First things first:
Using fetal tissue lines is a no go for a lot of humans. Those babies, as fetus is Latin for baby, were once someone’s daughters or sons.
This has been on my mind of late:
From the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Chapter Four:
Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert, to be tempted by the devil. [2] And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he was hungry. [3] And the tempter coming said to him: If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. [4] Who answered and said: It is written, Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. [5] Then the devil took him up into the holy city, and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple,[6] And said to him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written: That he hath given his angels charge over thee, and in their hands shall they bear thee up, lest perhaps thou dash thy foot against a stone. [7] Jesus said to him: It is written again: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. [8] Again the devil took him up into a very high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, [9] And said to him: All these will I give thee, if falling down thou wilt adore me. [10] Then Jesus saith to him: Begone, Satan: for it is written, The Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and him only shalt thou serve. [11] Then the devil left him; and behold angels came and ministered to him. |
At first, I thought about this as a sibling rivalry, but really, the better comparison comes from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The true Son, and the servant (Mr. Wickham) who is found wanting. We are seeing this unfold before our very eyes.
That looked like it hurt.
Just sayin’.
Nuremberg II. PLEASE!
Heart failure in young people is NOT NORMAL, no matter what governments want all of us to accept as “truth.”

I had a former suitor who had many of these characteristics.

And then they will know I was right.


Check out the prices on the sign.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
For those who are “papists” today is Our Lady of the Rosary. The original mysteries of the Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Presentation., Finding Jesus in the Temple, Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning of Thorns, Carrying the Cross, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost are prayed (as happens year round) along with the Sacred Tradition of the Assumption and the Crowning of Our Lady Queen of Heaven and Earth. (Pope Saint John Paul II added another group of mysteries, but the ones mentioned are the original group of mysteries), three divisions (Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious) with five decades a piece.
LUKE 1:46-55 (this is technically a canticle)
46And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed; 49for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. 50And his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation. 51He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts, 52he has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree; 53he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent empty away. 54He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity for ever.”
LUKE 1:26-38
26In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. 28And he came to her and said, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” 29But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be. 30And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. 32He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, 33and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there will be no end.” 34And Mary said to the angel, “How shall this be, since I have no husband?” 35And the angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. 36And behold, your kinswoman Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. 37For with God nothing will be impossible.” 38And Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
A good mix of info you grabbed there Miss DP. Tha evil imp has been openly craving control for many years.
DP’s posts are becoming an art form. We’re lucky we don’t have to subscribe to get them.
Good, bad, and the funny plus the uplifting. A cornucopia of thoughts.
Hear, Hear!
I once owned a sheep like the one above…nasty little baa-baa loved to sneak up behind me and send me flying….did it to me three times and then….I brought him home for dinner…….
Yeah, *three* times is quite enough, for that behavior!
Nice to see you – hope you’re weathering the “pre-storm” well enough …
My thought was, “he is auditioning for mutton.”
FreeThinkingPatriot Reagan Conservative (@StillFreeSCOTTY) Tweeted:
I am finding this to have crossed some kind of line. I’m not sure what, but it is EVIL of a grave and serious nature. This is something that cannot be accepted in America.
Colorado Kidney Patient Denied Transplant Due to Vaccine Status – Both Willing Donor and Patient Unvaccinated, Hospital Refuses Surgery
October 6, 2021 | Sundance | 493 Comments
I had found the happened in Washington state a couple months ago.
I mm not sure why this one in Colorado is the one getting more attention.
“The University of Washington Medical Center denied organ transplants to patients who refuse a COVID vaccine as early as June 2021. And hospital officials refuse to answer basic questions about their policy.
In fact, they won’t even directly acknowledge they have a policy.
The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH has learned that UW Medicine removed a 64-year-old patient from the transplant waitlist. He says he was on the list for two and a half years. The hospital made the decision after they learned the patient refused to be vaccinated against COVID. They said they would consider adding him back to the waitlist should he satisfy their “compliance concerns.”
Last week, one vaccine-hesitant patient came forward. He says he was told the vaccine was mandatory before he could get a necessary liver transplant. The hospital does not deny any of the allegations.”
There’s a photo of this patients letter in the article.
Allen says he wrote a letter to UW Medicine to express his disappointment with the decision. He shared the letter with the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH.
“I understand that my choices have repercussions but I did not change the policy. I am most put off, not by your decision to remove me from the list, thereby removing any opportunity to live out my life at a near-normal level, but by the lack of scientific logic that dictates your ‘policy,’” he wrote.
He points to the side effects associated with the vaccine as why he did not want to get it.
“As a person who has spent much time and money at UWMC as a heart failure patient, I am being told I cannot get care for my condition unless I take an injection that has shown to cause cardiac problems,” he wrote. “It seems that a wise choice would be to not make a panic move and run to get injected with the experimental gene therapy until more is known.”
On Aug. 10, Allen received a response.
Bo Secord, assistant director of patient relations, said they received his letter and that it was shared with “appropriate leadership.” But they weren’t budging.
“As your provider noted, they are happy to re-evaluate should you change your mind,” Secord wrote.
A letter won’t get the job done. It will take public exposure that causes public outrage, humiliation, lawsuits, and fear of consequences. Unfortunately, the medical establishment seems to be all in with this tyranny, so we have to fight with all our might. We need to get local news coverage, to call accrediting boards, and other actions that will cause trouble for those in power and get their immediate attention. A large group of people entering the hospital and not budging until an administrator talks with them would be a good start, with the news media on the way. This cannot stand.
And since they are going to ok for very young children they most likely will do the same to them. No leukemia chemo, no cleft palate surgery, no transplant unless you let your 3 yr old or 7 yr old get it. Evil sick people should be publicly shamed.
It requires a lot more than shaming. FG&C is correct – it requires prosecution. This is willful disregard for human life.
We all need to start thinking about this, though. I’m assuming that most of us (if not all) are unvaccinated. We’d better start thinking about what we’ll do in case we get in a situation where we need medical care. I get my care from the VA in the rare situation that I need it. From the tone of their recent newsletters, I wouldn’t doubt them putting in a policy that you have to be vaxxed to get treatment.
I hate to say it, but I think this is really going to get worse. Many doctors are already not accepting patients that aren’t vaccinated.
Equal under the law, so they use corporations to degrade, enslave and kill us.
Yup. “Socialism With American Characteristics”, to borrow from the ChiNazi term.
This was the genius of the RINO embeds. They tell their stupid constituents that private business is free to impose tyranny…and you are free to go elsewhere (for now) or submit.
She unmasked herself very quickly, with both the ugly sports decision and the you “are free” lie.
The swamp is deep, and even four years would never have been enough to drain it fully.
Yet, enough draining has taken place to lower its high-water mark, and it’s stunning how many dark swamp-things have been exposed to the Light of Truth.
Yes, but I’m talking about during the fighting phase when you are trying to get someone the care they need (ivermectin, a transplant, etc.) to preserve their life. Prosecution could help with future cases, but people need action, NOW. Every means at our disposal should be used.
I think you are right, Linda. I have been bracing for it. I have a couple more routine medical tests I need to get completed and then I can heave a sigh of relief, gobble my supplements and pray my immune system holds until this insanity is over. Because I truly expect we, the unvaxxed, will be denied health care.
It requires prosecution and prison.
In cases that result in death, it deserves death penalty considerations.
See my post below.
Quoted you here:
So insane. Socialized medicine is INSANE.
Obamacare was the start of this, IMHO.
I think Obamacare was put in place to facilitate the conditions where it could flourish.
Exactly. And they used a BLACK AVATAR to push medical socialism forward, because guilt-ridden whites won’t say no to blacks, and that psychological error extends all the way up to national politics.
“I had found the happened in Washington state a couple months ago.
I mm not sure why this one in Colorado is the one getting more attention.”
It’s a funny thing Gil, but it’s because Washington state is nearly invisible. Things happen here. They are reported nationally. But people’s eyes pass right over it. They don’t read it/don’t see it/don’t hear it/and never remember it. I’m totally serious. Washington state might as well not exist. It is really the oddest phenomenon. It is invisible.
I suppose in a way that makes us the perfect laboratory for evil. All sorts of horrible things happen in Washington first. And they are never, ever EVER noticed until they happen later in some other state, having been perfected here by the Deep State or Perkins Coie or some other evil entity.
Sorta like Inslee’s quarantine camps that have been reported. And the “news” faded away in a couple days as a nothing burger.
I know, right?? It’s exactly what I mean.
Its very strange. For all the tech still there, the chinese influence, amazon, et al, and nut job inslee, theres plenty to pay attn to!
Quoted you here:
It crosses the rationed care line. Those deemed “worthy” for whatever reason, by whomever, will get health care. The rest of the people won’t.
It’s worth remembering that part of the Geneva Convention requires opposing armies to treat the sick and wounded of their enemy, and failure to do so is considered a war crime and crime against humanity.
YES! And even the NAZIS obeyed SOME of the early Geneva Convention principles, and FEARED being caught violating others.
“It’s worth remembering that part of the Geneva Convention requires opposing armies to treat the sick and wounded of their enemy, and failure to do so is considered a war crime and crime against humanity.”
So who are the opposing armies?
I believe the idea is if you would take good care of your enemies why would you treat your own people worse.
US and THEM.
This should be on billboards across the world
Socialist medicine went straight to control of us by healthcare.
MY GOODNESS. We are THERE. Obamacare was EVIL.
If I may….
The line crossed here is this is a gross, reprehensible violation of the hippocratic oath. It is…
A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath is…(highlights mine)….
Put simply, these are medical “professionals” who are denying known, necessary medical care to those in need for entirely unjustifiable reasons…and said denial may well result in the PREVENTABLE DEATH of those being denied said medical care.
Hell, even mortal enemies at war treat one another’s sick and wounded!!
The people responsible for this are traitors to their oath, their profession, and to humanity itself.
This is literally a crime against humanity.
And let’s be perfectly clear….
This isn’t about medicine, or medical risk. This is about politics.
These are vax’d liberals who view ANYONE who is unvax’d as a “Trump supporter”.
In these people’s minds, ”vax hesitant” = “anti-vax” = “Trump supporter”
In short, medical “professionals” denying known, necessary medical care to those in need may well be committing murder. Literally.
Yes. They are viewing the unvaccinated as “good Germans” (per Nazi standards) were TAUGHT and TOLD to to view Jews and others declared to be subhumans.
America is LITERALLY becoming NAZI under Joe Biden.
And this time, they were SMART. They made sure that most JEWS would be on the NAZI side this time.
Well, they didn’t get Dr. Zelenko, and he’s bound and determined to Nuremberg them!
Exactly. It’s largely going to split Jews along religious lines, much as the German Nazis split CHRISTIANS, while trying to figure out how to deal with them.
Speaking of Dr. Zev, he just reposted this and it definitely applies to the situation we’re discussing:
“To hold on to the position of denying compassionate care to patients, and to create fear, suffering, hospitalization, and death is immoral. It’s unethical and in civil court, it’s illegal. And all of you will be hunted. Every single one of you listening right now will be hunted and justice will be served. These are considered crimes against humanity.” – Dr. Peter McCullough
And it doesn’t take a MD degree to know this, either.
“much as the German Nazis split CHRISTIANS,”
What Christians supported the Nazis?
People can call themselves whatever they want, but it’s not even possible to be a Christian and to have supported the German Nazis.
Sounds more like a Monty Python skit.
The same ones who support abortion, homosexuality, lab experiments on people, etc. Oh, wait….
Ahhh…. you reminded me of dear Rush who used to tease about “adda-dick-2-me” surgery.
Read about the “rat lines” out of Germany after the war.
Exactly. YET THE MAJORITY OF GERMANS – who were nominally either Catholic or Protestant – went along.
This is what’s happening right now in America. If you go by the number of people in churches which are going along with Vaxzi mandates, then most “Christians” in America are Vaxzis.
I suggest researching this yourself. There is a WEALTH of information about how the Nazis dealt with Christian churches to keep them either “on their side” or “not objecting”. A lot of it was controlling the leadership, just like we are seeing with “Woke Christianity”. The Nazis “negotiated” with church leadership, accepting conditions to keep them quiet.
This was a powerful tactic. They also divided churches against themselves, very much like you see with masks and vaccination.
Angela Merkel’s father was a commie-woke minister, I believe. Very similar.
Want some good news?
The Nazi’s lost.
Speaking of…
Have you seen the latest poll #’s?? Pedo Joe and the democommies are polling at 38% approval rating, which means they’re at about 20%…
…and falling.
I don’t believe thirty-eight percent.
The man can’t even get a dozen supporters on the sidewalk when motorcades drive by.
THIS. High thirties is the LOWEST that they allow a Democrat to go. When they need “half”, the lowest is 48%. Obama’s smiling face on Fox had an eternal 48% next to it.
Thus, 38% is the lowest they will let Biden drop, to mentally send “40%” as in “you can’t stop it”.
FOX is just MSM brainwash for our side.
Do hospital administrators take the same oath as doctors?
I don’t think so. I think they swear allegiance to money.
Most hospital administrators are RNs or Drs, so yes.
I know a number who are not. It’s a growing profession, and since the lay religious are no longer running the show in a lot of places, and they have laity running the place, it’s all about the Benjamins.
Yup. The big universities have created graduate programs in things like hospital administration, precisely for this reason. Woke boards will now pick a Harvard degree in [whatever profession administration] over the profession.
Exactly. The administrator of our local hospital was a graduate of some hospital administration program. Not a med student/doctor/RN. He was a professional hospital administrator.
Wasn’t Stalin’s first name Joe?
“But it may also be within my power to take a life”…..
This clause is especially troubling. It reads like weasel wording to allow abortion, which is the taking of an innocent, defenseless life, and an offering to the Abortionazis and their “god” Moloch…
It is a out but it should be only for the mirtally wounded or sick, obviously perverted.
I was wondering about that too, like the power to Take a life was given, not like their decisions, wrongly made, or conditions, sufficiently advanced, could lead to death, so must take caution & remain humble…
Quoted you here:
This full discussion should be archived, IMO, because, as I understand it, the immune system has to be taken down for any transplant recipient, and it has been demonstrated that one of the things the shots do is slowly destroy said immune system in addition to all the clotting, etc.
It just seems that requiring the jabs for such radical surgery is going to kill people at a faster rate. And that goes for any number of other surgeries, too. You have to be a certain level of healthy to undergo them in the first place, and the shots will destroy that, too.
Hanging is too good for the people who foisted this scourge on humanity.
Easy way to cull the herd, esp medicare rolls. Theyll find a reason not to do it at all if the recipient has injury.

