Bonus points for anyone who can tell the rest of us what those weapons are.

And he just happened to use a beagle for the photo.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
Attorney General Merrick Garland was on Capitol Hill for today’s bread and circus exposition. Pick your poison:


And in honor of the end of baseball season…eventually.
And now for the business portion.
Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.
Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights
- No running with scissors
- If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon
Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
On the Feast of St. Jude, Patron of policemen and hopeless cases.
PSALMS 19:2-5
1The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. 2Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. 3There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; 4yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun,
For some reason, I read that and thought of this, where the sixteenth notes are never true, and the congregation can’t keep up.
I believe that each of the weapons in the first picture could be characterized as a military-grade assault rifle.
It’s definitely not all of the person’s collection. Most of the pistol magazines used to form the letters appear to be for semi-auto handguns which are NOT among those visible.
True — the M is made up of fairly small guns, and I don’t see a single magazine short enough to fit in one.
New Age Hippie JP is not who I want to be, but he is a good neighbor!
My sentiments exactly.
Yup. One more voice of COMMON SENSE that is gone.
I was thinking about Rush this morning, in the context of the FBI’s harassment of parents. Rush used to say that liberals always overreach, they just can’t help themselves. I really believe that the feds calling concerned parents terrorists is the straw that broke the camels back. I wondered if Rush would agree.
Yeah, Rush would be all over it like a duck on a junebug.
RIP Rush. We need more of your kind…
the origins and significance of President Eisenhower’s chilling farewell speech and the military-industrial complex…discussed here…
When was HW’s funeral? Did Trump make a deal w/ W to shield the Bushes, perhaps until after W’s death, so keep the proofs of HW’s involvement w/ JFK assassination under wraps?
December 2018.
Word came from one of Dave Janda’s sources, that W actually flipped and turned on the cabal to save his family. That’s the only source that I know of for that information.
So Trump delaying the release in 2017 was his way of holding a trump card in the big game?
Could be.
The weapons? They’re nasty dirty guns.
— any random anti-2A person
There was some discussion in the last thread on whether Baldwin or the person who handed him the gun has the most culpability. Here is a legal analysis from an article that Gil posted:
“The NM Supreme Court ruled in that decision, in relevant part that:
“So, it doesn’t matter who loaded the gun—meaning, all this talk about whether the live round in the gun came from this source or that source or some other source is largely irrelevant for purposes of determining whether Baldwin’s shooting of Ms. Hutchins was involuntary manslaughter under New Mexico law.
“All that matters in the context of involuntary manslaughter through unsafe handling of a firearm is that “the defendant had in his hands a gun which at some time had been loaded and that he handled it without due caution and circumspection and that death resulted.”
A few months in lockup should adjust his bad behavior rather well.
Years. And, NOT in a cushy minimum security ranch. Lock Baldwin up with fellow murderers.
That aligns with my thinking as a lay person who doesn’t know NM law. Every day it looks worse for Baldwin.
When it comes to criminal liability, very often if you are in for a penny, you are in for a pound. And MANY a case has been made solely by a person foolishly trying to make the penny/pound distinction in statements to LE, when in fact you are in for a pound if you are in for a penny.
You ALWAYS clear any gun handed to you YOURSELF, or you make the person handing it to you clear it while you watch, if you aren’t familiar with how to clear that particular weapon. Period.
Baldwin is guilty of, at minimum, negligent homicide.
So Baldwin committed First Degree Murder in front of a great cloud of witnesses but since it was on the set of a movie that had legitimate use of guns in the storyline he gets off with an involuntary manslaughter charge (conviction not guaranteed)?
Wow. This is getting brutal for Australians:
Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for breaking Covid rules have their homes seized, bank accounts raided and licences cancelled as government chases $5.2million
The brutality will continue until cooperation is achieved.
We need to nip it before we turn into Australia brutality Maoism.
The beatings will continue until morale improves 😡
None of them hardly even talk about the virus itself anymore, only the vax. It was never about the virus and they’re only a few steps ahead of other countries, us included if something doesn’t blow pretty soon
Very Chinese of them, also Stalinist and fascist. It is always the same playbook.
The October issue of Linux Pro Magazine (the one with Linux from Scratch on the cover), has a little banner about using GalliumOS to load Linux on expired Chromebooks. Gallium seems to be Xubuntu with Chromebook hardware extensions.
Being that http://www.woot.com has a ton of Chromebooks under $100, this may be interesting. I’d do it first and tell you how fun it was (….”after climbing underneath the Chromebook into the footwell of my desk…..”), but I’m a mite busy at the moment and will likely be so until I have my CPE done.
It was always part of the Chromebook project that Google would drop the hardware like a hot rock on a date certain. You get warnings, you get countdowns, you get beeps…..and, finally, you get, “Son, you’re on your own….”
Being that Chromebooks run the Linux-based Chrome OS, it stands to reason that “expired” Chromebooks should be easily convertible into Linux machines. Now that we have a large generation of these machines becoming available, it seems like it would be a good thing to practice doing.
History of guns spelling Trump photo – https://www.thatsnonsense.com/did-el-paso-shooter-upload-photo-of-guns-spelling-trump-fact-check/
First appeared Imgur January 2017 by anonymous poster
This is a test to see if either (a) I am not allowed to comment, or (b) I am not allowed to see comments.
👁 👀 test successful
… 😎👍 ..
What’s all this. Says it help the un-vaccinated, but should be tested on the vaccinated. There’s always a chance that a bunch of people full of happy pills will be easier to manipulate.
The main thing that annoys me is why is there this phony search for off label drugs when the known and obvious one, Ivermectin, is not even discussed.
At one point, I lived in Santa Clarita, and almost got a summer job at Happy Hump.
I had a woman who worked for me in Silicon Valley, and she and her husband got season passes to Great America to do after-work walks.
I put that telling image AND some associated links in a Gab here:
Ya’acov Apelbaum exposed many Ukrainian connections in his epic work here, still well worth digging into for multiple reasons!

23,000 Votes Came From One Address In Wisconsin.
All With The Same Phone Number!
Mike Lindell says this is obvious evidence of computer-generated fraud. 23,000 people didn’t all fraudulently pick an address and use it to vote. This was manufactured by someone and implemented on a nationwide scale *as needed*.
Great reminder that we are watching a movie along with other good stuff, DP.
I am going with this from Dr. Charles Stanley to begin anew today as everyday…
From Galatians 2:20:
What is the goal of the Christian life? Romans 8:29 expresses it this way: “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” (emphasis added). This is called sanctification, and it has several stages.
First comes salvation—our redemption from sinfulness through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. What results is forgiveness of sin, which lets us have a relationship with God.
Next, God gives us opportunity to serve. We were created to do good works in Jesus’ name (Eph. 2:10).
Then comes frustrated inadequacy. This is a necessary part of the journey and can last varying amounts of time. Though difficult, this phase is beautiful because it leads us into total dependence on Jesus, which is the best part of our spiritual life. And it is what brings us closer to our ultimate goal: becoming a reflection of Christ.
Sadly, many Christians don’t reach a point of complete reliance on the Lord. The apostle Paul reminds us to fix our eyes on the goal of maturity in Christ (Phil. 3:14). Learning to die to self is painful, but ironically, it’s the only true way to life.
Those pesky stages. Have experienced them all and am continuously going through them depending on the subject matter. The Lord has a lot of work to do to rebuild me. 😂 However, I do know this; what I once was and thought I knew is no longer. Jesus changed me. I now hear His words in my heart and my soul cries out in gratitude for His love and peace. When I get too full of myself I am reminded by the Holy Spirit of the Cross, the ultimate price paid for the reclamation project of all mankind – which includes me personally and all so very painfully. I am reminded that the Father wants me to be more like Him, “…to be conformed to the image of His Son.”
Wow. Just wow. Now, I get to do that today to the best of my ability. This AM I am taking my wife to her orthopedic surgeon to check the progress of her knee since her injury back in May. We will give our praise and thanks no matter the result, although we expect to hear Good News . My wife was a rock star in therapy and I am her biggest cheerleader. Blessed.
Have a great day, folks. Go make somebody else’s day special.
Beautiful explication of the process of sanctification.
God bless, and may your wife’s knee continue to heal until the healing is complete.
Thank you, Grandma! Posting the result below under Valerie.
Thanks for sharing this TB and your personal reflections. Please let us know about the report on your wife. God Bless You Both!!!
Reporting back. Thanks for caring, Valerie. We give the Lord praise. Her surgeon told her that he was proud of her efforts in therapy and that the 4 x-rays showed good bone healing and strengthening. The graft area has dipped a bit post-surgery in the damaged tibia socket, which he expected, and is still much better than pre-surgery. The bone can now sustain a replacement should it ever be needed. She was told to just use good sense about not overdoing and to rest it as she should. He released her and told her to simply call him if she experienced any discomfort beyond what she could handle and he would inject a steroid.
So, after a celebratory breakfast at Cracker Barrel, we came home and she started doing therapy exercises. smh. I handled the rest part for her by taking a nap. 😂
Darn, I wrote you a nice reply at the library that was blocking Q-Tree access so I guess it was eaten by cyberspace.
I’ll get back w/ you later as I have to crunch healthcare data tonight for paperwork due tomorrow. Blessings!
Things don’t seem to be going very well for the man occupying the oval office.
Biden delays Pope trip for crisis talks with Democrats at 9am today to convince progressives to vote for infrastructure bill as The Squad threatens to kill it after he dropped family leave and billionaires’ tax to appease Manchin and Sinema
Oh joy! Demons having a cage match with other demons.
Fauci and his wife to receive award from Catholic charity for ‘significant contributions’ to the church
Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Christine Grady will receive the Saint Katherine Drexel Award from the Support Our Aging Religious organization on November 5.
Church lost its way just as Fauci did.
up next on the world stage…
The Great Narrative Initiative
November 10 – 13, 2021
Dubai, UAE
Propaganda : WEF Launches “Great Narrative Initiative”
article link…
Klaus Schwab , mentored by Trilateral Commission member Henry Kissinger since 1970, has already dropped The Great Reset on the world. Now he has partnered with the UAE to create The Great Narrative to craft unified propaganda to sell to the world.
👉 an authoritative storyline to sell The Great Reset to global societies and economies.
