Was going to bring the camels back, but the pic of President Trump deplaning Air Force One in Afghanistan in November 2019 was posted simultaneously by accounts known for signalling.
Something’s up.
Baby wolves are so cute.
Okay, let’s get to it. The war for our minds.

This was done to us intentionally. And there are Americans doing something about it.
It’s definitely cheaper and more flexible than private school.
And about the forced jabbing of kids in Australia….
A shoutout to the bots, hackers and all the rest trying to infiltrate and take a chainsaw to the branches here at the QT, our sentiments:

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

Note to the Q Team and who ever else is directing this show:
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

JUDGES 9:6-15
6And all the citizens of Shechem came together, and all Beth-millo, and they went and made Abim’elech king, by the oak of the pillar at Shechem. 7When it was told to Jotham, he went and stood on the top of Mount Ger’izim, and cried aloud and said to them, “Listen to me, you men of Shechem, that God may listen to you. 8The trees once went forth to anoint a king over them; and they said to the olive tree, `Reign over us.’ 9But the olive tree said to them, `Shall I leave my fatness, by which gods and men are honored, and go to sway over the trees?’ 10And the trees said to the fig tree, `Come you, and reign over us.’ 11But the fig tree said to them, `Shall I leave my sweetness and my good fruit, and go to sway over the trees?’ 12And the trees said to the vine, `Come you, and reign over us.’ 13But the vine said to them, `Shall I leave my wine which cheers gods and men, and go to sway over the trees?’ 14Then all the trees said to the bramble, `Come you, and reign over us.’ 15And the bramble said to the trees, `If in good faith you are anointing me king over you, then come and take refuge in my shade; but if not, let fire come out of the bramble and devour the cedars of Lebanon.’
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Wolf Moon
July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.
I suspect we struck a nerve.
A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
“Known for signalling”
I’d be interested to know if their “signals” ever came to anything whatsoever.
Given the general record of internet bullshitters, I’m guessing probably not.
I love that header picture, and used it here:
At the time I was making a kind of emotional comment about the scary grandeur of office of the President – as well as about technology and our trust in both the universe and our understanding of it.
The picture doesn’t LOOK like the common images used for “In God We Trust”, be they coinage, flags, buildings, historical, religious, etc. It looks more like technology – and yet – that’s exactly what I was going for. We build on a universe with a surprising degree of order and submission to reason. Not everybody will see that as having anything to do with God, but I just decided to speak for myself.
I thought some might chafe at seeing “Trump” and “God” there, too, but was hoping they would understand that Trump, like me, trusts in God – and there is power in that mutual trust in something greater than us both – even if that is merely an idea – like America!
*scratching my head* This doesn’t seem responsive to the point I was making.
Which isn’t a horrible thing, I’m just wondering if you thought it was.
LOL! Absolutely unresponsive!
Just thought you were interested in the picture. And not touching the hopium issue with a 100-yard mine detonator!
I have no problem with this picture and God together.
If one really believes PDJT was appointed for this time in history.
Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons, he sets up kings and deposes them.
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
Ah! That’s a nice way to look at it!
I’d like to know who the signallers are. I have seen what were considered signals from Devin Nunes and Chuck Grassley regarding corn harvest.
I’ve seen a number of videos from Dan Scavino that people seemed to think were signals. I tend to think of them as points of encouragement, letting us know that Dan and PDJT are on the same page as we are, that they are in the fight, and that things are going on that we aren’t privy to (In other words, very 17-like).
And of course there are the nefarious signals from James Corney
and others like him. I think those are signals to fellow bad guys.
But as for signals with messages that we can follow and look back on and realize they were actual coded messages, I’m at a loss.
The pic of PDJT deplaning is iconic and appropriate for the current crisis. It highlights the difference in our real president and a usurper. I’m not surprised if several different people are using it.
Yup. Well said. That picture says TONS.
C o r n e y???
Very clever of you.
Hey, there — howya doin’???
Walking without a walker. Looking good.
Good to hear. Maintain that bacon level, and you’ll be right as rain.
Glad to hear it, Pgroup!
That reminds me of a story from a hospital.
A patient is going, “after this, I won’t be able to play the piano!!!”
Visitor asks, “were you ever able to play the piano before?”
pgroup: “The doctors are telling me that I’m not going to make the qualification cut for gymnastics at the next Olympics….”
cthulhu: “MOAR BACON!!!!!”
Bacon. The real vitamin B.
There’s pgroup!!!

Glad to hear you’re doing well!
This is GREAT news!