So, a plan maybe?
We all have local hospitals. Write a letter to the administration of your closest hospital denouncing this action, and stating your opposition to any such. State your intention to take anything that happens like this in your community as a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, and of global medicine expectations. Let them know that citizens WILL hold them accountable for their actions, in any way available to us, including lawsuits. Tell them you will make them infamous if they participate in this type of patient neglect.
Should we do that?
Short answer, IMO, is “Yes!”
I think the main point is FIRST to REQUIRE that receipt of any such notice is legally enforceable – two ways to do this are either to use a “fax” (does anyone still have this tech? – I’ve read that it completes legal delivery), or to use a return-receipt mailing for documented proof, with signature, of receipt.
Next, one must INCLUDE this info in the missive itself. Meaning, that one puts the receiver on notice that they are legally required, in their official capacity, to be responsible for the information contained therein.
The same works for hand-to-hand delivery to school boards and election boards: give NO QUARTER to them for having / possessing / being LIABLE FOR RECEIVING the material sent. No excuses!
It’s a better idea to remind them of this duty, than to enumerate or otherwise hypothesize any consequences. The consequences are THERE – they needn’t be explicitly stated. Was it Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who said (paraphrase) “Men DO. Children threaten to do.” There isn’t any need to vent!
But you’re right, in that the Hippocratic Oath, the Geneva Convention, and the Nuremberg Code MUST all be cited – hopefully in full, to the extent possible – in the communication.
FG&C posted the HO; we haven’t yet a direct quote from the GC (haven’t seen Gail for a minute! – hope she’s ok – someone else?); and the NC has been directly cited here, a few weeks ago. I think these should be included as attachments, so as not to interrupt the main body of the letter / fax, et al.
I would also add that sending just to a single med-facility first, and then afterward to others, gives them too much time (they talk to each other!) to shut down receipt.
So, don’t do it sequentially – one after the other – but instead do it in parallel – all at once! Follow the “I caught ’em all!” approach!
Pick a few counties (including the county in which the State Capitol is situated), check the biggest hospitals et al., and do what you are able and willing to do.
Last – be COLD! Professional-grade writing – nothing for lawyers to trip you up on. Avoid saying what you WILL, or WANT, to do. Simply complete the task at hand.
Sound good? I hope so …
Cheers, Aubergine!
Thanks! All good stuff! Time to get busy!
Quoted you here:
At ALL levels, we need to begin talking about what the Vaxzis have done to medicine.
We must openly disrespect Vaxzi doctors, nurses, and medical administrators.
Quoted you here:
Quoted you here:
Cool, thanks for letting me know to go read!
Funny thing just happened. Never saw this at the U Tree before. Got a connection error when reloading the post. But it quickly restored and loaded.
Like Wolf said.
Servers don’t seem to be under full control of the hosting company.
But then again, I could think of other ways it could break that are more on my end.
Dobermans are so smart!
Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) Tweeted:
Exercise time..
Very cool!!!
I could see putting this on a loop, and the dobbie doing it all day.
….5 hrs later….
Up. Down. Up. Down.
Wow … she’s a brown paper bag princess if ever there was one, and an insult to the word ugly ..

