Dear KAG: 20210609 Open Thread

Alright, let’s see what we’ve got to compete with PBS Kids and whatever else the special needs nephew is watching. (Of late, his favorite movie is The Gumball Rally.)

OMG, an MSM personality dares to speak the unspeabable.

General Flynn speaks.

The cabal comes out of the closet:

And then, well….

I leave you all with this, a video dropped by General Flynn. ARE WE THERE YET???????

Maybe so.

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MATTHEW 5:17-19

17“Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. 18For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. 19Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

“Our task is not one of producing persuasive propaganda; Christianity shows its greatness when it is hated by the world.”St. Ignatius of Antioch

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Stunning final product here:

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Jabbed are indoors, get prime spots, no face diapers. Unjabbed go outdoors, need diapers, probably get lousy service. NYC Restaurants asking for PAPERS.

Segregated dining in NYC: Vaccinated patrons enjoy life back to normal, un-vaxxed must stay distant | Daily Mail Online


I wouldn’t go, I don’t know why anyone would.

There’s no reason why I have to go to a restaurant. I could easily go for years without going to a restaurant.

I think the last time I went to a movie theater was when Titanic came out.

I will survive just fine without ever attending another sporting event.

There is nothing these monsters have that I want badly enough to take their death juice or wear their Halloween mask… there’s nothing even close😂


Amen to that, Scott!




I agree with you. I also think about how the plandemic has changed, for example, the dating scene. No more dinner and a movie. Or baseball night with dad or grandpa. And restaurants are meeting places for many a business deal. The evil people are trying to take control of society.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. The EVIL ONES are still trying to TAKE CONTROL.

Screw them. They have to be OPENLY MOCKED AND SHAMED.

Brave and Free

It’s not taking hold everywhere though and I look at that as a good sign.
People are awakening, to slowly for the sheep……..
They’ll need an advent to push them over to the right side I think and still there will be the followers who can never think for themselves.

Deplorable Patriot

I won’t date anyone who’s had the shot, that’s for sure.


Split families. How many people skipped family events not to give grandparents the CCP virus?

Concerned Virginian

Per 710WOR, New York;

Madison Square Garden and Radio City Music Hall are among the large venues that are reopening this month — and will allow “fully vaccinated people” to attend performances. The fully vaccinated” must have “proof of vaccination” on them.
The “Excelsior Pass” is gaining in acceptance and use in New York State, and is seen as the “gold standard” as a potential “template” for “proof of vaccination” in the rest of the United States. So far, over 1 MILLION people have the Excelsior Pass.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Deplorable Patriot

MSM sources touting this stuff sends up my antennae. They’re pushing the IDEAS trying to get people to fall for them as reality.

Vaccine passports are not going to work. That’s an idea being floated to get the sheep to sign up for slaughter, IMO.

Gail Combs

They can take their vaccine passports and stick them where the sun don’t shine!

I am hoping the Deplorables are as awake on the Jabb Hoax as they are on the Election Steal.

Gail Combs

Talk about Karma being a female dog!

All the little Lefty sheep get their sterilization shots while the Maverick Deplorables, not ONLY do NOT get the shots, THEY ALSO HOME SCHOOL!

Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits are also talking about helping with a school in Texas that will serve as a template.

Deplorable Patriot

That has crossed my mind on many an occasion about WHO is taking the shots.


It’s all part of the push to 70%. Round about way of getting folks used to proving they OBEY. Proof of vaccination, Vaccine Passport = Walking Papers.

Sorta like Chinee society behavior controls. Vaccine passport a step in that direction.

F’m all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Me: Why, do you work for the government?

Gestapo: YES!

Me: Good, that means you work for me. Let me see your papers, and they better be in good order.


Don’t make me call your boss.

He works for me too.


“The “Excelsior Pass” is gaining in acceptance and use in New York State, and is seen as the “gold standard” as a potential “template” for “proof of vaccination” in the rest of the United States. So far, over 1 MILLION people have the Excelsior Pass.”


What a bunch of wussbags, exchanging their freedom for a hall pass from Ellsworth Toohey.

The “baaa-aaa” noise of a herd of sheep that large must sound strange in a city like the Big Sissy… 😁


It’s diabolical because the pass claims to give the sheep freedom.

Gail Combs

comment image




bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The current metro area population of New York City in 2021 is 18,823,000.

New York State population in 2021 is estimated to be 20.4 million.

Let’s see how long ONE MILLION people can support all these restaurants and venues.


Wonder if they try to impose those rules on the delivery drivers, scullery staff, cleaners, all the people who make it work, or is it just political point scoring.


Way to check the math!

Yeah, the city can’t run on a million morons.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



I’m waiting for the vaccine to protect me from the shedding of the fully vaccinated.
It’s surely in the pipeline..
I’ll dodge it too.
Still waiting.  😆 

Deplorable Patriot

The choir director is cleared to start back up July 5. Our dispensation for Mass obligation is lifted as of July 1, but A LOT of people are already back.

Anyway, the resident hypochondriac member with rhumatoid arthritis won’t be back ’cause she’s too afraid. I guess she doesn’t know that her RA meds are protecting her better than anything else could.


Irrational and unfounded fear plus she enjoys the drama….all hypochondriacs have some sort of attention seeking behavior.


Another reason to NEVER visit NYC. Not that I needed another reason.

Deplorable Patriot

I LOVED NYC when I was there about 15 years ago. I’ll wait for things to change before going back. Have a lot to see yet.


Nyc tourism ads playing a lot here.


No doubt much to see.

When NYC and NYC embrace the Second Amendment, I’d likely visit much of NY. NYC is a stretch with all of the loony behavior.

Much of America I want to see withOUT sacrificing my Rights.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Too many States have opened. Businesses are not checking as they need customers. This ship has sailed.


Snake: “We will decide effectively, who lives and who dies.”


Let’s start with him. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any time now would be a fine time for a confrontation.

Now go back and notice how sneaky they were. How lying. “Who lives and who dies ….. by whether they get the vaccine or are “””””at risk”””””.”

(1) How do we know whether or not those who are in fact “at risk” are those who took a LYING vaccine?

(2) How do we know whether or not the REAL RISK is globalists walking the streets?

I think globalists walking the streets killed quite a few people here.

Gail Combs

“I think globalists walking the streets killed quite a few people here.”


And that brings up a gnawing thought I have.

There is NO WAY the Chinese Communist are top dogs. Someone has to be controlling them.

They didn’t go from dirt poor 13th century type dirt farmers to an industrial giant WITHOUT A LOT OF HELP, Help that could EASILY have been yanked away at any time by the USA and EU.

Clinton’s China Policy

…. In return for campaign contributions, the President shifted regulation of technology exports from the State Department to the free-wheeling Commerce department. The administration also relaxed export controls and allowed corporations to decide if their technology transfers were legal or not. When easing restrictions wasn’t enough, Clinton signed waivers that simply circumvented the law. The President’s waivers allowed the export of machine tools, defense electronics, and even a communications system for the Chinese Air Force.

Clinton even involved the Department of Energy, caretaker of our nuclear weapons, in his fundraising schemes. In 1994 and ’95 then Energy Secretary Hazel O’Leary accompanied Johnny Chung, John Huang, Charlie Trie, and Bernard Schwartz on trade missions to China. Shortly afterward the DOE relaxed security at US weapons labs. Wen Ho Lee, an ethnic Chinese physicist assigned to Los Alamos, illegally transferred data on nuclear warheads to his private computer files.

In June of 1995, the CIA learned that China had stolen the crown jewels of our nuclear arsenal, including the neutron bomb and the W-88 miniaturized warhead. Later that year National Security Advisor Anthony Lake is briefed on the thefts. He is replaced on the Security Council by Sandy Berger, a former lobbyist for the Chinese government. In June of 1996, before Bill Clinton’s re-election, the FBI opens a formal investigation into the theft of US nuclear weapon designs.

Proof of China’s military intentions came in March of 1996, on the eve of Taiwan’s first democratic elections. China used the threat of force to intimidate the island nation into electing a pro-Beijing candidate. Military maneuvers included bombing runs and launching ballistic missiles that impacted within twenty miles of Taiwan. When the US sent an aircraft carrier into the Taiwan Straits, a Chinese general threatened to “rain down nukes upon Los Angeles”….


You might find these older articles “enlightening”

𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗽𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗔𝗧 𝗗𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗦, 𝗦𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘇𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 (𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗛 𝗗𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗦!!!)

President Clinton pledged Saturday to continue his push to open up new trade markets, calling such policies the only way to ensure the world’s poorest nations will share in the rising global wealth.

    In a highly anticipated speech to more than 1,000 international business, economic and political leaders gathered at the 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗘𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺, Clinton also attempted to enlist the business community’s support in helping secure a spot for China in the World Trade Organization. Clinton’s speech marked the first time an incumbent U.S. president visited the forum in the small resort community in the Swiss Alps….

Sure looks like Billy-boy was the 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗘𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗰 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝘂𝗺’𝘀 errand boy.

Manufacturing & Technology News: China’s Entry Into The WTO 10 Years Later Is Not What President Clinton Promised:

…Most all of the predictions from those pushing the deal at the time have proven to be wrong, according to an analysis done by Robert Lighthizer, former deputy United States Trade Representative…

The Economist: Chinese politics and the WTO, No change, Hopes of sparking political change have come to nothing so far

Dec 10th 2011

WHEN trying to persuade Congress in 2000 that China should be let into the World Trade Organisation (WTO), America’s then president, Bill Clinton, knew how to win over the sceptics. China’s admission, he said, was likely to have “a profound impact on human rights and political liberty”. A decade on, China’s disappointed liberals no longer suggest that freer trade will speed political reform.

China’s media have been trumpeting the tenth anniversary on December 11th of the country’s WTO accession. In China as much as in America, the event was seen as of far greater importance than a mere pledge by China to reduce barriers to its markets (moves towards which had long been under way). For both countries it was a crucial part of restoring calm to a relationship that had been marred by annual fights in Congress over whether to keep granting China most-favoured-nation trading status..

The Clinton Presidency: A Foreign Policy for the Global Age

As the first president who has understood the connections of the global economy and its connection to our prosperity, President Clinton has led the United States toward its greatest expansion in world trade in history…. Completed the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations and created the WTO to reduce tariffs, settle trade disputes and enforce rules…

Campaign Finance Special Report: list of links to Clinton/Gore/China finance connection investigations

The following is the full text of the executive summary of the final report of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee’s “Investigation on Illegal or Improper Activities in Connection With The 1996 Federal Election Campaigns.”

1996 Fund-Raising Scandals Bring Stiff Penalty

“The Federal Election Commission… imposed a record-setting $719,000 in fines against participants in the 1996 Democratic Party fund-raising scandals involving contributions from China, Korea and other foreign sources.”


I have already listed the Clinton Banking laws that removed the depression era protections and set in motion Forclosuregate. Here is the list again.

The McFadden Act of 1927 or Amendment to the National Banking Laws and the Federal Reserve Act (P.L. 69-639, 44 STAT. 1224): Prohibited interstate banking.
[Clinton’s Law: Negating above:]
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 (P.L. 103-328, 108 STAT. 2338).
Permits bank holding companies to acquire banks in any state, Beginning June 1, 1997, allows interstate mergers.

The Glass-Steagall Act or Banking Act of 1933 (P.L. 73-66, 48 STAT. 162):
Separated commercial banking from investment banking, establishing them as separate lines of commerce.
Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (P.L. 84-511, 70 STAT. 133): Prohibited bank holding companies headquartered in one state from acquiring a bank in another state.
[Clinton’s Law: Negating both of the above laws:]
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-102, 113 STAT 1338)
(pdf version from Government Printing Office.)

“Repeals last vestiges of the Glass Steagall Act of 1933. Modifies portions of the Bank Holding Company Act to allow affiliations between banks and insurance underwriters. Law creates a new financial holding company authorized to engage in: underwriting and selling insurance and securities, conducting both commercial and merchant banking, investing in and developing real estate and other “complimentary activities.”
Allows national banks to underwrite municipal bonds.

Amends the Community Reinvestment Act to require that financial holding companies can not be formed before their insured depository institutions receive and maintain a satisfactory CRA rating.

Makes significant changes in the operation of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, easing membership requirements and loosening restrictions on the use of FHLB funds.”


Robert Heinlein, 

“What are the facts? Again and again and again – what are the facts? 

Shun wishful thinking, 

ignore divine revelation, 

forget what “the stars foretell,” 

avoid opinion, 

care not what the neighbors think, 

never mind the unguessable “verdict of history”

 – what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? 

You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your single clue. 

Get the facts!”

Gail Combs

And the results of Clinton’s WTO???

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝗱𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗚𝗹𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗹 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗢𝗳 𝗣𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝘆.

Former US president Bill Clinton admits that the US `free trade’ policy has forced millions of people in third world countries into poverty and starvation.

“Today’s global food crisis shows we all blew it, including me when I was president, by treating food crops as commodities instead of as a vital right of the world’s poor, Bill Clinton has told a UN gathering.

Clinton took aim at decades of international policymaking by the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and others, encouraged by the US, that pressured Africans in particular into dropping government subsidies for fertiliser, improved seed and other farm inputs, in economic “structural adjustments” required to win northern aid. Africa’s food self-sufficiency subsequently declined and food imports rose.

