DEAR KAG: 20210813

“The people have a vested interest in hearing the truth.”

Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem

Wolf’s Pub is open! It’s Friday the 13th. Eeeks.




But, let’s dispense with superstition. Let us seek the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God.

What a week. I don’t know about you, but I feel like a Suffering Bastard. The good news is really just the bad news getting exposed, and it’s awful and depressing. It should be abundantly clear by now that our election system was captured some time ago, and it is possible our votes have not counted for years.

The Cyber Symposium started and ended with more bangs than I can count. Let me digress for just a moment. I’m sure most of us have already noticed that there are a great number of Christians presenting at the Symposium.

This is no fluke.

When we let Him, God will use us to accomplish His will. I thank God for all those who stood up and stood strong at the Cyber Symposium, premier among them the Pillow Man:

“We cannot live in fear. We all have to get engaged.”

Mike Lindell


Every day I have to beat back fear. It wants to creep up on me and burrow in. It makes me shrink away from looking at the truth, because the truth at this moment in time is so heinous and terrifying that I don’t want to face it.

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it is has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

Frank Herbert, Dune

It is a daily battle for me. But whenever I square off with fear and face it down, my outlook improves. I refuse to let fear overcome me.

“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.”

William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

I’m looking forward to the growing swell of We the People taking back our republic. It is going to happen. We have no choice. Our “ace in the hole” (thanks for that, Wolf!) is a supernatural power Who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient. God is present everywhere, He is all powerful, and He is all-knowing. Quantum computing is nothing compared to Him.

And the likes of George Soros are, quite frankly, piffle to Him. Speaking of Soros, I was watching that interview again, the one where he is asked by Steve Kroft if he believes in God. Watch it over a few times (it’s prompted to a minute or so before). Notice the split second of pause and the look and direction of his eyes before he responds with “No.”

Do you believe him? I don’t. Soros believes. But Soros hates God to the point that he won’t even admit that God is real. At some point he must’ve internalized that hatred until it consumed his humanity. And now we are dealing with him and other maniacs as we attempt to hold onto our republic.

Well, I have to go back to That Hideous Strength, and quote a scene where one of the most evil characters knows all is lost.

John Wither, the deputy director of the N.I.C.E., approaches his final damnation:

“It is incredible how little this knowledge moved him. It could not, because he had long ceased to believe in knowledge itself. What had been in his far-off youth a merely aesthetic repugnance to realities that were crude or vulgar, had deepened and darkened, year after year, into a fixed refusal of everything that was in any degree other than himself. He had passed from Hegel into Hume, thence through Pragmatism, and thence through Logical Positivism, and out at last into the complete void. The indicative mood now corresponded to no thought that his mind could entertain. He had willed with his whole heart that there should be no reality and no truth, and now even the imminence of his own ruin could not wake him. The last scene of Dr. Faustus where the man raves and implores on the edge of Hell is, perhaps, stage fire. The last moments before damnation are not often so dramatic. Often the man knows with perfect clarity that some still possible action of his own will could yet save him. But he cannot make this knowledge real to himself. Some tiny habitual sensuality, some resentment too trivial to waste on a blue-bottle, the indulgence of some fatal lethargy, seems to him at that moment more important than the choice between total joy and total destruction. With eyes wide open, seeing that the endless terror is just about to begin and yet (for the moment) unable to feel terrified, he watches passively, not moving a finger for his own rescue, while the last links with joy and reason are severed, and drowsily sees the trap close upon his soul. So full of sleep are they at the time when they leave the right way.”

C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength

This is a potent warning to all those who desire to stand in the place of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. It is also a potent warning to the traitors within our government.

They should study Antenora, the second level in the Ninth Circle of Hell, according to Dante’s Inferno, reserved for those who betray their party and homeland. Satan resides in the Ninth Circle with those who commit treason. And that goes for Dan Crenshaw, who WILL be voted out of office:

Dan Crenshaw shows his true colors: Commie Red


The battle is getting thick. Let our tendency be one of kindness to one another and forgiving of each other’s errors. A good guide is here for your review. Brawling is reserved for the Utree, also a place to reconvene when the attacks come.

Who’s ready for a drink?


It was hell during World War Two. The Brits in the African theater were suffering. The troops were drinking what poor-quality alcohol was out there. Hangovers abounded. But one intrepid bartender in a bar in Cairo took it upon himself to concoct a “Hair of the Dog” drink for the poor suffering bastards.

 And doesn’t it seem like we’ve had a bad news and information hangover? The unfolding of the ELECTION STEAL just does something to your inner patriot. Read a little here, and then I’ve included a couple videos.

The soldiers and officers apparently loved the Suffering Bastard, but one bartender in one of the videos had a bit of an issue with mixing bourbon, gin, lime juice, bitters and ginger ale.

Bottoms up and may the Suffering Bastard bring us some relief from the bad news hangover. The good news is, we now know the bad news. A big step to taking back our republic.


Professor David Clements

I stuck pretty close to Mike Lindell’s symposium. It was riveting. The howling and deflection by the media is really proof that this symposium is the beginning of the Patriot Offensive, and what an offensive it is. Wasn’t Professor David Clement’s closing statement just the BEST? If I can find it somewhere other than Telegram I will post it. If you have Telegram you can view it here:

I believe Lindell TV is playing the whole symposium for awhile, too.

[Here it is! -Wolf (H/T WSB & Sylvia!)]


The media-induced insanity about Q is back in the news. Seems a crazy guy killed his little kids because…Lizard People and Qanon stuff. Ugh.

The clot shots are evil. John Zmirak tells us about how the Pfizer vaccine was developed from the cells of a little girl aborted in the Netherlands. Johanna. And how this day, babies are being vivisected whose hearts are still beating.

Make Lindell TV a daily visit. And buy a pillow or two. Some towels, slippers, a mattress topper…

Here’s a couple sites from the Cyber Symposium to help us and others get to work on the county level.

Check out Let’s Fix Stuff. This site is dynamic.

Every Legal Vote Coalition

Cyber Ninjas (These guys helped run the Arizona Audit)

“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

Luke 12:32
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Excellent point about dispelling fear and not letting it have power over us.

Prof. Clements’ presentation is on YouTube:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! This is one of the most awesome presentations ever!


YW! Now if they will just leave it up. I imagine someone will put it on Rumble at some point.

Sylvia Avery
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I added it up in the body of Grandma’s post!

Valerie Curren

Keep fighting the good fight Grandma, w/ plenty of rest, refreshment, recuperation, & rejoicing between battles! God Bless You (& us all)

Cuppa Covfefe


Valerie Curren


Sylvia Avery

This YouTube is only the last 17 minutes of the presentation. The link to the rumble video which is the full hour is posted below.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point!

Gail Combs

The full hour is a SUPER VIDEO.

Show physicist, Dr. Frank’s video: 2010 census was used to fabricate & inflate the 2020 vote first.
The idiot who said the US census does not record ages is nutz.

here is the SHUT-UP from the CIA:

Sylvia Avery

Appreciate your bringing this. I’ve been hearing all day how awesome it is!!! Can’t believe YouTube had it!


Yes. It only had one comment, so maybe it hadn’t been up long. And who knows how long it will stay up.

Sylvia Avery

I’ve gotta hurry and watch it!


1 comment:
Excellent presentation. That’s it. I have a feeling that video will be gone soon.
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We’ve got to get better at snagging local copies of YouSchmoob content.


SUPERB messaging. Hope everyone has or WILL watch and listen, to the entire message.


IF audits come to Nevada, AND Audits SHOULD come to Nevada, AND, IF they need volunteers in ANY capacity, I’ll be there.

Just as the stolen election needs to be fixed, Nevada becoming a “banana” state needs to be fixed.


Ted Cruz saved America at 3:30 AM last night…

Chuck Schumer brought HR1 – SR 1 to the floor around 3:30 a.m. after the Senate had concluded 15 hours of amendment votes on a $3.5 trillion budget resolution. In the dead of night, Schumer sought to pass the federal overhaul of elections by unanimous consent, according to the Houston Chronicle.


Only one objection by a senator was required to stop the process. In a roughly 15-minute back-and-forth, Cruz tanked Schumer’s attempt to force the election bill through the Senate.

There’s a bonus video of Chucky Schumer complaining about “lack of unity,” if you can stomach it.

Sylvia Avery

Sometimes Ted Cruz comes in handy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t say this lightly. The NAZI Chuck Schumer deserves the DEATH PENALTY, but I’d settle for LIFE IN PRISON.

What a peace of SHIT. To SNEAK IN THE NIGHT and take over our elections behind our backs. They’re just EVIL at this point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO. What a beautiful misspelling.




I can’t settle… the next DIM president will just pardon all these psychopaths…

In my very humble opinion, the military is the only way (+ tribunals)

and the death penalty must be meted out for treason, sedition…

Deplorable Patriot

Life in prison with asps and scorpions as cell mates.

No human needs to deal with the guilt that way.


You mean to federalize elections, the Constitution would have to be amended? It would seem so. And sadly, yes, I think the Constitution is completely ignored by the Left and they will push to try to get by with whatever they can.

Gail Combs

We KNOW they ignore the Constitution. The US government is ACTIVELY CENSORING CANDIDATES VIA AGREEMENTS WITH TWATTER and probably Farsebook. They ALREADY have the Fake News captured.


And we know the (not)Supreme Court is ignoring the Constitution, including the lovely ACB and Trump’s other two appointees.


>>’the Constitution is completely ignored”<<

This reminds me of a scene in the 8-part series “Horatio Hornblower” (I’ve posted a different clip previously), but the false-flag tactic is for GOOD, not for EVIL.

The quote:

“When we have leisure, you must show me where it is WRITTEN, and I will gladly concede the point.”

The Scene:

After having captured the French ship, and placing the would-be assassin Simpson in irons, Midshipman Hornblower takes command, and proceeds to sail to the aid of his own ship, the Indefatigable, under attack by three French frigates:

Cue to 1h27m for the context, and to 1h30m for the quote:



Nice! I like that name Indefatigable, too.


All it takes is for the judges to go along with the left on this. So far they have.


Thank God!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, did not read JACK SHIT and I’m CHEERING your header!

PATRIOTS TAKE RISKS. I’m learning – slowly – to be like Mike Lindell!


Actually, that drink doesn’t sound too bad. I’m normally not a huge gin fan, but with bitters and lime it might not be as gin-like.

Sylvia Avery

Ha. Reminds me of the first, and last, time I had a martini……Wow. No bueno.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Dirty martinis. Cosmos and more. Yummy!

Sylvia Avery

Vodka, yes; gin……..tastes like gasoline.


Theres this chain of bar restaurants that is called Sugar Factory. They are extremely overpriced, bad service, toyrist locale spots, but they make stuff like this. For real. With etoh and without. And yeah couple drinks…$60 bucks later.

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Sylvia Avery

Ha!!! Those look terrible!!! 😁😁😁


I can’t imagine either of those being that appealing to someone over the age of ten.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These are definitely “over ten beers” items!


I could snake the little burger and bacon garnishes from the one, though…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bacon-drunk is good drunk!


I know! Apparently its one of those 20 something foodie photo opportunities. Look what i have on Instagram type of thing.


To be technical, gin tastes like badly distilled rotgut with juniper berries added to hide the taint.

Sylvia Avery

Not a fan???😁😁😁


You might say that.


It makes me think of cologne.


Before or after the bombing?

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Deplorable Patriot

Depends on the gin.


I can drink it with fresca or energy drinks. That said, it’s been years.

Sylvia Avery

grandmaintexas, thanks for your opening post. I love love love the header. Mike Lindell is a hero.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love the way the crowd departs at the end of the “Suffering Bastard tasting”. LOL!


Whoo-ee!!! Equal parts bourbon, gin, and lime juice! That’ll put a solid stomp on the juniper berries.


Yet another reason to call ’em “Limeys”.


Yes, I’m still here. Love all of you. Next mRNA infusion (keytruda) is in one week. Doc says I look much better than the last time he saw me.


