Feb 22, 2018 9:39:44 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 No. 466606
People kill people.
They want you WEAK.
We’re not here?
Or is this the sort of thing the American people need to do to get the show on the road?
‘Cause otherwise, we the people are just sitting at home playing match game.

So are the previews of what the NWO wants to do to us.

There’s at least one music legend who will have packed concerts.

And for those looking to stay off the grid.

Drapes? I assume that would also apply for shutters.

Which is why the American people are actually doing at least this.
Take heart. It’s almost Friday.

Oh, and before I forget:

Just a little pick me up:

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
DANIEL 3:52-56
52“Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever; And blessed is your holy and glorious name, praiseworthy and exalted above all for all ages. 53Blessed are you in the temple of your holy glory, praiseworthy and glorious above all forever. 54Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever. 55Blessed are you who look into the depths from your throne upon the cherubim, praiseworthy and exalted above all forever. 56Blessed are you in the firmament of heaven, praiseworthy and glorious forever.
Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.
That header picture doesn’t look photo shopped.
It looks real…like someone actually put that up on a theater marquee somewhere.
Great find, DePat!
And a big Thank You for all your daily open threads!
I really appreciate all the work you do for us.
And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) Tweeted:
I don’t know about you but I’m thrilled this is the guy in charge of the free world. We should all sleep sound at night.
Hey at least there’s no mean tweets… mostly because this guy wouldn’t be capable of a tweet or even a complete thought. https://t.co/ylKVlFiB3c
Heheh. And it’s wilted word salad too.
Word salad that’s been left out in the sun on the picnic table because no one wanted to touch it.
And I think I seem some, erm, things swimming around in the “dressing”
This old fucker is just destroying American science single-handedly. Which makes my job easier, but still. I could stay in bed all day and this toad would prove the illegitimacy of American communism without me doing a thing.
I can definitely afford to take a day off.
Yet from that bungled mess, he’s developing and implementing policy.
Yeah, this is gonna be really amazing. Yup. He’s pushing it. And it’s obviously not him – he just mouths the intent of the shadow government.
Like that heads-up that RobberJoe (or the impersonator) blurts out that “the vaccines will be permanently approved — that’s underway. I expect that to occur quickly.” His handlers likely got that from Dr. Janet Woodcock (head of the FDA), or perhaps from Fauci.
By the way, just around 0:31 in the clip, it appears that RobberJoe gets information from whatever device the handlers are using — or, he remembers the lines he’d memorized. One can literally see the change on RobberJoe’s face, and hear in his voice. Previous to that, he looks down a lot, his eyes aren’t fully open, the delivery is “off.”
The way he constantly interrupts his own thoughts and begins in a new direction reminds me of someone who is just talking to fill the empty space, as a stall tactic, while he is waiting to be told what to say in an earpiece.
And once he hears what to say, he pivots from whatever he was babbling and repeats whatever he just heard in the earpiece.
To the audience, it sounds disjointed and disconnected, because it is.
Good analysis. They’re doing the same thing they were doing before.
I think you are right, and I will add one more thing; I think Joe Biden is AFRAID.
I don’t know what they do to him if he doesn’t follow the earpiece and says something wrong, but they do something bad.
He’s said at least a couple of times that he “gets in trouble.” What is “trouble” for the so-called leader of the free world, exactly? WHO has the power to get him “in trouble.”
We know he’s a sham, but that more than anything shows they and he know he is a sham, too.
Maybe they take away his cracktop, err… lappipe, err…you know, the thing…
Approving the
virus[vaccine -W] quickly will be illogical since the vax changes the way the immune system works. Allowing for evolution from ape to man has been 6 million years. Again allowing for evolution it is not inconceivable that our immune systems we are gifted with began to first develop when life on this planet began 3.5 billion years ago. Yet here we are accepting a beta version developed in under a year.Even assuming an earlier start date like this.
Meanwhile at the other end of science, astrophysicists only claim to understand the make up of 4 to 6 percent of the universe with rest of universe being termed Dark Matter or Dark Energy with ‘Dark’ meaning they don’t know.
Are our biologists being a bit hubristic?
Meanwhile the guy above can’t even remember his lines and we’re supposed to trust his understanding of science?
If they approve these vaccines, and try to force them on us, we have cause.
This old, senile moron is a bumbling, babbling, conniving buffoon. He’s unworthy of our attention, our respect, our gratitude and definitely not worthy of our nation’s top title.
Medical Misinformation Alert!
… “who’s on first” Abbott and Costello … classic and too good for this sad pile of dark mucked up dna
That header is a real treat. Haven’t even read the post – just had to comment.
What Wheatie said.

Me toooOoooOOO!
For all the fish
I can just imagine whichever billionaire it was – presumably the one that looks like Dr. Evil – saying – “It must look like a DILDO. It MUST. Yes, Mr. Bigglesworth thinks so, doesn’t he…. coochie coochie coo… A DILDO! Make it so!”
assault(ing the collective unconscious of the universe) with a concrete dildo
NASA have recieved a message from aliens
please stop sending us your nudes and address. It’s creepy
I’m sin binned again
Nothing of yours in the bin. They are likely adjusting the Great Barrier Firewall on you.
Crap. My pearls of wisdom lost to posterity.
Kinda like the library of Alexandria burning
This was what happened before. I was VERY surprised that you were getting through again. I have some more tricks to keep you here, but I’m holding them in reserve.
If the involve alcohol or junk calories I’m in
Remove the X to see this one:

LOL! Yeah, thank you for the spoiler!
You can do them this way, too, by highlighting the URL and clicking the [+] button.
Thanks, boss!
I couldn’t remember how to do that.
LOL!!! That’s it!!!
Bezos is a Dick!

