Cover image: Buffalo Hunt by Charles Russell (one of many as he was obsessed).

Please remember Q-Treepers Gil, Carl and the others who are dealing with serious health issues right now, as well as Grandma’s grandchild and anyone else in your prayers.
Over the weekend, in my home state of Missouri, over 90,000 head of deer were harvested. How’d your state do?

Seriously, their findings:
Symptoms of ‘climate change’:
1. Myocarditis
2. Blood clots
3. Heart attacks
4. Guillian-Barre
5. Bells Palsy
6. Miscarriage
8. Pericarditis
9. Memory loss
10. Sudden death
8:22 AM · Nov 15, 2021
That’s what…cardiology, neurology, hematology, obstetrics, and the morgue all rolled into one if we don’t surrender to the climate ideological idiocy.
Oh, wait….

Question of the day:
Cari Kelemen 2.0@CariKelemen
If the vaxxx wears off, shouldn’t the mandates wear off, too?
10:53 AM · Nov 15, 2021
I’ve wondered about this from time to time.
PN,MPH, PhD@PN_1984
If the gov’t mandated daily 1 hour exercise per day & banned all sodas, candy & desserts the masses would be outraged at the overreach & would protest in the streets for the freedom to be fat & unhealthy. The left would lead the charge.
12:17 AM · Nov 15, 2021
As for the Kyle Rittenhouse situation, the prosecutor demonstrates his complete ignorance of the subject he is trying. (Even I know that Kyle’s posture is correct.)
This is a VITAL point that tends to get lost in trying to pin the blame on the government agency figurehead.
Thomas Massie@RepThomasMassie
DOJ, FBI, IRS, DOEdu, CDC, BLM, OSHA, ATF, EPA…These agencies are either mildly or aggressively weaponized against conservatives depending on which party wins the elections.
It’s a fallacy that they can be staffed by 75-90% liberals and serve all Americans impartially.
9:49 PM · Nov 13, 2021

As for whether or not Durham will go near the Obama camp (he won’t because they probably weren’t involved in the origination):
What will tomorrow bring?

