Dear KMAG: 20211025 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll make our way through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

Since ’tis the season of ghosts and goblins, I offer ‘All You Zombies’ by The Hooters:

And ‘Dead Man’s Party’ by Oingo Boingo:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

It sucks and there are new outrages each day.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Ovine is an adjective which means…sheeplike; of, like, or pertaining to sheep; consisting of sheep; resembling or being sheep.

Used in a sentence:

Democrats depend on their ovine foot soldiers to do what they are told without question.

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Hello wheatie!

Say, does the polar bear ever get where he’s going?


Never on a Monday.

Valerie Curren

to AlGore’s ever expanding carbon footprint?


Great POST sista!!! you always…Make me smile!


So much going on!!! Moving and grands and chickens and doggos!!! But..You are Always my favorite!!! {{Wheatie}}}!!! Love you dearly!!! I wish I could come over to Wolfies more often…Might happen cuz .. life.. is lettin up!


Wheatie makes my Sunday night, into Monday morning much nicer! <3


I can not tell a lie, I am bias!  😇  😊 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MASSIVE LIKES for this song by the HOOTERS. 😍

Not just the band, but this song! ANTHEM!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Holy Moses met the Pharaoh
Yeah, he tried to set him straight
Looked him in the eye
“Let my people go”

Holy Moses on the mountain
High above the golden calf
Went to get the Ten Commandments
Yeah, he’s just gonna break ’em in half

All you zombies, hide your faces
All you people in the street
All you sittin’ in high places
The pieces gonna fall on you

No one ever spoke to Noah
They all laughed at him instead
Working on his ark
Working all by himself

Only Noah saw it coming
40 days and 40 nights
Took his sons and daughters with him
Yeah, they were the Israelites

All you zombies, hide your faces
All you people in the street
All you sittin’ in high places
The rain’s gonna fall on you

Holy Father, what’s the matter?
Where have all your children gone?
Sitting in the dark, living all by themselves
You don’t have to hide anymore

All you zombies, show your faces
All you people in the street
All you sittin’ in high places
The pieces gonna fall on you

All you zombies, show your faces (I know you’re out there)
All you people in the street (Let’s see you)
All you sittin’ in high places
It’s all gonna fall on you


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



To be fair Noah did get a tip off it was going to happen 😉


And he believed!

Valerie Curren

AND logic!


I’ve seen them in concert, during the weeks they were popular enough to do concerts…..


I saw them in a slightly larger venue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, they were pretty hot for a while!


Hi Darlin Wolfie!! You…Make..Me…Smile!!! 😊 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great to see you! WARM WINTER for GOD’S PEOPLE!!!


There are a whole lot of animal descriptive words.

Pretty much everyone knows canine, feline, and bovine. Ovine is less well known, but then you go off the edge into murine (old world rats and mice), vulturine (vultures), galline (chickens), musteline (weasels), cervine (deer), elephantine (elephants), ursine (bears), leporine (rabbits), vulpine (foxes), lupine (wolves), equine (horses), leonine (lions), piscine (fish), porcine (pigs), and marine (badasses).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



You could also go off toward masculine and feminine…..and then there’s more modern things that got “-oids” instead if “-ines”… cameloid, insectoid, ovoid, arthropoid, reptiloid, and the like. Another one for the first list would be ranine (frogs) — there’s just a zillion of ’em.


That last one, LOL…

Ovine reminds me of bovine, of course, but they do not come from the same root.

🐑 ovine – from Latin ovis “sheep,” from PIE root *owi- “sheep” (see ewe).
🐄 bovine – from French bovin (14c.), from Late Latin bovinus, from Latin bos (genitive bovis) “cow”


You can probably get away with “rodentine” as a superset of murine, but there is that curious hiccup about rabbits.

As it turns out, guinea pigs, capybaras, and nutria are rodents…..but rabbits and hares are not, no matter how much you’ve always thought of them as funny-lookin’ rodents. (Squirrels are still bushy-tailed rats.)

Instead, rabbits and hares are lagomorphs, which is why things resembling them are leporine. Back in college, we used to joke about going out to certain places and “hang out with the ‘morphs”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you have a liking of certain types of aquarium fish, you just roll your eyes and zone out.

There are two types of taxonomists, the “lumpers” and the “splitters”, and they just never let up. It’s like something out of Dante where one group pulls clockwise while the other pulls anticlockwise — yet both are in Hell.

In Lake Tanganyika, the genus “Lamprologus” has been split into Lamprologus, Neolamprologus, Altolamprologus, and Lepidiolamprologus….but then lumped with Chalinochromis, Julidochromis, Telmatochromis, and Variabilichromis to form the Lamprologini tribe. A pox on both their houses!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Finding out that not all bugs are bugs is the beginning of the downfall!


The Curse of Linnaeus….

Last edited 3 years ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren


Where “phobia” actually indicates a Fear versus a non PC “club” the Left seeks to marginalize.


A “phobia” is an ***irrational***, or otherwise wildly ***disproportionate***, fear.

It’s an improper SMEAR term (or suffix).

There is very good cause – historically proven – for the West to vilify the “religion” of submission (of “Peace”, which is achieved only when all others are conquered / subjugated).

The same goes for other of the “phobias” that normal people are accused of.

Again – it’s a psychological deficit: an overblown, irrational feeling.

They accuse us of x-phobia … while it is THEY who promote x-philia!

Islamophilia is the problem – one of many -philias which are mischaracterized as “phobias”.

They always say the OPPOSITE of the truth.

Valerie Curren

Absolutely spot on!

Valerie Curren

Hey ES, I saw this old reply to me while searching for some Vigano quotes so just wanted to say “HI”. I hope you are doing well. We miss you at the Q-Tree & would love to see you drop in some time.

God Bless YOU Richly!

Valerie Curren

Along with verbiage of my botanist aunt this scene comes to mind 😉

Valerie Curren

Love it. I only “knew” about 1/3 of your list…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Travis Tritt….. MENSCH!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I’m lovin’ me some TRAVIS now!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Y’all has done caught DA WOOF in a rare moment of drinkin’ and TELLIN’ THE TRUTHIEST TRUTH.


We rednecks in the hills may be the last ones still standing after the dust settles…. 😇 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are definitely going off the rails. What these people are doing is just unacceptable to ANYBODY who wants any kind of freedom.

We will NOT go down like Australia or New Zealand.

Denninger has it right. They’re trying to DESTROY the economy with these vaccine mandates. Sociobiological warfare.

Funny, but a few nukes taking out the major cities of Switzerland would end all of this.


I’m waiting for God to crack open the earth under DC. The insane vileness of those zombies has to have him pissed!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There needs to be some Herculean cleaning in that place.

Gail Combs


 Washington, D.C. elevation in feet is 20 ft above sea level .The capital is 273 meters (896 ft) 

It would clean out a lot of other garbage along the eastern seaboard too.


It’s the CITIES that are the targets, Gail.

Apart from the cities, and the immediately surrounding areas, the majority of most states are MAGA.

Gotta separate the baby from the bathwater.

This holds true even for Cali.

I ain’t interested in wanton collateral damage!

We are the MAJORITY, by far.


Nothing comes as a surprise to God.


One little pop while Davos is in session….oh, please, please, please!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If they just fry KlauSS it’s over. The rest are chickenshit.

Gail Combs

You need to FRY Klausses BOSSES!

I am sure we NEVER actually see who the real SOBs are.


All that’s left hidden is the NUMBER-ONE culprit – the others are accounted for.

The first cure was SA … and the USA is NEXT.


We WILL see, IMO …



Gail Combs

AND they are sly like a fox.

I know more than one ‘country boy’ who has gleefully fleeced the city slickers at both poker and chess.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gail Combs

They are also really, really good at selling crappy pieces of equipment to newbies.

Don’t ask me how I know. 🤣

Valerie Curren

As shared previously by another Q-Treeper! I always think of this as America to an invading, infesting anti-American world…


Two things:

1) Country boys will survive

2) Being SMART is FAR BETTER than being EDUCATED


^^^ THIS. ^^^

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can’t tell if he said LIEDEN or BIDEN, but either way, TRUTH!!!


Sounds like a theme song for MAGA folks!  😇 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Indeed it does!!!


Very nice selection. 🙂


[ I tried to post this just as the site went AWOL … ]

I note that he said “Stars and Bars” – NOT “Stars and Stripes”.

The civilian, Peace-time flag, NOT the military, War-time flag.

We have been at WAR since the Civil War – over 150 years.

It hasn’t ever ended, even unto today – RIGHT NOW!!!

Great vid, Marica!


Love those puppies in the snow, Wheatie. And that little girl beating up the big man wasn’t bad either!  😍 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The WISDOM – likely of SOLOMON…..

In many places, he comes to fascinating conclusions. At least one affects physics, and thus they remain of great interest.

Ecclesiastes 7

New International Version



1 A good name is better than fine perfume,
  and the day of death better than the day of birth.
2 It is better to go to a house of mourning
  than to go to a house of feasting,
for death is the destiny of everyone;
  the living should take this to heart.
3 Frustration is better than laughter,
  because a sad face is good for the heart.
4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,
  but the heart of fools is in the house of pleasure.
5 It is better to heed the rebuke of a wise person
  than to listen to the song of fools.
6 Like the crackling of thorns under the pot,
  so is the laughter of fools.
  This too is meaningless.

