Cover image: Summer Reflections by Edward Cucuel

MORNING AFTER EDIT: Project Veritas’s latest on “vaccine hesitancy” algorithms.
Would someone call Dr. Jill? I think her charge left this behind.

Question of the day now that more info keeps coming out on the shots and the spike protein spread.
And those who are refusing to participate in the experiment are either being shamed or roped into it via casual contact.
Gee, thanks.
As it turns out, germs are REALLY easy to spread.
God help us.
In the meantime, the Arizona audit is back on, and not much is leaking out about the expected results. Hopefully good news will be coming our way.
Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for some mood music:
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
Sirach is one of the seven Helenistic Canon books that were removed when Martin Luther decided to switch out the original, ancient Old Testament for the newer one the Jerusalem Jews used in his day. The alternate name of the book is Ecclesiasticus.
SIRACH 35:1-12
1He who keeps the law makes many offerings; he who heeds the commandments sacrifices a peace offering. 2He who returns a kindness offers fine flour, and he who gives alms sacrifices a thank offering. 3To keep from wickedness is pleasing to the Lord, and to forsake unrighteousness is atonement. 4Do not appear before the Lord empty-handed, 5for all these things are to be done because of the commandment. 6The offering of a righteous man anoints the altar, and its pleasing odor rises before the Most High. 7The sacrifice of a righteous man is acceptable, and the memory of it will not be forgotten. 8Glorify the Lord generously, and do not stint the first fruits of your hands. 9With every gift show a cheerful face, and dedicate your tithe with gladness. 10Give to the Most High as he has given, and as generously as your hand has found. 11For the Lord is the one who repays, and he will repay you sevenfold. 12Do not offer him a bribe, for he will not accept it; and do not trust to an unrighteous sacrifice; for the Lord is the judge, and with him is no partiality.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

I am the first???? How’d that happen???
Love that impressionistic painting in your opening DPat. Very nice!
For some reason, it reminded me of . I got the impression that the bare-legged woman cornered in the bow was going to have to agree with the other or jump off into the swamp.
A sure sign you have had too heavy a diet of politics!
I was wondering: where is the alligator?
They’re gonna need a bigger boat
Thanks. I’m trying to find more and more art that will work in that format. So much of what we have in this nation that’s from our own people just has to be cropped. Or it’s vertical.
And there’s no shortage of talent.
“Americans who believe in faith, family, and country must become politically active so that conservative-leaning Republicans are elected, especially in “nonpartisan” local elections. Active means doing whatever you can – from writing letters to the editor and calling and emailing elected officials to joining politically active organizations and attending peaceful rallies. Even running for public office……..”
Great. I can go back to bed. I know it’s simple tonight, but things were quiet and the Couch Commando wouldn’t SHUT UP.
Thank you, DP, for a lovely and meaningful thread.
It is a major limitation of the online format that such gratitude can seem to be glib.
Really, sincerely, thank you for a lovely and meaningful thread.
Beautifully said. Wholeheartedly agree.
That video shows how pervasive germs really are.
From what was shown one would think societies would be subjected to permanent pandemics, which obviously is not so.
The reason for this is that our immune system is far robuster and can cope with this kind or even far dirtier environments.
These type of videos are in fact very misleading and shallow, because they do not really address the issue they say they are addressing.
Great points! The complexity of the viral world cuts both ways – FOR THEM and FOR US.
Well, yeah.
This is the obvious thing the powers that be don’t want us to think or talk about. The immune system is POWERFUL when it is taken proper care of.
The problem is, our diets are shit, we sit indoors most of the time, and we rely too heavily on pharmaceuticals. Also, we don’t do ourselves any favors by using “sanitizers” and anti-bacterial soap all the time.
They have now tricked half of an entire generation of people into believing that they are in constant danger from unseen viruses and bacteria. It’s ridiculous. Somebody wanted to hug me the other day, and stated some vague disclaimer about “not being sick or having any germs.” I said “gimme your germs, it’s good for my immune system,” and hugged them.
Also, as some grunt somewhere once said, “you pukes wanna live forever?”
Fear of germs….
It has become a phobia.
Sure is, they’ve been building up to this for years!
I LUV this Carlin video! It is SO TRUE.
That’s a great video, Holly.
It’s eerie how spot-on it is for right now, and how little learning so much of the populace has either forgotten, or never had in the first place!
Absolutely! I watch my diet, work out and I am outside everyday. I don’t take any pharmaceutical s***. I had a colonoscopy a few years ago and when the anesthesiologist went down the list of meds to see what I might be taking and I said no to everyone, he said I was the healthiest one there. Never took the flu shot and only caught it once. Then they started pushing the flu shot at work (free of course) so I said okay and took it for a couple years, guess what? I got sick…… then I was told by the pharmacist at work ” yeah we make tons of $$$ off the shot” . That’s when I stopped and haven’t gotten sick yet. Was pushed by Dr to take statins for cholesterol which wasn’t that high. Guess what I had all the negative effects from them, hell I could barely get out of bed because of the back pain. Had to do my own research on that one to see what was truly going with me. Told the Dr. and there like oh lets just reduce the amount your taking….. WTF.
So I stay away from all meds now. Were all going to die eventually I don’t want to live in fear of all the negatives the Dr’s tell us. Or take this med for this or that med for that, and now take this med to counter the negative reaction of the first med.
I see to many people in that trap, and the Dr’s and Big Pharm. are happy to put you on that train.
I remember a meme that showed the “circle of dependence”.
IIRC, it had six fffyyy-zer drugs, in a completed daisy-chain.
The first drug was for the original condition.
The second drug was for the side-effect of the first drug.
The sixth drug was for the side-effect of the fifth drug.
And the “side-effect” of the sixth drug was … you guessed it! The original condition.
Why sell one drug, when you can sell SIX?
I found this some time ago and completely agree.
That’s why [they] want to crack down on our vitamins & supplements…and take control of them.
People use them to stay healthy and independent.
Can’t have that!
I like using “the Enemy” instead of “[they]”.
And the Enemy wish to take control of everyone and everything.
We’re getting barraged from almost ALL sides now!
This means we’re over the target.
I’m finding it more and more likely that the House of the Fruit (a color between yellow and red) is one of the “OG” families, perhaps the top one.
Think of “William of Orange”, Dutch Royal Shell, and the “Orange Men” of Ireland, and the Orange Revolution of 2004 in Ukraine…
Think of it as a game of Illuminati Whack-A-Mole… as soon as one family seems to take the ascendancy, another actually holds power…
As Greta-the-Greenhearted’s Satanist mother said, they all belong to Satan…
And they’re all related, actually.
Aaaannnnd, whatever happened to Oranjeboom Bier?????
Swallowed up by AB in Bev or someone else?
That is exactly the reason.
Grow a medicinal herb garden.
Many herbs are pretty, perennial and easy to maintain.
Good for you! Yes, the meds are a trap, and once you are in it, it can be very hard to escape.
The near uselessness of the so-called Peer-Review system:
(I am not saying review in science is not necessary. It is a must, but using peers to do the review is often subject to conflict of interest and can often lead to stifling scientific innovation.)
Clickbait is a winner: The most cited articles in top science journals turned out to be flops « JoNova (
Exactly. Zhang paper appeared in one of those fluffy journals!
To paraphrase George Carlin, it’s a club, and the honest scientists aren’t in it…..
I was diggin’ on Mark Rober’s AOL t-shirt. I’ve got all sorts of antique geek stuff around, and I don’t have one of those.
And, BTW, I don’t think he’s old enough to have gotten an original.
Putting a little energy in after midnight…..
Clapton’s the better showpiece guitarist, but they’re JJ Cale’s songs.
In the comments: “Anyone who can get Clapton to play backup is doing something right!”
Cale wrote some great songs for sure! One of my favorite artists to listen to.
OK, I’ll throw this in too….
Looks like the Word is going around that the Party game is “pin the blame on the Fauci”.
Just as long as it does not lead to his Puppet Masters. I expect him to die soon.
Thinking you’ve hit the nail on the head. Also the fake in the WH too. Wouldn’t need a FF to change the naritive then……
No surprise there. Has been several instances of FB groups being removed when becoming too close to certain entities’ sore toes.
There is widespread use of kennings in the several surviving groups where the SARS-Cov2 and its effects and the so-called vaccines are discussed, so as to not alert the censors.
FB is really the enemy’s territory. Useful for neutral things like old cars and old electronics and other non-political stuff mostly.
Hope those in FL that were banned or otherwise censored by FB sue the hell out of FB.
Since things are still pretty slow tonight, I’ll just go full-on prog here and drop a 24-minute “song”.
It also happens to tie into Christian theology on several levels.
In case anybody was wondering why I didn’t catch the scheduling error in the daily tonight – I did note that it was late at around 12:30 AM, but I didn’t ever get to the place to fix it, because I got distracted BACK to my “vaccines and magnetism” opus, still in progress, but coming along.
