Dear KMAG: 20210830 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay!  We’ll make our way through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer this from Fearless Motivation Instrumentals, titled ‘Guided’:

And this from FMI, titled ‘Hope Ascend’:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


As an ɪɴᴛʀᴀɴsɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴠᴇʀʙ, conglomerate means…to form or gather into a mass or whole.  As a ɴᴏᴜɴ, a conglomerate refers to…a collected heterogeneous mass; a cluster; a corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified fields; a conglomeration.

As an ᴀᴅᴊᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ, conglomerate describes…something that has been gathered into a mass. In ɢᴇᴏʟᴏɢʏ, a conglomerate refers to rock that is composed of stones, pebbles, or fragments of rocks, cemented together.

Used in a sentence:

There has been so much conglomerating going on in the world of business and finance, that today there are huge multi-national conglomerates that threaten the sovereignty of nations.



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Sadie Slays

Some Anon figured out that Pfizer’s customer service phone number for injection-related matters has 666 in it. Here it is on the CDC’s website:
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Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays

It’s like I mentioned here in another post recently, it’s so desperately juvenile, it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

They hate regular Americans. They know most Americans self-identify as Christians. Like any teenager, they know how to annoy people or provoke others to anger. Little stuff like putting triple-6 in the phone number checks all the boxes.

But it has become a kind of subculture, so they do it automatically, with everything, everywhere, all the time.

Like high school kids, rebelling against the establishment.

Except they are the establishment.


You are 100% right Scott! Went to a local school board meeting last week!! Appalling is beyond my comprehension!!! I was so involved…until my kids went to college…then..CRT evidently came in and has corrupted as Nobody was keeping watch!!! Now my grand is in the system…AUGH!!!!


Right with ya. The stories I could tell. Fixing it is a huge effort because the people are deeply entrenched via jobs, connections, etc.

We have to clean house. It won’t be pretty, but communists and their lackeys need to be expelled from school.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, things have to be cleaned out, but it isn’t just the school boards and personnel. All the textbooks that have been sold in the last so many years need to go as well.


Pearson textbook publisher needs to be dropped and run out of town.

Cuppa Covfefe

BillyGhoul Gates is DEEPLY involved with them…..


Indoctrination on every page of every subject and heavily pushed by staff.


And Obozo got a multi-million dollar advance for his “book” from them, after hiring them for the “Common Core” curriculum to make students less educated.

Quid Pro Quo, spread out far enough in time to evade – perhaps – the “pay-for-play” bribery laws.


There’s actually a psychological term for this. It’s called “arrested development.” It usually happens when a trauma is experienced. The person doesn’t advance emotionally past the age they were as of that experience.

So, that leads me to wonder, what exactly ARE they inflicting on our children in school?

Because that is the ONLY common factor in all Millennial adults. Public school. So what exactly is the trauma there?

If we can figure that out, maybe we can address it.

Gail Combs

“…what exactly ARE they inflicting on our children in school?…”

Dehumanization/ othering would be my guess.

“…Dehumanizing groups of people produces a kind of emotional Gestalt shift, replacing the respect and compassion that normally go with recognizing people as human, with a different emotional package…” They were speaking of POTUS but it applies much more closely to vaccinated-unmasked vs Masked.

Face Masks: What Happens When Baby Can’t See Faces?

Aside from turning a trip to the grocery store into something more nearly resembling a horror movie, what does it mean for our children to be surrounded by people in face masks? Some experts say that not being able to see facial expressions may slow baby’s speech and social development….

Infants and toddlers watch our faces for important clues about language and social situations. That is why it is so important that they can see our faces without anything getting in the way, for instance, a face mask that covers mouth and nose. But what happens when babies can’t see half our faces—our mouths, cheeks, and noses—in everyday situations?

Erin Vollmer of TherapyWorks says that babies learn through watching and modeling—they copy what the adults around them do. When they can’t see our faces, it’s hard for babies to learn. “Focusing on facial expressions and facial movement is highly important when developing mirror neurons and ultimately speech and language skills. That’s why it is important that an infant see the face of their communicative partner when developing early speech sounds,” says Vollmer….

We are going to end up with an entire generation of EMOTIONALLY STUNTED people who are unable to understand no verbal body language.

What is body language? How can you read it and refine your own body language?

Human communication is 20% verbal and 80% non-verbal so if you are saying something to a person but your body language says the opposite then you’re not getting your message across. 

Well that will certainly make things A LOT EASIER on the liars in government no won’t it?


In China and Japan when there is flu season people wear masks also children how does it affect them?
Yes I see the effect for children specifically but wonder how other cultures deal with it? Same with Muslim women who wear a burka or other face vale ?
Personally when I had to wear a mask I felt hampered communicating because I am expressive. I like to smile at people even if I do not know them. I can tell if someone is down a little and a smile goes a long way.
Children I also like to smile at them . Yes the all the time mask can be damaging and as a parent it is up to them to minimize the negative effect.
Does a child develop a stronger 6 sense and take its cues from eyes? Just wondering .


Years ago, I took a course in which the full-professor said that HALF of the resources of the brain / mind are dedicated to reading FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.

Muting that learning has consequences for the rest of ones life. It’s a *cognitive* deprivation – not merely a sensory one.

>>”Does a child develop a stronger”<<

I would say an emphatic “NO!!!”

Hobble any of the five senses – especially while GROWING – and the sixth (intuition) doesn’t stand a chance.

Oxygen deprivation; facial recognition deprivation; psychological ABUSE; and more, in combination at least.


Interesting did not know that.
Reading people is important that is why people misread people on Internet we do not see the other person.
Small children are normally home with family without the mask?
Strangers is another think though.
I guess like a puppy that is not socialized.
Best is home schooling until school come back to their senses.

Gail Combs

Reading people is why I really HATE phones. I would rather walk or travel to meet a person face to face if I can.


Me too. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

My son has been slowly going deaf for the last 15 years, profoundly hard of hearing the last seven years, totally deaf now, but he has CIs (Cochlear Implants) which, thank GOD, are working well for him.

He’s in Uni now, and as the COVIDIOCY has decreed that all lectures and even group projects must be done online, he must try to read lips and make out what is going on based on whatever garbleage (as it were) comes out of other people’s webcams and microphones.

Almost all people read lips, to some degree, and read facial expressions and body language as well. Before my son had the CIs and was relying on Ultra-Power hearing aids, without reading lips, lectures, even in person, were a non-starter.

Talking to people wearing masks was all but useless. With CIs, it’s better, but online meetings, etc., with “Low-Fi” on the other side, are not good. Same thing pretty much goes for his classmates.

Basically, without perfect hearing and perfect (or almost) equipment, schooling, in particular complex lecture material and intereactive project meetings, is VERY DIFFICULT and not very productive. And that goes for just about everyone.

The maskholes need to be vanquished and removed. The sheeple need to be shorn of their blind obedience to malevolent, lying, evil, cruel, (b)leaders. And the latter group, comprising the detritus of the globalist sewer sumped up from Hell, needs to be dispatched posthaste from whence they came, back to the 9th level of Hell…


Sadie! My surprised face…Evil is pervasive!!! and the evil peeps do Not even care!!!

Sylvia Avery

Not only did they not have to use that number, most of us kind of recoil in horror when we see that number. If it came up randomly who wouldn’t say, “uh uh no way we’re using that number! We don’t want to alienate our customers.” This was deliberate. And creepy.


You nailed the reason WHY they used the number.

They don’t WANT people to call with problems about the clot-shot!

Lots of us would simply not call that number, because, as you say, CREEPY.

Cuppa Covfefe

When I was in Uni, for a short while I lived near the Silverlake district in Los Angeles (“someone left the cake out in the rain” 🙂 ). One of the exchanges there had the prefix of “666”. IIRC mine was 665. but even way, way, WAYYYY back then, LA (213) was running out of numbers.

Although, that part of LA probably had more than its share of witches and other odd things ($cienos and other cults)…

Anymore, with the flexibility afforded by electronically-managed exchanges, avoiding a particular prefix or getting a “vanity” number is a piece of cake. So that prefix was most likely by intent.

We have a similar thing over here. You can ask for a particular number on your license plate (within reason), such as KL-SN 666 (the first is the “Landkreis”, the second and the number can be applied for. Oddly enough, almost all of the cars with 666 I’ve seen over the years have been black or red. No other colors… fancy that…


One funny little factoid about telephone numbers.

The oldest systems were done by calling the operator and requesting a connection. Soon, the telephone company had developed automatic switches that could make connections by number — and, at the time, the numbers were coming off of dial phones.

That meant that it was much faster to request area codes like 213, 212, 312, and 313 (Los Angeles, Manhattan, Chicago, and Detroit, respectively). These were assigned to centers of finance and industry.

Area code 202 (Washington, DC) took a bit longer to call.

But, of course, areas like 805 (non-metro SoCal) were “the sticks” — so who cared how long it took to call them?


Hiya Wheatie!!!! Holdin the LINE sista!!! How ya been? Finally moved!! and gettin my checkens in a row!!! Gonna try to come over here to Wolfies regularly..My best laid plans!!! Smuchas sis!! WE NEED GOD AND POTUS 45 in the worst way!!!


I used to move every 2-4 builder hubby.. but I was there for 14 years..and so much older!! AUGH! But..I am feeling… a bit settled.. and I have 8 chickens now who crack me up! New home and truly NEW LIFE!!
Here thru duchess that Wolfie is feeling better!! That makes me HAPPY!!! Hows your back issues? Ya good sis?


Yep!! Good!! Mentally struggling with our Country.. my Song…


Always here Wheatie!! In your foxhole darlin!! Never giving up!!!


By the time I was 30, I had lived in 30 places. Am now at almost 25 at this address…..I truly, deeply understand and sympathize.

Be careful not to scare the new neighbors with your GLEE!!!

Gail Combs

By the time I was thirty it was over 40 places. We have been at the farm for over 25 years now 😍🤗


I did the same thing. Moved all over and then settled. Twenty-seven years here now, in the same little town. I moved away once for a short time, realized I hated it, and came back. I don’t ever want to move again!

Gail Combs



I keep trying to get over to your place more often. Had an information overload the other day and had to go outside and just sit for an hour.

God, please help us through these times. I would like nothing more than to hang out at Marica’s place every day and exchange life hacks and recipes and pictures. Amen.


Ah Grandma!!! We da Mash Unit!!! Wolfies is the place to fight!!! I fight in real life tho! Damn vaxxers are everywhere…And Pray for you all!!!!!!!!!! We all in this together!!! WWG1WGA!!


We are!! 🤗


Yeah, that expression is all fun and games until you’re dealing with actual chickens….


Coothie!!! Hiya!! I got eight Mothercluckers!!! Actualy 7 and a rooster..Origina ly named kaitlyn–cuz she might be a Bruce! Well–She’s a He!! Hello Bruce!! So I had my grand over yesterday and I am hearing him cocka doodle doing. I call him outside and say–007…Bruce is crowing!! Come out and hear! He runs outside and then says” wait..Who’s Bruce? LOL!




[Redacted — wrong place.]

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu

I’ve had some suspicion about this guy.
Wanting people to follow him on FACEBOOK.

If that isn’t a red flag…


This screams DS plant like the FIB stuff.

I hope not, but it is their MO.

Trying to drag soldiers into a net.


Our Father …
May every evil plot be exposed.

May every good man heed the Holy Spirit
and bring only glory to our King.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sylvia Avery


Gail Combs

Yes, he is OVER THE TOP! His comment about Baby Boomers (who are mostly conservatives) was a DEAD GIVE-AWAY!

Also his resignation would have to go up the chain of command to get approval. That would not happen QUICK because they would be mulling over whether or not to COURT MARTIAL his rump.

So Yeah, I SMELL SET-UP mainly for other Conservatives in the military.


Except many people his age consider Boomers to be the liberal idiots who got this country in the mess it is. They see us as Jane Fondas…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Most people are IDIOTS about Facebook. Most people are not smart about Facebook like us. I don’t hold that against the guy.

I don’t get a bad reading from the guy. I think he’s making a smart calculation that he can do more now OUTSIDE .mil than he can INSIDE it – and he may actually have a WORKING PENSION from whatever he does next, because at the rate .mil is going, they will be “woked out” of their pensions in 10-15 years.

He’s talking big, because outside .mil he CAN.


I really hope so. Here is the chess move he had on the table:

I listened to his second video again. You can see the raw emotion. I hope he stays safe.

Glad to know he is in the states.

Valerie Curren

I was wondering what the significance of that prominently placed chess board might have been…hmmm.


He mentioned the “Bellwether Alliance” in his second video. Check out the website, and tell me something isn’t very weird here.

Membership by invitation only. Seems cult-like. Something is wrong with this picture.


Finally glanced at this Bellwether crap. Odd as hell. Me, hard pass.


Very strange. Concerning to me.


In his second video, he mentioned the “Bellwether Alliance.” Look at the website and tell me something isn’t weird here. Seems cult-like. Membership be invitation only.

Something is way off with this guy, in my opinion.


I didn’t catch whether he mentioned the organization in a good light, or a bad light, or neither.

I read a bit of that site’s credo – VERY shifty. A whole bunch of words used, to say absolutely NOTHING.

And Scheller could have meditated FURTHER before posting again …

Gail Combs

The fact he posted so soon and in a threatening way is a real turn-off for me.

Either he is a loose cannon or a Psy-op. Neither is GOOD.



He was strutting, in the last part. Goaded by the “honorable” dig, and acting in haste.

I suspect Aubergine is right, in re his wife. Did he check with her, before his soliloquy, announcing to the WORLD?

I suspect not …


There is more in this video than what I heard in the shorter version earlier. I note a couple of things:

1) He says he is a “coin-carrying member” of the Bellwether Alliance. I listened a couple of times, because “coin-carrying” seems odd, but I’m pretty sure that’s what he is saying. He states it at 9:00. He talks about their “laws” to create wealth, and how they can make you a “slave to the system.”

2) I think he thinks his wife may be about to leave him

3) He is resigning his commission, and also states he wants no benefits, VA, nothing

I am concerned for this man.


He was obviously quite emotional – NEVER a good time to make serious decisions, NOR to go public.

He likely Shh! OTT himself in the foot, as it were.


Military often use coins as a morale thing…unit pride and such. Every division has a coin. Regiments have coins, etc. Certain traditions and such.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Grandmaintexas is basically correct; it seems now every unit in the military has a “challenge coin.” If you’re caught without it in a bar you might end up having to buy a round.

I’ve even see other government (and non-government) orgs with lots of vets adopt them (e.g., Customs and Border Protection, and also at least one of my past employers).

Of course, technically they are not “coins” because they have no denomination and are not (and never were) money, but that’s not going to stop people from calling them coins.


This thing he is talking about is NOT military. It is something else. I wish I thought I was a good thing, but I don’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Weird organization seems subversive. “Plato”.


But he is right about a failure of leadership.

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Last edited 3 years ago by holly

Yes so true. He needs to be reeducated.


Everyone needs to KNOW that the corporations want to DEVOUR us.

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I had a friend send me this pic of our dock… so I wanna share…THis helps me from screaming!!!


Am blessed sista!!! God knows I! My kidz were my strength…One has completely abandoned momma–for now–daughter..who needs me more than sliding away abit..Cuz she thinks I’m nutz….It’s hard…But..Not Starving or bleeding!! SO I WILL KEEP FIGHTING AND WILL NOT GIVE IN!!!


Marica, God once healed a fractured relationship in my family by showing me it was Leviathan, the spirit of division, that had gotten entwined in our lives.

The spirit of division is a real snake. It works quietly, under the surface. It may seem like there is a cause for the split, but it will be something entirely different than what one thinks is the cause.

I prayed for discernment for months. When the name of the beast was given to me, I prayed for Christ to remove it. He did. Reconciliation began within the hour and was complete in three days.

I know you will be victorious.


I needed to hear that, Grandma.

Much division in my family relationships.




Shoulda said ‘my’ relationships. Life has made them hard for me.


I hear ya. Some of mine won’t be fixed in this world.

Gail Combs

So true.




They come back when they are about 50. I am not as crazy to my daughter since her baby is off in college. Faith and patience. Sometimes we have to let go to give them the chance to come back better 🙂
Prayers Marica.


So pretty !


Beautiful. Serene. I need to find that place. 🙂


I’ve noticed this, too.

Lin Wood

RINO Republican governors get rave reviews when they publicly announce their state will not mandate masks. 

Then they sit quietly as divisions of local government, schools, and private businesses mandate masks. 

Mission accomplished. 


And the same will happen with vaccine mandates.

Lin Wood

Watch closely what happens in states where the RINO Republican governors announce publicly that their state will not mandate “vaccinations.”

Great sleight of hand to announce the front door is locked while leaving the back door open. Also known as allowing something to be done indirectly that you claim is not allowed to be done directly. 

What do you think a magician is doing with his left hand when he distracts you with his right?

The old sleight of hand trick has been around forever.


This is going on in Texas right now. Abbott says certain state entities cannot enforce a mask or vaxx mandate, but private businesses can.


The corporations ARE the arm of the evildoers of the world.
The corporations are the ones that want us to be their SLAVES.
The corporations are implementing the Anti-Christ system.

Gail Combs

The international corporations ARE ONE arm of the BANKSTERS!!!

October 26, 2011: The Network of Global Corporate Control


The structure of the control network of transnational corporations affects global market competition and financial stability. So far, only small national samples were studied and there was no appropriate methodology to assess control globally. We present the first investigation of the architecture of the international ownership network, along with the computation of the control held by each global player. 𝕎𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕤𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 [TNCs] 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞 𝕒 𝕘𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕓𝕠𝕨-𝕥𝕚𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕒 𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕘𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝 𝕗𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕒 𝕤𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕝𝕪-𝕜𝕟𝕚𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕥𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤. This core can be seen as an economic “super-entity” that raises new important issues both for researchers and policy makers.




