You can’t make this stuff up.

Since that is a given, I found this to be interesting.
Since Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are speaking the truth about some things, something behind the scenes is going on. I mean, when you get this out of Rachel Maddow, the panic is palpable.
Oh, hey, did you see Portugal’s stellar soccer player Christiano Renaldo cancelling Coke?
Okay, yeah, the incident happened last year, but guess what. The market value of Coke dropped by BILLIONS after one of the greatest athletes on the planet showed his opinion. (He’s a really good guy. Truly.)
Is this another sign something is going on?

This thread gave me chills.
I posted this thread before and feel so strongly, I’m posting again: It’s been interesting living 2 lives as surgeon and hear colleagues worship masks, lockdowns, vax, and ignore therapies.Then I come here and see how people have lost trust in medical and “scientific”community.1/
And as they should! I don’t blame them! I have as well! People (as patients with autonomy) should never feel pressure to be forced to be injected with untested mRNA gene therapy vaccines that don’t have clear delineations for contraindications, or be prevented from getting…2/
treatment with meds that are being used all around the rest of the world (eg hcq and ivermectin) all for the sake of pushing an agenda and a vax that is so clearly being used to control our freedoms. My field of medicine has been hijacked for other purposes other than to heal. 3/
Many will keep our head down and continue to keep the oath we made as doctors, which I will do. I will continue do my job as a trauma surgeon which is all I know to do, but as a patriotic citizen, I will continue to speak out here and continue to pray for my country.4/4
Be on the lookout for good doctors like this. They think for themselves.
Let’s see…what else have I got…..

And…this woman should be an inspiration to people everywhere.

Take heart. It’s almost Friday.

Oh, and before I forget:

Yes, I’m a product of the 80s.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
MATTHEW 6:7-15
7“And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us this day our daily bread; 12And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors; 13And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. 14For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; 15but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
I am watching this and it is very good:
Gene Ho, Trump’s photographer
The Right Side with Doug Billings Published June 15, 2021 2,827 Views
I am going to try again
Here you go!
Have to get the embed code to make it play here.
I’m trying, based on instructions you gave before.
EDIT: I got the iFrame code and placed it in the brackets. I could see the video in my post, but it didn’t post whien I clicked “Save.” (Getting closer.)
Let me know if you have problems – I can help!!!
Thanks, but I don’t know what else to tell you. I don’t know why it wouldn’t save my edit that had the video in it. (That is, it saved the edit, but didn’t include the video.)
I changed a setting that probably won’t help, but keep trying!
Thanks. SIgning off now and will check into it tomorrow.
TTYL! Good night!
When you say you “put it in the brackets”, what do you mean? Just making sure you mean you clicked on the brackets, and used the pop-up, and not literally putting the code in brackets.
i put the code in the “brackets” choice in the Reply box. In other words, I pasted it into the Source Code.
Here’s what I did:
●Typed a sentence with a couple of blank lines after it, in the Reply box.
●Accessed the video and clicked on “Embed” under it while it was playing.
●Under “Embeddable Player” at the top of the video, clicked on the tiny drop-down menu, which had two choices: Java Script and IFRAME.
●Clicked IFRAME and copied the contents, which looked like this (without the beginning period):
.<iframe class=”rumble” width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
●Clicked on the Source Code option at the bottom of the Reply box (which looks like brackets).
●Pasted the IFRAME code at the end of the text I had typed.
●Clicked Post Comment (or Save if I was editing a comment).
EDIT: I just did all those steps and could see the video in this post, but when this comment posted, the video wasn’t there.
OK, I’m seeing what may be a problem.
You clicked on the source code option, but you didn’t mention that it pops up a new transient window showing the text you had typed, but all as HTML. Just want to make sure that is true.
Then when you paste in the IFRAME code into THAT transient window, you hit the button that says INSERT at the bottom right of the window. THEN it shows up on screen. Is that all true, too?
If not, we have to figure out what’s going on.
Yes, all of that is true. I left out the “Insert” part in my description, but I am doing that.
Right now, as I type this, the video appears in this comment box.
EDIT: But the video didn’t post.
Yeah, this is weird. I don’t know why it doesn’t work.
Being that there are “angle brackets”, “curly brackets”, and “square brackets with a plus” in the reply box options, you maybe should maximally clarify.
Not for me, mind you — I love my virgules and circumflexes, octothorpes and ampersands….not to mention the tilde, the arobase, and the reverse solidus. But when referring to something in the user interface, it helps to be very specific.
This was meant for Wolf — sorry, TT.
No problem! I hover over each little symbol, and the one we want says “Source Code.”
Hmmmmm. An interesting point….
But, fails to notice….discussion of these things is now going mainstream.
And the more corrupt they are, the more they become susceptible to this…
“While I don’t know the exact solution to this specific problem, because we are not at the point where solutions can even be debated, I do know what it will take to solve the first part of the issue….
THE ISSUE? The American people don’t know the scale of the problem yet, as evidenced by Carlson’s suggestion.”
Sigh. Eeyore stuff. Then he asks for “help.”
Why can’t solutions be debated?
Carlson is not the American people. As someone said on yesterday’s thread, the alternative media has more viewers than Fake News.
Lordy, the poop is deep with SD nowadays.
I think we are seeing here precisely the difference between our site and CTH.
Sundance is now a “newsroom fighter”. We are pamphleteers, “rabble-rousers”, protesters, rumor-mongers, infiltrators, private eyes, dissidents, witnesses, and vulgarians – which is what Sundance used to be.
How many of US actually WITNESSED January 6? How many more of us tried to be there and failed? How many old-site Treepers? Or are they “too careful” to make such a “mistake”?
I’m OK with the difference. But there IS a difference.
“newsroom fighter” … I like the phrase and those who do this do serve a purpose, help, fill a need … but I am not sure exactly what you mean by it
Similar to a desk general v. a in the field/on the front/still in “go” mode and leadership general?
If you’re in the news business, you’re constrained to varying extents by “believability” – some degree of immediate acceptance – some degree of social affirmation. A certain amount of objectivity and virtue signaling to things and processes one does not actually respect or believe becomes necessary – even if just saying (like Sundance does) “I have proven this to standards – please see prior posting”.
Sundance is explaining a valid point that the Senate and House are inherently corrupt on both sides of the aisle, and that processes and investigations therein are partisan or bipartisan shams – either mutual protection or one side threatening the other. This REALLY DOES affect what can be done, and what is or is not a waste of time.
We’re rather “DUH!” on that – because of the difference. This is why I cut Sundance a lot of slack here. SD operates in a space where more people have to take him seriously, for him to achieve his goals. I only need a few people who are looking for leads to the future to take me seriously, and they don’t even have to admit it publicly.
Sundance added this. And you’re right – look at Twitter panicking.
100%. It would be great if Tucker inserted those videos and further tear apart DOJ, FBI and IC lies regrading 6 January.
Maybe, we’ll get so lucky. Tucker’s millions of viewers, video snippets replayed across the Internet.
Truth will come out.
It is great that Tucker IS talking about FBI infiltrating OK and the like.
QTree had posts addressing this before and after 6 January.
That was so obvious when Wolf brought some tapes back from January 6 that something strange was going on when deplorables were invited closer and insight the capitol.
This was not an organic happening. The good people who were hunted down by the FBI and now sit to rot being abused as if in an Hanoi Hotel is despicable. They will never be the same.
Who is fighting for them who is protesting for them who is defending them?
Saturday is a peaceful protest in DC I wonder how many good people will dare to attend? I know Antifa will be there the goon squat working with the FBI to cover their A…..s.
Blessing and prayers for the event.
Yup. The WORLD is waking up!
I think SD is missing the point of what Tucker is doing. But you’ve got it. The more public this is, the harder it is for them to persecute us. We’re winning.
The Bobs definitely need to downsize that dept.
One of the most brilliant movies…and so many people don’t get it.
Did you sing “Scaramouche” with your young friend?
I tried.
He’s just like the Couch Commando. He can memorize music like there’s no tomorrow.
I was casually wondering what ranges you might take to harmonize. You naturally gravitate towards soprano, but he’s only 9 and can probably only manage a tenor….
He’s still a soprano. Long story.
Do you sing out of range to harmonize?
Or do you just unison?
Unison is fine for now.
Does he manage to hold his own? I’d imagine an untrained, untried, unpracticed soprano singing unison with you might quickly feel outclassed?
(Mind you, this line of discussion came up when thinking about your buddy, but is actually sort-of about vocal performance overall. If you start to feel nervous about public discussion of one, feel free to switch to the other.)
I don’t feel outclassed at all. The kid has perfect pitch. I’m actually quite impressed.
Ooh…he got it in the window?
Good for him!!!
That was fascinating and enlightening!
No, not at this juncture. Not with him. Professionally, if I have to sing alto, I will.
This line of questioning is partially due to tabloid leaks regarding Seal’s home life with his kids. He was said to sing for them while cooking breakfast, and sing for them while putting them to bed, and sing for them when getting them ready for school.
And it made me wonder — people pay $100 for Seal to sing to them and 29,999 other people — and his voice is beautiful. What must it be like to have a family and a beautiful singing voice? Do you sing while cooking pancakes?
No. I don’t sing in the house when the Old Man and the Couch Commando are around. I might get a sock shoved in my mouth. I have to practice when they are out of the house.
This is funny in my house.
I am a singer. I don’t care what I sound like, I just sing (I can carry a tune, but I have no training).
I make up words to the tune of random songs for whatever I happen to be doing at the moment, and sing about it. It has been a running hilarity with my kids since they were little.
Something for someone here to investigate as I have no specifics except that Tom Littleton of Thirty Pieces of Silver did some digging and found a Yale document that talks a lot about plans for so-called “health security” and among the plans is giving vaccines to a small number of people, and these genetic vaccines would then spread through the general population, apparently Like a virus or contagion, and they would be able to be picked up off surfaces, not necessarily only by human to human contact. I think the program I listened to may have been broadcast around May 15. It was on Frank Speech. I do think Wolf or others here have posted about this possibility but just dropped it here for possible discussion.
Yes. Self-spreading vaccines, which are an absolutely horrible idea. Besides the fact that they take away all choice in whether to get one or not, they also force the vaccine on people who shouldn’t get one – like pregnant women, or people who have a whole host of other issues. But in spite of that, I’m sure our monster overlords are working on them in private and are prepared to do this without our knowledge.
There will need to be a Nuremberg for these people. Hopefully before they do too much damage.
DePat! That shot pour was fab!!
Huey Lewis, too!
Love Huey Lewis AND THE NEWS.
Lewis was supposedly very good to his band-mates, and worked hard to keep them from being marginalized in the deals. A smart guy, too. Hard worker – very professional.
I actually saw Huey and the boys under the Arch one year at the Fair. IDK if Fair STL will ever be what it once was, a big Fourth of July bash, but 20-30 years ago, it was HUGE and they would get A-list talent. HL&TN were really good.
So, I have now seen and touched the spot, and had a bonus piece of plastic fall on me. It is more horizontal than vertical, and is essentially over the steering column.
Unlike “Slim”, the guy in the video, I opted to remove the lower dash (one screw behind the coin holder and it just pops out) and a cross brace (four 10mm bolts) that was in the way. I still had to lie on my back across the doorway and stick my head next to the brake and gas pedals.
If only there had been a shower on the sidewalk to stick my feet in, it would have been like old times.
Ah HA! And you scoffed at my mention of “transferable skills!”

