Dear KAG: 20210729 Daily Open Thread

We here at the Q Tree would like to say hello to the bots out there!

How y’all doing? Well, yours truly spent Wednesday on the annual canoe trip which ended up being in a raft because the company running the show changed the rules.

Oh, well.

So, this is going to be light on the memes and the Tweets, but still, share all pertinent information to your hearts’ content. I’m a little popped from steering on a river swollen after some rain.

Can anyone help out Mr. Couch, ’cause I think he’s right.

Stunning, isn’t it, I put a SD tweet up.

Just remember.

Take heart. It’s almost Friday.

Oh, and before I forget:

Just a little pick me up:


Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. Say hi to anyone who is actually hanging out there for the rest of us. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. THAT MEANS THAT ALL OF US HERE ARE ENTITLED TO OUR OPINIONS AND PREJUDICES, ETC., SO LONG AS THEY CAUSE NO PHYSICAL HARM TO OTHERS OR DOXX OUR FELLOW TREE DWELLERS.

All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and not perpetual high school sophomores or the back row of the soprano section in any big chorus:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 11:19-27

19and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them concerning their brother. 20When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, while Mary sat in the house. 21Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22And even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.” 23Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” 24Martha said to him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” 25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” 27She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, he who is coming into the world.”

Prayers for the nation, the salvation of humanity, and all of us here – lurkers and members – as well as our families, are welcome.


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Deplorable Patriot

Make that I’m a little pooped.

Can you tell I was just in from the sun when I wrote that?


Were the kids along?

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, yes. We took the canoe god, AKA my dad as well, and as it turned out we didn’t need him, and really, it was too hot for him. Plus, he hasn’t been on a river in quite a while, so I did most of the steering. Of course, he corrected me on a regular basis.


Soaked up some vitamin D, I’ll bet.

But yeah, I imagine you’re pooped…paddling and steering a raft uses muscles we don’t use every day.

You’ll probably sleep real good tonight!

Deplorable Patriot

Took a nap after dinner.


We had a major round of thunderstorms yesterday. We went outside today to check the veg garden and you’d think from the leaf debris and small branches that we had a major wind storm. So tomorrow/later today, will be yard cleanup.

Hope you enjoyed your water adventure!

Deplorable Patriot

The river was high, actually, and the current too strong in places for people to swim. Not that it stopped the nine year old who does not know his limits by any means.


Lol, I’ll bet. My grandparents had a cottage on a river and my fondest childhood memories are of tubing, swimming and fishing that river.

Imho, it’s a shame more kids aren’t exposed to such outings.

Cuppa Covfefe


If there were, there’d be far fewer DEMONRATS, if any at all…

The globalists want us all in hives, or, more likely, ant hills, where “EVERYTHING NOT COMPULSORY IS FORBIDDEN” and “EVERYTHING NOT FORBIDDEN IS COMPULSORY” (from “The Once And Future King” by T.H. White)…


Can be dangerous with snags.

I think you said this was the Meremac — I’m going on a pop-out journey to see if I can find a map.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s the river to the south in the STL area. We were west of the county, though.


Same river, though? Down by Mehville and Festus?


So, you were down by Robertsville, Pacific, and Eureka?

Deplorable Patriot

Upstream. Closer to Sullivan and Stanton.

Deplorable Patriot

We might try the Cuivre River next time, which is in Lincoln County. Maybe the Black, but that’s kind of treacherous as it’s spring fed and deep with a lot of rapids. At least down by Lesterville.

The upper Meramec is convenient. It’s not all that far, and right on one of the interstates where Route 66 used to go.

Cuppa Covfefe

Plus, it’s easier to Monitor 🙂

(ducks flying oars, oar locks, broken eight-tracks)…

Deplorable Patriot



Looks like I’m going to have to find a better online map.

From Robertsville to Sullivan, the river occasionally disappears, seems to turn constantly in random squiggles, and some of the labels are thoroughly bent (and some upside-down!). Looks like pretty countryside, though.

Deplorable Patriot

If you’ve ever been cave tubing in Belize, it’s a lot like that.

We have rivers coming out the wazoo in Missouri, at least the southern part. Thanks to the Ozarks, which are REALLY old mountains, there’s a lot of caves and great rock formations..

Not sure where the sycamore trees came from, though. Many need to be removed from the water for safety purposes.


No prob, you just go floating down the river with your chainsaw, and carve down any snags you encounter while you’re drifting past….. /s

Deplorable Patriot

Coothie, we’re talking entire trees, roots and all, that need to be taken out with tractors and cranes if the state can get in there to do it.


We did too the day before that. I now have mega squash out there. I’m afraid to go harvest.

Can’t. Take. Anymore. Squash.


I freeze them. We eat squash all winter.


I didn’t know you could freeze squash… do you parboil?


I slice it about a quarter inch, drop it in boiling water for three minutes, then into a cold water bath to arrest the cooking. Drain it really well in a colander and pack it into freezer bags.

It is not crispy-crunchy, but I saute it in a lot of olive oil with onions and garlic. It is sort of creamy, almost like mashed potatoes.

If they are BIG zucchini, I completely cook and mash them, pack into freezer bags, and make fritters by adding an egg, a little flour, garlic and grated parmesan. Fry ’em in some olive oil. Yum.


Thank you Aubergine… making a note atm…  😊 




Yes, TY. Will have to try the fritters, had not thought about that.


They are so good! Comfort food.


Not me. I shred the squash and then pop in freezer bags and squeeze out the air. They are perfect for use in casseroles, squash latkes, breads, etc.


I have about 30 pounds in the freezer right now.




My squash wouldnt geow at all this year. My tomatoes grew vines but no fruit. And i fertilized and watered. My strawberries are great. I did get basil. My green beans didnt grow and the 1 plant that started just quit. I can only guess its just too hot nonstop.


I looked, and I think you’re right, it’s too hot. This is a good explantation:



Ty. Consistently just too much.




Every year is a crap shoot. My tomatoes are not abundant and my basil is just recovering from some heinous critter.




My summer squash are just now getting started. Had helpful voles, ugh. Finally got some plants going and they have flowered and are getting going now.


Yay!! You will get a lovely late harvest!


It is said that the reason that people in otherwise law-abiding rural areas roll up their windows and lock their car doors is that otherwise, there’ll be a sack of zucchini on their passenger seat when they get back.

And got “posting too fast, slow down”.


“Make that I’m a little pooped.”


When you said ‘popped’, I thought maybe one of the kids gave you a black eye 😁


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Joe Biden Is Not My President

Not a huge fan of Tucker Carlson, but tonight’s episode was the best I’ve ever seen…almost like he was a real journalist and covered several critical topics.

It’s a must watch before YouTube deletes it:

Barb Meier

Kinzinger got his crying technique from Christine Blasey-Ford.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It does my heart good to see you laughing and enjoying. I’m sure the last 24 hours have been grim and stressful.

Let the merriment and camaraderie replenish your soul….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Yes. It was a rough day. Finding the source of the problem has really done me some good, because I now realize that the site data itself is OK.

We will be back on our feet later today, one way or the other!


Even if it’s tomorrow, or another day, we all have faith in you.


Sleep well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So – gonna grab a nap! 😉


Brilliant 🙂


“Christine Blasey-Ford” aka “Two-Door Ford” 🙂


This is my criticism of this segment and it is just a couple things of many.

First off, there was a completely out of context picture of PT that kept getting put up. A subtle way of associating him with the current mess, especially when Fauci is talking. Go back and watch.

Next TX Rep. Chip Roy doesn’t mind illegals…as long as they don’t have Covid. Go back and watch what he says. Illegals shouldn’t be allowed in if they have Covid.

This is the problem with Poop Pies. A lot of good stuff in there but there’s still enough poop to poison the whole thing.



Good catch Gmma. Great illustration of what controlled opposition is & Carlson is definitely THAT! Accept the worthwhile information and you open the door to the more subtle disinformation. Care for a little Operation Mockingbird?
The dominant culture really is a shit show…


So true! This culture is rotten to the core. Thank goodness for books.


Re: this tweet from the opening article:

It’s been 19 months of this “deadly” virus…

Yet not one biohazard bin anywhere for these “masks” that are supposedly protecting people…

Would *they* say it’s because the virus doesn’t live long on surfaces? But if I recall correctly, at first they didn’t know how long it lived on various surfaces.

If the virus is so deadly, and people’s germs are on their masks, then why aren’t there requirements for washing and disposing of the masks? One hospital I visited had a wastebasket by the exit door, and people threw their masks in it.


“Would *they* say it’s because the virus doesn’t live long on surfaces?”


It better live long on surfaces!

Otherwise my latest business idea is going to be dead on arrival!

The idea is to sell it at public pools and via street vendors, anywhere they sell stuff like Push-ups, Klondike Bars, Ice Cream Sandwiches, etc.

I call it Covid on a Stick.

It’s just a Popsicle stick, sprinkled with some Covid dust (if I can ever find any Covid, it’s like looking for Snipe).

People can suck on it, lick it clean, chew on it for a while, whatever they would do with a Popsicle stick after the Popsicle was all gone.

And then not get sick.

It would freak out the Karens, “Aaaahhhhhhhh!!! You can’t seriously be licking a Covid stick!!!

And that’s the fun of it.

Hilarious good fun, especially for kids and teenagers.

Plus showing everyone that most people, unless they are immunocompromised or have serious health issues (or have been vaxxed), come into contact with Covid every day, and don’t get sick at all. 👍

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

“Covid on a stick “ 🥴 Thank you sir may I have another?!

