Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub! It’s Friday and I hear a huge sucking sound. The sound of drainage. As if a huge pustule had popped in Arizona and the draining could be heard in all 50 states and D.C.
Based on yesterday’s Arizona hearing, the Biden Regime cannot survive. Perkins Coie, LLP can’t help them. Their one hundred lawyers in Arizona weren’t able to stop anything from coming. Now, they’ve descended on Georgia. The embedded communists are being flushed out in our state and federal governments.
It’s the UniParty and their bureaucrats we’re going to defeat. This is why we will see large numbers of ALL AMERICANS insisting on reforming our election system. Every state voter system will have to be reformed. That’s when the good times will roll again. Because patriots are a huge majority. We love our country, we love our Constitution, we love our fellow citizens.
The Arizona hearing brings to mind this:
It’s clear why they are so bent on accusing Trump supporters of being insurrectionists:
The rush to shut us up, shut us down, assassinate our national character, take away our rights, and force the Covid shot on us is clearly a reaction to the audits. The BIG STEAL is going to be exposed, and nothing can stop what is coming.
President Trump lands a couple hard hits. He’s back in the ring and taking no prisoners!
“Despite massive Voter Fraud and Irregularities during the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, that we are now seeing play out in very big and important States, I never threatened, or spoke about, to anyone, a coup of our Government. So ridiculous! Sorry to inform you, but an Election is my form of “coup,” and if I was going to do a coup, one of the last people I would want to do it with is General Mark Milley. He got his job only because the world’s most overrated general, James Mattis, could not stand him, had no respect for him, and would not recommend him. To me the fact that Mattis didn’t like him, just like Obama didn’t like him and actually fired Milley, was a good thing, not a bad thing. I often act counter to people’s advice who I don’t respect.

In any event, I lost respect for Milley when we walked together to St. John’s Church (which was still smoldering from a Radical Left fire set the day before), side by side, a walk that has now been proven to be totally appropriate—and the following day Milley choked like a dog in front of the Fake News when they told him they thought he should not have been walking with the President, which turned out to be incorrect. He apologized profusely, making it a big story, instead of saying I am proud to walk with and protect the President of the United States. Had he said that, it would have all been over, no big deal, but I saw at that moment he had no courage or skill, certainly not the type of person I would be talking “coup” with. I’m not into coups!
In fact, around the same time Milley, in a conversation, was an advocate of changing all of the names of our Military Forts and Bases. I realized then, also, he was a much different person than I had hoped. I said to him, “spend more time thinking about China and Russia, and less time on being politically correct.”
But never during my Administration did Milley display what he is showing now. He was not “woke.” Actually, I don’t believe he ever was, but the way I look at Milley, he’s just a better politician than a general, trying to curry favor with the Radical Left and the absolute crazy people espousing a philosophy which will destroy our Country!”
Nationalists in every country are rising up.
May God protect and guide the Cubans and the French and the Germans and the Brits, and the Polish and ALL who desire to preserve and protect their nation and its heritage.
Code Monkey Z kept close tabs on the Arizona hearing yesterday. Read his Telegram notes on it if you want the abbreviated version. He gets right to the heart of the matter.
Also, General Flynn’s Telegram is a whopping BIG RED HOUSE OF MEMES. Here’s one for ya:

I’m gonna play this in honor of RED MEMES:
Sidney Powell is on it, too. God love her!
Oh, there are so many people we need to keep an eye on. Just like they are keeping an eye on us, we need to keep tabs on those who seek to “fundamentally transform” America into a progessive/globalist/Marxist state.

Here’s one of the “planners.” Meet Joshua Geltzer, currently a special advisor to the Homeland Security advisor. Can you say unelected bureaucrat? He’s also the guy who is heading up the current strategy regarding domestic terrorism. I guess he’s the go-to guy for renaming Trump supporters as domestic terrorists. That is one big mistake. The elites and their minions thought that almost unlimited money, seats of power, evil associate nation-states and no qualms about breaking God’s law let alone the laws of men, would give them the victory.
That’s quite the Cheshire Cat grin ol’ Josh has there. Geltzer is one busy bee. He’s a biggie in the lawfare organization.

Of course he’s got the pedigree for being your garden-variety progressive—all the right schools, positions and connections.
Here Geltzer questions, in a CNN opinion piece from 2019(!!), if President Trump will leave office peacefully:

Now, I could just keep on going with this stuff, but I think it’s important to think about what the “planners” (“enjoy” his Twitter Feed) have in store for us now.
What comes to mind is the door-knocking “ambassadors” with the death jab info and even the jabs. Vox Day makes a suggestion to film and publish names of the individuals who are doing the knocking:
“And since it would be very counterproductive for there to be a publicly accessible catalog of all the spies; we’ll be informed this hypothesis is correct if some sort of law or Facebook policy is quickly announced to ban posting the identities and images of the door-knockers.”
Vox Day

Apparently, the door-knockers (poor tools most likely) are reportedly being prepped that they are not legally bound by NO TRESPASSING and NO SOLICITING signs. The Bidenazis are hoping we attack the door-knockers, I bet.

They failed with their trumped-up Fake Insurrection. It’s not flying. No matter how many times they tell the BIG LIE on Enemedia TV, they aren’t getting traction with the majority of Americans.

Now they are baiting us by coming to our castles. They seem desperate for more optics. But since so many Americans are cued in to the contrived communist crap with which both government and fascist-owned media conspire to manipulate and control us, they are not as successful as in the past.
Hold the line. Watch out for their traps. This one won’t be the last.
Today’s drink special is the iconic Cuba Libre! May Cuba again win her freedom from tyranny.