It should be noticed that, although scholars have long measured the concentration of wealth and income [22], there is no prior quantitative estimation for control. Constructing a Lorenz-like curve (Figure 3) allows one to identify the fraction (n*) of top holders holding cumulatively 80% of the total network control. Thus, the smaller this fraction, the higher the concentration. In principle, one could expect inequality of control to be comparable to inequality of income across households and firms, since shares of most corporations are publicly accessible in stock markets.

In contrast, we find that only 737 top holders accumulate 80% of the control over the value of all TNCs

This means that network control is much more unequally distributed than wealth. In particular, the top ranked actors hold a control ten times bigger than what could be expected based on their wealth.


A Talk by G. Edward GriffinAuthor of The Creature from Jekyll Island

It is unfortunate, but understandable, that young people in the United States are not taught (in the government’s schools) the history and operation of their country’s most powerful financial institution, The Federal Reserve System….

 there was Paul Warburg who was probably the most important at the meeting [on Jekyl Island] because of his knowledge of banking as it was practiced in Europe. Paul Warburg was born in Germany and eventually became a naturalized American citizen. He was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company and was a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France where he maintained very close working relationships throughout his entire career with his brother, Max Warburg, who was the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands. Paul Warburg was one of the wealthiest men in the world. [Do not forget it was Max who funded the Bolshevik Revolution along with the Federal Reserve LINK]




I think it’s time for a new definition of usury as follows: any interest on any loan of fiat money (meaning money made out of nothing). This example of a $100,000 home, as shocking as it is, producing $172,741 unearned interest, this is just a grain of sand in the Sahara. You have to multiply that by all the homes in America, by all of these hotels in America, all the high-rise buildings, all the factories, all the airplanes, automobiles, farm equipment, schools, everything, all the physical assets of America…. We’re talking about a river of unearned wealth that is so wide you can’t even think of crossing it, flowing perpetually into the banking cartel. A dead short across the productive element of society…

You are led to the question of where is this river flowing?

Where’s it going?

…..When a person has all the wealth that you could possibly want for the material pleasures of life, what is left? Power. They are using this river of wealth to acquire power over you and me and our children.

They are spending it to acquire control over the power centers of society. The power centers are those groups and institutions through which individuals live and act and rely on for their information. They are literally buying up the world but not the real estate and the hardware, they’re buying control over the organizations, the groups and institutions that control people. In other words, to be specific, they are buying control over politicians, political parties, television networks, cable networks, newspapers, magazines, publishing houses, wire services, motion picture studios, universities, labor unions, church organizations, trade associations, tax-exempt foundations, multi-national corporations, boy scouts, girl scouts, you name it….

(I really like Griffin)

From ChiefIO on CORPORATIONS and why they LOVE SOCIALISM. I am posting his comment on corporations mostly in whole since it is the best synopsis I have seen.

Realize that the capitalist urge is not toward a competitive market. It’s the very LAST thing any profit maximizer wants. Even in Adam Smith’s “The Wealth Of Nations” he recognizes that ~’Rairly do men of means gather, even for merryment and {discourse?} but that the conversation turns to ways to {restrict competition and raise prices}’.

What a profit maximizer wants is a monopoly where they can achieve the profit maximizing price point. Not competition. No “market” with many sellers….

Internalize that, and a lot of things “fit” better…

Monsanto pushing legislation to ban private traditional seeds and seed sharing, and promoting GMO products. (Why would a seed company want to ‘destroy’ a seed market? So you must come to the company store…)

EPA is used to forbid all sorts of things that can be done easily and cheaply, and where the alternative is very expensive (and available from very few, or one, supplier). So, want to make your own “trash to fuel FT machine”? Well, better check out all the “regulations” on fuel refining and production … if you don’t have a few full time lawyers to fill out the paperwork and a few more to defend against the EPA suing you, it’s a no-go. And who DOES have those lawyers? AND the already established refineries? Oh yeah…

Once corporations figure out that it is cheaper and easier to get the competition banned and them mandated, than to create new products; and that they can make lots of money as the sole provider of a crappy product but not that much making good products in a competitive market; well, lets just say that the campagne contributions flow…

Oddly, you can look at Communism as the “limit case” where there is ONE corporation and it IS the government. At the other extreme is “laissez faire” with huge numbers of competitors. As you move toward Communism you pass through stages of ever more “concentration” of control. Just shy of communism is Classical Socialism with it’s state planning boards and commissions. A bit more toward L.F. you get “Market Socialism” (with some sub-types in between).

The USA until about 1990 was a “Mixed Economy” with some “natural monopolies” under government “control” via “regulation”; and with many competitive markets. We’ve moved to more central planning and more central “regulation” (in some cases as a cover for the “planning” word that has gotten tied to Socialism… so is political to some extent). With the nationalization of GM and the bank “bailout” / “rescue” that was really more of a ‘take-under’ in some ways; we moved to a Lange Type Socialism.

The result of the last 50 years has been more companies in markets with Oligopolies that are essentially guaranteed by the government. Who dominates the Home Mortgage Market? Fanny & Freddy – Gov’t Corporations. Who dominates the Student Loan Market? Sally Mae – a Gov’t Corporation. Who dominates US Autos? GM – a Gov’t Corporation via Nationalization, but now being sold off. (Though Ford is doing well too.) And who “Calls the Tune” for the Banks in America? ALL of them? The Federal Reserve Bank – a Gov’t sponsored corporation. And there are a whole lot more of them. Try taking a train from coast to coast for example…

At the next tier down, we have Gov’t dependent Oligopolies. Say you wanted to make airplanes. First off, you need that dozen lawyers to work the FAA for you. Next up, you need some friends in the Military to feed you contracts. Don’t think so? When Boeing gets a $B contract to ‘study’ or ‘develop’ and you need to design your new tech from scratch on your own money: Who do you think will win? So the government basically decides how many companies it wants, and who they will be, then funds them “to plan” with contracts. (This is NOT a hypothetical… I’ve watched them flat out announce “We’d like Lockheed and Martin to merge” or “we don’t want…” usually when one of them is ‘having issues’ and the topic is raised. Then the gov’t casts the one vote that matters…)

And so it goes…

This is, dare I say it…. basically the same way the Fascist “Third Way” worked. (And it DOES work). FDR and Wilson both had high praise for The Third Way and you can see how they shifted America from a ‘free market’ toward “Third Way” government – corporation “cooperation” … It was this same process / tendency that Ike warned about in the “Military Industrial Complex” speech.

So we’ve moved away from straight up competition (and with good reasons… it is less profitable and more destructive in some ways and it is prone to monopoly practices) and toward that Classical Socialist end of things; with exact placement varying over time. And we called it a “Mixed Economy” at the ‘tepid’ end; as the name “fascist Third Way” got a bit tainted during W.W.II …. that tendency for Mussolini and Hitler to stir in a load of Nationalism and for the Nazi’s a double helping of Racism spoiled the soup for the Third Way “Socialist Lite” folks like FDR.

And the propaganda worked.

We’ve now got a “Progressive” and a “Third Way” government that IS a form of Socialism. (Now being rebranded as “Market Socialism” in the Eastern Block and Euro zones; called “Regulation” in the USA and sometimes poking it’s head up under “Rescue” as well with the most recent bits called “Social Justice”… all the pieces as slices of salami, but no overall Big Picture of it… we like to keep our socialism hidden in tiny bites with different names.) But just don’t ever point out that it’s basically the same “Third Way” process, using what’s properly called “Corporatism”, to achieve the Socialist agenda; that was first innovated by the Fascists… After all, it doesn’t fit the propaganda paradigm “Fascists bad, WORLD Socialists good” put out by Stalin…

And that is the root cause of your pondering. Corporations are very happy under a Socialist Third Way / Progressive / Market Socialism / Fascist / “Government regulated Coopetition” (whatever you name you like to apply to the same beast) system. They are not very happy with wide open competitive markets. See all of Europe for an example of “Managed Markets” (yet another name…) The French are masters of this technique, and the Germans not far behind. The Japanese innovated the Keiretsu as a way to limit competition to manageable chunks with government supervision.

Like I said, it DOES work. What galls me is just that we run around putting 20 different names on the same process and that just hides what’s really going on. All for political reasons. Very “un-tidy”… You’d think these folks had something to hide…

At any rate, I’d like our economy to move back more toward a “Mixed Economy” with less of it “regulated and rescued” and be a bit further from a Lange Type Socialism and more like the Socialism Lite we used to be. Somehow some folks think that means I want laissez faire (which is prone to other evil failures); even more folks think Corporations must be laissez faire machines and tools of the Evil Right Wing; when the reality is that they are much more useful to the Third Way Socialists of the world… and make much more stable profits under them.

Hope that helps you see why “corporations would want to destroy their own markets”… Just need to change it around a little and it makes a lot of sense:

“Why would corporations want to destroy the competitive nature of their own markets?”…


Simply put. We had Bankers buy control of corporations (using mutual funds and pensions) and corporations (via Campaign funds) forming a “Third Way” government – corporation “cooperation”  You can thank the Supreme Court for ALLOWING the USA to become an OLIGARCH instead of a Constitutional Republic.

Citizens United: The Supreme Court Ruling

On January 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court unleashed a flood of corporate money into our political system by announcing, contrary to longstanding precedents, that corporations have a constitutional right to spend unlimited amounts of money to promote or defeat candidates. The decision in this historic case – Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission – overturns a century of campaign finance law….

Gail Combs

I know the above comment is long, but it pieces together the history of WHAT happened to our country and WHO is responsible.

Useful for opening the eyes of the Lo-Info folks.


Very useful. Thank you so much!

Gail Combs

Your Welcome!

It is my way of doing my little bit for our country. I am a bit of a recluse so ‘Protesting’ is not my thing. Like most Lab Rats, I rather do research and arm others.


Please do keep arming me, US. 🙂

Gail Combs

That is why I am here at the QTree.
🤓 The Lab Rat


These truths…Same thing the Government is doing:
we will not mandate “vaccines”, BUT you can bet your sweet a$$ all of the private Corps Will!


Then we must break them through withdrawing our monetary support.

The local Walmart is getting ready to enforce the masks again. They had an employee back at the entrance all masked up with a box of the muzzles in hand.



I gotta Fuck No going on!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know how China calls their version of communism “socialism with Chinese characteristics”? We have “socialism with American characteristics”.

One of those characteristics is hypocritical implementation of socialist demands through captive capitalists.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, I think E.M. Smith (economist) aka Chiefio has it correct, It is FASCISM renamed “Third Way” Rosa Koire, below, calls it a corporatocracy.

…We’ve now got a “Progressive” and a “Third Way” government that IS a form of Socialism. (Now being rebranded as “Market Socialism” in the Eastern Block and Euro zones; called “Regulation” in the USA and sometimes poking it’s head up under “Rescue” as well with the most recent bits called “Social Justice”… all the pieces as slices of salami, but no overall Big Picture of it… we like to keep our socialism hidden in tiny bites with different names.) But just don’t ever point out that it’s basically the same “Third Way” process, using what’s properly called “Corporatism”, to achieve the Socialist agenda; that was first innovated by the Fascists… After all, it doesn’t fit the propaganda paradigm “Fascists bad, WORLD Socialists good” put out by Stalin…

And that is the root cause of your pondering. Corporations are very happy under a Socialist Third Way / Progressive / Market Socialism / Fascist / “Government regulated Coopetition” (whatever you name you like to apply to the same beast) system. They are not very happy with wide open competitive markets….

Afterall WHAT IS AGENDA 21??


Your government is a corporatocracy, a new authoritarian state in the process of consolidating your output into a more controllable, exploitable channel….

The pretty pastel vision of life in a Smart Growth development is a manipulation, a mask. In fact these plans are designed to restrict your freedom of movement and choice.  

Transit villages (formerly known as cities) will be restricted to having only the population that can be supported by food grown within a 100 mile radius (called a ‘food shed’)….



Corporations are only happy in the beginning. Soon they will have heavy regulations and then take over by government but they who own the corporations only get to run them not own them.
They learned nothing.

Gail Combs

If the Corporations (Oligarchs) are actually RUNNING the government as they are here in the USA, I doubt they care.

It all boils down to a few thousand people in control.


The idiots who are helping them achieve it the power will be powerless in the end because they believed they had power.
History seems to reinvent itself but in the end it is the same just packaged different to make it appealing.


That’s an interesting take. Makes sense. I need to visit Chiefio more often. Raely, if ever, do I disagree with Chiefio.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been avoiding Walmart.

My sister went in there the other day, and she reports that the shelves are pretty bare.


Yep. Beef section very sparse. No paper plates at all. Milk running low…

Deplorable Patriot

She was talking more about paper towels, and cleaning supplies, but I would imagine the food sections are a mess.


People have stopped buying beef due to exorbitant prices, so the meat case is very sparse.

Gail Combs

Just got hamburger (80% lean) for $2.99 at the local store. You are going to see meat prices go DOWN for a short period as Farmers downsize their herds.


Time to stock up.


That is going to happen here, for sure. No hay.

Time to fill the freezer.


dehydrators are a good thing.
jerky keeps forever if vacuum packed.


I have both a dehydrator and a vacuum sealer!

Wyoming Sheperd

Out here ranchers are having to down size because of drought and fires. It’s very sad. Where one of my sisters lives there were people that had there hay and cattle burn up. Just horrible.


Very sad.

So much NEEDLESS destruction, at the hands of those who consider themselves to be “elite”.

It isn’t just “Never let a crisis go to waste” … now, the Enemy is ramping up their tactic of CREATING the crises, with premeditated “solutions” that expand and consolidate their power.

(Btw, I like “Sheperd” better than “Knucklehead” … lol!)


I get Lauras’s beef at Kroger and is often on sale. I buy it for my dogs it is organic not grain fed. When on sale we buy 3-4 lb.


My husband goes in there to get cat littler it is cheaper and does not weigh as much.

Deplorable Patriot

And when the state Attorney General sues over it, and everyone is in a waiting pattern and the local people go all face diaper happy.

It is so maddening.


I don’t have personal knowledge of this but am posting it because Lin Wood is on top of things. He isn’t perfect, of course, but he is focusing on election fraud. It is easy to get distracted from it, especially with the situation in Afghanistan. I’ve seen several tweets posted here lately that said America elected Biden. No, we didn’t, and we can’t lose sight of that, or we’re lost. I appreciate your reminders of that every week, Wheatie: Joe Biden didn’t win, so we didn’t elect him.

Lin Wood

Is Marjorie Taylor Greene criss-crossing Georgia demanding a forensic audit of the GA 2020 election or is she too busy lifting weights with Matt Gaetz???

Why did Marjorie endorse Kelly Loeffler (who has a Andy Warhol painting of Mao in her house) over Doug Collins?

And where is Doug?

We live in extraordinary times.


I understand. I’ve seen him be hard on DeSantis and someone else whom I can’t remember at the moment. I only posted it because I think sometimes we need harsh reminders of what is at stake and where we should focus. And Lin Wood is sharp as a tack. He is right about RINO governors.

It scares me a little when I think about what is at stake and how we need every leader to focus on the stolen election. The more time that passes, the easier it is to get distracted from it — especially with the Left providing huge distractions. I hope the AZ audit report will get everyone’s attention.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you perfectly on it. We have to keep the backslide to RINO from happening, and it’s not pretty when we do it.


He has his perspective and I respect that.

I don’t agree with everything ANYONE says, and it’s okay to disagree as long as we move forward together.

I love both he and MTG.


Lin is paying attention to the FRUIT of those claiming to be leaders.
If they are not doing anything about the stolen election, the fruit is not good.


But we can’t abandon every field of battle. Not a good war tactic.


Lin Wood should be careful not to unnecessary ruffle feathers too much.
He was a democrat at one stage and was criticized in the same way he is criticizing MTG.

He is also endorsing somebody else as a replacement for Kemp, while criticizing Vernon Johns, which is endorsed by General Flynn, who is actually campaigning for him.

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

He doesn’t trust Vernon Jones – who was a Democrat in GA politics for years before suddenly switching. Don’t forget that LW lived in GA and practiced out of Atlanta for decades, so what he knows about the underbelly of things we can’t fathom. I do know that in the beginning Jones was not calling for a full forensic audit, and LW pushed the issue until he changed his tune.

He supports Dr. Kandiss Taylor.


>>”a Democrat […] before suddenly switching”<<
>>”not calling for a full forensic audit […] until he changed his tune”<<

This sounds like an inveterate POLITICIAN (liar).

Velvet Jones? (SNL Eddie Murphy character)

I’m leaning heavily toward LW’s position on this …


Woods also told people of Georgia not to come out to vote until machines were fixed. Some people stayed home and the house fell to democrats. I am not sure about Wood something is off do not know what.

Valerie Curren

Had an epic break from the insanity w/ most of our family over for a wonderful dinner of surf & turf–yum. Later on one of my single sons shared about his experiences doing street ministry in Downtown Detroit recently. My son has a heart for the City & for Our Lord! This reminds me to remain hopeful for the future & thankful for God’s many gifts!

God Bless ALL Q-Treepers. Keep Fighting the Good Fight!!! In Jesus’ Love 


Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko


The sociopath and bigpharma whore Rick Bright is responsible for the mass murder of over 500,000 Americans by sabotaging President Trump’s order to make HCQ available to every American.

The Rockefeller foundation funded eugenics research in Nazi Germany.

Rick Bright now works for the Rockefeller foundation. A perfect match made in hell.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

Last edited 3 years ago by Linda

That video of Dr. Bright and his light-in-the-loafers handwringing is infuriating.

He subverted President Trump and HCQ. What a snake.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And he also subverted ANOTHER drug (molnupiravir) that was actually in the big pharma pipeline (Merck is trialing it now).

Rick Bright is a VAX SNAKE.

Cuppa Covfefe

And an oxyMORON as well.

Rick is not Bright at all…


Anyone seen Rayzorback these last couple of days?


I thought Gil was off doing something fun.


Or Elizabeth Carter, for at least a month it seems.


Yes, a bit over a month.

I hope she’s alright!


Hello ……. I’m here. Been taking a LOT of naps these past few days.
Seems like I may be over the worst of this and my wife (Who also caught the WuFlu) seems to be making a good return to normal.

Thanks to all here that have helped answer questions and have shown concern for us.

