HUGE news today. The article that I was going to write about “I think they’re hiding immune enhancement” no longer needs to be written.
They ARE hiding immune enhancement.

Gail Combs alerted me to this video this morning – it is a must-watch.
If you know who is talking – Robert Malone – then you realize that he is a credible source. This is yet another research scientist, active in the vaccine field – a “radical pro-vaxxer”, even – who is less than impressed by these hasty vaccines. NOW he sees evidence that they are FATALLY FLAWED.
To me, this is the point where we have to put our feet down and stand our ground.
DO NOT get the jab – the CURE could well be worse than the DISEASE.
Indeed, the DISEASE may actually be a BETTER CURE for most people.
If you haven’t gotten a vaccine – don’t get one.
If you have gotten a vaccine – don’t get another.
Make the transition to natural immunity.
ONLY in some cases will the vaccine be smarter than getting the disease, and we now need even more science to figure out who those people are, who SHOULD be taking the vaccine.
I’ll tell you one thing – it ain’t kids.
If you already got the vaccine, you WILL catch COVID – one variant or another. You WILL survive it – almost certainly – and then you will have REAL immunity.
Now that I have delivered the BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front), I will explain all of it.
But first, we GET THE HEADLINE UP.
I will edit this article to add more as the evening progresses.
This could not be more timely WOLF! My DIL is getting pressure from her work to get the “Stab”. Will forward to her.
Do you have the ’employer exemption’ forms from Sidney Powell’s website? She has two religious exemption forms, which can be altered to fit one’s specific objections or circumstances, or just used as-is 👍
I can’t even find the Sidney Powell webpage where there files were located.
Here is another one, from Barnes’ Law:
And I found the Sidney Powell versions:
Gab also has exemption documents for download:
Thank you Scott & Sadie,, I will forward this.
You’re very welcome!
Others have posted them here before, that’s how I found them 👍
𝕋𝕙𝕖 ‘𝕍𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕖’ 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕠𝕒𝕝.
[They] are using Healthcare as a way to enslave us.
And I think that Obamacare was one of the steps in their plan.
Yeah remember how they balked at “death panels”?
They had a lot more in mind.
“and we now need even more science to figure out who those people are, who SHOULD be taking the vaccine.I’ll tell you one thing – it ain’t kids.”
Or me.
I checked with myself, and myself said “Not me either”.
So that’s it then, the science is settled 👍😁
It’s settled in my house, too.
Even the dog says “NO.”
The Dim’s ‘new science’ is a lot easier than the old, rigorous, scientific science 👍😂
Lol! Thank God. College biology was the end for me!
Not allowing that spike protein to spread through My Body. I like my natural immunity. I want to know why they collect info on race on everyone who takes the shots. That’s racist, in my opinion, and I think it’s somehow about eugenics. I know Dr. Malone worked on mrna gene therapy to treat cancer, not for giving vaccinations, so-called, into a pandemic, which should never be done.
Yeah, it was a long, hard road to “No” for me too.
But I just can’t fight the facts any longer.
If there’s one thing the Dim’s have really taught us through this whole ordeal, it’s that it’s all about the ‘science’.
And unlike the Dims, the science don’t lie… 👍 😁
Science just follows the truth. And what it doesn’t need is a bunch of COMMUNISTS trying to force it to give the most ENSLAVING ANSWERS.
Yes! Malone’s thinking dovetails with Geert Vanden Bossche’s concerns, as well as those of that other expert who was cautioning about getting ourselves into a Marek’s disease situation.
Mandatory vaccination now seems worse than unethical – it’s fraudulent.
This phony plague should have been treated for what it was from the very beginning – a NEW COLD forced on us by the ridiculous Fauci, Gates, WEF, and CCP.
“Mandatory vaccination now seems worse than unethical – it’s fraudulent.”
Yeah, I didn’t want to say genocidal, either, but that’s what it is, IMO. SLOW LETHAL INJECTION FOR ALL OF HUMANITY.
With KNOWN inexpensive, safe and effective THERAPEUTICS.
Craven manipulating schemers.
DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’
EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!
The inoculation being referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.
You can get the screenshots of Karen Kingston in this link
This needs its own article. Thank you!
Here is the video:
Don’t know if you have seen these ones
Graphene Oxide technology to be used for multi purpose.