Younger version of “Scarf Lady.”
She looks like a Vaxzi.
Catturd reads SD….
When it gets to 5-grit sandpaper or broken light bulbs, let me know.
Ever taken a tumble in an oyster bed? Broken light bulbs would be a picnic after that!
Having these faceless health administrators tell people they are dead men walking, I’m put in mind of a 1949 noir film….
I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a sharp downturn in the expected lifespan of health administrators….
I think socialized medicine is DOA.
Trump said this will never be a socialist country.
I say that socialist medicine needs to die first.
And I think this kind of NAZI socialist garbage will kill it FAST.
“Having these faceless health administrators tell people they are dead men walking, I’m put in mind of a 1949 noir film….”
There was a remake in 1988, with Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan:
Yep, and half the reviews say, “watch the original”.
Yep. I thought D.O.A. was the critics’ opinion
Comment by Bertdilbert on CTH:
October 6, 2021 11:52 pm
Reply to calbear84
I found it more interesting that the AG’s wife was involved in election integrity, NGO’s and that there seemed to be a Zuckerberg connection. Could be the AG’s family was deep into the election steal.
If so, the DOJ will have zero interest in doing any election investigation. Perfect AG choice for a stolen election.
I didn’t expect that we would get any justice from the Fraudulent Administration on the election fraud.
That’s kind of a ‘given’, isn’t it?
Our only hope is to get some red states to decertify their previous election ‘results’ and change their declared Winner to Trump.
Exactly. Waiting, and praying, for someone to decertify.
Almost as if, we ARE being strung along.
By Wendy Rogers. Clements has had his fill of her.
Same goes for Lin Wood, as for Clements.
I like both of them, because I think their hearts are TRUE.
Wendy Rogers – where’s the beef?
Karen Fann – same question!
The answer, I suspect, is NOWHERE. They BOTH seem to be co-opting our position, to sink it.
Routers, Karen?
Legislation, Wendy?
Also, MTG seems to be very loud with talk, yet sparse with action that yields results. Lin Wood pointed this out recently.
We must be very careful whom we “follow”, especially with “all assets deployed” by the Enemy.
Subversion is their stock-in-trade …

Great Meme!!!
Church Militant has a fantastic interview with Dr. Malone!
I prefer to think of them as communications devices. They communicate 125 grains at a time at 900fps.
Hi coothie. Just to let you know…….tomorrow The Dumpling Menace will publish as the opening post at Marica’s.
Thanks for another great thread post, DePat!
Those ‘Characteristics of a Psychopath’ are spot on.
Yikes. That can be scary…because that type can easily turn into a stalker.
Fortunately, he was in a different state, and I cut off all communication.
For those who don’t want the FJB slogan spoken out loud you can use this meme:
Hmmm. Now which one is mad as a March Hare?????
Need one like that, with the red and blue logo, that says “Let’s Go Brandon”
It’s perfect because it makes no sense, so when someone hears it who doesn’t understand, it provokes them to ask what it means.
And that’s when you get to explain the whole story, and show them the video

Reminds me of “Fack ju Göhte”, a comedy film from a while back…
Pepe Lives Matter
Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place.
[video src="" /]
Basic logic.
Misery loves company, but with Vaxzis……
It is time to TELL THE VAXZIS that they MADE AN ERROR.
Well, the good news is that this will not be of concern to me
So if they accomplish injecting salad and spinach and unsuspected people eating these greens and get sick who is responsible? What about overdosing in the sustance in lettuce?
Home grown does that mean the seeds are infected or the seedlings people buy?
I picked this morning a big bowl of greens for dinner good to know it is save to eat.
What they are doing is so over the top and is unspeakable.
POTUS 45 Statements
ICYMI: “Americans Give President Biden Lowest Marks Across The Board, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds”
Welcome to the “Great Reset”.
Ain’t Democratic Communism Great?
Who knows WHAT is hidden inside all those containers ships!
Perhaps we’re better off with them languishing at sea …
The oil spill here in socal appears to have been caused by a ship’s anchor dragging and ripping a pipeline open.
They dont know the area and are milling around contributing to the chaos while pete buttguyguy plays housefrau with his other.
Buttguyguy AND his buttguy are prolly on 60 day Federal maternity leave.
Yep. Complaining about dc rent and affordable space….buts goes and has babies via surrogate that he has zero ability to care for…with a former drug addict.
I had heard that the reason was a submerged ship propeller.
oh well….
Roughly the same reason…ships hanging out where they shouldn’t be.
Excellent! Let us embrace our “violent extremism” – otherwise known as TRUE SCIENCE and REAL MEDICINE.
YES! Great memes!!!
I saved the “How would you like this wrapped?” meme.
Formaldehye/Formula – highly toxic systemic onion and carcinogen
Betapropiolactone – Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanent injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.
Hexadecytrimethlammonium Bromide – May cause damage to liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.
Aluminum hydroxide, salts, and phosphate -Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation, swelling, neurological disorders, Alzheimers, dementia. It Pentwater the brain where it persists indefinitely.
Human embryonic lung cells – aborted fetuses
Acetone – can cause kidney, liver and nerve damage
Human Diploid Fibroblast cells- aborted fetal cells, foreign DNA
Ingredient list for the shots?
Well if only the jabbed are allowed to live freely….
The jabbed catch and spread chicom flu, fact.
Being jabbed against one specific type allows the jabbed to be breeding grounds for more dangerous variants. Dangerous variants which in the normal course of events would be self extinguishing.
When the death graphs start to go exponential, governments will no longer be able to pretend they don’t know this.
Ahh, but yesterday it was announced that there will be no variants. Delta is the end of the line, which is a change in narrative.
Something is going on.
>>”it was announced”<<
Sauce? I missed that …

October 6, 2021 13:45
‘It was the last wave’: Ex-FDA chief Scott Gottlieb says Delta will be the last Covid surge as cases fall by 33% over a month to the lowest levels seen since early August
Speaking to The New York Times on Monday, Dr Scott Gottlieb said that unless something unexpected occurs, such as the emergence of a new variant, Covid is on its way to becoming an endemic disease.
This means the virus will always be present in the population but circulating at low rates, similar to the seasonal flu.
“Ex-FDA chief”
“The New York Times”
Maybe they’re front-running again – both / either because the “variant” narrative is failing, and / or the mutations are becoming less debilitating, ’cause too few have taken enough clot-shots, and they may need a NEW source of fear.
Supply chain shortages, already forecast. In the back ground, WEF’s cyber crisis magically unfolds. Leading to digital currency. National.. Global.
Which reminds me…we need a few stock up items.
Scott Gottlieb was the Commissioner of the Federal Drug Administration, but when he left the FDA he took a position on the Board of Directors for……….drumroll…..Pfizer……..
Funny that the media never mentions that….
Recently I came across a chart that exposed without a doubt the revolving door between Gov’t appointments, and then later Big Pharma hires.
It’s the same way with “Big Defense”, and very likely with other unnaturally symbiotic industries.
It’s all incestuous – the “Big Club”, as described by Carlin.
I’m glad that DePat includes Carlin’s most incisive quotes in almost every article she authors …
THANK YOU. This explains it. This is to push the jab. This is Pfizer LYING.
It WILL be endemic.
But there WILL be new variants.
It is BECAUSE of continuous variation that it will be endemic.
Paving the way for the announced supply change shortages, this fall and winter.
Followed by the unannounced cyber crisis, this winter. Which WILL lead to National digital currency. Soon to follow that, World digital currency.
EVERY transaction traced.
I tend to think itll be forced microchip for all data at once. That way you cannot separate any aspect of your life, bc commies believe nithing is higher than the state after all.
Don’t worry they’ll pluck one out the hat when need arrises.
Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Letting Kids Hide Their Abortions From Their Parents
Yes, and body mutilation. Already made giving them dope in school ok too.
I’m glad I’m not young anymore.
Push For Brain Implants Promising Happiness
this is psychopathic, sadistic (malignant) narcissistic abuse.
they are demonically possessed.
because this is global, it is an existential crisis for mankind.
a clear & present danger to our very lives.
if we cannot escape it, avoid it, or ignore it, then we must overpower it.
I wonder if Dr. Gold noticed that before she spoke out. There’s a lot of people who don’t notice until it happens to them.
” I hope facebook……………………………………….” than kamala
Wishing everyone a great day today….
…except those medical “professionals” who would withhold vital, life-saving care from people they disagree with over an unapproved, experimental vaccine that doesn’t work for virus with a 99.8% survival rate.
Amen. Vaxzis gonna Vaxzi.
Lt. Col. Scheller to Face Oct. 14 Trial by Court-Martial
That’s fast.
They are in a hurry to make an example out of him, aren’t they.
Good Morning Wheatie!
Hope you’re well!
(Allergy season is tapering now, yes?)
Hi Emstar!

