Dear KMAG: 20210823 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay!  We’ll make our way through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer this from Fearless Motivation, titled ‘Different Breed’:

And this from Fearless Motivation, titled ‘Next Level’:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Sempiternal is an adjective which means…everlasting; endless; having no end; seemingly eternal; enduring forever.

Used in a sentence:

DonkeyComs and their ChiCom overlords are control freaks and have a sempiternal desire to control us and control everything in our lives.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


(“R” = “Rightful.” His Incromulent Fraudulency is in the office but he’s a usurper.)


I’ll stick with VSGPOTUSDJT, to keep them from shifting anyone else into the skin-suit and demanding respect.


BTW, did you see the comment on the last page about seeing the internals to your swap?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw two pointers to links one of which I haven’t digested yet.

I’m going to wait to see if I run into issues with Brave Nightly running.


T3 has an excellent further comment that is very much on-point. He’s also running Brave Nightly in a VM.


T3 just repeated his comment above. Is he allowed to like this one if he does that????



Repeat from last day for you…

I use the brave nightly most of the time, running in a VM on linux. I’ve found that it’s helpful to run the system monitor and keep an eye on the memory usage. Running out on the VM locks it up. Killing the internet access can sometimes coax it back into working. Right now I’ve got our two sites and gab. The worst for memory usage are video windows that are open for long time and Gab. I can clean up the memory used by Gab by closing it’s tabs and starting all over. Also, leaving a twitter tab open too long will blow up memory. Eventually I found that 8GB allocated to the VM would prevent lock ups, but I couldn’t do much else at the same time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, Cthulhu and I went round and round on that. Apparently System Monitor doesn’t exist on this distro.


I missed that conversation.

I’m sure you are aware of your options for adding a monitor package. I found this review that seemed to have a lot of good information.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On another topic, I messed up. I thought yesterday was the day the guy I worked with at Tmobile was off…it was today.

So tomorrow, I move my phone number to the new (but cheap) device, and order the wi fi hotspot. The AT&T hotspot no longer functions; it appears to have been shut off. (It tells me WiFI is off but offers no way to turn it on.) So I literally bought the new phone on EXACTLY the right day, since I am using it as a hot spot (it’s slow but that’s to be expected…a “real” hot spot will have a much better antenna in it).


Next time you launder a bunch of money for a mysterious billionaire to actually help the needy without the bankers’ and politicians’ rake….you might see about getting Musk’s Starlink. Instapundit gives in-person usage reports in-between reaching for another puppy, and he consistently says that it’s working well.

And your mountain aerie sounds like just the sort of thing it was designed for.


Sounds like a real stroke of serendipity! Enjoy it and keep moving!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sempiternal! Not to be confused with SIMP ETERNAL! 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s hoping our MAGA Military folks are SemperFiternal (and not just the Marines)…
(and thanks and respect to everyone who served and is serving!)…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oooooh! “Different Breed” is a great song! 😎


The infernal cackling by Kamala seems sempiternal and reveals her lack of qualifications for the office she holds. 🤨

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins]

[I can’t embed the videos.]

Forwarded from 
West Coast News & Discussion


Video 1 – US citizen trying to get out of Kabul records a video while reporting, “There’s no help here, it’s all a lie.”

Video 2 – Meanwhile Harris cackles as she talks about how Afghanistan is their highest priority.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

«Sempiternal» looks like it could mean «always and forever». As in «semper» meaning always in Latin, and «eternal» which shouldn’t need much explanation.

The racoon’s dancing is sempiternal, as is the polar bear’s sliding. These two make for a great start of the Monday and the week.

Happy Monday!



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Which explains why moms get “fired” from their pediatrician over the shots.

Cuppa Covfefe

And why those gutless, heartless, greedy pediatricians will face fire in Eternity for what they’ve done. Seems like millstones haven’t gotten their attention…


Amen Cuppa.


“This is why your doctor gets aggressive.”


If we could get the documentation to prove that, can you imagine how much fun it would be, to take that with you to your next doctor’s appointment, and have a little heart-to-heart with dear old Doc?

I’m tellin’ you, good times.

I kid you not!


Brave and Free

Yes absolutely would be an interesting conversation if we had definite prove of this actually happening. Not saying it doesn’t, just to much plausible deniability going on.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brave and Free
Cuppa Covfefe

And the immediate nudge to “birth control” after giving birth…

Page 19 of the first doc has a rather interesting “incentive”:

“A given provider may receive up to seven payments per year per patient”

They forgot to put Mengele in their authors/sponsors/advisers list…

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sure it happens in the adult setting as well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. BCBS must be getting financial “incentives” from somebody for that. They’re passing it on. Are the FEDS pushing vaccines through OUR TAX DOLLARS?

Brave and Free

Why wouldn’t they, haven’t they been pushing the yearly flu shoot with our tax dollars for years? Free isn’t Free someone is paying for it, and it sure as Hell isn’t big Pharm giving out free shots because they care for the patient.
Actually when you think about it, it’s like a huge money laundering scheme. Kick backs all over the place for politicians and everyone involved.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brave and Free

As pointed out, quite likely similar bonus to inject adults.

Both BCBS and the VA have consistently peppered my inbox with crap to get injected. Same with junk mail.

Would really like to have the link to this bonus issue.

Virtually guaranteed the funds are Covid slush funds from Congress.

Would bet, the mem/gif IS SPOT ON TRUE. Need the link to reference. roof.

Concerned Virginian

And do not forget the literature and studies that indicate conditions like Autism can be kicked off / engendered, by so many vaccines. A child gets over 20 “routine” vaccinations (original shot or “booster”) before age 6. Even newborns are vaccinated before discharge from the hospital.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Incoming! (Another really messy link)
The government has admitted vaccines have caused autism, and even paid out claims to recompense the parents, Sharyl Attkisson reports. They paid out the most obvious case secretly to keep it secret, so other cases couldn’t cite it as clear evidence vaccines could cause autism. If they allowed other parents’ cases to cite it and prove their cases as well it would have bankrupted the vaccine injury fund, so they hid it and denied the possibility to everyone as they paid out the damages and conceded it in secret and continued to jab kids. Pretty damning all around.


BOOM: “On A Scale of 1 to 10… I Would Say It’s a 12!” – Jovan Pulitzer On the Seriousness of the Audit Results in His 197 Pages in Arizona Audit Report

Jovan Pulitzer released another audio today that explains the audit process from this past week forward in Arizona. Pulitzer recommends that the entire election system should be redone. The results of the Arizona audit are going to be shocking. 

Pulitzer describes the AZ audit process:

… Arizona audit was the fastest, most efficient and most cost-effective, for the number of ballots it audited ever, in the history of the world much less the United States…

…The Democrats forbid [Democrat] participation and then started releasing propaganda that it was only a conservative effort…

…What’s going on here is all these people participated. There is a tremendous amount of people that had to be hired, there was a tremendous amount of volunteers. 

Then the people make reports:

So now you have all these experts from all around the country and everybody is putting together their reports. Right, so that’s at the top of the pyramid. I’m putting together my report. Other people are putting together their report. Paper examiners are putting together their reports. Cyber guys are putting together their reports. Everybody is putting together their reports.

Now these reports go into one central person location and they are put into one all inclusive initial report……So all these reports go into one place. Then it’s not just the numbers. It’s not that we found x-bad votes, we found x-good votes, this was right, this was wrong. You have to explain all the methodology and all of the science behind it and why you did what you did. 

Jovan Pulitzer’s report:

My part of the report, which only explains the technology and science…applied, the disciplines, how we do it, why do we do it, etc. Which comes in my big final report, that document alone is 197 pages.

Now mine alone because of what I do will be many, many, many multiples of that. Think of it initially will be a smaller scaled version of that that will fit into the bigger report. 

The reports fit together:

So everybody puts in their initial report. Then basically the audit teams get together and understand whatever each part has done, how it fits in, where things are congruent, where things are not congruent and then you finish the initial report. You finish the initial report and only then does it go to the next step…

…that’s what’s been going on. It’s been going on for a week. It gets to one room and one overview. The team pushes it all down to one report [which will be provided to the Senate]…

If I had to choose between a scale of one to ten, one being not a lot and ten being a lot, I would say it’s a twelve, and I’ll stand by that. And when you’re able to see the public report, you will understand why I say that.  

GWP says: At this point, the Left is going to explode with slander and garbage.  

There will be no army to save America, the army is us. 


Well if the report is all that, it sounds to reason we that we are in for some new diversions. Let’s see what’s handy…

Proud Boys and Antifa fighting a moving battle with chemicals, paint ball guns, and motorized wheel chairs? A bit different, but it seems a bit lame and maybe just a variant on theme…

Let’s see what else we have….

Oh look. Proud Boys and Antfa actually shooting at each other in the street with real bullets. Hrmmm not sure if they hit anything and over all it seems rather lame, but I guess it could have some potential.

Well, that still seems like a yawner and they’re certainly going to have to pick up the tempo.

For now I’ll keep my money on Henri.
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There’s nothing like a natural disaster hitting a blue state where drama is king and any sort of calamity can be claimed. Plus you get the neat graphics, professional non stop coverage building to a climax where news people become hero’s. Played right this could even wipe Afghanistan off the news page. Could even say this is made to order.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Definitely new diversions to distract from the report! I know there will be new ones besides the ones you mentioned, and we need to be ready because they could be much worse.