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re probably sold by the “Bad Humor” man 🙂


Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn: “”If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.” May all the people on earth who read this message understand its meaning


Especially MYANMAR.

I hope they’re listening, and get here soon!

Because all we get are dire messages of imminent loss, of everything — but ZERO plan or encouragement to actually, you know, do anything about it — in fact, the only specific encouragement we get, from anyone in the previous administration or the people around them, is to NOT DO ANYTHING about it.

Besides Hope & Meme.

Which is, you know, a little more than frustrating.

Fearporn, FEAR Porn, FEAR PORN!!!

(but don’t do anything!)

Some might call that mixed messaging!


Flynn explicitly called for Myanmar here, I wondered if you’d seen it.




I have seen the video, but I can’t find it anywhere on youtube.

Why would youtube scrub it, if they think it helps their cause?

Here, I found it on rumble:

Seems pretty clear and straight forward to me.

I was THRILLED the first time I heard it.

But then he walked it back the next day, rug pulled out from under us again 😡


That would be awesome!

I remember seeing that video, but he walked it back the next day and claimed he was responding to something else, if I remember correctly.

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

The video had been doctored I heard. People took Flynn out of context .


Imagine a world where you need to get an injection every 3 months to be “normal”.


“Imagine a world where you need to get an injection every 3 months to be “normal”.”


Yeah, I opted right out of that plan as soon as I heard about it.

Whatever happened to most people NOT liking needles, anyway?

Used to be, that was a traditional American thing.


Codemonkey: “There are rumors going around about an NDA. Those rumors did not originate with me. I would never publish an NDA that I am party to.”


Well that’s not very encouraging.

If you know something that would save the Republic, but you were blackmailed or otherwise coerced into signing an NDA, then ignoring the NDA and saving the Republic is the higher virtue.

By orders of magnitude.

Times infinity.


The chaos is the point. To create revolutionaries.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s been real. Now that the milk delivery is here, I’m crashing out. See you all in the am.



Ni-ni, DePat!!!


You get milk delivery? Like the milk man comes? Is that still a thing? How cool!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. It’s still a thing. The company uses product from small, local mom & pop operations. When you sign up, you get a cooler for the porch, and place your order for milk, cream, butter, etc., the day before. Glass bottles are returned for a credit, etc.


I love it! REAL milk and butter!

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Half and Half is regularly on the order also.




It seems the details on the graphene oxide are confirmed directly from the CHYNA patents, but hidden in US as a “trade secret”..

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots

At about 18 minutes she states about the DoGee “vaxx mandate” … “her interpretation is reckless and it has no merit. So it’s just an opinion, and it’s not enforceable. Period.”



Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots

We’re getting ready to have another heat wave. 100 tomorrow and 101 on Friday. Where is my cool Oregon weather?


It didn’t sneak down here into California…..


Apologies, I think Southern Texas at least may of pawned off our heat to you. So far this has been a rather cool summer for us.


God bless, strengthen, and provide for our J6 men and women.

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J6 actor meme

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Drama queens.

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That guy’s beard looks CRAZY fake.

Like somebody glued it on right before he gave testimony.

I’m not saying it is fake, just that it looks fake, because it completely does not match the hair color on his head… like a blonde woman with a black mustache… 🤣 😂 🤣

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Nor does it comport with the uniform. It is so off as to be dissonant.

Last edited 3 years ago by rayzorback

This shitshow explained something to me that I’d always questioned in my head which was…how can a large scale false flag happen, aren’t there too many people who need to keep the lie…
The answer is..if the people involved are paid enough and actually hold the belief that the lie is a good thing

These men are horrible actors and it shows but for the millionth time…none of it matters when you have a corrupt press and corrupt political parties.


!!! & a corrupt judiciary wraps it up with a neat bow.


It’s a mix.

Some – FAR too many – actually believe in their (self-)”righteousness”.

Others, as you say, are bought off – bribed – for purely self-interest, and haven’t any loyalty except deriving from profit.

Still others are blackmailed (and likely bribed), fearing for themselves and their families – they’ve been CAUGHT.

And the last group – those at the top – are as evil as evil gets, and delight in destruction and crime, caving to their banal, animalistic desires, thinking themselves as superior and DESERVING of lordship and power and material gain & pleasure (psychopaths / sociopaths / megalomaniacs / monomaniacs / etc.).

It’s quite a motley crew, and any and all of the above may play a role in their depravity.

IMO, of course …


I just had one of those moments. Some sort of small fly had gotten into the house and had made a couple of passes in front of the monitor while I was doing stuff, but eventually went away and disappeared……


As the old joke puts it: “Waiter!!! What’s this fly doing in my soup?” “I believe that is the backstroke, sir….”

I went to finish off the last bits in my beer glass and pour some more, and there he was.

For the record, I did not hold him upside-down over the glass and shake him, shouting, “spit it out, you!!!”


Hate it when that happens! 🍻

Sadie Slays

This Patriot Front garbage is currently being shilled on 4chan. It’s glowing so hard that it’s radioactive.
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Does the Patriot Front have a Traitorous Backside?

Sadie Slays

They have a FBI Fanny.

Sadie Slays

(I tried posting this yesterday, but I think it got accidentally nuked while Wolfmoon was fixing the website.)

Bob Odenkirk got the injection in late March. He collapsed yesterday with a heart problem.
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ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Some familiar faces were among the hundreds of people getting their COVID vaccine Saturday in southwest Albuquerque. Actors Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn got their first shot Saturday afternoon at the National Hispanic Cultural Center near Fourth and Bridge.


Walter White would never have taken the vaxx.


He would have known better!

Sadie Slays

Walter White would have synthesized his own batch of black market HCQ in a RV camper somewhere.

Sylvia Avery

Hee hee!


It’d be the good stuff, because it was blue.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Can I interest you in some Jello Shots, Miss Sylvia?😁😁😋💋
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Sylvia Avery

Wow! The breakfast of champions! LOL bfly! Those are great!

Cuppa Covfefe

Breakfast of Trumpians! 🙂

Howdy, Sylvia!  🍻 

Sylvia Avery

Hiya, Cuppa! 😁😁😁


I can’t like any of your comments, Sadie. But I can like others. I’m on as a guest, but it’s odd that I can like some comments and not others. 😜


So far, I’ve found that I *can* like quite a few posters who have non-generic avatars, some of whom *do* have an “animal”.

Perhaps we should each try the experiment, and post the results – this may provide a data-set Wolf would find useful.

It’s more than just “registered” or “not registered” …

From yesterday, I was able to like these posters who have non-generic avatars (and some have animal designations):

Concerned Virginian,
Barb Meier,
Grandmaintexas (you),
Sadie Slays,
Gingersmom2009, and
Sylvia Avery.

I’m not sure whether I can STILL like them, though.

And I *can’t* like these generic-avatar posters:
Valerie Curren
Brave and Free

It could (also) be a systems compatibility issue, between poster and “liker”…


Maybe the temporary solution, to being able to “like”, is to have everyone “log on” as a Guest.

The “widgets” will automatically provide the non-generic avatar, if one has one, and perhaps the animal sign as well.

Not everyone has a non-generic avatar (Valerie & B-and-F), and I suspect they’re logging on by doing something else than posting as a Guest (which requires entering handle / email every first time).

That’s my hypothesis so far, trying to fit an explanation to the facts!

We’ll see.


I believe it may be related to the way they are logged in. Valerie uses a JetTrap login and the site may not be able to connect to tell the mothership about the like.

Sylvia Avery

My first question when I hear someone has died or had some kind of collapse. Did they get the jab recently?


Here’s one for the record…a friend (In her late 60’s) took the jab about a month ago. She payed a visit over the weekend and first thing out of her mouth was that she woke up with a shiner. She had a distinct if subtle (thanks to make-up) shiner but what I didn’t mention was that there was discoloration under the other eye as well.
Just another Clot Shot statistic.


I saw this yesterday. DH has a nephew that lives in CA, thirties of course he and wife got the jab. He had a friend got the jab then had a stroke. He thinks it could be the jab……ya think??????  🙄 


Not called a clot shot for nothing.


Hope they reported it to VAERS.


Ah hah. I was wondering what did it. 5hx for this.


Just as a meditation on my part…..

Websites generally live on a LAMP stack.

That stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP.

At the base of a LAMP stack is Linux. It needs to be rock-solid and have a solid core of utilities that work with it flawlessly. Linus Torvalds is still defining the next version of the Linux kernel….but Greg Kroah-Hartman defines today’s Linux kernel — as well as the staging subsystem, USB, driver core, debugfs, kref, kobject, and the sysfs kernel subsystems, Userspace I/O, and TTY layer. He is the most important person in Linux today, but the second most important (after Linus) for Linux overall. [There is a really funny video where some minor schmo from palookaville is doing a really nice interview of Linus, and Linus responds to a question with, “that’s really more of a Greg question — hey, Greg — can you come over here for a bit?” The original interviewer hooks Greg up with his mike, puts ’em both on camera, and provides minimal prompts IRL as Linus and Greg chat into the recorder. Massive props.]

In order to gain all the utilities, driver collections, support, and such, it’s nice to hook into a reputable distro — not necessarily a popular one.

As is quite common in Linux, key pieces can be plugged-in or replaced. Apache is the most used webserver package…..but NGINX has fans, as well. Incidentally, if you run a LAMP stack with NGINX substituting for Apache, it’s normally called a LEMP stack — NGINX is pronounced “EngineX”.

The third piece of a LAMP stack is MySQL. There are a variety of databases that can be subbed into this space. It is vitally important to remember that this should be bulletproof and steady, because it’s where all your posts and comments get sorted out — and where all your backups come from.

