Taking a short break from the camels on hump day to point out that the bots this week only have one script, and, well, even my dog Ying noticed.

This one can be repeated all they want. It will never become truth.

It’s always my fault, so I’m not really offended, but still….
Oh, the irony.
Something like that.

It’s up to us to stay strong in this war which is, frankly, exhausting.

There has to be a way…..

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

EXODUS 34:29-35
29When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two tables of the testimony in his hand as he came down from the mountain, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. 30And when Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him. 31But Moses called to them; and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned to him, and Moses talked with them. 32And afterward all the people of Israel came near, and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in Mount Sinai. 33And when Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a veil on his face; 34but whenever Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him, he took the veil off, until he came out; and when he came out, and told the people of Israel what he was commanded, 35the people of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone; and Moses would put the veil upon his face again, until he went in to speak with him.
“Our task is not one of producing persuasive propaganda; Christianity shows its greatness when it is hated by the world.” –St. Ignatius of Antioch
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Wolf Moon
July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.
I suspect we struck a nerve.
A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
This tickled me.
He could be onto something.
From OT:
President Trump Releases Statement on New COVID Compliance Dictates: “We Won’t Go Back”July 27, 2021
SD: “Karl Denninger has a strong op-ed arguing that We The People can ruin them through non-compliance over tyranny {Read Here}. If only 10 to 20% of the U.S. workforce refuses to be compliant to these unconstitutional dictates, we can collapse the system. We are the workers, the producers, the productive people in this nation that make all other aspects of civil society function.”
Sounds like an interesting idea…
Sounds familiar…where have I heard that before?
The problem is, they don’t care. COVID lockdowns already ruined tons of businesses. Right now, people staying on unemployment and not returning to work is ruining a lot of businesses. I don’t think they care if our whole society collapses. It sure looks like they are doing everything to make that happen.
“I don’t think they care if our whole society collapses. It sure looks like they are doing everything to make that happen.”
I think they are trying to collapse society.
And they don’t care about businesses surviving.
But they definitely don’t want to lose control of the collapsed society.
If the consent of the governed is withdrawn in any significant way, or even in any significantly symbolic way, they lose control.
If they say “jump”, and the People just walk away instead of saying “How high?”, it’s all over. Once the illusion of authority is broken, they’re done.
Nobody will obey anything they say after that.
Yes – agreed.
Yes, what Denninger is saying is that we have to be non-compliant on FIRINGS – but trust me – when THAT happens, they will NOT push it, because it is self-destructive.
We have to find MORE WAYS to hurt them when they try to force us to vaccinate, or frankly anything else they try.
But true resistance starts NOW.
We’re standing up to CHINA. It has to be as HARD as needed.
Both you and Scott are making a GREAT POINT.
BOTH of you are correct – and here is why.
They STOLE the general strike and deployed it against US.
They essentially STOLE the “general strike” idea. It’s cunning! They pay people not to work, while they OVERWORK US.
What WE have to do is make sure that whatever ensues HURTS THEM.
This will require some thought.
What has to happen is, the people who keep the idiots who vote Democrat alive in the big socialist hellholes, aka cities, need to strike.
By that I mean the TRUCKERS.
If the truckers quit, the cities fall apart fast. The Democrats own pretty much all the big cities.
Also, people who keep the big government entities operating need to strike. How will they operate if the productive ones just don’t show up?
And I also think it will work when the rest of us do it, too, just in a different way. A “general collapse” of society will force many things to happen, all at once.
Whatever happens, I believe BIG CHANGE is on the way. President Trump has just thrown down the gauntlet. WE WON’T GO BACK.
Do not count if trucker quit all falls apart.
Communists work this way , trucker strike military will fill in and truckers become the enemy of the state because they endangered the common good. We need to start to think like communists to beat them at their own game.
Ooooh, that’s sly. Thanks for the insight.
Always think like the enemy. Sad think is you have to think twisted.
We cannot give them an excuse to militarize the country.
By the way did you listen today to Bannon ? Scary stuff if he is right.
Military can’t muster up enough truck drivers that can drive big rigs.
The People can solve this by NOT supporting, playing along with BiteMe’s tyrannical regime.
Good to know. I forget how big this country is compared to the used to be DDR.
The size of the USA is a plus in many ways.
Yes it does.
Any tricks learned in Europe just plain don’t work with a country as large and as populated as the USA. The massive importation of invaders is explained by what they are trying to overcome with our country’s size.
Also, the mention of their stated tactic of burning out the folks outside of the cities is something to remember. They need to manage our size and our distribution.
Truckers are the backbone. When the Trump economy roared to life there was no way to meet the demand for truckers. God bless our truckers!
Yes God Bless our truckers and all who make this country work
President Trump throwing down the gauntlet made me think of this one

Good one!
Just say no. The Nuremberg Code supports you. http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/nuremberg/
I got an error
Sorry, it is broken for me too now. I can’t edit that post but see there are a couple of stray weird characters (%C2%A0) at the end. This should work, or I hope so: http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/nuremberg/
Thank you
Somebody reads here! Scott, you have an admirer!
Well, another one
Refusing the injection IS the only answer to the injections.
“Refusing the injection IS the only answer to the injections.”
It’s the answer that keeps working for me

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: “The Time for Voluntary Vaccines is Over, It’s Time for Mandates”
July 27, 2021
Look you jackwagon, you can’t just decree unisex dating rules.
These people are maroons…
I saw that tweet on a totally unrelated website; I didn’t realize it was a new bumpersticker being mass produced.
which one?
The one shown in the post picture, about how the hospitals are being crushed and all the patients are unvaxxed and wished they were vaxxed.
As I said I didn’t realize until this post that it was part of an organized campaign.
Yes, someone here posted some tweets, like a dozen, w/ basically the exact wording from multiple (bot?) twitter feeds–super suspicious!
It’s probably because I’m trying to leave my own “blue” state (I’m not convinced my state is organically blue, but it’s certainly run by tyrants), but something about this cartoon has bugged me since I first saw it months ago. It’s long past time to stop assuming that blue states are in bad shape solely because of “voting habits.” No, the blue states are bad because the cabal controls the vote counts and installs their puppets to ruin them. A lot of us living here did NOT vote for this crap. Our votes were STOLEN, and they’ve probably been stolen for many years. That’s why we’re getting the hell out. There is no fixing this through voting, running for office, and general civic participation as long as the Enemy is counting the votes. There’s only so much you can do to fight it before deciding that it’s time to make a tactical retreat.