7 Extortion turns a wise person into a fool,
  and a bribe corrupts the heart.

8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
  and patience is better than pride.
9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
  for anger resides in the lap of fools.

10 Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?”
  For it is not wise to ask such questions.

11 Wisdom, like an inheritance, is a good thing
  and benefits those who see the sun.
12 Wisdom is a shelter
  as money is a shelter,
but the advantage of knowledge is this:
  Wisdom preserves those who have it.

13 Consider what God has done:

Who can straighten
  what he has made crooked?
14 When times are good, be happy;
  but when times are bad, consider this:
God has made the one
  as well as the other.
Therefore, no one can discover
  anything about their future.

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these:

the righteous perishing in their righteousness,
  and the wicked living long in their wickedness.
16 Do not be overrighteous,
  neither be overwise—
  why destroy yourself?
17 Do not be overwicked,
  and do not be a fool—
  why die before your time?
18 It is good to grasp the one
  and not let go of the other.
  Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.[a]

19 Wisdom makes one wise person more powerful
  than ten rulers in a city.

20 Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
  no one who does what is right and never sins.

21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
  or you may hear your servant cursing you—
22 for you know in your heart
  that many times you yourself have cursed others.

23 All this I tested by wisdom and I said,

“I am determined to be wise”—
  but this was beyond me.
24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
  who can discover it?
25 So I turned my mind to understand,
  to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things
and to understand the stupidity of wickedness
  and the madness of folly.

26 I find more bitter than death
  the woman who is a snare,
whose heart is a trap
  and whose hands are chains.
The man who pleases God will escape her,
  but the sinner she will ensnare.

27 “Look,” says the Teacher,[b] “this is what I have discovered:

“Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—
28   while I was still searching
  but not finding—
I found one upright man among a thousand,
  but not one upright woman among them all.
29 This only have I found:
  God created mankind upright,
  but they have gone in search of many schemes.”


Ecclesiastes has long been the Book that is closest to me.


I did a reading from Ecclesiastes at my sister’s wedding.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That makes a lot of sense! It seems like a good one for you.

Valerie Curren

Profoundly beautiful & still speaking today. Physics, this one perhaps?

24 Whatever exists is far off and most profound—
  who can discover it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Both this and 14 – space and time!

Valerie Curren

Thanks. I was wondering if you might also have been referring the the “bent” statement, like even at the microscopic level, or chemical bonds perhaps. AND logic again <3

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now THAT is a beer coaster!


Kind of goes with Alec Baldwin’s “Always Be Closing” in Glengarry Glen Ross.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From comments at CTH on THIS article:


Arrest Fauci is currently in top trending spot in the twitterverse. I guess torturing dogs done did it and now it won’t get any better for the S.O.B.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are starting to see who these “people” are. REMNANTS of the Soviet Union, sustained by MAOISTS.


It wasn’t enough horror to torture the dogs but to have surgically disabled their voices took it to a different level. This is all akin to vivisection.
I’m sure there are more horrors yet to be revealed from research at NIH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This the ChiNazis and their allies like Cankles and Fauci take control, they will do such things to US.


They have trained a generation to see human beings as expendable, but they forgot to train them to see innocent animals the same way.

This outrage will be the end of Fauci in government, but I doubt they will send him out with a bang. He will just fade out, not to be heard from again. They DID train this generation to have very short attention spans.


See my comment above yours.

They have trained a generation to see human beings as expendable, but they forgot to train them to see innocent animals the same way.


I pray so. Our baby (my service dog) is a beagle mix. My husband said…good thing Faux dr won’t be near you!


Send his ass our way. The hunting knives around here are hand crafted and most women and probably all men are carrying one. I’d skin that sorry sack of shits lower pair and let him watch as the flies lay eggs in them.

Sorry to the gentlemen here, my dh says when I talk like that it makes a man cringe!  😋 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It makes men cross their legs! 😉


I dunno….I want to assist.


I have 3 knives, I’ll share. My only request is that we skin him nice and slow like!


I’ll just use my knives to pin — you can flay at whatever pace you find appropriate.

Gail Combs

Yeah, the guys get to hold him so we don’t scare the horses.

Or I could pin him to the ground with my pitchfork. I have practiced on rats….


I have on snakes. 😁


I know how to use a pitchfork  😉 


That’s a deal!

Cuppa Covfefe

Rocky Mountain, erm, high…..

Little garden gnome would probably enjoy it…

Valerie Curren

movie quote view here


[loud snort]


🤨👍‼️😉🤚❤️‼️ ….

we should go for coffee sometime … 😬😜 … five boys in my family surrounded by uncles on both sides … didn’t see much Malibu Barbie, more like shrimp on the Barbie …. 😬🤤


.. and …
…. John Wayne, John Wayne, John Wayne …

Gail Combs



I was too busy following my grandpa around his construction sites learning to build instead of playing with Barbie.

Hah, for my senior pics my mom said please at least curl your hair and put some make up on…

I shaved the side of head (1987), think Cyndi Lauper. I flipped some hair over to cover it until we were in the car. Oh my, her reaction is still etched in my brain to this day once she saw it!  😋  But hey, I didn’t date, drink or do drugs, she should’ve been happy!

Valerie Curren

LOL You Rock!


I love it. You are a badass.


TW will suppress #arrest fauci.


A guy I knew was District Attorney for a rather populous county for many years. He was there when some serious cases arose, cases which got national attention.

He also was there when some horrible acts of cruelty and suffering arose, along with the usual acts of cruelty and suffering like rape and murder which come along frequently.

This guy told me that NO case came close to receiving public outrage and demands for action as the case of teenagers torturing a donkey. This was back in the days of letters, and he said he had received over 10,000 letters from angry constituents calling for the utmost prosecution. The telephone calls came every day, all day, for many months.

When that many people call for utmost prosecution, they get utmost prosecution, merits of the case aside. The people have spoken, and the media play along because of the lucrative story, because sadism sells, even if there is nothing new just the same facts repeated.

This guy told me there had been numerous cases of PEOPLE getting tortured as bad or worse than the donkey, but no one, not a single member of the public called for utmost prosecution. And the media reported the arrest and dropped the story until the guy was sentenced.

At least it is good so many people have empathy for some form of sentient creature.

Last edited 3 years ago by Tonawanda

Crazy. Abortion on demand did this.



Valerie Curren

If they ever aborted dogs the way they do humans that would probably be the end of abortion everywhere!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prog Monsters are Prog Monsters:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s one of the worst proggies of all.

They’re all coming out in the open now. Australia ADMITS that their camps are not for people with COVID – they’re for the unvaccinated.

COVID Madness Down Under Continues – Queensland Premier States Quarantine Camps are For Unvaccinated

October 24, 2021 | Sundance | 166 Comments

AND even worse – the evil Rochelle Alinsky is saying that they will reeducate (“counsel”) the unvaccinated into accepting the vaccine:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are days when I think they already told us.
comment image

The Event

“During the sci-fi drama’s series finale, aliens (yup, that was the show’s main twist) called Sleepers attempt to infect the world. And in the final minutes, their alien planet arrives in Earth’s orbit, threatening the humans who just barely managed to stop the spread of the virus.”

“The arrival promised a less frustrating, absolutely bonkers storyline, but for those who stuck with the series until then, it was disappointing to be denied an all-out, chaotic human-alien confrontation — in other words, to be denied, well, The Event itself.”


Maybe we can fit this one in then. Connection comes at the very end.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! What a SHILL that boy is! 😉


Very fitting. Satan slithered out of his jacket and he pretended it was an alien…


As it was in the days of Noah…


DESPERATION. I can SMELL their bravado from here.

The face fronts for the Cabal (aka politicians) will soon receive their just due.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With the recent results from Britain, there is NO WAY that anybody should be vaccinated. It’s INSANE to keep vaccinating people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m thinking now that the goal was the “world government” – the destruction of small business (“capitalism”) – that they hoped the virus/vaccine hoax would take them fully into the plan before anybody noticed.

Now they realize they’re not there – they’re out in the open, exposed – and the plan is failing, except for ALMOST working in Australia and New Zealand. They didn’t get all the guns in New Zealand – but the populace is largely pinned down and not rising up. Australia is starting to rise up, but has no guns. And we’re sitting here with a mountain of guns, totally peaceful, but going WHAT THE FUCK as they try to start going after the food supply.

Any time anybody wants to do something about this shit, COUGH, COUGH, it would be welcome.


Certain provinces in Oz have firearms, for self-defense against the wildlife of the area where they live. But not in the cities. NZ is mostly rural and ranching. Christchurch is not a city as much as it’s an overgrown village with benefits [IMO]. NZ govt has gone as far it can, and I would say it’s already gone too far.

Side note: the NZ govt is rabidly anti-nuke. Makes it an attractive target for a covert CCP nuke planted like Sum of All Fears.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

There will be some seemingly small event that causes a cascade effect.

It is going to happen soon.

They will run for the hills.


Agree. An event will happen which changes everything. That is what is missing.

Deplorable Patriot

They forget that in their exclusive, private schools, they weren’t the only people in class. They also forget that there are those not immersed in their world who weren’t “educated” inside the box.

IOW, there’s far more smart people out in the world than they are willing to admit to.

Gail Combs

Desperation for sure…

The cartoon I find very fitting considering China’s takeover of Australia.
comment image


Progsis were always the progenitors of the fascists’.


