Dear KAG: 20210629 Open Thread

Cover image: Passing Storm over the Sierra Nevadas by Albert Bierstadt, San Antonio Museum of Art

Okay, another week in the books. Another week of waiting for the world to right itself. Let’s see what’s in the collection today:

It really seems that this is the start of momentum building.

Hopefully, maybe building to this:

Of course, less than twenty state capitols are the largest cities in those states (and one of them is Massachusetts), but still, big marches would not be out of place.

The question of how long has this whole plandemic thing been on the drawing board does need to be asked. I mean, it seems like the Simpsons was foreshadowing, then I saw this:

As for the shots:

I’d take a couple of those, but not these:

In no particular order:

Or just plain old news that there will be no release.

And finally, I thought this only happened at hockey games in the third period after the whole place has had a few.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

Okay, I know Bach was not an American, but seriously, we’ve all but adopted this piece.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, although some of us are beginning to wonder what the threshold for true adulthood is:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


ACTS 12:1-11

1About that time Herod the king laid violent hands upon some who belonged to the church. 2He killed James the brother of John with the sword; 3and when he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. This was during the days of Unleavened Bread. 4And when he had seized him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to guard him, intending after the Passover to bring him out to the people. 5So Peter was kept in prison; but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church. 6The very night when Herod was about to bring him out, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison; 7and behold, an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter on the side and woke him, saying, “Get up quickly.” And the chains fell off his hands. 8And the angel said to him, “Dress yourself and put on your sandals.” And he did so. And he said to him, “Wrap your mantle around you and follow me.” 9And he went out and followed him; he did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. 10When they had passed the first and the second guard, they came to the iron gate leading into the city. It opened to them of its own accord, and they went out and passed on through one street; and immediately the angel left him. 11And Peter came to himself, and said, “Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from the hand of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were expecting.”

The Apostle Peter was arrested and jailed in Jerusalem for preaching about Jesus.  He was placed under guard and shackled with an iron chain.  But the night before his trial, St. Peter was said to have been released from the chain by an angel and led out of the prison right under the nose of the guards.  The  chains that had bound Saint Peter were given to Pope Leo  by Empress Eudoxia (wife of Emperor Valentinian III).


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Oh, and a bonus.

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That cartoon (if it can be termed that)! There is nothing new under the sun. There are only so many ways to gain control over large masses of people, and they use them over and over. We should be learning from history.

I had never heard that Bach piece played by a band. 🎶


Yes, that cartoon was a great find! It needs to be played on the 6 o’clock news over and over and over again until the normies somehow get it through their thick skulls what is really going on!

Deplorable Patriot

A lot of keyboard music has been scored for orchestra. Maybe not the Widor tocatta, but you’d be surprised.

Deplorable Patriot

The cartoon…I watched it again, and wondered if maybe somebody out there didn’t get creative and do a short and just make it look like it was vintage. But, today’s stuff is so much more smooth and lively. IDK, maybe it’s real. Maybe not.


It looks real, DePat. I can remember seeing cartoons just like that in the 50’s when I was a little kid.

Deplorable Patriot

That short, though, is rough like the original Disney cartoons were. Like, from the 1920s and 30s. I’m just wondering if it was done deliberately by someone recently.

Cuppa Covfefe

The style looks a lot like the very early Looney Tunes, e.g. those from their “Golden Collection”.

Then again, “After Effects” and other software can do a lot.

Still, the Simpsons episode was, what, 20 years ago? And pretty much hit the nail on the head… Wonder what the WEF was saying back then. Everyone probably thought it was a “conspiracy theory” or one of Hell-the-BEAST’s “vast right-wing conspiracies”…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that the gas masks were a joke about Olive Oyl’s perfume or some meme like that. It looks a lot like creative editing to me.


This. 100%.

Bloated Bill was the Bush family man inside the WH. He did exactly as he was placed there to do.

Pure scum, and a traitor to both the Constitution as well as his office.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Agreed. Posted this link last night. Glad you reposted today as its an important article that shoudn’t be missed.

“Is it any surprise why President Trump keeps asking “Where’s Durham?”…. while We The People simultaneously accept Durham was meant as nothing more than a duplicitous ploy to quell outrage while advancing a coordinated background effort on behalf of DC interests.”

How many rumors and rumors of rumors calmed us down, entertained us and kept us waiting and watching … and kept too many passive and on the sidelines when we should have been protesting in the streets in support of President Trump and against the fraud and deception we faced by fed gov employees and their helpful media during the Trump Administration?

What more political action would we have done had we known what we know now?

What more should we do know that we do know? How can we become politically active and make a different for MAGA, America First and to support President Trump and his efforts now that we do know “Where is Durham?” is a real concern?


“There are no allies in DC who are not directly connected to the preservation of a corrupt federal government. The concept of three branches of government has collapsed and there are no checks on the authorities of the larger intelligence apparatus. Any non-corrupt entity that walks into the DC system must engage that system with foresight and specific knowledge that every single entity, process and institution encountered will seek their removal at all costs.”

Congressman Green (yes, he makes a big impression on me and no, I don’t agree with everything he says/votes) said several months ago at an event in his district that he often hears about term limits for elected politicians but where so much power resides and where he has frustration is the length of time on the job for federal gov employees. He says that *they* ought to have a limited time in gov and ought to be scheduled for regular, rigorous review. Politicians do have to campaign and take their case to the people where as the fed gov employees do not.

My fil calls a gov job the “iron rice bowl” because of job security. Doesn’t need to be that way.


“Can you see the structure of the set-up in hindsight?

President Trump was lied to about the motives and intents of Bill Barr and what he was doing with the appointment of John Durham as a special prosecutor.

It is very likely President Trump was frustrated by the DOJ information that was given to him directly or indirectly. However, likely despite his own gut instincts, the president granted the benefit of doubt to Bill Barr on that October date.

It would be entirely understandable for President Trump to be exceptionally angry in 2021 about how Machiavellian and manipulative the apparatus of the justice department, the FBI and the aggregate intelligence apparatus are.”

I have often thought that President Trump needs to round table with ordinary men and women supporters or have a kitchen cabinet with some selected ordinary men and women from flyover country. He is surrounded by either yes men or liars. Doesn’t seem to be too many in between those, not too many straightshooters with nothing to gain and dedicated to the USA and freedom


Posted this link last night.

I responded last night.

We The People simultaneously accept Durham was meant as nothing more than a duplicitous ploy to quell outrage while advancing a coordinated background effort on behalf of DC interests.

I “accept” nothing of the sort. There is not enough data at this point for me to make that determination. OT does not speak for me or for many others.

Did Durham’s existence “quell outrage”? Was there a pressing need to “quell outrage”? As if there would have been violence, otherwise? I do not accept that.

There are no allies in DC who are not directly connected to the preservation of a corrupt federal government

There are some good people in DC, just not enough of them, of course. PDJT does have allies who are solidly MAGA.

The last paragraph looks like the beginning of a thinly disguised “blame Trump.” We have no idea with whom he talks except what we’re told, and some of those people have been Mike Lindell and Gen. Flynn. So no, he is not surrounded by only yes-men or liars. 

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Grammyphone. Missing a couple of tubes and some of the Filter Caps in the preamp have gone…


Sundance told us last year that there is no Durham. Remember when he took the trip into the swamp? When he came out he said it all was illusion. I am paraphrasing. I believed him since so much was illusion in DC .


And he really thought that anyone doing anything real would talk to HIM???? Let’s get real. If people are really working on all this behind the scenes, the last person they would talk to is someone like Sundance. They wouldn’t want it blabbed all over the internet. Sundance seems to be under the impression that if he doesn’t know something is happening, then it’s not happening.

Cuppa Covfefe

And yet the fact that he and others are casting shade give room for the “good actors” and white hats to do their business. The distractions and shiny things are needed on both sides, as is disinformation and ruses (ha, Russkies) just as (3²+2³) has said…..

Deplorable Patriot

And he really thought that anyone doing anything real would talk to HIM????

That was my thought. I also wonder if SD isn’t butthurt over being rebuffed last year or whenever it was when he did a bunch of research and was kind of stonewalled by the DoJ. They’ve got their orders from elsewhere.

Plain and simple, we aren’t privy to what’s going on behind the scenes, and whatever is coming isn’t ready to be revealed. I mean, Richard Citizen Journalist, the one called Nancy Drew and Monkey Werx have all been asked NOT to report certain things. So has Michael deLauzon. The rest of us just need to keep calm and not go through all the food in the freezer.





Why is this okay?

Climate Freaks lay siege to Biden White House… Blocking all exits…

A group of freaks, flanked by noteworthy Democrat politicians, protested outside of the White House on Monday, demanding the Biden administration adopt an infrastructure plan that prioritizes climate change and blocking every entrance to the White House as part of their demand for action.


Who, apart from the insane left and their activists in the media, says it’s ok?


No one has said it’s okay. I refer to the general lack of objection to it, including from the White House itself. They can’t label their own constituents as troublemakers like those pesky Trump supporters.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

They label us as “white supremacists,” “insurrectionists,” and “terrorists.”


I don’t think those words mean what they think they mean.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

In addition to all their other crimes, the DEMONRATS are committing word crimes… Reminds me of a whole mess of Inigo Montoya memes:
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. There are real “white supremacists” on Gab – and if you study them closely, they’re like a white version of Black Lives Matter.

Wray and FIB need a CLUE about that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is where Nyquist is quite right about Russia, because I used to catch a lot of online Russians ginning up what is now a self-sustaining community of very resentful whites who show classic Russian racism, which combines antisemitism and white superiority complexes with smart cynicism about communism and disdain for what Russia calls “neoliberalism”.

They are most easily spotted on Zero Hedge.

The Russians did a very beautiful and natural job of seeding that stuff here.

If FIB was smarter and actually neutral in the fight, they would combat “real white supremacists” by removing the KINDLING WOOD of anti-white realities and propaganda that feeds that fire, rather than blowing the oxygen of demonization on it. Which leads me to believe they WANT to gin it up, as a moneymaker for the corrupt establishment when they go guns-ablaze on Trump supporters.

Our best play is to prevent “them” (everybody feeding the fight) from creating a conflagration, either knowingly or unknowingly. That is a very nuanced fight. It can lead to paradoxical tactics like backing Nick Fuentes when he speaks the truth.

REWARD TRUTH. You can always count on that. That’s CORE MOSES.


“>>They are most easily spotted on Zero Hedge.”<<

I’d read that ZH is Bulgaria- (or was it Romania-?) based.

Evil wants conflict, by any means “necessary”.

I’ve seen too many DS-slanted articles on ZH to take away anything substantively worthwhile.

But the ZH comments are becoming more and more “based” – a good sign!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When Russian trolls tell more truth than American Bolsheviks, what does one expect! 😀


ZH was bought by Disney a while back. Just look at the bottom of the page — “Copyright ©2009-2021 Media, LTD”.


