RINOs an Endangered Species?
If Only!
According to Wikipoo, et. al., the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) is a critically endangered species. Apparently two females live on a wildlife preserve in Sudan, and no males are known to be alive. So basically, this species is dead as soon as the females die of old age. Presently they are watched over by armed guards 24/7.
Biologists have been trying to cross them with the other subspecies, Southern White Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceri?) without success; and some genetic analyses suggest that perhaps they aren’t two subspecies at all, but two distinct species, which would make the whole project a lot more difficult.
I should hope if the American RINO (Parasitus rectum pseudoconservativum) is ever this endangered, there will be heroic efforts not to save the species, but rather to push the remainder off a cliff. Onto punji sticks. With feces smeared on them. Failing that a good bath in red fuming nitric acid will do.
But I’m not done ranting about RINOs.
The RINOs (if they are capable of any introspection whatsoever) probably wonder why they constantly have to deal with “populist” eruptions like the Trump-led MAGA movement. That would be because the so-called populists stand for absolutely nothing except for going along to get along. That allows the Left to drive the culture and politics.
Given the results of Tuesday’s elections, the Left will now push harder, and the RINOs will now turn even squishier than they were before.
I well remember 1989-1990 in my state when the RINO establishment started preaching the message that a conservative simply couldn’t win in Colorado. Never mind the fact that Reagan had won the state TWICE (in 1984 bringing in a veto-proof state house and senate with him) and GHWB had won after (falsely!) assuring everyone that a vote for him was a vote for Reagan’s third term.
This is how the RINOs function. They push, push, push the line that only a “moderate” can get elected. Stomp them when they pull that shit. Tell everyone in ear shot that that’s exactly what the Left wants you to think, and oh-by-the-way-Mister-RINO if you’re in this party selling the same message as the Left…well, whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you piece of rancid weasel shit?
Election Cheating
Republicans won…in Virginia, and maybe in New Jersey, and in a lot of local races nationwide (including school boards–very critical in the long term).
If we can’t possibly win without an honest system, and we know the system has not been fixed…uh, what’s up? Seems like a bit of a contradiction.
So I will modify my stance somewhat, in the light of new information: Apparently the automated cheating that’s rather subtle could be overcome. And indeed it was overcome in 2020 as well.
That’s when the Left/Establishment went to good old fashioned blatant ballot-box stuffing, putting up cardboard to block the view into election centers and running ballot after ballot through the machines. To say nothing of the six figure dumps of votes entirely for China Joe and Skanky Hoe.
This time, for whatever reason, they didn’t go that far.
Perhaps it’s just so they can claim “See, Republicans can win elections, so we’re not cheating and Trump was just a Loser.” In which case, I’ll go back to my original stance and say that we cannot win until the election process is fixed. But then I’ll go on to add: unless they decide for tactical reasons to let us win a couple.
So for now, I’ll stick with:
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system. (This doesn’t necessarily include deposing Joe and Hoe and putting Trump where he belongs, but it would certainly be a lot easier to fix our broken electoral system with the right people in charge.)
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is pointless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud in the system is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
This will necessarily be piecemeal, state by state, which is why I am encouraged by those states working to change their laws to alleviate the fraud both via computer and via bogus voters. If enough states do that we might end up with a working majority in Congress and that would be something Trump never really had.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $1785.10
Silver $23.99
Platinum $1028.00
Palladium $2087.00
Rhodium $15,250.00
This week, 3 PM MT on Friday, markets closed for the weekend
Gold $1819.00
Silver $24.25
Platinum $1042.00
Palladium $2117.00
Rhodium $15,500.00
Everything is UP. Gold has busted $1800. Silver has busted $24. I suspect they’re going to continue upward, for now.
The Distance Ladder
A couple of go-backs
A couple of things I failed to mention last time.
Schwarzschild (the name is German for “black shield,” ironically enough) did his theoretical work in 1915, immediately after Einstein published the theory of general relativity. His solution to the Einstein field equations of general relativity was the first one, in fact. Astrophysicists are still careful to distinguish “Schwarzschild black holes” from rotating black holes. Schwarzschild was killed in action on the Eastern Front in World War I.
There probably is no such thing as an actual non-rotating black hole. Such would have to be formed from a non-rotating massive star (or a nebula with absolutely no rotation, in the case of the supermassive black holes). Remember that even the tiniest rotation will be magnified, and magnified a lot, as the object shrinks down from light years (or tens of trillions of kilometers) across, to star-sized (hundreds of thousands of kilometers) to just a few kilometers in radius, just as the figure skater spins much faster when she pulls her arms in.
Black holes are generally safe…as long as you’re far enough away. If the sun were magically to be replaced by an equal-mass black hole, the Earth would continue in its orbit and not be sucked in. It’s only when you get to within about 3 Schwarzschild radii that you can’t have a stable orbit. (And the Schwarzschild radius is the radius at which the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light.) For the sun the Schwarzschild radius is 2,950 meters (not kilometers, meters). Earth could be made into a black hole too–if you could manage to compress it until its radius is 8.87 millimeters.
Measuring Distances
Astronomers can easily measure the direction of a star. This was being done with surprisingly high precision even before the invention of the telescope. As seen from earth, the sky forms a “celestial sphere” and every star’s position on that sphere can be measured and plotted in star charts. The celestial sphere appears to rotate on an axis (really it’s the earth that rotates on that axis, in the opposite direction), so that defines north and south “poles” on the celestial sphere; and halfway between them is the celestial equator. So you can get something like “latitude” on the celestial sphere, only it’s called “declination” or “Dec.” Longitude is trickier because there’s no objective zero point, but can be handled too. The sun, of course, moves along the celestial sphere following the “zodiac” which is a circle tilted at a 23.5 degree angle to the celestial equator (and again, it’s not the sun that’s really moving, it’s the earth orbiting the sun making the sun appear to move). The place where the zodiac crosses the celestial equator, when the sun is moving from the southern celestial hemisphere into the northern celestial hemisphere, is called “the first point of Aries” and is also the zero “longitude” point by convention. When you see a statement like “Spring will start at 4:46 PM on March 21″ that’s really the time the sun will (appear to) cross through the first point of Aries”. But here’s a wrinkle with regard to celestial longitude: It’s measured not in degrees but in hours. 24 hours makes up the full circle, then those are divided into minutes and seconds just like degrees are. And it’s called “Right Ascension” or “R.A.,” not longitude.
If you remember last week I posted a rather colorful plot of the orbits of some stars at the center of the Milky Way around the supermassive black hole there, plotted on a grid. The grid is marked off in seconds of arc (i.e., the kind of second that is 1/3600th of a degree, not the kind of second that is 1/3600th of an hour of right ascension), with respect to the declination and right ascension of that black hole. That is what those scales mean.
In any case it’s easy to measure this sort of thing; one of the two most manifestly obvious things about a star is what direction it’s in. (The other is how bright it is.)
But that alone will not tell us where the star is. In three dimensional space, you need three coordinates. In a Cartesian (square/cubic) grid, you need x, y, and z. In this case, you’re dealing with spherical coordinates, and you still need three of them (that’s why it’s “three dimensional” space): Right ascension, declination, and distance.
And unlike right ascension and declination, distance to a star is a cast-iron bitch to measure accurately.
I’ve told, here and especially elsewhere, the story of how we first determined the distance from Earth to the Sun (and hence all of the other distances within the solar system, since we already knew the ratios of the distances to each other). This was in the 1760s and it required observations of Venus transiting the Sun (i.e., crossing directly between Earth and the Sun so as to appear as a black dot crossing the fact of the sun, rather than crossing north/”above” or south/”below” the sun as it laps us in its orbit). This distance is called an “Astronomical Unit” (AU), and is currently defined to be 149,597,870,700 meters (in other words if we ever measure it in the future and it turns out the actual distance isn’t quite this, we’ll keep this number for the astronomical unit anyway). (And [Oh By The Way] knowing the average distance from the earth to the sun to the nearest 100 meters is, in and of itself, quite a triumph of measurement.)
With extremely painstaking measurements, best done on photographic plates, it became possible to measure distances to some stars once we knew this. It took until the mid 1800s. What happens is, as the earth revolves around the sun, its position changes by roughly 300 million kilometers, and that will cause nearer stars to appear to shift back and forth in relation to farther stars, just like you can shift your head back and forth and, say, a nearby light pole in a parking lot will appear to move back and forth with respect to the mountains in the background. (Folks in Kansas and especially Florida and Louisiana will have to adjust that example a bit.) This is known as parallax.
If you know how far you are moving your head, and can measure how many degrees along the horizon the pole appears to shift, it’s straightforward trigonometry to determine the distance to the light pole.
Even with the earth moving back-and-forth 300 million kilometers, the parallax of even the nearest star is less than one second of arc. (But note, this is quoted, for historical reasons, with respect to half of the earth’s orbital diameter, i.e., its orbital radius, which is to say, versus a 1 AU baseline, not a 2 AU baseline.) An arcsecond is about the width of a quarter at eighteen thousand feet (over three miles).
It’s possible to compute how far away something has to be to have a (half) parallax of one arc second as seen from a body orbiting with a radius of 1AU. Again, straightforward trigonometry. And, to the nearest meter (it has to be rounded because the formula has pi in it), it’s 30,856,775,814,913,673 meters. Or about 31 quadrillion meters or 31 trillion kilometers. This is called a “parsec” (short for “parallax-second”), and it’s roughly equal to 206,000 AU. (If you consider that Neptune’s orbit is roughly 30 AUs in radius, you can see how truly vast this distance is even compared to our solar system, which is measured in billions of miles. And this is closer than the nearest star.)
Astronomers–and I mean people who do astronomy for a living–think in and use parsecs. You’ve heard of light years, I am sure. That’s the distance light travels in a year. A parsec is actually about 3.26 light years, or alternatively, it takes 3.26 years for light to travel one parsec.
Astronomers talking to the public basically have to multiply everything by 3.26 so they can express it in light years. Why work in parsecs, then? Well, when they measure a parallax, they just have to divide it into 1 arc second to get the distance in parsecs. A 0.5 second parallax, means a two parsec distance, and so on.
The first successful parallax-based distance measurement was of the star Vega (visible low in the west shortly after sunset this time of year; it’s part of the Summer Triangle asterism); its parallax is almost exactly 1/8th of an arc second, so its distance was roughly 8 parsecs.
This was conceptually easy, but parallaxes were so small that by 1900 only 60 stars had had their distances measured. The process sped up in the early 20th century, to be sure…but since even with a small telescope hundreds of thousands of stars are visible, we weren’t going to finish off the list any time soon. Plus, of course, the fact that most of these stars are so distant they couldn’t be measured by the instruments of the time–they were in fact used as the backdrop for the nearer stars to move against. (Even today, with satellites doing the work, we really can’t get past about 1600 light years with this method.)
Clearly, if we were going to measure lots of stellar distances, we’d need another method.
But now for a wrenching change of subject.
The Shape of the Universe
William Herschel (1738-1822) is best known as the discoverer of the planet George. At least, that’s what he wanted to name it, after the King of England, George III.
(I’ll pause now and give you all a chance to quit vomiting at the prospect of naming a planet after that particular asshole.)
This name was not accepted by most astronomers, so instead they named it after every asshole: Uranus. And of course, that probably leads to even more bad jokes than naming it “George” would have. Astronomers school themselves to say “YER in us” instead of “your Anus” when they name that planet, but even that sounds too much like “urinous” (full or redolent of urine). Perhaps they should have gone with “OO rahn us,” probably closer to how the Greeks pronounced that name (father of the Titans) in any case. (And no, I didn’t mean to usurp Wheatie’s word of the day, but if you can find a good use for “urinous” with respect to current events–shouldn’t be that challenging–go right on ahead.)
Anyhow, Herschel did a lot of other things, perhaps the most important of which was discovery of infrared light. But for our purposes today, he was also the first to suggest that the stars, if their three-dimensional positions could be plotted, would form a disc with a central bulge, sort of like some renderings of flying saucers; and that the Sun would not be at the center of this shape.
How did he conclude this? If you get away from city lights (and that was easy to do in his day; nothing was as brightly lit back then as it is now), you will see a faintly glowing cloudy band stretching across the night sky. In fact, this cloudy band runs clear around the celestial sphere, including through the part we cannot see from the United States because it’s too far south. It’s most prominent where it runs through the constellation Sagittarius, but it also runs through Cassiopeia (the “W” in the northern sky) and the northern cross (part of Cygnus), in fact it runs along the long member of the cross. (This part of it should be readily visible shortly after dark…again, if you get the heck away from city lights.)

(This was taken in 2007, so I suspect that bright object just below the brightest part of the Milky Way is Jupiter. Twelve years later, 2019, it’d be back at the same location, and that’s not far from where the Great Conjunction happened the year after that.)
The ancient Greeks, of course, had spotted this band, and had named it γαλαξίας κύκλος (galaxias kyklos) or “milky circle” since the pale faint color suggested milk to them; they even had conjured up a myth that it was actual milk from the breast of Hera, queen of the gods. The Romans called it via lactea which translates directly to “Milky Way.”
When Galileo turned his telescope on the Milky Way, it turned out to be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of stars that were individually too faint to be seen by the unaided eye, but together turned into this “milky way” stretching across the sky.
What Herschel had done was to catalogue thousands of stars and other deep sky objects, like nebulae, and to note that more of them were in the general direction of Sagittarius than any other direction, and of course most were in the plane of the Milky Way than other directions (such as 90 degrees away from it, where almost no stars are). And exactly opposite of Sagittarius, the Milky Way was thinnest.
That’s what we’d see if all the stars were spread out evenly in a fairly flat disc, and we were inside the disk but off center. We’d see the most stars looking through the center, lots of stars looking any other direction through the disc (the least when looking away from the center, because the distance to the edge of the disc is shortest in this direction) and much less looking perpendicularly to the disc.
The Milky Way is not just brighter in the direction of Sagittarius, but broader, which is why Herschel believed (correctly) there was a central bulge in that direction.
Note that Herschel was working before we could measure the distance to stars (and well before spectroscopy and stellar classification), so he was going entirely off their brightness, assuming that dimmer stars were further away. However, he was still essentially right about the shape of this conglomeration of stars.
It was believed that everything–the entire universe–was within this structure. That included not just stars, but also nebulae, in essence either dark, opaque clouds of gas and dust, or in some cases such clouds brightly lit by nearby stars.
One fairly obvious and prominent nebula is in the sword of Orion; it looks a bit fuzzy to the unaided eye (instead of being a crisp point of light like other things “up there”) but in binoculars it is obviously a glowing cloud of gas lit by stars embedded within it.
In fact, this is a place where stars and planetary systems are forming–right now. This is abundantly clear from observations, including from Hubble Space Telescope images.
Other nebulae had distinctly spiral shapes, like, for instance, this one:

And this is pretty much where things sat, clear into the early part of the 20th century. The universe was believed to consist of the Milky Way, surrounded by empty space.
But there were proponents of a different idea, that these spiral nebulae were actually separate galaxies. On April 26, 1920, in fact, there was a debate held at the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History; today it is known as the “Great Debate.” Harlow Shapley argued the spiral nebulae were on the outskirts of this galaxy, while Heber Curtis argued that they were in fact, distinct galaxies and therefore very far away, outside of this galaxy.
Note that this was just over a century ago. The issue wouldn’t be settled until 1924.
We have only known about other galaxies definitively for less than a century. Think about that.
How could the people who thought that “spiral nebulae” were in fact separate galaxies outside our own actually prove it? Or alternatively, be made to shut up? Well, the most straightforward way to do that would be to show that they were far, far away–or not.
Which brings me back to pointing out that in astronomy, measuring distances is a cast-iron bitch.
Even with today’s satellite technology, we can barely get parallaxes over 1% of the distance across this galaxy; certainly in 1920 using stone knives and bearskins we’d never be able to prove something was outside the galaxy with parallaxes.