Arden also said that if you enter nz and refuse testing you will never leave prison, i mean “quarantine.”


For dinner tonight, I had pasta in browned butter, with sage and garlic, dressed with parmesan cheese as consumed.

The original dish comes from “The Old Spaghetti Factory” restaurant, where it is just spaghetti in browned butter with fresh-grated myzithra.

I seldom prepare it, because browning a single serving of butter is somewhat erratic and potentially dangerous. You slowly heat to allow it to separate and the water to boil off, which lets it get up to “hot grease” levels of heat, and if it ever gets anything to nucleate a steam bubble, it can pop at you. As it is, it talks to you like a Siamese cat and needs a taller pot than you’d expect.

I had another browned-butter dish at a different restaurant where they browned the butter with sage leaves in it, which was a nice effect. You’ll see how I cheat that using spice-rack rubbed sage a bit later.

Because Casa de Cthulhu is not a “Spaghetti Factory”, I had the option of using any pasta I pleased. I chose cavatappi (hollow corkscrews, with texture on the outside). I could have used penne rigate — short tubes, cut at an angle, to resemble the quill of a pen….and also textured on the outside (“rigate”). A textured pasta is called-for here.

If you’ve ever noticed that you can put a half-bowl of pasta into the boiling water and have a full bowl come out, you should suspect the following — you can subtly alter the flavor of the pasta by boiling it in different things which get absorbed. Since we live next to Gilroy, the garlic capital of the US, I frequently add a bunch of granulated garlic into the pasta’s boil water. Don’t expect it knock your socks off — it’s a highly inefficient process — but it’s worth doing with old stuff to keep your spice rack fresh.

Anyway, boiled-up the pasta and browned the butter, then drained the pasta thoroughly and dropped it into the browned-butter pot, which initially wanted to fry it until it figured out that there was more pasta than the heated butter could fry. I shook in a bunch of rubbed sage and granulated garlic, stirred thoroughly while using the pasta’s texture to clean the browned bits off the pot, then covered until I could serve my protein.

The first time I tried this, I added granulated garlic directly to the superheated butter, and it nucleated and fountained. Put the pasta in first, then stir things together.

To serve, put a bit of cheese on it and eat that, then add more cheese and eat that. I should have splurged for real myzithra, though, instead of going with the Parmesan we had. I should also note that there are two myzithras — one is a hard, grating cheese, that is salty; the other would be happier on crackers. You want the former version for this dish.

The “browned butter” is essentially lightly caramelized — it tastes somewhat sweet, somewhat nutty, and somewhat like butter. The sage and garlic contribute nicely. The salty, tangy flavor of the cheese is a nice offset.

Again, a lot of the problems with cooking this are because of the scale you are using. A single serving uses about half a stick of butter and half a small bowl of dry pasta. It would be much easier to prepare for an entire restaurant.


Back when my husband was stationed at Ft. Ord, we used to head over to Gilroy for their garlic festival. There was a great little restaurant there, too. Forget the name.

Sadie Slays

I’m a big fan of Pecorino Romano, and some quick Googling says myzithra is also made from sheep’s milk. So now I’m curious to try it. Thank you.

Also, if you like using sage in pasta, here’s a recipe I like from the NYT of all places. Their news is fake, but they’ve got some decent recipes. 

Rigatoni and Cauliflower al Forno

(Archived link so as not to give them any traffic)

Deplorable Patriot

The Old Spaghetti Factory where we ate in bed.

Well, the one that used to be on the Landing here had tables between head and footboards. Don’t know about anywhere else.

Valerie Curren

Sounds delish–thanks for sharing!

Is the fiancée out of town or something, or perhaps doesn’t eat carbs 🙂


Nice article on beating the COVID Mandates in court. I’m shocked if lawyers were not anticipating previous rulings and not using magic words like these to ward off the nonsense.

Here’s How We Beat the Vaccine Mandates in Court


I saw something about the shot hitting her in the shoulder, and immediately thought of the Capitol shooting. What is it with middle-aged cute blondes that makes shoulder hits lethal?


Have not read the weapon’s caliber. Commonly the police report it. Did I miss it? (Not looking for guesses.)


comment image

 👉  time for the great Donald Trump to appear in an SNL parody skit as gun totin hypocrite ” Alec Baldwin”.


comment image


… nope 😑🤚 … you are a …

……………….. B U T T .. W I P E ……………..


.. 🤬

Valerie Curren

fru cas, FIFY 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great article which actually is very “empowering” in terms of STANDING UP to the craziness of TRANSMANIA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And it’s on TikTok, so it’s SAFE IN CHINA even after they ban it here! 😉


That dude’s message was non stop ON POINT.


Well, there was a short pause where the interviewer gave him a chance to reload, and boy did he take advantage of that.  😆 

Valerie Curren

Well the Stars & Bars AND -stein’s comments will keep him marginalized, in addition to all the other amazing stuff he condensed ther that causes lefty heads to explode…

This is coming from the Week 42 British government report – IN THEIR WORDS.

Note that Karl Denninger saw this coming earlier!!!

Both HERE, on October 15…..

…..and even earlier, on October 11, with the Week 40 British data…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. This is perfect for enslavement. Each shot makes the recipient more dependent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And there seem to be two levels of possible longer-term effects so far.

ONE is the diminishment of general immunity – of immunosuppression – not just to COVID but to everything – as well as various forms of autoimmunity. This is ALREADY showing up.

TWO is the long-term risk of cancer and other genetic problems.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Very much so. And I think that was the plan.

These folks are acting like they’re on a mission. I think it’s time the adults stopped that mission.

As Q said, it has to be at the brink.

Gail Combs

TWO is the long-term risk of cancer and other genetic problems.

Which is ALSO showing up! (@ 14 minutes plus)

August 7, 2021 from Sundance
Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole Delivers Concerning Message About COVID Vaccine and Long Term Impacts

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CHINA VACCINE is worse than the CHINA VIRUS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We TRIED to warn people. But the FAKE NEWS and FAKE, SOCIALIST MEDIA just said it was “misinformation”.

There’s gonna be a lot of people pissed when the truth comes out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What this says is that spike protein vaccines are fundamentally flawed. They steer immunization away from the RIGHT form.

Natural immunity is superior. PERIOD.


The truth is, when it can be somewhat safely acquired, natural immunity is ALWAYS superior.

This includes the flu, in my opinion. Yes, every year the flu is a different variant. Many people take the flu shot to try to avoid getting sick. If you are immune compromised or very old and/or sick, that might make sense. But if you are healthy, isn’t it better to give your body the chance to have wide-spectrum T-cell immunity? Because when you get a flu-shot, they have only guessed which variant will hit this year. That’s why the shots are only around 40-50% effective. But T-cells remember some variant of the flu that you had before, and will generate antibodies which will be at least somewhat effective against whatever variant you contact this time.

Does the flu shot weaken T-cell immunity? Well…

“To study the effects of seasonal immunization, the researchers collected blood samples from 27 healthy unvaccinated children (median age, 6.0 years; range, 2.0 to 8.8) and 14 children with cystic fibrosis who had received annual influenza vaccinations (median age, 6.2 years; range, 3.1 to 9.0). In the Netherlands, only special populations of children, such as those with cystic fibrosis, are routinely vaccinated against influenza.

Of the unvaccinated children, 24 of 27 (89%) had antibodies against at least 1 A/H3N2 virus, and 20 (74%) had antibodies against at least 1 A/H1N1 virus. All vaccinated children had antibodies against at least 1 influenza virus, including A/H1N1(2009). However, unvaccinated children had significantly higher geometric mean titers for several viruses, including the influenza A/Panama/07/99 (H3N2) and A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 (H1N1) viruses (P = .04 and P = .01, respectively).

They found that the percentage of virus-specific ICD8+ T cells — that is, T cells with a memory for influenza viruses — ranged from 0.00% to 2.32% in unvaccinated children and from 0.06% to 1.56% in vaccinated children.
They noted an age-dependent increase in the virus-specific CD8+ T cell response in the unvaccinated children (P = .040), but not in the vaccinated children (P = .714).
Finally, in children older than 5 years, the investigators found a significantly higher percentage (P = .038) of CD8+ T cells in the unvaccinated group (mean, 0.86%; standard deviation [SD], 0.67%) than in the vaccinated group (mean, 0.37%; SD, 0.45%).”

The original study referenced above:

Another article, same subject:

Of course, I have to search PRIOR to Covid to find this information by setting date parameters in Duck Duck Go. They DO NOT want us to know that vaccination is counterproductive in any way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s very cool that you can beat the “algos”!!!


Here’s what to do:

1) Perform your search, either at DDG or Google

2) Under the search bar it says several things. “All Regions, Safe Search, and Any Time.

3) Use the “Any Time” dropdown and set your dates. Like 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2015

4) Search again, and there you go

Valerie Curren

Truth bomber run aimed straight at WEF, Fauxi, AND Gates of Hell!


I’m going to ovine, I mean opine about Wheatie’s Monday thread!

Love the word ovine!

Thank you for being there for us on Mondays. ❤🤍💙

Last edited 3 years ago by grandmaintexas
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sadie Slays

They’re not meager, Wheatie. I’m happy we get a new word every Monday.


Uh, a banquet!


That word, meager, does not apply to you Wheatie, except if used as an antonym. 🙂 Love your words of the day.

