Dear KAG: 20210928 Open Thread

Cover image: Wheat Harvest in Salt Lake, 1911, Lorus Bishop Pratt

Part 3 is out:

On Monday morning, while doing the daily “catch up” with all accounts followed by me, this video from the Sunday morning church of the mainstream media kept appearing.

Nunes is anxious for John Durham to get on with it, just as the rest of us are. He’s expecting criminal indictments.

Also from the daily “catch up” on Monday:


A point of order.

There is no “Trump’s CIA” or “Biden’s CIA”.

The Central Intelligence Agency is entirely corrupt and engages in horrific behavior no matter who is in office.

The extracurricular labels are designed to offer cover by means of political loyalty. A ploy meant to keep you focused off the true extent of the horror unfolding.

The CIA plotted to murder an innocent journalist and his family (including his infant children) who was exposing US war crimes. Discussions were had at the very highest levels of multiple administrations, and plans were drawn out for various scenarios.

There are no innocent hands there.
Babylon must fall.

Word is that innocent journalist is Julian Assange. Zero Hedge writes:

A bombshell Yahoo News investigation published Sunday is being called the most important deep-dive exposé in years detailing the lengths the CIA and US national security state went to nab WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange while he was holed up at the Ecuadoran embassy. US officials were even having meetings discussing possible assassination of the man who exposed so many secrets of American military and clandestine actions abroad.

Dozens of US intelligence officials, including many who had served under the Trump administration, are now confirming the CIA considered “options” for kidnapping and/or assassinating Assange and that plans were mulled over at the highest levels of CIA leadership. “More than 30 former U.S. officials — eight of whom described details of the CIA’s proposals to abduct Assange,” are sourced in the report, which further reveals the CIA targeted journalists who worked closely with WikiLeaks, including Glenn Greenwald

WikiLeaks itself had publicized on multiple occasions reports of its legal and media team being victims of “professional operations” by CIA assets, and even provided surveillance footage of a “grab team” at various points camped outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. We also learn that attempts to tie WikiLeaks to the Russian government was part of a CIA propaganda campaign tied to its ‘dirty war’ on the media entity.

Here’s how the lengthy and stunning investigative report begins:

In 2017, as Julian Assange began his fifth year holed up in Ecuador’s embassy in London, the CIA plotted to kidnap the WikiLeaks founder, spurring heated debate among Trump administration officials over the legality and practicality of such an operation.

Some senior officials inside the CIA and the Trump administration even discussed killing Assange, going so far as to request “sketches” or “options” for how to assassinate him. Discussions over kidnapping or killing Assange occurred “at the highest levels” of the Trump administration, said a former senior counterintelligence official. “There seemed to be no boundaries.”

The conversations were part of an unprecedented CIA campaign directed against WikiLeaks and its founder. The agency’s multipronged plans also included extensive spying on WikiLeaks associates, sowing discord among the group’s members, and stealing their electronic devices.

This was during a period of time that then CIA director Mike Pompeo began publicly calling WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service” – which the report says was an attempt to introduce legal justification for targeting its members and close journalist associates.

Pompeo is being blamed by YAHOO. Think about that before taking it at face value.

Let’s see….

That’s more confirmation bias brainwashing, but okay.

And that’s not even the half of what they are up to.

The list is out of what Republicans voted to allow red flag laws.

Here is a list of each Republican Congress member who voted in support of the NDAA with the red flag provision intact:

Rick W. Allen – Georgia

Mark E. Amodei – Nevada

Don Bacon – Nebraska

James R. Baird – Indiana

Troy Balderson – Ohio

Jim Banks – Indiana

Andy Barr – Kentucky

Cliff Bentz – Oregon

Jack Bergman – Michigan

Stephanie I. Bice – Oklahoma

Gus M. Bilirakis – Florida

Mike Bost – Illinois

Kevin Brady – Texas

Vern Buchanan – Florida

Larry Bucshon – Indiana

Ken Calvert – California

Kat Cammack – Florida

Jerry L. Carl – Alabama

Earl L. “Buddy” Carter – Georgia

John R. Carter – Texas

Madison Cawthorn – North Carolina

Liz Cheney – Wyoming

Tom Cole – Oklahoma

Eric A. “Rick” Crawford – Arkansas

Dan Crenshaw – Texas

Rodney Davis – Illinois

Scott DesJarlais – Tennessee

Mario Diaz-Balart – Florida

Neal P. Dunn – Florida

Jake Ellzey – Texas

Pat Fallon – Texas

Randy Feenstra – Iowa

Drew Ferguson IV – Georgia

Scott Fitzgerald – Wisconsin

Brian K. Fitzpatrick – Pennsylvania

Charles J. “Chuck” Fleischmann – Tennessee

Virginia Foxx – North Carolina

Scott Franklin – Florida

Matt Gaetz – Florida

Mike Gallagher – Wisconsin

Andrew R. Garbarino – New York

Bob Gibbs – Ohio

Carlos A. Gimenez – Florida

Tony Gonzales – Texas

Anthony Gonzalez – Ohio

Kay Granger – Texas

Garret Graves – Louisiana

Sam Graves – Missouri

Mark E. Green – Tennessee

Brett Guthrie – Kentucky

Diana Harshbarger – Tennessee

Vicky Hartzler – Missouri

Jaime Herrera Beutler – Washington

French Hill – Arkansas

Ashley Hinson – Iowa

Trey Hollingsworth – Indiana

Richard Hudson – North Carolina

Darrell Issa – California

Ronny Jackson – Texas

Chris Jacobs – New York

Mike Johnson – Louisiana

Bill Johnson – Ohio

Dusty Johnson – South Dakota

David P. Joyce – Ohio

John Joyce – Pennsylvania

John Katko – New York

Fred Keller – Pennsylvania

Trent Kelly – Mississippi

Mike Kelly – Pennsylvania

Young Kim – California

Adam Kinzinger – Illinois

David Kustoff – Tennessee

Darin LaHood – Illinois

Doug Lamborn – Colorado

Robert E. Latta – Ohio

Jake LaTurner – Kansas

Julia Letlow – Louisiana

Billy Long – Missouri

Frank D. Lucas – Oklahoma

Blaine Luetkemeyer – Missouri

Nancy Mace – South Carolina

Nicole Malliotakis – New York

Tracey Mann – Kansas

Kevin McCarthy – California

Michael T. McCaul – Texas

Lisa C. McClain – Michigan

Patrick T. McHenry – North Carolina

David B. McKinley – West Virginia

Peter Meijer – Michigan

Daniel Meuser – Pennsylvania

Carol D. Miller – West Virginia

Mariannette Miller-Meeks – Iowa

John R. Moolenaar – Michigan

Blake D. Moore – Utah

Gregory F. Murphy – North Carolina

Dan Newhouse – Washington

Devin Nunes – California

Jay Obernolte – California

Greg Pence – Indiana

August Pfluger – Texas

Tom Reed – New York

Guy Reschenthaler – Pennsylvania

Cathy McMorris Rodgers – Washington

Harold Rogers – Kentucky

David Rouzer – North Carolina

Maria Elvira Salazar – Florida

Steve Scalise – Louisiana

Austin Scott – Georgia

Michael K. Simpson – Idaho

Adrian Smith – Nebraska

Christopher H. Smith – New Jersey

Victoria Spartz – Indiana

Pete Stauber – Minnesota

Michelle Steel – California

Elise M. Stefanik – New York

Bryan Steil – Wisconsin

Claudia Tenney – New York

Glenn Thompson – Pennsylvania

Michael R. Turner – Ohio

Fred Upton – Michigan

David G. Valadao – California

Jefferson Van Drew – New Jersey

Beth Van Duyne – Texas

Ann Wagner – Missouri

Tim Walberg – Michigan

Jackie Walorski – Indiana

Michael Waltz – Florida

Brad R. Wenstrup – Ohio

Bruce Westerman – Arkansas

Joe Wilson – South Carolina

Robert J. Wittman – Virginia

Steve Womack – Arkansas

Don Young – Alaska

Legislation goes to the Senate to die, so this might be just an exercise, but these people clearly do not care about the Second Amendment. Either that or their staffs didn’t bother to read the bill.

Unfortunately, yes.

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

And now for some mood music:

I still like Kate Smith’s version of this.

As one of my voice teachers put it, she was a megaphone. Pure megaphone.

Your weekly reminder to take the pledge, and if the non-mainstream people are to be believed, including Lin Wood, we will need to take this seriously very soon:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Last week’s message from General Flynn.


Be fearless and don’t wait for the next superstar to stand up and fight back against this health tyranny…each of us has our own inner strength to take the harder right path. In your communities, at your local city council meetings, school board hearings, zoning board meetings, everywhere elected officials reside, we should be in there ensuring they are doing what we the people voted for them to do. Get involved now, no more waiting for someone else to do it…it is our time, our moment in history and our obligation to the next generation and the one after that…Local Action has a National Impact 

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.


Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, allegedly adults:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.



20“Thus says the LORD of hosts: Peoples shall yet come, even the inhabitants of many cities; 21the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, `Let us go at once to entreat the favor of the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts; I am going.’ 22Many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to entreat the favor of the LORD. 23Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from the nations of every tongue shall take hold of the robe of a Jew, saying, `Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.'”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

JP nails it this week.

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An interesting wp blog i just discovered. Ex mil, firearms, and Christian.


^^^ An excellent read. ^^^


Interesting info and wp too makes it an easy follow.


Charlie7 (@AlexandriaJ007) Tweeted:
Eatonville Washington.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. We’re getting ahead of this.

Great evil is coming.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


I think the State of Washington is where the major clampdowns are suppose to start going down. The Deep State / Cabal has likely been doing their research on gun numbers per capita in combination with psych profiles on what state has the most complacent residents, and least likely to resist.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And ChiComs are monitoring from right across the border in Canada.


I think there is a ChiCom timeline that is behind all this fast-tracking of fuckery.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. I think they’re in the driver’s seat.

In fact, I think they made the call on Biden – I think they made the call on Cuomo resigning – I think they make the call on all the big plays.


It had to be this way.

It’s the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, just as was prophesied by the 5th Dimension in 1969…

It was all true…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Right before [drumroll……..] 1971.

Valerie Curren

What’s the significance of 1971?


Nixon started opening relations with China in 1971.

Valerie Curren

OK thanks, didn’t know that…


I think they have been quickmarched out of the shadows.
This was supposed to be a lot more insidious


Hard to imagine it being quickmarched more than what we’re seeing in AU. 😬


“And ChiComs are monitoring from right across the border in Canada.”


And from the Governor’s mansion in Washington.

And from the White House, don’t forget… 👍😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China Joe – on the job!


In the comments, the phone number on the sign goes to WA state dept of corrections…
Saw another twit mention that the state was hiring covid “strike teams.” Thats what AUS does. They use a van of enfircers, round you up and take you to “camp .”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Abuse of government. Fake pandemic. It’s all happening now.


$100 says the goons will be foreign mercenaries dressed in US garb, not US citizens.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That would be very interesting if so.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even if not, it seems like a really excellent way to psychologically transition loyal American prison guards into the “prison-keepers of Deplorables”.

Think about how the Bill Ayers people (SDS, Weathermen, ChiNazis) figured they could get their 10% / 25 Million into camps.

You can’t do it by any obvious way. It has to be slow takeover.

This whole thing is very smart. SNEAKY smart.


Two doors down. NV corrections officer. Hunter. Trapper. Still has a Trump flag flying. Latter quite weathered.

Wonder how he’ll react when this crap comes to NV.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO, he saw Trump much like I did. A way – a LAST CHANCE – to keep at bay that terrible choice of EVIL being in charge of the law and GOOD being targeted, and having to CHOOSE a side. Nominal “good” or real good.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Deplorable Patriot

Even money.


Great post today, DePat!

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you


Not me
im still an unreformed convict


Except if you look closely at the sign, there is no phone number on it.


I was thinking that there must be another sign somewhere. It didnt seem fake at all.


I don’t think it was fake necessarily. But I have to wonder about where it is, which is on the Reservation. Different rules and laws there. And they are OBSESSED with Covid in that tribe.


Hmmm. In new Mexico their guv treated everyone poorly esp the NA. I remember Trump specifically made a point of getting extra care to the reservations. I wonder what really has occurred.


That’s an interesting thought. I wonder, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got it figured out.

First, I think I can see a phone number, after the word “Call” and something else, but I can’t make out the number. But it could be made out with geek software. And that actually EXPLAINS what this is.

It’s a QUARANTINE center for infected prisoners.

Look at this page.

This leads me to believe that they now want to hospitalize COVID patients outside the prisons, and very likely the natives (negotiating with that crazy tribe) are demanding their people be quarantined on THEIR land – which would be a cheaper deal, IMO, so the penal folks would gladly go along with it.

I think this was simply mischaracterized under suspicion – which suspicion I share, because this can easily be FLIPPED IN PURPOSE.

But at the very least, if the COVER IS REALITY, then the COVER is (in the words of Bezmenov) a legitimate operation – quarantining prisoners.

Concerned Virginian

Wolf Moon
Thank you for the information!
So, assuming that Washington State is embarking on a “legitimate operation” of quarantining prisoners — it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to posit that facilities for quarantining PRIVATE citizens is on the radar (per the CDC “Shielding Approach” document).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Build them for “current prisoners”. Use them for “future prisoners”.


I looked hard for a number, but couldn’t make it out. It looked like words to me. Glad you figured it out. What you are saying makes a lot of sense to me. The Natives WOULD most likely demand such a thing.


Ah ok. That does make sense .


Wolf, I did some poking around on this one. Gil mentioned in here that in the comments, someone said the phone number on the sign led to the Dept. of Corrections. Except the is no phone number on the sign.

Also, Nisqually, WA is on an Indian Reservation. Different laws there altogether. Tribal law is separate from local, state, or even federal.

Something about this smells fishy to me.


