SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our “Friends” In The Middle Kingdom
I normally save this for near the end, but…basically…up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your “civilization.”
Yeah, the WORLD noticed you had to borrow the Latin alphabet to make Pinyin. Like with every other idea you had to steal from us “Foreign Devils” since you rammed your heads up your asses five centuries ago, you sure managed to bastardize it badly in the process.
Have you stopped eating bats yet? Are you shit-kickers still sleeping with farm animals?
Or maybe even just had the slightest inkling of treating lives as something you don’t just casually dispose of?
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
And here’s my response to barbarian “asshoes” like you:
OK, with that rant out of my system…
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend).
Last week:
Gold $1819.00
Silver $24.25
Platinum $1042.00
Palladium $2117.00
Rhodium $15,500.00
This week, markets closed for the weekend at 3:00 PM Mountain Time
Gold $1866.10
Silver $25.42
Platinum $1091.00
Palladium $2195.00
Rhodium $15,100.00
According to people who read commodities and stock charts for a living, gold has definitely staged a “technical breakout.”
I suppose I should try to explain that statement. (If someone here actually does this for a living, please correct/amplify as warranted.) Apparently the movements of these sorts of prices generally follow certain patterns. For example, you might see something climb, peak, drop, climb again, peak even higher, then drop. Then it will climb again but reach a peak lower than the previous peak. Because you see three peaks with the one in the middle higher than the two on the sides, it’s called a “head and shoulders” pattern, and generally they expect to see the stock or commodity drop a lot coming off that third peak. There’s also a tendency for prices to move up and down in a narrow channel (which may itself be rising, falling, or staying the same). This sort of thing works well until it doesn’t; the idea is to spot when the current pattern is failing.
It also matters–a lot–the time range you’re using to look at the graph. Gold apparently was in a flagpole-and-pennant pattern, which ends with it bouncing up and down in a narrowing range (the pennant; it looks a bit like a triangle pointing to the right). When the point of the pennant is reached, a big move is expected. It could be up or down.
According to this analysis, we’re seeing the big move right now, and it’s up. The trick is knowing how far up it will go. Apparently if gold can break $1900 it’s expected to go to $2000, and at least one “expert” has said it’s likely to do so.
I have hedged my wording quite a lot, because these “rules” aren’t rules, they are tendencies and sometimes they do go wrong. If you decide to rush off and buy a 400 oz bar, and gold turns around and crashes unexpectedly dropping 300 bucks, and you lose $120,000…well, it’s not MY fault; I am NOT giving advice and even if I were, you wouldn’t have to follow it.
What am I going to do? Absolutely nothing. I have a position in gold and I don’t plan to alter it. I’ve learned that I absolutely suck at short-term plays.
Part XXV: The Particle Zoo
We’re going back inside the atom again. Only natural since last time we were doing cosmology. And if that sounds like irony to you, it really isn’t. The two subjects are inextricably tied together; cosmologists pay a lot of attention to particle physics.
As of 1935, our picture of the “innards” of atoms consisted of electrons (very light particles with a “negative” electric charge) “orbiting” a much heavier nucleus (at least 1800 times the mass of the electrons, sometimes much more). That nucleus in turn consisted of “positive” charged protons (about the same number as electrons; in fact for an neutral, unionized atom, the exact same number) and (except in the case of Hydrogen-1, the most common atom in the universe by far) some number of neutrons. The electron and proton charges were equal in strength but opposite each other (making it mathematically natural to call one charge e and the other charge -e, as if they were mathematical opposites; however the assignment of -e to the electron was historical accident that goes back to Founding Father Benjamin Franklin). The neutron has no electric charge at all. The neutron and proton are almost exactly the same mass (the neutron is slightly heavier), roughly 1830 times the electron.
These particles all have some angular momentum, generally 1/2 or -1/2 of Planck’s reduced constant, ħ (pronounced “h-bar”).
We had also discovered that every one of these particles has an anti-particle of the same mass but opposite electric charge and spin. Bringing a particle and its anti-particle together causes a sort of mutual annihilation where the particles turn completely into energy. (Though some of the heavier particles release a mix of energy and lighter particles.) The anti-electron is also known as a positron; the others are simply anti-protons, anti-neutrons, and so on.
There was a solid theoretical argument for something called a neutrino, too (plus an anti-neutrino), but they’re hard to detect. (They did eventually get detected in the 1950s, but that’s getting ahead of things.)
Finally, there was the photon, the particle (though sometimes it behaves as a wave) of electromagnetic energy, whose spin is 1. The photon is its own anti-particle; or equivalently, it has no anti particle but plays the same role interacting with anti-particles as it does with particles.
These can be classified as follows (I’m going to leave out the anti-particles; they go into the same buckets as their corresponding particles):
bosons: Have an integer spin, and many can occupy the same quantum state: photon. You can think of these as “force carrying” particles, but only one of them was known in 1935.
fermions: Have a half-integer spin, and only one can occupy a particular quantum state: electron, neutrino, proton, neutron. These you can think of as “matter.” But you can divide these into leptons and baryons, meaning light and heavy. Electrons and neutrinos are leptons, protons and neutrons are baryons.
A brick of gold or anything else you can drop on your foot is made mostly (by weight) of baryons, and today we have occasion to call it “baryonic matter” (which implies there’s some kind of matter that is not “baryonic matter” but that’s another story for another day, soon).
Baryons, and only baryons, are subject to the strong nuclear force, which makes them stick to each other in nuclei in spite of the fact that protons repel each other electrically with simply ridiculous amounts of force. The strong force has to do with alpha radioactive decay.
Baryons and leptons both are subject to the weak nuclear force, as well.
The electron and proton have an electric charge, and are thus subject to the electromagnetic force as well, while the neutrino and neutron have no charge and aren’t subject to the electromagnetic force.
Finally, nuclear and particle physicists have a couple of quirks. They express energy in electron volts (eV), the amount of energy an electron gains after going through a potential of one volt. And that is exactly 1.602176634×10−19 joules.
Mass will be expressed in eV/c2, electron volts divided by c2. After all E = mc2, so dividing energy by c2 gives you a mass. When talking though, they’ll often just say the mass of such-and-such particle is so many eV and not bother saying “over see squared.” They all know what they mean, and I’m going to dispense with it here.
An electron has a mass of 511 keV (kilo electron volts, thousand electron volts). Protons and neutrons weigh in at 938.3 and 939.6 MeV (mega electron volts, million electron volts), respectively.
OK, that’s a recap!
The Muon
In 1935, Hideki Yukawa (1907-1981) took up the issue of the strong nuclear force. It seemed that there ought to be some particle that mediates it, just like photons mediate the electromagnetic force.
The strong nuclear force is very strong…over very short distances. It drops off to nothing rapidly thereafter. This could be explained if that mediating particle was unstable. If it can’t get far before it breaks down, the force it carries can’t get far either. But an even better “fit” comes from consideration of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It allows a particle to be created from nothing, but for a very short time. In other words, the energy can be “borrowed” for a brief period of time, but the more energy that is borrowed, the shorter the term of the loan.
So a particle about 200 times the mass of the electron could be created from nothing…but would have to disappear before it had a chance to move much more than the diameter of a proton. But while it was there, it could act to “carry” the strong nuclear force.
Of course, if there’s enough energy to create the particle conventionally, it will, perhaps, stick around long enough to actually be detected.
This was an intermediate mass particle, so it was named “meson” from a Greek word meaning “middle” (also appearing in “Mesoamerica” and “Mesozoic”).
Remember what I just said about “if there’s enough energy to create the particle conventionally”? One place where there’s a lot of energy is in cosmic ray collisions with atoms in our upper atmosphere.
And lo and behold the very next year, 1936, a particle about 200 times the mass of the electron was found as the product of such collisions by Carl D. Anderson (1905-1991), the same man who had discovered the positron in 1932. This meson had a charge of -e, the same as the electron, and it decayed in about 2.2 microseconds. Which seemed a bit long (this is an eternity when dealing with subatomic particles).
Neils Bohr suggested naming the particle the “yukon” (to honor Yukawa) and in fact, for a time that’s what many called it.
But it very quickly became apparent this actually was not Yukawa’s meson. It didn’t seem to want to have anything whatsoever to do with the strong nuclear force.
The more they looked at this meson, the more it looked like it was just like a heavy, unstable electron.
In 1947 another such particle was discovered by a collaboration led by Cecil Powell in England. This, indeed was the particle Yukawa was expecting. So, to distinguish the two, this new particle was called the pi-meson, and Anderson’s discovery was called the mu-meson.
More mesons were discovered, and the mu-meson turned out to be a real oddball; its name got shortened to “muon” and that’s the name it has to this day. It’s still, basically, an overweight, unstable cousin of the electron. It seemed to have no clear role in anything at all; in fact Nobel laureate I. I. Rabi very famously quipped, “who ordered that?” (Today in our “Brandon” age where certain four letter words are acceptable for display on flags for little kids to practice phonics on, he might have said, “WTF is this?!?” only spelled out.)
Muons today are famous for being excellent proofs of time dilation. The muons generated in the upper atmosphere (tens of miles up) by cosmic rays shouldn’t live long enough to move more than about 2200 feet on average (1 foot is almost exactly one nanosecond at light speed, a microsecond is a thousand nanoseconds). Yet they regularly manage to reach us here on the ground because their “clocks” run slower at the speed they are moving. This can also be checked in particle accelerators.
As time went on, the muon’s resemblance to the electron looked stronger and stronger; it’s now classified as a lepton, not a meson. Meanwhile, as I mentioned before, we started discovering other types of mesons.
And we started discovering new types of baryons as well.
Quite a lot of both.
Mesons (minus the muon, no longer considered a true meson) and baryons together shared the characteristic of being affected by the strong nuclear force. So as a class the two together were now named “hadrons.”
By 1956, people were talking about the “particle zoo” because there were so many different kinds of hadrons known.
Now let me make one thing perfectly clear. I’m going to throw a lot of particle names at you here; but the real point of this is later on. Once you’ve seen that point…forget about these particles. They do not matter, and never will to anyone outside a particle physics lab (who have to be able to identify them if only so they can ignore them–they’re noise).
Just for instance in the 1950s a (forgettable) baryon known as the delta particle, about 25 percent heavier than protons, was discovered. Its charge was +2e, twice that of the proton! Also discovered were three other particles of the same mass, with charges +e, 0, and -e. They all had 3/2 spin (not 1/2). These ended up all being called delta particles, with symbols Δ++ , Δ+ , Δ0 , and Δ–. Physicists tended to name these particles after Greek letters but had long since run out of them and were having to double, triple, and quadruple up on them.
In fact the pi meson (now called a pion) turned out to have three varieties, π+, π0 , and π– . It turned out those delta particles would decay into combinations of pi particles, protons and neutrons (e.g., the double delta would decay into a proton and a positive pion, the neutral delta would decay into a neutron plus a neutral pion or a proton and a negative pion), and generally within about 5×10-24 seconds!
This was just one piece of it. There was an obvious question. Why was there a double positive delta particle, but no double negative delta? This turned out to be a big clue, actually.
Here’s another one. There is a (forgettable) K meson, too, discovered in 1947. (And it’s K, not kappa.) Now shortened to kaon, it, too, comes in positive, neutral, and negative forms. K+, K0 , and K–.
These lived much longer than pions or delta particles, about 1×10-8 seconds.
This longer life eventually led to the recognition of a property that simply got called “strangeness,” at the suggestion of Murray Gell-Mann (1929-2019) [yes, we’ve reached the Trump administration.] It was conserved in fast reactions that seemed to have to do with the strong nuclear force, but not in slower reactions (like the kaon’s decay) that had to do with the weak nuclear force.
We eventually found baryons that had strangeness in them too, sometimes even in double doses. No baryon (other than the proton, and (almost) the neutron) was stable, but the strange ones were less unstable than the non-strange ones.
We now had scores of baryons and mesons…all of them supposedly fundamental particles, and very little rhyme or reason to the mess. That’s why we had the “particle zoo.”
Which, maybe, reminds you of something.
It’s like the way we were finding more and more chemical elements in the 1800s, all of them fundamental entities (or so we thought), and there didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to that mess either.
And what happened, in 1869, was the first good effort to find a way to organize them coherently, then in the 1890s, the discovery that they consisted of a handful of more basic particles.
And this is exactly what happened here.
Murray Gell-Mann (again), in 1961 found a way to organize these particles, working with their charge and their strangeness. They ended up, mostly, in groups of eight. There was a group of eight mesons with a single meson left over.