I hope AZ will decertify the election (eventually; everything takes so long). That would cause some fireworks. 🎇🧨🎆


Wait until Biden’s staff (largely comprised of Obama’s old WH staff) tells the Taliban to start dragging trapped Americans out into the streets of Kabul and kill them in front of reporters.

And yes…you can absolutely, 100% count on the fact that these people are indeed that evil and vile.

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Gail Combs

With luck the people who were part of the mess will all have the SWIFT trial, promised by the Constitution, and then arrangements made so that they quickly meet the ultimate Judge, before descending into Dante’s 9th Hell.


I can’t help but think that all those unsmiling faces would look much better on pikes on the National Mall.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_grin:   :wpds_wink: 


You had me at unsmiling faces ..🤨👍🤨🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️

Nikki chico737

… “un” smiling ⁉️ …. ohhhhhh that Siri is sneaky and .. stupid, nuts 🥜 .. 🤨


Just look at that pack of dork nobs, full of hate and incompetence.

With their tough-girl ‘gangsta’ look… 😂🤣😂


They’re the ones who scream the loudest when they meet justice … “squeal like a pig” …


Nikki chico737

  :wpds_hmm:   :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_envy:   :wpds_evil: 


Antifa are notorious cowards.

They are big mouths and aggressive when it’s 10 against 1 and they have the numerical superiority.

1-on-1 they are beta cowards who will cower and run like coachroaches with the light turned on.

They are Marxist hyenas.


Yes, but did they later face official persecution?


I’ll bet $1 that Multnomah County DA indicts in the coming week.


Granny’s with walking sticks would thrash antifa

Nikki chico737

That’s because Granny’s walking sticks have lead pipe in them .. 😉👍‼️

… one and done …. NEXT‼️


It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?

Won’t you be
My neighbor?


Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And they have to worry about nutrition and inflation on top of that (and, if they’re not careful, self-inflation from too much nutrition):

Nikki chico737

.. awesome .. bwahahahahaha …

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… 🤞😑🤚 … ❤️

Nikki chico737

  :wpds_lol:  👍 …

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of Henri, here’s a MAGA weather report (Trump Tropical Update) (H/T TheseTruths from yesterday’s daily) 🙂 (Hope I get this right):

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be funny to have that side-by-side with Joe Bastardi’s Saturday Summary…

Deplorable Patriot

When I worked events, the binders with the plans in them, the complete ones, were 3-5 inches thick.

I can’t imagine the size of the steal plans, if they exist in any sort of organized form, at this point. You’d be looking at reams of paper.

Nikki chico737

Based on their past performances it’s a safe bet they’re on 3 by 5 index cards …

heh heh 😏😣👍‼️ … bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha ..   :wpds_razz: 


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“British subjects”

So amazingly beta. Bow to your gov’t overlords, serfs.


The British commons have done a lot of good for themselves and the world while technically being subjects. They do not deserve ridicule.

Then, again, there’s the royalty and the Lords…..they keep promoting worthy commoners into the Lords (e.g. Lord Kelvin) to try to maintain the pretense that British Lords aren’t entirely worthless….but it’s a thinner and thinner thread to cling to.

Deplorable Patriot

The British have a lot to answer for for what they’ve done over the centuries.

After that list is compiled, we’ll talk about what they did in Asia.

Nikki chico737

… YUP 👍 … 😖🤚


Brit: “I’m afraid there is nothing Gen. Montgomery can do…at least not for some weeks.”

Gen. Smith: “What about you, George?”

Patton: “I can attack with 3 divisions in 48 hrs.”

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As was his custom, Patton made it a point to be seen during the battle, always riding in an open jeep. The cold was so intense soldiers dressed in as many lay­ers of clothing as they could manage, but Patton’s only concession to the glacial temperatures was a heavy winter parka or an overcoat. He spent little time in his headquarters and most of each day on the road, to see and be seen by his troops and to endure the same wretched conditions.

Daily, he prowled the roads of the Ardennes, sitting ramrod straight, often with his arms folded , his face un­smiling. More than once his face froze. Word of his presence managed to filter through the amazing GI grapevine with astonishing rapidity, as did his words of praise for his troops, which were invari­ably reported down through the chain of command: “The Old Man says…” or “Georgie says….”

During his brilliantly orchestrated week-long defense of Saint Vith, Brigadier General Bruce C. Clarke informed a ser­geant manning a forward infantry out­ post that he had heard Patton’s Third Army was attacking from the south. “The sergeant thought for a minute and said, ‘That’s good news. If Georgie’s coming we’ve got it made.’

“I know of no other senior commander in Europe,” said Gen. Clarke years afterward, “who could have brought forth such a response from the men.”

One cold, dark, miserable afternoon Patton encountered a column of the Fourth Armored moving toward Bas­togne. Tanks and vehicles were sliding off the road in the thick ice. Someone recognized him and let out a shout that began to roll down the column as sol­diers in trucks and tanks began cheering. After the war, a GI told Beatrice Patton, the general’s wife: “Oh, yes, I knew him, though I only saw him once. We was stuck in the snow and he come by in a jeep. His face was awful red and he must have been about froze riding in that open jeep. He yelled to us to get out and push, and next thing I knew, there was Gen­eral Patton pushing in the mud right alongside of me. Sure, I knew him; he never asked a man to do what he wouldn’t do himself.”

The logistical feats accomplished by the Third Army over the next few days would prove nothing short of phenomenal. By the time they were through, the Third Army’s staff had established dozens of new depots and dumps, shifted 63,000 tons of supplies in five days, and moved an average of 4,500 tons of ammunition per day. Hundreds of thousands of new maps, weighing 57 tons in all, were distributed. Some 2,800 miles of road were reconnoitered by transport officers. An entirely new field communications system was set up, requiring 20,000 miles of wire to be strung.

Gen. Omar Bradley later offered the highest praise of Patton: “His gen­eralship during this difficult maneuver was magnificent. One of the most brilliant performances by any commander on either side in World War II. It was abso­lutely his cup of tea–rapid, open warfare combined with noble purpose and difficult goals. He relished every minute of it.”

…this was Patton’s and the Third Army’s finest hour. No one but Patton could have pulled off such a feat.


FG&C…Thanks for this.
BIG upper!


That’s what AMERICANS can do!!!!

Gail Combs

LOVE Patton, we could use his right now.

Deplorable Patriot

he never asked a man to do what he wouldn’t do himself.”

I quit more than one job where the boss actually said, I don’t need to learn to do that. That’s why I have you.

Patton knew how to lead. No wonder the cabal hated him.

Nikki chico737

Love it, General Patton is a favorite of mine. My husband’s Uncle on his mother’s side was a driver for Patton in WWII, when his uncle passed away they had an honor re for him. Rememered, not forgotten .. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 …

Nikki chico737

And, I thank you also for this wonderful post GG&C .. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 …

Concerned Virginian

Thanks, FG&C.
Damn right, Gen. Patton knew how to lead.
My late father was part of that 48-hour quickmarch to Bastogne.
The only book my father read during the last years of his life was “War As I Knew It” by Gen. Patton. I found my father’s tattered copy on the carpet after he suffered the massive stroke that eventually killed him.

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Nikki chico737

Sorry to hear of your father’s passing, and there’s no words to express our appreciation for what he went through at Bastogne, faithful citizens of this United States of America salute 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 him and God rest his soul. He’s in Heaven.

Concerned Virginian

You are very kind, thank you. My father died with his Bronze Star pinned to his hospital gown. He and my mother are together under the wings of the Almighty God.

Nikki chico737

They’re home with the Lord … 🌹 …

My mother played this record a lot, it was a favorite, she went home awhile ago, my Dad passed in 1963, he was 43 y/o … he was sick 😔 but he’s home too .. 🥀


I should point out that I cannot process links like

ht tp s:/ /

I hope they were nice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is hilarious, and shows exactly what DODGE AND FIB are afraid of.


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DOJ Demands Judge Send Jan 6th Protester BACK TO JAIL for “Returning to Conspiracy Theories” After He Violated Restrictions and Watched Mike Lindell’s Symposium Online

August 20, 2021, 9:45pmby Julian Conradson 1546


Someone needs to drop a motion to disqualify DODJE and FIB from anything having to do with Jan 6, as they are too involved to pursue actual justice.


I would drop a motion to disqualify DOJ from having anything to do with justice, and a motion to disqualify FIB from having anything to do with law enforcement.

Because both entities are clearly and unequivocally and quite obviously criminal enterprises, your honor.

Which everybody knows, and if you pretend you don’t, that can only mean you’re corrupt too, judge.

So what’ll it be, judge?

Are you dirty, or not?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a winning argument, actually. They were the only REAL organizer of violence.


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Something so simple.
So lifesaving.

Anyone that WANTS us sick/dead needs Justice sooner than later.
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That, and a YUGE purge of the FDA, NIAID, and CDC, and seizure and liquidation of Pfizer and Moderna, would go a long way towards getting things back in order.


Every oversight organization in our government is a protection racket.

Prove me wrong.


“All professions are conspiracies against the laity.”
― George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara

“Every profession with government oversight is a conspiracy against the citizen.”

— You saw it here first.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No patents held by government or employees would be a stake in the heart of Faucism.

Deplorable Patriot

I wondered if something like this was ever going to surface.


Wish they had those for sale, couple of those would fit nicely in an envelope.


Not just India….