Something to remember, always.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
And now for some mood music:
Your weekly reminder to take the pledge, and if the non-mainstream people are to be believed, including Lin Wood, we will need to take this seriously very soon:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
2 MACCABEES 6:18-31
18Eleazar, one of the scribes in high position, a man now advanced in age and of noble presence, was being forced to open his mouth to eat swine’s flesh. 19But he, welcoming death with honor rather than life with pollution, went up to the rack of his own accord, spitting out the flesh, 20as men ought to go who have the courage to refuse things that it is not right to taste, even for the natural love of life. 21Those who were in charge of that unlawful sacrifice took the man aside, because of their long acquaintance with him, and privately urged him to bring meat of his own providing, proper for him to use, and pretend that he was eating the flesh of the sacrificial meal which had been commanded by the king, 22so that by doing this he might be saved from death, and be treated kindly on account of his old friendship with them. 23But making a high resolve, worthy of his years and the dignity of his old age and the gray hairs which he had reached with distinction and his excellent life even from childhood, and moreover according to the holy God-given law, he declared himself quickly, telling them to send him to Hades. 24“Such pretense is not worthy of our time of life,” he said, “lest many of the young should suppose that Eleazar in his ninetieth year has gone over to an alien religion, 25and through my pretense, for the sake of living a brief moment longer, they should be led astray because of me, while I defile and disgrace my old age. 26For even if for the present I should avoid the punishment of men, yet whether I live or die I shall not escape the hands of the Almighty. 27Therefore, by manfully giving up my life now, I will show myself worthy of my old age 28and leave to the young a noble example of how to die a good death willingly and nobly for the revered and holy laws.” When he had said this, he went at once to the rack. 29And those who a little before had acted toward him with good will now changed to ill will, because the words he had uttered were in their opinion sheer madness. 30When he was about to die under the blows, he groaned aloud and said: “It is clear to the Lord in his holy knowledge that, though I might have been saved from death, I am enduring terrible sufferings in my body under this beating, but in my soul I am glad to suffer these things because I fear him.” 31So in this way he died, leaving in his death an example of nobility and a memorial of courage, not only to the young but to the great body of his nation.
PSALMS 3:2-7
1O LORD, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; 2many are saying of me, there is no help for him in God. [Selah] 3But thou, O LORD, art a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. 4I cry aloud to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy hill. [Selah] 5I lie down and sleep; I wake again, for the LORD sustains me. 6I am not afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me round about.
LUKE 19:1-10
1He entered Jericho and was passing through. 2And there was a man named Zacchae’us; he was a chief tax collector, and rich. 3And he sought to see who Jesus was, but could not, on account of the crowd, because he was small of stature. 4So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way. 5And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchae’us, make haste and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” 6So he made haste and came down, and received him joyfully. 7And when they saw it they all murmured, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” 8And Zacchae’us stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded any one of anything, I restore it fourfold.” 9And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham. 10For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.”
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Seeing any signs of the supercomputer conference going on in STL? Y’know, unkempt older geeks with permanently disfocused eyes and a 3AM three screen tan?
I haven’t looked. Any ideas on where they are staying?
There’s a list —
Which is subpart of where all the events are —
They’re downtown.
That might have been why we had more tourists than usual on Sunday at Mass.
I haven’t paid all that much attention to what’s going on around here since I’m avoiding local “news” as they have three topics these days. Sports, weather, and COVID.
Authoritarian Yoga Sucks!!! Down with BAD JP! I want GOOD JP back!
Loved the “just” video. It really bothers me at a level of “these assholes have no right to do this” – which is a good thing. I need that kick in the ass.
Today is a good day to live free.
I liked your vaxxed turkey idea !
Tonight my daughter & I came up with the perfect solution to me not wanting to go to an event with a bunch of woke users. I’m going to be so ‘respectful’ of their maniacal jabbed status that I wouldn’t dream of making them ‘uncomfortable’.
They can sit around not knowing which way is up without me figuring out the party logistics and gifts . is good being unjabbed for many reasons.
( PS~ and not that I’m some party guru but these people are dorks)
Always remember you can PICK your friends but not your relatives. There is ZERO reason to put up with disrespect from someone just because they are related.
With the Jabbed, at this point I do not want to be in close contact for hours. (That is why I canceled my dental appointment.)
Wolfie — …you MUST listen to a short podcast of a scientist revealing the latest research on the spike protein vaccines. The VACCINE ITSELF (not just the spike protein – the mRNA vaccine itself) is persistent and is not only concentrating in ovaries – THE VACCINE ITSELF IS EXCRETED – e.g., in breast milk. Meaning – “shedding” of *VACCINE ITSELF* is real. And then it gets worse….
Yesterday Vox Day posted these sentiments at Vox Popoli. They relate to a discussion which arises on this site from time to time – – cutting people off. The discussion usually arises in the context of forgiveness,
I agree with what Day says in the second paragraph; would have to think more about the first.
“That being said, if a vaccinated family member cuts you off or disinvites you because you refused to sacrifice your health to the vaccine regime, don’t permit them to reestablish contact once their absurdity of their position finally becomes apparent to them. They have demonstrated what their priorities are and the true nature of their character… and you are much better off without people like that in your life.
“I have never had any cause to regret cutting contact with former friends and family members after they revealed themselves to possess unacceptably flawed characters. To the contrary, life is considerably more enjoyable when one no longer feels obliged to endure the constant stream of nonsense that inevitably flows from the deceitful, the depthless, and the deranged.”
It is much more peaceful with out all the High DRAMA and hurt feelings and manipulation.
It was EXACTLY the manipulated/choreographed drama, so senseless, stressful, pointless and counterproductive, which led me years ago to realize that certain people just need to be banished from one’s life.
The banishments (though not many) became easier to make, and my only regret is not having banished some sooner.
Concerning picking once relatives so true but we also do not pick those married into the family. One can overcome family but much harder to overcome woke married into family specially if parents were teachers.
AMEN! Thanks for that reminder! I needed it.
Ground report on the “Author attribution / post verification” project…..
We’re almost done. Thanks for ALL the help. We have 5 months left to go, and 3 are already spoken for, so there are two left. Please see the linked post for a description of what is happening.
Basic result – there was a period of time where author posts were wrongly being attributed to ME – we’ve fixed all of those. We also found some missing posts – I will be fixing those soon.
Again, thanks for all your help!
Wolf, I’ll have some spare time tomorrow afternoon if there are any left to do. I’ll check your list then and see what’s left.
Thanks! Greatly appreciated!
I’ve been MIA. So sorry. I know I had a post missing from a long time ago. One of my first. The header was there but no body. Don’t know what that was about.
How is the baby ?
I’m over at his house now. He is doing better. Snotty nose is drying up. He is eating and drinking normally. Mama is keeping him quiet.
Thank you, Singing Soul, for praying.
There was a whole team praying. I am only a tiny speck in the universe of prayer
I am still doing Sept 2020!
Good! Please post what you find out in that thread, so I’ll be notified!
Will do. I am a slow guy, but the job always gets done. Ask my wife.
Lin Wood linked to this video. It is the producer of “Hunger Games” talking about pedophilia and human trafficking. It was made in August of 2020. These crimes get publicity among conservatives, and then attention wanes. We live in a very sick society.
Thanks, I shared this on Gab here:
This persons brutally honest demeanor cannot be ignored or staged.
I’m looking forward to Ghislaine Maxwells trial.
I’m convinced, when the public hears the details, Cabals walls will fall, as will those that knowingly covered for them .
I’m a bit stressed about all of our friends on the sick list. I’ll probably be a bit quiet tonight.
It’s very sobering.
I am going to start making sure that people here have access to ivermectin EARLY. Probably a post on this coming.
I could have sworn that gil00 had horse paste — IIRC, we were joking about getting the flavorless stuff so she could dose her husband without him knowing.
Instead, she’s in the Valley. At this point, I just want her well.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
BTW, the reason the Lord leads the sheep beside still waters is because sheep will not drink from a running stream.
Much needed Thank you
I did but i was too sick already to dose it. I just want to get better and go home.
I know and understand
I lift you up all day long in my breath prayer.
Prayers. I’m behind times….are you in the hospital? Talk of Ivermectin so….Covid? Take care.
I am in hospital.
I am with you.
Please do so, Wolf. Need some clarity and concise info on it.
Wolf, I think it needs to be made VERY clear that we are dealing with a medical establishment that will kill you, through careless malpractice or malice. Whichever it is, doesn’t matter.
I have noted a very strange phenomenon, even amongst people whom I know know better. Once they fall ill, and are in the hands of the “medical” people, they just SURRENDER. I am seeing it with people in my real life right now.
It is very weird to me, but it is like some sort of programming just takes over. The doctors give them things I know they know they shouldn’t take, but they do it anyway.
This is very disturbing to me. I am reasonably sure Gil knows Remdesivir is poison. She is here all the time. I am terrified she is taking it.
Whatever this is, we have to find some way to combat it. Maybe people need to make a one-page “manifesto” to hand to a doctor in the event they are hospitalized, with what they will and will not accept as care?
Gil said she is on Remdesivir yesterday. I was horrified!
I know. I am terrified for her.
Just need my breathing to keep improving.
Praying for that!
Off it. Kidneys ok.
THANK GOD!!! I was fretting nonstop!
Yeah. With my cath out im peeing like a racehorse too. Drinking everything. Ice chips, whatever.
So glad your kidneys are okay! Prayers for you giloo and your family.
OH, I am so glad to hear that gil00. I was very worried.
Im off. Refused the dose yesterday. Had infectious disease dc it. Its interesting that when they talk about iv, its “what you qualify for”, but not MCA or regeneron.
Oh, am I so glad!
I want you to get well. Remdesivir has such a terrible side effects profile.
I will pray that they give you Regeneron.
Good for you.
That’s such bullshit. At least here in Florida, you immediately qualify for Regeneron if you’ve had symptoms 10 days or less. Apparently it has something to do with viral load. I was at day 5 when I got it on Saturday.
That’s why it’s 10 days or less. That is when it can help – when you’re dealing with the live virus.
The viral load is like a big, really sharp bell curve. The EARLIER you get it, the better, but it HAS to be in either the early rise of the bell, or the bell itself – NOT in the trailing tail. At that point, you’re just throwing it away, really.
I have not kept track of the times, but I think Gil is way past 10 days now.
So are you suggesting that I take IVM through Day 10 but after that it’s done it’s job?
From what little I think I know, glad you are off Remdisver.
Hope you are getting stronger every hour!
I am.
Thank you for the update! Prayers.
Gil, you CAN trust them on the fact that they won’t give you MCA or Regeneron – because it’s the same reason that remdesivir (RDV) is not needed – THE LIVE VIRUS IS GONE. You are coming out of the inflammatory post-viral phase, where the danger is NOT living virus that needs to be stopped, but rather the MESS of pathogenic proteins that it leaves behind, causing inflammation and microscopic clotting. Anything they are doing to treat that is good.
Antiinflammatories and other things that help your blood vessels recover are what you need now. None of the antiviral things will help you. Antibacterials and the like will protect you from opportunistic infections.
This is why Merck dropped their late-stage (hospital) trials for their drug, molnupiravir. It was pointless – all that you get are the risks of the drug. But it still works early on, just like HCQ and ivermectin.
Before they allowed steroids back into the game, HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) actually worked in the late phase, because it has a surprisingly strong antiinflammatory side-effect, used to treat RA long term. That can actually help late-stage (post-live-viral) COVID, but not as well as steroids help. Once steroids came back, HCQ basically showed no effect in the late stages.
Ivermectin also has use in the late stage, because at the high doses where it has antiviral effects (in the EARLY stages), it also seems to have a spike protein binding constant that is significant, and that works even in the late stages. That is probably PART of the antiviral effect, but because the spike protein of the DEAD VIRUS is what keeps causing problems in the late stage, anything that binds to it WITHOUT CAUSING PROBLEMS (important) is still somewhat useful, so ivermectin does help late-stage COVID, including long haulers, although it’s certainly not “great”, and I think your steroid treatments are the really big help. At your stage now, I think you’re getting the right treatment, other than remdesivir, which is damn near a scam, IMO.
We really need drugs that deal with those proteins in the post-live-viral stage. Those are the things that will replace useless remdesivir in the future.
Get plenty of rest and get better! We are with you!!!
This reminds me that my mom and dad had to carefully watch what doctors prescribed to them including tests. My mom was allergic to iodine. The doc wanted a test that required her to get a shot of iodine in her spine. Mom had the forethought to ask what was in the shot. When the testing doc told her iodine, mom told him she was allergic to it. The test doc ran from the room saying “I am not doing this test.” Mom told her primary local town doctor who said that if she had gotten the spinal injection, it would have killed her. This was many years before covid raised its head. Doctors practice and no one is perfect. It is so important for us each to pay attention and ask questions. Asking saved my mom’s life.
Agreed! Question everything!
You’re absolutely right, Aubergine – people literally surrender – and then get swept along by the process of letting others decide.
If the system were smarter and less corrupt in response to this disease, it would not be as risky to surrender, but unfortunately the China Virus 4GW attack has spread confusion throughout American medicine, it’s primary target.
This is why it’s imperative to treat early, and not allow hospital admission without visitation and advocacy guaranteed up front and in writing.
We MUST get people to TEST EARLY and TREAT EARLY.
That is what saves lives.
I will get the post up – hopefully tonight.
God bless you, Wolf.
I would happily write such a thing, but honestly, you have more gravitas, because you have a science background.
Thank you.
Looking forward to the IVM post.
Sources costs dosage etc.
Thinking if possible, extras should be procured and stashed for those around me who may need it. Emergency stash.
Indiamart dot com. You’ll want 15mg per day taken once a week for prevention. I understood that you should take that dosage daily for 5 days with symptoms but have since read that it should be taken for 14 consecutive days to keep the viral load down. Maybe others here can confirm that.
You asked about cost. The India pharmacies typically charge 20 cents per 3 mg pill which amounts to $5 for a 5 day treatment versus $150 for the same amount of pills through my Teledoc provided prescription here in Florida! You bet I ordered a lot from India including HCQ which I’ll probably take to keep inflammation in check after I finish my IVM treatment for COVID (which I got last week).
Expect it to take a lengthy 20-30 days to receive since they send by DHL parcel post. I ordered a lot so that I could help not only myself but family members and closest friends.
Excellent ! Thank you !
“I ordered a lot so that I could help not only myself but family members and closest friends.”
We are on the same wavelength.
The baby spiked again. Mom was on top of it, though. Waiting to hear how he is this morning.
Good Lord.
Prayers and Meditations on Complete Healing for one and all.
Thank you.
Thank you from everyone.
Oh my. I have been praying. Will continue.
I know. He still has snot streaming from his nose. I made some elderberry syrup and sent it over, in addition to the baby meds.
My daughteer used to get these wild temperature fluctuation. Dr Never figured out what the cause was. She outgrew it and did not last so long.
Elderberry syrup is wonderful, and tastes so good kids will take it!
Thank you!
Keep praying. Glad mom is on top of it looks Grandma too
Pence 2024?
More Romney than Romney.
Pence must be looking for campaign money to fund his life.
Pence would get squashed quickly.
Here’s a scenario, terrible but it may well be in the “discussion stages” now
behind closed doors at the DeepState RNC:
2024 “Republican” ticket of [guaranteed losers like] Pence / Haley
Backdoor support for 2024 DNC candidates (and down-ticket DemCommunists)
Behind the scenes support for any and all tactics to keep POTUS45 from any return to the Oval Office (now and forever)
Smacks of the RNC GOP plan for years. They have consistently NOT supported Trump AND have done everything they can to undermine Trump.
I have ZERO faith the RNC GOP give a shit about every day American’s. They hate us.
Traitor McStain and Traitor Romney and the Rockefeller Bush Puppets????
GEE, I wonder why you would not trust the RNC GOP???
He set up a grift in April –
Look under “About” – all kinds of former Trump people are there. The Conway hag, Ratcliffe, LIghthizer, Kudlow. Both Gingriches and assorted RINOs.
What’s wrong with Lighthizer?
Don’t know why any actual MAGA supporter would have his/her face plastered online as “advisory board” in a Pence grift. But he’s there. Everything can’t be explained away under 5-D chess. Can it?
I always knew about Conway she has been a Pence loyalist for years when she worked for him. Trump was not served well.
She always looked used up and hard to me. With the same dead eyes as the rest of them.
I saw her last week on Internet I guess it was Fox looks she had some work done. Does not help the eyes though.
People told me they are uncomfortable when I look at them they feel I look into their soul. That explained much .
What a slogan.
Pence is our new wheat/chaff sorter who sends ’em to CHAFF!!!
An excellent but highly uncertain assessment of the likelihood of conflict in the United States.
They really are provoking regular citizens who have spoken up against division.
Our camaraderie and downright intellect on this site has contributed greatly to our mental freedom. I’m not speaking of myself.
Hugs all around, stalwarts.
LOL You remind me of when I tell my husband that whenever I’m on the Q-Tree I’m the dumbest kid in the room! We all bring unique gifts here so don’t sell yourself short. This place is a haven of hope & sanity in the midst of a lost & insane world.
God Bless You AND your family. We’re still praying for your grandbaby
Love you!
<3 Blush <3
Absolutely! I’ve gleaned so much EXCELLENT info from everyone here. Forever grateful to everyone. We will get to the other side of this.
Thank you all!
Hugs back.
And you are one of our elite “intellectuals.”
Never doubt it.
Not, but I pretend real good.
You pretended good enough that you fooled me!
And on top of that, there’s no foolin’ you. You spotted Turtlehead for a goner when I was still holding out hopes for him like a GRADE A CHUMP.
Seriously, though, every one of us here is really operating with the rest of the gang holding a controlling interest of “brainshares”, and THAT is why we can’t be driven off the rails. We are all reminded of each other’s “pet truths and undeniables”, and that makes us an incredibly hard target.
Hear hear!
Congrats patriots.
Praise God!
OK, here’s a random mini ground report.
About a month ago I had lunch w/ an older female friend of the family. She’s a woman of God, but I think she’s bought into the “vax” stuff that’s spewed widely. I don’t know if she took the shot or not but she seemed defensive about the shots in general so it seemed like she Might have.
We hugged at the end of our meal. I can’t recall if we held hands while praying over our food. Anyway, for about the next 2 weeks I had intermittent strange mini shooting pains, mostly in my extremities, mostly below the elbow & wrist AND also below the knee & ankles. Some upper arm & upper leg pain but the bulk further away. I also had some very strange (like nothing ever felt before, I almost thought there was a bug there biting me several times) localized back pain, mostly in the right scapular area.
Anyway this stuff finally went away, thankfully, for it was weird.
Well on Saturday I attended a luncheon baby shower & sat next to someone who was “vax’d” in the last month or so. After returning home I started getting similar random pricking pains, somewhat similar to those described above. Mostly these recent pains stayed in fingers & toes but some around the arms & legs, including the upper area.
Similarly to before I’ve had a few sensations again in the right scapular area, though not quite as intensely as before. There have been some more intense pains in the thighs & also in a few areas across my belly. Sometimes I’ve fallen asleep with a tie around my waist & have hooked fingers or thumbs in that fabric to keep my arms in a less uncomfortable position (old injury gets aggravated positionally). In almost the exact spot where my fingers or hands rest against my trunk, even through several layers of fabric, I get some of those same shooting sensations.
Additionally there are times when my inner eyelid or nostril gets an itch & I’ll use a finger or fingernail in the area. Sometimes soon after there is a bit of that prickling sensation there. It doesn’t seem to happen when touching the lip, cheek, or chin area.
So is it possible that I’ve been exposed to the Spike Protein or some other “vax” component through brief social contact with someone? Could that be causing these strange pin-pricking sensations? Does the fact that I presumably had “covid” about a year ago mean I have some type of spike protein in my system AND there is some type of reaction to what I’m being exposed to in these limited contacts?
I don’t get out & about very much and very rarely touch people who are not my direct family members.
Also, my son Josiah, who’s been having headaches (though thankfully seemingly much diminished) is having significant falling spells now, numerous times a day (well the loss of right leg control happens pretty often but he doesn’t necessarily fall down). Could this situation have something to do w/ spike protein/”vax’d” contact? My bridal shower contact was J’s fiancée, who was coerced into taking at least one shot by family in the last few months, even though she knew better (she has developmental disabilities).
We’re getting a brain MRI for J in 2 weeks to hopefully see if there is any regrowth of his old brain tumor, which was on the Pituitary Gland, or anything else that shows up in such a scan with or without contrast. I have no idea what other neurological stuff Could be imaged beyond tumors, vascularization, & encephalopathy, given his previous MRI’s…
He’s been on higher doses of anti-rejection meds since his bout with Liver Rejection of his Transplanted Liver about 1 1/4 years ago now. Before that July 2020 hospitalization he was taking 2.5mg of Tacrolimus (Prograf) as his only anti-rejection med.
Currently he’s on 6mg of Tacro, 300mg of Ursadiol, 2000mg of Cellcept, AND 5mg of Deltasone (a form of Prednisone). He’d been weaned down to 10mg of D in the normal weekly reduction following his hospital discharge but instead of just one week on 10mg & then either going down to 5mg or stopping all together he was kept on that 10mg dose for more than a year.
All of his other meds have been steady for quite a few years. However his prescribed version of Vitamin D, called Cholecalciferol, was something we haven’t had for about 6 months, I believe. Only very recently did I start giving him some Vit D in a oil capsule form, unlike the chol. which is a pressed powder tablet & presumably has calcium too.
His twin, who doesn’t see J very often, described him as “shaking like he has Parkinson’s” recently. I notice his hands shake but not otherwise. But given that we live together I don’t always notice changes, especially if they are more gradual.
We’ve borrowed a cane to help him not fall as easily but it’s super strange to see this type of deterioration in a 25 year old.
I read recently on the Q-Tree that lack of Vit. D &/or Vit. B (6 or 12, iirc) might contribute to falling down more, at least in the elderly. We’re pretty sure we’ve ruled out low blood sugar (he’s “hypoglycemic”) AND dizziness (he has a history there) as possible causes.
Any clues on how to proceed or does any of this info jive with anyone else’s experiences?
On J’s anti-rejection meds he had the Cellcept & Prednisone after the transplant originally (happened in 2013) but I don’t recall how long he stayed on them. I think the P was pretty much the normal taper down so he was done with it within 2 months following the surgical discharge. The Ursadiol is new from the rejection situation but the nurse described it as one of the safest meds (I’d accidentally overdosed him w/ 300 mg 2X/day instead of 300mg divided each day for some time, like a week, & she wasn’t at all concerned) likely about a year ago now.
Sorry that went on way longer than intended but I’d appreciate any feedback–thanks!
I’ll share my protocol for trying to diagnose a mystery ailment. I don’t know much about falling spells, but maybe this can help you find some answers.
* Read the official manufacturer insert on any prescription or OTC medication being taken. See if the listed side effects match any of the symptoms. Make sure you read the actual legal insert and not whatever WebMD or Wikipedia claims.
* Start Googling [symptom] + “vitamin deficiency” and see what comes up.
* Elimination diet. Good way to discover if any unknown food sensitivities are the culprit. I’d also add personal care products to this. It’s how I discovered that I have a sensitivity to “aloe” of all things. I put that in quotes because the “aloe” in a lot of personal care products isn’t actually true from-the-cactus aloe. Source
On vitamin D, it’s possible that the previous brand of vitamin D wasn’t as strong as advertised or wasn’t working for whatever reason. It’s happened to me before with different vitamin brands.
Regarding “Start Googling [symptom] + “vitamin deficiency” and see what comes up.” — first impression is “a thousand times yes”, but second impression is “what about minerals and other nutrients?”
Our diets, under the tender tutelage of the USDA and FDA, are borderline toxic, highly artificial, loaded with chemical contaminants, and deficient in many natural substances.
Wolf can talk about being short magnesium. I can attest to iodine shortage….what corporate/government thinks is food is NOT optimal for our health.
Very good points. J has seen nutritionists as part of multi-disciplinary teams, lately as part of the nephrology team (he has Chronic Kidney Disease). It seems that these medical based nutritionists mostly just speak the party line.
He’s supposed to watch his salt intake (he also has hx of high blood pressure & takes Clonidine & Lisinopril for it & should be using CPAP too, but that’s not currently happening) & keep his liquid intake up. He’s not supposed to eat Valencia oranges & grapefruit since his transplant…
You are 100% correct on this.
I try to stay away from prepared foods if at all possible and even carry a cooler with lunch if I am going to be out all day. Heck a cooler goes in the truck with drinks even if I am just going to town to shop!
I’ve also noticed that once you stop eating fast food you can never really go back.
It does not taste like real food.
I am getting very picky about sit down restaurants too. If they just fry everything or heat up frozen, I tend to take a pass.
I am there also do not like restaurant foods any longer. My husband feels the same. We both feel better. We never did go out and prefer good restaurants instead of sheep quick foods. We found one can dribble away lots of money and is better of occasionally a good restaurant.
We have wonderful meals at home and is so much fun to look forward too.
Thanks Sadie. This is very helpful. Hopefully I can do most of these things in the near future. Blessings!
“On vitamin D, it’s possible that the previous brand of vitamin D wasn’t as strong as advertised or wasn’t working for whatever reason. It’s happened to me before with different vitamin brands.”
I’ve read that it is very important to include vitamin K2 with your D3 intake as the D3 won’t get to the right places without K2 and the D3 will just collect in non-helpful places and cause potential issues.
That is vague as med advice from me is questionable at best. Someone also please correct me if I am wrong
Good advice.
about two months ago my Woodford dog had a seizure. Took him to the vet emergency after many tests could not find what caused it. He was conservative did not want to prescribe anything that would harm the dog.
One day giving the dogs their monthly meds I looked at the meds for fleas it said may cause seizures. I have not given him any and he is fine.
Yes one needs to read everything for people of animals. This was the first time a pet had a problem.
Interesting. One of my Anatolians has seizures occasionally. He has just been diagnosed with a very slight case of heart worms (I get him tested every year).
Anyway, the meds for early heartworm are the same for fleas, etc.
I would be worried except his brother also has occasional seizures. I think it is inbreeding in my case. Anatolians are subject to epilepsy.
The heart worm med is different and is against heart worms and other parasites.
The flea and tick protection is separate. Apparently their is different meds I could use. We seldom have a flea problem and catch it right away. I use all harmless stuff to get rid of them.
If the heartworms are early, in the just hatched stage, the meds are the same as for fleas. At least that is what my vet has told me.
For a case of adult heartworm, it is very different.
My puppy is getting a prophylactic does of Ivermectin to prevent heartworm.
It’s all so complicated.
That’s one of the side effects of the jab, iirc.
I saw pics of one poor woman who had them from head to toe.
that also starts to happen, as we age.
skin is thinner…if I accidentally hit or bump my shin or any place close to a bone too hard, I sometimes develop a “blood blister” type of red blotch but it goes away in a couple of days.
Yep, and I’ve had outbreaks with the Fiancee’s jabs….but not otherwise.
My dad’s on blood thinners & gets bad blood splotches &/or bruising now. Sometimes it looks really awful but he doesn’t even remember what he did to sustain the “injury”.
Slow Guy say, me to. Blood splotches or bruising seemingly from the slightest bumps. They don’t hurt at all. Just ugly as can be. DW quit asking what happened.
I rarely recall whatever bumped into me.
Life. Just keep those super thin clear skin covers around, the3 x2.
Gil, you checked in!!! How are you feeling (if you answered elsewhere today I’ll find it eventually doing catch up reading). Blessings AND Prayers your way!
Youll have to find my post today. Every day getting better.
Thx, I’ll go looking! Glad you are continuing to improve. You are in our prayers <3
My husband has the problem with black and blue marks if he bumps himself or dog jumps on him. He is on blood thinners that is causing that.
He has to be careful with with eating foods with to much vitamin K or fermented sauerkraut.
Never had them before she got jabbed. They’re about 80% gone from her last jab. All the stuff I am observing in real life reinforces the generic blog view — this is a nasty biowarfare trigger to force our population into worse RNA biowarfare vaxxes.
How long does it take since her “vax” before your associated symptoms subside?
Starts in a few days, goes away after a few weeks/couple of months.
Yikes–thanks for the info!
Stay safe
J had “covid” last year along w/ me, my husband, & our daughter, everyone in our household then. He gets extra Vit. C, recently restarted a form of Vit D, as noted above, but everything else, well we’re not supposed to give him Anything else without running it by his doctor(s). He’s currently taking like 25 pills a day, but 6 are Prograf, 4 are Cellcept, & 3 are Ursadiol, 2 are Mirapex, & 2 are Vit C. Everything else is a single item.
Given all the covid stupidity AND medical “malpractice” going on it is very hard to know who to trust! Frankly I’m leery of our return to U of M Hospital for the MRI & next month for the Transplant Clinic. We haven’t even seen his actual Liver doc since his hospitalization, just a non-physician colleague. Very weird stuff!
I got the blood blotches after being exposed to a vaxxed. I used star anise tea for a few days, and it stopped. It works.
Grind up a whole star anise, steep it in boiling hot water in a covered cup for 15-20 minutes. It even tastes good!
Thanks!!! sounds like a plan!
Praying here. You are a great mama.
I have had similar symptoms after such contact. A nurse has suggested taking a dropper of dandelion extract after encounters with vaxxed. It seems to diminish such symptoms. I think she said a dropper every four hours until symptoms subside. It was on a Barnhardt podcast a few weeks ago. Will try to find it and post.
Also, prophylaxis-protocol with Ivermectin may be something to look into.
Here it is:
Thanks grandma. We definitely need to get some Ivermectin. My hubby seems to have some degree of lingering heart & lung issues still so I have hopes for a miracle “long hauler’s” cure
Thank you so much for praying for us!!!
Valerie Curren
Absolutely agreed with taking a look at everyone’s daily intake of vitamin C, vitamin D3, Zinc, B-complex. Cutting out as much sugar and processed food as possible. Reading all the fine print of those “information inserts” that come with prescription drugs.
IMO, anybody who had COVID-19 (either a confirmed case; or a “I’m pretty sure I had it” case from early- to mid-2020 before testing was widely available), AND anybody who got “vaccinated” — needs to be on all the above vitamins / supplements, PLUS Ivermectin as a prophylaxis.
Be careful of taking too much Zinc per day. More than 50mg of Zinc per day may not be a good idea unless it’s closely supervised by an MD. If one is taking a multi-vitamin, check to see how much Zinc, if any, is included in the ingredients.
There are some other supplements that have high levels of Zinc — for example, the “AREDS2” eye supplement by PreserVision (Bausch & Lomb). The daily dose of AREDS2 has as much as 80mg of Zinc.
I take “Areds2″eye supplement for almost 20 years. No wonder when I came down with covid it did not turn as bad as it could have been.
great insight!
Was not hard to figure out when I looked closely what all was in the pill and that Zinc helps covid. I always liked green tea so in my ignorance put those two together. God is Good
We just had lunch with my mom’s birth cousin today (I discovered my mom’s birth family back in 2001 doing genealogical sleuthing). She was recounting the series of events that lead to our initial phone call:
My genealogical research & finding the family cemetery AND leaving my contact info w/ the cemetery sexton to share w/ other researchers.
My mom’s birth mom dying on the West Coast.
Cousin who was asked to deal with situation couldn’t.
This cousin took on task of getting Birth Mom’s cremains sent to Michigan family cemetery.
Cousin contacts cemetery sexton to make arrangements.
Her contact w/ the sexton was within a week of me leaving my info w/ him, still fresh in his mind.
She calls me AND the rest is history.
I started actively looking in 2000, when my mom was 60 so it was 60 years after a private adoption w/ almost no paper trail.
God is good AND He orchestrated the details that lead to us being in contact with these lovely blood relatives.
He does order our steps, even when we’re not necessarily paying attention!
What a wonderful story
Thank you for sharing . Yes some things are meant to bee.
Yes! This is a joyful gift that keeps on giving. My mom didn’t even want me to look, but she’s been blessed to meet 2 aunts, an uncle, 2 half sisters, & 3 1st cousins plus relatives further afield! Love it!!!
Sounds like a Blessing to me
Thanks RDS, this is great info!!! Much to think about AND to do
Have you tried Liposomal Vit C? It is far more effective than regular Vit C. Its a bit pricey, but worth it when you need it. Finding a good brand can be an issue.
Livon Lypo-Sphereic is trustworthy, but not cheap, which is my first go to. I have recently tried the Amandean Liposomal C, a bit too sweet though. Nano Sized Liposomes are what is important.
After being around vaxxed, I nebulize with H2O2 and take a couple of packets of Lipo C, so far, so good.
I hope this is helpful.
Thanks, Zopa, this is good info AND new to me. Blessings!
Mine too. Allergies don’t help, either.
When I got “side effects” from coming into contact with a vaxxed, I drank star anise tea for several days. The side effects went away. Mine manifested as the “blood blotches” under the skin.
I’ve done this twice now, and have recommended to others who have done it, too. It works.
Thanks Aubergine. Gonna look for that ASAP!
The vitamin B is B1 folic acid.
Nutritional status in relation to balance and falls in the elderly: a preliminary look at serum folate
Vitamin B12, B complex and iodine (for the thyroid) seems to be helping Hubby (78 yrs & now he can run again.)
Epidemic of Iodine deficiency USA
Thyroid Org– Iodine Deficiency
What they are not telling you is the salt used in commercial food IS NOT IODIZED.
ChiefIO — Bromine, Iodine, Prostate and Breast Cancer — 23 June 2015
As a result of this discussion, I started taking iodine tablets and my weight declined and my energy levels went up.
sabretoothed BTW is worth paying attention to.
I take seaweed and eat herring and cheese.
I became iodine deficiant living in S. OH.
I too have more energy getting more Iodine.
I even give my dogs twice a week seaweed.
Thanks again for much great info to process! You, as Always, rock!!!
Environmental Bromine, Fluorine, & Chlorine all displace Iodine…all are abundant in things like “bleached” flour & tap water. It’s no surprise that compromised thyroid is rampant.
and here’s his massive criminal history (pdf)…
is the jury aware of this ?
shouldn’t this be breaking news ? (YES)
Thomas Binger should be disbarred over his bullshit theatrics. (jmo)
“…because everybody takes a beating sometimes…”