One of the worst parts of this thing is that my sense of taste and smell were not removed…. but they were turned into something horrible. EVERYTHING tastes terrible and normal daily smells have turned nauseating.


Good to see you rayzorback, keep getting better! 👍


Thanks Scott.

Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up that you both get better quickly!

Someone here mentioned parsley tea (or similar) as helpful for recovering the sense of smell/taste.. Maybe they’ll chime in… Aubergine? Singingsoul?


I have heard a couple of things about the sense of smell/taste.

One is to smell essential oils like orange, basil, pine, etc., to re-train your brain.

The other is to associate smells with memory. Smell something you remember fondly from childhood while thinking about the memory.

Hope it helps. The smell-taste thing is awful. Mine is a bit off still, but recovering. I am doing both of the above.


🙂 Good to read!

Deplorable Patriot

One of the worst parts of this thing is that my sense of taste and smell were not removed…. but they were turned into something horrible. EVERYTHING tastes terrible and normal daily smells have turned nauseating.

I had the same thing. All senses, though, not just taste and smell. Vision, touch, and everything was LOUD.

It does go back to normal. Hang in there.


I’m ready….. hope it won’t take too long 🙂

Gail Combs



Been taking it.


Remember, when the gov fines a corporation for a crime … and nobody goes to jail … it was a shakedown to be recycled into the pockets of the cronies.
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Deplorable Patriot

No real mystery, but the truth about his death has never been told, either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! DOJ shakedowns go DIRECTLY to left-wing Democrat-favored NGOs.


As I remember it:

Q – “Slush funds everywhere”


I’m seeing some “conservative” voices in HIT PIECES targeting Gab.
Gab is awesome.

They are our life-raft.
God Bless @a Torba and God bless Gab.

(links put in code block to avoid the bin)

Jan  @Millwood16
Aug 17
Gab Help & Info

Covid resources on gab:

@RobertMaloneMD inventor of the mRNA process
@ZZ611 Dr. Zelinko- HCQ innovator
@BusyDrT Dr. Tenpenny
@realdrstella Dr. Stella Immanuel
@MartinKulldorff Harvard Medical Prof. and epidemiologist
@DrLiMengYAN - MD, PhD from China
@ShivaAyyadurai (info) (children) (legal) (author) (info) (ND, author) (anti-vax activist) (telehealth Dr.)

Gab CEO presents religious exemption forms:

Job Boards: (Gab's group)

his video:
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Torba has done more to save free speech than a lot of our heroes who I won’t mention, but who did A LOT themselves. His defense of free speech is ALL IN.

Gail Combs

There is also GETTR Competition is very useful. Keeps corporations on their toes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have not looked at it yet – SIGH – it may be the old data that did not impress me.

There are REAL chemical proofs of graphene oxide. I want to see THOSE.


Ok. I don’t want to share it if it isn’t up to snuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I have mixed feelings about this stuff. I need to look at more of it – I need to watch the videos.

He has rushed the data, IMO, and has basically half-assed his way through it to prove every conspiracy theory associated with the vaccines.

HOWEVER, his report is filled with data that, as long as it’s REAL, even if incompetently obtained and badly interpreted, is just plain disturbing.

At this point, before seeing anything else, I have to say that I really wish some more reputable labs would start analyzing the vaccines “on the sly” and report their findings.


Thank you for going through it. I had the same thought…that eveey suspicion was being realized, and that put me on guard.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What would help him fastest would be to take ONE SINGLE ITEM – say, isolating “rGO” from the vaccines that contain it – and estimating the levels – and prove that to publishable standards. That would make all the rest of his speculations valuable.

I will keep looking at it and see if I can find things that I personally would share with my science buddies.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for taking the time to explain it to us too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This video starts off with a disturbing revelation. He has a bunch of people working with him who do not want to be identified. THAT means they’re reputable people.

The video starts off slowly, but it’s increasing my thinking that “there’s some there there”.


Listening now…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He eventually gets to the point where he loses me on his medical theories. But I just want to know if he really found graphenoids.


It’s like it was a wild crowd sourced activity. He really wants to get the info out.

He also says there is no Covid 19. I am hearing that more and more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah – that right there is a rather rapid credibility drain.

I had a teacher who didn’t like quarks. They don’t, technically, “exist” by certain “proofs”. Yet they exist by logic. And one can make wonderful predictions with astounding accuracy based on that logic. One can even say WHY they don’t “exist” by those proofs.

Viruses are the same thing. If you try to make viruses live up to Koch rules, you’re no better than somebody making planets live up to Newton rules, or electrons live up to pre-quantum rules. They won’t do it. It’s the RULES that are wrong.

But there IS some fault the other way, too. And THAT is interesting. People who chide the current “aging new that is now become orthodoxy” for not being like the old, are often partially right – because there is some “super-new” that riffs off the old and brings the new orthodoxy toward the beginning of an even newer one that remembers something forgotten.

Science is a mess, when it’s done right, but it’s fun.


“The Quark and the Jaguar”, by Nobel-laureate Murray Gell-Mann, documents his idea of the quark to “solve” quantum mechanics (before it was even a “thing”).

He founded the Santa Fe Institute, but later, unfortunately, he joined the “Terra Mar” foundation, a product of Ghislaine.

Physicist Lawrence Krauss – who argued AGAINST theology in an episode of the PBS series “Intelligence Squared” – is listed as being on the flight logs for (“I didn’t kill myself”) Epstein Island.

As was Stephen Hawking (only a “sub-ride” was reported, though – yah).

Dinesh DeSouza argued FOR theology in that video, along with a well-known pastor; Michael Shermer, a godless columnist for SciAm at the time, joined with Krauss.

The audience, by the end of the 2h debate, sided with so-called “science”.

Krauss behaved like the arrogant tool that he is. If I coulda reached through the screen!

The pastor was mostly ineffectual. it wasn’t a sermon – but that’s how he treated the occasion.

Here’s the blasphemous “Science refutes God” link – I posted this here many moons ago:

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m not surprised that PBS stacked the deck in that show. I’ll bet the pastor was from one of the churches that the Rockefeller/Fosdick Demonic Duo watered down and misled back in the 1930s…

Cuppa Covfefe

I can say without any doubt that not only do quarks exist, but they come in a number of flavors (and not just in Germany) 😆
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Valerie Curren

LOL! 😉


I just love Gab’s Rural Life group!

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God bless America.

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That is so beautiful there and so peaceful,


My granddaughter just said yesterday she wanted a hot tub in our yard. I told her they just used too much electricity. Too expensive.

I think we may build one of these!

Gail Combs

Certainly looks comfy. I just wish I could still take baths.


I do love a bath. Especially in winter.


Me too 🙂
We used to have an hot tub for years. The thing broke a couple of times we took it apart and never replaced it. I enjoyed it more than my husband and loved going in when there was snow and ice out there. Did not enjoy it in the summer.


Looks to me like they may not be using the most efficient design for the firebox/etc. I’m not sure, but I’d study “rocket stoves” before beginning my build.


Thanks for the tip!


Who takes a bath in the woods while wearing a bra?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Someone being photographed…I guess.


Yes it is for the photo.


I do not know skinny dipping would be more enjoyable specially alone in the woods.


That looks like fun 🙂


So, so nice!


ATF should be tasked to cease US operations until they are retrieved.


“ATF should be tasked to cease US operations until they are retrieved.”


ATF should be tasked to raid the nearest black hole.

Cuppa Covfefe

I can think of at least five DEMONRAT-run cities…

Cuppa Covfefe

Give or take a C-130 and *cough* some motorized vehicles…


It’s why it’s important to know how to make your own.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or if I might make a modest suggestion, stay off the stupid juice.


I dunno…..these guys — — were chuggin’ something, but it was probably not stupid juice.


I’m trying to imagine what things were like then. They did what no one in history has done, and were about to sign off on the Constitution. After declaring war on the most powerful nation on earth, defeating it, forging a new nation, and determining how it should be governed through The Federalist Papers and much debate, I would have partied hard, too! 🍻🇺🇸

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, they weren’t stupid while writing the thing.

How stupid they got after hours is another story.


Angry drunks make life hell on earth for all around them. Stupid drunks get people killed when they drive. Foolish drunks end up with loss and regret.

And yet some can enjoy a little with no problem.


I wouldn’t put it past them.


Probably staggering around looking for an albino flying squirrel….


Or maybe he’s looking for a melanistic one — because so many people remember seeing them in black-and-white…..

Cuppa Covfefe

“Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat”…

“Oh, no, NOT AGAIN!!!”…

PETA will probably start whinging about a white supremacist imperialist colonialist conglomerationist [ 🙂 ] moose…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like one of the mythical creatures in the anime Princess Mononoke!


No protected class status for that moose!


Gail Combs

Interesting, his eyes are dark (brown?) In most animals a true albino has BLUE EYES.

In horses there is a  Cream Dilution Gene A single gene results in a pale coat color like a palomino and two genes result in a type A Albino (Cremello) or type B with a dirty mane color (Perlino) That looks like what we are seeing here.
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Chestnut with One dilution gene (Palamino)

Chestnut with Two dilution genes (Cremello)
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There are also Albino deer. you can see the blue eyes.
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Cuppa Covfefe

How are they health-wise? Do the genetics only cause cosmetic variances, or are there illnesses/syndromes with which to deal?

(other than the fact that the pure white makes them, sadly, an easy target)…

Valerie Curren

I thought true albinos had red eyes since they have Zero pigment & the red is the blood vessels on the retina or something?

Wyoming Sheperd

How cool.


I wonder if it is blind? Many animals that are albinos are blind

Cuppa Covfefe

Funny thing, I wondered that too. Or if it will be short-lived. Maybe it’ll turn out OK…

Other thing I wondered was is it a 3D-printed moose…


That would be strange ?
The reason I thought it might be blind not only it was white but the way it entered the water so carefully. Maybe someone doctored the video and made the Mose white? As you said maybe it is all the way fake. 🙂


From Earl of Taint “We Should Clap Louder”

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Jen Psaki is a bad woman.


So bad, she would steal flies from a blind spider!

Last edited 3 years ago by Itswoot
Cuppa Covfefe

And pick them apart, limb by limb, piece by piece…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

What do you want to bet that “Noise” voted for Biden? — .

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember what I was saying about “fake citizens”? How I suspect they’re inflating the census with created fakes?

Starting to make cens!

Gail Combs

GEE, the inflated the numbers by 50% for the one town and 33% for the neighboring tow of Gross… THAT IS JUST PLAIN GROSS!


Hmmm….this seems normal….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! What a world!


Seems like the mistake was hiding the device in his home…

From the linked article: “If you would like to be in the same predicament as this person or just want to end up on a list, you can purchase the BG-E8 5G Signal jammer from Xiaomi Today!” 😂🤣😂


The thing is — when I moved here, there was no end of people who could design and build such a box in their garage…..and might just if their neighbor pissed them off.

Now everyone just buys cheap junk from China.


By the way, the company that made the jammer is Xiaomi — but it’s available on !


The machinists (many of whom are military machinists) at the baemclub buy things from banggood, even though they know going in that they’re going to get crap.

As an example, they’ll purchase 200 ball bearings for something like this —

Mind you, if you ask ’em if they’d use those ball bearings for an actual crankshaft bearing, they’d only laugh.

But balls for pachinko machines or marble machines or whatnot, it’s a great source for the wonderfully cheap.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh. So THAT’S what chiefio’s router looks like 😆


still a problem…
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sustained at about 75 mph…flooding.

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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

Daughn is in MS, but in a suburb of Memphis, near the top of the state.


I have been thinking of Daughn the whole day. I hope they are ok and I hope all people will be ok.

Sylvia Avery

Hi Wheatie, I always enjoy your gif selection! I particularly like the one of Larry David getting hauled out the door while laughing maniacally.

Sylvia Avery

I’m doing okay. My lungs are still weak/damaged from it. When there’s poor air quality, I suffer. But for the most part I seem to be just fine! Thanks Wheatie. 😘😘😘

Gail Combs

Have you tried Ivermectin? The other Avermectin, Moxidectin did wonders for my ‘Asthma’ While worming my goats I ended up with my hands coated with Cydectin® Sheep Drench and goat spit for about 4 hours. My oxygen levels went from 92% -94% back up to 97% and my pulse went from in the hundreds back down to in the 60s.

Moxidectin and ivermectin inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in Vero E6 cells….

Top Yale Doctor/Researcher: ‘Ivermectin works,’ including for long-haul COVID
Here’s the Proof that Ivermectin Cures Covid and How to Get It

Sylvia Avery

I haven’t, Gail. I feel fine, and thought I really was out of the woods and the chyna virus was firmly in the rear view mirror, and then we had wildfire smoke and days of poor air quality and I started to have a little trouble. But now that that has all cleared out again, I’m fine. I dimly recall from having pneumonia many years ago that it took a couple of years for lung function to return to normal, so I think it’s a process. I hope, anyway.

Gail Combs

Yes, pneumonia can be a problem. I had bronchitis every winter for several years after my bout with it and I was in my twenties.

Sylvia Avery

I’m really hoping that’s all I’m dealing with and not some sort of permanent damage thanks to that foul artificially engineered virus.

Sylvia Avery

And thanks for the article, by the way. I really appreciate it!



Heak, others properties are just as bad as mine or more. Plenty of patio roof tops everywhere. Waiting for daylight now. Ida was worse than hurricane Katrina both on the same day.


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All of the false imprisonment around January 6 — not to mention the tremendous amount of BS being spread about it — is outrageous. The question is whether Justice will be served here by our institutions.


“The question is whether Justice will be served here by our institutions.”


So there are no questions then… 👍😂🤣😂


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It’s just hilarious to watch people in the public eye make pronouncements that everyone online has been saying for going on two years now.

Famous people… they really don’t have access to the Internet, do they…


The same goes with Ivermectin or the fake news that there are no treatments, except vaccines.

Nuremberg II cannot come soon enough.

Deplorable Patriot

And any of us stating this out loud are labeled “conspiracy theory nuts.”

It used to be halfway fun being the nut in a company of squirrels, but not anymore. Not with all that’s on the line and the matrix not budging.


In fairness.

Heath asshoes like FauXi, the rest at NIH, CDC, FDA, the health care industry, corrupt medical establish, In Direct Support Of Big Pharma ARE GUILTY of villifying HCQ and IVM.

Fake news is complicit as they deployed Nanzi’s Smear Campaign.

They are ALL guilty.


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Just wait until the People find out they’re not really tied at all.

They’re gonna be so mad… 😁


Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko


An easy to understand chart:
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^^^ THIS is great! Even low info goofs can figure it out.


Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko


The current Pfizer vaccine was NOT granted full approval by the FDA. Part 2:

The current vaccine is identical to Comirnaty.

In other words, fda, pfizer, and the media make a lot of noise about an approved vaccine that is not available for the next 3 years. While the identical vaccine gets an extension of it’s EUA (not FDA approved).

The only thing that this legal trick accomplished is to fool the public and protect Pfizer from liability.

This is a poison death shot and you have no legal recourse because it has emergency authorization that protects the government and Pfizer from liability.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD


Dr. Zelenko: “This is a poison death shot…


I think Doc would fit in just fine here at the tree 👍 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467




It’s a poor man’s toe (a.k.a. portmanteau, a word I learned here at Qtree!) combining the words ‘Communist’ and ‘Nazi’.



Cuppa Covfefe

For what it’s worth (and along the lines of the aforementioned toll-free number), comirnaty is an anagram of tyromancy, an ancient form of divination.

From (via duckduckgo):

Tyromancy (also known as Tiromancy and Typomancy) is an old form of divination by examining how curds form during the coagulation of cheese.


Derived from the Greek tūros (‘cheese’) and manteia (‘prophecy’)


During the Middle Ages, Tyromancy was used to predict the future by looking at the shape, number of holes, pattern of the mold and other characteristics of the cheese. It was also practiced to prognosticate love, money and death.

Tyromancy was also used by young maidens in countryside villages to predict the names of their future husbands. They wrote the names of their prospective suitors on separate pieces of cheese and the one whose name was on the piece of cheese where molds grew first was believed to be the ideal love mate.

Another method involves writing the possible answers to a question on separate pieces of cheese and placing them in a cage with hungry rodent. The piece that the mouse ate first will be the answer to the question. This form of divination was related to Myomancy.

Omens were also drawn from the patterns and designs formed by the coagulation of cheese.

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

“Tyromancy was also used by young maidens in countryside villages to predict the names of their future husbands. They write the names of their prospective suitors on separate pieces of cheese and the one whose name was on the piece of cheese where molds grew first was believed to be the ideal love mate.”


They sound smart, just like present day Wojaks… 👍😂

Cuppa Covfefe

I was looking for a good YouTube of the cheese shop sketch by Monty Python to go with this, but the really good one has kind of a “shot in the dark” ending that might be a bit OTT for some… incredible performance by John Cleese, though…

Cuppa Covfefe

Might be mentioned in this skit (won’t say where) (Cleese must have a photographic memory):

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Has been a long time since I have seen that kind of comedy, the kind that pulls you in and gets you invested in the outcome 👍😂

Concerned Virginian

This bears repeating (yes, it’s Infowars, but sometimes they have something interesting):

Dr. Hoffe, a Canadian MD, using the D-dimer test, found that up to 68% of his patients who were “vaccinated” showed microscopic capillary damage in their lungs, called “increased vascular resistance.” This vascular resistance results in shortness of breath, decreased ability in breathing, and so forth. Dr. Hoffe believes that this damage can force the heart to work harder to keep the lungs working, with the potential endpoint of right-sided heart failure from “pulmonary artery hypertension.”
He also sounds the alarm regarding capillary damage from the “vaccines” in other areas of the body, such as the brain — “cerebral thrombosis on the capillary level.” — (perhaps this is behind those “sudden” or “after-vaccination” strokes in people who had no previous history of stroke?)


good stuff


Infowars is a great source of ‘hot’ facts that others won’t touch.


I’m beginning to think a different strategy may be helpful.

We have all been hounding everyone we know to avoid the vaxx and stop with the stupid masks.