I did, and left a trail of crumbs for you to tell me how wrong I was.
‘Tis true, I did not expect that level of contortion and constriction — the constriction being a key bit. But the squeeze between the door and the seat, and laying crossways to the work (unlike “Slim”, who could fit between the steering wheel and the seat), did drastically increase the similarity.
Likely my least favorite area of a car to work on, driver side under the dash.
Wondering. Is the driver seat on a rail easily removed? If so, may one less twist to wedge in and out of.
Guessing a day late, as you’ve already replaced the busted part.
Hey great thought! Probably won’t work unless he drives a NASCAR

#1 in Chinese Biographies????
Of course they will. Can’t expose the money laundering network to the unwashed.
So art deals are the new book deals.
This week. Wait until it’s NFTs.
Kushner also has a book deal.
Unlike most who worked in DC swamp,betting Kushner could deliver the block buster of block busters. Imagine the back ground he could deliver working Middle East deals. AND, laugh out loud funny dealing with ignorant federal and state officials early on Covid hysteria.
He also might be able to tell the tales of Congress and obstructions not just democrats but also republicans? I hope for the best.
Forwarded from
Here is your “Good News of the Week.” We are WINNING on many fronts. There will be MANY more wins, so take courage!
Good News of the Week, June 16, 2021:
1. President Trump is holding rallies again! The first one will be Saturday, June 26th, in Cleveland. He will be throwing his support behind former White House aide Max Miller who is seeking to primary RINO Congressman Anthony Gonzalez. Gonzalez was one of ten GOP House members who voted for impeachment in January.
2. President Trump will join Texas Governor Greg Abbott on an official visit to the Southern Border June 30th. He hopes his visit will “shine a spotlight on these crimes against our Nation – and show the incredible people of ICE and Border Patrol that they have our unshakeable support.”
3. The truth continues to come out about January 6th. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and his staff have reviewed surveillance footage and found 38% of the approximately 800 people who entered the Capitol walked peacefully through an opened doorway in front of five officers. Senator Johnson is pushing to interview those officers.
4. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) grilled FBI Director Wray about January 6th and entered the Revolver News article into the record with unanimous consent. This article lays out the case that federal officials infiltrated and incited January 6th protests.
5. Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called on FBI Director Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives on January 6th.
6. Brave people continue to expose MSM corruption. During a live segment, Fox reporter Ivory Hecker accused Fox News of censoring her. She had secretly recorded her bosses at Fox directing her to squelch her stories, including one about the effectiveness of HCQ in treating COVID-19. In an interview with Project Veritas, she accused Fox of caring more about their corporate sponsors than about telling people the truth.
7. A Fulton County, GA, election official admitted that ballot drop box transfer forms are missing for almost 19,000 absentee ballots. There is no record of how these ballots got from point A to point B. Fulton is now the fourth county in Georgia under investigation for failing to produce chain of custody documentation.
8. The Biden administration announced an investigation into NIH grants, including the funding Dr. Fauci approved for the Wuhan lab.
9. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey issued an Executive Order that protects the rights of public college and university students. Under the EO, students cannot be mandated to get the jab, show a “vaccine passport,” wear a mask or be tested for COVID-19 in order to attend classes.
10. A Florida appeals court has ruled that bodily autonomy is a fundamental right and that all mask mandates, past and present, are unconstitutional. According to this ruling, any mask mandate targeting the unvaccinated would also violate the Constitution. This ruling is expected to reverberate throughout the country.
11. Mike Pompeo launched a political action committee called Champion American Values PAC to help conservatives win in 2022. His goal is to elect the most conservative electable candidate at all levels, “whether it’s school board, city council, or a United States Senate seat.”
12. Less than a third of voters believe Biden’s claim that global warming is America’s “greatest threat,” and few are willing to pay more taxes in order to fight it.
13. A federal judge has blocked Biden’s race-based loan forgiveness program that excluded white farmers. The judge cited a previous court ruling that stated “government policies that classify people by race are presumptively invalid.”
14. Comedian Jon Stewart went on Colbert’s “Late Show” Monday night and used his entire time to insist that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan lab and to mock claims that it originated naturally.
15. The best news is that we are invited to “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

I dunno. Having Pompeo calling on people to become a Pipehitter on the same page as a gigantic self-portrait by Hunter Biden with a crack pipe might be mixing messages….
Pipehitter…. the movie “Walking Tall” and sherriff Buford Pusser comes to mind…
DEMONRATS are about the sort of slimeballs that Pusser had to deal with…
Or considering his “fossil fuels-” hating father, pipefitter?
I can be perfectly patriotic, but I’m still not wearing white athletic shoes with shorts and jeans.
Of course, since I don’t own shorts and jeans, or white athletic shoes, that won’t be a problem.
Doc Maartens and full motorcycle leathers???
Skirts and flats. Wanna be treated like a lady, you gotta dress like one.
Wish more women thought like that. Some places here you’d think you were either in a fitting room or the Reeperbahn in Hamburg…
And then they have the gall/stupidity to do those slut walks or whatever… vacuous viragoes, I guess…
I really get tired of looking at…well…I just don’t like being so casual.
He has made two VERY questionable endorsements in the last week, months prior to the primary … however, I am still optimistically hopeful that he is true blue
(Brian Fitzgerald of PA being the worst)
If VSGPOTUSDJT had spoken about the virtues of deep breathing before exertion, half the press pool at his next availability would have been as blue as smurfs.
Thank you for your wonderful job .
Psucks to be her…..Nah, Just kidding, NO sympathy for the devil.

Little Red Jen.
Ginger Jen, the commie muck hen.

New York’s Nursing Home Nightmare, the report of the Empire Center for public Policy:
…”ownership sub-group with the worst mortality rate was the seven facilities owned and operated by the state government—five of which are designated for veterans (see Table 5). Collectively, the seven homes lost 291 residents, or 18.4 percent of their pre-pandemic population, which was five points higher than the statewide average.
The Long Island State Veterans Home, which is affiliated with the State University at Stony Brook, saw 121 deaths through Feb. 9—a total that was second only to 138 at the Harris Hill nursing home in Erie County, which was designated as COVID-only facility in May. The share of residents who died at the Long Island State Veterans Home, at 34.7 percent, was the 12th highest in the state.”…
Stony Brook, part of the SUNY system, home to the DoE’s Brookhaven National Lab.
Wasn’t it’s former president, Samuel Stanley, a member of Fauci’s NAAIDC?
Why yes, he was. Small world.
Wow. So they went after elderly Vets.
I don’t think that’s what dying for one’s country is all about. Except when DEMONRATS are at the helm.
GOD Bless those vets for their service, pain, and sacrifices, and GOD Bless the other victims of the deep state and that Satan slave Cuomo…
1 in 7 NYS nursing home residents died of Covid, according to the report.
His wife’s bio:
Her research has interesting parallels to the primary interests in bats – their microbiome and the antiinflammatory aspects which both allow it and give bats extreme longevity.
This was so unbelievable evil. Under this regime no one is going to jail for this barbaric act. The DOJ needs to be cleaned out for us to see justice.
Amazing recording of hydroxychloroquine being hidden by media middle management – EXACTLY the people Sy Hersh said need to be fired to rescue journalism. He said 90+% need to be fired.
THAT is the Bolshevik infiltration RIGHT THERE.
Wolf Moon
This will make you so mad. I just want to see these losers in jail.
This is PROOF of the willful, conscious suppression of information about doctors successfully treating COVID patients with hydroxychloroquine.
It’s just outrageous. But it proves what really happened.
The MEDIA is not our friend.
Stefan Paul

