DEAR KAG: 20211112

“The truth is breaking the system because Americans are speaking out and not putting up with the BS. Unlike in other countries who have surrendered to tyranny, Americans will stand for truth until the end no matter the consequences. They can’t stop all of us.”

Arizona State Sen. Wendy Rogers

Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub. Always glad to see Friday roll around. This has been a momentous week for Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man who embodies WE THE PEOPLE. Agreeing to help a local business owner defend his business, he got caught up in the (Communist/Democrat-contrived) riots in the summer of 2020. Kyle was forced to defend himself with lethal force when criminal rioters attacked him.

In the midst of chaos and danger he kept his head. He did what he had to do to survive. We thank God Kyle made it out of that terrible chaos. Today, his fate lies in the hands of a jury. May God continue to protect Kyle with a good outcome.

To find out more about his case and donate to help offset Kyle’s enormous legal bills, go to Free Kyle USA. The site also answers some of the misconceptions about Kyle’s case here.

Closing arguments Monday. The prosecution and defense will discuss procedural matters today.


Kyle Rittenhouse’s story serves as a potent analogy for the battle We the People find ourselves in today. Under attack from devious domestics and globalist/communist interests, we have been surrounded and hounded and hunted down.

Our national foes are going to cause more riots, mayhem and deaths in the event Kyle is acquitted. The foes of freedom are not going to stop just because Virginia had a red(dish) wave. They are going to double down.

Yes, school moms, they really are after you.

We the People


While Austria is noted for its beers, it is also noted for its wines. The surname Rittenhouse is of Austrian origin, so I thought we might celebrate the solid strength of those Americans whose roots come from there (we will conveniently ignore the Ahnold guy). A crisp Austrian Riesling cannot be beat. Here’s a short and sweet guide to Austrian Rieslings. has a nice article about Austrian wines with suggestions.

A zany duo compares a French Riesling to an Austrian Riesling here. This was posted in April 2019, before the Time of Covid. I almost felt jealous of their carefree craziness.

I raise my glass of Riesling to Kyle Rittenhouse, the best of America. May he be blessed with a long life, a happy wife, and many children!


Brother Bugnolo of From Rome thinks we are going to have to do citizens’ arrests on the people who are implementing the Great Reset. Watch his short and very provocative video here.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis writes about opposing tyranny. Pertinent quote:

“When the BLM and Antifa riot started breaking out in other parts of the country, I immediately called out The National Guard and I said that is not going to stand in the state of Florida. We support our law enforcement. We need public safety. And just a few months ago, I signed the strongest anti-rioting bill in the country, which effectively prohibits any local government in Florida from defunding the police.

It also says to potential perpetrators in Florida, “If you riot, if you loot, if you engage in mass violence, this is not going to be like Portland where they take your mug shot, slap you on the wrist and put you right back on the street.” In Florida, if you riot, if you loot, if you’re engaging in that type of activity, you’re not getting a slap on the wrist, you’re getting the inside of a jail cell.”

The great John Zmirak asks a fundamental question in his article, A Million Kyle Rittenhouses Could Save America”:

“Yes, blue states are practicing Anarcho-Tyranny, on the Nazi brownshirt model. That is, let the political mobs you support run wild in the streets, but use the full force of law to persecute anybody who fights back.

Pro-Nazi mayors and police chiefs used Anarcho-Tyranny to let the brownshirts own Germany’s streets. The threat of a brownshirt revolution in 1932 drove frightened conservatives to welcome Hitler to power. Antifa, which has existed since the 1920s, has stolen the playbook of its old rivals for power.

Why doesn’t an American citizen “have any place” resisting violent rioters on the streets of his own country? If the police are ordered to stand down, is it somehow our duty to surrender to the rioters, to let them own the streets?”

More from Zmirak’s article:

“If the left is willing and able to flood the streets with violent young men, and order the police to let them run riot, we must be equally ready to counter their violent force. We must have attorneys ready and waiting to defend our people, as the left defends its own. If we don’t, they own the streets. And the 20th century tells us that’s a surefire path to power. We see from the fate of the January 6 defendants how the left is willing to use power.”

The Bidenazis are coalescing more records on American gun owners. Oh, they are bent on taking away our most fundamental, God-given rights. It’s clear why they have tried so desperately (and unsuccessfully) to make Kyle Rittenhouse the latest poster child for gun control. He had the audacity to successfully defend himself with a gun against their goons.

Kyle is an affront to the enemies of freedom. Kyle is WE THE PEOPLE.


You all know the drill. Civility reigns here. Anyone needing a refresh on the rules can go revisit them here. Bar fights are for the Utree, which is another place to reconvene if needed. A third option if all hell breaks loose is here.

Who needs another glass of Riesling?


It’s good to become educated about how deeply they’ve been lying to us and manipulating and controlling us for decades. Once you see, you can’t unsee. It frees the mind and restores one’s dignity and autonomy.

The American Spectator tells us to buck up and stop backing down. A bracing read! Onward Culture Warriors!


A Virginia pharmacy injects over 100 children with adult mRNA shots.

They’ve stopped reporting on sports pros dropping dead on the field. Inconvenient to Covidism, eh? Big Pharma is censoring any scientific study or paper that hurts their demonic religious agenda.

Looks like that deadly side effect, myocarditis, is making enough waves that even the legacy media is reporting on it.

CDC ignores dead vaxxed children.

Dr. McCullough on Banned Video talks about the spike protein. He’s so calm and clear, I think he even helps keep Alex on an even keel.

As always, here’s helpful sites on how to treat the Coof and its evil cousin, the Clot Shot:

Sarah Westhall’s site

Liberty Counsel Action

Steve Kirsch on treating Covid


Covid 19 Critical Care


Arizona State Sen. Wendy Rogers published an anonymous letter on her website that details in short order the 2020 election steal in Arizona. Must read.

Here’s a fun and very useful site called The 1940’s Experiment. Lots of recipes for hard times. It’s from the UK, and is a wonderful history lesson, too. We haven’t seen nothing…yet. They even have an upcoming free Pandemic Pantry cookbook.

Ah, a short trip down memory lane when Black Rifle Coffee repudiated Kyle Rittenhouse. Anyone know what’s happened to these poseurs?

If you haven’t seen all of Tucker Carlson’s exposure of the government-backed insurrection plot to take down patriots, go here. Bayou Renaissance Man has some great commentary. He’s always a good read.

The Patriot Freedom Project aids veterans. Gen. Flynn recommends them.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It seems you are at a loss for words that is equal to mine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Well I AM NOT!!!

I think the appropriate punishment is to place all those in favor of this idiocy in a chamber that has ZERO CO2 but all the rest of the atmospheric gasses….

SEE PAPERS: CO2, brainstem chemoreceptors and breathing
Neural Control of Breathing and CO2 Homeostasis

I can not find the actual paper I was looking for but this mentions it.

…Thus, carbon dioxide levels in blood regulate breathing rate. Therefore, it is better to not give pure oxygen to a patient to get breathing going (should be a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide).  — BIOLOGY 12 – RESPIRATION – CHAPTER NOTES 

Essentially there is a balance in the gases in the atmosphere (and thus in the lungs) AND in the blood. If there is too little CO2 in the lungs then the blood OUTGASES MORE CO2 TO THE LUNGS LOWERING THE BLOOD CO2 and BREATHING CEASES!


I’m guest #3 .. wowohwow .. 😃👍


Ummmmm , I posted I was guest #129 … 🙂


seni moment … 24/7 .. nuts


A balance, you say? Now who would have come up with that?

A Creator? Somebody who can create a universe and everything in it?

A God who doesn’t want anything He creates to be permanently bossing everything else around?

A God who is perfect, and who creates perfectly functioning entities and systems?

Somebody worth worshiping?

Yeah, I’ll go for that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! This is where I keep saying that I had to learn to breathe again after COVID. By attacking the capillaries in my lungs, SARS-CoV-2 and the cytokine storm afterwards CHANGED the transport rates of oxygen and carbon dioxide in my lungs, and thus impacted the PERCEPTION of whether or not I needed oxygen. That transport curve is also affected in a different dimension by lung humidity, so I have to regulate THAT differently, too. Likewise, new infections change transport, so I have to breathe differently when I have any upper respiratory issues. Even other medicines change the curve. But the bottom line is that now I’m very sensitive to O2 and CO2 transport. Thus, MASKS make me cognitively impaired!

The Bidening of America – How Cognitive Decline is Being Forced Upon Us All Through the ChiNazis’ Useful Idiots, the Mask Nazis

Deplorable Patriot

One of the reasons why I won’t wear a mask.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s an EXCELLENT reason.

Cuppa Covfefe

How about telling them that two CO molecules are better than one, and much better than CO² (if they can tell the difference)…

Or maybe tell them that Dihydrogen Monoxide is BY FAR the most dangerous ( 🙂 ) and prevalent “greenhouse gas”… They’ll pray to GAIA, scream and yell, and get their High (puff puff) Priest AlGoreTheClimateWhore to ban that “awful Dihydrogen Monoxide”…

Wonder if it’s mentioned in one of those papers about the Pulse-Oximeters that were going around in early 2020… (CO² O² balance and how they do the measurement)…


One hundred and twenty-ninth .. 😃👍❤️😎🤚

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“May God continue to protect Kyle with a good outcome.”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Before answering, WOW to this great link you gave:

To my satisfaction, they PROVED that Arizona was stolen.

Now – am I back? Mostly? Some? More or less?

Well, I’m going to be doing a lot of heath stuff. My hours may shift a LOT.

I’m trying to rearrange my schedule a bit so that I can be around for midnight “open thread transitions”, but that may not always be possible.

I want to do a bunch of articles, but not sure it will happen.

The most important thing, though, is keeping the site open and running.

THAT actually seems more solid now. Knock on wood.

ANYWAY – great open! Thank you! Still not done, but working my way to the end, and commenting at every new moment of revelation!

And while I may have to lay off the booze a bit, ANYWAY….. CHEERS! 🍷

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Prayers are welcome!!!



Prayers always 🙂


.. 🥂🍾 .. 😉👍


So, the toilet is in the back of my station wagon. Has about 3/4″ vertical clearance.

Interesting sub-fact — I couldn’t lift it. I could lift half of it easily enough, but to spread my arms far enough to use the hand-hold put me in very poor leverage to where I couldn’t lift it into my car. I had to tilt it up on the Home Depot flat thing, roll it under the back of my wagon so I could get the edge of the box on the bumper, then lift the outside half.

Took me an hour to get it. There were 25 in the store, but they were all up in the rafters.


You’re going to need some help getting that sucker in the house.
…And in place.

Don’t try and do it all by yourself.


Yeah, the Fiancee already called “our faithful retainer”, Roberto. When he didn’t answer, she remembered that he was thinking of overwintering in Guatemala.

[Thirty years ago, on our early projects, it turned out that his usual practice was to come up to the US in the spring and do odd jobs. At the end of a season, he’d go on a buying spree in Home Depot, then go back to his farm in Guatemala….where he’d resell the chainsaws, tillers, ladders, axes, loppers and other tools that were ridiculously expensive or unavailable there. He’d sharecrop his farm, so he had some income there, and he’d do ok while here, but his export business did very well for him. We used to joke that he’d take his worn shirt and hat and callused hands and change at the airport in Guatemala into a white linen suit with a Panama hat, to ride into town as “Don Roberto.”

After several years of this, there were some sort of difficulties where his wife’s family might kill him if he returned to his home district. So it was noteworthy that he was thinking of visiting.]

She’s going to have to help to lift it down from my wagon. We can stash it where the lawnmower normally lives (the lawnmower is electric and rain-proof). We’ll see if she’s going to help with the install. To be clear, the box is 85 pounds with handles about 40 inches apart (no can do). It’s a two-piece toilet, and each piece is about 35 pounds (doable). I could probably do it myself, but it would be a long slog (largely because of removing the old toilet), but I’m not the one who is excited about doing it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We nevertheless anticipate the comment where you report yourself flush with success.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Success or failure — the flush ends it all.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here I sit, broken-hearted…

(classic, along with “Back in an hour – Godot”..)….

Cuppa Covfefe

And, of course, that plumbing hero, Spud Gasket 🙂


Mind you, I started feeling pretty nervous when I realized how many toilets were up in the rafters, being that we’re in earthquake country.


If Zappa was still with us, he could write a song about toilets in the rafters. Maybe a whole album.

Cuppa Covfefe

And all the flushwater rafters…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nudge not, lest ye be judged!


Thanks for another informative opener, GmainTX! I appreciate all the links. One of them seems to be misdirected, though. The “1940s Experiment” one leads to a video of Dr. McCullough. The Steve Kirsch link on treating COVID is full of good info.


It’s a lot of links to manage!


Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Same for The Patriot Act!
It was deemed ‘necessary’ in order to go after terrorists.

The problem is…who gets to decide who the terrorists are.

Now, it’s being used to go after political opponents.
Just label them “terrorists” and then it’s okay to violate their constitutional rights.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our commies are just so ORWELLIAN.

Brave and Free

Oh I don’t know about that. Pretty sure that was their goal back then, install a flaming commie asshole at the appropriate time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is worth 5 minutes to carry a sharper and stronger information weapon on Bill Gates killing kids in third world countries.

This stuff is REAL.

We’ve all HEARD this, but there’s actually “published, peer-reviewed science” behind the statement. Bill Gates has literally supported vaccines that kill kids. And in some ways, those vaccines SEEM to be a precursor for the effect we’re seeing with the spike protein vaccines.

Here is the general story by RFK Jr. It helps to read at least the beginning of that article, so that you know the basics of the story.

Here is the scientific paper he’s talking about. It’s not that hard to read. This shows HOW the vaccines kill kids – INDIRECTLY.

It’s actually very brilliant and very evil.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know. I really don’t. But we are facing the same kind of thing our forefathers and mothers faced, except that our “global loyalist oppressors” now have allies here, in Europe, and in the “Orient”.


It makes my blood boil, too, GMT. I’m not sure who is the most prolific mass murderer – Bill Gates or Anthony Faucci.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. “The Kenyan” had at least THAT ONE going for him!

Cuppa Covfefe

Considering that his father was one of the major movers of Planned unParenthood, it’s no surprise that BillyGhoul didn’t fall far from his family’s tree. The only thing is, he’s the worse of all…..

Wonder who funded his meteoric rise? I don’t think Zuck, Bezos, AOC, and “the squad” were the first to “come out of nowhere” to prominence and power…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vaccines are part of PLANNED VICTIMHOOD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Well, there was a famous incident where some Microsoft developers were doing a presentation and showed a section of source code for Windows that had “NSA_KEY”.


