Dear KMAG: 20211115 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll make our way through it.

Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil. We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.

If you find yourself in a slap fight, we ask that you take it outside to The U Tree…which is also a good place to report any technical difficulties, if you’re unable to report them here.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Please pray for our real President, the one who actually won the election:

For your listening enjoyment, I offer this from Phil Rey Gibbons, titled ‘Battle For the Heartland’:

And this from Kevin Graham, titled ‘Lioness’:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

It sucks and there are new outrages each day.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

I will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


Vaniloquence is a noun which means…vain or foolish talk; vain babbling. Vaniloquent is an adjective used to describe such idle, vain and foolish talk.

Used in a sentence:

It is tiresome to hear Leftists spewing their vaniloquent pretentions on the economy, when they obviously don’t know what they’re talking about.

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Back in fine form, Wheatie!


Yes, it’s great to have a Genuine Wheatie post again! Though the Boss did a great Wheatie imitation.  😍 


Would that have been “Shredded Wheat”, “Cream of Wheat”, or “Weetabix”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Maybe a different grain! 😉
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As one of those fun trivia thingies, buckwheat is not actually a cereal, being unrelated to grass (IIRC it’s a member of the aster family). Thus, you can do gluten-free cooking with buckwheat flour.

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of different grain (and not corn squeezin’s 🙂 ), how about oats like the Scots make them, but as letters (and far, FAR better than CardboardOs):

First, Mr. Otis:comment image
Then Yogi Bear:comment image

For a bonny, bonny breakfast (for all ye Laddies and Lassies):

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was a pleasure! 💗

Undercover boss gets to understand how much work people really have to do!!! 😅


Is this when you announce a scholarship for Wheatie’s family?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“There is no Trump but Trump!” 😉




I’m bringing this over from yesterday’s thread:

Citizen Free Press has this:
Scientific Study — Covid Spike Protein DRAMATICALLY Impairs Cell DNA Damage Repair…

Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree discuss the study and its ramifications. This is an important video. The damage can occur from the Vaccine as well as from Covid itself. So if you’ve had the CCP virus, pay close attention.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients. Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.

Video and link to the scientific paper at the link above.


In other words, the spike protein keeps your body from protecting you from whatever else life throws at you. If true, injecting people with a spike protein factory is criminal and evil.

My question is: what about those of us who had and recovered from COVID. Are we still going to be damaged by this, or are all the spike proteins that were in our body totally dead and gone?


Good question!


My understanding is that those who have had and recovered from COVID are in a sweet spot — they are really immune [and don’t just suppress symptoms while their body breeds more virus] and their immunity will not fade [unlike the 6-8 month span of the vaxxes].

That said, if they get a vaxx afterward, the vaxx will destroy their natural immunity.


That’s the way I’ve always understood it. But that paper seems to be about COVID, not the vaccine, so I was just wondering.


Methinks this is an area of research that needs to be urgently looked into. There are people who got COVID “naturally” and recovered from it (and also are NOT “vaccinated”) who present with symptoms of “Long Haul COVID” — fatigue / headaches / diminished lung capacity / “brain fog”, etc. The underlying reasons behind this syndrome seem to be unclear.
This is aside from the ongoing immune-system compromise of those who DID get “vaccinated”, especially is they ALSO got a “breakthrough case” of COVID after “vaccination.” It’s unknown how many of these people also exhibit symptoms of “Long Haul COVID”. What IS known, now, is that their immune systems are being HELD HOSTAGE by the spike protein in the “vaccines” — and that “booster shots” or any further “vaccination” will FURTHER degrade their immune systems: unless they RIGOROUSLY follow a program of exercise, vitamins and supplements, etc., for the REST of their lives.
That said, those “unvaccinated” who had COVID and recovered need to keep their own immune systems in the best shape possible. This means lifestyle and diet changes, regular exercise every week, keeping stress levels under control as much as possible, and likely taking prophylactic doses of Ivermectin or HCQ on a regular basis.
“Quercetin Supplements and COVID-19”
(skip the advertising to buy their supplements)

Wolf Moon —
Just ran into this:
Paper of October, 2021

Valerie Curren

Thanks for this great info which I shared on Gab below AND copied to likely add to an upcoming (eventually) post here at the Q-Tree 😉 Blessings!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


In my opinion, Fauci, Gates, Bourla, Tedros, Baric, Daszak, China, and the rest of the conspiracy misled us by going to the spike protein. All the science that we have done “since” COVID was sprung upon unsuspecting “Fake Science” has been to discover what smarter people with a better view of the data knew before they hatched the grifty plan – and the only reason we know it now is because there were enough people outside controlled science, such as DRASTIC, Malone, Yeadon, Berenson, Denninger, and ourselves, to “un-mis-direct” it.

All of the “spike protein critics” outside of science have managed to get people INSIDE science to realize that they have been MISLED and DECEIVED from the top.

Why did they create spike protein vaccines? Because they did the thing that would create a perpetual cyclic grift.

People now need to understand that THEY understood exactly what they were doing, when they went with the pathogenic, narrow-protective, contraceptive, variant-vulnerable, SARS-1-non-protecting, China-leverage-creating, booster-requiring, poorly conserved spike protein.

When they could have picked the opposite.

Bill Gates tipped his hand early on, in the phony crisis, when at the perfect time, after the deadly ball was rolling, he smugly opined that “What we really need is a broadly effective coronavirus vaccine.”

Oh, he knew exactly what we needed. Something we could have gone with IMMEDIATELY, too. But that wouldn’t create a cyclic grift – a perpetual money machine – a FRAUD of nation-controlling proportions. So that knowledge of the RIGHT THING didn’t stop Bill Gates from doing exactly the opposite up front, and CASHING IN on the spike protein. With a little side-experiment in involuntary contraception.

Oh, these medical fascists. So predictable.
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All of the “spike protein critics” outside of science have managed to get people INSIDE science to realize that they have been MISLED and DECEIVED from the top.

I hope some good comes of it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As I’m reading the literature, I’m seeing people in science UNAFRAID again to post and first-level interpret data that conflicts with the narrative. They avoid speaking too strongly of the implications – particularly avoiding the word “vaccine”, but they seem unafraid to state the obvious now!!!


Great! Maybe the tide is turning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Great stuff–shared some of your comment here:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks!!! 😃

Valerie Curren

YW Thanks for touching base on Gab too. Always a treat to hear from the Wolf! Blessings


His Vaniloquence didn’t win! 😂


Need some sleep!comment image


No – I’m sober as a judge!
Hell gettin old 😋 


Should we start calling him “Vanilo-ice?”


I can just envision a discussion:

A: Plain-speaking, that’s what you are! Like vanilla….
B: I am?
A: You got vaniloquence, that’s for sure!

Cuppa Covfefe


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

1/1000th of a vaniloquence?


Have we ever thanked wheatie for the dancing coon?


Are you trying to get us banned?


Not me. You have such a dirty mind.

Last edited 3 years ago by pgroup2

I don’t know how it would be considered “dirty” from that comment.

I could easily understand weird, goofball, offbeat, strange, disturbing, and different…..but I’m having trouble with “dirty.”




Is that you, Elmer?


It’s hard to believe this is real, but I’m suspicious of CNN reporting on it unless there is some benefit to the Left. What that would be, I’m not sure.
White House Issues Sunday Night Statement ‘Defending’ Kamala Harris After CNN Reports on Exasperated White House Staffers Giving Up on Dealing with Dysfunctional Veep

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki issued a statement Sunday night via Twitter defending Kamala Harris after a CNN report earlier in the day that described tense, exasperated relations between Team Biden and Team Harris–something that Jack Posobiec has been exclusively reporting for months as the “White House Shade War.” Indeed, in the CNN article Harris allies throw shade on Biden, accusing his White House staff of defending Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg more vociferously than they have Harris because Buttigieg is a White man.