FOX 26 Bosses Forced to Shred Defamatory Memo Targeting Reporter Who Covered Facts Outside Narrative
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I have a theory that every “mysterious” position that Trump took during the “Fauci days” of COVID-19 during 2020 was in fact MINING THE FUTURE with ideas that would AGE WELL.
People were asking when Trump would say something about vaccines.
THIS is where the corner gets turned. Politico took the bait. They could not help it.
That’s because they’ve had the shots. Jeez. Politico is really trying to stay on pitch with a narrative that’s falling apart. In musical terms, that’s called a trainwreck. Literally, and that’s what this is turning out to be.
They took the bait.
YUP. They’re trying to pass off vaccine damage as COVID.
Exhibit A:
Random thought of the day. The media and Leftists constantly complain about President Reagan “shutting down the mental hospitals.” Maybe the real reason President Reagan loosened mental health policies is because he knew that the eventual cabal plan was to imprison patriots, political dissidents, and “conspiracy theorists” under the guise of “mental health” like the Soviets did. Think about today’s red flag laws, genuine journalists like Glenn Greenwald being smeared as “mentally ill,” and the stigma of being a “conspiracy theorist.” I have to wonder if the original cabal plan circa 1980s was to eventually use COVID-style medical tyranny to silence critics. It’s already happening to a soft extent, but maybe the original plan was actual imprisonment of anyone deemed “mentally ill”? I sense there’s a rabbit hole here, but haven’t dug any further.
This is modified history.
When RR was Governor of California, there were state run mental hospitals and institutions that came under massive political attack by Dems. They were chronically underfunded in favor of buying off people that could actually vote, and slowly degraded over time into dreary places full over over-sedated “inmates”. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is meant as a depiction of one such.
By the time Reagan was Governor, things were so bad inside that it could be argued that people in the system were better off on the streets. Reagan requested funding to bring the institutions up to a reasonable standard, and the legislature refused to provide any that might make Reagan look good — so he opened the doors, and people wandered away. As various institutions emptied out, they were consolidated in an orderly fashion and one after another closed.
Reagan did not set out to “shut down the mental hospitals” from some evil impetus — he refused to force people to stay in a chronically underfunded system and the mental hospitals closed by themselves.
Thank you for the history lesson. I never believed the Leftist/corporate media narrative that President Reagan was a heartless villain who denied people medical care because of money. I’m sure he had good reasons for doing what he did.
Wasn’t it SUN Microsystems that bought the Agnews State Hospital “campus”?
We at HP had a few laughs over that (and then Carly had to buy Compaq and invite McNealy’s epic “sound of two garbage trucks colliding” zinger)…..
Miss the old days of Silly Cone Valley, where REAL personalities and REAL talent were around. Now it seems that all that’s there are CCP-controlled media and thought-control firms… The days of Bill and Dave, Russ and Sigurd Varian, Fairchild, the triumvirate that founded Intel, Jerry Sanders, et. al. are just a fond memory…
The former Agnews has has been sliced and diced and rearranged as a civic embellishment…..which, pretty much, describes what happened to Sun. Weird Stuff used to be chock full of Sun gear, but Oracle bought the top end, a lot of the bottom bits got freecycled to Linux, and the serious talent in the middle found better places to be and better things to do.
And how much of the world today came out of Xerox PARC? Not that you can tell — they’re now a footnote.
That’s what happened around here with beer. When InBev bought A-B, the laid off most of the brew maestros without non-compete agreements, and microbrews popped up all over the region. One of the Busches even has one.
I’m glad to hear. The consolidation of brewing, especially after prohibition, was an abomination.
Falstaff brewery used to be at The Alemeda, Julian and Hanchett, intersection.
And Agnew’s.
You guys are bringing back memories of 60s.
We had a Falstaff. The Lemps used to brew it right across I-55 from A-B.
Sad what happened to Busch and most of the old breweries in the USA (and quite a few over here, too). Do any of the Busch Gardens still exist?
Can’t stand Belgian beers; if I want perfume, I’ll buy perfume. Otherwise I want my beer to smell and taste like beer…
Reinheitsgebot 1516 says it all…
Practically the 11th Commandment for the Bayerisch (and most Germans and beer-lovers too).
In England they have(had) CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale. which Douglas Adams sends up in HHGTTG as the Campaign For Real Time, championed by Slartibartfast…
As far as I know all the Busch Gardens exist. All the breweries are still open, too.
The city of STL, OTOH was betrayed.
DNA at The Eagle in Cambridge. Beyond wonderful.
Then there’s the Dirty Duck in Stratford upon Avon, and was “The Plough” in St. Albans, which is sorely missed.
And in Edinburgh “The Three Bridges”, which has undergone a few sad changes due to lack of business from the Fakorona ChiCom Kung Flu…..
Actually, I’ve seen it quite convincingly argued that the reinheitsgebot is less about the purity of beer than it is about inadvertently starving the peasants.
By saying “only barley can be used in beer”, it allows rye to be made into inexpensive bread.
Nope. It’s to keep the crap out of beer. For example wood chips or logs floated to simulate “barrel aging”.
The Reinheitsgebot keeps that from happening.
There are a lot more grains available for breadmaking than just Roggen…
I’m well aware that it also does that. However, by mandating that beer contain only water, barley, hops, and yeast, it also meant that easier-to-grow grains (like rye) would not be included.
This meant that peasants (who could only afford bread made from cheap, easy-to-grow grains) would have a reliable food supply.
Back in the day, at Weird Stuff, Alltronics, and Curtis Trading company, there’d be bits of Dec, DG, IBM (washing machines disguised as DASD), and all manner of ancient kit, from companies that no longer exist.
I have friends that made the trip from Sun to Orac-Hell, and a former colleague’s hubbie worked at PARC. If only they’d had the ability to go the last mile and actually bring their ideas to market.
On the other hand, if they’d focused on that (pardon the pun), we might not have as many useful and innovative devices as we do now.
Oh, and what about Kodak? Antonio Perez did a Carly on them…
I was told by a friend who worked at Xerox for years that the idea for the mouse came from one of their people (can’t remember the name)? But they never did anything with it.
Xerox had the mouse, the graphical user interface and I think e-mail or something like that in the 70s, and Steve Jobs used all of it.
This is why we miss the old R&D labs. They were about commercial advancement. the Bayh Dole Act in 1980 destroyed that.
Doug Englebart is credited with inventing the mouse, He was at an offshoot of SRI (Stanford) at the time. Sort of a rectangular box with a button on top. One of his colleagues said it looked like a mouse, and the name stuck…
Logitech and IEEE have good papers about him and his inventions (including hypertext, about which (un)Scientific (un)American had a great article)…

The one flaw in the ointment there was that violent people cannot be incarcerated until they commit a crime. I have a relative who is a victim of such a person who is now in the California penal system. His mother tried to have him committed and it just wouldn’t happen because of the way the system works.
The system was very different when Reagan inherited it — and it was seen as a morass that could swamp his political ambitions. Whatever he decided, and why, was going to be cast into the worst possible light and used as a cudgel.
Now, it is a footnote to the generally corrupt California government.
Ever see the Michael Figgis’ movie Leibestraum?
The hospital scenes were shot on the site of Olmsted’s NYS Hospital in Binghamton NY. Although a movie set, the sets fairly accurately depict the condition of the facility when it closed.
They leveled several historic buildings. These scenes were shot in the main building that was still partially in use.
Got my power back today after a 31-hour (that’s 1 day, 7 hours) outage due to weather. My investment last winter into better flashlights and fresh batteries paid off big time. Make sure your preps are in place, folks.
Also discovered the hard way that a wasp built a nest under the tailgate handle of my truck. Let that serve as a warning to inspect the handle area before touching it.
It’s been a weird week in general. Nothing truly concerning, only inconveniences, but still. Not spending much time on the internet until shit calms down.
How long had your truck been sitting there?
I cleaned storm debris out of the truck bed and driveway two days prior with no wasps hovering around. I suspect it was a new nest. It’s that time of year when they start exploring and building them.
That’s not the reassuring answer I wanted to hear.
Hope you managed gracefully.
And now for something a little different….
Can you correctly guess what this is a picture of?
HINT: It is a very famous place somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere.
Answer after dinner tomorrow.