Thank you. My state has been blue since they switched to mail in voting only years ago. And we all know what that means.
I don’t how people can keep using the “they voted for this” argument after all of the systemic fraud we witnessed last year. I’m not accusing anyone here of it, but I definitely hear this kind of snark elsewhere from people who should know better. It’s time to drop the assumption that blue anything is that way because of “voting habits.” No, that’s an excuse used to deflect rightful blame from the election thieves and their traitorous puppets. Even the deepest blue cities might be more moderate and sane if the people were allowed to have fair elections.
Sorry, not giving a pass to the sheeple who DO vote for this crap (like some of my own family members).
Face it…there are places where they don’t need to commit election fraud.
Take DC, Detroit, Chicago, etc.
I disagree. While I doubt places like San Francisco will ever turn red, I also doubt that the majority there voted for legalized shoplifting and open sewers. The Enemy makes sure to weed out any sane D challengers in the primary. Saw it happen in my own D area this spring. Yard signs, visible support, and neighborhood sentiment supported the moderate candidate in the primary, but, like November 2020, the official numbers for my neighborhood did not match reality.
YUP. Once the commies control the elections, they believe it’s GOOD to steal elections.
We are at that stage in the U.S.
Buckle up. Q was right.
It’s all about control.
Yes !
What was that saying?
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.” – Josef Stalin
Yes Stalin proven right.
When tyrants gain control the voter means nothing only the people who count to keep them in control.
All those traitors who counted in 2020 are responsible that we have a tyrannic regime in the WH. Wonder what they were promised? Paradise from the Devil?
We don’t get a primary here in CA. The incumbent D is listed at the top of the ballot and then there are about 30 other candidates listed, most unknown (who claim to be R’s) – the splitter strategy to confuse the voters.
The winner is the one who gets the majority of votes.
Don’t kid yourself. The cities are the places with the worst voter fraud.
The cities are in a perfect position to see the horrific consequences of mainline Progressive idiocy — they certainly wouldn’t want more of it.
They are no longer mainline calling them that is to generous
Detroit is interesting & the city itself (not–necessarily–the Metro area) is highly corrupt as far as the voting situation goes. The latest Detroit Police Chief, black man, is exploring running for gov in Michigan as a Republican. He was a common-sense cop who was about law & order & spoke publicly about the people’s need to be able to defend themselves, especially in the City, where police response times are still horrendous.
In the 2020 election one of the Detroit area communities had an Antrim County like fraud reversed where the declared winner, the Dem, was found upon a legit recount to have actually lost, w/ the R winning.
Also, if the Actual 2020 votes in Michigan are ever shown it is certain that Trump won & nearly as certain that John James, black republican, actually won his Senate race. Likely JJ & DJT got Many votes out of Detroit, not necessarily enough to win in the city proper but if the real data comes out it would be very interesting & instructive…
Agree Valerie…
Which is why we will need audits everywhere, and perhaps new elections? I’m confident James won.
I believe so & I personally feel robbed. If that “fraud vitiates everything” clause applies I wonder how far back we might go to “erase” all the unconstitutional tyranny being done do us here (& abroad). Not counting on eunuchs to act like apex warriors though
DC…. most peeps work for the gov’t, want to keep the DIMs in to save their jobs. Silly excuse, as GOP would never sweep with a clean broom even if they could, and in most instances, they can’t. Solution to this is to move a good many agencies out of D.C. and maybe the TOO HIGH rental properties would decrease…
Big DIM cities? Filled with illegals who are given IDs by DIMs… while citizens can’t get their trash picked up or find jobs… and the drugs are poured in ……… Scott Presler’s forays into Baltimore etc. exposed that.
I agree about the peeps (family members)…
My daughter is adopted… grandchildren, esp. the grandson living with me claims “you dodged a bullet Grandma” when speaking of my gene pool…!
Perhaps you dodged one also FG&C …?
DC crouwed might change its mind with the mandatory jab?
Same in CT they do not need to cheat have family there.
-I hear that argument a lot, “they voted for it” and I feel the same way,Sadie. HOW in heaven’s name can people think that after watching the election be stolen???? It is now obvious that we ARE NOT voting for this crap.
Perhaps even those of us who are awake still haven’t quite internalized what they are doing and have been doing to our elections for who knows how long? Like Linda, in my state I know it dates back to just before the mail in ballots.
Texas is going purple because they have been doing the same thing they did to take over any other state.
They start cheating in the big cities and state capitols and install the communists. Then they infect their districts by hiring more communists, and they work their in and out of local and state elections until they are in control of everything.
A common tactic in Texas and elsewhere is to have communists run as Republicans. If you wonder why RINOs rule in your county or state, it is because they are communists (the old school word is Democrats) wrapped in the flag.
The voters are helpless against the state political machine. They look to them for help but what they get is shrugs and platitudes because the UniParty is in charge.
Knowing what I now know, I would never blame the voters for the condition of their state.
That said, the fact we are on to them now gives us the power to overcome them.
Thank God for election reform. The audits must continue and go into all 50 states.
I agree. Things are going to come to a confrontation. I’m OK with that.
It remains to be seen how they are going to stop it. Probably something catastrophic. They aren’t going to be able to fight a 50-front war.
Here’s one way to think.
If the ChiComs release any more scariants, it’s to protect these TRAITORS – so BLAME THE TRAITORS.
Love it! Hilarious!
That is a good one. I think you figured them out
“Justify” mass mail voting, drop boxes… The 2020 scam spreads across more states.
Our success is not depending only on our own wisdom and strength.
One time I had been traveling and not eaten for the day as I stopped at the hotel I was staying I was hungry .
It was late and dark and since I traveled alone did not feel comfortable wandering out into the parking lot to find a restaurant . I was hungry and John 6:35 came to mind. I repeated the verse and my hunger stopped instantly. Needles to say I was speechless and in wonder what just happened. Even though I am a Christian these Christ evens keep me at awe every time.
Thank you. I needed that Scripture.
Beautiful story–thanks for sharing!!!
As I commented many months ago after reading the book on Chernobyl: some EVENT is required to remove even the most parasitic, corrupt, lying and evil governments. The Russian people fully understood their government was parasitic, corrupt, lying and evil, but it took Chernobyl to galvanize the population. After Chernobyl, the population felt empowered to defy the government at every level.
Likewise, the French people knew that the monarchy and aristocracy were parasitic, corrupt, lying and evil, but it took a months long drought, followed by widespread famine, followed by an abnormally bitter cold and freezing winter, and mass starvation, to spark the revolution.
We call the parasites The Powers That Be, the Globalists, the Deep State, etc, etc. All good and true, whoever they are. Some we know, others are hidden, but they are all parasites.
Years ago I suggested that we call them the Parasite Party, because they are feeding off of us, using us, manipulating us, degrading our lives, all with sadistic pleasure. That suggestion never took off (obviously). But it rings true (to me, anyway). Uniparty etc is too polite and clinical.
But some event needs to happen to get these parasites out of our system, to galvanize the population. Elections are NOT that event.
The CLOT SHOT is it.
The dam is breaking.
Perhaps. ATM it seems too many “normal” people accept the government propaganda as sacred truth.
Then we need to make them uncomfortable by sharing the truth, even if they hate us for it.
I don’t think so… wrt CLOT SHOT… that’s aimed at depopulation and compliance…
I think it will be something peeps can’t help but SEE… hope I’m wrong, but I believe it’s what they planned if Hil de beast got in… nuke… sure hope I’m wrong.
Well, in a way, the election of Donald Trump was their black swan event. It caused their exposure, from top to bottom.
All that has since transpired is their attempts to preserve themselves and their plans.
On a hurry-up schedule, risking massive visibility (not their wish!) at the attendant backlash on a BIBLICAL scale.
IMO, HRC was *never* going to win – Plan Z would have been initiated.
One must be SHOWN, not “told”.
We’re headied in the right direction!
Would that our victory could have been achieved another way … but such is our lot. Too many have / had fallen asleep – deeply asleep.
But I’m a light sleeper! (As are most participating here …)
They’re grasping at straws, and know that they’re losing, but they are committed.
They WILL be committed, too – but not in the way they wish!
VERY glad you’re here, G-ma!
Yes. It is hard to not buckle under the strain of what has been and is being revealed, but the worse it gets the more convinced I am that there has been a plan to defeat them coming right along.
They are losing. I imagine the amount of people willing to make deals is going to rise exponentially soon.
That they are reliant on Fauci to keep things together, that they have an addled pedophile as *pResident, that the rapaciousness of Big Pharma is exposed for all to see, and that China is ready to start a kinetic war is simply apocalyptic.
And I’m glad you’re here!
“Years ago I suggested that we call them the Parasite Party, because they are feeding off of us, using us, manipulating us, degrading our lives, all with sadistic pleasure.”
Sounds like you’re describing Vampires.
And we are all in on it.
Bannon was interviewing Dave Clements this week and the number of people joining the state audit Telegram chats is blowing up.
If you ever get a chance to see that Russ Ramsland, iirc, video, about an hour long, where he describes the electoral fraud his team uncovered in 2 Texas counties in the 2018 election it’s worth the time. It is very informative & reveals how the cheating, especially in Red areas, is/was done. This was likely a significant part of what also happened in 2020, where the vote stealing in Red areas bolsters the dem candidate but leaves areas that are known to be rep as thin rep controls. If they keep doing this to greater degrees in successive elections it gives the Appearance of Blue Creep, but how much of that is Actual versus Artificially Created via their myriad fraud tactics?
Yes, I’ve seen it. Riveting. Texas definitely needs auditing.
Probably the whole nation. Dems are salivating for TX like they did in turning CA (if going blue was fraudulently achieved) because of how many electoral votes you have. & opening the borders even wider if they controlled the whole state…
100% perfect description of what has happened over the years. The “RINOS” were pure fake, total communist. All those years so many were puzzled by the circumstances because they believed the circumstances were on the up and up.
One of the bitterest ironies is how the communists ALWAYS took care to ensure comfortable and bounteous lives for themselves and their children, paid for by us, as they slowly worked to destroy us.
Yes. The communists made us hate the other party, when all along it was really One. They played us but good.
Now I see why PT tries very hard to include all Americans in MAGA. He knows we were taught to hate and fear each other.
Yes. And just a personal opinion, but the racial hatred fomented by the communists is particularly galling and despicable, especially when you keep in mind well things were going pre-BO.
Oh yes. It’s infuriating.
Yes, Tona!
The STENCH is unbearable!
(IIRC, his “children” were reported to have said just this about him …)
EXACTLY! You’ve said what always BUGGED ME. There is NO WAY that Oregon got that weird that fast. NO WAY.
Same with Colorado.
Even California was very suspicious — passing prop 187 in 1994 (banning taxpayer funded benefits for illegal aliens) and having everything washed away by a fake backwash?
Add Virginia to the list. I do not believe Virginia organically turned that blue as quickly as it did.
Virginia is now a mixture of these:
People from Blue states moving there “because the weather’s nicer”; “the taxes are lower” (compared to CA and NY — but Virginia taxes are steadily going up under DemCommunist control); “it’s a nice area to retire to”; plus
Soros / DNC / Cabal $$$$ flooding elections, from School Board on up to Governor; plus
Steady erosion of quality, conservative-values instruction (“Thomas Jefferson-style thinking”) in the public schools; plus
Steady movement of “longtimer” Virginia families moving from the countryside into DemCommunist-run cities.
You are correct — Virginia did not “organically” turn DemCommunist overnight. It was “hot-housed” along over the past decade or so.
& some parts of VA are DC bedroom communities, so there’s also that
And, add NV.
NV’s entire election process IS corrupt from A to Z, 100% BY D-RAT design.
You’re kidding Linda… mail in ONLY!
How did that pass? Or did someone DECIDE that?
I do agree with this.
I also believe that the Demon Rat Party was/is a minority party for a long, long time.
The assumption that they are not, skews every poll including Rasmussens.
Think of it:
Why is the real election outcome 80-68 million for Trump, even after COVID made it possible for far more people, then usual, to vote by mail? (These are Lindell’s numbers after analyzing the PCAP electronic election data)
Yeah the DemiComs are like the kid stealing cookies out of the cookie jar. Take one or two extra Mom’s like hmmmmm, take three or four she’s like okay your busted.
They got to greedy to quickly when PDJT won election.
It’s been in the works for years for sure. It took PDJT to show everyone what the HELL is going on.
And “We’re not going to take it anymore “
As the Marxist said. It’s not who folks vote for that matters. It IS WHO counts the votes.
^^^ America’s voting system mimics this. ^^^
Woke up just now couldn’t get back to sleep, flicked the radio on.
half way through some news program about the 1-6 investigation charade.
Some vindmanesque feckin’ turd trying to make an analogy with PDJT and a person who hires a hitman. I’ve an inkling they’re building it up into another impeachment flop.
The way he was saying it was so pathetically obvious and pre thought out. Most of this type of commie crap is so childish and unconvincingly scripted one really would thing it was aimed at children.
Had to get up and make a brew no chance of getting to sleep now grrrr.
“Most of this type of commie crap is so childish and unconvincingly scripted one really would thing it was aimed at children.”
I have wondered about the absurdity of many of the ‘official’ statements as well as the MSM idiocy.
Like it was aimed at children, as you say.
Or maybe like it was written by someone whose first language is not English, but maybe Chy-knees, and so it comes across incoherently, or oddly, or childishly, etc.
So much of the propaganda is like the ‘bad theater’ skit from the 1980s Saturday Night Live skits, it’s hard to believe ‘professionals’ (politicians or media) actually say a lot of the things they say.
It’s broadcast to adults though and I feel feckin insulted
BTW that was a WORLD broadcast by the Boy Buggering Corporation.
Nicholas Frechen
Democrats Are holding a fake hearing to investigate a fake insurrection to cover up the fake election of our fake president.
That sums it all up doesn’t it.
Except left out the part about the fake “naturally occurring virus”, the fake death counts/rates, fake “vaccines”, and fake “news”, etc.
Just your daily reminder that most Republicans are Democrats and no Democrat is a Republican. That should say it all.
I think Dan Bongino says that pretty much daily
so true!
Look at those ‘violent’ protesters…staying inside the velvet rope.
And this…look at these ‘violent insurrectionists’ storming the halls:
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/080/338/180/original/2b69041ad378f104.mp4" /]
To Elgar no less.
Them cops look like they should be wearing a white shirt and dicky bow and serving a tray of drinks.
LMAO! Comment of the year!
I wish I wouldn’t have watched that. It made me angry all over again. Insurrection my ass. I’m insulted right to the core that they would try to tell me this was a violent attempt to over throw the gubbmint. Good grief.
“Enjoy the show.”
They aren’t going to get away with it. Their acting is worse than a 1950s soap opera.
What pathetic and sad figures they have become. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer et al used to have a veneer of respectability.
Now they are like an aging Vaudeville actress with too much rouge and a sagging chin, trying desperately to keep the show going.
By God’s grace they have been allowed to expose themselves and their masters.
There is nothing better than to see your opponent forced to concoct and push such utter bilge.
They can’t pull it off. The CCP must be beside themselves. Lol.
Perfect description of the whole thing
Thank you.
The police is doing nothing? Did they set a trap for Trump supporters?
How can this be an invasion?
A friend sent me a link to an article about a “J6 detainee” and something just isn’t sitting right with this story. Let’s start with what we know about DoJe/Fibbee methods of operation. Don’t they like to recruit guys with a rap sheet? This guy is just their type. And he got out in 2019. Just in time to line him up for this op.
And he’s now OUT with a minor plea. Bet the rest of the detainees would like to be out now.
How is his story shaping narrative for the advantage of the DoJe/Fibbee traitors?
Perhaps he was put in there to spy on the prisoners and testify against them. He might be a genuine patriot, too. I don’t want to hold his previous conviction against him. He did his time.
You may not know this but they have arrested people who are not currently imprisoned, but are nevertheless facing charges that could land them in prison if convicted.
They cast a wide net and are undoubtedly persecuting those people who have little influence or money. Easy marks.
The DOJ/FBI are disgusting.
Seems possible for sure.
I would also go over the details of his story very carefully to see if it lines up with the other testimonies. Yes, he could be clean and accurate, but it all needs verification. They might have targeted him to get him to attend because of his gang affiliations while in prison. Unknowingly being set up. So twisted.
He could be an informant. I frankly don’t care. My life has been so filled with spies, “ex-spies”, informants, ringers, honeypots, compromisers, chumps on missions, “good liars”, assets, and everything else, I only really care if people authentically stand up against the ChiComs, Bidenistas, Bidenazis, and Globonazis at this point.
I’m getting really jaded about the commies. I blame THEM. I don’t blame the stupid and weak chumps they snookered into whatever game they conned them.
Blaming weak disciples of freedom isn’t helpful. I blame the CRIMINALS who are destroying this nation.
Amen, brother Wolf. It’s like trying to cure a symptom of a disease instead of the disease itself. What real good does that do? Might make you feel better for a little while, meanwhile the disease still rages on causing untold damage.
Get to the root of every issue and if it is like a toxic weed, pull it out from the root. Get enough good workers pulling out weeds at the root, over time you have a productive field yielding lots of food for the masses that can feast and add to the ranks of good workers. It’s a process. However, people who understand have to join in the work and go after the criminals that cause the issues – not the sheep who don’t understand.
Musical interlude, I’ve been wanting to post this one for a few days now, this is a great late night song.
This is a new old one. The song was written by Bob Dylan and released on his 1978 album Street Legal.
But this cover is by Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, on their Grammy winning album All the Good Times are Past & Gone (Best Folk Album, 2021).
David Rawlings plays lead guitar and Gillian Welch plays rhythm guitar. Usually Gillian sings lead and David sings backing vocals, but for this one they switched it around for the vocals.
It’s a fun song to sing along to, because just about everybody can sing Bob Dylan style
Señor, Señor, do you know where we’re heading?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon?
Seems like I been down this way before
Is there any truth in that, Señor?
Señor, Señor, do you know where she is hiding?
How long are we gonna be riding?
How long must I keep my eyes glued to the door?
Will there be any comfort there, Señor?
There’s a wicked wind still blowin’ on that upper deck
There’s an iron cross still hanging down from around her neck
There’s a marching band still playing in that vacant lot
Where she held me in her arms one time and said, “Forget me not”
Señor, Señor, I can hear that painted wagon
I can smell the tail of the dragon
Can’t stand the suspense anymore
Can you tell me who to contact here, Señor?
Well, the last thing that I remember before I stripped and kneeled
Was the trainload of fools bogged down in a magnetic field
A gypsy with a broken flag and a flashing ring
She said, “Son, this ain’t a dream no more, it’s the real thing”
Señor, Señor, you know their hearts is as hard as leather
Well, give me a minute, let me get it together
Just gotta pick myself up off the floor
I’m ready when you are, Señor
Señor, Señor, let’s overturn these tables
And disconnect these cables
This place don’t make sense to me no more
Can you tell me what we’re waiting for, Señor?
Hah! That rolled in after my 5:39. I think we just had a time warp.
Would have given you a like but got a big red sign that said…
“You are not allowed to vote for this comment”
What’s that all about ?
Okay, I said I was signing out… but I’m still here.
Maybe let Wolf know on his Check In post…
Just happened to me on another comment.
We’ll have to try a fake postal next time
Do you normally have an animal, or are you a habitual guest?
RAC is normally a guest, but grandma isn’t.
I just haven’t logged in here. That’s why. I hate being logged in because it takes me right to the inner workings of the blog and then the notifications start going crazy, etc.
Took me 5 times to like that comment!
But only one time that time!
Yeah, there is an art to logging in and staying logged in between sessions, so you don’t go into that blog stuff which is hard to maneuver around in.
Ugh. Drives me up the wall, so I stay logged out unless it’s Friday, usually.
The reason you get your avatar is that there is a feature matching email addresses for guests to registered users, to grab their data, even if they’re guests.
My she led a hard life.
Appears to be the definition of ridden hard.
(Sorry. That is gutter. But is where BiteMe, Jill and Hoe operate.)
Jill, slow Joe’s Hoe, wearing her Halloween face.
The best part is that FB did not stamp their COVID message under this meme. hehe
I just tried to like this comment and a red banner popped up and said “You are not allowed to vote for this comment.”
I liked it fine.
And I liked this one just fine. Glitch in the machine.
Teamwork! Wolfpack swarm!
You’re missing your animal — you’re currently a guest.
Yup – that’s it!
You just got a guest like
Oh. Okay.
You put together a very nice on-point post regarding memes and prophecies of memes to come….
Sorry that technical issues swamped it as it got going….but I’m sure it’ll start steaming ahead once the morning crowd arrives (and things work right).
I really liked the chalk on the sidewalk….I’m wondering how fast that can be done (and who I can con into it, as my handwriting looks like a medical prescription).
In our ongoing discussion about ways to support health in our times, this blog post seemed to have some reasonable ideas. I’m not sure if they are all accurate, but the Nattokinase was a new idea I hadn’t thought of. I think her statements about the pine needle tea and graphene may be disputed by Wolf Moon’s posts on the subjects here.
We really need some “donated” samples of vaccine vials that have been obtained with a chain of honest custody to see if there is any graphene oxide in them. The one in Spain was probably adulterated, IMO.
As to whether anything helps flush it…. caffeine for sure (it exits almost entirely in #1 and #2).
Remember the big fuss over the guy who grabbed his vial and ran off?
Someone doesn’t want vials tested.
Yeah. I don’t trust the vaccines. But I tend to think that what happened with the 99% GO vial was that it had a small amount of GO as an untested, unregulated, but very effective adjuvant, and as a form of sabotage, somebody injected it with a wild excess of GO, to cause an unbelievable stink, and hide the actual GO content, which could lead to vaccines being withdrawn.
After sifting through more of ToreSaid.com on graphene I think there are layers, LOL, to this graphene topic that are yet to be discussed. I mean, she’s talking about Starbucks using some form of it put into their coffee as a tracking device to try and figure out where the people that drink their coffee come from. Also reading the uses on that nanographe (sp?) site, I get the feeling it is very valuable, useful, powerful, and we really don’t understand it very well at all.
Oh, and the more I read posts like the one above, the more in awe of how MANY paths to success there are for dealing with this stuff. The hoax is making people think that we need the white coats against this. You almost can’t help but kick this thing to the curb with a little effort. (Not sure you got the regular version. I suspect that special targets get a souped up version.)
This is a little known weapons capability brief given to West Point Cadets and Faculty in Oct 2019.
After watching this, you will see what your talking about (nano graphene oxide ) described as one of countless options in deploying these many techniques. A likely used tactic would be spot deployment followed up by psy-op. You will also will see that some non state actors have capabilities in this area.
Non State Actor = Monied people.
Time to vote Her out, or was she part of the fraudulent votes?
The unfortunate thing is she can do a lot of damage before being voted out.
DaGov can pull her fangs by pardoning anyone for not having a concealed permit until she’s out.
Emergency measure constitutional carry!
Have not read up on what this wench has done, beyond the headlines.
I do wonder what DeSantis has or will do.
A Telegram account with CLOT SHOT side effects:
Those videos are shocker!
Let’s see, where may I have seen information like this before? Oh yeah, the QTree.
All I can do is laugh and smh…
The inside article refers to this as “new science.”
George Carlin’s “The Arrogance of Mankind” from 10 years ago, found on youtube at the 6:30 mark
“viruses are tricky, always mutating and making new strains when a vaccine is developed. “
Which brings up a larger point. They know you have to move very fast to get ahead of mutating virus’s or they escape your vaccines. Okay we’re there with that.
But has the strategy been to slam this virus with a vaccine quickly world wide or has the roll out been haphazard at best? Vaccine Resisters aside, you can do some digging and see that even now roll out barely ranges between 70% in just a couple of countries and in many countries they’re still in the single digits and only have enough vaccine on hand to give to just a small fraction of their populations.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deployment_of_COVID-19_vaccines (See phased Distribution graph).
The obvious strategy here is encourage the ever morphing of new strains, while the Fauci’s and Pelosi’s of the world play as if they are trying to do something to stop it. One short term goal in their strategy in the US would of course be the mid terms. Continuous goals world wide would be to keep populations subjugated and in check with the long term goal of Build Back Better with smaller populations. Ultimately, with 90% of the worlds population gone, though that would likely involve other tactics above and beyond the virus itself.
The obvious answer here, which they don’t want because it does not allow them their real Build Back Better goals, is to make available the use of cheap known remedies like HCQ and Ivermectin to name the best, but even the promotion of a good vitamin regimen they will not do.
We clearly are in a war primarily against Non State Actors that want us dead, led by the leaders of WEF.
So this is interesting to me.
What they appear to be saying is that the vaccine is infecting people, giving them a high viral load which makes them then contagious.
It looks like they mean this is in addition to cases from the dreaded “Delta varient.”
I think these fuckers are getting out in front of having to ADMIT that the vaccine is INFECTING PEOPLE WITH COVID, which they then spread.
Things are about to get really interesting if that happens.
“the vaccine is INFECTING PEOPLE WITH COVID, which they then spread”
I think you are right.
And they’ve lost control of the spread of information which gives me much hope.
Me, too.
We are contributors to that cause!
I know that our #1 focus must be the AUDITS and yet we are all especially feeling like the panic virus hoax insanity is mother front that must be manned.
We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
And dance!
I finally finished reading Stephen King’s The Stand, rec’d by another Q-Treeper. Found this interesting passage–predictive programming or purely coincidental?
From page 1136 of the hardcover “complete & uncut” edition (Captain Trips was what they called a disease that killed off 90+% of the humans & some animals like dogs & horses):
‘”…Captain Trips was a shifting-antigen flu, we think now. Now, every kind of flu–the old flu–had a different antigen; that’s why it kept coming back every two or three years or so in spite of flu vaccinations. There would be an outbreak of A-type flu, Hong Kong flu that was, and you’d get a vaccination for it, and then two years later a B-type strain would come along and you’d get sick unless you got a different vaccination.”‘
“But you’d get well again,” Dan broke in, ” because eventually your body would produce its own antibodies. Your body changed to cope with the flu. With captain Trips, the flu itself changed every time your body came to a defense posture. In that way it was more similar to the AIDS virus than to the common sorts of flu our bodies have become used to. And as with AIDS, it just went on shifting from form to form until the body was worn out. The result, inevitably, was death.”‘
I am beginning to believe the flu shot was a precursor for the “Stab” there’re forcing on us now. I would love to see the stats on people who got the flu shot religiously vs those who didn’t against who had covid……
Looks like the flu shot was just as fake as the “stab” is proving to be.
I believe that I read Somewhere that people w/ flu jabs had worse “covid” than those who didn’t…hmmm
This is exactly what I’ve thought. They knew damned well that the flu shots are next to useless, but it conditioned everyone to take ANNUAL BOOSTERS.
I honestly think The Stand was before its time. Stephen King, back in the days before he almost died, was a truly imaginative man.
I hope you liked the book. It is my favorite novel, hands down.
I especially love the ending.
I did enjoy it, never having read King before & not knowing what to expect. It surprised me how much biblically-based stuff he had in there. It made me wonder if he was one of those people raised in a faith-based background who turned his back on God or if he just enjoys portraying the archetypal struggle between good & evil.
I’m not certain, but most if not all of his books, horror or not, are about that struggle.
What most people don’t realize is that a few truly GREAT movies are based on King novels. They include “Stand By Me,” “The Shawshank Redemption,” and “The Green Mile.” In my opinion, “The Shawshank Redemption” is among the best movies ever.
Thanks, A. Very interesting.
Always thought “Salem’s Lot” was his best and as to movies I thought that one was one of the few that managed follow the book most perfectly. The Stand is in my okay category, but after that was the accident and then his mouth. I’ll never read anything from after the accident.
With so many of these artists turning on common folk, I’ve developed a sane policy of ignoring all of their works after it was plain that they hold us in contempt. Works prior I’m still find with.
Now if I knew the author’s liberal bend before hand and still engage them that’s a different story as I know what I was getting into, but I’m not abiding those that build their career on us and then stab us in the back.
Agreed. And I did enjoy ‘Salem’s Lot.
Another interesting thing. Did you know ‘Salem in that story was short for “Jerusalem?” There are many religious/spiritual references in his earlier books.
I think Jeru-salem means (or translates to) “new Salem”.
I didn’t know that!
I’m not positive. If you search it, there are many references saying Jerusalem means ‘New Salem’.
And there are important references to Salem in Scripture, which in turn are related to or reference Christ, so it would make sense that Jerusalem is the ‘new’ Salem:
“And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.” (Genesis 14:18, KJV)
“In Salem also is his tabernacle, and his dwelling place in Zion.” (Psalms 76:2)
“Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.” (Hebrews 6:20)
“For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; [2] To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace; [3] Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.” (Hebrews 7:1-3)
Very interesting. And it would make sense.
Wasn’t Melchizadek also called the King of Salem?
I kind of dug into M (& other stuff) here:
“Wasn’t Melchizadek also called the King of Salem?”
Yes, in Genesis 14:18 and Hebrews 7:1 and Hebrews 7:2
Thanks Scott!
I see you already answered my Q below
“In my opinion, “The Shawshank Redemption” is among the best movies ever.”
And it’s finally being released on 4K / UHD (ultra high definition) in two months

