray that it bypasses Chuckles) can “call them in”, although it would not be an easy thing to do.
Even the landed gentry do not really own their own land(s). Most homeowners have 99-year leases controlling the property they have (if they’re not renters), and so don’t really own the land upon which they live. Something else the Founding Fathers wished to leave behind. Churchmouse and/or Gail probably have a lot more info on that….
subjects vs citizens perhaps…
though the State seems to be able to take away Our property on their whims w/ confiscatory taxes, especially when property changes hands to the next generation
>>”don’t really own the land upon which they live”<<
This is where the legal terminology of “living man” (woman) v. “person” may come in. A “person” is a legal entity – note SCJ Roberts’ ruling in the Citizens United case – corporations are *persons*.
The subterfuge is deep, deep, DEEP.
I think it quite possible that almost all of us Americans have thus far *forfeited* our claim to life, by not contesting the legal designation of “citizen” (an alien resident here), and by not claiming our birthright as “American State Nationals”.
By such failure to ACT, we may be considered as “lost at sea”, and presumed to be dead. And in so (not) doing, we have thus far forfeited our birthright as OWNERS, both of our LAND and of our share in the WEALTH of our country.
When we die, WITHOUT claiming to be among the living, it is the CROWN which then claims our accumulated wealth, and our vested (but not claimed) interest / share in our country’s assets / profits passes to them.
Evidence of our capitulation to being labelled “presumed dead”, and our forfeiture of individual sovereignty, consists in part of our acceding to the notion of needing a “license” – from the State – to engage in travel for personal conveyance (rather than for commercial transport), for which we needn’t ANY “permission”; and our “social security number” – required by the State to obtain gainful employment.
I remember Nebraska Filly chiming in on this, with much more direct experience than I … but the pieces fit together, IMO.
The risk of this being true (we’re leaving all our money and rights on the table, as it were) FAR outweighs the “risk” of it being false (a bit of embarrassment for us).
Note the ubiquitous capital-letters *only* – on our bank statements, on our SS card, and in Court proceedings. All capitals is NOT standard written English – and the only way it works is when the Courts, along with the participants (plaintiffs, defendants), take such nonsensical language as being communicative.
The law requires standard written English. I haven’t yet seen any Petition to the Court – or any *ruling* from the Court – that uses the REQUIRED language.
Have you encountered any of this putative “speculation” as far as the predicament Americans are in?
It seems to be all about Trust Law, in the main, and the legal definitions of the parties involved, both w.r.t the *rights* of the various parties … and w.r.t. the *responsibilities* of the various parties.
In short, we may have abrogated our responsibilities (so far), so that in law, we forfeit our rights (for now).
Berth (“Birth”?) Certificates are likely also involved in the scamming of our wealth. The date of registration – as for “cargo” – is DIFFERENT than the day we were naturally born.
It’s a rabbit-hole well worth it for ALL to look into …
I was speaking of British land and ownership thereof. My English grandfather explained it to me around 60 years ago, as I was REALLY confused by the idea of a 99-year lease when most people don’t live that long. It got into a long, complicated explanation, most of which I forget; but the main thing is that no one in Old Blighty really owns their land.
There was an involved discussion of this on one of the weather sites, around the time that Cameron (or one of his minions) got caught up with a substantial investment and graft with windfarms on his land… it morphed into a discussion of whose land…..
Having said that, no matter what they think, everything, everywhere, belongs to GOD.
We’re just renters, as it were…..
Loved the opening, DePat. Thank you. Grateful for this place.
Oh Noemie, you will never live it down.
Many states have been hiding behind this, citing lock out by the ncaa. Good news.
Texas has jobs. The Governor wants people to work and not sit on the dole. It might help if he’d stop empowering employers who require their workers mask up. It’s ridiculous at this point.
In my part of Texas the maskers are now the minority. Finally.
Texas has jobs. Meaning anti vax people have leverage if they are smart enough to use it. Push is very strong now, coming under threat of loosing one’s job and other nefarious acts of compulsion.
The state Department of Health says Dr. Eleanor Adams has left her job to “pursue other career interests.”
^^^ Let me guess here, SHE HAS ALWAYS WANTED TO WRITE A BOOK…lucartive “book deal” (payoff) will be announced soon.
Yep. Money laundering by any other name…..
Hope she gets taken to the cleaners…
They are really desperate to get people injected with this fake vaccine.
Unbelievable. Dystopian.
Community service?
IKR? …”community service” (I caught that too.)

