Dear KMAG: 20211018 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll make our way through it.


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties that you are experiencing, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer this from Phil Rey Gibbons, titled ‘Claim Your Power’:

And this from Thomas Bergersen, titled ‘Apollo’:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Absquatulate is a verb which means…to leave, run away quickly; to flee; to abscond, usually taking something along.

Used in a sentence:

When forced to leave public office, Demoncrats have been known to absquatulate with anything that is not nailed down.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Those Demon Dems even absquatulated with the W keys on computer keyboards, when the Bushnazis took over from the Clintonistas and forced them from the White House!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The idea that the HUSSEINOIDS are actually running things is really catching on. It’s now appearing in FOREIGN “red-pilled” anti-CCP press.


The valuables they looted were nothing compared to the foulness they left behind….


That’s why Melania insisted on the White House being exorcised before she would move in.

Cuppa Covfefe

The desolation of the Øbamanation…..

(let the reader understand)…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Cuppa Covfefe

Wow… looks like that pic got disappeared…

Looks like the DEMONS of the derp state and DEMONRATS are snuffling around again, protecting the lies of ØØ …

(00 or ØØ is slang for toiled over here – the two rings of the seat)…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They got a little STREISAND EFFECT on that, I would say!


Cleansed both physically, FIRST, and then spiritually, LAST.

Has no one else come across the reporting of the implantation in the WH (“remodeling” was the cover story by BO/VJ, et al.) of super high-tech – and nearly impossible to detect – devices in the WH, deadly to life within their range?

The Anons remember …

Valerie Curren

I haven’t seen that info but would be curious to read…


But somehow the “cleansing” missed the Vindmans, Milley, and Mattis, among countless others.


They should have run the hammer-guy from your post through before the priest.

Deplorable Patriot

Vindman wasn’t in the White House, and I doubt Milley and Mattis are actually possessed. Just…not quite as advertised.


‘member when Hillrotten absquatulated with the White House china, silver and furniture?


and ‘member the best part….When President Trump chose that very China & silver to set the table for HIS first State dinner???….it was a glorious slap in the face to Hillary :0)


And he picked ‘her’ curtains for the Oval Office – so when anyone criticized them – they were criticizing ol’ Hillrotten. And there was the subliminal message ‘Hillary’s (is) curtains’ the entire time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! “It’s curtains for Hillary!”


Trump can be subtle – or maybe Melania helped – she’s so good with messaging with her fashion choices! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OH, yeah, definitely!!!! That was a biggee!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

West Virginia House passes vaccine exemption bill. It’s weak like Joe Manchin, but better than nothing, and provides both medical and religious exemptions (but you have to get a NOTE from an AUTHORITY).


“(but you have to get a NOTE from an AUTHORITY).”


West Virginia… paging Epstein’s mother… it’s gonna take a lot of notes… 👍 😁


See my reply to Wolf. I’m probably not quite as good as Epstein’s mother, but I’ll do!


An authority? Like God? Or His Holy Word?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. Nope. Has to be a HUMAN authority.


It’s all about affirming the “Elite”, ain’t it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

JFK was absolutely right.


They settle for that for the moment.

I see the wisdom of the Chucago police insisting on conscientious objection.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen!!! Wisdom!!!


Well, I am an ordained minister. And I write nice notes 🙂


Pardon the intrusion.

Has your hospitalized friend with Covid health improved?

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

No worries. And I don’t know for sure. I have been “off the grid” for a few days. I will find out today, and let everyone know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I need to become a minister, too. What’s the name of that church again? I need to bookmark it!!!


Universal Life Church


More like Universal Life “Church”
Church in name only

Cuppa Covfefe

And the, from the musical “Sweet Charity”, there’s the
Church of the Rhythm of Life
(might be especially apropos considering another tune in the show is “Hey Big Spender”…)…


The Universal Life Church.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our banner:

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A draft for next Saturday is “in the can.”

Complete with a Physics part.

Of course it will take some touchups to make it understandable by anyone other than me.


I’m jealous. 😁


Are things going better than anticipated?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not really, but I had some free time today, and realized that I likely won’t have much this week.

Tweaking takes less time than the initial dump of high-density incoherence.


Sounds like you got a bit of good fortune. Congratulations.

Concerned Virginian

Please — don’t insult yourself! You make physics understandable (at least around the edges) to me, and that’s really saying something.
It’s “President” Biden who does the “dump of high-density incoherence” stuff!  🙂 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Clearly, you have never seen my first drafts.


oh no (((physix)))

makes me want to…
comment image

…absquatulate !  :wpds_question: 

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Valerie Curren

LOL–good for you, now on into the fray. God bless & protect you (even if you don’t yet know that He exists). I’m praying for you in your battles!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can’t quite imagine the legendary “Run away! Run away!” sequence from Monty Python and The Holy Grail being replaced by “Absquatulate! Absquatulate!”…


Use physics to assist your imagination.  😂 

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2


Valerie Curren


The count shall be Three!!!


How about “Skedaddle!”?

absquatulate (v.)

“run away, make off,” 1840, earlier absquotilate (1837), “Facetious U.S. coinage” [Weekley], perhaps based on a mock-Latin negation of squat (v.) “to settle.” Said to have been used on the London stage in in the lines of rough, bragging, comical American character “Nimrod Wildfire” in the play “The Kentuckian” as re-written by British author William B. Bernard, perhaps it was in James K. Paulding’s American original, “The Lion of the West.” Civil War slang established skedaddle in its place. Related: Absquatulatedabsquatulatingabsquatulation.

(Wheatie, what a fun word!)


That’s great! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image

Valerie Curren

They’ve also been taking a squat on the Constitution for generations!  😡 

Cuppa Covfefe

Could also be the sound when Stacy Abrams sits down 🙂

(especially if someone’s already sitting there)…


HaHa Hah!!!


Flag up for Robert Baker….sorry about delays, a lot of stuff got crowded.

I vaguely recall that I was going to go over files (little files) and such things as echo, cat (the bigger one), nano, touch, links, “>”, “<” and shell scripts (no flow control).

I also vaguely recall that I was going to go into repos, how apt knows what to do, ppas, installing a program (probably a browser) with a ppa, when “unattended updates” is a good idea (and when it is not).

Further, I’d been holding off on basic (as in, “mostly useless”) networking — wget, curl, dns, dhcp, ipconfig, 127.x.x.x and 255.x.x.x — but it’s available.

Have we actually covered any of this? Is there any that is more interesting to you than another? Is there something else you’d rather look at?


First, thanks for the Linux websites in the previous post. Metaphorically I realized you have been trying to teach me to read but I didn’t know the alphabet (basic commands). I have been concentrating on the website tutorials, particularly Tecmint, to learn the basic commands thru repetition and practice. I have studied echo, cat, nano, touch, and others. Repetition is key to my building a foundation I can use to go deeper into the Linux world. I am sticking to the command line and avoiding the graphical interface until I have a better grip on things. I will say that the Linux world is so vast as to be somewhat daunting. However it affords me plenty of challenges during my quest.

Valerie Curren

am sticking to the command line and avoiding the graphical interface” this is a great perspective that I hope to recall whenever hoping/deciding to jump into Linux too–Thx


I’m bringing this over from yesterday at rayzorback’s request:

This is IMPORTANT!…. Please see Mark Levin’s opening statement. (1st 15 Minutes… if not the whole thing)

Someone please bring this forward to tomorrows Open Post in case I am not able to attend. I think it is important for all to see. ( it is late here… and I’m not sure if others will see this tonight)

The first part is very important, about Dem money stealing our elections. Zuckerberg spent $419m on nonprofits that got out the Dem vote, for example. Something needs to be done, but I don’t know who will do anything.

The second part is about the girl who was raped by the “transgender” student. We see now the lengths the Left will go to to promote their agenda. They have no principles and will cover up anything to make it seem as if all is okay. They promote perversion and try to will us to ignore what we all knew would happen. Common sense tells us that it is so. But they are trying to twist our minds out of that, too.

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for bringing this in! I was thinking about doing that myself – you did a better job than I would have done!


YW! It’s worth seeing.

Valerie Curren

I let him know w/ a link to your comment–great job!



Valerie Curren

YW 🙂


Hmmm wonder which part of it they didn’t want shown.
Any idea when the video was first put up on youtube ? I ask that because am curious if it had been available for any length of time before being posted on here….watchers?


I have no idea how long it had been up. 😕


Yes! Thanks.

Valerie Curren

Now this shows “Video unavailable–This video contains content from FOX News Network, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.”


” They promote perversion”

The reason they do is because they are perverted. I can almost count on it if one really digs into their lives we would see how they have no moral compass.

Why do we send our children to church and other religious institutions ? So they learn the difference between good and evil.
It is religion that keeps humanity morally ethically balanced.

Valerie Curren

Wow looks like Levin’s video might already be removed  😡 


CodeMonkeyZ is running for Congress, I think against Tom O’Halleran, who has been an AZ rep for the past 3+ years.

Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]

Today is October 17, 2021 – it is an auspicious day.

I have officially filed the first FEC report of the Ron Watkins for Congress campaign.


I like the sound of that!


This should be good….
October 16, 2021
Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]
Just did a quick interview with CBS news.
I explained to them that President Trump is still the de facto leader of the United States.
When I get to Congress, I’m going to work with other representatives to fix the laws to make sure this kind of election fraud never happens again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s hilarious! That had to have triggered the commie news!


And Ron doesn’t need anyone to tell if they cheated. He can figure/prove that himself.


Hope PDJT endorses him.


I strongly suspect he won’t.

He’ll just leave it alone … and rightly so, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

In some research into the use of luciferase reporter genes in gene tech, I’ve been reading a Moderna patent that was incorrectly used to allege that Moderna was putting luciferase or luciferin into vaccines.