I’m doing okay…hope you are as well!
Allergy season is still with us here, though — and still kicking me in the head.
It’s the high mold count that is the worst.
But I’ll be alright!
Sorry to hear that!
Does the first deep-frost end it?
It will help…a lot!
Some cold, dry air would be most welcome.
Allergies kicking me, too. This is the worst year I’ve had in a long time.
Yep, same here.
Me too. I’ve had ongoing issues since early Spring. Waiting for the first good frost.
Add me to the list! I have been utterly miserable for the last couple of weeks. Pollen count here is ridiculous. And NOTHING will touch the headache I have.
In the new Marik paper, the mast cell activation part of long covid is discussed. Certainly there are herbs for that.
I’ve resorted to Cetirizine 10mg once a day and that seems to have calmed the fire. Last January my covid-consious doctor put me on that for a month to deal with gut stuff that would not stop.
Hope you get through this soon.
Thank you. I go through it every year about this time. Then it snows and it’s over.
A reminder …
May 20, 2020 (4295)
People fell asleep long ago.
People gave up control.
People have been compartmentalized [divided].
Divided you are weak.
Divided you are taught to fight each other.
Race v race
Religion v religion
Class v class
Gender v gender
Unity is what gives people strength.
Unity is what gives people power [collectively].
Power over government.
Power over [ ]
A brief Anon exchange:
(Btw, this morning’s bread is better than many I’ve seen lately – much talk about parasites, clean food, and quotes from the Bible. A pleasure to read!)
“It is all very simple really.
“The Biden Administration is a foreign occupying force operating a illegal govt from a foreign territory in the United States, propped up by foreign controlled MSM, foreign Royalty, Elitist Bankers, Corporations, Hollywood and supported by a traitorous General staff using lies against the U.S. military members to keep control.
“Time to wake up Brothers and Sisters. They are lying to you.”
“Anyone talking about congressional politics or what some illegal governors and lawmakers say is missing the whole fucking point.
“This is about how to take it back, and how severe the retribution will be.”
Yes. Yes it is.