It’s a different media company, NOT Disney.

I made the same mistake a while back …


Are you sure? Seems to me that ABC has a heckuva investment in being the one and only ABC.



DDG “ABC Media Ltd” (this company name is listed at the bottom of the ZH main page).



Hmmmm. And not a Bulgarian subsidiary of Disney?

Mind you, I’m not actively researching this because I am haring off on other things. I’m perfectly willing to accept your conclusions provided that the are well-founded. I’m just giving a cursory glimpse at the foundations.


The hypocrisy is stunning.

Deplorable Patriot

None of it is okay, but there is a lot of “ignore it, and it will go away” mentality going around right now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Old leftist tactic for a hidden radical asset (like Biden or Obama) to make their policies more radical.


Sidney Powell

#BREAKING: Court in MN just refused to stay Lindell suit against Dominion, so Dominion has to proceed to defend itself in MN!! Good News for the team on the side of truth! 


Looks like we twinned.  😎 


I don’t know if this is the real general or not, but this is good news:

General McInerney

#BREAKING: Court in MN just refused to stay Lindell suit against Dominion, so Dominion has to proceed to defend itself in MN!! Good News for the team on the side of truth!



Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Sylvia Avery

Linda I’ve read Gen McInerney says he’s not on any social media. But this is very good news.


Yeah, I have, too. But this account does bring some tidbits of news that no one else is posting. So I really don’t care if it’s real or not.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, I have noticed that, too. Did your heat break over night?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And guess who knows EXACTLY what to ask for!

Don’t worry, Dominion is going to SHRED everything. They’re LIARS and CHEATS.

Oh, I wish I was on that jury.


Lack of audit leaks has many people nervous.
The auditors run a tight ship.

Timing is important and the results will be released when last expected and for maximum impact.

I agree. I didn’t think it was a good idea to announce that a report would be coming out today. It needs to be shock, followed by awe.


… and the changing of the loaded diapers resulting from the shock & awe. .


Make no mistake.

The NY AG’s office is sitting on counterfeit indictment(s) against Trump and his companies, the announcement of which will be immediately made to coincide with the results of the audit. There will likely be a multiple shooting, too, or some other horrendous act.

Whatever, we can 100% positive that there will be “LOOK! Squirrel!” ‘news’ designed to 1) give the media cover to 2) talk about anything OTHER than the audit results and suck up all the media oxygen in breathless reporting over anything BUT AZ.

Of course, and relatedly, the entire purpose of the latest Atlantic article featuring Bill Barr was to get out ahead of the Arizona audit election results, reinforce the idea that there was no fraud, use Barr in the same way Mueller was, etc.

I’m not saying what anybody else here doesn’t know already, just reminding everybody what to expect.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah. I’m just sitting tight. Playin’ cards, talking with the troops, waiting.


Deplorable Patriot

It’s true that no news will make the cats jumpy.

I guess. I mean, I don’t know much about cats.

Concerned Virginian

Personal gut feeling:
The DNC and other DemCommunist groups already have the papers drawn up to contest the results of the Arizona Audit. The only blank that needs to be filled in is the date of filing — that will be on the day of the release of the results.
The RNC has already decided not to support the results of the Arizona Audit. They’ve instructed their fellow RINO’s on what to say. The last thing they want is for anything to prove that REALPOTUS 45 Donald Trump not only won the 2020 election, but should have been inaugurated on January 20th of this year.


Yes, it doesn’t look good for the Rs who didn’t support the president and the rule of law.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I keep mentioning FAKE HISTORY.


From GAB…..

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Freedom For All

All lives matter!

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1 repost


Very creative.


Man plans. God moves.


I’ve heard it as “man plans, God laughs.”


Both are valid. I prefer the other construction because it doesn’t mock — it merely affirms the “Thy Will be done” part of the prayer. We have to plan within our knowledge of God’s Will, but we have to act when God’s Will is manifest, regardless of our plans. That doesn’t make our plans unworthy.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen those triplets shirts and rompers for a while now. All children are planned, just not always by their parents.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


[video src="" /]


“….crying like a little bitch….”


But that ain’t nothing to how he will be after being forced to “service” Big Sal(ly) and his gang inside the state pen. Repeatedly. For years.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Freedom For All

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“By their fruits you will know them.”


He puts Abbott to shame.

I hope fellow Texans are watching.


I am equally impressed with the FL legislature. DeSantis couldn’t sign these bills if the state senators and state representatives were proposing them, voting them out of committee, voting for them on the floor and sending them to his desk.

In some ways, multiple state reps and state senators all being willing to vote for each and every bill that DeSantis is pictured signing is even more impressive than 1 man, the gov, being willing to sign what is sent to him.

DeSantis has been spending a lot of time with President Trump. Mentoring him, inspiring him, supporting him?


Last sentence meaning President Trump mentoring/advising DeSantis, not the other way around!

Need more state houses to send more bills to more governor’s desks like the good work that the Floriday state house is doing.

After all, we are not hearing of any GOP governors vetoing good bills being sent to them. Most are being signed.

Last edited 3 years ago by MAGA Mom
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is absolutely right. MASSIVELY important realization. That legislature is RIGHT THERE – and it’s IMPRESSIVE.

AND DeSantis has the courts there covering him, too. SANITY talks and DEMOCRAT NUTTERY walks. And it’s FAST.

OMG – I think I realize what it is. I think they uprooted the Chinese in Florida. Something is interfering with their ability to disrupt sane processes.

The ChiComs in Florida almost got saved by Gillum, but once that operation failed, it’s been failure after failure for the ChiComs there. Also not hearing as much Russian-backed insanity (they were closely tied in with Parkland and some other ops).


>>”almost got saved by Gillum”<<

‘Cept for those photos of blood and feces on the bed, while their “candidate” was druggie-zonked.

Their putative FL leader was squashed right-quick, with that revelation.

Seedy to the max.

Abrams may be next …


Thanks for posting. This one absolutely made my day. Want to turn the tide for future generations – this is one of the great ways to do it. C’mon red states, get this done everywhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a CORE free speech salvation.

YUP. Free speech is deadly DANGEROUS to Bolsheviks – and that is why they in turn push the antisemitism cover against free speech.

YUP. This is KEY. Free speech is like the mythical “molecular acid” to Bolshevism.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for the Bierstadt header, DP–wonderful! You continue to do such an amazing job around here & we are all very blessed through your Many labors of love!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

I’m just an organized meme hoarder.

No, really, now that there’s a pattern going, it’s not all that hard. Well, unless there’s nothing going on.


I really enjoy the artwork, too. Classic works are beautiful.


The only artwork print I ever bought … was Bierstadt.

This one …

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Oops – will this one display?

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Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar
Valerie Curren

We have a different one w/ deer & mountains in our living room too!



Valerie Curren

I don’t think the word “just” is applicable to you Ever in That context 😉


Second that.

The paintings of this genre and the artist came during a difficult time in America in the 1870’s. The Civil War was over but the devastation was still being assessed and rebuilt. Lincoln had been shot. Tensions ran high.

But there was also good things too. The West was opening up and new opportunities arose. A fresh beginning and renewal. Coming together to rebuild what was lost by our own hands.

These paintings depicted this sentiment by way of dark foreboding foregrounds with rays of light illuminating background majestic landscapes (mountainscapes?) showing not only the natural grandeur of America, but also an allegory of somber present with future hope, to inspire and arise to the challenges of the day for the reward of good things ahead.

Very appropriate work to be shown at this time.

Cuppa Covfefe

“When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d”
by Walt Whitman dates from that time…

Valerie Curren

Great context! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for the opening post DePat. And thanks for introducing us to Edward Cucuel a few weeks ago. I keep posting his paintings at Marica’s and people really enjoy them. I would have never heard of him if it hadn’t been for you.

Deplorable Patriot

I had never heard of him, either. I would like to see a well curated exhibit of his work sometime if any art museum makes the effort…which might have happened.


Sylvia, I am still in Gig Harbor, where yesterday it was 106 (!), while we all holed up in the air conditioning, thank you Lord! this AM it is v nice, also grateful for this.

My friend has a large, framed, v nice print of Cucuel’s in her library!! I was actually w her several years ago, when she bought it. I had no idea who the Artist was, and could not see a signature at the time.
Last night I told her I knew who the Artist was, and she said she had looked it up, and sure enough.
I, too am am so pleased to have been introduced to his work. In addition to his handling of fabric and intimate moments w friend of family, his treatment of Sycamore trees is simply splendid!

I do so love it when the skills and visions of a particular Artist sort of bring together different folks in the appreciation of their renderings and their choices of subject matter. We learn not only ab the Artist, but a bit ab each other.

Sylvia Avery

Piper, I am so glad you got a reprieve from the heat. And that is so cool that she has a print of a Cucuel painting in her house. What serendipity!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, I have something which everybody can help with, but Aubergine may have the key.

There is a “conspiracy theory” which relates Biden to Dominion. There are many morphs, and it may actually be that NONE of them are true. HOWEVER, there is MASSIVE Snopesing and other debunking of this, and the debunks all point at the CRAZIEST and most WRONG version – not the most realistic sounding versions.

That is a classic tell that they are “journalisming”, not looking for the truth. And the kicker is that Dominion and its financial folks do the final denial of a relationship. I kid you not. Obviously that final denial is not trustworthy.

I think there may actually be a version of things that is true. But what is it?

Many Democrats have relationships to Dominion. That is a FACT. It’s not unusual, actually. This could even be a distraction from Pelosi’s relationship to Dominion.

And, of course, this is a distraction from the audit, but we can drop this at a moment’s notice.

The most bogus version which is heavily “snopesed” is that Joe Biden’s sister Valerie Biden Owens is married to Stephen D. Owens, co-founder of Staple Street Capital, which owns Dominion Voting Systems.

Oregon Live actually did a fairly impressive debunking which proved several facts.

It turns out that Valerie Biden DID marry a guy named JOHN Owens in 1975. That guy had a best man who was his brother, a tax attorney named R. Kevin Owens.

If you look at the pictures, R. Kevin Owens and Stephen D. Owens almost look like they could be related.

The trouble is that the CONSPIRACY THEORY has generated so much CHAFF that there is no way to search for a legitimate relationship between these two men, or between John or Kevin and Dominion.

SO – if there is a relationship between these people as stated above, then it’s worth finding out.



I’ll work on it.


What ever happened to BAK USA?

They made tablets; some of which are components in ES&S voter roll systems.

BAK USA received some of the money that Yelena Baturina (Moscow mayor’s widow) sent to Hunter’s company, Rosemont Seneca.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, now THAT is interesting.

I’m paying a lot more attention to Russia after Nyquist’s deconvoluting of certain aspects.


