His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices.
Kitco Ask. Last week:
Gold $1808.90
Silver $26.19
Platinum $1105
Palladium $2903
Rhodium $18,500
This week, markets closed as of 3PM MT.
Gold $1812.20
Silver $25.74
Platinum $1105.00
Palladium $2712.00
Rhodium $20,100.00
Not much action this week, other than palladium taking a beating and rhodium staging a partial recovery.
(Update: Real gold can now be had for $125 over paper gold spot prices at places like Kitco. If you arent too fussy about branding you could get even lower (however, you’ll end up selling for less at the other end of the pipe).)
1905 – Quadruple BOOM!!!
(Part XI of a Long Series)
Let us start off by recapping our list of mysteries and conservation laws.
- Conservation of mass
- Conservation of momentum
- Conservation of energy
- Conservation of electric charge
- Conservation of angular momentum
The following mysteries were unanswered at the end of 1894.
- Why was the long axis of Mercury’s orbit precessing more than expected, by 43 arcseconds every century? Was it, indeed, a planet even closer to the sun? If so, it’d have been nice to actually see it.
- Why was Michelson unable to measure any difference in speed of light despite the fact we, being on planet Earth that is orbiting the sun, had to be moving through the medium in which it propagates?
- What makes the sun (and other stars) shine (beyond the obvious “they shine because they’re hot” answer). What keeps the sun hot, what energy is it harnessing?
- How did the solar system form? Any answer to this must account for how the planets, only a tiny fraction of the mass of the solar system, ended up with the vast majority of the angular momentum in the system.
What is the electrical “fluid” that moves around when there is an electric current, and that somehow seems imbalanced when we perceive that an object has a charge? Were there both negative and positive fluids, or just one fluid that had a natural neutral level; below it was negative (deficit), above it was positive (excess)?- Why are there so many different kinds of atoms? How did electrical charges relate to chemistry? How is it that 94 thousand coulombs of charge are needed to bust apart certain molecules (though it often had to be delivered at different voltages depending on the molecule)?
- Why were the atomic weights almost always a multiple of hydrogen’s? Why was it never quite a perfect multiple? Why was it sometimes nowhere near to being a multiple?
- Why does the photoelectric effect work the way it does, where it depends on the frequency of the light hitting the object, not the intensity?
- Why does black body radiation have a “hump” in its frequency graph?
I’ve crossed off #5 because J. J. Thomson’s discovery of the electron answered that question.
Because of Max Planck’s work, we had something that might answer #9, depending on how real energy “quanta” were. So I’ll leave that un-crossed-out for now.
And thanks to the discovery of radioactivity we had a hint of a sort of thing that might explain #3. But that’s a lot more tenuous than even Planck’s hypothesis.
With that reminder in place, 1905 saw the publication of four very important papers.
1 – Brownian Motion.
Brownian motion is the jiggling around of bacteria or specks of pollen when looking at them in a drop of water, under a microscope.
This paper used statistical mechanics to come up with a model for how often molecules of water might just happen to “kick” a small object suspended in the water. Statistical mechanics assumes that molecules in a fluid (gas or liquid) will have an average momentum with the particles distributed around that average. Max Planck (and many others) considered it a bit suspect, but today we know it to be the underpinning of thermodynamics. Planck, as we saw in Part X, had found that statistical mechanics could provide a model that would explain the blackbody curve (the Maxwell – Boltzmann distribution). By assuming that atoms could only emit energy in discrete packets, the amount of energy depending on the frequency, he was able to match the curve.
Anyhow, this paper showed that if water consisted of molecules, actual molecules, not just a convenient construct, and statistical mechanics were true, then Browning motion was explained. It had been one of those minor mysteries up until then (one which I didn’t even put in my list, but, let’s face it, I should have).
So now we have a paper showing that Brownian motion is actually hard evidence that atoms and molecules exist, rather than just being a convenient mental “crutch” to understand chemistry. And the position of statistical mechanics is much more solid.
So the last holdouts who didn’t believe atoms were real were finally convinced as this paper made the rounds.
2 – Photoelectric Effect
In Part 8, I described how Heinrich Hertz was able to produce, and prove the existence of radio waves. However, he had died in 1894 leaving a bit of a puzzle behind, the photoelectric effect (item 8 on our list of mysteries). Sparks would jump a gap more easily, if ultraviolet light were hitting the gap. Even dim ultraviolet light would have some effect. But lower frequency/longer wavelength light would do absolutely nothing no matter how bright it was.
What turning up the ultraviolet intensity did do, however was cause more electrons to jump the gap, resulting in a bigger spark.
So the frequency had to be high to enable the spark jumping in the first place; if enabled, the intensity was proportional to how big the spark was. If not enabled, no spark, no matter what.
Recall that with a wave, the energy in the wave is in the amplitude, in other words, the intensity of the wave, not its frequency. And Maxwell had pretty much demonstrated to everyone’s satisfaction that light is a wave. Newton had thought it was a particle but between Maxwell and certain earlier investigators who got light to diffract and generate interference patterns (and even measured the frequency of some forms of light), the particle hypothesis looked to be deader than Hitlary Klinton’s conscience.
But this paper begged to differ.
If light came in little pieces, and the energy in those pieces depended on the frequency, then the photoelectric effect made sense. If a piece…call it a photon…had a high enough energy, it could knock an electron loose and it could jump the gap in Hertz’s apparatus. If a photon didn’t have the energy necessary, it wouldn’t. And neither would any number of those low-energy photons, hitting different electrons in the metal.
But even one high energy photon would knock an electron loose; a bunch of them would knock many electrons loose.
So if light consisted of photons and if the energy of a photon depended on the frequency of the light, then the photoelectric effect could be explained.
But this bit about energy depending on frequency should sound familiar (unless you blew Part X off last week).
Yes, this paper invoked E = h ν. Energy depending on frequency, times that h constant.
And so Planck’s crazy idea that just happened to “fit” with black body radiation now also explained the photoelectric effect.
But even more: Planck had concluded that the quantum principle was a limitation on the atoms that emitted the black body radiation. This paper claimed it was a limitation on the light itself.
So now, we can cross off #9. And #8 as well, as a reward for our patience with #9.
But not in 1905. Most physicists rejected this paper at first, because it strongly implied that light was a particle, not a wave. James Clerk Maxwell had pulled together his four equations, after all, and other people before him had succeeded in measuring wavelengths of light. Something that makes no sense if light is particles, not even particles whose name begins with the 17th letter of the alphabet.
Hold on, though, before we go further. Is light a particle or a wave?
The best answer to that, after a lot of tussling in the early 20th century turned out to be: “Yes.” It’s not a wiseacre answer either, it turns out that light is either/or depending on the circumstance, or if you like our host’s formulation, “AND Logic” applies here.
The greatly oversimplified statement would be that light propagates as a wave, as Maxwell showed, but when it interacts with something (generally consuming the photon) it will behave like a particle, as this paper was the first to claim.
OK, that’s counter-intuitive, you say. Why yes, yes it is. It’s a particle sometimes and a wave other times and it will develop it’s sometimes got aspects of both. But physicists a hell of a light brighter than anyone reading these words (and I do read them myself, so I am not excluding myself from this comparison) have wrestled with this for over a century, and as near as they can tell, that’s Just. The. Way. It. Is.
They might pretend to understand it in a deep sense, but the more honest ones will tell you, no they don’t, in fact, they’ll even quote an old saw that if you think you understand it, that’s proof positive you don’t (this was from Richard Feynman). But physicists can describe the behavior to a T, with excruciating precision.
Incidentally, photons themselves have no mass, and no electric charge (even though they carry the electromagnetic force, they aren’t themselves affected by it). So they don’t interact with anything, until they hit something and are absorbed. And “interacting” with something includes being detected by it, like, say, being seen by your eyes. When your eye sees a photon, it’s now gone. Any photon you don’t see, because it misses your eye, is effectively invisible to you and you can’t know it’s there unless it hits something else and affects it in a way that you can see. There will be plenty of other particles that are similar. Many forms of radiation that go right through you, for instance, are harmless–it doesn’t interact with your body. It’s when you stop radiation with your body that you have a problem. (Note, however, that if a charged particle goes through your body, it can cause all kinds of havoc as it passes by, because it affects the molecules in your body, but in turn, you will deflect the particle slightly in the process.)
In 1921 this paper won its author the Nobel Prize. By then the arguments against it had largely been resolved.
BOOM !!!! (even if it was a delayed blast).
3 – The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
There was (and is) a conundrum in Maxwell’s equations. If you moved a coil of wire through a stationary magnetic field, a current is induced in the wire. The problem is, if you looked at it from the point of view of the wire, the effect is due to an electrical force. But from the point of view of the magnet, the effect is due to a magnetic force.
Which kind of force it was depended on who was moving and who was stationary.
However, we had known since Galileo that as long as you’re moving without changing speed, the laws of physics look the same whether you’re moving or not. He used the example of a ship moving smoothly through water. You can play dodgeball on that ship (including all that fun velocity, momentum, mass, and force) without having any way of knowing that it’s in motion. If people outside can see the game, they’ll note different velocities (because they will add the velocity of the ship to everything), but still see everything being consistent with Newton’s laws.
All of those things I dragged you through weeks ago work the same if they’re happening in a moving frame of reference…or not. This is now referred to as Galilean relativity: The laws of nature are the same in all inertial reference frames (i.e., ones not accelerating). He put this forward clear back in 1632.
So it shouldn’t matter whether you’re in the frame of reference of the loop of wire (and see the magnet as moving) or in the frame of reference of the magnet (and see the loop as moving).
Oddly enough, the fact that Michelson and Morley had been unable to tell any difference in the speed of light through a vacuum (mystery #2) no matter what direction they measured it in, turned out to be part of the solution for this.
This paper showed that if you posit Galilean relativity and that the speed of light in a vacuum is one of those things that’s always the same no matter what inertial frame you are in, then the conundrum found in Maxwell’s Equations is resolved.
The paper mentioned the Michelson-Morley experiments in passing; later on the author would not even remember he had done so. But their experiment strongly implied the second postulate (the invariance of the speed of light in a vacuum, in any inertial reference frame, even one that’s moving at near light speed as seen by us) is actually true. And indeed we have never, ever seen this fail.
I’ll explain later some of the ramifications of this. Get ready for a bit of a wild ride.
If you measure the speed of light in a vacuum, which is denoted by the symbol c, with perfect accuracy and precision (while riding your invisible pink unicorn, which came bundled with your perfectly accurate and precise lab equipment) you will get precisely 299,792,458 meters per second.
The invariance is so well accepted that now, the meter has been defined in terms of the speed of light. You’ll occasionally read some article claiming that the speed of light is changing. Although scientists are trained to never say never, they’re so confident that c does not change that they define their units by it–if they’re wrong about this it would wreak havoc.
I’ll have more to say about this presently, but first, a minor rant.
To the popular reader in America, the speed of light is often given as 186,000 miles per second. Of course, that’s an attempt to make it more relatable to us Yanks since it’s not in kilometers, but it’s still a fail.
We don’t think in miles per second. We think in miles per hour. (Unless, of course, we’re astrodynamics or rocketry geeks–but those folks have mostly gone metric, outside of some rocket production facilities.)
The speed of light is almost precisely one billion kilometers per hour, or 671 million miles per hour.
That’s not really relatable either, but at least when you read that you know just how unrelatable that is.
Most of us have never even traveled at the speed of sound (since the SST never really took hold). That’s 767 miles per hour at standard temperature and pressure (sea level or 29.92 inches of mercury at 20 C/68 F). Under those conditions, that’s Mach 1. Light moves at Mach 874,837.
It’s going to be a while before we get moving that fast.
The implications of this turn out to be staggering and mind-bending, and I’ve promised to try to walk you through them below.
But because of those implications, this is a BOOM!!! too. And we get to cross Mystery #2 off the list.
Now on to the fourth paper, in some ways the biggest BOOM of all.
4 – Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?
The third paper seemed to raise paradoxes, so the fourth paper took them on and came up with a surprising result, and I will try to explain that too, below. Here I’ll just state it.
An object, just sitting there, doing nothing, has energy. In fact, because it’s not moving and isn’t kinetic energy, it’s called rest energy.
How much energy? A LOT of energy. A one kilogram object, in fact, contains 89.875 quadrillion joules of energy. That will run a million 100 watt light bulbs for almost 28 1/2 years.
One very big implication of this was that mass and energy were equivalent, meaning that in some cases some mass could become energy.
But that violates the first and third conservation laws I listed up above.
Or rather, it combines them into a new law, the conservation of mass-energy. However, particle physicists just tend to think of matter as a form of energy by preference (it’s more convenient than thinking of energy as a form of matter) so they will still talk about conservation of energy, while never talking about conservation of mass (they see it change far too often…as you will eventually see).
Another consequence is that even a massless particle, like a photon, has momentum. If you recall, though, momentum requires both mass and speed. Well the photon has speed and energy. Energy is equivalent to mass, so it can have momentum. Which is why light sails work in space, albeit not very quickly; the sun’s light can push–ever so slightly–on the sail, which provides a tiny amount of thrust, without the need for rocket propellant. Because the thrust is so small, you have to already be in free fall for it to do any good, but there it is (oh, a super duper powerful laser might succeed in launching a payload, but we probably couldn’t power such a thing without blacking out the entire planet). But not having to put the mass of the propellant onto the space probe means we can launch a bigger actual probe, or launch it at higher speed, or some of each. And you get continuous thrust. It’s surprising how much a continuous small thrust can do over time. This is huge from a space exploration standpoint; if we can get into orbit we can potentially get places cheaply as long as we aren’t in an absolute tearing hurry.
And I do mean “boom” here because that kind of energy can be explosive.
As the Japanese learned on two days in summer, 1945.
Muck with America, and you just might get a physics lesson a lot more painful than any of my posts.
(Talk about physics lessons–right after I wrote that sentence a bolt in my chair broke and I got a few more lessons in physics.
All in 1905
All four of these papers came out in 1905. Some had an immediate impact, others were disregarded, because they were too outlandish.
But today they are all landmark papers, and 1905 is considered one of the biggest years in the history of science, on a par with 1666 when Newton had the key insights that resulted in the theory of universal gravitation and the spectrum and calculus.
Who wrote these papers? I never mentioned their authors, did I.
WRONG. I never mentioned their author.
One man.
This man.
That is a photo from 1904. One year before what is now called the Annus Mirabilis. He was 26 when he wrote those papers.
And in case you still don’t recognize him, here he is in 1947.
Yes, this was Albert Einstein. And he wasn’t done yet!
Oh, and the formula that tells you how much energy there is in a mass (or vice versa)?
E = mc2
The units of E are joules, which are kg m2 / s2. Notice on the right there is mass (kg) and a speed, squared, which is to say m/s, squared. The units match.
