Control healthcare and you control the people.
Saul Alinsky
Friday is here and Wolf’s Pub is open! We’re doing a great business in the back of the pub with all the dangerous drugs around nowadays…HCQ, NAC, and Ivermectin. People are dying for ‘em.
Just some dark humor.

At the front of the pub, is our drink special for today, which comes from a centuries’ old manuscript dedicated to giving long life. I’d say there’s some alchemy going on there (see below). Considering that the plague continued to find victims centuries after the Black Death, it is no wonder that mankind was casting about for health treatments and elixirs of life.
I found this fascinating article about a popular tract that details how to treat for the plague. Honestly, Dr. Fauci would be most comfortable with dispensing their advice today, I think:
“This treatise tells you everything you need to know to avoid getting sick during the next pandemic. It opens by telling readers how to avoid catching the plague:
If an outbreak of the plague has happened again, you can take the following steps to protect yourself. Don’t take baths and don’t sweat; both will open the pores of your body and let the venomous air get in. Avoid lechery too because that also opens the pores and lets the illness in. Don’t eat much fruit unless it is sour or new. Don’t eat garlic or onions or leaks or anything that is going to get you in a heat. Drink lots of fluids: cold water is best with vinegar of barley water.”
The treatise then informs readers how the sickness enters and impacts the body:
It explains that every person has three principal parts: the heart, the liver, and the brains. Each part has a place in the body where it expels waste: the heart under the arms, the liver between the thighs, and the brain under the throat. The sickness comes into the body through the air, makes its way to the blood and attacks the heart, then the liver, then the brains. Each part of the body will attempt to expel venoms through the cleansing part, but if it can’t, those places will break out in plague boils.”
But first, let’s recap what the medical/pharma people have been up to, in memes of course:

Now I ask you, who is more learned: an 18th century group of monks making an herbal elixir for long life, or Dr. Anthony Fauci, that lying fink who tells medical lies as easily as he breathes? On to the elixir, which probably has more medical expertise in every bottle than Fauci has had in four decades.
Today’s special is Chartreuse, yet another monk-inspired liquor. The history of this famous liquor reads like a medieval mystery. It is made by Carthusian monks from a closely-guarded secret manuscript that details a very complex, almost alchemical recipe of 130 herbs. According to the official website:
“The Order of Chartreuse was more than 500 years old when, in 1605, at a Chartreuse monastery in Vauvert, a small suburb of Paris, the monks received a gift from Duc Francois Hannibal d’ Estrées, Marshal of King’s Henri IV artillery : an already ancient manuscript from an “Elixir” soon to be nicknamed “Elixir of Long Life”. This manuscript was probably the work of a 16th century alchemist with a great knowledge of herbs and with the skill to blend, infuse, macerate the 130 of them to form a perfect balanced tonic.
In the early 17th century, only a few monks and even fewer apothecaries understood the use of herbs and plants in the treatment of illness.
The manuscript’s recipe was so complex that only bits and pieces of it were understood and used at Vauvert.”
The classic Chartreuse gets its unique green color from the chlorophyll in the herbs. The video below has the history as told by two representatives involved with sales of Chartreuse.
Here’s another shorter video review of Chartreuse, which because of its alcohol content soon became more than a medicinal. The original Chartreuse was 69% ABV. Today it is 55% ABV.
There’s a plethora of cocktails that include Chartreuse, but if you enjoy the pungent complexity of herbs, with honey tones, you will enjoy this special liquor straight up or on ice. I hadn’t tasted Chartreuse in decades, so I indulged in purchasing some the other day. Wow, I’ve been missing out.
Today, there are only two monks at a time who know how to create Chartreuse. They must travel in separate cars when they go to work.
The Conservative Treehouse details in two articles, here and here, how the federal government has overtaken dispensing life-saving monoclonal antibodies in ways that punish states with lower vaccination rates.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is having none of it.
“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis responded directly to the White House effort to kill Florida residents by withholding previously agreed shipments of Monoclonal Antibodies.
During a press conference earlier today, Governor DeSantis outlined the issues Florida is facing after the Biden administration instructed the federal offices of HHS to punish the successful therapy and recovery efforts of the sunshine state healthcare system. DeSantis outlines the purchase agreement that Biden intentionally violated and also the issues created by the federal government now blocking direct purchasing of treatment from the manufacturer.”
There’s so much evidence of medical malpractice and outright murder of patients that it is destroying the medical establishment for a generation. The ideological rot has destroyed any conscience they might have had. The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of ALL evil.
I bet they won’t be enjoying their filthy bonuses much in the future.
But here at the Qtree, we are a community of individuals who think life is precious and worth saving, and I have to tell you, I am so proud to be among y’all. I just love all of you. You’ve made these “interesting times” bearable.
If you’re new here, a review of the House Rules will give you an idea of why we stick together through thick and thin, through squabbles and disagreements. Wolfmoon has provided the Utree for us in case someone needs to duke it out, but mostly it’s a great place to reconvene if/when needed. It’s proven indispensable.
NPR got caught with their pants down telling more lies about hospital bed availability in southern states. It’s beyond ridiculous at this point.
From the article:
“Though the Washington Post quoted a hospital spokesperson as saying such situations were an “ongoing problem” in Alabama hospitals, not one person from the hospital confirmed the daughter’s story about the supposed capacity issues at the 43 ICUs. It wasn’t confirmed for the NPR report nor the WaPo report.
At the very least here, NPR deceived readers by making them believe two things, the first one being that DeMonia was never admitted to the Cullman hospital (false) and the second one being that the hospital couldn’t admit him due to being overwhelmed with COVID patients (also false). The Washington Post earns no brownie points for their story, either, which wasn’t much better.
And to this day, no one in any official capacity will confirm the 43 ICUs claim.”
I really don’t know what to think about the Sussman indictment. I’ve gotten so cynical that I’m gonna let some time go by and events unfold before I get all giddy. Articles about it here and here and here.
Corey’s Digs with COVID RESOURCES. Excellent. Pass around to everyone.
Actress Jane Powell, 92, has died

Instead of slapping their faces, you can use their faces as a dartboard instead.
You’re welcome.
Batting practice would be a good alternative too.
It’s a pic; not three dimensional.
Oh, never mind then.
You can use them for sighting-in your rifles and shotguns.
Now that Democrats are LITERALLY conspiring to kill us, and treasonous FIB does nothing, I’ve decided to go easy on jokes about violence.
If FIB and their allies in ignoring Democrat genocide can’t discern a joke, that is THEIR problem, not mine.
Wise Wolf.
I’m sure he only meant using their PHOTOS.
Yes, but you’re not a Democrat pretending to be stupid!
Appreciate the heads-up.
If FIB is relaxed about Democrat use of Zyklon-D on their political opponents, I’m relaxed about a little concentration camp humor.
When I saw that picture, my hands clenched, wanting the shovel handle.
Chartreuse is also a great color to lure in the fish. I wonder if I drink some will I catch more
I wanted to grabbed for my pitchfork…
If we had ANY DOUBTS that there is a UNI-PARTY controling the USA that photo dispels it!
Quote from Tragedy and Hope, 1966 by Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations, mentor to Bill Clinton.
And that is why the political establishment HATES DONALD TRUMP! He represented a view OPPOSITE the International Cabal’s.
David Plouffe, President Obama’s campaign manager and Senior White House advisor tweeted:
(The CTH jpg was gone and I had a devil of a time finding another copy!! GEE, I wonder why?)
Miserable rat bastards …
They had the talent and the vision to position themselves to control the selection of talent and vision, imo.
Hope you have a bigger shovel ..
Biden Administration Send Less Than Half the Lifesaving Antibody Treatment Needed To Florida
article link…
the monoclonal antibodies.
HHS will decide the amount each state/territory will receive, on a weekly basis.
Florida will get less than half of its needed doses.
other red states will also have their respective doses reduced…like…Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana…
…because those red states are “comprising too big a share”.
more, at the link.
The Dept. of Health and Human Sacrifice needs blood… lots and LOTS of blood… not much to spare with the big Halloween preparations this year
is monoclonal therapy a good thing ?
isn’t that the spike protein ?
Remdesivir is monoclonal.
so they might be doing us a favor…??
“Remdesivir, sold under the brand name Veklury, is a broad-spectrum antiviral medication developed by the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences.” — Wikipoo.
Monoclonal antibody development begins with whacking a particular virus with a rock. Remdesivir is “broad-spectrum” — it can cause kidney damage when used against a wide variety of viruses.
Remdesivir is a small-molecule drug.
Regeneron is the monoclonal antibody.
That’s a very interesting little front that the conspiracy has there.
Remdesivir = FauXi = BAD, both don’t work, both a fraud. The little megloliar gets big money from this failure.
My understanding is that a single monoclonal antibody objects to some one thing about the infection. The spike protein would be a string of a dozen-or-so such things. So you take the virus and whack it with a rock, then pick up a couple of dozen pieces. You develop antibodies against these pieces, then test them to see how many of them don’t like people, while making sure they don’t like viruses. Out of your people-friendly and virus-hostile antibodies, you pick a few monoclonal antibodies to make an industrial batch of, then you formulate a cocktail of these to use as medicine.
It seems straightforward, logical, likely to work, and unlikely to get out of hand.
Red Jen lied about vaccines being better, IMO. The vaccines have already proven worse.
No – it’s NOT the spike protein.
it’s actually “let’s pretend you got a perfect vaccination”.
Antibody therapy is WAY better than vaccines.
Vaccines are like trying to swat moths with the tip of a fly rod.
Antibodies are like using a BB gun with a giant scope at the same distance.
This is where Red Jen was LYING about “vaccines are better because they’re earlier.
Actually, vaccines are WORSE because they’re unpredictable.
monoclonal is GOOD. Think Regeneron, think Fountain of Youth, Miracle working potion that they gave 45.

