Dear KMAG: 20211004 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay!  We’ll make our way through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer this from Perły i Łotry, titled ‘My Mother Told Me’ (Viking Chant):

And this from Elephant Music, titled ‘Mist On the River’:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Taciturn is an adjective which means…calm and reserved; a person of few words; not loud and talkative. Taciturnity is a noun which means…a state of being taciturn.

Used in a sentence:

Demoncrats mistake our taciturn behavior as acceptance of their lawlessness, when in fact we are contemplating how best to destroy them.

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Love the Wheel of Fortune puzzle.


Just another Happy Monday wheatietoo 😊 

I asked our Engineers and they said there’s no A.I. program strong enough to translate Joe Biden!


“I’d like to buy a vowel…”




Just to stick a flag in the ground, Robert Baker’s adventures in Linux are going nowhere near how I’d hoped and envisioned they would….but through misadventure, he seems to be making more progress in important areas. With tangled communications, he managed to kick the firewall into operation using his own devices. Similarly, he got apt unstuck by hitting it with a large stick. Possibly the most important thing to learn about Linux is how to be fearless….and at that, he’s progressing nicely.

With apt working, we can play in the CLI a little bit longer, then start doing “basement to penthouse tours” of some things. Once we’ve seen how the things in the pretty menus connect to the engine compartment, we’ll do a tour of the menus [thankfully, on Pi’s, they’re brief]. We may do detours to interface with Android, or discuss various applications, or load alternate browsers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I admire both your and his fortitude, and I welcome this example as the best possible advertisement for my “easy button” approach to Linux using granny distros and live CDs. 😉 😍 😅


Yeah, except that I just “grannie distro’d” a 32-bit laptop I had around (I want its screen) and had many of the same sort of issues. The biggest problem that we’ve had is the time lag in updating the blog comments.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, well there’s your problem right there. 32 bit systems (“Pentium” to you grannies!) are now certified hacker-level “will it run” stuff, and no recent version of a granny distro WORKS on any of them.

On the other hand, any 64-bit system from a few years back with a DVD drive will run a Ubuntu live DVD without any intervention other than – at most – “entering setup on the computer” (COUGH, granny for BIOS) and getting the DVD to boot.


Actually, I got skewered by religious purism.

I could get Wolf chuckling pretty easily from there, but I’m afraid that I have to explain the joke a bit more for most out there.

To begin with, there was Multics. This was a fully-funded project by Bell Labs, MIT, and General Electric to develop an operating system for the GE-645 mainframe. A lot of very smart people were involved, many of whom would qualify to be on their parents’ health insurance if they were the same age today.

Eventually, however, the political winds blew another way, and anyone who hadn’t previously fled was organizationally orphaned. They snagged a PDP-11 and made a raggle-taggle imitation of Multics, which they called UNIX. Surprisingly, the UNIX project grew legs that the Multics project never could have imagined. In 1973, the project was rewritten in C [another salvaged research project by many of the same guys. Its name was also an inside joke — the funded project was “BCPL”, the skeleton that remained when they lost funding was “B”, and the rewritten, purified version was “C”. The joke was that the next version would be “P” and nobody would know why].

From about 1978 to 1991, there was a total clusterfark of attempts to put UNIX in the mainstream. The Free Software Foundation got so pissed that they started the GNU project — “GNU’s Not Unix” — in 1984. By 1991, they had all the pieces of a UNIX system free of AT&T code — compilers and all — except a kernel.

And Linus Torvalds, a grad student in Finland, wrote one. On a 386.

From a standard “business plan” sort of outlook, everyone involved so far seems bats**t crazy. Linus, the FSF, the GNU guys…..oh — but, wait — then we get the monks from Debian.

Debian rolled out in 1993. They treat proprietary code as if it were burning pitch. They must be the purest, to be not contaminated with it. It’s actually a very successful gig — there are a LOT of Debian servers out there.

But where it falls apart is on laptops. Laptops typically have proprietary video drivers, proprietary network drivers, and (in the case of the one I was working with) proprietary disk drivers. Debian is nice enough to provide tools to install such firmware — insulated tongs, insulated pry-bars, face shields, gauntlets — but they don’t like it. And they will not traffic with such demon-spawn files — you have to go get them yourself, from whatever hell-pit you may wish to consort with.

Most of the major distributions have abandoned 32-bit kernels, and I wanted to light-up this 32-bit laptop so I could use its screen….Debian still offers 32-bit, so I figured it’d be easy……then religious purism got me in the butt. I could load Debian if I didn’t need a screen, network, or hard disk.

So, now it’s running Zorin (sounds like a Bond villain, but is a distro out of Ireland).


I’m looking for RB to get here and say he’s done with cows and wants MOAR!!!!


comment image&ct=g


Just to let you know it appears my apt upgrade is complete. It took quite a while todownload. Just left the machine on overnight. Now when I type sudo apt upgrade it returns

the following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: gconf-service gconf2-common libgconf-2-4 python-colorzero 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded

I think we may be ready. Fruit Loop is ready to Elvis. I think.

Baker’s Law # 75: If I’m guessing I’m thinking.


You may, at your leisure, type “sudo apt autoremove” and it will get rid of those no-longer-required packages. It’ll keep nagging you, and the list will grow longer over time, so there’s no hurry.

If you go back to “LINUX IS INFESTED WITH TALKING COWS”, all those things should now work properly.

Let me know when you’re done with plain cows (and elephants), and we’ll find something more interesting for them to talk about.


My Linux cows are grazing quietly in the Fruit Loop meadow. Who knew- buy a computer and become a rancher.


Hopefully you got a stegasaurus and elephant in there, as well (as you learned by using “man cowsay”). And have had them say and think a few different things.

Now, there’s another old, old program, but I don’t remember what its package name is. So I can just type “apt search fortune” and see what I get…..

Looks like the one we particularly want is “fortune-mod”. If you have any interest in other fortunes or languages, feel free to install those as well.

When you use “sudo apt install”, you can just list packages you want to install and apt will install all of them — sudo apt install p1 p2 p3 p4. Note that there is no comma between them (and you have to use real package names).

While we’re at it, let’s drill in on why you used sudo for “apt install” but not for “apt search”. You, as “pi”, are a lowly user. This is good, because it keeps you from doing much and getting into too much trouble.

You have also been included into groups — to see them, just type “groups” and hit return. That gives you additional access.

…..and, then, there is the “superuser” — AKA “root” — who can see everything and do everything. There’s actually an su command (see man) to “become” this superuser (NOT ADVISED). Or you can ask that a single command be done as if by the superuser — “su do….” or “sudo”. When you are making permanent changes to the system, you will generally have to use sudo, even if it’s just to install or remove silly programs. Just seeing what packages are available does not change the system…..sudo is not needed for this.

You will note that sudo is required for “apt update” and “apt upgrade”. Upgrade is obvious, but why is it required for a “mere” update? Simply put, it’s because telling the system that there is a newer version of something can sometimes have it make truly awful mistakes.

Once fortune installs, take a quick gander at its man entry. Maybe run it a couple of times — “fortune” return. Let me know when you’ve done this.

And reflect on this a bit…..your pi system is different from most of the others out there (because it includes cowsay and fortune), but they’re all Linux systems. “Learning Linux” can’t be learning all the possible permutations of programs.


I believe I am up to date. Fortune was installed. I looked at the manual. I am getting deja vu from the early 90s when I used Delphi to ride the web.


You have a new batch of stuff nearer the end of this thread (on page 2).


It wouldn’t have been much more difficult that bringing the hammer up the light post to bring a battery-powered Sawzall……just sayin’…..


No, just sit like he’s sitting and saw off the camera branch. Switch to the other side, prune the other camera. Sling the saw, and slide down the pole. Easy-peasy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Camera intact if you tied it off with a rope first, just like taking down a tree.


“Ho, ho, ho! Now I’ve got a camera!”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you’re trying to invoke McLane and Gruber, the Ho Ho Ho was at the end.


I guess I was invoking McGruber and Lane.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that would account for it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He definitely needed a new plan.

  • upward strikes on the camera front end
  • downward strikes on the front end
  • smash the optics
  • tie a rope to the camera
  • rip out the electronics

Personally, were I crossing that line of civil disobedience, I’d want to take the damn camera to create sophisticated weaponry.


Or just defray costs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A hot camera is a quick recipe for ending your revolutionary career right there.

The next time the other side should see that camera is when the missile it’s guiding is 6 feet away from their Fuehrerbunker.


Them cameras are a menace to Freedom.


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There is a paint called yshield. Two coats will lower RF power levels about 30 dB. It very black. Imagine paint balls loaded with yshield paint. Mini cell installations depend on the RF reaching the other end of things. What kinds of sand in the machine are possible with that setup?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting stuff!


^^^ Sawzall worked in Hong Kong.

Could just cut the wire for short term disable.

IF they had 2A, a steady hand and single round would take the camera out. Pennies. Rinse. Repeat.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Now if we can just get a saloonkeeper to slide a polar bear down the bar and out the window……

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Make it two polar bears, that way you can make it a bipolar joke.


Maybe, the lone polar bear IS bipolar. 🙂


If there were two bipolar polar bears, would the group be a quadrapolar? And could it then fly?




Great word of the week! It dovetails the concept of the silent majority.

I like how tacit and taciturn are related. Tacit consent is silent, and to be taciturn is also to be silent. Both are from the Latin tacitus. Knowing that the words are related helps me remember to pronounce taciturn with a soft “c” as in tacit, instead of a hard one, as in tack.

tacit (adj.)

c. 1600, “silent, unspoken,” from French tacite and directly from Latin tacitus “that is passed over in silence, done without words, assumed as a matter of course, silent,” past participle of tacere “be silent, not speak,” from suffixed form of PIE root *tak- “to be silent” (source also of Gothic þahan, Old Norse þegja “to be silent,” Old Norse þagna “to grow dumb,” Old Saxon thagian, Old High German dagen “to be silent”). The musical instruction tacet is the 3rd person present singular of the Latin verb. Related: Tacitly.

taciturn (adj.)

“habitually silent,” 1771, back-formation from taciturnity, or from French taciturne (15c.), from Latin taciturnus “not talkative, noiseless.”

taciturnity (n.)

mid-15c., from Old French taciturnité, from Latin taciturnitatem (nominative taciturnitas) “a being or keeping silent,” from taciturnus “disposed to be silent,” from tacitus “silent” (see tacit).


Thank you for your efforts every week!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating stuff – particularly the letter “thorn”!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be careful reading about this rune-related stuff – y’all may turn into a white supremacist! 😉

Valerie Curren

Buffalo Boy lurks in the wings 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you start feeling the need for tattoos and spears, quickly switch on NPR!

Valerie Curren

Low to No-T will be quickly incoming 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Buffalo gals, won’t you come out, tonight…..” 😆
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Valerie Curren

Werewolves of London seeking…for fun & possible future relationship 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For real low-T, real men always insist in HIGH-X!!!
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Valerie Curren

XX vs XY might also be a preference unless Buffalo “Gals” is some type of euphemism!

My son was discussing a soccer team he’s played called chix & dix & I’d originally misheard him as Chicks with Dicks & I’m like you played an entire Tranny Team??? My bad, it was just creative co-ed marketing LOL!


There’s also this thing called «buffalo wings» and it is said that those taste like chicken…

Outside of context (or Iceland or old literature from either side of the North Sea), «thorn» give association to roses. But if I type compose-t-h I get the thorn character, þ, so that’s something.

Foxtrot Juliett Bravo, and since it has been a while since last time:

Epstein didn’t kill himself and Biden didn’t win.

Valerie Curren

Nice! In my experience Buffalo Wings actually ARE chicken 😉


No flying buffaloes where you live?

Valerie Curren


Cuppa Covfefe

Hence their name.

If you can’t buffal-high, Buffalo…

Valerie Curren



Indeed they are. I was tacitly implying that, by referring to how they taste.

Last edited 3 years ago by slowcreekno
Valerie Curren

chicken tastes like everything 😉


Foxtrot Juliet Bravo

like !  👍 


Foxtrot Juliett Bravo
..and the hoes that rode him in.  😀 

Cuppa Covfefe

Gack…. that there’d rune my whole day 😀


Very interesting how a symbol that resembles the letter “p” had the “th” sound, and how it changed over time. I did not know that it is used in computer coding, either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dealing with languages and symbols is one of the most difficult and yet rewarding parts of computing. Unicode covers everything – even dead languages – but letters like thorn that are still in use are covered by character sets long predating Unicode variants.

Valerie Curren


It’s been interesting to read some comments on this YouTube video, which I haven’t watched. A lot of them seem to discuss pattern recognition skills.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, but I refuse to watch. Once I figured out how the other side uses viral self-discreditation to limit us, I turned away from all their “diagnostics”.

