Just putting this out there.

We’ve come to the place where watching events unfold has become an absurd parody of bad theater both on stage and off.
And trust me, there is some bad theater out there.
What is becoming glaringly obvious in this war for control of the people mind, body and soul is that the Ruling Class people, as Professor Angelo Codevilla labels them, really don’t know We the People, their sworn enemies.
They seriously think American conservatives who they label extremist and violent are going to fall into the trap of shooting first. They do not realize that most of the American right, as it were, is much more savvy than that.
There’s a reason for this.
Today’s Ruling Class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a social canon of judgements about good and evil, complete with secular sacred history, sins (against minorities and the environment), and saints. Using the right words and avoiding the wrong ones when referring to such matters – speaking the “in” language – serves as a badge of identity. …
From Chapter 2 of The Ruling Class: How they corrupted America and what we can do about it, by Angelo Codevilla, 2010. Emphasis from DePat.
Coming from a part of my hometown that produces these people, the notion that the people who fancy themselves our betters do think alike, and have siloed themselves in grade grubbing competitions in order to have the privilege of putting specific institutions of higher learning on their resumes. After all, not many of these people end up in NCAA Division One sports. (Okay, some do.)
Dr. Codevilla hits the nail on the head with his description of the social canon. Any deviation from this mentality results in ostracization. (Seriously, my college diploma has one of the coveted names on it. I keep it for sentimental reasons. I can speak the language and socialize with these people for information gathering purposes.)

Feb 22, 2018 9:39:44 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 No. 466606
People kill people.
They want you WEAK.
They want us to take the bait and shoot first to justify putting into place their final plans.
As for watching a movie, at this juncture, it may be true, but that horse is tired. The whole thing about there being two life sized sets of the White House exterior will be shelved for now.
What else is out there…
This makes, what, four in the last week? (Honestly, that death photo is not up to National Geographic standards.) Here’s a guide for the checklist:

Someone here claims that once those labels are exhausted, they’re going to start on the phonetic alphabet. Think Foxtrot and Tango will cause widespread dancing?
For once, I’m all out of memes.
Take heart. It’s almost Friday.

Oh, and before I forget:

Since we’re talking about the suburbs, and educational expectations. This is from a movie that said it all about my generation.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
PSALMS 105:16-21
16When he summoned a famine on the land, and broke every staff of bread, 17he had sent a man ahead of them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave. 18His feet were hurt with fetters, his neck was put in a collar of iron; 19until what he had said came to pass the word of the LORD tested him. 20The king sent and released him, the ruler of the peoples set him free; 21he made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his possessions,
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
I had never heard Vic (in the video) before. He’s a little over the top, on purpose I’m sure, but I totally get where he’s coming from. Everything is made so much more difficult than it has to be. I don’t know if it’s because a lot of people scam and take advantage, or if people in corporate like to exercise power and throw their weight around, but I see little to no common sense being used. He’s got a point about having just confirmed his identity, but it doesn’t matter because “rules.”
He’s hilarious, and yes, sometimes over the top, but he’s from New Yawk, and (worse) a Yankees fan, so I’ll forgive him
He has an epic vid that he put out at the beginning of the plandemic/scamdemic that illustrates that irrational fear (dare I say Phobia?) to a “T”. This is a longer version but it covers (and uncovers) just about everything (Necessity is the Mother of Invention):
And (seems he likes water in a plandemic
) here’s a *cough* refreshing dining experience, with plenty to wash his meal down, so to speak (Outdoor Dining During a Pandemic):
And finally, from his alter(ed) ego Ticked Off Vic, some more thoughts on dining, and the ever-irritating impossibility of getting coffee together with dessert after a meal. (Language a little NY Postal, but I can get where he’s coming from)
Ticked Off Vic: Dessert WITH Coffee. Hello??!!
Security Nazis. Vic’s rant almost seemed like it could easily substitute for an exercise regimen. Hopes he knows when to dial it back.
I believe I have seen him once on here. I think he’s funny. I’m a little sick I guess. I also like to listen to Nick Dip. Sorry to say I love when he plays the C word song when referring to someone like Hillary or Nancy.
That heavy metal dance about the irrational number pi was most excellent.
In another scene, one of the band members explains why their amps go up to ’11’…

Eleven is “special”!
Yes, 11 is very special.
You see, most amps only go up to ’10’, but they had their amps special made, to go to ’11’.
Nigel, the lead singer in the video, explains the significance of ’11’ to Marty, the director of the documentary (Marty, played by Rob Reiner).
Such a great scene!
It’s one more, isn’t it?
But these go to 11…
So obvious. But hard to explain sometimes!
“So obvious. But hard to explain sometimes!”
I don’t know if she’s just playing along, or if she really wants to know!
If she wants to know, I can explain it

OMG, how far has National Geographic fallen? From the reality of brown tits to fake dead people in masks. Daring!
Yep. Just like unScientific unAmerican, and a lot of the science/history mags (those few that are still around). Pretty soon they’ll be both woke and broke. Sometimes I think they’re only being kept afloat by the likes of Satan Sauros and BillyGhoul GatesofHell to indoctrinate, pacify, and silence the proles….
“Dr. Codevilla hits the nail on the head with his description of the social canon. Any deviation from this mentality results in ostracization.”
Which, it turns out, is exactly what any sane person wants… to be ostracized from these whacked out hive-mind pod-people… because it saves you the trouble of ostracizing them…
I call it preostracizationism, in honor of the Demented Class, because it’s exactly the kind of pretentious sounding word these navel-gazing idiots would appreciate.
It’s the social art of provoking virtue-signalling Wojaks to ostracize you, so you don’t have to do it to them first…

I like it!
They’re so out of touch with reality that they think we want to be like them. Ha ha ha! Not in this life.
You pretty much have to let them ostracize you, if you want to get away from them.
Because if you ostracize them, they will do anything to regain your approval, and if you don’t give it to them, it’s like telling a child they can’t have something.
Except they’re not children, so they become obsessed, turning into the Glenn Close character in Fatal Attraction.
By provoking them to ostracize you, it’s like taking a detour around that whole psycho-drama, and they just leave you alone.
Which is all you wanted in the first place

Nah, you just have to be strong and not be seduced.
I generally keep my mouth shut unless I get a question. “Did you see the Today show this morning?” “Oh, I don’t watch network programming.” was an exchange I actually had one morning. No apologizing, just the truth. it was accepted, but with puzzlement. Oh, well.
They are fun to dance with, though.


que to 6:12 for the cabbage roll polka ..
Now, now, a “for the good of the hive” mind is not a bad thing when the right hive is involved.
“Now, now, a “for the good of the hive” mind is not a bad thing when the right hive is involved.”
The only ‘right hive’ I can think of is a beehive
Hence why the Church has used it as a symbol for centuries. All candles are to be at least 51% beeswax for this reason.
100% would be better. Paraffin is not so great from a combustion byproduct point of view (indeed it shocked me to see that folks use it to seal jam, etc.)…..
Burns longer, smells better, and has a nice warm glow (probably 2200°K or so)….
100% are available, but twice the price.
That’s always a consideration.
“Hence why the Church has used it as a symbol for centuries.”
Used what as a symbol for centuries?
A beehive wig?
“All candles are to be at least 51% beeswax for this reason.”
Or… what?
What happens if a candle is only 49% beeswax… and who’s the candle-tester?
GREAT tune.
Rand Paul plays and sings a mean lead
[would be interesting to match up folks here with the folks in the vid for fun, but not sure if that would work out OK…]…..
[I do keyboards, but I don’t have ANYTHING close to a suit like that…..]….
Awesome moment of clarity ..
.. even I, a semi-somewhat educated human get that and .. wow … “we have met the enemy and he is us”/them .. 

have family (nieces nephews and closer) that are sadly and obdurately stuck in their educated programming .. miserable b’stard school systems, truth is coming and hell is coming with it. Praying for clarity, God is bigger than this -hit show, the Creator is omnipresent, omnipotent .. stand firm and behold His magnificence ..
.. love and God bless all of you, abundantly ..
at some point in time I’d like to learn how to view response comments .. atm there’s not much sock in my lines but it’s all good man ..

.. I’m …. Slow

… sock
? … s/b “slack” .. 