A Standard Candle
But we already had a solution to this.
We go to HAH-vuhd, 1908-1912, and yet another woman, Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868-1921).
I point out the fact that she was, indeed, a “she” because in those days it was very unusual for women to be involved with the “hard” sciences. How, then, did so many of them end up clustered at Harvard?
As it happens the astronomer Edward Charles Pickering (1848-1919) had developed a method of taking the spectra of multiple stars all at once by putting a prism in front of a photographic plate. He had,over decades, assembled a team of women to go through the data for 220,000 stars. This was primarily because they were cheap labor, but also because even back then women were appreciated for work that required attention to detail. [For instance, the US Mint preferred women for work as adjusters, who’d file excess precious metal off of unstruck planchets.] Annie Jump Cannon, whom we’ve met previously, emerged as their natural leader. The group became known as “Pickering’s Computers” (this was well before the invention of the electricity powered computer) and are now known as the Harvard Computers. They didn’t have doctorates (not by any means) but their contributions to astronomy today are well-regarded.
There were so many photographic plates involved–and back then these were sheets of glass coated with emulsion–that Pickering’s research was said to weigh 120 tons.
Cecilia Payne-Gaposhkin (whom I discussed previously; she discovered the stars were mostly made of hydrogen) was not one of the computers; she actually was a graduate student who worked closely with them.
Henrietta Swan Leavitt, on the other hand, was one of the computers and she established the first “standard candle.”
Clear back in September of 1784, Edward Pigott noticed that the star Eta Aquilae was variable; it would regularly dim, then brighten suddenly, then dim again. It would do so with the same period; every pulsation took the same amount of time, known as the period. (We now know that stars like this actually pulsate in size, like a yo-yo dieter only much more rapidly.) Just a few months later a different astronomer noticed the same for Delta Cephei. The periods range from a few days to a few months.[A digression about these names. There are thousands of stars in the sky visible to the naked eye; countless more visible with a telescope. They can’t all be given unique names (though hundreds have been, everything from Betelgeuse [famous] to Zubenelschamali [not so famous]). So in 1603, just before the invention of the telescope, Johann Bayer came up with a system of labeling the brightest star in a constellation as “alpha” (such as Alpha Orionis–Betelgeuse). Beta would go to the second brightest star and so on. This would be followed by the Latin genitive of the constellation name. So Betelgeuse was “Alpha of Orion,” strictly translated. This is called the Bayer designation, and has been extended since then. Continuing to look at Orion, alpha through kappa, the brightest ten stars: Eight of them have “real” names, one (theta) is actually the Orion nebula, and eta is (as far as Wikipoo knows) nameless. The three belt stars are among the named stars, the four stars of the not-quite-a-rectangle also all have names. Returning to Cepheids, Delta Cephei was designated the fourth brightest star in Cepheus by Bayer.]
There turned out to be an entire class of these variable stars and they became known as Cepheid variables in honor of Delta Cephei. Several dozen had been discovered by the end of the 19th century. Today we know that they are typically stars four to twenty times as massive as the sun, and therefore very bright, up to 100,000 times as bright–but this was not apparent before Henrietta Swan Leavitt studied them.
In 1908 Henrietta Swan Leavitt began measuring the apparent brightness and periods of numerous Cepheids in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. Apparently there are thousands of Cepheids in these clouds, though they appear quite faint compared to the ones previously discovered.
The SMC and LMC are patches of milkiness that are quite apparent to the naked eye, provided you are far enough south; they are deep in the southern celestial hemisphere, and the further south an object is, the further south you have to be for it to be above the horizon. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds were noted by Antonio Pigafetta, who was with Ferdinand Magellan on his voyage (yes, that Magellan, famous for being the first to circumnavigate the Earth in the early 1500s). Of course many had noticed them before, anyone from Australian aborigines to Arabic astronomers and some other early European explorers, but for some reason this guy was able to tell the European scientific community about them and have it “stick.”
Leavitt noticed that the Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds had an interesting correlation: the brighter they appeared, the longer their periods.
It was logical to suppose that Cepheids in one of the clouds are all at about the same distance from us. Which would mean the brighter ones really were intrinsically brighter than their dimmer cousins. And if the brighter ones had the longer periods…well then!
So what we had was a “standard candle” (Leavitt coined the term), in other words something of known intrinsic brightness. If you could measure the period of a Cepheid, and it had a long period, you knew it was the same intrinsic brightness as one with the same period in the Large Magellanic Cloud. If it looked dimmer, then it was actually further away. If it looked brighter, it was closer. So you could tell the (relative) distance of a Cepheid by measuring its period.
Leavitt published in 1912.
All we needed now was to measure the distance to one Cepheid variable by some other means and we’d know the distance to all of them. Eijnar Hertzsprung (as in “Hertzsprung Russell Diagram”, 1873-1967) measured the distance to several Cepheids by parallax in 1913.
We had our standard candle and were off to the races now.
In 1924, Edwin Hubble (after whom the space telescope is named, 1889-1953) working at the Mt. Wilson observatory in southern California, was able to detect very faint Cepheids in many of the “spiral nebulae,” measure their periods, determine that they were well outside the bounds of “the” “one and only” galaxy, and could therefore establish, once and for all, that the spiral nebulae they were in were actually separate galaxies.
The universe had just gotten bigger. A lot bigger. Some of the galaxies Hubble was able to measure were sixty or so million light years away; which is to say six hundred million trillion kilometers away (which is to say six hundred quintillion kilometers). That’s a lot more than the 100,000 light year diameter of this galaxy, which hitherto had been thought to be the entire universe.
A bunch of those galaxies about fifty or sixty million light years away are in the constellation Virgo, and that group is now known as the “Virgo cluster.”
And there were many, many dimmer “spiral nebulae” in which no Cepheids could be detected at all–presumably because those nebulae were so far away the Cepheids in them were too faint to see. So how big, precisely, is this universe of ours? Certainly at least hundreds of millions of light years!
At the other end of the scale, and most famously, there is a “spiral nebula” in Andromeda. You can see it with your own unaided eye, far away from city lights. (I personally find it hard to see; I have to look away from it slightly to see it. But it certainly shows up in binoculars!) It’s now called the Andromeda Galaxy, thanks to Hubble. It’s about 2 million light years away. The LMC and SMC are much closer, they’re now considered satellite smaller galaxies in orbit about our own galaxy. There are a few other very close galaxies, such as M-33; together with the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies they make up the imaginatively-named “Local Group.” Twenty quadrillion kilometers may not seem terribly “local” to you, but for galaxies, that’s Standing Room Only and get your elbow out of my eye!
That telescope on Mt. Wilson? It was a monster in its day, with a 100 inch mirror. It still exists today; you can see it on tours during the daytime. It is not, however, used by professional astronomers any more as it’s simply not powerful enough. However, for several thousand dollars a night, you can rent the telescope–though as far as I know that opportunity is only extended to astronomy clubs.
But in terms of its historical impact on our view of the universe, it is probably second only to Galileo’s telescopes. Hubble himself is considered a Giant of astronomy; those astronomy clubs can actually use the same telescope he used.
But Hubble was not done in 1924. If anything, what he went on to do after this was even more important.
Vesto Melvin Slipher (1875-1969), had, back in the 1910s, looked at “spiral neblulae” through a spectroscope and had been able to measure their velocity towards or away from us (the “radial” velocity) by noting the Doppler shift of the spectral lines.
Almost all of them were moving away from us, as indicated by a shift towards longer wavelengths (lower frequencies). This is the famous “red shift” because the lines in the visible spectrum were shifted towards red, the longer wavelengths of visible light. Very few were shifted towards violet (which, for some reason is called a blue shift, not a violet shift). This was peculiar; after all a bunch of objects “out there” should have a pretty random assortment of radial velocities…yet almost all of these spirals were moving away from us, and rather rapidly, too.
For example, M-87 in the Virgo Cluster (this is the one with the really big black hole at its center–but Slipher had no idea about that) is moving away from us at 1284 kilometers per second. Which is pretty doggone fast.
Hubble took this data, combined it with his distance measurements, and made a plot.
And got the surprise of his life.
It turns out that the farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is receding, The main exceptions turned out to be within the Local Group; some of those galaxies actually are headed towards us (like Andromeda, which will collide with this galaxy in about five billion years).
M-87 is 16.4 megaparsecs (million parsecs) away from us which puts it at about 53.5 million light years off.
What is it about the Milky Way galaxy that is repelling almost all of the other galaxies?
Nothing, actually. It turns out that a hypothetical observer in any galaxy will see all of the other galaxies rushing away from him, the further away, the faster.
Hubble was able to determine that for every megaparsec of distance, a galaxy is going to be moving 500 kilometers per second. As it turns out, there were significant problems with using Cepheid variables–it turns out there are two distinct classes of them that behave differently. I’ve ignored that fact up til now. But now, this recession rate is known to be 74 km/second…for each megaparsec of distance. This is known as the Hubble parameter, now. And the fact that further galaxies recede faster is now known as Hubble’s Law.
But, run the movie backwards! What happens? Since galaxies twice as far away move twice as fast, if you run the movie backwards, all galaxies come together simultaneously at some point. Which means (if you halt the reverse at this point and start looking at it in forward motion) everything was in one place, then there was a big explosion (or something like that) and all of the pieces got blown away from from the other pieces at some point in the distant past, eventually leading to what we see today.
Time for Einstein and Company to step in.
One thing that was instantly apparent to Albert Einstein when he formulated General Relativity was that it could be applied to the universe as a whole. Einstein believed (as most did in 1915) that the universe was essentially static and unchanging on a large scale. What we see now was pretty much what had been there…back forever.
However, both General Relativity and Newtonian gravity said that if the universe consisted of a bunch of stationary objects, they’d simply attract each other and start to move closer to each other, in exactly the same way that a stationary apple a meter above the floor will, without support, fall.
So Einstein, believing that this wasn’t what was happening (he really didn’t have evidence of that; this was before Hubble), put a fudge factor into his equation, a cosmological constant repulsion that counteracted what would otherwise be the natural inclination of the universe to contract.
Hubble’s discovery was an attitude adjuster for Einstein. The universe was not static and unchanging, it had not always existed. It had instead had a beginning, and from that beginning everything rushed apart. Clearly, ever since then, the galaxies had been slowing down due to their mutual attraction, but also, clearly, they hadn’t come to a halt. With the residual motion evident even today, there was no need for the cosmological constant fudge factor in his equations.
Einstein later considered it the biggest mistake of his life and he was probably right because he didn’t vote for Joe Biden.
[I say that, but perhaps a check of the voter rolls for Princeton, NJ is in order.]
In 1922, Alexander Alexandrovich Friedmann (1888-1925) worked with Einstein’s General Relativity equation, and derived a relationship between the average density of the universe (in kilograms per cubic meter, for instance–and by the way this number is very, very small!), its current expansion velocity, and its acceleration; this equation could be used to determine the future state of the universe (or any past state). You could essentially get the Hubble parameter out of it with the right inputs; and the equation can be rearranged to use the Hubble parameter as one of its coefficients.
The equation makes it clear that the Hubble parameter is not a constant, it can change. And indeed it’s expected to start out at a high value when everything was bunched together, then drop as things slow down over time as galaxies attract each other–exactly the way an apple thrown up into the air slows down and stops.
Another part of the equation is an expression for how fast the Hubble parameter is changing with time.
The big unknown, actually, is the average density of the universe. There is a certain value of it, which will cause the universe to expand forever, but as the time goes to infinity the speeds drop to zero…as if everything were currently moving exactly at escape velocity. This is the critical density, and the actual density could conceivably be one billionth (or a centillionth) of that value, or a billion times as much.
Determining the ratio of the actual density to the critical density has occupied a large part of the efforts of cosmologists over the last century. I had originally written a bunch more on that here…but this article has gotten long enough, and I don’t want to get too historically askew. Suffice it to say that early estimates were less than 1, but more than 0.01, meaning that there didn’t appear to be enough matter in the universe to cause its expansion to slow down and have it recollapse. But these numbers are suspiciously close to 1 when you consider the range of conceivable values is literally infinite.
It appeared at the time as though it was one third of the value, which is close enough to 1 (compared to all of the other possible ratios) to make scientists suspect it really is 1 and we’re just not measuring it right.
But this is general relativity we are dealing with here, not Newtonian mechanics, so the Friedman equation is actually an equation about how much space time is warped. That makes it more than just an equation about escape velocity. And so there are some things about it that are distinctly counter-intuitive.
First off, the galaxies that rushed away from the original point location are not moving through space. Instead, space itself is expanding. Originally, space itself was small; as it expanded all the matter in the universe stretched out with it, and eventually coalesced to form galaxies. (If the galaxies started moving in some different direction after the Big Bang, because they were near some giant cluster and are attracted to it, that’s actual motion. (And today we believe the Milky Way is moving towards the Virgo cluster.)
One consequence of space expanding is that the red shifts that we see are actually due, not to a Doppler effect but rather, to the fact that while the photon was travelling from the distant galaxy to our eyes the space stretched, which stretched the photon into a longer wavelength. One rather odd consequence of this is that a photon, once emitted, will lose energy as it travels through intergalactic space because its frequency is dropping.
Second, space-time across the expanse of the universe has a shape. And it turns out that a value of density lower than the critical density would imply that space has negative curvature, and a value that is higher would imply that space has positive curvature.
Now what the heck does that mean? How can space be curved? Well, we already know it can be warped and that’s what gravity actually is. But this deserves some elaboration.
You were taught in geometry class that the sum of the three interior angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees. That’s a fundamental property of flat space.
But really, this is only true if the triangle is drawn on a flat plane.
If you were to travel from the equator directly to the north pole, make a right-angle (90 degree) left turn, then head back to the equator (traveling south), then, on reaching the equator, make another right-angle left turn (now traveling east), you’d end up back where you started, eventually. You could then turn left 90 degrees and be facing north, like you were in the beginning.
You’ve drawn three straight lines, and are back where you started; that’s a triangle. But every interior angle is 90 degrees so the total of the three is 270 degrees.
This “breaks” that 180 degree rule I just reminded you of, but the earth is not flat, it’s (roughly) spherical. It exhibits positive curvature.
Now imagine a surface like a saddle or a Pringles chip, extended to infinity. (The bell of a tuba also works.) Drawing a triangle on that kind of surface gives you a sum of interior angles less than 180 degrees.
If the universe has too high a density, its expansion will eventually cease (at a time short of infinity) and it will collapse back in on itself again. This would render space-time the four dimensional equivalent of a sphere.
If it’s below the critical density, then even at infinity there’s velocity left to the expansion, and space time is shaped somewhat like that saddle.
If it’s exactly at the critical density, then space time is, on the whole, flat.
How can we tell? Try measuring the interior angles of a really big triangle. Preferably one billions of light years in size. (And believe it or not, today’s scientists think they’ve actually done something like that, and they believe the universe to be flat. But I am WAY ahead of the story here.)
If this makes your head hurt, you’re not alone, believe me.
Anyhow, to return to our narrative, a lot of astronomers did not want to accept that the universe didn’t have a definite beginning. Fred Hoyle, famously, refused to accept it, and died in 2002 still refusing to believe it.
It’s not that he didn’t believe that the galaxies were rushing away from each other, but rather, he imagined that as galaxies grew further apart, new matter in the form of hydrogen atoms was being spontaneously created, which would then coalesce to form new galaxies. This would result in the universe of the distant past, or the distant future, looking about the same as it does today, rather than the galaxies being closer together, or further apart, respectively. This is known as the steady state theory, and from what I can see, virtually no scientist accepts it today. Certainly, we’ve never detected any sign of hydrogen spontaneously being created throughout space, as it would have to be if Steady State were true.