Didn’t feel bad about that, either. Gotta let some of these things just slide.
“Couple hours ain’t no big” said Wolf.
Anyway, another great daily – thank you – much appreciated! And even that call-out on SOROS! Love it!
I’m holding a tab open for when you get back to MKUltra. Go ahead and do “vaccines and magnetism” until it’s done.
I just had to use that sippy cup picture.
Haaa…I love that!
Glad you did!
And yeah, another great daily, DePat.
Thank you!
Here is a thought for you.
Back-up research
We have already noted the consolidation of the trans-national corporations.
Daniel Estulin in his Bilderberg Speech at EU Parliament</i> says:
The non-wealth producing population (Useless eaters) is increasing
Statista Research Department, Jan 20, 2021
Swine Flu Vaccine
US Scientists and drug companies are NOT to be trusted and neither is the FDA. I have a whole file folder on Fake Research and Data falsification. Here is a tiny sample germane to a discussion on vaccines:
US Scientists Significantly More Likely to Publish Fake Research, Study Finds
PLoS ONE: How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Reseach? A Systematic Review <<<VERY GOOD!
PLoS Medicine: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Science Mag: Peer Review is Sick and Collapsing Under it’s Own Weight
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Out of the Peer-Reviewed Literature
Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries
I have worked in drug manufacture. There are protocols in place called cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) These include inspection and double signatures for each step. That Baxter vaccine is more likely sabotage than it was a ‘mistake’ I wonder how many CHINESE were employed in that Baxter plant?
What else was going on in 2009-2010?
Dr Boyle, bio-weapons act author mentions an Australian paper connected to the CCP Covid.
Published: June 22, 2010Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry
That means it was being researched in 2009. ALL the authors are CHINESE.
OH? And one of the authors of the infamous UNC bio-weapon research paper???
Is Agnihothram S of National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA. He is now in Silver Springs MD.
I’ve long thought that the plandemic’s whole point was to create demand for the shots so that the lambs would be led to the slaughter without them knowing it.
I very much agree with that. HOW many Chinese scientists are working in Big Pharm vaccine development.
How many?
(Too Many)
One might say, “too many to money…” ….
My first thought after the ‘numbers’ were not there.
When they realized they were losing – they went to Plan B!!!
The entire goal of this ‘Plandemic’ was population control.
I forgot to mention in that June 22, 2010 paper Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry
They were mucking around with HIV (Think long term infection that does not show up immediately.)
I am a chemist not a biologist, but it is pretty clear they were CREATING new viruses AND mucking about with HIV. This is confirmed.
The important feature of Covid-19 is *multiple* *separated* HIV features showing up in a SARS-Related Virus.
This information was first mentioned in a paper from India:
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
The authors were viciously harassed and it is now labeled as Withdrawn.
Wow!!! I am saving this and sharing!!!
Thanks, Gail!!! God Bless You Real Good!!!
I figure spreading truth is why I was put on this earth and did not die (several times) at an early age when I should have.
How true, Gail!!! And – we appreciate your TRUTH, too!!! It has been an agonizing 1.5 years – everyone is scrambling – trying to figure out this mess – and you are most helpful – Wolf, too, has been doing a phenomenal job sorting out the ‘science’!
What a wealth of information here!!! We are so blessed!!!
Yep. And she’s contributed a lot over at chiefio’s, where they’ve been following the ChiComCOVID since the beginning, too and looking over here while we’re looking over there
Seems the red-pilled are, erm, cross-pollinating (for lack of a better term). MAGAnificent!
Early on links for Covid over at chiefio – interesting to see the progression of the plandemic, and how a lot of the early questioning was spot on (and later suppressed)…
Hope these aren’t too many links. There are a lot of research papers contained on those post, including a number that were withdrawn, because they revealed too much, i.e. the truth…
There was also an emergency-management specialist, “hotrod” Larry Ledwick, who was basically doing research around-the-clock back in early 2020. Interesting that some (or most) of the suspicions we all had here (and there) and then have proved to be true…
And Bye, Done DIDN’T WIN!!!!!
Unfortunately Larry was found dead in his cabin, February 26, 2020. (He had been posting until shortly before that.)
A personal friend of Larry’s was good enough to notify us over at ChiefIOs.
Yep, I know
I’m over there a lot, though I rarely post anymore (same with WUWT and NTZ). Larry had a couple of websites, one with photography, in particular nature photography, and another with racing photograpy and stuff (hence his nickname “Hotrod”).
Enormous loss – he was a great poster, knowledgable and funny, and sounded like a great guy. And, at the end, it seemed like he was posting 24×7. Almost like he worked himself to death (thinking of Ebling Mis in Foundation), as if he was on the trail of something and couldn’t bring himself to stop.
It’s almost as if…….
Yeah, isn’t it…
Gee Whiz, Cuppa – I will be up all night reading!!! Tanks for the Links!!!
I brought a lot of it over to the covid threads Dawn put up early last year.
Oh, Gail – must have been busy working – missed it – Thanks!!!
And some interesting articles in the other direction
(blueberry muffins and all)…
I think I included the main Daughn links in that CV marathon posting session that got broken down into Parts A-N? that were featured in the right sidebar of the old qtree, so that might be a way to find the Major CV Daughn posts more “quickly”…fyi, if someone is going to go back looking
You do a stellar job.

Someone mentioned over at Chiefio’s about how to pull up a withdrawn paper… (from one of the links I posted the other day about the beginning of the COVID crisis as seen over at chiefio’s):
There are a lot of good points in this (admittedly old) thread, including one about hand sanitizers and the CDC rushing to ban some of the active ingredients, even back then. Hmmm. Sounds like the CDC was quashing stuff even back then…
Funny thing, I have three or four 200ml bottles of Sterillium in my medicine cabinet right now… the blue and the clear, one of which is Virugard… can’t remember which, except they are EXTREMELY flammable… at least according to the labels…
Thanks for the great info!
Great points! Another thing would be BSE (“Mad Cow” disease, as opposed to Maddow disease), which they used to shut down a lot of the meat industry in the UK and Europe, followed by hoof-in-mouth disease, and others.
The level of control that so-called “health officers” have obtained/stolen over governments and society in general is unacceptable. BigPharma ≡ BigBrother…..
I need to sleep soon, but here’s another one…..
The other two are fun, but derivative, but Eric Johnson turns the original Page solo inside-out. It’s beautiful.
Yeah, kinda fun…but those subdued solos don’t come close to the Jimmy Page solo.
The concept of government and politics as a religion is one that’s plagued me for years. All the political commentary shows on Sunday morning for the last, what 30-60 years, and people get the impression they are worshipping.
Yup. I’ve wondered about the scheduling of it, too.
I mean…why Sunday morning?
They would probably claim dead air time, but it directly competes with Church.
Yeah it does.
I am old enough to remember when everything was closed down on Sundays…all day.
Me too.
Sunday was a DAY OF REST!
It was a day for church, friends and family.
MTG is right on here.
There is a deep-seated propensity in sinful man to play God. It stretches back to the Fall. It flowered with the idea that monarchs are divine beings.
Today, it finds purchase in the elite oligarchs whose power seems limited only by their sick imaginations.
This is an old, old problem with a new look. It too will be be defeated again. Pride has always been the mechanism of their downfall.
Amen goes right there, Wheatie!!!
Break Up The SES!!!!!
There are 8000 and change people in the SES. 7000 of them came from Øbøzø. All but impossible to fire, like “the Mandarins” in the British Government (even a problem in Gilbert and Sullivan’s time, cf. “The Mikado”).
Time for the gubmint to live by the same rules and standards the rest of us do:
Hire at Will,
Pay for Performance
Anything else is just criminal…. and unjust….
AND cut the dead wood! The government needs to be reduced by 90% NOT the human population.
Amen to infinity & beyond!
C-List celebrities
Project Veritas
BIG TECH CENSORSHIP EXPOSED and banned all in a single day. Today, James O’Keefe was proud to stand by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as he signed SB7072 into law, holding social media accountable for partisan deplatforming. Tonight at 8 p.m. we show you why this bill is so important as Veritas goes inside Facebook and exposes how Facebook has been silencing dissent.
The second picture when DeSantis looks at O’Keefe is a classic.
^^^And no mask to be seen^^^
I added Project Veritas’s latest in the body of the thread. FB has been rigging the algorithms against “vaccine hesitancy” and the words involved with people not wanting to get shot up.
This is the same kind of thing they were doing be closing the churches and the bars for “muh-Covid.”
They can’t have us getting together and talking about it. We might spread the TRUTH.
I can’t believe some days that Wolf had managed to keep them out of here. Thank God he has.
Extreme vetting has insulated us significantly.
