“The heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not the official censorship of the Press, but the unofficial censorship by a Press which exists not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it.”
Dorothy L. Sayers
Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub. It’s the end of a crazy week. World and national events are coming fast and furious, as if things are coming to a point. I don’t know about y’all, but I’m about sick of this whole scenario. All I wanted out of my later years was to grow closer to God, enjoy time with my husband, children and grandchildren, putter around in the garden, write some stories, visit with friends, and watch my chickens peck at bugs.
Instead, we’ve all been enduring this hell-on-earth takeover of the world by a bunch of stark raving maniacs. It’s more than enough to drive us all to drink, which brings me to today’s special, the one and only, the fabulous Whiskey Sour. Here’s a little history for you.
And here’s a great video with Steve the Bartender making three versions. Watching Steve shake those whiskey sours is a revelation, ladies. He does it three times. The dimples are a killer.
I have to tell ya, when this site went down the other day I about lost it. Even though I knew we were able to reconvene at the crazy place, the Utree (the place we go to brawl), I was still full of anxiety for a bit. That’s how much everyone here has come to mean to me. We’re a team, and I would be so terribly sad to think we wouldn’t be able to gather here anymore. Anyway, here’s the rules, the framework that fosters the affection we have toward one another at the Qtree. It has stood us in good stead.
“To foment grievance and to set men at variance is the trade by which agitators thrive and journalists make money.”
Dorothy L. Sayers
I am so proud of all the patriots. We’ve kept our cool. We haven’t succumbed to the agitators. Did you see the horrid hit piece and video of a CNN propagandist running after poor Dr. Mercola as he’s out getting some exercise? These disgusting lower-than-whale-shit people make my blood run cold. They will destroy him, if they can. A man who has dedicated his life to healing people, and they wouldn’t think a thing of ruining him. On the other hand…
When a doctor does go wrong he is the first of criminals.”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I really hope he feels justice breathing down his back. It’s more than obvious that They are feeling a disturbance in Their utopian dream state. Imagine having a colleague suggest making it a crime to criticize the little toad! From the article:
“Hotez calls for a public statement in defense of Fauci and other COVID-19 scientists from “President of the United States together with science leaders at the federal agencies,” and even floats that “another possibility is to extend federal hate-crime protections.”
“The only ethical principle which has made science possible is that the truth shall be told all the time. If we do not penalize false statements made in error, we open up the way for false statements by intention. And a false statement of fact, made deliberately, is the most serious crime a scientist can commit.”
Dorothy L. Sayers
They have lied about the “pandemic” from the beginning. Every lie that slithered out of their mouths was to set up another lie, and move us further down the road to slavery and lifelong addiction to pharmaceutical drugs that will be increasingly infused with God knows what.
Here’s a downright righteous rant at The Burning Platform, Cascade of Consequences:
“Now, the vaccines are being revealed to be ineffective and dangerous. In a shocking development (not), late on a Friday night, the FDA put out a little alert that the PCR test is a complete failure and will be pulled from the market. It seems it accomplished its purpose of stoking mass global panic, and now that vaxxed people are testing positive in tremendous numbers, it has outlived its usefulness. And Fauci and his band of incompetent medical “professionals” won’t even blink or admit their devastatingly disastrous mistake of using a faulty test to shut down the entire planet.”
And for the normie version, Dr. Peter Navarro has a reasoned, moderate position on the current government’s trajectory regarding the clot shots. This is one you could share with anyone.
There’s a good article at The Conservative Treehouse (ugly as heck new font on the banne00r) but the truth about Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) is becoming MAINSTREAM. This is another one you can share with normies. And here’s another one that details the FDA’s probable approval of the Pfizer shot in September. You know, that “therapy gift” that Pfizer’s own CEO hasn’t given himself:

Also, in a federation with CTH, Some Bitch I Know has begun a pushback to the vaccine passports. Time to get on our walking shoes.
“The name under which pride walks the world at this moment is the perfectibility of man, or the doctrine of progress; and its specialty is the making of blueprints for utopia and establishing the kingdom of man on earth.”
Dorothy L. Sayers (Letters to a Diminished Church)
Today, the Church celebrates the Transfiguration. More here. The Son of God is being glorified before His crucifixion. We are being given a glimpse of His true nature. And what of us? Is our lot to be experimented upon and live through a dystopian era of transhumanism brought forth from the bowels of hell?
God forbid. NO! Resist with all you’ve got. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, not by injections from inhuman elites. RESIST.
“Humans must never submit to animals.”
Frank Herbert
Gotta love Steve The Bartender! Great video.
The accent.
I could listen to that all day long!
From a link OT
This explains what Peter Navvaro and Doctor Malone were saying in this video:
From Market Ticker:
In my opinion this is sufficient cause for whatever is necessary to remove the monsters.
Gail, it’s just very clear at this point that these commies waited until they thought “hey – we can get away with it” to do all the things they would rather do, with no care for the law. They’re basically Nazis. They just haven’t started killing us.
>>”They’re basically Nazis.”<<
I would say they’re devil’s apprentices.
Always trying to destroy God’s Creation … and to take His place.
Unfathomable evil.
This has been my concern all along. The communists would not be doing this unless they thought they could get away with doing it. And if they think they can get away with doing it, with their track record there have a very good chance of getting away with it.
In my experience, MAGAs and Deplorables know exactly what the communists are doing. They see we are being set up for gulag and death.
I disagree with you slightly, in the sense that I believe they HAVE started to kill us. That was the conscious goal of the nursing home murders, and the murders of hundreds of thousands denied medical care because of the lockdowns, or because therapeutics were suppressed in treating the CCP Death Bug.
This is a CCP operation, like Mao’s cultural “revolution” (government attack on the people), with destruction of history, CRT struggle sessions, crushing the peasants/kulaks, the endless stream of simple minded hatred directed at white people (running dogs), the Red Guards of BLM/Antifa, arbitrary and lawless dictates, and sadistic lying – – lying you are forced to believe as a form of humiliation.
The problem is, what can we do about it? We have been brilliantly put into a catch-22. We must resist in any legal subversive way which does not include violence, violence is out of the question.
AND DELIBERATELY destroyed small businesses (middle class)
Consider Luke 22:36:
36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
The left has made “turn the other cheek” into an emasculating heresy. They are wrong about everything else in the Bible, so why would they be right in this case???
The church failed to teach and they know it and use it to their advantage.
Second thought the church did not want to teach about turning the other cheek we might rebel against when they preach heresy.?
Keep them on milk they are easier to control.
I am not saying all churches but enough that we see the outcome.
That’s the difference between the “woke” social-justice-gospel “churches” and true Bible-believing Churches who are “in the world, but not of the world”…
Rockefeller and C.Emerson Fosdick did an ENORMOUS amount of damage to the church in the USA… as did liberals and Satan’s agents elsewhere…
If the goal is to kill you or your grandchildren dt political belief, skin color, or shot status, why does it matter?
I agree with you !
The reason why they feel empowered they have the FBI, DOJ, CIA, the whole and military on their side. They turnend the whole operators against the US people. The agencies we fund that were supposed to defend us against outside envaders they turned against us. We are now the enemy while they invite in the CCP and their sick regime. To think the man who is president is an arm of the CCP and has been well paid to sell out his country. That is how I see it.
That is how I see it also.
It is sad chapter of our country.
They consider elderly people to be a drain on resources.
“useless eaters”
“close to dying anyway”
“already lived a full life”
Pick any one – I’ve heard or read each of them over the last two decades.
…these commies waited until they thought “hey – we can get away with it”…
^^^ An eye popping thought occurred while on my two mile walk this morning. My thought dove tails perfectly into Wolf’s thought above.
The PERFECT TIME was when President Trump was in office. The bastids KNEW we’d listen to him. Tolerate the two weeks to reduce the curve. Then another thirty days. Another thirty days. We’ll be free when folks get injected.
NO other President could have garnered such cooperation from The People, without much fuss. Only Trump.
Unknowingly, Trump gave them the perfect cover.
Then the bastids STOLE the election.
We The People failed in NOT standing up for our Rights.
The time IS NOW, to Stand Up For Our Rights.
Shows how smart these SOBs are.
No one ever thought they are dumb they are evil and that is even worse. They operate with disregard to human life. They are void of moral compass they are no different than those who committed the crimes under Hitler, Stalin Mao and now CCP.
Where are the church leaders and republican leaders?
Hoping to survive the first purge.
Me too my animals need me. I do not want them to be homeless they would not understand
“Where are the church leaders and republican leaders?”
If the church leaders aren’t having their leashes held by gvmnt’s 501c3 stranglehold then both they and Repubs may be bribed or extorted by some other design.
Money seems to move mountains for some people .
Faith that moves mountains is the better road to take.
Now is the time.
They have to move us into green camps first.
They are bringing in the replacements in open borders. Those people do not have to be vaccinated they have covid recover and are immune. Just think about that.
So another virologist joins the ever increasing chorus. — GOOD!
Actually he was on this early. There is a rumble video he made.last year.
This doctor was on it from the start.
Heart breaking but what do we expect from people who practice
science without ethics.
Wonderful Post Grandma!!!! THank you!!!
Thank you. Means a lot to me.
You…My fave Grandma!!!! (besides me!) LOL! Love you!!! You bring it!!! and I admire your Fight and your excellent posts!!!

Love you, too! I was a born fighter. Got it from my mama. She was all vinegar and ….iss! LOL.
Lol!! I got it from my Granny!! My dad’s mom!!! Super spit and vinegar!!! She never cussed! But she was sumptin!!! If I can live up to her one day… I LIVED!!!!
Oh, I bet you’ve lived up to her.
I was her fav!!! We were Mess.. Together!!! Ha!!!
We haven’t said hello for quite a while, Marica – so “Hello!!!”
I see you *still* love those exclamation points …
Kinda feels like we’re LIVING in an exclamation point right now, yes?
Hope you’re well!
Hi Love!!! Isnt it Wonderful that Wolfie brought us back together?!!! So Great to see you too!!!!! I am in the middle of a big ole move..Downsizing…So a bit crazy…But once settled.. Next week!Augh!! I do hope I can bounce off and on both sites!!! Smuchas Emerald Star!!!! Cheers.. to continued Fighting for USA!!!

Hi Marica [waves]
Give my love to NebraskaFilly, I miss her.
That was a grand article she just wrote.
it truly was!! I will pass along!!!! Hi there Gail!!!!
Filly said to tell you Hi and so glad you liked it!!
Thanks for relaying.
New 4chan campaign.

Excellent! Love that they’re putting the branding on it. Make the commie BLM and Bolshy ADL eat their own racism for dinner.
If they bitch, they look like the evil shits they are.
These are awesome Sadie!!
Shared on Meme Warfare group on Gab.
That is absolutely GREAT!
Needs to be made into posters and put up in innercities!
Then add the ADE = Genocide.
We need more of this.
The polarizing, if it gets that far, is going to be one big ole high school style social disaster.
President of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation is in hot water for his involvement in Cuomo’s attempt to smear his accusers. Alphonso David’s name appears in the NY AG report. He’s being asked to resign.
Cuomo’s network of dirty tricksters is showing:
…”For the next hour, staffers pummeled David with questions about why he turned over Boylan’s confidential file to a Cuomo aide while serving as president of HRC (he said he was legally obligated), why he had that file at all since he didn’t work for Cuomo anymore (he said his file was a copy, not the official state document), whether he stands by his actions (he does), and how to protect HRC’s brand amid the scandal (he vowed to personally respond to all Cuomo-related questions). “…
Did David leak the file to De Rosa?
DeRosa helped coverup the nursing home deaths.
The plot thickens:
Something very interesting is happening in NY.
IMO, either Leticia James is actually honest, or someone has something very compromising on her and is forcing her to do her job.
Very interesting that De Rosa’s history is ILR.
(International looters and rioters? Two ILR students founded the Ithaca Tennant’s Union, whose branding is a fist holding house keys:
ILR is the repository of the Kurt Lewin tavistock DNA…
It’s alumni formed the backbone of facilities’ HR within the VP/CFO office. This is the VP that retired just prior to the endowment of the VP position by the family of the US Secretary of Energy/trustee, during the $4 billion Life Sciences Initiative.
These alumni we’re building pool house additions and training facilities on their personal properties with university resources. The contract for leadership development training, etc. for the entire facilities organization was then given to the trainer who built the training facility addition on her home, with full permission and approval of the VP.
This was not a secret. The VP stood before a room of inaugural “Highland Lab Rats” at the training facility addition, and explained his decision.
Hillary calling in markers?
NO ONE crosses Hitlery!
Hillary moving some cheese? Lol
If her guy provided the smear file, then she was trying to prop up Cuomo.
It’s not working.
Another Hillary smear against women in the workplace and victims of sexual abuse, via an LGBTQ advocacy group?
Evil hag.
And we haven’t even talked about the Jacobys yet.
HA! Do tell!
Does this person have siblings? Cousins? Possibly Mary or Lauren?
One thing I believe is true, is that James is NOT actually honest. She is a NY politician, carrying out the orders of TPTB, who have their own hidden motives.
I think it is safe to say that almost all politicians are owned in some way.
She wants to be president?
Hee Hee Hee
I love it when the sharks start eating each other!
(Cuomo better not get onto any airplanes in the near future….)
Makes sense. Hillary must be confident that she has distance from this. I don’t think her husband does though…Glass-Steagle and Sandy W. come to mind.
Maybe Hillary is plotting her ultimate revenge for decades of publicly humiliating disrespect and abuse.
Her message to women was buck it up and take it. I’ll never forget nor forgive that.
(Human Rights Campaign Foundation is a sponsor of the ad campaign. See their branding in the top ad.)
Which suggests the next question:
Are legal exemptions to vaccine being offered on the basis of a protected status? If so, which protected status’s qualify for the exemption?
(A little history: prior to the legalization of cannabis in NYS, the state offered legal exemptions for compassionate medical use to a few select individuals. This program was in place for decades before it was approved for everyone. Certain people had a legal use pass. They were part of an experimental trial of some sort. The state legislature was briefed annually on the status of the trial, iir.)
Exemptions for me, not for thee?
THAT is pretty wild.
Gotta love NY politics. One of my favorite images from my youth, lol:
I think the anons added that as a nice CI move?
New one.