HCQ and Regeneron are how the good guys unmasked these evil creeps. Just watch them AVOID everything but the failing vaccines.
more on this, here..
BIDEN LIES About Florida, Texas Covid Response…
So what’s to stop TX and FL from going to comapny directly to purchase Regeneron instead of getting it from the Fed. The Govs should bypass the middle men and go stright to the source.
DeSantis is going direct. Supply and Demand issues. Feds bought up the supply of one or more drugs. DeSantis will figure it out. Feds are stoopid, lazy AND incompetent.
There is always INDIA!
From the linked article on the Plague: “In 1348 the medical faculty of the University of Paris issued a compendium of opinion that suggested the pandemic was caused by “a major conjunction [lining up] of three higher planets in Aquarius.”
When questioned about their conclusions, the expert goofs at UoP shouted them down and said “It’s settled science! FOLLOW the SCIENCE!!!”

Don’t be ridiculous. They said it in Medieval French, not English.
Well sure, I was translating… on account of I didn’t figure most people here knew medieval French… naturally…
Better look that one up in the Urban Dictionary… I just did…


I don’t actually know French… not even medieval French… I’m just in it for the jokes
On the Sussman indictment:
DNC retained P-C, Sussman in April 2016 to handle the hack (per indictment pg. 4). Logically, Sussman hires Crowstrike sometime after April 2016.
P-C Sussman was under retainer by IT Exec 1 since February 2015.
IT Exec 1 brings the story of the Alfa server to Sussman in July 2016, while Crowdstrike is under retainer by P-C Sussman to investigate the DNC hack.
In other words, Crowdstrike is the source of the Alfa Bank server tale, in late July 2016, if Shawn Henry of Crowdstrike is IT Exec 1, as suspected.
Now – here is the big NEXT on that.
Immediate analysis (by several groups) said that the Trump Tower data actually told a tale of breaking, entering, and FORGERY.
Note that Shawn Henry was part of the dirty tricks group alleged by JHTH, AND he was alleged to have been part of the Italian job against Trump on November 3.
CMZ posted this…
“Durham indictment went through earlier.
This indictment has shown us that Durham is waiting until the last moment before statute of limitations are over before he indicts.
Now we know that he is gathering as much info as he possibly can.
All other people who have been interviewed by Durham are now checking their calendars to see when their statute of limitations are up.”
Do you think Durham is going to pull more names out of his sleeve?
I hope (cringe) so.
Interesting. I can see arguments both ways. If Cankles did her thing EARLIER, she gets off, if that reasoning is correct.
she gets off….
If Cankles CONTINUED (with her buddies) to go after POTUS (think RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA special council AND the PURPLE REVOLUTION) then they can keep going back in time.
Sort of like with the IRS. There is a seven year limit BUT if they catch a cheat in 2014 they can go back ANOTHER seven years from 2014.)
Took a while to finally find the information I read several years ago (Amazing how good they are at hiding information!)
Seems Clinton has been rather quiet lately…
Gail, you are a national treasure. I mean that. Your research abilities are a vital component of why this site is so threatening to tptb.
Without a doubt!

Thanks guys,
I just bring to the table, and build upon stuff others have shown me.
I figure this is WHY I am here on earth.
She is – so valuable to this place
It has always been about RICO and Rudy has indicated that for years. Nail down the bit players for contributory crimes and gain the evidence needed to complete the RICO charges. Cankles, Slick, Soetoro and their ilk know it as well. Hence, the creation and implementation of Lawfare. Not just to take over the country, but to plant IED’s in the legal system to keep real patriots at bay.
FBI, discrete enterprise?
DOJ, discrete enterprise?
Fusion GPS?
Clinton Campaign?
Seth Rich. Witness in a FRAUD suit against DNC and HRC. Would have meant RICO.
Don’t know JHTH well. Meaning the Italian satellite stuff?
JHTH (John Here To Help) is the guy who alleges to have worked for a “dirty tricks group” under Radium Rod Rosenstein, of which group he alleges Shawn Henry was the hacker member.
The connection of Henry to the “Italian Job” was not by JHTH – it was from other people who analyzed the photos of the suspect on cameras in Italy.
The indictment suggests that they were strategizing about creating evidence.
I’ve read that Sussman opens Pandora’s box.
Buckle up. The dogs in the chain on the lift hill are clanking.
totally irrelevant of any importance…but, still, uncanny…
I am painting in the wee hours bc it’s quiet…
I will be using Chartreuse Yellow

oui ou non ?
Depends on what you’re painting, and why.
tropical seascape with grasses.
If it’s a commission from a bunch of monks…..
Oui. A Godincidence.
Just shows how connected we all are.
with a splash of vermouth vermillion, perhaps?
mais oui !
with strong hints of cerise in the florals !
From GAB:

RIP, Jane Powell.
One of my favorite numbers: “How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Love You When You Know I’ve Been a Liar All My Life,” with Fred Astaire.
Great dance scene!
It’s such a fun number. Jane Powell was so talented with her singing, dancing, and acting. And she kept up with Fred Astaire, no easy feat.
She kept up with A LOT of great dancers.
Very sad.
The Golden Age of Musicals & The Girl Next Door
Way past time for something to be done. Better late than never. Do it!
Congressman calls for Governor of Texas ‘to start disregarding this president’
I’m afraid Abbott = Bush.
I’m afraid you’re correct. Great opening post, BTW. Loved it.
Thanks, Sylvia.

Then he hasn’t heard from enough patriots.
Deluge him with emails, letters, demonstrations, and towed aerial signs.

Trying to upload it here….
Stats like these are burying the narrative that the unvaxxed are driving the Covid surge.
I saw in passing 73% got at least one shot.
Dr. Liddell explained. “The original lineage was thought to have a reproductive number of around two or three, so 1 minus 1 over 3 would be two-thirds, or 60% to 70% immunization or infection to create some kind of herd immunity,”
So there are another two to ADD to the nuremberg list!
Most Americans Who Wanted COVID Vaccine Have Already Gotten One: Poll
Why Nancy Pelosi Had to Hurry on January 6 | Defending The Republic
WOW. THAT is really something.
But she is nearly as addled as squatter 1, lawyers sharper than she will be feeding her the lines.
more on Florida ..
DeSantis comes out swinging !
Ron DeSantis Makes Total Boss Move After Biden HHS Takes Over Monoclonal Antibody Distribution
a lot at the link
Love it. Biden is a P.O.S., and DeSantis don’t take grief from FECAL DEMS.
meanwhile…at the border..
Ted Cruz On The Ground In Del Rio, Texas
link to video from yesterday..
10, 503 illegals under the Del Rio International Bridge.
and all of them…
hope the vid isn’t glitchy.
out of control

Excellent opener grandma.