From Marica’s place:
CLASSIC! And so true.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, May 25, 2021
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”
Matthew 28:19 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Clickbait is a winner: The most cited articles in top science journals turned out to be flops « JoNova (
This is ridiculous!
Catholic church in St. Louis ROPES OFF unvaccinated members like cattle, bans them from parish hall
St. Joseph Catholic Parish in Cottleville, Mo., near St. Louis is reportedly segregating its unvaccinated members from the rest of the congregation by forcing them to worship and take communion in their own separate area of the building.
All non-vaccinated members of St. Joseph’s are now prohibited from using the parish hall and must wear a mask at all times when elsewhere inside the facility. Members who received a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection, on the other hand, have full worshipping privileges and can participate in all religious ceremonies and rituals as normal.
Just FYI, that parish is HUGE and is the epitome of suburbia.
At any rate, sooner rather than later, the segregation will be demanded by the UN-jabbed. As it is, I would prefer that to lessen the chance of transfer of the spike protein. It’s a minefield when people think that their status as “vaccinated” gives them the liberty to invade someone else’s space.
And the mask compliance thing is Archdiocese wide. Although, the churches where I go are not demanding proof of status.
Seems it is time for the FLOCK to turn into GOATS and leave the Church en-mass. It is no longer Christ’s House, it is a Socialist indoctrination center.
We can’t do that.
Then TAKE BACK the Church instead.
A la taking over the ‘Pub party, instead of creating a new party.
Msgr. Callahan says the [experimental gene-altering mRNA / vector injections] “vaccine” will “end COVID-19”. He further states that “these vaccines are remarkably safe and effective.”
Does the segregation include un-“vaccinated” children age 12 and older?
Do the organist / choir director have to get the injections in order to keep their jobs? What about the choir? The office staff? One assumes that the clergy have already taken the injections?
All of that is under discussion now.
Should be vehemently rejected immediately.
Actually, as one who is NOT jabbed and will not be, I disagree to an extent. I don’t want to be anywhere around the people who have been and might be shedding the crap I don’t want, and I’m going to say so,
Sooner or later, the tables are going to turn and it is not going to be pretty. The jabbed are not going to be happy they were duped.
Voluntary? OK. Sorta like I WANT to wear a mask, or NOT.
– Whites over there. Asians here. Jews, no where. Muzzies OK. Christians not.
Nothing to do with the Church, religion…
Seems like what the deep state wants is:
Heir today, gone tomorrow…
They control both the Catholic and Protestant churches over here. Corrupt shepherds to unwitting (anymore, witless) sheep.
Both major denominations are shedding believers at a rate never seen before. And they attempt to counter this trend by trying to make themselves “more attractive”, “more relevant”, “more open”, and “more accepting”.
In other words, to quote “Godspell”, “twice as fit for hell”. Being of the world, instead of just in the world….( “Alas For You”, based on Matthew 23:15)….
Not a woke follower. I see many invoke, woke. Not sure what woke is.
But I am guessing some where above, “woke” is implied. NOT a ringing endorsement.
But I do fully agree with your post. Thanks.
“Woke” is basically the opposite of Red-pilled, in other words, terminally politically correct. Hoist by their own retard, as it were.
Hence the term, “get woke, go broke”, as happened with CNN and many “sports” teams, etc.
(I used to think of it the opposite way, as “woke” implies awakened… it actually means “put to sleep” by the PC crowd)…..
^^^ Utter ignorance. ^^^
Rather sure Francis endorses this nonsense.
Seems they have an “approved flock” and an “flock of strays”.
Time to visit another parish, church…
So let me get this straight. Get the stab so you can infect others = you can take your mask off……..
Don’t get the stab, put on the mask that doesn’t work to protect the ones who got the stab……and now are going to infect you…….
Exactly. The clergy are watching too much mainstream media.
Catching them fresh out of a jab center.
Guy goes to Vaccine site, pays people $5 to try the magnet challenge. 2/2 it works. (
to save clicks …
“Why aren’t Minority Leader Mitch McConnel and Republicans doing anything about what went on in the 2020 Election”
“Why aren’t Minority Leader Mitch McConnel and Republicans doing anything about what went on in the 2020 Election”
^^^ B I N G O ! ^^^
THIS IS why I am so flaming pissed off at damn near everything GOP/RNC.
Bastards are doing NOTHING to correct the stolen election. NOTHING to secure 2022, 2024…
“Controlled Opposition!”
Carrying this over from yesterday’s daily at Marica’s with the thought that these people don’t trust the CDC, but they are lining up for the shots and don’t have a worry in the world that THEIR status and transfer shedding may well be putting those who aren’t in danger.
Oh my friggin’ gosh.
May 24, 2021 at 9:49 pm
OMG This is a good laugh. These people are a cult and insane
‘Ultra-maskers’ say they’ll keep wearing masks even though they’ve been vaccinated – and perhaps after the pandemic ends
Many “ultra-maskers” are refusing to take off their masks even though they’re fully vaccinated.
Some want to signal respect for other people or avoid the flu. Others distrust the CDC.
Several ultra-maskers said they’ll continue to wear masks in public even after the pandemic is over.
(Hey more air for US!)
Adrienne Lenhoff started to panic at the airport last week. She was flying from Detroit to Florida to celebrate her grandfather’s 100th birthday, almost a month after her second Moderna shot. But Lenhoff didn’t expect travelers to crowd so close in line – or that middle seats would no longer be kept empty.
“I almost got off the plane,” she told Insider.
It didn’t matter that the airline, Delta, was still requiring masks. Lenhoff would have worn one anyway. In fact, she wore two – and even that didn’t feel like enough.
“Had I known that I was stepping onto a full flight, I probably would have had a face shield on also,” Lenhoff said. She did fly in the end, she added, but mostly “sat there in panic mode.”
Lenhoff is 53 years old and owns a public-relations firm. Like many Americans, she said, she was surprised when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced last week that fully vaccinated people could ditch their masks at indoor and outdoor gatherings of any size – even with unvaccinated people present.
Lenhoff said she plans to keep wearing her mask in public settings indefinitely, especially around those who haven’t been vaccinated yet. She’s worried about how long her vaccine protection will last, and whether new variants will put vaccinated people like her in harm’s way again.
“As restrictions get thrown out the window, or completely relaxed, you don’t know if the person who’s sitting next to you has had their shot or not, where they’ve been, who they’ve been exposed to,” Lenhoff said. “So even somebody like me who has been vaccinated, there is no guarantee that I’m not going to get COVID.”
The current vaccines reduce the risk of getting COVID-19 by around 66% to 95%, depending on which you get. But many “ultra-maskers” – fully vaccinated people who want to keep wearing masks, even in settings where it’s not required – lost trust in the CDC’s recommendations after the agency told people not to wear masks at the start of the pandemic. So they’re not changing their ways now.
Some people who want to keep masking up are also concerned about endangering friends and family who aren’t vaccine-eligible. Others worry that a bare face sends the message that they don’t care about the people around them. Many of these ultra-maskers are considering making face coverings a permanent fixture in their lives, even after the pandemic is over.
“It will be a long time, if ever, before I won’t have a stash of masks in my laptop bag or in my purse,” Lenhoff said.
(LMAO they no longer Trust the CDC!!!)
Njeri Rutledge, a 50-year-old professor at South Texas College of Law Houston, attended a wedding just days after the CDC announced the new mask guidelines. Rutledge is fully vaccinated, but she kept her mask on the whole time, except when eating.
“I was the only person who walked in with a mask,” she told Insider. “I felt very uncomfortable.”
She became even more frustrated, she said, when she saw maskless guests hugging and shaking hands.
“My husband kept trying to tell me, ‘Well the CDC says it’s OK,’ but the problem is, I don’t trust the CDC anymore,” Rutledge said. “This is the same CDC who said, ‘You don’t need masks, save them for the doctors.’ So they just don’t have a lot of credibility to me.”
“They put people in a position where we were scrambling, sewing together underwear to make masks because they were all gone,” Rutledge said.
Before considering going maskless in public, she said, she’s waiting until a larger share of the country is vaccinated – and her 11-year-old daughter can get a shot. As an African-American woman, Rutledge added, she’s had to be extra careful, since the pandemic has disproportionately impacted communities of color. Black people have a nearly three times higher risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19 than white people in the US.
“The CDC and the politicians created an environment where everyone is responsible for their own behavior, their own safety,” Rutledge said. “Well, if that’s the case, then I’m going to choose to be as careful as possible.”
(LOL what about the nonmask person. Where’s my respect)
For Leah Spingarn, a 25-year-old law student at Northeastern University, masks aren’t just about safety – they’re a statement of solidarity.
“I’m a young, healthy person with no pre-existing health conditions. I don’t wear a mask because I’m worried I’m going to die,” Spingarn told Insider. “But I’m very happy to wear one every day that it means someone feels a little more respected.”