Some incomplete thoughts — that starfish mountain in the foreground is certainly peculiar. There is a place in Colorado where the sources of several major rivers are actually that close — but half of them seem to be converging within the picture, so I’m not sure.
That there is so little snow remaining implies a warmer and more dry area. Sierras, maybe?
There’s a lake in the distance , but it doesn’t seem very deep or solidly bordered. Then there is a snow-covered ridge in the distance.
Finally, right as the haze fades into the sky, there is a hint of another range in the distance. This might be the Coastal Range of California as seen from the Sierras…..or the Sierras as seen from the Coastal Range of California…..or two other groups of mountains.
It’s not something like Shasta (the model for the Lonely Mountain in Erebor?) or Crater Lake or Lake Tahoe. I doubt it’s a Cascade volcano because they tend to stand apart.
Jackson Hole?
Oooh….you can right-click and access higher resolutions.
With the snow still on the mountains I was figuring Rockies or Cascades, but those ridges don’t particularly look like volcanoes.
Good observations.
Purely to mix things up, a completely uneducated guess…Somewhere in the Carpathian mountains?
My WAG without cheating,, Flat Iron Lake, Kalispell MT.
From Insty —
Valerie, have you managed to dissuade your youthful swain?
I wish. He doesn’t Want to get the shot, just thinks it will ultimately be the Only way either of them will be able to cross the US/Canadian border. He’s reading the material I send him & is quite informed about the dangers. He Knows the shot is bad news but thinks it can still be “forced” on them in order to travel.
We need a movement to declare those of us w/ natural immunity to be equivalent to being vax’d. But even more so we need a restoration of God-given freedoms & human rights. Likely not going to happen w/out some type of sustained fight
Heroic Secret Service Agent Dives In Front Of Biden As Reporter Tries To Ask A Question | The Babylon Bee
Verse of the Day for Thursday, June 17, 2021
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Heh. Since Some are starting to make noise about the Jan 6 FF operation, we should also start to note that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS were called by VSGPOTUSDJT to WITNESS this EVIL.
Some brought their kids, some brought their cameras, some were allowed into the building by corrupt Capitol Police to get swept up in their schemes by corrupt elements. One was sacrificed to smear some blood on their fraud. But Trump supporters were Called to Witness the ROT displayed on January 6th.
Some are held in durance vile for trivial infractions, political prisoners in solitary dungeons. They, too, witness the corruption. Like a rotten mackerel by moonlight, it shines and stinks.
I think the country is split, actually. There is a critical mass of people who are plenty awake, they just aren’t really vocal about it.
So it will play here
& found on that twit page
There is Always Hope!
Would have been better IMO if they were in sheep costumes.
Those were all in New Zealand
Cheap propaganda for mindless people. I could not watch it finish so bad it was. Who on earth believes this crap?
My exact reaction too, who believes this BS?
IQ of 75
Pork belly “sandwich” on homemade biscuits … side of jam, a few quality cheeses …. mouth watering
Oh, they noticed, did they.
YouTube the medical science Police who knows all about scientism.
I feel we are living in China.
Here is the suppressed video
[video src="" /]
Here is the page it’s from:
I love J.P. Sears, but this is the funniest one I have ever seen! I laughed until I was literally bawling. Thanks for that, DP. I needed it.
You’re welcome.
In case it doesn’t show up:
Adam Gaertner
This might be a good time to mention that Gates has been funding MedinCell’s development of a long-acting, soluble form of ivermectin for the past year. In such a long-acting form, it is likely to cause sterilization via oxidative stress in the gonads.
Don’t fall for it.
9:36 PM · Jun 15, 2021·Twitter for Android
They knew last year everything was going to come out, so they took action to complete long term plans.
We have to expect this kind of crap from the other side.
The latest email from Sidney Powell has some good info in it.
She quotes Sundance drawing the connection between the FBI and the existence of Antifa – namely that Antifa can only exist b/c the FBI tolerates it:
The word that Sundance is grasping for but can’t find is “ASYMMETRY.”
As in:
Asymmetric Outcomes.
Or, if you will:
Asymmetric Warfare
Basic Asymmetric Warfare has been proceeding through multiple stages of development and maturation. The color revolution crowd has perfected it to an art form.
Notice how the FBI is never able to take down the MB? Even though they’ve infiltrated their cells and comms networks? Garland TX, anyone?
What about MS-13? Oh, that’s right, the FBI leaves that for ICE to deal with.
Is there a sound at the southern border? The sound of thousands of criminals released from South and Central American prisons being herded up north?
Then there’s the radical BLM crowd – but the “mostly peaceful protests” get a pass.
Consider the massive homeless encampments, not just in California but everywhere, like Austin, TX. Tons of people who are drug dependent – does the FBI come in and get involved to choke off the drug supply? AWOL – that’s “DEA” work, bro…
Where are the Dems that are serious about tackling the epidemic of mental illness? Oh, that’s right, Dems have a vested interest in AMPLIFYING mental illness, b/c that makes them manipulable and controllable. Strong-minded people who are healthy are resilient, more independent, and stubbornly not given to control or vote as they’re told…
The point is that hypocrisy and double standards are not accidents:
The intent is asymmetry of the outcome.
MAXIMIZE positive effects for their team
MINIMIZE negative effects and costs for their team
MAXIMIZE negative effects for their enemies – especially make them pay dearly via lawfare to take inches on the field
MINIMIZE the gains their enemies make
Their team takes illegal action, and they get off Scott Free. Our team takes an action that’s perfectly legal and gets subjugated to law enforcement action, investigation, judicial and legal warfare. We may win in the end, but we lose a lot of time, money, momentum, and energy to gain inches while they get away stealing MILES.
That is Asymmetry.
And where Sundance doesn’t connect the dots:
Why is there Antifa in the first place? Why are they being protected?
And all the others? What’s up with MB, MS-13, BLM, and hoards of homeless?
The end game is asymmetry.
Look at Venezuela. The regime has recruited criminal organizations as a kind of enforcement police force. Law enforcement looks the other way while they commit wanton crimes against people and tango-ize the civilian population – the people can’t do anything about it. There is no justice. Why?
Asymmetry. Criminal gangs are given free rein for criminal behavior as long as it advances the regime’s interests.
Consider the Brownshirts of 1930s Germany but without the fancy official uniforms. That pretense was needed in the 1930s.
Asymmetry: “Use their rulebook against them” – Saul Alinsky
Hypocrisy and Double Standards aren’t moral failings for the left but intentional weaponization of the system. Asymmetry is the tool. Winning is the end game. BAMN is the ethos.
And every single person engaged in it should be tried and convicted of crimes against humanity.
Every last one.
Spend the next 80 years if necessary, chasing them down like Nazis who escaped Germany at the end of WWII.
Let Alinsky become synonymous with Goebbels, and Hussein with Hitler.
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m afraid you’re right.
Oh and BTW, here’s the other side – “Defund the Police”:
Candace Owens Exposes The Defund The Police Narrative’s Ultimate Goal On Tucker Carlson Tonight
JUNE 17, 2021
Candace Owens made an appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight last night and made few very interesting points…
Tucker Carlson: Candace Owens has been watching all of this. She understands that symbols do matter. She’s the host of Candace. She joins us tonight with a reaction to all of this. Chicago, Candace thanks so much for coming on, is really kind of a case study in what happens when you apply bad policy.
Candace Owens: That’s absolutely right and Lori Lightfoot, I mean she’s a disaster. And I think, first and foremost, people take a glance at her and the first thing you think is this is a woman who is an avowed racist. And you might look at that and say, well that’s obvious because she says she doesn’t want to speak to any White reporters and only Black reporters but I think actually Lori Lightfoot is abundantly racist towards Black Americans, right? So she pretends. Don’t pay attention to what she’s saying, pay attention to what she’s doing. She’s pretending that she represents Black people when she gets in front and says I only wanna speak to Black journalists. But that’s meant to be a distraction. Actually look at her track record. Who is it that she’s, have her policies lead to the mass homicide of? Black people. Black people are dying on the streets of Chicago. Black people are the people that are suffering when you know in the first quarter of this year, 34% homicide rate increase. It’s Black on Black crime and she has seen this through. The more important thing though, when you showed a clip of her earlier and she started talking about we need help. We need help. Do you recall, Tucker, a few months ago when I said to you that the entire Defund the Police movement, the entire purpose behind what the Democrats do, they don’t do anything without purpose. They are always taking up part and partial of a Machiavellian scheme. I said to you, Tucker, that they are going to start requesting, while the streets are getting bad enough until they say we now need Federal help. And at that moment you’re going to see them start talking about a Federal police. They’re going to want to see Federal policing happening on the grounds of these inner cities. I believe that has been the long game the Democrats have been playing. this is why they have been undermining the local police at every second. Because they are looking to give more power to the Federal government. This is what is happening in Biden’s America and I believe that this is just, really what we’re seeing is just a faster spread toward America shifting towards a Federalized police system in this country.
Tucker Carlson: I think that’s really smart. I hate to believe, and I remember when you said that I remember thinking boy I hope that’s not true because it’s just so awful that you would create chaos, to allow hundreds, thousands of people to die just so you become more powerful. But I think you’re absolutely right. And so in other words, they did, none of this accidental. They knew defunding the police get a lot of people killed. How could you not know that?
Candace Owens: Of course they knew that. And you look around, you have to study history and that’s why I’ve said you see them, they’re calling themselves Socialists. They’re hitting the ground. They’re demanding Socialism. Well lets actually take a look at what Socialism has been around the world. Socialism has lead to the death of 100,000,000 people all across the world. When you look at Communist/Socialist regimes of the past, this is what you see. The Federal government needs more and more power and they need to make sure they take it away from local. So they are taking this away from locals. So the Democrats put this plan into place and now it’s speeding up. So she’s not helpless. She’s saying we need help from the Federal government, we need help from the Federal government so that eventually people on the streets are gonna say please, anybody help us. And you’re going to start to see real crimes from the Federal government when they put their boots on the ground and start saying okay, now we have complete and utter control. It is not chaos. From chaos, dictatorship arises. That is the lesson of human history.
Tucker Carlson: It’s amazing. You make it, I’m completely sold. Chris Wray, we’re going to need to expand FBI by, you know, 3X so they can keep order in Chicago. Candance Owens, thank you.
Candace Owens: Also Tucker, I need office time every day!
Tucker Carlson: HAAAA… Every day! Tell me that 14 more times and I’ll believe you with some exclamation points. Candace Owens, great to see you.
If you missed the joke at the end of that segment, Mayor Lori Lightfoot had sent a ridiculous office email where she repeatedly repeated herself…
Antifa has a uniform all black instead of brown.
Excellent post! Well said and spot on! Just fantastic
Chaos-making as strategy
Ever see a movie where the bad guy is running away from the good guy?
Along the way, the bad guy opens up gates to the chicken coop or the dog pen and lets the animals out?
He slashes a water hose making a huge risky mess.
He does things that are intentionally dangerous to bystanders to create a problem.
Every time the hero (lol or superman) has to immediately stop what he’s doing to put the fire out and clean up the mess?
Distraction and chaos-making are intentional.
That’s what the left is doing everywhere – making messes and chaos-making
They are running around trying to get away with mayhem and making as many problems as possible for people along the way.
We don’t see the big picture, so people get caught up cleaning this mess here, or that mess there, but not seeing that the bad guy is trying to run away and will come back and tip over the trash cans again as soon as we’re done… unlatch the back gate to the fertilizer truck…
The left’s motto is to make as much chaos and mayhem as possible – slow down, tie up, weaken, exhaust, and generally create as much trouble as possible for the good guys.
Because that creates COST ASYMMETRY.
There is a low opportunity cost for the left to overflow the toilets.
It imposes a HIGH COST on the right to clear the blockage and clean up the sewage.
The left knows they can do this b/c the right cares and has an interest in a society functioning in a proper well-ordered way.
They only care about breaking down the system and resistance to their plans to grab power. They have an asymmetric power advantage in terms of vandalism and chaos-making.
Assuming that there are no local police to stop it.
Assuming that federal law enforcement has been given stand-down orders like Bengazi.
Entire Portland Police Rapid Response Team Resigns After Officer Indicted for Breaking Up Antifa Riot
By Jack Posobiec | June 17, 2021
Following the criminal indictment of a fellow officer, the entire Portland Police Rapid Response Team made the unanimous decision to resign, according to police sources via Portland news outlet KXL.
Cory Budworth, 40, is the first officer in the county to be prosecuted for using force during a violent protest.
The Rapid Response Team is a group of volunteer officers who respond to civil disobedience, demonstrations and riots. At the time of the incident, Officer Budworth was assigned to the Rapid Response Team for crowd control.
Indeed, Budworth was indicted for breaking up an Antifa riot in 2020, charged with misdemeanor fourth-degree assault. He was accused of “unlawfully, knowingly and recklessly causing physical injury” to Teri Jacobs on August 18.
A video shared on social media showed an officer running and striking a protestor with his baton. The woman fell down and was hit with the baton a second time.
However, it is critical to mention that the bureau found the baton strike in question was “not intentional” and therefore not considered lethal force, while the Independent Police Review office viewed the strike as a “push,” WCAX News reports.
“Unfortunately, this decorated public servant has been caught in the crossfire of agenda-driven city leaders and a politicized criminal justice system,” the Portland Police said Tuesday.
Portland Police Association Executive Director Daryl Turner told the “Lars Larson Show” Wednesday that he feared officers would quit in response to what he called a “Witch Hunt” of a prosecution.
Entire Portland Police Rapid Response Team Resigns
JUN 16, 2021 @ 9:49PM
Portland, Ore. — FM News 101 learned late Wednesday night that in response to the criminal indictment of Officer Corey Budworth, the bureaus entire Rapid Response Team resigned. Sources with the Police Bureau say the team voted unanimously to disband.
The Rapid Response Team is a group of volunteer officers who respond to civil disobedience, demonstrations, and riots.
Tuesday, a member of the team was charged with assault for actions during an August 18, 2020 riot in Southeast Portland.
Wednesday, Portland Police Association Executive Director, Daryl Turner told the Lars Larson Show that he feared officers would quit in response to what he called a “Witch Hunt” of a prosecution. In its own investigation the Portland Police Bureau determined no wrongdoing by the officer. He did not violate training or department rules. He did his job within the scope of the law.
Unthinkable Thoughts – The Burning Platform
This is GREAT. The author is led to the same conclusion that we have been.
(1) They knew the spike protein does what it does.
(2) They wanted it in the vaccines.
more proof of vax dangers
Craig Kelly MP
There is something very disturbing in these numbers,
And they make a complete mockery of the concept of vaccine passports .
Quote Tweet
Dr Ah Kahn Syed
· Jun 12
73% *HIGHER* death rate in this #vaccinate
UK cohort compared to the unvaccinated (19/9344 vs 23/19573, p=0.07).
Pause. We need more transparency on this data, not more politics with people like this misrepresenting the data.
#DeltaVariant #covid19…

