The Magnetism Challenge: Part I

Wherein we examine, in something like “MythBusters” style, the dubious “Magnet Challenge”, without relying (too much) on the anti-scientific crutch of scientific authority

First, a confession.

The main reason I am attracted to these videos of people sticking magnets to the COVID vaccination injection sites on their shoulders, is that I love to watch normal people doing science – EVEN IF they are doing it badly, or just plain wrong.

Second, another confession.

I have a more personal reason for liking these videos. I know exactly what it’s like – as a scientist – to look for a tiny magnetic effect with substandard equipment. To me, that is the essence of science – because our equipment is rarely good enough. It could always be better. Somebody ELSE always gets the Large Hadron Collider “LARGE EURO PROVIDER” – while most of us schmoe scientists finagle “not enough time” on somebody else’s cheap and tiny second-hand machine.

And the problem with magnetism is that some of the effects we are looking for are REALLY TINY. The entire UNIVERSE seems to conspire against finding them. So when I see these people with their refrigerator magnets, trying to come up with a definitive answer to a strange and even downright stupid, but wonderful question – “does the COVID vaccine have something magnetic in it?” – against the combined opposition of media, government, and the chumped “fake science” I used to be part of – well, I’m sorry. I am going to root for the underdogs, even though these people are almost universally doing marginal, problematic, or even face-palmy science.

At the very least, they ARE doing science. And SOME of them are doing what I would almost call admirable “kitchen science”.

Most people – and that can include me – will quickly look for an “authoritative ruling” on a scientific question. Yes, that’s GREAT – but it’s not SCIENCE. It’s “armchair science” – pretty much like armchair anything. There is very little skin in the game – no pun intended. But God bless anybody who says “Hey! Let me see if *I* can figure this out for myself!”

Skin in the game. HELL YEAH.

Indeed, I remember the last time I did some kitchen science – and discovered that – despite the LIES of PBS propagandists – masks were robbing me of oxygen and reducing cognition – MEASURABLY.

The Bidening of America – How Cognitive Decline is Being Forced Upon Us All Through the ChiNazis’ Useful Idiots, the Mask Nazis

TL;DR – skip down to “Crucial Experiment” and read how you can prove to yourself that masks cause real and measurable cognitive decline that lasts long after you unmask. NPR and other leftists who say masks don’t affect you and your children are LYING. LOOK, it’s time to be blunt. Senility – Cognitive Decline – …

SO – what I want to do here – is to follow the “Mythbusters” model – a GREAT pathway into science – and “firm up” the “Magnet Challenge”.

I don’t want to decry it. I don’t want to “debunk” it. I want to make it rigorous, so that we can prove TO OURSELVES whether or not (1) people are getting vaccines which have some kind of “magnetic” component (we’ll firm that idea up), and, no matter what, (2) whether such a thing is scientifically possible based upon known science.

Does that sound fair? Does that sound even-handed?

I’m very open to this weird idea of magnetic vaccines – real or hoax. I would love to find out, one way or another, the answers to these to questions – yes or no. I take as much joy in killing theories, as I do in confirming them. And on the way there, when one side starts winning – “brake” or “accelerator” – I instinctively look for the other one to “challenge” what seems to be winning.

This is how the SCULPTURE of “working theory” emerges from the STONE OF TRUTH. Even if, as may be the case here – that sculpture could be a bit of a Fauci bobble-head.

The Plan

We’re going to do this in several parts. This FIRST ARTICLE will concentrate on the Magnet Challenge itself.

FIRST – we look at the Magnet Challenge as has been seen in videos, and figure out (as you will see) what parts are obviously WRONG.

SECOND – we look at MAGNETISM ITSELF – to get some background on what we need to know to FIX the Magnet Challenge. We want to be comfortable with magnetism before we get down to business.

THIRD – we look at how the Magnet Challenge might actually be fixed. We will only get part-way into that.

In the SECOND ARTICLE, coming in a week or two, we look at “making it real” – and ask a crucial question. Are “magnetic vaccines” even possible? And bigger still – are there ANY “magnetic injections” that people with an agenda might try to implement?

You will be shocked.

Magnetism – which is a bit like the kid sister of electricity – is very much like one of the young female characters in a modern “X Men” saga. She’s under-rated and under-appreciated – until she saves everybody’s ass. I personally think magnetism is beautiful – almost to the point of prejudice. Yeah, if somebody finds convincing evidence of a SORDID, wart-like, unbecoming, magnetic monopole, I will let it convince me. But until then, as far as I’m concerned, the magnetic monopole is sacrilege on the order of gay Jesus porn movies where THE VIRGIN AIN’T. Ugly, wrong, and needless. GROW UP!

Now – I’m not going to get into the theory of magnetism itself, because that is quite unnecessary for the task at hand. Steve is doing a marvelous job explaining (1) mass, force and gravitation, (2) velocity and momentum, (3) energy and potential, and (4) introductory electromagnetism. What I’m doing here is leafing off all of that in a very shallow way, into the magnetism of materials – just a wee bit – so that we can look more critically at how to do science honestly.

We are going to see if – just using GOOD kitchen science – we can figure out how to make BAD kitchen science be a thing of the past.

To quote my new favorite video…..

“Don’t reboot it – just patch!”

Magnet Challenge Videos: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


The FIRST “Magnet Challenge” video that I saw was one of the best examples of “bad science” that I have seen in a long time. “Spock wept”, to put it bluntly.

This is the one where the black-masked, “zaftig”, blonde woman appears to be at home in front of her big-screen television set, having just gotten the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and “tries” to stick a magnet to both shoulders – first the shoulder in which she got the injection, then the other.

It’s very hard to find this or other videos now, because anti-science, pro-authoritarian, Menshevik Soviet diaper-CEO YouTube has hidden most of them. Even Rumble seems to have hidden most of their Magnet Challenge videos. I did find a source video that includes footage from the original, but I’m saving most of that for below. You will see the video in its entirety then.

Instead, here are some stills. First, the lady showing off the vaccinated arm, with the magnet sticking to the injection site.

Next, the other arm, right before she lets go, and the magnet falls off.

It is immediately obvious to anybody with ANY exposure to science that this woman does NOT, in fact, perform this test in an “equal” way on her two arms. Now I’m not saying that she didn’t observe some difference – that the magnet didn’t behave differently between the two shoulders. What I’m saying is that she didn’t give the shoulders an “equal chance” to either stick or fail.