Thank you!
“Facebook has shut down advertising for a new song by John Ondrasik, called “Got Blood on My Hands,” about Joe Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan. They did it on the typical spurious grounds of “violation of terms of service.” The song denounces Biden’s abandonment of thousands of Americans and allies behind enemy lines, the needless deaths of thirteen service members, all the best of the best, and names names of the culprits in the fiasco.
Boy, is this a cold, angry song. And a very good one…”
Here’s the song:
Yes he is. As corrupt as they come. And complicit.
I just left my job of 24 yrs from the largest healthcare company HQ’d in Nashville. I have been a nurse for 24 years. I can tell you first hand that there definitely IS a medical conspiracy going on.
The nurses and doctors are working hard. They are doing what they have been taught to do in most cases. We all trusted the CDC. We trusted the FDA. We trusted that all clinicians were like us, wanting to actually help and cure people. I have learned just how false that is. What you don’t understand is that the frontline clinicians who are doing their best, have come to trust leaders that are currently misleading them. The recommemdations and protocols come down from corporate, who are following the cdc guidelines.
I watched frequent presentations of obviously manipulated data. I listened to constant urging to convince everyone to get this safe and effective vaccine! What I never saw or heard was the truth. No public health officials wanted to discuss VAERS data (vaccine adverse events reporting). No one wanted to discuss unreliable or changing cycle thresholds for the PCR test (false positives/false negatives) No one wanted to acknowledge data from across the world that suggested Ivermectin as a successful treatment. No one wanted to have to admit that the most vaccinated country on the planet, Isreal, is now the most infected! No one wanted to talk about the change in guidance for cause of death, for who was counted as a “hospitalized COVID patient”.There is a script, one narrative. Everything else is ignored, censored or excused. Doctors and nurses on the frontlines do not know these facts because after a 13 hour shift in the thick of it, who wants to hear anything else about it.
They know what the hospital administration tells them, and that’s only what is passed down from corporate. They are told to give Remdesivir. That drug killed so many people in a trial for ebola that it couldn’t finish the trial. It causes renal failure and multi system organ failure, you know, the things that the most severe COVID patients seem to die from. This just happened to a friend of mine. I told them not to take him to this certain hospital chain because of this protocol. They took him anyway. He didnt last 48 hours. As this scenario is witnessed over and over again, it terrifies the nurses.
They are told all this death and devastation is from COVID, that’s the disease process. No one questions the drug. After all, occasionally it works. It is so much worse than you can comprehend.
No one has been given informed consent with these vaccines because all the data has not even been collected and many of the most severe of reported side effects are not listed on the package inserts. I’ve read them all.
I’m so disappointed in my career field that I have spent most of my life very passionately living in.
“No one has been given informed consent…”
People are starting to see that there is some other agenda going on.
Gobsmacked that it has taken this long.
Check this out – things are SNOWBALLING.
[video src="" /]
Yeah, the data must be out there for jurisdictional use of Remdesivir vs kidney failure.
As you said – THIS is Fauci’s Achilles Heel. There can be no shortage of this data at this stage of the game.
If found, sic Rand Paul on Fauci with the silver bullet ….
What a frigging nightmare.
Dear God, please let the likes of Fauci suffer Your perfect justice sooner rather than later. Amen.
Compare to the history of ivermectin. I could almost like Jimmy Carter because of this video! Kind of odd to think that he accidentally undermined the plan of the Bolsheviks he helped let into government.
God has a plan and a sense of humor.
The pictures of the nasty worms. Ugh.
I’ve got a new puppy full of them. Off to the store for the remedy this morning.
A M E N …
How can you copy this?
you take a unique word like ‘Snowballing” and remember it.
then you go to the with part of the page, and right click.
In the drop down box choose “View Page Source” and click on it
This gives you the CODE.
Now use the find function (Control F) and type in your unique word like snowballing.
This will take you to the part of the page you want. At that point you are looking for ‘video’ and something connected starting with “h t t p ………….”
And this is what you find: REMOVE * and SPACES!
*h t t ps://*medi
right-click and copy video address!
What do we do to stop this mass murder?!?!
We have to start accusing anybody who administers or prescribes remdesivir of MURDER.
We’ve seen for a long, long time.
FB, TW censoring with complicit fake news AND lazy Americans not challenging an obviously false official narrative.
This sad story is being repeated everywhere unfortunately. Thanks for posting, eilert. So many of all these medical professionals we all need for our health are getting out. Can’t blame them. Which is the intent of the evil doing, NWO, spawns of Satan.
Ready for government run national healthcare, yet? That’s where this is headed as the NWO builds their empire built on sand.
DO NOT give the vaccine to your kids – especially BOYS!!!
What I would like to see is every single hospital administrator, doctor, nurse SERVED with a copy of the Ebola study, the Ivermectin studies of interest and a cover letter, indicating that NOW they are not free to say, “I didn’t know.”
Resist the Mainstream
One of the greatest quotes out there.
FOLLOW @ResisttheMainstream
Organized civil disobedience in Australia!
[video src="" /]
Wendy Rogers is warning – watch out for FFs.
I left some notes for Robert Baker and have had some technical difficulties with this site, so I’m going to pop some things out there.
First, and this applies whether or not you’re thinking about going Linux…..load LibreOffice — . It is available (for free) for Windows and Mac, as well as being preloaded all-over Linux.
Why? It does essentially everything that Microsoft Office does (and a bit more) and can read and write almost every format out there. There will come a day when you have some wank data in a format last used in 2009, and LibreOffice will save your bacon.
In addition (speaking of stranded data), a local pizza place had massive menu changes due to Covid restrictions but couldn’t implement them on its website because the original developer was unavailable. LibreOffice Draw could directly edit the pdf files involved. I got a t-shirt (which I treasure) for my help. The best NY-style pizza in Silicon Valley is “A Slice of New York” —
And since you’re paying so much for that kind of value, you might also look into Gimp — — a program that does pretty much everything that Photoshop does…..for free.
Have been using Linus and Libra office for years. That is where I store my Infamous Notes! some go back well over a decade and hubby just loads them onto my new machine (Take 3)
Thanks….. Installed Both programs
A second thing I addressed with RB was that reading about the gizmo wasn’t going to be as useful as actually experiencing it. I’m hoping he boots it soon.
The third thing I mentioned is that the device’s first experience with the internet according to its official documentation had some security issues. A couple of quick incantations can take care of that — and the drill-down on them can be done immediately or down the road when the subject will naturally come up.
Got the message. Will power up this fruitloop over the weekend. Also downloaded the programs you mentioned to my PC. Thanks for the info.
If you do not have a router that you control between you and your internet drop, that is another thing to consider. Computers can have their own firewall to keep trouble out of your machine BUT if that firewall fails, there is no fall back. And counting on your service provider’s router to keep you safe is not such a good idea either. ISPs are famous for coming into “your” router to upload new software, change settings, or worse yet, open up a free wifi hotspot to their service from “your” router.
I brought this reply from yesterday over to today so I could address your questions and assumptions.
“While you’re reading the manual — which, I should note, may be both 100% factually accurate and only about 10% useful — a couple of questions.
I’m assuming you have a prior computer(s). What, generally, are they? [Perfect answer: 1 Apple Mac, 2 Windows, 1 Android smartphone.]”
My first computer was an Apple II+ in 1988. Learned to connect to the internet and use modems, disk drives, and such on that computer In the early 90s switched to PC buying an IBM PC with a 20meg hard drive and attached it to a laser printer (which cost over $300 and was as heavy as sack of cement. Have had many computers since from different manufacturers and several that were custom built for me by local computer shops. Stayed with PC over the years and tried to stay on the cutting edge usually spending around $5000 for every new computer. Didn’t get a laptop until around 2010 or later. I thought I could stuff more cards in a desktop and really didn’t need to be portable. My present work computers (2) are both laptops, Samsung about 6 years old, and a Dell that is 3 years old.
“I’m assuming you have some sort of paid internet service, and you have your own home router for Wi-Fi. Let me know if this is not the case (like Steve’s weird setup).
I’m assuming you have a digital camera, and some way to read its SD card into your computers.”
I have paid internet service. I have a digital camera with SD cards but have not really tried to transfer pictures to my work computers.
“I’m assuming you have a few thumbdrives scattered about and could scrounge one for experimentation later.”
I have several thumb drives lying around.
“If you have Windows or Mac computers, you might consider installing LibreOffice for those platforms on those machines. It’s free. . It is in the nature of FOSS to be able to read/write everything, and that way you can have common data formats across your devices.”
I have downloaded the files to my work computer. Will transfer to the fruit loop as needed.
Hospital “overcrowding” is actually the ratio between nurses and patients. Because of Leatherface’s vaccine edicts hospitals are short staffed. In some cases now they are waiving the vaccine mandate for employment (wow, that was fast!) they are even including bonuses.
THE VAERS SCANDAL: minutes 26-30
Great info. Thanks!
How to Make More Money as a Nurse, for Dummies:
1) Resist the vaxx mandate, be fired or if necessary quit
2) Wait for the “overwhelmed hospital” report on the news
3) Call H.R. and offer to come back to work with a vax-exemption and a bonus
THANK YOU for this great Friday Wolf’s Pub opening post Grandma In Texas!
Much to read, re-read and ponder!
Thanks to you, Wolf Moon and all the Q Treepers for being fierce Truth Warriors!
Love you GA/FL.
Is this being open to suggestions?
U.S. East Coast Could be SUBMERGED by Tsunami at Canary Islands Volcano Eruption with Landslide!
Maybe keep an eye on this.
Probably a good idea for people on the East coast to at least be familiar with the risk. Thanks!
Thank you GMT great open, I’m going to look for Chartreuse …

… sounds worthwhile with a healthy undertow, what’s not to like

I appreciate you very much. It’s not good English but my mind is not being cooperative atm … the better words will most likely pop up later tonight before I nod off ..
Love and God bless you abundantly, always
Thank you Wowohwow! You said it just perfect.

… thank you
… you sweetie you ..
It’s important that you all know how much you are appreciated …. God bless you
You are all such a blessing.
‘’Thank you
Numbers 6:24-2624 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.
25 The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee.
26 The Lord turn his countenance to thee, and give thee peace.
Dr. Zelenko’s Telegram has a MUST READ open letter/timeline from Dr. Steven Hatfill regarding the Covid plandemic. Here’s the first post. Scroll down for the rest:
May those who love us love us.
And those that don’t love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn’t turn their hearts,
May he turn their ankles,
So we’ll know them by their limping.