article link…
one of the prosecutors James Kraus (pictured above, fat slob bozo clown), tells the jury that…
… Kyle Rittenhouse should have let himself be attacked …
…and that Rittenhouse did not have the “privilege” of self defense…
…and that Rittenhouse had a duty to retreat….
…and that Rittenhouse was “too cowardly” to fight his way through the crowd by using his fists…
this is not satire.
read more about this outlandish travesty, at the link.
the jury should beat up big fat fatty prosecutor on their out because everybody takes a beating sometimes.
Kraus….Augustus Gloop from Willy Wonka.
nailed it
My husband was a fat kid and it is not fun. Everyone teased him. He lost his weight going to high school and never was fat again. He is 6 F and weighs 155 LB. He looks as he did when I met him when he was 19.
I feel sorry for the kid.
Those arguments fall flat with the jury. Prosecutors lost credibility throughout the trial.
Guy has the classic peedoe look.
No sane person is going to buy into that. It is human nature to defend oneself
This is a nothingburger because Kyle’s attorney already got him — both coming and going.
Did Kyle shoot him because he was an a**hole? no; did Kyle shoot him when he was a threat? no; did Kyle shoot him when he was advancing with a gun in his hand pointing at Kyle? *ding*.
HARRINGTON: Trumpism Needs Trump, Not Guidance from Grifters. (
Yeah, that’s a big, fat NO. It’s a lie, actually. They’re trying to fool the people into believing they would carry on MAGA.
An Antifa Debit Card…?
I just found this on Gab, but it’s dated back in 2020.
This doesn’t surprise me, though.

