Just for inspiration since things are not going the way any of us would like.
Did you all know that a lot of us were part of a cult. One that actually asks us to think for ourselves and not follow the leaders blindly off a cliff, but that doesn’t seem to matter.

We may not know, but the powers that wannabe have an idea of what they want from us.

And to achieve these ends, there are tattle-tales.

Yeah, this isn’t happening anytime soon.

And about President Trump’s track record.

Not everyone here is a Christian, but we all can be fools for patriotism.
Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

MATTHEW 6:1-6, 16-18
1“Beware of practicing your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. 2“Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 3But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. 5“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 6But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. 16“And when you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 17But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, 18that your fasting may not be seen by men but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
“Our task is not one of producing persuasive propaganda; Christianity shows its greatness when it is hated by the world.” –St. Ignatius of Antioch
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Too bad the forces of darkness use the owl the way they do.
Excellent opener, DePat!!!!
Now, here is a must watch video with Dr. McCullough of Texas A&M, Baylor in Dallas.
His credentials are unimpeachable. No more beating around the bush. The jabs are the bioterrorism! The panel believes that the boosters are their plan.
Video at the link:
Wolf’s Edit Adding Embed:
I hope the video embeds.
Ack. Let me try again.
Bitchute videos don’t translate here.
I added it. Gotta use the Iframe embed (click clipboard to share) and then copy and paste it into the { } pop-up window of the reply box.
Thank you, Wolf. I’ll get it one of these days.
Please keep us in your prayers. Lots going on. Ying’s ear infection turns out to be related to strep, and that’s the least of it.
Prayers right now.
Thanks. My SIL…major surgery in the near future. My youngest brother’s heart meds have been changed. The stopped up kitchen sink is a pain, but we can get around it.
Never a dull moment.
Life is such a prepatory school.
Yeah. My brother is facing some HARD truths right now.
God guide and keep him.
I certainly hope so.
Sorry you’re going through all that, DePat. You’re in my prayers.
Thanks. At this point, my sister is keeping me sane, Our parents are turning into theirs.
Thanks for the video link!!
It seems the important people are bored with killing old people and useless eaters. They are concentrating their best efforts on killing or sterilizing the young people now.
I think they underestimated the pushback from the peons.
I also think they wildly underestimated the reach of alternative media.
Bingo on both counts grandma…numbers are beginning to be published comparing alt media to el standardo fare, and there is no comparison.
I have been fascinated for the better part of a year ab the Polls showing a majority agree with Trump’s direction and what I’ll loosely call the truth.
I do not know where people are getting their info, but it ain’t cnn or the alphabets. its quite marvelous.
And, yes, the peons are beginning to push back.
My step mother is in a seniors only apartment complex. They’ve been severely locked down this past year and she doesn’t know how to surf the internet. She is stuck with Faux news on TV. BUT she has a lot of basic common sense, she listens to conservative talk radio, and gets info from emails she has signed up for. And talks to people on the phone. She is hearing about stuff. Now that they finally let them have their coffee hours again, a growing group of them are chatting and sharing stuff daily. Word IS getting around!
This is good to hear. What can be done to enhance and sustain her connection to the Truth?
That CNN is basically defunct (or would be without cabal currency) is very telling.
Didn’t PT talk about the death of the msm on occasion?
Trump also predicted CNN, MSDNC rating would collapse IF Trump left “center stage”.
Love that man.
Agreed. Some article I was reading the other day showed that the reach of a bunch of patriot channels on YouTube far outnumbers anything that CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC can get.
When the media stopped doing its job, we stepped in.
Yes. They were definitely outmanuvered. I bet they thought they had media control all sewed up.
grandma, and a sweet unintended consequence of all the censorship is that the social media sites are all turning into nothing but echo chambers.
And such sites were once a viable replacement for the demise of msm credibility.
No more.
More and more their screeching, lying an deceit is only heard by the brainwashed,
Its really quite a delight!
President Trump was very smart to attack the Fake News relentlessly.
trump certainly woke millions of folks up to fake news echo chamber.
Many of us turned fake news OFF, well before Trump came down the escalator.
Admittedly, I dd not put Faux News on total ignore until they help throw the election.
Although I usually do enjoy tucker and Watter’s clips folks post.
I send that video to my daughter. I ask her “not to let her daughter get the shot”.
She answered ” if she does not get the shot she cannot go to College because College requires the shot”.
I just answered her “that I am sorry”.
Normally I never interfere how my children raise their kids because it is their turn now.
In the past I always have been known to be very alert and careful with my children when they were small not to let them get into danger. I feel the mother is the protector of her children and I took it serious.
What would I do in my daughter’s place? Find a College that does not require the vaccine. Maybe there are non any longer ? The stupid thing is in some Colleges they want the young people to get the shot but do not require it for the faculty. How is that legal ?
Take a year off. Live life. Explore the world/area and your inner self.
This mandatory Jab won’t be around next year.
No, but by that time, the damage will be done and it may not be able to be reversed.
Good idea
Pardon the certified slow guy’s perspective.
The great news IS, college is NOT required for a happy AND healthy life.
Yea, I went to college, finally, in my 40s.
Before then, seems like I was happy and healthy. AND NOT tainted by liberal asshoe indoctrination by colleges pushing “advanced thinking”.
College is absolutely over rated in nearly every way.
One day I walked over the campus and said to myself “why am I here?” “I do not need this except for my ego.” That was the end of my College after getting A and some B+. I know nothing except I test well figure that
Concerning my granddaughter she attended an exclusive school in CT she could do anything she wants . I am not the parent and both parents feel she needs to go to college. I am praying .
Heartily agree.
High School students in the Fairfax, Va area will be required to get the shot or wear a mask. I’ve talked to Daugh about the 2 oldest…..it scares me terribly. Daugh and her husband will make their own decision.
Yes it is scary specially if it is a young person.
Wonder why Republican guvners don’t give this guy a platform. The idea is get the message out widely…
Such a great message. Half way through listening as I surf around.
I had two things I wanted to get done on Tuesday — smoke a tri-tip that I had to move out of the freezer during the fridge crisis, and get my car starting.
Neither went according to plan. I think my smoker got shorted. (It’s a MasterBuilt, and they provide a cover for the smoker when not in use……that is not waterproof.) I ended up convection-roasting it in the kitchen oven.
And the car’s brake lights are on, even when the headlights aren’t engaged and the brakes aren’t on.
Still, it’s not like I have real problems….
Perspective clarifies a lot of situations.
Real problems suck.
It looks like a common way for this to happen is for the brake light pedal sensor stop (a plastic part) gets old, brittle, and breaks. Cost to fix is minimal.
Now that I know which end of the car to look at, this might be ok.
It’s evidently pretty common. Would be a piece of cake to fix if I were a contortionist.
It’s annoying enough replacing the turn signal fuse. That box is directly forward of that open door.
Or getting the spare 15A fuse out of that box when it turns out it’s not the turn signal that’s buggered up after all**. The emergency flasher fuse is in a box under the hood, nice and easy to get to, but the spare and puller tool are both in the same damn neck-hyperextending box as the turn signal fuse.
**the emergency flasher was both turned on and fuse blown out, which was preventing the turn signal from working, making me think the turn signal fuse had blown. I only discovered the issue was the flashers when I asked myself “gee I wonder if this affects the flashers–huh, they’re already on!”
(1995 happens to be my model year, not that it’s likely much different from the 1994 you have.)
I’ve been there. It would be so easy to deal with if you could just jack the car up about forty inches.
Did you once own one a 94-97 Accord? If so, how did you like the gasoline filter?
For those not in on this particular joke — this car’s engine is very well made, mostly accessible (N.B. inside the cabin, not so much) and very logical, except for one small glitch — which happens to be a maintenance item you should change every 30,000 miles or so…..the gasoline filter.
This bad boy is held vertically to the firewall in a little bracket almost directly under the master brake cylinder. In other words, you almost can’t see it or get to it.
To disconnect the top (which goes to the fuel rail), you have to be above the engine and have a metric crow-foot socket wrench and a metric flare crow-foot socket wrench, with appropriate extensions and ratchets.
To disconnect the bottom (which goes to the gas tank), you have to be underneath the car, have a metric crow-foot socket and a metric flare crow-foot socket, and you will almost certainly be doused with all the gasoline remaining in the filter.
To top things off, there is a beautiful place they could have mounted it to the firewall horizontally behind the air manifold where you could have used crescent wrenches. But some dork said, “has to be under the brake cylinder.”
But you had all that practice contorting to fit under your bathroom sink for the plumbing saga. That should be a transferable skill, or something.
The transferability is highly limited. That was lying flat on my back on a tile floor between a toilet and a wall with my feet in a shower. This will be lying upside down on a car seat with my back arched so that my head is under a dashboard. And, if you watch the video, you can witness the narrator’s efforts to achieve the proper position (twice, because he forgot the screwdriver the first time).
*giggle snort*
Hilarious, coothie! I just love DIY. Especially when someone else is DIY’ing and I can watch……and shout encouragement, and offer helpful suggestions.