That sounds good! So glad you checked in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keytruda is good stuff. I know somebody who just got it and their cancer is just vanishing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Glad you got in no problems!


Great to see you!!!

Unless the doc was merely commenting on your tie, that sounds like good and cheering news. How are you doing on retaining your strength in the meantime? Are you getting sufficient bacon?


This is what mrna is for. Im glad youre here. Stealthy…like:




It’s good to see you, Pgroup!
 😍  😘 
Thanks for checking in with us…and giving us an update.

Love you back!
 💖 {{{{{Pgroup}}}}} 💖 

Sylvia Avery

Yay! pgroup is here! Very happy you’re lookin’ good! 😉😉😉

Concerned Virginian

This is good news!
Keep on keeping on! Please check in when you can..


Appreciate so much your updates………………..

Praise the Lord! wonderful news… praying for you Pgroup


I am happy to see you and so glad you are looking good. God is Good  🙏 


Prof. Clements was on Bannon’s War Room to discuss the symposium. Citizen Free Press has a link.

Here is the gist of it.

They talk about how the symposium changed course from packet captures to forensic images from Mesa, AZ, which Clements says are better from an evidentiary standpoint. “You can figure out who, what, when, where, why.”

2:45 – Clements doesn’t think Media Matters was ready for the change of course. “I think they were ready for a trap to be set for Mr. Lindell.”

Bannon: “A trap with NSA or FBI or something?” They said today they caught something in the data itself.

C: A poison pill. They have tried to infiltrate Lindell’s servers for months. 

B: “These are bad actors, but also people like the NSA and FBI?”

C: Absolutely. No doubt in my mind.

Other things that happened:
Two plants trying to get into the computer rooms and leak the information.
Other information that Clements can’t share that is “much scarier.”
They have images of known Antifa activists who tried to infiltrate the symposium as media.

Bannon asked Clements about the data, and at 5:00 Clements says the computer data they have is like having a recording. “We can now state with certainty everything that we already knew.”

Bannon asks if Dominion could argue that it was just done by clerks in Mesa County (not Dominion).

C: “You’re asking me, ‘Will a liar tell a lie?’ Yes.”

B: How do we know Dominion is lying?

C: Testimony in Michigan that the machines don’t connect to the internet. Perjury. Vote-switching apparatus, flipping votes, changing tapes.

B: Are you positing that what happened in CO got us the machine part of it?

C: We just got a sliver, and it will take several weeks to go through it. 28 states are using these machines; no choice but to audit them.

B: Key is full forensic audits of all states.

C: Other voting machines, too, that have to be investigated, but Dominion has been especially hostile to people like Mike Lindell.

B: Have you reached out to Dominion with your concerns?

C: I’ve put myself out there since January. I was clear that I know, in my legal opinion — which is also defendable in a court of law — that they’re lying.


Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sit down with Dominion? Only if they were INSIDE A PRISON BEHIND PLEXIGLASS!!!


Yes, I hope he means he would depose them, not just “chat.”
Thanks for the assist.


Shouldn’t that be “forensic images from Mesa County, CO”?


Yes, thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you want to understand “PCAPS”, here you go. Prof. Clements and a lady network security gal with a fashion model sister give a nice explanation for everybody!


Thanks for posting that. I saw it live but need a review. The lady is Draza Smith.
The, uhm, embellishments are interesting.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Edit: I saw the symposium live, but that discussion was not from it. Thanks again.


Thanks for posting that video, Wolfie! 👍 

I had only a vague understanding of what PCAPs are.
This helps a lot!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome! 😃 I found it helpful even knowing the stuff!

Wyoming Sheperd

Do I hear chickens in the back ground?

Deplorable Patriot

I have to finish watching this later because I have a lot of catching up to do, but this is the sort of thing that is enormously helpful, and I do wish there was more of it.

Gail Combs

It is good. Hubby started nattering about how she wasn’t quite correct but understood once I told him this was to explain PCaps to fashion models.

One point Hubby did make that I do not think she emphasized is that the SEQUENCE of the pcaps is part of the code so if #8 arrives first then numbers 6, 1 3, 4, 2, 5, 7 the whole message will be assembled in the correct order. The different PCaps may take different routes to arrive at the destination at different times.


In honor of Fido-Day Friday:

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This is awesome:

[video src="" /]


Ah, yes….a lap-dog.

Deplorable Patriot

That was my thought.


Wonderful banner feature photo.
And yes, I pray that by God’s grace, we suffer well.

What a week!
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Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots

Thanks for the great Friday Thread, Gmtx!
 💖  😊  🤗 

It’s been awhile since I had seen that clip of the George Soros interview on 60 Minutes.
The man truly is evil.

Mike Lindell is truly a hero!
Love the banner pic of him.


This is fun. 😁 

Assorted dance clips…both new and vintage…sync’d to ELO’s Don’t Bring Me Down:


I think I recognized some of The Music Man in the mix….but I was intrigued by the mime. I’m thinking he was in Venice, but if he was in Siena, that was where I almost got a “Does Not Play Well With Mimes” t-shirt.

Deplorable Patriot

I see Hello Dolly, West Side Story or Grease on stage, Cabaret, maybe Anything Goes, but most of it is just random dance clips. I don’t remember the name of the Ann Margaret movie. I haven’t seen it in a long time.


Pleasant four minute respite. Thanks for posting.


That was fun! Ann-Margaret in the pink outfit is from Bye Bye Birdie, and the waiters in red coats are from Hello, Dolly.


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An associate of Mesa County CO Clerk Tina Peters had his home raided last night by state officials, and they took all the computer equipment in the house, even that from his four children. They had a former prosecutor at the cyber symposium who is now a law professor, who went on later in the show. He gave a presentation where he, side by side, told the story of a gangland murder he prosecuted, and the vote-steal of 2020. What he showed was the gangland murder was solved very quickly, and they knew what happened, but there was a long period where the perps covered their tracks, thought they had gotten away with it, and moved on with their lives. Meanwhile, they had made all sorts of mistakes, left evidence which he and his team slowly assembled and cataloged, and people involved freaked out and slowly sought out deals with the prosecutors to save themselves behind the scenes. He made a great case that is exactly what is going on right now with the 2020 election steal, and it is silly to think such a massive crime, with so many actors, would be solved, prosecuted, and reversed in a few months. He also pointed out how in her press conference, the Colorado Secretary of State, who ordered the above raid as retaliation for that County Clerk participating in Lindell’s symposium, had a hand which was shaking uncontrollably. He said as a prosecutor, he loved that, because he knew it meant she was clearly terrified, and when the prosecutions started, she was a goner. He was very exhilarated and giddy talking about it. The video is here, you can see her hand tremble first at about 1:50 as she turns the pages of her statement. At 6:33 as she is gathering her papers, her left hand is shaking so much as she moves it to the outside, it looked difficult to grab up the papers. She answers questions at 9:00. Regarding her statement, it has been said only this leftist bimbo’s office has the password she is talking about (though Dominion probably does as well), so if it was compromised, it is impossible the County Clerk could have done it.
Mike Lindell’s cyber experts noted CISA deployed Albert Sensors in all 50 states, and these sensors should have detected all the suspicious network activity associated with packet-transfers involved in the hacking. I was curious what these were, so I looked Albert sensors up and turned up this article describing them and this article, noting CISA deployed them across all 50 states and two territories, and they are indeed designed to detect suspicious internet traffic that might represent hacking into our elections. What I found myself wondering was if our voting machines are completely disconnected from the internet and fully air-gapped, why did we need Albert Sensors, and why did we even have the Center for Internet Security devote itself to trying to protect our elections from internet hacking? If our voting is completely disconnected from the internet, having CISA involved is a bit like having NASA get involved in issuing hunting tags. If you want to fuck with the head of someone arguing the election couldn’t be hacked over the internet because everything was disconnected, ask them why CISA got involved.


Where did you get this? Is this your words or from an article online.
I can’t click your links, but if you had the name of who wrote, who published that would help.


Search anonymous conservative and go to the blog.
this is his words


Lots of news links
Jim Watkins says on Twitter – “If you have not seen enough evidence to know that down to the municipality level we need to clean house across our entire nation, then you never will see it. If you can’t see it, then you are the problem not the solution.” The thing is, this is an intelligence operation, which for at least decades, and maybe centuries, had a constant objective of infiltrating key power positions and taking them over, and then using those positions to take over and occupy more positions. It sounds crazy to say a Town Councilman would be part of a shadowy conspiracy which took over the entire US. Who cares about a Town Council seat? Or a school board seat, or a High School Guidance Councilor? But that is how long this thing has been operating. It made all its primary objectives decades ago, at least. Probably made it through all its secondary, tertiary, and onward objectives. So it kept going, for decades, and as it took more positions, more positions became easier to take. Finally, it reached this point, where the dude who cuts lawns next door is recruited in and spying on high school kids the machine has identified as a threat.
Whistleblower provides proof from Detroit center that election machines were connected online, including a photo.
Mesa County (CO) elections are decertified by leftist Secretary of State after bogus investigation of the only County Clerk who began to investigate fraud in the state.
Hannity says he was offered a copy of the latest Hunter Biden laptop, but his lawyer made him refuse it because sources told him in contained multiple media recordings of child porn.
The White House is using ‘spacing constraints’ as an excuse to limit access to Biden Q&As.
White House and DNC infighting reveals Joe Biden is planning a 2024 campaign.
Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home. How many trips?
California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder recently said in an interview that, “I do believe that Joe Biden won the election fairly and squarely.” Disappointing, though in California it is possible he felt he had to say it. But it will cost him a lot of support.
Australia locks down 431,000+ people in the Capital over just four Covid cases.
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett turns down a request from Indiana University students to block its vaccine mandate.
Deadly Lambda variant could be vaccine-resistant, new study says. 
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine just 42% effective against infection amid delta spread, preprint suggests.
In Israel, the third day in a row with over 5,700 new cases, and 421 in serious condition.
Mississippi asks Biden administration to send military hospital ship. And this gets worse in the winter, that is when any ADE will really take off. Also notice, we are sending thousands and thousands of COVID positive migrants somewhere in the country, and all these conservative states are getting hammered by COVID.
After Obama’s super spreader event, Martha’s Vineyard show a 14-day change of +1,014% positive Covid cases.
Most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination. The article is literally written to argue that this means it is working.
Research shows a cholesterol drug reduces COVID infection by up to 70% and its already FDA approved.
After holding her position for over three decades, the Principal Flute of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO), Emily Skala, was fired following a second instance of spreading misinformation related to COVID-19 on social media. 
CDC’s own stats show 1,270 premature fetal deaths following COVID shots but they recommend pregnant women get COVID injections anyway.
A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women are given covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies.
Two visitors to Hawaii from the United States mainland were arrested Sunday for falsifying vaccination cards, the governor posted on social media Wednesday afternoon.
COVID fatality rate hits lowest level on record despite media hysteria over Delta.
Pope Francis’s “Right-hand Man” Parra may have a scandal involving “sexual predation against seminarians, adultery, and even a deadly sex game…[that] ‘might even be a scandal surpassing that of McCarrick.”
U.S. asks Taliban to spare its embassy in the coming fight for Kabul.
U.S. troops sent to evacuate personnel at Kabul embassy.
Poland pushes through new media law that angers the U.S. because it prevents firms from outside the European Economic Area, a group of 30 nations, from owning a majority stake in media companies based in the country. Apparently the answer to “Qui?” in Poland is US media companies. I told you the surveillance in other countries is part of the same organization. The media is too apparently, and those countries are figuring that out.
Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was a “longtime lawyer and confidant of…Robert Maxwell,” Ghislaine Maxwell’s dad.
Barack Obama’s recent Martha’s Vineyard 60th birthday bash boasted an A-list guest list, and according to one author, Meghan Markle is upset she didn’t make the cut.
‘Airpocalypse’ smoke from massive wildfires in the Siberian regions of northern Russia reaches North Pole for the first time ever.
Craziest video ever – a hawk swoops down and catches a rabbit. Then a deer rushes out and rescues the rabbit by stomping the hawk to death. That is a K-selected deer, who is driven to protect their own. Don’t ever think those animals in the woods are dumb, or lack understanding, or can’t think like you. They may not want to deal with with the magical bipedal wizards who emerge and vanish in their woods, but they know who you are and have a level of understanding and personality, and sometimes even loyalty and love, which would surprise you.
The Supreme Court on Thursday night lifted New York’s pandemic-related ban on residential evictions, siding with a group of landlords who said their rights were being violated.
Pentagon releases religious exemption guidelines for bypassing mandatory vaccine.
Cuomo’s exit isn’t stopping the push for answers on nursing home deaths.
New York Supreme Court sides with Project Veritas in suit against New York Times.
Lawmakers in Texas have blocked a Chinese billionaire’s push to build a 15,000-acre wind farm on a large swath of land he purchased after news of his plans drew the attention of a conservancy group. 
Texas voting bill passes the Senate, now waits for the Texas House members who fled to be returned.


