For those who haven’t seen it.
Mar 28 2020
3907Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fead75 No.8601061
Mar 28 2020 14:21:09 (EST)
The entire world is watching.
Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.
We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.
Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord – “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!”
For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.
We became divided.
We became weak.
We elected TRAITORS to govern us.
We allowed EVIL to prey on us.
Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.
The evil and corruption only grew.
This is more than party politics.
This is about restoring OLD GLORY.
This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.
This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.
This is about preserving our SAFETY.
This is about restoring our STRENGTH.
This is about PROTECTING our children.
We are all God’s children.
We are, FATHERS.
We are, MOTHERS.
We are, SONS.
We are, SISTERS.
We do not look at race.
We do not look at skin color.
We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.

Have you ever stopped to think about what life would be like here in the United States if we did not have the Bill of Rights?
A quick look around the world as the “COVID” lockdowns continue shows us just what could happen if we:
- Did not have the right to speak our minds even if social media platforms take down the messaging. No one has been jailed for it, and effectively, the censorship is magnified when this happens.
- Did not have the right to peacefully assemble, even if the local governments think they can limit the numbers of people in any one place. (Who actually paid attention to this one when whoever it was said, no more than six family members? I know families that max that out just with their kids.)
- Did not have the right to religion, and not having an official state religion, the leaders of the various branches of worship technically do not have to really go along with government edicts.
- Did not have the right to not just petition the government, but sue when human rights are on the line.
- Did not have the right to point a weapon at a physical threat. Just being able to own a weapon keeps things more civil.
- Did not have the right to refuse entry to government forces, i.e., police, FBI, and others, without cause.
- And, this is not enshrined in the founding documents of the nation, but what if we did not have the right to privacy for our medical records?
What if?
We’re seeing “what if” in video and stories coming from Australia, specifically, among other places around the world. The people there are living a nightmare we CAN and ARE avoiding due to the foresight of our founders. The Biden camp is giving it a shot, putting us in a tyrannical situation, but it really isn’t working the way they intended given that we have these rights and there’s not a darn thing they can do about it.
Not only that, we exercise those rights.

Are we making good use of it?
It’s a good question given that in the United States, compared to the rest of the world, the public demonstrations have been muted largely due to the threat of the movement being blamed for a false flag. Yes, there is a lot of movement at the local level, which is a good thing, and people are being entrenched in the election system, but are we really giving it all to protect the freedoms that the founders secured?
That is a question yet to be answered. When the Patriot Act is rescinded, we’ll be on the right track. No more of this going along to get along.

Understanding this point, is, IMO anyway, what constitutes THE GREAT AWAKENING.
Are we there yet?