Hoyle, trying to characterize the theory he disagreed with so vehemently, came up with the moniker “Big Bang.” He claims he wasn’t trying to be derisive, but many took it as such. The proponents proudly adopted the term to describe that instant–roughly 11 to 13 billion years ago–when everything in the universe was jammed close together.
(It’s not as if people haven’t, at other times, proudly adopted what was supposed to be a derisive label. Right, oh fellow Deplorables?)
The Big Bang theory was simultaneously worked out by Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966), who was not only an astronomer, but also a Catholic priest. He certainly had no problem with the universe having a beginning! In fact Hubble’s Law is often called the Hubble-Lemaitre’s Law.
There was one minor issue though.
Running the tape backwards, the Big Bang appeared to be ten or eleven billion years old. This was based on extrapolating the current expansion rate backwards, and accounting for how the expansion rate was undoubtedly faster in the past. Yet we also had good reason to believe that globular clusters–groupings of thousands to millions of stars that mostly exist above and below the plane of this galaxy–are at least 13 billion years old. Clearly it’s absurd that globular clusters could be older than the universe that they are part of, so this was a nagging issue for quite some time.
The Next Rung Of The Ladder
With Hubble-Lemaitre’s Law established, we had a new way to measure distance. If we couldn’t see Cepheid variables in some galaxy because it was too far away from us, we could instead measure its red shift, turn a mathematical crank, and get a distance out, one likely to be over a hundred million light years.
In fact, when quasars were first discovered, their red shifts were measured and they were instantly some of the most distant objects ever detected. Some were even billions of light years away. But there is a complication here. The farther away a galaxy is, the further back in time we are looking. If we look at M-87, we are seeing it as it was 53 million years ago, because the light has traveled 53 million light years to get to us, and for the light to be getting to us now, it has to have left M-87 53 million years ago.
Similarly for more distant galaxies. As our telescopes became more and more sensitive, we were looking at galaxies further and further into the past. Quasars, it turns out, all happened well in the past, and now we know they are a “young galaxy” thing as the black holes at the galactic centers devour interstellar gas. In older galaxies, that interstellar gas is as gone as last Thanksgiving’s dinner.
But, if the universe has been slowing down its expansion rate, 53 million years ago, or a billion years ago, the Hubble parameter must have been higher. If we compute a distance to a galaxy using a constant Hubble parameter, we’re introducing an error.
Of course this relies on what is ultimately an assumption: That the Hubble parameter is indeed decreasing. It’s an assumption that seems to make sense, because after all everything in the universe is being attracted to everything else. On the other hand, if you’re a galaxy surrounded by other galaxies, their pulls should all cancel out, and that same is true of all of those other galaxies too–they’re all surrounded by other galaxies.
So scientists wanted to check that assumption–and the data gathered would help nail down the average density of the universe a bit better.
So we needed some other way to measure the distance to a galaxy, and compare it to the distance inferred from its red shift. If the first distance was further, that would imply that the Hubble parameter used to be bigger than it is today (as expected) and we could even, if we did this with enough galaxies with different red shifts, be able to plot how much the Hubble parameter was at any given time in the past.
But to do that, we needed another “Standard Candle,” one a lot brighter than Cepheid variables.
And we eventually found one.
But here, I think, is where I need to pause.
I’m going to shift gears next time. But not really. Because as you investigate the very earliest stages of the universe (I am talking about, say, 1 second after the Big Bang) you find yourself needing to know about particle physics.
So switching from talking about the entire universe, to talking about stuff much smaller than atoms, isn’t as jarring as it might seem at first.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
To conclude: My standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Quarterback Aaron Rogers Catches COVID, Says He Will Follow Joe Rogan’s Advice and Take Ivermectin
November 5, 2021, 3:35pmby Jim Hoft
You should see this being slammed all over social media. Seriously, there is some sort of cult-like hold over the sheep right now.
“Cult-like hold over the sheep…”
Propaganda news. Big tech censoring. Lying evil governments. They ARE lying. Their goals ARE EVIL. T. R. U. T. H.
Repeat a LIE enough, like 24/7, for two years, yields sheep in an ignorant stooper..
more than Hold The Line, with REFUSE. ACTIVE pushing back, educating the indoctrinated must be a constant, by each of us. Do what we can.
Social media IS the liberals. That’s the key. Most if not all of the people on social media are SOCIAL LIBERALS.
I used to be one. I considered myself a fiscal conservative/social liberal. There are many like that. I am reformed. Now I am Conservative all the way.
But most on social media are small-c conservatives. They believe in “social justice,” and think that we must “accept” all people as who and what they are.
This twists them all up on things like the freedom to choose not to be vaxxed-up with some untested serum that might “save a life.” Because everyone “matters” they have to “protect their neighbor” by getting a clot-shot. It’s because they “love people.”
Talk to some of them, you’ll see who I mean. They think they are conservative because they like the military, don’t like the giant spending bills, and think we should have energy independence. But ask them if they think trans people should be in therapy instead of surgery. Then you’ll see.
I don’t know that they are ALL social liberals. I know several people who are socially more conservative than me (and that’s saying something) who are on SM a lot.
I’m seeing the slamming, specifically, from people in theater, and other forms of entertainment where conservatives are hard to find, most especially a cousin’s husband who is a professional for one of the BIG stages here. Their circles are very insular, and that’s a big problem, which has been exacerbated by all the lockdowns.
This is exactly the Cabal and their Media lapdog’s M O. If one of the High Profile/ Highly Paid sheep/slaves steps off the plantation, they attack, marginalize, and isolate them 24/7, until they either force them back into submission or convince the rest of the sheep/slaves that following him is just too dangerous.
We must all stand and speak up. They can’t corral and pick us all off, if we stand up all at once. If we do it one at a time, they will continue to pick us off one by one.
I listen to sports talk in the car, 94.1 WIP out of Philly to be specific. Lockstep trashing of Rodgers, all cowards.
I wonder how many players/staff “vaccinated” cases the Packers have had. Somehow no one ever mentions the obvious.
Sports Talk radio, at least in Metro Detroit, is pretty much hard-core lefty BS. My hubby cannot stand it, especially since “Covid” came on the scene. Those people have lost their dang minds!
Sad because you’d think sports AND patriotism would have a decent overlap. The Let’s Go Brandon chant started from Nascar, I believe
Brandon Brown
? Is that FJB w/ a brown stain, not exactly like aka BHO’s Pop’s poem, iirc–pedophile poetry spit!
No, that’s the Nascar Brandon, the guy around which the whole thing originated.
OK, thanks! I’m not really aware of Nascar, though there was some type of Jeff Gordon museum in a town where we used to live
Charlotte has some sort of NASCAR museum, IIRC.
The one I’m referencing was in Northern Michigan, but I think it might be closed now. We saw Jeff Gordon’s car(s)? on some trucks in town periodically way back when…
Ironically, our old church, once we’d moved downstate, had an annual church campout not far from Michigan’s International Speedway
Awesome! The more high-profile people turn to IVM instead of fauxi-type cures, the moire sheep will awaken. … which is exactly why there is going to be some pushback against AR about this. I hope he responds with a sticker on his uniform somewhere that says …
“Let’s Go Brandon”
–little fish
Click in the upper right corner to get a comment link!
Is that where the f keys are on my ipad?
Tap or hold (you’ll have to test) the upper right corner of a comment to get it’s link. Not sure how they implement it.
That link worked, Ozzy!
Trusted by no one:
Rinos are so darn cute.
They’re kinda like HugeAzz puppy dogs. I DVR and watch different Zoo shows, the UK Zoo show is a hoot.
Rinos are super smart, trainable, they love to be hosed off w/water, and rubbed all over. Not scary or mean like Hippos. Hippos are monsters!! 
I vaguely remember something about the Northern Whites and Zoo people trying to collect/create ingredients to assist furthering the population.
Hippos kill more people in Africa than any other animal. Lions, rhinos, cape buffalo, and crocodiles are less deadly.
They BAD MoFos. They do NOT tolerate infringement on their perceived territory. When 2 huge bulls are fighting, WOAH Nellie. Those teeth are massive. I’ve seen one bull gore another huge bull and the huge bull just goes off to the shore and dies. The lions and crocs feed well. Nature.
We used to do elephant seal walks every winter at Año Nuevo. One Ranger put it very clearly — “these bull males can weigh up to four tons and stretch sixteen feet….which is approximately the same length and weight as a 1975 Lincoln Continental limousine.”
When two males fight, they rear themselves up and attack each other’s chest shields — which can cause profuse bleeding and sometimes small pieces of meat will go flying. They will run right over vegetation, pups, females, and slow humans to get at a rival. I’ve seen one come off a four-foot shelf and land on a beach, and it was precisely like a limo doing about 25 mph.
You have the close guidance of a Ranger and the parties are quite small, but as you’re slogging around out there, amongst very large carnivores, one of the many amazing things is their utter indifference to humans. You’re supposed to maintain a large distance from them, and you’re obviously respectful, but they act like they could care less unless you stepped on one.
Of course, there are many other aspects to elephant seal biology and behavior — I’ve spent hours on a bluff overlooking some groups watching “elephant seal chess”. But it’s all about them and each other — humans don’t count at all.
“When 2 huge bulls are fighting, WOAH Nellie.”
Speaking of whom, I wonder what Bruce Ohr’s wife is up to these days?
Hamming it up.
Lovely wife.
This is who I think of, see 10 secs
Hopefully an arrest in her near future.
Gore(d) Bull Warming…
I watch Africa shows too. Love to watch the lions, especially ones where they follow specific prides over a series of time. The annual run when the wildebeasts, zebras, and gazelles have to cross the croc infested river is CRAYZEE!!
A lot of that is faked for the cameras. The herd animals are forced into the water at a place they wouldn’t choose to cross. Makes for better viewer stats
Typical fake news “ethics”.
Hell, everybody has to go sometime. This way some of those gazelles etc get celluloid immortality
That’s a Fauci quote, right?
Actually pink Floyd

Disney still gets slammed for their lemmings footage.
That’s not very nice… I wonder how the TV crew would like it, if someone did that to them.
Well it looks like the CCP & Demon Rats/OSHA are actively DOING it to them…. BUT it is going to take them longer to die.
On the Stew Peter show this summer, Dr. Zelenko was shown an ad by NYC Rabbis touting the Clot shot and saying they had taken it. He was asked to comment. After thinking a few seconds he said: “They are the walking Dead.”
This is just after
‘Poison death shot’: Dr Zelenko testifies before Israeli Rabbinical court
And before the X22 interview: Dr. Zelenko – We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight ItWhere Dr Zelenko does not pull any punches
They also attack boat of considerable size. Like ferry’s, that trespass into their “turf”.
very territorial.
o/t escobars hippos have won a stay of execution.
they have escaped, bred and now own certain sections of the river
They might look like fat farts BUT
they are faster than humans on land- you can’t outrun them
they are faster in the water- you can’t outswim them
so essentially you’ve only got a chance of beating them on the bicycle section of the triathlon
That’s why you practice tree-climbing.
Ah! So it’s hippos that pushed the selection of opposable thumbs
Yep, hippos and field mice before we had chairs.
“They also attack boat of considerable size. Like ferry’s, that trespass into their “turf”.
very territorial.”
So a home-made raft or canoe ride would be exciting… probably canoe for me… sporting chance to row past the danger.
There have been quite a few fatalities in sport kayaks from hippo attack.
They don’t like high-tech graphite sport kayaks, Hippos are strictly old school.
Gotta go with the old aluminum rental canoe, with wooden oars, or ye shalt not pass!

White-knuckle rafting…
I’ll rephrase. Attack boats up to a considerable size.
canoes are like matchsticks to them.( with a juicy centre)
Rinos are sooo easy to spot

Liberal Logic : Revised & Updated (2021)
^^^ LIKE. ^^^
UnAmerican commander and thief…..
You can thank Druggie, erm, Draghi (the Klown on the right) for the zero and sub-zero interest rates the world over…
Speaking of science, a paper came out last month that found that dogs that cocked their heads sideways while learning, learned new words faster and more accurately than dogs that didn’t. In the paper was the intriguing paragraph:
*>The direction of the head-tilts was individually consistent across the different studies, revealing that the direction of the tilt should be considered as a stable individual trait. This observation is in line with previous findings of paw preference in dogs. For instance, Wells et al. (2018) reported task-specific paw use in dogs where the subjects displayed the same pawedness after 6 months when tested again under the same conditions.<*
Which, in my mind, sat up and begged the question: “is the direction of head-tilt correlated with pawedness?” Since it has become customary (I consider this a good thing) that one of a group of authors be designated the email contact, I asked.
The response was (in part):
*>Anyway, you have a very good question but I don’t have an answer yet.
Pawedness seems to be a bit complex to study in dogs. It has been studied a few times but the results are often hard to interpret.
One of the latest studies I’ve found tried to check whether dogs manifest the same preference in 4 different tasks and actually they used a different paw according to what they needed to do.
I think right now we still don’t have a bulletproof way to identify pawedness in dogs but it’s definitely something that I would be interested in exploring.
And, as you mentioned, I would love to see a correlation between that and the direction of the tilt! Especially for those dogs that did it mostly on one side but also on the other.<*
Science! It’s done by real people! On the internet!
Science is huggable and pettable!
Yeah, I thought of those guys too….do they tilt their head one way to get the word in English, and the other way to learn it in Inuit?
One would think the answer to that would be inuitively obvious, but it’s not.
I see what you did there.
I’m glad SOMEONE did.
I saw it. But you are already too clever by half
You’d have to Eskimogain…
The best I could come up with was “Nominative, Accusative, Dative, and Inuitive, with a matrix showing 16 ways of saying “bark”….so I refrained.
Did you study Latin? My HS friend who took that class used to use those terms…well Intuitive
German and Spanish.
Thx. I took French for 4 years but we never did those specific categories, that I recall
Try on nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, instrumental and prepositional.
The first four exist in German. Those, and the other two, exist in Russian.
Yikes! Fortunately I got to test out of certain kinds of English classes, because of my allegedly skilled usage, but Not my ability to name the categories of words!
How many are part of Latin? Would it be similar to the Latin-based languages like French, Italian, AND Spanish?
I don’t know Latin well enough to answer that.
These “Categories” are cases and (usually) are used to mark the part of the sentence. Nominative=subject Accusative=object Dative=indirect object. Genitive=usually a sort of possessive but can also mean “of”. Just to make things nastier certain prepositions’ objects have to be in a certain one of these cases, too.
English has a combined objective case rather than an accusative and a dative, and it pretty much only applies to pronouns (“whom” is the objective case of “who”). And our possessive is a pure possessive, so we don’t call it “genitive.”
Examples: The boy threw the man’s baseball to the dog.
Boy would be nominative, man would be genitive, baseball would be accusative, and dog would be dative; in fact you’d simply put the dative form of dog there and leave out the word “to” if English worked like these other languages.
Instrumental in Russian denotes what you used to perform an action. “I shot him with a BB gun” in Russian would simply put “BB gun” into the instrument case and not have the word “with” in the sentence. I don’t recall but I think this ALSO gets used with some prepositions for their objects.
Finally the prepositional case in Russian is called that because it is ONLY used as the object for certain prepositions.
Whew, thanks. Glad I didn’t have to study that crap!
I thought Accusative is what Dems AND Rinos do non-stop to Trump & Patriots!
They accuse. That makes them accusatory or accusative.
Formal Latin incorporated virtually every bit of persnickety grammar imaginable, which is how it ended up being used by the Roman Church, science, and high-powered (pronounced “useless”) scholars. All the Romance Languages (Port, Span, Fr, It, Rom) jettisoned massive complex parts of Latin just as soon as they were able. German actually incorporated cases, and kept more of them than the Romance Languages did, while ditching (or never considering) many other of Latin’s quirks.