You would be shocked at the number of ‘compacts’ between WA state and various Indian govts here (we have many of those) that control jurisdictions in cases where they might overlap.


No, it wouldn’t shock me at all. Corruption is rife in Native Government, just like in all the others. We have Tribal governments here, too. 🙂


Just scanning down this page of links on the Nisqually Indian Rez site convinces me, these people are NUTS! Apparently, tribal leadership are far too accustomed to bowing down to government edicts. Unreal.

Concerned Virginian

Looks like the only thing missing is the sign saying “ARBEIT MACHT FREI”

Here’s the template that’s being used to build this “COVID CONCENTRATION CAMP”—
July 26, 2019
“Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings”

This is a MUST-READ document. The tone sounds like something straight out of Nazi Germany.
It is ** interesting ** to note that the document specifically forbids “community celebrations” and religious holidays, including funerals, bereavements, and “other rites of passage.”
This document was produced during the tenure of POTUS45 Donald Trump, behind his back, and under the direction of then-CDC director, DR. ROBERT REDFIELD.

WHERE EXACTLY is the money coming from to build the Washington State COVID CONCENTRATION CAMP? WHO authorized it? WHO are the contractors — the Army Corps of Engineers? NGO contractors?

Is it possible to get this video to James O’Keeffe (Project Veritas)?

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS

Tucker would give it the largest audience. Wonder IF Tucker would touch this. Or it is taboo, as is having Rudy on Faux News for three months.

While PV is good, his audience doesn’t have near the reach.


If it’s a leftie outrage that does NOT involve the stolen election or having to say the actual words “this would not have happened under Trump”, full stop, using Trump’s name and not a euphemism . . . Tucker might create a 4-minute segment and eyeroll about it.

He has the target audience. That’s why he either was permitted to do the Bobulinski mini-series and wasn’t in on the why, or he did it with full knowledge of the why. Fox’s credibility with the base leading into 11/3. What ever was going to happen via cable news on election night, a fluid situation, Fox was going to lead it. Not one of the obvious CCP networks. I believe this (sorry for the cliche) with every fiber . . .

I lean toward TC being aware, he’s simply too sharp to be that naive.

Cuppa Covfefe


What baby-killing Eugenicist, malevolent, miscreant. Malthusian misanthrope has a HUGE biz in Washington state (not sure if he still lives there)?

Anything to kill of millions or billions of “the wrong kind of people” would be just fine for him, and in his Satanic viewpoint, money well-spent…..


Well all these grants, loans, etc for studies arent going nowhere. Budgets for 1000s per hammer or toilet seat….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I got this figured out. See my response to Aubergine.

Concerned Virginian

Eatonville, according to Google Maps, appears to be in quite a rural, “out there” area. Looks like there’s an aviation school and a long landing strip.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a saying that one should eat a live toad first thing every morning, with the thought that the entire rest of the day won’t seem so bad afterward.

The Fiancee got to experience a bit of this at her work today.

She’s working at the VA in Palo Alto, and she greets patients, pulls up records, pages specialists, and the like. As such, she works behind this big counter. There is an employee entrance behind the counter and more offices back there, then there is a patient entrance in front of the counter. She’s been off to Kalispell doing quilting for a couple of weeks, today is her first day back. She comes in VERY EARLY (usually first person there)….

And the employee entrance door is jammed. It’s not like they turned off her key, it’s like deferred maintenance (and small seismic shifts) finally took its toll. It’s deader than a….oh, wait, that’s a door thing too….

So she calls maintenance — “your call is very important to us…..” She calls various forms of management — “will be out until October Fourth”, *voicemail*, *just rings*….until she gets someone. The Fiancee outlines the problem, but the late-20’s “manager” has no useful ideas. The Fiancee suggests that she could enter through the patient side and blithely hop the counter — and the “manager” says this is a fine idea and disconnects.

So the Fiancee, who will be 60 in the very near future, had to clear off the counter and the desk on the other side, lever herself up and over the counter, and dismount into the employee area…..then open and brace the employee door open, then go put the patient area back together, then go and put the desk and counter back together.

It’s certainly more complicated than a simple “Welcome Back” banner, but they really shouldn’t have gone to the trouble.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How much of a geek is your gal? I’m wondering if she could find out how many of her VA folks have died within X days of being vaxxed.


First, she’s drinking the kool-aid — looking forward to getting her third shot. Second, she’s nominally in one department of a massive structure — and her computer access follows. Third, the reason I’m doing the fridge and the sink is that she can’t be bothered with the tech.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotcha X3!!!


Oh no…she’s taken the shots?
 😳  😟 
That’s not good. Poor Coothie.


I realized quickly that the more I tried to talk her out of it, the more virtuous she would see herself for making her own way. And, yes, I’ve been exhibiting peculiar health conditions which may be a result of her shedding virus.

Valerie Curren

Please look into those counteracting the spike regimens & take care of yourself (& her as best as you can) ASAP!!!


That’s probably the reason I haven’t had major sickness yet.

But, yeah — she gets jab #1 and I start getting random subcutaneous bleeds on my right forearm (which I still get). Where the @$%# did that come from?

Occam’s Razor says shed virus / proteins.

Scott was saying something like, “ok, I’m maximally loaded on anti-Covid stuff now, where do I find it in strawberry?” and I’m just about at the same place. I’m fighting off whatever the Fiancee brings home, the only way I could be better prepared is to have natural immunity — which I won’t get unless I actually am exposed to the real disease (if, in fact, there is an such thing).

I am reasonably well-prepared (and with enough stuff for the Fiancee as well, if TPTB send her home to get sicker). It’s just a matter of waiting for this insanity to burn itself out.

Valerie Curren

“waiting for this insanity to burn itself out.” Is that even a viable option now? Insanity/tyranny overdrive globally, grrr (exploding head emoji, if there is such a thing)


I was exposed to someone vaxxed and started to get those sub-cu bleeds, too. I cured it using Star Anise, made into a tea. It’s tasty. You could probably even get your lady to drink it, too based on taste, saying nothing about why.

Take a whole Star Anise (it’s a spice you can find even in a regular grocery) grind it, put it in a tea ball or strainer. Bring water to a boil and pour six ounces or so over the tea ball. Cover the cup and steep for 15-20 minutes. It’s so good I don’t even sweeten it, and I sweeten everything!


Cheap and abundant in the Mexican spice section. Much more expensive in the Gringo section.


Or you can go to your local Chinese food market and find it in plenty.


That’s funny. 😄


Good tip!


I’ve been including a couple of “petals” into my morning tea since you recommended it a while back. It isn’t ground, and I don’t cover it, but it’s on the radar.


You might have to grind it to get to the “goodies.”


How well do you cook and do you cook. Can you slip zyprexa or ivermectin into her food?


There is a plaque above our kitchen door that says, “La Reyna no cocina.” I can cook ok.

That said, I’m quite dubious about secretly dosing her food.


Yeah. Especially if she’s an enthusiastic guinea pig


I would have ended my relationship if my woman did that. You are being somewhat reckless with your own well-being, according to all the info we’ve got on this site.

We’ll all pray for you.


I’m glad someone said it. It’s simply beyond belief.


We all have choices to say yes or no to the vaccine and choices need to be respected. My personal opinion.
God gives us choices.
cthulhu is an adult and know what he is doing. Love will endure many things.
I wish them both well.


I do too. And hopefully he’s on prophylaxis. 👍🏻


You jump on my comment but completely ignore pgroup’s. Curious, but not unexpected.


Consider this an equal-opportunity “jump-on” for Gingersmom’s sake. I’d hate for you to feel left-out.

It is somewhat reckless, and if it were just my house and I’d just started letting her claim one side of the closet, I might give her a toss…..but such are not the circumstances. It sometimes does annoy the $^#@ out of me, however.

Until sanity begins to prevail, we can all use all the prayer we can get.


“First, she’s drinking the kool-aid — looking forward to getting her third shot.”


If the 3rd one doesn’t do the trick, there’s always the 4th…


To be clear, Pfizer douche said to expect an annual.

The conditioned will expect it AND embrace it.

Panda is so proud. 🙂


Third shot? Geez, even with the FDA 16/2 vote? Hope you’re taking the meds (or some concoction) to protect yourself. There’s no way I’d sit in a house, or ride in a car with a vaccinated person. Sorry to be so blunt, I just would not.


It’s whistleblowers as you describe, that we sorely need. From hospitals across the country. That is assuming, they are documenting in patients as vaxxed. They may be hiding, neglecting to document, OR likely intentionally ignoring the data point.


Niece in CA just below San Jose. Late thirties. VERY active and fit. Uber liberal. School teacher. Positive feeling she has been injected. Lining up for a third. Betting she was early on to get injected.

Recently diagnosed with a couple tumors in the brain. Operated and seems to be successfully removed. Another on the brain stem or something like that. Will be dealt with in a couple months. I think it was described in a brief email.

Wondering if the injection had anything to do with her tumors. Can’t really ask if she was injected or when her problems started. I’m pretty well ostracized from most anything in the family. Seems I have a tin foil hat that I won’t let go of. It offends each and every one of them.

These guys drink the koo-aid so much they “sociol distanced” for their annual Christmas picture. Grandma and Granpa in the center. Three offspring family groups, each neatly six feet away in their own little “safety” circles. Each of these fools has a Bachelor’s, a couple Master’s. Educated idjits, as it were.

Concerned Virginian

I’m sorry to hear about your niece. I hope the other operation goes well with no side effects for her.
My opinion: If she got “fully vaccinated” within the last 6 months, the bat neurovirus toxins in the COVID-19 virus (present in the virus “snippet” that’s embedded in the spike protein in the “vaccines”), AND/OR the snake venom protein (original or lab-synthesized) that’s in the “vaccines” — could have either “begot” the tumors in her brain; or, “kicked off” something that induced the tumors to appear (for example, a “family history” of brain tumors that she could have inherited in her DNA).


Thank you for the insights.


Educated, but not educated ENOUGH.

PhD’s are the most vax-hesitant group.


Ask Dr. Ryan Cole, the guy that owns Cole Diagnostics (labs) in Idaho about what he’s seen in cancers since January. Off the charts. His videos have been here frequently.


Yup. I try to watch all the Cole videos posted.

QTree IS a treasure trove of information.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sad story – you have my sympathy.


They are hypnotized according to the guest on Dr Fuellmich.


Ha ha ha! Well, I’m 68 and I could still do that if I had to.  😎 


We could, but we’d do it carefully….because the consequences of dumping our decades of experience on the floor are more long-term and painful than some 20-something doing a faceplant.


“There is a saying that one should eat a live toad first thing every morning, with the thought that the entire rest of the day won’t seem so bad afterward.”


Words to live by.


Unless you are huma abelin or whatever the hildebeast rug munchers name is

Valerie Curren

speechless  ☠  where’s a good puke emoji when you need it???


really bought the barf there didn’t I?

Valerie Curren

LOL, no doubt. “Australia, which is entirely peopled by criminals!” Is that supposed to be a bad thing?




It’s why I read all the news first thing every day 🙂


Like knocking ones head against a wall, so that one may experience the “pleasure” of stopping it???

A false aphorism – words to SUFFER by, IMO.

The whole day could have been GOOD – but instead, one begins it with self-abnegation. Punish oneself, in order to feel “good” afterward?

NOT a good plan, NOR a Godly plan.

An errant perspective, unworthy of endorsement.


I think it was sarcasm.



Now that you mention it, I think you’re right.



The chocolate laxative cake would have been quite sufficient


A few weeks in sane Kalispell. Return to the lunacy of Santa clara, San Jose, Palo Alto…

Guessing a date to move onto NC is reasonable to foresee, soon.


Sadly, she spent too much time in her own little world, quilting….

Deplorable Patriot

You say quilting like that’s a bad thing. I used to love to quilt.


Nothing wrong with quilting, and our walls have multiple beautiful examples (as well as her side of our bed — I use a commercial comforter) — but it would have been a better use of her time to become reacquainted with sanity and freedom, as kalbo suggests.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A FANTASTIC Russell Brand video about FDA medical corruption by being in bed with the companies it is regulating – discussed by Dr. Mercola!




States the obvious. Which fake news will never report.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



From Insty —

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I’m a CPA and worked years in Silicon Valley.

My cousin’s a plumber. He has his own shop in SoCal, employs about 20 people. Used to have his own plane. When I visit, I stay in his RV, that he keeps in his RV barn. He’s getting back into motorcycle racing in his 50s (used to be a champ in his teens).

HVAC contractors in Silicon Valley discovered cleanrooms and never stopped cashing the checks. As a result, they are one of the most Diva trades in the Valley if you’re trying to build anything.

Deplorable Patriot

I have cousins who are iron workers. Believe me, if they didn’t spend so much $$$ on cigarettes and beer, they could have lots of toys.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ugh. Merkel.

A real life Frau Blucher.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Those performances were genius! The mannerisms – perfect.


Timeless and forever.

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is really good.

What he is saying is that in a system that likely had thousands of lines of source code, he was able to embed a SCREEN-ACTIVATED selective vote-flipper that only needed 24 lines of code.


The more lines you have to hide in, likely the smaller you can make the active widget.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are a thousand ways to skin the cat.

Personally, after watching his testimony, and thinking about the problem, I think all voting machines should be destroyed.


Oh, definitely. I’ve been thinking that for a while.

To be useful and free from harm, they must be supervised by someone of equal or greater talent, and unparalleled integrity — and there ain’t nobody in ALL of government who meets those criteria.

At least Afghan-style purple thumbs removes a large part of the talent problem.


And what sort of force will destroy all the voting machines?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Welcome to Arrakis.”


Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot


I’ve been saying that for years. No more voting machines. They are too easy to exploit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The PRINCIPLES which allow hidden manipulation are BAKED IN. The whole idea of machine voting and tabulation was BAD from the beginning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Massive release of investigative journalism on Paul Pelosi, Jr. (Nancy’s son, with the Chinese GF) by Patrick Howley.