Love it!
Sylvia has an on-the-ground report from France. Don’t look away.
Great opening post grandma!
OMG – the “Based Poland” video is so awesome, I can’t stop smiling and laughing!
Az. Sen. Wendy Rogers had that on her Telegram today. It made me smile, too!
She’s amazing!
I want her in my foxhole!
She seems nice enough, but you’re both married.
Plenty of room for lots of PATRIOTS

Love the zero!
Ha! The Zero Supremacist Symbol!!!
The Poles have a bit of a history with Moslems….
In 1683, the Ottomans were at the Gates of Vienna, besieging the city. Things were not going well, and the defenders were wondering how much longer they had to live….
When King Jan III Sobieski of Poland showed up with his famed winged Hussar cavalry, circumstances changed.
Orban, in Hungary, is great as well — they could do a joint appearance.
Very interesting quotes by the author of the Lord Peter Wimsey novels, Dorothy Sayers. A brief search didn’t yield information about her politics, but she was rooted in “the classical Christian doctrines of Creation and Incarnation” and the Anglican church (though at least her early adult life was spent in an unorthodox fashion).
In the Fauci video, he almost seems to be smiling as he describes how vaccines don’t work against the Delta variant. It’s weird.
Dorothy Sayers was a wonderful thinker. Her detective novels are more emotionally involved than, say, Agatha Christie. I have read most of her novels and a couple other works. Have a couple biographies of her. She was a CS Lewis contemporary and friend.
grandma…if you want a good read, try her The Mind of the Maker.
She actually considered herself foremost a Playwright.
As did CS Lewis, she lectured extensively, and her lectures are collected by a number of Publishers. My favorite collection goes by the Title, The Dogma is the Drama.
I do have Mind of the Maker, but I don’t the other. I have put off getting it. Going to check on it now. No time like the present.
One of the most intriguing Sayers characters is Harriet Vane. Wimsey meets her when she is accused of murdering her live-in lover. For a novel published in 1930, especially one by a Christian writer, Vane is presented in a mostly positive light, and I have wondered whether Vane is supposed to be Sayers herself in some respects.
The irony for the murder charge was the alleged motive. Vane lived with her lover on the basis that they both rejected conventional morality, and were connected to each other based on their mutual love and respect alone. When he asked her to marry him, Vane realized that the live-in arrangements were really just a probationary period, and she rejected him.
Wimsey immediately fell in love with Vane, and the subsequent relationship between the two (carried throughout several more novels) is very interesting and not at all conventional. Gaudy Night is a favorite of mine because all the characters ring so true, and because the resolution of the Wimsey/Vane relationship is quite moving.
I still have not figured out all the permutations of Five Red Herrings. It is supposed to be one of the best detective novels of all time, and I wouldn’t disagree, I have just never entirely understood all the twists and turns, but who knows, I read it from time to time and it all might sink in.
It was such a wonderful surprise to find out Sayers was an orthodox Christian. I read the Wimsey novels first and really did not suspect as much. I decided to look her up just for a bit of background, and found that she wrote extensively about Christianity as a true believer. What a great discovery!
I’ve always thought Harriet was partly based on Dorothy’s view of herself.
Yes, I do admit that Agathat Christie’s novels are far easier to figure out than DS. But, the emotional and literary depth is what attracted me to DS.
That and she was a friend of CS Lewis.
I am with you on the red herrings. I need to reread again.
Definitely a lot more going on with Sayers. The characters are better drawn and more interesting.
Dorothy is the main course. Agatha is the appetizer.
Fauci is a classic con-man. He’s in his comfort zone when the marks are being fooled. And he KNOWS that Rand Paul is onto his act.
He’s a Freaking Garden Gnome!!! THere needs to be a post about that!!! And Wolfie!! Rand Paul has called this out!!!! Woohoo!!!
Rand Paul is such a hero on this! America’s doctor!
He’s a Freaking Garden Gnome!!!
Someone who can do Memes
Really needs to do this pup peeing on a FauXi gnome.

Add FauXi face

A post on people who really should be lawn ornaments?
Just the thought of Adam Schiff as a pink flamingo….
And Schumer and Nadler as some sort of Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dumber…
I was thinking Nadler as Humpty Dumpty, but okay.
Garden gnomes are whimsical. Fauci is just evil, and possessed.
Gargoyles then? The are a better fit.

Looks like John Brennan!
It sure does, Ellie!
FauXi the Gnome, and Brennan the Gargoyle!
Thanks for the laugh!
Would that make Brennan Faux-Xi’s gargoylefriend???
Troll under the bridge?
Thats Bite-me or maybe his wife.
It’s called “inappropriate affect,” and it is used as a diagnostic sign of mental disorder:
“Inappropriate affect is a clinical term that describes a condition where one’s emotional actions or displays are not logical to a situation or stimuli. An “affect” is simply a term in the field of psychology for “a subjective emotion demonstrated through someone’s actions.” Common examples of inappropriate affect include smiling at the news of a tragedy or remaining unemotional during a very emotional situation. Often mental health professionals will look for past shock or other psychological issues for insight into what may be causing one to manifest inappropriate affect.
Inappropriate affect is usually a sign of a deeper psychological issue such as schizoid personality disorders, autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, brain tumors, dementia, PTSD, depression, or perhaps some other form of brain damage. Areas of the brain that should be examined for damage include the limbic system, anterior cingulate cortex, brainstem, and the prefrontal cortex. Tests should be done to rule out neurological conditions.”
Check out some of those causes! Fauci is one messed up individual.
OR he is simply happy to hear that news since it means THE PLAN IS WORKING!
ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔢. — Aubergine’s Razor
Hoist on me own petard!
You gotta watch out for my warped sense of humor.
Lol! I love it!
Seems to me that a wolf/dog “smiles” as a stress relief and to signal to others “I’m harmless.”
And it is amazing how many of the see eye aye killers throughout the years have “flat” affect, the million mile stare. Suggests deep programming.
That last bit was gold!
“TAKE them!”
“Take them ALL!”
“And PAY for them!”
Great series of clips in the vid.
Whiskey sour was my mother’s favorite. She rarely drank, except on special occasions – and even then, she only had one …
Self-discipline. A rarity in every age. God bless your mother.
HER mother imparted it to her. A different era …
Thank you for getting me to go back and watch the last bit. I had stopped the video too soon because I was laughing too hard!
My grandmother used to sit down in the afternoon with either a gin and tonic or a whiskey sour to say her Rosary. It came to be known as the spiritual happy hour.
Sounds like a very nice memory!
I have many from my grandmother, too.
Oh, my Grandma was someone to remember, that’s for sure.
Excellent Friday open as always!
I was thrilled to see that Sundance is looking at the vaccine ADE problems now, but bringing completely different data and voices to the fight.
This is independent confirmation.
It will be interesting to see if he gets hit by the DDOS and/or the regional outages.
I did have a snarky title to that bit, but thought better of it at the last minute. Something along the lines of “The Sleeper Awakens.”
LOL! I too, shall say no more.
Seriously, glad he’s on it. As you say, it’s going mainstream.
Will we ever tire of being the vanguard?
The demons are after our children:
“The post was likely a response to the controversy surrounding the daughter of former Home Secretary Amber Rudd and Sunday Times contributing journalist Flora Gill, who drew considerable backlash for a now-deleted tweet in which she called for the production of “porn for children”.
“Someone needs to create porn for children. Hear me out. Young teens are already watching porn but they’re finding hardcore, aggressive videos that give a terrible view of sex,” Gill wrote last week.
“They need entry-level porn! A softcore site where everyone asks for consent and no one gets choked,” she declared.”
Yeah, no. This is such a bad idea, I don’t even know where to begin.
“They” really want us to be animals.
As much as they hate us, they want us to lower ourselves to their level. No, ty. I’ll put up with hell on earth, rather than eternal damnation.
Sick bleeps!
Isn’t “entry-level porn” where the guy says, “I’ll only put the tip in”?
Good thing I never had children. If one of those pervs tried to “tip in” with my kid, their tip would meet my Benchmade knife!
Quality knife! They use excellent steel, and THICK. Almost a waste on salami, but too much quality is a First World problem, and we need more of those, now that Third World problems like STOLEN ELECTIONS abound.
Lol, my husband teases me and says, “I’ll never piss you off cause I don’t want to lose something valuable to me, to the blade of your knife!”
Vaguely reminds me of the guy who was fired when the Assistant manager caught him with his *ahem* “pickle” in the Deli meat slicer.
The Assistant Manager had previously thought that his relationship with her was exclusive….
…the Deli meat slicer?? (What I first thought until I read the second sentence.)

That ambiguity is the hinge of the joke, of course.
Yea, I had to read it a second time.
You and me both!

