Cover image: “Wash Day” by Thaw Malin.

Some hopeful things happening:

Not much is leaking about the audit in Arizona, or any of the others, so, hopefully there will be some good news soon.
In the meantime:

That would be a problem, wouldn’t it.
On this side of the pond, we have our own issues.

Yes…follow advice from the people who ignored all known science to give us the current version of it that just makes a mockery of common sense.
And how did they get Americans to follow along.
Age old practices that tell us all we are not content in our current situations.

I’m afraid some of us follow the age old, and very sage advice of one of the great characters in 1980s cinema.
Love me some Stella. Being only three inches taller than Linda Hunt, the ingenuity must be admired.
Let’s see, what else is in the collection for the last few days…..
I’ve read this is an issue…
Wax on, wax off.
Oh, really? Guess those vaccine passport thingies are not gaining traction like the powers that wannabe would like.

Hence the audits.
They can’t wrap up soon enough.
Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for some mood music:
Okay, it’s a day late, but there’s never a wrong time to honor our war dead.
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 5:13-19
13“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men. 14“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. 15Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. 17“Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. 18For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. 19Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
This one is too good not to share.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

DP, It seems the “Covid jabs” have not solved all of our problems yet. It may take another week or two to have things back to normal. Actually, I am not certain that normal is still a desirable goal. I think Administrator Biden may be right and we need to “build it back better” or something. We live in complicated times. Liz
IMO the problems with the vaccines have given EVERYBODY an excuse to drop the whole COVID affair like month-old Chinese leftovers. Everybody will agree – GET IT OUT OF HERE. It’s just a matter of how everybody chooses to dump THEIR PORTION.
I think I get what you mean — EVERYBODY being the Cabal and its minions — but it’d help if that were clearer.
I want to challenge people to consider that they will likely find themselves too eager to jettison JUSTICE in exchange for the other side jettisoning RULES. And the other side will make it easy. VERY easy. That’s what they do. They KNOW we want our lives back, and that has been their ace in case we figured out how nasty they were.
And it will be HARD, HARD, HARD to get justice that the other side, in control, doesn’t want. We’ve almost been trained to think it’s impossible. And will it prevent us from winning the House? OR is going after them KEY to winning the House?
Interesting choices – for ALL of us.
I’d rather have them choosing between VENGEANCE and JUSTICE and clinging to RULES to keep us from burning them at the stake.
I am right there with you.
As I have said before, POLICE are there to PROTECT THE CRIMINAL from the ANGRY VICTIMS!
Too bad the ‘Woke’ haven’t figured that out. (We are not unarmed Algerians at the mercy of vicious terrorists.)
No justice, no peace.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Equal justice under Law.
We either have a country, or we don’t.
Traitors don’t get to bargain, so there’s no ‘exchange’, no ‘amnesty’ in return for jettisoning their lawless decrees, which I didn’t follow in the first place.
If the price to get their bogus ‘rules’ lifted is letting these heinous criminals go free after committing atrocities and crimes against humanity, then they can keep their rules.
Makes no difference to me, I didn’t follow them anyway. There’s no ‘bargaining chip’ there, they can take their ‘rules’ and stick ’em.
Serial killers and mass-murderers don’t go free, under any circumstances.
Certainly not in exchange for dropping ‘rules’ that a lot of us haven’t bothered following anyway.
Yup I never played their game by their rules. Let’s have consequences for the true rule breakers. We either have laws or we don’t. If we don’t this is just the beginning of their evil deeds.
This, IMO, is why a 9-11 style scare event is necessary and reportedly coming. The emotional blocks will be down, and TRUTH can be injected in the fist 12-24 hours when the people are scared.
It really sucks that this is way to counter the brainwashing of the MSM, but I don’t know that there is any other fast way to do it. Waking up the rest of the sheep… there just isn’t time if they aren’t already on board.
I think we should gather up the Cabal, and from here on out, use them as lab rats and guinea pigs for various testing procedures.
That’ll make the Greens and PETA, et. al., happy as “no animals have been harmed” (OK, some vicious rats….), as well as potentially eliminating some “useless eaters” who have been feeding off of society for centuries…
There are 7.5 or so BILLION of us, and only a few hundred or thousand of them, max: time to close them down for good (and for good, and for GOD)…
In hindsight I am sure PDJT saw this coming too. Everyone out from under their mask in more ways than one. In ways they didn’t anticipate.
Silverado, along with The Outlaw Josey Wales, was one of the best “crafty revisionist” Westerns ever made. I loved that movie! And Linda Hunt is always a charmer!
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Should this be insurrection, so be it.
Whatever it is insurrection against, is not American.
Quite an amazing letter by a delta airlines employee!
It should be CC’d to every corporation in the US.
Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) Tweeted:
One Delta employee’s fiery letter slamming the company’s ‘Woke’ CEO is really gaining some traction.
Oh, that is excellent!
I really hope Washington elects this man.
Joe Kent for WA-3 (@joekent16jan19) Tweeted:
Every day is Memorial Day. Thank you Shannon for giving everything to our nation, giving me our sons, everything I do is for them & in your honor.
Shannon eternal.
Joe Kent is awesome.
Watched him briefly on yesterday’s War Room. Tragic, tragic loss.
Very sad and he really is a Patriot. I hope there are a lot more like him out there with the smarts and interest to fix the Country.
Tomorrow’s entertainment (at 1:00 pm local) is a meeting with my assigned “Primary Care Physician”, who I fully expect to be an ignorant cultist. I believe she’s thinking that this will be my annual physical and I’ll put up with a certain amount of garbage for this. I need a continuation of lisinopril and amlodipine, and a key to seeing a worthless specialist with less experience with CPAP than I have who can issue a script to buy CPAP gear [I’ve been nursing cobbled-together half-broken masks for over a year].
If I get what I want without a jail term or paying property damages, it’ll be a complete success.
Good luck, coothie. Interacting with the medical establishment has become a real nightmare. I swear I’m ready to hunt up a witch doctor, medicine man, midwife, veterinarian, something!!!
They seem unable to listen, contradict you for the seeming fun of it, and cannot admit that their beloved institutions like the CDC are corrupt as hell.
They don’t want to admit that maybe they are wrong, either.
I got a lecture from my one son for going temporarily on the intermittent keto diet. He has me already developing kidney stones and liver damage, high cholesterol and heart attack.
That is the same one who tried to push me to get a vaccine otherwise I will die.
He only believe pier reviews and never believes anything that is out on the Internet specially scientists and doctors who speak up. He truly is into scientism.
I understand. My son and DIL (MD’s) both believe in test results, the studies and literature put out by their respective specialty communities, “the science”, and the CDC and the AMA. So — both of them, plus her two teenagers and her mother, all got the Pfizer gene-altering experimental injections. Since I don’t have the injections and I’ve told them I’m following the vitamin C + vitamin D + zinc, etc., program, it sort of feels as if I’m an “outlier”…. is free and has all of the current science. It is a great site.
Don’t forget that acceptance of new information in medicine is usually about 17 years behind the actual science. Sooner or later physicians will change their tune on nutrition, anyway, I am seeing it with people I know who developed Type II Diabetes. Doctors ARE putting them on low carb diets and telling them to exercise, and it is making a difference.
Yes, my parents got Type II diabetes but I have avoided it though I should have had the problem for the last 10 years!
42yrs of avoidance here!