For going on two years now.

It doesn’t work.

The sheep are gonna sheep.

So maybe reverse psychology is worth a shot.

One thing sheep notice is when you encourage them to do something dangerous, especially if you have been discouraging them strongly for, say, about two years.

So it may be time to start encouraging everyone to wear their masks (for thee, but not for me), and encouraging everyone to get as many vaxxes and boosters as their body can possibly take. Get it topped off every week or two.

Because that would make the sheep go “Hey, now wait a second… I’m not sure I want to do that, now that you are encouraging me…”

😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

They are not immune from fraud lawsuits. Hard to prove but definitely available.

Gail Combs

I prefer Nuremberg Trials for genocide and crimes against humanity.


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I said ‘No’.

Pass it on 👍😁


Count me in
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Pushed 3 times just in case 😚 



N to the O





New pre-print from Stanford’s Dr. John Ioannidis:

Age Infection Survival Rate
0-19 99.9973%
20-29 99.986%
30-39 99.969%
40-49 99.918%
50-59 99.73%
60-69 99.41%
70+ 97.6% (non-inst.)
70+ 94.5% (all)

Dr. John Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, and Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University.

He was labeled “one of the most influential scientists alive” by The Atlantic and is one of the top cited scientist in the world averaging >6,000 new citations per month.
Since COVID-19 began, Dr. Ioannidis has argued that lockdowns cause more deaths and do not save lives.


What do we do, if it turns out that facts don’t matter?

The reason I ask is because over the past 2+ years, I have noticed just that.

To most people, facts literally don’t matter.

You could have a hundred accolades after a doctor’s name. The more accolades, the less anyone seems to pay attention.

It’s like living in the land of Lotus eaters.

We’re not eating the Lotus, but everybody else is either passed out or on their way…


Things are turning around, more quickly now than before.

Many of the “Lotus eaters” will be SHAKEN awake, when things (facts) affect THEM personally (evictions are only one SMACK, of many to come).

“Everybody else” is way over-broad – we are the majority by far.

I ain’t quittin’ now!




“Things are turning around, more quickly now than before.”


Well, that’s setting the bar pretty low… 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Make them AFRAID, as they have done to us. Afraid for their political office, for being called on the carpet in public and rightly accused of colluding with a communist takeover.

Accuse your doctor in public. Accuse your local city council in public. Accuse the shop owners in public. Lambast anyone who goes along and be ready to provide evidence of what you say.

It only takes a few hours of prep and some printer ink.


Deplorable Patriot


Fear is being used as a control mechanism.


I’m not really up for it physically, but I’d love to create flyers and stand in front of hospitals with a sign that asks, “Is your hospital really a Nazi Death Camp?”

Would need the words to go in the flyer. The documentation of how prescribed care is to deny care until it’s too late and even then the only care is the kind that has been proven to kill patients.

Someone I know just lost their spouse to this kind of death by hospital tyranny.

Gail Combs


 The philosophical bases of Marx’s thought were laid early and remained unchanged throughout his life. As a student, Marx accepted the philosophy of Hegel as the only sound and adequate explanation of the universe. According to this philosophy, “the only immutable thing is the abstraction of movement.” The one universal phenomenon is change, and the only universal form of this phenomenon is its complete abstraction. Thus, Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the conceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not objects, were the stuff of which the universe was made….

This is why there is so much emphasis placed on ‘Consensus’ – In other words if I wish real hard and click my heels three time it is TRUE! (And since I control the scientific data bases I can change the data to meet my fantasy.)

Of course this philosophy is only for the rank and file. The elite ‘Socialists’, the bankers, corporate CEOs and politicians, use the philosophy to control the minds of the rank and file just as the old feudal kings used the church to control the serfs.

 …Apart from a few “honourable” professions connected with the governing elite (the clergy of the established church, the officer corps of the British Armed Forces, the diplomatic and civil services, the bar or the judiciary), such occupation was considered demeaning by the upper classes, particularly by the 19th century, when the earlier mercantile endeavours of younger sons were increasingly discontinued. Younger sons, who could not expect to inherit the family estate, were instead urged into professions of state service. It became a pattern in many families that while the eldest son would inherit the estate and enter politics, the second son would join the army, the third son go into law, and the fourth son join the church.[8]…..

And sad to say, despite not having a STATE RELIGION, the commies have managed to successfully infiltrate many US churches.

This has to do with MAN-MADE RELIGION and not the religion of Christ. I want to make sure that is understood.

Heck even US Muslim religion was infiltrated!

9/11 report details Saudi Arabia funding of Muslim extremists in U.S.

Saudi Arabia was funding Muslim radicalism in mosques and charities at the time the Sept. 11, 2001, hijackers were gathering in the United States and making contacts with Saudi nationals, according to a declassified intelligence document.

To jihad watchers, the paper confirms their charges that the Saudi government and its wealthy citizens fund extremist teachings in America. To this day, the kingdom is pressing its harsh Wahhabi Sunni Islam on American Muslims as it seeks to spread Islam around the world, they say.

And given we are about to see an influx of muslimes…

Saudi Arabia’s Funding of American Mosques

Today, it has been estimated that 80 percent of American mosques are under Wahhabi influence, described by both scholars and U.S. officials as a radical, violent philosophical platform used by terrorists and their supporters to justify violence against Christians, Jews and other “non-believers.”

American officials have described as a Wahhabism, known as an intolerant, ascetic movement, was developed by theologian Mohammed ibn Abd Wahhab in the 18th century to purge what he saw as corrupting influences and return Islam to its original orthodoxy…..

As to how much money Saudi officials have spent since the early 1970s to promote Wahhabism worldwide, David D. Aufhauser, a former Treasury Department general counsel, told a Senate committee in June 2004 that estimates went “north of $75 billion.” The money financed the construction of thousands of mosques, schools and Islamic centers, the employment of at least 9,000 proselytizers and the printing of millions of books of religious instruction.

According to a major investigation by Washington Post reporter David B. Ottaway published on August 19, 2004, the Saudi government’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowment, Call and Guidance pays the salaries of 3,884 Wahhabi missionaries and preachers, who are six times as numerous as the 650 diplomats in Saudi Arabia’s 77 embassies….

Gail Combs

 Old Mother England went to the West End to build her poor doggies a mosque.
But when she got there, the doggies did swear that Old Mother England is lost.

She went to the cupboard to fetch them a bone
Which they didn’t like, so they burned down her home.

She went to the bakers to buy them some bread
Where she found the baker girl, raped until dead

She went to the butchers to buy them some meat,
But found the real butchers prone in the street.

She went to the pool to teach them to swim
And not rape the children, just on a whim.

She went to the tailors to buy them new coats
But when she got back, they were roasting her goat

She went to the Parliament, therefore to plead
That tax payers pay for all of their needs

She went to the graveyard to visit her Nation
Where each call to prayer is now played on each station.

Concerned Virginian

Well, isn’t it ** interesting ** that the Medrxiv link has, in big hypertext, a “warning” that the Dr. Ioannidis paper is a “preprint”, it’s not “peer-reviewed”, and can’t be used as “medical advice”.
Haven’t seen this “warning” included at the top of a preprint before.
“Somebody” must have said ‘something” to the people at Medrxiv.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is exactly why I say that science media has been taken over by Democrats.

And when I say DEMOCRATS, I mean COMMUNISTS.


Cartoon send-up of Gates – I imagine it’ll be deleted before noon …

Gail Combs


But SOOOooo true.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Oh, that is EXCELLENT.


This is to happen THIS MORNING – both the protest, and the jab-or-dismissed operation:

USAFA Colorando are forcing vaccines on cadets or dismissing them

KanekoaTheGreat, [30.08.21 01:15]

[Forwarded from Behizy]

[ Photo ]

Colorado Springs is my home and one of the biggest military cities in this whole country.

And now our cadets are facing serious usurpations on their freedoms

There’s no way I’m sitting this protest out. I’ll be there tomorrow morning. We have to make our voices get heard


God bless you. Please give us updates as you can. 🙏


I’m quoting Kanekoa – he’s the one going there.

One must sign up (not me) to telegram in order to see more than one post – so if anyone here subscribes, please check in to update!

I’d like this story to “go viral” – and I hope that ALL of he cadets refuse the jab!


Ah. Just went there. I have signed up. I will provide updates.

Barb Meier

Paragraph 3 is especially striking.
Protest of Sectarian Violence in Jos, Nigeria: Corpses Hauled to Governor’s Front Door
By Masara KimAugust 29, 2021 Updated: August 29, 2021
JOS, Nigeria—Anguished citizens of terrorized Plateau State, Nigeria, forced lawmakers to see their pain up close and personal Aug. 25 by hauling the corpses of victims to their front door.

They marched by the thousands to the Government House in Jos, the cosmopolitan capital of Nigeria’s northern states, beside biers of flatbed trucks carrying the corpses of 36 Christians killed the previous day. The grisly mass murder was the latest in the growing number of sectarian killings in Plateau since mid-August.

The protestors, chiefly women and young adult men, wailed at the gates of the Government House for hours, alleging the government had abandoned them to be wiped out by terrorists.


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Hunter Biden : A Legend In the Art Community

article link…


what do Hunter Biden’s “art” and the Clinton Foundation have in common ?

they’re both peddling influence.

 👉  instruments to launder bribes.


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Could also be Dream of the Cabal since they want to wipe the slate clean.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

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Gail Combs

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Nice you could FINALLY make it to considering the TRUTH!


Former CIA Officer.

More confirmation the CIA does NOT hire the best or brightest. His STOOPID IS overwhelming.

Prolly the newest contributor on Faux News.


Sam Faddis, former spook: “We’re at a point, with at least at the level of Biden and his cabinet, that we have to start seriously considering that what we are seeing are deliberate actions on their part to harm America. We have to entertaining the possibility that we have a guy in the White House who is playing for the other side.”


Most of us have recognized that truth since 2008 and the installation of the Kenyan Usurper, so if you are just now getting around to the end of the thought process (and welcome to it, by the way), then you’re either an idiot, or you’re not for real.



Col. SHAME Morgan




Same with MG Donahue. He can add shame to list of awards.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

There’s a rumor about 7 busloads of American women being taken by the Taliban.

If true, the US military is definitely not protecting Americans.




Jesus Wept.

an atrocious ever-escalating horror show.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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It’s a cult.

These people are all in a cult.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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.. 🙏🏼 .. ❤️ ..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

caught in bin due to email typo!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

caught in bin due to email typo!


Beautiful song, Nikki – Thanks!!!

God Bless You Real Good!!! <3 <3 <3


Message from an Anon …

“Old, old, old, anon here. I used to meme for us, now just lurk. Don’t like the movie one bit.

“However, Q talked of consciousness. The whole back-channel of information scheme.
I have to admit, I am seeing it.

“There is indeed an awakening of the blind and deaf and sleeping. It is slow, it is painful, and it may seem like it is taking forever, but more and more (even among those close to me), I am seeing people who were steadfast asleep beginning to question.

“I don’t know when this movie is going to end. I have nothing left but God and that’s all that really matters anyway. Is the Plan all intact and active as the hints are suggesting?

“I think so.
“I hope so.”



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Father God:

We come to you before the Throne of Grace on our knees to ask You lay Your Healing Hands on our Beloved Brother, Wolf.

We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.

You know only too well the trials and tribulations of our Brother Wolf who suffers daily physically, mentally, and spiritually.

He rarely complains unless we need to understand something he has gleaned from his suffering we need to know and for that, Father God, we ask You to bless him.

You know all, see all, and control all in this world so his suffering is well known to You and he knows that trials work patience.

We ask for Your patience with us because we are impatient for Wolf to heal so he may glorify, honor, and praise You another day.

Pour Your Healing Oils over his body, Father God.

Strengthen his lungs and breathe new life into them, Father God.

Comfort him daily as he brings forth the truth, Father God.

Guide him daily in Your Truth, Father God.

Bless him daily for fighting the good fight, Father God.

Let him know You have not abandoned him, Father God.

Make his sleep restorative and refreshing, Father God.

You are the Heavenly Physician who heals all wounds whether they be physical, mental, and/or spiritual. 

We trust You will increase Wolf’s faith as he puts his trust in You and You alone.

We lean not on our own understanding because Your ways are not our ways.

We acknowledge You in all of our ways because You and only You will make our path straight.

We ask you to make the path straight for our Beloved Brother Wolf and that with each step he takes, he can feel Your Healing Power.

We ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.






Gail Combs


Could you PLEASE change Wolfman to WOLFMOON?

It is driving me NUTZ!




Sorry Gail – was more concerned about the prayer than the name – everyone knows for whom it was written – will change – 🙂

Gail Combs

Thank You very much.

I know names do not matter and I am usually not a Grammar Nazi but it was really bothering me.


NP – consider it done – 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! No problem at all! Wolf, Wolfie, wolfman, Wolf Moon – all the same to me! 💖

I appreciate the prayers, and thank everybody for them! And prayer is effective! I’m feeling better every day!

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So you have multiple personalities, huh. That explains a lot.  🙄 

Cuppa Covfefe

Not the Wolfman, but the Wolf Moon! Gute Besserung and GOD BLESS!


Most important – Happy to hear that – many are praying and we will not stop until you are healed and well – if it be His Will.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If it be his will! AMEN! I have full faith in the Lord, to take me where I’m needed in the fight, which may not be in the here and now!


Amen goes right there, Wolf!


Fight the good fight, Wolf!!! What He wants us all to do – God Bless <3


Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!! Hallelujah!!!



Gail Combs

Yeah, I was thinking of that…


Oh great, you beat me to it, by hours… 😂🤣😂

Valerie Curren

Funny, but I never caught that one 🙂



Werewolves of London! 😂🤣😂


Schlichter is great, but he makes the same mistake that I’ve seen three times in three days:

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. 

America did not elect Joe Biden. I understand his point that those who voted for him voted for the disasters we now face, but it is crucial to keep election fraud front and center. We can’t surrender to the narrative that Biden got elected.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. Schlichter clearly has RINO INFLUENCERS working him slowly.

Gail Combs

Sundance explained it HERE: Insider Reveals Salem Media Was Part of The Coordinated Gang-of-Eight Manipulation…
Townhall is OWNED by Salem Media aka the GOPe.


Schlicter is a provocateur. He’s shtick is designed to keep us outraged. I don’t read him much.


Never seemed substantial for me.
Life is too short to eat cotton candy every day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Is the criminal occupant of the WH gone yet?


Joe Biden didn’t win.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The puppet of the traitors is still there.
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God’s help is all that we have left.

FTA: “These authors understand, as I do, and I’m sure you do, that with the current configuration of the White House, the State Department, and Pentagon, God’s help is all that we have left.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As long as we understand that God in his infinite wisdom has prepared us for this. He gave us the 2nd Amendment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Revelation says that there are a certain number of believers who are to be killed. This was directed to the souls in Heaven who were impatient for judgment for those on earth who had killed them.


Should we then infer that the Jews killed in Hitler’s Holocaust were right not to fight back, or that the Armenians killed in the Turkish Holocaust shouldn’t have fought back, or that all the wars we did fight back in were wrong? That the death penalty should be abolished? Not that your wrong, the Pandava’s with the exception of Arjuna were not allowed into heaven, but that is separate and longer story.


“…God’s help is all that we have left.”


Don’t forget the military!

They should be remembering their sworn oaths and duty any minute now!


Concerned Virginian

Brian Kilmeade, on his radio show, 5 minutes ago, reported that the Taliban have closed all the roads leading to the Kabul airport and the gates of the airport are now shut.
Also, there are hundreds of Americans who were told by the State Department that they are to stay at their homes and not go outside.
This number now includes hundreds of students at the university in Kabul.
The State Department told the Americans that the Taliban will “help them them to leave” after August 31.
The State Department gave the Taliban the names, addresses, and U.S. Passport numbers of Americans being left behind.

Last edited 3 years ago by PAVACA

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 👍  👍  👍 


The MIAs we left behind in Vietnam are still left behind. Ditto for the Korean ‘police action’.

The statement is false; we do it all the time.


McCain stopped the investigation if there were still people left behind in Vietnam.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One has to wonder why any American would want to go to Kabul U to get their degree…


I hear it’s the Harvard of Kandahar…


Just made a trip to the farmer’s market then a quick trip to Kroger for a few things. Good looking farm products, Kroger on the other hand sucked! USDA prime filet 6 ounce $17.99 😡  Stock out and work force muzzled up made me GTH out of there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nasty! Thanks for the report!


What exactly made Kroger suck? Certainly not high prices, most of which are beyond their control.


inventory, but keep in mind it was Monday morning


This is about the mother stripped of her visitation rights because of not being vaxxed.

Judge James A. Shapiro – Face of Tyranny – The Burning Platform


There is no legal basis for this kind of thing. A mandate is not law. A CDC guideline is not law. A judge’s opinion about vaccines is not law.


Americans are stranded (at best) while  👇  this  👇  is going on…

REPORT : 11 Flights of Afghans Flown To Wisconsin, 300 Land In Philadelphia



…and another 500 to be “settled” in Akron, Ohio.

vetting ???

anyone ??

sleeper cells ???

 👉  but hey…get vaccinated…it’s your patriotic duty. /s/

blood boiling yet ?


This is a good summation of Joe Biden’s positions over the years. He may have dementia now, but he is much the same as he has always been.


and his dementia is still no excuse.


Exactly! That is the point. He has ALWAYS been this incompetent and leftist.


He has always been a loon BUT now having dementia the onus is on those who elevated him to his position and cover for his incapacity.


From an early age I was taught two maxims:

Just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should.

Just because someone doesn’t, it doesn’t mean they can’t.

Deplorable Patriot

My mother just blew up at me over the shots. It seems that my SIL with all the health issues took a third jab and it hit her like a ton of bricks. I reacted without words, and Dad’s going, “Why did she take a third shot?” And Mom blew her stack. “I know you don’t like the shots. I’m getting it from all sides. I hear it from [Couch Commando} and you and I feel like a piece of taffy.”