Lot of great linked/related info on those sites.
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This kicked up a conversation over on the Rural Life group on Gab.
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I always suspected.

Now I know…


Cuppa Covfefe

And that’s why the leets will never ketchup…

Nikki chico737

… BWAHAHAHAHAHA .. 😂👍‼️‼️ .. 🤬🤚


No WONDER I feel like such a badass!

Wyoming Sheperd

Indeed, and where I live growing anything gives me a good feeling.


Thank God for the good people of our country.

The pencil necks may have the titles and positions right now.
But we will prevail.
We will not bow to tyranny.
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Saw an idea for helping chickens in hotter weather. Chilled watermelon. Great way for both people and chickens to stay hydrated when it gets hot!
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I’m thinking that shady nook in back might also help.


I run the hose for them while I’m feeding and collecting eggs. They wade in the puddle and get some cold water.

Gail Combs

I have an airy shed under tall trees and we ran a fan for our bunnies and chickens when it was hot. Even though we had temps over 100F and high humidity we never lost any birds or bunnies to the heat.

Valerie Curren

Brief ground report.

Hubby’s band had another concert over the weekend at a small town community fair, 5 hours of Christian music/bands on one of the stages. We saw scores of people freely mingling, all races & ages, & only One mask sighted on an older black man toward the end of the day.

There were food vendors w/ street fare, rides, petting zoo, & at least 2 stages. It almost seemed like pre-covid behavior! This was a small town NE of Detroit.

Later we ate at a local restaurant that has reduced hours/days of operation due to staffing challenges. We’ve been there a few times since the “pandemic”. This time there were more people, maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of their capacity. No masks on patrons or staff seen! They still brought condiments out in individual packets, instead of salt & pepper shakers, etc. They did provide a community squeeze bottle of ketchup where previously they’d brought K in a small plastic individual container.

Local fast food restaurant had all staff masked 🙁 where previously some had been mask-free. Patrons & staff at local library were a mixed bag of masked & fresh-faced.

Some black Baptist pastors appeared in Covid “vax” propaganda TV commercials that were sponsored by the State of Michigan, I believe–sickening!


I went to a HUGE Celtic Festival event this weekend. I only saw one or two masks the whole time. It was awesome.

Valerie Curren

Yes!!! Freedom & Americana Always go together!!! <3



We had a color guard, a great rendition of the National Anthem, two Scottish marching bands, a tribute to those who died this year, and more. It was very uplifting.

Valerie Curren

Sounds wonderful & so patriotic. You are blessed!


We’re reached the halfway point now, and other countries (OZ, FRN etc.) are further than that …

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India is doing the right thing …

From an Anon:

Article is over week old, but revealing!
“India’s Ivermectin Blackout: Part II


“The Burgundy graph above reveals the numbers in Delhi after they included Ivermectin in the protocol. Delhi is a city with 30 million inhabitants and, as of August 11, saw 37 new cases and ZERO deaths. By contrast, Tamil Nadu, a city of 78 million, saw 1964 new cases and 28 new deaths.

“Tamil Nadu shares their rejection of Ivermectin and choice to use Remdesivir in common with the United States.

“As of August 10, the United States, with 331 million inhabitants, saw 161,990 new cases and 1,049 new deaths. Uttar Pradesh is a state in India of comparable population to the US. Uttar Pradesh contains 241 million people. On August 10, Uttar Pradesh saw only 19 new cases and ONE death, over 1,000 times lower than the US.”
** several medical reviews links in article as well

The numbers are not even close to what media is purposefully lying to the public and should be held as accessories in crimes against humanity.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. That’s incredible.

Goddamn CDC is guilty of MURDER.

Gail Combs

They most certainly are.

European Union Data as of July 31 2021 (EudraVigilance)
20,525 DEAD
1,960,907 injured – 50% serious

Dr. Lee Vliet — Vaccine sterility known for years.

ALSO the Sars Vaccine was HALTED after THIRTY-TWO DEATHS yet now with tens of thousands of deaths AND NO REAL IN-DEPTH TESTING THEY WANT MANDATORY VACCINATION OF OUR KIDS??? It normally takes ten years to get FDA approval and remember mRNA is NEW TECHNOLOGY.

SEE these two 48 minute Warroom videos where Steve Bannon has on several different doctors.

Start at 33 minutes. (Rudy is on in the first part)


Gail Combs

The JAB: Pregnancy and Fertility Risks
From the Truth For Health website. Also of interest:

These are downloadable PDF files.


Who was it that needed these a little bit ago?

Gail Combs


I was thinking of her when I posted this info.


I think it was either Elize or EllieLA …


My heart hurts when I think of her quandary. I hope she is back soon.


She got some comfort, and good advice, from other posters.

I hope she at least continued to lurk, because there were follow-up posts the day or so afterward.

Tough situation.

I find it incredible – and sad – that so many people feel a need to make a decision RIGHT AWAY – as though they were on a game-show, having to hit that buzzer QUICK – instead of taking enough time to look at the consequences if their decision is wrong.

(I’m referring to those like Elize / Ellie has to deal with …)

“The time of my thought is my own to spend.” (Tolkien)


She got very good advice, but it’s only human to want to see it come to a conclusion.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When being pressured like that my impulse is to wonder what’s up, and what the catch is.



Desperation doesn’t sell well, in almost any circumstance.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Unfortunately, all too m any people cave instead of kicking the salesman in the nuts (figuratively speaking) by walking out on him.


I’m still here; busy, but lurking. My son and DIL don’t have cable, but she reads Yahoo news. I checked it out and every other article was a “hair on fire” scare about the horrible death of some unvaccinated person (a young father of four dying an agonizing death; a vaccinated mother recounting the deaths of her 2 unvaxed sons within an hour of each other, etc.) and what a danger they were to everyone else. It’s the exact opposite of what we, here at Qtree, know to be the truth, backed up by facts from top virologists.


Our info is from top virologists, not Yahoo’s.


Ours is too! lol

Remember to smile, too!


When I said “ours”, I meant Qtrees. Sorry for the confusion. I’m right with all of you here.

I guess in my original post I should have said I need prayers, instead of help. But having the wonderful research articles, everyone posted, at my fingertips, and the great advise helped me greatly and I know my son appreciated having the articles to show his wife.


Make sure to go over to Wolf’s new post, as well.

Gail Combs

Prayers are great but concrete information should be considered God’s Gift to help you.


You are absolutely a gift with the amount of info you have researched and can share. Thank you!


I believe it important that she find OTHER sources of news.

I’ve found that one of the best ones, for those who are still in the “echo chamber” of sites like Yoo-hoo, is CFP – Citizen’s Free Press.

It’s a news-aggregator site, but run by a single individual and NOT beholden to advertising dollars.

The “kick” of this site, btw, comes not just from the articles themselves, but also – and more powerfully – from the comments from REAL Americans, who know the deal.

Again – the comments from REAL Americans. The truth from them (us) is unmistakeable.

If you can cajole her into reading there – at least for a few days – I suspect there’s a good chance that she may convince HERSELF.

The best way to convince someone is to let them convince themselves. One CANNOT do it *for* them – so, don’t even try!

Try instead to get them to do it for themselves. (An indirect approach, which may be better.)


I agree. However, someone who follows the Dem line of thinking, like my DIL, will turn to “Fact Checking” with the Dopes, and say that site is not reputable – as will her identical twin and her mother.
I really need someone like Fauci to be perp walked to wake up her family.

Gail Combs

How about the indian woman at the WHO who is about to be tried for MURDER because of her nixing Ivermectin?

from Ozzytrumpster:

Possible death penalty! Excellent own goal

A legal notice is served by Indian Bar Association (IBA) upon Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO) on May 25, 2021 for her act of spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfil her agenda.

The notice is based on the research and clinical trials carried out by ‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ (FLCCC) and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) Panel, who have presented enormous data that strengthen the case for recommendation of Ivermectin in prevention and treatment of COVID-19….

‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ are the people our Fake News has been busy silencing and bashing and yet their data is good enough to possibly result in a DEATH PENALTY for a World Health Organization Chief Scientist.


That is an excellent example for her to see. I hope it will be shown on a media site she looks at. I will send it to my son and hope she takes a look at it. Great tip! Thanks again for all your help.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yahoo “news” is terrible propaganda. Laughable.

They actually helped “the hoax” against Trump – the Muh Russia stuff. Despicable.


I’m back and lurking. There is no final conclusion to the quandary – only a temporary stay. He is adamant that she not get it, and for now she has agreed, but she is anxious about it and worried and not convinced it’s a bad thing. Seems no amount of proof will convince her. I am concerned that the first sniffle that comes around this Fall will cause a further rift. We all just want a healthy mom and baby!

Gail Combs

Here is more:

DR. LEE MERRIT: BIO-WARFARE, VACCINE DANGER, & WEAPONIZATION OF COVID19 Very good video. She is a Military Doctor who starts out talking about 5th generation warfare, bio weapons, Bat lady…

@ 20 minutes she talks about the animal studies (four). ALL the cats DIED ALL the Ferrets DIED they have NEVER BEEN SUCCESSFUL with a Corona virus (SARS or MERS) they all died of ADE once they were challenged with the ‘wild’ virus!!! WE HAVE NEVR MADE IT SUCCESSFULLY THROUGH AN ANIMAL STUDY!

Oh and Chinese (CCP) have scientists working at the vaccine manufacturers.

Gail Combs

Here is another bombshell.