Great to hear!
See also:
Or… Biclen
(Of course they use the appropriate fonts)
You were asking about those questioning the election being called domestic terrorists?
Actually it was vaccine resisters/doubters, but this was alarming.
I was given a link, and on reading the actual DHS document, it seems as if SD was overreacting a bit. See my comments yesterday.
Dan Scavino?
You don’t get any closer to VSGPDJT than that.
Watching the clock to be first, just to type that? The eyerolling is just tedious and serves no purpose at this point, as everyone knows your opinion. Time for some new material.
By the same token, I could imply that you should be silent because everyone knows your opinion.
And no, I wasn’t “Watching the clock” so you can drop the snide, bordering on accusatory, tone. It’s not my fault no one else commented before I did.
Has Wheatie offered ACERBIC as the word of the day yet?
Not sure acerbic and accusatory are the same but they seem to get the same result on the receiving end. There is a certain behavior that is so foreign to me that it stuns me every time it happens. And it shouldn’t because even the great climax of the Christian story weaves bitter betrayal into it’s deepest fibers.
When anyone here at the tree disparages, attacks, accuses. It just stings.
May we be on the antonyms side of this equation.
Synonyms for acerbic
Words Related to acerbic
Near Antonyms for acerbic
Just found this one, stuck due to too many links!
Has Wheatie offered ACERBIC as the word of the day yet?
Not sure acerbic and accusatory are the same but they seem to get the same result on the receiving end. There is a certain behavior that is so foreign to me that it stuns me every time it happens. And it shouldn’t because even the great climax of the Christian story weaves bitter betrayal into it’s deepest fibers.
When anyone here at the tree disparages, attacks, accuses. It just stings.
May we be on the antonyms side of this equation.
Synonyms for acerbic
acerb, acid, acidic, acidulous, acrid, barbed, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, mordant, pungent, sarcastic, sardonic, satiric (or satirical), scalding, scathing, sharp, smart-aleck, smart-alecky, smart-mouthed, snarky, tart
Words Related to acerbic
brisk, cross, sharp-tongued, sour, sourish, spiky (also spikey), tartish
incisive, keen, poignant, trenchant
cynical, dry, ironic (also ironical), wry
facetious, flippant, tongue-in-cheek
acrimonious, bitter, resentful, vitriolic
harsh, rough, severe, stringent
abrupt, blunt, brusque (also brusk), concise, crisp, curt, gruff, pithy, snippety, snippy, succinct, terse
backhanded, insincere
Near Antonyms for acerbic
amusing, droll, merry, playful, sportive, waggish
gentle, mild
good-humored, good-natured
diplomatic, polite, smooth, suave, urbane
affable, cordial, genial, gracious, hospitable, sociable
Note: I also posted this without stripping out all the links to other words and that one is in the bin … and can stay in the bin … thank you to the bin handlers!
Good people
do NOT
rip apart
their allies
on the battle field
while under fire.
It’s not clear to me why your remarks are in response to Steve instead of Gingersmom.
Steve’s opening comment was about people on the internet who are thought to be “signalers.” I agree with him. I think that what some people view as “signals” are often nothing of the sort — meaning that something innocently posted, or posted with a different purpose, is considered a signal. And “signal posts” can be, and at times are, used to string people along.
Then Steve was accused of watching the clock so he could be the first commenter. Mind-reading, anyone? And the comments that follow that one were — unlike Steve’s post — personal attacks against him.
I would welcome more healthy skepticism about internet con artists, about people who string others along and gain followers and attention from that, and about ideas that have no basis in reality and that no one will flesh out. People need to back up their theories. The absence of that is frustrating to no end. Things just “are,” even when there is no concrete evidence and when, often, no logical theory of the case being put forward.
Because I wanted Steve to know that I saw what Gingersmom did. I have no need to engage with someone that acts that way. But I do want to support those that are experiencing their attack.
Thank you for your reply and for the clarification.
Attack? Really? I’m not explaining myself again, you can read the comment directly above yours – if interested.
As I said to Steve, I’m just so over reading comments where the sole point is to sledgehammer “hope”. And when it’s 12:04 AM it looks like the commenter couldn’t wait to jump on it.
No more, no less. Literally. I had to drive 400 miles yesterday, so I haven’t read any follow-up anything.
Unless there’s some sort of secret caste system here, I assume I’m allowed to express dismay and frustration.
How do you know what any commenter’s purpose is? You assumed Steve was watching the clock so he could be the first to post. You assumed he was posting with the purpose of sledgehammering hope. How do you know his intentions?
Steve expresses hope frequently. He also points out what I see: that lots of assumptions are being made by people on the internet, and almost none of them pan out. IMO, they give false hope which leads to even more disappointment. And they make us more vulnerable.
There is lots of hope that is factual, with the election audits, all of Mike Lindell’s work, more people waking up, PDJT’s continued involvement and comments, etc. Speaking for myself — I don’t need speculation from a random person on the internet about pics and what they *might* mean. It’s fine for anyone to post them, but it’s also fine to point out the fallacies in them. If that sledgehammers your hope, that’s unfortunate. It might be good to look at all the other, real sources of hope and not on signs that are open to interpretation.
I’ve had it with the crazy theories that conservatives spend months promoting, that never made sense in the first place and that are not true. One is that RBG had a double filling in for her at SCOTUS because she was already dead. Another is that no one was working at the WH but were instead on a movie set in LA. I made a few comments about those but held my tongue a lot. I’m going to continue to speak up for logic and, more to the point, for people to flesh out their theories and defend them. They can’t and won’t do it, and that’s all one needs to know about the veracity of the theories.
I’m saying this now so my purpose will be clear: I am not shooting down hope; I have lots of hope. I am asking people to defend what they post.
I have great hope in Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s expertise. That is tangible, and irrefutable and we’re supposed to see the report – perhaps tomorrow. I also believe in the intangible, and am smart enough and humble enough to realize that we are in unprecedented times (unprecedented within our lifetimes) and things go on that are beyond my understanding. God, and the firmament are beyond my understanding. Some people have that same thought and dismiss God as “Sky Daddy”, because it can’t be “proven” or “defended”. I’m not one of those people.
I did notice that I’m not the only one who had a problem with Steve’s comment. And like I said to him, I don’t need gratuitous profanity to make a point. People that actually believe what they’re saying don’t need vulgarity for punctuation.
I’m done here. HAGN
I’m simply over people who appear to get off sledgehammering hope. And the 12:04 AM time signature makes it look like you couldn’t wait to do so. No more, no less. Don’t like it, tough.
Look, it’s one thing to dislike what I post.
It’s another goddamn thing to assume my motives.
I looked at the clock, said, Oh, look I’ll bet a new thread is up, and commented.
I did NOT sit, watch the clock, and jump on it. If I had it would have been 12:01.
If you insist on ascribing motivation to me, then you can go straight to hell.
Don’t like it? TOUGH SHIT BITCH.
Obviously, the time factor was merely my secondary point. And someone as bright as you knows that, yet chooses to ignore it.
In closing, I never, ever rely on profanity to make a point. That’s pretty much the hallmark of the weak left, and drunk freshman.
Or of someone who is absolutely, furious–literally shaking–at being accused of something–twice, the second time after a denial–he did not do.
As for your primary point, you apparently think I should NOT call out falsehood. And all of the “This is a movie” BS is FALSEHOOD. (I can think of ONE political side which benefits from getting us to hope things will right themselves on their own.)
Of course, we already know what you do when called on falsehood, you just double down on it.
But God FORBID someone should question the bullshit…oh my, apparently arguing that someone has faith in a lie is the biggest sin of all.
As I said, Go To Hell.
It’s always puzzled me that you begin the discourse with a “like” of whatever comment of mine that offends you. Strange.
In any event, you’re welcome to call out falsehood till the cows come home. My problem is that you declare that it is falsehood. And once you declare it, case closed. Whereas, I don’t declare ANYTHING. I stated, and will continue to state, that I am wise enough to understand that there are things happening here beyond my ability to discern. I also stated that God and the firmament are beyond my ability to discern. I believe these things. And I don’t think I’m alone here in those beliefs – in this small online meet-up, or anywhere among thoughtful engaged people.
I never said that I think things will right themselves on their own. I also never said that you should not call out falsehood. My point is that you DECLARE FALSEHOOD as an absolute, and grind your heel so everyone is obliged to back off. I don’t back off. And I was not the only one who noticed the tone of your comment.
Look, I’m not one who quotes scripture, I don’t wear it on my sleeve. But there are forces at work here (for good and evil) that are far greater than you or I. So much greater as to be beyond understanding. And you can continue to curse, belittle, and jump up and down like Rumpelstiltskin – you’re not changing my mind.
I’m done here, I won’t be replying again.
As usual, cut and run when there’s pushback.
While you’re at it, why not tell the rest of us your opinions about us?
You can read my summation to Steve, if still interested.
A simple question, ragging?
Here. Scoff at will.
So back to my original question.
When, in the past, have these “signalers” ever accurately signaled anything?
Since what is being signaled has not happened yet or been revealed, answering your question would lead to a circular conversation.
Of course, you know that. So why would I fall for the trap?
So, you are saying that no signal, in the past five years, has yet to come to pass?
Off the top of my head, a couple of Q related ones have, but what exactly went down when the street fighter leaders were rounded up last summer has not been revealed.
I find it fascinating, all the signaling, which is why I follow it. You follow metal prices. We all have our own interests.
“Fascinating” sure…but it’s fiction. And I worry that a lot of it is planted by the enemy to distract us.
As for metal prices, apparently you’d be surprised how often I go to write the Saturday daily and realize I haven’t looked at them since the last time I wrote a daily.
It was of great interest to a number of people a few months ago because rumors were swirling about a major play on silver by the same people who messed with that one gaming company stock…but like most rumors and signaling, it turned out to be nothing. Maybe I’ll just drop it.
No, I find it interesting, compared to the rest of the economy.
I do appreciate the metals prices. I think of it as my tiny bit of metals market learning. Apparently metals don’t move the way we are told they should and that in itself is interesting to me. And also, a big thank you for the incredible effort you put into your Saturday posts. You are part of why I see the Q Tree being on the cutting edge of decentralized learning.
Two votes aye, one (likely) vote nay. Cool.
Thanks for the kind words in re: the physics.
Good, well, it does help when putting in that much effort to see that someone is benefiting from your work.
BTW. Did you see my comment to you on Gab a few days back?
I did see this. (Someone either posted a link or it got copied over here.)
Who voted nay?
I really like your gold posts. If I ever have occasion to share your creative feedback, I will, lol.
I like gold price posting. Maybe of interest:
Palantir Technologies (the super secret data analytics company whose largest customer is the US government and where Peter Thiel was an early investor) disclosed in an August 12th earning statement for its fiscal 2nd quarter that they purchased $50.7 Million in 100 oz gold bars being stored in a Northeastern United States facility. If the average price they paid was $2,000 an ounce, that would be 250 – 100 ounce bars https://gab.com/emoji/1f633.svghttps://gab.com/emoji/1f440.svg
Why would a company who 1) just recently IPO’d and 2) who is still unprofitable be purchasing all of this Gold??!!??!! They know something…
end of cut/paste because faux bidden didnt win
And I worry that a lot of it is planted by the enemy to distract us.
If I were a betting type, ^^^ looks like a nice pay off likely.
^^^^This, a thousand times.
Grounding comments that invoke logical thought and require people to defend their theories are very valuable. We need that kind of balance, IMO.
And yes, it’s WAY too easy to fool us because it’s so much more fun to look for mysteries and puzzles to solve than to be grounded in reality. I have several pet peeves that I won’t mention because people still think something provably false is true, and they don’t want to hear otherwise.
Coincidence? No. Signalling? Also probably no. We’re in a terrible predicament in Afghanistan, and the pic is an iconic one showing the leadership the PDJT exhibited on the issue. There is probably no better pic to illustrate that and to contrast PDJT and the usurper.
I would like to know what the supposed signal is thought to be. Not “we can’t know that yet,” but speculation, from those who think it’s a signal, about what it could be signalling.
Too many pictures, and way too much hope. That something might be beyond our comprehension. God is way beyond my comprehension.
Haven’t watched it yet, looks interesting.
Love it! Prager and Ayn Rand!
I am watching it, it’s very interesting!
@38 minutes the dog seems to have got bored and fell asleep…the mic picks up his/her snoring.
Dog probably follows logical positivism.
HIs dog snores on many of his videos.
A strange and amusing and predictable sidebar.
What’s ironic is that Biddle’s atheism, Judaism, and Christianity are all saying that “this life matters”, but they appeal to that idea in different ways. Biddle says it matters because there’s nothing else. Judaism says it does because God says it does and designed a reality where it does, and heaven is a secondary question somewhat above your pay grade. Christianity says “heaven is SOLVED, you’re in, now get back to work on problems HERE per standard Judaism”.
Meanwhile, Buddhism has what I regard as a neater class of solutions which intersect the others to varying degrees, but (as most do) gets bogged down in making definitive statements on what should be theological hypotheses.
Prager is always a fave of mine! Conservative intellectualism without a lot of the baggage others have brought to that role. But yeah, I miss Buckley.
I do not. He and his associates simply condemned Ayn Rand outright. As if they believed they had no good argument against it; they smeared her.
Was not aware of that! I had Buckley friends and Rand friends, and they always respected each other. I guess us kids were the adults in the room!
Whittaker Chambers’ review of Atlas Shrugged was simply a smear job.
And when they had their big 50th anniversary issue, they reprinted it, showing they were still proud of it.
I wasn’t able to find the full Chambers review, but what little shown there is simply (IMO) not reasonable.
Rand was a unique writer – not everybody’s cup of tea, but Chambers’ reaction seems beyond wrong – it seems WEIRD.
A great critique of Chambers’ critique here:
And, like I said, NR was proud of that 50 years later.
I could say more, but I think Donald Trump has done more to help NR bury NR than anyone alive today!
LOL, yes.
This might help you.
I wasn’t aware of this conflict previously. I’m really on the fence about Buckley in many ways, but the way Rand is presented in what I have been able to find, it confirms some observations about non-believers for me.
I’ll leave it there.
Great link!
“All the great and enlightened differences belong to us.” -Conservatism
It just looked to me that someone DARED to do an honest critique of the queen of conservatism and she did the typical female thing and avoided all contact afterwards.
I haven’t looked to see if there is a critique of the critique anywhere other than to shout it down.
I think I found it, even if it’s not on the NR website.
Another thought….
The book was actually published by a publishing house. Random House, whose offerings to the public were hardly random, but purposefully chosen.
Thank you! While I agree with many points Chambers makes here, I also have to say, he basically proves (to me, at least) that Rand understood an essential nature of commies that I did not fully appreciate until Newsom, Cuomo, and all our reds were thoroughly unmasked. And I will bet that Trump understood it, too.
It was a good squabble, IMO. I learn more from Ayn Rand’s errors than from most people’s main points.
All that said, her characters are delivery vehicles, not people. I would not make the same choice! :wink;
This may be WHY it was a smear job.
“….Whittaker Chambers was an American writer-editor, who, after early years as a Communist Party member and Soviet spy, defected from the Soviet underground, worked for Time magazine, and then testified about the Ware group in what became the Hiss case for perjury, often referred to as the trial of the century…” — WIKI
I don’t care for her either.
And that is fine. What one shouldn’t do, however, is lie about what she said, and Whittaker Chambers did that.
He critiqued a work of fiction and pointed out that the materialism is no different coming from any side. I read the review.
And I do agree that the characters in that book are not all that rounded. It was one of the reasons I put it down.
So what was this bullshit line about “To the gas chambers, go?”
It was a hypothetical. He was talking about the TONE of the writing.
It is his opinion.
One of the things I will say here is that Prager shows several times a certain tendency I’ve noted in many non-atheists, which can be described as “presumption about what bothers atheists”. Typically this is found in people who either have never been atheists, or have not known enough of them. Generally speaking, there is precious little that “bothers” atheists, and when such assertions of “bother” show up, they seem very much like straw men to me. In all my experience, atheists are almost always very comfortable where they are, and not bothered by a lot. And at the root of the assertion that there is bother, IMO, is projection. People who were “bothered” into some state of satisfaction where they are now, need to remember that it works the other way, too.
I suspect that it arises from a lot of people who are labelled “atheists” being actually more “agnostics”. A-theism, a declaration that there is no God, is actually a statement of Faith as strong as any Believer’s. Being agnostic is more like, “if there is an omniscient god, he could certainly access my phone number.”
Actually, it’s much more confusing than that.
Many atheist activists actually refer to themselves as “agnostic atheists.”
They define “atheism” as “having no belief in a god or gods” not holding that there positively isn’t a god (or gods). That’s by contrast with “theism” (belief in a god (or gods)). Used in this way the word addresses someone’s belief (or lack of same) on a certain specific question, rather than actually making a factual claim.
This clearly isn’t the way you are using the word “atheist.” In fact, atheists who will state that they are absolutely positive there is no god are quite rare; they are as aware as you are of the difficulty of proving a negative. (More common is the atheist who is sure that the specific god described in the Bible (“Yahweh”) does not exist, but that doesn’t mean some other deity couldn’t exist.)
The “agnostic” comes to play when the same person believes that in principle the question cannot be answered OR (less stringently) admits he doesn’t know. So an “agnostic atheist” is someone who doesn’t believe there is a god, but doesn’t claim to know there isn’t one–or even claims one cannot know.
I was alluding to that “back-story”, but merely trying to address Wolf’s original point about Prager’s odd choices of “things that bother atheists.”
The assumption that there are “things that bother atheists” indicates a very limited understanding of the various sorts of agnosticism and atheism out there. Wolf is perfectly correct in calling-out the Prager vid’s over-simplification.
I did agree with what he said.
Atheists — Agnostics — Religious, They are ALL irrelevant from the point of view of Ayn Rand and her philosophy.
What matters is the INDIVIDUAL.
Rand by passes the trap of ‘Human Rights’ are HANDED to you, the individual by a HIGHER AUTHORITY, God. It is a MAJOR trap because once you remove religion, which our would be owners are busy trying to do, then the HIGHER AUTHORITY becomes the STATE.
The concept that RIGHTS are an intrinsic part of an individual is due to our ability to think and reason and plan for the future.
…“presumption about what bothers atheists”….
Well as an agnostic and an atheist (Hubby) we can tell you what bothers us. The abandonment of REASON AND LOGIC.
If a religious person is losing an argument based on REASON they DEFAULT to an APPEAL TO AUTHORITY — The Koran or the Bible. OR as we are seeing now “Scientists Say” (Scientism)
“Scientists Say” =/= a well researched paper BTW especially with LIARS like FauXi or Cook or Mikey the Mann.
I believe the inability by most to combine reason and logic with a sincere belief in God is what creates agnosticism and atheism.
I perceive no conflict between science and God, and can converse on that basis with almost anyone. And I enjoy doing so.
Weren’t most of the early scientists also men (& women?) of faith? It would seem (to me) that a belief & faith in God would actually promote scientific inquiry. At the same time it might just restrain the usage of scientifically gained knowledge via some moral or ethical code.
Many were and many still are people of faith. Clergy and lay religious even. Albertus Magnus, we know him as St. Albert the Great in Catholicism, was a Dominican friar. He brought chemistry out of the age of alchemy.
Fascinating, DP
The most quoted scientist in genetics was a Franciscan Sister of Mary. Sister Mary Ann Volk.
Gregor Mendel was an Augustinian monk.
There have been many over the centuries.
Well, these people who may have removed themselves from the typical woes of human life (marriage & family) may have had more time & energy to focus on mental/scientific pursuits in addition to spiritual/contemplative ones.
They were called for that life, just as many who are married are called to that life.
It’s not for everyone.
Yes they were.
Many people of faith, who are also scientists or trained in engineering math and science, have no problem arguing logically as we can see here on the Q-Tree. However since the training in LOGIC has been DELIBERATELY suppressed in American schools you end up with a lot of people who default to an appeal to authority.
In the Marxist it isn’t even an appeal to the Bible or anything else!
The Philosophy of Karl Marx
There is no hope of logically arguing with them.
Interestingly enough, though, Marxism does mirror what we call “living in community” among the religious orders. It’s not an easy life, I understand, and it is laid out in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. It only works if it is voluntary, and that is where Marxism is simply not workable.
The Marxists have to steal EVERY THING…
And then, they pervert it.
Just Wow. Atheistic gnosticism?
I agree. And almost everyone was a person of faith in God five hundred years ago. Even two hundred. Atheism is a modern construct in my estimation.
Even pagans believed in God. They called the Creator by many names, but they still believed.
I believe that Scripture pronounces “the fool says in his heart that there is no God!” Prescient!
I honestly don’t see how a person can look at this world, what a miracle it is that we can even EXIST, and not see the hand of the Creator.
I can discuss pretty much any topic from multiple perspectives, but I can’t fathom that one.
I don’t claim any particular religion, and even am somewhat “pagan” in my overall belief system, many would say. But to not believe in the Creator is just baffling to me.
That is why I am an agnostic and NOT an atheist.
I do not know and I ACKNOWLEDGE I do not KNOW. Doesn’t mean I can not hope.
Agreed! “The heavens declare the glory of the Lord & the earth shows forth His handiwork.”
Michael Faraday (he who discovered how to generate electricity with magnets) was one among many, if I recall correctly.
Isaac Newton was too.
Charles Darwin (!!) was too, early in life; he initially wanted to become a minister.
Those are just two I can think of right off the top of my head and I am sure many others I’ve talked about in my posts were too, but it wasn’t why I was researching them…it’s off the radar when I go looking.
However one false hit is Albert Einstein. Though he’d often use the term “god” as a metaphor, he wasn’t in the slightest bit religious, in the sense that he didn’t believe in a personal god (one who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings). He did express some sympathy with the pantheistic notion of Spinoza’s god.
Very interesting. We once saw a demonstration/historical reenactment of George Washington Carver at Greenfield Village. In it the actor claimed that his relationship with God & prayer life was what enabled him to discover so many uses for peanuts, iirc (dozens or even scores of uses).
Smart people acknowledging & surrendering to God are pretty much Always going to have an edge over those who don’t allow for the existence, & promptings, of The Devine in their calculations!
“….Two observations on that:
1) if you are actually encountering people who appeal to God’s Word as their highest authority, that’s an unusual thing.
Most appeal to various doctrines, commandments or traditions of men….”
Agreed, Why do you think it drives us NUTZ!
“….Most appeal to various doctrines, commandments or traditions of men….” — And that is the main reason I am an agnostic or at least not a church goer.
I do have ONE friend who bases every decision and choice on the Bible. Her church studies only the word. There is no other doctrine or tradition. It is unusual, to be sure.
Any friend that truly lives according to their faith that (1) God is good, (2) God made a way for use to let that goodness flow through us, (3) makes the effort to learn how to let that higher goodness flow, is going to be the one you want in your foxhole. All friendships have troubles, but this kind of person will stick with you and have your back.
This friend of mine is definitely one I could count on.
“If a religious person is losing an argument based on REASON they DEFAULT to an APPEAL TO AUTHORITY — The Koran or the Bible.”
Two observations on that:
1) if you are actually encountering people who appeal to God’s Word as their highest authority, that’s an unusual thing.
Most appeal to various doctrines, commandments or traditions of men.
2) there should be no conflict between REASON and God’s Word. God is generally quite reasonable, and a God of reason.
“Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you before the LORD of all the righteous acts of the LORD, which he did to you and to your fathers.” (1 Sam 12:7, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thess 5:21)
“And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures, [3] Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.” (Acts 17:2-3, boldface emphasis mine)
And Apollos: “For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.” (Acts 18:28, boldface emphasis mine)
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1, boldface emphasis mine)
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18, boldface emphasis mine)
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11, boldface emphasis mine)
One of my favorite examples is when the Jewish sect of the Sadducees tested Jesus. The two primary sects of Judaism at that time were the Sadducees and the Pharisees. The Pharisees had their own problems, but they believed in the resurrection of the dead.
The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead, and this dispute between the Pharisees and Sadducees was unresolvable.
So the Sadducees posed a hypothetical to Jesus regarding a woman who had seven husbands, who was widowed seven times, and they wanted to know whose wife she would be in the resurrection.
Jesus replied:
“Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. [30] For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. [31] But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, [32] I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” (Matthew 22:29-32, boldface and underline emphasis mine)
Jesus was reasoning from the Scriptures, referencing Exodus 3:6:
“Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.” (Exodus 3:6, boldface and underline emphasis mine)
Jesus’ whole point, proving the Sadducees’ erroneous belief beyond dispute, hinged entirely on the tense of the word “AM”, i.e., the Scriptures do not say “I WAS the God of Abraham” as if Abraham is no more; but says “I AM the God of Abraham”, present tense. Abraham is alive in the resurrection.
And the Sadducees could say nothing in reply.
Which I love
Jesus does that many times. The discussion or argument ends, because His opponent has nothing he can say. They were always trying to entrap Him with words, and He always turned it around, and left them speechless. Makes me smile in appreciation, every time
It happened so often, that at one point, they quit trying:
“And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.” (Matthew 22:46, KJV)
Ayn Rand wrote my favorite line in a book, ever.
“Toohey: “Mr. Roark, we’re alone here. Why don’t you tell me what you think of me? In any words you wish. No one will hear us.”
Roark: “But I don’t think of you.”
― Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
A good reminder of ANOTHER classic book by Rand.
Indeed! A classic. The whole subtext of “second hander” versus independent person encapsulated in one dialog.
The secondhander, of course, is someone who gains their sense of self worth based on what others think of them. I suspect most people have this to a varying degree; but some base themselves entirely on it.
The fight to break free of the need to be pleasing to our fellow man is a struggle for nearly everyone. Even when we think we are free from it.
It is why you should make your children deal with the bullies and other nasties in school on their own with a bit of help as needed. Riding to the rescue or as happened recently, telling someone their child is ‘Sensitive’ and therefore you should not yell in front of them (at another idiot parent placing a child in danger) is, in my opinion, CHILD ABUSE!
Good grief, the amount of noise a bunch of young kids can make can deafen you, so do not tell me kids can’t deal with noise!
Over protectiveness can do a lot of damage to a child but normally a person can grow up and just get the knocks of life later.
I think military was good for boys to become men.
Of course, now it’s good for boys to become girls….
Sadly so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A relative with a pre-teen boy just getting into trouble got him a dog and had him learn to train the dog (used a set of training videos for dog training) and this showed him how to be a leader in demeanor and action. No more bullying after that.
Having to train an animal is a great way to learn dicipline and responsibility too if they have full charge of the animal.
That is the different between an adult and child. A child seeks self worth and approval from its surroundings but when a person become an adult and matures one becomes centered.
By centered I mean one is secure who one is.
Just my observation however if one never matures or does not have a chance too then one could seek self worth and approval all their life. That must be a miserable state to be in.
Dogs come handy they give unconditional approval
I am not a shrink but this is what I think
I think it’s not uncommon for adults to be impaired in this manner.
Just one example: How many women have you known whose entire sense of self-worth is endangered if they’re not in a relationship? To the extent where they’ll be in a bad one rather than have nothing?
And think of all those vain celebrities…
That is true.
Or the women who let other women tell them how to dress or wear their hair or make-up or ….
The pressure from other women to CONFORM can be quite intense. I flipped them off starting in grade school.
(Cavers do not have much of a fashion sense)
I’ll take functional over “fashion”, (whatever the hell fashion is), every day, all day.
Learn to do it right and you can have both without any issue.
Charles Schulz had it nailed in his alter-ego Charlie Brown. From “A Charlie Brown Christmas” one sees this. Note the wonderful music from Vince Guaraldi, who died far too young, at 43…
Yes he did .
Yes. Most people do place a great premium on the approbation of others.
Well I just finished watching this one (Just over 1 hour) and it is very good. Mostly about the Law, FauXi and ‘Nuremberg’
June 17, 2021
Video added -Wolf…..
Very good stuff!
Wolfie, This older video of The Prof and the Doc discussing the FauXi emails is just as good.
The evil and the wicked say “I’ve done nothing wrong.”