I want noisy hobbling, like the sound of a Clydesdale stampede ..

From Alex Berenson:
Are you kidding me, Pfizer, volume 1 gazillionThey want booster approval based on studies covering about 300 people – with no control arms. BUT IT GETS BETTER. They tested it in 12 (yes, 12!) people over 65.
Alex Berenson
Sep 15495247
The FDA just released its briefing book for Pfizer’s request for a third dose of Comirnaty (or is that BNT162b2? No matter! It’s approved either way, sorta).
It is every bit the mess we all expected.
Let’s go to the highlights:
Pfizer basically hasn’t bothered to test the booster AT ALL in the people actually at risk – it conducted a single “Phase 1” trial that covered 12 people over 65. The main Phase 2/3 booster trial (beware efforts to cover multiple “phases” of drug research at once, you want it bad you get it bad) included no one over 55.
No one.
As in NONE.
Which makes total sense – why test the booster in people who actually need it because they’re at high risk from the ro? Nothing good can come of that.
So that’s our trial design.
Now safety:
Of the 300 people who received the booster, one had a heart attack two months later. No worries, Pfizer concluded it wasn’t related. Yay!
Five percent of recipients had enlarged lymph nodes.
How about effectiveness?
Well, we don’t have enough data – or any data, really – telling us how well the booster will work.
But the FDA made Pfizer go back and review its data from the pivotal clinical trial from last year. Pfizer compared people who received the vaccine with those who received the placebo and THEN the vaccine (the best we can do at this point, since Pfizer blew up the trial by giving placebo subjects the vaccine, double-yay!)
Pfizer concluded that your annual risk of getting Covid-19 IF YOU ARE VACCINATED is about 7 percent.
“An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of COVID-19 generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-Dose 2 at the start of the analysis period.”
But don’t worry, Uncle Joe already told you you can get your booster on September 20. If it’s good enough for our fearless leader, it should be good enough for the FDA, amirite?
WE are the “tests”.
WE are the monkeys & the lab mice.
only WE can stop this madness.
this is not Oceania or Auschwitz…yet.
but it’s gettin there.
Virginia Department of Health Announces Launch of QR Codes to Verify COVID-19 Vaccination Status – QR codes are secure and private for users, easy for businesses
“Vaccine Passport” now in Virginia.
And this was only a couple weeks ago:
Come on Hokies, don’t be chokies! Find your Swiss roots.
Well, isn’t this ** interesting ** —
Did some digging into “who owns “Gilead”.
Here are the major shareholders of Gilead (REMDESIVIR):
It gets better —
One of Gilead’s Managers AND also a member of the Gilead Board of Directors is Sandra J. Horning, MD. She’s ALSO on the Board of Directors at Moderna.
Tom Donilon, one of “President” Biden’s “close advisers”, is the CEO of Black Rock Investment Institute. His wife, Catherine M. Russell, is the director of Biden’s White House Presidential Personnel Office. Russell is the one who sent the letters to Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway, and others appointed to the boards of directors for the U.S. military academies, demanding their resignations — which they refused to do.
It’s ALL interconnected.
Thank you for connecting the dots. Small, intimate group…on a global level.
Sort of indicates that they aren’t running a very deep bench.
“follow the spouses”
Svetlana Lokhova (@RealSLokhova) Tweeted:
The “Swamp” are friends or business connections so it is difficult to hold people accountable.
Hillary campaign lawyer Sussmann was a friend of FBI general counsel Baker. Baker is friends with Mother Jones reporter Corn.
Pre-election anti-Trump articles were placed by Sussmann.
Hopefully not.
Terri R
(@Intuition412R) Tweeted:
@catturd2 Us next year
John Cardillo (@johncardillo) Tweeted:
Stay away from DC on 9/18.
Unless you’re into false flag setups courtesy of the FBI.
grandmaintexas thank you for a creative and informative article. I do appreciate you and all the authors who work so hard to make this forum spacial.The wonderful posters are not shabby either
Thank all contributors
Chartreuse has helped me many times when I had a cold . Specially in 2019 when I had whatever could not get rid of cough feeling like crap. Even is good at the time in hot water lemon and honey. I have a video of the monks about their lives and like watching it it puts life in perspective and keeps me firmly planted.
Wow! Thank you for that testimony about the medicinal qualities of Chartreuse. It had to have had some efficacy. It will be my medicinal tonight.
Is also good after a heavy meal it helps digestion. Good for a cold.
And, if you’re having trouble getting your barbeque started
Is to good for that yes ?
Intellectual Froglegs: Patriots, Awaken – the NEW Intellectual Froglegs
Bannon is on FIRE today, on the War Room.
One of his best podcasts yet.
He isn’t playing hard-ball … he’s playing SMASH-MOUTH!
Topics – the border, the spending bills, and saying “No!”
Jack Posobiec
(@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
Federal Judge Denies Request From DOJ For Immediate Injunction Against Texas Abortion Law
Quick story on the snowballing of awakening.
I had to chauffer my sister this morning, and she started talking about what’s going on in India, and how angry she is getting that we aren’t taking that approach here in the US. This is someone who NEVER misses her annual, and will research for herself health issues, but still bows to the establishment. She’s starting to see the reality.
Interesting, actually, that she still is “holding out” for the Novavax shot (that’s her story) even if she gave me the flu bug that’s now being called “COVID.” I told her she’s immune. I don’t know if she believes me.
>>”She’s starting to see”<<
This is EXACTLY what our country needs – for GOOD people to gain the VISION to see what’s really going on.
I detest the “smear” campaigns to discredit individual accounts by using the term “anecdotal” to describe them – like a fairy-tale story, or a “questionable” subjective perspective, without regard to the TRUTH being told.
WE ARE the majority – and yet, so many have become soft and comfy in their own world (their “ambits”).
One may shut oneself in … but one can never shut the world OUT. The world always intrudes, at some point (paraphrase of Tolkien).
The avalanche has begun.
That’s great that she’s starting to wake up. I wish my family would wake up. They all got the shot and didn’t seem to have side effects (though that may not be true with my mom). They think everything is fine, and I can’t seem to break them out of that. What I pray for a lot is for people to wake up. Christians especially need to wake up. Too many of them don’t seem to realize they got a shot that uses fetal tissue.
Consider. Offering to pay the $10 so she can get the anti body test. Chauffer her to and from the test. buy her a lunch.
BTW. Scheduled mine. Could not be easier.
HT a couple QTreepers that posted the link a few days ago.
With all the talk of the thousands of Haitians at the border..WHY doesn’t anyone ever question who bankrolls this invasion?
They use row boats to cross the ocean?
They wait until there’s throngs of 20,000 to travel together up through Mexico ?
They manage to walk for weeks with little more than a backpack ?
They have money to buy food and drink for that long long journey?
Why haven’t we heard one word of complaints from Mx citizens ? These Haitians all passed through miles and miles polite and well mannered ?
We should ship them ALL into Westchester County, the Clintons neighborhood.
After what the Clintons did to Haiti, I do not think they are going to vote DemonRat, the Party of the Clintons.
I vote the left picture, the real turtle wears it better than the putz on the right … sheesh
Well … she’s wearing a TON of eye
makeup .. lipstick
on a … /cough
I noticed quite a while ago that she had avoided make-up.
Until now, that is.
It still doesn’t hide the UGLY, though – that’s on the INSIDE!
“Lipstick on a pig.”
Does Calvin Klein do burlap bags
Do they come with boat anchors?
Looks a bit like Gretched Witchmer…
Krones of a feather broom together…
Oh barf

… that POS is gov of my state .. 

This reminds me of an article I read yesterday about the vaccine containing your bar code. It seems that someone with a smart phone noticed that when various people walked by, individual IP addresses were showing on his screen, which happens when Bluetooth is activated. Other people tried this and found the same. I wondered if this was more BS, like the magnets, but hmmmmm. Maybe there is something to it.
Could be their phones, with a COVID(IOT) tracking map…
As far as IP addresses go, unless they were IPv6, there wouldn’t be enough to go around for the whole world. They could use IPv4 local (10…, 169.., 192…) addresses, but then they’d end up with address collisions… which could be fun…
Hackers could pwn a whole lot of things then…..
No kidding.
GOOD. US needs to stop the injection manadate.
Is that a cover for shortage of pilots I wonder.
Good question.
I posted two devotional’s below, the shepherds are in tune with the current global “climate” and getting more so.
Read if you want to ..
Romans 8
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thank you very much.

Uh oh
.. I meant to post this music:

I love that Hymn
This is partially why Durham’s indictment of Sussman is important. It’s all related to how the illegal wiretaps came into being.
Great stuff!