It could, however, be worse. Changing the power door lock on my Honda’s driver’s door requires threading your arm through holes in the door’s unibody structure to get to it. That’s ok, because the power door locks were on the opening side of the door. For the rear doors, the locks are at the hinge side…..
I just unplugged ’em and you have to do ’em manually.
Incidentally, a guy I used to work with way back lives just down the block — he was an Engineer in the R&D group (electronics) and I ran accounting and production. He came by and was asking how I was doing, and I was kvetching a bit, and he said, “y’know, a friend of mine had a similar problem and replaced the Honda module with a linear actuator.”
I was nice and did not say that two companies after the one we both worked for, I was up to my earlobes in linear actuators, ball screws, precision bearings, and servomotors at a company making industrial robots. I just smiled and said I hadn’t gotten to that yet.
Sadly, I probably will. Cash for Clunkers scrapped a phenomenal number of generally fit used cars from the worldwide supply, and carcasses are being stripped not only of their original parts, but also of their previously cannibalized parts used for repairs.
As predicted in the video, I found little plastic shards on the floormat. So I called in the part to the local Honda dealer (part has gone from $3 to $8 in the time since the video was made). I had run the car for half an hour to charge the battery last night, then disconnected the battery so the brake lights wouldn’t drain it. When I reconnected the battery and turned the key, the car started right up.
Drove down to Honda dealer, ran in and got part, then drove home and disconnected the battery again. This time, I parked facing backward. That way, I get to flop around on the sidewalk instead of the street when I install it — which I will do in a couple of hours when it cools off a bit.
After 3years, I finally figured out how to turn off my Parking Sensor noise. Drives me NUTS in the carwash. Thanks to YT for showing me the dash button with the big P on it!


YouTube is an amazing resource when it comes to auto repair.
My primary Owner’s Manual (1 of 4) is bigger than a Bible, I soon tired 3yrs ago, and haven’t made the time to go back since. But I should’ve taken notice long ago of that big P button and others near it on the left side of the steering wheel. I suspect there’s lots of other stuff I have that I don’t know about.

The WEF is a bunch of sickos.
The audacity of accusing people of bigotry and racism because they aren’t into eating insects!
Yeah, but that is a really stupid approach. We are all so sick of constantly being accused of racism that no one listens to this crap anymore.
You are so right. They are betraying their inability to deal with the ground game.
It’s sick, and it’s stupid. It takes a giant leap to connect eating insects with race…of the magnitude of jumping into the Grand Canyon. They are soooo desperate, and so many things they say don’t even make sense.
Yep. The Tower is beginning to lean.
One might ** perhaps ** give some passing credence to what the WEF says — ONLY if they do a live-stream of themselves eating insects — and ONLY if it’s REAL insects, not chocolate-coated pate de foie gras that’s shaped like insects.
I would love to cater it for them.

Watch when they get worms

Maybe then Ivermectin has to be open for sale in the pharma
I like the meme “things Trump was right about that would have swayed the election.” Just one quibble: he DID win the election, so it was swayed big time. And I would bet that most of the people voting for him already knew those things.
Okay, time for Zzzzzz
The nephew passed out early, and I need to be up early to be sure he doesn’t burn the house down. ‘Night.
Sleep well, DePat.
Thank you for all the work you do for us creating these great daily threads.
I really appreciate it.
Sorry you’re being inundated with so many problems.
That sucks.
I am from a family with a lot of big personalities and REALLY stubborn people. They are driving me crazy.
They must be, if you can get by with so little sleep.
Since my 20s or so, I’ve never needed more than 5-6 hours in the summer. Winter is a different story. It’s the sunlight.
I do the same with food. In high summer, I sometimes forget to eat for a day.
Lately, however, I’ve been forcing myself to do so at certain hours to coordinate with medications……and getting fatter…..hmmm…..
You might try intermittent fasting and a few tricks related to that. Eat at least 3 hours before bed. Drink a glass of water when you get up, and walk a bit before eating. That’s helpful for many of us.
I have a long list of things I need to fix. My first step to a complete health overhaul is, “wake up to the free air of North Carolina, my home.”
Most health related issues can be fixed no matter your location. I started mine in northern Indiana, and will never go back there. My current location is just fine for me. It’s just enough big city to hit the highlights.
I lived in Carmel many moons ago. Liked it, but glad to be in TX. One of my best friends is moving back to Indiana for family reasons. Just sold her house in Nebraska for nearly 30,000 over asking price.
Camel Day!!!
(And, of course, also Joe Biden didn’t win day, but what day isn’t?)
A Kamala day keeps the Bye, Done away???
(that would be the worst of both worlds…)…
Ran across this interesting piece at Townhall on masks worn by kids being sent for lab analysis. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/scottmorefield/2021/06/15/a-group-of-parents-sent-their-kids-face-masks-to-a-lab-for-analysis-heres-what-they-found-n2591047
Wow! Forcing kids (or anyone, for that matter) to wear a mask all day is criminal. Those results need to be posted everywhere and sent to every member of congress. (But they probably already know and don’t care).
The DEMONRATS hate kids, born or unborn. And they hate GOD most of all.
In the end, they hate themselves. And make us all suffer for it…
Wondering how long will it now take for the illegal occupants of the White House to appear at the border?
This interregnum needs to end fast to get REALPOTUS to do the right job.
“Qanon is a conspiracy driven cult.”
Put up or shut up, politician man.
Prove your naked assertion, or shut your mouth!
Q and the Media – The Anatomy of a Smear Campaign – Telegraph
Dave HayesJune 15, 2021
My broken record mantra on this subject is……why don’t they, media or even FIB, ever talk about who wrote the Q posts ? In other words..why don’t they ever ask who /what Q is ????
They only seek Q followers
Right. The answer of course is….they know because THEY are Q or they know that outing the authentic author (s) will cause people to question why people with ties to military or govt info felt it was necessary to have that platform
The followers had huge trolling impact on any Twitter account linked by Q. This freaked out targeted accounts, and twitter admins.
It’s okay to have organized, paid Twitter trolls but not this decentralized, organic, authentic opposition.
Warning from General McInerney.
FBI creating Q- accounts on Telegram to create False Flag.
Thanks! I’m encouraging NO FEAR here – in fact, I’m encouraging people to LET ‘EM HAVE IT in terms of accusations and criticism.
If Dodge and Fib touch these audits, they lose ALL CREDIBILITY and become ENEMIES OF AMERICA. They become GESTAPO and SS. And they must be treated with CONTEMPT after that.
“They become GESTAPO and SS. And they must be treated with CONTEMPT after that.”
Whoops… apparently I jumped the gun by a little…