Finally, you have the code that runs the website — puts on the silly animations, handles indents and screens and color, says “reply” in some places and not others, paginates output…..everything that customizes the website.

Like everything else with Linux, you can substitute all sorts of things in this slot — javascript, Drupal, custom applications….but if these pieces are suitably configured and running properly, you have a website.


Or for folks that love more control over their data, there is Dokuwiki. It has comments plugins. And ALL THE DATA is stored as PLAIN TEXT in files that you can move around, read, etc. It has a nice community of users and if you are using shared hosting with cPanel, it can be installed with the click of a button and filling in a few details like admin email address.


Have you ever tried the light weight OSes from Bunsen Labs?


Doesn’t really fit my use case(s). I do have an ultra-light-weight OS that I follow — OpenWRT. Otherwise, with $35 pi’s, I have little reason to do anything very “lightweight”. Besides, I try to have “look and feel” cross platforms as much as possible.


I’m familiar with OpenWRT. Do you feel that it’s a well secured OS? I’m comfortable with the usual IPv4 firewall rules, but the IPv6 stuff just fills my head with cotton balls.


OpenWRT is usually more secure than commercial wireless routers — rivaling corporate wireless routers.

IP6 is like IP4 plus your hardware MAC address… just makes you itch to spoof. Just firewall it out until you’re ready to deal with its complications.


Happily, my VPN has a nice switch to block IPv6, but the later versions of OpenWRT gave me some trouble if I turned it off on the box I loaded it on.


You might try not “turning it off”, but “default drop” on both input and output.


I have an open ask about your relative.




Okay, you are talking about OpenWRT settings in the firewall, correct?


Brought forward to current. I was concerned this might be happening.


… you are talking about OpenWRT settings in the firewall, correct?


At any convenient level.

“Hi, I’m an IP6 packet.” “Very nice, sir, just come over here….” “Aieeee!”


So the BunsenLabs OS was brought up in the context of someone running VMs on their NAS. (weird idea) I made a note to take a look at that sometime in the future.



Let’s say you had four RasPi4’s with two large USB3 drives each, and you configured them sensibly…..maybe ZFS?

I could see using one to stream music, and another to stream videos….but when it came to running VM’s, I’d want something with massive horsepower. Load the VM from Raspi’s, but run ’em in a beast.


Okay, I just looked closer. They are making a trimmed down packaging of Debian.

Would you care to offer your definition of “a beast”?
I’m remembering vaguely Michaelh describing his.


“twistly little passages, all alike”


The most popular ever?

Trump Supporters Throw Middle Finger, Biden Supporters Wave as President Leaves PA – YouTube


Is it normal for ambulances to follow the President? It could be but I can’t say I remember seeing one with the real President. At 1:50 two are following.


wyoming…i think there is always an ambulance in attendance wherever a President goes…his blood type, etc…even though The Beast carries First Aid to the max.


Note the upside-down flags, too – signifying national ***DISTRESS***!

They’re gonna go down, and down HARD.

From ~18 months ago:

They will not be able to walk down the street.”

I now suspect that this will be because of their complicity in BIO-WARFARE levied against We The People.

Makes sense to me …


BiteMe never noticed the Trumpers.

BiteMe was napping.


Saw my primary dr. yesterday to get a referral for a shoulder issue. First thing he asked – in a very sympathetic tone – was how had I been holding up during the pandemic. Said fine and then switched to asking how he was doing. He said it’s been rough. Then he asked again, but how have YOU been handling this, how are YOU feeling, etc. Clearly fishing for me to launch into a it’s so scary, I’ve been depressed. It was a very awkward exchange.

Then he said you’ve been vaccinated right? NO. I said you know about my medical history. Not happening. He looked at his computer and said oh right you are one of the very few people who should not get the vaccine, BUT everyone else should and I am REALLY worried about what is going to happen this fall when people are indoors, blah, blah. Lots of fear. Then just for fun, I told him if new safer vaccines that aren’t killing people become available I would consider it. No further discussion about the different types of vaccines, his recommendations. Nothing.

So my take away was these corporate medicine employees are working off a script. They may or may not agree with the accepted covid narrative, but have to follow the rules. He covered his bases and that was it.

Sadie Slays

So my take away was these corporate medicine employees are working off a script.

I stumbled across something similar on Gab–a manual on how to talk to patients about the injections. Here’s the link if anyone cares to see it. The only really interesting page from it is the one I’ll post below because it reveals which words they’re trying to avoid.
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Absolute techniques used to persuade. SICK.



I hate marketers for many reasons. Here’s another one.

Cuppa Covfefe

Look at the works of Vance Packard, from the late 1950s until (IIRC) the 1970s.
“The Hidden Persuaders” (Marketing), “The Wastemakers” (Planned Obsolescence), “The Naked Society” (Unlimited surveillance, everywhere), and other titles were DECADES ahead of their time.

Yet it seems that no one listened.

At least on our side…..




There are always scripts. You are taught this in school. It is a way to memorize the steps of the exam and do accurate checks in your head.


The quacks wife and I see always have a script = agenda. They refer to their computer throughout the visit.

Cuppa Covfefe

Great (albeit sad) info, Sadie.

They’ve gone from the Hippocratic Oath to the Hypocritic Oath in almost no time flat….

The amount of pressure and money that is being applied must be enormous. But didn’t someone say a few years back, “There are TRILLIONS AT STAKE!”…..

Spending a few hundred Billion (and countless lives) to get a few hundred (or thousand) TRILLION is just a good investment…..

FOR THEM… and Satan….


I think we could improve on this.
For Social distancing, I vote for “social isolating”


That was also info gathering. And it would go right in the file.


Ahhh good point. Suppose I am on the bad list now.


We all are.


There are no “Good” lists or “Bad” lists.
There is only ONE “List”….
and WE are ALL on it.

Some people just have different boxes (Flags) checked.


I think that many on the same list as us think theyre more special bc they are syncophants. No knowledge of the Russian revolution.


Very true!!!


DID go into the electronic file.


When asked by a masked service person at the store how it feels to be mask free, I didn’t not volunteer anything. I just loudly quipped, “I am very PRO OXYGEN!”


I told him if new safer vaccines that aren’t killing people become available I would consider it.” Exactly my sentiment!


This is a fantastic interview:

Rumble — Meet Draza Smith.
Draza was kind enough to do this interview in the middle of a move, and during a thunderstorm!
Nothing is going to stop the truth, come rain, come shine.
Draza holds two master’s degrees—one in electrical engineering, and the other in cyber engineering. Draza has completed her doctoral work in cyber engineering, and awaits defense of her PhD dissertation.
Even more impressive, Draza has worked for Sandia National Labs, focusing on Cyber and Grid security. These subjects are of the utmost importance as we approach Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium where experts will verify or dispute the authenticity of 37 terabytes of packet captures related to the hacking of our US elections.

She also shows what PCAPs are, how to analyze them etc. Go To Time stamp 1:04 to see this part only.

Draza Smith: Election Fraud on Cruise Control? (

You can find me at
Official telegram channel for Professor David K. Clements
You can find Draza Smith on Telegram at

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Texas Sized Sustenance!! 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 😋 😋 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️
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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

That’s a bacon coma waiting to happen!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I know, YUMMY!!😋🤸‍♀️😋

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Brave and Free

Morning DP,
Glad to here you were able to get away for some RR……….
Even if it was exhausting.
The video at the end was great, I noticed the BLKRFL on his shirt. Wonder if he’s calling them out for their deception?

Deplorable Patriot

More field trips are planned for the next week while the kids are here, and I need to take the nine year old to the zoo one more time so he can do all the things he missed when we were there the other day and his brother was being such a 12 year old.

JP Sears is pretty dependable for great content, that’s for sure.

Deplorable Patriot

The Church is becoming a scapegoat. AGAIN.


Which is ironic given the hierarchy has been in the bag for globalism/communism for awhile.


In the last 3/4 years tons of EU churches torched or vandalized including Notre Dame and the uptick in church vandalization here in US largely ignored .
Never noticed the hierarchy using their clout to demand exposing the culprits or ideology fomenting the destruction so…they contribute in a passive way.

Cuppa Covfefe

And a common factor in churches and historical landmarks being burned or destroyed here is that they were “undergoing repairs”.

What’s not mentioned is that many of the workers involved in these renovations are neither European nor Christian, rather, they are largely immigrants (read: cheap foreign labor) and often of Moslem background and beliefs.

There is a cultural war going on over here, and IT IS A RELIGIOUS WAR. And until or unless it is finally and publicly labelled as such, it will go on, unabated, as the demon-ridden “Governance” provided by the EC/EU is basically in agreement with the destruction of the West and the church, if not behind it and funding it…..

For example, the German “government” funds Antifa and the “Fight Against Right” movements… as well as other abominations…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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If 2020 is not fixed 2022 will be a moot point.


I agree. And why it’s not being screamed from the rooftops by all is a mystery to me.


There are still a lot of “lofo’s” out there, relying on the teevee for all their “knowledge”.

“Biden won … it’s a fact.” was what one of them said to me, shortly after the (s)election.

Critical thinkers they ain’t! Yet their willful ignorance is dangerous to us all.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Yes, it is! Whenever anybody says “it’s a fact” to me about anything they don’t know crap about, it makes me nuts!



Cold, hard “facts” (text) mean very little without the warm, soft context – FIRST – in which to judge them.

Arrogance and ignorance is a deadly combo – and in fact, I treat arrogance as a *type* of ignorance – likely the worst type.