According to lore, the Cuba Libre came to be around 1902, after Cuba gained its independence from Spain. An American soldier, a Cpt. Russell, asked for a rum with cola and lime. Coke had just become available in Cuba, so the timeline fits.
Incidentally, Coke south of the border is made with real sugar and not the yucky corn syrup that we get here in the States. The difference in taste is palpable. Try your local Mexican grocery store for some. However, the lime adds just the right tartness to offset the sweetness of the rum and Coke combo.
According to this video, the Cuba Libre was Teddy Roosevelt’s favorite drink:
This second video has a funny clip from the movie “Cocktail” with Tom Cruise. Then it gives an easy version and a more involved recipe for the Cuba Libre:
Let us raise our glasses “Por Cuba Libre!”
I’m pretty lazy when it comes to the rules of civility around here. We all know the drill, and I suspect that any newcomers would be happy to review the RULES HERE. Please do. Wolf keeps this place as safe as can be and we owe it to him to keep ourselves in line. Aubergine and These Truths excepted. Love you guys!
The Utree is for “slap fights” as Wheatie puts it. Also, if there’s problems here we can reconvene there.
The D.C. Regime let this guy go. Hmmm…
Desperate much? Biden Regime invites the UN in to investigate racism on US soil
More on that.
Remember TWA Flight 800?
Georgia election fraud on our minds
Covid jabs being used to purge the military?
Food Security threatened by Biden Regime:
LOVE your banner Grandma…
and your Opening of course……………….
Yes, the BANNER is choice. IT has HIT the fan.
We KNEW that the Biden government was illegitimate. Now it is CLEAR.
The media and the Democrats will continue to deny it.
DON’T LOOK AWAY. There is no turning back. We cannot accept this massively illegitimate government.
I question the inclusion of a brown drink after that banner…..although, to be fair, it was at the far end of the post from it.
Never going to look away Wolfie…
Thank you!
SD did a big thread. Basically says pompeo was part of the coup. And seems he believes military will follow fascist orders.
Very smart – he’s seeing the same thing I am.
I realized this today as I was looking at the Arizona blow-out, after the Georgia blow-out.
I believe the “woke military” will do whatever is needed to keep the illegitimate Biden in office, because I believe THEY helped put him there.
Yes. So then I want to know, how mych is woke? Does it matter now? And if every institution is now compromised, the only way out is ______?
IMO the military will coalesce around “keeping the peace” – meaning grabbing the guns. The easy path out for the standing army is to do exactly what China prepared for them.
Our job is to make them cry and pound the pavement after killing honorable and patriotic Americans.
“Our job is to make them cry and pound the pavement after killing honorable and patriotic Americans.”
And make sure every last one who participates in murdering Americans goes to the gas chamber, the electric chair or the hangman’s noose for their crimes.
And hunt them down for the rest of their miserable lives, like Simon Wiesenthal hunted the Nazis.
I agree. No military should turn against it’s own bother and sister.
I am beginning too understand more and more how Nazi military turnend against its own people if they did not comply. I also understand how communist military turnend against its own people.
What is heart breaking that the soldiers come out of the same society they oppress. They have mothers and fathers, brothers and sister and have gone to the same churches synagogues as the people from the same culture.
They commit crimes against their own people. Just think about
that ?
If our military turns against us would be unbelievable. We are one people. I used to see American military as my hero growing up.
Communists are SO SNEAKY and SO PUSHY. They will push innocent people to do horrible things.
Yes that is true
Keeping the peace by becoming utter fascists themselves. People, lots of people will die if they do.
Welcome to Germany, 1930s.
Communism produces fascism IF YOU’RE LUCKY. If you’re even luckier, you get something milder like Franco.
Yup. Commies push and push and push until they create big enough problems that they are either stopped, or they gain power, and then things are REALLY bad.
“Keeping the peace by becoming utter fascists themselves. People, lots of people will die if they do.”
If American military murder a single American, they’re finished as an honorable institution and become nothing but murdering Nazis.
There will never be another military parade again.
They’ll never be able to walk the streets in uniform again, they’ll have to hide who they are.
They will be hated by every man, woman and child in America.
That’s why the Bidenazis, pathetic tools of the Chinazis and Globonazis, have to paint us as “extremists” first.
Domestic Terrorists.
Yup. And they used their Antifoids to do it. SICK.
I hope we dont even come close to that. Which is why inviting the UN to assess racism in the US could be a ploy to get their troops in.
And those troops will probably come from the 250,000+ ChiCom troops assembled in Canukistan…
Courtesy of Il Castroto…
That does sound like their plan for the PNW.
They spoke about that a while ago. We cannot allow the UN as peacekeepers or police or anything else. They are communists. That would be the first step being occupied.
Would be a smart move though that way our military looks clean and the dirty work would be done by ruthless communists.
UN troops enforcing anything here is a red line period.
I agree. That might be what it takes for the American people to peacefully demonstrate en masse their displeasure.
I agree.
“IMO the military will coalesce around “keeping the peace” – meaning grabbing the guns.”
They can’t do that without violating the Constitution they swore to uphold, instantly making them the biggest *&^%ing HYPOCRITES who ever lived.
That’s when we’ve got ’em.
There’s gonna be a confrontation. The “extremists” occupying the White House will push to civil war.
I don’t think they’ll get it.
What if they throw a civil war, and nobody comes?
If they try to start a civil war and nobody shows up, it just exposes themselves as the hostiles, with egg all over their faces.
It would be the biggest ‘mask drop’ in world history.
And then what can they do?
That is a good one.
We need to put also the right clergy into churches and become a strong force from there. That is how East Germany fell. The church with good leadership is strong.
I like protestant churches because we can select our own pastor. Get out of the hierarchy and form independent churches or house churches are good also.
THIS is an excellent bit of information that I was not aware of, but it is clearly something that the American communists CORRECTED FOR. This explains why our communists have been very careful to take over mainstream churches with “woke” pastors.
Notice that America’s communist journalists never told us about the role of the church in bringing down communism in East Germany. They’ve helped DECEIVE US.
The people got together in churches then streamed out to protest. This went on for weeks. The military refused to shoot them even though the higher up commanded them too. The the call from USSR came to not shoot and they let the revolution stand and the people were free.
I do not know where Americans came in but they did somehow.
Very interesting!
This was organized in most churches and protest all over the country all at the same time.
The secret is all at the same time small town big city throughout the country. Men women and children. They cannot stop that.
And that is why they want to keep masks on us and churches and other meeting places closed…
Yes you got it. We need to fight it .
That’s the big plus with Protestant churches. A sizable percentage are totally non-woke, they hire/fire their own pastors, and they control their own money.
When I served a large Lutheran church many years ago, I was part of a call committee. It was not just the church’s prerequisites – the prospective pastor had a few of his own. He would not take the position unless there was communion every Sunday. They hired him.
My husband is Lutheran and I spent 26 years in one in St Louis.
When we moved to OH there was only a dying Lutheran church in town and three Presbyterian Churches. We became Presbyterian until they became woke before its time.
“The civil war where nobody came” means they won’t be hostile towards US citizens because they won’t have to be…it means no pushback from us. It means door-to-door gun seizures. Then people seizures …
I don’t expect their gun grab will go well.
Is that why the WH squatter was inerested in getting the UN involved in something the other day.
Thin end of the wedge, later blue helmets peace keeping (globo reinforcments)
Yup. FOREIGN TROOPS eventually.
That was the goal all the time by the illegal occupiers of the WH, since they were installed.
Fortunately MAGA patriots are not taking the bait.
Because MAGA patriots are not taking the bait they had to set them up January 6. Those fascists criminals.
They put our people like POW in small cells and beat them. Where is the outcry?
It’s coming.
We need to keep praying .
More than ever.
Germany 1930 communist fought regular Germans and out of that Nazis were born. They fought in the streets people were killed as my parents said people wanted peace.
The extremists in the WH have no idea how bad it can get.
They already have the military and the FBI and CIA just think about that?
I know you are right, but it is terrible to contemplate.
They do not care about our constitution have you not noticed? There is little push back even from congress idiots.
I think people are waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to make a move, whoever that is.
We have to sit on it.
Where we need to be in the community in local government, school boards, republican party.
To an extent, you have a point about waiting for someone else to make a move.
OTOH, it really is the American way to be under the radar about dissent. At least in the last few decades that’s the way it seems to have been. In trying to be left alone in our privacy, we’ve forgotten how to formulate cogent arguments.
I think that’s part of the “remembering how to fight” objective of the XVII project. Somehow the sheer size of the movement needs to be demonstrated without falling into the violence trap.
The other thing that occurs is that the impressive protests in Europe are in big cities. American conservatives shun them. To do such demonstrating, it’s going to take leaving the comfort zones.
Just an observation.
I always tell myself at times like these to stay straight and steady. There are mechanisms to handle criminals in the military. Yes, the military follows orders of the CiC but not if the CiC is a poseur. I just checked the spelling and got hope from the automatically selected examples of word use. LOL
poseur noun
po·seur | \ pō-ˈzər , ˈpō-zər \
Definition of poseur
: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not : an affected or insincere person
Examples of poseur in a SentenceRecent Examples on the WebStill, Seldom Seen is a real mover, not a political poseur like Jesse Jackson, Danny Glover, Cornel West, and Chuck D, who display their frustration ineffectually by pinning their hopes on Bernie Sanders.
— Armond White, National Review, 11 Mar. 2020
As the zero-waste concept gains steam, there will inevitably be poseurs, or restauranteurs aiming to tap an eco-conscious customer base without putting in the real work.
— Emily Matchar, Smithsonian Magazine, 16 Mar. 2020
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘poseur.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.
Recent headlines – The insights of Miley’s actions coming out.
Headlines just before 6 January, Nanzi publicly said she called CJCS to talk about nuclear weapons.
Miley and Nanzi conspired to…
Now, I need to go back and read how Pompeo played into this cluster F we are in.
I always keep in mind Pampeo was suggested by Pence. Could be nothing do not know. I just keep it in my mind never to forget.
He struck me as a neo con while in congress. Too hawkish for me.
That being said, I don’t see him as a traitor though…
Me neither! I for one still trust Kansas!
I tend to as well since his time in the administration.
OMG – that is some amazing intelligence right there, kalbo! This explains everything about January 6 – why there was military support.
The American military is now like all to bid dictatorships military. Really sad. “Milli should be cord marshaled” as Bannon said today “for suggesting the military turn against the people”.
I understand Milley’s EXTREME hesitancy to use the military against ANTIFA when Wray stood down INTENTIONALLY. Wray is the slimy bastard there.
Here is the deal on that. When ANTIFA killed that guy in Portland by a paramilitary-style operation, FIB stood down on catching the murderer. To me that is still horrifying, and was close to a reason to fire Wray.
It was US Marshalls that had to WORK AROUND slacker FIB to take down the guy.
That was a sign right there that FIB was standing down on Antifa to try to force the solution up to the military. SO political.
This was then intentional, because the leftists (including the whole Democrat machine) were SHIFTING – MORPHING – the leftist rioters toward BLM, which has racial cover.
IMO Milley did the correct thing by not taking the leftist BAIT and falling into their PLAN of military vs. rioters.
But here is the deal on that. TRUMP had an EXCELLENT plan of basically peaceful resistance by taking that walk to the church. That was a masterful statement of standing up PEACEFULLY for both civil rights and rule of law.
I always thought that Milley was foolish and weak for backing down on that. He wasn’t standing up for TRUMP. He was simply standing up. But he did not know how to handle the communist press on that, and they suckered him into backing down from SOLID principles.
Milley did NOT have a good plan after that. Falling into NanXi’s evil clutches – BAD MOVE.
In a sense, Milley was the FIRST patriot suckered into the January 6 Buffalo Jump plot.
Interesting concerning Milley.
FBI is just another criminal organization in my book.
FIB is much further gone than we ever realized. They have to be actively involved in plots like Dylann Roof – just horrifying.
I’m thinking that is due to deep infiltration AND cultural rot.
Yes and the cross over from CIA to FBI and vise versa ?
Absolutely. DEEPLY infiltrated by CIA, and whatever parasites are therein.
One of the things SD, or whoever is posing as him, is very successful doing is persuading the audience that he has some sort of insider level info that can successfully determine who is a black hat and who isn’t. Prior to about 2018, SD was on the money about a number of things, but since then, it hasn’t rung true for me.
There’s a whole network out there that has a different stance, especially on Pompeo. That dog isn’t going to bark for me. I still think he was recruited quite a while back and inserted into the government in the 2010 TEA Party wave to get the lay of the land from the inside while he was in the House of Representatives. Remember, originally, Kansas was put into the director seat at the C_A. That was a stepping stone.
As I’m watching all the messaging, and the reports that the Biden people were not and have not been allowed into the Pentagon, it looks to me like we are being TOLD the military is woke to the point that it becomes cemented as confirmation bias.
I don’t buy it.
I would entertain that there are essentially two militaries at this point. The woke one that we’re meant to see, and the actually fighting arm that’s behind the scenes doing the heavy lifting, but that dog will likely not hunt here.
The propaganda machine is sucking a lot of people in. It’s very frustrating to watch. This operation is decades in the making. It’s not like manufacturing cars on an assembly line. There isn’t going to be immediate gratification, and things are going to get messy.
I am holding back my munition for Pompeo.
I have been burned with that traitor Pence, even though my instincts told me not to trust him.
There were a lot of people who trusted Pence. I never did. Plus, there were rumors about him for YEARS before the [DS] installed him as insurance. I mean, YEARS. And this goes back to Indiana state politics, and not just that he’s gay.
The thing about rumors and information that pops up which is labeled “conspiracy theory” half the time and “disinformation” the other half is that it doesn’t just appear out of a vacuum. There’s a source for it somewhere.
Yes of course. Mistrust toward SD goes miles beyond anything concerning Pompeo. Pompeo has an actual record and deeds that back it up along with more follow through. SD has nothing but a set of very loose facts and we have no way to ascertain the truth.
Pompeo I don’t see as a black hat.
Milley, though, I see as Chi-Compromised.
Wanting better race relations is a great thing, IMO. CRT is the absolute wrong way to do it. He has drank too much ChiCom Koolaid.
You are correct that the idea that the “Woke Military” is pretend won’t sell – at least not to me. It’s far too damaging. It’s venomous. It’s preparing the military to take us out. There’s a limit to how much indoctrination against “uppity whites” can go on before the people so indoctrinated are itching to display virtue on it.
The situation is bad that way.
Those people really believe that shit. And I’m not just talking about the recruits. The OFFICERS up to Silly Milley believe that crap.
They will call conservative blacks “white supremacists” and BELIEVE IT.
They’re too far gone. They will commit atrocities.
At this point, the desperation and panic is forcing a lot of mistakes and missteps. Screaming “RACE” has worked, at least on the young, and the ivory tower types, for so long, the other side doesn’t know what else to do.
I honestly am watching this as if the [DS] is in the death throws. Essentially, the cells are all being flushed out, including the sleepers. They had to be caught in the act(s) of crimes. I get that. I guess most of us didn’t realize just how many layers of them there were.
It’s far worse than we could have imagined.
I hop(ium)e you are right, but what institution can currently be trusted to do what’s right morally &/or constitutionally???
“He has drank too much ChiCom Koolaid.”
The first sip is the deepest…
Good Golly Miss Milley, sure like to fall
Good Golly Miss Milley, sure like to fall
When you’re creepin’ and a crawlin’
Can’t hear your mama call
From the early, early morning
To the early, early night
When you caught Miss Milley
workin’ for the house of Blue shite
Good Golly Miss Milley, sure like to fall
When you’re creepin’ and a crawlin’
Can’t hear your mama call
I’m 100% with DP.
THIS: “Remember, originally, Kansas was put into the director seat at the C_A. That was a stepping stone.” Kansas has been the eyes and ears that were needed; LTG Flynn was publicly sidelined.
SD, for me, is now desperately trying to remain relevant. The smart, researched comments that existed OT before the banning, are now gone. Who are these people?
Our Wolf publishes much more polished, researched data that SD was/is capable of producing.
My 2¢ …
Agree. I haven’t been on that site for well over a year, but the other day I visited and read some comments. What a change. At first I thought I was on the wrong site.
I go over to the twitter now and again, wont read the comments. Still recognize some names but few.
Yes, the commentary reads like gab.
I agree on the 2 militaries, but the special ops real one still isnt big enough to overcome the stupid woke leadership.
Ive read many things on pompeo too and its just interesting he is being tossed out there by maga as a coup plotter.
I see it your way with the military. I just am not buying that they will turn on Americans en masse. They might do a “Ruby Ridge” or a “Waco” on a small group of seemingly militant people, but on 80-100 million citizens? No way.
Military will NOT turn on Americans. The worthless JCS and other POS may “order” actions against Americans. Rank and file will not follow through.
New Schlichter —
New VIP Schlichter —
New Intellectual Froglegs video!
Trying to get it to post here, but it’s a Rumble vid and those are tricky:
I like to access the ugetube version. They seem like good peeps.
(Of course, tomorrow I could find out they’re working undercover.)
The ugetube link is https://ugetube.com/watch/cocktails-w-communists-intellectual-froglegs_DTbOixzVi1j4R4e.html .
You will need to temporarily allow scripts from ugetube.com, lockerdomecdn.com, and cloudflare.com — these seem to unlock the site, the content, and the player respectively. When I close the tab, all temporary allows go away.
There are several other scripts on that page, none of which are necessary, mostly selling you out to google and facebook.
The f.u. variant. Indeed!
Thanks, boss!
That was really good.
One of his best!!!
Terrific vid
Great thread, and thank you for that insight into that treasonous scumbag Geltzer. OMG, what a CFR POS. Globonazi to the MAX.
Alkaloid Geltzer…
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz,
Oh what a Communist he is…
Bad news for the Deep State (Arizona audit hearing) means an increased risk of false flags. July 17th (Saturday) is one of their favorite dates for disasters. There’s an unusual number of major airplane crashes and major earthquakes on this date. Keep an eye out for false flags, weird headlines, and distractions this weekend.
22 years ago on this date, JFK Jr. was assassinated. The Deep State needed him removed from the NY Senate race so that Hillary Clinton could be installed as NY Senator without any problems or competition.