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Last edited 3 years ago by Aubergine
Valerie Curren

You Always compile the Perfect Mix of elements to ease us into a new week. Thank you for your ongoing faithfulness. I could Never be as consistent as you, DP, GMa, Steve, AND Carl are. What a great team of daily contributors!!!


Heh. Reminds me of a cartoon where one character asks another, “what does ‘opine’ mean?” and the other responds, “it’s what a female opossum does.”


OK, so I’m going to do a quick (hah) update regarding apt.

From the CLI (AKA terminal), let’s do a “uname -a”.

On my daily driver computer, this gets “Linux XXXXXX 5.4.0-65-generic #73-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 18 17:25:17 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux”. I blanked (and bolded) my computer name. [This is held in /etc/hosts in a line that says “   XXXXXX” and in /etc/hostname — if you change these two values, your computer name changes everywhere.]

What’s key about this for this discussion, however, is that it shows the computer architecture I am using is x86_64.


We previously noted that apt is very good at what it does and has some “self-healing” properties.

We’ll now dive into /etc/apt and talk about how this happens. When you first enter this directory, you see “apt.conf.d  preferences.d sources.list.d trusted.gpg~
auth.conf.d sources.list  trusted.gpg    trusted.gpg.d”

As a general note, the traditional UNIX style for config files was that they were text files (sometimes long) which had sections highlighting various functions. The very-new Linux style for config files is to have directories of config files, each of which highlight various functions [This was enabled by the superiority and sophistication of Linux file systems.] These directories are named like “apt.conf.d” — the “.d” shows that it’s a directory. Authorization, signatures, and gpg are worthy of (at least one) post in themselves, so we’ll ignore them here.

That leaves us with “apt.conf.d”, “preferences.d”, and “sources.list.d”.


My computer has the following in “sources.list.d” — “additional-repositories.list       kxstudio-external.list
kxstudio-debian-ppas.list          official-package-repositories.list
kxstudio-debian-ubuntus-focal.list vivaldi.list” — they’re all text files and not directories.

KXstudio has to do with audio effect plugins, and vivaldi has to do with a different browser. We should ignore these for now.

That leaves us with “additional-repositories.list       official-package-repositories.list”.

The latter reads:

“deb ulyssa main upstream import backport #id:linuxmint_main

deb focal main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb focal-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal partner”

The former reads:

“deb [arch=amd64] stable main
deb stable main
deb stable main
deb stable main”



On Tails there is a very simple thingy were one can clone the running system onto a memory stick. Is there any way of doing that with Ubuntu so as to have a standby in case something goes wrong?


Not really, and the reason actually has something to do with apt.

Tails is designed to save nothing on the primary disk drive. Once you have a DVD or USB with Tails on it, it never changes.

In Ubuntu, as with the great majority of distributions (distros), the software repositories are dynamic — they’re changing all the time. Apt lets you check them — and if your files aren’t as up-to-date as the ones in the repository, you can upgrade yours to match.

With Tails, you could copy your system onto a memory stick today, and it would be the same as if you had done it last week or next month. With Ubuntu, if I had copied my system onto a memory stick last night, it would be different now (I did five upgrades this morning).

This is not to say that you can’t back up Ubuntu — there are a multitude of ways to do so. But if I had a working system that had been running 18.04 that up-and-died, I’d reload the system with 20.04, put on all the upgrades to date, then reload the data from backups.


The mighty Penn, of Penn and Teller fame, has fallen for the new Trans Religion.


… blowhard … 😑🤚‼️ … with digital agility .. 🤣🤚🤬

blowhard noun

blow·​hard |  \ ˈblō-ˌhärd   \
plural blowhards
Definition of blowhard
: an arrogantly and pompously boastful or opinionated person : BRAGGARTWINDBAG
… was trapped in a hellish marriage to … a struttingly insensitive macho blowhard.
— Owen Gleiberman
But he was seen by many in Congress as a blowhard, given to long-winded talks bristling with allusions to the Bible, ancient history, and the Constitution.
— Thomas E. Ricks

Cuppa Covfefe

Then there’s Kamel-Hoe…


Trained Willy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Free Willy? Escape from Epstein’s Cove??? 😀
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Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Good article and what a fool.


Twisted hypocrite lies about election integrity, forgets about russia russia russia, and gives dog whistle to soros funded commie mercenaries.


No civil war. Just lots of arrests and prosecutions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s sad, but I believe that if the people behind the fraud simply allowed the 2020 to be corrected NOW via audits and SCOTUS, Trump would NOT seek retribution, because they had corrected the wrong of their own accord (lesson of Joseph). Trump would realize that retribution at that point would be absolutely counterproductive. Just fix the economy and DC, and make America awesome. But they have no Biblical foundation. They will evade justice, and not provide it themselves.


.. 😮 … wow the witch bloviates … 💨💨💨

bloviate verb

blo·​vi·​ate |  \ ˈblō-vē-ˌāt   \
Definition of bloviate
intransitive verb
: to speak or write verbosely and windily
pundits bloviating on the radio

The result, in almost every sphere of American life, has been bloviating incompetence.
— Walter Shapiro, The New Republic, 16 Apr. 2020



Those people seem to seriously overestimate the amount of support they have, and underestimate the rest of us who are in the majority. I think they’re gaslighting by constantly touting “what everyone wants” to try to make people think they have a huge following. If they could just get their policies in place where we have no more power, they might get by with it. But that’s not going to happen.


They may also be emboldened by the fact that even tho they may be a minority nation-wide, they are the majority in the legal system and have a pretty good track record there of avoiding any accountability.

Let’s Go Brandon!


SUDAN coup

comment image

PM, Officials Detained, Internet Down In Apparent SUDAN Coup

article link…


military forces arrested Suden’s acting Prime Minister and senior officials Monday (hours ago), blocked bridges, disrupted internet access in Khartoum…

protests backlashed (photo above).

 👉  the United States expressed concern, “deeply alarmed”.

Yo Brandon



So many macabre jokes…


Three Democrat judges walk into hell….


F#%# you biden

Florida Attorney General Vows To Fight Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

article link..


Fla AG Ashley Moody (Republican) is hitting back !

on Thursday, he said vaccine mandates “will not be tolerated” and that he will take on biden alongside Gov DeSantis.

“We will continue to push back in the courts.”

On Friday, Gov DeSantis announced that he had called the Fla legislature back for a special session to address the “mandates” and protect Florida jobs and workers.

more, at the link.


alec baldwin shooting articles, here…


Damn this POS … 🤨 .. puppies need ..

deal with this miserable pond scum …


Gail Combs

 🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷 
 🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷  🇱🇷 

Professor Dave Clement’s wife is an engineer. AND she knows her statistics. She and a group (including accountants) have taken a look at NEW MEXICO FRAUD!!!

They have now written a report and it is a doozy. They are asking NM citizens to make sure their county clerks and LEOs READ this report that is being sent to them AND DO SOMETHING. (List of contacts by county is provided)

Examination of the current and historic voter rolls revealed:

(3) The registration database is inflated leading up to the election to create an adequate credit line of phantom voters and also keep the predicted total turnout within a reasonable range.

(4) The voting system is pre-programmed to perform the monitoring and manipulation activities required to achieve the desired outcome on election day. The individual tabulators may be connected to the internet, but don’t need to be to accomplish this.

(5) The voter rolls are backfilled with enough phantom votes to match the predetermined outcome.

(6) In the months following the election, some percentage of phantom registrants are removed.

In the video she explains WHY this is very interesting.
First the County Clerks (23:30 minutes) are not ALLOWED to remove voters unless they have not voted in two cycles. That means it takes EIGHT YEARS (not months) to remove voters LEGALLY unless a physical CANVAS proves the voter does not exist at that address. (Takes a sworn affidavit.)

More important:

Vulnerable voting registration database and sloppy policies and practices have left our election system corrupt and exposed.

1,198 third-party groups were given enhanced access to add voters to the registration database by the Secretary of State (SOS), Maggie Toulouse Oliver.

• Third-party organizations sent ridiculous numbers of voter registration and absentee ballot forms to New Mexico residents, encouraging fraud. The mailers were coercive and sent without any attempt reach only to eligible voters.

• Numerous addresses have excessive numbers of voters and preliminary canvassing results indicate many of these are fraudulent.

In the video, (21 minutes) Erin reveals the Secretary of State GAVE a far left group, Rock the Vote, the privilege of ADDING VOTERS TO THE ROLLS WITH NO OVERSIGHT, this group then BRAGGED ON THEIR WEBSITE THEY SHARE THE ACCESS INFORMATION WITH 1,198 OTHER third-party groups. (And no it is not just New Mexico.)

Erin thinks ~ 90% of the County clerks are honest and just unaware. (31 minutes) The County Clerks are the ones who be LEGALLY on the HOOK for the FRAUD since the Sec of State will blame them as keepers of the voter rolls. (31:30) So especially in the smaller counties they are going to be incentivised to correct the voter rolls and reveal the fraud.

And the icing on the cake? The county vote tabulator tapes in 9 out of 10 counties DO NOT MATCH Sec of State website data. (28 minutes) Closer inspection showed votes shaved off of Trump and given to Bye-Done. Numbers are typically off by 4%

40 minute interview on rumble:

Listen to Erin Clements describe some of the sordid details of her and her teams findings resulting from months of hard work digging in to the details of what actually happened in NM on 11/3/20. Our election process was and still is a travesty and we must now take action based on these findings to get accountability and justice. Erin describes exactly what we must do now to save our State and our country.