Taliban defeats Bye-done. Pretty good show by a bunch of 4th century troglodytes.
At this point, Bye-done could probably be defeated by shoelaces.
Likely shoelaces have defeated BiteMe.
With BiteMe’s dementia, his shoes may be slip on or someone ties his shoes for him.
The only BiteMe seems to do without coaxing, staff pointing the right direction to walk, is eat ice cream.
Well we know the stairs have his number already!
HA! Gotta watch those stairs. They look so innocent, but they’re always there waiting – patiently – silently – like communists – to trip the unwary!
Here’s some more stairs waiting for the cabal… one might say treason is the reason for the season…

Yours and cthulhu’s below are my two nominees for the best comments of the day!
And “President Biden’s” handlers are bringing thousands of potential Afghan terrorists to the United States — and are OK with thousands of American citizens being potential hostages / Kuffar massacres to the Taliban.
Marjorie Taylor Greene was interviewed by Steve Bannon. She is on fire about the spending bills coming up for a vote (infrastructure and budget) and says she will primary any Republican who votes for them. She isn’t kidding. She says she is a top fundraiser without even making many phone calls, and if she started calling big donors, she could show them exactly what would happen to them because of Repubs, because of these bills. She is fighting for us and is urging people to call Congress and tell them every day next week to vote no (basically “or else”).
She keeps two lists “in her pocket”: the 10 Repubs who voted to impeach PDJT, and the 11 Repubs who voted to kick her off committee.
202-224-3121 – phone number for Congress. She is urging people to call every Repub in the House, every day.
She has a PAC: Save America Stop Socialism PAC (SASS PAC) that is working to put America first and support America-first candidates. sasspac.com
She is the Best Congress Critter we have. SHE should be SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE because SHE SPEAKS FOR THE PEOPLE!
Austin Bay weighs in —
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins] https://t.me/s/codemonkeyz
Not sure what the signaling is, though.
That pic is from PDJT making a surprise visit to Afghanistan…on Thanksgiving.
He met with our troops there, gave a brief speech, then helped serve them Thanksgiving dinner.
Could the signaling be that PDJT loves our troops…and would never have put them, and our people there, through what the Bidenistas are putting them through?
There are “11,000 minimum” Americans left behind enemy lines, told to shelter in place because of Joe’s actions. If the buck stops with Joe, he should be at the front until every American, and American soldier is brought back safe, imo. Stop cowering in your bunker Joe.
Those relatives of the 11,000 should peaceful protest in front of the WH until their loved one are out of Afghanistan. They are tax payers they have a right to be out first and not left to be butchered by Taliban. This is an outrage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yellow ribbons? Anyone else remember?
Yes I remember.
Looking at that baby wolf howl….
It’s hard to imagine that our esteemed Wolf today once had that bad of a haircut…..
Found a video mentioning Christine Cotton who posted a pdf with an analysis of data from the VAERS.
* No need to watch it, I recommend checking the pdf. There is another video but I think it’s in French
This is the description from the video
Exclusive analysis: the biostastician Christine Cotton, with 23 years of experience, returns for a new debriefing, after providing us with her expertise on the results of the trials of the four vaccines four months ago. She performed a complete analysis of American pharmacovigilance data, the only database available for download. Over 400,000 lines of data analyzed over the past three months, representing hundreds of hours of volunteer work. Christine Cotton is independent and unrelated to the pharmaceutical industry.
.pdf download: https://www.francesoir.fr/sites/francesoir/files/fs_vaers_data_analysis_report-2021-08-08.pdf
Thanks so much for bringing this information and the links. Saved the PDF of the report.
I put up the synopsis so it can be easily saved and shown to others.
(The Lo-infos are not going to look at 40+ pages.)
STATS FROM https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-rate/
CFR = deaths / (deaths + recovered)
2% CFR (worldwide)
2.3% CFR (outside of mainland China)
FROM: https://www.francesoir.fr/sites/francesoir/files/fs_vaers_data_analysis_report-2021-08-08.pdf
Those Stats show of those taking the vaccine:
1.4% DIE
Among the 5546 deaths, the mean time until death is 22 days.
28 % of deaths occured during the 3 days after vaccination
40 % occured during the 7 days after vaccination
67 % occured during the 21 days after vaccination
Page 28 is for
2 436 women were found to be pregnant when searching for pregnant, pregnancy or foetal disorders, abortion, premature delivery into coded symptom
According to CDC variable, only 4,1 % ADRs lead to birth defect or congenital anomaly. We also include foetal death, heart abnormality, growth abnormality, cardiac arrest, cerebral haemorrhage), abortion, premature baby death, premature delivery, rupture of membranes, separation of placenta, vaginal haemorrhage in pregnancy.
When mixing CDC variable and calculated variable,
At least 675 baby deaths
[CDC stats show 1270 fetal deaths
https://www.globalresearch.ca/cdc-own-stats-show-1270-premature-fetal-deaths-following-covid-shots-recommend-pregnant-women-get-covid-injections/5752897 ]
28 % (11,8+16,6) of pregnant women have a disorder during 3 days after vaccination
40 % during the 7 days after vaccination
65 % during the 21 days after vaccination
NOTE: The 2%/2.3% death rate for covid is for all ages
Most of those deaths are OVER 45. The Vaccine deaths are in YOUNG PEOPLE

GREAT information. Have shared on another forum and downloaded for reference. Thanks for posting.
Along with Gail’s data posts.
Hopefully this will help wake some folks.
Nice article for Steve —
Even if WE could not (then) exchange dollars for gold, there were foreign governments around who basically would have kept our government honest (not inflating the hell out of our money), had we continued to let the system operate.
Of course the same people doing the inflating were the ones who were allowing the system to operate (or not) so this was the inevitable result. They could remove the watch dog function, so they did.
On the plus side, with the dollar decoupled from gold there was no reason to ban us holding gold any more so eventually we were allowed to do so.
(Of course there was ZERO constitutional warrant for such a ban but that wasn’t going to stop the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned FDR or his successors through Ford.)
Inflation is another kind of touchless destruction of the people.

Benjamin Wittes has bailed from the goodship Biden, and NatSecLisa is waxing poetic about the demise of her fig tree that was struck by lightning in the storm that hit DC recently.
If the radical left ever got into a position in the USA where they had unrestricted power, would a scenario such as this be all that far-fetched?

No, they have already written up an idea called green camps in the CDC.
Medical socialism is an abomination, and the sooner we put a stake in its black heart, the fewer will die.
Yes. Need all the ones pulling strings not just the faces!
LOL, I just read that as “laces” not “faces” as in shoelaces.
Here you go!

Socialism is a dysfunction.
Actual CDC document:
Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 ℕ𝔸ℤ𝕀 𝔾𝔼ℝ𝕄𝔸ℕ𝕐! 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕂𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕠𝕗𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕞 𝕒𝕜𝕒 𝕌𝕊𝔼𝕃𝔼𝕊𝕊 𝔼𝔸𝕋𝔼ℝ𝕊!
Yep Gail, they didnt destroy the nazi “research” they studied it and stored it for future use.
Exactly! This is NAZI. The Nazis were not THAT devious, though. They knew they could kill all the people living in facilities, but OUR Donkey Nazis want to concentrate the vulnerable INTO facilities.
Tom Lehrer captured that many years ago in his song “Wernher von Braun”, infinitely snarkey, (especially considering that von Braun repented and became a Christian). Note the melody in the intro: the German National Anthem (which PDQ Bach, aka Peter Schickele renders as “It’s Alice, It’s Alice, It’s Alice Über Deutschland”…
Have to say, with his name, he is likely of German Jewish descent. Funny as all heck, and a great professor (at UC Santa Cruz) and musician to boot…
If I’m reading it correctly, high risk = older individuals and it makes no mention of vax.
The line about ‘until there aren’t anymore cases’ LOL..they themselves say it will continue mutating .. there will always be more cases, always. It’s a virus
Gail – combine THAT with THIS:
Something this person SAID tripped a wire in me that said “They’re doing what Hitler did, but they’re sneaking it in, under the flag of COVID and phony benevolence.”
Remember Obama’s “ethics” advisers? They were utilitarian (Nazi) FREAKS.
They see the elderly as resisters to socialism, so they are literally killing them off under the guise of helping them. It’s subtle and statistical, but they can GAME THE STATISTICS.
That’s why the PCR test – because if you SEND THE UNINFECTED into “COVID UNITS”, they catch the disease.
Check out this quote (important stuff in bold). Particularly about the COVID UNIT. This is Cuomo by a different technique.
This is why the press and the feminists had to take down Cuomo. The whole thing is a giant geriatric genocide op.
Now they want to herd the high-risk individuals TOGETHER.
This is all genocide under the guise of medicine, by gaming it to disastrous outcomes – just like they destroyed Trump’s pullout from Afghanistan.
Didn’t a Qtreeper mention the UK was using a lethal drug on the elderly. The same the USA uses on murderers.
AND shoving covid patients into nursing homes was not just in the USA. It was also in the home of the Fabian Society, the UK
DELINGPOLE (one of my favorite writers.)
State of The Nation: COVID KILL SHOT: Either Murder by Lethal Injection or Vaccine Injury via Bioweapon Jab
OUCH, the editors don’t pull any punches in that article.
These guys are a great resourse, I wish I had the time to read more of their articles. They have a great deal of info on Covid.
(They also got hacked.. surprise? NOT!)
Good stuff. The other side is seriously falling apart. They’re going to use some MASSIVE FF to get out of this.
“Now they want to herd the high-risk individuals TOGETHER….”
AND they will GET TO REGULATE WHAT YOU EAT (canned veggies & pasta with no meat)
AND WHAT MEDICATIONS YOU TAKE. (No vitamins or minerals or herbs for YOU granny.)
I guess we figured out how to counter their Bio-Weapon too quickly so they are now on PLAN B.
Notice Zeke Emanuel has been back in the news lately?
I wonder if he’ll take his own advice when he turns 75.
Fingers crossed!
Wolf Moon
This testimony fits right in the Christine Cotton forensic analysis of the VAERS figures (her report is linked above in this thread.) If I’m reading her report correctly, the Moderna “vaccine” appears to be particularly deadly to people over 50 years old.
““I’ve seen 32 elderly people pass away immediately after taking the Moderna vaccine,” Abrien Aguirre told Hawaii Free Speech News. “None of that is being talked about on the news. It doesn’t fit their narrative.””
Well here’s the thing.
I’m not a medical doctor, but if I gave someone an injection, and they keeled over and died immediately, it would be very hard to not conclude the death was related to the injection.
Is it possible they coincidentally had a heart attack or a stroke at the same instant as the injection?
Yes, but unlikely.
By injection #2 (followed immediately by death #2), any NON-doctor would stop, and realize something is wrong with the injections.
So HOW in the WORLD did an actual medical doctor get all the way to injection #32, and not have it dawn on him that the injections are KILLING these people?
I wonder what it was, after the 32nd death, that gave it away?
Doctor was counting in binary. When he realized he needed six digits to write the number (100000) he started thinking it was getting out of hand.
Turned out he tried to byte off more than he could Chiu…
The brainwashing is STRONG.
“They see the elderly as resisters to socialism, so they are literally killing them off under the guise of helping them.”
I remember someone at Chiefio (wordpress) saying that in killing off the elderly they are killing those who experienced and remember freedom better than any other generation still alive.
I’ve said similar here. Those who lived through the lead-up to WWII (1930s and beyond) saw what was happening, the propaganda, the growing segregation, the separation from those “in the party” and those not in the party, and the problems endured by the latter group (my wife’s family being part of them).
My (English) Mum passed away a few years ago,not quite 100 years old, having endured most of WWII in trips to her family’s bomb shelter interspersed with seeing things like the church in which she had her First Communion being destroyed by the Nazi Blitzkrieg over London. She and her family knew well what was going on. My wife’s family, here in Germany, also wanted no part of “the party”.
But, (no) thanks to the totally-controlled media, there were many people who didn’t know the full extent of the atrocities (despite what the MSM says today). My Jewish cello professor told me that many of the Jews here didn’t believe such a thing could happen. Fortunately for her and her sister, and many others, the Dutch Underground provided a means of escape for many, MANY, Jews and other potential victims of the Third Reich.
Wonder if there’ll be such an underground for us???????
Almost all of the folks old enough to remember WWII have passed. The words “May we NEVER forget” almost ring hollow in today’s world. And, we who do not learn or remember history are doomed to repeat it and suffer the consequences…..
Wonder if there’ll be such an underground for us???????
And WHERE would we go? America IS the last stand and that is why the CABAL is fighting so fiercely to destroy her.
I an still convinced they KNOW we are heading into a Little Ice Age/Glaciation and instead of using technology to DEAL with the problems they decided to kill off most of the human population instead.
Geologist William McClenney looked at Glacial Inception from the perspective of geology in a series of posts at WUWT. His posts are gathered together HERE: The End Holocene?
Jo Nova’s Hubby Dr Evans goes into the Sun and climate.
Most recent installment:
New Science 26:
Tony Heller shows that it has cooled Hottest Month Ever! (sarcasm)
Speaking of Chiefio, he has a MASSIVE set of links about COVID which he’s posted, with comments (looks like his various “pi” devices have too many tabs open
)… Interesting read…
Oh, it serves their purposes like crazy.
This is genocide if we don’t stop it.
And the CDC document goes into GREAT detail about “accommodations”, “supplies of soap and hygienic equipment”, the “those at high-risk will be required to keep their locations clean unless they are incapacitated”, AND “discussions regarding supplies of masks, soap, and other items in the event that the number of high-risk individuals begins to outnumber the low-risk.”
ALSO — those who object to their “relocation” will be COUNSELED to “accept the situation as being for the greater good.”
The ONLY things I don’t see discussed in the CDC document are Zyklon-B and “Arbeit Macht Frei.”
By the way, this CDC document was written while Dr. Robert Redfield was the head of the agency. Yeah, THAT Dr. Robert Redfield, who stood right up there on the dais with REALPOTUS 45 Donald Trump. And at the same time, Redfield signed off on this CDC document.
Whenever I read about “shielding” I think of “ground loops”…
In this case, it’s “six-feet-under-ground” loops….
One wonders (especially after reading the many articles about the uniparty/deep state) on cuttingedge.org if all the WWI and WWII and Mengele and Hitler’s Satanist friends “activities” were simply “pilot plants” for what they’re doing now…..
Göbbels and Mengele would be proud, if not downright jealous of what is being *cough* *cough* *hack* *hack*” accomplished now…..