One thing to remember is that it was “The Roman Empire” — there were people traipsing through Rome from Hadrian’s Wall to Scythia on every given day, and they’d naturally want to buy food and beverages from market stalls — the average spoken Latin on the street at the height of the Empire was likely much like modern Spanish in a variety of accents. Only the Church, the Government, and the Self-Absorbed rigidly followed the formal grammar.
Hence it is a “dead” language!
The Roman Church insisting on Latin seems to me (a Protestant) a surefire way to keep God as incomprehensible as possible to the masses (no pun intended). Modern Phariseeism as a way to maintain power AND mystique–tragic & likely Very Far from honoring God or His heart of love for All!
On the other hand, formal Latin is an incredibly precise language, which is why it had so much favor in the scientific community (until it didn’t). Mind you, Aramaic or Hebrew are far less persnickety and precise languages — and those are the original sources. [….which leads you off into a “should your commentary be more precise than the sources so you don’t inadvertently fall into theological error through over-generalizing?” debate]
Furthermore, you can also take lessons from English. You literally cannot “get” English without studying a foreign language. English grammar is like one of those pictures of a bombed-out city from WWII. If you want to know what the stubs of walls and piles of debris mean, you actually have to go to a language where they still function — there is too little left intact in standard English to make any sense. Only then can you walk along and go, “there are signs that people worked here” and “there are signs that people lived here”.
Take the subjunctive mood. In Spanish, it’s reasonably well developed and you can see how it is properly used. In English, just about the only place you find it is “if I were a rich man….” — and you might think that comes from a Russian shtetl.
LOL, love your last paragraph AND love Fiddler on the Roof too!!!
Well said, all of the above. Wish I’d taken Latin in addition to French & it would have been helpful in my scientific education AND my medically intense special needs parenting existence!
Oh AND I could better translate some of what my botanist aunt says
English is pretty insane as an international language but surely it’s better than Russian or Chinese! Though perhaps a true international language is Linux
Formal Latin is a well-equipped laboratory in how language works.
That said, it is far from a conversational language.
There is a reason that a full Classical education includes formal Latin and Greek. It’s not meant to communicate, it’s meant to train your brain.
That said, Chinese will strain your brain in all sorts of other ways. For one thing, nobody speaks Chinese — it is exclusively a written language. Its writing is pronounced differently if you are speaking Mandarin or Cantonese (or any other dialect) — so you are reading Chinese but speaking Mandarin.
You may recall my expostulation regarding “one letter, one sound” languages, and how I couldn’t stand French. Chinese is infinitely worse — one sign in Mandarin sounds different from the same sign in Cantonese.
Just to make sure you’re either “in the club” or “outside”, Chinese is a very tonal language — you almost sing it.
[Mini-rant: NPR had some PhD “expert” on who had a horrible case of “up-speak”, where every statement you make goes up in pitch like a question.
If you say, “Consider the question of “do you like dogs.” — you’ll say it flat. If you ask, “Do you like dogs?”, you’ll go up at the end. “Up-speak” is when an overeducated person uses the rising inflection for every statement. I hate that.]
Most Chinese dialects have something like five tones, so they bounce around like ABCEBDA while they are saying things — and stuff like “ee-o” might mean “dinnerplate” if using A-D tones, but might mean “monkey droppings” if E-C tones are used.
If you suspect that my rancor is partially fueled by how poorly I personally do it, you’re suspishing properly.
Linux isn’t a language. It’s a software kernel that is also a model of collaboration that has been extended widely through FOSS (Free and Open-Sourced Software) and forms the basis of an ecosystem that supports a diverse bunch of distros (Distributions — a Linux kernel + development tools + utilities + a curated set of other FOSS software).
Thx CT, fascinating as ever. I never know if you or Steve will expound the most fully on practically Any topic. You guys rock!!!
As my history of the physical sciences goes deeper into the 20th century, you may note the trend to give things English based names rather than Latin ones. English has displaced Latin as the international language of science. (There was a time when German was giving it competition, especially in organic chemistry. A trace of that is the super long one-word names for organic chemicals; that’s something straight out of German, which makes compound words at the drop of a hat. Any hat.)
Oh AND you came to mind when I watched some random youtube video about weird things unexplained by science the other day…

I’m guessing it’s a hoax, but who knows. Hope the image shows
Sadly, no image….
OK, let me try again…

Found the last one here, fyi, haven’t read anything but it Might be some fun…
I once stayed at a hotel where the door to the bathroom *clearly* had an image of Cthulhu in the wood grain.
Interesting. Seems there is some sci-fi sub-culture thing going on. There are a number of potentially interesting youtube videos that could be enlightening…but who has the time!
Try Amazon or ebay.
I remember that weird light-up eyes one you shared the other day
Oh, it’s definitely a sub culture thing.
There’s even a satire of a Chick’s tract that promises you will be eaten first. (Which, if Cthulhu was real, would be a good thing.)
hmmm this is well outside of my wheelhouse, other than recognizing some of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie characters exhibited Cthulhu-like traits. Yet again another arena to investigate when the mood AND time coincide
Brown Palace?
Nope. I don’t even remember what it was other than it was in north virginia.
It reminded me of all those “I Saw Jesus in a Slice Of Toast” stories in the National Enquirer and similar pubs.
I have a variety of odd cthulhu things around, as you might expect. Everything from plush toys to t-shirts.
What prompted your fascination originally?
Fiddler On The Roof was based on a story originally written in Yiddish.
I actually do make an effort to use the subjunctive properly, if only because otherwise it’s too easy for people to fail to realize I’m talking about a hypothetical.
OTOH, as the Roman Empire fell, it was still a common language spoken by the educated. In fact the educated learned and spoke Latin well into the 19th Century. Newton wrote his works in Latin, and he was seventeenth century.
Which doesn’t mean that Church Latin doesn’t serve the function you name today. It was aided by the scarcity of books, meaning there was actually good reason not to try to put a bible in the hands of every member of the laity. The invention of the printing press was no doubt a huge contributing factor to the Reformation.
I doubt German adopted cases from Latin.
If they did, then they had previously ditched the cases they had.
Cases and declensions are a feature of almost every Indo-European language, which means they were undoubtedly part of the original language AND its immediate descendant (like the language we now call “Proto Germanic”). To the extent we don’t have them, its because we gave them up sometime after the Angles, Saxons and Jutes made their new homes on a certain offshore island–probably because the three groups (and the original Celtic inhabitants) had different rules and had to find common ground just to be able to communicate.
My Woodford tilts his head and he is very smart learns quick. He is left handed
Peri plays ignore and shakes her head if I ask her something that she does not want to do and barks if she wants to do something when I ask. She also learns puzzles qick.
Two different reaction two different personalities in dogs but both very bright. Peri is an introvert quiet and misses nothing specially outdoors. Woodford is an extrovert misses some of the happening around him.
A couple of years I kept telling him to speak nothing then Peri sat up looked and a big woof came from her and laid down again. Was so funny .
She is the boss and he submits to her. If I want him to come and he pops around she nips him not hard just telling him to get going
Great science lesson, although – yeah – my head hurts!!!
But it’s in the sidebar!
Loose ends being tied off?
Something’s up!
Felix Sater
Nov 5
First the pawns fall then the knight and then the Queen.

Quote Tweet
Felix Sater
· Nov 5
Coming soon the mic drop. via @NYTimes https://nytimes.com/2021/11/04/us/igor-danchenko-arrested-steele-dossier.html?referringSource=articleShare
“First the pawns fall then the knight and then the Queen.”
Theirs or ours?
(asking for a friend)
All roads lead to Hillary
Remember Ashli!
From GAB!!!
Photos like this, more than anything, show me just how much President Trump suffered in the White House.
He looks like a different person now. De-aged twenty years. And we want him to do it again.
All the tension is gone – but he looks a little too thin in the face to me. (Camera adds pounds.)
I’m OK with whatever he chooses. He could be President – or he could be the media mogul who destroys Fake News and puts President DeSantis in the White House. I will support Trump no matter what!!!
Republicans just helped Democrats pass $500 million for Tree equity.
Republicans just helped Democrats get $500 million for “Transportation Resilience and Adaptation Centers of Excellence”
Republicans just helped Democrats pass $250 million for the “congestion relief program”, a climate change program that will impose fees for parking and driving during peak hours
After $70 billion in covid relief, Republicans just helped Democrats give universities another $400 million
Republicans just gave Democrats $1.4 billion for PROTECT grants, another climate change initiative
Republicans just forced states to provide an annual list of “disadvantaged businesses” owned by women and minorities, verified by in person inspections
Republicans just gave Joe Manchin’s wife $1.1 BILLION
Republicans just gave Democrats $75 million for a study on how to enact income-based road usage fees
Republicans just gave the DC Metropolitan Area Transit Authority $750 million.
Republicans just gave $2.1 billion to North Dakota’s carbon dioxide pipelines, a payout for
. Lining each other’s pockets.
More more millions more
From @ Oil Field Rando
Somebody tell me why we keep falling for the lies ? Next time, always next time. There is no next time for me. I’m done.
Nothing matters if 2020 isn’t fixed.
100% correct ! All of this…the killer vax, CRT, USA without a border, masks, now this…every bit because of the 2020 steal
They had to steal the WH to get back on their agenda.
Cucking Fommunists.
They did it and now…the tsunami is on us.
We should’ve all pulled out of this traitorous party after 2020 but no…….pearl clutching and reasoning gets us this ???
Most of my effort and concern is for the next generation. I can ride this out before it gets to the gulag stage but my grandkids..this is going to be their life.
Keep pushing. There is no rest – there is only hope.
I may be at the last stage, acceptance. Playing by the rules that are no longer enforced seems dumb to me. If there’s some other solution I’d be in favor but this is like torture, slow torture.
We cannot give up we need to fight.
This country fought abroad but not internally. Most people do not know how to fight when it is in this country.
Until my last breath I will not give up and not give up on hope.
I am working with what we have and we tolerated republican party as was is for too long. There behavior did not affect us and now it does. 13 cowards republican cowards changed history for the worse and sold out the country. Never forget them .
“This country fought abroad but not internally. Most people do not know how to fight when it is in this country.”
Oh, this country fought internally. The bloodiest war we ever fought, the one between the states, left scars so deep, we’re very much not inclined to repeat the experience.
Maybe that has been forgotten? Also many immigrants are here and many people only know prosperity and peace in the country. I experienced the sixties here and yes black people fought for their rights.
I am speaking of communism many people do not know it and it is bad when it comes from your own.
Unlike the Tea Party, we have LEADERSHIP and a PLAN…. And the LEFT IS FLIPPING OUT (and so are the Rhinos.)
Thanks for this info (again). I shared your link & image on Gab here:
Another thing that seems to happen is that the Dem machine is clever. I think a lot of the old uniparty GOP are garden variety sellouts but it feels like younger turncoats are plants all along. Any trust I had is gone.
The Dem machine isn’t so much clever as it is ruthless and relentless. They’re using the same bag of tricks they have for almost two centuries.
The Mafia never died it just changed mob bosses.
Spot on, DP.
In the 60’s and 70’s it was bussing to multiple election precincts in multiple states, $5/$10 bills for each vote, free bottles of whiskey, plus local election officials with cash in their pockets. It has evolved with computers and internet.
Basics. If all that is needed to vote is a tabulation of legal votes for election integrity – why is there connectivity that includes direct pipelines to fake news outlets while using algorithms? We all know if we think about it. Some people don’t care because their people are winning. Others don’t care how any of goes as long as they get theirs.
The GOP is in on it, which is why they never really fight for election integrity since they are covered by the same dirty tricks in their areas.
Example – Tennessee where I live. The home where the RINO’s come to roam for many years – until PDT began changing things. We use Dominion. Yet, the GOP dominates, only 2 Dem reps in Memphis/Nashville and the rest including Senate are GOP. They are in on it. Fortunately at the state legislature level we are strongly conservative with big majorities in both houses.
The answer is there. Local election integrity with changes in methodology that work their way up to the governor’s office with majorities that can override any veto. One community and state at a time.
Dominion IS equal opportunity. Elects TransRepublicans alongside d-Rats.
I agree, some of the R’s who’ve been elected recently are sure showing that they’ve been compromised already, sadly.
IMO some of the more vocal ones are possibly playing along too.
Yeah trust is surely something that I don’t have either with many of them.
That is how communists work and yes we are not communists of fascists therefore we do not fight like they do.
Always remember what we are dealing with. They have no soul no faith just there ideology and that is their god.
“We” …who’s ‘we’, the repub pols? …they don’t fall for anything. They are all on the same side, D’s and R’s and I’s … all Swamp
When this kind of $h!t happens, it is because ‘we’ were paid handsomely, while the real ‘we’, you and me, get stuck with the bill!
Let’s Go Brandon!
Money aside, it’s the policies that are attached. More control through mileage monitoring, making driving unaffordable, forcing gas appliances to be replaced…water..just wait until they get to that one…in every area of life these build back better reset measures are going to be bad for freedom.
People have to vote better and know the people who are voted in. 13 republicans voted for the bill 6 democrats voted against.
Lets make the 13 republicans famous and vote them out. We put these clown in and years ago we knew who they were and never voted them out. Accountability needs to be priority not what they look like how well they talk. So many people are taken in by looks instead substance.
Hope I’m not tracking in dirt
It’s dirt, but I view it as keeping track of the enemy’s best spy in our camp.
No, you are not tracking in dirt, but the concept that Comey is a white hat playing a black hat is a hard sell on this forum. Rosenstein, and Mueller may well have been given “get out of jail free” cards for playing along, but that all has not been exposed yet.
Yeah, that’s dirt. Until PROVEN otherwise.
Like I said, it’s a hard sell. Dawson is not the only one out there saying such things. At this point, it’s all still on the table.
My perfect proof that Dawson is a deep state shill, protecting the anti-Trump FIB.
Sundance warned about this defense of the Deep State – that they would sacrifice outsiders to save the infestation inside government.
Dawson is STILL on Twatter. QED
“…Dawson is a deep state shill, protecting the anti-Trump FIB….”
And he thinks we are stupid and have VERY SHORT MEMORIES. Remember Kevin Clinesmith, the FBI attorney who CHANGED the memo from the CIA and hid Carter Page CIA informant role.
Ex-FBI lawyer avoids prison after admitting he doctored email in investigation of Trump’s 2016 campaign
This is the SOB that cost American tax payers BILLIONS and tied up the Trump Admin for YEARS!!!
He needed to get the SAME TREATMENT and ‘conditions’ that the Jan 6th patriots are!
10000X this ^^^
All day everyday and twice on Sundays.
A fantastic video with Mike Adams and Dr. Lee Merritt, in which she describes the concept of disseminating contraceptive vaccines. I think she’s on the money here.
Link for sharing:
Additional links:
Sundance sees that the elite is now at a brick wall.
IMO, we can sense the plot. They can kill off the oldsters and shorten the lives of the middle-aged, but sterilizing our kids – no thanks. It’s a COLD PLOT.
Moonbat Milano Asks Audience if They Will Vaccinate Their 5 to 11-Year-Old Children, More Than 90 Percent Say NO
November 5, 2021 | Sundance | 30 Comments
“They can kill off the oldsters and shorten the lives of the middle-aged,”
Except me…

And me. I plan to live to be old. Fuck them.
And not have to pay out all that social security to the front end of the baby boom.
I HATE thinking like this, but they’re retiring in droves right now.
Dare say this is not the response Milano was expecting. What shocks me is that she is tacitly encouraging her peeps to think twice about the jab.
Thankfully parents WILL protect the children.
Wonder what the percentage of parents NOT injecting their 12-17 yo children. Guessing similar, 90%.
IF this is a SELF-SPREADING bio-weapon Clot-Shot then all it takes is to vaccinate a few kids (or the teacher) in EACH CLASS. the kids will then spread it amongst themselves.
These people need to hang seriously they are sick to the bone of their being. They are vile criminals.