While the patent is of course showing nothing of the sort that was alleged, what it IS showing is a pretty shocking breadth of things that ARE done in gene therapy. In fact, it’s so broad and “genetically arrogant and entitled” – to describe what liberties are taken to “make it work” – that I am no longer completely dubious of certain possibilities.

In other words, “putting luciferin or luciferase in a vaccine” is nothing compared to what they might actually do in the gene therapy that these vaccines were clearly intended to “green-light” into being.

There is NO WAY that you can say definitively that this technology will not cause huge health problems down the road. NO WAY.

I used to think what is happening now might APPROACH Lysenkoism, in terms of scientific folly, and might approach Hitler/Nuremberg in terms of reckless abuse and malice of human experimentation, but no – we are beyond that now.

Things ARE bad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


You know what? This is actually really interesting reading.

In a WEIRD WAY – Lysenko was “right”, in that he maniacally predicted EXACTLY what the communists are doing NOW with gene therapy. His assertion of a “genetic dialectic” – of the “evolutionary” in conflict with the “revolutionary” – is actually what we’re seeing RIGHT NOW with the “natural evolution” crowd (US) versus the commie-forced gene therapy crowd (THEM).

Marxist–Leninist theorists presented Lysenkoism as a new branch of biology, arguing that “dialectic method shows that development is carried out in a dual form: evolutionary and revolutionary.” Darwin was attributed with discovering “only the evolutionary” path, while Michurin and Lysenko were presented as making a “great step forward” toward the discovery of a “revolutionary” path of biologic development.[7]

It was just total hubris and pathological commie science – a lot like what we see from Fauci, Gates and Walensky – but it “anticipated” what WOULD come eventually through science – that someday WE would have the power to do the things – and make the mistakes – that we are making now.

So in many ways these people ARE the intellectual inheritors of Lysenkoism!!!

Lysenko’s mistake was claiming that things WERE what they merely COULD BE through greater understanding.

Imagine some person coming BEFORE Galileo and trying to FORCE heliocentrism in their country – killing, jailing, ousting, and attacking the geocentrists.

In a sense, that was Lysenko, who attacked natural evolution.

Natural processes are “evolution”.

Genetic modification is “revolution”.

The dude was a NUT, trying to assert that the NATURAL was both, when it’s almost all ONE. But if he would have simply said “We must become revolutionary in genetics, which is merely evolutionary now”, then he would have been like the Lenin of biology, and he would likely be admired today by all these crazy leftists and depoppers, instead of an old Soviet embarrassment.

But ALL OF THAT comes back and tells me that these people are the modern recapitulation of Lysenkoist THOUGHT, but using the GAINS of actual evolutionary understanding.

The nutbaggery we see NOW with the communist jab-maniacs, is just like Lysenko’s assertions, only MORE REAL because they have MORE TECH.


Unfortunately evil has a long history.

Valerie Curren

Back to the Garden!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is COMMIE. This is neo-Lysenkoism. This is dumb commies acting with smart tech.


I read somewhere that its name was a mishmash of several key words just like Comirnity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Comirnaty, conformity, community – it is NOT accidental.


The “vax” was the all-important MEANS to the goal.

This is why they’ve been pushing it so hard, to the max: it’s the lynchpin.

How so many people have been fooled into mimicking the behavior of hard-core drug-addicts (mainlining into the bloodstream, without doing the requisite due diligence) is frightening, IMO.


This is exactly how I have become so disturbed with family, friends, church members, etc. They believe the BS and are acting on it without regard to their own or their loved ones’ futures. It really, really bothers me. So naive and gullible – no research or due diligence, just blind faith in what the evil doers say to do. The same people on the TV that breathlessly told them about how PDT was involved with the Russians, the Ukraine BS, the continuous stream of ridiculous accusations that many of them even ridiculed – they now trust to tell them the truth about gene therapy jabs? How utterly foolish can they be? Yet, there the sheeple now go to get their boosters and flu shots without Thought #1 about their health or the people around them when they have evidence and can see the trend lines of how COVID has declined minus the next round of shots and how the CDC claims the flu did not exist last year.

They trust liars, thieves and murderers over educated, loving family members and friends who have researched, resisted and are HEALTHY – NOT DYING – NOT EVEN INFECTED – WHO HAVE NATURAL IMMUNITY.

So exasperating.


A friend (not the one I have spoken about recently), again, an intelligent man who mostly “gets” what is happening, also has a closed mind about this one area.

He literally laughed and waved me off when I told him that the CDC says you are DEEMED unvaccinated for 14 days after getting the shot, and DEEMED unvaccinated 6 months after taking one of the brands which wears off.

Those facts were so absurd and ridiculous he would rather think I was a buffoon than think it might be true. I hold no ill will toward him on that account. We like each other and are great company otherwise.

He took the shot, and he has to cope with his decision. He will hear no bad things about the shot because he has convinced himself there are no bad things, despite the fact that his wife collapsed very shortly after taking the shot and was prostrate for three days. She collapsed in the bathroom once she got home, and they needed paramedics to put her in bed (NOT the hospital … interesting).

But it was all a coincidence probably caused by stress, he believes. That is one very closed mind. And this is a man who reads a book a week.

Forget about speaking rationally with many, many people. Someone put pods under their beds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I totally hear you about this guy!!! He has FIXED POINTS – socially controlled – media-controlled – that cannot be changed, except by majority thinking in the first case, and the media in the second case. And he will never suspect the media because he uses both majority thinking and the media as the “proof” of each other. It’s a brilliant logical sabotage.

As long as a “majority” trust the media, he will trust the media. As long as the media says the majority thinks something, he will believe the majority thinks something.


Exactly. He asked me where I got my information and I said “the internet.” He shook his head and told me “See, that’s your problem right there.”

IOW, “the internet” straight up equates to “conspiracy theory,” and not the “real” media. In fairness, he is much older than I.

But another older friend who also does not use a computer for anything, will frequently ask me to look up things on “the internet” for him, sometimes calling me to ask. But he figured out that the “real media” is Fake and full of lies pushed by people who do not have our best interests in mind, let alone truth or objectivity. And he figured out that you can get truth and objectivity on the internet if you look for it.

I had contempt for the Big Phony Cronkite when I was a teenager. His act was obvious. It is astonishing that in 2021 anyone believes Fake News, but many, many do, BIGLY, for the psychological reasons you cite.

Cuppa Covfefe

Worshipping the White Coats and the Talking Heads…

As if the YSM/MCM and the presstitutes are any more reliable than the internet. Wonder what that person thinks of Google Scholar, or Britannica Online (or whatever it’s called), or the various “open” research paper outlets, or Elsevier and other (pay-through-the-nose) “official” internet portals…

Media “experts” are usually the poor sod in a white coat who wasn’t fast enough to get away from the news director/producer on his/her way out of the studio…

Last edited 2 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Ha. I actually had a DOCTOR tell me, when I went to him for a second opinion on something: “Don’t trust anyone in a white coat!” Turned out I didn’t follow his advice, either, and the issue was resolved using info from the internet.

Cuppa Covfefe

It makes me think of the delusion at the end of the age…


Fear ?


A combo of fear (out-pacing the intellect), and the emotional need (also out-pacing the intellect) to preserve ones self-esteem.

“It’s easier to fool someone, than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.”




What gets me is how Trump the most powerful man was hoodwinked by people around him AK Pence and Fauci.
He still does not seem to understand or know the whole implications of the jab. How could that be? Unless he lives in a bubble ? People around him withholding information?
Dr Hatfield spend lots of time in the WH also met with Trump during covid when Trump was there he surely told him the truth?
I am troubled by that and need to get more info because I do not know all the circumstances.

Cuppa Covfefe

VSGPDJT wanted fast but HONEST and CORRECT and SAFE development of a VACCINE.

He threw down a challenge, probably approved resources to meet it, and, as a manager would do, delegated the authority to perform and complete the task to people whose remit and expertise were appropriate.

The fact that they lied to and misled him IS NOT HIS FAULT.

And what alternative would you propose? Hell-the-BEAST?

President Trump’s plans were more than likely including a second term, which was statistically (and historically) likely, and reasonable for long-term project planning. The fact that the Satanic DEMONRATS cheated to the extent they did, and stole the election, not only at the Presidential level, but all of the lower-levels (probably even dog-catcher) put a wrench to that.

It’s taken at least 100 years to get this bad. The only one who could put things right in four years (or in an instant) is GOD HIMSELF.

No matter what, we now SEE the enormous evil assembled in Washington D.C. and “governments” everywhere, not just in the USA. People have been numbed and dumbed-down by media, education, and other institutions, to the fact that they could not conceive of such evil EVER taking place. VSGPDJT exposed that, and enabled/persuaded/encouraged alternate media to speak out, and those of us who are skeptics to get off our collective bums and start doing something, even if it’s only red-pilling everyone we can reach (whether they want to hear us or not)…..

Any one of the other “Republican” candidates in 2016 wouldn’t have done anything of note; indeed, I doubt any of them would have won against the Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch Hillary Clinton…..


I am not upset at Trump do not see it as his fault concerning the virus and jab.
They blindsided him. Where my puzzlement comes in that they were brazen to put the wool over him but maybe not Pence seemed very convincing so was Fauci.
All I can think is they knew Trump would loose they knew they would steal the election. With the jab trump might have been promised one thing and they did a poison. Now he should know? Maybe not.
Yes Trump was the best President in a long time. God Bless him and his family.


Thank you for this report on your research. I am convinced the depth of evil will be revealed with this and in many other areas over time.

Dark, dark period of human history.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If anybody is interested in a technical review of COVID vaccine technologies, this is a GREAT review paper that appears to be popular.

For example, here is the caption of one of their primary graphics, expanded by me…..

Summary of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine platforms. 