And it was a Friday.
In honor of Fido-Day Friday:
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/079/381/595/original/9373c7c2ef9dd02c.mp4" /]
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/079/367/796/original/d376f11b9507fcd7.mp4" /]
What the heck kinda dog IS that? I want to make sure I never get one!!!
Hah! IKR?
It might be some sort of weasel.
Chihuahua. Sick little dogs.
I still have trouble understanding why some people think they’re so great. Dffrnt strokes!
Yep. Never thought I’d want to punt a dog, but…..
The folks across the street from us had one when I was growing up. I don’t think it EVER stopped barking. NEVER. There are so many other breeds that are nicer…
I have a mutt that is one quarter chihuahua. I’ve been living with hell on earth for 16 years now. His temperament is chihuahua and yes, the barking never stops. He attacks my Anatolians.
You need a Blew Heeler Bitch to keep that dog under control

My Peri slapped the hell out of Woodford she still does if he steps out of line.
I walk both and Woodford starts pulling or barking Peri bites him in the nose. She does not draw blood but Woodford get the message. She used to pounce on him when he was a puppy if he shewed the furniture. She even made sure he went out for his business by pushing him to get out in the yard. Peri is a bossy thing but listens so well and is a love
Now THAT is a smart dog!
Yes she is
I wish. My mutt has had an eye put out because he attacks dogs three times his size.
I’ve had him since he was eight weeks old. He has been the same from day one.
Nothing fazes him. He’s lucky to be alive.
He has a big dog complex
Yep. All 24 pounds of him. He also has Spitz in him. A heinous combo. Deadly.
Uh Spitz
Yep. Cutest puppy in the world. Had us all fooled.
I know them well lots of barking
They are beautiful.
A Chupacabra.
I’d seen this one before, and it’s LONG.
So I had to plug it in here.
It looks like a game between the two of them. The little dog is enjoying being held and is gentle with the biting. It is natural for a lot of dogs to be sensitive about their mouths being touched. Not good behavior, but the owner encourages it and knows he won’t be harmed (and gets a kick out of it).
Oh, yeah, it’s clearly a game.
Playing that sort of game with a wolf-sized dog is trickier!
I love the dog’s look at the end. Like he did his act.
Hope your allergies are leaving you alone.
Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) Tweeted:
“Let me help you!” https://t.co/P5vBZzDOQy
“Whatcha doing daddy? Can I help?”
Ugh…but thanks for asking.
The worst part is the high mold count in my area.
I’m really allergic to mold.
We had that awful ice storm last fall…and we live on the edge of a wooded area where the carnage was really bad.
So now there is a layer of debris on the ground that is rotting and molding.
I’ll be alright though.
Oh thats awful. Well hopefully itll rot before the wind picks it up straight at you.
Hey, that looks like DOGE!!!
Dogs…the best.
Edit…except Chihuahuas…just saw the above.

Minor quibble…
If we are really going to raise a glass to Cuban freedom and the demise of communism there, it should be done with a traditional mojito (mo-heet-o), whose origins date back to the 1620’s….. \_
I know, but somehow yelling “Mojito!” doesn’t quite cut it.
And now for some extreme cuteness:

Remember the Japanese Assistant Defense Minister’s comments last week about how it was Japan’s assessment that China and Russia could be preparing a another Pearl Harbor against the US in conjunction with China taking Taiwan. China besides forcing a US destroyer from disputed international waters a few days ago has added this to their response.
This is a dramatic ratcheting up of war rhetoric, where China feels totally unencumbered about flexing their muscles in front of Feeble Joe and his Woke Joint Chief’s of Staff cause they can smell the weakness, rot and lack of resolve from all the way across Pacific Ocean. The JCS needs to pull their collective heads out of Harris-Biden Administration’s butt and concentrate on their job.
I’d think the Cabal should be a bit worried as well as their big power player looks like it might be the one giving orders instead of taking them. What a shock that will be to all the multi billionaire chumps who think they’re in the hot seat to rule the world.
Meanwhile you can bet Japan is discussing a few things in secret as they too reconsider the US’s resolve.
My reality, have never understood what good and of the JCS are, beyond bloated paperweights. They are bureaucrats. Not war fighters.
JCS – the very definition of worthless, REMF. (Rear Echelon Mother F…)
Grandma, I love your opening AS ALWAYS! And tonight, with my favorite drink, the cuba libre!!!! Yippee! Bottoms UP!
Sylvia! So glad you enjoyed it! What is your favorite rum?
I hope this guy gets a huge push back in the comments:
(He is trying to convince us that the Biden Nazis will not be uninstalled)
Forget about Booting Biden – American Thinker
Funny how this Walsh can set up a continuum that ends with getting the people who put Biden in office but he’ll just take a hop and skip over removing Biden as if that would not be on the continuum. Obviously a never Trumper. Speaking of such you can see where some of them are based from if you survey the conservative news to see who covered AZ yesterday and who did not. Most notably absent was Fox News web site with nothing yesterday or today and Brietbart nothing yesterday but finally one story today.
I agree with this
“Fixing the 2020 election requires more than Biden has to offer. Real reform requires going after the people who put Biden in office”.
I just say OUT OF THE WAY to these lightweights.
Welcome to July 16, 2021. On July 16, 1969, three men took their last step on earth….for a while. They were going on an adventure.
Pepe Lives Matter
Agreed. I’m just being a realist about how nasty this is going to be.
LONG is not the problem.
Rough times ahead, but people’s consciousness is very high and getting higher. It’s always been a problem of understanding, and the understanding now is deep, getting deeper.
Yes, make sure you’ve got food, all the other necessities and your prophylactics. Clothing and shoes. I went to Boscov’s, the other (I refuse to go to Macy’s) decent department store chain in our area yesterday looking for Carter’s/OshKosh toddler boys clothes. Good luck with that, there’s nothing on the racks. Some cheesier junk, and a little more selection for girls and infant sizes – but nice toddler boys stuff is non-existent.
I then breeze through looking for misc. for myself. The shoe department had big empty areas, with a few small clearance racks. The display shelves and tables were less in number and sparse looking – lots of space between each shoe. The main aisle, where there were ALWAYS Skechers etc. stacked high on tables – nothing.
Clothing was mezza mezza. Much more space between the racks, which are not full. Styles that don’t make sense seasonally or being displayed together on a rack, and very incomplete sizing. No big clearance areas, as everything has been sold out. It all looks old and picked over. Not the normal, abundant, aesthetically pleasing displays in a department store.
So there it is.
I think people are going to realize that having RED China in ANY part of a supply chain is a strategic and potentially lethal mistake.
I’ve felt that doing business with RED China, or, indeed, any of one’s enemies is a terrible mistake, going back to Nixon’s entree into Red China in 1972. I wonder who pushed him into that… Kissinger?
I always remember the Art Buchwald column: “I Wonder Who’s Kissinger Now?”…
Now we know…
Kissinger must have been hugely pleased with his successful orchestration of the Nixon/China relations…Dr. Strangelove had nothin on him.
It’s all we have. No more Wanamaker’s, or Strawbridge & Clothier.
Absolutely agreed. It’s clear that 5 Democrat cities threw the election AND the House and Senate by massive cheating. The Biden government is illegitimate, and NEVER was anything else. And MARK ZUCKERBERG deserves to be in PRISON.
Zuckerschmuck’s mangled remains deserve to be in an anonymous hole in the ground, along with his IC handlers. Not everyone gets what they deserve.
I would honestly prefer for him to run to China, because he would lose all moral legitimacy. Dead, he can only be a martyr for their lies.
FB is building FIVE campuses around the Bay. Menlo Park (supposedly corporate HQ), Fremont, San Jose, Sunnyvale, Burlingame (which, I hear, is like a palace), and SF.
Amazon and Google are offering cloud services, so they have an excuse for that kind of $$$. What is FB selling???
Yep. And what happens when a sale falls through?
We’re about to find out.
Those 5 sites might make great prisons, though! A nice REMINDER LOCATION.
The Menlo Park site is where Zuckerschmuck and his #2 have equipped their public offices with escape hatches that go to subterranean bomb shelters.
Well that’s interesting.
It’s supposed to be quite a status symbol in Silicon Valley. Sheltered from EMP and nearby nukes.
Be a *cough* shame if they filled up with water…..
No, they can’t be filled with anything. They are protected from that.
Capped, on the other hand….under a few hundred yards of concrete and fill…..that’s available.
Does he live full time in hawaii?
You mean like that hand with a ring on it?
These guys spinning the story as if nothing was discovered, even threatening the auditors with court cases:

They will likely face prison. I’m assuming they’re coordinating with Kapo Garland on strategy to beat the audit. FILTH.
The NFL plans to play the Black national anthem ‘Lift Ev’ry Voice And Sing,’ before ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ in 2021 season.
Ev’ry is not a typo.
Bye-bye, football!
The Billionaire Boys Club finally outs itself.
When will the Apartheid officially be announced ?
Pro sports hate America.
Therefor, pro sports remains dead to me.
Unlikely pro sports can be revived any time soon.
Pro sports is the 1st domino.
Any venue and any event that played the Anthem will now be shamed or required to also play this supposed black anthem. Step by step.
They’re creating a separate country within the country.
I hadn’t thought of that but I think you’re right.
They’ve already implemented a separate legal system in some places. Many things have been changed depending on race. Recall the laws that have been ‘relaxed’ in urban ( ie, black) areas regarding overdue or no car registration and other things that typically would/could receive a ticket for.
Hate crimes.
I’ve seen ads for banks for blacks, and lots of new gov. and educational programs offered to blacks only. I thought it was virtue signaling, but now I’m seeing it differently. This is bad very bad.
Me too. It’s deeper than a so called hand up. It’s obliterating the equal under the law right.
It never starts out with a huge thing , that would be too jarring.
That video of the girls twerking and guys grinding behind them at a juneteenth event when someone’s voice triumphantly yelled “we can do anything we want” goes a lot farther than being nasty in public, imo
Easy solution.
R E J E C T pro sports. Don’t attend. Don’t watch. Don’t buy their crap.
Watch rodeos they have not gone woke yet.
Yup, rodeos are All American!
Playing the black national anthem before Star Spangled banner reminds me of a pastor who told us , when there is a funeral make sure to let the Masons go first and so that the Christian burial goes last. So to me the last is more importand then what comes before.
People remember the last the US National Anthem.
By the way I would never go and see Football. I am not a football fan anyway
Anonymous 07/16/21 (Fri) No.14133470 >>14133482 >>14133584 >>14133650 >>14133752 >>14133843 >>14133952 >>14134045 >>14134064 >>14134142

File (hide): 3132d4c60496fa5⋯.jpg (558.42 KB, 1920×1040, 24:13, AlgoraBlog.jpg) (h) (u)
This is utterly ridiculous — which, in no way, should suggest that I have reason to believe it to be untrue.
In intellectual property (IP), patents are one type of explicit bargain — documented thoroughly, six ways from Sunday.
You know something cool that would be to the benefit of mankind. You will truthfully disclose what it is, how it is done, and everything necessary for a person similarly situated (you don’t have to teach carpenters metalworking, or vice-versa) to reproduce this cool thing. In return, you get exclusive use of it for a generation, and — instead of taking them on in court alone — you get to call in the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to quash anyone else’s use of your disclosed invention.
So how the heck does it make sense to classify this? Either you are trading DISCLOSURE for PROTECTION, or you are making it a STATE SECRET. I don’t see much of a logical overlap.
Classifying it after it’s been read and sent on to the Nuremberg trial sorts in Europe?
Yeah, a little too late.
Yep. And if there are international parallel patents, or if the patents themselves are international, the KlownsInAktion can’t touch them…
BREAKING: L.A. County GOVERNMENT just announced it will reimpose an indoor mask mandate, regardless of your vaccination status, beginning Saturday night at 11:59 pm.
This is an opportunity for L.A. County CITIZENS to reply, “In Your Dreams.”
Seth Keshel https://t.me/RealSKeshel/375
Righteous patriot.
This guy understands what is happening right now, We are being baited by people to try to entrap us. Our recent foray into that was downright scary.
We have had a two-year conversation here about justice under the LAW. Because we all know each other, shorthand has become common, because WE know the context is the LAW.
But taken OUT of context, comments read differently.
I suggest all comments about the OUTCOME of the process of justice, i.e. the punishment, contain the CONTEXT for the foreseeable future.
For our SAFETY.
Yes. I hope this site is archived.
It’s all pretext right now, and they do not even care that we KNOW it is all pretext.
In the meantime, while you weren’t looking — brontosaurus is a separate species from apatosaurus again!!!
(H/T Insty; Sauce below)
6 years ago! And we havent heard this.
It’s okay, ever since Robert Bakker wrote The Dinosaur Heresies I’ve felt free to classify them all as Birds and leave it at that until I’ve time to revisit the subject.
“I’ve felt free to classify them all as Birds ”
Whereas I do the opposite. Birds are the one kind of dinosaur that didn’t die off.
My avatar nods in agreement.
Karl’s on a mission — https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=242970
Every bit of this clusterfark was cooked.
Verse of the Day for Friday, July 16, 2021
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”
Matthew 11:29 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
OMG! Now he is trying to frighten the young!
Modern-day Menegele. Power-hungry ego-maniac.
He deserves to be struck down by lightning, just like that “memorial” to that perp George Floyd….
Or, perhaps more fitting, like Herod when he was struck down and eaten by worms… because he would not humble himself before GOD…..
This may have been here already someplace – but it’s the ultimate mask nonsense video and worth a click. Make sure you can see the bottom of the screen, you’ll literally die.
Don’t you love the ass mask. Brilliant.
The completely backwards thing is that on one hand he’s saying get that vax or else…and on the other..stay masked and isolated even after the vax. It makes no sense.
Either the vax protects or it doesn’t is what every single vaccinated person, young or old, should be asking.
Is it because they took an experimental vaccine that causes their body under the slightest provocation to produce spike proteins? Pretty sure mom said you don’t go jumping off a bridge because everyone else is doing it. Moms know best
This is curious. Oil is probably one of their more profitable exports.
Maybe that idiot Congress Critter convinced them that Greenland might turn over and that would wreck the oil wells, etc……
Notice the poor lonely ice-bound (in their mind) polar bear… never mind that they can swim hundreds of miles without a problem…
Or maybe surf