“Food is not a commodity like others,” Clinton said. “We should go back to a policy of maximum food self-sufficiency. It is crazy for us to think we can develop countries around the world without increasing their ability to feed themselves.”

World-renowned environmental leader, food-sovereignty activist and author Dr Vandana Shiva agrees with Clinton and in this video takes aim at the IMF and World bank over the same issues….

(Not saved in web archive)

Of course we now know that poverty and starvation CURB population growth AND free up lots of children for Child Trafficking. Starving parents are much more willing to sell their children into sex slavery.


Stunning in a Year 2000 way.

So much going on while we were just going about our business.

Deplorable Patriot

There is NO WAY the Chinese Communist are top dogs. Someone has to be controlling them.

About 30 years ago, before the internet came into our lives, I read a 1906 or 1907 NYT article about the Rockefellers going into China to open it up as a new market. I doubt seriously that this information would be online and would only be available in a NYT morgue, but I would imagine they were promised a return to greatness at that point. Of course, the Empress died somewhere in there, and there wasn’t another competent government until the communists took over, but I have a feeling they’ve been under cabal control since the toward the end of the opium trade.

Gail Combs

I went looking and found this:
It is a real treasure trove of information with LOTS OF LINKS!

Mao Was a Yale Man – Rothschilds Create People’s Republic …

Web archive

Just a little bit from the article, but it fits what I have learned from other sources. (Paragraphs not in order.)

…Yale and the Rockefellers were breeding a grotesque communist insurgency with British Empire ideology; another Yale staffer there was Mao Zedong, later the communist dictator and mass murderer. While he was over in China, Papa Godfrey’s cousin Isabel had been the bridesmaid at the wedding of George Bush’s parents….

In 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as ‘Yale in China.’ It has since been shown that ‘Yale in China’ was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American “Establishment” hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to the production of drugs. . One of ‘Yale in China’s’ most important students was Mao Zedong.

“During World War II, ‘Yale in China’ was a primary instrument used by the U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the Maoists into power….

“Skull and Bones is a secret fraternity at Yale University which restricts their membership to only fifteen per year. . The society was formed in 1832 by General William Russell, whose shipping firm later dominated the U.S. side of the China opium trade. Yale University was founded by Eli Yale, who made his fortune working for the opium smuggling British East India Company.

“Skull and Bones became the recruiting grounds and preserve of the most important New England-centered families–families who also made their money in the opium trade. These families, whose sons regularly join Skull and Bones, include the little known, but powerful, Coffins, Sloanes, Tafts, Bundys, Paynes, Whitneys. They are a dominant element of the U.S. ‘Eastern Establishment’ to this day. The Bush family is one of a cluster of lower-level Establishment families controlled by these interests….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This makes enormous sense. This is why they’re bringing down America. If they can’t control it, they will break it down until it CAN be controlled.

Gail Combs


They have been trying to ‘recover’ the USA since 1776!

Afte rall it is a darn nice piece of very valuable real estate.

Gail Combs

From that article:
comment image

This is the entire photo
Translated from the Spanish from the blog:

Solomon Adler (first from right) and Frank Coe (second right), in friendly conversation with their beloved Mao. In the center, Anna Louise Strong, an American writer and also a Soviet spy, and on the far left another “progressive” intellectual, Israel Epstein.

Anna spent thirty years in Russia and was a relative of Maurice Strong which stood him in good stead when he lived in China.
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Gail Combs

Continuing down that rabbit hole.

Influence and Origins of FDR

Journalist Gareth Jones’ 1935 murder IN CHINA!!!


At this point anyone who is paying attention knows that a politician will do ANYTHING for power. Elites have know this for many years and use that information effectively to manipulate these criminals for desired outcomes. Now only the collaborators intentionally look away.


The Abyss was a really good movie, and for reasons unknown, so far, it has never been released on blu-ray.

Sylvia Avery

Yet Dirty Dancing has…..

😂 😂 😂
Hi Scott!



Sylvia Avery

Ah, there is someone still awake!
Hi Coothie!




Good morning, Sylvia!

“Yet Dirty Dancing has…..”


Probably because it has the word dirty in the title 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

Word from the independent movie theater owners is that a large segment of American film has been put in the vaults by the Chy-NEEZ overlords. They can’t rent them for special showings. The Abyss might well be one of them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yikes. ChiComs. BLECH!!!


TD Patriot@TD_Patriot
Plandemic Film Stars Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits together in Public for the First Time Doing a Q&A Session

“Dr. Martin addresses the history of the development of the SARS bioweapon, which was originally funded for AIDS/HIV research in 1999, and he dropped this bombshell on the audience:

Anthony Fauci has spent, listen to this number, 191 BILLION dollars, not 3.7 million, not 30 million, 191 BILLION dollars of audited funds for the bioweaponization of viruses against humanity.

And it is YOUR money that has been spent.
comment image
Plandemic Film Stars Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovits together in Public for the First Time Doing a Q&A Session
The official Plandemic Documentary Bitchute Channel has just released a video from the “Free & Brave” Conference held at the Church of Glad Tidings in May, 2021.…

Deplorable Patriot

This is one of the most hopeful things I’ve seen yet, that these people are getting speaking gigs. Yes, they will need to be compensated for their time, and travel, but these are voices that were SILENCED for a long time.

No more.


I’m seeing articles about the huge password hack, as well as sites where you can go to see if yours was among those leaked, but I don’t know if I can trust those sites. One of them is a Google Chrome-related site, which I won’t go near. Another is “Have I Been Pwned.” I entered an email address there, and it came up with this: “Pwned in 7 data breaches and found no pastes (subscribe to search sensitive breaches). None of the breaches was current, and I don’t know if this most recent one was included in their search.

This one has you enter your password so it can check. How do I know they won’t steal it, themselves?

Does anyone have any info about this?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do not type your password into any site other than that in which it works, for which it should be unique.

Follow that rule, and you will not fall for this scam.


It should not be a surprise to anyone here (knowing that I’m a CPA)….but I’ve got a form I fill out and file for each password and purpose.

And, yes, every Linux machine here has a unique password (and username).

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Cuppa Covfefe

Yellow Post-Its all over your monitor 😆

(Just kidding… but I’ve had customers/users who weren’t far from them… and then there’s ‘orrible’s “Single Sign On”….)…


Ever try to maintain a binder full of post-its?

No, the password sheets are full letter pages. Lots of space.


It’s the same binder I use for my collection of MAC addresses.


So, a quick informal note regarding MAC addresses.

To start with, just about every network device has a Media Access Control number. Back in the day when you only had 10base-T if you stuck another card in your box, it was the card that had the MAC, not your computer. If you took the card out of one computer and stuck it in another, the second computer would now have the MAC. It was burned into ROM on your network connection and could not be modified.

OTOH, if you use the networking built into your motherboard, that would give you your MAC…..which leads us to “MAC spoofing”.

When Cable TV operators became ISPs (Internet Service Providers), a lot of them used home gateways that were initialized to a single computer by MAC address. Only one computer in Sally’s room could communicate with the internet. If you wanted to have a home router (unusual, at first), you had to somehow have the router do the initialization process. So router manufacturers said, “go initialize with the gateway from your computer as usual — then come back here and tell me your MAC address and I’ll do routing while pretending to be you.”

After a bit, just about any network interface could do MAC spoofing…..which was a good thing because the original MAC addresses were handed out stupidly.

A MAC address looks like bc:30:5b:07:c3:42 . The first half of this, bc:30:5b , is assigned to the manufacturer of the device. The second half is like a serial number. A specific manufacturer can have more than one prefix (Huawei has 1127, Cisco has 1065 [there are 16,777,216 possible]). This prefix is Dell, because I’m using a network interface on a Dell motherboard.

The problem that there are prefixes for 3com (they have 43), DEC (9), SILICON GRAPHICS (1), and the like….none of which seem to be doing much these days. [The tool du jour is at ]

Mind you, a “MAC collision” (where two devices claim the same MAC address at the same time on the same network) can result in major network fails that are very messy to isolate, debug, and clean up.

But if someone were concerned about intruders on their network, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to misinform them of the brands of machines they were running…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahh, but ThickLAN and Vampire Taps: those were the days… and the joys of token ring… and spoofing MAC addressess (my Barricade Routers had that way back when, too, ostensibly so ISPs didn’t notice two (or more) devices connecting via the same WAN (more whine than WAN, as it were)…

And people lamented IPv4 running out of addresses… all of those MAC addresses in landfill or the recycle plants… in Red Chyyyyna no doubt…


There are just so many places where it was assumed that XXX would be plenty. And that’s never worked.

Cuppa Covfefe

I managed a number of huge projects in the mid- to late-1990s that dealt with that. And there WOULD have been some HUGE problems without them….

Funny thing (not) how they called it the Y2K bug; it wasn’t a bug at all, it was a design deficiency or poor planning. Or, ancient software from the time when available memory was measured in bytes, and not K- or M- or G-

And the workaround (aka fix) was probably uglier than the problem; and a great wailing and gnashing of teeth was heard from the owners, managers, and programming staffs of the downstream systems…

One non-obvious data that got attention was 9/9/99… which some apps used as a “stopper”. Not just Siegfried said “9, 9, 99”
(Nein, Nein, Ninety-Nine, in “Ice Station Siegfried”)…….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Deplorable Patriot

I have all of mine written down also. No where online.


Using a password manager that lives on a computer changes multiple redundant security into a potential single point of failure. Having someone physically break into my house and find the binder with the passwords in it is unlikely to the point where it would be plausible if the malefactor were hit by a meteorite while doing so, ’cause he’d need an Infinite Improbability Drive to get there.

Happy go lucky


Cuppa Covfefe

I know. And I didn’t suggest using one. Oracle’s single-signon is (or at least was) hideous… hence the moniker…

SPOF is why having only a few (or relying on only a few) CDNs is spectularly unwise.

But, sad to say, that won’t stop some folks from doing it. And a number of PMs have been cracked…


Hint: My master password binder is in my:

(a) kitchen
(b) study
(c) master bedroom
(d) master walk-in closet
(e) living room
(f) garage
(g) hall bathroom
(h) family room
(i) utility/laundry room

Hint #2:
The central network hub is in the upper area of the entry closet, above the coats.


I haven’t done that. Can you elaborate on what the scam is? Is it sites feeding off reports of hacks to get our passwords?

Or is the scam the report of the hack itself in an effort to make us do something (use a password generating site, type in our passwords to sites that supposedly check to see if our are compromised)?

It’s impossible to know what reports are trustworthy. Did the huge hack really happen?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is my opinion. Others may differ.

Your passwords only have value as they approach both mathematical uniqueness and unavailability by shortcuts such as social hacks, cyber hacks, guessing, patterns, etc.

There is a complex orchestra between all of these in the battle between YOU trying to conceal a unique and unavailable password and “them” trying to gain your password.

In this case, they are preying on your uncertainty, to get YOU to expose your password – if only by giving a potentially unique and unknown password into becoming a KNOWN PASSWORD.

Testing your password does nothing, IMO, other than exposing it to unknown people. If you want to do something effective, you can always CHANGE your password. Or, you can do nothing, and count on it being sufficiently unique and unavailable. Or you can investigate whether sites you use are now reporting being hacked – but such sites will routinely advise you to change your password if you need to change it.


Always good advice.

Do I think these sites are scammy? I don’t know, but I won’t take the chance. Even if they are, who’s to say they’re not being spied on?

My passwords are all excellent and they’re all secret. Or maybe they’re all “password”, and people should waste their time on them. I don’t know which.

That’s all the world needs to know.


I do simple things to increase the depth of passwords.

If you have a six character password that is all capital letters, there are 308,915,776 possible passwords from AAAAAA to ZZZZZZ. There are also several “dictionary searches” that can try to find common chunks.

If your six character password has both capital and small letters, that number changes to 19,770,609,664 from AAAAAA to zzzzzz.

If it also uses digits 0-9, it’d be 56,800,235,584. For Linux reasons, I avoid !, @, #, &, /, \, ., ?, and ” — but adding only $, %, (, ), [, ], {, }, _, <, and > brings that number to 151,334,226,289……..with only six characters.

With Linux, you can get a nice assist because you can adjust the time it takes to evaluate a password. If it takes one second to evaluate each one, it would take a smidge less than 4800 years to evaluate all of them. Of course, as luck would have it, on average you’d take half that time….

And, BTW, if you think I’m using six character passwords, you’re a loonie.

Cuppa Covfefe

Pass phrases are nice, if 1) they are unusual and 2) you can remember them (sounds like contradictory goals, but they’re not). xkcd had a “battery, horse, staple, something-I-can”t-remember [hence memorable]” cartoon which generated a lot of buzz. The problem is having and retaining quite a lot of passwords, which is why people resort to stickies, password managers, or, worst, overly-simple or -short passwords. One problem with having multiple-languages in use (and sometimes alternate keyboards) is avoiding letters that move around. English has QWERTY where German has QWERTZ and French has AZERTY.

Bonus points for fiddling BIOS in a foreign country late at night after a long day, with the wrong keyboard… that’s where it pays to know how to touch-type with the English keyboard layout, so pizza or xyzzy are out of the question (or, downright cruel if you’re suggesting it to someone 🙂 )…..


Thank you!

Deplorable Patriot

Any time I have to log into another computer for Google, I get a notice that it’s happened. I’ve never gotten one that someone tried or got in on my accounts other than if I did it.