A) Live-attenuated vaccine platform in which SARS-CoV-2 is engineered by RG system to produce modified vaccine seed that is used for vaccine production in susceptible cells such as Vero E6 cells.

B) Inactivated virus vaccine platform whereby SARS-CoV-2 prepared vaccine seed is propagated (scaled-up) in Vero E6 cells and is then chemically inactivated and finally formulated with a specific adjuvant.

C) Protein subunit platform in which whole or part of spike protein, such as the receptor-binding domain, is expressed in mammalian or insect cells and/or yeast, purified, and finally mixed with a specific adjuvant.

D) Viral vector platform (replication-deficient adenovirus) in which the adenovirus genome is modified by RG, the open reading frame (ORF) of the spike protein is cloned into adenovirus genome, and finally infectious recombinant virus is rescued in complementing cells. The final rescued virus is adenovirus expressing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

E) Genetic vaccine (plasmid DNA vaccine) in which SARS-CoV-2 spike ORF is cloned into a plasmid DNA under a strong promoter such as that of human cytomegalovirus, and then, the plasmid is scaled-up in bacteria and finally purified. The final purified plasmid is inoculated into humans using an electroporation gun.

F) Genetic vaccine (mRNA vaccine) in which SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA is chemically synthesized and enclosed with lipid nanoparticles for efficient delivery into human cells.

This figure was created with BioRender (


I’m looking to assess the interest in a further calculus post. I’d just do it, to fight the echoing void, except that I’ve come to realize I need diagrams, which will get messy.

Since I’m trying to give people a gut feel for what the hell is going on, rather than actually teaching calculus as a discipline, I was looking to deal with the derivative and integral of a slanted line between x=2 and x=4. I wanted to show that the “over” error was F and the “under” error was G, and how much that improved if I divided the distance between x=2 and x=4 in half; then in quarters; then in eighths. How the values converged, and F & G converged on zero as the slices got thinner.

Next step would be to note how all of this converged on what we we would expect them to be based on old-fashioned geometry, with maybe a nod toward the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus — and how horribly sucky Leibniz’s notation is, except as compared to any other that we’ve managed to come up with….and particularly Newton’s.

I’d want to wrap up with a couple of quick examples to tie into the real world — perhaps the speed of a bullet fired at a helicopter or something.

Once I realized that I needed diagrams, I lost a lot of enthusiasm, so I’ll only want to slay the diagram drawing dragon if encouraged.

Last edited 2 years ago by cthulhu

Quite understandable for a CPA, but I would say like Steve you would make a good physicist as he often would proclaim ” whose counting? ”

Last edited 2 years ago by trumpismine

I’m not sure how to take that.

I started out because there were some who expressed discomfort at calculus. The idea was that I wouldn’t get bogged down in details, I’d just try to explain what it did in English. That way, people could be comfortable around it — even if they never used calculus themselves (as, indeed, I haven’t in the last 35+ years).

If we were in a conference room with a whiteboard or two, I could do my schtick in less than two hours, while telling jokes in the middle.

But I’ve lost confidence in my ability to tell the tale without diagrams, and it will now take a bit of effort to get that…..while I still don’t know whether I’m just talking to myself.


It’s ok. I do a lot of counting myself 😀 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think all people here would appreciate it, personally, as long as it’s at least partially understandable.

Not trying to talk you into it, but if you did decide to do it, you could always draw things by hand with GIMP and upload screen captures as images with your comments. Or just steal some professional graphics!

Valerie Curren

Post of video of same wearing a fun mask & hide any doxing concerns??


Oh Cthulhu,
Please do the introduction lesson!! Cut it into short segments, smaller bites for thee and me and us. It’s okay if you want to drop it later.

I stopped my science classes after organic chemistry. I wondered how physics and calculus suddenly got so hard for me. Looking back, it was because previously I didn’t have to do homework problems to pass the exams.

Der Voolf’s [specifically SteveInCO’s] physics series is a delight and so fun to read. I’m really understanding it better. I’d love to get calculus before I get ‘old’. I already know that you use humor to teach and explain. Heh heh, that would be cool.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren

I wondered how physics and calculus suddenly got so hard for me. Looking back, it was because previously I didn’t have to do homework problems to pass the exams.”

Wonder Twins powers activate (as in that was me too) 😉


Try the YT channel “3Blue1Brown” – I’ve watched quite a few of their vids.

The graphics are tremendous, and the narration / explanations are quite accessible to both math-oriented and non-math-oriented people alike.

Here’s one of the first ones on the subject:

(Btw, the initial quote cited, by Hilbert, is good – but Hilbert did so much DAMAGE to other mathematicians that I hold him in contempt. While ostensibly “trying” to advance mathematics, he ended up setting it BACK, in the main, for many decades [IMO].)

Last edited 2 years ago by Emeraldstar
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! That’s a very interesting opinion on Hilbert!


Look up what he did to Brouwer. He was crushed – never the same man, afterward.

A lefty-trick.

Einstein opined on it … AGAINST Hilbert (and for good reason).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW! Did not know. Thanks!

Valerie Curren

For what it’s worth you can post images if you use rt clk “copy image address” & then paste it & sometimes clean it up here. Image addresses from Gab post fine, from Twitter need the ? & after removed & then the suffix from the gobbledy gook, like .jpg or .gif placed where the ? began. If you open an image in a separate tab & it ends in an image suffix you can copy that URL here & they usually seem to show OK.

I’m interested, but don’t really put yourself out please. Only have “fun” with it 🙂


For those who might be interested, there is also a book of popular science titled A Clockwork Universe which does a beautiful job putting together all the relevant concepts starting with Zeno up to and including Newton/Leibniz (with personal details of their rivalry). It is an entertaining book, and remarkable for making the concepts understandable even for someone like me!


The scene from “North by Northwest”, where the guy is running away from the biplane, always puzzled me. I would have waddled my way up to one of those four foot posts, and thrown myself to the ground behind it. If a guy wants to hit one with a biplane wing and plow himself into the field behind me, what’s my worry?


First I noticed that the bell is working, Whoo Hoo!
Well Wolf looks like you went back to our old host?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, I didn’t do a damn thing! If your bell is working now, when it wasn’t before, it’s due to some other change in your system!


I’ll do a little experiment and let you know

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dr. Peter McCullough again! GREAT STUFF!

Plus a little humor at the beginning!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I think all these:

the CDC hiding vaccine adverse effects with the 14 day rule after vaccination

the CDC hiding failing vaccines by saying vaccinated people are “unvaccinated” after 6 months

the CDC starting with PCR tests instead of antigen tests

the CDC overruling FDA on boosters

the CDC sabotaging the initial tests

the CDC dumping flu and other diseases into COVID numbers

and many more lies…..

All of this seems KNOWING.

Who ARE these people?


Mr. Global. I suspect Catherine Austin Fitts knows more than she is willing to admit.

Concerned Virginian

Dr. Anthony Fauci is DE FACTO running the CDC.
His protogee, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, is a FIGUREHEAD.
And Fauci is taking his orders from **someone else**.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Totally agreed. FAUCISM is thoroughly embedded.


>>”Who ARE these people?“<<

Those who are so mentally deficient as to believe that they are “superior” to others … while demonstrating with almost every act that they are, rather, catastrophically INFERIOR.

They are the fallen – the demented, without the full capacity of mentality that normal people have.

Sociopaths, psychopaths, monomaniacs, megalomaniacs, etc.

They are pathological – no cure.

The vast majority have been *purposefully* damaged as children, to create such dementia, to more easily be controlled.

The incidence of these derangements, occurring naturally (physical defects), is extremely low.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, you are absolutely right. McCullough only hits the other side with stuff THEY have documented.

WE know from the Medicare whistleblower that the numbers of “dead within 3 days of the vax” mean that the number of deaths in VAERS is undercounting by a significant number – by their estimate there should have been 45,000 dead. THAT would push up the permanently injured to the hundreds of thousands.

Why is the number so high? Because people who are contraindicated are being pushed to get the jab, and because the RISK POPULATIONS for the jab are the SAME POPULATIONS as RISK FOR THE DISEASE.

We are seeing socialist medicine, which is STUPID because it never questions its own basic assumptions – like “anything which overcomes vaccine hesitancy is good”.

Not it’s not. That is WRONG. It’s simply WRONG.

CDC is political – it is NOT scientific. Overruling even the corporatized FDA shows how bad – REALLY bad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Deplorable Patriot

Leave your infiltrated Church….

No. Just resist within the system, and go traditional which is now a rebellious act.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Going traditional has been a rebellious act since V2.

It is now being outlawed.

Deplorable Patriot

Do it anyway. 😉

I now have quite the collection of long/longish skirts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re in a tough spot on “leave to protest”. I do know Catholics near me who find relief by attending a particular church, and I’ll just leave it at that, so their good thing continues.



comment image


Poster child old fart for destineasia.

  • Multiple times daily, I’ll walk to the garage kitchen…AND when I get their, wonder why the hell I went there in the first place.


Valerie Curren

Yup, LOL I go back to the starting point & start moving toward the destination to see if it “triggers” the faulty memory to recall Why that specific journey–& so far that works pretty well 😉


Oh yeah. When I do things at weird moments it is because I will forget to do it otherwise. Do it when the thought occurs! And even then it could be too late!


My wife and I make a fine pair shuffling around with a moan or grunt to let the other know were here. Between the two of us we do get by 😏 

Valerie Curren

My husband & I like to joke that occasionally between the two of us we might make up One brain 😉


Yes, I’ve been having that now and then. I’ll go into the kitchen for something but once there I don’t remember what I went there for. I’ve found that if I just go back to wherever I was, office, basement, garage, bathroom, etc.; if I do that I have a fair chance of recall the idea of what I wanted to do in the kitchen, and then I consciously remember it long enough for when I am back.