This is where Gottlieb chemistry comes in. The science of invoking disorders (both temporarily and permanently) is far more advanced than the public realizes. Once I figured THAT out, even more things made sense. CIA has much to answer for.

Categorization precedes control. That’s how they control science as well. It’s all fascinating. Part of the “great awakening” is to realize all these aspects of control.

I am not faulting those who enter the “special needs” matrix, but once one enters any of their categorization systems, one is committed to all the controls that are built upon it with great intention. In some cases this is absolutely necessary. In other cases, however, it is not. The expansiveness is part of the “not”. But it is very intentional as part of the control of humanity.

Stated differently, I worked with a lot of brilliant people, but in many cases, I saw how they were hobbled by controlling self-perceptions. Studying those, I’ve come to realize that this is a tactic of those who seek to control us.

The systems DEPEND upon self-entry, self-diagnosis, self-acceptance, and ultimately self-discreditation.

So I rebel against it. Perhaps it’s just the Indian in me. 😉

Valerie Curren

“The systems DEPEND upon self-entry, self-diagnosis, self-acceptance, and ultimately self-discreditation.”

& apparently self-deception

I appreciate all you’ve shared here & w/ so many of my family labeled as ADHD I get much of what you refer to. The title of a book I never (yet) read, Hunter in a Farmer’s World, seems a paradigm to de-stigmatize ADHD & view those “differences” as assets rather than liabilities. Vive la difference!

When first coming to the Q-Tree you or someone else explained “autists” as those having or admiring traits typical in autism, & many of such individuals becoming part of the Anon phenomenon.

Reading some of the comments in the video above seemed to show quite a few people who felt connected to autism (as presented in the video presumably) & then to each other as they shared some of their quirky traits & identified w/ each other…it’s a fascinating read but much of it All could be contrived by IC/Deep State etc…

The phenomenon you describe somewhat happened to me almost a decade ago when I was researching special needs info online in prep for yet another special ed battle advocating for my son. Material was about ADHD in girls & though I was just skim reading there were multiple “ah ha” moments for me. Fairly disconcerting that desire to discover a group you Might be a part of, especially when your natural tendency is toward isolationism.

We are All fearfully & wonderfully made & God created the tapestry of humanity, EACH of us in His Image. Who are we to label & marginalize others or ourselves when He has gifted Each of us with our unique life!

Thanks for yet again exposing the lies!


I had this cat many years ago. It would sit and stare at the wall. We called her “frue frue” because we were sure she was dumb and batty… then a move came and she was gifted to a horse farm that needed a couple more barn cats. Checking back in later we learned she was an excellent mouser.

Valerie Curren

Yes some things are much more purposeful than easily realized…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, I believe it was part of the original IBM PC upper 128, or perhaps the next one that didn’t include all the box drawing characters.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thorn and eth are both still used in Iceland (the language there has hardly changed since Viking days). The first is for the th in thing, the other for the th in that (same articulation but voiced).

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

And both of those got a lot of exposure when that unpronouceable Volcano cut loose a few years back… at least Katla is easier to pronounce (and louder when it blows…)….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was actually able to remember the first four syllables of that name and pronounce them well enough that an Icelander congratulated me on doing better than almost any other (non-Icelander, of course) he had heard. Just about everyone else would bodge it before the end of the four syllables, apparently.

It didn’t have thorn and eth in it.

I noticed while there I had trouble even seeing the cross bar in capital Eth and would mistake it for D. Apparently D is rare there; most of the “D”s I saw were Eths.

Valerie Curren

I Always think of this scene when hearing or reading the word Taciturn!

We Love that movie!!!

T shows up around 40 seconds into clip…

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren

I was just going to comment on that… why does her neck look 3+ times longer than it should be?

It’s like some kind of space alien… 😂

Must be a trick of the camera angle though, because when I watched the clip, the length of her neck looks perfectly normal 👍😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Adam Schiff offspring?

Sylvia Avery

THAT freak. I’ve been able to forget, for long blissful months, that I ever saw him……and then something reminds me. And right before I was going to close my eyes and go to sleep, too. Eeek! 👀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Sorry! Just look at Ms. Knightley and it will relieve your heebie-jeebies, I promise you!!! 😉

Sylvia Avery

She’s very pretty, but uh……well…..I don’t swing that way, Wolfie! 😁😁😁😁😁😁 I need an XY antidote!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You need CLINT EASTWOOD!!! Known for his “longneck” – whoops – I mean long neck! 😉
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Sylvia Avery

He DOES have a long neck! I never really noticed before. That’s a YUGE improvement over the antifa freak! Bonus points for shirtless pic, Wolfie! 😍😍😍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You ask – WE PROVIDE! 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s another longneck, for reference 🙂
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(Heyyy… beer makes you smart: It made Bud wiser 🙂 )…..

Valerie Curren

We don’t do many chick flicks around here but that one has stood the test of time. We always have to replay the Darcy & Elizabeth scene in the rain several times…sigh!

Sylvia Avery

Love it too, Valerie!

Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

I’m sorry, but after the BBC production with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle….


This is my second favorite. My first favorite is Lawrence Olivier in P&P. 😁

Valerie Curren

Have to look that one up too 🙂

Valerie Curren

I’ve never seen that one 🙁

Deplorable Patriot

It’s five hours, or six episodes, but worth EVERY minute. The perfect marriage of score with story, and the secondary characters just come alive.

Valerie Curren

Well that sounds like fun so will search it out. Thanks for the tip!


A noisy shout-out to the author of the Annals and the Histories!


I remember Sundance posting this GIF at the Conservative Treehouse a long while ago. The first time I saw it was there.

The hole takes on a new meaning when looking at it as the deep, dark pit of vaccination that so many people are blindly running to jump into.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I know I’m taking this out of context, but I still think it applies to this gif image.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6

Last edited 3 years ago by Itswoot
Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to “Event Horizon”…


Steam locomotives have “nicknames” based on the number of lead wheels, drive wheels, and following wheels, known as “Whyte notation”. Once you know this, you tend to “scope out” locomotives to determine what they are.

The train in the GIF looked like it might be a 4-8-4 “Northern”, but it went by so fast and threw up so much ice that it was hard to tell. There might be a picture in a station that would be easier to read.


If this was posted before, I missed it.

Well this didn’t make any headlines.

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller insulted Trump and told his family to “stop tweeting about me” before his arest.

The [Facebook] post was made on the 25th of last month before he was incarcerated.

“President Trump. I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power. I refuse. While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country. I don’t need or want your help. You do not have the ability to pull US together. You may even win the next election. But your generation’s time is running out. Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices. I could never work with you. I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs.”

Not only that post, but he replies to others commenting on his post and calls Trump a liar.

Read the full post — The story is 100% true…

Scheller also criticized General Flynn and called him a liar:

“General Flynn. You gave interviews about me. Pretending to understand me. You are the same as the rest. You were caught in a lie. My generation is sick of your lies. We are not the same. Stop speaking my name as if you understand me. You could never understand US.”


The MAGA community has raised more than $2 million for a Marine officer despite the fact he is strongly anti-Trump. Jailed Marine Stuart Scheller has demanded that the Trump family stop helping his case, saying he would “rather sit in jail” than get help from the former president.

Michael Yon had this to say in his email report to many of us on September 29.

“I’ve had a chance to confirm Stew Scheller actually did write the rambling posts attributed to him — that led to his being locked up. Now, I must recalculate the paradigm: Stew comes across as if he has an alcohol problem.

“He even published that he was drinking while writing.

“The underlying facts remain true that leadership completely botched Afghanistan, and a lot more…but Stew needs to get himself together. Stew himself is demonstrating poor leadership attributes. Though I greatly respect that he has decided to step into the arena unless he made this decision beyond the bounds of sober mind.

“Stew surely is making an appearance of an irrational man. A rational military officer would never put to paper and to public that he is drinking while cogitating Revolution.”

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. People who spotted the sketchiness early on were RIGHT. He was almost certainly DRINKING at key points in the process.

And THAT makes the military decisions surrounding him look better all the time.


If alcohol is that much a part of his behavior, then he has bigger problems than we knew. What a disappointment that someone whom we thought was a patriot, unafraid to speak up, might just be an alcoholic.

Deplorable Patriot

Not an alcoholic. Someone who makes poor decisions when drinking. If he was a true alcoholic, he never would have achieved the rank he did.


If he were an alcoholic, I imagine the worst manifestations of it would have shown after he achieved his rank. A person who makes poor decisions while drinking could make efforts to rectify them. Instead, he is doubling down. There might be more than alcohol in play.


I was one of those “early-spotters,” and knew something about this guy was WAY off. Did you check out that website I posted that he referred to in his second video? Really cultist and strange stuff.

This guy is NOT one to support. He is a TRAP.



Yes, the organization is certainly different. But, did they suggest lefty shit, socialism, Nazi crap…

  • Not so sure the organization being different, makes the organization B A D for America, Democracy…
  • Granted, I looked less than five minutes. Saw it as different, but still a nothing burger.


IF calling out “Leadership” to be “accountable” IS a trap, yep, Scheller IS B A D.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

The trap is, he is a nut-job. We follow and support the nut-job, and are tarred with the same brush. Guilt by association. Call it whatever, but that’s what they do to us.


Oh. Not falling for that ^^^ trap either. They want us to do that.


Reminds me of a hostage or POW, who is coerced into making public statements against his own government.


Much ado about almost nothing.

Considering everything at stake, simply goofy shit that folks highlight.

Maintaining focus, perspective is necessary.

Scheller IS a Patriot.


Well, when someone attacks two mega-patriots like PDJT and Gen. Flynn, I start to wonder what his definition of patriotism is — especially when he says Trump divided the country and doesn’t know how to unite it, which is the opposite of the truth. I have nothing but Scheller’s words to go on, and his words are divisive and anti-MAGA patriots, the kind of things Leftists say. He is the one who has lost focus.


Oh. Yea. It IS easy to beat on Scheller.

The ONLY Active military member of ~1.4 MILLION in the US to demand accountability for Afghanistan.

He is in an incredibly difficult situation with the Corps. The Corps, of all the Services has zero tolerance for those breaking ranks with the official narrative.

The last thing Scheller needs IS folks that may make his situation more difficult. If that happens to includes folks we are STRONGLY aligned with, so be it. This includes Trump, Jr and Flynn.

At the risk of repetition…3, 2, 1..

MAGA folks BITCH SLAP, the ONLY Active military member of ~1.4 MILLION in the US to demand accountability for Afghanistan.

As IF Scheller is the bad guy. The lefty. UFB.


I understand your point, but Scheller is doing his own bitch-slapping.


Oh. Yep. Gotcha. Huh? No. NO. NOT.



I’m genuinely trying to understand your point. I understand you to say Scheller is in a tough position with the Corps and doesn’t need people on the outside chiming in. So are you saying he feels it necessary to rebuke them publicly to somehow mitigate the trouble he’s in?

Serious questions: Do you think he doesn’t believe the things he said but felt he had to say them? Or do you think he believes what he said? Wouldn’t a more measured “Please stop reaching out for now; you’re hurting my situation, not helping” serve as well?

I don’t understand why he gets excused for saying these things (and I want to understand):

“President Trump. I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power. I refuse. While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country. I don’t need or want your help. You do not have the ability to pull US together. You may even win the next election. But your generation’s time is running out. Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices. I could never work with you. I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs.”

“General Flynn. You gave interviews about me. Pretending to understand me. You are the same as the rest. You were caught in a lie. My generation is sick of your lies. We are not the same. Stop speaking my name as if you understand me. You could never understand US.”


Quite sure, none of my thoughts will be acceptable, agreed to or anything else. It’s OK. They ARE my thoughts.

Fundamentally, Scheller rates the benefit of the doubt by me. Others are welcome to condemn him or whatever THEY FEEL IS WARRANTED.

— My replies in bold and underlined, (IF I don’t screw it up.)

I’m genuinely trying to understand your point. I understand you to say Scheller is in a tough position with the Corps and doesn’t need people on the outside chiming in. Guaranteed. So are you saying he feels it necessary to rebuke them publicly to somehow mitigate the trouble he’s in? Doubtful conclusion suggested. But, possibly. IIRC, and do NOT care to get entangled in endless back and forth, Not my words at all. ME. While well intention, Trump, Flynn and Jr did NOTHING positive for Scheller. Likely THOUGHT they did. OR so I hope was their motivation…

Serious questions: Do you think he doesn’t believe the things he said but felt he had to say them? Don’t know. Or do you think he believes what he said? I assume so. Wouldn’t a more measured “Please stop reaching out for now; you’re hurting my situation, not helping” serve as well? Measured, perhaps. But, ONLY Scheller fully understands his BELIEFS, MOTIVATIONS and SITUATION.