This is GRAPHENE-OXIDE ‘self-assembling’ right before your very eyes!
One recent scientific analysis revealed that Graphene-oxide made up 99% of the COVID-19 vaccine that was tested, yet this ingredient is not stated on the data sheet, which is illegal.
It spreads throughout your entire body occupying every organ, including your brain. It’s magnetic,and can be activated by electromagnetic frequencies like 5G.
Well that doesn’t sound very good.
You think she is completely nutz until you remember that Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation said:
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
I am separating her “suspicions”, which are close to mine, from what she has proven here.
Pretty sure I’ve seen the Malone interview on other platforms, but if people can post bitshute or other sources than Rumbles for videoes, I will appreciate it. I can’t access those at all. Who is Karen Kingston?
Hi Zoe,
From the description: Karen Kingston a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries
Here is a SHORTER BitChute video of the first bombshell in the interview.
Is there a way to copy this? I’d like to share this and keep it for informational purposes .. i can copy from yuktube …
thank you 🥺🤚❤️
Give them THIS URL for the shorter one:
and this URL for the longer one:
Here is the FULL Stew Peters show – you want to go to about 29:30 in the video for the part with Karen Kingston.
And tell your family the cdc isnt your fren.
Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) Tweeted:
After the Vietnam War, tens of thousands of Veterans and their children reported diseases and birth defects caused by Agent Orange.
The CDC responded by twisting the science on Agent Orange to deny their benefits.
“If you already got the vaccine, you WILL catch COVID – one variant or another. You WILL survive it – almost certainly – and then you will have REAL immunity.”
Are we real sure about that, Wolf? I seem to remember an article or video posted yesterday that stated that the vaccine destroys your antibodies if you’ve already had COVID. So why wouldn’t it also destroy natural antibodies from getting COVID after taking the vaccine?
First of all, I don’t believe that the jab destroys any prior immunity – the immune system simply doesn’t work that way. What it does might be better described as misleading and misdirecting immunity.
IMO a jab is not a death sentence. But the quicker you stop getting them, the sooner you get back on track to optimal natural immunity, which is not perfect, either, but is better than the jab, IMO.
On the main thread, RF121 just posted an article that poses a much worse problem with the vaccine – prion disease, as observed with people getting neurodegenerative disease shortly after getting the vaccine. Not being a scientist, I have no idea how strong a possiblity that is.
I had posted a blip on prions a while ago. But since youve mentioned it….
I’m not convinced of the prion thing yet. I tend to think that the neurodegenerative stuff is a combination of viral-neural and cerebrovascular.
Does the prion definition include “misfolded protein”?
Would increasing apoptosis (as fasting does) improve one’s prognosis?
Doesn’t the body know how to deal with this as a normal matter of course?
I think Alzheimer’s is a prion disease, so the body doesn’t know how to handle that.
One leading model for Alzheimer’s is prion disease. They really don’t have a good handle on it. They were talking about excess aluminum some years back and never disproved it….just moved the money elsewhere.
First question — yup.
Second question — I suspect yes. But currently, firm diagnosis for most prion diseases is only possible upon autopsy. It hatches in the dark; it grows in hiding; it steals at the margins; and kills “suddenly” when nothing is left.
Third question — only to a limited degree (and not enough). Prion diseases aren’t infectious agents — they’re catalysts for normal proteins to go rogue.
No problem. We would never willingly vaccinate for a cold virus anyway. Especially one that has the media (enemy) pushing it. Now we know to not vaccinate for the flu either.
So, our DS in league with communist DS develops and releases a bioweapon cold/flu virus while doing the research and development to “protect” against said bioweapon. Which leads to gene therapy jabs that have never been used on humans before and were not tested on animals first; which turn out to be worthless at best and deadly at worst. Which tells normal people who are not lying curled up in fetal positions with COVID fear that the primary goals were to conduct a giant experiment making humans the lab rats while simultaneously making it rain untold billions of dollars for the globalists and pocket politicians who basically want to kill off half the population on the planet anyway.
How I’m doing so far?
Yup. It’s that bad, or WORSE.
Besides the psychology of it all that will have repercussions for generations moving forward, what is the science pointing to for the end goal? You know there’s much more to it than has been revealed.
Oh, yeah. The CIA set up and studied Jonestown for a reason.
Sounds like We the People are going to have to track down current and former C_A employees like the Israelis tracked down Nazis after WWII.