I like to hold at least some HOLDER CONTEMPT in reserve!
We are safe. It has gotten too big, and too public.
The article over at CTH today about Tucker Carlson’s absolute RANT about the corruption in the DOJ and FBI is good.
The fact that Tucker is reporting on it in “mainstream” press will stifle their ability to do too much. Remember, when they were persecuting people during the Obama years with the IRS, etc., nobody knew about it until much later.
They are naked and exposed.
Yup. In fact, I think Dodge and Fib are trying to create a “space of fear” in which FIB agents can actually be sent to stop the audits and not be ARRESTED. They want patriotic state LE to back off by creating an “extremist” meme to which those LEOs would need to react by backing off.
Very transparent.
Arizona is not going to stand for it. That has been made crystal clear.
“They are naked and exposed.”
Like Pee-Wee Herman at a peep show…

Lol! I remember that!
They have already morphed into Gestapo and SS.
I am thinking Biden’s shift to having a big 4th July in DC must be another trap. Your thoughts?
Absolutely a trap.
Under a Democrat president, the only way I will ever go to Washington, DC is driving or riding in a military vehicle headed there as part of a liberation force.
I do NOT trust these people. Washington is OCCUPIED by somebody. I don’t know exactly who it is, REALLY, but it’s not us.
I do not advise ANY patriot to go into Washington under this administration. It’s like going to Berlin in 1933, or Moscow in the 20’s.
I don’t even trust the surrounding area in Maryland OR Virginia.
The citizen reporters are all putting up video of DC being practically deserted. This time of year, that is totally odd.
“FBI is creating Q groups on telegram to attract ‘white supremacists.’ ”
What, all 9 or 10 of them?
If it was anyone else, the Lunatic Left would turn them into another protected class, put them on the Endangered Species list, and use taxpayer funds to protect their natural habitat…
And you know it’s true!
It seems like the Fibbies themselves may have spoofed Gen. McInerney!
From the anons:
“Gen. McInerney Telegram Acct is FAKE”
“I’m not on any social media, so someone is trying to discredit me,” McInerney said. “I’ve sent at least four emails to Telegram to ask that my name be removed. Others have called me, and it’s obvious Telegram is complicit.”
Ahh, this one is important.
Re-reading the t-gram post, in light of it being written by an actor, I find it full of fear-mongering.
“You’ve been warned” sounds like a THREAT.
It’s amazing how the difference in context (i.e., who the author is) can change the meaning into the exact opposite …
T-gram, IMO, is the same crap as all the other “social” media platforms.
“You’ve been warned” is something the guys on our side NEVER say now that you mention it.
Keep an eye out for fake messaging.
The phrase “known for making debunked claims about voter fraud” seems to indicate bias on the part of the article’s author (or publisher “defensenews”)…
Smoke and mirrors, anyone?
New post up. This cites a few videos that I want to make sure everybody sees, then does a quick review of our posting here on the vaccines, THEN goes into an article on how and where the vaccines are shifting. Also a great link on lipid nanoparticles.
Sent it to Doug Ross. Think he will post it?
I’m still in awe of your Buffalo Jump series.
Jan 6 is a day and night that will live in infamy – a far greater betrayal of our nation and its citizens, our system of government, our election system, and our voters – than anything Benedict Arnold did. Pence and McConnell and Pelosi should be given the ultimate punishment.
As is November 9 – the obvious, brazen election steal.
(…..and thanks!!!)
That’s why they call it “dangerous” — can’t have people thinking for themselves!
Looks like you’ve had a bit too much to think

Houston, we have problems….
At least the system off the coast of Africa, that looked so ominous yesterday, has dissipated.
Hurricane season is getting cranked up early.
TX and LA are in the target zone of the current tropical system….which will be named Claudette if it gets strong enough.
Retired C storms include the infamous Camille, the second most intense hurricane ever to hit the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Camille
After Level 5 – major hurricane Michael tore through the panhandle and up into Georgia, folks along the coast are double-wary and watchful of the tropics. Panama City and Pensacola still haven’t fully recovered. When I was in Thomasville, GA for our daughter’s medical appointment, I met a lady who moved away from the FL panhandle because of Michael. Our city and schools had many families and children who fled Michael’s devastation.
Retired names and history – listed by year and alphabetically – https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutnames_history.shtml
Even an A storm can be retired – remember Andrew that ripped across S Florida?
These used to be really good people.
Now they’re going to do “Environmental, Social, and Governance” with 1/3 of their staff — all new hires.
This is a bad moon rising, a very nasty omen.
Seeing a lot of this in hiring. Affirmative Action on steroids.
This will be bad. A lot of frank discussion about audit issues with PwC auditors has been based on them being top-notch people with the very best of training. Client-side talent has regularly taken every one of their comments very seriously and disagreed formally with documentation that crossed-t’s and dotted-i’s. This will lead to just blowing them off and throwing together a pile of deceptive bullshit to rebut.
Get Woke, go Broke.
Smells to me like a “government – private enterprise partnership” to backdoor imposing the Green New Deal on We, The People.
Sleestak is hard to work with.
*h/t to Scott for the Sleestak moniker.
HEY! My fruitcake disappears when I actually make one. My grandmother always said the problem was citron and to leave it out.
Exactly. I love fruitcake but I do not ever get or make the kind with citron.
I make my own citron do not like the one from the store.
Making my German Stolle it needs citron.
I love Citron. In fact, I make all citrus fruitcakes.
I know and understand actual well made cake with fruit is good.
This is more like the commercial brick thats just “off.”
Sundance is sounding (as usual, obliquely) ominous FWIW, seeming to warn that the DS is ready to inflict much pain and suffering on us (“you can hear the drums”). Sundance cites something which is undeniably true, and IMO IS undeniably ominous:
They are lying. They know they are lying. We know they are lying. They know that we know that they know they are lying. And they know that we know that they know that we know that they are lying. And yet they keep lying.
Their lies are farcical. They do not make them subtle. To the contrary, they are so blatant and ridiculous, the lies are a special kind of contemptuous insult to us.
And yet the lies work on many levels for them, often brilliantly.
They know that we know that they know that we know, IMO, is an expression of evil intent. And I believe Sundance may be right, they have an intent to do something very bad to us Deplorables. Just as they said they were going to steal the election, and then stole the election, they are saying they intend to repress us.
I hope I am wrong, but the seemingly hopeful election news could be just part of the happy horsefeathers which has been stringing our side along for years now.
Theatre. Pure theatre…whether the repression happens or not.
“Just as they said they were going to steal the election, and then stole the election, they are saying they intend to repress us.”
But not me…