WTF ??
Makes sense. Asshoe Antifa gotta get paid. Easy way to minimize paperwork and hassles of cash disbursement.
Aligns with what a NV Capitol LE guy told me at one of the weekly Saturday Patriot gaggles, at NV Capitol grounds after 3 November.
LE guy told me he saw the Antifa table with a SIGN IN SHEET for Antifa goons. Also posted at the time.
I did a search and saw results from ‘fact checkers’ saying it is false. Then again, there is this website that I cannot read but looks like the source of the graphics of the card above. Is it for real or a spoof?
according to Kraus, he had a duty to retreat.
ERRRrrr… Exactly what is this guy’s definition of ‘Retreat’?
Wasn’t Kyle running for his life TOWARDS the cops? Isn’t that RETREATING?
And before that didn’t he retreat from the crazy dud and ONLY shoot when the guy laid a hand on his gun trying to take it AFTER THE CRAZY DUD HAD BEEN SCREAMING HE WAS GOING TO KILL KYLE?
“All he had was a handgun” — which the Left has been trying to ban for ages. So whish is it? Is a handgun dangerous, or not? If not, then there should be no problem (for the Left) for everyone to carry one all the time.
have you, by any chance, noticed how edgy & paranoid ppl are if someone so much as sneezes or worse coughs anywhere in public settings nowadays ?
Yes, and this has been my concern since Day One of this farce.
I mowed my lawn a couple of days ago. Since then, I’ve been hawking up globs of phlegm (sorry if TMI) every 20 minutes. I pull into a parking lot and go “hork, hork, glurkk” and hope I can make it through my excursion into a store. It’s not COVID, unless I’ve got COVID on my lawn.
With the fake “safety mask” BS, and the real “I need to get this crap out of my lungs” impulse, I get to see all kinds of reactions.
we have Red Tide here along the GoM, from time to time…like last summer…I had been cycling and doing an exterior mural over on the beach, exposed to the nasty air from it, and for about a week, I was coughing & sneezing with itchy eyes from it…
a few times during that period, I’d be Red Tide coughing while shopping.
causing a panic.
Try being allergic to just about everything. I am always sniffling, sneezing and coughing and have been for the last 60 years.
I do want to thank the Treepers who recommended Licorice Root, Nettle Leave & Elderberry. My allergies have calmed down A LOT and so has my arthritis.
BTW, it is my arthritis that seems to flair if I am near the recently vaxxed. It never really bothered me untill the vaccines came out.
Same! Allergies and arthritis kick up when I’m in a public place with vaxxed for long periods.
There are sufficient people who want psychotic pedophiles in their neighborhoods to get a 1%?!?!?!
I’d say…both!
DISBAR the sob !!
The bailiff should have shot his ass as soon as he aimed the gun at innocent parties with his finger on the trigger.
If I was in the jury box, I would have screamed and dived to the floor.
What a fucking idiot.
I am with you Coothie, the guy needed to be SHOT by the bailiff!
NO ONE in a court room should do that crap.
Also the JUDGE should have SENTENCED HIM!
Wisconsin law:
“… intentionally pointing a firearm at another constitutes a violation of s. 941.20, under s. 939.48 (1)…”
He could have pointed at a wall or the floor and he SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD A FINGER ON THAT TRIGGER PERIOD!!!
Note the photo of Kyle shows his trigger finger straight along the rifle and no where near the trigger.
That boy had some very good training.
He actually has his finger on the trigger. Smh.
AND logic!
Except for germ warfare laboratories, of course.
We know why.
These madmen are crazy enough to let it loose.
More experimenting.
Thank you, DePat, for a worthy and meaningful KAG thread. I’d have to say that selection of scripture was somewhat sobering.
We have far too many people in our pack or close to it who are suffering ill-health.
While prayer and fretting are appropriate as things decline, please share news of recovery and healing — both to attest to the power of prayer and also to give hope to those with continuing illness.
The thing about that first reading is that it’s in one of the books Luther removed. Too many have never read it.
I have a very old Lutheran Bible that I treasure. I am happy I can read old scripture since the handwriting was so different.
This Creapy Illigitimate Occupant in the WH has done it again:
He just can’t keep his hands off of kids.
Creepy pervert sonuvabitch.
So sickening. My skin crawls when I see him doing that stuff. It is no wonder his kids are the way they are.
This stuff will ruin four generations at a minimum.
someone needs to arrest the filthy creep.
IMO, that’s the real Joe, not a body double. Notice the thin, “elderly frail person” build and body set. The shape of the neck, jawline, and slope of the head. The shape of the nose.
Notice also how “Dr. Jill” knows exactly what Joe’s doing, but instead of doing something to STOP him, she’ playing with her hair! So she’s OK with what’s going on?
IMO, almost all, if not all, appearances are the real Joe. The only possible exception I can think of is when he was riding a bike with his face covered by a mask and helmet, and he didn’t have to talk to anyone. I do not buy into the body double theories.
The Austrian GESTAPO wants to see your PASS in the Year 2021 76 years after they were supposedly disbanded:
I don’t know where this is going to go. Once these regulations are put into place, they are almost never rescinded. I don’t know how the situation will get better.
It will not and get worse. They are sorting the complainant people from those who do not. We are dangerous that is why Biden turnend FBI into Stasi.
Typical communist Nazis. That is tyranny and the regime want to bring it here.
This is cool…but also kinda creepy.
[video src="" /]
Found on Gab — they didn’t say where it is, but I’m thinking somewhere in Europe.
Gigantic Grandmas UNITE !

A couple scenes in Shallow Hal come to mind here
see around 1:30 in this one
One of my very favorite movies! It has the best message.
Yes! Reminds me of what my son Brandon said to me a few years ago “My mom thinks she’s fat but I think she’s perfect!” Gets me every time!!!
You ARE perfect. Made by God. We all are, in His eyes.
AND under His Blood!
Nadler probably wears some like that…
Russia, Russia, Russia was always a diversion AWAY FROM CHYNA OUR REAL ENEMY!
Sort of like the Soldier in White from Catch-22…
Epic opener, DePat! Thank you!

where’s the cold “prop” gun when you need it most ?
Dear God,
Please let Anthony Fauci receive justice here on earth.
AND in eternity!
What’s with “Fauci-Mengele” and the turtleneck? It was warm enough for the “reporter” to not wear one.
trying to acclimate to hell
Not a person’s RIGHTS are LESS than that of SOCIETY’s RIGHTS…. GEE where have I hear that before??
Oh Yes:
Straight from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
Sure sounds like the way a farmer treats his livestock.
ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔄𝔱𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔱𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔥 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔡 𝔅𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔰𝔲𝔩𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔬𝔯 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔩𝔢. — Aubergine’s Razor
𝕁𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕕𝕚𝕕𝕟’𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕟.
Phuck Joe Biden…and the donkey he rode in on.
[video src="" /]
Love it. They know what communism did to them and now they are free people and will not be enslaved by European Union mental sickness.
There’s a video with this post that gives specific and explicit information on where to go on the government websites to get actual paperwork that says Ivermectin is approved for COVID treatment. This physician gives instructions on how to be on the offensive when going in for treatment. I wish this had surfaced before Gil went to the hospital.
I looked for the video on Rumble, and can’t find it.
Here’s the link to the table:
How to get to it:
pull up website
type in “characteristics of anti-viral agents approved or under evaluation for COVID-19 treatment”
print and have available in a “hospital ready kit”
For ivermectin home stock, a few proven sources:
NIH web site above fails to list the worst of Remdisivir side effects. Such as kidney problems. IIRC, this was posted a couple weeks ago. NIH promoting their Big Pharma perspective.
Thank you for this.
Just did the search.
Lo and behold, there’s a “Summary of Recommendations” for COVID-19 as one scrolls down the long list of NIH items.
It appears that the NIH ONLY “recommends” the use of Remdesivir to treat the virus. IVM “hasn’t been properly evaluated yet”. HCQ is NOT recommended. Azithromycin is NOT recommended.
However, there IS the following language from the “Summary Recommendations” discussion — IMO, this page needs to be printed out and added to the “take to the hospital” kit —
“As in the management of any disease, treatment decisions ultimately reside with the patient and their health care provider.”
Also, might be a good idea to have some Azithromycin or Doxycycline on hand to start at the first detected sign of an infection. Look for non-prescription versions at India Mart. Also perhaps a few Ziverdo kits on hand (IVM or HCQ, Zinc, Azith or Doxy) from India Mart. (some people are sensitive to Azithromycin but do well with Doxycycline — know your antibiotic history)
Be aware that some vendors of these items on India Mart are getting their PayPal portals shut down (methinks **somebody** is behind this move). So vendors are asking for bank / wire transfers or some sort of “international payment app” to be downloaded to one’s phone. IMO, I’d be leery of a vendor who doesn’t do PayPal.
Info on the table specific to Ivermectin:
IVM dosage chart may be helpful.
The medicare memo outlining payouts for hospitals administering Remdesivir:
Needing guidance here. Hope the good doctors hold a symposium or something.
I don’t think a “borax bath” is going to do much, except potentially damage the skin.
Given what the clot-shot does, I don’t know that detoxing from it is possible, since it is literally changing how the body reacts to viruses, and subverting the immune system. Maybe Wolf has better thoughts on that.
Would one not want to detox from the insight outward?
Personally I would eat lots of greens no carbs lots of water with lemon and lots of teas. Clean liver kidneys vitamins everything that flushes the system in hopes to flush the poison. Of course take vitamins and cod liver oil that thin the blood to avoid blood clots.
I do not know so much maybe that is why I am not bound by many theories I just do.
My ignorance has helped me many times somehow it works out for me.
I agree about detoxing. I use a mixture of dandelion root, burdock root, and yellow dock root for a whole-body flush. And I use Oregon Grape Root, which is anti-inflammatory.
I DON’T agree that you don’t know much! Yes, you do!
Great to know concerning different roots.
Aubergine I just do and somewhere out there something floats into my mind I call it universal knowledge and take it like picking fruit
I love it! And it works.
Yes it does if one knows what one is doing. You are a gifted lady
Borax would not help just because if clean clothe and if sprinkled on carpet kills fleas does not mean it kills the affect of the jab.
I would bath in Dead sea salt do it anyway occasionally. Maybe in Pine needle essence works wonders for tired body.
I like a combo of sea salt, baking soda, and a half-dozen green tea bags as a detox bath. Works wonders.
Could imagine. Baking soda can dry skin but the green tea should counter that.
Herbs are nice in a bath. I like rosemary on my face. Also steam with camomile
Yes. Chamomile is so soothing. Especially for sore eyes.
How to lie with statistics (vaccine edition),
By just changing the reporting time of the mortality rate of vaccinated and unvaccinated compared to the vaccination rate at that time, they create a strange artifact which ‘shows’ that unvaccinated are more at risk, even though the actual mortality rate for both groups are in fact the same or even higher for the vaccinated group:
Compare that to the real world UK data :
Notice in both graphs the mortality rate of the unvaccinated spike at the same time as the peak of the vaccination has been reached.
Dr. Zelenko is on the warpath. Scroll to the last several posts.
Dr Zelenko
How a weapon of eugenics, mass murder, and genocide was made.
1 In 1999, Anthony Fauci (Director of NIAID), in partnership with Ralph Baric and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill constructed an “infectious, replication defective” recombinant coronavirus to infect human cells;
2 In 2002, NIAID and UNC filed for patent protection securing the rights to the spike protein chimeric bioweapon now modified for use in the gene therapy represented to be a “vaccine”;
3 In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention patented the genome of the SARS coronavirus securing all commercial use of SARS;
4 In 2013 to 2016, NIAID, UNC Chapel Hill, EcoHealthAlliance (led by Peter Daszak), and the Wuhan Institute of Virology violated 18 USC §175 enabling the construction and chimeric manipulation of a pathogen known to be lethal to humans (the S1 Spike Protein) in repeated and habitual felonious acts;
5 In 2015, Peter Daszak stated to the National Academy of Sciences that, “…until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.” 2016 Feb 12. 6, Developing MCMs for Coronaviruses. Available from:;
6 And beginning in September of 2019, NIAID, UNC Chapel Hill, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chinese Centers for Disease Control conspired to conduct a global operation in the release of a respiratory pathogen to force nations into developing and deploying a global vaccine program including having President Trump sign an Executive Order (Executive Order 13887) mandating the production of mRNA vaccines months before any reported SARS outbreak; and,
7 In 2020, two companies who had never safely produced any vaccine before were selected to manufacture an untested and unsafe product to unleash on the population;
Thank You United States Government
Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
NCBI Bookshelf
HOLY MOLY! That online book Dr Zelenko posted the link to is a treasure trove!!!
Rapid Medical Countermeasure Response to Infectious Diseases: Enabling Sustainable Capabilities Through Ongoing Public- and Private-Sector Partnerships: Workshop Summary.
Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation; Forum on Microbial Threats; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Board on Global Health; Institute of Medicine; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US);
2016 Feb 12.
…Assessing Coronavirus Threats at the Source
To stop the next SARS outbreak at its source, we need to know where it is coming from, said Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance. With funding from Fogarty International Center at NIH, the EcoHealth Alliance sought to identify the wildlife origin of SARS. While crossover from civets into humans was of particular interest, the data suggested that civets are not the wild reservoir but instead are infected in the live animal markets of Southern China…. [So the fix was in!]
….With funding from NIAID, EcoHealth Alliance continues to look across Southern China for these bat viruses, interviewing and taking samples from people potentially at risk (e.g., those trading bats in the markets, hunting bats, living in caves) to look for cases of spillover from the wildlife reservoir.
MERS-CoV Outbreak
….A predictive computer model shows the risk of MERS being transmitted into humans to be highest not in Saudi Arabia, but in the horn of Africa, where most camels are produced. Therefore, this is where EcoHealth Alliance is now going to shift its focus….
RESPONSE TO THE 2003 SARS OUTBREAK…Frederick Cassels, chief of the Enteric and Hepatic Disease Branch of the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (DMID) at NIAID, noted that onset of fever was a very important symptom in the pretransmission phase, and isolating people with fever was a key intervention to control the spread, curbing the epidemic by April 2004… <== [THEY KNEW LOCKDOWNS WERE NOT NECESSARY!!! Unless the actual goal was to MAKE the public HURT in order to extract FUNDING. See the end paragraphs.]
NIAID/DMID Response: Contracts, Research, and GrantsCassels explained that NIAID has a dual mandate on both the basic and applied research side and on the rapid response side of the spectrum. In addition to a host of different grant mechanisms, NIAID provides support across the product development pipeline through resource facilities, partnerships, contract resources, and clinical trial support (generally through Phase II). The NIAID response to SARS included contracts, intramural research, and grants. The initial mechanism in 2003 was to rapidly supplement existing coronavirus grants. In 2004, approximately $100 million in SARS-specific grant funding was awarded. Contracts were established quickly, including three vaccine development contracts and a monoclonal antibody contract…
Commercial SARS Vaccine Development….Chiron initiated and funded this program at their own financial risk when they saw the emergence of the outbreak in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia in 2002–2003, Mansoura said. Also important was the fact that researchers at Chiron had an ongoing collaboration with the University of Marburg Biohazard Level-4 facility, which enabled them to begin work immediately. Unfortunately, Mansoura said, the program ended in August 2009 due to expiration of the NIH grant and disappearance of the threat….
In a large company like Novartis or GSK, opportunity costs drive decisions. If GSK is developing a SARS vaccine, they are taking resources away from developing the next-generation influenza vaccine. Therefore, if external funding disappears, it is unlikely the company will continue a program using only internal funds….
A key limitation was the disappearance of the threat, which resulted in the lack of will to pursue this vaccine development program further. Another limitation was that traditional vaccine technologies are not amenable to rapid response, stressing the need for platform technologies. Arguably, she concluded, a decade of coronavirus vaccine development has been lost, and said it is time to ask the hard questions about what the cost of that inaction could be, before the consequences are seen….
SUSTAINING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTThemes throughout the presentations included the missed opportunities for coronavirus research after both the threats and funding decreased, and the potential urgent need to reinstate vaccine candidate development programs within a short timeline, Inglesby of the Center for Health Security said. Panelists discussed what would be needed to sustain a viable coronavirus vaccine development program in the absence of an outbreak. The focus would need to be defined, said Cassels of NIAID. Would such a program be SARS-specific, MERS-specific, or pan-coronavirus? Universal influenza vaccine efforts have arisen from decades of research to identify potentially universal strategies, yet there is still a long way to go and the coronavirus field is not yet ready for that, Cassels stated. Daszak agreed that developing pan-coronavirus platforms will be very difficult. However, viral discovery suggests that there will be many other coronaviruses that are close to MERS or SARS that may use the same receptor, or a different receptor that could be covered by a MERS or SARS vaccine….
Mansoura reiterated the point made by Venkayya of Takeda and others that corporate social responsibility alone will not drive a company to develop a product. Partnerships and the approaches to reduce the risk for companies are needed. One of the challenges for government funders is allocating the right amount of money to draw in the types of partners needed. Government partners also face challenges in ensuring the size of the market. The days of multibillion dollar, multiyear budgets are gone, she said, and agencies are limited to working with annual appropriations that are subject to change each year. Inglesby added that it would be useful to have a sense of the funding needed to develop a final licensed product targeting a coronavirus….
Participants also highlighted an opportunity for more innovative ways to secure funding. We should not always be looking to the government, Cox said. Compelling stories are needed to interest investors, and we need to learn how to better engage potential stakeholders that have an interest in finding a solution….
Lack of Public Understanding of Threats [So let’s make the public HURT!]Investors are interested at the height of a crisis, Daszak said. He pointed out that the share value for Roche Holding, a Swiss global health care company, increased during the H1N1 influenza pandemic. Unfortunately, as discussed, the interest and hype are short lived and focused around the outbreak….
They ARE collecting our DNA. No surprises here.
Hello, my digital friends.
I ‘d like to ask for a prayer for someone my wife holds for dear, myself. I’ve shared some of the health issues in my increasing old age, and the problem is now my diabetes. Long story short been experiencing extreme highs and lows in blood sugar that has put me in the hospital 3 times over the last years. Causes some other problems well, that are and can be life threatening.
My prayer is for wisdom and strength, that helps make the right decisions. Headed to my doctor this morning. I’ll do my best to check in….
brother tim
Sending prayers and healing energy your way dear trumpismine.