Nah, It just tells us you are GOOD SLAVE MATERIAL.
satan knew he could not defeat America through a military invasion – however – as clever as he is – he found psychological warfare to be more effective.
2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
King James Version (KJV)
Remember how we used to speak of that so often back in 2015/2016???
We need to consider that again, and those in the fake/corrupt government need to see and realize that the have to
TURN. or
Their choice. Their ETERNITY.
They only have ONCE, so they have to CHOOSE WISELY.
We need to pray for them, as well, for the bonds that Satan have on them are no doubt very strong, whether or not they realize it…..
Yes, we do – and that is one of the hardest commands Jesus gave us to do – to pray for our enemies – I think – Cuppa
I had to pray for one of them yesterday. Very difficult to do. I managed it. Barely.
Not easy, GMT – but, you won!!!
Sort of like in “Fiddler On The Roof”, where someone asks the Rabbi if he had a blessing for the Tsar (who was giving them HE!! )…
“But of course… [singing]
May G-D bless and keep the Tsar
Far away from us…
That’s such a fun show.
Yep. One time I was a “guest artist” (cellist) from another HS, so I wasn’t in the class that was associated with the show. The folks there who did the show were also in a history class which covered the plight of the Jews in Russia, and Jewish culture in general. It made for a wonderful experience, as they knew a lot more than just their parts, or the script. I doubt they could do that now, especially with the political climate in Kalifornistan, especially in the SF Bay Area…
[funny detail, I was walking back to my car past the baseball practice field one day when Eck (Dennis Eckersley) let fly with a 100mph fastball the catcher couldn’t handle, and it slammed into the wooden fence behind him… Just about jumped out of my skin… was more afraid for my cello/case (would’ve made a lousy bat) than for me… that school had a great baseball team to go with their great drama department
Oh, how cool.
Yeah, I was in the chorus of Fiddler at one of the all-guys schools when I was a senior. The number of guys with Irish surnames was hilarious. I used to sing with the mother of the only Jewish girl in cast, and Mrs. N told me the boys were always so polite. We had a blast doing that show, though. I still sing from time to time with the guy who played Lazar Wolf. He’s kind of a big deal in the Archdiocese.
And going through my mind now is
“And this I’ll give you Tevye, that I’ll give you Tevye”…
And Tevye singing
“We haven’t got the man”
Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov,
“We had when we began”
Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov…
Yep. A great show and a great time… West Side Story was a lot of fun, too…
The Tavern Scene…and the stage clearing afterward. Anyone who was available backstage helped.
Good reason to use plastic props
Yeah…a lot of glass and pewter, IIRC.
These are the same people who kept their binkies until their parents had to take them away to send them to kindergarten. Pitiful.
The fear porn has created an entire group of people who are now psychologically altered. I called it Covypsychosis. As a new medical victim class, they are the ones that are going to demand protection from the “dangerous unvaxxed”. It’s already happening. How many of you reading this have been told by life long friends and family members that you are no longer welcome in their homes or lives until jabbed? They won’t listen to anything because the media has MKUltra’d them. I even had a dear friend, who is is doctor’s wife, tell me it was shameful that I hadn’t gotten the shots after all I vaxxed my kids and this was much less worse (her words). When I reminded her that they are being given under EUA without FDA approval, she accused me of being a liar.
My point of view is they are not REAL FRIENDS and therefore not worthy of my time.
If you wish you can print out and SHOVE the evidence of “…given under EUA without FDA approval…” under her nose and DEMAND AN APOLOGY for her BULLYING BEHAVIOR and do call her a bully.
It really is TIME TO FIGHT BACK and quit being doormats for the bullies.
The shocking thing is she’s been my best and closest friend for 26 years. That’s what I mean by brainwashed…..and justifies her stance because her husband is a doctor who “knows” more than anybody else.
I hate that about doctors and their families. It is so annoying.
Try working in a company where the PhDs out numbered us peons!
I worked at one of the major medical schools here for ten years. There were as many PhDs as there were MDs. Both needed to say the Litany of Humility as if it were chant.
AMEN DePat!!
I have gotten doctors who were in the wrong to back down after I PROVED they were wrong. (Got apologies too.)
My doctor is careful with me since our first visit. He now keeps asking what I do because he is flabbergasted when he sees my blood work. I freely share what I do and he takes notes.
Some doctors are open thank God.
You are lucky and so are the rest of his patients. Too bad more doctors are not so open to new idea from non-doctors.
I think he believes that results need to be investigated and acknowledged. He is a good man.
My dad’s nephrologist was very encouraging about his diet to keep the kidneys going and sitting outside at midday. In fact, the docs said, “I hope it’s with your shirt off.”
Yes. Dad sits outside with his shirt off much to the couch commando’s chagrin.
Brainwashing is a *psychological” term.
Before one appeals to straight logic, I’ve found that it’s better to appeal to their *emotions”, first.
>>”she’s been my best and closest friend for 26 years”<<
Begin with this.
Write a paper on it! – like a school essay, for yourself first (like Cliff Notes).
Appeal to the friendship, rather than the particular topic (vax) at hand. (And don’t let her shift the subject BACK to the intellectual topic – KEEP it on the relationship!)
Because the “topic” doesn’t matter – the friendship does. Focus exclusively on the latter. Re-establish THAT connection, priority one-and-only.
Also, give her at least an overnight to consider / process things, on her own.
Only AFTER you can get concession on this issue (friendship), will she be able to listen to your words on (any) other issue.
It doesn’t always work … but one must fight emotion with emotion. As we’ve seen, the intellect cannot cure emotions.
I hope this helps (even a little) … Good Luck!
Another case of God Complex.
Hmmm. “Owns a PR firm”…
Could do a lot of damage if she’s any good at it…
Maybe she should use a few layers of duct tape instead… (OK, just kidding)…
I’ve seen people double-maked with the FFP2 masks (extreme filtering), and somewhere over here someone was double-masked and HAD THE PLASTIC HOOD AS WELL!!!
Never in my wildest dreams or worst nightmares could I have seen such utter and complete dumbing-down of a people that should be (mostly) intelligent and know better…
The stupid, it burns…..
I had a local politician brag about getting his second jab 2 weeks ago. He said he was now fully safe from Covid.
The ignorance is stunning.
Now no-one’s safe from him…
(Makes me think of Steve Martin’s “wild and crazy guy” persona, where he has the arrow [seemingly] stuck through his head…)….
Yay, I got to say hello to Sylvia, and I hope others, too.
“If thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.” Genesis xiii. 9
As soon as you begin to live the life of faith in God, fascinating and luxurious prospects will open up before you, and these things are yours by right; but if you are living the life of faith you will exercise your right to waive your rights, and let God choose for you. God sometimes allows you to get into a place of testing where your own welfare would be the right and proper thing to consider if you were not living a life of faith; but if you are, you will joyfully waive your right and leave God to choose for you. This is the discipline by means of which the natural is transformed into the spiritual by obedience to the voice of God.
Whenever RIGHT is made the guidance in the life, it will blunt the spiritual insight. The great enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but the good which is not good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best. It would seem the wisest thing in the world for Abraham to choose, it was his right, and the people around would consider him a fool for not choosing. Many of us do not go on spiritually because we prefer to choose what is right instead of relying on God to choose for us. We have to learn to walk according to the standard which has its eye on God. “WALK BEFORE ME.”
Oswald Chambers
May 25th Devotional
#MrMister #Kyrie #Vevo
Mr. Mister – Kyrie (Official Video)
On the Subjective Mental State of Liberals • The Worthy House
may 25, 2021 the marshall report
This is another one of those stand alone videos. Please enjoy the voice of Lauren Daigle as she leads an auditorium of believers in praise and song.
Please tell me this isn’t true!
With luck some one will offer to BUY THEM and wave $$$ under the museum’s nose.
I wonder if this is all about the Cabal grabbing valuable art on the cheap. The Soviets were know for cleaning out museums and keeping the art.
Nazis did the same.
They attack G.F. Handel, composer of “The Messiah”.
Could it be that they are indirectly attacking the Messiah, Jesus, GOD???
Far be it from the flaming libturds (perverse, Godless, LGBTWXYZ prats) to even admit or know that “African Slavery” was NOT the first instance of slavery, that said slavery still exists today, fomented and facilitated by the Mohammedans, who did the same with the help of the African Warlords for centuries past?
No, that wouldn’t fit with their agenda.
The PC idiot left. Putting the colon back in colonis|ze every day… (fits their agenda, too)….
Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients
ciab465.pdf (
Can’t get to the PDF from the link above, an Error message about “Your session has timed out”.
Do you have another link? Thanks.
At the top of this article, seems to work still.
