Dear KAG: 20210520 Daily Open Thread

With all due apologies to our dear site host, this bossy Midwestern chick is claiming this space to be a:


Got that? None of this:

I went into a local grocer and the sign on the door said, “Please wear a mask if not fully vaccinated.”

Being one to go with the flow an not make waves, of course I did what all good nuns in casinos try to achieve. I strived to “blend in.” The head, though, was all:

Kiss my grits, people. It’s ME protecting myself from the narcissistic twits and the transfer from their virtue signaling shots that I’m worried about. Not people who ran out without doing their due diligence and got an experimental inoculation that might kill them.

Of course, in six months…not going there right now. Just keeping the voice in shape.

Okay, so, the squatter in the Oval Office made a…seriously, there are no words for this.

Even in a reality TV sort of movie, this AIN’T acceptable from someone playing Commander in Chief. This guy needs a better script writer.

Who the heck says that to ANY branch of the military.

It seems that the Centers for Disease Control is continually revising the number of true COVID deaths in the last year down. That being the case:


Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.

All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 14:12-17

12“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. 13Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; 14if you ask anything in my name, I will do it. 15“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you for ever, 17even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you.

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.


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Deplorable Patriot

I’m going back to sleep. ‘Night.


Thank you, DP. Ya done good!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good night! And thank you!

Deplorable Patriot

Came across this from Dr. Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt. Dr. Merritt is digging like it’s going out of style. The woman deserves an award.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent stuff. This has strong historical background on weaponization of vaccines – including against blacks by the South African government, and against animals by the Australian government.

Deplorable Patriot

What I found stunning was that genetically, Finns aren’t the same as other caucasians.

And avoiding the shots and the people who might be shedding the material to be picked up is justified, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Finns and Hungarians all have a substantial portion of Central Asian DNA, which goes along with their Asiatic languages having greater similarity to Turkish and Japanese (also a Central Asian originating import) than to Romance, Germanic, Slavic, Celtic or other West-Eurasian (Indo-European) languages.

Now, the thing that shocked me was the racial variablility of ACE stuff. IF racial susceptibility even partially parallels those percentages (where Africans get it the worst), then what it means is that the way the elite blame-shifted the greater susceptibility of blacks to “racism” was partially cover for an experimental race-selective virus and vaccine.

The whole thing is ugly and weird.

Deplorable Patriot

Hateful and demonic, too.

Valerie Curren

& the heavy push to get Detroiters, as in those in the city itself which is heavily skewed black, not just the Metro area, Really smacks of overt racial genocide–sickening!


It should be noted in passing that Linus Torvalds is Finnish, though of Swedish descent.

Valerie Curren

In old census records I believe Finns are recorded as Mongols as far as race goes, rather than Caucasians, which was intriguing to me as my mom’s adoptive family is Finnish…


“”You’re a really dull class,” jokes POS”


Dingdong must have just finished the audio book version of How to Win Friends and Influence People 👍 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I seem to remember an old video of him doing this to a bunch of soldiers, and he got jumped before the election for insulting the soldiers, but it was really just the same thing – facepalm failed joking.

We did not elect this crap.


Joke or not, it’s appalling to me that he put the blame on them rather than himself. He could have used self-deprecating humor {“I really blew that line”) or something. He is too quick with the name-calling (“dog-faced pony soldier”). He is not a leader; he’s a petty person who got elected to Congress multiple times.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS! Well-said.


Biden got elected to congress to many times  😡 


We are living a daily nightmare!!! American Pharoah – Obama’s Third Term

Even the name is spelled wrong!!!

Everything from which PT rescued us is returning via warp speed!!!

We had a 4-year reprieve – Remember how happy we were winning!!!

God Help Us!!! Deliver Us From Evil – Amen

Concerned Virginian

Thank you for posting these. TGP is reiterating and confirming what Gail Combs, myself, and others, have been posting about here at the Q Tree for some time now.
Dr. Anthony Fauci AND Ralph Baric, PhD, MUST be ARRESTED and CHARGED with Crimes Against Humanity under the Nuremberg Code.
Dr. Janet Woodcock, head of the FDA, MUST be ARRESTED and CHARGED with Crimes Agsinst Humanity under the Nuremberg Code, if the FDA “fully approves” ANY of the CCPFauci Virus “vaccines”.
Dr. Shi, being a Chinese national, likely will escape being arrested, charged, and extradited to the United States, especially given the current DemCommunist-controlled federal government here.

Gail Combs

Dr. Shi would be a CCP NATIONAL HERO for her success in attacking the USA and helping install the Chinese Viceroy, Joe Bite-me in OUR white House.

(And Joe ain’t no butterfly!)


“…reiterating and confirming what Gail Combs, myself, and others, have been posting about here at the Q Tree for some time now.”

IIRC, Gail, you CV, and others have been posting these and other Covid facts for well over a year. Always with explanations, connecting the dots for folks like me AND with links substantiating your posts.

QTree readers have been significantly better informed because of this. Thank You!


Thank you !  ❤ 
Yes we have been better informed and I am realizing it more and more.

Valerie Curren

Amen, KBK!!!


Must be arrested is correct. So apart from a covert military operation – enlisted/retired – under the control of the actual POTUS – how is this to be done? Or is it to be done as part of the overall chaos in returning the reins?

We all know what MUST be done. It’s getting there, and there’s only one way.


With regard to Tank and “Country Whiskey”, I’m really looking forward to exploring the nature of perceived sound, as well as cybernetic interfaces, with a clever dawg.

Rolling backward, if Tank really does like the song “Country Whiskey”, couldn’t Mycroft (the open-source and private-data equivalent to Alexa) learn to play anything he asks for? There’s no particular reason the requests need be in English.

And, second, I’ve been concerned about dogs’ reactions to music. I think it should be more clear what they enjoy vs. what they are complaining about, and I am particularly concerned with Nyquist limits and CD sampling rates.

The sounds that a standard human can hear generally range between 30-18,000 cycles per second (Hz). It used to be, with old analog TV’s, you’d get a great test because most of them had an audio “hum” at the 15,750Hz scanline rate. As long as any of those CRTs were around, I could hear it….but I knew that fully half of the people around me could not. That said, not hearing tones is not the same as not hearing transients, like the hiss of “tss, tss, tss” in fast cymbals. Stereo speakers are normally tested from 20-20,000Hz with the thought that this was pretty much the maximum range of human hearing.

CDs are 16-bit values sampled at 44,100Hz per track. Harry Nyquist [ ] did a lot of great work in the 1950s, that lead to a bunch of stuff in audio engineering being named after him, for instance .

There is a rational basis for the CD sampling rate based on human hearing.

Errrrr, but dogs can hear 40-60,000Hz…..when they hear songs from a CD, how much do they hear the music and how much do they hear the Nyquist sampling distortions? How would they react to the same albums played back at a sample rate of 125,000 samples per second? Would they even recognize it as the same album? Do they think that country music played with massive Nyquist distortions are some sort of techno?


Speaking of which, how much of a dog’s bark or howl is between 20K and 60KHz? What kind of weird leakage do we have between 20K and 60KHz in our speech? Can your dog recognize it’s you talking even if everything below 20KHz is filtered out?


We had a dog who would howl in tune when I was playing the piano. Never found out if he did it from pain or annoyance or enjoyment. He was otherwise a quite normal happy dog.

And experiments with ultrasound hardware, typically in the 40 kHz range, do not go unnoticed if there is a dog nearby. I can see the received signal on a scope and I could hear the dog barking like mad, so she could definitely hear it, and probably considered it annoying.

To record the full waveform of the dog sound, some kind of wideband microphone and recording hardware with a bandwidth extending to around 100 kHz would be necessary.


My dogs enjoy howling and I howl with them. This seems to be a happy thing for them like bonding.


Actual physical instruments would not suffer from sampling distortions. The dog would probably hear more harmonics, but they would merely enhance the richness of the sound (since they would be natural harmonics).

Deplorable Patriot

IDK if this is applicable, but Ying sings along when I’m in Queen of the Night range, up in the top. I have to be above the passagio (C#4-F#4) before she starts to critique, as I like to call it.


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Nipper disagrees with you click agrees with you click agrees with you click agrees with you click agrees with you


Sometimes those pesky dust bunnies save the day!  🙃 


So look who McCarthy is going to have on Pelosi’s 6 Jan Un-American Commission.

Katko went to the House floor and urged Republican members to impeach President Trump before the president left office.
Katko lied about Officer Sicknick’s death like fellow Democrats did.

Yeah that guy.

Thanks Kevin! Great how your living up to your rat bastard reputation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, I’m not displeased by the way things are developing, let’s just say.

The way I see it, we are about to get a cord of wood dumped on the “we had to be shown” bonfire. And trust me – WE are not the people who are going to get burned.