I keep thinking of Dante’s Ninth Circle and how it needs a whole lot more inhabitants.
~11:30 they discuss the possibility that Covid-19 is NOT a typical virus. They mention that it was hitting certain cities and it was the PCR test that was giving the ILLUSION of a pandemic.

MTG: Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Denied Haircuts and Communion if They Will Not Take Vaccine — Find Pubic Hair in Their Chili (VIDEO)
Web Med:
Remember at the beginning of the COVIDIOCY madness, there was talk of using far-UVC light transmitted into the lungs via ultra-thin fiber-optics… seems that was buried rather quickly, like that Indian paper that was swiftly withdrawn…
There seemed to be a lot of good stuff early on that’s all but forgotten now (but I’ll bet you have copies
Who MEEeee?
RealPOTUS commented on using UV light as well as disinfectants and msm twisted that to drinking bleach. That is what killed it in the minds of the Sheep.
Old – Cable News Network = CNN
New – Cable Opinion Network = CON
Didn’t Maddow get sued and her defense was that she spoke opinions and not facts or news, so no one can say she libeled?
Because Let’s Go Brandon
They have cures.
They have withheld them from us.
Big Pharma is the nexus of world control. Everything meets there…nazis, globalists, communists, money, control, depopulation, and so on.
Joe Biden Sends $5 Million to UN to Fund Portable Devices to Kill Babies in Abortions Around the World
Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy must be remove from leadership or nothing will ever be accomplished. Either they are both controlled opposition or incompetent and incapable of leading their respective caucus. The only good thing about this infrastructure bill is it clearly has shown us who many of the traitors in our party are, REMEMBER that next year. No House GOP representative that voted for this madness should keep their seat come next year’s primaries, EVERY last one of them need to go otherwise winning elections will be meaningless with RINO’s like this representing us. We must root these people out of the party once and for all and that includes every senator that voted for this in the Senate.
I have two treasonous transvestite DemonRats in NC Burr (who is retiring) and Tillis.
Hey TIM, I Finally got my husband to reply to your comment here:
Hope you get a chance to see it and perhaps act on his suggestion. Blessings!
Speaking of compressing the earth down to the size that would make it a black hole reminded me of an analogy I once read.
I’ve no idea if it is actually true, but it said that if the earth was reduced to the size of a billiard ball it would be smoother than a billiard ball.
In the universe as a whole that kind of puts us little humans in our place.
I’ve read that one too. Let’s check it.
The height of mount Everest is very roughly 5 3/4 miles above sea level. The depth of the Marianas trench is 6.825 miles. That’s a total deviation from the “geoid” (the shape of the earth’s sea level) of 13 miles (rounding).
That’s as compared to a 8000 mile diameter. A billiard ball is 2 1/4 inches across (+/- 0.005 inches; I don’t know if that’s the allowed variation in size of the ball, or the allowed deviation from smooth, though). That’s roughly 4000 miles per inch. A thousandth of an inch is 4 miles. So about 3 thousandths of an inch would be the roughness a cue ball could have to be as rough as the earth.
One thing missing from this though is that a billiard ball is expected to be spherical, but the geoid is not actually a sphere; it has very minor lumps in it, which would be less than this but it also is oblate, thicker through the equator than it is through the poles. That’s a 28 mile difference in diameter, which actually is larger than the roughness I cited above. I don’t know if a billiard ball is allowed to be more ‘off round’ than this, though.
Let the PUNishment fit the crime
The billiard sharp who any one catches,
His doom’s extremely hard —
He’s made to dwell —
In a dungeon cell
On a spot that’s always barred.
And there he plays extravagant matches
In fitless finger-stalls
On a cloth untrue
With a twisted cue
And elliptical billiard balls!
“All balls must be composed of cast phenolic resin plastic and measure 2 ¼ (+.005) inches [5.715 cm (+ .127 mm)] in diameter and weigh 5 ½ to 6 oz [156 to 170 gms].”
There is no specification of sphereness, but it’s hard for my brain to come up with a thing with constant diameters that isn’t spherical.
One thing that I do find interesting, however, is that the balls must be cast, not milled or turned.
“…That’s when the Left/Establishment went to good old fashioned blatant ballot-box stuffing, putting up cardboard to block the view into election centers and running ballot after ballot through the machines. To say nothing of the six figure dumps of votes entirely for China Joe and Skanky Hoe.
This time, for whatever reason, they didn’t go that far….”
John Fredricks and Steve Bannon worked VERY HARD to STOP the STEAL:
John Fredericks explains the MASSIVE election integrity effort actively protecting voters on election night in Virginia. (1 minute 25 secs)
They even brought in the Big Gun Election Thief in Chief, Perkins Coie attorney Marc Elias
From Right Wing Watch, Commie Central
I am going to try to embed the rumble Video.
<a href=”https://rumble.com/voopug-john-fredericks-glenn-youngkin-won-because-of-you.html” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>https://rumble.com/voopug-john-fredericks-glenn-youngkin-won-because-of-you.html</a></p>
VIDEO PAGE LINK: https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html
ARRRGGgggggh I give up!
I know the feeling
Remember, the states refused to cooperate in the voter integrity project.
We NEED to do the same in NC!
IDK, I know a lot of people who are still under the spell.
Rough night in London.
Need more, REFUSE.
Something is up. They don’t fall in lockstep unless there’s something going on behind the scenes.
^^^ Answer resides with, “Monopoly, Who Owns The World?” ^^^
Following Off The Wall. Clearly NOT well thought out…
Normies joining the rest of us, realizing the Covid narrative IS BS? Demand for Covid injections fall like a rock? Folks lining up for a booster are minuscule? Goofy Covid pills being rolled out have no demand.
OR more likely…
The Grand Global Reset narrative being imposed, shifting? Covid IS but a blip, in the Global Reset plan. Covid, a “Look Squirrel” thing that has been wildly successful.
Beyond climate change hoax, I dunno what them bastards are up to.
Some or all of the below coming our way… I actually believe, all.
This worst case scenario plays out more frequently in my head… EVERY DAY FOLKS ARE NOT PREPARED for worst case scenario.
Yea, ^^^ NOT well thought out. If any of this is “the plan”, how are the true elites, insulating themselves? Elites WILL need their own supply chain of EVERYTHING going forward. Where OR Who are the Chosen survivors. It’s NOT Israel.
Personally, I don’t believe for one second, the Chinee have been injected with the debilitating clot shots, the rest of the globe has ignorantly accepted.
Off to another cup of coffee. Ideally returning with more logical thoughts. Or keep my thoughts to myself.
I don’t think falling demand is all of it. They’re owned by the same mutual fund families, and the people at the top there have contacts that would signal a warning.
I’m wondering (hoping) that the house of cards is on the verge of being exposed.
Yea. The house cards needs to crash.
Have not looked at Covid injection rates over time recently. I suspect they are dwindling big time.
I think it is the data coming in from hospitals all over the world that are filling up with very ill people, but not with Covid.
The hospital administrators are not “in on it” in my opinion. They have been HAD. And the jig is up. These people are corporate, they are money-oriented (Medicaid and Medicare payments are what they function on) but they are not STUPID. Once they see that the numbers they are seeing are CLOT-SHOT caused, they will start to rebel. They are floundering around right now, trying to make sense of what they are seeing without admitting to themselves what they have fallen for. But pretty soon, they will have to say the quiet part out loud.
This is going to be UGLY. People will lose their minds.
I know individuals can’t sue the drug companies for damages, but can hospitals? Because that might be up next.
Hoping you are correct.
At some point hospital administrators AND doctors, MUST know, ADMIT outwardly the clot shots ARE creating serious health issues.
At some point hospital administrators AND doctors, kowtowing to their paycheck, MUST take a back seat to stopping the genocide.
Dunno about hospitals suing drug companies. I suspect not. Congress protects their cash cows, which includes drug companies.
Sadly, I think you are probably correct about being able to sue. Sucks.
The question is, whether the “can’t sue” law covers deliberate, even malicious, actions and negligence as opposed to stuff that slipped through the cracks despite all legally mandated testing.
Usually this sort of protection reads something like “As long as you comply with government guidelines you cannot be held liable.” That’s a carrot and stick to get people to comply with regulations.
Ah. So maybe hospitals will bankrupt Big Pharma, if they can prove they knew what they were doing.
Please note I do NOT know that this law was written this way, only suggesting it COULD have been.
If what we think is true… AND THE DEATHS ALONE PROVE….(Note DELIVERY SYSTEM = mRNA causing replication within the human body.)
I put your important comment on Gab here:
Seen on the Q-Tree. But what if the bio-weapons are made by & used by our own government? Who, but God, will hold these genocidal psychopaths accountable???
Think of Benito Mussolini
I am NOT advocating that, but it is certainly in the realm of possibles since it has happened before.
It would certainly be poetic justice. All these criminals should meet their Maker after being duly convicted & given a brief opportunity to make their peace with God before they meet Him face-to-face!
Veritable treasure trove of truth, Gail. You rock.
I got that. But I hope you are right!
So can congress pass a law that makes mass murder legal? It would not stand.
That’s an interesting question actually.
They could certainly repeal any federal laws against it.
I doubt they could force the states to repeal their laws against it.
(Yes, I know that’s not the point you were making.)
That’s an interesting question actually.
They could certainly repeal any federal laws against it.
I doubt they could force the states to repeal their laws against it.
(Yes, I know that’s not the point you were making.)
More to your point, that’d be a criminal matter rather than a civil one (where people could sue big pharma’s ass) which is what this was about.
Even if you consent to being killed and eaten the person who follows your explicit instructions still gets a first degree murder charge.
in disturbing information this has been verified by real life events
Laws can change for crimes against humanity.
True that.
But not ex post facto.
They cannot reach into the past and write a law against something that happened in the past.
That is EXPLICITLY forbidden in the constitution.
They can sue doctors and employers.
It was also an up day in the market (246pts) but…
From the comments. “Pfizer is capturing the entire market.”
Also this short story from Yahoo finance.
And up day fro Pfizer climbing over 10%
It’s all marketing. Pfizer was smarter in how it created and broadcast their numbers. Merck had BETTER numbers by a more similar metric.
Pfizer’s drug did not REALLY have better numbers.
Satan Sauros is shorting them…
That’s one I hadn’t thought of, but why short them when they are being set up to be perpetual cash cows?
He takes his gains any way he can; upside or downside.
He didn’t get the moniker “The man who broke the Bank of England” for nothing…
(I shouldn’t feel this way, but I’d sure like to see him endure “time wounds all heels” in real life…..)…
Before reading the post and thread, a thought.
Prior to the indictment, I did not think Danchenko was part of the Russia hoax. I cannot recall all the details, but my impression was that he resisted, even mockingly resisted. He was dirty in other ways, but not WRT the hoax.
The indictment means Danchenko was an essential part of the hoax, in conjunction with Dolan.
New to me also was Danchenko’s status as a standard issue leftist American Democrat. That puts him in a far different light.
ATM Sundance is not wrong about skepticism of Durham, but he may not be right, either.
The indictment brings the Clinton connection into clearer view (not that any of us doubted that connection). Does a prosecutor bring that connection into view without an intention to follow up?
Clinesmith looks a little different in retrospect. Having pleaded guilty, he now does not have a 5th Amendment right to silence on the substance of his offense, which substance potentially is significant in the big picture. IOW, worst case, he can be called as a witness who will be required to testify under the threat of contempt, although his relationship with Durham is possibly less adversarial.
The indictment also makes Sussman look different in retrospect. Like Danchenko, he is alleged to have lied in a way which is very key to establishing the RICO type nature of the hoax. He might very well be in peril.
It could all be nothing. But it is getting harder to think Durham is just wrapping things up and covering things up. With Danchenko, he shined a bright light on what we all know actually happened. It is harder to think he will wind up by saying “nothing to see here, move on.”
What is hard to believe is that thoroughly corrupt Garland will let this all happen, especially because he knows the Fake News will denounce any termination of Durham as a conspiracy theory.
IMO Garland isn’t in charge of the DOJ, pretty much like ole Joe isn’t in charge. He’s shown he’s incompetent and looking like Muller did when he had to testify. He’s a place holder for the man behind the curtain, IMO Holder.
I agree. DOJ, FBI, all of them, you can put a figurehead at the top, but if you don’t change the guts, the inner workings of the permanent staff, there’s no change. They’ll do what they have to to go around a good guy at the top, too. The whole idea of top down management in places like that is laughable. Essentially, the guy at the top gets the blame for the malfeasance of underlings who likely have more contacts and control of the crimes being committed.
Oh, it pre-dates Obama. I’d take it back to at least FDR. More likely the late 19th century.
Very much back to FDR. However they are now CAST IN STONE and almost impossible to oust. (Watching porn on gov computers and STILL employed for example.)
Of course there was Colonel House and others who ‘Ran’ our elected officials.
“Philip Dru, Administrator” , “Colonel” House’s Mangled Opus…
I think it’s on the web somewhere as a pdf, if anyone can stomach it…
I believe the modern civil service as we know it, with hard-to-fire employees, was founded in 1883.
I remember there was a postage stamp issued to commemorate it; I almost got dry heaves when I saw the advertising material for it.
(OK, I’m only part right: from Wikipoo:
In the United States, the federal civil service was established in 1871. The Civil Service is defined as “all appointive positions in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of the Government of the United States, except positions in the uniformed services.” (5 U.S.C. § 2101). In the early 19th century, government jobs were held at the pleasure of the president — a person could be fired at any time. The spoils system meant that jobs were used to support the political parties. This was changed in slow stages by the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 and subsequent laws. By 1909, almost two thirds of the U.S. federal work force was appointed based on merit, that is, qualifications measured by tests. Certain senior civil service positions, including some heads of diplomatic missions and executive agencies, are filled by political appointees. Under the Hatch Act of 1939, civil servants are not allowed to engage in political activities while performing their duties.
There’s more; the article this is pulled from is the one on “Civil Service” (which covers multiple countries) section on the US. The ostensible reason for hard-to-fire employees is to counteract the “spoils system.”
More on the civil service–this one from the main Wikipedia article on the US Federal civil service:
In October 2020, Trump signed an executive order that created a new category of federal employees, Schedule F, which included all career civil servants whose job includes “policymaking”. Such employees would no longer be covered by civil service protections against arbitrary dismissal, but would be subject to the same rules as political appointees. The new description could be applied to thousands of nonpartisan experts such as scientists, who give advice to the political appointees who run their departments.[32] Heads of all federal agencies were ordered to report by January 19, 2021 a list of positions that could be reclassified as Schedule F. The Office of Management and Budget submitted a list in November that included 88 percent of the office’s workforce.[33] Federal employee organizations and Congressional Democrats sought to overturn the order via lawsuits or bills. House Democrats warned in a letter that “The executive order could precipitate a mass exodus from the federal government at the end of every presidential administration, leaving federal agencies without deep institutional knowledge, expertise, experience, and the ability to develop and implement long-term policy strategies.”[34] Observers predicted that Trump could use the new rule to implement a “massive government purge on his way out the door.”[35] Schedule F was eliminated by President Joe Biden on 22, January, 2021, nullifying the personnel changes.[36]
This is probably why so much of the civil service was against Trump. On the other hand, he likely tried to do this because they were so resistant to reform. (Insert any references you like to “chicken and egg.”) He clearly should not have made it dependent on the results of the election.
Are you confusing Igor Danchenko with Oleg Deripaska ?
Yes! TY!
YW !

What is interesting is this opens up RICO and that allows going BACK IN TIME DESPITE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.
July 17 2021: X-22 Report Why They Can’t Find Special Counsel John Durham
So now Durham has surfaced I am going to repost some of the rough transcript I made of:
Col. John Mills – The Deep State, Up Close and Personalhttps://rumble.com/vm40hn-col.-john-mills-the-deep-state-up-close-and-personal.html
Dave Clements interview Col Mills WHO TESTIFIED TO DURHAM.. He is the former Director, Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense.
