Today’s motivational speech from Jim Caviezel. If you have no interest in hearing about religion, please, skip the first nine, ten minutes.
Kind of hard to find something to follow that.
Well, as it happens, something popped up at American Thinker that sort of dovetails here.
Today, Lenin’s heirs insistently promote equity and anti-racism, even as the results of their policies look like chaos. Public schools, having abandoned discipline, fail to graduate students who can read and calculate at grade level. Their alumni nevertheless gain admission to colleges and universities that segregate them and offer majors in rage and insurrection.
Border control is non-existent, vagrancy is explained away, crimes have been de-criminalized, and everyone must be injected with substances that are not entirely safe or effective. But rejoice brothers and sisters in the struggle, for we’re eradicating inequalities and disparities.
How is it, though, that despite the wretched examples of Soviet Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, and other experiments in political and social ruin, up to and including the Biden administration, we can’t shake this ever-failing philosophy?
To get a handle on the matter, we need to delve into the mentality of the “social justice” movement. The non-profit sector is a good place to start because almost all the foundations that fund human services are run by progressives. How do they operate? What do they require of the organizations applying to them for money?
To get a grant from these charities, first, you must lay out your progressive objectives. Then you must specify the outcome indicators that you will use to measure your progress. By “outcome indicators,” they mean a number. The number of people or the percentage of program participants who will benefit in this way or that. You are often required to prepare a “logic model.” This is a chart or diagram that depicts in schematic form what you propose to do, how you will go about doing it, and what you predict the results will be.
Do you see how analytical they are? Perhaps I should say, how left-brained they are? They’re like physicists. Physicists run experiments in particle accelerators. What occurs in the cyclotron may confound expectations. Physicists then posit the existence of a theoretical particle to explain what happened. Similarly, progressives observe far more Black people in prisons and far fewer in corporate boardrooms than one would project from their proportion of the general population. They then invent a theoretical construct—“systemic racism”—to explain the matter.
Professor Victor Davis Hanson calls the progressive mentality “deductive.” He says they’re not “empirical.” What he means is that they impose their theoretical constructs on a complex reality and proceed to carry out the dictates of their theories with the brutal logic of a doomsday machine in a science-fiction movie….
Western civilization cannot rid itself of leftist philosophies because the mentality of the left is the bastard child of our left-brained, hyper-analytic mode of thought. It is western intellect through the looking glass, a wild caricature of the western mentality.
To put a stake in the heart of progressive doctrines will require a thorough reappraisal of what it means to educate. This would go far beyond the recognition that indoctrination is not education. In the meantime, we can introduce two correctives into K-12 and higher education to lessen the propensity of our teachers and students to be deductive rather than empirical.
These are concepts that have been preserved for us in religious traditions, though they really have nothing to do with religion. One is humility. Humility does not mean piety, timidity, or submissiveness. It means allowing for the possibility that you may be wrong, that your assumptions might be faulty, or that you have drawn a conclusion prematurely. It means suspending judgment, broadening your inquiry, surveying the here, there, and everywhere of your field, and waiting to see how it all adds up.
The second concept is repentance. Repentance does not mean whacking yourself on the head with a paddle or rending your garments. It means having the flexibility to turn back from a mistaken notion. It means rethinking, regrouping, and reassessing your position, rather than trying to improve things by making them worse.
Shaking Off the Leftist Philosophy
By Sheldon Bart
Repentance is more about feeling sorrow over one’s sins, but it is essentially hitting rock bottom before renewal. He’s right on that point.
Are we there yet?
Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog
The NIAID under Fauci funded experiments where aborted babies were chopped into pieces and little bits of them were grafted onto lab rats. There was no “bipartisan outrage” over that at all. There was little outrage from anyone. Until we found out that he also mistreated dogs.
10:16 AM · Oct 26, 2021
About Fauci, and the animals (please, skip if you are squeamish):
Miss Ying, the little tyrant, is #SafeFromFauci

Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation)@critica18495985
The brainwashing has sped up because they convinced the most brainwashed to stay home and watch TV to stay safe from the virus and the TV is the main source of the brainwashing.
12:50 AM · Oct 26, 2021
Critical Thinking 101(Expert of Expert Evaluation)@critica18495985
How long before camps go from a conspiracy theory to “yes, there will be camps but here’s why they are good this time”?
Dr. Syed Haider@DrSyedHaider
Not to worry we’ll rebrand them. That way no one will notice or feel bad!
1:18 AM · Oct 26, 2021
When you agree to use vax passes you are NOT GETTING EXTRA FREEDOMS for being a good citizen. You already have those freedoms – you’re merely agreeing to PREVENT OTHERS from having those freedoms. You’re being TRICKED into becoming accomplices of the authoritarian government.
6:33 PM · Oct 25, 2021
In other news:
And just like posting too quickly…..
Have a good day y’all.
(I hope there’s this much good stuff out there tomorrow.)
(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone
Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out.
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all, ahem, adults, not uncivilized pygmies:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
One other vital note:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

LUKE 13:22-30
22He went on his way through towns and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. 23And some one said to him, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them, 24“Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 25When once the householder has risen up and shut the door, you will begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, `Lord, open to us.’ He will answer you, `I do not know where you come from.’ 26Then you will begin to say, `We ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets.’ 27But he will say, `I tell you, I do not know where you come from; depart from me, all you workers of iniquity!’ 28There you will weep and gnash your teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out. 29And men will come from east and west, and from north and south, and sit at table in the kingdom of God. 30And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.”
“Do not be afraid to take a chance on peace, to teach peace, to live peace. Peace will be the last word of history” – St. Pope John Paul II
Holiness is this profound contact with God, becoming a friend of God: it is letting the Other work, the Only One who can really make the world both good and happy. — Benedict XVI
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