“Oh, noes! Please don’t throw me into that briar patch of January 6 truth! PLEASE, NO!”

 😉   🍾 

Pelosi is doing this because she’s DESPERATE on the election unraveling.

She WANT there to be Republican blame-mongering and infighting.

We have the power to NOT GIVE IT TO HER.

Except for the traitors who help Pelosi on live TV. They cannot be saved.  😘 

Let. Fools. Attack. Trump.  😎 

Deplorable Patriot

I’m still holding fire on a lot of people still in place with no retirement plans. We don’t know who is playing a role, who cut a deal, who is the real deal, and who is in line for a flight to the Spa, Terra Sierra, Diego Garcia, or any of the other prisons we own on islands in the middle of oceans thousands of miles from any other land.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. There are people who appear to be dopes on the other side who I think are not actually that.


Between the NY AG and the ‘Commission Traitors’ – I think they still see PT as a threat to their Marxist/Socialist/Communist takeover of America.

They will not be happy until they totally ruin him and his family – and – there have been numerous attempts on his life.

Considering the depth of the swamp – His courage is unparalleled!!!

It has been said PT can see the chessboard more clearly from his present position – we can see it, too!!!

God Bless President Trump – and – God Bless America!!!


And speaking of weird technological side-trips…..

There was this ars technica article — — which generated three related comments I found particularly interesting, in that they somewhat echoed parts of a discussion we had here a while back. I’m just laying them out tonight, and will come back tomorrow to see what to do about it.

Initial comment from Drakmarl:

For those that wonder why there is outside access to control computers, there are several situations that I have encountered both as a Civil Engineer who designs water and wastewater infrastructure and as a waste water treatment plant operator.

1) Not all plants are run with staff on site 24/7 so the operators need to be able to be notified of issues and make changes remotely to address situations that cannot wait for travel time to the site.
2) For plants that do have someone on site 24/7, the person on site may not be qualified to make the changes that are necessary in an emergency situation, so having the remote access for them to quickly see the situation and make changes can be critical.
3) Because people up in the chain of command want the access.

Now does any of that excuse not restricting the access with VPN with 2FA (with physical keys not that phone malarkey), blocking http, and any other security that IT professionals can be come up? Not in the slightest. It all boils down to being limited to a shoestring IT budget.

Water and waste water treatment systems can be an extremely complex and expensive, but to the average person it might as well just be magic. Turn the tap to get clean water and waste just disappears down the drain. Just like all infrastructure, people take it for granted and don’t want to spend money on it. So trying to convince the bean counters to spend budget on security is a losing fight most of the time. It is incidences like this, pipeline ransomware, and similar that are giving those of us that have been fighting for actual secure practices some better ammunition.

Response 1 from guavasec:

As an electrical and software engineer, I lay much blame on OS developers for failing to account for the fundamentally multi-user nature of industrial computer systems.

It drives me bonkers that just about every factory in the world has a generic shared user account in their industrial control systems because THERE IS RARELY A VIABLE ALTERNATIVE.

In a real world industrial system, multiple people need access to the same user and processes on the same machine tied to specific IRL hardware. 1) Sure you can handle that with a web published control interface, but you should not trust your industrial controls engineer with writing good authentication. 2) often you need multiple pieces of proprietary software from different vendors running together on one machine.

Secure, easy to manage impersonation and multi-user accounts should be a core feature of every OS.

You can at least hack something together in Linux with su and runuser, but even that is woefully inadequate. This should’ve been a solved problem 30 years ago.

Response 2 from HeraldOfDawn:

a lot of CYA bullshit in there. for items 1-3, if the site doesn’t run with people on site, but it can end up in some crisis state where almost instant human interaction is required… then you need to put a human on site. same with the qualified BS, as well as the chain of command BS.

utilities operated just fine without Internet based remote command and control, for a very long time. it’s asinine to just assume that it all has to be remote command and control, because utilities say they’re cost sensitive. remote monitoring? i’m 100% behind monitoring being up and accessible wherever, and it can clearly be done properly with system security in mind (and airgaps between the monitoring and control systems). but remote control? even with 2FA and VPN and all the rest of that jazz, we have all seen multiple instances where some zero day or spearphish or whatever completely trashes un-monitored security infrastructure, which is all we can ever expect here. network security can always be better, but it’s never going to be perfect when it’s accessible from the Internet… and these critical infrastructure sites are too important to continue to risk because some jackass in charge wants to control a water purification plant like he’s daytrading.

stop enabling BS justifications (excuses) for remote command and control, and stop enabling idiots hooking these systems up to the Internet. at the very least, don’t allow any kind of remote command and control until someone builds a state machine for the control system that disallows inputs that would poison a whole municipality.

How much do you want to pay for your power or water or natural gas? Manning every critical node in one of those systems 24/7 ain’t cheap. And 99.9% of the time, it’s very boring because everything is working fine. Sounds like a job for a supervisory computer system, that can keep an eye on everything and let the humans know when something is abnormal.

I also think you are severely underestimating the value of having your decision makers and system experts concentrated in one location, which has good visibility into the status of the entire system. One might call that a center for control of the system. A single person at a single location will know a lot about what’s happening there, and almost nothing about what’s happening anywhere else.

Cuppa Covfefe

One thing worth noting is that Red China has a stake in many domestic utility/ infrastructure systems; in some cases owns them outright. Cash-strapped communities are swayed by the siren-song of sino-financing, and succumb to the marketing drivel and easy dollars (or Euros) to balance their incompetently-managed budget(s).

And the Chynee now have access. Remote access being especially attractive to them. They can get a taste of the various command-and-control systems for “further investigation” where they can hack someone else with the same hardware.

Nice sewage processing system you got there, honorable gentleman. Be a shame if something happened to it. Belt(ed) and rowed, doncha know. And then, on the other side of the water “world”, supply and filtration systems… all sorts of potential for foul play there, say, a cleaning valve opens at the wrong time…

And, as was inferred above, many of the designers had other things in mind rather than security (which was at a lower priority, at least lower than it should be), or just made unwise A$$umptions…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s “Space Above And Beyond” – and we get to be the chicks – whoops – I mean chigs.

I mean – two moms – that’s pretty alien.  😉 


Joe’s tough on Russia, every one knows that …  😆 , but for now Joe reverses Trump sanctions on Russia  🙄 . He’ll shut down the US Canada Pipe Line on day one, but Russia gets theirs all in attempt to appease the Russians in hopes they don’t attack Ukraine? Article points out that Joe is getting raked over the coals from both sides of the aisle over this one for a variety of reasons, so makes one wonder is this 10% Joe we’re seeing here? Cause it certainly doesn’t feed into the narrative that Trump was weak on Russia.

Nord Stream 2: Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline into Germany.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. 10% for the big guy! From Russia With Love!

This is a very important thing to remember. The Democrat-Russia split is all FAKE. Russia HELPED the Democrats get rid of Trump. They HELPED the hoax. They HELPED take out Sessions. They HELPED set up Trump and the Republicans. Russia LIKES the Democrats because they are so corrupt and provided them with decades of subversion and espionage.

Biden, like Obama, tries to monetize both sides of a crisis into which he meddles. Biden will take Ukraine for all he can, but in the end, he will take the Russian money and let Russia win.

It’s a joke! CHINA JOE = RUSSIA JOE = EURO JOE = GLOBO JOE. He’s a doormat for everybody who’s ripping meat from the dead hippo.

TREASON. All of them. Except there’s nobody to arrest them, because they own the Department of Injustice.

Sadie Slays

Ground report. Spent time with some vaccinated relatives recently. They got the Moderna shots back in March and had bad reactions, so I know they didn’t get a saline placebo. Most our time together was spent outdoors, in a vehicle, and shopping. No masks except for in stores.

I was concerned about vaccine shedding. The bottom line is that I did NOT feel ill during the visit or after. Will follow up here if I have any adverse health problems within the next week. I’ve read social media reports of people feeling immediately ill around vaccinated people with some claiming it’s because the vaxxed are emitting strange EMFs. Let’s just say I’ve got experience with EMF sensitivity, and spending time around my vaxxed relatives was not a problem at all.

In terms of psychological effects, this is the best I’ve seen them since pre-COVID. Did not notice any personality changes. I hate to say it, but it really seems like they needed that vaccine as a crutch to move on with their lives. It’s part of the reason why I suspect President Trump continues to support the vaccines despite the horrible reports coming out about them. I’m convinced now more than ever it was the only way to move the brainwashed past this.

This visit almost didn’t happen because of fear about the vaccine shedding. I’m glad those fears were put aside and that I got to see them. I’m now wondering how much of this shedding fear is being intentionally spread and amplified on social media in order to further along their push to divide society into vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. I’m not judging people for having shedding concerns and taking precautions. There’s a lot of uncertainty about it.