Ozzy — you really need to clean up the outlook links. It’s just painful.


It is in my nature to be painful



Thanks for the belly-laugh.

I think I have to use your line.

Gail Combs

For those interested in de-mucking up the URLs

Texas voting bill passes the Senate, now waits for the Texas House members who fled to be returned.

It takes a bit to unravel those links.
%3A = : (Colon)
%2F = / (forward slash)
%3A%2F%2F = ://

resolves to:

I cheated by just copying and pasting joe-biden-texas-voting-voting-rights-filibusters into my search engine. The above is verification. 😜


Just link to Anonymous Conservative! Great site!


It’s a great site and I bring a lot of news tidbits from there.
pits where I got the story about Epsteins plastic surgeon dying because someon put the wrong fuel in his plane. Like a month after Epstein died

Barb Meier

Has TheQtree been hidden on search engines ?
Earlier this morning I was on a different computer, one on which I didn’t have the q tree bookmarked.
So I typed into ddg and all I got was the old site, tried several pages of results, nothing.
Was getting annoyed as there was something on yesterdays posts I wanted to look at again.
So I typed into ddg all that I could remember from that what is written at the top of the page….Let us live the rest of our lives as etc., etc.
And bingo ddg came up with a result straight away.
Suspicious cat picture required.

Gail Combs

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Did you hear about the vax passports in Moscow? It only lasted 3 weeks because EVRYBODY boycotted establishments which required the pass.

Reminds me of a book I read awhile back:
Small Acts of Resistance by Cranshaw and Jackson. 

And of this: (if it shows up)

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Problem is that America is Chy-cray-Z and not quite as sensible as Russia.


Gail Combs

I am going to drop this here before heading out to do some work outside before it gets hot.
De-Pat was complaining yesterday that the symposium lacked polish. The statement by Mike Lindell tells us why. The COMPUTER GEEKS RAN THE SHOW! This is why it was TARGETED TOWARDS COMPUTER GEEKS and lacked polish.

Mike had already done Absolute Proof and other videos so the symposium is the RED MEAT, nitty gritty proof ‘attached to the bottom of the ‘report.’

This interpertation is supported by Mike INSISTING that ONLY cyber security experts, politicians and the media was invited and that the politicians and media should bring their own cyber security experts. It is also why he put up the five million dollar challenge to DISPROVE his theory that the election was HACKED.

For Mike’s statement see:

Starting at 30 seconds (The whole vid is only 11 mins.)


Thanks for posting.

Excellent information in that video.

Facts and legally correcting the stolen election SHOULD be the focus.

IMO, fretting over polish and style are akin to PC drivel. No Value Added. 100% detrimental to progress.


I am curious, did you lose your focus because of comments regarding polish and style, IOW more effective communication of the message?

And I wonder what principle is involved in refraining from discussing more effective messaging?

IOW, how does a person when tell when he, agreeing 100% with the message and enthusiastically endorsing the message, should censor himself from sharing his thoughts on how the message could be more effectively communicated, so it can be more widely shared, understood and enthusiastically supported?

And I am also curious, in what way were the comments on “style and polish” wrong? Wrong, I mean, about how to more effectively communicate the message, not wrong because better effectively communicating the message is a bothersome topic to some?

With apologizes to all who are offended by the following remark:

We live in a country where a foreign enemy and their American allies control everything, and are pushing us around at will. We got this way because we have been chumps for decades. We took things at face value. We trusted evil people. We were manipulated freely by the most basic mind games and propaganda scams. Now we are “getting” it.

Our side has a lot of catching up to do.

And one of the critical areas where we need to catch up is in effective communications.

But our side refuses to see that criticizing HOW something is done is NOT the same as criticizing WHAT is being done.

Criticism: Mr X sounds lethargic and disinterested, and is not making him self clear, in fact he is sounding like he disagrees with the message.

Objection to criticism: How dare you! Mr. X is a patriot!

I see that sort of non-sequitur all the time. Please forgive me, but I am going to say this anyway: that type of non-sequitur is the type of flawed thinking which made us chumps for decades.

Something can be great and wonderful because it is the start of something great and wonderful, or it can be great and wonderful because it was done perfectly. There is a LOT of distance between the two.

The symposium was the start of something great and wonderful, with flashes of perfection (Shiva, Clements, and occasionally Frank). In retrospect, Mike being Mike was also a perfect thing.

Part of the frustration of current events is that our side is just waking up and learning. But at some point (I pray) the awareness and skill will get to critical mass. It gets there by making awareness and skill better.


The principal people I was having a conversation with are on this site.

Mike Lindell doesn’t need the conversation from me.

Gail Combs

It was a matter of losing sight of the actual goal and heading off in a nonproductive direction.

With Tech nerds and autists actually putting on the symposium AND having to deal with REAL TIME ATTACKS from the DEMONRAT COMMIES, you just are not going to have a polished presentation.

To me what really matters is the INFORMATION. I really doubt anyone stayed up for three days in the middle of a work week to watch the entire symposium. Also the people in the peanut gallery (us) were not the real audience. The politicians and the people pushing for the audits are and there was plenty of meat for both sets of people.

THIS WAS A BRAINSTORMING SESSION, or at least that is what it devolved into once the ‘poison pill’ and the attacks/raids in CO came to light.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Actually there were some very good speakers. Col Waldon, Dr Frank Prof Clements….

Those three alone are very very powerful.


Like that positive feedback. Daughter helping inform the Mom. 🙂


It was not announced as a brainstorming session for months on end. It was announced as definitive. It was highly productive and successful. It was not what was promised. And individual efforts, which had zero to do with the unexpected circumstances, could have been more effective.

Gail Combs

It turned into a brainstorming session for the reasons stated in this video:

There Was A ‘Poison Pill’ In The Data At Lindell’s Cyber Symposium (5 minutes)

Plus they got the information from Colorado that prof Clements said was better in a court room than the Pcaps but they did not have time to dissect it.

This has a lot of the clips from the symposium:


We need to learn the Trump lesson:

Under-promise and over-deliver.


I agree. It is understandable.

There are some real lessons to be learned from this. I believe all experience is valuable if the lesson is learned.

Somehow, we have got to figure out how to weed out the bad guys. Assholes. I don’t know if that means extreme vetting, very small closed groups of people, or what. But that is what we have to do. How do we catch them before they do shit like this?

P.S. If we find out who the fucker was who did it, there should be protests on his street everyday. We should pull every dirty trick the Demons would pull to make him or her pay. If we don’t fight dirty like they do, I don’t see how we ever win.


I was uncertain about what you said.


I LOVE MIKE LINDELL. I love what he is doing, I love how hard he is trying, I love his personality and pretty much everything about him. That doesn’t mean that I can’t see flaws in the method.

I think there is something of a misunderstanding happening on this topic. I understand it, because I have been subjected to it just like DP, all my life. It doesn’t have to do with humility or pride in one’s accomplishments or abilities. It doesn’t have to do with respect or admiration or acceptance.

When one is being trained as an artist by professional artists, as I have been since grade school, one is taught to both provide and accept “constructive criticism” as a way to improve. It is an everyday occurrence, and no one bats an eye.

Destructive criticism sounds like this:

“This presenter sucks! I can’t follow what he is saying, and his props are distracting.”

Constructive criticism sounds like:

“This presenter could use better designed props, and maybe some speech coaching for next time.”

I don’t think that stating that a presentation could be improved on by doing “X” is a bad thing.

The reason to provide constructive criticism is CRITICS. Your critics love to find ANY EXCUSE to degrade your work. They are your ADVERSARIES. Adversaries love to find the flaws. Our political enemies will use any and all flaws to dismiss the truth, no matter how TRUE it is. The BETTER we are, the BETTER it is.

As I said yesterday, if the symposium was only to fire us up, then polish doesn’t matter. If it was to attempt to persuade adversaries, flaws matter.


if the symposium was only to fire us up, then polish doesn’t matter. If it was to attempt to persuade adversaries, flaws matter.

This is key. IMO, it was to give us information and tools, to show us we’re not alone, and to unite us (and Congress people) so we can fight. It was not to persuade adversaries, except to demonstrate that we are a force to be reckoned with. It was not to red-pill normies.


Yes, I suspect you are correct.

And in that light, it succeeded wildly.

I personally am already too mad to get any madder, no matter what the information.

If I get any more mad, I might spontaneously combust or something.


I hear ya! 💥

Deplorable Patriot

And in this case, any and all slip ups are used by the other side to discredit the effort.

That is something that must be kept in mind at all times.


I agree. Having written books of genealogy that people were bound to vehemently disagree with, regardless of the amount of actual DOCUMENTATION I had, I have had to have every SINGLE duck in a row, otherwise they would spot a friggin’ typo and discredit me with it! Any petty thing they can latch onto, your adversary WILL.


I’ve been thinking about this.
I agree with you, constructive criticism is the leverage to greater success.

I also can see that a key objective of this meeting was to have the state legislators sitting in the room together with the cyber security people. Listening to them, being able to ask questions, they went home absolutely convinced that there was (1) multiple kinds of fraud (2) a do or die mandate to save our country by using their powers to get the audits to happen.

Being in the room with that level of intense patriotism lit a fire that won’t be put out.


I think every state should audit. Every single one.

God speed all those who were there. I hope they go home to their states and use their fire to burn this shit down.


“In imperfection we leave room for the Holy Spirit to work.”

A very wise person told me that, when I fretted when I put spiritual women gatherings together, I was the one leading them. I wanted to control the events specially the first one because I was a greenhorn on that. The Holy Spirit stepped in and taught me humility. The outcome was that the women retreat was very successful.
The next time I did my best and the retreat was even larger and better. I had learned to step back .. The glory for success was all God’s.
By the time I had to put sermons together I had relaxed and received many praises from pastors that they wished they could do what I did. I never figured out what I did and know it was God working though me.

In my nature I like to improve all the time . I do not even see no matter what I do if it is good or not because I seek more than perfection. Others tell me how good something is but I never see my own success in anything.
Kind of sad but that is how it is. God showered me with many gifts and I do not see them even though I often work in them.
Ungratefulness maybe I need to work on that to be grateful. My focus is on others and am grateful for them their success.

Looking back on Mike Lindell he works in the Holy Spirit totally that is why he is successful. First I though he had nervous energy but realize he steps away and lets God. God works through Mike and that is why the truth of the election will come out and more people will hear the truth. The imperfect vessel God formed into the gold standart.


I appreciate your entire comment. This part…

God showered me with many gifts and I do not see them even though I often work in them.

…reminded me that God works in our lives, answering prayers and facilitating things for us, in ways that we often fail to recognize, at least at the time. Mike Lindell mentions these occurrences in his own life, how meetings with key people, and other things, were facilitated. I need to be more aware of this. Thank you for your comment.


You are welcome. We learn everyday over and over.
Be hones the first day Mike got on my nerves.
Sleeping over it , it was not Mike it was I who had the problem. I wanted to get to the truth of Nov 3 in my time frame not in God’s time frame.