@ 55:15 Dave:
OK now speaking of Attorney Generals, we have the beginning of the Trump admin, you’re still keeping an eye on the cyber components and the cyber threats to our nation. I am getting a lot of questions about the timing or purpose of Jeff Sessions. The very short tenure. The reason why it comes up is because of the timing of when John Durham came on board. Here’s another mystery figure that none of us see him, none of us hear from him. I think we started to hear from him oddly enough, from Bill Barr. There are some things that are curious. Apple informed Adam Shiff and Eric Swalwell who were two high ranking members of the intel committee. Oh BTW we have been disclosing documents and stuff you have been in possession of over the past four years. I think that came out this past May. As a prosecutor who has convined Grand Juries, you have to have the subpoena power to do that. And it has to originate from some where. The fact that Apple was complying with some sort of subpoena for four years was very curious because that would have pre-dated Bill Barr.
Oddly enough it seems to start with the start of the Trump admin. And you have this very short lived appointment of Jeff Sessions. You have had some interfacing with John Durham thru your work. Can you connect some of the dots for us on what do you know about John Durham. What have you don to help assist this. And is there anything I have said that you can flesh out and separate fact from fiction.
@ 57:35 — Col. Mills
Quick chronology from the summer of 2016.
I was in the halls of the Pentagon in the summer of 16 just a few days before the Republican Convention to nominate Trump. And someone who had been a Bush appointee, I ran into him and said, you’re going to support Trump Right? And I will never forget this, this is literally verbatim what he said:
No, We see more OPPORTUNITIES with HER!
I got in his face and said who is WE? And what opportunities do you see? From that point on I was a thousand percent Trump. And that is when I realized there is a Swamp.
So Summer of 16 is really when Crossfire Hurricane really started. And Comey and Brennan.
Now I was part of something linking back to C&CI. There was a body called the Cyber Response Group, [CRG] that I kind of departed about 2014. But the CRG kinda became important and maybe was the body… We heard about unmasking, Susan Rice, things like that…. So the CRG I helped set up way back in 2007, 2008. But the Obama Admin kinda repurposed that group. And just because of the roles and responsibilities I don’t think they wanted me in it. I kinda ceased participating. The CRG kinda became the center of gravity for certain special Cyber things OK? Which may have included the unmasking activities in 2015, 2016. So I think they were starting to really ramp up for the election, conveniently had these incredible collection capabilities, as things moved towards summer of 2016, and Trump being nominated, and when Trump was nominated in summer of 2016, I think all the capabilities started to focus on him.
All those capabilities we were talking about pivoted and a Significant Element Let’s FOCUS ON THIS TARGET.
@ 1:00:25 – DAVE
Do you think that would have occurred if you had some establishment like Mitt Romney? Do you think that apparatus [INTERRUPT]
Col Mills: …So in early October, I was at a dinner in London, and it just so happened, that someone who was a very senior official in the FBI essentially the head of Cyber at the FBI for a number of years. Who retired and went to work for a major up and coming cyber firm that I am not going to mention right now. But I think you can start putting the pieces together and figure out who I am talking about and which Cyber Security firm. I was there on a Five Eyes information sharing meeting in London. And I had been invited to this dinner. This very senior former official, I believe it was October 6th, 2016. There were about 100 of us at this dinner, most everybody is an elite, a Globalist. At these dinners we are asked to stand up and say something about ourselves and something we are passionate about. And he stood up and I have know this guy for a number of years, Sat at the White House with him, been at many meeting with him, and he had been very helpful to me, in some other endeavors which caused a great deal of allegiance to him.
When the microphone came to him, he stood up and says, TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN ASSET AND WE’RE GOING TO PROVE IT! He was adamant, passionate, he had a meltdown. I had never seen him do this.
Most of the people in the room are going ?? PFFFFttt [WTF??] What are you talking about, Hillary’s going to win. And he is like WE ARE GOING TO PROVE IT!
As more information came out, I believe he was in London at the behest of James Comey, and to coordinate with Gina Haskel on collection against Trump….. With the timeline of the events that I have seen…. It was documented by Rick Grennell and Radcliffe, information declassified last fall, very important, that Comey gave the green light to spin Crossfire Hurricane up to highest levels. Essentially in the last few days of Sept, early Oct…. And I am pretty sure that personality was there.
I have 27 pages in front of John Durham. [Eyes cut to left twice, & stutters] I hope something happens.
We have to be a Constitutional based society.
1:09:20 – Dave
So John when you hear someone say we are going to prove he is a Russian Asset. He hasn’t been elected yet, polling then seemed to indicate Hillary was a shoe-in, [Col interrupts, Oh Yeah,Yeah]
Do you think, the Crossfire Hurricane was [Col eyes cut left] let’s start filling the news rags with this gossip, with this chatter [Nods] to discredit Pres Trump, Obviously, it would be better if he didn’t win if you are the bad guys. [Interrupts] And then it just followed him when he won, or What are your thoughts on…
1:10:45 – Col Mills
Oh Absolutely, this was an intentional move by those who fell THEY WERE ENTITLED TO POWER to use ALL INSTRUMENTS OF NATIONAL POWER, That is a very key term in the national security world. WE CAN USE EVERYTHING WHETHER IT IS LAWFUL OR NOT. We are going to crush this person who challenges the status quo and the Deep State and the Swamp. And there is a deep State and a Swamp.
1:11:18 – Dave
Before I forget the name. Peter Strzok. [Col Oh NASTY! Look of disgust, cuts eyes to left] The guy so defiant, so self-righteous. The document that you mentioned that was de-classified had some text messages, that were the summer before 2016, I could be wrong. Where does Peter Strzok fit into what you have just shared with us. Because he seemed to be one of the more visible spokespeople for ah… [Col Head down, eyes cut left several times then Interrupts]
1:11:50 – Col Mills
Peter Strzok was actually, was what we call an itragree from another agency. Although he is shown to be… I think the public title was Head of Counter-Intelligence… Assistant secretary, I apologize, DOJ & FBI uses different terms than DOD. But he was actually, a detailee from another agency because it is normally some one from another agency that encumbers this position at the FBI even though they are portrayed as [uses air quotes] an FBI person. [So Strzok was CIA — THINK BRENNAN!!! -GC]
1:11:25 – Dave
Ok so you have James Comey, who has his finger tips on everything, although even when you are out in London you are starting to the Russia, Russia, Russia, hoax begin [Col Yeah] and find it’s roots. And then you have Strzok who isn’t answering directly to Comey, er what agency?
1:12:45 – Col Mills
I think people can put two and two together and figure out what his actual pay stub said. It’s normal we do that all the time in the interagency will detail people from one agency to another agency. So he was from another agency but was always portrayed as an FBI person. He was from the deepest part of the Swamp in the Intelligence Community.
So he was really the action guy for Comey and Brennan.
In that capacity he did actually work for both Comey and Brennan. It is Exec order 12333 which defines the roles and missions of the intelligence community.
1:13:30 – Dave
So just for our viewers we have got the FBI covered. John Brennan was leading the CIA, correct [Col nods] And then we’ve got if you will do your homework, you can see where Strzok fits in the puzzle.
You submitted paperwork to John Durham. Was that at his request? Was there ever a meeting? Or is this…. [Col Interrupts]
1:13:56 – Col Mills
As I began to realize, that there was gross malfeasance, and often times at meeting I was at, by people I knew and trusted, I started to put together things. I said OH MY GOSH THIS IS A COUP!
This is a coup, and remember historically, It was the declassified [Radcliffe Doc] Comey and Brennan KNEW that Fusion GPS, the Russian story was FAKE! They KNEW IT WAS FAKE IN SUMMER OF 2016!
Yet as things were coming close, they said, we are going to push this story anyway even though they already KNEW IT WAS FAKE.
This was the pinnacle:
I was called a couple of days after the election, on the top secret phone and asked “John we need you to be part of the, We need to CRAFT and FINISH the Russian NARRATIVE. To SHOW THAT TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN SPY. We need to do an Intel Community assessment. “
1:15:10 – Dave
Translation you were asked to lie.
1:15:12 – Col Mills
Well at that time I did not know [Head and eyes shift left] it was a lie.
1:18:24 Col Mills
[Very emotional, waving hands around.]
It was a lie. It was not just nothing IT WAS A LIE! … So I was asked to aaa… I did have to participate in this group. Now this… Comey and Brennan were PERSONALLY WRITING THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY on top of this intel community assessment. I have done dozens, hundreds of these things. You never have the actual director of the CIA and the FBI personally writing… because what happened in the end, it was very late in December, early January… The Final Assessment. I had to be one of the reviewers for Ash Carter Sec of Defense. So you gotta do this. This is how things are always stamped, [Staffed?] always, And I said, I am sorry the Exec Summary says he is a Russian Asset but there is nothing in the body that shows he is a Russian asset. Personally I recommend a non-concur. I do not see how we can agree with it….. I was told don’t worry, Ash Carter has already signed it. –because I was told this litterally — BECAUSE COMEY AND BRENNAN ARE PERSONAL WRITING THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY and stamping [staffing?]
What they were trying to do, they were trying to create an environment…. THEY WERE TRYING TO PREVENT THE INAUGURATION. That was what was going on.
1:20:20 – Dave
So you have a close time line from October, November, December ,January, [Col Nods] And imagine when things didn’t go the way of the establishment in early November, 2016, that it was all hands on deck. [Col Nods] To basically say, not only do we need to hurry up, maybe we can get an impeachment proceeding started right away. [Col Nods] Which they did. He was pretty much dogged with threats of impeachment from the outset. [Col Eyes shift left]
But you also had this thing with Hillary. Where does Hillary fit in with all this? Does Comey not answer to anyone Does Comey have it out for the President? Where do you think that structure gets it’s marching orders. [Col, eyes shift left, straightens in chair, reacts, opens mouth.]
You also have the vestiges of two terms of the Obama Admin that was obviously ready to hand the baton off to someone. That was going to carryout an Obama framework. [Col Nods] I guess that was Hillary right? [Col Yeah, Yeah] Any Thoughts about the players behind the curtain? Who who is the evil OZ? [Col smiles] That was pushing this….
That IS a very enlightening interview with Mills. Watching it was helpful. Observing Mills expressions and gestures, intended or not.
Side comment I made back then regarding Q AND London. Those pics were of which FBI fools and…? Q knows.
Maybe the truth will all come out. More hope at this point than before Durham’s recent two indictments.
Some say Durham was appointed by SESSIONS but the stories are confusing to say the least:
DOJ announcement: Thursday, February 22, 2018 — John H. Durham Sworn in as United States Attorney
Sessions resigned in November 2018.
REPORT: John Durham Tapped by Sessions in 2017 to Investigate Comey LeakBy Cristina Laila
Published September 19, 2020
TY so much for the links and facts. I missed the Clements/Mills interview and the thread here at Qtree. Your work is very enlightening and appreciated.
Garland is a puppet
that indictment put blood in the water
not surprising that Russian dudes kid “ suicided”. I’ll bet he has other kids- and the dead one wasn’t the favourite
John Cornyn is a PELOSI REPUBLICAN! He promised to vote against the debt increase, but then folded to Pelosi. Too bad he was re-elected in 2020. He needs to go. In Texas, when a man gives his word you have to be able to depend on it. Cornyn showed he’s not that kind of man. He needs to Go!
Agreed, he did the dirty work of getting the bill out of committee, then slunk away to hide, letting his other RINO friends tip the bucket of filth over the top and onto the American People.
Wonder what Pelosi has on Cornyn ?
I abhor that dirty self-satisfied ass.
About the raid on the homes of Project Veritas staff members….
OHHhhh it gets even BETTER!
Garrett Ziegler, former Trump WH staffer, has been reporting on and publishing parts of her diary. He takes no prisoners.
He has it all.
That SHOULD include a box full of placards with higher numbers on it, and a guy carrying a ladder coming out to change it (yet again).
Because if we have hyperinflation, prices will change daily, perhaps even hourly.
Digital signs. Sort of like the sign(s) showing the ever increasing national debt.
Today I also learned from the Weather channel that cows can be potty trained to save the planet from climate change. Seriously – the weather news reader, er, sorry, lady meteorologist said that with a straight face while showing a clip of a cow being led into a stall with outdoor carpeting.
It is comedy gold everywhere now.
Gail would probably know exactly, but as the warming idiots focus on cow farts, most of the methane comes out as belches.
Beat me too it and you are correct.
The ruminant digestive system
“…a fermentation vat” you know like those BIO-FUEL/Alcohol VATS…
Ground report from Hilton Head Island. I probably should just take photos, but people would think I am stalking or something. It is interesting in that HHI takes in visitors from all over the world and the fall is a great time to visit for empty nesters and retirees. The seafood is awesome this time of year.
Besides the suck weather of wind and rain for a couple of days, I thought I would keep an informal account of mask wearing and general paranoia of the populace here as we have retailed and gone to restaurants.
Less than 10% wear masks and many of them are employees of the businesses. A few elderly ladies can be heard whining about it or sliding further away in the aisles, but there they all are in the middle of it while still griping.
A few older, generally obese men wear them. Nearly all of the restaurant servers are not wearing as employers are making it optional. Most retailers are requiring them for employees.
A handful of national chain stores have signs with requirements or recommendations to wear them and socially distance posted on/at the door. Most do not. Nobody pays any attention to their signs anymore – they do what they want to do.
More of that – do what you want to do. Be stupid or live free, your choice.
FWIW – Dr. Malone pretty well nuked the gene therapy jabs and the NIH in an interview with Dr. Mercola. Didn’t save it to link because we all know they are useless to dangerous on here. Dr. Malone says they are the later. The jabbed are the superspreaders per him.
I want to see Fauci hang along with every Chi-com and their minions on this planet. I will be happy to participate in the process despite my overt Christian beliefs. I will agree to non-torturous methods as long as they are quick and deadly.
How about giving him, say, the clot shot???
A taste of his own medicine, so to speak. Give him one of the, erm, highest-performing batches… As they say, life’s a batch…
Ah! Volunteering to be a QC tester! What a great form of probation!
Clarence Thomas is fantastic. We all know it. This article contains a quote of his that is one of the most beautiful things on race I have ever read:
“But despite [segregation and Jim Crow] there was a deep and abiding love for our country, and a firm desire to have the rights and responsibilities of full citizenship. Regardless of how society treated us, there was never any doubt that we were equally entitled to claim the promise of America as our birthright, and equally duty bound to honor and defend her to the best of our ability. We held these ideals first and foremost, because we were raised to know that as children of God, we were inherently equal and equally responsible for our actions . . ..
Whether deemed inferior by the crudest bigots [or] considered a victim by the most educated elites, being dismissed as anything other than inherently equal is still at bottom, a reduction of our human worth. My nuns at St. Benedict’s taught me that that was a lie. And to paraphrase Solzhenitsyn, we were not to live by that lie. [I]n God’s eyes, we were inherently equal, and that was the truth that permeated our home life as well—less with a focus on rights and more with a focus on what was required of us as children of God. [emphasis added]”
INHERENTLY EQUAL we all are, in God’s eyes. Perfectly expressed.
Few things would be as satisfying as watching Clarence Thomas dish out what’s coming to Joe Biden. And imagine how it would feel to him.
Yup. It would be a great day to see Clarence Thomas squash BiteMe. So long as BiteMe has not been dethroned, there IS hope.
On the other hand Thomas may be too decent to go after someone who is suffering such dementia.
When the court refused to look at election cases, that pretty much ended hope of him being able to get revenge.
Thomas is certainly a decent person.
Another warped view of mine. BiteMe likely would NOT know Thomas sent him through a wood chipper of sorts.
Short of recognizing an ice cream cone, BiteMe has no clue.
So I don’t sound like MM today? I’m very observant, and an excellent record-keeper.