The mRNA in the Moderna and Pfizer products is spent or exhausted in the process of producing spike proteins. Each chunk of mRNA only works maybe 50 or 100 or so, times, so the production does cease after a few weeks. It is then likely that any shedding will subside at the same rate, as there are no more spike proteins available to shed.

That vaccinated people start acting as radio transmitters is a new one… I’d think the FCC would have something to say about that. That doesn’t exclude possible transponder or receiver functions, but there would have to be some incoming radio waves for any of those to be activated. All this about magnets sticking to the site of injection and the possible nanoparticles in the blood, makes for concern, but none of that is contagious at least.

Brave and Free

I have spent time with SIL, B and S all vaccinated. IRC they all had the multiple jab, SIL mid 70’s had mild reaction with 2nd jab. To me though it seems like she’s aged a lot in a few months. Her body movement has slowed and seems to be staring alot more and less engagement with conservation……
I’ll be curious if this continues. They all know where I stand with this.


Thank you for sharing and you got to see your relatives 🙂
I too believe we are seeing much misinformation. The communist do not want us to communicate in person and they want specially older people to be isolated.
That is what they do to keep control. Older people know from history what the democrats are doing and we have seen it before.


Thanks for that report.


Trump interview with Chanel Rion coming up:

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“OAN’s own Chanel Rion spends over half an hour with President Trump discussing a wide range of topics. Don’t miss this REVEALING interview. Airtimes to be announced soon. Photo: President Donald J. Trump, Trump Tower, New York. OAN Staff Photo.“

Last edited 3 years ago by GA/FL

This is where I meant to ut the WOW! My mistake. Hee Hee.


When it crashes…the ChiComs will never let us see it.


Looks like a self driving bus, sorta like self driving cars. NEVER to be trusted. IMO.


Brave and Free

So has there been any responses from Dan Crenshaw about what’s going on with the military? Asking for a friend.


Not yet.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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And Joan died…mysteriously…not long after that.

I still think she was murdered.


Two months after she outed Zero and Big Mike – she died subsequent to receiving a routine procedure, Wheatie!!!


Yep. It was very suspicious.


And – she was frequently brutally honest – what I liked about her – she may have had a ‘unique’ way of expressing herself – cutting and biting – she told it like it was – unpleasant as it is – the unabashed truth!

Brave and Free

Kinda like PDJT in that regard. Forget the BS just lay it all out and tell it like it is.


Like a NYer – you know that, Brave!!!


I thought it was two weeks…

I’m sure her death was no accident.


It was a short period of time, Auber – and yes – it was no accident.


Anyone who doesn’t think she was likely murdered is part of the low information crowd.


We need more straight talk like this.



“In your patience possess ye your souls.” Luke xxi. 19
When a man is born again, there is not the same robustness in his thinking or reasoning for a time as formerly. We have to make an expression of the new life, to form the mind of Christ. “Acquire your soul with patience.” Many of us prefer to stay at the threshold of the Christian life instead of going on to construct a soul in accordance with the new life God has put within. We fail because we are ignorant of the way we are made, we put thing down to the devil instead of our own undisciplined natures. Think what we can be when we are roused!
There are certain things we must not pray about – moods, for instance. Moods never go by praying, moods go by kicking. A mood nearly always has its seat in the physical condition, not in the moral. It is a continual effort not to listen to the moods which arise from a physical condition, never submit to them for a second. We have to take ourselves by the scruff of the neck and shake ourselves, and we will find that we can do what we said we could not. The curse with most of us is that we WON’T. The Christian life is one of incarnate spiritual pluck.
Oswald Chambers
May 20th Devotional


Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a MUCH better interpretation of BLM (even if it is “lite”). H/T Ossqss over at chiefio’s:
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Deplorable Patriot

Busch Light….

A lot of it ends up in the rivers and streams of southern Missouri on the weekends. That’s float trip beer, I understand.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Instead of 5-percent beer, it’s probably 0.5-percent beer… I’d rather see malt or peat floating in the beer 😆 (cf “Stingo”, Guinness, or Köstritzer)…


But but but… since the few black and brown journalists that I’d listen to aren’t going to give her the time of day how am I ever going to be kept apprised of this low life wacked out commitard mayor?

Deplorable Patriot

This is what I saw about vaxxed people no longer being allowed to be blood donors.


Thanks, DePat.

So…they are confirming that the vaxes wipe out the good antibodies of people who have recovered from WuFlu.

Unfortunately though, this doesn’t say that vaccinees cannot donate blood, period.

They just can’t donate to “convalescent plasma” to be used on covid patients.

I hope they ban them from all blood donation.


This literally does not say they can not donate blood.

The video says they can not donate plasma to ill covid19 patients because the plasma from people who have recovered is no longer helpful if they have had the vaccine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. And the reason is very unlikely to be because those people have “lost” immunity. It is likely because the vaccine has CHANGED immunity. Not necessarily in a good way, but I have only seen some scientific work which makes it POSSIBLE that the response to vaccinated recovered plasma would be worse than to unvaccinated recovered plasma. That would be the paper I got through cthulhu – the one that shows very high proportions of non-neutralizing antibodies in the vaccinated – a possible precursor to both a Marek’s situation AND antibody-dependent enhancement.


So much misinformation out there … and yet the Real information is even more shocking than the misinformation!


“The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Deferral times for donations may vary depending on which brand of vaccine you received. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate. In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom-free and feeling well at the time of donation.

  • The following eligibility guidelines apply to each COVID-19 vaccine received, including boosters: There is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with a non-replicating inactivated or RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer.”

We will not be getting the vaccine and do not receive other vaccines as none are benign. All have pros/cons. And we are VERY hestitant to receive blood tranfussions … and even more so after this as Yes, you can donate blood after a vaccine


Update on Japan Red Cross policy if one has been vaccinated for wuflu

(note: they have policies in place for all vaccines on their vaccine schedule)

(note: prior to their own country’s testing and approval of the vaccines, one could not donate blood because the vaccines were still being tested and were not yet approved in their country. now that they are approved and being used in Japan one can donate blood after receiving them just like after receiving all other Japan approved vaccines)

“Those who have been vaccinated with inactivated vaccines such as influenza, Japanese encephalitis, cholera, hepatitis A, pneumococcal bacteria, whooping cough, and tetanus and toxoid are not allowed to donate blood for 24 hours after vaccination.

Those who received hepatitis B vaccine 2 weeks after vaccination, those who received anti-HBs human immunoglobulin alone or in combination for 6 months after administration, those who received rabies vaccine (after being bitten by an animal) Please refrain from donating blood for one year after vaccination.

Those who received live attenuated vaccines such as mumps, rash, and BCG received antisera of tetanus, serpentine, gas, and botulinum for 4 weeks after vaccination and for 2 months after vaccination with smallpox vaccine. Please refrain from donating blood for 3 months after administration.

Those who have been vaccinated with the new coronavirus are not allowed to donate blood. From May 14, 3rd year of Reiwa, those who have been vaccinated with RNA vaccine (including mRNA vaccine) will be able to cooperate in blood donation if 48 hours have passed.

The vaccines were approved several weeks ago so one may now donate blood after receiving the vaccine. Waiting for their own country’s approval of the vaccine is the only reason one was not allowed to donate prior to approval.

One can also not donate for a period of time if one has been exposed or has tested positive for a new case of wuflu

Using Japan’s Red Cross’s policy on donation if one had received the vaccine is not a reason to not receive the vaccine and never was. However, there are Many good reasons not to take the vaccines!

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom

I remember looking this up over a month ago at If vaccinated it was no plasma, but can still donate blood. And the antibodies just go poof. I just keep praying I never never need it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

“…..but the vaccine wipes out those antibodies”

Deplorable Patriot

No word on where this is.


#amazingpollyAmazing Polly: BOOM – Guess Who Fauci’s Wife is!!!



In the past I have written blogs on side affects of prescription drugs. But, now that we have the toxic vaccine push that no one actually benefits from for it does not prevent those vaccinated from getting COVID-19, and we are told the virus mutates so you have to have another shot next covid season…for it has obviously replaced the flu, we now enter into the forced standard of acceptable malpractice.

[EXCERPT] Read more at the link above…

Deplorable Patriot

That piece of information has been out for a bit.

But, still, the swampian incest tar baby is getting too obvious to ignore.


Yes, it has – however – under the current circumstances – a good reminder.

An odd couple for sure – reminds me of Schumer and his wife – both look like men!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s great information there, and disturbing. So Faux-Xi’s wife’s brother-in-law is a choke point for FOIA requests to the State Deparment?????