11th April 2021 — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory says:


35 minutes —> I am more and more troubled as the time goes on…. Persuasion campaigns, trying to persuade pregnant women in their twenties to get vaccinated




Thank you Gail! I have forwarded this info to my son. For the time being, his wife said she would not get the vax right now. However, every time her mother or sister visit her, they continue to push her to get it. She told him that her mother is mad at him for putting her and the baby at risk. He showed her the video of Dr. Ryan Cole. “Stop the Mandate”. She then went online and “Fact Checked” Dr. Cole, and of course the online misinformers said he was not credible. The brain washing is so strong that people don’t want to believe the world’s top virologists.

Gail Combs

Here is more that I turned up.

video: this virologist stated the plans to depopulate WELL BEFORE Covid came on the scene.


The UN Foundation DONATES to the CDC foundation…
 As Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation bluntly put it during an interview with Audubon magazine.
A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Source: The book You Don’t Say, by Fred Gielow, 1999, page 189.

A massive campaign must be launched to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” – Paul Ehrlich, Professor of Population Studies His Co-author, Obama’s Science Czar, John P. Holdren and he wrote Ecoscience.


In 1977, the authors of Ecoscience recommendations , a textbook on environmental issues and population control, endorsed a cornucopia of policies to address the overpopulation crisis and to reduce human fertility. Their 3 included forced abortions, forced sterilizations, involuntary removal of children from families of limited means, government-issued licenses as a requirement to have children, and even the intentional infliction of economic catastrophes on poor countries to reduce population.  

At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

 “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution… democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming. Communist China is the best model.” — Christiana Figueres, disciple of Al Gore, and Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention

They have been VERY BLUNT about their desire to ‘Cull the herd’ and enslave the rest. Isn’t it time we take then at their word?

(You also have the Georgia Guide Stones.)

I think it was the good doctor who pointed out the WHO stated it wanted to ‘cull the herd’ in 1974 WHY 1974? Perhaps it was because of the 1974 CIA Report.

 “A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”

Pg 7

“… Since 1972 the grain crisis has intensified…. Since 1969 the storage of grain has decreased from 600 million metric tons to less than 100 million metric tons – a 30 day supply… many governments have gone to great lengths to hide their agricultural predicaments from other countries as well as from their own people…

pg 9

The archaeologists and climatotologists document a rather grim history… There is considerable evidence that these empires may not have been undone by barbarian invaders but by climatic change…. has tied several of these declines to specific global cool periods, major and minor, that affected global atmospheric circulation and brought wave upon wave of drought to formerly rich agricultural lands.

Refugees from these collapsing civilizations were often able to migrate to better lands… This would be of little comfort however,… The world is too densely populated and politically divided to accommodate mass migration.  

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

Thank you Gail. Their agenda is horrific – Satanic! They must be stopped and brought to justice – Nuremberg Trial 2 and DEATH (swiftly).

Gail Combs


I hope the background, That CIA report helps.

Oh and if you want to SCARE your daughter-in-law just remind her this is an mRNA GENE THERAPY where RNA is injerted that tells her cells to make the spike protein.

This is what happened to chickens:

Why Do Easter Eggers Lay Blue Eggs?

…Some hens laid blue eggs were a mystery that we did not unravel until 2013 following the mapping of the chicken genome.

We found that certain breeds (Araucana, Dongxiang, and Lushi) had been infected with a retrovirus that had inserted itself into the chicken’s DNA.

The gene responsible for this blue coloration is called oocyan, and the pigment that colors the egg is made from a liver pigment called oocyanin….

I would not want anyone ‘injecting RNA into me esp if I was having a baby!

Also here is a good video on WHY medicine has become corrupt.

Dr. Jason Fung: Financial Conflicts of Interests and the End of Evidence-Based Medicine


I’m hoping to see some Rayzorbak around now with some good news.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If he wants to help test a new oral antiviral (EIDD-2801), he can get free treatment!


IIRC, Merck is the only major Pharma that OPTED OUT of the experimental “vax” nonsense … and soon afterward the CEO who made that call was let go.

And I still have a massive (healthy!) aversion to becoming a guinea pig.

One must signs ones rights away, and one may also pay much more in insurance premiums – if indeed any insurer will cover an “experimentee” at all.


Uh…. No thanks. I’m just about over this thing now and don’t feel much like being a lab rat


Glad to hear you are on the mend. God Bless and you continue to be in our prayers.


Ok…. I’m awake now. So here is an update:

I have had daily fever (Tylenol seems to break it)
Been doing Ivermectin every other day.
Daily: Vitamins C and D and a multi vitamin.
Also take my daily warfarin for my blood clotting issue.

Still very tired and take plenty of naps 🙂
Have drunk more water and taken more drugs (see above) this week
than in my whole life.

Wife is still not positive yet as she is doing the ivermectin protocol prophylactically

Gail Combs

Do not forget the zinc and selenium. They are what keep the virus from replicating. Ivermectin and HCQ move the zinc into your cells so it can do it’s job.


Thanks….. got it

Gail Combs



Gail, what do you think about using the flush niacin to open up the microcirculation?

I remember Pat Fredrick posting a long time ago a hilarious recount of her using it at work and all her co workers coming around to watch her turn bright red. 🙂

Gail Combs

I have never tried it but I do take a B vitamin complex.


From another Anon – CDC’s “Project Shielding”:


Neighborhood Level:

A designated shelter/group of shelters (max 5-10 households), within a small camp or area where high-risk members are grouped together. Neighbors “swap” households to accommodate high-risk individuals.

Camp/Sector Level:

A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together.

Movement/ Interactions

One entry point is used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.

Suggested Prerequisites

*As stated in the shielding document*

Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the shielding approach.
Considerations as suggested by CDC

Monitoring protocols will need to be developed for each type of green zone.Dedicated staff need to be identified to monitor each green zone. Monitoring includes both adherence to protocols and potential adverse effects or outcomes due to isolation and stigma. It may be necessary to assign someone within the green zone, if feasible, to minimize movement in/out of green zones.

Taken from CDC site.


Happening in Shasta County, California. The lady speaks to “Patrick”. That’s Patrick Jones, possibly the ONLY one on the Shasta County Board of Supervisors who’s on our side. (please get up to Rumble and view and like this video)




>>Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings

Updated July 26, 2020

This document presents considerations from the perspective of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for implementing the shielding approach in humanitarian settings as outlined in guidance documents focused on camps, displaced populations and low-resource settings.1,2 This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners who support response activities in these settings. The purpose of this document is to highlight potential implementation challenges of the shielding approach from CDC’s perspective and guide thinking around implementation in the absence of empirical data.

Considerations are based on current evidence known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and may need to be revised as more information becomes available. Please check the CDC website periodically for updates.

What is the Shielding Approach1?

The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting.1,2 They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.

Current evidence indicates that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.3 In most humanitarian settings, older population groups make up a small percentage of the total population.4,5 For this reason, the shielding approach suggests physically separating high-risk individuals from the general population to prioritize the use of the limited available resources and avoid implementing long-term containment measures among the general population.

In theory, shielding may serve its objective to protect high-risk populations from disease and death. However, implementation of the approach necessitates strict adherence1,6,7, to protocol. Inadvertent introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission among the most vulnerable populations the approach is trying to protect.

A summary of the shielding approach described by Favas is shown in Table 1. See Guidance for the prevention of COVID-19 infections among high-risk individuals in low-resource, displaced and camp and camp-like settings 1,2 for full details.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a prescription for genocide of the elderly. I am sure that’s what these bastards are up to.


That’s exactly what it is – genocide. Under the spurious guise of “public safety”.

It’s a Cuomo joint!

Of course, those so “protected” will invariably suffer the bad “luck” of the infection being introduced to their “shelter”.

The modern equivalent of a gas chamber – rebranded, and “new & improved”!

And the definition of “at risk” can mean whatever they want it to mean – so it will be political in nature.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. If CDC rolls this out, .mil will be complicit if they don’t stop it.

Never go down with Hitler. It should, like, be a rule or something.

Concerned Virginian

Wolf Moon
And not only the elderly — count in the younger people who are immuno-compromised (have MS, Diabetes Type 1, etc.). All part of the Cabal / WEF creating the “New Race” of controlled slaves who can be “turned off” at command.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re just getting craftier at hiding their true motives and their plots.

Deplorable Patriot

No, they’re not. With the internet as invasive as it is, word is spreading and many are indeed waking up. Not at the pace I would like, but it is happening.


Look at what Manchin’s daughter has done to the price of EpiPens – robbing people with severe allergies!

SPIT on the *&^%#$@! Democraps.


It is pure evil. The separation alone is cruel.



Shasta County folks are listening to Seth Keshel that their county is the best one in California to AUDIT because of local ground conditions and suspicious results.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Concerned Virginian

And do not forget that this CDC “shielding scheme” was signed off on by none other than Dr. Robert Redfield, the then-head of the CDC under REALPOTUS 45 Donald Trump. That same Redfield who was up on the dais with President Trump during the White House Coronavirus Task Force press conferences.
Which says a couple things:
First, Redfield was another behind-the-scenes backstabber of President Trump.
Second, since Pence was the “leader” of the Task Force, Pence would be OK with what Redfield was doing in the backstabbing department.


I remember reading about Redfield, and his penchant for sketchy-at-best research, and his unethical actions throughout his career.

He’s a FauXi-lite.