Hubby and I have had PLENTY of experience making billy goats and rams into wethers AND have the equipment ready to hand.
Turning them into Belle-wethers…. lots of them in SF…
On the street those are referred to as Bobbitt knives. They are also known as arbitration blades in domestic disputes. I have heard they can be quite effective in deterring unwanted ‘incidents”.
Oh, lord. Thanks for the belly-laugh!
YouTube has been tacitly encouraging it for years. VigilantCitizen has a number of articles on the media seducing and “grooming” our children…
N.B. The imagery depicted in those videos (some of which is “quoted” in the article, can be disturbing. On the other hand, it’s one of those “don’t look away” moments, as millions of children, and perhaps their parents, are watching that garbage…
From that article:
[End excerpt]
And they’re still doing it: https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/youtube-is-still-enabling-the-sexualization-of-children-and-its-being-monetized
Think of TeleTubbies, and some of the new British shows which are basically cesspools of idiocy and depravity. I think the Fabians have made the UK into a pilot plant for their anti-social, anti-human experiments…
Finally, also from the UK, some MK Ultra mass(ked) media brainwashing.
[End excerpt]
Add that to Big Pharma’s food additive and cereal (surreal) industry actions, the cabal have been busy poisoning children’s minds AND bodies for quite some time. It’s about time we push back on that, too…
Yep. Excellent info. I’ve seen some of those videos. My kids have their kids locked down tight with that type of exposure. You have to be on it all the time and limit time on devices to when you can monitor.
[They are insidiously mixed with other children’s videos, causing them to appear as “recommended videos” by YouTube and, therefore, easily accessible to children.]
Isn’t that exactly what they did with non-performing mortgages? Slipped some of them into a bundle of mortgages and called it ‘mortgage backed securities’?
Talk about a multi-purpose template!
Malone and Navarro nail it that Washington Times piece. Grand Slam! Hoping MSM blinks, better the Bidenese blink with the added Fauci admission. What an embarrassment. The additional deaths, pain and suffering the vaccines caused all for nothing. Fauci basically admitting they are back to square 1. Of course they’ll continue to double down but they’re doing it in their underwear now.
Great descriptor!!! Lol. I can just see it!
My science son told me that if one is vaccinated one has a chance to survive the virus but if not one will die. He told me hospitals are full with non vaccinated people.
I could only whisper under my breath “Idiot”.
His dog is dying of cancer and I did not have the heart to set him strait.
I am embarrass with my meager education compared to his that I know the truth.
Thanks to the wonderful inteligent people on this forum I am informed
Does he do rounds in a hospital?
Has he looked at the stats for hospital usage?
Last week the number of CV cases in US hospitals was less than 7% of capacity.
No he is a scientist Phd . Since he married he changed into this liberal entity. Maybe University of Michigan helped.
You could try sending him this listing of patents and scientific papers.
As the guy said. Do not trust what I say READ THE EVIDENCE.
This is a good layman’s write up but he would not trust it at all.
He would not at least this moment in time.
He always goes the hard way never the easy. Let him live and learn.
Hopefully someday your son will be up in front of some podium instructing young students with minds full of mush and tell them the story from the great 2020 China Virus Epidemic that “no matter what you learn here in class, sometimes moms just know better…”.
Hopefully the light goes on.
“Arrests need to be made or we won’t have a country.”
Truer words were never spoken.
That woman is worthy of Abigail Adams.
Sorry I’m late to the party — great opener, G’ma!!!
I was glancing at a stack of computer magazines and the top one had an article on photogrammetry. That’s where you take dozens of digital photographs of the same object, stuff ’em into a computer, and it tries to mathematically build a 3D representation of the object….from which you could 3D print a little statue.
I couldn’t help but extending that to photogrampetry — which is where you start taking dozens of pictures and are told, “take one more stupid picture and I’m putting that camera down the garbage disposal.”
Thanks, Coothie. Wondered where you were.
Don’t forget the political prisoners in DC. Read their stories here. Absolutely heart-rending. Pray for them.
And now the DOJ is going after the Phoenix Police Department for suspected violations, including retaliatory activity against protesters who engage in “protected, expressive activities,” “excessive force,” and mistreament of “people with disabilities.”
I’m sorry did I miss something happening in Phoenix?
Oh wait let me guess. Someone’s trying to get leverage over the Maricopa County Audit.
That is some major horse puckey there.
I hope AZ sends them packing.
The DOJ under I think it was Loretta Lynch or it might of been Holder played this game with the NYCPD in the Eric Gardner case (sold the loosies). I forgot what they were after but they pushed for charges against the cops until they go what they wanted and then let the case fall apart in court.
Yes! It was national-level. DOJ shook them down.
Caving in to the DOJ bought them NOTHING BUT DEATH!
It was about the Weenie Wiener Laptop. The OH!Bummer DOJ wanted it to ‘disappear’ since it had very nasty porn involving Clinton et al. It was near the 2016 election.
Transcript: Erik Prince re Weiner laptop
Prosecutorial “discretion” … weaponized into BLACKMAIL.
KAPO GARLAND. The STENCH of that DIRTY JUDGE precedes him.
It pains me every time I think of the abuses our corruot government IS inflicting on political prisoners of 6 January.
AND, “America’s Leaders” are silent, AWOL on the issue…apparently condoning DOJ, FBI, DC corruption.
A few have actually made an effort.
From the FAR-LEFT NAZI PROPAGANDA OUTLET that makes fun of God.
Daily Dot = nasty communist punks
GOD MOCKING nasty communist punks
Big question for the troops. Would you all like to try NO PAGES for the comments, and see how that works? ALL the comments would be on one giant page.
With “no pages”, the “green ball” may actually WORK.
We’ve never tried it. But it WILL make threads really big (one page).
If you feel like experimenting, let me know, and we can give it a try.
As an alternative, what if you opened a new “pseudo post” whenever the old post hit 200 comments? As in, no post, just “comments continued for” and a link to the original? Is there a way to block “new posts” and allow “replies”?
Not easily done, IMO. And opens up a few cans of worms.
I think we have to experiment, but not cut ourselves off from regressing. There are so many options available and we know so little about them.
We really should have tried this long ago, IMO. It’s very easy for me to change the setting back if we don’t like it.
And, yet, it doesn’t have quite the thrill of “Geronimo”…..
I could use a low-thrill week!
I could use a low-thrill decade.
Someone it already feels a lot more saner.
Weird, huh?
Yes. Try it!
It’s dead easy to try it and abandon if it’s problematic. We could try it on your daily right now, since you’re favorable.
Yay! I try to keep a daily thread open and only hit the orange ball to keep up. Sometimes it let’s me keep a single page for 400 or even 500 comments. But if I refresh or close out it goes to pagination.
OK, I changed the setting, and this reply will tell me if I have successfully turned comment pagination off. Here we go……
It’s off.
Awesome!!! I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. I hope it works out for everyone.
I just hope it works! Fingers crossed. I suspect there will be far fewer page reloads, but some slowness in updates due to the internet may require periodic reloads.
94 comments — I think the last reload was quicker. Nice to have the orange ball perform as expected.
It’s going to be when we get up to about 350 that we’ll see if this thing has legs or is just a fad.
Exactly. wpDiscuz could simply break in new and exciting ways!
Incidentally, is there some widget that would say when the page was last reloaded in our browser (or, to put it another way, to show the time associated with the beginning of the orange ball’s count)?
I’ll come in and see the orange ball at 210 and think “FMR”, but if I can go back to the last time I refreshed and just read an hour at a time, it’s doable.
Interesting question!
At this point I’m using the Find box on the browser to get to new stuff.
I search on something like:
“August 6, 2021 00:” until I’ve found all the posts for that hour, and then I increment the hour by 1 to get the next wave of posts.
Yep, I do that a lot — but when it paginates, I look at the date/time of the first post on the next page to tell me where I have to start looking for updates on the earlier page. Which is why just knowing when the single page was last reloaded would be so handy.
You mean, you want the page to tell you when the last time you hit “Refresh” was?
I know the page has to know this, in order to manage the orange orb.
I can get you there in three steps.
I just use the yellow highlighting.
If you place the cursor on the yellow highlighted box it turns white so you know you read it.
Just make sure when you scroll down the cursor is to the extreme left or right or just use the little down arrow on the lower right hand corner.
Now we’re all on the same page …
“Feels good, Man!”
And in the background, Ahhhhnnnollld is saying,
“I am the Paginator”….
Fauci claims newly discovered covid symptom will send “cases” soaring !
Scrolling finger RSI outbreak is forecast by leading vaccine peddlers.
Both the green and orange orbs have been working just fine for me on this thread – but of course, that’s only my “guest” experience.
Do you sense that those who implemented the changes recently are still working out the bugs? Something seems to be happening in that regard.
I’ll leave it up to you, whatever you think best.
Gudthots replied to me yesterday, with a couple very Good Thoughts:
“We are going to drive this baby until she can’t get us any further down the road. Keeping our host in prayer as he evaluates the options.”
Yes – I think there is tweaking behind the CDN!!!
I’m all for it!
I just changed it. Let’s see how it feels today!
Cool. It will be nice to have the orange new comments accessible and on the same page.
It’s working for me really nicely now!
No hiccups here with it.
Good idea!
This would make harvesting Gail Comb’s research posts from the dailies a whole lot easier. Which BTW, I’d love to see someone do before this place gets nuked.
I’ve been archiving quite a few …
If we put up a new post at the U Tree to hold them, maybe they could make their way into the comments there?
You bet.
That’s what archiving is for!
It’s also what’s called a “force-multiplier”: redundancy, and back-up.
Are you on Gab?
Are you familiar with using the chat feature?
Is there any reason not to?
Seems like one giant page would be easier. Certainly from a ‘search’ standpoint, you would only have one page to search if you were trying to find something you read earlier
Psst — scott, me bucko…..we’re doing it in this very post…..
The fact that the page is updating in real time – if successful – pretty much negates the reloading problem.
Wolfie that is how I use the site.
Open it early and never refresh.
I place my cursor on the yellow highlighted comments so they go white. That means all I have to do is ‘scroll to the top’** and go down the page to look for yellow. No flipping back to older pages.
** If you set the mouse on the right side slidebar and press the roller wheel in the middle of the mouse it takes you to that spot on the page. For me, about an inch down places me at the aprox start of the comments.
This morning I was re-reading page 3 of yesterday’s post to see what I had missed, got down someway and reached what seemed to be the end, and there was a green rectangle with “Load more comments” in it. I knew there were more, because I leave it at the bottom comment at bedtime. Clicked it and the rest of the comments loaded.
516 posts over the green ball.
351 number inside the orange ball.
In the VM/4 cpu system running about 60-85% each working to keep page updated.
memory sitting about about 3.5 GiB
Posts and scrolling is slowed, but no more than usual.
CTH is reporting that Rand Paul actually spent $1M supporting a non-Trump-endorsed MAGA candidate in Ohio’s 15th district.
You will recall I covered this race earlier:
Earliest Tremors of MAGA in Ohio
Personally, I’m RELIEVED that Trump’s pick, Mike Carey, won. There were an assortment of good candidates, but I still trust Trump to pick the best when faced with many options.
Congratulations, Mike! And congratulations, President Trump!
“Do you think Rand Paul will apologize for spending nearly $1 Million on another candidate in Ohio’s 15th District congressional race after I had already endorsed Mike Carey? In any event, Mike went on to an unprecedented victory, more than doubling the second placed finisher and Rand’s candidate came in a distant third out of eleven. Rand is a different kind of guy, but I like him a lot anyway, and I’m proud to have endorsed him when when he ran. Do you think he learned his lesson?”
By Donald J. Trump
Classic Trump. Want a little salt to rub in that jab?
Rand needs to stay in line at times. He’s a gadfly but enough is enough with a wasted million bucks.
Trump leveraged that 1 million bucks to educate every single Rino thinking of trying to defeat his picks!
Absolutely. They looked at that “37%” and said “we’re making progress”, but Trump drops that price tag on them, and MANY SADZ.
Here are the results:
LINK: https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio%27s_15th_Congressional_District_special_election,_2021_(August_3_Republican_primary)
The following candidates ran in the special Republican primary for U.S. House Ohio District 15 on August 3, 2021.Special Republican primary for U.S. House Ohio District 15
Scroll for more

Mike Carey
Jeff LaRe
Ron Hood
Bob Peterson
Ruth Edmonds
Tom Hwang
Stephanie Kunze
Thad Cooperrider
Omar Tarazi
John Adams
Eric M. Clark
Brian Stewart (Unofficially withdrew)
There were no incumbents in this race. Source
Total votes: 50,448
Withdrawn or disqualified candidates
These results are very interesting. Tom Hwang did better than Stephanie Kunze. Kunze barely ran, IMO – makes me think she was almost a splitter. Hwang was aggressive and smart for a total independent, with ads on OAN and lots of signage – his main point was anti-CRT, deregulation, get government off people’s backs. Very MAGA. Omar Tarazi was “kumbaya MAGA” – he made Suspicious Cat pace and give much side-eye. He had a lot of media, but didn’t do as well as Hwang.
The rest – bigger – more big endorsements – more “establishment” – more regular politicians – but each one a fraction of the Carey vote.
TRUMP is still the reference by a long shot. Clear as day. The Trump endorsement is what people are looking for.
People Trust POTUS to KNOW who the hidden RINOs are. They also know THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT RACE!
It occurs to me, since POTUS is NOT in the White House he is MUCH MORE FREE to give REAL ENDORSEMENTS without having to appease Mitch McConnell and What’s his name in Congress. As President he had to work with the SOBs as a ‘private citizen’ he does not.
From my notes:
(THIS BTW is what got me tossed of Breitart and American Stinker and BANNED by Google and Yahoo. I could not even e-mail my own Hubby!)
The Iowa circus act knocked Rand Paul out of the running but let’s take a quick look at him anyway. Rand was actually my first choice until I looked at him with the above priority in mind.
As I said before I think Rand Paul’s stand on the Trans Pacific Partnership suicidal for the USA and his view of China truly bizarre. Or is he on board the globalist train?
The New American: Rand Paul to Obama: “Prioritize” Passage of Trans-Pacific Partnership
Los Angles Times: Rand Paul drops the mic on Donald Trump over China’s participation in trade deal
Rand Paul, IF he had actually read that damn treaty should have know it is very easy to ADD another country and the ‘No China” gambit was the exact same chess move Clinton played to get the World Trade Organization treaty ratified. Then Clinton worked his rump off to get China added a few years later.
Is Rand really that dumb? Or is he FOR CHINA
China trade improves economy AND makes fight less likely
So yeah, it looks like Rand is FOR CHINA.
That paragraph is straight out of the Progressive play book on Interdependence, one of Al Gore’s favorite issues.
SEE: Dale C. Copeland, “Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations,” International Security, Vol. 20, no.4 (Spring 1996) for exactly how dangerous Interdependence is.
And I have certainly shown here how dangerous China is to the USA.
China military buildup (Jack Pesobic and Steve Bannon are sounding the alarm on this on the Warroom nowBTW)
Not to mention Clinton’s sell out of US military technologies.
The background on China’s HATRED of the USA and UK: Lessons of history: China’s century of humiliation
China Picks at the Scab to Keep the Wound Fresh
“…. A passage from an essay by the Australian defense analyst Paul Monk is very telling on the subject of what President Xi intends for Asia’s near future:
And that doesn’t even get into the economic damage done to the USA by our current one sided ‘free trade’ agreements.
2012 – Economic Policy Institute: The China toll: Growing U.S. trade deficit with China cost more than 2.7 million jobs between 2001 and 2011, with job losses in every state
More on USA losing out economically to China:
So why the heck is Rand promoting the idea of ‘Free trade’ in general and the USA/China trade in particular is a great for the USA?
Is he currying favor for 2024 presidential race???
Is that why he NEVER QUITE GOES THERE with FauXI?
I’ve never trusted Rand Paul.
He is not consistent, and now we know why. China…
More than that.
Ron Paul ran for President and said he would not QUIT. The ReBoobs ousted him even though he had won the primary against McStain.
Bilderberg met in VA in June and Ron Paul QUIT.
I think Ron Paul was given an ultimatum which included Rand Paul in office BUT TOWING THE GLOBALIST LINE. They knew Ron Paul was popular with the Mavericks and were planning on using Rand as Controlled Opposition.
What we ALL have to face about Rand Paul is, he is an idealist who will do what his belief system tells him to do, regardless of what we think.
And sometimes what he does we agree with, and sometimes we don’t. But Rand doesn’t care, he will do what he thinks it right, NO MATTER WHAT.
I understand this personality because I am one. It makes people crazy. I think we have a few of this type here at our Tree.
Those weird infj’s and infp’s.
I am an INTJ. And you thought YOU were weird!
Ah. I seem to be on the ragged edge of intj/intp. Though in all earnest the only one of the four I’m really solid on is T.
And yes, NFs are weird. I think that’s the one thing the NTs, SPs and SJs can agree on.
I think we are all weird ;/
Yeah, we fail to just knuckle under for the Collective.
Now THAT is weird!
Patriot Reactor
@gailauss A report on the toxicity of graphene from the NIH (National Institute of Health) in the U.S. Dated 2019.
If you search for “graphene” you’ll get research papers almost entirely written by Chinese scientists.
And Pfizer has a R&D lab in Wuhan…
Archived below:
Here is a 10 minute video on carbon. It discusses graphene and even the conducting of electricity with it. I found this helpful for us non-science people.
Thanks, Gmtx.
And great work on today’s thread, as always!
Thanks, Wheatie!
Also here is an interesting older article on investing in graphene. Notice the China mention.
“Surprisingly, though, very few companies make any mention of graphene whatsoever. Oh, the SEC files are full of companies with names like “China Carbon Graphite Group” that sound like they should be big into graphene. But most such companies are little more than Potemkin businesses. They have no revenue or profit to speak of, and little market capitalization. They barely exist, even on paper.”
Nice words coming from The Hill.
So I guess it’s quasi-official now. We are at war!
This is why we need a CASH REBELLION.
Now combine that with the 6 month DEATH JAB…
Checkmate Patriots!