Excerpt from the CNN report:

Worn out by what they see as entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus, key West Wing aides have largely thrown up their hands at Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff — deciding there simply isn’t time to deal with them right now, especially at a moment when President Joe Biden faces quickly multiplying legislative and political concerns.

The exasperation runs both ways. Interviews with nearly three dozen former and current Harris aides, administration officials, Democratic operatives, donors and outside advisers — who spoke extensively to CNN — reveal a complex reality inside the White House. Many in the vice president’s circle fume that she’s not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined.

“Prepared and positioned” for???

The vice president herself has told several confidants she feels constrained in what she’s able to do politically. And those around her remain wary of even hinting at future political ambitions, with Biden’s team highly attuned to signs of disloyalty, particularly from the vice president.

Hellloooo…No VP talks about future political aspirations while in office. It would be highly inappropriate. The VP should be focused on the current administration and how best to serve the country, NOW.

…And though Harris has told confidants that she has been enjoying a good working dynamic directly with Biden, those who work for them describe their relationship in terms of settling into an exhausted stalemate.

Suspicion has sprouted out of the bitterness. Last month, White House aides leapt to the defense of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who was being hammered with outrage by Fox News host Tucker Carlson and like-minded online pundits for taking paternity leave after the adoption of his twins in September. Harris loyalists tell CNN they see in that yet another example of an unfair standard at play, wondering why she didn’t get similar cover any of the times she’s been attacked by the right.

Infighting saps energy and focus. Let it continue…

Deplorable Patriot

As the Biden team turns.

Back to soap opera level comms.

Brave and Free

So in other words, MS. Camel hoe is being constrained by the people behind the curtain. Zero must not have given her the date as to when she becomes the official #1 puppet yet.



What they said:

Many in the vice president’s circle fume that she’s not being adequately prepared or positioned, and instead is being sidelined.”

What they mean:

“We work for a woman who got where she is by giving good head. Biden is too old for head; she can’t do anything else for herself, and nobody in the administration is doing if for her!”



One of the many reasons he’s under attack. His War Room program is effectively mobilizing people to get involved on many levels. No doubt the Left sees him as a major threat.


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And now they will attempt to martyr him.


Millions of little Bannons going forth to do battle.

Evil will lose.


another word for the day : lynching

 👉  as in Kyle Rittenhouse…


Rittenhouse Jury Instructions Include One That Could Be A Big Problem For The Defense

article link..


 👉  the provocation argument

“…could effectively take away self-defense as an argument…Previously it looked like a walk-away adquittal but if the prosecution sells the jury on this, Rittenhouse could potentially get a very bad result.”

 👉  the judge decided to give a “provocation” instruction to the jury.

 👉  …if the prosecution can convince the jury that Rittenhouse “provoked” the attack…

 👉  the prosecution has claimed that Rittenhouse pointed the gun at people prior to the shooting of Rosenbaum.

much more on this, at the link

also suggested reading…

The Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse

article link…


when you’re dumb as a hammer, everything’s a nail.

and this is where vaniloquence comes in.


There is this on that.

Hey, I can actually see what’s happening in this video and it hardly looks like what was described in the courtroom Friday.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHOA! Do you Bingie and the Feds LIED? NAH! Impossible!


That, to me, unusual video type is hard to control. To get it to run slower use the edit feature in blue top R/H corner.
That flaming zabinsky (sp?) character is the instigator. Way back there was, and may still exist somewhere, a picture of his wife and she had antifa or blm, or maybe both, logos on her backpack, it was posted on here at the time, I’m sure it was. Those two commies started the whole shit and slid away, why are they not in court. FBI plants ?


It’s easy and plain to imagine how that played out. KR sees zabinsky with the pistol and holds out his arm palm foremost saying friendly.
Probably knew zabinsky was armed as videos and pics from that night show him flaunting his pistol.


Correction name of the couple I think is Ziminski

Deplorable Patriot

Jury members are not chosen for their brains, that’s for sure.

I served once, and said to a lawyer friend, Whatever really happened, we didn’t see it in that courtroom. She came back with, You’re too smart to be a juror, how did you slip through.


Kyle should be fine.

Intentional or not, IF Kyle pointed a weapon at someone, THEN, RAN AWAY, Kyle DEESCALATED – sort of like withdrawing from a maybe fight.


Those chasing Kyle ARE AGGRESSORS.

Those pointing guns at Kyle ARE AGGRESSORS.

Dunno where the juror minds are, but that IS common sense. It is also 101 in every CCW class, if any of them have a CCW.


When a judge ostentatiously criticizes and harshly challenges one party, that often is a camouflaging prelude to giving that party a win. This judge appears to have given the prosecution an unjust and unlikely win with the dubious provocation charge.


Update on grandbaby:

He spiked a 104.9 fever on some undiagnosed childhood illness.

Not covid. 🙃

Anyway, after meds and an ice pack he is home and resting. Poor little guy. Mom went to fix dinner and when she came back to check his fever had spiked and he was seizing.

No harm, but very scary.

Thanking everyone for prayers. ❤


That’s good news! Thanks for the update. 🙂




Good and scary 🙏 


Wow, I’m so glad to hear that he’s better. A fever that high can be scary.


Oh yeah. 😨


Yeah. His mama freaked. BTW, I went through the same thing with her when she was about the same age. Horrible!

Valerie Curren

I know the sorrows of major medical stuff w/ kids, starting way too young. This is an arena where you really don’t want the topic to become “old hat”. Your experience AND hard won wisdom & stability are surely a tremendous comfort!


Considering how helpless and fragile they are in other ways, it is a wonder how resilient babies can be in other ways. When I was a kid, I managed to spike a fever up to just shy of 106 — no seizures, no nothing, and it baked out the illness very rapidly. I even remember it.

Then, about 20 years ago, I had a 103 as an adult and it just Kicked. My. A**. Upside-down and sideways, thought I was going to die….and I kept looking at the thermometer and saying, “I used to be able to shrug this temperature off.”

Very glad his crisis is passed and things seem ok. Hope his immune system used the opportunity to jump ugly all over the bugs.


Thanks, and I figure that spike probably killed off whatever bug he has.


Hope so. As I note later, I sometimes had another round the same time the next day for mopping-up operations. Keep a wary eye.


So glad that he’s doing better GrandmainT.


Me too. Thank you.


One day his GmainTX can tell him the story of how he went to the hospital and she had people praying for him.




Monday just got WAY better. Thanks for the update. Happy for little guy and everyone.


Thank you for praying. 🥰


Hope little guy has bounced back smoothly. Along with Mama and Grandma.

This stuff is incredibly stressful.


Thank God, your grandchild is doing better.
I’m sure the doctors told the mom to keep the little guy hydrated and resting.


Yes, thank you. He’s been eating well all day. Napping, staying warm and hydrated

No fever all day.

Prayers so appreciated.


SO GLAD for this outcome.

Kids can take a very high fever and come out ok, but the seizures they can have as a result are terrifying.



Sadie Slays

Glad he’s home. Thank you for the update.




Unfortunately I can see this happening here given the excess of some of these city mayors.


the poster child for v-a-n-i-l-o-q-u-e-n-c-e

xanned out & s-t-u-p-i-d


She is an embarrassment.


and everybody says so.

it’s a disgrace.

but…hey…it’s the best they can come up with.


Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2

Apparently they have to tear it all down first before BBB.
World Wide Disruptive Construction Zone 4Ever.
Beware of Bulldozers!

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She is so cringe. I had to turn it off after SEVEN seconds. Could not take it.