Is it deception? Is it self-deception? We don’t need to know yet. All we need to know, is that it’s not science.

There is a LIST of differences that can be seen in the video.

To begin with, the lady’s vax arm is held at an outward angle, though toward the camera, making the relaxed angle hard to see. In contrast, her non-vax arm is held in tightly and more nearly vertical at the shoulder, with her forearm across her abdomen.

Next, you can see in the second picture above, that she depresses the “non-vax” magnet with her index finger, guaranteeing that there will be a spring force when she releases it – and yes there is, as she very quickly pulls her finger away, and the magnet flies off.

In contrast, she “babies the magnet” on the vax side, gently holding it up with the middles of several fingers, NOT at the tips, and moving it around AND pressing it lightly and repeatedly for several seconds until it takes hold and STAYS. When it finally sticks to her satisfaction, she lets go gingerly.

This is where I want to STOP THE FILM and talk about how minor of an effect she is presumably looking for. You can literally see how TINY it is by the fact that she’s “babying the magnet” on a shoulder that is less than vertical.

What she is doing is trying to demonstrate an opposition of at least 3 forces:

  • possible minor magnetism
  • guaranteed reliable gravity
  • variable “surface forces”

We all understand that “smooth objects may stick temporarily to skin” – right? Every child who has played around in the bathtub realizes that even a bit of moisture can increase this effect, too. I am not going to get into what those surface forces may be, although they are, down deep, “minor electrostatic” in nature.

“Things stick to things”, shall we just say. Not much, always, but quite a bit, sometimes.

Given this fairly large “minor” effect, plus the reliable effect of gravity that varies with angle, we are not being honest if we FAVOR or DISFAVOR either of those effects – gravity or surface attractions – and also spring forces – on one arm versus the other, while using a metric of “falls off or doesn’t fall off”.

She did NOT give it a fair test.

Now – before we go arguing about whether or not there could STILL BE a real effect here, despite her clear BIAS toward “magnetic vaccination”, let’s look at some AWESOME kitchen science.


Here is the link, but don’t click it yet.


This kitchen science does NOT disprove magnetic vaccinations. What it DOES do is disprove the simplest forms of the Magnet Challenge as being sufficient to prove magnetic vaccination. It is a subtle point, but one that we must keep in mind if we’re being honest and unbiased.

This brilliant “disproof” of the sufficiency of the “Magnet Challenge”, very ironically, was being BLOCKED by the “Brave” browser. While they stopped censoring THIS video, I’m uncertain if they’re still censoring others.

Not only am I incredibly disappointed in the obvious censorship by Brave – I’m delighted to have in hand an example of why censorship of people TRYING to find the truth is always wrong.

I *delight* in using error to show truth – it’s one of THE BEST WAYS to make people smarter. And yet, the CEOs of Brave and YouTube – obviously intelligent people – engage in such censorship. This is what socialism does. People may not think they’re socialists, but they will carry socialist memes like pack animals – as fervently and reliably as if they were committed socialists. Even “anti-socialists” do this, when they behave as controlled opposition.

Here is the video – maybe it will work with your browser. Like I said, it’s working with Brave now.

Now, I’ve included that embed code just on the off chance that your browser will show the video, but if not, then first, here is a picture of Brave blocking the video…..

Now – let’s look at two stills from the video.

First, we see where a guy has “stuck” a key to a place on his arm that is almost certainly unvaccinated – just above the inside of his wrist.

This is all quite brilliant for multiple reasons. He shows the key, and it is a familiar, cheap, non-steel, light metal, probably mostly zinc or aluminum alloy, key. These are never attracted to a magnet, nor can they be magnetized. They ARE light enough to demonstrate surface forces as being comparable to gravity. Best of all, by using a KEY, which will tend to “torque off” if the key is not pointing “down with gravity”, he can show to some extent the direction “down” in the video,

As seen in the video, surface forces are comparable to gravity. This means that if we state, for the vertical axis (think about Steve’s lessons here), that…..

MF + SF >= GF

[magnetic forces plus surface forces UP must be greater than or equal to gravitational forces DOWN]

… a condition of testing for the presence of magnetic forces, then we have just shown that this method cannot be used to show the presence or absence of magnetic forces.


And it gets better.

Yes. He actually takes it past vertical – demonstrating that the surface forces are SO STRONG that they can resist a certain amount of “peeling force” by gravity.

Thus, we are DONE.

The Magnet Challenge is NOT sufficient to tell us if people got a “magnetic vaccination”.


And YES – we will get to that in a minute. But first…..


Remember that I found a stashed version of the first video of the blonde lady on Bitchute? That bigger stashing video was actually an episode of Del Bigtree’s The Highwire show, with host Jefferey Jaxen, and reporter Carmen Estel of “Mom on the Street”.


In addition to Jefferey providing a good short compilation of some of the prior videos, Carmen actually wandered out onto Laguna Beach and tested a variety of young people. She got 15 people who had gotten vaccines to try the magnet test on their injection site. Out of 15 people, for 6 the magnet “stuck” and for 9 it “did not”.

Go ahead and watch – see what you think.

It was ALMOST good science – but not quite. The attempt was beautiful, but it was still a bit ugly.

The one thing that would have made this experiment actually meaningful, would have been to do a CONTROL EXPERIMENT on the NON-VACCINATED ARM of each participant.

This would NOT have made the experiment perfect, or even good – it would have made it BETTER.

And THAT is where we need to go next. How could we test for a “magnetic vaccine” using “kitchen science” if we really wanted to “do it right”?


MythBusting Magnetism and The Human Body

MythBusters is a fascinating part of “Fake Entertainment” that looks at “urban legends and myths” and tries to see if (1) the legends and myths are true, and (2) if not, can the legends and myths be MADE TO BECOME TRUE by “improving” the myth, using better, smarter, or more modern technology.

MythBusters is still a part of “fake science” – mostly by omission. The MythBusters team is not allowed to pursue certain topics or answers, due to pressure by government, industry or activist groups.

Don’t believe me? Try this.

Thus, certain myths are allowed to be debunked, but others are maintained by omission. Most of all, TRUE “myths” are kept in “myth status” by not allowing them to be examined. This is a key part of “fake science”.