Much as we can hate upon Google’s datamining side, they have good security. You’re unlikely to have any issues with 3rd parties while in their universe. Gmail even has user-configurable protections for POP3.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is where DEVICE CLONING comes in. If they clone your device, of course you were the last person in.


From Gab:

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Howdy, y’all! Sorry I’m late — was talking to my cousin.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Rockefeller thing is now pretty air-tight.

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These fuckers did this. It’s air-tight. They deserve prison, I’m sorry to say.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is called, one might say, “posing with the famous cigar store Indians”. But you can see it all right here. Media, computing, biomed. Everything you need for the NEXT PLOT after 9/11, which is about to happen NOW.

It’s time to rein this stuff in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You can see that its what Q was talking about – “the old guard”.

Just put “old guard” into a Q search and it all comes up.

This is who we’re talking about.

This is ultimate betrayal.


It’s almost like there’s a blinking red neon light with an arrow saying “affirmative action” in that picture.


Wasn’t a deep dive done here, quite a while ago (maybe years), that documented the Chinese connection to these scientific journals?

It was during Russia, Russia, Russia and may have come out of a dive into Halper, dearlove, and Martland stepping down from the Cambridge Intelligence seminar due to alleged Russian funding of one of it’s journals.

Anyone know how to find it? Could be useful information at this moment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure – there was rampant digging here at the time, and stuff was just thrown into the coronavirus open thread. Only search engines can find it now.

Here is an EXCELLENT article on the fall of the Lancetgate paper:

I think it was shortly AFTER this, that people started figuring out that CHINA was manipulating WHO through Tedros. Then, in the wake of Lancetgate, there was a leaked conversation of the editors of Lancet and NEJM (IIRC) talking about how badly the industry manipulates them – but NO China details until later.

I have repeatedly pushed the issue of the problematic Zhang mask study that appeared in PNAS – complete BUNK that nobody would question for fear of being called a racist or a sinophobe. It was immediately used by the American progressive traitor press to push mask mandates. Utterly politicized science, and a brilliant example of people trained by socialism to virtue signal to narrative, rather than sticking to data.
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“Trump Cheers Nigeria’s Twitter Ban, Calls On Other Countries to Follow Suit”

Last sentence……….2024?” Trump added.


A new Lin Wood post from about 5 hours ago – and I agree with his estimate of roughly 2/3 to 1/3, in our favor …

Lin Wood, Here we are – 6/9.

7 months since the biggest fraud in our history was attempted. The attempted theft of our Presidency. The attempted theft of our country. The attempted theft of our freedom.

Many of us have been awake the entire time.

Many have awoken over the course of this time.

Many still remain asleep lulled by the propaganda.

Sounds like 2/3 to 1/3.

We are getting close.

Keep praying. Wait on the Lord. Trust God’s plan.

All will be well. Soon. Keep the faith.

Good night, Patriots. Time to rest. I love We The People (especially the Whackadoodles and the Deplorables!)


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When you read Lin Wood and he talks about faith, it’s in his blood. He hides nothing. As opposed to Andrew Torba, who holds it in front of him like a prop. I get a darker feeling about that guy, daily.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Gail Combs

Lin Wood does not bother me at all. Pence gave me the creeps!


I love Lin Wood, I thought I made that obvious. 😊 It’s Andrew Torba that I can’t stand.

Gail Combs

You did, I was chiming in as an agnostic.

Lin Wood comes across as genuine. I really can not stand the people who wear Christianity on their sleeve and then are just plain NASTY when no one is looking. Pence strikes me as that type and always has.

Andrew Torba I have not followed but I did not like his attack on Dan Bongino.

The Demon-Rats stick together, conservatives tear each other apart.  😁  😌 

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

And President Trump. He’s real bitter about 45 not getting on Gab, blaming Kushner for not liking the allowed anti-Semitism free speech on the platform. Maybe POTUS didn’t like it either? Not sure why Twitter gets a pass, it’s a cess pool of free porn, beware the #incest tag, it’s nastiness is extensive and absolutely disgusting!!


I feel Pence is possessed. And he’s controlled/blackmailable according to JHtoHelp. He can’t be playing a role, he tapped Fauci and condemned people to die. And he colluded in everything leading up to 1/6. So Pompeo tweets a birthday shout-out? I have to turn away from it all, and just wait. Because I’m weary of trying to wrap my head around it.


Torba is a newbie Christian, I think. At least as a dedicated one.

His youth is showing. Someone needs to school him.


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Damn straight. He was a fraud in the 80s, touting AIDS vaccines that never happened and chasing treatments that hurt more than they helped…..and he’s somehow managed to stay employed.

Gail Combs

Typical Bureau-RAT. More HARMFUL than useful.


I’m just agape in wonder — it’s not like he didn’t have a well-documented track record of FAIL……that anyone would entrust him with a burnt match after 2000 is just incompetence…..

Or, maybe, I should say “incompePENCE.”

Cuppa Covfefe

He is a living example of “The Peter Principle”. And pretty much insulated from control, as he’s in an industry which circles it’s collective wagons and protects its own.

One might say that’s why doctors open a “practice” and are always “practicing”. And the same thing could be said of lawyers, etc. (and musicians :)). But the academic inbreeding and closed ranks is dangerous to all the rest of us…..

Gail Combs

The circling the wagons is what frosts my tail since it meant our neighbors, who were doctors, did not warn Mom about her cancer doctor, who was nicknamed “The BUTCHER’ He succeeded in killing her after torturing her for two years… BUT he got to write his paper on Chemo therpy and radiation treatment in Cancer patients.  😡 

Deplorable Patriot

Legally, they can’t say much other than, “You might want to try this person instead.”

I live around this. They won’t turn on a tribal member other than in the movies.

Gail Combs



He skin looked like a thanksgiving turkey and slough off in sheets. Mentally she became like a young child.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, but they aren’t going to go off on one of their own to someone not in the family.

Gail Combs

I think what ticks me off the most is I babysat for all three of those doctors all through high school and was ‘one of the family’ as a result.

Valerie Curren

I’m so sorry for this deep betrayal you & your mom experienced. Your righteous anger is entirely appropriate, in my opinion. Allowing (understandable) bitterness to creep in is soul crushing. I don’t know how to walk that tightrope appropriately & recognize that same passionate indignation whenever talking about our legal battles w/ a special ed system that claims to protect kids w/ special needs but pigeonholes them abusively & does anything but address their Individual Needs, as the law requires. Sigh…My son & I supposedly have PTSD from some of these lingering battles…

Trying to give it all to God but not whitewash the abuse. Letting go isn’t exactly my strong suit 🙂

Hang in there & God be with you in the hurt & the healing. In Jesus’ Love

Gail Combs

The same to you.

I have mostly let go BUT I will NEVER TRUST DOCTORS!

Valerie Curren

I take what doctors say w/ a grain of salt. They are Not God no matter how much “power” & prestige they might amass down here!


Code of silence is inappropriate if they really believe their oath to do no harm.

Gail Combs

Very much given the experiments (Radiation) were AGAINST Geneva Conventions

“Biological experiments” are prohibited by the First and Second Geneva Conventions, while the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions prohibit “medical or scientific experiments” not justified by the medical treatment of the person concerned. Conducting “biological experiments” on persons protected under the Geneva Conventions is a grave breach and a war crime….


Pence tapped him immediately.



Cuppa Covfefe

P.T. Barnum was right, sad to say…..


Gail Combs

Mom bought chocolate covered ants… to feed to her boss!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I remember being in school in Md back in ’87 when we had a big cicada season. People had them on pizzas and chocolate covered as well. Thought it was gross then and still do. Maybe if it was all I had or lived in the desert like John the Baptist or something…


What are they supposed to taste like? They eat the whole thing? Gutscand all? Just totally nasty.


They eat the whole thing I believe. Never tried myself…



Cuppa Covfefe

Remember that old Alka-Seltzer commercial?

“I can’t believe I ate the WHOLE THING”…….


Have a Dilbert 🙂
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thirty four years ago, that’s 2 seventeen year cycles.


Thanks, DePat. The Abyss soundtrack is stellar. One of my favorite films.

Deplorable Patriot

I was listening to it and thinking, oh, man to be in that chorus. I loved doing the movies.


From the Anons (2 parts):

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Quite Frankly


Quite Frankly #136
6-8-21; 2:08 but TenPenny is one [sic] for a little over an hour.


Intro @ ~28
Dr. T @ ~38

No, the covid vaccines are not true vaccines; a vax = all or part of a virus.
A not-so-hidden attempt to co-op the word “vaccine.”
“It’s deceptive at every level.”

F – Are there any vaxxes that ARE safe and effective?

DR T – No. The whole concept is off.

Safety has never been proven. Most vax studies are stopped after 30 days.
“Effective” – another pro-vax deception. We think that means it’s a synonym for “protection.” But no – means the product does what it is intended to do. And this is to create an antibody. But high antibody levels do not translate into protection against infection. So language is very important here.

F – Dr Shiva said that antibodies are only one aspect – you added another layer.

Dr T – When u get a pathogen that bypasses natural defenses and it ends up in your blood, there are toll-like receptors. What they do is act like sonar – scan the environment – looking for pathogens that don’t belong there. “like God on the inside of you”. They take care of problems all day long.

First – body sends out cytokines to turn up the heat – u get a fever.
monocytes and other defenses show up subsequently

The LAST thing that shows up are antibodies; like a cleanup crew.
Toll-like receptors just discovered in 2011 – very new. Should have changed whole vax industry. Now they’ve modified them and corrupted them.

Now we inject foreign matter to get an antibody – doesn’t make sense.

F – What is the extent to which mRNA affects DNA? What do these mRNA vaxxes do?

Dr T – There are 4 shots. Pfizer and Moderna inject mRNA; J&J and Astrozenica use an adenovirus w a piece inside. There are 160 in development – all make a spike protein and antibody.

P and M shot
recipe that coops body’s organelles to make spike protein (SP). ribosomes translate recipe to SP. 4 bad things SP can do in P and M shots: ~46
1. can attach to organs (auto immune disease)
2. SP itself can cause damage
3. its antibody can cause damage
4. transfection – can get reinserted in dna and cause chromasomal disruption
might be that when we inject mRNA, might be able to go into the host’s DNA. [more]

J&J and A: adenovirus
introduces genetic material from one species into another.
hollow outs virus and puts in it a trans-gene.
J uses human virus; A uses chimp virus.
Gets incorporated into the DNA of the host.

At the end of the day, they all make a spike protein.

And SPs are dangerous.
Salk Institute study – they created just the SP w/no virus. When injected, SP caused heart disease, heart attack, cardiac arrhythmias.
So why are we doing this?
They said we need to stop this immediately.

F – What about shedding?

Dr T – They now have a group informally called the “5 doctors”
[Tenpenny, Larry Polepski, Kari Moday (sp?), Lee Merritt, Kristin Northrup]
Looked at this idea of shedding. Started seeing bleeding disorders and other problems, have talked about online.

shedding vs transmission:

shedding is spread via live virus – u get the whole virus
covid transmission – covid is a collection of symptoms, assoc w/being w/SARS-covi-2 virus. there is no live virus. when injected, “something” seems to be able to be transmitted to another person. they don’t get covid, they get all kinds of “weird symptoms”, not covid [not a respiratory ailment]
a lot is unknown because they’ve only been doing this for SIX WEEKS.


not a patent – a copyright
So if anyone tries to look at it and identify it, that’s COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.

So it’s illegal for you to take them into a lab and test them.

page 1


Part 2:

Dr T on Quite Frankly, con’t:

So there is something that’s happening.
And now we have reports of people becoming MAGNETIZED.

Dr Delores Cahill – we need a way to test what’s being put out onto the market. lots of different mRNAs.

Are they releaseing different recipes in different areas?

need to know the “lot number” for each batch of a vax.

[Infamous] Wyeth memo – batches should be dispersed to different areas so no one will know if there is a bad batch. [this is immoral]

Now we have the magnetic problem. What is THAT??
We don’t have any proof of what they are doing.
Does look like there’s an effort to make it hard to say when people have symptoms, “see, it’s due to the shot.” ~1:05

Antibody can interact to cause an auto-immune reaction with 28 different tissue types. Makes is REALLY hard to connect symptoms with the shot.

Summary of remaining material:
(more abbreviated)
– there are both short- vs long-term reactions; says what we don’t yet know about them

Deplorable Patriot

And the worst part of it is trying to explain this to the people who don’t want to hear that maybe, just maybe, they did something really stupid when they submitted to taking the shots.

Brave and Free

Yes ABSOLUTELY. I struggle with that when I see them, they thought they were doing the right thing. MK definitely is working on them.
Great post today DP.

Deplorable Patriot



>>”trying to explain this”<<

I’ve tried, you’ve tried, we’ve all tried … but to no avail.

So many are caught up in virtue-signaling, instead of virtue-practicing.

So many have such low self-esteem that they simply *cannot* admit to themselves, and to others, that they made a mistake.

It’s almost pathological, the need to believe that one is smart, that one is right.

And the cover-up, yet again, is worse than the mistake itself.

“Muh identity!”

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar
Deplorable Patriot

Yes, they are stuck on virtue signaling, but what they are really stuck on is fear and being “pro-active” about their health in the way that the “experts” tell them is how to do it.