I don’t understand why he gets excused for saying these things (and I want to understand):
“President Trump. I was told by everyone to kiss the ring because of your following and power. I refuse. While I respect your foreign policy positions, I hate how you divided the country. I don’t need or want your help. You do not have the ability to pull US together. You may even win the next election. But your generation’s time is running out. Tell your son to stop tweeting about me. Your whole family knows nothing about US or our sacrifices. I could never work with you. I’d rather sit in jail and be released with a dishonorable than make compromises in my beliefs.”
“General Flynn. You gave interviews about me. Pretending to understand me. You are the same as the rest. You were caught in a lie. My generation is sick of your lies. We are not the same. Stop speaking my name as if you understand me. You could never understand US.”

  • I Did NOT “excuse” them. NOR do I AGREE with Scheller’s words. Ultimately, I IGNORED them.
  • Rose above whatever butt hurt feelings I may have initially had, and recognized, the qualms about Scheller’s words are NOT IMPORTANT in the big scheme of things.
  • NOT for Scheller. NOT for Trump. NOT for Flynn. NOT For Jr. NOT for MAGA. NOT for America. Damn sure NOT for me.

Honestly, with ALL my mind and heart, i have bigger things to fret over. Take issue with. AND work to over come. Schellers words ABOVE are NOT my concern.


Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing your thoughts more expansively here KBK. Never having been in the military, nor having familial military connections as part of my family culture there is No Way I could ever fully imagine what you or Scheller have experienced or how either of you might think or express yourselves for any situation.

It’s “easy” to observe from the outside & pass judgement but I would think None of us would want to be the recipient of such judgement were the roles reversed.

May God’s grace & truth prevail.

I’m thankful that Scheller stood up & spoke truth to power, on Afghanistan!!! I’m also saddened by some of his other statements, but this is America & we should All have the right to Fully Free & unfettered Speech, especially those who put their lives on the line to continue to ensure that those freedoms endure!


I really appreciate your taking the time to respond. I am not condemning Scheller and am not “butt-hurt” about what he said. It’s just kind of shocking.

Quite sure, none of my thoughts will be acceptable, agreed to or anything else.

I do accept your thoughts and respect your perspective since you are retired military, I believe. I also appreciate Scheller’s calling for accountability. Thanks again for responding.


I’m sick and tired of people (reporters?) asking Fauci what we can and can’t do for the holidays. We will do as we please. Only those who are too scared will refuse to socialize. We don’t need Fauci’s pronouncements. He is a known liar and makes things up as he goes. He has ZERO power to tell us what to do or not to do.
GWP: “It’s Too Soon to Tell” – Fauci When Asked if Americans Can Gather For Christmas

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. People GIVE POWER to that creep just by asking.



Yeah, I couldn’t believe a reporter would ask such a stupid question. My family has celebrated each holiday as we always do ever since this began. And we will again this year as well.


“Yeah, I couldn’t believe a reporter would ask such a stupid question.”


It was pure scripted propaganda. There is nothing legitimate going on between the interviewer and the interviewee.

It’s a scripted routine and they are each reading or playing their parts.

Nothing more, nothing less.

There is nothing organic or spontaneous or genuine about any of it.

It’s not ‘news’, it’s the narrative promotion, propaganda and demoralization department of Cabal.


Pure psy-op.

That’s what MSM is.


“I’m sick and tired of people (reporters?) asking Fauci what we can and can’t do for the holidays. We will do as we please.”


It’s part of the demoralization game.

It’s all scripted.

No normal person would ever ask that question, it’s the interview equivalent of “when did you stop beating your wife?”, except instead of using a loaded question to attack the person being interviewed, they use a loaded question to facilitate the person being interviewed.

The only kind of person who would would ask such a question is someone who, knowing the answer in advance, wants to demoralize or spread fear.

Someone whose job it is to tee it up for the person being interviewed

And that’s exactly what they did.

Deplorable Patriot

The problem isn’t what we can or can’t do. It’s how hysterical those around us are about following dictates.


I rather enjoy watching it DP. Let me explain.

I don’t have much in the way of mercy for people who are so stupid they would sacrifice relationships with God, family, and friends by personally choosing to believe lies and the father of lies; especially when they have people close to them who can educate and mentor them into truth. So when it happens – the box gets checked on foe or sheeple because they just insulted my intelligence, our relationship, and my value as a fellow American.

The Word says to endure until the end. That doesn’t sound like it will be fun, just sounds like it needs to be done to be obedient to the Lord first and foremost.

Last edited 3 years ago by TradeBait2
Valerie Curren

Fun opener Wheatie, thanks!

Your 3 legged man made me think of a story told by Jan Moss, a parent of an autistic son who made several motivational presentations at Siblings of Special Needs Kids conferences in Michigan, back when my kids were still school age.

Jan’s autistic son was an adult by the time she told some of her tales but she recounted the complexity of listing ALL of his disabling conditions on the Selective Service post card. Apparently as her son was going through puberty he became fascinated, & verbal, about astonishing changes in “manland”. Jan described this transformation in her son’s words to the Draft Board–“may need third shoe”!

Glad to see someone like Jan’s son is able to get around on his own power! 😉

Valerie Curren

You Always provide a great way to start the new “work” week! Blessings <3


Here’s another interview with Dr. Zelenko and Brother Bugnolo. It’s about an hour and 8 minutes but Dr. Z strikes all the right notes.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting logo (above the weasel-worded bafflegab) for Biontech. Incomplete “B”, three-line “E”, and incomplete “H” (looks like a chair or a step-stool)…

Wonder if there’s some steganography going on there to the ‘leets…

Valerie Curren

Wolf, did you turn off Pinterest access to Q-Tree or is it yet another form of sneaky attack going on?

I just tried to pin the Pfizer meme from Dr. Z & got a “pinning isn’t allowed” from this domain or site, I believe. Never seen That one before…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d have to look at the URL of the image or the page that it’s on.

Valerie Curren

No I don’t think so. Usually I just hover over an image here & when signed into Pinterest a red “save” button appears in the upper left corner. Sometimes I have to click that. Sometimes to the save button’s immediate right a larger save button showing the last category I’ve saved to appears. I can click That Save OR select a down caret which opens a small new window that allows me to select one of my categories to save, or create a new category to save it too.

Sometimes nothing happens when I try either of the above. In that case I’ll right-click the image & chose “save to Pinterest” which opens a similar window as above.

If that doesn’t work I also have Pinterest icon just above the black WP notifications bar & if I chose that it usually loads a different larger window that might display ALL the pinable images from your current Q-Tree page from which I can sometimes select up to 20 to Pin to a chosen category.

This time the Pin button above notifications is now grayed out instead of Red (it was Red reading yesterday’s thread) & when I clicked it I got that notification.

It’s possible that I’ve pinned too many controversial things from Q-Tree & I’ve been banned (again) by Pinterest. Let me see if I can potentially pin something from Not Q-Tree…

OK I just jumped to another tab & can still Pin from it…

So the issue seems to be at Q-Tree Now & it wasn’t like a half hour earlier, or at least on yesterday’s thread…

Not re-reading so sorry for any confusion. It’s too much of a pain to read this much text in the notifier…

Valerie Curren

Here’s what I see when clicking the gray Pin button above the notifier black ribbon:

“The Q-Tree says

Sorry, pinning is not allowed from this domain. Please contact the site operator if you have any questions.”


Hope that info I just shared is helpful for you if it is actually some other kid of attack…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I see no reason at the moment why it worked before and stopped working now.

If there is a change, it would have to be at our hosting company. OR Pinterest is experiencing problems connecting to the site in the same fashion that we do, or in a similar fashion.

Valerie Curren

Perhaps…I just wanted to share the details with you in case the info can be helpful. I can live w/out pinning capability here, but it’s how I currently share images, until I break down & self-censor to re-access twit world…my very minor contribution to digital “warfare” 🙂

Valerie Curren

OK, I just checked another open Q-Tree tab

& it is Still allowing me to Pin from it.

The problem appears to be Today’s page so maybe some unique new attack?

Hope this helps your trouble-shooting…Blessings!

Valerie Curren

OK, for good measure I opened the below Pfizer meme from Dr Z, shared by Wheatie, & the Pin buttons work on that .jpg file but they wouldn’t allow a Save to go through…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Frankly, I am certain it’s nothing at my end. This is between your browser and Pinterest.

Wheatie’s meme is on GAB. If Pinterest has a problem loading from Gab, that’s THEIR problem.

Valerie Curren

So you saw the note the said the “theQTree said” right? & since I can still pin from that Other Q-Tree page the issue still seems suspect, at least to me. I’ll try a page reload & see if it makes a difference…

Valerie Curren

After re-loading all the various Pinterest options Appear to work AND I could save the meme that P wouldn’t even let me save from it’s own tab  🙄 

Valerie Curren

OK, fwiw I reloaded This Q-Tree page & Now the Pin button is red above & also working on hover over the image mode & then I Was allowed to save that Pfizer meme to my “Depravity” Pinterest category…hmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s software. And I would bet that it’s weak code in the browser integration – the “Pinterest extension” or whatever it is. It very likely has trouble dealing with the page code and the connection to both the site and the images.

Valerie Curren

OK, no biggie (I guess). It was just different & unusual in the multiple ways I shared above. If none of it represents Any type of attack on the Q-Tree then that’s Great News!!!



Puppies and 3-legged men and great music!!

Mondays are better because of your openers. ❤🤍💙


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy






He didn’t even run👍 😂


I read the top meme as ‘trannies’. 😁

Happy go lucky

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Little Red Jen! You’re a twit! And a LOSER!!! And a COMMIE!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love that picture! <3


a bowl of puppy !  😊  🐾 

wonders never cease at wheatie’s.  😍 

and…Elephant Music =  💞  🐘  🎶  💞 

 👉  miss Dino tho  🐲 


Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, I love love love that picture of our President! And your collection of gifs of course! Thanks for always making me smile on Mondays!!!


The Professor’s Record
AZ Senate President Karen Fann claims there is no constitutional basis to decertify the AZ electors in the face of overwhelming fraud.

She is convinced that the way you deal with the biggest crime in history is prospective legislation that holds no one accountable.

I don’t think Karen Fann is our friend.

The legislature has sovereign authority over elections, requires no special session, requires no bill, and needs no approval from the governor.

Legal advice to the contrary is the work of the deep state.

Senator Fann has also claimed the legislature could not obtain the subpoenaed routers through their sergeant-at-arms. I agree.

But the remedy was never to obtain the routers that way. The legislature had an open case before a judge, with an assigned case number, and the judge declared the subpoena legal and therefore enforceable.

The judge has personal jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter jurisdiction over the case, and can therefore order any appropriate remedy to give effect to its order.

The county sheriff would be the appropriate party to seize the routers.

All that is required is for the Senate to request an emergency hearing and demand compliance.

If the Maricopa Board of Supervisors refuses, the judge simply holds them in contempt, levies a fine, jails them, until they comply.

It’s not rocket science.


The Professor’s Record
Paging Wendy Rogers.

Paging Sonny Borelli.

Paging Mark Finchem.

Paging Kelly Townsend.

Perhaps you think you need Karen Fann, and are therefore being diplomatic in your approach.

The time for diplomacy is over.

At the moment, you are on the side of truth. The people are on your side because of that.

As time lapses with no justice, your support is diminishing.

Soon, it will no longer exist.

Fann needs you more than you need her.

You are now aware that Karen Fann is not on the side of the truth.

Speak the truth. Confront in love. Deliver.

No excuses.

The Professor’s Record
I try to work with all that are advancing election freedom, medical freedom, and anti-Marxism.

It’s not an exact science.

People are complicated.

People hate conflict.

I don’t enjoy conflict either. But it’s an inescapable reality of life.

People lie.

People have differing levels of what they can withstand in the comfort department.

People are imperfect.

But, in an information war, conflict is unavoidable.

If your gut reaction to conflict is to simply wish it away, good luck with that.

When I can confidently determine that someone is a liar, or a coward on any of the above issues, I will make the uncomfortable decision to engage in conflict through confrontation.

Any other course leads to enabling the lie, and letting it grow.

We need to be lie killers.

I’m in the shizzle.

Are you in the shizzle?

Let’s kill lies together.

The Professor’s Record
“We don’t have the votes to decertify.”

Don’t let an AZ politician wriggle out of their responsibility with this horseshit statement.

Make them go on record.

Make them call for a vote.

Make them cast a vote, yay or nay.

But let it be known.

Not casting a vote is the same as voting against decertification.

We are so on to you shizzle bags.

The Professor’s Record
I’m sorry for the language.

I hate all the shizzle I see.

And I friggin love you.

The Professor’s Record
There are two columns concerning the audit battle.

1. Truth
2. Concealment

I spoke with Wendy Rogers yesterday.