TY holly, means a lot to me
Of course, praying right now.
Thanks Aubergine
Prayers to you and your wife for healing and comfort and wisdom what works best for you and diabetics.
My husband is a diabetic but he has healed a lot of his problems however just like a alcoholic always alcoholic so one is always a diabetic.
May I recommend a book the doctor is also on YouTube before investing into the book maybe watch him.
My husband has recommend this book to many people with good results.
“End your CARB Confusion” A simple guide to customize your Carb Intake for Optimal Health. By Eric C. Westerman, MD with Amy Berger, CNS.
Thanks for the well wishes, but let me explain what is going on. Battling this malady for 30+ yrs.
The problem has evolved from type 2 which I controlled with oral meds and exercise/diet until I got a serious case of double pneumonia with blood poisoning 4 yrs since. The meds that saved my life made the diabetes rage out of control, so insulin. Did my best to avoid this unnatural drug, alas it was not to be of use in my ol days.
Not alcohol of which I have had in the past, but the knowledge gained from so many years fighting it, I knew of the dangers it and other things to living to be old together with DW and family, in other words sigh…
I am so sorry to hear that. You had a long road with diabetics. Yes the older we get the harder it is to control diabetics.
My husband was 80 this year but has to be careful what he eats. I guess we all have to and it is good we are on the same wave length watching changing life style . Support helps.
I wish you well and keep you in prayers. God knows what you need so I pray that God gives you what you need. Blessings
There was recently something about approvals for DIY pancreas solutions — I don’t know I saw it at this link, but it’s a link I could find — .
Of course, they’re talking about Type I….but knowledge is knowledge.
Prayers going up.
Amen Chris
Prayers for you.
There is a lot of good information online about blood sugar (which you probably already know). I’m not an expert on full-blown diabetes and am praying that you will get good guidance and for your condition to stabilize and improve.
Thanks Truths
We’ll be praying for you Tim–God Bless, Protect, & Heal YOU! In Jesus’ Love
Thanks Valerie, You have always been my Friend in need
God Bless. Hope is a Friend, too
Yes. I’m Type 2 diabetic too, but not as far along in the process as you. Sorry for these frustrating challenges. We’ve really appreciated your many prayers for our family over the years too. Blessings!
Well, I didn’t know that. Another item to add to my prayers for your family
Oh, sorry to hear Joshua been falling, Hoping to help give some advise, but all I can do is offer my prayers.
Rich Blessings from God I pray for your family and you this beautiful day.
In Jesus Holy Name.
Thanks so much for All of this Tim. Josiah didn’t fall but once yesterday, so that was an improvement at least. Blessings!!!
Dr. Robert Malone: Pfizer CEO Knows Vaccine Probably Killed Tens to Hundreds of Thousands Worldwide (
I wish it wasn’t info wars…
It makes it hard to use the video to wake-up the Sheeple. No wonder they went after Info-wars and de-platformed them FIRST.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, November 16, 2021
“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”
Psalms 91:4 (KJV)
Thank you for posting the Scripture verses, and for the link, too!
A number that is rapidly accelerating because of Bye-Done and company. 2021 will be worse.
Yes, braking the supply chains is a feature of Build Back Better…
What they leave out when they say Build Back Better is With Less
Maybe we should start believing them when they TELL US what they are planning:

Good one, Dpat.
I am never going to be able to do yoga again without hearing J.P. in my ear! “Now you’re in Covid corpse pose. Relax into being my statistic.” LOLOLOL! I’m dying.
My body will not do yoga, so the whole thing was just…weird.
I love yoga and do it 4-5 times a week, but J.P.’s model (wife?) has much better form than I manage, I’m sure!
Yes, that’s his wife.
If this spreads…
Spread it should AND will.
Just as we’ve seen some Red states stand up to BiteMe’s ignorance.
MISDEMEANOR FROM HELL: Defiant Bannon Tells Biden He Picked The Wrong Target in Fiery Courthouse Speech.
Washington, D.C. – A defiant Stephen K. Bannon emerged from the D.C. federal courthouse this afternoon promising to deliver Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Nancy Pelosi the “misdemeanor from hell” following his indictment on two counts related to an unconstitutional contempt of Congress charge.
Love it!
OH this should get good!
Wyoming GOP Votes Trump-Hater Liz Cheney Out of Republican Party.
NOTE that the REPUBLICANS DID NOT PICK THE RINOS on PIg-louse’s House Panel. INSTEAD THEY WERE HAND PICKED BY NASTY. This means that panel IS NOT EVEN LAWFUL since it is run only by one party.
If the House Republicans TOSS the slithering Liz then it will give Nasty a real mess to deal with.
Have not read the post or thread yet, but wanted to put this cut and paste from Anonymous Conservative here. There seems not to be a separate link. AC frequently speculates on psy-ops and Cabal operations in general, including surveillance. Although speculation is speculation, IMO AC presents highly plausible scenarios, and I absolutely agree with his ongoing, underlying premise, that Americans are surveilled and tracked meticulously by evil forces, and that those same forces are constantly manipulating the populace in ways large and small. Here are two items from AC:
Two interesting tidbits directly from Kyle’s defense attorney in his closing argument. One, Joseph Rosenbaum, who was carrying his belongings in a hospital bag, as if he had just been released from a mental health facility, and who was said to have just been released from a mental health facility, and who himself said on video he had just been released, “and wasn’t afraid to go back,” has no record of having been at any mental health facility or detention center, and neither the defense or the prosecution can account for his whereabouts prior to the riot. So the defense tried to locate where this guy came from, or where he was in the weeks prior to the riot, to show he was a mental headcase, but they couldn’t locate any info, despite him clearly having been under a hold somewhere, dealing with therapists of some sort and believing himself he was locked up. Make of that what you will.
Two, Gaige Grosskreutz was brought into the hospital amblulatory and conscious, but in shock with his bicep blown off, and somehow he ended up admitted as an anonymous patient with no name, so his best friend couldn’t find him when he went to be with him. I doubt Gaige was thinking clearly enough in those frantic moments to request he be listed as a John Doe. I doubt the hospital, getting a rush patient in from the riots with his arm blown off, thought to hide his identity as they were trying to wheel him into emergency surgery. So how did he end up anonymized, even days later?
Now suppose the riot was a complex intel operation, being run from an underground command center many miles away, by intel professionals watching events live on their TV screens, like feeds from numerous “streamers” like Gaige who were running around with their phones, streaming the riot. Suppose that command center was giving orders to their operatives on the ground in the riot through hidden earpieces, using bounced signals from locally positioned repeaters brought in by “Antifa” commanders. Imagine the plan for that night was to make an example out of some patriot who was armed, to counter the images of armed patriots in body armor protesting the Cabal, and make those guys look less scary. Suppose that command center picked Kyle out of the video streams during the early moments of the riot, because he was clearly young, out of shape, naive to how things worked, and looked like a Cherry these seasoned Cabal assets could roll over.
In the trial we learned, that at just the wrong moment, whoever was protecting the CarSource suddenly bailed with no explanation as the crowd moved in (the defense said it in closing). Then, one of the “leaders” of the armed patriots asked 17 year old Kyle to go down there to take the position, and at the same moment, Kyle’s “buddy” in the buddy system the patriots were using, who had been assigned to him earlier (a forty something Army vet), suddenly disappeared inexplicably from the side of the 17 year old kid he should have felt responsible for. So Kyle was suddenly alone and could not find him, just as the order to head to CarSource came in. So Kyle went toward the CarSource alone on orders, where Joseph Rosenbaum was hiding behind a car waiting, and where the FBI had just moved its overhead drone and aviation units to that location to record everything that was about to happen.
What Cabal didn’t know was Kyle was under God’s protection, and just happened to be extra-sharp and highly cool under fire as well. So he smokes two Cabal protesters and cripples a third, all clearly in compliance with all legal strictures, before successfully exfiling and getting to safety. After everything plays out, nobody can say where Rosenbaum came from. Nobody can identify or locate crucial characters, like “Yellow Pants” and “Jump Kick Guy” (both terms from the trial), despite the FBI undoubtedly having the Identification of everyone present that night, and the videos going global. And when Grosskruetz gets admitted to the hospital, somebody knows this will be a clusterfuck, and has the authority to contact the hospital and make sure his name is removed from his admission records, so nobody can find him until they see all the videos, sort out how they are going to deal with it, and figure out what his story will need to be.
It feels like a mad scramble by command after a perfectly planned clock-work op targeting a cherry turned into an epic Goatfuck, and they needed to hide everything until they could figure out how how bad it was, and how they needed to handle it. After Kyle cleaned house, and command gave the order to shut down the riot and send everyone home right after it (why did the shooting not invigorate the crowd to riot even worse?), I will bet there were upwards of a dozen seasoned, high ranking intel professionals gathered in a conference room somewhere shitting bricks, grabbing all the video they could, and trying to figure out how they would keep this epic Goatfuck from blowing stratospheric. I would not be surprised at one point one said, “Well, at least tell me this little shit killed a black guy, so we have something to work with!”
All of that fits together far better as coordinated intel activity, than it does as a random series of events, and odd coincidences, which left Kyle all alone, in the middle of the mob, under attack, with multiple aviation over him.
Also interesting – Police Bodycam video shows Gaige Grosskreutz get arrested for DUI some time after the shooting. No need to watch the whole thing as I will summarize. I saw the full video on 4CHan with body-video from two different cops, including the friend of Gaige getting cut loose after everything was over, and it was interesting. The cops were super cool to these guys when Gaige was stopped for not signaling, I almost think he could have walked with no ticket if he had been decent. If a cop stopped me for not using a turn signal, five minutes and I am out of there, ticket or not, and the cop and I will be cool after it. These guys make a big deal about being afraid the cops are about to shoot them, despite that clearly not being even a remote possibility. Then Gaige decides he will not say anything, and will just look ahead as the cop asks him questions. Then Gaige will not reach back to the seat behind him for his ID, which gets him pulled out of the car, at which point he breathes alcohol breath on the cop, and then refuses to do a sobriety test. SO then the cop needs to arrest him and get a blood draw. The friend fucks with the cops for a bit while waiting on the curb, accusing them of being afraid of him, and then leaves, saying “Oink Oink!” After the encounter, one cops sounds confused, asking his buddy something like, “What the fuck is up with people these days?” So these cops were seeing that type of thing a lot. Suppose Cabal asked these cops to pull these guys over, as part of a psyop. Suppose the cops thought they were stopping a couple of potential problems to check them out for whoever Cabal intel was larping as, but the real purpose was for these two to act like dicks, and poison these cops against the civilian population, by making them feel under siege from a population which hates and fears them. These two do their thing, and then Cabal knocks down the DUI charge (as they did), so for Gaige, it is like it never happened. Meanwhile those cops feel like there is a decent segment of the population who views them as deranged madmen about to kill people wantonly, and just hates them generally. I can’t say if that is the case. But you have two likely Cabal operatives, Cabal could have made sure no cop was ever around them, the local surveillance observation post probably saw them being stopped and could have made the stop go away on the spot, and these two had plenty of leeway to be cool and not end up with the stop turning into such a big thing. Plus, who is such a dick, wantonly, even when the cops are cutting you loose with no charges? It just feels weird to me. Plus, everything today is a psyop.
Tona, do you have a link for this?
There is no separate link to these entries. The general link is:
You have to scroll down to get to these entries.
It all sounds very plausible. That’s very similar to Ashli Babbit imo
Yes, Babbitt looked like a planned murder. We are dealing with very evil people.
It certainly was PLANNED! There were cops all over the place and NOT ONE grabbed her? Instead they SHOT HER…. with other cops in the way?…. OH YEAH, the cops MOVED OUT OF THE WAY SO IT WAS A CLEAR SHOT!
Wofie and the rest of us chewed that murder up completely… IF IT WAS A MURDER.
Sounds like a job for Ethan Hunt.
To start, many, many thanks to DP and all the other authors and posters here! This place is a haven and life-line in so many ways.
Also, my/our prayers for those down with Covid, especially giloo! So glad to hear you are doing better.
Now to us: DH, who is almost never sick, got the sniffles Sunday evening and was feeling a bit “out of it” yesterday. He took some CDS Sunday night and twice yesterday and was still feeling a bit ill today, so I made him take a Covid self-test. First one positive, second one also positive. He has an appointment for an official PCR test tomorrow morning. Might be a blessing in disguise, since he would have more travelling freedom (U.S. and other countries he hasn’t been able to visit in person since this all started) with an official certificate of recovery.
He is not vaccinated and our kids have been very worried about him getting Covid since he is a bit overweight, has BP issues and diabetes and only one kidney. Almost all of them have gotten the vax by now, unfortunately, though there is one hold-out and the SILs and DIL are not vaccinated. We have taken precautions, but they don’t take that seriously….
This is what I am throwing at him:
. Fixed that.
-CDS acute protocol twice daily
-Zink, D, C and Egcg according to Zelenko, except he was only taking one of the Egcg pills or half a dose, I found out today
-Mouth wash, melantonin, black seed and turmeric according to FLCCC
-Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide, since he always ends up with a nasty cough when he does get flu/cold.
-I have him monitoring oxygen and temperature, so far so good, temperature just slightly elevated.
When in the U.S. in September, I got the last tube of horse paste at a tiny farm store, the only one to be found anywhere I looked. Other options didn’t pan out for several reasons.I am still looking at possible contraindications and am a bit worried about just giving it to him because of all his meds. Thoughts, anyone?
I did, to my surprise, find a hospital not too far from here that is an FLCCC international affiliate and uses their protocol. So there is that, if we need it. And there is a phone number on their website that I will call tomorrow to ask questions.
Excellent. Please keep us updated and post more often if you can.
Thank you, will try to.
Web MD lists these as contraindications for Ivermectin:
Who should not take IVERMECTIN?The following conditions are contraindicated with this drug. Check with your physician if you have any of the following:
If you scroll about halway down this webpage:
You will find this:
Does Ivermectin interact with other drugs you are taking?
Enter your medication into the WebMD interaction checker
There’s a field where you can enter any medicine and it will tell you if there’s an issue.
As far as I have been able to research, the side effects profile for Ivermectin is pretty minimal, and interactions with other drugs unusual.
Please keep us updated!
Thank you! I will have a look at that.
You’re welcome.
Deer season, cont.
Well, that still counts.
Freezer meat is freezer meat.
This is true.
Yeah, savings on the meat will cover the car repair.
Repair? Try replace. That sucker is totalled.
IF the intestines were not ripped.
I hope she’s okay!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow, that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
These People are Not Stable .
Considering that she’s mocking Christmas and Christians it is normal for a spiteful leftist.
Found this song recently, and it is a new favourite. For all those afflicted with Covid and other things at the moment……
Mike’s interview with RealPOTUS will be on 6pm tonight at Frank – The Voice of Free Speech Social Media (
Mike Lindell Speaks At Reawaken America Conference In San Antonio, TXMike Lindell Speaks At Reawaken America Conference In San Antonio, TX | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
There is also more about this and the SCOTUS filing, next Tuesday, of the election fraud by several AG’s from the states.
Mike will be having a 96 hour Frank-a-Ton on FrankSpeech after that.
This one cracked me up . BB is great !
That fits with this one from The Bee
New Game ‘Call Of Duty: Rittenhouse’ Lets You Defend Your Home From A Horde Of Bloodthirsty Communists
SANTA MONICA, CA—Activision surprised the gaming world with a new game trailer revealing the next game in the popular Call of Duty series. Set to be released any day now, Call of Duty: Rittenhouse lets you defend your home from a horde of bloodthirsty communists.
“Developers have toiled this past year without sleep, food, or contact with loved ones, so we could launch this politically poignant and incredibly fulfilling game in time for the Holidays and the jury’s verdict of not guilty,” said Activision CEO, Roberto Activision.
Some reviewers with advanced copies have expressed worry about how the game presents the hordes of communists, citing an overreliance on the trope of fighting zombies.
“While it’s fun blasting the mindless, pale, pasty, brain-dead, weak, pathetic, unhealthy, delusional horde of Antifa commies, I still feel like I’m just playing Left4Dead again,” said video game reviewer Stan Gatan. “Then again, it just feels right blowing the heads off clueless idiots trying to destroy the homes of hard-working Americans. 9.5 out of 10.”
Activision also revealed a special expansion that lets players defend the U.S. Capitol from terrifying hordes of Qanon-worshipping Trump supporters.
They also have one about Aaron Rodgers at
Man they nail it Every Time!!! Our side has Way more Fun
Why you cannot trust US Covid data – The Burning Platform
Alex Berenson
I’m gonna guess we can’t trust the U.S. covid data because the data comes from the exact same people who are perpetrating the entire psy-op.
I’m pretty far out on the limb on this one…
Clinging to the trunk on that one
From the article:
“For example, on Nov. 11, Connecticut reported that “one hundred seventy fifty” vaccinated people had died of Covid since February. Beyond the fact that “one hundred seventy fifty” is not a number,”
Of course it’s a number.
One hundred seventy fifty is 1007050 expressed in a really interesting way…
“…the state had reported a week before that 226 vaccinated people had died since February. Which seems to imply that about 50 Connecticutians (?) were resurrected last week.”
I’d have guessed Connecticans long before Connecticutians.
Who wrote this?
Apparently Alex Berenson, a guest post at Burning Platform, it was at the article linked above:
Why you cannot trust US Covid data – The Burning Platform
While exploring new job opportunities that do not require covid shots, tests, or masks, I ran across a new buzz phrase: “culturally aligned talent.” It is apparently a ‘thing’ in the hiring world. Merit is not enough apparently. Could this be bigotry by another name? Your thoughts…
Sounds like “politically correct sheep” to me.
Could write a letter asking them to state which particular cultures they liked their talent to be aligned with, and which not.
Speaking of getting clubbed with culture (or Culture Club) [also, to quote the old StarKist commercials and poor Charlie the Tuna (who gets his rejection while admiring art and listening to Beethoven) “Sorry, Charlie: we don’t want Tuna with good taste, we want Tuna that taste good”]…
I’m gonna go way out on the end of the limb to guess black, Hispanic, Asian or multiracial (as long as the ‘multi’ doesn’t include ‘white’) and flaming gay or tranny-curious with an open mind to perverse experimentation and dabbling in various religions, so long as they don’t include Christianity.
I’m feeling very close to the ballpark here…

I think that’s code for: No White People Allowed.
I think you are definitely onto something there…

Sounds like “Affirmative Action” by another name (which is implicitly racist… cf. the Baake Decision, which seems to have fallen by the wayside..)….
Thats it’s name
Yeah, this is basically “club background check” without saying all the things that can’t be said. If the company is honest, they want honest. If they’re dirty, they want dirty. And all degrees in between.
Thought this one was a bit of an eye-roll:
Yep. That last one looks like they send people out fo give “Free Personality Tests”…

Hmmm. Wonder if they have any listings for “culturally maligned”?????
“…I ran across a new buzz phrase: “culturally aligned talent.””
Ohhh…. I hope I’m culturally aligned!
Did they mention which culture?
I’m thinking my chances of being ‘culturally aligned’ with any business trying to survive in Canceltopia must be somewhere along the broad spectrum between zero and 0.001 percent.
It’s a big bell curve, and I’m not on it.