More adventures with squirrels —


Gotta watch this obstacle course!


^^^ Enjoyed that young gal’s perseverence to complete that obstacle course. Not easy to do.

Good on her parents to build the obstacle course, make it fun and give her encouragement to succeed.

Deplorable Patriot

There is a great convo OT about Tucker’s report.

A good split between those who suspect this is controlled opposition stuff and those who sympathize with Tucker.

I tend to think it’s controlled oppo BS. We all know the NSA has been violating our rights for years. There is something behind this.

Deplorable Patriot

Could be, but the long knives have been out for Tucker for a while. He’s not the first, either.

I was looking at it as proof that the NSA is swamp through and through and no longer is the white hats that Truman intended when the agency was signed into being as a foil for the C_A.

Could be part of the show.

Could be a complete fabrication.

At this point, we’re just playing darts with all the tidbits.


I have never really trusted Tucker. He was a soft liberal forever until he came on FOX.

Deplorable Patriot

People can and do change.

Never really took him to heart for a number of reasons.


Very true.


If we don’t believe people can change it negates the entire narrative of ‘people must see what’s happening’…if ‘we’re watching a movie’ and hoping others finally realize the depth of swamp corruption, if and when they do…we should be glad ?
That said, there’s so much fakery from so many ( RINOs for example) that it’s hard to trust what anyone says


His arrogance with Sidney Powell.

He USED Tony Bobulinski simply to give Fox credibility leading into election night.

He dropped HCQ, a year ago when it REALLY mattered.

And on, and on.


I still think of him as Bow Tie Boy with Chris Matthews on MSDNC.


Same here. Burned in my memory.

Plus, we mustn’t forget he “tried” to join CIA and was “rejected.”


“I was looking at it as proof that the NSA is swamp through and through and no longer is the white hats that Truman intended when the agency was signed into being as a foil for the C_A.”


Except Admiral Mike Rogers was head of the NSA, and he violated protocol by visiting president-elect Trump without notifying Hussein the Usurper, and warned DJT that he was being spied on by everybody, causing DJT to relocate his headquarters from Trump Tower to some club he owns in New Jersey the following day.

And Rogers was replaced by Gen. Paul Nakasone who is (was?) head of NSA and Cyber Command, and at the time, it seemed everyone thought Nakasone was a good guy too, like Rogers.

Rogers was head of NSA from the time DJT took office, and Nakasone became head of NSA in early 2018, so that should have given DJT (and Rogers, and Nakasone) four full years to clean out NSA.

And yet the NSA continued (and admitted) to violating all kinds of laws with regard to surveillance and whatever ‘warrants’ the FISA court Star Chamber was rubber-stamping like chocolates on the assembly line.

So as always, nothing makes any sense.

Ah, here’s some rare footage now, of the vaunted FISA Court process, carefully and meticulously examining surveillance warrants and approving them:

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is my “and logic” theory.

Intentional leak to Tucker to manipulate him into devoting mindshare to this PRIOR to any audit results coming out.

Tucker is manipulable by “real distractions” – so that’s what they’re doing.

Likewise, CIA and FIB are abusing NSA – make NSA look like the bad guys.

Tucker likely knows this, and that is why he’s asking both NSA and FBI.

But it doesn’t matter – either way, he devotes resources that diminishes any audit brainpower.



I was at Lows yesterday and no one wore a mask. The loudspeaker warned us to stay 6 feet apart no one did. Saw a lot of Trump stickers on cars and trucks. People are don with misinformation. Mind you there were many older men in the store no mask.


“WHO Says Even Vaccinated People Should “Play it Safe” and Continue to Wear Masks ”


I’m playing it doubly safe, no vaxx and no mask 👍😁

Deplorable Patriot

Went to the pool earlier. Not one face diaper in sight.


“WHO Says Even Vaccinated People Should “Play it Safe” and Continue to Wear Masks ”


The WHO… how could their music be so right, and their diagnoses be so wrong?

Deplorable Patriot




Until they stand up for all the reds who were screwed in 2020, it’s no winred for me.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Deplorable Patriot

Information will probably be dribbled out like this. I just hope that POTUS statement from yesterday (which was ignored by the vast majority of my sources other than being one massively coded “PAY ATTENTION” post) doesn’t take a whole lot of eyes off the ball of where the investigations of election fraud really needed to be: state audits. There was a reason the Trump team wanted a lid on investigations prior to the forensic audits, and various reporters wanted to spoil the surprise that’s coming.

It’s all in a script somewhere, I am sure.

I mean, the beginning of painting Bill Barr as a black hat started in February with an interview where Peter Navarro essentially told Maria Bartiromo that the perpetually dirty (I mean like going back to AT LEAST John Foster Dulles being AG) DOJ was working on Biden priorities rather than POTUS’s. And Peter Navarro said nothing yesterday that I can find, and believe me, I’ve been looking. It doesn’t matter who is the figurehead at the top of any department, the Deep State will do what it does.

Deplorable Patriot

More on this matter. The more that comes out, the more I am holding fire on who’s wearing what hat today.

From Marica’s last night:

June 28, 2021 at 10:26 pm

Goes along with this… Interesting.

Adam Schiff: “But that’s what Bill Barr did for Donald Trump when he intervened in the Roger Stone case. He made the case against Michael Flynn go away. These are astonishing actions by an Attorney General. Purely political acts to placate, please the President of the United States. If any Democratic President did anything like that, there would be such a hue and cry about it – and so I don’t think there is anyone in the modern history of the Justice Dept who has done more damage to that institution than Bill Barr.”
Something isn’t sitting right with Schiff. I have a feeling that he senses something is up with DJT speaking out against Barr today. His nerves are off the charts right now.

If Liddle Adam is talking bad about Barr, it’s more evidence that the Honeybadger is a white hat.

Justice will be served 


Lindell and Bannon on RIGHT NOW regarding Barr.

Deplorable Patriot

What did they say? Cannot tune into my own stuff. England is playing Germany, and the winner plays the winner of Sweden and Ukraine.

I don’t really care, but right now all that is allowed is French travel porn aka the Tour de France and the European tournament. My parents are so blue pilled.


Basically that Barr is a rat for not looking at all the evidence that has come out in the last five months.

Or, having looked at it he is doubling down on saying the election was fair.

Either way, it isn’t looking good for him as a white hat.


Barr didn’t even try to look at the evidence leading up to 3 November and after, through the day he walked away from his obligations to The Constitution, his position.


I am don with hope in people like Barr Durham and so on. Have been down the road into nothing burger.
My hope is in the Lord.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

As I frequently told my children as they were growing up…

TALK Sounds Great. A C T I ON is what MATTERS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our ACTION has changed the meter. Our WAITING has done nothing but give the left chances to escape.


>>”The more that comes out, the more I am holding fire on who’s wearing what hat today.”<<

I agree.

The truth of this perspective is becoming ever more clear, as we head to the denouement.

We’ve been getting 90% noise, and only 10% signal. Decisions on whom to trust must wait.

Surety is sure hard to come by these days!

And I as well take *massive* caution before throwing ANYONE under the bus.


IMO, this is where we’re headed (the point of denouement) …

Tolkien, once again:

Book V, Chapter IX, “The Last Debate”

“They were silent for a while. At length Aragorn spoke. ‘As I have begun, so I will go on. We come now to the very brink, where hope and despair are one. To waver is to fall. Let none now reject the counsels of Gandalf, whose long labors against Sauron come at last to their test. But for him all would long ago have been lost. Nonetheless I do not yet claim to command any man. Let others choose as they will.'”

“‘As for myself,’ said Eomer, ‘I have little knowledge of these deep matters, but I need it not. This I know, and it is enough, that as my friend Aragorn succoured me and my people, so I will aid him when he calls. I will go.’

“‘As for me,’ said Imrahil, the Lord Aragorn I hold to be my liege-lord, whether he claim it or no. His wish is to me a command. I will go also. […]'”

All in. No halfsies, no wishy-wash, no requiring knowing beforehand – it’s gotta be done on faith.

But I think we know enough to know what to do … WITHOUT parsing the “players” into a who’s who catalog.

We must hold the line – else all our efforts will have been in vain.

Cuppa Covfefe


Someone posted the other day that Middle Earth is also under attack from the gender benders and BLM, etc. They want to rewrite history, as well as allegory, so we don’t look back and learn, and catch them at their evil deeds.

Speaking of Tolkien, there’s an excellent book about him by Joseph Pearce, “Tolkien: Man and Myth”. Too much to describe here, but he also goes into how meanings, movements, and thoughts get twisted by “the dark side”. It discusses C.S. Lewis, “Narnia”, and their Christian beliefs and how it permeates their work, though the “critics” refuse to see. Well worth reading. The chapters “True Myth” and “Tolkien as Hobbit” (especially about Englishness and machines) are quite interesting…..

ISBN 000 274066 4


I have Pearce’s book on Shakespeare. Thanks for the suggestion.


Thanks Cuppa – I haven’t come across that title yet, so I’ll check it out.

Have you read “Master of Middle-Earth”, by Paul H. Kocher?

“A Del Ray Book”, published by Ballantine Books, first edition Oct 1977.

ISBN 0-345-30636-8

If not (and, how could you have NOT? lol), it’s a great read.

Best analysis I’ve ever read – topics are few, but the density of insight is amazing.

Cuppa Covfefe

No, I’ll look it up. I’ve just finished the German edition of “Finding God In The Lord Of The Rings”, by K. Bruner and J. Ware, pub. Tyndale House…

( auf Deutsch: “Der Ring und sein Geheimnis”, pub CLV)…


You’ll love it!

Chapter IV “Sauron and the Nature of Evil”.

May your Tolkien library be filled …

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks. Yours, too…

(Off to get Tom Bombadil and other short stories)…


I just bought a copy. 😄 Thank you!



Happy smiles over here!

Lemme know what you think of it, yes?

My good deed for today …

Cuppa Covfefe

Now you can turn your Bobcat badge right-side-up 😆

(That goes back a loooooonggg time 🙂 )….

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

I will!


I look forward to the day where all these criminals start claiming they were white hats all along

then I will know we have won…


IF Barr is a white hat, so is RR and Wray.

That siad, I hope they al are. Bring on the double helping of crow. I really want to believe in our system, that it works.

Deplorable Patriot

RR is definitely not, IMO. Holding fire on Wray while the permanent DS people in the Bureau burn the place down.


If Wray was a good guy he would try to maintain some semblance of a reputation for the FBI.

But, maybe he’s helping put wood on the fire. 😂

Deplorable Patriot

He’s putting wood on the fire, IMO.

We’re watching the DS die in real time, and I think there are white hats shepherding that effort.

Never forget that in war counter-intelligence is ALWAYS a factor. There are most likely spies everywhere.


Agree, he is putting wood on the fire.