“our ANTI-social betters in corporate America”…
There, Hill-of-beans, FIFY. And it seems they’ve managed to paint PATRIOTS as Terrorists… Remember the FIB and Klowns-in-Action (or inaction) resisted any efforts to label or name Antifa, BLM, or any of the other DEMONRAT or Creamer/Plouffe/Klintoon destructo-rabble-rousers as domestic terrorists.
Jackboot Dorsey of Dorkey Park.
OK ‘leets. You do your fire-walking and other rituals at Bohemian Grove and elsewhere. Keep it up and you can practice treading fire in the Lake of Fire….
(and, as always, until and unless you learn, turn, and REPENT of your sins)…
I love Gab’s group, Rural Life

I just joined. Breath of fresh air.
They do a good job of cleaning up the spam.
Political stuff shows up, but very little.
Ivermectin keeps on ticking:
“Favorable outcome on viral load and culture viability using Ivermectin in early treatment of non-hospitalized patients with mild COVID-19 – A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial.”
I am going to use this as a wheat/chaff sorter on doctors.
Because how the trial was conducted?
Basically. It’s mainstream. It’s not the “Trump drug”. IF a doctor gets “uppity” about ivermectin for COVID, they’re chaff.
The vaccines are now extremely problematic, and there is a treatment that is working everywhere, including India where it kicked “delta variant” ass.
The vaccines are MAKING variants. Ivermectin is TREATING variants.
Docs that jump on ivermectin and stay with the vaccines are a danger to patients, IMO.
Wheat and Chaff sorting:
Very true.
Next month is my yearly appointment with my doctor. At the meeting I am going to ask him and it will be a make or break meeting between doctor and patient.
I prefer an Internet doctor who does the right thing compared to one who seeks a safe space.
You’re going to throw them on a stone floor and trample them with oxen?
Oh, wheat/chaff SORTER….you’re going to throw them in the air near a window with a stiff cross-breeze and see how many are blown out the window….
Coming for you FauXi!

Remember the question being asked yesterday about how you knew if someone had the CV or something else? I think I know the answer.
If the doctor did NOT offer appropriate early treatment, then they were going to call it CV and sacrifice the patient to the narrative.
It could really be that simple.
Wow. Good point.
Thank you. THAT is very clarifying.
And, hence, hospitals were ordered to list “Cause of Death” as the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus, even if the deceased had health issues and/of co-morbidities that were either the main cause of death, or that the virus catastrophically undermined the immune system response.
And didn’t the CDC quietly “revise” the death figures a few months ago to reflect that only about 12,000 died solely from a COVID-19 infection? What happened to those “revised numbers”?
The VA Hosp. sent home an 88 yo friend of mine with the CCP disease and basically told him to sleep it off. They did ZERO for him. He suffered greatly, lost a lot of weight, but survived. He has no clue how they exploited him, and it is not something I would bring up, but it makes me furious.
State Senator from AZ arrested on child sex charges.
Dem, vaccinated, breakthrough COVID case.
Let’s put it front and center, as it would be if the other way —
DEM State Senator from AZ arrested on child sex charges.
Michigan senate majority leader tells the truth about January 6.
Yup. And he calls out Yertle CORRECTLY!!!
That’s what got my attention!
This won’t load for me – I imagine one must be IN gettr to see what’s ON gettr.
It may be on CFP – I’ll check.
I had no trouble and I am NOT on Gettr.
I just watched the full video you posted – thanks!
I always like DIRECT testimony / evidence, and this is the first I’ve seen. I hope everyone takes the time to view it.
Maybe the Gettr problem is an Apple special – for a split second, the page started to load, but then it immediately went blank. My first try with Gettr – maybe there’s a better method.
You need an unfettered, better Gettr getter…
Maybe it’s in the store next to Nutter Butters (great cookies) and Bounty (the quicker picker-upper)
Brave with all the privacy shields up loaded the video and played.
i use an iMac with older iOS and Safari. I have to switch over to an earlier version of Dissenter to go to Gettr but it works fine there. It’s an Apple thing, you say below and I agree.
Here is the video in the reply from someone IN DC WATCHING on Jan 6th!
Jerrod Sessler (running for Congress in WA fourth District) interview with Karl Dresch who just got out of DC jail!
I’m in tears. How dare the feds do this to this good man.
At least he did not take The Jab!
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is a multilateral treaty adopted by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2200A (XXI) on 16 December 1966, and in force from 23 March 1976 in accordance with Article 49 of the covenant.
….provides that any person deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and dignity.[2] The article imposes a requirement of separation of prisoners in pre-trial detention from those already convicted of crimes, as well as a specific obligation to separate accused juvenile prisoners from adults and bring them before trial speedily.[2] There is also a requirement that the focus of prisons should be reform and rehabilitation, not punishment.[2] These provisions apply to those in prisons, hospitals (particularly psychiatric hospitals), detention facilities, correction facilities or any other facility in which a person is deprived of their liberty.[3] The article complements article 7 of the Covenant,[2] which bans torture or other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment, by guaranteeing those deprived of their liberty with the same conditions as that set for free persons.[4]
You need to read it because they broke so many of these agreements:
>>”At least he did not take The Jab!”<<
He was offered privileges (i.e., RIGHTS) if he took the jab, and he was refused them if he didn’t take the jab.
That’s coercion (just like WE are experiencing). I suspect this is a **textbook** definition of it.
He stood strong – and followed his beliefs.
I’m rather surprised he seemed as mentally fit as he did.
Perhaps the nightly group-singing of the National Anthem – as I’ve read occurred – played a part!
I think you are correct about the nightly group-singing of the National Anthem. It counters the ‘you are alone’ mental games these monsters are playing with people who did NOTHING but excercise their God Given Constitutional Rights of FREE Assembly and petition for redress of grievances.
I took military prisoner techniques on them. The CIA is known for that.
I have a feeling he is a man with strong faith otherwise he would not have come out as whole as he seems.
Can’t see an attorney unless you take Reich Rochelle’s Defective Vaccine.
In honor of FidoDay Friday:
Lol. Dogs love this.
Thin may be in, but fat’s where it’s at
Ha, ha! I was living in a remote area where when you buy cooking oil at the market (home made coconut oil) they would give it to you in a plastic bag. So one day, returning from the market, someone left the market basket on the floor and went off to do something. Along comes a dog, who grabbed the bag of oil. Of course it immediately leaked and he licked. That dog must have consumed most of 2 cups of oil. The ONLY time I ever seen a dog who wasn’t hungry!
The circus is coming to town! They are going to impeach Cuomo.
Who’s gonna play the bearded lady???
Billy Boy Clinton.
Fauci-Led Agency Funded Abusive Animal Experiments Promising To Kill Dozens Of Beagles
……………From the article:
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci, is granting taxpayer funds for abusive animal experimentation, according to documents unearthed by a government watchdog group.
NIAID directed $424,455 to researchers at the University of Georgia in September 2020 to infect dozens of beagles with disease-causing parasites in order to test an experimental drug on them, according to documents obtained by White Coat Waste Project (WCW) and reviewed by the Daily Caller. According to an NIAID task order form released via a Freedom Of Information Act request, the 28 beagles were to be allowed to develop infections for three months before being euthanized for blood collection.
……………..More at link.
Fauci is evil!
Austin Bay had a recent article about how we should sue China for unleashing COVID upon the world…..but shouldn’t Fauci and Baric be co-defendants? And where does that leave NIAID — which, sad to say, is a Division of the US Government?
It is NOT JUST the USA and China. It is the WHO and France too AT A MINIMUM. Maybe Israel?
I wouldn’t doubt that the RKI (Robert Koch Institute) and Drosten (the “forth” doctor WHO”, Merde-Kuh’s Mengele pretty-boy) were involved too…..
This sort of thing is sadly common.
I have donated animals WITH DISEASE for research but never for INFECTING a healthy animal.
This was only after my vet said No Hope and suggested it.
One was a goat with antibiotic resistant sesis I kept alive for a year via VERY GOOD Nutrition. The Vets at Rollins could not believe it.
Beagles have been the go to dog to do horrific experiments on by chemical cleaning and beauty products for decades. This does not surprise me in the least. They do this on college campuses and out of the country.
This is the vile nature of truly inhuman behavior.
Maybe someone needs to experiment on Fauci? Just hypothetical.

Apple is planning to have an AI system to classify all the images on your Apple device, and compare them to a database of kiddie-porn malware hosted on your Apple device, and report back if you’re looking at things you shouldn’t…..
I’m sure this will go well.
So, they are going to put porn ON YOUR PHONE so they can compare it to your photos?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, nononono…..they’re going to be putting “hashes” of porn on your phone…..which are not porn themselves…..but if the analysis of one of your pictures results in the same hash, they’re ratting you out.
Doesn’t that make you feel much better?
They can also blackmail you…
“So, they are going to put porn ON YOUR PHONE so they can compare it to your photos?”
Not mine, not gonna do it