“They are lying. They know they are lying. We know they are lying. They know that we know that they know they are lying. And they know that we know that they know that we know that they are lying. And yet they keep lying. “
I recently saw that quote attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, but when I checked it just now to be sure, it appears to be attributed to both Solzhenitsyn and also to Elena Gorokhova, in A Mountain of Crumbs
Covid Vaccines are Toxic – Finnish MP
On June 9, Ano Turtiainen, member of Parliament of Finland, warned about possible COVID vaccine genocide going on in Finland. He warned all members of the Finnish Parliament they may be guilty of several different crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide.
“In violation of the Nuremberg Code, Finns have not been told that this is a human experiment….So, now I ask you all: how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?“
Here is his complete speech as seen on this video:
“Honorable Chairman, the committee’s report mentions a wide range of real challenges to Finland’s security. This report however omits a very serious challenge to the safety of Finland and Finns… I refer to these so-called COVID vaccines which have also divided our people in two; the awake and misguided.
You can never again plead ignorance about the risk to which Finnish citizens have been exposed. Finland is currently injecting its citizens with toxins disguised as COVID vaccines.
Listen carefully. None of these injected poisons disguised as COVID vaccines has a marketing licence in Finland but only a conditional marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The terms of a conditional licence state that the authorization is conditional: “The available information must demonstrate that the benefits of the medical product outweigh its risks.”
Secondly, dear colleagues, despite the repetition of the media we have so far officially zero COVID deaths in Finland. According to THL (equivalent to CDC) the official causes of death from the year 2020 will not be published until 2022. However according to Fimea (equivalent to VAERS) 78 people have died from COVID vaccines in Finland and there are 1,306 serious adverse reaction reports and 3,630 unprocessed reports. About 57% of processed reports are estimated to have serious adverse reactions. The source for this is Fimea (www.fimea.fi).
Thirdly, conditional marketing licence for these toxins… also says: “The applicant must be able to provide comprehensive clinical information in the future.”
… In violation of the Nuremberg Code, Finns have not been told that this is a human experiment.
Now with this speech, I have made all of you, as well as the media, aware that this is a human experiment and that its results are terrible. By comparison, the previously failed vaccine experiment Pandemrix was stopped with 32 times fewer side effects than what we have now. So, now I ask you all: how many more people should die or get injured before we interrupt this killing of people?
Dear colleagues, you are now aware of this extreme severe security threat facing our nation and that the disadvantages from the injections outweigh the benefits. You no longer have a reason not to act to save our nation.
Finally, if you still continue misleading our citizens by telling them fairy tales that vaccines are safe and have a marketing licence, you are intentionally involved in several crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide. Once again, I remind everyone of you here: a crime becomes intentional when it is committed knowingly. Now you are all aware.
Thank you.”
-Finnish MP, Ano Turtiainen
Good for him.
At this point, don’t trust this company for anything other than Band-Aids.
If they would poison you with a fake vaccine, they would certainly be willing to put contact poison on a band-aid…
There is a Memorial Service for a member of the engine club on Friday.
I considered going, but I didn’t want to spook his family or any other normies.
He will be missed.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, June 16, 2021
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you…”
Philippians 1:3 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Post author
By Dianne Marshall
Post date
June 16, 2021
I swear, DC is full of magic these days. Just when you think you know who someone is, they get a makeover and they don’t look the same. And some just disappear from the scene all together.
But, fact checkers will say you are seeing things or making it all up. Biden is better than ever and Harris is on her A game. Fauci is a miracle doc and …oh, if your sick of hearing the lies, hang on. Soon they will have to say what God wants them to say, and that is the truth. There will be no getting around it. That day is coming soon.
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Hence why I switched to mineral make-up.
Gonna look into it.
A brief Anon thread:
There is no virus.
The “virus in a lab theory” has made it here through shills.
Anon2 to Anon1:
How did 600,000 people die then, anon. I don’t understand why some anons still say no virus. Please help me understand. Thanks!
Anon3 to Anon2:
They were already dying, aging, chronically ill, had medical emergencies, car wrecks, accidents, murders, od deaths…. etc etc
anything and everything was called “the cold” aka covid
when an overcycled test could pick up a sliver of virus in you from 12 years ago, hell perfect storm
Anon4 to Anon2:
No lab in the entire world has isolated the Sars-Cov-2 strain. The flu exists, a weaponized strain of the flu exists. But no ‘novel’ coronavirus exists. It is CGI illusion. Pair it with empty hospitals that have huge financial incentives for every Covid patient they find and daily TV brainwashing and you have yourself a psyop. And people are still wearing the fucking masks….
95% of muh ‘600,000’ that you mention had ON AVERAGE 4 other serious critical illnesses. They were already dying anon. However, due to CdC changing the way death certificates are codified in March 2020, paired with more financial incentives for every Covid death reported, you aren’t seeing an accurate death count. Accurate count results in under the normal number of flu deaths for the year.
Anon5,6 to Anon2:
So, it was juiced up. That’s what I figured. Swine flu wasn’t that bad, and it took a while to get over that one.
a juiced up existing virus … isn’t that what President Trump and many others has been saying for a while? And wolfmoon1776 too?
The virus was developed in a lab where they research gain of function … taking existing viruses and adding to them, or “juicing them up”, like adding the “spike”.
Is it a flu strain? No one who has studied the virus has claimed it was a strain of influenza. I have only read scientists say it is a “juiced up” SARS virus.
A “corona” virus appears in 20 percent of all cases of even the common cold. There are plenty of places to look.38,000,000 down to 1,822 might be a good place to start…
Hey, somebody spiked my flu !
Yep. And here I was, hoping for Bacardi 151… darn…
1) This theory does not explain excess deaths. We did not have the same # of deaths in 2020 as we have in previous years. We had significantly more.
2) The other health issues/underlying health issues include obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. Underlying health issues of which people are already “dying” include the majority of US citizens as the majority of US adults have underlying conditions. That does not mean the majority of adults are currently “dying”. Many died due to covid19 that would otherwise be alive today as their other/underlying healthy issues were chronic but not critical/accute. The health crisis was Covid19 and the damage it does.
3) The 2 flu counts are an inaccurate comparison. The smaller # is lab confirmed flu cases. The larger number is based on estimates. Every year, lab confirmed flu cases are a the tiny fraction of the estimated flu cases for the year. When one hears that we had X # of flu cases in a given year, the vast majority are estimated not lab test confirmed.
Keep playing that record. Sounding kind of scratchy, though…..
Slow guy starts with, EVERYTHING CDC says about Covid is a lie. Including, ALL of the stats.
Why might there be increased deaths in whatever category? Folks had a bug and the medical weenies refused to use readily available meds like HCQ, ZPAK… Refusing to allow Ivermictin to be readily used.
Folks assessed with Covid NOT treated aggressively…allowing the virus to wreak havoc on the victim. Corrupt quacks.
News FLASH – our government officials are habitual liars. Fake news and big tech are in bed with our idiot government.
Also, the idea that covid19 has not be “isolated” in a lab is false. It has been isolated and studied.
Think: how can we believe that the virus has been proven to be man made or shown to have man made characterics (such as the insertion of the spike proteins, etc.) and also believe it hasn’t been isolated and studied in labs? how can one read and nod along with both ideas/beliefs at the same time?
We have to choose – do we believe it is all fake, that there is no SARS2 virus causing Covid19, no virus with telltale man made additives leading experts to believe it was made in a lab and that Fauci not was involved in funding gain of function? Or do we believe those who have studied the virus, that it was derived by gain of function research and that fauci was involved?
Which do we believe?
I remember reading on the CDC website itself, on July 13, 2020, their admission that they hadn’t isolated the virus.
>>”Which do we believe?”<<
>>”We have to choose”<<
Why must we commit now? There’s misinformation all over the place!
I’ll keep BOTH competing possibilities, until we know more. Almost NONE of us have first-hand knowledge – instead, we rely on second-, third-, and even fourth-hand “reporting”.
The lies run DEEP – I allow for that.
>>”It has been isolated and studied.”<<
Maybe – and maybe not. It seems quite likely, yes – but please understand, the same people / organizations who were complicit in releasing this thingy are mostly the same ones doing all the “studying”!
It’s awfully tough to ferret out the truth, when there have been DECADES of lies.
Like “fossil fuels”, a made-up term not based in fact, to light-up the greenies into attacking the energy industry, and fool others into thinking that there’s a scarcity of oil and NG.
We’re dealing with master-level liars …
You are misquoting the CDC.
a) They said: ” at the time the test was developed and this study conducted”
–>> Remember when the tests were developed and shipped
Exactly – too many easily believe a random “conversation” making wild claims v. actual published, documentable science.
SARS CoV2 isolates were available at the time of the test development – that is how they made the tests.
They used N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2 to make the tests.
The virus was known relatively quickly and was studied.
” A viral genome sequence was released for immediate public health support via the com-munity online resource virological.org on 10 January (Wuhan-Hu-1, GenBank accession number MN908947 [2]), followed by four other genomes deposited on 12 January in the viral sequence database curated by the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID). The genome sequences suggest presence of a virus closely related to the members of a viral species termed severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-related CoV, a species defined by the agent of the 2002/03 outbreak of SARS in humans [3,4]. The species also comprises a large number of viruses mostly detected in rhinolophid bats in Asia and Europe.”
From early 2020
Brief overview of testing history and changes made
Sars2 is not new. What is new? the spike protein – the “juiced up” aspect of SARS2 which is what makes it a suspected bioweapon and fauci at fault for funding gain of function.
If not a real virus then all of the issues with gain of funtion/fauci/China are fake news … suspicious as to who benefits from pushing its just a flu and not SARS2
Lol. You mistake my meaning.
Yep. Looks like a “word clear” is needed. Good thing I had put my covfefe down. Someone’s smoking mirrors, as it were… plangenda…
Lol! Ego is what it is. When you call somebody like that on their B.S., but leave the door open for them to think it was about their opponent, they will every time.
that does not mean it was not a real virus nor that it was not identified and studied nor that all stories featuring scientists who have isolated and studied the virus are false/fake news.
the cdc quote is just explaining wha thtey used to develop the test. Were their test development procedures good science and did they yield and accurate test? that is up for debate. Were there testing parameters good science and did they give accurate data? Again, up for debate.
That the virus has not been isolate? One can always debate that if one wants but no evidence to back that up and much evidence that it is a real virus that has been and is being thoroughly studied.
p. 42
I think there was actually a *real* COVID virus that wore itself out eventually, and with the PCR test being misused, several other bugs – specifically that flu – were passed off as being the real thing.
There are those who will argue with me, but I had them both.
I think your hypothesis is quite probable, actually.
The anons had a real problem believing that unsourced / unverified study, that every test sent to be re-tested came up with only A or B influenza.
The combo of the quickly petering-out coronavirus, and the immediate substitute (or continuation) of wildly inaccurate PCR tests, fits the pattern of the Enemy pushing as hard as possible to continue the “emergency”.
It also provides for the A-or-B flu testing to be right – it was just a bit too late to catch the Covid curve …
On the level of LRH (flubbard). “Watch out for those MUs” (from “Source”)…
a copied and pasted “conversation” that contains only opinions backed up with no links, stats, or facts and contains several obvious errors … and yet so readily taken as fact … smh
>>”so readily taken as fact”<<
Who takes them as fact?
>>”contains only opinions”<<
There are plenty of instances in this conversation of what I believe to be facts, with a very high confidence level.
The screen-shots are what Fox put up on the screen – this is a FACT.
This statement I take to be a FACT:
“[H]ospitals that have huge financial incentives for every Covid patient they find[.]”
This statement I take to be a FACT:
“[A]nything and everything was called “the cold” aka covid[.]”
This statement I take to be FACT (the CDC broke Federal Law when they unilaterally changed their counting methods: required was a period for public commentary, and they unlawfully skipped this):
“CdC changing the way death certificates are codified in March 2020″
This statement I take to be a FACT:
“[A]nything and everything was called “the cold” aka covid[.]”
I’m “smh” too …
The screen shots from fox are not fact – they are comparing apples to oranges and are inaccurate comparison as already explained
I said: “The screen-shots are what Fox put up on the screen – this is a FACT.”
See the difference?
Gotta end this convo for now, MM.
The point is that the screen shots are not fact.
Great. Now you’re being told what your comment means…..
Ohhhh, Saruman…. (from “The Two Towers”)…
Reminiscent of Steve Ballmer telling a reporter “I think you misunderstood your question”… (cf El Reg)…
“This statement I take to be a FACT:
“[A]nything and everything was called “the cold” aka covid[.]””
Coronaviruses include some strains that present as a “common cold” but are not limited to what seems like a “cold”.
A “cold” is sometimes a minor coronavirus but is still not actually a common cold.
It is not the same as the common cold, even if one has a mild case or a strain of coronaviruses that are known to be mild.
The common cold is caused predominantly by rhinoviruses.
The actual Covid19 virus is SARS2.
TWENTY percent of ALL colds contain Corona Viruses.
As well as HUNDREDS of other viruses.
ALL of which mutate. Gotta have a vaccine for all of them, eh…
The illegals (1 out of every 4) that are apprehended at the southern border tell the BP they’re told that if they can set foot in the United States, that “Biden” will given them everything for free — housing, medical care, education, welfare — AND that every one of them who gets into the country will be allowed to have as many as 10 relatives (sic) brought in also, under “Reunification”.
Last month, over 150,000 illegals were apprehended. That means that over 600,000 illegals really got into the United States.
That also means that each of the 150,000 illegals who were apprehended, will be allowed to have as many as 10 relatives (sic) brought in under “Reunification”. If every illegal applies for “Reunification”, that totals 1.5 Million more illegals.
You can’t change older humans’ habits that easily. Seriously.
It’s getting more difficult, but still manage to pay 98% of bills in cash, and bank at a place that still uses proper pass books with every thing written down.
“You can’t change older humans’ habits that easily.”
Nor should anyone try.
Let them change their own habits, if they’re into that sort of thing…
That’ll teach ’em not to mess with her.
Next time she comes in to withdraw $10, they’ll just let her withdraw $10 like she asked