Love Vic – but OMG – if a normie acts like that – RED FLAG HELL will commence.
It’s not fair. But it’s part of their bullshit
But thank God for Vic, because he can help free us from this BS.
… I was born politically incorrect, … or was I ‘eh … 

This is my first encounter with Vic and I liked him—saw a LOT of truth in all he says. I then went on to another of his rants——but— had to turn it off—nowadays i am real sensitive to “energy” (what people say is carried in a certain frequency, and energy is contagious) —and i found his to be way too jarring for my insides.
President Trump/Dr. Ben Carson/Scott Kesterson/Gen.Mike Flynn/Sidney Powell et al I could listen to allllll day. Uplifting! Inspiring!
Yes – I feel the same way. I love to hear Bannon interview people – that is my level of caffeine!
Funny to watch him try to light that e-cig after telling the waiter (in the torrential downpour) that his soup tasted a little watered-down…. And then the lightning flashes seemed to sync with his lighter
That tweet you posted from conspiracybot is pretty chilling. This one:
I think he (or she) is exactly right. They’ve been trying to get us to fight back for quite awhile now. And if we do and don’t do it right, the boot is going to be slammed down on us hard. I think we all understand that, which is one reason it hasn’t happened yet.
A lot of what governments do is designed to keep us in a state of moderate annoyance.
That way, they are free to experiment with more radical acts, knowing if they get enough people ready to lynch them, they can relieve the pressure by tossing aside some of the annoyances. People then react with, “finally, that rock is removed from my shoe!!!! What a relief!! Now, let’s see, what was I doing?”
Once you see the pattern, it’s very striking how often it is repeated.
Remember the meme I (and Wheatie) posted, with two figures – the one, a Fibbie glowing green, prodding the other (a small Pepe) with a stick, saying:
“C’mon – do a terror.”
And the Pepe said “No.”
Refusing to be bird-dogged.
It’s a tremendous meme …
Iconic. Will be in the history books.
Did I not hear some politicians say, paraphrased ” they nuke us if we rise up” ?
Is it just me, or are the governments of the world just daring their people to rise up against them?
^^^ Of course they are.
They’ve been whining about guns are evil. Whites are extremists…
IF they get their examples it’ll energize anti 2A Executive Orders and increased spying on Americans via Patriot Act 2.0, 3.0..
AAll under the BS line of safety, common sense…
If only power were taken from those awful capitalist men….
Oh, those were fun!
They don’t teach about the Soviet Union.
Speaking of which, guess which country has OUTSTANDING socialized medicine?
Which country has socialized medicine so good, that their green cardies prefer to GO HOME to get treatment for anything serious?
Why, that would be the country with the strictest immigration policy in the world. AND THIS.