Nevertheless, MythBusters does wonders for science. Most of all, the show promotes the true scientific foundation of free and honest inquiry by “normal people”. And while THEY cannot pursue everything, WE (almost) CAN.

We will begin OUR “mythbusting” of vaccine magnetism with even greater freedom than MythBusters, because we will pursue truth regardless of the desires of government, industry, and activist groups.

Let’s start with MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

One of the most important things you can realize about strong magnetic fields, like those in an MRI machine, is that their danger profiles for metal objects VARY with the SIZE, the COMPOSITION, the SHAPE, and the PLACEMENT of the metal objects.

BIG iron and steel objects like oxygen tanks and floor polishers are extremely dangerous, because they have a lot of IRON and a lot of weight. The forces produced upon them by a strong magnetic field are tremendous. A human being holding onto the object, or in the way of it, is in great danger.

Intermediate sized objects – especially guns – pose intermediate dangers. They tend to get yanked from holsters and fly against the machines, where they can’t be removed until the machine is turned off.

Smaller FREE objects can become missiles, by the field doing WORK on them, to accelerate them to dangerous velocities.

You see that title – “WHY ABSOLUTELY NO METAL SHOULD ENTER AN MRI ROOM”? Well, I’m here to tell you, it’s not true. MRI technicians DO let metal into MRI rooms – they are just VERY CAREFUL about what metal goes in and comes out. You will see.

In fact, on the other end of the spectrum, a small implanted metal object – depending upon the SHAPE and LOCATION in the body – may not be dangerous at all. This is why MRI techs ask very detailed questions about possible internal metal objects.

Thus, when “Mythbusters Kari” was injected with an RFID tag containing a ferrite-core antenna, and was stuck into an MRI machine, the tag was NOT heated up, nor was it ripped out of her. In fact, she didn’t notice anything.

This is because the ferrite in the antenna is smaller than a grain of rice, and it is located inside a strong object, located in a structurally strong part of the human body. The total magnetic force on the object, even under a huge magnetic field, is miniscule compared to the weight of a human arm or leg, or to the strength of human skin, flesh, and bone. The small object is happy to remain exactly where it is, without pain or injury.

Even older pacemakers can be happy in older MRI machines, when run properly.

I was surprised to learn, when I got an MRI, that I could NOT wear a necklace, but I could wear my wedding ring, regardless of material. If you think about it, this makes sense. One object (the wedding ring) was slightly outside the machine – the other (the necklace) would not have been. One object (the wedding ring) was firmly held in place by a heavy body part which normally withstands strong forces – the other was not. One object (the necklace) had the potential to fly around and break or tear under the field – the other did not.

Note that both the MRI machine itself AND the little ferrite-core antenna illustrate an important yet very simple principle of magnetism – the idea that “bringing lots of little magnets together” creates a stronger and stronger field. That works in reverse, too. Break the magnet apart, into separate smaller magnets, and the field of each gets weaker and weaker.

The implications here are simple, and are directly related to the experience of MythBuster Kari, who had a SINGLE UNIFIED magnetizable body placed within her. One little “big” magnet.

A REAL “magnetic vaccine” is going to experience no more force than an RFID with a ferrite core antenna, in terms of reacting to a larger magnetic field. Nobody who got a COVID vaccine, even if it was chock full of iron or ferrite nanoparticles, is going to experience anything “ripping out of them” in an MRI – much less next to a rare earth refrigerator magnet. The real question is whether EITHER a real magnetic vaccine or a small magnet placed next to it would experience any visible force AT ALL.

Thus we KNOW that we should expect a VERY SMALL FORCE IF ANY, from ANY type of “magnetic” vaccine. It’s not going to be “magnetically dangerous”.

Yes – a steel razor blade embedded next to one’s aorta might be one thing under an MRI. But small, blunt, magnetizable implants, located in “safe” places where they are strongly supported, are not going to be trouble.

This means that if we are dealing with a SMALL PERMANENT MAGNET – even a small but powerful rare earth magnet – instead of the MRI machine, we are not going to expect a HUGE reaction with any kind of metal under somebody’s skin, or bigger still, if it’s deep in their arm muscle.

And further still – if it is a SMALL effect, we need to start asking EXACTLY HOW SMALL? Is it even going to be visible?

AH – now we’re ready to do REAL SCIENCE. More or less. We will start off with some background, and then get increasingly into “kitchen physics”.

Real Fieldwives of Magnetism

You may not realize it, but pretty much everything reacts to a magnetic field. Most people are only familiar with what reacts VISIBLY to a magnetic field – that being certain objects containing iron, as well as those containing a few less common elements with similar “ferromagnetic” properties

But the truth is, anything with charged parts somewhere in it, on it, or around it, can react with a magnetic field – and EVEN the lowly, fundamental, neutral neutrino, MAY interact with magnetism, by non-standard mechanisms – making the potential magnetic properties of neutrinos a field of study – and (IMO) much more likely to be real, than the horrid chimera of broken theory known as the magnetic monopole.

I don’t want to get too deeply into the kinds of ways that matter responds to magnetic fields, because one really can’t do it without leaning heavily on more obscure aspects of quantum mechanics, but several classifications of response are very useful in understanding what is going on.

Ferromagnetism – is the familiar response of IRON, many types of steel, adjacent metals cobalt and nickel, and other substances like magnetite (lodestone) or chromium dioxide, which can be MAGNETIZED to some degree. These are substances which REALLY LIKE to be in a magnetic field, and to even form permanent magnets themselves.

Paramagnetism – is the property of many elements and substances which have what are called “unpaired electrons”. It is in the same direction as ferromagnetism – meaning such things LIKE to be in a magnetic field. However, paramagnetism is MUCH weaker than ferromagnetism. In fact, it is very difficult to measure, sometimes, because TINY ferromagnetic impurities and contaminants can and will throw off measurements of paramagnetic substances.

Diamagnetism – is the property of things with fully “paired” electrons. It is the “default” magnetism of most things in this world. It is generally extremely weak, and it OPPOSES a magnetic field. Thus, diamagnetic substances want to LEAVE a magnetic field. They repel either end of a magnet – although weakly. Diamagnetism is also difficult to measure properly because of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic impurities.

Now – I want to take a small DETOUR into diamagnetism.