To whatever spider hole they crawl into, and then smoke ’em out.
From the lowest level guards and administrators to the complete psychopaths from the mid level upward.
Umm… not that this is strange or anything, but all of my posts have disappeared… 😂
Yeah, I’m not sure what in the fuck is going on right now.
It could be the DS doesn’t share my sense of humor…
Ha ha ha! I’m sure they don’t, Scott. 😎
I’m not logged in. Posting using the name/email fields.
I saw one of my posts disappear, but after a page refresh it was back.
I’ve been seeing that.
I just saw a flash that I’m imagining was your post disappearing and then reappearing again. Hmmm.
Might explain all the jumping around of text on pages.
At least we seem to be past the technicolor coatimundi stage….
Could it be (in my best Ahhhnold voice)
Someone had a post disappear into the ether over at chiefio’s… he uses wurst press, too…
Wonder if there are other, erm, things afoot… with the CDNs and edge systems and DNS having issues, maybe there is some groundwork being laid for more (total?) control…
Maybe chiefio’s and others ideas of a mesh net might not be such a bad idea after all… the electronic equivalent of whack-a-mole (in which the various moles are whacked, as it were)….
More data…
With local site login and WITHOUT jetTrap login I am now seeing the WP ribbon at the top of site pages, but clicking on the bell notifier just gives an endlessly spinning circle. Which is the same behavior as previous versions of site.
Yup. That’s normal.
Wolf. You need to review this one.
From the article: “Hundreds of millions of infections have been suffered[5], with millions of deaths, millions now suffering post-acute COVID, and hundreds of millions of (apparently) full recoveries.”
There must also be billions who have suffered zero physical effects (illness) from Covid.
Or else I’m living in a simulation that didn’t get the Covid code upload.
In my simulation, there were also a lot of videos of hospitals with whole wings shut down (no patients), and lots of docs and nurses making tic-tac videos because there was nothing else to do, while the morgues and hospitals were supposedly overflowing with patients.
Not to mention hospital workers and nurses who posted videos telling everybody that there was no surge of anything at the hospital, just the opposite, they were laying off staff or cutting back hours because not only were there no Covid patients, but hardly any patients for other illnesses either, because everybody was staying home and/or avoiding the hospitals, because they had been told the hospitals were overloaded with Covid patients.
Also videos recorded by regular citizens, walking through hospitals that resembled ghost towns, while we were supposedly at the very heights of a world-stopping pandemic.
In the simulation that’s running in my neck of the Matrix, TPTB love to use video for propaganda purposes, so if the morgues and hospitals had been overflowing with Covid sickies and bodies, it would have been all over the news, like any of the many MOVIES about deadly contagions and viruses.
But it’s funny, there weren’t any videos like that.
Not a single one.
I’m not supposed to notice that in my simulation though, so mum’s the word 😉
Article: “As mentioned previously, we have effective treatments and preventatives for COVID-19. Zinc ionophores; among them hydroxychloroquine[71][72][78], quercetin[73], ivermectin[74] and EGCG, in such widely available preparations as simple as a few cups of green tea[75], along with an ordinary zinc supplement, can prevent infection by and transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Ivermectin alone, newly discovered to be a wonder drug and a particularly effective antiviral, can prevent infection and transmission[76]. Even bromhexine, an unassuming over the counter mucolytic, is capable of preventing infection and transmission[77]. High doses of Vitamin D3 can also dramatically shorten the course of an infection and reduce opportunities for transmission[79].”
That’s all good information that should be repeated often 👍
I wasn’t aware of bromhexine before.
Bromhexine… now they’ll probably hide it…
Kind of like these brand names:
Barkacin (to avoid feeling like a dog)
Benadryl Chesty/Forte (to recover your loud chest voice)
There should be a mil-spec version called Chesty/Puller…
From the Article: “There is another option, along much the same lines: a campaign of worldwide, simultaneous mass prophylaxis, using any of the above therapeutics. Universal participation is not required; if a significant enough number of people were to make use of such prophylactics, at the same time, two things would happen.
Firstly, undetected early infections would be resolved, before active disease and significant transmission took place. While there is debate over the existence and relevance of asymptomatic spread, it is an obvious fact that shortening the course of disease, especially catching it before symptoms begin, will significantly reduce opportunities for infection and transmission.