Can you feel the dam breaking? Questions about liability are being asked at long last.
Here’s the full clip.
I would add to Clive’s red-pilling response to the minion-du-jour,:
“These things are easy to see and if you don’t, I’d suspect you’re paid off as well!”
because Clive Palmer knows fauxbidden didnt win
Giving them last chance to come good.
Raffensperger is loading his pants right now after Trump’s letter. It puts a national spotlight on him to answer for the 43,000 unaccounted for votes.
It’s a double bind. He has to answer not only for them but also why he certified the results.
He is going to be protected all dems are . He is only a republican in name.
Sadly, so
POTUS45 throws an armored gauntlet the size of Georgia right into Raffensperger’s face.
Boy oh boy — that is going to leave a helluva mark.
I know it’s an old one, but re-purposed well for the occasion.
Here it comes.
RIP, Gonzales – 9 more to go !
I thought he was referring to Sussman, lol.
That would be good too.
Or the audits!
That’s going to make one big mess.
Start with Nasty the Pig-louse and Adam the Shifty’s neighborhoods.
They cannot do that without fair compensation for the lost value of the property.
Every single-family-dwelling property owner should IMMEDIATELY obtain a full current value appraisal of their real estate, in order to establish the baseline value. This will be the default value from which ALL future values must be measured.
Any future lawsuit alleging an unconstitutional ‘taking’ should not name any state-level officer as a defendant, since it will be the county-level peeps who do the dirty deed.
R.E. appraisers and lawyers should send flowers to the leaders of the govt who made this happen.
They need this guy:
[snort; giggle]
Tax appraisers are the devil’s spawn.
When we moved into our house I wondered why the people did not make any improvements on the backyard like a deck or patio. We also put new sidewalks in and driveway since the house is not directly in the city the owner has to maintain the sidewalk.
I am sitting on my new deck and a lot of nice flowers on the patio the city inspector comes into the yard. He was inspecting the property. We also had the whole house new wired. He tells me that he is appraising the property since we did home improvements. I told him very slow and calm ” no wonder Portsmouth looks like a slum why would anyone improve their home just so the likes like him come along trying to milk more money out of homeowners”. He was stunt and left. We never saw and increase in property tax. My husband would have never said what I said he just would pay. No wonder he worries about me what I might say. When he buys a new car he takes me along.
One needs to be calm and speaking in truth it is disarming.
The appraisers are all slickie boys and girls who feel superior and justified.
Have NEVER received one improvement but have received lots of tax increases.
They are LEECHES!
Almost as if the appraisers get a bonus, by documenting property value increases.
In OH since we are retired we get reduction in property taxes.
^^^ Very nicely done! ^^^
Truth spoken changed everything
Nicely done.
They need somewhere to put all those
illegal aliensnew DEMONRAT voters…I wonder if you tell the kids or the wife they are now living on their own inside the house and claim it to be a duplex. Or maybe a dog house will count?
It would have to be attached, or you have two single-family dwellings.
The WAR against the independent middle class.
This has been going on for decades. They start with one or two housing complexes and pretty soon a solid middle class neighborhood has become a mess. Churches close down, schools close, and you have a plethora of half-way houses, low-income apartments, elder-care homes and so on.
Completely destroys a neighborhood lickety split.
City councils are important. Out of control spending on do-gooder items is how they get leveraged.
Hmmm. Sounds like the end of “behind the screen” auditions, then…
Get woke, go broke.
Hope the musicians find better, and better-paying gigs…
DIversity, ha. The arts have the LGBTQWXYZ “minorities” covered… in a majority, in many places. And in many places, like the SF Gay Area, the Asians have pretty much taken over.
Talk about shooting oneself in the foot…
N.B. If the folks who are auditioning are well-known, the judges will pretty much know who they are, screen or not…
No profession will be unscathed. This is the destruction of the western culture.
The psychopaths of the world order see culture only for them and we will be the slaves of the 15th -16th century like working for the land Barons. You own nothing not even your culture. Our grand kids are not taught western culture, the art, literature history.
More like the 7th century, what with the Moslems and the Greens competing to decivilize us…
Never thought of that yes like that.
And coming to doctors’ offices and hospitals.
Sadly so. I am so glad to have a 70 year old doctor who is not owned.
So is the English Touring Opera ALSO going to fire 50% of the SINGERS and replace them with, say, handicapped / transgender / “people of color” singers, no matter whether they can sing the parts or not? How about hiring the singers who didn’t make the first cut in the auditions?
Oh, yes, and what about the Stage Managers and stage crews? Is English Touring Opera going to insist on using people who couldn’t do a decent job as Assistant Stage Managers in college?
Visualize this —
English Touring Opera mounts a production of “Tosca“, using the schemes above.
Orchestra: 50% of the players can’t really cut their parts. Overall sound is like something from a good high school orchestra. The oboe players don’t know, understand, or weren’t taught, how to shave just that tiny amount off the edges of the reed to get the perfect tuning. And it goes downhill from there.
Singers: 50% of the principals are handicapped and/or didn’t make the first cut in the auditions. Their overall sound is like the back rows of the chorus at a college music department production (and we’re NOT talking the Juilliard School here). The comprimarios, in the name of “diversity”, are all drawn from the chorus. The chorus called for in the opera is reduced by 50% and sounds like an All-State high school choir that didn’t make the finals.
Stage Managers: Not ready for prime time. Have to literally be instructed how to follow the score. Critical elements that MUST be part of the performance — like, say, the mattress that MUST catch Tosca when she throws herself off the parapet of the castle — are missing; and/or the “backup” is missing; and/or the Stage Manager call is “late”.
And nobody will be held accountable. Because “diversity”.
Now multiply that a thousand times and apply it ti WOKE corporations around the country….
NOW do you understand why the store shelves are empty?
I just chewed out a store manager for BAIT AND SWITCH TACTICS. Item was advertised. Not in the store yesterday but manager said would be there this morning.
Went to store early this morning. NO ITEM …. (Pork at $0.99)
This was a riff off of bait and switch by having only a VERY VERY LIMITED quantity of the product available. So it is not TECHNICALLY bait and switch.
Just wait ’til they try to do a full Aida
Might run sort of like this:
Sir Thomas Beecham was conducting a performance of “Aida”, complete with the full complement of animals, etc. The performance, sad to say, was somewhat less than stellar.
After a while, one of the elephants could no longer, erm, contain himself, so he let loose with “his business” on the stage/grounds.
Beecham (stage-)whispered to the orchestra, “By my word, gentlemen, a critic”…
(from “Musicdotes,” by Scott Beach)…