It is sad how indoctrinated they are.
My husband and I are doing the vitamin C-D and the food we put into our bodies.
Good to know others feel the same way. Who wants to be an experiment.
Its the training. They are severely conditioned to use the references they are told now, and not critical think like old school. If you dont do what the professor wants you wont get the training specific assignments you want.
Nasty work by the schools.
AND the insurance companies. ONLY APPROVED medications are now allowed. PERIOD or they will not cover your liability.
My liability insurance DICTATES what I can and can not do in my little business and I am sure it is MUCH worse for doctors.
Every intermediary (“middle-man”) ends up controlling BOTH sides of whatever transactions they’re in the middle of.
Leeches all.
The insurance companies have been the ‘instrument’ of our enslavement.
I went on a LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet the day Trump came down the escalator in 2015. I was 75. I lost 70 pounds in 6 months or so. I was never hungry. Many things I thought were symptoms of old age cleared up. I had never been overweight until my daughter died in 1992. Then I kept gaining. By the time my son, brother and Mom died in 2011 I weighed almost 220. Nothing I did helped. When I stopped eating sugar and started eating natural fats like butter, bacon and more protein, the weight came off quickly and stays off. If I cheat and gain some back, I cut the carbs and it comes right back off. I am not hungry at all.
My Granddaughter told me the same things in 2015 your son told you. She said she would just go ahead and bury me. Now she is using the diet some. It is a lifestyle and not really a diet. Other health problems clear up because they are not being drowned in sugar.
Tell your son, this is an actual pier review. I read the free website They are up on the current science and also bring intermittent fasting into it. I do both now and never worry about weight. Your son is behind the times.
The other thing to limit is caffeine. I cut it considerably, and the inflammation issues dinminished.
Caffeine can flush potassium (+ other needed minerals??) out of your body.
Funny my allergies have been through the ROOF! I was taking an antihistamine and melatonin to sleep and could not wake up, So I went back to black tea with caffeine in the morning for the last week or so. Woke up at 3:30 this AM with an asthma attack, had my black tea plus took B12 + CBD oil. No real relief. Started to get the flashing lights (onset of a migraine) I drank a Dr Atkins shake with (plenty of minerals) and not only did my migraine leave but my asthma quit too!
Looks like you have to have a good balance of vit & minerals to fight the inflammation issues and caffeine DOES NOT HELP!
Caffeine will dilate the bronchial tubes a bit but the backlash ain’t worth it!
BTW, I found just this week, for me, that B12 under the tongue, relieves the bronchial spasm and CBD oil keeps it relaxed.
Cannabinoids [CBD oil] as novel anti-inflammatory drugs
Coffee is my achilles heel. I must battle fatigue constantly. It’s very good for my collagen peptide and MCT powders.
Have you tried iodine? I think one of the doctors said she was taking what I take. Iodoral. I found it helped a lot on my fatigue and weight loss. (I do not take it every day BTW)
The USA has changed. Iodine used to be added to bread instead they now use bromide. Also the salt (NaCl) used in processed food does not have iodine so our iodine levels have DECREASED since the 1950s.
I get iodine and kelp plus other goodies in my thyroid supplement.
Glad to hear that.
I use Lugol’s drops. I find they help me a lot.
J.CROW’S® Lugol’s Solution of Iodine 2% 2oz
Brand: J. CROW’S
4.6 out of 5 stars
4,370 ratings | 157 answered questionsList
Important information there.
The other halogen displacing iodine, if one is on municipal water, is chlorine.
There you have a trifecta of disaster for iodine and thyroid health.
Yes. Any time I start getting aches and pains I cut out the caffeine and am better within a few days.
Thank you for sharing your story. This is helpful. I am doing this for a month and lost 21 lb. I gained weight since my knee accident and have trouble walking my 2 miles a day sometimes twice a day. I am not what is called obese and my husband loves that have gained weight.
I do not want the knee replacement so try to work this out on my own. Stubborn me
I do no longer have some of the pains I had a month ago just did not know I had it until it was better.
I am glad you are feeling better.
According to the testimonials, the weight tends to stabilize at what is good for you.
Stubborn works. I am stubborn too. It gets me through a lot of things.
The high fat in the diet helps the joints so it could help your knees a lot it seems.
Yes it does. I like to take wild caught salmon oil and is also good for my old dog she has joint problems.
For my old horses, ponies, me and Hubby we use Glucosamine and Chondrotin. (If allergic to shell fish use Schiff Move Free.)
We all are doing much better. My oldest pony
Gingersmom2009 no longer drags his feet scrapping his toes square. Another now moves willingly under saddle instead of refusing to move.
I can now touch my toes. 30 years ago Hubby had to put on my shoes for me and tie them because I could barely reach past my knees.
Amazing what the correct nutrients can do for you.
Wow thank you. Good stories your horses and you
Might help my Peri also.
I eat a tin of Cod Livers packed in Cod Liver oil every week. It helps a lot.
Cod Liver In Own Oil,4.3oz,10 pack4.3 Ounce (Pack of 10)
Does it taste good?
I like liver. I eat them straight out of the tin. Some recommend putting onion and mayo in them. I eat all of the oil also. You get a lot more Cod Liver oil than taking capsules. The livers are a lot like Fois Gras.
Add enough garlic, BACON! and onions and you can make any liver eatable.
If all else fails there is always hot sauce.
Thank you ! I like liver and liverwurst
I love liverwurst also. Yum.
Singing, I have had fantastic results using ‘Sports Research’ brand collagen peptide powder. I’ve tried others and nothing compares. I’ve had 2 messed up knee surgeries and was told I needed a replacement(that only lasts 10 years!) in my 40’s. Had constant knee pain for years. 1-2 scoops of SR powder in my coffee daily has almost made me forget about that knee!!!
Thank you.
Next Monday I am in Columbus will look for it.
Or you can order off the net. I have large unflavored auto shipped every 2 months. Been using almost 2 years. Like I said, I’ve tried many other brands but nothing works like this one. It’s miraculous for me, What knee pain? Good luck!
Thanks good idea having it shipped.
Elizabeth Carter
I’m sorry to hear of the losses in your family. It makes everything difficult.
You’re so right about lifestyle changes. Positive changes can make such a huge difference — and also help people to believe more in themselves.
Sending you much Good Energy and Peace.
God Bless you Miss Liz, the pain of losing so many love ones back to back is devastating. So proud of you on your weight loss and regained health. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide, He always knows.
He is not alone. There are legions of medical personnel like that. He will awaken sooner or later.
Lets hope so
Exactly! Horribly infested with group think, too.
The young ones coming out of med school are good at memorization and info regurgitation, but don’t seem to know how to think for themselves.
They are taught to go by rigid guidelines due to liability. They have no freedom to think or try an off-label therapeutic.
No freedom to think…
Funny (not) how insurance companies and banks control our lives from the cradle to the grave. And have human sacrifices at their meetings (according to that Dutch Financier).
Guess they’ve gotta have their big buildings in Basel, Geneva, Frankfurt, and elsewhere (not forgetting the twin towers of Babel in Brussels and Strasbourg)…
The Big Pharma Beast of Babylon…
They’ve gotta have their yachts and private planes so they don’t have to consort with the proletariat.
Have one of them in the extended family. She’s convinced a number of them to get the jab, putting the rest of us (and their progeny) at risk…
A little knowledge is dangerous…. and a lot (of the wrong, or faked, or “big pharma”) knowledge is treacherous… or worse…
My SILs dad is a pediatrician, and an IDIOT. She knows everything, doncha know.
Trying to talk to them about medical stuff and to go the natural route first where possible (my brother’s heart valve issue needed intervention) is infuriating.
Sort of like in the song (from Sarah Brightman’s “The Songs That Got Away”) “What Makes Me Love Him”:
Me too. Though he has now gone from ‘trust the science’ to ‘it’s the right thing to do for society’. He will never admit he was scammed.
So many people are so demoralized, internally, that they wish to portray themselves as saviors of the planet, as saviors of our entire species, and as being “on the right side of history”.
This megalomaniacal urge to consider oneself in *epic* terms is certainly sociopathic.
I’m reminded again of Tolkien, and the explanation for the effectiveness of the Nazgul’s wail.
The basic point is that the Nazgul wouldn’t be able to instill fear and despair in *others*, unless they FIRST felt that fear / despair in *themselves*. This is what powers the effect of their forlorn cry – they FEEL it themselves.
Misery, it seems, loves company so much that it tries to instill misery in everyone else.
Kens and Karens.
So outta control on the inside, that they “gotta” gain that control from the outside – by controlling others, rather than themselves.
Yet it still doesn’t work for them. This is why one shouldn’t appease them, and why one’s giving an inch progresses into one’s giving a mile, and more.
They are insatiable – and what they *think* will please them doesn’t please them at all. All their “satisfaction” is, by its nature, ephemeral.
They’re addicts.
In re. the Nazgul and depression… have a look at Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation Trilogy”, in particular “The Mule” and the “VisiSonor” as related in the middle book “Foundation and Empire”.
By sounds and images generated by his VisiSonor, the Mule (aka Magnifico) is able to impress emotions, thoughts, and feelings directly on the related centers in the brain, to the point that he could actually kill someone with it.
He was apparently a runt, with other issues (hence the moniker, the Mule). Almost like Faux-Xi…
I’ve read a decent amount of SciFi (mostly Heinlein, Bradbury, etc.) and Fantasy (Tolkien, Donaldson, etc.), but I’ve never read Asimov other than non-fiction.
I’ll keep you recommendation in mind – ty!
The first three (“Foundation”, “Foundation and Empire”, and “Second Foundation”) are classics, and basically trailbreakers in the SciFi world. He wrote a number of other books and series (OK hundreds, both fiction and non-fiction), with “I Robot” being another great series.
Later on, he tried to merge and connect them all, resulting in the New-Age mishmash of “Foundation’s Edge” and “Foundation and Earth”, which espouses GAIA and has a character known as “Bliss” which has a VERY dark meaning in the “occultiverse”…
The early books are great; the later ones, not so much.
Minor nit: The Mule didn’t need the VisiSonor to do his thing. And this was a major spoiler.
No, but it amplified and focused it. And IIRC, he needed it in order to actually kill someone…
That might be so, at least as far as killing them directly (I think he could also make someone suicidal).
But the whole thing about who the Mule is was the surprise, and you spoiled that.
Ooops. Sorry…
Ahh. But there are lots of other secrets. Han Pritcher, Bel Riose’s wife, Bail Channis, Preem Palver, Onum and Ducem Barr (where’d THEY come from), Poly Verisof… the list goes on and on… plus “Star’s End” or “Tazenda”… and Arkady Darrell…….
Asimov loved mysteries too and he often put a “mystery” element in his books rather than being “kill the bad guys” oriented. Of course that also meant they were largely talk.
I’ve heard him called the “best bad author” ever, by someone who judged stories on how much character development there was in them. This was someone who enjoyed his stuff in spite of there being very little character development.
Might have been Arthur C, Clarke, as part of their long-time feud/fugue… apparently resolved in the Clarke-Asimov Treaty (as noted in the dedication to “Report on Planet Three and Other Speculations”):
“In accordance with the terms of the Clarke-Asimov treaty, the second-best science writer dedicates this book to the second-best science-fiction writer.”
More details (funny, too) here:
I thought that was between Asimov and Bova. Guess not.
Here is ‘Peer-Reviewed” studies for them and comments from medical journal editors.
How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration:
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
(Blogs are now performing the important tasks of scrutinizing papers and conclusions often finding gross mistakes.)
Editors In Chief of World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journals: “Much of the Scientific Literature, Perhaps HALF, May Simply Be Untrue”
… “It Is Simply No Longer Possible To Believe Much of the Clinical Research That Is Published”
Posted on June 1, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog
Corruption Is Destroying Basic Science
“Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine are the two most prestigious medical journals in the world.
It is therefore striking that their chief editors have both publicly written that corruption is undermining science.
The editor in chief of Lancet, Richard Horton, wrote:
Similarly, the editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell, wrote in 2009:
“We can no longer trust Drug company clinical trials”
(Original Article I quote below has vanished… imagine that!)
Of course this is the same thing that Dr Fang was saying more recently.
“Peer-reviewed” is synonymous, IMO, to “fact-checked”.
It’s only as good / honest as those doing the reviewing / checking.
People keep relying on the so-called “experts”, without realizing that they are all PEOPLE, first!
Subject to the same temptations, desires, and other compromises (financial, blackmail, et al.) that all others are subject to as well.
Bottom line, people LIE.
“Experts” lie just like many, many others do.
Wearing a particular “hat” doesn’t change who one IS, or what one DOES.

