His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
All realistic hope lies in the audits, and perhaps the Lindell lawsuit (that will depend on how honestly the system responds to the suit).
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
I anticipate two more “pre 1895” posts after this one. This one is probably the most challenging to date, but you don’t have to be a math whiz to follow it. I don’t do a lot of math in this one, but I certainly describe it, a lot.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
(Paper) Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $1904.50
Silver $28.03
Platinum $1187.00
Palladium $2878.00
Rhodium $24,400.00
This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.
Gold $1893
Silver $27.91
Platinum $1172
Palladium $2890
Rhodium $21,000
(Be advised that if you want to go buy some gold, you will have to pay at least $200 over these spot prices. They represent “paper” gold, not “physical” gold, a lump you can hold in your hand. Incidentally, if you do have a lump of some size, doesn’t it give you a nice warm feeling to heft it?)
Very little change to most of these, a slight downward movement (though all except rhodium are up for the day, so we’re seeing prices recovering to previous levels now). Rhodium is getting hit hard, down $3,400 per ounce. Perhaps the bubble is finally bursting.
The Rest of Electricity and Magnetism (Part VI of a Long Series)
If you’ve been here a while, you might remember two postings I did on stars. These were independent posts, having nothing to do with politics (poly = many, ticks = blood sucking bugs) and at least some people enjoyed them. I wanted to go to the opposite end of the scale and talk about a certain sub-atomic particle, but then I realized that the best way to do that would be a very, very, very long post. (And yes, it’s a subatomic particle, but it has a lot to do with stars.) A huge part of it would be explaining where physics stood in 1895, and how three discoveries in the next four years basically overturned things, and eventually led to that subatomic particle, the real star (ahem) of the whole series.
So I decided to break this story up into pieces. And this is the sixth of those pieces, and really it’s a continuation of Part IV, which just got to be too long.
And here is the caveat: I will be explaining, at first, what the scientific consensus was in 1895. So much of what I have to say is out of date, and I know it…but going past it would be a spoiler. So I’d appreciate not being “corrected” in the comments when I say things like “mass is conserved.” I know that that isn’t considered true any more, but the point is in 1895 we didn’t know that. I will get there in due time. (On the other hand, if I do misrepresent the state of understanding as it was in 1895, I do want to know it.)
Also, to avoid getting bogged down in Spockian numbers specified to nine decimal places, I’m going to round a lot of things off.
A lot of what I’ve covered in the past, 4 of the 5 pieces, in fact, have been what physicists call “mechanics” or “kinetics.”
I think we’re finally done with that. Kinetics had to be covered because a lot of its concepts underlie everything else (so you’ll see constant reminders), but I don’t think I need to bring up new kinetics any more (not that there isn’t plenty that hasn’t been covered, including simple harmonic motion, the most likely candidate for a future apologetic go-back).
We are going to pick up on our discussion of electricity and magnetism where we left off, just before Faraday.
(“But these posts are on Saturday,” you say. No, I didn’t say Friday, I said Faraday.)
One important disclaimer here:
Everything I talk about today is assuming our scenarios happen in a perfect vacuum. When not dealing with a perfect vacuum, adjustments must be made which would make things even more complicated than they already are.
So to begin, or actually resume the tale from two weeks ago, let’s back up a bit.
Isaac Newton, when he was formulating the law of universal gravitation, was bothered by something. The way the law works, one mass is affecting another, without touching it. Pretty much everything else one sees, billiard balls, hammers hitting rocks, Antifa beating down regular people, involves some form of direct contact. Action at a distance was odd to him, counter-intuitive. And he was also assuming that gravity was instantaneous. If the sun were to vanish, the earth would immediately begin to move in a straight line, since its primary was now gone, even before the last light from the now-vanished sun reached the earth.
Yet it seemed to be happening, and he could write math to describe it very well. Newton confessed that he couldn’t explain gravity, only describe it.
Now we have electricity and magnetism doing the same thing, and in damn near the same way!
The real answer to this had to wait until the mid 20th century and it’s headache-inducing. But there was an earlier effort in the early nineteenth century, put forward first by Michael Faraday.
Enter field theory, which applies in all three cases. According to this, there is an intangible, massless, motionless “field” for each of these three forces, covering the entire universe, and any mass, electric charge, or magnetic pole basically adds to this field. It’s not action at a distance, because an object out there in the field acts according to the value of the field right where it is, and can be oblivious to what is causing it. Nor does the effect of moving a mass, or charge, or magnet propagate through the field instantaneously: it takes time for the effects of such a thing to be felt on the field.
Nor is this just a semantic change; there will be an actual consequence of the electrical and magnetic fields as such brought up later in this post.
To see how this works, let’s take the simplest one first.
Gravitational Field
Picture some mass, out in the middle of intergalactic space somewhere, quadrillions of miles from anyplace, the corner of “no” and “where.” If that mass were not there, the gravitational field would be very weak or “flat.” But it is there, and its mass causes the gravitational field to “point” toward it. That influence will ultimately extend clear to the edge of the universe, because gravity goes on forever, though in many places it will be overwhelmed by other masses’ effects. This mass’s influence gets weaker and weaker, but never drops to true zero. Sure, at extreme distances it’s a very, very small force, and this contribution to the field would be very tenuous, but it’s still there and as we saw, we can even figure out that if some small body is infinitely far from a large body, we know how fast it will be going when it finally, under the relentless tug of the big body’s gravity, hits it.
(I am, from now on, going to talk as if whatever objects I am considering are alone in the universe. This actually isn’t a bad approximation as long as other things are relatively far away, and it’s a lot easier to get concepts across that way. But someone doing precise measurements in a lab must account for those other things and often they introduce too many external effects for the experiment to be useful.)
There are two ways to picture this field. One is as a bunch of lines radiating out from the object, going off to infinity, with little arrowheads pointing inwards to show the direction of the force. As they get further out, the lines of course get further apart, and there are fewer of them in some given place, and that decrease represents the decrease in strength of the field. In fact it does so perfectly, since the density of lines is going to drop off as the square of the distance, just like the forces of gravity, electricity, and magnetism do. That’s in 3-D; on a 2-D sheet of paper they drop off as the inverse of the distance. That shows there is a geometric basis for the inverse square law.
The actual field strength at any one location is newtons per kilogram. However, the newton already has a kilogram built into it (1N = 1kg•m/s2) so the kilograms cancel and you’re left with a bare acceleration, m/s2.
The other way to pictorially represent a field is to place a little vector arrow at every point in space, making them shorter where the field is weaker.
They’re equivalent, but sometimes one method of visualization is markedly more useful than the other.
Electric Field
Now let’s move on to the next simplest case, electricity.
Every positive charge will, just like gravity, have lines running out of it. Out, this time, because two like charges repel (rather than two masses attracting with gravity). But in the case of electricity, there’s also a negative charge, and lines will run into those charges.
In fact, most of the time, the lines don’t go out to infinity (though they certainly could) but instead end at some negative charge. With gravity, the lines are straight, going out forever, with electricity they will bend towards, and into, a negative charge, and they will be repelled by the lines coming out of some other positive charge. Positive charges are sources, negative charges are sinks.
So even though the electrical force is much, much much stronger than the gravitational one, and it falls off at the same rate (inverse square), electrical forces tend not to be extremely long range. We can certainly see them, but on a cosmic scale they don’t matter nearly as much as gravity, which never gets canceled out.
If you let a stationary electric charge go and leave it free to do what it wants, it will follow the field line it’s on, all the way to that line’s end. A negative charge, of course, will go against the arrow, but it will follow the line. If the charge is moving as you turn it loose, it might cross to other field lines depending on which way it’s going when you release it, because the field can’t damp motion perpendicular to the field lines.
There is a special symbol, E, to denote the electrical field. Visually, of course, you can use the diagrams to picture it. Mathematically, it represents the direction and magnitude of the electric force applied by the field. Well, almost. It’s on a per-coulomb basis. A one coulomb charge at a certain point will feel a certain force, a two coulomb charge will feel twice as much force, but the field strength is per coulomb so as to make the field independent of how much it is acting upon. (Of course, the source of the field can have more or less of a charge, but that clearly should change the strength of the field, since it is, after all, the source of the field.) Thus the electric field’s strength is in newtons per coulomb, N/C.
Note that I wrote “direction and magnitude.” Yes, it’s a field of vectors. Every point in space has a specific vector associated with it, and it’s very likely not the same as the vector at some other point just a little ways away.
But we’ve already seen how to represent that. Newton’s law of gravitation and Coulomb’s law give you a vector answer for the force between two objects. Remove one object from the equation and just imagine a measuring device there instead. You get a vector that is the strength of the force. With gravity it’s an induced acceleration on a mass, and that’s analogously true with electricity too, it being an induced force on a charge.
Magnetic Field
Finally, the trickiest one is the magnetic field.
Like electricity, the north pole of a magnet (mathematically represented as positive) is the source of a lot of magnetic field lines, and the south pole of a magnet is a sink for them.
Since there is no such thing as a bare magnetic monopole, with a magnet, even an isolated magnet, all of the magnetic force lines will loop around and hit the south pole of that magnet. And it makes no difference how short the magnet is; every north pole has a south pole of equal strength glued to its backside; actually it might be better to deem the south pole as being the north pole’s backside…and vice versa. Perhaps the best mythic image is that of Janus, the Roman god who had two faces, each on the back of the other. Or perhaps in slightly more modern terms, your average RINO, who is as two-faced as anything in Roman mythology.
Any sort of visible magnet is just a bunch of these magnetic dipoles stacked together, north to south, north to south, with one open-to-the-world north pole at one end and a south pole at the other end.
In fact it’s common to imagine magnetic field lines forming a closed loop, since there’s no distance between the north and south poles of a dipole. Even with two distinct magnets, the field line goes from the first magnet’s north pole, to the second magnet’s south pole, then through that magnet’s body to that magnet’s north pole, then back to the first magnet’s south pole, where it then goes through the first magnet to meet the north pole again, forming, again, a closed loop.
Given that magnets always have a south pole near a north pole, it’s hard to show that the magnetic force is an inverse-square law, because anywhere you measure you’ll be under the influence of both, but it’s true.
The magnetic field is represented by B. Its strength is represented in teslas, yes, named after that Tesla. I’ll hold off on the formal definition of the tesla for a bit since it contains spoilers.
It is with magnets that it’s easiest to actually see the field lines and not just in some cheesy diagram I draw for you. It’s corny but it works: put a magnet under a thin sheet of cardboard, dump some iron filings onto the cardboard, tap it a few times so the filings move, and they will arrange themselves in lines just like these field illustrations.
Gauss’s Laws
We’re now going to take up a bunch of laws concerning electricity and magnetism that were uncovered in the first half of the 1800s. But they all describe the behavior of the fields, not of the charges or poles, so all that stuff up until now has been necessary.
By the very early 1800s, something had become clear about electricity, and that was that the number of field lines that went through any arbitrary surface, was always proportional to the amount of net charge inside that surface. (That’s if you’re using the kind of diagram where the field lines are continuous and the strength is represented by how far apart the lines are. If, on the other hand, you’re using the other kind of diagram…well, I’ll get to that.)
We assume that a line going into the surface is viewed as canceling out a line leaving through the surface.
But that’s almost intuitively obvious with field diagrams. For example picture a positive charge, with some arbitrary surface around it, let’s make it an ellipsoid. All of the lines go through it, outward. See Figure 6-4.
But now draw a second, larger surface (Figure 6-4B). All of the lines go through that, too. The same number of lines go through both spheres, and that number of lines corresponds to the strength of the charge.
But we know the field is weaker, so how does this make sense? Remember that the increasing space between the lines represents the diminishing strength of the field, but the sphere is getting larger. The larger area of the sphere counters the decreasing strength of the field.
Imagine several charges, all positive, inside those spheres. Although the lines will take on an interesting configuration, you’ll see that they all go through both spheres, since they cannot go from one positive charge to another, as in Figure 6-4C.
In fact you can smear the charges out so they all occupy some space, and in fact you can even imagine one large charge spread out over the entire space and the result is the same.
OK, now what happens if there is a small negative charge inside that sphere as well? Some of the field lines from the positive charge(s) will end at the negative charge. If they never cross through our imaginary surface, then clearly there’s no effect. But if they do cross through, then they go back through going back inside to meet their eventual fate in the negative charge. Either way, however many of those lines are collected by the negative charge, they’re subtracted from whatever would go outside and stay outside if there were no negative charge. See figure 6-5.
So, basically, if you sum up all of the charges inside the surface, the total number of field lines is proportional to that result.
And this is true for any surface you could draw, anywhere. Even with no charge inside the surface, you could have lines entering from some nearby charge, but they will all leave, net zero.
Of course there’s a weakness to this; because different people are going to draw different numbers of lines for fields of the same strength, or looking at it another way, each person will draw one line for a different amount of charge. So the more mathematically rigorous way is to go over the entire surface and measure the electric field strength at that point, then you have to compensate for cases where the field goes out the surface at a slant. This is for the same reason that an equally bright sun low in the sky won’t heat the ground as that same sun high in the sky–the oblique angle intercepts less sunlight per square meter.
A Whiff of Integration
This is taken care of in the mathematically rigorous form of Gauss’s law for electricity:
The left side is fancy mathematics speak, it’s actually calculus, but in somewhat-plain English the ∯ and the dS mean, “go over the entire surface, S, bit by bit, and evaluate what’s in between these two pieces at every single point, then add them up.” The two tall s-like things mean a surface, and the oval on top of them means it has to be a closed surface, no openings in it. The E•n just mean to take the dot product of E, and a unit vector perpendicular to the surface at this point. This compensates for any “slant” to the vector (and also turns it negative if it’s diving inside the surface). It’s a convention to label such a unit vector n because “normal to” is another way of saying “perpendicular to” in mathematics. But what is that cute little ε0? It’s our fudge factor. It converts the electric charge into the strength of the field.
Q on the right hand side is the total charge inside the surface. (Sometimes this is written as taking the sum of the charge inside the volume, calculus style, but this is good enough.)
We had a fudge factor k in Coulomb’s equation back in Part IV. Why not use that one here? Because we want to sum up the entire force (per coulomb) over the entire sphere surrounding the charge. The sphere’s area is 4πr2 times its radius, and there’s already an r2 in the denominator of Coulomb’s law, so basically this ε0 is equal to 1/4πk. Or k = 1/4πε0, take your pick.
This new symbol is called the “permittivity of free space” and obviously directly affects the strength of the electric field.
ε0 = 8.8541878128×10-12 C2/Nm2.
This maybe makes more sense if you represent the field with arrows rather than lines, and pick some sort of irregular surface.
This is all advanced calculus and though I’ve tried to explain what it means, I am not going to drag you through an example (even though there are “trivial” ones, like spheres centered on a charge).
OK, that’s Gauss’s law for electric fields (usually just called Gauss’s law). For magnetic fields, there is Gauss’s law for magnetic fields. It’s exactly the same situation, but with magnetic poles inside the surface instead of electric charges, so your mental picture should be almost the same. Here it is:
Zero!!! We do NOT bother to sum up the magnetic poles inside the surface because we already know there will be an equal number of north and south poles (since they’re literally front and back of the same thing) and the net will be zero! Or you can look at it another way; this law is a positive statement that the sum total will always be zero. There is no way for some spare, bare magnetic monopole to be inside the surface. Any surface, any size, any where.