I like Wendy Rogers.

I support Wendy Rogers.

I support Wendy Rogers because she is committed to getting to the truth, in spite of many obstacles.

Where I disagree with Wendy, is that she fails to see Karen Fann as an obstacle.

Karen Fann’s strategic decisions led to “We the People:”

(1) not getting a canvass;

(2) not getting the routers;

(3) not getting Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s kinematic findings in the report; and

(4) not getting an audit report from Doug Logan free of duress…

These four things are indicative of concealment, not truth.

Therefore, Karen Fann does not need to be supported in the dreaded slow walk we are witnessing.

She needs to be confronted.

“We the People” will lean on our heroes, like Wendy, to bring Karen Fann along whether she likes it or not.

The truth demands it.

And if our heroes are unwilling to demand transparent action immediately, we place those heroes presently in column 1, and move them into column 2.

We are out of time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, WTF is going on here?


Tacking on two notes here.

Maricopa County sheriff was bought and paid for by the tune of 2M.

In early August Merrick’s Justice Department opened up a civil rights investigation into the Phoenix PD and City Govt and have since descended upon Phoenix, which is the seat of Maricopa County Govt, with a small army of lawyers who have nothing better to do at night than hob knob with Phoenix’s upper class citizens.

I should also toss in this is Cindy McCain country where she owns two homes in Pheonix AZ.

It’s a wonder that the Audit managed to get this far. Just have to keep pushing on, the best we can with all of this.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just thought of this: maybe the $#!t hit the Fann…

(ducks flying ballot machinery, recording devices, and a million still-sticky Post-Its)…

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not Fann’s decision, is it? The AZ State AG is the one to prosecute the crime(s).

Having said that, someone’s probably sitting on Fann really hard. But as the saying goes, if she can’t stand the heat, she should get the hell out of the kitchen…


The Professor’s Record
Forwarded from 
India’s Ivermectin Blackout: The Secret Revealed

With only 5% of Uttar Pradesh’s 230 million people vaccinated, early treatment home kits wiped out an outbreak of COVID-19 dropping cases by 99% in three weeks.

What was in the home kits

Tylenol, Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [10 tablets].

The home kits cost less than $3 per person and brought the number of active cases to below 200.

This is remarkable considering the province had more than 310,000 active cases during the peak of its COVID outbreak.

In comparison, one course of Remdisivir cost $3,100 and is the standard of care in many US hospital systems even though the WHO has recommended against its use and meta-analysis studies have shown that it is ineffective against COVID-19.

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert

Actually WHO promoted Utra Pradesh’s approach, of a Rapid Response team going door to door, testing and handing out the above kits, to virtually eradicate COVID-19 in the Indian State.

Thus WHO is fully aware of the effectiveness of Ivermectin.
They however never mentioned that this kit actually contains 120mg (10 pills) of Ivermectin.
Its a lie by omission and we need to hold these effing corrupt burokrates accountable in Nuremburg II.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! And OUR health bureaucrats are now WORSE THAN WHO.

That is a smart Chinese tactic. They hide behind WHO at all times, but now they let their American STOOGES lead the way to their own self-discreditation, while CHINA looks smart and innocent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Faucists think they screwed China, but they only screwed themselves.

Never take CCP money. And right now, ALL China money is CCP money.


NOT taking away from your spot on point. Only for clarity.

Ivermectin. 12mg tablet x 10 tablets.


This is also a report from OAN:
India Govt. Declares Most Populated State Officially COVID Free After Widespread Use Of IvermectinOAN NewsroomUPDATED 4:26 PM PT – Saturday, October 2, 2021While the mainstream media condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more
India govt. declares most populated state officially COVID free after widespread use of ivermectin | One America News Network (

Deplorable Patriot

My sister is quickly being red pilled with this story. She’s getting more and more angry about it.


Successes. One at a time until we over come the evil being thrust at us. Slowly, we are winning.

But folks need to stop getting injected. Injections are a slippery slope. Stand up for themselves. Their health. Their family.

Valerie Curren

Awesome. Lot’s of tongue biting for you so you don’t accidentally blurt out I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Well, last night, we talked out a lot of information we’ve both been picking up in front of our mother who is really caught between a rock and a hard place at this point. At least Mom now knows that I’m not pulling info out of my backside, and that there is backing.

Valerie Curren

Baby steps. And the Truth will make/set you (them) free!

Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing. That is so encouraging to see Any movement in the right direction!!!


That is good news.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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=   :wpds_lol: 


”A man is still looking at his thumb…..”

Maybe, but the woman looked first.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s true.


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stealing !



That’s what I did

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“Dr Nathan Thompson Jaw DROPPED when he Tested Someone’s Immune System After the 2nd Jab. This proves just how dangerous these covid-19 death shots are and what damage they are doing to your body and why so many people are dying an suffering side effects. Please note, testing used with patient permission and difference in account numbers is an individualized identifying number for that specific sample that the lab inputs into their system that day. All patient identifying info has been removed for privacy reasons.”


Great video.

Should be required watching as part of ‘informed consent”, prior to getting injected.


Is there a link to copy and share, it would be greatly appreciated .. 🙂❤️


CTH picked this up.

Up thread Gil posted “gymbro” in Canada is informally conducting a like study.

Would be great IF Tucker opened with these reports highlighting immune system damage by injections.

Gotta believe we are making progress.


If you take out the stars that’s where I saw it.

Concerned Virginian

Saw this video on last night’s discussion thread. Dr. Thompson is clearly disturbed by what he saw on the various blood test reports on this patient. Takeaways from the video:

One — the person who got the “vaccine” was a recovered Type II diabetic who kept up the regime of exercise, diet change, supplements, that turned his health around. He was in good physical shape when he got shot #1 of the “vaccine.” His blood test results from before getting shot #1 prove it.
Two — After the person gets shot #1, Dr. Thompson notices a change for the negative in a couple of key indicators for immune system health in the blood test he performed on the person.
Three — After the person gets shot #2, Dr. Thompson notices a further and very noticeable decline in the same immune system factors in the blood test he performed on the person
Four — The blood tests that Dr. Thompson performed after BOTH shots is essentially the blood test that would be performed to test the immune system of a person who has HIV. (One is assuming that this type of blood test is the “non plus ultra” test to check on someone’s immune system status, whether or not the person has HIV.)
Five — Dr. Thompson is disturbed by the fact that the person’s immune system factors are badly compromised after shot #2, EVEN THOUGH the person was STILL keeping up with his exercise / diet changes / supplements regime. The person HIMSELF does not feel any “different”.
Six — Dr. Thompson knows in his gut, and by the blood test results, that it’s the SPIKE PROTEIN in the “vaccine” that’s caused the collapse of the person’s immune system response — but he can’t SAY THAT in precise words, just as he can’t SAY “the vaccine” (so he uses his pen as a “substitute statement”).
Seven — Dr. Thompson doesn’t show the results of the rest of the blood tests that he performed, but one can posit that MANY, if not ALL, of the factors that showed in the “normal” range for this person had ALSO changed (either going higher or going lower).
Eight — Dr. Thompson, being “very careful” in his words, strongly implies that this type of immune system damage sets up the body to be MUCH MORE VULNERABLE to ANY virus that tries to attack the body — ALSO, (again, he has to be careful here), he implies that the “vaccine” may well be CAUSING the “breakthrough cases” of the virus.

(My opinions: Dr. Thompson is presenting hard proof that the spike protein in the “vaccines” will cause serious damage to the recipient’s immune system response.
That this immune system damage makes the recipient’s body more susceptible to infection by ANY other virus.
That the “vaccines” ARE causing the “breakthrough cases” of the virus.
That the parasitic envelope that is part of the delivery system of the “vaccines” [piggy-backed into the mRNA envelope], through their very nature, ALSO deliver bacterial elements to the lungs of the recipient’s body — thus, the body gets embedded VIRAL AND BACTERIAL ELEMENTS.
That the bacterial elements in the “vaccine” can make the recipient’s lungs more susceptible to infections from BACTERIA [as in bacterial pneumonia].
That Drs. Fauci, Walenky, and Woodcock ALL KNOW of these things and are OK with it.)

Cuppa Covfefe

And that will make this coming cold/flu season a potential disaster, with all deaths, no matter the cause, being registered as COVID, further “justifying” their pressure on people to get the clot shots…

These people are orders of magnitude more evil than most any of us have ever seen or heard of…..



We’ve got a ticket to ride! Discover the world in a whole new light on board luxury trains that snake through spectacular scenery – and make thrilling stops along the way


There are a few Amtrak runs better half and I want to take.

Waiting until Amtrak drops the damn mask BS. Guessing the mask BS stays as long as BiteMe’s handlers insist on it for transportation. Until January, last i heard.


Anthony Fauci on Forced Vaccines: “You Have to Give Up Your Individual Rights for The Greater Good of Society”

It’s always right there, just below the surface. Wait long enough and you will see it. Obama’s,”You didn’t build that”, is one recent example. Hillary Clinton’s, “It takes a village” is another. Today, Anthony Fauci says you do not have “individual rights”, you have collective rights and responsibilities to the greater good of society.

This vile little worm with a thirst for power is nothing more than a Fabian Socialist.  WATCH:



Democrats or leftists throughout the world support the modern Fabian Socialist movement.

They are, by nature, totalitarians who despise the natural inequities created by free and unregulated human activity. They have ongoing meetings and symposiums that are widely attended by current day politicians on the left and the socialist side of the continuum. The Fabian movement is very much alive and supported by the modern Democrat party.

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Deplorable Patriot

Amazing. The man thinks we can’t see through the guilt trips.

Yeah, no. That’s one booking I’m not taking. Thanks for the offer, Tony, but I’m staying right here, thank you very much. Not playing that game.


Oh how I long for the life to come…
























…where there will be no such thing as a democrat.


My stomach is turning. I do not watch Fox, but wife has it on to watch weather.

It is blatant that today’s assignment is to connect and imprint the words “moderate” and “Democrat” by repetition, and to otherwise convey the idea that Democrats want to “bring the numbers down.”

Kilmeade specifically is always nauseating because he is a carefully prepared shill and phony.


Valerie Curren

The pastor of our church in Gaylord told us about the Presidential election where Pat Robertson was running for Prez, could have been the Republican primaries, I don’t recall specifics. The Pastor was there when the Michigan electors met, I guess the state’s version of the electoral college. He said that Robertson WON the state of Michigan on the First vote, where electors were required to vote as constituents had voted. Of course there was some “technicality” used to invalidate that First vote. Subsequent votes didn’t “require” electors to represent constituents so of course Pat no longer was voted as the victor…sounds like swampian stuff is ubiquitous…



The people that stood strong and didn’t get vaccinated. Will never get vaccinated. We believe in freedom and refuse to be pushed around by this administration. You know that Biden is going to come at us with another threat. Stand strong and don’t vaccinate your children.


BiteMe’s handlers will coerce private businesses to come after us. Just as they are doing with employers to get employees injected. Intimidation and threats.

Cuppa Covfefe

(H/T Another Ian over on chiefio’s blog, H/T in turn to
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^^^ Pin point directly on target.

Brave and Free

Great word of the day Wheatie. Describes me perfectly 🤔🤔
And yes always contemplating the best course of action…..

Last edited 3 years ago by Brave and Free
Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Morning, y’all. I have a long day ahead. Will see you all late this afternoon.


Looking forward to your return. 🙂

Brave and Free

Good for Father Huber for standing up for what is Right. Standing up for Critical Thinking. We NEED more leaders like him. In ALL walks of life.

Piss on the liberal whine bag parishioners for embracing, the stoopid on steroids, mask BS. Dumb asses, they are.

As for the Archbishop, he is the fool that needs to go on a sabbatical. Based on the article, wouldn’t discuss facts. Needs to take a course in Critical Thinking 101. NOT a leadership bone in this asshoes body.

Deplorable Patriot

This archbishop is not about to buck the USCCB for some reason. He’s been in trouble before. Then they sent him here for some reason, and he really hasn’t made an moves at all other than this.


Appreciate the insights.

Seems as though USCCB has the same “problem” the quacks in our medical system have. Specifically.

  • Do As You Are Told. Do NOT THINK.
  • Ignorance IS acceptable. THIS IS the pandemic. ignorance.

Stoopid is, as stoopid does.

Feed’m some more chocolates.

Deplorable Patriot

This is perfectly maddening. The people at St. Gerard – and I know a number – are in a fairly liberal muni or two or three, and don’t have enough to do, apparently.


Many people know something is wrong, but they do not have (or seek) information as specific or particular as found in this article. And they have a ton of brainwashing and fear-mongering washing over them daily.


This is the “gym bro” who predicted the lockdown madness. Ive been following him a while and he’s really fighting in Canada. He has been paying people to get blood work done post shot.
Not a dr, but it confirms some things and its a separate country.