Wolf Moon
July 6, 2021 17:07
Thanking everybody for your patience. Whether happenstance, coincidence, or enemy action, I’m dealing with some technical issues. In addition to those, and the obvious spiritual attacks, I am dealing with the obvious site stuff in what are best maintained as unobvious ways.
I suspect we struck a nerve.
A combined technical / spiritual / strategic response by all of us will prevent this attack from succeeding. Hold the line – bite the bullet – gird the loins – bite the lip – pray for guidance, discernment, and strength – whatever YOU believe keeps the ship aright for the moment. Everything else is lower priority.
In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.
Mama elephant takes care of business. After while crocodile.
Apparently, squirrels can swim. Who knew.
I’ll allow that that particular squirrel can swim. For all I know, however, the rest might behave like my mom’s dumplings.
You shouldn’t call your siblings, dumplings. Hurts their feelings.
Are you saying CT operates as Look, SQuirrel around here?
We can add intellectual honesty to this list, in a bid to prevent leftists from being able to pretend not to know things.
We also need a healthy dose of psychology, with a particular emphasis on the multitude of way one can be mentally/emotionally manipulated…esp. by lying, hypocritical, machiavellian narcissists.
Training against “pretending not to know things” has to be started early. That’s a CHILDHOOD tactic.
Completely the opposite.
DePat, This is an excellent article. I found the video by Jim Caviezel very moving. This is a battle we cannot walk away from. I have found that if you do not stand up and risk everything when the stakes are high, you may lose the battle but if you don’t stand and take the risk, you will lose yourself. Some things are worth dying for and if you are not willing to die for them you will never truly live. As Christians, dying is not as frightening as it apparently is to most people.
Hebrews 2:14-15 King James Version 14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
Great Scripture verses. Thank you.
Well, I figured out how to make them let us back in here. Go start a new blog on WordPress.
Which “them”? — and which “WordPress”? — dot-com or dot-org?
Not sure which “them”, but is where the blogs are.
I thought that was using a manager (along with nginx, linux, and probably php), and was hosted and provisioned by — although I never did get where their hosting began and ended. OTOH, was I get the feeling somebody has desires that we be out in a place they can disrupt easily, but not too much, lest we leave that target zone.
The phrase “in with the other troublemakers” also comes to mind….
It is a bit annoying that the site goes through so many gyrations.
Coothie, can you recommend a new non-Apple computer that is already preloaded with Linux and not too too expensive?
Finally have grandpa interested!
Since Linux is widely available and free, perhaps conversion of an existing non-Apple computer would be an option….
You can get prebuilt Linux machines from a variety of the usual suspects, like ,
, .
The problem is that the major vendors want you to buy a modern laptop or desktop at full retail. You can instead buy a “beater” Windows PC off of or for about $200 — or even get one cheaper from a garage sale or craigslist. This has been discussed over several nights here, with specific examples.
Or, you can get a $100 Raspberry Pi 400, which looks like a toy but actually notches some impressive performance. It does require an HDMI monitor, which can be a pain if you have a dozen VGA monitors scattered about.
Thank you. My husband I looking for a new computer that was preloaded and has a lot computing power.
I hate paying retail.
How much of “a lot” are we talking?
And why?
He needs much more than browsing but less than a graphic designer. Big swing there.
I think he found something that will work. Meerkat system 76.
I generally eschew miniature computers unless they’re under $100. Having several of them around, I’m perennially looking for more ports with higher power capacities. That said, I’m obviously in favor of getting the tall box if you are set on these guys.
System 76 are the guys that sponsor Pop. That’s why it’s pop-ular there. I would very much recommend against Pop 20.10. In the Ubuntu universe, the April releases (XX.04) of even-numbered years are supported for five years. October releases (20.10) and odd-numbered years (21.04) are only supported for nine months. Why would you sign up for reloading your operating system twice a year when you are paying extra to have it preloaded? I would also avoid using full-disk encryption unless you figure the computer may pass out of your physical control (like a laptop or tablet).
I would go with the 256G NVMe main drive — I think they only offer the 128G slug to scare people. I would probably also go with their 16G of main memory, because I don’t know what sort of shenanigans they’d be doing to run off of a single 1x8G memory stick.
I will pass this along to Grandpa. Thank you for your expertise.
Should we get POP or UBUNTU?
95%+ of Pop IS Ubuntu. It differs mainly in the desktop. The same is true of Mint.
This is in contrast with Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Budgie, and Xubuntu — — [note that I did not say Ubuntu Studio or Kylin] — which are 98%+ Ubuntu. .
Any Ubuntu derivative is probably a good choice….and, with some effort and pain, you can change any of them into any other one.
Thank you. Very helpful.
(I like your new “Wolf” designation.)
LOL! Yeah, I was not expecting that!
I noticed that the other day.
Pretty cool.
I wanna be a ‘Wolf’ too!
But I will prolly be stuck as a ‘Coyote’ for a long time.
Speaking of coyotes…we had a coyote come up into our yard today.
He was chasing the fat squirrels that raid our bird feeders.
See? You’re feeding coyotes! I mostly feed hawks and owls, but some coyotes.
We’ve got Foxes, too.
A family of them.
And yeah, Hawks and Owls as well.
They tend to leave the fat squirrels alone, though.
I feed Hawks & Foxes. Owls too if all the hooting means anything!
When we mow a paddock, a Hawk sits on a fence post waiting… And then a field rat runs from hiding — DINNER!
LOL! What’s your latest endeavor?
Strange but some of the responses below just have a White Square instead of one’s usual avatar. What might be happening with that?
Nothing, yet. I faked it forward enough to open the site.
whatever it takes!
I’ve got some new research and speculation to add to my theory that the Alec Baldwin shooting was an occult ritual. Keep scrolling if you’re not into this theory.
The shooting happened at Bonanza Creek Ranch in New Mexico. I wondered if there was any occult significance to the location. I decided to check and see what was 666 miles away from the ranch. I found two very weird answers.
The straight line distance between Bonanza Creek Ranch and the middle of Yellowstone National Park is 667 miles. I don’t know how to calculate the exact distance to locations within the park. I imagine at the exact 666 mile inside the park, there’s probably something of occult significance. More importantly, Yellowstone itself is one their codes used in the media and predictive programming. I can get more into that later.
Here’s the link where I calculated it:
2) Let’s talk about driving distance. I’m admittedly not sure the Satanists would use this, but it’s really weird that the driving distance, according to Google, from Bonanza Creek Ranch to Dealey Plaza is somewhere between 652-670 miles depending on the route. Again, I have to wonder if there’s something occult at the exact 666th mile marker.,+Bonanza+Creek+Ln,+Santa+Fe,+NM+87508/Dealey+Ave,+Dallas,+TX+75203/
I strongly suspect that one the reason why Alec Baldwin may have been chosen for this ritual is because of his Trump impersonations. Again, think about the great care that went into merging his acting roles into the shooting. The movie being filmed is an accidental murder, the woman who was killed has connections to the Soviet submarine stuff in “The Hunt for Red October.” I have to wonder if Baldwin’s connection to impersonating Trump will eventually come into play. This is why Dealey Plaza having a possible connection intrigues me.
Totally with you on the occult angle, though I tend to view numerological connections as deep in the Matrix.
I might as well write about Yellowstone whether it’s connected to this Alec Baldwin thing or not. What clued me in was this utterly absurd BBC article published 8/17/2017:
I could go through article this line-by-line to point out the BS, but for the sake of brevity, the whole thing was a warning about a major incoming false flag. Specifically, Las Vegas, which happened exactly 45 days after this was published.
Here’s a quote for you:
Let me translate that for you:
Every few years, some weird headline about the Yellowstone caldera is blasted all over the news. Again, I suspect it’s code.
2018: Why you can stop worrying Yellowstone’s supervolcano is about to end the world
Translation: Stop worrying about Trump. Dems won the House back in the mid-terms that year.
2019: A Giant Volcano Could End Human Life on Earth as We Know It
Symbolic picture of parallel lines burning up, plus this quote:
I mentioned that last one back on the old WordPress blog and /qresearch/. I haven’t seen interesting Yellowstone headlines since. Sorry.
Anyways, since they like to use the Yellowstone caldera as shorthand for “meaningful resistance to the cabal”, it of course immediately caught my attention to see a Yellowstone connection, even an extremely loose one, to the ritual shooting.
For folks who like reading about predictive programming, I stumbled across this while searching for something else. There’s a map in The Dark Knight Rises that predicted Sandy Hook before it happened. Someone overlayed that map over the United States. It also puts targets on Yellowstone and Minneapolis (George Floyd reference, IMO).
The same author points out predictive programming in the same movie to a volcanic eruption:
Hi Sadie, long time lurker here.
i’m finding your comments and occult connections regarding the Alec Baldwin incident quite interesting and unique.
can you share or recommend some websites and resources where you research?
many thanks.
love reading the comments here. Such a good energy amongst the posters.
Thanks for the kind words! Check out Vigilant Citizen and Miles Mathis.
As an aside…lest we forget:
Alec Baldwin is one of the names that Kappy gave us…before he was suicided.