I see a massive exit from the smart phone market coming.
Hopefully some entrepreneur is coming up with a basic phone that keeps you and your data as private as can be.
A few telling quotes from the article:
“The blinding is done using a server-side blinding secret, known only to Apple.”
>>>>>> Tolkien: “[F]or that good which only the Wise can see.”
“This blinded database is securely stored on users’ devices.”
>>>>>> Apple will now be using YOUR iPhone without your consent: co-ownership.
“Apple said it will update the Messages app [….]”
“Apple said it will update Siri and Search […].”
“The changes will roll out “later this year in updates to iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, and macOS Monterey,” Apple said.”
>>>>>> See? “Updates” allow MORE manufacturer control.
Spying devices.
And what’s to prevent them from *installing* CP photos? Nothing but their “word”.
Time to dump Apple for good.
If they were FOSS, they’d be forked….
It’s just Orwellian. What gives these people the RIGHT to go through our stuff and analyze it?
FUCK ‘EM. Tim Cook is a communist FAG.
You signed up for them manning the walls of the garden. Build your own walls and hire mercenaries to man them — at least they’ll do what you tell them.
Perhaps the era of “smart-ass” phones is coming to an end.
I HATE “smart-ass” phones!
I was FORCED to give up my old flip phone because it was only 3G. My new flip phone was connected to GOOGLE!!!
I REMOVED the connection (I hope) I do not need GPS and all that crap. I can READ A MAP.
Generally, unless Hubby hands it to me the phone sits on the toilet tank….
One small splash for a phone, one giant wave for freedom
The first phone got run over by the dually
The second phone got run over by the tractor
and I came close to shoving the third phone up the rump of the Verison tech….
You might consider a trip to Finland, then
Nokia has (or had) a phone-tossing (kicking, hurling, whatever) contest every year. The older phones do much better due to their higher mass
I have a (1999) 6210i that has been kicked (unintentionall) in snow and fair weather, dropped, splashed with covfefe, and all manner of non-electronic challenges, and only this year has begged for retirement due to my phone provider attempting to download some smartphone code to my dumb phone. Seems ALDITALK (read: Telefonica) are dumber than the phone itself…
So I’m using a “new” phone, the Nokia candybar that came with my 2008 Touran
(and, softly in the background, “Santa Got Run Over By A Reindeer” is playing)….
That last bit is exactly how they will target people.
I can already see how to abuse the system. It’s too easy to abuse. Incredibly easy.
I am warning people now – ditch ALL your Apple technology.
I never trusted them, ever. There are people addicted to everything
. I bet they will turn on the camera and microphone
as well.
Just like Damnion and Micro$haft.
Just say no.
Or jailbreak or root the phone.
And, as usual, the privacy-rights folks are spewing crickets… (haven’t looked at EFF lately, but I don’t imagine they’ll do anything, as they are HUGELY left anymore)…
It just STARTS with CP. It moves to “insurrectionists”. It ends with MEMES.
Fuck Apple. I’m dumping them. 100%.
Already did.
Thank you. Arse Technocratica is actually useful for once. My war against Apple begins.
Couple of things about a “walled garden” — Who mans the walls? What if you need to sortie?
Maybe put a roof over it and bury it in a mile or two of concrete…. do something with all those useless birdchopper bases…
And my family members are after me all the time to go Apple.
Trouble is, anything Android-based (which is everything else since M$ got out of the phone game) is Gargle, subject to all their whims and spying. And updates. And lack of updates from companies like $am$ung…
The Lumia Phones from M$ were actually pretty nice, with a good UI and decently-organized menus, etc. Figures that Satan Nutella would kill off one of the best pieces of hardware/software to ever come out of Redmond…..
Maybe the “New Nokia” has some good stuff, in spite of Garble…..
Just a little fun with handedness….
“Ting F. Zhu’s lab at Tsinghua University in Beijing”…
Seems that the only ones doing “science” anymore are RED Chinese…
Werner Gitt has written on left-handedness versus right-handedness at length… (he’s a professor here in Germany, at Uni Gießen IIRC)…
Just freakin’ amazing….
The link does a clean resolve to https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/08/05/lake-oroville-reaches-all-time-low-level-hydroelectric-plant-will-shut-down-for-first-time-ever/
When this dam was built, they “borrowed” engineers from every part of California where its water might go to “assist” its design. My dad managed engineers for the City of Los Angeles, and they helped. So, when I was just a kid, we drove out to this weird obscure part of California (500 miles from LA) to look at water and dirt. At the time, I was more impressed by the fish ladders.
And, here, they’ve managed to totally F*** it up in less years than I’ve been alive…..
And the name of the movie is …
I watched that for the first time recently. Really good, and in LA, given the number of other films about the corruption out there, I’ll believe it.
The Browns (moonbeam and his father Edmund G. “Pat” Brown) were heavily involved in the water skulduggery, and the California Aqueduct is named after Brown Sr…
Would be interesting to see what would happen to KA if they split it into three or five states. The problem would be the additional DEMONRAT senators…….
Yep, and it only seems like a couple of years when that very same dam was overflowing and at the point of failure, due to improper maintenance, some material problems, and it appears some design problems as well.
Maybe they can fix all the spillways, etc., while the water’s down.
Then again, it’s Kalifornistan, so they’ll divert the money to preserving the (non-native) snail darter and preserving the rights of gay and trans bears…
Owens Valley, Eastern Sierras. US395. LA Water and Power has drained the water from that area. Once upon a time, a huge lake out that way.
Mono Lake?
Owens Valley is further south. Area cities include Bishop, Independence, Lone Pine, and Big Pine area.
Mono Lake wise, I dunno why Mono Lake water level is so low. Been that way for years, perhaps decades. It should have a great runoff from the Sierras and seems like it is its own valley. Had not linked it to LA Water and Power sending water to LA area.
May go off on that tangent later today.
“Watch the water.”
Also, with HAARP tech, perhaps they can change weather patterns enough to CREATE these problems, then blame it on “climate change”, and so create the reaction from the masses to fund their global scam.
Manufacture the emergency, and then make sure NOT to let it “go to waste”.
For THEM, be it noted.
We suffer, THEY profit.
Their mantra is “Too much is NEVER enough!”
You don’t even have to HAARP. Most dams are in a string — you have dams at level 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You have to balance the water level at each dam, taking some risk that they’ll run high or low — but you have to use the best available information and you have to be intelligent. If you use global warming BS models and decide based on climate change ritual, you’re going to run off the rails.
Lake Mead is facing the same thing.
By whatever means or motivations, I suspect this is all being done ON PURPOSE.
We in North Carolina have been swimming in mud most of the summer AND IT IS COOL!
Don’t blame HAARP for what a sleepy sun and the end of an Interglacial maybe doing.
The transition period according to geologists is a ‘Mad House’ and we are coming off a Grand Solar Maximum that kicked earth out of the Little Ice Age.
If you want the long version from geologist William McClenney (He sent me 300 geo papers…)
ChiefIO on the solar minimum
And lots about how the SUN effects climate by Jo Nova’s Hubby Dr David Evans.
Solar TSI (Total Solar Insulation aka input) Leads Earth’s temperature with an 11 year delay
Seven Possible Ways the Sun Could Change Cloud Cover
(Cloud cover determines the amount of TSI hitting earth)
Unfortunately that is NOT new news, but I am glad it is finally getting out.
This is WHY the DemonRats want to abort FULL TERM BABIES and are TRAINING college students that POST-BIRTH ABORTION on TODDLERS is A-OK.
The Democrat slogan should be,
Kittens. Puppies, Babies? Whats the difference. We Kill them all!
Straight from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
Sure sounds like the way a farmer treats his livestock.
And it is working….
Peter Singer’s Bold Defense of Infanticide:
After-Birth Abortions: College Students Increasingly Support Infanticide
“… in interviews that not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.”’
UK Hospitals ‘paid millions to put patients on [Liverpool] death pathway
“Hospitals are being paid millions of pounds to reach targets for the number of patients put on a controversial pathway for the withdrawal of life-saving treatment, according to data based on Freedom of Information requests.”
This is the type of National ‘Health Care’ the Progressives want to gradually introduce in the USA via Obummercare.
UK Doctor Admits To Starving Babies To Death, Using ‘End-Of-Life’ Care
(I think this maybe what Northrup as a pediatrician was doing in Virgina.)
§ 3. Section 4164 of the New York public health law is REPEALED.
Being that we’re supposed to have a test of the Federal “Emergency Broadcast Service” in five days, we should maybe think about doing the following things with our blog cousins:
(1) Agree to a crossblog code-of-conduct for our group of cousinblogs.
(2) [Withdrawn]
(3) Crossload all authors to all blogs.
(4) Conduct a test of our “Emergency Blogcast Service”. Such test would involve each author identifying themselves with their “home blog(s)” but testing their crossloaded blogging ability. As an example, you’d have Wolf (Qtree, Utree) posting test on Marica’s; You’d have bakocarl (Qtree, Marica’s) posting test on Utree; you’d have NF (Marica’s) posting test on Qtree, Utree……all in an agreed format.
I am cognizant that this essentially publishes a network mapping for everyone from the NSA to Palantir to latch onto, and would anticipate that you’d want this to be less public. Perhaps you could do draft posts by each, and have the site administrator zap ’em once they’d served their purpose.
When things go in the bag, however, site admins and authors will probably be somewhat informed…..but general commenters and readers/lurkers may be less prepared. Rounding people up and getting ’em together would be very reassuring and productive.
Other than staying connected, the purpose of this would be?
Staying connected isn’t enough?
It’d be like having designated assembly areas for fire drills.
Fire drills…I used to work in one of the downtown high rises, and the fire drills were legendary. You walked down all the steps and then two blocks over to the plaza behind the Old Courthouse.
So we need a plaza behind the Old Courthouse where there’s plenty of space.
Well, there’s not as many peeps on these blogs as there were in downtown high-rises…..
Thirteen flights of stairs….
At least I didn’t work up in the law firm that took up floors 32-41 when that happened.
Yah, so, it has now been noted that the evil ones in our midst like to pull fire alarms in order to round up all the people into a space where it is easier to kill them in an open and indefensible space. I’m not saying your idea is a bad one, I’m asking, “what could possibly go wrong?”
I think at this stage it’s more of a concept than an idea.
Like this?
Create segmented call chains with cross-segment callers to ensure each segment gets an emergency message?
CodeMonkey is suggesting that (possibly CDN technology?) internet might start being blocked in new ways and we would be wise to understand the use of Tor to get access to internet resources.
If internet is fully down, our alternate gathering locations will also be down.
If the blogging platforms are withdrawn from what are deemed hostile authors, then advertising the list here now just makes that job that much easier for the censors.
Wolf has already advertised our fall back locations.
Seriously, sometimes your questions about personal details and suggestions that expose more attack fronts seem less than helpful. What is up with that?
It comes from a very different mode of decision-making, where you start by brainstorming — coming up with a bunch of ideas, some of which may be impractical or dangerous. You then go through some analysis — what are these “solutions” saying might be the real issues; what resources can be brought to bear? Which things help and which things hinder, and what design principles can be be laid down?
After this, you try to design the minimal necessary change to accomplish your refined goals, then do a cost/benefit analysis of that.
Very corporate and bureaucratic — but it starts out with getting crazy stuff on the table.
AND it works quite well IF you can get people to TALK!
I used that method plus a different method. I talked one on one with the guys on the plant floor. THEY KNOW, they might not have the words or the scientific reasons BUT THEY KNOW.
You take that information and then go talk to the engineers and scientists. Put it all together, maybe design some experiments and you have a good chance of solving problems.
As Gail just pointed out, the guys on the floor (getting stuff done) have LEARNED it’s better not to talk to the guys in the offices (shaking things up). The difference is production v.s. improvement. I’m sure you could explain this far better than I could.
But brainstorming into a funnel with your enemy listening at the other end is well, kind of like you clicking that fateful link that led to your new appreciation for online security.
Actually, I was just reading a piece recently in a Linux magazine about how Microsmurf kept trying to strangle UNIX/Linux in its crib while it pressed ahead with its OS and GUI offerings, and how it felt like total war with survival at stake….and how many were dismayed that the Evil “M-pire” could do things sneakily in proprietary ways…..while Linux/FOSS development was open.
Fast forward 20 years to now — this site is being run in WordPress on a LAMP stack. The only thing proprietary (AFAIK) is JetPack. I happen to think that the rewards gained by open-sourcing ideas and plans are worth the tradeoffs.
As far as “clicking that fateful link”….it hasn’t truly overhauled my “new appreciation for online security” as much as it has enhanced my understanding of human depravity.
And, finally, an anecdote about my maternal grandfather’s approach to management…. One of the first “management” jobs he got was running a speaker production line for Altec-Lansing. First couple of days, he walked the production floor and asked, “as a manager, how could I make your job easier for you?”
I’ve been Corporate Controller a few places….I’ll often do filing the first few days “while I learn everyone’s names*”. You have to know the conditions on the ground before you can make effective changes.
*SPOILER: I don’t learn people’s names — I’m terrible at that.
I appreciate that you actually understand many of the principles of my very patient and persistent security model!
There are good reasons that a number of applications and OSs are “proprietary”, something that seems to be anathema in today’s IT world.
Not everything is better crowdsourced….
In the last couple of days some data points have surfaced in the survey of information sources I frequent.