Chris Sky🧱 (@chrissaccoccia1) Tweeted:
It seems the Jab has lowered white blood cell count (immunity) in EVERY blood work sample provided to me…


Because seizing all you property and belongings due to “covid” is a “health” measure.
Torches and pitchforks and improvisation still are effective.

Canadian province issues new COVID rules that let gov’t seize private property

Saskatchewan officials may ‘authorize the entry into any building or on any land, without warrant, by any person in the course of implementing an emergency plan.’


Florida Gov Ron DeSantis SUES BIDEN ADMIN Over Border Security, Citing “Border Crisis”

watch , here..

buck Fiden !!  💪  👊 


Excellent warning. The unavailability of this and that has become a daily event.



MeThinks, folks ought to think about how they are prepared to deal with shortages, long term. Plan B for certain foods, beverages… Plan B for electricity, water, heating, cooking, lights…

Have we thought out a, PLAN C, when normal life and Plan B FAIL.

Across the spectrum, how will we deal with shortages. Things break AND no parts available to repair? Transportation?


Local Smith’s (Krogers) this morning. Meat section decimated from the weekend, first of the month… Unsure if product is in the store freezers/chill boxes. Across the store, shelves looking bad. Shortage of employees taking its toll.

Have previously posted on pharmacy hours cut. DAILY, long lines for scripts.

I troll the store for mark downs once or twice a day. (Really saves big bucks.) Will ‘holler out” if store doesn’t recover in a day or so.

THIS one is going on ~three weeks. Since, IIRC, Sadie mentioned it. Booze, beer, wine and hard stuff ON THE SHELVES/coolers continues to chronically look bad. MeThinks these are high mark up items they push to maintain full. Gotta be an impact on P&L sheets.


Consider this…

From the link Barker Jim posted above.

“You have seafaring people who haven’t been able to go ashore in a year due to these mandates and lockdowns. When their contracts are up will they stay on or say “screw that” and walk off? What are you going to do if they walk off?  This place requires that vax, this one another one and so on.  This place is locked down entirely, the next won’t let you into a restaurant, etc.’

One of my sons is a Merchant Mariner.

  • Typically seven month rotation on a ship.
  • They work SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. NO weekends or holidays. EVERY day IS a work day.
  • For the ship, time is money made, or money LOST.
  • The ship is in-port, ONLY, long enough to load adjust. Freight / containers off. Freight / containers onloaded. Typically 12-24 hours. OR the ship is hard down for mandatory repairs.
  • The ONLY time they get off the ship is 1) if the ship is in-port, 2) Between DAILY work shifts, AND 3) with Covid, MOSTLY forget getting off the ship for a couple hours.
  • Quarantine. Country quarantine varies between five, seven and even fourteen days. His last ship he got off the ship in four ports over the seven months. Two of those were when the ship was hard down. One in the dead of winter in Chinhae, South Korea. That sucked. 🙂
  • Merchant Mariner work, life IS hard on the Merchant Mariner.
  • Eighteen months into the Covid LIE, IS taking a TOLL on Merchant Mariner’s.
  • My son has been a Merchant Mariner for nearly two decades. Returning from his last ship, my son started talking about QUITTING Merchant Mariner line of work. Had never raised the “quitting” thought before.

ONLY bring this up to amplify part of what is provided in Barker Jim’s link.

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Hey Kalbo…looks like your neighbors are getting braver.

The Juggernaut (@TheJuggernaut88) Tweeted:
USA 🇺🇸

Las Vegas protest.


Good to see.

Hope it IS contagious. I keep looking for something up my way. No joy, yet. IF it happens in carson City, I’ll be out there making noise.


🙏 Governor DeSantis’ wife Casey has been diagnosed with breast cancer.


Thats rough. Hes got a real split job there.


The Juggernaut (@TheJuggernaut88) Tweeted:
This gentleman’s wife wasn’t accepted in the shop because she wasn’t wearing a mask, what her husband did next..


Yikes! I understand the sentiment, but he’s in big trouble now. This is what *they* want us reduced to, so they have further reason to confine us.


Eastern European sounded like but yes. It will get wirse the more they push people.


They have imposed this dilemma on us, daring us. They understand that violence against their tyranny is natural and expected. And they are prepared to crush everyone of us when the first hint of it takes place.

They have made clear that freedom of speech and assembly will not be permitted in opposition to their tyranny. And they are showing us in Australia how futile it is to circumvent their prohibitions.

Climate and racial “emergencies” are lined up as urgent public health matters, which will involve every aspect of tyrannical government tactics.

And what are we supposed to do, other than eating popcorn and drinking beer because Fox News tells us the Democrats are hopelessly divided between a squad of radicals and moderates, so we should just relax and enjoy the show?

Cuppa Covfefe

There are seven and a half billion of us, and perhaps seven thousand of them.

It’s high time to teach them a math lesson…


That was stoopid, is an understatement.

BUT, compliant businesses and government(S) ARE the problem. NOT this guy or his wife.


Now we just need some jury nullification, or more guys with axes. Either one or combo would work.


You hit me from the front!

Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) Tweeted:
Simply incredible


Lies, failure to take responsibility, placing false blame, devolving into racism and class warfare. Thanks, progressives, for your negative influence on society.

Cuppa Covfefe

She probably doesn’t have insurance either. He’ll get stuck with higher premiums due to uninsured motorist coverage…


The plot may be thickening. Patel is usually very plugged in. These two along with Baker and Priestep lead to McCabe and Comey who lead to the REAL heads of this Cabal,,,Obama and his toady Joe. I think Durham is stadily building a RICO case and a conspiracy. Getting to Comey will lead to that Jan 5th 2016 meeting with Obama and Biden, then the fun begins, Once we get IN the inner circle, it ALL falls apart because the next logical jump is HOW, WHO and WHY.

It makes sense that this had to be done under a Biden admin, can’t be political if it is BIDENS DOJ, which Durham is NOW, doing the reveal.


Hoping your thoughts ARE spot on.


Me too.

JW in Germany

ProgRex! Great to see ya!

I thought that Patel stating that when he prosecuted high-level conspiracy and fraud…it would often take 3-5 years to complete! Durham is 2 years in…and it does not get more “high-level” than what he has been investigating.

Many of us even stated this in discussions OT years ago…but many of us have forgotten.

Could you imagine this going down with President Trump in a 2nd term? Looking back…it had to happen this way. Take them down…THEN returns the REAL President with no real opponent nor resistance…

Talk about a mandate for MAGA! 😮  😎 


“sometimes you cannot TELL the people you must SHOW them. Are we sufficiently shown yet what socialism and Marxism looks like? i think so.

Everything Biden touched went to SHIT in less than 9 months, think a baby, it is TIME. Not only here but ABROAD as well.

Does ANYONE think the China Evergrande collapse was a coincidence? NOPE. Neither was the 3.5 Trillion spending bill that is FLAILING. Remember that is on top of another 2 trillion for “infrastructure” Methinks this was a planned China bailout. One that had to happen quickly and did NOT.

China’s economy may COLLAPSE in the next few days. I think this was ALL started by Trump’s tariffs and economic pressure. THAT is why China and their minions unleashed Covid to do.

ONE get rip of the antagonist Trump
TWO crush the juggernaut US economy.
THREE install a controllable asset (Biden) to preside over “relief” spending that would be funneled to China

China wins. A weakened US set up to go BACKRUPT while we bail out Chinas economy, Trump not there to stop it. China then buys even MORE US debt and assets with OUR “bailout” tax dollars in the guise of “relief” for infrastructure AND Covid.

I bet Covid would “magically disappear ” once China was bailed out.

Buy LOW. China WANTS our stuff, like Afghanistan (think oil and minerals). That is why the intimidation tactics on Taiwan. China would CORNER the microchip and tech industries using fear, and military, and then buy out what is left and REALLY control the future. One belt, one road indeed.

INSIDIOUS, Hopefully there are plans in the works to thwart this. Does it seem ODD that the election audits, Durham indictments, and Evergrande collapse are ALL happening at the SAME TIME.

Was Afghanistan the TRIGGER, or was the audit or the mandates? All 3? Somehow things are NOT going to China’s plan right now…I smell the hands of a combed over ex President here. Something is NOT as it seems!

JW in Germany

Perhaps the proper ‘red lines’ were crossed. 😉

Valerie Curren

Is Q-Tree getting attacked again? I’ve been trying to like your comment & it’s not taking (1st time today). Since it’s showing Zero Likes it seems at least possible that TPTB are suppressing You too 😉

Deplorable Patriot

The one I really want is MCCabe. Comey was a figurehead in many ways, and I’m still not on the side of him being a black hat. Too many indicators that he was playing a role.


I suspect we will soon, FINALLY see, Comey which ever hat he wears IS the key to getting to Obama. McCabe gets Comey…and likely others.


Playboy Celebrates First Ever MALE Cover Model…
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Bretman Rock : A Huge Deal For The LGBT Community

article link..


doing back-flips into Gomorrah.

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2



Whatever. They’re so predictable and utterly depraved


Let’s Go, Bretman




This really benefits the climate change and no oil drilling agenda for dimms. Big time. They will absolutely destroy the environment for power. I expect gruesome to use it as an op.

Right at migration season for whales. End of shark nursery season too.

“HUNTINGTON BEACH (CBSLA) — One of the largest oil spills in recent Southern California history likely originated from a pipeline leak and made its way to Huntington Beach Sunday — claiming the lives of fish, birds and other ocean wildlife — spurring a coastline closure, and prompting the cancelation of the third day of the Pacific Airshow.

Oil floats in the water of the Talbert Marshlands as a 3,000-barrel oil spill, about 126,000 gallons, from an offshore oil rig reaches the shore and sensitive wildlife habitats in Newport Beach, Calif., on October 3, 2021. (Getty Images)

According to authorities, 126,000 gallons of oil leaked from the offshore oil rig Elly on Saturday and started washing ashore in Orange County and into the coastal waters. The spill was likely caused by a pipeline leak from a facility operated by Beta Offshore about five miles off the coast, officials said.

The oil slick was impacting almost six miles from the Huntington Beach pier to the Balboa pier, and has resulted in the closure of the beach from the Santa Ana River jetty to the Huntington Beach Pier. Health officials warned people not to swim, surf or exercise by the beach because of the potential health hazards. People were also urged not to fish in the area since the waters are considered toxic.

Huntington Beach Mayor Kim Carr described the situation as a “potential ecologic disaster,” and said some of the oil had reached the shore and was impacting the Talbert Marshlands and the Santa Ana River Trail.”


No exercise on the beach. Hmmm.


Chuckles. That’s not an oil spill….

*Whips out * THAT’S an oil spill.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That’s what went through my mind. 3K barrels sounds like a lot, but in the world of oil, it’s but a drop in the, erm, bucket. The Santa Barbara spill, no doubt, gave an impetus to the “Earth Day” (Stalin’s birthday) “celebration”, the first of which was in 1970…

Something they probably don’t mention is that there are bacteria that FEAST on oil (and, yes, plastics). Relatives of the ones that congregate near seafloor vents where oily sludge is oozing out… There’s bacteria for just about everything. Now if only we could find swamp-eating bacteria, we could watch Faux-Xi et. al. disappear in real time….

I can see it now: Heyyyy, misbegotten lawn-ornament Faux-Xi, what’s eating you???

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Before i was born but wow! My grandma lived up there. I remember going to goleta a seeing a beached whale, dead, huge. That 1969 spill was awful.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Keytruda. No chemo! No radiation!

MHOO [my humble opinion only]


I hope that would work for her. There are different kinds of breast cancer that have their own specifric treatments.


Not a good diagnosis in a woman of this age…..hopefully, we’ve come a long way in the last yrs.


My daughter in law had breast cancer at 34 and she now is 53. They made great advances.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know many survivors! Including a stage 4 diagnosis, cancer free for decades now.


These guys are asking the South African Constitutional Court to order all COVID lockdowns and related emergency measures be disbanded and because of the South African Reserve Banks (which like the Fed is a private institution) involvement with these measures be disbanded as an fiat money printing institution and replace the South African currency with a Gold backed one.

This is the biggest case in the world right now. Not only are the People of South Africa seeking a ruling to hold their President and Parliament liable for the damages inflected by the Globalist’s Covid-Crime Against Humanity, but they are also seeking a ruling that will liquidate their Central Bank in order to pay damages suffered by the People.

Where South Africa goes, so does the entire Continent. This victory will free the People from the Debt-Slavery imposed by the Central Bank fiat-currency system, establish a gold-backed dollar, eliminate corrupt political parties, and establish Africa as the home base from which to begin the Nuremberg 2.0 trials for the Crime Against Humanity that’s been inflicted upon the entire world.