Lol…even the chimps know.
I read he took his brother along too.
Because “he ain’t heavy”….
Fauci…burned to a crisp. Steve Bannon said that his team monitored leftist media for 5 hours tonight, and no one came to Fauci’s defense.
Shopping in South Africa…this is the kind of control they want over all of us. During the height of COVID here, going anywhere was a chore. Any joy that might have been found in browsing or shopping for gifts or new things was stolen. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I don’t want to experience that ever again.
Good for Eric Clapton! (Or Clapner, as Jocelyn Elders* once said).
*Surgeon General under Bill Clinton, 1993-94. Provided Rush Limbaugh with a lot of material.
Fauci’s being set up to take the fall. And he should. But so should everyone else involved, including the Nazi at the WEF.
Amen! The WEFFEN SS must be disbanded!
I noticed he Fauci is being set up even in German Podcast.
No one said anything about China I think they also marked Gates and big Pharma. I think Johnson and Johnson they want to set up. Not going to work my opinion.
In the morning i’m going to start covering Pegasus here on Gab.
I found some interesting connections that will surely upset some people.
Was going to do this earlier but got side tracked by the telegram ban (account was reinstated).
Good. There’s gonna be some screaming by the usual suspects.
CodeMonkey is posting some on Telegram about Pegasus. Gen. Mike Flynn’s name is on one of the docs: Flynn Intel Group LLC, “Filer’s Sources of Income Exceeding $5,000 in a Year.”
CodeMonkeyZ https://t.me/s/codemonkeyz
So, for no apparent reason, this is a longish excerpt from https://lost-contact.mit.edu/afs/adrake.org/usr/rkh/Books/books/Roger%20Zelazny%20-%20Lord%20of%20Light.pdf .
Sam sat with his eyes closed for several minutes, then said softly: “I have many names, and none of them matter.” He opened his eyes slightly then, but he did not move his head.
He looked upon nothing in particular. “Names are not important,” he said. “To speak is to name names, but to speak is not important. A thing happens once that has never happened before. Seeing it, a man looks upon reality. He cannot tell others what he has seen. Others wish to know, however, so they question him saying, ‘What is it like, this thing you have seen?’ So he tries to tell them. Perhaps he has seen the very first fire in the world. He tells them, ‘It is red, like a poppy, but through it dance other colors. It has no
form, like water, flowing everywhere. It is warm, like the sun of summer, only warmer. It exists for a time upon a piece of wood, and then the wood is gone, as though it were eaten, leaving behind that which is black and can be sifted like sand. When the wood is gone, it too is gone.’ Therefore, the hearers must think reality is like a poppy, like water, like the sun, like that which eats and excretes. They think it is like to anything that they are told it is like by the man who has known it. But they have not looked upon fire. They cannot really know it. They can only know of it. But fire comes again into the world, many times. More men look upon fire. After a time, fire is as common as grass and clouds and the air they breathe. They see that, while it is like a poppy, it is not a poppy, while it is like water, it is not water, while it is like the sun, it is not the sun, and while it is like that which eats and passes wastes, it is not that which eats and passes wastes, but something different from each of these apart or all of these together. So they look upon this new thing and they make a new word to call it. They call it ‘fire.’
“If they come upon one who still has not seen it and they speak to him of fire, he does not know what they mean. So they, in turn, fall back upon telling him what fire is like. As they do so, they know from their own experience that what they are telling him is not the truth, but only a part of it. They know that this man will never know reality from their words,
though all the words in the world are theirs to use. He must look upon the fire, smell of it, warm his hands by it, stare into its heart, or remain forever ignorant. Therefore, ‘fire’ does not matter, ‘earth’ and ‘air’ and ‘water’ do not matter. ‘I’ do not matter. No word matters. But man forgets reality and remembers words. The more words he remembers, the cleverer do his fellows esteem him. He looks upon the great transformations of the world, but he does not see them as they were seen when man looked upon reality for the first time. Their names come to his lips and he smiles as he tastes them, thinking he
knows them in the naming. The thing that has never happened before is still happening. It is still a miracle. The great burning blossom squats, flowing, upon the limb of the world, excreting the ash of the world, and being none of these things I have named and at the same time all of them, and this is reality, the Nameless.
“Therefore, I charge you, forget the names you bear, forget the words I speak as soon as they are uttered. Look, rather, upon the Nameless within yourselves, which arises as I address it. It hearkens not to my words, but to the reality within me, of which it is part. This is the atman, which hears me rather than my words. All else is unreal. To define is to lose. The essence of all things is the Nameless. The Nameless is unknowable, mightier even than Brahma. Things pass, but the essence remains. You sit, therefore, in the midst of a dream.
“Essence dreams it a dream of form. Forms pass, but the essence remains, dreaming new dreams. Man names these dreams and thinks to have captured the essence, not knowing that he invokes the unreal. These stones, these walls, these bodies you see seated about you are poppies and water and the sun. They are the dreams of the Nameless. They are fire, if you like.
“Occasionally, there may come a dreamer who is aware that he is dreaming. He may control something of the dream-stuff, bending it to his will, or he may awaken into greater self-knowledge. If he chooses the path of self-knowledge, his glory is great and he shall be for all ages like unto a star. If he chooses instead the way of the Tantras, combining Samsara and Nirvana, comprehending the world and continuing to live in it, this one is mighty among dreamers. He may be mighty for good or for ill, as we look upon him, though these terms, too, are meaningless, outside of the namings of Samsara.
“To dwell within Samsara, however, is to be subject to the works of those who are mighty among dreamers. If they be mighty for good, it is a golden time. If they be mighty for ill, it is a time of darkness. The dream may turn to nightmare.
“It is written that to live is to suffer. This is so, say the sages, for man must work off his burden of Karma if he is to achieve enlightenment. For this reason, say the sages, what does it profit a man to struggle within a dream against that which is his lot, which is the path he must follow to attain liberation? In the light of eternal values, say the sages, the
suffering is as nothing; in the terms of Samsara, say the sages, it leads to that which is good. What justification, then, has a man to struggle against those who be mighty for ill?”
He paused for a moment, raised his head higher.
“This night the Lord of Illusion passed among you, Mara, mighty among dreamers, mighty for ill. He did come upon another who may work with the stuff of dreams in a different way. He did meet with Dharma, who may expel a dreamer from his dream. They did struggle, and the Lord Mara is no more. Why did they struggle, deathgod against illusionist? You say their ways are incomprehensible, being the ways of gods. This is not the answer.
“The answer, the justification, is the same for men as it is for gods. Good or ill, say the sages, mean nothing for they are of Samsara. Agree with the sages, who have taught our people for as far as the memory of man may reach. Agree, but consider also a thing of which the sages do not speak. This thing is ‘beauty,’ which is a word, but look behind the word and consider the Way of the Nameless. And what is the way of the Nameless? It is the Way of Dream. And why does the Nameless dream? This thing is not known to any dweller within Samsara. So ask, rather, what does the Nameless dream?
“The Nameless, of which we are all a part, does dream form. And what is the highest attribute any form may possess? It is beauty. The Nameless, then, is an artist. The problem, therefore, is not one of good or evil, but one of esthetics. To struggle against those who are mighty among dreamers and are mighty for ill, or ugliness, is not to struggle for that which the sages have taught us to be meaningless in terms of Samsara or Nirvana, but rather it is to struggle for the symmetrical dreaming of a dream, in terms of the rhythm and the point, the balance and the antithesis which will make it a thing of
beauty. Of this, the sages say nothing. This truth is so simple that they have obviously overlooked it. For this reason, I am bound by the esthetics of the situation to call it to your attention. To struggle against the dreamers who dream ugliness, be they men or gods, cannot but be the will of the Nameless. This struggle will also bear suffering, and so one’s karmic burden will be lightened thereby, just as it would be by enduring the ugliness; but this suffering is productive of a higher end in the light of the eternal values of which the sages so often speak.
“Therefore, I say unto you, the esthetics of what you have witnessed this evening were of a high order. You may ask me, then, ‘How am I to know that which is beautiful and that which is ugly, and be moved to act thereby?’ This question, I say, you must answer for yourself. To do this, first forget what I have spoken, for I have said nothing. Dwell now upon the Nameless.”
Not unlike the Allegory of the cave, in Plato’s “Republic”, but more involved and comes from a period already ancient when Plato wrote.
I love it!
I hope Rand Paul is reading Political Moonshine. He has them NAILED – the FULL FRAUD.
IGNORE the title and the “road trip wrapper” of this post – it’s the nugget in the center that matters. This post is a lot like my more brain-twisty stuff – read past the “art” – the crux of the matter is that Moonshine identifies the specific levers of FRAUD and WHEN they were used. He also sees what Fauci and China are doing right now.
Political Moonshine has Fauci by the BALLS. All Rand has to do is grab PM’s stuff and subpoena the right people.
Leftists Are Suck Ups To The Rich Elites And The Useful Idiots Don’t Even Realize How Their Being Used
If you thought DAVOS Was Scary – WATCH THIS Next Level SH*T!!!
Yeah, I know…it’s Russel Brand.
But he makes some good points.
I didn’t even know about this Sun Valley confab thing.
Seems like a cult to me.
A globalist billionaire cult.
I do not trust the new FOX.
I give them the side eye…….. with eyes wide open.
If one goes down there’s always a replacement, conveniently……..
Just saying.
This ties in with Wolf’s post about brcc, we need to be very discerning in these times.
Bannon just dissed Newsmax.
Really. Hmm.
I haven’t watched them for months. In the early days they talked about, then did an abrupt 180 on the fraud. One of their anit-Trump hosts walked off set while the guest was talking about it. Either they were scared of getting sued, or they did get sued by Dominion. Bannon dissed them because they won’t talk about Lindell, neither will Fox.
New Political Moonshine:
CAUGHT IN TRAFFIC – A Simple Lesson to Understand Leverage in the COVID-19 Enslavement Construct and Precisely Why It Will Work
July 21, 2021
Intro: “Beginning with a brief sidebar that will make more sense later on relative to our title, last night I returned home from an 8-day, 62-hour round trip on the road from the Pacific Northwest to my mom’s home in the fairly deep South. It was to deal with some family business.
The driving occurred on two consecutive days in and out and with four days in between. With that said, I’ve always believed that the collective state of driving is a benchmark of where our society stands and how well it functions.
This was the first proper cross-country road trip I’ve taken since 2007; not including road trips to ski in Canada, Idaho and other places. The experience was enlightening and explanatory in critical ways relative to our society writ large. I’ll spare you the profanity laden rants I sent last night to a couple of folks in the backdrop of Moonshine.
In short, the act of driving encompasses spaces that are entirely community occupied and operated; by all of society. They are the streets and roadways. Regardless of race, religion, color or creed – or [unfortunately] driving ability – we share it all and every day and it’s entirely up to us to make it work.
The roads are a complete shit show just like everything else and it’s fully emblematic of the broader status quo that we have permitted to occur on our watch: semis will run you off the road at 90 m.p.h. with with an abrupt lane change to preserve their momentum heading uphill at the same time ass-hats sit parked in the passing lane rolling under the limit. I, I, I, me, me, me.
Things have changed since 2007 and it wasn’t real good then; some for the better – like reasonable speed limits – and some for the worse – like what follows.”
This is excellent, because he basically shows exactly what Fauci and the ChiComs are up to. This is genius work. The flu and pneumonia disappeared into COVID data when they needed it to do so, and he shows EXACTLY HOW they did it.
FRAUD. Dodge won’t do anything about it, but it’s FRAUD. RICO. Just like he says.
They have at least TWO mechanisms – PCR abuse (explains why they finished off Kary Mullis) and reporting abuse.
The WORDING of that reporting rule is EVIL GENIUS. The use of the “ambiguous AND condition” is satanic – it’s a beautifully ugly plot. If you confront them on it in court, they will tell you that “AND” meant that the patient had to have BOTH covid AND flu. That is the LOGICAL interpretation. But to a nurse reporting, reading the rule carefully and fearfully, the AND means you report one AND you report the other.
And you can even alter the “guidance” on that OFF THE BOOKS.
I dealt with this kind of stuff. This is LEGALISM. It’s LAWFARE. This was intentionally written so that overly cautious people would lump flu cases into COVID. It’s GENIUS. It’s WICKED.
Here is his summary.
“it’s a beautifully ugly plot. If you confront them on it in court, they will tell you that “AND” meant that the patient had to have BOTH covid AND flu. That is the LOGICAL interpretation.”
I’m sure that would be their claim, but it won’t pass the laugh test, unless the jury is giving the government 100% benefit of the doubt, while purposely ignoring that all supporting evidence points to the ‘AND’ meaning “either”.
“But to a nurse reporting, reading the rule carefully and fearfully, the AND means you report one AND you report the other.”
Carefully, fearfully, or due to financial incentive. PM mentioned the financial incentive angle with regard to the hospitals, a necessary component, otherwise participants will not take on risk for no reward.
If PM’s RICO act evidence was put before a faithful jury, I don’t think the government’s ‘aw shucks’ half-lies would stand a chance against the the avalanche of data points that are beyond a random (or accidental, or good faith mistake) possibility by orders of magnitude.
OMG, put me on that jury!!!
You and me brother.
And any jury for this shit should require an I.Q. test first.
And yes, I am calling us both smart!
Juries need a variety of people. Gotta have some smart people! But they need some dummies to keep it anchored. Dumb people often ask the RIGHT questions. They don’t want THAT, either!!!
“And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for those pesky kids!”
There is something I’m still not entirely clear on, and I don’t know if it’s by design or if I have just missed it.
It appears that PM’s data shows that China Virus is an entirely fraudulent construct, which CAN be explained 100% by purposely misdiagnosing seasonal flu and pneumonia and calling it Covid-19:
But then other parts reference an intentional Act of War bio-weapon release of a real engineered virus from the Wuhan facility in China.
Which is it?
I realize the easy answer is “AND logic”, but PM also reminds us that “the PCR testing result statistics and where the PCR test was never designed to render a specific diagnosis; especially one for which the viral strain was never isolated.”
If the viral strain was never isolated, and the PCR test was never designed to render a specific diagnosis in the first place, then it seems entirely possible that China Virus is purely an imaginary construct, which was then made to appear as ‘real’ by intentionally misdiagnosing seasonal flu and pneumonia cases to ‘prove’ the imaginary construct.
And if there is, how could we ever measure / determine the number of legitimate China Virus cases and legitimate China virus deaths, or distinguish them in the comingled data which includes seasonal flu and pneumonia?
I have a really complicated and full answer, that is hard to explain, but I will try to just list some of the highlights.
(1) The released virus IS real and the plotters DID use gain of function to create something that would actually have an evolutionary advantage over [and this is important] other weak corona viruses and influenzas and similar influenza-like illnesses (ILIs), so that it would be guaranteed to catch and spread. This is key. To create a disease similar to others which all COMPETE for a limited pool of victims (too complicated for me to explain right here) is NOT ENOUGH – it has to not only gain function, but must gain an advantage over other similar diseases, to create a pandemic. The gain of function was NECESSARY to create a mild pandemic.
(2) The new virus has a real sequence, which is overall very similar to other coronas people have always been getting. That sequence began morphing as soon as it was released.
(3) It is mostly the PANDEMIC that is fraudulent. The reporting allowed for deaths by influenza and pneumonia to be both misdiagnosed as COVID by testing, and reported as COVID even if NOT misdiagnosed. In many ways, The real strain was a SHADOW MONSTER because the reality was small and pretty much just a new cold, but it could be blown up at all levels into a HOAX PANDEMIC.
(4) the virus is NOT purely an imaginary construct, but its effects are in large part fraudulent, and the REAL virus was blown up into an imaginary pandemic. It was the DANGER that was massively magnified, and which was REINFLATED in some new way, whenever we proved that some part of the monster was illusory.
So it’s AND logic, but it’s very specific AND logic that says PSYCHOLOGY was a huge part of this. It was a PSY-OP.
Thank you very much for the explanation!
You’re welcome!
This is another Great encapsulation of a very complex topic!!!
Perhaps you’ve addressed this elsewhere but If this is Actually a Virus then why do the anti-parasitics kill it off so well???
Scientists don’t even know WHY quinine is anti-malarial:
Quinine is a cinchona alkaloid that belongs to the aryl amino alcohol group of drugs. It is an extremely basic compound and is, therefore, always presented as a salt[6]. Various preparations exist, including the hydrochloride, dihydrochloride, sulphate, bisulphate, and gluconate salts; of these the dihydrochloride is the most widely used. Quinine has rapid schizonticidal action against intra-erythrocytic malaria parasites. It is also gametocytocidal for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium malariae, but not for Plasmodium falciparum. Quinine also has analgesic, but not antipyretic properties. The anti-malarial mechanism of action of quinine is unknown.
My own personal theory about the anti-malarials is that they work by helping out immune system:
Quinine was first recognized as a potent antimalarial agent hundreds of years ago. Since then, the beneficial effects of quinine and its more advanced synthetic forms, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, have been increasingly recognized in a myriad of other diseases in addition to malaria. In recent years, antimalarials were shown to have various immunomodulatory effects, and currently have an established role in the management of rheumatic diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases, and in the treatment of chronic Q fever. Lately, additional metabolic, cardiovascular, antithrombotic, and antineoplastic effects of antimalarials were shown. In this review, we discuss the known various immunomodulatory mechanisms of antimalarials and the current evidence for their beneficial effects in various diseases and in potential novel applications.
Ivermectin, like many other things that are derived from nature, has more than one effect. It is also anti-viral:
Ivermectin proposes many potentials effects to treat a range of diseases, with its antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-cancer properties as a wonder drug. It is highly effective against many microorganisms including some viruses. In this comprehensive systematic review, antiviral effects of ivermectin are summarized including in vitro and in vivo studies over the past 50 years. Several studies reported antiviral effects of ivermectin on RNA viruses such as Zika, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile, Hendra, Newcastle, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, chikungunya, Semliki Forest, Sindbis, Avian influenza A, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.
Ivermectin comes from one source, avermectin, a microorganism found in only Japanese soil:
Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin, a dihydro derivative of avermectin—originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Intitute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil—has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world.
Lots of herbals are like this, too. They are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, etc. all at once.
Put in the simplest of terms without any scientific mumbo-jumbo, the anti-parasitic’s treatment of covid-19 is A MIRACLE FROM GOD.
I think it was discussed here some time ago with the ACE1 and ACE2 receptors and that HCQ keeps the ACE2 receptors busy while KORONA would like to dock with them, as it were.
I remember that because my son takes an ACE inhibitor to slightly lower his blood pressure, though he probably doesn’t need it anymore. It is also helpful (Enalapril) for the Kidneys.
I suspect some common subsystems are at work here, although quinine and derivatives were listed somewhere either as interacting…
I think quinine’s and Ivermectin’s action against parasites, e.g. Malaria, in places like Africa where they’re routinely used is yet another reason why the derp state are so hell-bent on showing KOVFAKE DELTA as spreading in Africa.
Not to mention that successive mutations of virii are typically weaker… the old “don’t kill the host, he’s paying our rent” sort of thing…..
“I remember that because my son takes an ACE inhibitor to slightly lower his blood pressure, though he probably doesn’t need it anymore. It is also helpful (Enalapril) for the Kidneys.”
My son is in a similar boat w/ Lisinopril & he also takes Clonidine for HBC. At least one of them in an ACE inhibitor, iirc. Perhaps that’s why when he got CV, even though he is immunocompromised w/ immunosuppressive meds post Liver-Transplant that he still didn’t get horribly sick, thank the Lord!
Thank you so much Aubergine!!!
interesting, given the audience here, “chronic Q fever”
This summary is excellent! And it matches completely what I have believed all along. They gave us a “cold” and blamed every death in the world on it for a year.
Shit, if you could convince people that hangnails were deadly, you could create a pandemic out of bad cuticles.
Shhhh. Don’t give them any ideas…