Is anyone going to class-action the CDC for unlawfully / unilaterally changing the death certificate protocols? The law required there to be a public commentary period of time BEFORE implementation, and there wasn’t any!

This goes to the root (or a substantial root) of their fraud – everything they did afterward would get caught in the net.

I have yet to hear of any such lawsuit …

Deplorable Patriot

Redfield isn’t “lite” anything. He’s just as complicit.


FauXi has been killing, IMO, for over 4 decades.

Redfield is an accomplice, and complicit, yes, but FauXi takes the cake, as it were, as the ringleader.

They BOTH deserve to swing, though – you’re right!


Shielding “higher risk”in ONE Location smacks of what Fredo’s Bro did with Nursing Homes in NY.

Or put another way, Reincarnated Nazi Death Camps.

(Just scrolled on down. Should have withheld posting, as ya’ll have same conclusion.)

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Independently coming the the same conclusion is GOOD for others to see / read.

Truth bears repetition quite well …

Gail Combs

You ISOLATE you do not GROUP! SHEESH these people do not even know the ‘science of disease’ that farm kids figure out!

Part of the problem is you can take several perfectly healthy animals purchased from separate places and put them together and have an outbreak of several diseases.


#1. Stress from moving to a strange place lowers immunity

#2. Immunity within different animals to THE bacteria/viruses THEY CARRY but not to the bacteria/viruses the other animals carry.

We ALWAYS quarantine new animals.

Cuppa Covfefe

Very troubling admission here (emphasis mine):

and guide thinking around implementation in the absence of empirical data.”


“We don’t need no stinkin’ data!”


Sounds like they are preparing for the outbreak of something far deadlier to the gov’t and ds/cabal than Covid19:


followed closely by Audit22, Audit23 and Audit24, when we find out where the money goes….


Audit the Vote PA

A reminder to follow the money on who to trust…I did this video a month ago. Cris Dush, who Jake Corman has given the “audit” to is NOT to be trusted. Dush’s office has been telling me for weeks now that Kim Ward is on our side. Follow the money, and it’s crystal clear!
Expose the Fraud – Let’s Follow The Money
Who is Jason Salas? He is a Democrat and the Treasurer of Montgomery County. Let’s find out who he is giving money to….some of them might surprise you.


Sign our petition!!…

Audit the Vote PA

President Trump supports the grass roots efforts in Pennsylvania to get a full forensic audit of the 2020 election. He does not support the fraudit that has been hijacked by Senator Corman and the establishment. We demand you give it back to Senator Mastriano and his original staff. No negotiations!! DO IT OR RESIGN NOW!!

Audit the Vote PA
My Email to Senator Dush:
P.S. I copied the entire Senate on this so they ALL have it.

Senator Dush,

I am reaching out to you on behalf of all the Pennsylvanians who signed Audit The Vote PA’s petition for a full forensic audit of the 2020 election to let you know that we are deeply disappointed and concerned about Senator Corman’s recent political moves to undermine the confidence that WE THE PEOPLE have in this effort to restore integrity to our election process.

Based on your LinkedIn profile, we understand that you own a company called North Fork Investigations. We are not okay with you leading this effort because this could be a conflict of interest that would allow your business to benefit financially if it is used for this effort in any way. Senator Mastriano was the first Senator to publicly support our efforts when we only had 15,000 signatures on our petition. He took his time to meet with us on multiple occasions and listen to our concerns. He has been the one out front leading the charge on election integrity since November 4th, and that’s where the effort should stay.

We insist that Senator Jake Corman give the forensic investigation/audit back to Senator Mastriano and reinstate his original staff and the original project plan. What Senator Corman did to block Senator Mastriano’s efforts up until this point are well documented and unethical. WE THE PEOPLE will not allow this to continue.

We are urging you to stand with Senator Mastriano against the establishment political swamp in Harrisburg and insist that Senator Corman reinstate Mastriano’s entire staff and proceed with his original project plan for this forensic investigation/audit. If you do not, you are showing WE THE PEOPLE where you stand politically, and you will move to the top of our list of Senators who need primaried.

I am extremely disappointed in the direction this has taken. Karen, Jamie, and myself have worked non-stop for 7 months petitioning for this effort. We feel like the rug has been ripped out from under our efforts and we WILL NOT sit idly by and let it happen.
I look forward to your prompt response.


Toni Shuppe
Audit The Vote PA
Founder and Director of Public Relations


Just as a side note….

I did a 2% Lugol’s solution skin test for iodine and it got slurped-up transdermally in an embarrassingly short time….so I’ve been using it as an oral supplement for a couple of days…..I’ve experienced nothing bad.

I seem to be experiencing some strange things that may, or may not be related to supplementing iodine: (1) my stride is wider and more sure; (2) I get visual focus faster and it’s more sharp; (3) my wake / sleep / snooze cycle seems to be disrupted towards being more awake.


And, before anyone else gets there…..hypothyroid is in play.

Gail Combs

Yes, taking Iodine is like shaving years off your life. It has also helped me lose weight. After all if your thyroid is sluggish you do not burn calories….


I had been taking the nascient iodine offered on the InfoWars site a couple of years ago. It seemed to work really well. You can definitely tell when it is working…when you work up a sweat it smells awful as your body starts purging the impurities.

Wyoming Sheperd

Wow perhaps I need to get some of this iodine.

Gail Combs

“Studies show that three-quarters of Americans are iodine deficient.”

Iodine is added to table salt but with fast food and prepared food, that uses plain salt, most people no longer cook from scratch using IODIZED salt. Add the avoidance of ‘free choice’ salt and you now have iodine deficiency.

Chiefio explores the topic — Bromine, Iodine, Prostate and Breast Cancer


J. Crow’s emailed me with a 25% off coupon last week “GREAT SALE” … you can give it a try … it’s for the 5% bottle (5% is the original formulation).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! AND LOGIC!!! Impeached AND court martialed!


Mike Lindell: It’s Not Trump 2024, It’s Trump 2021! [VIDEO] (
“Even if you’re a Democrat out there, I like speaking to my friends that are liberals or Democrats because I say, Look around you and see what they’re doing to our country. You know, they’ve been, you got to realize a lot of people over here have been brainwashed for years and years by them by the media, by the horrible, horrible journalists in our country that won’t do their job. The media has done more damage than everything put together. I’m telling you, because everything stems off that. Now I want to say something, when you when you steal, when you steal an election, you don’t just steal an election and we go on, and we’re gonna sit here and go, Okay, let’s wait for 2024. I’ll tell you what, it’s Trump 2021. That’s what it is. 2021. If we don’t solve 2020, there is no 2022 and 2024.” – Mike Lindell


Nice. Throw the glove.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Throw the “glove” and then throw the pin! 😉

Nikki chico737

Bad guy on roof, good guy on ground .. 🤫 ..

… ☄️💥 …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Post up on vaccine addiction slavery.


It’s the clearest, and most concise, article on the matter that you’ve yet penned.

We already know much of what you’ve imparted, and yet it’s essential to keep refining the points for maximum understanding and impact for all.

Which is what you’ve done!

Thank you so much.

Cheers, Wolf!

Nikki chico737

Hi Wheatie sweetie … awesome Monday mornin’ open yahhhhhhhhh 😃👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️

… 💥⚡️💥☄️💥☄️⚡️⚡️⚡️💥🎊🎉🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉🪄🎈

I drive just like the car meme … varooooooommmmmmmmm …

God bless you sweetheart 🙂❤️


Taliban Terrorists Take 20 Children Hostage — Give Fathers 4 Hours to Surrender or the Children Will Be Killed (VIDEO)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s who we’re dealing with.

Biden. Unworthy of CiC. Needs to be FIRED. I like the idea of a court martial, but Obama and ValJar, who are really behind this shitshow, need to go.

Gail Combs

“…Obama and ValJar, who are really behind this shitshow, need to…” be indicted for Crimes Against Humanity and TREASON.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He didn’t hurt my feelings.

Nor many others’.

But then again, this message isn’t addressed to ME, it’s addressed to many others.

Gail Combs

They forgot And when he is done Biden may KILL YOU….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Indeed. And without even knowing it.



And without even CARING ABOUT IT.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Nikki chico737

Ahhh 😃👍 …. 🧐:: President Trump and …. 💩 … 🤨🤚 …

  :wpds_wink:  … 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 ..

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Last edited 3 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Nikki chico737

… 😑 …   :wpds_evil:  . ‼️‼️‼️ … 🤨 ..

… 🤬 …

Don’t P/O the …. bird 🦅

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Screaming Eagle .. 🔼🇺🇸🔼 ..

Deplorable Patriot

I hate to say it, but that looks more like an F-35 than an F-15. The tails are tilted.

Nikki chico737

.. aw shucks .. 😞🤚 … but on the bright side they’re nice and noisy 😃👍❤️

Nikki chico737

… 🧐👍 … I like your airplane better DePat .. 🙂🤚❤️


Look again.

Count the # of engines. That is the biggie. Then the shapes of tail section, shape of wing, air intakes, and canopy/nose section. Below, F-35 on the left and F-15 Eagle on the right….

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That is most def. an F-15.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Nikki chico737

… miserable dumbasses … 😑 …

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Gail Combs

Those are DRAB why not go with Easter Eggers!

Whilst not strictly purebred, the Easter Egger has become a backyard favorite across America. With its cute looks and vibrant personality, what’s not to like?