This could be the big breakthrough event that the world has been praying for. If the South African Constitutional Court was completely corrupted as the rest of the world, this case would never have gotten to where it is.

Please share, because this is the ruling that will break the back of the New World Order


Well … Gaddafi was going to do that with the Libyan dinar – make it a gold dinar.

All he got for his effort was Hildabeast unleashing hellfire from above on his country. He paid for his impudence with his life and who knows where his 6-10 tons of gold went.

Maybe South Africa will turn out better.

Brave and Free

Yup, it’s probably funded all kinds a nefarious CB activity.


Such a great Monday opener. From Polar bear to raccoon, pure fun. Ideal way to start our week.

“Demoncrats mistake our taciturn behavior as acceptance of their lawlessness, when in fact we are contemplating how best to destroy them.”

IF the bastards (D-Rats, R-Cons, Uniparty, Deep State) don’t back off, their assuming our TACITURN behavior is assured, WILL BE THEIR downfall.


Ted Nugent mocks the sheeple:

[video src="" /]


G R E A T reply(s) by Ted!


Valerie Curren

Well it is hunting season here in Michigan & the interviewer is Tim Skubick (sp?) who often reports on doings in Lansing. Nuge used to live here in the Great Lakes State & is the mentee of Fred Bear, epic hunter 🙂 However I seriously doubt his brief commentary will be taken seriously, or even seen, by most of the sheeple…


Send the link to Thayrone X, whose show is on WAAM 1600 am at 3:00 pm ET.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2
Valerie Curren

? Are you telling me to do this or saying that you already did this?


Not me.


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eilert is teasing news about Pfizer.(whistleblower?)

Major Patriot
1hcomment image


They must have been stoned to the bone, to think they could beat Dirty Harry… 😁

Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Good news for David Clements:

The Professor’s Record
The NMSU Marxist Tribunal meets today to decide my fate at the university.

The hearing will commence at 11 am MST.

Please pray that God’s will be done.

Not my will.

Not the university’s will.

God’s will.

The Professor’s Record
As you know, the frivolous complaint filed by Marxist/Antifa Professor Jamie Bronstein against me with the NM State Bar to strip me of my license has been dismissed.

God is good.

The Professor’s Record
What I haven’t told you yet is that a complaint filed by Nevada attorney Nicholas Bullock with the NM State Bar to strip me of my license has also been dismissed.

I wanted Ms. Bronstein, and Mr. Bullock to know that.

God is good.

The Professor’s Record
Another thing I failed to mention to you, was that a third complaint filed by Professor Trent Toulouse, who is related to my corrupt Secretary of State, Maggie Toulose Oliver, to strip me of my license has also been dismissed.

I wanted Ms. Bronstein, Mr. Bullock, and Mr. Toulouse to know that as well.

God is great.

That was God’s will.

God has a remarkable way of protecting His children.

Maybe one day, these godless commies will realize they are fighting on the wrong side.

God wins.

The Professor’s Record
Keep the complaints coming. I can do this all day.


^^^ THIS IS great news. Thanks for posting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Quite awesome!!!


This is Clements last night on Telegram, addressing the Wendy Rogers issue. The last sentence is “we are out of time”. Just click. And if someone who uses telegram knows how to drag the text here, that would be great. 👍🏻

Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

If you add an “s/” in there after the slash you will be able to access that link without an account.

Last edited 3 years ago by grandmaintexas

I’m on telegram, but when I share something it only shows up as a link. 🙄


From what I see, Clements IS spot on.

Demand transparency. Demand ACTION.



Remember this?comment image
Right Again!


Good news per GWP: Supreme Court Turns Away Appeal by DC Residents to Give Them Voting Member in Congress

DC was never meant to be a place where people permanently reside, but the left has been pushing for statehood and representation anyway.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



JUST IN – Data of over 1.5 billion Facebook users is being sold on a popular hacking-related forum. Data contains users’ names, emails, phone numbers, locations, gender, and user ID.

This is the largest and most significant Facebook data dump to date and seemingly unrelated to an earlier 2021 Facebook data dump.

Cuppa Covfefe

That could explain the worldwide outage this morning – damage control…
Whats(cr)App was down, too…


It’s still down here. 3+ hours and counting.

Deplorable Patriot

Instagram and WhatsApp are down also.

Now the world is finding out that they can get along without FB.


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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. May take a while, too…. I can just see hackers trying to figure out the 72 (or whatever it is) genders that Farcebørk “offers”…

My dumb phone is looking smarter every day 🙂

My son has WhatsApp (and Telegram and some other stuff, but not Farcebørk) on his iPhone SE but it looks like WhatsApp is pulling support for a lot of phones, including that one (the older SE). Talk about forced upgrades… then again, WhatsApp isn’t independent anymore, so it’s not a total loss…

Nothing like a week’s standby before having to recharge 😎
[Or 64Kbit Internet, I guess…]

Deplorable Patriot

I’m working on catching up reading through all the accounts I follow (I was in Church for HOURS today. Two different ones), and word is it’s going down.


Seriously. Not being my normally sarcastic self.

Do we know or suspect, what is going down?

Deplorable Patriot

The beginning of the blackout.


“Do we know or suspect, what is going down?”


Confidence that anything is happening?


Last edited 3 years ago by scott467

Still down. From what I see of posts on Gab, they (fb, which also operates instagram and whatsapp) managed to erase their own DNS (Domain name system) records, so they have well and thoroughly put themselves off the air.

Similar info on the UK Daily Mail frontpage, (

And there are plenty of speculative writings about why… stolen data or some whistleblower coming forth about how bad fb had been. Though nothing of this looked any worse than what we are seeing from Fauci and the man who didn’t win, on a near-daily basis.

Or if it was more than just fat-fingering some server configs hitting a particular single point of failure? That doesn’t appear right to me, that an enormous entity like fb has just one single Achilles heel like that (and even Achilles himself had two of them!)

So here’s more speculation while I wait and see.


Guess they are having a bad day. Karma.’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good article over at El Reg about Farcebørg being down:

[companion article about Gargle and Chrome monopoly is also worth a look: ]

Dane Knecht, senior vice president at Cloudflare, tweeted that the outage was attributed to Facebook’s BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) routes being withdrawn on the internet. That broke or hampered connectivity between the wider world and Facebook’s systems, including its DNS servers. As such, we can’t even resolve right now.


 New York Times reporter Sheera Frenkel said she was “just on phone with someone who works for FB who described employees unable to enter buildings this morning to begin to evaluate the extent of outage because their badges weren’t working to access doors.”

And, in the comments..

Facebook down….. side benefits?

So after the panic in offices, etc. folks might actually be more productive then? Or just so upset they can’t do anything. Families will have actually have to talk to each other with whatever consequences result from actual conversation.

For a fleeting day or hours, we’re back in the 90’s.

Has anyone…

…started a crowdfund to keep these sites down?

Scuttlebutt in the tech community on twitter is that it’s a BGP issue.

Allegedly they stopped advertising their BGP routes for reasons unknown atm. They can’t get in remotely to fix it because they can’t route to the network.

Add to this the security system that controls access to the building needed depends on their LDAP servers, which are inaccessible, so they have also locked themselves out physically.

Internal Comms are down because the corporate comms solution is FB Messenger and WhatsApp so no-one can talk to anyone else easily to come up with a solution.

This could take a while.

And, of course, the usual El Reg leftard whinging against We The People…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m wondering if this may be an “engineered fuck-up” so that the Pfizer release on Veritas doesn’t get spread.

Cuppa Covfefe

Good point. The article on El Reg (or a following link) mentioned that FB is starting to use AI, erm, bots to do network maintenance stuff, and that might be behind the pear-shape of their notwork today…

HP has been pushing AI for networks to get rid of human admins for some time now…

And with (supposedly) automated maintenance, outages can be prearranged, and no human (hah) has to take the blame… win-win, except for us (as usual)…..

Having said that, hopefully the other social media can publicize the Veritas infos… Signal, Telegram, Gab, BitChute, etc. ….


Too much independent media now. It will get out come hell or high water.

JW in Germany

Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp down over 3 hours here in Germany.

In a curious twist, by early afternoon, the domain name “” was listed for sale by Domain Tools. The organization behind the domain registration was still listed as Facebook, Inc. and it’s unclear why the site’s address would be listed for sale.

For sale??? This is a HUGE outage and someone is trolling the shit out of Zuck!

Last edited 3 years ago by JW in Germany

Well deserved!

Deplorable Patriot

A couple of prayer requests that I will put over at Marica’s as well.

Please, pray for my sister’s friend S. This morning at her husband’s funeral, her son and her sister practically carried her out of the Church. I had to take my glasses off while I finished the recessional song. Fortunately, I know that one by heart. It was heartbreaking to watch.

Also, please pray for my cousin D and his wife E. They are expecting a baby early next year and have learned that this child has Downs Syndrome. This is their second. The older child is a darling boy. D’s grandmother told E that this child is lucky being born into this family – and that is true. We have love enough for everybody.


 🙏  done

Concerned Virginian

Thank you for this. Done!

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you so much. It means a lot.

Valerie Curren

Your cousin’s wife may enjoy this book, Expecting Adam. I found it very moving & healing as a challenged mom of a special needs child…
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May the Lord minister His grace & peace to every person & need you shared.

Deplorable Patriot

They’re actually taking classes re what to expect and on raising a Downs child. Given the entire situation, I wish we were closer together, but D’s mom is retired, and she’s a kid person for sure. E’s family I don’t know, but they outnumbered us at her first baby shower. And there’s A LOT of us.

Valerie Curren

Hopefully this very unique child will be welcomed in much love with these extended clans. What a blessing for you all!

I have written many times on special needs issues on my main blog. There may be material there that could be an encouragement.

At the bottom of that post are links to many other blogs or websites that I encountered in putting the above post together. Most are by moms of special needs kids & most are Christian.

Special needs parenting is VERY Different from “just” parenting. Hopefully they will have time to get (somewhat) prepared…& give themselves permission to be Wherever they are (mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally, spiritually, financially) as their unique journey unfolds.

In my experience the special needs child is a Great Gift that comes with much suffering & immeasurable joy…they are on a transformational road & will need much love, patience, & gentleness from others (if they are so fortunate to have such supports) to come alongside them & help bear their burdens with love & grace…


Extea amoubt of push rn ti abort and consider THAT better. Im glad the baby will be in a proactive and protective family.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy






Deplorable Patriot

Thank you


Downs kids are the sweetest happiest kids. It’s not a bad thing; just different.

Brave and Free

Will be offering up prayers for all. The Lord works in mysterious ways and blessings come from where we never expected.
God Bless.


From the making the obvious more obvious category we have this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very good. He sees it.


Double vaxxed and negative before attending the Emmys:

It will be tough to blame this on the unvaxxed.

Did those from the View that contracted COVID prior to Kamala’s interview, also attend the Emmys?

Seth Rogan’s comments about the safety of the venue:

That moment when Seth Rogen is more concerned about Covid safety, his fellow actors’ lives and sending the right message to CBS’s aging viewers than @CBS itself. #Emmys

— Richard Hine (@richardhine) September 20, 2021


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Maybe with Bondi and Guilfoyle in charge they will not be hampered by advisers who want to insert RINOs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I see some nice firewalls in there.


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Good to read positive news. Positive USMCA news. Thanks to Trump and his Team.

BiteMe has NOTHING positive to claim.


there's a dot in relation to this VPN service that we had no reason to notice at the time. ThreatConnect interpreted domain fr1.vpn-service[.]us as evidence of Russian origins of Guccifer2. FWIW top-level domain server for .us domains operated by … Rodney Joffe's Neustar.

— Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) October 4, 2021



I don’t have either but throwing this out there FWIW


NOT a techie.

IF true…

Guessing FB and all of them have back up code.

The bigger problems, I would GUESS. WHY did this happen? Who did it? What is the damage to FB or whoever is effective.

Is there a ransom, blackmail involved?

Yada. Yada.

This could be entertaining.


I’ve read that their stock tanked today, too, once the news got out.


Yup. Heard FB closed down 5%.


Good ( but I am tired of feeling like only so called minority groups have more justification than whites who also oppose the farce mandates )


Important article:

Doctor Performs Blood and Immune System Test Before and After COVID Vaccination, The Alarming Results Motivate Him to Share This Video

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! That was posted here late yesterday in the comments, and I was thinking about doing a full post on it. Glad that Sundance beat me to it.


I got my Indian Ivermectin today. 11 days total from ordering. That’s really fast for a package from India.


^^^ 🙂 Thanks for letting us know.


Okay! Everyone in the pool!

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Why did you not use push health and an American pharmacy? Curious about everyone buying directly from India.


No doctor required.