A little mood music.
Brings back memories.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
These are actually from Friday’s Mass readings.
HAGGAI 2:1-9
1in the seventh month, on the twenty-first day of the month, the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet, 2“Speak now to Zerub’babel the son of She-al’ti-el, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehoz’adak, the high priest, and to all the remnant of the people, and say, 3`Who is left among you that saw this house in its former glory? How do you see it now? Is it not in your sight as nothing? 4Yet now take courage, O Zerub’babel, says the LORD; take courage, O Joshua, son of Jehoz’adak, the high priest; take courage, all you people of the land, says the LORD; work, for I am with you, says the LORD of hosts, 5according to the promise that I made you when you came out of Egypt. My Spirit abides among you; fear not. 6For thus says the LORD of hosts: Once again, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land; 7and I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in, and I will fill this house with splendor, says the LORD of hosts. 8The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of hosts. 9The latter splendor of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts; and in this place I will give prosperity, says the LORD of hosts.
PSALMS 43:1-4
1Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people; from deceitful and unjust men deliver me! 2For thou art the God in whom I take refuge; why hast thou cast me off? Why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy? 3Oh send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me, let them bring me to thy holy hill and to thy dwelling! 4Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy; and I will praise thee with the lyre, O God, my God.
A bunch of fun to contrast with a bunch of fretting.
Thank you, DP, for another great MAGA thread!
Saw where your shipment of Ivermectin arrived from India.
Went to the website:
Did you have to supply a prescription? Also, which brand did you get?
Thanks in advance.
Prior info supplied here:
No prescription. NO Q&A.
Requested IVM 12mg, 100 tablets, price including shipping. Requested higher quality brand over lower cost. (Yea that is vague, but wanted him to know, cost was NOT a deal breaker. Focus on quality.)
Brand: Care Formulation Labs https://careformulationlabs(DOT)com/ <<<Remove (DOT)
How long did it take to arrive? I checked the site back when it was 1st posted here and got a quick reply……was just concerned about the length of shipping time and the sharing of my CC.
For IndiaMart I used PayPal. So PayPal has my credit card, NOT IndiaMart.
Personally would NOT use my CC directly with an overseas vendor via Internet.
That said, having lived and traveled overseas extensively, have used my CC for in-person transactions no problem, extensively. Quite likely, if I physically walked into the IndiaMart vendor business, I would not hesitate to use my CC. But, I am NOT there for sanity / common sense check.
Shipment time. Once the shipment was in EMS IndiaPost (similar to USPS), fifteen days to meds in my hands. Prior to that, 3-5 days processing and the like. As I don’t have Covid, the wait didn’t bother me.
IF I had Covid, AFLD OR FLCCC RIGHT NOW would be my attitude. While popping quecertin, zinc, C, D…
This is a different site than I was connected to…. trying to find out how to order here. I’ve been waiting for a few weeks for a shipment through Push Health and a pharmacy they listed after I registered. CVS, Walgreens and probably HEB will NOT fill prescription……they’ll tell you they are out. Any further help will be greatly appreciated. Did you call or just handled over the internet? Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks.
Both, FLCCC and via IndiaMart Internet only. both ship direct. NO “local” pharmacy involved.
Have not heard of Push Health. Glanced at their web site. Seems OK, assuming pharmacies will fill the prescription. Latter is the issue we read about. Pharmacies, pharmacists saying out of the med or refusing to fill the script.
While not inexpensive, seven Cells via FLCCC had IVM in my hands in seven days, counting weekend and holiday.
No idea if they are better or not as compared to other FLCCC docs. I actually assume they are all goo to use. Or they would not be on FLCCC web site.
Wish I could be more helpful.
I rec’d HCQ today….using the FLCCC. It’s gotten expensive. Still want more Ivermectin and will check at the site you posted. Thank you.
New article from Political Moonshine:
The Last Article That Wasn’t and Why – Life Comes Fast and Hard and the Details Matter
September 22, 2021
Intro: “The last article was supposed to be the last article but circumstances suddenly changed and unexpectedly so. Moreover, they changed in significant ways. Now and out of a sense of obligation to those who have taken the time to regularly read this work, an explanation is deserved and so I’m providing it fully.
This article as a lot of “I” in it and that makes me uncomfortable. If you’re familiar with the work at Moonshine, you’ll know that’s not how we do business. We’re all about the facts, the research and the data points [and the fraud!]
If we; and by that I mean I, were interested in personal credit, I’d write by my real name rather than by Moonshine. Nonetheless, this is laden with “I” and has to be to give you a proper account of it all.
To preface this, please remember that I’m a regular person and I do this work out of personal interest – it’s a hobby until someone wants to pay me to do it for my job [please!] I have and always will share it freely and at no cost to others. So, this is not my job and I receive nothing for it; in fact, it costs me about a thousand dollars a year to provide the website and all of the attached services it requires.
Those reminders are important because reality can circle back around on you in an instant and that’s exactly where I found myself when I signed-off in the last article weeks ago.
Those circumstances at that specific time were completely different than the circumstances leading up to it. Shockingly different. Fundamentally different. They remain different now and in ways that, quite frankly, cause me to be unsure and to have continued concern.
I’ve been very clear and direct about having an intermediary who has connected me to three primary sources. That source network has since expanded. Specifically and predating COVID-19 by years, various items of my work had been sent by my intermediary to the three primary sources at different times. In downstream fashion only, sometimes I would receive limited and mostly confirming [the work] messages back that would then impact or even steer the work.
Importantly, understand what that means given that the exchanges were made on unencrypted devices and as it relates to intelligence collection by good and bad. It’s a full return, upstream/downstream exchange: [me<>intermediary<>1, 2, 3 sources]. Easy fishing for those fishing.
Talk to the right people about the right things and in you go. In I went.
Importantly and drawing back to the origins of these associations, the initial back-channeling of Moonshine work items began before it was even Moonshine. More importantly, it began unbeknownst to me.
In fact, I didn’t know the work had been sent initially until I received the first message back, “Tell your buddy to keep going. He seems to be the only one who’s figured it out.”
And so I kept going right up to the last article.”
[continued at link in title above]
Very interesting. I had no idea he was a fellow Oregonian. I wish he would flesh out more what he knows about Kate Brown and her Chicom ties and sudden enrichment.
Yeah, I’m aware of that. “Flesh out” means details. I would love to see her exposed in a big way. But Pompeo didn’t share details beyond the list.
Her ties to China are deep, and her largest political donor’s do big business there, a list that includes Nike.
Try a DuckDuckGo search.
Staggering and unsurprising.
Having said that, his contact with the attorneys seems naïve, at best. And surprising, as he should have known the best result was no response, and the worst was setting himself up.
His contact with the sheriff seems naïve also, although maybe there is more information known to him which makes the risk acceptable.
Prayers for his well-being, and hope that Truth will prevail.
So, he was part of knocking over a hornet’s nest?
BOY! And then some!
No wonder his articles made so much sense.
Read the Reply (called a “Thought”) on Moonshine’s site.
“….Ziegler only made the Rosati matter public yesterday.”
Zeigler was an amazingly impressive young man when he made a video a year or so ago, and then he seemed to drop of the radar screen. It would be interesting to see what he made public yesterday about Rosati.
The Clintons started the overt use of murder decades ago. What the Clintons demonstrated was the supreme importance of not getting caught, or getting caught and paying no consequences. If those two skills are mastered, anything could be done, and now is done routinely.
Breathtaking how murder has become normalized. The murderers don’t care how obvious it is, as long as they get away with it. And like the mafia, the murderers sadistically use the obviousness of the murders to spread fear. Do you think anyone crosses the Clintons?
Fantastic read. Intriguing along with a dozen more descriptors. Such evil ongoing. This guy uncovering, exposing. Employer and their lawyers shady and dodging accountability. Avoiding transparency and their direct linkage to RICO activities. AND, so much on a National scale.
I so much would enjoy and soak up one of his 200 slide, 2-3 hour presentations.
IF some how it could ALL go viral. Yea, I am both simplistic AND naive.
As a side note, he hit this lightly. But THIS IS a BFD, IMO.
Excellent opener highlighting the difference between America and the rest of the world, and also how our enumerated rights are being infringed upon. We’d better defend our rights now, before more damage is done.
The point about conformity and morality is profound. The true and right things are the hardest to maintain.
This is outstanding. Thank you.
YW. It’s nice to have concise info covering so many topics in one place.
yes. very.
Grrr, tried to archive that at ( ) and got this message…
Error 503 Service UnavailableService Unavailable
Guru Meditation:XID: 399279614
Varnish cache server
Don’t know what I did wrong but it is an article that’s defiantly worth preserving if anyone knows how.
It is archived on the wayback:
Thank you
But you’ll want your own archive. Way Back deletes stuff all the time.
Superb list. bookmarked. Thank you.
Point 26, about legal indemnity, is ** interesting **, to say the least.
In the U.S. the FDA granted “full approval” to COMIRNATY, the German version of the Pfizer-BioNTech company’s “vaccine.” At the same time, the FDA “extended” the current EUA on the American version of the same “vaccine.” The FDA letter stated that the two “vaccines” are legally separate entities. The “vaccine”, and Pfizer-BioNTech, under the “extended” EUA are not liable for damages that it may cause to a recipient because it’s being used under “emergency” conditions. The “PREP” Act in the U.S. gives legal immunity “until at least 2024.”
But NEITHER is COMIRNATY apparently not liable, even though it was “fully approved.” Why? Because the European Union, under which COMIRNATY was “licensed for use” in 2020, has the same rule — legal immunity until at least 2024. And the maker of COMIRNATY, BioNTech, is the legal partner of PfizerUSA. And EITHER “vaccine” can be used in the United States.
Explanation of the EU legal position:
Couple days ago, Clark County, NV (Vegas), County Commissioners passed a resolution banning, combating Covid misinformation.
In a NV gun blog general sub forum, I posted an image of the resolution, highlighted the LIE. Referenced JFK Jr article, two things the media didn’t tell you about the FDA approval AND FDA thirteen page “approval” letter.
Other than a lost opportunity to share Covid truth, which I have done since Covid arrived, NBFD to me. More time available for sites that allow free speech.
Reality is they have been wanting to ban me for a long time. The steady stream highlight Covid as a manufactured faux crisis, injections harmful, etc. was a massive thorn in their asses. Had been warned upwards of a dozen times to stop bad mouthing (telling the truth), the Covid narrative, injections, etc.
Final thought. It WAS actually FUN telling them the truth complete with links…AND INTENTIONALLY poking the site owner and a couple moderators. Damn liberals hiding behind the second Amendment, that TRASH Free Speech. YEA, go figure.
Good goin’, Kalbo!
You just EXPOSED the moral-rot of that councilman, and of the forum itself.
>>”It WAS actually FUN”<<
You were BANNED! Oh noes!
You just earned a worthy stripe – it’s a badge of honor!
How cool is that …
Loved the science experiments! Great cool stuff to get the mind wondering.
Yes, me too! Loved it.
That Nitinol Wire is cool stuff!
And using steel wool as an igniter – awesome!
Me 3!
My take away, putting a leftist hat on, is that the only reason the arrow fell to earth is because the burning steel wool got heavier as it burnt. If burning paper had been used instead, the arrow would have been a threat to the ISS ……
Plus – Don’t burn paper, cause muh globul warming!!!!!
Lara Logan: Bioweapons intel says border-swarm is typical of how enemy would disburse a ‘virus bomb’ (
There is video at the link of Lara Logan, which is pretty good.
“[T]his administration knew that was happening long before it got to this point. They know the people are disbursing now. There’s hundreds of Haitians that have run away from under the Del Rio Bridge and disappeared into the countryside,” she said.
And this, the award-winning journalist added, is a recipe for more COVID spikes — some of them perhaps even maliciously engineered by bad actors.
“They know also that everywhere that there’s been a mass migration of illegal immigrants, there’s been a spike in COVID cases in this country,” she said.
“Bioweapons specialists and intel agents say that is typical of how you disburse a virus, if you did something like a virus bomb or a virus attack in your own country or another country. Those are questions that we don’t get a chance to ask,” she added.
………………..More at link.
There is also a video of “Tommy’s Garage”…which is a hoot.
Ack…I tried to post that Tommy’s Garage video, but alas, it didn’t work.
Link to video:
Got it added – see above!
Thanks, boss!