Very interesting twitter account to follow
Gosh, are there still some who don’t believe Ivermectin IS effective against Covid?
Vatican Rejects Biden
VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) – The Vatican is rejecting the unelected U.S. president’s request to meet Pope Francis.
Pro-abortion Joe Biden’s hopes of attending early morning Mass with the pontiff were quickly put to rest on Tuesday.
I feel so much better about Bergoglio now.
Did you see this?
No! Gonna read it!
Good if enough read and follow through.
Three factors behind a genuine political revolution in the making:
1. Rising inflation, middle class realizing it’s under attack
2. Wuhan lab leak story shows people how relentlessly they were lied to in 2020
3. Grassroots pushback against Critical Race Theory insanity
If the GOP gets smart (big if!) they’ll work those factors into a winning midterm and 2024 campaigns. They need to run a tight, coordinated offense. Don’t just grouse about inflation and disappointing unemployment reports – talk about the Dems’ deliberate War on the Middle Class.
Middle class life isn’t just about consumerism, about having a car or a nice smartphone. It’s about political and economic FREEDOM, and how they are inextricably entwined. It’s about owning capital, owning your future, not depending on government handouts.
giloo, Once the rallies start up again, it’ll be interesting to see how Trump advances approaches such as this.
Methinks his will be a LOUD voice.
And no amount of failing censorship will prevent those from hearing him who wish to do so.
We now own too may alternatives.
Itd be nice to have it reaaly loud and applied.
Theres my answer to our 1st provocateur post g7.
Make L.A Great Again
– RECALLGAVIN2020.COM (@lalovestrump) Tweeted:
Russia provokes US in largest military exercises since Cold War before Biden-Putin meeting https://t.co/Kn8KFqB91F via @nypost
Did not click on the above TW. But, this Russia exercise in the Pacific IS why, yesterday, three F-22 were launched out of Hickam, HI.
Ok…the tit for tat gets old. We were getting past this under POTUS!
Actually I don’t care where the Russia Navy holds its exercises. So long as they are legal.
Launching the F-22s is, IMO, theater. Nothing more.
Looking forward to some Admiral or General in the next day or two, reference the Russian exercise as a call for new ships, aircraft, ordnance…
MIL complex…