👉 The Great NARRATIVE Inititative
according to French philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard, “grand narrative” functions to legitimize power, authority and social customs.
👉 authoritarians use great narratives to legitimize their power.
more about this, at the link, with additional source reference.
A Timeline of The Great Reset Agenda : From Foundation To Event 201 and The Pandemic of 2020
article link…
Nov 2020
good info there..
year by year + a couple of videos…WEF, Gates, Clade X Pandemic exercise…
and finally this…
please pay attention
UN’s Guterres Proposes A 2023 Summit of the Future In “Our Common Agenda” Report
article link..
👉 they want a new social contract “complemented” by a new global deal.
“…to enhance the governance of the global commons and global public goods.”
👉 “…the broad-based green recovery from the pandemic.“
climate change + pandemic, all in one !
ok so far ?
and…also take note of the the year…2023.
seems they are ramping things up a tad sooner than the previous 2030 ?
it’s almost like they know something really huge is going to occur that could kinda impede their godless global governance.
gotta move f-a-s-t
These globocommie TOADS.
The leviathan was forced to surface.
It is only a matter of time before the Sword of the Spirit slays it.
the queen of snarky… Red Jen Psucki…
Infrastructure and Reconciliation Bills Upended (Again) By Dems In Disarray
article link..
President Ronald Reagan tells a joke about buying a car in The Soviet Union…
part joke
part documentary
this is Zachary Wilmore…first boy ? wait…

👉 Rock Bridge High School’s first MALE HOMECOMING QUEEN.
s/he’s also a cheerleader !
article link…
🦄 Columbia, Missouri 🦄
Well, wasn’t it a BOY wearing a SKIRT and says he’s a GIRL who RAPED a real girl in a school bathroom in Virginia, then HE was transferred to another school where he raped ANOTHER girl in the bathroom, and the local school board covered it all up?
Boy, was I wrong. A couple days ago I posted a link to an article by this J6 inmate. I was 100% certain his groveling was futile, and boy was I wrong. What they judge has done here is to prove beyond any doubt (not that we needed proof) that J6 is about persecuting Trump supporters for being Trump supporters and that alone:
The inmate became garbage to gain freedom. And he is free, and he is garbage. People will do anything to be free, including debase themselves.
He gave lip service to it, anyway.
“Boy, was I wrong.”
Yea. Did not read the details at this link, or the one a few days back.
Why bad mouth this guy.
Why not beat on shit head politicians?
Guessing some are gleeful over RINO WARRIORS like Lee, Cornyn, Grassley, Cotton, Cruz beating on POS Garland. Yes, they rightfully BEAT on POS Garland over his moronic ORDERING the Gestapo FBI to Target Moms and Dads challenging school boards.
ChallengingDEMANDING J6 Political Prisoners be released from solitary? J6 cases moved along.FACT IS, J6 defendants HAVE BEEN LEFT HUNG OUT TO ROT.
Maybe, the J6 Political Prisoner, you have trashed, is simply gaming to FIGHT ANOTHER DAY. I sincerely DOUBT he has been pacified for life.
I won’t judge this guy. He SURVIVED NINE MONTHS IN A SHIT HOLE. I admire that he had the stamina to last this long.
OK. TRASH ME. You can have the LAST word on this. I have had my say. Won’t engage in endless back and forth on this.
TY for giving me the last word. Read piper567’s link posted somewhere below.
I agree with you, 100%, and I am fully prepared to defend that position.
The country club set continues to wake up:
October 28, 2021
The Trump effect is gathering steamBy Mark C. Ross
More here.
John Wick … bang bang bang …
‘This character came out of retirement when the bad guys shot his dog … hmmmm 🤔?
🔽 🔽 🔽 comment on the clip posted below:
It hilarious watching how Valentine was willing to sacrifice billions except for the few he thought were actually important, only to have all the people he thought were worth saving get destroyed.
… ☑️ ..
“VIDEO: Journalist Reads Filthy Porn Book from School’s Library at FL School Board Meeting – Board Members Call Police to Have Him Forcefully Removed for Reading Obscene Content Aloud”
Some board hag said she didn’t know about it, could be that pretend not to know thing coming into play. She also tells another lady she cannout shout out in the meeting, but she had the guy on the microphone who could speak thrown out.
Jack did a short tweet about this yesterday and seemed more of a joke than real. Here he is double downing on his claim that Jill Biden is trying to apply the 25th Amendment to her.
War room discusses.
Warrant Issued for Former Clinton Global Initiative Co-Chair Steve Bachar on Charges of Securities Fraud and Felony TheftBy Cristina Laila
Published October 27, 2021 at 1:36pm
Well, one can posit that a different type of “process server” may also be on the lookout for Mr. Bachar….
piper567 posted this yesterday in the context of the discussion about what we can do under the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Highly recommend for a practical, realistic and inspirational answer to that question:
And this thought occurs to me. The man/child J6 inmate who turned into state propaganda to gain his freedom (mentioned above and a couple days ago) is a perfect example of what piper567’s link is talking about. This inmate betrayed every single other inmate first, and all patriots second, by slavishly promoting their lies.
I said a couple days ago, he had forfeited his dignity, and I stand by that. Whether he was sincere in his groveling or just mouthing words makes no difference. For the rest of his entire life he will be seen for what he is.
So the link is what was referred to as Piper post. Y A W N.
I missed the part where, “This inmate betrayed every single other inmate first, and all patriots second, by slavishly promoting their lies.”
^^^ Certainly your opinion. Likely others. Perhaps many, others. But, do share a LINK to how we KNOW this is a FACT.
Wonder IF any, most or all of the J6 Political Prisoners feel betrayed.
I, for One, do NOT feel betrayed by this J6 inmate. AND, I do believe that I am a Patriot. Feel free to discount me to man/child.
I said piper’s “link,” not piper’s post. I did not refer you to my post, I referred you to piper’s link within a post. If you wanted, I was inviting you to click on the link, read the article, and assess your position in light of what was expressed in the link.
I presume you did not read the link. You really should. It puts a lot of things in proper perspective.
There was a discussion yesterday about what any one of us can do in the face of what is happening. piper’s link gives a perfect answer: live within the truth.
Living within the truth requires different things from different people at different times, and we count on each other to do what must be done, short of putting rats in a cage and affixing it to a person’s face. To do otherwise is a betrayal of us all.
True, that is just my opinion. You have a different opinion.
Please have the last word. I will be honorable and not go back on my promise to you.
I get where both of you are coming from. By seeing all sides of this, the winning strategy emerges!!!
Both sides make sense and most importantly they our sides WE take on our own assessment.
We have to accept that EVERY PATRIOT will stumble – EVERY patriot will backslide – we will ALL be Robert The Bruce – that was part of the lesson of Braveheart. FEW are William Wallace. MOST are Robert the Bruce.
We DO betray others when we stumble – mistakenly or intentionally – but we REJECT THE REGIME when we FORGIVE EACH OTHER.
This is very important. We REJECT their game when we FORGIVE each other but remain INSISTENT on our PATRIOTIC DUTY.
And where does this come from? From our religion, and the ideas of forgiveness and atonement.
From the Confiteor:
“I confess to Almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, my fault, my most grievous fault.”
There’s another paragraph.
Should be said every Sunday, but most priests just do the Kyrie.
Logic is logic. A = A. Verdict first, judgment second.
Betrayal is betrayal, regardless of the mitigating circumstances.
And forgiveness is forgiveness, regardless of the betrayal. That is where the mitigating circumstances are considered, along with compassion and prudence, and along with the way in which forgiveness is given.
Failure to separate distinct issues often leads to unnecessary attacks, which for some reason veer into demeaning and pointless anger.
“live within the truth”
Live within the truth, exactly.
And when we don’t, ADMIT IT – which makes us live within the truth AGAIN.
Where did we hear these answers? COUGH, COUGH, COUGH. Yeah, that guy!
That LINK contains the TRANSCRIPT of the video. Either the video or the transcript will do – they are both EXCELLENT.
Here is the video:
The point conforms with ALL our winning strategies. In particular, cutting the cable and encouraging others to do so is KEY.
Not accepting ANY of their LIES is key. We are doing that, even at the scientific level.
This is EXCELLENT, and confirms that we are up against SOVIETISM.
I read the transcript and was awed. It is all there.
Kinda hoped they’d bring beagles into this, but its good anyway.
I’ve heard this. And, yes, it is an issue when the kids are here.
Still trying to figure out the mystery of the disappearing socks first.
On the positive side, Grand Sons are content, even prefer mis-match socks.
Sock problem solved. 🙂 Back to shoes.
My daughter was known for it in grade school. Lemons into lemonade 🙂
Lol. Well its fun to mix it up sometimes.
It’s like there’s a sock monster that eats them.
Mine has a favorite red sock with beagles on it that has disappeared. If i have to i can order another pair .
Isn’t there a “former” eco terrorist being considered ( maybe conformed) to some appointment in govt ?
Yes. I think she already got the job. That’s why I see this as by our own “government” of leftist maniacs.
This is somebody on the “other side”, but the number of targets ranges from ChiComs to Soviets (ours or “theirs”) to greeniacs, to unionoids to general communists.
Would FIB plant bombs for the Bidenoids, using the cover of their own informants?
Creative. What a mess. I love it.
That’s the first warning.
Wonder what this is all about.
Vatican abruptly cancels live broadcast of Biden meeting Pope FrancisAlex Gangitano 25 mins ago
Jorge is not feeling well, I think.
DP, I would guess POTUS is holding one of Eric’s beagles. They have 2 or 3.
I might guess that RealPOTUS knew of Fauzi’s past with pups and was trolling with one of his famous “wait until the truth comes out” moments.
That’s kind of the consensus.
Sure is possible.
A curious development in 2015 related to Sussmann indictment and Alfa Bank saga – The Optimistic Conservative (wordpress.com)
DP love your posts and they are spot on. 🙂
Yes! Today is Another Epic Daily!!! DP Rocks 🙂
I applaud EVERYONE AND EVERY BUSINESS THAT leaves CA. F’m. CA, that is.
I guess dad has kids to spare.
These people are MONSTERS.
Biden is EVIL. Obama is EVIL.