I have never seen the Tommy’s Garage videos before.
The compilation of all that “Fuck Joe Biden” footage is great!
[They] are trying really hard to hide all of that and pretend that it’s not happening.
America’s shadow government has been outed. Where that goes from here remains to be seen.
United Airlines Employees File Lawsuit Against Company Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate (

United Airlines employees filed a lawsuit against the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, coming weeks after the firm announced that they would have to get the shot by Sept. 27.
Six employees said United Airlines failed to provide accommodation for individuals who choose not to get vaccinated.
“We filed this lawsuit to protect the rights of honest, hardworking United Airlines employees who have religious or medical reasons not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. United has refused to grant any accommodations and these employees are scared by United’s draconian mandate that forces them to either get the vaccine or lose their job. That’s unacceptable in America,” Mark Paoletta, a partner at Schaerr-Jaffe representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement, according to Fox Business.
United said in a memo obtained by The Epoch Times earlier this month that employees—with a religious or medical vaccine exemption—who regularly come into contact with passengers will face indefinite unpaid leave starting Oct. 2 and will not be allowed back on the job until the pandemic recedes. The company also said it will place other employees who don’t come into contact with passengers, including baggage handlers, on unpaid leave until it can find a way to routinely test them for COVID-19 and mask-wearing.
………………………More at link.
Finally. It hits the news.
May God grant this utterly destroys the careers of all the left wing mgmt of United, especially the psychopath CEO Scott Kirby.
This is a blatant, bold-faced LIE….
“About” 97%???
They’re gonna cite a specific number like 97%, but say it’s “about 97%”?
They can’t even lie well, the bastards.
And btw, may it also destroy ALPA senior mgmt, too, who have refused to stand for the rights of our union members in this fight, regardless of employer.
ALPA should be screaming about this.
I mean…”unpaid leave”? HELLO?
ALPA is ruled with an iron fist by deeply corrupt, hard-core democrats. So is the FA union…the AFA.
Religious exemptions mean nothing to such people, much less Constitutional rights.
This is all about politics, and they are behaving politically.
Used to do HVAC work in their D.C. building years ago. Media Matters was also in that building back then,(but no longer). Fun fact…
That “97%” figure was all over the radio news reports last night — I heard it on 77WABC, 710WOR, 840WHAS, WSB.
“Buyers Regret” finally being officially acknowledged? Or is it more accurate to say that the dam is about to burst?
When Sam Harris apologizes for his role in endorsing Biden, then it points to a potential dam burst.
Karl Rove and Kate Hutchinson to participate as well.
Perfect opportunity to start a new mantra or two and show up at the fundraiser:
Fuck George Bush!
Fuck Liz Cheney!
Apologize for the language.
They need more that 2 FUCKS and those by well hung elephants.
After all they CLAIM to be Rebooblicans.
RINO coward.
Excellent interview with Allen West, he has a FANTASTIC PLAN!!!…..starts 17:40.
Thanks DePat.
Good to see those readings, dedicated to the Feast of Tabernacles, which is the current appointed Festival.
Biden declared global war yesterday.
The question is will other nations actually take the shots.
Oh, and I saw a stat yesterday that quite a few members of Congress are vested in Pfizer. I’ll have to chase that down.
“Joe Biden at the United Nations: What could be worse?” Greg Kelly highlights the president’s most notable U.N. address lines from Tuesday. – via Greg Kelly Reports, weekdays at 7PM ET on Newsmax
Toxic masculinity is awesome… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
Rugby star Nick Honey Badger Cummins saves sheep stuck in a fence.
Oh, that was great!
At least the goat said thaaaaaank you.
A sheep is not a goat.
Looks like a Jacob. They are not very big. (I had some.)
Just try getting a GOAT out of a Fence. They DO NOT QUIT FIGHTING! BTDT too many times to count.
The barbed wire is the real PITB. We do not use it and are going to a smaller ‘hole’ fence wire. (No Climb Horse fence)
For Wolf — dancing cars in 1975…..
Took ’em a couple more years to go fully airborne, but it was there.
Very cool!
The Half Twitt from the FDA thinks only “un-educated” don’t want the clot shot. There are actually more Ph d’s and other Professional, who are even more hesitant.
Maybe this has nothing to do with education, but all to do with choosing to use your brain / intuition to inform yourself, or at least be skeptical of what the powers that be want you to believe.
Half Twitt’s like himself use their brain only enough to determine what the dominant view of researcher/influencers is, to go with the flow and be part of the “In” crowd and not to understand the subject. They are also the easiest to scam.
The half-twit from FDA is a fascist androgynous Pat.
Yeah, no.
IDK, many of the people in my circles who leaped before doing any research have multiple degrees. My one brother has three engineering degrees. The other who took it has two, although one is an MBA.
I think the better metric is the people refusing are not brainwashed any longer by the MSM.
Susceptibility to brainwashing does not seem to correlate to education level. If anything, the relatively uneducated (like industrial union workers) seem far more impervious.
The extreme “uneducated” (book-smarts), and the extreme “educated” (book-smarts), BOTH are better at seeing through the lies.
It’s the STREET-SMART who are more impervious – and the extreme “educated” use their book-smarts to catch up, in street-smarts, to those who naturally develop them (the extreme “uneducated” (book-smarts).
It DOES correlate to education-level, in this way. And yet, there are different meanings of “education” – life-education (greatest), and academic-education (lesser, usually).
The knowledge of DOING, and the knowledge of THINKING.
Street-smarts (high EQ) is far better at not being fooled by book-smart (high IQ) trickery … but once one attains (or is blessed with) the highest echelons of book-smarts, one may “cross-over” to attain street-smarts.
This entire pandemic has been predicated on the fallacy of Appeal to Emotion – predominantly FEAR. This includes Appeal to Authority, and other informal / formal fallacies as well (“Do it for OTHERS!”).
Uneducated or non college grad has been the favorite smackdown from all Leftists/Media activists in describing Trump supporters.
I think they want to imply that the uneducated = Conservatives…therefore anti-vax is political and we should be punished
Haitian invaders ‘hijack’ multiple buses… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