But you do have the freedom to ignore them.
Business records reveal the Chinese Communist Party has retained a stake and a new board seat in TikTok’s parent company ByteDance, which in turn funds Facebook’s fact-checking partner ‘Lead Stories’.
A Reuters report describes how the Chinese technology firm sold a one percent stake to WangTouZhongWen (Beijing) Technology, owned by three state-run entities, on April 30th. “The deal also allowed the Chinese government to appoint a board director at Beijing ByteDance,” the outlet added.
Some people have been making comparisons to our current potential hostage situation in Afghanistan to Mogadishu on steroids. This is a good analogy. However there is a better one. It’s called Dien Bien Phu and that debacle spelled the end of France’s involvement in Viet Nam.
The Battle of Dien Bien Phu took place after the French secured an airstrip there and establishing it as an logistical hub to engage the Viet Cong. The North Vietmenese then occupied the hills of around Dien Bien Phu, ranging it with artillery and brought hellfire to the French. The French tried to reinforce the airstrip but it became too costly and French ended up suing for peace and ended up leaving Viet Nam. The airstrip at Kabul IMO is ment to be our Dien Bien Phu.
The left loves symbolism. Guess who announced on 30 July a visit to Vietnam? A trip which is to begin shortly. One that she currently has no plans on canceling.
So I’m wondering if the 82nd Airborne troops numbering around 5,500 that are currently in Kabul and Kuwait have been purposely sent there with the intention of them being cut to pieces in fierce battles.
The 82nd Airborne was at the center of a major controversy in late May / early June, 2020 regarding their deployment to DC for riot control.
Yes. Meanwhile I’d bank on it that the 82nd also has another Brigade sized element deployed elsewhere and with this one on the ground already we don’t have much forced entry capability left over. The 5,500 number would be about the size of a Brigade sized task force with a Division command and control element led by a one star but normally the Division Commander likes to attend deployments of this size himself even though it is not necessary.
I think we’ve come under denial of service operations shortly after the Dien Bin Phu comment.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 18, 2021
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
QUESTIONS on my mind today:
Can the USA be saved – or will we go the way of the Roman Empire, the British Empire?
Have we gone too far with our decadence, depravity, inhumanity?
Are there enough people repenting and enough righteous people praying to cause GOD to intervene and defeat the evildoers that have taken us captive?
Is Trump going to figure into a possible redemption/restoration of the USA?
LOVE DPat’s banner image!
Excellent questions. The only answer I’d suggest is that Israel was faced with the same on multiple occasions and every time they turned back to God things would turn around for them.
Meanwhile do we have a choice.
Yes we do !
“Have we gone too far with our decadence, depravity, inhumanity?”
What would the evidence suggest?
Millions of babies murdered.
Drag queens reading to children in public libraries.
Complete failure of the judicial system for non-elites.
Empty churches, capacity crowds in sports venues.
Endless war.
Corrupt kings and princes (presidents, governors, mayors, judges, and legislatures.)
Lawlessness and drug dependency are rampant.
No national morality of which to speak.
With the exception of one or two of the above all these conditions were argued by the prophets of the Bible as reasons for God’s judgment. Many Christians cling to II Chronicles 7:14 as a promise but the reality is the people only turned to God after judgment not before.
To answer your question: I see no way to escape judgment of a righteous and holy God.
Have no fear.
Yes God will Judge and every person has to answer. My God is a Just God a Loving God.
AND a heck of a lot of people are getting off their lazy butts and DOING SOMETHING!
Remember the progress being made.
President Trump could never have done this. As Q said we, as a people, HAD TO BE SHOWN, we had to have a glimpse into the depths of the Commie Hell. AND NOW NEW LEADERS ARE STEPPING UP and we KNOW which of the old politicians are squishes (most) and which are playing for the other side.
So I am not pessimistic about all this I am OPTIMISTIC that the ROT is being unearthed so it can be dealt with.

Yes they are and hope they do not stop.
Civic duty has taken a backseat in the past years. I even noticed that in the church everyone wanted others to do the work not they themselves.
That was part of the Commies long range plan.
It was 2 fold.
First REMOVE CHARITY from the church and community. I remember it very well from my childhood. there WAS NO WELFARE but we took care of the poor. The wife of the town drunk was given FOOD, furniture clothes and toys for her kids. The men made it plane that he was NOT to touch his wife or kids. The dentist and doctor gave them free health care…. So if the drunk wanted $$$ to buy liquor he had to work!
Second was the INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION OF OUR COMMUNITIES destroying that network of help.
Since it was individual people acting, they could basically tailor their charity, to ensure it went to people who didn’t deserve what had happened to them (the town drunk’s dependents rather than the town drunk himself).
Any government program is going to come with rigid and or complex rules and someone will fall through the cracks, either a deserving recipient whose case doesn’t quite match the handed-down-from-on-high criteria, or a non-deserving person who ends up gaming the system to get money.
I have seen both. A LOT of Grifters gaming the system and a friend who really is handicapped, needs help and can not get it. She is essentially homeless and lives with various people. (I am working on a more permanent solution for her.)
Single childless women seem to have no “virtue” in the current dismal system.
They suffer when their body gives out (from crippling illnesses that strangely seem to be related to getting a series of vaccines in order to serve others: volunteering with children, overseas missions, etc).
She has children but they all live in other states.
We haven’t had virtue in quite some time.
But that’s another story.
Thank you for all this good information I did not know.
Church I kind of knew.
Reflecting church providing charity helps the purpose of the church. Proclaiming Christs word comes in different forms. Showing charity and love without preaching is worth a lot and goes a long way. We lost so much.
Also, consider something about our society that seems kind of odd. Organizations like the Shriners, Oddfellows, Lions, Eagles, etc., whose main purpose today seems to be getting together while wearing funny hats. How did such a thing get started?
(OK, some of these societies also engage in charitable work; e.g., the Lions collecting old eyeglasses, but they’re the sorts of things the government finds too “small” to bother with.)
They were once mutual aid societies. For your dues (as low as $2 for the oddfellows), if you found yourself on hard times or with a large hospital bill, the organization would pay for it. The government wasn’t there to do it back then. Once the government started all those social welfare programs these orgs had lost a major reason for their existence.
We’ve fallen into the traps of temptation. And that’s not my opinion, that’s an objective fact if the concept of spiritual warfare is taken seriously and digested.
One of the problems with asking such questions at this specific time is it will create division in the ranks of the anons and patriots. That being the case, I won’t elaborate, but plain and simply the west fell for temptation and as a result is failing.
“…To answer your question: I see no way to escape judgment of a righteous and holy God.”
Chronicles 7:14 (King James)
Just because I am an agnostic, doesn’t mean I am not praying for my country.
I know one of my brothers is agnostic one of the kindest caring people I know
Hubby is an Atheist and MUCH nicer than I am.
Ja is that not interesting?
Yes, don’t forget the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. You could read it, based on the words God spoke, as recorded in the scriptures, that they were judged for being “laying on their couches” and not working for the righting of wrongs in their city.
Abraham negotiated with God to spare the city and in the end the number of righteous needed to spare it was 10 people. And well, it turned out it was just his nephew that qualified as the one distressed about the horrible LAWLESSNESS in that city.
Are our souls afflicted for our cities? I think so. Are there more than 10 people? I think so.
I have hope.
And the remedy for Sodom and Gomorrah was for those thus afflicted to work to transform their city from lawless to law abiding.
Is that not what we want?
We’ve perished for a lack of knowledge. We did not KNOW how deeply lawless our nation had become.
I must never forget, however, that the Christian faith is born of RESURRECTION.
Yes! We are buried with Him in Baptism to be raised with Him into new life!
“….We’ve perished for a lack of knowledge. We did not KNOW how deeply lawless our nation had become.”
Too true. That is one of the reasons the Tea Party only partly worked. I am very hearten to see REAL LEADERS arising to give people DIRECTION! Voting was not enough.
TAKE OVER THE REPUBLICAN PARTY: “The Precinct Strategy” with Dan Schultzhttps://rumble.com/vi9kal-take-over-the-republican-party-the-precinct-strategy-with-dan-schultz.html
America First Audit on telegram FULL FORENSIC AUDIT ALL FIFTY STATES by Proffesor David Clement, Seth Kessel and others
PROJECT TAKE BACK THE REPUBLIC: An Historic Partnership forms Across the United States Between the County Sheriffs & Citizens’ Grand Jury Movement
(I am not sure about the legality of Citizen Grand Juries that are NOT court ordered.)
Cornell Law: Rule 6. The Grand Jury
Fight Back With The American People’s Citizen Grand Jury
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕛𝕦𝕣𝕪 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕟𝕠 𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
So ONCE FORMED by a court a Grand Jury CAN initiate investigations on its own. However it is STILL tied to a court and a prosecutor…. DARN!
Anyone promoting the end of all things before an end time harvest may be missing the most important agenda on God’s heart. Millions are becoming ripe for the Good News that God sent His only begotten Son … while we were still enemies … to pay the ransom and free us to live in His love, favor and grace. Serving out of gratitude the one that is utterly Good and utterly True and utterly Righteous. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is our righteousness. And all of us that have accepted this free gift are going to need to take care to get daily wisdom as we serve our fellow man.
Trump just interviewed by Maria Bartiromo, he said the booster shots
“are just a moneymaking opportunity for Pfizer”
Got that correct.
In the February, 2021, Earnings Call by Pfizer-BioNTech, their Chief Financial Officer, Frank D’Amelio, announced that the company was going increase the PER SHOT price of their CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus “vaccine” from $15. per shot, up to $70. per shot.
Trump doing what Trump does best.
Destroying the brand of the wrongdoers.
FWIW – If you do not, you may want to pay attention to Wictor.
Ask yourselves why you don’t hear much about problems in Iraq anymore. Why have things quieted down in the ME hotspots like Yemen, Qatar, Syria, and Iraq? Why did PDT go to Afghanistan in 2019? Who supported the Saudi led GCC, who has made formal peace with Israel? What has happened to the love/hate relationship with the Kurds, who we no longer depend upon in that spot? What country in the ME did PDT go to immediately after election to cut the deal to support all this?
The DS war mongering military industrial complex and neocons hate all of that. Past, present and future; who have been and are these people in America? Who plays both sides of the street for political theater to keep things disjointed in our government? Who benefits the most monetarily and in terms of power?
China Joe is not messing the withdrawal up. He is executing what his handlers want him to do to try to mess up the implementation of the GCC plan to fix Afghanistan for good – which has worked well in the other trouble spots. It won’t work because the embeds are already there and the key regular army left before the collapse began in earnest when the air support was called off. Everybody out there asking what happened to the Afghan army, where is the military resistance that China Joe said would hold off the collapse until after we left?
The silent war continues.
Yeah, I was wondering where Saudi Arabia fit into all of this.
REMEMBER the avg IQ in Afghanistan is 84% (add testosterone, and you get most violent criminals) It is a country of Warring Tribes (well DUH!!
) A DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC WILL NOT WORK! And do not tell me the military-industrial complex did not KNOW THIS. If I can figure that out with a few minutes thought and a couple of statistic they certainly can!
And Remember #17 said Israel would be last??
‘Poison death shot’: Dr Zelenko testifies before Israeli Rabbinical court
Contains video of conference call. If you missed it earlier do watch. Note that Dr Zelenko’s website went down soon after.
It is now back up: Zelenko Covid-19 Prophylaxis Protocol
Thanks for all you are doing on here, Gail.
Western style nation building in the Islamic world is insanity – if you believe the sponsors of it are honestly trying to accomplish it. I don’t. They love to keep the world in turmoil for personal gain. Which makes it all an evil game with human strife and blood the cost.
I have followed the Dr. Z protocol from early on – by luck. A poster friend on an unrelated site put me on to it before it all became openly public. He is a statistician/engineer by education/training. Due to his personal research he kept drilling into our heads about the benefits of high doses of D combined with increased intake of C and zinc. Then HCQ and Ivermectin were reinforced as good for multiple purposes. Quercetin was introduced to enhance and I had my immunity built as I was already using melatonin and drinking green tea. Since March of 2020 when I probably recovered from some version of the disease with the help of prednisone, I’ve had no respiratory incidents or illnesses – until one yesterday morning.
I initially attributed it to being allergy related and bad night’s sleep with so much rain and storms in the are, but was not sure. I had reduced my supplement intake a bit with summer and being outside more. So I took extra D, C and another Quercetin yesterday afternoon. Within an hour I felt good as new and am fine today.
I was very busy and slacked off the supplements for about a week. Got a scratchy throat, itchy eyes & sinus headache. IMMEDIATELY took 50 mg of zinc, and D and C and three glasses of green tea during the day. It is now gone and the allergy symptoms have abated.
Now if only my bum knee would quit hurting…. (It should be good by the weekend)
Have you ever read the book, QUENCH?
Lots of stories of joint pain relieved through using this doctor’s simple instructions for 1. starting day with 16 oz water + small amount of lemon juice + sea salt, 2. using plant based food/smoothies to hold hydration in body through out the day, 3. using micro-movements daily to increase hydration into facial tissues.
I start the day with my large cup of tea. I drink a lot of water through out the day but working outside makes keeping hydrated a bit of a challenge. I make sure I drink two large glasses of H2O before bed if I have done a lot of physical stuff.
I use Potassium salt (solves leg cramps) Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Hyaluric acid, Boron Glycinate (Low soil boron here in NC leads to arthritis) Turmeric Curcumin, and CBD oil for arthritic joints. The nettle leaf and licorice root also help but I take those mostly for allergy relief.
My big problem was not using the wedge in my shoe that straightens out my ankle. Without it, it puts stress on my knee (Lateral torque.)
So I go back to being a ‘good girl’ and the pain goes away WITHOUT OTC NSAIDs
Not a big problem as long as I manage it correctly. Unfortunately my insert is not in my muck boots and the rain had me in those boots most of last week.
Ah, so tea being a diuretic, you start with a deficit in the hydration column.
It is de-caff and remember I rehydrated the night before.
I’ve been shitcanned from quod verum for being a qtard. I wish someone would copy wictor s threads and post them here
I find him less than useful anymore. He is associated with DS Brian Cates and Bush sycophant Saul Montes-Bradley.
B I N G O.
Wictor and Cates (Bro?) are cick bait, on a good day.
No thank you.
He is pedantic, always talking down to his readers.
And his fellow travelers stink to high heaven.
They tried to setup Mike Lindell:
Follow the Data with Dr Frank https://t.me/FollowTheData/768
“Poison Pill”
A poison pill Op is where you plant something strategically in the opponents camp that allows you to damage them.
At the cyber symposium, we discovered that we had infiltrators in key positions, with access to the data that we were about to distribute.
We knew we had FBI agents on the floor of the symposium gathering intel.
We discovered late Wednesday evening that there were warrants issued, ready to be exercised on the following day.
It is illegal to distribute classified information, and suspect computers can be confiscated and distributers can be arrested.
There was a credible threat, and military folks treat credible threats as actual threats.
(Gosh, I love our military guys…)
The fastest way to make enemies of fifty cyber guys would be to get their computers seized, and to put them in jail.
I don’t want to be in jail either.
And it would also deliver the data into the hands of the opposition.
We began making decisions assuming a poison pill Op was in effect.
So we went with plan B, and it seems like a good plan to me. But I’m new at all this cloak-and-dagger stuff.
Lady Draza and I were discussing it afterward, and she noted that there seemed to be little opposition to the release of the new PCAP data. (Like they wanted us to release the new data.) Not until we started releasing forensic images was Mike assaulted. I think she is better at this than me.
More from Dr Frank:
Follow the Data with Dr Frank
People are asking me about Professor Clements’ role in all the hubbub last week.
From my perspective, he was a valuable contributor, and I enjoyed meeting a foxhole buddy face to face.
He admits that he misjudged Josh Merritt, and is trying to mitigate any damage that resulted.
And he has been attempting to correct the error. Give him credit.
If people aren’t making errors, then it is unlikely they are making progress either.
People who acknowledge their errors improve their credibility with me.
From where I sit, I think Professor Clements is the real deal. A fellow patriot.
Follow the Data with Dr Frank
“Cyber Experts”
Late afternoon of the end of the first day of the Cyber Symposium, I dropped in on the cyber guys… I speak their language, and I was anticipating that they would have lots of questions.
I knew they would be disappointed that they had initially received such a small sampling from the PCAPs, because I was too. I explained to them what was going on, and assured them that our intent was to get them the complete picture by the third day.
*I wanted the PCAPs too…*
In the interim, we had given them forensic images of voting machines from Mesa and Antrim Counties.
One of them said, “Now, I hate you Dr Frank, because now I’m gonna be up all night.” They are like raw meat to lions for these guys.
It was as though we had been mining for gold, and stumbled upon diamonds. Forensic images are far better than PCAPs.
As late as Wednesday evening, it was still our intent to deliver the PCAPs, and our team was preparing a new 7Tb slice for them. Some things had been prepared in advance, but there were technical difficulties and the red team was demanding a different approach.
Of course, now you know of the assault on Mr Lindell and the poison pill Op that was in place which changed our plans at the last minute.
Several positive things resulted, one of which I had not thought of in advance. I had been thinking of the cyber guys as adversarial… there to prove that the PCAPs were not from the November 2020 election and win the five million dollars.
Instead, most of them are true patriots, stepping up to serve their country. I was inspired by their devotion and impressed by their skills.
So, yes, the PCAPs are delayed, and we will have to be patient while things work themselves out.
But our team of patriots just got bigger, and this is the beginning of something remarkable.
Thanks for bring that to us in readable form. It is much appreciated!
FIB plans for entrapment and data seizure explain a lot.
Our CHINESE DOJ at work.
CHINA is Asshoe.
Intro to logic 090 (remedial) exercise:
Given the two statements above, fill in the blank: DOJ is ___________
It’s perfectly logical!
For extra credit, apply the same methodology to the case of China Joe.
China Joe >China’s fraudulently installed Viceroy Joe the Traitor.Funny thing is when marching to the capitol I talked with people who had not heard the phrase “Joe and Hoe” before. I’d think that one would be too obvious to need someone to make it up!
I like:
sucking Hoe.
Traitor Joe and the C..k
Can’t for the life of me figure out what you mean by C..k.
Though for some reason male domesticated fowl come to mind.
Steve, Lower than whale sh!t?
Logic asserts that the answer is TRUE.
Follow the Data with Dr Frank
“The Red Team”
I arrived several days early to the cyber symposium (Saturday) because I understood how important the event was. I wanted to be well-prepared and to help facilitate the success of the event.
When I arrived, I discovered that Lindell had hired a “red team,” led by Col Waldron, whose job it was to “think like the enemy” and uncover the weaknesses in our battle plans for the week. They started setting up late Saturday night.
It did not take them long to uncover some serious weaknesses.
When I joined the team on Sunday, I was quite alarmed, and I enjoined the effort to shore up our strategies.
For various reasons, we had to acquire a new copy of the PCAP data… not a trivial task. Mr Lindell set his plane scurrying across the country to gather what we needed.
We finally got what we needed, but the bulk of the data were still not going to be ready in time for the Tuesday release… likely Thursday.
We were seriously discussing postponing the event.
We called Mr Lindell to the war room to give him the bad news.
While he was en route, we got a a phone call from Tina Peters. She was ready to become a county clerk whistleblower.
We looked at each other… we had forensic images of her Mesa County election systems… BETTER than PCAPs.
Like you are mining for gold, and you stumble upon diamonds.
Mr Lindell enters the war room, and Kurt smiles and says, “Mr Lindell, you are the luckiest SOB on the planet.”
Mr Lindell says, “No, it’s another divine appointment.”
Indeed, there were many divine appointments that week.
It was nice having God on the red team.
I read all of that earlier. It was part of the whole military op the whole time.
This is a really good channel to read!
I’ve culled my Telegram channels until it’s become all meat and no bones, so to speak.
Dr. Frank, Professor’s Record, Flynn are the best
Keshel is important, but his stuff is reposted into the Audit chat rooms
Audit chat and Tore are important, but are like drinking from fire hose.
Byrne’s The America Project has time sensitive info and links to his locals feed.
Another interesting feed I found from Tore is Project Apario.
Project Apario is an open source researcher’s dream come true… Aubergine?
Excellent post D Pat!!!! Smuchas!!!!
Seth Keshel
Airport shuttle ride in El Paso::
Shuttle driver, single Hispanic female: “why do I feel like I recognize you?”
Me: “someone yesterday said they saw me speak at an event last week.”
Driver: (remembers) “if you ever see the real president let him know El Paso loves him still!”
– – –
Mr President – El Paso loves you.
Joe Biden’s NatSec and China Policy Directors Served As Fellows At Chinese Communist Party-Funded Center. (thenationalpulse.com)
Great stuff!
The sooner people realize that the DNC is a footsoldier of the CCP, the sooner they can figure out why the DOJ acts like an arm of the CCP.
Just plastered this all over Gab.
Judged by their past the bidens don’t work for free, so how much did they sell it for ?
.. their miserable eternal souls … bwahahahahaha