Is that why the have to give us jabs to hide their fraught? Now people really get sick and blame it on covid? If this is so they all need to hang of the biggest tree . They are no better than Hitler, Stalin or Mao and CCP..
“The roads are a complete shit show just like everything else and it’s fully emblematic of the broader status quo that we have permitted to occur on our watch”
I was just musing on this today as I witnessed a very near miss traffic accident. It could have been really bad. Guy was making a left hand turn and a big ol’ SUV came speeding along, did not slow one teensy tiny bit, and very nearly hit the guy making the turn.
I was reflecting how so many no longer follow traffic laws (no consequences either) and simple norms like right of way are no longer understood or observed. We used to depend on these things along with a modicum of courtesy to make driving reasonably safe. Now you take your life in your hands.
We have so many illegals in our town…..Not sure if any of them ever drove a car till they got here.
East Dearbon(istan) where Many Middle Easterners drive is Crazy & has a very noticeably different driving culture than just a couple of miles away! There is also a very noticeable difference between surface streets & freeways passing through the city of Detroit. Defensive driving is the only way to survive when surrounded by people who don’t give a crap about anyone else on the roads &/or sidewalks!!!
I always say that Camels didn’t have humps until the Mozzies started driving them….
When mozzies started up, we all got humped.
There seem to be two kinds of bad drivers.
Ones who are just oblivious–in the example above, the guy in the left lane doesn’t realize he has two dozen cars stacked up behind him. Maybe there’s enough traffic in the right lane he’d literally have to zigzag after passing each one (slowly), so he blocks traffic without realizing it.
Then there are the outright assholes…the guys who speed up when there’s a passing lane on a two lane highway so you can’t get around them. (I was behind someone doing ten under the other day…when we got to the passing lane, of course the shitstain stayed in the left lane–then did twenty OVER to prevent me from passing, When the lane ended he went back to ten below.)
Another pet peeve of mine…I’m sitting at a green light waiting for a break in oncoming traffic so I can make a left turn.
Some oncoming idiot wanting to make a right will pull up to the intersection and slow way down, and then finally STOP to let me make the left…even though HE has the right of way. As I wait for him to make his turn, the big blob of traffic behind him catches up and my opportunity is lost.
I had a colleague, many years ago, who was driving, say, somewhere in the Bay Area, and was in a hurry, so he pulled into the left lane to go faster (it was two lanes in each direction.
The fellow on the right sped up.
He sped up.
The other guy sped up.
He sped up again.
The other guy pulled a gun…
He slowed down…
You can probably figure out, erm what part of the Bay Area this was… probably not any better there now… “I’d walk a mile for a Kamela” country…
Posted in the wrong place, re-posting below where I meant to post it.
*raises hand*
I know, I know!
Because it would expose how the Dems, CCP, et al, were all in on it!
They are trying to bury the evidence of vaccine death claiming the recent report (>12000 death) was a mistake and supposedly only 6000
(as if 6000 is not high enough. Pay Attention they are moving the goal post)
Mistake caused recent false ‘spike’ in death reports tied to COVID vaccine, CDC says | Just The News
I’m sorry – I simply do not believe CDC any more. They have lied so many times, I refuse to believe them.
I believe the 45K whistleblower – that’s who I believe.
The DOJ, FBI, CDC, FDA, and WH have lost all credibility. If they told me the sun rises in the east, I’d have to set my alarm clock to watch it.
Exactly. They all have an agenda that is not with THE TRUTH..
They killed all the monkeys
so how do people expect to do better
New Schlichter —
And VIP Schlichter —
Another red head?
Obamoids love ’em for some reason. Between Little Red Jen, Shailagh McFusion, and this one.
& red diaper!
There’s a few dark superstitions about redheads that I would imagine these evil perverts subscribe to.
Bubble, bubble
KOVID trouble
Make our land
No more than rubble
Ø of bøzø,
Coke of Bye, Done
On Kamel’s knees
They all be hidin’
– MacMess, from the DEMONRAT cookbook…
ART FILM!!! It’s performance art about an art film at the art theater, and this looks like a big night!
Corn-Pop Horror Picture Show!
Another Psy-Op for the sheep is all this was.
Corny Poppins…
So, I got to spend some time rummaging around in maybe the sole remaining surplus place in Silicon Valley. And they’re moving a couple of blocks down the street because the site is now owned by Amazon.
They had three units from a company I used to work for — from before I worked for them — but at $10 apiece. I got one because I’ll be leaving the area.
Curtis Trading Company?
Interesting….. Biden as a crypto-radical?
Fits the Iron Curtain honeymoon.
This was successful. Not.
Well THAT was MANLY!!!
Talk about flipping the bird…
I think that’s just part of the ride…