Plate Tectonics in my generation comes to mind.
As they said on the Sonny and Cher Show so many years ago, in their crazy commercials segment: “When You’re Out of Slats, You’re Out of Pier” (Schlitz)…..
Have a look at the ClimateGate stuff over on WUWT around 2009 or so, and the stuff going on with Michael Mann, UEA, the “State Penn”, and other institutions of ill repute… also the various “Harry Readme” comments and discussions (oblique reference to a pr0n star and a movie and a name)…
As George Carlin said, “it’s a big club, and we’re not in it”…
Sounds like some of them need an attitude adjustment with a big club… and not a Canadian one…
[A baby seal walks into a bar…
Bartender asks: “What can I get you?”
Seal replies; “Anything but a Canadian Club”]…
Thanks, Gail!
Reminds me of this quote from the Climategate years over on WUWT:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair
Another interesting and prescient quote from him I saw when looking for the above was:
I have lived in Germany and know its language and literature, and the spirit and ideals of its rulers. Having given many years to a study of American capitalism, I am not blind to the defects of my own country; but, in spite of these defects, I assert that the difference between the ruling class of Germany and that of America is the difference between the seventeenth century and the twentieth.
No question can be settled by force, my pacifist friends all say. And this in a country in which a civil war was fought and the question of slavery and secession settled! I can speak with especial certainty of this question, because all my ancestors were Southerners and fought on the rebel side; I myself am living testimony to the fact that force can and does settle questions — when it is used with intelligence.
In the same way I say if Germany be allowed to win this war — then we in America shall have to drop every other activity and devote the next twenty or thirty years to preparing for a last-ditch defence of the democratic principle.
Replace “Germany” with “Liberals” or “Globalists” or “DEMONRATS” (but I repeat myself) and it would reflect today’s problems…
Around 2010, I read The 4-Hour Workweek Book by Tim Ferriss. It was on the NY Times Best Seller list. Ferriss recommended hiring people in India to do your technical papers instead of doing them yourself or according to American standards at that time. I was horrified when I read that. It seems his methods have become popular.
I really like Dr. Jason Fung. He is very intelligent and reliable.
Do we need to start a bail fund, or is all well and good?
Doctor was running late and seemed to have forgotten what the point of this appointment was… I got the scripts, I got the referral to pulmonary (for the CPAP), and everything else was zippity-zip. Interesting aside, my bp read 119/79 — I asked if their machine might be broken….
I also got weighed, and she commented that I’d gained 13 pounds from November 2019 to the present… which I replied: “didn’t everybody???” She conceded that it wasn’t exactly rare.
Thanks for asking.
“Not much is leaking about the audit in Arizona, or any of the others, so, hopefully there will be some good news soon.”
Whenever anything happens that never happens under any other circumstances, it always seems like a bad sign.
Human beings, by nature, don’t keep secrets well. It’s gossip that is a human failing, not keeping secrets.
And considering the numbers of people involved, it seems impossible that everyone, on both sides, is keeping mum.
If there actually are two sides, then it is going to be an advantage, worth taking, for one side or the other, to leak.
If the side who is ‘winning’ (presumably the Trump supporters) doesn’t leak, then the side that is ‘losing’ would leak, with disinfo. To put the ‘white hats’ on defense.
Which would force the issue, putting the ‘winning’ side into a position of counteracting the disinfo. But none of that is happening here, not in Arizona or anywhere else in the country.
Perfect secrecy.
NOBODY is leaking, which is basically impossible, unless it is in both sides’ interest not to do so.
And the only way it can be in both sides’ interest not to do so, is if both sides are on the same side. In other words, this is a con.
Or to use the common expression, a ‘movie’, a ‘show’.
Because only in a scripted endeavor, in which people were working together instead of opposing sides, would there ever be unanimity in secrecy.
How many people are involved in the audit and who is privy to the emerging information?
“How many people are involved in the audit and who is privy to the emerging information?”
No idea, but if there are actually two opposing sides, the answer seems moot.
The side who cheated KNOWS they cheated, so they know what the audit will uncover.
The enemy cheats. They engage in disinfo. They lie. They do things to put their adversary off-balance. The white-hats likely aren’t angels either.
Even if no one is privy to the emerging information, even if a double-blind system was somehow created, so nobody has any clue how things are going, it would still be in the interest of the cheaters to leak disinfo.
And yet that isn’t happening.
This is (supposedly) a war, and the penalty for treason is death. Or in the current just-us system, a harsh scolding and community service at the very least.
And somehow, for some inexplicable reason, both sides are colluding in keeping silence?
Is there any way that would be conceivable, in a truly adversarial contest?
Well, you are making assumptions without enough info.
That said, I don’t discount anything you are saying.
First sentence right on the money.
Fiat currency?
Too cute by half, 100% too tired. Not playing.
“Well, you are making assumptions without enough info.”
Which part?
“No idea, but if there are actually two opposing sides, the answer seems moot.”
How is that an assumption?
It was intended as a plausible conclusion, supported by all of the information which followed.
“The side who cheated KNOWS they cheated, so they know what the audit will uncover.”
How is that an assumption?
No one even alleges that the crime of voter fraud was due to negligence, it was a conscious act, meaning the people who did it know they did it.
“The enemy cheats.”
How is that an assumption?
Many serious crimes have been committed by the enemy. Those who have demonstrated the willingness to commit serious crimes certainly have also committed lesser crimes.
“They engage in disinfo.”
How is that an assumption?
Enemy disinfo is everywhere, it must be a huge percentage of what we talk about here every day.
“They lie.”
How is that an assumption?
The enemy has been caught lying so many times that it’s safe to say if their lips are moving, they’re lying.
“They do things to put their adversary off-balance.”
How is that an assumption?
It’s standard operating procedure amongst adversaries, it’s the nature of conflict.
“The white-hats likely aren’t angels either.”
Even though I used the word “likely”, it’s not much of an assumption either. In any high stakes contest, even the side occupying the high moral ground (if either side does) is not going to conduct themselves as perfect angels.
“Even if no one is privy to the emerging information, even if a double-blind system was somehow created, so nobody has any clue how things are going, it would still be in the interest of the cheaters to leak disinfo.”
How is that an assumption?
It is a proposition, to show that even in a best case scenario, it doesn’t change the fact that the nature of conflict means it is still in the interest, for both sides but particularly for the side with no moral ground to defend at all, to engage in underhanded tactics, including disinfo.
Unless there is some binding reason (bribery, blackmail, quid pro quo, etc.) for the bad guys to not do what they would otherwise naturally do, in which case they are not acting as adversaries, but as co-conspirators.
“And yet that isn’t happening.”
How is that an assumption?
An observation of fact which, to my knowledge, is not disputed.
“This is (supposedly) a war, and the penalty for treason is death.”
I am assuming this is a ‘war’ (which remains undeclared), for the very good reason that someone has purposely committed a long series of intentional actions resulting in great harm to national security, to the economy and to the health (physical and psychological) of the population, any of which rise to the level of ‘act of war’, and taken together, even more so.
To my knowledge, this assumption is not in dispute by anyone posting here.
“Or in the current just-us system, a harsh scolding and community service at the very least.”
That was just humor, for the sake of levity.
“And somehow, for some inexplicable reason, both sides are colluding in keeping silence?”
How is that an assumption?
It was a rhetorical question.
“Is there any way that would be conceivable, in a truly adversarial contest?”
How is that an assumption?
It was a summary question encompassing all of the aforementioned observations or points.
Is it not a reasonable and fair question?
In a truly adversarial contest, where collusion of any kind between two opposing parties is not taking place, is there any conceivable reason why both parties would ignore their natural combative tactics and mutually observe silence?
‘Any conceivable reason’ is as wide-open as I could make it. I probably should have qualified it as “Any ‘credible’ or ‘rational’ or ‘defensible’ reason”, but I left it wide-open to encourage even the wildest possibility.
That no one even took a stab at it seems to speak volumes.
One of the mistakes we Americans make is assuming (ass + u + me) that this fight is local, just in this country.
It is not.
More than one of my sources discusses what is happening WORLD WIDE, as in build ups all over of military personnel, hunting down the head of the Khazarian Mafia, destroying the underground base in Switzerland that was base of operations for the [CB], Chy-NEEZ interference not just in the US election, but in elections all over the world.
The idea was to control the world, not just the USA.
And, you choose the right people for a staff, and they will keep their mouths shut. It can happen so long as certain personality types are kept out.
“One of the mistakes we Americans make is assuming (ass + u + me) that this fight is local, just in this country.
It is not.”
Obviously, but the people opposing each other on the ground in Arizona and the other U.S. states are local.
Representing two sides.
One side is trying to expose the election fraud that took place, and the other side is trying to hide the election fraud that took place.
Many others around the world may have significant interest in what goes on, but the participants who are there and physically conducting the audit consist of two sides functioning in opposition to each other.
“More than one of my sources discusses what is happening WORLD WIDE,”
Certainly the war by the globalists is, by definition, worldwide.
“…as in build ups all over of military personnel,”
I don’t know if that is true, but for purposes of this discussion, I’m not sure how it would be relevant, even if it is true.
“…hunting down the head of the Khazarian Mafia, destroying the underground base in Switzerland that was base of operations for the [CB],”
I am not aware of any credible evidence to support that, but even if true, I am not sure how that is relevant to the specifics on the ground in Arizona and the other U.S. states, where there are two clear sides required in order for there to be a ‘dispute’.
The ‘dispute’ is over the fidelity of the 2020 election count, if there was no dispute, there would be no effort by anyone to audit or recount, and no one would oppose any audit or recount.
Clearly some want to audit/recount and some oppose the audit/recount, hence two sides in opposition to each other.
“Chy-NEEZ interference not just in the US election, but in elections all over the world.”
No doubt, I’m confident that the Chyneez and Soros and the Clinton Cabal and all the other Usual Suspects are up to their eyeballs in election fraud all over the world (e.g., Myanmar), but that does not change the nature of the specific dispute taking place in Arizona or the other U.S. states over the edit/recount of ballots from the disputed 2020 election.
“The idea was to control the world, not just the USA.”
Clearly, but also not relevant to the subject of discussion, i.e., the disputes in the U.S. states over audit/recounts of ballots necessarily aligns everyone involved (inside the U.S. and outside) on one side or the other.
Either one is in favor of exposing the truth (auditing / recounting the ballots) or one is in opposition to exposing the truth.
Makes no difference if the interested party is in Saudi Arabia, or Davos, or Hawaii, or Epstein Island, or Lichtenstein, or Kenya, or Greenland or Botswana or Chyna or France.
No one involved in the controversy is neutral, everyone involved in the controversy has a ‘side’, and there are but two sides to the controversy, either support exposing the truth of the election count via audit / recount, or oppose exposing the truth of the election via audit / recount.
“And, you choose the right people for a staff, and they will keep their mouths shut.”
Suppose those who seek the truth did just that, and of the hundreds (thousands?) of people involved across 6 or 7 states conducting ballot audits / recounts, not a single one of them was compromised or crooked or vulnerable to temptation of any kind. Every last one is perfect in every sense of the word.
Even so, none of the people on the opposing side hold themselves to any such standard. They are actively seeking to prevent sunlight from exposing their crime, from exposing the truth.
What possible motive could they have to go along with the truth-seekers, and not leak any disinfo, which in any other situation would be standard operating procedure?
In other words, what is their motive to essentially do their opposition (i.e., the truth-seekers) any favors by maintaining silence, as opposed to stirring up as much trouble (e.g., through leaks of disinfo) as possible?
What would a credible example of a motive be?
“It can happen so long as certain personality types are kept out.”
Who is screening for personality types?
And even if that had been done on the side of the truth-seekers, why would the truth-concealers do likewise?
Why would the truth-concealers tie their own hands behind their own backs, voluntarily depriving themselves the use of one of their most prolific and effective weapons?
What motive would they have to benefit their opposition in that way?
Cui bono?
Who benefits?
If the truth-concealers are engaging in activities that benefit the truth-seekers, then as a practical matter, are they adversaries, or are they working together?