Excellent attribute, record keeping. Assuming it matters. More coffee.
What’s expressed regarding someone else, and that the someone else be aware of it, most definitely matters.
More coffee. How predictable. How about we simply agree to part ways? All good with me.
His book, My Grandfather’s Son, is filled w/ his wisdom & his personal journey. A worthy read, imo…
Thanks for the recommendation!
I SHOULD have written about the subject of time measurement and calendars this week. It’s more complex than most realize.
That would be a good one!
I neglected to say I enjoyed your opener very much today. It was really full of great information and interesting as anything I’ve read on the subject.
Thank you!
There’s Always next Saturday, or even a mid-week Steve’s Science Snack (though more likely to be a Middle Ages level of banquet)
So, Jeff Van Drew voted with the traitors. What kind of man goes out of his way to be in the spotlight rubbing his constituents’ noses in it? Looking to be the Mitt Romney of the house. Simple, a man they got the goods on.
The next Ed Durr is already in the pipeline. We got rid of Sweeney, this little shit is no problem. Trash to be discarded on schedule.
So many great take away’s in today’s article. Much or most of it made sense to me.
Wonder what “Flat Earth” folks would think of “Flat Universe”.
Little man. Happy with any kind of attention, even for doing the wrong thing. He has a title now, the Mitt Romney of the House. Looks like Joseph A Bank blew up.
Lesson for the young and old alike? This is weird but for what we know about the clot shot.
So up to 11 deaths and multiple injuries but look at the causes. https://twitter.com/Sm_Tritip/status/1456861695570165764?s=20
Is America just out of shape or is this something more at play here?
Moar info in story.
According to weather reports, Houston had a low of 45 and a high of 67 on Friday. Heat exhaustion seems unlikely to me.
They are breaking INTO the festival.
Do not forget that drugs play havoc with the heart.
Newsmax is mandating vaccines, come January. The unvaxed will have to undergo weekly testing.
In a free society, no one can force people to get medical tests and report the results to them.
Newsmax wants to be sure they’re “in compliance” with OSHA. Do these companies think they’ll have lliability if they don’t comply?
Steve should leave the network.
NewsMax is a CANKLES-BUDDY network! Controlled opposition.
This ^
I’m honestly surprised most people did not know that. Ruddy is from Long Island. Sort of starts with that. Writes a book against Clinton-Gore, yet, is still good buddies with Slick? That’s probably a big clue. He stated “Newsmax is moderately conservative.” What should that tell everybody? Yep, RINO.
People claim to be conservative because so many people identify as conservatives who really don’t know what conservative means. The charlatans use that to make money and gain power – just like Fox News and now Newsmax.
Indeed! Remember – NewsMax was the “backstop” to Fox News on declaring that there was no 2020 steal. This is a kind of “confirmation” psy-op that really works.
Yes they did and it does. I bounced through the various coverages and like a switch being flipped they locked in on it. It works to undermine the morale of the supporters to the “oh well” status.
This is about right.
I’m hearing several things. One, that sheer numbers of voters for our side help to disprove the Left’s claims.
Also, from 1/9/2018:
Raaaycism! They use it for everything.
John Fredericks, a talk show host, election integrity activist, and frequent guest on Bannon’s War Room, says that even though that decree ended a few years ago, the number of poll watchers in 2020 was only about 30%. But they had closer to 90% for this recent election. Bannon fires people up every day to get involved on multiple fronts, including becoming precinct chairmen. It’s not perfect, and more needs to be done, but people are taking action to stop the stealing.
Mike Lindell is taking his case to SCOTUS before Thanksgiving. He thinks he will have standing because he has been working with state attorneys general to file the suit, and he says they have standing. Lindell is doing a marathon from the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving to the Sunday night after, presenting his evidence to everyone. I have no faith in SCOTUS, but at least the evidence continues to come out.
Heads up, Florida.
h/t kyblue:
If true (meaning, if she is really looking to move)…she has been instrumental in destroying California and now wants to get out of there. So typical.
Here I thought the “Speaker” had “air” compliments of the Air Force. Being so close in the succession line.
IF not, I find it hard to believe Piglosi would stoop to traveling on a commercial airliner.
For now NOT buying the airlift portion.
Piglosi likely wants to escape CA taxes AND FL is a likely destination.
Maybe MTG was on an Air Force plane with her?
Piglosi is, erm, rather unique in her dissipated appearance and bearing… not to mention her distillery breath…
Certainly possible.
Piglosi willingly “inviting” MTG onboard? NOT likely in my mind. BUT, I’d guess it may not be Piglosi decision, if it were an AF AC.
Would be great if we get more details. A few pics would be superb.
New numbers on the American’s left behind in Afghanistan.
President Biden left 14,000 US residents behind in Afghanistan after promising to get every American out: Report
Appox 400 American Citizens and 14,000 Green Card Holders, (you know, the ones that should of been allowed out instead of the ones that did get out).
Now for a normal creepy story that ended well we have to go all the way to AUS.
Seems a kidnapper has been caught and child is well.
Creepy Kidnapper
Kidnapper’s Creepy Home.
I shudder to think what happened to her during her 18 days under the control of that “doll collector.”
Even I didn’t have that many dolls.
This is what happens when GI Joe is declared “toxic masculinity”, and plastic dinosaurs turn into BARNEY.
Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch wrote a similar tweet earlier. The wagons are starting to circle.
BTW, the source I don’t particularly trust, Benjamin Fulford, was deplatformed from PayPal and his video service this week. Also, one of his employees was poisoned, and is recovering, according to a post on his site.
Are the attacks on independent journalists ramping up?
I hope he has protected sensitive information. I imagine he has, knowing the enemy.
Here is a site for donations to help the Jan. 6 prisoners. Cynthia Hughes, the aunt of one of the prisoners, said on Bannon’s War Room that they are asking people to sponsor a family at Christmas, and I think they need attorneys. She said they need rich donors as well as small donations.
Pepe Lives Matter
Top kek
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/089/758/713/original/a520b8257bd3c4ef.mp4" /]
This poor guy, he could have just flown to Mexico and walked back across the border!
Maybe he could have just learned better Spanish and identified as a South American, showed up to ICE with a fake name saying he’s from south of the border and ask for money. I bet he wouldn’t be the first.
Imagine your new job as a ‘fake alien’ reporting to several regional ICE stations as a different IA at each place, then start collecting payments from each station.
The Brandon Administration makes it all possible …
Border Crisis Actor
epe Lives Matter
Clay Higgins gives an inspiring speech.
We will not comply. https://gab.com/emoji/1f1fa-1f1f2.svg
“Some of us are free Americans and we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees. If you want to get a vaccine get it. If you don’t, don’t. Freedom is what’s at stake and some of us are prepared to carry that fight with every drop of our blood.”
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/089/754/231/original/ef40770013eb2a2f.mp4" /]
This is a hugely winning concept. Visualize REPUBLICAN CONTROL and VACCINE AMNESTY.
I take serious issue with your use of the word “amnesty”, whose definition is…
“an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses.”
Political “mandates” are not law….which is precisely why the dirty rats have been playing games with them, circumventing lawsuits.
Using the word “amnesty” plays right into the disgusting, vile political left’s verbal hands.
For more than two decades we’ve been hearing “my body, my choice” from those filthy people. Now they wanna tell us “your body, our choice.” Well, fuck that!!!
The filth have even changed the definition of “vaccine” now in order to carry on their verbal games.
If you want to use the word “amnesty” that’s your right. But I think you’re making a terrible mistake in choosing to use that word.
True! But we need ONE WORD that works the same but better.
The Lethal Injection REJECTION.
h/t Pat
A short and delightfully spiteful profile on Red Jen.
“No one with a spine should take instruction on “civility” from such a feckless cretin or anyone who enjoys her act. If we are to re-learn civic excellence, it will not be from a movement whose moral framework consists of slander and self-satisfaction. Remember that in 2022 and 2024 when they call you a fascist or a bigot or a domestic terrorist or whatever: these are people who think Jen Psaki is a good person. Their opinion about your morals literally doesn’t matter at all.”
Is this permission to be just and eensy weensie bit B!+C#y when it comes to Red Hen Jen?
You could have had my permission to be so long ago, had you asked!
Anyone who wants to be a B doesn’t need permission!
But of course.
And, softly playing in the background is “Your cretin heart, will tell on you”…..
It’s true though
You crack me up.
Do anyone really care what a leftist says about them anymore?
I stopped caring almost 20 years ago and consider a leftist’s negative moral judgement of me a compliment.
Well I would hope if a Leftist said anything about me the invective would at least be somewhat clever so I could get a good laugh out of it.
Uh, no, not really, I couldn’t give a shit actually.
If a leftist thought well of me, I would be taking a hard personal assessment to see where exactly I had gone wrong.
Their bad opinion is an affirmation of my basic decency as a human being.
Honey Badgers don’t give a
and neither do Deplorables.
Name calling is the last refuge of small minded losers.
Tore Says +
Forwarded from Marjorie Taylor Greene
Last night we toured the DC jail.
My staff and I are writing a full report this morning on our 3+ hour long tour.
I’ve never seen human suffering like I witnessed last night.
While some were shown to us in seemingly beneficial programs, others were in tortuous lockdown.
Some inmates were receiving continuing education classes, others were truly suffering from long stays in solitary confinement for “bad behavior.”
I’ll never forget hearing their screams.
This was in a different part of the jail, not the J6 part.
Being alone surely is hell.
At what seemed the end of our tour as we were being led toward the exit, we had not seen the J6 defendants yet.
I asked to see them & was told it was not part of my tour.
I demanded to see them and would have gone scorched earth if I was not allowed and was making it known.
Phone calls were made & permission was given.
We then were taken to another section of the jail and entered the Patriot wing.
I was greeted by men with overwhelming cheers who rushed out to meet me with tears streaming down their faces.
They have felt forgotten & hopeless.
It was like walking into a prisoner of war camp and seeing men who eyes can’t believe someone had made it in to see them.
They are suffering greatly.
Virtually no medical care, very poor food quality, and being put through re-education which most of them are rejecting.
Our detailed report will outline everything we saw in every area of the jail we were allowed to see, on behalf of all inmates.
I am committed to ending this political war and seeing that our justice system is never used against Americans as a political weapon ever again.
I am also beginning a plan for real prison reform.
Our nation is broken and our people are divided.
It’s time to fix it.
Very honestly, if ANYBODY – the US Military – “domestic terrorists” – the US Marshalls – or even PUTIN’S TROOPS – went in there and liberated those people – I would call them heroes. DoJ (which includes FBI) baiting in Trump supporters, entrapping them with the assistance of ANTIFA and FIB plants – and then arresting, imprisoning and “re-educating” them – it just deserves everything we threw at fucking HITLER.
Don’t forget…..the lousy, filthy, vile political left WANTS an actual hot, shooting civil war.
Right now.
”Never fight a battle on the ground your enemy chooses.“
Sun Tzu
They may well wind up getting what they want, but it will be when WE choose the time and place.
Karma is a cold, nasty, hard bitch.
Be careful what you wish for
FIB plants abound. Ground report coming next week.
Texas is a battleground.
Hey, boss.
I’m still waiting on my computer to be fixed.
Our computer doctor is waiting on a part.
I am so sorry… I won’t be able to do Monday’s open thread.
No problem! I’ll handle it!
Whole Wheatie, Wolf-style!!!
You did a GREAT job last week!!!!
…but now you’ll have to live up to it. (No pressure.)
Just finished!
Looking forward to it!
It’s new, yet still not quite wheatie, and thus different enough that people will hopefully enjoy but tire quickly of this “New Coke”, and thus demand “classic wheatie” as soon as possible!
I ain’t lookin’ to take over this job for the long haul!
Sorry that your compuwidget problems continue.
What sort of part?
All done – no worries now!
Breakfast of Trumpians!
[Hope that part isn’t on a boat somewhere! There’s probably a few of us with *cough* parts bins that might have one or a few…. D’ya need a zip drive? (just kidding, zip drives are no fun: https://www.grc.com/tip/codresearch.htm) Or some IDE cables? S-100 bus parts?
Note what happened to citizen journalists who were investigating Ray Epps (story in 11/7 open, I believe). There’s plants, and there’s probably plants about plants, etc.
This comes to mind!
Thank God for MTG.
Now, Kevin McCarthy, you spineless DeepState RINO turncoat, YOU GO AND TOUR THE JAIL, OK?
Fine print: it’s the mandate for companies with on hundred employees, not the federal contractors.
Nordic walking pole experiment update:
I think I finally got the technique closer, BUT have decided that I need a different walking surface. Fortunately, our beloved crown jewel of city parks, Forest Park, has a flat, fine gravel track. One side of it is pretty convenient to me. So, I guess I’ll just have to venture out a couple, three afternoons a week for now. My shoulders need a rest after today.
Being unfamiliar with Nordic pole walking, I looked it up. Looks like a good workout.
https: //images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5890003bbe65947e55e214da/1488854854148-GUXZE1IIF8GJXP215BX4/image-asset.png?format=1500w
Essentially, I walk at least an hour M-Sa weather and schedule permitting, and need to add some upper body weight resistance. Gotta keep the bones strong, etc. This seemed like something less likely to cause injury.
And help keep the occasional dog who breaks free from home at bay.
Weighted gloves could be considered as an option.
If one walked at night there is virtual no limit to the amount of hand and arm movements, gloved or ungloved available too you and many will bring your middle body into play. Other than that it is primarily the shoulders that get the work out if done gloveless but the rest of the upper body still benefits.
If done during daylight it will bring stares but an occasional break out of several repetitions as you walk along should not draw too much attention. Also if multiple movements are just done with one arm that should not bring too much attention.
Movements can be done with a slight tensing of the hands and or arms, or no tension at all.
Movements are normally led by a portion of the hand (heel, palms, knuckles, wrists, sides. finger tips), hand can be closed, curled or open.
Movements can be categorized as pulling, pushing, extending, contracting, sweeping, grasping, punching, slicing, swatting, punching, chopping etc…
Movements can be with one hand/arm, (ideal for daylight when notice is not desired) or two hands/arms done together, separate or in tandem. Done to front, side, back, diagonal, low, high or over head.
The more upper body involved will naturally slow the speed of the walk some. to maintain the speed is to increase the intensity of the walk.
Arms can realize full extension or partial extension. In full extension is where you can get some middle body involvement. It’s also where you should be aware of improper strain and be prepared to lessen tension or move on to another movement.
Repetitions in movement can be one to five, three optimal, more is okay. And you can always come back to ones that feel comfortable after other sets.
Injury will normally involve the rotator cuff of the shoulder so one should always be aware when something does not feel right and continue with something else.
There are no videos on this that I’ve ever seen, but consider it to be like a weight lifting session, tai chi, kung fu, dance, ballet, or even repetitious movements in house hold chores or what have you, but just for the upper body as you walk normally with the lower body.
A handy mental guide, is if you can go up, you can go down, if you can go right you can go left, if you can go in you can go out, if you can do it on one side, you can do it on the other side, if you can go forward you can go back… etc… simple yin and yang and it need only be a small part of your normal walk.
Hubby did a 50+ mile backpacking trip w/ buddies a couple months ago in the UP (Michigan’s Upper Peninsula) & using poles was Essential on the rugged terrain! He said “it would have been Twice As Hard without them!”
I have been doing this for years. Good for the back and knees. Of course also for other parts of the body. I walk with my dog I have a leash that wraps over my shoulder and she is aware how far she needs to stay away from me. She does not pull and heels wonderfully that helps
One can find clubs . I organized a group in Maryland. I am not sure if they still walk some people were already mid eighties.
I see people using this all the time in the foothills I hike above Denver. I thought they were just for people whose balance sucked. Who knew.