Interesting that he’s effectively grouped with the Klintoons… after Hell-the-BEAST, BeezleBubba, and CHELLsea…
Alec Baldwin has been in tabloids for years for public temper tantrums and abusing his own daughter. I’m not surprised by any of this. The man doesn’t even try to hide his creepiness.
And route 666 starts off not far away in Gallup, NM, but it’s been renamed, thankfully. Lots of odd stuff out that way, anyway (not sure if Big Chief Yellow Horse’s trading post is still there, though, selling genuine Indian artifacts made in Hong Kong
Trading Post, you say
I’ve played that music (where they’re trashing the place) a number of times, but I can’t remember which piece it is. I thought “Consecration of the House” which would be oddly appropriate, but that wasn’t it. I know it’s Beethoven, so there’s that
… Ahhhh. Senior moments…
I’m sure there are more than a few folks who bought, erm, non-Indian “Indian” stuff there (or more likely at the copycat stores nearby) on Route 66 who’d probably like to do the same…
No Doubt
Yeah, first thing I checked about the Bonanza Creek Ranch were maps of ley lines, promixity to Roswell, White Sands, Navajo Reservations, and the like. Very spooky state.
What strikes me about all of it is the publicity. Occult or not Alec Baldwin is being hung out to dry.
Yes. Another Cuomo style show. What did they do, or not do?
Appears to be punishment for non-compliance. Zuck found out the hard way with billions erased from his net worth in 7 hours. Run with the big dogs, disobey and they yank the choke chain.
John Schneider weighs in on the Alec Baldwin shooting and says that:
“That was not a prop gun. …That was a real gun.”
He calls it “criminal negligence”.
He comes on at 2:12 in the video:
This is a video that John Schneider made.
He poses the question…Baldwin is anti-gun, so Why would he make a film that glorifies guns?
I’ve had the same question as Schneider.
Yeah, $6 million is peanuts in a case like this.
Baldwin is toast.
Even if he set himself up as an LLC, he will get sued by some of the best in the business…and lose.
I can’t think of any factors in his favor. He was handed the gun and told it was “cold,” but he still had the responsibility to check it. And as a producer, he had responsibility for much more than if he had just been an actor. Yes, he’s toast.
And we don’t know if that really happened.
That’s according to Baldwin…and he could be lying.
As the parties all lawyer up, it will be interesting if any of the crew members back up what Baldwin has said, about all of it.
I thought I had read that people heard the assistant director call out that the gun was cold; not sure. It will all come out.
“ It will all come out.” or get heavily distorted AND spun…
The system will find some way to exonerate Alec–spit!
Some other actor was saying that the drill was the same on every set he’d worked on — the gun was opened, and shown to be unloaded. It was closed and dry-fired into the ground to demonstrate that nothing was hiding. It was then reopened; and, in the presence of the actor and with the actor able to verify each item, it was loaded with the requisite “ammo” for the filming and set into the necessary condition. At the end of the filming, the armorer would be right there to take custody of the firearm and whisk it away to his area.
That would be the armorer I’d want to be working with.
Rather sure
bribeshush money is, or has been passed around.Crew and hangers on will have serious amnesia, I can’t recall, didn’t hear…
At the risk of repetition, “cold”, “cold gun” is simply stoopid. Truly meaningless in a “gun safety realm”.
Likely we’ll never see it, but I’d sure like to read the approved gun & ammunition safety and handling protocols and responsibilities for “Rust”.
Surely the movie industry has a generic set of protocols and responsibilities. My estimate IS a every movie, in this case, “Rust” protocols and responsibilities IS MANDATORY read and sign off by actors and supporting crew.
Quite pleased Balwin will be toast – bancrupt.
Hell, when justice is meted out, Baldwin ought to have a new roommate. Bubba.
As a horrific possibility, the armorer has been quoted as saying something like, “I want people to feel comfortable around guns” — which makes a certain sort of sense, being that a James Bond flick where he treats each gun like a live rattlesnake would only be a farce. This has to be tempered, of course, with discipline and safety.
What if she took the crew out plinking, came back in and put the guns on the cart, and briefly went off to powder her nose, intending that she would be the next person to touch them and would quickly put them back in order for filming? But before she got back, the Brandon Lee AD grabbed the gun and handed it to Baldwin….
Incidentally, when talking about insurance coverage — the $6M is probably the production company. The armorer, herself, would almost certainly also be insured, as well as many of the other professionals on hand.
Mind you, it’s unlikely that the electricians or drivers are going to own a piece of this pie, but it’s not going to be $6M and done.
Interesting theory. I doubt she would have taken people out shooting at that time because they were working, getting ready to rehearse a scene, and who knows what before that. Also, a number of the actors and/or crew had walked off that morning because of safety concerns. I can’t see her taking others off to shoot after that happened because the issues at that moment weren’t that they were unfamiliar with guns, but that she and others were not enforcing safety protocols like checking the guns for safety, not having actors shoot toward one another, having barriers up, etc. I saw an account by one actor who said he was terrified because they were shooting toward one another. His character was killed in the movie and he was directly involved with the gunfire.
It’s more of a scenario than a theory.
When I was a senior in High School, and my buddies and I all had plans to go off to various colleges, we had this “game” that was akin to Four Yorkshiremen….”With my luck, I’m going to be assigned a roommate with a sock fetish in the marine biology program, who will keep flushing my socks down the toilet while chanting ‘be free!!!'”
[Of course, in those innocent days, we never thought of anything as horrific as Trigglypuff….]
We’d keep trying to think of the most peculiar things imaginable, just to make each other laugh (or shudder).
I’m just saying that this could be the plot of some schlock TV movie-of-the-week.
We had another one called “the elevator game.” We were in total suburban sprawl, so we really didn’t have a lot of elevators around…..but when we actually used one, and got a normie ‘victim’ for the ride, we’d ad-lib that we were in the middle of very peculiar discussions for the duration of the ride, then get off and let the elevator doors close, still talking.
As an example:
*elevator signals imminent arrival*
A: “That
*elevator doors start opening*
A: “purple stuff at Stewart’s place looked really nasty. I’m surprised he actually thought
*stepping into elevator with victim*
A: “people would drink that.”
B: “I think most of it was grape juice, but I wouldn’t put it past him to use prune juice instead. I didn’t want to get too close, but it looked like it was bubbling.”
A: “They managed to talk Karen into doing a shot of it by letting her have a shot of tequila as a chaser. Half an hour later, she was licking Doug’s cheek like an ice-cream cone, over-and-over-and-over.”
B: “It really wasn’t what I would have expected Karen to do…..or, for that matter, Doug.”
A: “Who was that girl that was smearing it on her legs?”
B: “That was Tom’s neighbor, back for Easter Break from USC. I think her name is Linda.”
A: “What on earth did she think she was doing?”
B: “I think the idea was that she’d find someone to hose her off once she was entirely purple.”
Anyway, it was just a weird, surreal ad-lib — with an audience of one eavesdropper, pretending not to notice. The elevator doors drew the curtain across the proscenium.
From what I’ve read, I didn’t get the sense that it was the armorer herself who had taken anyone out for some plinking.
It was more like…some of the crew were doing that on their own.
Nightmare. MK moneymaker op, IMO.
That would be my guess.
Some of the crew decided to go plinking for “fun”. (It is, “fun”.)
Stoopidly, they had a “real” gun on set AND used it to plink.
Perhaps they NEVER verified the gun was unloaded when they finished plinking.
Perhaps they never told the armorer the gun was used for plinking.
NONE of this suggest or exonerates the Armorer, Baldwin, OR anyone that handled the gun.
Worth a thought or two. GOOFS in hollyweird, most of heavily populated areas of CA for that matter, don’t have guns, likely never touch guns, real ammo and certainly don’t run out to go plinking at lunch time.
These FOOLS have NO REAL concept of SAFE gun and ammo handling, use, storage…
That speech by Jim Caveziel (?) is the bomb. I was gonna use it for Friday.
Ah well. It’s a must listen to!
Thanks again, DePat. Always the best.
Yes, that is powerful as can be.
I run into that all the time, stuff getting posted I planned to use. Sorry about that.
Thank you, DePat, for another outstanding Hump Day thread.
You packed it with so much good stuff!
It is much appreciated.
NP! It got the exposure it needs.
This is a Great Post, DP. I had to share that Caviezel video w/ most of my family! Thank you for gathering all this epic AND encouraging material! God Bless
Tucker: The people in charge are worse than you imagined.
WOW. Just WOW.
Harris acts and sounds drunk.
and, to make it even worse, she thinks she’s a laugh riot.
a nervous fidgety lying impostor, all the way.
it’s all a facade.
a cheap low-budget clown act.
give her a squirt gun loaded with “blanks”.
give her a squirt gun loaded with “blanks”.
Air Head Valley Girl that NEVER grew up.
Notes as I watch:
1) Camel-Uh has gained thirty pounds
2) Joe Biden is vacant, he barely knows where he is. He is a shuffling shell
3) Mask-wearing is a large part of the propaganda here
4) Everything about this administration is a scripted play. Nothing we see is real
5) These people believe that anything they say, people will believe because they said it. As far as leftists, they are correct
6) Camel-Uh is a lying sociopath, who thinks no one can see what she is if she acts and laughs
7) She is also a megalomaniac who believes she is the smartest person in any room. Her condescension reveals her
8) They NEVER say anything positive for the Country, for Americans.
9) They NEVER acknowledge the disaster allowed, even encouraged by our CORRUPT government.
10) They ARE meaningless puppets. They KNOW it. Americans KNOW it.
11) Congress and the entire cabinet KNOWS BiteMe’s DEMENTIA IS CLEARLY seen and acknowledged by folks everywhere.
Congress and the Cabinet do NOTHING. RINOS are complicit.
Con-gress AND Cabinet are nearly all Chyneze &/or Cabal puppets!
“black” Hilda-Beast!
Camel Day!!!
(Not, under ANY circumstances, to be confused with “Kamala Day.”)
(And Joe Biden didn’t win.)
Hey Steve, how goes the “vax” resistance/Freedom endeavors?
I didn’t see any comments from you on my recent Slaughter post. Some of the discussion points might be of interest to an atheist as knowledgeable about Scripture AND human nature as you are. I hope you might weigh in at some point
I only just now got to Q Tree after a hectic couple of days.
Hopefully a SUCCESSFUL hectic couple of days…..
Movie quote mindset returns this applicable gem
Yikes. Hope things are well with you AND Darwin!
I spent so much time writing AND double-checking my post that I have like Four other Q-Tree posts yet to read. How do you do such epic posting Every Week??? I’m super thankful to just be a drive-by poster w/ Zero Deadlines
It *isn’t* every week. I punted the week before last and will probably do so again this week.
Even your so-called punts put points on the board for team Freedom!!!
The rants are ALWAYS spot on.
Hey there. Sending Peace and Good Energy to you.
A Kamala Day keeps the circus in play…
Yale Doctor: I’d Pull a Healthy Kid From School Before Giving Them the COVID Vaccine
Wolf Moon
Dr. Risch is correct about pulling healthy children out of school instead of forcing them to get the Pfizer “vaccine.”
But — that SAME “vaccine” is REAL POISON for children who ARE ALREADY health-compromised!
Consider: the spike protein itself, along with the mRNA “delivery system” in the “vaccine”, the combined actions of which are engineered to weaken a healthy immune system by forcing it to “turbo-charge” and produce antibodies against the spike protein. The immune systems of people who already have serious and chronic health conditions — including children — very likely already have compromised immune systems: from the condition itself, and/or the drugs they have to take to control/manage the condition. Taking the “vaccine” will only further weaken whatever immune system function they still have.
Consider: for the sake of discussion, assume that a 10-year-old child has Kanner’s Syndrome autism. This child is “mainstreamed” into the public school system, taking some classes in Special Education and some in the normal classroom setting. The child is taking at least two prescription drugs to manage the condition. It is known that the “vaccine” spike protein has elements in it that can cause neurological side effects and/or adverse reactions. Given that the child’s neurological “wiring” is already compromised by autism, why on Earth would the parent(s) get that child “vaccinated”?
Now, also for the sake of discussion, assume that the child somehow gets infected with COVID. If the child were UN-“vaccinated”, even with that child being autistic, there is a huge chance of full recovery. If the child IS “vaccinated”, a portion of that ability to recover fully will very likely be damaged or taken away — because of the “vaccine.”
There are other considerations, too — the spike protein in the “vaccine” is engineered to migrate to certain organs of the recipient’s body and “lodge” there: the ovaries, testes, and lungs.
Yes – the idea of giving an immunity-compromising vaccine to the already immunocompromised is just diabolical.
NAZI Eugenics…
Mengele v2.0, or, perhaps, III Reich v2.0…..
Wonder “who” their new Aryan race is??? Transhumans? Nephelim?
Welcome to the X Files.
Which is why refusing to transplant the “unvax’d” is especially evil. Post transplant is a Lifetime of immunocompromising drug cocktails!
I think these people are EVIL to have these STALINIST mandates.
AND incredibly stoopid!
I guess we’re back now?
Couldn’t get in for awhile, though…kept getting an ‘Error’ message.
Gas prices have tripled…how high will they go?