Same here. She is like nails on a chalkboard.

Brave and Free

Same, I can’t open anything with her or zero in it. Not letting that evil in to upset me.


Yes, don’t invite it into your space. 👍🏻


The last nail in the fat man’s bagpipe, may he rot in hell….


I do not believe anyone from within the Obama loyalist camp will be touched by Durham. However, those who were in the Clinton camp can be targets of Durham depending on how close they are to the proximity of the dividing line between Clinton and Obama.  Those who are close to the Obama line are more safe than those who are distant from it.

That’s what we are seeing with John Durham.

Durham cannot/will not cross the line that protects Team Obama, because he knows the barbed wire Bill Barr put down. Former AG Bill Barr gave Team Obama (which includes Democrat politicians in positions of power) a defensive weapon that sits in a drawer in case Durham exceeds his politically permitted mandate.

Under DOJ regulations [28 cfr 600], a Special Counsel must come from “outside government“; John Durham was not outside government and did not resign his position prior to the appointment. Bill Barr gave the appearance of a Special Counsel appointment while knowing the legal validity could easily collapse upon challenge (if the Biden administration choose):

§ 600.3 Qualifications of the Special Counsel.

“(a) An individual named as Special Counsel shall be a lawyer with a reputation for integrity and impartial decisionmaking, and with appropriate experience to ensure both that the investigation will be conducted ably, expeditiously and thoroughly, and that investigative and prosecutorial decisions will be supported by an informed understanding of the criminal law and Department of Justice policies. The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government. Special Counsels shall agree that their responsibilities as Special Counsel shall take first precedence in their professional lives, and that it may be necessary to devote their full time to the investigation, depending on its complexity and the stage of the investigation.” (link)

Obviously, Bill Barr is a smart man. He would know the regulations he cited would require the Special Counsel to come from “outside the U.S. government,” thus such a simple flaw cannot be looked upon as anything except purposeful. Should John Durham get too close to the Obama line of protection, the political system will defend itself by highlighting that John Durham has no legal authority. That’s how DC protects itself.

Bill Barr was the Bondo application, John Durham is the spray paint.

The final accountability you are being provided by the Durham probe is your ability to snark and yell “I toldyaso” at the leftists and political media. That is why John Durham is providing “speaking indictments“.

Durham is purposefully giving all of the right-wing media, pundits and the deep-weed followers of Spygate, fuel for their righteous indignation -an opportunity to yell ‘TOLDYASO!’– in the indictments of those who are a long way from the Obama dividing line. 

Egg on the faces of those who pushed the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory, and that’s where it stops.

Sounds plausible, eh? But what SD doesn’t explain is why can’t Team Clinton challenge Durham’s authority in the same way Team Obama can.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kapo (Garland) is 100% Team Obama. Most of the Canklebots are in State, HHS, or CIA. Any challenge of Durham has to get past Kapo.


And the AG is the one with legal authority to fire a special prosecutor. A president can’t do it. I suppose the argument could be that Durham was illegally appointed in the first place, but they have let an awful lot of time go by if they’re going to use that. It would look really bad for them if they only start investigating it when Durham starts showing some results.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I personally don’t think the Obama-Biden people would care at the time they did take out Durham – but for now, it’s easier to appear neutral by letting Durham run with the line. They can also keep an eye on him, and see what he turns up.


“Under DOJ regulations [28 cfr 600], a Special Counsel must come from “outside government“; John Durham was not outside government and did not resign his position prior to the appointment. ”


Are we supposed to believe Durham didn’t know about 28 cfr 600 (in which case he is incompetent), or are we supposed to believe he did know about it and took the position anyway — and therefore could be compromised / exposed / dismissed at any time — in which case Durham is an enemy asset?


BTW, regulations are not laws.


Maybe someone can explain how an outside person (pardon the pun) would know the order in which Durham resigned and got appointed. Just because someone says ‘he didn’t resign first’ does not make it true.

But putting it out as a proven fact sure does make for a juicy article.


This has been MY question all along. Thank you.


“De Plan”
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the Kamala Harris Story…

 👉  from knee-pads…to pee-pads


Does the candle burst out in irritating cackling at inopportune moments while it burns?


operative words : hand-poured

you decide.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s a multi-tasker! Just ask her! Cackle cackle!


Ah my favorite creepycrats
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we can give in to despair…or…we can laugh

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Cuppa Covfefe

Or, if you’re Swal(lo)well 🙂


Sarah Hoyt suggests that anyone speaking to John Kerry begin each statement with, “Listen, Ketchup Gigolo…..”


J6 Committee is ANOTHER chapter in the insurrection.

The insurrection has been going on at least since the escalator ride… Five plus years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pretty much sizes it up!


Well, … here in Pierce County WA someone did exactly that (don’t know his age at the time) and is now a superior court judge. His name is Frank Cuthbertson and the crime was committed by him bringing firearms into Greensboro NC during a riot. We (pre-deplorable activists) brought it up to the appropriate power brokers but since he claimed he didn’t remember being arrested and we couldn’t provide a criminal conviction abstract, it was okay for him to be appointed.

And unsurprisingly he’s still there.


can’t help but wonder…what vile contaminants are already on those “cotton swabs” before you stick’em up yr nose, mouth, wherevers.

no thanks.

I’ll keep my own DNA to myself.

and stay in your own lane, cotton swabs.

and swab sounds too much like Schwab…if you catch my cold…oops…I mean drift.

hint : Klaus Swab ?


I’d be more inclined to worry about smallpox blankets. I will not be jabbed, and I will not be tested.


All immunity, whether natural or from a vaccine, will fade eventually if not regularly challenged. Natural immunity tends to never fade to zero, but may not be enough to save you if the bug returns 60 years after you saw it last. Then, again, if you’ve been seeing the original bug’s cousins every five years, your immune system will likely be pretty feisty about it.

Smallpox was declared “eradicated” in 1980, and vaccination ceased. The only places that still have some virus are germ warfare labs, and I doubt any live cultures of vaccination strains still exist. Further, if you were a germ warfare lab planning “the big one”, wouldn’t you make sure that what you released was vaccine resistant?

Now that the establishment has “gone rogue” with mRNA, the only thing I’ll be vaccinated for in the US under Obamacare is rabies. They’ve decided to slip whatever into whatever and lie like a rug about it while calling it a “vaccine” — how can I even get a tetanus shot?


And the 7-year thing is more like a half-life. Various cells have various lives, and even if 90% of your cells are replaced, if the other 10% “remember”, that may be enough to get the immune system hustling.


Need to look up treatment for smallpox that does not involve vaxxes…


Smallpox is very, very, very nasty. 30% fatal for the natural type — possibly enhanced for germ warfare.

It’s likely that the 50-70% survivors would completely exterminate any nation that released it…..although the situation would be more complicated in a “Fauci, in Wuhan, with the Gain-of-Function” scenario. It could easily turn into a Butlerian Jihad scenario where a population tries to completely eliminate a branch of knowledge while an elite attempts to disguise it as something else.

We have gained some tools in the last 40 years when smallpox wasn’t an issue….and some of those tools might be very helpful against the disease. But you won’t find any of them accessible, since it’s all top secret biowarfare stuff now.


I don’t know if the whole body is being replaced.
I doubt that. Actually he heart mussel is not being replaced, which is why the vaccine causing damage to the heart is so dangerous on the long run.

They tested survivors of the Spanish flue about 90 years after the outbreak and they found that their immune system still had memory of the virus:

Dr Anton

My new video answering pertinent questions:

So you’ve had Covid-19.