The medical/pharma industry is compromised. Ivermectin acquired in the US may be compromised in order to show that ivermectin is unsafe.


Can’t answer for Linda. My thoughts follow.

  • Push Health. Are these the guys that we can deal with online and or phone. They “Push” a script to a local pharmacy. IF SO, from what I’ve read, “local” pharmacists all TOO OFTEN refuse to fill the script. Local pharmacists are as crappy as the average quack, taking a knee to CDC edicts. IVM BAD. My bottom line, WASTED time and money.
  • No idea how Push Health rates cost wise. I assume they are fairly prompt.
  • “American pharmacy”, I assume is inline with what I posted above. Push Health wires a script to an American pharmacy. Latter fills the script, or denies it on the whim of the pharmacist.
  • I have used AND AM thankful for BOTH AFLD and FLCCC. BUT, they ARE VERY PRICEY. doses limited in some cases. refills are start over. $$$
  • IndiaMart in my experience VERY affordable as compared to AFLD and FLCCC. Larger quantity of doses. Precludes need to refill soon. No script required. No Q&A. Purchasing from what I’d call a pharmacy in India.
Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Thanks, Kalbo. You more than covered what I would have answered.


For historical reference:

Files of the Nuremberg Trials published online

On the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg trial of the major war criminals of World War II, Stanford University digitized the historical files of this trial and made them publicly available online.

From November 20, 1945, to October 1, 1946, leading representatives of the National Socialist regime had to answer before an international military tribunal. The 24 main defendants included Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel and Karl Dönitz.

The documents were provided by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington has digitized the documents. Stanford University made the files searchable using text recognition and divided them into types of documents such as charges, closing arguments, pardon, and witness lists.

Over 5000 files are now online

It took around 20 years to digitize 5,215 files: A total of about 270,000 individual pages or 50 terabytes of data. About two-thirds of the files are in German. The archive also contains restored audio recordings from Nuremberg that are 75 years old.

The collection can be viewed under the name “Taube Archive of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg (1945-1946)“. Files such as the closing argument by Wilhelm Keitel, Field Marshal General of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, can now be viewed online without registration.

Further publications planned

In addition to the trial files, the research group plans to add another 1,000 hours of audio and six hours of film material. They contain recordings of the legal proceedings against the 24 main defendants. These recordings should follow in mid-2022.

For the first time in history, the entire government of a country was charged and had to answer on the basis of its own documentation. Between 1945 and 1949 further trials took place before the International Military Court, twelve so-called Nuremberg follow-up trials, including against doctors, the Flick Group, IG Farben, generals from Southeast Europe, and the Wehrmacht High Command. The files of the follow-up processes are not yet included in the archive but are to be digitized in cooperation with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and also put online.

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Hmmm. I wonder who got them to release those files. Sounds like a warning to me.


Interesting. I’d love to see some trials of our own.


“It took around 20 years to digitize 5,215 files: A total of about 270,000 individual pages or 50 terabytes of data.”


20 years and 50 terabytes for 270k pages?

Hope nobody needed that information in a hurry… 😂🤣😂

I scanned about 50,000 pages of original 1960s GM Dealer parts manuals to Adobe Acrobat through a consumer grade Fujitsu scanner about 10 years ago.

Small print, part numbers and part names.

At a scanning speed of about one page every 3 seconds [checks calculator…] it took about 40 hours over the course of a several weeks.

OCR (optical character recognition) on everything, so I could do a computer search by GM part number through all of the GM Dealer parts books.

The whole project used up about 4 GB total, on a one terabyte (1,000 GB) hard drive.

I’m sure they need to be a little more careful with historical documents… but 20 years?!?

Deplorable Patriot

FB is back up. Don’t know about the others.


So was the whole thing merely a shiny object?


Saw plenty of comments that theyre seeing what happens if everything is shut off for elections.

Deplorable Patriot

Could well be.


Wolf posited it could be related to Project veritas posting a Pfizer video.


I don’t know if anyone ever utters “Utter Rubbish!” in response to someone speaking same anymore? This could be imagined to be said in an “upper crust” English accent.

In fact, imagine said utterance by an English Dame dining at the “Bengal” in India during their days of Empire. Play with the sound of it in your head …..

Now, next time some COVIDIOT starts to lambast you with some vax or other Covidiocy, let rip with a resounding …… “Uttar Pradesh!!” …. in your best impersonation of a Brit of that era …..


OK, for another bit of fun for Robert Baker, we’ll mix in a couple of other things…..

We’ll start by using the graphical user interface. With the mouse, click (or double-click) on the raspberry at the top left, pull it down to “Preferences” and hover, then click “Add / Remove Software” when it shows up. In the box you get, go to the search area (top left) and type in “cowsay”. Hmmm…..sort of looks like this system and apt are using the same information…..

Next interesting thing, back in the CLI (best in a new one — easy to get if you still have the mouse in your hand — click on an open terminal, click “File” and click “New Window”). Let’s take one of the most complicated, large, graphic collections of programs included on your pi — just type “libreoffice” at the prompt and hit return. Hmm, again….

Let’s start moving around in the filesystem. If you look at your prompt, it says something like “pi@raspberrrypi:~ $”. The “~” is a shortcut for where you are now — typically something like “/home/pi”. You can find out where you are at any time by using the “pwd” command which stands for “print working directory”. Just for fun, try typing “pwd | cowsay -f elephant” and hitting return [The | character is shown on your keyboard with two line segments with a tiny gap between them, and lives between your Backspace and Enter keys].

OK, so we can know the directory we’re in. What else is here? The command “ls” tells you what is in the current directory. There should be nine things there, all of which are blue. That helps you know that they are also directories. Let’s try going into one. Hopefully, you have one called “Bookshelf”. Type “cd Bookshelf” [this is case sensitive] and hit enter. Note that the prompt changes — in practice, you seldom have to use pwd…..but it’s nice that it’s there.

Using ls, we find that we have one white file, and all the directories we used to see are gone. Files whose name begins with a period are normally invisible. If you type “ls -a”, you can see them — in this case, you have “.” and “..” — dot is the directory you are in and dot-dot is the directory above you (what is in your prompt less the last slash-whatever). Another popular option for ls is “ls -l” (you can see all the options with “man ls”) — this shows you who owns the file, what group controls the file, and who can do what with it. We’ll be talking about this more….

At this point, there are three ways of going back to where we started — “cd /home/pi”, “cd ~” or “cd ..”.

Ranging somewhat farther afield, let’s try typing “which cowsay” and hitting enter. On this system (there’s no chair by the pi), I get /usr/games/cowsay. You might get something different. That says the program I use when I type “cowsay” into the CLI is named “cowsay” and lives at /usr/games. You can type “cd /usr/games” (or whatever it is on your system) and go there, then use “ls” to see what else is there. If you use ls -l, you will note that cowsay says something like “-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4664 Oct 28 2019 cowsay”. This says the file owner is root, it is in group root, it’s 4664 bytes long and was last messed with by the operating system on October 28, 2019. The nasty looking thing at the beginning is actually easier than it looks: it means that it’s a regular file “-“, the owner can Read, Write, and eXecute it — “rwx”; then the group can Read and eXecute it — “r-x”; then normal users like us can Read and eXecute it — “r-x”. Thus, “-rwxr-xr-x”.

By contrast, if we look at “cowthink”, it says “lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Oct 28 2019 cowthink -> cowsay”. The first character being “l” means that it is NOT a regular file. It is a link, as specified at the end “cowthink -> cowsay”. It is a phantom…..and, yet…… try “cat cowthink”.

Cat shows what is INSIDE of a file. In this case, it comes out with a complete Perl program, which couldn’t possibly have fit within the six bytes that ls -l showed us as the size of cowthink. That’s because it linked over to cowsay and showed you what was inside THAT file, all 4664 bytes of it. We’ll be talking about “cat” much more, and I should warn you at this stage that you should never (a) cat large files, or (b) expect the output to make sense.

Anything that can be a command can be “which”ed. So you can “which libreoffice”, “which apt”, “which ls”, etc. Any of those locations can be visited with “cd”. Any files in a directory can be shown by “ls”.

Even though “cat” and “pwd” have been mentioned in passing, it’s just in passing for now.


I have followed thru all the above steps. I think some LEDs are beginning to populate the path. Not spotlights, mind you, but just the same the darkness is less pitch.

Thanks for taking the time.


Remember that you can always take the blue pill and go back to using menus and mice….but, as you’ve probably figured out, you can do more things, often faster, from the CLI — and it gets to be fun after a while.

OK, for this next bit, install gufw from either the CLI or from the menus.

We’ve seen that the Add / Remove software is apt for people who like pictures. Next, click raspberry, then hover Accessories, then click File Manager. That’s the filesystem for people who like pictures — but notice what they lose….they can’t see permissions, they can only go places that show up on their screen (instead of jumping to /etc/apt/sources.list.d in one shot, should they be inclined), and the layout is different for every Linux system (on this system, for instance, the File Manager is named Nemo — on the pi, it’s a different program).

Way back before things really kicked off, we used a CLI program called ufw, for “Uncomplicated Fire Wall.” You should now have the “Graphic Uncomplicated Fire Wall” — which seems like a contradiction in terms and may be. You can start it either from the command line or finding it in the menus (either way you installed it, it should have ended-up in there somewhere). Inspect at your leisure. (Don’t change anything).

So, we’ve seen that ufw, the CLI tool at street level, has gufw available in the penthouse, doing the same thing with nice views…..just to let you know, however, ufw has iptables (see man) in the basement — it was in your system even before ufw was installed, and it is theoretically possible that we could have made your system safe using only this tool. As the saying goes, “I may be crazy, but I’m not stupid.” — you really have to have a very good reason to go down into that basement.*

A similar thing is true with apt. You can go to the penthouse and get nice pictures, extended descriptions, sometimes user ratings, a preview of the icon that will be used….or you can walk in to the ground floor with apt, you can go around to the servants’ entrance from which apt was developed — apt-get, apt-cache, and the like…….or you can go to the deep basement where they keep dpkg. There are things that you can do with dpkg that you cannot do with apt, but you really want to avoid this as much as possible (remember when I commented, “let’s see if apt can fix itself”?).

I had glided over something previously, waving my hands, which this explains. In, it notes under “Package Management” that it is DEB. The packages are DEB packages, the primary tool is dpkg, and anyone who wishes to do just get package management done uses apt — which is semi-intelligent and has limited capabilities for fixing itself.

Speaking of packages, your system probably had about 30,000 of them installed before you started installing more. Your big overnight upgrade probably upgraded about 300. There are probably 70,000+ packages available in Debian and Raspios. (You can find out the exact numbers, using only the tools you have on your machine, but there’s no real reason to research them).

* I did an extended tour when I was setting up a Raspberry Pi to be on two networks simultaneously — and not let either know it was on the other. It can be done.



As you now know, “ls” is a very common command when wandering around a Linux system.

Install the package “sl”, which is meant to improve people’s typing. Run it. Find the nickname. Remove the package.

Valerie Curren

Just curious is “Is” in fact capital i or small case L, if the latter does “ls” stand for Linux system?

What might “sl” stand for & the L Question above still applies…

Knowing what abbreviations stand for is helpful to me. Years ago I Had to know that “html” stood for “Hyper Text Markup Language”. Not being a techie this didn’t do much for my existence but still eased my mind.

It’s like knowing
.com commercial
.edu educational institution
.gov government
.ca Canadian


Somewhere down the road I’m hoping to refer back to your RB tutorials & set up a Pi myself (maybe enlisting my techie son-in-law to assist). I’ll touch base with you first (don’t be holding your breath as it could be months or more) to try to do as much offline first with our conversation on another device…

Thanks for sharing all this info!


This is a very good question.

UNIX was originally developed on incredibly primitive hardware —

— you will note that two of the developers of UNIX are shown using one. I’ve used one of those, and have snippets of punched paper tape that I’ve saved.

The oldest Linux commands are things like “rm”, “ls”, “cd”, “dd”, “df”, “sh”, and the like — because teletypes were so freakin’ slow and nobody wanted to wait for more than two keystrikes for a command.

When terminals became faster and case-sensitive, everything turned into lower case. If you enter LS into Linux today, you get a giant “Huh?”.

“LS” was originally meant to list the contents of a directory. It’s been about 50 years, and “ls” now means what it says when you “man ls”.

There are a number of reasons to study Linux, and a number of goals to be sought. Robert Baker specifically asked to “learn the language of Linux” — which I find particularly delightful and truly believe will provide him great rewards as he advances in understanding. This is far from the only reason to study Linux and far from the only goal to be sought, and I would have different lessons for different seekers. Someone might well seek ways to transcode audio formats and apply various transforms upon them. Linux does this very well and has the best tools, and I’d likely spend much less time with cows. That said, it is much more likely that the audio guy will look for Robert’s advice than Robert will look for the audio guy’s advice.