Scott, I assume (haha) that the company handling the audit screens their employees.
I also think it is pretty likely that only a SMALL handful of people are privy to summary information.
That is, information that has been collated enough for a clear picture of what did or did not happen.
Let’s say you are working the audit at one of the scanning tables. You run the ballot through the scanner, make sure it scanned, and that the data was recorded. You don’t analyze the data. You would never see it.
Or what if you are matching signatures to envelopes. You are one of how many people doing that? How would you know if your pattern matches anyone else’s?
Also, if you are one of the workers, you have probably signed a pretty serious non-disclosure agreement.
The highest up the food chain people who know the information are the good guys, the heads of the audit team. They aren’t going to tell if that meant that they might not get paid, which it might.
I think it can be done. I really do.
Excellent summary.
Let’s stipulate that everything you suggested is actually true.
What prevents anyone (for example) in the corrupt intelligence community, answering to Hussein and the globalists, from doing what they always do?
Make anonymous false (disinfo) leaks to the press (Washington Post, NYT, CNN), while representing him or herself as someone involved in one of the several ballot audit / recounts?
The press isn’t going to out them, the press works for them.
It’s what they’ve been doing (and caught doing, and exposed by SD every week) for the last 5 years.
It doesn’t have to involve ANYBODY who is actually involved in the actual ballot audits, so even if that entire process is more secure than the Manhattan Project during WWII, it’s not relevant.
Because people (bad guys) who are not directly involved on the ground in the ballot audit / recount are still going to do what they always do, which is cause trouble, manipulate narratives, provoke controversy, create red-herrings and misdirection, ALL the stuff they do every day, 24/7/365.
And they don’t need to have access to ANY actual ballot audit or recount information to engage in this subversive activity, they just have to make stuff up and leak it to a compliant press, to cause all sorts of problems for the good guys.
And yet that is notably NOT happening.
For what possible logical reason would the bad guys be behaving themselves, suddenly not engaging in customary standard operating procedure subversion tactics, NOW of all times?
I don’t know the answers to all of your questions. But I have to wonder 1) what would they claim or say if they leaked? And 2) maybe they are deliberately NOT calling attention to the audit in the press, so as to keep more people in the dark about it.
It’d be a safe bet that 90% of Americans don’t even know it is HAPPENING. Maybe 95%.
“But I have to wonder 1) what would they claim or say if they leaked?”
Bad Guy: “Hello, Maggie Habberman? This is your control at Langley. For tomorrow’s print edition, write a story about the Arizona ballot audit, citing a confidential source. Call the source ‘Deep Throat’.
Or make up some other name, it doesn’t matter, but ‘Deep Throat’ would be fun.
In the story, mention that Deep Throat is working inside the ballot audit rooms and has seen multiple instances of cheating by the GOP, either removing ballots or adding ballots to various piles.
Our legal team at Lawfare has come up with the following quotes which have been tested forwards and backwards to ensure they won’t lead to any answerable questions pointing back to us:
1) quote #1
2) quote #2
3) quote #3
So write the story around those three quotes, and get it in tomorrow’s early edition.”
Maggie: “Is any of it true?”
Maggie: “Perfect!”
“And 2) maybe they are deliberately NOT calling attention to the audit in the press, so as to keep more people in the dark about it.”
That is the best potential explanation I have heard
It’s like the defensive line on a football team purposely shutting down all the passing routes, but opening up the middle, allowing the offense to make a two or three yard run every down.
Eventually though, the defense will be backed up against their own end zone, and they’ll have to stop that play, or give up a touchdown.
In other words, they can’t keep people in the dark forever, and by not causing chaos and turning the whole ballot audit into a circus, they’re basically allowing the GOP to march down the field, slowly but surely.
That may work as a stall / delay tactic, but at some point the defense has to stop the GOP, or the GOP will score.
“It’d be a safe bet that 90% of Americans don’t even know it is HAPPENING. Maybe 95%.”
Which seems like an excellent opportunity for the white hats to be calling attention to it all the time, every day, all day long, full court press, especially if the black hats are essentially presenting NO opposing narrative or made up leaks or other subversive propaganda efforts (for as long as that may continue).
If you find out during the 1st quarter that the defense’s game plan is to give up 2 or 3 rushing yards every down, you ought to exploit that.
The more opportunities they give you, the more bites at that apple you get, the greater the chance that you bust a long one for a touchdown.
Or a perfect opportunity for the WHITE HATS to cause a commotion or stir the pot, to draw attention to the ballot audit process.
By doing what the black hats usually do. Anonymously accuse one of your own of some cheating during the audit, and make it appear that the source is a Democrat operative.
In other words, if the enemy is being silent to avoid drawing attention to the ballot audits, then figure out a way to draw attention to it yourself, using disinfo!
Put the black hats on defense, create a narrative where it appears that the black hats are sowing disinfo, when in fact it’s the white hats doing it, in order to generate controversy, in order to generate EYEBALLS on the PROCEEDINGS.
This is what I meant earlier, that if it’s not in one side’s interest to leak (make up disinfo), then by definition, it becomes in the other side’s interest to leak (make up disinfo).
Whoever is not leaking disinfo is leaving the door open, creating an opportunity, for the other party to exploit.
It’s the constant din of battle, as common and expected as the rain.
But it’s not happening.
Conservatives who are trying to save the country and rot out cheating will not gossip not have loose lips. “Loose lips sink ships.”
The Arizona team is all volunteers of curates Americans.
“Conservatives who are trying to save the country and rot out cheating will not gossip not have loose lips. “Loose lips sink ships.”
The Arizona team is all volunteers of curates Americans.”
Suppose we stipulate to that, i.e., every single person on the conservative patriot side is perfect and moral in every way, resolves to leak nothing, and successfully leaks nothing.
That still leaves their opposition — the people who committed the most massive election fraud in human history — and they don’t want to save the country.
They don’t have any moral reason to NOT leak disinfo, or do whatever else they would normally do, to disrupt their opposition (the conservatives).
If they have any logical reason to maintain silence, to not leak disinfo to disrupt their opponents, what possible reason might that be?
That’s what I’m trying to understand and figure out via this entire line of questioning, and if there is no good answer, then what other conclusion can be drawn?
“How often have I said to you, that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?” (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sign of the Four)
The people working in Arizona have from the Judge that they cannot spill the beans. I think that helps with people not speaking
“The people working in Arizona have from the Judge that they cannot spill the beans. I think that helps with people not speaking”
Okay, let’s stipulate to that, that everybody on the ground in Arizona is afraid of the judge, and keeping their lips zipped.
How does that prevent Bruce Ohr, or Jon Carlin, or any of ten thousand other bad actors, from making a 4am talking points drop, or calling or emailing one of their usual leak outlets (WaPo, CNN, NYT), and making up lies (disinfo) about what is going on in Arizona, to stir the pot and cause chaos?
What prevents a black hat in Washington D.C. from falsely claiming they are a worker at the Arizona ballot audit, and claiming that the GOP is cheating, or that they saw a GOP member pull a ballot out of their pocket and put it on the audit pile, or whatever, just to cause chaos?
That’s what they do.
It doesn’t have to involve the people ‘on the ground’ in Arizona for this to happen, all it takes is for any of the bad guy operative to call up their complicit MSM contacts and plant a false story about what is taking place in Arizona, and pretending (representing) like they are a worker at the ballot audit (which is untrue, but would never be revealed by the complicit MSM conduit)?
Why are they being silent NOW?
Why are they behaving themselves NOW?
Why have they stopped engaging in Basic Subversion 101 now?
I have no idea
Have been thinking exactly these same thoughts for a while now. Glad you expressed them.
Chirpy Ward certainly does not inspire confidence, Sundance not withstanding.
Does not mean that yet another long con is established beyond a reasonable doubt.
But it bears a striking resemblance to the other long cons, and like those long cons, there are signs which appear to be unmistakable indications of fraudulence.
>>”NOBODY is leaking, which is basically impossible […]”<<
Those who know, don’t tell.
Those who tell, don’t know.
The Enemy’s comms have been significantly degraded. I suspect that they simply don’t have the same *access* to info / intel that they once did (“Corona offline” et al.).
This is one of the implied assumptions in your reasoning – that the Enemy knows everything that our side does.
It ain’t necessarily true! In war, one of the very first things that one must do – to win – is to disrupt Enemy communications. This explains a bit, in re the tweested comms using dogs, giraffes, owls, and other code-words / codes.
>>”And the only way it can be in both sides’ interest not to do so, is if both sides are on the same side.”<<
“I caught them all!”
Perhaps they’re all (mostly) playing roles – the “caught” Enemy players, that is.
>>”In other words, this is a con.”<<
A con for evil … or a con for good!
We’re watching a movie …
As long as it’s not a Comic Con…
“The Enemy’s comms have been significantly degraded. I suspect that they simply don’t have the same *access* to info / intel that they once did (“Corona offline” et al.).”
Why would any of the bad guys need access to anything?
Suppose you rob a bank. You know you robbed the bank, and so do all the people on your team, and the extended criminal underground of the circles you travel in.
The police come to investigate.
The police are watching everybody, so no bad guys can communicate, and most don’t know any useful details anyway.
But they can still engage in spontaneous individual acts of diversion, subterfuge, plant false evidence, volunteer false information resulting in wasting of police resources, and on and on and on.
Bad guys do what bad guys do, and they don’t need to be insiders to know whose team they’re on or how to degrade their opposition’s resources to make it more difficult for their opponents to succeed against them.
The above example would be in a completely compartmentalized scenario, where no one communicated with anyone else about anything, the criminal element just did what comes naturally to them, to stymie or otherwise obstruct investigation into their own conduct, or into the conduct of those who are ostensibly on the bad guys’ side.
This isn’t even close to that.
There’s all kinds of communication going on, all over the place, nothing is happening in isolation here. And yet even so, nobody among the bad guys has leaked a single word… and even stipulating your point that none of the bad guys may know anything to leak, that would in no way prevent any bad guy from making stuff up and leaking it, as disinfo, to disrupt the proceedings and cause problems for their opponents.
Causing disruption to your opponents’ efforts against you is Conflict 101. It’s as basic and fundamental and rudimentary as it gets. Even children on the playground do it instinctively.
But not here.
Here, in this magical arena of 6 or 7 different ballot audits, everyone, black hats and white hats alike, are on their best behavior, observing the honor system.
If that doesn’t merit a suspicious cat, if that’s not a red flag the size of Georgia, then I don’t know what else to say…
“This is one of the implied assumptions in your reasoning – that the Enemy knows everything that our side does.”
But that is specifically NOT any kind of implied assumption that I am making… I never thought that, not for a single moment, it would never even occurr to me to think such a thing, and yet you are suggesting that it is one of my implied assumptions.
It’s not.
Let’s stipulate that the enemy has no idea at all what our side is doing.
In that case, it would be even more in the interest of the enemy to disrupt the proceedings, to cause chaos, to provoke some kind of reaction, in order to test and observe that reaction, and gain insight from it.
And just to cause trouble in a general sense.
That’s standard operating procedure.
What possible logical reason or motive could the enemy have, to behave himself, primly and properly, observing white-glove rules of not engaging in disinfo leaks, which they have done everywhere else throughout the entire DJT presidency (and going back decades before that)?
Why has it stopped NOW?
Whether they have any idea what the good guys are doing or not, why have the bad guys STOPPED engaging in disinfo?
They don’t need to know anything that the good guys are doing, they don’t need any legitimate info, in order to make stuff up and leak it, just to cause havoc.
I thought DePat’s artwork selections were going to be St. Louis and environs (or, at least, St. Louis museums), but this guy is Martha’s Vineyard.
It seemed “fresher” when I thought it was from the middle of the country and regular people might dry their laundry on a line. In MV, it seems like an affectation.
A lot of the SLAM collection is European, Egyptian and indigenous. There’s a HUGE collection of Chinese vases, etc. That being said, the American art rooms are loaded. However, the media is not always horizontal. Like this one:
It’s that time of the year again. Here’s your reminder that the alphabet people get two full months of the year, plus change.