The baryons came in two groups:

There was also a baryon decuplet, where our delta particles show up:

This made things tidy, but just like the periodic table, there were strong hints of an underlying order. In the case of the periodic table, it turned out to be the precise ways electron orbitals would be defined by quantum mechanics. In this case, who knew?
The Ω particle at the bottom of the decuplet was not known in 1961. Gell-Mann predicted it in 1962 because it fit the logical progression, and a very close match for it was found in 1964. This was a lot like Mendeleyev predicting gallium and germanium, so it made it look like Gell-Mann was onto something.
Gell-Mann called this schema the eightfold way (inspired by Buddhism’s “eightfold path”).
It took a few decades for chemists to understand the underlying “message” of the periodic table.
It took exactly three years for the particle physicists to make a suggestion–the one which turned out to be correct–as to what was under this scheme.
Gell-Mann, and, independently, George Zweig (1937-still alive and kicking!) came up with what turned out to be the correct answer…though it would take quite some time to prove it and flesh it out.
All of these hadrons were made of something smaller, which got named quarks. There were three kinds of quarks. An “up” quark had a +2/3 charge. A “down” quark has a -1/3 charge. And so does a “strange” quark. Strange quarks are unstable, wanting to decay into up quarks. However, they are responsible for strangeness. All quarks have 1/2 spin (though they can sometimes be “upside down” with a -1/2 net spin).
The three different kinds of quarks are called different flavors of quarks.
[Up, down, strange, flavor..and you’ll soon see color names. Note a lot of English, instead of Latin or Greek. Even the name “quark” came from a poem written in English. This is why it all seems whimsical bordering on silly sometimes. “Up” versus “proton”–the word “proton” has far more gravitas.]
So how does this work?
Baryons consist of exactly three quarks.
A proton consists of two up quarks and a down quark (uud), and if you do the math, that’s a net +1 charge. A neutron consists of an up and two down quarks (udd) and again, doing the math, that’s a net 0 charge.
The delta particles cover all four possible combinations of up and down quarks (uuu, uud, udd, ddd) and doing the math you get charges, 2, 1, 0, and -1, respectively. The difference between the proton (uud) and the delta+ particle (uud) is the spin; deltas have 3/2 spin and protons 1/2 spin. (Similarly for neutrons and the delta-0 particle.) Now why isn’t there a uuu or ddd baryon with a 1/2 spin? This is excluded on quantum-mechanical grounds; a 3/2 spin is mandatory for these combinations.
Particles with strangeness have at least one strange quark. Those Σ particles (3 of them) have one strange quark each, the remaining question is whether the other two quarks will be uu, ud, or dd (three possibilities). The natural result is the decuplet shown, where the bottom member is three strange quarks, sss, making up the Ω.
Now these baryons start to make a sort of sense. What about the mesons?
As it happens, every quark has an anti-particle of the opposite charge, so there’s an anti-up with a -2/3 charge, for instance. A meson is a quark and an anti-quark. So you could pair an up with an anti-down to create a meson with 2/3 + (- 1/3) = 1 charge, and that’s the π+. The other two forms of pions are also formed from up and down quarks/anti-quarks; the negative pion is a down and an anti-up. The neutral pion turns out to be two different things. It is either an up+anti-up or down+anti-down pair and of course the two quarks right next to their own anti-particle don’t last long at all! (Neutral pions decay in about 10-17 seconds, the others are good for about 10-8 seconds, a billion times as long.)
Running all the combinations of up, down, strange and their opposite numbers gives nine possible mesons. And more arise when you consider different combinations of spin (which will be whole numbers in this case).
Again, the point is NOT to remember this stuff more than 10-8 seconds after finishing the article (and if you remember it even that long, you’re strange), other than to remember the idea of quarks. So if your eyes are glazed over…that’s fine.
This whole theory was considered by many to be a completely abstract model with no bearing on reality, however, very similar to the Rutherford experiment with scattering alpha particles off of gold atoms, in 1968 someone was able to shoot things into protons and neutrons…and it became evident that there were things inside the proton and neutron. Still, scientists didn’t want to conclude that what was there were Gell-Mann/Zweig quarks, so they called them “partons” (nothing to do with Dolly…it’s off the word “part”).
As time went on it turned out that the quark model was correct, but there’s one more aspect to the story.
We’ve never seen a quark all by its lonesome. They seem to want to be in groups of three, or two (when one is an anti-particle). So either three quarks, or a (net) zero quarks!
Very shortly after the quark concept was introduced, Oscar W. Greenberg suggested that the strong force might actually have its own sort of charge. Except that instead of a positive and negative charge (two opposite charges, in other words) like electromagnetism, there might be three kinds of charges. Combining all three made a neutral strong charge.
Exactly like the way red, green and blue light add up to make white, but any combination of two of these will have some sort of color.
So in fact it’s now called “color charge” even though actual color has nothing to do with it. The three quarks in (say) a proton, consist of one “blue,” one “green,” and one “red” quark (and it doesn’t really matter which one is which). They add to white, no color charge.
A meson, with a quark and anti-quark, will have, say, a “red” and “anti-red” (or cyan) charge, again, net result white, no color charge. (It’s almost always called “anti-red”, “anti-green” or “anti-blue” never cyan, magenta and yellow.)
And it turns out the strong nuclear force is actually an indirect manifestation of the strong force (note: no word “nuclear”) between the quarks. In other words the proton-proton attraction within the nucleus is not the primary manifestation of the force. Rather, the strong force keeps the protons and neutrons themselves together. It’s sort of like theorizing that a rubber band seems to have a “rubber band” force to it, but then finding out what’s really at the bottom of it is electromagnetic forces between atoms and molecules in the rubber band.
The strong force is, fundamentally, carried by particles called gluons (which are bosons of zero spin). They have mass, but more importantly, they themselves have “color” are subject to the strong force, unlike photons which aren’t subject to the force they carry. So two quarks exchange virtual gluons, and the virtual gluons themselves can exchange more virtual gluons. That turned out to be a very interesting computational problem, largely aided by “Feynman diagrams” invented by Richard Feynman.
Who, by the way, hated the color names; he thought they would be confusing and even called his colleagues “idiot physicists” for using the term.
As it turns out the only force capable of changing the flavor of a quark is the weak force. And weak interactions tend to take more time (or equivalently, are less likely), which is why those strange baryons and hadrons took so long to decay: The strange quark had to change to an up quark, and that’s a slow process because it requires the weak force.
More Recent Developments
Having two quarks with -1/3 charge but only one of 2/3 charge was an imbalance that nagged at people; so almost immediately, there were suggestions there should be a fourth quark…which got the name “charm.” So there would be two “generations” of quarks: up/down made one, and charm/strange made another. This sort of matched the leptons, where there was an electron and a muon which could be considered a second generation.
Today, it’s stated that the strange quark was detected in 1968.
In 1973 a third generation was suggested, called top and bottom. (I distinctly remember hearing them called “truth” and “beauty” as a kid…and I did not realize they didn’t actually mean truth and beauty, so I just shook my head and probably at least thought the word “bullshit” at the thought that they were claiming to have found particles of actual truth and beauty. Fortunately almost no one calls them that today.)
In 1974 the charm quark was detected. The Bottom quark followed in 1977. The top quark is quite a lot more massive (about as massive as a gold atom!) and wasn’t found until 1995.
Similarly, there are three generations of “electron.” The tau particle or tauon was first speculated on in 1960, and detected in 1974-75. Its half life is about 10-13 seconds. So the stable of leptons is filling out too.
There are a couple more chapters in this story. One, I think I can disregard. The other one I can’t…but I will save it for later. Interestingly, it has to do with that odd bit about the sun only producing 1/3 of the neutrinos anticipated.
OK, now that you know what quarks are…forget the kaons, delta particles, sigmas. xis, and omegas. None of these will ever show up in your kitchen and even the pion isn’t a household word by any means. And you’re unlikely to ever see strange, charm, top and bottom quarks, either (though they’re easier to remember). Muons? Occasionally thanks to cosmic rays. Tauons? Never.
The ones that exist outside a physics laboratory or a smashup in the upper atmosphere are the first generation, the electron, up and down. Everything you see around you, everything you can drop on your foot, is made up of those. The others are exotic and evanescent. They only matter (pun intended) to particle physicists.
And cosmologists.
Obligatory PSAs and Reminders
China is Lower than Whale Shit
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
China is in the White House
Since Wednesday, January 20 at Noon EST, the bought-and-paid for His Fraudulency Joseph Biden has been in the White House. It’s as good as having China in the Oval Office.
Joe Biden is Asshoe
China is in the White House, because Joe Biden is in the White House, and Joe Biden is identically equal to China. China is Asshoe. Therefore, Joe Biden is Asshoe.
But of course the much more important thing to realize:
Joe Biden Didn’t Win
乔*拜登没赢 !!!
Qiáo Bài dēng méi yíng !!!
Joe Biden didn’t win !!!
Another Saturday, another seminar on physics/astronomy/coins.
They’re very nice seminars on physics/astronomy/coins. Only the finest.
Slow guy looks forward to every Saturday.
The rants a staple AND fun. Precious metal rates and commentary. Reminder about his fraudulency AND stolen elections gotta be corrected legally. The physics / astronomy information I am able to grasp is appreciated. Have learned a great deal. Stuff I had wondered about in a glancing way, OR simply had no clue about. Fascinating.
The part about the colors got my attention. (It’s like looking at the pictures instead of actually reading, LOL.) There’s a whole language that many of us know not of…gluons, muons, mesons…
I’m taking mental notes of these words. The extra hard crosswords have words like that. LOLOL
Then you have various members of our band with their specific concerns — DePat with Masons, and scott with cretins….
And all of us are concerned with greens and reds. They give us the blues.
It’s those anti-reds and anti-greens you gotta watch out for. They give the anti-blues!
Not forgetting the Anti-gens…
(And Aunty-[RED]Jen)…
I’m concerned about the Masons too