The units always must match!
If Albert Einstein had, after all his algebra, come up with some formula where the units didn’t match, he’d have known to start over. Or in other words, this could not have happened (but it’s too funny to pass up).
And yes, c is the speed of light. The one kilogram mass thus has, or rather, is (1kg)(299,792,458 m/s)(299,792,458 m/s) = 89,875,517,873,681,764 joules.
And this is a gigantic hint, as to where the huge amounts of radiation in radioactivity might be coming from.
Let’s recap/update those lists.
Conservation of mass- Conservation of momentum
Conservation of energy- Conservation of electric charge
- Conservation of angular momentum
- (ADD:) Conservation of mass-energy
The following mysteries were unanswered at the end of 1894.
- Why was the long axis of Mercury’s orbit precessing more than expected, by 43 arcseconds every century? Was it, indeed, a planet even closer to the sun? If so, it’d have been nice to actually see it.
Why was Michelson unable to measure any difference in speed of light despite the fact we, being on planet Earth that is orbiting the sun, had to be moving through the medium in which it propagates?- What makes the sun (and other stars) shine (beyond the obvious “they shine because they’re hot” answer). What keeps the sun hot, what energy is it harnessing?
- How did the solar system form? Any answer to this must account for how the planets, only a tiny fraction of the mass of the solar system, ended up with the vast majority of the angular momentum in the system.
What is the electrical “fluid” that moves around when there is an electric current, and that somehow seems imbalanced when we perceive that an object has a charge? Were there both negative and positive fluids, or just one fluid that had a natural neutral level; below it was negative (deficit), above it was positive (excess)?- Why are there so many different kinds of atoms? How did electrical charges relate to chemistry? How is it that 94 thousand coulombs of charge are needed to bust apart certain molecules (though it often had to be delivered at different voltages depending on the molecule)?
- Why were the atomic weights almost always a multiple of hydrogen’s? Why was it never quite a perfect multiple? Why was it sometimes nowhere near to being a multiple?
Why does the photoelectric effect work the way it does, where it depends on the frequency of the light hitting the object, not the intensity?Why does black body radiation have a “hump” in its frequency graph?
Almost all of those crossoffs are Einstein’s work.
Even better, two and a half of the rest of the items will get crossed off in the future, either by Einstein, or by people using what he did in 1905.
Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! and KABOOM!!!!
Special Relativity
The third and fourth of Einstein’s 1905 papers were on what we today call “Special Relativity” and some of its implications. It’s “special” relativity, because it applies only to inertial reference frames, a “General” theory of relativity would apply even to accelerating reference frames.
I’m going to be honest with you, this won’t be easy to explain, and it won’t be easy to understand, either. So let us gird our loins, and jump in.
The two postulates are 1) that the laws of physics are the same in any inertial reference frame, and 2) that the speed of light in a vacuum, c, is the same in any inertial reference frame.
The first was and is utterly uncontroversial. Galileo had used the example of a smoothly moving ship (as in sea vessel) to explain it clear back in 1632. (The only thing that had changed by 1905 was that people would used moving trains to visualize the principle. Gotta keep up with progress. Nowadays we use rocket ships or airplanes. But we’ll stick to vintage 1905 imagery for now.)
The second postulate doesn’t sound too crazy, either, right? If you’re standing on a train, moving at, say, 60 percent of the speed of light and aim a laser pointer directly ahead, and light it off, you expect it to look to you like it’s moving away at the speed of light. And the same if you fire it sideways, or backwards. Just as if you were firing a gun, or throwing a baseball. (Nor does it matter if you’re doing something distinctly less American.) You shouldn’t be able to tell the train is moving, or in which direction, just by the way the light, or bullet, or baseball (or, egad, soccer ball) behaves.
And likewise, if you’re instead standing on the railway station platform. Things should look the same there, too. You can’t tell which frame of reference is moving, because there is no “God’s Eye point of view” fixed, absolute reference frame. Any such frame can be treated as if it were fixed and the rest of the universe were moving.
Yes, that seems reasonable. But this will not: If you’re standing on the train and point the laser pointer straight ahead, and turn it on, not only will you measure its speed as c, but so will someone standing on the railroad platform!!! Now, you would expect the guy on the railroad platform to measure 0.6c + 1.0c = 1.6c for the speed of the light beam coming off the laser pointer, but he does not. He measures it as c. You cannot just add the velocities together, as you do for baseballs and bullets and trains. When I said “the speed of light in a vacuum, c, is the same in any inertial reference frame,” I meant it, thoroughly. It applies even to a beam of light starting in some other reference frame!
How can this be?
Velocity, remember, is distance over time. If the velocity stays the same no matter what, perhaps the time and distance don’t.
Time Dilation
Well, let’s think about this somewhat mathematically. Light travels a bit less than a foot in a billionth of a second (a nanosecond). So I’m going to actually define a new unit of length, a bit less than a foot, the distance light travels in a billionth of a second. I am going to call it a pod (from the Greek for “foot,” as in tripod and bipod, to say nothing of tetrapods (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals)). Expressed in pods, then, c is 1 pod per nanosecond ( 1 pod/ns ).
So returning to our 0.6c train, in the time it takes light to move ten pods’ distance (a hundred-millionth of a second), the train moves 6 pods’ distance.
Imagine the inside of the train car is 8 pods high, and call that distance L. Your friend is in the train, and he sets a laser pointer on the floor, pointing straight up. On the ceiling is a mirror, and the pointer also has a detector in it, waiting for the reflected beam. He sets the laser pointer to fire a very short burst instead of continuous beam.
He fires it off, the pulse goes straight up, bounces off the mirror, and comes straight back down. Total trip, 16 pods, total time 16 nanoseconds. Like in the picture below:
But what do you, standing on the railway platform, see?
You see the pulse of light traveling from the floor of the train, up at a slant to hit the mirror on the ceiling (because the train is moving, remember), then back down at the same slant to hit the detector.
Rather than turn this into a story problem and ask you to figure out how long D and 1/2 v delta t prime is, I’ll give it to you. D is 10 pods long. The train moves 60 percent as fast, so going from A to B it moves 6 pods. The light beam travels a total of 20 pods (10 each way). So our lengths are 8, 6 and 10 pods (and our times are 8, 6 and 10 nanoseconds). This is consistent with Pythagoras:
c2 = a2 + b2
102 = 82 + 62
You measure the pulse’s speed as c, and measure the time it took to be 20 nanoseconds.
The same trip took 16 nanoseconds as far as the man on the train is concerned, and 20 nanoseconds as far as you are concerned.
This is not an illusion. If you could see a clock running on that train as it went past, it would show as running 20 percent slow. Time would actually be slower on the train, as seen from outside the train.
If this seems totally against your intuition–that time can literally crawl just because of how fast you’re moving, you’re not alone. You never see that in real life.
But in real life you don’t move close to light speed, either!
This is time dilation. It’s absolutely real, and has been confirmed again and again and again in experiments for the last 116 years.
And you thought time zones were bad.
Given something moving past at some speed, how much is the time dilation? Gee, I think it’s time for some algebra. I’m going to call the time running on the train tt, the time on the platform tp, and the speed of the train vp (v as seen from the platform. vt, the speed of the train seen from the train, is, of course, zero.) I’m doing this instead of what’s in the diagrams because I find it hard to keep track of what the tick mark means (and I think these diagrams are using it for the other side of things than my physics textbook did, to boot).
OK, so the time measured on the train is:
tt = 2L/c.
Pretty simple.
For you on the platform, you need 2D, and you can get there with a right triangle and Pythagoras, solving for D (which is ctp/2)
[ctp/2]2 = L2 + [tpvp/2]2
So let’s do some cleanup here. First multiply everything by 4, it will get the two-squareds out of the denominators.
[ctp]2 = 4L2 + [tpvp]2
Then divide by c2 and just write out all the squareds in full:
tp2 = 4L2/c2 + [tpvp/c]2
tp2 = 4L2/c2 + tp2vp2/c2
Now bring the tp2vp2/c2 on the right over to the left.
tp2 – tp2vp2/c2 = 4L2/c2
Factor out the tp2:
tp2[ 1 – vp2/c2] = 4L2/c2
Divide both sides by what’s in the square brackets.
tp2 = 4L2/c2 ( 1/[ 1 – vp2/c2] )
Now take the square root of both sides.
tp = 2L/c ( 1/sqrt[ 1 – vp2/c2] )
But, going way back, the guy on the train measured the total time as tt = 2L/c, so:
tp = tt ( 1/sqrt[ 1 – vp2/c2] )
That whole thing inside the parentheses shows up again and again, so it’s often written as gamma (γ).
tp = γtt
Let’s check this against our original specific example, of the train moving at 60 percent of c.
vp/c is 0.6. Square this, and get 0.36. Subtract from one, get 0.64. Take the square root, get 0.8. Divide that into one, get 1.25–that’s γ. And indeed the time on the platform, 20 ns, is 1.25 times the time measured on the train, 16 ns. Cool!
Let’s examine γ some more:
γ = 1/sqrt[ 1 – vp2/c2]
When v is very, very low, like, say walking speed which is about one billionth of c, then v/c is a small, small fraction, and if you square it, it gets even smaller, it’s now a quintillionth. Subtract from one, and you still get, basically, one, as close as you can measure it, just a bit under. Take the square root and you get even closer to 1, and when you divide that into one, you get a number just a teensy bit over one. So both times are so close to being the same, you can’t tell the difference. And this is what you see in everyday life.
Now set vp to 86.6 percent of the speed of light. Dividing by C of course you get .866; square it and you get .75, subtract from one and get .25, take the square root of that, get 1/2, divide into 1 to get 2. Two hours, two years, pass on the platform for every hour or year on the train.
Note that you have to get to over 86 percent of the speed of light just to make γ equal to 2. After that, though, it takes off. At 99 percent of light speed, γ is 7. At 99.9 percent of light speed, γ is 22.3. Which means the entire Barack Obola administration, which was about 22.3 years long [wasn’t it?], could have gone by in one year.
The number explodes the closer you get to light speed. When actually at light speed, the part inside the square root sign becomes zero, and you are dividing 1 by zero. Technically you’re not supposed to say “that’s infinity”, but that’s basically what it is.
γ is always one or more. Sometimes a lot more.
OK, if you’ve thought about this a bit, you’ve probably come up with an objection to this.
If I see the train traveling at 0.6c and its clocks are running slow, how about what the people on the train see when they look at the big clock on the station tower, as they move past it? From their point of view, the station is moving at 0.6c (albeit backwards); shouldn’t they see its clock run slow, too?
Yes, they do.
Doesn’t that seem contradictory, though? How can you have two clocks, and each one is slower than the other?
I don’t have a good intuitive explanation of this one, and the one I found on wikipedia is kind of weak, too (they drew an analogy to two people far apart both looking small to each other). The fancy explanation is, you can’t really get into a contradiction until you bring the two clocks close to each other, stationary with respect to each other, and check total elapsed time. But doing that means you have to decelerate one (or both) of the clocks, and once you’ve done that you’re not dealing with inertial rest frames any more. The frame that accelerated is now a different case from the one that didn’t, they’re not symmetric any more and one clock can indeed mark off less total time than the other without it being a contradiction.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the “twins paradox” too. One twin gets on a starship, takes a long journey at close to the speed of light, comes back, and he ends up being younger than the other twin, who stayed behind. The same objection seemingly applies. From the point of view of the traveling twin, the guy who stayed behind traveled away from him and came back, why isn’t he the younger one, or better yet, why are they not the same age at the end?
The reason why is because the traveling twin accelerated, decelerated at his destination, accelerated to come back, and decelerated to arrive back here on Earth. He was not in an inertial frame, but the stay-behind twin was.
That sounds pretty arbitrary and lazy, but the more detailed answer involves going back to our train and railway platform, and demonstrating that two events in two different locations that seem simultaneous to someone at the platform will not seem simultaneous to someone on the train…and vice versa. I’ll talk about that in a moment, but first there’s something else to get out of the way.
Length Contraction
Imagine a passenger on that train…the one moving at 0.6c. He’s going to a destination six trillion pods away. Light covers a billion pods a second, so light would cover this distance in six thousand seconds (less than two hours). The train, though is moving at .6c and conveniently will take exactly ten thousand seconds to make the trip. But the clock on the train is running slower, it’s running at 80 percent of the speed of the clock at the station. The people on the train will perceive that 8000 seconds have gone by when they reach their destination. But the train measures the rest of the world’s velocity as .6c backwards. Multiplying the time by the velocity, they will think the trip was only 4.8 trillion pods (4/5ths) as far.
This is length contraction.
This too is symmetrical. The people on the train see the world shortened in the direction of travel. But the people on the ground see the train shortened in the direction of travel, too. Remember, from the standpoint of the train, the clock on the platform is running slowly as the train goes by, so it must take less time for those people on the platform to see the train go by, than it would otherwise. So they see the train 20 percent shorter than it would be, were it standing right next to the platform at rest.
In fact if lt is the length of the train, as seen on the train, and lp is the length of the train as seen from the platform:
lp = lt/γ
This time you divide by gamma. And again, this effect is totally immeasurable and imperceptible at day-to-day speeds, but it’s as real as Joe’s pedophilia at close to light speed. Again, it has been measured, time and time again.
Now it’s kind of hard to get a handle on “simultaneous.” How can you tell that two events happening fairly far away (but in different directions) are simultaneous? If there is a flash of light to the north, and another to the south, how can you decide they’re simultaneous, when you know it took some amount of time for the light from the two events to reach you?
Well, the simple case is if you’re halfway between the two events. The light from both should arrive at the same time if they’re simultaneous, because in both cases they had to travel the same distance. Similarly, if you know the distances to the events, you can simply correct for light speed delay even if they’re not equidistant from you, figure out when the events happened by subtracting the delay from when you saw it happen, and compare.
OK, let’s go back to the railway station.
You set up a pair of sensors. When the train reaches the sensor, it will flash green. When it passes the sensor (i.e., the sensor sees that there is no train right there any more) it will flash red.
Now you set the sensors as far apart as the length of the train, on the edge of the platform (after figuring in its contraction).
You stand precisely in between the sensors.
When the train reaches the first sensor, it flashes green. When it reaches the second sensor, that sensor flashes green, but the train is just finishing passing the first sensor, so it flashes red at the same time. You see the red flash and the green flash simultaneously, and you know you’re standing exactly midway between them, so you conclude that you got the two sensors at the right distance because the train started passing one at the same instant it finished passing the other.
What about someone standing in the middle of the train? He is moving toward the second beacon as it flashes green, and away from the first beacon as it flashes red. He will therefore see the green flash before the red flash. At the time you see them both flash, he is already down the track, and therefore must have seen the green flash already! Since he knows he was midway between the beacons (from his viewpoint one was at the front of the train, the other at the back), and he knows the speed of light is a constant, he concludes that the two flashes were not simultaneous, the green flash from the front of the train came first.