However, if I keep standing in the kitchen and speculating and thinking of what possibly could be what I’d be there fore, I’d forget it completely, and not even going back to the office/basement/wherever will be enough to recall. The whole exercise has to be written off as «not important» then.

It got slightly worse with the corona (virus, not mexican beer; though that wouldn’t be very helpful either!), but still happens every once in a while.

And there’s nothing special about the kitchen; similar occasional forgetfulness applies to the garage and the basement. (Not so much the bathroom).

Valerie Curren



“(Not so much the bathroom)”

This is the exception. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great Del Bigtree interview of a hospital whistleblower who figured out that the vaccines were causing problems in a huge way.

This has been posted here – Sundance has an article up about this, too.

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She confirms indirectly that CDC was hiding vaccine problems as “COVID” within the first 14 days after vaccination.

Deplorable Patriot

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

With incomplete data, too.


I’ve read reports that hospitals (the administrators) have been purposefully giving curative therapies to the “vaxxed”, and withholding them from the “unvaxxed”.

Skewing (inverting) the numbers used to calculate causes of death / debility.

Rewarding the jabbed, and punishing the unjabbed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. EVIL.


How GATES, FAUCI and SCHWAB Manufactured The COVID-19 Crisis To Usher In The NEW WORLD ORDER That Will Build Back Better

 👉  good article




6uild 6ack 6etter.

Last edited 2 years ago by grandmaintexas

cool tunes again, wheatie !

we be vibin’



Also Fauci.

Valerie Curren

Seen on Gab
comment image

Valerie Curren

Whoops, I missed that someone else beat me w/ this meme–blush emoji 🙂


brilliant minds….

  :wpds_wink:   :wpds_idea: 

Valerie Curren

LOL much better than the hive mind!


Regarding the footage early on 9/11 of the first ‘plane’ hitting the World Trade Center:

Video without plane. Hat tip GA/FL.

Video with plane.


I’m convinced that the whole thing was a preplanned setup. The plane was added into the second video.

Valerie Curren

What about the seeming Sound of the plane in Both videos?

The first video, in the tweet, looks like the explosion comes out w/ a puff of gray dust, like (potentially) a plane could have hit from another side of the building?

I archived the tweet here, but it doesn’t appear to play the video

video seems to play here though

Strange but, called the Wayback Machine, is promoting something called the Way Forward, imagining the internet in 25 years, in 2046??? What could this be?


What about the seeming Sound of the plane in Both videos?”

There is no doubt that the sound of the plane actually happened. The people standing around are shown reacting to it by looking up and behind them.

How could this be if there was no plane?

It wouldn’t be all that hard to set up two banks of speakers on building rooftops separated by maybe a half block to achieve a stereo effect of sound moving from right to left. They would have been placed specifically for the best sound at the spot where the filming was taking place.

For the speakers to have achieved that amount of volume, they would likely have been the kind used at a rock concert at Madison Square gardens.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating take, itswoot. I wonder if any satellite footage of that day is archived & could be reviewed in hours/days leading up to the events…


There probably was at one time. As with most crimes, destruction of evidence becomes a priority for the criminals. I often wonder how high the body count became in the cover up. I know there was some.

Valerie Curren

Yes. I remember reading an eye witness book, with numerous short stories & it seems that in the debris field & bodies underneath the towers before the first one fell that there were people strapped into plane seats, or in airline uniforms, or otherwise connected to planes, in addition to the horrors of the jumpers.

That book Might have been called In Our Own Words…No here’s the description of the book, also from our library system

Tower stories : an oral history of 9/11

Including follow-up interviews that track contributors’ lives since 9/11, as well as never-before-published photographs, this expanded second edition of a literary time capsule preserves a monumental tragedy in American history through the voices of the people who were in Lower Manhattan and elsewhere in New York at the time of the attack. ……

Tower stories : an oral history of 9/11 / [edited] by Damon DiMarco.
[Expanded 2nd ed.].
Publication Information
Santa Monica, Calif. : Santa Monica Press, [2007]

This first person narrative is quite eye-opening & well worth the read, imo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree. And do you know why?

THE PLANE SOUND IS WRONG. In multiple ways.

Oh, this is GREAT. Such an operation is well within IC capabilities – and this was an INTERNATIONAL IC operation.


This has been the major sticking point for me. I have gone through all the videos and there is no question how fake the event was.

But no where have I found a satisfactory answer to the “sound” objection. There are first hand accounts of people hearing the incoming planes.

Specifically, an objection I saw was that the sounds could be easily analyzed to determine if they were “real” or not. But no where have I seen such analysis, pro or con. The objection was based on the premise that if the sounds were fake, someone would have said so by now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Brilliant! “Somebody would have said something by now.”

This is a perfect example (and Q talks about this all the time) of how controlling majority opinion can LITERALLY control whether anybody sees something AND that the something gets traction. BOTH aspects are reduced, compounding each other. People won’t LOOK, if the majority are not encouraged to look for flaws.

This is a HUGE problem in science, and why HERD REVIEW is a critical step. Herd review allows amplification of a highly sensible minority opinion. It’s a KEY STEP.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why it was CRITICAL for the people behind 9/11 to have local NYC news videographers with LOW ETHICS. I have MET these people. They tried to set me up. I know it’s real. Once you know that, 9/11 as a SCAM makes enormous sense.

You can tell that this shoot is a set-up just by having some guy with a camera filming this routine stuff. Right place, right time, right angle – it was perfect. But spend much time in NYC and you know this does NOT happen. It’s NOT just some random lucky break.

Most people in the Midwest simply don’t understand the corruption of the East and West coasts. It’s a different corruption, but it’s the same level.

On the West Coast, it’s CHINATOWN. On the East coast, it’s the WORST OF 19th CENTURY EUROPE.

There is a LOT of money in the NYC news world, too. It gets things done.


The first video, in the tweet, looks like the explosion comes out w/ a puff of gray dust, like (potentially) a plane could have hit from another side of the building?”

If you look at the shape of the hole in the video where the ‘impact’ took place, it shows the shape of the airplane. You would only get that on the side where the ‘plane’ hit the WTC. It can be clearly seen when the video zooms in.

The person doing the video was in on the scam. According to the person narrating in the second video it was 8:46 AM when the ‘crash’ took place. What was a person with a video camera recording fire department workers doing something as mundane as checking for a gas leak?

The location is perfectly situated to video tape the WTC. Too perfect. It was scouted out ahead of time. Not to far or close to the WTC. Low buildings that did’t block the view. If the workers were checking for a gas leak on the other three intersection corners, the view would have been blocked by the buildings. I’d be willing to bet that if you scouted within a half mile radius of that corner you would not find a better viewpoint to record the planned event.

Also, how did the camera operator know when to swing the camera about 80-90 degrees to catch the explosion? They would have either known the exact timing of when the explosives in the WTC were going to be set off, or they had a audio receiver in their ear with someone saying something like, “swing left now” at the critical time.

The only other person in this staged setup would have been a manager in NYC maintenance who scheduled the fire department gas leak check at that particular time and location. The firemen were there just doing their job.

Valerie Curren

Well those are entirely interesting possibilities. I recognize the voice on the video & the footage as it’s part of the Naudet brothers documentary that they were filming w/ a particular NYC firehouse. Both brothers were French filmmakers who “happened” to be making a documentary following the progress of one “probie” & were in different locations as 9/11 unfolded. Based on the footage shown in the documentary it seems those brothers were Not aware of the fate of each other until they were re-united at the end of the day.

Here’s the info on that video as presented in our library system…


Videorecording (DVD)

Telecast to coincide with the six-month “anniversary” of the horrific terrorist attack on New York’s World Trade Center, the powerful and poignant two-hour CBS TV documentary 9/11 grew out of an independent film project inaugurated by French filmmakers Jules and Gedeon Naudet several months before the tragedy. Originally intending to produce an in-depth study of a “typical” American fireman, from the rookie training days to matriculation as a full-fledged firefighter, the brothers virtually lived in the headquarters of the F.D.N.Y.’s Engine Seven, Ladder One company. Thus it was that the Naudets were on hand to tape record the airliner “bombing” of both towers one and two on that fateful September 11 — and even more dramatically, one of the brothers was able to record the hectic activities of the firefighters as they courageously went about their duties in the doomed lobby of tower one — with only minutes to spare before both towers would collapse into a sickening mass of rubble. Although the more appalling examples of carnage are tactfully left unshown, such chilling vignettes as the offcamera sounds of crashing glass, indicating that another victim has jumped to his or her death from the uppermost heights of the twin towers, are left intact, obliging CBS to run a disclaimer in hopes of sparing the victims’ loved ones any further anguish (too, the amount of understandable profanity spoken by the harried firefighters far exceeded anything ever heard before on mainstream American television). Telecast with only three commercial interruptions on March 10, 2002, 9/11 was dedicated to all the victims of the tragedy, with most of the proceeds going to the Uniformed Firefighter Association Scholarship Fund. The special garnered one of the highest ratings posted by CBS in years, with 38 million viewers tuning in. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi

9/11 [videorecording (DVD)] / a Goldfish Pictures, Inc. and Silverstar Productions, LLC in association with Reveille ; producers/editors, Richard Barber, M.J. Maloy, Bruce Spiegel, Mead Stone, Paul LaRosa, Ian P. Paisley ; writers, Tom Forman, Greg Kandra ; directors, Jules Naudet, Gedeon Naudet, James Hanlon.
Filmmakers commemorative DVD ed.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, brothers Jules and Gedeon Naudet were working on a documentary about a rookie New York City firefighter. Hearing a roar in the sky, Jules turned his camera upward – just in time to film the only existing image of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center Tower 1. With cameras rolling, the Naudets follow NYC firefighters into the heart of what would be known as Ground Zero. A striking tribute to real-life heroes who rose to extraordinary acts of courage and compassion.