Secondly, transmission will be greatly impeded by the fact that most of the potential hosts will be, temporarily, immune to infection. The above noted prophylactics can remain effective for up to, at least, a week, with the exception of bromhexine, which requires dosing three times daily.”
That seems completely doable, except that I estimate well over half the population has been propagandized into believing that treatments like HCQ and Ivermectin don’t work AND are deadly (never mind that they have both been used safely for years, people don’t bother to think anymore).
I would guess, best case scenario, we could get 20% of the population of first world countries to take therapeutic remedies as a prophylactic.
I don’t know if that would be enough, or not.
Ted Turner,
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
Georgia Guidestones:
“Improving fitness” is exactly where these socialists are going.
Excepting mental fitness…
Who keeps the studbooks?
Some tranny, no doubt.
How the hell are you going to improve diversity if you snuff out 15/16 of the population? Does this mean that their genes are necessarily inferior?
Funny. I thought we had already settled this over a year ago.
Why get a jab when HCQ + Z-pack + zinc works so well?
If they try to blame vac failures on Trump…..well…..he wasn’t the scientist creating the vax….the drug companies were.
At that time we only suspected that immune enhancement would be a problem. Trying to make vaccines was the obvious answer. We actually had a good solution to immune enhancement – the 2P mutation in the spike protein.
The trouble is, there is a second problem which beats any solution to immune enhancement. That problem is evolution.
The “first order” part of evolution is natural. The “second order” part is the axis of weasels, including the Faucists, the globalists, and CCP.
If they want the organism to gain function, it will gain function.
I personally think China is driving the production of scariants, but it could be anybody, or nobody.
I will say one thing for immune enhancement. It will make people “get real” about GAIN OF FUNCTION very quickly.
They knew – they knew – they knew – at least some did. Not all. Fake science is highly compartmentalized so the majority of chumps in lab coats don’t know what’s really going on, and the ones that DO know, feel “special” for being on the deceiving edge.
Trump did the right thing. He pushed them through quickly to discover – to PROVE – what the vaccines would actually do, and he did so WHILE we still remembered all the lies and deceptions.
It’s a GREAT tactic. It’s a way to ASSIGN RESPONSIBILITY.
There’s no way to promise pie-in-the-sky bunkum if you’re holding a vial of it in your hand — at that point, it either is or it isn’t. “Warp Speed” wasn’t “THIS IS THE SOLUTION”… was “put up or shut up.”
“If they try to blame vac failures on Trump…..well”
He is ABSENT while the SHTF and FauXI dirty laundry is dragged out for all to see.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6599d9 No.10619905
Sep 12 2020 13:47:18 (EST)
MSDNC CON: the Country is divided and dementia Joe [currently taking early-stage dementia medication?] is leading across-the-board.
MSDNC controls what you see [digital echo].
Twitter – FB – GOOG control what you see and what trends [digital echo].
Hollywood [‘stars’] swarm to enforce [‘trend’ echo].
Blue checkmarks swarm to enforce [digital echo].
ANTIFA swarm to enforce [non_digital echo].
Rage and emotion follow by those indoctrinated [echo controlled].
Define ‘indoctrinate’.
to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it
Next: grab ‘rage & emotion’ [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as ‘majority’ [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].
𝕊𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕗 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝.
𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖.
𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙.
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞.
𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 [𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕥𝕙] 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕗 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 [𝕓𝕖 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕖].
Seems truer every day…
“𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙.
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞. ”
Maybe so, but why not do BOTH?
Why make this game out of it, where they never SPEAK the truth, they only play charades with it?
Telling the truth would do WONDERS for those of us who already see.
Just eliminating the GASLIGHTING aspect, not to mention all the dissension and disagreement among patriots, would be a humanitarian endeavor.
Clot Shot don du nuttin
Wait, so people who are fully vaccinated against Covid are in such danger of catching Covid that the Center for Disinformation Control has to issue updated guidance?
That can’t be very good for vaccine sales!
You’re expecting the average person to realize how absurd this is without having someone actually point it out to them first. (At which point they smack their heads or, being unwilling to admit they had been stupid, double down.)
It’s not so much that they engage in double think–George Orwell defined that as holding two contradictory opinions simultaneously–but rather that they hold those contradictory opinions (vax is supposed to protect you from the disease vs. unvaccinated are a danger to the vaccinated) serially depending on what they last saw on the boob tube.