Because, contrary to the Climastrologists, there is no polar bear population (or other) problem:

N.B. Both books and posts about them and polar bears, etc. are over at NoTricksZone, where I’m hoping Pierre will put something up about the floods (hope he’s not caught up in them…)…
They’ve even Photoshopped in the wrong kind of bear. Bears in the arctic are WHITE.
Maybe this one belongs to BBM. Black Bears Matter. But the WHITE Polar Bears will shred him. They’re meaner than grizzlies and black bears (I think anybody would be, with all that cold, and lousy food, aka seals)…
Polar bears are the world’s largest land carnivore. Grizzlies and Kodiak bears are smaller.
Yep. I’ve read Susan’s book…
Also, chopped liver from them is usually fatal…
Oh Goody, per Fox News, now we have a Wheat Shortage. 41% crops ruined due to weather, expect pizza price to increase. Who wrote that? What about bread and the 1000’s of other wheat products?!?!

Did they mention any other crops ruined? We had a late spring here and lots of rain, so the tree fruits are in question as are corn, soybeans, and tomatoes.
Farmers are being paid not to plant.
Artificial inflation of food prices in real time.
No, just wheat.
I told my mother about this, and she said, “Why am I not surprised?” Her mother’s family were farmers.
Wonder if the ChiComs are buying it all up?????
C’mon, Monsoon, very soon. Time for the ChiComs to have a Dam Problem, as it were….
I suggest heading down to the store now and buying flour. Lots of it. It will store in a dry, cool place for a year at least. Put it in a tote to keep critters at bay.
You can put flour in the freezer for a couple years as long as its in a plastic bag and sealed.
Good that I horded grains. I have one 26 lb bucket winter wheat, 2 buckets Einkorn, 2 Rye and two oatmeal.
I don’t have the link to hand, but chiefio has a series of posts about survivalism and what to do when the next Ice Age really hits. There’s lots of things that can be stored long-term, as long as you keep them cool, dry, in airtight containers, and in the dark (or close to it).
Seems the old-timers with their cellars had the right idea…. fancy that…
Kind of funny how the stores are selling fruit and veggies without plastic packaging and acting like they invented it… when I was a wee bairn, there was almost no plastic packaging, especially in the hardware stores, where you could buy one screw, nut, washer, thumbtack, whatever, without having 9 or 99 of the same thing (that you’ll never use) accompanying it in a plastic package. Bill Hewlett HATED bulk packaging like that…
My grain is supposed to last 13 years.
Yes I remember those times also. We will go back to simple times and appreciate everything we have. In hard times people come together and share and barter.
Of course.
Bacon on-trays.

Tray bien
Baked bacon.
Bakin’ bacon…
I’m wondering if we don’t need a thread for sides when bacon is the entre.
LOL – but…but…but – there are no sides with bacon on the table – have you seen some of BFLY’s dishes? Don’t see no sides, DP
I realize that, but at some point, fiber will be necessary.
Agree – will have to wait and see what BFLY says – she might be willing – not sure.
LOL sometimes I wonder how people in early days managed. Not having a varied diet and eating the same thing all the time…didn’t they have uh..elimination issues?
Yes, they did! It was common for the “upper classes” to suffer from all sorts of digestive maladies and other stuff like gout because of their diets. The “peasants” ate the roughage.
LOL… so my weird long rambling thoughts weren’t so strange after all !
Not at all!
People preserved vegetables from summer. Other foods like rutabaga, carrots potatoes were in cold cellar with cabbage sauerkraut. Kale likes winter and does taste better if there was frost. Brusselsprouts also like winter.
Meats a lot was cured or salted. People had chicken therefore eggs and rabbits. Some had one pig.
Women baked on Saturday and cooked Sunday meal so they could go to church and not work Sunday
My best training was that I grew up after WWII and learned how to survive. My poor husband would never his parents sheltered their only child.
Every time I add non-bacon extras, a certain someone gripes.
Here’s some fiber.

I like bacon just as much as the next girl, but variety is the spice of life.
So much for the appetizer, where’s the main course?
LOL – Dunno – somebody musta et it, Cuppa!!!
Probly that man from Colorado.

Prolly – Agree!!!
So one of the Wal-Mart SS closed for a few days because of covid. 17 people, Delta variant at least half were vaxed so there doing a deep cleaning……..
Coming to city near you I am sure.
^^^ As IF “deep cleaning” is AN answer. Thought I read, Covid isn’t caught by surface spread. Hmmm. Which lie do I believe these days. Sticking with wiping down IS BS.
Yesterday, daughter and hubby scheduled to fly Orlando to Dallas Love Field.
Flight boarded, AND cancelled.
Dallas Love Field C L O S E D due to Covid.
LA County in all of their ignorance again requires masks indoors afor ALL.
I’m sensing more cover for arrests.
Any more, this seems fitting…
We‘ve been looking for the enemy for some time now. We‘ve finally found him. We‘re surrounded. That simplifies things.
Chesty Puller
Looks like they’re going to skip all the incremented bullshit this time…the floor markers, sanitizer stations, approved masks only, etc……….and go straight to lockdown.
Folks really gotta simply REFUSE to play along.
– NO lockdowns.
– NO masks.
– NO social distancing.
– NO mandatory vaccinations.
– NO vaccination passports.
Could be wrong but it seems to be another of their plots to ‘out’ subversives. Those who won’t submit easily identified. That new SS that Pelosi created will be busy.
Plus the new FIB advertisement about turning family and friends into the govt can be used. Guess we’ll see how far they’ll take this.
It seems like it. Theres no delta.
Lol! Grandma, you cracked me up this morning!
I really do try to be good, but my outlaw genetics apparently have quite a bit of influence on me. Scottish Highlanders, Southern bootleggers, and Norse raiders make for a feisty combo.
All jokes aside, thanks for being you.
Ha!! Thanks!
It was great to wake up to.
Akvavit. with overtones of peat and sea breeze, diSTILLed in the back (front?) yard through the remains of the ’31 Ford’s (on blocks) cooling system
Watch out for them revenooers
Lol! I have at least one famous bootlegger in the family. He has his own Wiki page. But I’m sure there were many more like him, just luckier not to get caught so much!
Photo ops just aren’t what they used to be.
This is a psyop photo op. They want photos of black Americans being cuffed.
Plays into their narrative of a racist America.
I’m beginning to believe that sort of image is passe at this point.
To the vast majority, yes.
The new now power image is buildings on fire, people jumping on cars, broken windows, gun selfies…all that gospel hymn stuff is archaic in the TikTok gen of blm
So she’s going into the same jail cell as the 1/6 political hostages? Or she going to be out on bail in a couple of hours?
So just a quick note, I am logged in finally. I had to go to the laptop, so my issues could be different than others. Anyway I have to go take care of my little lady so will not be around for a while. Keep up the fight.
Joe Biden didn’t win and Lizzy is a traitor.
We’ll look at it later. Remember – you can always log into The U Tree and tell me you’re locked out, and that helps me fix things.
Something notable about Mass in Catholic Church?
Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) Tweeted:
Extremely disappointed in @Pontifex.
He is unwilling to accept that the heart of the church and the most devout to its teachings are at Latin Mass.
Trying to roll that back is such a mistake. https://t.co/ehi7aDulFe
We all saw this coming years ago.
Yes, and Catholic twitter is ON FIRE this morning.
The long and short of it is that – supposedly – Bergoglio, or his body double, rescinded BOTH Pope Saint John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. The former allowed the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) with permission from the local bishop in 1984; the latter proclaimed TLM to be universal and it could be said at the PRIEST’s discretion about 14 years ago. This move more or less says that the bishops must ask permission from the Vatican to allow TLM in their dioceses.
The HUGE problem with that is that the bishops are supposed to be the top of the food chain in their jurisdictions, and other bishops are not to interfere. Metropolitans – cardinals with multiple dioceses under their wings even if they don’t run them – have been known to run roughshod over that.
This is a pretty devastating thing as the TLM parishes are producing a lot of vocations. The more conservative orders are growing, etc. I have my ideas on why this is happening, and they are NOT charitable toward TPTB behind Bergoglio’s office.
The reform of 1970 was modified ten years ago to go back to the original translation. All the Mass parts were rewritten to accommodate the correct language. We’re finally comfortable with it, and now Bergoglio’s handlers want us to go back to the Liturgy that saw so many abandon the Faith?
This is just a trainwreck. Absolute train wreck that will benefit no one other than a few music and missallette publishers. Of course, that may well be by design.
Sounds like total control and i dont understand why its not allowed.
Why Latin Mass won’t be allowed?
We’re already seeing bishops sawing they will allow it, and several not commenting, but not revoking it in their dioceses.
It was an attempt to stamp out a few groups and the TLM movement in the Church. It’s not going to work at this point. People don’t just pray, pay and obey anymore. We’re there for the Sacraments.
And to add insult to injury, this was done on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the apparition to St. Simon Stock. This apparition led to one popular devotion and two robust orders, one of friars, and one of cloistered nuns.
Must go to War Room.
Bannon calling for a court martial of Milley.
I have to say I think the Buy-Done admin is in for a bit of a surprise if they try the lockdowns and and mask mandates again. I think the vast majority of people will just ignore them.
I am out here camping with people from all over the place. These people, who are walking around free now, are not going back. I just don’t believe they will do it.
Americans are just OVER IT. It’s an attitude thing. It was a fad, like pet rocks or something, to go along with the masks. But once a fad is done, it’s DONE.
Maybe I’m crazy, but I just don’t see it happening again.
Yep I see very few masks around here. Even during the hard times I would see allot of unmasked people. People from different areas would where them but even when you would get into the Hospital when you got into the room we would take them off. Small town gotta love it.
Brief ground report. I had occasion to shop at Wal-Mart yesterday in a suburb of Detroit. 80+% of staff were wearing masks, some w/ noses protruding. I didn’t ask if they had a choice in the matter. About 50% of shoppers were masked. Upon checking out there were ZERO normal checkers so you were forced to use the self-check…hmmm For once I did the self-check w/out a hitch (I hate those things), so that was better than before. Oh almost all shelves of milk, except the bottom one were completely empty. Their overall selection of items in departments with which I’m familiar was also way down.
Similar to ours when I went several days ago. I often take pictures of empty shelves for future reference.
documentation to jog the faulty memory
What’s that?
No doubt!!!
The Real Kim Shady™️
Police frequency
UPDATE! Germany, Belgium & Netherlands: Catastrophic flooding in western Europe has killed more than 120 people, with hundreds more missing, authorities said Friday, as large-scale rescue efforts continue amidst rising water, landslides and power outages.…
Kevin theREAL Ih8uJACK™
The Real Kim Shady™️
what say you wrt this info? appreciate your take.
Howdy Phoenix,
So far they have 106 dead, 1300 missing according to http://www.welt.de. There are a couple of reasons that this is worse than the occasional flooding that occurs. First, they’ve been dinking with the dikes and flood-control systems (shades of New Orleans) and Second, convinced by the Gore-Bull warming crowd, they think we’re in a drought, and have been (probably) mismanaging the waterways and water supply.
Add to that “never let a crisis go to waste” and the upcoming election in September, this provides Merde-Kuh’s gubmint an opportunity to be heroes by “solving” a crisis that they created themselves.
I’m waiting for the weather sites and blogs to put up better information than they have now. Jörg Kachelman is incandescent (howdy ozzy) about the fact that the major networks here, ARD and ZDF, have totally borked their coverage.
In any case, both the military and our equivalent of the Army Corps of Engineers (THW) are feverishly working on rescue efforts and cleaning things up. Help is being sent from all over Germany (e.g. our area sent a helicopter and some rescue personnel, including mountain rescue folks who can deal with cruddy footing, etc.).
I’ll return in a bit with more info. The rains are supposed to be subsiding, but the water’s not going down as fast as they want, which is putting pressure on water retention (i.e. flood control) systems.
As far as the Netherlands go, I haven’t looked, but they’re basically the world’s experts on water removal, being below sea level in almost their entire region (hence the term “nether” lands. We may end up asking them for help, but they’re probably quite busy themselves…
This is a good site. Scroll wheel to magnify, left click and drag to rotate.
Left click area of interest (green circle)
Left click “earth”, bottom left corner, choose from “overlay”.
“control” left click on >> will take you forward in 8 hour steps.
Thanks Cuppa… you and yours are in our prayers…
Thank you, and GOD Bless you and yours…
More than 100,000 are without power, and that’s exacerbated by the fact that 10 major substations (super-high voltage to mid-high voltage) are under water. Not sure about gas and water utilities, but like with other floods, folks will probably be boiling water for a while.
Edit: The gas supplier said it will be weeks, if not months before the gas supply is back to normal, suggesting that folks will need to get used to cold water, and possibly cold houses in winter (which would then mean deaths due to cold). Sounds like the leftists/globalists got the disaster they wanted…
Trains and other public transportation are also either totally offline, or massively affected. Also goes to show how electric vehicles are utterly useless…
The hated internal combustion engine vehicles used by the THW, Unimogs, are diesel…
Thanks for replying Cuppa… so sorry you are experiencing this … praying for you and yours
In 2016, Barack Obama signed an executive order that allows for the US military to use force against American citizens for the first time in history.
The order was signed on July 1st, 2016 and is titled:
“Executive Order — United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force“.
They want to federalize local police forces and bring in UN military troops.
Pay attention people.