They are known as Easter Eggers because they can lay a wide variety of egg colors, and their plumage can also be in various colors.

Generally, in the US, an Easter Egger is a bird that is understood to carry the blue egg laying gene from its parent stock (the Araucana or Ameraucana)….

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Nikki chico737



Who gets Michael Sussman?


Senator Johnson Sends Muscular Letter to FDA Questioning Hasty ‘Political’ Vaccine Approval
In a hard-hitting letter to the CDC, NIH, and FDA, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said the fast-track vaccine approval decision appeared more political than scientific since it skipped the usual formal advisory committee meeting and did not fully account for the reports of deaths and disabilities suffered by people after being vaccinated.
“I see no need to rush the FDA approval process for any of the three COVID-19 vaccines. Expediting the process appears to only serve the political purpose of imposing and enforcing vaccine mandates,” Mr. Johnson wrote.
The senator went on to outline some of the data from VAERS, which tallies adverse effects in people who get shots:
• As of Aug. 20, 12,791 worldwide deaths over an eight-month period have been associated with the three COVID-19 vaccines.
• Of the deaths, 4,632, or 36.2%, occurred within two days of the vaccination.
• A total of 571,831 adverse effects were reported, including 51,242 hospitalizations and 16,044 permanent disabilities.
Mr. Johnson noted that the 12,791 deaths eclipse the 8,966 deaths related to all other vaccines reported on VAERS since its creation 31 years ago.
“I am receiving a growing number of letters from doctors and nurses detailing the vaccine injuries they are witnessing and treating, together with the suppression and censoring of this information they are experiencing,” the senator said in the letter.
Read Washington Times (https://
More Johnson Letter (
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Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

>>”I see no need to rush the FDA approval process”<<

I see a need not only to not rush it, but also a need to SLOW IT WAY DOWN!

This is one of the major differences between politico- / lawyer-speak (non-dispositive – it doesn’t assert anything) and regular speech (dispositive – it asserts something).

He didn’t assert that he could see anything.
I did assert that I could see something.

(Yes, I’m back on this point of clarity in language! lol)

Cuppa Covfefe

From see to shining see…



Good Afternoon, Cuppa!

Yeah, I sorta ran into a wall a few days ago, in re the point I make above.

Colloquial speech (grammar, syntax) is one thing – and the rules of language properly address how we DO speak and write. What would literature be without license to express oneself as one wishes – even making up new words, or forms?

And yet, when in comes to the language used in law, there’s a significant difference.

The best example I can come up with so far is when people say something like “I don’t think so.”

Using the cherry-picking quoting techniques of the Enemedia, one could clip this into “He said ‘I don’t think’!”

The FIRST words that one utters carry the greatest power. Does anyone wish to say that they aren’t able to THINK?

I think not. (MORE powerful than saying “I don’t think so.”)

It’s grabbing better control of negation – when to use it and why, and how to see, in some specific contexts, that it ISN’T used well enough.

In these circumstances, I believe that negation should be used “mo’ better”…

Cuppa Covfefe

One could term the cancel culture the negation nation… 🙂
(or as the bedraggled rope said, I’m a frayed knot …)….

What’s interesting is to repeat the sentence, each time emphasizing a different word, e.g.

I don’t think so
I don’t think so
I don’t think so
I don’t think so
I don’t think, so

(and, echoing off in the distance, Al Borland saying, “I don’t know about that Tim”)


>>”emphasizing a different word”<<

Yes – the meaning changes EACH time, depending on the emphasis.

I believe this is why people (me too!) use capital letters, or asterisks before / after the word, and differing quotation symbols (I often use “>>” to begin others’ words, and “<<” to end them) to clarify the meaning.

There are, of course, additional techniques (bold, italics, et al.) to bridge the gap …

… between the SPOKEN word (natural, and FIRST / BEST),
… and the BROKEN word (written, and bereft of aural / visual cues between speaker and listener).


Anyone who construes speech in that way is doing it to control our speech, which is the road to tyranny. “I don’t think so” does not mean “I don’t think.” It means “I don’t think so” — whatever “so” means in that context. It means “I don’t think that” is true, or is going to happen, etc. It is perfectly good English, and they can’t be allowed to change it.

Taking words out of context — i.e., removing “I don’t think” from “so” — is dishonest.


This cool if this works.
SpaceX is designing the launch tower to capture the returning booster, as well as the Starship space craft.
This allows them to rapidly assemble the returning booster rocket with Starship and a return to re-launch within one hour.

SpaceX’s Next Idea: to Catch Super Heavy Boosters With the Launch Tower – Universe Today


The FDA just ***approved*** Pfizer’s “vaccines”.

Didn’t Bye-Dan ask that it be hurried up? And didn’t the NYT nudge them (comms) as well for Monday?

Bannon led with the story on Warroom just know, and said that it would “bludgeon” mothers into complying in order to have their children be able to go to school.


Home school the children.

As for this retired old fart. NO VACCINE. NO BOOSTER. Never to be rounded up into a “high risk” camp, gaggle…

Deplorable Patriot

Not everyone has the flexibility to home school or the patience to do it.

At least in the US we can home school, though. In France, as of next year, home schooling is outlawed.

Gail Combs

“Not everyone has the flexibility to home school or the patience to do it…”

If you CARE about your children you figure out HOW. There are home schooling groups that can help you do that.

We are retired and we help other people home school their kids. It is time for us old folks to step up and help too. One home schooling group we know is centered around a church. The Church allows the basement to be used as class rooms and various adults from the church teach different subjects.


WE HAVE LOST OUR SENSE OF COMMUNITY and that was achieved DELIBERATELY starting in 1945 when the Committee on Economic Development targeted farmers and farming communities.


some great ideas there GC

If retired/lots of free time, volunteer for the local homeschooling group

Center it around the local church as they should be willing to participate along with donating space

Gail Combs

The home schoolers do not even have to be members of the church.


comment image?resize=480%2C594&ssl=1


The Professor’s Record
Last Wednesday many of you emailed and called my university’s administration on my behalf. You fought for me.

Your voices were ignored by most, but were heard by one man with integrity.

One man responded in courage.

My Dean, Jim Hoffman.

Dean Hoffman was ordered by the university to come to my morning class and see if I was complying with the mask mandate.

If I was in noncompliance, he was ordered to terminate, and remove me, in front of all of my students.

Dean Hoffman showed up to my class.

I was not wearing a mask.

It was an ominous sign.

I recorded the class wondering if what would be captured would be my public humiliation.

Instead of being removed from my class, Dean Hoffman handed me the teaching excellence award I refused to pick up the day before because I would not mask up.

He spoke graciously to me in front of my students.

He made no demands that I comply.

He asserted his strong belief in the exercise of free speech.

He then left me to teach my class.

For that act of courage, Jim Hoffman was informed this past Friday he is no longer the Dean of the Business College.

You asked him to stand by me.

He did.

Jim Hoffman did the right thing.

Jim Hoffman acted with integrity.

Thousands reached out on my behalf.

Now I ask that you all send Jim Hoffman your love and support for his sacrifice for freedom.

Please email him and leave a voicemail for him. Please show your love and appreciation.

I can bear the hurts thrown my way.

It hurts me far more to know others are suffering on my behalf.

In the subject line of your email, please write: “Thank you Jim Hoffman for your Courage.”


Please let Jim know how courageous his act was, so that other administrators will also find their courage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. THAT is an amazing story. Somebody ELSE stood up to the NAZIS and lost his job. What a HERO.

If only we had people like that in government.

Gail Combs

I hope they both run for office. They would get a lot of support!

Concerned Virginian

It’s open season on anyone who doesn’t “follow the science” now—
The FDA just gave “full approval” to the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine”.
Remember that this “vaccine”, listed as “Experimental” in the filings with, is still officially in clinical trials until 2023.

Concerned Virginian

Per 77WABC, New York, 11AM news report.


Dr. Gina Loudon on Bannons War Room just said the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine despite loosing the control placebo group in their study. This never happened with any other drug which has been approved. This approval can only be political, under pressure from the illegal WH occupant

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

Dr Gina also advocates home schooling.


It’s clear now, if it wasn’t before: The FDA is a purely political organization that is not looking out for us and is not to be trusted with our health.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s over.

The Biden “administration” just signed a deal with the devil.

I do not go along. I do not comply.



The Professor’s Record
Forwarded from 
Joe Oltmann(Joe Oltmann)
They cannot stop what is about to happen. This morning you woke up as a slave to the elite and the corrupt and evil government leadership. Soon we throw them out and restore constitutional integrity to our nation.

The fraud in Maricopa is so much bigger than you could imagine. Need you to understand this is just one county… and the number of fake voters is hundreds of thousands, not thousands.


Another Fake poll of the FAKEPotus
See the Demonrats are over polled.comment image

Nikki chico737


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolute LIES.

Gail Combs

I doubt Bite-me is much over 30% -35% aka the hard core DemiSheep vote.

I base it on: the December 2009 Rassmussen poll:
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot – Rasmussen Reports

in 2009 a “…. new Rasmussen Reports “generic ballot” poll shows

Democrats attracting 36% of the vote.

The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%,

and Republicans finish third at 18%.

Another 22% are undecided….”

I do not see many of the 41% conservative or the 22% undecided still supporting Bite-me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They always keep the Demmunist in the upper 40 percents. It’s total BS.

Gail Combs

It certainly is. Can’t have the common folk figure out that we OUT NUMBER the Commies and their Sheeple by 2 to 1!