Excellent, since he no longer endangers just third world nations use this to empanel some citizen grand juries, put out secret arrest orders, let some citizen vigilantes grab him and have him renditioned to one of these countries before anyone is aware. Same with that Sore ass fella.


God almighty. Strike down these evil killers, please.

This is an easy one. The first four paragraphs are enough to tell the story.

And the way they reference what they are doing! So blase’. A “natural experiment.” Yeah, on helpless little African babies, you fucking monsters!

This world. Screw science. I want to go back to the 1800s. At least if you died of disease then, it was nature that did it. Now it’s scientists and doctors.

Gail Combs

WOlfie, I finally found my old comment @ Tony Heller’s that SHOWS INDEPENDENTLY that Gates and his Vaccines were STERILIZING AFRICANS!!!

Vaccines, UN, Gates, Eugenics & Sterilization

May 28, 201445 Years Since Paul Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Africans, To Stop Global Cooling

Before climate expert Paul Ehrlich was worried about global warming, he was worried about global cooling – and wanted to poison Africans.

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So Ehrlich proposed to the UN that they poison the water and food supply of Africa and Asia.


The US government has followed Ehrlich’s advice.

A USDA grant funded Epicyte who developed a GM corn with a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.”

Announcing his success at a press conference, the president of Epicyte, Mitch Hein, pointing to his GMO corn plants and announced, “We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies.”

Shortly after the 2001 Epicyte press release, all discussion of the breakthrough vanished. The company itself was taken over in 2004 by Biolex [of Pittsboro NC] and nothing more was heard in any media about the development of spermicidal corn….


(Those are about the only two live links I have left.)

There have also been “Reports” that allege various other methods of sterilization including vaccines. A list of them is HERE. This is one of the reasons some people are anti-GMOs and anti-vaccines.

You could dismiss all this as way out conspiracy theory except for Bill Gates Talks ‘Vaccines to Reduce Population’ and the fact that the founding Director-General of UNESCO was a Eugenicist.

Fabian Socialist Sir Julian Huxley became the first Director-General of UNESCO, he authored UNESCO: ITS PURPOSE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY (1948) in which he revealed that

“even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

It was during this time of the early 20th Century that Rockefeller introduced Margaret Sanger to the monied elite who would help her form the Birth Control League which would later become Planned Parenthood. The November 1921 issue of Sanger’s Birth Control Review carried the heading “Birth Control: To Create A Race of Thoroughbreds,” and Sanger would later advocate eugenically limiting “dysgenic stocks” such as blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics, as well as “slum dwellers” such as Jewish immigrants.

In 1926, Rockefeller money funded the founding of the American Eugenics Society, and the next year on May 2, 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court by an 8 to 1 majority ruled in Buck v. Bell that certain “unfit” people could be forcibly sterilized. Regarding this ruling, British [Fabian Socialist] Professor Harold Laski wrote his friend Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: “Sterilize all the unfit, among whom I include all fundamentalists.”

The Dark Roots of EUGENICS By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.


Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa (1993)

…..Barney Cohen reviews levels, differentials, and trends in fertility for more than 30 countries from 1960 to 1992. He finds evidence of fertility decline in Botswana, Kenya, and Zimbabwe, confirming the basic results of the DHS. What is new here though is his finding that the fertility decline appears to have occurred across cohorts of women at all parities, rather than just among women at middle and higher parities, as might have been expected on the basis of experience in other parts of the world. He also presents evidence that fertility may have begun to fall in parts of Nigeria and possibly in Senegal….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please continue to bug Gail to get her first article up. Once THAT happens, what you are hoping for becomes possible!

I’m going to say that Gail should NOT be like Nancy Messonnier, who insisted that the COVID tests be “perfect”!!! 😉


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Listen to Wolf! 😉

Gail Combs

I am STILL planting grass and putting up new fence for starving ponies. right now it is hunt and peck because my right hand, wrist, arm, elbow shoulder… is screaming at me. (3 days of filling in the holes in the driveway ARRGHhhhh!) When I can breath again I will have hubby help me put up the article I have written.

Valerie Curren

Honestly Gail you could copy/paste some of your Epic Comments as stand alone articles. Or link several related comments w/ a handful of connecting sentences & even an image or two AND your posts would be Amazing!!!! Just go for it.

You could do running copy/paste series just from your files on any topic AND just ask Q-Treepers to add in some recent data in the comments.

Whatever you choose to do will be wonderful.

Waiting with near baited breath!!!

Valerie Curren

copied your great comment to Gab here, fyi:

Thanks, again, Boss! You, as always, Rock!!!


November 12, 1775:

After the shot heard round the world on April 19, 1775, which technically started the Revolutionary War, Congress adopted the Olive Branch Petition on July 5, 1775, as a final attempt to prevent formal war from being declared. The colonists expressed loyalty to the King, believing that ministerial policies, not the King, were to blame for their trials. The petition ended with this:
“That your Majesty may enjoy long and prosperous reign, and that your descendants may govern your Dominions with honour to themselves and happiness to their subjects, is our sincere prayer.”

(Of course, by the next year, July of 1776, the colonists realized the King was behind all the policies and criticized him as a tyrant in the Declaration of Independence.)

On November 12, 1775, upon learning that King George III refused to even read the Olive Branch Petition, Abigail Adams wrote this to her husband, John:

“Let us separate, they are unworthy to be our Brethren. Let us renounce them and instead of supplications as formerly for their prosperity and happiness, Let us beseech the almighty to blast their councils and bring to Nought all their devices.”

Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

Yes, and a great patriot.


From the musical, “1776” — the dialogue and song “Yours, Yours, Yours!” between John and Abigail Adams:
(the song begins at 2:02 in the video)

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s a wonderful musical (Sit Down, John) and fun to play. And the interplay between John and Abigail (and Jefferson and Martha – “He Plays The Violin”) is really well done. The original “John Adams” was William Daniels, who later voiced K.I.T.T. (the Knight Rider car), the role in the revival was played by Brent Spiner (Data)…. and “Is Anybody There?”

Is anybody there?
Does anybody care?
Does anybody see, what I see?

Also “Molasses To Rum To Slaves”

Gosh, the whole show is great. There’s supposed to be an extended LaserDisc version with all the cuts restored (e.g. Cool Considerate Men and some other numbers which should never have been cut in the first place, as they’re important historically) that was made as a labor of love by some of the original producers. If only it were available on BluRay (probably it’s on YouTube…sigh).

Thanks for bringing that up and posting the link. It seems as if John Adams (and Abigail) were unsung heroes of our nation’s founding. They’re probably totally erased from the history books now due to CRT and RED China-inspired (or directed?) revisionism…


Well, he was our second president, so they have to at least mention that…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

An excellent history lesson. There are many analogies.

Valerie Curren

April 19, 1775 was the date my ancestor signed up for the Rev. War. I wonder if he was part of that skirmish or only signed up after hearing about it. He was from Stockbridge in Berkshire County, MA.

Thanks for that great historical info. Love the Abigail Adams quote too!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This right here may be a teaching moment. Maybe this guy’s DEATH could tell us something about how the vaccines kill people.

Just noticed something. The two-week death timing is identical to the disease. Cue the Dr. Peter McCullough video above, about the spike protein.

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Cardiologist Who Said He ‘Won’t Cry at Funeral’ For “Selfish” Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab

November 11, 2021, 10:42pm
by Cristina Laila


Faucists…If only he’d took the the fourth jab he’d have been OK.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of like “Measure once, cut twice, erm, thrice, erm, four times…. gee, I’m trying to cut it longer, but that doesn’t work”…..

Logic for liberals….
(doesn’t exist)…


Measure once, cuss twice …

Cuppa Covfefe

Only twice 😀 ?


My current feeling is, if people like him are going to spread this crap to others, they should just go ahead and die as an object-lesson.

If we have to lose a whole bunch of people, it needs to be quick. All at once and impossible to ignore.

We have to save as many as we can. Especially children.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here is a concrete example of Pfizer killing for cash.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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PureBlood David Allard

Pfizer will kill a 19 year women this time. Blood clots in the lungs, game over….

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Blood clots in lungs is DEFINITELY NOT GAME OVER.

I have non-specific bladder cancer and blood clots in both legs and one in my left lung. I’m doing fine taking Zarelta to dissolve them.

It is a serious situation that requires monitoring but the idea that it’s a death sentence is false.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The question is the TYPE of clots and the number. The COVID micro-clots that form and collect in the capillaries, caused by the spike protein, are extremely diffuse. They’ve only recently found good imaging techniques to see affected areas of the lungs. There have to be a LOT of them to kill.

And obviously not a death sentence, as I type this! 😉


pgroup, yes, yes…
A good friend’s Husband waited too long for virus Tx…
Mercifully the hospital where he was admitted gave him monoclonal antibodies
and he has recovered.
But in the process, multiple small clots were found in his lungs, and while he was hospitalized, he was given Lovenox IV.
Lovenox IM was continued at home, and subsequent scans now show he is out of danger, Praise God.


And then there were drugs taken off the market…that were actually beneficial!

For example, Darvocet.

There were no deaths from Darvocet.
It was a safe drug that had been on the market for decades.
A painkiller that millions of people found beneficial.

But the Nobama administration decided that Darvocet should be banned.

This led to people in need of a painkiller having to take an opioid painkiller instead.

Then…low and behold…lots of people became addicted to the opioid painkillers.

At the time, my doctor said it made no sense whatsoever for Darvocet to be taken off the market.
He suspected that that there was some other reason behind it…and it wasn’t a good reason.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW – that is interesting.

Just looked it up – here is the active ingredient – propoxyphene:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – it’s becoming very clear that “vaccinated status” is making people MORE susceptible to COVID-19 relative to “non-vaccinated status”.

And the media is in full COVER-UP MODE.

UK health agency deletes study that called vaccine efficacy into doubt after media outcry
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And it’s not even a vaccine.

It’s a gene-editing serum that destroys your natural immune system, and leaves you in a condition similar to having AIDS.

They called it a “vaccine” in order to get immunity from liability.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And then they had to change the definition of a vaccine – because FAUCI and our GOVERNMENT both have a monetary interest in that particular GENE THERAPY!!!


I prefer to call it…GENE EDITING.

Because “therapy” usually implies that something is beneficial.
This shot is not therapeutic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The thing is, though, that it’s really not gene editing – at least not yet. At least, the mRNA tech is not protestable for being actual gene editing, unless we find some way that it happens in the same way as the disease, which we know CAN insert crap into the genome.

Jaenisch paper.

More like “gene graffiti”.

But gene-editing “vaccines” are coming – there is no doubt – they’re already experimenting on ANIMALS.

Watch for CRISPR or CRISPR-Cas9. That is real honest-to-G_d GENE EDITING.


Well it’s still not therapeutic…so I’m resisting calling it ‘gene-therapy’

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla himself, called it “gene-editing”.

Which seemed remarkably truthful.
Since a vaccine should not be intentionally manipulating peoples’ genetic makeup.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA! So I’m a more rigorously truthful scientist than the CEO of Pfizer!



Eh, this is like saying the sea is not above the clouds.

Gail Combs

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Covid Vaccines and Cancer

…. it has been shown that in up to 50% of vaccinees, covid vaccines can induce a temporary immune suppression or immune dysregulation (lymphocytopenia) that may last about a week or possibly longer.

In addition, covid mRNA vaccines have been shown to “reprogram” (i.e. influence) adaptive and innate immune responses and, in particular, to downregulate the so-called TLR4 pathway, which is known to play an important role in the immune response to infections and cancer cells.

Thus, if there already is a tumor somewhere – known or unknown –, or if there is a predisposition to some type of cancer, such a state of vaccine-induced immune suppression or immune dysregulation might potentially trigger sudden tumor growth and cancer in the weeks following vaccination. Of note, lymphocytopenia has also been frequently observed in cases of severe covid.

At the immunological level, a similar mechanism appears to be triggering the post-vaccination reactivation of latent virus infections, most notably VZV (i.e. shingles), but also EBV (Epstein-Barr) and HPV. The vaccine-induced temporary immune suppression is also a likely factor contributing to the post-vaccination spike in coronavirus infections, observed in many countries.

The extent of the vaccine-induced tumor growth and cancer issue remains uncertain

Notice they call it TEMPORARY but they DO NOT KNOW!

So no, I think that was actually a major slip-up by the CEO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See if you can find that quote. The reason may be a crafty legal dodge that he could be committing.

Technically, an mRNA vaccine should NOT be “gene editing”. Everybody else in the media has (correctly) denied that the shots are “gene editing”.

But what if they really ARE gene editing?

If the criminal Bourla actually KNOWS that there is something that makes these shots ACTUALLY become gene editing, then he is “pre-admitting it” by making a knowing mistake. He’s preparing a defense in that case.



It was all over the place a couple of days ago…

Here is a list of sites quoting him — take your pick:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I found a nice “edited” video with the most relevant sections.

Turns out he did NOT say that the jabs were “gene editing”. The people who reported that, made the same mistake as Emerald Robinson. She put a mention of luciferase in a patent in the wrong context – these people put a mention of gene editing in the wrong context. He was offering examples of WHERE THINGS MIGHT GO – where the technology might lead – and one of those things IS gene editing – which is exactly why the industry conspired to make needless vaccines using a bad technology – in order to GREENLIGHT gene therapies, and specifically gene editing.

The error is right on the following page:

The author of this video claims that Bourla says the jabs are gene editing, but that is WRONG and a LIE.

I hate to exonerate the criminal Bourla on this point, but I must. He did NOT call the jabs gene editing!!! But this link DID make that wrong claim.


He may be changing his tune…now.

But in the past, he was apparently quite proud of the gene-editing technology that is a part of this so-called ‘vaccine’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He could have been talking about other vaccines, but if he ever said that these particular vaccines are gene-editing, then he’s either mistaken, or admitting something that the very technology can’t do, and means they are lying about the vaccines even being what they are supposed to be.

Of course, what if the “death lots” were actually experimental gene editing lots?


I dunno, boss.

It looks to me like he’s been on record talking about the gene-editing feature in their covid ‘vaccine’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, that LIE may be a kind of disinformation by big pharma – a kind of KGB-style “active measure” – to create a perception that something has “already happened”. That drains the opposition, psychologically.