This is not a movie.
This is real.
The Real Kim Shady
It has to be why they have falsely amplified Jan6 as insurrection on Federal property. The reach of the new federal force will be as far and as hard as they want.
Everybody involved in this FF should be …fill in the blank.
The immediate cries of terror prove that the narrative was set long before the rally even happened. To think that there were people PTrump trusted involved in this sickens me. Traitors.
Yep. The plot is getting clearer by the day. Plans long laid in place and carefully carried out. Traps and honeypots everywhere.
They’ve become downright evil in their psychological and physical traps .
I hope that it forces them to have secret clubhouse meetings and zooms and endless lawfare reports when a significant number of us don’t fall for the tricks.
Well, there was Pence… whom I believe POTUS has always known to be a traitor, after all he did not select him as VP, the GOPe forced him to take him on the ticket. And then there was Mitch, whom everyone has know to be a RINO… and Barr… and Nanzi of course. One could simply say the Cabal and the list becomes very short. I wish peeps would start to realize there is NO DIM NO GOP, there is only the Uniparty, controlled by the Cabal. POTUS has always known he had no support there. J 6th certainly separated the wheat from ….
Well said PR.
One cannot trust anyone in DC they are all tainted.
Obama is the worse kind of evil.
Some places you just don’t want to get caught looting.
Black rifle coffee, who got their status on conservatives,
now says Rittenhouse supporters are racist and the worst of society.
They are DONE.
Ill be tossing out what little brc stuff i have left.
Glowing praise in the nyt…