How long before the DemComs start saying:
“We have to nationalize the oil industry!”
They’ve been wanting to do this for a long time — a govt takeover of our oil industry.
That’s a great photo op, but it’s one California gas station on the back-end of inaccessible nowhere. Everywhere else, it’s merely doubled.
Seriously, it’s on Highway One between San Simeon and Big Sur.
Well “merely doubled” is bad enough.
I’m wondering now. The road in winds around like a snake in a seizure, and the local coastline is known as a “graveyard of ships”. I’m guessing they have to use special shorter tanker trucks to refuel the station, ’cause otherwise it’s helicopter. I can’t imagine getting a standard tanker truck in there without going over the edge.
The trucks don’t have to worry about going too fast, though, as there’s always two or three “Dorothy Chandler Pavillions on Wheels” in front of them slowing things down…
Having said that, those HUUGE vehicles are probably hideously expensive to run anymore…
If you get kicked off here, I want you to go to the new site.
This is the temporary URL, until we make the site domain point at it.
I need all the authors to “Follow” the new site, so that I can give them their Author badges.
I think I did it, but I can’t tell for sure.
Thanks! I’ll check.
I just followed now. But I’d already put up that test post AND commented via replying initially to a CT comment on your 1st post WITHOUT going into moderation. A potential security hole?
Did you comment on my post there yet? Let me check that. I can see the logic of authors’ first comments on their own posts being classified as “approval”.
I wrote my post immediately after accepting your author invite AND re-blogged it to my SC blog. Then I went to your post to read AND did my first reply to CT when he expressed concerns for your changes & I asked “Why?” (which you now replied to me recently).
My “why” reply did Not go through moderation as you were actually offline, iirc, at the time I started reading AND replying at your inaugural NewQTree post.
Seems appropriate…since the Bidenistas are trying to suck the life out of us.
Everybody: please “follow” the new site and drop a comment into moderation on the first post.
The URL is temporary – it will eventually flip back to the URL ( we have with cough-cough. But in the meanwhile, this is a separate blog.
The new site is where to go during outages, until we move the dailies there, sometime soon, but not immediately. I want to fix up the site a bit more.
Wolf Moon
Common Sense Evaluation
This is how you know there is a hidden motive behind this vaccine.
Have people figured it out yet?
Buckle up!
No, they haven’t.
Wow! found this on there…
Oops sorry looks like I fell for an edited video.
Total Ignorance — Nope!.
The FDA knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they granted the EUA yesterday to “vaccine” children ages 5 – 11. They even SPELLED IT OUT in their template document that was used for the “discussion.”
The FDA is JUST FINE with using YOUNG CHILDREN as human lab rats for the Pfizer “vaccine.”
Nukin futz
What a good boy!
[video src="" /]
People talk about “experimenting on dogs” as if it’s always wrong and that the dog never enjoys it…..
I think this was a case of ‘training’….not ‘experimenting’.
There is a difference.
I can see a cat or a goat doing that…. but a DOG???
Those were ROPES he was negotiating — WOW!
Try keeping THAT dog out of the treat jar on top of the fridge!
I love this Wheatie!
…. awesome totally 

Smart owners has a backyard designed to keep this Belgian Malinois busy … awesome
Just shared this widely–thanks AND Blessings!
I don’t think “effusive” is hardly good enough to describe this introduction.
Second time very recently that SD has refered to Maria B as a CFR member.
First time he did that I thought maybe being in a sorus related thingy could be just part and parcel with working as a journalist.
Need a side eyes picture.
Yea, I noted SD comment yesterday. Missed the first reference to Maria B.
IMO, Maria B HAS transitioned to the dark side.
There is ZERO honest way for Maria b to heap such praise on the ModeRNA asshoe over boosters, combining flu and Covid injections. NONE.
When thinking of Maria, Cavuto comes to mind. Corrupted. Bought and Paid For. FITTING they work for Faux news.
My guess: big time black mail.
I’m not sure she was ever NOT on the dark side; as one of WEF’s “Young Leaders” she’s bought and paid for, probably that being backed by threats and demands.
I think she was a plant, and now we can all see it…
Sort of like Faux-Xi, et. al. using saline in a large percentage of the clot-shots, at least at first. Build up sheeple confidence and trust, and then unleash the DEMONRAT “reality” of the real shots… or the real Maria Bartiromo…
Oh yes! Like Crenshaw. So she probably has been fake all along.
They were very patient in transitioning MB to this current “back the Van modality.”
Remember when she was a putative Trump supporter.
Something’s wonky. I didn’t touch my screen name…
& Don’t approve that”XBillBeakman!”
Also “Back the Vax “ is not satisfactory to spell check
Michael Yon has concerns….
Great read, about says it all…… Thanks
Really sobering. As if we aren’t sober enough. Where the hell is Friday???
Well. back in my Squid (Navy) days, we’d have San Miguel for breakfast.
AND it is Five Oclock somewhere. We could open the pub early. :-0
Not just happy hour, say, happy WEEK!!!
Repression has been doled out brilliantly, steady and irreversible. Many, many people simply do not see it. And those who do see it have been herded into a cul-de-sac.
Absolutely excellent! Thank you for sharing this!!!

It is getting bad when Alex Jones is providing more TRUTH than the Fake News.
Here is an excellent Info-Wars video… (5 minutes and NO ALEX!)
C○VID FRAUD – Lawyers & Medical Experts start legal proceedings against W.H.O. and World Leaders for “Crimes Against Humanity” “The Nuremberg Code”
Wow! Very well said.
OK – I have 7 author invitations out for the new site. You can get there by clicking the link that used to go to the U Tree – it now goes to:
Which will change soon enough to
Please check your email if you’re an author and let me know if you can’t find your invitation.
Got it. Joined.
Confirmed! You’re in and got your credentials!
Thank you!
No invite on Yahoo.
Hang on……
You should have one now!
I don’t know if I received an invite, or if I did I may have inadvertently deleted in a group delete. If possible may I have an invite? …
I would appreciate it very much, thank you W00lf …
Oh bother … I don’t need it I’m not an author … for pity’s sake …
sorry sorry sorry ….

Got it
Excellent! We’ve got everybody but Steve ready to roll, and his invitation is in the mail.
So are we switching over or is that just a back up?
Back-up for now – use that instead of U Tree for outages. I will work on making it habitable for a switch.
All good. I did a test post to check functionality for me here:
Hope that was OK.
If not please do what you need to do with it. May God Continue to Bless YOU!!!
Oh I dunno…I think it’s funny.
Wouldn’t that be “RMAO”?
Ret’s go BLANDON!!!
And dressed for the occasion.
Cracking up. MAGA hat AND “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt.
I would do the same if I had that tree on my property…. HMMM maybe I should go look.
(You could also TRAIN a tree into that type of shape but it would take a while.)
Communists, Nazis – whatever they are, they need to not walk the streets.
UFB. BOTH the asshoe hospital employees AND the asshoes sitting in chairs. ALL DOING NOTHING.
American Patriot @MichaelDeLauzon
Ends with “We are building a community that does not abide by Tyranny’s rules. Stay safe it is going to be a tough few months.”
Going GALT???
… Atlas Shrugged is the story of how productive people went on strike, withdrawing their services in protest against a society that damned them for being productive and expropriated the fruits of their labor….
Going Galt.
Past time to do so. For those that have not already gotten there.
Bookmarked. Seems as though I have plenty of reading to do.
Thank you Gail!
Looks like we need to have a “Galt Right” movement, everywhere.
It seems like a combination of George III’s irrational tyranny, Nero’s perverted despotism, Hitler/Mengele’s diabolical Euthanism and “experiments”, and inverted concepts of “truth” and “morals” from the pit of Hell.
Hoping and praying that people RISE UP. Just seeing (or complaining about) the problems isn’t enough. Though each week there are more protests all over Europe, maybe some general strikes will follow (for the French, it’s almost a national sport)…
Dr. Zelenko

They’re about to reap the whirlwind. HOLD ON TIGHT. HOLD THE LINE.
How this message still resonates!
Matthew 18:1-10: and Revelation 18:21: speak to this in today’s world…
Matthew 18:1-10:
18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
8 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
9 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.
Revelation 18:21:
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
Amen AND Amen Cuppa! Thank you