Just got the following in a newsletter from Lego. They should rename themselves “LEGAY”… The propagaynda is “out and PROUD”… Suffice to say, we’ve bought our last Lego. Ever. Harry Potter was bad enough, but this is beyond the pale. And they’ve totally lost their roots: what few block sets still exist are littered with “rainbow” colors, 1×1 small bricks (to drive up the parts count), and useless accessories. The rest of their panoply of perversion are movie-connected collections of unbricklike parts which have inflated prices due to licensing fees (I’m looking at YOU Lucasfilms and Disney!)…..
Here’s the US site:
Here’s the pic (sorry if it’s too big). Note that the Legomänner (oops, that should be Legom*nner) are faceless… what an abomination!

It’s just horrifying.
I git the email on that…no kid would buy or want that. This is a vs set for adults, like some other sets.
We do not purchase licensed sets, aka avengers or minions. Kiddo enjoys lego creator bc they transform into 3 different things plus whatever you want to make. Lego sets here are mostly in locked cases now. Stolen as much as cosmetics and booze.
Yep. My son had a “Star Wars” phase where he bought some of the models, including a horrid “Land Crawler” model that looked like a huge potato bug and fell apart (which really upset him). We added TONS of the thin brown plates to short it up.
Speaking of thin brown plates, and other handy bricks, etc., back when they first opened LegoLand over here in Günzburg, there was a brick shop that occasionally had specials, and sometimes bonus coupons. We’d get the really long lintels (2×12), plates, and other items that didn’t appear too often in the sets, along with Jack Stone and maybe (over time) 200 Lego Men and Women. They started off relatively cheap (100g for one or two DM) but got way more expensive over time. Fortunately my son’s interest was diminishing at about the same rate the prices were going up
Also, all of the bricks back then were made either in Denmark or Germany. Now they’re made in China and who-knows-where… don’t fit as well, by a long shot. I still have a couple of sets of Halsam “American Plastic Bricks” from way back when (I hated Lego then, and they weren’t even in the US yet – friends brought them from overseas, e.g. Holland)…
Sad. No more a toy: politics has ruined yet something else…….
Lego is made i think in 5 or 6 places. Youre right about the politics. Legoland here opened their gift shop for 6 months while the park was closed. The company who runs the parks and hotels, Merlin entertainment, is borderline bankrupt. The hotels in Carlsbad are dirty and people are being ripped off on tix, reservations, etc. Kiddo wants to go, bc he has a year pass they will honor, but they arent fully open bc all the service industry collapsed with the closures. Lots of hotels running dirty too.
Theres a lego store in san diego where we can buy individual pieces but haven’t needed to yet.
Just read that the Kirk Kristiansen family, who own (and founded) Lego, bought Merlin (and the parks) back, together with BLACKSTONE, the globalist, illumanist, Satanist (but I repeat myself, as I’m getting worked up) investment group…
Merlin pretty much let the parks slide, as I can tell from the one in Günzburg. Of course, parks and pretty much everything are hurting right now…. sigh…
I hadnt heard that! I went and read a ton of the carlsbad reviews last night…1 star across the board. Theft of paid vacation monies by cancelation of amenities and no refunds, required reservations to legoland with hotel packages but all reservations are full…fast pass is being purchased but not allowed to use. Last time we went parking was $25. Knotts is looking better but apparently they didnt do much repair or paint while locked down, and its their 100th year celebration.
I should note that Lego is easily printed with 3D printers — which can print in ABS plastic — the same material that “real Legos” are made with. That way you can get odd things like bricks that are 3×3.
Thats kinda neat.
Here’s an excerpt from the designer of the LEGO(AY) abomination. Note that he inverts not just sexual roles, but also the parent-child relationship, saying that “children are our role models”.
Seems that’s a real popular theme, with Greta the Greenhearted, her ilk, and the “Earth Day” generation (n.b. the first Earth Day would have been Stalin’s 100th birthday)…
(would probably be better titled: the fall of Lego, or Gayterdämmerung)…
[end excerpt]
Just like Satan, the father of lies and perversion, they rebel against GOD, HIS design, and HIS laws (and Salvation!)… The whole page is worth reading, in order to see what the enemy thinks and foments, and just how far the Western culture has sunk.
“Everyone is Awesome”…
Wonder if he includes Christians in that?????
Nah, didn’t think so…
Or Deplorables…
According to the exorcists, Satan says that PRIDE is the most deadly of sins.
What does that tell you?
That it’s not coincidental they chose the word PRIDE to express their sin, for one thing.
The alphabet people make up around 2% of the population and achieve this recognition by making a lot of noise.
Maybe Christian Conservatives just need to speak up more. There are 26 letters in the alphabet, not just 4.
So, my latest semi-sane weird computer project is……
OK, I have to start back in 2015, when a fellow Ace of Spades Moron (“Ira Weatheral”) blinked a link in the comments of the blog that I clicked — figuring that I had met (in person) a couple of dozen AoS Morons and they were all wonderful people. That click infected my system with polymorphic malware. One module was a keylogger.
At the time, my home network had about 12 Windows computers connected to it. I have reason to believe that other modules in the malware got access to several other systems from the one I was browsing from and infected them. Eventually, I shut down everything, pulled the drives, had my ISP replace everything to my connection point, and swapped out all my routers. Then started to rebuild under Linux.
This was not because I loved Linux — this was because my Windows network had been thoroughly compromised and I was replacing everything. I also went through the total “identity theft” bullshit where I had to change-out all my credit cards, email accounts, internet banking, internet brokerage, and the like.
Anyway, I’ve had over a dozen hard drives embargoed for six years and counting because they have a good chance of having Windows x86 malware on them. In the meantime, there was a YUGE collection of good data on the drives that I was unable to access, except with extreme precautions and a well-considered plan.
So, now I’ve created a way to extract that in big chunks.
I now have a Pi 4 (4G) connected to a WD MyBook 6TB [all the old drives are <= 2T] and a SABRENT DS-UTC2. For malware off the old disk to infect it, it would have to know that it needed to target Linux, it needed to target ARM, and that it would still be virulent after six years, and it would have to attach itself to the specific data being extracted in a way that would execute (being that I’m not executing any software off the drive). I’m pretty confident.
And that’s my latest semi-sane computer project. The MyBook is on, the SABRENT is installed, and I haven’t attempted my first disk. That’s tomorrow.
BTW, I continually troll the internet for weird deals. I had the Pi and the MyBook for a previous project (media server), but got a good deal on the SABRENT disk dock
(about $40) and decided that it could spend some time as a data extractor first.
And, BTW, I got the deal on
Incidentally, I have reason to believe that Ira Weatheral is Jon Ericsson, who lives in Silicon Valley. His wife is a well-regarded sputtering engineer who works with multi-million dollar IC processing systems — besides his defective moral compass, he also seems to lack the intellectual capacity to understand what his wife does for a living, despite relying on income from it.
I post a lot of stuff here from Joey Camp on Gab. Joey has spent literal months exposing this creep—Tay Anderson from Denver, CO—and it’s finally gaining traction. Strongly recommend giving Joey a follow. He’s got a good track record.
Looked at another story yesterday, GWP. This is an odd ball story and has some potential of pitting the illegal Hispanic community against BLM.
A local Denver school board member, Black Lives Matter protest leader, and anti-gun activist is facing dozens of accusations of sex abuse, rape, harassment, and “inappropriate behavior” from a variety of community members, including 62 high school students and illegal aliens in the DACA program, at least one as young as 14.
Tay Anderson is denying the allegations and hopes to continue his work on the school board and in activism, but more victims continue to come forward. He is now stepping aside from his duties while the investigation continues.
Denver parent of (three DACA kids) Mary-Katherine Brooks Fleming and also a BLM activist appears to be the sole person bringing charges. She gives a very moving and shocking story.
Strange aspects here are none have gone to the police to press charges, supposedly because of the DACA thing ( I guess they don’t trust being in a Biden world?
) . Meanwhile an investigation conducted by the Denver Public School system has determined that retribution by Anderson has taken place, but they are now shoving this over to an out of state firm? for further investigation.
This is all convoluted, non orthodox and totally the product of liberalism. Crazy.
From GWP
If the school board/police does not do something the Hispanic Community may step in and take care of the matter. They are used to having useless police.
This is what happens when you make whole groups of people a ‘protected class’. They are above the law, and it’s not long before they start acting that way.
Because why wouldn’t they, if the law doesn’t apply to them in any real way, because anyone who tries to hold them accountable is ‘canceled’ or called a rayciss?
Who could have ever seen that coming…
When one “protected class” is used up, they’ll just trash it and present the next “victim”.
I follow him there. This kid has balls of steel.
The same unthinking, cultish, indeed sheepish behavior and brainwashing that brought us the “hymns to Obama”, their “black” Jesus…
(Too bad for them he’s neither black, nor American)…..
We truly are living in freak show fantasy world which must bear a big resemblance to Hell.
Yep. Just waiting for my accordion

(apologies to Weird Al and Polka and Schuhplattler fans everywhere)…
Oh that made me laugh!
I have a lap harp but Hubby has an accordion. So what does that tell me?
Buy another harp
‘Their legacy is immortal’: Trump and Melania pay tribute to the ‘unrivaled heroes’ who have made the ‘supreme sacrifice’ as MAGA fans hold Memorial Day boat parade in Florida with Roger Stone
The race to compromise is on.

Are we ready for the next pandemic?
I hope this stuff gets exposed soon. I mean, it just seems that the nasty bugs all seem to come from the same place.
Imagine that.
Here’s chart from a tweet by James Woods that Gail posted over on “The Wuhan Murders” thread:

Spells it out pretty clearly…
Seems plagues are part of their global domination playbook (plaguebook?)…..
This is an idiotic graph that was never meaningful except to say, “You are here … at the very early stages of pandemic with only a few dead so act fast to avoid wuflu going down in history as a top pandemic.”
This is a graph from last spring and, as I pointed out then to people trying to use it to say that we were overreacting do to low numbers in comparison to other pandemics, it was Very Early in the pandemic and had 4,700 deaths to compare to the others.
This graph is Incredibly Outdated and Grossly Inaccurate/out of date as we are now at 3.5 Million … which is why we do not see this graph used any more as Covid19 would now be ranked between the Third Plague and the Antonine Plague … and the numbers continue to increase.
Comparing the death total early on to Completed/Total #s of deaths from other plagues is completely inaccurate and silly.
When we had 4,700 deaths from Covid19 it was in the very early weeks and they were projected to go much higher as it was spreading.
All other plagues in the graph are the total deaths after multiple years of the epidemic and after the epidemic/pandemic is over.
Only comparing our final totals for Covid19 after the pandemic is over would be accurate and useful.
It is a nasty virus that has killed and continues to kill. China and any others involved regardless of their nationality and the gov for whom they work MUST be held accountable!!!!
None of the CDC recommendations and extreme reactions, including gov overreach such as shutdowns, were based on current death totals. They actions/reactions + overreach were based on trajectories, the road we were on, Not the current snapshot of death totals at that moment.
Current world wide death totals are 3,566,553 and there is a reporting lag time of several days depending on the country (including in the US). Some countries are under reporting (purposefully, as in China’s case, or due to lower healthcare system and gov development and just don’t have the capabilities) and some are over reported (to include those who have covid19 but didn’t die of covid19 – but many do die directly of covid19 triggered complications such as pneumonia would not have pneumonia had they not had covid19 in the first place, just like flu).
World totals are more under reported than over reported as we have Many dying do to damage from Covid19 that triggers heart attacks, strokes, etc., after the infection has passed.
^^^ Upchucked that Kool Ad. ^^^
The entire Covid narrative is CRAP. Reported Covid deaths, CRAP.
Following is ALL CRAP. Died of Covid. Died with Covid. Died with false positive Covid test. Or medical weenies, health officials simply call it a Covid death for monetary reward.
Health and medical establishment FAILED to push known treatments such as HCQ. Failed to push folks increase vitamins, minerals… Pushed lock downs and shut downs.
Covid is real. As a “crisis”, only as manufactured by governments and corrupt health establishment, including most local quacks.
Exactly. Agenda bots gotta bot.
The financial and human damage from this FAKE epidemic (doesn’t even come close to the standards of a real pandemic) is immense, and in some cases, irreparable. Some estimates are 50-60 percent of midsized and smaller businesses have or will fail here in Germany, some of them having existed for over 100 years.
And all that for a virus (modified or not) that has a survival rate approaching 100%, with folks having co-morbidities still over 95%.
Mengele must be proud (if not envious), as he toasts his marshmallows (or wurstchen) in Hell…..
EVIL Cuppa, just PURE EVIL!!
I just want to add to your great response, I don’t give a rat’s ass if the graph was accurate or wildly inaccurate. On this site, we all know the truth, and we also know the truth-tellers (like Cuppa Covfefe).
I gotta be honest, I thought we had lost this particular pain in the ass, because it was gone for a while.
But like the itch, the damned thing just won’t go away!
Anything the government, CDC, NIH, or WHO says about covid deaths should be immediately discounted; this maroon thinks it is the gospel. What a KoolAid addict!
It pisses me off.
Note: the projected death totals should Never have been used to justify gov overreach nor should they be used to force vaccinations, etc. The Gov and All citizens needed the accurate info and needed to take action, preventative and to make and execute plans for when large #s became ill. Sadly, cdc and gov pushed masks and shutdowns (wrong actions) and ignored the key, right actions of accurate prevention (not flimsy masks) and early treatment for all diagnosed.
Dealing with the real numbers and the seriousness of wuflu does not = pushing, justifying or agreeing with the gov overreach, shutting down schools, masks, vaccines, etc.
This is not a binary choice of: wuflu is no big deal v. the gov prescription for prevention and treatment.
It is a big deal AND the gov was wrong in the it was handled making it much worse rather than helping.
However, only by getting past fake news and misunderstandings (such as pointing out last spring that “only” 4,700 had died so why the big reactions? A question that just made those of us questioning the gov/cdc/WHO recommendations & guidelines.
Wuflu is a big deal, is killing many and yet one can be 100% against the wrong headed gov overreach and CDC/WHO guidelines and recommendations + the lack of care that wuflu patients received until they developed complications. Not a binary choice.
Idiotic? My hiney!
Pretty good work there. You’ve just managed to diss Gail Combs and James Wood in one (OK, three) comment(s).
Hmmm. MUs…. gotta do some word-clearing, I s’pose….
But MM IS non-binary, so you have to give xer that.
::1/128 or perhaps ::/0….
I will take the FIRST one, George E. Smith explain the history:
I have been waiting for the Bubonic Plague to take off in California thanks to our alien invaders living in our parks and the reservoir of the infection.
Look at the “bright” side, though: with NewScum’s idiocy and the ever-increasing fuel load in Kalifornistan’s forests, the plague might get burned out anyway…
Too bad that normal people will end up suffering because of it…
When I was growing up in CA, we could just drive down to Yosemite and get a campsite permit the same day. That was about 60 years ago, though
Now, it’s about a year’s wait, so I guess I’ll never get to camp there again (as if I’d want to, anymore)…..
Every now and then there’ll be a cluster of plague cases in Mongolia.
The authorities keep telling the people, “Don’t eat RAW RATS !”
[Marmot. Fancy RAT.]
And how about the Second one, Small Pox???
Empire’s Little Helper: Chinese history shows that where soldiers march, plague follows.
Thanks, Gail. Your research is excellent and thorough (and I wish I could file/organize things as well as you do). Hardware museum here…
It’s starting to look like the ChiComs have been using the race card/diversity card to split us up and control us, despite (or perhaps because of) being among the most racist cultures ever.
I had a Korean colleague who was astonishingly frank about Korean culture and mores, and Asian culture and peoples in general. He spoke of the North and South Korean dictators’ families as being two sides of the same coin (shock), and the corruption thereof (meet the new boss, same as the old boss…). He also said that even though the Koreans still (at least 30 years ago when he told me) hated the Japanese for what they did in WWII (and historically).
And I had other Asians tell me pretty much the same thing. It seems like the only ones now who cannot support their own are those of us in the West. Gotta wonder where that comes from…
By Nicholas Wade, October 31, 2010
The great waves of plague that twice devastated Europe and changed the course of history had their origins in China, a team of medical geneticists reported Sunday, as did a third plague outbreak that struck less harmfully in the 19th century.
And how about the THIRD? The misnamed Spanish Flu?
China Epicenter of 1918 Flu Pandemic, Historian SaysAccording to new research by a Canadian historian, the 1918 flu outbreak that killed 50 million people originated in China.
If you bother to read the graphic (it’s not a graph, by the way), it covers FAR MORE than just COVID-19.
You totally missed the point, bending it to yours.
What part of the Bubonic Plague came from China isn’t getting through. It traveled the old Silk Road, I understand.
The big problem is much of China has not advanced from medieval practices in sanitation.
WIKI (who is going to paint a good picture of China)
A fuuru (pig toilet) in early 20th century Okinawa
Yep. Reminds me of walking through Chinatown in San Francisco and seeing “tonight’s possible dinner” swimming in a green-algae-encrusted tank adjoining the sidewalk, complete with pigeon “messages” on the cover……. Yuck.
Chiefio had a few articles and a lot of comments/replies right about the time the ChiKorona stuff started. Here’s a truncated comment:
Link from chiefio about how they farm in Wuhan, etc.
THE big problem with attributing source, ANY source, is that RNA Virus replication is sloppy (thus the frequent recombinations requiring a new flu vaccine each year) and can often cross species.
So you find it looks just like a bit in Pangolin. Did they get it from snuffling bat droppings? Did bats get it from eating fruit where a pangolin shat? Or sneezed? Some bit matches some other bit from a lab: was a lab worker sloppy so “caught it” but didn’t notice, then sneezed while shopping for live food, and it went home with the unsold stock that evening (then to the farm population then into the wild, where it recombined into a new coronavirus).
Parts just do not stay put in RNA viruses. They do not replicate perfectly either, so mutate fast. Especially in mixed species populations. Part of why new flu tends to come from Asia is that they farm pigs in pens over water so their waste fertilizes the water, then ducks are raised on the pond. Rapid virus cycling from birds to pigs to people and back, gives rapid recombination with other virus types in the various hosts. Then the successful one can hitch a ride on migratory birds to the rest of the world.
Similarly, an exotic food animal dealer can have live stock of pangolin and bats housed near each other, sharing… (Chinese have an obsession with “fresh” that verges on the absurd. One fish dish has the chef grasp the head in a towel and deep fry the body, delivering it to the diner with the head still alive and gill plates moving…)
In that context, with mixed live populations of exotic animals all over the place, trying to ascribe the path through the populations via one viral segment is a bit silly, and even 90-something % just hints at the first link, not the path.
Virus populations are more like a stew of mystery parts than a steak of one thing. Then the Chinese animal practices give that stew lots of opportunities to jump species.
So did the lab worker who was bat bit have “fresh” pangolin for dinner the night before and gave something new to the bats? Did the guy who slaughtered that bat later get the new mix in bat blood on his clothes? Or did they just go buy some live bats from the “fresh” food market that had them caged next to the pangolin?
Messy? Yup. That’s the context for trying to sort out the path.
and, further to that:
Compu Gator says:
17 February 2020 at 5:00 am
E.M.Smith [said] 16 February 2020 at 9:39 pm [GMT]
Part of why new flu tends to come from Asia is that they farm pigs in pens over water so their waste fertilizes the water, then ducks are raised on the pond.
I hope that the transfer of viruses goes no farther than the ducks feeding on the plants that grow in the water. Doesn’t that Asian scheme of aquaculture have a 3rd physical level, in the pond, where bottom-feeding fish, notably tilapia, which also eat mostly plants, while growing to harvest-size in water that’s infused by the wastes of both virus hosts? Perhaps that’s an interspecies leap too far for viruses to make; the 3 zoological levels share only a phylum (i.e., Chordata).
That 3rd zoological level is worth considering, because a distressingly large amount of seafood nowadays that’s available in the U.S.A. is supplied by China. Whether or not some variation on that aquaculture scheme includes filter-feeding shellfish, I simply refuse to buy any that’s marked as originating in China; I absolutely disqualify those customarily sold with the guts (e.g., clams, mussels, oysters, but not scallops), which include the liver-equivalent organs that concentrate toxins.
E.M.Smith says:
17 February 2020 at 5:21 am
Yes, aquaculture is part of the cycle. Both shrimp and various fish (carp, catfish, tilapia, etc.). I left it out in the interest of brevity and the likely case that mammalian virus would be unlikely to go in fish.
FWIW, I avoid seafood marked as coming from China too. Mostly due to their tendency to cheat things like sanitation and purity rules for a buck. Fake honey, lead paint on toys, etc. The odds that animal feeds would be polluted / adulterated approaches certainty over time.
[end excerpts]
Over here a couple of years ago we had a few hundred students in Bayern get sick due to contaminated raspberries from, you guessed it, Red China…
Parents put the screws to the schools to buy local (as did the Greens, for once – probably their children were among the sick)…..
I got the pig toilet info from the guys at Chiefio.
This article makes me really want to stay away from Farm Raised fish from China.
Cuppa, this poster is too dumb for the company around here. So dumb it refuses to recognize how out-classed it is, and leave.
It’s a shame if you ask me that you and others have to deal with it.
The point that you seem to continually miss is that the COVID numbers are not, have never been, and never will be accurate. Your continued emphasis on numbers — to the point of making a post about them when the point was place of origin instead — is puzzling.
Hence my noting an agenda appears to be in play… with the scientific method being ignored.
Have seen such things repeatedly on the climate boards, going back into the early 2000s…
Yes, but what would the agenda be? To spread disinformation and fear here about COVID deaths?
BP, perhaps? And I don’t mean British Petroleum. Or perhaps BC… PRC…
I wonder if a nuclear detonation would eradicate the virus at the source.
All of them.
Uh-oh. The real truth hit the evening news.
Wait — isn’t this a tie-in to the 2020 studies that were savagely criticized which said that the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus has at least 4 spike elements in it that are similar to HIV elements?
And wouldn’t ANT evidence RNA / DNA gene alteration from the virus AND/OR from the “vaccines” be related to the Gain of Function research that was funded by Dr. Anthony “Fauci-Mengele”?
Sorry, that’s “ANY evidence”. Not enough strong tea in me when I posted the above.
Mea culpa.
Bill Barr is a traitor, IMO. But he gives marvelous speeches. I cannot reconcile the two, other than to recall Nixon’s 100% accurate descriptive statement (which he was also advocating) that conservatives get the rhetoric and liberals get the action.
This speech takes about 10-15 minutes to read, but it is well worth it. In the speech Barr powerfully argues for something dear to my heart for decades, removing government completely from primary and secondary education except for condition-free payment. Government run schools have fundamentally led to our present dystopian state:
Psy-op actors needed.
It’s all a show. And, yeah, in PR firms, we learned how to do B-roll video like this to sell the message.
We have now come to expect this method of pay off.
“Even a slender volume (80 pages) can make millions of dollars for the man who has become a cult figure to Trump haters when sold for 18 bucks a copy. The National Pulse reports, and Amazon confirms that Dr. Anthony Fauci will be selling a book to the public next November 2 (in time for the Christmas buying season), titled, Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward, all of 80 pages long and selling for $18 a copy in hard cover.
The book’s cover is a fascinating straddle: is Fauci putting on or taking off his mask? Given his record of lying and flip-flopping on whether to wear masks and how many to wear, visual ambiguity is the only way to go.
If you hate Trump, you probably love Fauci. No need for an inflated advance payment, though I am certain Fauci got a handsome sum. He’s been made a cult figure, and the evidence that he evaded federal restrictions via funding cut-out nonprofit to award money for gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology will not be enough to dissuade the true believers on the left.
The publisher is National Geographic, the tax-exempt organization that lately seems to have bought into global warming and other aspects of the progressive cult. Amazon’s page offering the book for pre-publication sale reveals that one of the 3 books most viewed by those visiting Fauci’s page is Anita Hill’s forthcoming autobiographcal book, Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey to End Gender Violence, with yet another cult figure of progressives used to attack a conservative hero, Clarence Thomas.”
picture of cover referred to in except above:
Excellent article re: wuflu and changing “standards” of detection and reporting + more
Which is exactly why the numbers of COVID deaths you keep insisting on, are questionable. If the numbers of cases are off, so are the numbers of deaths.
That’s above her pay grade, dontcha know.
It certainly is!
Found this on Gab…there was no info on where it was.
I hope this was real and not photoshopped, because every little thing like this helps to wake up the sheep.