These two equations are two of Maxwell’s four equations.
Those four equations are one of the most important achievements of mankind’s intellect, ever.
The reason why these are called Maxwell’s equations even though every one of the formulae individually are named for someone else, is that he did the heavy mathematical lifting to bring all the disparate experimental data together to express them into the relatively neat and tidy form you see here.
The two equations I’ve shown are actually one of two forms they can appear in. These are called the “integral forms” and there are equivalent “differential forms.” They’re a lot less intuitive, but much more useful most of the time since they address what’s going on at a single point in space, rather than forcing you to go off and compute or measure things all over some surface or throughout a volume.
Just for completeness, I will present the differential forms, but I’m not going to try to explain them. Ultimately, they mean the same thing as the integral forms, anyway.
They’re much more compact than the integral forms, and you may have seen me quoting one of these to Wolf in a comment here or there, trying to say “no magnetic monopoles.”
The Connection Between Electricity and Magnetism: Ampere’s Law
The other two of Maxwell’s equations are actually much more interesting for a host of reasons, and in fact modern life would be impossible without them.
But it is going to take a little while to get there.
The next step in our story is the discovery by Hans Christian Oersted in 1820 that an electric current would deflect a compass needle.
So wait a minute. An electric current applying a force to a magnet. Up until now electricity and magnetism had been considered two totally different things. Now, it seems, there is a connection.
In fact, by placing numerous magnets (like compasses) around a wire carrying a current, it can be demonstrated that there is a magnetic field around the wire, in fact it literally runs rings around the wire.
The created magnetic field lines form a closed loop. Even one of these “artificial” magnetic fields that didn’t come from an actual magnet, doesn’t have start and stop points! To a magnet on the field lines, it’s as if there’s a phantom north pole, and a phantom south pole, somewhere else on the ring, but they’re not really there because this field is created by a current, not a magnet.
Here is a drawing of the situation.
Orient your right thumb in the direction of the current, and your fingers will point in the direction of the magnetic field loops. Yet another right hand rule.
OK, so we now have a closed loop magnetic field line running through empty space. What would happen if we could put a magnetic north pole, by itself, into that field? It would be pushed, repelled by a phantom north pole, around and around and around, speeding up forever, because the line has no end! Of course, there is no such thing as a monopole; a real magnet would basically just swing until the north pole pointed “downstream” towards the phantom south pole of the field and the south pole pointed towards the north phantom pole. They’d both be attracted in their respective directions, but by exactly equal amounts so the magnet would stay motionless.
There is in fact a general law here, Ampere’s law. Draw some kind of closed loop around the wire. Stretch a surface across that loop–it doesn’t have to be flat, any shape of surface will do. Note that this time it’s not a closed surface, far from it! This surface is how the mathematicians “capture” the current through the wire, because in reality, it could be going through several wires, or it could be a bolt of lighting with no wire at all! The net current going through the surface is what counts.
If you walk around that loop, the net magnetic force going around that loop is directly proportional to the amount of current going through the surface.
Here’s the equation.
Now on the left we are adding up around a loop, in other words following a line, l, which is one dimensional so only one ∫. It’s a closed loop, hence the circle. We again dot B with the line of the loop; we get to add more to that total if we are walking along B than if we’re walking at some slant to it.
We again see ourselves multiplying by a fudge factor, this is a new one, μ0.
This one is called the permeability of free space (not to be confused with the permittivity of free space, above). Its value is:
μ0 = 4 π x 10-7 N/A2.
Note that it’s defined in terms of amperes!
This law, by the way, is a case where the strength drops off, not as 1/r2 as you get further away from the wire, but as 1/r. But this makes some sense if you think about it. If you walk in a perfect circle one meter from the wire, you’ll cover a certain distance (2π meters) and total up some certain amount of magnetic field times length. Walk further away, 2 meters, and you’ve now walked a total of 4π meters, but according to this law, you’ve encountered the same total. But the only way that can be is if B is half as strong, not a quarter as strong.
This law, including the concentric rings of the magnetic field, can be demoed with the same iron filing trick as was used with the bar magnet. Just remember that the wire has to be perpendicular to the plane of the cardboard the iron filings are on (best to make it vertical so the cardboard lies flat.
This law is what allows one to create an electromagnet, most effectively with a coil of wire. If you draw a closed loop through the center of the coil, and then around the outside of the coil, every single turn in that coil runs through the closed loop in the same direction, and the current each time can add up (even though it’s the same current “circling back”).
Electromagnets are the heart of many electric motors, and many loudspeakers. So this law is of very great importance in our modern lives.
But this is only part of this law. Ampere didn’t recognize the other factor involved. I’ll get to it in due course. So what I’ve shown is only part of the fourth Maxwell equation.
Faraday’s Law
Yes, I skipped over number 3, because I’m saving the best for last! (Of course, I didn’t really skip over it because I didn’t actually present the fourth equation, did I?)
Now we get to the really important one. It’s so important, it’s one of the most important facts out there.
Up until Faraday’s work, there were only two ways to generate electricity as a current so it could do some work. One was to arrange to continuously produce static electricity and draw it off as it was being created. The other was to build a battery. But when the battery ran down, there was no way to recharge it, other than to take it apart, replace the wet cardboard and build it again.
The fact that an electric current–a flow of the electric fluid–could create a magnetic field made just about everyone involved wonder if there was a way to create an electric current using a magnet.
Early experiments were disappointing. Simply setting a magnet near a wire, or even a coil of wire, did nothing. Michael Faraday, however, in the early 1830s discovered that a moving magnet would cause an electric current in a nearby wire, and the effect was stronger moving the magnet into and out of a coil of wire. The key was the change in the magnetic field (getting stronger as the magnet approached the wire, or getting weaker as it moved away), more than it was the mere fact of the magnet moving. This is known as Faraday’s Law. The current would flow in one direction while the magnetic field was getting stronger, then flow in the other direction when it got weaker.
Upon this discovery, modern life is utterly dependent.
Any electrical generator uses this fact, from your backup generator to hydroelectric dams to coal fired plants to nuclear power. And yes, even the bird-killer wind turbines. All generate electricity via this principle. If we did not have this, everything electrical or electronic would depend on batteries, which might not sound so bad until you realize there would be no way to recharge the battery.
The only exception to this is solar electric power (i.e., photovoltaics), and that is a much newer innovation, so imagine where we would have been without the generator!
We owe Faraday a YUUUUGE debt. Thank him the next time you flip a light switch. Or hit any power button on anything.
Well, this led to Faraday’s law, which got bundled up with Maxwell’s Equations as the third such equation.
That right hand side looks a bit odd, because it has a d/dt in it. We’re used to summing things up over surfaces (closed and partial), and around closed loops, but this is a new wrinkle. But it’s not bad, conceptually. Basically, the d/dt means “the rate of change of” what follows it. And what follows it is the magnetic field going through the surface enclosed by a loop. So: as the magnetic field changes, it creates an electric field, if it changes fast it creates a stronger electric field. If that electric field is near a wire, it will make a current flow. Voila! Now there is a negative sign, so basically, a positive change in the magnetic field will produce a negative current through the wire, by the time you figure out all the directions involved.
That’s the third of Maxwell’s equations.
Maxwell’s Fourth Equation, Completed
Now let’s pick up where we left off with the fourth one.
It turns out that when dealing with the magnetic current around a current, there is also a term for a changing electrical field.
Now any small electrical field associated with the current isn’t going to matter, if the current is constant, it’s because the electric fluid in the wire is being driven by a constant electric field.
But if the electric field through that surface changes, then we get an additional contribution to the magnetic field, in a mirror image of the way changing magnetic field inducing an electric field (and causing a current).
So here is the fourth of Maxwell’s equations, in full.
Nothing new here; if you can get the gist of the others through my attempts to explain them you should have this one knocked.
The third and fourth of Maxwell’s Equations also have their differential forms, which I am going to present without explanation.
We now have four equations that completely describe the behavior of electricity and magnetism.
In fact it should be plain by now that electricity and magnetism are joined at the hip. We should, in fact, be speaking of “electromagnetism” not “electricity and magnetism.”
Work can be done to describe them with alternating fields, i.e., where the fields flip back and forth. In fact if this is done it’s possible to set up a situation where the E and B fields propagate each other across space, since each can be generated by a change in the other. But hold that thought.
James Clerk Maxwell
(Clerk is pronounced British-style, as “clark.”)
You might have noticed that every single one of the four of Maxwell’s equations is named after someone else, Gauss, Ampere, or Faraday. Does this make him a Joe Biden-level plagiarist? (Remember in 1988 when Biden’s campaign for the Democrat nomination was sunk because he turned out to be a plagiarist? It’s now much more difficult to sink a Democrat, isn’t it?)
No, it doesn’t. Because Maxwell (1831-1879, a disappointingly short life) was the person who did the math that tied these laws together. In particular, Faraday could do his experiments and could verbally describe what he had seen, but he had no formal mathematics background to speak of. He would never have understood his own law, in the form I wrote it above.
Not that it was easy, even for Maxwell; he published his big work tying everything together mathematically in 1865. At the time, this was second only to Newton as a grand unification of a bunch of different physical phenomena. I was not kidding when I said Maxwell’s Equations were one of the most important achievements of human intellect, ever. Imagine your life without electricity, ever (and not just for a power outage), and you will see the practical importance of these laws even if you can’t (yet) visualize their mathematical elegance.
Magnetic Deflection of an Electric Charge
There’s another connection between electricity and magnetism I want to bring up.
What happens to an electric charge in a magnetic field?
Well, nothing. Magnets respond to magnetic fields, electric charges respond to electric fields.
Ah, but what if the electric charge is moving? (It does seem as if something has to be moving, or at least changing, for the connection between electricity and magnetism to manifest.)
In that case a force is generated by the magnetic field. But that depends on the direction of the motion of the charge and the direction of the magnetic field.
In fact, here’s our cross product again!
F = qv × B
If a particle is moving up, and the magnetic field points into the computer screen, the force pulls the particle to the left. After a split second of this, the particle is now moving slightly to the left of upward, and the force is left and a little bit downwards. After a bit of that the particle has turned some more. In fact it will start to go around and around in circles.
It won’t do this forever, it will lose velocity to various effects I’m not going to get into (even if it’s not meeting any air resistance). But if you can figure out how to pump energy into the particle you can keep it going round and round for as long as you do that. An electric field can be used to pump the particle up, just be sure to switch it off just as the particle passes it so the field doesn’t put the brakes on the particle. (This is how cyclotrons work; why you need a cyclotron, however, is post 1895. This is also how mass spectrometers work, but again…post 1895.)
I didn’t define the tesla, the unit of magnetic field strength, before. And that’s because it relies on this fact, which wasn’t actually formulated until well after Maxwell put forward his equations; it’s a part of the Lorentz equation.
A one tesla field is one where a charge of one coulomb, moving at one meter per second experiences a force of one newton. Or, it generates one newton per coulomb, per meter per second. Thus:
1 T = 1N/(C•m/s) = 1N•s/(C•m).
If you look at that you have s/C, which is the same as 1/A. So most usually,
1 T = 1 N/A•m
Note that the magnetic field strength is defined based on electrical stuff using the electrical current unit.
A lot of these physical laws have “fudge factors” in them. Many of the others really also have fudge factors too, but the units are defined in such a way as to cause those fudge factors to be 1. The fudge factors depend on our choice of units. For example, remember that:
ε0 = 8.8541878128×10-12 C2/Nm2.
Part of the definition of this is the coulomb, squared. What if a coulomb were half as big as it actually is? Then we’d have to multiply the number by four to make up for it!
If we had defined a tesla independently of the ampere, there would be a fudge factor involved getting from there to amperes, and the μ0 fudge factor would be different too.
But we defined the tesla based on the ampere, so the fudge factor μ0 is based on the ampere. Of course the ε0 fudge factor was also based on the ampere.
So any relationship between or involving these two numbers is probably not a coincidence, because they’re both based on the same thing.
Let There Be Light
Look again at Maxwell’s fourth law. There’s a μ0ε0 in it. We have to multiply the two together to apply that law (in either form).
Well, let’s do that. Let’s multiply them together!
The value of ε0 is: 8.8541878128x 10-12 C2/Nm2
The value of μ0 is: 4π x 10-7 N/A2
So, combining the two actual numbers (well, just their exponents), we have:
ε0μ0 = 4π•8.8541878128 x 10-19 NC2/A2Nm2
The newtons cancel.
ε0μ0 = 4π•8.8541878128 x 10-19 C2/A2m2
Amperes are simply coulombs per second, or to put it another way, coulombs are amp-seconds. So replace C2 and A2s2 and then cancel the amperes.
ε0μ0 = 4π•8.8541878128 x 10-19 A2s2/A2m2
ε0μ0 = 4π•8.8541878128 x 10-19 s2/m2
Now we finally have to do the arithmetic.
ε0μ0 = 1.11265005544 x 10-17 s2/m2
Let’s take the square root of that. s2/m2 will become s/m.
sqrt(ε0μ0) = 3.3356440951 x 10-9 s/m
That looks like it’s the inverse of a velocity. Seconds per meter instead of meters per second. So divide into 1, and get:
1/sqrt(ε0μ0) = 299,792,458 m/s.
That should be familiar to a great many of you as…the speed of light. (Which is presently, by definition, exactly this number of meters per second. The meter, in fact is defined in terms of the speed of light. Why this makes sense…is a topic for a future post.)
So basically,
ε0μ0 = 1/c2
where c is customarily the speed of light.
But, what the heck is the speed of light doing showing up in Maxwell’s equations?
Remember when I said that under the right circumstances, a varying electrical field could produce a varying magnetic field, which could produce a varying electric field, and they could propagate through space? It takes a lot of math that I won’t dive into here to show it, but if you can arrange for an electric field to oscillate in a sine wave (so that E is proportional to the sine of the time), you will get a companion magnetic field doing the same thing, and they will propagate in a direction perpendicular to both fields.
And they will propagate at the speed of light.
And light is what you get when this happens.
Maxwell’s equations turn out not just to be about electric current and magnets, they turn out to be about light.
Who’da thunk?
And this is why I said, early in this post, that fields are not just a semantic thing. You cannot get from action-at-a-distance Newtonian style physics to light as an electromagnetic wave, but you can if you start with fields.
In fact, I’m going to share with you a bit of geek humor. It goes:
As we continue this series, it’s going to turn out that as far as anyone in 1895 could tell, the combined “electromagnetic force” underlies every physical phenomenon in our daily lives, other than gravity, which we already understood.
I wasn’t kidding about Maxwell’s Equations.
(There was one very big fact that they took for granted that isn’t due to electromagnetism nor gravity. Something they probably hadn’t bothered to ask.)
So, to someone in 1895, it really was starting to look like we had reality knocked. Yeah, there were a few mysteries out there, but we’d figure them out or reconcile them.
The last time we talked about electricity and magnetism, I brought up a conservation law, the conservation of electric charge. Since this is really a two-piece part to this whole thing, I mentioned that there was also a mystery which I would defer until now. So here it is, our 1895 mystery.
I’ve talked about electrical fluid. But what, exactly, is it? And really, do we know whether Franklin or DuFey was right about it? Are there two fluids, or one?
As 1895 dawned, we had one tantalizing clue, and a bunch of other info that would turn out to be important in answering the question.