DEL RIO, Texas — Haitian migrants in federal custody have “hijacked” multiple buses during transport rides and forced out drivers in incidents that threaten to stop the U.S. government’s immigration enforcement operations, according to three people familiar with the incidents.
“They’ve been basically overpowering the drivers and they’ve actually hijacked a couple of the buses and driven them down the road a little ways and escaped. This happened multiple times,” a senior federal law enforcement official told the Washington Examiner Tuesday evening.
The incidents have occurred aboard the boarded-up school buses and commercial coach buses transporting Haitian migrants from the camp beneath the Del Rio-Ciudad Acuna International Bridge to processing centers across the region, as well as from the processing centers to local airports for deportation flights.
“They’re moving the detainees, but they’re not shackled — they’re not restrained in any way. Yesterday some detainees kicked a window out and 22 escaped,” the same official said.
Who will END THIS FARCE called the “Biden administration”, that is really that SICK FUCK OBAMA running this country into the GROUND for CHINA from the shadows?
Yeah, but Ozero is just another puppet for the evil Cabal masterminds who are ultimately calling the shots.
Ozero is no mastermind.

He wasn’t even a “community organizer”…he was brought in for his talent as an Agitator.
He does what he’s told.
BO has a mediocre intellect. 100% agree, BO does what he is told. He is not smart enough to accomplish anything effectively himself, even subversion.
But he’s very good at implementing their nation-destroying shit.
Maybe this will help tomorrow, at least Madcow thinks it is going to be nuclear:
Pepe Lives Matter
It’s going to go nuclear the day after tomorrow – Rachel Maddow
[video src="" /]
Pepe Lives Matter
Wendy Rogers expects the final audit report to be “dramatic.”
“If criminal wrongdoing is found then that will be referred to the Arizona Attorney General.”
Full video here:
“Who will END THIS FARCE called the “Biden administration”, that is really that SICK FUCK OBAMA running this country into the GROUND for CHINA from the shadows?”
It’s all part of the plan, they can’t tell us, they have to SHOW us.
When the country is all gone, when the cities have been burned to the ground, when the population has been enslaved or killed off, THEN we will get a cryptic message.
And that message is coded, for true believers.
I have my sources.
I’m not supposed to say what the code word IS on public message boards, but I know everyone here will keep it to themselves.
After the country is destroyed, and everyone is dead or enslaved, the white hots will get this code word to the survivors, signalling that help is on the way.
The code word is…

Good to see you’re not losing your sense of humor.
Your posts are generally long and enjoyable, so thanks!
Scott, you are a natural born agitator. If you had lived in the 1770s we would probably see your name scrawled on that document that started a war.
That’s good, I hope!

I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
I strongly suspect that all of our names would have been scrawled on that document. The enemy didn’t give them any other real option back then, and that’s the same reason why we’re all here now.
It’s better that way.
When the only option the enemy offers us is death, then our cause is automatically righteous, and our countrymen are united in heart and spirit
I thought the codeword was “bombshell.” But soon makes much more sense.
Any possibility these assorted “Haitians” regular type border invaders might just be regular or special forces military under cover of … golly gee I jes wan to be free ,, ?
Praying Medic
On leaked audio, Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri said selecting Dominion Voting Systems was a screw up. He admitted to knowing that George Soros owned a voting machine company and said confidence in elections has been destroyed, even among democrats.
He then said former Maricopa Recorder Stephen Richer will “verify everything I’m telling you.”
He admitted that the Board of Supervisors didn’t know whether Dominion Voting Systems could be trusted and said they should not automatically defend the company. He repeatedly suggested their software should not be used in the 2022 midterm elections.
BREAKING – LEAKED AUDIO: Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri Admits: “I DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH DOMINION” – And County Recorder Stephen Richer AGREES! (
Chucri tries CYA before the audit results are released.
Keel haul the evil idiot ..
New Schlichter —
When I read Schlichter’s name I alway think of
Anyone at this time who suggests we should be eating popcorn and drinking beer is deaf and blind.
Nothing wrong with eating popcorn or drinking beer, but not motivated by the purported confusion of the Democrats.
The absurd Narrative that Democrats are in disarray, in panic, falling apart, on the verge of huge electoral losses, etc etc is plausible only to those who do not understand what is happening. Like KS.
This dreary psy-op started with “the Clinton indictments are imminent” in the 90’s. Some mysterious force is going to make things different from the way they always are.
And the psy-op will continue until people like KS quit propagating it, and regard it for the Fake Narrative it is.
I’ve seen some disappointment in the 2nd Veritas video…but I’m not disappointed at all.
I think it does a good job of exposing ‘mister blow darts’ for the sociopathic bureaucrat that he is.
And…this is who we have at the FDA now?
The guy knows what he is saying is wrong!
That’s why he keeps saying…”If you’re an undercover journalist, you can’t quote me.”
But then he keeps saying “blow darts” over and over — even using drones.
And advocates lying to people, telling them it’s just a Vit C shot.
So I’ve gotta say, Well done, James O’Keefe.
Thanks for exposing this creepy govt bureaucrat!
I thought it was pretty revealing as well.
They’ll stop at nothing to shoot us all up, even stuff that sounds ridiculous on the surface.
What do we know about this guy? My bias says gay. OK, discard that. Then I come up with does he really work for FDA? GS what? My best guess is likely GS-5. With grade inflation, maybe GS-7.
What is his position, besides drinking water AND yammer blow dart.
Yes he is a racist and other despicable traits.
For all I know, this dope is an idiot off the street. Nothing professional about him. Mannerisms, language.
Nothing wrong with being a janitor or the mail runner in an organization. But those are the likely positions this dope holds. IMO.
Shallow bigot. Dope is all I got. NOTHING tangible.
Now, IF PV can release part 3 and it links ths fool to something BIG and tangible, then all bets are off.
Well, I can tell you that he has a pretty good education. His LinkedIn profile is down, but I’m tricky and can find some stuff from it anyway.
He got his Masters in Economics at Temple U. from 2019-2021. He graduated from Penn State in 2019 with a Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics Statistics. Before that, he got a Post Master’s Certificate of Quantitative Methods in Applied Economics Economics at Johns Hopkins. In 2015-2016, he lectured four classes of Introductory Economics at Tufts.
That’s as far as I can get since the profile is gone. Lots of education, what a surprise. The university brainwashing program at work.
Thanks. Surprised, but I commonly am with stuff I didn’t know, guesstimate and ultimately learn.
So, now he is on the upper end of the GS scale. Unless he is a contractor. Would really like to learn his position. GUESSING, this will come out soon.
I think we will find out. I couldn’t find anything else. He may be what I call a “chronic academic” without much real-life experience.
Chronic academic, commonly referred to as an educated idjit.
Big deal he has a degree in economics. AOC got a degree in econ and she can’t add 2 + 2.
Seth Keshel
If you had any idea how many people come up to me at events and say they’ve been motivated to get up off the couch and do something, rather than complaining and worrying, you would be amazed.
There is no limit to what we can achieve when we all tap into our God-give potential and live lives not cloaked in the fear that so easily entangles us.
20 year olds, 50 year olds, even a 77 year old this morning – all driving on and LIVING this one life we have on Earth. Nothing can stop you if you have faith that GOD can use the abilities he gave you to bring about change in our world.
Don’t let cynicism and negativity drive you down. General Washington lost and lost and lost and lost, until he won.
Haiti comes to Texas: Unbelievable pictures capture third world conditions in migrant camp under Del Rio bridge
Article proclaims ‘migrants are forced’ to……..blah blah blah. NO, they are not forced, they are CHOOSING to live in squalor under a bridge. They could have not come here!!
It reminds me of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore, or Portland. All the trash reminds me of the aftermath of a march for abortion rights rally. One of the sad realities is that the government wants the American people to become desensitized to such scenes.
Andrew Torba