I don’t get your point on women physicians. Every culture has had women healers, and even now, in my SIL’s case, the women physicians, and the one guy who is gay, have been the best.
It’s subtle – particularly since you’ve undoubtedly noticed my “almost woke” attitude toward the way women were treated in science back when I was a student.
I believe in FREEDOM of THE PEOPLE to find what they regard as a natural equilibrium in gender appeal of different jobs. To have everybody BACK OFF – particularly government – and let people decide where the balances of interest lie.
Choosing wisely to remove obvious unconstitutional barriers where discrimination is cramping people’s freedom is one thing – forcing allegedly counter-discriminative but in fact discriminative solutions that take away freedom and burden The People is another.
The latter is designed to lead to a Soviet state.
Communists can never just let the people decide – they want to rush to presumed solutions – very often WRONG ONES – and in their minds “current” is always wrong. Right now, 50-50 looks good to them – possibly wrong for any particular culture – until they decide that it should be something else – because they’re not about people choosing – they’re about an elite retaining the power of choice over the people.
What you can see by looking at that graph is that Japan is changing, but it’s changing (overall) very slowly. Why? Because the SUCCESS OF CONSERVATISM IS VALUED. They have recent experience with semi-forced modernization that was not happy, and provides endless dramatic fodder for their entertainment, but at least it was not by communist guns, which is the worst and stupidest modernization of all.
Japanese medicine is not fucked up by leftism. THANK GOD.
Japanese women will make excellent doctors – AT THE RATE OF THEIR OWN CHOOSING. Not at rates decided by CCP influence at the UN.
China understands that forced change weakens competitors. And the real wake-up call is that it doesn’t even matter where China is on that graph, because hey – THEY aren’t the ones taking the experimental mRNA gene therapy, either. Hypocrisy is a WEAPON.
Absolute wisdom right there.
I look at Larry Ellison about the same way that I look at a bottle of sodium hydroxide; BUT he said something absolutely brilliant, fair, and *cough’ sustainable, which was included in Oracle’s Employee Handbook, and on their Employee Application form (sadly buried within all the other gobbledegook):
Simple, obvious, straightforward, yet profound in this day and age (though I saw it in the late 1980s).
What is so hard about this?
If you don’t want prejudice, favoritism, racissm, whatever, then the only thing you can do is look at people blindly, equally, and with neither precondition nor prejudgement.
As the musical said “You’ve got to be taught”.
And pushing folks ahead to meet a quota neither helps them, nor helps the company and society in general. FIX THE PROBLEM, NOT THE SYMPTOM…..
EXCLUSIVE: 1/6 Photos, Videos Show Potential Undercover Feds Participate In Violence, Assault Trump Supporters Trying To De-Escalate
How many of these people were working with or for the FBI, local police, or federal law enforcement?
by ANDREW WHITE July 7, 2021
Vickie Blum reposted
Resist the Mainstream
REPOST if you agree!
FOLLOW https://gab.com/emoji/1f449.svg @ResisttheMainstream
Target the weak.
The young.
The old.
The screwed-up.
Tactics of WAR.
From Gab…..
There should be one more frame with a YUGE blob shoving the pink blob and biden into its mouth, labelled “PROGRESSIVE FLIM-FLAM” — while having the thought drifting even further away.
I think there are two Biden, one has brown eyes one blue, one parts his hair on the right the other on the left. One is semi lucid the other is not.
Am I seeing things?
So, I’ve frequently mentioned that I live in Santa Clara, in Silicon Valley.
Silicon Valley has an interesting vehicular transit structure that is quite similar to the San Fernando Valley, near where I grew up. There are two parallel freeways that traverse it from east to west (one of which is US 101) near its natural boundaries (the hills and the bay up here, the Santa Monica Mountains and San Gabriel/Santa Susanna mountains down there).
In August, 1960, the County of Santa Clara approved the County Expressways. These were eight arterial roads that were specially upgraded to be safer for larger volumes of traffic at higher speeds. During the explosive growth of Silicon Valley in the 80’s, these saved the region from complete vehicular deadlock. Having a 20-year “crystal ball” is pretty good, and having an impact lasting over 40 years past that is phenomenal.
In the San Fernando Valley, the same function is performed by standard arterial thoroughfares like Reseda Blvd. and Balboa Blvd. The system here is far superior.
In Silicon Valley, there are two East/West routes that are wide, heavily commercialized, and full of idiots. Those are Stevens Creek Boulevard (AKA San Carlos) and El Camino Real (AKA The Alameda). There are numerous North/South routes that also fit this description, like Winchester Boulevard.
And, then, there are the “local’s” roads. For example, if I’m going to pick up a couple of a la carte tacos to go from “El Amigo Burrito” (4485 Stevens Creek Blvd.), I’d get on Stevens Creek and dodge the car carriers, the freight delivery, the showoff idiots, the people driving who have clearly never driven before, and the lost, while waiting at the unsynchronized lights. But I’ll want to get home and eat them while they’re still warm, so I’ll take a right on Stevens Creek, another right on Woodhams Road (a non-local wouldn’t necessarily know it went anywhere), then a right on Pruneridge (a “local’s” road that parallels Stevens Creek) for a quieter (and quicker) ride back to my neighborhood.
Now the jolly jackwads of Santa Clara’s Transportation planners want to harass the 12,000 cars per day that travel Pruneridge in hopes of increasing the number of bicycles per day from 10 to 20. https://www.santaclaraca.gov/our-city/departments-g-z/public-works/engineering/traffic-engineering/pruneridge-avenue-complete-streets-plan
I should draft a counterproposal that nonmotorized traffic be banned on Pruneridge, but it would take up the energy I should be using to pack.
GTFO. You can always return to California in a troop transport aircraft at a later date.
Once I’m out, I’ve got things to build, lessons to teach, and stuff to do. I don’t know if I’d ever have the time to go back.
Good thoughts! You don’t need CA!!!
After they approve the bike lanes, the handful of biker fanatics will insist on “parking-protected bike lanes” where vehicles are expected to parallel park in the middle of the road to create a protected bike lane between the sidewalk and parked cars. Been there, done that. Personally, I’ve got mixed feelings on the whole thing. The bike lanes genuinely work in niche areas to both protect bikers and speed up traffic, but the parking lane BS and expansion of bike lanes to places where it is impractical are a real nuisance. The Mayor who pushed this garbage was a real stickler for “thinking ahead to 2030.” I can only imagine how awful 2030 is going to be under their original plans.
I’ve visited the goddaughter in Eugene, OR (another socialist utopia) and I’ve seen stuff……completely disconnected from reality, but stuff….
So, a little bit about the architectural program at UofO. They have a five-year program to come out with a Master’s that is highly regarded in the biz. The goddaughter went in with high levels of prep, she’d done things like a stint at Fallingwater that showed she had real promise, and is intelligent and creative….
And was hit with the “Project Runway” of architecture. “One of you will be in; and one of you will be out.” And, just like “Project Runway” does challenges like “create three designs based on the film ‘Metropolis’ incorporating Hefty Bags….”, the school kept coming up with ridiculous challenges like “design an effective three-way traffic intersection incorporating 4,000 cubic yards of steer manure.”
The constant noise drove her out of the program. I’m her godfather, so I’m biased, but I think she could reliably create beautiful and effective work with sane inputs. But the level of ugly noise and crap denied her a certification that she would need to work in that field. Instead, she’ll be less effective at doing something else.
Yup. IMO she’s better off. Advanced degree programs are designed to weed out people who might challenge the system. Staying in to get the Cabal’s blessing that you’re good is not as powerful as simply being good.
She can find something else and be more effective, but she has to avoid an additional trap the Cabal sets, for those who are denied entrance.
The Cabal will deny the person into the ivory tower (whatever it is), then capture them as a radical, opposed to the ivory tower. The person can then be used to subvert, attack, manipulate, or pressure from the outside – OR to get in as a radical, and then operate as a controlled entity inside.
Rough world.
It is my hope that she gets hooked up with a builder/developer outside the government/institution “bid the project on your credentials” orbit and makes beautiful things.
If I can ever get my butt out of here, I might even be that guy. She doesn’t have enough engineering (says the guy with two STEM parents) but she knows how to keep it real.
But I do agree that she’s better off without those mindfucking assholes. What they put her through spikes my BP.
I used to carry her around forests in Mendocino when she could barely walk, and she’d poke the banana slugs to make them put out their eyestalks to figure out what did that…..then she’d poke ’em in the head and they’d pull their eyestalks back in. Sometimes she’d feel the tree bark, sometimes the stones…..there is something about experiencing nature with new eyes.
Citizen science is probably the closest to the “ladies and gentlemen science” of yore, and certainly better than either the institutional monstrosity created as the successor to genteel science, or the new “woke science” of enslaved, deluded “activists” that threatens to make things even worse.
My daughter left a PhD program of Northwestern University was the best thing she ever did. Financially is better off job wise also. She was not willing to cave to the crazy professors .
At the time they could not comprehend that a beautiful young woman can be very intelligent and just as good in physics , chemistry, English and math than any guy.
She is the one who skipped grates is very secure in who she is and very strong to stand up for herself. European companies gobbled her up and paid her very well. She even has two patents under her belt. Now she works for an small American company running things.
Very interesting! I can see it! Were they demanding things like 16-20 hour days? Or did they pressure her to quit in other ways? Do you think it was intentional, or just “cultural”?
Looking back, I realize that science was anti-woman in part because it was anti-family, in part because it had internalized the idea of being anti-morality under the justification of “objectivity”, and in part because it came to value the “merit” of slavery. The meritocracy valued only those who could devote 20 hours a day to science and the rest to an outside life.
Everybody assumed that the highest levels made decisions about morality – it turned out NOBODY in science was making those decisions – perfect for communists to come in and take decision-making from the prior controlling establishment interests.
FauXism is real.
The firing of Judy Mikovits rather than fighting it out with her to enlightenment was a key point in history
She had full scholarship to NW and they did seek her out from St Louis University. She was paid by them.
The professors liked to make all the girls cry in their 2nd year Phd program. She said “I will be damned if they make me cry and when they badgered her she quit on the spot and took her MA. She is a physical- chemist specialized in surface enhancement
She had been heavily involved in Lutheran Campus Ministry. All the girls were involved in Christian organizations.
I am now waiting what will happen to her daughter who tested out of advanced calculus and is in advanced IT. Mother like daughter in that case
Yeah, that was the old way. This is part of the “fraternity” mentality of science that is OK for men’s psychology but not for women, because there is a difference.
I feel like I’m ratting out a secret initiation, but it needs to be addressed. Women need to be addressed by a sorority ideal, not a fraternity one. I have no idea how that works, but this is why “mentoring” is so effective for women in science. There’s a difference.
The admission to candidacy in many old school top-tier universities in the physical sciences is designed to humiliate the candidate for their own good.
Obviously this is easy to do improperly.
This is not to say there are not sadists, power-mad profs, slave-drivers, and all the rest. I’m talking about the good guys (and girls, sometimes).
If they’re smart, the profs do it gently but effectively for more sensitive types, but it has to be done. Obviously a WOMAN prof more likely knows how to get better results in a better way with a woman candidate.
Most students who come into top programs WERE the best at their old schools, and even if humble, have no idea how poorly they stack up against the sheer brilliance of the recorded knowledge of mankind in the literature, or in offices around the world. They have “bettered” thousands of normal students in their chosen fields, but now they are just average again, in a very tight curve, and all their professors are experts in niche areas, with hundreds of times the insight of the students.
You can TELL this to students, but it falls off like water on a duck’s back. Only actual humiliation, done carefully but convincingly, cuts through.
Intellectual situational awareness requires realism that cuts past psychological defenses and delusions.
Everybody – EVERYBODY – assumes that they failed their examination for admission to candidacy, because it is a designed failure. Tears are more than likely. Out of those failures, some or most are still admitted, depending upon how schools recruit and retain.
But everybody walks away with the CORRECT idea. They DO NOT deserve to be there. Nobody does. We are all humbled by intelligence itself. Call it what you will.
If only more Ph.Ds would retain that thinking their whole lives.
The student then has several years to gain expertise in their own thesis, which they can then DEFEND with the same brilliance they were shown to have lacked. Beginner’s brilliance – in ONE microscopic corner of the universe.
This is the core of the true Ph.D. program. An ancient method of apprenticeship, like a fraternity hazing but more honest in its motivation, to create intellectual fighters.
To me, somebody who would walk away from a perceived abuse has ironically shown the same fortitude that the system was trying to create! It’s a huge loss for the program. And that, sadly, is a risk of programs that don’t understand the psychology of their own students.
I think Gail could probably write a book about that. I know she’s posted a few times about the hell that she went through…
Always ends up as a club; and I think perhaps the drive to “consensus” from outside political and financial forces are just as much to blame as are weak and incompetent administrators…..
Yes, I have not read Gail’s full story, but I know that she got in trouble for honesty in industry a few times, and it would not surprise me if she got bounced from academia for precisely that quality.
Lot of good stuff in your post and very insightful
She did find a mentor in the Swiss American company who saw her potential. She never regretted giving the professor the finger.
I think was a two fold problem, yes they like the boys better and wanted to limit the specialty.
I considered the professor a sadist who had fun trying to trip girls up.
She now has Phd working for her makes more money and is happy. She has a specialty physical – chemist in surface enhancement. Not to many around. She has been in management position for the last 15 years.
Good for her. She is not alone. Science is filled with thousands of brilliant women who were stupidly flushed from Ph.D. programs. But to the smart employers, they were all gold just waiting to be picked up and recognized properly!
They don’t want “beautiful and effective work” in Clown World. That’s the point. I don’t mean to be a jerk about it, but that’s the reality, and if it saves her from being crushed by the NWO machine, then maybe it’s a blessing in disguise.
Yup. See my reply to Wolf below. I would hate to see my goddaughter crushed by the Borg.
They don’t want anything beautiful.
Because they’re UGLY.
Inside for sure, and outside usually / eventually.
Beetlejuice seems to be on the way up.
I rest my case!
They’re like Stacy Abrams to the rotten core….
Downtown here there is one street like that. Frankly, there’s not enough traffic other than on hockey nights to make a difference either way, but it’s just dumb.
Take a trip to Holland and experience the bicycle freeways, and the normal roads where the cyclists have right-of-way over everything short of emergency vehicles…
It’s almost as bad here in Germany, now that the EU (EC/EP) have taken a fancy to making life even worse for those of us who have to drive to live, as it were…..
So here’s the real real:
Santa Clara has already signed onto the United Nation’s Agenda 21 “Complete Streets” plan. The notice from Santa Clara has the timeline implementation already on it. Any “comments” from the public, or any “public meetings” (in-person or virtual) are window dressing formalities only, since they’re required by law.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D. OR) is the henchman of Agenda 21 in the U.S. House. He’s a bicycle fanatic.
Guess what? He co-sponsored the “Complete Streets” bill into the latest “Infrastructure” bill — to make “Complete Streets” mandatory all over the United States.
Guess what’s also part of Agenda 21? Mandatory small apartments / “stacked” residential buildings (have retail / food establishments on the first couple floors) / “mixed-use” zoning requirements (this means two separate things: first, the “stacked” building concept; and, two, mandatory “affordable housing” [what used to be called “the projects”] as part of any single-family residential area). One of the main goals of Agenda 21 is to force people to use public transportation; to use bicycles, mopeds, etc., to travel; and to make owning and using a private automobile either too expensive to do — or to prohibit it altogether.
Agenda 21 plans are already being forced onto We, The People by the backdoor — that new “mixed-use” development that a city/county just approved; the “bike- and pedestrian-friendly” paths that were carved out of the nice, wide street, making that street more dangerous instead of ‘friendly”; the “traffic-calming” obstacles and/or street relocation that suddenly appeared in town, making that street more dangerous for automobile traffic; the “stormwater tax” that the city/county added to your real estate tax bill.
At least 100 American cities or counties have signed onto Agenda 21, even though the United States Senate has never ratified this “treaty.”
Charlottesville is one of the cities that signed on. Results? — “Stormwater tax” imposed; streets relocated and/or “traffic calming” added; 6-foot side sidewalks on formerly quiet streets that have reduced the drive lanes width; “mixed-use” developments; bike- and pedestrian lanes all over the place; reduced parking on many streets.
Same here in L.A. They have severely restricted the car lanes in major artery streets for bike lanes for the super-minority of bike riders. I think that those who insist on these stupid bike lanes should be required to ride their bikes and never ride in a car or on public transportation, no matter what the weather is like. Whether it is 114 degrees or pouring rain, with flooded streets; if they need to ge to work, hospital or any important meeting, they must only ride their bikes.
Funny thing (not) here is, they put in bike lanes costing MILLIONS of Euros, so the cyclists with tight cycling outfits that cut off the blood flow to their brains could ride in a separate space.
Then the EC (European Comission) in their typically idiotic snowflake effusions declared that cyclists are, for all intents and purposes, equal to cars, both in traffic priority, right-of-way, and precedence, as automobiles and trucks, buses, etc.
So, now those hyper-expensive, special bike-lanes go unused, while the brain-starved cyclists flock to the already overcrowded normal lanes, slowing and clogging traffic with which they cannot keep up…..
Stuff the greens…
Reno is just as bad. Waste of tax payer dollars and perfectly good land.
Off the wall…El Camino real…The Alameda… IRCC, same road continues on…Santa Clara St, Alum Rock Avenue…
Used to drive me nuts when I first moved up here. In LA, you get on Ventura Boulevard, and it’s the same street (and consecutive street numbers) for miles and miles. Same with Sepulveda. Here, stuff changes names every couple of blocks — and if the names don’t change, often the numbers do.
Try downtown London. You’ll be screaming in your sleep…
Especially on a cold, dark, rainy or foggy night… The street names are often only on the kerb, with low-contrast lettering, just to make things “fun”…..
The thing that gets me in London is that everyone becomes familiar with the Tube map, because it’s logical and organized and pretty….then you start figuring out that real-world above-ground distances have nothing to do with the Tube map….
I’ve only “experienced” that in the movies…those damp, foggy “pea soupers” that are conducive to crimes.
OK, this is huge…..
https://gab.com/emoji/2694.svgNevadaElJefehttps://gab.com/emoji/2694.svg reposted
Hobbs is so out of touch with the people of Arizona that she thought we would let it go… well the people of Arizona are like pit bulls with a bone…
A Security Breach of Election Registration Servers in Arizona Occurred on Nov. 3 – Sec of State Hobbs Knew About It But Kept It Hidden
https://gab.com/emoji/1f525.svg @NevadaElJefe follows back!https://gab.com/emoji/1f525.svg
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors also knew about the Security Breach and they too, kept it hidden. Why? Because it benefited them in carrying out their nefarious Election Fraud! Why do you think all these people are so afraid of the Audit? They are afraid because their corrupt culpability in the Stolen 2020 Presidential Election is about to be exposed! They are afraid of the long and short term consequences to the Democrat Party, which has built it’s governance on a House of Cards! A House of Cards that is about to come tumbling down. And most of all, they are afraid for their personal well being (they’re obviously worried about going to jail). It is only fitting that Election Fraud on such a grand scale (never before attempted), be met with a commensurate level of severe sanctions – to punish the wicked and deter future criminality in the Election Process..
Read more
Attorney Matt DePerno: A Security Breach of Election Registration Servers in Arizona Occurred on Nov. 3 – Sec of State Hobbs Knew About It But Kept It Hidden
(Above picture is of Election Auditors paid for by the County in the server room in Maricopa County.) Attorney Matt DePerno reported this morning on the Bannon War…
The Gateway Pundit
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All of this fits in with the modus operandi of STAND DOWN AND LET CHINA GIVE IT TO BIDEN.
The woman in the comic book style drawing above is from the 1981 film Heavy Metal.
>>”OK, this is huge…..”<<
I read “these are” …
I strongly suspect this is comms. Elephant = Republican. Keep this in mind for future headlines. I don’t buy for one second that it took China a full year to find an elephant. An elephant, think about that. It’s not like it’s the size of a lost dog or cat they’re looking for. Something is off about this headline.
Whoever it is, the development was important enough to print in my local news. How is a missing elephant in China “local news”? How is it it possible that China can create a bio-weapon, steal an American election, and (allegedly) send a robot to a Moon, but can’t find a missing elephant in their own country? I’m not buying it.
It’s off. AP, too. They’re always propaganda. So it’s SOMETHING.
Shy-knee put the elephant back in its place.
That’s “something”.
The animal theme is real, as far as coded comms go …
Dogs, owls, giraffes, and now elephants. More, too.
Loyalty, wisdom, Y-heads, and ‘pubs. There are other interpretations, for sure (depending on the context, of course).
Perhaps an important vector in the codebook.
Hmmm. Returning a Republican to its herd….
Better to be scene and not herd?
Any little human interest story for distraction purposes.
They aren’t interested in humans.
Only in themselves.
“Distraction” is a low-priority, ancillary side-benefit here.
It’s comms, IMO.
An elephant herd consists of only females, usually a matriarch, her sisters, cousins and their children. Once boys become teenagers, they’re forced out. Some go hang out with other males, 3-4max, but as a general rule, males are pretty solitary, due to too much competition. When males got into musth, they rage, and fight each other to win rights to the females. I agree, it’s not good to have any elephant near a population center…that’s about the only truth in this article. I watch a lot of Nat Geo & Discovery. I