You are kind. I learn much wisdom from you .
Maybe that is the power of this group we learn from each other 🙂


If anyone is learning anything from me, I deeply apologize.


You enrich this forum specially after 12 AM 🙂
Love to read your fixing stories and so much more 🙂

Valerie Curren

LOL! You Rock CT!!!

Brave and Free

Bwahaahaa! Well said. I come here to learn from everyone including you. 🤗🤗


Me too. I was sometimes impatient, but reminded myself that my way isn’t the only one.


That is hard to learn 🙂 Sometimes it takes a life time and you are aware what a blessing 🙂
I learned we learn over and over Patience is good .

Valerie Curren

You make me think of that Japanese artform of broken vessels put back together w/ gold in the cracks–glorious & spontaneous!
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My daughter broke a favorite piggy bank & did a similar repair & it is so much more interesting & artistic in the aftermath of that “accident”.

Beauty from ashes & all!!!


Thank you.
How beautiful thank you sharing the Japanese vessels 🙂

Valerie Curren

You’re welcome Singing. God Bless YOU & thank you so much for all your words of encouragement & precious insights on living free & escaping tyranny. What you share is a treasure!


You are welcome 🙂

Valerie Curren



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Valerie Curren



No doubt God is working through Mike!

Gail Combs

He has certainly protected him and also dropped very important information in his lap. (Colorado)




I am responding even though your response was to kalbo.

I am curious, did you lose your focus because of comments regarding polish and style, IOW more effective communication of the message?

The comments about polish and style were distractions for me. Many of us have been discouraged about the lack of progress and action, and here we have a patriot who spent his own money to prove election fraud — not for the normies, but for us, so we could take the info and do something with it — and we’re sitting here nitpicking the style? I’m holding back on how I really feel about that.

IOW, how does a person when tell when he, agreeing 100% with the message and enthusiastically endorsing the message, should censor himself from sharing his thoughts on how the message could be more effectively communicated, so it can be more widely shared, understood and enthusiastically supported?

First, in a hypothetical scenario, that person would have stated that they agree with and enthusiastically endorse the message, maybe with some praise and gratitude thrown in for the efforts being made and the things being accomplished.

As for the message being “more widely shared, understood and enthusiastically supported,” how do we know that was the goal? I maintain that it wasn’t. The goal wasn’t to red-pill normies. The goal was to reach patriots who know something is wrong but don’t have enough proof and don’t know what to do. I think it was also to show the Left that we’re not going to be stopped. So the first answer is yes, to self-censor until the situation is fully understood, and then to evaluate whether the comments would be constructive even at a later time, to this audience. Frankly, I don’t find them useful.

And one of the critical areas where we need to catch up is in effective communications.

I don’t see it. I don’t look at our leaders and think, if only they would just communicate more effectively. Instead, I wish they would stand for the Constitution, take action, and fight. The problem is spinelessness and lack of resolve. We are expert meme-makers who get the word out extremely well on social media, blogs, and the like. We communicate all the time.

But our side refuses to see that criticizing HOW something is done is NOT the same as criticizing WHAT is being done.

I respectfully disagree. I am fully aware of the difference. I blocked off the three days of the symposium so I could watch the whole thing, and I did. I saw all the glitches and imperfections and changes of schedule. Some of it was completely out of their control, like the computer data that they had just received before the symposium aired (causing “geek-speak” and delays while they figured things out). The CO secretary of state situation was another unexpected occurrence. It was absolutely fascinating to watch all of that unfold in real time. I didn’t care that there were glitches. They were part of the experience of something REAL.

The takeaway, for me: “Polish” would not have made one difference in the final outcome. Prof. Clements said the computer data they found was more important than what they originally had wanted to present. So, huge. The Congress people formed a caucus by the end, to help them get all states to audit the election. Again, huge. We’ve been longing for action and progress, and this symposium was a vehicle for exactly that. We need heart and spit and fire and resolve to fight, much more than polish and smoothness. And for someone to criticize the very thing we’ve longed for — leaders to stand up, people to come together with our common goals and to motivate us to continue the fight in ways that have the potential to be very effective — is something I find it hard to be silent about.

I would like to know how you think the outcome would have been different if the event had been run differently.






Well stated. Thank you.




TY so much for replying thoughtfully and sincerely.

*The comments about polish and style were distractions for me. Many of us have been discouraged about the lack of progress and action, and here we have a patriot who spent his own money to prove election fraud — not for the normies, but for us, so we could take the info and do something with it — and we’re sitting here nitpicking the style? I’m holding back on how I really feel about that.*

Here I respectfully disagree with your comment. NOBODY was “nitpicking” his style. Keeping Mike in mind in particular: someone here (a beloved, wonderful poster) objected to his “ranting.” At first I agreed. It was not “nitpicking.” It was his ranting. That is what he was doing, understandably and justifiably. He was intense, passionate, insistent and intensely focused, “ranting.” I changed my mind when a few people disagreed, and I realized that Mike’s passion was a central and essential aspect of the symposium. It was the sincere and “real” heart of the matter. DO SOMETHING. WE ARE LOSING OUR COUNTRY. Mike’s “style” was not a style, it was Mike being Mike. Real. But my initial agreement with the poster was not unreasonable. “Ranting” turns many people off, and your message is unheard. Passion turns people on. And the two are hard to distinguish.

* First, in a hypothetical scenario, that person would have stated that they agree with and enthusiastically endorse the message, maybe with some praise and gratitude thrown in for the efforts being made and the things being accomplished.*

There is not a single poster on this site who has not done that. If what you mean is repeating that before every comment, then I think that asks too much. We all know each other here. It is unnecessary to repeat our agreement with every comment.

*As for the message being “more widely shared, understood and enthusiastically supported,” how do we know that was the goal? I maintain that it wasn’t. The goal wasn’t to red-pill normies. The goal was to reach patriots who know something is wrong but don’t have enough proof and don’t know what to do. I think it was also to show the Left that we’re not going to be stopped. So the first answer is yes, to self-censor until the situation is fully understood, and then to evaluate whether the comments would be constructive even at a later time, to this audience. Frankly, I don’t find them useful.*

The goal is ALWAYS to red pill normies, and everyone else. Mike constantly appealed to journalists, JOURNALISTS!, to wake up and be patriotic. Please forgive me for re-phrasing your comment, but … comments on how to more effectively send the message should be censored until the message is sent?

*I don’t see it. I don’t look at our leaders and think, if only they would just communicate more effectively. Instead, I wish they would stand for the Constitution, take action, and fight. The problem is spinelessness and lack of resolve. We are expert meme-makers who get the word out extremely well on social media, blogs, and the like. We communicate all the time.*

Our memes are great … for us. Otherwise, what you say is a non-sequitur. Spineless people are not sensitive to ineffective communications. They use ineffective communications to remain spineless.

*I respectfully disagree. I am fully aware of the difference. I blocked off the three days of the symposium so I could watch the whole thing, and I did. I saw all the glitches and imperfections and changes of schedule. Some of it was completely out of their control, like the computer data that they had just received before the symposium aired (causing “geek-speak” and delays while they figured things out). The CO secretary of state situation was another unexpected occurrence. It was absolutely fascinating to watch all of that unfold in real time. I didn’t care that there were glitches. They were part of the experience of something REAL.*

The criticism of presentation had zero to do with how real the symposium was, or with the unexpected events. Those are excuses. People who substitute excuses for acknowledgement are people who are letting the other side win.

*The takeaway, for me: “Polish” would not have made one difference in the final outcome. Prof. Clements said the computer data they found was more important than what they originally had wanted to present. So, huge. The Congress people formed a caucus by the end, to help them get all states to audit the election. Again, huge. We’ve been longing for action and progress, and this symposium was a vehicle for exactly that. We need heart and spit and fire and resolve to fight, much more than polish and smoothness. And for someone to criticize the very thing we’ve longed for — leaders to stand up, people to come together with our common goals and to motivate us to continue the fight in ways that have the potential to be very effective — is something I find it hard to be silent about.*

NOBODY criticized anybody for standing up and coming together. This is exactly the type of non-sequitur which makes us chumps. I never used the word “polish.” That is a mis-characterization. It is part of the non-sequitur.

*I would like to know how you think the outcome would have been different if the event had been run differently.*

HUGE. Go to friendly places like Free Republic, people on our side, and see how turned off and unimpressed they were. I DO NOT agree with their pov. But I can see very clearly why PEOPLE WHO AGREE WITH US AND ARE ON OUR SIDE were turned off and unimpressed. It had to do with ineffective communications.

Please do not worry. Please do not fear. Criticism is not necessarily a bad thing, and for people who are on the same side, it can be a good thing.

I will repeat my foremost criticism. Get to the point. We are not good doing that.


This is too long, I haven’t read it all, and it would take too long to go through point by point. Some of it I can tell I do not agree with. That’s okay. I will say this, though: I am not worried, nor am I fearful. Why you would think so is a mystery.


H U H ? WUT? Too slow to follow the word salad. Another one of my many short comings.

Moving on here.


Sorry you thought it was a word salad.


All is well. I am truly slow. Couldn’t figure out the point. Until I saw a later post that basically said, get to the point.

At least, that is my take now.

Truly, all is well. We have the same goals.


I love the people on this site. Truly amazing in every way.


Y E S !

The breadth of knowledge, experience, insights, analytical ability, wisdom AND Patriots. each and every One!


You are not slow. 😄

Deplorable Patriot

Once I started thinking about it, the truth about presentation is that a person’s style should not distract from the message. I was watching one person, and the jacket was distracting, as was the unkempt hair. Computer people may not see it, but others do. It’s just a fact of life. I mean, I was stunned a pastor had to tell an organist at one of the churches where I sing that jeans and shorts are inappropriate for Mass. I thought that was understood.

I get that computer geeks were running the show and they have an carefree sense of fashion, but even percussionists put on their tails and shave before Saturday night’s performance. And, trust me, those guys avoid primping.

Gail Combs

On that jacket. I think that was deliberate so he would show up against the blue and black background.

As far as the hair goes, I think that is TOO BUSY to get the hair cut or maybe a case of SHUNNING. Remember he mentioned even his church members will not talk to him.

He looks much neater here on June 8th

Deplorable Patriot

I live in the Midwest. Some things just show up for people here.

I mean, I’ve seen plenty of guys in Bermuda shorts that color with blue Oxford shirts (sleeves rolled up, of course) and loafers or boat shoes and don’t think a thing of it.

It’s just a thing.


You commented as a communications major and knowledgeable of event planning. Your comment on the jacket was enjoyable and humorous.

Our side above everything else ought to understand peer pressure. But our side is routinely peer pressured, even now. We will get better.

Deplorable Patriot

I come from prep zone central. Alligators are not just in water hazards in Florida. You should see what people wear to Church in the summer.


It was clear that the purpose of the symposium was to explore data, get the word out about the data, motivate people, and get the states to do election audits because of the data breaches they saw. It was a huge success.


Agree 100%.



Yes it was a success the reps from states got together and are working together supporting each other. Many were people of faith and sometimes it is not what I want in outcome but what God wants.


And hopefully an audit will happen in Nevada. IF it does, I’ll be a volunteer, seven days a week if that is the calling.

Have been wound tighter and tighter since the election was stolen, courts caved, legislatures caved, SoS caved, Congress caved, pence caved…

100% ready to do my part.


Great! I feel the same way and will do what I can. I think there are many more with like minds who are more focused now.




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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Daniel’s Holy Prophecy!

Post author
By Dianne Marshall
Post date
August 13, 2021

DANIEL CHAPTER 12: 11-12 HAS ALREADY BEEN FULFILLED! It is not floating in time waiting to land some 2,000 years later!

11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

[Excerpt] Read more at the link above…


She’s wrong. That prophecy won’t be fulfilled until the antichrist goes into the temple and sets up his abomination. There isn’t even a Jewish temple yet, so it can’t be fulfilled until that happens. This happens at about the mid-point of the tribulation.