How the heck do you flip the bottom one?
How do you flip any of them?
Looks like a cook on stovetop then put in oven dish.
Probably…not quite a frittata. No veggies.
Pan lid. Reflects head back to cook the top. Or as you say, OVEN.
I use my cast iron frying pan to cook pork chops that way. Fry for 3 -4 minutes on the stove top and then under the broiler for 3 to 5 minutes. Works very nicely and the seasoning stays on TOP and not IN the pan.
Interesting point, even if nowhere close to all of it has come out.

Hence why the activity around the audits has to be secure and done carefully.
Any business that relies on walk-in customers is insane for turning them away, these days.
There are so many alternatives now…such as this one:
is what they should be worried about.
Yep. Lots of these are popping up.
The corruption is world wide, and, yeah, Wall Street is in at least Brazil’s cross-hairs.
24 States lining up to sue over the Federal Mandate.
Found on Telegram:
over night:

The End
How Can COVID-19 Vaccines Be Considered as “Safe” Given that More People Have Died From Its Adverse Effects than From All Combined Vaccines Over the Last 20 Years?
Funny unusual thing in this video. Notice the two guys heavily cloaked/ casually camo’d up, one leading and the other has his hand on the front leader’s shoulder, acting like he can’t see or something. Follower-guy has small black backpack.
They are going out. They start on the left of the video coming towards the camera, then they turn to their left and exit. The leader is using his hand in a ‘make way’ fashion.
They are the only people that leave.
Why are they leaving? Why are they completely facially covered, with matching caps?
I don’t know if this is related, but remember Pelosi laptop was taken. Anyone remember the video of the guys coming downstairs while everyone else was going up? And now this.
because fauxbidden didnt win and this is the day he was officially inserted by traitors
Training camps.
So they know how to “help” us come to the right end.
screen shot of tweet (which I will not click on)
R-1? Did they run out of Greek letters already?
He needs a pudding cup and a melted cone too.
OMG.Paging Wolfmoon, stat!
Look at this!
“Gilead’s COVID-19 drug Remdesivir reduced serious illness and death by nearly 90% in a new study conducted by the company.Researchers found that if the drug is administered to patients early on when symptoms arise, it decreases their chance of hospitalization by 87%.”
Companies should NOT BE ALLOWED to study their own drugs! No conflict of interest there, right? Billions of dollars in profit is no incentive to lie, right?
Good lord. Remdesivir is NOT a Covid-19 drug, either. It’s a bad drug desperately seeking a disease it’s good for. But it’s dangerous as hell.
Sorta like the Pfizer booster issues uncovered, reported at last week’s hearing for the booster. ALL Pfizer studies / data.
Of course. Fox in the henhouse.
A study….by the company.