Wuhan Flu: The Dog Barks* – Small Dead Animals
Thanks so much. Saved the PDF (“Accepted Manuscript”) of the report.
To you have a link to the place you clicked on the pdf for it says the pdf is timed out & one has to click the link again…hmmm
Wuhan Flu: The Dog Barks* – Small Dead Animals
Found this on Gab.
Vehicles running into…or being hit by…Invisible Objects:
[video src="" /]
What the hell? That is just scary.
Yeah it is…scary and weird.
Looks to me tires are blowing up? Maybe an explosive device on some car tires?
I new tyranny ?
In every instance, there is nothing near the vehicle — no other cars on the road, even going in the opposite direction. I think they have all been photoshopped out.
You’re right about the absence of other cars on the road, for the most part.
So maybe you’re right, I dunno.
There were oncoming cars at about the 00:18 mark, but they are stopped at a traffic light.
If it has been photoshopped…then they did a really good job!
I think ‘PS’ as well
looks like a class assignment for the see-eye-ay…”take a video of a car crash and remove one car to make it look like a single car hit nothing”
because faux bidden didnt win
Yep. Reminds me of all those “Russian Driving Fails” videos on YouTube that I waste too much time watching, with someone using Adobe Premier or After Effects (or whatever) to delete the other vehicle(s). Could even be test “footage” from Adobe or somewhere…
It should give you a clue that this is always happening at an intersection.
This article states the argument about Covid I have been using to people for months:
LOOK AROUND. How many people do you personally KNOW, who were not already sick or in a nursing home (which means they’re sick; if you need “nursing” you are not well) who have DIED of Covid?
I sincerely do not know ONE. No relative, co-worker, friend, neighbor, church member, NO ONE.
And I would bet that not many people outside of big cities know anyone, either. Maybe they know one person. But if this were an actual PANDEMIC, we would all know several.
I know WHOLE STORES who had ALL their employees come down with CCP-covid very early on. (These were my usual go-to farm related stores.) The chance I was not exposed and caught it (or was the carrier for UNC) is just about ZIP.
NONE OF US DIED. Heck Hubby did not even get very sick and he is in his late 70s.
Yes! People caught it and recovered! And now they are IMMUNE.
Yep. At Webasto over here (where it started IIRC) and at the meat-packing plants where it apparently spread (I suspect the anti-meat Greens may have been economical with the truth there, though) no-one died, either…
To paraphrase Tom Lehrer (from his song, “Smut”), “if correctly viewed, everything’s misconstrued”…
Total Tyranny: We’ll All Be Targeted Under The Government’s New Pre-Crime Program | ZeroHedge
With luck the Unsupreme Court will kick that to the curb FAST!
Preferably, before we kick them to the curb, Gail!!!
England/the UK have been doing that for years now. They even have “talking lightposts” where there are many “security” cameras which prompt the proles to behave themselves if they seem to be doing something suspicious….
“singing in the rain, kick, I’m singing in the rain, punch, what a glorious day, stab, I’m happy again, stomp”… (after “Clockwork ORANGE”)…
And, not to be left behind in the greed for “vaccine payments” —
1 hour ago
Yessir, now Moderna has declared that IT’S [experimental gene-altering mRNA] “vaccine” for the CCPFauci Virus is “safe and effective” for 12-to-17-year-olds — so Moderna is going to apply to the FDA in JUNE to get “authorization” to use it on that age group.
FDA = Dr. Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner, appointed on January 20, 2021. who is known to have ties to the drug industry, and is a known advocate for cutting corners on drug safety testing.
Just realized I became a Wolverine. How exciting, makes me feel powerful
I haven’t said hello to you for a while, Zoe (it’s tough catching you posting live!)
I hope you’re well, and are weathering all this craziness ok!
God bless us all!
Emerald, blessings to you also. I am fine now that isolation is over and have found others who never believed in wearing the face diaper and will not cower in d fear. Hi, EmeralHi, emerald, blessings to you, too. I am doing fine after all the enforced isolation. i’ve found other friends who won’t mask, either and will not cower in fear of the virus.
Haaaa. Congratulations, Zoe!
Dr. Shiva – the “star” of MyPillow’s third video (due in 2-3 weeks) – is on mooRraW now, and for a decent bit of time.
So Gates and the ChiComs have been ‘mining’ the DNA of Americans…
I knew something was going on, from the way that there has been this Big Push to get people to have their DNA tested.
Companies like ’23 and Me’…and ‘Ancestry’…were spending tons of money on advertising.
They tried to make it seem like you weren’t one of the ‘cool people’ if you didn’t get your DNA tested.
But I remember thinking…
“How could they possibly be making their money back from all that advertising? They can’t be selling that many DNA tests — and they don’t charge a lot for them.”
Now we know how! They’ve been selling their data to the ChiComs and Gates.
And all of those Ancestry things are run by the Mormons. Think about that.
Yup. Members of the Mormon Church are given free subscriptions to Ancestry. Family Search is free to everyone BUT, when you sign up you are assigned this number that is attached to your name. That’s how the Mormons keep track of everyone.
My uncle joined the church late in life and submitted all of our information to the church, so his non-Mormon family would all be accepted into heaven or something along those lines. I’m not a Mormon but I’m part of their “system”.
They don’t have my DNA though
Sibling is a member, and same here. Did you know that if you refuse to be a member (“saved”) 3 times, that they consider you to be condemned? I was asked only 2 times, and then never asked again. I would be happy to refuse again as I am VERY sure that I AM saved and not by any church.
With the help of paid expatriot US research university presidents.
Not forgetting 23-and-me (or whatever it’s called) and and the rest of them.
If something is “FREE”, then YOU are what is being SOLD…..
BGI, Beijing Genomics Institute.
…”As one of the world’s largest gene sequencing and analysis centers, the Shenzhen-based genomics research institution BGI has recruited several people through the Peacock Plan.
“BGI is transforming its research center into a startup incubator,” said Zhu Yanmei, the director of the strategic planning committee of BGI.
Zhu said Shenzhen is the perfect breeding ground for biotech startups with the government’s support and a mature industrial chain.”…
…”In 2011, Lehman won China’s “Friendship Award” and became one of the first batch of overseas high-level talents in Shenzhen’s “Peacock Plan”.’
Cornell is one of the institutions under investigation for ties to the Thousand Talents Program. Is its former president a reason why?
What’s the status of the investigation?
Is NYU under investigation?
Now we’re talking. (General’s brother.)
Chinese Concentration Camp Survivor Reveals Torture, Rape, And Plans For Invading Europe
While Sayragul Sauytbay was held in a government-run concentration camp in China’s Xinjiang province, she was forced to sign a paper mandating her own death if she spoke of the camp’s atrocities. Undeterred, since her escape she has raised awareness of the horrors perpetrated against the Uyghur people, receiving an International Woman of Courage Award from U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in 2020.
Her book “The Chief Witness: Escape From China’s Modern-Day Concentration Camps,” written with journalist Alexandra Cavelius, came out earlier this month and is available from publisher Scribe. Excerpts published Saturday by the Daily Mail reveal stories of torture, organ harvesting, rape, and plans for global dominance from the gulags of the Chinese Communist Party.
First man in world to get approved Covid jab is dead: Brit William Shakespeare has died at 81 after long illness
Wonder what they list as the cause of death???
In any case, condolences for his family and loved ones…
I highly recommend hearing Trevor Loudon in person if you have the chance. Impressive!
He was unassuming and dressed as any country person in rural TN would be, jeans, shirt, suspenders. Didn’t even realize who he was at first. Then he got up to speak – clear, on point, wealth of knowledge, from the heart, passionate, excellent pace and tone so easy to listen to for a long time. Could have spoken another 30 mintues and the crowd would have sat just as enthralled
Kobach: Biden Spends on Health Care for Illegal Aliens, Not Wall (
I am currently in a discussion with a biologist who asked if there is any evidence the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine has caused any severe reactions.
I have already posted the interview with the Dr. Michael Yeardly, former VP of Pfizer.
I have not kept a log of all the credible vaccine studies, and finding them quickly via Internet search is not easy since they are frequently scrubbed.
Does anyone have some good links handy, about issues specific to Moderna mRNA or Pfizer shots?
Thanks in advance!
Scott, this Gab video is pretty good.
It has info on both the Pfizer and the Moderna injections:
Thank you wheatie!
You’re very welcome.
Hope it helps.
It’s pretty brutal on Moderna…about halfway through the vid.
It’s brutal on Pfizer too.
Both of them!
I didn’t know that “Moderna” is from Mode-RNA.
“I didn’t know that “Moderna” is from Mode-RNA.”
I didn’t either!
I’m watching it now
I had a video from the five doctors with 15 minutes from Dr. Lee Merritt that produced STUNNING information last week. Hang on.
And a few more:
Thank you DP!
All of Dr. Wolfie’s posts.