“…how to take it back…”
and it’s NOW or never.
It’s not just DC. The state houses need to be cleaned out. Even county governments.
A second no table exchange, in re the fake FakeBlock “whistleblower”:
“[Some] shills are Facebook employees
“The biggest bombshell from the Facebook whistleblower’s testimony yesterday was when she briefly mentioned the existence of Facebook’s Counter Terrorism and Counter Intelligence Teams. The senators all got nervous when she said it and tried to move on quick, with Blumenthal saying that was a subject for another hearing.
“The impactions of this are massive, but as pertains to us on this board is “shills.” We assume shills are state actors like the CCP or JIDF, or even groups like Act Blue, which they very well could be, but we’ve been over looking silicon valley. If Facebook has an intelligence apparatus as the whistleblower confirmed, that means Twitter does too, and as this board is a pipeline into Facebook and Twitter that means Facebook and Twitter are running intelligence OPs on this board. Bigger than you can imagine.”
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy:35:20 she begins to talk about the counter-espionage and terrorism teams of Facebook.”
That face looks like she put “The Mask” on from the movie
creepy, like Let’s Go Brandon thinking he won
the rugged Survivor’s Manual…
hold on to it…keep it safe…and open…
they haven’t banned or confiscated it…yet…,9.jpg
This is good:
Truth…albeit from a wine ad…is still truth.
Regulate Big Tech the Right Way – Unleash the Lawyers (
Tucker: What you’re seeing is Washington’s new religion.
And ‘Father Fauci’ has assumed the position as it’s leader.
I meant to include this in the opener today, but got caught up in getting my parents out the door for a quick trip.
If this is really happening, it is a good sign. Maybe the tide is turning.
Boy do I hope this is true!
Anyone here play violin?
Yours truly used to play both violin and viola professionally, and taught both.
I wonder how the above harmonic confluence test would do if the violin he used were tuned to the “Baroque Flat A” of 415Hz – 430Hz, or to the “Brilliant A” of 442Hz that’s used by the New York Philharmonic.
Interesting thought.
He’s not using a violin, though, he’s bowing the metal sheet directly.
The different notes are obtained by him pinching the edge of the sheet at certain fractional places (center, 1/3, 1/4 etc) as he bows it.
Thanks for the clarification!
The harmonics of standing waves.
Good catch!
I noticed the bow placement – but not the pinching, too (a must).
I wonder whether the surface of the metal (another insight I missed – must it have been metal?) was specially treated, so as to produce such an effect.
I wonder what the physics is for the various graphical patterns, in re the notes played. The notes were simple (harmonic), yet the manifestations of the vibrations were intriguingly complex.
Maybe the particulates used (two species at least) were also specially concocted for such an effect?
Really cool stuff!
It’s THIS type of stuff that engages young minds into pursuing STEM.
He said at the end he’d borrowed (whatever it was) from some museum or school or something.
So it might very well have been something special rather than just a big sheet of painted galvanized steel (or whatever).
Standing wave patterns in more than one dimension do get very complex! I think I’ve seen youtubes of interesting patterns on, say, the skin of a (circular) drum.
I have to agree with brick suit. Exposure of the set has some purpose behind it. And in that part of the Rose Garden, anything blooming would be roses, and Mrs. Trump put in light pink ones. Those aren’t roses, and some of it looks like hosta.
Love it!
I think it’s simply hiding Biden’s disability. TheseTruths found the answer, IMO – that they can project what Biden is supposed to say, and he can read it – using this new set-up, and it’s not visible on camera. A normal teleprompter has too many issues for His Senility, and Biden can no longer handle even THAT simple solution. He has to have a huge wall of text to literally read from.
This is why he uses phony earpieces.
This is why he walks with the steps they teach in nursing homes.
It’s all one thing. He’s too old and infirm to be President – but he’s perfect for Obama’s third term. Jarrett – really running the shit-show – not even visible.
Our strategy to counter it, is simply to expose it. #FJB is the result.
Those cameras are not anchored to a floor. Why can’t they just wheel one into the WH, or have someone sit under the other camera with cue cards. We used to do that all the time with executives who couldn’t memorize.
He can’t do cue cards, for the same reason he can’t do a teleprompter. He is now actually forgetting what he’s doing in midstream of speaking.
You’ll find this link interesting, too.
If journalists weren’t on the Chy-NAH payroll…..
Love the avatar.
Had that sticker on one of my former vehicles!
MD Patriot picked a nice avatar. Thought of MD, MD flag immediately AND of course, crabs. Blue crabs a huge deal in MD along Chesapeake Bay. .
The message is also, Spot On.
True story. We were on the beach close to the mouth of the Potomac River before the nettles show up, and some kid was walking/wading in about three feet of water with a net and every now and then he’d scoop into the water and come up with a crab. He had about five or six when he walked by.
My first trip to Baltimore some 40yrs ago a friend took me to a crab house. Walked in and noise! Wooden hammers banging wooden tables to get at the crabs. Couple beers later in hog heaven belly full of steamed blue crab Baltimore style…
Some memories last your whole life
Miss Him Bigly
Somehow this slipped through.
Let SCOFFLAW SCOTUS show their true colors.
Chinese students?????
“Chinese students?????”
Pre-positioned military trained assets???
Remember all of the military grade bullets, guns and other lethal gear purchased by Obama’s DHS and other federal agencies? Where is it? Was it ever accounted for?
I should clarify that of the 8,000,000 Chinese students here in the USA, only a fraction of that number is likely to have military training. My off-hand guess would be somewhere around a million.
A surprising number are officers with command experience. Same goes for Russians. I worked with them. It was always sketchy as hell.
Anon’s morning conversation on Santa:
>>Anon1a POST
“Re: Santa
“The tradition needs to be changed from “fat man and elves deliver toys” to something like “Jesus Christ gave us the greatest gift ever, and in appreciation for that we, in turn, give gifts to our loved ones this time of year in honor of that sacrifice.”
“The Santa mythology teaches kids that it is okay to lie in response to peer pressure from other kids. That is exactly the mentality that the DS (and gangs, the mob, etc.) use to control entire large groups of people, and ultimately influence them to commit evil acts.”
>>Anon2 REPLY to Anon1a
“Anon likes where you’re going with this thought process”
>>Anon1b REPLY to Anon2
“I point this out from time to time. You might see me exaggerate it to the point of “Santa Claus is the root of all evil”, but I am not even sure that is being particularly hyperbolic.”
>>Anon3 REPLY to Anon1a
“how bout celebrating Jesus Christ’s real birthday. It wasn’t in December either.
I can’t believe I just said that. Christmas is my favorite holiday. but I said it and I mean it.”
>>Anon4 REPLY to Anon3
“Pagans celebrated after the Winter solstice because the sun was returning. The longest night was over, and the days started getting longer again. These pagan holidays were “pagan” and had rituals that were not condoned by the Church.
“So the Church invented Christmas (Christ mass) to replace the pagan solstice holiday traditions.
“Same goes for Easter in the Spring.”
“Similar to the way that some Christian families opt for Harvest parties instead of celebrating the pagan holiday of Halloween.”
>>Anon5 REPLY to Anon1b
“This is the[ir] control matrix.
“Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”
“You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I’m telling you why
Santa Claus is comin’ to town, gather ’round
“He’s making a list
And checking it twice;
He’s gonna find out who’s naughty and nice
Santa Claus is comin’ to town
(He sees you when you’re sleeping)
(He knows when you’re awake)
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
{So be good for goodness sake}!
“{You better watch out}!
{You better not cry}
{Better not pout}
{I’m telling you why}
Santa Claus is comin’ to town”
>>Anon6 REPLY to Anon5
Coming for your children
Has their names on his list
Plying them with the threat of gifts or coal
accompanied by “elves”
emerging from the chimneys out of the fires”
“Christmas” is not mentioned even once in Scripture.
Christ did say, however, “do this in remembrance of me”…and he wasn’t referring to celebrating “Christmas”.
The word Christmas is peculiar to English as it comes from: late Old English Cristes mæsse.
Christ + Mass
In the Romance languages, the Solemnity is more correctly identified as “Natividad” or something similar. The Nativity.
I am aware of all that
The whole “saturnalia” thing is maddening, and demonstrates those who do not know anything about Jewish priesthood or the various houses, don’t seem to know anything about geography or gestational times, either.
The clues in THE BIBLE about WHEN Christ was born (never mind the confirmation from the mystics) are in the beginning of the Gospel According to St. Luke.
Zachery was of a house that completed priestly function in mid-September. He returned home, and St. John the Baptist was conceived in late September.
Note that the Blessed Mother got a visit from the Archangel Gabriel in the SIXTH month. The first month of the Jewish calendar would line up with Rosh Hashanah, technically, since that is their new year, and the sixth month would line up with March. So, if Christ was indeed conceived in March, he would have been born in December.
As for the shepherds, it has been argued that sheep are taken out to pasture in the fall. In some climates, yes, but Israel, the Holy Land is almost at the Tropic of Cancer latitude wise. The sheep would have been out during what is our winter as that is when it is cooler at that latitude.
Taylor Marshall drives me nuts, but he explains it well, and debunks the whole “saturnalia” argument pretty conclusively, not that it will convince people determined to not believe Sacred Tradition.
I can do Easter, or, more correctly, Pascha, too. It’s all in the Gospels.
Much appreciation as usual, DP.
The Sussmann indictment and the Alfa Bank saga: A focused timeline – The Optimistic Conservative (
Fear tactics. They got nothing else.
“Several weeks ago, President Joe Biden announced that he would use the might of OSHA to force a vaccine mandate on private businesses. This became a hot topic issue for all the talking heads and loud voices on social media to argue about. However, since that announcement, no regulation or rule has actually come. We’ve seen no language on it, and I am starting to suspect we never will see any language on it.
Likewise, two days ago, Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, announced that the Justice Department would be establishing guidance on how federal law enforcement can handle “the rise in criminal conduct directed toward school personnel,” seemingly in response to the growing number of protests, fiery rhetoric, and angry parents at school board meetings. Immediately, the administration’s moves were (rightfully) denounced as an attempt to silence speech guaranteed under the First Amendment. But the memo from Garland to federal law enforcement and the rest of the DOJ also says they’ll study it for 30 days and then get back to them.”
Didn’t I hear that AG Garland did this in response to a letter from the union that represents school board members? I would look that up, but it’s time for me to sleep awhile.
Credit fo FoxNews
18 hours ago
(linked article to Barron’s is behind a paywall / sign-up wall)
Down and Dirty Summary: The Merck company’s “magic pill” to “treat” COVID-19, MOLNUVIRAPIR, and for which Merck has filed an EUA application with the FDA, “could potentially carry serious safety issues stemming from the method used to kill the virus,” according to a report by scientists.
What the “magic pill” does to kill the COVID-19 virus is to invade the virus’ own genetic makeup and cause it to create a large number of mutations to destroy itself. HOWEVER, these “mutations” can ALSO cause “damage to the genetic material of mammalian cells, theoretically causing cancer or birth defects,” according to the report.
Merck denies this and says that it’s “not an issue,” from what the company told Barron’s.
Dr. Raymond Schinazi, of the Emory University School of Medicine, warned that NHC, the “compound” in Molnuvirapir that it becomes after the “magic pill” is taken, is the item of concern.
(This is the very thing — mutagenesis — that yours truly warned about right when Merck made the announcement about its “magic pill” and that the company was going to file for an EUA. The company dismissed Dr. Schinazi’s concerns and his warning that more data is needed. The Merck “clinical trial study” was a small-sample study only. The “Biden White House” is all for the “magic pill” and its potential EUA.
Consider: the “vaccines” for COVID-19 also create a form of “mutagenesis”, in that the combination of bat neurotoxin virus elements, PLUS the bacterial parasitic elements, PLUS the HIV spikes that are part of the virus are ALSO part of the mRNA / adenovirus DNA “delivery systems” of the “vaccines.” These elements force the recipient’s body to overproduce immune system response antibodies to fight off these elements, thus weakening the entire immune response system.
Now along comes the Merck “magic pill”, which has elements that can cause its OWN mutagenic issues, which can, and quite possibly WILL, interact with the Merck “magic pill’s” mutagenic material. A recipe for the creation of a toxic, mutagenic environment WITHIN the person’s body.)
Down and Dirty Short Summary: The Merck company applied for an EUA for MOLNUVIRAPIR using Phase III “clinical trial” results that included ONLY 755 persons (NCT04575597). This “clinical trial” was performed after Merck STOPPED a competing, apparently simultaneous Phase II/Phase III “clinical trial” of the SAME DRUG in 1,300 persons hospitalized with COVID-19, citing data from the Phase II part that showed the drug was “unlikely to demonstrate a clinical benefit in them.”
Merck anticipates upwards of $10 Billion in sales of Molnuvirapir once the EUA is granted.
(So — what’s up with TWO different “clinical trials” of this drug? And what’s up with Merck applying for the EUA for the drug AFTER stopping the “clinical trial” that obviously wasn’t showing the “results” that the company was looking for?
The FIRST study of the TWO COMPETING STUDIES, stopped study details:
Status: Terminated (Business reasons)
Actual Study Start Date: October 19, 2020
Study Completion Date: August 11, 2021
No Results Published
The SECOND study details (read carefully):
Recruitment Status: Recruiting
Actual Study Start Date: October 19, 2020
Study Completion Date: May 13, 2022
Merck began TWO STUDIES OF Molnuvirapir ON THE SAME DAY in October, 2020.
Merck wasn’t getting the “results” it wanted in the stopped study — so they cut if off.
Merck then apparently “recruited” 755 persons for the SECOND study, and got the “results” the company wanted to submit to the FDA to get an EUA granted.
Most likely, given that Dr. Janet Woodcock, Acting Head of the FDA, who HAS A RECORD OF PUSHING DRUGS ONTO THE MARKET THAT HAVEN’T BEEN TESTED ENOUGH, will grant the EUA.
Since the SECOND study that Merck is doing on Molnupiravir is STILL IN THE RECRUITMENT STAGE, anybody who takes this drug is a HUMAN LAB RAT, just like anybody taking the “vaccines” IS ALSO A HUMAN LAB RAT.
It’s obvious that the U.S. GOVERNMENT, of which the FDA is an agency, considers We, The People to be NOTHING MORE THAN HUMAN LAB RATS so that Big Pharma can rake in untold $$$ Billions in research funds AND in profits.
By the way, the NHC compound that results from taking Molnuvirapir, is a “prodrug”, a ribonucleoside analog called Beta-D-N4 hydroxycytidine-5′-isopropyl ester.)
Clarification: Should read — that the Merck “magic pill’s” mutagenic potential can, and LIKELY WILL, interact EITHER WITH the COVID-19 virus itself, AND/OR with the RNA and DNA-altering elements contained within the “vaccines”, to create a toxic mutagenic environment WITHIN the person’s own body.
Thank you
Thalidomide (Contergan) v2.0….
They want us all dead.
Well, if they want to lead, let them lead. Them first. Golgafrinchan Ark Ship B…..
And all this time I thought that IG Farben became BASF…..
Thanks for posting that. Our health agencies are not looking out for us at all and instead promote harm.
When I click on the first link, it says it doesn’t exist and takes me to the main news page. Already taken down.
TheseTruths, someone else may post this…I sure hope so.
Someone must have Archived this the moment it showed up
But I thought that they could only get an EUA if there was no other allowed treatment. So are they admitting that the jabs are useless?
Found on GEORGE NEWS telegram:
“originally developed using US government funds”
Seems like they should be giving us a deep DISCOUNT…