No kidding.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Right up (OK, down) there with “The science is settled”….


Then again, speaking of “settled,” logic and reason are unplowed ground to the libtards and DEMONRATS…..


Audit/Decertify/Recertify/Inauguration. Nothing else matters.


UH, betting CDC paid at least the $3.5 Million to FB. After all, TRILLIONS have been tossed around from multiple stimulus bills. All with NO over sight.


Since we know that Zuck spent millions on election interference because of his deep belief in socialism , he may have allowed the free promotion..all for the cause. What’s a few million to him ? Not much.

Deplorable Patriot

No immunity here, that’s for sure.

Deplorable Patriot

All the usual suspects. Vanguard, BlackRock, Mellon, State Street, and on and on and on….

Deplorable Patriot

How to keep a peaceful protest quiet and effective.

I wonder how the cyber snoops missed this one.

Deplorable Patriot

The rock star president.


All ladies. We 💘 actual men, no soy allowed.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, here’s more Jan 6 info.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
Brave and Free

From the article,

Vulnerabilities that would make children over the age of 12 eligible for COVID injection include severe neuro-disabilities, Down’s syndrome, immunosuppression and multiple or severe learning disabilities.

If you ask me, this is a rather curious list, seeing how neurodevelopmental problems are unlikely to make you more prone to viral infection. We already know the high-risk factors for COVID-19 are things like obesity and multiple chronic diseases — not neurological problems and intellectual deficiencies.

“At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, this list is uncomfortably similar to that of Hitler’s T4 program. This was an involuntary euthanasia campaign where the incurably sick, physically and mentally handicapped, psychologically ill and elderly were selectively murdered by the medical establishment.”

Deplorable Patriot

And the blinders begin to come off.


Of course. The elderly and the disabled. This is exactly what all tyrants do since the 20th century.


They need to save on medicare and SS.

Concerned Virginian

The spike protein in the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, etc., “vaccines” contain SPIKE PROTEIN that MIMICS the TOXICITY of SNAKE VENOM.
It’s the SPIKE PROTEIN in the “vaccines” that’s most likely behind the “sudden” or, literally weeks or months later, strokes; MI’s; cytokine storms; “sudden” catastrophic diabetic shock; “sudden” miscarriage / stillbirth; BLOOD CLOTTING issues — in persons WITH or WITHOUT any predisposing factors.
It’s the SPIKE PROTEIN that lodges in various organs of the recipient’s body (ovaries, testes, heart, BRAIN) — and REPLICATES there.
It’s the SPIKE PROTEIN that forces the recipient’s body to, first, produce a HUGE immune system response to the injected spike protein; then, the SPIKE PROTEIN’S mRNA embeds (in the Johnson & Johnson “vaccine”, it’s the adenovirus DNA embeds) KEEP PRODUCING the “fake virus attack”, which the body MUST fight off via the immune system response — weakening the immune system overall.
It’s the neurotoxic elements in the SPIKE PROTEIN that may cause anyone with a diagnosed neurological disease (autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder, ADHD, motor disorder like Cerebral Palsy) — to have a worsening of their condition(s).
It’s the neurotoxic elements in the SPIKE PROTEIN that may be behind the severe reactions of loss of motor coordination; Bell’s Palsy; and other “sudden” motor coordination issues after getting the “vaccine.”
What about if a person has a history of stroke that’s in their family? Would the SPIKE PROTEIN of the “vaccines” kick off any DNA “predisposition” for stroke in the recipient’s own body? There are NO studies I can find that have been performed for this.
This was explained in two of our indomitable host’s openers:
May 2, 2021
“Spike Protein = Spike Protein ~ Snake Protein” (sorry, don’t know how to insert the special character before the second “Snake Protein”)

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Agrees, this is a huge red flag. Lots of links but was searching for a govt link and guess what it’s there. Likely not the exact source of the information but it’s fairly clear this fits.

Children less than 16 years of age

Following infection, almost all children will have asymptomatic infection or mild disease. There is very limited data on vaccination in adolescents, with no data on vaccination in younger children, at this time. The committee advises that only those children at very high risk of exposure and serious outcomes, such as older children with severe neuro-disabilities that require residential care, should be offered vaccination with either the Pfizer-BioNTech or the AstraZeneca vaccine. Clinicians should discuss the risks and benefits of vaccination with a person with parental responsibility, who should be told about the paucity of safety data for the vaccine in children aged under 16 years. More detail on vaccination in children is set out in the Green Book – Immunisation Against Infectious Disease.

Very nefarious. At the minimum I’m reading “here, experiment on these kids”


And of course, the *truth* is that these high-risk children should NOT get the jab.

It’s the exact OPPOSITE of what they aver.

Nefarious indeed.

Concerned Virginian

NOBODY in a high-risk category should get the “vaccine.”
NOBODY with a family history of cardiac / stroke / neurological / developmental / motor issues, should get the “vaccine.”
NOBODY under age 18 should get the “vaccine.”
NO FEMALE WHO WANTS CHILDREN should get the “vaccine.”


In fact, NO ONE AT ALL should get the “vaccine”.

And of course, it ISN’T really a “vaccine” at all … it doesn’t prevent ANYTHING (except being healthy, and continuing to live!).

I’ve called it the “death-jab”.

Cuppa Covfefe

The new evil villain that even Marvel won’t touch:

DeathJab ClotShot…


My daughter had her daughter get the vaccine with consultation of her brother. No one ask me.
I am beside myself my granddaughter was 18 in June.


I just hope that nothing adverse happens. She may end up sterile but as hard as that is, if she has nothing else happen, she can still be a mom.




It’s my belief that MOST of the injections were / are merely saline.

If this *weren’t* the case, I think we’d be seeing MASSIVE deaths and adverse reactions – ten to a hundred times what we’re seeing, or extrapolating from the sketchy data – right now.

It’s a cast of the dice, but it’s a source of substantial hope, because the dice are stacked in our favor, vis-a-vis the proportion of saline v chemicals.

I would estimate 90% saline, and only 10% real.

Please remember – VSGP45DJT had this MADE-TO-ORDER.

There IS hope!

Deplorable Patriot

Cast of the dice? Try Russian Roulette.

I do think there is a lot of saline out there, but am not sure of the percentage.


Both metaphors apply, DePat.

Even 10% real – or, for RR, 16.67% real – has been enough to demonstrate the real chance of debility / death for those who’ve taken it.

*I* won’t enter this game, but for those who’ve been fooled (or self-fooled) into doing so, at least it isn’t a guarantee of incapacitation.

I tried to allay somewhat of singingsoul’s fear and worry.

That was the POINT of my post. Now it’s somewhat dulled.


Thank you
Yes there is hope. All I can do is wait and see what happens and most of all pray.


I have two friends with children, and in both cases they REFUSE to have their children get “vaccinated” and in both cases their wives want the kids to get the shots. Very difficult and painful, especially because both wives are operating on pure fear, and do not want to even listen to facts.

This must be splitting families apart all over.


I do not let that split us apart. The parents are adults in their fifties and if something happens to their children that is the worse than I ever could inflict on them by scolding them. I hope i have the wisdom and strength to be there to console or help.


My daughter’s motive was that her daughter get the jab is the University requires the jab for the kids to come on campus.
I would have found a University that does no require the jab.


Families have been torn by divisive views all the way through history. Our family takes communion nightly, ending with a prayer for God to apply all of the virtue of His Son’s sacrifice to our families.


They cant fight back and “theyre damaged already” and itll be “one less drain on the economy” etc etc.
One thing is many families turn their loved ones over to state control bc of the financial burden of care. Those people will go first.

Cuppa Covfefe


Needless eaters…

It’s as if we’re living in a Dickens novel.

Time to shut the book on the damnable Cabal.

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone else encounter this syndrome? I have, and it isn’t pretty.
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Anyone, anywhere, wearing a mask in some effort to “protect” me;


I actually had a person a few weeks ago apologize to me for handing me a drink cup without gloves on. My reply? “I want your germs, it improves my immune system!”

People just LOVE to condescend to “protect” others and be “angry” about it. Pathetic.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wasn’t this guy, was it??? 😆


I remember this guy! This is hilarious!

Cuppa Covfefe

He has a YouTube channel just stuffed with hilarious vids. He has one about getting Coffee and Dessert at the same time (after a meal) which basically sums up the travails of my years on the road driving around Europe when I first moved here. Seems it’s just anathema to them. So much so that our site in France used that as a way of saying “thanks” to me…

But it’s got a few F-bombs in it (one of his “rants”), but I can understand and sympathise completely… 🙂  ☕  🎂  🍰  ☕ 


I LOVE coffee with dessert! That’s bad in Europe? I’d better stay home!

Cuppa Covfefe

P iled
H igher and
D eeper

Lots of paper (and expense)
and not a shred of common sense.

Stubborn, childish, science-denying moron: know thyself, buttercup. Fully “vaccinated” because you’re fully indoctrinated.


Wonder where the paper degree came from? A CrackerJack box??? U of Beijing???

Having said that, it’s time to make Peking duck…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Briefly would listen to this nonsense.

At a minimum, shake my head, grin (trying not to laugh) and back away.

Quite likely end up laughing out loud at the fool WITH a stream of ridicules.

Not going to tolerate morons like MatSciPHD. F’m ALL. EACH AND EVERYONE of them.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably a “Rocks for Jocks” major who couldn’t find a job, so he stayed in school (on someone else’s dime).

Hmmm. Mat Sci. Aren’t most of the minerals, rare earth or not, being mined/processed in Asia, *cough* RED CHINA, due to the “neighbors in the supply chain” being nearby?