A few other notable upcoming releases I just noticed:
Highlander (1986) 4K, UHD
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 4K, UHD
To Live and Die in L.A. (1985) 4K, UHD
High Sierra (1941, Humphrey Bogart and Ida Lupino) Blu-ray, Criterion Collection
Cool! Good movies. I love Highlander!
(May, 2021 — a preprint —- the “study” and the “results” have not been peer-reviewed yet)
June 14, 2021
“Novavax Announces Positive Results from First Study of Influenza Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Administered Simultaneously”
Down and Dirty Summary: NOVAVAX is now in “clinical trials” with about 400 human guinea pigs for its COMBO seasonal flu + COVID-19 “vaccine”. This follows a “successful” study in which animals that were tested with the combo-shot “showed immune response” to both.
The combination of the Novavx investigational “NanoFlu” plus their in-development Novavax NVX-CoV2373 “vaccine” is considered to be “ground-breaking”. Both products are still in “clinical trials”, with the company claiming that both already show “efficacy”.
However, Novavax is ALSO testing a combination of its ALREADY FDA approved seasonal flu vaccine, Seqirus, with its CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus “vaccine candidate”, the Novavax NVX-CoV2373. So the company is apparently trying the game from both sides.
The Novavax NVX-CoV 2373 “vaccine candidate” is a nanoparticle-protein based shot that uses lab-created spike protein that mimics the spike protein in the original strain of the virus.
The Novavax “NanoFlu” investigational “vaccine” ALSO uses nanoparticle-delivery in the product.
(So now there’s a company trying to get a combo-shot of seasonal flu vaccine + CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus. BOTH products of the combo contain elements that will force the recipient’s immune system to produce antibodies against TWO DIFFERENT “attackers”. What can possibly go wrong here? [use the imagination])
This is such evil I cannot comprehend.
I just try to stay grounded.
Great find, CV–wow!
^^^ Marketing 101. Dual purpose injection. ^^^
Low info folks prolly will clamor for it. Novavax makes MORE $$$.
The evil continues.
And of course we know Dr. Shi worked with HIV in her quest weaponize the CV.
Yep, that part really caught my eye since the CV supposedly has like 4 zones w/ HIV-like modifications, all naturally occurring of course/s
Hummmm …
… check some of the comments …
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, July 28, 2021
“Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.”
Mark 14:38 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Says Fauxcahontas Liarwatha, who lied and cheated her way through school with benefits and favors and scholarships that were not rightfully hers…
And all the deep state Satanic “Ed Biz” Demons chortled and cackled on their way to the bank…
Convenient way to garner pity…
Put your masks on, take your masks off, put the cloth over the paper and you shake it all about. You do the Fauxi Fauci and you turn yourself around. That’s what it’s all about.
Beyond insane. We are at the point where Americans will just stop listening, and more importantly, they will stop OBEYING.
^^^ Been there AND staying in RESIST MODE.
Fanning the flames, where evr I can.
LOL..that’s fantastic !
And here you go! The spilt-screen Joe/Hunter video that’s everywhere. Just click, what a piece of work this is.
Dr. Naomi Wolf now on War Room …
Dr. Robert Malone:
“[…] [T]he vaccine makes the disease WORSE.”
Wolf was on this from the beginning with the Marek chicken disease.
But to have it said so starkly on an international podcast is icing the cake.
The reach of War Room is tremendous – I like seeing REAL news take flight … even though it took a while!
Yes! Didn’t mean to disparage War Room. Was just touting our own Wolf.
My stupid kids took the vaccine all are science oriented one Dr one scientist one physical -chemist. They are adults make own choices and reap consequences. Only God can help them.
I know I am repetitive and just shake my head.
Guessing some or many of us are in similar situations. Sadly.
I suppose so. As parent I am supposed to die before them I pray I do.
We are mothers, and we are worried. I am sure my oldest son took it, but I won’t even ask. He is aggressively liberal since he went to college.
I wish I’d convinced him to be a mechanic or something.
What did we know? Also who they marry makes a difference.
That is true in my case.
I hear you. Just talked to my daughter last night who took her second Moderna shot. I was shocked. We had talked about it and her doctor had recommended she NOT get it if she still wanted to have kids. I was so glad to hear that and decided not to say any more as it was a sore point between us. But for some reason she got vaxxed anyway and now the whole family has corona.
My prayers to your daughter and family for healing.
Thank you!
“A brutal loss in a wargaming exercise last October convinced the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. John Hyten to scrap joint warfighting concepts that had guided U.S. military operations for decades.
“Without overstating the issue, it failed miserably. An aggressive red team that had been studying the United States for the last 20 years just ran rings around us. They knew exactly what we’re going to do before we did it,” Hyten told an audience Monday at the launch of the Emerging Technologies Institute, an effort by the National Defense Industrial Association industry group to speed military modernization.
The Pentagon would not provide the name of the wargame, which was classified, but a defense official said one of the scenarios revolved around a battle for Taiwan. One key lesson: gathering ships, aircraft, and other forces to concentrate and reinforce each other’s combat power also made them sitting ducks. ”
General Milquetoast.
Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) Tweeted:
CDC’s Walensky: ‘Don’t Have Any Evidence’ Delta Variant Makes Kids Sicker https://t.co/fys4A0INPN
AND the dopes at CDC say Delta is massively spreading. KIDS MUST WEAR MASKS.
So, how can dopey dip shit Walensky they say, “Don’t have any evidence Delta Variant makes kids sicker.”
Makes no sense to slow guy here.
Next week dopey wench will say Delta makes kids sicker. They take every position, contradicting themselves and wonder why commoners think CDC is full of shit – not be taken seriously.
Pathological lying always, always ends like this. It is a vortex and will eventually swallow them.
That’s a good thing.
The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) Tweeted:
“I will not abide any measures that seek to compromise or erode our liberty and freedom,” said Councilman Ernie Trakas.
A #MaskMandate in #StLouis County has been overturned just 1 day after it went into effect. https://t.co/CjWzYV69to
Wolf, I went online with my laptop since I am working on Friday’s opener. WP keeps me logged in on the laptop.
But something weird happened. I was on today’s thread when two WP windows opened and said something like the page I was trying to edit was no longer there. First, I wasn’t trying to edit anything! Then it asked me if I wanted to see if the page was in the Wayback Machine. So I clicked on that and it said the page was not in the Wayback machine, either.
I’m spooked now.
>>”I clicked on that”<<
Next time, don’t click on ANY “prompts”.
Exit, or force-quit – clear cache, reboot, and start the entire process over again.
Sometimes news-sites do the same thing: introduce a “pop-up”, and then NOTHING on my computer (except admin) will work unless I respond (yea-or-nay, two choices ONLY).
So, I pick the third option. Force-quit.
The anons have a lotta fun with this crap!
“Click that shit!”
“I ain’t clickin’ that shit!”
Given this morning’s travails, the term “spooked” may be a propos …
Shake it off! Begin anew …
Hope this helps!
Thank you. Just did that!!
I know that Brave will offer the Way Back option if the page is missing (404 error). And yes, some pages on Wolf’s site did seem to be missing early in the morning. Do you recall if you were using Brave?
Dang white supremacy.
Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) Tweeted:
An Ulta store in Calabasas was robbed in broad daylight while the employee stood by helpless: https://t.co/ul4EQICiwG
Make L.A Great Again
– RECALLGAVIN2020.COM (@lalovestrump) Tweeted:
“ “A governor who has supported the lessening of laws when it counts to stealing items under $950, lowering those consequences,” said Faulconer,
Another crazy case of white people gone wild.
San diego. Dunno when.
suzy (@Suzy1776) Tweeted:
My hero
Wow!!! Inspiring!
I should’ve checked here 1st.
KUSI News (@KUSINews) Tweeted:
San Diegan Shaun Frederickson calls out Dr. Wilma Wooten and @NathanFletcher.
During the last San Diego County Board of Supervisors meeting, Frederickson pointed out all the misleading information, what he called “propaganda,” that’s coming from our health officials. https://t.co/vbiTLC6fNK
(@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – Pfizer now sees $33.5 billion in 2021 vaccine sales, up from $26 billion, and says a third dose of its #COVID19 shot “strongly” boosts protection against the Delta variant.
My God. The level of lies we are getting from these people is just straight from the pit of hell.
I highly suggest listening to this interview with Dr. David Martin. It is mind blowing even at this late date. It is from early in July, but I had not listened to it.
At about the 45-minute mark he says, “This is about getting people injected with the known-to-be-harmful S1 spike protein.”
Around the 55-minute mark he says, “There is no such thing as an Alpha, or Beta, or a Gamma or a Delta variant. This is a means by which, what is desperately sought, is a degree to which individuals can be coerced into accepting something that they otherwise would not accept.”
And we must pray for GOD’S Forgiveness, Help, Strength, Protection, and Guidance in this. And that HE stifles, confounds, reverses, and utterly vanquishes the evil doings of the Cabal and their master, Satan.
Probably say a prayer for the military, who abandoned us, abandoned their duty, abandoned the Constitution, and abandoned their country.
They’re gonna need it.
The generals.
Don’t tar and feather all the loyal men and women in service. Look how many retired military are awake, doing great work to expose the corruption, running for office, sounding the alarm.
We can’t afford to paint with too broad a brush.
Yes. Same with the healthcare community. But in both, its all those in charge and the middle management bootlicking cowards.
eh. nope
“eh. nope”
Well if they haven’t, they’re certainly trying very hard to make it look as though they have.
It’s been nearly 9 full months since the military stood by and watched a criminal syndicate, aided and abetted by foreign adversaries, steal the presidential election.
Nine months.
To my knowledge, there is no precedent, in all of human history, for a military to allow such a thing to happen.
Nothing even close.
It would be like a street gang moving into a Police precinct station, and the Police just let them have it.
Not a single cop on the whole police force tried to stop them.
They could have, easily.
But they didn’t.
They just said Hasta la vista, baby.
Nine months…
Coerced now is job or no job. Church, social acceptance, and school.
Replace vaccinated and unvaccinated for white and colored and this is where we are atm.
Soon though>