Wonder who’s choking whom here…

I can imagine more than a few Cabal worthy of neck size reduction… oh, and speaking of necks, scarf-lady is up to her wardrobe accessories in this, too…

Well worth the watch… thanks for finding it, Duchess!


Most welcome, Cuppa – and the plot thickens – does it not?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Sir Walter Scott’s warning comes to mind:

O, what a tangled web we weave,

When first we practise to deceive

And their web would make Shelob jealous…


And Ungoliant proud, I daresay!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They were Mor-goth than Sauros, as it were…..
Maiar beware, to coin a phrase 🙂


Works with “Zeke” Emanuel? Rahm’s brother? “Never let a crisis go to waste” Emanuel?……… Hmmm


Zeke a doctor who said Paraphrase ” people should not live longer than 75 he would not who wants to be dependent on others or family?”
These connections and what Emanuel said years ago in and interview about aging.


Who in the h-e- double-hockey-sticks does this guy think he is???

First, a population “limit” … and then, a myopic view / mandate on what the maximum age of “value” is?

The term “dependent” is merely a *financial* interpretation – one of many, most others of which interpret “value” as something OTHER than mammon-generating “productivity”.

The gall!

These people are mentally deficient … while concurrently believing that they’re “superior”.

The only measuring stick they use is the one that they’ve excelled at – massive predation on their own kind, for money / status / power.

The first. and PROPER, measuring stick, they are oblivious to. It’s upside-down (predictably), to consider oneself “objective”, while demonstrating the exact opposite: pure subjectivity.

It’s pathological. And borne of childhood trauma. It *cannot* be cured. Anyone who tries to “help” them ends up making them WORSE sociopaths / psychopaths.

And borne of childhood trauma.

If anyone watched “The Sopranos”, there was a scene late in the series in which Dr. Melfi attended a dinner party, where this was established by the guests (mostly other psychologists, of course). I found it illuminating ….

It is THEY who are deplorable – more psychological projection.

I’ll leave the issue of being “irredeemable” in God’s hand.

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar

I agree with you.
My husband is 78 and I am 76 we are still very active.
These people know nothing except the construct of their perverted evil mind.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Old people are a repository of wisdom. End of story. Nations which discard the wisdom of elders will inevitably become prey to nations which do NOT discard it, but instead encourage the discarding by their victims.

Nations which neither discard the wisdom of elders, nor encourage such a sin in other nations, are trustworthy.

Deplorable Patriot



Very insightful 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Zeke and Rahm then should nip off behind the building and off themselves soon as they hit 75 then….

Somehow I doubt they’ll do that…


Their words mean nothing; their acts mean everything.

We’re WAY beyond “talk” now …


I am waiting (s)  😉 


Regarding the article about the vaccines saving America from Covid being weaponized: all of that may be true. But with the vaccines, we are looking at up to half of all Americans with nothing but autoimmune disease, cancer, infertility, shorter lives, and genocide of a lot of the population to look forward to. Was one outcome better than the other? No. They are both horrible outcomes. But choosing large-scale death is not something I would have chosen.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually think Judy Mikovitz is correct. SOME of this can be reversed and the way it can be is known to the ones who did this. My guess is it will be revealed sooner rather than later.

“Show the people” is UGLY, and I don’t like the way it was done, and even then, the real truth is being concealed.


I hope Mikovitz is correct. But it can’t be undone with all the people who have already died.

Deplorable Patriot

This is true, and I do not at all want to make light of that nor of all the children lost via miscarriage.




It is my understanding – it was either a vaccine – or this pandemic would go on for years – and with the lockdowns – the death toll would be greater – whatever these ‘shots’ are – they are not vaccines – they have not been approved by the FDA (not that that matters) – and there were plenty of other cures out there.

This is an experimental therapy – about which the manufacturers said nothing – we were not even told what was in it – nor were we told the animals they tested died – or that there were some pretty ugly side effects.

I do not believe this is what PT had in mind – but, unless there was a vaccine – this ‘plandemic’ would never end – and many more states would still be in lockdown – and more people would have died of preventable maladies.

People were frightened to the point where they did not want to even go out of their homes – nor did they want to congregate with others – the psychological effect was devastating.

I am certain PT knew of their plan to strangle the world – and rein in the Great Reset – and now – not only are people going to be arrested for misleading the public – but, they are also going to be arrested for cheating in a national election – somehow I think these two are related.

These two events are only part of their systematic and diabolical plan to rule the world – and they have many ways to depopulate the world of useless eaters.

A weaponized virus would kill far more than we could even imagine – in order to stop this from happening – PT and his team had to do everything possible to prevent this – while making sure people knew they had freedom of choice.

I do not think PT chose large-scale death – he did everything he could to push the therapies – in spite of the fact that ‘they’ were pushing the vaccines.

You and I both know there are people in our families and friends who cannot be convinced there is a better way. Masks are far more dangerous than the virus – and yet – people still feel ‘safe’ wearing them – I will never understand that as long as I live, Linda.

For the first time since this virus hoax began – I was told – I did not need to wear a mask – and the manager at the car service center did not need to wear a mask – but, if I felt more comfortable – he would wear one – none of the mechanics in the shop were wearing masks, either – and yet everyone who came into the shop was wearing one (except me) – and the manager had to pull his up. Go figure.


VSGPOTUSDJT always charges INTO and THROUGH ambushes. That’s why he’s still standing when they’ve thought they had ensnared him over and over and over again.


Amen goes right there, Cooth!!!


We have not been privy to much, I suppose.

I agree with you.


God Bless This Man!


This reminds me how much we have lost and barbaric in our otherwise civilized country. we have become and Christianity has not protected the unborn God’s little once.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

Before I read the post and thread, I want to say this before I forget.

Chris Jacobs represents the most MAGA district in NY State, just outside Buffalo. Jacobs was endorsed by Trump:

Trump did not endorse Beth Parlato, who ran as an unabashed MAGA candidate. Here is what she said about the Democrats while running:

“It’s a leftist, socialist agenda, and I think we are one election away from socialism,” she said. “We need stronger voices for women other than AOC, Pelosi and the Squad. They’ve become the voices of the Democratic Party.”

Jacobs won because no Republican ever loses in that district.

Jacobs comes from an extremely nice, very intelligent family of high achievers. They are long time billionaires. They have contributed to the Buffalo area in very generous ways.

I have no idea what their politics is, although Jacobs’ brother is married to the daughter of Carl Paladino, who is a close friend of Trump’s (real estate) and a MAGA candidate LONG before Trump ran for president. Paladino ran for governor very much in a “plain spoken” style which anticipated Trump, speaking truths which shocked, shocked the genteel communists of NY. (Trump was a much better candidate).

Nonetheless, Chris Jacobs always struck me as the typical decepticon, mouthing the right words in a not very convincing way. I feel zero surprise that he has stabbed us in the back. It was a GRAVE disappointment to me that Jacobs won in a MAGA district.

Whatever Trump’s motivation in endorsing Jacobs, and it could very well have been a friendship with Paladino, or the Jacobs family, or both, but whatever, it was NOT because Jacobs was a MAGA candidate. At the time of the election, actual conservatives/MAGA KNEW Jacobs was not their kind.

Maybe Parlato was not either, but she said she was, and she was a highly attractive, articulate candidate in a highly MAGA district. I never committed to believing she was a true MAGA candidate, but she never gave me reason to believe she was not.

And now we hope Jacobs can be dislodged. I doubt it, but we can hope.


Sometimes they may not be deep reasons President Trump endorses. He can not know all, esp in 435 rep races. He depends on advice from others. Some is good advice and some advice is not.


“Sometimes they may not be deep reasons President Trump endorses.”

Then you got the point of my post.


And then we should know WHO the advisors are.


My guess is that this was a highly personal endorsement based on Trump’s relationship with Paladino or the Jacobs or both.

I am guessing that the President deals with people in a highly personal way; that is one of many reasons we love him.

But if you want a friend in politics, get a dog.

I am guessing that the President has become more realistic and (I hope) ruthless in his understanding of how he needs to do things, and not let his heart get the better of him.


Maybe it was a case of “Who can win”.

I’m thinking that PDJT puts that at the top of his list.

The one that we like may not be the one that has the better chance of winning in a district.

Taking the House back and bumping Nanzi out of the Speakership is one of our main goals.



You are the winner with this comment.

We are all out here watching these races with our opinions on them, while Trump and company are running game-simulations on outcomes, looking at deep-internal polling, and the like. They know many things we can NOT know.

Is it better to endorse a super-MAGA loser, or a meh-Republican WINNER? I know which I choose.


Remember that fiasco in AL for Jeff Sessions’ senate seat?

People went against PDJT’s pick…and we lost a senate seat.