Deplorable Patriot


Start of an avalanche?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We can hope so!!!


Just think if they’d managed to have everything “work right” back with the Gerald Ford Swine Flu fiasco….


Voted for red flag law: “Matt Gaetz – Florida”


And there he is, a real beauty…




Along with another ~132 shit head R-Cons.


And Cawthorn. And even Jeff Van Drew. Not Clay Higgins from LA though. We need 50,000 of him right about now. Here he is, from 2016.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Just for completeness’ sake, I had a little post-it of stuff to do today — fill up the car, make sure the mortgage payment for October was ready, go to mini-Wally and get generic Zyrtec and Claritin….I got everything done except for one four-letter item.

That started with “S” and ended with “K”.

The next step on the sink is that there are two plastic wing-nut thingies that hold the faucet onto the sink by screwing onto the water pipes underneath the sink. They are, as may be imagined, totally covered in corrosion and frozen in place. I got my specialty wrench thingie on the cold water one (by feel, while resting my chin on the edge of the sink), got both hands on it, went “OOOMPH!”, and it turned.

It wasn’t “loose-loose”, but it was enough, I could turn it around a couple of times, get it stuck, turn it back a half turn and work it around another couple of times, until I got it off. Hooray!!! So I rested a bit, then got down on the towel I’m kneeling on, stuck my chin on the sink, felt around for the other side, got my wrench thingie in place, got both hands on it, and went “OOOMPH!” — and heard “plink, plink, tap, tap”.

Those were the “wings” of the “wing-nut” part breaking off and hitting the bottom of the cabinet.

That ended any observable forward progress on the sink project for the day. There are still a number of things I can do — remember, the only thing that I should preserve is the sink. Right now, I’m looking into digging THROUGH the faucet from the top. But it will be tomorrow (or, by blog time, later today).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any logic to your choices of generic (I get that part) Zyrtec and Claritin?

I’m still in debate mode about WHICH of the antihistamines to get.


I just got the WallyWorld Equate versions of each. I figured that it’s easier to choose between two things you have while coughing/sneezing than figure out the logistics of getting something.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I was looking at 4 or 5 of them, and only one seemed like I could eliminate it b/c of interaction with magnesium, which I like.


Which one interacts with magnesium?

Interaction as in counter productive, not healthy…?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – decreased effectiveness! I didn’t remember – suspected it was Allegra – and that’s the one!




I have Claritin which I take every day, by prescription (insurance pays). I have terrible allergies that I take several things for.

I bought Zyrtec, figuring IF I get sick, my body has adjusted to the Claritin, so I need to take something else.

I have Benedryl, too. Pretty young kids can take Benedryl in small doses for short periods, and I can add it to my regimen if I am sick. It makes me sleep.

I’m hoping that covers the bases.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like a good plan!!!

Claritin may have already helped save you.


I think it probably did!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dinesh D’Souza takes down the INEQUITY of the left.



Tried to “like” this. But can’t for some reason, not even the upper right flashing lines.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This happens sometimes.


Cargo ships full of shipping containers.

Wow…look at how many there are:


I flew out of LAX yesterday. Dozens upon dozens of loaded cargo ships sitting at anchor off of the port of LA.

These shortages are 100% artificial.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Longshoremen’s union helping Democrats? What is causing it?


I would not be at all surprised to learn that the Biden regime paid the Longshoremen’s union under the table to remain idle and create artificial labor stoppages….right along with the media to not report on it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That sounds very plausible, actually.


That’d be the way to bet.


But what of the owners of the freight on these ships? Are they not out a lot of money? Isn’t there cabal freight on those ships? What of perishable items?

Is this a fauxbiddencabal move to shake a bigger cut from shippers or Xi? We may be just collateral damage.

It doesn’t sound like a power move to make us stop buying stuff, because we keep our money and they have inventory just sit there or incur storage costs.


As I understand it, perishable likely in reefer containers frozen or chill. Chill stuff commonly air freight.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Economic war has casualties.

Deplorable Patriot

Do you see this in any other ports?

I saw a tidbit yesterday that the same thing is happening in New York, but couldn’t find a source article to put it in the body of the thread. Gil reports that there are trains just sitting in the LA area also. LA is one of the four cities in the nation that has all four modes of cross country transport for cargo. Add Memphis, STL and Philly (I think, it’s been ten years since I had to know this stuff) and the ENTIRE country will come to a grinding halt. No rail, and no barges, and it’s done. Trucking can’t get the cargo.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a website that has tons of logistics infos, including shipping, rail, trucking, unions (longshoremen. etc.). They have articles on the various backups, and a menu sidebar on the right where you can look up various ports, etc. I was wondering about the Port of Oakland, which is very important for grain and farm exports, and handles 99% of Northern KA’s shipping traffic.

If KAlifornistan can’t export perishables, they’ve got yet another problem on their hands (and in NewScum’s lap). OTOH, why can’t they sell to the rest of the USA???????

(Almost forgot the link  🙃  )

Deplorable Patriot

Seriously, there are two rail bridges over the Mississippi, not saying where, that if they get dropped into the navigation channel, it takes out the entire river network on the backbone. It would block shipments from New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City and more from moving in the middle.

So far, things in the interior are moving. It’s the coasts that seem to be the issue.


>>”It’s the coasts that seem to be the issue”<<


True on many more levels than just on this one particular instance.

I would say that it’s the BORDERS – the NE coast, the West coast, the Gulf coast, and the mid-West Northern border – where the CB has chosen to attack first.

Coasts = borders.

It matches up well with the Blue State / Red State divide, yes?

Besides, IMO it’s all a **manufactured crisis**, with corp’s / unions / politicos / et al. leveraging their anti-power against our nation, creating a FALSELY-based shortage (though REAL in effect).

Barb Meier

I know where one of the rail bridges over the mississippi river is at and it was there in Mark Twain’s time. One of my uncles worked on that bridge, turning it so barges could pass through and then back so trains could cross.

Barb Meier

Thanks! I bookmarked it.



Deplorable Patriot

Yes, that will be disruptive, but not as badly as reported. Any time there is such and issue, the other rail carriers are pretty good about letting the others use their lines.

Now that we’re down to three major ones, though, and the ownership is incestuous….

Barb Meier

I remember seeing a tracker for airplanes. There seems to be one for ship traffic too…

Barb Meier

It says cruise ships but I am also seeing container ships. Click a ship and it gives a lot of detail in a pop-up window.


Reposting this.

Don’t just scroll on by.

Read this. Some notable names on this list.

As you do, remember….

Democrats learned a long time ago that they can’t reach for the brass ring until a locked door is cracked open. Look at how “don’t ask, don’t tell” morphed into US taxpayers paying for trannies in the military getting sex changes today.

Red Flag laws are the “cracking open of the door” that leads to an abolishment of the 2nd Amendment.



The list is out of what Republicans voted to allow red flag laws.

Here is a list of each Republican Congress member who voted in support of the NDAA with the red flag provision intact:

Rick W. Allen – Georgia

Mark E. Amodei – Nevada

Don Bacon – Nebraska

James R. Baird – Indiana

Troy Balderson – Ohio

Jim Banks – Indiana

Andy Barr – Kentucky

Cliff Bentz – Oregon

Jack Bergman – Michigan

Stephanie I. Bice – Oklahoma

Gus M. Bilirakis – Florida

Mike Bost – Illinois

Kevin Brady – Texas

Vern Buchanan – Florida

Larry Bucshon – Indiana

Ken Calvert – California

Kat Cammack – Florida

Jerry L. Carl – Alabama

Earl L. “Buddy” Carter – Georgia

John R. Carter – Texas

Madison Cawthorn – North Carolina

Liz Cheney – Wyoming

Tom Cole – Oklahoma

Eric A. “Rick” Crawford – Arkansas

Dan Crenshaw – Texas

Rodney Davis – Illinois

Scott DesJarlais – Tennessee

Mario Diaz-Balart – Florida

Neal P. Dunn – Florida

Jake Ellzey – Texas

Pat Fallon – Texas

Randy Feenstra – Iowa

Drew Ferguson IV – Georgia

Scott Fitzgerald – Wisconsin

Brian K. Fitzpatrick – Pennsylvania

Charles J. “Chuck” Fleischmann – Tennessee

Virginia Foxx – North Carolina

Scott Franklin – Florida

Matt Gaetz – Florida

Mike Gallagher – Wisconsin

Andrew R. Garbarino – New York

Bob Gibbs – Ohio

Carlos A. Gimenez – Florida

Tony Gonzales – Texas

Anthony Gonzalez – Ohio

Kay Granger – Texas

Garret Graves – Louisiana

Sam Graves – Missouri

Mark E. Green – Tennessee

Brett Guthrie – Kentucky

Diana Harshbarger – Tennessee

Vicky Hartzler – Missouri

Jaime Herrera Beutler – Washington

French Hill – Arkansas

Ashley Hinson – Iowa

Trey Hollingsworth – Indiana

Richard Hudson – North Carolina

Darrell Issa – California

Ronny Jackson – Texas

Chris Jacobs – New York

Mike Johnson – Louisiana

Bill Johnson – Ohio

Dusty Johnson – South Dakota

David P. Joyce – Ohio

John Joyce – Pennsylvania

John Katko – New York

Fred Keller – Pennsylvania

Trent Kelly – Mississippi

Mike Kelly – Pennsylvania

Young Kim – California

Adam Kinzinger – Illinois

David Kustoff – Tennessee

Darin LaHood – Illinois

Doug Lamborn – Colorado

Robert E. Latta – Ohio

Jake LaTurner – Kansas

Julia Letlow – Louisiana

Billy Long – Missouri

Frank D. Lucas – Oklahoma

Blaine Luetkemeyer – Missouri

Nancy Mace – South Carolina

Nicole Malliotakis – New York

Tracey Mann – Kansas

Kevin McCarthy – California

Michael T. McCaul – Texas

Lisa C. McClain – Michigan

Patrick T. McHenry – North Carolina

David B. McKinley – West Virginia

Peter Meijer – Michigan

Daniel Meuser – Pennsylvania

Carol D. Miller – West Virginia

Mariannette Miller-Meeks – Iowa

John R. Moolenaar – Michigan

Blake D. Moore – Utah

Gregory F. Murphy – North Carolina

Dan Newhouse – Washington

Devin Nunes – California

Jay Obernolte – California

Greg Pence – Indiana

August Pfluger – Texas

Tom Reed – New York

Guy Reschenthaler – Pennsylvania

Cathy McMorris Rodgers – Washington

Harold Rogers – Kentucky

David Rouzer – North Carolina

Maria Elvira Salazar – Florida

Steve Scalise – Louisiana

Austin Scott – Georgia

Michael K. Simpson – Idaho

Adrian Smith – Nebraska

Christopher H. Smith – New Jersey

Victoria Spartz – Indiana

Pete Stauber – Minnesota

Michelle Steel – California

Elise M. Stefanik – New York

Bryan Steil – Wisconsin

Claudia Tenney – New York

Glenn Thompson – Pennsylvania

Michael R. Turner – Ohio

Fred Upton – Michigan

David G. Valadao – California

Jefferson Van Drew – New Jersey

Beth Van Duyne – Texas

Ann Wagner – Missouri

Tim Walberg – Michigan

Jackie Walorski – Indiana

Michael Waltz – Florida

Brad R. Wenstrup – Ohio

Bruce Westerman – Arkansas

Joe Wilson – South Carolina

Robert J. Wittman – Virginia

Steve Womack – Arkansas

Don Young – Alaska


Jim Jordan? No.
Marjorie Taylor Greene? No.
Louie Gohmert? No.
Paul Gozar? No.
Burgess Owens? No.
Pete Sessions? No.
Lee Zeldin? No.



Dan Crenshaw? Yes.
Devin Nunes? Yes.
Matt Gaetz? Yes.

The last two, particularly the last one, are EXTREMELY surprising to me.



Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this was very disappointing. I’m hoping that we get some of these people put on the spot by people like OAN to answer WHY.


Personally, I think it is inexcusable, and Afghanistan is ample justification to vote no.

If Milley keeps his job we know the fix is truly in.


Madison Cawthorn has done a little vid, saying he is NOT betraying the 2nd Amendment.
He does not think this caca will pass out of Committee until the Red Flag pieces are eliminated.
and marxists voted against it.


The excuse of they did not know what was in the bill has been offered as well as they needed to pass the National Defense Authorization Act or it would look bad and it’s just for the military (as if it could not possibly expand past that, not to mention portions of the country could easily slip under martial law with these crazies in charge).

However those kinds of excuses no longer work. We don’t need their bi-partisanship. We don’t need them making deals with the devil. Any one can see this was stupid. Time to make them all suffer.

Valerie Curren

Madison Cawthorn was also a yes 🙁

Deplorable Patriot

I was rather stunned to see Nunes and Gaetz on that list. I do wonder if they are playing a deeper game, but this really does not look good.


No game by me, at any level. It’s a betrayal. Not interested in “looks” if NDAA didn’t get passed on schedule. The inpact of NDAA getting passed on schedule is BS charades mouthed by politicians and fake news. Thirty five years Active and GS, NOTHING ever really changed with NDAA theatrics. NOTHING.

These asshoes ought to try, Do What IS Right. NOT trash our RIGHTS.

The betrayal I have been feeling since 3 November continues, unabated.

I need to explore with GOA and SAF the extent of the military courts ability to order guns confiscated. Any prior military. Retired Enlisted, 20 or 30 years makes a difference. Same with officer retirements.

It is ALL so EVIL.


Ronny Jackson – Texas
^^^ Trump’s personal physician for awhile.

Greg Pence – Indiana
^^^ No surprise. Offspring of traitorous stock.