(great book, if you can find it)
My caption for the BillyBob, Junior, Zippy photo would be…”joke is on you, fools!”
Well, maybe.
Bipartisan bill introduced to award the Congressional Gold Medal to doctors and researchers who developed Covid vaccines.
Hmm that’s good. Let’s get their names out in the public arena so people will know who to blame for complications and deaths.
WHO we should look at for nuremberg trials.
HA!! More than one way to skin a cat!
Creepy used FAA to ban Fox News drones over border disaster because of National Security.
Fox’s Bill Melugin hopped on board Texas DPS chopper and is broadcasting live…..thousands of invaders pouring over the border, tent cities under, surrounding the bridge. This is INSANE, Texas needs serious help!!!
Sorrry…The deranged potus is on weekend break very satisfied that the New World Order Kalergi plan is being carried out.
Texas is on their own.
Where are the Texas officials of any stripe, from the governor on down?
Abbott is letting it happen.
Maybe he was promised that the invaders would not stay in TX?
Nah. He’s one of the elite boys.
Abbott is the Noem of DeWines!
The other day when I was driving home I saw a family on the side of the road sitting in the shade on the street next to Costco. The man was standing up with his sign (which I couldn’t read) and the woman was standing next to him waving and just a smiling. The 2 kids were sitting in the grass.
I know what that means.
I saw a weird weird dude waking across the Kroger parking lot. We briefly made eye contact then he lowered his head and walked a different direction. He was not from here (America),
Many times there’s a family or 2 by the Kroger gas pumps.
PLEASE HELP: @WendyRogersAZ is a rock star! Our NATIONWIDE petition to #Decertify the 2020 President Election has reached 934,954 signatures. The audit results are coming on next Friday. Need AT LEAST 1 million signatures by then. Share & sign:
Decertify the Election Petition – Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate
General Milley: ‘I Had To Commit Treason To Prevent Trump From Committing Treason’
WASHINGTON, D.C. – During testimony in front of Congress Thursday, General Mark Milley admitted that he committed treason but pointed out that he had to do so in order to prevent Trump from committing treason.The general gave an emotional testimony today recounting his brave acts in betraying the United States to a hostile power in order to prevent even worse betrayals from the president of the country.’
“Benedict Milley” meme with two very special agents:
Tell me you can’t picture this guy playing private dress-up. Ugh.
Why does milley think he has the authority to judge anything the President, any president, does or may do.
General Insanity!
10% surcharge for the Big Guy!
Don’t know if this has been posted.
Nurse ESCORTED out of hospital. Hospital di NOT have the decency to formally fire her. Security walked her out the door.
More evil… IDF wakes recruits at 2AM and forces injections.
True colors are coming out. Manners are being tossed. Sickening.
In the first video, the guy did say she was being terminated. I don’t know if the legal definition of termination is different from firing. But the whole thing is horrible.
Terminated based on… Characterization of termination. resigned, failed to show for work, fired for… Where’s the paperwork? Terminated is a rather formal process. Requires paperwork and signatures.
Nothing formal. ONLY thuggish behavior.
Yup. Trying to cover up their FECKLESS FIRING OF HER.
The more ignorant the hospital acts, the more likely she can sue the hell out of the hospital. Or so I hope.
First vid was heart breaking enough. To see this happening in Isreal is surreal. They are one of the highest vaxxx’d nations in the world but are still spiking. They’ve been through this drill in past where they turn away from God and God then turns away from them. They should know better. Meanwhile their best support in the USA comes from the non vaxxx’d here. That’s support that is earned. Right now they loosing support and that’s doubly bad for them with the Bidenese who would see them treated worse than Afghanistan if it was up to Barrack and Valerie. How foolish.
Israel is going to hell in a handbasket. They are tied to Pfizer at the highest levels. They will tell any lie to protect that conspiracy.
I honestly think Jews have some sort of death wish. Is there a Yiddish word for that?
The Yiddish word for death wish is almost the same as German, but I think klutz includes the “Darwin award” types as well!
In some ways, it’s “battered culture syndrome”. American Christians are definitely being pushed in the same ways European Jews and European Christian minorities were.
Interesting times.
Ever since Netanyahu walked away from Trump it seems they have been compromised and are slipping further and further.
Yeah, it’s not a good situation.
“Policeman’s letter to NSW Police commissioner””MM has held this letter for a couple of days checking its veracity, it appears to be genuine. Senior Constable Alexander Cooney, a Coffs-Clarence Highway Patrol officer in NSW is in hot water after allegedly writing a COVID-19 related open letter to NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller. The letter has since gone viral. The letter questions the legitimacy of Australia’s actions to control the spread of coronavirus, the severity of the disease and the police enforcement response. NSW Police have confirmed to AAP the duty status of an officer from the northern region is under review as part of an investigation into the matter. “The officer, who is attached to a specialist command in the northern region, has been spoken to,” a police spokeswoman said. “His duty status is currently under review. It would be inappropriate to comment further at this time.” The letter has since gone viral.”
long read.
More proof of vax failure in this study. It is a pre-print so not officially released and not likely to as it does not fit the narrative. The more of these we get the harder it will be to keep the plandemic going.
One downloaded the document since it may well be “disappeared” off the internet.
America’s enemies are now our allies who provide intel for us to murder their enemies…who woulda ever thunk it ?
“America’s enemies are now our allies”
That’s an interesting way to characterize ‘surrender’.
Pepe Lives Matter
Scott Wagner plans to put up 15 more “Making the Taliban Great Again” billboards in his state.
[video src="" /]
Verse of the Day for Friday, September 17, 2021
“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.”
Job 22:21 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Duchess, Put on the full armor of God is on the new episode of Intellectual Froglegs at 31:18!
Thanks, Barb, for letting me know – God Bless <3
You’re welcome, duchess and God bless you too! <3
* Smiling Big League * here
Hi Pat. I am still alive. LOTS has happened since last we spoke. I am happily un retired again, back to my old place of work with a promotion. I have been steadily monitoring the sites, and working on coming back with some Covid news. As you may remember, I work for a major research facility (again) Lets just say I had some interesting discussions with one of the worlds leading virologists.
Lots has happened to me personally hence my sudden and prolonged departure (Mrs Rex’s health) All are well, do not fear it was not Covid. Please please pass on my well wishes to the family at the Q tree. I hope to return soon, hopefully no one will have forgotten me. LOL I missed the discourse and back n forth with Steve.
Sincerely PS REX
Thank you for bringing this. I was wondering what had happened to him.
Howdy Ms Pat.