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Doctors are avoiding getting vax’d
Craig Kelly MP
18h I wonder why that would be ?
Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Shots, according to Survey – AAPS | Association of American…
Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60 percent said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID. This…
Astra Zeneca to be restricted to 60+ in Australia
Craig Kelly MP
Looks like Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisations (ATAGI) has recommended to Federal Govt that AstraZeneca only be administered to people aged 60+
If true, why hasn’t Federal Government made this PUBLIC ?
Lives are at risk !
AstraZeneca vaccine recommended only for Australians aged 60 and
John Ruddick
A lot of people who are pro-vaccines (but who have been maligned as anti-vaxxers because they believe safe vaccines take years to develop) … are due an apology.… via @newscomauHQ
AstraZeneca vaccine should now only be given to those aged 60 and above, ATAGI recommends
The AstraZeneca vaccine should now only be given to those aged 60 and above, the chief immunisation body has reportedly told the
Well, now, let’s see:
This “vaccine” is a product of AstraZeneca, in conjunction with Oxford University.
AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine ingredients (Source Gov.UK)
One dose (0.5ml) contains COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S* recombinant 5 x 10^10 viral particles (vp)
*Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding the SARS CoV 2 Spike (S) glycoprotein. Produced in genetically modified human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells.
So it appears that the AstraZeneca “vaccine”, which will now be pushed for people 60 years of age and older, contains the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus spike protein encased in an adenovirus envelope, instead in the mRNA envelope used in the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”.
It also appears that the AstraZeneca “vaccine” contains tissue cells from aborted human babies.
One assumes that the governments pushing the use of the AstraZeneca “vaccine” for people 60 years of age and older, knows the above information, and does not care that this age group will be receiving the spike protein, let alone the use of aborted human baby fetal tissue. One assumes that governments are just fine if people 60 years of age and older who get the “vaccine” have severe reactions and/or die from “vaccine” complications. One assumes that governmental attitude is, “The world belongs to the young, doesn’t it?”
And, of course, the AstraZeneca product IS NOT a vaccine. It is another form of experimental drug therapy. Enough people UNDER age 60 have died from complications after receiving the injections of the AstraZeneca drug in the EU, Australia, etc., to warrant the discontinuation of using it for people in that age group, while keeping it for people over age 60.
AstraZeneca is DNA for the spike protein (relevant word: “encoding”).
Keep it away!
Great info!
Excellent info. Horrible, but we need to know the extent of things.
I’ve been wondering if they need to list ALL ingredients? Or are “proprietary” ingredients allowed to be omitted – like coke has never had to list the ingredients of its “secret formula”????????
Natural wonder

How fast was this emu goimg when it hit the tree.??
Well, if it had been a gasoline- or diesel-powered mu (µ), the tree would have heard it and moved out of the way. Or, the mu would have been able to stop in time
(Or maybe Wile E. Coyote finally got the Roadrunner? meep meep)
WEC will Never catch the RR b/c RR is Beyond Super Genius 
General Flynn
Donald J Trump
This is very big news. People are starting to see the light. Great for America!
I’m not sure I believe this known liar.
He has no choice but to investigate. He has been exposed and trying to save his skin.
Yes, he’s looking for an exit door and needs some cover to escape.
I think so too
The pressure in on
This is called CYA. Raffensperger knows the jig is up.
So it plays here:
“pre-adapted for human infection”
“furine cleavage site”
& in the discussion
Dr. Li-Meng YAN
Dr @TracyBethHoeg
raised an important issue on post #COVID19 vax myocarditis using slides from @CDCgov
It’s worth discussing and studying! From mechanism of Spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 to potential adverse effects post vax.
Twitter labels it as misleading based on what reason?
Quote Tweet
Tracy Høeg, MD, PhD
· Jun 10
Post-vax myocarditis was clearly above baseline at the end of May. As previously discussed, we are standing on shaky ground if we say the risk to otherwise healthy kids from Covid-19 is higher than it is from the vaccine.
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Dr. Li-Meng YAN
Great question about #COVIDVaccines
with scientific reply from Dr @drcraigwax
Quote Tweet
Craig M. Wax D.O.
· Jun 16
Replying to @DrHirschfield @MartyMakary and 9 others
Great question @DrHirschfield. No one is quite sure how much spike proteins your ribosomes will produce or for how long when exposed to foreign mRNA or DNA in the VAXXS. Some say 2 to 28 days but longer as possible. No standardization.
Chinese paying attention to anti-CCP
Dr. Li-Meng Yan in fear for her life from Chinese gov’t, through her husband
MTG asked about Gain of Function then attacked by media to make it racial
Part 3 of Lawrence Sellin
HUGE warning from Liz Wheeler. We will be WORSE THAN CANADA if this thing passes the Senate!
Let’s see IF Republicans can stand up for The Constitution.
I not, then the People will have to do it.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on today’s ruling by the Supreme Court on a seminal religious liberty case:
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that Catholic foster care agencies can reject gay couples from adopting children. This is a huge victory for religious liberty and a resounding defeat for LGBTQ activists.
This explains why the Dems are pushing their anti-religion LGBTXXXPEDO bill!
Others are going after the Buffalo Jump!!!
Matthew Bracken
It’s awesome! I gave him a bunch of tips in the comments!
Hope you shared links to your epic posts on the topic!
I did, but bear in mind those are more for “internal consumption” here. I doubt he’ll find anything to be epic – BUT he may find some of the facts and speculations very useful.
Hopefully he works w/ an open mind to follow leads from multiple sources
Maersk Warns South China Port Congestion ‘More Significant Disruption’ Than Suez Canal Closure
Tyler Durden’s Photo
WEDNESDAY, JUN 16, 2021 – 07:20 PM
We previewed last week to readers that port congestion wasn’t just observed across US West Coast ports, such as Los Angeles/Long Beach, but also severe congestion was developing in southern China. At the time, we called it a “perfect storm” ahead of the peak shipping season.
Now the world’s largest container line, Maersk, calls the port congestion at Yantian International Container Terminal, a deepwater port in Shenzhen, Guangdong, in southern China, a much more significant disruption to its operations than the shutdown of the Suez Canal in March.
Ditlev Blicher, Maersk Asia Pacific Managing Director, was quoted by Seatrade Maritime, who said Yantian port is operating at a 40% capacity, and “We’re expecting that to continue for the next month with significant delays for vessels to be able to berth.”
A recent surge in COVID-19 infections in the port area and prevention and restriction measures put in place by local authorities is the primary reason for the lack of capacity at the port.
. . . This has caused a massive traffic jam of container ships in the region, resulting in an unprecedented supply chain impact and another shipping crisis as delays mount, threatening to drive up costs again.

. . . Guangdong accounts for about a quarter of China’s total exports. It’s home to Shenzhen port and Guangzhou port, some of the largest in the world.
Combined with the congestion challenges on the US West Coast, the latest round of congestion in southern China is a significant warning for US businesses and consumers that another round of delays, shortages, and soaring shipping costs is ahead.
Port Of LA Becomes First Ever In Western Hemisphere To Handle 1+ Million Containers In One Month
Tyler Durden’s Photo
THURSDAY, JUN 17, 2021 – 10:35 AM
The Port of Los Angeles announced Tuesday that it had earned the distinction as the first port in the Western Hemisphere to handle more than 1 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) in a single month.
May was the busiest month in the 114-year history of the United States’ busiest port. The Port of LA moved a total of 1,012,248 TEUs, up 74% from May 2020, when COVID-19 had stalled global trade.