Didn’t see Boebert (CO?) listed. Positive sign.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, she was not on the list (and yes, she’s in Colorado). But my potted-plant RINO rep was.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My potted plant of a congresspuke is on that list.

As far as i am concerned Boebert is my rep, and f*ck the district map.



Got my tracking number from our friend from overseas.

So far so good. 👍


Likewise, my tracking number showed this morning. Timeline mirroring first order, so far. Wild card is Customs speed, or lack of. ~Fifteen days or so to delivery.


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The Veteran In A New Field



Winslow Homer, American

read the history, here…


smiley, hey, Thanks!!


you’re welcome.


He’s probably trying to find the white rock with his house keys buried under it.


you sound like an accountant.

very dry.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

No explanation given by the censors for this….

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They are the ubermenschen — they need not provide explanations to such as SD!


Pray for Joe Biden.

It is recommended to use Psalm 109:8

(h/t SD)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is wrong to pray for the continuation of tyranny, and it is good to pray for an end to tyranny. I’m OK with this, despite the concerns of the lightweights.

Valerie Curren

For those who don’t automatically know (includes me).

Psalm 109:8
New International Version

May his days be few;
    may another take his place of leadership.

Wasn’t this the verse cited by Jesus’ disciples for replacing Judas…hmmm!


I’d always thought that one should never curse, and only bless – yet there is a type of prayer called “imprecatory prayer”, generally a supplication to afflict destruction on evil / enemies of God.

So I learned something new (always a good thing, IMO)!

I read this discussion of imprecatory prayers:


May God bless Joe Biden with an early retirement, whatever form that may take.


I like that, Aubergine!

Likely one of the BEST ways to use the imprecatory prayer – not for death or destruction or vengeance (that’s the Creator’s purview), but instead for an exit (and let the “how” be up to God).

Well done!


Thanks! I think God always decides. Sometimes His will coincides with what we have asked for. I don’t believe God will do something bad just because we ask Him to. But I think He remembers if we ask, and that’s not good for US.

Valerie Curren

Thanks ES!


A lite look at where all this is heading.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG. Australia. Somebody give those poor people SOME GUNS.

We had a program to give pocket guns to the victims of the Nazis during WWII. Australia should be getting MILLIONS of stamped .45 Derringers right now, to fight off their Nazis.

No violence! Just BACK THE FUCK OFF, NAZI.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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I’m 1/2 minded about that.

They voted to give up their guns, so the H.L. Mencken rules comes into play…

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Good and hard means to a degree that the lesson is genetically engrained into them, permanently….regardless of the passage of time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe true, although I think they beta tested the fake elections.


The tech didn’t exist in 1996.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No particular or any tech implied by my statement, although DRE-type voting machines (including touchscreens) were apparently invented long before that.


They voted to give up their guns…”

Yeah, but was the vote rigged?


Did it matter if it was?

I will never, ever give up my guns, nor will anyone I know. No matter what…

…LEAST of all to our gov’t overlords!!

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Shovel, stash, and shut up.


DS plan: sell arms to the Aussie gov’t. Sell arms to the rebel population. Just like in Iran, afghanistan and coming soon, … America!

Can’t wait to buy some black market toys from our local undercover SeeEyeAay dealer! /s …or not?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Sounds like a plan a ROTHSCHILD would love.


What’s this?


What horse trading looks like.

You get some justice…

Kelly was convicted by a federal jury in Brooklyn, New York on a total of nine counts – one count of racketeering, with 14 underlying acts that included sexual exploitation of a child, kidnapping, bribery, and sex trafficking charges and also faced eight additional counts of violations of the Mann Act, a sex trafficking law, according to CNN

The jury of seven men and five women began deliberating Friday afternoon and announced it verdict at about 3:15 p.m. ET.

Then they sweep it away.
Marketed to kids.

Game Where Players Try to Undress Stepsister Without Waking Her Allegedly Advertised to Children

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Deplorable Patriot

This is the stuff that needs to be magnified to get the normies to wake up.


It Was A Con – White House Has No Idea When, or Even If, OSHA Will Ever Provide Rules to Support Legally Enforceable Worker Vaccine Mandate

by Sundance

On September 9th, Joe Biden made the announcement that all employers with more than 100 workers would be required to enforce a national worker vaccine mandate. The White House stated that OSHA would, “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated.”

However, following the announcement we noted OSHA was not taking any steps needed to engage with business interests to trigger the first-step in the organization of a process to initiate a rule-making process.

I’m only talking about the basic guidance aspect. The labor discussions with internal and external customers of the DoL, OSHA, etc. to set a calendar for how to implement “guidance”, just that part.

There was nothing, and there is nothing.

Finally today, three weeks later, a stenographer for the regime asked the question. Pay close attention to the White House response: [13:45 Prompted] WATCH:

(see link)

As noted in the obtuse response, the White House has no idea what the current plan is for OSHA to create this rule that will require a national mandate for private sector workers. The emphasis is on voluntary compliance as an outcome of the decree that a mandate would be forthcoming.

Folks, this looks like a complete con job, pushed by the Biden administration to provide cover for corporations to create a mandate on their own. Meaning the intent of the announcement was to create momentum for increased vaccinations, while the Biden regime never did or does intend to use OSHA as a national enforcement mechanism.

There are three elements: (1) Federal worker mandate; (2) Federal contractor mandate; and the big controversial one, (3) a national worker mandate for companies with over 100 employees.

Focusing on #3, the big one. The only material from the White House on the BIG CONTROVERSIAL national worker mandate is a small paragraph on the WH COVID PLAN section:


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That’s it folks. Three weeks later, and that’s the sum total of everything about the biggest economic and workforce disruption in the history of the nation. That one paragraph posted on September 10th.

Why is this important?

Well, the U.S. Department of Labor website has ZERO mentions of this national mandate. ZERO, nothing… nada, zilch. [SEE HERE]

Looking at the OSHA COVID information portal, used by employers and legal execs, will show you the exact same result. Nothing. [SEE HERE]

Notice there’s no date for DoL or OSHA delivery of any employer guidance or details. 


Think about this. This is the largest nationwide change to employment eligibility requirement in U.S. history. Nothing else is even close… and yet, if you didn’t watch the Biden announcement or read the media discussion about the Biden announcement, you wouldn’t be able to find a single detail about it – anywhere.

This is not normal; not even close to normal… even for the federal government.

If there was a federal intent to actually force American workers to get forcibly vaccinated as a condition of employment, there would be daily updates from a massive inter-agency network of compliance offices, regulatory agencies and private sector business interests giving updates and briefings. And yes, that pertains only to the anticipated guidance part, not to the actual setting of a deadline and working through the implementation phase of the national mandate.

I’m only talking about the basic guidance aspect. The labor discussions with internal and external customers of the DoL, OSHA, etc. to set a calendar for how to implement “guidance”, just that part.  There’s nothing.

The absence of even a scintilla of material to indicate the White House or any federal agency is organizing an action plan of how to structure the guidance itself is telling. The silence of the machine tells us it is not turned on. The bureaucracy has not been triggered. The machinery of the federal government has not been instructed to begin any process to execute on the instruction that OSHA will, “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated.” Nothing.

The silence is deafening.

It appears the Department of Labor has no intention of ever even triggering the process to get OSHA to begin evaluating how they could even begin to pull this off…. and again, for emphasis, I’m only talking about the tiny step of delivering initial guidance to employers that would indicate to them that OSHA was developing a rule.

There’s no deadline for OSHA to generate the guidance – and there’s certainly no deadline for the OSHA rule itself, which will come as an outcome of that initial guidance part.

Some have speculated that Joe Biden’s big White House announcement was nothing more than a distraction. There’s no way for them to ever get over the hurdles that would come from immediate employer backlash on the federal mandate; and they have no intent on even trying. Meaning, it was all a big distraction -never intended execute- and always intended to clear the national conversation of all Biden-centric controversies and reset the administration.

That speculation looks exactly correct.

If 80 million Americans are unvaxxed, and even if only a quarter of those are Main Street employed, the entire social and economic system would grind to a halt if 20 million heavily productive people quit working for 100+ employee companies and went to work much smaller operations. Remember, this is the workforce that was called “essential workers” last year. They were essential for a reason.

A grocery chain cannot lose 20 essential people per store, + warehouse and distribution, and still function. A WalMart cannot lose 50 essential workers per store, + warehouse and distribution, and still function. A hospital or hotel cannot lose 20 to 50 essential workers per operation and still function.

Ford? GM? Auto-workers in general? Labor Unions? AFSCME? SEIU? Police, Fire, Emergency First Responders? I cannot see a reasonable scenario where the national worker vaccination mandate is even feasible with an eligible 80+ million unvaccinated holding out.

A week after the announcement CTH said, “I would not be surprised to see nothing more ever said about this “National Employment Vaccine Mandate””, and indeed, until today nothing was ever said about it. When questioned today, the White House says that private companies are already moving forward “on their own” without federal rules in place for enforcement.

That now looks like it was the intended plan all along.

comment image.



The Biden regime used “mandated employer vax” to get people to stop talking about Afghanistan, which was KILLING the regime politically on BOTH the left and right, while cynically using the politically aligned leadership of private companies to push it’s COVID agenda for it (which they knew would never pass Constitutional muster).

The good news is, this is going to hang folks like United’s CEO Scott Kirby out to dry when United loses the class action lawsuit brought against it.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Deplorable Patriot

I can see the strategy in using that message to kill the Afghanistan story, but at the same time, ramp up the peer pressure and guilt trips from the people who drink kool-aid. Daily, I’m getting more and more ticked at friends and family who are trying to get the rest of us to submit in order to justify their decisions.


Very short conversation when asked if I’ve been injected or plan to get injected. Don’t really care who I am taking with.


“…friends and family who are trying to get the rest of us to submit in order to justify their decisions.

The old saying, “Misery loves company”?

Deplorable Patriot

Something like that.


Just tell them you are “non-GMO,” and plan to remain so.


Having some familiarity with OSHA, I didn’t get up in arms about this one at all. I knew damned well it was a toothless threat, as are MANY of the “edicts” the moron pResident is mumbling about.


I haven’t come across a SINGLE instance of OSHA requiring employer-testing for either lack of oxygen intake (there IS a standard for that in the workplace), or for too much CO2 intake (same), from mask-wearing.

Despicable – they’ve been MIA during this entire time. If they made a public statement, I haven’t heard it, or heard OF it.

Perhaps they’re a “neutral” agency – that is, protecting FIRST themselves from EITHER extreme policy.

Playing the middle – like Switzerland!

But in war, those who are “neutral” are likely the Enemy in disguise – because it’s a very short step to go from “neutral” to “in league with the Enemy”.

Did you ever see the movie “The Freshman”? Matthew Broderick, with Marlon Brando, as a comedic reprisal of “The Godfather”.

In it, there’s a scene wherein Brando’s character is pushing Broderick’s character to comply with the “job” offer, and is rejecting any waffling from him.

He said – while cracking walnuts in one hand (lol!) – “I wanna hear “yes.””

Fun movie! Watch the trailer, or cue to 0:42 for this one scene …


I loved that movie! Now I want to watch it again. Thanks!


Federal government has united with corporations to work against the American people?
Sue the corporations they will be responsible for every death and injuries.
This needs to be fought.


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The Dark Winter DIE-OFF Begins…



globalists are squeezing the chokepoints of infrastructure that keep us alive..

“Meanwhile, the Evergrande Ponzi scheme in China is already spreading like a contagion to other property developers while non-China bond holders have already been told they will never be paid what they are owed. The contagion will spread through the financial sector…”


The only “die-off” they can anticipate is in the big Dem-run cities, which are THEIR voters.

Country folks can survive. They are much harder to kill.

For example, did you ever notice how you hear about all the suffering and death when there’s a “winter storm” in the East Coast cities, but you never hear a word about such a thing in Montana, where what they call a “winter storm” in Chicago is everyday weather for months at a time?

If Montana gets a “winter storm,” there are sixty mph winds at 30 degrees below zero, without the wind chill factor. And almost nobody ever dies in one.


Nunes is anxious for John Durham to get on with it

A word comes to mind: constipation.





That said, just a reminder…

John Durham is a Special Counsel of the DOJ.


No one inside or outside the US gov’t can interfere with him without legally exposing themselves to prosecution, and the funding of his SC cannot be blocked.

He is politically and judicially untouchable.

Which is an interesting thing to keep in mind.

He “ain’t finished” until HE says he’s finished.


What was it Q said about the first indictment?

I think we may have overlooked something. The first REAL indictment from Durham wasn’t a politician, or a government bureaucrat, or some toady and some department of government…….

….it was a very wel-known, powerful, wealthy, deeply politically connected DC LAWYER.

And Durham is a SC.

Lawyers don’t like prison. And lawyers like to talk. Maybe Michael Sussmann won’t talk, but others closely connected to him might, in exchange for immunity.

How nervous are the folks over at places like and Perkins Coie??

What happens if the elites lose the cover of their high powered legal counsel??

What happens if Durham successfully goes after the lawyers FIRST??

Could a SC destroy an entire legal firm like…say…Perkins Coie?

And what would THAT do to the spines of other DC lawyers/firms?


Have we under-appreciated the Sussman indictment?

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Was the Sussmann indictment a nuclear bomb detonating inside DC, but We the People (outside of DC) simply fail(ed) to recognize it as such??

Peeling the layers of an onion comes to mind, and folks like Sussmann make their living at being impenetrable outer layers of same.

Just thinking out loud.

Deplorable Patriot

I think you have valid points. Insiders in the swamp would know the value of Sussman far more than the rest of us would.


Well, IF your line holds, Durham needs great physical security. Not to mention his inner circle’s security and “investigation / case” information security.

Had given up on Durham. Thankfully, there is reasonable hope Durham may be the “Bull Durham”, many of us thought back in 2020.

We truly need a series of Tsar Bomba’s, in our favor.