My aunt, white, tells of visiting the South as a kid & happily drinking from the “colored” fountain hoping to actually experience colored water, something she’d never seen in Detroit
She had no clue about that segregation crap, not that Detroit of the 40’s or 50’s, when that trip happened, didn’t have their racial issues
The projected increase in profits to Pfizer-BioNTech is being driven by the company’s CEO stating that the “immunity” from their company’s “vaccine” wears off after 6 months.
Down and Dirty Summary: This is a video clip of ALBERT BOURLA, the CEO of Pfizer-BioNTech, on “The Exchange”, stating that the “immunity” conferred by his company’s “vaccine” wears away after 6 months, therefore people must get the company’s “booster shot” — based on “data” that his company collected! Pfizer-BioNTech submitted their “data” to the FDA, and wants the agency to grant an EUA for the “booster shot.”
“They take the data very seriously.” said Bourla (related to FDA granting a request for an EUA.)
They are going to keep on going every 6 months a booster until death do us part.
Sorry NV.
@NVHealthResponse (@NVHealthRespon1) Tweeted:
In line with Emergency Directive 045, State of Nevada adopts latest CDC guidance on masks effective Friday, July 30. https://t.co/XcfEQhh5Nq
We much!
The very extra ‘reverend’ Al Sharpton says it best.
One of my favorites