So they’re forcing socialism on the elephants. WOW.
That picture looks photo shopped. Oh defiantly.
Tucker’s stuff is getting leaked to the media. He thinks it’s NSA leaking it, but IMO it’s DODGE or FIB.
Sundance is covering this, and has a great recap of the James Wolfe / Jussie K. Liu saga.
DOJ/FIB ran an illegal FISA and they got caught. Blame the NSA for what DOJ/FIB did.
Exactly. They’re playing Tucker, IMHO.
President Paper Mache.
I have bought catturd’s books and really enjoy him. I have not figured out how he has avoided being censored on twit though.
My guess is Twit has been in white hat hands for quite a while, and some accounts being banned is a show put on just to maintain the illusion that jack Dorsey has any power at this point. Otherwise, the cat, Conspiracy bot and a number of others would have been gone long ago.
Have never thought of TW as good guys. Gotta noodle on that thought.
I was kicked off and all my good stuff hidden. Not buying it.
So if Dorsey is no longer in power, the Chinese are?
No. The Chinese are not in any kind of power here, IMO. However, they are fighting a war against us that we have not publicly acknowledged.
I watched Jan Jekielek’s American Thought Leaders with Kyle Bass last night and he makes some great points about what China is doing here. I highly recommend it though it’s an hour long. Kyle Bass: The ‘Cancer’ of China’s New Digital Currency
Mo’ Cabal Meetup News:
Nikki Haley not gonna show. Seems odd.
Or as Sundance says…..(the pictures are hilarious – check them out)
Does she have to be there in person to say ” Yes I’ll do anything you ask”
It’s not like she’d have anything to contribute to any convo.
she won’t win, because faux bidden didn’t win…and it’s COMING OUT!
Likely Nikki is already owned. The invite was to swell her head some more.
Wokommie update:
Hypocrisy: Patrick Henry Community College Changing Name Even As Governor Recognizes Founder with Proclamation
Rebecca Downs
Posted: Jul 07, 2021 7:15 PM
ThatTomGuy reposted
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More Warroom
You want diversity, bud? Put a CANDACE OWENS on your fact checkers!
Take to the overpasses against the American Bolshevik SCUM
Take Action Patriots!
WANTED – REAL Patriots – The Kind that TAKE ACTION!
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Overpasses For America
1 repost
Remember – if Democrats will stand down for a ChiCom electoral cyberattack, they will stand down for physical invasion.
Couldn’t, even if I wanted to.
They’re in a locker.
Davy Jones’.
Terrible boating accident on the high seas.
I was lucky to wash up on shore.
The only thing I managed to salvage was my sense of humor