Perfect: “Trump Won” Banner Makes Appearance in Switzerland During Biden-Putin Meeting
Osama Bin Laden’s niece Noor Bin Laden made an appearance outside the Putin-Biden Summit in Switzerland today.
Noor Bin Laden, a Trump supporter, flashed a large “Trump Won” banner from her boat.
Was thinking about Scott’s detailed thoughts a few days back on the silence in Arizona regarding what they are finding. His conclusion, with which I agree, is that the silence probably is not a good sign.
I am reading a great book, Genghis Kahn and The Making of the Modern World. First, what a great man he was!
Second, remarkable Mongol tactics won battle after battle against all races, creeds and cultures. Time after time, the Mongols fooled the enemy into thinking the enemy won, only to come back to crush them when the enemy became vulnerable because of the ruse. The basic tactic is a simple idea, but the Mongols were geniuses at implementation. (Genghis Kahn was also effective with propaganda before battles, and diplomacy after).
The great Red Cloud used the same tactics in a more simple way.
Anyway, the thought is occurring to me that Sun Tzu is not as relevant as Genghis Kahn in understanding what is going on. Our side has been relentlessly led to believe we were on the verge of victory, and in the meanwhile we are being crushed.
Other than our President, who is a genuine champion, our “heroes” have done nothing except encourage us to believe we are on the edge of victory, with empty results. It turns out that they have no factual knowledge of what they are talking about. They are making educated guesses, at best.
There are those we have assumed have some sort of insider knowledge. Maybe they do, but also maybe it is from the wrong side.
Many see the other side as acting in desperation. But with the purge of the military in particular, I see the opposite.
I disagree. If we were hearing things, the enemy would be hearing them as well. The more quiet it all is, we know there are no leaks. The idea is to shock the heck out of the unsuspecting.
The first rule in this war is to NOT pay attention to the mainstream media or give what they have to say any credence. With General Flynn’s brother in charge in the Pacific, it says what we are being fed is a facade.
The waiting is difficult, but it will all come out okay in the end.
Then, God willing, I can look forward to one of the happiest days in my life.
The silence is by design.
If you really want to do an thorough and honest audit, you wait until you have all the facts, because if you give out partial information, the people start to speculate and you need then to refute the possible wrong information later, which makes it look like the auditors don’t know what they are doing.
OMG. The Russians released this photo from the “summit.”

Trying to read Putins expression there, three possibles.
Sad resignation.
I’ve got a fourth: trying desperately not to break out laughing…
I wonder if singingsoul saw expressions like that back in “the old country” (or if anyone else here spent time in the east bloc could chime in).
Bye, Done really seems to fit the pic here…
Trying to remember what he picked for lunch.
Or what shampoo Putin uses ;lol:
OTOH, Vlad probably washes with a mix of Vodka and everclear.. then lights it
Hes the russian version of chuck norris memes.
He could be thinking “I wonder if he knows how magnificent I look shirtless, on horseback?”
Amused. A certain amount of pity, perhaps.
I see pity. I also see a predator eye-balling lunch.
I see some shock as well, like
“I saw him on the news, but I can’t actually believe this absolute incompetent senile loser is potus and here in front of me now. They actually sent him here!”
“I almost feel sorry for America….almost…hehehe… This is not even a challenge…I’ll eat him slowly as to not awaken the US public.”
because faux bidden didnt win, even Putin wants the Diamonds Returned
Putin is the one speaking up for Ashley Babbitt and the 1/6 political prisoners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know we are in deep shit when Vlad Putin has the moral high ground.
In fact, we ARE in deep shit.
I’d bet good money even Putin is sorry enough for us to want the election corrected.
He’s a killer, but he’s not THAT horrible.
Amused yes. No pity. Astonished that America has an installed “president”, AND the deep state didn’t have the decency to install a lucid puppet.
No pity. None. Internally laughing at BiteMe, and sadly, laughing at America’s misfortune.
A Man among wannabe men, how pathetic.
Notice the coloring of “Joe Biden’s” face and neck, compared to that of Putin and the woman (“translator”, likely Russian intelligence) behind them.
“Biden’s” coloring looks like that of someone who is very ill — or possibly is in transition to leaving this planet.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Christopher Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives during the January 6th Capitol riot.
More details coming. https://t.co/lviUHfhLyW
This is good. Hopes we get the answers. Normally we do not.
Just once I’d love to see one of these congress critters jump down the throat of Wray or others of his ilk when the say they don’t know that or don’t have that information available at the moment, when they damn well should and chew them out for not having the information and tell them they got two hours to go get it, or bring the people in that do. Run them out of the damn hearing, demand they stand and exit to go fetch the answers being sought and don’t be nice about it at all.
Yeah I know the committee head will over rule, but make him over rule and chew the hell out of the creep until gaveled down. Then repeat with the next congress critter. These bureaucrats are allowed to get away with far too much when it comes to answering simple questions under their purview and it needs to end.
Everyone of these creeps at the minimum should receive a memo outlining, in detail where necessary, what the information is being sought before the hearing so that there are no excuses for not being prepared to give an answer.
Much ado about nothing.
DOJ, FBI and IC NEVER, NEVER, NEVER answer questions honestly andcompletely.
Sadly I am thinking you’re correct, another dog and pony show. Their just playing their parts for the movie. “Look I am doing something. ” Both trying remain prevalent.
Yes. We have a well broken record.
Sorry Wolf I accidentally posted open thread stuff on the covid thread.
You can delete it if you want to keep the thread clean.
John Cardillo (@johncardillo) Tweeted:
Let’s simplify this.
FBI concocted the “plot” to “kidnap” Whitmer, had their operatives act as kidnappers, and found a bunch of moron patsies they then labeled as Trump supporters and conservatives.
It appears they did the exact same thing on Jan 6th.
Time to abolish the FBI.
Tucker’s all over this midway through this clip, but you don’t want to miss before and after either.
Ive got to watch tucker. I honestly watch nothing anymore for nearly a year, except passively to monitor my son’s view time.
It’s stuff that has been posted here in the past, but sometimes it’s nice to see it properly packaged, repeated and told to the lager public.
And the larger public as well…
We are the lager public after reading through it all!
Hear! Hear!
Time to abolish the FBI and CIA for good measure.
(@LivePDDave1) Tweeted:
If you need cheat cards just to get through your opening remarks, you probably don’t know what the hell you’re doing.
Paging R-Cons.
R-Cons why are you NOT raising hell with DOJ, FBI, IC, BiteMe administration…
Oh, my bad. Logically R-Cons are on the same side as D-Rats, deep state…
^^^ Their Team Has CONTROL. ^^^
Our team, not so much. Peasants, we are.
This Day In History!
Good for him!
As we used to say, what a burn. And deservedly so. Whoever that reporter was, he was an agent of the CCP, either willingly or unknowingly, but definitely (by incoking the SinoRace card) an agent.
And good on that fellow who stepped in and put the perp in his place. We need more people like that.
Kayleigh has a book coming. Available for pre order now.
I surely miss Kayleigh.
Yep. Circleback Fountain is no match for Kayleigh McEnany in any way, shape, or form… How I miss the old days, and pray that they return soon (and that the perps are appropriately dispatched)…