Wonder if Mr. “digger” reports to the CCP?????

Deplorable Patriot

Can one of the science people please comment on this concept?


Not the science guy your looking for but Fauci was saying this very early on when people believed in him. Also Delta CV spreads easier but harms less, so there is that.


If im remembering micro correct he is right. Herd immunity takes over and our bodies adjust.

Cuppa Covfefe

Makes perfect sense; otherwise we’d have all died of the common cold aeons ago…

Deplorable Patriot

Tweet text:


Talking with a friend who’s an executive at Pfizer and a former chemist, I asked if he was vaccinated, his words Hell no, and I won’t… by the way he’s a Patriot

4:22 PM · Jul 28, 2021


Now 1.1 million views

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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That’s too realistic. I’m going to my safe space.

Deplorable Patriot

Variant phi beta epsilon. Ha.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

‘Ravaging 0.0026% of the populaton’ 😱😂


Well if Gates succeeds in his sun blocking venture to save the planet the part about sunlight would be a little off.


Gates does not own the sun.

Cuppa Covfefe

Why doesn’t he just send Max Maxine, Stacie Abrahms, Michael Moore, Debbie Waterbuffalo-Schultz, Nadler the human wedgie, upChuckie Schumer, and couple of the Kardashians into orbit, and solve a bunch of problems at once???

Of course, that would be sending hazardous human waste into orbit…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Deplorable Patriot

Storm Rider has been warning about Tsunamis. Apparently, the other side has tectonic weapons no one suspects.

Not sure I believe that, but there’ve been a lot of earthquakes in weird places lately.


I’d check what Dutch Sinse is saying. His modeling works predicting the follow-on movements after the deep earthquakes (near/above New Zealand) which is where the solar wind energy seems to manifest after is gets funneled into the poles(avoiding the van allen belts). It’s an interesting theory that does seem to work for predicting earthquakes.


The parallels are always uncanny~ From 1984

As we’ll see in this lesson, propaganda plays an important role in Orwell’s story. We define propaganda as information, usually biased, used to promote a political cause. Because the telescreens are always transmitting propaganda, the citizens are inundated with information that confuses them. As a result, they are unable to formulate thoughts of rebellion against the government. As O’Brien tortures Winston, he explains: ”We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.” Since the telescreens are two-way, citizens present a happy face to the telescreen to avoid being labeled malcontents or troublemakers. The people of Oceania know that Big Brother, the face of the Party, is always watching.

Two Minutes Hate ( DJT is the Goldstein character)Two Minutes Hate is a program regularly broadcast on the telescreens, and everyone stops their activities to participate. Goldstein, a traitor to the Party, is always featured in these broadcasts. Goldstein is the face of rebellion just as Big Brother is the physical depiction of the Party. Goldstein is presented as such a despicable figure. The propaganda claims that ”all subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, and deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching.”

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Talk about “Double Speak” Funny how their were opinion pieces (many) before the election that touted Orwell’s “1984” saying it supported the liberal positions.

That was like a “WHAT!” when they touted that.

I think they do that knowing libs will know they won’t need to read it. Or if they did read it, they read it to confirm a bias, likely got confused and quit early.

Hey, another example for bakerjim’s story below  😎 

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

I’m really shaking my head at Schlicter when he says this: “I got the vaccine. I also had the disease.” What a maroon!


99% of each column is witty, brilliant, insightful and fun, but for some reason he always has one or two dumb sentences.


I’m really shaking my head at Schlicter when he says this: “I got the vaccine. I also had the disease.” What a maroon!

^^^THIS, alone, IS enough reason for me to never read Schlicter.

Absolutely failed Critical Thinking and Judgement 101.

Utter Maroon.


Fascist gnome. We all know who that is. 🤣 😅 😂



Forwarded from
George M. Nasif Official
(George M. Nasif)

If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it.

The secret is NOT to refuse it…
A friend in the NHS is being pressured to take the jib.

‘I write with regard to the matter of potential covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead.
I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements:
1. Can you please advise me of the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?
2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?
3. Can you please advise of the full list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?
4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since it’s introduction?
5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT ‘experimental mRNA gene altering therapy’?
6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?
7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

1. You confirm that I will suffer no harm.
2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.
3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.’

The point being though, is that they CANNOT provide that information but you’ve NOT refused…



FANTASTIC stuff, Phoenix!

It’s quite like that attorney’s letter I recently read here, wherein the employee demands of his employer that ALL health information of fellow workers be disclosed – not just Covid status – in order for the employee to make a fully informed decision.

The imputed MASSIVE liability to the employer was enough to get them to BTFO.

Ima (slang for “I’m going to”) copy / archive your post – THANKS!

You’re doing REAL good …


Hi Emeraldstar… copy away!


I did, too!


I’d love to see this as a meme:

Nice stats you have there
It would be a shame if someone faked them

Deplorable Patriot

Oh man, that guy running..


What was he doing there!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

OMG, What a TOOL!!
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Ahhahahahaha!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, we’re in trouble now.


Does anyone else hear the Star Wars “Imperial March” when they see that picture?


No. I just laugh at the ignorance – masks AND face shields.


Luke, I am your father!


DH is listening to the radio this AM, and a news break was spouting off about the economy has recovered to pre pandemic levels. Yeah, right. Just a blurb, no stats, it’s so because they (whoever they are) said so.


Heil Nanzi


Arrested for unlawful entry? What law?


Apparently it’s in the new world order constitution. Law is a variable concept enforced arbitrarily depending on the whim of the borg…that’s my guess




No law, and any cop who follows Piglosi’s lawless orders is a criminal just like she is.


Was that not what Nazis said ” we only fallowed orders”. At the time it was unthinkable that a person not fallowed order because that was death.
These clown today the most that happens to them not fallowing orders is being fired.


“At the time it was unthinkable that a person not fallowed order because that was death.”


They didn’t have Bill Engvall back then.

Today, if your boss is going to murder you if you don’t follow his criminal directives, that could be your (i.e., their) sign😁


That is funny 🙂 Love your humor we need more of that .


“To be clear: Pelosi is directing police to ARREST vaccinated people who aren’t wearing masks.”


And to be even MORE CLEAR, any cop who follows that lawless order is as guilty as the monster who gave it.

Good cops don’t follow lawless orders, and good cops don’t arrest American citizens who have not broken any law.

Remember that, cops.

It’s like a litmus test, to help you figure out whether you’re a good cop or not, if you’re not sure.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of funny/ironic, though.

Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino is making it quite plain that the “vaccinations” are useless, under penalty of “Piglosi’s Law”…

Looks like you’ve been staring a bit too deeply into your glass, SanFranChiNan…


Thats right. Its a color of authority and oath violation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are going insane.

Cuppa Covfefe

More insane. They’re insane, by definition.
(Sorry, I know you know that)…

They’ve been off the rails since rails were made of wood…


They are, Wolf, and that’s no joke.

Insane people do insane things. They are dangerous. These people are dangerous.

Something has got to happen, and SOON. Somehow, this has to STOP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When the CDC literally LIES and HIDES FACTS and DISTORTS to try to trick the American people, it’s time to put barbed wire around it, send in the interrogators, and figure out WHY THEY’RE LYING.






Yes anyone with a brain or family of leo couldve explained thats what theyre doing. Older, seasoned, proper training, life experience, white, etc etc.


And nobody does a *&^% thing about it.

We just analyze it to death.

It’s like the title of an Agatha Christie novel.

Death by Analysis

Subtitle: Death of a Nation.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or the (non-)comedy version, Murder by Dearth…


We elect sherriffs so if on the ballot, and its to be trusted, then elect accordingly. Chiefs of police in major cities are proxies of mayors, who may be elected, vote accordingly. But we are past a lot of that and you know it. A general strike is one thing, but putting people in jail bc the red queen says so…demands a different strategy at some point.

Brave and Free

Going on in every Demcommunist city in America am sure.


Fear… Fear PORN… Fear… FEAR PORN!

But nobody do anything!!!

Just absorb the FEAR… the fear PORN…

Be demoralized, be dejected, realize that all hope is lost, FEAR… FEAR PORN!!!

But nobody do anything.

Just slide, slowly, miserably, into oblivion…

F*&^ these people with their relentless doom.

THEY are the problem.

THEY are the enemy, doing the enemy’s work FOR them.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s just another of Alinsky’s tools, sent to him by his father Satan…..


Yes, but it’s people presumably on our side (e.g., Posobiec and lots of others) who are doing it.

They don’t want to challenge the enemy, they don’t want to call the enemy out…

They just want to “outrage” us to death.

“Did you hear what they did now?”

“You’re not gonna believe what they just did!!!”

Outrage / Fear Porn / Outrage / Fear Porn / Outrage

All talk, NO ACTION.


Posobiec is wearing on me. Lot of that he’s posting but zero solutions. For an intelligence person on our side he needs to be less superficial.


that’s true and there have times in the past that I wouldn’t click on his stuff for anything but that was about 60 maga accounts zapped ago.
He does at least bring news, things that we would never hear from msm and one thing is certain..we need every to know of real happenings
(only my 2 cents)

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Yes, so i make my rounds, but i dont delve too much in the comments.


Action. Action. Action.

Bannon is rallying Americans to get involved. There’s many groups and individuals all across the nation who are getting active and opposing the takeover.

Talk about fear porn. 🙄


Been ready. Americans ought to be ready to end this shit.

Deplorable Patriot

An explanation on Simone Biles that makes the whole situation make more sense. She did the right thing.

Why did Simone Biles stop competing?