Everything you need to know to TAKE ACTION starting the week of 10/24:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (4 double spaced pages)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s awesome!!!


Sand flies are the absolute worst of the insect pests where I live. They live on beaches and open areas close to them.

I was on a beach on an island where they got so bad I took off running as fast as I could to get away from the swarm, and didn’t stop until I was deep into a nearby woods.

Better yet, put Fauci in a straight jacket while in the cage and add fleas with the sand flies.

Cuppa Covfefe

And to add that “little extra” to remind him of Wuhan, have water (or Tabasco sauce) drip down onto him at irregular and unpredictable intervals.

Just like his RED Chinese friends do to their “subjects”…..




… evil … actually a pretty ugly evil … 🙄😑😖


Ummmmm, how’s the food in the “big-house”? … Do they let you use the pointy flatware?


Great Monday open Wheatie sweetie .. 🥰😍😘😍🥰😘 … than you ‼️

🤗❤️ ..



….. thank you ….


… stuff it …


Well this reply had a bad landing … nuts 🥜 …it’s for this one ..

comment image

Gail Combs

WHY you should not take the Clot Shot explained in simple terms:

Pfizer has Large R&D Facility in Wuhan China; Pfizer Employed Members of the Chinese Communist Party According to a Data Leak; Pfizer 3 Month Revenue from the Covid Vaccine was $3.5 Billion
(There is a lot more dirt on Pfizer and other Chinese connected Pharma Corporations)

In 2010, Pfizer founded an R&D facility at China’s National Bio-industry Base in Wuhan (Biolake).

By 2015, Pfizer was moving its “medicine safety business” from India to the Wuhan Biolake facility.

Lan Zhanghua, the site head of Pfizer (Wuhan) Research & Development Co Ltd. stated in 2016: Every one of Pfizer’s new drugs has indispensable contributions from the Wuhan team.“

He states that two R&D “functions run exclusively at Wuhan and nowhere else in the world… our Wuhan teams manage the clinical trial registry information and clinical trial master files for all Pfizer’s medicines;

……Pfizer has employed 69 known members of the Chinese Communist Party.



The potent Covid-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE is widely used in the U.S. and Europe, but China has yet to approve the shot, leaving questions about Beijing’s plans for an inoculation that’s heavily coveted in the rest of the world.From Bloomberg News, August 27, 2021

And the icing on the cake???

Senior Member of CCP Think Tank Claims China Won Unprecedented Biological War Against the US in 2020 and “Put the US Back in its Place”

Ping Chen, a professor of National Development at Peking University in Beijing said China “put the US back in its place.”

The video authenticity and translation was confirmed by New York-based Chinese blogger Jennifer Zeng.

In 2020, China won the trade war, science and technology war, and especially the biological war. The achievement is unprecedented. This is an epoch-making historical record. So for the liberal, America-worshiping cult within China, their worship of the US is actually unfounded. After this trade war and BIOLOGICAL WARFARE, the US was beaten back to its original shape,” Chen Ping said.

Now would YOU take a Jab whose SAFETY was APPROVED for use in the USA and EU but NOT IN CHINA, BY the Chinese Communists who claim to be using BIOLOGICAL WARFARE, AGAINST THE USA?


Thank you so much Gail … so very much .. ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just made you an author. You have a WRITE button now!

Any time you think something is important, feel free to put it in an article.

Valerie Curren

Yes this is Absolutely Awesome!!! Thank you for doing that!

She could copy some of her Epic Comments, AND any enlightening conversation following, AND have some amazing posts, right out of the gate!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail’s work will be MUCH easier to find if she just puts it in articles and gives it titles. It will save ALL of us many headaches.

Valerie Curren

Agreed! She has So Much Epic material, which she presents in methodical, yet accessible ways!


Excellent work, Gail! This information needs to be posted everywhere.



It seems like Fauci has been on a quest to achieve magnificent perfection in developing deadly viruses and vaccines that are similar to Nazi Germany’s goals in their horrendous medical experiments.

Last edited 3 years ago by Itswoot
Valerie Curren

The Borg come to mind, like at 1:30 here

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will tell you this – before the Soviet American knuckleheads got control of science and media, this kind of thinking would be LAUGHED AT by reporters AND scientists as idiocy.

And yet here we are.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Denninger has a great point about Fauci. He killed THOUSANDS during AIDS by denying them BACTRIM. And then he went on from there to do the same thing with COVID.

200,000 Grannies, No Problem. A Few Puppies?

Deplorable Patriot

Dead Man’s Party.

Brings back memories….


An excellent article!

Moral Objections to the Current Vaccines


Never trust a RINO. Notice his use of the word “premature.”

“The world is reeling from spiraling fuel costs caused by premature over-reliance on renewable energy.”


Texas OVER RELIANCE on green energy was validated in February of THIS year.

Yea, other factors in paly. But, excess reliance on unreliable wind power failed miserably.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think Spain took a HUGE hit four or five years ago because of their GREEN MANIA…

So much for the green economy: it’s so green, and so lean, that it doesn’t exist…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. “Bargaining” before “acceptance”.


It’s the aged folk of the GOP that are the problem.

They still think folks like Mitch and Chris Wallace are honorable, trustworthy people.

My Godmother is one of them.

The old folk can be wise, but they can easily be fools.

Deplorable Patriot



Yes. My mother still thinks it’s about Republican vs. Democrat. I’ve tried.


Most of the old folks get all their news from the TV.


Well, not this old fart … 🤨👍
I’m a suspicious cat 🐈 side eye 👁 kind of woman me I like to kick stuff.
Although I do have the occasional “gosh wow that’s so awesome” moments and every now and then I even hummmm along with the song “Good day sunshine” .. 😜

🤫 … don’t tell anyone .. 😎🤫


Totally agree.


Yup … it’s a shame and a nuisance ..
On the sixties I was the odd duck since I just couldn’t be comfortable with the peace luv and harmony/tune in and drop outhorse hockey, it didn’t feel right, why would you surrender your ability to think straight?! Now all the boomer kids are messed up/indoctrinated .. nuts!


Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Revelation 20:14 Context

11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 

12And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 

14And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 

15And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No way. There is no proof that the effect found in the British data is not operating in kids. The shot may increase their vulnerability to coronaviruses in general.



If they’re adjusting the dose by weight for kids then why not for adults? There’s potentially a much larger weight difference between myself and a large man than a 5 and 11 year old.

This seems like a way to to entice parents to inject their children because it’s kid-sized.


OR, skip the injection altogether.

NOT arguing against your thought. ONLY the injection itself.


LOVE the PUPPIES Wheatie ❤️‼️❤️ …. winter’s coming to Michigan … 🥶🌨❄️☃️❄️🌨☃️💨

… not looking forward to it .. ☹️ .. watch out where the Huskies go .. and don’t you eat that yellow snow ..❄️🤢



Weasels Ripped My Flesh.


Bwahahahahaha …. Uhhhhhh 🥺🤕

Cuppa Covfefe

And Weird Al’s bright, cheery, D-Major tune to answer that 🙂 “Weasel Stomping Day”:

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, this is about right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Babylon 5 Bee is always ahead of the curve!

If accurate that Baldwin pointed directly at the camera and fired, then look out. I’m wondering how long it’s going to take for the victim’s husband to turn on Badwin.



Expert Says 3 Errors Caused Tragedy

Alec Baldwin was practicing a “cross draw” — pointing his gun at the camera — when a live round struck the director in the shoulder and the cinematographer fatally in the chest … this according to new court documents.

Director Joel Souza told Sheriff’s investigators he heard someone — we’re told the assistant director — say “cold gun” while they got ready for the scene … meaning the gun did not have live rounds in the chambers. Significantly, it appears the gun had been inspected before the lunch break but Souza could not remember if it had been checked when the crew returned.

A cameraman named Reid Russel told authorities, “Alec was trying to explain how he was going to draw out the firearm and where his arm would be when the firearm was pulled from the holster.”

Souza explained Baldwin pointed the gun directly at the camera and fired, striking him in the shoulder and Halyna Hutchins in the chest. Souza says he had a vague memory that Hutchins was complaining about her stomach and grabbing her midsection. He says she then began to stumble backward and was assisted to the ground. He says he was bleeding from his shoulder and could see blood on Halyna.

Russel said after the shooting, Halyna said she could not feel her legs. Once on the ground, medics frantically began treating her as she was bleeding on the ground. She was airlifted to a hospital, where she was pronounced dead.

Steve Wolf, a special effects coordinator and theatrical firearms safety expert, told CNN there were 3 errors committed that resulted in the tragedy — using a real gun rather than a prop gun, having a live round in the gun and having people stand behind the camera in the “line of fire.” He also said the assistant director should not have been the one to clear the gun before the incident … that should have been the armorist’s job.

Souza told authorities … there should never have been live rounds near or around the scene that’s being rehearsed or shot.

Authorities have obtained a search warrant to seize all camera footage and any other computer data that may have recorded the fatal incident.


“It was unclear how many rounds were fired or why the weapon was aimed at Hutchins. Gutierrez removed a shell casing from the firearm after the tragedy, before surrendering the gun to law enforcement personnel when they arrived, court records say.”
Why would she remove the shell casing? Surely it should have been left exactly as it was till the police arrived. Being a pretty small object her fingerprints will have obscured any others that were on there.