BUT, Me Thinks Wary believes he IS “above the law”, untouchable as RR was. As McCabe was. Mueller, Comey, all them shit heads.

It is a Club. They are in the Club. Avereage Americans, outsiders, serfs, peons…non essential, disposable…

Deplorable Patriot

McCabe and RR thought they were untouchable. I agree on that. Mueller, IMO, was blackmailed somehow. Comey…there’s things in his background that has me hesitant to pigeonhole him.


hildabeast walked. Indefensible, IMO.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s no statute of limitation on murder.

It may happen yet.

Cuppa Covfefe

And with all the Arkancides, they’ve got about 100 to choose from…

(OK, 100 from which to choose…)….

Deplorable Patriot

That’s just it. There’s endless possibilities so long as the witnesses and prosecutors can manage to stay alive.

Cuppa Covfefe

And the judges…

Makes me think of “The Night of the Puppeteer”, the “Wild, Wild, West” epispde where all of the SCOTUS judges were being offed by a very angry (albeit crazy and brilliant) plaintiff…

[The score by Dave Grusin (especially the ballet music for “Vivid”) is excellent, as well.]…


Dave Grusin is one of my favorite contemporary pianists / music-creators.

He also did the soundtrack for “The Firm” (Tom Cruise, Gene Hackman, Hal Holbrook, Wilford Brimley, et al.)

Before then, I’d been listening to his recordings on radio jazz stations.

VERY recognizable technique – and passion!

Cuppa Covfefe

The ballet tune has a whole-tone-scale ostinato behind a delicate melody; menacing yet gentle… very haunting melody…


…and the criminal.

“Justice delayed…”

Even if she is convicted 8 years from now, which is how long it would take if the trial started today, she would only have a few years of suffering before grim reaper comes for her. Not enough punishment for her crimes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Please
Deplorable Patriot

That is if she’s actually still alive. One of my sources says that the “Hillary” we’ve been seeing is body double number six.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhhh, but she will experience catastrophic local warming for all eternity, unless she turns and repents…

She will NOT go unpunished, if she doesn’t turn…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

They are all scum sucking trash to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Justice delayed is justice denied. I’m no longer falling for excuses.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, and BTW, I’m seeing a lot of “delta variant will be blamed for vax deaths” this morning. Be ready.


These people are ruthless and without conscience or humanity.

China’s communist party has mandated abortions, stolen organs, sterilized and executed human beings without conscience for so many years, their regime is one of the the most cruelly totalitarian the earth has ever known.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. And now they force their inhumanity on the WORLD.


Amen, Wolf.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The WHO now wants EVERYONE, jabbed or not, to mask up for this. Beware the next mask mandate. LA already ‘strongly recommends’. Translation = We’re losing control, DO SOMETHING!! 🙄🙄


Do somethig before the AUDIT results are RELEASED.

And, and, AND, global Warming caused the Atlantic to rise CAUSING SEASIDE TO COLLAPSE.
^^^ The dumbest thing I’ve read today.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kenneth Richard over on NTZ (NoTricksZone) has a TON of papers and articles basically saying that sea levels have been pretty much stable for the last 50 years or more…

They’ll probably say some island somewhere is about to tip over…

Fantasy Island, perhaps…


I saw a tweet the other day about the CC warriors at the shore (in Cuba?) touting how CC was causing sea rising.

Someone juxtaposed a picture from 75 years ago of the same spot and there was zero sea level change.

Sadie Slays

Top story on NYT right now is Delta variant fear-mongering with bonus editorial demanding vaccine mandates. I tried researching something unrelated last night and kept seeing Delta variant crap in the sidebars. Vaxxed relatives are freaking out about it. I’d ask why they even bothered getting vaccinated if they’re still going to live in fear of catching the virus, but I doubt they put that much, if any, thought into it. 

The whole thing is reminding me on November 2020 where the lockdowns started popping up worldwide right around the time of the stolen election. I speculated back then that they were setting up lockdowns to mitigate unrest if any inconvenient news came out (such as proof of a stolen Presidential election). It’s feeling like that again.


Folks gotta RESIST any new mask mandates, lock downs…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. I’m not wearing a mask any more.


I’m not wearing a mask any before. 👍😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Were you able to not wear at the doctor’s? The biggest mask nazis on my list were my medical folks, who mostly wouldn’t see me anyway.

Man, the ChiComs really destroyed American medicine. Unprecedented sociobiological warfare.


“Were you able to not wear at the doctor’s?”


No, the doctor would not let me in without one. The doors were locked. When they unlocked the door for me, the woman handed me a mask — held in her bare hand, touching both sides of the mask between her thumb and fingers (for hygiene, I guess).

They would not let me enter the building without it.

When the doctor came into the patient room, I grilled him about the mask, specifically that the virus particles are too small to be filtered by a cheap paper surgical mask.

He was surprised by the question, and did the same thing kids do when they have to make up a lie. He said “Well…” (and paused to think of something to say).

Then he continued “That’s true… but…” (pause some more, then an idea came to him) “but the virus particles could attach to dust particles in the air, and the dust particles are big enough to get caught in the mask.”

He actually said that.

The expression on my face (behind the dork mask) must have been loud and clear, or maybe it was just my disbelieving eyes, so he changed the subject as fast as he could.

The dentist is the other place where I was required to put on a mask to gain entry.

I had called prior to my appointment to ask about the mask, and when the receptionist said I had to wear a mask, I started teasing her about it, and she got snippy!

So I teased her some more, naturally… 🤣 😂 🤣

When I arrived, someone came out to the car, asked a series of covidgeddon questions, and then handed me a mask that was clenched in her sweaty little hands.

Hopefully there was no COVID on her hands!!!

And for the crowning moment of idiocy, once I was safely across the Covid mine-strewn parking lot (in the middle of last summer, hot and sunny outside, which kills viruses) and inside the building, THEN I could take off the mask, where it was cool and comparatively dark.

Because as it turns out, it’s very difficult for a dentist to do his work if the patients are wearing a MASK!!! 😂 😂 🤣

So besides the dentist and the doctor, everywhere else there was another option available.

The regular convenience store I go to finally pulled the “If you don’t start wearing a mask, our store is going to be fined $100K” routine, so I stopped going there and went to the less convenient store (about 10 blocks further away) where they don’t care about a mask.

I started having groceries delivered, so no need to fight with the grocery Nazis, etc.

Where there is a will, there’s a way!

They will NEVER beat me 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the ChiComs have a real advantage by forcing masks through medical socialism.

This needs to be attacked at a legislative level – basically that no health care providers can be forced to enforce federal stupidity. That way we can seek out “free doctors” who don’t go along with ChiCom crap.


Church was the most difficult problem.

They required a mask in order to attend worship services.

So I engaged in an email discussion with several of the elders, over the course of a YEAR and a HALF, explaining my objection to wearing a Luciferian Face Diaper during worship to God.

They literally couldn’t (and still don’t) understand it. Like talking to a Democrat about the insanity of Globull Warming.

A couple weeks ago, they finally dropped the mask requirement, so that was the first time I could attend church since March 2020.

They STILL don’t understand my objection, implying that I am forsaking the assembly of the saints (Hebrews 10:25).

My position is that the mask is political, cannot be defended with science or medicine (or logic), the proponents of the mask are radically evil (hence the term Luciferian Face Diaper), and the mask is a political lie to promote fear and control.

And I cannot in good conscience where a lie across my face during worship to God.

So my position was that I was not forsaking the assembly of the saints (Hebrews 10:25), I was forsaking the condition which had been added to worship by the elders.

And considering the constant teaching against adding or subtracting ANYTHING from God’s Word, that ought to have been a big concern.

It certainly was for me, and I was (and am) prepared to stand on it.

That condition (wearing a mask during worship to God) is without Scriptural Authority, and it is without any lawful Authority from local, state or federal government — decrees and mandates are not laws, and no one has any duty or obligation to follow lawless edicts from tyrant politicians.

1) there is no Scriptural Authority for a face covering

2) there is no civilian lawful Authority for a face covering

3) there is no logical (scientific, medical) reason which can withstand critical scrutiny, therefore no argument of ‘expediency’ (which is what I expected next) would apply

THEY taught me how to recognize error, and how to fight it.

And I am doing exactly what they taught me.

Since I returned, one of the elders approached me and after talking with him for about 5 minutes, it was very clear that he understands most of what we talk about here, but the other elders apparently do not.

Since the mask requirement has been dropped, and I returned to worship services, another elder sent me a message, clearly not understanding my objection (though it’s a moot point now, unless they reinstate the mask requirement).

Two of the elders have claimed that I am being ‘political’.

So to wear the mask is NOT ‘political’, but to object to the mask is (apparently) ‘political’.

The elder raised the point that I should put God before politics, and put God before men.

He’s certainly right about that.

“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29, KJV)

When the requirement to wear a mask was made, I was presented with a dilemma.

If I went to church, I expected to be refused entry without a mask, and understanding that church is not a proper place for drama, I wanted to respect the elder’s wishes in the best way I could, which was to not be present so long as the mask was required during worship.

Was I supposed to push my way past the anyone who might stop me, and sit defiantly in the church, without a mask? That seemed unthinkable (but as things developed, as described below, I should have thought about this and done it).

So I did the thing which I thought would do the least harm, cause the least drama or conflict, which was to abstain from attending worship services so long as the mask was required.

I could wear the mask if it was only required for entry (just as I had to put on the mask to gain entry to the doctor’s office), so long as I could take it off during worship services .

But they required the mask to be worn during worship to God, and I could not in good conscience wear a political lie across my face, a Luciferian Face Diaper, during worship to God.

No one would address my objection, that it was a violation of my conscience, and it is contrary to Scripture to compel someone to violate their conscience, and it is a violation for oneself to violate his conscience in worship to God:

“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. [24] God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24, KJV

It’s not about ‘politics’, it is about truth.

And the truth is, it is not possible to require the mask (in church, or anywhere else) without ‘politics’.

There is no conceivable context that does not include ‘politics’, in which anyone would be requiring the use of a mask.


The release of Covid on the world was an Act of War.

War is a mere continuation of politics by other means,” — Carl von Clausewitz

Without that Act of War (continuation of politics), and the ongoing war (and politics) being waged right now, there would be no plausible reason for anyone to require anyone to wear a mask.

Without the context of ‘politics’, there is no cause to wear a mask.

If there is no Scriptural Authority for the mask (there isn’t, which by itself is the only reason necessary to reject it), and there is no lawful Authority to require the mask, and there is no logical reason to require the mask, then by process of elimination, the ONLY remaining reason that can be presented to wear the mask is a POLITICAL reason.

Wearing the mask is serving somebody’s politics, whether the people requiring the mask realize it or not.

I do realize it. So while they may be able to wear a mask during worship to God in good conscience, I cannot. Because I am aware, because I know what the mask is, what it stands for, and who is serves.