Public school trains people to be like this. It’s not a failure of public schools, it’s their design intent.
Maddening is not the right word for this.
“You’re expecting the average person to realize how absurd this is without having someone actually point it out to them first. (At which point they smack their heads or, being unwilling to admit they had been stupid, double down.)”
I suspect it’s probably hard to have a sense of humor without being able to recognize the absurd.
Which would explain why so many Leftists are humorless tools, and why so many comedians have given up on college tours.
The virtue of demonstrating to others that you’re offended by something has supplanted any appreciation for the absurd which is central to much humor.
For example, they can’t see what’s funny about Spanky and Our Gang, because they’re fixated on Buckwheat’s plight as a black child being exploited by (fill in the blank).
“It’s not so much that they engage in double think–George Orwell defined that as holding two contradictory opinions simultaneously–but rather that they hold those contradictory opinions (vax is supposed to protect you from the disease vs. unvaccinated are a danger to the vaccinated) serially depending on what they last saw on the boob tube.”
They sound like idiots, as described.
And that’s what is so frustrating, because a lot of the people taken by everything that is going on aren’t idiots.
But they’re behaving as if they are idiots, which seems to indicate that some kind of mass social psychology is deeply involved here.
Almost like a magician’s trick, like the way Wolf described it the other day, with the “prestige”, and the ‘turn’, etc.
But with a magician’s trick, at some level, the audience has to want to be fooled.
That wouldn’t seem to be in play here, but it almost has to be, otherwise what is the substitute explanation?
And how is it that a significant percentage of the population (though less than a majority) seem able to see through the ‘tricks’ routinely, while the others are either taken in by the trick… or don’t even recognize that a magician is performing?
It’s a fascinating thing to experience all of this.
I remember learning about the Holocaust in 7th grade social studies, and I remember having difficulty understanding how normal people could have allowed it to happen.
Because I couldn’t imagine the people in my world at that time allowing any such thing to happen.
The information was presented as a series of events, i.e., this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened, etc., without ever discussing the absurdity of it all, or how normal, rational people could simply ‘go along’ with it.
And as I have thought many times over the past year and a half, now I know, because I am seeing something similar with my own eyes.
I still don’t know the ‘why’ or the ‘how’, but I am seeing what appears to be a massive, intentional blind spot in the majority of people, to what is going on all around us (and them).
And I have had the same thoughts regarding many Bible passages that have occurred to me over the past year and a half, as I had in social studies in 7th grade.
There are passages in the Bible about groups of people doing things which sometimes don’t make much sense. Before China Virus, those passages registered as an oddity, but without any further context or personal experience to understand them better, I was kind of stuck.
I have seen things over the past year and a half that made some of those Bible observations come unstuck. As above, I still don’t understand the ‘why’ or the ‘how’, but I can relate now in a way that was only abstract before, because I have seen things now that are similar enough to provide context.
Both personally and with regard to the population as a whole.
Like prophets, as an example.
It seems like hardly anyone ever believed the prophets in Scripture. As a reader, it’s hard to understand why no one ever seemed to believe them. Were they nuts? Were they stupid?
Were they idiots?
But that’s largely because we have the perspective of reading about it in God’s Word, so the reader (whether a believer or not) is automatically biased in favor of the prophet. We know the prophet is speaking the truth to the people, because we are provided the context. We know how the story turns out.
But the people who heard the prophets didn’t have that context. Well they did, because if they were familiar with the Scriptures, then they would have recognized many things which they don’t appear to have recognized, but I don’t know if the common man was anywhere near as familiar with the Scriptures as the scribes and religious leaders would have been.
But even the scribes and religious leaders were frequently blind, without ‘ears to hear’ or ‘eyes to see’.
Even the concept of ‘not having ears to hear, or eyes to see’ is somewhat difficult, until you see it happen with your own eyes.
Not that we’re prophets, but in various ways, I’m sure most of us have experienced not being believed by other people in our lives, with regard to current events. Repeatedly.
And when you try to speak to friends and family members about any aspect of what is going on (Covid, the stolen election, all of it), it’s almost as if they have to have some prior knowledge and interest, or they just can’t ‘see’ it. It gives one a whole new appreciation, if only in a small way, for what it was like for certain characters in the Bible, when most people would simply turn away and not hear them.