Not just masons, but we’ll leave it at that.
I’m concerned about the entire Illuminati/NWOrder/Freemasonry cabal that wants to run the world and that most of the entertainment business and many world leaderrs have bought into. It’s not a conspiracy theory; their symbols are flaunted in plain sight. And it’s evil, the opposite of Christianity. They hate Christianity.
They’ve been working on remaking Christianity for a few hundred years, actually.
They seemed to have skipped morons. Strangely
Strange morons or morons with charm?
Are there any?
It’s all way out of my grasp but it makes me proud that we have a nice guy willing to prepare it and share the secrets of the universe with dumbells like moi !
We aren’t the only ones who have noticed all those ‘woke’ ads these days.
The same thing has been going on in the UK and in Australia.
And those ‘woke’ ads are failing to sell products.
…………….Posted beneath the video:
The IPA’s Dr Bella d’Abrera says “woke” ads are “failing” because they are focusing on trying to change people’s perceptions of the world instead of trying to sell products.
It comes after Kmart released an ad on TikTok featuring a bearded performer who is dancing and modelling dresses.
“The advertising’s no longer about selling products; it’s no longer about selling clothes, or razors or chocolate bars – it’s about selling ideas, it’s about changing the way people think,” Ms d’Abrera told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“It’s called purpose-driven advertising. It’s trying to change people’s perceptions of reality and how they view the world. It’s got nothing to do with selling products.
“And, it’s failing, it’s actually not working … people aren’t buying thing’s because [of] woke ads.”
We were talking about this recently. Do yall think that corps are getting subsidies or being paid to promote this crap ? Surely they’re not doing it out of a true belief in it ?
I don’t know.
Maybe they are doing it to avoid getting targeted themselves.
Antifuh/BLM have demonstrated their ability to make life miserable and expensive for businesses and corporations.
It’s like they have been appeased now that the ‘woke ads’ are happening.
So…it’s like a shakedown.
Hell, even the Supreme Court doesn’t want to get targeted by the Left’s flying monkeys.
hmm very true
And the sc have security
NOT enough. The American Revolution was fought by 3% of the Colonies. WAY more than 3% are becoming pissed off now than then.
Then it was taxation without representation, today it is vaccination without representation. Same scenario a far off dictator and his ilk forced policies and taxes and oppression on the people, thinking he could bludgeon them into compliance no matter what hardship he imposed from a far, out of touch with the ground and commoners HERE. It did NOT end well for him.
My son tells me “yeah but no one has done anything about it” I reply YET.
Remember, the colonists took that abuse for decades, Then ONE day, a simple tea tax, and later the killing of 2 teens by British troops lead all hell to break lose. The REST is history.
The people took it until they could NOT take it anymore, and one or tow things set it all off. America was a powder keg then, and it is becoming one NOW. ONE small spark is all it will take.
Do not get me wrong, I DO NOT want revolution. But when given the choice between oppression and slavery and Revolution and freedom.
I quote Patrick Henry “Give me Liberty, or give me death”
I WANT this handled the RIGHT way by LAW, equal to ALL. But when laws are applied unequally, arbitrarily, and captiously, with NO recourse. When laws are FLAUNTED by those in “power” who have FORGOTTEN who gave them that power and where it originates FROM, choosing to do as they and a small group of elites wish DESPITE and counter too the overwhelming will of the people, in open DEFIANCE of that will and then unabashedly using punitive methods to try and thwart that will.
I ask you, how many times do these people have to show us WHO and WHAT they are, and openly give us the middle finger and DARE us to stop them? How many times do we have to watch them openly mock us, sanction us, and abuse their power AGAINST us before we wake up and realize one simple truth.
They are NOT on our side, they do not CARE out OUR lives, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness, or our FREEDOM. They ONLY care about themselves and their elite bubble. That is NOT Govt of the people by the people and FOR the people, that is a new aristocracy bordering on The French in 1789, letting us eat cake.
It is something our founding fathers risked life, liberty, and fortune to ardently OPPOSE. They wrote the Constitution to specifically PROHIBIT that from happening here, because they had lived through the same crap we are NOW.
They rose up against tyranny, and fought. Were they alive today they would be doing exactly the same now.
I ask you, do we let all those who fought, blead, suffered, and DIED so we could be free, have done it all in vain? I know, my son tells me, but your are just one man, what can you or I do?
56 men signed the declaration of Independence
39 delegates signed the US Constitution
3% fought the Revolutionary war.
Big things start SMALL.
Forgive the diatribe, passionate about the situation we are in. I meant no offense or not to lecture. Hope it did not come off that way.
On the contrary, if one steps back from it I think it’s an accurate analysis of the situation.
Millions of people are being pushed beyond what they will normally just grumble and endure.
There will be a spark that sets it off. I know the Bad Guys have been trying to provoke us into striking first. [One must at least consider that maybe they have the strength to squash us flat if it happens–and we just don’t know it.] Even aside from that, big events are often ignited by the most minor of things, and you wake up in the morning thinking “same shit, different day” and to your own surprise go to bed at night with a revolution in full swing.
If you can tolerate a fictional example, from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Moon is a Harsh Mistress” the revolutionary organization in the lunar colonies had been preparing to rise up, but were not really ready. However the right riot broke out one day, and they realized this was IT. The moment they could rebel with the population on their side, long enough to kick out the agents of the oppressors based on Earth.
They then had to fight earth, but that was a later phase of the thing.
agreed, the clock is ticking. Think another fictional movie, Ghostbusters. The gatekeeper and the key master were waiting for the sign. We do not even KNOW what the trigger will be, but unfortunately, we know it will happen. Those in power have gone too far to take a step back, the VA election showed that, Did they pull back? Nape they doubled down.
IMHO they want a final confrontation, believing they will win.
I have NO doubt they have something prepared. But I remind you this. So too was King George. He had the most powerful Army, navy and military in the world that he brought to bear on us, vastly over equipped, over experienced, and over manned.
Yet he underestimated our resolve. Just as the dems ALWAYS do.
Over confidence was George’s downfall, so too will it happen here, as it has throughout history.
You and I have obviously studied history, we see the signs, History has an odd way of repeating, and evil NEVER learns and is DOOMED to repeat actions that lead to it’s demise, Over confidence is a major weakness of the left. VANITY.
Those who live off of taxpayer money and also think they are more clever and wise, are not. They are simply scheming ingrates. We see right through them and their foolishness and harm cannot stand.
And another example, born in (of) the 1950s-1960s, looking at the future, courtesy of Tom Lehrer (duck and cover when needed):
No, rex, you were eloquent and did not lecture. Thank you! I appreciate your thoughtful and patriotic words that should encourage the elites to back off on their endless abuses of all their fellow countrymen before it backfires on them. We are a free and problem-solving people and have gone far out of our way to avoid harming our wonderful republic and the lives of us all. Elites may think they want us to start a civil war and they have been pushing us toward that. They are wrong. They might start a war, but American parents have shown we do have limits on our tolerance of evil.
Thank you
MORE, please.
Your posts are appreciated.
Thank you. As I have said before, the Covid scam (not the real virus, the hype), hit me hard. Then they coupled that with the election fraud, and now are ramming their unwanted agenda down our throats while those supposed to be on “our” side fiddle while America burns.
Tired of the games. Donald Trump revealed the “game”, the players, and the “rules” I will sleep no more. I cannot unsee.
The Founding Fathers would likely have hung them ALL (with very few exceptions)
I have learned a few things in my life.
One, the Lord helps those that help THEMSELVES
Two, those that do not study and learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Three, don’t believe everything you hear and only some of what you see, trust your instincts, that little voice is there for a reason.
Four pray for peace but prepare for WAR.
Five treat others like you like to be treated, with respect, but do not be taken advantage of (kindness for weakness)
Six keep your friends close but KNOW your enemies
Seven, ALWAYS be vigilant and prepared.
Eight, don’t just hear, LISTEN (pay attention)
Nine, Never get too high in the good times nor too low in the bad, try to live your life in the middle.
Ten, Never be afraid to admit you were wrong, take accountability, and learn from your mistakes.
Great TRUTHs to live by.
Taught to me by my father. I have discussed him before.
Like you….
I had a Very WISE Dad.
I miss him.
^^^ Keeper. ^^^
(I did)
Again, it is NEVER a good idea to piss of your clientele, OR your constituents…These ads force fed to us 1000 times a day are the views of .1 % of the populace. The other 40 % are not paying ANY attention and could care less. BUT, the REST of us are paying attention, and getting tired and PISSED OFF about it being force fed to not only US, but our children and grandchildren. Now we are beginning to speak with our wallets, if this shit continues, we will speak with a decidedly more harsh method than our money.
Even those who don’t pay attention, have it slipped in eventually through sheer repetition and lack of any opposing view.
True, that is leftist doctrine. Repeat a lie often enough and it seems true.
The biggest part of this is AWARE?NESS of what they are doing. When enough become aware, they become PISSED, and then counter action follows. History is littered with that. People take it until they DON’T. Then the ones that abused the people get their comeuppance.
There IS an opposing view, it is just being subverted, obfuscated, and denied by MSM and big tech.
The Founding Fathers found ways too defeat that oppression, and get the word out to like minded patriots. So too must we. This blog is a PRIME example, There are MANY more, millions.
The only difference between then, and now is there has not been a defining coalescing event that brings us ALL together. I would have thought the election was it, but I think Covid “vaccine” mandates may just do the trick. An election to most is NOT personal, it does not hit home.
A health issue and being forced to do something or lose ones livelihood, most certainly hits home to ALL.
“We were talking about this recently. Do yall think that corps are getting subsidies or being paid to promote this crap ? Surely they’re not doing it out of a true belief in it ?”
I read about this recently, maybe on Political Moonshine, but I’m not sure now.
The old model for Fascism was for a government to essentially conscript corporations into their servitude, and weaponize corporations against the People.
The new model for Fascism inverts that process, since not just one country is trying to achieve totalitarian control over their population, the psychopaths are trying to achieve totalitarian control over the entire planet.
So the solution was fairly straightforward.
We are familiar with the graphic showing that 90% or more of all media companies are owned by just six giant corporations.
That’s apparently the case in all of the other industries that matter as well.
And then you have companies like Black Rock (and one other company, starts with a “V” I think) that own shares of everything, so their people sit on the board of directors of all the companies who control all of the major industries globally.
And then you have the people who own and control Black Rock (and the other company) who essentially have a controlling interest in every major industry.
The banking cartel of course facilitated all of it and works hand in hand.
The global multinational corporations have then, over the past couple of decades or more, taken control of the governments of the world (or at least of the Western world), and use the governments to achieve totalitarian control over the populations.
Fascism in the 1930s ~ 1940s = government uses corporations to achieve totalitarian control
Fascism in the 21s century = corporations use governments to achieve totalitarian control
With that in mind, it appears we’re much further along than people realize. It’s mind blowing that they’re actually talking out loud about monitoring our own bank accounts.
They have the courts, the press, the police and military, the supply chain, energy, elections, medical, our privacy, education ..
The so-called white hats have done an extraordinary job of keeping all of this under the table, on the down low, so the enemy can complete the totalitarian takeover.
Couldn’t do it without ’em.
Yes. The white hats are doing everyone a huge favor by ‘letting’ us see it for ourselves so..uh..something.
We spend so much time fighting each new outrage that the big picture blurs.
Realistically there’s only one way out of this and even that is doubtful.
Molly, yes ‘THEY’ have carried the sleepy public quite far along thus far. ICYMI, watch the “Monopoly’ Vid Kalbo posted below.
Rather long but well worth the time.
William (Bill) Cooper wrote an Excellent description about how our economy and markets were being controlled and manipulated years ago in his book
“Behold a pale horse”,
Computers now replace what used to take, multiple floors of bookkeepers and accountants, to make decisions instantly… and of course it too is rigged.
The Bank Secrecy Act BSA E-Filing System (April 1, 2013) introduced Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) where banks must report suspicious banking activities, such as cash transactions exceeding $10,000 (daily aggregate amount). https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/bank-operations/financial-crime/suspicious-activity-reports/index-suspicious-activity-reports.html
The other was Vanguard.
Here is the list:
The 147 Companies That Control Everything
And do not forget they have interlocking boards of Directors, since one person can sit on multiple boards.
Concentration of transnational companiesOf those companies,
^^^ B I N G O. ^^^
Once I saw it, I can’t un-see it.
Corporations, OWNED by the few elites.
Governments owned by the few Elites.
Media owned by the few elites.
“Monopoly – Who Owns The World.”
Dunno if there are follow on videos to Monopoly, but I look forward to them.
TY for this Kalbo, some may have missed it during the week.
I agree, once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Rather long vid, but very much worth the time imho.
“And then you have companies like Black Rock (and one other company, starts with a “V” I think) that own shares of everything, so their people sit on the board of directors of all the companies who control all of the major industries globally “
Please allow me to insert VANGUARD
I wonder if the threats of large fines would bankrupt smaller companies who cannot afford expensive legal solutions.
“Do yall think that corps are getting subsidies or being paid to promote this crap ?”
For a long time it has been evident that giant corporations don’t care at all about profits, which means their money is coming from somewhere else.
Professional sports don’t care about profits, clearly, because they keep doing things designed to drive fans away. And yet they all stay in business, no problem.
Legacy media clearly doesn’t care about profits. We’re told their ratings have fallen 50% every few months (which would get their ratings down to zero pretty quick if that was true).
They don’t care. Their mission isn’t to make money, their mission is to control via propaganda.
Nike hates money, you can tell, because they hate their customer base. All of the ‘woke’ companies hate their customers. They only way you can hate your customers and lose money for doing so is if your money is coming from somewhere else.
So how are all of these companies staying in business, when they are openly driving their own customers away in the name of cramming their hate-America propaganda down everyone’s throats?
Where does all of the taxpayer money go?
Where do all these stimulus bill funds go?
They’re not fixing bridges or upgrading the electric grid or anything like that where I live, and they haven’t, at least not in my lifetime.
Highways are perpetually under construction, because apparently the construction companies can’t figure out how to build a road that lasts more than 10 minutes.
Where is all the money going?
If Political Moonshine is correct, that the entire government is essentially a mafia enterprise (my characterization), then they have direct access to the money machine.
They pass the funding bills, and that money goes all over the world, to be laundered and kicked back to the government and their handlers and owners.
Taxes are just a means to keep a boot on the Peoples’ necks, they don’t need taxpayer money for anything, not when they can create money out of thin air via spending bills and an accomplice Central Bank.
That can’t go on forever, eventually you’ll get hyperinflation and the whole system will collapse — but if the objective is to crash the global economy anyway, in order to facilitate a ‘great reset’ where chaos and disaster are used to consolidate power and control, then they just keep printing money and using it to achieve their own objectives until the system collapses.
They win by stealing trillions of dollars to fund their takeover of the world, and when the global economy collapses from their abuse, they can move in and take control of everything (and everyone).
There are very good reasons, lots of them, why governments working together with private corporations is a very, very bad idea.
Shrub, of the Nazi Bush family, referred to these entities lovingly, as “public-private partnerships”.
Good old fashioned fascism with a modern PC label.
He gave us the Patriot Act too.
A real miracle that the Patriot Act was all set to go, the day after 9/11.
So fortuitous.
For somebody.
Someone who is not us.
At the time of the report, the US debt was $1.6 trilllion.
Another great comment Scott! I have to steal/share this one too!
“It’s called purpose-driven advertising. It’s trying to change people’s perceptions of reality and how they view the world.”
It’s called brainwashing, propaganda and psychological warfare.
And it should be a death-penalty eligible criminal act to attack your own population in such a manner.
Seeing a guy dancing in a dress is definitely an attack.
pretty sure aka BHO “legalized” propaganda during his 1st AND 2nd Usurpations…it’s now on steroids during his apparent 3rd Usurpation
The things that have always worked will continue to work. These include:
Cute and beautiful women and men will still sell cars and a lot of other products. Dancing bearded men in dresses, no.
People that look like they fell into a tacklebox (EXCESSIVE Piercings) are repulsive to me also.
Gauges. Stuff through the lips and nostrils. Blech.
Makes me think of the Reavers out of Firefly.
Apparently “Zipperhead” is a derogatory term originally used against Asians, but it could apply to people with tons of metal sticking out of their faces.
Our shopping news ads (ALDI, Lidl, Penny, Rewe, Kaufland, Edeka, etc.) are all filled with agenda-driven ads. Indeed Penny hired a gang a transvestites dressed in single-color outfits of different colors to “aid” their ads.
I can just see it now: “Mommy, why is that man dressed up like a woman” (OK; it’s happening in real life now with that idiot “healh secretary” who’s too stupid or perverted to know if he has a willy or a won’t he). Lots of birds and bees dialogues set to take place a little early now, although the schools here are teaching it so early the kids can’t possibly practice their lessons at home…
Add to that the shopping news itself, a birdcage liner of allegedly local news aimed at creating consensus (con-NONSENSUS) with whatever covIDIOCY the gubmint has planned.
Criminy, even this month’s EKD (Lutheran Church of Germany) bulletin/newsletter laments the refauxgee crisis, the climate crisis, the COVID crisis, yet not a SINGLE WORD about the crisis of all the unsaved souls out there and those backsliding and drifting, which are what the Church should be addressing, and which has ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES. They’ve gotten as useless as sleepy creepy Joe and his ilk; indeed BLIND GUIDES leading folks straight into HELL.
So Penny no longer gets our (and many others’) patronage, and many people here rail at the ads… probably yet another reason why they’re bombarding us with offers (soon to be threats, I expect) to “get our app” or get no discounts…
I don’t download any store apps because I don’t trust them. I also don’t trust those blocks of code that you can scan into your phone for service of different types (menus and the like). To me, it’s like a stranger handing you something to eat, and you take it without question.
Now that it’s out in the open and people understand what is happening….
This has been going on for decades, actually.
True, but it is MUCH more pervasive now, in all things, they OVER REACH. A guy once said, they do not hide their symbolism, they openly FLAUNT it. All we had to do was pay attention and recognize it.
Yup ! as DJT once said..
“Everything WOKE turns to Shit ..”
But we here knew that already.
I actually find all the virtue signaling in woke commercials rather handy ,
It acts as a double face slap. 1st slap is to wake me from my slumber and remind me that I am watching the corporate media propaganda arm in action .
2nd slap is to remind me not to send any $$ in that direction… and to scratch them from my memory .
but that’s just me,.. sometimes I NEED that double slap..I tend to fall asleep in front of the boob-tube.
apparently I’m one of many and ‘some’ are just realizing it.
Odd to hear THEM admit it though
WE DO outnumber THEM
So it all makes sense
WE outnumber them by FAR. It is NEVER a good idea in business to piss off your CLIENTELE
Lee Harvey Oswald was a sharpshooter, one grade behind “expert.”
https://bobrohrer.com/sea_stories/service_rifle_qualification_courses.pdf — p.3
I believe that the standard “rapid fire” is 10 in 60 seconds.
I have seen many many soldiers score expert….and many more than that score sharpshooter. I even scored expert 7 times in a row.
My point is that it seems pretty flimsy evidence to convict on.
“Maggies drawers”
I agree, and I think they were looking for anything to use to convict.
Who knew that PDJT has an envoy ambassador?
Patel Patriot https://t.me/s/PatelPatriot
Patel Patriot
This is VERY interesting.
Things that make you go ‘hmm.’
Too me, it sounds like “someone” is prepared to do a second act.
Combine this with NO Biden “live” events in the Oval office, ALL recorded or at a mock up. Then the WEEKLY weekend trips to Delaware.
Usually, the left would go NUTS on something like this. Mums the word.
Is the game afoot Mr Quartermain?
Gotta wonder.
Do we have evidence of this?
Yep. They caught him numerous times taking his “vaccine” and giving “live speeches” from a mock up in a building next door. You have to ask WHY. I will try to find some of the articles with pics and post links,
there is one, I’ll see if i can find more. Again WHY? What would be the difference of using the set or the REAL thing?
here is another https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/biden-shuffles-away-reporters-production-set-shout-questions-embarrassing-september-jobs-report-video/
and another…note the mock up made to LOOK like the Oval office and the resolute desk. WHY NOT USE THE REAL THING? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/biden-blasts-republicans-production-set-near-white-house-raising-debt-limit-paying-old-debts-nothing-new-spending-video/
I need to read up more on devolution. That does seem to be the underpinning of the weirdness going on right now.
There’s a whole series which you probably know about. I have only read snippets but want to read the whole thing.
Dr. Jordan Peterson explodes about the ‘vaccine’.
H/T: Citizen Free Press
Jordan Peterson — ‘I got the Vaccine, stupid me’… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
He understands that nothing makes sense anymore, but he still appears to be unwilling to accept the reasons WHY nothing makes sense.
Like most people, they can’t believe we’re in the middle of a world war.
And the reason they can’t believe it is because either
A) there is no one fighting against the powers that are waging war against the population of planet earth
B) if there is any ‘white hat’ power opposing the takeover of planet earth, they have an arrangement with the enemy to keep it a SECRET
Which of course is insane, which brings into doubt that there is any organized ‘white hat’ entity at all.
Secrecy facilitates the enemy takeover.
If the enemy is trying to keep WW3 a secret, why would any so-called ‘good guys’ go along with that plan?
What’s the game, tit-for-tit?
Sounds like a rigged game.
Not quite. They have been SILENCED.
Dr Tenpenny
Dr Zylanko
Dr. Luc Montagnier
Dr Didier Raoult
Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr Roger Hodkinson
Dr Malone…..
Steve Bannon & his associates
DR. REINER FUELLMICH LAWYER and the Berlin Corona Committee. ==> Nuremberg 2.0
Not to mention the Arizona audits, Mike Lindell, and a bunch of other stuff going on to TAKE OVER THE REBOOBS.
They haven’t just been silenced. They’ve been labelled as unreliable, which is libelous and slanderous in and of itself.
Yes, those people are all trying and doing what they can. I was referring to any kind of organized opposition, e.g., the secret military in charge of the country concept, or the former DJT administration, or patriot military intelligence, etc.
In other words, opposition on the inside with access to the levers of power, an entity that is professionally trained and a worthy adversary, as opposed to individual civilians
Jordan Peterson says “not to get conspiratorial…” YES he SHOULD get conspiratorial…because that will lead to a deeper understanding of what is really happening. He is such a brilliant mind…but seems to be putting unnecessary road blocks to his own ability to recognize the bigger picture aka The Great Reset/New World Order. So close…but yet so far.
If people only knew about the conspiracy they would be rendered mentally ill fairly fast.
“If people only knew about the conspiracy they would be rendered mentally ill fairly fast.”
We know.
Did it make us mentally ill?
Looks to me as if he wants to be liked by whomever prevails in the world war. We used to call this, hedging your bets.
Yes, we really ARE in a World War, and I don’t think most people understand what that war really is.
Around the world, a handful of people run everything. And they do things like manipulate advertising, give the peasants “bread and circuses,” and scare the shit out of everyone with fake health crises like Covid.
But there are billions of peasants. The problem is that the peasants have gotten comfortable with their peasantry.
It is getting more uncomfortable daily to be a peasant, though. Look back through world history at what happens when the peasants get sufficiently uncomfortable for a preview of coming attractions. When the privations get bad enough, populations revolt.
No military in the world will fight against ALL of the people. After all, most of the military comes from the peasant class. But the few “rulers” at the top, in all their hubris and ignorance, always think that they will. Until they don’t…
The end of this is in the hands of the people, “en masse.” When enough are fed up with it, it ends. Period. We here are different, in that we are hyper-aware of what is going on. We are waiting for the ignorant to get uncomfortable enough to stir. And when they do, watch out!
This War, global peasants including Americans, better rise up before the gulag/camps are instituted.
If we think it’s hard now to resist or defy… once their enforcement troops are brought out peasants rising up en masse wont happen for decades.
Mysterious blasts have been happening in China.
And the ChiComs are trying to cover it up.
Muslim Uyghurs doing payback for China’s genocide?
India delivers more truth in China than our propaganda news.
Hoping for more blasts in China.
I can imagine multiple scenarios in regard to these blasts.
1st thought- Xi is consolidating power prior to becoming KING XI at next years commie conference.. his minions are eliminating the opposition , my guess it is those Xi knows for certain will not approve of a King Xi.
2nd and naturally reciprocal-.. Xi’s rival opposition factions , not happy with Xi’s heavy handed commie ‘negotiating skills’ show their displeasure.. with tit for tat bombings everywhere ,
This is tricky business -once initiated ,This could go on for some time , as in ‘ The beatings will continue until moral improves ‘ for both sides/factions.
3rd- Who knows who struck who first, but it appears at this early stage, there is no ‘ total and complete control’ to ‘prevent’ the bombings altogether… yet. Good this means they are all bleeding.
Separately, but not unrelated
There is talk in other quarters of a falling out between Xi and Cabal.
Why ? One faction or another feels cheated, blamed or.. double-crossed.
With so many factions involved, both chi knee and Cabal , it it does not take very long to realize the possible combinations of butt hurt any of the players may feel is exponentially
I have enough on my plate, rather not go there,as long as they’re bleeding I’m content to wait.
I thought this was very interesting.
I vaguely recall a study that showed that administered statins had no improvement all-causes mortality — they just made cholesterol numbers “look better.” That and a liver-synthesized statin being an indicator for future Type II diabetes seem….ominous….
My vascular surgeon says they also have antithrombotic properties. More here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15569822/
Yeah, I get that — but it’s a symptom of the type of pigeonholed medicine we practice.
Back about five years, I really looked into it (which means, BTW, that I have no links), and I kept coming back to “statins show no improvement in all-causes mortality”. The heart guys loved ’em, ’cause they made heart numbers look better — the liver guys, not so much. The circulation guys said “no thrombosis! these are great!” — the kidney guys, not so much. Maybe they improved body function all over the place but made you dizzy enough to faint in front of cars — who knows?
All-causes mortality showed that whatever benefit was being derived from these drugs was merely being taken from somewhere else. It was pushing the problem off onto some other specialist (who you might not yet be seeing). It never fixed an actual problem “cleanly”.
Back when I had a doctor I halfway trusted, I took ’em for a while. I doubt I ever will going forward.
IMHO, just another drug they get you to take forever with no real benefit .
I also “took” them when my numbers were approaching 200, and stopped when I wasn’t able to rise out of bed without rolling over the side because of the back pain.
That’s when I started to take a serious look at the world of Big Pharm. and Dr. relationships.
Dr. Jason Fung: Financial Conflicts of Interests and the End of Evidence-Based Medicine
I can not post that video enough!!! It needs to be spread far and wide.
Excellent reasoning – and precisely the kind of thinking that Fauci intentionally ignores to suppress.
Fauci always “plays the problem down to a sub-part that can be flipped in some perspective, to support the antithesis of greater truth, while distracting and delaying”.
The Bolsheviks at C&EN and their favored voices in science play the same game. Most scientists can’t catch it – they’ve been trained to think the way that Fauci exploits.
Fake Science – which would horrify the classic titans of science – is MASSIVE.
Statins cause issues with the Mitochondrial respiratory chain. They get in the way of the action of Coenzyme Q-10, along with the other “participants” in the ADP–> ATP transformation…
Thanks for explaining the meson things. They’re less mysterious to me now. Not sure what they can be used for, which is why they’re mysterious. Ah, well, fleeting thoughts on fleeting objects….
And as noted, a lot of the inhabitants of the particle zoo is rather forgettable, but this makes it likely to be omitted and then the whole rest of the non-forgettable particle fauna becomes unnecessarily magical (in the sense of «magic number» in software) and unexplained as well.
So it is really helpful to have the intermediate results shown, even as they are just intermediate, and are not carried to the answer.
«Three quarks for Muster Mark» — from Finnegans Wake is where the term came from.
The number of them is also right for the duration.
I’ve sometimes looked over the lists of baryons, looking to see how “complete” they are. In other words, are all the possible combinations of quarks represented?
They don’t expect to ever see a top quark in one of them; apparently top quarks just don’t live long enough to let the strong force grab onto them.
That omega particle, it turns out, is now the generic term for any baryon that doesn’t contain even one up or down quark–so it runs from sss, to ssc, to scc…all the way up through bbb. And apparently not all of them have been detected yet.
It’s geeky fun…and yes it’s good to read the story of how they served as a stepping stone to quarks. But actually remembering what they are? I had to look all of this up. I remembered enough to know what to look for, but I couldn’t remember any of the names.
It’s a bit like *not* re-deriving the quadratic formula every time you want to use it. You might forget how, but at least you know it has been derived, and can go look it up if you really do need it. You just won’t ever, unless you’re a math teacher.
Actually, it’s easier to “un-derive” it — and it’s an exercise that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time.
The trick with deriving the quadratic equation is to do the opposite of what is usually being done. And perhaps also know when to do this.
The big focus is usually to simplify equations once the unknown has been separated to one side, but here the equation is then expanded by adding the square of half the first-degree term’s coefficient on both sides. This is like aiming for making a full square on that one side, which then allows us to take the square root of the whole thing, and proceed from there.
But having done it once for the general case, it is easier to remember the solution and plug in the coefficients into that.
That’s why the reverse path seems so easy by comparison.
The varieties of quarks seem designed to document orgies. “Noted top Madame Zelinski practices her art with strangeness and charm with bottoms Ned Nebbish and Obedient Ophelia.”
Ha ha ha!
I’m down with that. What else is up?
Dreams of Quark(s)…