Visible Diamagnetism

Except for a few geeks here, most of you have probably never seen visible diamagnetism before. You could even call it “anti-magnetism”. The reason most have never seen it, is not only because it is weak, but also because unlike common visible [ferro]magnetism, which only needs one common element – IRON – simple visible diamagnetism with objects requires MORE – in most cases THREE more elements. In what follows, we will be seeing very powerful iron-boron-neodymium magnets being repelled by bismuth and graphite – two substances with so much diamagnetism, it can become easily visible.

Here is a beautifully simple demonstration of how water – which is weakly diamagnetic – is repelled by a magnetic field – in this case provided by a strong, modern, permanent Nd-Fe-B magnet.

There are very cool videos of something called diamagnetic levitation. Sometimes these are actually demonstrations of “diamagnetic repulsion being used to stabilize magnetic levitation“. There is a difference, and I want you to understand it. I find that understanding the differences HELPS to understand magnetic effects in general – both diamagnetism and paramagnetism/ferromagnetism.

Here is a table-top demonstration of PURE diamagnetic levitation.

This is a diamagnetic substance – the graphite in an ordinary pencil lead – being pulled down by gravity into a strong magnetic field generated by powerful diametrically magnetized permanent magnets. As the graphite is pulled down, the diamagnetic response of the material increases until it balances gravity. This is simple, pure, diamagnetic repulsion from a magnetic field.

Now, let’s see what one can do with that in a laboratory.

Yes. That frog experiment led to an IgNobel Prize, but the same investigator later got a Nobel Prize for his investigation of a diamagnetic champion – graphite – which he was able to reliably study as 1-layer-thick graphene – which substance is changing the world.


Better yet, this frog experiment is explained as part of a VERY nice explanation of the different kinds of magnetism:

Now – there are also some great pictures and videos of diamagnetic substances “floating” above strong ferromagnets.

Here is a video of it – again – pure diamagnetic levitation – resistance to falling into a magnetic field.

There are other much cooler pictures, however, that are NOT ALWAYS pure diamagnetic levitation. The following three pictures show permanent magnets floating above highly diamagnetic “pyrolytic graphite”. These pictures MAY BE somewhat pure diamagnetic levitation, but it is likely that they are using a “lifter magnet” somewhere above the picture – not only to lift the floating magnet to some extent, but to help stabilize it from moving off the center of the diamagnetic surface.

To understand that physics, go HERE, to the video below, for a great amateur demonstration.

What you will see is diamagnetic repulsion being used to stabilize magnetic levitation.

What this apparatus does is create a little energetic valley between the bismuth poles. Magnetic levitation wants to pull the little magnet up to the bigger magnet above – but diamagnetic repulsion fights against both gravity going DOWN and the magnetic attraction going UP. At just the right amounts (a small range) of magnetic force UP, everything balances in stable levitation.

It’s not as easy to SEE the diamagnetic repulsion / levitation in this case, but again, there are three forces involved – gravity, magnetic attraction, and diamagnetic repulsion.

In the pencil lead demonstration, gravity forces the diamagnetic substance down into the magnetic field until the opposing diamagnetic repulsion balances gravity, creating stable levitation. Similarly for the graphite disk floating over the array of cube magnets.

In this last demonstration, that same sort of repulsion, in reverse, happens at the bottom bismuth plate, but to get better “lift”, the floating magnet is both lightened and center-stabilized by a lifter magnet. A SECOND bismuth plate keeps the floating magnet from going UP to the lifter magnet.

It’s a little bit cheaty, but even Harvard calls it “Diamagnetic Levitation“.

Though if you hanker for the beautiful simplicity of PURE diamagnetic levitation, click this link for 2 awesome videos and 5 images.

NOW – back to REAL LIFE and the question of “magnetic vaccines” – but passing through MORE considerations of different “magnetic” substances.

Visible Paramagnetism

Most “refrigerator magnets” available until recently have been ferrites – which are ferromagnetic ceramics similar to magnetite (lodestone). They are fairly strong ferromagnets, but nothing extraordinary. However, more and more, refrigerator magnets are now neodymium-iron-boron, a.k.a. neodymium magnets. Those are the little, very powerful magnets.

In the above photo, bigger and stronger neodymium magnets are being used to ATTRACT copper (II) sulfate (a.k.a. cupric sulfate) on a balance beam, turning the beam TOWARD the magnet, because cupric sulfate is net PARAMAGNETIC. On the other hand, the same magnets will REPEL the bismuth, which is net DIAMAGNETIC, and make the balance beam rotate AWAY from the magnets. Note that the coinage metals – copper, silver and gold – are all diamagnetic, although less so than bismuth. However, many other metals, if not ferromagnetic, are still paramagnetic. Aluminum, for example, is paramagnetic.

I will show you a great video of the above experiment in just a moment. But before that, I want to encourage YOU to do some science.

  • Do you have any of those really strong little magnets? (CHECK #1)
  • Do you have any bismuth bird shot? (CHECK #2D)
  • Do you have any pencil leads? (CHECK #2D)
  • Do you have any iron supplements in capsules or pill form? (CHECK #2P)
  • Do you have any copper sulfate crystals (root killer granules)? (CHECK #2P)
  • Do you have any magnesium or calcium supplements? (CHECK #2d)
  • Do you have any multivitamins with or without iron? (CHECK #2dp)

If you answered YES to question 1 and any of questions 2 with CAPITAL LETTERS, then you can actually do the same experiment on your kitchen counter, without a fancy apparatus. What you are doing IS an experiment just like the Magnet Challenge, only you are READY for very small effects, and have SOME IDEA of what a positive or negative result will look like. Questions 2 with small letters are going to be control experiments.

First of all, be careful with the iron supplements and the copper sulfate. Both are mildly poisonous! Keep iron supplements away from kids, especially. Please handle copper sulfate carefully, too. Avoid touching the crystals, and wash your hands or anything that touches it.

What I simply want you to do is to very carefully and gently “dog” each of these things – pills, capsules, crystals, pencil lead, bismuth bird shot – on a FLAT, SMOOTH, LOW-FRICTION SURFACE – like a clean kitchen counter-top or glass range – with a neodymium magnet. Bring the magnet close – closer – closer still – and see what happens.

SPOILER: I will discuss the results below. Do the experiment now, or after the video below.

Here is the GREAT video that shows you what forces to expect.

SPOILER – are you ready?

Don’t look yet!

Don’t look yet!

Don’t look yet!

Don’t look yet!

Don’t look yet!