If that wasn’t caught on video, she would tell that story the rest of her life, and nobody would believe her…
Poor bird i hope it was ok?
Hahah..I’ve thought that too about the cadence and tone when Libtards speak ! Yeah, bet this one was a plant
Remember Christine Blasey Ford’s fake vocal fry? This woman nails it.
She looks like a left winger no one I would befriend. She is a total turn off just to know her.
IKR annoying to listen to, but handy if one doesn’t already know the person, as it marks em out and is rarely wrong.
Notice the WH squatter scratching his head, she rambled on too long and he couldn’t remember the start of the question.
LOL! Too true!
Bringing this over from Marica’s.
Under no circumstances have I left the building. Rumors to the contrary are dis-info.
ThanQ for all your prayers. I am S L O W L Y getting better (or so it seems).
Great to hear p2! Stay strong, praying for you.
Good to hear pgroup!
Thanks for checking in!
Keep on keeping on, and please post when you can.
Sending Good Energy to you and yours.
You (& other Q-Treepers) were just in my prayers within the last hour. God Bless & thanks for the good news!!!
So glad to hear from you! I am happy you are getting better.
Glad you’re able to post here again!
Verse of the Day for Thursday, July 22, 2021
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”
1 John 4:18 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Thanks, GMT!!! <3 – Could not get in yesterday to post – so am happy for today!!!
what a really manly man/s
He looks like he’s gonna have a
It could be a Tiger Apocalypse preparing for a Zombie King…
I mean, he doesn’t really know our secret plans…
Alpaca Lips???
Oh my what a noodle.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Alrighty then. Points to confirmation of a current theory here in the Q-tree.
‘Nothing to worry about’: Madagascar spurns Covid-19 vaccines in favor of herbal ‘remedy’
And just like the Haitian President, he has just recently began to bow to international pressure, allowing some vax into his country, though he’s still going to be vax hesitant and will not be taking the vax.
‘Vax hesitant’ is like being gay-hesitant.
It even sounds gay.
You either are, or you aren’t.
I question myself what is so important hidden in the vaccine that they are willing to kill? Why is everyone forced or bribed to use the vaccine? That is what we need to find out. Dr Zelenko hinted it has to do with population control. They are treading us like animals.
If it has abortifacient and “features” that result in sterility for this or later generations, then that’s their population control weapon right there.
It’s physically impossible for gays to reproduce, so if they try to make a huge number of people gay, that would also “help” to solve their “problem”.
Still have to wonder why 23 of 28 (IIRC) of Europe’s “leaters” have no children…
Seems they don’t care about ANYONE’S future…
I do not think one can be made gay one is or not.
I could not see anyone making me gay.
I can see the evil people wanting population control? Maybe that is why they promoted soy.
>>”Why is everyone forced or bribed to use the vaccine?”<<
It’s WWIII, Singing.
How long will it take for people to get it into their heads that …
Such is war. The permanently debilitative “vax” is their weapon of choice.
The masks were a test run, to see who was compliant to the point of obeying authority without question.
Once they had their results from that – a resounding success – then it was all systems GO.
They are mentally deficient – they DO NOT think as we do.
>>”what is so important hidden in the vaccine”<<
Death is what’s “hidden”.
And death is what they want for us.
It isn’t that they’re willing to kill to get us to take the experimental chemical potion … it’s that the experimental chemical brew is HOW they intend to kill us!
That’s why they push it so hard. Anyone who gets the jab (saline or real) is a SCALP for them. It’s how they measure “success”.
That’s my take.
It’s really hard to “grock” … yet it’s absolutely necessary for us to understand enough of it to know what to do.
When someone points a gun at another, does the other sit there and dither about WHY the gun is pointed at them???
The “why’s” are irrelevant. The immediacy of the moment bleaches out any mental hesitance, because ACTION is necessary to continue LIVING.
At some point, the only truth is that they’re DOING IT. Let historians work out “why”. (And there’s never a good reason …)
Our own people trying to kill us. That is hard to swallow. I am not taking the jab my kids did one grandchild I know maybe the others also. If I live long enough I might wind up alone and so many others who did not take the jab. Trump needs to speak up if he truly wants to safe the nation.
Huh, someone, T.I.M., I think, posted this link (which is already broken) & a couple others but now his comment is missing…
Was it taken down by the original commenter, DP, or Wolf or is this possibly evidence of more attacks on this site?
Very interesting…
What is it? Who is T.I.M?
Celebrating The Republic!
Post author
By Dianne Marshall
Post date
July 22, 2021
Ding dong the corporation is gone! We The People Are Rising Up Free From The Cabal! (almost) Keep On Rising, Keep On Rising!
[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…
Rumble — Rep Lauren Boebert on the 2nd Amendment: “This Is Not a Privilege or a Benefit, This Is a right. Democrats need to keep their dirty, filthy, corrupt, greedy hands off of our rights”
Rep Boebert: Dems Need To Keep Their Dirty Hands Off Our Rights (rumble.com)
Thank you for the reminder to go food shopping tonight.
You bacon plate reminds me my husband ordered bacon hot dogs
I did not even know there is such a thing.
Looks like a big thing for street vendors in LA. Lots of recipes out there. Stuff em with cheese, jalepenos, wrap em up, YUMMY!!