And that came from the study of atoms.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
No way… me first… is this why my doggy woke me up?! Thanks Steve for the post!! My brain can’t handle diving into it at this moment because I just saw that billg and his buddy warrenb are going to build a nuclear power plant in Wyoming and they expect our fedgov to pay for half the cost. Where is chyna in all this? How can gates be trusted at this point???
Your doggie is into physics?
hahaha!! Steve, doggie and I are just along for the ride. I have wondered if you would want to take these long posts and put them into a book.
That would be a good thing… like Asimov on science.
Hah! I’m not one tenth as good as he is at this.
Okay, I made it to here and have to sleep some: “The Connection Between Electricity and Magnetism: Ampere’s Law.” Your writing always draws me in to keep reading. I think you are a better writer than you may realize, Steve. I could stop at various points along the way and just ponder what you’ve explained. I’ll be back later to continue learning. Thanks again! Night all…
The acid test would be Aubergine, who confesses she can’t follow any of it.
Maybe if I had some acid? 😉
Steve, I think your writing is fantastic. I really am just an incredibly right-brained, artistic type. The left-brained stuff is just such a struggle for me. I can follow if I try really hard.
I would love to be able to put more diagrams in. I know they are/were helpful to me.
Today’s subject, I took two semesters of in college; maybe three if you count antenna design.
My professor actually wrote a well-regarded textbook and it is full of figures. You can’t read the book quickly, but you definitely do get it with that book in ways you won’t, otherwise.
Visuals really do help those of us who are more artistically inclined, for sure.
Steve, you actually are a pretty gifted technical writer. I don’t have the interest to concentrate on these particular posts, but on some of your previous ones I have and got way more out of them that I expected. You write clearly, plainly, and in a way that enlightens. You are quite good at it.
They would take a lot of work, honestly. Sometimes I realize I should have covered something that I didn’t (hence the go backs, and hence breaking electricity in half and sticking angular momentum in the middle. I realized I needed the cross product.)
You could look at these articles as a first draft. 😁
Given the fact that they’re distributed across (currently) six daily posts talking about Joe Biteme and the spot prices of precious metals, I’d say they ARE first drafts and there is no getting out of that! 😆
That’s pretty much what I’m saying. The funny thing is I just watched a bunch of videos on gravity and I’m realizing a lot of things I could have done better.
The writer is never happy with his prose. 😀
Steve, I do think your aggregate contributions re explaining these science topics should be added to the sidebar list of Active Focus…so as not be “lost” in the Archives. Sort of a Reddi-Reference for review or sharing.
For example, I have a 15 yr old friend who is v savvy math/physics wise, and I wish to send the bunch of your columns to his home-schooling Mother. I could just send her to the Active Focus listing.
Can we do that?
Sure! I’ll do it this weekend!
It’s done now! I added it as it’s own list, right after the active focus list, and before the blogroll.
Wow! That’s quite an honor….though well-deserved. I hope it gets passed around as an educational resource for reasonably prepared homeschooled kids….with the additional bonus that they can Ask The Author.
There is soooooo much that could be done to flesh this out and reorganize it…and I’m not even talking about adding all the mechanics topics I skipped.
I thought I might separate out the parts on how to do math, too.
Here’s the thing — it’s light, it’s entertaining, and it’s intriguing. And everyone reading it (as of now, but hopefully in the future) can Ask The Author (or even challenge the author).
If a particular ATA goes interesting places, make a “rev 2” version that incorporates that. If you get a bunch of ATA’s that you’d rather not repeat, try to head that off at the pass on “rev 2”. Let it simmer.
Don’t try to preemptively change it. It’s a very nice piece of work just as it stands.
Actually, I could separate out just that section (dropping the little rant, the PSAs and the bullion prices) and put something in the Forum. Move my “go backs” to where they should be, too.
The Forum is a good place for all kinds of drafty and organizy things!
(suggestion: “simple machines” ?)
(Duplicate; deleted)
Already did the inclined plane!
But I am talking about fleshing out what I *did* cover, perhaps to make it a little easier to follow (and be a bit more historical, because I want people to understand *how* we know not just what we know).
Looking forward to it !
(I learn something every time I read your work !)
Thanks, that is indeed quite an honor.
There are three posts that ought to be there though, the one on apollo 11 and I did two on stars as well. I think I tagged them with “science” or something similar.
My “lazy” plan worked! I didn’t have to find them! 😉 Now I can expand the sidebar at my leisure. (Wife has “chores” right now – it will be later…..) 🙄 LOL 😆
Nice idear dear!
I just stopped part way through to comment that Steve should publish a text book. And I find that everyone agrees. Truly great minds mostly think alike.
The conversational tone makes the text easy to follow and understand, and the visual aids are the best I’ve seen in this subject field.
Plus there are always the little nuggets that make me happy:
”Or perhaps in slightly more modern terms, your average RINO, who is as two-faced as anything in Roman mythology.”
How much of a market there is for “physics for people who want something slightly more challenging than “physics for dummies” and who enjoy right wing snark” is another question entirely!
Hmm…does that make me a speciality market? 🤔
Sounds fancy and niche, probably make the price of the book go up.
Is his name Einstein, and do you also know a Doc Brown?
Great Scott!!!
Of course that could describe Maxwell…
Way way back when you recommended books to me on communism. Plus you can write a teens book here and if you really wanted to, a middle school book with a particular dragon as its in text mascot!
Gates and Buffett experimenting on America. What could possibly go wrong?
Bill Gates, Warren Buffett to Launch ‘Game-Changing’ Nuclear Power Plant in Wyoming
BY TOM OZIMEK June 3, 2021 Updated: June 3, 2021
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon on June 2 announced that a next-generation nuclear power plant will be built at a soon-to-be-retired coal-fired plant in Wyoming in the next several years, with the project a joint initiative between Bill Gates’s TerraPower and PacifiCorp, owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.
“Today’s announcement really, truly is game-changing and monumental for Wyoming,” Gordon said at a press conference at the state Capitol in Cheyenne.
The project features a 345-megawatt sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system, which would produce enough power for roughly 250,000 homes. The storage technology is also able to boost output to 500 megawatts of power for about five and a half hours, which is equivalent to the energy needed to power around 400,000 homes, according to TerraPower.
“The project features a 345-megawatt sodium-cooled fast reactor with a molten salt-based energy storage system, which would produce enough power for roughly 250,000 homes.”
But will it hold a windmill on top of it?
I was thinking they might be building “Little China” in WY aka WY-CHI
Buffett owns huge interests in bottled water in US.
Gates is buying up farmland:
Now together they are building a huge nuclear power plant.
It’s actually a secret plot to awaken the Yellowstone supervolcano.
Yikes!! There’s a nasty thought!
Though I do realize you’re joking…I think.
My private suspicion is that the Juan de Fuca plate is being “fractionally distilled” under the states of Oregon, Idaho, and Wyoming. The Cascades were formed as the more volatile, meltable portions of the JdF plate went under the North American plate and started heating, then broke through to the surface. By the time JdF got to Yellowstone, a lot of the fun had been cooked out of it…..though not enough for it to avoid supereruptions 2.1M years ago (Island Park), 1.2M years ago (Henry’s Fork), and ~630K years ago (Yellowstone).
What sort of goodies might remain on the partially digested JdF plate?
Nothing would surprise me. Cork off Yellowstone and it would spew enough stuff in the air to cool the earth a lot. I can see Dr Evil rubbing his hands together with glee thinking how many of us that would kill. Bill Gates has got to go.
Not just Yellowstone, but the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and various NORAD stuff in nearby Colorado. IMO, “nuclear power plant” is cover for the cabal to build their own weapon system/military base near our critical military bases.
“IMO, “nuclear power plant” is cover for the cabal to build their own weapon system/military base near our critical military bases.”
Might as well, it’s not like anyone is going to stop them.
Our military is probably helping them build it 👍 😁
There’s nearly 200 miles between Cheyenne, WY, and Cheyenne Mountain CO, and the drive along the shortest route takes you through Denver.
I know Cheyenne WY is only a dozen miles from the state line, but that’s nowhere near the “Peterson Complex” in Colorado Springs (which includes NORAD).
Yeah, it’s not exactly next door to Colorado, but 200 miles isn’t that far, either, if you’re an evil madman who wants to position nuclear tech near critical Air force and Space Force facilities.
Cheyenne WY IS next door to Colorado (about 12 miles), it’s just that NORAD is *deep* inside of Colorado.
I brought this up because more than one person thinks (with some logic) that Cheyenne mountain, CO must be close to Cheyenne WY.
Place names in both states can be funky. Cheyenne WY is in Laramie county, but Laramie WY is not. Laramie County adjoins Larimer county in Colorado.
In Colorado:
The town of Elbert is in Elbert county, but is not the county seat. Kiowa is. But there is a Kiowa county, which, obviously, Kiowa isn’t the seat of. I’m sure there are others.
We have Berthoud and Loveland towns, nowhere near the mountain passes of the same names.
So many towns have “springs” in their names that when talking about them, we just drop the word “springs.” “I’m going to steamboat” for instance (Steamboat Springs). Two exceptions to that, “Idaho Springs” is said in full, and “Colorado Springs” is “the Springs.”
Even deadlier to understanding is the fact that Colorado Springs is in a county named “El Paso” which is one of the two most populous in the state (the other being the City and County of Denver); they seem to swap places regularly in the top two. (Denver county added a lot of open space to bring in DIA, so it’s going to be hard to put them away forever; El Paso county has a LOT of undeveloped land.)
Of course on the very rare occasions when I am out of state and I show my concealed handgun permit, issued by my county with the biggest words on the thing being “EL PASO COUNTY”, people assume it’s a Texas permit. (I did this once to convince a pistol range in California that I had ready access to guns when I was home, would be going home soon enough [and therefore had no reason to feel suicidal being the subtext] and wasn’t trying to rent one to blow my own head off…they normally forbid non-members to rent guns without a member present.)
More information:
I read that and am just stunned WY is letting these maniacs do this.
Maxwell’s book, BTW, is “A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism” and is available in easy to read** chunks at https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/A_Treatise_on_Electricity_and_Magnetism
He was working on a second edition when he died and it was completed by others and published postumously.
** for certain values of the word “easy”.
I’m sure there are differences between it and today’s understanding; for example I’d be surprised if the magnetic field is measured in anything like the same units.
From Wikipoo: “The treatise is said to be notoriously hard to read, containing plenty of ideas but lacking both the clear focus and orderliness that may have allowed it catch on more easily.”
I’m sure that using a basket of unrelated Imperial units might contribute to this.
I’ll bet that makes the whole mu0 e0 thing tough to see!
Electricity is thoroughly metric everywhere, even here, now.
We tend to measure electrical power in watts but mechanical power in horsepower here. Electric power tools, etc. get rated in horsepower because the output is mechanical power. But other things are in watts.
Horsepower is all about steam engines in mines — specifically ones like Watt’s, which modify Newcomen designs.
And, yes, one of the high points of visiting London is going to the Science Museum and seeing Old Bess (1777), the oldest surviving Watt engine.
The idea of aligning the use of horsepower with a collection of other units of measurement so that conversions between them would be facilitated was very much in the future.
No doubt at the time of James Watt, there was no notion of so many things just being different forms of energy, other than the mating of potential and kinetic energy.
I don’t recall precisely when heat was recognized as a form of energy, just for instance.
Heat has always been a form of energy, since our ancestors were huddled around fires. That it is quantifiable and can be exchanged for other forms of energy (which can be exchanged among one another in specific measurements) is the modern bit.
It’s the realization that kinetic energy and heat are fundamentally the same thing that I doubt our ancestors understood, and that I think might not have been understood until sometime in the 1700s or 1800s.
We had to get over an old theory that heat was a fluid–one which I believe Lavoisier shared, so I’m going to go with the 1800s on that realization.
James Watts is also the man who actually ‘Freed the slaves’ He did this by providing a useful mechanical engine that could replace human energy and thus started the machine dependent (vs Slave dependent) society we have now.
Gore’s Bullshit Warming is ALL about reversing that progress.
“In fact, giving society cheap, abundant energy at this point would be the moral equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun” — Paul Ehrlich, co-author of THE POPULATION BOMB
A very quick skim of part one showed one sextuple (!!!!) integral.
Going to Part IV Chapter 19 and skimming, the one thing I saw units on was the speed of light (measured too high) and it’s actually in meters per second! So maybe this isn’t such a big disaster after all.
Yeah, wait until you figure out the fudge-factors involved with kludging meters-per-second light into furlongs-per-fortnight magnet motion.
THAT was exactly the point I was trying to make. Teslas are inherently non-kludged; however you define current (or charge) draws a straight line to the tesla, and then those two constants are tied to each other in a meaningful, not an arbitrary way. So there’s actually a point to multiplying them together.
On the other hand, if the magnetic units had been left as something unrelated, the unit analysis wouldn’t have cancelled and one would have to bring in the necessary conversion factors and it would *still* work.
Hmmmm….the Tesla coil was invented in 1891….so I’m thinking the next episode might explain why train locomotives are so ugly these days.
This picture and article description are perfect…with Pence right there…
Two deeply corrupt traitors.
“What happens when the next big disease rolls around?”
I’m beginning to think ‘big diseases’ DON’T roll around, that they’re ALL planned-demics.
And if we start getting confirmation that this is the case, there is an entire medical industrial complex that needs to be wiped out, burned to the ground, wiped clean, and started over from scratch.
With a lot of ‘doctors’ pleading their case to anyone who will listen in the great beyond.
Well, let’s posit a *genuine* nasty disease spreading like crazy.
We’d never believe it now, until too late.
“Well, let’s posit a *genuine* nasty disease spreading like crazy.”
98.6% chance it was created by doctors and spread by doctors.
So chances are medium to good that it turns into a race to kill all the doctors before the disease kills all the people.
Stop the doctors, and you stop the disease wars 😁 👍
You’re ignoring my premise.
A *real* disease would be a disaster now, because of “Cry wolf!” syndrome.
True point Steve and the resistence to your suggestion simply proves your point.
there are Plenty of diseases that predate modern science, from bubonic to small pox to the black death
But I didn’t ignore your premise.
I agree with your point, it’s basically what I wrote below in another post:
“Won’t matter, they cried wolf on this one and stopped the economy of the whole planet.”
“So a lot of people who lived through this current GMF (global medical fraud) won’t care about the next one. Won’t believe it, and even if it’s real, will choose to take their chances rather than go through this BS again.”
The chances of a ‘real’ or naturally occurring deadly contagion are extremely low, so low that TPTB can’t wait around for them to occur, they have to create them, in order to advance the globalist agenda.
Which is why I said stop the doctors, and you stop the disease wars. 👍
“And what if it’s one that’s actually as deadly as people thought COVID might be?”
Won’t matter, they cried wolf on this one and stopped the economy of the whole planet. A significant number of people won’t believe the next one.
And a significant number of people won’t care even if the next one is real, because there are worse things than death.
For example, being a hostage to Nazi medical Satanists for the rest of your life is worse than death.
So a lot of people who lived through this current GMF (global medical fraud) won’t care about the next one. Won’t believe it, and even if it’s real, will choose to take their chances rather than go through this BS again.
Some enterprising patriot might even start putting bounties on the next group of Doctors Fearmonger.
The next time these psychopaths pull this stunt (in 3…2…1…), they deserve to be looking over their shoulder.
“Who can people trust?”
Not the medical establishment.