Just send him to VAERS. That database is full of severe vaccine reactions. Let him argue with the CDC.
Put some in section 2 for you.
More dot connecting following the money.
[video src="" /]
^^^ That’s funny.
“Republicans Go to Bat for Space Force Commander Who Was Fired for Speaking out Against Wokeism”
Hice wrote:
I wonder how many angry phone calls, emails and letters they got to prompt this response?
Thanks for posting the link.
I done did it.
I hope something comes of it. This needs to end.
I am not at all a cat fan, but this is pretty cool.
All “Quack Oz” could do was play, “follow the leader, follow others” and get the injection.
Such a shallow arguement, by a Quack.
Right!? He didn’t have ONE decent argument for WHY she should do it. Only “if you don’t others won’t either.”
To which I say “GOOD!”
Like I’ve been saying….
Kevin McCarthy – “Marjorie is wrong, and her intentional decision to compare the horrors of the Holocaust with wearing masks is appalling. The Holocaust is the greatest atrocity committed in history. The fact that this needs to be stated today is deeply troubling.
“At a time when the Jewish people face increased violence and threats, anti-Semitism is on the rise in the Democrat Party and is completely ignored by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “Americans must stand together to defeat anti-Semitism and any attempt to diminish the history of the Holocaust. “Let me be clear: the House Republican Conference condemns this language.” (link)
Stefanik and Scalise too.
“Equating mask wearing and vaccines to the Holocaust belittles the most significant human atrocities ever committed,” House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., said in a statement. “We must all work together to educate our fellow Americans on the unthinkable horrors of the Holocaust.”
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., also condemns Greene’s rhetoric, according to spokesperson Lauren Fine.
“He does not agree with these comments and condemns these comparisons to the Holocaust,” Fine said. “We also need to be speaking out strongly against the dangerous anti-Semitism that is growing in our streets and in the Democrat party, resulting in an alarming number of horrific violent attacks against Jews.”
Darrell Issa, and I saw others.
Personally, I think the wording was ill advised even if I agree with the sentiment. The Holocaust can’t be touched right now. It’s better to stay away from that third rail and find something else to use as a comparison.
“The Holocaust can’t be touched right now.”
If not now, when will it be ‘safe’?
What did she do that was wrong?
Instead of sleazebag RINOs like McCarthy shooting everyone in the back on our side who has the guts to speak plainly, playing right into the hands of the Left (as always) by apologizing all over ourselves like a baby spitting up after nursing, it’s better to double down.
That’s what Trump does.
RINOs never do.
Because the RINOs are owned by the exact same people who own the Leftists.
NEVER apologize, and NEVER back down.
The Left will never respect you no matter what you do, but if you never give in to the sleazeballs, you’ll never lose the respect of your own supporters.
AMEN. Anybody who does not know how to fight past Jewish Bolsheviks will always fall to Bolsheviks hiding behind Jews and the Holocaust.
Throw MORE TRUTH on the fire until everybody else backs down because the truth is turning on THEM.
Here is a bit of advice. Whenever people throw the “Holocaust block”, come back with MORE FACTS about the Holocaust showing that not only was it every bit as bad as the blockers are saying, but the POINT you were making is even more super-historically analogous to SOMETHING BAD DONE TO JEWS, and if we don’t learn from the Holocaust EARLY, then we will have the same bad stuff happening to NEW PEOPLE.
So YES. Never back down. Shove Holocaust right back at them until you WIN and they are forced to hide from the fact that YOU ARE RIGHT.
Whites don’t own the Constitution.
Jews don’t own the Holocaust.
“…The Holocaust can’t be touched right now….”
I strongly disagree because what we are seeing in America today is a parallel to what Germany saw in the lead up to the Holocaust. I have been watching the incremental steps for a couple of decades. The Patriot act, ALLOWING indefinite detention of American citizens was the kick-off. Remember the people from January 6th in solitary confinement with NO ACCESS TO LAWYERS??
Jan 6 protesters/trespassers/rioters held in solitary, no bail, some without charges
Sep 11, 2016
The Democrats Are Signaling End-Game Atrocities In a Post-Trump Take-Over
And so it begins…
We’ll All Be Targeted Under The Government’s New Pre-Crime Program
“Precrime, straight out of the realm of dystopian science fiction movies such as Minority Report, aims to prevent crimes before they happen by combining widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and neighborhood and family snitch programs to enable police to capture would-be criminals before they can do any damage….”
It can never pass Constitutional muster, as the Constitution is currently written.
Intent to commit a crime, even if it could be measured, is not a crime, until or unless some threshold of action is crossed.
For example, there are lots of examples where spouses hire someone to kill their spouse, but they cannot be arrested until money (or some other valuable consideration) changes hands.
So it is not lawful to detain anyone for what amounts to a ‘thought crime’ — no one has been harmed (e.g., no one else’s rights have been violated) and no property had been damaged or destroyed — so there is no crime the government could ‘prove’ in court, if no actual crime (provable harm) took place.
And if no actual crime (harm) took place, then no ‘crime’ has been committed, ergo there can be no lawful detention.
This is so basic, so fundamental to our Constitution and our entire system of law, that our entire system would have to be discarded like garbage and start over with a blatant dictatorship in order to accomplish it.
I’m not suggesting the criminals running our government wouldn’t love to do exactly that, I’m sure they would, if they could get away with it.
But there is no way they can do it, and still pretend that we are a Constitutional Republic at the same time.
They would have to openly and plainly violate the Constitution in order to do it, and that would indisputably reveal themselves to be the real criminals, for all the world to see.
Republicans feel safe criticizing other republicans but fail to criticize AOC and Three.
They have no guts to point to failures of the left. What a bunch of wussies.
I would cut Scalise and Stefanik off too.
These people are NOBODYs compared to the guts and energy that MTG has.
These guys are where they are because of their fundraising ability, nothing else.
At the top of the party food chains it’s all about money. MTG most likely pissed off some deep pocketed donors (my guess would be Paul Singer).
It’s always about the money.
Being attacked by a tool like McCarthy will just make MTG even more popular…

Oh, and if these guys get ditched, their replacements aren’t going to be any better.
Ditch them anyway. AND keep bottom blowing the Uniparty asshoes.
McCarthy is silent that Jews are being attackt by left goons. He has no problems criticizing a conservative.
It’s as if McCarthy wants to leave Congress, and he decided career suicide was the best way to go…

Never thought of that.
McCarthy is a traitor.
Not that it makes him special, it’s hard to find more than 10 or 15 people in the GOP who aren’t traitors, and there’s nobody in the dims party who isn’t a traitor.
With one sentence Little Kevin has let the Commies off the hook. “The Holocaust is the greatest atrocity committed in history.” With that statement putting the horrific event of the Holocaust at the apex of human atrocities, McCarthy invites ghoulish comparisons.
The total butcher’s bills will be argued…
Mao – 60 million
Stalin – 40 million
Hitler – 30 million
Is slow motion murder in the form of orchestrated famine a lesser crime than railways, death camps & gas chambers?
(A current question also deserves to be asked…what is the real disposition of the Uighurs in China?) They’re being shipped in trains to concentration camps to work for the state…then what?
In short, McCarthy shouldn’t be in Congress.
Never back down, MTG!
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/25/21
Arizona Republican State Senators are engendering such tremendous respect, even adoration, for the great job they are doing on the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. Our Country is watching as early public reports are indicating a disaster, far greater than anyone had thought possible, for Arizona voters.
They kicked it into High Gear, now have 10-12 tables per color.
Arizona Vote Audit Live Stream (
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/25/21
New United States COVID cases, because of the record-breaking development of the vaccine and its early purchase and distribution by the Trump Administration, has hit its lowest level in more than one year, and falling fast. I want to thank all within the Trump Administration who pushed so hard for a vaccine and got it done in less than nine months when everybody was saying it would take at least 3-5 years, and probably not happen. Without the vaccine the world would be a much different place right now. Thank you also to the U.S. Military for its incredible distribution and logistical planning. Operation Warp Speed and our decision to purchase billions of dollars of vaccine before it was even approved, has been “One of the greatest miracles of the ages,” according to many. Thank you!
… and our decision to purchase billions of dollars of vaccine before it was even approved…
Before it was even approved……
Perhaps they won’t be distributing too much more of the jab after it gets approved.
We live in bizarro world. Sometimes I wish I lived in a cloister.
Me too. I watch monastery videos on Utube when things get to be too much.
Personally, I think he needs to stop talking about the vaccine.
There has to be a reason.
Exactly what I’m now thinking. He knows the majority of his base isn’t having it, and people get more skeptical by the day. Given that he can’t be this obtuse, and won’t just let it lie already, it has to be a communication. Or something more than a statement.
Pretty much all of his opposition believes that covid is dropping because of the vax. So he takes credit for the vax and may win some fans.
