The “Thalidomide Janet” Honorary List Of Mandate Nazis To Boycott

We need a place to keep track of who will be the recipients of our legally protected civil disobedience. I am not saying how people should protest. Not doing business with these companies is a first step. Beyond that, consult your conscience. Please add in the comments ANY businesses which require vaccine passports, or who … Continue reading The “Thalidomide Janet” Honorary List Of Mandate Nazis To Boycott

Dear KAG: 20210825 Open Thread We'll get the COVID part of this out of the way first. Where did that come from? This video. I'm not a real fan of Matt Walsh, but he hits it out of the park. For those losing and/or leaving jobs due to refusal to get the jab: Well...IDK, you don't … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20210825 Open Thread