Ah, it’s all about the Proud Boys. This is the group they are gonna crucify.
I’ve been seeing media mentioning them over and over lately.
One you understand that that they’re another commie-created FIB group – pied piper at the top – chumps at the bottom – just like Oathkeepers – it all makes sense.
Yep. Do you think Gavin McGinnis was in on it?
That requires a long answer. I don’t think Gavin plotted against the right. Not for a moment. I think he wanted to drag the right into cultural relevance, sometimes in ways that were bound to be trouble.
I think his personal compromise AND the group’s compromise is more at a deep spiritual level. More on that in a second.
I liked the idea of the Proud Boys, who are in fact anti-racist and even “soft” on a lot of cultural conservative issues (their potential and actual weakness), but I was also very suspicious of them for seeming leaderless and not having a strong definition, or a strong defense against the sick media trying to redefine them.
To me, that is a spiritual weakness.
Sometimes they fought the slander well – at other times, not so well.
Front-line Proud Boys are often very decent people – at least the few I met. But I think that something odd was going on with them later, as they were drawn toward the Capitol madness of NanXi’s trap. Everything we learn about their leader being a FIB informant tells me that – one way or another – the group was manipulated.
Now here is the basic spiritual compromise.
There is a temptation to make the right culturally relevant, trendy, and fashionable, and it’s a fight that is always there, and it’s a good and necessary fight, but it’s a very nuanced fight that is not for the spiritually weak.
This is why you see people like Milo and others drawn into it. Spiritual clarity says “not so fast – true conservatism values style over fashion – it will take a beating from detractors in the short term, but win in the long term by avoiding the trendy, but making timeless valued appealing NOW.
The trendy in conservatism captures our eye, but it is not on a solid foundation, and we have to be careful about both embracing and rejecting it.
Christ is a great model, even though I somewhat wince at saying that in the same spirit of what he was trying to do, which was to make Judaism new, fresh, relevant and powerful, but NOT trendy, superficial, vain and weak.
Christ spared the adulteress – he did NOT glorify her, use her to beat down his fellow rabbis, use her to advance his movement, etc. Note that this was all about the individual, and the power of forgiveness.
Christ was able to thread that needle of making something very conservative “catchy” because of its timeless value desperately needed at that time, but doing what he could to keep it from becoming cheap, and in doing all of this necessary but very real “optics”, insured his own death so that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth would be delivered.
Groups like the Proud Boys lacked that spiritual protection. They can be twisted to use by the Enemy. That prayer group in Portland likely had more spiritual strength, and they were targeted for it, too.
We are going to have to move forward (IMO) to a world of complexity, where hats are not just shaded, rather than black or white, but vibrantly multi-colored. Calling them out as mostly or all one color – particularly on one issue – may be momentarily useful, but in the end, deeper understanding will help us win.
So long story shortened, I don’t see Gavin with either a white or black hat. Not even a yellow hat. Gavin is just Gavin, believing strongly that the right should be both “out there” and fashionable, sometimes very stupidly, sometimes very smart, and I’ll welcome his help, either way, but I may call it stupid when it is!
Thoughts to ponder. Thank you.
Notice this SUGGESTION – by a freaking “journalist” – of a VIRTUE SIGNAL (renaming to a BLM name) that would really push this brand into BROKE.
If there is a SHRED of brains in BRC – which I don’t think there is – then they need to get smart FAST.
They are being pushed around by wokies because they’re truly delusional, and have accepted PC falsehoods.
I stand behind Kyle Rittenhouse because the man engaged in legitimate self-defense. PERIOD. I don’t care if Hitler and Stalin THEMSELVES support Kyle Rittenhouse.
BUT – here is the deal. BRC was stupid to get DRAWN IN by phony radical right activists, who are controlled opposition tools of the LEFT. One has to be very smart about these toads on the right who serve the left.
BRC is either STUPID to the plots of the left, or PART OF THEM.
Either one is bad. If there is any shred of reality to BRC, then backing off of race politics completely is a smart move, because they’re not smart enough to handle them. They are not SKILLED IN TRUTH OVER EMOTION.
I think they are millennials and for some reason look the part but inside are weak and in denial. Your comment is likely right on.
Whatever the deal..they’re toads and can pander to the left if they want but they won’t get my biz . Too many shills out there these days
Are proud boys racist? I do not know?
No but there’s issues with fibbi informants and pied piper leadership in the organization itself.
Honeypots abound. We all get taken in.
Hafer sucks. He folded like a cheap suit once they got our biz.
I suggest it was a honeypot from the start. They will go out of business sooner rather than later, since their objective of helping to assassinate the character of certain Trump supporters, i.e., Proud Boys, is now accomplished.
It was never about the coffee or helping vets.
It was about trapping vets and others.
OOo..that’s a very smart take on it G….like the Oathkeeper guy.
It’s horrible to contemplate the entrapment of American citizens.
YES it is.
It’s most painful when it’s supported by those that we actually thought were upright. The DemComs…never a surprise how low they’ll go but others…wow, a hit in the gut
Ironic how it was the lefists who drove around with the bumper sticker “Question Authority”.
Now, it seems that we patriots need two bumper stickers (or fridge magnets, whatever):
Typical DEMONRATS, like their father the Devil. Just a tiny bit of truth as bait to trap unsuspecting, honest people….
Matthew 10:16-17:
16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
17 But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;
Spot on.
Possible and theyre vets too.
CIA front? Just asking for a friend. Trust no one.
Big Tech is not the only enemy… add Corporations to that list…
Corporations have been under the control of the Cabal forever… ‘multinational’ corporations was the beginning of the dropping of ‘the seven veils’ for some of us
Just like when Snapple turned on Rush after he made them a household name. No shame with people like this.
I didnt know they did that.
Rush only mentioned it for a short period. It was a stab in the back considering what he did for them.
Snapple had a hard time getting their foot in the door but they kept working on it.
The turning point for Snapple was Rush making typical comments about unions. Snapple felt they needed to to publicly disassociate making some claim they could no longer associate their product with Rush.
Read More: https://www.mashed.com/82483/untold-truth-snapple/?utm_campaign=clip
Some many years latter Rush after marrying Kathrine he started his own tea company. Besides Rush’s love for tea, he only made a few veiled references about the other reason for his tea company. If you missed those few times he explained why Snapple had walked on him then you’d not understand the veiled comments.
Ty. I wonder if his tea is available still?
Just re-name it Black Rino Coffee
Ha. Yup. Theyve now published a lifestyle magazine too. Their twitter page, not many comments, but on the recent post people are overwhelmingly unhappy. I also saw a comment that hafer is a cia shill and the company is a troll for conservatives. Its toast now.
I checked them out a while ago and was suspicious. They looked like a bunch of hipster poseurs.
Interesting. That supports the honeypot theory.
Oh my God I just posted that a couple of commons above.I tried to reason through it and that is the only explanation or FBI or both.
Bolshevik RINO Coffee seems appropriate too.
I just had a thought what about all the people leaving Black Coffee aree on their list and they give the list to FBI? They are going to associate people leaving because what they said about Proud Boys?
Remember the FBI makes now lists and ask for snitches.
I feel I am in East Germany
giloo…Kyle was photographed many months ago wearing a BRCC T shirt…and BRCC right away came out disassociating themselves from Kyle…SO, they have been non grata for quite some time.
This latest is simply more blatant. what a shame. They has such a good thing going.
All of this was a huge big deal with thedonald crowd (.win).
Some people are users and change when it does not fit their agenda any longer.
I suspect this was timed with the Arizona audit news. Encourage right-leaning social media to spend the day raging over some coffee company instead of the stolen election.
Thats an interesting idea. Plus they know what the nyt is and went there anyway. Sounds like they want to rebrand.
Excellent, as usual GIT! The link to TWA flight 800 provided me with new info. Surprised, no. More confirmation of how long crap has been going on.
Thank you!
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to think about where this could go:
Down and Dirty Summary: Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the Director of the CDC, issued a statement on Friday, July 16, that COVID-19 is “becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated” and that “vaccinated people are protected against severe disease…We are seeing outbreaks of cases in parts of the country that have low vaccination coverage, because unvaccinated people are at risk.”
Several states that have “low vaccination rates”, such as Arkansas, Nevada, Missouri, and Florida, were singled out in the statement as states with the “worst current outbreaks”.
Dr. Walensky said that “local officials might want to consider mask orders in parts of the country with low vaccination rates” — “If you have low vaccination and high case rates then I would say local policymakers might consider whether masking at that point would be something that would be helpful for their community until they scale up their vaccination rates.”
(Look at the last sentence — the “money quote” phrase is, “until they scale up their vaccination rates.” Right — with the “vaccine canvassers” at one’s door, asking, “Why didn’t you get vaccinated yet?”; with the local Health Department MD’s tagging along with the “vaccine canvassers” in the “Doses to Doors” programs that are already going on; with the pressure put on businesses to start “No Vaccine, No Entry / No Service”; with local officials coming up with “turn in someone you know who isn’t vaccinated yet.”)
Walensky is a POS.
YES! This is excellent! Now that the Arizona and Georgia audits (and the audit of the FAKE AUDIT in Georgia) are showing us that social media CONSPIRED against the truth of the election, they are headed for a HUGE LOSS.
Put me on that jury and I will award BILLIONS against Facebook, Google and Twitter.
Make it an even google from each of them.
that’s gotta hurt
Now THAT is good. I had not had a screaming laugh yet today, until that!
In a Burkah garbage bag – Hefty Gal…
Or, indeed, a Hefty BAG…
What an idiotic thing to do.
So dumb.
Look who’s right up in the witches brew…the old Muzz pot stirrer
New Political Moonshine:
McGreevey and Wood Drawn Into Conflict by The Gateway Pundit – Snake Oil or Evidence?
July 16, 2021
Intro: “We know him as @Johnheretohelp, Ryan Dark White and by his real name, Dr. Jonathan McGreevey. He’s the individual behind the curious pink pig and he’s the U.S. federal whistleblower central to the group he calls the ‘Dirty Tricks Squad’ [DTS]. Dr. McGreevey claims to have the goods on the “Rod-centric” Rosenstein cohort that ran illegal operations out of the U.S. Department of Justice by leveraging compromised agents within the FBI, ATF, DEA and USSS.
This cohort essentially functioned akin to goon squad or group of heavies doing dirty work for the mafia. The difference, though, is that the DTS did such with guns, badges, powers of arrest and the full might of the federal apparatus behind it. Or so says McGreevey.”
It’s now all been drawn into conflict.
DARK TO LIGHT OR LIGHT TO DARK?Larry Johnson of The Gateway Pundit is now calling Dr. McGreevey and the veracity of his identity, credentials and statement[s] into question and in ways destructive to McGreevey and his claims ergo destructive to the account he presents, which is supportive of our broader base of work.
Johnson’s questions regarding McGreevey are meritorious and worthy and we’ll present them momentarily.
It all begs the question of whether we’re moving in the direction of dark to light or light to dark?
Scott, it is getting hard to tell who is NOT lying to us. Everything is looking pretty sketchy.
It’s like the Magic 8 ball………..” Reply hazy, try again.”
hazy, murky,
And whatever happens the8 ball won’t have seen it coming
This is a good fight.
I don’t think JHTH is black or white. I think that he is a MIX of truth and fantasy.
I am convinced that DODGE and FIB have a dirty tricks core group that abuses the tools at their disposal, always under cover of “good things”. That is exactly how abuse of law enforcement always works.
But consider the accusation against Joe Biden of abusing Jill as a baby sitter. The “evidence” JHTH was pushing is no such thing. We proved that here. Biden may have glommed onto Jill when she threw her “teen prom queen” look his way, but that’s not actual predation on his part.
We don’t know the story there, with Neilia – I think there is real chance of skulduggery – but we are not in possession of PROOF.
JHTH has always been unreliable except on what he experienced FIRST HAND.
He needs BAGS of salt – but I am certain he’s right about some things.
I beg to differ on JHTH. He’s usually MONTHS ahead, but he’s rarely wrong.
Lin Wood believes him.
And…since he’s gained attention, his sources have gone quiet. That alone is curious.
He’s going to need better proof on this:
Is there ANY – ANY – evidence that Jill connects to Biden in any way during her teen years? I will accept a very complex explanation of lies, if there is evidence.
The photos are NOT evidence. They’ve been disproven, IMO.
If THIS is part of the rarely wrong, then sure, but he needs to prove something here, IMO, or he’s just guessing. THIS strikes me as no better than accusations against Trump.
I wasn’t even thinking about that.
I doubt there would be pictures of anything that young.
Plus, that one photo collection strikes me as being a professional shoot now that I’ve seen more of them.
I think the photo shoot of virtuous Jill in white spending time with Joe and his boys was re-making her image as cover for the affair.
Could be. When you see that group of photos as a collection, they just look professional for the day.
Yep. Had the feeling of wedding photos to me…
And not ” , 2D wedn Rosa Mr . “
Scroll down for a pic of Jill in her ‘gown’.
From Wikipedia:
Chapel at the UN. Argh.
Yeah. They should have had the bridesmaids and groomsmen in blue helmets.
And then a honeymoon behind the iron curtain! How MO-RANTIC!
Hmmm. Wasn’t Jill Biden divorced???
It would have to have been a rogue or defrocked “Catholic” Priest then… unless by some “miracle” Jill had her previous marriage annulled by the Vatican…
And the UN???
They have a shrine to Satan in their basement; whatever “chapels” they have are dedicated, basically, to an unknown god… i.e. anyone, Baal, Set, Vishnu, Allah, etc…
UN may have been the Catholic priest of last resort to perform a marriage of questionable status in the church per se.
The Vatican would have been “uncomfortable” getting into a FIGHT with the UN over the marriage.
Absolutely. Jill and Joe likely had an affair from BEFORE Neilia died. TOXIC. They kept it secret from summer 1972 until March 1975. Jill is still a deep secret in 1974. But in March of 1975 they begin seeing each other openly, remaking their relationship. Team Biden is aware at the highest levels of course. The divorce was granted in MAY 1975. In June 1975 they do the professional photo shoot, but she’s still on trial. They have covered up the affair, but will she go all the way? Answer – another June wedding in 1977.
Excellent timeline. Regarding Neilia. I read speculation that she knew about the affair and drove in the path of the truck on purpose. Also read that she was holding baby Naomi at the time of impact.
OMG – THAT is one heck of a theory. It’s utterly irrational, but THAT is the kind of pathological thinking that can happen in the case of deep betrayal.
It explains EVERYTHING perfectly. The mom who “takes all the kids with her” can happen sober and psycho, but if Neilia was drunk, as some allege, it would be even easier to listen to that demonic thought.
It’s a horrifying accusation, not to be made lightly, but it EXPLAINS MUCH.
One of the things it explains most of all is the hesitation of all involved to investigate Neilia’s role in the incident. Even if she was just DRUNK, then it would have been a problem for Biden, and remember – to most folks, he’s a VICTIM, and cannot be shown to have had any role in things. Nobody would have wanted to go there. Nobody was going to frame the truck driver, who was not drunk, although later, Joe Biden would slander him with a typical “Joe Biden lie”.
One more thing I’ve been thinking about.
I will bet that the “Stone Balloon” (cheap rip of Led Zeppelin, for sure) was a DRUG NEXUS.
If Biden’s connection to the place (and they admit that brother Frank Biden knew Jill Stevenson in college) was related to drugs…….. Hmmmm……
Stevenson gave him thousands of dollars. Why? A long-haired freak. Why?
Coke world?
The tell for me is that Biden accused the truck driver of being drunk when he was not. This is interesting. From neiliabiden.com
Jill Biden wrote in her book Where the Light Enters that she attended Joe Biden’s November 1972 victory party with Bill Stevenson, where Jill met Joe’s first wife Neilia, but not Joe.
This book went out in 2019, although it’s listed as 2020. The media dragged out the affair in a big way. All of this was BEFORE the Stevenson drop in the DM on August 17, 2020 – apparently after he got pissed off at her lying about their relationship with Joe Biden.
This is VERY interesting.
I read there was a lot of pot smoked and acid dropped.
The driver’s side of the car was t-boned by the truck when she turned into its path.
YES on the pro shoot. And THAT is interesting. VERY interesting!
These are fantastic claims that I’ve never seen anyone else make. Nor have I seen an ounce of evidence:
Even if some of that were true, it is the stuff that makes us look like vindictive nutjobs. It does not help our cause at all, IMO.
Exactamente. And one of the best points comes out of precisely what you are saying.
Let’s say that this dirt on Biden is helpful – perhaps in terms of prediction, of finding who has control of him, etc. It’s not necessarily helpful, but just postulate that it is. WHY, in that case, are we not concerned with the more provable, more evidenced, more recent, more damning, and more relevant stuff – meaning THE AFFAIR – rather than with what is very likely CHAFF and COUNTERMEASURES (as SD loves to call them)???
The only real benefit of the far-out claims, here, IMO, was that by considering something and REJECTING it, we now have a BETTER understanding of things which remain, and which are much more likely true.
But we cannot accept that without some discred of JHTH.
One of the things which may have happened in the RR dirty tricks operation, is that a lot of false but workable accusations commingled with true ones. They were presumably interested in what would PRESSURE, CONVINCE, CONTROL, or SHUT PEOPLE UP – not necessarily the truth, but accusations or phony events close enough TO the truth to gain control.
JHTH may have HEARD on the inside various accusations that were useful, but not necessarily TRUE.
Canary traps, too…
I read Larry Johnson’s article and his demand for proof. But by the same token, Larry Johnson needs to be vetted as well. He is “former” CIA, if there is such a thing. In 2008, he was running a Hillary Clinton blog, which doesn’t necessarily mean anything. A lot of 2008 Clinton supporters saw the light and supported President Trump. Johnheretohelp posted a thread a couple of days ago about Ty Clevinger/Matt Couch/Ed Buttinski related to their glomming onto the Seth Rich case and doing some unscrupulous things. Johnheretohelp mentions that Larry Johnson is a close associate of Ed Buttinski. Maybe Larry is the one who needs to come clean and vet himself to his readers.
Great points! This is just one more reason I would never discount all of what JHTH is saying.
Don’t be eating or drinking when you watch this.
Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) Tweeted:
For those who missed it, enjoy. https://t.co/utXAMPkw8n
Tell us how you really feel, LOL. It’s good to get negatives out on her as well as His Fraudulency, to have people look at her through a different lens.
I had to also laugh at “cackles like a dead hyena.” I didn’t know that dead hyenas could cackle. Yet, it’s an apt description.
Not that anybody gives a flip but with some talking about getting in, logging in here…I’m in obviously but my likes are as guest. No problem for me but just know that I press the like a lot because everyone adds great stuff all the time !
Let me look at things!
No need really. I’m okay with it because I sure don’t want to mess with WP !
OK, well, I sent you an optional PW reset link that you can use, but you don’t have to. Or simpler, if you log out, you can log back in using WordPress, and it should work. Right now is a good time because I’m watching.
LOL..I guess it worked . I don’t know how it did but it did only by resetting the password.
Thank you much
When you reset the password, did you choose the top option (WordPress) or the bottom option?
uh..neither ? Just set it and closed my eyes and clicked
Good! I checked the logs. The password update put you into a registered user status session! That is exactly what I wanted!
Molly I had the very same problem when Wolfie FIRST changed the platform, long ago… and now if I have any probs, I simply logout, and then login using WP
Good deal! BTW, can I ask you how many tabs you have open to this site? Just out of curiosity!
Only one…
Excellent! Glad you can like now!
Dozens of Ghislaine Maxwell Files Unsealed by Federal Court in Sex Trafficking Case
Forwarded from Resist the Mainstream
Resist the Mainstream
Dozens of Ghislaine Maxwell Files Unsealed by Federal Court in Sex Trafficking Case
Here are some of the findings.
That white supremacist victim deserved it right?
Dion Lim (@DionLimTV) Tweeted:
𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 & 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗷𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗜𝗻 𝗘𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲’𝘀 𝗕𝗮𝘆 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗚𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲: “I thought I was going to get kidnapped.”
Witnesses shared this w/me when Monday afternoon the victim & her friend, both in their late 20’s were assaulted, robbed & car stolen. https://t.co/q8Ts9gdPb8
Concealed carry would take care of such problems. But the wicked rulers of Californiastan can’t have that.
wow for a birdseye look at the street crime in the SF Bay area..take a look at here twitter
Looks like a lot surrounding sf but nearer Oakland. I dont know the area but it all seems really bad.
Think Compton and Watts, and you’re close… and East LA for East San Jose…
Watts brings back memories, as a young salesman the company I worked for had their Corp. head hq there, since 1917. The place was like a walled in island in a sea of poverty. Head was on a swivel and surprisingly mostly peaceful
When having to do work in the hood, the rule of thumb is go early in the morning. All the thugs are crooks are still in bed recovering from the nights work.
Right! No job sleeping till noon