The difference being that the race in the 27th district bore zero resemblance to the Alabama race, and the Alabama Republicans who did not follow Trump’s advice were self-destructive nitwits.


>>”the Alabama Republicans who did not follow Trump’s advice were self-destructive nitwits”<<

We have a true LEADER.

I find it hard to fathom why those who have ostensibly supported him … refuse to FOLLOW him.

He knows WAY more than we do, and I trust his motivations.

He needn’t be perfect (and isn’t) … but there isn’t anyone else who gets as close.

I went “all in” long ago. I wish others would do the same – *especially* when we think we know enough to call him “wrong”.

It usually turns out that he was right …


I can agree with that, but he is not a savior. He LEFT OFFICE.

He promised that the Deplorables would not be harmed and yet hundreds are in DC jails.


Except there was zero chance the Republican would lose.

She was a highly attractive, articulate MAGA candidate in a heavily Republican/MAGA district. Not a GOPe district, a rural and blue collar Republican district, maybe one of the most in the country.

The prior Congressman was THE FIRST in the country to endorse Trump, and he did that early and loudly. That should give you an idea of how the district is composed.

Trump’s endorsement made the only difference in who was nominated and who won. It was the Republican who got the endorsement.

The endorsement went to a guy who just voted to stab Trump in the back and to create a communist Propaganda bonanza. And MAGA people knew he was that sort of guy when the endorsement was made, to our puzzlement and disappointment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Expect the decepticons to move to a smoother and very “Trump-friendly” level of betrayal.

Why? Because…..


This was PROVEN on January 6. Betrayal that is YEARS IN THE MAKING works.

Thus, we have to be BIGGER ASSHOLES along the way, and actually DESTROY what appear at first glance to be innocent “questionable MAGA”, as well as obvious incipient decepticons.


There is a division based on experience between people who have seen the con for years and those who have not.

Our side has many very nice people who take people at their word, as normal people do and should. But we need a higher level of aggressive skepticism. And that may include our President. I think he sees that now.


100 percent agree!
Live and Learn


We’ve been endorsing meh Republicans for a long while now.

It has gotten us to HERE.




I have zero problem when it was a case of who can win. But this was a case where any Republican could have won.

I know it surprises people to find out that such a district exists in NY. But this is not only a Republican district, it is a huge MAGA district.

Trump’s endorsement of the MAGA candidate would have won her the nomination and the election, no question. It’s the 27th district.

Trump’s endorsement made the difference between the sort of Republican candidate who probably would vote for the new witch hunt (and did), and the candidate who certainly would not have.

And MAGA people around the district knew that at the time, that Jacobs was a decepticon.

I love the President. I respect the President. I think he was one of the best Presidents ever, maybe the best.

But I respectfully disagree with the pov that he knows everything about everything.

And I also believe he does often did things on a personal basis which is admirable in business and real life, but which has no successful place in our present corrupt politics.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. We are SEASONED WARRIORS now, and we must strike the non-MAGA hard and out of the blue, like lightning from a clear sky.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Perfect Trump” was a propaganda creation of our enemies. They launched this tactic as soon as he took office. High faith in Trump is a good thing for our side, but we have to help him lead MAGA out of traps.

Cuppa Covfefe

Another thing he does, which politicians usually don’t, is he searches for the optimum decision. And that might not be one that we understand, if only because we don’t see all the different equations in the mass of linear (and other) equations he has to solve together for optimum.

We don’t know just how much we don’t know; and perhaps revealing some of that would unravel things that should, erm, remain knit.

Having said that, VSGPDJT isn’t perfect. But who is (other than Jesus)?


I have Mt Everest high faith in Trump, and it is a good thing. I think he understands things much better now. And that is NOT an insult to him.

He listens to us IMO, and yes I think we can help him. That is what I was trying to do with my post.


I’m not sure. If PT endorses them they generally win.


Meh. I’m getting tired of all the excuses for him.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sort of like this from “Home Improvement” 😀 [I am the Denominator]


Lol. I think im doing ok this year.


may 20, 2021 the marshall report

If you are reading this, then the Lord has given you another day. Enjoy each moment whether at work or at rest. May we be kind to others and make someone else happy today. Stay strong as we keep going forward doing what we need to do in these most wicked and difficult times. Stay focused on the Lord and do not enter into confusion or be gullible to believe lies. Know always that this season of chaos and confusion shall pass. 

The grand finale to this crazy show is coming soon.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Some great videos here – so nice to hear President Trump speak!!!

Gosh – I miss him!!! It was a happier time compared to the present!!!

Deplorable Patriot

What national “news” editors consider important.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is why Fox is Fake News. They eagerly and knowingly promote the distracto-changeo “Look, squirrel!” narratives.


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Tony Heller

May 19 Arctic sea ice extent is the highest in the past eight years, and just about average during @AOC’s lifetime.

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Just taking a wild shot here.

In a tree in my back yard in western New York I just heard and saw a bird I have never seen nor heard before. The back door is open and I heard a most unusual song. So I went out and looked and saw a most beautiful small perching type bird in the tree.

He had brownish feathers except for his striking breast feathers, which were a rusty red, more vibrant the the robin and less vibrant than a cardinal, but quite beautiful. His brownish feathers were not dull. It was bright enough to be a male, although I wondered at first for about 2 seconds if it were a female cardinal before I realized it definitely was not.

And the song was DEFINITELY not the cardinal song, or a song I had ever heard before. I heard it about 6 or 8 times before it flew away.

The song was nine notes, mostly, although a couple times it could have been 7 notes.

But the pattern was the same, and sounded rather extraordinary.

There was an extended first note, a pause, followed by seven (or five) identical notes in succession, a pause, followed by an extended ending note. I do not think I was imaging the following thing about the first and last notes: they were perfect “bookends.” The first note sounded rising, like “this is the beginning.” And the last night was falling, like “this is the end.” And the seven (or five) identical intermediate notes were rapid but not TOO rapid, more like “this is what I am saying so listen” rapid.

I looked online and have had success in identifying other birds, but no luck with this one. I would LOVE to find out.

I rarely ask God for specific things in prayer, but recently have for specific reasons. You can laugh at me, and I will laugh along with you, but I am wondering if the bird was sent to comfort. I certainly found it comforting.


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I love the picture where the man is sitting in front of the firer.
I can attest to the fact that our brain is much more capable off than we ever imagine.
I have held a photo in my hand with people dancing I could feel the energy from the photo as if i was transported into the picture and place as if being there.
I have seen pictures of a marketplace in the middle east and heard middle east type of music. I have seen sadness and pain and could feel the pain.
That is why I am careful what I watch what I read.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Simple question.

How do we know that the globalists are not, actually, already, the work of an alien invasion infiltration infestation?

No matter what, I advise treating them as such.

Cuppa Covfefe



Any store can post any sign they want, they can even say “please.” I ain’t getting the poison injection, and I ain’t wearing a damned mask.

And if they ask me if I’m vaccinated, they are getting the death glare, and the phrase “none of your business.”


Ground Report. On a three day getaway trip to McCall, ID.

Caldwell, ID. Pit stop for gas. Some folks gassing up wearing a diaper. Fred Meyer (Kroger family of stores) signs up face diapers mandatory by local ordinance. 25% of us, me included without diapers. No one said a word. Lunch at a pizza place. Diaper required signs up. Nearly all without diapers.

McCall. Some diaper of folks walking about. Methinks likely touristas. Eatery. No diapers. Hotel, staff wearing diapers when around guests. Nearly all guests not.

Roads are BUSY. Business seems good.


Good one.

Almost no stores here in the part of Montana where I live require masks. Some still have signs up, but we all know they are meaningless. Now that there is some controversy being reported by local papers that HIPAA law may not cover businesses, I expect a couple to ask about vaccines.


The day a dumbass store person asks if I am vaccinated. First reply is, I can’t safely wear a mask.

IF the dope persists, I’ll tell the dope it is a private matter, I’ll ONLY discuss with the store manager.

For the manager, I’ll ask him to share my personal message with his management.

Then show him this, which will be on my cell.

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h/t QTreeper that posted this meme weeks ago.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Totally A W E S O M E .. 🤨👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️‼️ … I want THAT vacpissport ..

.. ❤️ .. 😉


Went to both Home Depot and Lowes today, in western NY.

The Home Depot crowd was about 60-40 non-mask. And the no maskers walked with confidence, while the maskers were quiet and timid.

At Lowes it was 60 mask and 40 non-mask, but again the mask wearers were timid and the non-maskers were confident, like “no big deal.”

And I need forgiveness for this, but the maskers looked exactly like what you would think: emotional and easily brainwashed.


It takes assurance not to be intimidated or fearful. The fear that has spread is criminal. I never look at the people as victims of the biggest psy op in American history.