At 2:13 on the Centerfield video IF that is Ty Cobb it could be my grandpa there too. According to my dad his dad used to tell stories about how Ty Cobb would leave the fence gate open at Tiger Stadium (boy do I miss that place rather than current Comerica Park) so the local boys could come in AND watch practices (& maybe games).
Even when we were growing up in the 60’s & 70’s kids would buy cheap tickets to sit in the bleachers w/ their gloves on. Tiger Stadium had one of the shortest distances to hit one out AND all baseball savvy kids of the era took advantage of that hope of catching one of those Home Run Balls!
Parenting my parents just might kill me.
Okay, new issue. The thermostat has been on that wall since 1992. When it’s on automatic, it turns on, and then off before the cycle runs, even before the gas elements light all the way. I’ve been limping us along turning it on on every other hour or so for a cycle, but that isn’t going to work for the winter. I’ve changed the batteries, cleaned out the dust, and all, and it’s still doing this.
Any ideas?
The old man’s skinflint mother’s genes have surfaced (I mean, one of her sisters in law said that she could squeeze a nickel ’til the buffalo $#!+) and he is resisting with all his might calling a pro in to fix it even if doing just that after he f—ed things up has cost my parents over the years. He’s no longer ALLOWED to do plumbing. I REALLY don’t want him touching the electrical stuff. I mean, Mom had the fuse box replaced with a panel while he was out of town. Same thing with refinishing the hardwood floors, AND ripping out and replacing a bathroom. Not that he had a problem in the end with what she did, but his request in spending home improvement money was thermal windows so he didn’t have to glaze them anymore. Well, and new concrete. And he bugged the crap out of the concrete guys.
Anyway, the man thinks he’s going to be able to replace the thermostat himself. Help me. PLEASE.
I have one in my family like that. There are no words. Hoping you get good responses.
I just want it fixed without burning the house down.
Heh heh … if I could only tell you about my diy guy … 😑 .. 😞
The thermostat is all low-voltage signalling, like a doorbell or a garage-door opener button. You’re more likely to burn the house down if it keeps poofing gas into the heat section without igniting it.
I might be able to do this without breaking a nail, then. One broke this morning while I was loading the wash machine.
Thermostats are not that bad. I replaced ours when we moved into the house and I didn’t even have to wedge myself into an uncomfortable position.
Ritetemp 6035 from Home Depot. Need small screwdriver and possibly a drill with 3/16″ bit for wall mounting. Pull old thermostat apart, find wires and disconnect, remove old thermostat. Analyse wires — you only need 4 — there’s a chart in the installation guide. Set jumpers (covered in installation guide).
There’s five wires, actually, and I hope it doesn’t come to that.
The fifth wire is optional — it provides 5V power to run the thermostat (which uses batteries, instead).
Oops, 24V.
Here’s a short post with a video (and I’m NOT implying anyone is a dummy, except the dummycrats). The fellow seems pretty helpful, and is open to calls and questions via his website, too:
Main thing is matching your thermostat with whatever is out there (depends on how old it is, etc.). Over here things are pretty much standardized (DIN and EC codes), not sure if the same is true in the US. He has a pretty basic way of testing whether the thermostat is really working or not.
They are also locking covers for thermostats 🙂 [OK, just kidding]…
One thing with the color codes is sometimes whoever installed whatever had their own idea, and the source matches the destination, but didn’t use the correct colors (bought a different cable or something). I’ve seen that a lot in low-voltage control systems, e.g. house phones/intercoms. Always good to have a little voltmeter at hand just to check the voltage on the leads, and to see if a “dead” circuit is really dead…. or cold…
Isn’t someone here an HVAC person (rayzor?)… Probably they would have a lot of good advice…
This may sound crazy, but you may have a company that services your furnace and A/C equipment yearly or at some time schedule. They come out and clean, inspect and make certain that everything operates properly. They would be happy to replace the thermostat as well. They probably wouldn’t even charge much beyond the normal service charge.
We have that, and if we had been thinking about it, it could have been done while my parents were out of town, but it just didn’t happen.
Give them a call, they may send someone back and do it for free, since they didn’t find the problem while they were there.
I don’t have any actual answers directly. However after being in our house for 2 decades the AC portion of heating & cooling finally failed. We have a friend in the industry so we consulted him & chose a local company that had a good reputation and the prices were reasonable according to our friend (he couldn’t beat them).
We got new furnace & AC AND that meant a new thermostat. We chose a package deal that included a water heater AND a humidifier (crucial improvement). They had service calls included for a year AND showed us how to do the filters AND tips to extend their longevity & save some money in a couple different ways.
The one time they came out the tube that runs condensation (distilled water?) to the laundry tub was clogged with mold, iirc. He showed us how to flush it & what to do to keep it from happening again. The problem had triggered an auto shut down which unfortunately caused the digital display on the thermostat to go dark so we were pretty clueless on the problem (my husband is a very skilled in most arenas handy man)…
Although all of this cost more than I wanted to pay (I’m the skinflint around here) we were able to take advantage of their 0% financing plan AND pay it off without interest in the 12 or 18 months that the terms offered. So it didn’t cost us more than the advertised deal.
I wish we’d gotten the humidifier years ago. Every winter I used to get cracked and bleeding hands due to the low humidity. Now we can set the house’s humidity in a desired range & have straight heating or straight cooling or set temps where heating OR cooling kick in depending on interior temps.
We probably have options that can allow for different settings at different times of day &/or night but haven’t played with them because someone is almost always home AND awake…
Go to youtube and type in repair thermostat and examine the video’s (there will likely be many) for ones that seem to relate to your problem. Also use the name of your thermostat in the search. Don’t be surprised if the problem is not with the thermostat though. Could be the heating or A/C, but 95 times out of hundred you can find a vid that will step you through your problem.
Dad’s been doing that. Very frightening.
Okay, I’m laughing now. 🙂
Still, take a look around. You might need to supervise dad.
So far, I’ve fixed what he’s messed up on this one. I’d call my electrical engineer brother to help, but he lives in Florida.
Good Idea. Dads are notorious for just glancing at the directions and then plunging ahead on their own. In this case that means only watching the few minutes of the vid.
Ahhh. Directions are for amateurs…. MOAR POWER 😆
(To quote Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor)…
My favorite station is RTFM 🙂 Which I do before I fire (or build) anything up. Even if it’s in Engrish…
[Saw a car with “RTFM” as the license plate in the parking lot. Went into the office and said, “wow, there’s an old wreck of a car with the funniest license plate ‘RTFM’ in the parking lot”.
One of the application expert engineers said “Hey, Cuppa, that’s MY car”… We all laughed, but I wanted to crawl under a desk and hide for a while…]….
It sounds to me like your thermostat is detecting HEAT from the cycle too fast, long before the house has actually warmed up.
My wife can actually mess up both heating and cooling by “hovering” around our very sensitive thermostat, heating it up.
If it’s heating, she “shuts it off” by “hovering”, and wondering why it’s not working, as her breath and body heat raise the temperature (literally – I can SEE IT on the dial) to turn off the heating.
If it’s cooling, and it’s “too cool”, she keeps it cooling by “hovering” and heating the thermostat.
The solution is to make the thermostat impervious to drafts, and less influenced by radiant heating, but still visible. You can hang some thick clear plastic over it, loosely from the wall above, which makes the cycle longer, and less influenced by observation. The heater will have to work harder to change the thermostat.
My cheap fix is to scare the wife away from the thermostat, and to “substitute” for her by volunteering to do the monitoring, which magically cures the problem by my being very careful when I observe the dials to stand away, not breathe on the unit, and to shine a cold LED light on the dial, so I can watch it from 3 feet away.
This thing is almost thirty years old. What it is doing I found on a list that says this is one of the signs it would need to be replaced.
The darn thing is in the warmest room in the house if the oven is not on, and not in line with either the front door or the back. It probably just is on the verge of dying.
Yeah, that is not an optimal location, IMO. Hallways are annoying in some ways, but excellent in others, and one of the latter is that hallway thermostats don’t get fooled by odd room characteristics.
There’s not a hallway on the first floor. The other best option is in the dining room.
I’m assuming that your thermostat is the old fashioned round type? If it is, the problem could be the heat adjuster setting, which can be adjusted.
Find out what the make and model of your thermostat is. You may have to pull off the cover (should be easy) to get the model number. Do a search and see if you can find info on it. Also, there there may be a glass bubble switch in the thermostat. If the thermostat is not installed correctly, and is out of level, that will affect the glass bubble switch from functioning properly. There should be lines on the back housing plate to guide you in leveling it. (going on memory on that last line)
Here is some good info on a Honeywell thermostat that should give you a good idea of what you might be dealing with on your particular make and model:
Plan B:
It isn’t all that hard to install a new digital thermostat by someone in your family. Most of them have good instructions without having to go the YouTube route. For troubleshooting tips, do a search of your make and model with the help groups.
69-0690 – Chronotherm III (honeywell.com)
The manual
Wiring diagrams-pictures
Honeywell Chronotherm Iii T8602c Wiring Diagram (schematron.org)
The trouble shooting guide on page 45 of the manual would be the first place to look.
Personally, my choice would be to buy a new one and install it. If the older Honeywell thermostat (30 years?) has a circuit board, tiny cracks can develop in the solder joints that can affect operation. I had that happen on an older (1995) vehicle that I owned. A complicated business to solve.
It got better, lower vid if two show up. Tossing trash onto DeBlasio’s lawn.
What’s the significance of that Red Castle flag? Wasn’t there something on the Q drops about that?
Army Corps of Engineers, I think.
I wish.
POSO GETS IT. This is cultural. Trump stood up for the Black side of town – IN REALITY. Biden? FJB. People get it. Malcolm X, totally right.
Well, why aren’t they burning shit down, then? I mean, they can do that with impunity. Get crackin’!
Wisconsin sheriff to take action on ‘state-wide election fraud violations’: TUNE IN
They are making this sound pretty huge on Patriot Soapbox. I have to listen a little longer to get some details.
It can be done but it is often done sacrificially. Higher paying more powerful jobs can require the sacrifice of time in expected excess hours worked & distances to such types of employment. Closer to home can be less money so you can have more family time, in theory. Our kids grew up on resale clothes except for gifts from their grandparents. Ubiquitous hand-me-downs from sibs &/or cousins almost every vacation to family properties & mostly surviving on freebies, like library programs.