One of Rush’s perpetual faves! Thanks
Im sorry. I cant believe theyre running with it. Read a lit of people are canceling trips and conferences now.
I can’t officially login, so I am signing in through the guest login at top of comments. For some reason it recognizes my username and email, so it posts my colored avatar and username.
Go over to u tree and sign in, then come over here. Or go to u tree, sign it, then on your dashboard find todays post here, click visit site, and see if youre in. Tedious but its worked for me.
Relentless Truth
This was over a year ago.
My thoughts keep taking me back to this video. I’ve watched this a bunch of times, but is always a good reminder as to WHY we are fighting.
This is EXACTLY what is happening right now.
He was right then, and even more so now.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/080/450/423/original/d3f4dcc89ec10b4a.mp4" /]
This takes my breath away. The man knows and now we do also !
No vaccine no lock down no mask.
Resist the Evil.
Holy smokes. A year ago very bright and succinct.
Dr Malone the inventor of the mRNA technology (on Bannons War Room)
The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous (rumble.com)
Yep. This was confirmation of the worst case scenario.
God help us. He will!
Whoa! Wolf, you need to watch this. He’s talking about we are now in the worst case scenario – antibody dependent enhancement – and the mutations are happening in people who have been vaccinated, not those who haven’t. The vaccine is causing the virus to replicate much more than it normally would.
Its been discussed here.
Indeed, if all the federal employees, all Healthcare workers, and firced employees of various agencies have been required to take it, then 9nce people have it, when its causing virulence to increase, how much is the increase? How do the surv8val rates change?
When flu season kicks in(and they want to mandate this poison for children), will we have a truly deadly season? How transmissable will it be to unvaxxed?
Lots more questions.
I would bet at this point that 60%+ of un-vaccinated people have natural immunity. I would also bet that natural immunity will quash the virus in any form pretty quickly.
That’s just my considered opinion. I could be wrong.
Get em!