And if they would stop long enough to think about whose politics are being served, I think they would rethink this whole mask thing, instead of calling me ‘political’ for objecting to it.

But they can’t see it, just like Democrats can’t see the inherent insanity of Globull Warming. They just think you are ‘bad’ if you don’t agree with them and drink their Kool-Aid.

But as mentioned above, most recently (after the mask requirement was dropped), an elder raised the point that I should put God before ‘politics’.

Certainly that is true, I never thought otherwise. By objecting to wearing a political lie across my face during worship, I believed (and still believe) I was putting God before politics.

But his point caused me to think about Acts 5:29 (we ought to obey God rather than men, quoted above).

So upon further reflection, if the mask is again required during worship services in the future, I think I will have to attend worship services, in obedience to God (Hebrews 10:25).

Without a mask.

Because I ought to obey God (attend worship services) rather than men (who have no Scriptural Authority to require a mask).

And that’s where it stands.

So if the mask requirement returns, and it certainly could when the next propaganda variant is dropped on America like a fear sandwich, then it seems I will have no choice but to attend worship services, without a mask, and then let the elders decide what to do with me.

And whatever they decide, I will respect their decision.

If they decide I can stay, then I will stay.

If they ask me to leave, then I will leave.

Either way, I will have done what is right, the best that I can do with the dilemma as presented to me; and if I am required to give an answer for my actions in this matter at the Judgment, I will be able to do so.

And that’s what matters.


“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)


“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: [16] Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. [17] For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.” (1 Peter 3:15-17, KJV)


If anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation, hopefully my experience as explained above might be helpful

Valerie Curren

I Very Much Appreciate how you have articulated your perspective & process of God-honoring decision making! I am in nearly 100% agreement–a position that rarely occurs in my world!

God Bless you sir, & your convictions!


Thank you Valerie, for the encouragement and edification 🙂

Valerie Curren

I’m thinking of grabbing your comment as a springboard for a post on my main blog, Special Connections…hope you don’t mind 🙂

I pretty much always appreciate how you express yourself. What you articulated above really captured a lot of my own personal dilemmas w/ what’s been happening of late, though I’ve never taken the time to put it down to that degree…& when verbalizing those thoughts I usually lose my audience 🙁


Of course you are welcome to it, I hope it might be helpful to others.

If I can express what I think in a relatively clear or straight forward manner, hopefully others can see why I think what I do, and how I reached my conclusion(s).

If they can see and understand why I think a particular thing, then if I am in error, it should be easier to spot and isolate the error, and show me where I am wrong.

Because if I am wrong about something (which frequently I am), if it can be demonstrated or proven, then I want to know, and make correction.

Because there is no value in being wrong. It’s not helpful to anything. It’s just a dead end.

But understanding often begins with being wrong… or at least that’s how it often works for me 😁

So if one has to be wrong some percentage of the time, then ideally, being wrong is just a step, maybe a necessary step, on the path to truth.

Truth is usually elusive, but it has great value, and is always worth seeking 👍 🙂

Valerie Curren

True Truth Seekers want to know the Truth & be set free, especially from their own errors!


If you post it on your blog, someone may comment that if I was willing to put the mask on to gain entry to a doctor’s or dentist’s office, then I should be willing to put one on to go to church.

In other words, I may be charged with hypocrisy.

That is what happened to me. Not with the word ‘hypocrisy’ specifically, but it was implied, by pointing out that if I wore the mask to the dentist or the doctor, why wouldn’t I wear the mask to church?

So it is important to understand the distinction between putting a mask on to gain entry to a building, and putting a mask on to worship God.

If the church only required the mask to gain entry, and then one could remove it during worship, I wouldn’t like it and I would say so, but I would do it. That was not the case, though. The mask was required during worship, i.e., the whole time we were in the building.

I waited for more than six months before I went to the doctor, hoping the Covid insanity would end. Eventually it became clear that there might not be any ‘end’, the abject stupidity could go on for years, so I made an executive decision, and I went to the doctor.

When I went to the dentist, it was for a broken molar. If I didn’t get it fixed, it almost certainly would have broken completely. In addition to the pain, it would then likely become infected, and then I would have to go to the hospital.

Regardless, the important distinction is that I was not worshipping God at the doctor’s or dentist’s office.

So the charge of hypocrisy is not valid.

The issue is the addition of a condition to worship of God, for which there is no Scriptural Authority.

We are taught this very thing, about the need for Scriptural Authority in whatever we do in the name of the Lord, and why it is so important, to neither add to nor subtract from God’s Word, which is one reason why it was so troubling that the leadership didn’t appear to recognize this problem when they added the condition of wearing a mask to worship.

One might argue that if the Bible does not say you can’t wear a mask, then it’s okay to require it.

But nobody where I go to church would dare make that argument, they’d get smacked with a yardstick faster than Jake and Elwood by the Nun in The Blues Brothers 😁

The silence of the Scriptures does not signify Authority for anything. If the Bible contained a list of every thing we shouldn’t do, it would be a very, very large book.

The subject of Biblical Authority is a fairly simple thing.

There is ‘general authority’, i.e., go into all the world and teach the gospel. It doesn’t specify how, so you can go by foot, by horse, by plane, by train, by automobile, etc.

There is also ‘specific authority’, i.e., God told Noah to build the Ark out of Gopher wood. That excludes every other kind or type of wood.

Then there is Authority by command (i.e., thou shalt or thou shalt not), Authority by approved or Apostolic example (e.g., the church met on the first day of each week), or Authority by necessary (not possible, but necessary) inference.

There is no kind of Authority for adding the wearing of a face covering to worship.

There is a passage for women to wear a head covering, which some do, and some do not. (1 Corinthians 11:4-7)

While men are specifically not to cover their heads, so no hats in church. (1 Corinthians 11:4-7)

So there is certainly Scripture that wearing or not wearing something, in some instances, makes a difference to God.

There is nothing about a FACE covering.

And it is hard to imagine that anyone could be compelled to wear a face covering, in worship to God, against their conscience.

The entire issue regarding the mask in worship, as far as I have thought about it so far, is that it is a matter of conscience.

If someone can wear the mask in good conscience, and wants to do so, then they can do so, without the leadership adding any condition to worship.

And if someone cannot wear the mask in good conscience, then they should not be compelled to violate their conscience during worship to God.

But the moment any ‘condition’ is added to worship to God, then that condition must be supported by God’s Word.

I don’t believe it can be.

And no elder so far — after a year and a half — has tried.

So I don’t like this situation at all.

Something is not right.

My refusal to go along with it became the focus, instead of the requirement to wear a mask during worship to God.

But if it is not right, then even if I knuckled under to the pressure, that wouldn’t make it right.

It would just mean that everyone was in error together.

It doesn’t matter what I think about any of it (except to me, of course), but it does matter what the Lord thinks about it.

So if anyone is going to require this thing, they better have an argument that reconciles with God’s Word.

And I haven’t seen one yet.

Valerie Curren

Excellent points & perspective.

Because of mask “mandates” here in Michigan I mostly avoided church throughout this plannedemic but not out of your more well-reasoned scripturally supported viewpoint, which is superior to my more liberty-based reasoning.

We chose to attend our old church the first time our daughter was slated to lead worship there. I chose Not to wear a mask regardless of signage or social pressure. I have a “medical excuse”. This masklessness lasted partway through the service until one of the elders came by & told me I “must” wear a mask, which my husband then handed me. This happened in the midst of worship & was Highly distressing to me.

I spent the rest of the service fiddling w/ the mask & often pulling it below my nose so I could get a relatively unimpeded breath. It was a form of torture & made me even less inclined, if that were possible, to desire to attend another masked church service. Frankly for Any church I’ve attended (3 different ones) during the fake pandemic the degree of mask nazi-ism was always a part of the decision-making or mental-prepping process.

These mental, emotional, & spiritual abuses will not easily fade into the mists of time in the rear-view mirror, at least not for me personally…


Very grateful for your comment. You used Scriptural reasoning to come to a God-pleasing resolution.

You should probably be an elder. 😀


“Very grateful for your comment. You used Scriptural reasoning to come to a God-pleasing resolution.”


I hope so… I am trying… 🙂


“You should probably be an elder.”


That is very kind of you to say Grandma, unfortunately, I do not meet all of the requirements given in Scripture to be an elder, at least not yet.

And time is not on my side… 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

John Macarthur ( fought to keep his Church open, and was successful, IIRC. I would imagine there would be a TON of scriptural references, arguments, and justifications for fighting and ignoring the Covidgeddon mask mandate there…


“John Macarthur ( fought to keep his Church open, and was successful, IIRC. I would imagine there would be a TON of scriptural references, arguments, and justifications for fighting and ignoring the Covidgeddon mask mandate there…”


I would imagine there are many good ones.

The problem is they seem to see any resistance to Covid-hysteria as being ‘political’, which in turn is used to dismiss any and all reasoning.

At least that’s how it comes across, because they don’t actually reply to any of my questions or points, and that’s hard not to notice.

I see it as being about truth, about right and wrong, about good and evil. And standing for what is good and right, and against that which is evil.

And I thought that was how the church was supposed to see things.

But I have to be considerate, or gracious, or respectful, or circumspect, or with humility (the right word escapes me at the moment), in the sense that this, what we do, testing arguments and dissecting them, it’s what we do here, day in and day out.

They don’t. So I can’t just tear into them like the Tasmanian Devil… like I normally would… they’re not prepared for that… and I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be appropriate… 😂

And that makes it very difficult to reply, like trying to write with your non-dominant hand.

But the most difficult part, by far, is not knowing what they know, information-wise, about what’s going on, so I don’t know how much I need to explain for context, while knowing that if I explain too much, I’ll lose them.

So it’s like fumbling around for a light switch in the dark, with your non-dominant hand, while being respectful and gracious and considerate… and that’s not easy… 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

My doctor did NOT make me wear a mask.

The ONLY time I put one on was to go into the hospital for a mammogram. I didn’t wear one any other time, ever.

God bless Montana.


IIRC, the “extra mile you went” at the hospital was GOLDEN. 😉


It was 👍😁


Lol, thanks! It was the only way I could get through it.


My doctor did not make me wear one, either.


There are some good doctors, just not enough.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, we need a million more like that one!!!




“Folks gotta RESIST any new mask mandates, lock downs…”


Never paid any attention to the previous ones…


“Top story on NYT right now is Delta variant fear-mongering with bonus editorial demanding vaccine mandates.”


I’m pretty sure I must be immune.

And everybody I know must be immune… except for members of church, who seem to be ground zero for Covid diagnosis.