This is an interesting article from a year ago:

#Covid #LemmingLogic: What’s Not Being Said About #Pfizer #Coronavirus #Vaccine! | | truthaholics (


The Pharma giant Pfizer has now announced what they claim were spectacular results in initial human tests.
They use an experimental technology known as gene editing, specifically mRNA gene-editing, something never before used in vaccines.

The experimental technology is based on a rather new gene manipulation known as gene editing. In a major article in the 2018 New York Council on Foreign Relations magazine, Foreign Affairs, Bill Gates effusively promoted the novel gene editing CRISPR technology as being able to “transform global development.” He noted that his Gates Foundation had been financing gene editing developments for vaccines and other applications for a decade.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this stuff is almost “ready to go” (yet rather unsafe) in humans. That was why they needed the phony crisis.

These people just can’t wait to do this stuff.


Correct me if wrong, but the purpose of the mRNA in the vaxxx is to by pass the human genome and go straight to the cell with a new set of instructions put into the vaxxx. Same effect as gene editing as far as the effected cells are concerned?

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somewhat so, but it’s complicated. Gene editiing MAY have the same downstream effect, but there are forms of gene therapy that are more akin to gene BLOCKING, although “white-out” could be considered editing, too.

The main difference is as you say, that mRNA bypasses expression of the genome, and basically hijacks the EXPRESSION by dumping in new messages to the RNA print shop.

Gene editing changes the standing DNA orders stored in the executive suite library.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

Wolfie the CCP has already done CRISPR HUMAN BABIES!

A Chinese scientist claims he has helped create the world’s first genetically edited babies.

In research that would be illegal if carried out in most countries, Professor He Jiankui and his team said they altered the embryos of seven couples undergoing fertility treatment.

One successful pregnancy resulting from this treatment resulted in twins….

New Details About The Infamous ‘CRISPR Babies’ Experiment Have Just Been Revealed

More than a year ago, the world was shocked by Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui‘s attempt to use CRISPR technology to modify human embryos and make them resistant to HIV, which led to the birth of twins Lulu and Nana.

Now, crucial details have been revealed in a recent release of excerpts from the study, which have triggered a series of concerns about how Lulu and Nana’s genome was modified.

How CRISPR works

CRISPR is a technique that allows scientists to make precise edits to any DNA by altering its sequence.

When using CRISPR, you may be trying to “knock out” a gene by rendering it inactive, or trying to achieve specific modifications, such as introducing or removing a desired piece of DNA.

Gene editing with the CRISPR system relies on an association of two proteins. One of the proteins, called Cas9, is responsible for “cutting” the DNA. The other protein is a short RNA (ribonucleic acid) molecule which works as a “guide” that brings Cas9 to the position where it is supposed to cut….

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting that they changed the definition of pandemic, too…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They’re conflating REAL (OK, for the most part) vaccines with the clot-shot. That way they can label us as “Anti-vaxxers” when in point of fact we’re anti-clot-shot(ers).

Typical, Satan-led DEMONRATS. Projecting, obfuscating the true issues and the truth, and blaming their evil deeds and the results therof on us…

May ALMIGHTY GOD turn them and their evil back, and repulse, neutralize, and correct them.


Yep. They’re conflating REAL (OK, for the most part) vaccines with the clot-shot. That way they can label us as “Anti-vaxxers” when in point of fact we’re anti-clot-shot(ers).

Yeah, the virus was not the bioweapon…the so-called ‘vaccine’ is.

The jab was the goal all along.

Calling it a ‘vaccine’ gives them cover and immunity from liability.

And yeah…I’m not “anti-vax”, I am anti-bad-vax.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! Me too! And anti-lying-CDC!!!

Valerie Curren

I believe the “virus” was Also a bioweapon but the “vax” is a way worse one by at least a factor of four.

One of the details that jumped out of that paper for me was that for the “vax’d” for every life “saved” from dying from “covid” FIFTEEN people are killed by the shot!


This bears repeating and spreading all over the place:

Dr. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, is a VETERINARIAN.
He therefore knows ALL ABOUT Ivermectin and how beneficial it is.
Bourla said that those “spreading mis-information” about the “vaccines” are “criminals.” — when it can be posited that Bourla HIMSELF is a criminal for pushing a gene-bending injection (the “vaccine” for COVID-19) that is causing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of severe reactions or deaths — in addition to engendering “breakthrough cases” of the virus AND engendering ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) in the “vaccinated.”
Bourla is a LIAR and possibly also a PSYCHOPATH (a person without a conscience).

Last edited 3 years ago by RDS
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What that liar is saying is BULLSHIT to defend his MONEY.

Natural immunity will offer greater defense of life downstream, and he either hides that truth (even from himself), or has deceived himself against it.

The selling of needless and publicly harmful vaccines is a crime.

ORIGINAL ANTIGEN SIN and WRONG PROTEIN! FACE THE TRUTH, BOURLA!!! Your crimes against children will not go unpunished!!!


And the first two bars of that graph only show more unvaccinated because more young people haven’t been stabbed yet!

People are stupid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The other side has to HIDE THE TRUTH.


Lying liars who lie!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. There’s a few columns missing that should be there, such as size of each cohort.
Without that, proper comparisons and percentages cannot be made.

How to Lie With Statistics 101…..


Over at LI, Russ from Winterset comments:

“Out of 8 shots, 6 of them hit people attacking him. No innocent bystanders hit. Nobody who withdrew from attacking him was hit. Several people had the muzzle of his gun pointed their way, but those all happened after the first attack upon him.

Kid’s a wizard.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Which is hilarious, because a bunch of lefty wanks (including Toobin!) said that he shouldn’t have had a gun because he had never been formally trained.

I mean, damn, I wish every cop in America had Kyle’s level of discipline.


True about the cops but there’s a reason why Kyle is better.

The cops accumulate bad experiences simply by doing their jobs day after day, which affects their psychological stability. Kyle doesn’t have that issue.

Read The Choirboys if you haven’t already done so. The movie has a different ending than the book, which alters the entire plot IMO, so I advise reading the book before watching the movie.

Cuppa Covfefe

And an incredible, indelible, and profound contrast to that idiot Alec Baldwin and his crew. Wonder now if that “accident” was timed to happen around the same time as this trial… for the DEMONRATS couldn’t care less about “collateral damage” in clawing their way with their cloven hooves to their Satanic goals…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – there may be a connection. GREAT catch.

Gail Combs

They are doing the Fecal material hitting the fan, except it is several Dump Truck loads of manure.

Do not forget the Jan 6th Political Prisoners getting gassed and some getting carried out in stretchers too.


Both are timed distractions. Rittenhouse trial should have never taken place. Both Baldwin and Rittenhouse have elements that conservatives love to talk about, that being guns and the use of guns. What’s being distracted from is the all important legislation moving through the house, the southern border threat and dampening talk of mandates as they force the jab on more people as some of the obvious things. Their entire agenda keeps creeping forward under the cover of these two events. Question is what’s the next big distraction?

Valerie Curren

AND (presumably) angels!


The two supposed “missed” shots were at “jump-kick guy” — and are thought to be “missed” because JKG wasn’t found bleeding on the street.

What if they were hits, but got lodged in clothing or something? Kyle could be EIGHT for EIGHT, in a rock-and-roll session that had him ambushed, kicked in the side of the head, and possibly concussed with a skateboard.

Zero “spray-and-pray”, zero passthrough casualties, not one false move.

And they want to go after him for not being “trained”…..

Gail Combs

Kyle is SUPERB! He is an excellent example of the type of discipline I want to see in every American patriot.


And Kyle did that in SPADES!


Danchenko Indictment: How Dossier Non-Source Sergei Millian Was Framed

What led me to this article was Citizen Free Press stating that Durham has impaneled two grand juries.

Durham has now impaneled criminal grand juries on both side of the Potomac — one in D.C. and another in Eastern district of Virginia — to hear evidence in the sprawling case, which has rocked Washington. Millian said he hopes the Clinton operatives — and Glenn Simpson, in particular — are held accountable for peddling falsehoods that led to the FBI putting him under investigation and the media defaming him.

“It was a very painful experience,” Millian said. “They derailed my career and destroyed my businesses.”

He said Simpson played a central role in pushing scurrilous rumors about him that ended up in the dossier and ultimately the FBI and media (in an example of circular evidence, remarkably, the FBI cited in FISA court affidavits one of the news articles naming Millian as a key dossier source to lend additional support to its probable cause for renewing wiretaps on Page). “Simpson falsely claimed that my name is an ‘alias’ and since I was using an alias, I must be a Russian intelligence officer,” he complained.

A declassified FBI document from 2016 reveals that Simpson’s concerns wended their way into FBI headquarters…


I wish adults have as much guts as this 8 year old fighting for her rights:

Pepe Lives Matter
What a championcomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Now, THERE’S a kid that is doing some LEARNING.

Cuppa Covfefe

And some TEACHING, as well!

As opposed to Greta the Greenhearted…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Yuk there’s a foul stench … 🤢🤧💨


She’s a courageous adorable angel warrior, you can be sure angels walk with her .. lovely sweetie pie ❤️


Another true American hero! May she be lauded in the history books!


Thank you for a great Friday thread, Gmtx!
 👏  😀  😍  💖 
Well done…appreciate all the work you put into it.

I love that Paul Joseph Watson video!
It’s so true.
The commercials these days have become so ‘woke’ that they are laughable.


When I have the option I always “fast-forward” the commercials/indoctrination’s … saves time and grief 😝


What a good horse!
 👏  😊 

Horse protects cowboy from mama-cow while cowboy is tagging a calf.

[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re SMART.


… and big .. 😐👍

Gail Combs

Not all of them. They even make sneakers for indoor use!
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(Remember horses esp ponies can live into their 30s & 40s so they outlive guide dogs.)


😮👍❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️ … ohhhhhhh shazammmm I want one of those ‼️
Just one ☝️ ..
I watched a movie on Netflix about a widower and his daughter moving to a new town after the wife/mother died. The daughter crashed a small 4 wheel vehicle into a lady’s horse rescue fence and destroyed a shed. In the time she worked there she became friends with a horse that was suffering from being mistreated the rich mean brat that owned this horse. I really liked bond form between the horse and the girl. The girl was high school age lost her mother and moved to a new town in the country.

Cuppa Covfefe

And look at where the horse’s eye(s) are focused…

Gail Combs

Wolfie, I had a very well bred Cow pony. The instinct bred into that pony was incredible.

And yes horses can be very protective of their humans, especially mares.


Awesome love this ❤️


Cowboys have incredible relationships with their horses. I love to go to the rodeo to see how the horses perform their jobs. They are amazing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did you know there was…..

a 68-year-old woman hanging on, on a ventilator, who needed ivermectin?

a daughter who wanted to give it to her

a hospital that resisted

a JUDGE who ordered that ivermectin be given to her

a hospital that tried to play games

a doctor who drove a long way to give it

a woman who recovered and went home

and all of this was in Illinois in MAY of this year?

The FAKE NEWS has kept this story ON ICE.

Search on this name: Nurije Fype

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Now I’m worried more for gil00….. 🙁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did she get ivermectin?


She has a couple of doses of horse flavor for her and Mr. gil, but Mr. gil was stonewalling on doctors’ advice. And it’s gone radio silent since.


(I gather the average horse tube has enough for a 1200 pound horse, once. I have no idea how much Mr gil and gil00 weigh, but if they’re going to get four full doses each, they’d better have a combined weight of less than 300 pounds.)


Aggressive IVM pursuit through FLCCC or AFLD would likely get IVM fairly quickly.

Hopefully they did this.


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Very strange. I never watched the movie, and will avoid it.


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“Begone, foul dwimmerlaik….”


“You either understand history or you trust the government”
That is some planetary truth, the ultimate multi-tool.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep.NAND or XOR logic…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Heh. First GE decides to toss it in and split into three — — and now Toshiba decides… toss it in and split into three — .

It’s actually a good concept, but it does nothing to address the current rot — that companies’ valuation is more determined by political actions than successful business practices.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if KKR is sniffing around somewhere… to “unlock shareholder value”… Bet the disk drive folks at Tosh are going “here we go again”…..

I’ve had the misfortune to work at three different companies they ruined by doing that; and another, legendary company that did that without KKR’s “help”…

DAMN the Heuschrecken (locusts)!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡


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Creepy Joe Chronicles

Zombie Joe Pitches Senility, Racism in Arlington

In the latest series of Dementia Joe daily screwups, the Cadaver in Chief hurled a baseball at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Thursday

‘Howdy, and How to our Injun friends- good to be in Texas. As a kid in Scranton I went to Negro League games with our servant ‘Mammy,’ whose uncle played for the Utah Jazz,’ Clueless Joe said to a puzzled crowd at Arlington Nat’l Cemetery, ‘He was my favorite player- Satchmo Paige’

‘Satchmo brought me to the mound one day and said ‘Joey, throw it hard as you can,’ and I struck out Gabe Ruth’

‘I present the first ball of this NY Rangers game,’ the Resident proclaimed as a baseball dribbled from his hand and rolled briefly before stopping short of insulting our servicemen further

Biden calls Satchel Paige ‘the great negro’ in latest gaffe



Babylon Bee, the satire site will have to do some hard work, in order to best, or even match, this.

One thing is when conspiracy theories become spoiler warnings and then mainstream news. Another is when what ought to have been just satire, is not, and when it is perpetrated by a man who at least nominally is in one of the top positions in the world.

This used to be something expected from outfits such as Monty Python.


True That!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep… Something like this perhaps? 😀
(I’m sure “the [odd] squad” and the “bad news Bs” would fit right in)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Cadaver in Chief…. brilliant…

He’s always making grave mistakes…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

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Fair Warning!


How serious is the smallpox threat?

The deliberate release of smallpox as an epidemic disease is now regarded as a possibility, and the United States is taking precautions to deal with this possibility.

What is the smallpox vaccine, and is it still required?

The smallpox vaccine is the only way to prevent smallpox. The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia, which is another pox-type virus related to smallpox. The vaccine helps the body develop immunity to smallpox. It was successfully used to eradicate smallpox from the human population.

Routine vaccination of the American public against smallpox stopped in 1972 after the disease was eradicated in the United States. Until recently, the U. S. government provided the smallpox vaccine only to a few hundred scientists and medical professionals who work with smallpox and similar viruses in a research setting. After the events of September and October, 2001, however, we have taken extensive actions to improve our level of preparedness against terrorism. For smallpox, this included updating a response plan and ordering enough smallpox vaccine to immunize the American public in the event of a smallpox outbreak. The plans are in place, and there is sufficient vaccine available to immunize everyone who might need it in the event of an emergency.