What she lacks in facts and reasoning, she makes up for in enthusiasm.

Concerned Virginian

And so, the genocide of the immuno-compromised begins today:

Down and Dirty Summary: The FDA’s Acting Director, Dr. Janet Woodcock [who has ties to the drug industry, AND who secured previous FDA “full approval” for several breast cancer drugs via SHORT-CIRCUITING the timeframes for safety and efficacy studies] just authorized the use of the “booster shot” of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus “vaccines” on people who have compromised immune systems. This includes people who have had whole-organ transplants and others with conditions “that are considered to have an equivalent level of immunocompromise”.
ALSO, a heads-up, FTA: “FDA is expected to fully license Pfizer’s vaccine for individuals ages 16 and older in the coming weeks.”
AND — Dr. Fauci is involved in what’s going on: FTA: “Apart from the immunocompromised, we do not believe that others – elderly or not elderly – who are not immunocompromised need a vaccine right at this moment,” Fauci said. “But this is a dynamic process – the data will be evaluated.”

(So – people with HIV/AIDS; lupus; RA; Type 1 diabetes; asthma; IBD; MS; Guillain-Barre Syndrome; psoriasis; Grave’s Disease; Myasthenia Gravis; vasculitis; people who had whole organ transplants; people on chemo or other cancer drugs — are now considered “ripe for the culling” by the FDA [lists compiled from Johns Hopkins and WebMD sites]. And Dr. “Fauci-Mengele” is involved in the FDA’s decision-making? WTH?
REMEMBER — the Chief Scientific Officer of Pfizer-BioNTech, Mikael Dolsten, told the participants of the company’s July 28, 2021 Earnings Call [transcript leaked by The Motley Fool] that the company’s “booster shot” / “third dose” of its BNT162 “vaccine” will have AS MUCH AS 100 TIMES the amount of spike protein in it, as compared to the company’s “2-shot” doses.
Well, there goes my 30-year-old nephew who hasType-1 diabetes, and whose mother [“fully vaccinated” with a bad “breakthrough case” of COVID but who “follows the science”] will likely urge him to get the “booster shot”. God help them.)

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Gail Combs

Nuremburg II can not happen FAST ENOUGH!


It’s maddening how clear it is to us, and how opaque it is to so many others!

The parallels are exact – kill the young, kill the old, kill the weak, then CONTINUE KILLING!

I note that the ENTIRE basis for this genocide is the physical ONLY – with NO regard for the mental, nor the spiritual.

Pieces of meat; useless eaters; a burden on society. And all that infernal CRAP.

Diabolical in the extreme.

Let the dark come to light …


They only will stop if it affects their family their mother father, their children and their husbands and wives.
When they release toxins if will not only affect us but eventual also them.
This all will come back to them never know when .

Barb Meier

Totally agree, singingsoul1. My mom warned me about “what goes around comes around.”


Yes it will. I have seen it and many greedy people have sad home lives and their kids a problem with all kind of stuff.
I would not want to exchange my life with them.


Ground report from east TN –

In legislative news:

That should handle the mask issue in schools as it progresses since TN state legislature is conservative, patriotic red in the majority in both branches. Gov. Lee, who was the best option of all candidates made up of RINO’s, swamp, and Dems; typically bows to the will of the legislative leaders and has held the line that masks and vaxes are a personal issue to decide on the local level.

The Gov’s EO that many have mischaracterized is for the building of facilities like occurred during the COVID-19 outbreak – not for forced internment. Presently, our hospitals are full on the ICU level. As reported and personally verified with a few “red” medical professional friends, there were 5 rooms vacant in the entire state in all major hospitals last night. Children’s Hospital in east TN has been full for weeks. Whether the Delta variant is the issue or not, RSV is a huge issue currently. It may explain what is happening on the ground here as it can linger in a transmittable state in a contagious person for nearly a month. RSV is not just related to children. And right on cue here comes Moderna…

We all know on here the vax is causing a lot of the misery. Had we followed Sweden’s model this would have been essentially over long ago. All the swamp did was intentionally extend it for control and money. Didn’t matter that they harmed and killed people. We have zero value to them other than that purpose.

Business is booming in east TN with help wanted signs out everywhere. Tourism has rebounded to its best year ever in Sevier County due to everybody being pent up from last year. Dollywood is trying to get ahead of their lack of employees by building housing for hundreds of seasonal employees. Half of their workers live outside the county due to a lack of lower cost housing. Local restaurants are closing 1-3 days a week due to a lack of staff. Bidenomics is working oh so well for the communists.

Just hand Mike L Superman’s cape and be done with it. Wow.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2

Wow, I had no idea it was that bad in my old stomping grounds. God Bless the Volunteers of Tennessee ⛰  🙏 


Granny in T,

Thanks for posting the full clip of Prof. Clements. I was only able to catch the last few minutes live.
Super interesting. Not all of the way thru it yet.

Drug cartel murder with a torched car grabbed my attention. I had a next door neighbor once whose young daughter’s husband was found the same way, near the river, a few blocks from our house. These things are regional, not just in big cities.

Photos of shredded ballots being reconstructed? Cat playing with the mouse?

Chicken farm fire under investigation? Hadn’t heard about that.

Someone is sweating today.

Nice post. Thank you for your efforts.


The thought occurs to me that anyone who accepts a position in any part of the Biden administration has set themselves up for legal enforcement against them. I think it keys on “knowingly” (about the fraud) taking part in an administration that has gained power as a result of election fraud.

An accessory to a crime???

Barb Meier

I wonder if that is why Anita Dunn left the WH.


Found out you cannot delete you YT account directly. You go to your google account and have to delete your google account.

Now I have no YT and no google, period. Should have done this a long time ago.

I checked Rumble and they have anything I looked at on YT worthwhile.

I realize Rumble will eventually join the Deep State, but will be ok for awhile.

I have NEVER used google for anything but YT, and regret not deleting earlier.


My mantra1: “I don’t subscribe!”

Because sometimes, one cannot EVER truly un-subscribe …
[ Instead, I let play a 15-sec ad or two, for a couple ad-ducats to the owner. ]

My mantra2: “I don’t update!”

Because sometimes, one cannot EVER truly down-date … (new coinage? lol)

And yes, Rumble will tumble, Bitchute will be bit-shot, Vimeo will dim-eo, etc.

(channeling Cuppa here …)

Gail Combs

I mute the ad and set the timer to tell me when to go back and watch the actual video.

I have had ads that were hour long ‘Informational commercials’


Mute is my *favorite* keystroke.



Valerie Curren

I’ve been muting commercials for Many Years when we (ever) watch regular TV. It Way tamps down the propaganda value!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

“Stifle yourself, Edith” 🙂

You can’t have your cake and Edith too…


comment image


U Block Origin installed on your browser gets rid of the video ads.


For a few seconds I thought google would not let me delete entirely, but they did (or so they implied).

As to the rest … LOL!


Kanekoa the Great on Gab:

Lots of good information here…


comment image
-love this guy/gal 😀 


“Blame the suits not the boots.”


Concerned Virginian

Spread it far and wide:
The same “President” Biden who is turning Kabul into the SAIGON of April, 1975, is the same “President” Biden who is working on forcing every American citizen to take UNSAFE “vaccines” for a virus that was developed with funding from Dr. Anthony Fauci.


Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) Tweeted:
We will not comply. If Biden wants to go this route he better be ready because he will face a resistance he’s never seen before in his lifetime. That’s a promise.

Last edited 3 years ago by gil00
Concerned Virginian

“would be too polarizing for the moment.”
Translation: meaning, like, maybe after the DemCommunists fraud themselves into total political domination via the 2022 by-elections?
And: the “Biden administration” = the “triumvirate” of Obama-Soros-Schwab behind his handlers, IMO.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS




“for the moment” translates to:

“We’re STILL gonna do it … just little later!”

They’re so clueless as to the mind of the normal individual that they have to do tests and experiments and “floats” to get a read!

They don’t know;
and they don’t know that they don’t know;
and they don’t know that they don’t know that they don’t know.
(ad infinitum …)

They’re mentally deficient.

I like “the self-elites” instead of “the elites”.

(Although, “the deletes” may also work …)


Forced the kid to sit outside, with the office doors locked, and they could only “see” him, bc he didnt wear a mask, despite a documented medical exemption.
The exemptions seem to be being ignored everywhere. Officially apartheid is taking hold. The parents got a supportive rally directly in front of the school, but other parents were upset at their kids seeing the RALLY PROTEST and not at what started it.

Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) Tweeted:
A middle school in #SantaAna, #California was accused of forcing a special needs student to stay outside for hours in 90°F weather after being kicked out for not wearing a mask.

Gail Combs

Heat exhaustion and dehydration anyone???

If that was my child I would have him to a doctor so fast it would make your head spin!

Cuppa Covfefe

Look at the guy Karen (Karl???) on the sidewalk with a Burka-esque mask, just glaring (glowering?) at the two women…

Gotta love how David Clements called out the guy who was TRIPLE-MASKED at the symposium…. Fellow probably had an SpO² of 80% or so 🙂


Triple? Stoopid.

Gail Combs

“… the guy who was TRIPLE-MASKED….”

Probably doesn’t want to SMELL Deplorables.


Yeah on “vacation”

Brian Miller (@BMillerx31) Tweeted:
@JackPosobiec @ChrisCuomo @HumanEvents So your saying it’s weird for a married 51 year old father of 3 to be out clubbing with 21 year olds?


Gag, the arrogance is suffocating.


They push us….


To help substantiate the “sex” narrative, in re Mario (“bad family” / sex), instead of the “mass-murder” thingy?

Spitballin’ here.

Chris is next, methinks …

Last edited 3 years ago by Emeraldstar

Bobby Piton, 2022 US Senate Candidate -State of IL (@UAmerica333) Tweeted:
One of my favorite bands growing up as a child was KISS. I’m very disappointed to learn Gene Simmons has publicly stated that COVID vaccines should be the law..
Couple of questions:
1) How much has KISS been paid by our government via Operation Mockingbird

Bobby Piton, 2022 US Senate Candidate -State of IL (@UAmerica333) Tweeted:
propaganda like Mr. Simmons in a manner similar to investment advisors. It can be called the Social Advisors Act instead of the Investment Advisors Act.

Music by KISS will never be the same for me.

“RepubliCON gene simmons….”

Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) Tweeted:
Hmmm…Good point.

Gail Combs

You do not need a mask because it does not stop viruses. (It just concentrates bacteria and mold that will increase chances for infection.) If a mask WORKED why aren’t there bio-hazard disposal sites in ALL public places.

God gave us  all sorts of tasty red, green and purple-pigmented fruits and veggies that come packed with quercetin an ionophore that moves the ZINC in tasty beef and dairy products into the cells to stop virus replication. God also gave us citrus fruits packed with vitamin C and the sun that produces vitamin D. Vitamins that boost our immune systems.

God even gave us a microbiologist out playing golf who found the ONLY sample in the wild of n Ivermectin. Ivermectin cures Long-haulers and may even reverse the damage done by the CCP Jabs.

God also gave us GUNS to protect us AGAINST those doing the Devils work.

comment image

God helps those who HELP THEMSELVES! It is a cooperative effort.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

^^^ “… a dolphin swims under…”

True story. Prolly ten years ago, maybe more.

Family by marriage in the Philippines. Fishing village. Fisherman goes out fishing, in his banca boat (canoe with outriggers on both sides).

Seas got heavy, ultimately the banca capsizes. He is seperated from the banca. Treads water for hours. Sea turtle happens by. He holds on to the sea turtle for hours.

Ultimately another fisherman, in a banca boat happens by. (Yea, what are the odds he could be seen bobbing on the surface of the ocean?) He is brought ashore, some kilometers up or down the coast. Manages to get a ride home from a stranger.

All told, he was away from home well over 24 hours. Family thought the sea had taken him, a gonner. Not unheard of reality for them. Absolute miracle a turtle happened by, AND a fisherman happened by AND saw him in the water.