We own this video & have watched it several times. It is possible that that gas leak call was a set up but there were plane parts (not sure if on this video or others we’ve seen) & there are some eye witness accounts of a survivor(s?) from one of the plane hits watching it impact their building. Not sure where that footage is, but some aspects of the planes scenarios seems legit (even if the buildings were brought down via thermite on support beams)…


There is another set of videos out there of the second ‘plane’ hitting the WTC. One without a plane, one with. Same video camera operator.

It is much more difficult to remove a moving object in a video than to add something in. Technology has advanced since 9/11 to make it easier, but back then it took much skill.

The 9/11 plotters who faked it had ample votivation to do it for mainly two reasons. The enactment of the liberty restrictive Patriot Act, and a cornerstone of our current surveilance state. The other would be the trillions of dollars spent on the war against terror, and those who would benefit from that.

Valerie Curren

So IF those planes didn’t hit the WTC, Pentagon, & Shanksville (though I think it’s possible that Cheney ordered United 93 shot down but the “Let’s Roll” resistance seems pretty well documented), where did they & their passengers go? What about the phone calls from various passengers on the planes & the numerous people who shared their phone experiences? Is ALL of that faked in your mind?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Always remember that REALITY is the best cover. Much of 9/11 is real. As much as possible. As many deaths as possible are real, but if you don’t see the body, then how they died is not known until you get direct evidence.

Pentagon was struck with something. People died.

But also remember that the CIA literally TRAIN IN MAGICIANSHIP. That was actually (at least per historians) the revelation of Sidney Gottlieb – to recruit magicians to train his people in how to fool us chumps.

Thousands of people died. Trust me – these people are cold killers. But their rule is to NEVER get caught, and cover up hard. It works, but over time, they do make mistakes that allow the facade to crack.

One of the things that the intelligence agencies do is write after-the-fact books to “seal the history”. That’s why they control publishing so strongly. I’m actually fairly familiar with two cases of where they created fake history in this regard – Benghazi and Columbine. Also, the REMOVED a publishing thorn in their side – Barbara Olsen – at 9/11.

The print media is terrible. Don’t trust something just because it’s in a book.

There was a lot of “noble lying” going on with 9/11. There were REASONS for people to take part, at the highest levels. Many were convinced they were doing good.

The communists know that virtue signals WORK as payment for “noble lies”. Americans are very good at the noble lie.

Valerie Curren


I remember reading the Jayna Davis’ book The Third Terrorist exposing the Muslim man who was involved in OKC bombing. between that & some of my OK contacts it seemed “apparent” that that event wasn’t Caused by the Truck bomb but that there were explosives wired to support pillars in the building. I think They were less efficient then than during 9/11 where the deep state created a disaster for numerous nefarious purposes.

It’s an extreme sickness of evil that is nearly beyond comprehension for “normies” & even plenty of us who gladly took the red pill!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Most people have no idea how evil communism really is.

Valerie Curren

I think some are getting an inkling around the world nowadays 🙁


I think flight 93 that crashed in Shanksville is not disputable. It likely happened as it occurred. What I would dispute is if everything that is said to have happened in the flight 93 hijacking and crash is 100% true.

The Pentagon crash is iffy for me. A plane may have crashed into it as described. I don’t know enough about it to definitely say one way or another. I know that there are claims that no plane was involved.

My best guess is that the two planes that are said to have crashed into the two WTC towers landed in some out of the way airfield, and the passengers and crew whisked away. What happened to them is a mystery.

Valerie Curren

Well the “gash” in the earth in Shanksville that some seem to think is proof of the plane going down nose first showing a loose outline of the plane pre-existed 9/11, per satellite imagery. There were eye witness accounts of a fireball in the sky & luggage & debris from 93 spread over several miles, iirc, supporting shoot down theories in my mind.

It is curious that the Pentagon “hit” was in that fortified zone & that conveniently resulted in destruction of damning materials about I forget which scandals…also I’d heard the OKC bombing destroyed Ruby Ridge & Branch Davidian materials that just Happened to bail out Slick Willie’s booty from who knows what at that time…Evil apparently knows NO bounds!

Oh & Jack Cashill was All Over the TWA flight 800 debacle that wasn’t even close to what was presented to the public, iirc…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG! Two brothers! LOL.

We were such chumps.

Valerie Curren

No doubt 🙁 I haven’t watched that specific movie in a couple years so I wonder if it will ring more hollow after all these revelations…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s exactly what happened with me.

The clincher is this. Ask yourself over and over – “Did I see the planes hit the buildings?” Answer honestly. From that point, rebuild what you know, with scientific skepticism born from realizing that there are people who profit by mass deception.

Valerie Curren

The desire to just acquiesce to the storyline is just pressurized from so many angles. What you have to know & accept to get where many of us here now have travelled is definitely a “through the looking glass” type of experience…& often Not a “through a glass darkly” journey like scripture mentions…

Well supposedly “everyone” saw the second plane hit on live TV if they were watching feeds of the first tower on fire. That seems a bit hard to fake & what about the people in NYC who saw it with their eyes?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! You’re almost there.

“Supposedly…”!!! Away with it! RAUS!!!

“Seems”. Assume nothing in a world where magicians make planes SEEM to disappear – and SEEM to APPEAR AGAIN.

Keep asking yourself the question, until you face the deepest and most humbling truth, and start over at the beginning.

Did you see the planes hit the towers?

I will not tell you the answer. You must FACE IT YOURSELF.

Tear away everything other people told you, in deception or in kindness, until you are naked to the truth.

Then start over.

This is very similar to a principle my professor taught me, which enables me to “reset” myself when there is an impasse of scientific understanding. The impasse is usually there, because we assume things from the beginning that we should not have assumed.

There is JOY in admitting what we don’t really know, and to start over, because we can reacquaint ourselves with everything as if we were children. But we may then realize how little we actually know.

Valerie Curren

“There is JOY in admitting what we don’t really know, and to start over, because we can reacquaint ourselves with everything as if we were children. But we may then realize how little we actually know.”

This is an ongoing process whenever diving into many of the topics freely discussed in the Q-Tree. “The world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you to the truth” as stated in The Matrix very well describes the massive deception of so many things that everyone “knows”.

None of what happened on 9/11 did I directly see with my own eyes. Everything was filtered through someone’s camera lens & some TV channel. I recorded hours of VHS tapes of various events but haven’t reviewed them. Spent Many hours over the years watching various DVD presentations & reading some books & of course testimonials, like shared at CTH, but my Personal Direct Experience w/ those events is & always will be filtered for I wasn’t there at Any of those sites!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That is the humble beginning.

What you will discover, working your way back up, are information bottlenecks, where massive deception is possible.

Valerie Curren

The more they try to hide & suppress info the more important it appears to be…like every day is Opposite Day!


Also, note that there is not any traffic going through the road intersection. One emergency vehicle with lights flashing shows up briefly in both videos blocking one approach to the intersection. This was during morning rush hour in NYC.

Can’t chance having a high profile vehicle passing by at the critical moment of filming. The gas leak ruse was a good choice for the 9/11 plotters.

Valerie Curren

“The gas leak ruse was a good choice for the 9/11 plotters.” Lots of food for thought!


I had a friend that tried his hardest to convince me that 9/11 was done by our own government. I refused to buy it. That was about 15 years ago. The last time he talked to me about 9/11 he got so irate that he walked away from me and went to the garage to work on a project. I let myself out the door. He made it know by his actions that talking to me about the subject was like talking to a brick wall. But I was listening to what he had to say, and it took many years for me to come around to his way of thinking regarding 9/11.

He moved to Alabama not long afterwards, swearing he would never spend another winter in Michigan. I would let him know that I had been paying attention to his argument, and that he had made a difference, if I knew how to get ahold of him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I was like you. It took YEARS of going back over thing to realize where it all went wrong.

We are up against people who understand mass psychology at an ACTIONABLE LEVEL. Enough that they can easily affect human science.


Earlier I was voicing astonishment at a friend for having closed mind about the shots.

But I had a closed mind about 911 until recently, and probably for the same reasons. I read the Popular Science article way back then, and that was a good enough “debunking” for me. The majority mentality and the media were mutual reinforcements, for me.

And now I see two things pretty clearly. There was a LOT of 911 nonsense in the aftermath, and the flood of nonsense led me (as it was intended) to close my mind to anything other than the government version. Illogical, but effective.

Now I understand the scope and depth of the alternative reality created for us. And am more familiar with the techniques.

The second thing is, from day one there have been people who understood the Fakery of it all, even if they did not have the background of who and what and why. And they spoke the unadorned truth, which counted for nothing if nobody listened.

Like the Kennedy assassination, it was all there for me if I cared to look. And I am a looker. But in both cases I was easily led astray and did not look.

In the case of Kennedy, by a couple of well written books (Bugliosi and especially Posner). It was only when I saw the original Mark Lane interviews of eyewitnesses that I realized how mistaken I might be, and looked further, and found much, much different.

In this respect, I want to relate an aspect personal to me. William Buckley was my hero when I was in high school. Believe me, that was highly unusual and “odd” (today it would be disqualifying).

I remember Buckley interviewing Lane, and that was enough for me. In my mind, Buckley definitively crushed Lane.

So when my eyes were opened, I watched the segment again, and was horrified at how shallow my perception had been. Buckley was snide and superficial. Lane was dignified and cogent. Buckley had NOTHING other than “you’re a communist,” and Lane had the facts.

It was an embarrassment for Buckley in reality.

Watching that segment solidified an opinion about Buckley which had grown in me over the years, that he was simply another mis-leader. (And he WAS CIA).

I cannot see Buckley without thinking he is role playing. And his books are like Will’s, in retrospect, a lot of nothing going nowhere. I realize he is dead.

He died of emphysema from smoking. In his final days he strongly urged the government to outlaw tobacco.