Good to hear. Ty for that and hope you and the grandkids are ok.
Miss our jokes.
Look forward you posting again. You were missed. Good that all is well
Great to hear! Hoping that he finds his way in sometime.
4PM Eastern Time, per WCHV Radio:
The FDA just REJECTED the “booster shot” for the general population. The FDA did leave the door open for a “later vote” regarding “booster shots” for people over age 65.
I just saw this on Citizen Free Press.
Well that’s a relief! I won’t have to have a big argument with my family about it.
“Breaking — FDA panel votes 16-3 against booster Vaccines…”
So it was close…

It appears that the Dominion software malfunctioned.
Well, according to 710WOR, New York, 5:30PM news, the FDA JUST “approved” the “booster shot” for people over 65 AND for people with “compromised immune systems.”
So the FDA apparently has these two groups of people as first on the “elimination list.”
Dispose of useless eaters AND reduce burden on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid…
So those funds can be diverted to the INVASION of illegals now overwhelming the United States.
This is the guy who advised it was ok to strike the family in Afghanistan.

He is up for promotion. Id like to know his history.
^^^ Director of Intelligence, US Central Command. ^^^
AND, McKenzie has NOT fired him for incompetence, loss of confidence in him.
Truth is, BOTH McKenzie and Henry need to be fired. McKenzie court Martial.
interesting tidbit. BOTH McKenzie AND Henry are Marines. McKenzie covering for Henry? McKenzie fire Henry, and RACIST will echo for days.
I can agree with that. Mckenzie seems incompetent and a climber. This one, prob as well, but need info.
“Mysterious inferno destroys $11M Palo Alto mansion used by Google founder Larry Page and a ‘small team of people’ as a secretive office”
Page is likely happy that all that evidence is now gone missing.
Things that make you go hmm….
From DM article…
“At around the same time, Page was snapping up properties around Palo Alto, and drew concerns from neighbors over a huge digging project that neighbors speculated was a bunker.”
Ok thats really wierd. You cant just do that. Major environmental and permits have to happen. Sounds like being goofle, he just did it anyway. Def a lot more to this.
Neighbor, not at home, discovered the fire via security camera. Checking on his property remotely? OK, common capability. I’ve done this with my system twice, over the course of prolly three years.
BUT, why would that neighbor “just happen” to check his security cameras, at that moment? Something smells and it isn’t just the burned debris.
Pedo play?
Something’s going on, that’s for sure.
Just saying, depending how old that house is and it looks old, you can get a home like that in Texas easily for about 500,000 to 700,000.
Depending on the zip code here, and the amount of updating done, $750K and up.
11 million is a lot of money so I guess they have a right to call it a mansion.
Mansions are supposed to have over 24 rooms. There’s one, not too far from where I live, that I walked through the last time it was on the market, and I started counting. It was BARELY 24 rooms if you counted the halls.
I love St Louis farmer market. Used to go there for to many years at 7 am every Saturday morning.
Do you mean Soulard? That’s the original down by the river. Now, there’s farmer’s markets in Tower Grove Park, at Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood, the Loop in U. City, and a number of other places.
Soulard did not know there was another farmers market.
Oh, and…that house doesn’t look old. It looks like it was built in the 80s or something.
Yes, 80’s was what I had in mind. I should of been more careful when I said old, since your in St. Louis.
The mansion I was talking about was built in 1915. There’s other housing in this ‘berg older, but you don’t find much that’s from before the Civil War. The Gilded Age is well represented, though.
Meanwhile, according to Hannity on his radio show at the top of the 5PM Eastern hour—schools are opening in Afghanistan this week, but for male students only.
Where is that post?
No need to search I made copy of it.
Reply to kalbokalbs
September 15, 2021 18:54
I saved your previous post.
“This weekend I finally got off my ass, figuratively, and took a two pronged tact to secure plenty of Ivermectin – quickly.
My experience thus far. All positive. Have tracking numbers for Ivermictin from two sources. Here’s where I have ordered Ivermictin.
How to get Ivermictin.
First provider listed. (They also peddle in CA)
Three steps.
Select shipping.
Payment. $177.31.
Answer questionnaire. Includes providing copy of 1. government ID (DL or the like) and 2. your picture. (This is no different than any quack office I have been in over the past few years. So it did NOT bother me.) Questionnaire is easy peasy.
Ordered Friday. Monday I had a tracking number. Should physically ship in a day or two. Should have in my hands Saturday or Monday latest.
I’ll receive 20 Ivermectin capsules, tailored to my weight. They are NOT the standard 3mg pills. I am anticipating 20, 20.5 mg capsules. (Maybe they’ll round the capsules to 22mg. dunno. I padded the weight by adding 15 pounds. Have read NOT to under dose Ivermictin intake. Over dosage is NOT a big deal. Barnhardt talks to this.
My guess is Seven Cells tailors the capsules in their own lab or a contracted lab. VERY streamlined process, I think.
MY TAKE. Seven Cells cost is quite favorable to other Services at FLCCC.
I’ll report when I get this shipment in hand. Report good, bad or indifferent.
Seemingly endless sources.
In advance know what medicine you want, dosage and number/pieces. I went with Ivermectin, 12mg, 100 pieces.
I pinged on, requested price quote from six or seven sources. All pretty responsive. IndiaMart has a chat like function that I ended up on. Got emails from vendors, linked to a chat function. There will be a four or five digit code provided to access the chat.
Bantered back and forth. Verified Ivermectin, dosage, pieces. Also cost, meds plus shipping. Payment I went with PayPal, which I truly don’t like. But PayPal IS quick, easy and secure enough. I did NOT go with a wire service OR other options they suggested.
PayPal or I wasn’t dealing. A couple vendors did NOT want PayPal, so I QUIT bantering with them. “Walked away”, so to speak.
Settled on:
Business: Vallabh Enterprise / Shreeji Impex
Location (city and state I think): Surat, Gujarat
Phone: 08049675660|
Owner: Maulik Prakashbhai Parekh|last
4.9 of 5.0 stars. Over 100 reports/ratings.
I am getting 100, 12MG Ivermectin tablets. $65 – med and shipping. Great deal by me.
Today I received a tracking number. My Ivermectin is being shipped by EMS India Post. Good by me. I am quite sure it IS equivalent to USPS Priority / First Class AIR.
Some vendors do DHL or FedEx. All not a big deal to me.
Anticipate the slow down will be US Customs at whatever US airport my package processes through. IIRC, Gingersmom indicated five days in Customs. I don’t care about this either.
Anticipate I’ll see this Ivermectin shipment by end of next week.
After I receive this shipment.
I research the Ivermectin manufacture. Ask my loac quack about it IF I am in doubt.
Report here the good or bad of the deal.
After I receive the IndiaMart Ivermectin, IF ALL SEEMS LEGIT, I’ll order another 200, 12MG tablets. Shipping IS the major part of the cost.
I want plenty of IVM in my medicine cabinet. Covid is going to remain obnoxious as hell in the near term. The government will aggressively become MORE STOOPID with IVM availability.”
Very helpful…thanks para and kalbo!
I need to do it too, all I have is three tubes of horse paste and an extra two but I can’t figure out which one those two I opened for a maintenance dose.
Did find some NAC though from Life Extenstions. It more than the Swanson but I know the Life Extension is made in the US.
Also liked their write up after saying while supplies last.
While you can still find Life Extension products at Amazon you can not find NAC there from them or any one else so you have to look for the company at this point.
Meanwhile I had bought some Iron and B12. Neither high dose, from Nature Made. I had used Nature Made B12 before and it was okay. One of these two new ones though was giving me long lasting muscle spasms in the arms. Stopped them both and now about a week later the muscle spasms have slowly faded away.
Have just finished reading “KAUTILYA The Arthashastra”. Ancient writing on Economics, Power Politics and War in India circa 300BC to 150AD. Good book but the thing is there were well over 300 recommendations in the book on when to use poison under certain circumstances to defeat your various enemies to include their animals
Since Nature Made, I found out, may be made in China and Biden is in charge of the Customs and the FDA I figured it be best to stay away from such products. carries NAC from Life Extension
Apparently they are the same price but this iHerb site has much more wider variety to choose from. Thanks T3!
I’ve shopped them a very long time. Key things to know: 1) stock is always fresh, 2) shipping is usually free, 3) check everywhere for sales/coupons before buying. For example there was a sitewide 20% off sale recently. You can usually get 10% off your purchase using coupon “VALUE60” And there is a new customer coupon on the main page most of the time.
Here is an article that may help with the NAC question.
What about getting some glutathione?
Ha.. that bottle looked familiar. Just went down stairs and looked in his stash and sure enough I have an unopen bottle I was saving for emergency. Thanks!
Wondering now if anyone has an opinion on NAC vs L- Glutathione?
I seem to remember someone here posting something about Glutathione reversing the effects of the clot shot?
Well apparently it’s made in Japan which is good and is one a day which is also good. Also multiple selections are available at T3’s link below.
In the reviews on iHerb you may see customers commenting on why they use what they use and what they think it’s doing, That can give you key words to use to search on. I’ve compared to and I’m still finding a lot more information in the wellness area on metager. Dr. Axe is usually pretty good for basic nutrition information too.
That’s helpful. Has book marked the site for future use.
Great thanks.
Glad it helped.
Thus far FLCCC delivered.
Not an endorsement, but so far I have no gripes with the guy at IndiaMart that I went through. He has shipped and I have a tracking number. The package is in the system. In US Customs I believe. I expect it’ll pop out of US Customs when they get done with doughnuts, training and [laying solitaire on their cell phones.
IF, the shipment from IndiaMart becomes a problem, I’ll share the details..
I don’t know, that CRT training is pretty tough, they might be in there long after they run out of doughnuts.
Back as a a GS. training mostly on computer. Read some crap or listen to a short video and answer a few questions.
The REQUIRED answers were too often stoopid and didn’t make sense. But it is the government, so play the game. We had to game the test to get the “check mark”, mandatory training completed.
And this is how it’s done.
Excellent! I was just about to post this!
And now all the people who didn’t want to get vaxxed but did it anyway because they thought they “had to” are kicking themselves for not holding out.
That’s a hard life lesson, isn’t it? Might be the death of them.
Anyone else getting dizzy watching this?
That was beautiful
How ‘Witch Hunts’ ALWAYS Start… in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Language warning, but I’d say the woman is awake.
Breathe, DePat, Breathe.