Biles cited the emotional toll of the Games when explaining her decision to withdraw from the womens gymnastics team and individual all-around finals at the Tokyo Olympics.

The reigning Olympic champion pulled out of the team finals on Tuesday after failing to stick her landing on an uncharacteristically poor vault. Biles could be seen being evaluated by the gymnastic teams trainers afterward, though she later confirmed she was not injured.

No, no injury, thankfully, Biles said at a later press conference. And thats why I took a step back, because I didnt want to do something silly out there and get injured.

It was announced later Wednesday that Biles had also decided to withdraw from the womens individual all-around competition.

Her withdrawal after the vault appearance had some gymnasts talking about the twisties.

What are the twisties in gymnastics?

The twisties in gymnastics refer to a phenomenon wherein an experienced athlete suddenly loses their sense of where their body is in space a sense that is crucial to the sport and the sudden loss of which could result not just in an Olympic loss but in serious bodily injury or even paralysis.

The twisties are an issue Biles has faced before, according to, including in 2019.

2019, at the beginning of the year, I forgot how to twist and flip. It was great, Biles recalled in a January 2020 interview.

Gymnast Laurie Hernandez, Biles 2016 Olympic teammate, told that the so-called twisties can set in just as a gymnast attempts a high-level skill, when even a slight misstep could carry grave consequences.

The rhythm is off, and your brain will like, stutter step for half a second, and thats enough to throw off the whole skill, Hernandez told And, so, it happens, and it takes a second to get over that.

Shannon Miller, the most decorated U.S. female gymnast in Olympic history, echoed the importance of mental and emotional health on a gymnasts physical performance and safety.


I can support her decision but I swear if she starts spouting blm bullshit in the near future my head will explode because it would mean something totally different was in play.


It’s fine that she removed herself — if she is unable to sense herself in the air, it could be a disaster. We all remember Kerri Strug vaulting on a broken ankle. What Biles does is far beyond that in difficulty, and danger.

That being said, she should now quietly make her exit from Tokyo – so the girls can focus on THEIR games. Being seen out and about, socializing and cheering Team USA at other events is a bad look. She commands all the attention any time she shows her face — at some point she’s going to appear to be seeking that attention. Perhaps to assuage guilt. Quietly go home.

Just an aside, she wore a leotard with a rhinestone g.o.a.t. to compete, in May. Also a bad look, just my opinion.


Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009
Deplorable Patriot

She made the finals in all individual events. Why should she withdraw from that if she’s back on her game?

Another American won the all-around. So far they’ve medaled in both events. It’s all good.


I thought she withdrew from the individual all-around, but still had not given a definite for the individual apparatus events next week.

My problem is not with her withdrawing. I just think she should make a quiet exit at this point – and not be walking around, being seen at events and commandeering attention. It doesn’t help her case.

Just a thought, imagine if a male athlete did this. I cannot imagine it, if it were not physical injury-related. Louganis got stitched up and dove.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t have a problem with her cheering on the others. It’s the media giving her attention whether she wants it or not.


Deplorable Patriot

Mary Ellen Clark and a number of other divers who developed vertigo – similar issue – DID NOT. It’s just as dangerous for divers.

Louganis got too close to the board, yes, but he didn’t have the spacial issue. He just got too close. That killed more than one platform diver.

Cuppa Covfefe

The ones that really scare me are the ski-jumpers. They have a long and painful fall ahead of them if things go pear-shaped.

And sometimes musicians experience something similar. There was a great pianist in the SF area who basically lost confidence in his memory. Had to use music from there on out, which was difficult, but not impossible, nevertheless a huge impediment.

More extreme was Yehudi Menhuin, a child prodigy, who basically forgot how to play the violin, and had to relearn it from scratch.

[A wonderful teacher and mentor (I’m told) and from sitting in on a violin master class at Davies Hall (before it opened, even) I agree wholeheartedly. A wonderful artist and a great teacher.]

Muscular memory, or whatever it’s called. Sometimes if you’ve played or run or jumped or whatever the same thing 10,000 or 100,000 times, it can become a blur. Then it’s time to step back, take a few deep breaths, refocus, and start again.

I hope and pray that she does OK, as well as her teammates, and that she doesn’t take (or isn’t forced/convinced to take) any unreasonable risks, etc….

Strangs, in’it, how dedicated champions are being targeted for criticism, when the pervs and the perps are held in high esteem… Almost as if the dark forces are willing it…..


As I said, I have no problem with her pulling out of the competition. And I certainly don’t think she should have bolted out the door. But if you’re distraught enough to forego the biggest stage, you need to tread carefully and look the part. Has she herself ever confirmed that lack of spatial awareness, the body yips, is the actual issue? All I have read is references to the “pressure”.

I just can’t get over the GOAT leotard followed by this fiasco. You would never see a guy, even a flaming skater, in GOAT spandex. 🤔


I see Suni Lee won, that kid is fabulous. She’ll take the uneven bar gold too.


Is she still practicing with, or going through the pre-game warm-up routine with the other girls? If not, how would she know she’s good to go?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not actually watching coverage other than Twitter video and Youtube. No idea.


And here is another alternative. I have no idea what is true, but this is just as plausible.

This guy says the pressure Biles felt was from understanding that she told a Jussie type of lie which was widely disbelieved, and she hated the thought of being deemed a liar world-wide. Again, I have no idea what is true:

Deplorable Patriot

You don’t train like those athletes do and then just walk away.


They’re all jabbed, right? What might the spike proteins do to equilibrium / spatial reference via whatever biological system?

Deplorable Patriot

She had this a couple years ago. It’s a thing with gymnasts who have been around. They lose their reference in the air. That’s dangerous stuff, and in Tokyo the facilities apparently don’t have the foam pits they use to fix the issue in practice.

That’s the explanation that the gymnasts are nodding their heads over.


good question


That’s what makes it all so puzzling.


Interesting. We had our beachbilly round table the other day about her. This none of us had heard.
These athletes are under tremendous pressure and my goofy opinion also includes the thought that a lot of them aren’t competing ‘for’ their country anymore, it’s the competition for endorsements, sponsorships, tv gigs, etc. It has to start eating them up inside.


Mgrs, pr rep, stylists, clingers, all want a piece, like actors. Like wormtongue, always telling you what to do bc they benefit.


Or it’s a convenient excuse, a believable lie, something which could always be used, to cover something else up.

It could be true, but since nothing else is, why would this be.

Cuppa Covfefe

I agree 100% with DP here (having spent a large chunk of my life practicing, etc.):

You don’t train like those athletes do and then just walk away.

It’s not a trivial thing. A musician (usually 🙂 ) won’t get hurt if something like muscular memory/orientation goes away. A champion athlete, on the other hand, could get killed…..


Personally do not care if she walked out and for what reason.We have bigger problems in our country with the regime we have.
Gymnasts and other sports personality come and go every so many years but our country needs to stay a Republic.


Agreed, I don’t care about the Olympics anymore either and haven’t for a long time.

But the Olympics is a big deal for governments and politics and posturing on the global stage, and nobody cares more about that (at the moment) than the entities who are trying to take over the world.


Always has been from Hitler to Stalin to China

Cuppa Covfefe

Not exactly Tinker to Evers to Chance…

Reference to the Chicago Cubs’ great infield(ers), as immortalized in this poem:

These are the saddest of possible words:
“Tinker to Evers to Chance.”
Trio of bear cubs, and fleeter than birds,
Tinker and Evers and Chance.
Ruthlessly pricking our gonfalon bubble,
Making a Giant hit into a double –
Words that are heavy with nothing but trouble:
“Tinker to Evers to Chance.”


Very nice 🙂
I think things are getting to me. I am so tired tonight.


Make sure you take care of yourself. You are dealing with a lot, family and everything.

You can’t be Wonder Woman if you get run down. Trust me, I know 😉


Thank you sweet lady 🙂
True need to sleep Good night 🙂


I agree, but it’s an open thread. No?


Yes it is and free speech 🙂


Or the Chy-knees don’t want the American to win, so they make her an offer she can’t refuse.

Then she needs a convenient excuse to bow out.

This one is perfect.

Like back pain, there is no way to objectively verify whether she’s having the ‘twisties’, and all the people who follow the gymnastics will of course know exactly what that is and not only defend it, but use it as an excuse to educate others on all the issues related to twisties and how debilitating it is, etc., etc.

The people who follow the sport will do the sales job for her.

So it’s perfect.

I’m not saying we’re being deceived.

I’m saying that if they wanted to deceive us, this would be the perfect way to do it, and give her cover to bow out.

Cuppa Covfefe

People who’ve effectively given their lives to their pursuit, be it athletics or music (which is also an athletic pursuit) simply would not do that.

It used to be (back in the day) that there were a few suicides each year at Julliard because of the pressure, and the incessant demands of practicing and performing.

People who have been through that are not easily bought, if at all.

The musical “Chorus Line” (OK, a bit pervy, but in a lot of ways true) has a number called “What I Did For Love”.

Kiss today goodbye

The sweetness and the sorrow

Wish me luck, the same to you

But I can’t regret

What I did for love, what I did for love.

Kiss today goodbye,

And point me t’ward tomorrow.

We did what we had to do.

Won’t forget, can’t regret

What I did for love.

To give that much up and just dump it all….
Nope. Wouldn’t do it. Nor would any of the concert and studio musicians that I know and knew…


“People who’ve effectively given their lives to their pursuit, be it athletics or music (which is also an athletic pursuit) simply would not do that.”


I just replied to this post, and it appeared on the sight.

While I was re-reading it, after it posted, it disappeared. Not from a screen-refresh, it just disappeared and the screen scrolled up slightly to fill the (now) empty space.