This is actually consistent with the length contraction of the station that he sees. He sees that the sensors are too close together because of the length contraction, thus the front of the train reached the second sensor before the back of the train reached the (too close) first sensor. Thus the first sensor fires its red flash after the second sensor fires its green flash. And that is precisely what he saw happen.
If you are thinking that this is an artifact of the fact that the train is moving and the platform is stationary, think again. From the standpoint of the train, the train is stationary and the platform is moving. From the standpoint of a third party, they might both be moving while that third party is at rest.
None of these reference frames is any better or “truer” than the others. That’s what the Galilean equivalence means. You can’t even tell which one is moving by measuring how fast light moves in the stationary aether…as Michelson and Morley demonstrated (to their puzzlement at the time)…because there is no stationary aether.
Imagine that there is a clock right next to each sensor, and that the train passed them at midnight, precisely. The guy on the train will see the second clock the same time he sees the green flash, and it will say midnight. Later on he will see the red flash from the first sensor, and see that the clock there reads midnight. From his standpoint the clock that passed him first (going backwards) at sensor one, is lagging behind the clock that is “chasing” it (clock and sensor #2). And the formula for just how far off they are is:
t2 – t1 = L v /c2
Here L is the length of the train, as seen on the train. In other words, the length of the train when you don’t see it as moving, because if you see it moving, its length will contract. The answer is how far the second (chasing) clock is ahead of the first (leading) clock in the train’s reference frame, when the two clocks are synchronized in their own (platform) reference frame.
If the train is 60 pods long, those two clocks will seem to be off by: 60 x 0.6pod/ns divided by 1 pod2/nsec2 = 36 nanoseconds, which given how fast things are moving and how short our time scale is, is very significant. The train requires 100 ns to move its length, and the apparent discrepancy in the clocks is over a third that much.
The Twins Paradox
Now we can go back to the “twins paradox.” Let’s say the ship is going to Sirius, which close to 8 light years away (we’ll ignore the difference for purposes of illustration). A light year is the distance light travels in a year, so light would take eight years to make the trip. From d = vt, we can write a light year as ct with t in years (1), and c in meters per year instead of per second. And let’s figure the ship is going to travel at .8c. The ship will therefore take ten years to get there, as seen from earth. It will then immediately turn around and come back at the same speed. Total time, as seen from earth, 20 years.
Billy is going on the expedition. Bob is staying home.
Bob analyzes the trip. He sees the ship traveling 8 light years at .8c and concludes the one way trip will take ten years. Two ways, 20 years.
Let’s look at Billy’s perspective. Calculating γ at 1 2/3s, he can divide by that (since he’s going to be the one on the train, by the math) and see that the distance to Sirius will contract by 40 percent (he will multiply it by .6). So once he’s on that ship, traveling at .8c, Sirius will be 8 x .6 = 4.8 light years, and traveling at .8c, it will take him six years, one way, 12 years round trip.
From Billy’s point of view, however, it’s Bob that’s doing the traveling, so he should be younger than Billy when they meet again. In fact, while Billy ages 6 years, Bob should be aging 6 x .6 = 3.6 years, or in total, Billy ages 12 years, Bob ages 7.2 years. Not 20! So Billy is scratching his head, wondering how that “twenty years” of aging that Bob will do, possibly can be.
It’s resolved this way. Imagine a clock on earth, and a clock at Sirius, that were synchronized with each other. A person midway between them, at rest with respect to both of them, sees them both reading four years ago (he is four light years from each clock, so their signals are delayed by four years when they reach him).
While Billy is traveling to Sirius, it’s going to look like two clocks moving past him at .8c, separated by 8 light years. It will look like the one at Sirius is chasing the one at earth. Go back to our formula:
t2 – t1 = L v /c2
L is 8 light years, v is equal to 0.8 c, so the Sirius clock looks to Billy (after correcting for all light-speed delay) as if it were 6.4 years ahead of the clock on Earth. (You have to convert everything back to meters and seconds and use 299,792,458 meters/second for that to work out. I just did it, that’s the right answer.)
So Billy arrives at Sirius, and stops. He’s now in the frame of reference of the Sirius clock, which, remember, was, while he was moving, 6.4 years fast. The clock did not just run backwards, so it still reads what it read before. But that means the clock back on earth must have advanced 6.4 years while Billy was slowing down to a stop, because in this reference frame, the two clocks are synchronized. So Billy thought Bob had aged 3.6 years during the trip; now he has to add 6.4 years to that to get…10 years. So Bob ages ten years during half of the trip.
It might also help to have the two twins send each other messages once a year (as they perceive it). Each twin can then monitor the aging of the other by simply counting signals. They don’t even need to correct for light speed delay, because they will receive all of the signals sent by the time they are re-united at the end of the round trip; some will be later than others but all will get there before the end of the trip. As it turns out, when they are moving further apart, each will get a signal from the other once every three years. When they are heading towards each other, the signals arrive every four months (a third of a year).
Looking at it from Traveler Billy’s point of view, during the six years he spends traveling to Sirius, he gets two signals. When he turns around and heads back to earth, he starts getting three signals a year for six years, total eighteen, grand total 20. The last signal from Bob reaches Billy in earth orbit just as the journey ends. Bob aged twenty years.
From Stay at Home Bob’s point of view, while Billy is travelling out for ten years, he gets three signals, the last arriving at year nine. But then he continues to get signals after ten years, from Billy as he was traveling outwards, because the last signal was sent from Sirius, eight light years away, ten years after the trip started. So Bob gets six signals over the course of eighteen years. Then the signals from Bob as he’s coming back arrive, 3 per year, for two years, for a total of six more signals, including the last one from earth orbit that arrives just as Bob arrives. total, twelve signals; Bob aged 12 years.
There are aspects of this I could not cover, including the Doppler shift, which is how one gets the 3 per year, one every three year numbers I just used.
I also didn’t have time to explain how E = mc2 comes from all of this (Einstein’s fourth paper, the big kaboom!!! both literally and figuratively).
But I am running out of time and I have to produce the diagram for simultaneity still (no good one to be had online). But it’s now done and it’s 12:26. Just need to fix the precious metal prices!
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
2 — Photoelectric Effect
“But this paper begged to differ.”
What paper?
The paper on the photoelectric effect.
Even if you wanted to save the reveal, you could have done something to keep all the dangling “paper” more organized. As in, start with “Paper A”, then — when you change papers — explicitly change to “Paper B”. I kept scratching my head at which “paper” went with what — and I’m not unfamiliar with the material.
FOur sections, one paper each.
You could also have made it more clear that the papers were answering questions of 1895, but were published in 1905.
You’re really critiquing the format/presentation of his Opening?
It’s not a dissertation… it’s an Open for a forum, long by comparison to other Opens and it wasn’t finished by “his standards”
If you look back to the way Steve and I used to tag-team the elements on Utree, this is a common pattern when the post is pretty darned good and the information presented is relevant and clear.
Besides, these are being collected on the sidebar for posterior. He already said it wasn’t finished by “his standards”, and I’m adding my 2 cents for when he reopens it to make it sidebar ready.
It’s usually a good idea, if you think person A is being slighted by person B, to let person A make the call. There is usually history.
This isn’t the U-Tree… and one is responsible for one says, esp. without explanation. I spoke to the ‘facts’ …………….
It’s OK. It was a bit startling, but I realize he was trying to be constructive.
That being said, did you read it? Did you agree with his criticism (even if you didn’t think it was appropriate to *raise* the criticism)?
My brain is rapidly becoming mush Steve… A year ago I could have intelligently commented on the content… not today. I read enough to know that I couldn’t process. Most of my comments are word salad… even to me 😉 So, last night I decided I will slowly cease to even drop bits of news. Grandson says I’m still in first stages of Alz, but that I’m overloading the brain with the amount of reading I’m doing… most of which may be disinformation anyway, and that I should approach my problem in a ‘scientific’ manner. That is, give it a rest! So, I shouldn’t even lurk for a week or so… just do Sudoku 😉 I’m rambling… hope you are well.
Basically Cthulhu wasn’t claiming an error in the science but that the writing itself was unclear. (Wolf was very happy with the parts that Cthulhu wasn’t complaining about.)
Unfortunately from what you’re saying, you’re not in a position to evaluate that, either. I hope you’re able to clear the fog.
So much that’s political is misinformation, much of it simply bought by people here and then locked in as “true” that I’ve just decided to ignore anything but the audit. No more “this is a movie” or “the military will finally kick biden out in six days” or “Durham will finally release a report that will bring the whole thing down” crap for me. We’ve been hearing this for five years now while the left has run rampant, and now they’re stronger than ever.
I think I picked up that much 😉 that is, no claim of an error in the science… and your comment on my ability to evaluate is correct.
I’m sure stress heightens my symptoms… and like most I’m becoming very stressed with what I am seeing happening to our Country. Of course I can’t close my eyes to it, but I can even see Grandson’s wisdom that I have to step away from it for a while… I’m thankful for my garden 😉
You continue bringing what you do… it’s very good.
I am observing a huge number of bitcoins emerge… and strangely enough more than a few of the anons are writing more about them than anything political 😉 I wonder what your opinion is about all this currency stuff… I have not even tried to get a handle on it. Perhaps you have even written something on the topic and I have missed it? Hope Darwin is well (hope I remembered his name correctly 😉 )
Yep, he’s Darwin and he’s doing well and probably wondering where his food is…better go take care of that.
I’m pretty old school when it comes to currency. Bitcoin is ridiculously volatile and I suspect that one’s going to collapse some day. OTOH I wish I hadn’t laughed at it when it was at three bucks apiece. There’s probably a bunch of paper billionaires out there who bought a bunch way back when. What happens when they decide to cash out?
The best money is money you can drop on your foot.
Thanks… feed Darwin 😉
As it turns out, he wasn’t hungry (which does happen every few days). If I set the bug bucket in his cage and he closes his eyes, he’s not interested.
You read him well !
I don’t intend to extend, but rather to just continue next week. I’ll go into the relativistic Doppler effect for one.
Shocking. Positively shocking…
(couldn’t resist it)…
Yep, glad you got a charge out of it.
Ah – the quiet sound of people READING. 🤓
All three of them!
I think there are 4 of us here, not counting Wolf, who probably already read your post.
But that’s pretty typical this time of night. I came on one night during our nasty ice storm after one of my trees fell, and only Coothie was here.
You misunderstand.
I’m surprised it’s that many who made it through.
I’m proud to say I made it through ! Can’t claim to actually ‘get it’ but we are very lucky to have people who do and more importantly a guy who’s willing to put the enormous effort in to explain it. Thank you.
The concept I do understand through the post…the computation beyond my grasp!
Actually, no early reading this time! I just finished.
I was not asked to read it early, although I did check for whether it looked “done” after midnight!!! 😃
I am fairly familiar with much of what Steve is talking about, but a lot of it was from decades ago, so it reads very fresh now! Also, Steve’s perspective is totally different from mine – more astronomy – more EE. But I can remember the first time I read a lot of this stuff, trying to “get” it deeply, and it was very rewarding and fun.
I actually got some really good insights from Steve’s explanation. For example, the idea that accelerations break the “twin paradoxes” of special relativity is a well-known idea, and frankly where most expositions leave things. There are not, however, many (or almost any, in my experience) intuitive explanations which show the breaking of the “false paradox symmetry”, as what Steve gave us here. Indeed, so may explanations spend so much time trying to show the symmetry of reference frames, they just go to “ICBS” (“it can be shown”) on the twin paradox, followed by the “ball on a rubber sheet” explanation of general relativity, and “THE END”.
In contrast, from Steve’s explanation, I can really see that accelerations create a kind of “privilege of distance shortening in the frame of the accelerated” which is in some ways very analogous to the meme of hyperspace. The time privilege of the accelerated then falls right out of this. And it gets even better when you throw that idea onto the continuously accelerated things which are such a great demo of this (trying to not be a spoiler here).
This very intuitive symmetry-breaker then hooks into the fairly mystical and mathematical view that time and distance are much more “Reece’s Pieces” or even “McFlurry” than 3+1. For me, that sort of mathy mysticism is always more of a comforter than an annoyance. It’s like “Oh, goody! More beautiful mysteries for later!” But for right now, I feel intuitively enlightened on an area that has never felt quite as sensible before.
There were some other points that I really enjoyed, too – I hope to mention those later!
Would you believe…a lot of that was in my college “Modern Physics” textbook?
Not the easiest book to read by any means, but it was almost penetrable without effort when it talked about the twins paradox, surprisingly enough.
Just checked – my teachers never used that one! 😉
Frank TIpler…was used at University of Colorado, Boulder, in the early 80s. There was a BIG book for the first year, classical physics, then a much smaller book for the third semester on modern physics.
Sounds like a good approach! Our first text, “Trendy Physics”, was quickly replaced by “Ancient Physics” when it ran into problems! 😉
Had two professors, both named Bartlett. The first one A. A., was well liked as an instructor, but when I went to try to find him on Wikipedia, I remembered he is a “cause head” in this case on overpopulation. The wiki article in fact focuses on this. He did spend one lecture ranting about that, now that I think about it…but only one.
The other Bartlett seemed to be trying to take after Feynman; at least Feynman, when I watch a video of him, vaguely reminds me of him. He taught the “modern physics” part.
I’ll bet they made a great pear…
(And you can quote me on that 🙂 )….
“I was not asked to read it early, although I did check for whether it looked “done” after midnight!!!”
The two times I asked for an early reading were (first) because I spent three semesters immersed in the subject (E-M), am too close to it as a consequence, and wanted to make sure I was being clear about it to those who weren’t and (second, for Atoms) because chemistry is more your bailiwick than mine and wanted to be sure I had things right.
Unfortunately, my math ended somewhere before General Relativity begins, so I can’t bring as much rigor to that one. But I think I’ll probably spend next week on more Special Relativity. I had to cut myself short of finishing it this time; there’s a distinct promise in my discussion of paper number 4 that I had to break (at least for now).
General Relativity is down the road a ways, I want to return to “atomic” stuff after this.
One of the best and most intuitive explanations of tensor math that I ever saw was just some random guy on the internet, on an ART forum, explaining it to artsies. I should have saved it. It was very impressive!
I know it’s *something like* matrix algebra with functions instead of numbers as the elements, but there seem to be nuances I haven’t figured out having to do with sub and superscripting.
Or scrolling.
𝐉𝐨𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐧.
Not even close.
I don’t want him close to anyone.
😝 😄
“How did the solar system form? Any answer to this must account for how the planets, only a tiny fraction of the mass of the solar system, ended up with the vast majority of the angular momentum in the system.”