Traitors to the United States of America … treason ..
I saw this horse crap unfolding in the 1960’s … Vietnam
brought it out in the open .. it was rampant on the college campuses … it was the popular thing to do

Both older brothers that served in the Marines at the same time deployed to Vietnam at the same time but were in different companies due to what happened to the 5 brothers that were killed in WWII (each one was offered to go back stateside, both refused) … when they returned state side they were called murderers … they weren’t even in their twenties ..
… I was only 15YO it was bloody awkward to not throw in with their *hit … you were made to feel like something was wrong with you ..
These addled brainless kids were following the current “popular” path w/o any damn discernment, most were middle class … it makes me sick ..

It was a total fuster cluck …

I was an Army wife at that time and had lost a lot of my friends to the ‘Nam war.
I’m so sorry to hear that Gail, ..

.. Viet Nam was horrific
I consider it a huge blessing both brothers came back.
Glad to hear that. I hope they are OK both mentally and physically.
This article about Afghanistan and the Uni-Party is really good. All are complicit. Even me, though it sucks to admit it.
That is an absolutely FANTASTIC article.
Wasn’t it just awesome? I even sent it to my liberal son. I think this is one topic we might agree on.
ALL guilty as charged.
The difference between animals and humans is animals wouldn’t pick their dumbest member to lead the herd – Unknown
It is interesting that in a herd of horses they may have a leader/pecking order where it is a DIFFERENT ANIMAL depending on the situation. The first at the newly filled water tank or winter hay, IS NOT always the first to lead the herd in other situations.
I was surprised when I observed it. I also observed my strong young mare shelter/defend an older pony from being picked on by the other horses so he could eat his hay in peace. She would pick the hay pile next to him and lay her ears back at any horse who approached him. If they got too close she would lunge with teeth bared.
The interplay between animals within a group is often a lot more complex than most people realize.
Gail, those little quiet observations are so revealing and educational.
I love this one ab your mare.
We know so little ab the workings of animal minds.
Methinks these kinds of simple observations would be good jumping off point for research…rather than how much animals are like us. We focus too much on us.
I always likes Psychology. I took several courses in College as electives. I find the working of animal minds fascinating. I am really a rotten farmer because I do not sell off my animals as the reach middle age. I much rather watch my animals than watch TV.
Our young fox are still around. The deer are showing up and I saw a family of raccoons and now wild turkeys. You usually do not see wild turkeys and raccoon are normally around at night.
And yeah, you are correct. I hate the Bambi Syndrome that thinks animals are humans in furry costumes.
Did you know that the ACLU was founded by at least one COMMUNIST?
Early Jane Fonda days:

Later Bella Abzug days:

This is a great website for homeschoolers! Here is how I found it!
I will forward to my homeschooling friends.
Wonder if Helen Gurley Brown (nee Helen Marie Gurley) longtime editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine was related to her? Would explain a lot. And a lot of red diapers, too…
For the record….my theory about the Afghan disaster being an elaborate plan is getting shaky. The atrocities are mounting and the evac seems as spotty and chaotic as it was. According to news types..Biden will only be addressing CV today and then going back to Wilmington .
Doesn’t appear that there’s any Biden/Taliban compromise in the works.
Too many unknowns for it to have been a plan.
Not a plan, but a crisis to be exploited by those expert at exploiting crises (intentional or surprise).
In this case INTENTIONAL!
Anyone with an ounce of sense KNOWS you stand your ground facing the snarling dog and BACK AWAY SLOWLY, You DO NOT TURN AND RUN or in this case leave hastily in the middle of the night. It just PROVOKES an attack because YOU LOOK WEAK.
As Steve Bannon’s daughter, a logistics officer, said, they PLANNED the withdrawal from IRAQ for 6 months. This was an unplanned ROUT UNDER THE SAME GENERAL WHO PLANNED THE IRAQ WITHDRAWAL!!
Thanks Beijing Joe!
All of the spottiness may well be an excuse to get us back in place to continue throwing $$$ into the hands of the MIC.
It all goes back to $$$.
Now that i could see .
All that money spent in Afghan will now be available for the Dems/Libs holding offices. So much money for green everything, every freakin’ project they can think of. and to ruin us further. I’m behind on what MIC means. And I totally agree….all about the money.
Military Industrial Complex, I believe–grrr!
I also believe the plan is to fumble the withdrawal. There will be no effort to resolve this issue quickly. They will need the cover for the audits, and the cover may be needed until mid September or later. This may include hostage taking wink-wink.
The only question remaining is: will the result force fauxbidden out or make him look good? I think that will depend on how much cover they need to overshadow the audits.
The chicom/taiwan drama is queuing (Q-ing?) up nicely for a late fall audit coverup gambit. That drama should carry us through the new year.
MSM will have so much to report on, the audits won’t make the news!
because faux bidden didnt win and the audits will prove it.
The fact that the local news here didn’t report on any of it until Monday told me everything I need to know. The same thing happens every time they are caught by surprise—uncharacteristic silence from the usual suspects while they wait for the script to come in. If everything were going according to the cabal’s plan, then they would have the talking points, editorials, and scripts ready to go on Friday.
faux bidden did get the $500M for refugee settlement pretty quick …
Woe unto the hard sciences when this is what teaches damm high school chemistry!!!!!!
Admin leave doesn’t equal firing! She apparently gloats admin doesn’t care what she does.
The bimbo errs … she WILL:
.. and she’s an ass-hat ..
.. harrumph ..
Just leaving this here.
Rsv is really going around….providers ignoring it to test for covid instead.
Yep..my friend in Ca had something really bad, finally called his Dr and the doc said that it was coming from “over the border” ( Dr’s words ). Prescribed meds
Yes. When we got that URI fast in June it was from the other homeschool family bc the kid had been in mexico and brought it back.
He got this just as the supposed Rona was blasting through my family . I bet a million $ that IF he had used one of the OTC cv tests he would’ve tested positive too.
So much scamming and confusion…because once these Dr’s hear that it’s positive cv they aren’t aggressively treating the symptoms.
No telling what else is coming with the illegal hordes
Its not the mexican ones either. Its the other other transmitted to mexicans who cross the border routinely.
Co-workers baby granddaughter just got over that.
Kiddo was in er with it a few yrs ago. No messing around.
Yeah, I had never heard of it until a couple of co-workers were talking about it.
Its good to know there are actually real kids respiratory diseases besides the boogeyman.
What is rsv?
But my son got it very very bad. It can be a breathing emergency and his was. There is a diagnostic test fir it. He got it at around 4 years old.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. It’s so common that most children have been infected with the virus by age 2. Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-ul) virus can also infect adults.
In adults and older, healthy children, RSV symptoms are mild and typically mimic the common cold. Self-care measures are usually all that’s needed to relieve any discomfort.
Signs and symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus infection most commonly appear about four to six days after exposure to the virus. In adults and older children, RSV usually causes mild cold-like signs and symptoms. These may include:
Congested or runny noseDry coughLow-grade feverSore throatSneezingHeadacheIn severe cases
RSV infection can spread to the lower respiratory tract, causing pneumonia or bronchiolitis — inflammation of the small airway passages entering the lungs. Signs and symptoms may include:
FeverSevere coughWheezing — a high-pitched noise that’s usually heard on breathing out (exhaling)Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing — the person may prefer to sit up rather than lie downBluish color of the skin due to lack of oxygen (cyanosis)
Infants are most severely affected by RSV. Signs and symptoms of severe RSV infection in infants include:
Short, shallow and rapid breathingStruggling to breathe — chest muscles and skin pull inward with each breathCoughPoor feedingUnusual tiredness (lethargy)Irritability
Most children and adults recover in one to two weeks, although some might have repeated wheezing. Severe or life-threatening infection requiring a hospital stay may occur in premature infants or in anyone who has chronic heart or lung problems
The docs here in E. TN are seeing a lot of cases aparently. They are blaming it on the lockdowns where kids are not sharing germs like they normally do and it is causing worse symptoms than during normal times.
1000000% correct!!! That is absolutely right.
It’s very scary in the NICU’s. Can be deadly for the premies.
My prayer is that with Biden AND his admin proving their absolute ineptness with each passing minute that people will begin to question their handling the cv stuff too.
The situation in Afghanistan has brought some awareness of real danger, common humanity thoughts as opposed to over the top scare tactics and demands over an illness that is sweeping through areas but with few deaths.
I can hope this anyway.
Dead bc she didnt wear a burka.
Democrat inclusivity.
Anyone who believed a ‘vow’ by the Tali-ban to ‘honor women’s right’s’ is a stone cold idiot.
A complete disconnect from reality.
Like someone who climbs a fence at the zoo to pet a lion.
It’s that level of stupid.
Kitty kitty kitty….nice kitty.
HEY GIVE ME MY ARM BACK!!! [Last words.]
Well, their “vow” was to honor women’s rights within the limits of sharia.
Which means women are lower than whale shit to them. The only reason they have women is to make more terrorists. They appear to prefer sex with adolescent boys, which adds pedophilia to the list of SHIT things about them.
And it is a looonnnngggg list.
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
White House Shade War is going hot between Biden and Kamala staff teams over Afghanistan https://t.co/gQTnt4aAL4
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Susan Rice has been telling allies on the Hill that this is one of the most incompetent national security disasters in American history, said Obama’s “f*** up” quote is an understatement now
Oh my gosh…it’s funny but not. The mighty USA being dragged by imbeciles. So hard to accept
Its too serious for popcorn memes but geez this is so bad.
Politics…Opinion Piece (and a good one)…
General Mark Milley Deserves To Be Fired and Court-Martialed For His Afghanistan Lies
Aug 18
by Joy Pullman
Milley, the epitome of Woke.
and hey thanks a rot, Osama Obama
That article sheds a lot of light on the core of treason, sedition, corruption..not sure what to label it
You can add mutiny and insubordination.
But, yeah TREASON (and mass murder)
If he has an ounce of integrity left, he’d get that gun off the night stand and use it.
Well. That and admitting interference with property rights is unconstitutional but theyll do it anyway…
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Biden Admin just admitted they had intel the Taliban would immediately take over Afghanistan
I’ve never seen a White House just publicly confirm allegations like this
Lindell just says that the information about TrueNews was another setup.
He is going on TrueNews to tell what has happened.
He will also host TrueNews on FrankSpeech from now on.
TruNews, TrueNews … communists love to keep their Big Lie right next to the Real Truth.
Yep. Just like Tru-deau… (Tru Dope)…
Database Launched To Expose Hateful Critical Race Theory Advocates, Welcoming Submissions (thegatewaypundit.com)
Lin Wood
This is what we’ve been talking about.
Looks like Lin is sounding the call.
Also deflects from evildoers plans to try and lure good people into harms way with FAKE maga gatherings. We need to stay off the streets for as long as the CCP fib and doge are working to put good people up on trumped up charges.
“…Also deflects from evildoers plans to try and lure good people into harms way with FAKE maga gatherings….”
OOOooo that is a great point. Thanks for making it.
Everyone calls in sick on 9/11 and STAYS HOME.
The wording is “GO ON STRIKE starting September 11.”
“… starting…”
I think the intention is that we STAY on strike until someone blinks. That may be why we’ve all seen the ‘prep’ warnings.
What would it look like if the general population stayed on strike for 30 days? 60 days?
Until ‘they’ admit faux bidden didnt win and return the diamonds?
woke: “15 days to flatten the curve”
stoked: ” 60 days to flatten the cabal”
… i wish it could be done that quickly…..
NO TRUCKS into cities???
Fear and the Three-Day Food SupplyNovember 2, 2011 By Toby Hemenway
But it ALL depends on a working delivery system of Trucks and rail.
Yup, city folk would have it pretty tough after a couple days if there were no trucks running.
It could get ugly. But it is a tool that we have. That may be what LW is talking about with sacrifice.
Even if we just ‘bought local’ for a month or two. No more big box stores. No amazon or walmart. Cancel all cable, netflix etc. Have to keep the internet.
Even in the city you can stock up.
20 lb bag of rice, dried beans, cans of veggies, tuna, salmon, chicken, dingy moore stew, freeze dried stuff…
You can even make your own:
With proper storage, eggs can last for at least 3 – 5 weeks in the fridge and about a year in the freezer.
You might have to sacrifice closet space or use the space under a bed. But you should be OK for up to a month if you think ahead now.
And if you live in a city close enough to farmland to have farmers’ markets, SCORE!
We’re not as helpless and isolated as those not in the cities think.
From the Wictor Thread.Saudi Arabia’s New Taliban Strategy
May 10, 2018
POTUS plane was ALWAYS to turn over control to the people in the middle east.
His first trip was to Saudi Arabia and then there were the Abraham Accords.
Exactly. I have been following this from the time of the Royal House of Saud family upheaval and subsequent visit by PDT.
Taliban will be a political faction only when the Saudi’s and the GCC are finished.
From Insty —
‘We will constitutionally remove all petty tyrannnts beginning now!”
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/082/357/353/original/98e8c0f01b75bf3f.mp4" /]
Kick ass! Filled those two minutes perfectly!
Boy did she ever practice and practice that speech!
When is she running for office?
Personally, I want to know if she’s single.
Pepe Lives Matter
Trump says the booster shots are a money making scam.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/082/397/968/original/d9a972a0ebc0a026.mp4" /]
Bears repeating: Yes. Pfizer is increasing the per-shot price of its “vaccine” from $15. per shot up to $70. per shot. Announced at the company’s Earnings Call meeting in February of this year.
“Pfizer is increasing the per-shot price of its “vaccine” from $15, per shot up to $70. per shot.”
Oh man, now I’m going to go from not paying $15 to not paying $70.
When will it ever stop!
See, you’re saving even more money.
You should be thrilled!
fyi, I’ve noticed a number of your comments are being doubled today…hmmm…
“Trump says the booster shots are a money making scam.”
What about the shotz before the booster, what are those?
Just deadly.
With no liability.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned. ( believe it or not, I spent yesterday evening watching YouTube videos of cow hoofs being trimmed! I had NFI how many problems cows go with their feet, and how painful and revolting the abscesses could be!)
it was asserted that a taliban leader was freed by Pakistan at Potus Trumps request years ago. A Judas goat?
im often early to post but you Americans keep weird hours
just saying
Well at least we don’t walk around upside down all the time.
(Intercontinental greetings from a friend Up Over!)
I’ve heard their toilets flush backwards.
Hmmm, that could mean two different things.
Indeed… and I was ready with a joke no matter which one you chose… it was just waiting for you to push it over the finish line…

The land of “thunder”. the land down under…
Sounds like a royal flush to me (ohhh, those poms….)….
Concrete isn’t the good for hooves either.
First come, first serve…that’s IF they can get there and I’ve read that no plans or accommodations for any place outside of Kabul.
C’mon Cabal, you really are missing a profit stream here!
“Now on Netflix, the latest in reality TV, “Alone:Kabul Edition”. See participates race to the airport thru Taliban territory for their only chance of escape. Brought to you by Obama/Jarrett thru ME Productions. “
Just keep digging that hole Newscum
Why is Twitter sticking this “Tweet your reply” shit in here?
Cannot post a story because it is behind a pay wall, but it will be out on MSN later today or tomorrow. We have been visiting Hilton Head for over 30 years now and plan to go again in the fall. Wanted to see what was going on so I checked the local newspaper’s website. Apparently, earlier this week the town council passed a measure to push using masks again in government offices and some businesses. Big mistake. They had a meeting and the public decided to pay them a visit. They needed deputies to keep the council safe as they shouted them down and promised none of them would ever be re-elected.
FWIW the governor had already stopped the mask mandate that Hilton Head was trying to end run.
Question for mask wearers – if you believe masks work to protect you from COVID viruses, why are you concerned with getting COVID? Seems like you would be protected if they work. If they work and you believe you are protecting others by wearing the mask, what are protecting others from exactly? If you have COVID you are not supposed to be out and about anyway – you are supposed to quarantine. Just curious.
That and they have their vaccine, but zero trust in it apparently yet you can bet they are pushing that too.
I was listening to two local radio guys this morning. Both vaxxxed. They are getting nervous about having taken the vaxxx saying they’ve been reading things that have them concerned. They are usually ahead of the curve on most things but vaxxx is not one of them. Slow as molassess when it comes to the vaxxx, but it’s starting to seep into their heads. Once that happens with full effect and spreads.. PANIC!
This is what is going to change the game from death to fighting chance.

Absolutely. And as I say, if somebody uses deadly force to defend a family member from forced vaccination, and I am a juror, that person will go free. If we ALL accept that idea – that forced vaccination is attempted negligent homicide – then we can destroy the other side.
Some bad press for our guys….
Meanwhile, 2 Para are running constant patrols into Kabul to collect British, Irish and Afghan Nationals due for evacuation.
Any other nationality also picked up if at location. Taliban are aware of patrols and taking no action.
UK forces very much running own operation. #OSINT
Alex Tiffin
Things are so bad between US and UK forces at Kabul Airport, #Afghanistan, 2 Para have been tasked to observe US forces in case they leave at short notice.
2 Para OC had a screaming match with 82nd Airbourne CO.
Paras VERY unhappy at treatment of Afghans by US forces.
EXCLUSIVE #kabulairport #Afghanistan
Friction at airport between US & UK forces Commanders.
US forces won’t leave airport due to Taliban deal.
2 Para still running patrols into Kabul to collect people from safe houses.
US unhappy with Paras saying it puts their deal at risk.
Show this thread
Sounds like our guys are being risk adverse.
That is something that gets bred down from higher echelons.
That means heavy control from the top. AKA Biden people.
AKA they don’t have the latitude to get the job done in a timely and efficient manner.
I used to despise anything that smelled of safety and still do.
Sounds like you’re on the money.
I’ve read it a lot …the term “our deal” with them (Taliban)
They must have cowtowed in a big way to them.
Think JOHN KERRY ass kissing the MuSlimes…
Reading down that thread I came across this.
One could put it down to the squatters memory loss.
But then again would one consider boris a world leader?
I’ve read it other places. Biden called that doof Boris.
Yes, it was signaled out as the only exception to having not talked to any world leaders, but it did not specify who in British Government 10% spoke with.
“Who lying?”
Who isn’t?
AND logic!
Is Boris Badenov?????
Until the clock runs out ( and only if they can make it to the gates at the airport. Sounds like our troops cannot enter the city
What an utter INCOMPETENT eunuch.
This clip is even worse
Thats a i have no answers someone rescue me response.
LOLOL if only he had said I’ll circle back to you !!!
He’s circling all right.
The drain.
the one in the toilet.
We come up to da big house….ohhhh, flushhhhhhhhhh….
If the reporter had any guts, he would ask Mr. Amin if he was an affirmative action hire, and if so, does that explain his complete and utter incompetence?
I’d pay money to see that
Then milquetoast comes in with his authoritative voice to sound competent.
Do these POS have the IQs of a turnip?
Now, now, Gail….
Don’t go insulting those noble vegetables
(The last of the Mo-Vegans…)…..
They just sit around, waiting to see who will turnip
They are happily sacrificing 15,000 Americans in order to start another war.
This is their MO and has been for many years.
That is a good thought. They want PRETEXT.
And THAT is where the false flag comes in. To create a war to rescue this sad elite.
Idi Amin: “Until the clock runs out.”
Why not put your wife or child over there, and then update us on when ‘the clock runs out’, Mr. Amin?
In a better, more sane world, where a lawless criminal thug and his bagman son (creepy porn guy) weren’t running the country, the people trapped in Stanstanistan would be getting messages directly from the DoS about what they should do, instead of through the DoS propaganda arm, CNN.
The thug and bagman you are pointing at aren’t running anything. They are merely puppets.
By contrast, whomever truly IS running the show is INTENTIONALLY trapping Americans in Kabul, who will undoubtedly become hostages, and whose “freedom” will subsequently be purchased by that/those same person/people with BILLIONS in taxpayer funds….
….to be split 50/50 with the Taliban.
I am sorry, but you LEAVE THEM. And then BOMB the shit out of a village for every American not turned loose.
You do not pay kidnapers or no American will be safe.
Mean while you try and hang all the traitors responsible here in the USA.
“The thug and bagman you are pointing at aren’t running anything. They are merely puppets.”
But Creepy Joe Hairsniffer is certainly the face of the administration, and creepy porn guy is still his bagman…