Low fat, no less…. less mass…
Admittedly I could have looked up the exact poem name…but I was feeling a bit rushed by the time I got to that sentence.
There is actually pretty good reason to suppose that there are only three “generations” of quarks, now. There are arguments I can’t understand (like the ones that averred there must be more than two), plus one I can (I actually thought of it myself but can’t claim no one else didn’t think of it long before I did). Future post.
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
And…𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 didn’t kill himself.
Oops too early with that one.
And Epstein didn’t win. Yes, too early.
Americans did not elect Joe Biden.
New Schlichter —
Beware — it’s one of his “usually behind a paywall” dealios, so it’s not just text.
Also it is NOT slam Dunk.
Provocation and Provocation with Intent….
Rittenhouse Trial Day 9: Prosecution Big Win On “Provocation” Jury Instruction Saves Chance At Conviction
For Leftists STOPPING DESTRUCTION or Carrying a gun is “ Provocation with Intent’ because we are supposed to ‘GIVE THEM ROOM TO DESTROY’ — Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake — April 2015.
Yup. They retreat to their perversion of law.
World Economic Forum embraces a METAVERSE future…
What Is The Metaverse ? And Why Should I Care ?
My face 2020 AND 2021.
2022 needs to be a breakout year for ALL of us.
If “WTF?” had a face, this would be it!
Pray for this kid…he is up against a Beast.
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/090/339/107/original/c9bf28db08315538.mp4" /]
de-fanging biden’s weaponized OSHA…
Florida…To Decide On Withdrawing State From OSHA’s Oversight And Allowing Employers To Sue Over biden’s Vaccine Mandates, In Emergency Special Session Next Week
article link…
Gov DeSantis has called state legislators for a special session to consider various proposals that push back against biden’s COVID 19 “vaccine mandates” for workers and employers.
the main piece of legislation being considered is to decide whether Florida should withdraw itself from the partisan oversight of biden’s OSHA.
do it !
more, at the link.
If Florida does it, other states will follow! I hope so much they go for it. One of the keys to re-taking America is states reclaiming their Constitutional rights.
MeThinks Montana would be the second state.
It’s possible. Our governor is a businessman. He understands what OSHA overreach costs. And how it undermines small business.
States Decoupling from Fed OSHA and likely MANY Agencies IS A GREAT way to FIGHT BACK AGAINST FEDERAL OVER REACH.
EVERY Red state ought to be doing this.
Now here’s the bad news…it sounds enough like a rehash of Calhoun’s “nullification” doctrine to be treated accordingly.
Calhoun ultimately lost that argument.
I’ll have to look into Calhoun.
Across the board. It seems to me, the states, counties and cities enable the Feds by playing partner. A willing accomplice, enforcing Fed laws, regulations, mandates…
States, counties, cities doing the grunt work, ENFORCING FED BS.
So, states, counties and cities STOP being accomplices in the tyranny. If Feds threaten or do cut off funding, so be it.
In addition to Fuck Joe Biden, FUCK THE FEDS, comes to mind.
A different aspect of it is the feds blackmailing states with their own money. E.g., pass the 55 mile an hour speed limit or you don’t get highway funding.
That finally collapsed when one state threatened to just raise their limits and say “fuck the highway money.” That would have made their entire congressional delegations permanent votes against future highway bills, so the feds finally backed off on that shit.
About that ‘enforcing fed laws’ thing …
I’d add ‘except immigration laws’.
Agree. AND, NOT release illegals on request from Feds. Hold for trial OR bus to NH, CA, NY, IL, NJ, CT…
By that I assume you mean the Civil War. We’ll somethings you just have to try twice, and when you go in with a different argument you may just well win. Meanwhile not making the argument is too accept the boot on your neck. Calhoun had a great argument going in, states rights, but slavery got wrapped around that axle. We don’t have that issue, though the left would certainly wish to smear us with something similar, but were going to do our version of Critical Theory and tell them to take a hike. Meanwhile what they are trying to do is wrap us up with vaccine mandates. Hell no, CT their asses. Not accepting it and instead were going to wrap the unethical, unmoral and unscientific vaccine mandates and heck of lot more around their necks and watch them swing.
If you’re like me and don’t watch the doofuses on the Fake News, then you may not have seen how much they lied about and maligned Kyle Rittenhouse.
Here is a compilation of some of it:
[video src="https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/090/341/428/original/dfcb098f41b2134d.mp4" /]
I don’t have cable, and I don’t watch TV much. The handful of times lately when I have caught something on a screen in a business or bar, I have been SHOCKED. The news is ALL lies, the advertisements are all gays, trannies, and freaks, and the shows are completely stupid. No wonder people are morons if they watch that shit all the time.
It’s propaganda of the worst kind.
Disturbing “zoom” segment toward the middle of that video montage where Toobin was lotioning up his hands after unzipping & playing w/ his own boob tube apparently–barf!