Well, I need forgiveness, too, because I see what you see. They are snowflakes which melt at the first sign of heat.


Commonly I’ll smile, nod or greet maskers. Letting them know, life after masks IS good – NORMAL.

But, if they were to be so ignorant as give me a negative comment, well, they’ll catch a brusque reply. Yea, i am like that.


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Vaccine Injuries & Deaths

Sounds like the vaccine is working. According to the fake news media and paid Big Pharma shills.
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Edit: …”organ necrosis”?

I wonder if this is the cause of some of these vaccine deaths that are being reported.

We’re just getting the numbers…not the details on cause of death.

Last edited 3 years ago by wheatietoo
Deplorable Patriot

Several of the physicians and scientists speaking out against the shots talked about various organs being attacked.

And so it starts.


Looked in VAERS. I can’t see how to search for necrossis. Searches look more generic, rather than word specific. It’s likely in VAERS.


>>”It’s likely in VAERS”<<

Under “injuries”.

Injuries that are *Unspecified*, IIRC.

Or at least too generalized to be of any specific value …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(1) NecroSSis is incorrect spelling – possibly intentional to get past censorship algorithms. Should be “necrosis”.

(2) Very likely to be lumped under ORGAN FAILURE, most likely at KIDNEY FAILURE and HEART FAILURE. Some of these would be due to general weakening, etc. – normal causes – so any accelerated necrosis would likely be hidden in those numbers.

(3) We know that COVID itself causes organ failure of both kidneys and heart, so it is not surprising that the full spike protein vaccine would do the same.


Ask our dear Sylvia what she thinks about necrosis. She just had a joyful brush with the external version, on her leg, which nearly killed her and left a significant divot. Having the same thing that was nicely on the outside of her leg on some organ inside sounds like a real problem.


Fake president…doing a fake driving stunt:

[video src="" /]

Deplorable Patriot

Minor ground report:

I was out on my walk and overhead, all of a sudden, I heard jet engines. They sounded like fighters to me, so I looked up and eventually got a good look of four F-18s, I think, if not they were F-15s but I don’t think so, flying in geese formation. Low, too. Not air show low, but low for fighters.

Something’s happening. This is the wrong time of the month for Missouri’s national guard airplanes to be flying maneuvers. That’s usually right along with tornado siren testing the first week of the month.

Plus, why would Navy planes be in the middle of the country? And they weren’t coming from the airport or Scott AFB, either, but the southwest.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. F-18s. Dad’s been retired 15 years and I still know my McDonnell Aircraft planes.


Dated info. 2002/2003. Spent a fair amount of time at Scott AFB, which put me at Lambert waiting on TWA flights to Hawaii.

Saw many F-18s take offs. Commonly on afterburner, transition to near vertical flight quickly after airborne.

Coulda been Air Guard.

At the time, I assumed they were new production or otherwise off the McDonnell / Boeing maintenance line.

IIRC, once upon a time, F-18 were made in St Louis. Dunno where the Super Hornets are manufactured.

Wondering as my reference is nearly twenty years old. If not manufactured, is there a Boeing Super Hornet maintenance facility adjacent to /on Lambert?

Deplorable Patriot

Last I heard, the line in the ramp (Building 2) was F-15s, but that was a year and a half ago. They may have switched back.

But, these were not coming from the airport.


Thanks. Yea, my guess is your neck of the woods is away from Lambert. Across the river…

F-15 is a fantastic AC. I do miss F-14s launches on the Enterprise. Incredible sight and feeling to witness.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m on the Missouri side, actually, but I have relatives all over on the other side of the river.

If the wind is right, we get airport noise. No airport noise today. Not from Lambert, anyway. It’s not all that far from us at all.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Aircraft silhouettes.

Best way to ID these 2 from one another are the wings and engine air inlets ( or “air scoops”). As shown below. Note the shape difference between the two wing types. This is the #1 way for a novice to tell them apart. Air scoops are another but less so from a distance. The inlets on an F-15 are massive and impossible to miss.

Yet another good way to differentiate between them is the fact that the Hornet will have visible missile “rails” on it’s wing tips (w/mounted missiles makes it even more obvious) while the Eagle does not have wing tip mounted missiles (nor the rails for them). You will never see a F-15 with wing tip missiles, but even without missiles the rails on the F-18 are obvious.

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The reason why fighter planes sound so different is because they use true turbine engines, not turbo-fans. That means 100% of the air passing through the engine goes through it’s turbine core…none is ducted around the core as it is with a turbo fan engine. That is what makes it “roar”…because the air from the turbine is not masked by a cocoon of ducted air (like an airliner’s engines are). Power is what is most valued in a true turbine engine, not fuel efficiency and noise abatement.

As for aircraft movement, I can give you 100 different reasons right off the top of my head why those planes where there, and none of them have anything to do with “something is happening”. No offense intended.

Deplorable Patriot

They were F-18s.

The thing is, we don’t see them around here very often. F-15s, yes. And the Couch Commando reports that there’s been military planes spotted at Spirit out in the valley.

That’s not normal for these parts.

Concerned Virginian

You know, Dr. Fauci is a nasty little control freak.
1 hour ago
Wilson Wong
“Fauci says public is ‘misinterpreting’ latest CDC mask guidance”

“Simon Says” Fauci is all upset that people who aren’t “vaccinated” have the audacity to remove their masks, something that is “reserved” only for those who are “fully vaccinated”.
“That’s not what the CDC said, Fauci said. They said: If you are vaccinated, you can feel safe — that you will not get infected either outdoors or indoors. It did not explicitly say that unvaccinated people should abandon their masks.” (emphasis mine)

Translation: Fauci wants all un-“vaccinated” people to be like the Jews in Nazi Germany and wear the 2021 version of the Yellow Starthe mask.
Right now, wearing the “Yellow Star mask” is voluntary.
I will bet dollars to doughnuts that the Dr. Walensky’s CDC and Dr. Woodcock’s FDA are even now working on a “comparison database” of those who got the experimental injection, and those who didn’t — using Census Bureau data and data uploaded when a person gets the injection. With the ultimate goal that, at some point, the “Yellow Star mask” will no longer be voluntary.

Deplorable Patriot

People like that usually are control freaks. And it is hard to let it go, too.


Little runts, like Fauci, are well-known control freak types. Red-neck equivalents will be something like 5’4” tall but drive big trucks with lift kits. They know they are not physically imposing and, in a man’s world, cannot intimidate anyone simply by their height and size (ie. their appearance). As runts, they have been “small” since they were little children, and they stayed that way, which has a huge and lasting psychological impact on such people, especially men.

Fauci is a runt. He always has been a runt. And his ego is trying to compensate for it.


He wants / they want us to voluntarily do their branding for them. If they say unvaccinated people have to wear a mask, we are supposed to comply, and then everyone will know who got the shots and who didn’t — because we’re telling them.

Not happening. Information is power. It would imply a lot of things about people’s mindsets and political leanings. But we are not going to comply, and in America, they can’t force us, especially with COVID numbers falling. They’re so desperate to have complete control over us.


Since 99.9% of us have been vaccinated in our lifetimes, it is TRUE to say, “I have been vaccinated. “


This occurred to me today, too.

I can say with a completely straight face, and not telling a lie, that I am “fully vaccinated.”

I am, because I have had all my vaccinations. I have not, however, had their experimental gene-altering shot.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Completely unConstitutional.

HIPPA laws prevent this.


But do the people in Idaho get to vote on approving them. That’s the question.



Outside of D-Rat holes like Boise, Idaho woukl be OK with rural Oregon.

Same as IF rural Oregon wanted to join NV. Outside of D-Rat shit holes like Vegas and Reno, OK idea.


Actually, the governor of Idaho and the legislature have already said they would welcome the Oregon counties.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent news. It’s time for America to flee socialism BIGLY.


Yes, if this goes through, I will be thinking seriously about moving back to the other side of the mountains, back to where I grew up.


^^^ Americans are like that. ^^^

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Brought you some disposable masks DP. ❤😍🤗😋😎
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Deplorable Patriot



…*The introduction plan (“Thousand Talents Program”) is currently China’s highest standard of overseas talent introduction plan at the moment, which aims at the national development strategy target, introducing and focusing on supporting a batch of strategic scientists and leaders who are capable of making breakthroughs in the key technology, developing high-tech industries, and driving the development of new fields [back] to China.

Professor Lehman is the founder of PKUSZ School of Transnational Law, former president of Cornell University, and president of the Joint Center for China-U.S. Law & Policy Studies. He studied in the School of Public Policy of Cornell University and the University of Michigan, receiving the J.D. degree from the latter. Professor Lehman is mainly engaged in the law education of his specific field, as well as school administration. He has introduced more than seventy world-leading talents into the law field, and promoted communication between China and America in law, education and academic research. He has also established several top academic institutions, as well as international communication and cooperation projects. In 2011, Lehman won China’s “Friendship Award” and became one of the first batch of overseas high-level talents in Shenzhen’s “Peacock Plan”.*…


More on the Peacock Plan.

