This whole thing is HUGE. This Colorado SuperMom in the audience is DESTROYING Dominion, Jenna Griswold, and the DNC.
It is very clear that this woman Jenna Griswold is an unqualified HACK who was put in BY FAKE ELECTIONS precisely for FAKE ELECTIONS and to protect FAKE ELECTIONS.
I will add more as this BLOWS UP.
I will add video as soon as I can get it.

I’m going to begin adding coverage to the downfall of Jenna Griswold and the Colorado Fake Elections plot HERE.
(1) Gonna cut to the chase here – I think we have George Soros on RICO. If we had a real DOJ/FBI.

Colorado Whistleblower Credits Gateway Pundit Investigation on Exposing Crooked Secretary of State Jenna’s Soros Funding (VIDEO)
August 10, 2021, 8:23pmby Jim Hoft 173 Comments
(2) Here is where we got the first indication of Jenna Griswold’s “consciousness of guilt”. Why is she raiding this lady’s office?

Mesa County Colorado Clerk Tina Peters Tells Shocking Story on How Her Office Was Raided As She Was En Route to Symposium
August 10, 2021, 11:09pmby Alicia Powe 1030 Comments
(3) Absolute desperation was shown at this point. It’s becoming very clear that we are being governed by LAWFARE.

Dominion Voting Systems Sues Newsmax and One America News for Airing Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium
August 11, 2021, 7:53amby Jim Hoft 785 Comments
(4) This is before the news broke. Short story – the “Antrim County” forensic dissection of a Dominion machine from Mesa Country, Colorado was begun LIVE on the internet, and it was immediately clear that Dominion has VIOLATED FEDERAL LAW to cover up, IN CAHOOTS with the Colorado Secretary of State AND the rotten DOJ/FBI.

*CodeMonkeyZ* On Stage At CYBER SYMPOSIUM – Never Before Seen MESA County Election Machine Data to Be Examined
August 11, 2021, 2:23pmby Jordan Conradson 448
(N) – This explains everything. This woman is an utterly unqualified Soros hack. She was put in BY what was most likely a FAKE, Dominion-mediated election. One of her then missions – PROTECT fake elections, as we’re seeing with her raid.

Why coyote attached to your name.
you smuggling us back in?
Registered account! 😉
Before we pulverize them and sell them for scrap, right?
Pulverized, melted down, and made into prison bars…
I love that idea!!!
It was Mike Lindell’s
Yep. And well worth repeating, and, most of all, doing.
Then again, it’s probably cheap, RED Chinese steel, so they’d probably not be any good as prison bars either…..
I suspect many already have been.
The Red Team is playing it very cool.
H/T eilert:

I’m updating the story above with stories from Gateway Pundit.
Prediction from the Red Team:
Dominion won’t even come out for updates if they know that there are forensic images of the machines.
I am no expert, but I’d guess they would try to do the ‘update’/erasure and then claim the forensic image was tampered/incorrect/manipulated.
Leaving evidence behind is not a DS m-o
They’ll come up with some unlikely story.
IMO they will try to disqualify this evidence. It’s ALL they can do at this point.
The question then becomes will the justice system fold? How many states are going to stand up and say THIS IS NOT GOING TO STAND ON MY WATCH?
Hopefully more than two or three.
Then again we will know WHO are compromised by their inaction.
They will not be able to walk the street’s.
I think 50 states audit. ANY state that has Dominion must at a minimum audit the Dominion counties.
Absolutely agree that seems like the only path forward.
I’d add that any COUNTRY that has Dominion machines must audit and prosecute/correct/punish accordingly.
No way that Macaroon and probably princess sparkley-socks won… and there are probably others, e.g. some of the Ministerpräsidenten in Germany…
Yup. The communists AUTOMATED THE STEALS.
Looks like it works this way. Dominion opens the doors and walks away, whistling. China and “whoever” have the projections that are needed, and manipulate both registrations and votes to get the designed outcome. They do as much cleanup as they can, but they’re outsourcing this work, so it’s not perfect.
Dominion is supposed to clean up afterwards.
Tina caught them by agreeing (very likely offline) to let patriots get a copy of the drive. There are secure ways to do this – to assure that the drive is not tampered with – just copied. If they used a bonded and insured IT operation to do it, then no problems.
DS is backed up to using lawfare on this, IMO.
Are we there yet?
at what point does all of this become actionable by the courts etc.
or, rather, at what point can they no longer hold back the tsunami?
Ozzy – do you think you have fake elections in Australia?
Yes. Though I do think we have a lunatic/green/welfare bludger cadre
The above mentioned are very noisy
That is part of seeming bigger than they are!
Yes. It’s them against the vast majority of us…all around the world.
This would be a good start.
Bring back Sears, Monkey Wards, Orchard Supply Hardware, and a host of other companies that were managed into the ground.
Wonder if the Brennan brothers who killed Sears and Wards are related to John “the Ugly” Brennan?
(Although fast Eddie Lampert is/was busily winding down Sears’s real estate, the real damage was done by Brennan (forget which one) ) …
Where do we go from here?
No wonder our frigging gas/diesel prices are so high over here.
Price has nothing to do with demand.
the art of plucking the goose is to get the most feathers with the fewest hisses
Shiva with “Playbook” and “Long Fuse” report
govt controlled censorship thru big tech using an outside non-profit middleman clearinghouse
That stuff is phenomenal. Article coming! 🚨 (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee, says Dominion Voting System’s defamation lawsuits can proceed against Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani & Mike Lindell.
Discovery will destroy them.
Wonder if that’s why he let it go ahead???
Oh yeah.
never interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake
This was announced near the end of the symposium today. Lindell was very upset. He said Alan Dershowitz had told him this is the most important judicial decision in U.S. history, and that if the judge rules incorrectly, it’s the end of free speech because everyone will be afraid of being sued. He’s going to try to have Dershowitz speak tomorrow. He said discovery would not happen for a while (maybe years), and in the meantime the defendants have huge lawyers’ expenses (not to mention stress). It’s not a good situation.
Is it just me, or does Jenna Griswold have The Crazy Eyes?
Yep. They could be $cieno eyes…. that stare…
(erm… calling a spade a spade, which is needed here, in spades 😆 )…
There is an intensity in her gaze. She looks fanatical. It’s unpleasant. Makes me want to turn away from her.
Yep. Same here.
She’s possessed…
Look at Anton LaVey, Aleister Crowley, or Madame Blavatsky…
Same soulless blank stare…
I could stare back at her. The eyes do not bother me. They look through a person. She has a certain determination in her eyes the smile is window dressing.
As a kid I did stare competittion with my brothers and friends. That was a thing we did. Who blinks first. I won 🙂
I would win the stare match with her is all about determination and discipline. 🙂
Amen. Dig down to TRUTH and BURN THE LIARS!!!