They are good thoughts. I am doing my “hide and watch” routine on this guy. He is a ghost, so who knows?

Valerie Curren

Was that a Ronald Reagan cameo around 4 minutes in that Kate Smith video?

Great Post DP–thanks for All you do around here!!! God Bless

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Spent some time observing “communist social media” today.

Trust me – these people (many of whom were once friends of mine) would not only turn us in – they would help load us onto boxcars headed to death camps.

They are exactly like Yuri Bezmenov describes. No amount of facts will change their minds. Orange man bad. Masks good. Vaccine is necessary for everybody. When they get frustrated, it’s “Let them all die!” To that I say YES – PLEASE let us have our ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine so that we can “all die”, thank you kindly, lefties.


they would help load us onto boxcars headed to death camps.

I triple dog dare them to try it. Go on, ya smartasses. Do it!!


Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

They are the “30%” zombies we have all been talking about. Screw them. Most of them will probably be too sick or even dead by spring. They are a non-starter as an enemy of the non-GMOs.


I was thinking that, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just be mindful that DuckDuckGo is increasingly woke on climate stuff, and I suspect that it will be their Achilles heel.


I was using a German IP earlier today and DDG didn’t work just kept timing out, had to change over to Startpage.
Don’t know if that was for every one there or if it was just targeting the exit points.


So many traitors.
but they are all being exposed.
ijust hope they lose everything and end up in a nasty federal pen with a big hairy boyfriend


That’s about 1,000 x’s too generous and forgiving.

Real traitors deserve, and should receive, the death penalty. Period. Especially those at the highest levels.

Not only would that be justice for people with blood on their hands, it would surely act as a deterrence in the future.

And DC is in SORE need of real justice that acts as a future deterrence and warning to any who could/would be tempted to follow in their predecessor’s shoes.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Pulled into a Hoarder Freight today (for a 36042 042021 [which I already own but couldn’t find]) and the store seemed really bare. I wonder how many of those containers offshore LA and Long Beach are bound for HF (their HQ is in Camarillo). Alternatively, how many of their PO’s with the Chinese need to be renegotiated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting times! 😉


New Yorkers doing the F*k Joe Biden chant…but adding DeBlasio to it:

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Looking forward to an opportunity to join in a robust, “Fuck Joe Biden”.

Hmm. How does that get modified when the Hoe ascends to the WH? That could get LOLF. yea, I am like that. 🙂



“Soon the public will wake up to something even more unpleasant & sinister: that the last presidential election was a fraud”

This is good!

Because…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s about time.


Don;t be too excited by the article. I read a while. The guy’s a fucking asshole. And an idiot. He got one line right.


I wonder of the effectiveness as his second line, already debunked misinfo, reads:

“You can judge for yourself by the TV pictures of terrified Hatian refugees on the US-Mex border being horse-whipped by mounted American Rangers”


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Is this what’s next?
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If you haven’t already switched to a Credit Union, this might be a good time.


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Yes, credit unions are superior to banks as i understand it.

BUT, they have the same reporting requirements to the IRS.

CASH, wherever possible, reasonable.


57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations

Deplorable Patriot

Ozzy, do you have a link for this?


Some Italian police decide to stand with protestors.

[video src="" /]


LE live among the folks. They really, really don’t want to turn on the folks with thuggish behavior.

Apparently, in Australia they are importing thugs, dressed as LE. These outsiders can in theory, hide somewhere when off duty. But that only lasts so long, until details leak.

IMO, folks anger will turn against LE wherever they are found. In a very physical way.


How about some cuteness:
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[video src="" /]

[video src="" /]

[video src="" /]

[video src="" /]

[video src="" /]


And…pigeons. They love a freshly washed car.

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so amazing !

 💓  all kiddos !

Deplorable Patriot

Who can argue with puppies.


latest TROPICS

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2 red X areas up there are Inv 90 and Inv 91

Inv 90
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Inv 91
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Hurricane SAM

holding steady at 130 mph
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seems to be tracking slightly east of Bermuda…
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5 am Advisory…NOAA…
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Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2



Now is the time to speak up to save America’s ballot box


From the Red Flag gun grabbing part of the post:

–> Steve Scalise – Louisiana !!!!!!!!!

Are you kidding me?

BTW: Great post, DP !!

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. Sometimes the weekend does yield news that we need.



Amid the onslaught of apparently BAD news, I find it amazing how a li’l injection of *positivity* can dispel those negative vibes!

Like the vid of that yipper chasing the seals off the promontory … or like this:

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Great post DP. Thanks.

Deplorable Patriot

You’re welcome.


So, in case others have not already drawn the direct analogy ….

Is it fair to ask whether COVID is to the medical “establishment” as 9-11 was to the MIC?

Same pattern. Who benefits most? In fact, the lines of evidence this time around are arguably clearer.


Crystal clear.

Deplorable Patriot

Follow the resignations.

Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page

Forwarded from

JUST IN – Dallas Fed President Kaplan to retire early on Oct. 8, citing trading disclosure “distraction”. The announcement came just hours after Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren abruptly decided to retire on Sept. 30.


Yea. saw this yesterday. Wondering what is driving it. AND, how bad will their replacements be.


Interesting thing about this, is he was forced to sell his shares. I’m sure he just shrugged and smiled at that one since the market has pretty much plateaued and is awaiting it’s collapse. Not sure what is fueling the market right now, but a handful of fools, dark money, and automatic investments coming from 401’s?

Deplorable Patriot

IDK if the video is going to come through, but she was on CNN with Jake Tapper back then.

Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page

Forwarded from 

The Paranormies Present


You guys are not gonna believe this one:

CCP agent and vaccine pusher Leana Wen was a crisis actor for the fake Boston Marathon Bombing.

She’s got quite the impressive resume, doesn’t she?

Deplorable Patriot

Right click on the 0:44 link to watch.


Republicans would be wise to make “crisis acting” or “acting for politics” a federal felony with a min. 10 years in prison.


She was a vicious social media pro-vaxer.

Deplorable Patriot

True believer.


Her: “You are unvaccinated. You are selfish.”

Me: You are vaccinated. You are DEAD!”

Deplorable Patriot

I’m trying not to put it that way, but yes.


You are much nicer than me. I accept that. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

She had a rather unpropitious middle (or maiden) name… Croake…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Geert vanden Bossche is correct, it’s the vaxxers who are selfish in reality, but deluded in practice.

I think this is the thing which bothers the virtue-signal leftists the most. They are unable to believe that the vaccines they advocate are very likely hurting humanity.

We did not KNOW the vaccines would fail, but we know it now.

Trump did the right thing. The industry did a mixed bag of right and wrong things. But now we know the truth. Vaccines don’t work – they make the problem worse. They only usher in gene therapy under false pretenses. THAT, they did well.

The vaxxies have no clue that there is no way humanity can vax itself out of COVID-19. China and the Faucists CHANGED THE FUTURE in an irreversible way. We can only vax ourselves into GREATER TROUBLE.

Believe me, if I thought we could vax this stuff away by ANY means, like smallpox, I would argue for it. I would argue in favor of a higher “short term” death count, to rid ourselves of the virus. But the problem is HUGE and there are MULTIPLE absolute blockades to ANYTHING but endemic, evolving, permanently-in-the-biome COVID-19-ish.

This truth must be argued to the 40% who can learn.


Trump: ‘We can’t let the cure be worse than the problem itself’ Said it several times, throughout the shit show.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I would NOT argue for a vaccine to eradicate a virus that is 99.6% survivable for anyone under 70 years old, if it causes death to many younger people to achieve it.

I don’t agree with the idea that we have to live to be 90 whatever the cost. Medicine should not be about prolonging human life no matter what it takes, IMHO.


Speak for yourself, friend.


Notice the sentence starts with “I.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These are tough calls. Here’s an example.

Remove the mRNA long term uncertainty. Assume a sterilizing vaccine with twice the death rate (0.8%) of the virus (0.4%). Depending upon the chances of getting the virus over time, if the virus COULD be eradicated like smallpox, then one year of 0.8% vs. an indeterminate number of years of 0.4% is clearly a winner.

The trouble is, we’re facing nothing like it. We’re facing two long-term futures with the virus. One where we train it to be worse, one where we don’t.


They are tough calls in a normal world. My response is to the current situation, however, not a theoretical. We are currently engaged in warfare with cult members. That is how I feel about it. So, no theoreticals for me. They only cloud the issue with the cultists, and give them wiggle room.

What is wrong with the cultists is fear of death at any age. That is the battle we are in. They don’t believe there is anything beyond now, so they cling hysterically to life.

This is a great article I read this morning about the cult-like aspects of this thing:

What the theoretical instance does is give the vax-mongers an out. And you can’t PROVE the theoretical anyway, because no one can see the future. If the death rate of whatever the virus was is 0.4% this year, there’s no way to know what it will be next year. It’s a guess, always. Because viruses change, therapeutics are discovered, and sometimes illnesses just vanish for long periods (bubonic plague in Europe, for example).

I’ve never been anti-vax. But in the current climate of “science,” which is all about MONEY, I don’t want anything to do with any “vaccine.” It’s all CORRUPT.


I tend to equate using Linux with “Learn to code!” – and there are only so many areas of expertise into which one may devote ones time / effort.

However, I came across this from CMZ and the Anons, for any who are interested in dipping a toe in the water …


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [27.09.21 23:30]

[ Audio file : Jeffrey Peterson – – 2021 09 27 ]

Here is a REPLAY audio recording of tonight’s Telegram voice call for those who were not able to be there live. On the call, we talked about what is being revealed about closed operating systems, and how to liberate yourself from “big tech” abuses by switching your technology to Linux. Then, two of our chat admins, Will Welker and Vasileios Kontodimas answered many of your questions about Linux.

Tonight we also mentioned a big announcement we will make on a live video conference this Wednesday, Sep. 29th, at 8:00pm EST. We reflected on our great Technology chat room, it’s one of a kind, already the biggest and best on Telegram after a few short weeks!

Best wishes to you, Patriots, as you set out to discover the very exciting world of Free and Open Source technology. If you, like many other Americans who love their country, are ready to leave the spying and abuses of the “big tech” Windows/MacOS/Android operating systems, Linux is Digital Freedom!

Follow -> @Jeffrey_Peterson


>> Anon replies with a Q:
Anon has wanted to be on Linux for years, but needs professional software that is only available on the two mainstream OS’s.
Any good solutions to this problem, I’m listening

>> Anon replies with an A

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Part of the problem is that “using Linux” can mean many, many things — and people tend to focus on the things that they have the most problems with….even when those things are not actually Linux at all.

Anyone who has survived Windows XP/Vista/7/8+ shouldn’t have a problem with the overall “look and feel” of Linux — there are versions (“distros”) that are more like XP or 7 than Windows 8, 10, or 11 are. In Linux, the GUI is an “add-on” — if you don’t like the one you see, there are others to choose from.

Furthermore, anyone who hyperventilates at Linux’s “CLI” (AKA “Terminal” AKA “shell”) must have missed all the Windows references to using “Command” from the Windows menu or (more recently) PowerShell. These are clear instances where Microsoft is reaching for the functionality that Linux has always had.

Very often, people will mistake FOSS with Linux. It is true that running Microsoft Office under Linux is non-trivial — although a large part of the difficulties is recognizing the security implications of the methods you may use to do so, and choosing the right method for your circumstance. It is also true that you can do pretty much anything you can do in Microsoft Office in Libre Office (and more besides!); you can do pretty much anything you can do in Photoshop in GIMP; you can do pretty much anything you can do in Adobe Illustrator in Inkscape — and many more applications as well. I should note that Libre Office, GIMP, and Inkscape may also be downloaded and run on Windows and Apples….at no cost. I used Libre Office for years before my cybersecurity incident and subsequent self-defenestration.

If all you are doing is getting and receiving email, browsing, updating spreadsheets, and writing documents, there is little to tell you that you are running Linux at all — except that most Linux installations are immensely proud of themselves and run around putting “Linux-y” touches on everything. You can use the Windows green hill and blue sky wallpaper should you choose, but most put something more Linux-y up instead.

It’s not quite “Learn To Code”, but it’s also boring.

Years ago, the Fiancee and I were on a dive trip to La Parguera, Puerto Rico. After motoring out into the middle of nowhere off the southern coast, we dropped anchor and the divemaster began to give us an overview of the dive. “We’re about sixty feet above a sandy seafloor, there are three parallel reefs running this way (gestures) that top out at about forty feet. We’ll drop down next to one reef, and immediately go between it and its neighbor, then turn around and come back in the other “valley”, then end the dive on the back face of the third reef. Any questions?”

They guy from one of the other couples on board said, “how do you know we’re in exactly the right area — I mean, I assume you triangulated off of landmarks to get to the general vicinity, but how can you tell you’re in the right spot?” I thought this was a very good question, until Efra said, “I looked.”

Immediately, all the paying customers stuck their heads over the edge of the boat and looked….and, sure enough, once your eyes focused beyond the sun-glare and reflections at the surface, you could see all the way down to the white sand beneath, with the darker reefs sticking out of it — you could even see the larger or more colorful fish swim across the sand.

If you “look” at what Apple and Microsoft are doing, all you see is impenetrable murk. You can sail along the surface and get things done, but part of the fun of Linux is being able to dive in. You don’t have to every day, every month, or every year — and there’s generally a way to do anything you need to without diving in….but its often more efficient to do things “from the other side” — and there’s things you just can’t do from inside the boat.


Fun stuff today, DP. Especially JP. Perfect segue into my I Am Retired, On Medicare, and They Think I Am Stupid Because I Am Older story this AM. Bear with me, there’s points that have value in this for a few of you even if it is TL;dr. I don’t want my own blog, just think this may be useful.

As most of our older citizens know, our society now believes you have lost knowledge and wisdom as well as that you cannot learn or change when you are over the age of 65 or so and retired. It’s science.