As one of the world’s largest gene sequencing and analysis centers, the Shenzhen-based genomics research institution BGI has recruited several people through the Peacock Plan.

“BGI is transforming its research center into a startup incubator,” said Zhu Yanmei, the director of the strategic planning committee of BGI.”…

BGI wiki:

Now what was going on at Cornell when President Lehman resigned the Presidency? Hint: Life Sciences Initiative, Mars Rover.


BGI and DNA collection via Covid tests, link to Gates Foundation

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(See photo caption…Duffield Hall is an incubator for genomic laboratories. )


Weil Hall was built as an incubator for biotech labs based on the Duffield Hall model.

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s a link with the latest discussion from The Five Doctors. Dr. Lee Merritt does 15 minutes on genetically targeted vaccines by race. yes, it is possible. STUNNING information she’s found. Literally, “they” are looking to sterilize most of the human race with self spreading shots.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This stuff is critical information!

Here is the FULL DISCUSSION – it’s 1 hour and 22 minutes.

Now, if that’s too long, here is a shorter 15 minute segment that contains mind-blowing factual information about unearthed research on weaponization of vaccines. THIS is where Bill Gates is coming from.

I highly recommend that people become familiar with this stuff, because you can defeat all media denials with it.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not science fiction, and that is going to be a hard sell.



The really scary thing is that it’s not just one rogue country doing this. Most of the world is in on the plot. It must have taken some planning, the various different megalomaniacs from all over the world must have got together and agreed to do this. The global warming cult are the likeliest suspects to my view.

Deplorable Patriot

Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, The Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations….

They’ve been plotting for decades.


Suppose the five eyes counties decimate their populations, but maybe russia and china do not, they are I think using their own brew jabs. How is that going to end up, Lebensraum.


“House Intel Republicans: “Under the Leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci” US Likely Engaged in Dangerous Research in China, Covid-19 Escaped Wuhan Lab”

“………to examine the “risk of future coronavirus (CoV) emergence[s]”

Homo sapiens, who are the modern form of humans evolved 300,000 years ago.
So now after it never happened in all that time stuff is going to jump across from bats…. PIFFLE !
Only explanation is its use as a bio weapon.
Lying liars lie, and I’ll predict what the next one will be.
They’ll say they were working with the ccp so they could spy on them and keep an eye on what they were doing. Then the IC will clam up and say everything has to be in camera.


Get injected and you could win $5 million in NY Vax and Scratch Initiative

Starting next week, anyone who goes to get their first COVID-19 vaccine shot will get a free scratch-off ticket as well, with a shot at winning $5 million.–Scratch-initiative-574461151.html


What a crock!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Depop elite swine resorting to anything to make plebs stop reproducing!


The vaccine lottery should be forbidden. They are gambling with peoples life.
How many politicians and Gates or Fauci and all those people got a vaccine?
Why are we so bribed and propagandized to get the vaccine?
They did not do this with swine flu and they stopped vaccinations when 5 plus people died. I want a true accounting how many people died or are incapacitated from the vaccinations.


This is a cool video that Dan Scavino tweeted out:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/20/21

See, 35 wayward Republicans—they just can’t help themselves. We have much better policy and are much better for the Country, but the Democrats stick together, the Republicans don’t. They don’t have the Romney’s, Little Ben Sasse’s, and Cheney’s of the world. Unfortunately, we do. Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak. The voters understand!


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Deplorable Patriot

Uh, this is, uh, there’s gotta be some sick, twisted element of pride talking here.
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Cuppa Covfefe

Do they come in a set, with a matching toe tag?????

Deplorable Patriot



Cattle brand.

If I ever see one in person I’m gonna ask him/her if they moo and give milk on demand too.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

You’re so bad.

Love it.


It’s a mental illness.

It’s virtue-signalling taken to a narcissistic extreme.

It’s like watching a group of high school girls who think they’re the ‘in crowd’, trying to outdo each other with fashion sensibilities. Now they’ve reached the point of tattooing their ‘Virtue Score’ on their arms, but it won’t stop there.

It would be funny, if these people weren’t so pathetic.

Almost like a literal re-enactment of Hans Christian Andersen’s “Emperor’s New Clothes”:

“Two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends lavishly on clothing at the expense of state matters. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are stupid or incompetent.

The emperor hires them, and they set up looms and go to work. A succession of officials, and then the emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought a fool.

Finally, the weavers report that the emperor’s suit is finished. They mime dressing him and he sets off in a procession before the whole city. The townsfolk uncomfortably go along with the pretense, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all.

The people then realize that everyone has been fooled. Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking more proudly than ever.”


This is what we’ve been living since Covid hysteria was unleashed on the world.

And certainly not just Covidiocy, but Globull Warming, Critical Race Theory, MMT (‘modern monetary theory), it’s all insane.

One mania feeding the next.

To half the population — the stupid or incompetent — these frauds are invisible, like the emperor’s new clothes, so the stupid simply believe them.

Most of the rest of the population, who knows better, go along with the stupid people, to avoid being thought of as a fool by the hardcore fools. The enablers hope to avoid appearing inept or stupid in the eyes of the stupid people, because they’re afraid of what the stupid people will think of them if they don’t ‘go along’.

The enablers might fool the hardcore idiots, but without their enabling of the loons, the entire death spiral of our country — and the world with it — couldn’t even happen.

All because too many otherwise ‘good men’ stand silent, for fear of of what the lunatics might think of them.

The correct thing to do is to point out the naked idiocy of all these goofballs, like the tattooed freak in the photo, and laugh at them.

If their mental illness causes them to react violently to the truth, the thing to do is to defend yourself, not go along with the insane people.

Because that way madness lies.

Or pretty much like all around us, right now.


This is probably a good thing, hopefully it catches on. The bigger the tattoo, the more painful (and more expensive) it will be to remove it, when the fever finally breaks, and these idiots realize what they’ve done.

If it’s just a little tattoo, the pain won’t be too great to remove it, so no lesson will be learned.

But a really BIG tattoo might just do the trick… 👍 😁

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Here’s an idea….

They should simply close the existing corporate tax loopholes.

That’s how you know raising money isn’t what this is about.


With new monetary theory, where they can print whatever they want, as much as they want, whenever they want it, why are there any taxes, at all, for anybody?


Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Concerned Virginian

One guesses that AOC may be “advising” RobberJoe’s handlers on “economic theory”.


We can not let this even begin. originally income tax was supposed to be only for the very wealthy. After a tax is established it very quickly can grow and expand. NO
World tax is indicative of a world gov NO


All VAT taxes start at some nominal amount, like 1%, in response to some “National Emergency”. Over the next 20 years, they slowly increase until they hit their usual “stable level” of about 20%. They are nearly impossible to excise after that.

If you find yourself in a jurisdiction with a vat tax of 7%, you can freak out the locals by saying, “oh, yes — I forgot — that started with that national emergency about six years ago.”

If you’re charitable, you can explain the workings of your “trick” and how they are now screwed-a-mundo.


She’d love it to be so easy to marginalize our fighters.


Alternatively round up the shedders and let them take part via skype.


A MESSAGE TO THE LORD’S ORCHARD – FRUIT BEARING SEEDSmay 20, 2021 the marshall report

All trees bear seeds…but which bear fruit?

The Holy Spirit is WITHIN YOU. IN YOU. Ponder it. Know that greater is HE who is in YOU than he who is in the world.

All who are of this spirit are of the Lord. It is this binding Holy Spirit that we shall know one another by. Works follow…as a sign of fruit on a tree that ripens in time. 

Beautiful fruit plucked from the tree, once plucked begins to wither…slowly at first as the signs we cannot see. Then all of a sudden rapidly, only to be tossed aside. Decayed and decomposed, leaving behind a seed. A seed that can be planted and grow again into a marvelous tree, in each season bearing much fruit.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


Hi Everybody …. I need some quick help! Either yesterday (or the day before?) there was a post outlining the new rules set out by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as regards to Employer mandates to employees and what an employer can/can’t du re: The Vax!
I can find it anywhere … can you help


I don’t know how to link up an article unless the copy feature is provided. The OSHA guidelines are explained at (The National Law Review), dated today. If they require the jab, any adverse reaction is a work-related injury.


OSHA Releases Guidance for Employers Considering Vaccine Requirements
Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Duchess is right, I thought the article was dated today. It’s 4/21 – they just have today’s date at the top of their home page. 🙄 Duh.