All four of our kids turned out pretty well, but there were many challenges. They also were shaped by the significant crucible of special needs in our family. That cross beat me down enough as a stay-at-home mom that they all learned many skills of self-sufficiency, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. because I was too exhausted AND overwhelmed to take care of many basic things. My kids are incredibly gracious AND forgiving & they each learned to step up to the plate when needed.
But it was Never Easy!
It sounds like your kids were quite blessed in learning on how to take care of themselves and help others and know when to do so….which also taught them to accept help from others and ask for assistance when needed. There are an awful (and I mean AWFUL!) lot of people wandering around today who can’t fathom this.
I really didn’t “get” laundry until I had my own (not coin-op) washer and dryer. A classic example of this was this pair of white jeans — almost painter’s pants — that I liked. They were comfy, easy to wear, and looked reasonably stylin’. It was very upsetting when injured my hand and bled all over them.
I didn’t have a lot of spare clothing, so I thought I’d recover this pair. I called everyone I knew for suggestions. Cold water rinse, pack with salt, hydrogen peroxide, presoak in bleach, scrub with half a lemon, spread laundry detergent over it while wet and sit for an hour….I got a lot of suggestions and did a bunch of them. Then I let the washing machine do its thing.
My heart leapt when I pulled it out of my parents’ washing machine and found that the bloodstains were gone. “Yay for the good guys!” I put it into the dryer and went off to wait for it to dry.
But when I got back to the dryer and opened the door, it was full of white fluff. Nothing that looked like a garment at all, just fluff. I ran my fingers through and got a few solid pieces — the largest was the zipper. There was a little thing that was the corner of a pocket, and another thing had the waist button. But there was lots and lots of fluff.
I eventually had to scoop it all out into a bag and throw it away. It’s been about 40 years, and I seldom wear white.
AND now you know why not many menstruating women wear white bottoms! Learning that lesson the Very Hard way that you did has surely seared it into your memory. 🙂
I had no clue about laundry growing up so when about to leave for college 1000 miles away from home my mom was frantically writing me cliff notes of laundry basics. I literally used to pull those notes out for reference for several months afterward.
One bonus of what ended up being my parenting style was that it was pretty rare for my kids to grill me about where their sports uniforms were nor complain if they weren’t clean. That stuff was on them!
Those sex-stereotype tasks from years back are pretty much out the window now, imo. All kids should know the basics of cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, auto maintenance (tires, fluids, etc.), minor home repair, basic yard work, oh AND money management. That way they can all be assets to their future spouses AND very self-sufficient.
Both my husband & I had lived on our own before marriage. Our oldest son bought his house about a half year before the wedding. His fiancée was in on the purchase decision & his future in-laws were involved in some of the chosen improvements. Our daughter lived with us until her marriage. She & her husband live w/ her widowed father-in-law, for a season while her husband finishes his degree. She is providing the woman’s touch to that household, which is likely a huge blessing to her hubby AND his dad. Her cooking skills alone have made a Big Difference in their lives!
We keep hearing this, over and over. For years now. And I am guilty of saying it, too.
However, watching a movie is a passive act and does not require audience participation.
Reread that FACT in the previous sentence.
Now, in light of that undeniable and inarguable fact….and given that it stands in direct opposition to what is needed at the local and state levels….
….this little quip should be permanently BANNED from use here at Qtree.
That all said, I am guilty of this and vow to never use it again.
Please and thanks.
Hmmm. This might conflict with the idea we’re trying to save called “free speech”.
I might really have to think about this!
Maybe not.
All that said, what about the Rocky Horror Picture Show – one of the most excellent works of cultural Marxism ever perpetrated on this nation, in which an evangelical leftoid transvestite drag queen (yes, enjoying the redundancies) is made a “savior” of a straight couple?
Yes, that certainly worked for the other side.
In that case, audience participation was encouraged!
Thus, in our FIGHT BACK, let us now state……
…..which, we might note, is a concept APPROVED BY SHAKESPEARE.
And quite a bit of fun. Are we having fun yet? THAT is a great metric of what we should be doing.
No, we’re not having fun at the moment just waiting for the next plot twist or where to show up for audience participation.
There is a thing called “the willing suspension of disbelief.”
It requires the audience to make a decision. I would say that we are being asked to do that a lot. 😁
I think that, rather than waiting, the audience is coming up with its own scripts now. That is the essence of representative government. And it is glorious to see.
Actually when I become discouraged, and can’t believe what I see taking place in our GREAT Country, I constantly reminde myself that this is a glorious time to be alive. To live and see history being “played” out before my eye’s is something I don’t want to miss. Is it painful at times? Sure and probably going to get worse, but I know where I will be in the end God willing. These evil (insert your favorite swear word) don’t have a clue what lies ahead for them…….. gnashing of teeth and all.
So yeah I like your take on this.
PS to above, I actually feel sorry for the sheep who are still clueless and miss it. The ones who refuse to see it and choose to put their head in the sand not so much. Going to be lots of people who are like OMG I never saw that coming!
Every now and then I am struck by this. We are witnesses to, and players in, major historical events.
I am watching a movie. As each scene of the movie is presented, I am free to take whatever action I want. I will continue to watch the movie so I know what is going on and can make informed decisions.
Same for Merkel. Think movie.
See prev pic.
Everything shown has meaning. You are watching a ‘scripted’ movie. Q
Sometimes a good ‘movie’ can provide a lot of truth and/or background.
‘Official Secrets.’
Relevant today?
Enjoy the show! Q
Q used references to movies in multiple ways. Sometimes to say we’re watching one. Sometimes he used a movie scene to make a point or encourage us or inform us. I think there is much more to his references to movies than for us to just sit and watch. In fact, I think that was not even on his radar.
The whole “Sundance contra Q” thing arose from his thinking Q just encouraged people to do nothing. In the end, it became quite evident that Q did ENORMOUS amounts of red-pilling. And THAT conforms with the Solzhenitsyn idea that we have to REJECT THE LIE – first by knowing WHAT IS A LIE.
Yes, it’s all about truth, and we have learned massive amounts from Q, including the idea of watching and critically evaluating through the lens of new perspectives and knowledge. Q wisely did not tell us what to do except to watch and learn. He knew that the insight we gained would compel us to act.
Well put.
>>”his thinking [that] [ ] just encouraged people to do nothing”<<
His ***obeying***?
The anons have been ALL over this, – backwards and forwards, up and down, inside and out. SD would have been checked BUT GOOD if he’d ever posted this tripe on the Anons’ boards.
It’s a CROCK.
“Autists” don’t give AF – pure patriots. Nothing left to lose, and so, going up against every Intel, from any and all sources … and they’ve been WINNING continuously.
They see every slide, and foil every subversion.
We’re avoiding being BAITED (“bird-dogged”, a la the PV Creamer video), and instead we’re engaging in LAWFUL behavior to turn the tide.
What is the point of the meme “C-mon – do a terror!”?
To HOLD THE LINE. To do it OUR WAY. To NOT be “DRIVEN” by anyone else.
The “heavy lifting” is the job of the W&W.
OUR job is to do something small (light lifting / individual action), yet significant – all the more so when all these minuscule “somethings” add up, by broad participation, into something MASSIVELY effective.
In other words, to leverage the awesome power of UNITY.
… IMO, of course.
Memes matter! Just like Q said!
Here are a few quotes (from Gandalf) that are prescient, and apply just as much to this earth as to “Middle Earth”. In particular the one about the hands of the weak succeeding where the wise (or powerful) have failed…
“It is not our part here to take thought only for a season, or for a few lives of Men, or for a passing age of the world. We should seek a final end of this menace, even if we do not hope to make one.”
(The Fellowship Of The Ring)
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
(The Fellowship Of The Ring)
“In all the long wars with the Dark Tower treason has ever been our greatest foe.”
(The Two Towers)
“Yet also I should be sad,” said Théoden, for however the fortune of war shall go, may it not so end that much that was fair and wonderful shall pass for ever out of Middle-earth?”
“It may,” said Gandalf. “The evil of Sauron cannot be wholly cured, nor made as if it had not been. But to such days we are doomed. Let us now go on with the journey we have begun!”
(The Two Towers)
“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.”
(The Return of the King)
“Many are the strange chances of the world,” said Mithrandir, “and help oft shall come from the hands of the weak when the Wise falter.”(The Silmarillion)
This whole thing has taught me to look at every situation from a 360 degree viewpoint.
If I don’t have a 360 view, I do the best I can with the information I have.
The biases of some very smart people blinded them.
We are the news now, but by God, it’s hard. Doing the news RIGHT is HARD.
Full time job for real.
Well, yours truly is living a bad dream.
Family members have drifted apart over “vaccination.”
Worry over son, “fully vaccinated”, already had a nasty “breakthrough case”, is going to get the “booster shot”. Will he be around 5 years, 10 years from now, when one’s chronological age presents situations that will require help?
The audience not participating part was fair advice back then when everyone, to include the President and Q thought we had a Justice Department we could trust. To the surprise of all that turned out not to be the case, so yes, Participation is a must now. There may be legitimate ops happening in the shadows, but there is no way to judge there effectiveness while they hide there.
Several months ago I created an account at http://www.academia.edu in order to read a certain paper pertaining to some aspect of covid treatment. Since then, I regularly get emails with suggested reading of similar papers. This one came today, so I thought I would share some excerpts:
Curcumin blocks the cytokine-mediated immune response in the
The efficacy of Curcumin in controlling lung inflammation was reviewed in “Curcumin use
in pulmonary diseases” in 2017, with over 85 citations [Lellia et al 2017]. Peter Sordilo
Academia Letters, September 2021
“Curcumin Suppression of Cytokine Release and Cytokine Storm. A Potential Therapy
for Patients with Ebola and Other Severe Viral Infections” in 2015, reviewed Curcumin as
a therapeutic for the cytokine storm [Sordillo et al 2015]. Dr. Sordilo discussed the use of
Curcumin-based therapies for the treatment of COVID-19 in an ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial
(Peter Sordilo, pers. com.).