She must be very happy now.
Emeryville, Richmond, Hunter’s Point, East Oakland, East Palo Alto, and East San Jose have been effectively no-go zones for at least the last 60-70 years.
Those cities were pits when I still lived in Kalifornistan, and that was 40+ years ago…
This is nothing new…
Thats a wide area. That bad for that long and nothings changed except spreading.
And WilliBrown™ and his mistress KamelHoe are from that area, especially the Hoe, and Jerry Moonbeam Brown was mayor of Oakland for a while (not sure how long) running Oakland down into the sewer between his two stints as Guv’nor Unicorn…
I used to work summers in a Glass Factory in Oakland which supplied bottles to the various canneries in the area, the breweries in the area, and the liquor bottlers and wineries in the area. For a while it was the largest bottle-making factory in the western USA. Then the bottom fell out of the canning industry, and the bottle factory, due to oppresive (and irrational) Cal-OSHA and CARB and other regulatory bodies, stifling ANY growth or even steady-state activity.
So they all moved away (Del Monte, Heinz, Best Foods, etc.). And with that, the factory had a huge drop in orders, and what was left got moved to Tracy, which they expanded. Oaklanders could move, or get fired.
And Moonbeam aided and abetted this. And the coup de grace which ended the Oakland factory, which had been running since 1937, 24x7x52, was Øbløwhøle approving a deal where a Mexican factory would take over all beer bottle production in exchange for the Oakland plant (20) being shut down. So now all the industry left in Oakland is an empty husk of what used to be, and the black community is FAR worse off, (no) thanks to the policies and politics of the DEMONRATS whom they elected…
Nearly always govt idiocracy or corruption.
Yep. Forgot to say that locusts KK&R had a hand in it as well. O-I (Owens-Illinois) one of the first and best bottle companies, with Michael Owens (of WV) having invented the bottle-making machine. Now, I think they’re foreign-owned, as well, going by Owens-Brockway (another company that got killed by regulations). Shades of Scott McNealy’s “sound of two garbage trucks colliding”…
Well the D rats were probably “not” elected in the true sense of the word. As we’re beginning to see everywhere.

Looks like it was a couple of fine upstanding white boys, as usual
(@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – Greece bans access to indoor restaurants, bars and cafes for all unvaccinated people.
Since governments couldn’t be more obvious that they hate their own citizens, it really makes you wonder why they want us ‘vaccinated’ so badly… because it sure as *&^% isn’t because they want us to all be ‘well’…

The same goes for the Karens who are the first to heap death wishes upon unvaccinated. They should be thrilled but they’re not.
How do they know who is vaccinated and who is not? The government must keep records and make them available to — whom? a restaurant? This is a human rights violation.
(@disclosetv) Tweeted:
NOW – Psaki on de-platforming American citizens: “You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others if you providing ‘misinformation’ out there.”
Communists. Showing their true, un-American colors.
Very much so. Getting worse by the minute.
“NOW – Psaki on de-platforming American citizens: “You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others if you providing ‘misinformation’ out there.””
Does that apply to YOU TOO, when you and the WH spew ‘misinformation’ every day?
How about all your comrades in the Ministry of MSM Propaganda?
Hypocrisy much, Red Jenny?
Circle back to me, Bolshevik

That it’s about the vaccine is extremely telling.
As some have stated… the Vaccine IS the VIRUS
Even though her hair color’s fake, she’s RED at the roots…..
Hmmm, now it’s a nice, easy step to “prevent the providing of election misinformation”
because faux bidden didnt win and its COMING OUT!
“Robust enforcement strategies”………..I bet they have many many more of those coming
The “disinformation dozen”:
1. Joseph Mercola
2. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
3. Ty and Charlene Bollinger
4. Sherri Tenpenny
5. Rizza Islam
6. Rashid Buttar
7. Erin Elizabeth
8. Sayer Ji
9. Kelly Brogan
10. Christiane Northrup
11. Ben Tapper
12. Kevin Jenkins
From a document linked in a report by NPR. Sorry no link.
Wow. I have a few more people to look up.
I provided a link to the report below. The report provides details of each of the 12 and examples of their posts. Pretty eye opening.
Been reading a this report which identifies the 12 accounts referenced by the Biden admin. Also the 22pg report referenced by the Surgeon General. Both rely on the research of Joan Donovan (Belfer Center, and now Sharfstein Center) and others.
Dr. Joshua Sharfstein (benefactor of the Sharfstein Center?) of the Bloomberg endowed entity at Johns Hopkins has some interesting research, beyond what is footnoted in Joan Donovan’s research that’s cited in these reports. This one is cited:
Didn’t Joan Donovan have a link to the Hamilton 69 Dashboard of Russia, Russia, Russia internet manipulation warnings? She links to the Belfer Center, as does ex NSA Richard Ledgett, Dimitry Alperovich, L. Jean Camp, Jake Sullivan, Fiona Hill and Strobe Talbott.
Richard Ledgett sits on the advisory council of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, the group behind the Hamilton 69 dashboard.
(Which is sponsored by the German Marshal Fund which leads to Mr. Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan)
Richard Ledgett leaked the Dutch operation that observed the first computer intrusion (there was more than one, iir) into the DNC, laying a foundation for blaming the exfiltration of data under Crowdstrike, on the Russians.
He leaked this at a meeting at the Aspen Institute at a conference panel moderated by John Carlin. Ellen Nakashima was in the audience. Dutch weren’t pleased.
Tangled web that seems to lead to the same place and players.
Sure? Berenson is not listed.
That’s from the published report.
Biden admin is deferring to this group out of the UK:
Their website;
In this Buzzfeed podcast transcript, Ike Sriskandarajah
interviews…Belfer Center’s Joan Donovan. Remember her?
Of course, they reference the Center for Countering Digital Hate.
The podcast gives special thanks to:
…” former Reveal reporter/producer Laura Starecheski; Isabel Cristo for her research on Stop the Steal; and the teams at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, Cornell Tech, Zignal Labs and First Draft News that helped analyze social media data around Stop the Steal.”…
“the teams at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab”
… ’nuff said…
Also Cornell Tech.
Not sure if the Bodman family (late US Secretary of Energy) still endowed the position of the VP for facilities when Kyu held the position and the tech campus was built on Roosevelt Island.
(Pronounced: Q)
Link to the report:
Not just the twelve listed. They also monitored 425 accounts with a combined following of over 59 million and analyzed the posts of 10 private and 20 public FB groups…
We have to work harder to get on some lists!
Going after Berenson is tougher. He’s not only smart with data – he will run vax-pusher ass into the ground if they come at him anything less than perfectly, and he will nail the perfect attack later, when he has the data.
Going after Sherry Tenpenny and Christine Northrup – old ladies who got fooled by smart criminals – that is more their style.
An absolutely terrible job of watching over Voter Integrity in Georgia.
July 16, 2021 / Statements by Donald J. Trump
“The Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, together with Brad Raffensperger, allowed this Election in Georgia to be Rigged and Stolen. Why they ever agreed to Stacey Abram’s Consent Decree nobody will ever know. Thank you to Senator Burt Jones and all of the other Patriots for continuing the fight. Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger have done an absolutely terrible job of watching over Voter Integrity in Georgia. They must be held accountable!”
By Donald J. Trump