Looking at Gingersmoms source

Used the search bar for “OSHA”

Found duchesses link from April 21 and right under it the following :

OSHA Tells Employers to Follow CDC Mask GuidanceTuesday, May 18, 2021


This may help, too. letter to employer

Shared post (


Possibly more than just knowing Rentz’s name. Possible she did retain services and that Rentz actually called the right people at Target so that there’d be no misunderstandings about what was going to happen next. I’d suspect it was a short conversation about HIPAA Laws and it did not matter what Target thinks it knows about his client but what it would do to accommodate her.


Patriots Can Now See The Board Clearly, The First Domino Is Ready To Fall – Ep. 2483  May 20, 2021  x22report

The [CB]/[DS] agenda is failing. People are not agreeing with the economic agenda. The [CB] great reset failed before it began, but the foot soldiers are continuing with their orders. Walgreens is closing stores in SF because of shoplifting. The fake news said Trump was in bed with Putin but it turns out Obama and Biden are the ones catering to Russia. The [CB] said their plan out loud, they are pushing their new currency system. The first domino is about to fall, this is going to be the shot heard around the world. Nothing can stop this nothing. The [DS] lost the battle before it began, we are in the exposure phase. The people are fighting back and the [DS] players are feeling the backlash. More pain is coming, timing is everything. Flynn sends a message, more is coming, Scavino shows Trump at the rallies, it’s time.


Ep. 2483a – The Fed Just Revealed Their Plan For The New Currency System, Conspiracy No More
X22 Report Published  May 20, 2021


Ep. 2483b – Patriots Can Now See The Board Clearly, The First Domino Is Ready To Fall
X22 Report Published  May 20, 2021


“Ep. 2483a – The Fed Just Revealed Their Plan For The New Currency System”


I have not heard the show, but guessing it’s just a digital currency with nothing backing it besides the full faith and incredulity of the Federal Reserve (which is neither ‘federal’ nor a ‘reserve’) and the occupied United States of America.

If so, it’s a non-starter.

We already have a fiat currency, and when it implodes from being debased by the gubermint + Federal Reserve Banksters, both of their ‘credibility’ will be zero.

So when they come out with a new and improved digital fiat currency, courtesy of the exact same lying crapweasels and traitors, nobody is going to care. It will be the equivalent of a digital $3 bill.

Just more funny money.

When the current “just trust me” fiat system collapses, who in the world would ever trust a digital (i.e., even less tangible) version of the exact same thing?

Whatever replaces the current fiat system is either transparently and provably backed by gold and silver, or nobody will trust it.

And the value of gold and silver is either transparently and provably determined by legitimate market price discovery without manipulation, or nobody will trust it.

And since the criminals in positions of power and authority will never, EVER do the honest thing — after all, they’re criminals — there won’t be any change until the criminals are removed by force.

Or until the criminals give up and leave voluntarily, which coincidentally would be the first new thing under the sun, since around the time of the sun 👍 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

The Federal Reserve Corporation detests bitcoin because they have no control over it – their fiat currency is dying – so they want to create their own ‘digital’ currency that they control to compete with bitcoin – and now – they want to ‘tax’ bitcoin – another control mechanism – that will fail.

Simple, really Scott!!!


Right, but why would anybody trust a new fiat digital currency from the same people who brought us the currently failing fiat currency, which is essentially digital already?

It’s like getting served a salad with a dead mouse at the bottom of the bowl, and accepting the manager’s offer of another salad from the same kitchen 😂 😂 🤣

They can effectively (though not actually) eliminate Bitcoin whenever they want, all they have to do is either tax Bitcoin capital gains at 100% (making it pointless) or outlaw it.

If they outlaw it, lots of people would still use it of course, but no institutions or legitimate companies would use it, and nobody with anything to lose would use it, so it would become an underground or black-market (<— not rayciss) currency.

But without lawful participation by the global public, the valuation of Bitcoin would be small, not large.

Even the credible threat of outlawing Bitcoin would cause a stampede for the exits. Not because anybody agrees with the criminal government, but because most legitimate companies (and people) won’t risk becoming targets of criminal investigations over Bitcoin.

I mean, most people won’t even defy a mask ‘mandate’, and that’s not even criminal🤣 😂 🤣

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

They would definitely NOT trust a digital currency promoted by the Federal Reserve Corporation – however – we must understand the battle for control – they cannot collect INTEREST from this new bitcoin initiative – that burns their buns as much as losing control.

When PT returns – the wrecking ball will again swing at these evil money grabbers – and the US Treasury will take control of our currency once again.

Watch for a ‘bust in the bitcoin community’ – the wicked corporation will use its manipulative power to try to take down these wayward non-conformists – they will fight till their timely demise.

The whole world is fighting the ‘great reset’ the evil central banks have planned – their one world takeover has hit a big bump – and the fight goes on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Money you can drop on your foot.


“Patriots Can Now See The Board Clearly”



Yes, we can – and it becomes clearer at the days pass – enjoy the show, Scott!!!


I think I just figured out the whole “magnet thing” :

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Last edited 3 years ago by Nor'easter

I would think everyone would be aware of it, maybe with the needle sticking out of the arm, rather than it being buried in the arm (able to attract magnets) without being detected.


“Breaking: FDA recommends not using syringes from Chinese firm HAIOU after reports of needles detaching from the syringe and getting stuck in patient’s arm after vaccination.”


Seriously? Ha – IOU ? Shirley they jest….😂

Who would ever believe Chinese products — of any imaginable kind — would either be of extremely low quality or intentionally sabotaged?

In related news, for the 365th day in a row, Troy was once again surprised by a wooden horse filled with enemy soldiers. 👍😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of horses, they were last seen riding off into the sunset on dappled horses, with their 30 pieces of

(wait for it)
HAIOU Silver…….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Little town in Middle TN has an “I can’t breathe” death while in police custody.

Man was crazy on drugs, became violent, had to be restrained and died

This man should have Never been sitting in a jail while going through a medical crisis of detoxing … but so many do this in jails across the country. 

We Need to bring back institutionalization and secured (jail) hospitals NEED to be where these things take place. Big Guards to help with the violence but with equipment, meds and trained medical professionals to treat these medical situations and detoxing to the point of hallucinations is a medical situation!

the man is white so it will be interesting to see if there are riots, uh, i mean peaceful protests.

Leftists in TN hungry for trouble and this might be a good excuse even though the man was fighting until the last moment and they did not remain on him for a long period of time. What else are they supposed to do with a man banging his head repeatedly on the wall and biting and fighting the officers?

What will make the case worse is what several of the officers said to the man, the cursing, name calling and berating. Officers are not trained or equipped for this and actually don’t make very much money at all ($30K/$15 not unusual! Even $40K/$20 is pathetic for what these men and women do so they don’t have retention or even attract high quality individuals esp. for the dangers and hassles of the job)


Guys white so it likely won’t be an issue issue as long as established procedures are followed for redress.


The cease fire memo hasn’t reached NYC yet. They’re having too much fun beating up and blowing up Jews to stop



Reminds me of the movie Brazil (Terry Gilliam, 1985).

Was that really New York, or Hong Kong?

They still have white people in New York, don’t they?


The children of the USA are under siege. If it’s not freaky trannies asking them to crawl on top of them during storytime it’s scary lunatics singing extortion songs about the vax


Clearly, it’s what America’s suburban, liberal soccer Moms want.

And who can argue with the soccer Moms?

Why even try?



Okay, enough already, she’s asking for it, so give it to her….(not the vax)… so the rest of the kids can play together!

Last edited 3 years ago by EllieLA

Undocumented Immigrants to Receive Free Housing on Taxpayers’ Dime?


BREAKING: Supreme Court to Hear Case to Limit Roe v. Wade


Biden’s HUD Secretary Just Said Something Truly Preposterous


OK, does anyone know what did this dip stick say that is preposterous/


In a time where immigrants are crossing the border illegally in record numbers, U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge said HUD is not prioritizing U.S. citizens over illegal immigrants for public housing assistance, despite a shortage of available units following the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the opposite of former Trump Administration HUD Secretary Ben Carson who was working on putting American citizens first for public housing. According to statistics, there were about 32,000 undocumented immigrants living in public housing in 2019.


What a great photo. Like she just sat on an electric cattle prod…


Cuppa Covfefe

Melted Fudge…

Here come da Fudge, here come da Fudge…

Nutty Fudge, at that…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

She is definitely ‘cruising for a bruising’, Scott!!!


Jen Psaki Admits What the Biden Admin Is Really Doing


Oooog….unusual Thursday.

We cleaned out one of Fiancee’s storage units and distributed to two others (one new, but half the size) in a different facility.

Most of me aches.


Thanks for all the great threads this week, DePat!
I really appreciate all the work you do for us.
 😊  💖 

Deplorable Patriot