Not the news media.
Not the government.
Not ever again, at least not in any of our lifetimes.
My grandparents lived through the Great Depression. It never stopped affecting how they looked at the world, even decades after it was past.
No idea what history will call this period we’re living through now…
But it won’t be good… 😂 🤣 😂
My grands did, too, Scott. And they lived their entire lives as if it might happen again, at any moment.
The past year has changed me. Irrevocably. I don’t particularly like the change, but I think it is necessary.
I will never again trust a doctor. Never. I will always do my own research, and treat MYSELF when ever possible.
Finding out that I knew more than my own doctor about both the virus and the poison they created to pretend to vaccinate us was an amazing wake-up call. I am a smart person, but I’ve never expected myself to be smart about EVERY subject. I trust SteveInCo to be the smart one in physics and science, so I can ask him something about it and believe what he tells me. I trust Wolfmoon’s knowledge of the workings of the alphabet-underworld so that I believe what he says. I would like to trust a doctor to know enough to let them treat me. BUT I DON’T, because they have proven they don’t deserve my trust.
So, if there is another pandemic, I will revert to my herbal references and my own research and treat myself. If there is a medicine I want but can’t get without a prescription, I will either brow-beat my doctor into giving it to me (I did that with HCQ) or I will order it from India.
Most doctors suck.
I couldn’t agree more with you. I pretty much changed my thinking about Dr’s years ago when they put me on statins and it went sideways for me.
Truth bomb alert 🚨 “I would like to trust a doctor to know enough to let them treat me. BUT I DON’T, because they have proven they don’t deserve my trust.”
Once they’ve blown that trust, there’s no getting it back…all the king’s horses & all the king’s men… can’t put Humpty together again.
My grandmother and mothers cleaned the home washed shoes off every time they came in the home and changed their clothe. They behaved as if diseases are out there and not to bring into the home. They washed there hands before they continued in the house, it took me a long time to get used to the fact that people walk into the house with street shoes.
My husband never changes his shoes and I gave up even when he works in the garden. One cannot force what people have grown up with.
I still keep my habit take off shoes change clothe. My kids take shoes off so do my gran kids.
We can bring so much into the home.
I pretty much go with the flow. If I see shoes off, I take them off.
I will, at my place, wear my shoes in, but not if it’s wet outside (no sense in tracking mud in!).
Smart not to keep shoes on not so much cleaning after yourself.
Failure becomes evident quickly on a tile floor.
True 🙂
I totally gave up on doctors in 1993.
Prayer and remedies prior to Allopathic medicine and Big Pharma do wonders for healing my body and my soul.
I use LCHF or keto diet, herbs, vitamin C, D3, and K2, Cod Liver Oil, Iodine, Hydrogen Peroxide, vinegar, Aloe Vera gel and juice, Distilled Water, aspirin, baking soda, Real Salt, Olive oil, Real Butter, Bacon and Bacon fat, eggs, cheese, sprouted grain breads, grass fed beef, organic chicken, wild caught fish and shellfish.
People say it is expensive but I find that when you eliminate doctors, drugs and commercial cleaning products, you have a lot of money left over.
I trust God and by the Grace of God, I will be 80 in September and I take no Big Pharma medications.
I wrote, understand and approve this message. Liz
That’s a damned FINE list, Liz.
I didn’t write it, but I HIGHLY approve this message.
Hell bound
,,, 🤨 …
S N O T S … 😷😪🤤😶🌫️👿 …
I’m just happy to see the medical establishment take a hit. On a number of levels, including the hubris and self affirmations of a number of medical professionals I know.
Agreed. x10
My ex-father-in-law as a surgeon. I am right there with you on the comeuppance for that crowd.
New article from Political Moonshine… I don’t know how he writes so much or so fast lately 😁
This one seems right up our alley. A little bit longer intro to demonstrate.
A World War III No One Can See
June 4, 2021
Intro: “Why can’t Americans see it? Or is it simply that Americans don’t want to see it? It appears that it’s an easier and more convenient endeavor for many Americans to bury the same curiosity that killed the cat in order to embrace the mainstream narrative and just get along with the masses – following orders, wearing masks, getting vaccines and with some shouting “orange man bad!”
Some shout it until the vessels in their eyes rupture turning white to blood red and as emblematic of their own deep-seated sense that something is fundamentally wrong with the status quo; and it’s eating at their very core, but they’re reluctant to even acknowledge it, much less reverse course on it and their own conventions in order to do something about it. None of that is very American.
For many, there is an impenetrable barrier standing between the reality these people perceive and the reality in which they live and whereby the latter remains sequestered and inaccessible.
Even for those who are on board with an off-reservation understanding that COVID-19 is something beyond the MSM narrative explanation, there is a barrier preventing them from logically extending the position to include an actual, asymmetrical and undeclared third world war that began with the release of a bio-WMD by China in October 2019.
Perhaps this is an indictment against public education. The people certainly weren’t taught accurate content in important civics classes just as the onus to be an engaged and civic-minded individual has been contorted away from original intent rebranded as a doctrine of social justice.
Moreover and more importantly, it seems Americans were never taught how to be or were encouraged to be critical and independent thinkers. This opens the door for the liars to insert their “fact checkers” whom many Americans blindly trust while not realizing that the fact checkers are Judas goats of the unaware truth seekers.
Had they been properly educated…”
Ran out of lithium….
Hey, that’s what Mr. Scott alwa… oh wait, that was Dilithium, and those were crystals.
Not like the rhinestones they used to advertise on TV to decorate your jean jacket with, he was talking about crystals you can use to power a starship… which, now that I think about it, also happen to look pretty fancy on a jean jacket, if the jacket is acid-washed and faded just right… 😁
Sounds catchy… “Like a Dilithium Cowboy” or “Like a Dilithium Space Cowboy”… Glenn Campbell meets Star Trek 🙂
Lin Wood always posts PM on his telegram.
The institutional trust meter is pegged on zero. The question is: Is the battery dead or is there no trust to measure?
COVID-19 Has Forever Destroyed Americans’ Trust In Ruling Class ‘Experts’
by Tyler Durden
Friday, Jun 04, 2021
Weiss: What Happens When Doctors Can’t Tell The Truth?
by Tyler Durden
Friday, Jun 04, 2021
From the first time I read Political Moonshine, I was struck by similarities in the writing style with someone “over there.” I’m not saying they are the same person, but the use of particular words and phrases jumps out at me…”construct” (which was not used in this article, but was used a lot in this one https://politicalmoonshine.com/2021/06/03/obamas-third-term/), “writ large,” and others that I can’t think of at the moment. I also sometimes think there is an unnecessary word salad that detracts a little from the clarity of the writing.
I am not disparaging the site, which is a good resource; just stating something I couldn’t help but observe.
Is there a lot of odd use of the word “granular” (or “granularity”) too?
And yes, agree about the word salad criticism of that someone. Someone was trying to impress with big words, and usually misusing them subtly. This fails to impress the people who know what the words actually mean.
Yes, I think “granular” is another one.
Yes, whenever I see ‘writ large’ anywhere, it reminds me of SD 😁
Some of his other expressions too.
I remember when Rooster Head started saying ‘Fulsome’ at the Congressional circus investigations all the time.
Then SD started saying ‘fulsome‘…
This might be interesting to people here at the Qtree.
FDA website: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19”
Well, I guess that means it works.
That’s pretty much the world we live in now. 👍
Why the FDA should be abolished immediately, and an amendment to the Constitution put forward that specifies that there should not, nor ever be, any Federal involvement in food or drugs.
I’d go a lot farther than that.
I’d repeal the interstate commerce clause entirely and replace it with a simple prohibition on states erecting trade barriers between them.
That would fix the Fed issue, but then there’s still a problem with *states* over-regulating their economies. We’d need an amendment for that too, but much more carefully crafted to ensure that criminal law can’t be overturned on the grounds that it affects the state economy.
A drastically neutered interstate commerce clause would certainly be a good thing — a rule of thumb might be that if it allows Wickard, it’s wrong. The thing is, “regulate interstate commerce” needs to be more than a prohibition of trade barriers.
What would you add to “no trade barriers” as far as regulation?
Remember the UNC paper??
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”
Funded by The National Institutes of Health under Fauci AND the State Key Program for Basic Research Grants from the Chinese Ministry of Science.
Aside from the two of the authors listed from China, Ge XY , and another is Shi ZL, the next author of interest is Agnihothram S of National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration, Jefferson, Arkansas, USA. He is now in Silver Springs MD.
The list of Sudhakar Agnihothram’s research while affiliated with U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other places:
This paper is interesting: Development of a Broadly Accessible VEE Replicon Particle Vaccine Platform
So he is certainly on board the Vaccines ARE the [only] SOLUTION train. I wonder if he is buddies with Bill Gates…
** OH, and note that Ralph Baric, also an author of the UNC paper and ALSO working on noroviruses.
Department of Epidemiology
3304 MHRC, School of Public Health
Five of the papers listed are about Norovirus.
Lindesmith LC, Donaldson EF, Baric RS (2011). Norovirus GII.4 strain antigenic variation. J Virol. 85(1):231-42.
LoBue AD, Lindesmith LC, Baric RS (2010). Identification of cross-reactive norovirus CD4+ T cell epitopes. J Virol. 84(17):8530-8.
LoBue AD, Thompson JM, Lindesmith L, Johnston RE, Baric RS (2009). Alphavirus-adjuvanted norovirus-like particle vaccines: heterologous, humoral, and mucosal immune responses protect against murine norovirus challenge. J Virol. 83(7):3212-27.
*Lindesmith LC, Donaldson EF, Lobue AD, Cannon JL, Zheng DP, Vinje J, Baric RS (2008). Mechanisms of GII.4 norovirus persistence in human populations. PLoS Med. 5(2):e31.
LoBue AD, Lindesmith L, Yount B, Harrington PR, Thompson JM, Johnston RE, Moe CL, Baric RS (2006). Multivalent norovirus vaccines induce strong mucosal and systemic blocking antibodies against multiple strains. Vaccine. 24(24):5220-34.
Journal of Virology, 28 Jan 2009**
So by 2009 they had developed Advanced recombinant genetic systems and the Australian paper, combining HIV and Coronavirus was published in 2010.
2016 Dec 8. published in NCBI NLM NIH DOT gov. aka US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
Role of Recombinant DNA Technology to Improve Life
Gail you could write a book too. At least a place that compiles all your research.
Because we want you brainwashed, weak, sick, and dependant on us (your government daddy) for everything, especially your magic deadly jab that will cure all your imaginary ills.
Get that genie 🧞♀️ back in the bottle!
In addition…this in light of the recent news regarding Ivermectin & cancer:
Ivermectin effectively suppresses the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells and promotes cancer cell death at doses that are nontoxic to normal cells.
Ivermectin shows excellent efficacy against conventional chemotherapy drug-resistant cancer cells and reverses multidrug resistance.
Ivermectin combined with other chemotherapy drugs or targeted drugs has powerful effects on cancer.
Ivermectin has been used to treat parasitic diseases in humans for many years and can quickly enter clinical trials for the treatment of tumors.
Just as a weird little PSA — if you use Sharpies a lot to mark things, and you find that they often rub off or don’t take well…..
Sharpie also makes an Industrial permanent marker that marks on more surfaces in a more permanent manner. They’re not generally in Office Supply stores, but it’s a regular product.
Also, for those who just are sick and tired of remembering which wall-wart goes with what gizmo, there is a (standard) sharpie in silver. It’s almost like it was invented for writing on black wall-warts.
Just this morning I used a Sharpie to write “ADULT WINTER HATS,” “SUMMER/SUN CAPS & VISORS,” “ADULT GLOVES,” “KIDS,” and “DOG” on index cards indicating what is in the boxes in the closet by the front door. There will be one marked “SCARVES” once they are dry and/or back from the dry cleaner.
What a friggin’ mess I sorted out.
Now if people will just put things back in the correct box!
The best thing (other than the labels) one can do to ensure that is to NOT stack the boxes. (Which might not be possible here.) If someone has to rearrange a bunch of big boxes to get to the right one, and they’re in any kind of a hurry…fuggedaboudit.
Yes, any obstacles to getting a task done — even small obstacles — have a major effect.
Oh, my….Sarah’s upset….
Boy, howdy!
She says what we here in Politeville have not. (Though I have been letting some slip.)
I like her! This is what I sound like at home.
Yea, me to. Smiling. Come to think of it, guessing Pat F comes to mind. Always enjoyed her posts. I sure do miss her, greatly. Hope she is well.
She’s fine, knocking Gubmint heads at Marica’s, missing out on all our good BACON! 🥓🥓😄😊😋
Hope she and others read here and transfer info.
They do. Nor’easter just brought her PA audit the vote petition for all to sign. Anyone can sign but they really need MOAR PA residents. I think she’s the only one of us from PA. GO PA GO!! AZ, GA, PA…..tick tock!!
We do, Gail. Lots of cross over between here and there!!!
I decided to add some variety to my diet by the way.
Thin cut.
Worked out pretty well, actually. 16 minutes in the oven. Unfortunately the strips were just a bit longer than the thick cut and some of the grease made it under the foil. Still an easy cleanup.
…. 🤗 … cousin‼️‼️‼️
There’s a few of us around here! It’s like a family reunion.
That’s pretty spot on with what has taken place and more than likely in their future plans.
Now all we need to do is get more people to understand what the hell is taking place right before their eyes.
That was refreshing. Had a few similar rants with family and neighbors. Perhaps too commonly, my not house broke traits shine through.
But I am thoroughly fed up with ALL of the government lies. Covid of course immediately comes to mind. But then so does DOJ, FBI, IC, HLS,
^^^ Sadly, I truly believe ^^^.
These days, there is NOT ONE THING the government says or does that I internally think, how fucking stoopid is that. Why the fuck would they do that.
They are actively, and quite intentionally destroying America.
“…They are actively, and quite intentionally destroying America.”
And once you realize that, EVERYTHING that has been done in the last century makes sense.
This here:
“Everything about them, from their family lives to their business doings to their public and private behavior, when poked at exudes a stench that tells you their bios are like a demon’s resume. It’s filth layered on filth and given a veneer of normalcy that wouldn’t fool anyone who looked at it more than two seconds.”
Apropos of nothing in particular, except experimentation on puppies…..
Much of close-up magic involves a deep knowledge of human perception, although it may be anecdotal. A pickpocket knows that moving his distraction hand in sweeping arcs captures the attention while his active hand can just quickly dip a pocket.
But that is not universal perception — https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/06/researchers-perform-magic-tricks-for-birds-who-are-not-amused/
Q: What kind of incompetence involves 2017 spillway problems — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oroville_Dam — and 2021 houseboat issues — https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/houseboats-evacuated-californias-lake-oroville-amid-megadrought ?
A: California.
SF Giants training camp??? 😀
Ask your SHERIFF why they aren’t being rounded up and dropped off at the Governor’s Mansion, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Make sure to drop some off at your Senators’ personal homes too, and your Representatives’ homes.
Until or unless it affects these snake-weasels personally, they will just keep taking the D.C. cash and starring in pedo blackmail films.
Waking up one year too late « JoNova (joannenova.com.au)
Anybody who falls for this crap has about the same amount of brain cells that Joe Biden (the real one) has.