And here at The Babylon Bee, we’re legit journalists, so we’ve got the exclusive scoop. Here are some excerpts from the upcoming revision of The Art of War:
OMG, those are all excellent. Bab-Bee is FUN-NY!
Wow. I didn’t know this about regeneron.
Hit job on DeSantis by the left.
I had to do a lot of work to find the truth here.
The paper talks about AVOIDING those techniques as being the motivation for Regeneron’s development of their particular humanized (by other means) mouse model.
Here is their statement on the technologies used. You will note, however, they’re careful not to offend the left too much by dissing aborted cell lines too hard.
It looks like their most ethically questionable cells (human embryonic) are created by fertilization and growth to an embryonic cell state. Not as bad as aborted, but it’s clear they don’t like using them, either.
I looked at their production processes. The key point where any ethical problems could arise is the cells they start with to produce the antibodies (not the development). They don’t say outright what they are, but they talk about avoiding mouse cells to avoid viruses, so they clearly GET Judy Mikovits and what she has said about XMRVs. I suspect they’re using some type of custom stem cell, likely embryonic at worst. Snopes does a fairly good job of analyzing what they’re using, but Snopes asserts that production uses an old abortion-origin cell line, but I saw no evidence of that. My suspicion is that they have their own cell line from embryonic stem cells as a TRADE SECRET.
What was that scientist around a decade ago that proved that stem cells from the skin of an adult human were better all around. What is their fixation on fetal cells when there is demonstrated value in the adult stem cells?
Regressed stem cells, from whatever source, can be typed to minimize rejection. They have always been superior to fetal stem cells.
I seriously wonder what drugs out there were made without fetal tissue at this point.
I was thinking that. And alsi, is this contributing to why we are sick? Arent there other more effective ways?
No damm wonder the pro abortion lobby has so much cash. Pharma helps them.
The elites…
I first read that as “World’s biggest plant to turn carbon dioxide into rock opera opens in Iceland.”
With our luck they’ll pump all that carbon dioxide down there and awaken some primordial man eating sludge plant.
Everything comes back to Björk, doesn’t it?
If we were lucky, we’d get something like:
Galileo! Figaro! Magnifico!
If we were unlucky, we’d get something from Björk.
Fighting global greening to insure an ice age!
Total stupidity, demonize CO2, lock away plant food. The world will starve without plants.
You said it…stupidity.
It is CO2 STARVATION that is the real problem according to peer-reviewed papers:
Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California
La Brea is at SEA LEVEL!!!
Royal Society: Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems
Impact of lower atmospheric carbon dioxide on tropical mountain ecosystems
“…Compound-specific isotope analyses of leaf waxes and algal biomarkers show that organisms possessing CO2-concentrating mechanisms, including C4 grasses and freshwater algae..” means plants using C4 pathway and not the older C3 pathway used by trees.
Most of our food is C3 pathway.
As you go up a mountain , low CO2 partial pressure, and not temperature limits trees.
It is CO2 STARVATION that is the real problem according to peer-reviewed papers:
Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California
Royal Society: Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems
Impact of lower atmospheric carbon dioxide on tropical mountain ecosystems
“…Compound-specific isotope analyses of leaf waxes and algal biomarkers show that organisms possessing CO2-concentrating mechanisms, including C4 grasses and freshwater algae..” means plants using C4 pathway and not the older C3 pathway used by trees.
Most of our food is C3 pathway.
As you go up a mountain , low CO2 partial pressure, and not temperature limits trees.
Thank you for that info. Elite hatred for humanity is utter madness.
Wow a coal factory, saves digging for it.
More things that make you go hmm…..
Appears to be the highest spike they’ve seen since China Virus hit.
There’s a graph in the story. Wonders if it’s just Delta or did they get a large influx of illegals or refugees in to spread it around? Or it could be the fact that Governor is getting ready to unveil his new mandate plan and needs some justification?
You do stalin proud AUS govt.
Suzanne Seddon (@suzseddon) Tweeted:
Australia HAS FALLEN no more confirmed consent.
Republicans on the Committee on Oversight and Reform are requesting transcripts of Milley’s calls. At least the deadline is October 1st rather than 30 days from now.
Unadulterated original recipe as passed down through a thousand human generations.
Some EXTREMELY DISTURBING DATA – and likely part of the reason that the FDA group voted NO on boosters.
The video is 3 minutes 43 seconds, but it covers the data very quickly. If any of the members of the voting group SAW this data given at an open comment session of the FDA, they might have had second thoughts about the vaccine.
Bottom line – the numbers are showing that the CURE is worse than the disease.
More people are KILLED than SAVED.
Ask the people who oppose it how they can explain this. If they resort to claiming it’s false, simply ask them to provide the sources for their statements. I promise you they can’t and they won’t. They will deflect and rationalize why they are sheeple.
A SIL went for a check-up with her RA doc today. She asked about the Ivermectin and he said it was useless against COVID, caused respiratory problems long term, and that she should get her booster jab when it becomes time.
He straight out lied to her or is dumb as dirt. I opt for the former. In which case he is contributing to her death since she will now take it if it gets approved. Which makes her dumb as dirt for believing a lying doctor instead of researching herself or trusting family members who actually know better to provide the information to make an informed decision.
And when it happens folks will say, well, she made it to 70 with serious RA and being a smoker. Then shake their heads and pay their respects.
So very frustrating…
This is a HUGE problem. The leap from…
Doctors know so much more than we do; they have all those years of medical school; a little knowledge [ours] is a dangerous thing.
…to either Doctors are lying to us, or We know more than doctors about some things, is more than a lot of people can take.
I also add:
The medical system we have trusted our whole lives is not working in our best interest and in some cases is out to kill us.
It’s a bridge too far. For many, it would take small, incremental steps over time to get to the point of believing that. The alternative, instant wake-up is to have a loved one be denied life-saving care in a hospital. Unfortunately, that can be too late.
For me, one major turning point was all the “nutrition” GARBAGE I was told in Elementary School, leading to a MAJOR EXPLOSION OF DIABETES when I graduated college.
It was clear that either the authorities were dumb as posts, or their interests were not my interests.
I think it’s a little bit of both, combined with oversight and accrediting agencies pressuring medical professionals with lack of funding or loss of their jobs if they don’t toe the line. It’s happening now with ivermectin and other therapeutics and is literally killing people.
Food Companies went Ape $h!t.
Authorites were DUMB.
Great points. This SIL has always been a slow take on things – so it fits. She voted for Soetoro, believed his BS as an example. Four years later she wakes up and acknowledged she was wrong. It’s always like that with her. Learn the hard way. Family and friends are telling her to wise up, she is doing it again. Nope, believe the doc who has kept her on high powered drugs all these years for RA who tells her not to worry about the big spot on her smoker’s lungs, “It’s probably just a RA nodule. No need for a biopsy.” smh…
With this you don’t get an opportunity to say, “my bad.” You are dead. Why? When she has everything to live for and adores her 4 grandchildren. Now repeat this type normie thought process by millions of people in this country.
How frustrating that must be. I pray she will wake up — and all the others too.
I myself, and some others I know, have experienced being misdiagnosed and mistreated by the medical establishment. It definitely leads to being more informed before you visit a doctor, because you don’t just believe them.
Doing that, researching ahead of a visit, is how I know I ABSOLUTELY knew more about Covid than my doctor did in April of 2020, and more about the “vaccine” in April of 2021.
I asked pointed questions which I already had the answer to, to see what she would tell me. She FAILED my test.
All a doctor is for me is a prescription pad. I already know if I need a script before I set foot in the place. I just tell them what I want. If they try to tell me different, I stand my ground until I get it. If they give me something else or extra, I research it before taking it. I have thrown away full prescription bottles several times.
Doctors are practicing medicine. I can practice, too, and I just get better and better at it. I wish everyone would.
Yep, me too. I do my own blood tests and monitor my numbers. I research any abnormalities and figure out what, if anything, I need to do. That’s exactly what my GP does. If I have a symptom that is not blatantly explained in the bloodwork, it’s beyond their capability and they will automatically farm me out to a specialist. Uh, no, I disagree. I can tell when I know more than they do. People know their own bodies. I play that card when I need to keep them in line. I also have a minimalist policy – maintenance meds only, NO ADD ONS, so don’t even try. Been there, done that, got horror stories. I go in every 3 months and tell them the meds I want. They transmit to pharmacy. The end.
We Smart Cookies!!
I’m so thankful for our TreeHome. Our group’s knowlege, support, and prayers for one another is priceless!!

God Bless and Keep Us All.
Amen, Butterfly!
CTRiverview Trump
10 minutes
Wendy Rogers: Summary: We won. They dropped their $2.8 meaningless claim for the machine replacement. We get the routers and spunk logs. Cyber Ninjas has full access. Maricopa caved.

Thank You Lord!!!
New York Post: Simone Biles, McKayla Maroney rip FBI for turning blind eye to Larry Nassar sex abuse
Much more at the link. The FBI’s lack of action is criminal, IMIO.
Washington Post: FBI fires agent who failed to pursue tips about sex abuse by USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar
Apparently he was fired before the hearing menntioned above.
I think Wray probably IS outraged, and I hope it’s not just because the FBI’s dirty laundry is airing, but why didn’t he know about this and do something about it before?
Wray won’t do anything. Why do I say that? To date, Wray has NEVER PUNISHED CRIMINAL behavior.
Looking forward to the day Wray grows a set AND I am wrong.
That one agent did get fired, but there are so many other instances where wrongdoing has been covered up that I also have completely lost confidence.
IMO, “fired” is meaningless. Need accountability, PUNISHMENT. Jails, fines, etc.
We watched a bunch of DOJ / FBI get fired or retire while Trump was President. NOBODY held accountable.
I agree. I think criminal charges are in order for someone who covered up crimes and lied about a gymnast’s testimony.
Wray likely knew that the Senate was in contact with complainants and that the Senate was going to go through with the hearing. Story says they were fired only days before the hearing. This hearing was likely scheduled far in advance of that. Puts the firing down to a PR move.
Sickening, but true.
Thank you. What did I need to do to make it post?
Open the image in a tab by itself. Then rt click and copy image link. Paste it here. Replace the ? mark and everything after it with ‘.jpg’.

Took me a while to get it, but now I’m a maniac!
Thanks! I did everything except replace the ? mark, etc., with jpg. Will try to remember this!
Be sure to put a period in front of jpg. Turn the question mark into a period, then add jpg, erasing everythig else.
I posted an example but I think it’s in the bin.
Turn the question mark into a period. Then add jpg……(.jpg)
Damn Straight it’s Unconstitutional!!

Today is Constitution Day.
Interesting if true.
She reminds me of…
Sounds a lot like psychosomatic response.
Vaccine shedding is real.
Supply line snapping quicker than we think? Biden is going to be under huge pressure to over ride FDA decision today. Remember they want it by the end of Sept. Might be the reason that there rushing forward with the alt Ivermectin thing. Might be their only way to save face. It will be interesting to see what gets approved first.
I do wish that Zoe could see this —
but I can’t even describe it.
What he does seems impossible.
He doesn’t make a lot of money performing. One of the things that contributes to a healthy lifestyle is that ALL the card manufacturing companies have a consulting contract with him where they ship him several decks a month….and he confirms that all the cards in each deck are identical to him.
If they are not, someone hits the big red button, a bunch of people swarm over to his house (many of which know him), a bunch of process control records get audited, and a bunch of card decks hit the incinerator. His eyes can’t tell you which jack is smiling more than the others, but his hands and fingers can tell which cards are thicker on one edge than another, or which cards are more “bendy” than they should be — things the machinery may not catch. And he’s widely regarded as the best there is….which is why multiple companies pay his fee and ship him cards.
The stuff he does for performances is just for fun. He can shuffle a deck six or seven times and put it back in factory order, or shuffle a deck three times and tell you which card will be the twenty-second dealt. He sees the cards perfectly in his mind without the distraction of vision.
I do wish our dear Zoe could “see” him perform…..because sighted people have a problem even describing it.
Thanks for another great Friday thread post, Gmtx!
And thanks for the education on Chartreuse.
I may have to try it…it sounds good!
Thanks, Wheatie!
It is wonderful as a medicinal. Can be a bit too much as a couple drinks on its own. Don’t ask me how I know.
According to Dr Malone it is the ADVISORY BOARD to the FDA that said NO! to the booster. However they are only advisory. On top of that they were never seated when the FDA approved that vaccine in the EU (Germany?)