Yea, and wait till the EUA is over [very shortly] and the “jab” will beunavailable … just sayin’ …
OK, fat fingers meant to say: be unavailable … !!!
“…Thank you also to the U.S. Military for its incredible distribution and logistical planning. Operation Warp Speed and our decision to purchase billions of dollars of vaccine before it was even approved,…”
If you wanted to safe guard the people while letting the evil ones incriminate themselves, you would grab control of the DISTRIBUTION of the ‘poison’
PT promoted ‘FREEDOM OF CHOICE’ for all therapies!!!
He loves all people, even the Snowflakes. Even though they do him dirty, he still helps them. GOOD HEARTED MAN!! Has the heart of a King, blessed by God.
Amen goes right there, BFLY!!!
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America05/25/21
A new Ipsos/Reuters poll ‘Beliefs Among Republicans’ shows 53% believe Donald Trump is the true President (I always knew America was smart!). 2020 Election was tainted 56%. The Election was stolen (and Rigged!) 61%.
Trump breaks silence on UFO’S
Qtreepeeps had it, too
The Facts About the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine | pfpfizeruscom
Three of these for Scott467
Thank you, I just saw them!
barkerjim (thanks for the above link)
The above link “The Facts About the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine /” takes one to the “general public information”-type information about the Pfizer [experimental gene-altering injections] “vaccine” for the CCPFauci Virus. This “general public information” reads like “take the vaccine, it’s great, very minor side effects” pap.
If one wants the REAL skinny on the “vaccine”, the [greatly-abbreviated] “trials” results, and other REAL information on the “vaccine” —
When one clicks on the above link, go to the top of the webpage. Click on where it says “Healthcare Professionals”. This takes one to, “Pfizer for Professionals”;
From there, scroll down to “Pfizer Products”, and click on “View Products”;
On that webpage, click on the “P” hyperlink;
Then scroll down to “PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE”;
And up will pop the REAL information about the “vaccine” that doctors get.
I printed out the REAL information, using 90% size and “Minimum Margins” on my printer. It took 31 pages.
The REAL information on these pages is pretty intense.
Spike Protein Circulating in the Vaccinated: What does it mean? — Deplatform Disease
Good news for DePat in this one — about 35 days after vax, no more spike protein circulating (thus none to shed).
Of course, what to trust and how much…..
That was one of the things I needed to know. Thanks.
D Pat,
I have a comment with too many links that needs to crawl out of da bin.
It should be out.
Oxford Academic published the paper mentioned:
Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients
Alana F Ogata
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
The rest of the authors are also in Boston. Of special interest:
Chi-An Cheng
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
His other papers are ‘interesting’ such as Face masks to prevent transmission of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. authors: Yanni Li 1, Mingming Liang 2, Liang Gao 3, Mubashir Ayaz Ahmed 4, John Patrick Uy 4, Ce Cheng 5, Qin Zhou 6, Chenyu Sun 7
Randomized, double-blinded and placebo-controlled phase II trial of an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in healthy adults. Yanchun Che 1, Xiaoqiang Liu 2, Yi Pu 3, Meijian Zhou 4, Zhimei Zhao 1, Ruiju Jiang 1, Zhifang Yin 5, Mingjue Xu 1, Qiongzhou Yin 1, Jianfeng Wang 5, Jing Pu 1, Heng Zhao 1, Ying Zhang 1, Lichun Wang 1, Ya Jiang 4, Jin Lei 3, Yan Zheng 2, Yun Liao 1, Runxiang Long 1, Li Yu 1, Pingfang Cui 1, Huijuan Yang 1, Yuehui Zhang 3, Jingyu Li 2, Weiwu Chen 4, Zhanlong He 1, Kaili Ma 1, Chao Hong 1, Dandan Li 1, Guorun Jiang 1, Donglan Liu 1, Xingli Xu 1, Shengtao Fan 1, Chen Cheng 1, Hongling Zhao 1, Jianbo Yang 1, Yan Li 1, Yanxiang Zou 2, Youshuai Zhu 4, Yaling Zhou 3, Yingqiu Guo 1, Ting Yang 1, Hongbo Chen 1, Zhongping Xie 1, Changgui Li 5, Qihan Li 1
THEN things get interesting. David R Walt is listed last and does not show unless you hit show more.
He is the head of WALT LAB
Advanced Diagnostics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Wyss Institute. (Those are his students I assume)
Illumina Inc ??? Illuminati ??? Are they rubbing our face in
Hansjörg Wyss — WIKI
NOT a paper I would trust to give the truth!
Excellent dig–thank you So Much!!!
Wyss sold his company to J+J in 2012.
Has links to Podesta and Obama WH.
Also sought purchase of US media assets.
Also ugly lawsuit involving use of unapproved bone cement that killed 3, while he was chairman of the board.
Stony Brook link is interesting. Wonder if he knows Samuel Stanley.
That would be by Aug 23rd. If we allow for the usual bureaucratic delay, say by Thanksgiving, that would be a encouraging development
I kinda have a crush on Peter Navarro.
A lot of us have a crush on Peter Navarro.
Is it OK if I vote for MTG or Lauren Boebert?
Yes, but don’t expect the party to support your decision. They are a danger to the donors from Wall Street.
Uh, I vote for B O T H.
AND logic!
Of course.
Ditto. Dude is a BRAINIAC!!!
I have something interesting to report.
I noted here a couple of weeks ago that I had what I think was a secondary “vaccine” injury.
Any time I got a scratch or any kind of abrasion on my arm, I instantly got the “blood rash” of Covid. This had not happened up until about a month ago. Even a tiny cat scratch got a bloom of under-the-skin blood. It was WEIRD and happened a few times.
I read about the whole Suramin/pine needle tea thing, which was bunkum. Suramin is man-made. BUT, in reading about that, star anise, which has the same substance in it as prescription TamiFlu, was mentioned.
I drank a cup of star anise tea per day for a week. I made it by grinding the whole pod with seeds, one pod per cup.
Today, I got a pretty gnarly scratch on my arm out gardening. NO BLOOD RASH.
I am only passing this on as anecdotal evidence. Who knows if it means anything. But it was mentioned in conjunction with vaccine injury, and it did do something for me.
I have a good stock of this. Managed to score some NAC, too.
VERY Important anecdotal info–Many Thanks!!!
Warning: Pfizer’s Experimental, ‘Emergency Use-Authorized’ mRNA Vaccine Carries Serious Risk of Prion-Associated Spongiform Encephalopathy/Dementia – LewRockwell
The last paragraph is chilling.
Chicken wing shortage grips America
‘We cannot supply enough wings to anybody’
Wing Night prices up 20% here.
I cannot find oxiclean spray anywhere.
Who did a run on oxiclean laundry spray?
I got the last bottle of refill stuff at one point.
Theres plenty of people selling aftermarket at scam prices but its ridiculous.
I get the powder. You can make your own spray for lots less.
So i ordered some of the liquid oxy soap. Ill just use that.
may 25, 2021 the marshall report
I used to say to others, we can prepare with all the provisions we desire to hoard up, but… what happens in all that earthly preparation when you are hit by a storm? When the Hurricane’s winds blast the walls of your house and splits it into as the waters rise up and flood all you have stored up? What good was the earthly hoarding to you?
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Kayaker Sees Story of Cracked Memphis Bridge, Digs Up Photo from 5 Years Ago and Zooms In: ‘Our Jaws Dropped’
Well, I did say the crack had rusted and that meant it was OLD!
In the drone video from 2019 it looks an inch shorter. Love our Miss Gail, she’s SUPER SUPER SMART!!!

The inspector didn’t report it years ago?
You are assuming the inspector saw it. The question to ask is who was the inspector and how many times have they inspected the bridge. The more you inspect the same item, the more lax you get. I have gone to inspect equipment for the first time and caught deficiencies that have been there for years. Plus, if there are sections difficult to get to they “do there best” at accessing the overall condition from where they are able to get access. Using drones now allows for better access and guess what they found.
In the article, it says that the photos from two years ago show the crack. It was there, seen, and not reported.
I live in a city with 12 MAJOR, MAJOR bridges over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers – five of which are FAR more consequential than that I-40 bridge (two with I-70, one with I-55, and other cross country rail bridges). They are inspected every other year, sometimes every year if cracks are discovered and repaired. It is a regular thing for at least one to be out of commission for repairs. “Didn’t find it” doesn’t fly with me, not when the inspector was fired from the state of Arkansas.
Like I said, inspectors get lazy. The older these bridges get, the more frequent the inspections should be and using more methods other then just visual. Problem for the gubmint is if the inspector does find something then they will actually have to spend money to fix it.
My state, Missouri, spends BILLIONS on bridges on a regular basis.
Guess they will be spending a few billion more. Maybe if Obozo’s first infrastructure bill actually went to road’s and bridges this would have been dealt with.