They are caught in the psychological mind control of a mainstream media that they REFUSE to believe has been gaslighting them for their entire lives.

I don’t exactly know how to explain the mentality. I live all around it. These are people who just dismiss anything that smacks of conspiracy out of hand. Of course, none of them want to believe that one of the worst mistakes of the 20th century was the conversation Mass that came out of Germany, but that’s another story.


>>”how to explain the mentality”<<

Perhaps the psychological need “to belong”.

The whole in-group, out-group thing.

A *weak* ego constantly needs affirmation; when their social circle is the only source for such feelz, they are loath to break away from it.

One does whatever one can to be FED. This applies both physically and mentally.

They NEED.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the Evil Powers are seeding the magnetic stuff so that it can be used to discredit groups like these doctors, AFLD, and others.


So … “crisis actors”?

It seems to be the only explanation …

Discredit the “magnetism” angle, to soften people up for subsequent 5G EM effects?

“It was debunked.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This group of docs has been VERY effective. Naomi Wolf has been VERY effective. There is a lot of science – REAL and BAD science – associated with these vaccines. The vaccines themselves mix in a lot of good and bad.

There has to be some “good”, because you have to get real people in “fake science” to work on it for the nominal reasons. But a LOT can be hidden by those who manipulate the Joe Schmoe and Flo Schmoe scientists.

That’s where I think they manipulated people into being “OK” with the vaccine persistence and migration using the crisis. Those characteristics are WAY too buggy, and any conspiracy to let that move forward would not work on large numbers of honest but dumb scientists. But in a CRISIS – not a problem.

Anyway, I’ve tested the magnet stuff myself, and what they’re alleging being false does not preclude real magnetic stuff like marking of individuals, etc., but IMO we have no proof of that yet. BUT there is extreme interest in being able to magnetically and electromagnetically influence organisms. It is a HOT field. There are TONS of publications.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And my original point being that they have to discredit these doctors. The magnetic stuff is a great way to do it.


Thanks for replying, and for fleshing it out a bit.

I always *allow* for something controversial to be true – which explains some of my prior posts on the issue of magnetism.

It’s a shame that some of these patriot doctors have likely been fooled.

I also think that it’s DEMONIC to require that individuals be held to a standard of perfection (by the [CB]), upon penalty of being *wholly* discredited.

One more point – I find it a total DISGRACE that so many will cash in on being “crisis actors” when this acting is destroying our great nation …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. At this point, I think people need to be very skeptical of any offers or requests to do crisis acting, even if alleged to be for a good cause.

Gail Combs

“….The magnetic stuff is a great way to do it.”

Hubby and I were just discussing that.

As a physicist he spotted it as dis-info immediately (I just got the lecture  🙄 ) I spotted as likely dis-info thanks to my very very old physics classes.

However I am not sure just how much physics & electro-magnetic theory the frontline Drs would get and how much they would likely remember.

There would also be PAPERS on the subject to make the dis-info ‘likely’


If you have lots and lots of $$$ to toss around, you can ID the leaders: Dr Merritt, Dr Tennypenny, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Judy Mikovits….


It is not hard to ID who the leaders are.
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Meanwhile Quantum this and that are real fields of study now. Everything is being subjected to study and manipulation at the smallest levels possible and then get them integrated with other aspects of what becomes available in the various fields of things Quantum.

Add to the list Quantum Biology.

Quantum biology is the study of applications of quantum mechanics and theoretical chemistry to biological objects and problems. Many biological processes involve the conversion of energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations, and are quantum mechanical in nature. Such processes involve chemical reactionslight absorption, formation of excited electronic statestransfer of excitation energy, and the transfer of electrons and protons (hydrogen ions) in chemical processes, such as photosynthesisolfaction and cellular respiration.[1]
Quantum biology may use computations to model biological interactions in light of quantum mechanical effects.[2] Quantum biology is concerned with the influence of non-trivial quantum phenomena,[3] which can be explained by reducing the biological process to fundamental physics, although these effects are difficult to study and can be speculative.[4]

Add to this 5G or what’s beyond.

This guy might be trying to sell something (some stomach gut thing to combat 5G and vaccines I think. Wasn’t interested in that…the other information is interesting though. Beyond my brain grade though.


>>”the smallest levels possible”<<

This is where they go wrong, IMO – or at least WAY not right enough.

Studying the small, smaller, and smallest is going in the WRONG direction – i.e., toward the abyss, toward nothingness. How close do scientists wish to get???

I think we’ve had enough “tech” advances, while NOT having the collective wisdom to view them in context.

Our survival – again, IMO – doesn’t depend on greater and greater tech. Rather, it depends on our ethics, the wisdom to know when to STOP seeking secondary (material) knowledge.

SciFi has been warning of this for many decades now – the TRAP of not having enough wisdom (which proceeds on an evolutionary timeline [slow!]) to provide the context to use the tech [fast!] wisely.

The context is God. Truth, life, survival, ethics, et al. – NOT quantum *anything*.

Scientists are pursuing the devil … and, in monumental folly, they wish to catch up!

How stupid is that …



…”a fictional character from the imagination of the collective fearful”…

Hunter Biden

Gail Combs

Hunter Biden:

My god is CHINA WHITE!

Valerie Curren

or playing w/ the punctuation, “My God, is China White???” What then for the virtue signalers 🙂

Gail Combs

China White
China White is a slang term that was once used to refer to very pure forms of heroin. Today, many people say China White is fentanyl or a fentanyl derivative called alpha-methylfentanyl.

Valerie Curren

Thanks…my ignorance slip was showing & you informed me most discretely! 🙂

Gail Combs

I should not have been so subtle but I could not resist the word play.

Valerie Curren

No, it was Awesome!!! I was ignorant of the extra message behind your genius so very much appreciate your enlightening me. Wish I could promise to remember but aging brain is like a sieve. Learning to live w/ my “lesser” self (unfortunately not yet applicable to the gut & butt) 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seriously – did he say that? If so, in what context?


He apparently texted it:

“Along with his naughty words, Hunter also describes the God his father believes in as ‘a fictional character from the imagination of the collective frightened’. The exchange also suggests that Hunter may have accidentally sent George a sext, attempting to reach a woman named Georgia.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



You are so very right. Thank you for the clarity.


Are they seeding in red mid America ?

Gail Combs

Singing I think Wolfie is talking about seeding dis-information (LIES)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I was. Magnetic vaccines are ALLEGED – they are NOT in evidence in any way, yet, and most if not ALL of the evidence (this magnet challenge stuff) is BAD.

All that said, I have a great invention in my mind involving magnetic vaccines, and I have not researched to see if it is patented, but because it’s anti-freedom, and reminiscent of Hitler’s tattooing of prisoners, I would never teach it to anybody. It would necessarily be picked up by technology, because that is the whole point – to mark people so they can be scanned.


Oh I misunderstood… 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The fact that they were directed to self-discredit with the magnetic stuff in OHIO seems potentially arranged. The right influence on the right people sets this stuff up.

Ohio is critical to the plans of the elite. They NEED it to “go blue”.


Columbus is blue and Southern OH will not. I see more flags go up and flags against Biden.
The higher gas prices affect people here since many drive daily 2 hours to work. They are ticked off.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Warroom – Pfizer’s Dr. Yeadon
Spike protein causes blood clots and bleeding
4 drugs for effective treatment – HCQ, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Budesonide
Kids do NOT need vaccines


They have these ‘5 doctors’, we need a ‘5 retired Spooks’ group, to start explaining psychological warfare and 5GW (5th Generation Warfare).

Until or unless the public has the vocabulary and the basic foundation to understand what is being done to them, they will keep falling for the same tactics.

Gail Combs


I was only vaguely aware until MichealH brought it up.


So it’s illegal for you to take them into a lab and test them.


Not if it’s done in self-defense.

And you can’t copyright an assault & battery.

Assault & battery is always illegal.

Gail Combs

I think that is for those who do not understand anything about the law.
Copyright usually refers to books, written materials, songs, videos…..

“Copyright infringement is the use or production of copyright protected material without the permission of the copyright holder.”

Cornell Law: 17 U.S. Code § 501 – Infringement of copyright

(a)Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the copyright owner as provided by sections 106 through 122 or of the author as provided in section 106A(a), or who imports copies or phonorecords into the United States in violation of section 602, is an infringer of the copyright or right of the author, as the case may be. For purposes of this chapter (other than section 506), any reference to copyright shall be deemed to include the rights conferred by section 106A(a). As used in this subsection, the term “anyone” includes any State, any instrumentality of a State, and any officer or employee of a State or instrumentality of a State acting in his or her official capacity. Any State, and any such instrumentality, officer, or employee, shall be subject to the provisions of this title in the same manner and to the same extent as any nongovernmental entity.

(b)The legal or beneficial owner of an exclusive right under a copyright is entitled, subject to the requirements of section 411, to institute an action for any infringement of that particular right committed while he or she is the owner of it. The court may require such owner to serve written notice of the action with a copy of the complaint upon any person shown, by the records of the Copyright Office or otherwise, to have or claim an interest in the copyright, and shall require that such notice be served upon any person whose interest is likely to be affected by a decision in the case. The court may require the joinder, and shall permit the intervention, of any person having or claiming an interest in the copyright.

(c)For any secondary transmission by a cable system that embodies a performance or a display of a work which is actionable as an act of infringement under subsection (c) of section 111, a television broadcast station holding a copyright or other license to transmit or perform the same version of that work shall, for purposes of subsection (b) of this section, be treated as a legal or beneficial owner if such secondary transmission occurs within the local service area of that television station.

(d)For any secondary transmission by a cable system that is actionable as an act of infringement pursuant to section 111(c)(3), the following shall also have standing to sue: (i) the primary transmitter whose transmission has been altered by the cable system; and (ii) any broadcast station within whose local service area the secondary transmission occurs.

(e)With respect to any secondary transmission that is made by a satellite carrier of a performance or display of a work embodied in a primary transmission and is actionable as an act of infringement under section 119(a)(3), a network station holding a copyright or other license to transmit or perform the same version of that work shall, for purposes of subsection (b) of this section, be treated as a legal or beneficial owner if such secondary transmission occurs within the local service area of that station.


(1)With respect to any secondary transmission that is made by a satellite carrier of a performance or display of a work embodied in a primary transmission and is actionable as an act of infringement under section 122, a television broadcast station holding a copyright or other license to transmit or perform the same version of that work shall, for purposes of subsection (b) of this section, be treated as a legal or beneficial owner if such secondary transmission occurs within the local market of that station.

(2)A television broadcast station may file a civil action against any satellite carrier that has refused to carry television broadcast signals, as required under section 122(a)(2), to enforce that television broadcast station’s rights under section 338(a) of the Communications Act of 1934.

Valerie Curren

Thank you for sharing this important info. I tried to see if either video would work & they said it was off the air. Is there some trick to getting it to play?

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail!


“Stew Peters Show – Published June 7, 2021 BREAKING! Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters with a horrific revelation regarding the ‘magnetism’ videos circulating the world of social media in self-recorded videos of people sticking metal objects to themselves. The CDC has said receiving the ‘vaccine’ will not make you magnetic, including at the site of ‘vaccination’ which is usually your arm. Dr. Ruby says, “They’re lying”, and provides evidence in support of her claim, as well as a disturbing warning about the ingredients in the jab, directly from the source.”

Deplorable Patriot

There’s going to be a controversy over this, I think, as a lot of people got saline and they won’t be magnetized.

It’s probably dependent on lot and batch number.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Perhaps… especially since whatever magnetic substance used would likely be minuet and quickly diffused enough not have a visible effect to unaided humans, (unless the bodies own immune system kept it grouped within some persons for a period of time for people to play with magnets), but we know ferritin plays a part in the vaccine. So searching for ferritin and magnetic we can find many instances of things like this….

Magnetoferritin: Process, Prospects, and Their Biomedical …

Ferritin is a spherical iron storage protein composed of 24 subunits and an iron core. Using biomimetic mineralization, magnetic iron oxide can be synthesized in the cavity of ferritin to form magnetoferritin (MFt).

Engineering a Genetically Encoded Magnetic Protein Crystal

Each of these crystals contains more than 10 million ferritin subunits and is capable of mineralizing substantial amounts of iron. When isolated from cells and loaded with iron in vitro, these crystals generate magnetic forces that are 9 orders of magnitude larger than the forces from the single ferritin cages used in previous studies.

So if they wanted the magnetized ferritin so the vaccine could do it’s work, they’d give it enough of the property to avoid detection, but still enough for it to do it’s function. This would imply riding a line. Not too much, not too little, but with some people maybe it was too much?

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Gail Combs

Still an awful minute amount. AND  the magnetic field will generally fall off as the cube of the distance from the magnet.

That is why I was giving it the side eye.


True, the magnet thing deserves the side eye unless there was a purpose to it such as to call out that ferritin was involved with vaccines and if it is magnetized ferritin that would be akin to giving it a sail and fins which I guess is fine too if that’s what is needed for it to do it’s job. However enter 5G and the resonance that might come into play if someone not nice is playing with that dial so to speak. What we might end up having are these loose particles that have now been equipped with fins and sails in the body subject to the forces of 4G/5G and yes 6G too.