How many people would have to get smallpox before it is considered an outbreak?

One suspected case of smallpox is considered a public health emergency.

So people born after 1972 have not had a smallpox vaccination. A perfect opportunity for mad scientists to put whatever evil thing they desire in the vaccines that people would clamor for.

Barb Meier

The parents of babies born after 1972 would have gotten the smallpox vaccine. So our pre-1972 born bodies carry the recipe to fight off smallpox even if we don’t actively have antibodies, IIRC. Would we pass that recipe against smallpox on to our babies?




say what ?

Decarbonization TERRAFORMING Of Planet Earth Is Now Underway…Giant Machines To Be Installed In Iowa To Suck “Live Molecules” Out Of The Atmosphere And Cause Global Crops To Fail

article link…


this hideous, diabolical new project has actually been launched across 5 U.S. states ..

to harvest life molecules out of the atmosphere in an effort to shut down photosynthesis

and unleash crop (food) failures.

Iowa farmland is being siezed for this via eminent domain …to construct the mechanical infrastructure that will transform the Earth’s atmosphere, stripped entirely of carbon.

this terraforming project has a name…

 👉  Heartland Greenway

and here’s the site link for that…

it will literally suck out the carbon dioxide molecules from the atmosphere, and then bury them underground

the actual CO2 pipeline is being constructed across 5 U.S. states ! to transport liquid CO2 and then bury it.

here’s the effing pipeline..
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more, at the link.

fuk biden

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Cuppa Covfefe

Time to shut down his pipeline (and his fakeadministration).

“Rewilding” has been the plan for decades, but now people are seeing it in the open. has been talking about it for quite some time.

All this yammering about CO² never mentions the fact that we’re at the second-lowest level of CO² in recorded (or at least analyzed – cores, etc., but none of Briffa’s trees) history. Anything lower than 250ppm and bye-bye vegetation. Consider that many greenhouses have CO² pumped into them to force plant growth, 1200-1400ppm, and people are WALKING AROUND WORKING IN THEM. Gail’s posted about this a few times, with a lot of good links. WUWT and NTZ also have tons of info.

We’ve been fed so many lies for so long it’s all but impossible to discern the truth. Science, “medicine”, “edukashun”, commercial ventures, you name it. They’re all as crooked as a witch’s nose. And their souls are just as dark…

Gail Combs


They never mention that CO2 levels AT 250 ppm does not kill vegetation


that seeds do not germinate and plants do not set seed.

ALL the papers have long since been removed from the web.

Stolen from an old comment to Tony Heller’s old site Scary CO2

Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California.
This is the study that was originally used to lower the level C3 starve at by relying on the ‘New’ Ice Core data derived from air bubbles within the ice cores.

“…The CO2 concentration found in air bubble and in secondary air cavities of deep Vostok and Bryd cores range from 178 and 296 ppm…

According to Barnola et al (1987) the level of CO2 in the global atmosphere during many tens of thousands of years spanning 30,000 to 110,000 BP were below 200ppm. If this were true then the growth of C3 plants should be limited at the global scale because their net Photosynthesis is depressed as CO2 concentration in air decreases to less than about 250ubar (less than about 250ppmv) (McKay et al 1991) This would lead to the extinction of C3plant species . This has however not been recorded by paleobotanists (Manum 1991).

The ice core analysis method switched from an analysis of the WHOLE SAMPLE to analysis of the CO2 left in the air bubble. This newer method gives much lower CO2 numbers. that do not agree with the older numbers or with the plant stomata data. SEE: link
Stomata data by Wagner, Aaby and Visscher prove conclusively that the ice core data is seriously in error. The ice core data can be corrected using J.J.Drake’s correlation, the profile does not change but the ppm values do so the analysis is still valid.
Click to access 12011.full.pdf
In general the stomata research totally destroys the ice core data
A decade ago when I first comment on this there was a Peer-reviewed paper saying C3 plants starve below 200 ppm. It was of course removed from the internet.
So now we have to go to the people who know and depend on the truth – FARMERS (Farmers overwhelmingly think CAGW is organic fertilizer. Iowa State Univ polled nearly 5,000 farmers. 66 % believed climate change is occurring, but only 41 percent believed humans bore any part of the blame for global warming, thus 75% rejected CAGW. Other studies show numbers over 80% reject CAGW.)
Hydroponic Shop

…Plants use all of the CO2 around their leaves within a few minutes leaving the air around them CO2 deficient, so air circulation is important. As CO2 is a critical component of growth, plants in environments with inadequate CO2 levels of below 200 ppm will generally cease to grow or produce…


As CO2 is a critical component of growth, plants in environments with inadequate CO2 levels – below 200 PPM – will cease to grow or produce. …Plants use all of the CO2 around their leaves within a few minutes leaving the air around them CO2 deficient. Without air circulation and ventilation the plant’s stomata are stifled and plant growth stunted….


….With the advent of home greenhouses and indoor growing under artificial lights and the developments in hydroponics in recent years, the need for CO2 generation has drastically increased. Plants growing in a sealed greenhouse or indoor grow room will often deplete the available CO2 and stop growing. The following graph will show what depletion and enrichment does to plant growth:

CO2 vs Plant Growth GRAPH

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Below 200 PPM, plants do not have enough CO2 to carry on the photosynthesis process and essentially stop growing. Because 300 PPM is the atmospheric CO content, this amount is chosen as the 100% growth point. You can see from the chart that increased CO can double or more the growth rate on most normal plants. Above 2,000 PPM, CO2 starts to become toxic to plants and above 4,000 PPM it becomes toxic to people…..

Barb Meier

The problem with the above seems to be where are they going to put all that carbon? “How Much Carbon Is on Earth? There are approximately 1.85 billion, billion tonnes of carbon present on planet Earth – and only a tiny fraction of that is found in the air we breathe. The vast majority (more than 99%) of it is actually stored within the Earth’s crust, according to a startling new study conducted by a team of scientists from the Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) project.”


Madness! How do they think Earth has survived all this time? They make themselves out to be gods, but they are merely flawed human beings like everyone else.

Cuppa Covfefe

Romans 1:17-23:

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

And I Corinthians 1:25:

25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.


Verse of the Day for Friday, November 12, 2021

“God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.” 

2 Samuel 22:33 (KJV)


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Appreciate all the posts, verses…

Longing for the infant. “I Am A Child. Not A Choice.”

Never tired of seeing, reading it.


Last edited 3 years ago by kalbokalbs

Amen 🙂



Campaign contributions from the American Federation of Teachers to Democrats (%):

1990: 97.9%
1992: 98.5%
1994: 99.4%
1996: 99.1%
1998: 98.9%
2000: 99.2%
2002: 99.3%
2004: 98.0%
2006: 99.1%
2008: 99.1%
2010: 99.4%
2012: 99.4%
2014: 99.0%
2016: 99.7%
2018: 99.8%
2020: 99.6%


Gail Combs


My favorite wine and the only one I will drink. I stocked up so I have plenty to cook and drink while Mr Global tries to push the world into slavery.

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s also Spätlese and Eiswein (more of dessert wine), both of which are harvested later than the rest, Eiswein being picked in freezing (or almost) temps… Should become more common, despite the effusions of the Goreacle… as usual, Wackypedia suggests the opposite, but our falls and winters have been getting longer and colder…

Goes well with Fondue and Raclette…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Gail Combs

I had both when I lived in the wine region of Germany and they are very very nice but expensive.. That is where I got hooked on Riesling.

Cuppa Covfefe

How about stocking up with some of this (from WOLFenweiler wine association)
(Der mit dem Wolf – the one with the WOLF) 🙂comment image

or this:comment image

Or maybe this (from Baden):comment image

Then there’s this:comment image

or this:comment image

and this (fancy stuff):comment image


Robert Kennedy, Jr., Requests Message from Archbishop Viganò at Major Demonstration in Switzerland
Robert Kennedy and his team will be in Europe over the course of the next few days to participate in two important events: One in Milan and the other in Bern, Switzerland
On Friday November 12, there will be a major demonstration in Bern. In preparation for that event, Robert Kennedy asked His Excellency for a special video message to be delivered to participants at the rally.
In my opinion, it is extremely significant that Mr. Kennedy has turned to a leading traditional Catholic prelate – and outspoken critic of Pope Francis – in the midst of the Great Reset crisis that is now erupting throughout the world.
There is hope, in other words, as the Children of Light – no matter how broken they may be – are now recognizing the urgent need to unite in solidarity and opposition to the Children of Darkness. God bless Mr. Kennedy, God bless Archbishop Viganò, and God help us all. – Michael J. Matt


Looking forward to hearing more about this in the coming days.

Hope it spreads.

Gail Combs

I hope this works…

UPDATE – FBI reportedly leaked attorney-client privileged communications from Project Veritas’ devices to the New York Times AFTER a federal judge ordered the DOJ/FBI to stop extracting data from James O’Keefe’s devices.

Daily Mail:

‘The FBI is tipping off the NYT about its raids’: Lawyer for Project Veritas boss James O’Keefe suggests feds are breaking the law by handing privileged legal communications to Times journalists for ‘hit piece’

  • Attorney for Project Veritas founder accuses DOJ of leaking info to the NYT
  • Says the Times knew of raid on her client’s home moments after it occurred
  • Suggests DOJ is the source of legal communications leaked to the paper
  • Times on Thursday published report based on the legal communications
  • Conservative group is revealed seeking advice about its undercover filming
  • Attorney Harmeet Dhillon calls the report a ‘hit piece’ and ‘really despicable’
  • DOJ is investigation Project Veritas in relation to theft of Ashley Biden’s diary



Cuppa Covfefe

The DESØLATIØN of the Øbamanatiøn….


That man looks evil. How on earth did people fall for him and voted for him. Were we so ready to vote for an black person without looking for a good American Black man? There are many.
That he was voted in should have been a red flag.
I had a starch republican friend who hated Bush so much she voted for Obama.
There are people who hated Trump voted for Biden.
What does that tell us nothing good comes when we let hate blind us.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Cuppa Covfefe

That smug look from the pit of Hell. Like Satan his master, Lord of the Flies…

(This has been “shopped” but it’s on target, as it were. Seems a lot of the originals were scrubbed from the web. Fancy that.).comment image


Something very uncanny about this imposter.


Whoo-Hoo! Thank you GMT awesome open so much information 😮👍❤️🇺🇸❤️ .. I’ve already sent myself a ton of texts to share

God bless you and your loved ones abundantly, always


🤗 … wowohwow .. 😜

Deplorable Patriot

It’s hard to remain positive right now with the worst humanity has to offer on full display, but….
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

There’s something to the whole “all the western leaders kissed the ring” and Trump being treated better than any president in my memory, even Reagan. I’ve seen one account that on the one tour, he walked into meetings with piles of evidence of criminal activity, and said to one leader after another, cooperate, or this gets released, including Bergoglio. The real Bergoglio.

XVII said that less than ten people knew the full plan and less than five are civilians. VSGPDJT is one of them. They left the timing up to him.

I’m just ready for it to happen. My family thinks I’m insane.


I have this theory. People say that if Trump is allowing all the death from Covid and the clot-shot, that he could somehow have prevented, then he is a monster.


We know, or at least think we do, that the Trump/Q gang was using game theory and super-computers to project all possible outcomes.

What if…

All the timelines where Trump remained in office for this term resulted in WWIII? Or the deaths of 90% of the population from a new illness? Or some other unimaginable outcome?

What if the choice was lose 30-50% of people to the clot-shot and malpractice treatment for Covid in hospitals, or lose 90% of the population to war, induced disease (China release), or something else?

We don’t know. The skeptic in me says “that’s too complicated, the world is what you see.”

The 17-believer says “maybe….”

Deplorable Patriot

Among the people I know who are clot shot supporters, hardly any of them are/were Trump fans. Those who aren’t lefties tolerated him more than supported him following the Fox News model. They don’t go past the surface.

I really do have a problem with letting the shots go on. With the number of people NOT shot up, humanity can recover, but NO ONE is going to go untouched by it all in some way. And when the reckoning comes, I do wonder how much is going to stick to Trump. We’ll see.


I agree with all of this. We’ll see, indeed.

In conversation yesterday with a counselor I know, she said that everyone she knows is already touched by what is happening.

She has a friend who is a teacher. The teacher has had MANY children going home from school feeling sick after they had “a shot.” They are “dropping like flies,” she said. I wonder how many will be permanently damaged?

On the plus side, I found out after the fact (unfortunately, or I would have been there) that there was a protest outside the first vaxx clinic for kids here. I’m going today to find out if they plan to protest the next one. I may make a flier to hand out.

Gail Combs

D-Pat, as MichealH has said on one or more occasions, WE ARE AT WAR it is just being fought unconventionally.

EMP was mentioned as one method. Dr Vincent Pry is the person who came up with the 90% death rate…..

This is from my 2014 notes:

Wiping out the electrical grid (plus sensitive electronics) will KILL 90% of the US Population according to this report. Yet this is EXACTLY what the US government is planning to do only they are going to do it in slow motion over the next 30 years or so.




MAY 8, 2014 [43 pages]

pg 12

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, a Congressional advisory board dedicated to achieving protection of the United States from electromagnetic pulse and other threats. Dr. Pry is also the director of the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum, an advisory body to Congress on policies to counter weapons of mass destruction….





Natural EMP from a geomagnetic super-storm like the 1859 Carrington Event or the 1921 Railroad Storm, a nuclear EMP attack from terrorists or rogue states as practiced by North Korea during the nuclear crisis of 2013 are both existential threats that could kill 9 of 10 Americans through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.

A natural EMP catastrophe or nuclear EMP attack could black out the National electric grid for months or years and collapse all the other critical infrastructures, communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water, necessary to sustain modern society and the lives of 310 million Americans. Passage of the SHIELD Act to protect the National electric grid is urgently necessary. In 2010, after the House unanimously passed the GRID Act, if one Senator had not put a hold on the bill, today in 2014 the Nation would already be protected …..

The single most important thing Congress could do to protect the American people from EMP and from all the other threats to critical infrastructures is pass the Critical Infrastructure Protect Act…

 EMP is a clear and present danger. A Carrington-class coronal mass ejection narrowly missed the earth in July 2012. Last April, during the nuclear crisis with North Korea over Kim Jong-Un’s threatened nuclear strikes against the United States, Pyongyang apparently practiced an EMP attack with its KSM–3 satellite that passed over the U.S. heartland and over the Washington, D.C.-New York City corridor. Iran, estimated to be within 2 months of nuclear weapons by the administration, has a demonstrated capability to launch an EMP attack from a vessel at sea. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy commenced patrols off the East Coast of the United States in February.