One account on Twitter, I think, had multiple videos of trains carrying defense vehicles and equipment. The people taking the videos, one was in SE Missouri where there aren’t any military bases other than Fort Leonard Wood which is more central, claim that this just doesn’t happen. It was very weird.
On Wednesday’s situation report that I finally listened to last night while making a vat of guacamole, Monkey Werx reported that a highly unusual large number of military cargo flights that move equipment, etc., took place on Wednesday just in the United States. This was base to base in the lower 48.
Storm rider has been reporting for weeks of military mobilization all over the world, as if preparations against a major event are being made.
Make of it what you will. In the meantime, I need to get another couple cases of drinking water just in case the water plant goes down.
And then there was this.
IDK that this is really the first time on American soil that this has happened, but it is odd.
It’s great news.
We’re getting close to the round-up. No airports required!
Almost always a dress-rehearsal before the performance …
That looks like it might be the case.
There’s something in the air. It’s coming.
OR they are planing to round PATRIOTS UP….
Tolkien [The Last Debate]:
“They were quiet for a while. At length Aragorn spoke. ‘As I have begun, so I will go on. We come now to the very brink, where hope and despair are akin. To waver is to fall. […]’ “
I choose HOPE. No matter what happens, it pays off WAY better than despair. For the righteous, I must add.
Let the ***Enemy*** despair – fear is their forte (well, anti-forte!).
(An American Revolutionary war hero, also known as “The Swamp Fox”)
TY, Itswoot.
This is WAR!
I have little time for those who are of a defeatist mindset, whether by skepticism, or by pseudo-intellectualism, or by ANY other demoralization technique.
Well-meaning or no, it matters not. We’re getting to the POINT of it all, and IMO it’s time to shed the fear, anguish, anxiety, and despair.
Cast such negativity off!
Into the dust-bin it must go!
Time to be RESOLUTE.
And to *demonstrate* FAITH.
We haven’t spoken much, I know, yet I do read what you write.
I hope you’re weathering things alright – in light of your above post, though, I believe that you are!
NOT a defeatist, just do not have rose colored glasses.
I am hoping the military has been playing possum but I SURE wonder.
Eric Prince (Navy), Bannon (Navy) and Jack Posobiec (Navy)
Is The US Ready To Fight Tonight? (10 min)
It’s ok, Gail!
I know of no better way to honor your experience, and your decades’ worth of diligent research work, than TO SAVE your posts of it for future reference … for ALL.
I don’t have rose-colored glasses either, but I DO have a clue as to how to motivate!
>>”I am hoping”<<
Otherwise, the ENTIRE effort of Kew was just a deke, or a 3-year “flash-in-the-pan”, or whatever negative description one wishes to use.
I have some substantial – though somewhat unorthodox – experience in sussing out the noise from the signal – at times, at substantial cost.
I don’t believe that those 3 years were a “fooly”. And I’m going with that.
I certainly agree with you on that. Kewly helps a lot in keeping the ‘powder dry’ and the spirits up.
I am going to add that in the 70s, I dated a PhD Chemist who worked for Navy ON FIRE SUPPRESSION!
So I think this was straight up SABOTAGE. Remember Long Beach belonged to the Chinese. No Knowing how many they hooked on drugs, ladies and $$$.
Oh and Hubby just told me this happened 50 years ago in New York because the New York Fire Fighters ordered the Naval Fire Fighters off the ship for not wearing helmets. This means THE PROCEDURES FOR PORT FIRES EXIST NOW!
Oh, I have HOPE but I do not TRUST.
It is stupid to NOT consider ALL possibilities as we are now fighting for the OWNERSHIP of Humanity.
I do think the crescendo is approaching but I also think we have a very nasty adversary so watch your 6.
My husband said it is nothing new. In Germany they landed on the Autobahn. He thinks it is the National Guard ?
I have read that one of the purposes of the Eisenhower interstate system was to have roadways that could double as landing strips if necessary. The interstate design plan was a requirement that one of every 5 miles of interstate was required to be functionally straight to facilitate aircraft landing. I do not know for certain that that information was correct but it was consistent with Eisenhower’s strategic mindset.
I had heard the same. Also that the roads had to be built to withstand the weight of aircraft.
What is funny is SNOPES debunks the idea.
The ARMY supports it…
After WWII Ike realized how hard it would be to mobilize troops in our vast land because of our terrible road systems. The interstates are STRATEGIC MILITARY INFRA-STRUCTURE. (No wonder the commie-dems love that it is falling apart as they ship US wealth to China to build up THEIR MILITARY STRENGTH.)
While the airplane strength aspect is believable, completely, I actually looked up the history of the highway system and it was on the drawing board before the Depression. It was shelved for that and the war, and revived under Truman at first. Eisenhower got it officially started, but it was decades in the making.
And, frankly, the way it was done going through the cities made a big mess.
Eisenhower was impressed with the German Autobahns, which, oddly enough, are not as straight as most people outside of Germany think, but what curves there are are usually gentle… and the A5 near Frankfurt (Main) is basically pedal-to-the-metal for miles… and the Greens HATE that…. (chuckle chuckle chuckle
That’s the story, but I’ve seen the maps.
Remember, everything we *know* is subject to correction once all this plays out.
Snopes are flaming leftards.
Back in the day, AAA (the American Automobile Club” touted the Interstate Highway System and what it could and will do (this was the 1950s/1960s) and the ability/necessity to function as a landing strip in times of war or emergency need was touted. People of today are either too young or don’t remember (too old?
) how things were back then…. Duck and Cover, anyone???
(Just look at Weird Al’s “Christmas At Ground Zero”, which is hard to find online anymore….)…
I’ve got an older map around here someplace, showing locations on Swedish highways which are possible locations for landing aircraft. Once, I happened to drive past one of these, and the runway part of the road was straight and wide with the two traffic lanes of the two-lane road were marked towards one side.
The road in this case of landing looks like a 4-lane undivided highway. If one side of a freeway is used, that section would probably have to be more than 2 lanes wide.
I would imagine there were a lot of tests when the Interstate Highway system was first rolled out… That was one of the benefits of the system.
Belgium has a similar system, but uses YELLOW lighting (like the French headlights), with alternate stretches being lit or dark…
Not to mention, this
(Grandma still drives, too…. I have to say, I have NEVER seen the 405 that empty… so it’s gotta be a fake
I just did a run to load up on all the non-perishables. If the electric is not cut we are good for 6 months or more. If it is cut, at least 2 months. (Need to smoke the meat in the freezers ASAP but we have the wood to do it.)
I thought I read a few days ago that the US was engaging in global war games? Cannot find the source, now, so maybe I misunderstood.
You can not hear POTUS Reagan and Hubby demanded I turn it off 1/2 way through.
If you have got to use background music MAKE IT BACKGROUND NOT IN YOUR FACE!
Will have to look into this claim.
There’s enough of those now to make me think it might be about us.
All along we thought it was about Them.
It’s one or the other, yes?
Please refer to my reply-post to Gail, just above.
And HOPE!!!
It is interesting that you should make that comment. After the results of the election last November I analyzed what I thought Kew’s message was and what its purpose was. I fleshed out several scenarios that fit the data (some better than others). During the course of this exercise one scenario in particular was to interpret Kew’s message contrary to popular interpretations. In that scenario I assumed that Kew was a morale officer for the Deplorables and was trying to keep us hopeful during the course of the Trump Presidency. In that scenario certain key phrases were reinterpreted with an entirely new meaning. A couple of examples: “They won’t be able to walk the streets.” In that scenario “they” are the Deplorables not the traitors. That sent a chill through my body when I followed this line of reasoning. The vaccine apartheid that has been developing could be used as additional evidence that such an interpretation was reasonable. The second one: “We have it all.” The “we” was the Deep State, not the patriots. When you look at our present culture you can see that the Deep State has effective control of all branches of the government, the educational system, corporate American, media, and its beginning to look like the military as well. Such an interpretation would also require that Kew was an agent of the Deep State not the patriots. This kind of analysis is an exercise in reasoning and is not to be taken as the truth, context is especially important in exercises such as this. It is a theoretical construct attempting to interpret the data that is publicly available and of course was specifically for my. It is not meant to imply that it is true but only in a certain perspective it can be seen as reasonable. This of course is directly in response to Grandma’s comment. The fog is so deep I can no longer be certain what is true and what is illusion.
Edit: “specifically for my.” should be “specifically for me.”
Another one is “Nothing can stop what is coming” which could be a reference to the coup against Trump and the rampant statism to follow.
I know you treated this as a purely intellectual exercise and don’t want to claim it’s the right interpretation. As a general rule, that’s a good idea; consider alternate hypotheses–hopefully you can disprove them but if you can’t, you might have found something valueable. If you can follow something like this through and find no contradiction, it should be kept in the back of your mind.
Especially if the other (more favorable) interpretation DOES lead to contradictions.
In this particular instance I see apparent contradictions both ways.
Most reasonable advice, although Kew’s message is so voluminous and broad it would be hard not to find a contradiction with any constructed scenario.
Well, I am thinking at a “meta-” level here.
If Q was really deep state and loaded with double meanings, one would think Trump wouldn’t have tacitly endorsed him. (Unless Trump is also Deep State, sent here to jerk us off for four years.)
On the other side, basically nothing Q promised ever came to pass. I know some people would want to put “yet” after that but I tend to think Trump’s defeat-by-tsunami-of-fraud was genuinely unexpected. Team Trump thought they could overcome it; but weren’t actually able to do so. So we’re looking at The Plan, version 2.0 being pieced together.
Pardon me for thinking aloud, but I think I just satisfied myself there really isn’t a contradiction when considering the Q is a Good Guy hypothesis–so long as you don’t believe “losing” the election and exiting the white house was part of the plan. (Many people seem to think it was deliberate.)
I admit it is one complex thought problem. I have never been able to believe that deliberate failure was an integral aspect of the “plan”. The explanation that I have most often read is that it was all part of the “waking them up” approach. A bit too fanciful for my belief.
Yeah. if nothing else because people are DYING while we wait for idiots to wake up.
In this instance we are riding in the same coach on this train.
Before I read the thread – – what a wonderful post! The quotes from Sayers are every bit as perfect as the quotes you posted the other day from our founding fathers.
Someone recalled this about Sayers:
She was summarizing a story others had criticized as dull: “So that is the outline of the official story—the talk of the time when God was the underdog and got beaten, when he submitted to the conditions he had laid down and became a man like the men he had made, and the men he had made broke him and killed him.”
As if she hadn’t already made the point, Dorothy Sayers continued: “This is the dogma we find so dull—this terrifying drama of which God is the victim and hero.”
I love the insight, and love the meaningful thought of God sharing our human suffering. There is a lot there.
Several months ago I got Letters to a Diminished Church, read a couple pages, got distracted by RL, and let it go. Now I have to actually read it.
The British writers who defended Christianity and orthodoxy this past century and a half understood everything that was happening in the world, and how it would eventually bring us to what we have 2021, deformity and dystopia. We really need their wisdom now.
And I LOVE the Lord Peter Wimsey stories!
me too !!!
Me too! I recently bought an omnibus of her stories since I had lost the individual novels through the years.
Try the Montague Egg stories……
Will do.
Thank you!
Those Christian writers were prophets. How I wish I could have met them. Perhaps some day in Heaven, if I ever get there.
Hillary for NY Gov 2022
“Some of the party elders are said to be approaching former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to ask her if she’d run,” Kremer shared.
Oh, they’re laying on the narrative thick now.
Ask her if she’d run. Ha. She got stomped like a narc at a biker rally the last time she ran for any office. If she’s still alive, what makes “them” think the same thing won’t happen?
Interesting, though, that this is a governor seat. I wonder if there is a fear of losing control of that specific state.
They are so afraid of the truth getting out. It’s a conspiracy all right, and at this point NOT a theory.
Great thread GT! I’ll be trying my hand at some WS
Yeah definitely feels like something is in the air for sure. Thinking were overdue for some reveling to take place. Not sure if we’ll like it though or we’re going to be dancing in the streets?? At any rate they can never take what’s in our heart’s away from us.
Right! They can never take away our heart and soul.
Just make sure you are stocked up so you can hunker down for a few months if things get rough.
With ANTIFA, BLM and the Military Age ILLEGALS shipped all over the USA I am a bit worried.
Verse of the Day for Friday, August 6, 2021
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
1 John 4:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Steve the Bartender…
Now we know what Steve does in between writing science columns and studying and collecting coins
Mathematics, Numismatics, and Bistromathics
Jynnan Tonnyx, too
LOL. I knew he had a hidden side.
Yep. And that Colorado accent
This looks interesting:
The Emperor Has No Clothes: Finding the Courage to Break the Spell
more at https://www.juliusruechel.com/2021/07/the-emperor-has-no-clothes-finding.html?m=1#Chain
>>”returning to a liberal democracy“<<
We’re a Constitutional Republic.
Any time – ANY TIME – that I read, or hear, someone refer to our country as a “democracy” (like Pig Loosey invariably does), I consider it to be a “tell” – in poker, it’s an indication of someone NOT playing straight (bluffing, lying, etc.).
The use of the word democracy drives me nutz too!
Democracy, the Worst Form of Government Ever Tried