OK – I need to add some scientific perspective here, starting from the most “Merck-favoring” to the least. Strongest defenses UP FRONT.
This stuff has been painted BACKWARDS by somebody. Beware of Pfizer shills. Pfizer is now moving into this space, too, and bailing on their killer vaccine, IMO. They are attacking Merck, which appears to be a MORE HONORABLE company so far (they bailed on their own “Me Too” vaxes).
(1) The trial Merck stopped was the “MOVE-IN” trial, and THANK GOD that they did. Merck tested the drug under two scenarios, and their results PROVE everything I’ve been saying about remdesivir, so now you may understand why I’m demanding clarity here.
The two trials were “MOVE-IN”, where they tested on hospital inpatients (generally too late, as we have known all along is true for antivirals, but they HAD TO TRY), and “MOVE-OUT”, where they tested on early OUTPATIENTS, which is to basically follow the early treatment principles of the Zelenko protocol.
Remember – the DEFENSE of HCQ against “set-up trials” is that HCQ does no good administered late (other than minor atypical antiinflammatory activity). But funny that FDA approved remdesivir for the same worthless but MONEYMAKING scenario. Merck could have gone there – but they didn’t accept the devil’s deal.
I want people to GET THIS. The Merck trial that Merck STOPPED was the PROFIT PRINCIPLE / REMDESIVIR-TYPE trial – where they give it TOO LATE in a hospital setting – meaning it makes money for HOSPITALS to feed it to dying patients.
Merck stopped that trial. Give them some CREDIT – that’s my position. They could have LIED about that trial, and taken the remdesivir bucks. They DID NOT.
The MOVE-IN trial worked, because ANY WORKING ANTIVIRAL delivered early enough i going to have good effect on COVID. That includes nice, safe, atypical antivirals like HCQ and iveremectin.
MOVE-IN is working because it follows ZELENKO PRINCIPLES.
(2) Antivirals like molnupiravir (MPV, hereafter, see if you can catch the science joke) are THE MOST COMMON CLASS OF ANTIVIRAL. They are STANDARD antivirals. Making them out as automatic bad guys is scientifically WRONG. Yes, they are ringer nucleosides and nucleotides. So is acyclovir, which cured my shingles. Acyclovir has been used for many years now. These drugs are NOT automatically unsafe. Note that remdesivir IS in that class – they’re not automatically safe, either.
(3) Pfizer’s drug in this class is a protease inhibitor. That’s also a good, working class of antiviral. That one interferes with an enzyme by binding to it, rather than by throwing a wrench into DNA/RNA construction. The Pfizer drug may be good. We have to wait and see.
(4) The main problem with these drugs are not the drugs, IMO – they are the VAXZI MANDATES that people have no choice.
I’m in wait and see mode on the Merck drug. It is not an automatic bad guy, IMO.
MANDATES that people cannot employ KNOWN SAFE ALTERNATIVES like HCQ and ivermectin ARE the bad guys.
I am now realizing that the Vaxzis in government have made Big Pharma the CRUMPLE ZONE to save their own skin. Well, in Pfizer’s case, it’s deserved.
Wolf Moon
Thanks so much for your POV and explanation!
What I don’t understand is why Merck is going for an EUA on Molnupiravir while it’s still in the Phase III clinical trial until May 13, 2022. Isn’t that like Pfizer and Moderna getting EUA’s for their “vaccines” even though both products are still in clinical trials until May, 2023, and January, 2023? — Dr. Janet Woodcock grants an EUA to yet another unproven drug — when there’s a perfectly good and effective drug ALREADY (HCQ or Ivermectin)?
And what about the way Molnupiravir works, according to Dr. Schinazi? — the NHC basically “shoots” the COVID virus cell into a bunch of “mutations” that will “turn on itself” and destroy the virus?
Seeking enlightenment here.
Clicking the thumbs up for you doesn’t work at this time. Others no problem.
at 4:50pm CDT
Thanks!!! Interesting. I get that, too. CERTAIN comments simply won’t accept a “like”.
the whole site was down for some about the same time.
Time for a SAMMICH!!

Chips and Dip!!

Dogs blt! Minus the l and t of course.

Ahhhh, you’re learning…no junk starches even on the sandwich!
Matt Whittaker. Sounds familiar.
CMZ posted a link to this…
“Unchecked Power: Karen Fann’s Backdoor Deal with The MCBOS”
Let’s see if this takes. Bernadette Farrell has written some great ones, and we’ve sung her Magnificat many times. Here’s “O God, You Search Me’ – another gem. Sorry it’s so huge.
Yep. She’s one of the better composers around right now.
Yes, she can write a tune.
Ned Ryun (@nedryun) Tweeted:
Dear God. Germany, stop with the yellow badges!!! Like bad then, bad now.
Well if they choose to virtue signal like that I reserve the right to not feel sorry for them later.
I’m speechless.
That is sick
It’s Moers… not a surprise…
It’s not all of Germany, it’s a crazy libtard city called Moers, and Lohmann is crazier still.
The button is modeled on “Atomkraft: Nein, Danke”, which was the beginning of the crippling of the German Nuclear Power industry (and the end of Germany as an industrial power). Nothing to do with the III Reich.
They’re getting pilloried in the comments, though. And it’s not even hitting the alternate sites, only the local news (and meme-bots)….
Libtards gotta libtard… maybe the air’s thinner up north… Less O² or something…
Lol. I never believe its all if Germany or USA or UK. But its astoundingly tone deaf.
Oh, yellow badges?
No, totally different from Nazi Germany and Jews because in this case it’s a badge of approval by the Reichs… I mean by the government.
Totally different. nothing to see here.
It’s not all of Germany, it’s a crazy town with even crazier libtards. And the campaign (2000 badges made, no idea if anyone wanted one) are based on the regressive anti-nuclear power “Atomkraft? Nein, Danke” ad campaign from years ago… So far only the local paper near Moers ran the story, along with some mem bots…
Thank you for the explanation.
I love our international flavor.