Or during WWII, when no one wanted to believe what Hitler and the Nazis were doing with the concentration camps.
The events in the Bible and the events of WWII are separated by nearly 2,000 years (and more), but there are similarities in how societies react to warnings, and not wanting to connect obvious dots in order to see how things are going to turn out very badly. It’s something about human nature, or the human condition, which is common throughout time.
There is no new thing under the sun.
We are seeing things, with regard to society as a whole and what appears to be mass irrational reactions to events, which may not be common in human experience, but apparently it’s not rare, either.
It just seems extremely weird to us, because we are experiencing it for the first time, at least on such a giant scale.
But some people have seen many of these things before, and do recognize them.
Singingsoul often brings to our attention that she is familiar with certain Marxist tactics and how they are meant to affect us, because she has experienced them, or she has learned about them from her parents.
So she has an insight to some of these things, that the rest of us are experiencing more or less for the first time.
The people who are attracted to forums like this one are actively trying to process and understand and work through what is going on all around us, and that is notably different from the population at large.
Many people don’t seem to understand that there is anything of an intentional design going on which even needs to be understood or processed.
It’s a very strange and interesting time we are living in.
I was about to say you guys have no idea how glad I am to have found other people who are seeing and trying to understand these same things…
But of course you do have an ‘idea’, you all know exactly what I mean.
Because you’re here too 👍😂
Thanks for being here, Gang at Cheers! 👍😎😁
>I still don’t know the ‘why’ or the ‘how’, but I am seeing what appears to be a massive, intentional blind spot in the majority of people, to what is going on all around us (and them).
I’m not convinced they have conscious control over it.
A few years ago, I tried to red-pill a relative on something. It was a long conversation that I thought had gone well. He seemed very engaged. But when I referenced the conversation later, he had no memory of it. It was like the conversation never even happened. Like the Men in Black showed up with their flashy thing and erased his memory. He’s not the type to lie nor did he have any memory issues prior to this conversation. I legit believe that his brain somehow “disappeared” the memory. The experience actually quite the red pill for me about what we are up against. Whatever is going on here, it’s beyond mere brainwashing and ignorance.
Thanks for being here, too, Scott. 😀
Two words.
Diabolical disorientation.
Something like this?

Still wondering if this is “the deception at the end of the age”…
How so many people can be so blind is appalling to me, but more and more it seems like some sort of mass hypnotism…
Hitler was said to have a hypnotic effect on crowds (my wife’s family said that as well) because he was a Satanist… it doesn’t come through in the recorded/filmed speeches, but those who heard him live said that…
People said the same thing about Hussein Ozero, the islamic Kenyan.
People said he was a ‘great orator’.
They just can’t even possibly be serious… did they ever actually hear him speak?
The word ‘orator’ is not one of the first hundred words that come to mind.
He has the charisma of a skunk.
So I don’t know what people are smoking.
I am very curious to understand why certain things (and certain people) strongly affect some people, and don’t affect other people hardly at all, and how those things seem to align with ideology, at least on the Left.
People on the right are capable of supporting their favorites just as strongly, but without the religious worship component.
“Hitler was said to have a hypnotic effect on crowds (my wife’s family said that as well) because he was a Satanist… it doesn’t come through in the recorded/filmed speeches, but those who heard him live said that…”
That is a very strange thing in itself. Why wouldn’t it come across in film, or video today?
Certainly movie stars (at least some of them) are able to convey plenty of charisma through visual mediums.
So how is it that for someone like Hitler, it was completely absent on film, but overwhelming in person?
There is a missing piece to the puzzle.
It can’t possibly be a mystery to modern science at this point. It could be a secret of modern science, that I could believe, but if so, they’re not sharing it with JB, or Macron, or Johnson, or Trudope, etc.
I object.
Skunks are kind o’ cute.
Pepe Le Pew sends his regards 👍😁
“And when you try to speak to friends and family members about any aspect of what is going on (Covid, the stolen election, all of it), it’s almost as if they have to have some prior knowledge and interest, or they just can’t ‘see’ it. It gives one a whole new appreciation, if only in a small way, for what it was like for certain characters in the Bible, when most people would simply turn away and not hear them.”
Your whole comment is stellar, but this portion really rings true.
Excellent, Excellent comment. Thank you.
The mesmerizing spirit is working overtime.