This was and is incomprehensible to me. He should have simply said he made a stupid mistake in smoking.

His death apparently was horrible, and no one deserves that. But he apparently was a thorough faker in the life he lived, and that limits any sympathy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. I went through periods of admiring Buckley, but OMG – I can imagine how indeed he might have flamed out, Kristol-like, had he lived longer.

One way to look at the deception is this.

When we laughed off the Potemkin villages and said “they can’t get away with it”, we thought we had won.

We never considered that the communists went back to the drawing board, made the villages bigger and more diffuse, and BUILT THEM IN AMERICA.


Look at the Las Vegas massacre, and the ridiculous claim that Stephen Paddock did it. Quite a few witnesses spoke of helicopters that they heard shots coming from. John Cullen has done excellent work on this.


Same. Took many years.

Valerie Curren

Wow. Red Pills apparently still need to be incoming to help us navigate Deeper into the rabbit hole apparently. I read a report about Thermite in the debris in NYC & some “eye witness” accounts about explosives being planted in the Towers. Also, iirc, there were early reports of the FBI &/or Secret Service on site as the NYC disaster was unfolding, possibly removing the gold from some basement area…

It is still hard to know just who/what to believe. What’s NOT hard to believe is that our own “government” is lying their A–es off about A Lot of stuff. The world that has been pulled over our eyes, as it were.

What region of Michigan do you inhabit? We live in the Metro Detroit zone & have family/travel options a couple places Up North…My husband & I lived in Gaylord during our early marriage w/ our 3 sons (eventually) & moved downstate when I was pregnant w/ our daughter, in her 20’s now. I’m originally from the Detroit area but lived in OK for a decade, where I met my husband…

I hope you manage to reconnect w/ your enlightening friend to thank him for his red pill efforts that have come to great fruition in your life, in God’s appointed time 🙂


I was scheduled to go down to Alabama in Spring, 2012 with a mutual friend for a visit with my 9/11 friend, but I had to back out last minute. Would probably still be welcomed to visit.

I live east of the Manitou Passage and not far from the east shore of Lake Michigan. My parents grew up in Lansing, and that is where most of my extended family lives.

Valerie Curren

My mom’s birth family comes from the Lansing-ish region, Ionia County area. Sounds like you live in a much more beautiful AND sane part of the Great Lakes State! Blessings!

Valerie Curren



If one chooses the slowest playback speed then does rapid clicks stop/start as the “plane” goes in. The beginning of the explosion appears to come from below the trajectory and very slightly too soon.


I thought something was off on the plane entry. Just hadn’t taken the time to look closer as you have.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are numerous flaws on the other plane strike, too.

NONE of this could be calmly debated when it happened. And our “CIA girl” shut down discussion of the anomalies promptly, which all of us were noting. I should have told her to go to hell that day.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a great technique for spotting the problems in the footage, revealed by age.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, that is where their plan failed. SPEED OF LIGHT versus speed of the explosion.

They didn’t have to fake the explosion sounds – that’s all very real. But they could not anticipate that at their chosen angle, the very initial explosion would send a burst of light out through a WINDOW directly at the camera. Thus, when they did a “best fit” of the plane to the explosion (which was both REAL and REALLY FILMED), they could not get plane entry to perfectly match BOTH the LIGHT and the EXPLOSION.

They picked EXPLOSION and counted on psychology to deal with the light flash – that people would find plausible excuses for it.

This is actually a REALLY GOOD FIND.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, fuck you, climate ninnies.


ominous witch !

always reminds me of the awful nanny Mrs (((Barlock))))
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cringe factor

every day is halloween with that crew..

they’re all a pack of ghouls.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

And you won’t be able to buy or sell with out the mark.

Klaus Schwab of WEF Wants to Be the World’s COV Pass Provider

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

Lucifer does mean light bringer so if its a bioluminescent enzyme that correlates…but its still creepy evil.


If vaccines do cause people to have a “glow” of some kind, I’m wondering if that wears off over time and that is why booster shots are needed. Alternatively, it’s possible that booster shots are just phase two of whatever they have planned.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I need to do an article about this stuff. I actually know quite a bit about it, because these types of probes were a huge advance in biology.

Here is the reality of “glow-in-the-dark mice”.

Here is a simpler earlier system where they only injected the reporter gene (luciferase) using a “gene gun”, then injected the substrate (luciferin) by i.v. hypodermic.

Here, years later, they have BOTH enzyme and substrate being created in the mice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this is the thing that’s wrong, yet it does hint at stuff they MAY be doing, using reporter genes.

He literally cites the patent wrongly. In the patent, the authors are talking about GENE THERAPY TECHNIQUES IN GENERAL (including vaccines, but not all about vaccines), and they mention that the mmRNA (modified messenger RNA) can include probes like various luciferases at that point. What they don’t mention is that the mmRNA itself can also encode for luciferases, so that the cells produce it. THAT is a technique that is used frequently to prove genetic incorporation.

They also mention that the mmRNA could include a DYE – which could be a UV dye, of course.

Lots of nasty possibilities. But the one he talks about is NOT in the patent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice how that technique serves to COVER UP the real nasty stuff. This is a brilliant way to discredit the REAL problems with the gene therapy technology applied to vaccines.


Good morning Qpeeps. Testing


Thanks wheatie! The old bell is working for me once again as long as I’m logged into WP


Log out of the Q Tree and log into WP first
then go back to the Tree

Last edited 2 years ago by trumpismine
Valerie Curren

Or perhaps log in w/ WP, which usually works for me…


JULY 2020

the origins of Build Back Better

UNITED NATIONS opening remarks…

read it, here…



“Welcome to the special event “SDG Acceleration Actions To Build Back Better”. As we get into the fifth year of the implementation of the 2030 AGENDA {my emphasis added}, all countries across the world are now experiencing daunting challenges to their sustainable development efforts.” {my emphasis added}

read more of this conspiratorial NWO/UN agenda newspeak, at the link.

this is where a lot of biden’s shit is coming from…the frikkin UN….along with the the WEF et al…

daunting challenges , my ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by smiley2

he looks like he’s wearing a prophylactic mask over his face.

which, BTW, could be what’s being used on various biden doubles.


ok…wait…maybe I should have said SILICONE disguise mask…instead of “prophylactic” which might make it sound like I’m calling Zuckerberg and biden dickheads…

can’t have that !

here’s what I’m talking about...

silly cones

LetsGoDickheads !


Convincing to a point, especially from a distance, but not, IMO, when you’re in close contact with a person, or when the cameras are on them.


last Friday !


sad but true !

watch, here (news segment/video interview)…

  :wpds_sad:   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_sad:   :wpds_eek:   :wpds_mad: 


I left Nordstrom when they rolled over and cancelled all Trump merch when POTUS was elected.
The Nordstrom grandsons took over and have run the company into a ditch. Theyve closed more full line stores and have left open discount stores.
Used to be a full service great company. Screw them.


may they reap lumps of coal in their oatmeal



bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


General Colin Powell, 84, dead from WuFlu complications. He was fully vaxxed.

Last edited 2 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Was just coming with that. Should explode quite a few heads.

Colin Powell, first Black secretary of state, dies at 84 of complications from COVID-19

Concerned Virginian

Doesn’t matter that Gen. Powell was “fully vaccinated”. His death will be used by those like Dr. Anthony Fauci to push for more “vaccination” and the “booster shots.”
Of course, those like Dr. Anthony Fauci ALSO know that Gen. Powell’s immune system was badly compromised by his getting “fully vaccinated”, especially at his age, but Fauci will conveniently ignore this.

Last edited 2 years ago by RDS
Deplorable Patriot

Just saw that on another feed.


I dont have anything nice to say.
Ray….. ray… cis


He was fully complicit in the My Lai massacre coverup. Just a historical footnote now, along with God knows how many soldiers we left behind in Vietnam.


Y A W N.

Powell had been part of the problem for a long, long time.

Last edited 2 years ago by kalbokalbs

His 15 minutes of fame should have ended YEARS ago.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


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Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Father God:

We come to you humbly on our knees before the Throne of Grace to ask You to lay your Healing Hands on our Beloved Brother, Carl.

We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.

You know only too well the challenges Carl faces not only for himself, but also for his family.

As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to burst those blood bubbles and seal them up tight and right quick.

As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to alkalize his stomach contents and calm the disruption and disunity.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we send Healing Angels with Healing Oils to cover him now and in the days ahead.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we send Your Heavenly Angels to reconnect the nerve endings, break the chains, and smooth the blood flow throughout Carl’s body.

We ask You to remind Carl that he has Healing Holy Spirit Power within him to restore his health for he knows greater is He that is in him than he that is in the world.

We ask You to increase Carl’s trust in You, to lean not on his own understanding, and to acknowledge You in all that he does because he knows You will make his path straight.

We ask You to ensure Carl has Restful and Restorative Sleep, Father God.

We ask You to Restore his Balance and Functionality, Father God.

We ask You to Replenish and Boost his Energy Levels, Father God.

We ask You to send the Power of the Son to Carl’s heart and environment to invigorate him, Father God.

You know only too well Carl is a loving soul who provides encouragement for others in spite of his own afflictions, Father God.

We ask You to bless Carl’s caring heart as he blesses others in all that he does in the coming weeks and months, Father God.

We ask You to increase Carl’s patience in the coming weeks and months, Father God.

We ask You to increase our patience as we pray for Carl’s healing and comfort for his family, Father God.

We ask You to provide us with perseverance as we pray for his healing and wholeness, Father God.

We ask You to strengthen our prayers and petitions on Carl’s behalf, Father God.
We ask You to seal relationships with openness and love for Carl’s peace of mind, Father God.

We ask You to restore Carl to health, cleanse his heart, and renew a right spirit in him, Father God.

We thank You for being the rock Carl needs in his present trials and tribulations, Father God.