Yup. It’s a shame. ALL those boating accidents! There will be many!
The face of the enemy. Just read his tweets. Hot tip from Gab.
Trump Country. Give me a break!
I had a conversation with a neighbor yesterday who is terrified to go to the pool despite the chlorine in it. The concept that people don’t want to get jabbed is just foreign to her, so is doing your own research and homework on the matter. Classic liberal, that’s for sure.
Dependence on msm and gov for info is a hard habit to break for a lot of people. So many people never have a thought or idea of their own. Sadly.
Maybe liberals think deep research is checking out FB, YT, TW, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSDNC, even Faux News.
Then they conclude they have the facts. Us tin foil types are making stuff up.
Lefties are pool-pee-ers anyway. Good riddance!
It could be that a lot of people are just truly and profoundly mentally ill at this point.
And then there’s the drama junkies, Covidgeddon may be the most exciting thing that has happened to a lot of people in years.
I don’t think they could have pulled any of this off in the 1940s or 1950s, because the men wouldn’t have gone along with it.
They would have called ‘bullsh!t’ right to the faces of the bureaucrats, and when combat veterans from WWII call ‘bulls!t’ to their face, bureaucrats would pee in their pants.
I think the people who are scared of China Virus like being scared.
I’m beginning to believe that widespread mental illness via mind control is a thing.
“Trump Country Rejects Vaccines Despite Growing Delta Threat”
David Crosby has a good old song about the Delta threat.
And Chuck Norris has a movie about it:
I’m waiting for the wheat to be separated from the chaff when it comes to the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta. They’re not all evil.
Bergoglio already purged the Knights of Malta.
Mark Levin was great yesterday on the radio – mostly talking about American Communists – do find it and listen.
Thank you.
Cover up, huh? Yeah, either she’s playing dumb or she didn’t know he was extracted. I still think he cut a deal.
She has a role to play regardless. MeThinks she likely doesn’t know McAfee is alive and well, somewhere. He’ll contact her indirectly in good time.
The FIB has been rotten for a LONG TIME. It didn’t just suddenly happen when Obama was squatting in the oval office.
It started out rotten. J.Edgar Hoover was as corrupt as they come.
Tough to be “grounded” when one cross-dresses.
A SERIOUS “personality” flaw – often overweening.
As in this case. He was a perv.
The Bill’s Number!
Verse of the Day for Thursday, July 8, 2021
“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!”
Romans 11:33 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Which one were you? I was the basket case. Always different and weird. On the outside.
I was none of them, but I identify with all of them.
Combination geek and basketcase, although identified as a princess.
Love that move.
When they run out of the Greek alphabet for their Scariants, they can always go on to the Sanskrit Devanagari script which has 48:
वर्णमाला (thesanskritlanguage.com)
Need to do a post on this!
Taxes and fees are really bad.
So when i went out of state, i had to pay hotel per night plus city tax, then every hotel has a resort fee per night which i had to pay…but the kicker was a taxe per night on the resort fee too!
LOL! Yikes.
I know right? When you add in taxes and fees it more than doubles the pernight cost at some of them.

Today in American Revolutionary War History
“No man in his senses can hesitate in choosing to be free, rather than a slave.”
Alexander Hamilton
We have a lot of people “not in their senses” today.
Barron Trump is now 15 years old and 6′ 7″.
He looks completely different! Neat blond hair shy boy is GONE. Looking more like his Dad now, with long shaggy dark hair. 15, Age of mischief.
15, Age of mischief.
^^^ So much fun!
I kind of prefer 8-10 myself.
Yup. Barron is getting more facial character from both parents. He looks more “Trump adult” than “Trump kid” now.
Hold smokes. Still a bit of a baby face. I hope he does martial arts. Mr gils friend is 6’7 and has a lot of back and other problems, had to retire early after his 3rd back surgery.
Be stocked up and prepared for natural disasters and whatever our enemies come up with.
World Economic Forum’s ‘Concept 2021’ Deals with Attacks to Supply Chains – This Is Eerily Similar to Bill Gates Sponsored Pandemic Simulation in 2019
Supply chains. Hacking that shits down pipelines, meat packing plants…Suez Canal blocked by Evergreen ship…
OK, that was a case of my terrible spell checking abilities.
…shuts down pipelines…
Gee, I thought you were making a comment about the quality of reasoning behind the anti-pipeline movement.
I was listening to Monkey Werx from yesterday, and his guest, Angery American, said that he has it from someone who works inside the grocery industry that they are now stacking “reserve” supplies as the just in time trucking that we Americans are so famous for isn’t always working.
I can vouch for that. Last week, I went looking for a specific brand of bottled water, and there wasn’t any. I bought generic spring water, and two days later the branded water appeared.
Was my former life, Scan based order (SBO). Just in time oerdering,= Days of supply on hand.
Just means there going back to what worked in the past. Having inventory on hand.
That system has been a joke from the start up. Constantly over riden by management to make sure you had enough product on hand. When you took the human element out of ordering at store level it goes down hill fast in all kinds of ways no one sees.
Just read on a Ram truck blog, beyond the “chip shortage” now there is some oil products shortage. Also oil filters.
Yesterday in Wally World, the auto oil area was very lightly stocked. Many lines empty. thought nothing of it, until I read the Ram truck forum today.
MeThinks, folks will be wise to aggressively stock up. I am going with a broader stock up than I normally would, including when Covid popped last year. Of course, I am being mindful of shelf life, but stocking up while I can.
If nothing else, with inflation spiking, it is cost effective. Or so I figure.
Mr gil read something about a chip maker in wales having a hostile takeover by the chinee recently. So crazy things going on.
Not a surprise. Whatever the Chinee can do to influence and ultimately control, seems they’ll do it. Are doing it.
An article a week or two ago mentioned the most sought after chip in short supply is made in Taiwan. Bet the Chinee are looking to manage that chip maker.
Control. Spying, and takeover vehicles.
I wish some carmakers would strip them down, get rid of all the extras and say its back to basics.
Btw, mr gil noted shortages on ammo and guns is slowing down. Ammo prices aren’t good. Gun prices have calmed a bit here.
I was in line behind a fire fighter at the grocery store and he was chatty and mentioned he got his shots. I just said, “Ahh.” Nothing else.
“I have directed our health department to tell the federal government that sending government goons door-to-door to compel vaccination would NOT be an effective OR welcome strategy in Missouri.”
There will be no ‘compelling’.
That I can tell you…
Well… there will be a compulsion for them to get off my porch, and get off my lawn.