This is good and if we can get him to put that kind of energy behind the audits I’d vote for him again. Meanwhile I’ll keep my eye out for something better.
Meanwhile got love MTG sitting behind him. Not sure if she was speaking next or was riding shot gun but Best Ever!
Love that woman!
It’s about time folks rise up and put a stop to this crap.
Just punch “reset” and send the globalists into the cullet chute…
At least for once theyll be useful.
Im sure itll be discussed but it did look like paper.
Josemaría Piulada (@txiokatu) Tweeted:
@TrumpJew2 It was the toilet paper with which his butt has been wiped
Such a sad picture.
Covid Eugenics: Dr. Marilyn M. Singleton Calls on Fellow Physicians to Speak up and Act for the Benefit of Their Patients
The doctor is a courageous woman.
“We might as well start calling this a Perma-demic.
Permanent masking. Permanent state of emergency. Permanent control.
This will go on until the American people just say enough is enough. The tyrants aren’t giving this up.”
They are repeating just use different modeling. They are trying to bring us to our knees. We must resist.
Nazoid Zomboids studying organoids induce hemorrhoids!
If I could wrestle this rumble vid out of the news story I would.
Greg Kelly giving a fairly comprehensive and sane examination of the 6 Jan hearings yesterday.
GREAT intro to hum day DP!
Speak for yourself. I just got home from the Upper Meramec River. HOT HOT HOT
And the water was high. I drove.
And now I can’t get into the back of the site to do tomorrow’s.
Very sorry you are having these extra hassles. Enjoyed that little letters to DaVinci one
My sister is a $#!+ disturber, and she drags me into all sorts of stuff.
Try logging in now!
The back end loaded right up. Let me see where this leads.
I’m in, but the look is different and the black line with the “logged in” My sites Reader and notifications is MIA.
More on GAB. Error city.
LOL I have no sisters but still feel for you
Is the Meramec River named after that Confederate sub, iirc, or vice versa?
The Meramec River has had that name since at least the 18th century, so I would venture to guess that it was some French settler.
Nice, thanks
& just played if for my artistic, bride to be (in a few weeks) daughter–fun!
Saw your “page” to Wolf. Rather sure he’ll get this sorted out for / with you.
After driving most of the day, I truly appreciated your intro to hump day day.
Hmm. The money not on China?
Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index falls more than 8% in two days as China tech stocks continue to crumblePUBLISHED MON, JUL 26 20217:36 PM EDTUPDATED TUE, JUL 27 20214:28 AM EDT
Eustance Huang
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Wtf would hobby shop have this priceless relic?
It doesn’t sound like any part of this story is true
“It first fell into the hands of a US antiquities dealer in 2003 after he bought it from the family member of a London coin dealer, according to the DOJ.”
So it was basically my cousin’s Uncle’s neighbor’s nephew. No names. Got it.
“At the time the tablet was encrusted with dirt and unreadable.”
Then why did anyone buy it in the first place?
Did they use the old “Trust me, under this dirt on this clay (which could be clay from any of 10 trillion clay pots from around the world, churned out by the millions every day) is an ancient artifact.
It’s like a Tommy Flanagan skit on SNL. Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket. And uh… we think it might be Gilgamesh. Yeah. Well isn’t that extra special...
“That dealer and a US cuneiform expert then shipped the tabled into the US without declaring its contents, according to the DOJ complaint.”
Because of course you go to the trouble and expense to smuggle something into the U.S. without knowing what it is or whether it has any value.
Of course you do.
Because who doesn’t?
I must have done the same thing half a dozen times this year already…

“When it arrived in the US, experts figured out it was a portion of the Gilgamesh epic.”
Hey Jim-Bob, come take a look at this here piece of clay covered with dirt, that somebody took the trouble to smuggle into the U.S., but doesn’t know anything about it.
I’m sure it’s just a regular old piece of clay from a broken pot, with some dirt on it from, you know, dirt.
But on the wild @#$ chance it might be an ancient relic with a priceless Epic of Gilgamesh written on it, let’s brush off some of that dirt and see what’s under it.
Whoa! Well lookie here! It’s an ancient relic with a priceless Epic of Gilgamesh on it!
They have a Bible Museum for the public.
This is just the beginning of raiding various private and public parties/foundations to first punish, and if they can get away with it profit by it under the guise of equity.
Returning it to the rightful owner in the country of origin sounds nice but no one in the country of origin owns the damn stuff. While no a fan of private ownership with limited viewing, there is nothing wrong with putting it in a museum, public or private that can be viewed by the public. If Iraq wants the stuff back they should have to pay for it. They didn’t dig it up and secure it. They allowed outsiders to dig it up and cart it away. Compensate them or shut the heck up. Doubly worse for Iraq if there own people (relic scavengers) took the stuff and sold it on the black market. Unless Iraq has this stuff catalogued prior to removal from the country the didn’t own it. Iraq has been ruled by hundreds of rulers since the time in question and none are there now.
Is the DOJ going to go to the Smithsonian and take their exhibits next. I highly doubt it. What about any number of these public/private museums that have ancient artifacts, many owned by public and private universities
Is hunter going in the toxic waste basket?
Until Myanmar shows up, nothing actually happens.
It’s like a strip tease act where the clothes never actually come off… ever…
But the shady promoter walks out on the stage every hour or so, looks at the audience, and mouths the word “SOON!”…