FWIW that MO works in conjunction with society not accepting God as well as Jesus as their personal Savior. So the less people recognize the need for God in their lives, the more they believe old people are of no value and worse, that they need to be taken out to preserve what little is left for themselves. We all know this on here.

Which leads to yesterday with my spouse (who is actually a real woman formerly know as a wife with me being her husband, which we still say to medical professionals and others to pizz them off) as we did our annual “Wellness” Medicare exams. We do them together in the same room so we can observe the LPN and NP as they go through the routine and, occasionally, mess with them for fun. You may be shocked to know I can draw a clock face with 11:10 hands on it – EVERY EXAM. Year after year – same time used. True. I can also actually remember the three words later in the exam to test the memory. The same three words – EVERY EXAM. True. I simply say, “I sat in my CHAIR and ate a BANANA at SUNRISE – EVERY EXAM. That proves I must have worked at the CDC, right JP? I now know for sure I am a scientist.

It gets better. The NP goes through the personal health checklist that anybody could lie about and nobody but themselves or loved ones would know. Which sort of defeats the value, but so what, we only care about the results of the blood tests. She asks if we had our COVID vaccination. My wife started laughing because she knew where I would go with it. We both said, “No!”, as in AW, H–L, NO. She looked at us like, “Wut?” That was my opening. So I started down the “this stuff is just unproven gene therapy crap” path and she literally started turning red in the face and biting her tongue. So I asked her if she had all day to discuss with a non-medical professional who even knew better than to inject people with a mRNA experimental gene therapy that had not gone through extensive, previously used scientifically proven clinical trials on animals and humans before it was introduced to the public as the savior from a bad cold that could be easily cured at any age with inexpensive therapeutics if addressed promptly? The red face vanished, the blood rushed out of it followed by a I’ve got to get out of here look. My wife then reminded this person that she was one of two NP’s along with the NP’s physician boss and her orthopedic surgeon who had adamantly told my wife not to take the gene therapy “vaccination” six months before due to her many allergies as it could cause a serious reaction. She asked if the NP had forgotten that discussion (which I witnessed because we always go into medical appointments together)? Oopsie! Needless to say the NP chose not to respond. She then asked if we wanted the flu vaccine, which we both took last year about this time. We said “NO!” again. I asked her if she could guarantee to us that it would not actually lower our immunity to make COVID easier to acquire and that the COVID gene therapy would not be in the flu vax as Moderna was introducing. I then said, “There is no flu anymore anyway per the CDC stats.” She said “OK” meekly.

I then told her to note in our files that we occasionally need Z-pacs historically in the fall to recover from sinus/allergy infection related issues and that we want them to prescribe it for us if we need it while on vacation (month of November – told you we were retired) should an illness occur as they have done for us in the past. She reluctantly noted and I told her we would tele-med with them if needed – that we had the “wonderful” Abbott 15 minute COVID self tests to use to make sure it was not that. 😂

The NP was then shocked when I agreed that I wanted the Pneumococcal vaccine that you take once and are done. I looked at her and said, “I’m not who you assumed I am, which is an anti-vaxer, which you should be able to tell from my file. If it is the PPSV23 I am good with it due to my propensity toward lung and bacterial infections of the type that causes Pneumonia. However, my wife is not as she will react negatively as she did with previous vaccine versions.” At this point she is clearly embarrassed and wants out of there. I thanked her for her time and she sent the LPN in to give the shot.

Now, we all know that Big Pharm is evil enough to add COVID related mRNA into the PPSV23. I choose not to believe they have, but don’t know. I just know the real PPSV23 is what I need since as it is a family disorder that caused deaths of two grandmothers and contributed in others in our family boodline. If the bad stuff is in there, eventually it will be of no value since I will not take their COVID jabs to extend the life and do many immune building things to counter it.

We learned from this “exam” that the NP was under orders to push jabs and not therapeutics. Which tells us her job is a bit more important to her than understanding and doing her best for us as people and patients despite us going to this physician office for the past 36 years – about 30 years before she joined them. We will go to our physicians or change next time.

It was a good way to end the exams quickly and get out of there. My wife and I laughed about it the rest of the day. That is also science – how to tag team those who mess with you who look down on you. But in reality, I have to laugh occasionally to let off steam because it really, really pizzes me off.

Have a great day, folks. We will get through this.

Deplorable Patriot

Fantastic rant.

Have more to say about the whole job thing. It’s a psychological feature of American culture. But, have to get to some other stuff here.


WONDERFUL STORY! Thanks for sharing!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is a ground report!!! 😃


Ma! You kicked her into her cage !

Concerned Virginian

Yes! Yes!
Am going to print this out and have it with me.

Brave and Free

EXCELLENT! I which I could remember all that to tell them the next time I may go to the Dr.
Which may be never.


So clever and true and quick. I need you and your wife with me at my next appt, and im younger than you. 😃


Greenie energy leaves Europe in the cold — the freezing cold
Turns out that’s crap. After going green and shutting down its coal, fossil fuel, fracking, and nuclear energy production, and feeling mighty virtuous for doing it, Europe is now going cold — freezing cold. The region faces a very bad winter ahead with energy shortages across the board. Seems green energy can do everything to make a lefty European feel good except produce the actual energy. So, courtesy of the phony prophets of greenie virtue, Europeans are going without, even as Joe Biden is doing his darndest to take America down that cliff

Deplorable Patriot

Sometimes you have to show the people.


Yes we have been to comfortable including myself. One gets used to comfort and plenty but when that fails the rubber hits the road.


“Yes we have been to comfortable including myself.”


Except me, I definitely haven’t been too comfortable… 😂🤣😂

If I had done anything to deserve any of this, it would be a lot easier to take 👍😁


Sorry to hear that. You know the how to get though it and that is something 🙂


We’ll see. Not counting those chickens before they hatch 👍 🤣 😂 🤣


Like your humor. True “never count the chicken before they hatch”. 🙂


But it’s okay to count eggs, right?


I guess so ?


“Sometimes you have to show the people.”


That’s what Johnny always said! 👍😁


The green initiative needs to be stopped in the US. We cannot be without energy proper energy. This country is to large to many different climates to be on the green trajectory.
I can tell everyone I have been in Germany the past 5 years and it was not even the coldest time of the year. November was cold specially in Northern Germany. Cold and damp that goes through your bones. The homes were sparely heated because of high energy cost homes were not heated during the night and low 60 during the day. I do not mind feather beds keeps one warm. They have a small space heater in the bathroom one turns on to take a bath. But the rest of the house was cool mildly to say. Everyone walks around with vests and jackets warm wool sweaters.
So stack up on wool sweaters the one from Ireland , long underwear silk is good and buy a feather quilt you will need it. Drink lots of tea with rum to keep warm 🙂
I have lived that way before when growing up. Soups lots of soup and bake good old fashion east European rye bread to go with the soup 🙂
I have been canning soup to get us through the winter.
I can turn my fireplace back to wood burning if needed.

Happy go lucky

May I ask which soups you can? I would like to do that myself, and I’ve been wondering which would make the best finished product. Do you have a favorite?


Being German I love pea soup, barley, and lintel. I might try goulash and then vegetables.
I make small batches 3 to 4 quart jars a time.
Broth I like to use pint jars.
We used to use water bath before but cannot can soups or meat.
I bought an All American pressure cooker/caner. The smallest size did not feel lugging a heavy pot around 🙂
Like the caner . I like to do new things.
Good luck if you have questions on the how ask. This lady on You Tube is great teaching the how.

Happy go lucky

Thank you, that was fast! I appreciate the recommendations. I was thinking about starting with black bean, but now I will start with pea. I also have the small All American, but because our house gets really hot in the summer I haven’t done a lot of canning, and I recently had an Ah-ha moment…there’s no reason I can’t can in the cooler months (can’t can 😂)


So true cooler months can be beneficial keeps the kitchen warm 🙂
My kitchen is warm also and I bought myself a fan. Making sauerkraut is better in fall summer get to hot.
I like black bean soup you gave me an idea 🙂 Thank you 🙂


My wife and I have a larger sized All American and we use a propane burner outside to can…glass top stove with pulse heat is not good for pressure canning. The burner is

Happy go lucky

What a great idea! thanks 🤩


That is a great idea. I have seen them on You Tube when people canned.
I have a Viking gas stove in the kitchen was well worth it.


I Recommend from the USDA ” Complete Guide to Home Caning”
It is free and can be printed from their site. Though I found it to many pages and ordered the booklet from Amazon for
$ 12.00 . Well worth it and lots of information.

Barb Meier

I suggest NOT trying to can sweet potatoes because my mom (who canned lots of veggies) once tried canning sweet potatoes. A jar exploded and the top part of the jar flipped upside down and stuck in the kitchen ceiling. Dad had to pry the jar top out of the ceiling. Perhaps it was just a bad day for canning or an imperfect jar. My mom was such a great gardener and cook so I choose to believe one should not can sweet potatoes. You’ve been warned… hehe


Interesting. I always understood that there had to be liquid in the glass with solids ? Maybe I am wrong. Glad you shared your moms experience try not to repeat 🙂
Moms are human and not perfect thank God 🙂

Valerie Curren

That scene of canned peaches in Holiday Inn comes to mind 🙂

Can’t find it in a clip, but this is a fun scene & according to Fred Astaire’s daughter he took a shot of whisky or vodka between takes & this is the last take so he really was smashed…

Concerned Virginian

Your experiences and advice are so valuable — so close to real life time frame. Those of us who had parents / grandparents who lived through the Great Depression, and who told us some of their own stories, have some small idea of living with deprivation — but these are memories of we may have heard decades ago.


Yes many people suffered through the depression.
God was good I never felt deprived never felt hungry as a child even though there was little food. The rest of the family suffered were hungry and cold.
I was resourceful shopped for old people and they gave me a butter sandwich. At 8 I worked in potato fields and it was fun and got paid. Somehow God gave me a gift or being happy and satisfied whatever comes my way.

Valerie Curren

This passage surely applies! Talk about a life well lived & well shared!!!

Philippians 4: 10-14
New International Version

10 I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
14 Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.


Thank you for sharing.
All so true and not well understood. One has to live it to understand. 🙂

Valerie Curren

& be empowered by God in that understanding it would seem. Blessings!!!


When I was a kid in the Appalachians, my grandma’s house was only regularly heated in one room, the kitchen/den. There was a heater in the “company room” that was only lit on Sunday. The bedrooms and bathroom were unheated. It sometimes would be in the teens at night when I slept over, and I would sleep with my clothes to keep them warm. Shoes stayed in the den to stay warm. There would be ice on the inside of the bedroom windows. I dressed under the covers, then jumped out and fled to the kitchen for breakfast.

We lived. It was austere, to say the least, but I was happier there than in my parent’s fancy home. My grandma was my savior. I adored her.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aubergine



Wonderful story. Simplicity of life is something to behold.
If it was my choice I would live an simple life in a small cottage but I do not have the luxury . My poor husband would wilt and miserable.


Mine, too!


I’m sure GloBull Warming will offset the cold. It had to be that way. All part of the plan… 👍😂


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Kate Smith in D, nothing like it. 👍🏻

Yet another troubling “vaccine” story. At a family meet-up over the weekend – outdoors at the stadium area location of the most well known Philly sports bar – hubby and myself were the only two non-shot of a group of 13. We knew that already, but what was beyond distressing to me was overhearing that my leftie niece had their two toddlers (2 & almost 4) get the flu shot. The flu shot.

Have young kids been getting seasonal flu shots all along, or is this just part of the new hysteria? I know CVS et al can’t do it under 12.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009


This guy is calm, cool, measured and smart. The smears will start immediately. They’ve already started on the other guy who’s speaking out – Jonathan Isaac/Orlando Magic – highlighting that he didn’t take a knee last year. Good for him.


The smears are a lot easier to take when you’re RIGHT, because you know it’s just a matter of time before everybody knows.

So you can just smile and say “Okay, we’ll see.” 😁

Brave and Free

That’s a great perspective 🤔🤔😁😁


This guy was very good too.


That’s the guy I was talking about, Jonathan Isaac.

Can’t drag a pic, comes up as gibberish.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Even better if he said he’s not taking the Covid not-a-vaxx because these people are liars and this whole thing is a fraud.

I mean, he must be 6’11”, 230Lbs and strong as an ox.

What does he have to fear?

If anybody smears him, all he has to do is grin and say “Say it to my face, little chicken”
😂 🤣 😂


I think he may be onto something…


And suddenly masks are effective on children. Just ask the CDC.
CDC studies confirm mask-wearing in schools reduces spread of COVID-19 (


Bs they do. Every healthcare pro over decades knows thats false.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CDC are liars about so much else. I won’t believe ANY science they control.

Rochelle Alinsky has already overruled FDA’s 16-3 vote AGAINST boosters.


Contains the “studies” they used. Would bet they are compromised. Polite term for full of shit!

Valerie Curren

RochSaul Alinsky 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

I think they got their title wrong. It should be:

CDC studies confirm mask-wearing in schools reduces IQ…..

IIRC Gail posted something on this last week or so…

Deplorable Patriot

Not only that, but the hospital protocols are adding to the total.

Yesterday, not only did my sister’s friend’s husband die, but a member of my parents’ parish who had been in the hospital for over a week. I heard she asked for the Ivermectin protocol and was denied. This woman…we know at least three of her siblings from long ago. A nephew played water polo with one of my brothers.

This is going to be a long winter. I may have to get a second funeral dress.


I fear you will need one. I am telling everyone I know NOT to go to a hospital!


I’m thinking that ivermectin paste could be made into a “massage cream” to take when you visit someone in care. It absorbs through the skin very well.


Oooh, that’s a good thought! I like it. A lot!


It’s going to be awful. My friend who has lived here her whole life knows many people, older, who have been vaxxed and are dying within days or weeks.