You should see some attractive motion with the iron supplements and the copper sulfate crystals. NOT MUCH, but enough to realize that YES – paramagnetism is REAL, and careful kitchen science will reveal it. And if your magnets are strong enough, you may even see repulsive diamagnetism from the bismuth and the pencil lead.

You will most likely NOT see any motion of the controls – the magnesium or calcium supplements, or the multivitamins. All of these will be mostly diamagnetic, although it is possible that the iron-containing multivitamin may be weakly paramagnetic overall. I could not get mine to budge.

Can you think of any other things you could test? Metal salts are likely to be either invisibly diamagnetic or visibly paramagnetic. Metals themselves are likely to be paramagnetic, although some are diamagnetic. Certain ROCKS are actually ferromagnetic – notably jasper and serpentine – due to the presence of ferromagnetic iron oxides. They will be strongly drawn to a magnet.

You can always TEST things and then look up the magnetic susceptibility of whatever you just tested on the internet. This will prevent any BIAS from creeping in.

Now – where does this leave us?

Well, we’ve seen what these small but powerful magnets do with diamagnetic and paramagnetic substances, and it’s NOT MUCH.

What about ferromagnetic substances?

Visible Transdermal Ferromagnetism

We are now starting to get very close, conceptually, to the “Magnet Challenge”. We are getting used to the idea of very weak forces, and the difficulties in detecting them – particularly with CRAPPY EQUIPMENT.

If you are already thinking “What I saw with iron supplements – barely rolling or sliding on a countertop when a strong magnet got really close – no WAY would I be able to see THAT little force moving a much heavier MAGNET on somebody’s shoulder”, then you are now beginning to realize that the Magnet Challenge is being challenged. But it’s still not disproven by any means. Because NOW we will bring in ferromagnetism – which is much stronger than paramagnetism.

Watch THIS video to begin to see forces that COULD not only move, but maybe even hold up a magnet.

Note that this guy’s implanted magnet is UNDER THE SKIN – not deep in muscle. That would make a HUGE difference in terms of any magnetic test. We can’t be definitive about the “Magnet Challenge” at this point, because we don’t know the strength of the fields from the test magnets, the types of magnetic substance allegedly deposited, or the depth, but we DO know that the depth matters – a LOT.

Now – the first thing that probably surprised you is that he found that much “iron” in sand. That iron is not IRON METAL per se – or at least not much of it is metal. It is mostly RUST (Fe2O3) and MAGNETITE (Fe3O4). If you’ve ever panned for gold, then you know that sand of all kinds contains a LOT of “black sand” – magnetite – and THAT is probably most of what he had on his finger in the video.

Magnetite – like lodestone – is an example – a NATURAL example – of a ferrite – a mineral or ceramic metal oxide where the metal is mostly or completely IRON.

SO – we can now begin to think that IF a vaccine deposited a FERROMAGNETIC substance – IN ENOUGH QUANTITY – and close enough to the skin – then MAYBE it could visibly affect a magnet brought close to the skin.

Now – before I got “geeky” on this, I simply tried a test. Yes – *I* tried the Magnet Challenge. It’s true, I never got a COVID vaccine, but I get lots of vaccines in my shoulders. Maybe one of THEM was injecting me with something magnetic. It was worth a test – right?

I can tell you this much. As far as I can tell, NO SHOT in my vaccination history has deposited anything in EITHER ONE of my shoulders, which interacts “human-detectably” with my neodymium refrigerator magnets. These are the SAME MAGNETS that can demonstrate the paramagnetism of iron supplements – both ferrous sulfate and ferrous glycinate. But if I “baby” the magnets on my shoulders – all over – I get nothing perceptible.

Now – granted – my fingers are not, in my scientific opinion, sensitive enough to pick up a paramagnetic effect like the drawing of the neodymium magnets to the iron supplements. Thus, my touch would not pick up too weak a ferromagnetic effect on a neodymium magnet. Likewise, my eyes are not sensitive enough to see those magnets reacting in an equal and opposite way to the iron supplements. But maybe they could pick up something stronger.

What would something stronger look like?

Quantitative Kitchen Science – Calibrating Refrigerator Magnets

An easy way to see how neodymium refrigerator magnets react with a small amount of a ferromagnetic substance is to use a standard household staple. Unlike construction staples you get at Lowes, or office staples you get at Staples, household staples are fairly small. A box of 5000 of them weighs 0.38 pounds, including the box. Ignoring our allowed deduction of the paper box weight (we’re generous), that works out to 34.5 (heck, let’s call it an even 35) milligrams per staple.

The staple is made of zinc-coated steel, with the steel being mostly iron and carbon. But we’ll be generous, and pretend like it’s ALL IRON.

Thus, we are going to attribute whatever we see that staple do, to 35 mg of iron, when it could be a smaller amount of iron and even stronger. We’re being CONSERVATIVE in gathering our “expectations of metallic iron as normal, magnetic steel”. But you will still see that the rough numbers are very powerful.

First of all, let’s look at why I was so delighted that the staple comes in at around 35 mg. It turns out that my exemplary iron supplements contain roughly 30 or 60 milligrams of elemental iron, as either ferrous bis(glycinate) or ferrous sulfate, both paramagnetic. Thus, the amounts of iron are comparable, and we can compare the differences in forces between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic iron DIRECTLY, without adjusting the scale.

First, let’s look at MAX MAGNETISM.

If you let the magnet approach the staple, the staple will FLY TOWARD THE MAGNET at a distance of roughly 1.5-2.0 centimeters – basically 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. Once in contact with the magnet, the staple is strongly held.

How strongly? Well, we can actually measure that. The staple, stuck through a sheet of A4 paper (comparable to 8.5 x 11), will easily hold the single sheet of paper against gravity. Will that scale up? First, I tried 10 sheets – NO DICE – gravity wins. But if I tear off sheets of paper slowly, at 8 sheets of A4, my neodymium magnets will still hold all that paper against gravity through the attraction of a SINGLE staple.

If I weigh those 8 sheets, it comes out to between 30 and 40 grams on a cheap postal spring scale. Let’s just call that 35 grams for super-duper convenience.

What this means is that magnetic forces on a 35 mg staple by that neodymium magnet are roughly 35,000 mgs, where we are being really horrible about pretending that mass is weight and vice versa, “because Earth”.

Stated differently, the magnetic force on the staple is roughly 1000 times the gravitational force on the staple.