This is a woman who religiously reads the Wall Street Journal and Townhall. I can’t get through to her that she’s digesting lies. She wanted to be a journalist badly, and just does not believe that the whole industry is a C_A operation. Alternative media is not to be believed.

They want us divided, and that apparently includes nuclear families. We’re going to need each other in the future. That’s the big reason I’ve largely kept my mouth shut. Talking about needing to see to believe.


Division, absolutely. I run into something similar with really smart people who can’t accept that the powers-that-be could have ulterior (evil) motives. Dr. Fauci is so nice. Gates is a philanthropist who has done so much. Sure, he has said a few weird things — but their thinking stops right there and can’t go any further.

What gets me is that so many of the things deemed crazy in years past are coming true. They really do want population control, and they are accomplishing it through vaccines here, not just in 3rd-world countries anymore. And the “crazy” ideas from a month or a week ago are also coming true, before our very eyes. Yet people can’t/won’t see.

I hope your SIL will be all right. It sounds like she didn’t need vaccine complications on top of other things.

Deplorable Patriot

No, she didn’t. But, her dad is a physician, and she grew up with pharmaceuticals and she and my brother (and my mother) are very much trusting in the white lab coat thing.

They think I’m crazy, but I saw entirely too much when I worked at a medical school.

Seriously, when the whole truth comes out, my mom’s going to have a breakdown.


It’s weird how they put you in the middle. You didn’t tell her to take the shot and most likely you didn’t come out and tell her not to take it so how is that everyone jumps down your throat?
They all need to own their choices and the consequences that may or may not come along.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t speak to my SIL unless I absolutely have to. Either one of them. My brothers didn’t think too much when they jumped.

I’ve always been the one to stand up and not follow the crowd. That being the case, I can handle this, but they aren’t going to believe me until a “credible source” says what I have been saying.


And then they’ll blame you for not warning them enough.


They better dare not… 😂


That certainly WON’T go over well with me IF they try it. They have learned. I’ll oblige them again if they try. 🙂


With my children I say something one time did about the shots. They are adults and I owe them to tread them how I want to be treated.
They have to live the consequences just as I have to live with mine.
This is not easy but worth the family harmony and their right to make their own choices.
It is not easy to navigate family situations for me the best is as I described.
Prayers for you and your family.


I have often thought that some people I know would shatter if they had to face the facts about the evil in this world. I am considered “just too much,” and the doctors I quote are not credible. No real reason given; they just aren’t.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s more the “I thought I was doing the right thing” that’s going to be an issue, IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is the ENTIRE problem right here.

Until we get into the “credible” media with this information, some people simply Will. Not. Believe. it.

That’s not just vax info, that’s EVERYTHING. Election fraud, Deep State, etc., etc.

Cuppa Covfefe


Same thing with some extended family members. They simply cannot conceive that their “trusted media” [not encrypted 🙂 hmmm, talk about crypts and press corpse] and White Labcoat gods and goddesses could possibly be wrong, or serve a different master than “the common good”.

“Political or financial gain???? Oh, noes, it just COULDN’T be”…

Now they’re twisting the stats and facts here to blame everything short of Gore-Bull warming on the great unvaxxed. Looks like we of the unjabbed will be wearing the proverbial yellow star before long.

Better a yellow star than an incurable scar…

Cuppa Covfefe

How Doctors Think” by Jerome Groopman is a great book about doctors and the medical industry. It pretty much paints a comprehensive picture of the “White Labcoat Syndrome” and the silos and fixed thinking associated with it.

[I ran across it when my son was misdiagnosed with a couple of differents syndromes (German doctors like to put things into neat little packages, and hammer on and trim the data/symptoms until they fit). As it turns out, neither of their diagnoses were correct, and a few other issues (like missing a concealed WPW syndrome until it flew by on their monitor) showed their somewhat fixed outlook.

I don’t think it’s just in Germany; it’s almost like in systems debugging, where they have a checklist to go through… sometimes there are things going on that aren’t on the checklist, and then REAL DEBUGGING has to happen]…

Anyway, Dr. Groopman has written an excellent book here; he has a few others, as well. They might be worth looking at, and hopefully helpful as well.

How Doctors Think Paperback – March 12, 2008

Product details (from Amazoon; there are inexpensive used copied out there)·      ASIN ‏ : ‎ 0547053649
·      Publisher ‏ : ‎ Mariner Books; Reprint edition (March 12, 2008)
·      Language ‏ : ‎ English
·      Paperback ‏ : ‎ 319 pages
·      ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9780547053646
·      ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0547053646
·      Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 10.1 ounces
·      Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 0.77 x 8.25 inches

Great book, maybe it would be helpful. Reads like a suspense novel…


Doc Berry’s book is good also.

Lies My Doctor Told Me Second Edition: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health


>>”She wanted to be a journalist badly”<<

NOW seems to be her chance.

A journalist covers BOTH sides of any story. Let her decide for herself to investigate the pros and cons of what she believes.

You know best, of course, but perhaps consider pointing her to a few websites (CFP, GP, here) to read the COMMENTS by so many other Americans.

Silent (mouth shut?) no longer, just this once?

If you do this, give her TIME, on her own – to research, and to mentally process. Let her come back to you.

My two cents – and your call.

I hope it helps …

Sorry about the strife – it’s all too common at this point.

Deplorable Patriot

She did do a couple of stints as a sports reporter, but never was really inside the industry. I was on the periphery of it for a while. It’s confected.

When TSHTF and the real truth comes out, and they find out I was right (this has happened before) things will change. I know that. In the meantime, I just need my family members to keep taking their blood pressure meds and blood thinners because that’s probably what saved them after the shots in the first place.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

They want to blame somebody for shots, the push to get them, the absolute mind bending confusion about cv, variants, what the F the vax is supposed to do….they want to blame anyone except the Ministry of Health and it’s direktor Fauxi.
I think a lot of them are secretly jealous of anti-vaxxers calm about this shit

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Admitting that anti-vaxxers were RIGHT in any way, even in a small way, is an extreme difficulty for the vax crowd.


Fo sure!
They all jumped on the bandwagon because they were AFRAID. Daily pressers, fake numbers and the whole nine yards had people so scared they threw reason out the window and now they see that people weren’t falling dead on sidewalks, neighborhoods aren’t ghost towns with corpses lined up by morgues BUUUUT they still can’t let go because that next wild n crazy variant might be the bad one!.


And yet, they must ALL cross that bridge, to survive (psychologically / emotionally).

Better to take that step at the FIRST opportunity …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Part of the issue is, they associate THIS vax issue with the other (IMHO) non-issues of the *old* anti vax crowd. So because “real” vaxxes worked the pushers of the Covid jab get to coast on that credibility.

I’m waiting for the backlash that takes out actual, genuine vaxes along with this one.


The day is coming. Pro vax crowd is dwindling, I think. I hope.

Local gun blog. Vaxers were quite vocal AND proud of their proactive decision to get injected.

Currently down to one vocal. Most that voiced “get injected” have gone silent. I read that to be likely pissed at their decision or tired of it all. Some post “buyers remorse” getting injected.

One, vax cheerleader remains. A RN that may as well be a CDC / FDA mouthpiece. He’s as nauseating as Marie Barf and John Kirby.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Similar point to mine–once the world wakes up to the global warming fraud, will they start disbelieving everything else that the science really *does* say, by association?

Here, I’m concerned that good vaccines (for other diseases) will be tarred by association with this crap.


Quite possible.

For now I am at the point Covid vax is poison.

AND, flu shots forever taboo, being they have suggested including Covid stuff in flu shots.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, agreed on that point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s already happening. I don’t trust the flu vaccines until Fauci is indicted and somebody honest is running things (Fauci is running CDC through his old minion Walensky).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m more concerned with the old, mainline vaccines, where there’s a ton of pseudoscience out there already.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

True. But there is fakery already becoming visible on autism / narcolepsy from moderately recent “good” vaccines that will widen the swath of “no thanks” normies, and even polio is now coming under suspicion – if only speaking for myself. And polio was my star example of a “good” vaccine.

At this point, the only things I have real faith in are smallpox and rabies. After learning that the pertussis vaccine was switched up to a non-sterilizing vaccine, I no longer trust the people controlling vaccine opinion WITHIN science. They may very well be making BAD choices for humanity, and definitely for individuals.

The basic outcome is good for science, however, IMO – to teach us HUMILITY. We CANNOT lie about vaccines. And those who do, for social political or personal power reasons, need to pay in both POWER and HISTORY.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know what, though? Go back to Trump and Carson on stage, during the primaries, standing up against the vaccine tyranny on the dangers of massive multiple vaccines – which was at that point BRAVE – and now makes all kinds of scientific sense. Trump would have been SAVAGED, had not a BLACK DOCTOR stood up for his viewpoint.

Think how much has been unmasked since then. Quite possibly more than even TRUMP thought possible!

Deplorable Patriot

And not just any black doctor.

Gail Combs

NO WAY I am going to get my Tetanus booster!

“…People above the age of 19 years should have Tdap booster shots every 10 years….Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) “

I have asked, They NO LONGER CARRY a straight tetanus booster WITHOUT the rest of the crap.

HECK, this year I couldn’t even get the Tetanus Antitoxin (not toxoid) for when I castrate my baby goats and sheep when they are less than a week old. Tetanus Antitoxin provides quick, short-term protection. Antitoxin may also be administered to animals following castration, docking, and other operations performed on premises.”

Cuppa Covfefe

My son had to get the tetanus booster, and a meningitis vaccine before he could get his Cochlear Implants.

VERY difficult decision. We discussed and prayed over it, but the choice was between deafness and the two vaccines with “added ingredients”. Fortunately the vaxxes were OK, and just in the nick of time before the COVIDIOCY madness hit full swing here in Germany.

Now with the lockdowns here in south Germany, it’s going to be difficult for him to go to “Ergotherapy” without having had the jab or the “tickle the brain” PCR (!) test. Hope we can figure out some alternatives…

Honestly, the stupid, it burns. And how unelected “health officials” can determing government (governance?) policy is beyond me. Typical Satanic sozialist slimeballs…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Concerned Virginian

There are three other tests that can be used instead of the “deep swab (all the way back to the brain) test” — the saliva test, the Nasal Mid-Turbinate Specimen test, and the Anterior Nasal Swab Sample test. For the Anterior Nasal Swab Sample test, the Q-tip is inserted no more than 3/4 of an inch into the nostril. For the Nasal Mid-Turbinate Specimen test, the Q-tip is inserted no more than 1 inch into the nostril.
These tests are approved for the U.S. I don’t know about the EU.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I know. But the PCR test is by far the preferred test for the idiots here.

And next month they say that we of the “Great unvaxxed” will have to pay for our own tests…

The saliva test exists over here, but I believe they only trust the results for a day or two…. the NAZIs never really left…

What I’d like to do is get a lab test to prove that we have antibodies, because we (the three of us) probably had it back in November 2019, as we 1) had something that REALLY matched the COVID symptoms then, and 2) live relatively close to Göppingen, where the first case hit Germany back in 2019…

They call it 3G here: Geimpft, Getestet, Genesen (jabbed, tested, recovered)…
The Greens are pushing for 1G: jabbed… but they’re just fine keeping the Afghanis and other refauxgees untested, not just for COVID, but for anything else they might be bringing in (knives and terrorist tendencies too)…..

Valerie Curren

I believe that Tdap was the shot that that PhD (black woman) testifying to Michigan said was known to cause autism, per that 8 minute video.


It’s the MMR

Valerie Curren

Is that the one that PhD said or one you “know” causes or contributes to autism?


MMR is the one with the data that showed rise in autism, more in boys, most in black boys. Mikovitz says they are missing an enzyme or something and so don’t do well with the shots.

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks. I haven’t heard that perspective before, so appreciate the info shared!


I do not relish to be right I just want as little people hurt from the jab as possible. There is to much pain that the CCP virus brought to the world.
The world needs healing.


They cannot allow themselves to think that the “No Jabs” are correct, because doing so leads to the scary thought of what the jab has done to themselves and cannot be undone, it’s a harsh reality to come to terms with.

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow the phrasing “journalist badly” brings to mind “Through a looking glass, darkly”, I Corinthians 13:12:

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

There is so much to see, that we cannot see; and so much to know that we cannot know (while on this earth). May GOD grant that we navigate through these times with our limited senses and resources to HIS GOOD WILL and ENDS.

Interesting commentary I stumbled across at

Not sure if I agree with all of it (seems a little self-aggrandizing), but it provokes some deep thinking, research, and prayer…

OT: speaking of strife, the Cockney term for wife is “trouble and strife” 🙂 I haven’t looked up husband (fortunately I don’t think there’s a rhyme 😀 )….

Valerie Curren

Imperfect “rhyme” for husband could be curmudgeon 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Just about every family represented at Marica’s has had division over the jab. It’s the saddest thing.

It’s not enough for those who love the jab to get it and be proud of their astuteness in being first on the block to get it, they yammer and pressure everyone else to do it, too. That’s bad enough. But when families use the jab as a golden ticket for seeing grandchildren ………….wow, manipulation goes to new lows.

Gail Combs


Just remember that blackmail can go both ways. NEVER EVER GIVE IN TO BLACKMAIL! I watched it ruin my parents later years as my brother and sister-in-law used it to completely rule my parents life down to DEMANDING I pay a high ‘rent’ for my room despite the fact I was painting, wallpapering, landscaping, shopping, cooking…. I ended up moving out a short time later as it was cheaper to rent an apartment.


And you were there to help in emergencies.
jealosy is a killer

Deplorable Patriot

I have a brother who is after my parents to kick the Couch Commando and me out. The youngest and our sister are NOT going that route at all. They both are wondering why we aren’t taking over more of the stuff Dad insists on doing. I thought that the one brother would have gotten the point when Mom ended up in the ER the last time he was here, and I went with her, but NO-O-O-O-O.

I took over doing Mom’s laundry because she was complaining so much about the basement steps, I was sick of hearing it. She can’t get down on the floors to scrub them anymore. She will wash the windows, but I’m doing all the heavy lifting.

It’s not going to stop with him, either.

Gail Combs

At least I only had the one brother and SIL to contend with. I feel for you!

Cuppa Covfefe

The division is one of their main goals. Same thing in my extended family. We’re the “Luddites”, the “Great Unvaxxed”…

Divide families, institutions, countries, religions, everything.
DIvide and conquer.

And Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Pol Pot, Mussolini, and all the rest are laughing in hell with their master and mentor, the Devil, Satan.

I still think COVIDIOCY is the “deception at the end of the age”…

I always remember the YSM/MCM blathering away with “experts say…” and then they pull in some poor sod in a white lab coat (or whatever) who happened to be walking by in the hallway behind the studio… then coerced into pronouncing their demonic unholy words of wisdom…

Never believed the media, never will…

Keep your powder dry and your shovels polished, Sylvia, hope all’s well out your way…

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Cuppa! You too, my friend!

Concerned Virginian

Am dealing with TWO doctors in the family (son and DIL), “fully vaccinated” and just recovered from “breakthrough cases” of COVID-19. They’re AMA / CDC / FDA from head to foot. Her 2 teenagers also “fully vaccinated.” All of them will get the “booster shot.”
Son and DIL don’t want to hear anything about HCQ / Ivermectin / Zinc / D3 / Quercetin. They know I’m taking Ivermectin + Zinc + D3 + Quercetin from an MD through FLCCC. They’re warning me that I “need to be very careful.”
I manage to stay “persona grata” by telling them, “I’m waiting for the Novavax to be approved.”
Extended family healthcare professionals, both RN’s, are “fully vaccinated.”

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Sylvia Avery

That’s really got to be tough, CV. But hold fast! You are in the right.


Mine are different they say “we do not want to give you the virus that is why we do not visit”. I say “that is good to know that you are so thoughtful”.
Yes it is sad when they use the jab as a weapon or blackmail. They loose so much except they do not know at this time but one day they will.


Your concerns are not in vain sooner than later they will see. Sometimes saying nothing is the best. They need to see themselves. 


It’s pretty hard to accept that everything you believed was honourable and true is a lie.
like someone dropped acid in your drink and now reality is completely unbound by the laws of physics and logic


THIS ^^^^

Most people have set them on a pedestal… authoritarian figures… musn’t question them.

There is discussion 24/7 about how the schools have been infiltrated, but nary a word about how seniors have swallowed the crud spewed by the MSM, whoever is in the Oval Office, etc.

Critical thinking just goes “poof” ….

Brave and Free

Sorry to hear this DP, I have family in HC field and can relate to your situation. Can be dicey talking to them at times. There like a horse with blinders on, can’t see left or right just straight ahead what the “Corporate System” tells them to do. Its hard trying to break through that wall for sure……
Good luck.

Gail Combs

Who owns the Wall Street Journal? 13 years ago Rupert Murdoch ended the 105-year-long ownership of the Wall Street Journal by the Bancroft family, when he bought the paper for $5 billion.
A year before that, Rupert Murdoch, born an Aussie… Murdoch’s Dealings in China: It’s Business, and It’s Personal

Many big companies have sought to break into the Chinese market over the past two decades, but few of them have been as ardent and unrelenting as Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation…

Mr. Murdoch cooperates closely with China’s censors and state broadcasters, several people who worked for him in China say. He cultivates political ties that he hopes will insulate his business ventures from regulatory interference, these people say….

…Mr. Murdoch’s third wife, Wendi, is a mainland Chinese who once worked for his Hong Kong-based satellite broadcaster, Star TV. Her role in managing investments and honing elite connections in China has underscored uncertainties within the Murdoch family about how the family-controlled News Corporation will be run after Mr. Murdoch, 76, retires or dies….

His courtship has made him the Chinese leadership’s favorite foreign media baron. He has dined with former President Jiang Zemin in the Zhongnanhai leadership compound in Beijing and repeatedly met other members of the ruling Politburo in Beijing, New York and London. Television channels affiliated with Mr. Murdoch beam more programming into China than any other foreign media group….

The Murdochs will soon be able to call Beijing home. Workers have nearly finished renovating their traditional courtyard-style house in Beijing’s exclusive Beichizi district, a block from the Forbidden City. 