French paramedic reports on what he’s seeing going on with the vax:
[video src="" /]
Neighbors (neighbots?) on both sides have been jabbed, including most of extended family, which has a couple of medically-trained members who should know better.
Because they want to be able to travel and have fun while being sheeple, they’ve put their own progeny (and potential thereof), as well as my family, at risk.
I’m so mad, I could spit nails. I can totally understand this ambulance driver’s thoughts because of what my son went through some years ago, and the various ambulance rides and drivers, and time in intensive care, etc. And anything that is a potential problem is especially a problem.
And even worse when it involves a solution in search of a problem.
One of the extended family members has already had a stroke. What then?
The idiot Dr. among the “outlaws” seems to know just enough to be dangerous…
Hell (almost) isn’t hot enough for all these Faux-ists… and all of Big Pharma, who rely on keeping us all sick, and profiting from their enormously vertically- and horizontally-integrated food/etc. industry controlling and sickening us from the cradle to the grave.
May GOD forgive, help, strenghten, correct, guide, and SAVE us all…
Want to be able to travel….
The airlines are already talking about the risks of blood clots, etc., for the vaxxed. For them, it will be a real problem.
^^^ Seriously don’t follow this one. ^^^
Because of changes in pressure? yea, that is reaching. Just don’t see how or why the airlines would worry about blood clots from injections.
I think long-haul flights have elevated risks of thrombosis and the like, exacerbated by hours of sitting without much moving around. Add something that potentially damages the blood vessels and components of the vascular system to the mix, and there could be problems.
Add to that dry air, not enough fluids (i.e. not wanting to wait in line for the loo, etc.).
The law(s) of unintended consequences come into play. As they always do when the deep state steps into it… or the Greens, or big biz, or some of the idiotic IT “endeavors” I’ve seen…
The line for the loo is tolerable as long as no one decides to camp out in the loo.
You know, a loo tenant.
Indeed a commode in loo of abode…
Were they not of the distaff persuasion, they might be termed loo sirs…
And that special odiferous glow when they go is loomin’ e scent…
I’m so sorry about all your family’s vaccinations and failure to heed warnings.
One of your family members had a stroke? If so, do you think it was due to the vaccine?
Oh, no. The stroke was about five years ago. Sorry I wasn’t clear.
I’m just worried they might be at risk for another one, based on the idiot advice from that supposedly competent family member…
My wife and son and I have been telling them for MONTHS what a fraud this is, and taking scientific papers and books, etc. to show the background.
But some people just don’t want to hear, especially if it conflicts with their YSM/MCM-created worldview.
All we can do now is pray. And probably do our best to keep our distance, but that’s hard to do when they’re next door, and family… sigh…..
Thanks. What I’m seeing is that people are desperate to be able to trust authorities:
“Fauci is a good guy who was helping the country through the crisis.” “My doctors are knowledgeable and would never steer me wrong.”
It’s as if people’s entire world would come crashing down if they had to admit that those in power often have ulterior motives and that they cave to peer pressure. So many people, it seems, would feel completely helpless if they had to face what we know to be happening.
There’s only ONE authority I trust, and HE’S the AUTHOR of everything.
As the signs used to say on Route 66 and other roads when we used to travel across the USA back in the good old days:
“In GOD we trust; everyone else pays cash”…
I am so sorry. I am in the same boat with family in Germany and US.
My kids all had the jab they know better and my brother in Germany and all his kids had the jab and are proud of it. Yes they want to travel. No one thinks past three months or years.
What do I know
Adding to the pile of anecdotal evidence that it’s really happening, the EMS people AND the medical people know it, but have no big mic mouthpiece to spread the word.
Bel et Bien, Merci beaucoup, M. Premier Repondeur.
This puts any thought of getting the gene-altering experimental injections off the table for me. They’ll have to remove any possible connection to stroke (along with all the other dreadful “side effects”). History of stroke in my birth family, especially first- and second-degree relatives.
Same here. Also very allergic. Not just no but HELL NO!!!
(I made Hubby cancel our Dental appointments today because I am sure the staff had the Jab and I do not want to get that close to them.)
Spot on article (except for being friends with G. Will)
Wish I had time to post excerpts
Packed day … conservative volunteerism for MAGA/America First can take as much time as I will let it and its so urgent that we let it take a lot of time!
So after putting the squish on Fracking and closing the Key Stone Pipe line we get the greasing of skids on the Nord Stream 2 pipe line to benefit Russia and now this.
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Myanmar, Flynn, and Suddenly I Care about Burma | Musings from the Chiefio (
Deplorable Patriot – I love your taste in art. The images you find to post are always intriguing.
Thank you.
Sooner or later, I’m going to have to give in and put up something by Remington, but I’ve been able to find other artists with really nice work.
Give in, eh? LOL
I am particularly fond of his sculptures.
I will have to check them out.
Interesting how often the Myanmar aerobics girl appears in these. It’s a minute long but great.
And Catturd…. and watch out! Sharknado…
(Poor shark, it probably gave him food poisoning)…
I’ve been wondering if all these videos are carpedonktum’s work on the down low. They are produced so quickly!
Can’t keep the deplorables down! (I love the catturd showing up.)
Here we go again!
China confirms first human case of H10N3 bird flu: report
The first case of human infection from the H10N3 strain of bird flu has been detected in China, reports said.
China’s National Health Commission (NHC) on Tuesday confirmed the infection in a 41-year-old man within the country’s eastern province of Jiangsu, according to Reuters.
We should not allow any Chine into the country until they can clean up their act not to spread their viruses.
I don’t know the implications to us if this spreads. In other words, how contagious is it, does it spread easily, how deadly is it, are there treatments for it, etc. Basically, could it be used to shut down the economy and gain power over people in the same way as COVID?
From what the article says, I think not. This one is H10N3, not H5N1. But they might be preparing us for whatever is next.
Another rumor of President Trump being back in White House by August.
I am sure all those Trump contacts go right out and call Maggie Haberman.
Why wouldn’t they, knowing it would drive her nuts?
Feeding the TDS serves important functions.
I get it now. For 4 years she been selling fake news but now she is marketing truth. Seem out of character for her, don’t you think.
Ol’ Maggie ain’t gonna make it out of the tunnel, methinks!
Wake Up, Maggie…
It would be a COUNTER-COUP.
The COUP already took place.
Patriots need to grasp the importance of Leftist attack words to prevent the Leftist narrative from taking hold and being used against us.
‘cept Bye, Done can’t dance…
or sing…
(except to Xi’s tune…)…..
Or maybe this fits Bite Me better
Good ones…
Bottom one looks like Piglosi
Talk about a stiff drink or a drunk stiff…
This line of thinking is what is going to BURY the democrap party, Fauci, the mask Karens, and the democrap media once and for all.
This is what they are now running from, and their pathetic, ridiculous attempts to call it “racist” will fail spectacularly.
THIS is why “they won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.”
This cat is now out of the bag, and it ain’t gonna go back in. Next comes the discussion of the cover-up and denial of effective medicines like HCQ, which could have saved countless lives.
This is the BIG UGLY, and the butcher’s bill is going to be paid by the political left and BIG corporations in ways they are only just now beginning to imagine.
The public is beginning to see that the hypocritical, virtue-signaling scumbags wear no clothing.
They are going to pay a VERY high price for what they have done for the past several decades. A very high price, indeed.
MOTIVE: The 64 Trillion Dollar Question from that Town Hall article:
Doesn’t THIS give the MOTIVE for the Chinese interference in the 2020 election?
With Bite-Me & Ho, NOTHING would be done.
With POTUS Trump, a MINIMUM of FINANCIAL repercussions and quite likely a lot more like the OUTING of the Thousand Talents TRAITORS in our corporations and Universities.
IF the USA levies FINANCIAL repercussions on Chyna, what does that allow Belt & Road scammed Debt Slave states do? Can they RIP UP ALL THAT DEBT???
May 20, 2020 Italy: A New Silk Road Between Italy and China – the Belt and Road Initiative
Would Italy’s old government thus have a reason to HELP CHINA in throwing the US elections to Bite-Me and the Ho???
I remember demanding Global retaliation against XiCP last March. Why is everyone else so slow??
IIRC, Italy was/is involved in “the Steal”, as was/is Germany…
That was exactly what I was refering to.
A picture of body guards surrounding the democrat would be more accurate.
They’re indoctrinating children into eating the bugs.
Raise them up correctly and they won’t be fooled by the deceivers….
More occult than a cult…
Though the cult of GAIA comes close… kill a baby, save a tree…
Over here, there’s a HUUUGGGEEEEE campaign to force farmers to stop killing baby male chicks (they don’t lay eggs, and don’t have as much meat, no matter how they identify
). All of the stores (ALDI, LIDL, Penny, Rewe, Edeka, Kaufland, etc., etc.) are in on it, so it’s obviously a pet project of Merde-Kuh and the Greens…
So much worry about animals, bugs, pests (racoons, roof mice (siebenschläfer), wasps, and a host of others are protect. Penalties abound for killing or harming them!
Yet we the people, the proletariat, the imperialistic Eurocentric white foke with our “colonialism” must suffer and remain silent. Because it’s the PC thing to do…… spit…..
No wonder that Greta the Greenhearted is the product of two Satanists…
My brother is also the same type of idiot. He will not eat fish because he is saving sea life. No problem drinking. Maybe I should tell him he harms the earth and soil growing grapes and hops (S)
Tell him he drinks like a fish, and watch him try to work through that one
Sad thing is, people who they, or even everyone on the planet, can effect changes to such large an powerful systems (e.g. weather, the sea, CO², etc.) are actually egotistical in a sense, as they ascribe FAR more power to themselves and others than they actually possess.
Another great source of information and food for thought is the “Gumball Lecture”. Great way to counter the snowflakes (and Merde-Kuh) who think we can solve the world’s and poor countries’ problems by letting them all migrate to the country of their choice:
I could not agree more
I would be more helpful to show the kiddies how to use them as bait.
Teach a man to fish
Talk about eating a bug… shades of Cal Worthington
Or Wally…

I guess Darwin would do well there.
Day before yesterday he sucked down a gigantic dubia roach with gusto.
Does he like cicadas? We’re about to be invaded.
I have no idea.
I saw ONE cicada here one year–when I was building my fence. If it hadn’t been so loud…
I have no idea how it got so far away from stomping grounds.
Come late June through September, cicadas are the twilight serenade around here. We had relatives in from San Diego, and ONE cicada scared the crap out of them.
At least I *think* it was a cicada, like I said they don’t live here but I heard a lot of bugs making noise once just after sunset on a business trip to Alabama.
the first sounds are like what this guy sounded like.
I also found another video of the very LOUD kind, which sounded very different.
You should hear them when birds are in pursuit. You can hear the panic.
That’s the loud kind.
I can’t find a video of what we hear, but it’s LOUD.
Florida or Texas?
It’s some sort of tropical bug that can’t even reproduce indoors here because it’s not hot enough. They’re banned in FL, as I understand it.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, June 1, 2021
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”
Genesis 1:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
I AM!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Fake News.
Don’t believe the report that Donald Trump says he’ll be reinstated as President by August. This is being circulated by Trump haters – (We) Are The News (
Yes that sounded so fake. Lots of fake news out there.
Out of the 535, maybe 25-30 Like Clay Higgins from LA 3rd district . . .
Just click.
She loves to tout the Constitution as she tramples on it every day. Our elections — that I have no doubt she helps to steal as “arrows in her quiver” — are “sacred,” if you’re one of the ones dictating the outcome.
This woman cracks me up.
El Reg ( called pigeons “flying rats” in one of their articles… I agree…
I also agree that TPTB will use yet another bastige-bird-bungle to recycle the beelions and beelions of PCR test kits, masks, and whatever they overbought, kickbacks and all, to put us down…
(chiefio had a bit on their *barf* farming practices… revolting, to say the least)…
That calls for Tom Lehrer!!!
And not to leave out that Tom Lehrer was a H3ll of a good pianist.
I am listening to him now. That youtube has a continuous play list.
Florida’s Gov. DeSantis JUST signed a bill banning transgender females from girls’ and women’s sports on the first day of Pride Month.
Glory to God!