danger to be high rank military in cuba
Epstein-Charmin Syndrome?
That seems like a lot of generals for one island.
How many generals per square mile do most Caribbean islands require?
Multitudes. All with lots and lots of shiny medals
Report on fang fang and her trained monkey
BiteMe’s handlers will never release anything negative about a fellow D-RAT.
Twitter in desperate defence mode
The defence forces
CCP embedded in NYT:
I wonder how long it will take before people begin to realize that 90% of Chinese people in America are members of the CCP and/or the Chinese military and/or Chinese intelligence agencies?
I said 90% only because I thought to allow for 10% who are actually here to escape from Communism, but that 10% figure is probably way high.
I have no idea of the numbers, but I would say the majority of them are in DC and other power centers like CA.
But let’s not forget, there were a lot of Chinese here before the CCP even existed. Generations of Chinese have lived in San Francisco Chinatown and probably other cities as well. I doubt they are communist infiltrators.
Yay! I’m now a coyote.
Glad to see things are working for some of us!
I’ve seen second- and third-generation Chinese “towing the mark” and supporting RED China and their ways, in both SF and LA, the former being HEAVILY controlled by China,cf Feinstein and her hubby Richard Blum, and many Chinese-descent politicians, not to mention most of the Bought-and-paid-for SF and Kalifornistan politicos… Not to mention Bezerkeley…
And just a wander through the Chinatowns of those two cities (and much of CA) shows they’ve not integrated into US society and mores, if at all.
Some folks we knew quite a while ago adopted a Chinese baby, bringing her to the USA, and RED China has been relentless in keeping up with her, and trying to influence things.
RED China is working to bring everything under its control. And, like the Moslems here (controlled by Erdogan) they have a complex, non-Western-Alphabet language behind which to hide…
NYC has a China Town. The CCP could infiltrate them also and threaten them.
Universities are the worse even in this small town. What were they thinking University hiring them to educate future teachers?
Most large and even middle-sized cities have China Towns (over here, too) as the Chinese don’t assimilate very well, if at all, and consider their culture (Leitkultur) higher than any other.
I had this explained to me rather bluntly by a former colleague of mine, from Korea, who was surprisingly open about the politics and culture of Asia as opposed to the US. We were talking about Korea, North and South, and he explained at length the crooked families behind both countries, basically two sides of the same coin. He also spoke of the resentment the Koreans felt toward Japan because of the atrocities they committed in WWII. He followed that by saying that they would stand with Japan (or any other Asian countries) against the West, before going against each other, because of their common culture!
One sees the DEMONRATS pretty much doing the same thing.
Only patriots in the west, and conservatives in general, tend to explore and “value” differences anymore as opposed to standing together when it counts. Seems the left have managed to drive a number of wedges between us; their so-called “DIVERSITY” is intended to be our ruin…..
Any group, national, ethnic or religious, with a strong sense of identity will stand against the outside if convictions are challenged.
For example, whenever the seal of the Confessional is challenged by civil authorities, Catholics of all stripes will stand shoulder to shoulder to maintain it. Jews will stand together for any number of issues.
It’s not just the far east that has these sentiments.
We are supposed to practice diversity but they do not? Interesting. Yes we are tolerant and still we can be conservative in what we believe. I find that a good trait
Need help getting in.
GAB will be open
Paul Stanley (@PaulStanleyLive) Tweeted:
WOW! Dusty Hill. What an icon. @ZZTop ’s bassist forever. So unique. Always a gentleman from the days of us opening for them through the recent days of them opening for us. I don’t know what to say but “Thank you” and “Rest however you damn well choose!” https://t.co/tHfjLy1xbj
Man, what a total shit show the last 3-4 days have been. This is just too much.
God please make it STOP!!!
Really good live and sounded EXACTLY like this.
Over fifty years with the same three guys….
And they were good.
I know I shouldn’t ask this, but I’m sure there are others wondering the same thing: Did he get the shots?
Said he had to stop a few weeks back due to a hip problem andvthat he died in his sleep.
I haven’t looked further.
MeThinks Rosa figured out the solution decades ago…
that 1st one!
Wolf said…
Can you please explain and offer more details, please?
And the political left is not our government. They don’t get to call themselves “the government”. They are fascist collectivist traitors.
I don’t think it’s wise to explain how bad things are.
Should welcome all our new Chy-knees guests, and give them thoughtful and considerate names?
Those Same Whiners On Capital Hill Crying Were The Same Ones Who Infiltrated And Caused Any Disturbance / Look And Share Post More If You Got Them.
It sure could be the same guy…
It’s the tension in the facial features, especially the cheek bones.
It looks like he reversed the graying between head-hair and beard-hair, for “disguise”, between the times these two pictures were taken.
On the left, the beard is definitely “Just For Men”-ed, because his head is quite graying; and on the right, the hair on top is nearly gray-free (JFM-ed again), but the beard looks natural (graying).
It sure LOOKS like the same dude – like you say.
The facial features match – note the single bag under his right eye, and the double-bag under his left. And, the cheek bones match, too, as well as the brow a half-inch or so above his eyebrows. The lighting catches it
His demeanor seems to be identical, too. (~Half of the brain is dedicated to recognizing facial features – a prime survival necessity.)
Doing his DOODY, rather than his DUTY …
Good observations.
Sure shows how much we are getting ACTORS for this show.
IF only R-CONS would start communicating clearly, as Emerald has above.
It IS past time to draw a line and say, N O to all the communist BS being shoved at us by the government, fake news AND corrupt medical establishment.
Fight back!
(@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – American Postal Workers Union representing over 220,000 postal workers opposes #COVID19 vaccine mandates in a statement just released. https://t.co/5iJ8RHk5HN
Hmm…the Postal Union endorsed Biden.
So this is interesting.
These are Biden supporters, standing up to him/his administration…and saying “No”.
Unions are special. They can do anything they want, so long as they
supportendorse and vote D-Rat. Think teachers, culinary workers, auto…Yep.
And looks like survival instincts kicked in with the Postal Workers — hopefully it will be catching & other unions will do the same!
The union bosses couldn’t overcome the MASSIVE worker opposition.
Btw, I can’t “like” your post.
And, I hope Wolf gets some sleep, and starts afresh on the morrow!
One can use / link to PAST articles, with very few comments, as a surrogate publishing vehicle – an inconvenient workaround, yes, but doable during the transition problems …
Past couple days, I’ve been archiving like mad – we’ll get through it!
Yeah its strange. And wasnt the post office complicit with mail in ballots? So the workers are saying no.
Yeah, I think there were postal workers who facilitated The Steal.
And others who kept their mouths shut about it.
Without a doubt, postal drivers and postal handlers manipulated postmark dates, and knew they were delivering bogus ballots. Only takes a few in key counties and it tips the count biglee.
Just a thought but how manny of the union endorsements were covering a fraudulent vote count?
USPS wants a carrot, more tax payers $’s to support killing their members.
No science needed just money.
This is hilarious.
Reading this is like one of the old SNL skits with Kevin Nealon, doing his Mr. Subliminal routine.
“While the APWU leadership continues to encourage postal workers to voluntarily get vaccinated (we’re on your side), it is not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent.” (it’s not a matter of principle, you can mandate other gov’t employees get vaxxed, just not ours, because you didn’t buy us off yet)
“Issues related to vaccinations and testing for COVID-19 in the workplace must be negotiated with the APWU.” (you didn’t inform us ahead of time and buy us off, and you know the rules, so consider this your reminder)
“At this time (until you pay us off) the APU opposes the mandating of COVID-19 vaccinations in relation to U.S. postal workers.” (but after you buy us off, we’ll enforce the mandates on our membership, of course).
Sounds about right.
@Wethepeople196 https://t.co/uhBvLgTbbO
Long day. Time to spam the thread.
I do not understand Israel. They of all people should know the consequences making their people experiment. I am serious about this. How on earth how could they why would they ?
Over three years ago, a wise man said:
“We are saving Israel for last.”
Governments aren’t the same thing as peoples …
“Governments aren’t the same this as peoples …”
Yep, but the government couldn’t do it if the people didn’t go along with it.
I’m sure they remember that part.
But what was it they were supposed to never forget?
It must have been something important…
If they can’t remember what happened 76 years ago, they could at least read the Book of Esther once every year or two.
Like a memory aid.
I keep waiting and praying for a bunch of “Haman Moments”…..
Their new PM isnt a conservative. Whatever bibi has been doing or not doing encouraged this.
Never understood why so many Jewish people are Democrats.
There is no coherent logic.
That too.
That goes back to the days of Jacob Javits and Bella Abzug, and basically the NY (and NYC) crooked political machines. NYGuy54 would probably have good insights on that, as well as Elena? (IIRC). Howdy if you’re looking on…
Also, the DEMONRAT “party” has historically positioned itself as the “savior” of the downtrodden, ignored, and disenfranchised, while actually being the cause of those blights. From the very first, a succession of lies. And not only the Jews have been trapped by the DEMON RATS…
Though there have been times where one group among the DEMONRATS would want to be more downtrodden than the others, e.g. the Blacks versus the Jews, or perhaps the Mexicans… perhaps that needs a little prodding…
Found this on Gab.
Major skills for a little 6 year old.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/080/417/134/original/42d8596cf4cb8625.mp4" /]
Look at this!!!
They L.A. County health is looking at closing schools for just one covid “case” and no other learning option.
Reopen California Schools (@ReopenCASchools) Tweeted:
There are also other education reporters and LA based reporters that definitely should take a look at this.
On the one hand, the fault with the American people is that they are very tolerant. On the other hand, there is a point where you have poked the bear one time too many.
Katy Grimes (@KATYSaccitizen) Tweeted:
BREAKING: LA Doctor Warns County Will Close Schools Again For Even One ‘Case’ of COVID
‘This is a battle of fact versus a misguided agenda’
https://t.co/rgBOR7xSKv https://t.co/rVplDhMhvt
It’s blackmail.
I was able to “like” your post, Molly – even with your “registered” Wolverine designation!
And yes, it’s black bloody MUTINY against our country! Aka “blackmail”.
Lol..for months I was not any animal and now I’m somehow on as a wolverine.
Honestly it feels like we’re in the last minutes of a scary thriller…somebody must eliminate the threat or the zombies win
Yes. Using kids. Just like newsom threatened a few days ago.
The DEMONRATS HATE children. If they do not care about aborting and dismembering them, indeed, they seem to enjoy it and profit from it, why would they do any different? And they don’t bat an eye at child sacrifice, child abuse, or child trafficking… Terrible that they’re at the point of ruining or indeed ending our future because they don’t care about theirs…..
They are the ones deserving of millstones as described in
Matthew 18:4-6:
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
Gruesome had the gall to chastise us via the media that we are “going after his kids.” Not even close, we are going after his hypocrisy just like the french laundry incident. And this ahole is the one who has kept schools closed, masks on, and does a piss poor job at everything except collecting a paycheck.
Then there certainly will be a new case of Covid, they’ll just make one up.
In 3… 2… 1…
That’s a given. Just wait until the Gates/Soros tests roll out. Those charts will have lines and bars straight up vertical.
Mass non-compliance and this ends.
My goodness that women looks hard .
Shes a social worker, not an md.
“Misguided”? Try PLanned!
No special ed kids, the really disabled, could get care. No online dustance learning. This is a hard hard push to make adults give this to kids magically if it is available in 2 months.
For the hard-of-hearing and the deaf, the last year-and-a-half have been nothing short of hell on earth. With the masks muffling and distorting speech, and covering the lips so they can’t be read, it makes studying at home (and work at home) all but impossible.
One thing that has come out of this is how many people are actually lipreading without knowing it, if only for clues to distinguish between different, but similar words.
This whole masking, shutdown, jabbing, and KONTROL exercise is from the pit of Hell, controlled from the DEMONRATS’ father, Satan.
“On the one hand, the fault with the American people is that they are very tolerant.”
That sounds very noble, but I think most Americans are just afraid of being politically incorrect.
So that would be cowardice, not nobility.
“On the other hand, there is a point where you have poked the bear one time too many.”
Not the domesticated American Sheep Bear.
If there is any consequence for poking that bear one time too many, I’m not aware of it.
It was obvious before both WWI and WWII that the US was going to enter. Just kept putting it off until they were finally pushed too far.
My husband always tell me Americans unite when there is a common enemy. Right now parents will object if children stay home no school, if kids have to wear a mask or are forced a vaccine on them.
The rebellion will start with parents specially mothers. We love our kids and will protect them until adulthood.
Drove 534 miles today for work in Colorado. Not that I was reading tweets and driving, but I needed to dump some bookmarks I accidentally collected. On the road at 4:30 am. Killed two birds from hood impact. Two deer I saw from a distance and slowed in time. The mom and young pronghorn I was able to miss after some heavy breaking. I hate driving at sun up. Like a scene out of Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom. Surprisingly no tarantulas.
Good thing you didnt hit those deer.
“Like a scene out of Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom. Surprisingly no tarantulas.”
I used to watch that show when I was little, I think a white haired guy was the narrator/host. Must have been on every Sunday night, because we watched it at my grandparent’s house, and that’s where we ate dinner on Sundays back then.
Sorry, I dated myself.
“Sorry, I dated myself.”
No mandates, not even yourself.
It’s a club rule