Talk about infinite projection…
😂 😂 🤣 🤣 😂 😂
Verse of the Day for Saturday, June 5, 2021
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:”
1 Peter 5:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
that was one of the first Bible verses I memorizes as a toddler and has always been my favorite. “Cast all your cares upon Him for he cares for you” … always a short version for the toddlers! 🙂
True – even though we did not really understand as children – simple and memorable – for sure, Mom!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Of course the scheme is to, first, undermine and chip away at the Abraham Accords (like getting rid of PM Netanyahu); then, second, to declare them to be “unworkable’ or “unrealistic” and throw them out.
Concerning Netanyahu… assuming this Bennet guy does take over, what do we know about him except that it’s said he comes from far right side of Netanyahu’s party. A deeper dive than may be in order. Meanwhile will not be easily forgetting that Netanyahu was among the first to recognize the Commander in Thief, Biden. I don’t think that worked out too well for him. Anyway, what’s ever best for Israel.
Wow! Gorgeous!
I recall hearing, somewhere that the Leftists (subclass: hippie artsy types) congregate in Sedona (similar to Taos and Manitou Springs)
I think Sedona is believed to have some kind of earth meridian configurement that is thought to be beneficial to health. I haven’t read about it in ages.
They do. Big time.
Dean Herbst
(h/t patfredrick from Maricas Place) :
patfrederick26 minutescraftsstoreart.wordpress.com
if you are a PA resident, you can use this form to send him an email…does not work for out of staters…I already have!!
I want to thank everyone on site for their contributions toward understanding the biowarfare unleashed against us, and what to do about it. The science is way over my head, but the best explanations have been on this site, and even I now grasp enough of the science to understand what people are talking about. Wolf in particular was WAY ahead of anybody out there in seeing the biological problems, but so many here were patient and enlightening about every aspect.
What prompts me to say this is what happened yesterday. My wife and I spoke to a Frontline Doctor, and he prescribed HCQ/Ivermectin, which we should be receiving shortly. The whole process (though slightly confusing) was easy and stress free.
I will not mention the name of the doctor, but he was WONDERFUL. He took his time, and went over everything with us, including the supplements we take (which were the right ones, thanks to this site). It turns out that he and my wife share personal histories involving the same places and circumstances. Let me just say, neither of them have a fondness for socialism or Marxism. We could tell he was both highly intelligent and highly sensitive (in the best meaning of the word). And he shared our values.
A couple posters on this site in particular were very encouraging about Frontline Doctors, and their continuing occasional posts inspired me to take the plunge. The whole experience was uplifting, and we now feel confident having the right medicine should we get sick.
This is great to here, I’ve also been thinking of taking “The plunge” as you say.
The web site is slightly confusing because there are a couple obvious questions they do not address, but have faith and all will be well.
My wife and I are very happy we did this. For the two of us, everything included (consultation and medicine) the cost was under $350. This is no small sum for us, especially because we theoretically should be covered, but given the corruption in medicine, the price was a necessary expense, unexpected pleasure, and a confidence booster.
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to plan accordingly.
“EXCLUSIVE: High-Ranking Chinese Defector Has ‘Direct Knowledge’ of Several Chinese Special Weapons Programs”
If this article is correct,and if Adam Housley is correct, the part I find most uplifting is this……
Wray didn’t know right away because they wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him.
So if this is “true” are there white hats at the DIA? Or is this just another CYA move for FIB using Adam as the mouth piece to make it look credible?
In DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate. Sources say the level of confidence in the defector’s information is what has led to a sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci, adding that U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) personnel detailed to DIA have corroborated very technical details of information provided by the defector.
Cee aye eh was unaware, FIB unaware, wray unaware.
Definitely Patriots keeping this close.
Good some of our Senators are getting very wise to the fact that the FIB is not their friend. Kudo’s to the side stepping and grabbing the untarnished truth and then releasing it, before the bastards could muck it up.
Stop the PC BS. Ron Johnson needs to NAME the FBI shit birds.
Until the “white hats arrest and prosecute the bad guys it is all rumor and “shiny object”.
“Trust but verify” AND arrest AND prosecute.
Anything less equates to more utter BS AND click bait.
Adam Housley usually isnt wrong, although some things he warned about didnt come to fruition, and now we are dealing with a bite me admin.
Here’s the kicker!!!
I posted this over at Jo Nova’s and thought I would also bring it here.
From the CDC:
Except we are now finding those spike proteins CAUSE DISEASE, cross the blood-brain barrier and head for the ovaries in women.
The question is, are these shed spike proteins the same as the mRNA that cause human cells to replicate them?
At this point I do not know and I do not trust government paid scientists to tell us the truth.
BUT the possibility is certainly out their.
Johns Hopkins on self-spreading, self-propagating, transmissible vaccines
Gail Combs
Another stellar analysis, thank you!
It is ** interesting ** that the CDC does NOT mention that the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus “vaccines” contain snake venom proteins that have neurotoxicity. Nor does the CDC mention that the “vaccines” settle into the ovaries of the female for days after the experimental injection.
This is medical malpractice of the highest sort.
Andvtheyre are giving it to kids and babies in “testing ”
It’s medical genocide.
Even worse.
“Self-spreading vaccines—also known as transmissible or self-propagating vaccines—are genetically engineered to move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases, but rather than causing disease, they confer protection. The vision is that a small number of individuals in the target population could be vaccinated, and the vaccine strain would then circulate in the population much like a pathogenic virus.”
Kill them all in self defense
This is medical terrorism on a global scale, and these inverted ass-hats don’t have the first clue what they’re doing or messing with. Any one of these &^%$heads could unleash a deadly pathogen that self-replicates and exterminates our entire species.
Gail – this is why Trump has to CLOSE CDC and remove the INFESTATION. They are absolutely lying here. As a scientist, I can SEE THE SCIENCE LIES.
The Pfizer data shows that the VACCINES THEMSELVES are designed to spread throughout the body, because the lipids give the vaccine way too much time to spread, causing them to SHED. The lipid nanotechnology and the amount of vaccine need to be calibrated in such a way to keep things cooking in the deltoid muscle of the arm, and nowhere else if possible. The mRNA of the whole spike protein needs to be cut back (Winfried Stoecker and Army technology) to removes side effects, or modulated to the same effect, too. But the behavior of the lipid nanotech seems to be designed to SPREAD, which is also why people SHED.
It’s lies. The same CDC which sabotaged early testing has lied about everything possible with the virus and the vaccines. Why did they lie about people getting the virus after being vaccinated? To hide the timeline of the vaccine – which is DELAYED to spread out. It begins inoculating immediately, but the full spike protein gives the symptoms of the DISEASE, and it does so for a while. They paper all that over to hide that the vaccine is being given time to SPREAD throughout the body, concentrating in the ovaries.
I can’t say that ALL CDC people are guilty – I’m sure they are not – BUT there are many people inside that organization who are organizing the deceit, and others who are mouthing the propaganda of the deceit.
Whoever Biden put in charge will either be part of the plot, OR tolerant of it, by design.
NOW – here is what needs to happen. The “white hats” if they exist need to GRAB as many vials of public-facing mRNA vaccines as they can, and sequence the mRNA, to find lots where WE did what I believe the ChiComs did with their vaccines. I believe the ChiComs had NON-INACTIVATED LOTS of Sinovac and CoronaVac (rebranding) which were used to spread the virus. “Our” corresponding lie would be to give people the FULL VIRUS SEQUENCE or some kind of modified “one-hop quasi-virus” sequence, which is LONGER than the full spike protein. Our “plot lot” mRNA vaccine lots would have mRNA for, e.g., spike protein plus ANYTHING needed to build something transmissible, like an adenovirus shell.
IMO this is part of why the Bidenoids and the media are trying to contain the mess with their own phony partial investigation leading to a lab leak ONLY.
🚨 🚨 🚨 TRUMP RALLY TONIGHT!!! 🚨 🚨 🚨
🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️
🎉🥂🥓 🇺🇸
Almighty God, please rescue the United States of America!
Credit to the WashPost
28 minutes ago
“G-7 countries reach agreement on 15 percent minimum global tax rate”
So, the G-7 countries (U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan), agreed yesterday that there will be a 15% minimum tax on multinational corporations that operate within their borders. This was a major “victory” for RobberJoe’s handlers, the Soros-Clinton-Davos Globalists, and the DeepState – United Nations Cabal. The United States originally pushed for a 21% minimum tax, but “settled” for the 15% rate.
This is ON TOP OF the hike in corporate taxes in the United States, going up from 21% to 28%.
“The G-7 finance ministers have made a significant, unprecedented commitment today that provides tremendous momentum toward achieving a robust global minimum tax rate of at least 15 percent”, [Janet] Yellen, who led negotiations on behalf of the U.S., said in a statement.
So, a United States company, for example, Johnson & Johnson, operates both here and in the G-7 sphere. This means that any product from J&J, whether bought here or in, say, France, will now have to pay a combined tax amount of 28% + 15% = 43%.
This new tax rate will be factored into the products made and sold by J&J and will be passed on to the consumer by raising the price of the products. So the J&J baby shampoo that Joe or Jane Taxpayer buys at their local CVS will to up in price at least 22% (the difference between the current U.S. corporate tax rate of 21% and the new Biden tax rate of 28% + the 15% “robust global minimum tax rate” = 22%) — since Johnson & Johnson will NEVER directly pay the tax. That 16 ounce bottle of baby shampoo, at a previous price of $3.99, could go up to as much $4.88.
Multiply that figure — 22% — into the price of any product made by a U.S. company that has any operations in the G-7 sphere — and you have the picture.
And, note that Janet Yellen said AT LEAST 15 PERCENT. Which means that the rate will go UP.
And note that this “robust global minimum tax rate of at least 15 percent” is nothing less than a BACKDOOR VALUE-ADDED TAX to the United States, ON TOP OF the already onerous tax burden We, The People face.
And Congress passes this LAW, When???
The ABILITY to TAX makes the UN a DEFACTO world government.
There was a really good article on this several years ago on Agenda 21 that I do not have the time right now to look up. Taxation was one of the KEY points.
This has nothing to do with the UN. This is an agreement between the countries that they won’t undercut each other by making themselves tax havens at least by comparison to others in the seven.
That’s bad enough. Why shouldn’t we attract more business by cutting our tax rate?
Why shouldn’t we attract more business by cutting our tax rate?
^^^ BiteMe’s handlers aren’t America First.
They kill jobs. Kill businesses? Income drops. Prices increase. Hand out more fiat dollars. Create division among folks where very little existed a few years ago. Block Law & Order. Lock in destroy America.
They can F right off.
Janet Yellen can take a fire hydrant enema.
I fought Fed-Ex over a bogus import tax on a used stereo component shipped here from Canada.
The seller said he thought I would probably have to pay an import tax, and I told him no way, this isn’t Europe (or Canadia).
So I called Fed-Ex and explained the situation, it was a used stereo component, what the purchase price was, etc. They said (as the seller explained) they needed my SSN, but wouldn’t be very specific about why.
I told them we fought a revolution against taxation without representation, and that I wasn’t paying any kind of import tax. I told them I have bought items periodically from overseas for decades, and never paid any import tax, and I’m not starting now.
Fed-Ex assured me there would be no import tax, that if there was any tax paid, it would be by the seller in Canadia, not by me.
So I went through with the transaction.
It was a fairly expensive item, making the Covid-across-America tour, bouncing back and forth between various states that were nowhere near me. I called Fed-Ex to find out what was going on, and they mumbled something about customs, needed my SSN again, had to fill out some form and email it to them. Since I was on the phone, I asked again about the import tax. I said if they try to collect any tax, I’m not paying it, you better know that up front.
And I told them the story about the American Revolution again, and this isn’t Europe (or Canadia). They assured me (again) that if anyone paid any kind of import/export tax, it would be the shipper, not the receiver in America.
Fed-Ex eventually dropped it off without even ringing the doorbell. No signature, no nothing.
A couple weeks later I received a bill from Fed-Ex in the mail, wanting more than $100 in import tax, and if I didn’t pay it, it would go to a collection company.
*&^% no it ain’t!
I called Fed-Ex and told them all about the American Revolution, and the Boston Tea Party, and said I’m not paying your import tax. I told them that two different Fed-Ex employees specifically stated that I would not be paying any import tax, and I wasn’t going to pay any import tax, and they better not even think about sending my account to any collection agency.
They gave me an email address to send a message explaining the entire situation, a department for exactly this kind of scenario. So I said I guess I’m not the only American refusing to pay import tax, if you have a whole DEPARTMENT dedicated to this single issue.
So I sent an email to the Fed-Ex special department for import tax disputes that would have made Arlo Guthrie (of Alice’s Restaurant fame) proud.
I didn’t have any color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one, but I told them about the Revolutionary War and the Boston Tea Party and taxation without representation, and the fact that I had spoken with not one but TWO Fed-Ex employees who said I would pay no import tax of any kind — no fees, not tax, no VAT, no VAT fee, not fee-VAT, to import tax, no excise tax, no tax tax, NO TAX OF ANY KIND.
A couple weeks later I received a letter from Fed-Ex, saying that my account had been ‘zeroed’, I owed nothing, and the matter was closed.
And that’s exactly how I’ll fight this, if it becomes necessary.
This is AMERICA.
It is NOT Europe or Canada.
I see people from Europe complaining about VAT taxes on various forums all the time, they are NOT bring that &^%$ to my country.
Our country was founded in large part to STOP that very kind of BS.
Yeah, we take in in the shorts in our paychecks instead.
(Well, I suppose in Europe they get both.)
Honestly if I had to pick between a VAT and the income tax, I’d pick the VAT. But I’m not being offered that choice; I’m being offered “income tax” or “income tax plus vat” and I won’t take the latter.
(Mind you a Steve-acceptable VAT would be added at the cash register like a sales tax, so people can be reminded just how much government is stealing from them every time they buy a stick of chewing gum. Another problem with withholding for income tax is that it’s not that visible.)
Yeah, we take in in the shorts in our paychecks instead.
(Well, I suppose in Europe they get both.)
Honestly if I had to pick between a VAT and the income tax, I’d pick the VAT. But I’m not being offered that choice; I’m being offered “income tax” or “income tax plus vat” and I won’t take the latter.
(Mind you a steve-acceptable vat would be added at the cash register like a sales tax, so people can be reminded just how much government is stealing from them every time they buy a stick of chewing gum.)
This Mom is on fire:
Reported Chinese Defector With Information About Wuhan Lab Possibly Related to Sun Lijun, Former Chinese Deputy Minister of Public Security – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com)
Why would they need spy’s when traitors like Wray and his whole freaking department of FIB already exist?
Trust me, “because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies” is code for “because DIA leadership believes there are Chinese sympathizers running FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies“.
“China needs to be accountable, but the bureaucrats in Washington also need to be held accountable”
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/075/956/311/original/8db00987b6e44030.mp4" /]
I truly doubt Trump will ever run again. He is setting the stage for future Rs.
My bet is DeSantis/Noem in 24.
That said, if they don’t fix our election system, millions of folks won’t vote. I am among them.
Not Noem. She blew it with the trans sports thing. Cowardice and avarice. Nope.
Not so sure the tranny final chapter has been written. But, yea, that is the common thought.
Quite possibly was the strongest guvner against lockdowns, shutdowns, masks – let citizens decide – FROM DAY ONE OF THE PLANDEMIC.
The latter is huge, methinks. But yea, if the tranny thing wasn’t corrected as she said it was going to be, then that is a major screw up. I’ll see if I can locate the latest.