We need to hear about this even as it breaks out hearts.


Lots of Texas RINOs there…


Likes his use of “Mr Global” Easier way of saying the Cabal or top echelons of WEF.

Also makes note of something that’s been percolating in the mind for some time, that those talkers and politico’s on our side who have gotten the vaxxx are stymied from seeing the bigger picture, because they stil believe in the vaxxx and are unwilling to look at anything that shatters that belief such as that this is the early phase of a global mass extinction event that we are experiencing. and thus being stymied they are interrupting economic data in the old communist vs. conservative mind frame as a way to explain what’s happening/ When if added the possibility of this being a mass extinction event much of what they witnessing and trying to explain to us would become so much more understandable if they understood the real dangers of the vaxxx.

Example. Look at everything that the left is shoving in all these spending bills, putting us trillions and trillions more in debt than we are now for just one years of spending as they promise everyone the moon, handing out every nonsensical participation prize possible to entice people to keep them in power while social security and Medicare are already bankrupt and not even addressing that, letting inflation loose, jeopardizing the dollar on the world stage, bringing in masses of more people into the country (another Hattian caravan on the way btw), that we have no hope of supporting, while attacking the job producing middle class and much more. What explains that? The answer would be simpler to see if they understood all these promises are being made because none of these promises need be filled if everyone one is gone, and all these goodies are offered to simply buy more time while collapsing us into a Totalitarian state where they can force the worse parts of their sadistic dream of depopulation upon us while protecting themselves.

Whoops.. mentioned this up there so sure enough wasn’t hard to find a link.

Thousands More Haitians Are Heading to the US-Mexico Border

“It’s going to be a hot mess, to put it lightly,” said one expert. “We are talking about at least 20,000 Haitians making their way right now through Central America.”

And remember as with all these illegals coming up through Central America. While we think we have time to do this because they are on foot and the distance is far, somehow they all manage to make the trip in about a week to ten days before they come streaming through because someone is shuttling them by bus, truck and car.

Deplorable Patriot

Not sure if my vitamin D3 info got posted last night when the site was acting up. The recommendation is 5,000 iu’s daily especially the further north you are and if you are not getting about an hour of sunshine.

What I recently found out was to take your D3 in the morning. The D3 will suppress melatonin so if you take it at night it can impact on getting a good night sleep.

Deplorable Patriot

This is a helpful piece of information. Thank you.


D3 melatonin interaction good to know.

IIRC, Aubergine suggests much higher D3 as she is in MT. I don’t recall her amounts. Hopefully she’ll see this and re-post.


Yes, you can mega dose to get your blood levels up. Once you know what those are, 5,000 iu’s is enough for maintenance.

Minimum blood levels should be 50 ng/ml but closer to 70 is better. I have a chart somewhere.


Found it.


Last year I was 34 ng/ml up from 11. I take a good amount now.

Happy go lucky

I used 1000 iu per 25 pounds body weight when I initially gave it to my little boy and cured his asthma (yes, cured).

I can’t put my hands on my file at the moment, and can’t remember where I came up with that figure. I used the TwinLab pill with K2 in it and tangerine flavor, dissolve under the tongue, it’s a good one for kids who don’t like to swallow pills.

Correct about the melatonin. Take D3 when it’s sunny and theoretically you’d be making D from the sun, and melatonin in the evening when your body should be making it, right around sundown I think.

You also need Mg for D to work as well as it can work, along with a gazillion other reasons you need Mg. So eat lots of green things and use Epsom salt baths and/or lotion. Or take a pill. It makes me drowsy so I take it at bedtime.


I take one D3 5000 iu pill with Mg in the evening going to bed and one D3 during the day with avocado.

Concerned Virginian

Just another thought: According to the Harvard Medical School, the Mayo Clinic, etc., it appears that adults need to be cautious about taking more than 5,000IU of vitamin D3 per day. Huge daily doses can create calcium deposits in the blood, negatively affect bone density, kick off heart problems, and so on. The Mayo Clinic appears to recommend getting out in the sun as a substitute for megadoses of D3 when feasible.
(Yours truly, with mild osteoporosis, has to be careful not to megadose D3)

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mayo Clinic are now confirmed LIARS about far too much related to COVID. It is in their financial interest to advise badly on COVID-19 – even better to SELF-DELUDE on things like prevention and mitigation.


I have no more patience with these liars. They, like Fauci, Gilead and LATE REMDESIVIR, must be brought down.

They demand the WE self-censor.


I demand that they SELF-CORRECT before they SIN.

Concerned Virginian

Wolf Moon
So also must Harvard be brought down. And not just because of the medical school. I have other reasons for cheering their destruction on.
OTOH, I still have to be careful about huge doses of D3 due to my own bone issue.


Over the weekend my brother told me that one should take 50,000 I.U. of D3 daily (if they get Covid). I thought that was crazy and dangerous, but yesterday I clicked on a link where Dr. Mercola was talking with Dr. Brownstein about their C.V, protocaol using a nebulizer. The site was from someone named Yager (don’t know if he’s a doctor), and his protocol calls for 50,000 I.U. of D3 and also massive amounts of Melatonin. I’ll post it if I can find it again.
I’m not recommending that amount of D3, but now I’ve heard about it two times.


^^ This was the page where Steven Yager describes the large amount (1,250 mcg of vitamin D3) as well as large amounts of vitamin C and Melatonin, as well as other things.

The video of Drs. Mercola and Brownstein discussing their nebulizer protocol for C.V. can be viewed at the link below.


I saw a doctor from Canada who said” she had covid and took 50,000IU “. She told viewers not to be afraid”, I am not sure if I saw it posted here or saw it on You Tube.
I take cod liver oil.


I was actually prescribed 50,000 i.u once per week years ago when I discovered my numbers were low. I know quite a few women who take 10,000 i.u. daily in winter like I do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was shocked at first, but after reading this, I’m not.


Interesting article. I wonder why the subjects wanted to take statins in the first place, however.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Doctors push that crap like crazy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the commies like “statins” because it looks like “stalins”. 😉


Was just thinking that, too.

I don’t believe anything they say anymore.


I don’t believe anything they say, either. That’s why I blood test yearly. I want to know my actual NUMBERS, not what some “clinic” says.

These are the same asshats who made the food pyramid. You know, the one that matches what you feed hogs to fatten them for slaughter.


If you aren’t testing the active for of 1,25D, that would be wise to do so. It is associated with calcium deposits in the soft tissue (if in breasts, can be mistaken for cancer and lead to unnecessary interventions).

High levels of active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D despite low levels of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D precursor — implications of dysregulated vitamin D for diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease

Publication: Vitamin D: New Research
Authors: Joyce Waterhouse PhD, Trevor Marshall PhD, Belinda Fenter, Meg Mangin, Dr. Greg Blaney
Citation: Waterhouse, J. et al. High levels of active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D despite low levels of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D precursor — implications of dysregulated vitamin D for diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease. Vitamin D: New Research 1-23(2006).
See also: full text available for purchase from Nova Publishersmost/all of chapter available as scanned document at Google Books

AbstractThe active secosteroid hormone 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D (1,25D) often reaches excessive levels in normocalcemic patients suffering from chronic Th1 inflammatory illnesses, including sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is due to unregulated production of 1,25D in the mitochondria of activated macrophages. Phagocytic cells parasitized by cell wall deficient (CWD) L-forms of bacteria drive this dysfunction of vitamin D metabolism. The paracrine levels of 1,25D rise and the level of substrate 25-D falls. If studies measure only the 25D precursor, a low 25D may be misinterpreted as indicating the patient requires vitamin D supplementation. Our data show that active 1,25D hormone may be elevated, even with a low level of 25D substrate because of the inflamed macrophages’ hyperactive conversion to the active hormone. In sarcoidosis, for example, this dysregulated vitamin D conversion can mean that even a moderate intake of vitamin D through ingestion or solar exposure can cause the 1,25D hormone to become high enough to stimulate osteoclastic action, and bone resorption. Data presented here suggest that this extra-renal synthesis of 1,25D is more widespread than previously thought and because it leads to vitamin D hypersensitivity, has important implications for research, diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease. … Further, an increase in 25D levels induced by vitamin D supplementation may lead to long-term disease progression by facilitating proliferation of the intracellular CWD bacterial pathogens.


Good to know. Thank you!

Happy go lucky

I have a thought about that. I speculate that the Ca deposits are from Mg deficiency, if D dispersal in the body uses Mg as I think it does, then doses of D will drive down Mg hence Ca deposits because Ca also needs Mg to go to the right places. Mg deficiency can lead to the same effects as cited in that article irregardless of D dosing. If you don’t have enough Mg to escort the Ca to its destination then the body perceives it as excess Ca and will dump in the blood where it becomes an ingredient in arterial plaque.


Good thoughts!


Thank you good to know.


I take 10,000 i.u. per day in winter, 5000 in summer. We don’t get enough sun exposure any time except maybe July. The sun is too low in the sky. I take a blood test yearly to be sure my numbers are good. They have been great for several years now.


Thanks. That is what i recalled you posting a couple weeks ago.



I’m kind of a broken record about the vitamin D!


Funny not for me 🙂
I take D3 10,000 iu’s. Just had a blood test 20 weeks ago and got a call yesterday telling me everything looks good on my blood work. 🙂
I am trying to find out what my D level need to go past doctor office sometime.


I would love to know how your number looks.


When I find out I let you know.


Rumble — Gen. Milley Wasn’t Just Calling China, He Made Other Compromising Calls
Gen. Milley Wasn’t Just Calling China, He Made Other Compromising Calls (


He needs to hang.
or fall off his stilettos


Do the Mussolini Tango!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prevent violence! WARN THE GUILTY!!!
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It’s a strange way to dance, but historically very popular with the so-called ‘elite’.

Not popular enough, but popular.

Should be making a comeback.

Valerie Curren

strange I was trying to watch the twitter videos on the lava & everything stopped working right. After a re-start the comment containing those tweets has apparently disappeared…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Check page 1. When you restarted you ended up on page 2.

Valerie Curren

I did go through Both pages before writing that comment, but thanks for the tip 🙂

Valerie Curren

So Now I’ve found that at the bottom of page 1–thanks…


comment image?resize=519%2C389&ssl=1

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oooooh, I like that.


Deplorable Patriot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Gateway Pundit is reporting 1,900 instead, but still…

** Update: We now know the actual number was 1,900 votes, not 19,000 from a trusted source.


For our Butterfly … and others of course
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Deplorable Patriot

Every now and then, I see one with this coloring fly through the back yard.


Lucky you!

Valerie Curren

Butterfly House on Mackinac Island:
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I got to visit it 3 times, in conjunction w/ my kids’ Christian School field trips. Hundreds of butterflies in a garden sun-room building. Somewhere there’s a picture of my daughter holding one butterfly on her hand with another on her shoulder or in her hair. Kind of magical!


Check out the butterfly display at Fredrick Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids. Runs all of March and April. I’ve seen it 3-4 times. A good antidote to winter.

(try to ignore the nasty CDC mask warning)

Also, check out the IMAX theater just down the road from Meijer Gardens. A good twofer while in GR.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for the tip. Haven’t been to GR in 20+ years…


Ha ha ha! “Ginger Goebbels”

h/t Marica:


Capitalism is incomprehensible to rabid communists like this lying b****.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ObamaHitler is running GingerGoebbels while CorpseBismarck is brought out for the parades.


Stupid like that doesn’t come natural, she had to learn that somewhere.


Terrific Opening De Pat!!!

Out of the ballpark…

Thanks for focusing on Julian Assange and his plight… which is also… our plight…

Deplorable Patriot



Trump Vows “Swift Return” as Military Completes Election Fraud Investigation

“President Donald J. Trump on Sunday said he would swiftly return to power after learning that the U.S. military was nearing completion on a comprehensive investigation into the illegitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, a probe which–absurd as it sounds—began back on November 3.

“On Sunday afternoon, Trump and his most trustworthy advisors convened a clandestine meeting at his Mar-a-Lago command center, a makeshift bunker and digital metropolis from where the businessman-turned-president has been working alongside military adjuncts to either prove or disprove claims of election fraud. As reported by RRN earlier this year, the military had taken notice of election irregularities during the late-night hours of November 3, as Trump’s commanding lead in battleground states seemed to magically evaporate at 3:00 a.m., after polling stations across the country had closed and it was assumed tallying would resume the following morning.”

Deplorable Patriot

Be careful with RealRawNews. The site disclaimers read like it’s satire.


Yeah, this may be fake. Proceed with caution. What is sad is that if this were real, we wouldn’t hear about it on the MSM, it would only be alternate news covering it.


Did Trump actually say that??


This has been posted before and I suspect satire.


troll level infinity

if only …

let’s not forget, fauxbidden didn’t win

Last edited 3 years ago by Please

““On Sunday afternoon, Trump and his most trustworthy advisors”


Which ‘advisors’, who are they?

He hasn’t had a ‘trustworthy’ one yet, has he?

He should let his supporters vet his advisors and appointments. Crowd-source it over the Interwebs. We couldn’t do worse than he has… you could throw darts at a phonebook and do better… 🤣 😂 🤣

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467
Concerned Virginian

HEADS-UP —- coming to other states —- the IRS, Medicare, health insurance companies are going to start billing the UN-“vaccinated” for their hospital / clinic care if they get sick from the CCP”Fauci-Mengele” virus —- EVEN IF their infection stems from EXPOSURE to a “vaccinated” person, since the “vaccinated” CARRY THE VIRUS and ARE SUPERSPREADERS (according to Dr. Leana Wen on CNN, September 26.)
This is IN ADDITION to Gov. (“It’s OK to kill babies who somehow make it out alive from an abortion procedure in Virginia”) NORTHAM stating that the “unvaccinated are driving the cases in the hospitals”, that they “are selfish”, and that “the unvaccinated need to get their obituaries ready and how they want their families to remember them.”