Yeah right, I got a bridge I’d like to sell you ……
Change the dog to a well trained Pit Bull …

My Australian Heeler will do for me and her brother a Staff Hound mix. Together they are a pair to deal with
The other day my dogs went spastic I let them out into the back yard and a guy we do not know was standing by the gate ready to open.
I have big signs on each gate warning about dogs. The guy was up to no good because he had to get up 8 steps to get to the gate.
Do not need a Pitti like them a lot though
Singing I love your dogs, both of them. Australian Heeler sounds like a working/herding dog, the Staff Hound mix I’m not familiar with but will definitely look it up. I did learn about the BlueTic Hound from the pit bulls & paroles show as the lead woman had two hounds and one was the blue tic hound. When I was out walking one day a lady came up walking a blue tic I asked and she confirmed, I love dogs one day I may be fortunate enough to have one
. The thing I like about the hounds is their howl, lol, just love it. I consider myself lucky to encounter many neighbors with their dogs. This past winter I was ou at about 5:30 AM and met a neighbor walking her senior chihuahua … poor dog I just knew her little paws were not liking the cold pavement, she didn’t like me but it was ok I’m not her caregiver and gave her the space she needed to be comfortable. I wish someone would design a good bootie for winter
walking dogs
Ther are good booties for dogs.
My one dog is Staffordchirer-Coonehound mix.
I looked both breeds up, you have strong dog breeds. I’ll bet you invested the time to train them so their strength benefits you. They sound awesome
Yes both are trained. I trained but at 6 months they spend 3 weeks with a trainer who also had a kennel. Every time they were at the kennel they got a free refresher.
They also have a good citizen certificate.
Yes they are strong but I am German
Biden’s World
cardboard fakery in the grocery stores…
happening in UK and USA
America Becomes North Korea : Re-Education Camps Announced By CDC, Grocery Stores Display Cardboard Food Print- Outs To Hide Empty Shelves While Biden Babbles
Potemkin grocery stores?
what’s that, about you can fool some of the people some of the time?
But this is too flimsy of an excuse — is it a joke set-up by smug tyrants (or whatchamacallems), or is it some kind of desperate attempt at covering up a dire situation?
Clinton connection
D-Rats defending a puppy killer IS an easy leap.
D-Rats already killing babies. After they are born.
I WOULD buy one and place it at the front door.
A “Qanon Conference…?
Jim Caviezel recites Mel Gibson’s ‘Braveheart’ battle cry at QAnon conference
Jim Caviezel belted out Mel Gibson’s iconic battle cry from “Braveheart” while speaking to a crowd of QAnon supporters in Las Vegas over the weekend.
The conservative actor, 53 — who most famously worked with Gibson on the 2004 film “The Passion of the Christ” — gave a rambling 20-minute address at the “For God & Country: Patriot Double Down” conference, rallying the far-right crowd to fight for their freedom. The moment was captured in footage that’s now going viral on social media.
The four-day event featured “a guest lineup of QAnon sympathizers and extremist-right figureheads,” according to the Las Vegas Sun. Tickets started at a staggering $650.
Caviezel was among 40 far-right speakers who took to the stage. Others included Jason Sullivan, a former Roger Stone aide best-known for working on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, and Dr. Stella Immanuel, who hit headlines after claiming Hydroxychloroquine cured COVID-19.
However, it was Caviezel’s appearance that attracted the most attention on social media.
“QAnon conference”.
Why don’t these NAZIS just call us JEWANON?
It’s all part of their dehumanization of non-socialists.
Note that they called his speech “rambling” to make it sound crazy, when it was neither rambling nor crazy. One of the best speeches ever given.
Objectifying the people who don’t fall for their BS.
Using projection to deflect their miserable evil bullshit ..
“Qanon”, “far-right”…
Sounds like the NY Post is infested with left-wing-radical termites…
Wonder if they got bought, or leaned on…
XVII is a step too far for them. On my other blogging gig, I use them as source material a lot and have to correct what they say.
There are twit pages i go to, conservatives, and they continually ridicule and denigrate all things q, specifically stating “q anon.” They say anything posted or any reference at all is a block, youre crazy, etc.
It’s the “conspiracy theory” conditioning and programming talking. Getting through that confirmation bias is going to take some doing.
Unbiased reporting
babies…puppies…and bioweapons…
the silence of lambs…

^^^ written off as a “loss”…that child was one of hundreds of HIV orphans experimented on in NYC, and “written off” as “losses” bc of their “HIV status”…
psychopath-sadist FAUCI’s NIH (National Institute of Health) approved drug trial experiments on hundreds of AIDS orphans in NYC..
more than 200 of them died during and after those experiments.
The Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) began testing drugs on its orphans back in 1992.
In 2003, investigative journalist Liam Scheff. went undercover inside that facility…
FLASHBACK : Fauci’s NIH Funded Experimenting On AIDS Orphans In NYC
article link…
crimes against humanity.
animal cruelty
look closely into that asshole Fauci’s eyes, and tell me what you see.
The DEPOPPERS found their boy.
smug remorseless smirking sadist
an empty void where the soul used to be.
If he’s like the rest of us, he learned how to lie to nuns. Most of us did not turn that into a job skill. Well, other than the lawyers.
Was never a good liar. Nuns always busted me for something. It was a long eight years at St. Leo’s for slow guy.
(Likely Cooth has driven by it a few times.)
I’m generally on Alameda or Park, but I’ve gone up and down Race a few times….
Nuns never taught me how to lie. They were kind and wonderful nurturing. I was arround nuns from 4 to 13.
The nuns didn’t teach us. We learned to lie to them. Just like making up sins for Confession if you couldn’t think of something you did wrong at the age of eight.
Yes remember my friends going to confession and made me sit outside the confessional
I think one lies if one fears nuns I never did because they were very kind and loving to me.
The man has dead eyes.
How could a Jewish man, after all that happened in ww2, willingly do this to children and animals?
He’s a Jesuit-trained Catholic, supposedly.
Jesuit and Catholic have been known not to be the same thing. At this point, the faithful Jesuits can be hard to find.
Very true.
Somewhere I did read that in his background some ancestors were from Switzerland and were Jewish, but I don’t remember where and kind of just filed that away as a data point that may or may not be true.
Oh i see.
My Children went to a Jesuit University and one also went to Jesuit Medical school. They learned to argue

Was very good education for them and nothing was taught that was not proper.
The German cousins thought their American cousins were not as learned as they but when they met American cousins had no problem competing with them thanks to the Jesuit education
I am not Catholic but was very much influenced by Catholic Spirituality and teaching. I have great respect for the teachings the mystics of the past.
Like many great institutions it can be corrupted by man because we are not infallible. In spite of it the core stays intact has so throughout history and fallen Pop’s and and Priests.
Somehow through God’s intervention it straitens out.
Smug butt ugly evil … eternity in …..
… second death, lake of fire
Mornin’ beautiful people

…. Awesome open DePat I appreciate it, LOVE the squirrel … you just know after it flew into the water it ran back to the tree to let EVERY squirrel know about the totally awesome spring board at the lake …. LOL
bwahahahahahha …. so much information it’s wonderful .. thank you and God bless you abundantly
found nearby in twit world


body doubles for Ole Joe and for KamaHarr
yup good catch.
That’s not supposed to be Kamala. I think it’s Mrs. Dorothy McAuliffe.
They were hoping he’d get it done first and act after.
“Watch the videographers.”
life in the funhouse..
image at the link...(can’t post image due to copyright)
Le Marquis de Sade
ca 2014
pencil & digital color
Mario-Paul Martinez, Illustrator…contemporary…Spain
Slow Joe/doh sitting in a tree ….
I was looking for a Hannibal Lector mask picture that wasn’t nauseatingly repulsive and wound up creeped out (gotta stop doing that) … so when look at it be sure to quickly show you shielding cross to ward off the icky creepy .. or … quickly scroll past
It’s a mask meme …
Ooooooooooookaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy …. Have local faux news on just glanced at the close captions …. they’re mentioning “possible “ heart problems with the clot shots ..
……. C Y A …. Much?
miserable … mutter mutter mutter’s
My husbands secretary former her husband needed a stint put into his heart. They are democrats and I wonder if he had the jab? The secretary blamed it on her husbands bad eating habits. I am wondering and if I see her i will ask.
Is this a result of criminal “reform” or is this guy in a rich well connected family?
A 29-year-old man accused of trying to strangle an 11-year-old girl in a Manhattan park was arraigned and released on $7,500 bail on Saturday night.
Nathaniel Direnzo, of Saint Marks Place, was arrested on Saturday morning for a bizarre, broad-daylight attack on the young girl and another minor on Wednesday afternoon.
On Saturday evening, he appeared for his initial hearing with his father, donning a gray suit.
He was charged with second-degree strangulation, two counts of acting in a manner injurious to a child, second-degree harassment and two counts of assault.
According to police, just around noon on Oct. 20, Direnzo approached the girl and her classmates at Stuyvesant Square and began to yell at them, before spraying water on the group and trying to attack them, cops said.
When the young girl tried to fight back, cops say Direnzo grabbed her by the hair and punched her in the face. He then allegedly “wrapped his hands around the girl’s neck,” trying to strangle her, police said.
Ah. Ny post did not give the whole story, of course.
Non colored people may not, under any circumstances, defend themselves from verbal or physical assault by a ‘person of any color . It’s that simple.
suck it up, pampered Americans…and stop ranting and complaining about “short-staffed stores and supply-chain woes”…and just STFU and be happy with what’s left…lower those expectations…
…says WaPo writer, formely with NYT & NPR…
Micheline “Micki” Maynard