1. Are you now immune?

2. For how long are you immune?

3. Are you immune to variants?

For those who don’t want to watch the 9 min video here are the answers:

1. Yes

2. Long

3. Yes

Immunity after C/o/v/i/d infection.

Immunity after C/o/v/i/d infection. on Vimeo


Sadie, this may interest you. Travis Scott concert and connections to pure evil. Video. Lots of stuff. I had to stop the video numerous times to read what was flashing on screen.


This link may be more precise for the video.


Any more word on the grandson? One thing I have always had is a fever that only recurs on, say, afternoons. Monitor carefully 24 hours after the last problem.


Will let you know. Silence from my daughter is a good sign.


Firm believer in, no news, is good news. True 99% of the time.



this page could not be found


It’s just Ozzy dropping smelly blobs on the blog again…..


My Tap Water/Your Tap Water

 👉  here’s where you can check your tap water quality/toxicity by zip code…


 🚰  🚱  💧 


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it’s also lingo on film sets for prop guns that have been properly checked for firing blanks…instead of live rounds.


From a gun safety perspective, “cold gun” is STOOPID on steroids.

The gun is loaded or not loaded.

Film industry is showing their ignorance IF that is truly their thought process.

Cold gun, hmmm. When or why would they have a hot gun? Why would they even have a gun on the set that can shoot bullets? It’s ALL stoopid.

Nearly everything I have read regarding Rust, Balwin murdering that lady, reflects HOLLY WEIRD ARROGANCE AND IGNORANCE.


Looking for a gil00 update…..


Wolf, have you seen this book?

“Not Even Trying: The Corruption of Real Science”

“In one sense, the conversion of research science to an industry funded and controlled by central banks and government – an industry that can be weaponized to serve political purposes – is a story that we have seen duplicated across many areas of our society. Charlton says this decline started in 1950. I would point out that this was immediately following the National Security Act of 1947 and the CIA Act of 1949 – and the beginning of the explosive growth in the size and power of the black budget and the Western intelligence services.”


The ACLU has at last come (reluctantly) out in Defence of Project Veritas:
(<sarc – I did not know they still exist. I thought they were completely taken over by the Fascist / globalist Lawfare crowd /sarc>)

James O’Keefe


NEW YORK — The following is a statement from Brian Hauss, senior staff attorney with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, in response to reports of an FBI raid on Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe:

“Project Veritas has engaged in disgraceful deceptions, and reasonable observers might not consider their activities to be journalism at all. Nevertheless, the precedent set in this case could have serious consequences for press freedom. Unless the government had good reason to believe that Project Veritas employees were directly involved in the criminal theft of the diary, it should not have subjected them to invasive searches and seizures. We urge the court to appoint a special master to ensure that law enforcement officers review only those materials that were lawfully seized and that are directly relevant to a legitimate criminal investigation.””

Valerie Curren

with “friends” like these…  😡 


That was pretty cool.




This man should be locked up for crimes against humanity!


Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today (VIDEO)
It should be clear by now that the pandemic will not end until Dr. Fauci is removed and replaced.
For over a year Dr. Fauci has blocked successful treatments and over-promised on ineffective vaccines. But at least Big Pharma made record profits.


Dr. “Fauci-Mengele” made it clear that because the “vaccines” don’t work, those who got them really need to get the “booster shot.”


I dunno how far I’d want to go on “hero”, but he popped eight shots in a short period of time in a confusing, complicated urban melee, against murderous foes, many of whom were also armed…..and provably connected with his intended target with six. There were no bystanders shot, there were no secondary casualties [and he may have gone 8/8 if the bullets lodged in the jump-face-stomping guy’s bookbag or something].

He was at mortal peril four different times and exercised his right to self defense. He didn’t spray’n’pray, he didn’t charge into anything — and he didn’t continue firing once he had neutralized each threat.

Once he escapes this legal abuse, he should have a nice side-gig as a firearms instructor.


I’m good with Hero.


I checked a long time ago. They aren’t related. But still… comment image


who is Audie Murphy? for for$1000 Alex !!


Go Raheem!!



Right, no error; they were absolutely complicit.


Cuppa Covfefe

Could say that Bye,Done and KamelHoe are electile dysfunction…

(OK, off to me corner I go…)….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That one has been done before…like 21 years ago:

electile-dysfunction.jpg (480×379) (

Wow, I cannot get the dang link to embed.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

Found it here!
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https://web DOT DOT com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/electile-dysfunction DOT jpg

Last edited 3 years ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

That is Really weird, I kept changing “.” to “DOT” in a second line of the URL AND then this last time the one I didn’t change showed the image???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, thank you. I don’t know why mine kept changing to something that wouldn’t embed.

Valerie Curren

peninsular protrusion probs? 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I thought you considered me a stand-up guy.

Valerie Curren



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Joke or not, it IS still gay.


It’s spelled ghey. Get with the 21st century.  😁 


Yea, NO. 🙂

Valerie Curren

Is that a slice of pizza or an ice cream cone? Puke emoji!


Kid Rock

Cheated in law school.
Got caught.
Lied about his grades.
Got caught.
Plagiarized his speeches.
Got caught.
Lied about his GPA.
Got caught.
Lied about his scholarships.
Got caught.
Sold vice president’s office to China.
Got caught.
Sold vice presidents office to Ukraine.
Got caught.
Committed quid pro quo to save his crackhead son.
Got caught.
Framed General Flynn.
Got caught.
Rigged the 2020 election.
Got caught.

Never charged for his crimes.comment image


Maybe this is the new requirement to be President of the USA ? (S)

Valerie Curren

Found this at Free Republic. Fear gripping the vaxxed?


I understand that you can be forgiven for having taken the vaxx if you bring a sacrifice of ten of those responsible for the mandate to The Throne when your time comes.

[Does this need a /s?]


Verse of the Day for Monday, November 15, 2021

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” 

Revelation 3:20 (KJV)

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This takes on new significance now with testing on toddlers. If they don’t care about babies in the womb they won’t care about injecting your children with a death shot.



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

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Sadie Slays

Good to see you back, Duchess. 🙂


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Deplorable Patriot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Treasonous DNC-FIB. The fascist footsoldiers of KAPO, the dirty Bolshevik judge.

What a motley crew of socialist scum.


you’re being too nice, too civil.


More on War Room:
WarRoom – Live (


Wild. Does the opening for the War Room while being taken into custody.
Democrats have walked into a buzz saw.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fuckin’ KAPO and his gang of goons. SPIT.

But he’s right! SIGNAL, not noise.

Not even going to focus on this.

Other than the following public service announcement:


Raheem Kassam, Peter Navarro, Boris Epsteyn leading the War Room now.

Raheem Kassam going after Adam Schiff. They have evidence of Shifty Shiff’s corruption connection to CCP.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TRAITOR. Fucking TRAITOR. Deserves the end of all traitors.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Another traitor! GET HER OUT!!!


“…works with Chinese Communist Party assets assholes.”

and we’re all just shocked shocked , I tell you !!

Last edited 3 years ago by smiley2
Deplorable Patriot

Miracles do happen. I thought it would take dynamite to get Leahy out of there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good GRIEF! Leaky Leahy is STILL around!!! I won’t believe he’s gone until HE’S GONE!!!

Deplorable Patriot

He’s one I thought they would carry out in a pine box.


He’s 81, or will be this year.


17-zip baby. 😂

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Last edited 3 years ago by Gingersmom2009

Fair to assume you are successfully banishing Covid from your system? Understand it takes days, but clear improvement?




I’m good, don’t want to jinx anything.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️ 🤸‍♀️

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Never mind the fact that that charge should not be a crime. PERIOD.


Well that’s something. Good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. It’s something. And in the right direction for justice.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Denninger’s graphic here is killer:

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Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Here is the archive of the original at CDC, snapshot valid NOW.