We thank You for loving Carl as he puts his trust in You, Father God.

We thank You for our Beloved Brother Carl and for all he does to encourage and support our blog family, Father God.

We acknowledge and ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every WeekBy Thomas T. Siler, M.D.
American Thinker
October 18, 2021

Deplorable Patriot

It looks like censorship is ramping up. This is one of the best Catholic channels available. Fortunately, he’s on a number of other channels.


Not sure what his You Tube page is like, but can well imagine, based on his twitter feed. Truth Teller! 😏🙄🤗

Deplorable Patriot

Sensus Fidelium is his brand. It’s a GREAT channel.


Nice that someone is going there. We’ve known this since Gail informed us about ADE long ago and have patiently waited for the proof in the pudding, which has been coming steadily in bigger and bigger doses and waiting too for the rest of the world to catch up. Seems both of those things are starting to happen and soon this will sink in.  😬 
Are Covid ‘Vaccines’ Giving People AIDS? Immune System Functions Are Dropping Around 5% EACH WEEK in Those Who Were Vaccinatedby Ethan Huff  October 17, 2021

Deplorable Patriot

In a round about way, this vindicates Dolores Cahill’s statements. She said cancers would pop up. Well, with a suppressed immune system, they do, and that’s one of the calling cards of AIDS.


Does anyone remember the Israeli study on Kefir and Covid 19?
I cannot find it but was posted at sometime here.

I like kefir and have bought it on and off for years. Yesterday I found something interesting about all the benefits. Is good for immune system, eliminates parasites, inflammation and mucus. Maybe some other things I forgot.

Ivermectin works against covid HCQ works all associated to eliminate with some kind of organism or parasite. Kefir is also an organism that works in the body and is beneficial for all kind of ailments. I come to think the damage from Covid is some kind of parasitic organism that enters the body creating all the havoc?
Now I wonder if Kefir does also reduce damage done by the jab?
To me it looks the Israeli study no one picked up and gave it more publicity?
I am thinking on making my own Kefir seems easy enough 🙂

One can find lots of information on Kefir here is one


Can a cup of yogurt ‘cure’ your case of COVID-19?

Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev say they have identified molecules in kefir that are effective at treating various inflammatory conditions, including “cytokine storms” caused by COVID-19.

Kefir, which is similar to yogurt but thinner in consistency, is a fermented drink made by inoculating cow’s or goat’s milk with microorganism mixtures, such as yeast and bacteria. A cytokine storm is when the body’s immune system goes into overdrive and attacks itself – one of the leading causes of death in COVID-19 patients.

Several years before the coronavirus pandemic, Malka noticed that yogurt had a therapeutic effect and began studying it in Jelinek’s lab, Jelinek told The Jerusalem Post. They identified molecules in the yogurt that had dramatic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

“One of the main reasons people die of COVID is the cytokine storm,” Jelinek said. “Cytokines are immune molecules that are designed to help the body fight invaders like viruses. But in certain circumstances, and scientists don’t know exactly why, the body goes into a sort of overdrive and secretes many cytokines – so many that it kills you. That is what happens during COVID.”

“We knew that we had found these molecules in yogurt with anti-inflammatory properties,” he said. “So, when COVID started, we said, Let’s see if these molecules can help against cytokine storms.”

During the pandemic, Jelinek and Malka had hoped they could administer these molecules to patients who were in critical condition. But regulatory hurdles delayed the process, and they did not succeed, Jelinek said. Now, their next step is to conduct clinical trials with other cytokine storms.

And no doubt people died. 

“Cytokine storms don’t only happen with COVID,” Jelinek said. “This is a very bad condition with really very few treatments against it.”

The path from the lab to the table is likely to be long, Jelinek admitted. Even though the molecules come from yogurt that people could eat every day, they would be considered a drug and will have to undergo the full scrutiny of any new medicine before receiving approval, Jelinek said.

As such, the company will likely take the molecules in another direction at the same time – as a food additive, probiotic or supplement – to speed up the approval process, he said.

Jelinek said he and Malka did other experiments with the kefir, and they were also able to demonstrate that the molecules have the potential to combat pathogenic bacteria. Specifically, they showed that the molecules were able to significantly reduce virulence of the causative agent of cholera, he said.


Yes thank you that is the research from Israel. 🙂
Kefir has bacteria that is alive and stays alive and works within the body for long time. Yogurt has that also but the bacteria dies after a day or so.
Personally I drink a small juice size glass every day. Kefir has carbs so I am careful. I drink the unsweetened one. I saw on You Tube a person who made her own she put orange or lemon peel in and let it sit for a day. That seems healthy to me if one uses fruit that has not been prayed with toxins.


I used to make my own kefir. You can buy the kefir grains online. There is milk kefir and also water kefir, using a different sort of kefir grains and raisins or similar.
The grains multiply, so you end up with lots to give away.

Last edited 2 years ago by GrammyInD

Thank you good to know 🙂
I might try Whole Foods before Internet.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that’s hilarious! “World Ecommunist Forum”! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Valerie Curren

Today’s CS Lewis daily from, for your encouragement!

‘Niceness’—wholesome, integrated personality—is an excellent thing. We must try by every medical, educational, economic, and political means in our power to produce a world where as many people as possible grow up ‘nice’; just as we must try to produce a world where all have plenty to eat. But we must not suppose that even if we succeeded in making everyone nice we should have saved their souls. A world of nice people, content in their own niceness, looking no further, turned away from God, would be just as desperately in need of salvation as a miserable world—and might even be more difficult to save.

For mere improvement is not redemption, though redemption always improves people even here and now and will, in the end, improve them to a degree we cannot yet imagine. God became man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to pro- duce a new kind of man. It is not like teaching a horse to jump better and better but like turning a horse into a winged creature. Of course, once it has got its wings, it will soar over fences which could never have been jumped and thus beat the natural horse at its own game. But there may be a period, while the wings are just beginning to grow, when it cannot do so: and at that stage the lumps on the shoulders—no one could tell by looking at them that they are going to be wings—may even give it an awkward appearance.

From Mere Christianity
Compiled in A Year with C.S. Lewis
Mere Christianity. Copyright © 1952, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1980, C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers. A Year With C.S. Lewis: Daily Readings from His Classic Works. Copyright © 2003 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. And the proof is that the “nice” people will automatically become very “un-nice” to those who they don’t think are “nice”.


Valerie Curren



WTF!? Biden’s USAID Launches $125 Million Project To Find 12,000 New Viruses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fauci is demonic!


My Body My Choice Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Southwest Employees Protesting Vaccine Mandates


Sav (@RapidFire_Pod) Tweeted:
DALLAS- Airline employees and Protesters chant “My Body, My Choice”


muppet rabies (@mulattogelato) Tweeted:
@disclosetv Dante and Virgil are gonna find him wandering around Purgatory looking for WMD like it’s a giant IKEA

Deplorable Patriot

I doubt Powell would see Purgatory.

But, I’m not God, so I really don’t know.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sooner or later he’ll find “Billy”…..

Mother holding infant in her arms body slammed to the ground by the police. Then the police take turns kneeling on her face and neck as they continued to wrestle with her. Apparently she was concerned about a traffic fine. Not sure of the country, but somewhere in SE Asia.


Video indicates Shanghai, China.


Stupid broad aggressively put her hand on the cop. What did she think would happen?


Here we go!
Biden Calls On DOJ To Enforce Jan. 6 Subpoenas




Going after political opponents. Biden is not running the show it is a psychopath who is. They are after Bannon because he has become a to powerful voice for Trump and Maga.

My in stinks tell me the FBI will sift more and more people out of January 6 attendees who are in leadership supporting 45.
Very dictatorial the only person I know who fits dictatorial Nazi like is Obama.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is Obama. EVIL.

Deplorable Patriot


internationally known and respected Minister and Prophecy expert, Paul McGuire, speaks about what happens when we believe and follow LIES…

video here…


From a comment on todays market-ticker, about the clots

ecosophia | Open (More or Less) Post on Covid 10 (

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is HUGE – thank you!


If you have time could you please explain it in very plain english.
Does it mean they’ve found what causes it or they’ve found a way to cure it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll be putting up a post shortly!


Maybe is the best you can say. There are many posts I come across with lots of hypotheses regarding the effects of the spike and how to counter it. Probably getting closer.


Multiply this by hundreds of thousands of equally uneducated walking into the USA.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I loathe the Taliban but in their defense a dismayingly large percentage of Americans also cannot find the USA on a map.


With that in mind doesn’t make a lot of sense to import more .

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Absolutely true!


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Warning – not for children!

Last edited 2 years ago by trumpismine

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This one with the racing bars is particularly nice. 👍🏻

Last edited 2 years ago by Gingersmom2009

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Cuppa Covfefe

Got AOC and Psucki in the same frame at the same time 🙂


In this picture Biden still has an earlobe what happen that he no longer has one on the right earlobe?

Last edited 2 years ago by singingsoul1

Facelift cuts occur right there. I think they start losing that loose skin when they suture.


Yes that is possible.


The knife slipped 🙂 (S)

Cuppa Covfefe

Piglosi nibbled on his ear 😆 or Hell-the-BEAST  👺  👹   👺 


Or someone cut it off as a warning if he does not behave at their will they dice him in little pieces.. 🙂 I know sick humor


Horse medicine in the house.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Dang, that’s a LOT. Good job!

You’ve got enough for yourself AND Mr. Ed.

Last edited 2 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Very nice!


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They closed your businesses – while theirs flourished (Amazon, Walmart)
They closed your schools – while theirs went to private schools
They closed your churches – while they worshiped Satan
They closed your beaches – while they flocked to theirs
They banned parties – while they enjoyed theirs
They banned graduation ceremonies – while they attended theirs
They banned nursing home visitors – while they privately cared for theirs
They banned hospital visits – while they visited theirs
They banned Dad’s in the delivery room- while they aborted theirs
They banned travel to certain states – while they went everywhere they wished
They even designated what constitutes a meal – yet ate whatever, wherever, whenever they please.