Exactly. KAPO is a MONSTER – Obama’s pet dirty judge.
Wheatie! You are on fire with these memes!
The only reason to discriminate against the unvaccinated is to eliminate the control group — so it’s impossible to know how badly they screwed-up doing the vax.
Has there been any sign of GA/FL lately?
She checked in very briefly yesterday. Her daughter’s health has been in crisis again, so she is busy.
Thanks! Will pray for them both.
Thanks Wolfie!

Tbh. I think they are deliberately trying to get a mistrial in the Rittenhouse case as this one has been a train wreck for the prosecution. They want a do over
This is the Woman who sued Trump in 2016 for

gropingher and her shady, ambulance chasinglawyer..
The Corrupt, Bald face Lying media beat it to death for 5 years! Seems she dropped her lawsuit, curious will the MLM cover this?
Who, the one on the right?
The one on the leftist SHE IS SCUM
the notorious Gloria Allred…

famed ambulance chaser and women’s rights lawyer…and protector of harvey weinsten’s secrets.
boo hiss
“slip AND fall lawyer” in Levin’s most contemptuous, yet melodious, voice
Which one can tell the more believable story that she was groped against her will?
Putting it better: Which one can tell a reliable story that someone would want to grope her, let alone do it against her will?
Here We Go!
Why would there be rioting… none of the people who tried to kill him were blick, were they?
There were all panti-fa soy pajama boys, weren’t they?
Who’s going to be upset if the pantie-boys take one in the gotcha?
it’s just a bad sign all the way around

I had the same questions, then I read that from the get-go they labeled Kyle as a white sypremacist. The people he shot were white, so of course there is no logic to any of it. I guess we’ll see what the rioters say, if they can put together a complete sentence. Maybe they will carry signs.
Yep. Signs that someone else wrote…
Michelle is a warrior for Good.
GREAT interview. Have spammed it out.
Dr. Robert Malone: “This is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World.” – The New American
Direct Rumble link:
Dr. Malone: “This is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World.” (rumble.com)
There is a simple explanation. Democrats are communists.
Hell yeah!
Praying for Kyle.
Judge Schroeder and he was appointed by a Democrat. His explanation about not understanding technology and allowing the blurry, doctored photo as evidence is disingenuous imo. The photo which dovetails with the Provocation charge.
Suspicious Cat on his Lee Greenwood’s ‘God Bless the USA’ ringtone, which went off loudly at least 3 times on 2 separate days. I think the fix is in.
tampering with evidence !
directed verdict of acquittal !!
Let’s hope. The ‘photo expert’ testified that he never compared the original with the enhanced photo. Red flag.
And he was saying, somewhat off topic, about not understanding his phone enough to read his txt’s. I wondered then if he was making a pretext for the accidentaly introduced ring tones. I may be wrong, I hope I am, I’m getting very distrusting.
Yes! He went on and on multiple times about not understanding how to work even the simplest technology. It was very strange.
Something is going on, that’s for sure. Assuming a not guilty verdict, or the case being tossed, the preparations for riots look like all of it has a purpose.
Washington Post columnist demands CNN retract claim that Steele dossier had been ‘partly corroborated’ after key source was arrested for lying – as paper corrects its own stories
Check out the comments at the Illegitimate Occupants Facebook.
The Great Awakening:
Jobs are up, wages are up, home… – President Joe Biden | Facebook
The Facebook memories function can be interesting at times…
Yes! Very interesting!
I was not aware that the likes of Will Farrel and Mark Wahlberg were also telling Biden to go F himself.
^^^ LIKE. ^^^
IMHO, Mark Wahlberg is the SEXIEST MAN ALIVE. There is no competition. Crown him now for all time.
You haven’t seen me yet.
You could change my mind!
I doubt it. LOL!
You never know…
LMAO!!! Most brazen regular dude response ever! A+
I have never been accused of being ‘brazen’ before.
But have you been accused of being full of it? That’s the critical query.
You need to have a statue made
I could do it myself…I know how to ‘braze’ metal together.
Aubergine, post a favorite pic of Wahlberg?
Hope this one works:

Here’s another. You can never have too many!
Aubergine…oh, yes: very nice, Thanks!!!!
AND, a twofer!!!
84 Million Americans not wrong Patriots Standhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/13.1.0/svg/1fa78.svg
She is an AZ poll worker that double counted biden votes! And took 9batches of ballots from a back room to add to the pile! ARREST HER AND WATCH HOW FAST SHE TELLS WHO PAID HER TO CHEAT!
Last Friday Gov. Lee in TN signed into law COVID legislation that prohibited government, schools and business from mandating vaccines. It also prohibits mask mandates by schools and other entities unless there are at least 1000 positive cases present within a population of 100,000 people within a 14 day period.
Gov. Lee wanted more in it and has been working with legislators relating to permitting visitors in nursing homes regardless of COVID issues when end of life is involved.
So, in addition to the federal judge putting a hold on Brandon’s mandate; the above legislation is in place in Tennessee. Despite this, Covenant Health chose to inform employees they would enforce the vaccination mandate of Brandon’s and other corrupt,, murderous politicians and Big Pharm controlled businesses.
I am still tracking where and what happened through other sources since the news media is not so strangely silent, but last night all non-jabbed employees walked out of our local hospital that is part of the Covenant group. All non-jabbed employees scheduled to report on their shift today planned not to do so. I know because a SIL was in it due to having pneumonia. She is immune depressed with COPD. Fortunately, she was scheduled to come home today anyway.
Will provide more when I know more.
ALL great news. Including SIL coming home. Hope more health chains have massive walk outs.
A word to Republicans!!!
These actions can be made stronger by:
People need to be deeply concerned about the Masons. That cult runs deep in my family. I was too independent and contrary to fall into that trap. Most members never progress beyond the social, lodge stage. But others do and it is demonic.
You are correct.
Through some “unusual” circumstances that I am literally afraid to detail here, I know a bit about the “inner workings” of the Masons.
People would be shocked. And probably scared, to be honest.
The Masons are a cult. Honestly, they remind me strongly of the Scientologists in the way their hierarchy works. Most of the “lesser” Masons are just brain-washed followers. They convince them they are “good.”
Same here. Those who take the Christian faith seriously rarely have or continue involvement with the cult. The permitted activities, allegiances, changing of the Word, etc. will turn them from being involved.
There are connections there. L.Ron Hubbard stole from all manner of “religions” and cults…
And, as far as Masons go, http://www.cuttingedge.org has a whole section on them. There are many non-public writings (Pike, Mackay, Blackmer, Burns, and others) that show what they’re really about.
Here’s an example: https://www.cuttingedge.org/free16.htm
(Signs and symbols of Freemasonry and Satanism
This is one of the best exposes I’ve ever seen. I posted about it recently and will continue to do so. It’s five hours long and can be watched in stages. It’s by Australian musician Altiyan Childs, who used to be a Mason.
Scroll down the page to access the video. It is right after a warning about graphic content.
The denizens of The Q Tree, led by our host Wolf Moon, are indeed a kind of —
“The Bosons of Zero Spin” !
(force-carrying persons who present the Truth of the matter)
LOL! Truth and Beauty! I remember that, too, Steve! I thought that Top and Bottom were cheap corruptions, and I preferred the playfulness of “Truth, Beauty, Strangeness and Charm”!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, November 13, 2021
“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
Matthew 10:16 (KJV)
Thank you Duchess.
Great to see you, Duchess!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
Yeah Tennessee Volunteers!
“The greatest concern we have, and the reason this came about, is the federal mandate for requiring businesses to vaccinate their employees,” Lee said Wednesday. “That created the General Assembly’s response.”
Found on Gab :
Perfectly expresses how I feel. PERFECTLY.
It hurts to the core when the “vaccinated” are close family members — they “follow the science” / they “had to get vaccinated to keep their job” / “it’s better than getting COVID” (and then got “breakthrough cases”).
I have one I think is vaccinated, my eldest son. But he turned so liberal after college that I had long since lost all respect for him, sadly. I love him dearly, but I have zero respect, which break my heart. I didn’t ask about his vaccine status because I didn’t need another nail in that coffin.
I didn’t expect any loyalty from any of them. They weren’t loyal to anyone other than themselves before. Why would that change?
They left out “muh fear.” Many people are afraid of getting sick and want to safeguard their health. Some are cancer survivors or diabetics, etc. I don’t think evey single person who got vaxed willingly bent the knee to tyrants. Many didn’t know they were tyrants. But I understand the point.
Not far from this:
A story is told of a very rich man and a beautiful young woman.
Smitten by her, yet even still a rake, he asked her, “Would you sleep with me for $1,000,000.00?”
Pausing for a moment, she replied, “Well…. hmmm….. yes”.
To which he replied, “What about $200.00”?
“WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM????!!!!” was her angry response.
“We’ve established that,” he said, “now we’re just haggling over price:”…..
Groucho Marx to some starlet.
(an oldie but a goodie !)