I have wondered this from the beginning. I imagine she was wondering how a live round got in there and wanting to see what the other rounds in the gun were. From what I’ve seen of her I don’t think she was qualified for the job or very aware, so she probably wasn’t thinking about a police investigation.

Of course, her actions leave open the possibility that she could have switched the shell casings, but they would have had to be ones from the same gun or forensics experts would have known about the switch. For her to have done that, she would have had to have something ready and would almost certainly have to have known what was going to happen. Not outside the realm of possibility, but not very likely, IMO.


If that report is correct though she didn’t tip them all out, just the spent one, the other 5 could have been blanks.


And she could have swapped it for a casing previously fired from the same gun.

Deplorable Patriot

Nothing on this is as it is being reported, that’s for sure.

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love it! Babylon Bee is GENIUS.


So it appears that Dr. Anthony Fauci doesn’t mind using young children as “human lab animals” for his “vaccines”.
So it appears that Dr. Rochelle Walensky, his protogee, doesn’t mind suffocating young children with masks in school in addition to their being used as Fauci’s human lab animals.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Roachelle is a FREAK.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I wish him well!


“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. …” – Richard Feynman

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This is HALF of my belief. I now believe that science must operate at all times under the assumption that there is BOTH self-deception AND other-deception operating.

We HOPE that SOME other scientists are honest or not deceived, and are not dishonest or intentionally deceiving others, but we KNOW that this is NOT the case.

We have seen it too often. Scientific deception is a FACT. And it protects itself by declaring that all other viewpoints are “misinformation”.

We know that small groups of scientists, or even ALL of science, can be deceived by many things – the media, scientific leadership, scientific orthodoxy, scientific revolutionary fervor, prevailing politics, emerging politics, or even mass delusions.

HERD ACCEPTANCE – honest and uncontrolled by scientific “leadership” and bureaucracy, MUST be allowed to form without tampering or undue controls.

The result, otherwise, is LYSENKOISM – FAKE SCIENCE.

Valerie Curren

AND of course money, which pays for the results it seeks, which isn’t science but manipulated data & analyses–nowhere close to objective exploration AND factual reporting of the results, regardless of desired outcomes. Just the facts ma’am!




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Want an exemption just print this off, that alone would suffice in a sane world.


comment image


I do not accept this as true.

Valerie Curren

I could save this image to Pinterest from here at the Q-Tree, but not the exact same image that I’d copied/pasted to Gab from your comment & then tried to save to Pinterest from there…hmmm


Curious, may work if you add it to your media files on WP.
You know I
just realized I named Joshua Jason in reply to Michael. OG and his slowly failing memory has another fail, could you fix this for me.
So sorry

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine
Valerie Curren

OK, TIM, I’ll try to make that change…but I knew what you meant w/ the misnomer, no prob.

By the way, my husband had a pretty rough hunting weekend, so I’m not going to remind him about your comment for a couple days, giving him time to settle back into “normal” life downstate AND have those upheavals a bit further in the rearview mirror. Thanks for your patience AND understanding. God Bless!

Oh AND No Apology is Necessary there 🙂


comment image


Bill Mitchell


Looks like the DeSantis “open state” policy has led to herd immunity while blue states with lockdowns continue facing strong Covid infections and weak economies:

“While these blue states implemented forceful lockdown measures throughout the pandemic and reinstated some of the restrictions, including mask mandates, in recent weeks, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has remained consistent in his refusal to lock down his state and cripple the economy.

That has proven to bode well for the Sunshine State, and not just from a healthcare point, as DeSantis announced on Friday that the state’s job growth rate is three times the national rate, experiencing 17 consecutive months of growth.”


If only we uncovered the puppy abuse first. 😏 😮 🙄


Looks like Fauci-Mengele didn’t just do horrible experiments on puppies:


Here is the cited article:

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is huge. This is the REAL Fauci.

Fauci is the American Mengele, working for the CHINAZIS.

Now that we know Pfizer moved their research to WUHAN, it’s all clear.

This was the most insidious attack on America since the founding. Even Pearl Harbor does not match this. Pearl Harbor was obvious.




Valerie Curren

Hey Wolf, fyi, on the post I just dropped, you may want to clean up the tags &/or the categories. I was trying to add “White” (one of the authors cited) as a tag when the ability to even see the tags disappeared & it might have selected “White House” or something.

Sorry to bother you with housekeeping…Blessings!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Done! No problem!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Boss. Keeping the Wolf Pack under relative control is at least Slightly better than herding suspicious cats AND horses!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. You know what they say. The greatest predictor of serial killers, mass murderers, and similar psychopaths, is cruelty to animals.


Thats a good article


This reminds me of Que posts about not being able to handle the horrors of what has been going on. As much as we talk about Fauci on this site, my brain still has to do a flip-flop to believe that he or someone like him could be involved in such evil. Yet, the evidence mounts almost daily. My point is that if it’s hard for me to believe, others are going to be in complete denial unless absolute proof is revealed. (Which begs the question, what more do we need?)

According to the article, Fauci has been the director of NIAID since 1984, “so he was also director during the Incarnation Children’s Center Experiments”…and much more.

Now who is going to do something about it? Foster children are trafficked, used, and abused. Who is going to stop the experiments on children who have no one to protect them?

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

This is devastating for me to say, but it is likely your local doctors are STILL pushing the clotshots.

They will eventually claim not to know things so as to avoid scrutiny and be able to walk down the street.

Evil is as close as the local medical clinic. Imagine the depths of evil at the highest levels.


I don’t know about for children, but within the last few weeks I saw a local news blurb with a doctor saying the shots are perfectly safe for pregnant women.

Evil is as close as the local medical clinic. Imagine the depths of evil at the highest levels.

I think some of the local medical people are brainwashed or coerced (which is no excuse, IMO). The highest levels are guilty of crimes agaisnt humanity. They know the harm they’re doing, and it’s intentional.


” Now who is going to do something about it? Foster children are trafficked, used, and abused. Who is going to stop the experiments on children who have no one to protect them?”

That is just it and you have a good question. Now add the illegal kids into the mix who came by themselves.


So…basically…..the evidence of what we surmised about this nazi runt long ago keeps dripping out.

I’m shocked.

In fact, I’m so shocked that there is nothing which new evidence might show about this ass drizzle of a runt that would shock me.

He is a classic example of a “little wee man” gone megalomanic.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sort of like Dr. Loveless from “Wild, Wild, West”.

New episode “The Night of the Death Vaccine”…



Deplorable Patriot

He is a classic example of a “little wee man” gone megalomanic.

I prefer the word psychopath to describe him with emphasis on PSYCHO.

Still a runt, though.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

psychotic megalomanic


What terrible evil thing to do. I wonder what is happening to the children who come across the boarder by themselves? No one can be trusted this is horrific.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



 😳  😱 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DeSantis is absolutely right. This man Fauci is a MONSTER, and he controls CDC though Roachelle Alinsky. These are horrible people, injecting our children with a NEEDLESS vaccine.

Stop it now.


Make these horrifically evil shithead pond scum take their stinking VAXX ☠️ ☠️ ‼️ ‼️ Miserable minions from hell … 🤬 🤚 ‼️


Just think Fauci now id doing research and experiment on the wold population. Those shots are still experimental.


This is about 1 year overdue.

But better late than never.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Had this happened before the election, the Trump victory would have been even greater. Trump’s mandate would have ENDED Fauci – and FAUCI KNEW IT.


Where is Fauci? He should have made a statement the second the dog stories came out. The reaction of an innocent person is to immediately and vehemently say, “I didn’t do that.” I was expecting him to say he didn’t know about it or something. The longer he waits, the worse it will be for him.


“Ample Scientific Data’: Congresswoman Introduces ‘Natural Immunity Is Real Act”

Valerie Curren

glimmers of hope for a Freedom pushback!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re gonna need a “Water is Wet Act” before the Democommies are run out of government.


Give enough fed up people buggy whips and let them have at it .. ‼️🤨‼️
.. 😃👍 ..


Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol – Revolver By Darren Beaty

In a House hearing on Thursday, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) questioned AG Merrick Garland about a mysterious man, Ray Epps, instructing protesters to enter the US Capitol building on January 5, and who later shepherded crowds towards the Capitol on January 6.

The story of the mystery man, Ray Epps, featured in Rep. Massie’s video above is in fact far more shocking than even the good Congressman implies in the hearing. It’s a story so strange, and so scandalous at every turn, that it threatens to shatter the entire official narrative of the “Capitol Breach” and expose yet another dimension of proactive federal involvement in the so-called “insurrection” of January 6th.

If Revolver News’s previous reporting points to a proactive role of the federal government in relation to the conspiracy cases against Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, the Ray Epps story that follows suggests a similar, yet more egregious, explicit, direct and immediate degree of federal involvement in the breach of the Capitol itself.


So on January 8, 2021, the FBI begged the public for information regarding the identity of Suspect 16, Ray Epps, and even offered a cash reward.

The public obliged, and in less than three days, Ray Epps was identified as Suspect 16. Researchers corroborated his identity with troves of unassailable direct evidence, including an effective confession from Epps himself to his own local newspaper.