We have to keep in mind that people who stole the election do not like this country and want its power stripped and handed over to what ever one world contraption they are building. They have likely seen the popular Trump pull out as something they could capitalize on and planned accordingly. Embarrassing the United States in big ways goes far in diminishing our power.
See my post above. They intend to sell America (and their fellow countrymen) for their own, private gain.
Actually they want to KILL their fellow Americans to STEAL our land and resources.
Whatever they did, it’s high time to stop them.
They STOPPED that program because it got in their way of the Afghanistan CRASH that they needed as a “showstopper for election fraudits”.
These bastards WEAPONIZED PEACE.
No more. Time to end this nightmare before their next big false flag, which will likely go off ANYWAY.
This is enough treason for action.
Biggest pos ive seen in his overt contempt for Americans.
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Biden says he will use federal govt to go after governors trying to block school mask mandates.
This is probably good, in that it will (again) expose which governors (if any, besides DeSantis) are actually on the side of the People, and which are FAKE LYING DECEPTICON LEFTISTS posing as POS RINOS.
Those who fight back against lawless mask wishes (a.k.a. ‘mandates’) will clearly stand out from those who go along with lawless mask wishes (a.k.a. ‘mandates’).
How can he go after a Gov ? Aren’t Gov’s in charge of what goes on their State?
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Here is Biden threatening governors who ban mask mandates https://t.co/vTOIW2mHIb
Virtue signaling liar.
But that’s what he gets paid for.
And they aren’t following the science. They are making it a political issue, but it was made a political issue long ago.
The nation wide strike (Sick-out) is looking better and better.
Lin Wood is rallying to a #THESTRIKE and #STRIKEFORFREEDOM on 9/11
Their false flag is almost certainly schedule between Labor Day (9/6) / Rosh Hashana (9/7) and Yom Kippur (9/16), so BE PREPARED.
Rosh Hashana
The blowing of the trumpet.
Reminding us to repent of our sins
and settle accounts with G-d.
First Priority: Hear the Shofar (cabad.org)
The central observance of Rosh Hashanah is the sounding of the shofar, the ram’s horn, on both days of the holiday (except if the first day is Shabbat, in which case we blow the shofar only on the second day).
The first 30 blasts of the shofar are blown following the Torah reading during morning services, and as many as 70 additional are blown during (and immediately after) the Musaf service, adding up to 100 blasts over the course of the Rosh Hashanah morning services (some communities sound another round of 30 blasts after services as well). For someone who cannot come to synagogue, the shofar may be heard the rest of the day. If you cannot make it out of your home, please contact your closest Chabad center to see about arranging a “house call,” or click here to learn to blow shofar yourself.
The shofar blowing contains a series of three types of blasts: tekiah, a long sob-like blast; shevarim, a series of three short wails; and teruah, at least nine piercing staccato bursts.
(Read more about the shofar blasts here.)
The blowing of the shofar represents the trumpet blast that is sounded at a king’s coronation. Its plaintive cry also serves as a call to repentance. The shofar itself recalls the Binding of Isaac, an event that occurred on Rosh Hashanah in which a ram took Isaac’s place as an offering to G‑d.
(Read more on the reasons for shofar here.)
Furthermore, we should not buy one Christmas gift. Everything made or given from what you already have at home. Break the businesses that have helped enslave us.
If you want something nw, you can always go to a craft fair and get something hand made.
Especially if it comes from the CCP, or order anything from Amazon!
Send that suggestion to Lin Wood! That’s good! No Christmas shopping!
No China shopping.
No Amazon shopping.
No Costco shopping (okay, that one hurts).
No major brand shopping where company is woke.
Finding local sources is tough,
but we have a country to save.
Amen, friend. Yes we do.
Every word this treasonous sack of ^%$# is saying is either a lie or psychological projection.
Well, I heard 21 seconds of the usurper, and that was enough.
I heard from our “local educators” myself last night at the school board meeting, and they DON’T WANT MASK MANDATES.
God, please, please smite this man and all in his administration. A pox upon them ALL.
After reading that they terminated the “evacuation crisis prevention program”, clearly so they could weaponize Afghanistan, I’ve had enough of Xi’s bootlickers.
Me, too!
Doesn’t really matter at this point does it? He and the people pulling his strings do what ever they want now if I am not mistaken. Ole Joe’s an empty suit, he doesn’t now what day it is let alone care. Really shows how much his family, friends and the Political machines really think of him. He’s just a useful tool for them.
“How can he go after a Gov ? Aren’t Gov’s in charge of what goes on their State?”
I couldn’t listen to more than 57 seconds of it.
Nothing he says matters, anything that comes out of his mouth is just designed to infuriate people, nothing more.
Ding! Ding! We have a winnah.
So when did the Fake Prez Dictator issue the Federal edict about school masks ? I must’ve missed that one
I agree w both points. He said he’d use DOE money to pay school boards who refuse in FL since DeSantis can take their pay. I dontbthink anything being done on the federal side is legal, but they arent being stopped.
He has no jurisdiction. IGNORE HIM.
AND, if the FEDS come into the state ARREST THEM Sheriffs have that authority.
United Airlines pilots have filed suit, seeking restraining order, which would immediately halt the overreaching, unlawful tyrannical mandate robbing 68,000 employees of their medical freedom.
Mrs. Brassenstein (@MBrassenstein) Tweeted:
Captain Kirk wasn’t dumb, though…
Hmm what should Canadians do about dictators?
(@disclosetv) Tweeted:
NEW – Canada’s PM Trudeau: ”Unless people have a medical exception, they will not be able to board a plane or a train in Canada if they are unvaccinated.”
Some one with a back hoe might take exception to that and tear out the rail ties. Then no one can take the train.
I like the way you think…. I doubt True-Dope will though.
Alex Tiffin (@RespectIsVital) Tweeted:
NEW – Taliban militants nearby the North Gate of Kabul Airport, #Afghanishtan firing and using stun and smoke grenades on crowds attempting to escape the country.
This contradicts recent US Cent Comm claim Taliban are allowing safe & unhindered passage. https://t.co/9RQMQDibMO
Rut Roh…. Ozero always knew how to deal with these mongrels…love and a job…oh heck..we already gave them a country..what now ?
He spent it on himself and paybacks he owed. If we have a bad fire season its this ass’s fault.
James Gallagher (@J_GallagherAD3) Tweeted:
I understand why Newsom didn’t want this wildfire oversight hearing to happen. Instead of funding prevention projects & removing barriers, Newsom cut funding…and then lied about it.
All about the benjamin$$$, baby.
All about the Pentiums
(Weird Al)
Juan Mo Time
first time the video is imbedded. The next two attempts are just links
And another one, about the Klowns in Action. Seems Weird Al parodies are better than the original songs (in this case “Party In The U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus)…
Plus it is antifa fire season and or islamist fire season
Molly! This is specifically for you and everyone in SD. You have got to read this background on nathan fletcher. He’s not just a dimm, theres some serious maladjusted behavior there. Lorena Gonzalez is his current nutty wife but look at his history!
Wowza…he should never have consented to any interviews about his family. They all sound cray as loons !
Completely. He is really hated but managed to get elected.
Just another CCP cheater?
I should have also said HE also can’t seem to settle on which family story to use for effect. Red Flag. ( yet we have Biden who lies about everything and look where he is ! )
It’s smoky here, the light’s yellow, and you can taste it outside.
Ick. I dont see much on that fire down here. Thats the only reason to wear a mask.
Trouble is, this idiocy goes back to Nixon. It’s only the idiots in-between who have made it into a total disaster. And NewScum would never do anything to irritate Auntie NAN:….
When I was in Scouts (back when they were NORMAL) we’d do projects for the CDF (California Department of Forestry) and the USFS (US Forest Service). We’d remove brush, dig/correct gullys, remove dead/diseased wood, and whatever tasks we could to do help out CDF and USFS.
That came to an abrupt halt with Nixon and his EPA. We were told, “Thanks, but we don’t need you anymore.” Basically, the trees can take care of themselves. It got much, MUCH worse under Mr. Peanut Carter…..
Wow. Govt bureaucracy destroys everything.
Things happening quickly now.
Zero hedge story of the status of Afghan’s treasure inside and outside the country.
Of particular note is Afghans now exiled central banker’s reference to a conversation between SoS Blinken and Ghani related to the final influx of cash to the central bank. Timeline included.
As usual hollywood depictions of gold are wanting. The color is totally wrong (the bars are shown as a sort of tan color, rather than orange yellow), and they can’t seem to make up their mind whether the bars are really heavy or not. Those 400 ounce bars weigh 27 pounds (avoirdupois, grocery pounds) each (much more than the same size lead bar would be). You don’t casually fling them about, and if the one guy could throw it like that without putting his whole body into it, the other guy would really have been in pain stopping it. (An olympic shot put weighs 16 pounds.)
Here’s the basement of the Bank of England:
And here is someone transporting gold on a little cart built like a tank:
(If the time didn’t work, go to 3:00 for the start of the sequence.)
Notice they don’t have that metallic tan look. And notice how small a ton is.
I did once have the chance to handle a 400 oz bar. It was in a large lucite box, with holes you could reach into to heft the bar. And recently I saw an even larger bar recovered off a 19th century shipwreck–its color was a very pale yellow, though, so I suspect it had significant amounts of silver in it (which the assayers would account for when they stamp the bar with its weight).
I should point out that though I talk about making sure your precious metal investment is in a form you can drop on your foot, I highly recommend not doing it with these bars.
But it’s such a pretty color.
At least in this clip the color is right.
Great comment. Given the opportunity, I’ll share your feedback, lol.
These people are MONSTERS.
If they spent half the time that they spend rending their clothes and crying actually killing Taliban, some warlords may rule fiefdoms in Afghanistan, but they wouldn’t be Taliban.
Regarding this pic of Afghan refugees, Joey Camp on Gab has determined that it’s a fake. There’s too much for me to copy-and-paste from Joey’s Gab, so I’m just going to post his links about the pic and you can click through if you’re interested.

Fake pic explanation:
Seriously, what is going on here? This is from near the bottom right corner of the main pic posted above.

I agree with him. Just the position of the camera tells me that.
Come down the rabbit hole with me. Where’s my conspiracy theorists at?
There’s some things I want you want to you pay attention to and tell me what you think.
The video I posted yesterday of the plane that was taking off with people flying off it in Afghanistan as it took off. Look at the video. You’ll see a few odd things. First, look at the numbers on the plane in 1st pic. Read the numbers backwards. 1109. (9/11). Coincidence? You’ll see a really happy guy throwing up his hands running along the plane. Pretty chaotic for him to be so happy. You’ll see a guy climbing the plane and his stash or people’s hair barely blowing. Not blowing in chaos and air blowing from a jet engine about to take off. Let’s talk about that air. When a plane like that takes off, why is everyone still standing or doesn’t look phased by the thrust? Do you know what happens when a jet like that takes off? Look at slide 5. That’s what happens. Go back to slide 2.
**There are two short videos: One showing a plane leaving close to a beach. The second shows the video that was circulating yesterday (of the “afghans” running around the plane that was supposed to depart)
Plus some photos
Why is there 0 videos of the actual plane taking off? All the videos including the one I posted cut off the plane taking off. It’s edited. There’s no video on the internet of it taking off. Look for yourself.
Look at the 3rd slide. Why is everyone so calm inside this plane for how chaotic it is? No babies crying, babies being fed, everyone is just chillen. Seems like a staged photo, doesn’t it? 4th pic, do those look like refugees to you? It looks like a bunch of men, terrorist (not all middle eastern including my wife that’s middle eastern are terrorists) being flown to America and there was an excuse for this flight.
You can draw your own conclusions, but something doesn’t seem right. Share with your friends. Everyone needs to see this.
I’m sporting my tin foil. As I mentioned the other day. Normal people would NOT be flitting alongside a taxi-ing plane. Where were the selfies of 6 or 7 of them splatted flat from being run over after falling off that thing they were supposedly sitting on?
Honestly the ones allegedly falling from the plane during takeoff also defies what I think would be a normal person’s ability to hold on during takeoff .
An anon made an additional point – and a good one:
600 people without seatbelts during taxi/takeoff/landing and any potential shift in cg because 600 * 150 lbs lots of potential shifting around with that .
maybe the faa will say nary a peep for that FAR blast
Another one from Joey Camp. Here’s a selfie video from the perspective of someone hanging on to a cargo plane. Was this video from the same group of people seen here?

Church Mouse has a ground report from London.
Seems they are placating the disgruntled.
(@LHatesYouALot) Tweeted:
A digital vaccination verification program in Illinois requires its users to GO THROUGH EXPERIAN to gain access.
“Due to the Experian link, those with frozen credit will need to unfreeze it.”
Link: https://t.co/ZsQbCB33DY https://t.co/xGUmBbFWbx
From WIKI:
Experian plc is an Anglo-Irish multinational consumer credit reporting company. Experian collects and aggregates information on over 1 billion people and businesses including 235 million individual U.S. consumers — [In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau counted 331.4 million people living in the United States; more than three-quarters (77.9%) or 258.3 million were adults, 18 years or older ] — and more than 25 million U.S. businesses.[5][6]
Experian – Business Data, Analytics and Marketing Services
How Experian is building a sustainable future worldwide
And yeah, they are in CHYNA!
And the financial credit score begins in earnest its morph into the “social” credit score.
“It PUTS the lotion on its back!”
And Lambs will obey in Silence.
I hadn’t come across this quote here yet, from M.B.’s telephone interview …
From anon:
PDJT knows the answer to the million dollar question. I bet he has their DNA markers too. w/audio.
Trump: “He’s (Biden) not running government anyway. They have a cabal that runs government. A group of people.”
Maria: “Who’s running it, Mr. President? Who do you think is in charge?”
Trump: “I don’t want to say right now.”
Oh boy. It’s coming.
Why would milley sacrifice himself for the eunuch?
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Milley is considering falling on his sword for Austin and retiring post-evacuation, per Pentagon official
Milley also privately telling officers he wishes 45 was back despite the bad blood
More than one source I follow, more like three, claim that Milley has been out of the loop since January.
What the real truth is at this point is anyone’s guess.
I said at the start of all this that these are convenient optics to publicly purge the entrenched MIC bureaucracy without it looking too political or suspicious.
Milley is a true believer in CRT.
He’s white, the other guy is black, so Milley gets to commit seppuku.
Yes, and fast to defend Vice Roy Darth Austin, CRT and the Woke.
WMAL News (@wmalnews) Tweeted:
President Biden, who has spent the last few days traveling between the White House and Camp David, is scheduled to head to Delaware for a long weekend.
That’s according to the FAA’s website https://t.co/q9lWpHxbeG
Ian Miles Cheong @ stillgray.substack.com (@stillgray) Tweeted:
Biden just told ABC News that he has no idea how the disaster in Afghanistan could’ve been handled any better than how he did it. Mission accomplished. https://t.co/x2lKd3J5rQ
Bye, Dung has no idea of even who he is…. Whatever brains he had, got up and left, years ago… He’s only capable of leading his imageine-nation… if that…..
He’s a smug assho
He’s an IDIOT!!!
I’m reminded of posting about how the shelf-lie of the Cuomo resignation story was only 12 hours!
Anon today:
MAYDAY, MAYDAY. Media can no longer hold a narrative for over 6 hours. (Unless it’s over night that is.)
In fact, we have witnessed media put up 5 narratives so far today. Not a one of them gaining any traction.
What a glorious sight to see.
And the typo stays IN!
Yep. Shelf lie, a “new and improved” drawer statement, for those times when “situational ethics” just isn’t enough…
Panic at the highest level or there would be the mockingbird broadcasts
Nice name there… “General Contradiction”
Everyone of these a******* that were put in theses positions probably thought they were just going to stand around and look important. Funny how now there’re just hung out by themselves to look like the s*** heads they actually are.
Serves every one of them right! Incompetent POS !!
From CodeMonkey today:
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.08.21 11:20]
[ Photo ]
Have they finished evacuating the Afghan refugees yet?
The 10,000 stranded US citizens told to shelter in place want to know.
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.08.21 11:32]
[ Photo ]
A few days ago the National Association of Secretaries of State met and approved recommendations for election audits.
Their goal was to create guidelines that would prevent a Maricopa-style forensic audit from ever happening again.
Only WV Secretary of State Mac Warner voted against the recommendations.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft abstained.
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.08.21 18:36]
Ten thousand Americans trapped in Afghanistan?
Lets do a press conference to sell a third covid “booster” shot.
The Clays, Danforths, Ashcrofts and Carnahans are a blight on the state.
The Blunts seem to be exiting stage right.
Lets give the Taliban a free jab compliment of the US citizens
Dr. Tenpenny: I’ve actually been talking to a whistleblower right now that’s yet to be named, who’s an insider at Pfizer, who called and was crying and said that 45,000 number – “I have documentation…that number is closer to 200,000 people that have died within a week or less of getting one of the shots.”
Oh, that poor whistleblower. The good people that know…we need to pray for them.
Time is short.
TBH, over the past few months, whenever I saw a P45DJT announcement of an upcoming rally or event, I took it to mean that there is still a bit of time before the SHTF.
Now, with the 8/21 event, I’m getting the feeling that it’ll be the last one pre-Storm.
The school year is coming up quick, and Labor Day is late this year – so there’s a solid two-week window between the two dates.
The panic is at a fever-pitch – even D-voters are seeing the disaster – and I hope that this will be enough to trigger whatever action has been planned (“Enough must know”).
We’ll see.
Here’s a little pick-me up!
Still makes me smile.
What a day this was.
this was a great day for anons
so much comfy fun
Note W didn’t put his hand over his heart or watch as the casket went down the aisle.
According to Dave Janda who is connected and knows a lot of people in the SS, W flipped that week to save his family, and gave the State evidence.
Thx – I hadn’t heard that (didn’t “watch”), but I figured that it was a turning moment.
Anons had theorized that the note was something like “Arlington closed” (i.e., the tunnel network was out of their control), and we all saw their genuine dismay from the note.
Maybe the note said “Your funeral too.”
W flipped. Believe I have read that way back then,or so.
Wondering. IF W flipped, who did he tell? What did he sing about? What fricken good has it done?
I actually bought into the possibility it was true up until the election. Perhaps a bit longer.
Any more, I am looking for action, indictments, arrests, prosecutions…SOME THIING TANGIBLE. Verification. Validation.
yes, all of the above.
Forwarded from Kathy https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Attempted child abduction in broad daylight.
Your child can be taken in the blink of an eye.
The occult are starving due to operations being shut down & as a result, [They] are paying high prices to traffickers. The risks they’ll take will ramp up as a result.
Please keep your eyes on your children at ALL TIMES when out in public! https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f64f.svg
This is why we fight so hard to make the public aware of the REAL pandemic this https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1f30d.svg is facing.
Public Awareness is the key to choking off the supply. An alert public, is a starving trafficking organization.
*There is a video on the link
Not sure when or where this video came from but I just had a talk with my son about talking to strangers. I showed this video to him & it hit home.
It can happen at any given moment. Eyes always on your children.
The sex-trafficking arrests have been at a breakneck pace for a few years now, and the busts continue unabated today.
Similarly, the PACER data on sealed indictments filed is now well over 200K, with about five times as many filed per month as was the norm prior to ~4 years ago.
Remember all the photos of celebrities looking horrid? Suffering withdrawal?
Recently I spoke to a *legal* immigrant (Brazil), and he asked me whether I know how much scratch was required for illegal aliens to gain passage up to and through our border.
I said that I’d heard $10-40K – and he confirmed that recently an illegal Ecuadorean had told him $20K.
I strongly suspect that MJTruth is right.
“Recently I spoke to a *legal* immigrant (Brazil), and he asked me whether I know how much scratch was required for illegal aliens to gain passage up to and through our border.”
A year or so ago they (Soros, Cabal, etc., always using ‘other peoples’ money, naturally) were paying people in the so-called ‘caravans’, there were even videos where the leaders would hand out cash at various checkpoints or stages of the trip.
“I said that I’d heard $10-40K – and he confirmed that recently an illegal Ecuadorean had told him $20K.”
How does an Ecuadorean get his hands on $20K?
Questions, always questions!
Questions are pretty easy – answers are pretty tough.
Through family, I suspect. Not all are “dirt-poor”, and there may be extortive loans available, like the Shy-Knee exact out of relatives of those smuggled in.
(Golgafrincham Ark Ship B telephone sanitizers at ready…)…..
“Questions, always questions!”
What else should I ask?
“Questions are pretty easy – answers are pretty tough.”
Maybe I just make them look easy…
“Through family, I suspect.”
If an Ecuadoran family has $20K, why would they blow it on a walking tour of South America?
What’s the return on that investment likely to be?
“Not all are “dirt-poor”,”
A passport from Ecuador is good for visa-free access to Mexico.
If an Ecuadoran has $20K, why not just take a plane from Ecuador to northern Mexico for a couple hundred bucks, pay someone $5K to get him across the border, and pocket the rest?
I betcha you and that time-machine from “The City on the Edge of Forever” would make a PERFECT match.
>>”why not”<<
Wristbands, Scott – wristbands.
Unfortunately, I haven’t seen that episode since I was a kid, so I don’t understand the reference.
I’m just asking what seem like obvious questions, because that is often a good way to reveal what may be common but faulty assumptions
I get it, Scott!
The episode had a scene in the beginning where the time-machine only responded once one of the landing party asked a question.
The bot responded that for eons, it had awaited a question. Hence the reference.
Providing ANSWERS – even potential ones – leaves one *wide-open* to attack.
Providing QUESTIONS – even good ones – leaves the questioners somewhat *shielded* to attack.
Perhaps it’s analogous to clinging to a “safe-space”, mmm?
That’s my point.
Besides – I’m OLDER THAN YOU!
Thow Thum Rethpect!
Echos of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Something about types of sparrows?
“Green. NO! – Blue!” [“Aaahhhhhhhhh!”]
It’s one of my favorite movies.
But my last sentence was an homage to Iron Mike. (The anons are ruthless sometimes.)
“Providing ANSWERS – even potential ones – leaves one *wide-open* to attack.
Well of course, that’s why, as a matter of habit, I consider how my questions or answers could be attacked, as I write them, and adjust them accordingly.
1) I have a solid argument so I leave it as is
2) there is a hole in the argument, so I fill it, pre-emptively, to remove the target
3) there is a hole in the argument, and I leave it, because I want someone to take the bait, and attack, so I can explore that direction further, and then conclude with a winning argument
4) I realize the argument/question/answer is bad, because it has too many chinks in the armor, too many openings for attack, and abandon it before I finish the reply and hit the ‘post’ button
Taking the above into consideration, you will rarely leave yourself open to an attack, or if you do, it will be because you wanted a specific attack to take the conversation in a direction you wanted to go in the first place.
“Providing QUESTIONS – even good ones – leaves the questioners somewhat *shielded* to attack.”
Certainly, it is always better to be asking the questions (offense) than answering (defense). And that is the fun part. It’s fun being on offense, but it’s also fun being on the ‘hot seat’, because that’s when the pressure is on, and when the pressure is on, that is often when we perform best.
But answering questions directly is what many people don’t do, and it’s like the elephant in the room.
I would rather just say “I don’t know” than dodge a question.
One good way to make sure no question is ever dodged is to quote the person you’re speaking with, line by line.
That way, you are never tempted to dodge a question by letting it get lost in the larger conversation. You will get to (and answer) each question asked, if you are quoting line by line.
And that makes it easier to directly answer each question, line by line, by breaking it down to its component parts.
(another benefit of quoting is that it helps to avoid engaging in Straw Man arguments, which are otherwise quite easy to fall into)
And apply steps 1-4 above to each answer, anticipating counterarguments and preempting them if possible, modifying your reply to account for anticipated attacks if necessary, or abandoning them if they are bad replies (i.e., indefensible).
Doing this all the time becomes habit, and habit becomes routine, practically automatic, you do it as you type, so it doesn’t really take any longer than your normal way of replying, it just makes your offense sharper and your defense stronger