What is 6G? Everything you need to know

By Steve McCaskill December 20, 2020

6G networks are the mobile future

Whereas 4G speeds were talked about in megabit terms, and 5G will push the gigabit barrier, 6G will deliver theoretical terabit speeds. Most users will get in excess of 100Gbps, but this is still a transformational bitrate.

I’d trust this kind of stuff but for the people who are funding this to get it off the chalk board and into the real world by developing products and uses for it are 1. Not visible to us and 2. Unethical to such an extreme that they’ve sponsored CV and identify with what’s on the Georgia Guide Stones.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Georgia Guidestones TextHere is what is written on the Georgia Guidestones:
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I truly believe that a LOT of scientists and a lot of “thought leaders” were deeply convinced that the greatest threat to mankind was human population. Something had to be done, and they were willing to take part in secret programs to deal with it. Imagine some TURD like Obama selling this as a kind of Manhattan project.

OY VEY. It’s too easy. You know they did this.

“Climate change” was in some ways “worry code” for this deeper fear that was, by a kind of “inception”, implanted in all these scientists, politicians, bureaucrats and billionaires.

Gail Combs

I will put this up again to verify what you are saying.

Doctor Doom, Eric Pianka, Receives Standing Ovation from Texas Academy of Science

… I watched in amazement as a few hundred members of the Texas Academy of Science rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth’s population by airborne Ebola. The speech was given by Dr. Eric R. Pianka (Fig. 1), the University of Texas evolutionary ecologist and lizard expert who the Academy named the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.

Something curious occurred a minute before Pianka began speaking. An official of the Academy approached a video camera operator at the front of the auditorium and engaged him in animated conversation. The camera operator did not look pleased as he pointed the lens of the big camera to the ceiling and slowly walked away.

This curious incident came to mind a few minutes later when Professor Pianka began his speech by explaining that the general public is not yet ready to hear what he was about to tell us.

Because of many years of experience as a writer and editor, Pianka’s strange introduction and the TV camera incident raised a red flag in my mind. Suddenly I forgot that I was a member of the Texas Academy of Science and chairman of its Environmental Science Section. Instead, I grabbed a notepad so I could take on the role of science reporter.

One of Pianka’s earliest points was a condemnation of anthropocentrism, or the idea that humankind occupies a privileged position in the Universe. He told a story about how a neighbor asked him what good the lizards are that he studies. He answered, “What good are you?”

Pianka hammered his point home by exclaiming, “We’re no better than bacteria!”

Pianka then began laying out his concerns about how human overpopulation is ruining the Earth. He presented a doomsday scenario in which he claimed that the sharp increase in human population since the beginning of the industrial age is devastating the planet. He warned that quick steps must be taken to restore the planet before it’s too late…..

DO NOT FORGET the 1974 CIA report:
“A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”

Pg 7
In 1972 the Intelligence Community was faced with two issues concerning climatology:

* No methodologies available to alert policymakers of adverse climatic change

* No tools to assess the economic and political impact of such a change.

“… Since 1972 the grain crisis has intensified…. <b>Since 1969 the storage of grain has decreased from 600 million metric tons to less than 100 million metric tons – a 30 day supply… many governments have gone to great lengths to hide their agricultural predicaments from other countries as well as from their own people…</b>

pg 9
The archaeologists and climatotologists document a rather grim history… <b>There is considerable evidence that these empires may not have been undone by barbarian invaders but by climatic change</b>…. has tied several of these declines to specific global cool periods, major and minor, that affected global atmospheric circulation and brought wave upon wave of drought to formerly rich agricultural lands.

Refugees from these collapsing civilizations were often able to migrate to better lands… This would be of little comfort however,… The world is too densely populated and politically divided to accommodate mass migration.

Page 18 talks of coming glaciation.
Scientists are confident that unless man is able to effectively modify the climate, the northern regions… will again be covered with 100 to 200 feet of ice and snow. That this will occur within the nexy 2,500 years they are quite positive; that it may occur sooner is open to speculation.

page 22 states:
The climate of the 1800s was far less favorable for agriculture in most areas of the world. In the United States during that century, the midwest grain-producing areas were cooler and wetter and snow lines of the Russian steppes lasted for longer periods of time. More extended periods of drought were noted in the areas of the Soviet Union now known as the new lands. More extensive monsoon failures were common around the world, affecting in particular China, the Philippines and the Indian Subcontinent.

<b>The Wisconsin analysis questions whether a return to these climate conditions could support a population that has grown from 1.1 billion in 1850 to 3.75 billion in 1970. The Wisconsin group predicted that the climate could not support the world’s population since technology offers no immediate solution. Further world grain reserves currently amount to less than one month; thus any delay in supplies implies mass starvation.</b> They also contended that new crop strains could not be developed over night… Moreover <b>they observed that agriculture would become even more energy dependent in a world of declining resources.</b>
Holdren and the other Malthusians from Stanford University are not alone. The US government has been behind them since BEFORE the book <i><b>Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions</b></i> (1973) was published. The book just echoed the real thoughts of the US government of that time.

Interesting that the co-authors were science advisers to both Bush and Obama….

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THANK YOU. People need to see this. I am not blowing smoke. And I have to say, when I was “on campus” in Fake Science, what might be described as the “bad human narrative” was CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE. Humans are bad and they are destroying the planet. It would be EASY to recruit people into a depopulationist Manhattan project.

Gail Combs

I was shocked yesterday when I found Paul Ehrlich, was science adviser to president George W. Bush. He was the author of “The Population Bomb”

John P. Holdren was Obama’s Science Czar.

John P. Holdren and Paul R. Ehrlich co-authored the papers:

1971, Impact of Population Growth.


1974 Human Population and the Global Environment: Population growth, rising per capita material consumption, and disruptive technologies have made civilization a global ecological force
and the text book
1978 Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment

That is one reason I haul it all the way back to the late 1960/early 1970s the Milankovitch hypothesis and the verification of by Hays & Shackleton resulting in the ‘Ice Age scare.’

More recently (2006?)
In defense of Milankovitch by Gerard Roe

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Secret science has led to so much social damage. It empowers the elite, and it gives EVIL a great foothold.


Fauci hiding behind The Science.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly
Gail Combs

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I’m with you, Gail. We have Pfizer’s awareness that this stuff was headed to the ovaries like a bat out of hell, over DAYS, and was migrating throughout the body, AS LIPID NANOPARTICLES, and we have proof in DEATH NOTICES that it was getting into MILK FAT and going to nursing babies.

I mean, what the fuck more do we need to do science here?

Screw magnets. We can come back to that later after the mother of all scandals is settled. 🙄

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

This one’s Hillarious!! Oh Sheeple, Sheeple. 😂

People automatically connecting to AstraZeneca via Bluetooth

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember – the ARMY vaccine is actually based on ferritin – but not for any nefarious reason – because it’s BIG and SPHERICAL, and it’s possible to create a nice pseudovirus from it, studded with fake tips of spike protein to engender immunity. Thus, the Army vaccine is a lot like Novavax, which uses a small chemical styrofoam ball, in essence, as the hub (instead of ferritin) to embed the rear end of their whole 2P-mutated spike protein assemblies.

NOW – is it WISE to use ferritin here? Is it possible that this will create antibodies which might ATTACK ferritin? I don’t know. Just throwing out that little bit of skepticism.

Yes, the magnetic interest is real, but I clearly see YET ANOTHER CASE of the evil powers using TWO unbelievables to protect each other.

Yes, there is actually real research into using magnetic fields to control nerve signals! This is real, funded research.

Yes, it looks like the spike protein has gynecological and contraceptive effects that somebody should have known about, and most likely DID know about.

All they have to do to make the latter go away, now that we have seen the horrifying data, is to mix the two into naked unbelievability.

We are up against very evil people who USE science for political and social manipulation and gain, and care nothing about the truth, other than to have advantage over their fellow humans by knowing it, and not sharing it.


I HAVE TO say this. I have to.

We DON’T need a vaccine for Covid.

We just don’t.

This is not like smallpox, which was killing millions of people, or polio, which was paralyzing and killing the young.

This is a flu-like virus that only kills the healthy if it isn’t treated properly. And people have got to start to realize that something eventually kills the old and sick. People die.

This incredible fear of natural death arises from no belief in an afterlife. So many today have no faith. It’s sad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Very much agreed. There was likely NEVER a need for a vaccine.

The airborne Ebola we were promised was 100% LIES. The people who knew the truth – especially CHINA – promoted IGNORANCE to RAISE THE DEATH COUNT.

Yes. the CCP promoted DEATH ABROAD, when it could have been reduced to “a treatable flu” using HCQ.

There are a lot of people who deserve to go to prison for what happened, and there is a nation (and a few billionaires) that owe trillions of dollars in reparations.

They will do ANYTHING not to go there, too. So buckle up.

Gail Combs

“…who deserve to go to prison…”

Wolfie you are a lot kinder than I.

You target old folks and pregnant ladies and the gloves come off!


Locked, cocked and ready to rock, sir!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Too much Ferritin causes organ damage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Again, I have to ask “why”? To what purpose?

We have a toxic protein put into a vaccine delivery system which targets the ovaries, apparently by its own lipid chemistry and pharmacokinetics.

At present, magnetogenetics (a bit of a misleading term – not related to genetics, but rather “genesis” of action) seems proven to only allow things like magnetic or electromagnetic activation of particular cells, or in some cases, a kind of burning, meaning “magnetoablation”. Now, in principle they could use this technology to SELECTIVELY sterilize women, if the vaccine localized in the ovaries, in some fashion where magnetoablation of some critical cells could be accomplished with the right radiation or magnetic fields.

I don’t think public technology is that good.


Had been away for a couple of hours and not read all the stuff that had been posted in the intervening time. Just now read the latest article re magnets.
Sort of shutting the stable door when the horse is over the horizen, but it just occurred to me that a really sensitive test at the jab site would be to use an ordinary small compass, if there’s anything in there the needle would deflect.


>>”use an ordinary small compass”<<
>>”a really sensitive test”<<

That’s a great idea, RAC!

I didn’t think of it – and I haven’t some across anyone else who has!



I think it’s a mute point now 🙂


Not completely a moot point – not just yet!

Most likely mis-info, yes – a distraction away from the REAL potential for EM to affect the nano stuff.

I wonder what a compass may read, when the 5G is tuned up to that special threshold (60MHz?), for those who’ve gotten the REAL chemical injection, perhaps *designed* to respond to that frequency range.

We aren’t out of the woods yet – and so much tech has been hidden from us, that I simply cannot *completely* throw out this hypothesis.

But yours was a great idea, nonetheless!

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh, boy. The $cienos may have a new (real) use for their “e-meter” 😆

(basically a galvanometer with two tin cans attached, around $10.00 (if that) worth of CCP-made ammeters blikenlights, couple of pots, and googie-architecture-molten-plastic-styling to make it look hep…

All that for a $7000,00 price tag. Autograph of LRH (“Source”) not included… 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

I agree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s potentially sensitive enough, but the whole thing would have to be done in a very scientific manner, using POSITIVE CONTROLS, to demonstrate that the test could in fact react to something expected, such as ferrite nanoparticles at IM injection depths. These are IM shots, and “whatever” is being alleged to be injected could have a wide range of magnetic susceptibilities, etc. All of that would have to be duplicated just to prove that the compass worked as a differentiating tool here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just did a test using a couple of different compasses and a standard staple. Very hard to get any effect with that little iron – and that is roughly 35 mg of magnetic steel in one piece! If I “bury it” in flesh, I get no response at all. I have to almost hold the staple right next to the tip of the compass needle.



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, maybe somebody should call Dodge and Fib about Liars and Thieves!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This woman is a DISGRACE. China should BURN IN RADIOACTIVE FLAMES if she ever becomes President, thanks to their malicious aid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

America saw fit not to elect this horrible woman – and yet they FORCED HER ON US.



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Deplorable Patriot

This morning I was thinking about socks and footwear. My family knows a woman who used to wear what we called footie socks with the ball at the back of the ankle with Spaulding brogues all year long. And she was in her 30s at the time. Haven’t checked out her footwear of late.


Does she have about 50 cats?

Deplorable Patriot

No, they aren’t pet people. Never have been.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s going to cause a HUGE problem here in Germany (and Mallorca 🙂 )…..
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Gail Combs

Well it beats the heck out of fire ant bites, sun burn and allergic reaction to grass…

(I generally wear boots.)

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like “AManFromMars1” from El Reg has found a new home 🙂

To wit:

i forget

Silver coin of the/this/all realm/s is one Spanish Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest & charged up San Juan Hill Real – “Royal” – Mint Jellystone Park, Boo-Boo, cuz that’s where the Yogis of force & fraud, of “power” – corruption – say the cornucopic pic-I-nic basket of Tourettic tourists’ stuff is to be Artful Dodger pocket pic’d & nic’d. Pieces of Ate your lunch, your hearth & home, your ass. It is cartoon, it is Loony, & in gold it’s Doubloony.

(I drove thru some of TR’s nationalized parks last Fall, but his, & those domains eminent Legends only Fell further for the direct experience. Dunno if Jim Harrison wept, but I’m outta Tears for that Trail. Custer had flowing hair, the land of flowing milk & oozing honey had custard enough to go ‘round…but Del Gue knew the physics of cue ball English, in any language.)

Paging Steve….