Then, for nearly six months, amidst the biggest manhunt in American history, the FBI did nothing with this information. As the FBI did nothing on Epps, it was simultaneously investigating, arresting, raiding and imprisoning hundreds of completely benign MAGA moms and social media trolls — mostly for minor misdemeanor trespassing charges.

Then, on July 1, between the hours of 3:37 a.m. and 5:55 p.m., the FBI finally took action on Ray Epps. But not to prosecute him, or to announce a sweeping investigation or FBI SWAT raid on Epps’s house for all of his phones and electronics. Instead, someone at the FBI quietly and stealthily purged every trace of Ray Epps from the Capitol Riots Most Wanted database.

Using the Wayback Machine from, we see that from January 8, 2021 until 3:37 a.m. on July 1, every archived version of the website shows Ray Epps as Suspect 16. The below photo is just a snapshot sample from February 16, 2021 — but users can view the Web Archive themselves to witness the Ray Epps purge occurring sometime between 3:37 a.m. and 5:55 p.m. on July 1. That would be during the FBI workday.


Darron Beatty also on Bannons War Room today:


This is huge. The guy was trying to make people enter the Capitol. Some in the crowd were on to him and shouted “Fed, Fed.” This is entrapment. The prisoners need justice and to be released. Our own government is being used against us.


Thank the good God that these things are being exposed to the light of day.

There is nothing hidden that shall not be exposed.

The LIGHT shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. And they would do well to fess up, learn, and turn, before they burn.

Matthew 10:26-28:

26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


Evil is a diminution of good.

NOT “equal”, but lesser.

“Below” is lesser than “above”.

The TRUTH is that “As above, so NOT below.”

It has always been so.




The people of our institutions are in the business of justifying their institutions’ purposes.

So, the Fibbies create terror, so as to be essential in preventing terror. And so, they perpetuate terror.

And the Clowns create wars, so as to be essential in preventing (winning /s) wars. And so, they perpetuate war.

Big Pharma creates illness (putatively hiding the cures), so as to treat the illnesses. Their isn’t any “profit” in curing the sick – only in treating the ill. And so, they perpetuate illness.

Big Media creates the stories, so as to report on them. An artificial “raison d’être”, as the French say.

Strife is created – from whatever source – to justify that source’s existence. And so, they perpetuate strife.

Our country’s institutions – likely ALL OF THEM – seek not the solutions for WE THE PEOPLE – but instead to justify their incessant SEARCH for the so-called “solutions”.

They’ve been perverted into creating the problems, for which they DO NOT WANT to find the solutions.

These people seek to justify their employment, so as not to lose their jobs. The “search” must be maintained, without regard to the finding of the answer.

Big Science, too. They don’t WANT to find the answers, so long as they can keep “searching” for them.

Mammon (wealth / jobs for them only) over Godliness (ethics / betterment for all).

It’s wholly perverted.

These people are SICK.


Excellent, profound insight!


Thanks, TT!

It’s becoming more obvious that these people put themselves first, over ANY other concerns.

Yet they profess (as a front) to be for the whole (our country), rather than for the TRUTH – they stand for themselves FIRST (and ONLY, be it noted).


United we STAND … divided they FALL.

The corruption is rampant.


Spot On assessment!


Very good post and so true 🙂


Strange and embarrassing for them that the FBI put up a wanted picture of their own operative then had to take it down.
Was the plot so secret and tightly controlled that those outside of the conspiracy put the picture up unknowingly. Or maybe a “sister” intelligence agency was using him and didn’t tell the FBI. Whatever, it seems like the left hand not knowing what the right hand was plotting.


Actually I am surprised the dude has not been publicly outed – doxed.

(Unless I missed it.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FIB is filled with BETRAYAL from the top down.

ALL commified organizations are like that.



Your first sentence “betrayal” made me consider the hopium explanation.
Could have been someone with a conscience outing the commie plotters under the guise of a mistake.

Deplorable Patriot

I toyed with putting this in the daily tomorrow….

US Marshals boss probed for office sex made underlings do his ‘homework:’ sourcesBy Ben Feuerherd
October 24, 2021 5:40pm 

A top US Marshals official currently under investigation for allegedly sleeping with a junior colleague now stands accused of pawning off his post-graduate program homework to his subordinates, The Post has learned.

Multiple law-enforcement sources outed the Marshals bigwig as Andrew Smith, the assistant director of the Tactical Operations Division — while revealing more details about the alleged romp at the agency’s Virginia headquarters.

The Marshals Service is probing Smith for allegedly getting underlings to do his homework assignments while attending a post-graduate program at the Naval War College, according to sources and a letter reviewed by The Post. 

The anonymous letter — signed by a “concerned colleague” — was sent to the Rhode Island college’s registrar’s office in June, said a source with knowledge of the message.

“I am writing to inform you a U.S. Marshals Service employee and Naval War College student, Andrew Smith, is under an internal investigation for tasking subordinates to complete class assignments, which he submitted to the Naval War College as his own work,” the letter states.

“Our agency mantra is Justice, Integrity, Service. If true this allegation is a complete failure of integrity,” it adds. 

Smith is already facing an internal agency probe for allegedly having sex with a coworker in his office in Arlington, Va., which was previously reported by The Post.

New details about the alleged rendezvous reveal Smith and the woman, described as a “senior”-ranking marshal, hooked up in the late afternoon in July on a couch in his office, the sources said.

Other Marshals employees who were on the floor outside of Smith’s office — which has glass walls with frosted windows — allegedly heard the hot-and-heavy session and may have recorded it on their cellphones, according to law-enforcement sources. 

Internal affairs launched a probe — and Smith went on extended family medical leave, sources said. He is not expected to return to work until mid-November. 

Valerie Curren

who were on the floor outside of Smith’s office” a rather unfortunate phraseology here…

Cuppa Covfefe

They were probably floored by what they heard 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Rooted to the ground by the sounds.

Cuppa Covfefe

In the Oz sense of the word…

Or PDQ Bach’s “The Art Of The Ground Round”…

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren



I don’t know if I’m all that comfy with “boss probed for office sex” in the headline.

Valerie Curren

Yes, no doubt. Especially when he was likely the one doing the probing if the “victim” was female 😉 Yikes!

Valerie Curren

Hey Q-Treepers, just checking in for a sec before commencing some catch-up reading. I’ve been engaged yesterday AND today in composing a new Q-Tree Post!!! It’s been a while, so be gentle, or NOT–invite me to the U-Tree to tussle on the topic if you want!

I shared the link on Gab, though w/ very few followers it’s not likely to generate much traffic here, but you never know what might draw more patriots to the Wolf Pack!!!

comment imageValerieCurren
 Valerie Curren

Hey Gab, I’m still mostly a newbie around here, after having been censored on Twitter. Anyway this is a great community to hang out in & I am Extremely Thankful for such an Open FREE Speech platform.

I’m also relatively active in the blogosphere. Here’s my latest post on Wolfmoon’s Q-Tree where I’m a periodic guest author. The Q-Tree is a refugee community from The Conservative Treehouse, most of us having been banned at CTH over the years, some even from before major leftist banning started silencing & marginalizing Conservatives & Christians.

God Bless You all. Hope all are doing well AND had a great weekend!

My hunters returned home safely AND with many tales to tell, some much less fun than others. One of the gang bagged (almost thought that said gang banged–yikes!) a deer & he’s the one with the largest family & the most mouths to feed, so God was gracious again. ANY deer in camp is a Major Treat!!!


Yay! Checking it out now!!

Valerie Curren

I’d value your feedback, big time!


I’ll take a look, too …

Valerie Curren

Can’t wait for your insights, which are Many!!!


Henry Rosoff (@HenryRosoff) Tweeted:
Eric Adams holds a commanding lead in the race to be the next Mayor of NYC.
New @PIX11News @NewsNationNow @EmersonPolling poll shows him up by 36%.
We asked undecideds to choose and the lead grew:
@ericadamsfornyc 70%
@CurtisSliwa 30%


NYC will just be voting in more of the same with Adams. DeBlasio would endorse but likely does not want to damage a fellow commie whose running as a moderate democrat (In other words, don’t scare the bovine).

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

NYC deserve what it gets…..good and HARD.


Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) Tweeted:
Scoop @FreeBeacon
The Biden administration tapped the president of the National School Board Association to serve on a federal education governing board.

The appointment of Viola Garcia was announced *after* she sent the “domestic terrorism” letter.

Valerie Curren

Pretty sure I saw somewhere that the White House or Administration (Usurpation) actually coordinated in the creation of the letter. Nothing is organic. More faked reason to crack down on normal Americans, like FBI running the Proud Boys AND Whitmer’s “kidnappers”…


The pending confirmation hearing would explain the apology letter too. Just as fake as the rest of it.

Valerie Curren

Fake pResident, Fake Congress, Fake Administration, Fake News, Fake Uprisings, Fake Right Wing Extremists, Fake Dossier, Fake Healthcare, Fake Education, Fake History…does it ever stop???


transparently corrupt.

Valerie Curren

With your word of the day (which I hadn’t seen) & my recent post:

Well it’s like you’re my density, I mean it was destiny! 😉

Great Post Wheatie!!!


We are in a cycle of stupidity. Just like this. But, how do these people wake up at this point?


That was excellent. “Stupid people” are not independent or independent thinkers (and highly intellectual people can be stupid). They are mindless tools, incapable of seeing evil for what it is. “Only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity.”