THAT is the reason I no longer trust the Wall street Gerbil.

Townhall is owned by Salem Media Group. I can not find my notes, BUT Sundance had a whole article on them
Insider Reveals Salem Media Was Part of The Coordinated Gang-of-Eight Manipulation…(The Gang-of-Eight was FOR Amnesty for illegals.)


I will note that Hubby is 5th generation Newspaper going back to a contemporary and friend of Elijah Parish Lovejoy. He burned all his letters and papers after they attacked and later killed Lovejoy so the family lost all of that history.

Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editors

….“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press in the United States.

“These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers…..

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey (CIA Director) quoted by Barbara Honegger who attended the actual Reagan cabinet meeting where Casey made this statement. 

Barbara Honegger, studied at Stanford University
Answered Nov 25 2014

I am the source for this quote, which was indeed said by CIA Director William Casey at an early February 1981 meeting of the newly elected President Reagan with his new cabinet secretaries to report to him on what they had learned about their agencies in the first couple of weeks of the administration.

The meeting was in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, not far from the Cabinet Room. I was present at the meeting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President. Casey first told Reagan that he had been astonished to discover that over 80 percent of the ‘intelligence’ that the analysis side of the CIA produced was based on open public sources like newspapers and magazines.

As he did to all the other secretaries of their departments and agencies, Reagan asked what he saw as his goal as director for the CIA, to which he replied with this quote, which I recorded in my notes of the meeting as he said it. Shortly thereafter I told Senior White House correspondent Sarah McClendon, who was a close friend and colleague, who in turn made it public. 

Barbara Honegger  

The CIA’s Operation Mockingbird Manipulated Media

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program that made a mockery of free press in the US. The existence of this program which spread CIA propaganda through the media was flatly denied until it was uncovered in Senate hearings in the mid-1970s. The CIA’s claims that it shut the program down in 1976 are undoubtedly a further deception. They simply shifted the operation to other parts of the agency as they had been caught red-handed.

Before the US Senate Church Committee revelations, the media and CIA colluded overtly in their media propaganda campaigns, as you will read below. As the public was quite incensed with these revelations, afterwards the collusion became covert and much more sophisticated. Nowadays media executives or journalists are very careful keep their CIA connections secret, yet there is plenty of evidence the techniques developed and used under Operation Mockingbird continue to be common practice….

May 21, 2012
The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public

The newest version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes an amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public, reports Michael Hastings of BuzzFeed.

The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House last Friday afternoon — would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion….

Deplorable Patriot

I know. You just can’t get through sometimes.

Gail Combs

Emotions always over rule logic. It is what the Deep State counts on and is the basis for Marxism.

 “…Marx accepted the philosophy of Hegel as the only sound and adequate explanation of the universe….  Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the conceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not objects, were the stuff of which the universe was made….”

It is why we were treated to the George Floyd ‘Show for Idiots’ the January 6th drama (What ever happened to the Congress shall make no law respecting …the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.) And now the complete INSULT to our nation, the running away in complete disarray from the Taliban.


Also allegedly interpreters tongues being cut.
Also from this person who has been accurate on intel during this…but obviously she isn’t naming a source’s FWIW

Cuppa Covfefe

Idiot probably can’t find his hiney without a topo map…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One would have to be able to READ a topo map to be able to use it for finding anything. So he no doubt couldn’t find his ass even WITH a topo map.

Cuppa Covfefe

Refraining from the various puns that present themselves is difficult. Hiney, for instance, is popo (as opposed to popo) which would be a popo topo map. (Remember Topo Gigio on Ed Sullivan). And then, in addition to a topo map, he’d need a Compa$$… The list goes on, and on, and on…

This DC Klown show makes the Keystone Kops look inKredibly Kompetent…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Yesterday I was asked, what I wasn’t buying about the Scheuller narrative. My answer was incomplete, to say the least.  I should have waited, until now. 🙂

Here is a more thorough answer. It is complicated for me, a piss poor communicator, to share via keyboard. Please bear with me. I am trying…

IMO, some or all of this IS A BFD to consider, when considering Schueller’s motives.

What The HELL was Schueller THINKING?


Semper Fi. ALWAYS FAITHFULNOT a cliché. Semper Fi is a way of life.

Throw Your Rank On The Table. = Take a stand. Stand your ground. EVEN IF IT MEANS ONE IS FIRED. DISCHARGED. Possible Court Martial. HUGE financial loss likely. SEMPER FI.

^^^ Have known of this once over my Active career. Navy O-5. Learned of it after my Commanding Officer was relieved. He privately took a stand for what he thought was right AND contrary to Orders. He lost his Command. Likely never made O-6. He threw his rank on the table.

Thus far I BELIEVE in Schueller. Thus far he is thriving on SEMPER FI AND HIS OATH.

Likely grew up in a Patriot family.

These years, toss in SEMPER FI, Patriotism, Chain-of-Command, INTEGRITY which ARE INGRAINED IN MARINES from day one. Continues until the day Marines are discharged, be four, twenty or thirty years. Very admirable. Like no other Service.


Off the wall. Wondering about his family. Number of children and ages.

Lots of paper work to get out of the military, including separation physical. All could be done in a week or two. OR, the Corps could try to make life miserable for him.

My guess is the Corps wants him out, to avoid dissension in the ranks. The latter a BFD in the Corps, as compared to the other Services that grumble, piss and moan for breakfast.

Schueller IS INCENSED, fired up, pissed off at the FAILURE, IRRESPONSIBILITY, LIKELY (IMO) CRIMINAL INACTION, and DERELICTION of DUTY by the Chain of Command – Up to AND including the President. From Bite Me through the Pentagon to the DUMB ASSES at CENTCOM.

MARINE General McKenzie IS the CENTCOM Commander. Responsible for US Forces in Afghanistan. ITHIS IS A BFD. In particular for Marines

McKenzie assumed Command from Army General Miller ~July 12. Miller Army. Also served in the Delta Forces.

McKenzie as CENTCOM, was in charge of NATO’s Resolute Force effort in Afghanistan. As was McKenzie’s predecessor, Austin.


DoD has plans for a huge array of “what ifs” around the globe. Combatant Commanders such as CENTCOM are responsible for PLANS in their Area of Responsibility (AOR). Afghanistan is in CENTCOM’s AOR.

Backing up a bit.

There is a document called, National Military Strategy (NMS) which is approved by National Military Authority. IIRC, CJCS has a signature block. Certainly SECDEF does sign and forwards to the President for approval. 


NMS directs COMBATANT Commanders (CENTCOM) to create AND maintain PLANS. 
A PLAN has many STANDARD Annex’s (chapters) which have Appendixes (sub chapters). They can be quite lengthy and detailed. Included in the PLAN, as directed by NMA.  

PLAN Annexes start with Task Organization, Intelligence, Operations, Logistics, etc.

Within Annexes are Appendixes which includes NEO – Non Combatant Operations. 

PLANOperations, NEO.

NEO can be generically called a blue print for removing Non Combatants from the threat. It covers geographical area, who needs to be evacuated, where they show up, forces and lift required to evacuate noncombatants. And more.

GUARANTEED CENTCOM HAD A PLAN FOR NEO in Afghanistan. So, what went wrong?
The NEO BALL obviously got dropped – IGNORED – OR, NEO WAS INTENTIONALLY DISMISSED. by “Command Authority”. 

  • READ Presidential level ORDER. CENTCOM had their Marching Orders. NEO was NOT included.
  • Trump would NEVER do this.
  • Dopey Dementia Joe’s Handlers would, in BiteMe’s name, Authority.

IMPORTANTAuthority CAN be delegated. RESPONSIBILITY can NOT be delegated.


Backing up for a moment. When PLANS are initiated, Guidance is provided to defined the PLAN Mission, Goals, Assumptions, Limitations, etc. This IS what the PLAN addresses.

PLANS, when executed becomes living evolving, PLANS.

Authority can ADD or REMOVE anything from a PLAN, at any time. At some point. As Afghanistan was coming to an end, I believe


The Military is CONTROLLED by Civilian Authority. President, SECDEF…

An OATH IS taken by The President, SECDEF, Military…

The OATH, IS more than mere words. The OATH TAKER IS legally ACCOUNTABLE.

Another tangent briefly. The US Military provides SIGNIFICANT Logistics support to Allies. The US has the “lift” capacity to move people, equipment and supplies, which our Allies simply do NOT possess. Think NEO LIFT, throughput…

Recall, the US, CENTCOM, Marine General McKenzie/ Austin was NATO’s LEAD in Afghanistan.

  • Our NATO Allies relied on the US as the Head of Resolute Force. 
  • The USG FAILED to Protect US citizens.
  • The USG FAILED to support Allies.

Trying to wrap up this diatribe. Hoping this makes sense.

HERE IS WHERE THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD. All the above comes together.

Taking ALL of the above into consideration AND much more I have NOT laid out. I believe AND perhaps THIS IS WHERE Schueller’s focus is. 


AT whatever POINT NEO was CAST ASIDE, Idi AMin, McKenzie OR Austin had an OBLIGATION to throw their Rank On The Table. INSIST on NEO. NEO IS A MUST DO. Let the chips fall where they may. Semper Fi. (Yea, Idi Amin was Chair Force)


  • BiteME MUST be impeached.
  • Idi Amin as SECDEF, a retired four star MUST be Court Martialed.

McKenzie AND Austin MUST Court Martialed.

  1. 100%, Idi Amin, McKenzi and Austin KNEW US citizens lives were DISMISSED. 
  2. 100% Idi Amin, McKenzi and Austin KNEW our responsibility to NATO, our Allies.

MeThinks, Semper Fir reigns within Schueller.
What Scheuller did, IS doing, has to be VERY PUBLIC. 
Scheuller is the very definition of P A T R I O T.

The End. Apologies IF the above is a jumbled mess. Much disparate information to lay out and link together.


Clearing up confusion.

Austin and Miller in above post = Austin Miller. I botched the name. Apologies.


I believe he was being honest, Kalbo.

FWIW, screw-up or not, I think he believed in what he was saying – even though he should have waited a bit for everything to settle, in his mind.

I wish him the best. I fear he has taken himself OUT of the game, though.

No more videos, methinks …


Quite likely he has taken himself out of the game. For the right reasons.

Unless, he can get more senior Active duty Officers to raise a ruckus over accountability. Perhaps some O-6s. Followed by Flag Officers – Generals and Admirals.

Retired Officers don’t matter much, beyond talking heads on fake news. Or as gray beards – consultants. All of these have become money whores seeking relevance in retired life.

Gail Combs

He was fired. Let’s hope they do not grab him and toss him in a mental institution for ‘wrong think’


Wrong think in the military can lead to all kinds of problems. AND, that was before BiteMe, Idi Amin and purple hair Boy started mucking things up more.

Yep. Lost his command. Certainly his clearance has been permanently terminated. It’s an administrative function. So long as he can keep his cool until discharged, he’ll be OK.

Betting he owns guns. Depending on the state he moves to, he may have trouble buying guns, getting CCW.

I still have to check out whatever oraization many have posted he commented about. I believe you posted on this also Gail. I am off to checking that out right now.


Bellwether. Looked for a couple minutes Odd as hell. No more wasted time there.


Thanks a lot from a low info civilian. My gut said he was outraged about Afghanistan, maybe it being the last straw for him personally.
It looked like the same emotion as the vid from the fire chief the other day. It takes real courage to take a stand against the machine



Purple hair Boy, wokester, CJCS, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Milley ALSO rates a Court Martial.


Will that clash with his gender reassignment surgery?


Nah. I’m old school. Guys and gals.


Thanks kalbokalbs that was a great big RANT, loved reading it.

Free Beacon


WATCH: Marine Battalion Commander Fired After Blasting ‘Inept’ Military Leadership
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Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

Picture of the day…finger salute. 🙂


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Thank you for sharing your perspective. I’m not qualified to comment on some of it, but I completely agree about leadership failure and what should happen. (Whether it will is another matter.) I hope Sheller stays safe and does incredibly effective work for our side; i.e., for America, and for the truth to come out. And the more public, the better, IMO. We’re starved for action out here! 😣


Scheller is a first domino.


Do you mean in a positive way or a negative one?


Positive. Like Maricopa.


Good! I hope so.


Isn’t Idi Amin Austin? So it’s Austin, McKenzie and Milley.


Thank you. I botched a couple things above. This should clear things up.

  • CJCS purple hair Boy Milley.
  • SECDEF (Idi Amin) is Lloyd Austin.
  • CENTCOM is General Kenneth McKenzie.
  • NATO’s Resolute Support Mission and United States Forces – Afghanistan was General Austin Miller.
  1. EACH of them should have had the integrity to throw their rank on the table, INSISTING on NEO part of the final withdrawal.
  2. EACH of them ought to be Court Martialed. dereliction of duty for starters.
  3. BiteMe impeached.

Likely nothing will happen.


“IMPORTANT. Authority CAN be delegated. RESPONSIBILITY can NOT be delegated.”

Please re-read this at least 10 times. Then think of the absolute morons noted above that will hopefully be looking up the noose awaiting them.

Gail Combs

I will also point out that the Military Manuals go back at least two millennia.

Xenophon of Athens (430[1] – 354 BC) was an Athenian-born military leader, philosopher, and historian. At the age of 30, Xenophon was elected a commander of one of the biggest Greek mercenary armies, the Ten Thousand, that marched on and came close to capturing Babylon in 401 BC. As the military historian Theodore Ayrault Dodge wrote, “the centuries since have devised nothing to surpass the genius of this warrior”.[3] Xenophon established precedents for many logistical operations, and was among the first to describe flanking maneuvers and feints….” — WIKI

As a friend of Hubby’s once said Military Manuals are example of some of the most BRILLIANT technical writing having been edited and re-edited for centuries. 




Agree 100%.


Closing sentence SAYS IT ALL.


Thank for your good post. You helped me understand 🙂


POTUS 45 Statements


Georgia has been caught. What are Kemp and Raffensperger going to do about it? Or will they sweep it under the table like they have done everything else trying to claim they had an honest election with everybody laughing as they speak.

Read the full article by Laura Baigert with the Georgia Star News
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Poscomment image
POTUS 45 Statements


Georgia has been caught. What are Kemp and Raffensperger going to do about it? Or will they sweep it under the table like they have done everything else trying to claim they had an honest election with everybody laughing as they speak.

Read the full article by Laura Baigert with the Georgia Star News
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43,000 Absentee Ballot Votes Counted in DeKalb County 2020 Election Violated Chain of Custody Rule – The Georgia Star News
43,907 of the 61,731 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in the November 2020 presidential election in DeKalb County, Georgia – 72 percent – were counted in official tallies certified by the county and the state, despite violating chain of custody requirements set forward in Georgia Emergency Rule 183-1-14-1.8-.14 promulgated by the Georgia State Election Board at its July 1, 2020, meeting.

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

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WTH is going on ?



CHASE Bank Cancels General Mike Flynn’s Credit Cards



they think his name is some sort of threat to their reputaton.


I don’t know how to put into words what I think about this. 😡 I wish that boycotting Chase would send a message, but I’m not sure that mom-and-pop accounts leaving would make a difference because they no doubt have huge multinational corporations as clients. At any rate, they’re on my list now.


and start protesting loud & in great numbers back & forth outside their bank branches everywhere.

expose them.

shame them.

get in their damn faces.


court-martial Biden

Cuppa Covfefe

Chase is exceedingly globalist. Best to not deal with them at all, if you can avoid them (and their various subs)…

Deplorable Patriot

Dawson, actually, ripped this apart. Not sure what is real and what isn’t anymore.


I’ve stopped using Chase on principle, even before this latest. And they’ve benefited from a lot of my money in the past. No more. Eff the big banks.


guess they CAN fly those helis and what fun they have. Somehow I don’t think this was an exercise in carefully dropping their soldiers to ground but hey I might be wrong

article with same pics


At least they don’t have the challenge of finding a tall building to throw their gays from



Horrible. Next up, hostages taken and troops sent in. I hope I’m wrong.


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Concerned Virginian

Why in H3LL are there only 5400 Americans among the 121 THOUSAND people evacuated from Kabul by the United States?


human shields


I bet we ended up with tens of thousands of fighting age men who never did one thing in service to our people there. The ones that ran the fastest to the airport with little baggage ( stuff/kids) .
Those empty forms that were given out in Afghanistan were the equivalent of blank ballots for Dem installations

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

And why were so many left behind?


Pepe Lives Matter

Australian truck drivers protest vaccine mandates and lockdowns.

More info here:
[video src="" /]


Good piece on the shooting of Ashli Babbit. Even if you don’t believe she’s actually dead this article hits the nail on legality. Don’t forget that “Nance” has commissioned multi city Capitol Police that will also have this standard to fall back on.


HeHeHeHeHe – Aussie Humor:

Big Pharma for the win!!!! Top Kek!
[video src="" /]


 👏  👏 


How To Survive In A Post-Truth World of Chaos

OP link…

by Andrew Torba



According to a few posts at, some Tractor Supply posted a sign requiring a photo of you and your horse to buy the paste. 🙄

Gail Combs

Looks like we are going to be renting out our horses and ponies, doesn’t it?


You could even specialize in pictures cleaning hooves or brushing manes (things you wouldn’t expect customers to do with rental ponies).

Gail Combs

Their kid on the pony while they hold the lead shank. I have some older ponies that are perfect for the timid.

Heck, there are tons of folks with that type of picture around here. I set-up family pictures all the time….

HMMMmmm Maybe that is why business is suddenly booming…


That’s what people were saying, horse owners can pick up some extra $ for photos. 😂


Two days ago, read pics with horse required by TSC in Vegas area.

Gingersmom2009 $7.99 a tube. (DuraMectin) They have the obligatory disclaimer to cover themselves, but it’s available.


Thank you.

They also carry the 1% inject able.


We have the pills, I just posted the info as an online source.


Business opportunities abound for creative minds


I would say it is a good idea to find your locally owned feed and supply store, and get friendly with them.

Avoid the bigger chain stores. Look for the mom and pop place with the rockers on the porch and the stray cats catching mice.