Meanwhile, the “Biden administration” is now desperately trying to walk back on “President” Biden’s statements of a couple of days ago:
23 hours ago
Down and Dirty Summary: The “Biden” administration sent Jen Raggedy Ann to “clarify” “President” Biden’s statement of earlier this week, in which he implied that the federal government will implement a door-to-door “outreach” program to get the “vaccinations” to “vaccine hesitant” Americans. Somebody must have told Biden’s handlers that We, The People were suspicious that the feds would be showing up at one’s front door with needle in hand.
Instead, the canvassing will simply be to “educate” the “vaccine hesitant” about the “safety and efficacy” of the experimental gene-altering therapy injections, and to “give them information” about where to get the injections.
FTA: “White House press secretary Jen Psaki stressed Wednesday that no one from the federal government will be showing up at Americans’ doors mandating coronavirus vaccinations. Rather, the personal visits President Biden announced Tuesday are designed to share information on vaccinations as the White House aims to still reach its 4th of July goal of having 70% of the adult population jabbed…Jen Psaki stressed that the COVID-19 vaccine is not mandated by the federal government.”
(Me: Well, let’s see. First, Piss-aki is sent out to perform huge CYA on “President” Biden’s outrageous statement. Second, the door-to-door canvassing will still take place — just under a “kindler, gentler” guise of “here’s information on the vaccines, and how can we help you to get them?”. Third, and not at all least, the whole thing smells to me like a bush-league (no pun intended) version of the KdF, the “Kraft durch Freude” program in Nazi Germany that kept tabs on the “Aryan” German population in every aspect of their lives.) If the feds can get away with a door-to-door program of “we’re from the government and we’re here to help you get the vaccine”, what will be the NEXT door-to-door?
Gun education used to locate guns. COUNT ON IT.
But this is actually a BACKHANDED election strategy. They want to piss people off toward “door-to-door”, e.g. RE audits and Republican outreach, while Democrat outreach will be strong.
They’re always cunning. We have to control our reaction to what they do, to remove the side-effects they desire.
I believe Biden the rest is cover up. They will try where they do not get resistance. My opinion, Obama must have told them to just do it not talk about it.
Knocking on strangers door with a jab is not inviting and can be dangerous when they force the jab like they do in China.
…canvassing will simply be to “educate”…
Regardless of their stated reason, government (federal, state, county or city) workers, their contractors or even volunteers are NEVER welcome on my property.
Their motives are at best suspect. They ARE NOT my FRIEND. Nor are they doing anything for my positive benefit. They know it. I know it.
I heard someone in the news saying the feds are now saying they will send in local ministers, officials, and so on to give info and talk with the vaccine reluctant. Desperately clinging to their own fantasies.
“and to “give them information” about where to get the injections.”
I can give them very explicit information about where they can get (stick) the injection…
Texas Gov Abbott yesterday announced his agenda for the Special Session and the session opened today.
Special Session agenda items will include:
The best I can determine is that the special session will run for 30 days. Only the governor’s agenda items can be acted upon. All bills still must go through committee’s to pass. If the Governor is not satisfied after the 30 days he may call a new special session. Each 30 day session is anticipated to cost 1 million dollars.
Needless to say the demons in Texas are of course furious and will do all in their power to thwart this agenda, too include more walk outs for which to the best I can determine using his line item veto to with hold legislature pay may be the best he can do to stop that, however it’s not just legislatures that get pay stopped but staff also, but on both sides of aisle. Depending how successful the demons are will likely determine how successful a primary challenger like Alan West will be.
This is where the demons will be drawn. And I think they know it.
The vaccine is the new epidemic?
UPDATE: 6,985 Dead from COVID Vaccine Across the US and 411,911 Adverse Reactions Reported – Now a Top 50 Cause of Death in the Country!!!
It would be the new epidemic if the media reported on it. But why wouldn’t they? They know these VAERS numbers widely under report, meaning it’s much worse than just this.
Ohhh, right.. there just following orders from China and their Cabal masters. Right then… nothing to see here, don’t touch that link below.. just run along.
And this is just what they admit to.
They guy that I spoke about here last week, with the sudden clot the length of his leg after Pfizer in March . . . they sent him home after one night, with blood thinners for 3 months. No explanation apart from him having been working from home, and probably not moving around as much as he did over the years. Yes, that’s what they told him. And the good libs that they are, no questions asked.
Thank you – that is very useful information.
I have seen the same thing. Nobody speaks the truth.
There are doctors who “get” that both COVID and vaccines are doing things, but they keep both ideas on the down low. Nurses, EMTs, PAs and others are willing to tip their hands that they know COVID and vaccines are doing things, AND that masks are bogus, but doctors hide their knowledge behind these others, who protect the doctors by claiming the docs are party line players. Yet my whiskers tell me the doctors are ALLOWING the others to not be party line, and THAT is where their hearts really are.
That dynamic is very interesting. There ARE more dissident doctors than just what we are seeing, but they are protected by others who swear they’re with the woke program.
Things are more Soviet than many realize.
Another issue is that Obamacare has forced small medical practices to join with large, nationally-managed practices.
These doctors, nurses, etc are now employees and told what they can and cannot say. Just like the small news stations around the country also owned by one large, media service and given the same scripts to read from.
YES! Exactly! Corporate-mediated communism is very much like fascism.
“Socialism with American characteristics”, as the ChiComs might say.
Aaaaaannnnnd, guess what, everybody?
“RIGHT ON CUE” as it were —
Down and Dirty Summary: So now Pfizer-BioNTech [doubtless as part of its bid to become the first WuhanFauci coronavirus “vaccine” to get full approval by the FDA] claims that getting a “booster shot” of its experimental injection will confer “strong immunity” against the virus, AND that the company is fully-involved in developing a “vaccine” specifically against the so-called “Delta variant” of the virus. Pfizer-BioNTech plan to publish their “findings” very shortly, and also to apply for FDA Emergency Use Authorization for their injections to be used as a “booster shot”.
The companies state “they have demonstrated” that a THIRD injection of their product, given 6 months after completion of the 2nd injection, increases by 5 to 10-fold the antibodies against the original virus AND against the so-called “Beta variant”, first found in South Africa. The companies also claim that the booster shot “was found to be safe.”
Now Hear This: FTA: “Olivier Schwartz, head of the Virus and Immunity Unit at Institut Pasteur in Paris, published a scientific article Thursday, showing that two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine protects against the Delta variant, though a single dose does not.”
In addition, the Lilly drug, LY-CoV555, a monoclonal antibody “cocktail” treatment given EUA by the FDA in November, 2020, was “de-certified” by the FDA just recently, AFTER the Schwartz “study” that it was ineffective against the Delta variant. However, Regeneron, a similar drug, was permitted to still be used.
(Me: What an exquisite combination of fear porn, pseudo-“science”, and Big Pharma “big muscle” pressure this is. First, with no disrespect to M. Schwartz, how in H3LL can any “study” show the “effectiveness” of ANY of the WuhanFauci “vaccines” against a “new” variant that’s been around for only a few months? Look at the “effectiveness” of the “vaccines” against the ORIGINAL virus! Second, who was it at the FDA who made the decision to “de-certify” the Lilly monoclonal antibody treatment, a treatment good enough for the original virus, but all of a sudden it’s useless against this “Delta variant”?
Third, [and, sorry, this really pi$$es the crap out of me], there’s the Big Pharma “big muscle” pressure. There’s BILLIONS of dollars of profit for Pfizer-BioNTech at stake here. How much stock does Dr. Anthony “Fauci-Mengele” have in Pfizer-BioNTech? Was he / is he a paid consultant for them?
Fourth, this whole “now there’s a safe and effective booster shot available” crap is going to be latched onto this new effort by “President” Biden to use the MASSIVE coercive powers of the federal government to try and force EVERY American to get the “vaccine”. The “door-to-door” canvassing is going to sound like a cross between a used-car lot salesman combined with FBI-style intimidation tactics.)
Don’t let the bastards get you down.
See, this is the thing. I don’t care if we have OBSERVERS. What I do care about are INFLUENCERS who are not organic (meaning their intentions are to change us or oppose us by deceitful means) – or even worse, SABOTEURS and PROVOCATEURS.
But that’s the thing – we’re a TRUTH-CENTERED group. We seek the truth. Those who say “patriots must win, whatever they do” – well, that’s not us – that’s WORLDLY.
We even have people here who are not Christians or Jews, but are still centered on “truth as a reality we must seek”.
We are all earnestly seeking the truth. Everything else takes care of itself after that.
Everybody should see this. Thanks!
Great message. Hope lots of folks listen in. Message is worth keeping in mind. <four minutes.
The observer thought is not a big deal. It is the snooping, looking for anything the observer (LE) can TWIST to fit their narrative. Twisting the words of someone here QTree, or another Blog, to be illegal, threatening or otherwise used against someone or the blog itself. OR, manipulating folks into positions they normally wouldn’t, perhaps shouldn’t.
Psyops? Information warfare of sorts. .
I have heard of psyops. Knew the psyops concept could be extremely effective. The “Psyops” movie posted about 6 January smacked me right between the eyes. I was played. I admit it. Pisses me off. MAGA Patriots were played. In many ways, MAGA Patriots beaten badly.
This is what I’ve been concerned about. Even if it happens inadvertently, anyone saying things that could be used like that needs to be made aware and to change their communication style, if they will.
Great thoughts! Personally, I think Ashli was MKed before being managed, but whether through deception (“noble mission”) or surreptitiously, something seemed off.
One possibility is that she was like a water-line shut-off valve, to shut the whole psy-op down. The idea would be that her death (real or not) would act as a BRAKE on the larger psy-op, to bring it to an end.
That would also be a way to prevent the bulk of the patriots from PEACEFULLY OCCUPYING the Capitol Building. By CREATING a death, that narrative is destroyed.
I suspect that Trump may be TAUNTING ON ASHLI because he has gotten solid intel on that part of the plot.
IMO they wanted thousands of Trump supporters to flood inside, then she gets killed and the show is over. Trump is gone, nothing burns down, patriot movement can be destroyed. We did not give them enough. They wanted patriots to pack in, run wild, tear the place up, light fires, etc., then the event gets stopped.
“There are now 1,930 counties that are protected by Second Amendment Sanctuary legislation at either the state or county level. This represents 61.39% of all of the counties in the United States of America.” That includes my county and a big part of Oregon and Washington (we’re not as blue as people think). This is a really interesting map:
They missed a couple “good guy” counties in NV. 14 of 17 NV counties are 2A Sanctuaries. Only Clark (Vegas/Henderson), Washoe (Reno Sparks) and Carson City are wusses. The rest have formally declared themselves as 2A Sanctuaries.
Geographically, America is incredibly RED.
New Political Moonshine:
What the Democrats, Deep State and China Do Much Better Than Us…And It’s Not Cheating but It Is Destructive – Patrick Bergy and The ShadowNet Case Study
July 8, 2021
Intro: “There is a noticeable, palpable and ultimately destructive dynamic that has consistently plagued our cause and it deserves a dialogue and remedies and both of those are already long overdue. It’s something that is sown into our cause by outside hostiles at the same time it’s sown from within by infiltrators and those falling victim to basic and primal human psychology like ego, insecurity, territoriality and more.
It’s something that stands as a plausible deal breaker to reinstalling our rightful President Trump and getting back the Republic. It’s something that has consequences we’re already living as a warm-up of unimaginably horrible things to come assuming we continue forward unmitigated.
It’s also something the Democrats, Deep State and China never do – fracture internally and within the ranks – rather preferring to default to what they do best and much better than us and it’s not cheating, but it is destructive. It’s marching in full lockstep.
Relative to this position, today we’ll examine the dynamics of ShadowNet – a story I’ve covered sparsely due to time and resource limitations – to better understand it all more fully. It will be our third example preceded by two others – my own and another enveloping Mr. Lin Wood.”
“It’s also something the Democrats, Deep State and China never do – fracture internally and within the ranks – rather preferring to default to what they do best and much better than us and it’s not cheating, but it is destructive. It’s marching in full lockstep.”
I understand his point, but there is a good reason why the enemy is always in full lockstep.
The enemy is being paid, and we’re not.
The enemy is often being blackmailed, and we’re not.
The enemy is often both paid and blackmailed, and we’re not.
The enemy uses intimidation and fear tactics, certainly including peer-pressure (probably their most effective social manipulation tool), and we don’t.
I think conservatives would be surprised how united we would be, if we were all being paid, blackmailed, or both.
Whenever we criticize our own side, we never seem to remember that we’re not just up against the drones on the Left, but we’re up against unlimited money.
And unlimited money overcomes an awful lot of problems that would otherwise cause the Left to fracture instantly.
So when regular citizens are up against unlimited money, it’s like the Bad News Bears going against the World Series Champions.
Or your kid’s flag football team going up against the whatever team Tom Brady is leading.
That’s not meant as an excuse, I just don’t see the need to kick ourselves for not being as united in lockstep as the Mafia.
The Mafia is in lockstep for good reason.
Money and intimidation.
Totally random question, but looking for a quality product. I need a rubber mat for the kitchen for standing long periods of time. I just cut up chicken for kabobs, made a vat of guacamole, and some cucumber salad. I’m thinking a rubber mat would help. Any suggestions on high quality products of this nature?
If you’re doing this in shoes, the first thing to look at is the shoes.
Bare feet. I was on them for an hour and a half. Now I have to go skewer the kabobs.
Then most industrial “anti-fatigue” mats won’t work for you. Do you have access to an IKEA?
The reason I ask about IKEA is that you can take a variety of types of mats and throw a cheap bathmat over them to make them better for bare feet.
Bare feet in my family is a thing.
Cant do that at our age anymore. Ive go heel spur and need a new knee. Your arches and heels cant do tjat as you get older.
First get some orthotic slides. Just for in the house. Im wearing birkenstocks atm but these are supposed to be good:
Then any of those thicker non slip mats are fine.
This one made in USA:
Those wellnessmats look very nice. You can find them on Amazon at a quarter of the cost, more sizes and styles to choose from but likely made in China. Costco has also sold such, less choice but good quality, still again likely from China.
Oh i figured she starts with usa and work down from there. Its still just a mat…her feet are more important!
When out and about and walking, I wear a lift in my right one for a leg length discrepancy. I wear shoes to clean the house, but all I was doing was cutting veggies and meat.
All five of us, and our nephews have always had a thing for bare feet. It’s in the genes.
“I wear shoes to clean the house, but all I was doing was cutting veggies and meat.”
While you were cutting the veggies and meat… were you standing, you know… on your feet?
It may be that standing on your feet for long periods of time has more to do with the problem than what you’re doing with your hands
“All five of us, and our nephews have always had a thing for bare feet. It’s in the genes.”
I’m going to predict a 99.999% chance that’s a learned behavior… nurture, not nature…
I get it. Mr gil still does it. I make kiddo wear socks. I cant bc of all the ortho stuff. Try a pair of oofos. I tried on a pair and they are super comfortable. Its basically like having the mat on your feet instead.
I need shoes!
“I need a rubber mat for the kitchen for standing long periods of time.”
The problem with a rubber mat is that you need wheels for it, so it can move where you move, and then there’s the issue of balancing on it, while it rolls around, wherever you need to go.
A lot of people find it easier to just take a smaller rubber mat, strap one to each foot, and call ’em shoes