Thank you for your attention to EMP, which is the least understood but gravest threat to our society.


I can’t even talk about it to my immediate family. My brothers being veterans understand (2 do one is scared of his own shadow so I continually poke him with sticks of truth/fact .. he can’t abide it) .. it makes me sad/upset.
kind of like “Look squirrel!!” but no response .. nuts

Deplorable Patriot



Here’s a pic in today’s DM of Pelosi at the COP26 in Scotland. Wearing same grey blazer, necklace, earrings, but no poppy and a scarf.
comment image

Last edited 3 years ago by holly
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you.

Nancy, Nancy, Nancy. End of story.

The purveyors of “easy automatic doubles” on Twitter are there for a reason.

Gail Combs

The Pig-louse has unusual ears.
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comment image?width=780&height=520&rect=1560×1040&offset=0x0

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! I’ve got a barrel full of new Pelosi Proofs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – Nancy 1 and Nancy 2 have an infinite number of markers that are THE SAME, but she juts out her jaw – AND ADDS MARKERS OF THE SAME – but now she’s another person.

These accounts work for the other side – either consciously or for desperation clicks.

These assholes would call me a different person after a damn shower. It’s horrifying to see this kind of mockery of facial ID.

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf, I pretty good with faces, and I’m telling you, if the other side is behind this, there’s a whole lot of photoshop going on from them. The markers are not as close as my sister and I are.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

*WE* are the other side behind this.

I have thousands of images of my own kin who MUST be declared to be “doubles” of each other by the over-precise, “PCR-level” idiocy of the doubles purveyors. I have pictures of MYSELF that differ, day to day and hour to hour, by differences greater than what these people declare to be different people.

They are NOT doing science. Science must be HARSH ON ITSELF. EVERY friggin’ time. There are no days off. Every time, the standards have to be HARSH on the normal, and EXTRA HARSH on the abnormal.

You have to be HARSH on your own abilities to have any abilities at all. You have to be HARSH on your metrics and algorithms, and throw away most of them.


The other side has got us where they want us on this one. They really do. It’s sad.

China has the best facial recognition algorithms on the planet, and with Tic-Tok, they will only get better.


^^^^This, a million times.

The other side has got us where they want us on this one. They really do. It’s sad.

It’s sad and extremely frustrating. There is no convincing people they are wrong. And they have been, time after time.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, on this one NOTE HOW THEY CUT OF THE EAR on the person on the right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, that’s interesting. They used Twitter’s cropping algorithm to hide one of the most notable tells that it’s the same person. It makes it harder to see when you can’t see the ears.

People can see the full ear by clicking the image IN TWITTER and then re-right-clicking the pop-up image to show in a new tab. THAT huge image has the full head, and it’s clear that it’s the same weird ears with heavily stretched lobes that you have noted.


These assholes would call me a different person after a damn shower. It’s horrifying to see this kind of mockery of facial ID.

Thank you! I am constantly in awe of people’s insistence that a pic, of all things, proves that a person is not who they are purported to be. There are so many factors, including human tampering — and the Right is just as bad about it as the Left, and probably worse.

This is worth repeating:

It’s horrifying to see this kind of mockery of facial ID.

People need to get a grip on reality.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The programs are really quite amazing. They can take highly different pictures and still spot the same person – precisely because they DON’T do what the leftists try to teach us to do with this decepto crap.

I would not be surprised if these “doubles” pictures were a test of our suggestibility.


Happy Friday G TX. 🙂
Good article as always.
Blessings to all our authors who open topics for discussion.

Deplorable Patriot

New from Archbishop Vigano. This time to the people of Switzerland.

Dear friends, many of you would never have thought that Switzerland would eventually follow Italy and other nations in supinely adhering to the diktats of the elite even in the matter of the pandemic emergency. Your Confederation, in fact, is already well ahead of other countries on the path of globalization, and the imprint of the New World Order is very marked in the life of the great Swiss cities.

And just as Sweden was spared the lockdowns and the masks, one would have believed that also in Switzerland the measures of supposed containment of the contagion would have adopted the failed model of which Italy is instead a tragic example.

On the other hand, since the World Economic Forum has its headquarters in Davos, some of you could have hoped that Klaus Schwab would have prevented you from experiencing firsthand what awaits all of humanity, if we only allow his nonsensical Great Reset to be brought to completion, shared by the U.N. with the name of Agenda 2030.

And yet, if you think about what was shown to you on June 1, 2016, with the inauguration of the Gotthard tunnel, you should have an idea about the inspiring principles of the New World Order.

You are here today to protest against the tightening of health and control measures adopted by the Swiss federal government with the pretext of the so-called pandemic. What lies ahead for Switzerland, as you know, has been adopted in whole or in part by other nations, including Italy. Discrimination against the non-vaccinated is already a reality in many nations, as is the tracking of citizens by means of the vaccine passport, salary suspension for those who do not subject themselves to control, and the possibility for public authorities to legislate in derogation from ordinary laws and from the Constitution.

But allow me to ask you all some questions.

Are you protesting because of a limitation of your constitutional liberties, or because you realize that these first control measures are only the first step of a progressive cancellation of your individual liberty — absorbed by a State/doctor that decides for you how to treat you, of a State/master that decides if and when you can leave the house, work, go to a restaurant and travel?

Are you demonstrating against the Green Pass and yet accepting the narrative about the pandemic and the vaccines, or have you realized that this colossal farce is based on a virus produced in a laboratory that has been spread in order to create an emergency pandemic that would give a pretext for placing all of humanity under control?

Have you taken to the streets because it annoys you to have to scan your QR code in order to enter your office or factory — and yet you have been inoculated with the experimental genetic serum. Or have you realized the so-called vaccines are ineffective, there is risk of even grave adverse long- and short-term side effects, the pharmaceutical houses who are using you as guinea pigs have no responsibility, and that if you get sick or die they will not have to pay any damages or respond criminally to any court?

And finally, have you decided to protest because the freedom to not be subjected to health control is the same freedom in whose name you believe you have the right to kill children in the mother’s womb, the elderly, and those who are sick in their hospital beds? Is this the same freedom that would legitimize homosexual unions and gender theory? Is this the freedom to which you appeal? The freedom to offend the Law of God, to blaspheme His Name, to violate the natural law that he has written on the heart of every human being?

Because if what you want is only to be free to do what you want, your demonstration makes no sense. It is precisely those who speak to you about gender equality, the right to “reproductive health,” to euthanasia, to surrogate motherhood and sexual liberty who today hold you all in their grip, deciding what is right for you in the name of “your good,” public health or the protection of the planet. It is they who before too long will unite the Green Pass with your digital ID, with your bank account, with your tax, salary, social security and health status, and in doing so — for “your good” — they will be able to decide if you can work, travel, go to a restaurant, and buy a steak or rather some insects.

That freedom made you believe you are “free” while those who want you to be obedient slaves let you run around by lengthening the leash, giving you the illusion of being able to do what you want, of having the “right” to abort, to live against the precepts of Christian morality, to be able to behave as if God did not exist, as if you would never have to present yourselves before Him on the day of judgment.

But this is not freedom; it is license. It is libertinism — the freedom to damage your soul, certainly not the freedom to live honestly so as to merit paradise. True freedom is instead the ability to act within the limits of the good, and this is the freedom to which you ought to aspire. This the freedom that you ought to claim with courage and pride. This the freedom that “will set you free” (John 8:32).

It is freedom to choose not to be fooled by the promises of those who offer you a better eco-sustainable, inclusive, tolerant, resilient and gender-fluid future while forcing you to buy only the products they have made available on the internet, to order lunch and dinner via delivery, to be treated with telemedicine, to follow lessons via distance learning, and to not go into the office via “smart working.”

I am talking about the freedom to say no to those who — by envisaging progress in the world of work and enthusiastically showing you the free time you will be able to enjoy with reduced work hours — are reducing your salary, eliminating your union protections, depriving you of the means of subsistence for supporting a family, forcing you to live in ever smaller and more anonymous apartments that are always further in the outskirts of town. To say no to those who first deprive you of the autonomy of a job by creating unemployment and eliminating professional specializations, and then offering you the citizenship income by which to make you slaves — blackmailed by a State that decides under what conditions you can work.

Much more at the link.


Lefty Billionaire sees the light, media thinks he was hacked:


Cut/Paste of thread:

“Last night, Neri and I watched several hours of .#Kylerittenhouse direct testimony and cross examination. We came away
believing that #Kyle is telling the truth and that he acted in self defense. We
found him to be a civic-minded patriot with a history of

helping his community as an EMT and fireman in training, in his removing hate graffiti earlier that day from a local school, and ultimately in volunteering to protect a business during the night of August 25th in Kenosha.

Our first hand impressions of Kyle were materially different from those we had previously formed based on media reports and opinion pieces that we had consumed. I have always been frustrated to read an inaccurate press report about a subject I know well, yet somehow I continue to

believe other articles in the same newspaper about subjects I know less well. Media and political bias are dividing our country and destroying lives. While we have not heard the entire trial, based on our assessment of Kyle on the stand, we believe that he will be found innocent

by the jury. Often times, communities react negatively and even violently after a jury verdict where they are surprised by the outcome based on what they have previously read in the newspaper, seen on TV or more likely been served on social media. I encourage you

to watch the trial, or at a minimum his testimony and cross examination, before you form a view of his guilt or innocence. With respect to my own political bias, I am not a gun owner, nor a member of the NRA. On balance, I support stronger gun regulations and

removing loopholes in the sale of guns. Unfortunately it seems that society’s view of #kyle ‘s innocence depends more on one’s views about gun control rather than on
what actually took place last August.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s life is at risk. Justice demands a fair trial. Society would benefit greatly if politics did not enter the court room and convict innocent people.

Just got a call from the media asking if my Twitter account was hacked. That is, the reporter couldn’t conceive of the idea that I could believe that Kyle is innocent because I am not a right winger. Crazy.”

End of quote … And Let’s Go Brandon

Last edited 3 years ago by Please
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s VERY instructive!


S is long but I feel compelled .. the link lists more.

Abraham was blessed. He was a man you will regard as a blessed man. This blessing didn’t just stop there, but extended to the generations after him. All his seeds enjoyed the benefits of being called blessed because there was a back up of prayers behind them. God himself prayed for him in Genesis 17.
It is therefore very essential that we seek God’s blessings over our families and it’s not a bad idea if everyone that is associated with us is also blessed. Below are prayers of blessing for family and friends as part of our collections of prayer for my family friends and loved ones.
30. Father, I thank you for your blessings over my family both in time past, in the present, and in 
31. Father, I pray that you establish your covenant of blessings with my family and friends, this day, this month this year, and in our entire lives. Genesis 12:1-3.
32. Father, we ask that you bless our going out and coming in. I ask that you bless all that we lay our hands upon, in Jesus name. Deuteronomy 18:6, 8.
33. Father, bless my family and friends with peace, joy, and heavenly blessings. Psalms 128:1-6.
34. Father, never forsake my family, and let my seed never beg for bread. We pray for abundance and surplus in Jesus’ name. Hebrews 13:5.
35. Father, like Cedars in Lebanon, may all those connected to me by virtue of blood or friendship begin to flourish in every good thing they lay their hand upon, in Jesus’ name.
36. My friends that continuously support and encourage me, Lord encourage them in their time of need. Help them when they need help. Uphold them when they feel down in Jesus’ name.
37. The dry bones in the lives of my friends and family that are supposed to be alive to shift them forward, let the breath of the Lord bring it to life thereby moving them forward in Jesus’ name.
38. Father, by virtue of my sonship with you, let everyone related to me experience breakthrough unlimited; abundance in a time of scarcity and encouragement in a time of discouragement.
39. Lord let your favor and grace locate my family and friends, every day of their life. in Jesus’ name.
40. Doors of success that have been difficult for my friends and family to enter, I pray that they gain easy access into it right now, in Jesus’ name.
41. The peace that is above all storm of life be given to my friends and family in Jesus’ name.

To everyone here, you are all magnificent and so very important and loved. You are all a tremendous blessing and it cannot be said enough.

God bless you all .. ❤️ .. wow

Deplorable Patriot

SS call box.png
Deplorable Patriot

Boss can we do something about the size of uploaded photos in the comments? On posts they are regular size, but not in the comments.


Awesome 😎🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 .. ty DePat this is so nice to see .. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

There are some pretty alert anons out there catching details that just get overlooked.


I’m glad you catch them, they’re jewels to be sure ❤️


comment image
Jason Miller



“Biden’s broken promise: Build Back Better will force 30% of middle class families to pay higher taxes – breaking president’s vow to only tax the super-rich, analysis finds”

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

Meme Magic!


OK how do I control the size the pic shows in the post?

This has happened to me several times.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you upload an image as an ATTACHMENT to a comment or reply, the site will construct a THUMBNAIL and show THAT – then if you click on the thumbnail, it will show the whole image.

However, if an image has a URL, then when you include that image on a line by itself, you see EXACTLY that image. If it’s the URL of the thumbnail, you just get that thumbnail image with no click to anything biggger. If it’s the URL of the full image, it will show the full image.

THUS, it’s possible to upload an image, click on the thumbnail, get the full image to pop up, get the URL of that image, then EDIT the comment and insert URL for the full image on its own line and THEN you will see the full image.

So here is bart and homer using that method.

Here is the URL, made to not turn into an image:


Here is that same URL, unobstructed:
comment image

THAT is how you can get a full image via an upload.


Got it!

Deplorable Patriot


Shares of Johnson & Johnson jumped in premarket trading Friday, after the health care giant announced it its splitting itself into two publicly traded companies.

The new companies will be one focused on consumer products, such as Band-Aid bandages and baby powder, and another focused on prescription drugs and medical devices.

Shares of Johnson & Johnson were up 4 percent in premarket trading after the announcement. J&J did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Pregame strategy for incoming lawsuits?

Deplorable Patriot

That was my thought. They’ve been dinged big time before.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s almost like Obama is targeting the red states.

Of course, he would never do that!