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. [3] And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:1-3, KJV)
“By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.” (Psalm 33:6, KJV)
“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” (Psalm 147:4, KJV)
“Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.” (Isaiah 48:13, KJV)
“Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. [4]
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.” (Job 38:3-4, KJV)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. [3] All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. [4] In him was life; and the life was the light of men. [5] And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:1-5, KJV)
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” (Hebrews 11:3, KJV)
That’s not an *explanation*, it’s an assertion.
“That’s not an *explanation*, it’s an assertion.”
You asked “How?”
I just gave the best answer there is so far.
And whatever else we may learn about it, I’m not concerned that God or His Word will ever be proven wrong.
But He is always up for the challenge, and always seeking challengers 👍 😁
The Anvil of God’s Word
“Last eve I paused beside the blacksmith’s door,
And heard the anvil ring the vesper chime;
Then looking in, I saw upon the floor,
Old hammers, worn with beating years of time.
“‘How many anvils have you had,’ said I,
‘To wear and batter all these hammers so?’
‘Just one,’ said he, and then with twinkling eye,
‘The anvil wears the hammers out, you know.’
“And so, I thought, the Anvil of God’s Word
For ages skeptic blows have beat upon;
Yet, though the noise of falling blows was heard,
The Anvil is unharmed, the hammers gone.”
— attributed to John Clifford
It’s not the best answer (we have pretty good answers today but they’re not complete in all details, in re creation of the solar system), and it’s not even an answer to “how,” it’s an answer to “who?”
The main cathedral in Florence (called the duomo in Italian) had no dome for well over a century, and finally a man named Brunelleschi said he could do it, without putting any support under the structure as he built it. He’d need scaffolding, but nothing would have to prop the dome up before it was done.
He had a clever way of doing it *with brick* and people ask “how was this done?” The answer isn’t simply a statement that Brunelleschi did it. The answer would be a description of his *method*.
That’s the difference between what scripture offers as “explanation” (it’s not an *explanation*) versus an actual explanation. And oh by the way, what I say here is true whether or not what scripture says is actually correct; this isn’t an atheist/theist argument.
There was an exhibit I attended which was just about the cranes/rigging/bracing/scaffolding involved in such major projects. I found it fascinating.
And who knows how different it was back in his day.
One of the most fascinating “Teaching Company” courses I’ve seen is the one on ancient technology. He discusses (among other things) the cranes used to build the Flavian Amphitheater (a/k/a the Colosseum in Rome) and how the Greeks built their temples.
No, the exhibit was about the time of Brunelleschi. And the man-powered machines used to do things. It featured reconstructions and analyses coming from manuscripts. It was very cool!
Ah, cool then.
The same lecturer did a course on great buildings and did talk about the duomo, and the one-piece concrete dome of the Pantheon in Rome, and the Hagia Sophia in one lecture on domes. (This is where I did hear how Brunelleschi did it.)
The amazing thing is that not one-person in a thousand was prepared to learn how to do this sort of thing, and if they didn’t find an apprentice, a technique might “go dark” until someone studied the work and the builder’s notes and figured it out. And if that person didn’t find an apprentice, it could “go dark” again. It’s possible that Il Duomo could only have been started in a particular 50-year period, or in a period beginning 75 years later, or a different one ending 40 years previous.
It’d be like doing a modern building and going to a Civil Engineer and being told, “sorry, we’re not doing that at present — come back in a decade and check again.”
And, BTW, it took until the 80’s or so where they adequately understood the Pantheon to where they could (but never did) reproduce it. They could do it in pre-stressed concrete with rebar, but not as weight-loaded pure concrete.
Not to mention Amiens (highest ceiling on a completed Gothic Cathedral), or Salisbury Cathedral (tallest standing spire in England — Lincoln may have been taller, but….).
These people were inspired to create enduring monuments according to their times. Now they are long gone, but their monuments remain.
“and it’s not even an answer to “how,” it’s an answer to “who?””
It was “how”, the ‘how’ was that He spoke the world (and the universe) into existence.
“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3, KJV).
“By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.” (Psalm 33:6, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)
Think about it just as it says, and then consider how it could happen.
In other words, suspend your disbelief long enough to consider the proposition, such that if it was true, how could it conceivably happen, allowing for the limits of human understanding.
For example, think of the ability to ‘speak’ a language of mathematics which cause things to come into existence, the power to create matter out of nothing.
When all the ‘creation’ explanations of Men are exhausted, no matter how far they get, there is still the problem of what started it, how did it begin, what caused whatever earliest explanation Men can come up with.
‘The Big Bang’ theory is an easy example to use.
Assuming the ‘Big Bang’ theory was true, what caused the ‘Big Bang’?
Something had to cause it.
Something had to initiate it.
What was that thing?
Spot on, Scott. One is creation, one is process. There is no process without creation. The existence of what Steve describes reveals the creation of what Steve describes – which is initially described in Genesis as you rightly point out.
To fully understand the purpose of what Steve describes requires an acceptance and understanding of the Creator.
God is amused by those he endowed with some modicum of intelligence yet deny his existence.
Such people put their intellect above faith. They can only do this by denying the biblical explanations made re: the importance and necessity of faith in God, his designs, and his plans for us. And since they reject God’s reasoning and explanations (ie. they are unsatisfied with him/them), they reject God existence.
In short, they are fools. They may be well educated, informed, and knowledgable about worldly things, and they place the highest values upon this, but it will prove to be a fool’s gold.
God’s design is that we shall reap what we sow. Here, this means those who placed their intellect above faith and belief in God will wind up wishing they had been intellectually stunted mental midgets who did not and could not believe in their intelligence more than they believed in God. They will wind up saying…
”I thought I was smart, but it turns out I was an abject idiot all along. I was warned, and I refused to listen.”
And this will be their eternal epitaph and lament, for their consciousness will never die but it will be separated from God, who is life itself. They will hate themselves, but be unable to die and stop hating themselves. Eternal pain, with no chance for parole or an end to it all, with only themself to blame.
One would think that such smart people would have a healthy fear of God and this outcome, but they convince themselves that while they need fear things of this world, they need not fear rejecting God.
Thus are the wise made fools, and fools (who believe in God) made wise…
…which is precisely why we’ve been told by God that the greatest in Heaven are as mere children.
“And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.“
Matthew 10:14
Living on the mountain, I learned to listen better.
And it is okay for there to be physical facts and truth found through faith in God’s word. Just like you told us about time changing depending on whether we were at the station or on the train. Is one or the other correct? Yes… 🙂
I once met an elderly man who identified himself as the Dean of the Science Faculty at Oxford University. As a Mathematician, Dr. Lennox Lewis told me that he had became a Christian as a result of studying Mathematic texts. Of all the unique reasons for a person to commit, by faith, their lives to Christ, I could think of no reason that would be less likely and more boring to me. However, as he explained his faith in science and especially Math as being a perfect science when properly understood and correctly applied, I began to recognize the emptiness that had created for him by trusting wholly in science as an end in itself without enabling him to use his discipline to understand its origin or purposes. He went on to explain that was the reason that one becomes a Christian by faith (priority) as an act of their will and not by conditions or circumstances or by a way of thinking or by lifestyle.
As someone who had left home and school at 16 years of age (I did complete highschool later) I always felt that acedemics, as a tool, was helpful and had something to offer, but I rarely saw an example of how it achieved anything unselfish. And that held no hope for me b/c I am selfish. During my life I have been accused of being “street smart” as I have learned principles that were true in any circumstance. That led me to the same practical or experiential destination as had Dr. Lennox Lewis, who then spent his life’s efforts trying to offer the best of his life to help others. His priority changed and his acedemic achievements became a tool that he used to point to a person as Author and Finisher of existence, including faith, rather than settling only for one aspect of it.
My respect for acedemic knowledge has not changed. And my admiration for an acedemic who uses their skills and knowledge to serve their fellow man has only been heightened despite any lack I may have in those areas. So even though this post is well above my paygrade, the truths unfolded serve to confirm to me that God is real and that He can be known personally, today, especially in the Science arena b/c He is the Alpha and the Omega and it is His hands that hold Science together. Thanks.
Your last two posts were in moderation due to a new email – just FYI.
“Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. [4]
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.” (Job 38:3-4, KJV)
I started to reply to you earlier and thank you for these Bible quotes. I had a couple of must-do errands. So now let me come back and start again… You and Steve both gave me gifts and made me think a lot. In response to the quote above, I thought: I was just a little jot inside the spirit of our God, until it was my turn to come to Earth and shine awhile. When my turn is done, because Jesus suffered and died for you and me, I’ll go back and be a little jot inside the spirit of God. I also thought that Steve is a miracle from God to be able to explain to me–a math challenged small town girl–so I could begin to comprehend how so many things work. To understand exactly how big and broad God’s miracles are. Light, for me, was just a rainbow or a bright cloud, or sharp sunshine in my eyes. Time is what moves faster and faster as I grow older but went so slowly when I was a little person. Steve explained it so clearly with Einstein’s train analogy.
While I was out on an errand, an unsettling awareness came to me. For a minute, I could imagine what it might look like through God’s eyes, seeing all of us individuals on Earth with all the same boy or girl biology, joys, failures, striving, learning, growing, crying, loving. Jostling about in this world while we are having our turn here on Earth. It was an overwhelming awareness of what humanity means and it’s too big for me to think on for too long. All of this earth and all of us are miracles. Walking, running, fighting, loving miracles.
Among those miracles is theqtree where I have found new friends to think through the challenges of our time. Thank you, everyone, for including me. Love, Barb
How utterly lovely.
Thank you Grandma.
Very much so 🙂
Barb, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I don’t have the gentleness or grace of your words to write a proper reply, so I’ll just be quiet now 😁
“IT WAS ALL A LIE: Congress Was Evacuated on Jan. 6 Due to Pipe Bomb Threat — Not Because of Trump Supporters Walking Halls”
Was it a case of..
“energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction.”
What the fuck?
Uh…found outside the RNC?
Ronna McDaniel should’ve been trumpeting this detail — to shoot down the Big Lie about it being an “insurrection”!
There are a lot of things RMcD shoulda been doin’ if she weren’t an entirely worthless scion of the Romney tree.
Ronna Must Go.
Probably at least half of the people who work in the RNC building need to go.
It’s just a matter of identifying them.
True for state orgs as well. RINOs will never help patriots.
It’s easier to identify the ones you wish to work with again and let the rest collapse.
That’s basically forming a new org rather than purging the old one.
It looks like Trump has chosen the other route, to be honest.
One way, of course, to cause stress on the old organization (to support either strategy, because one way to purge bad higher-ups is to cause them to fail at a key job) is to deny it money.
This explains why FIB did the phony pipe bombs. They had to INSURE the evacuation. They could leave nothing to CHANCE. That’s how these PLOTS always work.
And that was why they did both parties. Oh good GRIEF.
Both parties would be to draw the sting of blaming antifa for initiating it.
If folks will remember, the media reported the pipe bombs. They just did it in the context of the insurrectionists probably doing it.
Those of us who understand just how deep the corruption is knew it was OUR government doing it to create the narrative. Can you not see the total orchestration of all of it? It’s as obvious as the noses on your faces. Each bureaucrat, Senator, Rep, etc. playing their parts in the movie.
PDT knew all of this and let it happen anyway. Why? IMO to expose more of the deep state for who they are so more people could see it. Now, over 100 million adults have openly recognized that people we thought could be trusted were actually traitors and seditionists. We KNOW. No longer is there a benefit of a doubt for any of them.
Our country has been and is led by filth. The revolution is occurring in the local elections and on a state level. It is a long term war to win back America’s heart. As Q said we have everything.
We are a republic. Be a republic as written. Refuse to do what is not law or Constitutional supported – not even SC edicts if they are not in accordance. Do it in masse on a state by state basis. Collectively it will have a huge impact because there are many more of us than there are of them. Isolate the traitors and seditionists and starve them out.
^^^ 99% agree.
Personally don’t believe Trump knew what was going to unfold, including the two faux bombs.
IC kept all of this from Trump AND his senior staff.
Absolutely “close hold” with “need to know”.
Information, correct or an absolute LIE was fed to faux news, Uniparty shit heads and THEN some in Trump’s inner circle. We did see some of trump’s inner circle bad mouth Trump on 7 January and days after.
P S Y O P.
A very well executed PSYOP against Trump, Patriots, America.
The pipe bomb was their insurance to derail the contested electing of Trump in case the deplorable stayed in their lane outside the building, January 6 was a perfect set up. The one in jail need to be those who thought of this sick plan.
Milley, Pelosi and Wray all approved it, IMO.
I think Mitch signed off on it. Probably reluctantly, but if Pelosi went to him and said Milley and Wray signed, Mitch would fold.
GOPe went along with the whole scam.
went along…in on it…helped plan it…helped set it up months in advance….
Journalism is a rough draft of history, but this sounds like a total re-write.
What a fun trip, Steve. Thank you!!! You made me wonder if this was why when my mom became elderly and little tasks became harder for her, she used to say: just keep moving.
LOL! I hear you!
hmmm only a single mask, forshame.
Did I miss em?
Anybody else besides me wondering why we didn’t get new weekly numbers from VAERS?!?!??
Heh. Heh. Heh…..
Deplorables….our eyes are everywhere….
Good catch bfly!
Think they just found a different way to mask the way in. Seen something saying 1100 deaths now.
Because the jabs are safe. They’re safe, I tell you. Lience!!! I mean Science!
Lience! Bwahahaha! Gonna use it!
I also know for a fact that Dr. Fauci is an adherent of Scienceology.
He’s high up in the org. 😎
Oh, boy. Really? That guy is a friggin’ nightmare!
Careful. She didn’t say “scientology” (the El-Ronners).
(If that’s what you thought she said.)
Nasty people them, but as far as I know they have nothing to do with Fauci.
Right. It was a play on words.
Lol! That’s what I read! Thanks for the heads up.
That’s funny.
I’ve been reading the Biden admins referenced reports, including the 22 pg. Surgeon General report.
They investigated over 50 million accounts leading them to over 450 accounts sharing the information of their deplorable “disinformation dozen”….
The report provides details of each of the 12 and examples of their posts, including links to VEARS data.
Pretty eye opening. It’s not only the the 12, but also their network of organizations recommended for deplatforming.
The reports reference and footnote the research of Joan Donovan (Belfer Center, and now Sharfstein Center) and others.
Dr. Joshua Sharfstein (benefactor of the Sharfstein Center?) of the Bloomberg endowed entity at Johns Hopkins, Sharfstein’s employer, has some interesting research beyond what is footnoted in Joan Donovan’s research that’s cited in these reports. This is cited by Donovan:
IIR, didn’t Joan Donovan have a link to the Hamilton 69 Dashboard of Russia, Russia, Russia internet manipulation warnings?