“Transitory” Shortages And Inflation Are Actually Your Quality of Life Being Stolen Right Before Your Eyes
She looks like she should be OK for a few months without food…
Had her jowls in the trough quite a bit, it appears… Oink Oink Oink
Mike Pompeo removes himself from 2022 Kansas Senate bid
This asshat is thinking about a Presidential run. I’m telling any and all right now; I will NOT VOTE before I will vote for a back-stabbing traitor.
If true he’s either wasting his time or this is a plan cooked up to make the primary look interesting.
It’s the biggest media penetration that our side can get. There HAS to be a massive fight in the primary.
If he runs to make it interesting, he’d better not trash PDJT.
A little good news….
These are the type of discretionary, non-reversible rulings that a judge makes which can almost dictate the outcome of a trial. And in this case, miraculously, the judge seems to understand that this trial should not even be taking place.
Liberal amnesia on display.
Obviously left his brain at home when he went to work this morning.
That’s assuming he had one in the first place…
This guy is a national and state embarrassment. A shill for all things communist. The leftist Memphis political machine brings him back term after term.
Remember this one just a couple of years ago was world wide news…took me 5 seconds to find it.
Texas man who stopped church shooting says he ‘had to take out’ gunman because ‘evil exists’
This is conversion therapy brainwashing. Unbelievable.
Parent company is Mars. Products:
3 Musketeers
Ethel M
Forever Yours
Galaxy Bubbles
Galaxy Minstrels
Milky Way
Seeds of Change
Chocolates Turín (Mexico)
Uncle Ben’s Rice
Confectionery products manufactured by The Wrigley Company
5 gum cobalt packaging
5 (gum)
Big Red
Bubble Tape
Eclipse Ice
Hubba Bubba
Juicy Fruit
Life Savers
Thanks, DP. I was already done with Uncle Bens because of the wokeness, but hadn’t looked up the rest of the brands. Oddly enough (OK, not surprisingly) most of those products aren’t healthy, anyway…
Same thing with Aunt Jemima. IIRC, the woman who played Aunt Jemima ended up quite wealthy, and did a lot of things for her community (of all colors). Looks like libs are bound and determined to kill their golden geese…
Well, thank God! I only have to give up my once-a-year pack of M&Ms!
The 500-pound one they probably have at Costco?
Well, who knew?—
PER Brian Kilmeade on his radio show today:
Sen. Joe Manchin just signalled that he’s on board with tax hikes on “millionaires and billionaires so they pay their fair share” to fund “President” Biden’s handlers’ tax and spend bill. Manchin says that “the details are still being worked out.”
The day after one of my former singing colleagues (and RAVING liberal) shared with the world that she got her booster.
Garland is in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. Things looking hot. Live.
Ace of Spades HQ (
Old and busted: “Do it for the children!”
New hotness: Do it TO the children!
Another nurse speaking out.
Horrible. I’ve noticed that the ones they hold down and force the vaccine on are those who can’t defend themselves: the elderly, children, the mentally impaired. Able-bodied people (perhaps with guns) have to be mentally coerced and threatened into taking them. We must never give in and never give up our guns.
13 school kids got the shot. I wonder how the rest of them are doing. Maybe Bill Gates will show up and find out what’s happening?
Looks like some of them were the nurses? Maybe just got there first batch of the vax?
Need more confirmation. Can’t trust a random post.
Juggernaught does do his fair share of posts that lack sources. So did some checking and SA has quite a few vax deaths, and a media/govt who are complicit in covering them up, so not sure we’ll find what we are looking for.
U.S. Veterans Preparing For War (
I will not tell you what I know, but people have no idea. Q was literally correct. Nothing can stop what’s coming.
The decision by the FDA – after not approving boosters 16-2, to FLIP and unanimously vote to inject CHILDREN – who don’t need the vaccine – WITH the bad vaccine – is the end of the line for the regime. This criminal junta must be resisted with whatever means people deem necessary, prudent, and morally acceptable.
I, personally, cannot live with the idea that I did not do what was needed to stop NAZIS.
A topic: frustration at not knowing what to do, for those who believe the school board thing was an opportunity lost many years ago. NB: I am NOT saying give up on the school board type route. That is a non-sequitur. Some things have value in doing other than ultimate success in that one endeavor. But what other endeavors, and how communicate?
The people who put your news on the air are local. Start a pressure campaign. They’ve sided with the wrong side for too long and people are dying. They can get their news from OANN, Newsmax or some such, maybe Trumps new conglomerate if that is what it is, if they want to stay in business.
Other peaceful endeavors are local and state grand juries. All this we’re facing is wrong, we know it, and can be prosecuted through some notion of RICO. Don’t care if we get it wrong, just tie them up in court and make them bleed time and money.
Do a search for “citizen grand juries” lots there to ponder. Others have begun the ground work.
this is a bit of encouragement…
Wow! Going to re-post!
Tonawanda, Oh, Good!!!!
The absolute most important thing to do is to spread TWO ideas, depending on the readiness of your neighbors, to whom you MUST talk. (1) The media cannot be trusted, and they sow error, confusion, and discouragement in changes we want. (2) Cutting the cable lets you see the world correctly, and makes you happy again.
Spread (1) and (2) as needed, repeatedly, and generally in that order. It REALLY works.
I REALLY like the sound of this.
I will not tell you what I know, but people have no idea. Q was literally correct. Nothing can stop what’s coming.
^^^ As TT indicates, THIS sounds good. ^^^
I, personally, cannot live with the idea that I did not do what was needed to stop NAZIS.
^^^ This comes across a bit ominous. To me anyway. Has me wonder if my initial take on the first sentence IS out to lunch. ^^^
Wolf’s reply was to a video/article about veterans preparing for war. So yes, it could be ominous. I’m just glad some action is in the works. We can’t go on like this.
Being prepared is what Americans, including Vets should do. ALWAYS. That is 100% positive.
It’s the last line of his post that concerns me. NOT the first. The first line interests me greatly. Gives me hope. Whatever it is he is not able to share at this point. Which I understand.
BTW, My take is the Vets are saying they won’t take their Rights being destroyed. NOT that they are planning to start a civil war, insurrection… MORE along the lines of defending their property, defend their family, defend their Rights, IF the Feds choose to invade their property. Harm their family…
I took the last line as a statement of commitment.
Yes. Better fit.
I hear you and understand that correctly. I believe you are correct in your initial take, but “the Nazis” are everywhere. Things could get messy.
IMO, we should stick strongly to Q’s thinking. OVER-TRUST in Q predictions (what I call “hope porn”) is used as a “trust operation counterattack”. This is why SD didn’t like Q. He saw the “trusty” aspects (note that he was HINTING there, that it was a trust operation), but he didn’t see the bona fides down low, which only come from close study of the operation.
It’s not a slam dunk either way, IMO – for the good guys or the bad guys.
One of the first thing that guy says in the video is that Biden has ordered the VA to stop giving health care to any unvaccinated veteran. Great. I no longer have any health care. It’s a good thing I generally take care of it myself.
I just was listening to local San Diego news…they’re steamrolling everything with covid and climate controls. Punishing, extorting, implementing bullshit “rules”. Soon unvaxxed will be on our own no matter what we earned throughout our lives.
It won’t end with Veterans. It will undoubtedly be any who receive SS benefits
Just saying and you should pass it gingerly along, but the means of communication with the nation is the media and that’s one of the first things that need be rectified because we all know it is not working for us.
Any media outlet who won’t discuss the election fraud is complicit in it. Talking to you Fox news.
By all means, and don’t forget Fox and all these other MSM organizations have local affiliates and those should be easier to bring to heal if SHTF but hopefully before.
While we fight over the cable news people the broadcast ones should be minded as well as many the blind in this country still get their news from those sources.
PfiseR collects $$$ from taxpayers through the gov., pFiseR supports the media outlets to gaslight the American taxpayer, paying to be gaslighted, jabbed and denied services.
The gov. is one big ponzu scheme. Don’t forget to pay your quarterly taxes
Have NOT seen the VA stop providing care for unvaxed.
I have seen BiteMe require VA workers injected.
That said, I am sure Vets are pissed off about the lunacy that IS largely UNCHECKED. NOT CHALLENGED.
It goes into effect Nov. 1.
Link Please.
See above with info from Fiancee.
There are some satire sites that have posted that with the 1 Nov date. There have even been some serious leftists politicians pushing for that too who have been given space on major news platforms, but at this point I don’t believe that is happening. If they think they can get away with it they will. If it does happen it will widely be carried by conservatives sites.
Now with all that said, who knows what’s in one of these huge spending bills until they pass it. They could use such instead of an executive order. Not smart to think it can’t happen when it could. Just I don’t believe there’s an executive order saying such at this time.
Have spent nearly an hour with various search criteria on a couple search engines.
I can NOT find a source that verifies 1 Nov. It may be true. But, I doubt it.
That said, I do believe there will be a push to stop routine care for unvaxed. Don’t know where it will start. Military dependents? VA? Medicare? Private insurance like Blue Cross?
Also, I fully expect a “penalty tax” on health care insurance as LA has done to LA State employees when their spouses are unvaxed. $100 per month penatlty tax.
Heard they were trying to take away VA choice too.
This I believe.
The Fiancee works at the VA, in General Medicine, scheduling patients — and is in a weekly planning meeting.
She tells me that this is NOT the case.
Various procedures may require testing (and not necessarily only where it is logically necessary), but vaxxing is not required.
If true, the most hopeful thing I have read in a long time. If true, and not a trap.
Is that a trap ? Who can we trust? January 6 was a trap and only our guys were destroyed not FBI guys.
Not to worry, shore up your own defensives and supplies first so as not to be a burden. Volunteer in the neighborhood and be a voice, bring some knowledge to the table, help identify trouble spots, support local government, don’t let them get side tracked by dictates or influenced by tyrants, get them to set up and organize citizen grand juries. Things like that.
That is a good plan. I have been canning up a storm
It appears that Sen. Manchin has backtracked on his support for the “millionaires and billionaires tax” within the past hour. Per the “Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show” one tuned into briefly, Manchin has walked back on that “15% special tax” he was all for this morning. Lol.
Somebody reminded him that most Ms&Bs hold their wealth in corps and foundations; therefore it is beyond reach.
Manchin is a spinless cowered. He is wishi washi and i would not trust him. He is playing games one day the games will catch up with him.
Manchin is ALL about the Benjamin’s.
Surprised he’s held out this long. So far the Pedo Joe’s Administration has gone from talking a 3 trillion plus spending bill to 1.5 trillion. Hopes he hangs on longer.
Hope for the sake of W Virginia. The people deserve more.
How has performance been here today? Please report ALL lockouts or downtimes.
Excellent today & past few days.
I’ve been pretty busy and away for the past few weeks. But sadly the times I do come by, quite often I can’t get in. Muh
Luv U guys!!!