This is excellent GMT ‼️ .. thank you

I copied this from there since Thanksgiving is getting close but then everyday is thanksgiving when God love you


Link .. 🙄😑

Patriot – Doug Logan
As we approach Thanksgiving, we’d do well to recognize how it began ” Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.””… it only gets better from then on out:
Founders Online: Thanksgiving Proclamation, 3 October 1789


The Corporate Globalist Stream Media (CGM) is at last noticing:

Major Patriot
“Catastrophic for The Left”
#WarRoomPandemiccomment image

Last edited 3 years ago by eilert
Deplorable Patriot

Not exactly a ground report, but as I was doing something else, the phone rings and it’s the hardwood furniture repair place who I called in March…April, something like that, to have the dining room table leg repaired and a spindle day bed reset. The desk is another matter, which is going to require extensive work, I’m afraid.

Anyway, guess what! We’re at the top of the wait list just in time for the family to be in town for Thanksgiving! YEA! Actually, they are coming the day after to take a look, etc., but I was talking to the scheduler and she said they are never going to catch up from being closed for three months. They have been booked solid since last summer. I told her I’m just glad they are still in business.

So, how this impacted just about everyone is different depending on various factors. Fortunately, Christmas in this house is going to be SMALL this year, and we can probably eat at my sister’s. We do have tables that can be employed, they’re just not the eight foot long solid cherry one that has been abused for almost seventy five years.

Deplorable Patriot

Make that nine or ten feet with both leaves in it. It takes a 120″ tablecloth when fully open.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Okay, I measured it. With both leaves in it, the table is one hundred inches. It’s huge.

Barb Meier

That makes perfect sense. For a 100-inch table, one needs a 120-inch tablecloth so there’s 10 inches hanging down on each end.


Good news to be sure .. 🙂❤️ ..

Deplorable Patriot

The table has been propped up on blocks on the one side (it has two triple spindle leg groups), and still the Couch Commando leans on it. This is the third time the legs on that side have had issues, and I am sure it’s because the boys sit on that side and they lean on it with all their weight. One Christmas Eve, all three of my brothers were leaning on it, and one of the spindles broke and we put a book under it and kept eating, china, lit candles and all. This is getting old.

Cuppa Covfefe

You could put in remote-control air shocks and shock them, as it were… 🙂

It would be a bit of work to hide them in the legs, but there are really fancy servos, pistons, and actuators that were really popular in the Car Stereo Scene (yikes) 30-40 years ago… complete amp racks that would hide themselves at the push of a button…

Good thing that the design of the table is such that it can survive that kind of load. Four or six (or eight) legs would probably have a much worse result…

Deplorable Patriot

Tables with these sort of spindles are notorious for breaking. When it came from the farm, it was obvious the legs had been repaired previously.


Rittenhouse trial LIVE…


Watching it Judges ring tone came on twice so far.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is absolutely GREAT. Brazil is in GOOD HANDS. Jair Bolsonaro is a real leader. He is indeed the Trump of Brazil!

Deplorable Patriot



today is National Happy Hour Day !!!

Nov 12

comment image

psst…gals : Happy Hour !

 👉  drink until he’s cute !!


and 86 alec baldwin from all the sets
comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Johnny Walker, the Red, or
Johnny Walker Black Label…

Deplorable Patriot

Alright, this is just insulting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – it really IS a religion!

Deplorable Patriot

If they come up with six more sacraments, maybe some people will see the light.


Bless me Father for I have sinned:

I designed a prototype, proof of concept BSL-3 lab, and a prototype proof of concept transgenic mouse facility in the early 2000’s for a major research university. Design teams were told that the life sciences research that these would support would be good for the planet.

Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse
Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think one Our Father is going to cover the Penance for that, that’s for sure.


Perhaps I was there for a reason?

Barb Meier

Perhaps you were one of God’s witnesses.




There is always a reason. When one looks back over the life time one sees the stepping stones and purpose.


At the request of the university architect, I helped organize the state AIA convention held on the campus, that featured Edward Maria as its keynote speaker in 2004.

I sat in on the SC Johnson endowed professor of sustainable global enterprise’s masters level class. As part of an “immersion” where student teams were partnered with global CEO’s/NGO’s to advise on improving their green initiatives, I asked my team how can we improve on this person’s water filtration project in India, when he’s partnering with a defense contractor training a police force in Iraq that’s implicated in torturing Iraqies? My team asked me to step down, and I did. (The CEO that my team was partnered with, has since been indicted for fraud, on an unrelated matter, I’ve read )

Sadly, the confessional organizers wouldn’t consider these sins.

These are the sins that they’re looking for:

I asked Ray Anderson, the late CEO of Interface, about the environmental impact of global military interventions…bombings, drone strikes, carbon emissions, etc., and how to have an impact on that.

I asked the university’s facilities guru of sustainability, if our organization ever questioned the research that we provide facilities for. I framed the question in the principles of William McDonough (Cradle to Cradle) ie. Not “creating waste in the first place”. His head nearly exploded.


Speaking to my husband it was all there years ago at least the budding of.


More than the budding of, imo. More like the hive that protects the queen.

Last edited 3 years ago by marymorse

Sadly so.

Deplorable Patriot

Shots have actually been fired over this.

Deplorable Patriot

They’re going to avoid the truth at all costs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, these WOKIES are now pushing lines that are MORE STUPID THAN THE SOVIETS.

That’s pretty impressive.

Deplorable Patriot

I was like, WT_? I never knew using weed led to heart issues.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s just insane. I’m pretty sure pot has been pushed as cardioprotective, if anything, before, but that’s just wokism messing with humanity. They just pull one way and then the other, to create authoritarianism, and to literally MOCK human science.


Since young people have been partaking pot at least since the 70’s, this “new” effect must be caused by the dreaded climate change, too!  :wpds_smile: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Cuppa Covfefe

The only thing I could see weed (OK, THC) doing is bradycardia (too slow), or maybe exacerbating a branch bundle (or other) block where conduction is interrupted, but that’s usually a physical issue, not a chemical one…

The problems from the clot shot are clotting, spikes in blood vessels which promote that, and conduction issues with tachycardia, which would be the opposite of bradycardia,,,

Next they’ll blame it on Barney being cancelled or something…


What’s this, a “two-fer”? —
Blame weed for heart attacks in young people when it’s a “vaccine” side effect that’s now showing up for real; and,
Backdoor start to attack medical marijuana — to eventually replace it with yet another Big Pharma “magic pill.”


Stew Peters Show

Rumble — Ally Carter says that her biological mother routinely slept with authority figures, and soon initiated her own children. At 13 she was being trafficking to Local police chiefs, Hollywood power players, celebrities like John Travolta, Beyoncé, and politicians like Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. She stepped forward before the election, but was ignored. In this interview with Stew she tells the whole satanic story.


This calls for suspicious cat. Times 2.


This is hilarious:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Does anybody know who wrote this article? It wasn’t me – it was probably DP, T3, or ladypenguin.

I need to correct the record. For some reason, it’s listed under my name.

Deplorable Patriot

Not me. It says ladypenguin when I opened it. I think she is a nurse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, it’s her. There appear to be TONS of old posts by dormant authors that are now attributed to ME.

Looks like the import script that COUGHCOUGH used was defective.

I will have about a week of work to correct all this crap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I changed it to her, too, after I figured it out. Sorry – it said me before that.

What a mess!


Listening to The Dan Bongino show on the radio. Apparently that prosecution witness at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial (the guy who blew the prosecutor’s case apart under oath) was on with Anderson Cooper and on GMA—changing his story completely to say that Rittenhouse deliberately shot him!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anderson Cooper, CIA mind-frack and mind-fracker, with his smarty glasses!

Our “media” is TRASH!!! CRIMINALS!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if Arkancide has been “offered” to him…


Rittenhouse DID deliberately shoot him…..
To SAVE his own LIFE!

Deplorable Patriot

Or Utopia by another name.


How would Igor Danchenko know Rob Goldstone, to the point where he is one of Danchenkos sources?

sincerely would love to make a connection
— ThunderB (@Pimpernell13) July 21, 2020

Is it time to revisit the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar resignations: Halper, Dearlove, and little mentioned Peter Martland?

…”Somma was central to several aspects of Crossfire Hurricane. In addition to working as Halper’s handler, Somma was the first agent at the bureau to propose surveilling Carter Page. He also took part in interviews in January 2017 with Igor Danchenko, the primary source for Steele.

The IG report criticized the interview participants for failing to disclose that Danchenko undercut the reliability of Steele’s information.”…

Peter Martland was EMI’s historian. Goldstone worked for EMI at one point, iir.


EMI>Rolling Stones>Crossfire Hurricane?


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If you get some free time watch this video. Please keep an open mind 🙏 


I got “404 Not Found.” ☹️


Bummer  :wpds_sad: 


Got to the page but the video would not play. This message…
“Video error occured, please contact support if persists”




It plays for me. Listening now.


Ahem, what were just discussing yesterday. Rand Paul KNOWS, and now so too do lawyers. Lawsuits will FINALLY shut this shit down. I smell LOTS of mea culpas, bankruptcies, and passing of blame coming in 3…2…1

I think in a 2nd Trump admin Rand goes OFF on the CDC Fauci et al as Chairman of Health Education and Labor, no it will NOT be Burr. I smell LOTS of hearings, subpoenas, and yes INDICTMENTS. (Finally)

I was speaking to a friend today about NONE of the numbers on the Covid Hype machine adding up

99.7 % survival rate,
39 million flu cases in 2019, 6000 in 2020, 39 million Covid cases in 2020.
700000 dead with Covid but only 6000 FROM Covid, and of those most had 2 or more comorbidities. Hell the Us mortality DECREASED in 2020 over 2019 despite this “pandemic”.
The vast majority of deaths with covid had multiple comorbidities and were over age 75.
The erroneous Covid Hospital protocols (written by Fauci) of no treatment until very ill, ignoring therapeutics, even steroids, and utilizing ventilator which by themselves have an 80% mortality rate.(because no EUA if there are viable therapeutics on the market)
Threatening Doctors who wanted to use therapeutics like HCQ and ivermectin with loss of licenses and fines.
The MSM smearing of said doctors and therapeutics, despite Ivermectin winning a 2015 Nobel prize in medicine FOR its use and effectiveness in HUMAN coronavirus infections.
The open checkbook billing coding for anything Covid with big $$$ Federal monies guaranteed to hospitals and doctors.
Fauci acting as chief propagandist and cheerleader for covid vaccines and against therapeutics, and using his position on NAID to influence CDC, NIH, and FDA policies and decisions, not to mention the Covid task force.
Ignoring 300 plus years of modern medical science and practice for THIS ONE VIRUS.
Changing standard definitions of vaccine, pandemic, therapeutic, to fit the Covid vaccine narrative.
Obfuscating facts, data, contrary studies, and dissenting opinion from not only the US medical community, but the WORLD. Flat out LYING about the manipulated data.
Denying and hiding from the public facts and data from the VAERS site which would influence informed consent.
Mandating and then using a Federal regulatory body to enforce Covid “vaccine” mandates via proxy of forcing businesses to arbitrarily enforce said mandate up to and including loss of employment.
why did they not simply pass a law? Because they KNOW it will be struck down as unconstitutional before the ink is dry. The OSHA trick of enforcement is meant to circumvent that, but eventually, and it only takes ONE win as precedent, will be civilly sued into OBLIVION soon enough, especially as deaths and harm from the “vaccine” mandate increases, and it IS.

All this and we have not even gotten into the arbitrary and capricious selective “exemptions” to getting the “vaccine” passed to Congress, big unions, the USPS, and others, not to mention companies UNDER 100 employees. Gee how many corps will NOW employ 99 people? A LOT.
Then we have the arbitrary and capricious applications of lockdowns, mask mandates, etc by Dem and RINO Govt’s at the local, state, and Federal levels.
Why this has not already been civilly sued to oblivion is beyond me, except the fact that liberals have control of the courts, and are selectively sandbagging the lawsuits, but that only can continue so long, even using Covid itself as a factor to slow things down. Eventually the numbers overwhelm and CANNOT be hidden or stalled any longer. I think the RUSH to push this is evidence that that is in fact the case and things are about to POP…and once Pandora’s box is open, all HELL breaks loose.

In the END all their lies, obfuscation, distortion, propaganda, and arbitrary actions like mandates WILL come back to haunt them ALL. This is not even taking into account that WE under Fauci commissioned, created, paid for, and then outsourced to China for implementation, the Covid 19 virus via gain of function.

They CAN’T hide it forever, eventually the TRUTH comes out, and it bursts free like a super nova, for ALL to see. When that day comes, there will be a lot of BLAME and shame, but we KNOW who they are, never forget. NEVER trust them again, infact they ALL we need removed or NO ONE will EVER believe them. A “waiver” will NOT save them, especially when LIES were told to obtain and MAINTAIN that waiver. Something obtained under FALSE pretenses is ILLEGAL.

THAT is where we are headed. May God help all those lied to, and all those who have suffered and lost so much over this LIE. The virus is REAL, they HYPE is not, and it was used for power, and control ALL for $$$ TRILLIONS of $$$. I hope they LOSE all their ill gotten gains, their jobs, and their freedom, and perhaps even more. . It will not make up for the loss of life or fortune, or suffering, but it will be an effective deterrent to future attempts at this shit.

. .


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Barb Meier


Deplorable Patriot

I had a sickening thought re the Rittenhouse trial. I know there are a lot of people out there thinking the prosecution tanking has to do with coming after second amendment rights, but what happens with BLM and Antifa if the jury comes back with not guilty verdicts?

How violent do things get, and how can it be stopped.

That’s a worry, IMO.


It’s being predicted, and I have no doubt it will be bad. Poor Kyle won’t be able to walk the streets and will have to hide, for who knows how long. Preventative measures should be going into place now in likely riot cities, but leftist leaders won’t do a thing.

Deplorable Patriot

Likely to have rioters shipped in cities.

That’s what happened here. We’re really not like that .

Brave and Free

One good thing is the weather is getting colder and those types can’t handle it. I can see them disrupting events more than total riots. Holiday season and all.


He can come on up here to Montana. I can promise you he’d never pay for another drink in a bar.


Well, I know how to stop it, but I am not in charge. Sadly, the morons who are will do nothing to stop it. It’s beyond ridiculous.

Deplorable Patriot
Cuppa Covfefe

From a tweet on the plane crash:

De Vries founded Medidata Solutions, a tech company, and was a trustee at Carnegie Mellon University. He traveled on 13 October aboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard spacecraft, spending more than 10 minutes in space after launching along with Shatner and others.