And YES – we can really work with that. Holding up 8 sheets of paper is EASY KITCHEN SCIENCE. Much easier to demonstrate than rocking a capsule on a counter.

NOW – here is the real kicker.

Wouldn’t it be great if I could put that staple under my skin and see how my magnet reacted to it? It might be painful, but all in the name of science – right?

WELL, it turns out that you don’t HAVE to “get a piercing“. You can FAKE IT really easily.

Neodymium Head Fakes and Phony Implants

Because humans have SO MANY thin places and opposable body parts, it is not hard to FAKE the implantation of ferromagnetic substances, and then actually STUDY how a magnet behaves near them.

Well, I did this, and what I found – very SHOCKING – is that it is EXACTLY like you would imagine it in the “Magnet Challenge”. Or maybe even STRONGER.

The magnet will “do stuff”, and you will go “WHOA!”

You can PINCH a staple easily between finger and thumb, so that it is more than “skin deep”, and then move a magnet around the pinched fingertips. You can be very rigorous about maintaining a strong pinch, and insure that the metal is a certain number of millimeters “deep” in the pinch. You can control the magnet to see exactly how it behaves. And you can repeat this – OVER and OVER – looking for “tells” that the staple is there.

In my experience, the presence of something affecting the magnet was unmistakable.

Want to get that staple REALLY deep? Put it on the web of your thumb and index finger, and “close it up”.

I was able to make the staple so deep that I could not “feel it there” with a single neodymium magnet. BUT – and this is very cool – with a stack of SIX neodymium magnets, I could easily get the stack to “attract” to the deep staple in a way that I could FEEL WITH MY FINGERS. I could make the stack of magnets slow down – slide more tightly – dawdle – stick – and behave EXACTLY like it seemed the people were either FEELING or THINKING THEY WERE FEELING in the “Magnet Challenge” videos.

Do you see what we’re doing here?


We are showing that what we SENSE is going on in the “Magnet Challenge” videos is a REALITY – likely from years of experience with the realities of permanent magnets in home or office. We’re not saying that the people in the Magnet Challenge videos are correct, because self-deception is very convincing to others, and thus propagates deceit. But we can be certain that there IS a reality of magnetic behavior which both the people in the videos, and we the viewers, are EXPECTING.

Now – do you want to make a prediction about what would happen if we “felt up” MythBuster Kari’s RFID with a neodymium magnet? Do it! I’m about to give you MORE DATA, and then you can either change or STRENGTHEN your prediction.

That gray stuff inside the copper antenna coil? THAT is ferrite. It’s a ferrite antenna core. You can see it more clearly here, in an RFID designed to broadcast body temperature.

It’s not a HARD ferrite like your old-school refrigerator magnets, that hold a magnetization. It’s a SOFT ferrite, designed for an antenna, that changes magnetization easily.

HERE are 4 examples that you can BUY. They were selected for being small enough to fit into an RFID tag used for pets, livestock, or MythBuster gingers.

  • code, composition, diameter (mm), length (mm), weight (mg)
  • 3078990831, MnZn, 1, 10, 40
  • 3078990821, MnZn, 0.75, 7.5, 20
  • 3061990831, NiZn, 1, 10, 40
  • 3061990821, NiZn, 0.75, 7.5, 20

Hey, that’s pretty wild! The average of 20 and 40 is 30 milligrams – pretty much in the ballpark of both a staple and those iron supplements.


Gomer Pyle reacts to the size and mass of an RFID antenna’s ferrite core.

These ferrite cores are about the LENGTH and WEIGHT of a folded-down staple, but have a slightly bigger diameter – maybe a few staples bundled.

So what does this mean?

Fixing The Magnet Challenge

We’re now ready to begin thinking about how we might FIX the “Magnet Challenge”.

I’ve given you enough information about the size of ferrite cores, and the real behavior of staples “pretending” to be implants LIKE those containing ferrite antenna cores, that you are probably guessing – like me – that we might be able to find Kari Byron’s RFID implant by “babying a magnet” over her bicep and “feeling” for a response.

We could likely convince OURSELVES that the “challenge” potentially works, if it is ACTUALLY given the proper things to work with, by judicious and honest application of a strong permanent magnet under sensitive observation, to an actual ferromagnetic implant.

The problem is, of course, that the tiny response of the magnet to an embedded staple is just not all that convincing unless you do it yourself. An RFID tag is almost certainly comparable. Sure, you can “baby the magnet” and an honest observer may be able to tell that it’s “sticking” a little bit, but that simply doesn’t have VIRAL convincing abilities.

Well, there was ONE MORE staple experiment that I did, that I didn’t tell you about – YET. It gives away the most important “fix” of all – which is not so much at the MAGNET end, but at the HUMAN end.

Yeah, if you ask me, men don’t look all that great in earrings – and if they’re CLIP-ONS – egads. Is there anything LOWER than clip-ons?

How about MAGNETIC earrings? UGH!

Of course, you can stick magnetic earrings ANYWHERE on your ear.

SO, this Junkyard Wolf tried to see if he could pretty himself up with a staple earring, using his moderately weak neodymium magnets. That actually worked – although just barely – and a bit painfully, because the staple preferred to “get close” to the magnet at one end, thus pointing END-ON toward the magnet. This appears to be, in some ways, “flexible diamagnetic shaping” of the field by the flesh and the staple compromising a bit. The magnet can get closer to ONE END of the staple, moving the diamagnetic interference outward from the field, so the system does what it needs to do to reach a lower energy. With a stack of SIX neodymium magnets, the staple was downright painful, and the stack of magnets could be used to manipulate the earlobe in a very convincing way. I could actually hang the stack of magnets like a pendant earring, by letting the staple press in very close to the magnets though my earlobe.

It would have looked great on film, but – well – I’m a bit camera-shy lately.

Thus, we are led to the idea that the Magnet Challenge needs to be VISUAL to be convincing – and the visual nature needs to either EXCLUDE other forces (like surface effects), dwarf them (like moving skin around in a way that surface forces simply cannot), or show other VISUAL effects demonstrating a strong induced magnetic field at the site (perhaps by enchaining small magnetized objects like paper clips between the proposed ferrite and the magnet).

Sticking lovely Kari Byron into an MRI machine proved that implanted ferrite-core RFIDs are not “missiles of death and dismemberment” under strong magnetic fields, but it did NOT disprove that such items can be LOCATED manually and qualitatively by smaller, hand-held, strong permanent magnets.