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

Thx CT! This is all rather fascinating & occasionally delightful. I very much appreciate all that you are sharing!


For the package “sl”, “sl” stands for “steam locomotive”.

Valerie Curren



From your observations with “which”, you’ll note that several locations keep getting used frequently. The command to show a list of these locations is “echo $PATH”.

PATH is a variable that holds a list of the places where your current shell is going to look for commands. The program “which” runs through ONLY THOSE locations (in order) to find the command you name. If you ask for a program outside PATH, “which” won’t give you anything.

PATH is a variable entirely under your control. You can overwrite it entirely, which will make recovery quite difficult and challenging, or you can add to or subtract from it. You could delete any directory that included “games” in its name, because you want people to concentrate on WORK!!! Or you could add “/bin/robert” at the front because you want your personal version of “vi” to take precedence over the built-in version.

[Of course, there is no “/bin/robert” directory unless you make one — which you can easily see by going to /bin and using ls to see if there is a robert in it.]

[BTW, all this razzmatazz about changing directories and moving up-and-down and jumping around obviously implies that there are commands for creating new ones and destroying old ones. These are both already available on your system. See if you can find these CLI commands without me (you can always ask).]

Incidentally, there are a number of variables around your “environment” that most people just let programs deal with. Use “env” to see them. You can set your own —

export DIAMOND

When you run “env” again…..ta-da! (This will go away when you shut this terminal window.)


The pipe character (“|”) has come up before and we blitzed on through it. We’re now going to perform one of the “classic” stupid Linux tricks.

“fortune | cowsay”

You’ve probably already figured out that this connects the output from “fortune” to the input of “cowsay”. Pipes are not a command, they’re built-in (although there is a related command, “tee”). If you run it multiple times (and you should), the fortune displayed keeps changing. Start sorting your cows into “wise” and “foolish”….

This functionality is generally available in the CLI, and not on a mouse/menu interface. There are a number of programs that are designed to be used with it.

For instance, let’s take a look at “ps -e”. That normally blows right off the edge of the screen before you can read it. If you knew that you only wanted the first few lines, you could “ps -e | head”. If you knew that you only wanted the last few lines, you could “ps -e | tail”. If you wanted to take it in manageable chunks, you could “ps -e | less”. If you only wanted to know about the brave browser (which we haven’t installed on your system yet), we could go “ps-e | grep brave”. [“ps -e” shows all the running processes on your computer.]

Let’s go even bigger. Go to the /var/log directory, and get an ls -l on the file “syslog”. Mine says its 249266 bytes — the old rule-of-thumb was 2000 bytes per printed page, so this should be well over 100 printed pages. Remember how “cat” can look inside files, but I warned you not to cat large files? “cat syslog | tail” is how you make it a pussycat. Gives you the last few lines of the file instead of locking up your display with rapidly flickering rubbish.


I’m sure Robert is wondering when he’s going to be able to do work on his monstrosity.


I have raised the subject a number of times, and pointed out that some of the things for doing work in Linux are available for Windows or Apples. That has not been his focus (so far…..) — he wants to learn what makes Linux tick. He hasn’t even wanted to open a browser.

And this is hardly a monstrosity. It’s a cute little red-and-white keyboard that happens to have more horsepower than a million-dollar computer in the 90s.




Good or bad, Scheller has received plenty of attention on QTree today.

Just saw an article via American Thinker. The basic read is interesting.

“Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Is The Billy Mitchell Of The 21st Century”

CLOSES WITH AN “UPDATE”. (Emphasis added.)

“UPDATE: It emerged today that Scheller is either a NeverTrumper or a Democrat. That doesn’t detract from the principled stand he made (there are morally upright leftists) but it’s information worth having.

So as to NOT appear, to selectively edit. Following also at the end of the article. Me. The November 3 election ballot had more than two candidates for President.. What little I know about Scheller, the paragraph below provides a stoopid assumption, who Scheller voted for. Who Scheller voted for is a guess, at best. Again, don’t really care who he voted for.

“(From Andrea Widburg) And an update to the update: Bob Parks has more information about Stuart Scheller’s Never Trumpism. I strongly disagree with everything Scheller said about Trump, especially because, as a NeverTrumper, he presumably voted for Biden, thinking that the most corrupt, stupid man in modern American political history would be both a unifier and uncorrupt. That’s not bright. Having said that, if one focuses on what catapulted Scheller into prominence, he still pointed out the military brass’s utter lack of responsibility for wrongdoing. Also, the treatment meted out to Scheller has a Soviet feel that we all need to challenge.””

Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

comment image


Love it! 😍


Concerning FAKE Book. Smoke and Mirrors.
*Whistle blower Francis Haugen’s complaint is being spearheaded by mealy mouthed Democrat Senators like Richard Blumenthal.
*Haugen allegedly went rouge last month taking about 10,000 internal documents when she left F.B. Formally worked at both Google and Pinterest during her 15 year career as a data scientist with a business degree from Harvard.
*Two complaints.
First FB is seeking profit over safety.

says, “we estimate that we may action as little as 3-5% of hate and about 6-tenths of 1% of V & I [violence and incitement] on Facebook despite being the best in the world at it.” 

Claims that after the 2020 election it turned off its 2018 Algorithm that then allowed for things like Jan 6 and Mynmar Republic’s military coup as well as allowing for unrest in the EU among other things thus making it less safe. <<<—this is her big complaint. Total Rubbish.

Her second complaint is about how FB is damaging teenage girls. Whatever. I am sure this one might have some substance but the issue is what FB is going to try to do with the first complaint. Which is give justification for an information crack down.

*Currently hearings are slated to begin on second part of the complaint next week with the parts that have been leaking into the press,( what parts…? exactly, back seat stuff no one cares about in comparison with all else going on) Any way Blumenthal chairs with Sen Marsha Blackburn so I hope we have some containment on the shenanigans that they are about to pull as FB, it’s Whistle Blower, and the Democrats attempt to steal all the oxygen out of the tent with this nothing burger and hopefully Marsha can turn it around to demonstrate how FB helped steal the 2020 election.

*Had to use a demon site to figure out what’s up. You can watch the Scott Pelly interview to read between the lines and see it for your self.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Biden, when questioned about Joe Manchin’s boat being surrounded by kayaks over the week end and Sinema being hounded in a woman’s bathroom, both in order to get them to change their vote: “It’s part of the process”.

Good to know what’s allowed and what’s not. These kind of things being allowed. What are we waiting for?


LOL, there’s this very oily slippery matter of the double standard. See below!

This judge sentenced OVER what the DOJ recommended…needed a lesson per her


h/t Ben Garrison Cartoons:

comment image


Sadly, that looks like a long slope downhill …..


Ignore at our peril. MeThinks.

ht Chiefio.

Blow Up Coal, Vilify Oil, Ban Fracking, – Energy Shortage and Economic Collapse.
The Future IS Happening Now!
Peak Prosperity has an interesting POV on the growing shortage of Fossil Fuels and the decay of economies caused by it.

This was (is) entirely predictable and the thing we’ve said will happen for a few years now.

Well, that future is happening now.

When you are pumping oil or gas out of the ground, the field takes increasing efforts to extract the same amount. IF you stop “developing” the field, you rapidly suffer decreasing supply.

Trump promoted drilling, fracking, developing and producing coal, oil, and gas. The GEBs and their puppet Biden are all about artificial shortages.

So Biden killed the pipeline to deliver oil from Canada, stranding that production (and forcing it onto limited oil trains). Britain blew up their coal power plants before building any replacements. The EU seems hell bent on killing off North Sea gas and oil.

More at the link…


I concur.

There is that old cautionary saying “Be careful what you wish for” which seems to apply to our betters.


Just went to get gas. $4.19/gal


You will have to be willing to go to jail.

Jersey Mike_17a (@JerseyMike_17a) Tweeted:
@disclosetv Are the parents following the teachers and board members into the bathroom?


The parents just need to be careful about what they say. No blatant threats about taking someone’s job, etc. They can rail all day about porn materials in the classroom and critical race theory. They are not breaking any laws. (Yes, I know that doesn’t matter to the thug Left, but all these incidents are recorded.)

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Have not seen this posted….

Latest Project Veritas video. ~10 minutes. Still listening in…So far, GREAT stuff.

YT will take down soon.


Yeah, that was a bombshell. They were saying all the things we know. I guess some Pfizer scientists will be out of a job soon.



Valerie Curren

Somebody archived it 30 minutes ago here


So Southwest Air has posted their got to get the jab video. All the airlines are going with they are gubmint contractors due to Fed cargo they carry, civil air fleet commitments etc. Also, with the FAA all over them I doubt they had a choice but to play ball.

So the wife and son have to be double jabbed by November 24th. They have not said exactly what happens if they are not but I am sure details to follow. The one estimate is 30% of pilots are not jabbed. I am sure some of them will but we will have to see what the final hit the airlines take.

Sad day for the wife as this was her dream job and she did love working for them. Tough days as the purge of the unvaxxed gets rolling over the next month or two. This will come down to the courts once the law suits start flowing but it will take a while to shake out. Still waiting on the OSHA emergency regulation to be posted  🤔 .

With the election year coming up, the dems must be highly confident that their steal the vote process is solid. Or they are just on a suicide run doing as much damage as possible before next November. Sad times indeed.


Im sorry. No other options?


I do send my empathy.
Being on the edge of the knife is unfair. My 15 yr old gs told me he had a shot “for sports”. When I thought back on the timeline I realized that was right before he had the massive sinus infection AND then tested positive for the virus.

It breaks my heart that my youngest gs , 9yrs, will also be forced I guess or can’t attend school. Don’t know when that dictate goes into effect.


Sorry to see this. So unfortunate and unnecessary.

Still waiting on the OSHA emergency regulation to be posted

I can’t vouch for this and don’t know details, but Dave of X22 Report says that any talk of OSHA regulations is moot because Congress is required to approve them (or maybe initiate them? not sure), and Congress has not done that. It might be worth looking into.


There is an emergency clause. They have used it 10 times. Six were challenged in court and five were thrown out.

So this is really about bluffing, then coming out with some B.S rule. They will do their damage through the holidays and winter before we get close to any court resolution.

All the airlines will suffer here. If you are planning holiday travel. Drive.

Deplorable Patriot

This is the best line of questioning I’ve seen yet:

Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page

Forwarded from 

David Avocado Wolfe


The secret is NOT to refuse the jab and do not sign anything!

From a lawyer:

If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it. (Conditional acceptance)

The secret is NOT to refuse it.

“I write with regard to the matter of potential covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements.”:

1. Can you please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?

2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?

3. Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?

4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since it’s introduction?

5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT experimental mRNA gene altering therapy?

6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?

7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery?

8. Can you please advise me if I were to experience any adverse reactions is the manufacturer of the vaccine liable? If the manufacturer isn’t liable will the company I’m currently employed with with be responsible & liable as it is their request that I have the vaccine in order to carry on my employment?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

1. You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.

2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.

3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.

The point is that if they CANNOT provide that information you’ve NOT refused.


This stuff sounds great but you either provide proof of double jab or get terminated. There will be thousands. There will be no haggling.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤔 🤔 🤔

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Two days ago Putin Issued a Warning to Facebook: “Stop Promoting Pedophilia or I’ll Crush You!”

Today the network is down
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While this one may have some validity, This one below makes me smile too. Hey, maybe their in cahoots  🤓 

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Well, this isn’t coincidence. Paid stalkers.


I seem to remember reading that Sinema was contemplating leaving the Dems and becoming independent. I’m not sure if that’s accurate, but if so, I hope this behavior pushes her over the edge.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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It’s so close to being reality that it’s scary


I believe someone was thinking of ferritin when they posted this.



Beach front property will be CHEAP 👍

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Speaking of ginger ale…

Awhile back I found an old bottle of Vernors Ginger Ale on the canning shelves where I live. The bottle was glass and had a metal twist-off cap, probably from the 1980’s era.

I opened it up and gave it a try. No carbonation (fizz) left in it, but oh, the taste! Flavor that far exceeded what Vernors makes now.

Vernors used to advertise that their ginger ale was aged in wood. It has me wondering if I can find if there is a company that still makes ginger ale the old fashioned way.

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Last edited 3 years ago by RF121

If one finds themselves between the proverbial rock and the hard place as you described earlier, one might wish to to soften that place between as best as possible. Find out what works best to diminish the effects of the vaccine. One of things said by the jab pushers is do not take any blood thinners before you get the jab, such as aspirin. That might be a place to start. NAC and L- Glutathione might be others. There are sites out there that will offer suggestions. Let us know what sounds best or bring it back and we’ll bounce it around. Also snake bite kits are for real too. Will they work for the jab???

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

This lying sack needs to shut up.