That’s BULLSHIT from Wray, the FIB is all over 1/6.
Sending Good Energy to you and yours. Got a lot on your plate at the moment.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
The nine year old special needs child is singing Bohemian Rhapsody.
SCARAMMOUCHE, SCARAMOUCHE Can you do the fandango?
I’m dying.
A little light music for C&W fans who DIDN’T vote for slow Joe, or just people who really know what the “resident” and the DEMONRATS are. H/T chiefio at https://chiefio.wordpress.com/2021/06/14/radio-active-things-i-did-not-know-music-video-song/#comment-146357
(don’t know how to embed bitchute videos, but here’s the link):
(Hope this works)…
Once again Ron DeSantis steps up to the plate. I hope he sends the bill for their services to the Fraudulent administration!
Governor Abbott put out the call yesterday to all other States, WE NEED HELP!! Please send any available LEO’s you got.
This so-called “administration” has lost it’s damned mind! I don’t even have cuss words strong enough for this. And I know them ALL.
If it would be helpful, we could report, FauXi, Wray, Garland, AOC, Omar, hussein, Holder, Nanzi, Schumer, McConnell, McConnell, Swallwell, newsome, DeBlasio, Fredos bro, Fredo, asshoes on the View, Slick Willy, hildabeast…
Dear Federal Government,
I would like to report Joe and Ho as radicalized extremists who are a danger to our nation.
Also, the FBI and the DOJ and the IRS and the FDA and the CDC.
Er. Uh. Wait. Nevermind.
One clicks to the linked Breitbart article from the link above; then, in the Breitbart article, click on the hyperlink to the White House teleconference of June 14 to get the real skiiny.
And the real skinny is terrifying.
Down and Dirty Short Summary:
At least $177 Million will be used by the DoD, HHS, ODNI, FBI, state and local LEO, tech companies, to implement surveillance programs on We. The People, to weed out “potentially radicalized” persons.
The details are quite precise. All the way down to the Bank Secrecy Act, to surveilling separating and retired military, to organizing local “report Uncle Bob” schemes with local LEO. to getting Tribal governments involved.
[On May 7, 2021, the United States government signed onto the “Christchurch Call”, a group founded in New Zealand after the mosque massacres in 2019, and which group has since gone global. (the group and its members are dedicated to eliminating “terrorist or violent extremist content online.”]
The June 14 White House teleconference basically takes the Christchurch Call and inflates it into hunting down Americans who don’t toe the “America Last” mindset and behavior of RobberJoe’s handlers.
We have got to hang on until 2022, and vote in such numbers that fraud is impossible.
(insert middle finger emojis)
Here we go with the fake UFO psyop.
Another distraction

…. lol they screwed the pooch again. The very people who might’ve really been interested and spread this around are wise to their endless head trips and are yawning out of boredom.
What’s fake? UFO’s are recorded throughout written history. The US gubmint official position has been UFO’s don’t exist. Which just confirms that they do.
My reaction to it was that the reporting of it is fake; in other words, they are putting things out there (real or not) to distract us. But we’ve all been burned so many times that we’re onto their tactics.
I’m highly suspicious that they could try to use a manufactured UFO event to further their agenda, just as they did with COVID. It would be for “national security.” They haven’t grasped that the majority does not trust them and won’t believe them.
If the aliens want to be welcomed, all they have to do is protect the audits and they’ll be heroes!
They can stay at my place!
Those are the best videos.
To get that kind of quality, pilots have to steal old B&W low-resolution (0 megapixel) security cameras, from gas stations, pawn shops, etc.
Best to take them from buildings in the bad parts of town, if you want to get the really old cameras with the worst possible video quality.
Once the pilot gets away with the old security cameras, and duct-tapes them to the fuselage, the real trick is to hot-wire the old low-tech cameras to the plane’s hi-tech computer system.
But when it’s all working just right, you get some really amazing images, like the one in the photo above

So if I understand the federal lawmakers we can now add UFOs to White racists in general, Deplorables in particular, and climate change as major security threats to this nation. If the times get more dire the FBI will be forced to add additional personnel to properly protect this great land. We should all get behind Director Wray who carries such awesome responsibilities on our behalf. Just as a suggestion, the Director might consider appointing a committee from seventh floor personnel to study the feasibility of using BLM leadership to assist the department on the best ways to approach these enormous security issues. I know for me personally I would sleep much better knowing these patriots were on the wall defending the citizens.
“So if I understand the federal lawmakers we can now add UFOs to White racists in general,”
They call ’em UFWR’s (pronounced ‘U-fers’).
Unidentified flying white racists

467 wit strikes again. Ouch, it hurts to laugh this hard. Have mercy, I’m old.
It just makes me happy that anyone gets a laugh out of it

If there were a pair of them, woutd they be TUFWR’s???
(or TwoFers?)….
Well, it’s one for the money, TUFWR the show, fake out the people, now Faux-Xi go…
Y’all are killing me! LOLOLOL!
Damn that’s funny!
What a lot of people don’t realize is that’s a black and white photo of a plaid jacket, zoomed in real close and out of focus, with a tiny pin in the center, painted black, and stuck through the cloth so only the head of the pin can be seen.
Then old-time ‘flight graphics’ from a 1980s Atari computer game console were superimposed over the photo.
Only the best quality stuff for UFO hunting

Baron von Richthofen had a higher quality camera on his Fokker triplane in WWI…
Don’t forget Scott. These incredible tapes could only be viewed in a SCIF because of their extreme sensitivity.
“Don’t forget Scott. These incredible tapes could only be viewed in a SCIF because of their extreme sensitivity.”
Too true.
What a lot of people don’t know is that SCIF is an acronym for Some Computer I Found…

I suggest someone send one to the FBI. They will figure it out eventually.
Actually, “extreme sensitivity” refers to the mag tape itself, and its ability to record and retain data.
1 BPI.
One bit per inch…
I remember taping a cut out of a UFO to a window once and taking a instant Polaroid of it. Looked just as convincing.