I have refreshed the screen since then, and it has not reappeared, so something funky is going on.

Also having a hard time ‘liking’ posts again today. It usually works, but the page has to think about it for 20 or 30 seconds first.


I saw that! I was reading it and poof there it was gone. I just let wolf know.


Thank you Holly!

Cuppa Covfefe

Cue Rod Serling and the ne ne ne ne music, and
“You have now entered…….. the WordPress Zone”…

Sausage-squisher even tells me I’m not allowed to like some comments… weird…

Valerie Curren

Sausage-squisher” don’t know what that is but sounds painful for the guys 😉


there is no way to objectively verify whether she’s having the ‘twisties’

At first I was skeptical about the need for her to withdraw. She could have just had an off night and not wanted to continue because it would hurt her image. And I was skeptical about the “mental health” aspect of someone who could stay and cheer on her teammates as if nothing had happened. I thought someone having a mental health crisis would be curled up in their apartment, unable to face the world.

Then I saw the vault and a couple of other mistakes she made, but especially the vault. I think there is no way someone would endanger themselves by doing the vault wrong in that way, on purpose. In slow motion, she looked absolutely lost. I think she really did lose her concentration and sense of where she was in the air. And because what she does is so dangerous if not done correctly — and also because her lack of concentration could have brought the team scores down — I think she was correct to stop and reevaluate.

That said, I’m tired of all the attention being on her. By her staying on the sidelines, she still got attention. But she was still part of the team, and she received a silver medal just like the others. So in a way it was her duty to support them, and they seem to understand what she was going through and to support her.

I do not like the GOAT designation and wish she would not condone it. I think that, even if a “terminal” case of the twisties was real, someone who could not perform when it counted the most shouldn’t be called the GOAT. I also prefer the perfection of Nadia Comaneci. I understand that what she did was not as difficult, but she did it with grace and finesse that I find lacking in American gymnasts today.

Sadie Slays

Yeah. I don’t know the real reason why Simone Biles quit, but the media is certainly using the opportunity to push the demoralization agenda. Local news has been two days of non-stop, “Simone Biles is a HERO for quitting!” Meanwhile, I’m sure some other American athlete won an Olympic medal over the past two days, but did that get celebrated? Nope, not in my local news anyways. Oh wait, there was that one American girl who won a gymnastics medal, but it was still framed as, “She won because Simone quit!” It’s starting to feel scripted. Celebrate the quitters, not the Americans actually winning.


It’s all about destroying America.

I am immune from the Olympics aspect as I have not and won’t pay attention to it.

Just as pro sports is dead to me.


Folks are making to much of Biles bailing, missing a landing, whatever.

IMO, Biles is an awesome athlete. Incredible accomplishments for a young gal, with a difficult life for so many years.

Nothing but accolades for Biles from me. Biles doesn’t owe me, or anyone in America anything that I know of.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, since sausage-squisher won’t let me vote, I’ll just say have an upvote from me!


I’m sure these 3 are in the DC gulag..right ?


Wow…the shoes! And the pristine Trump hats!


Yes. Over the top with everything even accessories. You can also tell on 2 if them, they have fresh haircuts.


They look as if they are wearing a costume. Not good actors at all. They look dorky 🙂


Just ridiculous. Can you imagine anyone wearing outfits that actually say civil war on them?

It’s just precious how glowie they are!


Yeah, they don’t get us at all, so they always take it too far.


Thing is they don’t even try anymore

Brave and Free

And two of them look lime they have ear pieces in………

Brave and Free

Don’t know where the lime came from 😞

Cuppa Covfefe

MK 🙂

The “joys” of keyboards and “rollover” in the gaming age…


The coconut, perhaps?


😂. OMG, now I have to deal with that earworm.


Do we have any knowledge as to why this photo is just now showing up? The release of the photo at this point during the capitol hearings leaves me a little suspicious as to the timing of the photo’s appearance…..


Well, it is so over the topthat it may be helpful. Plus, I’m sure they’ve been ID’d.


It may have been taken on a different date.
But who the heck are these guys?



Germany / Social media – Judgment

“Federal Court of Justice on claims against the provider of a social network that deleted posts and blocked accounts under accusations of ‘hate speech'”

No. 149/2021

Judgments of July 29, 2021 – III ZR 179/20 and III ZR 192/20

The III Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice ruled today that Facebook’s terms and conditions of April 19, 2018 for deleting user posts and blocking accounts in the event of violations of the communication standards set out in the terms and conditions are invalid. This applies in any case because the defendant provider does not simultaneously undertake to inform the user about the removal of his post at least subsequently and about an intended blocking of his user account in advance, to inform him of the reason for this and to give him an opportunity to respond with a subsequent new decision.

If, due to the invalid terms and conditions, a user’s contribution was deleted and his account temporarily subject to a partial block, the user shall have a claim to the activation of the deleted contribution and, if applicable, also to the omission of a renewed account block and deletion of the contribution upon its renewed posting.”




This describes civil servants, but can also apply to politicians, especially RINO’s. In the latter case the time interval is compressed from years to month:

Cuppa Covfefe

I think congress critters (at least the RINOs and DEMONRATS) start at ZERO and work downwards from there…


That woman in Minnesota who lost her legs after taking the vaccine is a Christian missionary and may also lose her hands. There is a Go Fund Me for her:


The people who gave her the jab need to be held financially responsible. Tor stop this madness anyone administering the jab needs to loose everything. That is the only was we stop the tyranny.

Concerned Virginian

As predicted:
Credit to CNN
10 hours ago

“FDA says it’s working as fast as possible to fully approve vaccines, as urgency rises amid Covid surge”

Down and Dirty Summary: The FDA is fast tracking “full approval” of the Pfizer-BioNTech and/or the Moderna “vaccines” for the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus, with “full approval” to occur within the next 2 months — and possibly as early as Labor Day.
An “FDA official” who spoke to CNN stated that the “vaccines” had already undergone a “thorough scientific evaluation” before receiving emergency use authorization — to meet “FDA’s rigorous standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality.”
Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, states that “full approval” will give employers more “legal ability” to mandate “vaccination” for employees.
Ken Langone, the co-founder of Home Depot, made it clear that once the “vaccines” are “fully approved”, his company will require “vaccination” for all employees — with being fired as the only other option that will be offered.
“Full licensure” is also seen as a way to “increase vaccination rates”, according to Dr. William Schaffner, of Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York made it clear that “full approval” will give the green light for states to mandate “vaccination” for all persons who live in their state.

(So here it is. This is nothing less than Soviet-style total control of the population of the United States. After the “vaccines” are “fully approved”, watch for the AMA / state medical licensing agencies, etc., to shut down FLCCC and/or AFLDS.)


We knew it was coming. (And I’m disappointed in Home Depot.) The next step, after employers mandate employee vaccination, is customer proof of being vaxed, which = vaccine passports. This needs to be stopped, now.


Political Moonshine said it best. These people will not stop until they are made to stop.


We are moving fast into a police state and al those willing idiots complying with the communist regime.
When this is over all communist regimes do these people need to be held accountable. People need to write a journal they can read from how this power hungry regime worked against the American people.


No rent. Free clothes, free toiletries and whatever else, free beauty products if stolen in the lawless State of Ca…$$ govt checks, no school supplies or back to school clothes needed.
Saw the other day something about disability checks for having had cv , not sure of the details.
Everyday ..more economic destruction

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5



Communism in full swing. I know that have seen it in real time.


Often when you share things, mentally I think that it’s such a blessing to have escaped from it or even the remnants of it but here we all are watching it unfold right before our eyes. Truly, God help us.


Most people do not realize what is happening because they never saw it before.
I pray people will wake up. I think my kids are waking up because they have not called in two weeks that is not normal. Two call at least once a week. They just do not want to admit that I am right but I never expect them to say that. I do not need that the biggest joy will be when they realize what is going on.

Cuppa Covfefe

One of the hardest things to hear is “I told you so,” especially when it is right, and well-deserved…..

Humble pie is a most unappetizing and unpalatable meal.

Maybe pray for them and gently ask how they’re doing?


You are a very kind person we could use more like you 🙂
I never say I told you so because I know how painful that can be.
Yes praying and gentle asking is good.
Thank you.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. It reminds me of many of the Psalms of David, where he is basically saying, “How long, oh G_D, how long must I (we) suffer before things are made right”…..

Our comfort lies in the fact that GOD WILL make things right. Perfectly right. And in HIS Time, and in HIS Plan.

HE’s more patient, MUCH more patient than we are. And, admittedly, that’s a good thing, for many of us…..


Please dont give this company any business, ever. They believe in discrimination and hate us.


Full on Communism ? I don’t even know what this is called but when they begin prohibiting elected officials from oversight…it’s bad





FTA: “………….and the staff here are hostile.”

I have high hope that all four of these representatives were intelligent enough to have known they weren’t going to be warmly welcomed.


Of course they are…the Medusa head of Pelosi and Bowser dictates that


They need too send Red Cross in according to the Geneva convention because the men are America Political prisoners. Normally they let government officials to see them. Also a doctor needs to have access.

Cuppa Covfefe

The chances of that being honored with the current Kaste of Klowns UNHCR are so low that in FORTRAN-land they’re termed NAN…. “not a number”.

Hmmm. NAN. Just like Piglosi…..


🙂 🙂 🙂


Good discussion about chicom flu various Dr’s. On now live should run for a couple of more hours.


They’re on our side, one was stopped from working and is in danger of being struck off and another got arrested, they appear to be from all over europe.