Together with community use, several clinical trials in India are testing turmeric as a treatment
for COVID-19 disease. A formulation containing curcumin, Vitamin C, and Zinc in
a randomized comparative clinical study, monitoring clinical indicators and inflammatory
markers including, Interleukin-6, D-dimer, Ferritin and C Reactive Protein, in COVID-19
positive patients, showed curcumin Tablets were well tolerated without any side effects in any
of the patients, with a significant improvement in disease prognosis (Dound et al 2021).
In early 2020 a critically ill patient was given oral turmeric and black seed oil for four
days (but not given Remdesivir, Tocilizumab or Dexamethasone) and showed resolution of
airspace disease throughout the lungs (Ali 2020), with full recovery.
What I find interesting, apart from the fact that turmeric (and black seed, which now even FLCCC is recommending as an ivermectin substitute for prevention) can be useful to combat covid, is that this information has been around for quite awhile. Hmmmm.
Thank you! I will have to look at these substances more closely!!!
Great! Was hoping you would! I would like to know your opinion.
It’s interesting, to me at least, that the main important component of black seed oil is thymoquinone. Seems it should be at least related to quinine. They both contain alkaloids compounds.
Juglone from black walnut husks (the staining part) may be anticancer, and it’s very similar to thymoquinone and lawsone (henna), as well as in features relevant to the probable mechanism.
I have a plethora of black walnut husks rotting out in the backyard. Maybe I should pick them up. Wonder how to process them. Probably drying?
Nice dry walnut husks, crushed and screened for size, can be used as a polishing medium — https://shinysmooth.com/walnut-shell-tumbling-media/ .
In addition, if it’s properly washed and dried (and hasn’t composted too much) and doesn’t stain, it’s great for stuffing pincushions in finer grades.
Soak them in water and it makes a GREAT stain. It will actually stain CONCRETE and ASPHALT. Walnut stain, just like the old days.
I made the mistake of picking them up and shocking them the first year we moved to Texas. My hands were stained for WEEKS.
Yup! Even if you do it fresh, the hydrojuglone (white water-soluble substance) will soak your skin and then turn brown as it oxidizes, dyeing your skin.
Calling Rachel Dolenz AND Kommie-lah!
Thujone is a component part of wormwood, which is also used as an anti-malarial around the world. It is also found in yarrow, which can by drunk as a tea.
These compounds are God-given treatments and cures that are generally being ignored in favor of Big-Pharma-produced poisons that make tons of money for drug companies, but do more harm than good, in my opinion.
I have heard of the black seed oil as fantastic for such things.
I suggest getting the capsules, as the straight oil is extremely pungent and bitter.
Thanks for the tip. I got the seed this time, as there is a dosage for that on the FLCCC website.
I bought some cold pressed seed oil, and honestly, I couldn’t manage. It burns the back of your throat and there is no way you can hide the taste. It makes cod liver oil seem tasty.
I used Cod liver oil it helps for not blood clots to form and thins the blood.
I am not sure about black seed oil. need to research this. I think it is more than one thing that helps to fight covid damage.
In German it’s Schwarzkümmel… traditional medicine has used it for thousands of years, and I think it’s used in Middle Eastern and Asian cooking (black caraway seeds, as it were)… From what I’ve read it cures a lot of things, including allergies…
Here’s one place here that has it (we buy a lot of stuff from them, including Q-10, which is VERY good)…
I have Q10 the liquid.
In Eastern Europe they make Kuemmel soup.
I made that before and it is good for digestion and bronchial problems.
I wonder if I can get it in a spice shop? I have Kuemmel and like it a lot.
Kefier is also good.
I started making kefir again since you mentioned it several days ago.
Can you used double Homogenized milk ?
I still had some Kefir therefore have not made any. I also have been very busy canning. Finally today first day not spending all day in the kitchen.
Sorry, I just saw your question. I have never seen double homogenized milk, so I don’t know if that would make a difference. But since you can even use milk alternatives-I have used coconut milk-I think it should work.
Thank you. I found some milk that is one time Homogenized. I try it when I get a chance tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you to use coconut milk is a good idea also…:)
The coconut milk takes a bit longer, at least at first. I think the kefir grains have to get used to the different “milk”.
Thank you 🙂
I found this might be of some interest. There are different ways to use black seed oil
I need to look further into this.
thank you for posting about black seed oil.
You’re welcome.
Somebody gets it.
Now WHY are “they” letting him do this? IMO, FOX MONEY wants us LICKING OUR WOUNDS, but not BITING THE LEFT. So they are content to make money on conservative eyeballs watching this (which is a good thing, IMO, but I get the other side’s acquiescence to it.)
I will be BITING THE LEFT, thank you.
But I appreciate what Tucker is doing, very much. MORE PEOPLE need to be where WE were months ago.
I hated the video.
Too slick.
All sound bytes, and it looks like everything that PROPAGANDISTS do.
It’s emotional content, designed to incite a (false) GUT response – it isn’t level-headed, deliberative content.
Fox is of the ENEMY.
LOOK for the lie – it’s there.
>>”I appreciate what Tucker is doing”<<
I don’t.
It’s a co-opting slide.
“He’s WITH US!” is the message.
IMO, he ISN’T.
Well, he is where I was months ago, but what he is doing NOW is spreading that message. That takes time, and a lot of work. He operates on enemy territory, but he spreads a message we need to filter into the normies – that the regime has created a monster lie about January Sixth.
I had to work very hard just to get that started – to find PROOF of what I KNEW from being there – to make just the “conspiracy theory” stick.
Darren Beattie (note that Tucker is heavily promoting him) took it to the next level. And now Tucker. That is the order of turning a small but powerful hidden TRUTH into a general recognition of the BIG LIE by the regime.
I’m not going to be a purist about Tucker. He used BIG SHOW techniques I can’t use on my blog! That’s OK!!! 😉
I getcha, Wolf. No worries.
I find it more and more plausible that we ARE, in fact, watching a movie (something scripted).
The question is, of course, WHO are the authors?
“We caught ’em ALL!”
The unabashed ABSURDITY of it all … seems to me to be SCRIPTED.
The over-arching idea is to get people to WAKE UP. What better way than to FORCE these “over-the-top” narratives, anathema to common sense?
Eyes on the prize.
Local school boards, county commissioners, town health departments, etc.
Individual action wins the day – when there are enough individuals doing so.
Perhaps FOX will ***cease to exist*** if they don’t comply with the re-awakening of Americans.
Little bites are more digestible, yes?
Serving crumbs, ’tis been said, fits this idea.
You needn’t be wrong – and I needn’t be wrong, either!”
“AND” logic, as you’ve well perceived / coined …
A lotta people watch Tucker … perhaps this is being leveraged intentionally, by the W&W.
I so agree here. So much of it is OVER THE TOP that it has to be scripted to some extent.
Part of me thinks ‘Was it always this absurd and I just didn’t notice because I was asleep?’
Me, too! The gaslighting is so extreme. Some days I think I must just not have been paying attention, and it was always this way.
Oh, that is where I’m at. EXACTLY. We were the audience and we WERE being PLAYED!!!
I just CRINGE when I watch them preparing us for the next Islamic terror that THEY are enabling or provoking.
Darren Beattie deserves a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of Jan. 6. I’m glad Tucker is promoting him.
THIS is good news. Tucker and Faux news assures a wide audience. Streaming on Fox Nation, so not broadcast at this point. IF it gets enough clicks, perhaps it’ll be broadcast.
No idea if Fox Nation is paid subscription or freebie. If its the latter, I’ll be able to watch.
Yes. How convenient.
I don’t believe it.
Yea. Creative, niche, statistics at best.
Note that they keep using different terms!
“Efficacy” has been one “password”.
Today’s NEW password is … (incidence)!
Like the 70’s / 80’s gameshow …
Likely more but still crooked as all get up. There using PCR tests on kids. Don’t forget Mass National Guard Being Deployed to test school Children for the China Virus story that popped up in the last 10 or so days. Although the numbers of National Guard in that story are a few hundred, it’s indicative of what is happening in that state using local and state resources and should be indicative of what’s happening in other Blue states or Red States where the health care structure is controlled by Dems.
We know the PCR test can be manipulated via the magnification levels used and it shouldn’t be too hard to imagine the Democrat apparatus is treating the PCR testing of children the same way they treat Dominion machines for a vote count by cheating where ever they can. They only need to fudge on a few numbers for the Media to bang the drum.
Yup. ALL of the statistics ARE horseshit.
Yep. Had a grandchild test positive with the only symptom being an earache. And frankly, allergies was probably the reason. We all get earaches when it gets windy and the pollen is blowing around.
The idiot clinic had everyone sitting in their cars and would not let anyone inside. All testing done for everything was outside!
This is Texas! The insanity just keeps on keeping on.
At least people openly talk about how stupid the medical establishment has become. They are openly mocked. It’s really only the elderly and liberals who wear masks now. I figure we will be seeing less of them after this winter, as I imagine many of them are also vaccinated. What a crime against humanity.
And, meanwhile, the Irish Times reports that Waterford City, Ireland, with a 99+% “vaccination” rate, now has the highest per capita COVID-19 infection rate in the country.
Holy Toledo!!!
From a commenter to GP:
2 interesting, subtle takeaways. . . (1) They’ve been investigating for 10 months. This along with what I heard Mike Lindell say yesterday suggests to me that other counties/states might also be investigating election fraud, but QUIETLY so they don’t get harassed/inhibited. (2) I’ve long thought that it’s highly unlikely that every single person in the fraud chain is strongly committed to the steal. I thought some might have been in on it but breakable, and others might have just been unwitting accomplices who might prefer their names NOT be attached with this scar on our history. He implied that people he interviewed gave the “I just did what I was told” excuse, which indicates to me that if pressure is applied, people will start breaking and naming names. LET’S GO!
Have been wonder what Mike Lindell is up to. Seems he has largely gone Low Key. Hope Mike NEVER gives up.
Just trying to stay under the radar IMO
People tend to underestimate Mike Lindell. From a few things he has said on Bannon’s War Room, I gather that he has been working on this with various states for months, and he went into high gear after his symposium. He won’t name states because he doesn’t want them to be harassed or interfered with.
Mike Lindell has come out with some more of the Election Fraud lawsuit, which is being prepared to be taken to the Supreme Court on November 23, based on Article 4 and Article 2 of the constitution.