They should not be allowed, but it’s been going on for decades.
Things have got to change.
It was probably administered along with Iver/Doxy/zinc …
Interesting thought.
Since I have been studying Ivermectin, I have had this other stuff in the back of my mind I think is related. Ivermectin is a bacteria originally found in SOIL.
Years ago I read about how working in the garden is good for emotional health. But not just in the way of a hobby, it is actually physically beneficial to your brain. There are microbes in the soil that work like antidepressants. They can be breathed in or absorbed through the skin (like ivermectin, right? Absorbed through the skin).
I have to wonder how much we have lost as a species by losing our connection to the Earth. Humans used to live most of their lives outdoors, in contact with soil and plants all the time. What else are we missing? I know that physically humans are generally sicker than ever. Aside from contagious disease, we live much less healthy lives than previous generations. The truth is, if you lived past childhood disease in the past, the life expectancy was as long or longer than today.
Big Pharma and Big Medicine make people sicker. They just do.
Just walking around in the grass is helpful.
Thanks for the reminder. I have to pull weeds this week. The flower beds are a mess.
My garden is currently in full riot. I am harvesting and waiting for a frost, at which point I will clean it all up.
We had rain, and it’s cool, so al that water grass, and the other crap is coming out.
That is always a lot of fun.
You grow potatoes? The fun is getting all the tps together burning them and put potatoes in the to be roasted. That is so good. My father used to do that I loved it.
Just finished reading The New Health Rules by Dr. Frank Lipman. A section says microbes from being outdoors help strengthen our immune system.
Awesome! That’s a good book.
I love walking barefoot real early in the morning, when dew is on the grass, through the grass. Also when the first snow hits walk barefoot through the grass in the snow. I know I am crazy
Never loose the little things to do that gives life and joy to the soul. Never loose the child within no matter how old.
Interesting thoughts and made me think of the NWO vision for the US. Cluster the majority in concrete communities with a patch of grass to “enjoy” nature.
But wait.
You have to share that patch of grass with everyone’s dogs, right?
As the saying goes, “You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die”…
Way back when I were a wee bairn, we used to make mud pies. Sometimes pretended to eat them, and sometimes accidentally ate a wee dram or two of that marvelous clay soil…
And all the other dangerous things we did… and our parents did (though we didn’t find out until later
)… I heard that my Dad rode a bicycle backwards, down a hill, in the snow, and didn’t wipe out… and 40 or so years later was picking cherries from a cherry tree walking on the a garage roof… until he walked off the roof and landed on the (fortunately soft) soil next to the tree… Was too surprised to tell him that he was headed for the edge (because he wouldn’t do a thing like that, would he?) We kids used to climb all over everything, play with most everything, and, for the most part, ended up much the better for it.
Todays helicopter parents, encouraged, indeed compelled by the KARENS and Nancys of the DEMONRATIC departments of the gubmint, are scared to death to let Johnny and Jane play outside on the front porch or in the back yard without being supervised… and forget about ever doing anything the least bit risky.
And what about the gelded chemistry sets and other formerly instructive toys that we used to have? Cr@p, try using a SusieBake Oven with an LED Buld… Susie will be 150 before the batter even sets, erm, dries out…
Here model (and toy) trains are recommended to 14 and older ONLY! (I think the EU was behind that). Talk about killing a hobby dead in its tracks (so to speak)… The years from, say, eight to 14 are the years that kids actually have the time and interest to pursue such things…
We’re raising a generation of ninnies and non-achievers, afraid to do anything other than complain. An article here called them “Generation beleidigt”, the aggrieved (or offended) generation…
(Now the verse from “Oh You Can’t Get To Heaven” is going through my mind: I ain’t a’gonna grieve my Lord no more… )….
I agree completely with everything you said!
I forgot to add the second quote below, which is what I was thinking about when I read your comment. Looking up the text, I found the first quote as well, which could refer to today’s KARENS and naysayers… Teddy Roosevelt had it pegged, there…
1 “The Man in the Arena: Citizenship in a Republic”
Address delivered at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910.
2 “The Strenuous Life”
Hamilton Club, Chicago, April 10, 1899
(from ) via )
I call it wrapped in cotton batting. Not too long ago I made a similar complaint.
A sibling was explaining years ago how their little ones were learning karate moves for confidence and safety.
Like, drop, roll under car to avoid bad man scenarios. Kind of set me back a little, but then I realized it was wisdom.
“I have to wonder how much we have lost as a species by losing our connection to the Earth ”
Very good insight
We are still connected actually one with nature except we do not take time to be aware.
Yes yard work touching the soil breathing in the small of and the breeze of the air is wonderful.
I had a friend who in the spring laid on the earth to revive from a long winter. I gain energy from trees that must be ancestors in the woods.
Some people gain energy Being in big cities my husband does. The more people walking past him. The energy in cities is real. Energy renewing is possible everywhere.
Today I spent time in the garden to thin out my seedlings and have a bowl full of micro greens to be incorporated in tonight’s meal.
Vanderbilt researchers discover ‘ultra-potent’ antibody against all Covid Variants… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
Vanderbilt University Medical Center says technology it developed has led to the discovery of an “ultra-potent” monoclonal antibody against COVID-19 and variants, including delta.
VUMC made the announcement Wednesday, saying the antibody can neutralize against SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19. The research was published in “Cell Reports” earlier this month.
Researchers explain the technology behind the discovery is called LIBRA-seq, or Linking B-cell Receptor to Antigen Specificity through sequencing. It helped speed up the discovery.
“This is one way to proactively build a repertoire of potential therapeutics” against future outbreaks, said Ivelin Georgiev, PhD, director of the Vanderbilt Program in Computational Microbiology and Immunology and associate director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Infection, Immunology and Inflammation. “The pathogens keep evolving, and we’re basically playing catch-up.”
Georgiev says this antibody has “uncommon genetic and structural characteristics” that are different from other antibodies used to treat COVID-19.
LIBRA-seq was developed by 2019 by Ian Setliff, PhD, a former graduate student in Georgiev’s lab who now works in the biotechnology industry, and by Andrea Shiakolas, a current Vanderbilt graduate student.
Try it on people in the hospital and those with cancer first. Severe immunocompromised.
Hello Giloo and Bfly,
Rather like HCQ and Ivermectin, these monoclonal antibodies need to be given early, at the beginning of illness BEFORE any need for hospitalization. People in hospital are there due to damage by Covid to blood vessels, especially lungs, heart, and any organs/ structures weakened by preexisting conditions.
Other genomic companies already have similar Covid destroyers buried in medical trials. Let’s see what Wolf tells us about this Vanderbilt offering.
Best to you all! We are gonna win!
See my response above!
The authors underplay their response.
Note that they were apparently FORCED to make an illogical statement as part of their conclusions, at the end of the paper.
This is backwards reasoning. Vaccine hesitancy and delayed rollout do NOTHING to accelerate evolution. Vaccination itself drives virus evolution for a non-sterilizing vaccine. So what these folks did – probably under pressure to say something about vaccine hesitancy by politically correct editors, was to come back with an even more illogical “PC trump card” – to insert the WHO position that “pobrecito” underserved people are not getting the vaccine fast enough (which was WHO’s way to not push boosters). This is the Titania McGrath tweet of scientific positions on COVID-PC.
But the WINNER that keeps them honest is that they say “virus evolution continues due to various factors, such as….”, which frees them from having actually stated an outright lie, since “such as” “could” be wrong on the specifics mentioned.
I can read these scientific publishers’ minds. LOL. Wickedly stupid.
Big thanks to ya, Wolf. I read the report thru Citizen Free Press. I use them daily for my headline update. Could tell there was some dishonesty in the writing but didn’t know how to parse the info.
The last science class I did well in was organic chemistry, which I liked. I got very frustrated in physics and math tho, so I chucked the whole science thing. Looking back it was because I never had to do homework before. Just listening in class and intuition no longer worked. Anyway I switched to the ‘dismal science’ and English Lit.
You are the Der Voolf and a heckova fine explainer! Steve’s history of physics is a gem! U R appreciated over here.
Those with cancer first??? How about never???
I have cancer and am being treated with an mRNA agent which was developed specifically for certain types of cancer. It was NOT hijacked from failed efforts of two decades earlier, as these ‘vaccines’ are.
I realize this treatment [discussed above] is not one of those ‘vaccines’. I still say leave us cancer patients out of it.
I say that because right to try should be opted first… and usually that involves cancer patients.
You dont have to take anything, but if its limited availability and nothing else has worked, thats when you roll the dice. And, i have worked in a cancer clinic so I do understand how it would be offered, never forced.
I think that’s cancer patients who have no other recourse… or any terminally ill patient who has no other recourse. Not cancer patients who are beating the disease and/or have other options.
And certainly not our Pgroup who is kicking cancer’s ass big time.
Yes it is which is why i said offer it to them first so that they’ll have more time, which is the goal. Cancer patients are priority, or they used to be with limited and/or highly specialized drugs.
Pgroup is doing well it sounds like so if he doesn’t want the option he doesnt have to!
I’m not clear that he understood that it was the monoclonal antibodies you were speaking about, not the shot.
Im not sure. I just have to let some things go. I cant always articulate well and there are sensitivities that are beyond my control anyway. If I were a truly nasty person i wouldnt be here!
This is really good stuff – the results are IMPRESSIVE.
This antibody was discovered from a SURVIVOR.
This shows exactly why natural immunity gives impressive results. It finds solutions like this.
Notice how it beats all these spike variations.
Here is the referenced summary:
Here is the article itself:
Here is a larger combination of the graphics:
I meant to ask for prayers for a friend of my sister and this woman’s husband and son. The husband is at the end of a years-long journey of pancreatic cancer where he was a guinea pig, essentially, for every treatment MD Anderson could try. They do have the money to finance this, and did. (It’s all about wealth transfer.) This week, the husband made the decision to end dialysis. He’s ready. The priest who is the pastor of their parish was to be at their house yesterday to administer Last Rights. This family has been through hell. How my sister’s friend has stayed sane is a mystery, that’s for sure.
Pancreatic cancer is just awful. An actor from sex and the city just died from that too.
My one grandmother died of it, although she went really fast. I’ve known too many. A great aunt, an ex-boss’s wife, a client, a priest who went between the same parishes I do, and more.
And…my mother got a call from a cousin, and the oldest cousin on that side is “on the way out.”
Prayers going up.
Thank you.
So long, Howard…
And so Dr. Howard Zucker believes he’ll avoid any and all responsibility in the New York nursing home COVID deaths.
If the New York State Medical Licensing Board had any guts, Zucker would be stripped of his License to Practice Medicine today.
And, by the way, his law license needs to be revoked, too (he’s also an attorney).
Now THAT makes a lot of sense.