I have an idea that the plug is going to be pulled soon, and the other side needs to get as many people shot up as they can before that happens. Too many outlets are picking up on the VAERS data. It’s not just Tucker, Hannity, American Thinker. When that info FINALLY breaks loose, there will be hell to pay.
Only the government could set up such a inefficient process.
Besides all the issues with these shots, who in their right mind would allow a stranger on the street to inject something into them?
Fentanyl anyone?
And Dominion “wins” again…..
Bringing this over from Marica’s from yesterday.
May 17, 2021 at 3:11 pm
Martin Geddes Channel, [17.05.21 04:12]
[Forwarded from open your
New Study Published by the American Heart Association (AHA) Proves The Spike Protein Alone Causes Lung Damage & Arterial Destruction in Lab Animals
They also demonstrated The Cure: “was rescued by treatment with N-acetyl-L-cysteine,” which is an Amino Acid found in Turkey, Yogurt, Legumes, and Sunflower Seeds.
Researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by the classic crown of spike proteins from Sars-Cov-2, but that did not contain an actual virus.
This pseudovirus (only spike protiens – like what the vaccine programs your cells to produce) caused damage to the lungs and arteries of the Hamsters in the experiment, but administering the common amino acid N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), the Hamsters were rescued from certain death.
This proves that the spike protein alone is enough to trigger the disease, according to the researchers – and everyone who got the vaccine has their own cells producing this spike protein – in an attempt to trigger your body to produce antibodies.
The antibodies – which are also produced by exposure to the natural virus – protect you from the negative effects of the spike proteins – as does the amino acid.
Researchers know this, yet pharmaceutical corporations continue to rake in RECORD PROFITS as governments around the world are compelled to purchase large amounts of the dangerous and pointless vaccines via contracts which are enforced when the WHO declares a global pandemic.
The vaccine causes more damage than the virus, because there is no known immunity to their mRNA and DNA injections that reprogram your cells. The only “rescue” is the amino acid NAC – which is an unregulated supplement you can buy at the vitamin store.
This might explain why I cana’t find it at all on amazon or vitacost. all 100% out. At least all of the brands I usually buy. We buy Jarrow for this (I have no idea why as H usually sits down and figures out the supplements with my notes and ideas as a launching pad)
Jarrow is a brand I’ve come across used in supplement studies. Thorne is another one, so those are two of the brands I think are consistently closest to what is actually listed on the label (unless they are funding the studies and not disclosing).
multiple vendors.
President Trump kept saying that the cure can’t be worse than the disease.
He was on to them. Wish he would stop touting the “cure.”
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. Cysteine is found in high-protein foods. So of course, they don’t want us to eat meat!
Just eat enough meat, chicken, and eggs, and your body will take care of itself.
NAC is not usually a prescription drug, but the pharmacy keeps it behind the counter. You have to ask for it. I wonder why.
Hmm…. Sort of like Sudafed.
I’ll bet you it’s impossible to sue the Fed.
That is an interesting question. I wonder, too.
I am NOT posting this link because I agree with its “hope” that the President will not run. I respect Doctor Noel a great deal, and wonder what people think:
I DO agree that DeSantis seems to be an ideal MAGA candidate. I do not agree specifically that the President necessarily made bad personnel choices, in the sense that he was unaware of the nature of the people he choose. IMO the President was naïve about the depth and intensity of the hatred for him from McConnell and his vile ilk. Trump naïvely chose earlier enemies like Preibus like Reagan choose Bush, as an olive branch to the “moderates.” Trump justifiably assumed even the “moderates” would strive for the success of the GOP instead of the failure of Trump. On this Trump was wrong, and too generous. Trump was not ruthless, one of the reasons we love him.
And Sessions was the most disastrous appointee, in the sense that Sessions was in the wrong legal circumstances to confront the intended and then ongoing Mueller coup. No one could have predicted that.
But people like Wray (IMO) and many others, including the SCOTUS choices, were simply McConell having Trump over a barrel, and Trump having no other option.
Trump’s knowledge and study of Sun Tzu tells me he knew EXACTLY what he was doing and did it to expose the depth and breadth of the swamp before having the backing of the people to drain the darn thing.
Trump was also primed by the only president to be forced out by the powers that wannabe, Nixon, on how they were going to come after him. This was in the 1980s. Trump had DECADES to study and observe. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing.
In appointing Sessions, we now know, Trump brought nothing but misery upon himself and our country. Sessions was well meaning, but he was, as Sundance repeatedly illustrated with a picture, Colonel Nicholson.
Sessions played by the rules, IMO, and he properly recused himself, but that allowed the coup to continue, Rosenstein in charge.
Some people say Sessions did not need to recuse himself. I think they are plainly wrong, but it doesn’t make any difference. He recused himself.
It would take a book to document how destructive the ongoing coup had been, was, and is, and in how many ways, but the destruction was quite deep and broad. And there was close to zero corresponding benefit to Trump or our side. Exposure of the evil doers, to date, barely offsets the damage, if at all.
In retrospect, Kobach would have been a better choice, but neither Trump nor any one else on our side knew that, or even had grounds to make a good guess.
The ongoing coup had been, was, is being brilliantly executed, and it was executed across the entire government and both parties in active cooperation. Trump did not have a clue what was happening.
It would have been much better to appoint Kobach (or similar), arrest Hillary, and forcefully prosecute the traitors, overwhelming them in public with their undeniable guilt as a means of exposing them.
At the time Barr was appointed, I believe I said on this site that the appointment was extremely puzzling, given that Barr has always been a corrupt Bush retainer. But Barr wrote a memo and got hired, now obvious for being a ruse. Barr gave great speeches encouraging us all to believe he was going to do justice, but he did not. He was a traitor. And the one thing he did do (Flynn) was legally improper and dubious, an ineffective sop thrown to continue the charade. But most important, he was a traitor.
Pence was a traitor, Wray was a traitor, Haspel was a traitor, Kelly was a traitor, Coats was a traitor, Ratcliffe was a traitor, Miller was a traitor, and on and on.
The damage and destruction these traitors have caused is ongoing. I can only pray it is not irreversible. There is zero benefit, none, which has been gained because of their treachery. And there was much which could have been gained by not employing traitors.
I do not blame Trump whatsoever. He was and is a hero. No Sun Tzu or Nixon could have prepared him. And what he accomplished despite the treachery was/is miraculous.
Waiting for the backing of the people, if that is what was happening, got Trump nowhere. The coup simply continued. And many millions of Americans were successfully worked into a hatred of Trump personally in the meanwhile, predictably. Trump got zero benefit from his generosity, reasonableness and effectiveness.
Trump won the election, but he is not the official president. That is how it worked, Sun Tzu and Nixon not withstanding.
And the destruction of our country continues at a furious, ever more intense pace, with no end in sight. We see the vision of the impending evil, and we are helpless to do anything about it. The prisons are being cleared out for us.
Better to have seized absolute control and crush the traitors. But that was not done, the only thing which, in retrospect, made sense, if only we knew.
>>”we now know”<<
No we don’t, Tona.