To defeat it in your own life you have to be willing to see the strengths of those you hate and the weaknesses of those you love. Most people today are unwilling to do either.
Wonderful post!
I frequently refer to myself as “Cassandra” to friends and relatives in these times.
Cassandra was a priestess in Greek mythology who pissed off the gods. She was cursed with the gift of true prophecy, but also that she would never be believed.
That’s how I feel some days.
Like when we were all discussing antibody dependent enhancement, and I would tell people, and they would look at me like I had two heads. And now here we are, ADE is REAL and BAD.
So, while I would never compare myself to a Biblical prophet, I will claim the role of Cassandra.
Yup! And we can thank DEMOCRATS that good old logic and common sense now look like unbelievable prophecy! LOL!!!
Right! I’m no prophet; I’m just thinking!
Note that this two-stepper ChiCom is the one I refer to as “Wedgy the Diaper”.
As a working hypothesis the (pick a name) are amoral and will do anything they can get away with.
The jabs have identification, those with the right access to the right records will know which particular make/batch anyone got.
There is discussion about what’s in the jab or quantities of a particular substance, or the varying way it affects different groups of people.
What is there to say that the makers are not in fact altering the make up of the jabs for the purpose of monitoring the results.
It is after all an experimental thing.
P.S. is there any chance I can have my original picture thing back, I screwed up previously and spelled my email wrong, sorry I know you’re busy on important stuff.
It is all experimental. My mother got the Moderna early on. She had to fill out 7 pages of paperwork.
Now you can get the injection at a drive thru. I’ll have a cheeseburger, fries and a jab.
And the person at the window asks, “Would you like lies with that???”…..
Pfizer-BioNTech has been altering their “vaccine” since early THIS YEAR.
The “booster shot” 3rd dose of their “vaccine” is in Phase I “clinical trials.” Apparently, the company is going to apply for EUA for the “booster shot” as soon as the “results” are in from this PHASE I “clinical trial.”
The company has also already altered their “vaccine” so it can be considered “refrigerator-stable”, as compared to the original formulation, which has to be kept at SUB-zero temperatures:
Graphene oxide adds tons of stability. Just sayin’.
Just an update on my inadvertent Moxidectin experiment.
I can now state, that in my case this paper is ‘untrue’
Moxidectin and ivermectin inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in Vero E6 cells but not in human primary airway epithelium cells
I have not had ‘Asthma’ for over seven weeks AND at over 70 years of age I can RUN UP HILL without a problem!!!
I am now running %O2 at 96% with a pulse in the mid 40s-50s at rest. It sure beats the 92%-94% and a pulse often over 100 I had for the last two years.
Running up a flight of stairs gives me 97% O2 and a pulse of 67! 🤗
(With the arthritis in my hands I am not sure the pulse rate is accurate.)
I just replied to this, Gail, and it’s not showing up. I’ve refreshed 3 times and still isn’t there.
Just saw this. Let me now look in the bin.
Your comment NEVER got into the system. Not in spam, not in moderation, not in trash – nowhere.
What was in the reply? Any links? Let’s figure out what’s being censored, and HOW it’s being censored.
All I said was: “That’s really incredible, Gail.” No links or anything offensive. Nothing.
Not sure where it got lost between you and the server, but it’s a long way between you and the server.
IMO “they” are testing some kind of censorship of the internet.
It just put me on alert, since I rarely have problems with the site at all.
Thanks for informing me! We have to STAY FROSTY!!!
I hope this info gets out widely. In this part of the world people are getting really tired of it all .They have had big increases of “cases” since starting the stab campaigns. (Many of which are in the fully stabbed.) And so now in a panic, they start demanding shot cards for travel, more lockdowns, more stabs – even threatening that people who don’t get stabbed won’t be allowed outside their houses. (Not that there’s enough stab material to shoot everyone anyway.) I swear the jabs are what is CAUSING the increase in cases! It has happened all thru Asia. A lot of people are wondering of the CCP forgot to attentuate the virus in the Sinovac!
There’s the smoking gun.
They used a FAKE PANDEMIC to sell us on unnecessary and FATALLY ADDICTIVE vaccines for a COLD VIRUS.
[…] COVID Vaccine Showstopper CONFIRMED: Antibody-Dependent Enhancement – DO. NOT. TAKE. THE. VACCINE. […]