Is this an indicator of how bad it’s going to get for Democrats after 1PM when the Audit results are released tomorrow?
“Sinema Cueing Up To Go Indy.”
No talent chameleon Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona Senator* looking to go independent.
Wonders what Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Manchin will be doing when the theft becomes plain to see? Any chance? Article doesn’t mention them, but those two always seem to be at odds with their party, and respond with more integrity than the normal Demonrat.
*fraudulent winner.
VERY interesting!
“Wonders what Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Manchin will be doing when the theft becomes plain to see?”
Sucking on all ten fingers and desperately holding them up to the wind.
Oh Scott, you make me laugh again!

We’ve to keep a certain perspective on this BS were living through and you always remind us that (well me anyways.)
Two short clips on mRNA jabs and shedding.
This is absolutely huge and proves that the FRAUD extends to the companies.
So every time someone gets jabbed they should be under lock down for at least ten weeks.
Yup. And they used TRUMP for cover. It shows that they actually ABUSED “Warp Speed”. They didn’t use the SAFEST, BEST, and MOST RELIABLY ACCELERATED technology – they shoved their riskiest and most failed tech into the breech as a FAKE HERO.
It was a SET-UP.
A lot of Trump followers fell into the trap of being disillusioned with him.
Real brainiacs. They love to tell us what Trump should or should not do. Have been doing it for years, too…as if they know what he knows, esp. after having actually BEEN a POTUS (unlike the posters).
Normally annoying, always entertaining.
I especially love the “Trump is doomed unless he (fill in the advice)” predictions, like the one posted the other day.
People forget not only was Trump POTUS, but for decades prior, he was in attendance at cocktail parties, and undoubtedly was invited to partake in the Epstein Island activities as well as spirit cooking and whatever other vile activities the other side was into.
He knew far more going into the job than a lot of people recognize.
Now it shows up.
My day in a nutshell.
For some reason my comment didn’t show up, but this is what I wrote on the notifier which suddenly is wonky.
All one needs to do is to couch ones comment with
“IMO, [x]’, or
“I wish he’d [x]”, or
“I think that [x]“, or
“Maybe he could address [x], or
“I hope he’s aware that [x]”, etc.
But instead, opinion / perspective is proffered as FACT.
This vicarious assumption of being one who KNOWS power (when one doesn’t), and KNOWS whats actually going on (when one doesn’t) – or what SHOULD be going on (same) – is all armchair quarterbacking.
IOW, pretense.
Hope you’re well, FG&C!
“So every time someone gets jabbed they should be under lock down for at least ten weeks.”
Make it 50 weeks.
52, just to be safe.
>>”52, just to be safe.”<<
Quarantine the sick – until they’re playing with a FULL DECK!
It’s the “vaccinated” who are dangerous to all – even to themselves.
They gotta “shed” the toxins within them … and only THEN may they shed their tears … FOR OTHERS.
It’s a two-schlep process …
No Passport, No Gas. Slovenia
With the exception of gas stations, it’s the same here in Germany. The regulation is called 3G: geimpft (vaccinated), getestet (tested) and genesen (recovered). Some places are going to 2G or even 1G, i.e. only vaxxed…
TPTB are cruisin’ for a bruisin’ ….. and hoping that most folks here are sheeple. They will find out that their hopes are unfounded…
Should be 4G, they forgot to add gf#ckyourself.
I’m glad to see the people of the home-country of our beloved former(?) FLOTUS rising up in great numbers, in peaceful demonstration against their oppressive regime!
The list of countries whose people are taking direct action is growing day by day.
I’m looking for that proverbial “last straw” to be placed on the camel’s back …
“I’m looking for that proverbial “last straw” to be placed on the camel’s back …”
Let it be like an Anvil.
Yep. Can’t be plastic. Wouldn’t be prudent…
Well, then.

Back into the closet, huh?
And lock the door behind him.
“Blow” darts!
I’ve always thought they were an interesting tool … if you don’t inhale!
Taylor Lee inhaled big time.
That was always Andrew Dice Clay’s solution.
Part of his stand up comedy routine for years, before political correctness eliminated comedy.
One finds it difficult to believe that this little runt was just repeating “office cooler talk” or “low-level brainstorming session breakout talk”.
What’s the matter there, Androgynous Pat?
Dear God!
No wonder so many of the bail. Jeez.
And there are other aspects of the “subjugation” of a local MD / specialist:
Let’s say a specialist working in a hospital is also the director of that specialty’s unit in the hospital. So the specialist now also has to report directly to the medical chief of the hospital — another layer of potential “tank traps” that has to be avoided / negotiated every day.
And, likely, the specialist is a member of a “professional society” — say, a national association of pediatric oncologists. Membership in one of these “professional societies” can be a door to finding a more lucrative job, to having papers peer-reviewed and published, and so forth. This door will quickly close if the member decides to “swim against the current.”
Just ask Dr Flemming. They even went after him with false charges!
THE CASE FORRICHARD M. FLEMING PhD, MD, JDThe high cost of inventing disruptive technology.
Exposing the Bush fraud that is Greg Abbott.
Need some vid from this incident (murder)
Well now…..
Thank you DePat I really appreciate your posts … so here’s a little giggle for you sweetheart ..
… and one for the road ..
Okay ..
“ChinaMart” will be in free-fall soon.
Project Veritas
BREAKING: Rep. Paul Gosar R-AZ Requests Full Investigation into HHS After Project Veritas Exposed Non-Reporting of Adverse COVID Vaccine Effects.

I have a feeling that O’Keefe was recruited to do some of the exposing and when he asked over the weekend if the online community would spread the videos since he expected to be banned everywhere for it, that was part of the mass exposure plan.
And, yes, HHS needs to be investigated with a colonoscopy roto-rooter.
“BREAKING: Rep. Paul Gosar R-AZ Requests Full Investigation into HHS After Project Veritas Exposed Non-Reporting of Adverse COVID Vaccine Effects.”
A full investigation, eh?
Pauly, when was the last time ANY ‘investigation’ resulted in ANY… oh, just forget it, it’s not even worth finishing the rant…