The suite will ask for the following relief:
1. Declare all illegal changes to election laws, i.e., not approved by legislatures, illegal.
2. Declare the November 2020 election unreliable and therefore null and void.
3. Require a new election across the board, but election based on approved state election laws passed by state legislators.
4. Alternatively order the states to choose the President according to the 12th Amendment with one vote per state. (Down ballot races can however not be rectified with this approach)
See more on yesterdays Frank Speech: Lindell Report:
How The 2020 Election Violated the Second and Fourth Amendments of The U.S. Constitution | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
Excellent! Even if it does not go forward, SHAMING our SCOFFLAW SCOTUS is the right and proper thing to do, to help America to REJECT THE LIES.
IMO one of the things Trump is seeing is a dispirited public not willing to spend their money on political donations, and THAT predicts the vote as well. One cannot be enthusiastic when the vote can be STOLEN and THERE IS NO JUSTICE.
I bet the Chinanazis is affording these censorships done by bigtechs. They want to reach global power by anyway they can 😡
ChiNazi money is a SCOURGE on this nation!!!
Heard some of the Buck Sexton radio show today. Sexton wasn’t on. His show partner, Clay Travis, said Sexton is “pretty sick” but hopes to be back on-air tomorrow.
Just sayin’— Sexton is 39, no issues with health, and is “fully vaccinated.” One hopes it’s not a “breakthrough case.”
Lots of people with Covid, I think. If you hear of any friends or family who are suffering, offer your knowledge and aid if possible.
Will do a world of good.
Thank you, but been there, done that.
“Fully vaccinated” sister came down with a bad “breakthrough case.” Of course yours truly sent her good wishes and information on IVM, HCQ, D3, etc. The info was rejected and she told me she’s “following the science” and would be getting the “booster shot”. Took weeks for her to recover.
Son and DIL, both MD’s and both “fully vaccinated”, both got sick. Son’s case was nasty, lungs involved. Of course I sent information to him about IVM and HCQ. “These aren’t FDA approved to treat COVID”.
Yours truly keeps getting questions about “When will you get the vaccine?”. They all know that am following an IVM protocol under MD supervision from FLCCC.
Your help is still having an effect. Even if it is rejected, the time will come when you are proven right and it may still be in time to help them. In the end, you are doing your soul good. You are offering aid even in the face of ridicule/rejection. That is godly.
I am living some of what you are, too. It is difficult. Hugs.
“When will you get the vaccine?”
Easy answer for the MDs. May cause splody heads.
NOT getting the injections. I FOLLOW the science.
(Yea, I am a trouble maker. And, you rightfully try to keep the peace with the children.)
Exactly. Another question would be, “Whose science are you following?” and “What papers, research, experiments, and tests back that up?”
Finally, “How do you research a problem/diagnosis that does not follow the pattern of ‘established’ procedures? How do you debug that problem?”…
i.e. do they (or can they) do original research, or do they just “match and patch”….
So many people fall for “Argunentum al Populum” or “Argumentum ad Verecundiam” (appeal to authority). The white coats or the “highest degrees” or “the ‘consensus’ ” always are obeyed in sheeple fashion…
We’re an island of non-clot-shots in a sea of extended-family sheepland…
Whatever happened to healthy skepticism? Seems that the old “Question Authority” mantra of the left has up and gone – whenever THEIR authority is in question… Common Sense isn’t 🙁
My father used to say “sometimes you need a 2×4 to get a mule’s attention”… I’m just about out of 2x4s…
As the saying and the pun goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”, or, a pun proffered pithiliy by Dorothy Parker, “You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.”…..
Too many still trust the medical profession. They are all in on following doctors orders and the “standard of care”. Most will not research.
Best example. Type II diabetes. Completely reversible through diet. Loads of info on line and in books but most still follow doctors orders who push the ADA guidelines of eat what you want, don’t forget your insulin.
Might as well talk to a brick wall in most cases.
My husband reversed type 2 diabetics. He does watch what he eats . He slowly has ditched a lot of carbs but still eats a little. He is doing real well.
There was a doctor from the 1950’s who concluded that maybe 20% of us can eat carbs with no issues. That is the skinny person we all know who can eat anything they want and not gain a pound.
The rest of us just have to look at a donut and we gain a pound and our blood sugars go through the roof.
My husband is skinny and has been as long as I know him. He could eat anything and he did until he could not.
Now he eat like I do and I am not diabetic but have to watch what I eat .
I think there is a point where the hormones cannot keep up. Skinny fat is tough because they look healthy, or not fat, but still have crazy blood sugars.
I had a conversation with a doctor the other day. I still can’t wrap my head around it other than to say that pure evil resides in small town USA.
I’d love to hear you expound on this, perhaps on a “current” daily where it will get more viewing. I haven’t checked out today’s Pub Post so maybe you did share some there!
I haven’t shared more because I can hardly take it in even now. If I do, it will have to be some time in the future toward the end of the year.
My husband is also dealing with the same vaccine mandates that are threatening so many.
I will need clarity on that first.
After we lost, as in never went to court on the advice of the lawyer we had to pay $500 to just to get everything shot down, our last special ed battle, it took me a Long Time to come to place where I could talk or write about it very much.
Early in my coping stages I read an article on a blog geared toward special needs parents (always it was hard for me to read stuff in that domain because of so much unresolved baggage I carry/ied). That finally motivated me to write overtly about my experience in what I hoped would be somewhat of a cathartic mode.
I can’t say that Any of the stuff I’ve discussed is actually resolved. Sometimes time & distance AND not focusing in that direction too often helps me maintain some degree of equilibrium.
Hopefully you AND your husband will come to a place where those issues can be resolved, or at a minimum looked at somewhat dispassionately AND shared in ways that can help others.
I’m so sorry you guys are going through this!!!
I’m currently quite leery of dealing with almost any aspect of the medical establishment, so distrusting of them at large since the Covid tyranny seems to have caused many to absolutely check their brains, their hearts, AND their Hippocratic Oath at the door!
Dear Lord, please be with GMa & her husband as they endure trials and challenges and face important decision points. Grant them Your Wisdom as to how to proceed, each step of the way. Make a smooth path for their feet AND open doors of Your choosing before them. Give them the courage, grace, strength, AND favor to do what You would have them do. Keep them in Your Perfect Peace. In Jesus’ Name
POTUS 45 Statements
ICYMI: “Big Tech May Be Canceling More Than Just Your Voice”
Big Tech is bad news! Can this be legal?
GREAT! Now do St. Louis County. The city, too.
Very nice.
Well, alrighty then.
Was “Tinkerbell” the “health minister” there floating around 😀 ?
Money for everybody !!! Can reparations be far behind ??
“President” Biden can send yours truly at least $1 Million as reparations since my Irish grandmother worked in slave-labor conditions in a sweatshop in Ohio after she came to the U.S. on the boat in 1901.
And Grandma was in good physical health, could read and write in English, was trained as a seamstress, and spoke English as well as Irish Gaelic when she arrived at the Port of Philadelphia. Her brother, who came to the U.S. in 1898, was her sponsor. She fulfilled ALL of U.S. government requirements at the time of her arrival for her to stay in the U.S.
ALL of those requirements appear to have been scuttled by Biden’s “administration” for the illegal alien hordes flooding the country now.
My husband’s Irish granddad dug ditches and his wife cooked for a living. He could not read or write, but he was a great man and strong as an ox. He worked hard and never complained. And he spoke Gaelic as well as English. He lived to be 83 and could move a refrigerator by himself by putting it on his back until he was 80. Seems like the best of the Irish headed to our shores. May their descendents rise up and do them proud again.
Digging ditches and cooking for a living…honorable, hard-working people. We have grown soft, both physically and mentally.
Yes, on both counts. Hard times make strong men…I think we will have some strong men in the next generation.
If you’re lucky enough to have an Irish grandmother, then you’re lucky enough 🍀
Well said!
Yep! Irish grandmother and Welsh grandpop here… and a whole raft of Scots on the other side… (Little Ice Age rock farmers, methinks 🙂 good reason to emigrate…)….
Hell, I’ve got at least half a dozen ancestors who were indentured, and a few Native American ancestors, too. I’ll take the money, and a good-sized chunk of land in Eastern North Carolina!
My mother in law did also. She worked as a maid had to pay back her ship fair. She worked for $25 a month and only got an afternoon off twice a month. She barely got food when she got the left overs.
He must’ve been listening to Hunter playing his Dire Straits collection “Money for Nothin’ and your chicks for free”….
Now that ain’t workin’ that’s the way you do it
You play the puppet for the RED Chinese
That ain’t workin’ that’s the way you do it
Money for nothin’ and your chicks for free
Money for nothin’ and
yourchicks with dicks for free–fify 😉This is BEYOND troubling if you understand the DHS loophole (Project Veritas whistleblower) that is used to send gang-bangers and children for prostitution through the asylum racket. That means that each gang-banger who gets through gets half a million, and then they get half a million for each KID they claim.
This is SICK. It’s CRAZY. It’s EVIL.
And “the big guy” gets ten percent…
Ahhahahahaha!! OMG. This is just laughable.
Looks like Data and Meta…
Perpetual Beta…
(Now all they need is Greta….yuck)…
I swear that blue thing is a birthcontrol device.
Looking at Fuckerberg is birth control enough! Yuck!
LOL! I love you guys! I get my daily quota of belly laughs around here.
Love you back!
Word is, he lives in an exclusive condominimum…
LOLOLOL!!!!! Good one! Subtle.
It’s an optical hypnotic device is what it is! It’s Escheresque with two solutions. It forces the brain to focus on it to rationalize it as a 3-D object.
Now that is interesting. It immediately repulsed me. I don’t like things that look “off”.
YES. That’s why it’s an MK psychological thing. It BUGS the mind into resolution. They know that. And that’s exactly like them to FLAUNT things.
This kind of psych stuff it totally tied to MK, CIA, DARPA, dark side psychiatry and psychology, and most of all FACEBOOK.
I’m just bugged to reject anything that little puke is associated with. Spit.
*Publicity picture of Zuckerschmuck with new logo widget.*
Caption: If you have one of these….you may need one of those….