I think he’s written about the Double Eagle a few times. As well as our “fiatsco” of a currency… and the torpid, turgid mess known as the Fe(de)ral Reserve, with Janet Yellen that she wants to make things even worse…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

“Antrim County Attorney DePerno Releases BOMBSHELL Report – Claims County Voting Machines Were Remotely Logged into – Decertifies Entire Antrim Election”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, now THIS is good!!!

Gail Combs

Starting to really twist the screws aren’t they?

I wonder why Senator Ed McBroom wanted to talk to Antrim County clerk Sheryl Guy on the QT??  🤔  😆 



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Gail Combs

 😖  👎 

Cuppa Covfefe

The article notes that the measure must be approved by all the member states, which they viewed as only a formality.


There are a number of nations which will not go along with the “papiere, bitte!” routine. Hungary, likely Poland, and others. In any case, said vax pass is not mandatory, only voluntary. And the media over here, even some of the YSM/MCM are covering the problems with vaxxing more and more…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I will be shocked if Poland agrees to this.


I am SO sad to see this

From my RINO notes

Brian Fitzpatrick, PA: 
Interesting career background … (insert suspicious cat picture here)
Special Assistant US Attorney; FBI: supervisory special agent in CA, national supervisor for the Bureau’s Public Corruption Unit, and led the agency’s Campaign Finance and Election Crimes Enforcement program. During his time in the FBI, he spent time in Kyiv, Ukraine, Mosul, Iraq, and Washington, D.C. He was embedded with U.S. Special Forces as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom
2016 ran for his brother’s Congressional seat (his brother had promise to limit himself to 4 terms).
He won 2018 by only 3% against the Dem.
Has been ranked as 3rd most bipartisan Rep, including 35% of the bills he cosponsored were introduced by Dems.
Big on climate change

Votes from just this year …

Brian Fitzpatrick – only GOP to vote yes on this bill

29Rs voted Yes on VAWA

voted For 1/6 commission

And there could be more as I haven’t updated those notes in several weeks

SO disappointed to see Pompeo campaigning/endorsing this RINO (a term I don’t use lightly … only when the voting record and public comments fit on more than one vote with the exception of impeachment).

If it was the general against the Dem … ok

But now in the primary? When the people surely are running a challenger to oust this RINO?! Why?!!!!!!!!

I really like who I think Pompeo is but this is not good.

Gail Combs

Pompeo is developing a stink…


I could easily see the theory of the bday wish to pence being slightly snark as the picture of Pence was not a good one, pomeo was out in front with a smile, pense was behind with a frown

But can not think of ANY explanation for supporting this RINO in the >primary<!!!

Always have been cautiously excited about Pompeo as he was CIA and to rise to SOS … idk … I was hopeful but with this endorsement that hope is getting a little shaky

will continue to watch and hope as most of what he says is America 1st/MAGA

But PA1 needs a new GOP candidate as this guy is 100% RINO based on MULTIPLE votes


Starting to add up the red flags … wait and see … optimistic about him but less hopeful that my like of him is well founded

Deplorable Patriot

I’m watching a handful of Twitter accounts today. They’re suddenly posting American flags. Pompeo is one of them. Another is a person very much maligned on this site. It’s almost as if it’s a signal.

Something is going on.


Mike Pence is flew the flag at the same time

Deplorable Patriot

That’s not who I was watching.


Wasn’t trying to guess what you aren’t intersted in sharing … just adding to the list


Kevin McCarthy

BFF and roommate of known RINO pollster/advisor Frank Luntz, who was PAID by MI Gov. Whitmer to help convince Repubs in MI to acquiesce to Whitmer’s virus lockdown decrees and not oppose them.

McCarthy was/is the right hand boy-toy of disgraced and well-known RINO/GOPe John Boehner, who was thrown out of the GOP (and the Speaker’s chair) by being primaried by his own constituency in his home state.

McCarthy also did his best to help save Liz Cheney from being thrown out as the House GOP #3 leader, as well as attacking and undermining MTG (Rep. Greene) on a regular and reoccurring basis.

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. 

Matthew 7:15-16

Actions speak far more loudly than mere words.

Always will.

Speaking of….


It’s almost as if a GOPer with “Mc-something” should be an immediate disqualifier.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

Somebody else picked it up on Twitter also. Something is going on. What, and on which side is anyone’s guess since McCarthy’s name has not been on a number of different “dirty” lists regardless of the company he keeps (keeping an eye on the enemy?). There was a list of people who betrayed Trump on something I saw, and Pence’s name was on it along with a number of senators and cabinet members, but McCarthy’s was not.

Those tweets are some sort of signal. Has to be. Pompeo being one of the three is curious. The question is who is the audience. It’s not us.

I have ZERO trust in Pence, and never have, but Pompeo is a different story.

May you live in interesting times indeed.


Happy to be proven wrong about McCarthy. Don’t think I will be. Very comfortable in labeling him “cabal” until then. YMMV

As things presently stand, until and unless I see consistent and sustained OVERT ACTION that clearly distinguishes friend from foe, I’ll be considering and treating the ambiguous as “foe”.

McCarthy has been unambiguous. He is clearly “establishment”.

You do you.

PS – People who agree to be spies, etc. do so understanding that they can be “killed by friendly fire” by those who don’t know know who they really are. It’s part of the risk of the undertaking. If I was the allegorical shooter, I would feel ZERO guilt or remorse over it, and the spy would tell me not to, too.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

I’m waiting just the same as everyone else on the big reveal.

The thing is, if the flags were a response to the one interview yesterday, where are the rest of the government people, past and present, putting up their flags. Those specific three people means something. And, yeah, it could be they’re all working for the other side.


Pompeo is now on Jay Seculow’s team . Did I read here that Seculow advised Pence that it was unconstitutional on January 6 to send election back to states?
Maybe it is nothing.

Gail Combs

Yes, that is true. I found the video of Jay S saying exactly that.


Thank you Gail 🙂 One begins to wonder

Valerie Curren

So would that be an “erroneous” legal opinion, from our perspective, or is Jay Sekulow now in the controlled opposition camp? It would be incredibly discouraging if he is some type of decepticon. We can’t let “our side” turn similar to some of the prolifers that develop an absolutist mindset & only support complete removal of abortion instead of also getting behind incremental changes (it that’s all that can get passed).

Are we going to start having “purity tests” for how red, white, & blue our blood is?

Remember Wolfie’s wisdom on the hopium vs nopium disputes. We cannot disintegrate into eating our own. At the same time rooting out the deep state/decepticons is mandatory!


This site has lots of CA specific insider political info. You will find enough Mccarthy stuff to round out your views.


Pompeo wants to be President. Just my instinct and he plays it better than many others. He speaks one way to Trump supporters but has his eyes on the price 🙂


I kept saying I was hopefully optimistic … now I am moving toward disappointed and dismissive of him

Red flags flaring so soon … 3 yrs before the actual primary vote and already … ???

He talks good … many of his policies that he promotes and supported were America First …

I think some neo cons were adopting America First as an end run to talk tough and cont. endless wars


Gail Combs

And WHAT poison pills were ALSO stuck into that bill?

Bill summaries are authored by Congressional Research Service. (They will LIE, I have caught them at it.)

Passed House (04/15/2021)

Paycheck Fairness Act

This bill addresses wage discrimination on the basis of sex, which is defined to include pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics.

Specifically, it limits an employer’s defense that a pay differential is based on a factor other than sex to only bona fide job-related factors in wage discrimination claims, enhances nonretaliation prohibitions, and makes it unlawful to require an employee to sign a contract or waiver prohibiting the employee from disclosing information about the employee’s wages. The bill also increases civil penalties for violations of equal pay provisions.

Additionally, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs must train EEOC employees and other affected parties on wage discrimination.


The bill directs the Department of Labor to (1) establish and carry out a grant program to provide training in negotiation skills related to compensation and equitable working conditions, (2) conduct studies to eliminate pay disparities between men and women, and (3) make available information on wage discrimination to assist the public in understanding and addressing such discrimination.

The bill establishes the National Award for Pay Equity in the Workplace for an employer who has made a substantial effort to eliminate pay disparities between men and women. It also establishes the National Equal Pay Enforcement Task Force to address compliance, public education, and enforcement of equal pay laws.


Finally, the bill requires the EEOC to issue regulations for collecting from employers compensation and other employment data according to the sex, race, and national origin of employees for use in enforcing laws prohibiting pay discrimination.

222 Demon-Rats
3 Republicans

42 from California
19 from New York

Cuppa Covfefe

The EEOC has been crooked since the 1970s (at least), when they all but destroyed industries in and around Oakland, CA.

Quotas here, quotas there, quotas, quotas everywhere…

And the quality, and output numbers went down the sewer…

Larry Ellison once said (enshrined in the employee handbook and hiring documents of ‘orrible): “Equal talent always has equal opportunity”.

Until and unless we can look at things that way, there will always be discrimination or favoritism of some sort. We also have to consider limitations, which are NOT discrimination. e.g. someone who can’t lift 70 pounds should not be a candidate for some jobs (DHL package delivery over here, for instance). Worst, they could very well get hurt (or hurt someone else) trying to make a point.

Seems common sense isn’t, anymore…


Amy Sisskind: “Not a a single Republican voted for equal pay for women. Not one.”



Do you have a point Amy, or do you just like the sound of your own voice?

Cuppa Covfefe

She seems to be missing a letter in her sur (ooh, that sound) name.
One wonders, “y”…..


If I were a US senator, I would not have voted for it either…

…not as long as the political left is claiming there is no such thing as gender (and they do).

Which is it, leftists?

Either there is no such thing as gender, in which case there can be no such thing as a gender pay gap, or gender is a scientifically-based biological distinction…in which case we can discuss gender pay gaps.

Leftists want to have their cake and it eat, too.


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Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

PS – Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, no different in that regard from all other psychological illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolarism, chronic depression, etc, etc.

Gender dysphoria is NOT “normal”.

Deplorable Patriot

While gender confusion, YES, is a psychological issue, some of the others are psychiatric in nature as they are actually medical conditions. Schizophrenia, in particular, has been traced to disordered cells in the brain. (Did a paper on that some time ago.)

Gender “dysphoria” or what ever the term is now, IMO, knowing A LOT of confused people sexually speaking, is a form of Oedipus Complex. I know MANY confused sorts who are/were in love with the opposite parent or were in some way rejected by the same sex parent.

There is also a theory – and this is in NO WAY proven – that it is a result of the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines. That one is kind of far fetched, but it’s worth a survey study, at least, IMO.


Like I said, it’s a mental/emotional issue, irrespective of cause.

Moreover, those whom it affects are the underwhelming statistical MINORITY…as are all the other individual mental illnesses.

In other words, NOT ”normal”.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

No, not normal at all.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nah, makes it a DEMONRAT…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

If the Cackayena is using AF2, what plane is Creepy taking to Europe??🤔🤔

comment imageCJTRUTH


Looks like something out of the Old Testament. Is this what it means by being “Biblical?”
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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Biden’s Gun Confiscation Scheme: Millions of Firearm Owners May Soon Become Felons (

The Biden administration is proposing a revision to current federal gun regulations that would create a dangerous scenario for many firearm owners.

The proposed rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives would make the majority of firearms with stabilizing pistol braces illegal, The Reload reported.

“Owners would have to register, turn in, or disassemble the guns to avoid federal felony charges,” according to The Reload.


Jury Nullification.


No one will comply. No. One.


Well, Biden’s people will turn in their guns  😜 


Stupid is as stupid does. 😜

Valerie Curren

2nd amendment aka Constitutional nullification!


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More than 170 Houston hospital workers suspended over refusing vaccine
The employees will be fired after two weeks if they don’t get vaccinated


After Abbot signed his bill?

Republican Texas governor Greg Abbott signed legislation Monday that prohibits businesses and government entities from requiring proof of vaccination in the state.

“Texas is open 100 percent and we want to make sure that you have the freedom to go where you want without limits,” Abbott said in a Twitter video.

“No business or government entity can require a person to provide a vaccine passport or any other vaccine information as a condition of receiving any service or entering any place,” he continued.

They must have deep pockets at these hospitals… This is WAR!


Unfortunately, you are falling prey to decepticon strategy.

Abbott is a member of the Uniparty and is a member of the Bush family circle.

Don’t think so?

Just compare Abbott’s ACTIONS with those of Gov. DeSantis.

also, you need to read the respective bills. The TX bill doesn’t have any teeth, unlike the FL bill.

DECEPTION: Abbott’s Vaccine Passport Ban Only Prevents State Contractors From Requiring Them

Abbott continues to mislead his constituents about COVID-19 passports, even as other states take the actions he refuses


At the beginning of the subsection dealing with the supposed ban of vaccine passports, the law seems to codify Abbott’s previous executive order preventing the Texas government from requiring COVID-19 passports, and then appears to extend the same prohibition to businesses. However, a close reading of the billreveals that the only penalty for a business requiring vaccine passports is that it will not be eligible for state grants or to contract with the state.

This sharply contrasts to the vaccine passport ban signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron Desantis, which poses severe financial penalties of $5,000 per infraction against any business, school, or government agency that attempts to require individuals to provide proof of vaccination. Unlike Abbott’s toothless ban, Florida’s legislation already prevented Royal Caribbean International from requiring COVID-19 vaccine passports to cruise ship passengers.