Yeah, that makes sense as a way to stretch bacon, if it is scarce!
They make soft pretzel wrapped ones and sell them at Wetzels pretzels in our malls.
Looks good like hot dogs jalapenos not big on on bacon
nice appetizer
Famed musician Eric Clapton said on Wednesday that he will not perform in any venue that requires audience-goers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
In May, Clapton said that he had experienced a “severe” reaction to the AstraZeneca vaccine, and that he was afraid that he would “never play again.” He also said he was inspired by another musician turned anti-vaccine activist, Van Morrison.
Good Morning, QTreepers! Relieved to be able to sign in today – I couldn’t yesterday – and worried that I’d been banned.
Lately – I’ve been sewing, mowing, getting ready to spend time at daughter’s to help with wheelchair and other jobs.
Hope everyone has a good day – a great MAGA Day!!!
Hi!!! Glad you are in. Have a MAGA day back!
HOWDY, Grandma! :8-> Keep on telling the MAGA Truth!
As long as I can!
I can’t imagine what bannable offense you might have committed!
Absence. I’ve been under personal stress and needed a little therapy at Marica’s hospice.
I don’t think that’s bannable, though you were missed!
I think many of us had trouble getting back into the sight yesterday morning for sure.
Could to see you busy is good
After I figure it out I practiced to truly understand what I had to do in my WP site then here. I am now sure two ways I get in here 
My husband did tinker with my computer yesterday and result I was signed out. I tried this and that to get back in and by golly I finally figured it out
I could read, like the post, but not like comments or comment. I could not fully sign in – when I tried to log in – I got a black and white announcement that this page doesn’t exist or some such.
Yes this happens do not know why but maybe those evil cyber worms are busy disrupting.
If one does online / mail order shopping —
Looking through the catalogs usually delivered here, one notices the following:
many items have gone up between 15% – 33%;
shipping/handling charges have gone up, and the “lower limits” have been lowered (for example, what used to be $5.99 s/h charge for purchases under $20., is now $7.99 for purchases under $15.).
Amazon: if one does the “Subscribe and Save” option, one notices the following:
items that were formerly delivered per subscription without problems are now “delivery delayed”, “item no longer available”;
prices have gone up between 10% – 20%.
Walmart completely changed the app. They combined in store pick up with delivery and shipping. Its a mess. Ive got multiple items delayed and theyre shipping 1 item per box when they used to do multiple.
YouTube’s parent company, Google, is directly invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine.” This is why YouTube censors anything that threatens the rollout and future profits of COVID-19 gene modification therapies
Silicon Valley has been pushing to transform the health care system into a system based on telemedicine and personalized care through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Google is heavily involved in this movement
Google is also partnered directly with the U.S. military, which is increasingly working on a transhumanist agenda
DARPA is heavily invested in transhumanist technologies for the use in soldiers, including brain-machine interfaces and other even more extreme ideas. They recently teamed up with the Wellcome Trust to create something called “Wellcome Leap,” a movement to usher in transhumanism
Normally, there are very strict rules and regulations surrounding the testing and use of gene modification technology in humans. It’s only because they’re calling the COVID shots “vaccines” that they were able to get the EUA, which allows some standard safety regulations to be bypassed
This is terrifying.
Hospitals! These are crimes against humanity.
This is what Dr. “Fauci-Mengele” and RobberJoe’s handlers are likely planning for the United States once any of the “vaccines” are “fully approved” by the FDA — along with likely threatening the licenses of any MD, NP, or pharmacy that’s affiliated with AFLDS.
Theyre going to deny all of it. These other countries dont have guns and the people arent fighting back en masse. To end this the options which play by their rules wont work.
Saw this about websites going down an hour or so ago…
I’m seeing quite a number of tweets about this.
I think they’re installing controls, perhaps even to the point of deep-packet inspection.. and probably testing them (as opposed to what they do for stuff “for” us, they only test what benefits THEM)…..
Akamai is having issues, supposedly.
Issues with DNS. I wonder if DNSSEC still worked?
AWS and others, with ‘Orrible trumpeting the fact that they’ve been able to navigate right through it…
Larry, Larry, quite contrary,
How does your empire grow…
Don’t shoot the messenger buuuut I have seen a couple of whispery posts about a McAfee torrent of info, the dead man switch thing….I’m probably the least tech savvy person here so I have no clue
That’s what CodeMonkey said. The last time this happened was in October 2016 when there was a rumor about that Assange’s dead man switch had been activated.
Countdown is supposedly to end at 3 am. What time zone is a question, though.
We’ll see.
i absolutely want a flood of info from his files. Hope it happens
The Sigh-burr Polly Gone exercise was likely the test-run to roll this out.
IMO, of course …
I suspect that August will, in fact, be very HOT.
Morgoth likes the hot weather…
Buck Graver
(@BuckGraver) Tweeted:

I. Am. Dead. @oscarmayer out here throwing that shade.
Jeff Bezos… Wienernaut… on the good ship Phallus…
“Stay home. Mask up. Stand here. You’re non-essential. It was mostly peaceful. 81 million votes. It was an insurrection. You can’t share that, it’s misinformation. Get your jab, or else. We might have to lockdown again. Don’t make us punish you. Give up your guns.”
They’re evil.
This article coupled with the plot to kidnap Witchmer is damning. It’s very long but worth every minute it takes to read it.
starting Oathkeepers in 2009 makes it likely (to me) that there was an element of going after those types who would protest the AKA BHO usurpation on constitutional grounds of him not being a Natural Born Citizen, at least in the formation of this group…
That was a great read, thanks for sharing it!
Newsmax (@newsmax) Tweeted:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is considering naming Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., to her Jan. 6 select committee, CNN reported. https://t.co/qH1vsNF3qt
LOL. What a clown show.
Right !
“Hey, kid! You need PROTECTION!” said Nancy Gambino.
He’d be a fool to accept….like that’s not been previously demonstrated…..
Sounds good, MAFIA NAN.
Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com (@stillgray) Tweeted:
DOJ announces “strike forces” will be deployed across the country.
“Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco will unveil the five cross-jurisdictional strike forces during a visit to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Later on Thursday, Garland will travel to Chicago, one of the strike force cities.
The five key regions are: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay area and Sacramento Region, and Washington, D.C.
Led by U.S. attorneys in each of the areas, the prosecutors will work with ATF and state and local law enforcement to identify patterns, leads, and possible suspects in violent gun crimes.
The ATF is also going to embed strike force agents in with more than 45 local homicide units.”
Under President Trump this news would be time to celebrate. Under the regime currently installed in the WH..it sends only chills down my spine. When, even one time, have they been ethical or interested in law and order?
They’re not, and they lie about their intentions.
Exactly. Notice that the primary cities are COMMUNIST CITIES?
This is the sell of FEDERAL POLICING.
THEY are pushing.
THEY are pre-positioning.
THEY are afraid.
THEY know the election will be overturned.
THEY don’t want to give up power.
What do you wanna bet THEY are gonna do something so egregious that it will cause a general uproar.
Then THEY will attempt to quell it by selectively depriving Americans of their rights.
Doomed to fail.
All of the above AND again..inserting Fed authority where it isn’t supposed to be. Give some time and we’ll hear the reports of how inadequate the local depts are…they will “require ” a permanent Fed presence or possibly these blue cities will gratefully disband their agencies and welcome a Fed Police force
There was so much fighting going on in the thirties in Germany that many people welcomed Hitler who promised to bring law and order. He did send out his brown shirts and SS and everyone who did fallow orders got killed including all undesirables in their mind.
You are right it will come to a point where people in cities welcome Federal policing and personal oppression for living in peace they think.
Yeah, they’ve done a masterful job on liberals turning them into whiney scaredy cats as well as schizophrenic about authority. One minute they hate law enforcement but the next praising any LE that take down conservatives.
They’ve also been suckered into the idea of “community” based patrols. LOL…that means gangs or sharia . they’re very stupid
They control freaks.
Major Patriot
This is what greeted Biden after he left his town hall
remember when they were so shakey and scared of orangemanbad the dictator ?
There is some beautiful backfire on this.
Klobuchommie is a delirious F-up – I suspect this is more of her self-destruction.
eww..that sounds so white priviledgy…your poor black babies should be murdered because .. while my pampered kids grow up in wealth with every advantage money can buy
As a devout Catholic, she’s committing mortal sins.
Almost as it she’s channeling her Demonic master (mistress) Margaret Sanger…
Sort of like hitler youth but mo better
I was proud to stand alongside Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez this year as we reintroduced the Green New Deal and also brought forward our new Civilian Conservation Corps because that legislation is a pathway to new jobs in our country, union jobs for young people,” Sen. Ed Markey said during a press conference.
Recruits “can, through apprentice programs, not just have a job but have a career in fighting this climate crisis and a pathway for education, a pathway for them to pay off their student loans or go to college,” he added.
I love it!
It’s a way to reel in young people, indoctrinate them, and keep them in that mindset by giving them a career in it. Their influence would then multiply exponentially. We don’t need any organizations promoting and supporting the climate change hoax.
The training camp for propagandists
The next generation of communists.
I like Lindell’s trolling.
The data in the image behind Lindell for the announcement of the $5million reward at the Cyber Symposium yesterday, is actually from Maricopa county:

See also War Room today:
Rumble — Mike Lindell Has Replacement For Compromised Voting Machines
Mike Lindell Has Replacement For Compromised Voting Machines (rumble.com)
Amen. Watch the wine (Mike). If he goes into lockdown or maskville, he’s toast.
And one more from the Commander and Cheat.
By the way, that thing was hosted by Don Lemon? How sick is that?
So, it seems that Farceschmuck censored a post in a gardening group that mentioned a “push-pull hoe”. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/bryan-preston/2021/07/22/facebook-flags-the-name-of-a-gardening-tool-when-used-in-a-gardening-group-n1463887
Sometimes, the way forward is just too obvious.
They should take down that post and immediately issue the same post with “push-pull Kamala” instead.
omg…what is acceptable ? Long stick with metal scraper or is metal too hard and hurtful or scraper sounds painful ?
Was thinking about Weird Al’s “FAT” (parody of Michael Jackson’s “BAD”) where he yells out “HOE”… and steps on a hoe and gets whacked by it…
As one who has walked more floors than I care to count, just for this, the long dog hair would be worth it.
Golden Retrievers (looks like one to me) are one of my favorite dogs