Gail thanks for posting. It has been quite awhile since I recollected this incredible, true story.. 🙂

Concerned Virginian

Spoken by Mr. Simmons, who can afford to have 24/7 armed security for himself and his family.


If Gene Simmons thinks that’s a good point, he’s more addled than I thought. 😂
“God will protect me” is a straw man. No one says that.


H/t Citizen Free Press

NEW – World’s second-largest container port, Ningbo Zhoushan in China, was shut down due to one Covid case of a fully vaccinated port worker. Serious disruptions to global trade and supply chains are feared.


That looks like they’re playing games, trying to cause fear of scarcities.
Keep it up if the world learns to live without chicom junk they’re f’ked.

Gail Combs

I already finished my buying for the next 6 months to a year.


This woman sponsored the bill AB5, which became law that destroyed gig economy in CA. She’s about as ruthless as you can get. Arrogant too. Also…just dx with breast cancer so I imagine she will lash out even more.

KUSI News (@KUSINews) Tweeted:
Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez downplays mask mandates in the classroom. She says concerned parents just live a “privileged” life.
What do you think?

Last edited 3 years ago by gil00

Interstate vax-passport checkpoints?

Put the election theft aside, it seems there’s more than enough to justify removing this government apart from that. There’s still technically the constitution, right?

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

>>”There’s still technically the constitution, right?”<<

Or TWO of them, maybe?

One for DC (USA, ~1871), and one original (uSA, ~1776)?

A “District” isn’t a “State”, nor is it a “Territory”: it’s something different, something apart.

I’ve found that it fits well – so far – with what we’re going through.

The reality is likely somewhat different, or at least my supposition doesn’t quite hit the mark, but maybe there’s *some* truth there?


This article was posted in October, 2016. It seems to me that back then that with the proposed screening of people travelling interstate, the Obama administration was preparing the battle field ahead of time for mandatory vaccinations related to what would be called COVID-19. But candidate Donald J. Trump forced a change/postponement of their plans (cue the “My Hero” fanfare) when he won the November, 2016 election.

Article excerpt:

The CDC Seeks An Unprecedented Power Grab To Permanently Detain Americans
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend its quarantine regulations. These Proposed Rules will allow CDC and its agents to perform MANDATORY public health screenings on any man, woman, or child who is traveling interstate via aircraft, train, or bus, and will allow CDC to apprehend and DETAIN individuals on the basis of such screenings. These Proposed Rules will greatly expand CDC’s power, which already includes the ability to apprehend and detain people for certain “quarantinable” communicable diseases, where the President controls which diseases are deemed “quarantinable” by Executive Order.



KTLA (@KTLA) Tweeted:
A federal judge refused landlords’ request to put the new eviction moratorium on hold, even though she made clear she thinks it’s illegal


Break landlords. I have seen that before  🙄 

Gail Combs

Yeah and then the CHINESE et al can buy up the property CHEAP.




Hey Gail, since you’re online . . . is Sharon Rondeau / Post & Email legit? If so, she wrote an article on July 6th talking about Fanning & Montgomery setting Lindell up.

Actually, there’s all kinds of stuff there on Fanning.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

I’d like an answer to this too. I hadn’t heard of her in quite a while, but she used to be considered legit. These days, even some purported “patriots” use others for their own ends. If her article was on July 6, before the symposium, I wonder if she thought it would be sabotaged. If so, big fail. It was under attack, but it accomplished a great deal.


I scanned over her articles there, and she has a lot of side-eye regarding Fanning & Montgomery. I don’t know any more than you — after awhile I just can’t keep track of all the names and associated information.

Gail Combs

Don’t know Gingermom, but Prof Clement said to Bannon that there were spies/plants among Lindell’s people and they didn’t go with the PacketCaps because the info contained a ‘poison pill.’

SEE 2 min 30 sec
Government Agencies Have Infiltrated Mike Lindell’s Circle


The concept of images, is intriguing. Better evidence than PCaps, I understand.

And poison pills makes me think the IT guy that changed his support position regarding PCaps, was himself a plant/spy. This guy knew of the poison pill, maybe planted the poison pill.

Lindell’s IT team figured it out in the nick of time. Good bad evidence was not delivered on the national stage.

Wish I could recall the dirt bag IT guy that stabbed Lindell in the back yesterday or day before.


Fanning just stuck out to me because she’s been a part of all his movies.
Lindell/Howse/Fanning. There is video here and there with audio, but no images. I literally can’t find one.

Gail Combs

What has happened thanks to Mike Lindell (1st minute or so the sound is horrible)

The STATE legislators are FIRED UP!

Legislators From All 50 States Come Together Against Election Fraud


We need one of these 72hr or likely longer, seminars for the China Virus ASAP.

Was out today, so I hear a bit of radio I don’t usually listen to. Buck Sexton and his side kick I forget, Whoever… Anyway they have a guest on that they apparently trust. He gives three theories as to why Israel the largest vaxxxed country out there is having such a hard time with the China Virus despite being at 70% vaccination rate. Sounds dire, sure however he gives the last theory and calls it the most doubtful but the scariest as being ADE. Never mind that he doesn’t explain ADE correctly, but the show hosts, Buck and Whoever are hearing about ADE for the first time.

As the show continued without the guest, they espouse heard immunity as the only way to go forward, vaxxxinated and unvaxxxinated, as many as possible need to experience the virus. That way everyone’s immune system would be trained to resist the virus. Okay, I’m thinking that was a nice thought until over half the country decided to take mRNA vaxxxines and now it’s no longer their bodies trained immune system fighting the virus, but instead it’s the mRNA from vaxxx that they will be dependent on from here on out.

Later on they have a caller. Guy gets on and sounds strong, one of the first words out of his mouth was a buzz word that went by quick, I can’t remember now but it said as much he knows the score the way we know the score… but Buck or Whoever cuts him off and asks him his weight. Guy says 180 and adds in that he’s 6ft and 62 years old. Whatever else the guy had to say Buck or Whoever go into a spiel of how he’s the right age for vaxxx and he should seriously consider it, never letting the guy talk before moving on.

We need a 72hr seminar for the China Virus or the Meek (Vaxxx hesitant) really will inherent the Earth.

If they did do a 72hr show, no matter the subjects they covered and it should be many from the science to the crimes starting at Wuhan all the way up to the present, they should do the empty chair bit. Allowing dissenters like Fauci to come defend their positions.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

“it’s no longer their bodies trained immune system fighting the virus, but instead it’s the mRNA from vaxxx that they will be dependent on from here on out.”

Don’t think this is completely true. The wizards of smart who used these mRNA shots probably ain’t as smart as they think and everyone’s immune system is not going to react the same. As we have seen some people get really bad reactions to this and others don’t. So unless they already did testing and adjusting of this thing on test subjects and there is a long term result, infertility say, I don’t see our bodies just rolling over and falling apart from the shot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Clot shot is evil!


Yes, it is not good. So the big question is how much of these are placebo. I saw one nurse say it is 1 in 3. If so the adverse events would be much higher. We already know they are under reporting.

Deplorable Patriot

That is just horrible.


Pepe Lives Matter
Dad speaks out against liberal indoctrination.
[video src="" /]

I love how he turns the Woke Fascists use of Pronouns against them in the end.


Love that attitude. His social media pronouns King/Master 🤗 

Valerie Curren

Wonderful post, per usual Grandma! Glad you quoted CS Lewis again for I too have a quote from him I wanted to share. This comes from “The Four Loves”, near the end of the chapter on Friendship Love. The quote starts on page 107 in “my” (library) book…

“This sense of corporate superiority is not always Olympian; that is, tranquil and tolerant. It may be Titanic; restive, militant, and embittered…One had come up against an iron curtain. He was forearmed against the risk of any strictly personal relation, either friendly or hostile, with such as me. Behind this, almost certainly, there lies a circle of the Titanic sort–self-dubbed Knights Templars perpetually in arms to defend a critical Baphomet. We–who are they to them–do not exist as persons at all. We are specimens; specimens of various Age Groups, Types, Climates of Opinion, or Interests, to be exterminated. Deprived of one weapon, they coolly take up another. They are not, in the ordinary human sense, meeting us at all; they are merely doing a job of work–spraying (I have heard one use that image) insecticide.”

This really made me think of how the practitioners, in-crowd, & hangers-on of the Deep State seem to view we Deplorable Unwashed Masses…hmmm

Valerie Curren

Amen. Especially when lead by the Spirit!

Deplorable Patriot

Back from the involuntary third world experience. From what I can gather, with ridiculous headwinds as a squall line passed over us, lighting struck the main transformer for the subdivision and knocked over 700 customers out. This was on top of the broken water main that was fixed between 1:30 am when the backhoes arrived and 4 am when competing beeps indicated they were being loaded on the flatbeds.

And round two is on its way.

Forget going on adventures. Just come live in the Midwest.

Cuppa Covfefe

If they’d timed it right, they could’ve used the lightning bolt to weld the water main back together 🙂  ⚡  ☔  🔥  oops  ⚡  might as well have a BBQ  🍔  🙂

There must be some corollary to Murphy’s law at play. Over here, whenever they FINALLY get around to repaving the street, some knucklehead (from the “planning” department) will authorize digging up the freshly paved road, e.g. for new cable taps or DSLAMS or whatever…

Deplorable Patriot

The two incidents were nine houses apart and on opposite sides of the street. At least we had hot water this morning since the hot water heater is gas.


Water main break? check.

Electric transformer zapped? Check.

Gosh, hoping gas lines are at proper depth and in good condition. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

The gas lines were replaced…3 or four years ago…maybe? Something like that.


Our waterlines in town are over 100 years old. They are replacing the waterlines after years of digging up streets and every winter waterlines breaking.
I think they are going to hit my street next week. The water does not stay out for long before they connect the new waterline.
I think many older communities have this problem. I am glad thinks get repaired instead of abandonment .


Oh yea. Systemic replacing waternies and the like gotta happen on a reasonable schedule.

IIRC, NYC main water feeds are a crisis waiting to happen. Government neglect have set them to FAIL at the worst possible time.

While the folks are miserable without water, government officials will blame everyone, but themselves for inaction.

Deplorable Patriot

Around here, the squeaky wheel gets oil.

Fortunately, this break happened in front of the house of a man who is connected government and business wise. I mentioned to him last night that we’re one of the last streets in our area without new mains. If I know him – and I don’t remember a time when I didn’t – he’ll pick up the phone.


They are good here they do not turn water off until 8 am and it comes back in afternoon. They was one street at the time and seem efficient.

Gail Combs

“….An pair of articles from the NYC Environmental Protection mentions the discovery in 2013 of a section of 19th Century Wooden water main during repairs, and some of the history of this in New York infrastructure back as far as the 1820s….” LINK

Hubby mentioned some of Bostons water mains are/were wood.


Same in San Francisco. Cored-out redwoods, from the days of the Barbary Coast.

Deplorable Patriot

We have cast iron which is being replaced with PVC, but there’s so much of it to do.

IDK about the city so much as the old steam compression system is still underground. I think they were circumvented when the switch happened. And, yes, we still have three steam towers. All on Grand Boulevard, too.

Deplorable Patriot

This is the most ornate of the ones left.
comment image


I remember that (vaguely). Wasn’t St Lukes hospital near there?

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe at one time. But, actually it’s right by Saint Louis University Hospital and Cardinal Glennon Children’s.


Thanks, been a long time ago


2.4 million Bay Area folks, which includes Frisco, get their water from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Yosemite National Park.

Hetch Hetchy A stunning beautiful area.

ht tps: //

Deplorable Patriot

Depending on the wood, that could be disastrous.


Would not surprise me if we have some of that not quit where we live. Houses are from 1920 but the street further down the hill they might have some wooden water main.


We had some large cast iron valve makers around here that went out of business after well, let’s just say 75 years in existence. Same old story of city rot


Big problem city does not have the money to replace all the water lines.


Our tax payments are being plundered.
Plenty to get infrastructure done right if it wasn’t stolen.