And a little about Medidata Solutions (from Wacky):

Medidata Solutions is an American technology company that develops and markets software as a service (SaaS) for clinical trials. These include protocol development, clinical site collaboration and management; randomization and trial supply management; capturing patient data through web forms, mobile health (mHealth) devices, laboratory reports, and imaging systems; quality monitor management; safety event capture; and monitoring and business analytics. Headquartered in New York City, Medidata has locations in China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Medidata’s customers include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and diagnostic companies; academic and government institutions; contract research organizations; and other life sciences organizations around the world that develop and bring medical therapies and products to market.

and some interesting infos about their software:

Medidata offers a cloud-based platform for clients to build their own clinical trials and perform medical research. On the platform, physicians and scientists can collect and share clinical trial data. The company helps biopharmaceutical and medical device companies run clinical trials, and streamlines the process for life science firms designing the trials. As of 2017, Medidata customers include 18 of the world’s top 25 pharmaceutical companies, with clients such as Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Amgen, Cancer Research UK, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and Hoffmann-La Roche. Clients also include biotechnology companies, government institutions, and contract research organizations.

The company has two primary products. Medidata Rave EDC, its flagship product, introduced in 2001, is a single system for electronic data capture and clinical data management, allowing client data to be accessible in one place. Medidata Rave Clinical Cloud, introduced in 2013, is a platform used for data capture and management of patient-related data for clinical operations. In February 2018, Medidata announced plans to launch virtual trials as a part of its platform’s clinical trial products, allowing patients to participate remotely in drug development trials.

Just wondering…

Sad, and RIP and condolences to the families, in any case…

Cuppa Covfefe

And the other fellow too, likely the pilot of the plane; very experienced and owner of the aviation company to which it belonged.

I’m just kind of suspicious, I guess. We had a helicopter go down a few weeks ago (which is exceedingly rare) that way carrying the head of a business, a young entrepeneur. He’d apparently been getting threats on his life, and only a day or two before had received a threatening phone call from someone with an Arabic-sounding voice…..

Dirty laundry everywhere, methinks. Waiting and praying for justice… and mercy…


Remember that weird thing Shatner said after the flight? (Forgive the source, but it is the quote):

“It’s so fragile,” Shatner, who played Capt. James T. Kirk on the original “Star Trek” series, said on NBC’s “TODAY” show.

“There’s this little tiny blue skin that’s 50 miles wide,” he said. “And we pollute it, and it’s our means of living. And I was struck so profoundly by it.”

“The fragility of this planet — the coming catastrophic event, and we all need to clean this act up now,” he added.

WHAT catastrophic event?

Deplorable Patriot

I’d hate to think that Kyle Rittenhouse was sort of chosen to wake up a lot of the right on the MSM, but it is happening.


Hello everyone. Covid is still kicking my butt. Weak walking around and have to sit a lot, can’t take deep breaths without coughing spasms. Chills and sweats but hoping the fever are done. Lots of nausea too. Definitely not fun. Mr Gil just sleeps in the bed while i camp on the couch.

I just received some unexpected bad news.
Last Friday I had a biopsy. Because I have covid my doctor talked with me over the phone.

I have early stage endometrial cancer.

It requires surgery to take out all the bits and pieces. Dr said as long as its encased in the organs its likely chemo wont be necessary.
Referral for emergency consult and surgery is in, but i have to be over covid first.
I hope i can get home health care. Mr Gill doesnt do any help with domestic stuff.
Told my mom, I’ll tell him later.
Please pray for me and my family.

Deplorable Patriot

Please, with early endometrial, ask about being tested for Lynch Syndrome. That’s one of the places it presents. It will require genetic testing, but my one SIL, that’s how they caught it.

I hope you feel better soon. If you’ve got the second bug that I had, it was the one that just knocked me for a loop.


Its awful DP. I had a fever of 105. Thank God i know emergency cooling measures which worked.

Deplorable Patriot

Good. My fever was 102.5 for four days. It takes the wind out of your sails, that’s for sure. What you need more than anything right now is rest. And fluids. I ate more cherry juice popsicles.


You know whats wierd? Anything with salt and im having violent reactions. Tried to eat 1 bite of cottage cheese and it was like poison. I need protein but havent energy to cook. All i had today is applesauce and carrots.

Deplorable Patriot

That sounds familiar. Dairy just came right back up.


I was hoping for ice cream but salt. Popsicles sound good.


I hope there’s a way you can have food delivered, either from a grocery store or a restaurant.


You need to eat if you can and try to keep up your strength. (Easy for me to say, unaffected by fever right now!) But order food if you have to, and if you can.

Gail Combs

Gil try Sour Cream. NOW SALT! I use sour cream, oil & vinegar and spices to make salad dressing or you could use it as a veggie dip.


Do not forget a couple hours of Cydectrin sheep drench on my hands took care of my covid longhaulers.


We, me,DH, DD and SIL just got over this, we all got sick at the very end of October.

DD couldn’t do dairy either, and was eating jello for a while as she was able to keep it down. The important thing is to rest, and melatonin helps with that. I was splitting one with DH as it was an extra strength one. None of us was very hungry, and we did drink plenty of fluids. We all took quercetin, vit D, C, and green tea. SIL and DD also took NAC. I did give DH ivermectin for 3 days early on. It’s important to take things slow and easy, even if you start to feel better, as your energy is going to be depleted easily. This is the first week where I’ve felt almost normal. So it might be 3 to 4 weeks before your energy is at a normal level. SIL went back to work after 2 weeks, but he really didn’t start to feel okay until the third week. (He had to get tested to go to work.)

Marica’s has posted 2 prayers earlier, so there are lots of prayer warriors praying for you and your family.


Great information.


Sounds about right. Tea jello popsicles and fruit.


Prayers for you all! 🙏 I’m sorry you are having such a tough time and am praying for you and your husband’s recovery from COVID, and your treatment! If there is any good news to be had, it’s that it’s early stage. I hope you can get help with your care. Do you have any family nearby?


My mother can help a little and thats better than nothing. Mr Gil may be hitting up his friends. He’ll have to take family leave.


May you be provided the help you need, the strength to get through this, God’s healing hand upon you and your husband, and hope and encouragement. I wish I could help. I will keep you in my prayers. Know that people here are pulling for you. 🌸😊


I am so sorry to hear that. May God hold you and Christ the healer help for your recovery from covid and on the the rest.

I pray for the doctors and that God give them special powers and skills with your operation. I am glad you have your mom and that you are surrounded by lots of love. I be praying for you and your family and you are in my heart.  ❤ 

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1





I hope you’re taking your ivermectin.

I will pray later today — you have a lot of things on your plate and need a good one.


I couldnt get it. First they agreed then backed out.
Ty very much.


Didn’t you have some horse flavor?


Prayers and healing energy for you and your family. 🙏🙏💗💗


Everything welcome.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for posting, Gil! Praying for you and your DH!

Please read this to the end – important.

I have created a dedicated thread – IF THEY PREFER – for people to post health updates , or links to health updates made in the open threads (other people can make the links to comments). You just post wherever you feel comfortable – this is just another option for us to keep track of the people who are sick and in need of prayer and help.

We have a lot of people asking about people, and the “health updates” thread is where people can leave links to comments, etc., or sick people can leave word there, too. Whatever you prefer. I just want people to stay informed.

BTW, it might be possible for one of us with ivermectin to overnight some of it to you. Keep that in mind. You can always private message me, and I can work with people to get it there. Some of us have a LOT.


I have a LOT of horsie. I overnighted it to my BIL (who has SERIOUS co-morbids) and his symptoms remained mild and short. I would he happy yo send some by any method which ia agreeable.


Ok good update. Ive bookmarked the page.


Gil~ So sorry to read of this. What the doc said sounds encouraging. You’re a wonderful person to interact with here and seem to have a steel magnolia spirit and face whatever life throws at you with common sense and determination.
I know many prayers will be said for you, Mr Gil and kiddo. Mine will be among them. xo.

Brave and Free

Praying for y’all.


God Bless you and your family, and surround you with his Healing Angels! Am praying for a quick and speedy recovery for you all from COVID and a clean bill of health from cancer after your successful surgery.


I’m so sorry to hear of this diagnosis on top of everything else you’re going through.
Please, tell your doctor that you must have as much Home Health Care as he/she can order, especially as you have a child at home. Also physical and occupational therapy.
Sending Good Energy and meditation on Healing to you and yours. May the Almighty God hold all of you in His hands.


Thats what ill want. Ill hire a maid.


We’ll all be praying for you. Please keep us informed and more prayers will be sent for you and your family

Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up, gil00 for you and yours. May GOD Bless, Strengthen, Guide, Protect, and HEAL you. And may HE provide the necessary means and meds and medical people to do that.

Any way of getting (or getting someone else to get) the FLCCC stuff or at least parts ot the regimen? Do you know anyone with horses or a farm (I know, sounds silly, but…)?

In any case, take care and GOD Bless  🙏 


Horse paste is readily available from Amazon.
everybody I know who has recovered from covid has used horse paste.
v quick delivery.


Prayers ongoing.

Guessing Kiddo is with your Mom.


Marica’s blog now knows and they’re praying for you.


So sorry to hear this. Sending prayers your way.

If you can tolerate sweets but not salties, maybe pudding? Sometimes if the milk is in something cooked it isn’t as hard to digest, but you’ll get the protein. I also like smoothies, and there are some commercial ones with protein added.




I forgot to add we were also all taking loratadine (generic claratin). We also were using a heating pad over our chests for short periods of time if we got to coughing too much, and that did help. You don’t want to over use it as it can loosen too much phleghm at a time.


I’m so sorry to hear that you are going through this, Gil!
 😟  😘 

Prayers for you and your family, for your speedy recovery.
 🙏  😔 

Sliced turkey from a deli might be a good source of non-salty protein.
You could eat it with cranberry sauce, to sweeten it.
Just a suggestion.
Perhaps you could get it delivered?

 💖 {{{{{Gil}}}}} 💖 


Thx miss Wheatie glad youre all fixed.

Valerie Curren

Oh, Gil, thank you for checking in. I’m so sorry that you are facing these heavy burdens. May God be with you in a very special & personal way. May He overshadow you with His healing power, may His peace that passes understanding comfort & steady you, may His love, grace, & strength equip you for the days ahead. We’ll be praying for you!

Sadie Slays

Sending positive thoughts your way.


Jack Posobiec


BREAKING: Defense reveals Kyle Rittenhouse is in therapy for PTSD


Been there, done that.
Hope he gets EMDR therapy too.


I hope so, We should all be Kyle.


After what happened to him on the stand, I was so hoping he was getting some counseling. PTSD is awful.



Father God:

We humbly kneel and come before the Throne of Grace to ask for Your assistance in Technological Control.

We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.

As You have commanded us, we put on the Armor of God daily because our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

You know only too well the challenges we face when the ‘prince of the power of the air’ exercises his control over our technological devices.

We ask You to take control over the machinations of the enemy, Father God.

We ask You for assistance in thwarting the attacks of the enemy on our computers, hardware, servers, and connections.

We ask You to watch over the blog owners/authors sharing truth on a daily basis and protect them from the attacks of the enemy.

We ask you to seal relationships in the blog family and extended families. 

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we command the ‘Connection Angels’ to clear our path, repair the disconnect, and smooth over disruptions.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we command the ‘Chain-Breaking Angels’ to break through the chaos, frustrate the enemy, and clear the airwaves.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we command the ‘Repair Angels’ to keep our technical devices operating at peak performance and efficiently.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we command the ‘Protection Angels’ to watch over our servers and keep them in alignment.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we command the ‘Healing Angels’ to come and pour Healing Oils over our blog owners, authors, and all who support them.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we command the ‘Comfort Angels’ to calm those who are working diligently to keep us connected to each other.

We ask You to strengthen us all through these frustrations and disconnects, Father God.
We ask You to increase our faith as we put our trust in You, Father God.

We ask You to perfect our patience as we work diligently to fix what is broken.

We ask you to bless the blog owners and authors abundantly for all they do to bless us.

We ask You to bless the blog owners/authors with restful and restorative sleep.

We thank You for the many blessings received and prayers answered on their behalf.

We ask You to provide us with patient perseverance in prayer.

We thank You for loving the blog owners/authors and all of us unconditionally.

We thank You for their Guardian Angels who watch over them daily whether they are awake or asleep.

We thank You for making the connections for repairs, replacement, and refurbishing mechanical devices to Your holy specifications.

We thank You for breaking the chains that bind these disruptions causing distress, disruption, and turmoil.

We thank You for fighting our battles as we acknowledge nothing is impossible for You to repair and realign.

We thank You for the Grace to persevere under extreme censorship and hardship.

We thank You for supporting us in spite of our limitations, foibles, and failures. 

We thank You for the example of our blog owners/authors who plow through the chaos, provide solutions, and persevere when problems arise.

We thank You for our blog owners/authors who work hard to provide a forum to share information, ignite insight, and encourage fellowship.

We ask and acknowledge it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus.





Amen, duchess.

Deplorable Patriot

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That’s great. During the trial Huber’s aunt testified about her bond with him. She said they talked about music, art and Stars War. “Things little boys liked.” The look after on Binger’s face was hilarious.

Deplorable Patriot


I don’t know how these people continue to show their faces. I guess they have no shame. He needs to be under indictment and arrest, not vying for office.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a small number of these intensely evil communists, and they have to recycle themselves over and over into power positions.


“Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.” – Thomas Jefferson

So much for the idea that the Founders thought only the militia should be armed. They thought we were all the militia!



I can’t even see Dems going for that.


We wouldn’t think so but the fact that she’s the nominee infers that her views are known and approved of by the puppet masters. They always seem to get what they want one way or another..


Right. But I can’t imagine their wanting to do away with their own private bank accounts. I bet there’s a lot hidden away for various purposes and reasons.


Who’s going to oversee them ? All fed agencies are corrupt.
Anyway, it’s fairly clear that they’re laying some foundation ( with the $600 reporting approved in the new budget bill) to take control of private least for us peons




I hope aliens from another galaxy far far away take her and garbage shoot her into deep space …


She calls this scheme “AN EXPERIMENT”!
One can bet the farm that the Fed would send the money directly to Beijing and to the Rothschilds.
Dump her. Now.

Gail Combs

No more private bank deposit accounts??? FORGET IT! CASH ONLY BUSINESS DEALING FROM NOW ON!


molly, I read somewhere this morning that this creep’s PhD thesis (on Marxism of course), which had become the exclusive property of her University, has been destroyed.
The bastards don’t miss a trick.


Ugh. She’s probably one of several in the Obamination marxist pipeline for their pudding head president to tap for positions


molly, betcha you’re right.