This is not good.
At least this fire has an interesting soundtrack.
Not all suspicious blazes do, you know.
Who knew there were hills in Kansas. But if you are going to have one go up, that is a good place for it. I will be visiting a couple next week so I will see if I can get the inside scoop.
Prob weren’t before explosion
Just hoping it was not a crew doing some work. When I go to some of the gas pumping facilities I have to wear flame resistant clothing. I joked that if I was there and the place blew up they would not even find my dog tags if I was wearing them.
My dad worked for a subsidiary of Exxon. They sent a guy to do some hot work at a petroleum refinery (welding) ohs was everything was to be shut down . But of course someone didn’t get the memo.
When my dad went to visit the welder in hospital. He had 2 perfect unbroken rings of white un burnt skin around his eyes where the goggle were.
They said if he hadn’t been wearing a brand new overalls with no grease etc on them he would have been burnt to a crisp.
Hospitable for months.
Shell , who had been drama queens about my dad signing off that all his personnel knew the ohs rules, we’re left cripplingly embarrassed. And liable
Safety protocols these days are very strict. I may go to do a 30 minute job but spend an hour on safety briefings and preparation. Pain in the butt, but for the best.
Yes. My dad said he looked like a black and white minstrel. (Back in the day that was entertaining rather than racism)
China experienced something similar in the middle of their rain storm.
China is experiencing massive flooding. Plenty of things will be going bad there.
This is a lot of water. When I lived in Hong Kong as a kid, typhoon Rose came through. Like a foot of rain in a few hours. We lived on the island so the water just ran down to the harbor. Here they are saying there were thousands of cars caught.
Ccp dont care.
From Diana West, one of the FBI released emails indicates that a copy of Seth Rich’s DNC laptop was given to the SF FBI by Perkins Coie in May 2017.
By Perkins Coie… they seem to show up at the bottom of all the sewage, don’t they…..
We’re in a holding pattern with some things. Some countries are imposing vaccine passports, and I KNOW the Dems want that here. They are trying to make it normal to segregate people by vaccine status. Then the pressure mounts, the unvaxed are treated like outcasts, and living in society becomes impossible for them. The Left keeps pushing and pushing, while some governors are saying “no way.” But they keep pushing. Something’s gotta give. Our rights have to be protected.
It’s similar with the audits, which keep moving forward. But I know the Left is not going to accept any challenges and I don’t know what they’re going to do. I just know there will be something, and it won’t be good. And if election fraud is proven (AZ audit, Mike Lindell, etc.) and nothing is done, I can’t imagine what will happen, because that can’t stand.
Jabbed and un-jabbed future reminds me of that picture sometimes on OT called Utopia i think.
That reminds me of East Germany those in the communist party those who are not. Two group of people was created those with privilege shopping in fancy store where they had everything and the other stood in line. The commie kids could go to University the other could not. On and on it went.
Reminds me….I met a woman in the drugstore Sunday and got to chatting. Her father had been mayor of Potsdam. She came to the US as a refugee before the wall fell. She was basically going, “Socialism — feh!!”, but even more heartfelt. We were picking out vitamins, and along the way she confided that she was 77 — which was about 15 years older than I had previously thought.
She said, “I came from East Germany.” And I replied, “oh….what part?”
I don’t think many Americans react that way — she seemed surprised….and kept talking….
Nice you had a good conversation and so did she.
We like to talk and are open.
Until and unless they can get it to work in one of their big city bastions like NY, Chicago, Phily then it will never happen. But then again, I do not see the minority population playing ball either.
I hope you’re right. They’re going to ramp up the fear tactics if nothing else works.
I did not play ball most of the time during this thing. Had to for work. So there were times when I was in the store with no mask, and I was the only one, I felt like the lone ranger. Very confident if they try it again, I will not be alone.
Good on you for standing up to them!
These maskholes need to have it shoved back at them…
“COVID = digital vaccine passports = biometric ID = the end of freedom”
Not for me, not doin’ it, wouldn’t be prudent
See, I’m not even getting to the ‘digital vaccine passport’ phase, so whatever comes after that is not relevant.
It’s not relevant until you are banned from grocery stores because you don’t have the mark of the vaccine, your credit is not honored by companies because you have “violent” tendencies as a “patriot” (so no ordering online), no bank will deal with you for the same reason, no hospital will admit you, and no doctor will treat you. Very few people are that self-sufficient.
There is a way there always is
Yes. I don’t think it will get to that point because enough of us won’t let it, but we can’t be complacent.
I am pretty sure my local credit union will always be ok. And I never wore a mask to a grocery store here. The hospital, maybe they would not let me in. My doctor didn’t require a mask.
Places like New York or L.A., maybe. Out in the rural West, fuggeddaboutit.
A friend and I were laughing today thinking what would happen if they tried to go door-to-door here “pimping” vaccines.
They’ll be met at most doors by a grannie with a shotgun asking “are you a Revenoor?”
“It’s not relevant until you are banned from grocery stores because you don’t have the mark of the vaccine, your credit is not honored by companies because you have “violent” tendencies as a “patriot” (so no ordering online), no bank will deal with you for the same reason, no hospital will admit you, and no doctor will treat you. Very few people are that self-sufficient.”
No time to worry about all that now, I’m waitin’ on a military parade.
Should be comin’ by any minute now…

viva la Itailano!
They’re just doing Alpha- and Beta-testing for The Mark…
For the “god” they pray to is Satan… As above, so below…. do what thou willst…
And BillyGhoul Gates has been pushing for Global Unique Identifiers tying on PC to one INSTANCE of one OS and now, to ONE PERSON, for a long, long time…..
And if they have a GUID for everyone on the planet, they can do their own denial of service whenever and wherever they want…..
Let’s talk about the chan’s latest target: Dr. Brytney Cobia from Alabama.
Dr. Brytney Cobia made an over-the-top dramatic Facebook post about young unvaccinated patients dying in the hospital.
This got picked up by an Alabama news outlet and turned into vaccine propaganda:
‘I’m sorry, but it’s too late’: Alabama doctor on treating unvaccinated, dying COVID patients
Anons started digging. They discovered that:
1) CDC death info for Alabama doesn’t support Brytney’s claims.
2) Dr. Brytney Cobia was pregnant, and likely not around any COVID patients during the peak COVID wave in Alabama.

Dr. Brytney Cobia is a lying fraud. AL.com Alabama Local News are bunch of lying propagandists who didn’t bother to do a basic fact check. Shame on them all. Refuse the injection.
Her story is not even believable on its surface. I doubt that sick people would beg for a vaccine. Most people should know that even an effective vaccine would not help at that point. Otherwise, anyone who got COVID could just get the vaccine and get well. It’s all baloney.
And I don’t like the way she talks about her “death duties.” There’s something creepy about it.
Well, if Dr. Cobia practices medicine the way she produces screeds like that, one may wonder why she even has a medical gig.
When it comes to docs and lying, she ain’t alone.
Does he twerk when he werks???
Stupid SOB.
Very serious COMMON COLD problems.
He’s prostituted himself to the pimps of Big Pharma. Hookers are more honorable than him…
A Doc in the mold of Britney Spears… MK…
Back during peak covid I found the peeps here in Utah way to compliant. Probably was a morman thing. Today, was in Smith’s, local supermarket chain. Sign on the door says if you are not vaxxed you need to wear a mask. I saw just a couple of masks. So if vax compliance is say 50%, a lot of these mormans are being bad.
I think a lot of people identify as vexed.
And none of the signs address those who have natural immunity from having had the virus.
CDC has yet to acknowledge natural or herd immunity. Not a part of the agenda.
YES. The CDC “vaxxtards” even have almost all scientists bamboozled with the bad idea that vaccination is always superior to natural disease-conferred immunity.
Fog of War
Why are so many trying to enter a systematically racist country?
If asylum is a right, then so is colonization.
Insane asylum… starting with sleepy and creeper…
sooner or later we all sit down to a banquet of consequences
sucks to be you Rothschild. Enjoy the crow
for some reason the tweet didn’t show for me so here’s a copy of the text
See new Tweets

Free Thinking God worshipping Proud American
how awesome is this!! Whole lot of crow out there popcorn https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f37f.svgready
Quote Tweet
David Rothschild
· 16h
Of course Director Wray lied to protect Trump and Kavanaugh. And we should have an actual investigation into Kavanaugh. But can we also stop pretending that Wray is conducting a meaningful investigation into his patron’s insurrection against US? twitter.com/SenWhitehouse/…
Here’s the internal tweet:
See new Tweets
David Rothschild
Of course Director Wray lied to protect Trump and Kavanaugh. And we should have an actual investigation into Kavanaugh. But can we also stop pretending that Wray is conducting a meaningful investigation into his patron’s insurrection against US?
Quote Tweet
Sheldon Whitehouse
· 18h
So when Wray said they followed procedures, he meant the “procedure” of doing whatever Trump White House Counsel told them to do. That’s misleading as hell.
Show this thread
1:42 PM · Jul 22, 2021·TweetDeck
We love the catturd
She’s not quite as Charmin’ …..
230 xlarge. That’s gonna hurt
I don’t know why but your tweet didn’t show for me. The whole thread is interesting, especially if one is focusing on Ohio politicos like Wolf has done periodically…
This is how you drain the Swamp. You cut off the sources & flows of corrupt money into the Swamp. You don’t spearfish individual Swamp creatures. You dam the rivers & pick them up out of the mud when it dries out.
FirstEnergy admitting this, gave every FBI agent probable cause…
I’m a tech retard.
My son just shakes his head and asks why do you even try?
LOL! I’m not much better myself, but if I learn some type of technique I try to hold on to that at least. None of my stuff was being critical of you, just at one point telling you what I do that lets me see that tweet stuff on the Q-Tree, but it still may not show for others
I’m on an iPad.
You should see my son’s eye rolls
Dealing w/ tablets is an annoying backup plan around here for me; I’m a major tech dinosaur
Your shares are Awesome so don’t Ever Stop!!!
The grey zone warfare continues unabated
Shortages, they want shortages.
Economic collapse
This tweet didn’t show for me either. I don’t know how you share tweets but I highlight the entire thing for a copy/paste so people can at least see the text & then usually right click on the time posted or URL & copy the link address to paste here then stuff shows that I can see at least…hmmm
See new Tweets