The Port of Long Beach and South Carolina Ports Authority last week also reported record Mays. And the Georgia Ports Authority announced it had had 10 consecutive months of growth and turned in its second-busiest month ever.
One “most” figure that sticks out in the Port of LA’s May numbers: “Empty containers climbed to 366,448 TEUs, a jump of 114% compared to last year due to the heavy demand in Asia. It was the most empties ever processed in a month at the port,” Tuesday’s announcement said.
At the neighboring Port of Long Beach, the volume of empty containers in May was up 80.7% year-over-year to 327,135 TEUs.
The Port of LA also handled the most imports ever in a single month in May. Loaded imports, up 75% year-over-year, totaled 535,714 TEUs, surpassing the August 2020 record of 516,286 TEUs. May loaded exports, which have been running flat, were up 5.3% year-over-year to 109,886 TEUs.
“But our trade gap has widened now to 4.9-to-1. That’s the widest import-to-export gap that we have seen in our time,” Port of LA Executive Director Gene Seroka said in a recorded statement.
Seroka said this week’s announcement comes on the heels of a celebration last week marking the handling of the record-setting 10 millionth container in a 12-month period. The port’s fiscal year ends June 30.
For the first five months of the calendar year, overall cargo volume totaled 4,451,445 TEUs, an increase of 48.2% compared to the same period in 2020.
Are these ports Clinton “gave” (sold via election fraud funding?) to China so they could import whatever & bypass our customs & inspections?
Wonder how many of those containers have people in them, either coming or going…..
No doubt!
Or military tanks and equipment. They could move a whole army in here in them. They own airports inland and have since the 1990’s.
Shudder…string up those traitorous Clintonistas!
That’s what they get for not using berth control…
(Ducks and runs from flying containers, ships, and large fake waves and “weather” with “CCP” printed on the side
IIRC, Chinee reactor leaked in that area of ChinaLand.
Perhaps we’ll get another FF event in the container shipping business.
If that dam pops, it might wash it all clean…
No CCP tickee needed…
Someone was talking about lack of Sherwin Williams house paint in NJ? and they blamed it on the Feb Texas freeze. Found out from insider that it may be possible, IF that’s where it was manufactured. However, anything coming from overseas has other restrictions. All products that come by ship to the US are offloaded and MUST sit in a nearby warehouse/lot for 30 days before it can be touched – WuFLu restrictions. After 30 days, then the normal distribution process can begin. Get this, if they need something ASAP, they can charter a plane for hundred of thousands of $$ and the product comes right in, no WuFlu inspection or wait necessary. INSANE!!
My daughter worked for Sherwin Williams in Chicago where they made car paint. She was the physical – chemist. That was before a Swiss company in CT offered her such high pay and benefits she could not refuse
Hillary’s bank is divesting
HSBC to announce sale of French retail banking operations on Friday – sources
By Gwénaëlle Barzic
PARIS (Reuters) – HSBC is set to announce the sale of its retail banking operations in France to private equity group Cerberus on Friday, three sources familiar with the matter said, after struggling to offload a business that will need restructuring.
The bank had entered final negotiations with Cerberus several months ago, as part of its efforts to slash costs across the group.
A spokesperson for HSBC confirmed that a meeting was scheduled with labour unions on Friday to discuss retail banking operations, but declined to comment further. Cerberus declined to comment.
Two of the sources said HSBC was also due to hold a board meeting related to the deal on Friday.
Bidders who had circled the business had wanted it to be fully recapitalised and for HSBC to put money into it, sources had previously told Reuters.
HSBC is expected to put around 1 billion euros ($1.2 billion) into the business as part of the deal with Cerberus, according to a fourth source close to the matter, echoing reports in French media of an injection of up to 1.5 billion euros.
HSBC’s French retail business has 230 branches and employs some 3,900 staff. Lazard is advising on the sale.
($1 = 0.8409 euros)
Cerberus is the 3 headed dog guarding the Gates of Hell, iirc…symbolism=undoing!
I was just thinking that…
Bane and Hera come to mind, too…
Interesting tidbit from
Bident, tool of Hades… figures…
“Bident, tool of Hades… figures…”
Great catch!
I believe that Jesus took back the Keys to that kingdom (death, hell, & the grave) of the underworld when he descended to Sheol/Hades to preach to the captives, prior to his Resurrection.
For no legit reason “Cap of Invisibility” made me think of the Cone of Silence!
Missed it by …that… much
Bank of
The dollar has been tanking against the (t)Euro, making things rough for us ex-pats.
Thanks a heap, Bye, Done……. not….
Bunni Pounds and Christians Engaged in the IRS crosshairs for TOO MUCH WINNING
Biden IRS Declares Christian Activism Too Political For Non-Profit Status
JUNE 17, 2021 By Tristan Justice
Six months in, President Joe Biden has made good on his pledge to be a more aggressive third-term continuum of President Barack Obama, and that includes the weaponization of the administrative state to crack down on political dissidents.
On Thursday, Biden’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) denied a Texas Christian group’s application for non-profit certification this week claiming its educating on Christian values is political.
“You do not qualify as an organization described in IRS Section 501(c)(3),” wrote IRS Office of Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Director Stephen Martin in a letter dated May 18 to the group Christians Engaged, accusing the Garland-based group of “political campaign intervention.”
That illegal intervention, Martin explained, is the group working to “instruct individuals on issues that are prominent in political campaigns and instruct them in what the Bible says about the issue and how they should vote.”
“These issues include the sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, and biblical justice. These issues generally distinguish candidates and are associated with political party platforms.”
Certified non-profit groups encourage their members to vote in accordance with their values all the time. One would be hard-pressed to find a culturally-engaged 501(c)(3) listed entity not. What they can’t do is endorse specific political actions or candidates. But according to the IRS under Biden, merely advocating for biblical values in government is an infringement on non-profit bans against overt political activism.
The ruling sparks flashbacks to the Obama-Biden IRS targeting of conservative groups with undue certainty at the direction of Lois Lerner in 2013, who at the time oversaw the agency’s Exemptions Organizations unit. The intense scrutiny selectively applied to right-leaning organizations led to multiple federal investigations and congressional inquiries, but only marked the first time an administration with Biden at the top would use the bureaucratic state to come down on political adversaries.
. . . MORE . . .
Yup. This is the LEFT. They look the other way on leftists doing non-party political stuff, but will go after it on the right.
Bunni Points and Christians Engaged is a good group. Did some training with them back in September and have a couple of her short booklets.
He just named what distinguishes a CHRISTIAN, NOT a political party.
Typical DEMONRAT (and, by definition/extension, Satanist). Turning the Bible upside-down to suit his needs… It’s said the Devil knows the Bible chapter for chapter, word for word. NOT to worship or obey, but to find “an out”, an escape, an excuse. So are the DEMONRATS as well…..
QUESTION: Was Lois Lerner ever held accountable for her biased leadership at the IRS?
That was what I thought. This brings to mind a second question, admittedly more theological in nature.
QUESTION: Would a bureaucrat be happy in heaven?
Nope. Lois Lerner was rewarded with a lucrative retirement package for a job well done screwing over conservatives.
DeSantis Announces Plan to Send Florida Law Enforcement to Help Enforce Texas, Arizona Borders
By Rudy Takala Jun 17th, 2021, 2:55 pm
Florida law enforcement agencies will be working to assist with border security efforts in Texas and Arizona, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced at a press conference in Tallahassee.
“They wanted support so that they could do what the federal government is either unwilling or unable to do,” DeSantis announced at a press conference where he was surrounded by law enforcement officials.
DeSantis said the initiative would involve several agencies that volunteered — including the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the state Highway Patrol, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and nine county sheriff’s offices.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) sent a letter to state governors last week requesting “additional manpower” from “any state that can spare it” to deal with a surge of illegal migrants at the border, which have reached a 15-year high.
“The state of Florida is answering the call,” DeSantis said. “We believe securing the southern border is important for our country, but specifically, we believe it will benefit the people of Florida to get this under control.”
Watch above via the Florida Governor’s Office.
Climate Activists Get So Woke They Cancel Themselves
Spencer BrownSpencer Brown| @itsspencerbrown|Posted: Jun 17, 2021 11:45 AM
A group of student climate activists is disbanding this week after arriving at the conclusion that they are too racist to continue carrying out their mission.
School Strike 4 Climate Auckland (SS4C AKL)—a New Zealand chapter affiliated with Greta Thunberg’s climate justice movement among students—decided its disbandment was “well overdue” after getting what was apparently a very convincing woke education on how BIPOC—Black, Indigenous, and People of Color—communities are “disproportionally affected by climate change.”
Michgan’s Witchmer (half-Wit-mer) announced the end to mask restrictions next week & 100% opening of all businesses, indoors & out. Nice of the overlords to “benevolently” dispense (with) our God-given Freedoms! Michigan is opening up fully next week. No mask mandates for the “unvaccinated” either…
Queen Gretched the Witless…
Doesnt want a recall. Newsom left a ton of restrictions. I went to target (have to sometimes) and a good 85% of customers were masked.
We’re Slowly getting more unmasked in society, depends where you go…Sheeple have Zero Clues about Any of it!!!
In Historic, Bipartisan Move, House Votes To Repeal 2002 Iraq War Powers Resolution
Updated June 17, 202111:34 AM ET
I suspect this is a good thing, as we move away from “endless war” thinking.
Amazing what rats can accomplish when they’re jumping ship and trying to survive.
Is it 5 o’clock yet?
Plumbing situation ended in a stack diversion. The clog was unreachable, and the guys doing the bypass unplugged the router to use their saws, etc.
At least that was a success. There were other things…not so much.
WOW. Sorry to hear that you’ve got plumbing issues!
66 year old house built by idiots. The stack finally clogged in a place that couldn’t be snaked. So, we have a diversion into the big one. Kitchen and bathrooms all on the same one now.
And here I thought a stack overflow was just a problem for operating system developers/debuggers/dumpreaders.
Glad you got it sorted. Stack issues can cause all manner of hurt, especially for the folks in the lower part of the house. Over here, it seems like the concept of “back venting” is either thought unnecessary or downright unknown. So, drains a ways away from the stack are dodgy, at best…
(Did you check to see you didn’t have a DemocRAT stuck in it ?
No Democrats, Just grease and other gunk.
What’s next?
They need to get on Lindell’s site right away!!! =
I just purchased from Swansons and Life Extensions still has it.
Wally World has a nice selection of NAC online.
Vitacost, Iherb, AllStarHealth
Puritan’s Pride sold out.
I also checked the price for the Noromectin (Ivermectin, injectable 1% sterile solution) on Amazon and it has gone up in price to $94.99.
Dumb dumb dumb.
Please leftists, keep up the bad optics, showing people who you are.
Parents OUTRAGED After New Hampshire School Numbers Unvaccinated Students With Sharpie To Track Them

And people didn’t believe me about BIDENAZIS.
If even ONE of these students is Jewish, there should be a lawsuit to end all lawsuits. My God, what is happening in America?
I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.
They are going to push until they encounter resistance / blowback.
And then they will push harder.
Why wouldn’t they, when the majority of the population likes to have sand kicked in their face?
Why would they ever stop, when it’s working so well for them, until people get angry enough to stop them?
We just had a kerfuffle here in my little town and people pushed back, hard.
Two high school students wanted to paint the “rainbow flag” on a crosswalk. There were two city council meetings for comment, and a whole bunch of emails. I read all the emails; it was about 8-1 opposed.
My argument was that a crosswalk is for one purpose, for people to safely cross the street. That’s why there are standards, so drivers from anywhere recognize a crosswalk. Also, it is distracting and shouldn’t be.
A local hardware business went all-in in favor, offering to donate the paint. After the uproar started, they backed off of it fast.
After the second night of public comment, the proposal was defeated! DUH, I say. It’s against state and national code. But you know how it is with the left. They don’t care. But common sense prevailed when people stood up. It worked.
Great work!
The more examples like this one, the better