Nikki chico737

I came across this nice video and wanted to share it I hope you enjoy it .. ❤️

Simone Crowell makes fun of a gospel singer .. but ……..


Crowell makes me sick to my stomach.

If there is another video of this performer without him in it I’d be interested.


“When the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was the primary object.”
– Patrick Henry

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What did Patrick Henry mean by the youth of the American spirit? Seems to me he was still living in that time. If the American spirit wasn’t in its youth in the 1770s, when was it in its youth (by his lights)?


#California – All You Need To Rig An Election Outcome is a $1.00 Flashlight! Behold #ScanTheBallots #KinematicArtifactDetection #JovanHuttonPulitzer JOIN ME and HELP FIGHT THESE THINGS! image


With California, it feels as if we’re just watching another election be stolen. Fraud is being uncovered every day, and yet it continues. The fraud is not being stopped on a large scale. Letting it happen and the election proceed is not enough. It takes too long to audit, and even then the results might not be changed. IMO, we need some kind of intervention, NOW.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m totally OK with intervention.

Melt the machines and make prison bars.


Lindell just announced that he has 300 possible whistleblowers who came forward.
They are being vetted now.
Frank – The Voice of Free Speech Social Media (


Great! He had said that 40 Dominion employees had quit, and he was hoping some of them would blow the whistle.


Gotta wonder how many FIB malefactors are insinuated into that group.

Gail Combs

That is why they are being vetted. Lindell already got stung.

Concerned Virginian

And so the war begins on We, The People:
Per 77WABC, New York, 1PM news report:
The CDC issued a statement that “You are people, not cattle”, and warned against anyone taking Ivermectin to avoid or treat COVID-19.

On another topic: 77WABC let go their best afternoon talk show host, Lidia Curanaj, and hired Rush Limbaugh’s call screener, “Bo Snerdley”, for a new show. He starts today. Guess who his first guest is?—


Of course. He’s the next GOP sele tion after Bush.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well they’re certainly treating us like cattle. Or perhaps sheeple.

And they don’t even know that Ivermectin IS approved for use on humans: for head lice and scabies, and IIRC other parasite infections…

Speaking of parasites, douse Faux-Xi, BillyGhoulGates and their crews and cronies with enough Ivermectin, and they might go away, too…

Brave and Free

Makes you wonder what kind of call screening may have been going on possibly? Then again he’s probably being told who to have on his show I am sure.

Last edited 3 years ago by Brave and Free

Unless he’s setting up Pence for failure, the show ain’t going to go on for long.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

And it’s fixing to happen again, for good this time. Military has to start leaving within 72hrs to be gone by 8/31. 🤬


Oh my. DJT thinks Bye-done is being rational. The author of The Art of the Deal should recognize a deal when he sees one.

What deal, you ask?

The one (of many) that Slow Joe made with the CCP.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Hiya Pgroup, nice to see you oot & aboot! 😎🤗🤗🥰


FDA Approval of Pfizer Vaccine Sparks Wave of Mandates: Pentagon, New York City Public Schools Announce Requirements

Only one vaccine is approved, so if someone has received a different one, will they be allowed entry? If so, it makes no sense. If not — just talking about the vaxxed, here — they are discriminating against those who got other vaccines.

Concerned Virginian

How can the FDA (Dr. Janet Woodcock, known for rushing breast cancer drugs through “full approval” via short-circuiting the complete testing and analysis process) “fully approve” the Pfizer “vaccine” while that product is still officially in clinical trials until MAY, 2023?


Excellent question!

Deplorable Patriot

This is a completely political move. Pfizer doesn’t even require their people to take their own product.

One of the people I follow claims that mandates are illegal. I would like to see some legal eagle dig into the books on that one. Legalese puts me to sleep.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Yes, all legal opinions are welcome.


As a retired paralegal, I find that statement to be untrue. Since 50% of lawyers are losers in trials, it would seem that 50% of the legal opinions were NOT welcome. 🙂


Ha! Well, I want to see the good ones. ⚖️


WAYNE ROOT: SUICIDE: How Vaccine Passports Will Cause the Economic Collapse of America

About 50% of America hasn’t taken the vaccine. That’s no coincidence. Somewhere between 40% and 50% of America is never taking the vaccine. No matter you say or do, the answer is still “NO.” We will not comply.

If government is dumb enough to demand vaccine passports, that means 40% to 50% of us won’t eat at restaurants, or go to bars and nightclubs, or concerts, or conventions, or sports events. We won’t buy anything at your retail stores anymore.

Which means everyone is out of business. No business in America can take a 20% loss of sales, let alone 30%, or 40%, or 50%. They’re all out of business. Which means tens of millions of Americans will lose their jobs. Total economic collapse will soon follow.

Think about New York City, LA, San Fran and New Orleans. No more conservative tourists. That’s half the tourists in your city or state – gone.

No more tourists from Texas or Florida, places with millions of unvaccinated citizens, where vaccine mandates are forbidden by law. Just those two states together have 50 million citizens. That’s millions of potential tourists never again coming to NYC, LA, San Fran and New Orleans. Businesses will close. Tax revenues will disappear. Good luck.

The Left was this dumb about defunding the police, too. But once the damage is done, it’s hard to recover, and that is their goal.

Gail Combs

Actually what will happen is a SEPARATE economic system will spring up. Under OH!Bummer there was already a 2 trillion dollar shadow economy.

You can also expect it to be a CASH ONLY economy and a major loss in tax revenue as people repudiate the fraudulant government.


Election stolen by an Excel spreadsheet.
STEALING AMERICA with a Sixth Order Polynomial. (

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s absolutely great to watch again.

If I was President, I would fire everybody in government who assured us that the election was not stolen.


🇺🇸 🗳 Wolf Moon for President! 🗳 🇺🇸

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Possible death penalty! Excellent own goal


Wolfie take note!

Medics discover pioneering treatment for Covid lung scarring using a transfusion of a patient’s own blood

  • NHS medics hope treatment will restore most people to normal lung function
  • Hundreds of thousands could benefit from work of team at hospital in London
  • Scarring of inner surface of the lung affects organ’s ability to function normally
  • Treatment involves taking blood bag from patient in same way as donating blood

Can you give us a link, please?

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Marjorie Taylor Greene was on Bannon’s War Room today. She is such a fighter, and remains positive. She says Mo Brooks messed up at the rally, but he was the first member of Congress to say he would object to Biden’s Electoral College votes.

She notes that people sent a mesage to PDJT at the rally about vaccines as well.

Call Congress today and tell them to vote NO on these things:

  • infrastructure bill
  • budget
  • We the People Act


Call, email, communicate with them on social media.

MTG’s leadership PAC is
It’s to ensure we only have America-first Republicans for 2022..

Her website where people can support her:

What she recommends:

  1. All politics are local. Be activists with local people. Watch your school board.
  2. Hold local officials accountable.
  3. Congress is on record. Look up their voting records. Conservative Review is good.

Don’t give up!

In the next couple of days: “Do not get down. I never get defeated because my God wins and the rest of them are false. Do not fear what’s happening. We can take America back. We have to stay focused and never give up.”

We need another 434 like her in the House.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Amen. She is FANTABULOUS!! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


Here comes the spin and discrimination.

75 Florida doctors walk out of hospital, refuse to treat the UnVaccinated…

The Yahoo source article states how the Gulf Coast of FL has low vax rates, and:

  • “at least five South Florida police officers died after contracting the virus, writes CNN
  • “It’s incredibly frustrating because we know vaccines are safe and effective,” 👀😱😂

The article contains several stats, but I couldn’t find one on the percentage of COVID patients who are unvaxed. It’s way over the top, in full spin and scare mode.

I fully expect to have trouble finding a doctor or hospital if I need them. This has to change.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

As posted above.
India may prosecute and ultimately execute a World Health Organization Scientist for misleading the public about Ivermectine. She is actually Indian, so it was a dumb move on her part.

Gail Combs

I sure as heck HOPE she is one of MANY TO COME!


It’s a start, anyway.

God grant it growth and headway.

Nikki chico737

In Jesus name, amen 🙏🏼


It’s incredibly frustrating because we know vaccines are safe and effective,” said Dr. JT Snarksi, one of Monday’s protesting physicians. “And it’s people who go out and talk against them that really go against physicians and medicine and science.” She added, “It’s not the message we want to get across to people. Vaccines are safe 




Gail Combs


Vaccines for children were NEVER TESTED for SAFETY
@ 3 minutes: Robert Kennedy Jrs foundation Sued for studies on safety on ANY of the 72 vaccines mandated. There are NO per-licensing placebo studies on ANY of those vaccines. (4 minutes)


This is exactly the kind of crap my son’s in-laws spew and he has to counteract to ptotect his wife and child to be. How dare these “scientists” and “doctors” proclaim that these “vaccines” are perfectly safe for pregnant women. and encourage them to get it as soon as possible. They are not even vaccines, and pregnant women should not be given any vaccines (IMO), period.

Interesting that his name is Snarksi.


Snarksi is probably one of those fake “white lab coat wearing” doctors.

Gail Combs

Like FauXi who NEVER PRACTICED MEDICINE beyond his internship. FauXi is just a jumped up Lab Rat.

Nikki chico737

That the Connecticut branch of the Snarski’s …




Does he have a buddy named Hunch?


comment imageDr. Zelenko


Follow the Commissioners…

Scott Gottlieb – Former Commissioner of the FDA resigns and then goes to Pfizer to be on the board of directors.  