I’m tempted to have some Ivermectin at the ready, and then try some strawberry or lemon-lime flavored Covid, just to find out for sure.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Barker Jim has a great three minute video link posted way up thread. Readers Digest version of delta is NOT a significant threat to life. I actually take it to be a weakened version of covid.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They’re attacking us (they think) with Delta Farce…


Excellent! Delta Farce! Lol.


Like this person, I want proof, documentation that this cartoon is real and not a fake – my trust level is way down in the deep minus levels. That includes most of the rumors and theories fomented many who call themselves conservative and Christian.


Looked fake to me. Watched most of it once.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same here. Fake retro seems like a thing.


As I said – after Jan 6 – my suspicious cat had 7 kittens and they are all suspicious

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Cheeto Joe!

Valerie Curren

Almost sounds like Cheater Joe!



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Democrat Variants
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Russia Russia Russia, Impeachment 1.0, Impeachment 2.0, Ukraine…every lie they created for the past five years…

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Deplorable Patriot

At a certain level, I don’t think they were ever the people’s FBI.


FBI is dangerous.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

What would she do for a Klondike bar?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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CGIs can do anything they want – wherever they want – whenever they want – and

They do not have to explain to anyone how they did it, either!!!

The ‘dominion’ created for this particular CGI is vast and all encompassing.

Soon – this CGI will be presented the Pulitzer Prize for Perfidy!!! Watch and See!!!


Truth. And yet, here we are…

Both Dem and GOP contracted with Dominion and related entities in the majority of states. Which on its face tells all of us little people that it is fixed for the uni-party and has been for quite some time. If elections were honest, all you need are tabulators. No algorithms or web connectivity required as elections were done for many years. Make sure the non-web connected tabulators are accurate. Problem solved.

From this point on all elections at the federal and state level should be forensically audited and the succeeding office holders should have to wait at least 6 months before assuming office to provide sufficient time to do it. It is a sacred right in our Constitution and should be protected as such.

Deplorable Patriot



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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Warning Language!!!

[VIDEO] CNN Reporter Tries to Ask Trump Rally Goer a Question and He Instantly Regrets It…

The CNN reporter couldn’t even get the first question out before the whole thing went sideways


My kind of guy!


Second FBI Agent in Two Months Arrested for Raping, Molesting Children (VIDEO)

A Louisiana FBI agent has been arrested by the Louisiana State Police Bureau of Investigations Special Victims Unit and the United States Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (USDOJ/OIG) for sexual misconduct against juveniles, according to a press release from LSP.

David Harris, age 51 of Prairieville, La was booked on numerous sexual misconduct charges. At the time of the investigation, Harris was assigned to the FBI New Orleans Field Office.

Earlier today, Harris was arrested in Ascension Parish and booked on charges of Aggravated Crimes Against Nature and Indecent Behavior with Children under the age of 13.

I guess FIB was too busy rounding up Jan 6 Insurrectionist to have been bothered by this. No wonder they want Trump gone. He threatens their very existance.





Post author
By Dianne Marshall
Post date
June 29, 2021

WORLD IN CRISIS – Hurricanes, storms, floods, volcanic eruptions, explosions, war drills, cartels, human and child trafficking, ANTIFA, plandemic, central bank ponzi schemes, land grabs, COVID mandates, desperate cabal, treason, border invasions, deep state swamp, stolen elections and more!

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


The “D’ word (as in Decertify) starts to get mentioned by the people who can do something about it.

Praying Medic
Georgia state Senator Brandon Beach explains how the state could withdraw its electoral votes, if election fraud is found.

[video src="" /]


From the indomitable Barnhardt:

“I can tell you exactly what is in Ivermectin 1% injectable. Two completely benign carriers, plus the Ivermectin itself. Can anyone or WILL anyone tell you what in the hell is in any of these death injections being forced upon people under the lie of “vaccination”? Nope. Because the DeathJabs are poison.”

Last edited 3 years ago by grandmaintexas

“Perhaps one of the most disconcerting bills, is the ‘Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021‘ which entails “supporting the development and implementation of policies that facilitate complete population-level capture, consolidation, and access to accurate immunization information” through rapid identification, while working with private partnerships to achieve this goal, and awarding only those who follow the exact “standards” set by the technical team the Secretary chooses to contract with. Now who could that possibly be, lurking in the shadows? This entire bill is a setup to track every single person, lock them into a database that shares information far and wide, and try to force vaccine id passports. Rep. Ann M. Kuster (D-NH-2), sponsor of the bill, is on a mission to “get this vaccine into the arms of every American.”

There’s a nice rundown of which states are fighting back. Graph too.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

MTG on Warroom. House is lumping bills together ‘en bloc’ and R’s and D’s are casting one vote for the ENTIRE block. R’s are voting yes for their one bill while infused with Dem garbage bills. CALL YOUR REPS, Tell them to stop EN BLOC VOTING!!!

She caught the funding bill for Ronald Reagan’s National Children’s Museum, where they teach STEAM classes..Sounds like a good cause, right? On their website is tons of CRT GARBAGE. She called museum up, they took it down while begging for their funding. Then they put it back up 🙄 Parents beware…Call Museum, call your Reps.

LOLOL – After this segment, in a matter of minutes, Museum website is crashed!!!  😂 

Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Here is Museum’s list. I checked on 1 link, OMG, this crap is EVERYWHERE!!! – American Academy of Pediatrics ❓⁉❓❓‼

This is GARBAGE!!!

Student-teacher racial mismatch can impact academic performance, with studies showing that African American children are more likely to receive a worse assessment of their behavior when they have a non-Hispanic white teacher than when they have an African American teacher.112 This finding may result from racial bias in teachers’ expectations of their students, with data demonstrating that white and other non–African American teachers are more likely than African American teachers to predict that African American students would not finish high school.113 Similarly, data indicate that teachers may underestimate the ability of African American and Latino students, which can lead to lower grade point averages and fewer years of schooling.114 African American students who have 1 African American teacher in elementary school are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college than their peers who do not have an African American teacher; the proposed mechanism for this improved long-term educational outcome is the exposure to a role model early in the educational experience.115 These findings indicate the importance of ensuring a diverse teacher workforce, particularly as the population of students in US schools continues to diversify.116 School racial climate, which refers to norms, curricula, and interactions around race and diversity within the school setting, also impacts educational outcomes for students.117 Students who had a positive perception of school racial climate had higher academic achievement and fewer disciplinary issues.118 Racial inequities in school discipline begin early, and school discipline has long-term consequences for children. Although federal civil rights laws prohibit discrimination in the administration of discipline in public schools, the US Government Accountability Office found that African American and American Indian students are overrepresented among students experiencing suspension.1


This is low expectations exemplified. Every black American should be pissed off about it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. All that Biden and Que Mala want to hear (as they attempt to make the plantation ever larger) is “Yo Massa, I come up to de big house”….

The so-called racism and “lack of diversity” will always be an issue until we all look at people as the LORD looks at people.

I Samuel 16:7:

But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Racism is TAUGHT.


I am watching!! Love MTG!!!


>>”complete population-level capture”<<

That’s their plan, flu-bug or no.

Easier for them WITH the flu-bug though, yes?

WWIII is right here, in our FACE.

“Wake up, li’l normies, wake up!”

(poetic license used on the 1957 Everly Bros. hit)


Don’t make me pack up the car and drive to Florida.

I’ll do it!



I’m telling ya. 😁

Deplorable Patriot

I would imagine this happens in more states than just Washington.
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This is the ‘Suicide Note’ they found with McAfee (see bottom of note – HeHeHeHe):

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Cuppa Covfefe

Clinton Foundation Suicide Note Form 17….

Great… trolling, trololololo….

Funniest thing of all would be if McAfee did get out, and left this note behind…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



So China released another virus to India knowing it travels all around the world without the finger print on China?
They should be isolated borders closed.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

It shows that there is no increase in deaths, etc., from this variant. They are faking again.


Sad News.


If there is any concern left about AGW

Weekend Unthreaded « JoNova (


Nope. None by thinking folks.


A great listing of facts about the scam.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s been bucketing down here with thunder and lightning (Donner und Blitzen)(in SUMMER, NO LESS)… OK, maybe it’s a typical English summer, I forgot. Or maybe that McKenna fellow (the Rain God) from “So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish” is driving ’round here…

Coldest first quarter in decades, and doesn’t look to be getting much warmer. We had a minor hot spell last week, and the Climastrologists were all over it, saying we were going to melt, or die, or both.

If the heat don’t get you, the Corona will…

Hmmm. Wonder if TPTB have any clue that the friendly Yellow G2 star known as the sun is a VARIABLE star? Not as spectacular, nor as often as other stars, but variable, nonetheless…..


Coldest first quarter in decades, and doesn’t look to be getting much warmer. We had a minor hot spell last week, and the Climastrologists were all over it, saying we were going to melt, or die, or both.”


The coldest winter in almost fourteen years
Could never, never change your [their] mind…

(Rod Stewart, Mandolin Wind, 1971)

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Cuppa Covfefe

“Oppressive to dangerous” stupidity will against be in store for the majority of southern New England on Tuesday, forecasters said….

Here’s something closer to the truth:

Tonight’s forecast:


Continued dark, until morning, followed by partly scattered light…
– Al Sleet, your hippy-dippy weatherrman (aka George Carlin)


Please remember that the Boston Globe is the New York Times.

A wholly-owned, and -controlled, subsidiary / brand of the NYT.

MA is the “North Korea” vassal of NY (Shy-nana).

And the “baker” ALSO put CV-positives into a Holyoke Elder-care home, senior death-count ~70 IIRC.

Most references to the “5 states'” GUV’s actions omit this SIXTH, IMO, murderer …

Deplorable Patriot

My mother is armchair coaching a soccer game from a few thousand miles away.

Cuppa Covfefe

If it’s England verus Germany, it’s one of the few matches where I wish both sides would lose (since it’s the knockout round, they have to go to penalty kicks, and then Germany will win that).

Germany, because of the “woke” transi, LGBTwxzy and BLM politics (why can’t they just play footie? That’s that they’re paid (quite a lot) for…)…..

England, because they’re equally woke, and kneelers, too (Que Mala, apparently you’re not alone)…


Deplorable Patriot

Technically, we are pulling for Spain in this house, but they’re already through.


I love Soccer 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I do too, but I hate what the libturds have done to it, as well as most other sports. Back in the day (OK, Wayyyyy back in the day) footballers played for love of the game, as the alternative was the coal mines or something similar.

That generation (1930s-1950s footballers) are probably rolling in their graves.


Yes it is about action


“My mother is armchair coaching a soccer game from a few thousand miles away.”


Hopefully she’s wearing her mask!

Lotta spittle when you’re shouting at the players from that far away…



The Real Story – OAN Bill Barr’s Election Fraud Connection with Liz Harrington (
Rumble — Liz Harrington, spokesperson for Save America and President Trump, gives The Real Story on Bill Barr’s resignation and his role in the crime of the century.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was good.