BTW, thank you for advice on computer. Grandpa took most of it. Should be receiving a Linux computer soon. Finally. It’s been bugging me for months. Want to get free of Microsoft.
When he gets it, no matter how much or how little advice he took, I’ll try to help you through any rough patches. Make it work!!!
Linux computers can be addictive, and because you can repurpose weird things as computers, it seems like you get a small stable of them fairly quickly.
As I advised with Robert Baker, I would advise that you TURN THE FIREWALL ON before PLUGGING THE INTERNET IN. It should be simpler with your computer because it’ll either be running Pop or Ubuntu — and both, IIRC, pre-install the firewall at the factory but don’t turn it on. We had to go through some shenanigans with Robert before we got to “sudo ufw enable” (which turns the firewall on), but I believe you should be able to do this right out of the box. Once it comes back with its success message, you should be good to go.
Ok, thanks for the heads up. Oh yeah, I have an old gaming computer that I’m gonna repurpose. I’ll let my husband get comfortable with Linux and then have him convert the old laptop.
Time to get serious about detaching from the tech lords as much as possible.
…. Well ….
Not sure if he coined it but Neil Stephenson is the one that made the term “Metaverse” popular in his two early books, “The Diamond Age, A Young Girls Illustrated Primer” and “Snow Crash”. Both books depicted a much decayed and non functioning world with nano tech written into the back ground that included hooking your mind up to the internet for the ultimate escape. Since then its all that WEF pushes for as they tell you “you will own nothing and like it”. An inference one should of made in reading those books was that the elites, the few times they appeared in either book owned everything.
Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation” and “I Robot” series merged and devolved into a GAIA universe which could be termed a “metaverse” ruled by scientism. With a borg-like seductress known as “Bliss” (which has Satanic overtones).
Ruined a perfectly good sci-fi classic.
That is a distorted version of the infinity symbol, which is used in the occult.
He has gone from a more human-oriented name — Facebook — to a much colder word that is used as a prefix and in chemistry. And I didn’t know this definition of the word:
I don’t know how many people are familiar with “meta” as high-level commentary. The whole thing strikes me as another insider elite joke played at the masses’ expense. But I think this will turn out to be at his expense.
With computers, everything besides the text that you see is “metadata”. To give you an idea about this, I wrote two files that both said “Hello, world!”. I saved one as a modern Microsoft Office .docx file, which was 4187 bytes. The other, I just saved as text — that was 14 bytes.
Essentially, the difference is metadata. Page layouts, margins, fonts, author, last edited…..it adds up.
So he could be hinting that he won’t monetize your picture….he’ll know who sent it to whom, at what size and resolution, at what time and as part of what conversation, etc., etc., …..
Rebranding is a sign of trouble. The product is beginning to fail. They really are getting desperate.
Isn’t that an infinity symbol as painted by Dali?
Good one. 😂
Exactly. He and they know exactly what they’re doing, hiding their Satanism in plain sight…
<font color=”red”><i>Wall Street Journal: Biden Administration In “Talks” To Use US Taxpayer Funds to Give Almost a Half Million to Any Person “Separated from their Families” At the Border in 2018</i></font> (mu.nu)
These provocations are simply laughable.
What impotent sots these Bidenazis have turned out to be.
Love it! Provocations! That is what they are. Obama and China laughing in our faces.
At least WE are not despicable Chinazis and their Obamanazi boot-lickers.
IF A Qtree Author has a few minutes and so inclined. The ENTIRE letter, plea for help from this J6 Political Prisoner could be a Stand Alone article. Prolly no additional narrative needed.
– Nathanial DeGrave’s plight, and ALL J6 political Prisoners need more visibility.
J6 Political Prisoners A B U S E S. First Hand Account.
THIS IS stuff of Third World Shitholes. AND, THIS IS also OUR AMERICA.
GWP has a superb article. My inclination was copy paste it, in its entirety.
– After reading, I’d be shocked if ANY QTreeper would TRASH TALK a J6 Political Prisoner, cutting a deal to Get The Fuck Out Of THE DOJ SHITHOLE.
GUT WRENCHING PLEA FOR HELP! January 6th Detainee’s TELL ALL Letter to the American Public from DC GITMO — Please Help This Abused Man
Nathaniel DeGrave, a non violent prisoner who walked into the open doors of the Capitol to document the event for a podcast, composed a letter to the American public pleading for help.
See DeGrave’s full letter here:
Dear Fellow Americans –
I never thought I’d write a letter like this, but we’re living in very different times. This is my cry for help.
My name is Nathan DeGrave, and as a non violent participant at the Jan 6th rally, I’ve spent the last 9 months detained as a political prisoner in pod C2B at the DC DOC…otherwise known as DC’s Gitmo.
The conditions here for Jan 6ers have been inhumane. In fact, some inmates are even begging to be transferred to GUANTANAMO BAY, where even THEY have more acceptable standards.
Class action LAWSUITS are being filed against this prison; and even the ACLU has gotten involved. Senators Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have since attempted to gain access to this facility and inspect the conditions of the jail, only to be denied.
The vile filth of what has become our daily life is being illegally HIDDEN from the members of OUR OWN CONGRESS.
So…let me tell you about what me and many of the other Jan 6ers have been experiencing in DC’s Gitmo. It is my hope that with MEDIA EXPOSURE and the awareness of the American public, that SOMETHING may be done and this never happens to anyone ever again.
For the first 120 days in DC’s Gitmo, Jan 6ers experienced DAILY LOCKDOWNS for 23-24 HOURS before being allowed to leave our small 120 sq. ft cell. The PHYSICAL and MENTAL ANGUISH that results from this kind of SEVERE ISOLATION has caused many people to go on a RAPID mental decline.
Checking it out now.
Careful, though. For copywrite infringement avoidance, you need to leave some out and put a link in.
One company I blogged for got tagged HARD for plagiarism over that. The boss in that outfit was NOT amused.
I will certainly quote and link to it for the Friday thread.
That would be great. Thank you, Grandma.
It’s in there. The whole thing is just unbelievable. How it continues I cannot fathom.
Very grateful.
I realize the articles you, all authors create and post, are quite time consuming And, rather sure this late afternoon request jumbled your schedule. Sincere appreciation Grandma.
No, it was a MUST ADD. Easy to do. Thank you for bringing it here.
Thanks! We do have to be careful with this. Even on coughcough.com with our own control and responsibility. On WP.com, it can be used to deplatform us.
Sounds like the “intersection” of “fair use” on GP and WP…
(Only ones who get away with, erm, free quotation of words, works, or music are wackypedia and garble)…
Thanks for bringing this Kalbo.
Might provide a clue as to why a *certain somebody* hasn’t said much about it…
FTA (emphasis mine):
“Many times, the little rec we DO receive is STRIPPED AWAY if our cell isn’t up to the standards of the guard on duty. This changes from day to day. Jan 6ers have lost rec time and out of cell activity ANY TIME news interviews about the jail are aired on TV, people speak up about our conditions, or rallies are held in our name. We’ll probably have a lockdown upon the publishing of this letter. So I have already warned those I know in advance..”
Yes. Medical care denied. Broken hand, not tended to for MONTHS. Broken eye socket at the hands of a guard beat down on the prisoner. Scurvy. Raw sewage in the cell block. Personal information, hard copy and video to be used in defense, CONFISCATED by the guards. On and on…
J6 Political Prisoners SHOULD BE RECLASSIFIED, Prisoners of War.
^^^ Red Cross should visit J6. Verify conditions, food, health…
yep yep yep…
It’s inhumane and illegal
(I don’t know if the Red Cross can be trusted…)
Most of them should never have been arrested.
That being said, they should’ve been released on their own recognizance or offered bail.
TPTB, from the top, down to the correction officers who allow the squalid conditions of the jail to exist, and any “oversight” bodies, are the ones who should be occupying those cells, under the conditions they set by their own example.
That someone could speak up without implicating even one of the prisoners. I don’t buy that. It could also be mentioned that treatment gets worse when publicity happens. We are all getting to be pros about this. You have to relentlessly expose the evil and shame them and mock them and ridicule them.
Maybe someone will bring this mans letter to his attention.
It’s very late in the game though.
Much of the damage has been done already.
The situation is terrible, and I feel helpless to do anything except get the word out.
I see that Tucker Carlson is coming out with a documentary on Nov. 1. I hope that helps.
Who has the power to help these prisoners? Who can overturn the decisions of corrupt judges? Some of the people have to have lawyers. I don’t know what they’re doing. We need a game plan.
Exactly. What seems to have happened is that each prisoner has their own funding site with minimal exposure. There should be a clearinghouse website that raises funds for all of them. There should be rotating information as it becomes available for each prisoner. There should be background info and bios on each prisoner and rotating interviews with their lawyers, their friends and families, etc.
Updates on all cases, who is the judge and lawyers, bios of them, the charges, any videos from that dayj, any eyewitnesses willing to come forward, and so on. A million things can be done to keep the information before the public.
That these brave people are reduced to writing letters in the hopes that the information gets out there shows just how pathetic the defense of them has been.
It certainly seems so! Your idea of a central clearinghouse for information and funds is great. Surely someone can get going on that.
Dear Father in Heaven,
We come to You in distress, asking your assistance for the January 6 political prisoners.
LORD, turn to them. Do not turn away. Stretch forth Your arm and provide aid and comfort and freedom to these, Your people.
Relieve their suffering. Just as You freed the Israelites from Egypt, so we humbly petition You to part the Sea of Corruption that has trapped these patriots for almost a year.
Raise up a champion for them, LORD. Come quickly to their aid!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
POTUS 45 Statements
ICYMI: “Marine veteran who thwarted robbery accepts heroism award—in ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ shirt”
Thank you, James—Tough and Smart!
Assuming that’s real….
Judging from this I think it most probably is real 🙂
I want him in the foxhole I end up in !
For all you amateur scientists and the many real scientists here this is something I wanted to share…. lengthy but WOW!
Pfizer adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in vax for kids
Comments on that are right on point…
“Pfizer has a special love for kids, just like Joe!”…
That vaccine and those pushing it come straight from the PIT OF HELL!!!
So children who don’t need that particular substance will get it anyway…
It’s the roulette wheel of horrific outcomes from the shot…some will have trouble or death and others nothing.