I was wondering if you’d done your usual prayer, etc posts since I didn’t see them yesterday (at least). But I’ve been pretty busy w/ the Slaughter post for a few days so thought I just missed them.
Hope you are doing OK. God Bless YOU!!! <3
That’s duchess. Okay, I get confused too. See’s duchess is okay, a few posts at Marci’s (yep, noticed the same and had to go check). Putting together the prayers I imagine is no easy task. Wouldn’t hold her to it. As long as they are all well.
Oh, she posted this, which I don’t think I’ve seen here yet. H/T Duchess
Good story!
Thanks, I thought about it after writing. Blush Emoji! So many godly women AND men around here it can be hard to keep everybody straight! Humble pie incoming…Again
Good to see you!
If we go to WordPressDotCom, then you will likely no longer have problems.
Seems pretty good so far today.
Good except for the minor shut downs that usually just go away after a bit… sometimes
Very quick for me, W. Lookin’ good.
Zero to do with candy.
Selling trans to little white boys and making witchcraft the protector and “good guy.”
Gotta wonder what the goal of mars candy is.
Notice it’s a full 2 minute “commercial”. Most ad spots are 30 or 60 seconds.
You’re 100% correct…selling trans to kids in a slick fable type set up.
Also forgot to mention the disturbing ending when the witch nanny gets rid of the one taunting the young tranns…nothing left of him except clothing. Couldn’t even leave him hanging in the tree or some other less lethal fate..nope. He’s killed seemingly
Yes i did. Yep and thats who the parents chose to care for the kid.
Really disturbing throughout.
This is offensive to me on so many levels I can’t even express it fully.
This is demonic
This is a copy of a comment I copied from Marica’s to the Slaughter post. Digging deeper is warranted. KM shared important details that are above both these locations at Marica’s AND Slaughter if any of you care to dig deeper. Reply here or there, wherever you think the conversation best fits!
Valerie CurrenOnline
Reply to Valerie Curren
October 27, 2021 16:32
Here are further thoughts from KM on these serious issues…found here:
Katherine McCoun
October 27, 2021 at 1:38 pm
For more insight and info on this topic see the Southern Baptist Convention as they have slide to the left slowly but surely and Dr. Swain’s recent fight to keep them on the straight and narrow. So sad and yet, as usual, eye opening to what is happening in every institution in America.
Side Story:
Heard Mr. Loudon speak 3 days in a row at various GOP events back in late May. Just happened that I was attending various events/monthly meetings by 3 different groups in 3 different counties and he was the speaker at all 3. Never got bored as he is so knowledgable and so passionate he spoke slightly differently on each night, geared to the various groups. One night was specific to the corruption in the church and what to do about (mentioned on the other 2 nights but 1 night it was the sole focus).
this is Very dangerous stuff for him to be talking about, esp. as he is being successfull in getting the word out and edcuating people on these topics and the corruption. Many eyes being opened.
Anyway, on that specific night a lady in the audience suggested we pray for his protection, knowing that this political work is serious & dangerous. Same lady died shortly thereafter in an “accident” along with a number of others who were in strong positions of leadership and were getting involved with MAGA leadership at a high level. All were in a position to bring truth and bring action of many to the MAGA movement as their eyes were opened and were getting involved. I am not one who usually jumps immediately to “conspiracy” theories but this one was immediately suspect to me.
This work is Serious and Dangerous.
Pray for those who are active and in the public eye to be safe and protected, please!
Dia de los muertos and gay relationships and cartoons….
To sell doritos.
Nothing is advertising what it claims to be selling. Make it stop.
Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) Tweeted:
Doritos just put out this ad
Corporations must have gotten a LOT of free fed dollars to put this stuff out there.
It’s depraved. We’re seeing true evil. They’re like a toxic poison gas seeping through cracks in schools, tv, movies, internet and now through frikken advertisements.
Just garbage. Like the woke a cola ceo with the guy who advised on be less white, fired from coke but kept on as ceo advisor for a 666,666 salary.
All part of depopulation programming…hard to have children if you are confused by 157 genders.
Lin Wood posted that special prosecutor John Durham, appointed by Bill Barr, serves at the pleasure of the President of the United States – and can be fired at any time. Is there any truth to this? And if so, why has this not happened? Hmm.
Not sure that is correct…… Seem to remember that Trump could not fire Mueller?
Politico said he could.
could be I guess
Yes, but it would have made an impeachment much more likely so in essence he could not as it would not have been a wise move at the time.
So with his illegally gotten majority, and everything he’s thrown at the country, he’s worried about impeachment over replacing John Durham?
Durham hasn’t made Biden any sort of target, it would look very strange for Biden to do anything besides dirty tricks at this juncture.
That IS my understanding. BiteMe CAN fire Durham.
Trump WAS THREATENED BY IMPEACHMENT IF he fired Mueller. IIRC, this inclded Transrepublicans. Quite likely Ms Lindsey included.
So if he CAN fire (or replace) him, as pathological as he’s been mandating and destroying everything in sight . . . what’s preventing him from doing it , even on the down low? That was Lin’s question – obvious what he’s thinking.
Newsweek said this in Dec. 2020:
If Merrick Garland thinks he’s had a few rough days lately, let him try to fire Durham.
That was last December. None of them shows the least concern about any outrageous, unconstitutional ANYTHING, or how it might be construed. Durham isn’t on anyone’s radar but “ours”, and even we don’t completely buy into it.
If the people who are actually running things thought Durham could have been removed, they would have done it. Quietly and quickly.
I think Lin is hinting at something on telegram. And not very subtly.
No idea what BiteMe’s handlers will coerce him to do. Or when.
Thus far Durham has been a bad joke on Justice. The Cold Day In Hell, when Durham indictments nail numerous Big Names, Durham will be trashed.
Might well be so, but Lin’s premise is still interesting. Wouldn’t you think, as lawless as they are, that Durham fly-in-the-ointment would have been quietly dispensed with in week 1?
But, thus far, Durham has been NOTHING. At best Durham pacifies those of us knowing crimes were committed AND WANT to “believe” Durham is not pure BULL S.
Keeps the Indians quiet. As the noose is tightened elsewhere, across America.
Durham is acceptable to them as long as Durham does little or nothing. That has been the case so far.
IMO Durham is being used by the OBAMA FACTION to go after the CLINTON FACTION.
Durham is going after the Clinton faction, yes, but I doubt it’s at the Obama camp’s behest.
enemy of my enemy?
Clearly they didn’t start it – but they ARE likely allowing it. A useful power play.
Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) Tweeted:
Who did this
𝗨𝗦𝗠𝗖 𝗩𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗻
Joe Rogan: Dr. Pierre Kory Treated 200 Members of Congress with Ivermectin.
When someone leaks those names, all hell will literally break loose.
Somebody already should have. I am so friggin’ tired of our side always playing by the rules the Demoncrats ignore.
Yes, do it, already! I don’t care about HIPAA or secrecy pacts with Congress or anything else. HIPAA doesn’t seem to apply to us, so cough up the names.
Typical DEMONRAT MO… “lurid sex club ALLEGATIONS”.
And yet, the REAL Satanic PERVERTS are the DEMONRATS themselves… and they revel in it.
They’re racing to Hell and they just don’t care…
consider this space blank, as I cannot delete
Virginia needs to win moderate liberal voters who are going to vote for youngkin dt the education mess. Win this hurt or help?
Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) Tweeted:
Trump indicates that he’s going to Virginia. This will not be helpful. McAuliff has wanted to make the race about Trump but Youngkin has surged by making it about schools and education instead. Youngkin doesn’t need Trump’s help. If he injects himself now, it can only hurt.
I don’t remember Matt Walsh as being on my favorites list. If I remember correctly when it comes to Trump he’s usually a bit off.
The fact that he’s managed to remain on twitter tells you everything you need to know.
BRILLIANT take. Thank you!
Ive noticed that also. He makes a lot of good arguments but hes got issues with Trump.
He’s a never Trumper, want to get back to politics as usual who is actually a decent guy. He might come around eventually.
I would be surprised if anyone is giving up their career to protect their freedom.
The reason people won’t take the vaxx is because they believe it will cause permanent lifelong harm or death.
So it’s like the government or their employer handing them a loaded gun, and telling them to put it up to their head, and pull the trigger.
And people who have the capacity to think, are saying “No.”
So the government or employer says “If you don’t shoot yourself in the head, then you’re fired.”
So the person says okay, I guess I’m fired then, because fired is better than dead.
I don’t have a job if I’m fired, and I don’t have a job if I’m dead because I took your lethal injection.
But at least if I’m fired, I’m not dead.
“Not dead” beats ‘dead’ (or permanent lifelong injury) 100 times out of 100.
They might as well be saying “Either throw yourself in that wood chipper, or you’re fired.”
Tough choice…