Oh, the Republicans strung us along for a good bit. Enough to get rid of President Trump.


It was reported that only 60% of the voting machines were turned over to Arizona Audit:
This is Jovan Pulitzer’s take on this:

When #BADNews is actually #GoodNews #ScanTheBallots #KinematicArtifacts #JovanHuttonPulitzer

[video src="" /]

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Cuppa Covfefe

I want those bookshelves…


He say he actually read all those books in this important must see interview with: Stew Peters:
EXCLUSIVE! Jovan Hutton Pulitzer Exposes REPUBLICANS Orchestrating FRAUDULENT Audits! (

Pulitzer talks about the Michigan Rino’s who misrepresented him in their fake election report.

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. You can see that SAME FACT from two perspectives.

They had to HIDE 40% of the machines.

How on EARTH can that election be certified? IT CAN’T.


speaking of Passing Storms…

here’s a new one… Inv 97L

(coming in south of Inv 95 L)
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Intensity Guide
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not to be confused with this one, also in play…

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Cat 1 ?

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Deplorable Patriot

Understatement, I am sure.


This is a hit piece by Washington Examiner. They use his claim about the CIA, which most probably is true, to paint him is a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’, whose company is conducting the audit in Arizona. Typical CIA Mocking Bird misdirection.

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

Mike Lindell Announces Dates For Explosive ‘Cyber Symposium’:It is August 10th, 11th and 12th. Will announce the venue possibly on July 4th

Mike Lindell Announces Dates For Explosive ‘Cyber Symposium’ (

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love how this woman gives ZERO f-x about ADL – and actually calls them Bolsheviks.


Bolsheviks hiding behind Judaism are a THREAT to us all.

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Lauren Witzke

“Additionally, Fuentes is the founder of the far-right Groyper Army — which was deemed a White supremacist group by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — and has been banned on YouTube and other social media platforms.”

Why is FOX News taking orders from the Bolshevik communists at the ADL??

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1 comment

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The Synagogue of Satan, masquerading as True Jews, but they’re nothing of the sort… JINOs…

Spiritual descendants of the Scribes, the Pharisees, and the Money Changers…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly my view.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Danielle Blumenthal talked about an ancient infiltration of Judaism by some neighboring cultures with very nasty practices. Whether that’s the origin, or just emergent satanic influence, or “and logic”, I tend to think that satanism crops up everywhere it can. I’ve even seen what I regard as demonic stuff infiltrating Buddhism – easily visualized from the OUTSIDE by theological conflict with core principles. Indeed, any time a religion starts to appear pathological, there is likely demonic influence at work. BUT one also has to watch out for demonic influence in the secular world, then trying to PAINT non-demonic religion as demonic. THAT is Bolshevism.

Cuppa Covfefe

Satan is the father of lies, so he is the father of “projection” as well…

I Peter 5:8:

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



My husband put some security on my computer and now I am locked out.
Hope this works?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re in!


Thank you

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m getting you from two locations – one in Virginia.


I tried logging in from my word press acount and when that did not work I signed up on this site. I lost my picture .
Should I log out here?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t do anything for now. Just keep using whatever. I’ll get back to you later. More info then.

Cuppa Covfefe

McAfee Anti-Virus???

(Just kidding)…
(It used to be good, until Intel ruined it 15 years ago or so)….


I also have ESET security on my computer
He uploaded Clever Bridge – crap cleaner, recover,driver manager de-frag.
It sure cleaned. My husband told me I had all kind of crap on my computer.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ask him if you’re using a VPN!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How many different devices do you use to come here?

Second question – do you come here from two different cities in your home area?


Right now I am home have not taken my computer on the road since covid.
This morning we were without Internet I used my I phone just to survey.
At noon my husband worked on my computer and connected it to the Internet in his office. Now I am again where I most of the time have my computer.


Sorry that this was messed up.


This is a good article about what the cabal has actually been doing behind the scenes to force their Great Reset during the supposed pandemic. My eyes usually roll around in my head when I read financial market jargon, but this is pretty clear. This is what they want to do to us and are already putting in place all over the world.

Incidentally, sometimes I wonder if all this talk of NESARA/GESARA is simply a psyop designed to make us think their changes in the financial system are going to be good for us, but is really their Great Reset in disguise.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s so much floating out there, it’s hard to know anymore what’s real and what isn’t.

Cuppa Covfefe

Any time I hear that something from “the gubmint” is going to help, I think of that Dilbert cartoon where Catbert (the evil personnel rep) is saying “do you think they would go to this much trouble for YOUR BENEFIT?”…

Had a very similar experience at “Happy People”, where they had a program “Formel Vier” with all sorts of Auto Racing Memes (Formula IV, etc.) and discussion groups (actually Hegelian dialectic) to hash about all the wonderful things the new “structure” was going to do for us.

The next pay period made it quite clear what they were going to *cough* do for/to us. And if that weren’t enough, the next “ranking” round made it crystal clear. Bill and Dave would’ve been livid…

“Never let a crisis go to waste”.

I think Holder and Øbøzø were/are FAR more EVIL than any of us thought or could conceive. And I think they’re still hard at work doing the Devil’s bidding…

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

In that Corvette? Any time.


My daughter when she was dating her now husband at 19 and he was 18 he had a corvette. He loved tinkering on old cars and rebuilding them. I prayed every time she drove with him. He still tinkers.
He had a corvette up to last year all rebuild and let his daughter drive it. They drove all around the country with it.
They come home he takes the car out drove three streets down the road and a person ignored a stop sign and totaled the car. Thank god he is ok.
I think he bought something new to tinker. My granddaughter helps him and then we wonder how she gets so high scorers in science and design.
My granddaughter 18 gets to drive her mother’s old Audi Coupe. It is a two seter.

Deplorable Patriot

Corvettes of that vintage were made in the city on the north side. Florissant Avenue, IIRC. Maybe St. Louis Ave. Whatever. They are hometown vehicles.


That explains it he is from Florissant youngest of 10 🙂
He makes a good husband for my daughter 🙂


Yes, the St. Louis plant, where all the magic happened 👍😁

Lots of photos have survived, the cars were practically hand-made. They had an assembly line of course, but it was a small operation compared to the other GM production cars.

Check out the paint room… NO MASKS! 😁

When restorers do the paint today, if they are trying to match the original, they paint each side of the car from end to end, just like they did at the factory. It results in a slightly uneven paint job, but if you are interested in originality, that’s how you do it.


Here’s the body drop on a new 1966 Corvette… the 1963 through 1967 body style is my favorite… it still looks futuristic 😁

It’s the only car body design I have ever looked at, closely, and thought there is not a single thing I would change. Larry Shinoda made it exactly right.

Larry was the designer, for both the 1963-67 body style and the 1968-1981 body style. No ‘design by committee’, it was the realization of one man’s vision.

They definitely don’t make ’em like that anymore… 👍 😁


The ‘content image’ thing really KILLS the presentation!!!


I don’t know about perfect body designs but a ’67 Sunbeam Alpine is my version of perfection.
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Heh. You just want to drive up to a government building with a corpse in the back seat and say, “Sergeant, make sure he doesn’t get away” as you get out.


I have a great appreciation for all the old cars, and the Sunbeam is a beauty.

That particular shade of red is outstanding 👍 😁


I’ve always had a liking for the more flamboyant Jaguar E-type or Triumph Spitfire circa late ’70s. The Sunbeam Alpine gets the job done.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Great car, great looks. Somehow, the (original) theme to “Get Smart” is going through my head 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe


I just saw the pic and that went through my mind, and scrolled down, and you had it right there…. D-Day riding up the stairs, the horse in Dean Womer’s room (IIRC), the *cough* golf lesson, the grocery store checker, and the road trip (and being in a BLM-type joynt…

I think every Uni has their “Delta” house… and ‘SC even had one which wasn’t even a frat – Touton Hall (Rootin’ Touton)… perpetually condemned by the LA building officials, perpetually kept open by the alums… 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

And, the Otter Defense… Otterly hiliarious 😀

Deplorable Patriot

One of the screenwriters, Harold Ramis, attended a local uni. It’s said that Delta is based on one at Dartmouth, and his fraternity, ZBT, which, last I heard, is not allowed on campus.


Animal House was released in 1978.

By the time I was in college — and probably since a day after the film showed up in theaters — every fraternity was more or less based on the Delta fraternity in Animal House 😁


I went to college in 1982. We lived the Animal House vibe like it was a kid leather glove.

I don’t know how I survived! 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I liked him as the psychologist in “Groundhog Day”, where Bill Murray is on the couch, and Ramis suggests that he comes back for another appointment, suggesting “how about tomorrow?”.

Bill Murry cowers and pulls the pillow over his head.

Ramis asks, innocently, “Is that not good”???

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, brother! LOL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Nicholas J. Fuentes
May 29

The United States no longer has any credibility to accuse other countries of holding rigged elections after 2020.


Deplorable Patriot

Well…he’s right if we don’t fix the mess. (I have every confidence it will be.)


Lies about one thing, then lies about all things. The United States is loosing it’s credibility on all things. It’s trading in all of it’s good powers for bad powers, so that it can only be deceitful and dictatorial.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re becoming like China.

Marry a criminal – BECOME a criminal.


The hiccup was with word press.


Supreme Court rules deported aliens who re-enter US illegally must be detained, even if they claim asylum
The Supreme Court in a 6-3 ruling issued Tuesday said that previously deported illegal immigrants who are detained after re-entering the United States and claim asylum must remain in federal custody while their cases are processed.


Detained is good, but…

  • Do we have to feed them?
  • Provide medical care?
Cuppa Covfefe

Nurse Ratched and Dr. Mengele will be providing *cough* care…..






hah! Very true




Hold the rally anyway… Fight the fine in court !


The RNC has called my house and I wanted to pick up the phone to use the F word they diserve it 🙂
My husband said “I should not lower myself to their level “.
He might be right they are not worth it.  😡 


Did you direct them to remove your name and information from their phone and mailing lists ?


My husband took the phone and hung up on them. Next time I will.


The notion of donating to RNC, GOP, eRNC, eGOP…went down in flames after R-Cons turned on MAGA, Trump and America.

No recovery from their massive screw up.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs


If they can twist this into the first of many supposed collapses due to climate change think of the kabillions of dollars that can go into programs and slush funds


Saw a headline this morning that said global warming, rises oceans caused Seaside to collapse.

Did not read the article. Same as all the global warming, climate change, lgxyz crap. I simply move along to something likely to be worth reading.


sheesh…sounds like the new narrative will begin shortly. It’s tiresome.


It’s BS too. They say salt water corroded the rebar and this caused the collapse. No doubt that the rebar was corroded by salt water but that would of caused the building to fall in part. Not all at once coming down pancake style. This bldg had help.