Here is the relevant part:

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Hi all.

Could I request any and all prayers for my friend, ‘E?’ I don’t want to use her name.

She is very sick, just called an ambulance. We have thought she had Covid, and she has been using Ivermectin, steroids, and other things for that. Home test two days ago was negative, but her oxygen sats are dropping into the 80s if she even sits up. I personally think the test was wrong. It was her FIL who is in the hospital still with Covid.

She should have had monoclonal antibodies, but was afraid they were made with fetal cells or something.

She is younger than me. About fifty. This is nuts. She is about 40 pounds overweight, though. WHY does this particular virus attack overweight people so hard? It’s weird.

Update: The EMTs came and got her sats into the 90s with 5 liters of oxygen. Told her this was normal. She is still at home. What a mess.

Barb Meier

Prayers for your friend, E. <3


Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She may need to take another antigen test. The viral load for the disease is a very sharp spike, even when viewed on a logarithmic plot (10, 100, 1000, 10000 evenly spaced up). One day they’re negative. The next day they’re positive. The test WILL catch the spike, but won’t trigger after the spike tails off with dead virus and cell-created “junk” from genetic incorporation. Alternatively, it’s not covid, but another viral infection or pneumonia – the post-COVID phase, and she missed the viral spike.


I will send her your exact words! Thank you, Wolf!

Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up for your friend and her family (FIL and all)…


Thank you!


It is NOT normal to need 5 litres O2/ hr to have seats in 90s!
Should be in hospital


I think so, too, except hospitals are pretty much deathcamps, now. She’s unvaxxed, so they would hate her.


Yes, they would put her on a ventilator and remdesivir.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m worried about gil00 – the antiviral regimen she’s on sounds like standard remdesivir / Veklury. If so, she has to have hubby demand kidney monitoring like a hawk, and pull the drug if her kidneys go south and her lungs start gaining fluid, which is typical RDV side effect.


I know! Scary.


Sending Good Energy and meditation for Healing to “E”.




Serious busines, and it’s hard when the patient is at home and has to make care decisions — or when caregivers have to. Praying for her!

Told her this was normal.

She supposedly doesn’t have COVID, but it’s normal to have low O2 levels? If she has pneumonia or something, I would think she should be hospitalized.


I know. But she is afraid of the hospital, unfortunately with good reason.




Thank you!


My prayers for your friend. May she heal in Jesus Name Amen.


Thank you singingsoul!


God is in control. I also hope she finds the right doctors to help her.


Yes. God is in control. That is what keeps me sane, remembering that.




Prayers ongoing for E.


Thank you!

Sadie Slays



Thanks Sadie!


I Hope it’s not a nasty case of pneumonia 🙏 
Still could be the Vac!

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

She is unvaccinated. But it sure could be pneumonia. Hopefully the antibiotics will take care of that.

Gail Combs

They have decent antibiotics for pneumonia. Hopefully she will follow the same timeline I did. O2 in the emergency room with abutrol and then home with antibiotics & prednisone.


I hope so, Gail. So worried.


Praying now. 🙏


Thank you, Grandma!


Yay, Wheatie’s back!

That head-hitting-the-brick meme! I SO feel it.


That me over the past 15+ years trying to get some sleep at night, unable because of my grief over all that has and is happening, both to our beloved Republic and the world at large.

Last edited 3 years ago by ForGodandCountry


Sadie Slays

I hear ya.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Ha, I like that one too. Notice it didn’t say ACME. Cheap chinese brick, probly crumble in 5years.🙄




Hi. Im in the hospital. Saturday morning mr gil found me unresponsive. No O2. Almost died. Im doing much better but need a lot of 02. I have covid pneumonia. Probably have to stay another 4 days at least. Primary medicine telehealth wouldve killed me off.wouldnt even do an xray. I think im getting proper care here.


I’m so sorry giloo! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Your family too. 💗💗🙏🙌

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, jeez. Get better please. Will pray for you.


Ty you.


Its 1 thing after another. But all i can do is rest. They had me upto 60 liters of 02 when i go to er. My sats mustve been almost zero.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW! What is your O2 level now? How high can they get it?


My o2 yesterday keep going to 83 even with everything. Im maintaining around 91.


Pep cpap?
do they have hyperbaric rooms?- high O2 high air pressure rooms


Im on some type of special cannula for high o2. No cpap. Regular room but separate control for air since im isolated

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Praying for it to return to normal!!!


Oh My Gosh…stay strong. We’re thinking of you.


Oh my! So glad to hear you are getting care. How scary. Praying for your recovery.


Oh my. Our prayers your way. 🙏🏻

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fantastic that you’re able to post. You have advocates here!!!

What drugs are they giving you? Oxygen is good! Any antibiotics?


Yes i dont remember the abx. Im on a five days iv antiviral, steroids, daily vitamins, morphine, pepcid, a few other things. Ill ask again on the antiviral and tell you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! please get me the name of the antiviral. Is it Veklury?


Remdesivir x 5 days.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. We have a situation.


Oh, Jesus. I am without words.

Sadie Slays

Giloo, I don’t want to be a insensitive prick while you’re in the hospital, but I like you, and if you were one of my immediate family members, I’d be hounding you to get off the Remdesivir ASAP. There are very serious side effects associated with that stuff. I get it, you’re in the hospital and I don’t know the situation over there, but at least consider asking the docs to take you off that stuff. Praying for you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Sadie. This confirms that I was correct to push the point. Your intuition on these things is always good.

I’ve asked gil to demand an antigen test. As soon as it’s negative, there is no point in taking the remdesivir, other than Gilead and their cabal friends making money. And the hospital. Them, too.

The main thing is watching kidney function. If it goes south in any way, GTFOff the drug!!!

Sadie Slays

Thank you for explaining the Remdesivir issue better than I could.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. We can deal with this now. We know what to look for.

The main problem with remdesivir is that it accelerates kidney problems of COVID – it compounds them, if they happen. This then leads not only to loss of kidney function, but to increased fluid in the lungs. It LOOKS like the COVID, but it’s not – it’s remdesivir mimicking COVID kidney and lung pathology. Gilead and NIH have tried to cover this up, but I’m relentless on what they’ve been doing.

The earlier you catch either of those (kidney and lung) and STOP THE DRUG (if they happen), the less likelihood of losing your kidneys. So you MUST be conscious of your kidney performance numbers. We can help you understand them.

If your kidneys stay fine, just ride out the treatment – but the moment performance declines, you need to quit that crap.

If they tell you that you need the antiviral, then demand an ANTIGEN test, NOT the PCR test. PCR picks up dead viral crap from the earlier ACTUAL active viral infection. It gives false positives AFTER the viral spike has passed.

IMO, the antigen test will be NEGATIVE. IMO, you are most likely in post-COVID pneumonia, exactly as diagnosed. If you are negative to antigen, then you can safely STOP the remdesivir.

Remdesivir is just a way for a bunch of people to make money. It’s damn near useless after the viral spike is gone.

Ask for somebody to explain your kidney numbers to you, and text them to us in comments. Then get the numbers again and text them again. Watch how they change. That will make the hospital staff take more care, because they’ll know that people with expertise in this matter are watching, and you’re not a good one to lose. I’m serious – people take more care when they understand that there may be a personal loss of their own involved.

Remdesivir is not like taking an aspirin. It’s like taking a handful of tylenol is to your liver. It can kill you. Not guaranteed, but it CAN. I’m not going to mince words.

Also, do not let them cut you off from communication, or raise your morphine levels to where you are not in control. Make them LOWER your morphine levels if you have to.

Who is on the ground there taking care of you? They need to make sure you can continue to communicate with us.