The question is ‘why’ are they doing it?
It’s like a litmus test. They know thinking people will refuse, because thinking people don’t have difficulty in grasping that their job is of no value to them, if they’re dead or on permanent disability.
And no doubt, the eugenicists have a plan for anyone on permanent disability, it’s practically their whole reason for being.
If 30% or more of the workforce is either fired or quits, that will collapse the global economy by itself, and it will have been done 100% on purpose.
So will murdering 50% or more of the population with lethal injections.
Apparently they want as many people as possible to die a horrible death from sickness. They want hundreds of millions of people dead — in America alone.
They want to eclipse Hitler by a factor of at least twenty.
In America.
Globally, they want to eclipse Hitler by a factor of at least three hundred.
And nobody even thinks of stopping them.
We’ll just document everything very carefully — in real time, as it happens to us — in case a legitimate law enforcement mechanism ever spontaneously constitutes itself.
It’s really an amazing thing to behold…

It really is. Amazing. It’s like they think nobody has the internet, or any brains whatsoever. And people in charge, Repukes who should be fighting for us, think we can’t see them ducking and hiding.
And it’s like they think that people won’t eventually be coming after them. I don’t know when. But if it doesn’t stop, they will.
And Scott, I have a feeling that they are sorting people out. The ones who have critical thinking skills and are refusing the shot are not only the ones they’re going to blame for the supposed variants and the death rates we’re going to see – but are the new Jews they want to put in the death camps. They can’t have their New World Order with too many resistors on the loose.
“The ones who have critical thinking skills and are refusing the shot are not only the ones they’re going to blame for the supposed variants and the death rates we’re going to see – but are the new Jews they want to put in the death camps.”
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop watching prison movies…
So what do you plan to do???
I love that you love Cuppa’s post

“So what do you plan to do???”
Whatever they don’t want me to do, of course.
It comes natural, so it’s not like I have to work hard at it or something
In the meantime, what else can I do, besides wait for the herd to figure out they’re being corralled toward the slaughterhouse?
So “wait and whine” as a tactic.
How about getting in some congress-critters’ faces, or phone lines, or even the local yokels???
Your comments and complaints are reasoned and articulate; send them (repeatedly) to places where it might light a fire under someone’s seat…
Sorry about the late reply, I would never have seen your post if I hadn’t been looking for something else. I don’t get many notifications via email anymore, I don’t know if that’s because most people are using a connection type that doesn’t send email notifications, or because of something to do with the software, or why.
JUST IN – Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island, says the threat from Beijing is growing “every day”.
Watching Chicago Med – like to see what the enemy is doing.
Guess what they are selling to solve a patient’s unwillingness or inability to take meds as prescribed? Nano-meds. Sends the signal to the provider of when they take them or not.
Yeah – we know. Prepping the general public’s pump. I can hear it now. “For your peace of mind, nano-meds will ensure you or you loved ones never miss taking prescriptions at the proper time.”
What the heck is this!
I saw that. Its disgusting. Thats likely criminal. Those things were approved by an adult and then performed by minors on adults. Intentional sexual acts even with the clothes on. Everyone in the audience is a victim too so those “educators” who got lap dances should be fired. The principal/mayir must be fired from both.
Way beyond a boys dressed like girls skit.
Fired, and prosecuted.
I guess the zero chance policy is out the window as long as it has to do with perverted sex but a bite off a sandwich that resembles a gun…all hell rains down
Just say pew pew and they bring in the crusis counselors.
More coverage:
Are they dressed as animals or furries?????
If so, that’s a LOT darker than people think…
As it was in the days of Noah…
Dr. Zelenko is asking tough questions about the yearly flu.

Dr Z is fearless in calling out the criminals in CDC, FDA, NIH…
I hope Dr. Z has good protection. He’s been throwing out a lot of red pills lately. And I love that he calls them “devolved pagans.”
Yes, it’s quite excellent.
These are exactly my suspicions. I have been wondering about the flu for a while. Even if the globalist cabal scum were not doing it, the CCP has low enough morals to do it.
I’ve been wondering that for a while, especially since there’s always one nasty strain that is not in the flu shot.
Isn’t it interesting that just about all of the major plagues, including influenza, have started in the same place? I’m talking going back centuries, too.
Pro tip:
Chew a small piece of ice after eating cheetos to clear out your molars. This works for any food that clogs them up.
Happy munching.
American patriots confront alleged Federal Informant Ray Epps about inciting violence on Jan 6. Sitting in his eight seater gulf cart before driving away without answering any questions.
Some comments from the twitter verse.
Hope he is pursued every time he ventures off his property. NOTHING innocent about Epps.
“won’t be able to walk the streets”
Some of what was heard by the FDA in their hearing on approving Pfizer’s vaxxx for kids.
Maybe someone knows how to post the vid of scientists addressing FDA not to do this. (3 mins long. Damaging and exactly what I said in the comment to the federal register thing, minus having a vaxxx injured child.)
You have to go through the YouTube video, find where you want to start the video, right click it, and then “Copy URL at the time”.
Here is an example URL:
The ?t=xxxx part is what starts it at THAT number of seconds. Sometimes it’s better to subtract a few seconds (earlier, lower number) just in case.
Here is that URL above.
We know, but it’s good to be reminded what total jerks these people are.
They’ve all been given the talking points and are lying through their teeth. They’re crooked and dirty.
She should have named the church. Bc it sounds like they dont know whats actually Biblical charity.
kathy gagliardi (@gotchasgirl) Tweeted:
I’ll not name it but went to a church yesterday to get help with food first I had to fill out request form and there’s a question in it asking if I’m vaccinated I marked no (will not lie ) I waited till my turn came and I was told when I got the vaccine to come back and reapply
Satan is toying with the remnant.
Alec Baldwin fired a single action F.LLI Pietta .45 Long Colt Revolver, a recreation of the 1873 Colt .45.
I’m not sure I agree with the assessment of who bears the greatest risk. “He told me so” is not a valid defense, IMO.
Its th same weight as being handed a gun by a stranger at the grocery store and told its safe. Negligent homicide.
If I was running things on a movie set regarding the use of guns, I’d have an electric cattle prod handy to give any reckless behavior idiots a jolt that would help them to remember that it should not happen again.
I probably should have added a sarcasm tag. Too many wound up idiots out there who would believe that I was serious about doing that.
The man on the receiving end in the video is tough. Most snowflakes would have dropped to the ground and writhed around in agony, all the while screaming bloody murder as part of their ‘victim’ act.
Here is some good gun dope about 45 Colt “vs” 45 Long Colt.
They need to look at the associate director more closely. Too many coincidences with him to ignore.
IIRC that assistant director was also somehow involved in Brandon Lee’s death on a movie set with a gun… that was discussed here a few days ago…
He was involved in the sequel to that movie.