She links to the Belfer Center, as does ex NSA Richard Ledgett, Dimitry Alperovich, L. Jean Camp, Jake Sullivan, Fiona Hill and Strobe Talbott and others.
Richard Ledgett sits on the advisory council of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, the group behind the Hamilton 69 dashboard.
(Which is sponsored by the German Marshal Fund which leads to Mr. Victoria Nuland, Robert Kagan)
Richard Ledgett leaked the Dutch operation that observed the first computer intrusion (there was more than one, iir) into the DNC, laying a foundation for blaming the exfiltration of data under Crowdstrike, on the Russians.
He leaked this at a conference at the Aspen Institute, moderated by John Carlin. Ellen Nakashima was in the audience. Dutch weren’t pleased.
Tangled web that seems to lead to the same place and players.
And the worries about the spread of vaccine “disinformation” go back to 2017, well before the start of this pandemic, according to Sharfstein’s research cited by Donovan for the Biden admin.
The reports cite “informed consent” as part of their criteria for identifying problematic information. Funny that this wasn’t a problem for Dr. Sharfstein in research that he published before the 2020 election.
…”If a vaccine used under EUA were to encounter safety problems, be ineffective, or be perceived as experimentation without consent, the FDA will be challenged about why the agency did not wait for more data before wide vaccine release, and trust in all vaccines may be seriously compromised. Therefore, if an EUA route is used for COVID-19 vaccines, it would be best for the FDA to require informed consent using a process that explains why the product is only available under an EUA, helping ensure all users understand the vaccine is not yet approved.”…
Dr.Sharfstein, July 6, 2020.
Well, it appears that the EUA scheme was exactly that — a scheme. It also appears that the FDA decided beforehand that it was not going to require the proper testing for any of the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus “vaccines, because the EUA would do the trick of starting the “vaccinations” earlier. It also appears that the FDA was withholding pertinent information for the consumer (as well as for medical professionals) with those blank “Drug Facts” inserts with the “vaccine” packages for so many months.
And do not forget that Dr. Anthony “Fauci-Mengele” knew all was going on behind the scenes with the incomplete / rushed “clinical trials”, the incomplete data collecting, and the actual makeup of the “vaccines” — and never informed REALPOTUS 45 Donald Trump about it.
It’s no surprise that the VAERS website is now locked against general public view.
It’s no surprise that the AMA is mixed up in this mess up to their eyeballs.
It may well be, soon, that one will need to use the same amount of caution in speaking with their personal doctor, as they would use in speaking to an LE officer or an FBI agent.
Because the Biden admin and big tech claim that it’s being taken out of context and misinterpreted by the deplorable “disinformation dozen”?
IE. Biden admin is in the process of deplatforming VEARS?
Windows print spooler flaws are being found so rapidly that Microsoft advises users to just pull its plug.
I suppose there’s probably some way to use cups.
Just as a heads-up on cups…..its active development dwindled down to a one-man show from a guy who was employed by Apple. He got bored, and recently requested (and was granted) reassignment. It’s pretty evolved, and pretty tight, but it essentially has no maintainer at present, so it will inevitably start to decay until it finds a new home or is supplanted.
Wolfie…and any others who may be interested…a friend of mine who does research puts high stock on this man’s work.
Thought this might interest you.
Alex Berenson has been really on top of this. He’s done a good job of sorting through the information. 👍👍👍
Sylvia…this is the first stack she has sent me, and I really like his approach…very orderly.
I just fixed that link – typo was blocking it.
Very good link. I think Alex Berenson is great. He has tipped me off to so much!
This is an excellent link, and supports a theory I have on how this was a PLANNED FAILURE to create a paradigm of continuous forced vaccinations as a PLATFORM for socialist control and continuous genetic experimentation and modification of humanity.
Contraception and population control fit right in there, too.
Excellent read. Should be shared far and wide.
OMG, that is one of the most beautiful cartoons EVER.
Yep…because it perfectly captures the mental projection and the issue behind it
In other silliness….
Next….3D print it.
Mark Finchem
Dem AZ SoS Hobbs in full blown Chernobyl meltdown over AZ Senate’s move to conduct a re-canvass of suspicious ballot submissions, like 72K mail in ballots that were never mailed out? 💥 They don’t want you to know what happened do they?
The Dems stuffed the ballot box with 72K ballots that were never even mailed out.
No wonder they are doing everything they can to try to stop this audit.
Mark Finchem [R] is with the AZ legislature.
Katie Hobbs is going to prison! HOORAY!!!
Amazing that she hasn’t deleted these….
Kati Hobbs is a buffoon. She is saying all of us are neo nazi? What an insult and how ignorant.
Democrats would rather be “part of the herd” than correct. Even when they know it’s wrong.
Being part of the heard is a syndrome of people who reject God.
I am speaking for myself never was a fallow heard person God is all I need to fallow.
Does not mean I do not like community 🙂
Is Katie Hobbs a full-blown Communist, or only half-blown?
Depending on how one means that it may involve serious doses of TMI.
True, I hadn’t considered that.
I was meaning that whether full-blown or half-blown, she’s a Commie.
The only question is a matter of degree. 👍
😬 😕
Declaring war on the globalists might actually be a very good idea.
Yep…since they’ve already declared war on us little people.
AH – I like that logic!
Remember that for WWII Roosevelt asked that Congress to declare that a “state of war has existed” between the US and Japan.
Acknowledging that we were already at war because of Japan’s actions. Because it only takes ONE party out of two or more to make it a war.
He also said that “hostilities exist” shortly before he asked Congress for that declaration, again acknowledging that we were already at war.
The globalists are the real neo nazis.
YUP! The “Sideshow Bobs” in old Hitler regalia make a good distraction, though!
They are deflecting specially that the globalists began their agenda in Europe. Just look who the leaders are ? Always the same neo nazis
“Declaring war on the globalists might actually be a very good idea.”
If only we had a military to do it.
But between transgender awareness soirees, classes on proper kneeling technique, fashion retreats and male breast-feeding symposiums, it’s hard to fit any more obligations onto the duty roster.
It’s wasted on the rabid vax-pushers. 😄
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/079/479/606/original/c42a59582f2f24f9.mp4" /]
can I get a link for this?
Assuming this works…
It does, and thank you!
This is the best I’ve ever seen. Truly.
Thanks for the lessons, Steve.
Real Science begats more real Science. I hope and pray that honest men seeking truth are able to take it back from the ideologues.
The Randos Have My Vote….
The fear mongers won’t be happy until the “variants” menu reads like the chalkboards at Starbucks.
“Calabro: I don’t know what critical race theory. I don’t know that there’s a standardized definition of critical race theory. And, I can tell you that we don’t teach critical race theory in our schools. What I can say is that there has been a shift in curriculum and curriculum products, that was made by people other than teachers. It was made at a much higher level, and teachers have complained across the district about the change, and the lack of rigor that these products have brought to our district.”
Who is imposing CRT in the schools? Give us the names of the people at the “much higher level” who are doing it.
It’s the textbook writers, as I understand it. Years ago some information came out about that, and sting videos surfaced.
It has to do with selling new products. Follow the money and I’m sure it can be found.
I think it’s directives from federal bureaucrats…who is the sec of Ed now?
Cuppa is correct, I think. It’s being directed from the Gates Foundation.
Yes, but I’m trying to say that the content was ordered from PEOPLE above. Not just content. Somebody had to order the content be included.
Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and, now appearing in local theatres, Agenda 2050 (with a special edition Agenda 2060(!) for Africa, complete with refauxgees by the BILLION!)..
Remember the other Robert Muller, the long-time Satanist education “minister” at the UN… They’re ultimately behind the worldwide dumbing-down and propaganda dissemination…
“Brave New Schools” from Birgit Kjos ( http://www.crossroad.to ), “The Deliberate Dumbing Done of America” from Charlotte Iserbyt ( http://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd ), and the works of Robin Eubanks at http://www.invisibleserfscollar.com are valuable and interesting resources (serfscollar is MUCH more technical than the other two, and drills down deep into the “ed biz”)…
Well worth the time to read, even if you’re left wanting to yell out of frustration afterwards…
Charlotte Iserbyt wrote “The Deliberate Dumbing-Down of America”, and has expanded it, and also has a website with tons of information about globalist control of our schools and curricula.
There’s an eight DVD set which according to the following post on her site, also is on her YouTube channel. Sounds interesting, especially considerign the authors she lists:
Exposing the Global Road to Ruin Through Education is an 8-DVD set of presentations given by various long-time education activists. It also includes written submissions from Charlotte Iserbyt, Samuel Blumenfeld, Dennis Cuddy, G. Edward Griffin, Rosa Koire, Anita Hoge, Jeannie Georges, and more, and is the result of two, 2-day conferences, held in Maine and Georgia, in August 2012 and August 2013. Fifteen of the nation’s most respected education and political researchers, writers, and speakers, including public school teachers – some in the trenches since 1965 – were videotaped. A special roundtable discussion involving researcher/activists Karen Bracken and Kelleigh Nelson, Tennessee, and Diane Kepus, Karen Schoen, and Debbie Gunnoe, Florida, provides up-to-date information related to Common Core, tax-funded school choice and charter schools with their unelected boards. Written submissions are included from the speakers, as well as from those who could not attend the conference. One is offered a banquet of written works, including rich history, from great patriots and recognized writers active from 1960-2000; i.e., Jacqueline and Malcolm Lawrence, Joan Masters, Elizabeth Trotto, Peggy Cuddy, and from equally talented individuals no longer with us: the late Maureen Heaton, Don Bell, Jo Hindman, Bettye Lewis, Sam Blumemfeld, and Ruth Feld. This impeccable research is your toolkit: ammunition to fight and win the government/corporate/tax-exempt foundation-funded war against our children and grandchildren, and against our free constitutional republic, very aptly illustrated by Joel Pett, Pultizer Prize-winning cartoonist in his 1983 Phi Delta Kappan cartoon.
YouTube Videos: Start with the Preview Video where Charlotte Iserbyt introduces the speakers, and find the 8 others on Charlotte’s YouTube channel.
DISC 1 – The Devil’s Seven-Prong Fork
That sounds most interesting.
Have you read Harold Bloom’s Closing of the American Mind? I was thinking about rereading it.
I’ve read some of his articles but I don’t have the book. There’s a website, too: https://theclosingoftheamericanmind.com
He has some interesting thoughts on music (from the link):
His ideas on rock music, the modern music “industry” and its effect on youth are echoed in many of the articles and anaylses at http://www.vigilantcitizen.com on music and entertainment and pop… as well as MK…
I have to wonder, why is NOBODY LISTENING TO THESE PEOPLE???
Our culture has been going to hell in a handbasket filled with Kommie literature for generations, and no one has raised a
redwhite,erm, blue flag to say anything’s wrong.My (ridgerunner 🙂 ) grandmother and her family were mostly educators and pastors, and she taught from (among other things) the OLD McGuffey Readers… They’ve all probably been destroyed or burned via Øbøzø’s great book purge… sigh…
I have to agree with him on music to an extent. Classical is all but dismissed in pursuit of the trash.
On the other hand, much of what is today written as “classical” is absolute dreck, as hard to listen to as it is to write or play. It’s often written so as to challenge the performers–they enjoy the challenge to be sure, but few want to listen to it. Actually this is basically what Cuppa quoted from page 69-70.
(One hears the term “modern classical” which is actually a self contradiction. The appropriate term is “Orchestral” music, “classical” actually being the term used to refer to one period of its development (1750-roughly 1800), the one characterized by Mozart and Haydn, and to a very limited extent Beethoven, who was mostly in the succeeding “Romantic” era.)
Trust me, I’ve sung enough John Adams to want to chuck the straight to orchestra compositions these days.
Movie music, OTOH, is pretty decent. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of composers in the business.
Agreed about the movie music.
I hope you’ve never had to do Schoenberg.
At this point, it all runs together. But I don’t think so. There’s still an appetite for known compositions of previous time periods. Orff and Brittan are about the most modern composers who will actually manage to fill a hall.
Holst did the Planets Symphony which I enjoy but some of it is probably an acquired taste. I’m unfamiliar with Brittan (at least by name; for all I know I’ve heard his music before).
Benjamin Brittan? I was first introduced to him in grade school. Choral program that the Washington Archdiocese did.
Ahhh. Nicht so Schoenberg…
Have a listen to Charles Ives’s setting of Psalm 24.
Even gives profi ensembles fits…
Kinda funny. I knew him as a composer and conductor and “freund” of a good friend of mine back in the 70s. Didn’t like his music, but he’s an OK guy…
(I listen, and listen, and listen, and keep waiting for the pitches to change. Sort of a minimalist techno, like my printers or our dishwasher)… Hmmm. Shaker dishes…
I think this was the John Adams who commemorated 9/11 with “Transmigration of Souls”?
That was part of a concert I went to, and it was indeed minimalist–it would have had no impact whatsoever if part of it hadn’t been playing a tape of the doomed’s last phone calls out. Certainly not an orthodox compositional tool.
Yep. He’s not as boring as his music…
The phone calls had me in tears.
I think that composition worked…because it was so damn boring it caused you to focus on the phone calls.
We used McGuffey in our homeschool. They are still around.
The new ones (post 1930?) are different. There’s a website (or was) that discusses the differences and changes… Dewey and Mann were twiddling things back then…..
Ah. Well I had original facsimiles.
A lot of textbooks companies are tied in with Pearson, who are tied in with…
wait for it…
the Gates foundation.
I stumbled across this when doing the Micro$haft training materials connected with MSDN and all the various certs. Probably the remnants of M$’s Encarta (anyone remember that?) are in there too…
Gates, like Satan Sauros, has his cloven hooves everywhere…
Yes, Pearson teaches absolut horse poop on every page of their textbooks. Doesn’t matter which discipline.
Culinary arts textbooks read like an ode to BLM, climate change, social justice and any other drivel you can think of.
If they could’ve they would have given recipes with that dookie in it.
Very interesting subject for additional research, imo.
I looked at this briefly long ago related to how city planning agendas are seeded into the (elementary/middle school) curriculum. I forget the name of the company involved, but it may have linked to standardized testing, iir.
…You know, those “systemically racist” testing standards that capture educational data from kindergarten thru professional licensing…
Haven’t read the article but the picture of Joe and Hunter…. 😟
“Mmmmmh. Smells like Old Spice… or was that Coke”…
Grated cheese.
“Who Cut The Cheese”… 🙂
DOJ LIED. Said they didn’t want to influence an election.
^^^ DOJ’s intentional lack of ACTION, INFLUENCED AN ELECTION.
DOJ intentionally IGNORED crimes – pedo, crugs, guns, bribes…
Joe and Where’s Hunter walk. Just as hildabeast, walked.
As did Nassar’s enablers above the level of university president.