Gil, so relieved you refused the dangerous meds and I hope and pray you are getting better. I just saw this. Also glad your husband over the worst, as i understand. Not keeping up with people here as wellas I would like. I will continue prayers.
So glad you are better.
and by better I hope your stats are 95 +
Make ’em quit…
November 16, 1775 – During the Stamp Act crisis of 1765-1766, the stamp distributor for North Carolina, William Houston, was forced to resign.
The resignation letter:
I do hereby promise that I never will receive any stampt paper which may arrive from Europe in consequence of any Act lately passed in the Parliament of Great Britain nor officiate in any means as stamp Master or Distributor of the Stamps within the Province of North Carolina either directly or indirectly and I do hereby notify all the Inhabitants of His Majesty’s province of North Carolina notwithstanding my having received information of my being appointed to the said stamp office not to apply hereafter for any stampt paper or to distribute the same untill such time as it will be agreeable to the Inhabitants of this Province: Hereby declaring that I do execute these presents of my own free Will and Accord without any Equivocation or mental Reservation whatsoever.
In Witness hereof I have hereunto set my Hand this 16th Day of November 1765.
“When the North Carolina patriots found out where he was, an armed mob confronted Tryon at his front door. They demanded that he turn Houston over to them, but at first he would not comply. When he saw them begin to make preparations to burn his house down, however, he quickly changed his mind.”
The good old days… when men were men, and thieving government goons could run but they couldn’t hide…
The Dutch killed and ate a prime minister that displeased them
just saying
I’d probably draw the line at consumption… seems unnecessary…

I have no problem going full cannibal headhunter except for the likelihood of the meat being tainted
Better to feed the dingoes or the Tasmanian Devils.
Father God:
We come to you humbly on our knees before the Throne of Grace to ask You to lay your Healing Hands on our Beloved Brother, Tim.
We give You all Honor and Glory and Praise as we put our trust in You to hear our prayer.
You know only too well the challenges Tim faces not only for himself, but also for his family.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to strengthen his blood vessels and heart muscles to prevent an attack on the heart and nervous system.
As our Heavenly Physician, ask You to control his blood sugar levels to prevent an attack on other body functions essential for the quality of his life.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to protect his eyes from loss of vision, cataracts, glaucoma, and retinopathy.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to reduce the risk of kidney disease and protect the small blood vessels of his kidneys.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to regulate his blood glucose levels to prevent nerve damage in the sensory nerves of the feet, chest, arms, stomach, legs and to the nerves that control the functions of different body organs.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to be mindful of possible foot issues caused by reduced blood supply to both small and large blood vessels.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to put a protective covering on his skin to prevent damage to the nerves and small blood vessels like dry, irritable skin, skin cracks, and possible infections.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to protect his teeth from tooth decay and gum infections caused by damage to small blood vessels supplying blood to the teeth and gums caused by an increase in blood sugar level.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to protect his mental health from anxiety, stress, and/or depression by lifting his spirits up on a daily basis.
As our Heavenly Physician, we ask You to strengthen his white blood cells to fight infection and boost his immune system.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we send Angels with Healing Oils to cover him now and in the days ahead.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit in us, we send Your Heavenly Angels to reconnect the nerve endings, break the chains, and smooth the blood flow throughout Tim’s body.
We ask You to remind Tim that he has Healing Holy Spirit Power within him to restore his health for he knows greater is He that is in him than he that is in the world.
We ask You to increase Tim’s trust in You, to lean not on his own understanding, and to acknowledge You in all that he does because he knows You will make his path straight.
We ask You to ensure Tim has Restful and Restorative Sleep, Father God.
We ask You to Restore his Balance and Functionality, Father God.
We ask You to Replenish and Boost his Energy Levels, Father God.
We ask You to send the Power of the Son to Tim’s heart and environment to invigorate him, Father God.
You know only too well Tim is a loving soul who provides encouragement for others in spite of his own afflictions, Father God.
We ask You to bless Tim’s caring heart as he blesses others in all that he does in the coming weeks and months, Father God.
We ask You to increase Tim’s patience in the coming weeks and months ahead, Father God.
We ask You to increase our patience as we pray for Tim’s healing and comfort for his family, Father God.
We ask You to provide us with perseverance as we pray for his healing and wholeness, Father God.
We ask You to strengthen our prayers and petitions on Tim’s behalf, Father God.
We ask You to seal relationships with openness and love for Tim’s peace of mind, Father God.
We ask You to restore Tim to health, cleanse his heart, and renew a right spirit in him, Father God.
We thank You for being the rock Tim needs in his present trials and tribulations, Father God.
We thank You for loving Tim as he puts his trust in You, Father God.
We thank You for our Beloved Brother Tim and for all he does to encourage and support our blog family, Father God.
We acknowledge and ask it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for leading us in the wonderful prayer! God Bless YOU!!!
Thanks soooo much Sister duchess!! Love the prayer as usual
The Country Has Till September 2022 Before Ballots and Data from the 2020 Election Can Be Legally Deleted – We Must Obtain Forensic Copies Now
most has already been destroyed
Prosecution is corrupt through and through.
I guess a lot of people still haven’t figured out that the prosecution (government) ARE the criminals.
Career criminals.
And they’re not going to charge themselves with prosecutorial misconduct, they’re going to give themselves promotions.
The on-call mob back with their tired chant
They have professionally made signs a clear give away that these are paid protesters. Who is paying them?
Probably the prosecution team, the mayor, the DNC, FIB….the list is endless
The evil team is involved I think.
Color revolution 2.0
Satan Sauros…
He is being guided by the Devil.
How else would he have escaped Nuremburg, and any number of prosecutions and convictions since then?
Aiding and abetting the downfall of the West; the civilization which made his rise to prosperity (and, sad to say, all manner of evil) possible…
Yes with Soros it is like Hitler living on through him.
I’d like to have this sign
And that’s a crime. I have no illusions about him being charged or arrested, but he should definitely have to resign.
It’s one huge cluster. Committees, lies, coverups, paybacks, appointments..the whole system has broken down
Garland, like Biden is a figure head and is clueless as to what is going on. I have no doubt he testified truthfully. The Obama crew is running the show.
I don’t know – I don’t think this is his first lie. He IS a figurehead for the Obama crew, but he is not clueless. He will tell whatever lies are necessary for Obama’s agenda to move forward.
I keep telling people – KAPO is a dirty judge – and that is why Otreason wanted him on SCOTUS.
Not that anyone cares but I had no idea the Astroworld dude is married to one of the Kardashians. Those girls get around. ( maybe not married but together with kids)
Oh, I do care, because this dude is outright SATANIC, and the fact that he’s in the mix with the media-savvy K-klan is IMO demonstrative of the K-klan’s true affiliation.
H/t Citizen Free Press. REMINDER
FLCCC—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
“Our Critical Care team says that daily nasal and oropharyngeal sanitation is one of the VERY BEST WAYS to reduce and kill coronavirus…and substantially reduce your chances of becoming ill this winter.”
The link in the tweet takes you to a page with instructions.
That tweet doesn’t mention hydrogen peroxide, but I’ve seen it mentioned here several times lately. A search yielded articles warning not to use it in a nebulizer because it can damage the lungs. I know Dr. Mercola recommends it. I don’t know what to think.
Needs to be seriously dilute. They’re talking about practically snorting it.
Okay, that helps.
Here is an interesting story by Dr Levy and 20 cured patients in Columbia with H2O2 nebulizing.
Good article; thank you.
Mercola’s formula is food grade H2O2, 1 drop per 3ml of saline. Along with 1 drop of 2% lugol’s iodine.
Get yourself a nasal flush bottle. Salt water is fine. If you make it stronger than 9% you will have an osmotic effect and it will draw fluids from the mucus cells causing them to flush off any sticky bits.
it’s a bit like drowning with the option of warm water. Nah, it’s not that bad
These Truths,
Dr. McCullough has a detailed short video ab how to use Hydrogen Peroxide in a nebulizer, along w commentary ab success.
Medical professionals, health experts and the CDC also advise against Ivermectin and HCQ. Seems they all agree on one thing: using cheap effective things that actually work is dangerous to your health /sarc.
Dr. Thomas Levy wrote a free pdf you can obtain on-line by doing a search for “Rapid Virus Recovery”. He addresses safe use of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide. Here’s a link to additional information
But if you’ve lost your tase and smell you won’t even be able to taste that Scope.
Win win
if you can’t taste it you have lost your sense of smell
I was just scrolling through a random twitt…she had so many deaths of young to middle aged people . All unexpected, no reason, some in their sleep, etc.
When are the sheep going to wake the hell up ?
@ unhealthytruth
It’s unreal, isn’t it? I can’t believe more people aren’t catching on. They’re just numb robots.
molly…pretty hard to wake up when TV and social media is not telling you what’s going on.
I just started receiving emails from about the weather. The “emergency” in the sender’s address is attention-getting and makes you think there’s some kind of urgent issue, but of course there is none. (I also think it’s desensitizing.) I did not sign up for these. I did a search and found that others have been getting them without signing up.
People are saying that unsubscribing doesn’t work. I don’t want to click the “Unsubscribe” button within the email anyway. Does anyone know anything about this?
Consider marking it, SPAM.
I will, thanks.
A reason for rejoicing.
THAT is huge. IMO it’s a combination of Joe Biden and Mike Lindell. Everybody who was in the tank on this illegitimate regime is no longer trustworthy to about half of America.
Those kinds of numbers are ‘reported’ every quarter.
Year after year after year.
How many times in a row can you lose 50% to 75% of your audience, and still have enough to remain a viable business?
Suppose they started with an audience of 2 million.
Using an online calculator, if they lost 50%, that would drop their audience down to 1 million.
If they lost 50% the next quarter (hang on…), that would drop their audience to 500,000.
Lose 76% from there and they’re down to 120,000.
Lose 65% the following quarter, and the audience is down to 42,000.
Lose half of that, and you’re down to a large high school or small college football stadium.
So somewhere each quarter they must be picking up enough new viewers to make up for the losses, or the numbers just don’t mean anything and the reporting on ‘losses’ is just part of the psy-op.
All they need is the gov. = you and me are keeping the lights on.
Police State building up
And apparently, if one doesn’t answer the knock on the door, the Health Department Stasi leave some type of literature / papers at the residence (1:26 in the video)
They’re saying “Houston Health Department.” I would take great pleasure in telling them to go pound sand (which might tip them off about my vax status). None of their business.
The answer is Of Course I am vaccinated, do I look stupid?
I had all the shots the Army decided to give wives headed overseas.
Rarely answer the door.
But, IF they catch me outside in the yard, washing the truck, stuf along the lines of, Gx Fxxx Yxxxxxx! Get off my property. Take your literature and stuff it up your ass.
Can’t see them doing such ignorance out my way.
No reason to be polite to these asshoes. IMO.

(hope somebody reports him !)
Wonder if anyone has notified Abbott??? This is ridiculous and made to further intimidate people. It’s none of their freakin’ business.
POTUS 45 Statements
Trump Demands Accountability From Pulitzer Prize Committee After Recent Indictments Exposing Russia Hoax.
Wow. Not only is PDJT calling for revocation of the Pulitzer awarded to the Washington Post and NYTimes in 2018, but his lawyer is asking the Pulitzer organization to preserve all evidence related to their decision. If they don’t retract the award, they will be sued. Way to go! The record needs to be corrected.
YUP. This is a great thing. PINCH Pulitzer and the Fake News.
The thief’s dilemma
I just refilled my dishwasher’s rinse aid.
On the bottle, it says, “CAUTION: IRRITANT.”
Of all the things I could seek to slap that label on, why would I waste it on an inoffensive little bottle of dishwasher mystery goo? Who’s in charge of this? Can we paste it on television channels?
Did you try to drink it? Smoke it? Maybe rub it on your hands? Wash your hair with it? C’mon, man!
That fact that that warning is there is evidence that some fool has used it in a place the sun don’t shine
Specific individuals?
A very sad sight watching yesterday as the Taliban had a major Military parade displaying much of the $85 Billion of Military equipment the United States surrendered to them. The handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal was the greatest embarrassment in the history of our Country!
COVID 19 Has Never Been Proven to Exist!
That’s a good series.
I agree… I have listened to each one.
She talks about the two planned exercises at the very end and the communication plan in the SPARS document just before that.
Still maintains that the vape controversy that started the summer/fall period before declared out break was a trial testing of outlets and individuals that would readily play into the spread of their disinformation. By identifying the individuals and sites with a following that would scream the loudest with the least amount of investigating they were able to update and fine tune their communications plan for both spreading fear and identifying those likely to offer up counter narratives.
They likely identified a potential problem, exacerbated it, then proclaimed the problem so they could identify those who best were able to amplify it nation wide. This gave them a map of natural amplification points to push their fear porn to. A map with contacts and best methods to push their false narrative on to them, so they would in turn push it onto the public. Example celebratory B has x following, will assist in proclaiming the narrative easily with out conducting research. Celebrity B communicates on Twitter, FB, Instagram with x number of followers and will attract more followers if we add M number of false responses to their feedback loops and will then continue feed into the desired false narrative. Same said, for Medical Officials, Politico’s, Journalists , Politicians. If Cleb B starts hyping then Cleb C and D will do so also.
Enough clamor and then both Politicians and Burrocrats were then able to start determining best methods and practices for putting rules and regulations in place with some understanding of what would be easy and what would meet the most public resistance
Exactly Para… exactly. Just seasonal flu and now they’re injecting peeps.
I don’t know how so many peeps still ACCEPT that they have Covid 19…
Wow, part 18?
In Myanmar, is was just a single episode.
One and done…