She got screwed on that one when the NBA announced they were not going to sanction states that banned bio-males from women’s sports.
It appears Noem signed a couple of Executive Orders. don’t know if they are stronger than the law she vetoed. OR, if they are stronger than the legislation vetoed.
In time, i am sure we’ll know.
I think he’s becoming PDJT ‘s mouth piece. Will he run for president? Kinda looks like it, but definitely a ways to go yet.
Conservative commentator Matt Walsh raises $104k for AOC’s Puerto Rican grandmother | Daily Mail Online
Conservative commentator Matt Walsh raises $104,000 for AOC’s Puerto Rican grandmother after she blamed Trump for her ‘abuela’s’ falling-apart house – but now she’s REFUSING to accept the donations
Aoc as all socialists are, is a hypocrite.
They want to keep, use as weapons, and fundraise off problems in perpetuity, NEVER FIX them. That’s the difference between them and us. One of the reasons why we so LOVE our problem solving, businessman VSG45!!💞💞💞
“VSG 45” sounds like it could be the name of a gun.
Or a Grenade? 😉
Well the “45” pretty much makes it a pistol name.
Yep and yes!
Hmmm, let’s see — Tesla Model 3 runs between 40K – 48K. Most likely paying on installment for the car = likely $800 per month = $9600 per year for a 60-month car loan
Two apartments, assuming $2500.rent each per month = 5K per month = 60K a year total. Does not count in the cost of any HOA monthly fees/ utilities, etc., which adds a minimum of $1,000 each apartment per month = 12K per apartment per year = 24K total per year.
So, with a 174K House salary, that would leave about 80K a year. (very rough figures)
And she can’t help her grandmother get her house repaired? What a crock.
AOC invoking Abuela is as PHONY as, hildabeast trying to play Abuela to Hispanics.
AOC makes far more than I do on retirement. AOC rakes in her salary, per diem, allowances, campaign slush funds and who knows how much under the table.
I manage to help a number of folks “help themselves” in the Philippines. That bitch could easily help her Abuela IF she wanted to, without trying to play BS PC politics.
All theater, all the time. It’s the Victim Show. She’s a victim..her psyche brutalized by the faux insurrection. All thugs killed by the police…all victims. Biden is baptizing all blacks as victims..in doing so basically saying they’re too ignorant to have internet, hire attys, have ID, etc etc
AOC doing what they do..
Trumps platform in 4-6 weeks, maybe even 4 July, currently in Beta phase.
(Crossing fingers)
Also talks about speech of RealPOTUS today:
I really hope PDJT starts his own platform rather than joining Gab. On a recent X22 Report, Dave showed a post by Torba that disparaged PDJT and his advisers for what has happened with his current site — even though Torba has no idea what Trump’s plans are and the reasons behind his actions.
My feeling is that, even if Trump joined a conservative site, that site would think they owned him and would take credit for boosting his profile and no telling what all. Sharks are everywhere.
Who takes a supplement for mental clarity and sharpness? I have been taking 200 mg selenium daily, then just read selenium is toxic, but at what dose?
The female fogginess has begun and I hate it. Without having to take 20 million things is there something simple I can take?
Pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Look for IFOS certification on whatever you buy. I recommend this:
I have reflux and fish oil is the one thing i cannot take, and ive tried the less fishy ones.
Argh…and i know that works. I will put it in the list just as reference.
200mg is standard, I would not go over 400mg. I’ve had severe selenium poisoning before, NOT FUN!!!
Selenium is in Brazil nuts (NEVER EVER EAT MORE THAN 3 OF THOSE AT ANY ONE TIME!!!!!!!), also in eggs, tuna, oysters, pork, beef, chicken, tofu, whole wheat pasta, shrimp, and mushrooms.
Wow…how did you know? My pills are 200mg. But I don’t feel much benefit.
Taking zinc and selenium through flu season won’t make you feel any better….until you realize it’s been several years since you had the flu.
Hmmm. Good point.
How did I know what? That I was poisoned?
Ate way too many Brazil nuts, had extreme allergic reaction.
I don’t think selenium is gonna make you feel wonderful. You just need enough so you’re not deficient. If you’re not getting it from food, then add supplement.
I never see Brazil nuts anymore so ill just stay away. Im glad you know you what the issue is . Ill just keep on with my selenium then.
I use these:
B-vitamin supplement (B6, B9 [folate], B12);
fish oil;
Resveratrol supplement.
I also do these:
40 minutes exercise a day (if the weather’s bad, it’s done inside the house);
“Word Search” puzzles or Sudoku;
And reading the Q Tree!
I find that keeping “brain power” is a process that combines diet, supplements, and lifestyle.
Word search….my grandma was a prolific crossword puzzler. Maybe time to pick up the habit.
How much resveratrol?
I do the Jarrow 100 mg.
Im looking at it. Theres plain and synergy. Which one?
Plain. I used to do it way back when it was in glass jars, and that’s where I ended up. Synergy tends to have things in it other than tiger cane.
When I started using it, it seemed to make me feel a bit peppier, so I kept doing it.
Ok. I have ginko in my list too.
We have ginkgo trees in our neighborhood. I had an interesting chat with an oldster who was talking about medicinal uses of both the leaves and the fruits for mental acuity. That, of course, is anecdotal — and I’d want to seek more authoritative sources before accidentally poisoning myself.
It should be noted that there are a number of “good to eat” plants in the orient whose description in the west includes “smells like vomit”. Ginkgo fruit, natto, and durian come to mind. You’ve been warned.
Anyway, you can start with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ginkgo_biloba .
Ewww. No ty then.
That’s for the fruit. Not necessarily the leaves.
Still, its on the gross side now.
I know this sounds very simplistic, but are you getting enough sleep?
Sleeping well on a systematic basis is extremely important to health.
Dahling….i never get enough. My bp med has helped. I get disturbed a lot, plus the midnight potty break. I am better in the time I do sleep since i started my med but i need 6 hrs undisturbed and i get that prob 1x a week. Otherwise im woken up 2x a night on avg.
This may seem like a really weird question….but how big is your neck?
One of the peculiar things I had before CPAP is that I would get up and whiz 4x per night. Then I CPAP’d and stopped doing that. Evidently, if your brain really gets to sleep, it sets your kidneys into “slow mode” and your bladder doesn’t fill. If your brain is gasping for air all the time, your kidneys are in “day mode” and continue working all night at full speed.
Also, does your family think you snore?
My dad had severe apnea, really severe. I dont have apnea but i do have an overactive bladder. Normal size neck.
A KETO or LCHF diet works great on this. Carbs cause brain fog. Try it for a month and see what a difference it makes. http://www.dietdoctor.com is free and has the latest science on the diets.
My book The Menopause Diet by Larrian Gillespie, says:
“Selenium is a trace mineral that functions in concert with Vitamin E to scavenge free radicals and heavy metals. It is thought to help in the prevention of cancer. It is also important for thyroid function, as it aids in converting T4 to T3…. Dose is 83 mcg to insure adequate absorption.”
My book The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean says:
”It appears that particular brain receptors important for learning and memory depend on magnesium for their regulation. The MIT researchers describe magnesium as absolutely necessary in the cerebrospinal fluid in order to keep these learning and memory receptors active. The term they use for this activity, interactivity, and changeability is plasticity…..”increasing the concentration of magnesium and reducing the background level of noise led to the largest increases of plasticity ever reported in scientific literature”.
Personally, what has helped me, and I hate having to take it, is the low dose of Paxil that my doc had me try for hot flashes, not kidding like 20 to 25 hot flashes in a 24 hour period. After one week my mind completely cleared up and I have been able to focus at work for the first time in years, I didn’t even realize how foggy I was until it cleared up.
So, off label but it worked. Im glad for you on that. Its the joke starting no menopause here but mental pause is…lol.
Gingko biloba would be my first choice. Lemon balm is also helpful.
I take a multi-vitamin and then extra C, spend time in the sun, and walk. That seems to do it. I walk, right now, for about 75-90 minutes depending on the day and what I have on tap. That’s up from 55. No phone, no dog, nothing but me, my Rosary, and the quiet when I can get it. I’ve noticed the walk helps more than anything else for mental clarity.
I ordered a whole food multivitamin so maybe the switch will help. Better sourced ingredients?
This would be very dasting…..and LETHAL to media narratives….if true….
“is giving the US government information . . ” And let’s hope it the real government.
Probably already posted. From Miami Herald I believe. DeSantis really is from the same mold. And who knows who else may be waiting in the wings.
How silly to carry water for the globalists and try impose their will on Florida. Royal Caribbean is there at Florida’s pleasure, not the other way around.
Tom MacDonald breaks the internet!
SNOWFLAKES….nearly 2 million views within 24 hours and that is with YouTube stalling the count for several hours when it reached 500,000 in 3 hours.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️ 🤸♀️
Well THAT’s a first.
First enjoyable piece of (c)rap “music.”
(Sorry, my bare requirement for something to be music is melody.)
There were a couple of spots where he rammed a couple of extra syllables into a line, but otherwise clever rap.
You should listen to his other music. It’s fantastic.
I LOVE Tom MacDonald!
I hope he makes many babies.
Everybody keeps asking him when is he finally going to marry Nova.
She’s a Romney.
She was always a Romney.
Thousands of years of human history show that blood is thicker than anything else you put up against it.
Does that mean there are never exceptions?
No, but I wouldn’t have put Romney in charge of the RNC just the same, because there’s no reason to take the chance.
There must be hundreds if not thousands of people equally or better qualified.
Why choose a Romney?!?
Legal Cowards pulled this same crap on 45.
The firm’s out, but the lawyer split from firm and is staying, thank goodness!
Mike Lindell Loses Law Firm Representation After New Suit Against Election Machine Companies (thegatewaypundit.com)
CNN Suffers “Catastrophic” Viewer Loss In May (thegatewaypundit.com)
It was a good movie too.
“It was a good movie too.”
The Third Man is a great movie! 👍 😁
Another amazing discovery from the past (for me), and rated as one of the best film noirs of all time.
Rated 8.6 at blu-ray.com, with 650 ratings.
For comparison, another film mentioned here at the Qtree recently, Aliens (1986), is rated 8.8, with 2,263 ratings.
Anything rated 8.5 or higher uncommon. The highest rating I can remember ever seeing at blu-ray.com is 9.2, for The Godfather parts 1 & 2.
The Third Man (1949)
I would rank it as nearly the equal of Double Indemnity (1944, rated 8.7):
And another film noir favorite, The Big Heat (1953, rated 8.2, directed by Fritz Lang, starring Glenn Ford, Gloria Grahame and… Lee Marvin, a Qtree favorite 😁)
Gloria Grahame… 😍
Here’s Gloria now, with Lee Marvin, from The Big Heat:
A rogue flutist…that was funny!
This is beyond taxation without representation.
😂 😂
It’s very funny.
But I can see how the daughter of crook number one in the cartoon might not think so.
Anyone who defends the Klintons is as crooked as they are.
She wouldn’t be defending them and benefitting from all of their financial crimes if she wasn’t.
WTH ? Every agency is corrupt and complicit .
From The Morgan Report (David Morgan, precious metals analyst).
This stuff is even in the financial newsletters now, even referencing Catherine Austin Fitts and trillions of dollars stolen/wasted in black-ops:
“Some well-respected analysts go to great lengths to explain that most of the Fed easing is not inflationary because the currency is not printed, but simply sitting in banks as reserves. This is basically true, but pressure is still building for the dollar demise. Our thinking is that not that much currency is being sent to main street where the increase would be felt, but nonetheless the food situation (inflation) will not go away
Further, we are aware that more than 20 Trillion in currency was spent by black ops programs, proven by Catherine Austin Fitts and Professor Mark Skidmore.
Did this money end up as bank reserves or did it go into the general economy? We think the latter; additionally, so much money has been loaned to foreign banks by the Fed that this alone could move the debate to inflation if trust in the U.S. dollar comes into question.
Zero Hedge among others pointed out that much of the move in many commodities was due to inflationary expectations rather than true inflation. We agree for the most part, but real inflation starts with the “expectation” of a continuation of higher prices. In other words, we cannot be sure what the commodity sector will do short term.”
The Morgan Report, June 2021, page 3
$20 trillion…
Can’t fill pot holes or get anything to work properly, but they can blow $20 trillion of our $28+ TRILLION national debt on ‘black ops’…
You could buy the whole PLANET from $20 trillion dollars…
The Pentagram is full of Obama takeover artists.
I’ll see your 39 and raise you 123.
REVEALED: Federal Government Funneled $123 Million and Pentagon Funneled $39 Million to Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance – Group that Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan (thegatewaypundit.com)
Well I’m having extreme difficulty in posting a comment for some reason (even worse through the notifier, which just spins and spins).
Try not to burn down the tree in my absence. (Save that stuff for deserving targets.)
I noticed the spinning yesterday on into today too.
Posting and liking have been slow for me.
Same here, been like that for a couple of days with the likes not appearing for a good while. I just liked a comment now and the thing in the top r/h corner was indicating for about 30 seconds or more then stopped the like didn’t work, they must time out too.
Texas Counties Start Charging Illegal Aliens With Child Endangerment, Trespass (theepochtimes.com)
Texas Counties Start Charging Illegal Aliens With Child Endangerment, TrespassBRACKETTVILLE, Texas—The tens of thousands of illegal aliens that evade Border Patrol every month—hoping to slip undetected to large cities up north—are now being confronted by sheriffs who are starting to charge them for trespassing, evading arrest on foot, and endangering the life or health of a child.
Seeing no solutions to the border crisis from the federal government, some counties are looking at all possible means to rein in the high-speed vehicle pursuits, trespassing, break-ins, vehicle thefts, and other crimes that are increasing in their communities.
“I’m going to start here, locally. If we catch them, we’re going to start prosecuting these people that are trespassing on y’all’s property,” Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe told an appreciative crowd in Brackettville, Texas, on May 22. “And whatever other legitimate charge we can stack on there to try to deter them from coming to Kinney County. We’re going to try to hold these people accountable.”
Neighboring Edwards County is doing the same.
Coe said his county would start charging for trespassing on June 1. He provided ranchers with a form that would authorize the sheriff to file charges on their behalf if someone is caught on their property—saving the rancher from coming into town to press charges every time a trespasser is caught. For many local ranchers, it’s a daily occurrence.
Coe said the sheriff’s office recently filed child endangerment charges against a woman who bailed out of a vehicle that had been pulled over by a deputy. The woman grabbed her 7-year-old child and ran into the scrub without food or water. The deputy caught her and the child and then called the sheriff to ask what she should do with them.
“And I said, ‘Now’s the time to start,’” Coe told The Epoch Times. “Let’s file charges against her for child endangerment based on the fact that she ran out of the car, she had no bags, no nothing with her, no food, no water for that kid, 7 years old. You’ve seen the weather down here, some days it’s 90 degrees, 110 degrees. What was she planning on doing with that child in the brush with no food and no water?”
The woman and child were turned over to Border Patrol, while the sheriff’s office will present the child endangerment case to a grand jury to decide if it’s a valid case for prosecution, known as a true bill.
“If they ‘true bill’ it, then we’ll put a warrant out for her arrest, and wherever she turns up, we’ll go get her and bring her back,” Coe said.
“If we do arrest her, and she gets sentenced to a year or six months, whatever the case may be, if she ever tries to file for some type of assistance here, or become a citizen … that’d be a check mark against her.