Save the Children!
COVID jabs could ‘potentially kill thousands’ of kids: former HHS epidemiologist
If Dr. Fauci of the NIAID, Dr. Walensky of the CDC, and Dr. Collins of the NIH do not want to remove liability protection, and if the vaccine developers do not offer to do this, then parents must take this as a cue that the injection is potentially dangerous
Of course no comments allowed, and Ms Malony is full of Balony.
Biggs doing a great job. Just torn Raskin up at appox 17:56
2015 The Former Prime Minister of Malaysia had this to say at the conference he attended on the New World Order
They are liars.
Yes they are !!!!
One wonders who spread lies like this? Oh ja people who worked for Melania and the media.
Planned shortages!
Logistics, California Diesel, Truckers, & You | Musings from the Chiefio (
That’s a REALLY scary situation there, and a damning indictment of the policies of Newscum, the Satanic Deep State, and the DEMONRATS (but I repeat myself)…
Could also explain what all those ships are stuck offshore…
Kalifornistan has been regulated to death. Looks like TPTB want to “rewild” it… Good thing that chiefio wants to GTFO of KA.
Would be great if all the MAGA folks just up and left Kalifornistan, and let it sink in ignominy. Trouble is, the RED ChiComs would swoop by in a second, and buy everything (and everyone) up for pennies on the dollar (or Yuan)…
When I left there around 2006 it was already a haven for Chinese money.
That is a really good article. Make sure not to stop at the “stopping points”, ’cause he’s just taking a breath.
Cardiac worries.
Stop This NOW in [Market-Ticker-Nad]
Thank you for bringing this. The comments after the article include links to more information from other sources — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Steve Kirsch, “vaccination” rates in other countries and the COVID infections that result, etc..
Thank you for sharing.
Mini ground report:
Went to the salon for a couple of much needed services. The first required me to expose my upper lip, so I pulled my mask down, and the technician and I had a chat comparing notes about the bug we think was the REAL COVID in December 2019. Same symptoms and duration. She put the cooling gel on my lip, and I went over and sat in the hair guy’s chair. Where more sickness was discussed and I talked about the March 2020 bug, which was labelled “Influenza A” before anyone had heard of COVID, and the eighty hour fever of 102.5 that resulting in hair thinning of about half (my hair has always been pretty thick if no bugs or nutritional issues are in play). He goes, “Oh, so you’ve had COVID.” And I came back with, “I’ve had two of the three or four bugs being called that.”
Discussion ended.
He reaches in a cabinet and pulls out a box of surgical masks and hands me one so as to not get mine wet when he washed my hair. Yeah, my mask is worn down and built to skirt the whole mask wearing thing, and I’m sure the hypochondriac in him was worried. I mean, his wife died of cancer a few years back and he’s diabetic, so that’s two strikes right there. I will say the surgical mask is much easier to wear for breathing, but they are so big it kept hitting me in the eyes and the larynx at the same time.
Well, anyway, I have a clean lip and autumn length hair.
Another ground report. Flew to Seattle last week to visit relatives.
My carry on luggage was targeted. Tested three different times for whatever these TSA nazis think they are gonna find.
Husband patted down.
Needless to say the mask nazi flight attendants were enforcing masks up after a bite or sip.
The return trip I was berated for having a sweater on while attempting to go through the xray machine. Further berated for having drivers license in back pocket.
I showed some tude.
The bitch TSA agent asked me if I had a problem. I said, “Yes, I have a problem with you.”
She said, “A problem with me? What’s your oroblem?”
I said, “You are rude and impolite.”
After going through the xray machine she still patted me down. Then she said,”You are free to go.”
My 4th Amendment rights having been trampled upon (thanks to Bushitler), I was “free” to go.
But then they had to run our laptops through their xray machines again because they didn’t get a good picture the first time.
Needless to say, I won’t be flying until we get our republic back.
Eff them all.
Rather sure it is a beautiful drive from your neck of the woods to WA. AND, very relaxing…seeing America and interacting with regular folks.
I begged my husband to drive, but we had already driven to NY and back a few weeks previously, so he would have none of it.
Believe me, he paid dearly for the Seattle flight.
Perhaps a lesson learned.
Personally, will NOT fly domestic. Air travel is GROSSLY inconvenient and NO fun. Not even relaxing. Six plus years and I don’t miss it for one second.
At this point I won’t even fly direct to the Philippines. Quite likely, I’ll never get back to the Philippines to visit family. Fourteen hour direct flight. Gotta wear a mask AND face shield. THEN, fourteen day quarantine in a Manila hotel. Remaining in the room the entire two weeks. Once in the province, canNOT travel unless injected. Which is NOT going to happen.
At this point, if I cannot drive to my destination, I do NOT need to go.
Yup. Wife wants to visit places around the globe, but will not get the vax. But she’s convinced this crap is all going away, and Trump will be back in the White House BEFORE 2023.
Not so sure that happens without a lot of “interesting times”.
Absolutely love your Wife’s optimistic outlook for Trump, us.
Have to say, it would be great!
I think it’s going to go away sooner rather than later. The clot shot issues can’t be hidden forever.
No masks for the elite on their private jets.
Yup, I think you two were targeted.
I won’t be flying either. NOT putting up with the mask BS in addition to everything else.
Beautiful! Trump is setting the record straight in ways that will be considered SOLID HISTORY down the road.
He sure is. GOLD. DIAMONDS.
They are terrified as it would derail their gravy train.
Frontline workers, healthcare workers, pilots, teachers, professional athletes, and now a beauty pageant professional (they’re professionals even if it’s not broadcast that way).
Ye gods, silicone in the lips bigtime.
No. There would be no definition if there was silicone.
I remember some celeb who had puffy lips from some sort of “enhancement” but the enhancement couldn’t get the very center of the lip to be full…it was very distracting, honestly, watching that movie, because the lip looked “split” in the middle. I just can’t remember who it was.
I’m seeing a bit of that here.
This is the natural look they were trying to achieve.
It looked fake as hell because the split was so pronounced.
Looking at this pic it’s not nearly as pronounced here and I could be wrong, but the lips still look freakishly thick to me.
On the plus side, I remembered who that celeb was: Angeline Jolie.
I have read that Jolie’s lips are natural. I think she is one reason why so many get the awful fillers. Here are some pics (more at the link).
1975, her birth year:

1983, about age 8:

1988, about age 13:

Her father, Jon Voight’s, lips:
She’s not the only one. This started during George Balanchine’s day as director of whatever ballet company it was he directed. Gelsey Kirkland talked about having her lips injected so as to look like the anorexic dancer Balanchine was schteupping at the time.
School of American Ballet, New York City Ballet
Looks fake as hell to me.
They have lots of stuff that gives definition to the lips.
Well now. Isn’t that interesting.
From everything I’ve read and learned about Theranos, it glows. Could Moderna glow just as bright?????
I wonder how many people will get these boosters year after year. My neighbor who had two Moderna’s said “they got my arm twice but aren’t getting it a third time”. Maybe that’s why the combo flu/covid vaccines.
Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 7, 2021
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.”
Jeremiah 17:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Admitting they went against a subpoena and deleted data.
Arrest these MFers TODAY, …NOW … before another word escapes their lips. What more do you need?!?!?!?!!?
This is why FJB didnt win but was installed anyway
It’s an outrage. They saved the data and deleted it to comply with both the federal law and to beat the poorly written subpoena. It’s a form of non-compliance.
Who is responsible for the poorly written subpoena? Sounds fishy.
They’re going to try every trick in the book to get out of this.
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Click your heels three times….
Oh, wait, this one is actually true.
Vaxxed super spreaders at work.
Wonder how many of them were actually COVID, as opposed to flu, pneumonia, TB, clot-shot side effects, falling off of buildings, suicides, and anything else that could be reclassed as COVID…
Gotta get that COVID money…
Their greed will be their end…
il Donaldo Trumpo
OK, where can we get a .pdf of this card to print at home??
Got me…. I prefer to Tell em’ to get out of my yard
Already released, low bond
Shot 4 people, released the next day
Trespass in the DC Capitol building, solitary confinement for months and months
Quote Tweet
· 1h
He shot four people, one a teacher who he shot in the back
he started shooting once the other student was restrained by the teacher
the shooting was in a second floor classroom of the school, a school the shooter does not attend. He went to them
Just in case you need another reminder about how terrible “Republican”, appointed judges are, the judge who moved Trump’s lawsuit from FL to California today is a REPUBLICAN APPOINTED JUDGE.
Judge Kevin Michael Moore, a George H. W. Bush appointee, stated that the terms of service for YouTube — which is owned by Google — require the case be transferred to a court in the San Francisco Bay Area, where Democrats control the courts.
How can a T&C dictate what the courts can or cannot do???????