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry


I have, in the past, be very supportive of Gov. Abbott, up to and including thinking of him as the best replacement in the future for PDJT.

HOWEVER, the ACTIONS of Ron DeSantis over the course of the past 18 months has provided a very STARK contrast between the two and, IMHO, have exposed Abbott.

And while Abbott may not be a Whitmer, Cuomo, or Grusome, he sure as hell is not Ron DeSantis.

Moreover, I strongly suspect Abbott played a key role in Allen West’s departure as Chair of the TX GOP, and I’m very unhappy about that.

Bottom line: Abbott has lost a great deal of my support and I am giving him the side-eye….especially by comparison to DeSantis.


Abbott has earned a side-eye, and then some.

Covid wise, IIRC, Abbott pushed lock-downs, mask ignorance etc. Abbott should have backed off quickly and firmly. Just as DeSantis did when he realized it was mostly BS.


He is a Bush RINO. The ONLY reason he espouses any conservative values is for election reasons.


Hopefully West will run for governor.


I do not trust Abbott. I also do not believe bc is is paraplegic it should give him cover, as skin color does for others.


Good catch. Hasn’t had Abbott in the trust column for quite some time. If anything I was reshelveing him back to there with this bill and the other recent legislation, some of it I believe he’s yet to sign which is still worrisome since it all has expiration dates. Obviously I’ve missed the no teeth clause or at least the compare and contrast with Florida.

It seems the Houston hospital action is a signal to business’s in Texas to ignore the weak bill and obviously is a political action done to weaken Abbott.

Meanwhile there is this..

However it appears Abbott is telling Dan Patrick to sit back down and he’ll set the date and agenda.

This does however indicate that all of this is fixable, too include lack of teeth, in a special session, especially if Dan thinks he can get the Tranny/Girl Sport issue revisited.

I’m thinking West saw the weakness in all of this stuff and decided to disassociate.

Abbott gets all this fixed in special session or he’s toast.

Gail Combs

AND West jumps in and runs against him.  😆 

Gail Combs

GOOD I hope it SPREADS and more and more workers REFUSE!


More school board drama! It’s spreading   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_silly:   :wpds_grin:  And she got a standing O even after they cut her mike.   :wpds_exclamation: 

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r


New Political Moonshine article:

Daszak Delivered Damning Details in 2016
June 9, 2021

Intro: “The Moonshine catalog of work relative to COVID-19 is unmatched and in important ways, exclusive in the positions it rests on and evidences. In all of that, a particular premise that underpins the broader position is the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was bio-engineered or bio-weaponized. In the pursuit to support our postulation with verifiable evidence, we latched on to very early epidemiological findings that were indicative of genetic markers in the SARS-CoV-2 strain that demonstrated it contained artificial HIV insertions.

It is critical to understand that the artificial HIV insertions represent the precise bio-engineering needed to permit SARS-CoV-2 to transmit and become virulent as it did and that without the HIV insertions, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is incapable of performing accordingly as occurring naturally and outside of a laboratory setting.

That type of bio-engineering (bio-weaponizing) is called gain of function and it’s the precise research book-ended by the U.S. and China and with Anthony Fauci, the NIH/NIAID, U.S. funding, Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance all inconveniently ensnared in between.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff. Between COVIDGATE and AUDITGATE, the walls of JERKICO are about to fall.

Gail Combs

As I showed earlier today, it is a RED HERRING to JUST blame China and the CCP. The USA under Clinton-Bush-Obama are just as guilty unfortunately and THAT IS BY DESIGN!!!

This leaves the CCP a MAJOR OUT since the early work was done in the USA & Australia as we have shown again and again here at the Q tree.

How that is going to get disentangled I am not sure since we want to place the blame of the RELEASE on the CCP in order to get all the countries out from under the belt & road trap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t want to place the blame anywhere except where the TRUTH LEADS.

If the Rockefeller clan and the Gates clan falls WITH CHINA, awesome.


Info nukes. What is TRULY to be feared.



Gail Combs


Some of the things people miss:

China & the USA signed this:

Biological Weapons Convention

The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction

The Convention was the result of prolonged efforts by the international community to establish a new instrument that would supplement the 1925 Geneva Protocol. The Geneva Protocol prohibited use but not possession or development of chemical and biological weapons.

A draft of the BWC, submitted by the British[2] was opened for signature on 10 April 1972 and entered into force 26 March 1975 when twenty-two governments had deposited their instruments of ratification. It currently commits the 170 states which are party to it to prohibit the development, production, and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons….

As stated in Article 1 of the BWC:

“Each State Party to this Convention undertakes never in any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain:

  • (1) Microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes;
  • (2) Weapons, equipment or means of delivery designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict.”


Agreement was reached on convening annual one-week long “Meeting of States Parties” that would be preceded earlier in the year by a two-week “Meeting of Experts” who would look at specific list of topics:

  • 2003: National mechanisms to establish and maintain the security and oversight of pathogenic micro-organisms and toxins.
  • 2004: Enhancing international capabilities for responding to, investigating and mitigating the effects of cases of alleged use of biological or toxin weapons or suspicious outbreaks of disease.
  • 2004: Strengthening and broadening the capabilities for international institutions to detect and respond to the outbreak of infectious diseases (including diseases affecting plants and animals).
  • 2005: Codes of conduct for scientists…..



Dr. Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for biological weapons convention known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. It was unanimously approved and signed into law.

TUESDAY, FEB 04, 2020  Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lesson of science. DO NOT predetermine outcomes – THAT is Soviet. THAT is Democrat. Americans CONSPIRED WITH CHINA. The whole lot of them need to pay for what they did.

Gail Combs

I am very good with that. Confiscate everything they own and convict of mass murder.  🙃 

That goes for the UNIVERSITIES TOO!!!

What I am worried about is the STRINGS on the CCP that lead back to the USA, although if that is isolated to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans….

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

This cannot be stated often nor emphatically enough!!!  😡 


So according to the PFag reports Joe’s plane used the AF1 callsign for the first time, to cross the pond. Still the 8000 tail #. No sign of the 9000. Anyone want to weigh in? I guess I’ll check monkeywerx.


Likely in a hanger getting maintenance or simply “ready” for the call to go somewhere.

Joe N Hoe travel very, very little. When they do, very few tagging along. Joe N Hoe interact with minimal folks.


9000 hasn’t been seen since November, at least from everything I’ve seen. Could be BS. But the first time they used AF1 as opposed to n/a was this Europe jaunt.


Admittedly, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed here.

Methinks, the 9000 stuff is much ado about nothing.

Next thing we know, someone is going to float out (nonsense) reports Trump is traveling on 9000.


I just thought there were two 747s, 8000 and 9000. And one of them is never used.


My understanding is there are two 747s for presidential use. Dunno about the numbers. Quite likely 8000 and 9000.

One is a back up. There are times they use both 7474s when the president has a large gaggle of officials traveling with him, plus presstitutes.

Many times we saw Trump use both 747s as he brought along large delegations.

But, my guess is as BiteMe travel very little and shies away from anything remotely accountability, his gaggles are bare bones folks that “toe the line” that BiteMe has a clue.


Just saw this story out of Syracuse. Found it interesting. Has some pics in it. Said it was an unnanounced stop to do training maneuvers.

A U.S. Air Force plane that looks like a smaller version of the one that flies the president around paid an unannounced visit to the airport Wednesday afternoon.
The plane had a blue-and-white paint scheme and the words “United States of America” painted on its sides, just like the president’s plane, Air Force One.

Turns out, it was a C-32, the military’s version of the Boeing 757 passenger jet, and is part of a fleet of planes the Air Force uses to fly senior government officials, including the vice president and secretary of state, around the world.

The C-32 is sometimes used in place of Air Force One when the president travels to smaller airports that cannot accommodate the Boeing 747 jumbo jet normally used to fly the president. When it’s carrying the president, it is called Air Force One. (When the vice president uses the plane, it is called Air Force Two.)


It’s AF1 when the POTUS is aboard, no matter what the aircraft is. I was merely reporting something from talking about the callsign AF1 being used with Biden for the first time on his flight to Europe. He has obviously flown, or someone claiming to be POTUS has flown, but not with the AF1 callsign.


Got it. My post should have been a separate post.


Drove past a lumber yard nit too far from here…tons of lumber stacked up. Railtracks north from the yard had several cars full of lumber, just sitting there. No shortage just a gouging.


President Trump Pays His Respects to St. John’s Episcopal Church

On June 1, 2020, President Donald Trump walked from the White House to pay his respects to St. John’s Episcopal Church after somebody tried to burn down the church the previous night.


Police Cleared Lafayette Park to Install Fencing, Not for Trump Photo-Op, IG Report Concludes

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


And you keep hearing this referred to as a photo op. Holding up the Bible is not a photo op. It is a clear message used to calm, saying at the minimum to put your faith in God and was something people needed to hear or as in this case, see.


Glenn Greenwald

Yet Another Media Tale — Trump Tear-Gassed Protesters For a Church Photo Op — CollapsesThat the White House violently cleared Lafayette Park at Trump’s behest was treated as unquestioned truth by most corporate media. Today it was revealed as a falsehood.


Police did not clear D.C.’s Lafayette Park of protestors so Trump could hold a photo op, Gov’t probe says
By T. Grant Benson -June 9, 202105


(READ) Trump statement on “exoneration” in Lafayette Park photo op accusations

– June 9, 2021 –

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Thank you to the Department of the Interior Inspector General for Completely and Totally exonerating me in the clearing of Lafayette Park! As we have said all along, and it was backed up in today’s highly detailed and professionally written report, our fine Park Police made the decision to clear the park to allow a contractor to safely install antiscale fencing to protect from Antifa rioters, radical BLM protestors, and other violent demonstrators who are causing chaos and death to our cities. In this instance, they tried burning down the church the day before the clearing. Fortunately, we were there to stop the fire from spreading beyond the basement—and it was our great honor and privilege to do so. Again, thank you to the Inspector General!


Bowser’s DC Metro Police, Not Trump, Deployed Tear Gas Against Rioters Near White House Last June
JUNE 1, 2021 By Margot Cleveland


Debunking The Photo Op Myth: Inspector General Investigation Refutes Media Account On The Clearing Of Lafayette Park


Bowser’s About Face: The District Admits Using Tear Gas Against Protesters and Seeks To Dismiss BLM’s Lafayette Park Lawsuit


June 8, 2021
So Trump never employed tear gas after all on all those Lafayette Park protesters…
By Monica Showalter


DOJ Seeks Dismissal Of Case By ACLU, BLM Against Trump, Barr For Clearing Lafayette Park
by JD’s Curated Links June 4, 2021


DC Police Department Finally Admits Role in Big Scandal One Year After Media Pinned Blame for It on Trump
Kevin Catapano
June 4, 2021 at 3:33pm


The Truth Comes Out: Police Didn’t Clear Lafayette Park for Trump to Visit St. John’s Church
Spencer Brown Posted: Jun 09, 2021 2:45 PM


Trump thanks watchdog for ‘exonerating’ him regarding the clearing of protestors from Lafayette Park

The Interior Dept. watchdog said the evidence did not support a determination that the park had been cleared so that Trump could venture over to the church.


NBC’s Dilanian Admits No Evidence Police Cleared LaFayette Protesters for Trump: ‘Narrative We Thought We Knew Was Not the Reality’
By Rudy TakalaJun 9th, 2021, 4:25 pm


Police did not clear Lafayette Park area so Trump could hold ‘Bible’ photo op: Watchdog
Trump claimed the inspector general’s report “totally” exonerated him.

ByStephanie Ebbs andBenjamin Siegel
June 9, 2021, 4:04 PM • 13 min read


Jim Acosta Hardest Hit After Trump, Barr Vindicated on Lafayette Park ‘Clearing’ Controversy
By Sister Toldjah | Jun 09, 2021 3:30 PM ET


june 9, 2021 the marshall report


Lafayette Park and The Tear Gas Controversy: A Response To Professor Steve Vladeck


The Lafayette Park Protests And The Revision Of History


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1st industry to reopen and quickly, after a private meeting with Gruesome. I wish someone would untangle tye bribe money bc when he is recalled he still has multiple pensions and millions hidden during his grift.
It should all be confiscated, and frankly, they are funding his wufes salary too, so she shoud be in prison as well. No money at all, no property, give the kids to grandparents in Montana.

Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
Gov. Newsom is raking in huge checks from Hollywood after exempting them from lockdowns. This penchant for turning emergency powers into cash might explain why he refuses to give them up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. The man is a criminal.

Cuppa Covfefe

As is the rest of his mafiosi familigia


Newsmax (@newsmax) Tweeted:
“Why hasn’t Dr. Fauci been fired?” @EmeraldRobinson asks @RandPaul.

“It’s become so partisan… now, uniformly, Democrats want to defend him.”

Gail Combs

Forget Congressional Dog & Pony shows…



Lacking that some French Revolution styled tribunals will work just fine and in fact might be what’s called for since the aristocrats are finally trying to make their power play as they reemerge.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Skip that, just jump to Henry VIII’s solution to Mary, QoS. 😜

Deplorable Patriot

Aside from the insanity of taking a baby to the ballgame (my brothers were all at least 4 before they went to their first game) good on ya, Mom.


comment imageKanekoa


White hat hackers have discovered “Easter eggs” in the voting machines. 