We may strongly suspect, we may *think* we know … but JUDGMENT belongs at the end.
We’re still in the middle of this crap, right?
Sessions may not be the actor you (not I, though) think he’s been.
I’ll reserve judgment until this whole thing is over. I’m waiting for the third installment of the “movie”.
Bottom line, we STILL don’t know enough yet to judge.
Perhaps the ENTIRE POINT of his tenure as AG was to indict as many as practicable of the human traffickers.
In which role, he succeeded. There are still a boatload of sealed indictments … and from what I can tell, the majority of those which have been UNsealed involved trafficking.
He was the ONLY Senator who wasn’t COMP’D.
I’ll go with that, before I judge his part in the plan.
AG Sessions has also NEVER bad mouthed POTUS or TAKEN A BOOK DEAL.
Chew on this from WIKI
I have always believed Sessions was an honorable man, and have never said otherwise. One of the few, which is precisely why he recused himself.
The question was whether the President knew exactly what was going on and who was who.
People can believe one of two things.
1) The President knew Sessions was going to recuse himself and place a traitor in charge, who enabled an army of other traitors to carry out a plan to destroy America, so that Sessions could play a vital but as yet unknown role in stopping the so far very successful plan to destroy America; or
2) Trump did not know that Sessions was going to recuse, nor did he know the consequences of the recusal, and by the time it all became known, there was no practical way to stop it, and it continues to this moment.
Either the President knew Sessions would recuse, and let it happen, for reasons which have yet to seen, and in the meanwhile we are witnessing the destruction of America nearing its end game; or the President did not know Sessions would recuse and we have the same result, except we now know it would have been better to have a Kobach and not a Sessions.
The same type of back and forth can go on endlessly with Wray, Barr, Pence, etc etc etc,
McConnel had Trump over a barrel on personnel, and that was just reality, not Trump’s fault. We just did not see that coming, and in retrospect it is still hard to believe. Same with the traitor Ryan, lap dog of the loser traitor Romney.
Maybe there is some secret plan which is being worked out. If so, it is too bad so many have suffered so terribly while the plan is working itself out. And let us hope the plan succeeds sooner rather than later, because in the meanwhile it seems America is closer and closer to total destruction.
How do you judge the destruction consequent upon Sessions’ recusal?
It would not be fair to ask whether it was worth it, because theoretically we have yet to see the hoped-for benefits.
But do you disagree that the destruction has been breath-taking?
And what benefit would it take to say the destruction, supposedly known in advance to implement a plan, was worth it?
Session was in a catch-22. Remember laws, regulations and protocols ONLY apply to Patriots!
POTUS and his team were working behind enemy lines and since the enemy KNEW who they were they were very badly handicapped. (THANKS Traitorous Bitch Mitch and Mc-No-Name)
The optimum situation, with a DC that was NOT 90% TRAITORS, did not exist so POTUS and AG Sessions had to tippy toe through a minefield that could easily have blown up in their faces.
The fact that AG Session did get a lot done keeps getting forgotten.
He dealt with the illegals at the border by re-arranging how court hearing were handled. He dealt with MS-13, he dealt with Child Sex Trafficking and much more DESPITE Obama’s Pet Senior Executive Service.
Ratcliffe ALSO had to deal with Obama’s Senior Executive Service.
Actually it was amazing that POTUS got as much done as he did with a government flooded with TRAITORS!
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army
“…Here’s a list of the number of SES employees that were embedded in the following government agencies at the end of Obama’s 2nd term in 2016:
And it wasn’t just a purge of patriots from governmental agencies…
Obama’s purge of the military was especially damaging to our national security, as he literally gutted the command structure of the U.S. military….”
I do not see where we disagree, if we disagree. The President was bamboozled. He had no idea what he was facing. There is no shame in that.
He got out-maneuvered by communists and globalists who have been doing this for many, many years, with resources which dwarfed his by hundreds of times.
McConnell alone prohibited the President from succeeding. But he was one of thousands with effective power.
There was no secret plan, IMO, with the benefit of hindsight.
Who the exact traitors were can be debated. All we know is there were many of them, and many appointed by Trump, for whatever reason.
The elaborate plan by the traitors has been highly successful. People do not have to agree, but IMO they are close to total success. Things are relentless and effective.
If the President had an elaborate plan, as many believe, it has had no success comparable to the success of the traitors, who have been uniformly successful with respect to destroying America.
Seems everyone is forgetting the President DOES NOT GET TO APPOINT WHO HE WANTS!!! Everyone has to be CONFIRMED by the Senate. REMEMBER FOR FOUR F…KING YEARS THE SENATE NEVER WENT INTO RECESS!
I do not think the final chapter on POTUS Trump and AG Sessions has been written.
Have I said that I’m glad you’re back?
AND, the RCONs continue to vote for BiteMe nominations. U F B. IMO.
Ratcliffe and Miller were traitors?
Yes. Ratcliff delayed the election report for phony reasons until it was too late, and Miller blamed Trump for starting The (fabricated) Insurrection.
BTW, it now seems like Miller’s bizarre emotional tribute to Pence takes on a meaning exactly the opposite of what Wictor guessed it meant.
Ratcliff couldn’t do the report because the people who were supposed to give him information were delinquent in doing so.
I saw that being suggested, but have never seen anyone explain who and how and when.
And wasn’t Ratcliff appointed to make sure that didn’t happen?
I can’t pretend to remember all the details, and I am relying on my perception of Ratcliff at the time as being a phony excuse maker who refused to help Trump.
IIRC that seemed to be the consensus on this site.
If it was a consensus, it was among about four people. The rest of us completely believed Ratcliff because the Intelligence Community continually stymied any Trump loyalists any time they could.
So Deep State people who continually stymied Trump was part of Trump’s plan?
Or did they continually stymy him because they knew what they were doing, and out-maneuvered Trump, who (like all of us) could not believe the depth of the evil?
“Trump’s knowledge and study of Sun Tzu tells me he knew EXACTLY what he was doing and did it to expose the depth and breadth of the swamp before having the backing of the people to drain the darn thing.”
So there’s absolutely no possibility at all that he got outplayed?
Who made him God?
Afternoon, Sunshine.
Way to dodge my question.
Not going there. I know better than that.
I LOVE our President. And I do not consider it an insult to say he got outplayed.
It isn’t and wasn’t meant to be.
But what it would mean is that The Plan (repeatedly mentioned by Q) got disrupted; what we see now wasn’t part of it.
Time for Plan B, no doubt already in progress.
This is plausible to me, based on what I think about our President.
Go Plan B!
It would also imply that behaving as if this current mess were part of the plan all along is just wrong. It also would scotch any theory along the lines of him really being in control (unless Plan B were implemented before Jan 6, but honestly, there’s no *reliable* sign of that).
Versus believing Trump is incapable of losing.
Sorry, the universe makes much more sense *this* way.
Part of the plan or a contingency planned for?
There is a difference.
I assumed Plan B was exactly what our President is doing right now: trying to get MAGA candidates elected in 2022 and 2024. It may work or not, but it is worth trying.
17 again
Still savage!

il Donaldo Trumpo
I need to catch up with Brady… CRAZY NANCY… I NEED MORE RINGS!!!
Savagery continues LOL
Well deserved savagery. Lol.
more from il sharko

BiteMe gives Grandpa’s a bad name.
dirty old man–spit!
I will not get the jab!
BTW…Great thread post, DePat.