Northam stated that the unvaccinated are “hurting other people”; that “people’s patience is wearing thin” with people who still refuse to be “vaccinated” [the “patience is wearing thin” meme is DIRECTLY from “President” Biden’s speech]; and “that at some point … [unvaccinated] people will be required to pay some of the costs [of their healthcare if they get the virus].

Northam also stressed that he wants every minor child in Virginia “vaccinated”; and that when the FDA “approves” the “vaccines” for children ages 5 through 12, the state will ready to “work with the schools” to get this done (one can assume this will include “vaccination” WITHOUT parental permission or OVERRIDING religious / health condition applications for exemption.)

Of course, Northam KNOWS that he’s lying through his teeth about what he’s saying. Very likely, he’s been given “talking points” by the CDC / FDA. Also, according to Dr. Wen, Northam is HIMSELF a “superspreader”, since he had COVID, recovered, but STILL went and got “vaccinated.”

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



People should trick him into a meeting of understanding and then demand that he provide them with cheap affordable therapies that include Ivermectin/zinc there by making the unlikelihood of a hospital stay as cheap and affordable as anyone else.


“the unvaccinated need to get their obituaries ready and how they want their families to remember them.””

I guess my grave marker will just say “stubborn”.


Then, there’s the alternative… grave marker that says “stubborn and armed”, surrounded by several that say, “stupid.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Or, like Spike Milligan, “I told you I was ill”….

Another, supposedly an old-time programmer, had “Logged Off”…


“On the whole, I’d rather be in Pittsburgh.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Pittsburgh: Milan, without La Scala…


The original is W. C. Fields. Looking it up now, I see that the city is supposed to be Philadelphia. I had considered the possibility, but didn’t bother to look it up as it would be as funny either way in this context.

They miss out on one of my favorite (and possibly apocryphal) WC Fields quips: “I don’t drink water — fish s**t in it.” This, of course, is even more humorous when one considers that the alcohol in his preferred libations is, essentially, yeast piss.


Sounds like a threat to me.


“the unvaccinated need to get their obituaries ready and how they want their families to remember them.”


Clearly this person has never met a real family before.

If he had, he would know that families remember a lot of things about you, but they won’t remember you by what was written in your obituary… 🤣😂🤣


NO science.

Just skeer tactics.


We will treat at home if anyone in our small circle gets the virus. Hospitals kill with remdesivir.


RIGHT! Good for you!


Well hes a pos on the take racist mengele loving Ocommie ass kissing cretin who deserves righteous retribution for his actions. Go on then Virginia take care of business. But VA is d.c.’s suburbs so youve got a real fight on your hands.

Concerned Virginian

Hannity just stated that Sens. Sinema and Manchin have been “summoned” to the White House for a “meeting” about the bills coming up in the Senate.


You mean the red flag one that Gaetz, Cawthorn and Jeff Van Drew voted for? Couldn’t believe it.

Concerned Virginian

I believe the “meeting” is about the $3.5Trillion “infrastructure bill.”


ok 👍🏻


Nunes, the majority of our so-called conservative TN delegation, etc…too many voted for it and now want to make excuses about it. Remember come primary time!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Gaetz was at his daily hair appointment, never read the bill.

Deplorable Patriot

Meeting, huh.


I guess the meeting will be held in the executive wood shed.

Brave and Free

Tick Tock………
Kinda like when He’s been summoned to the Board Room and been given His talking points.
He’s no different than they are…………
Can’t stand theses fake conservative clowns.


This past Sunday, Carl brought a wonderful Opening, filled with prayers for our Country… including two of his own.

I thought I would bring them here… iirc, we established a Thread, posted on the sidebar? for poems? Perhaps someone would post them there also?

Thy Will Be Done

The winds shriek and howl and the waters churn,
But we don’t listen. Will we ever learn?
This wicked world seeks wealth, fame and power,
But God owns this day, and this is His hour.

Our Father in Heaven, we turn to You,
For only You know just what to do.
You are our Father who always cares,
And we come to You humbly, with our prayers.

We pray for the safety of those in harm’s way,
Hold them in Your hands through all these days.
We pray for the peace of those who now fear,
Hold them in Your arms. Let them know You’re near.

We pray for Your blessings on those who give aid,
Hold them on Your paths, never to stray.
We pray for Your guidance to those who lead,
Hold them to Your will and care for their needs.

We pray for ourselves, to find when we seek,
That our walk with You be humble and meek.
We pray for our country, that all turn to You
For guidance and blessings in all that we do.

Although we pray for our safety today,
We know that Your will is the only Way.
We know that our sin hinders Your peace,
But when Your Truth triumphs, then sin will cease.

And though we are destined for war and strife,
We look to our future, for You are our Life.
Safety and peace: it’s for those we plead,
But when all’s said and done, it’s revival we need.

May we turn to You for our joy and peace,
For in our blessed future, they will never cease.
We’re not of this world, and so we pray
For Your coming quickly. May this be the day.

Until that day when You come in the clouds,
May we turn to You in throngs and crowds;
But no matter what happens, the things to come,
We pray above all that Thy will be done.

~ bakocarl


and this is the second one …………………

Thy Will Be Done

Lord I pray to be led to and by you,
My thoughts, my speech, in all that I do
Make my whole life a reflection of Yours.
Lord, straighten my paths and open my doors.

Let my whole will be under Your care,
Guide all my life and guide me in prayer.
Without Your grace I’d have nothing at all,
Nothing but sin and my own shortfalls.

Guide me, I pray, to be closer to You;
Fill me with blessings, not just a few.
Give me the courage to follow Your way,
And the strength to walk it, each day.

Be here beside me through good times and bad,
Along life’s ways, though happy or sad.
And when my journey is finally done,
Let my last thoughts be “Thy will be done.”

~ bakocarl

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! 😃

Everybody who can post here has the ability and permission to copy their favorites to that sidebar thread, which is HERE:


Thanks Wolfie…


A slip of the lips and the truth comes marching out.


Nanzi very easily could have inserted the asshoe fro the World economic Forum. THAT IS where Build Back better originated. hussein is simply a water Boy for WEF. As is BiteMe.


True. But it’s progress in exposing the nasty control freaks.


Nanzi probably gets her orders from barry on these issues, so that is who is on her mind. She wishes to follow his path.I hope she follows him to the gallows after the trials

Because fauxbidden didnt win and he can barely say 6uild 6ack 6etter

Last edited 3 years ago by Please
Brave and Free

Okay just a thought I’ll drop here. After reading Wolf’s post on antihistamines I got to thinking about myself and the Flu.
Back ground info, I ‘ve had hay fever/allergies since I was a little kid, went through the whole skin test on my back to see what I was allergic to and ended up with shots twice a week for awhile then later on some meds I can’t even remember.
Fast forward to my adult life, I never really got sick and only had the Flu once. My job was in Retail so I was always in the face of the public. But I always took some kind of OTC allergies med. So was that what kept the Flu at bay all those years while everyone around me would get sick and be out of work?
And like Steve or Scott said I had to switch them up because after awhile they would lose their effectiveness.
Also someone was talking about having nosebleeds, well I’ve had that all my life too. Found out about seven years ago I have HHT which causes nosebleeds amongst other problems. So who ever it was may want to check this out.

Deplorable Patriot

A B12 deficiency will cause nosebleeds also.

Found that out the hard way.


Another take away nugget!


‘My Super-Antibodies Can Defeat Any COVID Variant’

On the other end of the line was Dr. Lance Liotta, the George Mason University researcher who was calling to not only tell me that I had unknowingly contracted COVID-19 back in late March, but that I possessed extremely rare “super” antibodies in my blood that had killed the virus and rendered me permanently immune…

These “super” antibodies were so potent that they still killed 90 percent of the virus even after my blood had been diluted 10,000 times. In addition, these life-saving, internal defense mechanisms remain highly concentrated in my blood even now, long after the virus had been completely eradicated.

Pollen was everywhere that time of year as per usual, so I just naturally attributed my sudden nasal issues to that. I loaded up on Benadryl and was feeling 100 percent again by week’s end four days later. There was never as much as a single thought that I had contracted COVID-19.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

Lots of CYA by Milley. Have only listened to a brief clip. Have heard nothing of Id Amin or McKenzie tesimony, beyond they wanted 2,500 troops to remain in Afghanistan. Which BiteMe denies.

Milley absolutely threw Pompeo, Meadows and others under the bus. Some of it not surprising IF true.

Seems like the CYA IS strong.

Standing by BiteMe should be trashed via 25th, impeachment, whatever. Idi Amin, Milley and McKenzie should resign in disgrace. They had to KNOW, not planning NEO, which requires troops is 100% WRONG. They rolled over, rather than take a stand on their Oath..

Sure wish I knew what Trump is thinking this evening. IS Meadows still working directly with Trump?

ht CTH

General Mark Milley Admits Trump Was Being Managed By Administrative State Group Who Run Government, Mike Pompeo and Mark Meadows Assisted

Years of agonizing and frustrating reviews and analysis of the Trump administration activity in real-time are reconciling today. During Senate testimony today before the Armed Services Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Mark Milley, clarified some very painful issues to accept. President Trump was being heavily managed by operatives of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and his inner circle was willfully participating.

More, including video at the link.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

I read it and am wondering the same. There are so many slimy duplicitous traitors with no consequences at all. So what theyre being exposed. Newsom was exposed and surprise won the recall and immediately made vote by mail a permanent law. Gtfo anymore with lawful anything…voting or otherwise. No one with enough rank or authority has enough courage to do what needs to be done. And they threw a good dude in the brig for asking questions.


Y’all believe that about Trump?

Milley is LYING and SD is spreading the garbage!


Has SD posted ANYTHING about the AZ Forensic Audit Report released on Friday YET? askin’ for a friend.


Believe what about Trump?

My points were BiteMe, Idi Amin, Milley and McKenzie gotta go.

The trashing of Pompeo, Meadows and others, a comment. Have heard plenty of rumors they were not truly onboard with Trump 100%. THUS, IF there is any truth about Pompeo and Meadows, it needs to be verified.

AND, how is Trump feeling about all of this with regards to Pompeo, Meadows…

Rather positive, Trump WILL clear the air when he is ready to do so.

When Trump speaks, that WILL be ground truth.


il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) Tweeted:
The Tom Life meme was born today…😂😂😂


Scott “McCarthy was Right about Ds and Liberals” (@ScottC20012) Tweeted:
On cue … The new variant


Impeccable timing. covid positives recently started declining in NV, so, time to whip up some hysteria….GET INJECTED.


And fall cold n flu season will be blamed on…. hmmm?


Thatll be a war in the streets if the do. Wait til you tell all the people in l.a. no anything.

“Los Angeles is considering a sweeping law requiring adult customers to show proof of full vaccination to enter indoor restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, shopping centers, museums, movie theaters and hair and nail salons.

The plan would be one of the strictest vaccine orders to date and will be considered by the City Council on Wednesday.

The proposal also would require adult customers to show proof of vaccination to enter bowling alleys, arcades, cardrooms and pool halls, as well as personal care establishments such as tanning salons, skin care businesses, tattoo and piercing shops, and massage therapy settings except for treatment of a medical condition.

An exemption to the requirement would be available for people with a “sincerely held religious belief” or a relevant medical condition precluding vaccination. But exempt customers must show a recent negative coronavirus test result and a written note attesting to their religious belief or medical condition for entry to the businesses requiring vaccination.”


That’ll be a war in the streets if the do.

^^^ Granted I am 500 miles from LA, and NEVER watch fake news. But, thus far it seems as though folks in LA have been good little sheeple…doing as directed.


Theyve been afforded some freedom. A sweeping one, that makes it permanent, will encourage mire crime via black market everything more than now. It is possible nothi g happens, but it may go far above nyc’s protesting too. Maybe my being from l.a. so long ago and a native is totally different from now.


a “sincerely held religious belief” or a relevant medical condition

The problem with these is that *they* require an individual to rely on, and provide proof of, some authority’s proclamation that they have a religioius conviction or medical condition. None of the scared or woke doctors are going to grant a medical exemption except in extreme cases. And the woke religious “leaders” are going along with the jab mob. So the people are out of luck along those avenues. We have to stand, individually and maybe with class action lawsuits, for our rights.


comment imageDonald J Trump


No wonder the Afghanistan withdrawal was such a disaster. “General” Milley spent all of his time talking to these Fake Book writers. That’s not a Soldier or General, that’s a Public Relations agent. America will continue losing with Milley and woke television Generals who are only looking to be stars!


comment imageDonald J Trump


Rather than the political January 6th Unselect Committee of Radical Left Democrats and Democrat wannabes (Warmonger Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger), Congress should set up a “Commission On the Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan,” to figure out what went wrong, why so many of our Warriors were killed, and why so much money (85 BILLION DOLLARS), in the form of Weapons and Military equipment, was left behind for the Taliban to use—and to sell to other countries. This is without question something that needs to be investigated further. Thirteen dead AMERICAN HEROES, billions of dollars of equipment, and hundreds of Americans still left behind in Afghanistan with the Taliban!


Jack Murphy 🇺🇸 ⚔️ (@jackmurphylive) Tweeted:
the Democrat party is just fucking idiotic.

Public schools exist to serve parents.

Who the fuck else should decide what to teach OUR CHILDREN ?

Dang this burns me up!!




You dont hold you arm up and out for a shot. The muscle and are must be relaxed.


“The muscle and are must be relaxed.”


Should have jammed it in his forehead then.



Cuppa Covfefe

He was grabbing at the nurse… 😆

Valerie Curren

Was it the Real pedo Joe?


Don’t forget…………..



Have not seen this one posted…

MTG is awesome.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



What a name for a vaccine.

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Happy go lucky

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


[…] an epic comment that we all need to have in our back pockets as the whole scamdemic unfolds further, TradeBait2 had […]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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