Stephen Hahn – Replaces Gottlieb as FDA Commissioner and eventually resigns. He is now the Chief Medical Officer for Moderna.

Janet Woodcock – Wrongly advises Rick Bright (a fully-controlled individual) that HCQ is a dangerous drug requiring EUA that should be ONLY limited to hospitalized patients. Remember, all of the relevant clinical data at the time showed HCQ to be extremely effective in early treatment and NOT in hospitalized patients. Several months later Janet Woodcock replaces Stephen Hahn as the Commissioner of the FDA.  

Is this all making sense yet?


excellent post.

please post more often.

Concerned Virginian

Please clarify, somebody:
The FDA “approved” the original use of the Pfizer “vaccine” today under the original EUA; and at the same time, extended the EUA to children under 18?
So the FDA, in reality, DID NOT “fully approve” or “fully license” the Pfizer “vaccine” today, just said, “The original EUA has our approval, and so does the EUA extension for people under age 18.” Is that right?
Isn’t against the law for the FDA to “fully approve” or “fully license” a drug that hasn’t even finished its Clinical Trials? The Pfizer “vaccine” is in Clinical Trials until May, 2023. And even after that, the results have to be collated and studied.
Is the FDA playing smoke and mirrors? Are they being told what to do? Who paid Dr. Janet Woodcock off?
This FDA “full approval” of the Pfizer “vaccine” today is the SECOND instance this year of Dr. Woodcock giving “full approval” of a drug that had its “Clinical Trials” performed only through the company (Biogen) that made the drug. In addition, the independent panel that examined the “results” of this “Clinical Trial” rejected it. But Dr. Woodcock “fully approved” the drug anyway. It’s a drug for treatment of Alzheimer’s, called Aduhelm. Woodcock got a promise by the drug’s manufacturer that they would conduct “another clinical trial” on the drug after “full approval.” The FDA granted “accelerated approval” of Aduhelm in June, 2021.


Hi CV,

Can you repost this as a standalone comment (as opposed to a reply)?

This way it stands a better chance of getting seen by everybody and replied to by somebody more qualified to answer than myself.

Concerned Virginian

Thanks so much. Something just came up, so will do either either later on tonight or sometime tomorrow.


YW !


Calling Wolfmoon! Help!

I have been looking for this info same as CV all day!

I can’t figure it out. Can you? This could be a VERY BIG DEAL.


It has never been about our health.
comment image

Gail Combs

AND raw milk is actually better for you than pasturized.


And has been to save children’s lives when they are failing to thrive.


DP. Here’s a meme for you.
My blood is boiling.
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

The FDA and USDA have had a revolving door with Monsanto and now its buyer Bayer for DECADES. This goes back at least 60 years.


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


comment image



comment image



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

comment image

This dude may be the most red pilled Priest I have ever seen.

“Let Bill Gates jab himself with it! Let the Rockefellers jab themselves with it. Let the Rothschilds jab themselves with it. Let Klaus Schwab jab himself with it. Let George Soros jab himself with it.”


The Righteous Indignation the World over is reaching a boiling point, can you feel it?

Prepare for an inundation of Light. It’s coming.

Found it here first

Last edited 3 years ago by K1tt7-fzn
Deplorable Patriot

I should save this for a daily, but, hey.

Nikki chico737

…. ✋😮👍 … ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ _ I love them‼️ So cute/adorable

TY DePat for posting these puppies .. are they Huskies? …. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

If those aren’t huskies, they are malamutes.

Deplorable Patriot
Nikki chico737

…. WOW .. ‼️‼️ …. that’s amazing …


Freedom. Blessed Freedom.
This will eventually get to my family.

Please share this one. It will not be up long.

Deplorable Patriot

If the fire departments walk nationwide, katy bar the door.

The police are vital to civilization, but the fire department(s) are American romance personified. It would invite fire bugs for sure, but still, they need to make a stand, and good for them.


I HOPE for wide spread “blue flu” by police, fire, pilots, truckers…ALL PROFESSIONS…ALL WORKERS.

Nationwide General Strike.

SHUT THE COUNTRY DOWN, AND government WILL back down.

Shame on, Go A Long. To Get Along.



Brave and Free

The purge of the American work force has begun…….
Every city, village and town will remove everyone who will not comply.
This will touch every family in America.


It’s intended to.


When there are no firemen, truckers, police, road crews, sanitation workers and others, it is gonna “touch” everybody all right.

The cities are going to explode.

Nikki chico737

Maybe this is what the evil creeps plan on happening .. more chaos


I have no doubt. And it will be blamed on “anti-vaxers.” But that’s not going to work anymore. Too many of us are awake.

Nikki chico737

It frightens me, … feels like things are picking up speed … 🥺


I’m watching Bannon’s War Room now, and I have the same impression about things picking up speed. One guest is saying there are not enough border patrol officers to deal with the influx. We pretty much knew that, but in light of forced vaxes and people quitting rather than get vaxed, I think every facet of society will be stretched so thin that the Left will be able to push things through like dropping illegals all over the country, on a path to citizenship. It seems to be spinning out of control, and something needs to be done NOW rather than months down the road. (And sorry; I don’t mean to scare you even more. 😊 But we have to be aware of what’s going on and even our surroundings. At least there are a lot of us out here.)

Nikki chico737

Well being scared is a
process in becoming acutely aware, cautious,
attentive and reasoning …
I mean laser focused attentive. Trust but VERIFY … and never never ASSUME …

And a very strong foundation in Christ

Nikki chico737

This video IS A MUST WATCH.

This video IS A MUST SHARE!!!


Yes. This man has a somewhat slow, measured delivery that is mesmerizing. This brings it all home.


“I don’t recognize this place anymore.”



Food for thought…

MSM, as well as other journalists, are reporting about various people around the world protesting their governments response to the plandemic.

(IMO, that is just “the straw that broke the camels back”)

PDJT is being portrayed by many as “pushing” the VAX (although he ALWAYS mentions our freedom to choose, which is often left out of the reporting).

Some “controlled opposition” is attempting to portray PDJT as part of the “cabal” because of this issue (which is PURE HORSESHIT).

But some of “us” are wondering why he continues recommending it.

Meanwhile, we are looking at another attempt by TPTB (now including the federal government) to push the envelope with the China virus (vaccine mandates, masks, lockdowns, etc.)

Considering that NOW, this is no longer a “pro-Trump/anti-Trump” issue…

Will we step up and protest our government ?

I know I will !
I believe most of you will !
AND… I suspect that many people with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) might too…BECAUSE PDJT RECOMMENDS IT !

(See how THAT works ?!!)

Gail Combs

AHHHHhhh So someone else see that too.


This is not a left/right issue.

The political left NEEDS it to be a political issue.

This is a freedom vs. tyranny issue…..with the tyrants making hollow, empty, demonstratively FALSE promises of safety in return for our freedoms.

“We’ll keep you safe if you agree to be our serfs and slaves. And if you don’t agree, well…..there will be consequences, but they’ll be your responsibility and fault, not ours.”

F them.


A ground report from the wilds of Montana, today:

I went to the feed store to get some chicken feed and dog food.

I asked if they were worried about getting grain to make the feed (our feed store fronts an over-a-hundred year old feed mill. Some of the original equipment is still in use!). My friend there said the grain was not so much a problem, but they were going to be OUT OF HAY by the end of the year! This is partly because some large properties that would have been hay producers sold out to build subdivisions. 🙁 I don’t know what all the cattle and horse people are gonna do come January and February. It’s going to be bad.

Then I asked how they were stocked for Ivermectin. She said the box on the shelf was the last of them, and they were being told they might by able to get more next year!

Needless to say, I bought another box. Just call me Mr. Ed. Neigh!!!

Things are getting squirrelly out here, y’all.


I’ve hesitated to mention online pharmacies that aren’t as fussy if you don’t ever get around to sending your rx after you make your order. Maybe they are based in another country or something. I’ve never ordered from them, but I have read reports from people in other countries having good experiences with them.

Word to the wise though, if you are searching, don’t order from or other places where the labels are all in Chinese. I don’t trust those!


Mumbai, India. The Zivedo Kit you featured earlier today.
Prescription required me thinks.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r



I’d be more than happy to be your neighbor!
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That would be nice!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


And they’re right. We’re awake, not woke.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Sadie Slays

Audit report delayed due to “COVID.” How convenient. I have severe doubts that anyone is actually sick.
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Sadie Slays

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

At least they got half of it, that’s better than nothing. They start looking at it Wednesday.


If they are sick, I pray they have all the best therapeutics to help them beat it fast and fully. Ivermectin!

Sadie Slays


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Other things that make you go, “huh?”
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Love your word for the day… can’t wait to use it…


Still happy from retrieving a bunch of my music. I was listening to this one (not with Enya singing it) and thought I’d share…..

Clannad literally means “family”. Mom’s on keys, and all the other instruments are played by uncles and cousins. The usual lead singer, Moire, is evidently taking a break, leaving her little sister Enya to sing.

Gail Combs

I am listening to
Dr Mercola and Judy Mikovits Interview – The COVID-19 Vaccinesfrom Feb 9 2021

I caught something I had not caught before this. Dr Judy says @ 24 min that this is deadly to Blacks because they can not deal with RNA viruses…. shades of Hitlery’s hero Margret Sanger.