I just posted the info. We’ve got plenty of pills. 👍🏻


Taliban execute folk singer days after saying music is ‘forbidden,’ family says

These are the people we are “working with,” whom we expect to honor their word?

Sharia and Islamic control is the goal, and always has been. Until we recognize that, we are not fighting the enemy effectively.


General Reportedly Cancels Troop Evacuation, Demands Soldiers ‘Clean The Base For The Taliban’ Before Leaving
“We didn’t even get rooms to stay in like a lot of the other units. We slept in a gym, then had to clean the gym. We picked up water bottles and mre trash and s**t paper.”


Soon they’ll have to advertise rainbows and unicorns to attract soldiers. Bet that kind of duty would offend their feelz, maybe even cause them to cry and demand to be sent home. Will we supply glitter and purple hair dye? They will need to express themselves.

They can have Karen ranking…who can be first to run and rat somebody out for an infraction…or possibly a perceived micro aggression.
When this era of soldiers quit it’s going to be unreal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – this means that AZT was Fauci’s first Remdesivir.


He’s apparently predictable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the guy’s DANGEROUS.


Manifestly so. He is the benign appearing genocidal maniac.

Gail Combs

Mass Murderer. I wonder if he has beaten Josef Mengele’s total yet?


He IS dangerous.

He is Mengele, with a dose of a power-mad megalomaniac thrown in. He PLAYS GOD. He believes in his bullshit. And NO ONE is stopping him, so he is a master manipulator, too.

People like him are predators of the most dangerous kind.


Wondering if anyone has access to the Washington Post. Looking to see the story “Greenlighting Taliban’s Take Over of Kabul a national disgrace.”
Was out this morning shopping and Charlie Kirk had the helm on the Dennis Prager show, mentioned this article and was talking about the entire fall of Afghanistan was all part of a negotiated surrender between the Biden Administration and the Taliban. This means the arms left behind, the taking of Kabul, the closing of Baghram AB even having the Afghan soldiers lay down their arms as we surmised here. All negotiated with the Taliban before hand. The thing is this has likely been in the works even before Biden Announced a September 11th withdrawal and they’ve been gaslighting the American public that all this occurred because the Afghan army just collapsed.

Bar that I’m going to go and see if I can find something on Charlie Kirk’s site if he has one but I fear if there’s anything it will just be a link to the Washington Posts story.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

This tweet and the story under it get us part way there. It’s all been worked out in advance. Total treason to leave Afghanistan in such a manner, 20 years flushed because of the Bidenese/Obama/Jarrett connection run from the State Department. kalbokalbs indictments on our miltiary are spot on.


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Biden could toss the dude a noose and none of the race merchants would say a thing. It’s all an illusion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Brave and Free

The thing is that arrangement has been going on for years, JJ, AS, and all the incompetents in Congress. Play along to the shnanigians and y’all be taken care of.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is such an illusion-breaker right here. SUCH an illusion-breaker. The real racists and their “reliable negroes” have a POWER-SHARING arrangement.


LOL… yes they do.

Concerned Virginian

Sean Hannity radio show right now–he has Reps. Louie Goemert and Jim Banks on.
Banks said that the State Department had a closed-door meeting today with House members and told them that there around 4100 Americans who will be left behind in Afghanistan tomorrow.

Last edited 3 years ago by PAVACA

When I saw the names of Congressmen, I was hoping they were taking some kind of action — though admittedly I don’t know how it is supposed to work — to get this military and WH leadership out, ASAP. This is a disgrace.


“When I saw the names of Congressmen, I was hoping they were taking some kind of action



Brave and Free

We’d better have an investigation into this! 🤣🤣😆😆😅🤣


Seems like the current decision makers want this episode to go radio silent ASAP.
No more nightly updates. No more press questions. Done. Over.
With enough propaganda arm repeating that anyone left there is by their own will fall off the MSM. They have a more palatable crisis to hype, the aftermath of the hurricane.


If the press weren’t lap dogs to the CommuNazis, they would all tell Red Jen the bad woman to “Run away, brave Sir Robin! Run away!”



It’s all so syphillized…the press does it’s step, then Red Jen, then they allow the bad boy to ask a question or two and she gives her scripted exasperated face……rinse & repeat everyday


I guess tomorrow might be today… based on the celebration mentioned above and this



From the FAA:

A0022/21 NOTAMN
Q) OAKX/QXXXX/IV/NBO/A/000/999/3433N06912E005
B) 2108301940
C) 2109122359
CREATED: 30 Aug 2021 19:49:00



BREAKING: Last plane carrying American troops has departed #Kabul; United States ends presence in #Afghanistan after nearly 20 years, with Americans still trapped in Afghanistan! #bideneffect
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“How much does it pay?”  😏  😆  😎 

Smart for not letting them in.

Just thinking, besides doing right and not talking with them, they would of came with an interrogatory. He should of asked for a copy of that and say he’d look it over and would consult with a lawyer if he thought he could help them. It might of been just a note book scratching’s but it would of come in handy to have. If they weren’t willing to hand it over they could be told that he’s not going to answer any questions but would they please read what they intend to ask or that this would be the last time we talk without a lawyer present.

2nd maybe. Again not to share information, but as they walk away call the cop back and ask him point blank what is going on. Again do not share information from self but it could be advantageous to know something if possible.

3rd, he’s left this open for them to try again.


On the 3rd point…depending on this guy’s caliber of integrity, if the FIB offered enough cash for whatever it is they think they can get…another corrupt govt entrapment scheme begins


Hrmmm he did have them on his camera, and wasn’t making them comfortable, so it might of been a good time to see what it was they wanted. Again share no information but integrations can come from the other direction too. Sort of need to be smart and savvy though but some rightful indignation and clear conscious might help you through, though i’m sure many would say don’t even try… but there not at ease and he’s got the camera! … But they do this for a living and you don’t 🤔  … Okay, that could end badly.

Anyway I’m surprised he got what he did.


All the defense of rank and file is chafing me lately after seeing real men and women with lots to lose standing up for their principles.
I even hate the way they dressed down but after seeing the “agents” involved with the Whitmer trap I see that they camouflage themselves before giving the prey the kill shot (so to speak)


Someone posted this. If true, and I have no idea if it is, then they suspect or know he is and one is pretending to be a friend?


there was this…




He still talked too much. Joking how much does it pay is the sort of thing that these crooks would prosecute him on.


Yes, but it would take a few more hooks. Plus the camera is his and not theirs.


My the FBI is a sleazy outfit  😮 


I would love to help you guys, but unfortunately how am I supposed to know if you are the “good” FIB guys, or the bad FIB guys?

How am I supposed to know if you’re with the FIB guys setting up false flags and school shootings, the kind of guys who set up American patriots on January 6th at the Capitol building, the kind of guys who railroaded Gen. Mike Flynn or did pre-dawn raids on elderly men like Paul Manfort or Roger Stone or Steve Bannon?

How do I know if you’re with the group of FIB guys who shot Randy Weaver’s wife and child?

How do I know if you’re the group of FIB guys who burned down the Waco compound, murdering dozens of women and children?

How do I know if you’re with the group of FIB guys who murdered over 500 people in Las Vegas?

See the problem any American has when interacting with the FIB?

How can anyone know if they are talking with the bad guys in the FIB, or with the good FIB guys, like Eliot Ness?

I just chose Eliot because I don’t know anyone more recent who is one of the good guys.

So help me out here, how can I know if you are one of the good FIB guys, or one of the criminals and traitors to our country?


1oo% percent ^^

Gail Combs

I was thinking the same thing but you are much more eloquent.


Any convo with the Feebs and me;

Feeb: “I’m with the FBI. We’d like your help.”

Me: “Do you have a warrant for my arrest?”

Feeb: “No.”

Me: “Don’t bother me again unless you do.”

Turns back, walks away.


Prolly applies to ALL LE.

MAYBE, I’ll talk to local Sheriff / deputies.

State, Federal…LE? NOPE. They don’t exist to protect my Rights.



Valerie Curren

No opinion here, but found this in the comments, fwiw
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& from random twit world comments that loaded below the above tweet
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& this one
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Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren

Amazing photo. Definitely a soldier kneeling in prayer there.
Location significant too considering Cp Lejeune is not far and just a bit farther is Ft Bragg.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

Great catch Para, thanks!



If this doesn’t piss you off your heart is encased in an iceberg 😠 


Hiya all.

Icymi, dimms, progs, their bootlickers, and esp the old pedo and the ho in the WH are scum. Utter vermin and deserve a fast bumpy ride to gitmo.

Bryan Suits (@darksecretplace) Tweeted:
If you missed it, @POTUS is also leaving behind several hundred military working dogs. You can help here:


Well, I guess if they didn’t leave with them, and it sounds like they didn’t mean to take them if this was posted, so then there they remain.  😕 


I wonder how many got out. Brits were taking some, but as these are our dogs, and knowing how they treat dogs, its goingvto be as bad as everything else.

Cuppa Covfefe

Moslems hate dogs with a PASSION!!!

Move into a neighborhood, and the stray dogs disappear… ’nuff said.

Something to do with Sirius and some oddities of Mo Ham Head’s philosophies… cf cuttingedge and vigilantcitizen…

What Bye, Done and his handlers, masters, and minions have done will be punished. If not here, then in eternity. As T³ so eloguently put yesterday, it will happen on GOD’S schedule. Not ours. And sometimes not soon enough. But in HIS PERFECT TIME…

Those left behind may well be part of those wearing the white robes as said in Revelation… And all those tears will be wiped away…


I saw another twit that our military set them all loose and abandoned them into the street. Well, we know the minute they go ask for food ir comfort they will be killed.
Dammit the biden admin in its entirety must be put in front of a tribunal. No one get a pass. Not even the knowing and complicit spouses.


I hate these fuckers with a purple passion. Damn them all to eternal hellfire.


No sparing anyone who was involved, esp if they try to hide behind their age or kids or extra info.


Oh, yeah. I don’t care what their status is.


Thank goodness someone is doing something. I can’t say what I support doing, and to whom, for what they have done to our country, our people, innocents of other countries, and animals. They need to be removed from power immediately.




And the world yawned.

Retired Generals calling for a current General to be fired.

And why, in a thousand lifetimes, would anyone in the [JB] administration care what a bunch of retired Generals think?

So whose interest does it serve to “call for Milley and Austin to resign”?

Cui bono?

I know what happened now.

The people of the world have forgotten the meaning of the word ACTION, so all anyone in a position to actually do something does is voice their outrage as a substitute for ACTION.


The options are dwindling for most situations. “The great reset” can reset the progs too


The people of the world have forgotten the meaning of the word ACTION, so all anyone in a position to actually do something does is voice their outrage as a substitute for ACTION.

That must be it. Why isn’t someone who can do something, doing it? Court-martial, absolutely — why the wait? Removal of the fraudulent administration should have happened months ago.


And mckenzie.


Jack NEEDS to up his game. Jack’s TW IS S W A M P.

DUMB ASS gaggle of 90 retired Generals and Admirals need to STEP outside of THEIR BIG CLUB…

  • Resign would show some INTEGRITY, ADMITTING FAILURE.
Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs






What should I do about that, Jack?

How much is a thousand gallons of outrage worth these days?


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There will be the killing fields of Afghanistan and Biden and his ilk of Generals are guilty of the slaughter of Americans and those who were loyal too this country.
The criminal enterprise called WH Congress should be never be able to walk the streets .




Oh, only ‘very few hundreds’, that’s all…

Just out of curiosity, were any of them YOUR family members, K-K-K-Ken?

I would call you ‘General’, but we both know you’re not worthy of the rank.

Concerned Virginian

McKenzie IS LYING.
The figure that the State Department gave to House members today at a closed-door meeting (Reps. Goehmert and Jim Banks were there) is 4100 AMERICANS being left behind!

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Taken with a grain of salt:


On August 30, 2021, Mr. Miles Guo announced to the world that Artemisinin is almost the best drug to solve the Covid- 19 and the side effects after vaccination, almost like an antidote.

Mr. Miles Guo had absolute intelligence from the Chinese Communist Party; just before the Tokyo Olympics, the CCP used the Artemisinin and Artemisinin spray on all the athletes participating. They used it to protect the Olympic athletes and all the senior Communist Party officials. Currently, only Artemisinin pills are available in the market, and Artemisinin sprays have not yet been introduced. After Mr. Miles Guo’s live broadcast, Artemisinin was sold out, and its price spiked on many websites worldwide. Please pay great attention and find a way to buy it.comment imagecomment image

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

Isn’t he the G-News guy that first outed the laptop last year, with Bannon?


IIRC, a regular on Bannon, or was. Straight shooter I believe.


I don’t have to buy it, I grow it!!!!!

Bwahahaha! It’s WORMWOOD!

Stock up on absinthe if you can get the real thing.


Aubergine, one site i found sez, under Digestive Uses, “For parasitic infestations”…hmmm…


Yes, wormwood is used in various places in the word to treat MALARIA.

Just like HCQ. Isn’t that fascinating? Hmmmm, indeed!



Okay. Biden’s had his turn. Our turn. Shutting the country down for the day. Maybe the whole week. I think I’ll call off from work tomorrow. I haven’t worked there for about two years but the people taking the call won’t know that, plus my old boss is still there and he might get a kick out of it.

Whoops.. almost forgot the video.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Cuppa Covfefe

And you could sing “Take This Job And Shove It” just for good measure 😆

Bonus points for singing it out of tune… 🙂

Sweepstakes bonus for accompanying yourself while singing it 😀

Grand prize for doing both out of tune  🤓  😜  🙃 

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t know that the lyrics really apply here.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Alex Jones show has a parody of that song: Take Your Shot and Shove It.

Cuppa Covfefe

Could imagine it with a turkey-baster as a needle 🙂

When my son was in the ICU for a few months, he had a roommate that ended up needing an implantable defi (apparently cost as must as a tricked-out Mercedes – typical deep pharma, I presume), so he needed a lot of shots and blood draws, etc. He LOVED getting jabbed. My son, not so much. Actually not at all…

We wonder if his roommate ended up as a junkie or something (just kidding – he was a really nice kid…)….

Deplorable Patriot

Does this mean I have to change tomorrow’s musical selection?

Cuppa Covfefe

How about “Convoy” ? 😆


Yeah… not sure, I’m not seeing much ground swell on this else where, might be wishful thinking on GWP’s part and I’ve been swept up in it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



How many months before the still living among the “few hundreds” are paraded around for show and tell extortion ?


This was likely the clincher…comment image

Seriously, Dementia Joe likely could not be more relieved as he wants to get it all behind him. Congress best step up it now. Too few have called for impeachments and firings. No more excuses of it wouldn’t be prudent while soldiers are in harms way.


A unanimous decision makes knowing who to send to gitmo easy.

Gail Combs



Thats best. Poor sharks will get indigestion.


The Great One
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Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine
Brave and Free

Okay I’ll answer that “NO NOT ONE”


I dread the onslaught of renewed islamophobic shaming yet it will begin in about 2 days. Tlaib and CAIR will rule the press soon.


Release her body. Stuffed with pork mince


A nice cabernet would go with that  😏 

Cuppa Covfefe

Dry Red Whine…



“Oh, sorry, we fed her to the pigs. I know you can’t eat pork, is it ok if pork eats you?”


Joe Rogan. < Two minutes.


Excellent message. I wish he would stop dropping the F-bombs. It would be just as effective without them.


This degenerate fool actually believes he scored a win for this debacle. It appears that dementia can’t override delusional narcissism.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


Cuppa Covfefe

Biggest problem is, to whom does Bye, Done pray?????????????


The Ice Cream Cone.


Why the concern ? PD’s and DA’s are letting violent criminals loose every single day already.
The picture makes me think a lot of these guys came straight from the prison just up the road from the airport. No backpacks, no bags…just themselves waiting on that flight to America.


Where are the women?
Speaking of women what will they do without women? Oh yes they like little boys forgot.
Still this is so dangerous for women to have so many men running around who think nothing of raping women who are not Muslims. Where are the Christians?
Just like Obama who denied Christians but imported Muslims for diversity?


But there was one development that had not been expected, and was not tolerable: the large and growing incidence of sexual assaults committed by refugees against local women. These were not of the cultural-misunderstanding-date-rape sort, but were vicious, no-preamble attacks on random girls and women, often committed by gangs or packs of young men. At first, the incidents were downplayed or hushed up—no one wanted to provide the right wing with fodder for nationalist agitation, and the hope was that these were isolated instances caused by a small problem group of outliers. As the incidents increased, and because many of them took place in public or because the public became involved either in stopping the attack or in aiding the victim afterwards, and because the courts began issuing sentences as the cases came to trial, the matter could no longer be swept under the carpet of political correctness. And with the official acknowledgment and public reporting, a weird and puzzling footnote emerged. Most of the assaults were being committed by refugees of one particular nationality: by Afghans.

This is not an article that has been fun for me to write. I have worked on issues related to refugees for much of my professional life, from the Pakistani camps during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan to Yemen, Sudan, Thailand, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Lebanon, Bosnia, Nicaragua and Iraq, and have deep sympathy for their plight. But nowhere had I encountered a phenomenon like this one.


I know in Europe rape is ramped omitted by refugees. The mindset is different and our cultures clash.

Cuppa Covfefe

The invaders (for that’s what they are) see all of our humanitarian efforts as PAYMENT OF THE JIZYAH, i.e. the “non-moslem tax”.

They don’t look at it as aid, they look at it as OUR DUTY TO PAY THEM FOR TOLERATING US!

Women and children are looked at as potential sexual conquests; for Moslems from some countries, animals fit the bill, too. And men are looked at as speed bumps in the way of this conquest.

And the Greens, Die Linke, the SPD, the FDP, and, sadly, the CDU and CSU, both of whom used to be conservative, all look at this as the future of Europe, because our population is supposedly dropping. Never mind the fact that their REAL motivation is the Coudenhove-Kalergi philosophy which birthed the idea of the European Union back in the 1930s… seems a lot of bad things happened back then. Rockefeller/Fosdick killing off mainstream Evangelical Protestanism in the USA, Dewey and Mann killing off normal education in the USA (and anywhere else they could), and, of course, that failed artiste by the name of Adolf getting ready to kill off anyone he could…


I know it is also bad in Germany. No place to run too. We are stuck where we are.