Those green-screen pics are a great find!
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, May 18, 2021
“For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
Matthew 16:26 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
perfet timing for me and so relaxing
just what I needed
“Behold the fowls of the air.” …”Consider the lilies of the field.” Matt. vi. 26,28
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, and simply ARE! Think of the sea, the air, the sun, the stars and the moon – all these ARE, and what a ministration they exert. So often we mar God’s designed influence through us by our self-conscious effort to be consistent and useful. Jesus says that there is only one way to develop spiritually, and that is by concentration on God. “Do not bother about being of use to others; believe on Me” – pay attention to the Source, and out of you will flow rivers of living water. We cannot get at the springs of our natural life by common sense, and Jesus is teaching that growth in spiritual life does not depend on our watching it, but on concentration on our Father in heaven. Our heavenly Father knows the circumstances we are in, and if we keep concentrated on Him we will grow spiritually as the lilies.
The people who influence us most are not those who buttonhole us and talk to us, but those who live their lives like the stars in heaven and the lilies in the field, perfectly simply and unaffectedly. Those are the lives that mould us.
If you want to be of use to God, get rightly related to Jesus Christ and He will make you of use unconsciously every minute you live.
Oswald Chambers
May 18th Devotional
may 18, 2021 the marshall report
And the Lord said, “I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.” Rev. 3:11
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
may 17, 2021 the marshall report
So President Trump is the bad guy for not STOPPING all vaccines at a time when millions of people were shouting they want a vaccine? At the same time Fauci was shouting it will take five years to get a vaccine…just like his Lockstep script John Hopkins Hospital Scene said it would. Remember John Hopkins wrote the script for 2025. In that scene humanity was to be in lock down until 2025, and come out only to be vaccinated and get sick again.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
MagnetGate…the #MagnetChallenge is spreading.
This in an hour-long collection of people doing the ‘Magnet Challenge’:
People were wondering if this was a psyop to discredit us “vaccine resistors”…
But there are lots of people on this video who are laughing about it — as though it is something that is cool.
Is anyone here familiar with A relative sent it to me .. hair raising is an understatement …
1. Hillary Clinton hanged, 2. Fauci trying to flee the country, 3. Pence shot and apprehended … (signed confession) and much much more
.. ty …
I’ve run across that site from time to time, and don’t know if they are reliable, so don’t share the info that is found there.
I did see the first story and that wasn’t the only source I saw about that. But, not putting much stock into it unless confirmed by sources with solid track records.
Thank you DePat I appreciate your response, sounded too good to be true ..

They are a satire site, according to their own disclaimers.
The Anons rip them apart.
That explains a lot. At least one story I saw there I just didn’t believe.
Ok, this morning I have TRIED to watch:
The video keeps HANGING and refuses to continuing playing.
Anyone else have this problem??
A few minutes ago, started the video and skipped around a bit. Seems to be working OK for me.
FWIW, Started watching it yesterday and believe it was the same or quite similar series posted, in mycase likely QTree. Guessing here, 6-9 months ago. IIRC, somewhat inforamtive and confirmed much of what is shared here over time.
It is on my list of videos to go back and watch. Perhaps it has been updated. OR it IS NEW and my recollection is out to lunch.
No, you’re right, Kalbo…I’ve seen it before too.
Some time last year, I think.
Yes. Same thing happened to me.
Also, had a pop up that told me War Room was an unsafe site.
unsafe to the deep state!
Watched it for 8.5 minutes without a problem.
Sorry you’re having trouble with it, Gail.
It played okay for me.
Thomas Gallatin: Ethanol Boondoggle Raises Gas Prices — The Patriot Post
And it’s ruining the soil in the breadbasket, but no one wants to talk about that.
AMEN! Corn is a HORRIBLE plant and a very heavy ‘feeder’ WORSE they now take the entire plant to produce ‘Bio-fuel’ and do not even till under the stems and leaves.
Which Plants are Heavy Feeders?
It also leaves a lot of the soil bare so it is washed away by heavy rains.
My farm was a rented tobacco farm. It used to have over TWO FEET OF LOAM per the soil survey of the county. When we bought it, it was 98% in-organic matter. ALL the top soil was gone and it was sold because it would no longer produce even with a heavy application of fertilizer.
Corn is planted in rows with bare soil between:

Corn does not have much of a root system to hold the soil:

THIS is why the NO MEAT push is so EVIL!!! You NEED to rotate your crop fields with pasture grass/livestock to add the organic matter BACK into the soil.
The Eastern tribes used to plant corn WITH beans (nitrogen fixing legume) and squash (a ground covering vine.) Now only home gardeners multi-crop.
Sweet corn was one of the crops my mother’s family planted. The rotation was corn, wheat, soybeans, milo, and IIRC the milo was tilled under and then that specific field would rest for a season. There was always a kitchen garden, but it’s location kept changing depending on what was in which field.
We shouldn’t be b҉u҉r҉n҉i҉n҉g҉ ҉f҉o҉o҉d҉…..period.
We should be using more natural gas for fuel — we have lots of it!
LNG in cars burns clean.
I don’t understand why there is not more of a push for it.
While it can be, and has been done, there are a couple of issues that have no cheap, elegant solutions.
The first is that LNG doesn’t want to stay L. Under atmospheric pressure, it has a tendency to boil away into a gas and dissipate into the atmosphere. So storage is a pain.
The second is that it is comprised of much simpler molecules than gasoline, and thus has less energy stored in its chemical bonds per equivalent mass. This makes it more difficult to get the air/fuel mixture right in the combustion chamber because there has to be a LOT of fuel in the mix.
Older cars (e.g. the 60s) had carburetors to provide a fuel/air mix (people generally don’t recognize that cars run on gas fumes and not gasoline — carburetors sprayed gas into an airstream to create the right mix of fumes).
Having a fuel that wants to boil away into fumes in still air presents problems with carburetors, so you pretty much have to go with fuel injection — and then the injectors have to be massive to put enough fuel into the mix.
Obviously, both of these issues can be dealt with….but the solutions are neither cheap nor elegant.
I never knew that one could eat corn until I came to the US. Corn was in chickenfeed and the chicken were scratch chicken out and about.
I do not care for corn.
Most is now GMO corn and I have an allergic reaction to it. The old sweet corn I never had a problem with.
Most wheat is now GMO too.
They tinkered with the foods that are staples for the world.
Evil bastards.
Don’t forget that this exhibit never left DC as scheduled and is still sitting in Oxon Hill, MD. (The Air Force One Experience)
The Bias News (@thebias_news) Tweeted:
NEW: McCarthy says won’t support 01/06 commission.
“Given the political misdirections that have marred this process, given the now duplicative and potentially counterproductive nature of this effort, and given the Speaker’s shortsighted scope…I cannot support this legislation.”
Personnel was always an many evil people.
John Cardillo (@johncardillo) Tweeted:
Fauci is an evil horrible man who crushed this nation because he loved the power.
Never again should an unelected bureaucrat have this much influence.
Not firing him week one was another Trump personnel disaster.
IIRC, by law, Trump could not fire him.
Yet something else that was exposed by this whole mess.
And Pence was in charge of the Covid Response Team.
Fauci was there because Pence wanted him there.
Pence played the role of, “Useful Idiot“.
Useful Idiot…to the Cabal, yes.
The traitorous rat bastard!
Ya. Thanks for clarifying. Swamp creature
Pence, Useful Idiot AND traitorous rat bastard!Must disagree. Pence is way too dark to be called a useful idiot.
No one can be fired it seems. Its why they act as they do.
There were many articles at Political Moonshine about this some time back I believe.
Trump could not firer Fauci. Strange how some people do not know that? Obama gave the pandemic over to CDC and government health agencies.
Pence was leading this group one would hope him working with this clown he would have noticed something is off?
POTUS 45 did bring other people in and was slandered 24/7 by democrats and media.
What the Heck??
It’s a muzlim invasion.
Morocco is 99% islamic.
They’re SWIMMING in… the distance between Mozzie lands and Spain is not very far. And you can bet Satan Soros and a whole raft of bleeding-heart empty-brain libturds are there with boats, etc., to rescue them should the swim be too much…
Seems the Mozzies have done this a few times before……..
The Sorry-ass boats brought them to within EASY SWIMMING DISTANCE.
For those who don’t know, Ceuta is actually on the north coast of Africa. There are a number of small bits of Spanish territory that (apparently) it hung onto after giving Morocco independence. (As near as I can tell from quick research, these are all territories that have been part of Spain since 1556 (if not earlier) and weren’t part of their African colonies from the 19th and 20th centuries; so they aren’t “colonies” in the usual sense of the word.)
The weird green-screen airplane photos sent me hunting.
One I could find on Tineye. Here is the caption for it:
“DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson And Sen. Mikulski Tour Secret Service Training Center In Laurel, Maryland
LAUREL, MD – OCTOBER 26: A partial replica of Air Force One used for training is set up at the U.S. Secret Service James J. Rowley Training Center October 26, 2016 in Laurel, Maryland. U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) was presented with the DHS Distinguished Public Service Medal “in recognition of her commitment to the men and women of the Department.” (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)”
The other photo, of the stairs to nowhere, shows no results on Tineye.
Maybe Bye, Done is auditioning for Tevye somewhere?
(from “If I Were A Rich Man” from “Fiddler On The Roof”)
Was in this show when I was a senior in HS. Ahh, the memories.
Very nice musical. I stil have the 8-track tape.
Herschel Bernardi?
I have the DVD. Love that film!
Shawshank for January 6 Detainees › American Greatness (
Who knew?