Im partial to bare floors not bare feet. Youve got to wash and scrub the rugs too.
Which is why I like going bathmat — you can usually throw ’em in the washing machine.
This stuff is popping up all over the place.
That was a good jp video. And probably nicer than it could go down.
Just as predicted. One reason (among many) that they wanted everyone on Pfizer and Moderna is so that they could keep selling endless booster shoots just like they do with the flu. “You must get your bi-annual COVID booster shot to renew your vaccine passport.”
No and no.
This is ugly. They WANT Marek control. I think this is what the good doctor suspects.
The “controllers” understand very well that they can create a Marek situation. They WANT IT.
Control our immune systems. Control US.
This is EVIL.
Straight out of DUNE. Biochemical HEART PLUGS.
“The company says its research suggests profit levels jump markedly after a third dose” …..
There, FTFY, PfakePfizer….
“You must get your bi-annual COVID booster shot to renew your vaccine passport.”
I don’t even have a vaccine passport to renew.
Just lucked right out of that one

Remember the “We’re Coming for Your Children” gay choir? Predictably, they’re now complaining about the “far right.”
Emphasis mine.
Meanwhile, 4chan is busy cross-referencing members of the choir with sex offender lists. They’ve found a few possible matches. I’m hesitant to post more because I’m not certain they’re 100% matches. Could be a “same names, different people” situation.
At least 4chan is doing something productive.
Yep. And every Holiday Season (I don’t want to say Christmas in this context), they pollute the air with their fariy carol, “Walling Round In Women’s Underwear” (Winter Wonderland)…
They are scum.
I watched the video. It was demented and demonic. You could feel their hate. It flashed from their faces.
Saw this in the late 80’s working in SF – it is their foundation, “religion”, playing the victim while laughing about how stupid “straight” people are.
Earthquake ongoing ongoing northern NV.
Still goin….25 seconds…
Lee Vining, CA 4.8. ~150 miles away.
Another 4.8 east of Lee Vining in Farminton, CA
Farmington – east of Stockton, CA
Lee Vining, CA – just east of Yosemite. Mono Lake area.
Havent felt it down here yet.
Lee Vining, CA just adjusted to 5.9 Smith Valley, NV. ~60-70 south of my location.
That’ll get your attention….
Any damage to you and yours? (I expect it’ll take a while for everyone else to report in.)
All intact. Thanks. Rather rural area.
Just looked at USGS, Farmington adjusted to Markleeville, CA. A podunk 15-20 miles west of Smith Valley.
I’ll quit polluting the blog as it likely wind down to aftershocks. Only felt the first.
Most interesting comments today!
Stay safe! All of us in CA are interested in the shaking around us. It will eventually affect all of us. I check USGS several times a day, just to see what’s shaking.
Yea. I looked closer at USGS site. The quakes, including the one attributed to Smith Valley, NV are all inside CA. Mostly along US 395. Sparsely populated area. Truly Beautiful Eastern Sierra’s.
The Marines have a “Mountain Warfare Training Center” right in the quake area. So that is a positive.
Yep. We’ve been camping many times in Clark Fork, near Dardanelle (just had another 4.4), drive through Markleeville sometimes, Bridgeport just had a 4.0. It’s getting closer to us here in L.A.
Hope all these quakes don’t portend an eruption of the Long Valley Caldera.
The next big one is going to happen in the next 30 years. I first heard that in 1980. Anytime now I am sure.
I’m thinking that the one that drops the floor of San Francisco Bay by five feet is going to be extremely entertaining…..
….at least, until the tsunami hits.
Thanks for the update! Glad you’re okay!
News saya it was a big un.
That’s funny!
I LOVE these lego memes…….and this is one of the very best so far!

Not going to post them — too many gems — over at patriots.win it’s a festival of lego/FBI memes with Lincoln Log and plastic army men “splinter groups”. Just chose “HOT” at the top.
It’s a good way to get some laughs!!!!

(we’ve all been “there”… OUCH !)

“Hey guys, I know it’s difficult to find F15s in today’s market, but here are some blueprints so you can build your own.”
The lego white house is tiny! Smaller than sized for lego minis to play inside. The Capitol is bigger but just not for playing. Kiddo wants the white house but its too $ just to look at.
That they are so fn dumb and looking to justify their existence by the seizing of a lego set, they deserve the ridicule.
Way back in my day, you sure didn’t want your Mom to step on one of your Jacks!
Okay, I went there. This one is called “The FBI Seized Hunter Biden’s Lego Set”
“Weapon of Mass Construction”
“I lost all my Lego bricks in a boating accident”
Can’t help myself, this one is too good.
Belly laugh on that one.
Me, too. I scared the dog!
Senator Grassley and the Judiiciary Committee now have their very own copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop. No hiding now. Delivered half hour ago, signed for by “Bell”.