They are giving me very little MS. And i talked to infectious disease who said he does not want to do anything aggressive because it would cause problems with my cance treatment and maybe spread the cancer. Ill ask about my labs. Im taking lots of fluids and seem to have decent output.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good! Sounds like things are stable. Just keep getting as much information about your kidney labs as you can. Ask for the results in your chart to be explained to you.

You sound like you’re in pretty good shape for what you’ve been through. We will keep praying that things just keep getting better!!! 🙏


Thank you very much. Im grateful for all the care and consideration you and everyone here has offered me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are most welcome! We are with you!!! And God is with us all! 🙏


Remdesivir or Regeneron? It’s easy to get them confused. I’m praying for you.


The 1st one but im off it for good.


Thank God. My hairdresser’s cousin’s kidneys shut down after his 2nd dose. The stuff is toxic.


Wow. Well infectious disease understands my concerns bc of the cancer. So im glad you all jumped on my about it.


I hope you get well enough to leave the hospital soon. It’s sad that we’ve gotten to the point where you can no longer trust that appropriate care will be given in a hospital setting.


Right? And i have a good nice pulmonary dr here. But the admin is in the way.


Good to have a doctor you can trust.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. We have been on it like crazy, though, and once you see what they’re doing, you can’t unsee it.

NIH and Gilead Blamecasting Remdesivir Renal Toxicity to an Excipient

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Well, they can lock us out of The Q Tree, but they can’t stop the truth from getting out. Enjoy a post first over on The U Tree and now HERE. Here is a quickie in my WAR ON REMDESIVIR. Fellow Treeper barkerjim dropped an interesting document today, from back in July, which showed the …

It’s very clear at this point that, because the whole US Big Pharma complex has been endlessly corrupted by China and the globonazis, outfits like Gilead are dependent on CRAP like remdesivir and hoaxy shams like COVID to keep up with China, which is absolutely eating our lunch. Big Pharma should NEVER have gone against Trump, but it’s too late – they’re up shit creek, IMO. Pfizer has clearly thrown in with China at this point – IMO they cannot be trusted. Gilead cannot be trusted for different reasons. All of it a royal mess.

Cuppa Covfefe

Prayers up, gil00, and good that you were able to get good care, and in good time…


Just in time too.


Crap! I hope you get better soon. I hate this bat bug and the jab


You and me both. Ive got wires, 2 ivs, a foley catheter and have to lay prone bc it is the covid breathing position.


There are lots of respiratory drainage positions. Prone drainage appears common with covid but other areas should not be ignored


Good Lord, please help our friend giloo! Please keep her and her family in Your hands!

Last edited 3 years ago by PAVACA





I am glad you are in good hands 🙂 God is Good.
Prayer for healing and comfort. God Bless 🙂


Positive thoughts your way Gil. Along with Mr Gil, Kiddo…


Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of our warriors giloo.
Where two or more gather, our prayers will be answered.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

So sorry Miss Gil. You’re young and strong, kick WuFlu’s behind back to Asia!! Ask for regeneron. Make sure to get Doxycyclene, budesonide, C, Zinc, D. Prayers for your speedy recovery. 🙏🙏💕💕


If only you could purify bacon as a cure all. Yeah feeling better just now. RT took off some oxygen but ill end up on portable at home for a while. Then ill be gettmy cancer surgery.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bacon! I need to restock my pharmacy on that one! 😉


Prayers  ❤ 

Cuppa Covfefe

Bounteous Bundles of Bacon to you and yours! 🙂
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Build Bacon Better!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

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Dear God 🙏 



Valerie Curren

God be with you Gil. I’ve been praying for you & will continue to do so. I hope you have someone Knowledgeable with you who can act as your Advocate as needed. Whenever my sons have been hospitalized I’ve had to watch like a hawk for Many things, including med errors.


The latest from A.F. Branco. The media stands by with the gallows they have constructed for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Deplorable Patriot

All the reports of the heart issues following the jabs are starting to get to me.


It’s awful, isn’t it?

The ones getting to me are all the people dying in their sleep. Go to bed with your live loved one, wake up with a corpse?!

I would be a basket case.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s beyond maddening. So many young people in the prime of their lives gone. And I’m afraid this is just the beginning.

Cuppa Covfefe

Remember that long ago Mao said he’d defeat the USA without firing a shot.
Seems like the RED ChiComs have done that.

Only they’re doing it by injecting a shot. And decimating those in the prime of their lives, who, in case of RED Chinese incursion, would be the ones to defend the USA…

The RED Dragon of China. Same as Satan the Dragon, their master.




The numbers of adverse reactions and death are mounting.
They’ve begun propaganda ads and news blurbs to mitigate so at this point there can be no denying. This was the intent all along. Murder
The old boxcar to the ovens is too messy..this is 2021

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Deplorable Patriot

They’re taking some of the strongest, and fittest people out of the gene pool. You can’t tell me that is not by intent.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The enemy is smart and evil!


Yes. It is like watching a horrible pile up on the freeway, only a thousand times worse.

I have dear family and friends who have gotten vaxxed. It is just maddening.


Dying in my sleep would not be so bad. Being so sick not able to function as so many people are experiencing from the jab.


Yes, it’s horrible to be so sick as to be helpless.


Yes it is have visited many people in nursing-homes who were years in bed. No one visiting everyone to busy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Congress “investigating” is the sad result of DNC COMMUNISM having perverted the branches of our government.


Here we go…

New Covid Variant discovered with ‘unprecedented changes’ in Spike Protein…

A new Covid strain with unprecedented changes in its spike protein has been discovered in the northwestern French region of Brittany, according to local media.

The new strain was detected in people who contracted the virus back in mid-October. It infected a total of 24 people in France, including 18 children attending the same school and six adults who had contact with them.

The new strain, however, was so unlike all previously known Covid-19 variants that it took scientists a long time to identify it. “This delay was a mistake,” a health official told media outlets after the discovery was first reported by Le Telegramme newspaper on November 11.

Analysis of this strain “did not correspond to anything” previously known, the official said, adding that it resembled neither the profile of the widespread Delta variant, nor those of other Covid-19 strains of concern.

The variant, which has since been called B.1.640, is reportedly missing a large part of its spike protein. This protein is normally used by the virus to enter human cells and spread the infection through the body. It is unclear if this mutation makes the virus more or less contagious.

France’s Regional Health Agency told Le Telegramme that its investigations indicate “the virus was imported … from abroad.” According to some media reports, a resident of Nantes who had been traveling in Africa brought the new strain to the town of Bannalec, where it was subsequently detected.

Cuppa Covfefe

who had been traveling in Africa”…

Well, that ought to put a crimp on France (and the rest of Europe) taking in all those refauxgees….

Or not…

Gail Combs

Remember CHYNA has made lots of inroads in Africa…

Cuppa Covfefe

Belt and (in)Roads…

They’ve got a lot of resources there, and just about everywhere, in hock to them. I think there’s at least one South American country which has defaulted and told China to sod off…


Pull up a chair. It’s gonna be lit

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fucking hell – listen to those BRAZEN ChiCom THUGS.


“I told you this was all about the 2A
Are you paying attention yet?”
“What. The. Actual. Fuck
Binger: ‘You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one who brought the gun.'”

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‘You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one who brought the gun.’

^^^ Other than shit holes like CA, NY, NJ, THAT IS NOT THE LAW. ^^^

Hopefully BOTH the Judge and Defense corrected the LIE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not even sure it’s the law in all three of those places, frankly.

Though “brought the gun” could imply “in public” rather than “into your living room to check out the bump in the night.”


Yup, I was thinking along the lines of open carry long gun in public. 

CA CCW will work if concealed. 