Thus, here are some of the most convincing things that I saw while experimenting with my “positive controls”.

  • hanging of magnets STRONGLY against gravity, jiggling them to disprove that they are sticking by surface effects. This means “show more stick than the hanging key”. Note that even the magnet FALLING OFF from a true magnetic attraction is very convincing. The RELEASE from a magnetic attraction versus a surface stick is very diagnostic visually. A surface stick “peels”. A suddenly failing magnetic attachment “lets go”.
  • watching the magnet spontaneously accelerate horizontally and “slap” against skin when fastened to the end of a loosely-held, lightweight, floppy, plastic or paper “holder” of some kind. This motion is unmistakable. Suspending the magnet from a thread would work just as well (I believe Gail suggested this). Static electricity can be disproved if needed in the same video by a negative control to both flesh and magnet using paper, feather, etc.
  • moving skin by tugging and pulling on the magnet – NOT by pushing. This demonstrates attraction to an embedded object or objects – NOT surface forces

Now – is it possible to get even more “geeky” than that?


First, let me say that normal “stud-finders” don’t work. To be more exact, they SHOULD NOT work. Nevertheless, I checked, and was pleased that Physics is intact. A common modern stud finder does NOT pick up my staple controls AT ALL – even a BLIP. This is not surprising – most stud-finders are not metal detectors. Even the ones that ARE metal-detecting are looking for steel studs and large steel nails in wooden studs. Small bits of metal like staples are NOISE to such tools.

But what about real metal detectors?

Not sure about you, but I SEE METAL. Copper, to be specific. I also see ferrites – metal oxides with substantial magnetic properties – but not so sure that modern metal detectors would fall for metal oxides, as this would cause a lot of trouble.

Arse Technocratica seems to think that metal detectors don’t find RFIDs.

“Implantable microchips are compatible with MRI machines and are not picked up by metal detectors or airport scanners.”


This does not necessarily mean RFIDs can’t be found by either metal scanners or airport detectors – it may simply mean they are found but rejected at normal settings.

I can tell you FOR A FACT that TSA-style hand-wanded metal detectors CAN (when used properly) pick up a SINGLE STAPLE underneath several sheets of paper. Yes. And not just with the sensitivity turned up to “high”, but on their normal setting.

Bottom line – I’m leaving open the possibility of small ferrite-core metal-wire antennas being detectable using metal detectors and other types of scanners.

HOWEVER – ALL of our theories about RFIDs with ferrite antennas are thrown into the dumpster by ONE PICTURE in that Ars Technica article.

This one.

WAIT A MINUTE. The needle is THAT BIG?

No way.

I consider it IMPOSSIBLY unlikely – that people getting the COVID vaccine were injected with the literal HORSE NEEDLES that are used to place RFIDs in people.

I’m sorry – there is NO WAY that monster needle is getting stuck into the average Joe or Jane getting a COVID vaccination. Not without MASSIVE social reporting of “huge needles” and “incredibly painful shots” which would – OH BY THE WAY – leave a big old lump. Sorry – THAT ain’t happening.

Look at the product:

This is where I say…..

“No way – this is not what people are getting with their Pfizer and Moderna shots. NO WAY. This Magnet Challenge is either total bullshit – or something ELSE is going on. People are NOT getting “chipped” with these big implants. Back to the drawing board”.

Seriously. Something is NOT RIGHT about the idea that people are getting “chipped”. A chip implant would be one of those little glass jobs with an antenna. Whatever is happening – it’s not THAT.

SO – if people are not getting what amount to “publicly known science” of RFID tags, with little ferrite antenna cores that MIGHT attract a magnet, what else could they possibly be getting that might still draw a magnet?


That will be the NEXT part of this series.

Stay tuned for Part II, in which we will examine the shocking REAL science of “magnetic” medicine, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, and how it COULD indeed relate to “magnetic vaccines”.


Stay Tuned For Part II…..

Referenced Discussions

We had numerous discussions of this topic on the site – here are the big or important ones. Please see them for extensive discussions and early attempts to understand the magnetization phenomenon.

RAC: (first report of video)

GAIL: (EMF meter disinfo)

WOLF: (injectable array technology)

AUBERGINE: (Rob Colbert testimony)

WOLF: (videos, nanoparticles, general discussion)

GAIL: (test to prove disinformation)

RAC: (videos, disinformation, nanoparticles)

DORA: (Tenpenny, magneto protein, disinformation, nanoparticles)

NOR’EASTER: (Chinese syringes breaking off)

WOLF: (question to group + Nor’easter saline)

RAC: (ACS article protein crystals ferritin rods)

WOLF: (article progress, Gail what if vaccines are not vaccines)

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I feel like Mulder.

I want to believe.


As an aside, I have mentioned several times that I belong to a club of nuts who make miniature internal combustion engines that run.

One of the other members is a guy who trained in machining at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard, courtesy of Uncle Sam….and kept with it until he became the Master Machinist of Master Machinists.

Anyway, one day a guy brought in some little metal bits he’d encountered. Recognizing their value, but having no room in his own stash, he brought ’em in to distribute to the club.

So, a club member asks the guy, “what did you bring?” And the guy replies, “some aluminum and stainless.”

Another member asks, “what kind of aluminum?” and the guy goes, “beats me” — and everyone turns to the Master Machinist, who says, “mostly 6061, with a bit of 2024.” Well, fair enough — various aluminum alloys can even look different.

Then another member asks, “what kind of stainless?” and the guy goes, “no clue” — and everyone turns to the Master Machinist, who says, “some 316, and some 202.” And everyone is thinking about that as the meeting begins. Neither variety he mentioned is magnetic — do they smell different? Is one variety markedly heavier?

About two hours later, the meeting ended, and someone cornered him and we got the explanation. He started with, “well, I always carry a magnet in my pocket…….and while it’s true that most of the stainless you see is non-magnetic, in that a magnet won’t stick to it, if you hold the magnet very close to the metal and move it, you get varying amounts of resistance.”


This particular Master Machinist, back in the day, had done extensive work on the USS Guitarro. And did more after it was refloated.

He also built his own airplane and flew it around for a while.