“Some type of consequence has to be there.”
‘We’re Hoping They Avoid Our County’Border Patrol detects a daily average of around 1,000 illegal aliens who evade capture along the southern border. The number of those who pass undetected is impossible to estimate.
Most of the illegal aliens passing through Kinney County are adult males who have crossed the border in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector—usually into the small cities of Del Rio or Eagle Pass.
The sector is experiencing record-breaking numbers, and so far in the current fiscal year (which began on Oct. 1, 2020), Border Patrol has apprehended illegal aliens from 70 countries, according to information obtained by The Epoch Times.
Border Patrol in the Del Rio Sector has apprehended 95 sex offenders this fiscal year, compared to six during the same period in fiscal 2020. Apprehension of criminals has topped 813 compared to 161 in the same period in fiscal 2020.
Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith is preparing to take up a slew of new trespass cases, while the district attorney deals with the felonies, such as human smuggling.
After an illegal alien is arrested for trespassing, Smith will examine the evidence in the case file from the sheriff’s office. If it’s determined that trespass occurred, he’ll charge the individual with trespassing, which is a Class B misdemeanor. The charge is elevated if the individual has a deadly weapon or is found more than 100 feet past the property line on agricultural land.
Once charged, the suspect will make a plea, and if they plead guilty, they’ll most likely be released with time served (two to three days) and be turned over to Border Patrol.
It’s not a big penalty, but Coe and Smith say it gets illegal aliens into the system and gives them a record.
“We’re hoping they avoid our county,” Smith said.
“We’re trying to make sure they’re held accountable for breaking the laws in our state and our nation. And so, if [President Joe] Biden is not going to enforce the law, then we’re going to try to enforce our own state laws.”
On April 21, Kinney County declared a local disaster due to the impact of the border surge, saying in its declaration that the “health, life, and property” of its residents are “under imminent threat of disaster from the human trafficking occurring on our border with Mexico.”
More than two dozen counties have since also made disaster declarations or are in the process of it.
Smith said Texas should act on its own to enforce its border with Mexico.
“It is my opinion that an emergency declaration by Governor [Greg] Abbott or the Texas Legislature would authorize Texas to take certain steps in the enforcement of its own borders and the protection of its citizens’ health, safety, and welfare,” he wrote in an open letter in April.
EVERY State Should Be Audited – In California 3,000 Votes Were Recorded from an Empty Dorm Building (thegatewaypundit.com)
The Santa Barbara News-Press reported this past week:
Wow anyone else having trouble, took half a dozen attempts to get here, kept timing out.
Ht P.win
Viewer discretion advised. That’s why your going to get a few more clicks if you want to see why.
Rep. Matt Gaetz to Newsmax: ‘Fauci Has Blood on His Hands’ | Newsmax.com
OK. Let’s arrest the bastard and charge him.
OR, do what Congress does. Talk. Talk. Talk. Talk…
This guy is actively investigating the PLA/CCP role in the spread of the bio weapon virus.
Dr. Lawrence Sellin (@LawrenceSellin) / Twitter
The War Room had him on today:
Dr. Sellin Reveals How China’s PLA Developed Covid Bioweapon With ‘Useful Idiots’ in U.S. (rumble.com)
The last twitter links to this article from PJ Media:
REPORT: High-Ranking Chinese Defector Working With DIA Has ‘Direct Knowledge’ of China’s Bioweapons Program—and It’s Very Bad – PJ Media
If the DIA is owned by / works for the CCP, then I’m not sure who this helps…
I imagine anyone considering defecting to the West is having second thoughts considering the betrayals of the last half decade. Poland may be the last best hope of such people.
Okay, were back in business. Left a link for the rally on U-Tree incase we need it. Appox 30 mins to rally. 33,000 and climbing…
Some one contact Biden.. he might want to see how this is done…
Never mind. Sent the message.
😂😂😂😂 ❤️
TY Para !
Sending my BOOO from the nose bleed seats
REALPOTUS 45 Donald Trump is on RSBN right now, speaking to the NC GOP convention in Greenville, NC. He’s choosing his words ** very carefully ** in my opinion.
Yes. Almost to the point where ai can’t listen to it.
Mark Meadows? Really?
He sounds sad and tired.
I think he has to, at this point. He’s got a lawsuit against him, etc.
Well, he says they’re going to take back the WH “Sooner than you think”.
Generally, the changing of the occupant of the WH, especially between opposing parties, happens on a schedule every four years.
So “sooner than you think” would seem to be a pretty blatant declaration that it will be before 2024 👍😁
Here are some more of Suckerberg’s family photos, doing what they do best:
They got her. 😡
This is rich JackRat. 🙄
Time to boogie K-Bo!
Looks like that BideNazi is doing the Sgt. Schultz ‘Jawohl, Herr Commandant!‘ salute.
[video src="https://y.yarn.co/3fe22d64-b84c-43c2-92a5-35a1ba274622.mp4" /]
These are from https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/06/the-week-in-pictures-grouchy-fauci-edition.php , btw.
😱 😂
OAN and CSPAN1 airing on cable.
I love you too. ❤
Gonna have a good 22.
Cyber Attacks are a lack of leadershp.
I miss him so much I almost can’t take it.
I know Miss Syl. 💔💔
Come on Audits!! AZ, GA, PA!!!
Yes!!! PLEASE!
Madison Cawthorne, he’s a Handsome Sucker!
If I had a face like him I woulda been President 20yrs earlier!
Fun Fact:
Mark’s wife Deb Meadows, supported 45 long before he ever did.
We’re gonna take back the House, get rid of Piglosi.
I look forward to a very great year…..2024! 👏👏👏👏👏
Dayum, 15yr old Barron is 6’7! Eric is short, 6’6.
Lara Trump, saying no for now, not no forever, to running for Senate. Kids too young, 1 & 3, need their Mum.
45 endorsing Congressman Ted Budd? for NC Senate.
Devastating disease from China, it’s called a lab, WUHAN.
Without the vaccine, “this would be an empty room.” He’s right. We would still be locked down.
“He’s right. We would still be locked down.”
Except me…
and ME!
…and rayzorback! 👍😁
NOBODY puts scott in a corner…..
😘 😘 😘 😘
“NOBODY puts scott in a corner…..”
Oh no!
A reference to one of the pinnacles of bad movies!
In college we used to rent VHS tapes at the local Blockbuster video (or equivalent), and one time we saw Patrick Swayze on the cover of a VHS box. He was in Red Dawn and Point Break, which were both pretty good.
There was no Internet then, so there was no easy way to look up movies for ratings or descriptions, you only had the cover and maybe a blurb on the back to go by. So it was really hit or miss a lot of the time.
This movie with Patrick Swayze was called Dirty Dancing, with some chick on the cover, so we thought it was a sure thing.
Oh man, were we embarrassed and wrong!
It was horrible. It started out really horrible, and then it just went straight downhill from there.
When they got to that line in the movie, “Nobody puts my baby in a corner“, I think that was as far as we got, we couldn’t take another minute 😂 🤣 😂
That line was a running joke for the rest of college, and even to this DAY!
Just a couple weeks ago, I saw that Dirty Dancing is being released on 4K blu-ray.
Without even a moment’s hesitation, I sent an email to my college room mate, to tell him that his favorite movie of all time was finally available in full 4K glory 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 🤣
The hilarious thing is it was a Big Deal and a hit in its day.
“The hilarious thing is it was a Big Deal and a hit in its day.”
We were looking for movies like 48 Hours, the Usual Suspects, Aliens, Reservoir Dogs, Angel Heart, Unforgiven, Basic Instinct, Scarface, Blue Velvet, Cape Fear, The Good the Bad & the Ugly, Das Boot, Terminator, Die Hard, Dirty Harry, Cool Hand Luke, Goodfellas, The Hitcher, Blood Simple, Mad Max, No Way Out, Blade Runner, Runaway Train, Silence of the Lambs, Thief, Body Heat, To Live and Die in L.A., Wild at Heart, etc.
We tried really, really hard to not bring home any movies like Dirty Dancing… but back then, you could never be sure what you had, until the tape started rolling…
Then there was that first 15 to 20 minutes, when the pressure was on — if you picked out the movies — and everybody is sizing it up, trying to figure out if this is going to be a great one, or if it was going to be like Mystery Science Theater 3000, where everybody rips it to shreds, makes fun of every scene, and throws stuff at the TV 🤣 😂 🤣
Not so much that you didn’t like the movie (it was a chick flick after all), but you are acting as if you had never even *heard* of it.
I didn’t think it was possible not to have heard of it, it was such a “big deal” at the time.
“Not so much that you didn’t like the movie (it was a chick flick after all), but you are acting as if you had never even *heard* of it.”
You have to understand the context.
I looked it up, that movie came out in 1987, so I was in college. Living in a dorm. No cable TV in the rooms at that point.
Nobody even had their own PCs yet. If you wanted to use a PC, you had to go to the computer lab, and transcribe your papers from long-hand, and print them out on a dot-matrix printer. The kind where you had to tear off the tractor-feed edges 👍 😁
There was a big console TV in the dorm lobby, and I think it had cable TV hooked up, but there were usually other people watching something I had no interest in. So I wasn’t getting a lot of news from the outside world at the time.
It was at least a year later (1988) before it was out on video, which makes sense, because I remember which dorm I was living in at the time we watched it.
If I had been in high school when it came out, I would probably have known all about it. If it had been after college, I might have known about it too, just due to cable TV.
But during college, in a small college town, it was a different world.
I wasn’t even paying attention to politics yet.
If Clint Eastwood came out with a new movie, I would have heard about it. That would have broken through all the noise and other interests..
But Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey?
Not so much 😁
Yuk it up, funny boy! Women REVERE Dirty Dancing! I HONORED you with my reference to that classic movie!
(PS The line is, “No one puts Baby in corner.” See, Baby was her name.)
I’m delighted you got it!!!! And I’m laughing, and shaking my head, at your reaction to Dirty Dancing.
Oh, so it’s not Baby from this flick….
Ha! NO!
“Yuk it up, funny boy!”
I am! 😂 🤣 😂
“Women REVERE Dirty Dancing!”
I know!
It’s exactly the wrong kind of movie for guys! 😂 🤣 😂
“I HONORED you with my reference to that classic movie!”
Thank you, Sylvia (I think… 😁 )
“(PS The line is, “No one puts Baby in corner.” See, Baby was her name.)”
You’re right of course… all these years I’ve tried to block it out… 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂
“I’m delighted you got it!!!! And I’m laughing, and shaking my head, at your reaction to Dirty Dancing.”
All in good fun 😁 👍
We were scarred for life… 😁 🤣
*laughing helplessly*
Oh Scott! Let me know if you’d like any movie recommendations! Or maybe I could send you my much-loved, well worn VHS tape of An Affair to Remember.
Not that anyone has a VHS player any more. That’s okay. You can just hold it in your hands and look at the sleeve. That’s almost enough to make me weep right there.
(“Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories… And we’ve already missed the spring…”) Sniffle. Pass me Kleenex please……
“scarred for life” 😂😂😂
*laughing helplessly*
Good… that means I did it right! 😁
Biden Admin putting America last.
48K jobs lost on Keystone pipeline day 1, WHY?
Oh no, not the ventilators again. And now it’s vaccine overload. They will barely applaud, DOES HE NOT HEAR IT? There is NO punctuation with applause. Jesus God, he should just go play golf, with Mark Meadows, and hand it off to DeSantis & Flynn and the patriots handling the audits. Hopefully this is an act, he sounds bad. THE ROOM IS DEAD.
Dear God let it be an act.
You’re Nucking Futz!
Sick of you constantly bashing him!
Say what you think, don’t pussyfoot due to your screen name. Since actual cuss words would not be met with approval from above.
Do you think the ventilators should be mentioned?
Do you think the crowd is excited and acting like a normal Trump crowd?
Is there a problem with pointing out that they will barely applaud for vaccines?
You don’t call the shots here, and the reason we all came together was being banned for speaking somewhere else. So back off.
It’s an official GOP event where most attendees are there for business. The audience is going to be naturally more reserved due to the setting, so I’m not sure how fair or accurate of a gauge their response is. I agree with you, though, that there was noticeably less applause about the vaccine than other issues.
So they invite Trump to speak – that in itself is making a statement. Isn’t there a big crowd outside as well? Perhaps I’m mistaken, I saw a big line earlier in the day. Way more than could fit in that hall.
His persona just doesn’t work from a position of weakness. There’s no swagger overload and it’s hard to watch.
Although now he’s being heartfelt Trump. I do love it, I just cannot stand Mark Meadows and all the dishonest people that let him down deliberately. A lot of people know things.
And I’m for sure not going to be called names by anyone here. I don’t name call, and I certainly don’t use too-cute-by-half profanity. It’s weak.
I’m not getting the same impression.
Very strong discussion of the border. What PDJT did, what Biden has undone. As he said all they had to do was leave it alone.
He had Border totally under control, the best ever!
Yes he did.
So far, I think it’s been a good speech. He started out strong saying we’re watching our country being destroyed right before our eyes. Since then it has been a point by point speech on what Trump initiatives the Biden admin has undone and the results. Now he’s onto the economy…..
I agree. IMO, he is in a very difficult position. He is not officially running for anything, he is under threat of a lawsuit, and he is the rightful president but was cheated out of office. He is sort of floating, political position-wise. It’s so good to hear from him directly.
Agreed. And this isn’t a rally. Different situation.
That’s a good point.
Not that many people in the room, maybe 200 including media. They were all sitting at dinner tables prior to speech, looked like 6-8 each.
Yes, I saw that. It’s a different crowd as sadieslays pointed out upthread and a different setting. Not as informal/laid back as a rally. A more politically sophisticated group. And people who are there for the Republican Party function, not strictly to see PDJT. NOT that they had objections to that, I’m sure! But it is a different crowd with a different vibe and a different sensibility, IMO.
Reparations. Now we’re getting someplace. The crowd thinks so too. My problem is I cannot stand to see him speak from a position of weakness. He’s stuck in that position for the moment – so he needs some new talking points.
It’s a tough position to be in, for sure.
RA-SHEE-DA, she comes from a country that’s perfect at running their own country, Now she’s here telling us how to run our country. SUPER SNARKY 😀
that was great!
Fauci, radical masker. Three masks, four masks. Add goggles…..
(lots of laughs)
Oooh, ouch!
Fauci: nice guy, loves the spotlight. Better at being on TV than being a doctor (I think that’s what he said, LOL).
Very good speech by POTUS 45 he is laying it out. We know but he does not have to talk to us he needs to speak to those who do not know. We have much information here not every one does know.
So good to hear my President 🙂
God Bless him.
I miss him SO much. I still kind of whip around and look at the TV when they say “The President” because I think TRUMP. He’s still my President. I never think of that stupid Biden as the President.
Same here except i have no TV 🙂 Trump spoiled us. He is a good man we do not get many good men in politics.
I cringe every time they call Creepy President.
All nations should work together to present China bill for $10TRILLION at a minimum.
All nations should cancel their debt.
I love him talking about China paying reparations to the nations of the world. “The current administration is very timid and frankly corrupt.” (Regarding China)
PDJT: Biden and family took millions from the CCP and were bought off. Big tech and fake news media didn’t want to talk about it. Their red lights are going off right now.