Democracy = “progressive” self-consuming tyranny of the current majority, i.e., LORD OF THE FLIES.
And in the case of DEMONRATS, it starts off as an aggressive, cancerous minority.
As my granddaughter told me that legal immigrants know more about American Constitution than her class that failed the simple citizenship test. Case closed.
The schools have failed on purpose to graduate uneducated young people concerning the constitution and history.
Where are the parents?
NW Rambler (@iamgregk) Tweeted:
Look at how she’s LYING to get out of ADE!!!
NO! The dirty secret is that the vaccinated have MORE VIRUS!!!
Not the SAME virus. MORE virus.
This is what Malone spotted!!!
Please God, let there be justice for these monsters.
Here is Malone. He knows, and he knows THEY KNOW.
The bombshell comes before the 2 minute mark – best to listen to the whole two minutes to follow it.
LINK to send to people:
The big corps are making people go back to work now. They will insist you return to work…only to then insist on people getting vaxxed for everyone’s “safety.”
The high case counts of the vaxxed will be used against the unvaxxed.
If you refuse the CLOT SHOT you will be fired.
Noose is closing for all the white collar workers out there.
Which IS why the masses must rise up and say NO MORE.
Personally, I am 100% done with all of the Covid skeer mongering. Been there for many, many months.
Difference is these days I am getting more vocal AND Actively pushing back.
Just returned from a trip to the store On the corner by the light there’s a guy in the back of his truck with a large sign with the words “vaccines = poison” and a blow horn telling everyone that covid is just the flu and it’s all about control
ect ect.
First time I’ve seen that around here. People are starting to see the need to resist more openly.
Excellent! A HERO with a bullhorn!
Sounds like a a plausible scnerio to me. Last year there was the push to work from home, now the opposite is pushed.
One thing we now is that there’s always a hidden agenda.
Loves how he turns their language against them.
This is the Marxist Critical Theory gun now aimed at the Marxist!
Critical Theory is ours now!
(Well, always was but shhhhh…
I really love Dr Peter Navarro.
Starting at about 15 mins there is a 4 way discussion (mostly 3 way) with Boris, Bannon and Peter about Cuomo and the Sexual assaults. It gets more entertaining as Peter holds his own and then some against Bannon and Boris. Lots of good info too.
Thoughts please.
Presently taking:
Multi vitamin
Super B
Fish oil
Zinc, magnesium, calcium
Planning on pursuing Ivermectin later today.
Realizing IVM is weekly. Quecertin is daily.
As I pick up IVM, continue or discontinue Quecertin?
I would save the Ivermectin for emergency use ONLY.
Add selenium the ‘Birth Control Pill’ for viruses
HCQ or Quercetin or Green Tea or blue berries or elderberry are zinc ionophores.
Copying out my list:
Virus Replication inhibitors:
ZINC: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31305906/
SELENIUM: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20200521/Study-shows-selenium-containing-compounds-inhibit-SARS-CoV-2-replication-and-assembly.aspx
IODINE: https://groups.io/g/drloyd/message/13523
MAGNESIUM: “Magnesium deficiency is a major factor in chronic disease – diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraines, IBS, and heartburn. “
coupled with Ionophores
HCQ or Quercetin (Ionophore, moves zinc into cells)
Green Tea (contains Epigallocatechin-gallate Ionophore, moves zinc into cells)
Elderberry, (Elderberries are a rich source of quercetin)
AND https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/elderberries
Antioxidants and such natural therapeutics:
Vitamins, C, D and E
Nettle Leaf & Licorice root for anti-inflamitory/allergy/asthma (I found it works and I am off the antihistamines)
(Click on numbers to go to studies)
CO-Q-10 for blood vessel health ” Studies reveal that CoQ10, not only helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and inflammation, but may also help blood vessel health.”
glutathione: Suggestion has been made in one blog the very ill covid patients are short on this. (We eat a lot of Bok Choy stir fry.)
Cobalamin(B12) I found sublingual stops my allergy attacks in about 10 minutes.
Study suggests vitamin B12 as a SARS-CoV-2 antiviralhttps://www.news-medical.net/news/20210628/Study-suggests-vitamin-B12-as-a-SARS-CoV-2-antiviral.aspx
Folate (B9) High dose folic acid is a potential treatment for pulmonary hypertension, including when associated with COVID-19 pneumonia
(Also recommended to hubby who has had stumbling problems)
Pyridoxine (B6)
Potential Role of Vitamin B6 in Ameliorating the Severity of COVID-19 and Its Complicationshttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7658555/
Thank you.
IVM for emergency use is a sound idea, for contingency. Readily available.
Separately. My better half had a minor aneurysm in June. Three days in the regional neuro ward with umpteen tests. They couldn’t find a cause, beyond saying a small blood leak in the brain. Seems to have heeled itself with no noticeable damage.
The reason I bring this up, I noticed “CO-Q-10 for blood vessel health“. The head of neurology told me blood vessels in the brain are thinner than the rest of the body.
Seems like I need to pick up some CO-Q-10 for her daily use.
Thank You for all the data, research and insights you share so openly. A huge benefit for me, all of us as we navigate life these days. .
I just hope it helps!
I have been taking Co-Q-10 for years. I talked to a Dr at a birthday party (Cardio) he is from India. He told me the only reason no real research is done on Co-Q-10 is because they can not patent it and make money. The Drs from India are much more attune to nutrition than the American born Drs.
Yep. As T³ said, Ubiquinol is easier to absorb. Vitamin C also helps absorption. For patients with severe heart issues and/or tissue damage, Co-Q10 helps in recovery and also helps in the respiratory chain which produces cellular energy (cue the little drawings with the cells’ power plants that look like little sausages). There are five main Complexes in that chain, and Co-Q10 plays an important part as an interface member.
(I have tons of information about it but that’s on another PC. It’s still on the web, though, and, as you say, Big Pharma doesn’t want anyone using it, so we spend a substantial amount of money (willingly!) keeping supplied, as the health insurance doesn’t want to cover it. Lots of useless crap they DO cover, but not something useful that BigPharma can’t make money off of…)…..
Here’s an interesting article about Co-Q10 and reverse remodeling of the heart, which confirms my son’s experience (he had SEVERE issues after a prolonged WPW episode, resulting in cardiomyopathy, and Co-Q10 along with Beta Blockers, ACE Inhibitors, and prayer reverse remodeled and he’s back to good numbers and “size”, etc.
What he doesn’t mention (and is covered in a couple of research papers) is that A-Fib and SVT Superventricular Tachycardia (of which WPW is a subset) if long enough, or repeated (as in asymptomatic/concealed WPW) will cause hypertrophy and then cardiomyopathy…
It really angers me what Big Pharma have been doing to our health and now our entire world the last century or so…
I have been taking Selenium and Co-Q-10 for years.
Thanks for the Article. It is quite interesting to me since hear disease runs in the family.
Ubiquinol is supposed to be easier to absorb. You might do some research on it. BTW, lots of supplement sites online are offering 10, 15, 20 % off first order right now so a good way to save money is to shop around. Use the Brave search engine or other alt. engine.
From our own comments section this past week, full flush niacin was suggested for improving micro-circulation. I had some and tried it. Very potent stuff. Regular activity for lymph circulation plus this should really have an impact for some. But research. Maybe recent aneurysm + increased circulation is something to avoid.
The most interesting supplement I tested this week was 1000-1200mg/day of NAC. Thins mucus, opens airways. Gail has posted on it, I believe.
Just picked up some NAC, hopefully it’ll open my nasal airways at night for me.
It’s not a perfect solution as in no mucus. But it seems to be useful. I read on the reviews online about people using it to stop hangovers, which makes me think about liver function improving. If your sinus issues are due to sluggish liver, then it’s going to have a bigger impact I guess.
I was reading somewhere that NAC was especially useful because it helps prevent the spike protein from attaching to the ACE2 site.
Also olive leaf extract is supposed to help calm inflammation and damage to the cells lining the arteries: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31157238/
Both should help with covid and possibly also with post-shot issues.
God keep her healthy.
Appreciate it Grandma!
I agree with Gail about Ivermectin for emergency/illness use only.
Thank you!
Of course!
Gail, God bless and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.
You are a tremendous blessing to this site.
I am always happy to help if I can.
Angel among us.
I’d like to believe that. Really.
But the truth is that Gail is a MAGA patriot-created AI interface.
Nobody is that smart. .
B vitamins many forget. I take just about everything on the list. Nettle I drink nettle tea.
Thank you for your inspiration by posting the list. I know I can get lazy after a while and not take what I should by leaving some things out.
Gail, I saw on Gab today that in the stupid infrastructure bill, they are trying to make vitamins and supplements prescription only. Have you seen anything about this?
Ack! The Dems have been trying to do this for decades.
I’ve been wondering if they would try to do it again…and now, there it is.
This cannot be allowed to happen!
DonkeyComs are evil.
LA has proposed it, but now the city of Palm Springs has done it. Their council is gay mafia, and VERY corrupt from my understanding. Anyone who wants to do business there and doesnt support this should just go to Palm Desert and other desert cities instead.
“Palm Springs to require proof of COVID vaccination to eat indoors at restaurants, bars
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (CNS) — Proof of coronavirus vaccination or testing to eat indoors was among three COVID-19 mandates unanimously approved by the Palm Springs City Council at a special meeting Wednesday.
The council voted 5-0 to require masks inside all businesses for customers and employees, require proof of vaccination or recent COVID-19 test to eat indoors at bars and restaurants, and to require proof of vaccination or a recent COVID-19 test to attend “large-scale” ticketed events.
The restaurant and bar mandate only applies to their indoor sections, meaning no proof will be required to eat outside, according to officials.
What was considered a large-scale event” was debated Wednesday. Although no clear definition was given, the Splash House event scheduled for Aug. 13-15 was cited as an example of needing proof to enter.
City Council members used policy trends from cities such as New York City and Los Angeles provided by city manager Justin Clifton to guide their new mandates.
Council members said these mandates can be reduced and appealed at any time and with another special meeting if needed.”
Yet the gay cabal is proud to support hiding HIV status, perfectly okay and legal
Just wait until they start losing revenue.
CA wants you separated from family forever. People visit family daily, sometimes overnight. Surgeries, tests, etc. Iow, “vaxx” if you want healthcare.
KESQ News Channel 3 (@KESQ) Tweeted:
The state is also requiring hospitals and nursing homes to verify visitors are fully vaccinated, or must show negative test within 72 hours. https://t.co/QwrKQ3ZIhQ
A favorite Marxist tool of control.
The picture from yesterday with the small girl that he zeroed in on and made her sit on his lap is staggering, not because he did it but because his staff and handlers don’t prevent it.
Personal update. Daughter called and said 15year old has cv. I asked where he got tested and she said she bought the test at Rite Aid. She also said that it had been used and returned…so she went back over there and blasted them.
She’s not freaked out which I’m glad for…she’s making that citrus peel concoction right now.
He’s one of those kids that hasn’t mastered swallowing big pills yet so some of my other suggestions not happening right now.
Tell her to find an Accelerated Urgent Care to get an accurate dx.
How does she believe a used “kit” 8s reliable?
She returned the used one and got another. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I’m not convinced ANY test is reliable.
When they were here in July he had a terrible sinus thing going on so hopefully the Dr will prescribe something
Ah ok. Kiddos routines are flonase daily, then add in zyrtec, albuterol, and other meds as needed.
I would say have him get the blood test for allergies bc he probably has a seasonal something. The skin patch isnt reliable really and inconvenient.
hell, it’s probably from using those gross masks all the time. I think they haven’t been required while actually playing or practicing football but at other times they still were having them wear them and I hate it but he is way too comfortable with them, more so than younger brother who rips it off the minute he can
Hey, when fruit tests “positive” you know theres issues. Id tell her get another and test an
Ivermectin, just in case….
And even if the kid doesn’t have Covid, it’ll take care of any worms. MAKE SURE TO DOSE BY WEIGHT.
Great suggestion . They’re in Ca so I’m not very hopeful of the Dr prescribing it . Fingers crossed that the doc is aware of things like that.
Doctor is good but not required. Go back two days to Wolf’s “Don’t Drink the Koolaide” post. We had a fair discussion on Ivermectin and a lot of helpful links were dropped, much to do with the 1.87% horsepaste that has no additives.
Below was my contribution to the discussion as I responded to Tonawanda who has been using it as a prophylactic but others had much more to add with links.
Caution on ordering from Amazon, its about a 5 day delivery time. You just need to find something like a Tractor Supply in your area and you can buy it off the shelf. After a few hours of looking over the variety of links and thinking it through I think you will find the confidence.
Thanks for all of this info. I think I’ll order but even thinking about attempting to explain any kind of veterinary connection to it to my daughter…gives me hives.
We’ve all had months of dissecting the ivermectin use but to her this will sound insane
She can use telemedicine appointment with flccc.net
In OH Ivermectin is advertised in Tractor places for horses and CVC in pill form.
Of course there are all kind of warning and it is not for covit 19.
One begins to wonder we pay for the FDA and then they do not do their job just like the rest of Government.
I believe it’s used for head lice (and maybe other parasites) and scabies in humans. Not sure if that is off-label or not.
When you consider that Pyetherin is (or at least was) prescribed for lice, and what a nasty chemical that is, Ivermectin sounds like a great alternative.
Over at chiefio’s blog, there have been a number of extended discussions about Ivermectin, HCQ, and other rememedies to avoid the jab, and to develop immunity. I think chiefion has been taking Ivermectin for a number of months now. There is also a form of it (IIRC) that absorbs through the skin, I think it was called cow drench or something like that (
) that works something like DMSO was said to do oh so many years ago…..
Now to see if I can find it over here…
(and where’s my carrot and lump of sugar???)….
(oh, goodness…
“More hay, Trigger?” “No thanks, Roy, I’m stuffed”)…
Japan uses for scabies and dengue at the least.
Africans get it for avoiding river blindness.
Americans can get it for scabies and head lice.
There is are groups of self-hackers that have been taking it twice a week for over a year. Some have had a mild case of the panic virus due to close quarters with school children, but no hospitalizations.
Gail’s experience with the goat wormer topically clearing up long haul symptoms has also been repeated with these groups. Reports of old chronic symptoms lessening or disappearing. It seems to support the body in rooting out old retroviral load?
My son tells me that his hippie friends have been using it for years. They live on a sort of communal farm, and drink from a spring. They use the Ivermectin to prevent parasites from the water.
Interesting. I was in a hardware-type store today that carries ivermectin for animals, and they had a sign posted that it is not safe for human consumption.
Big Pharma (and small lawyers) strike again…
There should be an MSDS that goes with that…
Yes, says on the package, “for horses only”.
You just have to tell them that you self-identify as a horse
(or as a Steppenwolf – for madmen only…)….
I’ve been called a horse’s ass. Does that count?
Stuff I’ve got says for cattle or swine. If someone decides to give me any grief about it, I’ll just sweetly say, “ask me about your mother….”
what was said about this at the time was
big gov made them do it
after the word got out
in fear of people self treating
and losing control
I actually had an employee ask me point blank if I was intending to shoot myself up with it as “Some people are actually doing that now!”
“Oh my, really?”
People like that are the ones (when I was in scouts not long after Baden-Powell
) we used to send to other camps asking for either a “left-handed smoke shifter” or a “left-handed bacon stretcher”…
Credulous indeed… probably has a cousin working in a pool-supply store who thinks people drink Chlorine to kill off COVID(iocy)…
Striped paint.
At an airfield, the maintenance hangar might send someone to the other hangar with a bucket, for “jetwash”
Well they are able to do that with toothpaste
(There’s a “how it’s made” video out there somewhere about that that I stumbled over while I was looking up food additives/processing… hyperlinking my way to more useless knowledge
Lawyer speak….
Just about any feed store will do.
It can be for horse, cattle or sheep if you are going to apply to the skin. There is even a ‘pour-on’ for cattle.
Just read the ingredients and do the math carefully. You can check the ingredients on the various brands HERE:
I think Hubby did not get Covid from me because he was worming horses when I had the acute phase (Flue like) which was about a month before I had to go to the emergency room.
The durvet was reviewed by someone that can understand the fine print on the package insert. The dips worry me only because I don’t know what else has been added.
Nice thing about people using the apple flavored horse gel from Durvet is you only need to smear a small bit on the skin to be absorbed into the body. No pills. For those with concerns, I’ve read that applying to bottoms of feet works. Just to be clear, 6.08g paste * 1.87% equals 0.1137 g of Ivm per tube. Converting to mg, that is 114 mg / tube. There are 25 notches. 114/25 gives 4.5 mg per notch. The horse dose if 4.5 mg per 50 lbs of horse.
Something helpful to know is that in Africa, those trained to administer Ivm to prevent river blindness are given boxes of the drug, a table to place them on and a ruler. If the person is below a certain height, they get one pill. If they are above that height, they are given two pills. And they only dose once or twice a year and get good protection.
Now that’s something that I may be able to get them to do, apply it topically.
Thank you for that
Ironically, there will likely be a warning label if bought in california saying something about containing something that may cause cancer. And YET, there is research into Ivm and fenbendazole and hcq all being protective against or even reversing cancer processes.
I am proof the smear on the skin works with the other avermectin called Moxidectin.
Moxidectin and ivermectin inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in Vero E6 cells but not in human primary airway epithelium cells
God dammit, woman. I love you.
A pill crusher is a good thing to have, Molly.
I have trouble myself, swallowing big pills.
So I have one and it is a life saver…since choking on a big honking pill could be very bad.
I have one like this:

Applesauce is the best medium for taking pills.
I haven’t heard of that.
Hmm…I’ll have to try it!
Thanks, Pgroup.

That’s a good idea too.
I wasted good money on the recommended Vit C pills and they were gigantic. I couldn’t get them down! Spent more $ on capsules instead
Applesauce is a must for taking pills. Pills in the mouth; then a tablespoon of applesauce; then swallow.
You’ll never use water again.
Great idea, will pass along. Thank you
Anyone else hear of this? James O’Keefe is playing Curly, yes Curly, in an outdoor production in VA beginning Friday 8/19.
Was just talking to a friend (in his 50s) he just lost a niece to the JAB dead two days later.
It’s so sad that people are losing their lives taking that toxic sh*t. It’s really murder but morality and law have been suspended.
You found the words !
What can one say?
I am sorry. That is horrifying.
Vax data not looking good.
How are they able to isolate “Delta Variant” versus any other variant… What test(s) are they using? If PCR, how many passes (as if it matters; PCR has neither the sensitivity nor the selectivity to tell Corona of any sort from just about anything – and the creator of that test said so (and got offed for it))…..
The NHS… the same folks who gave us the LCP… run by the Fabians and Malthusians…
You can check out this site which is tracking the different variants. My understanding is they are using data were lab work is done on hospitalized patients. Not PCR. That is where they can do the proper analysis to determine what variant is involved.
Pathogen Phylogenies
In the course of an infection and over an epidemic, pathogens naturally accumulate random mutations to their genomes. This is an inevitable consequence of error-prone genome replication. Since different genomes typically pick up different mutations, mutations can be used as a marker of transmission in which closely related genomes indicate closely related infections. By reconstructing a phylogeny we can learn about important epidemiological phenomena such as spatial spread, introduction timings and epidemic growth rate.
Which is how they get to this graph.
45 years since I got my D+ in High School biology. Finally proving my teacher wrong.
over 50 years since I got tossed out of a genetics class I was sitting in on. I had my next class in the room and no classes scheduled. It was a mile walk back to the dorm so I sat quietly in the back for a month before the Prof noticed me and tossed me out.
My God, we are blessed to have a real INDIVIDUAL among us.
That professor missed out on a great student! His loss.
Chemistry and biology were my two worst subjects. Did not really get into them until I realized how important it was for my health. Because the so called experts were clueless.
We don’t need no thought control…
Placebo vax.
The trouble is, this looks like a TRIAL. Very much like a legit trial.
The people pushing and forcing the jab should be on trial, in an honest, ethical, and perfect court…
Of course it’s a trial. We are all test subjects, even we who don’t take their poison. We are the control.
But it’s NOT LEGIT, because NONE OF US gave consent to be included.
Nuremberg 2.0.
OK, I get all that – BUT – I think these people right here “gave consent” by their signatures to lying, hiding, fake informed consent papers as part of an “overt trial”.
I’m sure they did. But even the trials are bullshit. Have you seen this?
There IS NO STUDY possible without a control group!
Science is DEAD.
The load more comments green rectangle seems to occur in the same spot. Seems similar to the pages, to me. I may have missed things before, but at least knew where I had left off. Now have to review everything after the button, although I do read fast.
You can still use the browser’s find with the hour of the comment.
This site has gone wonky. Seriously. I refresh, and the pink “new” boxes are still on posts I’ve already read.
Mine are yellow and ive refreshed 2x to get them correct. Then the load more showed up.
Mine is working fine.
That only happens if I refresh.
True, keep forgetting that.
This is disgusting.
The War Room discussed the Live Organ Harvesting paid by US tax payers:
Episode 1,152 – Live Organ Harvesting Taking Place in The US (rumble.com)
Rumble — “We are at war for our basic rights.”
This is VERY freaky. “Medical socialism” is not a nice place to be.
I wonder how many of the organ harvesting scientists are from China?
So the testing on the vaccines has been compromised……. No control group, how convenient is that for theses Evil B***** ?
From OT
Yeah, this is getting nuts, but it shows how they pull off the frauds. It’s like the polls – they just RIG everything.
I think that’s another way to take these down.
well it is certainly NOT THE FIRST TIME and the FDA LETS THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!
Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration:
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
(Blogs are now performing the important tasks of scrutinizing papers and conclusions often finding gross mistakes.)
Editors In Chief of World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journals: “Much of the Scientific Literature, Perhaps HALF, May Simply Be Untrue”
… “It Is Simply No Longer Possible To Believe Much of the Clinical Research That Is Published”
Posted on June 1, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog
Corruption Is Destroying Basic Science
“Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine are the two most prestigious medical journals in the world.
It is therefore striking that their chief editors have both publicly written that corruption is undermining science.
The editor in chief of Lancet, Richard Horton, wrote:
Similarly, the editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell, wrote in 2009:
“We can no longer trust Drug company clinical trials”
(Original Article I quote below has vanished… imagine that!)
Of course this is the same thing that Dr Fang was saying more recently.
Look a this!
Dr Fung is a great resource on fasting. Kidney doc that got into low carb and fasting to heal type II diabetics. Latest book Obesity Code.
Yeah! It’s done, all over. 350 Million Americans have been vaccinated! Weeeeee!!!!!!
A Whopping 106% of Americans. Give yourselves a pat on the back!
Looks like Damninion did the numbers for him
or, rather

I was at a big box store today and they had him on at this announcement. One old lady paused and watched for a second, then shook her head in disgust and walked away.
DeSantis slams Ole Joe again, well that didn’t work…..trying to post a gab video

I think you’ll have to upload to Gab post or some other online place in order to link here.
Granny in TX,
Do you know the year that she wrote this:
“The name under which pride walks the world at this moment is the perfectibility of man, or the doctrine of progress; and its specialty is the making of blueprints for utopia and establishing the kingdom of man on earth.”
(Just a surmising guess.)
1949. Creed or Chaos.
1949. From Creed or Chaos.
Hah! 500 just flashed.
Miracle of miracles, I think tomorrow’s daily is already ready, six hours ahead of schedule. Thanks to Wolf for suggestions.
Even Wolf might want to go over it again. I kept finding out more info.
I may peruse after dinner!
Yup was just noticing.
It’s done…six hours before deadline (woo hoo!!) I did make some additional mods, whether you want to read it all again when it’s 95+% the same is up to you.
95% is safe, I’m sure. Will see if I get a free block soon (wifely chores await).
Oh, I’m not suggesting a proof read, but rather for your own enjoyment, since you are about 1/3 of my audience here.
That is not true. I love reading your stuff…even if I don’t understand all of it.
This one is less mathematical – basically proportions. I think it’s understandable to most people who can project numbers.
My Hubby reads your stuff before I get a chance. On the other hand he majored in Physics.
Looking forward to it. However, the Jamison has me busy.
Yeah, but you were one of the three people I was thinking of.
For all you know some really smart high school kid has discovered you online, and you are saving their bacon in some really hard class.
For all you know. The internet is anonymous.:)
Of course I’d have to be working at the same pace as his class.
True story. Last night I watched a teaching company lecture part of which used *exactly the same diagram* I used for the thorium decay sequence…and he mentioned who had discovered the half life. I checked it and added it this morning.
You are a seriously educated dude. And I mean that in a good way!
In other words, you’ve got time!
The covid saga continues….we have a major super duper scary covid crisis right ? The libs tell us so. MSM says so. The bots say so.
My daughter called every clinic for miles around to get a ‘real’ cv test for gs. Guess what ? No can do, they’re ALL booked up solid. No appt until next week.
These are NOT sick people with appts. They’re people who are going places who need a negative test for proof in lieu of the poison vax.
So actual sick people..step off.. we’ll get to you when we can.
He was able to squeeze into the pediatrician’s office this afternoon. What a farce this all is.
Exactly. The whole thing is a Bolshevik farce to destroy medicine in America.
It is funny though that the anti vaxxers are clogging up the system that they instituted !
The revealing part is that no way is the medical community overwhelmed or shocked at the “rise of new cases”….they couldn’t be bothered with a potential case today which makes me believe some joker sits around plugging fake numbers into their endless graphs.
It’s completely messed up. And CDC was part of destroying American medicine.
This lady is an obvious Bolshivette, and she’s a Fauci BFF. I’m wondering now if Fauci is RED DIAPER.
Look up “Harry Readme” and Climategate at one of the skeptic climate sites like WUWT (wattsupwiththat), Climate Audit, Tony Heller’s site, or NoTricksZone (in the sidebar). Gail probably has more exact links and more sources, but basically Harry (not his real name, and an oblique reference to both a film and someone in the Nixon admin) was the poor sod tasked with making the bogus climate models have data, including filling sparse matrices with some sort of data that would please the folks at UEA and “the state Penn”…
GIGO to the max…
The Gore-Bull warming scare was probably just another test run for the evil they’re pushing on us now…. and they’re trying to bring it back now as “extreme weather”, after they’ve (John)Cooked the books, by cooling (or deleting) old temperature data, and “warming” current data, etc.
And their spaghetti models are more of a rat’s nest that would give a rat indigestion, at best…..
Follow the $$$$$..
EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky’s Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants – and That’s Just the Start of It
By Scott Hounsell | Aug 06, 2021 9:00 AM ET
WOW! Not only that – this woman is a long-time FAUCI CRONY.
Makes my skin crawl.
It’s BAD. It’s VERY bad. I think Rand Paul knows more than what’s in the news.
Yes, for sure. That they cannot tell us the truth is frightening.
Evil and Uncaring.

This likely occurred in Riverside since the venue was pressured by the city directly also.
Disney owns Anaheim, but these people are not worth the protection. Some Anaheim guvmint folks needs to go to jail.
Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Smoking Gun emails show @City_of_Anaheim conspired to use government power for viewpoint discrimination against my #AmericaFirst Tour with @mtgreenee.
Much more to come!
Wendy Rogers has a petition to decertify the election and is trying to get 1 million signatures:
John Here to Help has had his account suspended by Twitter.
Took longer than I thought !
He’s been suspended before.
This time, he was complaining yesterday that he was under pressure from various quarters. So, they suspended him.
Interesting. The last thing he was posting about was 2 pix of a Jan 6 guy (#250). He was more hinting than actually saying directly but did say ‘bingo’ when someone else said it looked like one of the sons of Judge S******* (of Flynn infamy). Said the son had long connections with intel, hinted that he had received the two, uh, incendiary devices but had chickened out at the last minute and had someone else place them at the DNC and RNC. Can’t remember the exact phrase he used about that someone else, something implyiAnyway, interstng taht he is finally suspended.
Not getting responses or even know if stuff is getting through.
remember Potus telling everyone to gtfo of China?
there is now a perfect storm/failure cascade of supply and logistics.
if you’ve still got $ in China or depend on them you are so very fucked.
they ,themselves are facing enormous internal logistical problems
“not getting responses or even know if stuff is getting through.”
We see your posts Ozzy. Keep posting!
This doesn’t look like anything has been cancelled. Bizarro obama turd. Always the liar and deceiver.
Site seems very slow.
Not crazy about the “load more comment” button.
The CEO of United is a Obama liberal.
Likes how they understand the concept of the unvaxxed being a control group. Did one of you do this?

UK Researchers: Cholesterol Drug Reduces Covid-19 Infection by 70%
A drug that treats cholesterol reduces Covid infection by 70% in lab studies, according to a team of researchers in the UK.
Fenofibrate and fenofibric acid significantly reduced Covid infection in human cells so expect this affordable medication to be blacklisted soon.
“Our data indicates that fenofibrate may have the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and also virus spread,” Dr. Elisa Vicenzi of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan and co-author, said in the release. “Given that fenofibrate is an oral drug which is very cheap and available worldwide, together with its extensive history of clinical use and its good safety profile, our data has global implications.”
Yes this is interesting!
Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) Tweeted:
“seems to confirm what scientists have long said has long been well-established: there is a significant underreporting of adverse event reports to the federal VAERS system. Therefore, each report of an illness is presumed to be more prevalent than what’s documented through VAERS”
This ain’t good.
GREAT video above. Must watch.
RF121, Late in the day. Evening. Time permitting, can you post again to the next daily.
MeThinks, more folks ought to see it.
YUP! Excellent stuff!
So my daughter is getting married in January. She wanted to make sure I am good with walking her down the isle. I suggested shorts and t-shirt like I got married in but she wants a suit. I said fine. She then mentioned the venue does not allow weapons as I conceal carry. I said, but I doubt they frisk, right?
So, just for giggles….our postal carrier’s truck was burgled in full daylight on a busy street in less than five minutes. Some guy punched through the lock, rolled up the door, grabbed packages and mail trays, stuffed ’em into their beige/gold Cadillac (!), and drove away.
There was a witness across the street — saw the car, but not the guy. Carrier had noticed a beige/gold Cadillac in the neighborhood (she’s been delivering here for years and knows a lot of the regulars) about four days prior….driven by a guy with neck tats. Thought it was out-of-place.
Furthermore, similar smash-and-grabs were done on routes to our south, to our east, to our north, and to the northwest. Guy has probably hit four routes in four weeks.
Our carrier was pretty upset about it.
The good news is that the Santa Clara Police Department (normally good guys) can’t be ordered by TPTB to stand down because it was less than $950. Hijacking the mail is a FEDERAL offense, answerable to “Postal Inspection Officers” that tote guns, and the laws all go back to the early 1800’s…..think, “The Great Train Robbery”. I’m sure this scumsucker thinks he’ll get a pat on the fanny like he did the last six times he boosted a Walgreens or CVS.
So, just for giggles….our postal carrier’s truck was burgled in full daylight on a busy street in less than five minutes. Some guy punched through the lock, rolled up the door, grabbed packages and mail trays, stuffed ’em into their beige/gold Cadillac (!), and drove away.
There was a witness across the street — saw the car, but not the guy. Carrier had noticed a beige/gold Cadillac in the neighborhood (she’s been delivering here for years and knows a lot of the regulars) about four days prior….driven by a guy with neck tats. Thought it was out-of-place.
Furthermore, similar smash-and-grabs were done on routes to our south, to our east, to our north, and to the northwest. Guy has probably hit four routes in four weeks.
Our carrier was pretty upset about it.
The good news is that the Santa Clara Police Department (normally good guys) can’t be ordered by TPTB to stand down because it was less than $950. Hijacking the mail is a FEDERAL offense, answerable to “Postal Inspection Officers” that tote guns, and the laws all go back to the early 1800’s…..think, “The Great Train Robbery”. I’m sure this scumsucker thinks he’ll get a pat on the fanny like he did the last six times he boosted a Walgreens or CVS.
If anyone interested…my grandson went to dr’s office, was told 2x that he had taken the otc test. They get there and the front office AND the doc (who wasn’t their regular guy) acted like he had the plague. Wouldn’t touch him and was perturbed that they were giving a bonafide cv test since he had the drug store test.
They went with the conclusion (no conclusion) that he was positive and sent him home. No meds. No pain reliever recommended. No nothing. Go home and isolate for 10 days no matter what the official test. No recommendation about one single thing.
I see why so many got so bad that they had to be ventilated. They’re doing nothing at all by way of early treatment. Go home and sink or swim.
So if it turns out that the test results are negative, they didn’t even attempt to diagnose the fever, the sinus or the sore throat.
This is by design and it is not good.
Home treatment for children will hopefully be enough. What we do at our house: warm salt water gargles, Nasalene if they can get one (iherb carries them), warm salty broth, bundling up to keep body temp up. Cooked root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes. Some in our house will also put lugol’s iodine onto a cotton swab and apply it behind ears, along throat.
In the past I’ve used guaifenesin, but now I’ve learned that NAC also helps thin mucus.
[…] to Cthulhu, we were warned EARLY about Apple’s surveillance […]