We just had a kerfuffle here in my little town and people pushed back, hard.
Two high school students wanted to paint the “rainbow flag” on a crosswalk. There were two city council meetings for comment, and a whole bunch of emails. I read all the emails; it was about 8-1 opposed.
My argument was that a crosswalk is for one purpose, for people to safely cross the street. That’s why there are standards, so drivers from anywhere recognize a crosswalk. Also, it is distracting and shouldn’t be.
A local hardware business went all-in in favor, offering to donate the paint. After the uproar started, they backed off of it fast.
After the second night of public comment, the proposal was defeated! DUH, I say. It’s against state and national code. But you know how it is with the left. They don’t care. But common sense prevailed when people stood up. It worked.
Parents should sue regardless.
This is the insanity that socialism causes and promotes. It’s that simple. Bogus rules that people obey as virtue signals. It’s NUTTY. And people do crazy things, and justify it with the crazy rules.
No independent thought.
I have determined that anyone who identifies as liberal cannot think their way out of a paper bag.
They only operate on their “feelings,” which is why they are so dangerous.
New Hampshire has a Republican governor, but this appears to be a local issue.
Nonetheless, it is heinous.
Schools are extremely local in America, but the Democrats (and this started under Jimmy Carter for the most part) have always pushed to federalize education, against the wishes of all the parents who realize that they will lose control, which they can never get back, with federalization of schooling.
Bill Ayers was in education for a reason.
Bill Ayers — ugh, yes, I agree.
Too bad that Trump didn’t have time to do away with the Department of Education.
They KNEW he could not stay in for a second term, or that commie foothold would be LOST.
Sadly, you are correct.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey plead guilty to misdemeanors
“Any time the mob approaches me, I’ll do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because that’s what kept them from destroying my house and my family,” the Senate candidate said.
Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the husband and wife who pointed firearms at demonstrators who marched by their home last year, pleaded guilty on Thursday to misdemeanor charges and consented to give up the guns they used during the episode.
The Associated Press reported that Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000, while her spouse, who last month announced a U.S. Senate bid, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750.
During the hearing when the judge inquired whether Mark McCloskey recognized that his behavior placed people at risk of personal injury, McCloskey said, “I sure did your honor.”
McCloskey stands by his actions: “I’d do it again,” the candidate said from the courthouse steps following the hearing, according to the AP. “Any time the mob approaches me, I’ll do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because that’s what kept them from destroying my house and my family.”
Gave up their guns, eh?
Wanna know why this person is not fit to be a GOP senator???
This man was a well known democrat supporter and lawyer, who supposedly now is a Republican and wants to be elected as a GOP senator…but gave up his guns instead of fighting his case (all the way to SCOTUS if needed), and has the $$ to do so, too!
PLEASE, dear Lord, don’t let GOP voters be fooled by this douchebag.
At the very least they should explain why they gave up the guns.
It’s not even difficult.
It almost had to be part of the plea deal, so it should be a simple thing for an attorney to come up with a realistic estimate of how much it would have cost to fight it.
Suppose it was $50K to fight it at the state level, and another $50K to take it to the (not)Supreme Court.
For two guns.
So it could cost them up to $100K (or more) to get two guns back.
Or they could spend $10K to buy ten AR15s (or five really nice ones), keep two to replace the two guns they lost, and hold a national online auction for the remaining 8 AR15s, and donate the proceeds to a 2nd Amendment group or a charity.
1) Replace the lost guns
2) Raise national awareness
3) Get 8 more guns into the hands of the People
4) Support the 2nd Amendment or a charity
5) Save about $90,000
6) Win the narrative war by roughly infinity
7) Make the sleazy Leftist prosecutor wish he had just given back the two guns, to avoid being slaughtered by the response outlined above
Much better in every way, than allowing the enemy to control the narrative and state that they ‘gave up their guns’.
Always make the enemy pay for their hostile acts.
Punish them, by making it cost them a lot more than they would ever expect.
The FBI’s Mafia-Style Justice: To Fight Crime, the FBI Sponsors 15 Crimes a Day
By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead
June 17, 2021
Almost every tyranny being perpetrated by the U.S. government against the citizenry—purportedly to keep us safe and the nation secure—has come about as a result of some threat manufactured in one way or another by our own government.
Think about it.
Cyberwarfare. Terrorism. Bio-chemical attacks. The nuclear arms race. Surveillance. The drug wars. Domestic extremism. The COVID-19 pandemic.
In almost every instance, the U.S. government (often spearheaded by the FBI) has in its typical Machiavellian fashion sown the seeds of terror domestically and internationally in order to expand its own totalitarian powers.
Dora, This project is just one more way for heretics and false teachers to be sifted out of the true church.
No one having a relationship w Jesus will fall for this doo-doo; its wishful thinking on the part of the Enemy.
Those in the know won’t fall for it, but it could be instrumental in leading many into heretical beliefs. A friendly “educational” center where all are welcome, vs. churches that exclude other religions, would appeal to many. Then they don’t have to confront the difficult truths of Christianity.
“A friendly “educational” center where all are welcome, vs. churches that exclude other religions, would appeal to many. Then they don’t have to confront the difficult truths of Christianity.”
Better to have a congregation of just 1 or 2 people who seek the truth, than a congregation of hundreds (or thousands) who are there for the wrong reasons.
People who seek something else besides the truth have a multitude of choices.
Teach the truth according to God’s Word, and people who seek the truth will find you.

This isn’t the only one, and I doubt it’s the headquarters. There’s one in Berlin, another in Israel, and some others being built.
It’s supposedly a build-up for their One-World Religion, but it’s going very, very slowly (the one in Berlin has been struggling along for decades to get built – sometimes those idiotic zoning laws actually are useful).
Of more concern, spiritually, is they’re trying to rebuild The Temple (Solomon’s) in Israel. And restart the sacrifices.
But this isn’t the only O-W-R church, nor the chief one…
Speaking of sacrifices, the search for perfect Red Heifers goes on. From Arutz Sheva:
Christ before mohamad?
The muzzies will have visions of mass murder dancing in their heads, just at the thought of it.
Should take less than 10 seconds to implode this movement

Gohmert Floats 1/6 Conspiracy Theory on House Floor: ‘We Really Need To Know What The FBI Knew And When They Knew It’
By Michael LucianoJun 17th, 2021, 4:45 pm
During a floor speech on Thursday, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) became the latest conservative to suggest the FBI may have been involved in perpetrating the January 6th Capitol insurrection. The theory appears to have originated in the fringe website Revolver, after which it was amplified Tuesday on Fox News by Tucker Carlson, who claimed “FBI operatives” were involving in storming the Capitol.
Speaking on the House floor, Gohmert, who voted against forming a January 6 commission to investigate the incident, said that “we really need to know what the FBI knew” about January 6. For good measure, Gohmert also suggested the FBI was involved in the plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI).
The FBI became “involved” in the Whitmer case when agents learned of social media chatter about a possible overthrow of the state’s government. Subsequently, it infiltrated a militia group using confidential informants, which is a common law enforcement practice.
Carlson, who helped proliferate the theory that the FBI was involved in the Capitol riot, said on Tuesday, “Some of the key people who participated on January 6th have not been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls those people unindicted co-conspirators. What does that mean? Well, it means that in potentially every single case, they were FBI operatives.”
. . .
HA! When they have to call revolver “fringe”, they’re in trouble!!!
From Chiefio.
Needed: An “Employer Back Off” Strategy
Posted on 17 June 2021 by E.M.Smith
I’ve heard from a friend that Adobe is issuing an edict to all employees:
~”Get vaccinated or lose your job”.
Since when does an employer get to make personal medical decisions for you and demand that you take an Experimental Gene Therapy that is NOT APPROVED by the FDA? (An “emergency use authorization” is NOT a drug approval.)
Seems to me that a blanket “Everyone get the shot” is “Practicing Medicine Without A Licence”.
Then demanding proof of vaccination is “invasion of privacy”.
Then I’ve just got to ask: Is an Employer “HIPPA Compliant”?
The situation will change dramatically when the FDA “fully approves” any one or more of the three “vaccines” currently under EUA. Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J have all submitted applications for “full approval” — even though ALL of the “vaccines” are actually STILL in clinical trials until 2022 or 2023.
FDA “full approval” of any of the current “vaccines” will result in denial of service; denial of medical care; termination from employment; termination of school attendance, and more, for the “vax resisters”: and programs for forced vaccination of certain groups of people (nursing home residents, all military, and so forth).
Doctors who oppose giving the “vaccines” now will be pressured to start giving them once the FDA gives “full approval”. Doctors who continue to object or resist will be threatened with losing their license to practice medicine.
It is possible that “exemptions” can be granted, on a case-by-case basis, for documented medical or religious reasons. “It’s my body, it’s my choice” will not be permitted.
In addition, Pfizer, in September or this year, will submit and EUA request for its “vaccine” to be used on children ages 2 – 11.
May 4, 2021
“Pfizer plans to request COVID-19 EUA for ages 2-11 in September”
By the way, the FDA (Dr. Janet Woodcock, Acting Director, the same person who “fully approved” the use of ADUHELM, without sufficient clinical trials and over the rejection of the Review Committee who saw the data) — knows that the current EUA “vaccines” are ALL fatally flawed. And the FDA doesn’t care. Neither does the CDC.
Yup. They may approve one or more vaccines. I’ll still not get an injection.
Looking forward to when the People push back.
Exactly. This is a hill worth not dying one.
…the situation will change dramatically when the national public narrative shifts (once again) from “leaked from a lab”….as it did from “occurred naturally”….to “was intentionally spread from a bio-weapons lab in China by the communist chinese regime in order to directly affect and influence a foreign national election”…
…which was and is an act of war that resulted in the deaths of millions globally.
The purposes, of course, were many, but mainly these:
1 – Artificially crash the US economy ahead of the US presidential election, there y creating the perception it was possible for the democrat nominee to beat Trump, when NO ONE would have believed it had the economy in Nov. ‘20 been equal to or even better than the economy in Nov. ‘19…
2 – At the same time, provide a massive distraction which allowed the corporate media, hostile to the Trump admin, to deflect any and all attention away from the blatant and closely coordinated national vote fraud (ie. electoral coup) which was perpetrated by the democrat party.
“FDA “full approval” of any of the current “vaccines” will result in denial of service; denial of medical care; termination from employment; termination of school attendance, and more, for the “vax resisters”: and programs for forced vaccination of certain groups of people (nursing home residents, all military, and so forth).”
Power in numbers.
If even 10% of the population (33 million) refuses to submit, it will be too disruptive to effectively enforce.
If 20% refuse to submit, it will be even worse for the government.
And if 30% refuse to submit, it will be a blow out victory for the People.
I think there are a lot more than 30% of the population who will give the finger to the Communists and criminals running the illegitimate and lawless government, and never take the Jonestown Juice.
“It’s my body, it’s my choice” will not be permitted.
Then they can piss off, because no one has the authority to force us to do anything, and I’m not asking anyone for their permission to do anything.
Why would I?
Why would anyone?
“Since when does an employer get to make personal medical decisions for you and demand that you take an Experimental Gene Therapy that is NOT APPROVED by the FDA? (An “emergency use authorization” is NOT a drug approval.)”
Since never, but I would not make the argument that way, because it is a ‘conditional’ argument, and if the enemy meets the ‘condition’, your objection is defeated.
The argument as posed is that the vaxx is not approved by the FDA, so rejecting the vaxx on that ground is effectively like making a conditional offer, i.e., “I would take the vaxx IF it was approved by the FDA”.
If the FDA does approve it at some point, then the objection is removed, the condition is met, and you have to either take the vaxx or come up with a new objection, which will look like you’re just fishing for excuses not to take it, instead of standing on principle.
I would argue that no one — not the government, no employer and nobody else — has the right or the power or the authority to require anyone to inject anything into someone’s body against their will, period.
There is no ‘condition’ that the enemy could potentially meet to ‘satisfy’ that objection.
Well, there’s execution by lethal injection, which would be authorized by court order.
Though I’ve long found the process barbaric — nitrogen asphyxiation is so much cleaner and humane.
We The People NEWS Published June 17, 2021
I have not been able to keep up with what is disinformation (as covered in some of Wolf’s posts). Does Dr. Judy Mikovits still say that pine needle tea is a “cure” and recommend it for those exposed to the vaccinated?
It is complicated, Truths – but, there appears to be some concern about the vaccinated ‘shedding’ – not sure what Dr. Mikovits recommends so cannot say for sure. There are pros/cons about using pine needle tea as a remedy, too.
Sorry I am not much help – this needs to be answered by Wolf – he is the in-house expert, Truths.
She never said it – that was the problem. Disinformation was that she said it. She did not. Shikimic acid and vitamin C are the big ticket items in pine needle tea. Suramin is a synthetic drug. Suramin appears to be active against COVID, but presumably that’s against replication, and could be against mRNA translation, but not sure about that. That would be a drug like HCQ.
Bottom line is that we need drugs which treat the mRNA vaccines.
New Schlichter.
More new-ish Schlichter (TownHall VIP, may be difficult for some to read).
Can’t read unless a member, a little pricy, only $49/yr
Or, you could try using an intentionally crippled browser….
So, the temperature here at noon was 90 degrees; at 1, 95 degrees; and a hundred degrees by 3:00. And it’s not supposed to cool off until Monday.
And the little plastic button for my brake light switch is now in place.
I heard the weather news and zippied over to the service bay of our local gas station and gave the guy $50 to do it.
Hmmm. Is this cover for what the vaccine is going to do to people?
Covid-19 leads to brain changes & Alzheimer’s-like dementia, new AI-powered study finds
h/t kyblue
Guess it wasn’t that much of an emergency to *them*, whoever they are.
^^^ CDC, NIH and like fed asshoes. ^^^
They know better than to inject their children with the Covid injections.
Peasants are still waking up.
General McInerney
The FBI knew in advance the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) and were tipped off by the local sheriff. 53 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Las Vegas shooter (Stephen Paddock). 60 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the San Bernardino Terrorists (Tashfeen Malik). 14 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Sandy Hook shooter (Adam Lanza). 26 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. 3 dead, hundreds injured.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). 17 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan). 13 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of the Boulder Colorado shooter (Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa). 10 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance the Garland, Texas, shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi). 1 dead.
• The FBI knew in advance of 9/11 that terrorists were training in US flight schools and had plans to fly planes into buildings. 2,977 dead.
• The FBI suppressed a massive amount of evidence concerning McVeigh’s accomplices of the Oklahoma bombing. 168 dead.
• The FBI entrapped General Flynn.
• The FBI knew in advance and facilitated 1/6.
• The FBI is a terrorist organization weaponized against it’s own countrymen.
(Yes, I know this is probably not the real General, but whoever he is, he makes some good points).
Wasn’t there also the Pamella Gellar situation where the FBI source actually traveled with the terrorists and got out of the car just minutes before the terrorists attempted kill her at her “Draw the Prophet” event at the Curtis Culwell Center, in Garland Tx, but for her security and police who engaged and killed both hit men? Seems that one should be on this list.
Yes, I’d forgotten about that one. In reality, there are probably hundreds more. If this goes all the way back to the OKC bombing, then it probably goes back even further than that. The FBI needs to die. (And no, internet censors, I’m not talking literally about people dying, I’m talking about the institution).
I’m pretty much thinking it’s impossible to save now.
From this AM….
Guess what famous place in the northern hemisphere this is a picture of?