Any relation to Gamal Abdel Nasser ???
That’s the end of salon manicures for me.
Drat. I could use one.
This is just me, but Burke is affected with accedia.
Also, I think Bergoglio is not long for this world and this is his parting shot.
Accedia, no.
But Burke is full of himself. He was archbishop here for four and a half years, and the stories….
I can imagine. However, he is effeminate and has no will beyond whining, to oppose Bergoglio.
I think he’s a smells and bells fella.
He likes the attention he gets from conservatives, though. Smells, and bells…and when he used to walk into the Cathedral Basilica for official ceremonies, timpani, trumpets and Bruckner’s Ecce Saccerdos.
Actually, he got smacked down by Pope Benedict XVI pretty hard when he was shipped out of the USA in 2008. There was stuff going on behind the scenes.
I imagine people get really incensed over that…
(especially Pope-A-Dope Francis)…
Oughta be corrected to read:
Jan 6 Patriots 89.1%.
Yea, even that number is to low.
A much better description!
Someone asked about the new VAERS numbers.
The New VAERS Numbers Are Out Today:
463,456 Adverse Events
30,781 Hospitalizations
9,274 Disabled
3,906 Heart Attacks
2,466 Myocarditis Reactions
1,073 Miscarriages
10,991 Deaths
100% safe and effective.
Times were, TPTB would start a war in order to cut the population, effect politcal or other change, and make tons of money.
Looking at everyone’s favorite (not) death benchmark, and factoring the 10% reporting rate of VAERS, making the death toll close to 110K from the unVaxxes, we’re already at double the Vietnam War deaths (if one believes the Wackypedia numbers, yeah, I know).
Seems they’ve found a “cleaner” and probably MUCH more profitable way to exterminate us, and the blame comes back to us, the “Great Unvaxxed”…..
“Your money or your life” asks the deep state, then,
“Oh, wait: We’ll take BOTH”…..
These are the July 9th numbers according to the link. Are the reports always a week behind, I don’t know?
Not sure, but this was advertised as the latest set of numbers.
If you think about it, it does actually make some sense that data collection takes some time. The people in the trenches (so to speak) have to file paperwork, it has to reach someone who can pass it on, and so forth, so it really should take up to a week to bring it all together and summarize it.
That would be true even of an honest endeavor…which this isn’t…but the point I’m making is that it being a week “behind” isn’t evidence that the endeavor is corrupt. There’s plenty of other evidence for that.
Yep. I’d be suspicious of numbers that came out the same day or a day or two later. WIth the DEMONRATS and the climastrologists, they probably have their numbers a couple of days (if not weeks) earlier…
yes,,,they are always one week behind…..
ty 👍🏻
Pull on the researchers cited in this report and the 22pg. Surgeon General report backing up Bidens policies. See the circular research and reporting and where it leads.
^^^ It’s as if Nanzi framed her smear, after this Communist directive in 1943.
This is exactly what the left did and it was extremely effective to the point that everybody thinks the ‘Nazis/Fascists’ and Socialists/Communist’s are at both are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, when in fact all are on the same side.
They all are Communists/Socialist/Fascists/Nazis, interchangeably.
That is why the China CCP easily can go from Communism to ‘Socialism with a Chinese Charakter’, i.e. Chinese Nazism.
I think the man in the video that Dan Scavino featured looks to be Dan Smoot. If so, he was an anti-communist fighter, extraordinaire. He did the weekly Dan Smoot Report during the 1950s/60s. He resigned from the FBI to do his anti-communist outreach.
I believe it’s G Edward Griffin.
He’s in Charlotte Iserbyt’s DVD/YouTube series that I noted above…
I skip over some of what is posted here. That was one. It’s a matter of what interests me.
Charlotte is one of the pioneers of analyzing and documenting the fall of the US Education System.
As such, if you’re wondering where America went wrong…..
Point taken.
Actually, it’s more than an interest with me. It is also what I can handle without wandering back into the sloughs of despond. Something along the lines of,
“Breath deep the gathering gloom,
Watch lights fade from every room”
Much of the fight that was in me last year has gone.
Just rest. Patriots have your back. You may have a purpose beyond your knowledge for later on.
I was thrown off by the well-stocked book shelves that they both used as a backdrop.
Dan Smoot:
G. Edward Griffin:
It’s G. Edward Griffin.
😂😂😂😂😂 Just click. Do it.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 17, 2021
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
Romans 10:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Love that verse. Amy Grant with Michael W. Smith wrote a song based on it:
Oh? Well, then – give it up, Cuppa!!! <3
Did it not play?
Some stuff plays here, but not there, and a lot of things play there, but not here… sigh…
Must have missed it, Cuppa – will look again!!! Thanks for posting!!! Having a Birthday Party at present – so please forgive!!! <3
Oh, wow, you finally hit the big Four Oh?
Shhhhhh…don’t tell – Mkay?
I lost it, Cuppa – my mailbox got stuffed and it disappeared!!!
This sort of thing happens more and more once you’ve passed forty, which now that you have, BEWARE.
Oh, really? I did not know that – Thanks for enlightening me – obviously, you have experience with this 40’s thing – Yes?
Yes, indeed.
* Smiling Big League *
I figured I should warn you as you’re only just now hitting the big Four Oh.
Appreciate the warning – I do
Happy Birthday duchess!
I hope you have a great day 🙂
Thanks, Scott!!! It has been a wonderful day for sure – hope and pray all is well with you!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
There is one problem with the general interpretation of number 2. of unsolved mysteries:
In fact the assumption was that there was a medium called the “Ether” through which the Earth moves, which would effect the speed of light. The ‘Ether’ was thought to be something like water through which a fish moves, i.e. different density and mass.
The question that was never asked and attempted to be answered, even by Einstein, is:
‘1. What if everything in the Universe, including atoms and sub-atomic particles, photons etc., as well as planets, solar systems and galaxies, which includes the ‘Space’, between them; is made of the same stuff (matter), but only in different configurations (manifestations)?’
‘ 2. What if this stuff is perpetual dynamic?’
Would the Michelson experiments be still able to falsify the idea of the ‘Ether’ or would the results of the experiment be exactly what could be expected?’
If everything is of the same stuff, everything would have the same speed, even if the wave length/frequency differs. One would only see a change in wave length/frequency, when two different objects come in contact with each other.
The speed would still be the same and speed is what the Michelson experiments are designed to measure.
These experiments need to be reconfigured to measure differences in wave length/frequency, as the Earth goes around the Sun.
The above question was being investigated by a man called G. Srinivasan, who was interpreting an ancient Vedic Sanskrit text called “Sankhya Karika” and he wrote a book about it (this is unfortunately still unfinished):
SANKHYAKARIKASecret of Sankhya is a scientific book based on axioms. It derives the definition of space as a dynamic state in perpetual harmonic oscillation. The underlying dynamism is the cause of gravitation at its fundamental level. As intensity progressively increases the others forces become evident as it converges towards center and becomes denser.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Sankhyakarika, in Sanskrit, is essentially a mathematical presentation of the scientific cause of phenomenon. Part 1 of this book contains the entire set of theorems interpreted in a standard way that would be expected by a scientific reader. The original Sanskrit version is transliterated and explained in detail in part 2.
Sutras — SANKHYAKARIKA (kapillavastu.com)
He actually compares the above concepts to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity in this paper:
SankEinstein.PDF (kapillavastu.com)
NEW: Officers have arrested 38 people.
Mail Online
Police rescue 72 children and 27 adults in UK in Europe-wide crackdown on human trafficking as 38 suspects are arrested for crimes…
Investigations as part of the National Crime Agency’s (NCA) Project Aidant targeted a variety of settings, including London Underground and a suspected brothel in east London.
Maybe they should look closer (again) at Rotherham and thereabouts. The Pakies, erm, Moslems are big in that sort of thing, grooming and chooming in their Shisha Bars, etc….
And, of course, RED China, also a huge player in this, will likely go away Scot Free…
(no wonder they like their Mars Bars battered….. JUST KIDDING)…..
Steinbach dam – dam wall in danger of collapsing. Bad Neuenjahr | Germany completely under water – 2 bridges already collapsed – area completely closed off
this is the location of the ammunition depot in Rheinbach Germany
There have been several scanning flights in the area and if the dam really gives way it will also hit the depot.
Flooding the D.U.M.B.S and Tunnelsystems
The devastation is shocking. This DM article has a lot of photos. I’ve never seen flooding like this before.
Cuppa commented on the flooding upthread
It’s now at 141 dead, not sure about how many missing (1300 as of yesterday).
They’re pumping water out from behind the dam, and expect it to be two-thirds drained by 15:00 tomorrow afternoon; it’s still rated as unstable.
And, of course, the politicians are making selfies while they’re making hay out of the situation (never let a crisis go to waste) blaming everyone else and not doing anything of worth themselves.
Interestingly, the DWD (German Weather Service), about as warmunist, CAGW (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming) radical as you can get, are saying the politicians are frantic about CLIMATE (Gore-Bull Warming) when this is weather, which happens ever few decades or so.
Nonetheless, Greta-the-Greenhearted and her German mentor, Luisa Neubauer are saying we have to get rid of “CARBON” immediately, or we’ll all die…. and the Greens are “on fire”, even though they’re a large part of why not enough preparation was done….
Here are some pics from “Die Welt”, the closest thing our MCM has to impartial coverage…
Thank you
Thanks. Here’s a good article in Jungefreiheit about the Greens, et. al. screaming global warming, etc., etc…. and how the DWD says they’re full of it (kind of a suprise, by the way)…
Blaming climate change. In the thirties Portsmouth OH was under water. Many people died. No climate change. The city is on the river. Now the water is being managed and there is a dam. Of course there are people who build on the flood plains and want us to bail them out when it floods. All River town have a problem that from time to time even 100 year floods happen.
Germany is packed with people so little space. The unexpected can happen anyplace.
That’s right up the river from where my Father’s family were… they built a floodwall there. Before that, they would have outbreaks of water-borne diseases (Dysentery, etc.) and many families lost young children to it…
Yep. The politicians and the fake news folks are yapping about something that has happened before, and, sadly, will happen again. Blaming “climate change” so they don’t have to take the blame, and the RESPONSIBILITY for doing nothing, and ignoring the serious warnings of the DWD.
Then again, the DWD has been crying “wolf” for years, saying “we’re all gonna die”, so maybe folks got tired of listening to them. A perfect example of “the little boy who cried wolf” syndrome…
True. We also have a flood wall. Nice to live close to the river but we chose hills ,
Thanks for the info Cuppa… stay safe… praying for y’all
WhipLash347 Forwarded from CodeMonkeyZ
<b>If AZ decertifies, the media embargo will not be able to continue concealing the truth.</b>
Until we get at least enough EC votes decertified to drop Joe N Hoe below 270, fake news won’t care.
WE need more. Say, AZ, GA, PA then toss in WI or MI. NV is a basket case.
Then it WOULD have been far below 270.
THEN, maybe we’ll get moving to correct January 6 AND January 20.
I think they’re talking about the MSM’s mantra “No audit needed” … not “Biden lost”… in other words, the decertification would prove there WAS fraud in at least AZ, MASSIVE fraud… MSM can’t ignore that… but hey, they seem to be lying about every thing, even to the point of inverting things, like Raggedy Ann’s flagrant projection that GOP called for defunding….
I guess we’ll see…
Vaccinated people now make up almost 47% of all new Covid cases, symptom-tracking app claims | Daily Mail Online
Guess it don’t work.
Thread by @holmenkollin on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Something really odd is going on:
In Europe we are seeing surges at many places where most of the population has already been vaccinated.
At the same time, the 15 least vaccinated countries don‘t seem to face any problem.
At some point, denying this problem will get painful.
In our little county we are beginning to see covid cases jump again. In the nursing homes…in frigging July when the temps are in the 90s.
Something ain’t right.
Bogus tests.
Gotta feed the narrative.
Yep. The brainwashed medical boobs go for it like Pavlov’s dogs.
Ain’t that the truth. Just the thought of lifetime immunity because you’ve had the bug and recovered is too much for some of them to process.
Interesting that Johns Hopkins just awarded Merde-Kuh an honorary doctorate.
Wonder what the “honorarium” was for… everything has its price, of course, and so do politicians and crooked institutes…
My apologies. I left off the highly sarcastic “Gee……” at the top of this post.
Reminds me of
“I wondered why the baseball looked so close.
And then it hit me…”….
^^^ That there IS funny.!
Yard furniture.
I have to say that the best President of my lifetime had an abysmal personnel selection record. For me it is the biggest surprise of his Presidency.
I do not understand these two picks, at all. Kavanaugh was mid-term, but Barrett was rushed in at the very end. I don’t see how he could have been snowed by anyone at that point. So what’s with her two Haitian kids?
Just an aside, we regular infrequent posters are not permitted constructive criticism of anything POTUS45. I was literally called “nuckin’ futz” for saying he should drop talking vaccines at rallies. 🤔
I recall the comments to which you refer. Groupthink is sometimes mistaken for unity but of course it is not the same thing. One of the places where diversity can be useful is diversity of perspective. Your opinion is encouraged here so carry on.
I love Trump. I believe his reinstatement, and everything that goes along with that, is the only way forward. But it isn’t a fan club. Trump loves people, it radiates from him. He’ll have to put that away and only use the Queens street-fighter side going forward.
You are not an infrequent poster.
And it has been suggested, with some good reasoning, that Trump’s selections were made not to prevent or impede the DS as much as they were to expose it and….in so doing….force it to turn up the heat far faster than it had planned or wanted to. For example, Gen. Milley’s pick has been the latest under scrutiny.
Think of it as a form of political judo.
I understand with regard to Milley et al. But the SC is a different ballgame.
That’s clearly not how our enemies see it.
Yeah, but she’s talking about Trump’s actions, not the enemy’s.
If I read Gingersmom2009 correctly, she’s questioning whether *Trump* would deliberately appoint losers to the SCOTUS as political judo; because it’s far more critical than what Milley’s job is; not something to mess around with.
The enemy, obviously, will happily infest all institutions with their own people, the more prominent, the better.
We all know what she is talking about Steve, and I comprehend the english language quite well.
She suggested that Trump would not do with the SCOTUS what we have speculated he did with Gen. Milley, because “that is a different ballgame”.
My reply clearly means that just because she may see it that way doesn’t mean either PDJT or our enemies do.
So if you knew she was talking about Trump, why did you bring up how the enemy would see it, as if it was a point about how Trump would see it?
In fact, bringing up how the enemy would see it bolsters HER point. Because it could imply that Trump would think the supreme court was far too critical to cede to the opposition, even as “Judo”.
Actually, no it doesn’t. Stop trying to “help” and only stir up crap.
That said, I’m surprised that you would need an explanation of why a strategy would be chosen based upon how an enemy views something.