Airbender The Wicked Skengman – Kinjeketililian
Someone is working very hard to knock out Ports @man_integrated
Quote Tweet
Chiedza Madzima
· 22h
Transnet, South Africa’s key rail, port and pipeline company, reportedly experienced a cyberattack today— South Africa’s port systems remain offline https://mybroadband.co.za/news/security/407048-transnet-hacked-south-africas-port-systems-offline.html… via @mybroadband
Here’s the internal tweet too:
Chiedza Madzima
Transnet, South Africa’s key rail, port and pipeline company, reportedly experienced a cyberattack today— South Africa’s port systems remain offline https://mybroadband.co.za/news/security/407048-transnet-hacked-south-africas-port-systems-offline.html… via @mybroadband
Transnet hacked — South Africa’s port systems offline
South Africa’s ports and other national logistics infrastructure has ground to a halt after a cyberattack on Transnet.mybroadband.co.za
My copies were too long and I was told I didn’t need to copy it all. Just the first bit.
Clearly I took too much off
No, no problem. I see most of the text & the link is there to go to twit world to see stuff…it’s OK
Hunter’s been on his lappie again stuffing his nose…..
In case others, like me, cannot see that…

See new Tweets

HUNTSMAN https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Jul 21
I regret to inform you that the Pentagon considers this a viable strategic approach in the western Pacific theater.
Quote Tweet
· Jul 21
I don’t know what’s going on there but a lot of the replies/comments on that tweet involve a K-pop group that might be called Pentagon???
Then there’s this concerning item!
Ms. Mack
The Pentagon surrenders Norfolk Naval Base to NATO!!!!! What?! @Johnheretohelp
Quote Tweet
Harry the Greek
· Jul 21
NATO replaced the Pentagon on Friday https://patreon.com/posts/nato-replaced-on-53971487?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare
Thank you for fixing things for me.
Just wondering where the red pen is. As in this is NOT the correct way to do this.F-
LOL. Honestly I’m just lazy & hope to see Enough at the Q-Tree to not have to click on more links (I still have a “zillion” tabs open)
More biblical pain weather wise for china
I think God may be trying to take China off the board.
The over / under odds say not this year
( without an assist)- ie Rod from god
“First-line interview” Zhengzhou road hundreds of collapses, people panic | Heavy rain | The ground collapsed | Floods | The Great Age (epochtimes.com)
“First-line interview” Zhengzhou road hundreds of collapses, people panic
At least hundreds of collapses have occurred on the road surface of Zhengzhou, where the floodwaters have receded. Local water and power outages, vegetable markets, supermarkets appear to rush to buy, a large number of people living in difficult circumstances. (Provided by interviewee)
July 21, 2021 (Daji reporter Hong Ning, Li Yun interview report) in recent days, Henan has encountered heavy rainfall, resulting in Zhengzhou Changzhuang reservoir on July 20, the flood raging, traffic paralysis, heavy casualties. At least hundreds of collapses have occurred on Zhengzhou’s roads after the floodwaters receded. Local water and power outages, vegetable markets, supermarkets appear to rush to buy, a large number of people living in difficult circumstances, people panic.
Reservoir spills Floods, floods, deaths and injuries
Comprehensive land media reported that on July 20, Henan Province suffered a wide range of record heavy rainfall, heavy rain red warning, Zhengzhou City flood prevention emergency response was upgraded to Level I. Almost all rivers have skyrocketed, and at least 17 large and medium-sized reservoirs have exceeded their limits.
Under the water level surge, Zhengzhou Zhongmou Changzhuang reservoir full flood, flood irrigation subway, the entire subway station into a river, Line 5 has trains trapped in the tunnel, water-filled carriages, dead and injured. Trains passing through Zhengzhou were suspended. Even in front of Shaolin Temple in Lushan, floodwaters were visible, with vehicles, debris and bodies washed away by the mudslide.
So far, Zhengzhou authorities have announced dozens of casualties. Online, a large number of drowned people video, the subway station can also see the body of the dead.
There was a large-scale collapse on the ground when the flood was ragingOn July 21, Zhao Ming (pseudonym), a resident of a small area of Zhengzhou, told a reporter in Daji, “My colleague said that one or two hundred people died yesterday, and not only 15 people died in the carriage.” ”
“The flood washed a lot of ground collapsed, the ground is empty, I personally think the urban collapse is so serious, may be the road hardening, rain, drainage system can not keep up, coupled with Zhengzhou’s terrain, west low east high, water are flowing low place, of course, the most important thing is that the drainage system can not keep up.” Zhao Ming said.
Early in the morning of July 21, he went out to snap up items, in a section of about 200 meters, frequently saw the road collapse, “such a large amount of water, slowly take the soil away hanging, once the collapse of this is the most dangerous.” ”
According to local radio reports on the afternoon of the 21st, so far, Zhengzhou Jinshui District alone, there have been 170 road collapses, 146 trees fell, 26 walls collapsed.
Zhengzhou Nanyang Road Street found a total of 16 road collapses, 7 wall collapses, 4 culverts of water serious, temple slope six Litun site pit upside down irrigation tower hanging tilt, railway along the slope collapsed about 40 meters.
Zhao Ming said that zhengzhou such a serious disaster is caused by the reservoir flood, “several reservoirs at the same time in the flood, the news said that parts of the Yellow River levee also appeared to burst the embankment, said blocked seven, but did not block them (the government) did not say.” ”
Power communications are broken and people are panicking
Under the flood, many people in the local people are in trouble. Zhao Ming said that from this morning, many restaurants have been closed water and power outages, goods can not come in. Vegetable market, supermarket things can not be replenished, vegetables are basically gone, wholesale market can not go past, vegetable market is also basically out of stock.
“Snatching things, can only have what to grab, my family has material reserves, but water can not store too much.”
“The public is a little panicked now, ” says Mr Zhao. Breakfast is already very tense, many people line up to buy food. ”
At the same time, there are also widespread power outages and communications in the city.
Zhao Ming said: “My home telecommunications operator network is broken, mobile phones and wifi can not be used, but I have another mobile communication network can be used.” ”
In addition to Zhengzhou, Henan Gongyi, Zhangzhou, Luoyang and other places have also appeared floods, the victims of a large number of requests for help everywhere. But the post was censored online, and some were deleted.
Reporters also repeatedly call Zhengzhou publicly released the need to rescue the people’s phone, but can not be connected.
On July 21, Henan flood control press conference announced: According to incomplete statistics, this round of heavy rainfall has caused the province’s 89 counties (cities, districts) 560 townships more than 1.24 million people affected, Zhengzhou City due to extreme rains caused 25 deaths and 7 people lost connection.
Because the official media of the Communist Party of China has always concealed the truth, the real disaster is not known to the outside world.
Qin Peng Live: Zhengzhou artificial flood? Thousands of cars were flooded in the Beijing-Guangzhou Tunnel | Zhengzhou flood | The Chinese Communist Party hacked the | The Beijing-Guangzhou Tunnel is flooded | The Great Age (epochtimes.com)
A Current Affair: Zhengzhou is now the death tunnel floods washed away the xijia military road | Zhengzhou Jingguang Road | Flood | Virus traceability | The Great Age (epochtimes.com)
Zhengzhou floods The world’s largest iPhone production has attracted attention | Foxconn | Apple | The Great Age (epochtimes.com)
July 22, 2021 (Daiji reporter Zhang Yujie comprehensive report) Foxconn, Nissan Motor and other well-known foreign-funded enterprises in Zhengzhou has factories, especially Foxconn Zhengzhou plant, is the iPhone in the world’s largest production base. After the floods in Zhengzhou, Foxconn’s public statement did not mention the suspension of production, but the media revealed that its Zhengzhou plant was forced to stop work, Nissan Zhengzhou plant was temporarily discontinued.
Foxconn has three plants in Zhengzhou, namely, the airport plant, the open area, Zhongmou County plant. Foxconn’s Zhengzhou plant has more than 90 iPhone production lines, employs about 350,000 workers and accounts for about half of the world’s iPhone production.
Foxconn told China’s 21st Century Economic Report on the evening of July 20: “The current operation is normal, will continue to pay attention to the situation.” ”
“In view of the water situation in Zhengzhou, the Group has launched a response mechanism in the first place to protect colleagues as the primary principle, and continue to do a good job in employee care and safe production,” Foxconn told reporters on the 21st. At present, Zhengzhou Park personnel safety, the Group will adjust operations according to changes in water conditions. ”
Daji reporter 22 call Foxconn Zhengzhou factory, the other side did not answer the line is broken, the reporter called Foxconn Shenzhen factory, the other side said that it is not clear about Zhengzhou, suggested to call later.
Foxconn Zhongmou plant 1800 people stranded for a time no water, no electricity and no food
Zhengzhou Economic Radio reported on July 22nd that foxconn Zhongmou County plant at one time stranded more than 1,800 employees, 700 workers stranded for more than 24 hours, no water, no electricity and no food.
Phoenix Weekly’s “Phoenix WEEKLY Finance” reported on the 22nd, 22 noon out of the trapped a Zhongmou factory workers said that a large number of workers from the evening of July 20 was forced to stay in the factory, and moved to higher floors, during the detention of water and electricity, food is limited.
As of 2 p.m. on the 222st, 400 people had not been able to leave the factory, and the signal was still interrupted and trapped workers could not be contacted. Around 5 p.m., the stranded workers were largely free and began to return home.
The report said that Foxconn Zhongmou County plant since July 21 temporarily stopped production, as of 5 p.m. on the 22nd is still in a state of shutdown, follow-up recovery time waiting for notice.
Foxconn’s largest factory in Zhengzhou, the airport site, some workers stopped work on July 21, some on the first floor of the workshop into the water, some workshop due to failure power failure.
Analysis: iPhone production will be severely affected Foxconn or consider spreading risk
In an interview with Radio Free Asia, the financial scholar said the Zhengzhou floods would have a serious impact on Apple’s handset production, and he expected Foxconn to reconsider its production base to spread the risk.
“Floods can cause a lot of workers to commute (difficult), workers can’t get back to work, iPhone assembly is labor-intensive, and flooding will cause serious disruption to the assembly process,” he said. Global availability of the iPhone over the next three months is likely to be affected by a shortage of production. ”
“Foxconn may be looking for alternative iPhone assembly sites, such as India, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines, where flooding is unlikely to occur at the same time as China.” The commander said.
Nissan’s Zhengzhou plant was also forced to suspend production
Nissan Motor Co., another big foreign investor in Zhengzhou, was also hit hard by the floods. Nissan’s China chief said the company’s production base in Zhengzhou was temporarily shut down and other conditions were being verified with the joint venture.
China in a world of hurt.
The alpha and omega of China is they cannot feed their population. Blockade them and they are fucked.
Add that fact to the flooding in their main agricultural areas , African swine flu, some chicken disease I can’t remember the name of.and the extreme port congestion and they are almost in war level dire staits
This is truly tragic for the people. Would be amazing if they turned to the real God & not the false “god” of communism…
Over the cops dead bodies.
Actually it would be carnage on both sides.
A death match
Yikes! God help us all!!!
Yes. Some dams are going and road crops etc are being destroyed. There may come a pint where access is limited to chopper. So the peasants will starve
Prob more than they admitting to.
But sucko there’s google earth
Another Black Rifle Coffee?
I think most are in a wait and see approach.
The owner does talk a great game though.
Jury is mostly out.
OMG – AKBAR involvement is the pits. It’s a SCAM.
Peter Navarro
Please pass this on to everyone you can. The forced vaccination of our children and those already infected by the virus from China is morally repugnant and bad science.
I think it’s worse than that. I think it’s a violation of our Constitution and basic human rights, and that it’s criminal.
il Donaldo Trumpo
Joe Biden and his fake administration can shove all future masks up their buttos… NEVER AGAIN!!!
I am looking forward to speaking at Turning Point Action on Saturday afternoon, in the Great State of Arizona, at the Arizona Federal Theatre. We will be broadcasting at approximately 6:00PM EST. Big crowd, see you there!
Exclusive Audio: Listen to January 6 Detainees Sing the National Anthem
By Julie Kelly
July 18, 2021
“Every night at 9 p.m., according to a relative of one of the detainees, they sing the national anthem. This is a way to keep spirits up among men who have been in jail for months and may not have their day in court until sometime next year.”
(link to article with audio file):
I got a lump in my throat……
They are political prisoners . They know what to do when captured. Who would have thought that Americans be captured by Americans and held prisoners. I wonder if they starve them? They hold one maybe more in isolation without clothe. They who are doing it are criminals.
They do it all. Certainly taint the food or spill it.
This is almost too much to bear…
We have to bear it, its the absolute least we can do.
It would be important in POTUS interviews or rally if he has one to play that or talk about it poignantly.
Theyre all patriots and they are slowly being tortured.
I know we do. I didn’t really want to listen, but I did and cried for them. We must witness.
What is happening is so wrong on so many levels it just boggles the mins.
We must. We must.
Uh huh. How long before the viruses “escape” into the population?
I looked this up. It’s legit.
Is the ice cream a mood enhancer? I wouldn’t think it would help the actual condition of dementia. (If the ice cream is a mood enhancer for dementia patients, what does that say about the rest of us?)