There’s plenty of room at the bottom of the Mariana Trench for all the crooked Judges and Lawyers… maybe nice and close to a warm, gooey, undersea vent (gooey interface, or intheirface)….
Then again, I guess it’d be classed as environmental pollution with deadly substances…
Finally! Some good news!
Depopulationist Psychpath Bill Gates Greeted With Chants of ‘ARREST BILL GATES!’ in London
Everybody knows the election was stolen, except for the far left dimtards, the real issue is how do we get the spineless public officials in each state to do the right thing and decertify?
Two more BACK-UPS (in addition to Gab TV) of the doc (Dr. Nathan Thompson) who showed what the JAB did to his patient’s immune system.
Listed HERE:
Dont blame them at all.
Breaking911 (@Breaking911) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Elon Musk moving Tesla HQ from California to Austin, Texas
Betting Elon is planning to move manufacturing / assembly out of CA.
Oppressive labor laws, rules, cal osha, etc. I imagine its just too much.
Per 710WOR, New York, 8PM news report:
New York Mayor Bill De Blasio will mandate that all children ages 5 – 11 in New York City be “fully vaccinated” the moment that the FDA grants the EUA that Pfizer-BioNTech requested. The company states that their “vaccine” is “safe and effective” for young children.
Also — Sen. Dr. Rand Paul has joined with Sen. Cory Booker in sponsoring a Bill that stops all animal testing of new drugs. The Bill, if passed, will prohibit animal testing for drugs and go straight from lab testing to HUMAN TRIALS TESTING.
No animal testing? YIKES. The folly.
Sounds like someone must have leaned on Rand Paul pretty hard… I can’t see him advocating no animal testing…
Sounds more and more like RED China’s involved… they do human testing: with political and religious prisoners… and then harvest their organs, living or dead.
And if that sounds gruesome, the DEMONRATS do that too, with unborn and freshly-aborted babies…
May GOD forgive, help, guide, reform, bless, and save us…
Shes a flipping idiot. All on the vaxx pass train til theres no tax money coming in bc youve run everyone off.
As if this will be enough.
If theres one wretchedly FILTHY place I mught volunteer to wear a mask its san fran s***sco.
London Breed (@LondonBreed) Tweeted:
On October 15, SF will begin easing mask requirements in indoor settings where stable cohorts of fully vaccinated people gather.
This includes offices, gyms, college classes, and other organized gatherings of fully vaccinated people who meet regularly.
“Stable cohorts” sounds like friendly horses.
Oops. That would be stable cowhores…
As they deny unvax services they need to reward the vaxxed to highlight the good vs bad
London Breed is falling down,
Falling down,
Falling down.
London Breed is falling down
Un Fair (no)Lady…
New post up at the U Tree.
Thank you for putting all of that together and posting it. I would like to see it pinned somewhere so we can refer to it (maybe in the sidebar here?).
Whatever Wolf wants to do. I just saw it was something we could actually do something about. Don’t care where it’s posted or highlighted.
Sees Aubergine has risen to the challenge. Excellent draft letter she is proposing over on U-tree.
Breaking* Oregon Nurses Board is voting on suspending licenses of unvaccinated Nurses. Isn’t losing their jobs, dignity, and freedoms enough already? What’s next for last year’s heroes?
Not the exact sauce, but yes, seems they will likely adopt this when they meet on the 13th of this month. From this page you can see how this is DOJ driven. Also last line gives a glimmer of hope, but don’t count on it.
The creep is moving fast….before long social security recipients will be on the chopping block
Yup. Vaxzis are EVIL.
I was suspecting this would happen. Curious about retired or non working or those who are working in another state. You cannot mandate any of thus bc just bc you have a license doesnt mean you do patient care.
Details about the Durham investigation, from Paul Sperry, here:
Then there is this. Kinda flew under the radar. These stories came out in September I’ve cherry picked the stories that come from secular sources as there are many more from religious sources.
Feel free to couple this with the recent discovery of the wooden horse found at the ancient site of Troy and you might guess there is more to these old stories than is normally allowed.
Now that the uniparty sucks the teat of Pharma….what other medical mandates are in the future ? They’ve proven that we are going to yield to the dictates and when we don’t, they’ll take away our ability to make money or even spend saved money. It’s coming. That train is heading straight for us. I wonder what happens after that ?
I am a conspiracy realist NOT a conspiracy theorist. It is not a theory when it is true.
Mr. Globalist you WILL pay the highest price possible for your crimes against humanity, genocide, and mass murder.
Humanity has opened its’ eyes and we see your paganism, child sacrifice, infanticide, and idol worship.
Your Nazi field marshals; sociopath Klausy Shmuck, little Georgy sorrow,
Mark pyschoberg, Jerk Dampsy, and all your other puppets will all go down.
Mr Globalist, we know you are satanic, bal peor and moloch worshippers.
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has had enough of you. Your use as divine toilet paper as expired.
God consciousness has awoken and you vermin will be exterminated by it.
1 + 2 = 0
One God + two worlds = zero fear
Good bye devolved pagans. Get ready for an eternity of divine retribution.
Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
The good doctor is taking no prisoners.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich from Germany has also been using the term Mr. Global. Likes how this is spreading.
Went and looked for who else might be using this term. Came up with Catherine Austin Fitts. She’s uses it frequently and is quite on top of Mr. Global’s activities.
She’s an eye opener as concerns the bigger picture.
Subjects covered along with two interesting vids and much more.
Nonpareil Control System
Ultimate Techno Logic: Economic War
Control 201: Technocratic Transhumanism
Mr. Global’s Slavery System Integration
Covid-19 Riots: A Real Estate Acquisition Plan
Mr Global’s Bid
We Have The Power To Change This
“selected by President Joe Biden”….what a joke. He doesn’t select any of these people, his handlers are running the show.
Prep. Prep. Prep.
Since I can’t seem to get extended family members to take any of this seriously, I have taken to buying them preps myself.
Flour, salt, sugar, beans, canned goods, olive oil (freezes well), butter (also freezes well), yeast, etc.
They think I am crazy.
I get that. Sometimes I think I’m crazy.
I hauled a ton of prep back to Ca and now the plans have changed…so I guess I’ll leave it here for my daughter even though she can’t understand it and will bitch about the space to store it.
Where will it all end ? When ?
Please ignore if I am out of line. Can’t take the prep stuff with you if daughter doesn’t want it? Leaving CA? Destination State?
Yes, leaving Ca. Going to S Carolina.
The mini version of the saga…going to let her take over the condo mortgage here. Rent is getting to be out of reach for her. Average here is $2500 and up for a crappy 2bd. The place in SC is paid for so…biting the bullet and leaving. One and only regret being far away from them
Great move, heading to SC. As CA devolves into a worse cesspool, your daughter may very well see the light join you. May take some time. CA WILL run all good people out.
Surely much I don’t see,. Don’t need to. Not asking. Travel safe, Best wishes.
Moving on from CA, is such a positive step forward.
You’re 100% right. I love SC, love it. She would leave but there’s child custody issues and all that.
She’s had it with Ca too , not exactly all the same reasons as us but…a lot of the same.
Thanks for the positive wishes. It’s going to take a few months to pack and some remodel in this condo.
Daily, incrementally, stocking up here.
The best part, or one of the good parts
As it was in the days of Noah…..
It’s not crazy when you’re doing the right thing!
I watched part of Stew Peters after seeing this Telegram post:
Lin Wood
Stew Peters was on fire, and Vernon Jones was on the defensive.
Peters says that as CEO of DeKalb County, Jones used his power to terminate white male employees so he could bring in people of color. A court found that Jones was the arhitect of a racially discriminatory scheme.
Stew Peters says he has two reports, with Twitter DMs to support them, regarding Vernon Jones making very forward comments to two conservative women on different occasions this year, and then trying to lure them to his hotel room.
Peters also says that Jones had a threesome that included his girlfriend and a girl who alleges he sexually assaulted her. This woman didn’t want to testify against a powerful politician. Peters says no one has denied the threesome allegations.
Jones also did not endorse the Georgia heartbeat bill because he says it didn’t go far enough (life at six weeks instead of birth).
Peters thinks Jones is being used by the Georgia RINOs. Jones is a former Democrat and they would love to have someone like him in office. Peters seemed confrontational and Jones is very slick. But Peters has court records and Twitter direct messages, so I would think there is something there.
I don’t like infighting and think it is destructive. At the same time, we need real MAGA candidates who do not have baggage — not people who say one thing but guarantee the opposite happens when they get into office. Lin Wood endorses Kandiss Taylor for governor of Georgia instead of Vernon Jones.
I’ve watched interviews of Kandiss Taylor and she is solid.
Kiddo cant stop laughing at this.
Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) Tweeted:
With the theme song..
A F’in drug company advertising that they’re going to save the world
Ive noticed a hell of a lot of the people in the veritas videos and the ones gung ho on vaxx pass etc are millenials. Always millennials.
Hmmmmm. Clinton-era trained? Makes sense.
Yes. Every kid trophy, social MEdia gen.
They’ve teamed with “The Daily Beast”?????
No, they’ve teamed with the Master of The Beast, SATAN himself…
Say what???
Dr. Tenpenny@BusyDrT
Science, Legal and Health #89:
The US Supreme Court have already made public court documents and their opinion detailing what happens to you as a human being after the RNA vaccinations have altered your DNA. If you procreate children, their DNA will also be changed. Your body and that of your offsprings will now be owned under the patent of Myriad Genetics, Inc, for their RNA has already altered your DNA. This is under litigation now, by a class suit filed by Association for Molecular Pathology versus Myriad, et al. In defense to our human right to our body’s integrity.
(Comments by Abraham Fran Montilla)
#mrnavaccines #patents #MyriadGenetics
My head is exploding after reading that.
Mine, too, Molly. That’s why I posted it. Can anyone make sense of that, and can that really be true?
I’ve analyzed this before. The SCOTUS decision has ALMOST nothing to do with the allegation.
The specific SCOTUS decision is that DNA isolated from nature is not patentable per se (meaning that the DNA *itself* is patented.), BUT if that DNA is changed in some way FROM natural, after being REMOVED from the person, then that changed DNA may be patented.
An mRNA vaccine sequence may be patentable, because they don’t actually use all natural nucleic acids – they use synthetic ones. Theoretically, a person’s DNA is not changed by mRNA vaccines. BUT if it is, then it would be, by the logic of this SCOTUS decision, their “new” natural DNA, IMO, so that it’s not patentable, IMO.
In any case, the SCOTUS decision is not about the allegation.
Thank you for that great explanation, Wolf. That should be a relief to all the vaxxies, if they even care.
Ty for this one, i remembered but had no reference.
New Winning Investment Strategy with 0% Loss Potential – Follow Every Trade Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Makes
October 7, 2021, 2:15pmby Joe Hoft 359 Comments
Haha I thought the same thing the other day !
The politicians have 45 days to report their stock trades. I would love to see that window SHRUNK in a bill, and then watch who objects and who doesn’t.