I think this video should be spread around like candy. Will save a lot of time. Just wish the “awakening” part couldve been addressed more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very nice!

Deplorable Patriot

Random off topic question maybe for the guys.

I have an old touring backpack that I got out for my sister to look at. She’s training for a backpack trip. Anyway, this thing I bought in 1999 and the exterior is in REALLY good shape, but the rubber interior is downright sticky gross, like it is disintegrating. Is there any way to reverse this? I don’t use this backpack all that often anymore (it went to Europe a number of times, among other places), and I’m wondering if I shouldn’t just toss it if I can’t do anything about the interior.


Line the interior with a blanket (Wally-mart, like $2, even though Shy-Knee), and fix it in place with whatever – sticky tape, rivets, staples, whatever.

Don’t remove the “sticky gross” – just layer it over.

Easy peasy.


Big tub of cheap talcum powder, empty it into the backpack close it up and give it a really good shake up.


If you have a bottle of Goo Gone, or other citrus based cleaner that safely removes sticky substances, give it a try on a small area. Let it sit for a few minutes to see what happens. Maybe use a pot scrubber or old wet wash cloth to remove the sticky stuff.

Could possibly be time consuming.

If that fails, check “Hints from Heloise”.


I recommend searching for helpful articles and tips like this.

What has happened is the waterproofing has aged and become sticky.

Should be something you can correct with a good cleaning. May need to re-waterproof afterwards.

Search engines and youtube videos are your friend for situations like this.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry

How about turning it inside out and spraying it with Flex-Seal?

Sadie Slays

Today I learned that there’s a global pasta shortage. If it’s still in stock in your area, buy it ASAP.

I learned this one the hard way. When I went to one grocery store last week, the pasta aisle was completely bare. I went to a different grocery store today. Empty. Decided to Google it to figure out what was going on and found this article from September 2021:

There Could Be Another Pasta Shortage, Experts Warn

tl;dr: There’s a worldwide durum wheat shortage due to bad weather affecting the durum wheat crops. 

In other words, it’s not getting better any time soon. Stock up on pasta while you still can.

Cuppa Covfefe

So that means it’s basta pasta, I guess…
That could explain Barilla not being discounted so often over here the last couple of months. Drat.
Looks like the globies want shortages of everything. Maybe they need a few shortages to deal with themselves…
Also, if (or rather when) the next Little Ice Age hits, the growth bands are going to go further south, and the growing season will be shorter… oh, joy… Somehow I don’t fancy stuff grown in Morocco, Tunesia, and other terrorist lands down south…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Article seems way off from this below I’m seeing the US and Canada combined having less than 6% of the worlds supply. Whatever is happening its not just the weather.
Meanwhile North Dakota is 50% of the US supply according to other articles. I imagine that Montana has the the bulk of the rest. While there may be a shortage, likely contrived since the article is mentioning the FDA, the article doesn’t seem to agree with other sources.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Sadie Slays

A lot of these articles about the durum wheat shortage mention the French wheat crop being affected by bad weather as well. That’s in line with the Wikipedia article claiming that the EU is the top durum wheat producer in the world.

Whatever. The pasta shortage in my area is most definitely real and affecting me. Stock up on your favorite brands while you still can.


Local Smith’s (Krogers). Pasta prices have shot up over the past three or four months.

Pasta is in stock.

  • BUT, like the rest of the store, rolling outages.
  • In stock today, not in a few days. Not in stock today, in stock later this week.
  • Supply chain is struggling – inefficient. Positive warehouses have significant NIS – Not In Stock.
  • Meat department has holes daily.

My instincts are, COMPUND problem.

  • 25% STAFF SHORTAGE. I believe folks are being fired or quit over injection mandate.
  • AND, stocking during the day IS INEFFICIENT. Customers in the way. BC – Before Covid store was 24/7. Stocked in the late evening and early morning.

Wally World looked normal – its typical disorganized, inefficient operation. Also not 24/7, as it was BC.

COSTCO normal.

Sadie Slays

Thanks for the ground report!


If you mill your own gran you can get Durum wheat from Pleasant hill Grains. One can mill in a blender. Of course then you need to make your own noodles 🙂 Not that hard in a pinch .

Sadie Slays

Folks might want to stock up on bulk grain, too. When all of the pasta is gone, we won’t be the only ones turning to homemade noodles.


I have lots of grains and and mill my own flour. Recently bought some Amaranth.
From Pleasant Hill description of the grain “Amaranth has a complete protein (containing 18 amino acids), amaranth was an energizing staple for the Aztecs and Mayans who used it to make tortillas, atole and sweets. This tiny seed is a rich source of calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium! Amaranth contains more protein than most other grains and pseudo-cereals”.
That is why I bought it. I am looking for dietary benefits specially when we are short on food. Quality is specially important.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1

You are welcome. They are a good company to do business with. I bought the Swedish mixer for bread making and more. Bought some attachments also. I am very happy with it. Bought the KoMo mill classic is wonderful . The grains are well packed .


Dryland farmers had good wheat crops, so good in fact that the grain conglomerates had the farmers unload it on the ground…Great Mounds of wheat, rotting….not being shipped out by rail…just sitting there, rotting….

There may be a worldwide shortage of durum wheat, but don’t blame it all on the weather, Big Ag has also played a role.


.comment image


The foxhound looks a lot like mine.


My Internet keeps going out for short duration specially if Bannon is on in the mornings and at 5 PM. I do not know if it is accident or on purpose.
This has been going on for several days now.
When I finally have some time logging in here between canning this site is down 🙂 At least today it was like that.
Glad you are all here .
I do not even want to read about the puppy stuff it is beyond the pale. I am pushing the thoughts aside maybe face the situation during prayer later so I can sleep.


Quick sampling of what’s Trending.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Okay, second time on this one. Won’t open. Says BLM. Beagle Lives Matter!

Fauci’s Toast!

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

Boris Johnson says lockdown is not in the cards. Also saying vax offers moderate protection, still can catch and transmit and that’s the best he’s got. Still pushing boosters but that’s somewhat to be expected since peoples immune response have been compromised. He’s certainly reading the tea leaves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fools! Vaccines deepen the immune problem! Get back to natural immunity a.s.a.p.!!!

Sadie Slays

This happened two weeks ago, but deserves a fresh look. This isn’t the feel-good fluff story that it seems.

On October 14th, William Shatner took a suborbital flight around the planet. When he got back to Earth, he made a bizarre comment about “the coming catastrophic event.” Here is the full context:

“There’s this little tiny blue skin that’s 50 miles wide,” he said. “And we pollute it, and it’s our means of living. And I was struck so profoundly by it.”

“The fragility of this planet — the coming catastrophic event, and we all need to clean this act up now,” he added.

What “coming catastrophic event” is he referring to?

11 days laterbig Masonic master number right thereAlec Baldwin “accidentally” killed a woman. Many people noted the coincidences between Alec Baldwin’s career and the shooting:

  • The movie being filmed at the time is about Alec Baldwin’s character trying to help a 13 year-old who accidentally murdered someone.
  • The murder victim grew up at the same Soviet submarine base as the one in “The Hunt for Red October.”

As I’ve discussed in previous threads, I believe that the Alec Baldwin shooting was an occult ritual. There appears to be emphasis in the ritual on referencing his past/present acting roles. Well, I’d like to add another data point to the mix. 11 days prior, there was another notable instance of “life imitating art” when Jeff Bezos sent Captain Kirk himself into space. 

I know, I know, it’s a very loose connection between the two incidents. And I wouldn’t have mentioned it here at all, except for: 

1) William Shatner’s warning about a “coming catastrophic event.”

2) The presence of the number 11 connecting both events (huge occult number).

Was this flight part of the ritual? Is the “coming catastrophic event” the reason why they’re doing this lengthy ritual at all?


What “coming catastrophic event” is he referring to?

Don’t know, don’t particularly care.

I do not fear and have no use for it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. We CANNOT be swayed by their next scam. There will be bodies – there will be dead people – there will be FEAR everywhere. And THIS TIME we will not be fooled.


He stopped amusing me a long time ago.
William Shatner’s Wife Nerine Kidd Drowned Bruised- See … › photos › william-shatner-wife-nerine-kidd-drowned-bruised-autopsy-report
Sketches exclusively secured from the 40-year-old’s autopsy report show Nerine had extensive injuries to her head, face and legs, as well as her back, left shoulder and wrist. The coroner also found Nerine was intoxicated and had Valium in her system before drowning in the couple’s pool on Aug. 9, 1999.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Sadie Slays


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah. “She must have tripped.”

Cuppa Covfefe

8.9.1999 hmmm 8+1 gives five nines, or 99 and inverse 666… another ritual murder?

Or short form 99 would give three nines or sixes…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

As I recall, Shatner was not home; was on location filming something. Found her in the pool when he got home.


As I recall his work took him from home on a daily basis or his exact arrival back home may of been in dispute. His alibi was thin, but with no substantial proof it was sufficient to pursue further and he was eventually dropped as a subject.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have been telling people that the reason the opposition to a lot of things we are doing has vanished, is that China and the traitors have something new, like COVID, in the works. One more SCAM.



Sadie Slays

Agreed that something is brewing.


martial law enforced

the quintessential “emergency”

 👉  with martial law imposed, they can suspend the mid-terms .

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2