An “Easter egg” is a hidden feature or command in a video game.

These hidden commands are not mentioned in user manuals.

An election official with knowledge of this “Easter egg” could hit a combination of buttons and get this specific model of machine to hypothetically stop counting Republican votes, Democrat votes, etc.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We should have NEVER trusted Dominion and Smartmatic.


Who said “WE” trusted them ??!
(NOT ME !)


As far as I know, none of us was ever given the option.

Nobody HERE would have elected to use machines for voting, I’d bet good money.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Electronic voting was brought in EVERYWHERE with the hopes of almost everybody, and with the assurances of the industry – yet against the advice of people who were probably considered Luddites and paranoids at the time.

What happened next – “insider takeover and corruption of electronic voting itself” – happened without even the industry’s front-end knowledge.

Only people SKILLED in corrupting entire industries would have really understood the risks – and THEY were in charge of the attack.

What happened here was basically unprecedented.


I am a Luddite.

I was excited by the idea of a complete failure of the internet in Y2K.

I wish all of it would crumble to the ground.

I would be sad to lose all of you, but if it was meant to be, we would find each other in the “real world.”


comment imageKanekoa


Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn explains why it’s important to support Patrick Byrne’s America Project.

The GOP isn’t paying for forensic audits. 

States aren’t paying for forensic audits. 

The America Project is actually paying in large quantity for the Maricopa County audit.

“I know that your audience loves this country as I do and as Patrick Byrne does and if they can find it in themselves to help us out and the America Project that will go a long way because it won’t just be Arizona it’s about all of these other states.”


Sylvia Avery

Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Thanks for posting this.


Just caught myself !

Sylvia Avery


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That’s why OAN’s Christina Bobb always asks people to donate each time she reports on the AZ audit. 🤦‍♀️


Yup !
(OANN is the only TV news I will watch right now)

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I did not know that Bobb was also an Attorney and has been very instrumental in the AZ audit fight. Chanel has some outstanding credentials too, Harvard, methinks? OAN hires VSGRPTRs. 😃

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think Christina Bobb was a high official in DHS, too!


Yeah… Christina Bobb is also United States Marine Corps veteran; Jack Posobiec is also a veteran (IIRC naval intelligence); and Dan Ball is an Air Force veteran (combat journalist).
I’m good for now !

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

HOORAH!!! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️




Wow. I am quite surprised the funding source hadn’t come out earlier.


I had been receiving emails from America Project but I haven’t seen any lately.
They always ended up in my junk/spam folder.
(Not sure how they got my email address though…)

I also watch OANN and they have been pushing for donations to fund the audit.


Thanks. The private funding is potentially great.

  1. Minimal politicians in play, minimizing their generally corrupt pursuits.
  2. We may actually get an honest audit.



#MeToo !

Barb Meier

Does this mean Ranjeetha Pakiam at Yahoo is reading SteveinCO? Metal Worth More Than Gold [palladium] Is Set to Get Even More Expensive –

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to think that cold fusion is working somewhere.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Cool, now let’s expand the Mengele trials to 12-15yr olds. 🙄🙄🤬🤬

Medical Advisors to CDC: ‘Higher Than Expected’ Number of Cases of Heart Problems in Young Adults and Adolescents Following Covid Vaccination (

The June 1 report by a work group of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices states that within 30 days of receiving the second dose of either Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, “there was a higher number of observed than expected myocarditis/pericarditis cases in 16-24-year-olds.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



YET, CDC ignorantly stands by injecting 12-15yos.

Where is the fake news bitching about this?


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Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers. Why are corporations, pension funds and property investment groups buying…

entire neighborhoods out from under the middle class? Lets take a look. Homes are popping up on MLS and going under contract within a few hours. Blackrock, among others, are buying up thousands of new homes and entire neighborhoods.

Threadreader :

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is “great reset” stuff – designed to plow under the middle class.

Deplorable Patriot

Or, as I said, just see tomorrow’s daily.

And here I thought I found something pretty buried.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is huge! It needs tons of coverage!!!

Deplorable Patriot

And I’m not going back and redoing it.


Its exactly what they say in the thread. Its worth the unroll.


Well, this is under our control, and it is on US if we let them do it.

You CHOOSE who to sell your house to. If money is your God, and you sell to scum like this to make a bigger profit, then YOU are the problem.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just it. People generally sell to the highest bidder. It’s part of the American psyche to go for the best deal.


Not me. I’m serious. My morals come far before money.

Deplorable Patriot

Or just see tomorrow’s daily.


Will do !


So essentially they are using federal money to create rental housing.

So who is Blackrock? Only the worlds largest asset manager and the leading proponent of The Great Reset. Theyre looking to redistribute -Get this- $120Trillion dollars. The entire wealth of the worlds middle class and poor combined several times over.

Now imagine every major institute doing this, because they are. It can be such a fast sweeping action that 30yrs may be overshooting it. They may accomplish feudalism in 15 years. 

Likely faster than 15 years… or at least they’ll see first fruits once they’ve changed the voting demographic in places like Texas.

This whole demographic change thing has been a constant tactic of the left ever since the cabal put Syria on the road using ISIS as the bad guys, then constant migrant caravans coming up north, followed by demographic shifts from liberal states as a result of the CV and again with this new huge surge of migrants from the south. The tactic of moving populations around goes all the way back to the very first civilizations where populations were shifted around to suit the needs of the various empires, most notably beginning with the Assyrian Empire.


Yup !
(PS: “Federal money” = “MY money”; “OUR money”; i.e. “We the People”(s) money; “Taxpayers money”; etc.)


Above I mentioned TX Gov. Greg Abbott. He deserves the hot spotlight of unwelcome attention.

Here’s why…

For the past year + folks have been commenting on his inconsistencies re: virus policies and practices. By comparison, he is WEAK compared to FL Gov. Ron DeSantis.


Compare the two anti-vax passport laws just passed in TX and FL. In TX, private employers who require proof of being a lab rat only lose the ability to receive gov’t money, whereas in FL a business will incur a $5k fine for each and every instance where it demands proof of vaccination.

Now consider this…and note the date…

Over 170 hospital workers in Houston, Texas, have been suspended for refusing the coronavirus vaccine and will be fired in two weeks if they maintain their position.

Houston Methodist Hospital President and CEO Marc Boom said about the situation, “It is unfortunate that today’s milestone of Houston Methodist becoming the safest hospital system in the country is being overshadowed by a few disgruntled employees.”

“I know that today may be difficult for some who are sad about losing a colleague who’s decided to not get vaccinated,” Boom wrote in the memo. “We only wish them well and thank them for their past service to our community, and we must respect the decision they made.”

Now, there is no need for me to list all the various outrages of this situation and this braying jackass’s comments.


Where is TX Gov. Greg Abbott on this situation? How come he is not pitching a fit and coming to the aid of these workers??

Lemme tell you why.

Because the law in TX was passed by a legislative majority that, given it’s size, would have passed WITHOUT Abbott’s signature.

Re-read that.

”By their fruit (ie. works…or lack thereof) ye will know them.”

TX Gov. Abbott is NOT who we hoped he was. Ron DeSantis has exposed him without saying a word, and this is the proof. Rock solid, irrefutable proof. And the fact that he is NOT making an issue over what is happening at Houston’s BEST known hospital is the smoking gun.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

MAGA INSTITUTE PODCAST, Ep35 – Dr Bryan Ardis On How to Protect Against the COVID Spike Protein! 27may21

Also, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance has updated the Prevention & At Home Treatment 
Mass Distribution Protocol for COVID-19  (or

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

LOL, the dog is #1😂😂😂comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



What Are Splunk Logs? Why Are They So Important for the Audit?
@ArizonaConservatives Eric, Trooper, and Jerry break it down for us.
👉 What are splunk logs❓
Eric: Splunk is a very popular security and distributed systems monitoring application that provides a dashboard for network operations personnel to catch abnormal events and changes across all connected computers and computerized equipment.
If they were using Splunk and were using it properly then there should be a record of many things that would help focus forensic audits.
Trooper: The logs capture critical data, like user_ID’s, actions taken, date-timestamps, adjudication and other corrections or changes to votes, counts, rejections, etc… Look in any audit training manual: concealing, deleting, modifying, tampering, or refusing to provide access to logs – is in fact a criminal indicator.
👉 Why are splunk logs important to the audit❓
Eric: Splunk logs would be absolutely critical to reveal what happened on election night and thereafter — whether or not curious Internet traffic happened, for one thing, and to show a trail of infiltration and/or manipulation. We absolutely need them.
Trooper: The reason the Splunk logs and keys are important is because they were configured to directly support the event recording of things like ballot scanning, vote changing, tabulation counts and errors, etc… They offer critical insight and record of what/ when/ how the machines were utilized in ballot handling and vote tabulating/adjustment processes.
The logs are public records because they are in fact germane to the voting/ballot tabulation, adjudication, rejection, and adjustment processes, among other things. This is material information. They are literally withholding evidence and intentionally obstructing the audit.
Jerry: I work in Cybersecurity and have experience with Splunk. That said, those logs will expose a trove of events that may have taken place on election day. It would have captured all anomalous behavior as well as any outside network traffic that may have infiltrated the election systems. It’s no wonder they don’t want to release those logs as any half way competent Security Analyst would be able to easily identify fraud. SIEM tools such as Splunk are specifically designed to not only detect a potential breach but to also provide an audit trail to get to the bottom of what happened
Eric: If there was any kind of security monitoring, like Splunk et al, we need to see those logs since they might show if hackers created new accounts with root access, etc., and other things including configuration that would show how packets were routed to/from election equipment. In a way, Splunk is like a real-time audit…as long as it is configured to catch the vulnerabilities that could alter results. If we’re mining for information, Splunk is gold.
Its importance cannot be understated.
The BOS needs to hand over the rest of the information, routers, logs, access, chain-of-custody everything.
❗️Please take a minute to call or email Paul Boyer who is blocking the contempt resolution, which would enable subpoena enforcement. And contact Senators Fann and Petersen to ask why they are not filing a motion to compel.
Contact details 👉🔗
We haven’t come this far only to let the Supervisors get away with fraud.


(sorry no Link… I think it’s from Ron Watkins (codemonkey Z) telegram account ?)


I hate podcasts.

As a speed reader, I am throughly uninterested in listening to someone speak for an hour+ to acquire info I can obtain in just minutes.

If it’s truly important, write it down so it can be shared quickly and easily.

The podcast folks who DON’T do that are more interested in making $$ and/or gaining an audience, not sharing the info. The info is just a hook for them.

If someone REALLY wants to pass along important info, they will (at the very least) summarize the main points of a podcast, video, or broadcast. And if someone is too lazy to do that, then they aren’t really interested in passing along the info they think is so important.

And if you have the time to listen to hours of podcasts people post the link to, then God has blessed you beyond measure. Some of us aren’t so lucky.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you.

Just sitting through the intros to podcasts is an exercise in patience.

Well, unless I’m on the treadmill.


Podcasts are for egos and people’s wallets.

If they weren’t, they’d be posted with a complete transcript.

Again, the info is just a hook for these people. It’s not what they really care about, and those lavish, boring, seemingly endless intros are proof of it.

”I’ll get to the info in just a minute. But first…..”



Deplorable Patriot

No $#!+…uh, I mean, kidding.


Thank you for saying this!

I, too, speed read, and I just don’t have time for podcasts, videos, and the like. I really WANT the information, I just can’t take an hour to sit through it to get there.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Sadie Slays

Another gender reveal party explosion. This has to be code. I refuse to believe this many people are using explosive devices at gender reveal parties.

Deplorable Patriot

Well, it’s a boy, at any rate.


No idea how many folks have gender reveal parties with explosives. But, the concept doesn’t surprise me. Sounds like F U N, to me !


What Is Tannerite: Everything You Need to Know About Exploding Targets
Shooting is fun. Explosions are fun. Combining the two? Well, that’s just awesome.
With exploding targets like Tannerite, you can do just that. You probably already have some idea of what Tannerite is, but if you don’t, the name exploding targets should be explanation enough.

However, before you just go out and get yourself some, make sure to read up on them. It’s extremely important that these are used in a safe manner and the more you know about tannerite and exploding targets in general, then the better off you’ll be.

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For starters, Tannerite is technically a brand name that’s begun being used for exploding targets of its kind in general, similar to how Band-Aid is used to describe any adhesive bandage and all colorful, plastic, flying discs are called Frisbees. So, there are other brands.
Tannerite, like the similar exploding targets out there, is a binary explosive.

This means that it comes as two separate components, an oxidizer and a fuel, which the user then mixes together when they’re ready to shoot. Think the two liquids from the Die Hard movie, the one with Samuel L Jackson.

Each individual component is not explosive on its own and even when mixed, Tannerite is still very stable.

It will only detonate when struck by something with a velocity of at least 2000 feet per second. It won’t detonate if dropped or struck by something going slower than 2000 feet per second, no matter how heavy. It also isn’t flammable, so it can’t be detonated with electricity or fire.

Most popular rifle rounds have a high enough velocity to detonate Tannerite, including 5.56 NATO, .243 Winchester, .270 Winchester, .308 Winchester, 7.62 Soviet, and pretty much any other high-velocity rifle round.