If you have the time to read this article it’s hugely interesting and hopefully not prophetic for us

Cuppa Covfefe

We see this here in Germany all the time. The worst offenders are the Afghanis, the Somalis (howdy “squad”), and the Moroccans…

You can take a Jihadi out of the Moslem world, but you can’t take the Moslem world out of the Jihadi…


Thank you for the article . Yes I read the article but it is not the first time I have read something like that. It is the mentality.
My brother said same problems in Africa when he lived their for 11 years.


I read recently, complimented by a chart of other predominately Muslim Countries, that Afghans also have the highest % of belief in Sharia Law.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Christians were





Just like all the innocent babies the DEMONRATS encourage killing every single day. May the DEMONRATS and their ilk ROT IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY (yes, Bye, Done, Piglosi, Milley, Schumer, Nadler, Harris, Schiff, Newsom, et. all) UNTIL AND UNLESS THEY





Obama Biden team did the same years before. They took in Muslims and denied Christians. Why oh why did we not stand up? Now they did it again where is the outcry ?

Cuppa Covfefe

Good questions.

The “social justice gospel” is currently too busy to care; they’re still trying to figure out their pronouns…


The church its mission has changed over the years, The good old Pastors have past and the younger one are the society they live in.

Brave and Free

From OT, I am sure this will never amount to anything if true.
Possibly a three year investigation would work. 😅😆

Cuppa Covfefe

Knew in advance?

CR@P, they probably had a hand in planning it…. 😡 😡 😡


I’m sure they leaked themselves.

It’s hard to demoralize the people who aren’t even paying attention, so they need help. The Pentagram exposing their own duplicity helps in that regard.


The only reason is bc of the pending recall.

Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) Tweeted:
Finally some good news. Thanks to all the patriots in California who wrote, called, planned protests against this civil rights abomination. Together, we CAN change things.


More confirmation of obesity and covid.

Cuppa Covfefe

As one of the commenters to that tweet said, those reds look all the same. I call BS on that…


There’s a report that POTUS (the real one) was on Fox with Maria, and is talking about the Cabal… it’s at Telegram and I can view and hear the video, but I can’t bring it. Anyone here able to do that? Link is


On the positive side, locally.

Helped a guy down the street move a gun safe into the master closet.

The FIFTH gun safe. Not little bitty safes. This one 384 pounds unpacked. The other safes similar. 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Try a 600lb one!


Ya, not an easy move. But great once in place.

Check out, Liberty Fatboy Jr. 🙂


Oh thats big. The width is the killer. No easy way to manhandle that. Ive always liked the ones where you fireproof a giant closet and they ship the massive door. What im wondering is how you move them out of state safely. Do you try to find a safe company where youre moving to?


Paid $75 for delivery. Safe company sent four guys with excellent handling equipment.

When we get ready to move will likely pay to have the safe loaded / unloaded. We could likely figure it out, using mechanical tools, mechanical leverage, etc. Not worth it. That safe can easily crush a limb, person.


Thats very inexpensive. But safety first. Mr gil is finding that he isnt able to do everything he was a decade ago already.


Just another indicator that the Bidenese were planning a handover to the Taliban and not the Afghanistan Nationals all along.

On April 14 is when Biden announced the Sept 11th withdrawal. They like had this planned well before that date. It likely took them time to set it all up and thus they did not go with Trump’s plan.

The Afghan army falling apart has been a manufactured event. Happening in small steps at first with little victories and then the major collapse. All of which is easily orchestrated.

Listen to Tucker here where he talks about President Ghani’s and Blinken’s actions prior to the collapse of the army. Both involved in petty busy work, not paying attention to significant events unfolding. Pretending to look busy on other matters as they wait for things to kick off.

America has been gaslighted to a very high degree here. Question is will they get away with it?


Makes sense for a number of reasons. First being they can expect an emboldened Taliban to support Islamic terror in Russian territory. Gosh this is getting to be like musical chairs.

Deplorable Patriot

Sadly, this is almost believable.

Sadie Slays

Sadie Slays

According to a member of the hazardous response team, airspace in the area near the accident is being restricted at this time.


What ???? That’s insane. They really really don’t want anyone to pick anything up


Not if they have DoD involved. Seems a simple hazmat response would have been sufficient and even that could considered to be over kill. Now they are going to have all this attention. Almost like inviting people to poke around.

Cuppa Covfefe

Operation overkill…

Have to wonder what was so hazardous… and if it was (e.g. Class 3 or 4 biological material), why wasn’t it in appropriate containment/packaging?

Maybe it was an electric truck that shorted out, etc. and went up in flames?

And, as usual, beautiful West Virginia becomes the elites’ wate dump… scrape off the tops of mountains, dig out all the chemicals, process them with little to no safety measures (sister to Union Carbide’s Bhopal plant), and no regard for the residents of WV…


It would be too bad if someone got hold of one of the vials and had it examined. Also too bad that that would be illegal.


If only …get as many as possible and see if they all are of the same content

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Getting an entire lot would be smart.

Especially before they vaccinate all our troops.

Gail Combs

Stolen from another ian  on Chiefio’s Blog

“The tipping point is not far away…”

The idle musings of a former military man, former computer geek, medically retired pastor and now full-time writer. Contents guaranteed to offend the politically correct and anal-retentive from time to time. My approach to life is that it should be taken with a large helping of laughter, and sufficient firepower to keep it tamed!

He expresses the disgust and fears that we are all feeling right now. Not good bedtime reading I am afraid.

Sadie Slays

This story has radioactive levels of glow.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s former lawyer, now representing 17 people in Jan. 6 insurrection, is missing

The cases against 17 of the more than 500 people charged in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol are on hold after their attorney — who once represented Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse — has gone missing.

An associate told a judge that John M. Pierce was in an accident, then told another judge that Pierce was actually on a ventilator, hospitalized with COVID-19, according to a notice prosecutors filed in court in Washington, D.C., on Monday.

The notice, filed in the case of Casey Cusick, stated it was to make sure the court is aware that it could take “any steps it believes necessary to ensure the defendant’s rights are adequately protected” while Pierce remains hospitalized.

It notes the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C. has had no contact with Pierce since Aug. 23, when he last appeared for a hearing for one of his clients.  

No other lawyer represents as many people charged in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, I don’t like the sound of this.


That’s chilling. If he really is on a ventilator, that’s not good. What is it going to take for those people to get justice?


about 500 Dirty Harry’s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Lin Wood has been giving the back story on this guy for a while and it is not good. He even woo’d Kyle’s mom into a relationship.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gudthots
Deplorable Patriot

Test as I couldn’t get this to embed in tomorrow’s daily.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Some sort of block is on it.


Screwed up my computer for about two minutes. Could be my computer, or me. 🙂

Gail Combs

The Goal Is To Break The Spirit Of The American PeopleDarren Beattie of Revlover talks about McMaster’s and his LIES.


Assuming the conversation was about our embarrassing withdrawal, the pocketing of our forces at the Kabul Airport put us in an untenable position just like the French were in at Dien Bin Phu. and the result of that broke the back of France’s commitment to fight communism in South East Asia and thus humiliated they then with drew in disgrace. The exact same thing has now happened to us, but this time happening by design by traitors in our midst.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trust that the French also had a gazillion traitors in THEIR midst, too. There is a reason that all the SE Asian communists flocked to study in Paris, and were set up to create horrors like the Khmer Rouge.

Gail Combs

AMC Marine of the Ape Army discusses Lt. Col. Scheller and what the other veterans think of the Afghan mess.

Gail Combs

More from former military Intel guy who still has contacts in the military. Talented young NCOs & junior officers are planing to get out.

Massive Lack Of Trust And Confidence In Military Leadership

Seems like they destruction of the US Military is accelerating. Also AMC Marine said he told his 20 yr old son NOT to enlist.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

I hope that any leaving choose their words carefully because the whole system is rigged to deny them the right to own weapons. Any single thing that can be twisted into ant-govt or even what they think is extreme patriotism…the Feds will be knocking at their doors. This isn’t the Old America we knew and loved…it’s something altogether different

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO things will flip rapidly by the time they start attempts to relieve the exiting patriots of their weapons.


Can’t imagine ANY veteran encouraging any one to join the military.

Can’t imagine ANY parent encouraging their child, adult or not, to join the military.

An entire regime change IS required in the WH, Pentagon and senior military positions.

Accountability needs to be enforced. CRT trashed. Mandatory injections trashed. LGXYZ weirdos discharged and NOR allowed to join the military.



What is that someone famous once said. “Anything Woke Democrat turns to shit.”

Unfortunately just getting out turns it all over to the bad guys so this is not a good solution. Taking it all back would be best. Secret societies or the National Guard would be second best, but just walking away closes another avenue we need open.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

State militaries are the answer, IMO.


Great message from this Marine veteran.


D.P., that sounded like a cute puppy.


it’s already getting jihadi times


“The FBI says he ‘may have been inspired by a foreign terrorist organization.”


The FBI certainly is, so they ought to know.


It’s super hard to know for sure but there was that letter…but that could’ve been someone else’s or maybe it was the murdered driver’s…yeah, yeah that might be it. They may never know why he did such a thing ..

FTA~ Matthew DeSarno, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Dallas office, said investigators believe Rasheed acted alone but that the 33-year-old left a letter indicating he “may have been inspired by a foreign terrorist organization.” 


Robert David Steele is dead, or so his organization e-mailed out.


I’m sorry to see that. I did a little research, and he died from COVID. Had been hospitalized and on a “breathing mask.” Now there is controversy about his death. I’m trying to find a credible source to quote here.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths



Lara Logan is reporting:

From senior US source: house-to-house executions in Kabul following US mil departure. There are no words for what this administration has done to all of us – Afghan and American.

This is from Citizen Free Press. What Lara wrote above is in a tweet with a video, which I didn’t watch.

When is someone going to do something?


The video doesn’t show anyone being killed and no screaming but it is in an residential apt building or close quarters..the rifle fire is coming from the hallway or directly in front of the place…into another apartment maybe?
The interesting thing was that the person recording was dead silent, probably scared to death

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Tore Says +
Forwarded from JC

Some thoughts… @ToreSays highlighted a video that stated people are most influenced by fear/emotion, then by propaganda, and lastly by facts. As a clinical psychologist who knows this science and has seen it play out in person for years in my own patients, I concur that this is truth. We are mostly wasting our time and precious emotional energy trying to continually present science and facts. They literally do not have ears to hear. Their pride is still too strong to admit their hard stance was wrong after all. People will generally do anything to avoid humiliation. They picked their side and will die on that hill… even in the face of hard evidence… unless they respond to the promptings of God in their hearts. This is the spiritual battle we’re in – the separation of the wheat from the chaff.

This doesn’t mean we stop presenting truth, but I think at the state, local, county, and school board levels, it’s almost completely irrelevant to continue shouting evidence. They move ahead with their agenda anyway. I think at this point we have to shift our focus almost entirely to pushing the laws and exposing corruption. The propaganda and brainwashing is too strong right now, and it’s 100% laden with fear porn. Emotions are running too high, which controls the masses. Plus, as Tore said, if people have made mistakes they can’t undo, they’ll try to force you to join them in their fate. Those are my Saturday morning musings… lol.





I think at the state, local, county, and school board levels, it’s almost completely irrelevant to continue shouting evidence. They move ahead with their agenda anyway. I think at this point we have to shift our focus almost entirely to pushing the laws and exposing corruption.

I’m not sure exactly what is meant here. I agree that people are entrenched in their beliefs, but I don’t agree that we should shift focus from local and school levels. That is precisely where people need to take a stand. It doesn’t matter if the school board members are not swayed; others who are present or who see the video could be. And officials need to hear from us more than ever so they know we aren’t going to take it anymore. These incidents encourage others who have felt powerless.

I don’t know what “pushing the laws” means. On the national level, we have a House that won’t pass legislation that we want, and we have a fake president who wouldn’t sign it. And they don’t abide by current law anyway.

I agree about exposing corruption, but I also think that’s part of what speaking at the local levels is about. The videos of parents exposing the hypocrisy and lies of school officials are golden. We can multitask and expose *them* at every level, local and national.

Gail Combs

The idea is to MAKE SURE people understand that WE ARE THE MAJORITY!!!

The Commies win by being LOUD and OBNOXIOUS and SAYING they are the majority when they actually are not.


“We can multitask and expose *them* at every level, local and national.”


Expose them to whom?

After 5+ years straight of screaming at anyone who would listen like our hair was on fire, wouldn’t anybody who was going to listen, have already listened, by now?

Isn’t it sort of like the Jonestown Jab, in the sense that anyone who hasn’t taken it by now didn’t do so because they couldn’t, but because they don’t want to?

The problem with a ‘great awakening’ is that you simply cannot change what people believe in any significant way.

Pick a religion.

Show them facts every day for the next ten years straight, or if they self-identify as Christian, show them verses out of God’s Word that contradict their doctrines, commandments and traditions of men.

Do it every day for ten years.

How many are going to stop following their doctrines, commandments and traditions of men, and follow God’s Word instead?

5%, maybe?

And these are people who already self-identify as Christian, even though their ‘religion’ for the most part can’t be found anywhere in God’s Word.

What realistic chance is there of waking someone up who doesn’t want to wake up?

After WWII, how many “true believers” in Hitler’s vision of the future actually changed their minds?


5%, maybe?

There is something seriously wrong with the human mind. It’s not rational (though it convinces itself otherwise), and technology has been developed and exploited to leverage whatever that something is, to its own ends.

We have been talking for 5+ years now. We can talk for another 5 years, and if we do, will we have made any more headway than in the last 5 years, or will we be further behind?

Have we not been doing the same things, over and over again, expecting a result that never comes?

If so, is there a good reason not to try something different?


Tore coaches her group in how to use the law, letter writing (with ref to laws) and digs into financial ties among other methods. And they’ve been effective in getting those overreaching to back down.

They’ve been focused on letters written to military leadership about the clot shot issue for past two weeks. These letters do have an impact because it’s the “wow, all these people are calling me out by name.”

Gail Combs

Unfortunately very true. You can straight up PROVE GoreBull warming is a HOAX:

 21 June solar insolation @ 65◦ N for several glacial inceptions:  

  MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2  
 NOW (Modern Warm Period) 479 W m−2  
From: the paper Can we predict the duration of an interglacial?

 OR from NOAA @ 60◦N  (www) 

Holocene Optimum: 523 Wm-2 @ 60N June
47 Wm-2 less insolation from the sun
 NOW (Modern Warm Period) – 476 Wm-2 @ 60N June
 The absolute forcing of atmospheric CO2 is estimated at about 32-34 W m–2 (see pp. 202–203 of Kiehl and Trenberth 1997). All but 5 to 6 W m–2 of that CO2 forcing occurs in the first 200 ppm CO2 (modtran) CO2 forcing is logarithmic with most of the effect in the first 20 ppm.

The reduction in solar radiation since the Holocene climate Optimum is 47 W m–2 , and is more than the entire CO2 forcing [32-44 W m–2] with mankind’s contribution being 1.5 W/m 2 for the forcing of anthropogenic CO2 [cf., Reid, 1997]

There is NO WAY the earth is going into GOREBULL WARMING. The only choices are bumping along in the Climate Mad House between two insolation peaks OR full glaciation. WARMING just is not an option given the present solar insolation, CO2 or no CO2.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Great stuff!


Well emotion should be channeled some where. A good old pole and some tar and feathers always looked like fun and put the fear back onto those giving it to us. Some of these people need to be run out on a rail. In the meantime we stand our ground force them into unwinnable elections though we likely have to be crafty at the same time without getting ourselves into trouble which generally means not breaking the law.

Has anyone ever heard of The Mauryan Empire? In particular Kautilya also known as Chanakya or Vishnugupta. He was an Adam Smith, Sun Tzu, and Machiavellian all rolled up into an advisor to a king and is credited for writing a book called the Arthashastra. A book that has relevance even to this day.

One version here.comment image

Unfortunately that revised and condensed version is over 800 pages. The link below is shorter.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting book!

Gail Combs

What! He just now has found GWP?
Yeah, now they stifle our speech. They hate facts and can’t fight fair.


Some truckers will protest tomorrow.

If carried out, the demonstration will be an alliance between healthcare workers, truckers, military members, and other citizens across the country, and will protest the requirement of the COVID-19 vaccine for employment, travel, and more. The demonstrators, seemingly headed by Tik Tok trucker @thedisrespectedtrucker3, will gather at various locations across the country August 31st – the same day that the Australian trucker protest against COVID lockdown and restrictions is being held. 

“On August 31st, on Tuesday, we’re asking that everybody not go to work,” disrespected trucker explained. “If they’re out on the road, shut your truck down. There are guys that plan on putting their trucks across the road. [No!] There’s guys who plan on parking on the side of the road, parking at home, and at truck stops.

”I’m just telling people to shut your trucks down, and nobody go to work at least for Tuesday. Maybe for the rest of the week. Until we get their attention in DC, we’re going to have to keep putting up with bulls**t mandates. What’s going on with the nurses and the military right now isn’t right. So, we’re going to stand up for Freedom.”

IMO, this is key:

However, we’ve protested numerous times. Me myself I’ve been to three state capitols, Washington DC, Joplin Missouri for a protest. We’ve tried. A lot of my friends have had meetings with senators, congressmen… We sat on Constitution Avenue in DC last year for three weeks. They don’t listen to us. We have to do this on August 31st so we can change things once and for all.”

In addition to details surrounding the protest, disrespected trucker offers some tips on how company drivers can participate in the protest without risking their job. 


Tomorrow will go bt NV Capitol grounds in Carson City. Busy street. Easy to make a ruckus. Guvners mansion is three blocks away.

If nothing going on at capitol grounds will go by Carson hospital.

Hopefully something is going on.




Hope the air is breathable for you.


That is the one thing that would keep me home. All depends on wind direction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️
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