“We are greater than China. There’s nobody like us.”
How we need to hear this!
“But we are broken right now.”
Iran: “I would have had a deal in one week.”
“Now they’re asking for money. They never asked me for money.”
“Kim Jong Un is a different kind of a guy. Takes a different kind of a guy to talk to him, too.”
Ha! Good one!
And so true!
👯♂️ 👯♀️
There’s nobody who will talk to KJU, he’s a different kind of a guy.
Takes a different kind of a guy to talk to him too. 😂😂😂
(Me talking): It makes me so sad and mad, what is happening to our country. We were robbed. PDJT should be in office.
Yes they did but there is hope. I pray he stays healthy so he can run 2024.
I agree, but I also pray that election fraud can be proved and we won’t have to wait until 2024. I don’t know if the country can survive that long, especially if elections aren’t fixed by 2022.
Yes the election fraught. The fraught is always on my mind and pray it all will be resolved.
I know. I’m happy to see him because I miss him so much. And I’m sad and angry because they are ruining the country and PDJT should be running things and saving our country instead of this horrible limbo we’re in.
He’s tellling the story about going down the slippery rank in his nice Italian leather shoes and the press was all over that, but they say nothing about old Joe falling up the stairs on the plane. He sure knows how to tell a story. The crowd just roars with laughter.
Ohhhhh…..his story about the soldiers carrying the coffin of one of our boys and his mother through herself on the coffin. Ohhhhh……….so horrible, so painful. He was clearly moved by the memory of that.
PDJT is so smart and so principled.
“Your guns are under siege.” “We have to have the power to keep and bear arms.”
Critical race theory…Americans should ban it everywhere, including the federal government.
“75 millions voters plus, plus, plus.”
Far-left Dems tyring to get Trump. “They’re going through every deal I’ve ever done. It’s a disgrace to our country. It’s prosecutorial misconduct. They’re in search of a crime.”
He’s NOT wrong!
“Where’s Durham? Has anyone seen Durham?”
Right!….. Is he even REAL?
“Where’s Durham? What happened to Durham?”
Bull Durham = Bull SHIT?
Anybody seen Durham?
Found nothing w/Mueller, all these investigations, Send it over to the Radical left prosecutors in NY, AW SHIT WE FAILED!
Remeber Huber? Remember the guy before him?
All of these people were supposed to save us and put the deep state in prison.
Now we know it was all lies.
We’ve been played for five years, and some of us continue to be played waiting for the next magic miracle.
Yup. NOT interested in click bait stuff.
Absolute 9 – 0 really matters little. Courts have to entertain Lindell’s lawsuit. Then they have to rule our way or the case gets to the (not) Supreme Court so they can start redeeming themselves. (Yea, how likely is that. Spit.)
Arrest and prosecutions are my focus. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. W
Steve, I finished! What you wrote was wonderful and so hard for me to keep in my head without trying to memorize things. I really liked that you explained the equations and helped me follow along. There is one little nugget I especially want to hold onto: “The meter, in fact is defined in terms of the speed of light.” To truly soak all this up, I think I would need to read through it about 10 times. LOL Oh and you should be able to find the word “line” repeated “line line” and not long after that the word “it” hiccupped and became “tt”. Other than that, I didn’t find any other tiny typos. whew… that’s more than a brain full of stuff…
I spotted a couple (including one that reversed the meaning of a sentence) yesterday.
That bit about the meter has only been true for the last 20-30 years or so. But it does mean the number I provided is *exact*.
2020 election hoax.
Evidence too voluminous to mention.
“I used to actually get good press. Can you believe it?”
“Look at what hapenined on that evening when the election was won…and all of a sudden something happened…People see it.”
2020 Election is the most corrupt we’ve ever seen.
I have nothing to do with the audit in AZ.
And now they’re looking at other states.
This will go down as the crime of the century.
It’s good to hear him talking about the election audits.
Zuckerberg used to want to have dinner with PDJT and even congratulated him about being number on on Facebook.
Zuckerburg broke the law spending millions of dollars on the election.
“Who the hell wants to defund the police?” Look at how crime is going up. “The policy is so bad.”
“We’re not a 50-50 country to defund the police,” etc.
“There’s something going on and we have to be very careful with our eleciton process.”
“Dead people voted who hadn’t applied to vote,” LOL.
PDJT doesn’t think Biden is really running the country.
“I am not the one that’s trying to undermine American democracy. I’m the one that’s trying to save it. Please remember that.”
“I don’t even think Biden is the dictator. If anyone knows whose really in charge let me know…..”
“I’m not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I’m trying to save it Please remember that.” HUGE applause.
Elections: “Without going back, you’re not going to go forward.”
He’s pulling out all the stops on the election hoax. He’s talking about China, Iran, others.
This is a GREAT speech.
I am going to do a massive analysis of this speech, because it is our battle plan!.
Great ! Thank you I am looking forward 🙂
I look forward to reading that, Wolfie! Thank you! 😘😘😘
Can’t wait for this “analysis” 🙂
PDJT is still our leader.
2020 Election, biggest scam, people all over the world laughing at us. China, Russia, Iran, many countries (our enemies) are happy about the election.
“Our movement is far from over. In fact, it is just getting started.”
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Go ahead. Call me a fool if it satisfies a need inside you. But listening to my President has lifted my spirits and made me believe, somehow, the fight is still on and we’re going to win.
Did you get rid of your shovel?
Only way I can think of for you to be foolish.
LOL! Never! They will have to pry it from my cold dead hands!
The fight is just starting — and I have boundless hope. But when I hear people like General Flynn and Sidney Powell say that Mark Meadows is a snake that undermined Trump in December, I can’t just dismiss them. They are brilliant people that know things.
Gen. Charles Flynn took over command of the Pacific Fleet yesterday. That is very important.
Charles Flynn?
Not the same Flynn?
His brother.
I know what you mean, Gingersmom. But politics is a different business. No one is pure and clean. No one. It is an icky business where you have to work with people who you’d rather not. No wonder so few have the stomach for it. ( I believe Flynn and Powell, too.)
Trump did, after all have to shake hands with KJU. Who, objectively speaking is the worst sort of shitbag even if in some ways their personalities are similar.
I can’t help but notice that you were not cursed at or ridiculed. Ego is a necessary component. If Terrell Owens didn’t have it he would have never run across the middle.
And I love Terrell ElDorado Owens.
??? I can’t see how this relates to what I wrote.
I believe you said that Kim and Trump might have a couple of similar personality traits, and no one called you crazy. And I expanded that into Terrell Owens’ sense of self. Never mind.
Oh, OK, now I see what you were responding to.
I was trying to get at the fact that they appear to get along well with each other as people, and did so poorly. The larger point being that Trump was willing to shake the man’s hand even though KJU is an absolute rat bastard.
I wish I could figure out all that saber dance stuff with the orb. That feels like 20 years ago.
Perhaps I’ll be told I’m f-ing nuts again, but Trump made a lot of errors, or so it seems, in his choice of people in positions of either confidence or responsibility. There were SO many that ranged anywhere from just useless to outright traitors. It can’t all be 5-D chess moves.
He wants to see the good in people, it’s a weakness we all have to some degree. But it was too much hyping Mark Meadows tonight, when anyone who’s awake has heard a different story.
Tell me how did you hire after you became President?
Looking back on my life I made many mistakes.
I realized if God wanted me perfect he would made me so.
I learned from my mistakes I think my President learned very much.
One thing I am sure he does not trust the same people.
Dr Jordan Peterson says ” to clean our own room.” Wonder what he means by that?
Flynn & Powell have no time for Mark Meadows, after their experience with him in December. December. I was disappointed in POTUS going out of his way to hype him tonight. No more, no less.
Looking back on Byrne’s account of December, it seems very possible that Byrne, Flynn and Powell were listened to sympathetically by our President, but were not told about about more strategic goals which might have altered their pov.
I share your skepticism of MM, but leave open the possibility that he understood the longer term goals, and was putting on a little theatre for the benefit of the unexpected guests.
Yes, I understand about the meeting with Byrne/Flynn/Powell. But Byrne came away from it with the feeling that those closest to him (Meadows) were running interference, and guiding him away from anything they presented. Byrne may be an unknown quantity but Sidney Powell certainly is not. Not likely that she doesn’t pick up on a vibe, or isn’t able to read what’s there.
I’m about over the whole discussion actually – but thanks for replying.
OK, sorry if I sounded contentious, that was not my intent whatsoever.
Apparently I have a much earlier schedule (or later depending on your pov) and first read the last page of yesterday’s thread to “catch up” before reading today’s. I should be more aware when replying that the site has gone beyond me by 12-24 hours!
Nothing about anything you said, I’ve just moved on. 👍🏻
In some of the situations, PDJT has had to work with what (whom) he has. He knows that person is not going to be defeated, and a Repub placeholder is better than a Dem, and sometimes those people respond to leadership, so Trump encourages them and supports them.
After the election, Trump was considered a lame duck, so the RINOs were not responding to his leadership but were swayed by their masters. That is NOT an excuse; I’m just saying that sometimes Trump is stuck with what is before him, and sometimes those people will toe the line under strong leadership. I see no benefit in his trashing Meadows at this time.
I don’t recall saying that he should trash anybody. I just don’t see the point of hyping him — everybody in that room is as tuned in as we are, and has read everything we have.
And so has PDJT, so he has to have a reason for what he says and does. I trust him.
Yes, I think that’s right. We don’t see it out here in the cheap seats looking on. But he has some reason for doing it, and I don’t believe it’s because he is blind to Mark Meadows faults.
I also believe that like all of us, PDJT often has to make the best of a bad lot. Things and people may not be what he would want, but “you can’t always get what you want.”
I trust him, too.
Alas, he also didn’t get what he needed, either.
It doesn’t seem that way, does it?
I’m curious. What would you have done?
About being surrounded by snakes?
I’d probably have kept firing. Not always possible when it’s a senate-approved position, of course.
Fundamentally, he was given a lot of responsibility (by us) but we couldn’t give him the authority he needed to do the job, not when that authority gets split with Congress.
R-Cons sabotaged Trump continuously.
Turtle could have adjourned the Senate so Trump could make recess appointments. I think that is what they are called.
It IS almost AS IF Turtle was in cahoots with Cry’n Chuckster.
It’s almost as if the Beltway was in open rebellion against a duly elected POTUS as never before.
And, BTW, I specifically include Jackson’s two terms.
…..of course, Jackson had a reputation for shooting people who ticked him off….
Hence the portrait of Jackson in the Oval Room, perhaps? A verbal figurative portrayal?
I believe that Turtle felt he could half-control Cryin’ Chuck by agreeing with him on the need to control Trump, and then sell that same excuse to his wife so SHE could use it to placate more RINOs that her dear hubby was “standing up to Trump”.
TL;DR – yes to cahoots.
I believe the “Turtle” is bought and paid for through his CHINESE wife. Corrupt as any of the rest of them.
Good post 🙂
Another was people sat and did not get involved in local politics to invade the republican party of rinos.
Easy to sit on the sideline and critique.
People put the whole burden on 45 without helping him on local level.
People are now working and getting involved and that is a good thing.
As I said the last time I posted about “Hopium” I didn’t want people to stop fighting, I wanted them to START fighting.
Putting it all on 45 is not fighting. Yet there are legions of people who think he’s just waiting for the right moment to lift his hand and walk back into the White House in triumph.
I noticed that also that people posting on different boards put all on Trump.
The critiques about him when he does not do or failed not doing what they envisioned they get angry.
Reminds me of Harry who whines about his family and still wants dads millions at age 36 instead getting off his butt and work.
Now I am off topic 🙂
This is our government and we need to take it back from the bottom up to help Trump and the country.
Continually Trump didn’t get what he needed.
DOJ & FBI have failed Trump continuously since coming down the escalator.
R-Cons FAILED Trump throughout his four years in office.
There are still going after him 🙁
This is the disappointing aspect of it all, realizing that our President simply could not do certain things we all were confident he could do.
But, it is turning out that he did the most important thing, which was to live to fight another day, something everyone “needs.”
I just didn’t see any reason to mention him at all. Cawthorn now represents his old district, right? And he’s not running for the senate seat. I know, it’s just Trump’s style and usually it’s feel-good and fine.
“a Repub placeholder is better than a Dem”
I can not agree with this statement.
Romney? Cheney? Sasse? Kintzinger?
Kasich? Bush(s)?
I could go on…….
It depends greatly on the placeholder. Some are tribal enough to oppose democrats even if they don’t know what it means to be a republican. Those can probably be worked with, if someone nearby has a fricking spine.
It does seem that way, doesn’t it? I have no answer. I think probably more than anything it was nearly impossible to fill his positions with Trump loyalists because there were so few to be had. Mostly party hacks, Never Trumpers, etc.
Even before 20 January 2017, we KNEW it was MISSION IMPOSSIBLE to staff positions with America First Patriots..
The swamp is too DEEP AND FRICKEN EVIL.
I’m pretty sure that at some point near the end, Trump decided to pack it up and fight from OUTSIDE the White House. I suspect Meadows was aware of this (likely both classified and Trump-strategic), but Sidney and Patrick were not privy. Flynn is a spook. He may have known the plan, but of course says “no plan”.
We don’t have all the info and never will. But when Trump says something, I trust it.
Ditto x 1000!
Still POTUS got much accomplished.
Yup. Accomplished incredible things. More than any other President in four years.
Broad based obstacles kept Trump from accomplishing so much more.
They fought him every step off the way.
Agree with this. Too many poor appointments, some were simply mistakes, even taking into account McConnell’s power over personnel.
Gen. Charles Flynn took over command of the Pacific Fleet yesterday. That is very important.
^^^ Tweaks AND Clarification follow.
US Indo-Pacific Command – Admiral John Aquilino
^^^ Subordinate Component Commands & Commanders listed below:
I just knew he was part of the mix. Do you know anything about these other folks one way or another.
Simply correcting it is NOT Pacific Fleet.
Flynn IS Pacific Army.
Significant difference.
That said, I agree Pacific Army IS Significant and important.
It is, alas, far from Washington.
I’m not sure that isn’t a feature rather than a bug.
At least I knew that much. Who else even knew who Charles Flynn was.
Who needs to know?
I’ve moved on. 👍🏻
Was not intended as a ding or personal hit.
Mentioning Flynn’s promotion absolutely noteworthy. Glad ya did.
The other Commanders I listed? No. Just familiar with their responsibilities. great respect for their accomplishments and responsibilities in the Pacific Theater.
Spent a significant portion of my military and GS careers supporting Pacific Forces.
So long as Trump is in, I am optimistic.
I gotta go back and listen to his speech.
A Group of Amateur Gumshoes Debunked the Media Cover-Up of the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory
I love the part here where they identify that the scientists are unable to self-police because both they and the media are fed by the political stuff (meaning the CCP and DNC).
Yes. I remember, I guess a few years ago, when citizen bloggers started coming to prominence because they were investigating things the media refused to, and they were soundly criticized because they didn’t have journalistic credentials. And now it’s well known that the media is influenced by politics and choose what they will cover, and how; and that others have to do the job they won’t do. Add a whole political party and foreign influence, and scientists in bed with them, and we have no chance at getting to the truth if we have to rely on them.
Yup. Corporate media is loyal to everything but the customer and TRUTH.
Invalid premise.
The media’s *customers* are the advertisers. Putting the thing in front of your eyeballs is the product.