Don’t forget Iceland.
in the gfc they kicked out all their bankers. Going great
“Comply and wait for the government to withdraw” – was not well-received by the founders and old revolutionaries.
#resist #nullify #libertarian #founders #10thAmendment

That’s a nice quote there!
2 are scared of repercussions if they aquit.
ffs if I’d been in that jury, even if Kyle was as guilty as sin, I would aquit because. Of the prosecutor aiming and pulling the trigger at the jury WITHOUT CHECKING IT WAS UNLOADED. Who thought it would be a good idea to have Alec Baldwin prosecute
Gossip and Dirt Alert:
Biden Admin Looking to Dump Kamala Harris? Fox Reporter Given Tip to ‘Familiarize Yourself With Confirmation Process’ for Replacing a Vice President
Excerpt from the now infamous CNN report:
Wouldn’t a reporter also need to be famliar with the congressional procedure for nominating a VP if Biden got kicked out, Kamala became Her Fraudulency, and she had to pick a fake VP?
^^^ Nice angle. Slow guy always assumed BiteMe would go first.
Had generally believed hussien set-up both BiteMe and Hoe to be the D-Rat ticket in 2020. Easily controlled idjits.
Now, plausible by me…
So, who is waiting in the wings to continue playing out hussein’s third term? NOT hildabeast or Piglosi in this scenario. Pocahauntas?
While I believe BiteMe’s handlers have inquired about elevating Hoe to the NOT Supreme Court. There is ZERO chance I buy into Hoe getting confirmed to NOT Supreme Court. NOT gonna happen.
I don’t think she is qualified in the least to be on SCOTUS, and I imagine (hope) there are enough senators who would agree.
The VP/POTUS scenario is almost too horrifying to contemplate, because, while we have an unelected administration now, if *they* get to start choosing their successors and installing the people they really want, look out. But I don’t know of anyone charismatic enough to sustain support in future fair elections, or at least in elections that we’re watching like hawks.
Are you sure it couldn’t be “Hildabeast or Piglosi’?
Yes, of course, Hoe is NOT qualified for SC.
The cabal is not concerned with fair elections. 2020 proved this.
“I don’t think she is qualified in the least to be on SCOTUS,”
Clearly the only qualification necessary to be on the (not)SCOTUS is to be corrupt.
” …and I imagine (hope) there are enough senators who would agree.”
Michael Robinson?
Jussie Smolett
Lori Lightfoot
Gage guy, survivor of Rittenhouse shooting…
1) I automatically assume any White House gossip is purposefully concocted as cover to make it seem like the current White House occupants are legitimate.
2) I don’t put it past Hillary and her handlers to orchestrate installing Biden as a backdoor way to get her in the White House. I really don’t. And no, I don’t buy SD’s theory that Obama is running everything because Obama’s just some Deep State puppet.
3) If I had to put money on it, I’d wager Mayor P.P. Butt. My “local” news has been running puff pieces about him lately. I figured he was being groomed for 2024, but maybe he’s getting an early promotion.
I actually think potus trump engineered both bite me and the mattress actress.
they are gifts that keep giving for the conservatives
So Nanzi moves up to #2 with KamHoe’s removal, right before Brandon is 25th’d, and Nanzi becomes die fuhrer. Evil fking genius move!
I’m up to all caps now … LET’S GO BRANDON!
“Biden Admin Looking to Dump Kamala Harris? ”
No way they can fire the first tan but not African female VP who worked her way to the top on her back and knees.
It’s just not done.
If they replaced her with Stacy Abrams…then they’d finally have what they really want
Jabber the Nut…
jmho..this and the stories of WH infighting are all BS ..designed to project moar uncertainty and chaos ,,everybody knows it’s a clusterfuck.. and look at it NOW !! OMG !! who is going to be our VP in this mess ?? S
Chad: “:But I got an email from somebody who really knows this place very well who said, “Chad, start to familiarize yourself with the confirmation process just not in the Senate but the House for a vice president.” Of course, we’ve not gone through that since, you know, President Ford”
OK chad..ya little gossip hound weasel, YOU’RE supposed to really know the joint ,you should ALREADY have heard this,,EVERYBODY else has..after all..isn;t that your job? .I mean for some reason that’s what the WH has been projecting for weeks now…care to let us in on which dimm sent you that email? ..didn’t think so. what BS who cares.
Everyone in this fake admin looks like a member of the gang that couldn’t shoot straight,
cos they can’t… everyone of they’re gun barrels looks like a crazy straw with loop de loops
but their pulling triggers anyway. Must be something going on elsewhere they need to distract us from.
I’m sure ol sleepy jo is on top of it though , elbow deep in melted icecream .
not a rant
I’ve had the China Virus for about a week now.
I’m doing very well thanks to the Gab Medical Community. In particular I’d like to thank @realdrstella and the Frontline Doctors, which is where I got my Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine months ago so I was instantly prepared.
I’d also like to thank the fantastic doctors at, a Gab Advertiser and Parallel Healthcare company, who got me some other prescriptions right away. If you or someone you know has Covid set up an appointment and they can help. Most of their doctors are Gabbers.
I believe that I likely have the Delta variant, which has been particularly brutal with extreme fatigue and tiredness. After I started the Ivermectin all other symptoms except fatigue went away. Over the past 48 hours I have gotten my strength back and am starting to feel like myself again. Oxygen level is at 97% so I’m doing fine there. Praise the Lord that my wife took a test today which came back negative and both of the kids are fine. Pray it stays that way!
What I’ve noticed is that this virus has been a spiritual battle. After two years of watching the non-stop fear porn streamed across every media outlet all hours of the day nonstop you have to stop and remind yourself that God is in control and fully surrender to Him.
I am thankful for the immune system He gave me and I am thankful that I will have natural immunity with no concern about myocarditis and Lord knows what else from the Big Pharma mystery goop people are injecting themselves with.
It’s important that you also stay active and keep your mind busy. Yes, I got plenty of rest, but I made an effort to keep working daily and get outside multiple times a day for fresh air even if only for a few moments. I started reading books that have been sitting on the shelf for months and honestly the downtime was much needed and appreciated.
The strangest thing is losing your taste and smell. Food is just….texture. It’s weird. Hopefully I’ll get it back soon, but I’ve read that some people never do. Which would honestly make it really easy to eat extremely healthy forever so I won’t complain if that’s God’s plan for me.
Anyway that’s all I have for now, I’ll keep you all updated as things progress. Keep me and my family in prayer.
Thanks for this! WOW!
Here is the link for Remote Health Solutions:
THAT is a fantastic idea. They’re hiring up all the “Biden fires”.
Might be a plan for the military, too.
Certain states might benefit greatly.
From OT:
Geert Vanden Bossche Was Right, The World’s Most Vaccinated Country Cancels Christmas Due to Massive Rise in COVID-19 Infections
November 16, 2021 | Sundance | 10 Comments
“The most vaccinated population in the world exists on the island of Gibraltar, a British commonwealth located at the southern end of Spain. The average number of vaccinations is 2.79 per person for all residents.
However, even with that level of vaccination density, or perhaps –more likely– because of that level of vaccination density, the Island is experiencing a massive rise in COVID-19 infections. As a result the Gibraltar government announced today that all Christmas assemblies must be stopped, and citizens must re-evaluate their intent to gather in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.”
Here’s the related news clip of the leader of Gibraltar… but in spirit, he speaks for all the puppet leaders of the West
That’s their entire goal: not just “cancel Christmas”, but “cancel Jesus Christ”!
They can neither “cancel” Christmas, nor “cancel” The LORD Jesus Christ!
It’s high time to cancel THEM. For GOOD and for good.
Seven-and-a-half BILLION of us, a few thousand (inner circle, a few hundred) of THEM.
HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer Hid from Public Number of Deaths in COVID Clinical Trials — Actual Number Was 21 which Was 6 More than Reported and 4 More than Unvaccinated Group
But people trust them with their lives. I hope that will change.
“I hope that will change.”
I don’t know how it can.
They don’t have eyes to see, or ears to hear.
It’s the strangest thing.
Like so many other things, I suspect that’s always been true, it just took something like China virus to expose or reveal it.
A substantial segment of the population literally cannot (or will not) process information they don’t want to believe.
I don’t know what the medical term is for that, but they’re not completely sane. Or even mostly.
Yes, that’s true for a number of people, but others are waking up. I don’t know what the ratio is. I want MORE…
Yup. This is big.
The people at the VERY top knew this was going to happen. They went to the contraceptive spike protein ON PURPOSE. All of the outcomes of that were what they wanted. But the people at the BOTTOM were the ones who were cornered into covering up.
This is how conspiracies REALLY work. The people below are deceived and uninformed, and when they get into trouble, they become “Clinesmiths” and help cover up.
Another one bites the dust…
and will not run for reelection.
JuliansRum on Telegram
My first thought was that O can’t serve as VP because he can’t serve a third term as POTUS. But it has been pointed out that the 22nd Amendment says someone can’t be elected president twice. It doesn’t say they can’t serve more than two terms.
Any way you look at the current situation, it’s a nightmare. We have to fix 2020.
Prayers for those who are sick. Just to let y’all know….I got my stash from India….someone on here made the suggestion. Took almost a month to get it. PayPal has cracked down. The person I got mine from was banned from PP. I don’t want to use a credit card…..thinking maybe a bank draft? I know nothing about stuff like that. I can also say that we take a dose of Ivermectin on Fridays and a dose of HCQ on Mondays and all the suggested supplements. FLCCC has some very good suggestions and formula’s to figure your correct dose. They also have names of Docs and pharmacies that will prescribe and fill.I’ll see if I can post the site here. That’s the FLCCC site.
Hmmm, I know nothing about obtaining cryptocurrency. If I think I need to order more, I’ll check it out. Thank you.
This doesn’t look good…
Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]
Could this be grounds for a mistrial?
I’m betting it will go to acquittal. The two who will not go “innocent” are the intimidated ones, IMO. The judge will get them to man up to the verdict.
That’s my bet.
Hope so!
It’s just ridiculous that BLaMers are outside threatening the jury.
It should not be allowed.
That judge doesn’t sound like he’d tolerate brazenness. Especially brazen cowardice
Is the wicked Bill Gates in retreat, or just trying to pivot to a new vaccine scam?
I’ll take door number 2.
I didn’t think vaccines were supposed to be “therapeutic,” which means “curative.” They are not designed to be given to sick people to make them well, are they? They are, as he says, supposed to block transmission. So, epic fail.
I believe it was on purpose. They keep stringing the public along, wanting us to hang on their every word about what comes next. They pipe, we dance. I wish more people would wake up.
And we do have “much” in the way of therapeutics. Why won’t he talk about those?
Hi! sitting on the fence sleeping and fell off so here I am. On the night watch feeling ok…
On Sunday awoke around midnight anxious, thirsty and wound up like an 8 day clock, so want into the kitchen to check sugar level and What? My trusty blood meter had a dead battery, so knowing about high/low blood sugars I was in a dilemma. Yikes! Now what? consume sugar or take a chance on insulin shock!
Decided to stick it out till morning to get a new battery, Big Mistake doing nothing but a was spiking high which causes big time confusion, ended up in the ER where we thought the problem was solved. So got home around Noon Monday ok.
Yikes!!! Please keep us posted, as you can. Prayers up, in Jesus’ Name! Hope you saw Duchess’ great prayer for you in bold on the Tuesday thread!
Sweet duchess… TY and I’ll check it out, much catching up to do!
Blessings on that reading journey. I’m about to take a bit of a break & maybe even get some sleep (much needed as I only got 2 hours last night).
Michael, my husband, is working hard on music sets for he has a worship concert on Friday at his church & is playing some of the same songs on Sunday. He plans to head out for Vermont on Monday Very Early, like 4 am, for his trip to visit his brothers. He’s also contemplating a late hunting season with muzzle-loader &/or crossbow. And planning for some Winter camping, so keeping quite busy & trying to avoid some of that typical Seasonal Affective Disorder that hits after months of cold & overcast…
Rest is needed. I follow you’re example. Tell Michael I said hello and have a safe Journey.
Will do. Take care of yourself…oh
AND the Joy of the Lord is Your Strength!
the memes on this trial will never end