Marlin Perkins. He was the director at the STL Zoo for YEARS.

I always loved how he mistreated his sidekick, Jim.
“Jim’s now going to jump into the crocodile pit and pull up a medium-sized specimen, about 12 feet long, while we go on commercial break….”
*looks around*
Are we back?
Wonders never cease …
For now.
hang on. This may not be over just yet.
I suspect that I did it.
My RE-post …
It was blank page there for awhile…on this thread and others.
Was wondering if it was just me that was seeing it.
At first, the site went back to the 7/27 Daily, without ANY comments.
When I tried to post, the site looked like it did over 2 years ago – different fonts, different look … and it seemed to me like I’d been de-registered – even as a “guest”.
The first hit came very soon after my special “post”, and the second came RIGHT after my RE-post.
I bet my “laughing” didn’t help! lol
Flak when over the target.
The u-tree was fucked too …
It went back to 2020 as the most recent activity.
See, what’s interesting THERE is that I didn’t do that.
Odd. Emeraldstar post here, under her own post. OK that isn’t the odd part.
ODD that I received a notification Emeraldstar posted a reply to Emeraldstar.
A new WP trick, or bots playing under the covers?
I got one of those too…hmmm
Yes I think someone is playing a trick . I never said the F word and it shows under my handle.
[Emeraldstar is a guy, Aragorn of Arathorn, if you will][LOTR fan]…
Things have been, erm, DODGY and kind of FIBBLING along, no doubt due to Sludge, Dung, from Noxious Yahoos… and the usual KastofKlowns in Aktion…
Got it.
Wolf, more details here.
Also, at that time, everything AFTER the 7/27 Daily was GONE.
When I re-booted, I had to do it TWICE to catch the anomaly in the reboot process – once wasn’t enough.
Fuckery fer sher …
Weird, I am replying to you DP in the Bell Notifier. It looks like You are perhaps replying to Elize & not to me so I don’t think your reply should have come to my “bell” however….hmmm
Here’s what I see:
elize on Dear KAG: 20210728 Open Thread
Marlin Perkins. He was the director at the STL Zoo for …
Deplorable Patriot
an hour
I’m glad somebody’s laughing ’cause I got all paranoid driving home from the float trip when this truck was following me until he got off at like Pacific or something before Eureka. He even switched lanes when I did.
It’s almost like this conversation is treating me like an author or perhaps an admin on this post…hmmm…
What I clicked on in the right column of the “bell” was this, so even stranger:
Deplorable Patriot replied to a comment You’re the best. THAT’s you status … (I’m actually *laughing* at this shit!)
She was a kid, innocent.
Actually what I can see (not what shows from the copy/paste above) is everything but what shows after “actually” through the closed parentheses.
I hope Wolf sees this interchange for insights on what’s happening as he continues to tweak & guard & fumigate the Q-Tree!
You’re replying to ME, here and now.
The comment you cite in your third-to-last paragraph was ME … ***except*** for the last sentence “She was a kid, innocent.”
Weirdest stuff I’ve ever seen on these “interwebs” …
Wow, it looked like I was replying to DP who was replying to Elize & then suddenly your comment, replying to yourself, popped up.
Hope our geek squad is on it to back Wolf up here!
You must be special, Valerie!
How’s it feel, to be in your first cyber-battle as a digital warrior?
The security “upgrade” may have actually been a downgrade.
The old saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” may be applicable here.
And yet, I don’t blame anyone but the ENEMY!
We had to swap in that security package, but all we did was stall the problems.
This site was targeted to shut us up. PERIOD.
And we’re not going to shut up.
I will explain shortly.
Many thanks!
Well, thanks for those insights, but per what Wolf said here that might not actually be what was happening (at least to me):
Valerie Curren on Dear KAG: 20210728 Open Thread
Further weirdness. I was replying to DP, who was replying to Elize (but in the Bell) & when …
Wolf Moon
8 hours
This was all me. I’m attempting to regain control of the site. I tried to restore site back-ups – no good.
Being a rare author here he may have been using me for testing some of his tricks of the trade because if my access gets messed up that won’t slow the Q-Tree overall compared to the regular authors (my speculation).
Thanks for the very kind thoughts, though
Would that make you alternating Curren?
(ducks flying transformers, outdated Selenium Rectifiers, and a couple of Audels electronics texts)…
Further weirdness. I was replying to DP, who was replying to Elize (but in the Bell) & when I hit “send” I saw this now…hmmm
Emeraldstar on Dear KAG: 20210728 Open Thread
At first, the site went back to the 7/27 Daily, without ANY comments. When I tried to post, …
an hour
Also, at that time, everything AFTER the 7/27 Daily was GONE.
When I re-booted, I had to do it TWICE to catch the anomaly in the reboot process – once wasn’t enough.
Fuckery fer sher …
This was all me. I’m attempting to regain control of the site. I tried to restore site back-ups – no good.
I had it on my bell too. I figured its part of what youre dealing with. Ill be patient.
Has the party you engaged to do the 4am stuff provided any input?
Perhaps just let this thread continue for a bit (“noon” was you stated deadline, yes? – USE IT!), and see what those who changed the site have to say about it.
I think we ALL understood the risks of posting here …
I don’t see them as being helpful. I think this is a designed take-down, loaded with plausibility.
StormRider posted this on Telegram earlier:
Will start MASS CENSORSHIP and blame Extremism>Patriots world wide for sharing information that threatens the[DS] SURVIVAL and agenda >>the censorship is actually for all the declassified>Truth speakers
The Great Awakening movement
Stay vigilant
DePat comment:
Looks like we’re one of the chosen sites.
They may be “helpful” in the way they AREN’T being helpful.
Ever heard the aphorism that a good cop will NEVER let the (suspected) perp know that he thinks they’re full o’ shit?
It’s a co-intel thing, where one first plays the obvious role (what happened?!?!?), to find out something that otherwise, one wouldn’t have.
I bet you know all this, so please forgive my “impertinence” on the matter.
Why not get some sleep? Perspective often changes with the new day, and I think you’ve done enough for this one day.
Time to EXHALE? Today’s battle is over.
“None knows what the new day will bring.”
“When all is forlorn, oft hope is born.”
Actually, I found the error in the code, which I can’t fix. I’m going to tell them what it is, and if it’s not fixed in 12 hours, then I regain control of the site another way.
You are amazing, persistent, prayed up & for, trailblazing, fearless, playful, joyful, & incredibly impactful.
God Bless you, sir, in the ongoing battlefields. No matter what, in the end Truth & God Always wins!!!
OK, glad you are on it! Praying for you, boss
Though this may disappear, it appears that FB and Google are going to mandate the CLOT SHOT for their employees returning to work.
They are willing to sacrifice their own workers to the Takeover.
Tyrants are ever thus.
Going to try commenting even though a few of mine are poofed gone still…Don’t you wonder if any of these Leftards who police FB aren’t reading the vax horror stories ? If they are, can they be so stupid to risk side effects for their precious job ?
I know! Are FB and Google suicidal? Because they are not only censoring the truth about the CLOT SHOT, but are forcing it on the very people who work for them.
Talk about shooting oneself in the foot…
The drug-makers have that immunity from Liability…but I don’t see how that expands to cover Employers who force their employees to take jab.
I just don’t see how it could.
FB and Goog will probably bully their employees and censor any talk about the harmful side effects.
It will be interesting to see how much their employees will put up with.
By law they can’t.
There’s a case out there that may actually open the door for refusal en masse. We’ll see if it really gains traction.
I would love to see class action suits against FB and Goog for doing this to their employees!
Thus always to tyrants!!!
Might be a silver lining in that cloud, so to speak…
(a little humor of color there)…
the Big Guy lying again
Yep. And on the side it said:
Yay! I got to sign in with my username and PW. It worked and I’m back in.
Thank You Wolf Moon!