UFOs support the audits, because they want HONEST life on this planet!
UFO is the galactic equivalent of CPA?
FoxNewsRadio, 7PM Eastern report:
Sen. Charles Schumer is working on a plan to get legislation that RobberJoe’s handlers want passed by the U.S. Senate WITH JUST DEMOCRATS VOTING.
Surprised it took Cry’n Chuckster so long.
Wonder what D-rats will do to bribe the Parliamentarian, or whatever that position is called.
Also wonder if (NOT) Supreme Court could or would do something to uphold the Constitution. Guessing NOT likely.
They all wish America was not a representative republic.
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a major rally in Wellington, Ohio on Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 7:00PM EDT.
This Save America rally marks President Trump’s first of many appearances in support of candidates and causes that further the MAGA agenda and accomplishments of President Trump’s administration. The rally is to support Max Miller, who President Trump has endorsed for election in Ohio’s 16th Congressional District.
Saturday, June 26, 2021, at 7:00PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks
Lorain County Fairgrounds
23000 Fairgrounds Rd.
Wellington, OH 44090
General Admission Tickets:
REGISTER HERE http://email.m.saveamerica45.com/c/eJw9jcuOgzAMRb8GdkSJ8yKLLNoi_sMhZpoRoYhHUf9-wmg0kmVLR9fnRi-UDdLVyQMHwY0wAEoBMMH4TQrXPfqut8JKaSrFM9vwTZhpTQMqzYZXrp9em6A4CklAQ7DKiWBakEK6YEk5NPXkn_u-bJW8VdCXOc-TxdeMU_ze1yMvl6dgetO8b_XqcY4rnaXvCwPDVGNepjR-fGXvFcBxpFjOrw3AaJJDKxutNTUqytA4N8SGQ2sUBkOjHa8wPMrePwv9f_5JGWVM00Vt9wNBMU1X
Doors open at 2:00PM EDT
Request Media Credentials:
REGISTER HERE: http://email.m.saveamerica45.com/c/eJw9TsmOgzAM_Rq4ESXORg4c2iL-w1mgQYSiAK369xNGo5GsZ9lvsX3HhLbc1LEDCowqpgCEACCM0Btnpn8M_aCZ5lxVgiay4ztgCjk6FJK4V6qf3ag1IAXnpGstR6FbjYxq9MZYypHXS_c8jm2v-K2CoVR4h_XYiX-tuPj5yGfarqjCuBx84SIucZ3KPH9mr8ZpzWedO1x9Dp_yxoSWYKwxbUscv12l7xXAeUZf2u8RACUDdy1vpJShEZ7bxhjnGwqtEmhVGPV4ieFR8Phu4d_5F0pCwrhcW93_AOPlVkc
All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 7:00PM EDT.

Wow…title says it all….
I have been on the phone for two days trying to get people to nominate a pro-life federal political candidate in another province. I’ve spoken to many people, who have drunk the Corvid Vaccine koolaid- I just keep my mouth shut and keep to the script. However, it is very disheartening to see so many people, including my siblings brainwashed.
“Wrong address”

(someone tell Branco !)

Because of course… who else would have?
The criminals don’t put honest people in charge of anything.
Good luck with that, VS.
Gateway Pundit: Victoria’s Secret Does Away with ‘Angels’ – Will Replace Models with Purple-Haired SJW Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe, Transgenders, Plus Size Women
I don’t care what their marketing campaign is; I just find their justification for the new one to be LOL funny.
You think women will feel represented by transgenders and America-hating lesbians? Yup, go with that. It’s worked so well for men’s shaving products.
Hmmmm they’re so confusing. Drag queens of all ages, including the kids they promote are encouraged to wear skanky slutty clothes but women, I suppose including lesbians, are encouraged to dress like teen boys in sports clothes ?
Wish I had a ton of money to build a brand like VS…hate to tell them…lots and lots of women like sexy lingerie. If they want plain stuff buy it at kohls or walmart
…lots and lots of women like sexy lingerie.
Us normal guys are really, really, really good with ^^^.
LOL..yeah and we’re glad about that ! Win/win
The MAJORITY of Women wear the sexy stuff for the MAJORITY of men. The MAJORITY of Men and Women buy the sexy stuff for the MAJORITY of women. The MAJORITY of Men and Women wanna see the MAJORITY of WOMEN in the sexy stuff, NOT on all those mental patients.
Here honey, I brought you some presents. I was oogling that bull dyke on the runway, and thought you would look great in this. Oh, and this outfit that the gender confused boy in the catalog was wearing really turns me on, I just know you’ll love it as much as I do……SAID NO STRAIGHT MAN EVER!!!
Get WOKE, Go BROKE. Watch.
It’s just nuts!
There ARE directions that VS could go that would (1) get more real, (2) appeal to their clientele, and (3) rejuvenate the brand – but they are 0% “woke” and 100% “America”. What’s interesting is that a more populist direction would not only bring in the coin – it would LOOK more “progressive” down the road when sanity comes back and leaves “woke” high and dry and looking “out of fashion”.
My husband is not into the stuff he is for natural
I second that. No need to gild the lily.
So true
It’s so gross.
I wonder what brought this on?
Maybe this guy’s a bit ripped that his kids took the vax?
Anyway, they’re getting a little testy with Biden over at CNN.
We tried to tell them…
Uh Jeff, if they let BiteMe ramble incoherently NON_STOP, we’ll have Hoe in short order.
Oh, wait, that is what Jeff wants. Hoe, not Joe.
She is just as embarrassing on the national stage, not for dementia, but for inompetence and inability to handle questions.
100%. BOTH a disaster for the country.
45 on phone w/Hannity now.
Someone needs to post a summary. Cannot handle Hannity.
Yup. Will not listen to Hannity.
I listened to part. As usual Hannity interrupted instead of listening. POTUS repeated himself about the economy, trade seals, cv vaxx reasons and roll out. Slammed chrissy wallace. Thats all i heard.
Gateway Pundit is reporting that
All well and good. No one is saying what would happen next, and that’s fine. I’ve been concerned about the Left knowing the timeline and producing a false flag to distract the entire country from the fraud results. I don’t think there’s a way to get around their knowing how long the process will go on in that facility; I just hope the results will be revealed at a completely unpredictable time.
Interesting and somewhat short and to the point.
Storing Energy – Watts Up With That?
I look at power plants for my work. In 25 years I have never seen any power plant with battery storage. Essentially it does not exist. I know there is some in the pipeline but in total it is chump change. Wind and solar is a joke.
Frikkin Texas ERCOT has asked us to ration this week!?!? Turn thermostats to 78, no appliances, unplug everything. My car was 115 today!! Supposedly thousands of MW vendors are offline for repairs at the same time!!!! Those heffers better not be CA’ing my TEXAS!!!!
Especially after their major F-up in February. It’s only 90’s in June, the 100’s+ of July-September are yet to come.
Someone please contact my next of kin….
I just died.
My twitter feed is lively tonight.
There was no CV either. Another one he had built.
New article at Political Moonshine:
Gaetz Grills Psaki-like Wray on CCP/COVID-19 Whistleblower https://politicalmoonshine.com/2021/06/16/gaetz-grills-psaki-like-wray-on-ccp-covid-19-whistleblower/
June 16, 2021
Intro: “About this time last year, we latched onto the development of an internal whistleblower from the Wuhan Institute of Virology who had fled to Hong Kong and then to the U.S. to shine the light of truth on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 “pandemic.”
The FBI smothered Chinese scientist Li-Meng Yan from the time of her arrival stateside in Los Angeles and followed her all of the way to New York. Recently, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) took controversial FBI Director Christopher Wray to task over it all.
The questioning began as it pertained to the genesis of SARS-CoV-2 and the allegations of a “cover-up” as demonstrated by the Fauci emails, the G7 call for an investigation into the origins of the pandemic and the Biden administration’s efforts to do the same. The questioning was short but impactful.
Simply stated, Gaetz wanted to know which side is the FBI on?”
Good stuff!
Solar storm travelling at 2.1million km per hour currently hitting Earth
“A sunspot has released a tremendous solar flare into the solar system. Unfortunately for Earth, the winds from the flare are currently hitting Earth, with experts revealing the solar storm is travelling at an extraordinary 600 kilometres per second, or more than 2.1 million km per hour.
This could lead to a G1-class geomagnetic storm on Earth, researchers have said.
A solar storm of this power can lead to “weak power grid fluctuations” and can have a “minor impact on satellite operations”.
Love the 2nd ammendment. But please, do not ignore training. Either live or dry fire. Practice, practice, practice.