Always a great rant, Steve. Thank you!
Jason Miller
Not good, Intel, not good!
“U.S. Companies Aid China’s Bid for Chip Dominance Despite Security Concerns”
Ya know, China or anyone else could NOT have chip dominance IF we the worlds LONE source of the BEST Silica used to make the chips, would cut off that supply. Hard to make a good chip without it. Think HEAT. Our Silica is MUCH better by FAR than ANY other in the world. IT dissipates the heat much more efficiently, and has much better properties that make it really the ONLY choice for todays super chips.
NO US Silica, poor chips that FAIL, and a BANKRUPT China chip supplier
Actually this doesn’t make sense to me.
Chips are made on silicon (not silica). Silicon is an element, silica is one possible ore of that element. (Silicon dioxide, quartz.)
Once separated from the ore, silicon is silicon. You have to be able to make it ultra pure (which maybe they can’t do as well as we do? I doubt that’s an issue), but it’s just silicon, and US silicon isn’t somehow better than theirs.
Actually it IS it is more “pure” (the amount of silica in the silicon) makes it better. Actually the “purest” comes from somewhere in NC not Silicon valley. It is anywhere from 25 to 50X more pure and better for chip making than anywhere else. I read it somewhere, I will try to find the link.
Silica is not “in” silicon. It’s the other way around. Silica is silicon dioxide, and it’s about as common as butts. It’s literally the most common material in the earth’s crust, in that context it’s known as quartz and is about 10% of the earth’s crust, though there are local variations.
And silicon is an element; no other chemical can be “in” it.
Your recollection of what you read seems very confused.
And TSMC is probably the best out there (at least in volume manufacturing).
And the best litho company in the world is Dutch, IIRC…
Have to wonder just how long Moore’s Law will hold out. Subatomic litho sizes might be a bit, erm, challenging to pull off.
Who was that mask(ed) man….
Please pray for Gil and family today.
Amen. We have not heard anything.
Breaking — 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rules against Biden Vaccine Mandate

Appeals Court Affirms Injunction Against Joe Biden’s OSHA Vaccine Mandate – Full 22-Page Ruling
The ruling is savage. Brutal. SCOTUS may very well refuse to hear this case and leave this ruling in place.
Beat me by a few seconds, AGREED. They had better not F this up. If we the people feel we have no recourse, it will be terrible in the repercussions!
That would be the wisest course for the Supremes. It keeps them out of it, and accomplishes much.
I seriously hope they don’t. They talk about employees, but not contract workers and volunteers who are put at the same risk level. There are bishops out there demanding that VOLUNTEERS in various ministries in the Church get jabbed. That also needs to be swatted down.
It would be a lot harder for a volunteer to show they had been harmed by an action. Unfortunately, the way things work is if you are fighting something unconstitutional, you don’t have “standing” unless the unconstitutional act harmed you. This is why people who want to fight an unconstitutional law have to be arrested for violating it first.
A worker can say, “I was denied a livelihood” but a volunteer who’s denied the chance to volunteer? How can they show harm? Almost by definition, a volunteer is giving up something of value (their own time and labor) for no compensation. If anything, forbidding them from volunteering could be considered a benefit.
You can get an in kind contribution invoice for tax purposes at certain skill levels, but the real problem comes in that enough people who are jabbed are more than willing to take your place. And executives will kiss you good bye.
I doubt even that would fly…because the tax benefit won’t equal what you gave up.
If I donate $100 to a non-profit and they give me a receipt, it only saves me 20-35 dollars on taxes (or so–depends on tax brackets which I do not have memorized). I’m still out a net 80-65 bucks. Likewise with in-kind; the good or service given is worth much more than the tax benefit and from a pure accounting standpoint is a loss.
But in the end, you’re right–the heads of those organizations are more than willing to replace you (and they’re probably woke turds in the first place; that sort of thing attracts them). Someone writing for national review decades ago (80s or 90s) pointed out that ANY organization not explicitly conservative will become leftist over time. They had in mind foundations and charities and the like, but it sure does seem to apply to corporations, too, doesn’t it? I’m sure they were optimistic…the explicitly conservative ones rot away too.
Well, here’s how a volunteer can show harm.
I know several people intimately who are long-time volunteers for a local charity. They are mostly elderly. One person is homeless, and probably mildly schizophrenic. This charity accommodates them all, whatever their disability or issue. They have weekly cookouts, daily coffee and snacks like fruit and healthy food. The charity pays for all this. They give each volunteer tasks they are able to accomplish.
The harm is the loss of MEALS, physical exercise, and necessary social interaction. Put ANY psychologist on the stand, and the harm of LONELINESS in the elderly can be amply demonstrated. The schizophrenic’s mental health benefit is also enormous.
We CAN show harm to volunteers, I promise you that.
Likely was not a good idea for Biden to tell business and states to ignore that one judge who put the hold on the mandates.
The Supreme court has ruled. Now let them enforce it. (Andrew Jackson, though I probably didn’t get it quite right…and yes, we’re not talking about SCOTUS here but the reminds-me-of is still strong.)
My latest for those interested.
Oh, and you can add another crack,
The 5th circuit UPHELD its injunction against Biden and the Cabal’s using of OSHA to enforce their INSANE “vaccine” mandate. Now, Only SCOTUS remains, and they had better damn well PAY ATTENTION to not only the Constitution, but also the WILL of we the people. I am talking to YOU Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch, and especially Roberts. Your power, just like Dems in Congress, and the FRAUD Biden comes from WE the people, whether you believe it or not.
No matter how much you think you can abuse that trust now that you are in the club, ALWAYS remember this WE the PEOPLE grant you that power, even if by indifference to your abuses for a TIME. We ALLOW or TOLLERATE it. We can decide to NOT tolerate it, and then you are FUBAR. That day IS coming, and if you don’t believe that, then go right ahead and do something un Constitutional to us AGAIN like Obama care. This is MUCH worse, and IF you F this up again, God help you.
You think Jan 6th was an “insurrection” LOL you have NO IDEA what a REAL insurrection is, and God help you if we EVER have to SHOW you. You will NOT like it one bit. Hell will have no fury compared to 100000000 pissed off Americans who have had ENOUGH. NOTHING will save you, not hallowed halls, not judicial robes, not security, not the military, The founding Fathers wrote in EXPLICITLY a clause that is the countermeasure to political activism and ignoring of We the People. DO NOT make us use it, you WILL regret it.
History is LITTERED with TYRANTS who ABUSED their people’s trust. It NEVER ends well. Tyrants NEVER win, they only rule for a time, and then it ends BADLY for them. Mussolini, Hitler, Napoleon, Louis XVI, Ivan the Terrible, Genghis Kahn, and too many to list. They ABUSE their power, and their people’s rights and freedoms, thinking they are untouchable. They ALL were proved WRONG, and suffered the consequences.
History is watching the winds and the pendulum has begun to swing BACK again, better be on the RIGHT side of this, or suffer similar fates as past tyrants. The clock IS ticking. Your THEFT and abuses in 2020 did not let you “win” it only awaked a sleeping giant, and that giant’s wrath is swift and terrible once unleashed!
Let your voice be heard every where
If it helps turn the tide make it so!
amen brother
Gotta look out for those onion relishes!
very sinister & trying times
http://www.engrish.com has a bunch of, erm, typos… they also have a brog, but there’s nothing posted on it so far…
Another example that the Great Awakening is happening…and why culture is so important to the future.
This young man reacting to independent artists like Burden and Tom MacDonald has been Red Pilled…actually thought that Joe Biden was cool in the beginning. Now, he is questioning the vaccine and thinks it is all about control…also thinks the elections were rigged. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
I know that Rap is not everyone’s cup of tea…but I post this to show that there is a growing trend out there. I am here to support that trend.
WARNING: Language.
Just a reminder from Dr. Zelenko from August 2, as I have grown tired of Karens reminding me that I am not a medical professional, AFTER first pushing their ‘professional’ medical opinions on me…
Aug 2
• Zinc / Zinc Ionophore approach inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP)
• RDRP is essential for some RNA viruses such as:
• all the Corona virus strains
• all the influenza strains
Zinc Ionophores include:
• Hydroxychloroquine
• Ivermectin
• Quercetin
We can potentially cure all Corona, Influenza, and RSV infections with a safe, cheap, and oral treatment approach.
This is why the Globalists, Pharmaceutical industry, tyrants, despots, and devolved pagans are opposing this is approach.
It undermines their agenda, profits, and the use of fear as a weapon.
We must resist and sacrifice at all costs and win the war for God consciousness and freedom from tyranny.
Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
Zelenko is absolutely right. Pharma is approaching the problem of viruses all wrong. They are doing so in a way that funds science. They are NOT doing it in a way that helps people.
Judicial Watch
479K subscribers
Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses new, exclusive videos, audio, and photos we obtained of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Also–the Biden DOJ is targeting Steve Bannon over January 6 as well as James O’Keefe of Project Veritas over the diary of one of Biden’s family members. WATCH NOW!
Political Moonshine hits it out of the park.
Yes – the idea that this whole thing is a FRAUD CONSTRUCT is powerful.
Seems a bit more active than usual for a Saturday, and I am sure it’s not my physics story.
IDK what the weather is like where you are, but it’s cold and overcast here. Maybe more people are inside.
Definitely November.
Sleety/snowy for much of the day in Detroit area. Perfect weather to watch the Lions manage to Not lose a game this season for the first time. They also managed to Not win either–LOL!
People are just thirsting for moar
Steve if I may ask how is it going with your job and having to get the jab or are you spared from having to take the jab?
I am thinking of everyone who still is in the workforce concerning the Biden mandate.
I have an approved exemption, now it’s just waiting to see whether they think they can “accomodate” me or “have to let me go.”
Said accomodation may include draconian conditions.
I hope it works out for you. Glad you have and exemption.
Not everyone should take the jab for some people the jab is deadly because of their condition.
Biden has a nerve he is not an MD where is he taking his rights from?
I do not believe their is a law past from congress either.
As I said you and everyone who has a job is on my mind and I hope sane dissensions prevail.
At this point, I’m suspecting “smallpox blankets” testing….hopefully, said accommodation is a “drastic” work-from-home mandate.
Unbelievable–delusional despots seem to lurk everywhere!
When all the clot shot culled drop dead or non-functional from the spike poison they’ll be praying they could still have you around!
LOL, I’m planning to Re-read &/or read for the first time ALL of your physics posts in order to try to get a grip on an elusive arena for me, but that free time reading will probably not happen til after the holidays.
Thanks for All that you put in your very expansive posts. It is Appreciated even if not always Comprehended
I don’t remember which commercial said “parts is parts”, but PARTS IS PARTS!
You just gotta love the guy flipping the bird in the background. I miss the 70s-80s.
LMAO!!! Oh, that’s hilarious!
There were a series of these back then. One I remember is a father running his daughter through some exercises and she complains. He tells her, ‘Walk it off. Just walk it off.’
I used that line on customers who whined about the prices of car parts. Still makes me smile.
My dad “walked off” sprained ankles in Both football AND basketball. Me, I couldn’t bear the weight of a sheet on my foot. De pain, de pain!!!
Well, a little less than good news. I have a positive Abbott test as of yesterday. Launched right into the triple-dose FLCCC protocol, adding Mercola’s H2O2 nebulizing. Fever is in the 99s and I can still taste everything. Just tired, slight headache, post nasal drip and no appetite. We called our longtime family doc last night and he has gotten us both in for antibodies today at the ER. The hospital website says a person living with someone positive should get it as well.
So here’s the real question? I don’t want to screw up anything, but should I take the Ivermectin today? I don’t imagine anyone at the hospital will give me a straight answer, as I assume they don’t administer it.
I can’t imagine it would be harmful, or negate the antibodies, right? I don’t want to stop the regular protocol.
I’d take it.
It looks like Joe Rogan, who had good medical care, took monoclonal antibodies and Ivermectin together.
And others have, too.
I thought so. Will do later in the day. We’re about ready to leave and I don’t want stomach upset away from home.
Thanks for the reply. (Hubby is negative so I have a driver.)
Sooner the better. That’s what we’ve been told. You don’t need to delay once you suspect and it will make it better for when you add the second dose later. Remember your doing this so you can open a passage way for the zinc, so the zinc can do its magic.
I already started daily Ivermectin yesterday. We’re following FLCCC triple dose (me) / and double (hubby). With all the supplements, gargle, nasal spray and Dr. Mercola’s nebulizer treatments with a drop each of H2O2 and lugols 2% in the saline.
Good! I agree with that decision, too. Ivermectin seems to always help.
I’m thinking of creating a separate COVID case update thread in the sidebar, which you and others could also use to keep people informed, although I find the open threads very “homey” and supportive, too.
What do you think? Would you like me to create a separate thread that can be clicked out of the sidebar?
My dilemma with separate threads is that people continue to communicate in the dailiy, and then the info from the daily doesn’t get placed in the side thread.
Or, if info gets placed in the side thread, people don’t see it as they read the daily.
I leave it up to others to decide…
I went ahead and created the other thread so that sick people can CHOOSE whichever place they feel more comfortable – or BOTH. I want there to be no rules on it – whatever they or anybody else chooses to do. Other people can put links to comments from people in the opens or the dedicated health thread in the other one – i.e., they can spread the word. I just want to accelerate the flow of information AND give people the option to communicate where they feel most comfortable.
Here is the link!
Thank you!
the invalid thread
I guess I’m still working in I.T.!
I meant the thread for the INvalids. (not inVALid
Be sure the code is thread-aware and thread-safe
(boy, that goes back a-ways… coding for concurrent processing… not to mention array processors)…
OTT errors!
Awesome concept boss–thanks!
It’s 6/half dozen for me. I kind of like it in the mix.
Yes on the sidebar! Both open threads AND sidebar! Thanks
We decided to go for the Regeneron, since it’s so early and my husband is not even positive . . . because I have a cousin-in-law who’s 90, and 2 others in their 70s in Texas (vaccinated) that got sick and beat it with antibodies. And FLCCC has it listed. As I said, still following the protocol.
Knock this bad boy down and out! The quicker, the better.
Excellent! Regeneron has the TRUMP SEAL OF APPROVAL. Glad you could get it!
Yes, you DID get on top of this extremely early. That’s why I love those antigen tests. They’re not TOO sensitive. You get a positive test, then you’ve almost certainly GOT it, and in a fully treatable state.
You cannot find them in stores anymore though, at all. We had to order from Walgreens online.
WOW. They reduce fear. Pretty soon Fauci is gonna ban them.
Looks like you are treating aggressively…
Aggressive traetment IS what DR Z, Kory and all the gurus preach.
Positive thoughts your way.
Please update when you can.
No worries. Feel better.
You ok to take pepcid? Its every 12 for me. I even have zofran if needed.
Sorry i missed youre sick to. Sounds like your dr is on top of keeping you healthy. Get better too.
I’m following the FLCCC protocol, had monoclonal antibody treatment on Saturday. Hope you’re doing better as well.
Good wishes and prayers for your recovery and decisions along the way.
Sending positive thoughts your way.
Prayers to you and your husband for speedy recovery .
Thanks very much, we’re back from the antibody adventure. (Regeneron)
Excellent! How was it? I’m curious what the whole experience feels like – simple, somewhat involved, or dramatic (or overly so).
Nothing much, after all the CYA paperwork to read, it takes a half-hour, then you lay there for another hour or so to see if you’re OK.
You feel ok? Take good care get lots of rest and take your vitamins
My rt said MCA is the way to go.
Yup. I agree. Start jailing them. There will be no respect for election law without it.
Jail is sweet. 3 meals a day, play chess with Deputy Barney Fife… well, probably play chess with Andy, and play checkers with Barney.
And get home cooked meals and a newspaper each day from Aunt Bee.
Probably better than home for a lot of people.
PRISON, on the other hand, is not so nice.
And you get Grossburger for a cell mate.
Absolutely, jail! What they did has changed all of our lives in every state, the condition of the United States, and world events. The consequences can’t be overstated.
The more the government grows, the more we lose of who we are as a free people.
This is one of my favorite reads of the week! A trucker tells all about his experiences with Covid and how trucking really is. And this is a seriously educated man. Talk about busting stereotypes!
“Something not often talked about is the extreme loneliness. I can go days without having a conversation with another person. I’ve always been a loner, but still, it gets to you. My best friends are podcasters. If you have family or a friend who drives a truck, call them. Give them 30 minutes or so. A surprise call from a friend makes my day.
There is so much more I could write about. The danger, for instance—trucking is one of the top five most dangerous professions. A lot of us die out here. I’ve seen the death of motorists up close.
What makes me giggle is the misconception that truckers are stupid. I was watching a sitcom a couple days ago and a character complained, “Stupid trucker blew his horn.” For the record, I have two college degrees, business and mathematics. I hold two union trades cards, Millwright and Pipefitter. I’ve taught welding, middle school algebra, and skydiving. I have also built and raced my own stock car and published six novels*.”
““Something not often talked about is the extreme loneliness. I can go days without having a conversation with another person.”
He should get a CB radio for Christmas!
Then push the button on the handset and say “Break 1-9, break 1-9, anybody out there?”
That’s all ya gots to do…
And if you’re bored, you can even start a convoy!
Lol! I am old enough to remember those movies!
I wonder if it is still like that out on the road, though. Lots of things have changed.
We even had SONGS about it!
I’m pretty sure they still use CD radios
And movies!
And they were “CB” [Citizens’ Band] radios.
More eyes are being opened every day:

Why does anybody think he’s racist?
A) when you are defending your life, you’re not checking on the rayciss of your attacker
B) weren’t the people trying to murder him all white panti-fa pajama boys?
People on fixed income who own a home might not be able to keep it when taxes go up. I know here in town many people are stretched financially.
I feel lucky but many people got taken to the cleaner when the steel industry went under. There are many reasons people loose their savings and pension not their fault.
Think about it…a $400K home will cause a $12K tax bill.
By itself that’s often more than the income tax for people in such a house.
Watch for the “Reverse Mortgage” vultures to come in for the prey.
I would actually pay to see this.
Listen to this!
Peter Navarro
#standwithsteve If you want to know how ridiculous it is for little @jamieraskin and RINO @LizCheney to be weaponizing Congress to falsely persecute Steve Bannon for Jan 6, listen to Chapter 21 of In Trump Time and buy audio version, No commitment to buy!
The DS is pressing some buttons hoping to shake loose some indication from the Trump people on what is actually going on.
Yes I think so too.
I also think what better way to find out what Bannon knows? They need to know so they can not be surprised. They are still smarting about Virginia and NJ
If POTUS 45 is smart he will protect himself and have layers between his people and himself.
I remember Lindell being upset after he showed Trump what he found concerning the voting machines he was send to a bunch of lawyers. After Lindell saw the lawyers who said not much he wanted to see POTUS 45 again and they did not let him in.
At first I was upset and then I thought they are protecting POTUS 45 and that is a good thing.
Things are not always what they seem.
indeed, panic it is
Bannon has always been a hot topic for the other side. If he is not one of the Trump team anymore, why?
And why subpoena him about Jan. 6 when it was a trap set by the other side?
This is getting weirder by the day.
Using J6 investigation to pump him for any info on anything he knows or thinks.
I think it is proof that his show and his analysis have been too good.
Also to probably bog him down with having to deal with responding to the J6 investigators, and keep him off air … he is having an effect.
And Let’s Go Brandon!
Everybody HANG ON. A site update is about to happen. You MAY encounter a “maintenance” banner.
Happened faster and smoother than expected. You may have noticed nothing.
Whoo Hoo. You sure are spinning A Lot of plates right now, boss. Don’t forget to get some much needed R & R AND Take Care of YOURSELF!!!
I am definitely taking better care of myself!!!
Keep it up, the Pack needs the Alpha fresh AND ready to hunt!!!
As we look for the tentacles connecting the elites who run the world, here’s a movie that might be too close to real [but still a good flick]:
The International
This was a link at the end of the trailer on imdb https://everybodypays.com/ about a mass class action lawsuit…hmmm
Bringing this from Marica’s Place…………… as a reminder …
Reminder: <b>Prayer Time comin’ up at 3:00 pm EST</b>
EVERYDAY WE GATHER TOGETHER by stopping what we are doing wherever we are and praying:
“… wherever two or more are gathered, there I am, in the midst of them.”
<b>Wolf Moon has a prayer request – Pray for the host company and against all the attacks against conservative social media servers, blogs and outlets. The attacks are getting bigger, more frequent and severe.</b>
November 12, 2021 at 6:51 pm
From over at The Q Tree —
<b>giloo</b> and husband are still down with COVID. She was expecting Ivermectin it didn’t arrive — I think somebody (MD, pharmacy perhaps) got cold feet and scotched it.
giloo also got bad news from her biopsy —- she has early stage endometrial cancer. Can’t go into surgery until the COVID is gone.
Marica brings news of her niece. <i><b>”Maddie</b> is getting worse…..So please increase prayers…Daughter is suggesting Havana Syndrome…Any research would be appreciated…. “</i> Please remember Marica and her family in your prayers.
Sylvia shared yesterday that she received news of the loss of three of her friends. Please hold her in your thoughts and prayers.
GA/Fl posted update this a.m.
<i>…”On top of getting used to Sally’s new diagnosis of diabetes, learning to do blood sugar testing and administer insulin – I got the flu or something similar – from either our son in law who came to help us and got sick that night – or from being in the hospital with Sally Q. We have all started on Tamiflu – and I’m taking HCQ and Zinc – which seems to really make a difference. In between taking the HCQ – I feel feverish and miserable – take the HCQ and for an hour or so – I feel pretty good.
Sally is doing pretty well. She’s got a ways to go in recovering from the episode of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) – but she is getting there. We are getting her on a regular meal schedule along with blood testing and insulin. We have an appointment on Monday with the endocrinologist and their educational nurse – to assess and learn to manage this new condition.”</i>
Our Prayer Warrior Duchess is spending a lot of time giving comfort and prayer to friends. Please pray for her.
Please see our community Prayer Wall
where the names of those needing prayers are listed, along with prayers to choose from… offered only as suggestions, of course. Pray as you are led by the Holy Spirit… at our Wall, or you can stop to pray here, on the Daily Thread.
Again, times are:
3:00 PM (1500) Eastern time
2:00 PM (1400) Central time
1:00 PM (1300) Mountain time
12:00 PM (1200) Pacific time
Remember, the Lord never ceases to bless us, we too often neglect to see the gifts he sends us.
<i>Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.</i> Psalm 103:1-5
<i>Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ.
Rest your weary ones.
Bless your dying ones.
Soothe your suffering one.
Pity your afflicted ones.
Shield your joyous ones
And for all your love’s sake. Amen</i>
~ Saint Augustine
Okay then..
Idiotic. And they think we’re idiots too.
There are things about Europe I really do like, but shortages is not one of them.
I never noticed shortages except East Germany under communist USSR.
Are they telling us we are now like the former East block and it is a good thingt
This is communism.
Yes indeed !
Straight out of the American Revolution. Loyalist CRAP.
“You people need to live like the peasants back home.”
He is owned by China. Would be nice if all Americans who are owned by China move to china.
China wants to own America! And Europe!
Yes and they exploit Africa. They will exploit us also the way Russians did Eastern Europe.
and they will ‘disappear’ all the elites and billionaires just like they did Jack Ma.
Yup. “Trusting” the CCP is ALWAYS a mistake.
Yes sadly so.
That pic is of the toy aisle, cheap (OK, not-so-cheap) Chinese $#!t. No great loss there.
The real shortages, food staples, etc., don’t really exist, except in odd cases, e.g. “sensitive” laundry soap at discount stores, because the companies that make that failed due to the ChiCom virus killing demand (work-at-homes apparently don’t wash as much – who knew?) Some things go short, while others are in abundant supply. Then meat seems to be getting more expensive, but over here that’s due to horrid energy prices, which adds transport costs to the mix.
The real shortages were the former East Europe, i.e. the Russian Bloc, which Bye,Done and co. are trying to emulate…
My contribution to physics or is it geometry?
It’s really odd that latinos are high risk and blacks too but the very same high risk people flooding over the used-to-be-border are not required to get the shot. Must be science
Affirmative action medical care. SMH
Judge dismisses Michael Cohen’s lawsuit against Trump over legal fees
Shouldn’t a lawyer — and HIS lawyer — have realized they were suing the wrong entity?
Jack Po-whatever actually used this photo to say that the kid is no threat. He’s not shackled, leaning over the judge’s shoulder, etc. I’m wondering how much a part of the show is this trial given the number of people realizing that the alphabet soup channels lied to them.
This looks like a total photoshop to me! Is that a real photo at all?
Could be, but still, the kid is not shackled.
That’s because [if I’m right about Photoshop] he’s not there. I think he was leaning forward at his normal place in the court, and this is a superposition of two photos.
Pretty sure it’s real. They were looking at that blurry photo. The whole trial was just very strange. I’ll post the video if I can find it.
Jack Posobiec: “Kyle watches while standing directly behind the judge, with no handcuffs on, with the bailiff across the room, in his own double homicide trial”
EDIT: The tweet didn’t show. I hope this photo from it will.
Go to around 1:55:12.Sorry I don’t know how to just post that part.
They were both looking at a video together, but the photo makes Kyle look closer to the judge than he was. That person with the phone was not there.
I watched the whole trial and he was never shackled. He was out on bail if that matters.
The Babylon Bee photoshopped that person in to fit their spoof story of a selfie being taken.
Oh okay. Thanks. Completely missed the spoof part.
OK – that makes sense.
The overhead/behind shot is more realistic on where Kyle was. Although the whole thing is bizarre in terms of Rittenhouse having to see the evidence against him by going up behind the judge!!!
Yes, they were looking at the large screen tv, but the video was very poor and taken from a distance.
He’s not shackled because of this:
Shackling a defendant goes against the presumption of innocence.
I do not think it is real. The judge his robe looks funny on the left side of his arm. They put the kid and desk next to the judge it should be in front of the judge.
YES! The perspective indicates the desk is NEXT to the judge, but the other shots indicate it is actually BEHIND him.
Something weird.
NYC Mayor-Elect Vows To Restore Anti-Crime Units Despite BLM Threats
Because they are the brown shirts
And the death squads
Yes and it is concerning.
IIRC, he ran on Law & Order.
this video is well worth a look
reminds me of shake things up almost to the point of total destruction
OMG, that is AWESOME.
This is – as they say – MUST WATCH.
It ends in one question.
Free Thinking AMERICANS
I was riveted. Very encouraging at the end.
Paging Elessar…
Maybe they can network with Project Runway to design some new uniforms to reflect that..inclusiveness