Great article. Describes conditions in
Communist Chinathe USA for political detainees still waiting to be charged so they can get that speedy trial they were always promised.Fauci finally admits the truth about masks — Rand Paul was right…
Posted by Kane on May 18, 2021 11:18 am
We’ll have to save this one. Fauci is comfortable because he has had the vaccine. So all the vax crowd can just shut up, get their godless vax and leave the rest of us alone just the way President Trump intended, making all happy
Except for Karen her boi partner.
SMH – Para – he needs to be arrested for crimes against humanity – it is becoming clearer by the day who is responsible for this whole fiasco – sick, evil man!!!
PS doubt he took the vaccine.
Definitely not the one Mr & Mrs Public are being offered.
Nope – probably saline
Why take a vaccine when a good steak washed down with green tea does the trick?
Beats me, Gail!!!
And now they are pushing the vax to other countries. Big Pharma and Fedgov are ONE.

Interesting clip from Tucker’s online show.
Exposing The Fraud
Edit by Wolf:
This is really good! I’ll try to get an embed working….
Assorted memes from Gab:
BLM incoming……
North Carolina DA rules that drug dealer Andrew Brown Jr’s shooting death was justified | Daily Mail Online
Marjorie Greene

Wondering where the video for this is? Circle back jerk comes out and actual says the Trump Administration did nothing constructive to secure peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
hat tip
This will likely draw a well justified response from the Real President and Mike Pompeo I’m sure.
Bidenazis are Bidenazis, and so are a lot of the Bidenistas!
If they have an “R” in front of their name they should all be denouncing this.
And Bye,Done didn’t win; he stole the election…
Surely WH fake news correspondents have or will grill Jen.
AMEN. SKEWER the lot of them. PIN THE TRAITORS against the CCP.
Good episode!
The counter-argument to that:
It also says that:

Me no likey.

Undocumented aliens are not under the jurisdiction of the US, they are under jurisdiction of their country of legal residence.
I hear you, but one part just refers to “any person.”
14th Amendment, Section 1 (emphasis mine):
Doesn’t mean we can not toss you out if you entered illegally. THAT was a breach of US law. AND if you are not from Canada or Mexico, YOU CAN NOT BY INTERNATIONAL LAW CLAIM ASYLUM!
First Asylum Country Law and Legal Definition
(That would be MEXICO!)
..Migrants to Apply for Asylum in the First Country They Enter..
Stricter Asylum Rules: Immigrants Must Apply In First Safe Country They Enter
European Union Asylum Rules
Of course that got tossed by Bite-me.
“An undocumented immigrant is definitely a “person.” In brief, this means you are owed such procedural rights as a jury trial and the right to defend yourself against the criminal charges if arrested.”
An ‘undocumented’ anybody is NOT an ‘immigrant’, it’s an invader.
Does the Constitution apply to invaders?
Because the people flooding into our country are definitely invaders.
Can invaders demand a jury trial to invade our country, and can the invading army bribe or blackmail the jury, and can the invading army bribe or blackmail the judge?
Because if they can, and I was an invader, that’s what I would do.
What about the rights of the people whose country is being invaded?
Do they have any rights, or was the Constitution written for invaders?
Yes indeedy.
Waste of a spacesuit. Those are expensive!!!
It is a good cause. Besides it can always be retrieved, cleaned and reused…
Just shove them out the air lock.
That works too.
I was screaming CUT IT, CUT IT as soon as she appeared in the suit! And LO and BEHOLD, here come my Heroes!