San Jose did that to a neighborhood. About 20 years ago, they passed a 30-year bond for flood improvements. Ten years in, politicians stole all the money. Eighteen years in, everything flooded. All the people with water damage were left wondering why they’d paid-in all this money (and were obligated to pay for 12 years more after the flood) when all the money had been “repurposed”.


I realize that it truly is a shame.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People – I need a favor. We need to COLLECT EVIDENCE.

Please ARCHIVE every page related to elections at this site that Dr. Shiva led us to:

This is where those playbook pages were. We need everything there that is related to elections ARCHIVED at either:


I will let you know WHY later.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is an example of a page that marymorse found:

Here is the archive of it:


I’ve done several. Do you want them listed here? How will you be able to find them?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! List them here, and I’ll incorporate them as references later. We want to make sure that we have all the originals backed up, so that if they try to modify or delete pages, we have copies. We’re doing the same thing that was done to these monsters in Colorado. Get copies before they delete the evidence.


Okay. There are a lot.

Gail Combs

ThankQ TT

I am not up to that right now. (mangled my glasses so my sight is not good.)


YW! Hope you get that fixed soon!

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is excellent. THANK YOU!!!


Next set:;;;;;;;;;;;;

Status: I searched the site for the word “voting” and got 42 pages of articles. I have gone through all of them, copied the URLs of the relevant ones, and am in the process of archiving them. I have posted the ones I’ve done so far. I will continue archiving this set until they’re all done, and then I’m stopping. 🥱 But anyone who wants to do the work, use a different search term.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
This one has a linik to a pdf which I didn’t download:
Making Democracy Harder to Hack.pdf;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Last one! 😌;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got ’em!


All 4 posts with links now copied to The Q Tree group on Gab.


Good. There are six in all, so you might need to copy two more. Thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! This is taking me a while to copy, but it will be worth it.

As they said in a great work off literature, “Historical records”! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got ’em!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for this effort – this is all excellent documentation.

I am already getting a sense for the combination of “honest cybersecurity chumps” and “Orwellian Mookian deceivers” running the show.

And you got the “Fortify” document! Should be a real treat!


I’m new to this. I found this article (which might not be what you’re looking for, as it’s rather silly), and c/p it into the first link. It took me to a page that says “Not Found (yet?).” Is that normal? What should it look like when something gets archived?

Edit: I tried a second one, and it loaded. FYI, here it is:

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is the freakin’ GOLD MINE!!!


Wow. Thanks for this. I needed to read it.

These people are stupid.

Republicans are MORE INFORMED than Demoncrats, and hence, far less likely to do something STUPID just because the government says so.

This is not complicated. We are “vaccine hesitant” because we are ON TO YOU.

Deplorable Patriot

This guy changes his mind more often than most women at a shoe sale.


Anybody that trusts this guy is beyond the reasonably sane

Deplorable Patriot

This is very true.


I know the type… anymore I just keep my opinions to myself.
Rage and tears is not my cup of tea

Gail Combs

AND pay the consequences of their choices.

That is what FREE CHOICE is all about.

However we still need all the true information to make an INFORMED choice.

Gail Combs

Unfortunately that is EXACTLY what they want you to do. I REFUSE to shut-up.

I make it brief (usually a couple of sentences) and if they whine I say you were told.


I like it!

You were told…

It needs a sound effect…


I have heard some of the dumbest rationalizations out of the mouths of people who should know better since this thing started.

I swear covid took I.Q. points away from some people.


PGroup, so glad you seem to be doing better and excited about your mrna treatment. Prayers and love in Him. Everyone, I did love that professor Dave at Lindell’s symposium. Just amazine, and so was Tina. I missed a lot yesterday, though, as the stream kept going down. Reminder I can’t watch Rumbles so appreciate video from bitshute or Briteon or other places.


I was talking to someone about how you used your webreader — and, at one point, I said “that’s a good question, I’ll have to ask her the next time I see her”…..and now I can’t remember the question.

I will, however, ask a (likely different) question. Are you using ORCA or that other one? Linux seems to be betting big on ORCA — latest Raspberry Pi computers have it preinstalled.


cthulhu, I use JAWS. Not familiar with the one you mention. I also use NVDA, which is free.


You did ask me once how my computer pronounces “cthulhu.” 🤔


It may have even been in that conversation. Zoe wasn’t around, and someone asked me a question about webreaders, and I said, “I should ask Zoe the next time I see her online,” then “D’oh!”


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought you were blind. So the comment about Rumbles sort of surprised me.


Rumble just isn’t accessible to the blind.

Gail Combs


Here is the link to the bitchute cuts of the symposium:

If you need them broken out individually I will do it for you later. Just let me know.


Gail. very kind of you. This is great and will probably do just fine. Appreciate it.

Deplorable Patriot

A version of this appeared on page one, but it bears repeating. This is bad. Very bad.


The good news is, still, that they don’t HAVE TO TAKE IT.

Just say no!

“Authorized” and “green light” do not mean APPROVED.

Urinalists keep using the word approved. That is a LIE. The clot-shot is only authorized under an EUA. It is NOT FDA approved!

Journalism is dead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. FAKE NEWS is cheerleading for APPROVAL.


“Journalism is dead” & what continues is perversion.

Deplorable Patriot

But there are so many hypochondriacs who just don’t pay attention to such details. They’ll take the shot anyway.

Deplorable Patriot

Just FYI as I can’t confirm this…and don’t want to.

Deplorable Patriot

mmm…our male rhino here at the STL Zoo likes to spray….

This is one NICE rhino. Unlike RINOs.

Anyone know where this guy is running?

Oh, and Jaime is pronounced High-Meh not JAYmee. But that one is hopeless.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Sadie Slays

The suspicious walking boot is back.


BiteMe and his Hoe wearing a mask.

Marines smart enough to not wear a mask on the flight line.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Concerned Virginian

IF this is the real “Joe Biden.”

Deplorable Patriot

I saw that yesterday.

Interesting indeed.


Details of the attack on Mike LIndell:

According to the popular My Pillow CEO, the attack took place in the lobby of his hotel as he returned from dinner with Kendra Reeves, a beautiful Christian woman with whom Mike has been in a committed relationship since 2014.

Mike explained how he and Kendra had just returned to the lobby of the Sheraton Hotel from dinner. He estimates that he entered the lobby between 10:30 and 11 pm CT. As they walked through the lobby toward the elevator, two well-dressed men who Mike and Kendra estimated were between the age of 40-45 yrs old ran up to him and shouted, “Hey, I want your picture!” Although Mike suspected something unusual about the duo, he agreed to have his photo taken with them.

Only one of the two men stood next to Mike as he snapped a selfie of them standing next to each other. Mike told us he found it odd that the other man who ran up to him “strangely stood in the background” and watched while his companion took a selfie.

Only moments later, a “tall” and “very strong” man about 25-30 years old” came running up from the opposite direction “kind of out of nowhere,” asking to have his picture taken with Mike. The young man who asked to have his photo taken with Mike was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Mr. Lindell, who’s been in a few dangerous situations in his lifetime as a former crack addict, found it odd that the well-dressed older man who he just posed with for a selfie was also taking the photo for the younger man in jeans.

Suddenly, the younger man in jeans grabbed Mike and stood next to him. He put his arm around Mike and placed his hand under his armpit. As the older man was taking the photo, the younger man began applying incredible pressure under Mike’s armpit with his hand. Mike explained that the pain under his arm was “excruciating” and “intense,” but he wasn’t quite sure how to react, as he suspected the man with the camera had switched to video mode. Mike didn’t want to give either of the men the satisfaction of knowing how badly he was being hurt, so he continued to stand and smile for the camera without flinching. “He either wanted me to react or to fight him,” Mike said.

As the elevator opened, Mike pulled away, and he and Kendra escaped the situation.

Mike told us he’ll never forget the evil face of the man taking the photo.

When Mike got to his room, he checked to see if his skin had been penetrated by a needle or any other device and called the police to report the incident. Unfortunately, all three men had disappeared from the lobby by the time the police arrived to take their report. The police also checked under Mike’s arm for any obvious injuries.

Mike told us that he will now have security with him wherever he goes. However, he also pointed out that just because he has security doesn’t mean he will “stop living his life” and taking photos with people. “Put that in there,” Mike told us, referring to our article, “I want them to know that—I’m not going to change anything.”

There is more in the article about excessive force applied to the axillary bundle.


The guy put pressure on Mike’s glands under the armpit. I hope he has it checked out. These are professional hit men.


There must be security cam footage …

because faux bidden didnt win and we have the proof


Yes a posh hotel not only have security camera they also have security detail. They come fast. The other is if it is in the lobby there are people behind the desk. First that is me I never would have engaged the guys specially if my gut gives me warning. He is lucky the guys did not jump in the elevator with them and finish him off.

Concerned Virginian

This was nothing less than a paid hit by professionals to permanently incapacitate Mr. Lindell.
He needs to be with an experienced neurologist AND with an experienced sports-injury physician — NOW.


I agree totally.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let’s see how much help he gets from Kristi Noem. WHEAT/CHAFF TEST.


Pierre is very close. No excuses. He has a lit of miney and this is super high profile for “safe” “midewest” South dakota.
He now has to redo everything in his life. Including his food, his home, his water….


There is a thing called ‘commited relationship’ – it’s called m a r r i a g e. .

There is no need to involve the govt. It’s called a First Amendment marriage or a confidential marriage. I’m married but I don’t have a govt-issued licence. You still have to be married by a preacher and have at least two witnesses to the ceremony.


I hear you. I don’t know Lindell’s situation, except that he has been divorced twice. I’m NOT making excuses. I know a woman whose mother was widowed three times (no, not a “black widow” 🙂), and then the daughter lost her husband to cancer at a young age. After that, she would not marry and is now in a committed relationship. I guess she is afraid to be married. It sounds somewhat superstitious, but there it is.


I asked the DH, who is a life-long martial artist who could take most people out one-handed, what he thought they were trying to do.

He said he thought they were trying to provoke Mike into attacking them on camera.

He said a hard strike there could cause damage, and a knife there might kill you, but that hard pressure would just hurt a lot.

He was very impressed that Mike was able to stand there and take it, because it REALLY hurts. I was impressed, too. That kind of grace under fire is unusual, to say the least.


I can just see the headlines and pics of Lindell in a fight. It would have taken all the attention off election fraud and the symposium, and they would have tried to make him look like a bully. It might have gone even farther, with an arrest for assault or something. Great self-control by Lindell.


Yep. Arrest actually might have been THE GOAL.


Headline word wouldve been “unhinged” firner drug user abusing drugs (question mark)


No kidding. What a trap.


I am flabbergasted that Lindell did not have private security WELL before now, simply based upon his activities since Nov. 2020.

He’s EXTREMELY lucky that he has not killed himself by suicide yet.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs


….Malone and his wife need to travel as a condition of their professional obligations, and without a vaccine identification he cannot visit countries to fulfill his contractual responsibilities and continue work.  However, Dr. Malone did experience side-effects from the Moderna-x2 vaccine and successfully took a 5-day course of Ivermectin to counteract the vaccine side-effects. He reports this treatment course was successful.

In summary, both Dr. Robert Malone (USA) and Dr. Andrew Pollard (U.K.) feel that vaccinations should be prioritized to the elderly population, and various national health systems need to SHIFT and start focusing on therapeutic treatments for ongoing variants as the vaccine will only provide a limited amount of mortality mitigation….

I STILL do not completely trust Malone.


Possibly confused here, again.

This Robert Malone, is he the same guy that created mRNA for vaccines? The same guy that a week or two ago pissed all over Pfizer as losing its effectiveness at six months? Thus, those injected withPfzer WILL need a booster. Immune system weakens?

OR, I am mixing up names/

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Same dude!!!


Not sure what about Malone you don’t trust, I certainly have not watched him as extensively as most here, however going out here on a limb with a guess that it has to do with the vaxxx.