I know zero about how people even get in the pipeline for consideration as a SC nominee. I cannot imagine Trump thinking that SC justice selection was part of his “chessboard”. All three of them have been a disappointment, to be kind – totally unfit for the job. If everything is clear, I’d like to extricate myself from this discussion.
Oh, I agree.
At this point, I’m wondering if there are any uncompromised judges left anywhere. The left has done a job on the justice system going back decades. I would bet that not many survived it. Maybe POTUS should have gone to small town Texas and picked a couple of hanging judges. I’m sure they would have been much better.
Indeed. Nothing says a SCOTUS pick MUST be out of the federal district or circuit courts. I think one, historically, wasn’t even a judge. I just can’t remember who.
Elena Kagan.
I am thinking longer ago.
I’m over on wikipedia scrolling through “list of justices of the supreme court of the united states” and holy smokes I’ve never heard of most of those 19th century people. Taney and Chase being exceptions.
Washington got to nominate 11, many of whom resigned during his term. Obviously no one is going to beat that record unless someone packs the court.
Taft. He went from the presidency to being Chief Justice.
Yeah, true, but some other name is trying to come out. Bright guy with about zero legal experience.
OK found it…and my mistake.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
But he actually WAS a lawyer. I had him confused with Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. I didn’t realize they weren’t the same person.
Learn something new every day.
From the things I’ve read he opined, my thoughts are decidedly uncharitable.
Yeah, like I said mistaken identity.
The way I had it in my head was someone had nominated a bright guy who wasn’t a lawyer to SCOTUS…but as I said it wasn’t the same person anyway, so my impression was TOTALLY wrong.
“Not permitted” is a misrepresentation of my policy. The same thing that booted MAGA Mom. Hopefully you’ve noted my new policy on misrepresentation. Do you care to restate?
It was sarcasm, he seemed to get my drift.
Wonder who pushed those two cowers on Trump?
Remember, every selection had to go thru Turtle….
I recall POTUS saying more than once that he knew the Swamp was deep and wide, but once in office he was shocked at HOW DEEP AND HOW WIDE.
Another factor imo is he was surrounded with ‘advisers’ who were themselves in lockstep with D.C.’s MO.
Getting rid of the DS/Cabal is fine as long as it doesn’t impact YOUR (I’m talking about politicians, lawyers, lobbyist, etc. not Patriots!) livlihood, right?
Take the matter of tossing Income Tax, which more than a few people are saying will happen after POTUS ‘returns’ .
Well there goes the IRS, right? How many employees? Then there’s tax return ‘helpers’ – H&R Block, etc., plus a number of independent small businesses. How many you figure? Then there are the tax lawyers themselves… lots who know nothing else, and their employees. You get the gist… Number of people impacted? Most of whom cannot think beyond what they’re going to eat tonight much less “I’ll have to adapt.”
This is one segment of a possible agenda… much of which will impact millions of peoples’ jobs.
So what do you figure wrt D.C.? About 85% are criminals? And a large number of these people have appointed most of the people working in D.C., and across the Country…
So, whose going to vet potential appointees? And what if the pool you have to select from is dirty?
Any CEO depends on his organization to carefully vet employees. POTUS didn’t have that, YET he made a huge transformation in a short time.
Perhaps he often knew he couldn’t trust certain ones… he needed to expose the Swamp before he could drain it, and isn’t allowing some to do it themselves?
(I seem unable to organize my thoughts these days… hope y’all can make some sense of what I’m trying to say)
School aged children. That should be a disqualifier for SCOTUS.
Perhaps being referred to as broken will wake BK up. Or not.
I think it will work – but how soon is the question. I’m looking at Clarence Thomas, and how he was shell-shocked for years after what Biden did to him. Almost silent for so long, then slowly came out of his shell.
It will have to be faster for Kavanaugh and Barrett, but it’s very clear now that the left needed to do what it did to save themselves. They were ready to brutalize ANY nominee into submission.
They hardly did anything to Gorsuch, even though they were madder than Hell then because he got the seat that was “supposed” to go to Garland. That would have been when I would have expected the shitstorm, out of pure vindictiveness. And they did a lot less to Barrett than they did to Kavanaugh. Though perhaps in her case the implied threat was enough.
The other option is the Left already knew they could control Gorsuch and Bartlett, so didn’t have to do much.
I think having young children one takes them in consideration?
Maybe it is better to chose older seasoned people for the job?
Honestly if they go after families…they need unmarried orphans.
True 🙂
The kids always bear the burden of parents if it Police or Trump kids or kids of military or whatever. Parents need to work this out before they take the job if they consider the kids when on the job or taking a job. . He has no right if it affects the country and its people to chicken out when times get difficult. He needs to resign when Trump get back in office. He is no better than Judges under Nazi regime who chickened out.
One wonders why 23 of the 28 “leaders” in the EU are childless…
Europe in general isn’t replacing itself…unless you count the Muslim squatters.
In a system like that children become a luxury only the poor can afford (to quote Will Durant, who was talking about late Republican Rome).
But he likes beer. I mean he really likes beer. That’s a qualifier isn’t it?
PDT listened to his circle of influence and picked candidates from that circle. He owns it. If they fail it’s on him. BK was straight out of the DC swamp. Barrett may be brilliant, but will not be an independent actor.
So if his picks are not ninjas for MAGA we know the truth.
I’m still going with their kids have been threatened.
It’s psychology. Pocahontas did the same thing to Betsy DeVos. The left BRUTALIZES nominees during hearings to alter their psychology.
It WORKS. It produces COMPROMISERS. Very few people stand strong against that stuff. For Kavanaugh to simply have ENDURED what they did to him was shocking. But he’s damaged goods now.
And I get prodding him out of it, because THAT WORKS, TOO.
Oh, you know they got death threats that were barely investigated. USSS was likely overwhelmed.
The nominee gets through as damaged goods.
Even Clarence Thomas was damaged goods for YEARS.
IMO this is not on Trump – it’s on the left. Blaming people like Kavanaugh and Barrett because they’re not cutthroats who can stand up against entire criminal organizations like the DNC and FBI – not gonna do it.
BRUTALIZATION by the left produces compromisers. But those compromisers can toughen up to be the CUTTHROATS WE NEED.
Something along the theme of “Are you going to let those assholes win after what they put you through?” may be effective.
Yup. And that is what’s happening now.
Remember – COVID was the “SCOTUS-killer”, too. These people are smart. They may not betray knowledge of how far the commies will go, but THEY KNOW, behind all the surface acceptance of “fake normal”.
I’m not buying this.
Kavanaugh well understood and knew the shitshow he was heading into….likely threats, character assassination, etc….all of it.
It’s something else.
Agree he wanted the prestige but not the burden.
Being mentally strong takes adversity to build up the defenses. Not everyone has that experience.
My guess is Kavanaugh and Barrett had some, but not direct insults to their honor and worthiness as human beings. That’s really tough. People like Robert Bork could let it roll off. But, he was much older and had been through a heck of a lot more in life.
I hated some of the things said to me over the years by family members who claimed they were just concerned, but the truth is I learned to tune them out. That led to being able to think coldly about some stuff anyway.
As an aside….
This, right here, is why the want to create “safe spaces” in schools and give out “participation trophies” instead of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophies.
They want to produce mentally weak adults, not accustomed to adversity.
There are no longer many real men his age. They have been broken all the way through education . This is a society thing. WE are producing beta guys.
Strong men stand up and not many left. Strong women do too.
I’m not buying what Jr. is selling here.
So Kavanaugh is a pampered weakling without backbone. Wonder hos he would have fared in the military?
I agree with DP’s comment about the need to use previous experiences as input for growth and strength. That’s how immune systems are developed, playing in the dirt. Don Jr, said they knew how bad things were …. they just didn’t know the extent of how many people were corrupted. DJT had no support, he was alone aside from family members. If the Presidency was a business he would have fired every single agency and changed the locks immediately upon assuming control. That way the former tenants can not be blamed for things going wrong from that day forward. But alas, running a country is not like running a large private corporation. Many chat lines have that in common….. only talk, with 90% having a divisive hiden agenda.
Barrett and Kavanaugh lack pilgrims grit. They would have never made it.
Being conservative is not just a name to clothe oneself with one has to live it and stand up for it. These two are sheep or better wolfs in sheep clothing.
We’re Entering An Inferno Harder Than We’ve Gone Through So FarBannons War Room Published July 17, 2021
Bill Barr Was A Failure For The CountryBannons War Room Published July 17, 2021
Bill Barr Was A Failure For The Country (rumble.com)
Peter Navarro clearly describes the difference between Trump and the Bushies (Rino’s) and Barr was a Bushie.
Friends, THIS is how a genuine, authentic “GET OUT THE FACTS” podcast is done.
It is a little over an hour long, but there is an article that details all the information within the podcast for those who don’t have an hour to listen to someone speak.
Please do read the article and comment.
Based on Klaus’ outfit, I would say the world will defeat these psychopaths.
That said, they have the money, power, and will to inflict great harm…as we can see.
Man your battle stations! Klaus is about to hit the Red Button!
About 3 minutes into the podcast we get to hear a little Klaus.
He should be in a SS uniform.
Shades of this:
and this:
Schwab looks like Goldfinger just as evil.
Anything James Corbett does is gold. Doesn’t matter the subject. I’ve been a fan for a few years.
Just one of many examples of the latter being…software that is sold as a subscription.
Imagine your smart car requiring a subscription…forever…and then refusing to work after a certain time.
Or don’t imagine, but view, how cell phone service is sold with the phone given to you for “free” or a discount…but you have to sign a two year contract and you’ll be sucked into upgrading (and another two year commitment) before those two years are out.
This is real, and it’s going to be more widespread.
Perhaps, but you are leaving out the fact that we live in a free society.
They may want totalitarian economic control, but they’d have to prevent venture capitalists from starting companies that don’t do this crap and offer products and services that still mean you own what you buy forever.
While you are correct, once the venture capitalist is paid back the loan, the owner of the company can be approached with an offer he/she can’t refuse. That’s how so many competitors to the mess we have now disappeared.
It’s worse than that, I’m afraid.
”Build to flip” is all the rage….the idea being to find a market niche that isn’t dominated by GoogBookAzon and build marketplace dominance, specifically to sell out to same at a later date and become a gazillionaire without having to wait the 20+ years to get there.
People are literally starting companies in order to sell them to the oligarchs. In fact, it’s the #1 venture plan (or so I’m told).
It has long been known that there are only two ways some average schmo is going to get to be a multimillionare: Succeed hugely in sports or entertainment or start a company that seems like it’s going somewhere then sell it. Clearly some have decided to follow that strategy deliberately!
True that. It’s their plan…and it won’t work for that reason. So their next step is to try to stop companies that won’t play that way.
Given that many ventures need bank capital to get going, I’d expect that to be denied by all major banks for no *apparent* reason.
Or maybe they’ll give as an excuse that actually selling things to people as a one time payment rather than leasing in perpetuity is an “outmoded” business model. They could even point to the plummeting cost of (some, mostly computer) things as “evidence” of how a business can’t succeed that way.
My husband is in Columbus and he sees many signs asking for workers. Stores cannot get people to work.
I do not understand for self value one would think that working strengthens the self esteem? So these lazy bums are happier to live of tax payers money.
That software (and basically everything) as a subscription STINKS OF GATES.
He’s been trying to tie a unique software license to a unique hardware platform (be it a PC, notebook, netbook, whatever) since forever. And each time he gets closer and closer.
Now he wants GUIDs (i.e. The Mark) for all of us. Probably combined with a social score like the RED Chinese have, to effectively kill us if we don’t do their bidding…
He can take the BAD_POOL_POINTER his crappy software is causing me and stick it where the long branches don’t shine…..
Oh, this is amazing. Here is that page that Corbett browses for JAW DROPS…..
Here is an example of what I found.
I wanted to see if YouTube is part of this stuff. Apple and Amazon are.
YouTube is not listed. OK – how about their parent company – Alphabet?
Not listed. OK – how about Google? Listed. BUT WAIT.
Google has TWO listings.
The first one is Google. The SECOND one is “google/alphabet”.
Now THAT is sneaky. The umbrella company is part of WEF.
WEF was a backer of Event 201.
All starting to make sense.
Indeed. This article does much to bring the whole into an understandable viewpoint. We saw it and have been seeing it, but not with this kind of clarity (IMHO).
I agree. THIS is like a roadmap to the leading edge “New Big Club”.
Johns Hopkins.
The same fraudsters that just awarded Merde-Kuh an honorary Doctorate.
For what?????
(Yeah, I know…)…..
Hey, folks, guess what? —
Dr. Anthony “Fauci-Mengele” is mixed up with the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM.
Down and Dirty Summary: On January 25, 2021 (just after “President” Biden was “inaugurated”, the World Economic Forum had an event, “World Economic Forum Davos Agenda 2021”, in Geneva. Among the speakers were: Klaus Schwab; Xi Jinping. President [Dictator] of Communist China; and Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Fauci’s remarks (summarized in the linked article) are ** interesting ** to read. He talked about how the United States’ response to the pandemic was “hobbled”, “divisive”, and “politically charged”.
Fauci also “registered the US’s renewed support for the WHO.”
(What person in the “Biden” administration gave Fauci the order to announce to the world that the U.S. would get back with the WHO? In fact, what person in the “Biden” administration gave Fauci the go-ahead to participate in this conference? Did he go there at taxpayer expense? [apparently the participants at the event were separated from each other, and doing the Zoom thing].)
Down and Dirty Summary: This is the video on Facebook of Fauci’s summarized remarks during his speech at the WEF event. It’s a real piece of work. Fauci goes so far as to BLAME THE FEDERALIST SYSTEM established by the U.S. Constitution for the “inconsistent” response of the various States to the pandemic. He also goes on about how “racial divisiveness” in the U.S. contributed to minorities being the people who “got sicker, quicker”.
The video is 3:51 long. Well worth watching. Fauci comes across as a total “political animal” who shows that he was faking, lying, and play-acting during the entire time he with REALPOTUS 45 Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force.
(Which now begs the question: How much did the WEF / Klaus Schwab know about the Wuhan lab and what was going on there? When did the WEF / Klaus Schwab know about it? How long has Dr. Anthony “Fauci-Mengele” been mixed up with the WEF?)
IMO WEF is likely behind both the coup and the plague.
After reading the article, what comes to mind is that enough time has passed since the last attempt to remake the world this way, and the vast majority of the witnesses who could really speak to the effort in the early-mid 20th century no longer being with us, “they” took their time, and learned from the past.
The trick to sell the program is to constantly change the name and call it new and improved.