And GOD Bless Governor DeSantis for standing up against the alphabet pervies and their Satanic movement!
BREAKING BIG! OAN Reporter Christina Bobb Reports Pennsylvania Sent Delegation to AZ Today — PA State Legislators Will Get On-the-Scene Tour Wednesday of Audit Facility! (VIDEO) (
AZ, GA, PA…….WI, MI, NV…….Come on Everybody, HURRY UP!!!
The National Pulse reader poll
“Who Is Your Preferred Republican for 2024?”
#12 at 0%
He’s not exciting, but it IS exciting that he has 0 percent support.
More like Farthing…
Nikki Haley should be at the bottom of that list, buried under the rock that Pence should be under.
With Ted Cruz.
I just heard last night that Mike Lindell gave Kristi Noem a ride to the big governor’s meeting in TN, where Mike Lindell was then refused entry.
If she had a political instinct in her head, she would have refused to go in herself, held a press conference right then and there, and make it clear that if Mike Lindell, the man who has done so much for Trump supporters and gave her a ride to the conference, was not going to be allowed in, then she wouldn’t go in either.
Instant positive association with DJT’s base.
How did she miss that opportunity?
It should have been automatic.
“Lindell told POLITICO earlier this week that after having arrived in Nashville on Monday and having planned to spend most of the week in the city, he instead left Nashville on Tuesday night by private jet.
That left Noem looking for a new ride home, according to one of the people familiar with the matter.”
Try dancing with the guy that brung ya Kristi, or at least standing up for him instead of using him, and you wouldn’t have to be thumbing a ride home.
I used to like her a bit, but I don’t no more!
That caving on the trans-bill was it for me.
Just a note. Regarding OT, I just use a different screen name and alternate e-mail address and can comment. Perhaps the grandstand play that went nowhere was a wake-up call, or not.
Rusha, at it again.
World’s Largest Meat Supplier Halts Some Beef Production After IT Systems Hit with Ransomware Attack (
Amazing (ok, distressing) how the Devil and his minions always take what GOD has made and blessed, and pervert it for their evil purposes. For example, the rainbow…….
and what it stands for, as well.
II Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
and Romans 1:18-30:
18:1 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
And now they’ve hijacked baby pink & blue for their hideous trans disorders. There are degrees of possession, and they’re literally vomiting in our faces.
And I have all these baby hats made up.
Why let them STEAL OUR colors??
Let’s take them back. Don’t knuckle under to the perverts, and don’t let them destroy our culture, our language, our land, our progency, and our future.
Let them rot on their own.
Learn, Turn, or Burn.
Their choice; their eternity.
May they choose wisely, for they only have once…..
Lest anyone be offended, and to make it harder to know where something originated…
WHO renames COVID-19 variants with Greek letter names to avoid confusion, stigma
I’m suspicious about the “variants,” and this seems to remove a layer of accountability.
Can we just skip to Omega and call an end to the bullshit already?
My system is a lot easier and more accurate.
1) China bio-weapon Virus 1
2) China bio-weapon Virus 2
3) China bio-weapon Virus 3
My thought is that intentional Acts of War like unleashing bio-weapons on the people of the world SHOULD be stigmatized in the harshest possible way.
Like a massive EMBARGO ISOLATING China from ALL trade with foreign countries AND Rendering ALL DEBT OWNED BY CHINA NULL!
You thought POTUS ‘trade war’ was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet!
“It’s the right thing to do,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco.
It’s the WRONG thing to do.
It removes accountability and responsibility.
It obfuscates.
It clouds.
It introduces intentional opaqueness, lack of transparency.
And the entire exercise is based on Marxist virtue-signalling and infantilism promoted by the same Chynese Communists who committed this bio-weapon Act of War in the first place.
So get out of my country, Monica.
Go back to Chyna.
Get back to where you once belonged,
LorettaMonica.Go home.
As Jerry Seinfeld’s friend Babu from Pakistan would say, you’re a very, very bad woman!
I like this Gandhi (II) better
I’m dying to read the chapter on PMS.
And here I thought all he was interested in was just tablets…
It has been highly entertaining.
First book ever with Zerø pages…
Interview with Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, USAF on CRT in DoD, His Book Irresistible Revolution (34 minutes Video)
Excellent video.
710WOR, New York, 5PM news:
MODERNA has just filed for “full approval” of its CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus “vaccine”. This follows the lead of Pfizer, which recently filed for full approval of its “vaccine”.
Credit to CNBC
1 hour ago
“U.S. begins study testing mix-and-match Covid vaccine booster shots”
The NIH is going to begin a small study of 150 persons who have had the Covid-19 vaccine from either Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson, and will study when an adult has been “vaccinated” by one brand receives a “booster shot” from another brand.
NOW HEAR THIS: From Dr. Anthony “Fauci-Mengele”:
FTA: “Although the vaccines currently authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration offer strong protection against COVID-19, we need to prepare for the possibility of needing booster shots to counter waning immunity and to keep pace with an evolving virus…The results of this trial are intended to inform public health policy decisions on the potential use of mixed vaccine schedules should booster doses be indicated.”
Dr. “Fauci-Mengele” has found a new “lease on relevance” in getting himself involved with this mix-and-match “vaccine schedule” scheme.
There is AMPLE published evidence that ALL of the EUA “vaccines” have MULTIPLE and SERIOUS side effects, not to mention the EMBEDDED mRNA in these “vaccines” that interfere with / compromise the OVARIES, MALE FERTILITY, the BRAIN, and other body parts and functions.
It is known that the PFIZER “vaccine” contains elements (either taken directly from nature OR from lab synthesis) of DEADLY SNAKE POISON.
It is known that ALL of these things, whether within the virus spike protein OR in the “vaccine”, are the products of Gain of Function research.
It is known that the MODERNA “vaccine” has its own set of serious side effects, which are responsible for the deaths of THOUSANDS of persons who took the Moderna “vaccine” in EU countries, notably Italy.
WHY is Dr. “Fauci-Mengele” now getting involved with this new scheme?
WHY are both Pfizer and Moderna pursuing full approval from the FDA when these facts are known and published?
Remember that Dr. “Fauci-Mengele” is head of NIAID, which is part of the NIH.
Remember that his wife, Christine Grady, RN, is the head of the Department of Bioethics of the NIH Clinical Center.
Remember that Dr. Janet Woodcock, the Acting Director of the FDA, has a history of skirting comprehensive drug testing before getting them on the market.
Sean Hannity had Sen. Dr. Rand Paul on his national radio show this afternoon to talk about Gain of Function research on the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus and Dr. “Fauci-Mengele”‘s role in GOF research. Hannity is late to the table, as usual, on this topic. He, as usual, had no problem with talking over and interrupting Sen. Paul. The senator had to repeat himself several times in his call to stop ALL Gain of Function research immediately.
Wolf Moon
It may well be getting close to Critical Mass regarding the potential for full-on governmental mandating of “vaccination” once the FDA gives “full approval” to either the Pfizer or the Moderna “vaccine”.
I humbly ask that if a compilation of resources could be created for those who will refuse to take the “vaccine”, and put up as a sidebar on the board, it would be a great service. Things like: MD’s who will prescribe HCQ / Ivermectin; other protocols like that of Dr. Zelenko; links to the studies, papers, and reports of what the side effects, adverse reactions, and warnings about continuing compromises brought on by the “vaccines”, and so forth, can all be in one place.
I’m not taking any untested experimental vaccine.
They’re out of their minds.
From our friends at Marica’s.
June 1, 2021 at 5:07 pm
Let the culling begin!!!
Now there is a dude just LOOKING for a Darwin Award!
No $#!+
Around my house Darwinian selection comes into play when I accidentally offer him two bugs at the same time and watch him choose which one to eat first.
I would posit that your Darwin has more brains and more sense than the human who filled his truck bed with gas.
And is less likely to end up DEAD!
Think gas dripping onto a hot exhaust pipe…
He ain’t bright, even as lizards go….but you’re absolutely correct.
Hope he doesn’t smoke…
Oh, wait…..
Yeesh, one hard corner and…sploosh!!!
Not to mention those blue tarps are NOT liquid proof…. drip drip drip FOOF
My first question was where is this and then what store is this?
From the thread (don’t know if its accurate)
:Albrecht’s Grocery store… part 9f the Acme stores corporation. There are some stores in Parma, Kent, Stow and Talmadge Ohio. The lawyer kind of soybds like an Ohioan, but not sure how national the stores are.
More great articles and ideas that we could add to the original Grandparents of the world, Unite! post
Thanks! I will be taking a look at the links.
Been doing a major reorg of my kitchen and pantry.
Babylon Bee … I almost don’t even know if this is a joke as it seems literally true
““I don’t know why BLM isn’t more popular,” said Jenkins as he threw bricks at pedestrians walking along Broad Street. “I mean, just look at all the things we’ve done for the community.”
“We’ve smashed windows, blocked traffic, and looted local businesses. We even burned down several buildings,” he added as he threw another brick at a family crossing the street. “Why the heck don’t they like us anymore?”
“I suppose no matter what you do, you can’t please everyone,” Jenkins said regretfully as he hurled another brick at an elderly couple. “That’s just one of the great mysteries of the universe.”
As his brick connected with an elderly black man using a walker, Jenkins’ mood improved significantly. “Hey, I got one!” he exclaimed. “Suck brick, dude! Black lives Matter!”
Yeah, some of them are THAT BRAIN DEAD! They never learned Cause and Effect.
I hope Julie Kelly is wrong on this … but I fear she is correct.
“It appears that Anthony Fauci’s 15 months of fame are just about up.The ubiquitous infectious disease “expert” who became a household name and the most powerful man in the country—or is it the world?—last spring, finally wore out his welcome, even by the friendliest of hosts. For the first time in recent memory, the doctor did not make his morning rounds on the Sunday talk shows.
House Republicans introduced a symbolic but futile bill to oust Fauci from his role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Some even imagine Fauci and his fellow COVID-19 propagandists and profiteers will face charges for the incalculable damage they have inflicted on the country under the guise of virus mitigation.
But I have bad news for anyone hoping Fauci will pay a price for his incompetence, misdirection, and in many instances, straight-up malfeasance: he won’t.
Fauci … will remain an icon on the Left; he’ll eventually exchange his federal sinecure for a cushy position at a prestigious university or comfy, taxpayer-paid retirement. Fauci will win awards and likely land a lucrative book deal. Perhaps he will help write a screenplay where he plays the savior to Donald Trump’s villain. Maybe an Oscar or Nobel Peace Prize is in his future.
But not only will Fauci escape formal punishment, but he also will never express an ounce of regret for what he’s done. He will never apologize to America’s youth, whose futures he has hobbled. He won’t account for the lost scholarships, stolen rites of passage, and academic delays, let alone the depression, loneliness, and hopelessness suffered by millions of children and teens.
He’ll never apologize to the bankrupted business owners or the families of helpless nursing home residents who died of “failure to thrive” after lockdowns kept them away from loved ones for months on end. He’ll never say he’s sorry to someone like Dr. Scott Atlas, whom Fauci repeatedly maligned even though Atlas was right about everything from the uselessness of face masks to the benefits of herd immunity. (Atlas, unlike Fauci, gets choked up talking about the human toll of lockdowns.)
…Governors of both parties won’t face a fair reckoning, either. Sure, some might lose reelection bids or recall challenges, but they’ll never take the stand in a court of law to defend their criminal conduct. Ditto for the news media, the most poisonous factor of American life, which once again acted as the Democratic Party’s propaganda organ rather than a much-needed skeptic.
Others to blame who will escape culpability include Big Tech censors, the credentialed public health class, college administrators, public teachers’ unions, and every petty neighborhood tyrant who made life unnecessarily miserable for nearly 18 months. These folks, not anti-maskers, are the real Neanderthals, the 21st century’s version of the Flat Earth Society—ignoramuses or frauds, take your pick—who laughably thought humans could socially distance themselves from a mostly harmless respiratory virus while at the same time discrediting every workable cure from hydroxychloroquine to sunshine and exercise.
The only upside, if there is any, will be the realization that the offspring of COVID’s misery merchants can never be trusted again. Never again can we allow the likes of power-hungry, mendacious megalomaniacs like Fauci or Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer or Dr. Lena Wen tell us what to do. Their legacies should be ones of shame. They should be cited as cautionary tales, not success stories.
Unfortunately for our children and our grandparents, that is the only price they will ever pay.”
Too bad Deplorables aren’t like Burn, Loot and Murder…..
(More than one set of folks can play ‘Let’s You and He fight’)
Gail, China on my mind. Is Shrimp from Indonesia as nasty as Chinese fish?
Probably. Think offshore in RAW SEWAGE…
Raw-sewage swims
“…In the waters around Indonesia, the researchers found themselves swimming through raw sewage…
Indonesia – Environment
What You Need to Know About Wild and Farmed Shrimp
I think I will stick to the sheep and goats I raise and the cows from across the street!
Thanks so much!!
Your Welcome.
To add to the targeting of blacks idea from Dr Northrup.
26:30 African American Boys are three times as likely to over react to MMR because there immune system is so robust that when you give an mmr shot you should use 1/3 the dose on blacks. The Whistle blower from the CDC, Paul [William] Thomson said those documents SHOWING this immune response in African American boys was there [documented] but he was asked to destroy them….
32:00 We knew the delcon shield IUD back in the 70s was making women infertile because it had a braided string and the bacteria from the vagina was going up into the fallopian tubes and causing pelvic inflamitory disease. they took the delcon shield off the market and shipped them to Africa
Video @
I know a girl that had that back in the 70s. She never had children.
If justice is not served, we will be dealing with worse in 20 years.
We will have ACKNOWLEDGED we live in a third world dictatorship and we are OK with the idea.
Among the Fauci emails released today is one that Fauci forwarded from a Weill Cornell Medical College medical professor hypothesizing that COVID-19 came out of the Wuhan lab; Fauci forwarded the email to a colleague, telling them to “please handle.”Verrrrry interesting.
More :
This is getting verrry saucy
“Daily Caller: Peter Daszak, the President of Eco Health Alliance, who funded the Wuhan Lab, thanked Dr. Fauci in an email for publicly rejecting the lab leak theory”

I wonder why these Fauxi emails are coming out now, as opposed to last week, or last month, or last year.
And whatever happened to Brix, did Fauxi bury her in the back yard?
More than 80% of children who received Pfizer’s covid injection suffered side effects –
The company’s “factsheet” explains that the injections were tested on 1,097 children and adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15. Of this, at least 866 of the children developed side effects, roughly half of which were described as “mild” and the other half as “moderate” or “severe.”
The parents are evil to allow this!
The idiot Biden was in OKC today for the anniversary of the so called Tulsa Race Massacre ((psst… that’s an event that 98% of America never knew anything about just two years ago. And of the 2% that did, 90% of those learned it from a Marxist professor who had to simultaneously give a geography lesson on where OKC is to 90% of the class))
Anyway, let’s hear what he had to say.
Wow… isn’t that just the darndest thing. Fomenting trouble with all the race baiters (cause yeah, that was who was in attendance).
Anyway, more fun and games coming our way as the Bidenese start to toss some serious sand.
Sure hopes the Intel Community gave him lots of facts and data to back that up, but seriously doubts it.
Hes worse than obummer in the lying dept.
They appear to be some of the few with less intelligence than he has…
Couldn’t get the link to load (my guess is heavy traffic) :
Here’s a link to 3200+ Fauci emails from early on in 2020. This just dropped a few hours ago.
Happy hunting:
Was looking up something in Google Maps. The default search is covid vaccines. How nice of them.
Yep i frequently get “find out more about covid vaccines” when i look at places….trying to get you dosed every where you go.
And watching your every move: not just online…
“Every breath you take,
Every move you make,
Every bond you break,
Every step you take,
Google’s watching you”….
They’re all watching….
This little girl is such a cutie patootie….
Theres a yuge difference with this father compared to others!
Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) Tweeted:
One of the best videos opposing Critical Race Theory that you’ll ever see.
This thread should blow things up a bit.
“one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered”

Cases falling apart due to made up BS and Lack of Evidence?
Christopher Kelly, arrested in Capitol riot, is first to have charges dropped – Washington Times
I wonder if he spent all this time in solitary….
I think so. They accused him of being inside, he never was.