Cuppa Covfefe

And other buildings would have exhibited similar problems, probably before now, if they only check them every 40 years. Seems the building code would be stricter than that.

I imagine they’re lying through their teeth, no matter what they say. Lots of nervous hineys being covered, probably by the guilty and even some of the innocent, who might be partially guilty, either by omission or comission…


It’s obscene exploitation.


Gag me


It’s a private club and the American People are not allowed.


And don’t dare support America First….


Seems like an easy lawsuit.


In a world we used to live in..but these days I don’t know


She’s being represented by Bexar Counties former District Attorney Nicko LaHood.


Someone needs to ask Mitch if that means he’s a pedo, too.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤮 🤮 🤮

Cuppa Covfefe

LIke the old dog-food commercial, It’s Chao time….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Shanghai Mitch, China Joe, and THE HANDLER.



Another test for Trump and Patriots!

Apparently we were told that political gatherings were acceptable as long as all parties had equal access. Political gatherings have been done at this park before.

We shall over come.


We’ll need confirmation on this poster’s comment from the story.

A quick copy/paste from Mr. Trump’s site about 8:20PM EST, linked-to by Revolver. dotcom, in turn linked-to by whatdoesitmean dotcom (/index3610.htm fwiw):

Sat, July 03, 2021

08:00 pm (EDT)

Doors Open: 02:00 pm

Sarasota Fairgrounds

3000 Ringling Blvd

Sarasota, FL, 34237

The old fox had a Backup Plan all along – and this crimson kinderscheiss insult to our national sensibilities from the Alabama Commish’ll be a fair part of the material delivered, methinks. And the Commish diddit to himself! }:-)

Justice sometimes arrives in small well-measured doses. And that is all. 0{;-)o[

Comments on this story are interesting.


I’m getting this in the pop-up on PDJTs site :

Don’t Miss the Rally in Sarasota, FL!

President Trump is Delivering his First Post-Presidential Remarks in Sarasota, FL on July 3, 2021 at 8:00 PM.

comment image



Then we shouldn’t let GWP commentator Tom’s research go to waste.

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Bill Tunnell, CHA, CTP, CTIS, has had more than 40 years in the Hospitality business, working in Executive positions in the lodging, attraction, and CVB areas. For the past 20 years, he was the Executive Director of USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park, Alabama’s premier tourism attraction.

Tunnell was in the first class inducted into the Alabama Tourism Hall of Fame in 1998. He has also been named the Alabama Tourism Promoter of the Year by the Alabama Hospitality Association and Alabama Restaurant Association, and also awarded the Alabama Travel Council’s Award of Excellence, among other honors.

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Wall Streeter.

Cuppa Covfefe

Whatever brought that building down apparently had a high yield…….


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



1 year ago this vid was taken~

Today….. the cycle repeating as he predicted

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are just fucking evil.


Wonder what new Dem scam this is ? Since when did the govt get involved in whether or not a play needs money ?

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

NOTHING to see here. Please move along folks.

Business government mismanagement (fraud) as usual.

Likely a “payoff” for heaping praise on Covid lock downs, wear a mask if not two AND get an injection.

Cuppa Covfefe

They should make all the performers wear masks (including the pit; no exceptions). See how long the play lasts then…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Propaganda show.



Absolutely MUST watch. WELL worth your time. You’ll want to show this to everyone you know.

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

This is a vicious, EPIC takedown of Bloaty Bill…

In this OAN interview [Rumble Link Here] Natalie Harp outlines the duplicitous history of Bill Barr’s former statements relating to voter fraud and mail-in ballot fraud. After laying out the background of Barr’s statements as Attorney General, President Trump’s spokesperson Liz Harrington responds directly to the current position of Barr.



Wasn’t it grand? 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here it is!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very true.


So good it deserves reposting….

H/T to DP


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Cuppa Covfefe

Dr. Mengele v2.0….


How much longer is he going to be employed?


I wonder how long he is going to be breathing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would pull the lever. He worked with the ChiNazis.

He helped kill millions and then pretended to save them.

No. They’re evil. I’ll pull the lever. Let me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No violence. Just legal execution after a trial. Maximum defense. And when he’s convicted, volunteers for the firing squad, hanging, whatever. I’ll volunteer.


He can’t even follow the script that had been dumbed down for him:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHY are we putting up with this China shit?

Elizabeth Carter

We need to remember this. It is really about 6 minutes and repeats.
Immigration World Poverty and Gumballs 2010 – Immigration Doesn’t Work
Dec 1, 2017

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s an absolutely GREAT presentation, that proves just how idiotic and deceptive the DEMONRATS’ and soczialists’ “efforts” to solve the world’s problems by throwing money at them are.

In truth, they’re throwing money at problems with the intent that it bounces back into their pockets. Our money, their pockets, natch.

This lecture should be required viewing for every student. Not sure which class; were there such a thing as a “common sense and how to live life class”, that would be a good fit, but letting the ed biz loose with such a class gives me horrors…

Fix the problems where they are. Sounds like let them bloom where they’re planted.
The antithesis of Coudenhove-Kalergi and Cloward-Piven…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They want the WHOLE WORLD AS SLAVES.


Abbott is beginning to toe the line. MAGA is coming for him and he senses a disturbance in the water. 😁

He’s gonna build a wall on the Texas border using billions of no-strings-attached stimulus money. No wonder President Trump is coming down for a visit.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️


He has been taking a lot of heat. It’s hard to be in the Bush globalist contingent while governing MAGA. 😁

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Money available in March? He better have contracts signed and work in progress before November 8, 2022! 😉


It’s not just fun to watch the slouchers stand up straight, its good too 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

I sense a disturbance in the farce 😀




OK, throwing a bleg out there — the Fiancee is going to a Judy Niedermeyer Quilt Retreat in Kalispell, MT. What other things should she look forward to doing while she’s up there, and how many extra days should she expect to be doing them?


Naturally she’ll have to go to the sun. 👍🏻




Going to the Sun Road – Glacier NP.


She mentioned that there were bus tours of three types — two different half-days, and one full day. She has a little time to figure this out.

The deal is that she’s deep into the JN Quilting thing, and her local (San Mateo) instructor has left the area during Covid.

For those unfamiliar, this is a sample of a Judy Niedermeyer quilt. They are quite something.

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Wow, really stunning. 🤔


That, they are.

And you’ll note that there are nineteen fabrics over in the requirements list. It’s a ways beyond the log cabins or attic windows quilts.


The Glacier Park Tour

Worth every dime. Twice, maybe even three times.

Very FEW people, statistically, even think about doing something like this…much less know they can.

Surprise her with it.

“Bb, I have something I want you to do for me while you are there. It’ll take you about a few hours, but you’ll love it I promise.”

It’ll take about 3 hours out of a day, door-to-door. You can usually book the same day you wanna go (ensuring good weather…but call in advance to set it all up anyway). Tell her she needs to hold 3 hours open for a surprise, but don’t tell her what it is….just that you have someplace for her to be at a certain time. Do this before she goes through the park by car/bus, but make SURE the pilot goes over the flight route with her afterwards so she can know what/where/how she saw what she will see from the ground later on.

Thank me later.


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Deeeee Peeeee????

Deplorable Patriot
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎


Wrong message.

Correct message is:

Barr did exactly what he promised he would not do, which was to represent the swamp in my cabinet as AG, subvert the DOJ, and stab the conservative movement in the back at every opportunity. His actions (and lack thereof) speak far more loudly than his duplicitous and self-serving words. He failed his oath of office as well as our Constitution. He betrayed the country, his family, and himself. He should feel deeply ashamed and embarassed. He knows what the truth is and it is not what he is telling corporate media outlets. This OAN expose’ says it all….
(insert OAN video above)

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That’s what he said, put your Trump glasses on! 😎 comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

On strike 😁
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Deplorable Patriot

No, just scheduled it for the wrong time.




Revolver News has a stunning critique of our modern generals…Milley et al.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow the Gilbert and Sullivan song “I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General” comes to mind…

Now, for the new lyrics 😀

(from “The ‘Nancys’ and pedants”…)….


More on the humanized mice at Peking University circa 2007:

It was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation thru they’re Grand Challenges in Global Health program.


…”On 26 January 2003, at the World Economic Forum [HN1] in Davos, Switzerland, Bill Gates [HN2] announced a $200-million medical research initiative—the Grand Challenges in Global Health [HN3]”…

…”The efforts to identify Grand Challenges in Global Health relied on financial and administrative resources of two collaborating foundations, the BMGF and the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) [HN6]; on a selection panel (scientific board) of 20 scientists and public health experts from 13 countries, including several from the developing world (2); and on the scientific community to supply ideas for challenges. “…

Harold Varmus and Anthony Fauci sat on the selection panel (scientific board).

And this:

“Human-animal chimeras for vaccine development: an endangered species or opportunity for the developing world?”

…”Major funding to develop “humanized” mouse models for vaccine testing has been made available, for example from the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative [10]. The US National Academy of Sciences has developed guidelines for the use of chimeras for research, including mechanisms for oversight at institutions which plan to conduct research on human-animal chimeras [11].”…

…”Another approach may be for the developing world, especially countries such as China and India, to make research involving human-animal chimeras a specific niche, and to support and fund it. This would be a way to move the scientific field forward, and to aid the development of solutions to important global health problems; this would supplement the excellent work happening in the west in this area, which is sometimes held up because of conservative attitudes to human-animal chimeras. An example for such funding, for the intended benefit of the developing world, already exists: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded a project at Peking University, China, through its Grand Challenges in Global Health Initiative, to develop a “humanized” chimeric mouse model with an immune system and liver similar to humans for testing and development of potential HIV and HCV vaccine candidates [32], and provided support to develop a regulatory structure for the project [33]. “…


Second linked paper is truly sick, imo. It actually justifies exporting chimeric research to developing nations based on chimeras in the nations’ cultural mythology.


This stuff is just sick.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

What is WRONG with those people❓⁉

Cuppa Covfefe


But at the root of it all, they hate GOD and HIS Creation, and HIS People.


They hate themselves and do not know it. When they realize it they will cave.
Just my thoughts.


As Dr Hatfield said on Bannon ” they are very bad people.”

Deplorable Patriot

Sorry for the delay. Had the thing scheduled for the wrong time. Good thing I woke up.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤗 😘 😘 🤗 💖 💖 💖


We were starting to get worried about you. Glad you’re safe.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

I’ve been catching up. Didn’t use my desktop cause it creates too much heat. Today is nice and cool, so am using desktop again instead of the tablet, which is frustrating as it is very “touchy”. This article for the 29th I thought was excellent.

Last edited 3 years ago by jamcooker
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good to see you! Yeah, tablets are wonky little beasts. Sometimes awesome, sometimes weird, always “small”. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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