Pepe Lives Matter
Infiltration instead of invasion.comment image


You know, those citizens who are being locked up in the DC jail aren’t there just to intimidate us. They are there because they are witnesses to what went down.

I bet they have a lot of eyewitness info about the cops instigating, etc.

They are being held in order that the truth doesn’t come out.

Brave and Free



That sounds very possible. Good catch 🙂


One thing is 100% true. If they didn’t know anything about anything, now they sure do. The treatment they’re receiving is horrific


comment image


Using that one!!


New article from Political Moonshine:

The Power of Pretext: Russia, China and Proxy Joe Make for a Potentially Ominous Future
July 29, 2021

Intro: “Pretext is something that we routinely hunt for at Moonshine and it can be incredibly valuable if properly identified and understood. Pretext is a deliberate and often times cunning maneuver that can situate any administration – good or bad – to take action – good or bad – and then be retrospectively positioned to circle-back to it in “We told you so” fashion; especially for the “bad.”

How many times have you seen a snarky Psaki-like spokesperson or politician deliver the “We told you this was coming” line? Of course you did because you subsequently made it happen. That is the buried gold in pretext: This is what will happen; this happens; we told you this would happen; look at how smart we are.

Rinse/repeat for feeble minded Americans incapable of independent and critical thinking. Rinse/repeat to control the narrative ergo control the people. The power of pretext.

Let us not forget that as a tactic, pretext can be delivered for more than one purpose meaning it serves its original intent – to establish as the sown narrative the literal message found in the pretext, whatever that may be – but it may also and simultaneously serve another objective, like establishing a deflection point away from something to obfuscate it and make it more difficult to identify and understand.

The Flynn-Russia story and the timeline for its release is a perfect example of using a single bit of pretext to deflect away from and obfuscate something else valued as more critical and relevant. It does this while simultaneously delivering the intended sown narrative talking point.

Examining this images below, you’ll note that the Flynn story was leaked to legacy media at a very precise time as coordinated by the Obama White House and that timeline was within the rough 24-hours preceding the legally compulsory presidential transition meetings in 2017. I’ve branded it the most important timeline in contemporary U.S. history because it is and no else seems to regard it as so. They’ve entirely missed the boat here.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Moonshine catches these wonderful insights like nobody else!

Cuppa Covfefe

All the crud going on right now, I could use some moonshine…


Epstein didn’t kill himself,
McAfee didn’t kill himself,
(the other hundred Arkancides didn’t kill themselves),

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. These TRUDS use pretext like crazy.


well that’s not good. I know quite a few people who use that feature


Nah, I make’m give me a real menu.


Me too. Sometimes it’s a great feeling to be the antique phone person in the group and hahaha I do have another phone but rarely use it

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep! 🙂

I just updated from the all-but-indestructible Nokia 6210i I got in 1999 which was my ever-present companion in the Y2K battles to the Nokia something-or-other I got with my VW Touran.

Back in 2008 🙂

It’ll be a while before I get an iThing…..

Great sound quality, unsurpassed battery life, can be dropped, punted, bathed in snow, and it still works. What more could one want?????


Right ?! Mine is an ancient Kyocera. Has a great little keyboard. Can take pictures. Hard metal casing. People can’t understand why I prefer a nice little phone instead of the ping pong paddle size phones they carry around like personal conduits to the universe.
To each his own


Mr gil had one but it just didnt work. Too small.


Me too.


Thank you. I absolutely refuse to use qr codes. This confirms what i suspected.


From The Gateway Pundits Joe Hoft :
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Jovan Pulitzer Announces He Has Obtained Full Funding for Kinematic Forensic Audit of Entire State of Michigan

Last edited 3 years ago by Nor'easter
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now this sounds like fantastic news!!!!


Hard proof will have dimms quaking in this state.


File this under “Broke something communist” :

comment imageThe Epoch Times


#Twitter announced it’s closing its 2 largest offices in #NewYorkCityand #SanFrancisco, which reopened just 2 weeks ago, citing concerns about the dynamics of the #Pandemic
comment imageTwitter Shutters New York and San Francisco Offices Over Virus ConcernsTwitter has announced it is closing its two biggest offices in New York City and San Francisco, which reopened just two weeks ago, citing concerns about the dynamics…

(*&^%$#@’n auto correct capitalized the “c” in “communist”… Came back here to break that too !)
(Wonder what it thinks of “black”?… Sure as shit… had to fix that too !)

Last edited 3 years ago by Nor'easter

“Bu…b…b…FG&C, they aren’t excluding me because of my religion, they are doing it because I haven’t voluntarily allowed them to inject their gene-altering poison into me.”

Me: Yes, but THAT was because you objected to it based upon religious grounds (see: “mark of the beast”)….to speak of nothing else.

The Constitution is quite clear on this matter, as are historical SCOTUS ruling precedents.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Thanks for this! Excellent.


Those sick bastards. Poor kids. Parents take them out for homeschool now.

Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) Tweeted:
The first question that came to mind: who is the preferred vendor getting this no-bid contract handout?

Also, if you can afford to, take your kids out of LAUSD. This is a shame for those who cannot afford to do so.


This is intended.

They WANT conservatives to take their kids out of the schools.

Think of all the reasons why….

…beginning with:

1) it cedes control of the schools to them


2) it GREATLY increases the burdens of having children upon conservative parents (less time, ability to earn a living, volunteer, etc)


They lose money with fewer kids. La is mostly Hispanic and black low income, not conservative by voting.


Logic fail. They aren’t the ones who will take their kids out of school anyway.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think they want conservatives out of school. Sick SJW sorts that they are, they want to convert them.


The madness needs to stop.


It will….as soon as the parents take control of the school districts back from the sick fucks they have allowed to take control over same.


Gotta vote out the board members. La did just vote FOR d.a. gascon. All in on blm. Its as sickly as ny, or chicago.

Deplorable Patriot

That was tried locally here, and went down in flames. People did run for school board who did not have their kids in public schools, or no kids at all, and the locals would not vote for them because they claimed they didn’t have a stake.


Just above I posted a link to a webpage to download a copy of a religious exemption to immunization.

Recently, much has been made of hospitals requiring staff to get the jab or get fired. NOTABLY, they have NOT fired staff that DID claim exemption on the grounds of religion.

Here is one for your workplace….


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People need to STOP taking their kids out of school.



Perfect example would be parents raising hell about CRT.


Yes. You need a group bc 1 or 2 isnt enough.


I wouldnt want to subject my kid to retaliation by the teachers which happens frequently. It would require a sizeable organized group at each school to prevent it, and some brave kids.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, I think it serves the education system right. Deprive them of the subjects of their mission. It isn’t just the local school districts. It’s the publishers of the materials used, the education machine that starts in college, and more.

Even private schools are in this boat.

It’s not at all just a local thing by any means.


Left his house in venice to rent a 20k per month house in malibu.
The big guy must be getting plenty happy as his progeny sells his “art.”

Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) Tweeted:
Hunter Biden’s wife gets a two-agent escort to Starbucks from their new $20k-a-month Malibu pad


I started skimming it, and it looks excellent. Saving it to read and study.

I might have the wrong impression from a quick glance, but I think he gives an explanation for why some people, including young people, get severely ill while others don’t. It’s about evasion mechanisms.

The second evasion mechanism, explored in depth in my last article[19], is HLA evasion. This is much more insidious, and constitutes the primary reason that younger people have become more severely affected[15] on occasion; it is the reason we are now seeing prolonged courses of infection, as compared to the disease that had been well characterized over the course of 2020…


Whoa! If he is right about the vaccine causing prion disease, we’re in a world of trouble considering how many people have taken it.


I had a family member die from JCD (human Mad Cow). Spent over a year getting full time care in a residential care “memory unit.” Very expensive.


Yoiks!!! Deepest sympathies.


Hazards of moonlighting as a hospital lab technician for extra cash maybe. Or something in the microbiology labs where they spent over a decade doing research.


Can I get an abbreviated name and location so that I might pray that their soul made into the hands of God as the disease wrecked their mind?

(I know it’s a weird personal thing, but it has always struck me as rude to use God’s omniscience as one’s personal White Pages. I try to direct prayers as precisely as the bounds of privacy allow.)


Long, slow decline with possibly more than a year of palliative care in a residential facility before painful death.


Never seen a vax pushed this hard. Maybe the reason why.



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Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

It would be helpful if more of the WH presstitutes would call out BiteMe and Red Jen.


That would be like Joseph Goebells calling out the runt that was Hitler.


I’ve believed for months that they will blame the vax on Trump. The deaths and disabilities, the ADE, all of it. First, they give him the credit, then they let all they information out, then they blame it on him.

It’s coming. That’s why they want to get everyone to take it. So they can blame Trump for all the bad that comes of it.

Evil. Pure, unadulterated evil.


Mike Lindell just posted on telegram that he’s on GETTR.

Barb Meier

and Karli Bonne’ shared some very funny Tucker video. Hope this works right.


Malwarebytes is blocking me from Gab right now. Claims the site is attempting a suspicious download to me.

Sadie Slays

Gab posted downloadable vaccine exemption documents. Torba is requesting people spread the word about it.


Vaccine documents:

Sadie Slays

Suggestion: A separate blog post listing documents, links, and resources for anyone fighting mandatory vaccine mandates.


Things continue to heat up down under. Govt ready to push back hard, rumors the people will do so as well this weekend. Good footage of the demonstration. Comments are a 98% scorchers.


Brostradamus video guy is currently on house arrest.
Theyre scared of him. Sounds like he’s going to end up in a Canadian gulag if they get their way.