Exclusive: Bombshell Photos Reveal Years of Meetings Between Bloomberg Executives and Chinese Propagandists in Beijing
They remind me of foghorn leghorn. “Oh the indignity sir!” When he gets caught doing something wrong, then gets whomped.
Fully compromised rinos.
“Officials in Arizona’s largest county on Monday urged the state Senate to bring to an end an audit that is reviewing ballots cast and machines used in the 2020 presidential election.
“It is time to end this. For the good of the Senate, for the good of the Country and for the good of the Democratic institutions that define us as Americans,” the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and two other county officials wrote to Arizona GOP Senate President Karen Fann.
In the 14-page document, the board, which is mainly comprised of Republicans, attempted to counter accusations by auditors that the county handed over nearly 2.1 million ballots without chain-of-custody documentation and with discrepancies in some ballot batches.
Auditors had also said they found an entire database directory from an election machine had been deleted.
The board called the accusations “false, defamatory, and beneath the dignity of the Senate.” Members said they had provided proper chain-of-custody documentation to the state Senate’s liaison, former Republican Secretary of State Ken Bennett. They also said that each box was sealed with tamper-evident tape or “standard clear sturdy packing tape” and that the supposed batch discrepancies stemmed from a misunderstanding of how election tabulation works.
Board members challenged the claim of database deletion, asserting that no data was deleted on April 12.”
you. We aren’t going to appear before you and have you catching us under oath lying.
Cuz we are run by a dictator and bootlickers.
Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) Tweeted:
Along with fully reopening, CA will implement new CDC mask guidelines on 6/15.
Until then – masks indoors for everyone, masks outdoors if you are unvaccinated & can’t distance.
The next 4 weeks will give CA time to get more shots in arms.
The future is bright. Get vaccinated.
Relying on an honor system.
But that’s all they have for now, because we aren’t quite at the point of having to show our papers, yet.
I choose to identify as vaccinated.
Yes, identity is paramount.
Yep! engraved in our psyche. Too late to turn back now.
FILTHY LIES: After Trump’s Historic Peace Deals Between Israel and Several Arab States – Biden Admin Lies and Says, “We Don’t Believe They Did Anything Constructive Really”
By Jim Hoft
Published May 18, 2021 at 11:08am
President Trump signed the historic Abraham Accords peace agreements between Israel, Bahrain, and the UAE in September 2020 at a White House ceremony.
Then, back in October 2020, President Trump announced that Israel and Sudan had agreed to a normalization of relations.
Sudan was the third Muslim country in 3 months to announce a peace agreement with Israel, thanks to the work of the Trump administration!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Group of former Trump staffers sues Ohio county over Dominion Voting Systems equipment
The election technology company has frequently been at center of controversy related to allegations of widespread voting irregularities in 2020 elections.
By Nicholas Sherman
May 18,2021
nonprofit group run by former Trump administration and campaign staffers on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against Stark County, Ohio Board of Elections regarding Dominion Voting Systems equipment.
The Look Ahead America lawsuit alleges the election board violated open meetings laws when members decided behind closed doors to purchase the Dominion equipment.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Good. If my theory is correct, Trump’s results in Ohio were SHAVED by Dominion and other means, to hide his WIN in other rust belt states!
I wouldn’t be surprised if they reduced his totals everywhere they could get their grubby paws on.
Plus who knows about down ticket races?
Trump appears to think he has that knocked for the future (or will), because he’s putting a fair amount of effort into endorsing non-RINOs.
Well Mike L aka Mr. Pillow in his video that was posted yesterday said ALL FIFTY STATES were attacked by CHYNA and his expert validated it.
“Everywhere they could get their grubby paws on” equals “everywhere” then. No surprise.
A Russ Ramsland, iirc, video from his examination of results in 2 Texas counties a few years ago revealed that the Red areas were where More votes were stolen. He’s been involved in the Antrim County, MI evaluations too. It seems that stealing Red votes in Red areas is one of their main fraud mechanisms…
Yeah, that would be a bit sneaky.
We expect to see Blue areas inflate their votes, but not red areas decrease. However if the red areas aren’t truly in control of the tally…
If you haven’t seen his video it is quite eye-opening. It is quite likely that the creeping blue in urban areas is more fraudulently created than just changing mores, or at least that’s a partial explanation.
That’d be a pleasant thought.
Otherwise, a few thousand hippies sure have a huge effect.
My county, one of the largest in Colorado, used to be reliably Red. EVERY seat in the state house and senate from here would be R; all five county commissioners would be R, our congresscritter is R, and so on.
Cracks started appearing in that dam when the more hippie-infested west side started voting Dem and then the “non partisan” Colorado Springs city council started getting filled with downtown socialist types. We even had a socialist vice mayor, (mayor and vice mayor picked by the city council).
Something similar happened in Orange County, CA (I think). My mom’s birth cousin’s (or sister’s–long story!) husband was mayor of Fort Collins & talked of crazy things the lefties kept trying to do there, like get rid of roads for car usage, bike/walk only & lots of greenies & hippie types w/ delusional ideas on many issues. The mayor was former air force (I think) & had been on city council before running the town. Sounds like some wild times trying to restrain the lefty loonies. Sorry you’re facing that crapola!
Suddenly, about two years ago a lot of the downtown streets lost a lane in each direction for bikes, and parallel parking spots were set far away from the curb so the damn bikes could be between the cars and the sidewalk (which does shield them from car traffic). I don’t go downtown often, but when I do I almost *never* see a bike on those lanes. In fact I have seen exactly one.
Apparently the dingbat in charge of that actually acted without authorization. But it hasn’t been undone, so I’m guessing the bike pukes raised a ruckus in the city council meeting that discussed what to do, whatever/whenever that was. All of this is stuff I’ve heard, not anything from a news report.
Fascinating & tragically troubling!
They did the EXACT SAME THING in my podunk little town/city in the middle of nowhere NC
Two lane is now one lane with bike lane. They did it last year and in almost a year I have seen NO BIKES — ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH!
All I can think of is an agreement with DemonRat Fraudster in the governor’s seat to get $$$ for road work.
Hmmm…very interesting!!!
40 Million Fake Masks, 200,000 Counterfeit COVID Tests Seized.
Customs and Border Protection officials seized nearly 40 million masks and 200,000 COVID-19 test kits over the course of the last four months.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
No kidding.
Transgender male golfer wins event, wants to play on LPGA tour…
Posted by Kane on May 18, 2021 2:50 pm
The Kissimmee, Fla. player prevailed in a Florida mini-tour hosted by the National Women’s Golf Association at Orlando’s Providence Golf Club on May 13. That same day, Davidson was told that the United States Golf Association accepted him as eligible for competition under its new Gender Policy for USGA Championships.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Are Democrats Prepared to Betray Israel?
Winner of the “Rhetorical Question of the Week” award.
Of course they are.
Why the Hell wouldn’t they ? They betray Americans everyday!
Another entry in the contest!!!
Ahhh, but then you have to give a rhetorical answer
Do I? It’s not my dang contest, and besides, it has already been given!
GEE, I wonder what the Dual Citizen Israelis in Congress think about that…
“..Many U.S. members of both the Senate and House hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel…”

Here is a list of US politicians who have dual US/Israeli citizenship. Note the head banking and policy advising positions.
(Not a nice website)
Israel is VERY easy to gain citizenship in, if you’re Jewish. Step off the plane and ask for it.
Good GRIEF. If that’s right, half our Bolsheviks are Israeli…..
Wait a minute. Why are so many of them pushing leftism in Israel TOO, and also supporting Israel’s enemies?
Hmmmmm. Something weird here.
Yeah, that is what I thought. Going after Bibi?
Remember Revelation, and the Synagogue of Satan. One might call them JINOs (Jews in Name Only):
Revelation 2:9:
2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
And 3:9:
3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Their deep state is just as deep as ours, and for the Jews, it’s been around a LOT longer…
They are Jewish in name only and not religious.
This is astonishing. Oh wait. It’s 2021…
Wonder how many have dual citizenships with Moslem-controlled or Moslem-majority countries???
Good question.
I think dual citizenship should be BANDED as it was when I was growing up.
It certainly should be banded for politicians and holders of ANY public job, military contract or Armed forces enlistment.
The list is very outdated (Frank Lautenberg has been dead since 2013) but still troubling.
Many of the politicians however are still their moldering in their seats.
They’ve been doing it for decades.
If you look at the % Jews in the USA and % Muslims, the Jews are LOSING GROUND!
There are a total of 3.45 million Muslims in the United States, according to a 2017 study, comprising about 1.1% of the total US population.
Council on Foreign Relations:
(Remember many Blacks are becoming Muslim)
RCON Congress schmucks ought to take pictures of the mask-less. Post on Interet and embarrass Nanzi.
Presidents aren’t allowed to drive…
Bye, Dumb: Unsafe At Any Speed…..
(apologies, perhaps, to Ralph Nader…)….
…Secret Service is letting him drive because JOE BIDEN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT.
Secret Service is giving us a big ol’ hint here.
Didn’t Trump get to drive a semi at one point?
Also some patriot motorcyclist group invited him to give one of their bikes a try, but he declined, apparently he knows exactly as much about riding a motorcycle as I do!
He took a picture inside a truck cab, but didn’t actually drive it.
Well he did give a motorcycle some serious consideration. Had one built, but I don’t think he drove it.
Cool footage of one of Donald Trump’s lesser known treasures: a one-of-a-kind gold-plated Chopper bike!
President Trump’s Motorcycle (100% American Parts)
Grrr. “Choppers” are helicopters.
He’s got one of them too !

(right at the beginning of the video)
That he does! (And also did as serving POTUS.)
CNBC: Past presidents agree, this surprising rule is one of the worst parts of running the country
So is Bite-me being ALLOWED to drive on a race track???
A race track isn’t the “open road”
I also wonder if a president couldn’t do so by giving up SS protection, and/or if currently serving, order them to let him do it.
From what I understand (from the recent past) the Secret Service can OVER-RULE the president when it comes to safety. That came out when POTUS did not visit the graveyard of american soldiers in France.
The rest is really nasty vomiting of liberal lies.
Good reminder. I wonder if someone could really, really push, or whether this is by law.
Likely just a policy that reads as regulation for the Secret Service but I’d be only guessing.
And if it IS by law, is it a separation of powers issue?
“From what I understand (from the recent past) the Secret Service can OVER-RULE the president when it comes to safety.”
I understand the concept, it’s the issue of AUTHORITY which is missing.
As a practical matter, what Law grants the SS Authority over the POTUS?
We cannot simply infer that such a Law must exist, based on the actions or excuses given by the POTUS. It has to be codified in writing, somewhere, which means it must have been voted on, which means it must be a matter of public record.
And even if any such Law existed (I’m not aware of any), as a practical matter, what is the SS willing to do, how far is the SS willing to go, in order to force the POTUS to defer to the SS?
There must a hundred reasons why it would be useful for POTUS to blame the Secret Service for not allowing him to do any number of things.
But the reality is that the SS is not the Boss, the Boss is the Boss, and the SS does what the Boss says, not the other around.
Otherwise, of course, the SS would be the Boss, and POTUS would be the SS.
And how would that work?
Don’t you imagine if Trump could have driven the beast at Daytona, he would have done it?
LOL. I did enjoy watching that.
One of the commenters said something like: “We do not know what those American flags do to the aerodynamics of that car, nor do we care.”
Seems like eons ago.
“I also wonder if a president couldn’t do so by giving up SS protection, and/or if currently serving, order them to let him do it.”
Who would stop him?
Does anybody really think they’d stop a President from driving a car?
What are they going to do, wrestle him to the ground and take the keys out of his hand?
The Secret ‘Booze & Hookers Club‘ Service won’t even stop a known criminal from stealing the White House.
“That’s because current and former presidents and vice presidents are not allowed to operate motor vehicles on the open road.
For security reasons, high profile government officials and former officials, like Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as well as both Bill and Hillary Clinton, have to rely on their appointed secret service teams, who are trained in “evasive and defensive driving maneuvers.””
Just more nonsense.
We don’t live in a country where people are ‘allowed‘ or ‘not allowed’ to do things, by some mystery dictator hovering over the country.
Either there is a LAW that says the President or a former president cannot drive a car (how would any such law survive judicial challenge?), or there isn’t.
And if there isn’t, then the President can drive if he wants to.
As a matter of national security, it would certainly be logical and sensible to have a professionally trained driver at the wheel, for anyone who is CURRENTLY President.
But once someone is no longer president, there is no longer any threat to the country if a former president was in an accident (or kidnapped, or whatever), so it would specifically NOT be a ‘national security’ issue any longer.
What am I missing?
BTW, I was certainly not in any way referring to Gail when I wrote “Just more nonsense”, I was referring to what we are either told by TPTB, or what we are encouraged to believe by TPTB!×900
THIS WAS A TEST, AND WE FAILED – The Burning Platform
Here is the jpg