These people truly deserve death for what they’re doing. IMO
So what does that mean? The under lying vax actually damages the heart and if you stop getting boosters that leads to heart failure?
Low social credit score no booster?
Need to slice another million from the world’s population a supply chain snaps?
Simpler times 1948. Very prevalent today….
So I did a bunch of work in mostly rural Colorado schools the past two weeks. Some near big ski resorts. The majority were mask optional. Ski resorts were required as those are liberal run crap holes.
The one indicator that told me a school had no mask requirement was the ones that had my favorite sign posted outside.
School staff maybe armed and will protect our children.
I’m glad to know that there are any schools with signs like that!
The basic sign is just this.
The more elaborate one is normally posted on the drive way up to the school. I have been to some old schools that actually had a shooting range in the basement of the High School.
I like it! Some people would faint at the sight of that, LOL.
That’s a new one for me, but it makes sense, in a society that is principled and mature, for its citizens to know how to defend themselves. We have lost some of those qualities, but I believe they can be restored.
In one of my science classes, I learned not to use water to extinguish a grease fire. It was a little crucible of flaming grease/oil and a squirtgun, but the front row got singed.
You want a gun-safe society? — have a class in High School and allow instructors to horsewhip students who put people at risk.
I know of one in l.a. that did, and a bowling alley too. Was at one time a very neat place.
This is where we are heading.
And, if I’ve got this correct, the young unvaccinated are actually helping to achieve some kind of herd immunity by contracting the Covid and RECOVERING from it.
It looks like the older vaxxed people are in for a rough time of it.
Makes me wonder if these stats are why they are pushing the clotshot on the young kids so hard right now. They need to get the stats stabilized so it looks similar across the spectrum.
No – it’s worse. The vaccines make people MORE SUSCEPTIBLE.
They are making the children into VACCINE SLAVE HOSTAGES.
WE may avoid the vaccine hostage status, but THEY will not.
This is ugly. This deserves “The Storm”.
This deserves ROLLING THE TANKS.
But what you are saying is true, too.
They destroy evidence of natural immunity superiority wherever they can.
Here is a clip of Doc McCoullough talking about the vax and old people.
This is great! This is FANTASTIC. And those graphs – THAT is the spike protein!!!
This is what you get when you inject high doses of spike protein.
What we really need is an investigation into the vax at random sites to determine how much is real and how much is placebo/saline.
I don’t believe that some people can handle the jab and others cannot.
I think McCullough is right. Some people have excellent prior immunity from the prior 4 beta coronas. Others have YOUNG natural immunity from a fresh system. Others eased into it by immunity plus catching it plus almost no symptoms, and are now really strong.
I don’t need saline to explain variation. I just need a totally normal level of randomness.
I don’t like the range of reactions to the jab. From a sore arm, nervous system disorders, clotting, to dead.
Are they playing with the jab dosage, saline etc? Or is there a reaction based on genetics, specific health markers etc?
I think we have a wide normal spectrum (as Wolf alludes), but we also have a larger than usual amount of slop — how warm was it kept and was it injected into muscle or a blood vessel?
I watched a video on aspirating the needle before the shot to ensure the needle was not in a blood vessel. But I read that the CDC did not want them to do that. Hmm???
As I do not trust the pharma clowns we really need to gather data.
The thing is that internet anecdotes are data — and, yes, half of it is noise. But the stuff the pharma clowns are passing off as “data” is pure lies and propaganda — there’s hardly any noise or error, it’s just filth all the way down.
Immunity is COMPLEX. We cannot demand for it to be simple, because it just ISN’T. It’s a THOUSAND huge bell curves in every dimension. There is a HUGE ball of people in the middle who come through even a BAD vaccine with no problems.
Everybody who tries to oversimplify it is a PROBLEM. I hate to say that to our side as well, but it’s true. The science has been politicized, and science is being DESTROYED. Guys like Fauci with their simple dictums are DESTROYING it. People with their one-size-for-everybody mandates are DESTROYING it. CDC and FDA are DESTROYING it. But so are the bogus conspiracy theories that go too far and attack common sense truths like “some people take a vaccine, it’s the real thing, and nothing bad happens”.
It’s an echo chamber effect.
I talk to vaxxies ALL THE TIME with tiny friendly red pills, and they tell me everything, because I don’t try to change their beliefs in any way except telling them what I know and why I think the way I do. As a recoveree, they can rationalize my not getting the vaccine, so it’s not a threat, and they spill it all.
They will tell me about all their side effects, so I see the real range of the reactions. NONE of what I hear is unbelievable for every single one of them having gotten a real vaccine.
I also hear about people who die – both the disease and the vaccine. The latter, I hear most clearly from people who are like us, but I also can figure out the vaxxies who die from their shots. You hear about the sudden death, the putative cause, when they vaxxed, and you know.
Most people just don’t die from the jab – at least not quickly. It’s a low risk as far as death SOON. Long term? I will bet a lot of people who some would call “saline” will drop from heart failure in several years. But it’s still just going to be a small total percent at most, IMO.
That would make some sense in the alternate universe of vax pusher govt lackeys but it’s my working theory that pushing the shot for children is to make sure that we, once and for all time, understand that our children are their property.
Of course millions will disagree with this and ‘they’ will start instituting ultimatums and punishment to prove they hold the levers of power. Tick tock..powder keg going to blow apart one day. I welcome it
Excess deaths rolling in. Jab anyone?
The large numbers of us that held out and did not get the Covax are heros. The numbers don’t lie. This is what will bury the medical tyranny and all who imposed it upon humanity.
I am weeping for all the victims who believed the lies.
Yes. I’m afraid we know.
Well, unfortunately they have. And THIS after Trump barely mentioned them more than once, perhaps twice over the entire year so far.
He should be making daily comments regarding them. But he isn’t.
Not a good look. At all.
As for those who would disavow Trump if only to get out of the absolute hellhole these people have been thrown into, I say….by all means! DO IT! No one on our side will believe it is sincere, and if they did, well…
1) It’s likely they are one of the ones who have been trash talking
2) They have never experienced what those poor folk have been forced to endure for so long now.
I can’t remember if I saw it here or elsewhere…I fear it was here….but I saw one comment that said, in essence, that those poor people should keep their mouths shut and simply endure.
Made me sick to my stomach to see that, and I wished I had the power to make whomever said that vile garbage switch places with one of the wrongfully imprisoned and tortured.
Yes, I’m really bewildered at Trump not raising holy hell at the treatment these people are getting. He is the one that asked people to come, and they came in huge numbers. Then he asked people to peacefully go over to the capital building and peacefully make their voices heard. For him to say or do so little really pisses me off. At the same time I’m getting 12-15 email solicitations a day from his organization asking for donations. Uh, no.
Nor’easter posted this, above. The prisoners are punished when anyone speaks up.
We don’t know what PDJT is doing behind the scenes. I think it’s a very sticky situation because Dems are itching to impeach him again and would jail him if they could find one iota of evidence that he “incited” something. IMO, sometimes it’s wise to know where you can help the most effectively and where your voice might be a distraction, or worse. Other people need to take up the cause, too.
Missed this post yesterday. One of DPs comments today, vectored me back here.
Thank you for posting your thoughts on this. Not just this post, I, value your well ground values, perspectives and opinions.
Innout is a good family run, good job biz for decades. Its why CA dimms hate it.
Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
Five more In-N-Out locations have been shut down. Don’t you feel so much safer?
I think we just opened our 3rd location here in Colorado. We can probably pick up the slack. Flying Dutchman is a good low carb choice. Burger patties and cheese in a bowl.
Here’s some more items from the “Secret Menu” from a guy that ordered ALL of it 😀
Lots of great pics there, too.
It would be great if IN-N-OUT moved to Florida (and Texas), but that would leave a lot of folks in the lurch, and they have a tightly-controlled (and refrigerated) supply chain which necessitates their commisaries being near to the various restaurants, which also explains their slow movement into other areas..
Best thing would be to scrub Kalifornistan of all the DEMONRAT idiocy that’s ruining it. A beautful state, ruined by Communism, greed, and evil…
Yep. I think the ones closed are in bay area and contra costa. Still you cannot go near an innnout anywhere without a long line. Way before chikfila and the scamdemic.
From what I understand, all their buns are made at one bakery in LA and flown everywhere there is an In-and-Out within hours.
A few days ago, I panned part 1 of this — https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/10/securing-your-digital-life-part-2/ . Let’s unpack part 2!
The first (of three pages) page is much improved from the unfocused drivel of the first half of this effort. He actually drills down a bit into separating accounts/passwords/information — but whiffs on a couple of points. The author advocates that you use separate passwords for your high-value accounts. The problem is that this situation gets painful when your intruder starts to “run the table” — defeating security on accounts faster than you can fix it by exploiting a weakness and finding a connection to another resource where the same weakness can be exploited.
In my own case, I had separate credentials for four different tiers of security. Even though my intruder managed to drop a keylogger on my main browsing computer, I don’t think he ever got into the lower security levels.
Further, he advises the use of a password manager. This advice basically says, “now that you have no single point of failure where a security breach can travel across your digital life……make a new single point of failure.” I’m not a fan of the concept.
He’s a big fan of 2FA. In theory, I am too……but only if the 2FA is handled outside a potentially adversarial party. There is simply NFW that I’m going to use Google or Microsoft’s 2FA project. The author also notes that cellphones are insecure as all get-out.
At the end of the second page, the author says, “Or, instead of trying to follow all these suggestions, you could mitigate this entire category of risks by never using social media again. Some people evaluate the risks involved from a social media presence and do just that.” Well, there ya go!
His final page pooh-poohs VPNs and Tor and advocates “secure apps” as replacements, and concludes with “party tricks” like spoofing phone numbers. IMHO, it is a facile minimization.
If you want true private communication, you both go with a public-private keypair system. I’ll do a comment on that at some later date.
h/t Marica
Was just reading this! This is the man who should be the next pope.
As a clarification, are you saying “next” when Benedict passes?
Or, if you accept thrusting Benedict aside, shouldn’t Vigano be the current pope?
‘Cause everyone sees Pope Frankie as just as genuine as President *. It wouldn’t surprise me to start having “Go Joe Blankie!” chants.