Well, now we will see if “Bell”, the person who signed for the delivery, actually gets the drive to Sen. Grassley without making a “detour” to Nancy “Beria” Pelosi’s office.
Assuming the drive does get to Sen. Grassley without a “detour”, we will now see if Sen. Grassley is truly for We, The People — or if there is Swamp strain in him.
According to this guy he gave a copy to the daily mail in early May and they verified it as “authentic”…
(There’s a few interesting posts in his Gabs)
Why would anyone give a copy to the Daily Mail?
To make sure it never saw the light of day?
I was thinking the same thing…
I don’t know this Jack Maxey guy or how he got it but I would imagine that it’s been all around the media… We just haven’t heard much about it… FROM THEM.
So the Daily Mail, Washington Post, and NY Post all have the contents of the laptop. There are journalists who know what’s on it, but nothing is being done. There are patriots languishing in jail for non-crimes, and Hunter Biden skates.
In his news conference yesterday, PDJT said he had seen the laptop. He said something like “from what I saw.”
In the letter, Maxey says people are too afraid of the 3-letter agencies and their own government to do anything. I wonder if some in Congress who have dealings with China are also afraid of the CCP.
It is an excellent letter, and Maxey volunteers to testify under oath about what he knows. The ball is in the Judiciary Committee’s court. The only ones I can even imagine doing anything are Cruz, Hawley, and maybe Kennedy and Blackburn. Dick Durbin is the chair of the committee. I expect all talk (if that) and no action.
DEMOCRATIC MEMBERS – Dick Durbin (IL), Chair
REPUBLICAN MEMBERS – Chuck Grassley (IA), Ranking Member
Even the best of the bunch have disappointed me…
I have no faith in our institutions or any branch of government at this point…
I do not believe that we will find a way out of this mess through government or the courts…
Full transparency is needed to fully grasp the “long train of abuses”…
(we’ve seen this movie before…)

3…2…1… Soon to be released statement from the Judiciary Committee.
Judiciary Commeiitte will NOT hold hearings or take any action due to, (wait for it…)
“Ongoing Investigations.”
Uniparty is far to predictable.
We’ve seen it too many times.
“Senator Grassley and the Judiiciary Committee now have their very own copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop.”
Is that supposed to be good?
Or bad?
Hopefully we can get some new Grassley corn-isms and corn codes and corn analogies.

I wouldn’t expect much no matter what he does with it.
To paraphrase John McAfee,
“because nobody should have to use xHamster…”…..
Avenatti, 30 months.
That didn’t age well!
That’s hilarious.
Attention getting….
I wonder if it’s possible to fly one of those without a permanent grin on your face.
I’m not sure it could be done… or why anyone would want to, even if they could…
Actually, no one flys these kind of planes…in this manner….with a grin on their face. The grin comes after you get back on the ground safely.
Here’s why…..in about 3.5 seconds…
In this accident, the vertical trim tab sheered off the plane due to the enormous aerodynamic forces, and there was simply no time or altitude to recover from it. The instant it happened this pilot was a dead man.
So no, you don’t fly these planes with a grin on your face. You fly them with a grimace…in part from the g forces and the rest from the stress and concentration. The grin comes later, after surviving the ride and the thrill that came with it.
^^^ Awesome!
Reno Air Races 15 – 19 September.
Hot August Nights – Celebrating Classic Cars and Rock N Roll. Virginia City 30-31 July and 3-8 August.
From my post at GWP: “I started skimming and most things are redacted until I got to pages about Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, and others associated with Trump. What does that have to do with the murder of Seth Rich? Nada, nothing, zero, zilch. If it did, surely Mueller and his gang of $47 million worth of angry grifting Democrats would have held a parade years ago.” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/fbi-drops-thousands-pages-documents-murdered-dnc-operative-seth-rich-said-nothing/
Ron Bassilian (@Ron4California) Tweeted:
Branding non-radicals running for local office as Qanon. I have specific experience with this. A thread. https://t.co/HiUtr7TIeX
[They] worked hard to vilify Q so that they could use it like this.

Ha. Yep.
Wheatie, I think it will only work among the elites themselves.
Q has spread so far and wide that every normie knows about it and knows it hasn’t spawned anything other than seeking the truth.
Such a pity I did not know about all this 20+ years ago. WATCH: Bush Brother Admits Top Chinese Communist Propagandist is “Old Family Friend.”
So many RINOs are excellent at covering their true allegiances. As time goes on, the public’s ability to search, find info, and disseminate it has improved so much. We’re onto to them.
I know. But we know now. And the Bush “dynasty” will wither.
Louisiana boy, 12, shoots and kills armed burglar with hunting rifle after the intruder broke into his home and attacked his mother
Besides the perp, there was another man and a woman. The other man has been charged with 2nd-degree murder because his participation in the burglary led to a death.
What a smart, brave boy. I hope and pray he will be all right.
I suspect that all the counseling the intrepid lad is going to “need” can be held in 20 minutes, tops.
“You know you’re not supposed to shoot someone’s dog, right? But what if the dog has rabies? — you have to shoot, even if it’s your best friend’s dog….or yours. The man threatening your mom was like a man with rabies, and you did a good job.”
I hope it can be that simple, so that he knows others support him in doing what he had to do. I hope the DA announces soon that no charges will be filed. The boy has to be scared about that.
To be fair, the kid’s mom said she needed to get help for her son.
Then, again, she may have been referring to GoFundMe.
Well…yes, but he’s twelve that’s a tricky age due to physiological brain development. That’s the year the frontal lobes wash out and it takes a while, sometimes until 30, for the tissue to be replaced. I would imagine the trauma of his mother being attacked would be the worst of it if the kid knows how to use a rifle.
I liked the version with “freckled, smelly ass” better.
“When I want something to stick I give it to them hard and dirty. That way they’ll remember it.”
-Gen. George S. Patton
There’s plenty of evidence that taking another person’s life, no matter the circumstances, can cause lasting trauma.
I would suspect that a lot of that trauma comes from the killing of anything….but being that the rifle used by the lad was identified as a “hunting rifle”, I would think the boy was past that.
Sadly, another vaccine death.
Beautiful young Italian girl killed by Vaccine…
When is the truth going to be told about all of it? This is maddening.
Almost sounds like “the Andromeda Strain”, where the blood thickens up.
Wonder what Crichton would have to say about the total destruction of reason, logic, honesty, integrity, and thoroughness (Gründlichkeit) In science, and in general today…
They are going after the young, it seems, hell-bent on there never again being any young.
Except theirs.
Judgement like that which happened to Herod (lightning bolt, worms, etc.) would be nice to see in the case of Sauros, Schwab, Gates, etc. But GOD is infinite, and infinitely more patient. (I’d have pulled the chain long ago…)…..
The beer version of BRCC!
Kendall Almerico (@KendallAlmerico) Tweeted:
Wait, famous Navy SEAL Team 6 Operator @mchooyah has a beer company that pays tribute to the Military and employs Veterans? And he kills space aliens? Renders beer snobs unconscious with 2 fingers? I’ve already enlisted. https://t.co/dQ17NGhG13 https://t.co/XHkN7uKSPw
Joey Camp on Gab is having some legal trouble.
Can you elaborate a bit for those of us who are not familiar with Joey or what he is doing?
Joey Camp’s schtick is doxxing ANTIFA, BLM, and Communists. For the past few weeks, Joey has relentlessly exposed and harassed a pedophile and BLM activist on the Denver School Board (Tay Anderson). There are dozens of accusations from underage students that Tay molested them. The rest of the Denver school board is trying to cover this up and in damage control mode, so Joey started targeting them. The current legal trouble Joey is in appears to be related to this, but he hasn’t provided any details beyond what I posted here. I hope he’s okay.
I wasn’t aware of any of that. Thank you.
I used to like Colorado.
California 2.0
Update from Joey:
Lin Wood https://t.me/s/linwoodspeakstruth
Good for them!
Hungary is standing up to the EU. By itself. Gosh, I LOVE Hungary!
From the article:
“This is hardly Premier Viktor Orbán’s first offense in the EU’s eyes. Most recently, he took issue with Brussels’ portrayal of immigration as both economically necessary and socially desirable, speaking publicly of “migrant armies banging on Europe’s doors.” He has blamed the EU for their loss of income after Brexit, legislated against big tech censorship, and stressed the importance of an anti-communist stance in Europe. Communism is something the Hungarians know all about. I saw myself, in the 1980s, bullet holes in the walls of municipal buildings in Pest—one half of Hungarian capital Budapest—from 1956.
Orbán is also that creature most hated by progressives, a devout Christian, and not merely one of those mealymouthed politicians who assess demographics and voter patterns before deciding how much religion to deploy.”
Simple thing to keep the feds away:
Pam Ross
Early step of totalitarian communism: destroy all religion.
Dear Canada,
Help yourself first before asking others to help you. Notice how no one down here is asking your people to help us out? Try that.