“Perhaps it’s analogous to clinging to a “safe-space”, mmm?”
Yes, I’m deathly afraid of confrontation, I live in a safe-space, where no one ever comes after me, and I never say anything even the slightest bit controversial…

If the Ecuadorian had 20k for himself as well as any accompanying family members they would have no reason to want to come to the USA and slag around like poor people. They would continue living large in their homeland
Outright sell a kid.
Hand young daughter over as collateral. Daughter works off the loan in the skin trade.
“Outright sell a kid.”
Maybe a drug addict would do something like that.
But anyone else, I suspect that’s not very common, unless something has drastically changed regarding the bond a female has with the child she carried in her belly for 9 months.
Most of the so-called refugees may not be formally educated, but as a matter of survival, they must have plenty of street smarts to make up for it, so they know what is and what isn’t going on.
We get the MSM narrative and the horror stories to help our imaginations fill in the blanks, but as always, there has to be lot more going on than we know about.
Indentured servitude.
This is part of the reason why the schools my nephews attend are HEAVILY guarded. They live in child trafficking central, and my brother and mother are oblivious.
This is a dangerous time.
Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) Tweeted:
From a nurse at a kids hospital in California where 70 NICU nurses are ready to walk…
And an employee at a small system in Maryland that has a relatively high vax rate and is still anticipating chaos.
Pro tip: if you need to get sick, do it before the mandates hit Oct. 1. https://t.co/TghkmUKyZo
Praying for all those depending on the income they will lose for standing by their convictions.

The CCP-DNC is creating the biggest mess it can.
The sleeping giant is no longer sleeping.
We have seen BiteMe’s handlers discuss linking SS and other funds to mandatory injections. “Tabled” for now.
When will they link Medicare recipients to mandatory injections, or lose benefits.
From CTH.
Get Ready for a Nationwide Eldercare Shortage as Biden Forces Mandatory Vaccines For Any Worker Paid by Medicare and Medicaid MoneyAugust 18, 2021 | Sundance | 217 Comments
…As predicted, and the ‘next step’ will be colleges, universities, students and anyone receiving federal education funding, loans or grants.
Today, the White House occupant announced a federal regulatory requirement that all nurses and healthcare workers who work in facilities funded by Medicaid and/or Medicare will be required to be vaccinated.
Cuomo intentionally killed patients in facilities. This is killing patients or staff.
I am thinking of the bolsheviks killing the farmers, causing a famine, millions starve to death, and they said its not their fault.
It’s the SAME THING, updated for NOW and CHINA.
“Tyrannical Genocide With Chinese Characteristics”
Can you imagine the ongoing AGONY of those who’ve been caught, and have been read their either/or choice – either to keep playing their “game” (controlled by us now), or to face the ultimate consequences of their treason?
They FEAR death so much that they’d have to, psychologically-speaking, choose their own life (and those of theirs), even with such an exacting price!
Anons have posited that AFG is a show (not 100% fake, of course, people do suffer – just like all FF’s), and controlled by us, in its greatest part.
Their punishment – short of death – is ideally fitting for their crimes.
“You’ve lied and scammed America all your life; now, to KEEP that life, you must continue to lie and APPEAR as you’ve always portrayed yourself to be … but you’ll do it for US.”
Infamy or death.
An “emancipation” – a transfer of power from one hand to the other. A practically SEAMLESS transition – barely noticeable at all.
Owing to blackmail, they’ve been slaves themselves all their professional lives. They have an aptitude for obeisance …
Tie-in between ANTIFA and Los Vegas??? AND Melbourne Australia??? @ !0:30 minutes And the rabbit hole goes even deeper and more bizarre….
Professor Clements interviews Colonel Phil Waldron
Welcome to the information war. Colonel Phil Waldron explains how communist regimes are targeting our elections, as well as the globalist effort to destroy our Constitutional Republic.
Waldron explains his efforts to fight back, and what patriots should be focusing on, in order to stop the enemy.
Maybe I should my post my ANTIFA-Charlottesville-Las Vegas timeline again.
Alright, here are my notes dated December 2019. That’s probably when I originally posted it on the old Q Tree site. Haven’t touched these notes since then, so no post-2019 updates. They’re kind of scattered, and I’m not up for formatting tonight, so apologies.
The Deep State attempted to start the Purple Revolution in 2017. Saudis probably provided the bulk of the support and funding, but are unlikely to be the only players involved. The made-for-TV spectacle that was Charlottesville was to be the impetus for a major attack in Las Vegas with ANTIFA taking credit. The November 4th March was supposed to spread the unrest nationwide, but the great Saudi purge stopped it. August 2019 was an attempted rehash of this plan with the El Paso and Dayton false flags. Unknown who exactly took over the Purple Revolution logistics after the Saudi purge.
The 2017 October-November dates curiously match up with the 100th anniversary of the Red Revolution.
Think of rainbow/light wavelengths. They start with the color Red and end with Purple.

8/5/17 – Royal Saudi Air Force arrives in Las Vegas for military training exercises. Leaves August 28th.
8/5/17 – ANTIFA announces a national march on November 4th (same day the Saudis arrive in America)
8/12/17 – James FIELDS is blamed for the Charlottesville car attack
8/12/17 – Tropical wave that later becomes Hurricane Harvey forms over Atlantic ocean (weather warfare via Saudi exercises?).
8/21/17 – Great American Eclipse
8/26/17 – Hurricane Harvey makes landfall in Texas after period of rapid intensification (weather warfare from Saudis?).
8/28/17 – Royal Saudi Air Force leaves America.
9/5 – 9/10 – MGM executives dump their stock
9/10/17 – 4chan -john’s warning
10/1/17 – Stephen PADDOCK is blamed for the Las Vegas attack
10/5/17 – “Calm before the storm” comment from President Trump
10/17/17 – Soros donates his fortune to his NGOs.
10/28/17 – Jared Kushner arrives back in the US after a secret trip to Saudi Arabia
10/28/17 – Q arrives with ominous warnings about the coming week (or so we thought at the time)
10/28/17 – John Durham appointed by Jeff Sessions
11/4/17 – The big Planned ANTIFA national march. ANTIFA puts a full-page NYT advertisement ($100k+) and prints the signs, but nobody shows up because…
11/4/17 …the Great Saudi purge

Additionally, I found another name to add to the list of patsies named after fields:
Connor Betts. The ANTIFA-sympathizing Dayton shooter whose identity curiously matches an obituary published in Connecticut in 2014.
Today I learned that “Betts” is a form of the name “Bartholomew.” “Bartholomew” is Aramaic for “rich in land.”
Here’s a timeline for you:
8/12/17 – James FIELDS is blamed for the Charlottesville car attack
*** 1 month, 19 days later [911 in reverse] ***
10/1/17 – Stephen PADDOCK is blamed for the Las Vegas attack
*** 22 months, 3 days later [322 in reverse – Skull & Bones number] ***
8/4/19 – Connor BETTS is blamed for the Dayton shooting
What are the odds of all of these patsies having names related to fields/land?
5/25/20 – George Floyd’s death
– 33 Months, 13 Days after Charlottesville
George = Greek for “earth” (soil) + work; farmer
Zeus Georgos is the Greek god of farms and harvests
Added a section about George Floyd to the end of this. He fits with the naming “field” naming conventions, plus Charlottesville numerology.
UPDATE #2 – Ashli Babbitt
– 3 years, 3 months, 5 days after Las Vegas. 33?
Similar “land” naming convention.
Ashli (Ashley) – “Ash Tree Clearing (woodland).” IMO, the first name meant to be a symbol of the Tree of Liberty, and her “death” is supposed to symbolize the enemy killing the Tree of Liberty.
Babbitt – “Baby, babe.” IMO, this surname is intended as an unconscious psychological trigger to the MAGA movement and meant to manipulate our emotions. Hearing about a “baby” being murdered by the state is meant to trigger our basest instincts of protection. It may also serve as Satanic symbolism to kill a woman named “baby.”
Anagram for Ashli Babbit: “Sabbath.” Again, think of the Satanic symbolism here–killing the “sabbath.” Another anagram for her name is “alibi” or “alibis.”
I’ve read that she also had multiple aliases.
I’m VERY glad that others here have some decoding chops, and allow for these codes to be REAL – even though we cannot decode them to the satisfaction of others, or even of ourselves.
The effort is worth it, IMO.
Thanks, Sadie!
Thank you Sadie.
Yup! It’s a good one!
We’ve got the elite perimeter fence sitting forces waiting for those that can snake their way through the taliban checkpoints
Why would SAS tell this guy anything, or confirm what they were doing on the ground, in Kabul?
And is there something uniquely different about French Police RAID and American S.W.A.T. teams?
Because no matter how good any S.W.A.T. team is, they are not trained to be equivalent to actual combat troops, and unless they have prior military service, they would have zero experience operating as combat troops in foreign countries behind enemy lines.
Why would France send domestic police units to Kabul, when they have a regular professional military (not to mention the French Foreign Legion) for exactly this type of situation?
Afghanistan: French exfiltration had to be “negotiated” with the Taliban, reports the boss of the Raid
8/18/2021, 1:46:24 PM
Given what’s been reported, it sort of sounds like the taliban is being cooperative with some nations to extract their people but not with the US
I would guess that it’s most cooperative with nations who know how to pull notes off a bankroll.
OR when they chant death to America they really really mean it
Taliban do not want to alienate all countries. US is valuable to them and they have some scorers to settle.
The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) Tweeted:
Staffers Coax Biden Back To White House With Ice Cream Dangling On String https://t.co/gPFDNFDg8T
Don’t underestimate the difficulty in dangling ice cream on a string, especially in summer
How do you dangle dippin dots anyway?
Indeed. Having learned of the full days worth of expert witness’s giving testimony from both the defense and prosecution and then being cross examined by the same all to explain to the jury and the public the various significances of melted ice cream on the counter and what bearing they might have in determining if OJ did the crime, I can see your point.
The string’s around the cone… cone for a Klo(w)ne….