Maybe I figured out why no official met the South Korean President and the remains of our war dead. These soldiers died fighting communism and specifically, China. To honor them would be an insult to China. Since this Administration is bought and paid for by China, they could not dishonor their masters.
S1 Spike Protein Lung Injury & Long Covid / Long Vaccination Symptoms | Musings from the Chiefio (
You, In Fact, Have ALL The Power. Use It in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Study on the negative effects of masks.
In this paper, we refer to the psychological and physical deterioration as well as multiple symptoms described because of their consistent, recurrent and uniform presentation from different disciplines as a Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES).
DEMOCRATS – the cure that’s worse than the disease. ALWAYS.
Posted this to fakebook and was banned for three days. Violated their “may cause harm” guidelines. So strange.
It’s all BACKWARDS, isn’t it?
Zuckerberg is going to prison.
Pepe Lives Matter
Based Brazilian President refused to get vaccinated in order to go to UN meeting.
[video src="" /]
Q anon76
#BREAKING: Supreme Court of New York has dismissed the Dominion case against Rudy Giuliani. Patriots get a win!
[video src="" /]
Legit cash or not, Feds will find a crime to charge you with
They’re just EVIL.
Read that whole thread. Theft and they know it.
Look at the section under Remdesivir, it’s Ivermectin. from July 8, 2021.
Table: Characteristics of Potential Antiviral Agents | COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines (
I found something even MORE interesting! NIH and Gilead are BLAME-SHIFTING remdesivir renal toxicity to an IV formulation component called SBECD.
First, look in the document you provided.
It is ARCHIVED here:
Now note this stuff. This is LITERALLY CRIMINAL. Look at this extensive implication of the EXCIPIENT as the renal bad guy. This is COVER-UP.
So let’s investigate this excipient. Why is it used everywhere in IV formulations, if it’s associated with renal and liver toxicity?
TITLE: Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Sulfobutylether-β-Cyclodextrin in Patients With Varying Degrees of Renal Impairment
No, no, no, no, no. This is BLAME-SHIFTING.
ZYKLON D is still the MURDERER.
Hahahaha…NYC going to be a lousy place for healthcare
These people are freaking evil.
She could just get people from other states but shes threatening everyone with foreigners. Evil bitch.
Cuomo in a skirt.
Day early.
Without looking at it yet, I’m betting there is a mask angle.
( I got a kick out of it. So Memphis!! )
Could’ve gotten fired over mask or jab ?
Could be. Workers are in short supply right now.
The suicide part is very MK. If he was anti-CCP Chinese, it would be a TWOFER for the bad guys.
Expect there to be plenty of people snapping once they get fired in the “antivax” purge that is coming. Once people get pushed to the end of their limits and have nothing to lose then things are going to get crazy.
Gabby Petito story now at audit-swamping levels for the LOFOs.
Hearing he was a sushi chef. Before I retired from my retirement job (done for the exercise and time out of the house) several years back, sometimes I’d talk a few times to a sushi chef guy while on a smoke break at our grocery store in Texas. He didn’t speak English well at all. Best I could get out of him was his sushi outfit is a private company contracted to work in the grocery store. Guy was not a citizen. His employer provides his living space in a crowded house. That’s not a problem because he works seven days a week, with most days exceeding 15hrs. Guy never complained. Loved having his job and being in the country. Anyway, a business likely set up as a franchise appears to be an Asian mob thing with something akin to forced labor.
Note. The HEB I worked at no longer has a sushi section. Must of gone away or got kicked out after I left.
Timing on this of course sucks. Smells like DNC/Mob type deception. To easy for them to manipulate people in this situation.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, September 23, 2021
“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”
Deuteronomy 6:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Nanshi’s actors start the grand insurrgency theater
Lots of interesting comments on Twitter about that one.
Looks like a “House of Ill Repute”…
Only thing missing is the congress critters just behind the doors, on barstools. filing their nails and enticing lobbyists and moneyed elites, saying “hey sailor, wanna bill”…..
Could be in Anytown, USA
And gruesome is likely to mandate clot shot for kids 12 n up.
I know..I read that. Sometimes I just close down my head about it all. I feel like we drowning in communism and there’s nothing that is working against it.
Yes. The leaders who should are awol. There are a few in mil speaking up and some politicians. I wonder, where are the wealthy who are patriots? Do they just circle the wagons and forget they could help? Mr gil thinks we will break down and balkanize. We have to have catalyst for that severity.
I told him i will not allow kiddo to get those shots. My red line.
OMG, hilarious!!!
Wait, MTG took Scooby Doo to the floor of the House?

BTW, I saw that movie in a theater.
If anybody says “you can’t go there” to MTG, she just says “hold my energy drink”.
It’s a meme that speaks to ALL – even the youngins!
The power of memes is tremendous to behold – the meaning is conveyed in its near-simplest form, and it’s accessible for everyone to understand – QUICKLY.
Congress has been acting like self-entitles BABIES for far too long – kudos to MTG for treating them that way.
Show and tell for the benefit of the cognitively rigid Lefties.
POTUS 45 Statements
Must-See Photo!
What the heck is going on?
“If science and scientists were real….I mean truly sincere….they would spend 100% of their time trying to prove the existence of God. I mean…c’mon…What is more important than that?”
-Norm McDonald, comic legend and devout Christian
Rand Paul tweeted that everyone should read this thread:
“”Wuhan scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into Chinese bat populations to inoculate them against diseases that could jump to humans, leaked grant proposals dating from 2018 show.”
Good. IMO this is “noble cover” for the diabolical intentional release.
NOBLE CHINA and NOBLE FAUCI trying to protect us, and they had a boo-boo.
More nobbled than noble. In fact, they’re just a bunch of knobs…
Has anybody else been locked out for the last half hour?
I dont think i was. It happens bet 4-5 pm, as well as site down, regularly.
Do they have to go? Piglosi will do anything to ruin everyone. (@disclosetv) Tweeted:
JUST IN – “Jan. 6 committee” issues its first subpoenas for Stephen Bannon, Mark Meadows, Daniel Scavino, Kashyap Patel (NBC)
Remember the dem playbook. “I don’t recall, I don’t recall, I don’t recall”.
Oh, I would love to make that a day Pelosi would rue.
We are back
ht R121
Doctor at New York protest. Good stuff.
^^^ GREAT video, message. Clear, easy message to follow. Spam it out.
^^^ This message needs to resonate across the country.
Excellent! Hah. I love it.
On the Q again
Just can’t wait to get on the Q again
The life I love is jawin’ truth there with my friends
And I can’t wait to get on the Q again
On Qtree again
Goin’ places that I’ve never been
Seein’ things that I may never see again
And I can’t wait to get on the tree again
Dr Jensen has a great message. Discusses natural immunity, injections..
~Three minutes.×564/UyvlUVmdlXheqMUC.mp4?tag=14
Another crystal clear message worth spamming out.
It appears that “deadly” mind viruses can travel anywhere, any time. Has Atlas Shrugged in Chyna …………….?
Them ladies need some sun.
The irony of it all is that probably the RED ChiComs introduced, aided, and abetted the Hippie Movement in the USA and Europe which, IMHO, was a HUGE factor in destroying the morals, work ethic, and faith of that generation, and just about everyone else, Over here, they’re called the 68ers.
Now they’re getting hoist by their own retards…
Yoko Ono, anyone? (more like OH NO!!! )
Lets just keep posting the good news. IVM for the win. Hopefully my supply will make it through customs.
Yeah, Jo Nova had the preamble to this up on her site Sept 17. How long can the lies continue? We are talking about a state of 240 million people….
[…] Treeper barkerjim dropped an interesting document today, from back in July, which showed the NIH mentioning black sheep IVERMECTIN on the same page as […]