Yup .. 🤨👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
Read 2 Chronicles chapter 20, it’s about Jehosaphat’s battle. The key verse is verse 20:
13 All the men of Judah stood there in front of the Lord. Their wives, children and little ones were with them.
14 Then the Spirit of the Lord came on Jahaziel. He was standing among the people of Israel. He was the son of Zechariah. Zechariah was the son of Benaiah. Benaiah was the son of Jeiel. Jeiel was the son of Mattaniah. Jahaziel was a Levite. He was from the family line of Asaph.
15 Jahaziel said, “King Jehoshaphat, listen! All you who live in Judah and Jerusalem, listen!
The Lord says to you, ‘Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope because of this huge army. The battle is not yours. It is God’s.
16 Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz. You will find them at the end of the valley in the Desert of Jeruel. 17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take your positions. Stand firm. You will see how the Lord will save you. Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. Go out and face them tomorrow. The Lord will be with you.’ ”
(I can’t get the picture to copy ☹️🤚) it’s nice though 🙂
Well how about that … 😃 …😉❤️
The … cough/cough meat bag is flat out cray/cray … evil, that’s what’s in her bloody eyes 👀 ….
I worked with an old Ukrainian women, when someone ticked her off she’d let loose with and I quote: shit hell on them
harrumph .. 🤨👍‼️
I’d like an introduction. For educational purposes
ps Stalin was Ukrainian. Now he was a scary mf
Stalin was Georgian.
Those eyes were the first thing I noticed about her.
No way would I buy an animal with those eyes or hire a person with those eyes.
Yes!! Those are evil eyes … I hope her tubes are tied …. Yuk
She’s now just a meme.

(may God have mercy on her soul)
She gots da KRAZY-KAT eyes!
I bet if she sold Fuller Brushes she’d be a top sale girl .. who’d refuse her⁉️
The look on her face is like she’s saying “Feeling lucky punk?”
Buy a brush or boil your bunny….you decide!
Sociopath eyes.
Eyes like Little Red Jen and Zuckerschmuck that look very focused….but controlled from somewhere else. Oh, yeah, the Theranos gal also haz ’em.
The infrastructure bill. It’s all about control
Wow … we’re being surrounded by evil … 😳🧐🤨🤬
Many people here drive 2 hours every day for work . This would put the people out of work or they have to move to Columbus. People do not want to leave family because family is everything here where I live.
What about those of us who drive to see our eye doctor 2 hours away? They want people to move from the rural country into city?
The DonkeyComs just have to be evicted. The next few years will be rough.
Does that mean we can start throwing them out of helicopters?
That was Argentina. And it was stupid, because that’s why we have a communist pope now.
It appears that you are correct. Pinochet and the desaparecidos worked mainly at ground level. Still, a body count in the thousands (though nothing compared to Andrew Cuomo), is impressive.
Pinochet’s big mistake was deaths. He had a propaganda windfall with all the captured commies, terrorists, and general scum. He could have pummeled every commie nation and every commie group in the world with the prisoners he had. Cuba’s hand on Chile’s throat for all to see.
He could have discredited them all – AND THEN LET THEM GO as exiles.
NEVER give away the moral high ground. He had a beautiful advantage, and he just gave it away immediately.
He did allow most of the commies to flee, and that’s why there were angry exiles everywhere – but he had nothing but economic success (and bombs, stupidly) to undermine them.
Think if he would have captured more, killed almost none (a few shot back – zero bodies was impossible), gotten more talkers, and discredited the entire Allende revolution as the sad sneaker communism that it was? He could have make the exiles all look like the fleeing criminals they were.
This is why all the talk of hangings here is just stupid as hell, but I can’t talk sense into the judgmental. Christ’s lesson of the uncast stones is the firm foundation of my lesson on unfired guns.
We went fast as Lindell says ” we did go right to communism and skipped socialism”.
You might want to copy this to the open thread for more views–great catch!
[…] Colorado – The Little Big Horn of Fake Elections […]