From what I read most everything NY & NJ IS NO gun unless one of the politically connected “chosen few”.


I have carried a sawed off pump shotgun in Los Angeles city, California. Back in the Seventies.

Unloaded. Barrel 18 and a quarter inches. Pistol grip stock.

Got arrested and gun was taken.

Got released 2 hours later and gun was returned.

Because it was not an illegal firearm and it was/is not illegal to walk down the street with it.

Had done the same thing in Denver Colorado a few years earlier.

Walked past cop cars at the curb and said hi to them. They said hi.

Ah, the good old days.

Brave and Free

That’s mostly NYC, rest of state is “may-issue” at the local level. By local law enforcement discretion.

Gail Combs

His point on  “brought the gun” is that the SIGHT OF THE GUN PROVOKED ANTIFA and therefore Rittenhouse was at fault.

Rittenhouse Trial Day 9: Prosecution Big Win On “Provocation” Jury Instruction Saves Chance At Conviction

Lacking any factual rebuttal to self-defense, the State will argue that Kyle Rittenhouse was a “provoker with intent” eliminating self-defense privilege under Wisconsin law that cannot be regained by withdrawal from the fight.

Deplorable Patriot


I hope the people on the jury are hunters. They would know better.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bingerberry, like dingelberry?


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, but there they are wrong.

Pointing a gun within 180 degrees of someone who is on the side of social justice is defined as pointing a gun at them. And it doesn’t have to be in your hand for it to be an issue.

(Note: you can’t have a gun oriented more than 180 degrees away from anything.)


you can’t have a gun oriented more than 180 degrees away from anything.

That pesky math, again!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



If I remember right about a year ago the Truth started coming out on the big Steal. And then his video telling the country on Dec. 7th? No wonder it’s laying heavily on his mind


Defense lawyer starting and putting much stronger more reasoned argument than binger.(IMO)


These are the charges against Rittenhouse. I think charges 6 and 7 have been dropped. If he didn’t have PTSD from the incident, he would have it from facing these charges.

Count 1: First-degree reckless homicide, use of a dangerous weapon

This felony charge is connected to the death of Joseph Rosenbaum, the first man Rittenhouse shot. Bystander video shows Rosenbaum chasing Rittenhouse through a parking lot and throwing a plastic bag at him. Rittenhouse flees behind a car and Rosenbaum follows. Video introduced at trial showed Rittenhouse wheeling around and firing as Rosenbaum chased him. Richie McGinniss, a reporter who was trailing Rittenhouse, testified that Rosenbaum lunged for Rittenhouse’s gun.

Reckless homicide differs from intentional homicide in that prosecutors aren’t alleging Rittenhouse intended to murder Rosenbaum. Instead, they’re alleging Rittenhouse caused Rosenbaum’s death in circumstances showing an utter disregard for human life.

The charge is punishable by up to 60 years in prison. The dangerous weapon modifier carries an additional five years.

Count 2: First-degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon

This felony charge is connected to the Rosenbaum shooting. McGinniss told investigators he was in the line of fire when Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum. The charge is punishable by 12 1/2 years in prison. The weapons modifier carries an additional five years.

Prosecutors asked Schroeder to let the jury consider a second-degree version of this charge. The difference is that the second-degree version doesn’t require a finding that Rittenhouse acted with utter disregard for human life. Schroeder said he was inclined to allow that instruction, though he didn’t make a final ruling. The charge is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

Count 3: First-degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon

Video shows an unknown man leaping at Rittenhouse and trying to kick him seconds before Anthony Huber moves his skateboard toward him. Rittenhouse appears to fire two rounds at the man but apparently misses as the man runs away.

This charge is a felony punishable by 12 1/2 years in prison. The weapons modifier again would add up to five more years.

Count 4: First-degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon

This charge is connected to Huber’s death. Video shows Rittenhouse running down the street after shooting Rosenbaum when he falls to the street. Huber leaps at him and swings a skateboard at his head and neck and tries to grab Rittenhouse’s gun before Rittenhouse fires. The criminal complaint alleges Rittenhouse aimed the weapon at Huber.

Intentional homicide means just that – a person killed someone and meant to do it. Bucher said that if Rittenhouse pointed the gun at Huber and pulled the trigger that would amount to intentional homicide. However, self-defense would trump the charge.

The count carries a mandatory life sentence. The weapons modifier would add up to five years.

Count 5: Attempted first-degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon

This is the charge for Rittenhouse shooting Gaige Grosskreutz in the arm seconds after he shot Huber, and as Grosskreutz came toward him holding a pistol. Grosskreutz survived. Video shows Rittenhouse pointing his gun at Grosskreutz and firing a single round.

The charge carries a maximum sentence of 60 years. The weapons modifier would add up to five more years.

Count 6: Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18

Rittenhouse was armed with an AR-style semi-automatic rifle. He was 17 years old on the night of the shootings. Wisconsin law prohibits minors from possessing firearms except for hunting. It was not clear on Friday what Schroeder intends to tell jurors about that charge.

The charge is a misdemeanor punishable by up to nine months behind bars.

Count 7: Failure to comply with an emergency order from state or local government

Rittenhouse was charged with being out on the streets after an 8 p.m. curfew imposed by the city, a minor offense that carries a fine of up to $200. Judge Bruce Schroeder dismissed the charge during the second week of trial after the defense argued that prosecutors hadn’t offered enough evidence to prove it.


How could he not, after Binger waved a gun around screaming “Guilty, Guilty, GUILTY!!!”?


Pretty wild on the heels of the Baldwin incident. Did he check to make sure no ammo in there ?


He did not — and might not be able to assess accurately if he had. AND he had his finger on the trigger.


It would have been funnier than hell if one (or more) of the jurors would have hit the deck and requested that the bailiff disarm “the idiot trying to do a Baldwin.”

Valerie Curren



I thought about what I would do. I would be inclined to duck. I wonder if that would cause a mistrial.


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just RANTS today 😁 
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Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

Leftist Fairytale Land case, Justice ‼ 


in recess 😡  standby

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Between Nancy Grace’s ‘teen vigilante’ and Binger’s ‘Active shooter’ labels, I’ve had more than enough of their BS. Rittenhouse was clearly running away from every last one of those freaks, he only fired on them ‘in self defense’ to stop the mob from attacking him. Videos prove over and over. All the rest is stoopid noise. That jury better do the right thing.




Another source. These girls are gabbing while the trial is continuing.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A not entirely bad point, BUT–

I’m assuming this is a leftist of the “they shaft blacks whenever they feel like it” mode.

He is assuming that they do so when no one is watching simply because the guy is black.

I have no doubt–no doubt–that “they” do indeed shaft people, especially in leftist jurisdictions, up on charges for self defense. But I also seriously doubt it has a damn thing to do with race.

Last edited 3 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, its normally about hanging scalps on the wall and if you don’t have a good defense team then your scalp is likely going to end up on the wall. Black, white, Hispanic it don’t matter.

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine

Back in Session!


This Kraus guy. So irritating. Why is he still talking? I thought closing arguments signaled the end of things.

Last edited 3 years ago by holly

Apparently these are rebuttals. Richards just destroyed all of this and now fatty is bringing it all up again. And then closing arguments. Like you thought that it was done.

Last comment on guns are not handed. Hello fatty, the comment was about the ejection port and hot brass, and in that sense an AR would preferably have a brass deflector if shot left handed. Guys a yoyo.


Ok thanks. It’s the same ridiculous stuff over and over from this guy.


It’s okay, Richards will just get the extended privilege of calling this guy a dumb arse too. And this guy isn’t adding a thing and if anything is actually dumber then the last dummy.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

👍👍 I will keep watching then!




and a LIB!