I saw Malone and Navarro in the War Room where they both recommended a tiered approach to CV. Ivermectin and or HCQ along with the vitamins were primary in their recommendation but as to vaccines, they carved in the vaxxx saying it should be for those that are very worried and want it, the elderly and those with a weakened immune system. They were essentially making this recommendation for about less than a third of the population while the rest would/should seek herd immunity.

It sounded to me like a carve out for President Trump’s vaccine program, giving justification to it’s limited use. Considering the time frame of when the vaxxx was produced and recommended for use I could understand the desire for it at the time. This walks back the vaxxx but at the same time allows/justifiys it’s limited use as long as one understands “elderly” to mean those with a weakened immune system versus those without. With that justification of the vaxxx they can later adjust from there when more information becomes available.

Also notes that allowing/recommending for a third or less of the population to take the vaxxx on a volunteer basis like this is also a political move to soothe/mollify the vaxxx billionaires. They clearly are a real force and facing them straight on may not be the wisest move. Once there appitite for profit is somewhat satisfied people can make a more informed decision themselves about taking the vaxxx. Also there comes into play the need to continue taking the vaxxx once started. I think the current understanding is that in all likelihood that may be the case the longer their immune systems become compromised and essentially wrecked.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All well said. A lot of people feel the same way about the vaccine as many others feel about HCQ or ivermectin.

Their freedom is my freedom! They want the vaccine, let ’em have it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Why do you not trust him? Malone is saying pretty much what I would say, and I will bet money he agrees with me that IF you give vaccines to the elderly, they need to be either recombinant full spike like Novavax, or even better, small-peptide RBD like Hotez or Stoecker vaccines, but NO to the mRNA technology for this application – it’s clearly either an abuse of it, or close enough to spit.

Neither Malone nor I are anti-vax. I won’t speak for him, but I’m ANTI-CRIMINAL, and these mRNA vaccines were a defrauding of the American people, IMO, to be used as justification for mRNA gene therapy without the kind of rigorous trials that were needed.

A BAIL-OUT for Big Pharma, which is DYING because it’s addicted to CHINA.


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Good to see this.

Still wondering about the EO and “camps” in TN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Honestly, nobody is gonna round up a bunch of country boys and women in TN. Not without some HILARIOUS video of “rev’noors” being tarred and feathered. 😉

Bustin’ patriots out of COVID hotels would become the new sport!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



E V E R Y DAY. 24/7 Trump is missed.


To hurt Trump and the MAGA movement Google whistleblower says Google rewrote its algorithm and directed certain topics and censored others, this is pure nazism!


This is what the other Epstein said happened in 2016 and was warning about for 2020. Unfortunately collecting data on all this comes well after the fact.


FWIW…John Durham news from the WSJournal

John Durham, the federal prosecutor tapped to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation, has been presenting evidence before a grand jury as part of his probe.


Mr. Durham has been examining potential criminal charges against several lower-level FBI employees, and people who aren’t in government, according to people familiar with the matter. Mr. Durham was also expected to deliver a report by the end of this summer, though that target is likely to be pushed back.


Prosecutors working for Mr. Durham have focused on people outside the FBI who provided information that helped to fuel the 2016 investigation, the people familiar with the matter said. Prosecutors are examining whether those who provided the information knew it was false at the time, and what the FBI subsequently did with it, some of the knowledgeable people said.


Prosecutors appear to be pursuing a theory that if people passed along information they knew to be false to the FBI directly, or if they passed it on to others who later shared it with the FBI, it could be considered lying to the federal government, the people said.

“Lower-level FBI.” Of course, there is no way to know whether a word of this is true.


Any day now.  😉 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lazy eight ( ∞ ) days!


They have a need to push it back till it enters the “election window” at which time there will be no action for this, information will be said to be old, go out and do it again, at which time it will be timed for the next election window and the same will be done until the matters are dropped all together. If any of this is true it has to come out now with out delay.

Although “the election window” should not matter if one is not a candidate, they seemed to have unofficially expanded the definition of this to mean pretty much whatever might damage a political party (read as the demoncrats) and getting this to “the election window” allows for a semi legal justification to delay justice until they can delay it again.


I’ve little doubt that this “election window” delay tactic is actually mapped out with time lines and various judicial calendars that can be used to pick incision points on where to create an obstacle to the prosecution’s case, determine the number of days it will take for the obstacle to be over come, and then where to set the next obstacle. This done in conjunction with channeling the prosecution through unfriendly courts. The system does not seek justice, the system seeks to save face.


BlackWater head now on Tucker … ugh …

Barb Meier

Hrrrmmm… why didn’t we know that Dr. Jill was on the beach in Hawaii a month ago? Or are they just embellishing the foot surgery story?


Her surgery was Thursday, July 29. I did see some articles that said her foot was punctured by an unknown object while on the beach in Hawaii. So the surgery was about two weeks ago. We’ll see how long she wears the boot.


I hope it was a fucking stonefish


Tsk, tsk, Ozzy. To wish harm upon a natural creature like that!



It is odd. This story came out about two weeks ago when we all thought she was in Japan. I only remember one story about her being in Japan and then nothing more which makes me think it happened in Japan.



If they try that with grocery stores they would need armed guards. And guess what a grocery store is not going to do. So yeah, food stores are a step too far.

But my point is the same, how easy is it to make up a card to enter any of these “restricted” venues if you wanted to. No one there is going to be reading them.


You are right. And here, you are not alliwed to stop theft as employees under company policy as well as under 950 is an infraction. So, honestly you just walk in and take what you want. In the beginning of the madness, walmart and target put up metal concert barriers and had armed security guards here. I verbally challenged one who walked away but they were willing to do the dirty work.
I think that, now, theyd end up dead in a you cantcebter at all situation.


That’s it!!! Enter any store/restaurant you want without a mask — and when the authorities close in on you, just steal something!


What a world we live in…😱


Seems to work in san fran and la. Two most restrictive covid areas.


San Francisco generally includes San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County, Alameda County, and Contra Costa County when talking about generic stupidity. When it comes to specific stupidity, of course, San Francisco stands apart.


Organized roving pickets where people crossing the picket line are called out as the scabs that they are. This should be the order of the day, targeting select stores until they relent.

Manpower for picket lines will be easier to realize where employment is also denied. People have to eat. This new division in society should not be suffered. Shame to those that allow it.


Are their minimum wage door greeters going to be doing forensic analysis?

No, but I saw a headline the other day about two people in Hawaii being arrested for forging vaccine cards, so there is some risk of eventually getting caught.


Would I use it to go through some gubmint office. No. Walmart, Albertsons, Mcdonalds. Sure.

Just like I have rarely been challenged when I walked into stores with no mask, ain’t no way they are stopping people to completely read a vax card.


I wouldn’t be surprised nor appalled if these kinds of establishments go up in flames. Minorites have steadfastly refused the vaxxx to date, with many being in the younger cohorts to the tune of nearly only 18% jabbed. The only thing that would likely inhibit that from happening is that the demoncrat’s will have pulled back their organizers.


W.H.O. Lead Investigator — ‘China told us what to write in our report’…

The head of the World Health Organization’s origin investigation into COVID-19 has admitted that China basically ordered his team on what to write in their report and allowed them to mention the lab leak theory, but only on the condition that they didn’t recommend following it up.

Revealing what is clear evidence of a cover up, the Washington Post reports that Danish WHO chief Ben Embarek made the admission after also commenting that he believes patient zero was a worker at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where experiments on coronaviruses were being carried out.

Embarek noted that “human error” could have ultimately led to the virus jumping to humans, but that “the Chinese political system does not allow authorities to acknowledge that.”

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Sometimes I think it’s all part of the chaos and confusion aspect of propaganda.
It seems like if the vaccine fight makes any headway then out pops more virus origin articles. Two steps forward and one step back


Seems awfully convenient.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. They will never cop to the real crime of helping get rid of Trump.


Non urgent gab message


It bit late here, but wonders when these talks finalized and was it at all in conjunction with certain wet weather events in China?

Deplorable Patriot

This is my shocked face.



Prof. David Clements, who gave an excellent presentation at the symposium, is under attack.

First, comments by Lin Wood:

Lin Wood

See below. Now the enemy is coming after Professor David Clements. 

I have tried to document for your edification the attacks against me that started in December 2020 and have continued relentlessly to this very day. 

At times, I have solicited donations to #FightBack which have helped me with the significant legal costs incurred in fighting for the rule of law and election integrity. I deeply appreciate your support and help. 

But I have not documented my journey for money or for sympathy. When I started my journey, I tried to make clear that it was not about me, it was about you. 

Yes, today it is me. In time, it will be you. 

The enemy wants our country’s land and the bounty of blessings God bestowed upon us. The enemy does not want We The People. 

The enemy always starts by destroying “the influencers” or messengers of TRUTH. The enemy attacks them because the enemy cannot attack the message of TRUTH. 

So now the enemy is starting its campaign of destruction against Professor Clements. Many other Patriots have been previously attacked. Too many languish in Washington, DC prisons as I write this evening. 

Others will follow. Many others. 

Does the enemy have to knock loudly on your door before you wake up? I pray not. We must draw a line in the sand at some point. 

The only question is when. 

Lin 🙏❤️

And Lin Wood is forwarding this from Prof. Clements’ Telegram:

Lin Wood
Forwarded from The Professor’s Record

My employer NMSU contacted me this morning at the direction of their legal department.

They have gone through my private social media, interviews, and are looking for grounds for my termination.

That my post noting I will not take the jab, nor submit to invasive testing, while citing VAERS data showing the danger of these experimental drugs, has “disparaged” the university.

The timing is odd don’t you think?

They are coming for me.

They will come for you.

Be fearless. Find your strength.

Don’t give an inch.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Seriously, if he quit and wrote a book about the Vote Trafficking Cartel, he’d have it made. He only has FAKE FRIENDS in that university administration, and you don’t lose when you lose fake friends!


One does not have friends in the administration of a University. Those days are long gone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sad! Academia was still pretty magical when I was a dopey undergrad at Faber College! 😉
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The pic is from a film do not remember what it was called. Just saw snippets not the whole movie.


Animal House.


Thank you. I barely remember that movie. Lots of people talked about it. University students have been trying to replicate the movie since 🙂


From Prof. Clements’ Telegram:

There is a pic of him standing with PDJT. I don’t know how to make it post here. IMO, it is a very good sign that he has spent time with him.

The Professor’s Record

The greatest honor of my life.

My President.

Your President.

Spent an unforgettable evening with the real President of the United States.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

N I C E !


Please…allow me….with my compliments…

comment image


Thank you! Is that a screenshot?




Seth Keshel posted this:…

Seth Keshel

I have decided in my heart, after about 13 seconds of personal reflection and an even more truncated prayer…

That I will be showing you all just why corrupt Colorado Sec of State Jena Griswold is creating such a stir over Mesa County, enough to cause her to shake visibly on camera. 

Post dinner time activity here in the next couple hours…

You’ve been warned.

…followed by a video, which I can’t play, and this:

Secretary Griswold, I’m more than happy to set up a remote call, or visit your offices in person, if you’d like to gain a better understanding of your state’s electoral history, particularly in Mesa County, which you’re trying to cover over.



If anyone is on Telegram and can play the video, I’d love to know what it says. It’s 9:24 long.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No joy here!


He basically goes over voting statistics for Mesa County over the last several presidential elections and predicts mid 20,000 for dems for 2020, but in “fact” they got 32,000. He says says the 2020 totals for dems are 5-10,000 too high. Shows rep majority over the years and new registrations in 2020 rep over dem 3:1. Not likely there really were 32,000 Biden votes. So SOS probably doesn’t want to meet with him.


embed attempt:

<script async src=”″ data-telegram-post=”RealSKeshel/904″ data-width=”100%”></script>

[…] pages of this nasty Mookish cheat-protecting DNC cadre operation. Many thanks to TheseTruths for helping me do this. Just look through this Orwellian elite blamecasting crap at your leisure. If they scrub […]