Most people had ice cream as children and its an easy to swallow somewhat preoccupying food. Its just a harmless pleasant thing to keep them busy.
I see. It is also a pleasant thing to keep me busy!

Sugary foods hit the same dopamine sensors in the brain that coke and heroin hit. So, ice cream may just light up the brain a bit for the dementia folks.
I think alzheimers, dementia all related to high carb diets. Would go full on keto myself and feed ketones to my brain. Effective for treating epilepsy, another brain disorder.
Thanks. High-carb is the mother of a lot of ills.
CodeMonkeyZ has been posting on Telegram about how election data could have been captured. All of the following consists of his posts. https://t.me/s/codemonkeyz
Mike Lindell’s PCAPs are very important and might be absolute proof of a cyber operation that targeted the election.
I say “might” because PCAPs are a very specific thing and would need to be proven with analysis before we know for sure.
PCAP is an abbreviation for “Packet Capture”.
Data travels over the internet in packets that can be easily intercepted with specifically designed software or hardware.
Packets are relayed over many nodes and jumps between the origin and the recipient.
Any of these relays or networks in between are able to capture packets which pass through.
Just having 100 Gorillabytes of packet captures means nothing on its own since packets are being sent constantly back and forth over the internet.
The fact that you are able to read this message means you are receiving packets in real time.
Since packets are sent back and forth constantly with any amount of jumps or networks in between, anybody along the route could theoretically capture the packets holding your online banking password and steal your money.
Now why isn’t everyone’s online bank account getting hacked every day by people who get the smart idea to run packet capturing software?
TLS, or Transfer Layer Security, encrypts your data before sending it over the network.
If anybody captures your packets while youre using TLS, then they just see a garbled mess.
Only the recipient and sender of the packet will know what the packet contains if TLS is used.
Now let’s think for a second about Mike Lindell’s PCAPs.
If Mike Lindell has PCAPs that prove there was a cyber operation that targeted the election networks, then first we need to think about how he got the PCAPs.
If we assume TLS was enabled, then Mike Lindell would only be able to get intelligible PCAPs if the person logging the packets was either the sender, receiver, or cracked the encryption of the packets.
If Mike’s team was able to crack TLS then we will have a major problem for anybody who uses the internet.
There are man-in-the-middle techniques which could grab packets thought to be end-to-end encrypted but very few groups are in position to do so. (see: nsa, cloudflare, etc).
Now let’s assume that the sender/receiver of the packets didn’t use TLS.
If Mike’s team was able to run the packet capturing mechanism somewhere along the network routes that the election data took, and TLS was not enabled, then we can essentially conclude that
He. Has. It. All.
The barrier to entry to use TLS is very low. It takes but a minute to enable on a server or software, and takes seconds as an end-user (https is TLS, http isnt).
If election management software sent packets over the internet without at least enabling TLS, then that indicates that they are careless at implementing security at the least, and might even be potentially malicious.
I have not seen Mike Lindells PCAPs and don’t know the circumstances and data he has, but this could potentially be HUGEif he is able to verify and properly analyze what happened on the networks on election night.
Forwarded from
Kathy Dannenberg
Packets consist of two portions: the header and the payload. The header contains information about the packet, such as its origin and destination IP addresses (an IP address is like a computer’s mailing address). The payload is the actual data
He got the thing about HTTP not using TLS wrong. Most modern HTTP web traffic uses TLS.
When one goes to a site that is http, not https, and it says it is not secure, is that an indication of whether it uses TLS, or not?
Browsers can say a site is insecure for a variety of reasons — Google blacklists some, so Chrome says they’re bad no matter what security they use. And that can vary by different browsers.
As far as TLS goes, this should be completely clear as mud: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security
When it comes to HTTPS, you’re really looking for a certificate, which is somewhat more clearly explained at https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ssl/what-is-an-ssl-certificate/ .
Thank you. I hope the scenario of Lindell having it all holds true, where they were not using TLS for that particular operation (stealing the 2020 elections). Q says “we have it all,” and maybe that is how. Or maybe there is some other way.
You don’t use TLS when your tap into the datastream is at the source or destination computer. If they had tapped the Dominion computers at Dominion…..
On Telegram, Lin Wood is directing people to Sidney Powell’s website for legal information about dealing with efforts to force people to take the vaccine. Her website:
And then there is this section…
…with TONS of information following.
Cnns new legal analyst
Ohio. Dirty af
China falling into the pit