Will these guys get disbarred and prosecuted luke duke lacrosse malicious prosecution?


Recluse the judge and jury?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If PBS NewsHour has actually been showing this live, there’s a bare chance that my father might see some real news for the first time in at least four years.


Looks like the 5th maybe declared!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sorry, I don’t understand…the 5th what?



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK…but why would they do that?

Actually, I guess I should ask who “they” is.


another O.J. TRIAL
5th amendment

Last edited 3 years ago by trumpismine



not directed at you ol’ pal

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I understood that.

The Left is nothing if not infuriating.


Fatty doing the 4 shot BS again. Hello.. once they start grappling your done when it comes to a mob.

Meanwhile. Finally some hard evidence at least one state (it was all but we don’t have anything as firm as this) was purposefully jacking up the CV numbers to justify lockdowns.


A whistleblower has leaked an email exchange dating to October 2020, in which the Chief of Staff to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz tells the state’s Department of Health that the Department’s numbers on how covid was spreading were “less useful than what I expected” because “these numbers are small.” The Commissioner of Health said, in turn, that “people look at the primary case numbers and think those are small impacts that don’t justify the dial backs we propose.” She urges her staff to engage in “creative thinking.”

emails in the story.


Did the defense just wave there chance at a rebuttal?
Not that they needed one from that crap.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r

I didn’t hear him wave it. Maybe rebuttal is only for the prosecution? I’m don’t know how it works and my father was a lawyer. lol.


You must be right. I went back and looked and Richards was not given the chance. I thought the defense was always last. Guess not.


Here’s another hair splitting story about a school board in AZ.
Seems the head of the president of the school board (or her father) in Scottsdale was secretly collecting all sorts of private information on 47 concerned citizens that kept showing up at meetings and giving her a hard time. A private detective was even hired.
Currently parents are furious! Questions as to where the funds came from to do this are also being questioned.

a dossier complete with Social Security numbers, background checks, a divorce paper, mortgage documents, trade certifications, and screenshots of Facebook posts.

Last edited 3 years ago by para59r


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, Biden. What a house of cards. China Joe.

Cuppa Covfefe

I like this one,

“His brain is baked Alaska.”…. 😀

Or, maybe, faked Alaska…

Last edited 3 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

h/t K1tt7-fzn

The British government has spilled the beans about that fact that once you get double jabbed, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity.

In its Week 42 “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report,” the U.K. Health Security Agency admitted on page 23 that “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” It goes on to explain that this antibody drop is basically permanent.

What’s this mean?

We know the vaccines do not stop infection or transmission of the virus (in fact, the report shows elsewhere that vaccinated adults are now being infected at much HIGHER rates than the unvaccinated).

What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.

In the long term, people who take the vaccine will be far more vulnerable to any mutations in the spike protein that might come along, even if they have already been infected and recovered once, or more than once.

The unvaccinated, meanwhile, will procure lasting, if not permanent, immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being infected with it naturally even just once.

Read it yourself. Page 24.

htt ps://


As I read it, the decreased ability to produce N antibodies was not just against Covid variants, but against anything.

In other words, take the shot and you’ve killed your immune system.


That’s the way I read it, too, and that actually goes along with that British study that people were losing 5-10% of their immune system per month after getting the shots. The upshot was that by Christmas, their immune system would be dead. This winter is going to be awful beyond comprehension. The people who did this are monsters.


Yes, they are. And I agree, this winter is going to be bad. There are already reports of people experiencing the “cold from hell,” etc., because their immune systems just aren’t working. Scary times.

Sadie Slays

How do you even breathe in this thing? Imagine the amount of dust it collects. It even looks like one of those microfiber dusters.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sadie Slays
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She uses less oxygen than you do, her brain already being dead.

Adjust your expectations based on that!


She must be brain dead. She’s freaking mocking people even with out the snow globe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ChiCom MK Job is self-discrediting per instructions.

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It would be awesome if the snow would blow around when she breathed


Interesting story. Guy even has to revert to horse meds with good success but doc just won’t do what he should be doing. Meanwhile I think we’ve had a similar report type story in the last week or so saying pretty much no one is getting paid for vaccine injuries. Not sure if that was private company or government or both, though. Anyway this guy fell ill on day two after the vaxxx and still the doc won’t allow it as a vaxxx injury even though his entire life has been turned up side down. Happening in Canada, last May. Human event type story so lots can be gleaned.


Multiply this one story by tens of thousands, and that’s what we’re looking at. And by Christmas, it may be hundreds of thousands.

Gail Combs

AND many of them little kids!!

Over a 60X increase in pro sports adverse events since the vaccines rolled out

Nobody can explain that. Some poo-poo these events saying that they happen all the time. True, they do. But not at this rate. Something happened in 2021 that changed things by a lot. Can you guess?

First, take a look at this video posted by my friend Robert Malone:

Dr Mikolaj Raszek, Phd from Merogenomics
“… A research team in Sweden recently showed in the Human cells they were studying that the Spike Protein can actually enter nucleus and the reason why this is such dramatic news… is the spike protein actually inhibits the proper fixing of broken damaged DNA….”

What the heck is it doing to the eggs and sperm in these young children & teens?


Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine: The New York Times predicts massive population reduction but clearly leaves some things out

….At no time does the article mention the eugenist nature of deliberate population reduction, in connection with the covid plandemic, the coerced and by many accounts poisonous – vaccination campaign, with a non-vaccine, but instead a novel, totally untested mRNA-type “gene therapy” which the US CDC has allowed to be applied as an “emergency measure” in these dire circumstances of a pandemic, that actually lacks all characteristics of a pandemic, but has to be pumped up to make it appear as a pandemic – with literally almost all deaths appearing from whatever causes – even car accidents – can be – and “must” be categorized as covid deaths.

In the US, hospitals get paid US$ 13,000 for every covid-diagnosed patient and US$ 39,000 for every “covid-patient” put on a ventilator. Earlier this year, doctors in NY have come to the conclusion that more than 80% off ventilator patients do not survive the ventilator….


Yes, what they’re doing to little kids is breaking my heart.


They’re finally catching up to what we all knew weeks ago:

Gail Combs

“…a new poll shows that 65% of people who’ve had the shots are banning unvaccinated family members from their holiday tables….”


No faith in the vaxxx will do that. Maybe someone should start a rumor that the people at the poultry farms are all unvaxxx’d, (likely close to the truth) after slipping in a story earlier about how virus likes to hide out in animal revivors (since there are such stories). Then pop in the zoom chat thing and ask them if they managed to get vaxxx’d turkey this year. (since there’s stories about animals getting vaxxx’d too). If they didn’t get a vaxxx’d turkey, it could be mentined that the trukey hot line (there are those too) strongly suggests an extra 5-6 minutes of cooking per pound of Turkey. (that would be a lie of course, but a conceivable one 😏


Amish fella named in Liverpool Terrorist Incident from yesterday. Had no idea they were moving back to the old world. Emad Al Swealmeen, that’s Dutch right? 🙃


AF Branca was disappointed by the performance of Rittenhouse’s lawyer at Closing.


I wasn’t. He was good, used his allotted time and shredded everything the prosecutor put forward with disdain where it was due, exposing the prosecutions cheap tricks along the way. The only thing he could of added, would of been you don’t start grappling with a mob, because if you do your going to get mobbed, but that should of been implied by all the videos.

What I don’t understand however was why the prosecutor was allowed a rebuttal and the defense did not get the last word. That said, the rebuttal was just another rehash of everything Richards ripped apart in his closing, so I can’t see how it was effective unless all 12 jurors are either stupid or afraid of the mob themselves and will grab for straws to protect themselves.