Great article – although I take a more “cynically positive” route at the end.
Man does not even have the ability to kill himself off.
Great article… if only the people who ought to read it would!
And the people here on theqtree did not fail the test… people here were immediately suspicious and began dissecting the lies from the beginning…

“Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Soros-Backed Sheriff Beg AZ Senate to End Election Audit “For the Good of the Country”
That letter gives an insight as to what the fake news will be spewing out.
But the party is just getting started! Pass the war paint.
Yeah. Now that all the “insurrectionists” are spread throughout the country, instead of back in the deepest of deep blue murder zones, maybe WE’RE ready for THEIR ELECTION INSURRECTION to tip into self-destruction.
Bacon. Bacon. Not popcorn.
Edit: I have no idea why that came out in bold. But I’ll leave it as is.

Not a bad start.
My blood pressure pegged the meter just looking at the picture!
Have you been to my Bacon Forum???

I don’t dare. I LOVE bacon too!
So what is that crap mixed in with the bacon?
Ah, thank you!
You do seem to be the Q Tree’s subject matter expert on bacon.
Follow me here
As you will have noticed, I’ve been there.
So they want to hide the truth for the good of the country?
That might be good for somebody — like the international crime syndicate passing itself off as our government — but it definitely wouldn’t be good for the country.
Try again, liars.
And next time, let’s see a little enthusiasm.
Show me that you really want it.
CHINAZIS and IRANAZIS have to sell their gear to SOMEBODY.
They buy from our money Biden gave to Hamas
Latest Science Now Says We All Must Wear Masks To Prevent Global Warming – The Burning Platform
Babylon Bee
That tells you everything you need to know about the DemonRats. They SUPPORT TERRORISTS form BLM and ANTIFA burning down USA cities to HAMAS blowing up Isreali cities.
Nasty is that YOU??? Or is it Hitlery the Beast?
When I said SOVIET Democrats – I meant it. Their Bolshevik agenda is JUST. LIKE. THE SOVIETS.
Of Course it is Wolfie. After all they FUNDED the Bolsheviks with American money!
Just got back from lab. Took me 40 minutes to walk there, and 50 minutes to walk back.
Hope you feel OK now.
I’m fine within about 60 seconds of the needle being out — always have been. Whole procedure was less than 8 minutes, with the needle only being in for 3 vials.
All told it was: (1) Walk seven minutes. (2) Swear. (3) Walk back to house and get mask. (4) Walk 40 minutes to get to lab. (5) Take 10 minutes for administrative stuff. (6) Go outside, take Xanax. Drink 48 ounces of water. (7) Go in, have blood drawn. (8) Shake it off in a minute, then start heading home. (9) Discover a “short cut” I’d used going there was now occupied by a passed-out bum. (10) Un-short the short-cut, walk 50 minutes and get home. Blew most of my afternoon, and I can’t drive until the Xanax level is sufficiently low.
Well Hubby is home with a fully bandaged nose. He had cancer removed today but drove himself both ways. (Skin cancer and so far OK. Two growths have been removed but this is the worst.)
Hope he & you are both OK. My hubby had a skin “cancer” removed from his arm years back. We were at a fancy event that evening & his stitch gave way so we had to leave because he had blood running down his arm, & he was in a suit (an Extreme Rarity!). Hope your guys’ journey is completely uneventful! God Bless
Thanks Valerie.
My fight is to get him to minimize his exposure to too much sun. I bought him a couple broad brimmed hats but so far sunscreen is a no-go. Luckily neither of us are ‘Sun Worshipers’ or swimmers and generally stay covered except for the face and lower arms.
As much outside time that you both probably have it’s gotta be an ongoing issue. Having minimized outside time during the peak sunlight of 10am-2pm time might also help
Unfortunately that is when Hubby is most active. I try to get him out at dawn so we can take the 10am – 2pm ‘siesta’ inside but no go so far.
Yikes. Well, I know about stubborn men
hang in there. He must enjoy working in the heat or something, or perhaps is one of those workaholic types. Depending on the kind of outside work it is could you set up a sun shelter or beach umbrella to shield him from the sun perhaps?
More of a morning sloth addicted to the computer.
I’m an equal opportunity sloth & only see “morning” if I haven’t yet slept during the night
LOL <3
I usually watch the sun rise and so does Hubby. Give the Temps here in NC in the summer I really wish we could do more outside from 6am until 10am and then take a break when it gets hot.
As in you wake up early enough to watch the sun rise, not Stay up long enough to see the sun rise, like me, right?
That midday heat would do me in as I’m quite prone to heat exhaustion after a bout of “sunstroke” in OK years ago. I’m very careful now for it can really mess me up.
Normally I wake-up but I have a bit of a sleep problem that melatonin generally helps but the Bite-me occupation does not.
I normally read silly literature to turn my brain off before trying to sleep.
I love reading to get sleepy too
The usurpation is bad for us all on pretty much every level
Hope you & your hubby have a beautiful day today–God Bless!
You and I would get along well…at least, until Sunday.
What happens on Sunday to change that?
One and only one of us goes to church.
Ah, but not nearly as often as one “should” partake of that activity…
Yes it’s the sun that does it. I had a BCC taken off the side of my nose a couple of years ago and back in 97 I had a MM on my leg. Both times Dr’s said it likely was the sun.
If true, mankind would not have made it out of the Stone age. The sun is not the problem.
Depends on where you live and the skin type.
I have zero problem but Hubby is Scandahoovian with very light skin and hair.
The further from the equator the lighter the skin color so we humans can manufacture Vitamin D. When you start mixing up locations you have Blacks with Vitamin D deficiency and Whites with skin cancer.
Rf121 I’m coming back from the 19th but I hope you see this. This Dr. Is the one who turned me onto Vit D when I saw this vid ages ago when it was new. Please pay attention when he’s talking about the ancient movement of people out of the African region. Over eons of time we developed white skin so as to be able to make more VitD. The downside of that was that we lost the protection from the damaging effect of the sun.
Dammit forgot the link, here it is…
Does he take lots of vitamin C? A friend in S Africa told me that she uses it and has saved her from skin cancer. She has very fair skin and is on the beach every day.
I started him on 1,000 last year.
There was a doctor who said to take lots of vitamins C . I do not remember his name Lionel Pauling or something like that.
My one neighbor is almost 100 he is a doctor. He always said take high doses of vitamin C, take E . I see him walk he still drives himself to the gym goes swimming. His family comes over from Germany almost every year and they are all like him.
Linus Pauling. Two-time solo Nobel winner.
I used to work a couple of blocks from his institute.
I liked the way he stood up for high doses of Vitamin C and took a lot of grief for it.
It was a beautiful hypothesis.
Wish him healing. My brother told me removing cancer on the face is painful. All my empathy to him.
Good to hear that’s he up and moving around. Hope that’s the last you’ll have to deal with it.
Glad you made it home. Be good to yourself
Good to hear everything worked out and that business is over with.
That was eventful for bloodwork. Im up at the crack of dawnbto be first and tell them whichvein to use.
It’s all about the phobia.
Funniest reaction I’ve seen was when people try to talk me out of it or wheedle me through it.
First, if you think it’s a pain in the tuchis, it’s much worse for me because I live it. Second, if it wasn’t irrational, it wouldn’t be a phobia.
I was talking to a college kid who talked about donating blood to get over any squeamishness. I told him that was admirable, and I’d love to be able to donate blood because it is a worthy cause…..but doubt that their is much of a demand for “pre-Xanaxed” blood.
One thing I do feel very regretful about is that I didn’t demand something like this from my doctor a decade prior. The “Better Living Through Chemistry” method is much, much better than “toughing it out”.
If you happen to see tomorrow’s daily already published, ignore it. The Couch Commando is driving me nuts and I need dinner.
I think it’s ready and set for the middle of the night now.
Thanks! No problems! I saw it appear and figured it would disappear shortly!
Had to add something. I’m still laughing.
I did that not too long ago.
It’s easy to do.
t Had To Be This Way,The People Must Be Shown The Truth & The [DS] Must Feel The Pain – Ep. 2481
May 18, 2021 x22report
The [CB] economic system is rearing its ugly head, people are feeling the crunch and it’s going to get worse as time goes on. The [CB] is not improving the economy, they want it destroyed to move us into the great reset that already failed. The plan to keep everyone on UBI is failing, 18 states have canceled the [CB] plan. The Gold Standard will destroy the [CB]. The audits are now posing a problem for the [DS]. They are worried that once the truth comes out it will expose the crime, and it will. They want it stopped at all costs but every time they push back it makes their case weaker and weaker. People must see the truth, it had to be this way. Each time the truth is revealed the [DS] feels the pain. The [DS] will not be able to explain the lies and the pain will become unbearable.
Ep. 2481a – [CB]s Fiat System Is Failing, Yes Gold Will Destroy The [CB]
X22 Report Published May 18, 2021
Ep. 2481b – It Had To Be This Way,The People Must Be Shown The Truth & The [DS] Must Feel The Pain
X22 Report Published May 18, 2021
Disclaimer: I did not listen to this epidose.
In fact I stopped listening sometime in April. Before that I may have missed one episode of the last 500 episodes. I give Dave credit of being consistent throughout and incredibly optimistic but his reasons for why ‘it had to be this way’ have become canned and, to me, unconvincing in the face of subsequent events. I hope he ends up being right about everything because it would be good for our country but I do not see it.
March 10, 2021
Tore Says, “I know a lot of people are thinking, ‘This is insane! Our nation is going to Hell!’ No. This is exactly what we needed.
Everyone is starting to realize, people are starting to fight back. But see, they’re fighting back, hitting Biden and Kamala. They’re corrupt, they’re disgusting. We know it…
“But the real people, your real enemy – do you not see them? Do you not see who your real enemies are besides yourself? Who are your real enemies? It’s the corporations! It’s the damned corporations!
“They mind-screwed you! They have mesmerized you into everything. They supported this fake administration, in a nation that no longer exists.
“Freedom doesn’t belong to anyone. The only person that possesses actual freedom are those that are willing to defend it.”
It Had to Be this Way, so You Can See It [Video]
DECEMBER 7, 2020
Alexandra Bruce – When you look at military intelligence insiders, like Steve Pieczenik and Tore Maras, they are not worried about the outcome of our current national nightmare.
Tore says that it all had to be this way. We needed to see all of this; that to simply be told that there was corruption in our government would not have sunk into the marrow of our bones quite the way that seeing this past month’s spectacle has done.
She says, “The only time you’ll be able to see any investigation, any discovery…is after an indictment has been issued. Do you understand now?
“Do you understand why Barr made that statement [about there being no widespread fraud that would alter the election results]…
“Once that indictment is issued, then does the public get to see…We could not do it any other way, because then you wouldn’t be able to see. That’s what’s important. You need to be able to see; to see it for yourself…
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
I think it had to be this way for three reasons
Tough love.
“I give Dave credit of being consistent throughout and incredibly optimistic but his reasons for why ‘it had to be this way’ have become canned and, to me, unconvincing in the face of subsequent events.”
Dave knew you would feel that way.
It had to be that way, Robert.