In Europe one sees this a lot. There are also city walkers. Yes as we get older it helps to keep the balance. I even took mine on a plane trip. I have a case and put them in the overhead compartment. Funny they let me on because they have spikes but also have soft tips for them.
FWIW, I found I could cross country ski without pain after I mangled my back, long before I could walk without pain. Standing is still a problem.
Standing is hard even on a bad knee. I rather walk.
Maybe something to look at is adding closed cell foam to the inside of your shoes to give added cushioning. When I had a foot tendon injury, I used both a yoga mat and thin camping pad to make full-length inserts. Lay the pad on the floor and step on it. Take a magic marker and trace the outline of both of your feet. Cut out with a pair of scissors and trim to fit as needed.
(I’m sorry. My MacGyver nature compels me to jump in and try to help with solutions)
I actually have a 12mm insert on one side due to a leg length issue. That much height is asking for trouble.
So you already know good shoes are an absolute MUST. Hubby and I both had plantar fasciitis. Good shoes and inserts took care of the problem.
When I tore my ankle tendons I used as physical therapy meadows. The uneven grass helped my ankle a lot. Good walking not jogging shoes when walking with the sticks is also helpful.
I can’t remember which tendon I injured, but it was one that went from back to front. For awhile, it was too painful to walk any way but on the front balls of my feet, and only for short distances. It became an ordeal to go to the grocery store when I was running out of food.
P.S. I just saw Gails new post. It may have been plantar fascitis that I had. It rings a bell. I got the injury mainly from working on a roof with a 12/12 pitch, and climbing up and down six sections of scaffold to work on a fireplace. Major stress on the feet, despite wearing decent work boots.
Takes some getting used too the height is also important.
Good for you
New Political Moonshine article:
Quit Sticking Your Finger in the Light Socket: Continued Lessons in the Illusion of Choice and the Perpetuity of Institutional Preservation
Intro: “The lessons in the illusion of choice, which is a driving force behind the perpetuity of institutional preservation, continue to be downloaded into the minds of the American public through the elections of 2021 and just as if 2018 and 2020 never happened; at least outside of the official narrative, which reads more bizarrely than any good movie script to be found these days.
It’s as if the Speaker of the House didn’t execute an operation to entrap and politically imprison a sliver of a fragment from the majority segment of the U.S. population. A sliver that wasn’t wise enough to see the entrapping danger lying before it. In gray and effectively functioning in the undercurrent and away from such environments is a much better option.
This idea that somehow we just forget about 2020 and “Get out and vote!” in 2021 without first remedying the irrefutably stolen 2020 election is a flawed one. It’s as flawed as repeatedly sticking your finger in the light socket expecting not to get shocked each time. Allow me to explain and demonstrate exactly how this is and with old and new evidence in support.”
[continued at title link above]
He has good insights, but I have quibbles with the article. Here are his concluding words:
They might be true. I don’t know enough about Durham to say, and I don’t think this article presents actual evidence of Durham’s intentions. He might be “tasked” with only going after low hanging fruit to partially satisfy the people, but we don’t know that. At this point, I’m taking what I can get, because what is the alternative? Not have any investigation into Russian collusion and the 2016 election at all? I’ll pass on that.
As for Youngkin, the article presents more evidence of shady connections and claims that he is controlled opposition. And he very well might be. So again, what is the alternative? We had two choices on Tuesday: a sleazy Dem operative who thinks parents should have no say in their kids’ education, and a Republican who says the right things but who might not be exactly what we think. Given that scenario, I will take the Repub every time.
But what the article omits, and what I took issue with a couple of days ago with an article by SD, is the peripheral effects of the Youngkin and other wins in Virginia and elsewhere. We got a MAGA lieutenant governor in Virginia. We took the statehouse, etc. Of equal importance, the Left and the Dems and media are completely demoralized, the Biden “presidency” is in more of a free fall than before, Pelosi is on the ropes, and Dem Congressmen are thinking twice about their votes and what effect they will have on their political careers.
So yes, we have to watch Youngkin and try to replace him with someone better if need be. But voting for him was not the fault of any MAGA Virginian; it was their duty. In so doing, they have advanced our cause and encouraged people to keep fighting. IMO, that in itself is a win.
Concerning Durham, I believe this is a good analysis:
I’ve tried to tell citizens this for 5 years straight.
Most of you know how bad the Patriot Act is when it comes to abuse. But that’s only one of them.
Very insightful.
Another possibility talked about here briefly is that Durham at a minimum could be there only to gently side line the Clinton machine so as not to co-opt Mr Global’s intentions. That’s to say the elites are tired of her and no longer trust her, but can’t completely expose her least she exposes them.
That was a buzzkill …
A comment from a reader on the story of Project Veritas raided by the
Back in the day, I was one of the OG cybercops who worked with an FBI “SAFE (Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement) TEAM” investigating child sexual abuse/exploitation. Back when the FBI were among the good guys here on our planet we would have been investigating Joe Xiden and not the Veritas journalist who exposed that creep.
Furthermore, directing your attention to 42 U.S. Code § 2000aa – “Searches and seizures by government officers and employees in connection with investigation or prosecution of criminal offenses, (a) Work product materials Notwithstanding any other law, it shall be unlawful for a government officer or employee, in connection with the investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense, to search for or seize any work product materials possessed by a person reasonably believed to have a purpose to disseminate to the public a newspaper, book, broadcast, or other similar form of public communication, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce; but this provision shall not impair or affect the ability of any government officer or employee, pursuant to otherwise applicable law, to search for or seize such materials…”
Yep, Christopher Wray is looking more and more like a Deep State weasel who deserves to resign and be prosecuted along with the rest of ’em.
Let’s go Brandon!
Fog of War
How to define a massively bloated congress:
– The entire US Constitution contains approximately 7 thousand words.
– The average single congressional bill today is well in excess of 1 million words.
Actually I think for the next 20 years Congress should review the laws on the books and do NOTHING BUT DELETE LAWS.
Not a bad notion.
Suggestion from a Heinlein book: One chamber of congress passes laws on a 2/3 vote. The other chamber repeals laws on a 1/3 vote. The presumption being that any law that cannot command 2/3 support is probably bad law.
The fact is that a legislature could meet on Day One and pass the Ten Commandments. That’s 80% of 6000 years of Judeo-Christian wisdom.
They could meet on Day Two and enact a Republic. That gets you about 80% of 2000 years of Roman wisdom. They could meet on Day Three and base our laws on English Common Law, which is about 80% of 500 years of British wisdom.
They could follow the US Constitution on Day Four, which arguably would give us more “wisdom” than we enjoy today.
What can they do the second year?
I mean, it’s all downhill from there, isn’t it? They have to legislate, because they’re Legislators…..but all the good laws would already be “taken” — meaning that they could only create new laws at all if they were bad ones. Similarly, the sphere of Federal activities must be continually overinflated, lest the entire bureaucracy have nothing left to justify its existence.
The first five commandments would violate the first amendment if passed into law.
So NO. I’d reach for my gun.
If I were looking for a major Constitutional reform, I would create a 3rd chamber of the Legislature.
The House is meant to represent the People.
The Senate is meant to represent the States.
I would propose a 3rd chamber, The Fisc, who has to pay for all this crap. Each taxpaper would get a vote per each dollar paid, whether they were a citizen or a corporation. They could get a vote card upon receipt of each Federal tax return.
An interesting thought.
But the unintended consequence would be the permanent enshrinement of the income tax.
Each tax return….whether for income or excise taxes….
on the rhinos. Parthenogenesis is more common than previously believed. Now we have DNA testing
Looks like Colon Powell got the wrinkled flag.
Not surprised.
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No one reads the terms of service…..
Amazon Web services
“42.10 Acceptable Use; Safety-Critical Systems. Your use of the Lumberyard Materials must comply with the AWS Acceptable Use Policy. The Lumberyard Materials are not intended for use with life-critical or safety-critical systems, such as use in operation of medical equipment, automated transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, aircraft or air traffic control, nuclear facilities, manned spacecraft, or military use in connection with live combat. However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization.”
LOL? … or prescient?
maybe they know something … I mean look at Brandon … talk about reanimated human corpse
You do have a point…
Supposedly result of chicom flu or the clot shot, in march 2020 I had some weird thick nose bleeds but not a fraction as bad as that, not by a long way.
Link disabled with ***
This is so disturbing.
Here is is as a spoiler.
I would wonder what was going on in the rest of my body if I experienced that.
Just tossing this out. So there’s the order of some sort by AG/Gov in Nebraska forbidding mandates and allowing docs to prescribe Ivermectin off-label. I wonder if CVS/Walgreens/Rite-Aid are filling the Rx’s in Nebraska, or are they refusing to obey the AG’s order? And if they’re filling them there, what rationale are they using NOT to fill them in NJ? This sounds like something one could sue over.
Betting Nebraska folks are having NO issues getting IVM scripts filled.
Valid IVM script n NJ refused? Regardless of pharmacy, sue the bastids. Make an example out of the pharmacy / pharmacist.

Great Saturday open thank you very much, good reading
This is the image the media is using for that Houston concert stampede. It’s a giant eyeball surrounded by a pit of fiery hell. I strongly suspect this was a deliberate Satanic sacrifice, especially if the deaths happened after midnight (11/6 = 11 * 6 = 66). In fact, the media straight up wants you to associate it with hell. Literally the third paragraph:
They sure are busy with the sacrifices lately.
Interesting. I don’t know anything about the artists at the concert. They might be right in league with this.
You ever stop to think that might be because they are losing, panicked, and know hell is coming for them?
They are definitely fear-mongering and ginning up their usual stuff.
Here is that article – CNBC – they’re herding the sheep, just like at the concert.
Used to happen at soccer/football matches, e.g. in South America, where the fans would rush the gates, or, in rare cases, the stands weren’t able to bear the load (dynamic, probably)…
Another day, another disaster. Libtard/Satanic/Leftist/DEMONRAT (but I repeat myself) “opportunity”…
Now they’ll ban guitars…
From Australia:
I love how freedom-lovers pick up on each other’s memes around the world.
OMG – love it!!!
Welcome to the Soviet Socialist States of America.
And all those rail tankers will be “Warren Buffet-ed” to Missouri, putting more money in the GEB cabal’s pockets… We only have to deal with Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin and Nordstream II
Oh, and a long cold winter, it’s said (Joe Bastardi et. al.)…
[P.S. Power Grab over at chiefio’s was asking after Ivermectin alternatives in the W.O.O.D. “column” and asked after you…]….
Seems a lot of folks are looking for it…if only I knew someone who used the drench stuff over here…
Now I can not comment on Chiefio because of the password mess created by WordUnimpressed here.
If you or someone could forward this:
Someone at Wolfies said you guys need the info on the Drench that cured my Long Haulers Covid.
It was Moxidectin marketed as Cydectin
“Cydectin oral drench for sheep is a ready-to-use solution containing 0.1% moxidectin. ”
<a href=”https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.17.444467v1.full.pdf”>Moxidectin and ivermectin inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in Vero E6 cells but not in
human primary airway epithelium cells</a>
I roped (OK quit laughing) and held 25 goats which took about 3 to 4 hours. Hubby is not very fast when it comes to measuring out doses of wormer and ‘Covexin’ vaccine for each animal. We also trimmed hooves as needed. So I had goat spit and Cydectin on my hands for at least a couple of hours. My ‘Asthma’ has been gone ever since. That has been 5 months and my last O2 check was 98% compared to the 92% to 94% I was running before that.
There is no way I could use gloves to handle those animals. I had enough trouble roping left handed with a right handed lariat and snubbing down flying Bucks who weighed as much as I do. (Two of the three are now inhabiting the freezer.)
I do not dare any more tries to correct the mess or I will muck up my ability to comment here.
Done. Hope the post matches your intentions. Added Barnhadt link at the end.
Post is under Chiefio’s weekly Aussie article.
Thank you very much. The guys will see it. The activity there is light enough.
Post shows for me anyway. In moderation. In time, E.M. Smith or someone will release if it isn’t already visible for all..
Someone posted it under W.O.O.D. too (underwood? I had one of their typewriters)… Looks like chiefio is bailing out of KA too… and he has more articles on the trucksaster that is SoCal…
Sort of “the disasters will continue until morale improves”..
Here the sheeple need to be drenched with common sense and logic… surrounded by sheeple in the extended family… sigh…
Getting tired of banging my head on the proverbial wall. And they’re signed up for the boosters… grrrrrrrrr….
“I roped (OK quit laughing)”
The beasties are VERY GOOD at ducking….

Duck, and Cover
Do you have your browser remember your passwords? If you changed your password here, you may need to change it on the other site, too.
Yeah, I know it’s a mess, but it’s best to confront password issues, IMO.
Everybody’s individual situation is different, though. I can only tell you how we do it here.
DePat and I are firm believers in paper passwords, with no passwords stored online anywhere.
Me three…
(and none of the 2**n-1 stickies around here have passwords on them
), Actually that’s true – I keep a few safe copies in separate places and maintain them.
No passwords stored on PCs anywhere here either (and we have a
museumbunch of them)…We are there in so many ways most people have no clue. I am not talking about people here everyone is informed. I am speaking about the 30-50 crowed who not take time because life is still good for them.
St Louis can get so cold in winter. I pray it will not happen and they have enough gas for people to stay warm.
If there is a chronic lack of gas/coal/electirc for heating this winter there is going to be a MAJOR BACKLASH against the ‘Green New Deal’ pushers.
Most run of the mill Lefties are spoiled rotten BRATS looking for freebees and not committed Communists. They are NOT going to take kindly to rising food prices, empty store shelves AND freezing their buns off.
Yep. And if Uncle Vlad gets the urge to shut off Nordstream I and/or II, there’ll be a TON of angry, boiling hot but freezing sheeple. And then the fur will fly…
I think Gab and Gettr have similar ‘help wanted’ sections.
I need to try and explore Gettr. Twitter sux
Found this low in the responses to tweet. Not sure what it is or if it has any validity.
Goes to this story. https://www.conservativebeaver.com/2021/11/05/ceo-of-pfizer-arrested-charged-with-fraud-media-blackout/
This story has a comment section. Seems some debate if story is real or not, but not finding any disclaimers to being a parody/satire site.
#Pfizergate apparently started to trend on 4 Nov. However caution Pfizer stock climbed 10% on the 5th. That said though, the story is dated the 5th.
Not a parody site.
Still not convinced either way yet!
Ha ha ha!
h/t Boondocksaint1
“Let’s Go, Brandon!”
Apologies for the double post. Here’s one I haven’t seen yet:
Wittes leads to Brennan and Comey.
I see this post at Insty — https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/483638/ — that says, “NASA plans to use the ‘lessons learned’ from PRIME-1 to prepare for a more ambitious lunar rover mission, the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER), which will also land at the south pole in 2023. In September, the agency announced VIPER’s landing site would be just west of Nobile, a crater near the moon’s south pole.”
….and my mind immediately goes:
“It came out of the sky, landed just a little west of Nobile,
Verxzot fell out of his tractor, couldn’t b’lieve what he feel.
Laid on the ground and shook, a-fearin’ for his life,
Then he ran all the way to town, screamin’ ‘it came out of the sky!’
A crowd gathered ’round and a scientist said it was Earth gas
Zeegorp made a speech ’bout raisin’ the Mars tax
Clergy said, “Woe, the Lord has come”
Sinners rushed out and they made film
Popular leaders said it was lunatic plot
Oh, the news writers came and made Verxzot a national hero
Networks promised him a worldwide network show
Metius said, “Put the thing in the Pool Room”
Clergythings said, “No, it needs its own dome.”
And Verxzot said, “It’s mine and you can have it for seventeen million.”
“It came out of the sky, landed just a little west of Nobile,
Verxzot fell out of his tractor, couldn’t b’lieve what he feel.
Laid on the ground and shook, a-fearin’ for his life,
Then he ran all the way to town, screamin’ ‘it came out of the sky!'”