Probably plays the same tunes as Kamel-Hoe…
(OK, OK, OK, off to my corner I go…..)…
LMAO! Oh, that’s hilarious! Little Red Jen!
Ground report. I visited the local grocery store today. Fresh food was well-stocked, but the center store aisles were very picked over. They still had inventory on the shelves, but not much. I got everything I needed. It was reminiscent of the March 2020 grocery run where the grocery stores were fully stocked on perishables, but the other shelves were bare. It wasn’t quite that bad today, but this is the worst I’ve seen it since last year. I think I’ll be adding to the stockpile this weekend.
Made a another trip yesterday b/c it’s been tough finding ingredients for Friday dinner of walleye
That’s the 4 th time in a week!
Thanks for the warning!!!
All for media attention.
Make L.A Great Again
– RECALLGAVIN2020.COM (@lalovestrump) Tweeted:
Caitlyn Jenner reportedly leaves California, campaign to film ‘Big Brother’ in Australia https://t.co/bqDgiaNhjx via @SFGate
Big Brotha, Big Sista, or a new TRANSformers series???
What a crying shame.
no point burning cause you don’t like learning…
Defiles everything it touches.
Ground Report…
Out running errands longer than I thought, blood sugar plummeting… stopped in at Cracker Barrel. Contrary to last visit a couple of weeks ago, there were NO signs wrt wearing a mask in the ‘store’ part… nor was anyone wearing a mask, not even waitpersons (with the exception of two)…
There was a table of three, they put their masks on and walked past me exiting the restaurant apparently. I’m a real cage rattler, so I called out to the 3rd (an AA woman who seemed to be running the group), and I smiled and said “You know you no longer have to wear a mask,” to which she replied… “Oh, I’ve been vaxxed but I still wear a mask. You just don’t know what is out there in the world.” I replied “They want you compliant” and she appeared flummoxed by my remark, and she queried “Are you vaxxed?” I said no, and I don’t intend to be. She then threw her arm out as if to dismiss me and turned and walked away.
Suspicious Cat goes here…
Twenty mins later when I was checking out, she and her companions were still there, in the “store” portion. She was apparently ‘instructing’ an AA couple, both of whom were masked… I could overhear her ‘directives’ … definitely a NY accent. I’m convinced she’s here hiring locals to go door-to-door… wrt to vax, and perhaps more… voter registration.
Any time I am out I speak to folks wearing masks… I find that AAs “It just helps to be safe” etc. I am convinced they are very receptive to compliance… mostly through their churches. Here in the South Pastors have chained their congregations to the DIM Party through their Sunday messages.
(Don’t make the mistake of thinking I am a bigot… I actually have several branches on my tree with Sierra Leon and Caribbean bloodlines…)
Hmmm. Strange.
In other news, it looks like the Hubble Scope is back online, using redundant components and a lot of (technical) elbow grease.
At El Reg: https://www.theregister.com/2021/07/16/hubble_telescope_fixed
IT BEGINS: Conservative MI Group That Hosted America’s First Lockdown Protest Will Host Huge ‘TRUMP WON’ Rally
By Patty McMurray | Jul 16, 2021https://100percentfedup.com/it-begins-conservative-mi-group-that-hosted-americas-first-lockdown-protest-will-host-huge-trump-won-rally/
USA 2021
Bains’s official title is now “White House Special Assistant to the President for Criminal Justice and Guns Policy”. He has previously served as the legal director for Demos, an extreme-left funding org, and was and still is a fellow of George Soros’s infamous Open Society.
Wyrick, in turn, works for the Office of Justice Programs of the DOJ as a Senior Policy Advisor.
Is there a statistic that separates crimes committed with illegal guns versus crimes committed with legal guns?
I bet there is, but they won’t let us see it…because faux bidden didnt win
According to the article there aren’t any statistics to prove anything. They apparently don’t use numbers or facts. They use rhetoric
Yup, true.
I was just wondering in the big picture if there is such a stat.
Seems counterproductive and illogical to penalize and confiscate legal guns when the largest majority of gun crimes are done with illegal guns.
I am well aware that they don’t operate through logic. I know they have an agenda, and that is to take the guns. I’m just saying that this point could poke holes in their stance.
These people are lying communist pieces of shit, bent on destroying all normalcy and *actual* justice.
“So let’s meet and remain steadfast in speaking truth, tearing down double standards, and refuting double talk. Let’s not allow any double downing on lies. Let’s prepare our children for a world they deserve. Let’s deny this off-key band of people that are anti-education, anti-teacher, anti-equity, anti-history, anti-racial reckoning, anti-opportunities, anti-help people, anti-diversity, anti-platform, anti-science, anti-change agent, anti-social justice, anti-healthcare, anti-worker, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-children, anti-healthcare, anti-worker, anti-environment, anti-admissions policy change, anti-inclusion, anti-live-and-let live people,” Leete ranted during her speech on Thursday.
“Let them die!” she concluded, drawing big applause from the all-white leftists in the crowd.
Leete. 1337. As in e-leet.
“anti-children” says the flaming pro-abortion beyotch…
He obviously meant the unvaxxed are killing people. I don’t think this type of twisting words by our side, like they do, helps our cause. It is intellectually dishonest. He says enough stupid crap without having to invent stupid crap.
because he didnt even come CLOSE to winning
If the unvaccinated infect the vaccinated then why get the vaccine?
What about unvaccinated illegals they are exempt and are running wild in the country? Are they infecting us or is it just unvaccinated Americans?
No, this is a commie tactic.
He is saying that “misinformation” on Facebook is “killing people”, but he shortens that to blame FACEBOOK, so that Facebook has COVER to censor.
He’s saying that the antivaxxers are killing the people who die from COVID.
This syncs up with RED JEN.
The are going to use COVID to shut down people about the ELECTION.
This is a very transparent tactic.
Using COVID puts their censorship into the realm of ‘public safety’.
Expose the COVID Lies…expose the Election Lies.
This is a critical point. KAPO GARLAND could not sick SICK FIB JACKBOOTS on the Arizona audit without – in great likelihood, starting a multi-state REBELLION against DODGE and FIB and the entire BIDENAZI REGIME.
They need another way, and COVID is how they’re gonna try to do it.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
Imma gonna pass that around!
“You take an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and you need to be willing to do that without fear or favor and you need to be resolute, and you need to get the job done,” he added. “Refusing to rule correctly or even to rule at all for fear of any type of extraneous consequences is cowardice, and we can’t have cowardly people in these positions at this moment in our history.”
Dinesh D’Souza
If #January6
was a seditious insurrection, why aren’t any of the January 6 defendants charged with sedition? Since none are, we can safely conclude it was something else: a walk-through, a rowdy escapade, a trespass, but definitely not a sedition or an insurrection!
Some more of that unequal under the law that we were talking about earlier.
LAPD to direct certain arrestees to ‘community support …https://www.foxnews.com/us/lapd-to-direct-certain-suspected-criminals-to-community-support-programs-instead-of-jail
LAPD to direct certain arrestees to ‘community support programs’ instead of charging them Plan will take into consideration the “racial, ethnic and religious background’ and “gender identity’ of …
In other words, they will be excused by race.
To make the problems worse.
Because that’s how communism covers its deceits in false compassion.
I can’t even come close to even squinting to see false compassion. They do it to shove it down our throats that they can break the law and will be excused…division AND to obscure the data on crime….lol,but I get your point
Yeah, it’s just grating to watch Newscum doing his act, knowing that he doesn’t give a rats ass about anything but power.
Praying that the field of candidates hasn’t been seeded with posers and that we can get behind one person
I’ll be raising my glass with one of these:
Black currents and mint are very much in season in my yard today.
Happy to share. I’ll make a pitcher.
If they purge the military men and women for refusing the vax, I assume they’ll be sent home?Not too happy with our national leaders? Sound of the boomerang incoming?
I love black currents and black currant liqueur is not bad either
With all the rain my mint is going wild thank god I have them in pots.
FTA ~ He called the statistic “really quite sobering,” given that so many of the US pandemic deaths came from a group making up just 10 percent of the population.
Alarmingly, the ADA has also said that cases of type 2 diabetes have almost doubled in children since the pandemic.
The number of people with pre-diabetes, type II is way under reported and identified. Kraft when he did his thousands of assays estimated that the number is closer to 70%. Which tracks now with the population of overfat/obese in the country. Which explains why our covid death count is so high. We are not healthy.
And with what Big Pharma in their “Big Food, Food Additive” “face” are doing to our foods, our crops, our health system, and the rampant propaganda from white-frocked “experts” pulled out of the hallways of ABC, PBS, etc. being spread hither and yon to clueless sheeple, it’s no surprise that Americans are fattening up like a 4H cow waiting to be slaughtered by the RED Chinese…
Nutrition has been going steadily south since the days of the Kellogg Brothers and “Doc’s Traveling Medicine Show”….
As the fellow said, excitedly rubbing his palms together, in “Soul Of A New Machine”, “there’s so much damn money to be made”….
Guess it’s not only covid info being censored as dangerous misdirection
It’s ELECTION-RELATED. Or more specifically, it’s related to Mark Zuckerberg’s CONSCIOUSNESS OF GUILT.
It’s all election-related…isn’t it?
The ‘rona bioweapon was unleashed in order to Steal The Election.
Exactly Wheatie and once the election was stolen and Biden installed it’s been used for the great reset
The ELECTORAL COUP is the center of everything.
We got the Biden issue and who is running him and organized the election steel? Then we got the virus where all of the so called “democracies” of the world are all following the same play book. Lockdowns, masks, vaccines for all. Who is directing that, how are they communicating, etc?
I think Q and company know a LOT more about this than most.
The dark people who are Demonically directiny Satan Sauros, Klaus Schwab, and the executive countils of the World Economic Forum and the UN.
Hidden in the shadows by multiple layers of crime and criminals, they avoid the light of day like feral creatures and crunchy cockroaches….
Time to get out those pointy shoes…
This is exactly why I encouraged you and others to NEVER RELENT on the ILLEGITIMACY of Joe Biden. It CANNOT STAND.
Just like the second nothing impeachment and Pelosi holding that off so as to deliver the charges to the Senate at a time where it would provide the maximum amount of distraction away from the CV.
IT Guy (@ITGuy1959) Tweeted:
Posted 6 hours ago on Reddit along with 1st response..
“The neurologist…has seen three similar cases.”
Everything is fine. Safe & effective. https://t.co/QFJ3lefK6r
This is very interesting.
Thought youd like to see it.
I think this is a lot more common than we’ve realized.
We have no way of really knowing how many of these dire side effects are happening.
For example…was the first hand account reported in this tweet, added to the official totals?
Maybe not.
[They] have big motives to lie to us.
Going by the sheer volume of Lying that we are swimming through, in everything else…I think the true numbers are going to be staggering.
It’s why there is such a push to get as many people vaccinated as they can — before the Truth gets out.
EXACTLY. This push to vaccinate before people might not want to get the vaccine because of (among other things) problems with the vaccine, is backwards thinking – it’s anti-scientific.
Science ENCOURAGES skepticism. I controls wild skepticism by “skepticism of the skepticism” – NOT by authoritarianism.
There is a hidden agenda on this vax. We need to find out what it is.
There are multiple hidden agendas on this vax. They are layered — junior players may not know the agendas of senior players. They are interlocking — disparate groups are coming together to push the vax when they would seem to have no common cause. Some have very vigorous followings — Pharma is rubbing their hands in glee.
I think it’s purely socialist / globalist control of the whole planet. I think the virus, while real, may be completely hoaxy, in that it’s a Chinese mod that can be used as a “cattle driver”. Thus, the “scarients” are both natural and artificial, being driven by China, for the purpose of driving fears in the populations and manipulations by their proxies.
It is a VERY smart use of biological warfare.
And this was the Moderna ‘vaccine’.
I keep remembering that Moderna got their name from:
Mode+RNA = ModeRNA = Moderna
And they are the ones who bragged about HACKING THE HUMAN GENOME…
They could just as well be hacking the populace with machetes… same result, but more blood (machetes don’t make the blood coagulate like the Modernadromeda strains does….
“in the face of extremely tiny chances”…
If you want to see EXTREMELY TINY CHANCES, then look at the TRUE death rate from COVID-19. Or, inverted to make it perhaps clearer, EXTREMELY HIGH CHANCES of survivng a bout of COVID-19…
The stupid, it burns!
Trouble is, it’s burning all the rest of us, too…..
Midnight Rider Channel
The Gateway Pundit
BREAKING: Wisconsin Republican Rep. Ramthum Calls for Forensic Audit Procedures Added to Scope of State Audit After Seeing Arizona…
Republican Representative Timothy Ramthum calls for a forensic audit in Wisconsin. The train is moving downhill. Finally, someone in Wisconsin is calling for a forensic audit in the state. One that will uncover fraud in the state, nothing similar to the…
Karli Bonne
Midnight Rider Channel
Kris W. Kobach: DACA Is Finally Dead at Last
U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen of the Southern District of Texas issued an opinion striking down President Obama’s illegal DACA (“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”) executive action,
Karli Bonne
Midnight Rider Channel
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
Yes. Yes he did.
And Epstein and McAfee (and hundreds of other victims of Arkancide) DIDN’T KILL THEMSELVES!!!
Some sanity in L.A.
It’s PHONY. Democrats are LIARS and BAD ACTORS.
This has been a wonderful daily. I can now see – CLEARLY SEE – that this horrible communist government is both illegitimate and reaching like a drowning man for the most radical tools it can find – ALL for everybody to see.
They want to make it verboten to suggest they are illegitimate, but we need to use our free speech rights, as enshrined in our Constitution, to speak TRUTH.
AMEN! And we had best do it right now, because the Bidenoids are clearly going off the rails right now.
I love this! So proud to be an American!
So what precisely will we use, when we have to deal with oppressors who (mis)use that very symbol?
The upside down flag.
There was discussion on the previous page about the Gateway Pundit Larry Johnson article about Lin Wood’s source, JohnHereToHelp (Jonathan Ambrose McGreevy a.k.a Ryan Dark White).
Lin Wood linked to the following article from his Telegram account (https://t.me/s/linwoodspeakstruth).
The article then talks about the legitimacy of the Dirty Tricks Squad that McGreevy describes.
Lin Wood https://t.me/s/linwoodspeakstruth
I still think this is a good fight! We need clarity! Attention will get it!
Although, right now is problematic. I think the Bidenazis are about to make a move.
Nice find, These Truths. That’s pretty incredible that the same people in Rod Rosenstein’s Dirty Tricks Squad are the ones that hacked Sharyl Atkinson’s computer. Wow!
There are too many people/agencies with power who can interfere with lawful transactions and enable fraud (on purpose!).
U.S. Election Assistance Commission Sued for Improperly Loosening Voting System Standards After Private Meetings With Voting Machine Manufacturers.
Excellent! Let’s get these frauds every possible way we can. They need to feel the pain!
BTW, Steve has a really BIG post, so I’m not going to rush him on it. Doing it RIGHT is important. So it goes up any time between now and noon tomorrow, no problem!
Noon today – whatever! Before noon!
Is that EST or MST?
He probably meant EDT, it being daylight saving time everywhere but Arid-zone-a.
I don’t even mess with S vs. D anymore! EWT – Eastern Whatever Time.
ET works too.
Phoning home doesn’t deal with time zones.
For some reason I find that I’m in Montana, even though I’m not actually in Montana.
The poor people in the time zone in between somehow ended up in Connecticut.
Could be worse. Could be Zanesville.
Beer O’Clock
I just meant to stir the pot a little.
Blog time always! Eastern Time Zone!
It’s UP.
I didn’t get to everything I wanted to, but it’s up.