The problem with this reasoning is that the military already reflects “the society we come from.” Those who are “different” are not part of the mainstream, and we shouldn’t be catering to them.
yes and once again there’s nothing stopping anyone of any background, race, culture, religion, etc from signing on right now. It’s open to anyone. Volunteer.
In the article he specifically mentions women so I guess they’ve been given a quota to meet.
Well…the military is really a subculture of defense, which in and of itself is a subculture within the US. My brother the retired Marine, not the Couch Commando, but his “twin,” says that the military is really more socialist than not. Plus, the Marines are a different breed, and they don’t reflect American society as much as one would think. The Corps is called the men’s division of the Navy for a reason. Nothing against the Navy guys, but Marines are different.
This is CHINA, pre-destroying the Marines.
China is leaving nothing to chance.
My head is exploding! Incredible.
If even 1 person believes this and I mean really believes it…omg
Fake Science is real!
Ages 2 to 4 coming up… meanwhile its claimed babies get protected from the jab. So much for it not crossing over into the womb. And we studied this how long?
yesterday I think there was “news” that weed is causing heart issues. They’re trying to cover all the bases.
Next up Juice Boxes causing heart attacks and strokes for school age kids ?
Sounds like a plan!
signed, AOC
Pfizer is going to submit “preliminary results” of its “clinical trials” on very young children (ages 2 – 5 years), AND on babies age 6 months – toddlers 2 years) BY THE END OF THIS YEAR, after which the company will apply to the FDA for an EUA to use its “vaccine” on these two age groups.
The pool of children that Pfizer-BioNTech enrolled in the TOTAL “clinical trials” of its “vaccine” on children UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE is — 11,422.
The company’s “clinical trials” were split up into three age groups: ages 5 – 11; ages 2 – 5; ages 6 months – 2 years.
ONLY a small number of the enrollees for the company’s “clinical trial” for use of its “vaccine” in 5 – 11 year old children WERE FROM THE U.S. The rest are from Finland and other countries.
The “clinical trials” SPONSOR and RESPONSIBLE PARTY is BIONTECH — Pfizer’s German partner (who makes COMIRNATY).
The “clinical trials” ARE ONGOING UNTIL JULY, 2024.
What parent would submit (donate?) their child, in particular their BABY to be in such a trial?????
Is there coercion going on?
Are poor and/or disenfranchised people being conned into letting their children be part of a study (erm, like Tuskegee)?
Where is BLM? Where is the ACLU? Where is the HRC or whatever it’s called nowadays?
And where are the churches, who are currently so concerned about the plight of the refauxgees, the illegals, the climate, and, oh yes, the ChiCom Virus?????
Twice as fit for hell…
We even do the Soviet Union better than the Russians.
Science Wolf..it’s all science and stuff, sets us apart
This is literally the most fucked up shit I have ever had to deal with, which is saying quite a bit.
I am swearing like a sailor because I have no other words.
What the actual hell is happening to us right now? I want out. I can’t watch while they murder all the babies and little children, and try to convince people that it’s because of the cult of “oh-my-God-the-planet-is-a-tenth-of-a-degree-warmer!”
And the low-I.Q., uninformed, ignorant TV watching public will BELIEVE this crap! We are beyond repair.
DP, this is CYA writ large.
if they are going to jab babies, then we must understand any heart problems in babies are from Climate Change.
(Just changed the “?format?” into a dot “.”…

They smell the rot.
Thank you ! I tried several times and couldn’t get it to do right
Funny thing, the “sausage squisher ” (wurst press) parser munched my
questionmarkformatquals into questionformatquestion… geesh.
It’s almost like downloading YouTube vids; every time you find a program or a way to do it, they change things…
Of course they chose Veterans Day to do it.
A police officer from Phoenix, Arizona, announced on the radio that he would be resigning last week after the dispatcher told him that his shift was being held over for mandatory overtime amid a staffing shortage.
Salty Texan
And this is why the DOJ & the FBI targeted and abused their power to go after Steve Bannon & Project Veritas.
Bannon’s show The War Room, & Project Veritas truthful reporting exposing the lies, corruption & abuses.
They want you ignorant & deceived & controlled. They are leaking Project Veritas privileged communications to the New York Times to help the Times survive Project Veritas lawsuit.
And Bannon is another Truth outlet.
They want to deprive you of all sources of information they dont control.
Exactly. The globonazis are taking down the big threats to their illegitimate regime.
And when they’re done with the big fish, they’ll be coming after us. Count on it.
YES. Oh, yes.
The time for us ALL to make a stand together is close at hand.
Seven-and-a-half BILLION of us, at most a few thousand of them, with a few hundred at the top…
Fish in a barrel…
Not only is Bannon a truth outlet, but he and his guests are mobilizing people to get involved on a lot of different levels: in elections, as precinct committee chairmen, in schools, in local government, etc. He has been very effective.
This is all part of the DOJ-FBI plan. That memo was very likely directed from INSIDE DOJ.
Absolute nightmare. The corrupt DODGE and FIB are out of control.
OMG – that explains it! That’s why the National School Board organization was not approached by the members who sent that letter to Dodge and Fib. They were already working WITH Dodge and Fib. They knew the letter might get stopped by the organization, so they ALL (Dodge, Fib, the members) decided to send it on their own.
This is all a big plan to STOP parents from objecting to socialist education.
Foiled again by the dad who wouldn’t be silenced about his daughter’s rape. HIS giant righteous fit over it got all mixed up in the CRT crud. It broadened the scope of parental control.
If that hadn’t happened they still would be honed in on white supremists.
My 2 cents
OMG, I think you’re right.
That war video from Ozzy made me see that the deep state’s scheme’s rely on tunnel vision, one focus…we need to throw the wrenches. The stupid repetition they use in their seminars,protests, etc represent 1 issue at a time for them. They set the game..we need to wreck it
Find something commie and break it.
Another example of the single focus…way back during the Ferguson charade, hammer and sickle commies wanted to glom onto the “movement”. BLM ( DS )wasn’t having it.
They think they can stop information but they cannot it is to late. We have a network to get information.
Shared your insightful comment at Gab here:
Thanks for this info!
Please share this: Blessings from God
Per your request
Blessings from the Lord to you & yours. Hubby is getting excited planning some Winter camping adventures to keep his spirits up 
al-Sisi is no dummy.
Cuteness overload.
There is a plan and it’s not Hopium, but HOPE is coming, Thank God!
No, I’m not yet insane yet, just enlightened.
A song of ascents. 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand; 6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; 8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore
That’s enough for now
Awesome !
Good. People are getting some backbone.
Governor Stitt fired the guy that was head of our National Guard and replaced him with a guy that is against the mandate.
Hey, that’s a great gif!
I’m stealing it.
!!! There was a great one of a guy with a flag on a horse charging across a field..so cool but it was an OU flag
After seeing Molly’s post above I thought of 1) you AND 2) you have a conservative Governor.
Easy fix.
I sense we ARE turning the tide on injection mandates. Courts sides with Freedom AND some Governors standing tall.
Did you see the latest on infants & heart trouble ?
This is going to blow sky high soon
They’re doing it with strokes, too. Ads that normalize children having strokes. I can’t believe anyone would fall for this putrid evil, but some will.
That’s nuts!
Some will but that would most likely be hardcore woke that have for sure gotten the jab and a booster or two….deep down they’ll have to be wondering WTH they put in their bodies
Latest, dunno.
Have seen the Feds and health schmucks are trying to normalize infant and children heart problems that rarely existed before Covid injections.
Good guys are calling BS trying to highlight the truth.
I hope folks are archiving papers and studies and real documentation about the incidence of heart and other problems in babies, children, and young adults. I wouldn’t put it past outfits like Lancet, NEJM, and Google Scholar to bury anything that contradicts with their agenda…
OMG. NO PASARAN on that stuff.
RedState is getting their headlines from you, now —
Thanks for that link, Coothie!
YVW, Wheatie.
Glad you got past your recent computer troubles. That said: “backup, backup, backup!”
Time to get mad, good and mad
Police State tactics….must stop. Must be publicized
“Police State tactics….must stop.”
But won’t stop, don’t even have the slightest reason to stop, until someone stops them.
I wish a legal expert would weigh in on the offenses that were committed against those parents. What happened to them is an outrage, and I’d like to know what legal recourse they will have. I believe their First Amendment rights were abridged, for starters.
“Disorderly conduct and intent to disrupt a meeting” could be used to quell any and all speech. If you don’t like what someone says, accuse them of disrupting proceedings, then arrest them. And I got a chill while writing that because that’s straight from the playbook that tyrants have always used, but it’s not supposed to be allowed to happen in America.
This was posted on Telegram:
“Christopher Ekert (33) served as an Infantryman out of loving compassion for his country. His dedication and service was unparalleled. He served in Iraq. He joined at age 17. He was wounded in combat and received the Purple Heart. He also has a Combat Infantryman’s Badge.
“He presently has multiple organ failures and needs treatment at a VA hospital. We need to get his family members out to Thailand so that they can be with him and help to manage his healthcare. The situation is dire.
“It is easy to fly a flag and believe that makes the world a better place. It is easy to tell servicepersons that you appreciate their contributions. But what counts is the material things that you do to actually help them. This is an opportunity to actually help a soldier. Please donate so that we can get this man the care he needs.”
Why is he in Thailand?
Why can’t the State Dept do its job helping American ex-pats?
The Biden admin doesn’t seem to care what happens to Americans out of country and most especially not veterans. Look at what happened in Afghanistan. There are still Americans there.
He doesn’t care what happens to Americans *in* country either.
Well, I read it, thanks to your suggestion. I probably need to read it again after getting some sleep to “get” it just a bit more. TY for the suggestion & the teaching!