The other thing that stuck out to me is the idea of the sanitized history online. I’ve noticed that with some of the known players in the Military Industrial Complex. Just take Robert Brookings, for example. There’s not much out there to find on him. And for a man of his stature, and accomplishments as sketchy as they were, his cataloged archival papers are exactly one cubic foot. I have no doubt there were more, but they aren’t accessible if they still exist.
These people honestly have done their best to disappear all while pulling strings. There’s one other worldly entity that does that, and it’s called his best trick.
Historical Perspectives: Polio (India)The unintended consequences of POLIO vaccination in India:
Non polio paralysis increased after vaccination to a number, which is actual double the rate of Polio in India for the same comparable period, before vaccination campaign started.
I’m pretty sure Bill Gates is the one who did that. I’ve read that India wants to extradite him and try him in court.
[post deleted by overzealous participant who didn’t check the date on the article]
Whoa. The vaxxxxxed are spreading it? That runs counter to everything we’ve been told.
The talking point is that the vaccine will keep people from getting severely ill. I wonder if that is true.
It isn’t, since a number of those people have died from COVID.
That is what they say and also say if not vaccinated one wind up in hospital. The one who told me that is the doctor kid. I did not believe him but he believes what he is saying because VA bosses told him so.
“The talking point is that the vaccine will keep people from getting severely ill. I wonder if that is true.”
I have read that according to people who should know that zinc and ivermectin or HCQ will achieve the same result. I suppose one can trust the talking point or trust the evidence.
Yes. I don’t believe a word out of the mouths of those giving the “official” story of the day. I do wonder if vaccinated people have some protection from severe illness. I haven’t seen any evidence to show that, and, as Linda points out, vaccinated people are dying from COVID. I’m curious how this will be spun as time goes on.
Teenagers on Twitter are savvy to it…
They’ve labeled it the “ClotShot”
Heavily vaxxed countries getting more cases.
Ha ha ha! Another boomerang comes back on the dems.
3 Fully Vaccinated Democrats Test Positive For Covid After Packing Private Plane, Fleeing Texas to Block GOP From Passing Voting Laws
I wonder if they have Delta. If only they had worn their masks on the plane,,,/sarc
Gives a whole new meaning to “fly Delta”…..
Put them in SOLITARY quarantine for, say, ten years or so…..
The whole planeload of them… as they’ve been EXPOSED…..
From Citizen Free Press, this link says the CDC does not recommend that vaccinated people who have been exposed to someone with COVID quarantine, miss work, or get tested. OK, then. Schumer and Kamala met with the infected Dems, but I guess they’re safe.
So exactly how does it spread?
Vaccinated people are getting COVID, but other vaccinated people who have been exposed to those people are safe, somehow.
I think they’re trying to blame it on the unvaxed. And in insisting on their talking point that the vaccines are so effective, they are putting more people at risk.
Either the virus is being seeded in TX or they are lying that it is spreading. Either way, the BIG LIE goes on.
These people are likely showing the presence of the virus on the surface of the nasal mucosa, and that is normal, because the vaccines generally don’t give MUCOSAL IMMUNITY. IMO they won’t get sick, and this will then be used as propaganda that the vaccine protects against hospitalization and death.
I strongly suspect this is a propaganda ploy.
Who wants to see that? Besides being an abomination, it’s a distraction. And I know (sane) parents don’t want their kids exposed to it.
In 1973 Karl Menninger published a book titled “Whatever Became of Sin?” These pictures leave me with the thought that a new book is needed, “Whatever Became of Shame?” I am not aware of a published book with that title but if it hasn’t been written it should be.
I have better legs.
Me too.
Bet your ass I do, too.
Joe Biden responds — “as long as they’re ruffling the golden hairs against tanned skin….”
If you owe money to the IRS, they label you as a TAX DEFIER. If you refuse to be injected with poisons and lab created genome altering mRNA they’re disguising as a vaccination, you’re an anti-government radical. I decide what goes into my Godly temple, not any government. Therefore, I am proud to be a VAX DEFIER.
Alice in Wonderland https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f407.svg
You got caught Joe!
The crime of the century https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.0.1/svg/1f60a.svg 😆
oh nooos! forgot the link
and forgot the medical advice
Nice antidote from the fishtank sucker-fish above…
WhipLash347 Forwarded from Resist the Mainstream
🔴 Facebook Exec Blasts Biden After His Remarks That the Platform is ‘Killing People’
Resist the Mainstream
Facebook Exec Blasts Biden After His Remarks That the Platform is ‘Killing People’
The war of words between Biden and Facebook is escalating.
FAKE WRESTLING! Eventually, Facebook “relents” and declares total war on “disinformation”.
This is a SET-UP to immunize Zuckerberg.
I’m having difficulty keeping up with all the games they’re playing…
That should be CAPT. Ashli Babbitt
Our side is really PR dumb….all too often.
“The left broke Kavanaugh, it was all a lie but he’s too concerned about what they’ll do to him next to stand up to them again. Make no mistake that was part of their plan for him and anyone watching all along and they succeeded brilliantly. It’s their playbook.”
Makes no sense at all.
It should have had the exact opposite effect on Kavanaugh.
That’s the effect it would have had on a Leftist, if Conservatives ever dreamed of treating a Leftist nominee that way.
It should have made Kavanaugh a hyper-conservative, bent on rooting out the insane Marxist Left wherever they are found.
It makes no sense at all that he would cave and seek approval from the vicious animals who attacked him.
No sense at all.
He should be the most dangerous man (to the Left) on the (not)Supreme Court.
If he isn’t the most dangerous man (to the Leftists) on the (not)SC, then there is something seriously wrong inside his head.
If his response to tyranny is submission, then he’s mentally unfit to serve in any public capacity.
Perhaps you are thinking what you would do? He and his family were viciously attacked during the hearings. Jes saying…
“Perhaps you are thinking what you would do? He and his family were viciously attacked during the hearings.”
Right, but the proper, normal, human response to someone attacking you is to attack them back.
The Christian response is to turn the other cheek as much as that is possible, but that doesn’t mean letting someone abuse you.
What is not a normal, human or Christian response, is to go all Stockholm Syndrome and be submissive to people who abused you.
That’s not normal, not for anyone.
And it’s certainly not indicative of mental health.
I hear you Scott, and I agree it’s not ‘normal’ … but what is ‘normal’ these days? I’m finding I have difficulty processing so much info, esp as most is disinformation… ain’t easy to evaluate, judge without having reliable info.
Maybe he should not have accepted?
I don’t think he could ever have imagined what would follow his nomination. Frankly I don’t think it mattered whom POTUS nominated they were going to oppose it… they wanted Ruth to live ’til they could get rid of POTUS… how many time did they impeach him? They were like a lynch mob…
What I can’t figure out is how Gorsuch simply sailed through the nomination process.
Remember he was the pick that Obola was “supposed” to get when Scalia died. Mass vindictiveness should have been on display there.
Yes they were.
Poster earlier. Still not buying this.
Pelosi To Repeal Constitution Before Any Voter Fraud Cases Reach Supreme Court
Chocolate coated lettuce.
Well, yes.
Bacon is healthier still 🙂
New Political Moonsine:
United We Stand, Divided We Fall, Masked We Submit, Vaccinated We Succumb
July 17, 2021
Intro: “In a recent article by Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit detailing a critical aspect of Moonshine reporting relative to COVID-19 and its corresponding survival rate of over 99.9% for essentially all age demographics and whereby a new study in England once again demonstrates that the survival rate for children is well in excess of 99.9% [99.995%], he asks a valid question I’ve asked times over in various forms – “Why would authorities push facemasks and vaccines on children for the coronavirus when it is next to impossible for kids to die from this disease?”
There’s a simple answer to this question, which I’ve delineated ad nauseam and in exclusive ways long before anyone else – long before. It’s this. Masking and vaccines have nothing to do with a pandemic or mitigating illness but rather establishing a system of absolute tyrannical control over the population as a de facto enslavement mechanism.
At this juncture, about anyone still participating in this utter bullshit – there are few descriptions better than that despite the profanity – deserves the enslavement brought down upon them. Sorry, but it’s been over a year and half and those who insist on continuing to play dumb games will deservedly continue win stupid prizes.
Unfortunately though and as I’ve stated repeatedly, if enough of these feeble-minded cowards remain afraid and incapable of independent and critical thought followed by decisive action to rectify and redress their ills, they’ll drag us down with them.
It’s at the juncture and whereby the rest of us will stand our ground that this nation will be divided (is divided); and deliberately and intentionally so and as wrought by China, treasonous Americans and others.”
Absolutely agreed. It’s possible to see the utter bullshittery of COVID at this point.
It’s the greatest reality hack in history.
I read that as the chicken talking.
She needs a Goebbels hat.
And a Hitler mustache.
And, if you’re in England, the train is late… 🙂
More utterly surprising news…..😏
I wonder who was surprised by that…… I love it when more actual info shows up that I can use to bash the RNC callers with.
I’m guessing no one. My sarcasm was dripping of that one.
It was sweating out, like nitroglycerin from diatomaceous earth.
Well, obviously!
The masks are really coming off now.
And they were all fully vax’d, too….
And the reason those of us who have had and recovered from the beer bug, and at least one of the flu bugs labeled “COVID,” should get jabbed is…..?
Almost got into an argument with the organist tonight when I said I’m immune.
Covidians dont listen. They really believe the delta stuff. Too many in masks, outside and in summer!
The latest, new spin is that “if you are vax’d you are ‘guaranteed’ not be be hospitalized or die because of COVID.”
Which, of course, is NOTHING whatsoever even remotely similar to all previous justifications.
They seem to think truth is whatever they say it is at any given point in time, subject to change at a moment’s notice to whatever best suits their preferred narrative of course.
Imagine me as the Little Colonel in the response. I loved Shirley Temple as a kid. Even more now.
The latest spin, hot off the presses…..
This, according to NY Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman, who is angling for Fauci’s job at the NIH.
In related news….
His team is nine games back. Even baseball sorts should tune him out.
Ok girls, I know I joked about mr gils card but his sisters bday gift to kiddo…its like she was drunk and said itll do.
Ok….$20 bucks which is the best…but then…
Underwear, which I consider a Christmas filler gift like socks ( right?),
Long pajamas that boldly say “Merry Christmas!”
And….are you ready?
A wifi extender!
I had him call to thank her, but I’ve git a couple more things for the donation pile. 🥳🥳🥳
That’s kinda interesting. Is there any story on the WiFi extender? In particular, does kiddo text or game with any cousins?
It sure seems focused.
Well we dont have much family. No cousins or anyone else. No gaming, no cell phone or texting. No console gaming, although mr gil let him play candy crush while at a restaurant today.
My mother gave me a printer out of the blue as a gift 2 years ago.
So, I dont know why she’d give it. Youre right though. Head scratcher!
It probably showed up in an Amazon “wish list” of someone with a similar name.
The Gaetz and MTG rally was cancelled 2x, then the spoke for 10 minutes before leaving Riverside, CA. Not advertised but met with no regional Conservative support. Looks luke spare number if supporters to many more antufa blm and dim dimms.
RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) Tweeted:
“Donald Trump won the last election, and he’s gonna win the next one!”
Keep fighting @RepMattGaetz!!! https://t.co/zqPAE8wXzw
Meanwhile in san diego:
KUSI News (@KUSINews) Tweeted:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and actress Alfre Woodard christened the Navy ship USNS John Lewis today in honor of the late congressman and civil rights icon.
Lewis had no service record. In other words he did not serve in the Navy or any other branch of service as best as I can find. His sole connection to the military is apparently whatever support he gave the military while a congressmen. Nothing notable that I can recall.
The ship is a service support vessel. The Navy is clearly pandering.
Its wierd! And she wanted to christen it. Why? Probably wanted an extra bottle for tonight.
Frankly I’m surprised it wasn’t the USNS George Floyd
Lol right!
Omg…we went to san juan cap today. Tried to get home from there in the south 5 to oceanside and connection…just that far, 1.5 hrs. No accidents. Took us in total nearly 3 hrs to get home.
That’s looong time !
I liked San Juan Cap so much.
Did yall like it ?
oh yeah and PS~ Yellowstone is really amazing but it’s a big place. We camped , kids were preteenish…
It was nice. Kiddos bday outing, just to explore the mission and have lunch. Little too hot. We didnt stay late si he could come home for cake and presents. Ill go back in fall for a day trip. Maybe retail therapy.
Camping is probably best in Yellowstone. The lodges looked pricey on my cursory research.
The drawback to camping is that if you want to really see everything it’s hard to stay in one place because driving to different parts can take awhile..and that means breaking camp several times. We had a trailer but even at that…sheesh a lot of work . Still glad we did it though..the kids, lol…they weren’t as thrilled as I’d imagined !!
We went to see Old Faithful, of course, and then the Steamboat Geyser, I think. I don’t exactly remember which one, but it looked like a birthday cake when it started to simmer.
I hope we go one day…Ive never seen anything like Yellowstone.
It’s worth the trip. And stop by Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole, Wyoming before heading back. Really inviting places.
I still have a barrette I bought in one of the silver stores there. We had a family reunion there and had a BLAST. White water rafting on the Snake was a highlight.
Ive heard mixed comments 9n staying there, crowded, camping vs lodge, plan for over a year, including booking, etc. Overall it seems like a wonderful trip but it shouldnt be wedding type stressful.
An amazing place.
One of the things that surprised me…was all the little fumaroles everywhere.
Marked or obvious?
Just scattered about randomly in the terrain there.
You can be walking around, off path, just exploring the woods…look down and there are little puffs of steam coming up from a little hole in the dirt.
I’m not exactly fond of that sort of thing.
At the La Brea Tar Pits, you can be walking across the lawn and find a little tar pit erupting through the grass. It’s only about an inch wide and long, and maybe an inch-and-a-half deep at the moment…..but the whole Park is a giant lake of tar with some shovels of dirt thrown over it. It’s just that pit 12 and pit 17 might only join up 700 feet underground.
If they get big enough, they put a couple of stakes and some chicken wire around them.
Thats neat…unless you step in one!
Stay on the pre-canned paths. Always.
People have been known to break through a thin crust into some very hot stuff.
Oh no!
Engine meeting this morning. Fiancee wanted to build stuff this afternoon. Just sat down with dinner.
Going to be catching up for a while.
Five pilots for JetBlue have died from the jab?
Families or friends need to speak up. Makes me wonder if the are provax?
No wonder they’re doing the crazy with the cross-dressed “stewardesses”…
Hey, look THERE, not here…
hahah if you have the time..some of the replies are gold
He has another funny one about it and the new Libtard mantra is that ‘ sure people can get CV again even with the vax but they will NOT ever go to the hospital and will NOT die..ever, never from covid’
They’re going to shocked and severely traumatized when the Delta, Epsilon and Beta variants start killing thousands according to the covid spamdemic charts and news show …and of course Fauxi-Mengele
OK – just added it (LATE) to the sidebar!