The answer is…… Yellowstone Park in northwest WY!
(Note: picture taken from the NE looking south/southwest at 37,000’)

Congrats to cthulhu, who came in with the best guess of Jackson Hole. Almost nailed it!
Was that on the Saskatoon to Salt Lake City run?
I hate to say it, but I expect more incidents like this.
BREAKING: One Dead, 12 Injured After Gunman Goes on Shooting Spree in Phoenix – Suspect Arrested
How about this: “Unless proven otherwise, the shooting appeared to be a DeepState False Flag operation, designed to distract from the 2020 elections vote auditing process currently going on in Arizona.”
Guys like Gillum might as well LEAVE.
Gillum’s statement:
“This has been a wake-up call for me,” the married father of three said in a written statement. “Since my race for governor ended, I fell into a depression that has led to alcohol abuse. I witnessed my father suffer from alcoholism and I know the damaging effects it can have when untreated. I also know that alcoholism is often a symptom of deeper struggles.“
“Deeper struggles”, like an appetite for picking up male strangers, loading them up with meth in a hotel room, and boinking them?
China sure knows how to pick leaders for America!
MTG just introduced Bill to disband the ATF!!

Now do the FIB!
That is one body that should REMAIN a secret!
Iranian ships once believed to be headed toward Venezuela change course, U.S. officials say | Daily Mail Online
Iranian warships transporting arms to Venezuela CHANGE COURSE and head up the west coast of Africa amid threats from US to take ‘appropriate action’ if they entered the Caribbean
OMG….read this thread…FIB at Jan 5th…let’s also assume the pipe bombs were them too
Who is Ray Epps….
January 11, 2021…..
FIB plot’s falling apart.
FIB is in a pincer. AUDIT on one side, FAKE INSURRECTION on the other.
Yes! Canadian Federal MPP Derek Sloan speaks out in Parliament about the government shut down of doctors and scientists’ concerns about Corvid-19 vaccines.
Doctors speak out
Thanks GC for little bits of hope for my son & his Canadian girlfriend. God Bless!!!
Creating the crisis
From same twitter~
Apparently I need to go get some pictures for reference. When I read that CNN headline, I thought “that must be down south somewhere, because there’s no way it’s up here with the amount of water flowing right now.” Nope. Oroville.
I have looked at hydro plants in CA. All of the dams that are used, the #1 priority is drinking water supply. Power generation is always secondary. So they only run generators based on the amount of water they can flow down stream. The biggest challenge is anticipating rain fall, and snow melt. Got to drain enough to keep the reservoir levels from over flowing.
2nd type is run of the river. No dam, just water diverted from a river, into a turbine, then back into the river. Typically only run Nov thru April depending on rain fall, snow melt. Hydro, wind, solar are unreliable. You need base load power such as nuke or fossil fuel. Then augment with green power.
It is a rare year CA has an excess runoff that will flow over the top.
Green power? Recipe for failure.
I think it was 1998 when I was at a plant where all units were wide open and the spill way was flowing. An awesome Kodak moment. But yes, rare to get excess water in a drought prone State.
Yep. Water shortages are their next tool.
Here in Germany we’re finally headed into summer with the second coldest and often wettest spring we’ve had in more than 100 years, yet the gubmint is saying we’re in a drought…
The only drought we have is a drought of honesty and competence in Berlin, Brussels and other centers of government…..
Have we heard from PG recently?
Not since he dashed in and announced his survival.
Ivory seeking other truth-telling journalists!
Ivory Hecker
I’m hearing from more newsroom insiders who are sick of corporate leadership pressuring them out of doing real journalism. If you’re an insider thinking of speaking out, know that James O’Keefe and I & millions of Americans have your back. Send me an email:
Georgia being exposed
Jack Lombardi for Congress IL-16 R
11h HUGE! WE CAUGHT THEM! Conspiracy Revealed — 3rd Suspect in GA “Suitcase Scandal” is Also the Same Man Who Spoke to Reporters on Water Main Break
seen elsewhere…hmmm

Bye-Done tells Ruskies & Chi-Coms where to hit us first!
Ron Coleman
Is this a parody
Quote Tweet
Jennifer Jacobs
· Jun 16
Biden says he gave Putin a list of 16 things that are off limits for cyber attacks on critical infrastructure.
I believe the words “cut it out” were also used
Michigan forensic audit incoming?
Matthew S. DePerno, Esq.
Love this, thanks to all the volunteers today who took over 7,000 affidavits to the Michigan legislature to demand a forensic audit. Arizona results are just around the corner.
Quote Tweet
· 7h
We want to see the forensic audit!! @mdeperno @JocelynBenson @dananessel @GovWhitmer @JosephJFlynn1 @DonaldJTrumpJr
I couldn’t agree more strongly w/ this!
Replying to @mdeperno
Thank you! Everyone that lives here knows that Michigan was stolen from Trump, John James and the people
I Really hope this is true…
Replying to @mdeperno
Did I read correctly that the Michigan constitution requires the audit be performed? What kind of audit?
Ronda Gerhart
Full Forensic Audit like AZ
fun gif
more on MI

Replying to @mdeperno
and @CrystalBlueRed
Quote Tweet
Rasmussen Reports
· May 8
2020 Election Integrity: Michigan – Court Supervised Forensic Audit.
What is a 4G modem used for in U.S. voting equipment?
The Big Lie #BigLie ???…
Telit… great name for a WiFi card.
Telit to the judge!!!
(from Officer Krupke, but it fits)…
Nice! Loved West Side Story! When it was put on by my HS back in the day the guys had to do an encore of the Officer Krupke song for it brought the house down
Just the facts, ma’am…
Tayler Hansen
The U.S. Capitol has extensive security protocols.
There are 3 sets of magnetic locking doors, when you unlock one it must lock behind you to open the next door.
This means someone purposely de-activated security measures that should have been in place on January 6th.
FIB and Mafia Nan and Shanghai Mitch and Party-Boy Pence were ALL counting on the MEDIA taking out Trump before the TRUTH would ever come out.
No doubt–traitors!
A tool for the warchest?
Ronda Gerhart
DaveCaresForYou, CannCon, NickMosdeder, Behizy, MarcusDee, LizHarris, GailGolec, JoshBarnett, OutOfTheDarkness are all helping people learn about the Constitution and how to use affidavits/notices to take back the power from the govt.
Swing State News!