I wondered when this would happen.


Wrongful Death Suit WILL Be Filed

Sources familiar with the situation tell us the lawsuit will be filed on behalf of Halyna’s spouse and their child, and there will be multiple defendants.

The Santa Fe County District Attorney and Sheriff’s Department continue to investigate Halyna’s death, and while no criminal charges have been announced … they say all options are still on the table

.As we reported, attorneys for the head armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, are now theorizing that a disgruntled cast member intentionally put one or more live rounds of ammo in a box of dummy rounds.

They admit Hannah loaded the gun Alec Baldwin eventually fired, accidentally killing Halyna … but say she had no idea she’d placed a live bullet in the revolver’s barrel.

How is it possible not to know when the rounds look different?

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Just heard that Bannon is indited will be arrested because he will no appear in Congress. At 5 PM he is supposed to have his show.

Last edited 3 years ago by singingsoul1
Cuppa Covfefe

Wasn’t Holder held in comtempt of Congress, and NOTHING HAPPENED???????!!!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡


And Lois Lerner.


Biden’s handlers decided that Bannon was exposing too much of the truth about too many things. So they ordered their minion, Garland, to “get Bannon out of the way” by any means possible, short of outright assassination.


They have been after him for a while.
Biden’s regime want to eliminate anyone who they perceive as dangerous to their communist agenda.

Gail Combs

So he goes before Congress with his lawyer and takes the 5th the entire time or can’t remember… Just like Hillary Clinton.


They might regret what he has to say?
He has lots of info. 🙂



·Nov 11

Check this site out…Find your state, get involved.

Local Action has a National Impact!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Crappy day other than the dining room table news. The sister who was the principal when I was in grade school went into hospice, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium announced that Winter the dolphin died, and my sister walked in to announce that a colleague died in her sleep last night. This is on top of Mom loosing two childhood friends. One, I am sure was NOT COVID or the shots. She had horrible dementia.

And it’s not even Thanksgiving.


I’m sorry for all the bad news. It seems to be everywhere we turn these days. I’m feeling it too. You are getting a heavy dose right now. 🙏


Going to be a long winter I’m afraid.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, it is.




I’m sorry to hear of this news. It seems to be coming from all directions now.


Christmas id the byedones
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Because he’s there?


A couple really interesting comments after the article about Abbot


The 2016 article Lolli refers too. Wasn’t aware at the time that happened at Jackson Hole, and yes he did change after that.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

I’m not trying to act like there’s any facts about what I’m going to say because we have no idea…but…camping accident. Scalding water.

I really really can’t see a paraplegic tent camping with a giant cauldron of water over an open fire. I could more imagine a handicapped decked out RV. I suppose if there was a pot of boiling water on the RV stove and he or someone fumbled it on his legs… seems like an unlikely thing to happen causing surgical remedy needed.
Am I being too suspicious ?


Seems pretty extreme to pour boiling water on a guy who can feel his legs but not move them…..


Jack has a comment about the prosecutions video shenanigan’s today at the trial.

Hope I’m wrong but I think that was the fix going in.


Reading that, it’s horrifying to think they would lie and cheat like that, especially in a court of law where the stakes are so high. Heads need to roll.

I couldn’t see what the pic was supposed to represent.


No glasses?



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Which one was that?


I boggles the mind to pick one of these grifters


I think I found it.

Summer Zervos who was a contestant on ‘The Apprentice’ with Donald Trump sued the former president for defamation several years ago.

In October 2016 she claimed that Trump sexually harassed her.

But, as it turned out, it was Zervos who continued to stay in contact with Trump.

In 2016, Trump said he “never met her at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago.”

Zervos hired liberal bottom feeder Gloria Allred to represent her in her suit against Trump.

John Barry, cousin of Summer Zervos, previously told Fox News host Judge Jeanine that she was unhappy that Trump would not visit her SoCal restaurant. John added that his cousin likes to sue people.



It’s really not a joke to say that red meat naturally boost testosterone. Why do you think they push so hard the soy-based food? Soy is estrogens, it feminize the boy.comment image

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

Well, they shot the bear with a tranquillizer dart, so it would seem they had some responsibility not to let the bear drown after it went into the water.


Great story. I would love to be able to pet a bear!


You can.

Go to any decent taxidermist in bear country. Their coats are actually pretty corse.


No, a live bear, which would have to be sedated like this one, of course. That’s not going to happen in this life.


Why not? I’ve petted a live, unsedated tiger’s tail.


I’m not one of those people who think wildlife will go against all instinct and submit to petting, so I doubt I will ever have the chance to pet a live bear. And I can’t imagine being in a situation with a bear that has been sedated. But I guess you never know.

How were you able to pet a tiger’s tail? 🐅


Back in the day, when I was about eight, Barnum and Bailey’s actually rode into town on a circus train, and unloaded their stuff into the parking lot of the venue where they were going to perform, before putting up their “village”. And, yes, the general public was invited to gawk.

They evidently didn’t expect my mom, my little sister (carried), and I to go “gawking” among the animal cages. Mind you, none of us are stupid, and we had our situational awareness cranked-up to 11. And we found one containing a live tiger whose tail passed entirely out through the bars.

Mom calculated the size of paws, the length of claws, the reach and speed….and allowed that we could pet the last six inches of the tail safely. So we did — my mom even bent down so my 3-year-old sister got a touch. The tiger seemed not to care much — perhaps was amused at how eager an appetizer might be to gently stroke its tail. We then continued on for about five minutes more before a roadie yelled at us (nowhere near the tiger).


All you need is something solid to mask off the dangerous parts.


I got to hold a koala in Australia. Super cute, but they smell terrible!


I am soooooooooo sick and tired of these vile, disgusting, perverted, hypocritical double standards…..

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Cuppa Covfefe

To paraphrase a commenter from years ago on WUWT, “If they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.”……

They are of their father the Devil, the father of lies. It’s no surprise the DEMONRATS act that way. But GOD is watching, and they’ll get their comeuppance, when HE decides to drop the hammer… (or enable a Haman moment or ten)…..


Ground report.
Smith’s (Krogers) shelves scattered gaps. The meat department, continues to large gaps. Overheard the manager talking. Some business/vendor has two display cases in the store.  A three shelf and four shelf. The four shelf display case being pulled as vendor can’t deliver stock to the store.
Neighbor’s wife is a grammar school teacher. Six years to retirement. Today he told me, his wife is quitting, IF, the injection mandate holds.   He purchased a second freezer. Said his home looks like a warehouse. Stopped to chat with him as I saw him putting up new security cameras, lights… 
CA ports are not alone in having throughput issues. Hong Kong. We send boxes to family in the Philippines. Boxes change ships in Hong Kong or Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Usually the in-port time Hong Kong is two or three days.   Our boxes have been in Hong Kong over two weeks. Normally, shipping time Nevada to family’s door in Philippines, is 35-40 days. Today is day, 52.   


Interesting, not good, but thank you.


Ground report in East TN – will follow in the morning on the new thread.

Local hospital that is part of a well known area group – all non-jabbed employees just walked out of the hospital. Left the premises, went home. Patients in non-ICU care were left to fend for themselves and with whoever and whatever was left.

Now if only this would happen nationwide it would end the scamdemic for good.


Great news. Hope it becomes contagious. Toss in clinics, labs…



Fix it stores…


That’s good! That hospital had better find a way to care for those patients.

Sadie Slays

I called out that William Shatner flight to space as a possible part of the occult ritual involving the Alec Baldwin shooting. Now take a look at this latest headline. One of the people on that same Shatner flight just died in a plane crash that happened on 11/11. Remember what Q told us about plane crashes? No coincidences.

Here is my previous comment about the William Shatner flight:

On October 14th, William Shatner took a suborbital flight around the planet. When he got back to Earth, he made a bizarre comment about “the coming catastrophic event.” Here is the full context:

“There’s this little tiny blue skin that’s 50 miles wide,” he said. “And we pollute it, and it’s our means of living. And I was struck so profoundly by it.”

“The fragility of this planet — the coming catastrophic event, and we all need to clean this act up now,” he added.

What “coming catastrophic event” is he referring to?

11 days later—big Masonic master number right there [UPDATE: The plane crash happened on 11/11]—Alec Baldwin “accidentally” killed a woman. Many people noted the coincidences between Alec Baldwin’s career and the shooting:

The movie being filmed at the time is about Alec Baldwin’s character trying to help a 13 year-old who accidentally murdered someone. The murder victim grew up at the same Soviet submarine base as the one in “The Hunt for Red October.”

As I’ve discussed in previous threads, I believe that the Alec Baldwin shooting was an occult ritual. There appears to be emphasis in the ritual on referencing his past/present acting roles. Well, I’d like to add another data point to the mix. 11 days prior, there was another notable instance of “life imitating art” when Jeff Bezos sent Captain Kirk himself into space. 

I know, I know, it’s a very loose connection between the two incidents. And I wouldn’t have mentioned it here at all, except for: 

1) William Shatner’s warning about a “coming catastrophic event.”

2) The presence of the number 11 connecting both events (huge occult number).

Was this flight part of the ritual? Is the “coming catastrophic event” the reason why they’re doing this lengthy ritual at all?


Serious questions; I’m not playing devil’s advocate but am trying to learn.

Do they do rituals to appease or worship their god (satan)? In other words, do they do them for the rituals’ own sake, as part of their “worship,” or do they do them to influence world events? By which I mean, they are all on the same page and the higher-ups decide a death is needed in some arena to further their ends, to scare people away from something, to promote some political agenda, etc.


What I know:

Rituals can be for many reasons, including appeasing a god or Satan. I think they are more likely to be done to ask for power to do something, or to try to make something happen. I don’t think most occultists do this kind of thing as a matter of “worship,” but I could be wrong about that.

I agree with Sadie that the Alec Baldwin thing just screams “ritual.” Too many elements of the event are ritualistic. The location, the day, the person doing the shooting, the victim. Each thing separately is not much, but all together? Too many coincidences.


Thank you. Then I always get back to why. What was the purpose of these events? And I know people probably can’t answer that. I just wonder what *they’re* up to.

Presumably, the people on the movie set, including the victim, were left-leaning. I think there have been pics that indicate the victim and her family are into NWO symbolism, at the very least. So it wasn’t a political killing of a conservative by a liberal. The victim could have been considered “one of their own.” So I wonder why she had to die.


She fit a profile and a data set because of where she grew up and who she was. When human life has no value, it doesn’t matter who you are, they will use and/or kill you.


There is a set of rituals where an initiate passes through a series of challenges and tests, only to be “reborn” into a higher plane. Very often, this involves dying on this plane.

It is entirely possible that the victim was “signed up” for this, expecting some blood and pain in return for future rewards….and was surprised that she died.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not to mention 13-year-old, their favorite number…


Carpet Booming with Truth Booms! < avoiding terms that the effin bee eye might find distasteful


Let’s Go Brandon and show the Full Thread Cut/Paste !

In “following the money” back to the massive pool of extra-national capital controlled by the four main interlaced investment funds, I think/hypothesize we can now better understand the last few US presidencies, and Biden in particular. US Presidents are effectively emasculated.

US Presidents and other western “leaders” are basically “owned” by the large funds. They are beholden to their financial masters, and those masters represent blocks of capital which are decoupled from the historic nation state. Basically, the “nation state” is now obsolete.

These funds select the “leaders” that are then spoon fed to us via legacy media which is controlled by the funds. They are able to find people for whom “power” and status are more important than integrity, and then successfully market them to us.

And they treat us like cattle or sheep because that is how we behave. Sorry to be so negative, but this is what the current situation is revealing and teaching me. Please wake up. It is our only hope. Stop being a sheep. Get the facts. Think for yourself.

Gail Combs

You missed one VERY IMPORTANT STEP that insured we have a country BY the Corporations FOR the Corporations.

The Supreme Court decisions: 10 Supreme Court Rulings That Turned Corporations Into People

….2010 (Citizens United v. FEC)In the run up to the 2008 election, the Federal Elections Commission blocked the conservative nonprofit Citizens United from airing a film about Hillary Clinton based on a law barring companies from using their funds for “electioneering communications” within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election. The organization sued, arguing that, because people’s campaign donations are a protected form of speech (see Buckley v. Valeoand corporations and people enjoy the same legal rights, the government can’t limit a corporation’s independent political donations. The Supreme Court agreed. The Citizens United ruling may be the most sweeping expansion of corporate personhood to date. 

2014 (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby): Corporations are legally people with the right to free speech, but do they have religious rights? Apparently, they do….

Political action committee

Political action committees (PACs) are political committees established and administered by corporations, labor unions, membership organizations or trade associations. The general definition is a group that spends money on elections, but is not run by a party or individual candidate. However, PACs can donate money to parties or candidates they support…



This is why PDJT’s campaign and presidency were so unique: he wasn’t beholden to donors.

Gail Combs
Last edited 3 years ago by TheseTruths

The first tweet mentions “a naturally immune unvaccinated worker.” Word is finally getting out about natural immunity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is QUITE AWESOME. That sentence about “reality” and “common sense” – BOOM – America vs. communism.

Valerie Curren

within the state’s police power is still very scary…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is important! Save this image!!!

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Yes! This is what I’ve been saying. Nail them to the wall with their own culpability and the threat of exposure and legal entanglements.

Good to know to contact the AOD and that one has to be available 24/7. Also the exact phrases to use. This is excellent!


Perfect. Thank you for capturing it whole !

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Tomorrow’s post in the can.

Probably the most useless knowledge I’ve ever tried to impart…until I got to the point, which is at least somewhat useful.


We’ve mentioned the probability of riots if Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted.

The governor of Wisconsin is deploying the National Guard in anticipation of trouble. My question is, who will do the rioting? I can’t see BLM having a dog in this fight. Why would Antifa care? The only thing I can imagine is someone wanting chaos for chaos’ sake, and possibly to highlight “evil guns.” If they’re going to throw a riot, I’d like to know what they’re protesting. The acquittal of an innocent man?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But he’s not “innocent” in their eyes, he’s a white supremacist.

Just because it isn’t (objectively) true doesn’t mean they don’t believe it to the core of their beings.


It’s the same thing that we’ve seen for years…patriots or other nonviolent types having any kind of gathering or event getting attacked by antifa and who do the police protect ???? Antifa

Even politicians..Rand paul & wife come to mind

Last edited 3 years ago by mollypitcher5

Kyle was in reality horror movie. Late at night being hunted by Zombies.