He just got a new knee. I’m sure he’s annoyed that he could have built a better one, but couldn’t get it certified by the FDA.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Exceedingly minor nit: Putting thicknesses of paper between the staple and the magnet of course puts the staple farther away from the magnet and decreases the force, basically causing you to understate it. However, near the center of the flat face of one of the poles, the dropoff won’t be that great (less than inverse square because the field lines will be nearly parallel). Some sort of aparatus where the weight hangs from a thread that is attached to the staple would be needed to do super-rigorous measurement. However, you did so much rounding off, etc. in your analysis that I am sure it totally overwhelms the “thickness of paper” source of measurement error.

Oh, and let me bolster something else you mentioned:

B = 0

It’s not just a good idea, it’s the law.


Tarnation! I was waiting for the big reveal and now I have to wait even longer! Argh!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The good news is, he’ll probably finish this series long before mine is done.


Ha! I am enjoying all of them. A good bit goes over my head but I get enough to get by. Mark of a good teacher. 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If really interested, you might go back to the first couple a while from now, because something that wasn’t clear to you the first time through might have “jelled” later on.


Very true. Sometimes things need to percolate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I struggled through some of my classes (especially the electrical engineering ones) and I suspect that even though I never really used it later, I’d do well in those classes if I hopped into a time machine and went back.


I suspect I would be back at square one, but would advance quickly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sure, there’d be some math I’ve forgotten without a doubt. But that often gets a bit of review at the beginning of the class anyhow.


If I can understand the Big Picture then I am happy.

English major and all. 😁


I LOVE that!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s basically what I’m trying to put across. Yes, there’s some “meat” for someone who wants to see some math, but even there I’ll try to present a picture of what the math means.


A wonderfully in-depth article that leads us from step to step. (And while I don’t get the whole SUSE thing, that video rocks and conveys a mantle of extreme coolness onto computer techs.)

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

There’s a bunch of heavy geek humor in places — like when he hands his cellphone to a guy and says “Call Torvalds and Kroah-Hartman.”

Let me assure everyone that neither Linus Torvalds nor Greg Kroah-Hartman are getting panicked Saturday night phone calls from sys admin’s assistants in booniesville…..and, if they were, they wouldn’t be answering the calls. Linus’ gig is shepherding the development of the next Linux kernel. Kroah-Hartman maintains all the available active Linux kernels, selecting some for “long-term support” and keeping those fully patched, while patching all others for items that arise during their support life.


One place that momentarily gave me pause was when at 0:48, he says, “server’s down.” At that point why not reboot?

The obvious reason would be — one of the VM’s hosted on that computer was running a “server” that got crossways with the kernel of the main machine “server” and got munged. The VM might even still be working.

Now, there may be 140 VM’s running on that computer system….and it would be a huge administrative pain in the tuchis to alert their owners and do a coordinated system shutdown to reboot the actual hardware. With a hot patch, the other 139 VM’s wouldn’t even know anything happened.

So, when he’s saying “server’s down”, he’s talking about a webserver or a dataserver or some other sort of server software, that is running in a VM [or in certain sorts of containers], and not the hardware server that is running VM’s [or containers].


Loved the video (and this time it was not illegal), and love the explanation as much.


One other little nit is that he calls out “Provo, Nuremberg, Newbury in the UK”….and, yes, Nuremberg is SUSE’s HQ and Provo has an office of theirs….but their two offices in the UK are Bristol and Bracknell. Both Bracknell and Newbury are in Berkshire, but they’re on opposite sides.


That clarifies some things; thanks!

Valerie Curren

Wow very interesting! I’ve answered numerous MRI questionnaires for my son, who has “sternal wires” from open heart surgery, which were never used as a reason to Not have an MRI. From my recollection of the Q’s it seems what they are most concerned about if there were any type of metal shavings ever in someone’s eye.

As an observer who was allowed to sit in the MRI room during my son’s scans. They made me lock up purse, keys, & jewelry in a locker. There was no issue w/ wedding/engagement rings though. We also didn’t discuss metal clothing fastenings nor metal in hair control (clip on a hairbow or clamp on a ponytail holder, iirc), fyi…

Valerie Curren

YW good points on the exotic ring metals 🙂

Valerie Curren

I finally got a chance to check in from the family vacation (site of hilarity & chaos). So nice to find a Wolf reply. 🙂

Speaking of predators, my husband just showed us a pic of a mountain lion taken near Gaylord, not exactly sure when. He said he saw one while driving around these tip of the Mitt counties back in the early/mid ’90s when we still lived up here too. Kind of scary to think that such huge predators are roaming the Northern Michigan wilds! This isn’t the one but I guess this is more than rumor…
comment image

Valerie Curren

I missed you guys & have Lots of catch up reading to do now too. We just got home safe about an hour ago, quite a trip, & we basically prayed our way through the city of Detroit on the way to our hometown!

God Bless you Wolf & thanks for keeping the REAL Last Refuge up & running!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I saw a video yesterday of a woman putting various objects on where she was swabbed in the nasal passage, and things were sticking.

Yeah, something is weird about all of this.

Deplorable Patriot

It was on twitter and buried, I’m sure. If it surfaces again, I will put it up.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought it was a little hinky considering this chick was putting stuff on the bridge of her nose, and I thought the swabs were in the back of the sinus cavity.

Deplorable Patriot

I take it metal does not stick to your nose?


Wow. Great essay on magnetism, boss!
 😀  👏 
Thank you!

I was fascinated with magnets as a kid and played with them.
Always thought it was cool the way they repelled each other.

Looking forward to Part II!


I have a question, probably not a smart one, but all this science is not my area.

Don’t magnetic things sometimes repel each other? If the polarity is opposite, or something?

Could you maybe have the injection site repel a suspended magnet?

I imagine this is incorrect, but I had to ask.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK now I know you haven’t been paying attention in saturday physics class. 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, there’s that.

So clearly, I cannot choose the glass in front of me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But no one can outwit a Sicilian…


Steve, I gotta own it. I feel like a maroon trying to follow your lessons. I am good at many things, but science is NOT one of them!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You can’t be maroon, you’re dark purple!

Ah, well, I can’t win them all, I suppose!




[…] CAN tell you that magnets DO NOT stick to COVID swab sites (AS IF!). What I cannot tell you is that you or your children will definitely be able to have […]

[…] Patriot Online Coyote  Reply to  Wolf Moon May 28, 2021 […]

[…] The Magnetism Challenge: Part I […]