May 20, 2021,10:31am EDT|1,606 views
Galápagos Landmark Darwin’s Arch Collapses As DiCaprio Announces New Conservation Initiative
Duncan Madden
Just, FYI, this is what the state of Missouri does with bridges that get cracks in them. (This is the 1955 span of the Blanchette Bridge over the Missouri River which carries Interstate 70. It’s been replaced.)
Ground report:
Went up to the convenience store/gas station at the top of the road from where I’m staying, to buy some bottled water (always keep some on hand in case the power goes out) and try for gasoline.
No gas at the station. The cashier inside the convenience store said they haven’t had any for weeks. This is true of many gas stations in the North Durham area.
Bottled water had gone up in price from the previous $1.49 a gallon to $2.49 today.
As another reference: the convenience-store size of “liquid “DayQuil”, had gone up from the previous $4.19 for an 8-ounce bottle, to $8.19 for 8 ounces.
The cashier lamented that meat has gone up from $4.99 a pound, up to $10. a pound.
When one can find gas in this area, it’s between $2.99 – $3.29 for regular.
I smell “Joe Biden Misery Index” in the air.
Chicken scratch has gone up by 1/3 in the last few weeks.
Wow. Thats a huge jump.
In mid North Carolina we had no trouble finding gas and diesel during the last couple of days. However the prices have certainly sky rocketed.
(Was in North Durham over the weekend for a party.)
Manhattan prosecutors in criminal probe into Trump Org convene grand jury to consider whether to INDICT the ex-President
Manhattan prosecutors have convened the grand jury that will weigh criminal charges against Donald Trump, according to reports on Tuesday.
The grand jury will also consider whether other Trump Organization executives or the business itself will be prosecuted, The Washington Post reported.
They will go after his kids also. These evil people want to ruin him and his family. We are now officially living in Marxist USA.
Biden who truly is a crock nothing .
Victorious Warriors Win First & Then Go To War, Trump Won By A Landslide, Reconcile – Ep. 2487
May 25, 2021 x22report
The [CB] plan is not working, the push to keep people away from alternative currencies is not working. The [CB] is threatened by other currencies and their fear is showing. Countries are not going along with the [CB] one world corporate tax plan. The [CB] plan is falling apart and the world is watching. The [DS] is scrambling for the fallout. The patriots have already won, Trump won in a landslide and now he is patiently waiting for the outcome. He knows the [DS] cheated, he allowed it to happen for the world to see. What we are witnessing is pain being delivered to the [DS]/fake news and the corrupt politicians slowly. When this is all done these people will not be able to walk down the streets. The people are rising up, the people are awake, this is the [DS] biggest fear. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, Trump won by a landslide, reconcile.
Ep. 2487a – It Begins, Countries Push Back On The [CB] Plan, The Plan Has Failed
X22 Report Published May 25, 2021
Ep. 2487b – Victorious Warriors Win First & Then Go To War, Trump Won By A Landslide, Reconcile
X22 Report Published May 25, 2021
So he’s flattened the curve, as it were
Now his pulse matches his IQ.
Next Psucki will say it’s gone negative…
I know it’s BB, but she’s so full of

Wolf and Concerned Virginian and Grandmaintexas,
I think some wires have gotten crossed somewhere. Every time Grandmaintexas posts, I get an email like the one below, addressed to Concerned Virginian. I can’t imagine why these notices are coming to me.
Hi Concerned Virginian,
new comment has been posted by the Grandmaintexas you are following
Good taste abounds at the Qtree.
Right! It’s weird.
Incredibly bizarre. Wow. I don’t know what to say.
I was getting an email every time I posted for awhile that said I have now confirmed a new WP account.
I have a feeling it has less to do with you and more to do with a mixup on email addresses or something. It looks as if Concerned Virginian is following you, but notices to that effect are being emailed to me. Yes, bizarre!
Because Fanta is tasty thats why!
Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) Tweeted:
Two bees opening a soda bottle together..
(It just has to be asked
Two bees, or not two bees?
[buzzes off before getting swatted
Hey Steve… someone is out of the house.
Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) Tweeted:
Taking a free ride..
Darwin taking his girlfriend on a date in an Uber??
Lol….a very slow uber.
I think we found Ferdinand’s cousin.
Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) Tweeted:
Sound on
That has to be a pet cow
She is a bottle raised Holstein Friesian milk cow. Dairy farms take the calves off their mothers at birth and bottle raise them.
A 4-H calf will be hand bottle fed so it is very tame and can be trained for show.

Normal multi-calf pail

In use
Innovated redneck calf feeder

Do you have one in your traveling circus?
We did at one time. Actually I have had several over the years.
Now my neighbor has 2 baby calves. They are Limousin, a French breed of beef cattle.
One is brown and the other black.

Well, they certainly look beefy.
They are. Good tasting too.
We are seriously considering a dairy cow. Found an excellent breeder of Jerseys not too far away.
Need some good resources as we are newbies.
And now I can’t get the image of a fake TV commercial out of my head —
Your rig, and a bunch of your animals, and you — and a voiceover that says, “It’s Gail Comb’s Flying Cir-cus” along with the Liberty Bell march….then a giant animated foot comes out of a cartoon cloud and stomps everything.
My Grands lived in the country and I spent weekends, summers, and holidays there from age 3-15. Around age 7-8, we had a cow that died giving birth. The baby was solid black with 4 white feet. I named it Mittens. My job was to make his bottle and feed him. I
baby Mittens. One weekend we went up for Sunday dinner and Mittens was gone. My Grand’s deep freezer was full of beef. My mean older sister told me Mittens was in the freezer. I was so upset!
That’s when I pretty much stopped eating beef. I’ll eat a hamburger or steak once every couple of years, maybe chili in the winter. That’s it. Poor Dear Mitens.
I had no idea that you fatten up the boys for food, only ONE Bull allowed.
Unfortunately that is the case. Remember that in the wild most of the boys would die.
Had no clue at 7, only loved my pets. I used to tell my Gma to leave me her dogs in her will. My adults let me live in dream world.
That’s why your Grands should have insisted that you call “Mittens” by his “real name — USDA Prime”.
Totally inappropriate for a 7 year old’s pet!!
Gives a whole new meaning to “Prime Time”…
That was extremely cruel of your sister.
That’s her thing, she’s a mess, haven’t spoken in over 20 years, she hates the whole family, SAD.
And, softly in the background, a Wendy’s commercial is playing…
(I always wondered where Wendy’s got the square cows…)….
(OK, three squares a day…)….
I could not take on to be killed. They are milk cows so they should have a good life ?
Must be, but my goodness so cuddly.
Yes beautiful cow
I am never complaining if a person calls me cow :):):)
Sidney Powell Weighs in on Georgia Audit: 145,000 Absentee Ballots, 106,000 Adjudicated Ballots, Video of Multiple Scannings of Same Ballots and Nine Witnesses of Suspected Fake Ballots!
By Jim Hoft
Published May 22, 2021 at 9:05am
Doug Billings Exclusive Interview with General Tom McInerney
The Right Side with Doug Billings Published May 24, 2021
One of the commenters suggested looking at this video.
Human Genome 8 and mRNA vaccine
“Details about human genome 8: primary assembly and how the mRNA vaccine could change the genome to cause anomalies.”
(Has a ton of links to papers included.)
Short video with English subtitles. The jabs are the pinnacle of the crimes against us.
Is that Weinstein, erm, with the plant?
Ground Report from Sam’s and Kroger today.
Mask free
As free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Mask free to follow your heart
Live free
And beauty surrounds you
The world still astound you
Each time you look at a star
Stay free
Where no walls divide you
You’re free as a roaring tide so there’s no need to hide
Mask free
And life is worth living
But only worth living
‘Cause you’re Mask free
Stay free
Where no walls divide you
You’re free as a roaring tide so there’s no need to hide
Mask free
And life is worth living
But only worth living
‘Cause you’re Mask free
It’s real:
Not nearly as painful as it is to the children’s families….
I thought maybe she might be anticipating Q is going to have some time on his hands to resume functions before starting school or some such, but apparently her appeal is to the broader community of qanons, in which case an answer is more readily available. No and zero sympathy for the lying witch.
Just wondering….we know that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of a stroke….did he perhaps get the vax a few days prior?
Good question. Although not of age group for priority, the Capitol Police could of been made a priority and the knowledge that 6 Jan events were forth coming may of spurred some to get in line early for the vax for that reason or that WA DC was already center ground for CV vector wars. But to be sure, we don’t likely have a definitive answer on this and other remedials were likely available to the Capitol Police, heck they may of been a loose test bed for such.
Well, y’know…..always the best for the Praetorian Guard.
No Words Are Needed – LewRockwell
[…] (article progress, Gail what if vaccines are not […]