They allowed protests – yet were protected from protesters
They allowed riots – yet were protected from rioters
They allowed anarchists to co-opt cities – yet were protected behind walls
They allowed the storming of police precincts – yet jailed innocents as ‘insurrectionists’
They allowed the assault of peacekeepers – yet were protected Ashli Babbitt’s murderer
They allowed funerals for their agenda – yet banned common folks’ funerals
They allowed businesses to be destroyed – to allow theirs to flourish (Amazon, Walmart)
They allowed gun stores to be closed – yet are well-armed and well protected
They allowed statues to be vandalized – yet build and protect a George Floyd statue
They allowed churches to be set on fire – yet protect Mosques and push Satanism
They allowed the infringement of our liberty – yet enjoy protection from prosecution
They allowed our Constitution to be ignored – so they could ignore our Constitution


Let’s Go Brandon – Because Joe Biden Didn’t Win

Last edited 2 years ago by Please

Well Done!  🤗 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




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They collect taxes when we die.
They tax money we paid taxes on when we work.
We pay taxes when we put it in the bank.
One could say they tax us to death nothing sacred in in life and in death to the government.
We are their slaves so they can take and enrich their families and friends.


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Cuppa Covfefe

Bye, Done taking a shelf-ie…

More brains in that cone than between his ears…


People always find dirt under the DemCom machine’s rug….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This is totally nuts.

Deplorable Patriot

Tomorrow’s daily is scheduled, but I keep finding shtuff. It’s getting LOONNNNGGGG.


Looking forward to it. 🙂


Hmmmm. Yes, well….


When I find myself in times of trouble, sister DP comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be


Deplorable Patriot

Alright. I guess there’s enough there.

Have to cook dinner anyway.



Oops! That’s not what I meant!

I meant put it all in. Can’t be too long. Go big or go home. Speak, sista. Speak!


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Deplorable Patriot

‘Mericans are our own brand of people that’s for sure.


😂 😂

This is why we are gonna win.

They are too easy to mock.

See: Dave Chappelle.

See: the new “Let’s Go Brandon” rap song, currently the #1 download on iTunes.

See: the above.

Remember the movie, “They Live”?

The premise was all about waking people up, same as “The Matrix”.

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Guess what? President Donald J. Trump was the sunglasses!!

And now the FBI and DHS be all like…

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Straight outta the film.

You are watching a movie.


Last edited 2 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Easy to roll into hating this man. I cannot say he has any redeeming qualities.

“Newsom has repeatedly displayed a habit of seeing people—especially women—as tools to be simply used and discarded. His treatment of his mother is the saddest example of this. This may come as a shock to many, but by the ethical standards that Catholics profess to hold, and likely by the laws of California at the time, Gavin Newsom murdered his mother, Tessa Newsom, by helping her commit suicide. 

Tessa Newsom, neglected by her son and in the final painful days of her struggle with cancer, decided to end her life in May of 2002. 

“She left me a message, because I was too busy: ‘Hope you’re well. Next Wednesday will be the last day for me. Hope you can make it,’” Newsom remembered. “I saved the cassette with the message on it, that’s how sick I am.”


Flaming narcissist…nobody is more important than he is, not even his mother,daughter, wives, sister and his unfortunate constituents

Last edited 2 years ago by mollypitcher5

Yep. Dunno how anyone can work for him,esp chp .


Craig Wall ABC 7 (@craigrwall) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Chicago police are taking action against officers who have not complied with the city’s vaccination status reporting mandate. Officers are being stripped of their powers and being sent home without pay ⁦@ABC7Chicago⁩

Last edited 2 years ago by gil00

Craig Wall ABC 7 (@craigrwall) Tweeted:
JUST IN: Per city data: of the 12770 police employees only 8227 reported their vaccination status, which is just 64%. The remaining 4543 employees how facing possible disciplinary action if they continue to defy orders to report vaccination status. @ABC7Chicago

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



^^^^ Has a nice ring to it. 🙂


Now THAT would be awesome IF it turned into a chant at sporting events, concerts….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It obeys the principle of:

When you find yourself in a case of “Let’s You And Him Fight” with other Americans – HIT CHINA.

And when you find yourself in a case of “Let’s You And Him Fight” with China – HIT THE CABAL.


So they retire but youre going to deny retirement bc they wont get a shot demanded to continue to work?

The Chicago Police Department’s top cop has threatened to deny retirement benefits to those who choose to retire from the job rather than comply with the city’s COVID-19 vaccination policy, according to local reports. 

Chicago Police Superintendent David O. Brown said that those officers who do choose to retire rather than follow City Hall’s orders “may be denied retirement credentials,” the Chicago Tribune reported, citing Brown’s Sunday memo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is the EVIL OF COMMUNISM. The slackers. The OATHBREAKERS.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are lining up on sides. There is the side with honor, and the side with none. I CHOOSE HONOR.


The side with none is how you get “secret police”, ss, kgb, fib, and more…


Assuming retirement has been earned, time in service and all of that, A GREAT LAWSUIT against Chicago INCOMING.


I would think so. You cannot do this.


Great to see LE standing up for their health, personal choice…!

Beetlejuice’s shit hole losing.

LE positions OPEN across the country IN decent, safe, affordable cities.


There are magazines out there posting for hire. Always. Sometimes its the qualifications that are the issue though.


LE qualifications span various level degrees, to high school.

A matter of stepping outside of one’s comfort zone.

Where there IS a WILL, there IS a WAY. 

The toughest part is NOT SURRENDERING TO “NO” – far to simple.

  • NO, it’s NOT possible. Commonly hogwash.
  • Find a way to YESLARGELY A MINDSET.  Attitude, initiative… 

Much or most of this applies to many, if not MOST career fields.

The injection BS WILL drive many folks to different employment. Perhaps different career field. Blue State AND Blue cities LOSE. RED WINS.




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TL;DR – eat your veggies and play outside – YOU NEED AND USE CHLOROPHYLL, you plant parasite.


Light-harvesting chlorophyll pigments enable mammalian mitochondria to capture photonic energy and produce ATP 

Chen XuJunhua ZhangDoina M. MihaiIlyas Washington
Author and article information

Chen Xu
Columbia University Medical Center, Ophthalmology, New York, NY 10032, USA
Junhua Zhang
Columbia University Medical Center, Ophthalmology, New York, NY 10032, USA
Doina M. Mihai
Columbia University Medical Center, Ophthalmology, New York, NY 10032, USA
Ilyas Washington *
Columbia University Medical Center, Ophthalmology, New York, NY 10032, USA
Author for correspondence (
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Received: 30 Apr 2013
Accepted: 15 Oct 2013
Online Issn: 1477-9137
Print Issn: 0021-9533

© 2014. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

J Cell Sci (2014) 127 (2): 388–399.


Dan Bongino has told Cumulus radio to choose the vaccine mandate or him. The mandate that has resulted in the termination of some people, and he is talking against it on their stations today. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Dan Bongino gives ultimatum to Cumulus Radio over vaccine mandate:

“You can have me or you can have the mandate. But you can’t have both of us.”


Integrity. Common Sense. Bongino’s Stock Rises.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. THIS is the time to stand up.

Very shortly, we drop the NUKE OF TRUTH.

Concerned Virginian

Next up on the radio talk show “Get vaxxed or lose your job” situation: Jesse Kelly and/or Charlie Kirk.


I have never been a huge Bongino fan, but I have changed my mind over the past few weeks. This man has COURAGE. I may not always agree with him, but by God, he fights!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

& he got 2 Pfizer shots, iirc, so this is about personal autonomy not just saving his own skin.


I didn’t know he was vaccinated. I’m glad he’s taking a stand on this. We need high-profile people as well as the masses.

Valerie Curren

I believe he was convinced it was Better for his health, as a cancer survivor, to take the shot (not sure if he knew then how many risks the shots provided). Also, iirc, Mark Levin & his wife have taken the shot, iirc.


No one listens to CNN so apparently they felt it was safe to air this.

Last edited 2 years ago by para59r

She did a great job. IF we saw the entire intterview, likely she buried dough-boy Stelter, CNN…


MOAR of this please. (Bill Gates has to go find a service entrance or some such, protestors don’t let him through the Downing Street Entrance)


So many issues and we don’t have a clear picture on many of them.

Americans Stuck in Afghanistan Face Grave Danger


Yikes! That’s how they get all of us not to own anything.


Washington State University just fired the head coach and some assistant coaches over their refusal to get vaccinated. I hope there are major ramifications for the team, the school, its donors, etc.

Nick Rolovich and all other unvaccinated WSU assistant coaches have been fired for cause for refusing to get injected with the experimental mRNA Clotshot.

Rolovich had the Cougars sitting at 4-3 through seven games, but it’s all come to a crashing end. To call it a wild situation in Pullman would be an understatement.

Last edited 2 years ago by TheseTruths

That is a twofer for the coach. Does not get jabbed, and gets to leave a crappy team.


And they forced him out, rather than his resigning on his own. He might have legal recourse.


Yes, everyone who gets fired or put on unpaid leave for refusing the clot shot should sue the shit out of them! We need to fill the courts with these suits. The Left loves their lawfare. It’s about time they get a nasty taste of it themselves.



Just another day..another few thousand going here and there…FJB


Did we fall into some time warp ? Like 50 yrs ago ?


Yeah, she’s just upset that their cheating is being brought to the fore.

“I’m going to fight for every person who has the right to vote to be able to cast that vote.”
“I’m going to ensure we can continue to cheat to give Dems power.”

[…] Moon Online Admin Coyote Reply to  trumpismine October 18, 2021 […]