When I started shouting at his podcasts the way I used to shout at Faux News, it was time to move on
When one show business icon announces the passing of another show business icon. Grodin in Midnight Run was hilarious.
He was a good actor.
Donald J. Trump
4:52pm May 18, 2021
Good news for Georgia and the Republican Party. Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan won’t be running again for office. He was the one who, along with Governor Brian Kemp, stopped the Georgia State Senate from doing the job they wanted to do on the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud. Duncan’s fight against Election Fraud made him unelectable. His former top aide, Chip Lake, said that the Lieutenant Governor would not win another term in office. Lake said, “I think he was an accident, and this is what happens when accidents happen in politics. They become one and done.” Now maybe the Georgia State Senate and House will build up the courage to expose the large-scale Presidential Election Fraud, which took place in their otherwise wonderful State. Let them just look at the State Senate in Arizona to find out what Leadership and Patriotism is all about!
Donald J. Trump
2:45pm May 18, 2021
“Joe Biden, having already presided on the worst economic recovery since World War II as Barack Obama’s vice president, could oversee one even worse. … Biden came into office with every economic feature in his favor. Thanks to Operation Warp Speed, his White House inherited the most remarkable vaccine production process in history. Because the coronavirus recession was created by preventive lockdowns and demand shocks, not underlying failures of the economy, the country seemed keen to roar back to our pre-pandemic prosperity of unusually tight labor markets and steady natural wage growth of early 2020. Love Donald Trump or hate him, there is no denying that he oversaw the obliteration of our former conception of what constituted full employment.” Read the full Washington Examiner Editorial here:
Donald J. Trump
6:52pm May 17, 2021
Congratulations to Frank Eathorne for being reelected as Chairman of the Republican Party of Wyoming. It was my honor to work with you so that your great achievements can be continued. The people of Wyoming are special, and so are you!
Donald J. Trump
7:11pm May 16, 2021
Breaking News! New polling by CBS News on the state of the Republican Party (which is very strong!). “President Trump has a strong hold on the GOP.” 80% of Republicans agree with the removal of Liz Cheney from GOP Leadership and only 20% disagree. The poll also showed that 67% of Republicans said that they do not consider Sleepy Joe Biden to be the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. I agree with them 100%, just look at the facts and the data—there is no way he won the 2020 Presidential Election!
Vernon Jones is expected to demand a full audit(like AZ) for GA tomorrow.
WooHoo!!! Great News!!!
This was posted by B.b.S.s.Saint on Marica’s site and I thought it deserved a look:
For Those Who Got The Jab
by theredpilldoctor, another WP blogsite,
in Education, Get Healthe Now Tags: Anti-Vaccinators, Bill Gates, eugenics, Kull, Nanobots, poison, poison jabs, sterilization, vaccine, Vaccine designed to kill, vaccines
My friend’s brother, who has been working for the “Alliance” and Pentagon, was in a conference call with doctors (not the vax pushing doctors of course), and he relayed this info to me.
For anyone who has gotten the quackccine, the nanoparticles can be detoxed from your body.
You need to get a tens unit, set it at 150 hz, use it for an hour a day, for 30 days, while eating clean…alot of fruit and veggies, no crap food of course, 8000 mg vitamin C daily, 10,000 IU of D, and zinc, and vitamin A.
The 150 Hz frequency will start destroying all the nano particles. The supplements help the body get rid of the debris and heal.
He said vaccinated people are going to start dropping like flies, or get all kinds of health disorders and die within 5 years.
Younger people will be sterile, and their lives will be greatly shortened.
He told me alot of things the past year, he also said Trump will be back in very soon.
Space Force/Star Link have been busy knocking out the Mossad/CIA satellites.
We have a tens unit prescribed for Kal, they are easy to use.
References for home tens units:
Maybe for our loved ones that got the jab this will help along with our prayers.
Certainly worth Archiving off line for when they finally WAKE-UP.
A search for:
nano particles detox
Brings up a lot of stuff.
I found this interesting:
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Drug delivery and nanoparticles: Applications and hazards
Wim H De Jong1 and Paul JA Borm
[Dr W.H. De Jong is currently working as a toxicological pathologist at the department of pathology of the Laboratory for Pathology and Immunobiology of the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) of the Netherlands.]
[Paul JA Borm Centre of Expertise in Life Sciences, Zuyd University, The Netherlands and CSO at MagnaMedics, Germany]
HMMMmm A wee bit of conflict of interest?
What really drives me nuts is that they act like all these radical ideas they’re implementing without testing are really no big deal. No thanks!
Just as an aside: Unless one is used to very large amounts of vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc, it may be well worth it to tale several days and “build up” to the amounts above, and to also take them with food. Took me awhile to work up to the amounts I take every day.
Ditto perhaps with the TENS unit. I used one to help with the tinnitus in one of my ears. I had to take several days to “calibrate up” to the Hz speed that I needed.
FOOD always helps for most medications.
Per Fox News, “Consumer’s Research” is starting to run ads calling out Coke, Nike, UnAmerican Airlines, and so on for their woke bullshit.
UnAmerican Airlines is a “keeper”!
Just imagine (under other circumstances) a merger between United and American Airlines, the jokes they’d be making.
Like the jokes when Lockheed Martin bought Loral, and instantly everywhere in the devense/aerospace industry you were hearing about “LoMarAl”
For pete’s sake
What gives His Fraudulency the power to do this?
I think he (they) do anything they feel like…nobody stops them
The Pentagram – whoops – I mean Pentagon is on their side.
Why don’t you just skip to the finale, Joe, and give the whole world citizenship? Yeah, that’s the ticket! /smh
Texas governor bans local governments, schools from requiring face masks – Breaking911
Texas Governor Greg Abbott today issued an Executive Order prohibiting governmental entities in Texas — including counties, cities, school districts, public health authorities, or government officials — from requiring or mandating mask wearing. Public schools may continue to follow current mask-wearing guidelines through June 4. After June 4, no student, teacher, parent, or other staff member or visitor can be required to wear a mask while on campus.
Beginning May 21, local governments or officials that attempt to impose a mask mandate or impose a limitation inconsistent or conflicting with the Executive Order can be subject to a fine of up to $1,000.
“The Lone Star State continues to defeat COVID-19 through the use of widely-available vaccines, antibody therapeutic drugs, and safe practices utilized by Texans in our communities,” said Governor Abbott. “Texans, not government, should decide their best health practices, which is why masks will not be mandated by public school districts or government entities. We can continue to mitigate COVID-19 while defending Texans’ liberty to choose whether or not they mask up.”
Exempt from the Executive Order are state-supported living centers, government-owned or operated hospitals, Texas Department of Criminal Justice facilities, Texas Juvenile Justice Department facilities, and county and municipal jails.
That foul mouth B Tlaib’s granny probably has her own grenade launcher
RobberJoe’s body double couldn’t even say her name correctly — called her “Rasheed”.
Perhaps my favorite statement Ms. Asra Nomani just said in this American Thought Leaders interview about her organization fighting against critical race theory was “We are momma bears and papa bears and you are messing with our cubs now and we will not let that happen.”
The teaching of Critical Race Insanity is a hill worth dying on.
Another update from Kelli Ward on the audit that must not go away.
The earlier update given today. As interesting as the one above.
Mark McCloskey was just on Tucker Carlson talking about his senate run. First off he immediately schooled Tucker, (who had said he believed McCloskey was a democrat, as if he needed to interject that), that he had been a Republican all his life and went on to talk about the issues and mentioned how he had campaigned for POTUS last fall.
NOW. Here’s the opportunity for Trump to make the CORRECT endorsement, and ditch the old guard GOP field for the very sharp, driven, people-popular upstart. Don’t go against the tide. Honest to God, if he makes another bad choice I’m about over him. I’ll take Pompeo/DeSantis. People need more than Scavino being cryptic, catturd jokes, videos and “the best is yet to come” for the 150th time.
I thought the original premise of his movement was returning this corrupt government to the people. McCloskey is the people.
Although I have to say the Spanisho word of the day: giza sheet (nobody giza sheet . .) was one of his best.
Who is McCloskey up against? If it’s diehard proven MAGA – quality MAGA – I can see Trump choosing otherwise. If it’s a RINO – well, that’s different.
If I was Trump I would do deep background on McCloskey, because IF YOU RECALL when that whole weird thing went down, I stated that it stunk. Actors – stage gun – the whole thing STUNK. And there is still a small part of me – maybe 3-5% – that thinks it still stinks.
Going from a nobody in a stagey thing with BLM to a Senate seat? What would the Dems do for a SENATE SEAT?
These are communists. These are CIA. They pull stuff that takes YEARS to pull off. And nobody has a clue. The few who do have even a clue – are not believed.
But maybe they check out. It would be nice. In that case, awesome. We need more MTG types. More Boeberts. I like that. But they MUST do a deep dive because this is a Senate seat.
And look who he would be taking out. GREITENS. Who was very effective, but taken out in Trump hoax fashion by LIES.
Fascinating way to take out Greitens, IMO. Gotta check it.
This is a huge angle. WHY is the Soros left so DESPERATE to stop Greitens?
Oh so the Greitens thing was bogus? I thought the affair was true and some funny campaign money or donor stuff, but they eventually dropped the charges. So you think they dropped the charges with the understanding that he’d resign?
I don’t know anything about McCloskey other than the incident and legal harassment aftermath. I just can’t bear any more eyeroll endorsements.
This is a tight one. Greitens was innocent – manufactured evidence, fraudulent prosecution by a Soros DA.
But which DA is that? OH, WHAT A COINCIDENCE. And when did she go after the McCloskeys? After it became clear that she was in trouble on Greitens.
This woman is evil. Even if the McCloskeys are pure as the driven snow, then it is entirely possible that the leftists are using them to create controlled opposition, or simply creating somebody who is meant to colllide with Greitens.
BUT….. Maybe McCloskey is better than Greitens. Does Greitens have weaknesses?
I’m open-minded. Trump has time.
In a Friday memo that disclosed details about the cost of the controversial flight and how the governor’s office says it paid for the flight, Whitmer chief of staff JoAnne Huls said Whitmer’s officials “made a decision to use a chartered flight for this trip” because of ongoing security concerns.
“The cost to charter the flight was paid for by the Michigan Transition 2019,” a nonprofit corporation controlled by the governor, Huls said.
I hardly have the words to tell you how delicious this schadenfreude is.
She is going to get caught in the lie she told about this flight. 100% guaranteed. Air Eagle is not going to lie to the FAA to protect Whitmer. And anyone can look up who is a Part 135 or 121 operator.
Oh lookie! Oopsie. No Air Eagle on this current list….
Ooopsie, indeed!
That is, if the FAA goes after these people like it sometimes goes after some private pilot for something a LOT more trivial. Given that it’s Retchin’ Whitmer I kinda doubt that.
You misunderstand.
Frau Whitmer cannot claim it was a charter flight.
It was a private flight, as originally accused. And she has consistently lied and changed her story about it.
The rat is caught in a trap of it’s own making.
I was unclear. You’re quite correct they FAA can’t go after Retchin Whitmer. But they may choose not to go after Air Eagle *because this has to do with Retchin Whitmer.*
That’s the beauty of it. The FAA need take no action at all in order to catch Frau UglyAsAllHell in her lie.
She is already trapped in it.
OK, I thought of something else, and I’m spitballing here–but if it were to pan out, it’d be *much* worse. (And of course if you know some reason this cannot be, call me on it.)
What if they really did charge only 1/2 of the fuel (making time on the aircraft, the pilot(s) salaries, etc. a gift to Retchin’ Gretchen)? Then Eagle Air would be in the clear.
Could that be direct legal trouble for her, as an under the table payment in kind (a/k/a bribe)?
[thumbs up]
I’d imagine that Air Eagle’s insurance carrier is curious, as well.
I guess a BRIBE can be classified as ‘Not a gift’
Gretched Witchmer might soon find out that “gift” means “poison” in German…..
Let’s also consider Cuomo’s $5 mil “book deal”, where the book is no longer for sale.
How does that work in a state where employees aren’t allowed to accept anything from outside agents, that has value greater than a cup of coffee?
Not certain the WEF can’t still plot and plan, even without a meeting. I suppose they can do something like Zoom, too.
They are nothing but lieutenants. The Public Face of our puppet masters.
Adding to the “DS is failing” and “the people had to be shown” perspective…..
Good to see that Venn diagram. Food and Water Watch used to have a great listing similar to that but then the chairman, Maude Barlow was rewarded with a UN position (senior adviser on water issues) for selling out Canad and the USA to the food cartel during the National Animal ID and Food [Un]Safety Act fight. BOTH were sellout positions to the WTO.
That Venn diagram hits a little too close to home. I mean, to get to the vet’s office, I usually pass Monsanto headquarters. Well, what used to be.
Couple more India charts from Worldometer.
Seems as though India knows exactly what to do with Covid positives and preventive treatment.
I do wonder if India also has crappy Covid tests, false positives…
Looks like Michael Mann’s proverbial hockey stick… hide the decline…
Extremist = Conservative leaning
At this point I would say that the Soviet Union won.
China won that is even worse.
I think Russia kicked out Bolshevism – it came here – and China is now “frenemies” with it.
Globalists in control.
That needs to be taken to court. No one has a right to spy on Americans in the US.
If any Constitution encountered this massive clusterfark, it would spontaneously combust like Dracula exposed to sunlight.
He actually said “unconstitutional”…

Yeah. They will only get worse.
555, actually!
Hiya Handsome!!!
Spring renewal. Mo commentary! Mo lively!
Ahhh, the immortal 555 timer
Prayers for VSGPOTUS.
NY Attorney General announces the investigation into Trump Organization is now criminal | Daily Mail Online
Yikes. They’re just EVIL.
Why would they ever stop, until or unless they are stopped?
I have no idea what the people of our country are doing, or why.
Not the people running the country, and not the people who are following them.
I just know that William Devane — at Rosland Capital — says “Buy Gold”.
And he says it with such magnificent conviction, I might actually have to do it…
Who’s gonna argue with Willie Devane?
We just had one of these fly about 50 ft above tree level over the house. The whole house vibrated! It was headed Northeast. — A lot further east that most I see. Come to think of it I saw a whole passel of transport planes headed in the same direction a week or two ago.